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Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation.

Julio Usaola
Departamento de Ingenierı́a Eléctrica
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
e-mail: [email protected]

This paper proposes a method for solving a probabilistic power flow that deals with the uncer-
tainties of: 1) wind generation, 2) load and 3) generation availability in power systems. Dependence
between random variables has been considered. The method is based on the properties of cumulants
of random variables. Cornish-Fisher expansion series are used to obtain the Cumulative Distribu-
tion Function (CDF) of the output variables. Multimodal CDF are obtained by convolutions, whose
number has been minimized in order to decrease the computation requirements.

1 Introduction
The great expansion of intermittent generation in power systems has increased their uncertainty. This
leads to greater needs of probabilistic analysis tools, both for system planning [1], and for the daily system
Probabilistic power flow is one of the best known probabilistic tools. From the first proposals in the
seventies ([2], [3]), a great deal of literature can be found about it. The most straightforward method
of solving this problem is Monte Carlo simulation [4]. This technique involves repeated simulations with
values obtained from the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the considered random variables. For an
adequate representation, many simulations must be considered in real systems, which makes sometimes
this approach unpractical. One of the alternatives is the convolution of the PDF of the random variables
involved, when they are independent of each other, and linearly related. Although this reduces the
computational burden, it is costly to obtain the PDF of a line when several random power injections are
considered even if Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) [5] techniques are used. Convolution techniques and
FFT were also used in [6] for distribution networks with wind energy, where a simplified estimate of the
PDF for short term wind power prediction was made. A multilinear approach was proposed in [7], and
fuzzy techniques [8] have been used to solve a probabilistic optimal power flow. Another recent proposal
is the Point Estimate method [9], [10], that approximates the moments of the system variables of interest.
This method has been also applied to the probabilistic optimal power flow problem [11].
The previous approaches assume that the random variables considered are independent. However,
dependence between the uncertainties of power injections should be considered for loads and for wind
generation. The generalization of some of these methods for considering the dependence between random
variables is very complex, or impossible. There have been proposals that consider this dependence, only
between loads, in [12], where it is modelled with a linear relation, or in [13], where the covariance between
dependent random variables has been considered.
Probabilistic load flow has mostly included the uncertainty of load. This uncertainty is not usually
very high, especially for day-ahead operation, and it can be modelled using Gaussian probabilistic density
functions. Wind energy proliferation, however, poses new challenges, since the variability of wind power
production is much higher, and the PDF of the uncertainties are noot Gaussian.
The use of cumulants and the approximation of a PDF by orthogonal series (Gram-Charlier A expan-
sion series or Laguerre polynomials [14]) have also been recently proposed for the probabilistic power flow
[15], with discrete distributions [16], or for the probabilistic optimal power flow [17]. It has interesting
properties, and is computationally inexpensive. For large transmission networks it seems that it is very

Julio Usaola. Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation. 2

adequate because of its low computational requirements. It has the disadvantage of the necessary lin-
earization but it may be generalized for dependent random variables. However, for non-Gaussian PDF,
Gram-Charlier A expansion series have serious convergence problems, and the Cornish-Fisher expansion
gives better results without more computational burden [18].
The aim of this paper is to propose an analytical method (called Enhanced Linear Method (ELM))
for the problem of probabilistic load flow. This method improves the approach proposed by the author
in [18], by including the dependendent continuous random variables and discrete random variables. The
ELM method can be applied to grids where the wind power uncertainty, load uncertainty and generation
availability must be considered. Mathematically, this means that the considered random variables may
be continuous and/or discrete, and also dependent and/or independent.
The method combines different approaches, but it is based on the cumulant method, generalized for
the case of dependent random variables. A refinement is also added to better consider the nonlinearity
of load flow equations. Cornish-Fisher expansion series are used to evaluate the CDF of the output
random variables, and a short number of FFT-based convolutions are made only when the resultant
CDF is multimodal. The method has been applied to the daily operation problem, using as inputs the
scheduled generation, the forecasted load and the wind prediction for a specific moment of the day ahead.
The intended contributions of this paper are the consideration of the dependence between input random
variables (for instance the wind power predictions in an area), and to deal with multimodal distributions
minimizing the required computing time.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives the statistical background used in the paper.
Section 3 gives an overview of short term wind power prediction. In Section 4, load flow equations are
formulated. The computational procedure is explained in Section 5, and Section 6 includes the results of
an application example. The Conclusion with the main intended contributions ends the paper.

2 Statistical background.
2.1 Moments and cumulants of multivariate distributions.
Definitions For the sake of simplicity, the definitions given here will be for the bivariate case. Gener-
alization to a higher number of variables is straightforward. More information can be found in [19].
Let x1 and x2 be two random variables, f (x1 , x2 ) their joint PDF and F (x1 , x2 ) their joint bivariate
CDF. For these random variables, the joint moment of order k + r = n is
Z ∞Z ∞
£ k r¤
mkr = E x1 x2 = xk1 xr2 f (x1 , x2 )dx1 dx2 (1)
−∞ −∞

The values η1 = m10 and η2 = m01 are the means of the marginal distributions. The joint central
moments of x1 and x2 are the moments of (x1 − η1 ) and (x2 − η2 ),
Z ∞Z ∞
µkr = (x1 − η1 )k (x2 − η2 )r f (x1 , x2 )dx1 dx2 (2)
−∞ −∞

The joint moment generation function of x1 and x2 is defined as:

φ(s1 , s2 ) = E [es1 x+ s2 x2 ] (3)

Z ∞Z ∞
= es1 x1 +s2 x2 f (x1 , x2 )dx1 dx2
−∞ −∞

And it can be shown that

φ(0, 0) = mkr
∂sk1 ∂sr2
The joint cumulant generating function is defined as ψ(s1 , s2 ) = ln φ(s1 , s2 ). The values of the
derivatives of this function,
Julio Usaola. Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation. 3

ψ(0, 0) = κkr
∂sk1 ∂sr2
are by definition the joint cumulants κkr of order k and r of random variables x1 and x2 . The mathe-
matical relations between multivariate moments and cumulants are rather complex [20].

Linear combination of random variables The equations will be also formulated for two variables.
Let z be the random variable z = a1 x1 + a2 x2 where x1 and x2 are random variables and a1 and a2 real
constants. Then, the moment of order n of variable z, mz,n is:

mz,n = E[z n ] = E[(a1 x1 + a2 x2 )n ] (6)

 
X n
= E Cnj (a1 x1 )n−j (a2 x2 )j  (7)

Cnj =
j!(n − j)!
and thanks to the linearity of the expression,
mz,n = Cnj an−j
1 aj2 m(n−j)j (9)

where m(n−j)j = E[xn−j

1 xj2 ]. It could be also demonstrated (see [20]) that

µz,n = Cnj an−j
1 aj2 µ(n−j)j (10)
κz,n = Cnj an−j
1 aj2 κ(n−j)j (11)

where µz,n and κz,n are, respectively, the central moment and cumulant of order n of the variable z, and
µ(n−j)j and κ(n−j)j are the joint central moment and cumulant of order (n − j) and j of the variables x1
and x2 . In general, it is better to work with cumulants for the following reasons [20]:

• Most statistical calculations using cumulants are simpler than the corresponding calculation using

• For independent random variables, the cumulants of a sum are the sum of cumulants.

• For independent random variables, the cross-cumulants are zero.

• Series expansion, such as the Cornish-Fisher expansion are most conveniently expressed using cu-

• Where approximate normality is involved, high order cumulants can usually be neglected, but not
higher order moments.
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2.2 Cornish-Fisher expansion series.

To approximate the CDF of a random variable from its moments or cumulants is a complex mathematical
problem not yet completely solved [21]. In the area of probabilistic power flow, previous works [10], [15]
have proposed the Gram-Charlier A series to solve it. However, the convergence of this series is poor
when the involved distributions are not Gaussian (see [22] or [23]). Numerical errors may make this
convergence worse [24].
The Cornish-Fisher expansion provides a better approximation of a quantile α of a distribution func-
tion F (x) in terms of the quantile of a normal N (0, 1) distribution Φ and the cumulants of F (x). Using
the first five cumulants, the series expansion can be written as (see [22]),

1 1
x(α) ≈ ξ(α) + (ξ 2 (α) − 1)κ3 + (ξ 3 (α) − 3ξ(α))κ4
6 24
1 3 2 1 4
− (2ξ (α) − 5ξ(α))κ3 + (ξ (α) − 6ξ 2 (α) + 3)κ5
36 120
− (ξ 4 (α) − 5ξ 2 (α) + 2)κ3 κ4
+ (12ξ 4 (α) − 53ξ 2 (α) + 17)κ33 (12)

where x(α) = F −1 (α) and ξ(α) = Φ−1 (α) and κr is the cumulant of order r of the distribution function
F . More information about this series expansion can be found in [21], [25] or [26].
Although the convergence properties of Cornish-Fisher series are difficult to demonstrate [21], their
behavior for non-Gaussian CDF is usually better. A comparison between Gram-Charlier A and Cornish-
Fisher expansion series applied to a probabilistic load flow can be found in [18], where this issue is
discussed in more detail.

2.3 Multimodal distributions.

A multimodal distribution has several modes, and comes from a combination of a continuous and a
discrete random variables. In a multimodal distribution, it is not possible to estimate the CDF of the
random variable through series expansion from moments, and convolutions must be made. Since these
are time consuming, it would be shown here how to minimize their number.
Let z be a linear combination of the discrete random variable xd and the continuous random variable
xc . Both variables are independent. Then,

z = xc + ad xd (13)
where ad is a real constant. One approach to the estimate of the PDF of z is the convolution of the PDF
of those variables, since they are independent. A property of the Fourier transform is that the transform
of a convolution of two functions is the product of their Fourier transforms, i.e.,

fz (z) = fx1 (x1 ) ∗ fx2 (x2 ) ↔ Fz (ω) = Fx1 (ω) · Fx2 (ω)

Where the asterisk means convolution and F stands for the Fourier transform of f . An example of a
transform of a continuous exponential PDF, a discrete binomial PDF, and its product is given in Figure
1. It must be remarked that the Fourier transform of the discrete distribution is a periodic function in
the frequency domain. The result of the convolution is the multimodal PDF shown in Figure 2. Not
all linear combinations of discrete and continuous variables render z a multimodal distribution. This
depends on the nature of both, and on the coefficient ad .
Since the convolution is a computationally expensive procedure, if there are many discrete variables
and many combinations to be considered, the computational burden increases hugely. Therefore, it
could be found under which conditions the convolution of a discrete and a continuous variable yields
a multimodal PDF in order to reduce the number of convolutions as much as possible. When the
distribution is unimodal, the Cornish-Fisher series expansion provides a good approximation.
Julio Usaola. Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation. 5

To obtain the condition for a multimodal distribution, it is better to work in the frequency domain.
The condition is that the transform of the continuous variable has a sufficiently low value at the frequency
of the first minimum of the Fourier transform of the discrete variable. This minimum is given by
flim = (14)
2ad ∆xd
where ∆xd is the separation between two non-zero values of the discrete distribution. Hence, the uni-
modality condition is:

|Fc (flim )| < εf (15)

Where εf is a number sufficiently small and Fc is the Fourier transform of the continuous function. If
this condition is fulfilled, the result of the convolution will be an unimodal function, and a Cornish-Fisher
expansion may be applied to estimate the CDF. Otherwise, a convolution should be made.

2.4 Generation of correlated random numbers

The uncertainty of dependent short term wind power predictions is modelled in this paper as a multivariate
Beta PDF (see section 3). Random numbers with this distributions are not easily generated, and this is
why a method is given here to generate multivariate dependent random numbers with any distribution.
The method is based on the inverse transformation of a uniform distribution. Let x1 be a random
variable with uniform distribution U (0, 1) (the CDF of a U (0, 1) is H(x) = x), and let take n random
samples of this variable. Let x1,k be the sample k. Then, to generate random numbers, x2,k , of a given
distribution with invertible CDF F (x), it is necessary to perform the operation x2,k = F −1 (x1,k ). If we
transform this new variable, forming x3,k = F (x2k ), then x3k will have again a U (0, 1) distribution.
The method begins by generating random numbers of a multivariate normal random variable, with a
given correlation matrix, forming the array x1 ∈ Rm,n , where m is the number of variables, and n the
sample size. Each element is written as x1,ij , where i is the variable, and j the sample. These numbers
can be easily generated by standard programs.
In a second step, a normal transformation is made to these values in order to obtain a multivariate
uniform distribution, x2 . x2 = F (x1 ), where F (x) is a multivariate normal CDF.
The third step consists in transforming the obtained multivariate uniform random numbers into series
with the wished marginal distributions G. Then, the sample j of the new variable i x3,ij will be obtained
as x3,ij = G−1 (x2,ij ). The obtained random numbers with the wished distribution will have correlations
very close to the original one of the normal multivariate distribution. The difference is due to the
nonlinearity of the transformation performed.
A more complex approach, such as copula modelling could be used to preserve the desired correlation
among variables, that is in the origin of the transformations (see, for instance, [21] or [27] for wind power),
but to go deeper into this problem is beyond the aim of this paper.

3 Uncertainty of short term wind power prediction.

Short term wind power prediction programs are tools that provide an estimate of future power production
of a wind farm for the next hours. They use meteorological forecasts from a Numerical Weather Prediction
tool, and sometimes real time SCADA data from the wind farms. Data of the wind farms, as rated power,
type and availability of wind turbines, etc. are also necessary. The output of these programs is the hourly
average wind farm production for the next hours. Typically, predictions are issued for the next 48 hours,
but longer time horizons are possible. The accuracy of these tools are smaller than load prediction
programs and decreases with the time horizon. A survey of the accuracy of these tools is given in [29].
The forecasts provided by a short term wind power prediction program are uncertain. This uncertainty
changes with the range of the wind farm power output, since this value is bounded between zero and the
rated power. Besides, the power curve of a wind turbine or wind farm is nonlinear. If we assume that
the wind speed forecasts have Gaussian uncertainty, then the probability density functions of the power
predictions will not be Gaussian. The shape of these probability density functions is also affected by the
Julio Usaola. Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation. 6

time lag elapsed between the prediction and the operation times. A sample of an heuristical PDF of the
uncertainty of short power prediction is given in Figure 3. This function shows the uncertainty of a wind
power prediction made with a time horizon of 7 hours when the forecasted power was 0.2 p.u.
It is not within the purposes of this paper to model this uncertainty, and a reasonable approximation
will be used. Due to the bounded nature of the power produced by a wind farm, a Beta distribution will
be used, as in [30]. In our case, the mean of the distribution will be the predicted power at the time of
interest, while the standard deviation σ will depend on the level of power injected, with respect to the
wind farm rated power. This dependence has been obtained heuristically for some wind farms, and the
results are shown in Figure 5, where the value of standard deviation is normalized to the rated power of
the wind farm. Although there are wide variations, an approximation by a quadratic curve (shown in
the picture) may provide realistic results.
The uncertainty of short term wind power prediction of geographically close wind farms are correlated,
since the wind power in all of them are due to similar meteorological conditions. This dependence has
not yet been modelled, but studies such as [28] show the dependence between productions in a wide area.
These results may be considered as an estimate of actual correlation values, although it is necessary to
wait for more specific studies.

4 Load flow equations.

The load flow equations for a power system may be written as 16.

S = g(Z) (16)
Pf = h(Z)

Where Z is the vector of nodal voltages and angles, S, the input vector of real and reactive power in-
jections, and Pf , the output vector of line active power flows; g and h are nonlinear functions. Linearizing
these equations around a working point yields, after some calculation,

∆Pf = Jh JP −1 ∆P = Λf ∆P (17)
∆P is the vector of incremental active power injections taken from vector S. Jh is the jacobian matrix
of nonlinear function h, while JP is the submatrix of the jacobian matrix of function g that relates line
active power flows to variables Z. Reactive power injections have been considered as linearly related to
active power injections, since most modern wind generation may control the power factor of wind farms
according to economic incentives and the power factor of loads will be considered constant. Hence the
changes in the reactive power injected or demanded are proportional to the active power.
Matrix Λf is a sensitivity matrix whose terms are the system Power Transfer Distribution factors
(PTDF). The definition of these PTDF assumes that the power injections are compensated by opposite
power injections at the slack bus. This could be an acceptable assumption when the injections have a
small value. However, large fluctuations due to changes of power in wind farms are compensated by the
combined operation of several generators. Hence, the sensitivity coefficients used in this work have been
calculated considering the distribution of input power among different generators. Evidently, conventional
PTDF are a particular case of these sensitivities. The expression of these new sensitivity coefficients is
λ′qi = λqi − kir λqr (18)

Where λqi is the term (q, i) of the sensitivity matrix Λf , that is to say, the PTDF of line q with
respect to an injection in¡ node i, ¢kir is the part of power injection in node i that the regulating generator
r assumes, for example kir = R1 . R is the number of generators that compensate the injection in node
i. Of course, any other sharing among generators is possible. Hence, it may be written that
Julio Usaola. Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation. 7

∆Pf = Λ′f ∆P (19)

Where ∆P includes only the considered power injections, i.e., the random power injections in our
A similar approach may be made to estimate the reactive power and the voltage sensitivities. The
accuracy of these approximations is smaller, due to the higher nonlinearity of the involved equations.
This approximation can be written, for reactive power, as (20).

∆Qf = Γ′f ∆P (20)

5 Computational procedure.
The method proposed in this paper calculates the CDF of the line power flows from the CDF of the
power injections through a linear approximation of the load flow equations, taking into account the
dependence among power injections. The input random variables are wind power, demand and availability
of conventional generation. The proposed method will be called Enhanced Linear Method (ELM).
The time range considered in the paper is the daily operation, although it could be also applied for
other time ranges. The process goes as shown in the next paragraphs. A flowchart of the process is given
in Figure 4.

1. Base case: The input data are the grid data, the forecasted load and wind power and the scheduled
power of the power plants. The sensitivities of the line power flows to power injections are calculated
as shown in section 4.

2. Uncertainty of power injections: Wind power uncertainties are modelled as dependent Beta
distributions whose means are the forecasted power, and whose standard deviations are estimated as
shown in section 3. Load uncertainties are modelled as dependent or independent normal variables
with a given standard deviation and correlation matrix. Power plant uncertainties are modelled as
independent binomial variables. Random numbers with the mentioned distributions are generated
as shown in section 2.4. As it can be seen, the method does not depend on the accuracy of the
correlation between the input data.

3. Moments and crossed moments of input variables: Central moments of inputs variables are
calculated numerically from the random numbers previously generated, using a discretization of
equation (2). From the central moments, cumulants are found as described in [20].

4. Estimation of mean values of output variables: The mean values of the output variables
are estimated using a (2m + 1) Point Estimate (PE) method, without considering the correlation
between random variables. In spite of this simplification, the accuracy of the approximation for the
mean value is very good.

5. Higher order cumulants of output variables: Cumulants of order 2 and higher are calculated
using equation (11), irrespectively of the continuous or discrete character of the random variables.
The linear coefficients that relate the output variables (power flows through branches) to the input
variables (power injections) are given by equation (19). The cumulants up to the 5th order are
obtained, since they are needed for the Cornish-Fisher expansion series, as shown in equation (12).

6. CDF of output variables: Once the cumulants of distributions of the output variables are known,
it is necessary to estimate their CDF. This process follows three steps.

(a) First, the CDF of the output variables, without considering the discrete variables (power plant
availabilities) are estimated using Cornish-Fisher expansion series.
(b) Then, the unimodality condition of equation (15) is checked for each output variable of interest
and for each power plant.
Julio Usaola. Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation. 8

Table 1: Computation times, in seconds.

Branches Conv. ELM Monte Carlo
28 23 14.52 332,26
172 43 AC 43.98 311.7
DC 27.23 271.14

(c) If the resulting CDF is not multimodal, then, a Cornish-Fisher expansion series is used to
approximate the CDF. If the CDF is multimodal, then the necessary convolutions are made in
order to obtain the estimate of the CDF. This process is made at the end, in order to minimize
the number of necessary convolutions.

6 Study case.
In order to show the possibilities of ELM and to quantify its accuracy, a simulation study has been made
for a test case.

Data The IEEE-118 test system [31] has been modified to include wind generation. Wind generation
replaces part of the conventional generation, which has been reduced proportionally. The wind power
installed is 693 MW, and the total load is 3670 MW. The injected wind power in this situation, 416
MW, is the 60% of the installed wind power. Wind farms are clustered in three groups. Wind farms of
the same group are highly correlated, but the groups are considered to be independent between them.
The values of the correlation coefficients were taken from actual correlation coefficients between nearby
wind farms in peninsular Spain. Although this is not a wholly rigorous approach, it could be enough
as a first approximation, since there are not still, to the knowledge of the author, studies concerning
spatial dependence between short term wind power predictions. The data of this system are given in the
Appendix A.
The availability of power plants has been considered as a binomial variable. The plants that compen-
sate load and generation changes are those located in nodes 10, 25, 46, 54, 61, 66 and 100. The changes
in generation or load power are shared equally among them.
In order to assess the performance of ELM and the importance of considering the dependence between
random variables, its results are compared to the Point Estimate (PE) method [9], [10].

Computation times The method has been programmed in MATLAB. Computation times depend on
the number of output variables of interest and the number of convolutions performed, but some values
are given in Table 1. They have been obtained with a processor Intel Pentium of 2.13 GHz with 1 Gb of
RAM. The number of samples in the Monte Carlo simulation is 10000.

Results The accuracy of the approximation of moments is shown in Table 2 for the ELM and (2m + 1)
PE method, compared with Monte Carlo simulation results. Two cases have been considered, with
and without dependence between input variables, in order to show the importance of considering this
dependence. This table shows the average error in % between moments of the line power flows, obtained
analytically, by ELM and the PE method, and those obtained through Monte Carlo simulation. The
error is defined by equation (21).
1 X |µan MC
n,j − µn,j |
εn = M C
· 100 (21)
NB j=1 |µn,j |

w here µan MC
n,j is the moment of order n of branch j found analytically (either with ELM or PE), while µn,j
is the same moment obtained by Monte Carlo method. NB is the number of branches in the grid.
Comparison with Monte Carlo is made in order to check the accuracy of the proposed method, and
no attempt has been made to minimize the number of Monte Carlo simulations. In order to assess the
accuracy of the results of the Monte Carlo simulations in the given system, the following data are given.
Julio Usaola. Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation. 9

Table 2: Value of εn . Active power. Grid IEEE-118

Independent Dependent
Moment DC AC (2m + 1) DC AC (2m + 1)
1 0.31 0.36 0.13 0.35 0.36 0.40
2 0.88 2.00 0.78 0.91 1.82 29.93
3 8.55 13.39 10.07 9.97 12.94 60.56
4 2.24 5.34 59.36 2.72 5.39 77.86
5 11.47 25.97 - 13.65 17.26 -

Table 3: Errors for the 90% quantile. Active power in lines. Grid IEEE-118
Independent Dependent
ε90 1.93 2.73 1.95 3.06 1.83 2.03 1.81 2.13
max. (p.u.) .160 .089 .142 .094 .077 .061 .064 .066
C-F: Cornish-Fisher expansion; N: Normal distribution.

The 95% confidence interval for the mean estimate by Monte Carlo have been found for all the lines.
Since its size is very variable, because also the power flow is very different among lines, average quantities
have been considered. The average power flowing in the lines (absolute value) is 0.4762 p.u., while the
average size of the 95% confidence intervals is 0.0037 p.u., which is a 5.6% of the average power. The
number of Monte Carlo simulations necessary to reduce this value to a 5% of the average absolute power
is about 12600. The average 95% confidence interval of the variance is a 5.55% of the average variance of
all the lines. For this last test, normality of the power flow distribution has been assumed, so the result
is only approximate.
Two formulations, AC and DC, have been considered for ELM. The DC formulation uses the DC load
flow equations for the analytical approach and the Monte Carlo simulation, while the AC case uses the
sensitivities obtained in section 4, and the results are compared to those of Monte Carlo simulations with
AC load flow.
The PE method yields a good approximation for the independent case up to the second order moment.
Estimates of higher order moments have also higher errors. The method, however, behaves poorly when
the input random variables are dependent. ELM, on the other hand gives slightly worse results for the
independent case. For the dependent case, the method yields satisfactory results.
The error in the 90% percentile of active power, that is calculated as in equation (22), has also been
1 X |pELM MC
90,j − p90,j |
ε90 = · 100 (22)
NB j=1 |pM C
90,j |

where pELM
90,j and pM C
90,j are the 90% quantile of branch j for ELM and the Monte Carlo simulation,
respectively. The values of ε90 are given in Table 3.
The results for reactive power flows in branches are given in Table 4, where the error is defined as in
equation (21). Results of the PE method in the independent case are better than ELM for the second
moment, but in the dependent case ELM behaves better than PE method. In all the cases the error εn
is high, as could be expected. This is due, not only to the higher nonlinearity of reactive power with
respect to input power, but also to the smaller variability of reactive power flows and the definition of
εn . For instance, for the case of linearized AC equation with dependent variables, the average variance of
branch active powers is 0.019 (p.u.)2 , whereas that of reactive powers is 5.73 · 10−4 (p.u.)2 . The maximum
values of these parameters are 0.4749 (p.u.)2 and 0.0132 (p.u.)2 respectively. For higher order moments,
the differences are even larger. This implies that the importance of considering reactive power variations
is smaller.
Julio Usaola. Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation. 10

Table 4: Value of εn . Reactive power in lines. Grid IEEE-118

Independent Dependent
Moment ELM P.E. (2m + 1) ELM P.E. (2m + 1)
1 1.01 0.95 2.04 1.80
2 25.41 9.40 22.88 30.36
3 102.24 152.46 97.42 155.48
4 58.45 82.26 45.74 86.84
5 142.33 - 132.12 -

The PDF resulting from Monte Carlo simulation, the Cornish-Fisher expansion, and the Normal
approximation are also compared for the power flows in two lines. Figure 6 shows the PDF of the power
flow through line 5-11. It can be seen that the Cornish-Fisher result fits better to the Monte Carlo
PDF. The PDF obtained through Gram-Charler A series is also included. It can be seen that this series
expansion leads to a bad approximation.
When the influence of a discrete variable (the uncertainty of a power plant production) on the line
power flows is large, multimodality appears, as shown in Figure 7. The normality assumption gives a bad
approximation for the PDF, while the convolution result fits well. It must be remarked that convolutions
are only performed whenever they are needed: in the previous case (Figure 6), no convolution was made.
Although the method has been developed also for voltages, the changes in the voltages, when power
variations are compensated by different nodes are extremely small, and for this reason the results are not
presented here.

7 Conclusion.
Probabilistic power flow becomes more important in systems with high wind power penetration, because
of the high variability of the injected power. For daily system operation, it is necessary to consider the
uncertainties of short term wind power predictions. These uncertainties are correlated for nearby wind
farms. In general, they cannot be assumed to be Gaussian, and a Beta distribution is a better choice.
The use of cumulants to estimate the moments of line power flows from the uncertainty of random
power injections seems to be a good choice, because of the accuracy of the results and the easiness to
include dependence between input random variables.
Estimation of CDF from cumulants using Cornish-Fisher expansion series seem to behave reasonably
well in unimodal non-Gaussian functions (such as those of the wind power prediction uncertainty). To ap-
proximate the output PDF by a normal distribution gives also an approximation of the higher percentiles,
even if the fitting of the resulting PDF is poor.
When power plant availability, or other discrete input random variable are to be considered, some of
the PDF of the output variables may be multimodal, and it is necessary to perform convolutions between
PDF of random variables. This technique is computationally expensive, and it is better to perform it
only when necessary. To discriminate between necessary and unnecessary convolutions, a unimodality
test can be made in the frequency domain. If convolutions are only made when this test is not passed,
the number of necessary convolutions reduces dramatically. Obviously, the normality assumption does
not hold for multimodality conditions.
Julio Usaola. Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation. 11

A Data of the study cases.

Table 5: Wind Farms included in the IEEE-118 system.

WF Node Group P (MW) σ(MW) Rated power (MW)
1 52 1 59.3 25.6 98
2 44 1 31 13.2 51
3 53 1 14.8 6.48 25
4 50 1 8.5 3.66 14
5 84 2 20.1 9.4 36
6 86 2 17 7.2 28
7 83 2 33 15.11 58
8 82 2 50.3 20.84 82
9 2 3 33 14.1 55
10 5 3 20 9.4 36
11 16 3 27 11.2 44
12 13 3 37.5 16.1 62
13 3 3 27 10.5 42
14 14 3 37.5 16.1 62
TOTAL 416 693

Table 6: Correlation coefficients. IEEE-118 case.

Group 1
Wind farm 1 2 3 4
1 1 0.88 0.87 0.91
2 0.88 1 0.85 0.87
3 0.87 0.85 1 0.85
4 0.91 0.87 0.85 1
Group 2
Wind farm 5 6 7 8
5 1 0.82 0.85 0.9
6 0.82 1 0.85 0.88
7 0.85 0.85 1 0.89
8 0.9 0.88 0.89 1
Group 3
Wind farm 9 10 11 12 13 14
9 1 0.85 0.86 0.83 0.82 0.91
10 0.85 1 0.88 0.83 0.89 0.92
11 0.86 0.88 1 0.85 0.95 0.87
12 0.83 0.83 0.85 1 0.89 0.91
13 0.82 0.89 0.95 0.89 1 0.82
14 0.91 0.92 0.87 0.91 0.82 1
Julio Usaola. Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation. 12

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B Figures
x 10





Fourier transform of binomial

0.4 Fourier Transform of exponential

Product of both transforms
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Figure 1: Transforms of a discrete and continuous PDF, and their product. Multimodal case.








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Figure 2: Multimodal PDF from a combination of a discrete and continuous functions.

7 hours before operation









0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
normalized power

Figure 3: Sample PDF of the uncertainty of wind power prediction.

Julio Usaola. Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation. 15

Base case:
• grid data
• load forecasted + uncertainty
• wind power forecasted + uncertainty

Random generation of
power injections

Moments and cumulants

System sensitivities
of power injections
Monte Carlo simulation

Line power flow of branch r

(mean) by PE method

Moments and cumulants of power

flows of branch r.

Plant p

yes no

Convolution Cornish-Fischer expansion.

p = p+1 p = pmax

r = r+1
Calculation of the a-quantil.

r = rmax

no Comparison of results

END Results

Figure 4: Flowchart of ELM.



Normalized standard deviation





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Normalized power

Figure 5: Relation between standard deviation and mean for the uncertainty of predictions.
Julio Usaola. Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation. 16

line 5−11
Monte Carlo
8 Cornish Fisher


0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Figure 6: PDFs of active power in branch 5-11.

line 92−102
Monte Carlo
7 Cornish Fisher


−0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Figure 7: PDFs of active power in branch 92-102.

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