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Process Owner : Human Resource Manager

Purpose : To manage employee exits effectively

Scope :From the employee decision to exit to actual departure/ last day
of work
Responsibility : Departing Employee Supervisor/ Manager

Actor Step Activity

Departing Employee 1 Submits written notice of exit to Senior/

Department Manager c.c. HR office

Senior/ Department Manager 2 Ensures employee contacts HR

Senior/ Department Manager 3 Contacts HR office to confirm receipt of

resignation letter, agree way forward

AHR Manager 4 Triggers exit process, including

HR Officer 5 Agrees Exit Interview date with


HR Assistant 6 Checks if finance budget is available for

exit party and “thank you” gift

HR Assistant 7 Discusses dates and organises exit

party with manager and employee

HR Officer 8 Conducts Exit Interview

AHR Manager 9 Writes Exit Letter

Goes through Exit Checklist with
Communicates to Payroll
Triggers closure of Employee Profile as
per Exit Checklist

Key Documents

- Resignation Letter: provides documentation of the employee's intention to resign,

allowing the department to post and refill the position more efficiently. It contains the
reason for leaving and the last day of active work (which determines the last day on
the payroll).
- Acknowledgment Letter: provides documentation on acceptance of resignation,
final payment and exit procedure for employee.
- Exit Interview Schedule
- Exit Checklist

Process Owner : Human Resource Manager

Purpose : To manage employee involuntary terminations/ dismissals


Scope : From the organisational decision to exit to actual departure/ last

day of work

Responsibility : Departing Employee Supervisor/ Manager


Actor Step Activity

Senior/ Department Manager 1 Submits written recommendation for

termination to HR; including:
- reasons for dismissal,
- related performance feedback
- written and signed witness reports
(for incidents)

HR Manager 2 Verifies information submitted, including

- records on file
- dismissal procedure/ policy
- legal implications

HR Manager 3 Drafts termination letter on this basis

HR Manager 4 Reviews termination letter with manager

HR Manager 5 Arranges exit meeting with employee

and manager

HR Manager, Senior Manager 6 Meet and discuss:

Employee - Decision to terminate
- Reason for termination
(Employee must understand and
acknowledge discussion & documents)

HR Manager & Senior Manager 7 Trigger exit process; including Exit


Departing Employee 8 Submits filled Exit Checklist to HR

Key Documents

a) Termination Letter: includes reason and date of termination, exit entitlements, and the
following records:

- All Written warnings on file

- All performance feedback records
- Any other documentation relating to the termination decision

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