Review On Different Trends in FSW

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Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc.

China 28(2018) 193−219

Review on underwater friction stir welding: A variant of

friction stir welding with great potential of improving joint properties

Mohd. Atif WAHID, Zahid A. KHAN, Arshad Noor SIDDIQUEE

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India
Received 5 December 2016; accepted 18 April 2017

Abstract: Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid-state welding process which is capable of joining materials which are relatively
difficult to be welded by fusion welding process. Further, this process is highly energy-efficient and environmental-friendly as
compared to the fusion welding. Despite several advantages of FSW over fusion welding, the thermal cycles involved in FSW cause
softening in joints generally in heat-treatable aluminum alloys (AAs) due to the dissolution or coarsening of the strengthening
precipitates leading to decrease in mechanical properties. Underwater friction stir welding (UFSW) can be a process of choice to
overcome these limitations. This process is suitable for alloys that are sensitive to heating during the welding and is widely used for
heat-treatable AAs. The purpose of this article is to provide comprehensive literature review on current status and development of
UFSW and its importance in comparison to FSW with an aim to discuss and summarize different aspects of UFSW. Specific attention
is given to basic principle including material flow, temperature generation, process parameters, microstructure and mechanical
properties. From the review, it is concluded that UFSW is an improved method compared with FSW for improving joint strength.
Academicians, researchers and practitioners would be benefitted from this article as it compiles significantly important knowledge
pertaining to UFSW.
Key words: aluminum; friction stir welding; fusion welding; mechanical properties; microstructure; underwater friction stir welding

existing FW processes. Additionally, distortion in the

1 Introduction final products is also reduced due to the decrease in the
residual stresses owing to reduced thermal flux [4,5].
The joining of materials has been an essential issue FSW was initially developed for aluminum alloys (AA),
for several ages. In general, various problems have been but subsequently, it was employed to many different
found in traditional fusion welding (FW) with regard to materials and alloys. FSW is found extensive application
welding of different alloys, i.e., aluminum [1] and in aerospace, automobile, railway, shipbuilding and
magnesium [2]. Welding discontinuities such as cracks, offshore construction [6−8].
voids, porosity and inclusions during FW significantly In FSW, a non-consumable rotating tool with a
affect the quality and mechanical properties of the welds. profiled probe and shoulder is plunged into the substrate
In 1990’s, a solid state welding process, friction stir as the force is applied vertically downward. The friction
welding (FSW) was developed by The Welding Institute between the tool and workpiece increases the
(UK) [3]. This process is competent enough to weld temperature in the weld region which softens the
materials which are relatively difficult to be welded or materials being welded and the workpiece gets
almost unweldable by FW process. The major aspect of plastically deformed easily. As such, a softening region is
this process is that the temperature remains below the created around the pin, leading to the reduction in the
solidus temperature, i.e., melting of the material does not resistance to deformation of the base material. The tool is
take place. As the welding takes place below the solidus also traversed along the joint line which causes the
temperature, various defects associated with the FW material movement from advancing side (AS) to
process are not present in FSW, leading to outstanding retreating side (RS) and the tool shoulder consolidates
weld strength and ductility. Further, this process is highly the material at the back side of the pin leading to a
energy-efficient and less prone to environment than solid joint. As a result of this, a joint is produced in ‘solid

Corresponding author: Mohd. Atif WAHID; Tel; +91-8826815309; E-mail: [email protected]

DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(18)64653-9
194 Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219
state’ [9−13]. The working principle of FSW is
schematically shown in Fig. 1 [9].

Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of UFSW

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of FSW process [9]
cracking. It also provides well-defined variation in grain
FSW leads to fine grain structure in the stir region size in different zones along the joint and therefore, a
due to dynamic recrystallization owing to severe plastic high quality weld joint is produced. This process is
deformation, resulting in substantial microstructural suitable for alloys that are sensitive to overheating
evolution [14−17]. Due to this fine microstructure, good during the welding process and it is widely used for
mechanical properties are observed in FSW. Even though AAs [29]. UFSW has diverse marine and offshore
the heat input in FSW is low as compared to FW, it is applications. It is widely used in shipbuilding,
high enough to cause softening generally in heat submarines, oil and fuel tanks and various offshore
treatable AAs. The softening is due to the dissolution or structures involving fabrication and repair. UFSW is
coarsening of the strengthening precipitates, leading to gaining importance as a very valuable welding process
decreased mechanical performance of the joints [18−20]. due to its ability to provide superior mechanical
In order to resolve these issues, a method that enhances properties over FSW and FW [25−27,30]. Table 1
the cooling rate and lowers the peak temperature can be presents a comparison of UFSW with FSW and FW with
used to improve properties of the joint in FSW. In this respect to various features to demonstrate the advantages
regard, external cooling has been employed in several and benefits of UFSW.
solid state joining processes to improve the joint The benefits of UFSW over FSW are as follows.
performances [21−23]. Water cooling method has also 1) USFW is suitable for materials and alloys that are
been investigated to provide cooling effect on the sensitive to overheating.
samples during FSW because of its extensive circulation 2) Development of peak temperature is lower in
and exceptional heat absorption capability. UFSW than in FSW, limiting the coarsening and
UFSW is a modification of the FSW in which the precipitate dissolution.
water as the coolant is employed to normalize the 3) UFSW provides the better mechanical properties
temperature profiles existing in the weld joint [24−26]. of the workpiece materials than FSW.
Fundamentally, the welding is performed under water, 4) UFSW prevents the oxidation and provides better
either in a water container or in a state where water surface texture than FSW.
continually flows across the surface of the sample, as 5) UFSW offers refined grain structure as compared
shown in Fig 2. to FSW.
During UFSW, the high heat absorption capacity of 6) UFSW is more suitable to heat-treatable
water manages the transmission of heat to thermo- aluminum alloys as it reduces the softening effect.
mechanically affected zone (TMAZ) and heat affected 7) Less welding defects are observed in UFSW than
zone (HAZ). Thus, the low heat existing in the TMAZ in FSW.
and HAZ due to cooling is not adequate for coarsening 8) Development of intermetallic compounds is less
of the precipitates [27]. Also, the TMAZ and HAZ width in UFSW than in FSW.
is narrowed by restricting the heat input and plastic 9) UFSW reduces the residual stresses and creates
deformation by UFSW [27,28]. UFSW gives improved less distortion than FSW.
mechanical properties by minimizing various welding UFSW is relatively a new variant of FSW due to
defects like porosity, shrinkage, and solidification which very few investigations pertaining to the UFSW
Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219 195
Table 1 Comparison of fusion and solid state welding process produced are influenced by the tool design. The tool
Feature FW FSW UFSW design contains a shoulder and a probe that heats up the
Joining of different material. Most of the heat is generated by the shoulder
Difficult Easy Easy
materials which helps in compacting the plasticized material, thus
Process execution Difficult Easy Easy preventing escaping of the material from the workpiece.
The flow of material is affected both by tool shoulder
Repeatability and
Poor Good Good and pin. The functions performed by different features of
the tool are listed in Table 2.
Joining in different
Not possible Possible Possible
welding positions
Table 2 Functions of different features of tool
Development of welding
Does not Does not Part of tool Function
defects, i.e. inclusion, Prominent
occur occur
and gas entrapment Shoulder diameter Heat generation and plastic flow
Shrinkage defect High Low Low Material movement, plastic deformation,
Requirement of filler Does not Does not Shoulder surface mixing and stirring of material,
Required and entrapment of material
wire and shielding gases require require
Pre-processing of Pin diameter Heat generation and material mixing
Not Not
workpiece material, i.e. Necessary Pin length Material forging and stirring
necessary necessary
cleaning and finishing
Deformational and frictional heating,
Development of Excellent in
Pin surface and mixing and movement of
mechanical properties, heat-
Fair Good material around tool
i.e. tensile strength, treatable
hardness and fatigue AAs
Requirement for Important factors in tool design are diameter of
Moderate Rigid Rigid
workpiece clamping shoulder and its surface, and geometry of the probe
Requirements for Depends on including its size and shape [31−34].
Required Required
backing plate process Previous researches have revealed the importance of
Development Does not shoulder size and surface on resulting properties of the
Develops Develops FSW weld [35−38]. Increase in diameter of shoulder
of keyhole occur
leads to increase in temperature due to high frictional
Investment cost for Less in Higher in Higher in
setup comparison comparison comparison
work. In a study [35], tools with three different diameters
were used for FSW of AA 6061 and it was found that
Automation of setup Possible Possible Possible only one diameter resulted in improved tensile properties
Flexible in
Less Less of the joint. Thus, it is considered that a tool with a
Flexibility of process flexible in flexible in particular optimum diameter results in improved
comparison comparison
properties of the joint in FSW [35,36]. In order to obtain
Green technology No Yes Yes best results in FSW, for given material and welding
parameter, the shoulder diameter should correspond to
has been reported so far. In this work, comprehensive the maximum sticking torque [36]. The nature of the tool
literature review on the current status and development shoulder surface is also an important aspect of tool
of UFSW employed mostly for AAs and some dissimilar design. The shoulder having various profiles such as flat
materials and its importance in comparison to FSW is surface [26,27,34], concave [33,38] or convex surface
presented. has been widely used in UFSW. Different shoulder
surface feature is shown in Fig. 3(a). The flat shoulder is
2 Process parameters simple in design but it cannot trap the flowing material
efficiently under the bottom surface leading to flash. To
Different welding variables, joint configuration and avoid this, a concave shoulder is used which helps in
tool geometry offer considerable effect on the material directing the material flow to the centre near the probe
movement and temperature distributed across the weld in providing an advantage on its use over flat shoulder. A
UFSW, thus affecting the microstructure of the material. convex surface suffers from weld integrity issue as it
displaces the material further away from the probe.
2.1 Tool design and material Shoulder bottom surface also has additional features to
For the success of the FSW/UFSW process, FSW increase friction and material deformation to enhance the
tool plays a significant role. Heat evolved, material flow, material mixing [39]. Some of the bottom surface
power requirement and consistency of the joints features are smooth, grooved, scroll and concentric
196 Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219
circles, are shown in Fig. 3(b). A grooved bottom moves
the material towards the centre of the probe, thus offering
an advantage over smooth bottom. Spiral channels in
scrolled surface also offer the same phenomenon helping
in flow of material from the shoulder periphery to the
probe [40]. Moreover, improved process stability is
observed in convex shoulder with scrolls in FSW [41].
Additionally, scrolled concave shoulder reduces lifting of
the tool at high welding speed [42].

Fig. 4 Different probe profiles: (a) Straight cylindrical;

(b) Taper cylindrical; (c) Straight threaded; (d) Taper threaded

and does not allow intensive deformation, and thus, the

Fig. 3 Tool with different shoulder profiles (a) and shoulder optimum combination of heat generation and flow of
bottom surface features (b) material (insufficient state) is not met in the welded
region. This leads to defects in the joint produced. The
Rotating probe in FSW/UFSW produces both threaded profile offers more friction over the softened
frictional and deformational heating. Probe causes material and causes intensive deformation of material.
shearing of the material at the face of the tool and moves Thus, the degree of heat input and plastic deformation is
it behind the tool. Plunge depth and welding speed are optimum for attaining the sufficient state of heat and
generally managed by the probe. The important elements material movement in threaded probe profile, leading to
of probe are length, diameter and surface feature of the defect-free joint. In general, the defects formation takes
probe. Probe elements have their effects on the size of place in the periphery of welded joints, i.e. the
the stir zone, and microstructure and pattern of material transformed layers around the probe region, hence the
flow. Probe is either flat or domed in shape but in general probe profile should be optimum such that it should be
flat shape is used due to simplicity in design [25,34,43]. able to form sufficient transforming layers. Due to high
Dome shape is also used due to its advantage over flat plastic deformation and shearing of material, threaded
shape in reducing the forging force during plunging. The probe profile yields sound joint by generating sufficient
outer surface of the probe can be cylindrical [34,43] or transforming layers. Probe geometry also affects the
taper [34]. Moreover, additional features (threads, flutes, forces applied on the tool during welding. Both axial and
etc) are also integrated on the outer surface [34], as can translational forces increase significantly as probe
be seen in Figs. 4(c) and 4(d). geometry changes from threaded to triangular in AA
SABARI et al [34] performed UFSW to weld 7075-T6 alloy [45]. Triangular probe profile causes
AA2059-T87 using different probe profiles, i.e. straight pulsating action that affects the material movement,
cylindrical, cylindrical threaded, cylindrical tapered, and causing increased forces on tool.
tapered threaded. It was observed that non-threaded Some intricate features have been included in tool
probe resulted in defects while threaded profile yielded geometry to modify flow of material and mixing. For
defect-free joints. In FSW/UFSW, the generation of heat instance, Whorl and MX Triflute tools have been
and material movement is categorized into insufficient developed by TWI [46]. The pins of these tools are
state, balance state and excess state. The tool probe shaped as frustum of cone, leading to less displacement
profile plays a significant role in managing these states. of material as compared to cylindrical tool. These tools
If correct probe profile is employed, good quality joints enable high heat generation and easy flow of material.
without defects can be obtained [44]. Straight and Some new pin geometries, i.e. Flared-Triflute (flutes
tapered cylindrical probe due to its plain and featureless flared out) and A-skew (axis of pin minorly inclined to
surface causes less friction over the softened material spindle axis), have also been developed. These probe
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profiles enhance the flow of material around the probe moved from the face to the backside of the probe due to
and also lead to the improvement in mixing of translation of the tool, thus resulting in quality joint. The
material [47]. increased rotational speed of the tool results in high
Shoulder to probe ratio also affects the quality of temperature and frictional heat leading to more stirred
the weld. It depends upon the workpiece material and its and mixed material [27,48,49]. With increased rotational
thickness. Higher shoulder to probe ratio is required for speed, torque also increases, if tool tilt angle, coefficient
higher thickness of workpiece [37]. of friction and welding speed are kept constant [50]. As
Tool material also plays a vital role in producing the heating is governed by frictional pairing of the
defect-free weld. The choice of tool material depends on tool/workpiece, monotonic increase in heating is not
the workpiece material and the tool life. The selected tool possible at increased tool rotation speed due to change in
material must be strong, hard and tough at elevated the frictional coefficient at interface owing to change in
temperature. Furthermore, it should be highly oxidation rotational speed. Too high rotational speed causes
and wear resistant. Soft materials (aluminum, excessive heat input and too low rotational speed causes
magnesium, etc) are easily weldable by tool steels while inadequate stirring of the material by the tool, and both
carbide and polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN) these situations lead to deterioration in mechanical
tools are required for the welding of harder materials. properties and defects, as observed in AA 2219 [27] and
AISI H13 tool steel [25,33,38] is generally used for AA 2519 T-87 [49]. Moreover, the axial and translational
welding AAs in UFSW due to its high toughness and forces on tool decrease with increase in rotational speed,
machinability. as observed in AA 7075-T6 in UFSW [45]. Thus, it can
Thus, it is observed that proper tool and probe be observed that for obtaining good mechanical
geometry leads to defect-free joint in FSW/UFSW. Tool properties and defect-free UFSW joint, rotational speed
design and material is selected based on the workpiece must be chosen properly. The rotational speed should be
material, its properties and thickness and once chosen is selected such that the stirring of the tool can significantly
not varied during the welding process. Others parameters enhance the microstructure and properties of the SZ and
(rotational speed, welding speed, etc) can be varied for the heat generated neither worsens the mechanical
the same tool design and geometry. These variable properties of HAZ and TMAZ nor causes defects in SZ.
parameters are discussed in the following section below. Welding speed should also be selected carefully for
obtaining defect-free weld. Too low welding speed raises
2.2 Welding parameters the heat input into the welded samples, leading to
The important welding parameters affecting the excessive softening of the material generally in
quality of welded joint are rotational speed of the tool, heat-treatable AAs [45,51]. The excessive material
welding speed of the tool, tool tilt angle, force exerted by softening encourages slipping condition due to decrease
the tool (axial force) and plunge depth. These parameters in friction between the tool and the workpiece material,
and properties of the material are accountable for the resulting in the formation of defects in the SZ and
distribution of temperature, rate of cooling and torque leading to poor joint quality. When the welding speed is
applied by the tool. The important functions and effect of increased, both the plastic deformation of the material
these parameters are given in Table 3. and the heat generation decrease. As such, inadequate
heat generation and insufficient material flow take place,
Table 3 Principal welding parameters in FSW/UFSW again leading to defective joint in AA 2519-T87 [52].
Parameter Function and effect Also, the axial and translational forces on the tool
Frictional heating, material mixing increase with increasing welding speed in UFSW of
and stirring around probe, and 7075-T6 AA [45].
breaking of oxide layer
Another important welding parameter is tilting of
Material movement, heat generation the tool from the axis normal to the workpiece. An
Welding speed
and weld appearance
appropriate tilting of the tool helps in making sure that
Force exerted the stirred material is properly held by the tool shoulder
Forging pressure and weld appearance
by tool
and moves efficiently around the probe. For thickness up
Forging action and holding of to 4 mm and the tool tilt of 1°, the strength of the weld is
Tilt angle
stirred material, thinning and weld appearance
found good. Tool tilt angle should be increased with
Maintaining proper contact between increase in plate thickness [53].
Plunge depth
tool and workpiece and forging pressure When the axial force is large, tool wear and tool
fracture can take place, and thus the force applied by the
Tool rotational speed governs the material mixing tool at the interface of the welded material must be taken
and stirring around the probe and the mixed material is into consideration. Force on tool can be measured by
198 Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219
dynamometer which may assist in predicting the defect
formation [54]. In UFSW, forces developed on the tool
and their effect on the heat input and thermal cycles are
analyzed by PAPHN et al [45]. Vertical axial and
translational forces are developed on the tool and these
forces are improved significantly under water due to
reduction in peak temperature.
Moreover, for producing sound quality welds, the
portion of probe height into the plate (plunge depth) is
significant. Plunge depth causes increase in the pressure
below the shoulder surface and leads to sufficient forging
action at the front of the tool. If the plunge depth is low,
tool shoulder does not contact the work surface properly,
leading to inefficient movement of the stirred material
around the pin and thus resulting in surface groove. Too
large plunge depth leads to excessive flash due to
excessive forging. Increased plunge depth up to certain
level improves the consolidation of the deformed
material and enhances the stirring and inter-mingling of
the material, leading to improvement in strength [55,56].
Thus, plunge depth should be set correctly ensuring full
penetration of the tool and maintaining necessary forging
Furthermore, in a study by KISHTA and
DARRAS [57] during FSW and UFSW of AA 5083, it
was obtained that due to high thermal capacity and Fig. 5 Different joint designs: (a) Lap joint; (b) Scarf joint;
cooling rate of water, high rotational rate and welding (c) T joint
speed in comparison to FSW are required in UFSW for
producing high quality welds. High rotation speed Several additional designs can also be fabricated by
increases the frictional heat of material and increases the combining lap and butt joints. UFSW can also be used
speed of circulating water which accelerates heat for welding of various types of joints, such as scarf, T
dissipation and cooling rate. The increase in welding (see Figs. 5(b, c)), and fillet joints.
speed allows shorter duration time at a particular It can be concluded that tool geometry and welding
temperature, leading to low heat input and accelerating parameters greatly affect the material deformation and
the cooling process. material flow in FSW/UFSW. The material flow is highly
Thus, it can be concluded that rotation and welding governed by the tool geometry and welding parameter.
speed should be specified properly for obtaining Therefore, in order to obtain optimum tool geometry and
qualified joints. Sufficient tool tilt and plunge depth are defect-free welds, the material flow should be analyzed
also required for sound quality of the joints produced by and studied efficiently.
3 Mechanical and thermal process
2.3 Joint design
The commonly used joint designs for UFSW are lap Due to large material deformation and temperature
[58] and butt joint (as shown in Fig. 1) [29,30,59]. In butt increase in FSW/UFSW, various changes occur in the
joint, sheets of similar thickness are put on the back plate microstructure and properties of the welded joints. In this
and are rigidly clamped with the help of fixture to regard, a thoughtful study on the mechanical and thermal
prevent welded faces from moving apart under the forces aspects during FSW/UFSW is required for controlling
developed during welding. The back plate helps in the weld microstructure and properties.
resisting the normal forces related to UFSW and the
workpiece. In lap joint (see Fig. 5(a)), two plates are held 3.1 Material flow and modeling
together with the help of fixture and depending upon less The flow of material during UFSW is extremely
sheet thickness back plate may be used or not. FSW tool intricate and it generally depends upon the geometry of
is moved downward inside the two plates and moved the tool, various welding parameters and welded
towards the welding direction, thus producing weld. workpiece material. Improper selection of the tool design
Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219 199
and parameters generally lead to defects. Hence, SZ while the bottom surface of SZ experiences the
understanding the material flow characteristics in UFSW stirring action of the probe. In SSZ, material is
is of prime importance in obtaining high efficiency welds. transported from the RS to AS in UFSW. A part of the
Numerous methods, such as marker tracing technique SSZ transferred material also flows into the PSZ along
[60], analyzing material flow through dissimilar welding TMAZ axis grain direction. This pattern of material flow
of alloys/metals [61], and analyzing the characteristics of pattern is referred as ‘‘extruding reflux of SSZ material’’.
welding defects [62,63] can be used to investigate pattern Owing to dissimilar microstructure and different flow
of material flow in FSW/UFSW. Due to complexity in directions, extruding reflux material showed distinct
predicting material flow experimentally, additionally, boundaries near TMAZ material and the leftover SSZ
few modeling methods involving few computational material. The PSZ showed a turbulent flow pattern and a
codes [64], mathematical modeling [65], geometric characteristic structure of ‘‘onion ring’’ was seen except
model [66] and metal working model [67] can also be for the region near to SSZ. Moreover, two flow patterns
used for predicting the material flow. are observed in PSZ, i.e. circular flow of material around
Material flow in FSW was modeled by the tool probe and material flow in upward direction
COLEGROVE and SHERCLIFF [64] using slip model owing to shearing action of the probe threads. Material
developed through computational fluid codes. The model flow pattern in different deformed zones and model for
revealed different material flow for different types of tool material flow proposed by ZHANG and LIU [68] are
design and the material in path of the probe was shown in Fig. 6.
displaced around the RS of the tool. Moreover, on the AS,
the deformed region for the slip model was smaller than
that on RS. The results of the model were well in support
with the experiment-based tracer technique of material
flow [60]. Five FSW working zones were proposed by
ARBEGAST and JIN [67] in a metal working model for
material flow. These are preheat zone, extrusion zone,
initial deformation zone, forged zone and post heat/cool
down zone. The preheat zone is the region neighboring
the edge of the shoulder circumference. In this zone,
temperature rise takes place due to frictional heat
generated by the shoulder and adiabatic heating of the
deformed material. The heating of this zone is influenced
by the tool welding speed and thermal property of the
weld metal. The material temperature rises above the
critical temperature due to heating in initial deformation
zone. In this zone, flow of material is influenced both in
the upward (shoulder zone) and downward (extrusion
zone) direction at the bottom of the shoulder and probe.
Stirring probe action causes extrusion zone and in this Fig. 6 Material flow in UFSW [68]: (a) Flow of material in
zone material flow takes place around the probe from the different zones; (b) Material flow model for UFSW
front (AS) to the rear (RS). The width of this zone varies
depending on the magnitude of stress and distribution of Thus, the flow of material in FSW/UFSW is
temperature. Next is the forging zone where mixing of complex and there are many factors (i.e. tool geometry,
the material due to plastic deformation takes place. and welding parameters) influencing the material flow
Depending on the welding speed and rotating speed of during FSW. It is highly likely that flow of material in
the tool, extrusion effect prevails. Cooling and settling of the SZ may consist of various deformation processes.
mixed material takes place in the cooling zone. The
cooling rate directly influences the tensile property of the 3.2 Temperature measurement and distribution
weld. In deeply understanding the FSW process, complete
In UFSW, the material flow pattern has been studied information of the heat input and temperature associated
by ZHANG and LIU [68]. They suggested three different with different characteristic zones of the FSW is very
zones in deformed underwater friction stir welded important. The evolved microstructure (grain size,
(UFSWed) joint, i.e., shoulder stirred zone (SSZ), pin coarsening of the precipitates) and the mechanical
stirred zone (PSZ) and TMAZ. SSZ experiences the properties of the friction stir (FS) welds are directly
stirring action of the tool shoulder on the upper part of related to the temperature in weld zone. Weld
200 Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219
temperature measurements are difficult to perform in In a study, FU et al [73] employed three different
FSW as large heat is generated in the weld zone due to fluids (air, warm, and cold water) for performing UFSW
high plastic deformation at the interface of workpiece of AA7050 and carried out an investigation on the
and tool, which is considered as the hottest part in the temperature, strength, and elongation behavior. Eight-
weld. The movement of the rotation of the tool probe channel thermodetector was used for the measurement of
also makes it tricky to determine the SZ temperature. The the weld temperature. They revealed the following
most importantly used temperature measurement examinations: 1) The peak temperature of the sample
techniques during FSW are implanted temperature welded in air was the highest at 380 °C. The peak
devices (thermocouple) in the workpiece [56,57,69−71]. temperatures of the welded samples were about 220 and
Cooling media also exhibit a considerable effect on the 300 °C, respectively, in cold and hot water; 2) The use of
temperature profile and the resulting microstructure and warm water resulted in the greatest mechanical strength
strength in FSW. Therefore, accessing the temperature and elongation due to restriction it imposes on
distribution across the cooled joints is very important in coarsening of second phase strengthening particles in
explicating the significance of UFSW. HAZ; 3) Cold water resulted in increased tensile strength
Very low peak temperature is observed in UFSW and reduced elongation compared with air. Due to the
compared with the FSW sample due to high heat low temperature developed in cold water, the hardening
absorbing capacity of water, leading to improvement in of the weld joint resulted in decreased elongation. Water
properties of UFSWed joint [57−59,69−74]. Greater cooling also enhances the mechanical properties of the
heating and cooling rates are also obtained during UFSW HAZ by controlling the temperature level [70]. Due to
leading to shorter dwelling time above a given low peak temperature and reduced dwelling time at a
temperature which also leads to low peak temperature in high temperature in UFSW of AA 2219, the coarsening
UFSW [69−71]. ZHAO et al [69] carried out UFSW of and dissolution of the precipitate is impeded and the
spray formed Al 7055 alloy in order to improve joint width of precipitate free zone (PFZ) is also controlled
performance by varying the temperature history. Eight leading to hardness improvement in the HAZ. Several
thermocouples, i.e. four on the advancing side (A1−A4) other examinations have also established the positive
and four on the retreating side (R1−R4), were used for effect of liquid cooling on improvement of strength in
measuring temperature. The maximum temperature FSW joints [22,25,29,33,70−72]. This strength improve-
measured was 68.5 °C in water which was 118 °C lower ment is due to cooling action (water) resulting from the
compared with air owing to extra heat taken away by the controlled temperature distribution and thermal profiles.
water. The peak temperature profiles of AA 7055 in FSW Moreover, the low peak temperature developed
and UFSW are shown in Fig. 7. during UFSW due to water cooling can also reduce
Further, the range of temperature observed during the formation of intermetallic compounds (IMCs) in
FSW on AS and RS showed significant drop and large Al−Mg [59,75,76] and Al−Cu alloy [58].
thermal gradient contrary to UFSW where very less drop Maximum temperature developed at different sides
in temperature was observed. The reduced temperature also varies in FSW and UFSW. The maximum peak
and less thermal gradient due to water cooling limited the temperature is found in RS in UFSW as compared to
coarsening of strengthening precipitates, leading to FSW in which maximum peak temperature is found in
improved joint properties. Thermal gradient profile in AS, as observed in some 7xxx alloys [71,73]. The AS
FSW and UFSW is shown in Fig. 8. suffers greater deformation than RS in FSW, leading to

Fig. 7 Peak temperature developed in AA 7055 during FSW (a) and UFSW (b) [69]
Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219 201

Fig. 8 Temperature cycles showing thermal gradients in AA 7055 at nearest (A1, R1) and farthest (A4, R4) location from weld
centre [69]: (a) FSW, AS; (b) FSW, RS; (c) UFSW, AS; (d) UFSW, RS

higher temperature on AS. In UFSW, on AS, the boiled cooling environment were simulated by FRATINI
water near the weld is powered to move frontward et al [77] by modeling the coolant as water flux at the
confronting the cold water adjacent to the weld and chills back of the tool and reduced thermal flow was observed
down instantaneously and mandatorily while RS receives adjoining the tool due to external cooling. Heat transfer
the heated water coming from AS, and thus UFSWed model was developed by ZHANG et al [78] for modeling
joint shows high temperature on RS. temperature in UFSW in which modeling was done
The temperature profiles are also affected by the considering the temperature reliant properties of material.
welding parameters. In water surroundings, thermal The results indicated low peak temperature and high heat
cycles of the joints are more greatly influenced by flux of shoulder during UFSW in comparison to FSW.
changes in welding speed as compared to rotation speed Moreover, peak temperature distributed area is narrowed
but rotation speed can provide wider adjustment range and temperature profiles in different zones are also low
than welding speed for UFSW process [33]. Fast cooling in UFSW as compared to FSW. The model was validated
and high peak temperature are achieved with increasing experimentally and showed agreement with experimental
rotational speed. High welding speed and rotational values. For obtaining most favorable welding condition
speed are required for UFSW in comparison to FSW. for UFSW, AA 2219-T6 was UFSWed by ZHANG and
Forces occurring on the tool are also affected by the heat LIU [56] and mathematical modeling was done for
generation and accordingly the temperature distribution optimization of the process parameters for obtaining the
in UFSW/FSW [45]. Axial and translational forces are highest tensile strength. K-type thermocouples were
improved significantly in UFSW of AA 7075-T6 due to employed for temperature measurement. They found that
reduction in peak temperature. tensile strength of 360 MPa was obtained through UFSW
Due to difficulty in measuring temperature at highly which is 6% higher than the tensile strength obtained in
deformed zones experimentally, limited number of FSW. Low peak temperature and correspondingly
temperature modeling studies has been reported in changed microstructure due to water cooling resulted in
UFSW. Temperature profiles developed during FSW in strength improvement by UFSW.
202 Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219
From several researches in UFSW, it is observed Effect of coolant (water and air) on the grain boundary
that UFSW is the suitable method for improving the phases, grains size, defects and growth of intermetallic
mechanical properties of the joint due to controlled compounds (IMCs) has also been discussed by various
temperature distribution. Low peak temperature and researchers [29,43,58,86].
reduced thermal gradient in UFSW lead to improvement 4.1.1 Stirred zone or nugget zone
in joint properties as compared to FSW. The thermal Elevated temperature and severe plastic deformation
cycles, material flow and various process parameters associated with FSW/UFSW lead to typical dynamically
discussed in the above sections lead to changes in recrystallized structure composed of significantly fine
microstructure and properties of the welds. and equiaxed grains in SZ [29,43,72,87]. Onion ring
patterns are also observed in the SZ directly reflecting
4 Macro/micro structural evolution the material flowing during FSW [43,73]. It is found that
water cooling can result in change of shape of the stirred
4.1 Characteristic zones of FSW/UFSW region. Onion ring structure was observed in the SZ of
FSW microstructure was first characterized by FSW which was changed to V-shape in the case of
THREADGILL [79]. This work was focused on AAs, UFSW in AA 7050, as shown in Fig. 10 [73]. Also,
and as the behavior of AAs is not the same as other different strengthening phases also exist in SZ depending
materials and alloys, this characterization was considered upon the temperature and material composition [29,43].
inadequate. Accordingly, changed terms were XRD patterns have shown strengthening θ (Al2Cu) phase
proposed [80] and subsequently modified [81] and detected in the SZ of FSW joint in 2xxx AA [29,30]. It is
implemented in American Welding Society Standard also observed that strengthening phase is sometimes
D17.3M [82]. The proposed terms are shown in Fig. 9, absent in SZ, indicating that precipitates are dissolved in
and are described as follows. the matrix. Several IMCs also exist in the SZ while
joining dissimilar materials such as Al−Cu and
Al−Mg [58,59]. In dissimilar welding of Al−Cu by
ZHANG et al [58], it was found that SZ consists of the
Al−Cu IMCs mainly CuAl2 and Cu9Al4 together with
some quantity of Al and Cu. S line feature is also
observed in the SZ of AA 7055 during FSW [38,69] and
Fig. 9 Different characteristic zones of FSW/UFSW
UFSW of AA 7050, as shown in Fig. 10(b) [73]. The ‘‘S
line’’ is a kind of weak connection defect which
1) Unaffected material or parent metal: No plastic
determines the characteristics of joints and is generally
deformation takes place in this zone but the material may
not present in UFSW. When welding is done in water, the
have or have not been affected by the heat of the welding.
atmospheric oxidation of the plate is prevented, leading
No noticeable variation in properties and microstructure
to elimination of S line defect. Another reason is that as
takes place.
heat is carried away by water in UFSW, high cooling rate
2) Heat affected zone (HAZ): This region is affected
and less thermal gradient are observed in comparison to
by the heat of the welding but no apparent plastic
FSW, leading to elimination of S line defect [38,69,88].
deformation takes places in this zone.
In comparison with FSW, UFSW results in additional
3) Thermomechanically affected zone (TMAZ): In
refinement of grain size in the SZ (see Fig. 11) due to
this region, the material is affected both by the plastic
low peak temperature and low duration at peak
deformation and thermal cycles. In AAs, deformed and
temperature [29,43,49,72,89]. This refined structure
recrystallized region of TMAZ is separated by a
distinctive and clear boundary (this region is frequently
termed as ‘nugget’. Other names such as SZ and
‘dynamically recrystallized region’ are also been
used [82]).
The changes in microstructure of different zones
directly affect the mechanical properties of the welds
produced. Due to large heat and intense deformation
experienced during FSW/UFSW, development of
different textures [29,30,83,84] and precipitate
dissolution and coarsening in different zones take
place [34,51,52,70,85]. Different microstructural changes Fig. 10 Macrostructures of SZ of AA 7050 during FSW (a) and
in FSW/UFSW have been analyzed by many researchers. UFSW (b )[73]
Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219 203
flow in the SZ owing to high heat input. The size of the
grains also varies significantly with alteration in welding
speed, as shown in Fig. 12 [51]. In a study, it was
observed that grain size first increases with increase in
welding speed and then reduces significantly at higher
welding speed in AA 2219 [51]. This variation in grain
size can be explained as follows: with the increase in
welding speed, both heat input and plastic deformation of
material are reduced. The reduction in amount of
material deformation causes enlargement in size of the
grain [84,90], while the reduced heat input results in
refinement of the grain [52]. As a result, the difference in
sizes of the grain with welding speed depends upon the
factor which dominates [51]. With increase in welding
speed, the SZ size also gets reduced due to poorer
material flow around the probe as observed in AA 2219
[51] and AA 2519 [52]. Studies have also revealed
defects at too high welding speed in the SZ [33,51].
Different probe profiles also lead to variation in the grain
size of the SZ [34]. The frictional area and heat
developed by the probe directly affect the grain size.
Less grain size was observed in the joint produced by
threaded taper profile tool in comparison to straight
threaded tool in both water and air cooling [34]. Further
defects are also associated with different probe profiles.
In both cooling medium (air and water), the tunnel
defects developed in the SZ of the joints were produced
Fig. 11 Microstructures of SZ of AA 2519 during FSW (a) and using straight and taper cylindrical tools due to
UFSW (b) [49] insufficient heat in AA 2519 T-87 [34]. Moreover, an
interesting result has also been reported in UFSW of
leads to improvement in mechanical properties of the SZ. accumulative roll bonding (ARB) strain hardenable
UFSW has been successfully used to reduce the amount AA 1050 [72]. The average grain size of 0.8 and 2.1 μm
of brittle IMCs in dissimilar materials such as Al−Cu and in UFSW and FSW respectively was found in the SZ.
Al−Mg due to low peak temperature and short incubation Furthermore, a study on identical alloy shows that by
time [58,59,75]. In UFSW, as the residual heat is carried increasing the tool revolutionary pitch (welding
away by the flowing water and the stirred region behind speed/rotation speed) up to 2.5 mm/r, the mean grain size
the advancing tool is cooled more rapidly, low peak in SZ was reduced to about 1.3 μm in FSW [91].
temperature and little dwell time are observed. As such, Therefore, from these results, it is obtained that
fine grains are observed in UFSW and the growth of immersion technique (water) with constant tool rotation
intermetallic compounds is suppressed. and welding speed is more effective method for the
Effect of various process parameters, i.e. welding refinement of grains in SZ.
speed [51], rotational speed [27,33] and probe 4.1.2 TMAZ
profile [34], on macro and micro features of SZ produced This zone is the transition zone between the parent
by FSW/UFSW has also been analysed by various metal zone and the SZ characterized by a highly
researchers. Size of the grains increases with increase in deformed structure [10,40]. In the TMAZ, grains do not
rotational speed [27,33,49]. At low rotation speed, fine recrystallize due to low heat input and little deformation.
equiaxed grains are observed but their size grows as the TMAZ region is characterized by highly extruded,
rotation speed increases due to increase in heat input in elongated and upward oriented grains, as shown in
AA 2219 [27] and AA 7075 [33]. Moreover, defects take Fig. 13 [34,51,52]. Precipitate evolution and dissolution
place in the SZ if welds are not performed at adequate and coarsening of precipitates are also observed
rotational speed [27,33]. At low rotation speed, furrow sometimes in the TMAZ of AA 2519 [34,52] and AA
defects take place due to insufficient material flow [33] 2219 [30,51]. With increase in temperature, the
and voids are formed in the SZ at too high rotation precipitates can get coarse, change to stable state or get
speed [27]. The voids develop due to turbulence material dissolved in the matrix during FSW/UFSW. It is found
204 Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219

Fig. 12 Grain structures in SZ during UFSW at varying welding speeds [51]: (a) 50 mm/min; (b) 100 mm/min; (c) 150 mm/min;
(d) 200 mm/min

Fig. 13 Micrographs of TMAZ in AA 2519-T 87 at welding speed of 30 mm/min [52]: (a) FSW, AS; (b) FSW, RS; (c) UFSW, AS;
(d) UFSW, RS
Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219 205
that due to low heat input (increased welding speed) size is not affected by cooling medium but precipitate
the precipitate deterioration is reduced in TMAZ of coarsening and width of the PFZ get reduced in UFSW
AA 2219 [51]. Furthermore, due to low temperature and leading to increased hardness in the HAZ as compared to
high cooling rate of water, coarsening of precipitates and FSW [70]. Furthermore, larger number of precipitates are
grain size in TMAZ (see Fig. 13) is also reduced observed in UFSW as compared to FSW due to reduced
significantly, leading to improved mechanical properties level of dissolution leading to improved mechanical
in AA 2519 [34,52]. Additionally, the width of the properties in UFSW [34,52].
TMAZ can also be minimized by restricting the heat and
plastic deformation by UFSW [51]. 4.2 Welding defects
4.1.3 HAZ Various imperfections (voids, grooves, tunnels,
Undeformed coarse grains exist in HAZ (see kissing bond, etc) are observed in FSW/UFSW [27,33,
Fig. 14(a)) as no deformation takes place in this 68,93]. Welding parameters along with the cooling
region [27,28,51,52]. Structure of the grain in HAZ medium govern the material flow in FSW/UFSW. Defects
remains the same as the structure of grains of the parent are formed in UFSW if the plasticized material is cooled
material but the temperature over 250 °C causes notable down prior to filling of the joint behind the tool. Defects
changes in precipitate structure. Many researchers have generally occur due to improper rate of heating if the
shown that FSW/UFSW results in coarsening of the welding parameters are not chosen properly.
precipitate [34,51,52,70,92] and evolution of precipitate- Furrow defects (see Fig. 15(a)) and voids (see
free zones (PFZ) in the HAZ (see Fig. 14(b)) [34,51,70]. Fig. 15(d)) are generally observed at too low and too
Recently, ZHANG et al [70] have examined the high rotational speed, respectively, in UFSW. These
microstructure of AA 2219-T6. It was observed that grain defects are caused by insufficient material flow and are

Fig. 14 Microstructures of HAZ of AA 2219 during UFSW [51]: (a) Grain structure of HAZ; (b) Precipitate distribution in HAZ

Fig. 15 Welding defects in UFSW: (a) Furrow defect in AA 7055 [33]; (b) Tunnel defect in AA 7055 [33]; (c) Groove defect in
AA 2219 [51]; (d) Voids in AA 2219 [27]
206 Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219
seen on the surface of the weld or beneath it. At low that in the transverse direction [95]. Furthermore, some
rotation speed, furrow defect is observed in AA 7055 in studies also deal with the effect of water on the extent of
SZ [33] and voids are observed in the SZ at too high RSS encountered during the FSW as water (cooling
rotation speed in AA 2219 [27,68] during UFSW. medium) plays significant effect on RSS due to its deep
Increasing the rotational speed from lower value to effect on temperature cycles. UFSW can reduce the RSS
higher value decreases or eliminates these defects, but as compared to FSW [69,95]. Cooling with water can
the size of the voids gets increased if rotational speed is decrease the longitudinal RSS up to 82% in the SZ
increased from higher value to a further higher compared to air [95]. Water cooling can also reverse the
level [68]. nature of the RSS developed during the welding. In an
Studies have also revealed defects at too high investigation by ZHAO et al [69], FSW joint showed
welding speed in the SZ [33,51]. At high welding speed, tensile stress whereas compressive stress was found in
tunnel defect (see Fig. 15(b)) is observed in AA 7055 [33] the joint of UFSW. Residual compressive stress can
and grove defect (see Fig. 15(c)) is observed in AA 2219 improve the fatigue strength of the joints. UFSW creates
in UFSW [51]. Plasticized material gets cooled down mild and low thermal cycle and smooth temperature
rapidly at high welding speed in water before filling the gradient than FSW, thus reducing the RSS of the joint.
weld completely leading to tunnel defect. Tunnel defects
are also observed in the SZ of the joints at the AS 5.2 Distortion
produced using straight and taper cylindrical tools due to Being a solid-state welding process, low peak
insufficient frictional heat in AA 2519 T-87 [34]. temperature and temperature gradient are involved in
S line feature (see Fig. 10(b)) is also observed in the FSW process as compared to FW but still temperature
SZ of AA 7055 during FSW [38,69] and UFSW of increase at local area causes plastic strain in weld. The
AA 7050 [73]. The ‘‘S line’’ is a defect which is formed primary cause of distortion is the plastic strain that is not
due to breaking up of oxide layer due to insufficient fully recovered during FSW. Manufacturing, assembling
stirring of the material. When welding is done in water, and application of structure are affected greatly by the
the atmospheric oxidation of the plate is prevented welding distortion, so its examination is pivotal for FSW
leading to elimination of S line defect. technology. Earlier researchers used to denote FSW as a
non distortion method as the distortion was not
5 Properties significant in earlier studies [101]. Today, it is widely
believed that distortion occurs during FSW and AA
5.1 Residual stress sheets possess distortion if they are welded by
FSW involves complex clamping and high FSW [102,103]. Negligible studies have been reported
clamping force for holding the welding plates. The firm on distortion in UFSW. Distortion profiles of the S275
clamping in FSW/UFSW exerts large amount of restraint plates welded with FSW in air and water were analysed
upon the welding plates. During cooling, these restraints by BAILLIE et al [89]. A submerged arc welded (SAW)
hamper the contraction of the SZ and HAZ, thus DH36 steel plate was also analysed for highlighting the
resulting in residual stresses (RSS). Moreover, cooling variation in distortion profile. The results showed less
media (air, water) play a significant effect on RSS due to distortion in FSW plate in comparison to SAW plate.
their intense effect on thermal cycle. Thus, distribution of Also, the distortion was the least in UFSW due to high
residual stress is related to thermal cycle and restraint heat dissipation capacity of water which reduces thermal
intensity. Both thermal and mechanical RSS are induced stresses in the material. The difference in distortion
in FSW/UFSW, which can be tensile or compressive between the SAW and FSW plates was due to large
[69,94,95]. As RSS causes significant effect on the post clamping forces and high degree of restraint involved
weld mechanical properties, various techniques [96−100] during FSW. These restraints avoid movement of the
have been acquired for measuring RSS in different plate during welding, reducing the distortion. Moreover,
processes. The RSS induced by FSW have been obtained low thermal stresses associated with FSW process in
by various destructive and non-destructive techniques comparison to the SAW also resulted in reduced
such as X-ray diffraction [96−98], hole-drilling [99], and distortion.
ultrasonic [100]. Ultrasonic technique offers rich
advantages over the other methods including non- 5.3 Hardness
destructive testing, cheap equipments, short acquisition AAs are divided into two categories, i.e. heat-
time and portable measurement setup. Generally, the treatable (precipitation hardened) AAs and non heat-
RSS is higher on the AS in comparison to the RS due to treatable (solid-solution hardened) AAs [104]. Numerous
high peak temperature and severe plastic deformation on investigations have shown that hardness distribution is
AS. RSS are also larger in the longitudinal direction than different for heat-treatable and non heat-treatable alloys
Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219 207
in FSW.
In heat-treatable AAs, FSW/UFSW generally
creates a softened area in the weld region. This is due to
coarsening and dissolution of strengthening precipitates
during FSW/UFSW [30,43,70,92,105]. The micro-
hardness distributions of the joints of AA 2219 showed
that the softening region is created in both FSW and
UFSW joints [30]. AA 2017 with ultrafine grained
(UFG) structure was produced by using equal channel
angular processing (ECAP) after which they were joined
by means of UFSW by WANG et al [43]. The result
revealed softening of the UFSW joint compared with the
UFG based material. Similar softening behavior was also
observed in spray formed Al−Zn−Mg−Cu alloy in FSW
and UFSW joints [71].
Cooling media also affect the hardness distribution
across the weld. Large number of investigation has
shown strength improvement in minimum hardness
location using UFSW, leading to high hardness in UFSW
in comparison to FSW [26,30,73,71]. The micro-
hardness distributions of the joints of AA 2219 showed
“W-type” hardness profile and the minimum hardness in
the HAZ during FSW on the AS whereas in UFSW
softening area is diminished significantly and the
minimum hardness location (MHL) is changed lying on
the interface between WNZ and TMAZ on AS and RS,
as can be seen in Fig. 16(a) [30]. High dislocation
density, enhanced solid solution strengthening effect and Fig. 16 Microhardness distribution in different zones during
FSW and UFSW: (a) AA 2219 [30]; (b) AA 7055 [69]
grain refinement due to water cooling lead to the increase
of hardness of MHL. Identical results were said by
Hardness distribution is also affected by welding
WANG et al [71] in UFSW of spray formed
parameters, i.e. rotational speed, welding speed, and
Al−Zn−Mg−Cu alloy. Some researchers also suggested
probe profile. In UFSW of AA 2219, it was observed that
that the hardness improvement in HAZ is due to reducing
increasing tool rotation speed up to a certain limit
of precipitate coarsening and the narrowing of PFZ
improved the hardness of the joint due to increase in
induced by varying thermal cycles under water cooling
strain hardening effect (as shown in Fig. 17) [27]. When
effect [43,71]. “W-type” hardness profile was also
the rotation speed is too low or too high, the hardness
observed by ZHAO et al [69] in FSW of AA7055.
minimum is relatively low because of inadequate tool
Minimum hardness was observed in TMAZ of the FSW stirring or excess heat input, as observed in AA2219 [27].
joint but contrastingly minimum hardness was improved Moreover, with increasing rotational speed, softening
in UFSW eliminating the distinct low value area width increases and minimum hardness location (MHL)
showing uniform hardness profile, as can be seen in of the joint also moves outward from the weld centre, as
Fig. 16(b) [69]. Similar results were also observed in shown in Fig. 17(a). Generally, hardness in SZ also gets
AA 2519-T87 [26]. Thus, it is observed that in heat- increased with increase in rotational speed [27]. With
treatable AAs, generally minimum hardness is located in increasing welding speed, the softening region is
the HAZ or TMAZ of the AS in FSW, but contrary to this gradually narrowed and the MHL of the joint moves
in UFSW, the minimum hardness location gets shifted to in the direction of the weld centre, as observed in
SZ or SZ/TMAZ of AS/RS and softening region is also AA 2014 [87] and AA 2219 [51]. Also with increase in
narrowed showing strength improvement in minimum welding speed, hardness value in MHL is improved due
hardness location. This hardness/strength improvement to weakening of precipitate deterioration level as
in heat-treatable AAs depends on precipitate observed in AA 2014 [87] and AA2219 shown in Fig.
distribution, dislocation density, grain size and solid 17(b) [51] and solid solution strengthening as observed
solution [27,30,105,106], among which precipitate in AA 2519-T87 [52]. Different probe profile also leads
distribution has more effect than others [51,70,85,107]. to change in microhardness value. Increased hardness is
208 Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219
obtained in threaded profile in comparison to featureless 5.4 Mechanical properties
(straight and taper cylindrical) probe profile [34]. Plain Due to intensive deformation of the material in
and featureless surface does not allow intensive FSW/UFSW, different microstructural changes occur in
deformation and thus proper stirring and mixing is not different regions of FSW. These microstructural changes
met in the welded region. The threaded profile offers lead to enormous alteration in post welding mechanical
more friction over the softened material and causes properties.
intensive deformation of material. Thus, proper mixing 5.4.1 Strength and ductility
and stirring is achieved, leading to refine grain structure The tensile behavior is significantly affected by the
and improvement in hardness. stirring, heating and cooling conditions in the FSW/
UFSW process [30,33,51,56,70]. It is also believed that
nonuniform microstructure across friction stir welds also
causes variations in yield and ultimate tensile strength
(UTS) and ductility [51,56,70]. Tensile strength is
directly related to the hardness of the joint.
It is widely reported that cooling media (air, water)
play significant role in improving the tensile properties
of the joint produced in FSW [30,33,70,110]. It is
observed that the tensile properties of underwater friction
stir welds (UFSWs) are higher than those of normal
friction stir welds (FSWs) [27,29,34,40,43,69]. Various
reasons lead to improvement in tensile properties of the
joints in UFSW. Tensile properties of the AA 2219 were
studied by LIU et al [30] and ZHANG et al [70] based on
cooling media, i.e. air and water. They reported increased
tensile strength in UFSW joint. The joint efficiency in
UFSW was 79% greater than that of base metal in FSW
(see Fig. 18(a)). The refined grain structure and high-
density dislocation lead to increase in tensile strength.
Equivalent outcome had been additionally observed by
WANG et al [38] in UFSW of AA7055. They reported
15% increase in tensile strength in water cooling
environment as compared to air due to improved thermal
cycle resulting in solid solution strengthening (see
Fig. 18(b)). KISHTA and DARRAS [57] studied the
tensile properties of non heat-treatable AA 5083 in air
and water cooling environment. They also reported an
increase in tensile strength in UFSW with strength
reaching nearly that of the base material. The
Fig. 17 Variation in hardness of UFSW joints of AA 2219:
improvement in tensile strength was attributed to
(a) At different rotational speeds [27]; (b) At different welding
microstructural changes (size of the grain, orientation,
speeds [51]
void formation, etc) resulting from low peak thermal
The hardness profile in non heat-treatable alloys is boundaries. Thickness level also affects the tensile
generally related to the grain size in FSW/UFSW [57,72, properties of the material. Tensile specimens cut normal
108,109]. These AAs generally do not result in softening to the direction of the welding and segmented into three
in the welds [57,107]. It is also observed that hardness portions (top, middle and bottom) in the thickness
tends to increase as the distance from the top surface direction were investigated for tensile strength in
increases. This is due to large heat at the top surface AA 2219 in air cooling and water cooling [110]. The
leading to more grain growth [108,109]. It is also highest strength exhibited at the top surface and the
reported that water as a cooling medium leads to lowest strength was observed at the bottom surface with
improvement in the minimum hardness of the joint in the middle surface lying in-between these values in FSW
non heat-treatable AAs also as compared to air and UFSW. Additional strength was also found in UFSW
cooling [57,72]. As the cooling rate of water is very high, due to reduction of the precipitate coarsening level and
refined grains are formed due to low peak temperature widening of PFZ due to low peak temperature.
resulting in higher hardness in UFSW samples. Furthermore, different results are obtained depending on
Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219 209
Fig. 19(a). The tensile strength tends to be low at less
rotational speed owing to inadequate tool stirring
action [56]. Too high rotational speed decreases the
tensile strength due to turbulent metal flow owing to high
heat input resulting in void formations [27]. Tensile
strength also increases with increase in welding speed
due to adequate heat and stirring of the material [51,52].
Too low welding speed increases the amount of heat into
the weld causing decrease in tensile strength. Too high
welding speed leads to insufficient heat and stirring of
the material resulting in deterioration in tensile strength
leading to defects [51,52]. The variation of tensile
properties with welding speed is shown in Fig. 19(b).

Fig. 18 Tensile properties of joint during FSW and UFSW:

(a) AA 2219 [30]; (b) AA 7055 [38]

whether the tensile testing is performed longitudinally or

transversely to the weld. Transverse and longitudinal
tensile tests were performed on S275 steel plate in FSW
and UFSW for assessing tensile strength [89]. The results
produced considerably higher strength (mean average YS
and UTS) in the longitudinal tensile tests than in the
transverse tensile tests. Grain refinement in the SZ leads
to superior strength in longitudinal direction. Thus, it is
obtained that the controlled temperature profiles [30,70],
lower precipitate deterioration [51,110], refined grain
structure [30,57,70,89], high density dislocation [30,70] Fig. 19 Variation in tensile properties of UFSW joints of
and solid solution strengthening [38] lead to increase in AA 2219: (a) At different rotational speeds [27]; (b) At
tensile strength in water cooling atmosphere. different welding speeds [51]
Frictional heating and stirring condition due to
changes in welding speed [51,52], rotational Tensile strength is less affected by the changes in
speed [27,49,56,57] and plunge depth [56] also leads to plunge depth [56]. Increasing plunge depth enhances
changes in tensile strength. forging action and the material mixing leading to
Tensile strength rises with increment in the tool increase in tensile strength. If in case plunge depth is too
rotational speed [27,49,56,57]. In UFSW of AA 2219, it large, increased frictional heat leads to lowering of
was observed that increasing tool rotational speed up to a tensile properties due to deterioration of the
certain limit improved the tensile strength of the joint strengthening precipitates.
due to increase in strain hardening effect and further Ductility is another important parameter governing
increment in rotational speed deteriorates the joint the mechanical properties of the weld. It is defined as the
properties due to excessive heat input [27], as shown in elongation resulted from tensile test and is calculated as
210 Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219
maximum elongation of gage length divided by original
length. Plastic deformation ability of the feeble region of
the joint is determined by elongation [70,111]. Generally,
high elongation is observed in UFSW as compared to
FSW (see Fig. 18(b)) [38,57]. The improvement in the
elongation in UFSW is mainly due to the limited
overaging of finely dispersed second-phase particles
caused by the FSW [38]. Further decrease in dislocation
density also leads to improvement in ductility of the
joint [57]. Sometimes, low ductility is also observed in
UFSW in welding of AA 2219 (see Fig. 18(a)) [30]. The
Fig. 20 Fracture locations in AA 2219 during FSW (a) and
reduction in elongation is due to weak plastic
UFSW (b) [30]
deformation induced by high dislocation density and
narrowing of the softening region due to integral cooling
UFSW were investigated by LIU et al [110]. It was found
The variation in elongation with change in welding that FSW joint fractured in the HAZ in all the three
parameter is generally similar to that in tensile strength. layers whereas in UFSW fracture location moved to
The elongation varies slightly with rotational speed and periphery of the sample in SZ under all the conditions.
welding speed and increases with increasing rotational This shows that even the middle layer is not in direct
speed and welding speed [27,51,52]. Variation of tensile contact of the water, still the weakest locations of the
properties with rotational and welding speed in AA 2219 joint are shifted in the direction of the weld center by the
is shown in Fig. 19. cooling action of water.
Fracture is the separation of the material below the Rotational and welding speed also affects the
melting point temperature owing to stress. The fracture fracture location. The joints welded at different rotational
position of any welded joint denotes the weakest part of speeds generally fracture corresponding to the lower
the joint [111]. The fracture locations of the joints are hardness region i.e. SZ, TMAZ and HAZ [27,49].
reliant on the hardness distributions and the weld defects Sometimes, fracture takes place in a region where defects
of the joints [27,51,52,70,112]. are formed [27]. Similarly, LIU et al [51] reported that
For heat-treatable alloys, irrespective of the heat fracture location is significantly affected by change in
treatment condition, fracture normally takes place at welding speed. During UFSW of AA 2219, it was
the SZ [69,71], SZ/TMAZ boundary [30,70,51,52] in observed that when welding speed was low the fractured
UFSW and near SZ [69,71], at or close to the HAZ/ position was in HAZ on the RS. Increase in
TMAZ boundary [30,70,71,52] in FSW. Unlike FSW, in welding speed shifted the fracture position to TMAZ on
UFSW the failure location shifts towards weld centre due the AS.
to improved microstructure and mechanical properties Generally, two fracture modes, i.e. ductile or brittle,
(hardness and strength) in low hardness region owing to are associated with a material depending upon the ability
cooling effect of water [30,70,71,110]. The fracture takes of a material to withstand deformation prior to
place generally at the AS [30,71,69] in FSW/UFSW. fracture [34,59]. Different fracture features are observed
In AA 2219, the FSW joint fractured in the HAZ in FSW and UFSW [27,30,34,52,69,71]. The mode of
near the TMAZ/HAZ interface on the AS while UFSW failure is generally a ductile shear failure [34,52]. LIU et
joint fractured at the boundary of SZ/TMAZ on AS al [30] reported large dimples in FSW indicating
(see Fig. 20) showing improvement in strength in the extensive plastic deformation contrary to UFSW where
HAZ [30,70]. Comparable examination was obtained by dimple feature becomes ambiguous suggesting a
ZHANG et al [70] showing shifting of fracture location decrease of plastic deformation level in AA 2219. The
to SZ/TMAZ interface indicating hardness improvement fracture feature of AA 2219 in FSW/UFSW is shown in
in HAZ due to water cooling. Similar results were also Fig. 21. Similarly, WANG et al [71] observed fracture
observed in AA 2519-T87 where the fracture location feature of FSW joint having typical cleavage characters
shifted to SZ/TMAZ interface from TMAZ during showing large and small dimples while the UFSW
UFSW but the fracture took place at the RS [52]. fracture joint has mixed-rupture characteristics of
WANG et al [71] and ZHAO et al [69] reported quasi-cleavage with tiny dimples in AA 7055. SABRI et
tensile fracture near the SZ at AS in AA7055 in FSW al [34,52] also observed tiny dimples in both water and
which was shifted to centre of SZ in UFSW. air cooling orienting at 45°towards the loading direction
Fracture locations of AA2219 at three different in AA 2519. Presence of dimples suggested joint failing
layers perpendicular to thickness direction in FSW and in ductile mode.
Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219 211
researchers [116−119]. From the reviewed literature, it is
found that in UFSW impact toughness is only assessed
by BAILLIE et al [89]. Charpy impact toughness of
S275 steel was measured at different temperature in both
air and water cooling according to BS EN ISO 148-1:
2010. The specimens were designed normal to the weld
centre line with different notch positions from the weld
centre. As UFSW is credited with the faster cooling rate,
it prevented the material from fully recrystallizing
leading to reduction in impact toughness.
5.4.4 Fatigue
Aerospace structure, marine structure, transport
vehicles etc are highly subjected to cyclic stress and
strains resulting in fatigue and cyclic deformation of the
parts. So, it is vital to investigate the fatigue deformation
characteristics of the UFSW joints owing to its broad
application in marine and offshore structures in order to
assure the structural reliability and safe application.
There are various investigations reported on the fatigue
properties of FSW welds. These studies are focused
generally on the fatigue life [120−122] and crack
growth [123−125], with limited studies on the low-cycle
fatigue (LCF) behavior of FSW welds [126,127]. In
Fig. 21 Fracture features of AA 2219 during FSW (a) and
UFSW only limited studies have been reported on
UFSW (b) [30]
fatigue behavior [89,128].
Strain-controlled low-cycle fatigue tests were
5.4.2 Fracture toughness executed on a FSWed AA 2219-T62 with varying process
Fracture toughness mainly describes the ability of a parameters and cooling media (air and water) by XU
material that contains cracks to resist fracture. For et al [128]. They observed that the fatigue life of FSWed
propagation of a prior existing flaw, it provides an joints with water cooling increased in comparison with
indication of the quantity of stress required. Flaws are air cooling at a given total strain amplitude. With the
found in all the welded components as cracks, voids, increase in the rotational speed, the cyclic stress
inclusions, weld defects, etc. These flaws are not amplitude is increased and plastic strain amplitude and
completely avoidable and should be repaired before the fatigue lifetime are slightly decreased but they are nearly
weld is put in practice. By taking into account the wide independent on the rotational speed. Compared with air
application of FSW, there is a vital need for suitable cooling, the FSWed joints with water cooling had higher
assessment of the fracture behavior of the FS welds. stress amplitude and fatigue life. At stress level of 90%
Parameters like crack tip intensity factors (K) for linear of the measured yield strength, the low cycle fatigue
elastic loading, and the J integral or the crack opening cycle was performed by BAILLIE et al [89]. Statistical
displacement (CTOD) for elastic–plastic loading are the results (log-normal distributions and pooled data)
most common in assessing fracture toughness [113]. showed no momentous difference in the fatigue cycle of
Several examinations have been conducted to estimate the water and air welds.
the effect of FSW on the fracture toughness [114,115].
Surprisingly, no examination on fracture toughness had 6 Corrosion characteristics
been reported in literature pertaining to UFSW. This
mechanical property should be addressed in UFSW also Due to intensive deformation of the material in
as it measures crack propagation. FSW/UFSW, different microstructural changes occur in
5.4.3 Impact toughness different regions of FSW such as different grain sizes and
Impact toughness (impact strength) is defined as dislocation density, coarse precipitates and PFZs and
how much impact energy a weld takes before it cracks, precipitate size and distribution. These microstructural
generally when stress/strain has been applied to it changes lead to enormous alteration in corrosion
rapidly. The impact strength of a material can be properties in different zones. AAs are generally
measured by using a Charpy or Izod test. In FSW, susceptible to intergranular corrosion (IGC) and
impact strength had been measured by various exfoliation corrosion (EC) [129]. Various studies
212 Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219
pertaining to corrosion susceptibility are conducted in mechanical properties [2]. Solid welding process FSW
FSW [130−133] but in UFSW it is still a potential area of offers advantage above FW techniques in welding of Al
research. and Mg alloys due to welded joints providing high
Corrosion behavior of spray formed AA 7055 was mechanical properties with no defects [136]. However,
investigated by WANG et al [38]. It was observed that high peak temperature developed during the welding of
UFSW joint showed typical IGC pattern and same Al−Mg has resulted in liquation and formation of brittle
corrosion degree (rank 4) as the base metal. No grain intermetallic compound, which consequently leads to
boundaries were observed in the corrosion path of deterioration of mechanical properties in FSW [59,75,
UFSWed joint unlike base metal where the grain 137,138]. Thus, the key problem is to control the
boundary was revealed in corrosion paths. Corrosion liquation and growth of IMCs in FSW of Al−Mg alloy. In
degree of rank 3 was observed in FSW joint. Further, in order to resolve these issues, a method that enhances the
first 24 h, UFSWed joint was more sensitive to EC cooling rate and lowers the peak temperature can offer
showing large bumps in comparison to base metal and improved properties of the joint in FSW. In recent years,
FSW joint where blisters and pits were observed on the improved strength was obtained through the use of FSW
surface. In past 48 h, corrosion rate of UFSWed joint was done in water as compared to air [59,75,76,139]. Water
slow in comparison to FSW joint and base metal and got due to its high cooling rate and high heat absorption
only 3 level leaps in level of corrosion. Additionally, capacity helps in lowering the peak temperature of the
Tafel curves showed that UFSWed joint had low weld leading to lowering of the IMCs.
corrosion current and more negative potential corrosion Temperature profiles of AA 5083−AZ 31C-O Mg
than base metal and FSW joint. It was found that low alloy and AA 6013−AZ31 Mg alloy were investigated by
potential MgZn2 phase clustering was the main reason MOFID et al [75 ] and ZHO et al [59], respectively. They
for highly corroded base metal. In FSW, due to larger found that the peak temperature in UFSW is found to be
heat, the MgZn2 was displaced by unevenly distributed significantly lower than that in FSW. Moreover, smaller
MgCu2, but the uneven distribution MgCu2 causes PFZs temperature gradient was observed in UFSW compared
leading to corrosion. Under UFSW, the MgZn2 got stirred to FSW [59]. Furthermore, higher temperature was
into the grains blocking the grain boundaries and paths of observed in the AS compared to RS [75].
corrosion leading to decrease in corrosion rate. Macro and micro features were also investigated by
some researchers [59,75,76,139]. Smoother and brighter
7 Dissimilar welding surface and less intermixing between Al and Mg alloys
was observed in UFSW as compared to FSW, as shown
in Figs. 22(a) and (b) [75,76]. This is due to lower
The advancement of FSW in successful welding of
temperature and high cooling rate associated with the
AAs has encouraged its application to weld different
UFSW. The microstructural features of the dissimilar Al
material and alloys (magnesium, copper, etc). However,
and Mg alloys showed mixed structure and complex
due to difference in chemical and physical properties, the
intercalated flow patterns. Mixed structures showed
welding of dissimilar materials is not easy. In this regard,
lamellar shear bands consisting of recrystallized AA or
key issues associated with dissimilar welding of different Mg alloy [76]. Interface of AA/Mg alloy also consists of
materials are addressed in this section. an intermetallic (IM) layer. The layer is found to be
much thinner in UFSW in comparison to FSW (see
7.1 Aluminum–magnesium Figs. 22(c) and (d)) [75,76].
High strength with low weight and high corrosion Microhardness profile in UFSW revealed increased
resistance characteristics of AAs offer them suitability hardness in SZ but lower than that in FSW welded
for use in various aerospace, automotive and marine sample due to less amount of IMC [59,75].
applications as structural materials [134]. Magnesium Improved tensile strength is observed in UFSW as
alloys have density as low as two-thirds than AAs. They compared to FSW having joint efficiency of approx 65%
are the lightest structural material and are gaining wide of the base metal whereas the ductility is low due to IMC
application in aerospace, automobile and ship yard [135]. at the interface [59,76].
So, in order to gain the advantages of properties of both Cleavage like fracture feature is observed in UFSW
Al and Mg, welds amid Al−Mg alloys are fabricated. indicating brittle fracture mechanism. IMCs like Al3Mg2
High specific strength and high anticorrosion properties and Mg17Al12 were noticed at the interface on Mg and Al
of these materials allow their uses in transportation and side [59,76]. It is also seen that less amount of IMC was
electronic industries. Welding of these alloys with FW formed during UFSW as compared to normal FSW
techniques offers difficulty due to pores, cracks and leading to elimination of weld crack observed in
brittle formed in the joint leading to deterioration of FSW [75].
Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219 213

Fig. 22 Microstructures of Al 5083−Mg AZ31 [75,76]: (a) SZ during FSW; (b) SZ during UFSW; (c) IM layer during FSW; (d) IM
layer during UFSW

7.2 Aluminum−copper the brittle IMCs. This problem can be solved if the
Copper has been extensively used for producing process is conducted in water, because the water cooling
engineering parts such as electrical elements, and enhances the heat dissipation affecting temperature
switchgear due to its excellent features like high distribution in the weld. ZHANG et al [58] through XRD
corrosion resistance, thermal and electrical conductivity analysis mentioned IMCs such as CuAl2, Cu9Al4 along
[140]. Aluminum and its alloys are lighter in weight with some quantity of Al and Cu in FSW/UFSW.
having high strength, and can easily be fabricated. However, for UFSW, the amount of IMCs was limited.
Bimetallic joints of Al/Cu are used in a number of The melting point of Al−Cu eutectic or some of the
electrical and thermal applications [141]. To meet the Al–Cu hypo-eutectic and hyper-eutectic alloys is
demands from the electric power industry, the bolted 825 K [145]. In FSW, due to high plastic deformation
Al−Cu joints have been substituted by welds [142]. and high frictional heat, the peak temperature of Al/Cu
Because of the presence of large variation in melting interface reaches more than the melting point of the
points, brittle IMCs and crack formation, it is difficult to Al−Cu eutectic, leading to the growth and formation of
produce high quality Al−Cu dissimilar joint by FW IMCs. However, for the UFSW, the water cooling
techniques [143]. Due to these reasons, the solid-state significantly reduces the peak temperature and also
joining methods, such as FSW, become more popular. In speeds up the cooling rate leading to limitation of IMCs.
FSW, the peak temperature is lower than the melting Moreover, UFSW can prevent the thickening of the
point of the material, so it offers outstanding ability to Al−Cu diffusion interlayer. Thin diffusion layer indicates
weld dissimilar metals [143−146]. Despite this, it is that the amount of brittle IMCs has been decreased
found that IMCs at the interface cause major problem in leading to effective joining.
FSW of dissimilar Al−Cu metals [147−149]. These IMCs
reduce the strength, toughness and increase the electrical 8 Conclusions and future suggestions
resistivity in Al−Cu joints. Peak temperature and
incubation time are the factors that determine the growth This review article outlines the current status and
and development of IMCs. Controlled peak temperature understanding of the UFSW mostly in AAs and
and small incubation time could reduce the quantity of consequently improvement of UFSW over FSW in terms
214 Mohd. Atif WAHID, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 28(2018) 193−219
of joint quality, microstructure evolved and mechanical forces.
properties. On the basis of the comprehensive literature 4) Welding of dissimilar materials in UFSW is
review, following conclusions are drawn: limited and requires detailed and methodical
1) UFSW uses water as a cooling medium which investigation.
reduces temperature and restricts the coarsening or 5) Considerable scope exists for analyzing heat
dissolution of the precipitates leading to enhanced input, heat balance, flow stress on both sides, i.e.
mechanical properties of the joint. advancing/retreating and top/bottom sides.
2) For producing sound and defect-free welds, 6) Surprisingly, no examination on fracture
proper tool geometry and welding parameters are toughness has been reported in literature pertaining to
required. It is observed that threaded pin and concave UFSW. By taking into account the wide application of
shoulder with groove bottom yield a defect-free joint in UFSW, there is a need for suitable assessment of the
UFSW. Due to high plastic deformation and shearing of fracture behavior of the UFSW joints.
material, threaded probe profile yields sound joints. 7) No systematic information on the tool material is
Concave shoulder due to its design helps in directing the available. Studies should be incorporated for selection of
material flow to the centre near the probe providing cost effective FSW/UFSW tools for improving
advantage in its use over flat shoulder. performance of the joints generally in dissimilar welding.
3) Rotational speed and welding speed are the 8) Negligible information on fatigue deformation
dominating factors influencing the weld formation. At and corrosion properties of UFSW is available. These
too low or too high rotational speed and welding speed properties need deep and careful assessment.
can result in poor joint properties. As compared to FSW,
UFSW requires higher rotational speed and welding References
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Mohd. Atif WAHID, Zahid A. KHAN, Arshad Noor SIDDIQUEE

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India

摘 要:搅拌摩擦焊接(FSW)是一种固态焊接方法,它能够焊接普通熔焊过程难以焊接的材料;且与熔焊相比,
具有高效节能和环境友好的特点。尽管 FSW 与熔焊相比有更多的优点,但是 FSW 过程中的热循环会溶解或者粗
UFSW 的研究现状和发展提供了全面的文献综述。与 FSW 进行对比,从不同角度讨论和总结 UFSW 的重要性;
并对材料流动、温度变化、工艺参数、显微组织和力学性能等基本原理进行详细阐述。结果表明,与 FSW 相比,
UFSW 是一种可以改善接头强度的新方法。
(Edited by Bing YANG)

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