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Child Development, May/June 2000, Volume 71, Number 3, Pages 543–562

The Construct of Resilience: A Critical Evaluation and

Guidelines for Future Work
Suniya S. Luthar, Dante Cicchetti, and Bronwyn Becker

This paper presents a critical appraisal of resilience, a construct connoting the maintenance of positive adapta-
tion by individuals despite experiences of significant adversity. As empirical research on resilience has bur-
geoned in recent years, criticisms have been levied at work in this area. These critiques have generally focused
on ambiguities in definitions and central terminology; heterogeneity in risks experienced and competence
achieved by individuals viewed as resilient; instability of the phenomenon of resilience; and concerns regard-
ing the usefulness of resilience as a theoretical construct. We address each identified criticism in turn, propos-
ing solutions for those we view as legitimate and clarifying misunderstandings surrounding those we believe
to be less valid. We conclude that work on resilience possesses substantial potential for augmenting the under-
standing of processes affecting at-risk individuals. Realization of the potential embodied by this construct,
however, will remain constrained without continued scientific attention to some of the serious conceptual and
methodological pitfalls that have been noted by skeptics and proponents alike.

INTRODUCTION We begin this paper with a brief historical over-

view of the construct of resilience, from its inception
Resilience refers to a dynamic process encompassing pos-
to its portrayal in current psychological inquiry. We
itive adaptation within the context of significant adversity.
then consider major concerns that have been raised
Implicit within this notion are two critical conditions:
about this construct, which generally fall into four
(1) exposure to significant threat or severe adversity;
broad categories: (1) ambiguities in definitions and
and (2) the achievement of positive adaptation de-
terminology, (2) variations in interdomain function-
spite major assaults on the developmental process
ing and risk experiences among ostensibly resilient
(Garmezy, 1990; Luthar & Zigler, 1991; Masten, Best,
children, (3) instability in the phenomenon of resil-
& Garmezy, 1990; Rutter, 1990; Werner & Smith, 1982,
ience, and (4) theoretical concerns, including ques-
tions about the utility of resilience as a scientific con-
In this article, we strive to critically evaluate the re-
struct. Within each of these areas, we address the
silience literature, an exercise spurred by the recent
identified criticisms, and, where legitimate, propose
proliferation of research on this construct along with
solutions for redressing problems that have been
growing scientific concerns about this body of work.
noted. Whenever we disagree with criticisms, we
Following the publication of early writings by major
strive to elucidate factors that may have contributed
systematizers in the field (see, e.g., Anthony, 1974;
to a misunderstanding of the issues. By addressing
Garmezy, 1971, 1974; Murphy & Moriarty, 1976; Rut-
the valid concerns, clarifying misconceptions, and
ter, 1979; Werner, Bierman, & French, 1971; Werner
proposing recommendations for future work, we
& Smith, 1982), scholarly interest in resilience has
seek to enhance the quality of scientific investigations
surged (see, e.g., Cicchetti & Garmezy, 1993; Glantz &
and theoretical conceptualizations on resilience in the
Johnson, 1999; Wang, Haertel, & Wahlberg, 1994).
context of adversity.
This burgeoning attention has been paralleled by
growing concerns about the rigor of theory and re-
search in the area (e.g., Cicchetti & Garmezy, 1993; HISTORICAL CONTEXT
Luthar, 1993; Luthar & Cushing, 1999), misgivings
The investigation of factors that result in adaptive
which have sometimes culminated in assertions that
outcomes in the presence of adversity has a long and
overall, this is a construct of dubious scientific value
illustrious history, with the empirical literature on
(see, e.g., Gordon & Wang, 1994; Kaplan, 1999; Liddle,
schizophrenia constituting a salient founding base
1994; Tarter & Vanyukov, 1999; Tolan, 1996). The con-
(Masten et al., 1990). Early investigations of severely
tinued pursuit of research on resilience and the diver-
sity of criticisms levied against the construct con-
jointly emphasize the value of carefully appraising © 2000 by the Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
the various concerns that have been articulated. All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2000/7103-0001
544 Child Development

disordered patients were focused primarily on under- tive factors to understanding underlying protective
standing maladaptive behavior, and the subset of pa- processes. Rather than simply studying which child,
tients who showed relatively adaptive patterns were family, and environmental factors are involved in re-
considered atypical and afforded little attention. By silience, researchers are increasingly striving to un-
the 1970s, researchers had discovered that schizo- derstand how such factors may contribute to positive
phrenics with the least severe courses of illness were outcomes (Cowen et al., 1997; Luthar, 1999). Such at-
characterized by a premorbid history of relative com- tention to underlying mechanisms is viewed as essen-
petence at work, social relations, marriage, and ca- tial for advancing theory and research in the field, as
pacity to fulfill responsibility (Garmezy, 1970; Zigler well as for designing appropriate prevention and in-
& Glick, 1986). Although resilience was not part of the tervention strategies for individuals facing adversity
descriptive picture of these atypical schizophrenics, (Cicchetti & Toth, 1991, 1992; Luthar, 1993; Masten et
these aspects of premorbid social competence might al., 1990; Rutter, 1990).
be viewed today as prognostic of relatively resilient Finally, conceptions of resilience as absolute or glo-
trajectories. bal, as opposed to relative or circumscribed, also have
In parallel fashion, studies of children of schizo- changed over the years. In some early writings, those
phrenic mothers played a crucial role in the emer- who did well despite multiple risks were labeled “in-
gence of childhood resilience as a major theoretical vulnerable” (Anthony, 1974). This term was mislead-
and empirical topic (Garmezy, 1974; Garmezy & Streit- ing because it implied that risk evasion was absolute
man, 1974; Masten et al., 1990). Evidence that many of and unchanging. As research evolved, it became clear
these children thrived despite their high-risk status that positive adaptation despite exposure to adver-
led to increasing empirical efforts to understand indi- sity involves a developmental progression, such that
vidual variations in response to adversity. new vulnerabilities and/or strengths often emerge
Following Emmy Werner’s groundbreaking studies with changing life circumstances (Masten & Garmezy,
on children in Hawaii (Werner et al., 1971; Werner & 1985; Werner & Smith, 1982). Thus, the term “resil-
Smith, 1977), research on resilience expanded to in- ient,” which more accurately describes the relative as
clude multiple adverse conditions such as socioeco- opposed to fixed nature of the concept, came to en-
nomic disadvantage and associated risks (Garmezy, compass those once referred to as “invulnerable.”
1991, 1995; Rutter, 1979; Werner & Smith, 1982, 1992),
parental mental illness (Masten & Coatsworth, 1995,
1998), maltreatment (Beeghly & Cicchetti, 1994; Cic-
chetti & Rogosch, 1997; Cicchetti, Rogosch, Lynch, &
Holt, 1993; Moran & Eckenrode, 1992), urban poverty In the following discussion, we address, in turn, var-
and community violence (Luthar, 1999; Richters & ious issues that have been singled out as potentially
Martinez, 1993), chronic illness (Wells & Schwebel, problematic aspects of the construct of resilience. We
1987), and catastrophic life events (O’Dougherty- proffer explicit suggestions for redressing the valid
Wright, Masten, Northwood, & Hubbard, 1997). The concerns that have impeded progress in this field,
thrust of this research was a systematic search for pro- and elucidate factors that might underlie those criti-
tective forces, that is, those which differentiated chil- cisms we believe are less well justified.
dren with healthy adaptation profiles from those who
were comparatively less well adjusted.
Variations in Definitions and Use of Terminology
Early efforts were primarily focused on personal
qualities of “resilient children,” such as autonomy or 1. The theoretical and research literature on resilience
high self-esteem (see Masten & Garmezy, 1985). As reflects little consensus about definitions, with substantial
work in the area evolved, however, researchers in- variations in operationalization and measurement of key
creasingly acknowledged that resilience may often constructs. Without question, resilience is variously
derive from factors external to the child. Subsequent defined in extant theoretical writings. Rutter (1987,
research led to the delineation of three sets of factors 1990), for example, has characterized resilience as the
implicated in the development of resilience: (1) at- positive end of the distribution of developmental out-
tributes of the children themselves, (2) aspects of their comes among individuals at high risk. Masten and
families, and (3) characteristics of their wider social her colleagues (Masten, 1994; Masten et al., 1990)
environments (Masten & Garmezy, 1985; Werner & have distinguished among three groups of resilient
Smith, 1982, 1992). phenomena: those where (1) at-risk individuals show
During the last two decades, the focus of empirical better-than-expected outcomes, (2) positive adapta-
work also has shifted away from identifying protec- tion is maintained despite the occurrence of stressful
Luthar, Cicchetti, and Becker 545

experiences, and (3) there is a good recovery from it is clearly untenable to argue that the diversity in de-
trauma. fining or measuring positive parenting, in itself, di-
In empirical research, similarly, approaches taken minishes the literature on this construct. To the con-
to operationalizing resilience have varied across lab- trary, this very diversity is essential for establishing
oratories (see, e.g., Cicchetti & Garmezy, 1993; Gor- the validity of discrete parenting domains. If different
don & Song, 1994; Kaufman, Cook, Arny, Jones, & Pit- studies with diverse methods yielded largely conso-
tinsky, 1994; Luthar & Cushing, 1999; Stouthamer- nant findings on particular aspects of parenting, it
Loeber et al., 1993; Tarter & Vanyukov, 1999; Tolan, would be reasonable to infer that they each tapped
1996). To illustrate, adversity conditions examined into the same broad scientific construct (cf. Cronbach
have ranged from single stressful life experiences— & Meehl, 1955).
such as exposure to war—to aggregates across multi- Considering such evidence of construct validity
ple negative events (e.g., by means of life event check- for the existence of a hypothetical concept (Carnap,
lists). Similarly, there has been substantial diversity in 1950; Meehl, 1977; Pap, 1953), research in the area of
defining positive adjustment among individuals at resilience appears to be in good standing. Reviews
risk. Some researchers have stipulated that to qualify of the relatively small though burgeoning literature
for labels of resilience, at-risk children must excel in (see, e.g., Cicchetti & Garmezy, 1993; Luthar & Zigler,
multiple adjustment domains (e.g., Tolan, 1996), 1991; Masten et al., 1990; Masten & Coatsworth, 1995,
whereas others have required excellence in one sa- 1998; Rutter, 1990; Werner, 1990, 1995) have indicated
lient sphere with at least average performance in synchronous evidence regarding many correlates of
other areas (Luthar, 1991; Luthar, Doernberger, & Zig- resilience (protective factors) across multiple studies
ler, 1993; see also Egeland & Farber, 1987; Radke-Yarrow that have used varying measurement strategies.
& Sherman, 1990). Themes that recur across studies include the impor-
Resilience researchers have also conceptualized tance of close relations with supportive adults, effec-
the connection between conditions of risk and manifest tive schools, and connections with competent, proso-
competence differently. Some have used person- cial adults in the wider community.
based data analytic approaches, which entail identi- This said, we believe that in future research, con-
fying individuals with high adversity and high com- certed attention must be given both to selecting and
petence, and comparing them with others (e.g., low justifying strategies used to operationalize pivotal
adversity, high competence). Other investigators constructs. Definitional diversity can result not only
have used variable-based analyses and relied on in varying conclusions regarding risk and protective
either main effect models or those involving interac- processes but also in disparate estimates of rates of re-
tion effects (see Luthar & Cushing, 1999, for a detailed silience among similar risk groups (Cicchetti & Ro-
review of measurement issues). This diversity in mea- gosch, 1997; Kaufman et al., 1994; Luthar & Cushing,
surement has led some scholars to question whether 1999). In the absence of any universally employed op-
resilience researchers are dealing with the same entity erationalization of resilience, researchers must clearly
or with fundamentally different phenomena (Kaplan, explicate the approaches they select to define both ad-
1999). versity and competence and provide cogent justifica-
Although diverse empirical methods can admit- tions for choices made on both conceptual and empir-
tedly lead to a medley of unrelated findings, it must ical grounds (also see discussions later in this article
be noted, too, that some variability in methods is es- on the multidimensional nature of resilience).
sential to expand understanding of any scientific con- Furthermore, as empirical evidence on resilience
struct (Luthar, 1996). Consider, as an analogous case, accumulates, scholars need to consolidate findings
the vast literature on parent–child relations. If one periodically, identifying themes that recur across
were told of new research evidence on “predictors of methodologically diverse studies as opposed to those
adequate parenting,” a number of questions would identified in relatively few instances (cf. Luthar,
inevitably arise, including, “Adequate parenting in 1999). Such diversity is essential in allowing the deri-
terms of which dimensions? Parental attitudes or pa- vation of testable theoretical postulates that imply
rental behaviors? If the latter, is the reference to nur- breadth of applicability across disparate at-risk sam-
turance, discipline, communication styles, or some ples and methods, as opposed to those that suggest
combination of these? What ethnic group is involved, relative specificity in application.
and who are the respondents?” Depending on the an- 2. Discrepancies also exist in conceptualizations of
swers to each of these queries, the conclusions deriv- resilience as a personal trait versus a dynamic process. Re-
ing from the research could differ substantially. searchers use the term interchangeably to refer to each of
Returning to the controversy under consideration, these. Confusion regarding the issue of trait versus
546 Child Development

process derives, in part, from the influential literature encountered (cf. Richters & Weintraub, 1990; see also
on ego-resiliency, a construct developed by Jeanne Luthar, 1993; Luthar & Cushing, 1999). Allusions to
and Jack Block (1980) that refers to a personal charac- resilient youth are thus most accurately interpreted
teristic of the individual. Ego resiliency encompasses as implying a two-dimensional characterization that
a set of traits reflecting general resourcefulness and encompasses aspects of children’s life circumstances
sturdiness of character, and flexibility of functioning (as might terms such as “impoverished” or “mal-
in response to varying environmental circumstances. treated” children), and evidence of positive adapta-
Illustrative descriptors on the California Q-sort mea- tion among these children, across one or more do-
sure (Block, 1969) include, “engaged with the world mains of functioning.
but not subservient to it,” and “integrated perfor- In future research efforts, it is imperative that in-
mance under stress.” vestigators exercise caution in their use of terminol-
Although adversity of some kind actually may have ogy, with clear indication when their work is focused
been experienced by a child labeled as ego-resilient, by on a process and not a personality trait. We concur
definition, one cannot necessarily assume that this is with and underscore Masten’s (1994) recommenda-
true. In contrast, when the term resilience is used to tion that competence despite adversity be referred to
refer to a process, the experience of significant adver- by the term “resilience” and never “resiliency,” which
sity is a given. Thus, the terms ego-resiliency and resil- carries the misleading connotation of a discrete per-
ience differ on two major dimensions (Luthar, 1996). sonal attribute.
Ego-resiliency is a personality characteristic of the in- 3. There also is little consensus around central terms
dividual, whereas resilience is a dynamic develop- used within models of resilience. Researchers use terms such
mental process.1 Second, ego-resiliency does not pre- as “protective” or “vulnerability” factors in varied and in-
suppose exposure to substantial adversity, whereas consistent ways. Undoubtedly, this is a problem: A
resilience, by definition, does. range of inconsistencies has been noted in the use of
Commenting on issues of terminology, Masten pivotal terms (Luthar, 1993; Luthar & Cushing, 1999).
(1994) recommended that the term resilience be used In the earliest and most cogent descriptions of models
exclusively when referring to the maintenance of pos- of resilience (Garmezy, Masten, & Tellegen, 1984;
itive adjustment under challenging life conditions. Masten et al., 1988; Rutter, 1987), the term “protec-
Masten cautioned against the use of the term “resil- tive” was reserved for effects involving interactions,
iency” in such situations because this term carries the wherein individuals with a particular attribute, but
connotation of a personality trait. Any scientific rep- not those without it, were relatively unaffected by
resentation of resilience as a personal attribute can in- high versus low levels of adversity. By contrast, sev-
advertently pave the way for perceptions that some eral researchers use the term “protective” to refer to
individuals simply do not “have what it takes” to direct ameliorative effects. In Werner and Smith’s re-
overcome adversity. Besides being misinformed and search (1982, 1992), for example, protective variables
unwarranted, such perspectives do little to illuminate were simply those that distinguished high-functioning
processes underlying resilience or to guide the design children at risk from those who developed serious
of appropriate interventions (Masten et al., 1990; Rey- problems. Similar usage of the term is evident in re-
nolds, 1998; Tarter & Vanyukov, 1999). ports from the Rochester Child Resilience Project (Co-
Additional confusion between process versus trait wen, Work, & Wyman, 1997; Parker, Cowen, Work &
may derive from the occasional use of the term “resil- Wyman, 1990; Wyman, Cowen, Work, & Kerley, 1993;
ient children,” even by scholars who conceptualize Wyman, Cowen, Work, & Parker, 1991). Enduring
resilience as a dynamic process (e.g., Masten et al., confusion around the term “protective factors” is also
1990; Rutter, 1993; Werner, 1984). Note, however, that reflected in literature reviews, in which the term is
the phrase “resilient children” does not imply refer- used interchangeably to discuss main effects models
ence to a discrete personal attribute, akin to intelli- and those involving interactive processes (see Hag-
gence or empathy. Rather, it is used to refer to the two gerty, Sherrod, Garmezy, & Rutter, 1994; Luthar & Zig-
coexisting conditions of resilience—the presence of ler, 1991; Rolf, Masten, Cicchetti, Nuechterlein, &
threat to a given child’s well-being and evidence of Weintraub, 1990).
positive adaptation in this child, despite the adversity To reduce the equivocality in connotations of cen-
tral terms in resilience research, Luthar (1993) has ar-
1 In point of fact, the trait of ego-resiliency may often be im-
gued for the incorporation of more differentiated
plicated in the process of resilience, serving substantial protec-
tive functions among individuals facing adversity (see Block, terms to label salient processes. Attributes with direct
1993; Cicchetti & Rogosch, 1997; Cicchetti, Rogosch, Lynch, & ameliorative effects—operating at both high- and
Holt, 1993). low-risk conditions (see Figure 1A)—might simply
Luthar, Cicchetti, and Becker 547

Figure 1 Illustrative effects of moderator variables, in interaction with risk status, in relation to competence outcomes: (A) pro-
tective, (B) protective-stabilizing, (C) protective-enhancing, (D) protective-reactive, (E) vulnerable-stable, (F) vulnerable-reactive.

be labeled “protective” as they are by many contem- allows children to “engage” with stress such that
porary investigators. Such direct effects may be dis- their competence is augmented with increasing risk,
tinguished from interactive or moderating processes Figure 1C); or “protective but reactive” (when the at-
by using more specific labels for the latter, such as tribute generally confers advantages but less so when
“protective-stabilizing” (when the attribute in ques- stress levels are high than low, Figure 1D).
tion confers stability in competence despite increas- Similar suffixes can be employed for findings on
ing risk, Figure 1B); “protective-enhancing” (when it vulnerability effects, that is, those where individuals
548 Child Development

with the attribute manifest greater maladjustment, Wright et al., 1997). Evidence of such variations across
overall, than those without it. To illustrate, “vulnera- domains has led some scientists to question whether
ble-stable” could describe findings where the general resilience is a veridical construct as opposed to a
disadvantage of individuals with the attribute re- mythical entity (Fischer et al., 1987; Liddle, 1994; Tolan,
mained stable despite changing levels of stress (Figure 1996).
1E) and “vulnerable and reactive” when the overall In studies of resilience, we believe that there
disadvantage linked with the attribute was height- should undoubtedly be some uniformity across theo-
ened with increasing levels of stress (Figure 1F). retically similar adjustment domains, but not across
In future research, it would be useful to strive for those that are conceptually distinct (Luthar, 1996, 1998).
greater congruence between the intuitive connota- Thus, for example, if a subset of at-risk children seem
tions of central terms and the patterns to which they resilient on the basis of high academic grades, then they
are used to refer. The terms “protective” and “vulner- should also reflect positive adaptation on persevering
ability” process might be used when overall effects on classroom behaviors as perceived by others. On the
at-risk children’s adjustment are positive versus nega- other hand, it is unrealistic to except any group of in-
tive in direction, respectively. Main effects can be dis- dividuals to exhibit consistently positive or negative
tinguished from the more complex interactive pro- adjustment across multiple domains that are concep-
cesses through the use of more elaborated labels for the tually unrelated, for even trajectories of “normally”
latter, which simultaneously indicate both the existence developing children do not reflect a uniform progres-
and directionality of interactive processes in resilience. sion of diverse cognitive, behavioral, and emotional
In closing our discussion on this issue, we reiterate capacities (e.g., Fischer, 1980; Fischer & Bidell, 1998). Un-
that the need for greater precision in terminology evenness in functioning across domains is a common
goes well beyond issues of semantics (Luthar, 1993). occurrence in the process of ontogenesis (Cicchetti,
All sciences are built upon classifications that struc- 1993; Cicchetti & Toth, 1998a), such that a range of
ture their domains of inquiry. Although resilience has developmental outcomes is inevitably constructed
been increasingly recognized as a distinct domain of within normal, abnormal, and resilient trajectories.
inquiry (Cicchetti, 1989, 1993; Masten et al., 1990), its Whereas evidence of uneven functioning across
continued vitality and impact necessitate concerted different domains does not in itself invalidate resil-
efforts to reach consensus on pivotal terms within ience as a construct, it does carry a critical message for
major models (Rolf & Johnson, 1990; Rutter, 1990). researchers—the need for specificity in discussing re-
Achieving this goal is essential for the ultimate deri- silient outcomes is pressing. In describing their find-
vation of operational criteria which can be inter- ings, investigators must specify the particular spheres
preted unambiguously by the array of scientists and to which their data apply and must clarify that suc-
clinicians who pursue work in this area (Seifer, 1995). cess in these domains by no means implies positive
adaptation across all important areas (Cicchetti &
Garmezy, 1993; Luthar, 1993). Encouragingly, re-
The Multidimensional Nature of Resilience
searchers are increasingly using circumscribed terms
1. The multidimensional nature of resilience, exempli- such as “educational resilience” (Wang et al., 1994),
fied by findings that some high-risk children manifest com- “emotional resilience” (Kline & Short, 1991), and
petence in some domains but exhibit problems in other “behavioral resilience” (Carpentieri, Mulhern, Doug-
areas, has led some scientists to question the veridicality of las, Hanna, & Fairdough, 1993), thereby bringing
the construct. At-risk children who are labeled as resil- greater precision to terminology commonly used in
ient on the basis of particular competence criteria can the literature.
reflect considerable heterogeneity in functioning 2. Inclusion of diverse adaptation domains, and evi-
across other adjustment domains. Among children dence of inconsistencies across these, also greatly compli-
with histories of maltreatment, for example, Kaufman cates the process of delineating “optimal” indicators of re-
et al. (1994) found that almost two thirds were aca- silience within individual studies. Recognizing the
demically resilient, yet only 21% manifested resil- notion of multifinality in developmental processes
ience in the domain of social competence. Similarly, (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 1996), resilience researchers
studies have shown that among adolescents who ex- typically consider multiple theoretically important
perienced significant adversities, those who overtly domains in operationalizing “positive adaptation.” A
reflect successful adaptation often struggle with co- common strategy is to include several stage-salient
vert psychological difficulties, such as problems of tasks on which, if successful, the child would be
depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (see, viewed as having met societal expectations associ-
e.g., Luthar, 1991; Luthar et al., 1993; O’Dougherty- ated with that life stage (Cicchetti & Schneider-Rosen,
Luthar, Cicchetti, and Becker 549

1986; Havighurst, 1952; Masten & Coatsworth, 1998; tually critical—can be accorded equivalent salience
Sroufe & Rutter, 1984). Among at-risk toddlers, for and either considered separately or integrated into a
example, indicators of resilience might include be- composite, if doing this is theoretically justified. The lat-
haviors reflecting secure attachments to their caregiv- ter strategy is exemplified in the Zigler–Phillips So-
ers and the development of an autonomous self cial Competence Index (Zigler & Glick, 1986), which
(Sroufe, Egeland, & Kreutzer, 1990). For school-age involves composites based on several theoretically
children, appropriate indicators would be academic interlinked areas of adult functioning including occu-
success and positive relationships with peers as well pational, educational, and marital history. Composite
as adults (Masten et al., 1995). constructs such as these have also been profitably ex-
When multiple outcomes are assessed, a critical amined in research on childhood resilience, with in-
question to be considered is whether these should be corporation of multimethod, multiinformant strate-
examined separately or somehow integrated, and de- gies of assessment (e.g., Pianta, Egeland, & Sroufe,
cisions in this regard must be based on the conceptual 1990; Richters & Martinez, 1993).
distinctness of the domains in question. If the out- A final question with regard to competence criteria
comes assessed represent largely discrete constructs, is whether labels of resilience should necessitate ex-
it is best to examine them separately. To illustrate, cellent versus average levels of competence, and here
there is accumulating evidence that among inner- yet again, choices must be conceptually guided by the
city youth, resilience as indexed by conventionally nature of the risk studied. When the stressor entails
conforming behaviors (e.g., academic striving) may severe to catastrophic events (e.g., see Gest, Reed, &
have little to do with resilience as indicated by peer Masten, 1999; Masten et al., 1999), the maintenance of
acceptance; in point of fact, the two may sometimes near-average functioning should suffice. On the
run counter to each other (Coie & Jacobs, 1993; other hand, when risks experienced generally fall in
Luthar, 1995; Luthar & McMahon, 1996; Seidman, the more moderate range (e.g., see Luthar, 1991), ev-
Allen, Aber, Mitchell, & Feinman, 1994). In such in- idence of superior functioning in conceptually im-
stances, it is most meaningful to examine vulnerability portant domains may be required to justify labels of
and protective processes separately for major outcomes resilience.
and to discuss findings in terms of the particular In summary, there is undoubtedly an array of pos-
domain under consideration. sible ways to define positive adaptation when studying
A related question that arises when multiple out- resilience. Conceptual considerations must guide deci-
comes are considered separately is whether some sions regarding whether (1) some outcome domains
of these should be accorded more importance than are given priority over others, (2) multiple domains
others as the most “critical” indicators of resilience. are combined or considered separately, and (3) crite-
Again, researchers’ decisions must be guided by the ria for resilience stipulate excellent versus adequate
nature of the risk under study. In situations where functioning. In future research, it is vital that resil-
the adversity condition confers particularly high risk ience investigators ensure high fidelity between the
for some important outcomes, giving these priority theoretical underpinnings of their work and the spe-
over others is logical (Luthar, 1993). To illustrate, in cific criteria they select to operationalize “successful
the case of adolescents at high familial risk for anti- adaptation” within particular at-risk samples.
social personality disorder, socially conforming behav-
iors might be targeted as a primary domain. Evidence
The Robustness of Evidence on Resilience
of their scholastic excellence (although undoubtedly
important) would be comparatively less central in as- 1. The construct of resilience presupposes exposure to
certaining the degree to which major risks were over- significant risks. Given uncertainties in risk measurement,
come. Among those at risk for developing a mood however, it is difficult to determine whether, in a given
disorder, the primary focus might be on the achieve- study, all individuals viewed as resilient experienced com-
ment of emotional self-regulation and the evasion of parable levels of adversity. Two salient issues have been
significant internalizing problems (Cicchetti & Toth, raised in this regard: (1) the concept of statistical risk
1998b). Again, whether the child is among the most versus actual risk (Richters & Weintraub, 1990); and
popular students in the class would be comparatively (2) subjective versus “objective” ratings of risk (Bart-
lower on the hierarchy of outcomes in identifying re- lett, 1994; Gordon & Song, 1994). Concerns regarding
silient trajectories. statistical versus actual risk stem from the widespread
In many instances, however, no single area may be practice in resilience research of treating a particular
more likely than others to be affected by the risk in index as reflecting adversity if it shows significant sta-
question. If this is so, multiple outcomes—all concep- tistical associations with child maladjustment (Mas-
550 Child Development

ten et al., 1990; Richters & Weintraub, 1990). Even in press; O’Connor & Rutter, 1996). Knowledge that par-
instances where overall correlations have been estab- ticular risk factors are linked with high probability of
lished between exposure to the risk and poor out- maladjustment has spawned several productive efforts
comes among children, questions remain about the to elucidate proximal processes or mechanisms by
specific life circumstances of different individuals in a which distal risk factors confer vulnerability on af-
particular sample (Cicchetti & Garmezy, 1993; Kaplan, fected children (e.g., Baldwin et al., 1993; Cicchetti &
1999; Masten, 1994). Lynch, 1993; Richters & Martinez, 1993).
Interpretive dilemmas in this regard are illustrated Regarding the issue of subjective perceptions of
by using research findings on children of drug abus- risk in resilience research, Gordon and Song (1994)
ers, a group at high statistical risk for psychopathol- note that the meaning of a particular adverse event to
ogy. Among offspring of mothers addicted to cocaine the individual experiencing it can differ substantially
or opioids, 65% of the children have been found to from that of the resilience researcher (Bartlett, 1994).
have a major psychiatric disorder (Luthar, Cushing, Some individuals may see themselves as being rela-
Merikangas, & Rounsaville, 1998). Although the 35% tively well off, even though scientists may define
of disorder-free children might be seen as “resilient,” their life circumstances as being highly stressful.
it is possible too that their family milieus were rela- Concerns about subjective ratings are ubiquitous in
tively healthy, as a result, for example, of high sup- psychological research and are not unique to studies
port from extended family (e.g., Rutter, 1990). Sugges- of resilience. For example, substantial evidence sug-
tions such as these lead to questions of whether all gests that ratings of parent–child relationships, or of
children in ostensibly high-risk contexts are really at peer relationships, vary considerably depending on
risk, or, alternatively, whether some well-functioning whose reports they are based on: a parent’s, the target
children may not be resilient at all but may actually child’s, or an “objective” observer’s (Achenbach, Mc-
have faced low proximal risk (Baldwin, Baldwin, & Conaughy, & Howell, 1987; Hart, Lahey, Loeber, &
Cole, 1990; Richters & Weintraub, 1990). Hanson, 1994; Kazdin, 1990; Reynolds & Graves,
Individual differences in proximal processes do 1989; Rothbaum & Weisz, 1994; Weisz et al., 1988).
not necessarily invalidate resilience research that is Moreover, it is clear that none of these reports necessar-
based on global or distal risk indices (Luthar, 1993; ily captures “the truth” any more than do others. In fact,
Luthar & Cushing, 1999). Returning to the previously there are usually important lessons to be learned by con-
noted findings on addicts’ offspring, the 65%–35% trasting findings based on different raters (Achenbach,
split indicates that considering a delimited risk 1993; Voelker, Shore, Hakim-Larson, & Bruner, 1997).
factor—parental drug abuse—the odds are about six Also relevant vis-à-vis concerns about subjective
in ten that a particular child will develop a psychiatric perceptions is the capacity of “objectively deter-
disorder. Admittedly, an unusually well-functioning mined” risk status in itself to allow the identification
mother in one family, or the presence of a nurturing of salient protective factors (O’Connor and Rutter,
grandparent in another, may buffer the child against 1996). If most children perceived a specific event as
the risk. This, however, is precisely what the search noxious but a subset subjectively perceived it as rela-
for protective factors is about, that is, the location of a tively neutral, data for the second group could be crit-
set of processes that distinguish a substantial propor- ical in illuminating protective forces. Once again, the
tion of the healthy children from the maladjusted researchers’ task would be to determine why these
ones (Gest, Neemann, Hubbard, Masten, & Tellegen, youngsters differed from the norm in perceiving the
1993). Therefore, whereas the label “resilient” may event as benign. Were they generally more optimis-
sometimes be more appropriate for protective families tic than others, for example, as a result of easygoing
than the healthy children within them (see Baldwin et temperaments? Alternatively, did religious faith
al., 1990), the fact remains that because the likelihood help them feel buffered from the adversity they had
is high that drug abusers’ children will develop psy- experienced?
chopathology, there is value in examining what dif- In summary, uncertainties regarding proximal
ferentiates relatively well-functioning youth from risks in the lives of individual children, or dissonance
those who fare less positively. between children’s subjective perceptions and “objec-
Probabilistic evidence on global risks also serves tive” ratings, do not automatically fault resilience
the useful function of directing the scientific study of research that is based on probabilistic associations in-
salient risk mechanisms. Even though risk markers volving risk indices. Once researchers have deter-
themselves do not cause negative outcomes, they are mined that the odds of maladjustment are high in the
valuable in terms of signaling potential processes that presence of a certain risk, it is entirely logical—
do causally affect outcomes (Cichetti & Rogosch, in indeed, worthwhile—to try to determine the factors
Luthar, Cicchetti, and Becker 551

associated with relatively positive child outcomes, as analytic approaches; the alternative strategy—where
well as to examine the proximal processes by which resilience is viewed as a continuous variable—presents
the distal risk marker confers vulnerability on af- a different set of complications with regard to insta-
fected groups of children. bility in research results. As indicated earlier, studies
2. Research findings on resilience may often be unsta- using variable-based approaches rely on either main
ble. Statistical findings obtained from the tails of continua effect or interaction effect associations to detect pro-
are always unstable because they involve smaller numbers, tective factors. When findings rest on main effect as-
and in the case of resilience, researchers deal with not one sociations, they can be relatively robust, with effect
but two tails of continua—that is, high adversity and high sizes for individual protective factors being as high as
competence. Two major issues must be considered in 10%–20% (Conrad & Hammen, 1993; Garmezy et al.,
weighing concerns about the instability of statistical 1994; Luthar, 1991; Morison & Masten, 1991; Pelle-
findings on resilience (see Fisher et al., 1987; Gordon, grini, Masten, Garmezy, & Ferrarese, 1987; Wyman et
Rollock, & Miller, 1990; Kaufman et al., 1994; Tolan, al., 1993). However, when studies require interaction
1996). First, the number of individuals one is dealing effects to infer a protective or “buffering” process in
with depends in large part on the criteria used to de- resilience, effect sizes are small (often 2%–5%) and the
fine high adversity and high competence in a particu- findings, consequently, tend to be unstable (Luthar,
lar study (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 1997; Fischer et al., 1993). This fact has led many researchers to caution
1987). If relatively stringent criteria are used (e.g., against undue reliance on interaction effects in trying
plus one standard deviation on both adversity and to understand factors linked with resilience (Luthar &
competence), then, admittedly, the researcher can end Cushing, 1999; Rutter, 1983; Wertlieb, Weigel, & Feld-
up with a small number of resilient individuals (see stein, 1989). Although interaction effect models cap-
Luthar & Cushing, 1999). ture a conceptually interesting subgroup of resilience
On the other hand, when competence criteria are phenomena, these more complicated models are open
operationalized less stringently—and appropriately to several difficulties linked with statistical testing.
so, when dealing with extremely harsh life adversities In summary, research findings on resilience are not
(cf. Gest et al., 1999)—the number of resilient children inevitably unstable because they involve small sam-
in a particular sample could be far from trivial (Cic- ples. In any study, the number of individuals classi-
chetti & Rogosch, 1997). Consider, for example, an in- fied as resilient will depend on the criteria used to de-
vestigation involving 100 adolescent offspring of fine high stress and high competence. Moreover, a
drug abusing parents, many of whom experience expo- low frequency of occurrence should not disqualify
sure to rampant crime and violence in their neighbor- any phenomenon from being the focus of scientific in-
hoods, chronic poverty, and, often, serious parental quiry. In variable-based research in which resilience is
psychopathology. For these youngsters, an appropri- rated as a continuum, main-effect findings of protec-
ate criterion for positive outcomes (resilience) might tive influences are likely to be more robust than are
simply be the evasion of serious externalizing psy- the often more conceptually intriguing ones involv-
chopathology. If this criterion were used, then one ing interactive effects.
could expect at least half the sample to be classified as 3. There can be considerable ontogenetic instability in
resilient on the basis of evidence that by midadoles- the phenomenon of resilience, for individuals at high risk
cence, less than 40% of addicted mothers’ children rarely maintain consistently positive adjustment over the
have developed lifetime diagnoses of either opposi- long term. Some researchers have argued that resil-
tional defiant or conduct disorders (e.g., Luthar & ience is of tenuous scientific utility because this phe-
Cushing, 1998; Luthar et al., 1998). nomenon reflects ontogenetic instability. Although
Even assuming, for the moment, that only a small some at-risk children excel at a particular point in
number of children will meet the stipulated criteria time, many falter subsequently and manifest substan-
for resilience, this in itself cannot negate the value of tial deterioration in their levels of adaptation (Coie et
studying the construct. Myriad examples in the liter- al., 1993; Kaplan, 1999; Tarter & Vanyukov, 1999;
ature reflect years of productive scientific effort fo- Tolan, 1996).
cused on groups that are, in any absolute terms, small There is no question that all individuals—resilient
in size (e.g., autism, Down syndrome, manic depres- or otherwise—show fluctuations over time within
sive illness, physical abuse, schizophrenia, and so particular adjustment domains. However, there is in-
on). Thus, limits in absolute numbers, per se, do not creasing evidence that, overall, at-risk children who
provide a strong rationale for concluding that resil- excel in critical domains continue to reflect generally
ience is a construct unworthy of scientific study. positive adaptational profiles over time. Werner’s
Previously noted issues presuppose person-based (1994, 1995) longitudinal research has shown that
552 Child Development

across a period of over 30 years, most children who more closely related to the outcomes, and variables
were labeled as resilient maintained high functioning that moderate the effects of the variables that are more
in everyday life. Egeland, Carlson, & Sroufe (1993) distally or proximally related to the outcome variable of
have shown that among at-risk children, positive ad- interest.”
aptation during infancy and toddlerhood is related to At the same time, we do not believe that existing
competent functioning during the elementary school studies on resilience have inadequate bases in theory
years. Cowen et al. (1997) found stability in adjust- or that they lack conceptual recognition of transac-
ment levels in highly stressed inner-city children, tions involving contexts of development (see Kap-
even in the face of continued stress over a period of 1 lan, 1999; Tolan, 1996). In point of fact, three major
to 2 years. More recently, Masten and colleagues frameworks have guided much of the extant research,
(1999) presented evidence on longitudinal pathways common across which are emphases on multiple lev-
to resilience from childhood to late adolescence. Re- els of influence on the children’s adjustment and on
sults of these diverse investigations indicate that re- reciprocal associations among these diverse influ-
silience is not necessarily a transient or ephemeral ences and the child’s adjustment status across differ-
phenomenon (Luthar, 1998). ent spheres.
This collective evidence notwithstanding, it must The first of these guiding perspectives is that iden-
be emphasized that empirical attentiveness to onto- tified by Garmezy (1985) and Werner and Smith
genetic fluctuations is critical, for resilience is clearly (1982, 1992), in which salient protective and vulnera-
not a static state (Cicchetti et al., 1993; Coie et al., 1993; bility processes affecting at-risk children are viewed
Egeland et al., 1993). As Garmezy (1990) has empha- as operating at three broad levels. These include in-
sized, short- and long-term longitudinal research on fluences at the level of the community (e.g., neighbor-
resilience provides critical opportunities to record hoods and social supports), the family (e.g., parental
changes in life-span developmental pathways—includ- warmth or maltreatment), and the child (e.g., traits
ing the emergence of new vulnerabilities, strengths, such as intelligence or social skillfulness). This triar-
or both at each period of the life course—which per- chic framework has served to organize much research
mits further validation of the dynamic nature of the on resilience (e.g., Cowen et al., 1997; Fergusson, Hor-
construct of resilience (Gest et al., 1993; Rutter, 1990). wood, & Lynskey, 1994; Fergusson & Lynskey, 1996;
Optimally, such studies should include measurement Luthar, 1999; Masten et al., 1988; Seifer, Sameroff,
of all competence domains investigated on at least Baldwin, & Baldwin, 1992; Wyman et al., 1991).
three or more occasions, with assessments spaced far A second set of guiding perspectives consists of those
enough in time to enable the hypothesized protective focused on transactions between the ecological context
factors to exert their effects. Furthermore, such and the developing child, such as Bronfenbrenner’s
studies should be designed such that they permit the (1977) ecological theory, Sameroff and Chandler’s (1975)
use of both person-oriented and variable-oriented transactional perspective, and Cicchetti and Lynch’s
statistical procedures, as these approaches often yield (1993) integrative ecological-transactional model of de-
substantively different sets of insights and conclu- velopment. In the ecological-transactional model, con-
sions (Bergman & Magnusson, 1997; Cicchetti & Ro- texts (such as culture, neighborhood, family) are
gosch, 1996; Luthar & Cushing, 1999). conceptualized as consisting of a number of nested
levels varying in proximity to the individual. These
levels transact with each other over time in shaping
Theoretical Concerns
ontogenic development and adaptation. Such theoret-
1. Progress in the area of resilience will remain seriously ical accounts, in which contextual surrounds and trans-
constrained as long as studies remain largely empirically actional interchanges are emphasized, have formed
driven as opposed to theoretically based, with little concep- the conceptual bases for resilience research involving
tual recognition of the importance of multiple contexts in diverse risks including family poverty, experiences of
children’s development. We concur with Rigsby’s (1994, maltreatment, and others (Baldwin et al., 1993; Cic-
p. 91) assertion that accumulation of “. . . more corre- chetti & Lynch, 1993; Cicchetti et al., 1993; Connell,
lates of resilience and failure will not be helpful if it is Spencer, & Aber, 1994; Crittenden, 1985; Leadbeder &
done outside the context of serious theory building in Bishop, 1994).
human development.” We likewise agree with Kap- A third pertinent theory is the structural-orga-
lan (1999, p. 75) that a powerful theoretical framework nizational perspective (Cicchetti & Schneider-Rosen,
would be one that consists “. . . of variables that are 1986; Sroufe, 1979), central to which is the belief that
distantly related to the outcome, variables that are the there are generally continuity and coherence in the
result of those distantly related variables and that are unfolding of competence over time. Although distal
Luthar, Cicchetti, and Becker 553

historical factors and current influences are both the focus on resilience does not augment developmental
viewed as important to the process of development, theory. Although we concur that resilience and the
active individual choice and self-organization are be- broader construct of positive adjustment overlap (see,
lieved to exert critical influences on development e.g., Tarter & Vanyukov, 1999), we believe that there is
(Cicchetti & Tucker, 1994). Again, a number of resil- considerable value in retaining resilience as a distinct
ience researchers have adopted the organizational construct. The notion of resilience represents a help-
perspective as their guiding theoretical approach ful heuristic in developmental science, for it provides
(e.g., Cicchetti & Rogosch, 1997; Cicchetti et al., 1993; a framework for thinking about development that
Egeland et al., 1993; Egeland & Farber, 1987; Luthar, differs from many classical theories (Luthar, 1996).
1995; Luthar & Suchman, 2000; Gest et al., 1993; Mas- Through specifying the achievement of positive ad-
ten et al., 1995, 1999; Wyman et al., 1993). justment in the face of significant adversity, resilience
The preceding discussions might elicit objections encapsulates the view that adaptation can occur
among some that the theories enumerated are not through trajectories that defy “normative” expecta-
unique to resilience; although clearly true, we do tions (cf. Cicchetti, 1996).
not view this issue as constituting a problem. Many A second reason for retaining the conceptual dis-
fundamental developmental processes operate in sim- tinctiveness of resilience lies in evidence that positive
ilar ways among low- and high-risk children (Graham adjustment patterns occurring with, versus without,
& Hoehn, 1995; Graham & Hudley, 1994; Luthar, 1999), conditions of adversity often have different correlates
so that attempting to derive theories that would apply and thus reflect distinct constructs (Luthar, 1998,
only to “poor children” or at-risk families is unneces- 1999). Several studies have indicated varying ante-
sary (or even unwise; Garcia Coll et al., 1996). cedents of resilience as compared with positive ad-
What is critical, on the other hand, is that when justment in general (cf. Rutter, 1990). To illustrate,
broad developmental theories are brought to bear in Dubois and colleagues found that the salutary effects
resilience research, they are specifically expanded to of support from school staff were more pronounced
consider features that are prominent within the par- among poor youth than others, which suggests that
ticular adversity circumstance under study (Luthar, for children facing multiple adversities, the relative
1999). Such theory-extension efforts are well exempli- dearth of positive experiences outside school may
fied in an integrative model for studying minority render those that occur within school even more sa-
youth, presented by Garcia-Coll et al. (1996). Anchored lient (DuBois, Felner, Brand, Adan, & Evans, 1992;
within social stratification theory, this model posits that DuBois, Felner, Meares, & Krier, 1994). Similarly, dif-
eight major constructs affect the development of minor- fering antecedents of resilience have been found
ity children: social position variables (e.g., race, gender); among maltreated versus nonmaltreated disadvan-
racism and discrimination; segregation (residential and taged children (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 1997). Relation-
psychological); promoting/inhibiting environments (e.g., ship factors were significant predictors among the lat-
school and health care); adaptive culture (traditions and ter but not the former, which probably reflects the
legacies); child characteristics such as age or tempera- relative salience of seriously disturbed parent–child
ment; family values and beliefs; and children’s develop- relationships in the lives of the maltreated youngsters
mental competencies. The attractiveness of this model lies (Cicchetti & Toth, 1995).
both in the centrality accorded to several constructs that The preceding illustrations presume interactive
are salient in and often unique to the lives of minority effects in resilience research; however, how should
youth, as well as in the clear specification of paths of main effect findings on protective factors be handled?
influence, which in turn yields theoretical hypotheses If high- and low-risk groups were each helped by in-
amenable to testing in research. formal social supports, for example (see Dubow & Ti-
In sum, future empirical studies on resilience must sak, 1989; Pryor-Brown & Cowen, 1989; Sandler &
be presented within cogent theoretical frameworks. Barrera, 1984), should this evidence not be viewed as
Additionally, when existing developmental theories a subset of data on general positive adjustment,
are applied in studying resilience, there needs to be rather than as a subset of evidence on resilience?
explicit conceptual consideration of how interrela- Whereas discussing such findings as correlates of
tions among the matrix of constructs examined may “positive adjustment” may be scientifically parsimo-
be affected by the nature of the specific adversity con- nious in some ways, retaining resilience as a distinct
dition under study. notion serves parsimony in other respects: Doing so
2. Some scholars who advocate for scientific parsimony excludes from consideration a sizable body of evi-
contend that the notion of resilience adds nothing to the dence of questionable relevance. Most existing evidence
more general term “positive adjustment” and argue that on developmental processes is based on work with
554 Child Development

middle-class, white samples (Graham, 1992; Spencer, comes in general is important. Discrete scientific
1988). Some of these results may be of little relevance categories help to direct inquiry toward relevant
for investigators interested in resilience, for many domains, and findings on positive outcomes occurring
forces that are powerful in benign life circumstances in the absence of known environmental stressors—
can lose their relative salience in the context of serious although potentially useful heuristically—cannot al-
external stressors. To illustrate, maternal perceptions ways be assumed to generalize to processes in resilience
of behavior problems in children seem to affect the among individuals facing adversities. Additionally, we
parenting behaviors of mothers low on socioeconomic believe that the continued study of resilient trajectories
disadvantage, but not those of chronically disadvan- carries substantial potential for ongoing refinements of
taged mothers. Among the latter, the (frequently high) existing theories of normal human development.
levels of life stress and personal distress they experi-
ence seem to be far more potent in affecting the qual-
ity of their parenting (Dumas & Wekerle, 1995). FUTURE DIRECTIONS AND CONCLUSIONS
As relevant research accumulates over time, it is
In consolidating directions for future research on re-
certainly possible that pathways to “resilience” and
silience, we first briefly summarize those that derived
“positive adjustment” will be judged to be more sim-
from our preceding review of criticisms of the con-
ilar than different; yet recent findings suggest that as-
struct. Following this summary, we present some ad-
suming such congruence at this time would be pre-
ditional directions for work in the area, which pertain
mature. For example, there is a growing body of
to the scientific exploration of underlying processes;
evidence that Baumrind’s typology of parenting does
the use of multidisciplinary research designs; and the
not operate among the poor as it does among the mid-
interface between intervention studies and efforts to
dle class (see Luthar, 1999 for a review). Rather than
understand processes in resilience.
democratic, authoritative behaviors, the behaviors
most adaptive in inner cities are often those reflecting
high strictness and monitoring of children. Similarly,
Directions Stemming from Extant Criticisms
success at some of the classic developmental tasks of
adolescence—e.g., doing well academically and get- Clarity and consistency in the use of definitions and ter-
ting along with peers—are not necessarily mutually minology. All scientific reports must include precise
facilitative but can be mutually inhibitory within the statements of the criteria used to operationalize resil-
setting of the poor urban neighborhood (Luthar, ience, that is, the specific methods employed to mea-
1999). sure both competence and adversity. With the accu-
Turning to the question of whether resilience re- mulation of empirical findings over time, there is a
search can contribute to developmental theory, we need for periodic scholarly integration of evidence on
see substantial potential in this regard. A cardinal protective processes, with a consolidation of those
tenet of the rapidly growing field of developmental that inhere across diverse approaches to operational-
psychopathology is that the study of the normal and izing risk and competence versus those largely
the atypical are mutually beneficial (Cicchetti, 1989, unique to particular groups or research designs.
1993; Sroufe & Rutter, 1984). Understanding pro- The term “resilience” should always be used when
cesses contributing to positive adjustment under con- referring to the process or phenomenon of compe-
ditions of adversity can help to broaden the under- tence despite adversity, with the term “resiliency”
standing of developmental processes that may not be used only when referring to a specific personality
evident in “good enough” normative environments. trait. In describing processes that alter the effects of
Further, understanding cases that do not succumb to adversity, the terms “protective” and “vulnerability”
the negative outcome engendered by a risk process should be used to describe overall effects that are ben-
can be critical in expanding our understanding of eficial versus detrimental, with more elaborated la-
how the risk process functions. In recent years, sev- bels (e.g., with suffixes to these two primary terms)
eral scholars have explicated ways in which their employed to label different interactive processes in
studies of diverse atypical trajectories have led to ex- resilience.
panded theories of “normal” human development Cognizance of the multidimensional nature of resil-
(see Cicchetti & Cohen, 1995; Luthar, Burack, Cic- ience. Evidence that at-risk children excel within par-
chetti, & Weisz, 1997). ticular adjustment domains should never obscure the
In summary, we believe that at this point in the on- possibility of significant problems within other
togenesis of developmental research, retaining dis- spheres. Investigators must avoid overly global state-
tinctions between resilience as opposed to positive out- ments while describing their findings, limiting their
Luthar, Cicchetti, and Becker 555

conclusions to the precise domains in which resil- among particular at-risk groups, potential mecha-
ience is manifested. nisms would need to be delineated on the basis of prior
The selection of specific competence criteria to op- empirical and theoretical evidence. For example, if re-
erationalize resilience within particular studies must ligious faith were the protective factor in question,
always be conceptually driven. The nature of adver- possible underlying mechanisms might include (1)
sity examined and developmental theory should con- increases in informal supports, and (2) reductions in
jointly guide researchers’ decisions about the most dysfunctional coping patterns (e.g., alcohol use) for
relevant domains and degrees of competence, as well negotiating everyday stressors (Brody, Stoneman, &
as the value of combining diverse adaptational Flor, 1996; Luthar, 1999). The relative importance of
domains versus examining them individually. each hypothesized mediator could then be statisti-
Attention to issues of stability and conceptual coher- cally examined by means of processes outlined by
ence. Within any given study, the stability of statisti- Baron and Kenny (1986), which essentially involve
cal findings on resilience will vary according to the determining the degree to which associations be-
criteria used to define both risk and competence as tween antecedent (protective) and outcome variables
well as the relationship between these. When findings are attenuated after considering shared variance be-
on resilience are based on a small number of children tween these and the hypothesized mediators.
and on interactive (rather than main) effect models, The importance of integrative, multidisciplinary re-
possible limits to the stability of findings must be search. For the field of resilience to grow in ways com-
clearly stated. mensurate with the complexity inherent to the con-
Short- and long-term longitudinal studies on resil- struct, efforts to understand underlying processes
ience are critical because resilience is a dynamic de- will be facilitated with the increased implementation
velopmental construct. Longitudinal studies must in- of multidisciplinary research designed within a de-
vestigate not only the stability of resilience over time, velopmental psychopathology framework. Research
but also the ability of formerly resilient individuals to of this nature entails a consideration of psychological,
“bounce back” after difficult periods, to achieving social, and biological/genetic processes from which
earlier resilient adaptation. varied pathways to resilience might eventuate (equi-
Theoretical considerations. Resilience researchers must finality), as well as those that result in diverse out-
present their studies within a clearly delineated theo- comes among at-risk individuals (multifinality).
retical framework within which hypotheses about Notably lacking in existing research on resilience is
salient vulnerability and protective processes are con- attention to the role of biology. Not only do biological
sidered vis-à-vis the specific adversity under study. factors affect psychological processes, but in addition,
Investigators should also elucidate theoretical postu- psychological experiences can modify brain structure
lates that derive from their own findings, when con- and functioning (Cicchetti & Tucker, 1994; Eisenberg,
sidered collectively with other related results, to use- 1995; Nelson & Bloom, 1997). The role of biological
fully guide future inquiry in the area. Wherever factors in resilience is also suggested by evidence on
possible, lessons gleaned for understanding normal de- neural, neuroendocrine, and immune system func-
velopmental processes should be clearly articulated. tions in relation to stress reactivity (Maier & Watkins,
1998; McEwen & Stellar, 1993), and in behavior–
genetic research on nonshared environment effects
Additional Considerations for Future Research
(Plomin, Rende, & Rutter, 1991; Rende & Plomin,
Exploration of processes underlying protective/vulnera- 1993).
bility factors. Research on resilience must accelerate There also is value in cross-disciplinary research
its move from a focus on description to a focus on elu- integrating insights from developmental psychology
cidating developmental process questions. With ac- with expertise from anthropology, sociology, and cul-
cumulated evidence that a particular variable does tural psychology. Such research can substantially
affect competence levels within a specific at-risk augment our understanding of context-specific protec-
group, investigators need to focus their inquiry on tive and vulnerability processes in child develop-
understanding the mechanisms by which such pro- ment, that is, those relatively unique to particular
tection (or vulnerability) might be conferred. subcultural groups (Luthar, 1999).
Concretely, such efforts can be explored by examin- Finally, there is value in research on resilience at
ing the degree to which various mechanisms might different points in human development. Most existing re-
mediate the effects of a given “protective factor.” Once search in this area has been focused on children. Yet
scientists have accumulated evidence that certain resilience can be achieved at any point in the life cycle
constructs are reliably linked with positive outcomes (cf. Cicchetti & Tucker, 1994; Luthar, 1999), and there
556 Child Development

is a need for additional work on at-risk individuals’ ters of social policy. We believe that the field of resil-
achievement of positive outcomes in later life (cf. Rut- ience owes a substantial debt to those scholars who
ter, 1993; Schulz & Heckhausen, 1996; Staudinger, have articulated concerns about the construct, for
Marsiske, & Baltes, 1993, 1995). their critiques have drawn attention to many impor-
Interface between research and interventions. Much tant issues that warrant serious consideration in future
can be gained by greater interface between “pure” re- scientific efforts.
search on protective processes and the application of Current controversies surrounding resilience are
accumulated knowledge to deriving interventions. reminiscent of concerns that have been voiced about
Research-based understanding of resilience can allow many other psychological constructs (see Pedhazur &
practitioners to capitalize on periods of developmen- Schmelkin, 1991), particularly those connoting a
tal change as unique opportunities for promoting promise for redressing human suffering or social in-
positive adaptation (Cicchetti, 1993; Cicchetti & Toth, equities (cf. Cowen, 1994). Discussing a somewhat
1992). In recent years, developmental psychopatholo- similar notion, Sarason (1993, p. 260) cautioned, “Em-
gists have increasingly begun to harness research powerment has become a fashionable word. It has
findings on resilience in designing interventions for the ring of virtue and unquestioned morality. . . . If the
diverse at-risk groups (e.g., Cowen et al., 1997; Ege- empowerment movement is to avoid the worse ex-
land & Erickson, 1990; Luthar & Suchman, 2000). cesses of sloganeering and conceptual superficiality,
In future efforts, there also is a need for greater at- it will have to come to grips with issues that are as
tentiveness to the bidirectional nature of links between complex conceptually as they are at the level of ac-
the pursuit of knowledge on protective processes in tion.” The inherent apprehension, as Cowen (1994)
resilience and intervention efforts to foster these. Pre- has cautioned, is that the eminent good sense of con-
vention research can be conceptualized as true exper- cepts such as empowerment—and resilience—may
iments in altering the course of development (Cic- come to outpace their scientific bases in rigorous em-
chetti & Toth, 1992; Kellam & Rebok, 1992), thereby pirical and theoretical efforts.
offering opportunities to test extant developmental
theories as well as insights into the etiology and
course of adaptational outcomes (e.g., by verifying
the importance of postulated “protective processes”). This paper is dedicated to Norman Garmezy, pioneer
in the field of childhood resilience. Portions of this
paper were presented at the 104th Annual Convention
of the American Psychological Association, Toronto,
This critique of research on resilience has led us to August 9–13, 1996. Preparation of this manuscript
two broad conclusions. First, we believe that despite was funded in part by NIH grants RO1-DA10726,
many challenges linked with studying this complex RO1-DA11498, and Research Scientist Development
construct, the continuation of scientific work in this Award K21-DA00202 to Suniya Luthar; a grant jointly
area is of substantial value. Important advances have funded by the NIMH and the Administration on Chil-
been made in understanding resilience over the past dren, Youth, and Families to Dante Cicchetti; grants
few decades, and the continued investigation of risk from the William T. Grant Foundation to Suniya
and protective processes carries much potential to Luthar and to Dante Cicchetti; and grants from the
expand developmental theory and to suggest useful Office of Child Abuse and Neglect and the Spunk
avenues for intervention. In short, we disagree with Fund, Inc., to Dante Cicchetti. We gratefully acknowl-
global negative judgments on resilience, such as, “re- edge Mary Spagnola and Kimberly Doyle for their as-
silience may have served its purpose and may be per- sistance with background research for this paper and
mitted to retire from the field gracefully and with three anonymous reviewers for their helpful com-
honor”(Kaplan, 1999, p. 109, original manuscript), or ments on a previous draft.
“(This) is not a very useful term for studies of devel-
opment of children and for related intervention and
policy efforts” (Tolan, 1996, p. 13).
Our second conclusion, in some ways, constitutes Corresponding author: Suniya S. Luthar, Department
a significant caveat to the first, that is, there is clearly of Human Development, Teachers College Box 133,
a need for resilience researchers to enhance the scien- Columbia University, 525 West 120th Street, New
tific rigor of their work. As Kitcher (1985) has noted, York, NY 10027-6696; e-mail: Suniya.Luthar@columbia.
standards of evidence and of self-scrutiny must be ex- edu. Dante Cicchetti is at Mt. Hope Family Center,
tremely high whenever scientific claims bear on mat- University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; and Bronwyn
Luthar, Cicchetti, and Becker 557

Becker is at Teachers College, Columbia University, two-parent African American families. Developmental
New York, NY. Psychology, 32, 696–706.
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