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Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

Questão 01 - (IFSC/2015)

Acesso em: 23 fev. 2015.

Choose the option(s) in which the suffix ―-ER‖ has the same meaning as in the word ―tester‖, in the comic
strip. Mark in the answer sheet the sum of the CORRECT proposition(s)

01. greater.
02. center.
04. semester.
08. commander.
16. newer.
32. dancer.

Questão 02 - (UNIFOR CE/2015) Adjetivos comparativos são usados para comparar pessoas e coisas. Advérbios
são usados para comparar ações. Ambos podem ser usados no grau superlativo indicando qual é o melhor, maior,
etc. em um grupo.

Complete o texto usando as palavras e frases abaixo. Adicione ‘the’ se necessário.

low prices expensive easy ways large cheap good (2x) suitable small people less

Advertising space
1 2
Companies have to choose _____ way to advertise based on budget and suitability. TV adverts are _____ form
of advertising, and only larger companies can afford them. A radio advert is _____ to produce, and is often more
effective for _____ companies with a limited budget. Local radio reaches more people and its message can be
more direct.
Print ads in magazines, newspapers, and on billboards are one of _____ to reach people. Advertising space in
6 7
local newspapers costs _____ than in national papers, although they have _____ adverts than the local shops.
National newspapers often carry adverts for computer or mobile phone companies offering _____ than their
Advertising spend time selecting _____ publication. For shampoo manufacturers, women’s magazines are
_____ sports magazines, because they are seen by the biggest audience of consumers.

É correta APENAS a alternativa:

1 2 3 4 5 6; 7 8
a) the best ; the most expensive ; cheaper ; smaller ; the easiest ways ; less larger ; lower prices ; the most
9 10
suitable ; better than .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
b) the best ; the most suitable ; smaller ; cheaper ; the most expensive ; better than ; the easiest ways ; lower
8 9 10
prices ; less ; larger .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c) the better ; the most suitable ; smaller ; cheaper ; the most expensive ; better than ; the easiest ways ;
8 9 10
lower prices ; less ; the best .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
d) the best ; the most suitable ; smaller ; cheaper ; the more expensive ; better than ; the easiest ways ; lowest
8 9 10
prices ; less ; larger .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
e) the better ; the more suitable ; smaller ; cheaper ; the most expensive ; the best than ; the easiest ways ;
8 9 10
lower prices ; less ; larger .

Questão 03 - (UNEB BA/2014)

Brazil Science Without Borders
1 2 3
The Brazilian government’s new Science Without Borders Program will provide scholarships to
4 5
undergraduate students from Brazil for one year of study at colleges and universities in the United States.
6 7
Scholarships will be given primarily to students in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) fields. Students in the program will return to Brazil to complete their degrees.
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

9 10 11
Undergraduate students from Brazil may apply for the Science Without Borders Program scholarship
beginning August 31, 2011.
12 13 14
This program, administered by IIE, is part of the Brazilian government’s larger initiative to grant 100,000
scholarships for the best students from Brazil to study abroad at the world’s best universities. BRAZIL Science
Without Borders.
Disponível em: < org/scier>.
Acesso em: 12 out. 2013.

Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:

01. The ’s in “government’s” (Ref. 1) is the contraction of is.

02. The preposition “for” (Ref. 3) introduces the start of a period of time.
03. The verb form “given’ (l. 5) is in the Simple Past tense.
04. The verb “grant” (Ref. 13) is the same as prohibit.
05. The adjective “best” (Ref. 15) is the superlative of good.

Questão 04 - (Mackenzie SP/2014)

Which sentence is grammatically correct about the picture above?

a) If the 2 lions had been taller, they wouldn’t have to had helped each other.
b) If one lion was bigger, the other wouldn’t be help him.
c) Had one lion taller, the other would have helped him.
d) Should a lion be bigger, the other have helped him.
e) If one lion were taller, the other one wouldn’t have had to help him.

Questão 05 - (UEPA/2014)

Evolution of Communication: From Email to Twitter and Beyond

We barely have time to pause and reflect these days on how far communications technology has progressed.
Without even taking a deep breath, we've transitioned from email to chat to blogs to social networks and more
recently to Twitter. (…)

Email vs. Mail : (…)The obvious differences are that email is faster and virtual (i.e. not physical). And it has
different economics, since you do not have to pay per email message (at least we do not perceive it this way).
Now, because email is delivered faster, we send more of it. Because we send more of it, each message is much
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

smaller than a typical letter. (…)Instead of sending more information less often, we send less information more
often. (…)

Newspaper vs. Blogs: Regular mail and phone are typically used for one-on-one communication. Newspapers
and radio are older forms of one-to-many communication. (…)Over the past decade, blogs arrived on the scene
and they've had tremendous success as a form of oneto- many communication. (…)

Electrodes vs. Twitter: Twitter is a new form of communication that is both a natural step from blogging and a
weird experiment normally found in neuroscience labs.(…) Twitter arrived on the scene and in a way it asked us
to break down all of our thoughts and actions into succinct chunks. As the result, they can be delivered faster,
processed faster and there can be more of them. And once again, the interplay between speed and quantity
created a qualitatively different experience. People are collaborating on Twitter in real time. (…)Twitter pushed us
all to the edge of real communication. Any more real would probably be telepathy!

We are witnessing a breathtaking evolution of new forms of digital communication. More than witnessing, we are
facilitating it. All of this is unfolding so quickly that we do not have time to pause and reflect on what is happening.
Disponível em: Source: ISKOLD, Alex. Evolution of Communication: From Email to Twitter and Beyond. In: Accessed on: September 14,2013.

No Texto, o sufixo (-er) usado nas palavras fast, old e small e a presença de more and less indicam:

a) associação
b) comparação
c) adição
d) explicação
e) negação

Questão 06 - (UFAL/2014)

By 2047, Coldest Years May Be Warmer Than Hottest in Past, Scientists Say

A new paper based on top climate models says that by about 2047, average temperatures across the globe will
be higher than any highs recorded previously, with tropics hit earlier.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 out. 2013.

Os vocábulos em destaque no texto estão gramaticalmente no

a) superlativo.
b) diminutivo.
c) comparativo.
d) aumentativo.
e) relativo.

Questão 07 - (ITA SP/2014)

1 2
Harvard conducted one of the longest and most comprehensive studies of human development — the 75 year
old Grant Study — that’s reached some fascinating conclusions regarding the recipe for leading a happy life. The
sample group was comprised of healthy male Harvard college students who, over the course of their lifetime,
agreed to meet with an array of scientists and researchers who measured their psychological, physical and
anthropological traits. Though all identities are confidential, it was recently discovered that John F. Kennedy was
a sample participant. Following these men through times of war, their careers, parenthood and old age, the
Grant Study has amassed an exorbitant amount of data that deeply reflects the human condition. What can be
concluded from seven decades of data? It is quite simple actually; warm relationships between parents,
spouses, children and friends have the greatest impact on your health and happiness in old age. The study
found that 93 percent of the sample group who were thriving at age 65, had a close relationship with a sibling
when they were younger. As George Vaillant, the lead director of the study states, it can all be boiled down into
five simple words: “Happiness is love. Full stop.” (Business Insider.) (acesso em 10/06/2013).
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

Substituindo os adjetivos long e comprehensive, respectivamente, por easy e rich na oração “Harvard
conducted one of the longest and most comprehensive studies of human development” (Ref. 1), teremos:

a) the most easy - the richest

b) the easiest - the most rich
c) the more easy - the richer
d) the easiest - the richest
e) the most easy - the most rich

Questão 08 - (UNIFESP SP/2013)

Work after eight months of pregnancy is as
harmful as smoking, study finds

Conal Urquhart and agencies

July 28, 2012

Working after eight months of pregnancy is as harmful for babies as smoking, according to a new study. Women
who worked after they were eight months pregnant had babies on average around 230g lighter than those who
stopped work between six and eight months.

The University of Essex research – which drew on data from three major studies, two in the UK and one in the
US – found the effect of continuing to work during the late stages of pregnancy was equal to that of smoking
while pregnant. Babies whose mothers worked or smoked throughout pregnancy grew more slowly in the womb.

Past research has shown babies with low birth weights are at higher risk of poor health and slow development,
and may suffer from a variety of problems later in life. Stopping work early in pregnancy was particularly
beneficial for women with lower levels of education, the study found – suggesting that the effect of working during
pregnancy was possibly more marked for those doing physically demanding work. The birth weight of babies born
to mothers under the age of 24 was not affected by them continuing to work, but in older mothers the effect was
more significant.

The researchers identified 1,339 children whose mothers were part of the British Household Panel Survey, which
was conducted between 1991 and 2005, and for whom data was available. A further sample of 17,483 women
who gave birth in 2000 or 2001 and who took part in the Millennium Cohort Study was also examined and
showed similar results, along with 12,166 from the National Survey of Family Growth, relating to births in the US
between the early 1970s and 1995.

One of the authors of the study, Prof. Marco Francesconi, said the government should consider incentives
__42__ employers to offer more flexible maternity leave to women who might need a break
before___43____after, their babies were born. He said: “We know low birth weight is a predictor of many things
that happen later, including lower chances of completing school successfully, lower wages and higher mortality.
We need to think seriously about parental leave, because – as this study suggests – the possible benefits of
taking leave flexibly before the birth___44____quite high.”

The study also suggests British women may be working for ___45____now during pregnancy. While 16% of
mothers questioned by the British Household Panel Study, which went as far back as 1991, worked up to one
month before the birth, the figure was 30% in the Millennium Cohort Study, whose subjects were born in 2000
and 2001.

Assinale as alternativas que completam, correta e respectivamente, a lacuna 45 no texto.

a) longer
b) far
c) more
d) less
e) fewer

Questão 09 - (IFGO/2013)
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

Bus fares & World Cup

Costs fuel Brazil protests
21st June, 2013
1 2 3
The biggest protests Brazil has seen for decades are taking place in its streets. Many of them are happening
4 5
outside soccer stadiums. Brazil is currently hosting the Confederations Cup – a FIFA World Cup test event.
6 7
While Brazil's team beat Mexico 2-0 on Tuesday night, thousands of protesters were in the streets outside the
8 9
stadium. There were around 100,000 more people protesting around Brazil at the same time. They are
10 11
unhappy with many things about life in their country. The protests started last week in Rio de Janeiro and
12 13 14
Sao Paulo because of an increase in bus fares. They soon spread across the country. People are also
angry about the cost of the 2014 World Cup, poor public services, and corruption.
16 17 18
Protests across the country are getting bigger and bigger. The police are taking tougher actions to control
19 20
the crowds. Police used rubber bullets, tear gas and beatings, which have made the people angrier. Many of
21 22
the protestors want the government to spend more money on health and education and less on the World
23 24
Cup. The BBC reported seeing a banner that read: "A teacher is worth more than Neymar" (Brazil's star
25 26
player). One of the banners in the crowd at the Brazil-Mexico game asked FIFA (the World Cup organizers)
27 28
to bring hospitals to Brazil instead of stadiums. Another Brazilian star, striker Hulk, said: "After seeing the
29 30
people on the streets… it makes me feel like joining them. They are doing the right thing."
Available on: <http://
- brazil_protests.htme>. Access on: Jun. 30 2013.

The text uses the adjectives in different degrees to emphasize the ideas. Mark the option which has an adjective
in the superlative form.

a) Biggest (Ref.1).
b) Poor (Ref.14).
c) Bigger (Ref. 16).
d) Angrier (Ref. 20).
e) Worth more than (Ref. 23).

Questão 10 - (UNIOESTE PR/2013)

Brazil biologists investigate penguin deaths

Brazilian biologists are investigating the deaths of more than 500 penguins found washed up on the beaches
of Rio Grande do Sul state.
Autopsies are being conducted on some of the birds to determine the cause of death.
Researchers said the penguins appeared to have been well-fed, with no apparent injuries and no oil on their
imilar incidents in the past have been blamed on shifting ocean currents and colder temperatures.
Magellanic Penguins migrate to southern Brazil from Patagonia every year during the southern winter.
Last week dozens of young penguins were rescued from beaches in Rio de Janeiro after straying far beyond
their normal range.
The birds delighted beach-goers, but scientists said their health was suffering in the tropical waters.
Brazil's environment agency is preparing to fly those penguins back to the south.

“Colder”, no texto, refere-se a

a) um superlativo.
b) um comparativo de igualdade.
c) um comparativo de inferioridade.
d) um comparativo de superioridade.
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

e) nenhuma das anteriores.

Questão 11 - (UDESC SC/2012)

2012’s Second Sun

Earth is believed to be getting a second sun burning in the sky near the end of 2012, as the second biggest star
in the universe, Betelgeuse, is dying, which will lead to “multiple days of constant daylight”.
Many ancient cultures have speculated about the appearance of a second sun and this event appears to tie in
very closely with the December 21 2012 predictions.
Betelgeuse is the second biggest star in the universe and the eighth brightest in the night sky, Scientists have
determined that the star is losing mass at a rapid rate, which indicates it will go supernova very soon.
The light emitted from this exploding star will be so bright that it will appear for a few weeks at the end of 2012
as a second sun in the sky. There may be little if no period of darkness or night according to senior lecturer of
physics at the University of Southern Queensland, Brad Carter.
Earth will experience “brightness for a brief period of time for a couple of weeks and then over the coming months
it begins to fade and then eventually it will be very hard to see at all”, explained the Australian scientist Brad
Carter to
Scientist have known about this dying star which is 640 light years away from Earth, since 2005. It is believed
that as Betelgeuse goes supernova it will not be harmful to Earth. “There will be neutrinos emitted during the
supernova process, said University of Minnesota physics professor Priscilla Cushman, but neutrinos, even lots
and lots of them, are only weakly interacting, so they won't affect life on earth”, but that is only speculation at
this point.
The fact is, we as human beings have never experienced anything like this before so close to our home planet,
and to be honest, we just don’t know for sure what this event could bring.
( on 30/08/11

The words “biggest” (ref. 5) and “brightest” (ref. 5) are examples of:

a) inferiority
b) comparative of superiority
c) superlative
d) equality
e) synonyms

Questão 12 - (UEG GO/2012)


The concept of digital literacy, as the term is now generally used, was introduced by Paul Gilster, in his 1997
book of the same name. The term itself had been used during the previous decade, though with a more restricted
meaning – the ability to deal with hypertextual information. Gilster's idea was much broader, and did not involve
the enumeration of lists of particular skills, competences or attitudes defining what it is to be digitally literate.
Rather, he explained the concept quite generally, as an ability to understand and to use information from a variety
of digital sources, and regarded it simply as literacy in the digital age. It is therefore the current form of the
traditional idea of literacy per se; the ability to read, write and otherwise deal with information using the
technologies and formats of the time. In an 'information society' and a 'knowledge economy', it is plainly an
essential life skill. This generic expression of the idea, although it has irritated some commentators, is one of the
strengths of Gilster’s concept, allowing it to be applied without concern for the sometimes restrictive ‘competence
lists’ which have afflicted some other descriptions of the literacies of information.
Disponível em: <
Literacy.html>. Acesso em: 19 ago. 2011. (Adaptado).

Considerando-se os aspectos estruturais do texto,

a) a sentença The term itself had been used during the previous decade, na voz ativa, seria: “They have been
using the term itself during the previous decade”.
b) na sentença he explained the concept quite generally, o termo quite é empregado com o sentido equivalente
ao termo “quase”.
c) na sequência although it has irritated some commentators, o termo em destaque expressa concordância
com a ideia que será expressa posteriormente.
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

d) o oposto da afirmação presente na sentença Gilster's idea was much broader seria: “Gilster’s idea was
much narrower”.

Questão 13 - (UPE/2012)

Trying to predict what will happen as our planet warms up is not easy. We know that ice at the poles is melting
and this is making sea levels rise. Warmer temperatures are likely to change other aspects of the weather. Some
countries, such as those in North Africa, may become _______I_______, while other areas, such as Northern
Europe, may become ________II__________. There will probably be more storms, droughts, and flooding.
(Adaptado de Impact of climate change. In: The
New Children’s Encyclopedia. London: 2009. p. 78)

As lacunas I e II no texto acima podem ser completadas, de forma CORRETA e na mesma sequência, pela

a) more hotter and drier — more colder and wetter

b) as hotter and drier — as colder and wetter
c) hotter and drier — colder and wetter
d) most hotter and dry — most colder and wet
e) the hotter and drier — the colder and wetter

Questão 14 - (UEPG PR/2012)

How to Feed a Growing Planet

Here’s an uncomfortable math problem: by 2045 Earth’s population will likely have swelled from seven to nine
billion people. To fill all those stomachs – while accounting for shifting consumption patterns, climate change, and
a finite amount of arable land and potable water – some experts say global food production will have to double.
How can we make the numbers add up?
Julian Cribb, author of The Coming Famine, says higher yielding crop varieties and more efficient farming
methods will be crucial. So will waste reduction. Cribb and other experts urge cities to reclaim nutrients and water
from waste streams and preserve farmland. Poor countries, they say, can improve crop storage and packaging.
And rich nations could cut back on resource-intensive foods like meat. In fact, wherever there is easy access to
cheap food, people buy more than they consume. We could thus all start by shopping smarter – and cleaning our
As Cribb notes, food security is increasingly a collective challenge. It’s also a chance "to pull together on
something we can all agree about, share and enjoy".
Adaptado de: Amanda Fiegl – National Geographic Magazine, July 2011.

Quanto aos termos higher yielding e more efficient, presentes na primeira sentença do segundo parágrafo,
assinale o que for correto.

01. Dão um sentido positivo aos substantivos que os seguem.

02. São adjetivos no grau superlativo.
04. São advérbios de lugar.
08. São adjetivos no grau comparativo.

Questão 15 - (UFBA/2012)
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

In China, young men will soon outnumber young women by millions.

In 1927, Ernest Hemingway published a collection of short stories titled Men Without Women. Today, less
than a century later, it sums up the predicament of a rising proportion of mankind.
According to the United Nations, there are far more men than women on the planet. The gender gap is
especially pronounced in Asia, where there are a hundred million more guys than girls. This may come as a
surprise to people in the Western world, where women outnumber men because — other things being equal —
the mortality rate for women is lower than for men in all age groups. Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen
calls it the mystery of Asia’s “missing women.”
The mystery is partly explicable in terms of economics. In many Asian societies, girls are less well looked
after than boys because they are economically undervalued. The kind of domestic work they typically do is seen
as less important than paid work done by men. And, of course, early marriage and minimal birth control together
expose them to the risks of multiple pregnancies.
When Sen first added up the missing women — women who would exist today if it were not for selective
abortion, infanticide, and economic discrimination — he put the number at hundred million. It is surely higher now.
For, even as living standards in Asian countries have soared, the gender gap has widened. That’s because a
cultural preference for sons over daughters leads to selective abortion of female fetuses, a practice made
possible by ultrasound scanning, and engaged in despite legal prohibitions. The American feminist Mary Anne
Warren called it “gendercide.” Notoriously common in northwestern India, it’s also rampant in the world’s most
populous country: China.
That has scary implications. Remember, most of Hemingway’s stories in Men Without Women are about
violence. They feature gangsters, bullfighters, and wounded soldiers as well. The most famous story is called
simply “The Killers.”
It may be that the coming generation of Asian men without women will find harmless outlets for their inevitable
frustrations, like team sports or videogames. But I doubt it. Either this bachelor generation will be a source of
domestic instability, whether Brazilian-style crime or Arab-style revolution — or, as happened in Europe, they
and their testosterone will be exported. There’s already enough shrill nationalism in Asia as it is. Don’t be
surprised if, in the next generation, it takes the form of macho militarism and even imperialism. Lock up your
FERGUSON, Niall. Men without women. Newsweek,
New York, March 14, 2011. p. 8. Adaptado.

Correspondem à circunstância indicada ao lado as expressões transcritas em

01. “less than” (ref. 1) — comparação.

02. “if” (ref. 15) — dúvida.
04. “For” (ref. 15) — explicação.
08. “as well” (ref. 25) — adição.
16. “whether [...] or” (ref. 30) — alternância.
32. “as happened” (ref. 30) — finalidade.

Questão 16 - (UEFS BA/2012)

Brazil’s time bomb

1 2
President Dilma Rousseff is raising eyebrows with her plans for Brazil. She is winning agreement even
3 4 5
from the political opposition for an agenda that includes eradicating absolute poverty, trimming the national
budget, and safeguarding freedom of the press. But she is also shocking everyone with what she plans to
ignore: the social-security time bomb.
8 9 10
Brazil’s social-welfare system is an unrivaled mess. Though Brazil has one of the world’s youngest
11 12
populations, it shells out the same share of its GDP (11 percent) as the grayest nations of Europe. Worse, it’s
13 14
aging faster than the rich countries ever did — twice as fast as Europe in the last century. And the problem is
getting worse: federal, state, and local governments write checks to private-sector pensioners worth more than
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

16 17 18
7 percent of GDP, up from 2.5 percent 30 years ago. With the economy surging again, even the ballooning
19 20
social-security debt seems almost manageable. But to unleash its full potential, Brazil has little choice but to
21 22
disarm the pension bomb. While Rousseff says she’s got no such appetite, she well knows that the average
retirement age in Brazil is a tender 53 … and that France was in flames because Parliament voted to raise the
retirement age from 60 to 62.
MARGOLIS, Mac. Brazil’s time bomb.
Newsweek, Nov 29, 2010, p. 8. GDP: Gross Domestic Product

Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:

a) The relative pronoun “that” (Ref. 3) refers to “political opposition” (Ref. 3)

b) The verb form “did” (Ref. 12) is functioning as a main verb.
c) The word “worse” (Ref. 14) is the comparative degree of “bad”.
d) The conjunction “than” (Ref. 15) expresses time.
e) The word “flames” (Ref. 23) is a false cognate.

Questão 17 - (UNEB BA/2012)

The best of my education has come from the public library... my tuition fee is a bus fare and, once in a while, five
cents a day for an overdue book. You don’t need to know very much to start with if you know the way to the
public library.
CONGER, Leslie. Disponível em:
<>. Acesso em: 21 jul. 2011.

“The best” is the superlative form of

01. bad.
02. worse.
03. good.
04. badly.
05. worst.

Questão 18 - (UEFS BA/2011)

Germany to invest in more electric cars

The German government has approved more money to help companies that build electric cars. There are
only around 2,500 electric vehicles registered on German roads at present. The plan is to increase this figure to a
million by 2020.
Germany plans to double financial aid, particularly to develop better, lighter batteries, which remain the brake
on the technology’s mass appeal. Cars which emit virtually no carbon dioxide will be exempt from tax. Despite
its green reputation, Germany has been slower than other countries, like Japan, to develop electric cars. It now
aims to change this, but attitudes may be hard to change. It is a country where ‘no speed limits on the motorway’
is seen as sacrosanct.
And it is the country of the BMW (car), though the luxury car-maker is now trying to develop lighter materials
to make its vehicles greener.
EVANS, Stephen. Disponível em: <
/wordsinthenews/2011/05/110518_witn_electric_cars_page.shtml>. Acesso em: 2 jun. 2011.

The word “better” (ref. 5) is the irregular comparative degree of

Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

a) ill.
b) bad.
c) well.
d) good.
e) badly.

Questão 19 - (ITA SP/2010)

The Economist, de 8/8/2009.

Assinale a opção que preenche corretamente as lacunas I e II, no último parágrafo do texto.

a) most best
b) least better
c) more best
d) more better
e) less best

Questão 20 - (UDESC SC/2010)

(by wikipedia)
A season is a division of the year, marked by changes in weather.
Seasons result from the yearly revolution of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the Earth's axis relative to the
plane of revolution. In temperate and polar regions, the seasons are marked by changes in the intensity of
sunlight that reaches the Earth's surface, variations of which may cause animals to go into hibernation or to
migrate, and plants to be dormant.

During June, July and August, the northern hemisphere is exposed to more direct sunlight because the
hemisphere faces the sun. The same is true of the southern hemisphere in December, January, and February. It
is the tilt of the Earth that causes the Sun to be higher in the sky during the summer months which increases the
solar flux.
In temperate and polar regions generally four seasons are recognized: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

In some tropical and subtropical regions it is more common to speak of the rainy (or wet, or monsoon) season
versus the dry season, because the amount of precipitation may vary more dramatically than the average
temperature. For example, in Nicaragua, the dry season is called Summer (Oct to May) and the rainy season is
called Winter (Apr to Nov) even though it is located in the northern hemisphere.
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

In other tropical areas a three-way division into hot, rainy and cool season is used.
In some parts of the world, special "seasons" are loosely defined based upon important events such as a
hurricane season, tornado season or a wildfire season.
Chinese seasons are traditionally based on 24 periods known as solar terms, and begin at the midpoint of
solstices and equinoxes.

The words: “yearly” (ref. 1), “higher” (ref. 10), “rainy” (ref. 15), “which” (ref. 10), are used consecutively in the text

a) adverb, comparative of superiority, pronoun, adverb.

b) noun, adverb, relative pronoun, adjective.
c) comparative of superiority, noun, adverb, comparative of superiority.
d) adverb, comparative of superiority, noun, adjective.
e) adjective, comparative of superiority, adjective, pronoun.

Questão 21 - (UEMG/2010)

Roles reversed as men dominate Britain’s ‘Online High Street’

The stereotype of the female shopaholic could soon be an image of the past, as new research shows that
Britain’s ‘online high street’ is increasingly dominated by men.
The latest findings indicate that over 12.9 million men shop online today compared with 10.3 million women,
and almost twice as many men than women are joining the army of online shoppers each year.
Men are also spending more online than women. Over the last six months, men spent online the average of
£2,602 compared to £1,930 for women. Men significantly outspent women on travel, financial services and major
purchases such as fridge freezers and washing machines. In fact, men spent more than women in every online
category except groceries and clothing.
Men were quicker to turn to the Internet at the beginning of the economic downturn, looking to save money
by shopping around, and to research products in more depth before buying them.
(Adaptação do texto disponível em
<>. Acesso em 13/08/2009).

In the sentence “Record sales consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album of all time, ‘Thriller’ in
1982,” the biggest is

a) a comparative.
b) a superlative.
c) an adverb.
d) none of the above.

Questão 22 - (IFSP/2010)

Saturday, Oct. 03, 2009

Olympic Dreams Realized, Brazil Takes the Spotlight
By Tim Padgett and Andrew Downie / Rio de Janeiro

“It is Brazil’s time,” President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva insisted in his pitch before Friday’s International
Olympic Committee vote. “It is time to light the Olympic torch in a tropical country.” The IOC agreed — and that lit
up a frenzied carnival in Rio de Janeiro, a city that knows how to party perhaps better than any other.
Giving Rio the Olympics sends a strong signal to the rest of the developing world that the Brazilian model —
the post-ideological mix of orthodox market economics and progressive social policy championed by Lula — is the
one to follow. Brazil is the only country among the world’s 10 largest economies today that hasn’t hosted an
Given its sheer size — a country just about as large as the U.S. and with a population of 190 million — Por-
tuguese-speaking Brazil has always longed to project itself beyond the confines of Latin America. But, aside from
soccer and Carnaval, the world has rarely taken Brazil as seriously. In fact, Brazil was long the butt of a joke that
said it was the country of the future — and always would be.
Adapted from:<,8599,1927582,00.html>.
Accessed on: Oct. 23, 2009.
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

About the underlined words in “a city that knows how to party perhaps better than any other.” (first paragraph)
and “Brazil is the only country among the world’s 10 largest economies” (second paragraph), one can say that

I. the opposite of “better” is “worse”.

II. the opposite of “largest” is “least”.
III. both are in the superlative degree.

Which of them is (are) correct?

a) Only I.
b) Only II.
c) Only III.
d) Only I and II.
e) I, II and III.


A different and somewhat _____ approach than changing all the rules may work when a product fails to comply
but still satisfies the purpose of the regulations. In these cases, minor adjustments may save a lot of the work
done before.

a) fast
b) faster
c) as fast as
d) fasting
e) not fast

Questão 24 - (UEFS BA/2010) Record blow for teenage sailor

A 16-year-old Australian girl is nearly home after sailing around the world. But she may not have sailed far
enough to get the record as the youngest person to make the journey.
After more than six months at sea Jessica Watson is in the final stretch of her epic voyage around the globe.
She’s hoping to reach Sydney Harbor later this month a couple of days shy of her seventeenth birthday.
But although there’s no question that she’s circumnavigated the globe, sailing experts say she hasn’t gone
far enough to claim the record of being the youngest person to sail solo non-stop and unassisted around the
The influential Sail World website has praised her heroic achievement but is a stickler for the rules of what it
calls “true circumnavigation”. To have achieved that, it says, the teenager should have sailed much farther north
into the Atlantic to a point in line with France, rather than simply crossing the Equator and then returning south.
“We don’t want to take away from what the kid’s done,” said the editor of the website “but it’s one thing to be
a hero and another to be a record holder. Had she sailed three thousand seven hundred kilometers further she
could have made that boast.”
BRYANT, Nick. Record blow for teenage sailor. Disponível em:
2010/05/100505_witn_sailing.shtml>. Acesso em: 5 jun.2010.

The only sentence from the text in which a form of comparison has not been used is in

a) “to get the record as the youngest person to make the journey.” (ref. 1)
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

b) “She’s hoping to reach Sydney Harbor later this month” (ref.. 5)

c) “the influential Sail World website […] is a stickler for the rules” (ref. 10-15)
d) “the teenager should have sailed much farther north” (ref. 15)
e) “Had she sailed three thousand seven hundred kilometers further she could have made that boast.” (ref. 20)

Questão 25 - (FGV /2009)

UN study finds Brazil’s working conditions unsatisfactory
September 9, 2008

A UN study released Monday pointed out that Brazil’s current working conditions remain poor, though the
country a significant improvement in the past decade. According to the study, Brazil witnessed economic
growth at the beginning of the decade led to an increasing number of available jobs and a growth of workers’
average incomes. But the study also finds that wage differences between men and women, blacks and non-blacks
are still high.
In 2006, the average income of non-black women in Brazil was 524.6 reais (327.8 U.S. dollars), while that of
black women was 367.2 reais (229.5 dollars). The average income of black men in 2006 was 451.1 reais (281.9
dollars), while that of non-black men was 724.4 reais (452.75 dollars). In addition, Brazilians aged between 16 and
24 face difficulties in finding a job than any other age group, the study finds.
The study also shows that there are still 2.4 million children and teenager (aged 5-15) laborers in Brazil, ___
the number fell by 50 percent from 1992 to 2006.
( Adaptado)

a) any
b) some
c) more
d) as
e) least

Questão 26 - (UNESP SP/2009)


Coasting on Past Glory

The Amazon is still largely intact, but the future hinges on decisions being made now.
From the window of a Boeing, few countries are greener than Brazil. Since much of this vast territory in the
heart of South America is still unpeopled and unblemished, it’s not surprising that Brazil looks good against the
backdrop of a mistreated planet. It ranks 34th of 149 nations in Yale and Columbia’s Environmental Performance
Index – greener than Ireland (35th) and the United States (39th). But how long will the country be able to hold on
to this favorable score?
To get a better look, you have to go to 9,000 meters, the altitude from which the NASA remote-sensing
satellites sweep the earth. Every year, scientists at Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) pore over
satellite images to produce the most detailed survey of deforestation of any nation in the world. Such candor has
won Brazil kudos, but also criticism. Brazil is the fourth biggest contributor of greenhouse gases globally, of which
75 percent comes from the felling and burning of forests. So when data released by INPE in late May showed that
5,850 square kilometers of forest (an area larger than Brunei) had disappeared from August 2007 to April 2008 –
a 17 percent spike from the year before – the planet took notice. “Brazil has a fantastic endowment from nature
but is failing when it comes to managing it,” says Judicael Clevelario Junior, head of environmental studies at the
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the census bureau.
Brazil’s green laurels are not an illusion. Four fifths of its electric power comes from hydroelectric plants. It is
the world leader in biofuels – nearly 30 percent of its cars run on ethanol. The trouble is that these virtues reflect
sound decisions made in the 1970s, during the ambitious military government of Gen. Ernesto Geisel. Brazil has
not always followed them up.
(…) Fortunately, Brazil has options. Its booming economy is not beholden to coal-fired power plants, and the
rain forest is still largely intact. “Brazil has a rare opportunity to transform itself into a rich country and still maintain
its natural capital,” says Clevelario Jr. If it can go back to its old habit of making the right environmental moves.
(Newsweek, July 14th 2008,

Com base no texto, indique a alternativa que completa a sentença:

Brazil is ................ than Ireland, and ................ than the United States.
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

a) greener ... more greener

b) green ... greener
c) less green … much greener
d) much greener … greener
e) greener ... much greener

Questão 27 - (PUC RJ/2009)

1 2 6
Despite the huge recent push to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions , if you take a look around,
you’ll note that cars still rule the road. The common mentality is that a bicycle (or walking, for that matter) is for
those who live right around the corner from work, or don’t have any extras to tote along during the day. Enter the
electric bicycle.
Electric bikes (also referred to as e-bikes or powerassist bicycles) haven’t yet proven to be a viable alternative
for most people because of the cost, weight, and added complexities, such as rechargeable battery packs, that
can arise from their use. However, there are some strong cost and environmental justifications for using these
virtually silent motorized wonders as part of your daily commute. The newest technology for electric bikes also
effectively answers many past e-bike concerns .
What’s not to love about e-bikes? They’re light, they recharge quickly, travel far without a trace of pollution,
and store all of your stuff . . . “But wait,” you naturally ask next, “What’s this gonna cost me?” A little research
reveals a wide range of prices, simply dependent upon maker and added features. Average prices span from
$450 to $1,500, while add-ons like customized front suspension and battery upgrades will tack on a bit more.
However , that’s not too unfair considering what you’ll be saving in fuel costs, and the harmful pollutants you’ll be
10 11
sparing Mother Nature in the process. Very eco-cool !
By Keith Shockley
(with slight adaptations)

(REF.1) Commute (noun): a regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work; the act of traveling
from one place to another.

Although the newest technology for electric bikes may have managed to answer many past e-bike concerns
(REF.4), some still remain, such as:

a) higher prices than those of conventional bikes.

b) non-polluting rechargeable batteries.
c) ineffective suspension technology.
d) extremely limited storage capacity.
e) extended recharge time.

Questão 28 - (UFMA/2009)
Green Light for New Particle Accelerator
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

1 2 3 4 5
One way to figure out what might have happened during the Big Bang — that massive explosion of matter
6 7 8 9 10
and energy that physicists think might have marked the birth of the universe — is to spend hours in front of a
chalkboard working through massively complicated formulae.
12 13 14
The other, of course, is to go out and create a Big Bang yourself. That is the route to be taken by German
15 16
researchers along with their particle physics colleagues from over a dozen countries around the world. On
17 18
Wednesday, those participating in the project will sign an agreement which will eventually result in the
19 20
construction of a massive new particle accelerator in the western German city of Darmstadt. The goal is to
discover new data about the birth of our universe.
22 23 24
"The substance we will be making resembles that in the first microseconds of the Big Bang, when it was
25 26
a million times hotter than the center of the sun. We're talking a million times 10 million degrees Celsius", says
Horst Stöcker, scientific director of the German Society for Heavy Ion Research (GSI).
28 29
The project will cost a total of €1.2 billion ($1.7 billion) with the German government set to pick up 65
30 31
percent of the price tag. The rest will come from the state of Hesse and from the project's international
32 33 34
partners, which include Russia, India, Italy, Poland and China among others. The accelerator itself will have a
circumference of over a kilometer and will be built 17 meters underground.,1518,druck-515900,00.html

Answer the three following questions according to the text.

Considering that “Hotter than” is the comparative of “Hot”, what are the comparative forms of the following
adjectives: massive, complicated, new?

a) More massive than; complicated; newest.

b) Massive than; more complicated than; newer than.
c) More massive; more complicated ; more new.
d) More massive than; more complicated than; newer than.
e) Most massive; most complicated; newest.

Questão 29 - (UNIOESTE PR/2009)

One hundred years after the first Japanese immigrants arrived in Brazil, the country as a whole has been
reflecting on an anniversary that has left a significant legacy.
1 2
Numbering an estimated 1.5 million, there are more people of Japanese descent in Brazil than anywhere in
the world outside of Japan itself.
3 4
The celebrations are a chance to pay tribute to the pioneering immigrants that first arrived at the port of
Santos near to Sao Paulo - and, the organisers say, to thank Brazilian society for making them welcome.
6 7
The 165 families who arrived here on 18 June 1908 came to escape poverty and lack of job opportunities in
Japan, and to meet the demand for workers in Brazil's coffee plantations.
8 9
But there is plenty of evidence at the Museum of Japanese Immigration in Sao Paulo that this was not
always a comfortable story.
Painful first steps
11 12
The newly-arrived Japanese faced a huge culture shock: a radically different language, food and climate.
13 14
The aim was to make their fortune quickly and return home - but, for many, it was not to turn out that way.
Many immigrants and their descendants later found success in Brazilian society, often by moving to the cities -
but the first steps were painful.
16 17
Community leaders say Brazilians of Japanese descent are completely integrated into society here, and
that a century after the first immigrants arrived some 40% of their descendants are now mixed race.
19 20
It does seem, however, that a tenacious spirit, hard work and dedication have propelled many Brazilians of
Japanese descent into finding a success the first immigrants may never have imagined. One hundred years on
this achievement is itself part of the celebration.
(adapted from:

Assinale a alternativa abaixo que representa uma comparação.

a) But, for many, it was not to turn out that way.

b) Brazilians of Japanese descent are completely integrated into society here.
c) There are more people of Japanese descent in Brazil than anywhere in the world outside of Japan itself.
d) The aim was to make their fortune quickly and return home.
e) Many immigrants and their descendants later found success in Brazilian society.
Blog do Enem Inglês – Adjetivos: Adjectives Degrees of Comparison.

Questão 30 - (UNESP SP/2009) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna da frase.

Action can be ______ than intention.

a) as difficult
b) as easier
c) so difficult
d) most difficult
e) more difficult


1) Gab: 40
2) Gab: A
3) Gab: 05
4) Gab: E
5) Gab: B
6) Gab: C
7) Gab: D
8) Gab: A
9) Gab: A
10) Gab: D
11) Gab: C
12) Gab: D
13) Gab: C
14) Gab: 09
15) Gab: 29
16) Gab: C
17) Gab: 03
18) Gab: D
19) Gab: D
20) Gab: E
21) Gab: B
22) Gab: A
23) Gab: B
24) Gab: C
25) Gab: C
26) Gab: E
27) Gab: A
28) Gab: D
29) Gab: C
30) Gab: E

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