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1. A pillar of the Philippine criminal justice system that controls arrest and booking.

A. Corrections C. Prosecution
B. courts D. Law Enforcement
2. A pillar of the Philippine criminal justice system that controls preliminary investigation and filing of information.
A. Corrections C. Prosecution
B. Courts D. Law Enforcement
3. A Pillar of the Philippine criminal justice system that controls arraignment, trial, sentencing, probation, suspended sentence
A. Corrections C. Prosecution
B. Courts D. Law Enforcement
4. A Pillar of the Philippine criminal justice system that controls incarceration in jail, parole, pardon and the serving of sentence.
A. Corrections C. Prosecution
B. Courts D. Law Enforcement
5. A Pillar of the Philippine criminal justice system represented by the non-government organizations and peoples organizations
that contribute to the prevention of crime and delinquency.
A. Prosecution C. Corrections
B. court D. Community
6. A security given for the conditional release of a person-
A. Bail C. Cash bail bond
B. Recognizance D. Property Bond
7. It is the forum where the prosecution is given the opportunity to prove that there is a strong evidence of guilt against the
A. Courts C. Bar
B. Police D. Prosecution
8. The BJMP is under the
9. A Branch of the Philippine Government responsible for passing laws that define illegal behavior, setting sentences for violation of
the laws and appropriating the money for correctional operations.
A. Legislative Branch C. Judicial Branch
B. Executive Branch D. Administrative Branch
10. A Branch of Government that approves or vetoes the law passed by the legislators and is responsible for enforcing the laws.
A. Legislative Branch C. Judicial Branch
B. Executive Branch D. Administrative Branch
11. A Branch of the Philippine Government that is responsible for interpreting the laws.
A. Legislative Branch C. Judicial Branch
B. Executive Branch D. Administrative Branch
12. There are three pillars of the American criminal justice system. They are the following:
A. Police, Prosecution, Courts C. Police, Courts, Corrections
B. Police, Courts, Community D. Police, Prosecution, Correction
13. It is the sum total of instrumentation which a society uses in the prevention and control of crime and juvenile delinquency.
A. Law Enforcement and Public Safety Agencies C. Government
B. Philippine Criminal Justice System D. All of the above
14. In the inception of the Philippine Criminal Justice System, one of the following pillars was not included?
A. Law Enforcement D. Correctional Administration
B. Prosecution E. Community
C. Court
15. Of the components of the Philippine Criminal Justice, one of the following is considered the weakest, mainly because of its
failure to reform offenders and prevent them from returning to a criminal life.
A. Law Enforcement D. Correctional Administration
B. Prosecution E. Community
C. Court
16. What is the base pillar in the CJS?
a. correction c. community
b. police d. prosecution
17. It is a social institution concerned with social problems; the agency around where the community relies in times of tension and
A. The Church C. The Department of Social Welfare and Development
B. The Police D. All of the above
18. It means that it is just as much the duty of policemen that persons suspected of criminal offenses are not deprived of their
statutory constitutional rights as it is to investigate them for the crimes of which they are suspected.
A. Due process of law C. Substantive process of law
B. Procedural process of law D. All of them
19. What is the highest court of the land?
a. Sandiganbayan c. RTC
b. Supreme Court d. Family Court
20. He is a public officer so named in his commission and appointed to preside over and to administer the law in a court of justice.
a. Prosecutor c. Court
b. Judge d. Judicial power
21. It is a term referring to a person who is charged formally in court.
a) Suspect c) Accused
b) Defendant d) convict
22. It refers to the machinery used by the state or the government in the prevention and suppression of crime, maintenance of
peace and order, protection of lives and properties and assurance of public safety.
a) crime detection and investigation c) crime deterrence
b) criminal justice system d) criminal procedure
23. It refers to any act or omission breaking a particular law of the society.
a) Crime c) Offense
b) Infraction d) felony
24. It is the law which established the PNP, BFP and BJMP
a) RA 1038 c) RA 8369
b) RA 8551 d) BP 129
25. It refers to the confinement and treatment of offenders on community-based or institutionalized entities.
a) Correction c) Retribution
b) Prosecution d) punishment
26. It is considered as the front liner or prime mover of the criminal justice system.
a) Correction c) Prosecution
b) Court d) police
27. Who may appeal a final judgment?
a) any party c) court
b) accused d) offended party
28. It is the security given for the release of a person in custody of the law to guarantee his appearance before any court as
required under the condition specified.
a) Probation c) Parole
b) Bail d) protection order
29. The “forgotten” person in the criminal justice system.
a) Police c) Criminal
b) Victim d) judge
30. It is a social norm providing guidance for people in their dealings with one another; as a standard against which actions are
evaluated; and as a prescription for requirement that people act justly.
a) Justice c) Tradition
b) Folkways d) laws

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