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ABC Widget Oilfield Services Ltd. – EMERGENCY DRILL RECORD

Date of Exercise: June 10th, 2013

Type of Exercise (check box):

 Fire Drill
 Tornado Drill
 Injury Drill
 Intruder Drill
 Other Drill (specify type) ____________
 Tabletop Exercise of leaking slip tank in parking lot
Time Exercise Initiated: 9 am

Time 100% Accountability Achieved: 9:15 am

Special Challenges Presented (i.e. route blocked, etc.): n/a

Front desk receives word from a ‘concerned student’ that they observed a truck in our parking lot leaking diesel
fuel from their slip tank.

Lessons Learned:
 Reception and office manager didn’t know who to call. Negative.

 They guessed right and called the shop where they do have access to spill kits and the proper PPE to contain

the spill. Positive.

 Shop supervisor knew to initiate call to 911. Positive.

 Spill was understood to be too small to contact AB Environment. Positive.

Front Desk – Jane D.,
Office Manager – Melissa T.
Shop Supervisor – Ringo S.,
Shop Labourer – Paul M.
Safety Coordinator – Travis T.

Emergency Drill Record Form

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