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CME Credit Available
Supplement to


of the
PRACTICE for the Treatment of Patients
Volume 164 GUIDELINE With Substance Use Disorders,
Number 4 Second Edition

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American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines

Treatment of Patients With Substance Use Disorders,

Second Edition
Work Group on Substance Use Disorders
Herbert D. Kleber, M.D., Chair
Roger D. Weiss, M.D., Vice-Chair
Raymond F. Anton Jr., M.D. Bruce J. Rounsaville, M.D.
Tony P. George, M.D. Eric C. Strain, M.D.
Shelly F. Greenfield, M.D., M.P.H. Douglas M. Ziedonis, M.D.
Thomas R. Kosten, M.D. Grace Hennessy, M.D. (Consultant)
Charles P. O’Brien, M.D., Ph.D. Hilary Smith Connery, M.D., Ph.D. (Consultant)

American Psychiatric Association

Steering Committee on Practice Guidelines
John S. McIntyre, M.D., Chair
Sara C. Charles, M.D., Vice-Chair
Daniel J. Anzia, M.D. James E. Nininger, M.D.
Ian A. Cook, M.D. Paul Summergrad, M.D.
Molly T. Finnerty, M.D. Sherwyn M. Woods, M.D., Ph.D.
Bradley R. Johnson, M.D. Joel Yager, M.D.

Area and Component Liaisons

Robert Pyles, M.D. (Area I) Lawrence Lurie, M.D. (Area VI)
C. Deborah Cross, M.D. (Area II) R. Dale Walker, M.D. (Area VII)
Roger Peele, M.D. (Area III) Mary Ann Barnovitz, M.D.
Daniel J. Anzia, M.D. (Area IV) Sheila Hafter Gray, M.D.
John P. D. Shemo, M.D. (Area V) Sunil Saxena, M.D.
Tina Tonnu, M.D.
Robert Kunkle, M.A., Senior Program Manager
Amy B. Albert, B.A., Assistant Project Manager
Laura J. Fochtmann, M.D., Medical Editor
Claudia Hart, Director, Department of Quality Improvement and Psychiatric Services
Darrel Regier, M.D., M.P.H., Director, Division of Research

This practice guideline was approved in December 2005 and published in August 2006. This April 2007 republication
corrects the omission of citations and reference list from the August 2006 publication. A guideline watch, summarizing
significant developments in the scientific literature since publication of this guideline, may be available in the Psychiatric
Practice section of the APA web site at

The full text of the guideline (Parts A, B, and C) is available on the APA website (
pg/prac_guide.cfm) and on (
Table of Contents
Statement of Intent .................................................................................................................................... 1
Guide to Using This Practice Guideline..................................................................................................... 2
Development Process ................................................................................................................................ 3

Part A: Treatment Recommendations for Patients With Substance Use Disorders .. 5

I. Executive Summary of Recommendations .......................................................................................... 5

A. Coding System.......................................................................................................................... 5
B. General Treatment Principles ................................................................................................ 5
C. Nicotine Use Disorders: Treatment Principles and Alternatives......................................... 7
D. Alcohol Use Disorders: Treatment Principles and Alternatives .......................................... 7
E. Marijuana Use Disorders: Treatment Principles and Alternatives...................................... 7
F. Cocaine Use Disorders: Treatment Principles and Alternatives.......................................... 8
G. Opioid Use Disorders: Treatment Principles and Alternatives............................................ 8

II. General Treatment Principles ............................................................................................................... 8

A. Goals of Treatment.................................................................................................................. 9
B. Assessment............................................................................................................................. 10
C. Treatment Settings ................................................................................................................ 13
D. Psychiatric Management ...................................................................................................... 17
E. Somatic Treatments .............................................................................................................. 21
F. Psychosocial Treatments ...................................................................................................... 24
G. Clinical Features Influencing Treatment ............................................................................. 30
H. Legal and Confidentiality Issues........................................................................................... 48

III. Treatment of Nicotine Dependence ................................................................................................. 49

A. Overview................................................................................................................................. 49
B. Assessment............................................................................................................................. 49
C. Treatment Settings ................................................................................................................ 50
D. General Approach to Treatment.......................................................................................... 50
E. Somatic Treatments .............................................................................................................. 55
F. Psychosocial Treatments ...................................................................................................... 56
G. Treatment of Smokers on Smoke-Free Wards .................................................................... 57
H. Clinical Features Influencing Treatment ............................................................................. 58

IV. Treatment of Alcohol-Related Disorders .......................................................................................... 61

A. Overview................................................................................................................................. 61
B. Treatment Settings ................................................................................................................ 61
C. Somatic Treatments .............................................................................................................. 62
D. Psychosocial Treatments ...................................................................................................... 66
E. Clinical Features Influencing Treatment ............................................................................. 68

V. Treatment of Marijuana-Related Disorders....................................................................................... 70

A. Overview................................................................................................................................. 70
B. Treatment Setting.................................................................................................................. 71
C. Somatic Treatments .............................................................................................................. 71
D. Psychosocial Treatments ...................................................................................................... 71
E. Pregnancy............................................................................................................................... 71

VI. Treatment of Cocaine-Related Disorders.......................................................................................... 72

A. Overview................................................................................................................................. 72
B. Treatment Settings ................................................................................................................ 72
C. Somatic Treatments .............................................................................................................. 72
D. Psychosocial Treatments ...................................................................................................... 73
E. Clinical Features Influencing Treatment ............................................................................. 74

VII. Treatment of Opioid-Related Disorders .......................................................................................... 75

A. Overview................................................................................................................................. 75
B. Treatment Settings ................................................................................................................ 76
C. Somatic Treatments .............................................................................................................. 77
D. Psychosocial Treatments ...................................................................................................... 82
E. Clinical Features Influencing Treatment ............................................................................. 83

Individuals and Organizations That Submitted Comments ................................................................. 85

References................................................................................................................................................. 86
Statement of Intent

The APA Practice Guidelines are not intended to be construed or to serve as a standard of
medical care. Standards of medical care are determined on the basis of all clinical data avail-
able for an individual patient and are subject to change as scientific knowledge and technol-
ogy advance and practice patterns evolve. These parameters of practice should be
considered guidelines only. Adherence to them will not ensure a successful outcome for ev-
ery individual, nor should they be interpreted as including all proper methods of care or ex-
cluding other acceptable methods of care aimed at the same results. The ultimate judgment
regarding a particular clinical procedure or treatment plan must be made by the psychiatrist
in light of the clinical data presented by the patient and the diagnostic and treatment op-
tions available.
This practice guideline has been developed by psychiatrists who are in active clinical
practice. In addition, some contributors are primarily involved in research or other academ-
ic endeavors. It is possible that through such activities some contributors, including work
group members and reviewers, have received income related to treatments discussed in this
guideline. A number of mechanisms are in place to minimize the potential for producing bi-
ased recommendations due to conflicts of interest. Work group members are selected on
the basis of their expertise and integrity. Any work group member or reviewer who has a po-
tential conflict of interest that may bias (or appear to bias) his or her work is asked to dis-
close this to the Steering Committee on Practice Guidelines and the work group. Iterative
guideline drafts are reviewed by the Steering Committee, other experts, allied organizations,
APA members, and the APA Assembly and Board of Trustees; substantial revisions address
or integrate the comments of these multiple reviewers. The development of the APA prac-
tice guidelines is not financially supported by any commercial organization.
More detail about mechanisms in place to minimize bias is provided in a document
available from the APA Department of Quality Improvement and Psychiatric Services, “APA
Guideline Development Process.”
This practice guideline was approved in December 2005 and published in August 2006.
Guide to Using This Practice Guideline

The Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Substance Use Disorders, 2nd Edi-
tion, consists of three parts (A, B, and C) and many sections, not all of which will be equally
useful for all readers. The following guide is designed to help readers find the sections that
will be most useful to them.
Part A, “Treatment Recommendations for Patients With Substance Use Disorders,” is
published as a supplement to The American Journal of Psychiatry and contains general and
specific treatment recommendations. Section I summarizes the key recommendations of
the guideline and codes each recommendation according to the degree of clinical confi-
dence with which the recommendation is made. Section II, “General Treatment Principles,”
provides a general discussion of the formulation and implementation of a treatment plan as
it applies to the individual patient. Section II.G, “Clinical Features Influencing Treatment,”
discusses a range of clinical considerations that could alter the general recommendations
discussed in Section I. Sections III, IV, V, VI, and VII provide specific recommendations for
the treatment of patients with nicotine-, alcohol-, marijuana-, cocaine-, and opioid-related
disorders, respectively.
Part B, “Background Information and Review of Available Evidence,” and Part C, “Future
Research Needs,” are not included in The American Journal of Psychiatry supplement but
are provided with Part A in the complete guideline, which is available in print format from
American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. ( and online through the Amer-
ican Psychiatric Association ( Part B provides an overview of sub-
stance use disorders, including general information on their natural history, course, and
epidemiology. It also provides a structured review and synthesis of the evidence that under-
lies the recommendations made in Part A. Part C draws from the previous sections and sum-
marizes areas for which more research data are needed to guide clinical decisions.
To share feedback on this or other published APA practice guidelines, a form is available
Development Process

This practice guideline was developed under the auspices of the Steering Committee on Prac-
tice Guidelines. The development process is detailed in “APA Guideline Development Proc-
ess,” which is available from the APA Department of Quality Improvement and Psychiatric
Services. The key features of this process with regard to this document include the following:

• A comprehensive literature review to identify all relevant randomized clinical trials as

well as less rigorously designed clinical trials and case series when evidence from ran-
domized trials was unavailable
• The development of evidence tables that summarized the key features of each identified
study, including funding source, study design, sample sizes, subject characteristics,
treatment characteristics, and treatment outcomes
• Initial drafting of the guideline by a work group that included psychiatrists with clinical
and research expertise in substance use disorders
• The production of multiple revised drafts with widespread review (23 organizations and
70 individuals submitted significant comments)
• Approval by the APA Assembly and Board of Trustees
• Planned revisions at regular intervals

Relevant updates to the literature were identified through a MEDLINE literature search
for articles published since the initial guideline edition, published in 1995. Thus MEDLINE
was searched, using PubMed, between 1995 and 2002 using the keywords “substance use dis-
order OR substance use disorders OR substance use OR substance withdrawal OR substance
intoxication OR substance abuse OR substance dependence OR alcohol abuse OR alcohol
dependence OR cocaine abuse OR cocaine dependence OR cocaine use OR marijuana use
OR marijuana abuse OR marijuana dependence OR opiate abuse OR opiate dependence OR
opiate use OR opioid abuse OR opioid dependence OR opioid use OR heroin abuse OR her-
oin dependence OR heroin use OR cigarette OR cigarettes OR smoking OR tobacco OR tobac-
co use OR tobacco use disorder OR tobacco use cessation OR smoking cessation.” This
search yielded 89,231 references, of which 4,373 were controlled clinical trials; randomized,
controlled trials; or meta-analyses; 4,101 of the 4,373 references were studies in humans,
were written in the English language, and had abstracts. Evidence tables were developed for
these results. Later in the development process, a second MEDLINE literature search, using
PubMed, on the same keywords for the period 2003 to February 2005 yielded an additional
25,003 references, of which 1,114 were controlled clinical trials; randomized, controlled tri-
als; or meta-analyses; 1,063 of these 1,114 references were studies in humans, were written
in the English language, and had abstracts. Additional, less formal literature searches were
conducted by APA staff and individual members of the Work Group on Substance Use Disor-
ders. The Cochrane databases were also searched for relevant meta-analyses.
The summary of treatment recommendations is keyed according to the level of confi-
dence with which each recommendation is made (indicated by a bracketed Roman numeral).
Part A: Treatment Recommendations for Patients With Substance Use Disorders

I. Executive Summary

A. Coding System about substance use disorders, and reducing the morbidi-
ty and sequelae of substance use disorders. Psychiatric
Each recommendation is identified as meriting one of
management is generally combined with specific treat-
three categories of endorsement, based on the level of
ments carried out in a collaborative manner with profes-
clinical confidence regarding the recommendation, as in-
sionals of various disciplines at a variety of sites, including
dicated by a bracketed Roman numeral after the state-
community-based agencies, clinics, hospitals, detoxifica-
ment. The three categories are as follows:
tion programs, and residential treatment facilities. Many
[I] Recommended with substantial clinical confidence. patients benefit from involvement in self-help group
[II] Recommended with moderate clinical confidence. meetings, and such involvement can be encouraged as
[III] May be recommended on the basis of individual cir- part of psychiatric management.
3. Specific treatments
B. General Treatment Principles The specific pharmacological and psychosocial treat-
ments reviewed below are generally applied in the context
Individuals with substance use disorders are hetero- of programs that combine a number of different treatment
geneous with regard to a number of clinically important modalities.
features and domains of functioning. Consequently, a
a) Pharmacological treatments. P h a r m a c o l o g i c a l
multimodal approach to treatment is typically required.
treatments are beneficial for selected patients with specif-
Care of individuals with substance use disorders includes
ic substance use disorders [I]. The categories of pharma-
conducting a complete assessment, treating intoxication
cological treatments are 1) medications to treat intoxica-
and withdrawal syndromes when necessary, addressing
tion and withdrawal states, 2) medications to decrease the
co-occurring psychiatric and general medical conditions,
reinforcing effects of abused substances, 3) agonist main-
and developing and implementing an overall treatment
tenance therapies, 4) antagonist therapies, 5) abstinence-
plan. The goals of treatment include the achievement of
promoting and relapse prevention therapies, and 6) medi-
abstinence or reduction in the use and effects of substanc-
cations to treat comorbid psychiatric conditions.
es, reduction in the frequency and severity of relapse to
substance use, and improvement in psychological and so- b) Psychosocial treatments. Psychosocial treatments
cial functioning. are essential components of a comprehensive treatment
program [I]. Evidence-based psychosocial treatments in-
1. Assessment clude cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBTs, e.g., relapse
A comprehensive psychiatric evaluation is essential to prevention, social skills training), motivational enhance-
guide the treatment of a patient with a substance use dis- ment therapy (MET), behavioral therapies (e.g., commu-
order [I]. The assessment includes 1) a detailed history of nity reinforcement, contingency management), 12-step
the patient’s past and present substance use and the ef- facilitation (TSF), psychodynamic therapy/interpersonal
fects of substance use on the patient’s cognitive, psycho- therapy (IPT), self-help manuals, behavioral self-control,
logical, behavioral, and physiological functioning; 2) a brief interventions, case management, and group, marital,
general medical and psychiatric history and examination; and family therapies. There is evidence to support the effi-
3) a history of psychiatric treatments and outcomes; 4) a cacy of integrated treatment for patients with a co-occur-
family and social history; 5) screening of blood, breath, or ring substance use and psychiatric disorder; such treat-
urine for substance used; 6) other laboratory tests to help ment includes blending psychosocial therapies used to
confirm the presence or absence of conditions that fre- treat specific substance use disorders with psychosocial
quently co-occur with substance use disorders; and 7) treatment approaches for other psychiatric diagnoses
with the patient’s permission, contacting a significant oth- (e.g., CBT for depression).
er for additional information.
4. Formulation and implementation of a treatment
2. Psychiatric management plan
Psychiatric management is the foundation of treat- The goals of treatment and the specific therapies cho-
ment for patients with substance use disorders [I]. Psychi- sen to achieve these goals may vary among patients and
atric management has the following specific objectives: even for the same patient at different phases of an illness
motivating the patient to change, establishing and main- [I]. Because many substance use disorders are chronic, pa-
taining a therapeutic alliance with the patient, assessing tients usually require long-term treatment, although the
the patient’s safety and clinical status, managing the pa- intensity and specific components of treatment may vary
tient’s intoxication and withdrawal states, developing and over time [I]. The treatment plan includes the following
facilitating the patient’s adherence to a treatment plan, components: 1) psychiatric management; 2) a strategy for
preventing the patient’s relapse, educating the patient achieving abstinence or reducing the effects or use of sub-

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 5


stances of abuse; 3) efforts to enhance ongoing adherence nantly on substance use, who lack sufficient social and vo-
with the treatment program, prevent relapse, and improve cational skills, and who lack substance-free social sup-
functioning; and 4) additional treatments necessary for ports to maintain abstinence in an outpatient setting [II].
patients with a co-occurring mental illness or general Residential treatment of ≥ 3 months is associated with bet-
medical condition. ter long-term outcomes in such patients [II]. For patients
The duration of treatment should be tailored to the in- with an opioid use disorder, therapeutic communities
dividual patient’s needs and may vary from a few months have been found effective [II].
to several years [I]. It is important to intensify the monitor- Partial hospitalization should be considered for pa-
ing for substance use during periods when the patient is at tients who require intensive care but have a reasonable
a high risk of relapsing, including during the early stages of probability of refraining from illicit use of substances out-
treatment, times of transition to less intensive levels of side a restricted setting [II]. Partial hospitalization settings
care, and the first year after active treatment has ceased [I]. are frequently used for patients leaving hospitals or resi-
dential settings who remain at high risk for relapse. These
5. Treatment settings
include patients who are thought to lack sufficient motiva-
Treatment settings vary with regard to the availability tion to continue in treatment, have severe psychiatric co-
of specific treatment modalities, the degree of restricted morbidity and/or a history of relapse to substance use in
access to substances that are likely to be abused, the avail- the immediate posthospitalization or postresidential peri-
ability of general medical and psychiatric care, and the od, and are returning to a high-risk environment and have
overall milieu and treatment philosophy. limited psychosocial supports for abstaining from sub-
Patients should be treated in the least restrictive set- stance use. Partial hospitalization programs are also indi-
ting that is likely to be safe and effective [I]. Commonly cated for patients who are doing poorly despite intensive
available treatment settings include hospitals, residential outpatient treatment [II].
treatment facilities, partial hospitalization programs, and Outpatient treatment of substance use disorders is ap-
outpatient programs. Decisions regarding the site of care propriate for patients whose clinical condition or environ-
should be based on the patient’s ability to cooperate with mental circumstances do not require a more intensive level
and benefit from the treatment offered, refrain from illicit of care [I]. As in other treatment settings, a comprehensive
use of substances, and avoid high-risk behaviors as well as approach is optimal, using, where indicated, a variety of
the patient’s need for structure and support or particular psychotherapeutic and pharmacological interventions
treatments that may be available only in certain settings along with behavioral monitoring [I]. Most treatment for
[I]. Patients move from one level of care to another based patients with alcohol dependence or abuse can be success-
on these factors and an assessment of their ability to safely fully conducted outside the hospital (e.g., in outpatient or
benefit from a different level of care [I]. partial hospitalization settings) [II], although patients with
Hospitalization is appropriate for patients who 1) alcohol withdrawal must be detoxified in a setting that pro-
have a substance overdose who cannot be safely treated in vides frequent clinical assessment and any necessary treat-
an outpatient or emergency department setting; 2) are at ments [I]. For many patients with a cocaine use disorder,
risk for severe or medically complicated withdrawal syn- clinical and research experience suggests the effectiveness
dromes (e.g., history of delirium tremens, documented of intensive outpatient treatment in which a variety of
history of very heavy alcohol use and high tolerance); 3) treatment modalities are simultaneously used and in
have co-occurring general medical conditions that make which the focus is the maintenance of abstinence [II]. The
ambulatory detoxification unsafe; 4) have a documented treatment of patients with nicotine dependence or a mari-
history of not engaging in or benefiting from treatment in juana use disorder occurs on an outpatient basis unless pa-
a less intensive setting (e.g., residential, outpatient); 5) tients are hospitalized for other reasons [I].
have a level of psychiatric comorbidity that would mark-
edly impair their ability to participate in, adhere to, or ben- 6. Clinical features influencing treatment
efit from treatment or have a co-occurring disorder that by In planning and implementing treatment, a clinician
itself would require hospital-level care (e.g., depression should consider several variables with regard to patients:
with suicidal thoughts, acute psychosis); 6) manifest sub- comorbid psychiatric and general medical conditions,
stance use or other behaviors that constitute an acute dan- gender-related factors, age, social milieu and living envi-
ger to themselves or others; or 7) have not responded to or ronment, cultural factors, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgen-
were unable to adhere to less intensive treatment efforts der issues, and family characteristics [I]. Given the high
and have a substance use disorder(s) that endangers oth- prevalence of comorbidity of substance use disorders and
ers or poses an ongoing threat to their physical and mental other psychiatric disorders, the diagnostic distinction be-
health [I]. tween substance use symptoms and those of other disor-
Residential treatment is indicated for patients who do ders should receive particular attention, and specific treat-
not meet the clinical criteria for hospitalization but whose ment of comorbid disorders should be provided [I]. In
lives and social interactions have come to focus predomi- addition to pharmacotherapies specific to a patient’s sub-

6 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


stance use disorder, various psychotherapies may also be programs, hypnosis, and inpatient therapy have not been
indicated when a patient has a co-occurring psychiatric proven effective.
disorder, psychosocial stressors, or other life circum-
stances that exacerbate the substance use disorder or in- D. Alcohol Use Disorders: Treatment Principles
terfere with treatment [I]. A patient’s cessation of sub- and Alternatives
stance use may also be associated with changes in his or
1. Management of intoxication and withdrawal
her psychiatric symptoms or the metabolism of medica-
The acutely intoxicated patient should be monitored
tions (e.g., altered antipsychotic metabolism via cyto-
and maintained in a safe environment [II]. Symptoms of
chrome P450 1A2 with smoking cessation) that will neces-
alcohol withdrawal typically begin within 4–12 hours after
sitate adjustment of psychotropic medication doses [I].
cessation or reduction of alcohol use, peak in intensity
In women of childbearing age, the possibility of preg- during the second day of abstinence, and generally resolve
nancy needs to be considered [I]. Each of the substances within 4–5 days. Serious complications include seizures,
discussed in this practice guideline has the potential to af- hallucinations, and delirium.
fect the fetus, and psychosocial treatment to encourage The treatment of patients in moderate to severe with-
substance abstinence during pregnancy is recommended drawal includes efforts to reduce central nervous system
[I]. With some substances, concomitant agonist treat- (CNS) irritability and restore physiological homeostasis [I]
ment may be preferable to continued substance use. In and generally requires the use of thiamine and fluids [I],
pregnant smokers, treatment with nicotine replacement benzodiazepines [I], and, in some patients, other medica-
therapy (NRT) may be helpful [II]. For pregnant women tions such as anticonvulsants, clonidine, or antipsychotic
with an opioid use disorder, treatment with methadone [I] agents [II]. Once clinical stability is achieved, the tapering
or buprenorphine [II] can be a useful adjunct to psycho- of benzodiazepines and other medications should be car-
social treatment. ried out as necessary, and the patient should be observed
for the reemergence of withdrawal symptoms and the
C. Nicotine Use Disorders: Treatment Principles emergence of signs and symptoms suggestive of co-occur-
and Alternatives ring psychiatric disorders [I].
1. Pharmacological treatments 2. Pharmacological treatments
Pharmacological treatment is recommended for indi- Specific pharmacotherapies for alcohol-dependent
viduals who wish to stop smoking and have not achieved patients have well-established efficacy and moderate ef-
cessation without pharmacological agents or who prefer to fectiveness. Naltrexone may attenuate some of the rein-
use such agents [I]. There are six medications approved by forcing effects of alcohol [I], although data on its long-term
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for nicotine efficacy are limited. The use of long-acting, injectable nal-
dependence, including five NRTs (patch, gum, spray, loz- trexone may promote adherence, but published research is
enge, and inhaler) and bupropion. These are all first-line limited and FDA approval is pending. Acamprosate, a γ-
agents that are equally effective in alleviating withdrawal aminobutyric acid (GABA) analog that may decrease alco-
symptoms and reducing smoking. Any of these could be hol craving in abstinent individuals, may also be an effec-
used based on patient preference, the route of administra- tive adjunctive medication in motivated patients who are
tion, and the side-effect profile [I]. Significant adverse concomitantly receiving psychosocial treatment [I]. Disul-
events to NRTs, including dependence, are rare. Although firam is an effective adjunct to a comprehensive treatment
combined psychosocial and medication treatment produc- program for reliable, motivated patients whose drinking
es the best outcomes in treating nicotine use disorders, may be triggered by events that suddenly increase alcohol
these medications are effective even when no psychosocial craving [II].
treatment is provided [I]. Using a combination of these first-
3. Psychosocial treatments
line treatments may also improve outcome [II]. Nortrip-
tyline and clonidine have utility as second-line agents but Psychosocial treatments found effective for some pa-
appear to have more side effects [II]. Other medications and tients with an alcohol use disorder include MET [I], CBT
acupuncture have not been proven to be effective. [I], behavioral therapies [I], TSF [I], marital and family
therapies [I], group therapies [II], and psychodynamic
2. Psychosocial treatments therapy/IPT [III]. Recommending that patients participate
Psychosocial treatments are also effective for the in self-help groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), is
treatment of nicotine dependence and include CBTs [I], often helpful [I].
behavioral therapies [I], brief interventions [II], and MET
[II] provided in individual [I], group [I], or telephone [I]
E. Marijuana Use Disorders: Treatment
formats or via self-help materials [III] and Internet-based
Principles and Alternatives
formats [III]. The efficacy of treatment is related to the Studies of treatment for marijuana use disorders are
amount of psychosocial treatment received. The 12-step limited. No specific pharmacotherapies for marijuana

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 7


withdrawal or dependence can be recommended [I]. In severe opioid overdose, marked by respiratory depression,
terms of psychosocial therapies, an intensive relapse pre- may be fatal and requires treatment in an emergency de-
vention approach that combines motivational interven- partment or inpatient setting [I]. Naloxone will reverse res-
tions with the development of coping skills may be effec- piratory depression and other manifestations of opioid
tive for the treatment of marijuana dependence [III], but overdose [I].
further study of these approaches is necessary. The treatment of opioid withdrawal is directed at safe-
ly ameliorating acute symptoms and facilitating the pa-
F. Cocaine Use Disorders: Treatment Principles tient’s entry into a long-term treatment program for opioid
and Alternatives use disorders [I]. Strategies found to be effective include
1. Management of intoxication and withdrawal substitution of methadone or buprenorphine for the opio-
Cocaine intoxication is usually self-limited and typi- id followed by gradual tapering [I]; abrupt discontinuation
cally requires only supportive care [II]. However, hyper- of opioids, with the use of clonidine to suppress withdraw-
tension, tachycardia, seizures, and persecutory delusions al symptoms [II]; and clonidine-naltrexone detoxification
can occur with cocaine intoxication and may require spe- [II]. It is essential that the treating physician assess the pa-
cific treatment [II]. Acutely agitated patients may benefit tient for the presence of other substances, particularly al-
from sedation with benzodiazepines [III]. cohol, benzodiazepines, or other anxiolytic or sedative
agents, because the concurrent use of or withdrawal from
2. Pharmacological treatments other substances can complicate the treatment of opioid
Pharmacological treatment is not ordinarily indicated withdrawal [I]. Anesthesia-assisted rapid opioid detoxifi-
as an initial treatment for patients with cocaine depen- cation (AROD) is not recommended because of lack of
dence. In addition, no pharmacotherapies have FDA indi- proven efficacy and adverse risk-benefit ratios.
cations for the treatment of cocaine dependence. Howev-
er, for individuals who fail to respond to psychosocial 2. Pharmacological treatments
treatment alone, some medications (topiramate, disul- Maintenance treatment with methadone or bu-
firam, or modafinil) may be promising when integrated prenorphine is appropriate for patients with a prolonged
into psychosocial treatments. history (>1 year) of opioid dependence [I]. The goals of
treatment are to achieve a stable maintenance dose of opi-
3. Psychosocial treatments
oid agonist and facilitate engagement in a comprehensive
For many patients with a cocaine use disorder, psy-
program of rehabilitation [I]. Maintenance treatment with
chosocial treatments focusing on abstinence are effective
naltrexone is an alternative strategy [I], although the utility
[I]. In particular, CBTs [I], behavioral therapies [I], and 12-
of this strategy is often limited by lack of patient adherence
step-oriented individual drug counseling [I] can be useful,
and low treatment retention.
although efficacy of these therapies varies across sub-
groups of patients. Recommending regular participation 3. Psychosocial treatments
in a self-help group may improve the outcome for selected
Psychosocial treatments are effective components of a
patients with a cocaine use disorder [III].
comprehensive treatment plan for patients with an opioid
use disorder [II]. Behavioral therapies (e.g., contingency
G. Opioid Use Disorders: Treatment Principles
management) [II], CBTs [II], psychodynamic psychothera-
and Alternatives
py [III], and group and family therapies [III] have been
1. Management of intoxication and withdrawal found to be effective for some patients with an opioid use
Acute opioid intoxication of a mild to moderate degree disorder. Recommending regular participation in self-help
usually does not require specific treatment [II]. However, groups may also be useful [III].

II. General Treatment Principles

Although many of the principles presented in this sec- • The number and type of substances used
tion apply to all substances reviewed in this guideline (i.e., • The individual’s genetic vulnerability for developing a
nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and opioids), not all substance use disorder(s)
principles are applicable to the treatment of every sub- • The severity of the disorder, the rapidity with which it
stance use disorder. This is particularly true for nicotine develops, and the degree of associated functional im-
dependence treatment, as nicotine dependence rarely pairment(s)
causes the behavioral or social harm seen with other sub- • The individual’s awareness of the substance use disor-
stance dependencies. der as a problem
Individuals with substance use disorders are heteroge- • The individual’s readiness for change and motivation to
neous with regard to a number of clinically important features: enter into treatment for the purpose of change

8 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


• The associated general medical and psychiatric condi- patient’s maintaining existing relationships or repairing
tions (either co-occurring or induced by substance use) troubled ones (5).
• The individual’s strengths (protective and resiliency Depending on the clinical circumstances and an indi-
factors) and vulnerabilities vidual’s readiness for change (6), treatment strategies may
• The social, environmental, and cultural context in emphasize providing motivational enhancement, teaching
which the individual lives and will be treated risk-reduction behaviors and skills, helping the patient
achieve abstinence and learn relapse prevention skills, or
It is clinically helpful when assessing patients to use a combining substitution agonist therapies (e.g., methadone
spectrum that includes use, misuse, abuse, and dependence. or buprenorphine for opioid-dependent individuals, NRTs
The latter two terms represent formal diagnostic categories. for tobacco-dependent individuals) with therapy to help
Use of a substance may or may not be clinically significant. the patient acquire relapse prevention skills. In addition,
If use of a substance is thought to be potentially clinically individuals with substance use disorders often require
significant but does not meet diagnostic criteria for abuse multimodal treatment to address associated conditions
or dependence, it may be characterized as “misuse,” al- that have contributed to or resulted from the substance use
though this is not a formal diagnostic category. Even when disorder. Specific pharmacological and psychosocial treat-
functional impairment is absent or limited, substance mis- ments for patients with a substance use disorder are re-
use can be an early indicator of an individual’s vulnerability viewed separately in this guideline; however, in practice
to developing a chronic substance use disorder. Brief early they are often implemented together, as combined treat-
interventions can effectively reduce this progression (1–3), ments lead to better treatment retention and outcomes (7).
although follow-up reinforcement appears necessary for
sustained utility. Most individuals presenting or referred for A. Goals of Treatment
treatment of a substance use disorder, however, have been The evidence to date suggests that substance-depen-
unable to stop using substances on their own. They often dent individuals who achieve sustained abstinence from
exhibit functional impairments across many categories the abused substance have the best long-term outcomes
(e.g., health, social and family, occupational, financial, le- (8, 9). Psychiatrists will, however, frequently encounter in-
gal) and have a history of chronic or relapsing episodes of dividuals who wish to reduce their substance use to a
problematic substance use. This practice guideline refers “controlled” level (i.e., use without apparent functional
primarily to the care of such individuals. consequences). Although some of these individuals, par-
As with treatment models for chronic diseases, treat- ticularly those with less severe problems, may be helped to
ment for individuals with substance use disorders occurs reach a stable level of use (e.g., “controlled” drinking) that
in temporal phases that include initial assessment, acute does not cause morbidity (10), a goal of “controlled”
intervention, and long-term intervention and/or mainte- substance use is unrealistic for most individuals present-
nance, with frequent reassessment during episodic flares ing with a substance use disorder. Furthermore, setting
in substance use (4). During the assessment phase, the spe- “controlled” use as a primary goal of treatment may initial-
cific variables associated with an individual’s substance ly dissuade individuals from working toward abstinence.
use are evaluated (e.g., genetic vulnerability, environmen- However, treatment may be initially facilitated by the clini-
tal influences, behavioral patterns of use, positive and neg- cian’s accepting the patient’s goal for moderation while
ative consequences of use, associated conditions that trig- sharing with the patient any reservations the clinician may
ger or otherwise interact with use, risk of withdrawal). In have about the likelihood of success. If the clinician be-
addition, the level of risk for morbidity or mortality associ- lieves that any level of substance use for the individual car-
ated with substance use is determined. Immediate inter- ries a risk of acute or chronic negative consequences, he or
vention to provide safety to the patient in a medically mon- she should share with the patient this concern and the be-
itored environment is recommended for individuals who lief that long-term abstinence would be the best course of
present with high-risk intoxication or withdrawal states or action. In certain circumstances it may be reasonable,
altered mental states (e.g., psychosis, suicidality, agitation) however, for an individual to begin treatment by setting a
that are associated with a risk of danger to self or others. Af- short-term goal of reducing or containing dangerous sub-
ter the patient is stabilized, the patient’s immediate needs stance use as a first step toward achieving the longer-term
regarding safety and stability should be addressed to pre- goal of sustained abstinence (11).
pare the patient to enter into comprehensive, long-term The goals for treating a substance use disorder begin
treatment of the substance use disorder and its associated with engaging the patient in treatment and may ultimately
conditions. Such acute interventions may be focused on progress to the patient’s achieving and maintaining com-
goals such as preserving health, achieving financial securi- plete abstinence from all problematic substances. Along
ty, and finding stable housing. It is recommended that indi- this treatment spectrum or timeline, an individual and his
viduals in the patient’s family or social network be included or her physician may develop immediate goals involving
in the treatment process so they may learn about the disor- risk reduction, such as reducing the frequency and quanti-
der, help monitor the patient’s progress, and assist in the ty of substances taken, abstaining from some (but not all)

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 9


substances according to assessment of risk (e.g., abstain- icant increase in responsibility (e.g., marriage, the birth of
ing from injected heroin without abstaining from can- a child, beginning school or a new job, work promotion); 6)
nabis use), or limiting substance use to lower-risk situa- physical discomfort; 7) unstructured time or boredom; or
tions (e.g., continuing to drink at home but avoiding 8) nonadherence to prescribed treatment. Many clinicians
drinking in other environments or driving while drinking). do not recognize that individuals with substance use dis-
The guiding elements of treatment planning consist of on- orders have a chronic condition and may have future epi-
going efforts to reduce the patient’s substance use and pre- sodes of substance use. Therefore, the clinician may be-
vent a return to previously dangerous patterns of use. It is come discouraged when an individual doing well in
essential to complement this approach with parallel set- treatment over an extended period of time resumes sub-
ting of goals to repair an individual’s functional decline stance use. A useful clinical strategy is to explicitly antici-
and develop new pathways for safe, sober pleasures. These pate the reality of future substance use and plan a strategy
issues are outlined below. for recovery in the event of substance use relapse; such a
strategy helps both the patient and the clinician optimally
1. Treatment retention and substance use reduction
manage and contain the negative consequences resulting
or abstinence as initial goals of treatment
from a return to substance use.
The ideal outcome for most individuals with sub-
stance use disorders is total cessation of substance use. 3. Improvement in psychological, social, and
Nonetheless, many individuals are either unable or unmo- adaptive functioning
tivated to reach this goal, particularly in the early phases of Substance use disorders are associated with impair-
treatment and/or after a relapse to substance use. Such in- ments in psychological development and social adjust-
dividuals can still be helped to minimize the direct and in- ment, family and social relations, school and work perfor-
direct negative effects of ongoing substance use. The inter- mance, financial status, health, and personal independence
ventions discussed in this practice guideline may result in (e.g., as a result of legal charges associated with substance
substantial reductions in the general medical, psychiatric, use, suspension of the individual’s driver’s license after be-
interpersonal, familial/parental, occupational, or other ing convicted of driving under the influence of an intoxicat-
difficulties commonly associated with substance abuse or ing substance) (21). For optimal outcome, the treatment of
dependence. For example, reductions in the amount or a substance use disorder may also include strategies that
frequency of substance use, substitution of a less risky target repair of damages or losses that resulted from the in-
substance, and reduction of high-risk behaviors associat- dividual’s substance use; aid in developing effective inter-
ed with substance use may be achievable goals when ab- personal, vocational, and proactive coping skills; and en-
stinence is initially unobtainable (12, 13). Engaging an in- hance familial and interpersonal relations that will support
dividual to participate and remain in treatment that may an abstinent lifestyle. It is particularly important to provide
eventually lead to further reductions in substance use and comprehensive treatments when individuals have co-oc-
its associated morbidity is a critical early goal of treatment curring psychiatric or general medical conditions that sig-
planning and is often enhanced by motivational inter- nificantly influence relapse risk (e.g., chronic pain, depres-
viewing techniques (14). sion, anxiety, impaired cognition, and impulse control
disorders) (22–24).
2. Reduction in the frequency and severity of
substance use episodes
B. Assessment
Reduction in the frequency and severity of substance
use episodes is a primary goal of long-term treatment (15). The term “substance use disorder” encompasses a
The individual is educated about common types of sub- number of different substances and disorders (i.e., abuse,
stance use triggers, such as environmental cues, stress, dependence, intoxication, withdrawal, and psychiatric
and exposure to a priming substance (16, 17). The individ- syndromes and disorders that result from substance use).
ual is then helped to develop skills to prevent substance Substance abuse and substance dependence are two dis-
use; these skills include identifying and avoiding high-risk orders that are frequently encountered, and their criteria
situations as well as developing alternative responses to are applicable across substances. The criteria for these dis-
situations in which substance use may occur. Individuals orders are presented in Tables 1 and 2. However, it is be-
are at a greater risk of using substances when any of the yond the scope of this practice guideline to describe all the
following are present: 1) craving or urges to use a sub- substance use disorders, and the reader is referred to
stance due to acute or protracted withdrawal states and/or DSM-IV-TR for a full description.
classically conditioned responses to cues associated with A clinician’s approach to assessing a substance use dis-
substance use (18–20); 2) easy access to substances; 3) so- order will differ depending on the context in which an indi-
cial facilitation of substance use (e.g., holiday parties, as- vidual presents for treatment. An individual who recogniz-
sociation with other substance users); 4) negative affective es the presence of a substance use disorder may present
states; 5) negative life events, or any significant, even pos- willingly for treatment and be amenable to a thorough as-
itively viewed, life event if the event carries with it a signif- sessment (as outlined below). However, many individuals

10 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


Table 1. DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Substance Abuse

A. A maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by one (or more) of the follow-
ing, occurring within a 12-month period:
1) recurrent substance use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home (e.g., repeated absences or poor
work performance related to substance use; substance-related absences, suspensions, or expulsions from school; neglect of children or
2) recurrent substance use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (e.g., driving an automobile or operating a machine when impaired
by substance use)
3) recurrent substance-related legal problems (e.g., arrests for substance-related disorderly conduct)
4) continued substance use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of
the substance (e.g., arguments with spouse about consequences of intoxication, physical fights)
B. The symptoms have never met the criteria for substance dependence for this class of substance.

will not be similarly motivated, and retaining them in treat- and the Drug Abuse Screening Test, a 20-item self-report
ment may require adapting the assessment process to their assessment that screens for commonly abused substances
level of insight and motivational state. For example, indi- other than alcohol (28). If screening instruments or other
viduals with benzodiazepine dependence will often assessment questions reveal that an individual has ever
present for treatment of an anxiety disorder but have no used substances, it is important to obtain a history of cur-
motivation to reduce their benzodiazepine use. Likewise, rent and past substance use, including the frequency of
individuals with bipolar disorder will often present with a substance use and the quantity of the substance used per
co-occurring substance use disorder but may not identify using episode. The clinician should also inquire about the
or recognize substance use as problematic (e.g., the use of individual’s current caffeine and nicotine use, past ciga-
alcohol at night to facilitate sleep onset). In such cases, ed- rette use in pack-years (defined as the number of packs per
ucational efforts to help the individual recognize the sub- day multiplied by the number of years of smoking), and,
stance use disorder as a problem may be helpful. This may for current smokers, the time from waking in the morning
involve extending the assessment phase over time rather to their first cigarette.
than attempting to acquire all the patient’s information at It is also important for the assessing clinician to in-
once so that the clinician can tailor the intervention to the quire about specific substance misuse if an individual’s
patient’s particular stage of change (25). work is associated with increased risk because of occupa-
In an alternative scenario, an individual may be co- tional demands, privileged access to controlled substanc-
erced into an assessment by frustrated family members or es, or a desire to enhance performance. For example, fire-
drug treatment diversion programs within the justice sys- fighters, police, and emergency personnel have a high
tem. Such individuals may be resentful of the assessment prevalence of alcohol dependence related to job stress
process and have no motivation for changing their behav- (29). Misuse of prescription substances or anesthetics is
ior other than the stipulations of family or the court sys- common among health care or veterinary medicine per-
tem. Under these conditions, the clinician must attempt to sonnel; when compared with other physicians who misuse
establish an alliance with the individual in order to be substances, anesthesiologists have been shown to be more
viewed as a valuable source of information and aid rather likely to misuse opioids (30). Synthesis and misuse of con-
than as a punitive extension of the referring sources. Re- trolled substances have also been observed in medicinal
taining the individual in treatment will also take prece- chemists. Anabolic steroid hormone precursors may be
dence over treating the disorder but may not always be misused by athletes, and stimulant drugs may be misused
possible. A full assessment of the individual’s substance by commercial truck drivers attempting to stay awake
use disorder(s) may need to be gathered in pieces over longer or by models and actors wanting to lose weight. Co-
time, with details being added to the initial picture when caine use appears to be a hazard among staff in restau-
the individual is more comfortable sharing information rants and the entertainment industry. The clinician will
pertinent to the pattern of his or her substance use and also want to ask about other situations in an individual’s
more motivated to contemplate change. history that may put him or her at higher risk for substance
All individuals undergoing a psychiatric evaluation misuse, such as a history of trauma, psychiatric disorders,
should be screened for a substance use disorder, regard- or chronic medical conditions.
less of their age, presentation, or referral source. Several In evaluating an individual with a suspected or con-
empirically validated screening tools are available that do firmed substance use disorder, a comprehensive psychiat-
not require extensive training or time to use during an ini- ric evaluation is essential. Information should be sought
tial assessment. Commonly used screens include the four- from the individual and, with the individual’s consent,
item CAGE screen for alcohol abuse (Have you ever felt the available family members and peers, current and past
need to Cut down on drinking, been Annoyed by others’ health professionals, employers, and others as appropri-
criticism of your drinking, felt Guilty about drinking, need- ate. The goals of the assessment are to establish a multiax-
ed an Eye-opener drink first thing in the morning?) (26), ial DSM-IV-TR diagnosis, including identification of cur-
the 10-item Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (27), rent and past substance use disorders as well as other

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 11


Table 2. DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Substance Dependence

A maladaptive pattern of substance use, leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by three (or more) of the follow-
ing, occurring at any time in the same 12-month period:
1) tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
a) a need for markedly increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxication or desired effect
b) markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the substance
2) withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
a) the characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the substance
b) the same (or a closely related) substance is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms
3) the substance is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended
4) there is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance use
5) a great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the substance (e.g., visiting multiple doctors or driving long distances), use the
substance (e.g., chain-smoking), or recover from its effects
6) important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of substance use
7) the substance use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to
have been caused or exacerbated by the substance (e.g., current cocaine use despite recognition of cocaine-induced depression, or contin-
ued drinking despite recognition that an ulcer was made worse by alcohol consumption)
The diagnosis should specify “With Physiological Dependence” (either item 1 or 2 is present) or “Without Physiological Dependence” (neither
item 1 nor 2 is present).

comorbid psychiatric and physical disorders, and to iden- forts to control or stop substance use outside of a for-
tify other factors that are important to developing a treat- mal treatment setting should also be discussed. For in-
ment plan. Specific elements of the assessment may in- dividuals who had previous treatment or periods of
clude the following: abstinence, additional history may include the dura-
tion of abstinence, the factors that promoted or helped
1. A systematic inquiry into the mode of onset, quantity, sustain abstinence, the impact of abstinence on psy-
frequency, and duration of substance use; the escala- chiatric functioning, the circumstances surrounding
tion of use over time; the motivation for use; the specif- relapse (e.g., whether the relapse was related to with-
ic circumstances of the individual’s substance use (e.g., drawal symptoms, exacerbation of a psychiatric disor-
where, with whom, how much, by what route of ad- der, or psychosocial stressors), the individual’s attitude
ministration); the desired effect of the substance used; toward prior treatment, nontreatment experiences,
the most recent dose of each substance used; the time and expectations about future treatments.
elapsed since the most recent use; the degree of asso- 3. A comprehensive general medical and psychiatric his-
ciated intoxication; the severity of associated with- tory, including mental status and physical examina-
drawal syndromes; and the subjective effects of all tion, to ascertain the presence or absence of co-occur-
substances used, including substances other than the ring psychiatric or general medical disorders as well as
individual’s “drug of choice.” As the psychiatrist elicits signs and symptoms of intoxication or withdrawal.
the individual’s substance use history, he or she should Psychological or neuropsychological testing may also
also determine if the individual meets DSM-IV-TR cri- be indicated for some individuals (e.g., to assess an in-
teria for abuse or dependence (see Tables 1 and 2) for dividual’s level of cognitive impairment). When a clini-
each substance used. Because many patients entering cian is attempting to ascertain an individual’s current
treatment for a specific substance use disorder are us- medication use, he or she should specifically ask about
ing more than one substance, assessment should rou- prescribed and nonprescribed medications, including
tinely include questions about the use of multiple sub- vitamins and herbal products.
stances, including which substances are used in 4. Qualitative and quantitative blood and urine screen-
combination, in what order, and for what effect. Use of ing for substances of abuse and laboratory tests for ab-
over-the-counter and prescription medications normalities that may accompany acute or chronic sub-
should also be ascertained. If prescription medica- stance use. These tests may also be used during
tions are being used, it is important to learn if the med- treatment to monitor for potential relapse. For some
ication has been prescribed for the individual or for substances, such as alcohol and nicotine, breath tests
someone else. may also be useful.
2. A history of any prior treatment for a substance use 5. Screening for infectious and other diseases often
disorder, including the characteristics of the treatment found in substance-dependent individuals (e.g., hu-
such as setting; context (e.g., voluntary or involun- man immunodeficiency virus [HIV], tuberculosis,
tary); modalities used; duration and, if applicable, hepatitis). Such individuals, particularly those with ev-
dose of treatment; adherence to treatment; and short- idence of compromised immune function, are at high
term (3-month), intermediate (1-year), and longer- risk for these diseases.
term outcomes as measured by subsequent substance 6. A complete family and social history, including infor-
use, level of social and occupational functioning mation on familial substance use or other psychiatric
achieved, and other outcome variables. Previous ef- disorders; social factors contributing to the develop-

12 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


ment or perpetuation of the substance use disorder not a substance-induced psychiatric disorder is increased
(e.g., social facilitation of substance use); financial or if at least one first-degree relative has a documented histo-
legal problems; social supports, including peer rela- ry of a similar disorder, the individual’s symptoms are not
tionships; school or vocational adjustment; and other typically observed in conjunction with the use of a partic-
functional impairments. When obtaining the family ular substance, there is a clear history that psychiatric
and social history, the psychiatrist may also wish to ask symptoms preceded the onset of the substance use disor-
for permission to speak to family members, friends, or der, or the symptoms were evident during extended sub-
other significant people in the individual’s life who stance-free periods. Such a distinction is relevant when a
may be able to provide important information regard- clinician must decide whether to treat the psychiatric
ing the individual’s substance use disorder. In evaluat- symptoms with medications and determine how long to
ing the impact of the individual’s current living envi- maintain a medication once it is started. For example, in-
ronment on his or her ability to adhere to treatment dividuals with certain substance-induced psychotic
and refrain from substance use, it is important to de- symptoms, such as paranoia resulting from the use of
termine whether and how household members and stimulants or phencyclidine (PCP), may benefit from the
friends have supported or interfered with prior at- short-term use of an antipsychotic medication. Converse-
tempts at abstinence. The substance use status of oth- ly, symptoms of depression and anxiety coexisting with a
ers in the household and close friends (e.g., never used substance use disorder may initially be addressed in psy-
substances, former substance user, current substance chosocial treatment but may require medication manage-
user) should also be considered. If others in the house- ment if they do not improve over time.
hold are currently using substances, their willingness
to quit at the same time as the individual or to refrain C. Treatment Settings
from substance use in the presence of the individual Individuals with substance use disorders may receive
should be assessed. care in a variety of settings. Treatment settings vary ac-
7. Individual preferences, motivations, and barriers for cording to the availability of resources (e.g., the presence
treatment. Individuals vary in their treatment prefer- or absence of medical monitoring, the specialization of
ences regarding pharmacotherapy, group therapy, in- services and therapy provided, the availability of psychiat-
dividual therapy, and self-help treatments. Working ric consultation), the freedom allowed the individual (e.g.,
with the individual’s preferences is likely to lead to bet- locked versus open unit), the intensity of treatment dura-
ter treatment adherence and outcomes (31). For indi- tion/participation, and the milieu philosophy driving the
viduals who have a co-occurring psychiatric disorder, primary interventions (e.g., medical model, educational,
exacerbation of psychiatric symptoms can be an addi- 12-step, peer support, faith based). Because treatment
tional barrier (31, 32). best occurs in a system that encourages cessation of all
harmful substance use (33), consideration should be given
When a clinician is assessing a new patient and estab-
to making treatment sites smoke free (33, 34). Although
lishing a diagnosis, it is often difficult to distinguish be-
most studies indicate that smoking cessation does not in-
tween psychiatric symptoms resulting from substance use
crease alcohol relapse and may aid recovery in substance-
and those from a co-occurring psychiatric disorder. Anxi-
dependent patients (35–37), one study found that smoking
ety, depression, mania, and psychosis are all commonly
cessation worsened drinking outcomes in a group of alco-
induced by various substances and can be observed with
hol-dependent patients (38).
chronic use as well as during specific substance-induced
states, including intoxication and withdrawal. Evaluation 1. Factors affecting choice of treatment setting
of psychiatric symptoms in substance-using individuals Individuals should be treated in the least restrictive
can be enhanced with repeated, longitudinal psychiatric setting that is likely to prove safe and effective. Decisions
assessments. As part of the initial assessment, it may also regarding the site of care should be based on the individu-
be useful to draw a timeline of all substances used and all al’s 1) capacity and willingness to cooperate with treat-
psychiatric symptoms and/or disorders and to include in ment; 2) ability for self-care; 3) social environment (which
this timeline all prior treatments. This timeline approach may be supportive or high risk); 4) need for structure, sup-
can help determine the chronology of symptom develop- port, and supervision to remain safe and abstinent; 5)
ment (i.e., whether the signs and symptoms predate or fol- need for specific treatments for co-occurring general med-
low the onset of repetitive substance use), the presence or ical or psychiatric conditions; 6) need for particular treat-
absence of symptoms during extended substance-free pe- ments or an intensity of treatment that may be available
riods (e.g., 3 months or more), and the impact of each dis- only in certain settings; and 7) preference for a particular
order on the presentation, clinical course, and outcome of treatment setting. In addition, the choice of setting should
the other(s). be guided by the particular substance(s) used, the medical
The probability that an individual with a substance risks associated with use of the substance(s), the accessi-
use disorder has a co-occurring psychiatric disorder and bility of appropriate levels of care, and the stated goals of

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 13


the individual’s treatment plan (as described in Sections medical or psychiatric), smoking cessation programs may
III through VII and as determined by the individual’s clini- also be available.
cal status). Hospital-based treatment settings may be secure (i.e.,
Patients should be moved from one level of care to an- locked) or may permit individuals and visitors to come and
other on the basis of these factors; the decision to move to go in a monitored but generally less restrictive fashion. Se-
a less intensive level of care should consider these factors cure hospital settings should be considered for individuals
plus the clinician’s assessment of a patient’s readiness and with co-occurring psychiatric conditions whose clinical
ability to benefit from the less restrictive setting. To appro- state would ordinarily require such a unit (e.g., actively sui-
priately match patients and treatment settings, many cli- cidal individuals). Individuals with poor impulse control
nicians, health insurers, hospitals, and treatment agencies and judgment who in the presence of an “open door” are
use the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) likely to leave the program or obtain or receive drugs on the
patient placement criteria (39). These criteria provide an unit are also candidates for a secure unit. In some states, in-
algorithm for placement that represents expert consensus dividuals can reside on a secure unit in “conditional volun-
and that is updated as additional evidence becomes avail- tary” status, which requires written notice and a time delay
able on treatment outcomes and levels of care. (e.g., 3 days) before the patient’s request for discharge is ap-
Studies comparing the short-term, intermediate, and proved or another disposition (e.g., commitment) is imple-
long-term benefits of treatment in various settings (i.e., in- mented. Such restrictions can provide a useful period of
patient, residential, partial hospitalization, outpatient) delay in which poorly motivated individuals can reconsider
have a variety of methodological problems, including het- their wish to leave a program prematurely.
erogeneity of individual populations, high dropout rates, The available data do not support the notion that hos-
lack of controlled trials, inappropriate comparison of out- pitalization per se has specific benefits over other treat-
comes after time-limited treatment interventions, and re- ment settings beyond the ability to address treatment ob-
liance on individual self-reports uncorroborated by data jectives that require a medically monitored environment
from collateral sources (40). Stated treatment goals, pro- (48, 49). There is consensus (e.g., ASAM patient placement
gram features, and outcome measures vary across studies criteria) that individuals in one or more of the following
(41). A common finding among different treatments avail- categories may require hospital-level care:
able for substance use disorders is that retention in treat-
1. Individuals with drug overdoses who cannot be safely
ment improves outcomes (42–45).
treated in an outpatient or emergency department set-
2. Commonly available treatment settings and ting (e.g., individuals with severe respiratory depres-
services sion, individuals in a coma)
Settings and services used in the treatment of sub- 2. Individuals in withdrawal who are at risk for a severe or
stance use disorders may be considered as points along a complicated withdrawal syndrome (e.g., individuals
continuum of care from most to least intensive. The spe- dependent on multiple substances, individuals with a
cific factors leading to the choice of a particular setting for history of delirium tremens) or cannot receive the nec-
an individual patient are described below. The choice of a essary medical assessment, monitoring, and treat-
treatment setting may also be influenced by availability, ment in a less intensive setting
given that communities differ in the variety of treatment 3. Individuals with acute or chronic general medical con-
services they offer and certain specialized treatment set- ditions that make detoxification in a residential or am-
tings (e.g., dual-diagnosis partial hospitalization care) may bulatory setting unsafe (e.g., individuals with severe
not be widely available. For individuals with primary nico- cardiac disease)
tine dependence or marijuana use disorders, treatment 4. Individuals with a documented history of not engaging
occurs in outpatient settings; information presented in or benefiting from treatment in a less intensive set-
about other treatment settings may not be applicable to ting (e.g., residential, outpatient)
these populations. 5. Individuals with marked psychiatric comorbidity who
are an acute danger to themselves or others (e.g., indi-
a) Hospitals. The range of services available in hospital-
viduals who have depression with suicidal thoughts,
based programs typically includes emergency detoxifica-
acute psychosis)
tion and stabilization during withdrawal; assessment and
6. Individuals manifesting substance use or other behav-
treatment of general medical and psychiatric conditions;
iors who are an acute danger to themselves or others
group, individual, and family therapies; psychoeducation;
7. Individuals who have not responded to less intensive
motivational counseling; and social service facilitation of
treatment efforts and whose substance use disorder(s)
follow-up care in available community services (46, 47).
poses an ongoing threat to their physical and mental
Psychiatric hospitals may offer dual-diagnosis inpatient
units that specialize in the stabilization of co-occurring
psychiatric and substance use disorders. For patients ad- In general, the duration of hospital-based treatment
mitted to hospital-level care for other reasons (general should be dictated by the individual’s current need to re-

14 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


ceive treatment in a restrictive setting and his or her ca- mastery of relapse prevention skills and the active use of
pacity to access, safely participate in, and benefit from self-help programs.
treatment in a less restrictive setting. Limited data are available for the efficacy of partial
b) Partial hospitalization programs and intensive hospitalization and intensive outpatient programs. Ran-
outpatient programs. Partial hospitalization and inten- domized, controlled trials have demonstrated that some
sive outpatient programs can provide an intensive, struc- individuals who would ordinarily be referred for residen-
tured treatment experience for individuals with substance tial- or hospital-level care do just as well in partial hospi-
use disorders who require more services than those gener- talization care (51, 52). One study (53) comparing a more
ally available in traditional outpatient settings. Although time-intensive day hospital program to an intensive out-
the terms “partial hospitalization,” “day treatment,” and patient program that was actually less time intensive
“intensive outpatient” programs may be used nearly inter- found no differences in outcome for cocaine-dependent
changeably in different parts of the country, the ASAM pa- individuals, and another study comparing intensive with
tient placement criteria (39) define structured program- traditional outpatient treatment of the same population
ming in partial hospitalization programs as 20 hours per found no differences in outcome (54).
week and in intensive outpatient programs as 9 hours per
c) Residential treatment. Residential treatment is indi-
week. Partial hospitalization programs provide ancillary
cated primarily for individuals who do not meet clinical
medical and psychiatric services, whereas intensive out-
criteria for hospitalization but whose lives and social in-
patient programs may be more variable in the accessibility
teractions have come to focus exclusively on substance
of these services. Some patients enter these programs di-
use and who currently lack sufficient motivation and/or
rectly from the community. Alternatively, these programs
substance-free social supports to remain abstinent in an
are sometimes used as “step-down” programs for individ-
ambulatory setting. For these individuals, residential facil-
uals leaving hospital or residential settings who are at a
ities provide a safe and substance-free environment in
high risk of relapsing because of problems with motiva-
which residents learn individual and group living skills for
tion, the presence of frequent cravings or urges to use a
preventing relapse. As in the case of hospital-based pro-
substance, poor social supports, immediate environmen-
grams, residential treatment programs frequently provide
tal cues for relapse and/or availability of substances, and
psychosocial, occupational, and family assessment; psy-
co-occurring medical and/or psychiatric disorders. The
choeducation; an introduction to self-help groups; and re-
goal of such a “step-down” approach is to stabilize patients
ferral for social or vocational rehabilitative services where
by retaining them in treatment and providing more ex-
necessary (55). Many residential programs provide their
tended intensive outpatient monitoring of relapse poten-
own individual, group, and vocational counseling pro-
tial and co-occurring disorders. Partial hospitalization and
grams but rely on affiliated partial hospitalization or out-
intensive outpatient programs may also be used as a brief
patient programs to supply the psychosocial and psychop-
“step-up” in treatment for an outpatient who has had a re-
harmacological treatment components of their programs.
lapse but who does not require medical detoxification or
Residential treatment settings should have access to gen-
who has entered into a high-risk period for relapse be-
cause of life circumstances or recurrence of a co-occurring eral medical and psychiatric care that is required to meet
medical and/or psychiatric symptom (e.g., depressed individual needs.
mood, increased pain). The duration of residential treatment should be dic-
The treatment components of partial hospitalization tated by the length of time necessary for the patient to
programs may include some combination of individual meet specific criteria that would predict his or her success-
and group therapy, vocational and educational counsel- ful transition to a less structured, less restrictive treatment
ing, family meetings, medically supervised use of adjunc- setting (e.g., outpatient care). These criteria may include a
tive medications (e.g., opioid antagonists, antidepres- demonstrated motivation to continue in outpatient treat-
sants), random urine screening for substances of abuse, ment, the ability to remain abstinent even in situations
and treatment for any co-occurring psychiatric disorders. where substances are potentially available, the availability
Intensive outpatient programs use individual therapy, of a living situation and associated support system condu-
group therapy, family therapy, and urine toxicology but cive to remaining substance free (e.g., family, substance-
vary in the amount of other therapeutic components used free peers), sufficient stabilization of any co-occurring
(50). An advantage of intensive outpatient programs is the general medical or psychiatric disorder so that the patient
availability of evening programs that accommodate day- is considered suitable for outpatient aftercare, and the
shift employees. The availability of weekend programs availability of adequate follow-up care.
varies for both partial hospitalization and intensive outpa- In some areas, particularly urban centers, residential
tient programs. Both kinds of programs aim to prepare the treatment programs specifically designed for adolescents,
individual for transition to less intensive outpatient servic- pregnant or postpartum women, or women with young
es and increased self-reliance through the practice and children are available (56, 57).

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 15


d) Therapeutic communities. Individuals with opioid, some methadone maintenance programs are provided in
cocaine, or multiple substance use disorders may benefit this setting.
from referral to a long-term residential therapeutic com- Potential voluntary applicants to a residential thera-
munity. These programs are generally reserved for individ- peutic community setting should have some understand-
uals with a low likelihood of benefiting from outpatient ing of the severity of their substance use disorder and a
treatment, such as individuals who have a history of mul- readiness to change their lifestyle; they should also have a
tiple treatment failures or whose profound impairment in willingness to conform to the structure of the therapeutic
social relational skills or ability to attain and sustain em- community and to temporarily sever ties with family and
ployment impede adherence to outpatient treatment (58). friends while they assimilate into the community environ-
Rather than viewing substance abuse as an illness (as de- ment. An individual’s violation of community rules or
fined by the disease concept), therapeutic community the- shirking of work responsibilities is disclosed to all commu-
ory views it as a deviant behavior; that is, it is seen as a
nity members and may be grounds for discharge.
symptom of pathological development in personality
Therapeutic community settings have provided some
structure, social relating, and educational and economic
of the better studied and more successful programs for
skills (reviewed by De Leon in reference 59). The therapeu-
treating incarcerated substance abusers (64). This has in-
tic community milieu provides individual, social, and vo-
cational rehabilitation through the community method of fluenced the development of standardized staff training
social learning. It is a highly structured, substance-free curricula (65).
community setting in which the primary interventions are e) Community residential facilities. Community resi-
behavioral modeling, supportive peer confrontation, con- dential facilities are commonly known as “halfway hous-
tingency management, community recreation, and work es” or “sober houses,” with the former typically offering
therapy designed to facilitate adherence to social norms more structure and supervision. They provide an outpa-
and substance-free lifestyles (44). tient substance-free housing environment as a transition-
Therapeutic communities are characteristically orga- al setting for individuals in recovery who are not yet able to
nized along strict hierarchies, with newcomers being as- manage independent housing without a significant risk
signed to the most menial social status and work tasks. for relapse. Some studies have shown that for patients with
Residents achieve higher status and take on increasing re- multiple service needs (e.g., vocational, housing, trans-
sponsibility as they demonstrate that they can remain sub- portation), the provision of stable housing in the form of
stance free and conform to community rules. Supportive long-term community residential facilities leads to signif-
confrontation, individually and in groups, is a primary in- icantly improved substance use outcomes (66–68). This
tervention used to break through denial about the role of benefit has been demonstrated for adult substance users
substance use in one’s life, identify maladaptive behaviors of both sexes. Community residential facilities show more
and coping styles that lead to interpersonal conflict and variability in substance use outcomes for youth and ado-
vocational failure, suggest alternative ways of handling lescents (69); this may be related to inadequate matching
disturbing affects, and encourage the development of atti- of services to individual needs.
tudes and beliefs that are incompatible with continued
substance use. f) Aftercare. Aftercare occurs after an intense treatment
Data regarding the effectiveness of traditional long- intervention (e.g., hospital or partial hospitalization pro-
term (2-year commitment) therapeutic communities are gram) and generally includes outpatient care, involvement
limited by the fact that only 15%–25% of individuals ad- in self-help approaches, or both. The clinician should con-
mitted voluntarily complete a program, with maximum at- sider the possibility that cognitive impairment may be
trition occurring in the first 3 months (60, 61). Retention present in recently detoxified patients when determining
rates differ with program sites (62), and retention lengths their next level of care. Research on aftercare has exam-
predict outcomes on abstinence and lack of criminal re- ined different treatment models, including eclectic, medi-
cidivism indexes, with 2-year postcompletion success cally oriented, motivational, 12-step, cognitive-behavior-
rates at 90% for graduates, 50% for dropouts completing al, group, and marital strategies (see Section II.F). Given
>1 year, and 25% for dropouts completing <1 year (44, 63). the chronic, relapsing nature of many types of substance
Cost-containment concerns and increasing knowl- use disorders, especially those requiring hospitalization, it
edge of dual-diagnosis needs have led to modifications of is expected that aftercare will be recommended with few
the traditional therapeutic community model. Shorter- exceptions. In fact, if addiction is reconceptualized along
term programs (e.g., 3–12 months) and nonresidential the lines of a chronic rather than an acute disease model,
programs are offered for those with fewer social and voca- as recommended by McLellan et al. (4), the distinction be-
tional impairments. The expanded availability of social tween a “treatment episode” and “aftercare” should be re-
services has allowed improved treatment of special popu- moved and the different modalities of care (e.g., inpatient,
lations (e.g., dual-diagnosis, HIV-positive, single-parent, outpatient) be reconsidered as part of a continuous, long-
adolescent) in the therapeutic community setting, and term treatment plan.

16 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


g) Outpatient settings. Outpatient treatment settings als with an alcohol use disorder (79) or co-occurring psy-
include but are not limited to mental health clinics, inte- chiatric and substance use disorders (80) and for adoles-
grated dual-diagnosis programs, private practice settings, cents with substance use disorders (81).
primary care clinics, and substance abuse treatment cen- i) Legally mandated treatment. Treatment of substance
ters, including opioid treatment programs. For individuals use disorders may be legally mandated under a variety of cir-
with primary nicotine dependence or a marijuana use dis- cumstances, including substance-related criminal offenses
order, treatment is always provided in an outpatient set- such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Drug
ting. For individuals with other substance use disorders, court programs recognize the effectiveness of diverting of-
outpatient treatment is appropriate when clinical condi- fenders with lesser drug-related convictions from correction-
tions or environmental and social circumstances do not al facilities into court-mandated community programs for
require a more intensive level of care. the treatment of substance use disorders (82). Standard pro-
As in other treatment settings, the optimal outpatient cedures for drug court programs include 1) assessment of in-
approach is a comprehensive one that includes a variety of dividual substance use treatment needs, 2) appropriate refer-
psychotherapeutic and pharmacological interventions ral for treatment after arrest, 3) periodic monitoring of
along with behavioral monitoring, where indicated. The adherence to treatment through the use of clinician report
evidence base for empirically supported outpatient treat- and mandatory drug testing, 4) reduction in the severity of
ments is larger for alcohol, nicotine, and opioid depen- charges contingent on successful utilization of programs for
dence treatments than for other substance dependence the treatment of substance use disorders, and 5) aftercare
treatments (70–74). In addition to medication therapies planning for maintaining sobriety in the community. For of-
(see Section II.E), outpatient treatments with strong evi- fenses related to driving under the influence of alcohol or
dence of effectiveness include CBTs (e.g., relapse pre- drugs, state and community sanctions include incarceration,
vention, social skills training), MET, behavioral therapies license suspension, driver’s education, and community ser-
(e.g., community reinforcement, contingency manage- vice requirements. Some evidence indicates that more severe
ment), TSF, psychodynamic therapies/IPT, self-help man- sanctions lead to less recidivism for intoxicated drivers with
uals, behavioral self-control, brief interventions, case high blood alcohol content readings (83).
management, and group, marital, and family therapies
Despite the high frequency at which substance use
(see Section II.F).
disorders and criminal behaviors co-occur, it has been es-
Many specific outpatient treatments have been de-
timated that only 1%–20% of substance abusers receive
signed to enhance an individual’s participation in treat-
adequate treatment while incarcerated (84). The most
ment and sense of self-efficacy regarding the reduction or
studied effective treatment programs for incarcerated in-
cessation of problematic substance use. As in the case of
dividuals are therapeutic communities (see Section
residential and partial hospitalization programs, high
II.C.2.d) (64).
rates of attrition can be problematic in outpatient settings,
particularly in the early phase (i.e., the first 6 months). Be- j) Employee assistance programs. Employee assistance
cause intermediate and long-term outcomes are highly programs (EAPs) provide an employment-based treatment
correlated with retention in treatment, individuals should setting and referral platform for employees with substance
be strongly encouraged to remain in treatment (42, 43, 45). use disorders. EAPs differ according to workplace size and
Clinicians should also encourage and attempt to integrate location. A critical difference for substance use treatment
into treatment a patient’s participation in self-help pro- received through an EAP versus through an alternate com-
grams where appropriate (see Section II.F.9) (75). munity outpatient setting is the definition of successful in-
tervention outcome. Whereas most community settings de-
h) Case management. Case management, by definition,
fine successful outcome as a reduction of substance use and
exists as an adjunctive treatment. The goals of case man-
related medical and social problems, an EAP defines and
agement interventions are to provide advocacy and coor-
measures success primarily through job performance. This
dination of care and social services and to improve patient
reflects the employer’s need to serve and retain an employee
adherence to prescribed treatment and follow-up care
while simultaneously protecting the workplace from inade-
(76). Case management initially provides psychoeduca-
quate job performance and attributable losses (85). EAPs
tion about the patient’s diagnosis and treatment as well as
are cost-effective in the short term (86, 87), but posttreat-
assessment and stabilization of basic necessities required
ment follow-up rates are poor (88).
for the individual to actively participate in treatment (e.g.,
housing, utilities, income, health insurance, transporta-
D. Psychiatric Management
tion). Beyond this, case managers aid individuals in main-
taining stability and understanding and adhering to pre- Successful treatment of substance use disorders may
scribed treatment. The variability in case management involve the use of multiple specific treatments, the choice
models has complicated research on the effectiveness of of which may vary for any one individual over time, and
this approach (77, 78). Nevertheless, studies show that may involve clinicians from a variety of backgrounds. Psy-
case management interventions are effective for individu- chiatric management entails the ongoing process of

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 17


choosing from among various treatments, monitoring pa- sary (33, 97–99). Ackerman and Hilsenroth (100) reviewed
tients’ clinical status, and coordinating different treatment therapist attributes and strategies that facilitate a positive
components. The frequency, intensity, and focus of psy- therapeutic alliance for all patient populations. They
chiatric management must be tailored to meet each pa- found that being flexible, honest, respectful, confident,
tient’s needs, and the type of management is likely to vary warm, and open all contributed to the development of a
over time, depending on the patient’s clinical status. positive therapeutic alliance. The most effective strategies
for developing such an alliance included exploration, re-
1. Motivating change
flection, highlighting past therapy successes, providing ac-
In recent years, there has been a great deal of research curate interpretation, facilitating the expression of affect,
and clinical emphasis on the clinician’s role in motivating and attending to the patient’s experience.
patients with substance use disorders to change their be-
A review of the literature on effective characteristics of
haviors. Motivational interviewing techniques (49) were
therapists concluded that the characteristic most associat-
developed specifically for the treatment of patients with a
ed with patient retention and reduced substance use is
substance use disorder. These involve the use of an em-
strong interpersonal skills (101). Safran and Muran (102)
pathic, nonjudgmental, and supportive approach to ex-
reviewed techniques for repairing ruptures in the thera-
amining the patient’s ambivalence about changing addic-
peutic alliance, such as clarifying misunderstandings,
tive behaviors. Understanding the patient’s stage of
helping patients learn that they can express their needs in
readiness to change (precontemplation, contemplation,
an individuated fashion and assert themselves without de-
preparation, action, or maintenance stage) (25) allows the
stroying the therapeutic relationship, and changing the
clinician to determine what motivational strategies are
tasks and goals to be more relevant to the patient’s current
most appropriate for the patient at that time. One of the
needs. Limit setting has an important role in treatment of
goals of motivational interviewing is to elicit the patient’s
substance use disorders and may be particularly impor-
reasons for change and assist the patient in moving
tant for individuals with co-occurring personality disor-
through the subsequent stages of change (89).
ders (103, 104).
Other techniques involved in motivating change in-
clude A-FRAMES (see Section II.F.10) and METs. Manuals 3. Assessing safety and clinical status
describing these techniques are available (49, 90). The psychiatric assessment establishes a diagnosis
2. Establishing and maintaining a therapeutic and provides a baseline determination of a patient’s clini-
framework and alliance cal status. Ongoing evaluation of the patient’s safety is also
An essential feature of psychiatric management of pa- critical, as the patient’s clinical status may change over
tients with a substance use disorder is the establishment time. It is particularly important to assess patients for sui-
and maintenance of a therapeutic alliance wherein the cidal or homicidal thoughts or other dangerous behav-
psychiatrist empathically obtains the necessary diagnostic ior—such as driving while under the influence of sub-
and treatment-related information, gains the confidence stances, domestic violence, or child abuse or neglect—that
of the patient and perhaps significant others, and is avail- may need to be addressed through a change in the treat-
able in times of crisis. The frequency and duration of treat- ment plan or care setting.
ment contacts should be sufficient to engage the patient Because relapse to substance use is common and in-
and, where appropriate, significant others in a sustained consistently reported by patients (particularly when use is
effort to participate in all relevant treatment modalities met with negative consequences or a judgmental re-
and, where appropriate, self-help groups. Within the con- sponse), breath, blood, saliva, and urine testing are helpful
text of this alliance, the primary goal of treatment is to help in the early detection of relapse. These tests are often ini-
the patient learn, practice, and internalize changes in atti- tially conducted on a frequent and random schedule, as
tudes and behaviors that are conducive to relapse preven- many substances and their metabolites may be detected
tion (91, 92). The strength of the therapeutic alliance has for only a few days after use. Random urine screening for
been found to be a significant predictor of psychotherapy recent (i.e., within the last 1–3 days) substance use may be
outcome (93). For example, several studies of individuals supplemented by nonrandom testing when recent sub-
with substance use disorders have found that a stronger stance use is suspected.
patient-clinician alliance predicts less substance use and Methods of urine screening vary as to levels of sensi-
better psychological functioning by the patient (94–96), al- tivity, specificity, and cost. The psychiatrist should be fa-
though one of these studies found no association between miliar with the applicability and sensitivity of the available
therapeutic alliance strength and treatment retention for analytic methods and collection procedures used in local
patients enrolled in a methadone maintenance program laboratories, and he or she should specify the suspected
(96). Despite the finding of this one study, the chronic and type of substance used when requesting testing. Direct su-
relapsing nature of substance use disorders highlights the pervision of a patient’s voiding or the use of other proce-
importance of establishing a therapeutic relationship so dures (e.g., temperature-sensitive cups) will help to in-
that patients will return for additional treatment, if neces- crease the validity and reliability of the test results.

18 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


The decision to test a patient’s breath, blood, or urine ready described. Management of acute intoxication may
depends on the type of substance use suspected, the sub- also be directed toward hastening the removal of sub-
stance’s duration of action, the sensitivity of the test used, stances from the body, which may be accomplished
and the clinical setting in which care is being rendered. For through gastric lavage (in the case of substances that have
example, blood testing is useful for assessing very recent been recently ingested) or techniques that increase the ex-
substance use because it reflects current blood levels, and cretion rate of substances or their active metabolites. Med-
breath testing is useful for detecting alcohol intoxication ications that antagonize the actions of the abused sub-
and generally gives results comparable to those from stances may be used to reverse their effect. Examples
blood tests. However, breath testing for alcohol is fre- include the administration of naloxone to patients who
quently preferred because the results are immediate and it have overdosed with heroin or other opioids or flumazenil
is a noninvasive and low-cost procedure. Breath testing to patients who have overdosed with benzodiazepines.
can also detect carbon monoxide, an indicator of smoking, Many patients use multiple substances simultaneous-
as recent as a few hours before the test (105). ly to enhance, ameliorate, or otherwise modify the degree
Urine testing is useful for detecting substance use over or nature of their intoxication or to relieve withdrawal
the preceding 5-day period for common substances of symptoms. Intoxication with alcohol and cocaine, the use
abuse (cocaine, opiates, cannabis, amphetamines, benzo- of heroin and cocaine (“speedball”), and the combined
diazepines, and PCP); however, certain opioids (buprenor- use of alcohol, marijuana, and/or benzodiazepines by opi-
phine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, and fentanyl) cannot be oid-dependent patients are particularly frequent. When
detected with routine methods and require special assays. intoxication with multiple substances is present, the ef-
Alcohol can be detected for up to 24 hours in urine, whereas fects of each substance need to be taken into consider-
ethyl glucuronide (EtG), a minor metabolite of alcohol, can ation in managing the patient. More information on the
be detected in the urine for 2–3 days after alcohol ingestion management of alcohol, cocaine, and opioid intoxication
(106–108). Because EtG is produced by in vivo metabolism can be found in the specific section for each substance
of alcohol prior to excretion in urine, the assay for EtG is (Sections IV.C.1, VI.C.1, and VII.C.2, respectively).
highly sensitive and specific and is sometimes used in mon-
5. Managing withdrawal
itoring programs. Finally, there is some evidence that cer-
Not all individuals who are intoxicated or using sub-
tain state markers can be used to detect recent alcohol use
stances will develop withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal
(e.g., elevation of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin, mean
syndromes usually occur in physically dependent individ-
corpuscular volume, or γ-glutamyl transpeptidase).
uals who discontinue or reduce their substance use after a
Results from some studies have indicated that more period of heavy and regular use. Patients using multiple
intensive monitoring of substance use may increase recov- substances (including alcohol and nicotine) are at risk for
ery rates from a substance use disorder, as has been dem- withdrawal from each substance. Factors that predict the
onstrated with physicians and pilots (109–111). Ongoing severity of a withdrawal syndrome include 1) type of sub-
assessment of the substance use disorder and psychiatric stance used, 2) time elapsed since last use, 3) metabolic
status is also necessary to ensure that the patient is receiv- rates of the substance, 4) dissociation rates of the sub-
ing the appropriate treatment(s) and to monitor the pa- stance from receptor sites, 5) synergistic effects or drug-
tient’s response to treatment (i.e., to determine the opti- drug interactions from the concomitant use of other pre-
mal dose of a medication, evaluate its efficacy, and detect scribed or nonprescribed medications, 6) the presence or
treatment-emergent side effects). Co-occurring psychiat- absence of concurrent general medical or psychiatric dis-
ric disorders may complicate the treatment of the sub- orders, and 7) past withdrawal experiences (especially for
stance use disorder (111) and require the addition of spe- alcohol). More information on the management of with-
cific treatments (e.g., an antidepressant medication for a drawal from alcohol, cocaine, and opioids can be found in
patient with co-occurring major depressive disorder). An the specific section for each substance (Sections IV.C.2,
ongoing longitudinal assessment of the patient may be VI.C.2, and VII.C.3, respectively).
critical to the accurate diagnosis of a co-occurring condi-
tion (see Section II.B). 6. Reducing the morbidity and sequelae of
substance use disorders
4. Managing intoxication The clinician should engage the patient and, when ap-
In general, acutely intoxicated patients require a safe, propriate, significant others in developing a comprehen-
monitored environment in which they can receive de- sive treatment plan to address problems in biological, psy-
creased exposure to external stimulation, as well as reas- chological, and social functioning. Coordination with a
surance, reorientation, and reality testing. Clinical assess- patient’s primary care physician may also be important in
ment involves ascertaining which substances have been the medical management of patients with substance use
used; the route of administration, dose, and time since the disorders (112).
last dose; whether the level of intoxication is waxing or Substance use disorders are commonly associated
waning; and other diagnostic information, as has been al- with substance-related medical morbidity. Although an

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 19


individual patient’s presentation may warrant specific scribed medications (e.g., opiate analgesics) or avoid fill-
screening and intervention, a number of baseline screen- ing prescriptions to save insurance copayments. “Down-
ing tests are frequently recommended based on epidemi- ward dr ift” and homelessness among substance-
ological studies documenting the high risk for co-occur- dependent individuals also often curtails their access to
ring medical disorders. For example, electrolyte panels medical and dental care.
and complete blood counts may be considered for those Individuals with a co-occurring psychiatric disorder
with severe substance dependence of any type because of are particularly vulnerable to the self-neglect and morbid-
the high correlation of substance dependence with poor ity associated with substance use, possibly resulting in ex-
nutritional status. For women of childbearing age, testing acerbation of depression and suicidal thinking, worsening
for pregnancy is an important part of medical screening. of psychosis, destabilization of bipolar disorder, and in-
Tuberculin skin testing may be appropriate because of creased impulsivity leading to high-risk behaviors. Nonad-
substance users’ increased risk for tuberculosis exposure herence to prescribed medication occurs frequently in
and to address public health concerns. Blood pressure those with a substance use disorder and further exacer-
monitoring may be advisable for substance users because bates these sequelae. Such individuals are best served by
of associated hypertension (e.g., with alcohol, nicotine, being referred to an integrated psychiatric and substance
and stimulants) and hypotension (e.g., dehydration asso- use disorder treatment program (114). Psychiatrists are of-
ciated with poor self-care) risks. For individuals with spe- ten the only medical contacts for patients with co-occur-
cific substance use disorders, additional laboratory and ring psychiatric and substance use disorders and therefore
other screening tests may be considered. These include are important resources for the facilitation of appropriate
the following: medical screening, referral for medical care, and follow-up
with medical care (115).
• Alcohol use. Hepatic panel to screen for liver toxicity
and functioning; complete blood count to determine 7. Facilitating adherence to a treatment plan and
mean corpuscular volume, which can be increased with preventing relapse
hepatic toxicity, thiamine, folate, and vitamin B12 defi-
Because individuals with substance use disorders are
ciency, as well as the direct effects of alcohol on he-
often ambivalent about giving up their substance use, it
matopoiesis; stool sampling for occult blood reflecting
can be useful to monitor their attitudes about participat-
gastritis, peptic ulcerative disease, or esophageal varic-
ing in treatment and adhering to specific recommenda-
es; mental status examination to detect cognitive func-
tions. These patients often deny or minimize the negative
tioning deficits
consequences attributable to their substance use; this ten-
• Nicotine dependence. Examination of lymph nodes,
dency is often erroneously interpreted by clinicians and
mouth, and throat to assess for occult cancer and pul-
significant others as evidence of dishonesty. Even patients
monary disease; auscultation of chest and lungs; chest
entering treatment with high motivation to achieve absti-
X-ray; pulmonary function testing, if warranted; elec-
nence will struggle with the reemergence of craving for a
trocardiogram because of increased risk for cardiovas-
substance or preoccupation with thoughts about attaining
cular disease; urine or blood cotinine level
or using a substance. Moreover, social influences (e.g.,
• Injection drug use. Blood testing for blood-borne and
substance-using family or friends), economic influences
sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV, hepatitis B
(e.g., unemployment), medical conditions (e.g., chronic
and C virus, and syphilis; skin examination for cellulitis;
pain, fatigue), and psychological influences (e.g., hope-
complete blood count to detect occult infection; genital
lessness, despair) may make an individual more vulnera-
examination and sampling for chlamydia, gonococcal
ble to a relapse episode even when he or she adheres to
disease, and human papilloma virus
prescribed treatment. For these reasons, it can be helpful
Even if not initially caused by substance use, co-oc- for clinicians and patients to anticipate the possibility that
curring medical disorders may be exacerbated by sub- the patient may return to substance use and to agree on a
stance use, such as respiratory disease worsened by nico- corrective plan of action should this occur. If the patient is
tine use; cardiovascular disease worsened by cocaine, willing, it can be helpful to involve significant others in
alcohol, or nicotine use; hepatic disease aggravated by al- preventing the patient’s relapse and prepare significant
cohol abuse; and seizure disorder exacerbated by with- others to manage relapses should they occur.
drawal from alcohol, benzodiazepines, or other sedatives. Supporting patients in their efforts to reduce or ab-
In addition, individuals with substance use disorders fre- stain from substance use positively reinforces their
quently neglect preventive health care and follow-up med- progress. Overt recognition of patient efforts and success-
ical care (113). All substance use disorders can be a cause es helps to motivate patients to remain in treatment de-
for nonadherence to prescribed medications. Delayed spite setbacks. Clinicians can optimize patient engage-
dosing, missed dosing, or overuse of prescribed medica- ment and retention in treatment through the use of
tions may occur during intoxication and withdrawal motivational enhancement strategies (49, 116) and by en-
states. To finance substance use, individuals may sell pre- couraging patients to actively partake in self-help strate-

20 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


gies. Monitoring programs, such as EAPs and impaired- risk of switching addictions (e.g., to other substances, to
physician programs (86, 111, 117), can sometimes help pa- addictive behaviors such as compulsive gambling), the
tients adhere to treatment. identification of relapse triggers, the availability of treat-
Early in treatment a clinician may educate patients ment options, and the role of family and friends in aiding
about cue-, stress-, and substance-induced relapse trig- or impeding recovery. When appropriate, psychiatrists
gers (17, 118). Patients benefit from being educated in a may provide education about the effects of alcohol and
supportive manner about relapse risk situations, other substances on the brain, the positive changes that
thoughts, or emotions; they must learn to recognize these occur with abstinence, substance-related medical prob-
as triggers for relapse and learn to manage unavoidable lems (e.g., hepatitis C virus), and the effects of smoking, al-
triggers without resorting to substance-using behaviors. cohol, and other substances on fetal development. Educa-
Participation in AA or similar self-help group meetings can tion on reducing behavioral harm may include advice
also support patients’ sobriety and help them avoid re- about the use of sterile needles, procedures for safer sex,
lapse. Many other strategies can also help prevent relapse. contraceptive options, and the availability of treatment
Social skills training is targeted at improving individual re- services for drug-exposed newborns. Patients may also be
sponsibility within family relationships, work-related in- directed to other educational resources. For example, pub-
teractions, and social relationships. During the early re- lic health services for the treatment of nicotine depen-
covery phase, it can be helpful to encourage patients to dence are offered free of charge and are available by tele-
seek new experiences and roles consistent with a sub- phone (e.g., the “telephone quitlines” for individual states
stance-free existence (e.g., greater involvement in voca- sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
tional, social, or religious activities) and to discourage tion [CDC], available at
them from instituting major life changes that might in- quitlines.htm), on the Internet (e.g., the CDC’s Tobacco In-
crease the risk of relapse. Facilitating treatment of co-oc- formation and Prevention Source, available at http://
curring psychiatric and medical conditions that signifi-, and by mail. As in all clinical set-
cantly interact with substance relapse is a long-term tings, patient education is best delivered with due consid-
intervention for maintaining sobriety (119–121). eration to the individual’s educational background and
Therapeutic strategies to prevent relapse have been cultural setting.
well studied and include teaching individuals to anticipate 9. Facilitating access to services and coordinating
and avoid substance-related cues (e.g., assessing individu- resources among mental health, general
al capacity to avoid relapse in the presence of substance- medical, and other service systems
using peers), training individuals how to monitor their af-
In all aspects of patient management, the psychiatrist
fective or cognitive states associated with increased crav-
may work collaboratively with members of other profes-
ing and substance use, behavioral contingency contract-
sional disciplines, community-based agencies, treatment
ing, training individuals in cue extinction and relaxation
programs, and lay organizations to coordinate and inte-
therapies to reduce the potency of substance-related stim-
grate the patient’s care and address the patient’s social, vo-
uli and modulate craving intensity, and supporting pa-
cational, educational, and rehabilitative needs. This is par-
tients in the development of coping skills and lifestyle
ticularly important for patients lacking resources or the
changes that support sobriety (122, 123). Behavioral tech-
capacity for self-care because of a psychiatric or medical
niques that enhance the availability and perceived value of
disorder. Case management services are aimed at such co-
social reinforcement as an alternative to substance use or
ordination of care (125).
reward for remaining abstinent have also been used (124).
In treating an individual with significant comorbidi-
If relapse does occur, individuals should be praised for
ties or treatment-resistant disorders (e.g., chronic pain
even limited success and encouraged to continue in or re-
syndromes, personality disorders, cognitive impairment,
sume treatment. Clinicians may help patients analyze re-
chronic suicidality), it may be important for the treating
lapses as well as periods of sobriety from a functional and
clinician to consult with colleagues and experts in special-
behavioral standpoint and use what is learned to adjust
ty care. In some cases, it may be necessary to place pa-
the treatment plan to fit the individual’s present needs. For
tients in a highly supervised setting to protect them and
chronically relapsing substance users, medication thera-
society from their dangerous behaviors associated with
pies may be necessary adjuncts to treatment.
substance use.
8. Providing education about substance use
disorders and their treatment E. Somatic Treatments
Patients with substance use disorders should receive Medication therapies for substance use disorders are
education and feedback about their disorder, prognosis, effective adjuncts to behavioral therapies and self-help
and treatment. Clinicians are responsible for educating groups; the settings for medication therapies include hos-
patients and their significant others about the etiology and pitals, partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient
nature of substance use, the benefits of abstinence, the programs, and a variety of outpatient settings including

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 21


primary care clinics, mental health clinics, substance use son who presents with significant respiratory depression,
disorder treatment facilities, and private practice offices. the initial suggested dose is 2.0 mg i.v., regardless of the in-
The types of accepted and effective medication strate- dividual’s drug use history; a beneficial response should
gies used in the treatment of specific substance use disor- occur within 2 minutes. Repeated doses can be adminis-
ders are discussed in greater detail in later sections of this tered every 3 minutes until respiratory or CNS depression
practice guideline. The following sections describe the gen- is completely reversed or until a maximum dose of 10 mg
eral principles of these main categories of medication in- i.v. has been given (128). If no response is observed after
terventions: 1) medications to treat intoxication states, 2) administration of the 10 mg of naloxone, the diagnosis of
medications to treat withdrawal syndromes, 3) agonist opioid overdose should be reconsidered. Because nalox-
maintenance therapies, 4) antagonist therapies, 5) absti- one is rapidly absorbed by the brain and then quickly re-
nence-promoting and relapse prevention therapies, and 6) distributed and eliminated from the body, its activity in
medications to treat co-occurring psychiatric conditions. the brain is short-lived (126, 130). Thus, further monitor-
ing and infusion of additional naloxone are needed to con-
1. Medications to treat intoxication states tinue antagonizing the effects of severe opioid overdose,
Most clinicians treating patients with substance use particularly if longer-acting opioids have been ingested
disorders do not direct medical treatment of life-threaten- (128, 131). Monitoring for opioid withdrawal symptoms is
ing intoxication states, because this role belongs to trained also indicated because patients may experience signifi-
emergency physicians. However, clinicians who treat pa- cant distress that can last for several hours after reversal of
tients with substance use disorders should be able to rec- an opioid overdose with an antagonist (129).
ognize potentially dangerous intoxication states so they Acute sedative-hypnotic overdose is recognizable by
can make a rapid referral to emergency services. This sec- slurred speech, loss of coordination, and confusion and, in
tion briefly describes potentially dangerous states of sub- a severe overdose, stupor, respiratory depression, and co-
stance intoxication and emergency medication therapies. ma. Flumazenil is a potent benzodiazepine-specific antag-
In general, there are two types of medication interven- onist that competes at central synaptic GABA receptor
tions for acute intoxication and overdose: the administra- sites in a dose-dependent manner (132). In addition, it
tion of specific antagonists (e.g., naloxone for acute opioid may antagonize the sedative effects of other compounds
overdose, flumazenil for acute benzodiazepine overdose that act through GABA receptors, such as zolpidem, zale-
complicated by ingestion of multiple substances) and ther- plon, and eszopiclone (133). However, it does not antago-
apies that stabilize the physical effects of substance over- nize benzodiazepine effects at peripheral GABAergic (e.g.,
dose (e.g., anticholinergics, adrenergic pressor agents, anti- renal, cardiac) receptor sites (134). Like naloxone, fluma-
arrhythmics, anticonvulsants). Other adjunctive supportive zenil has poor bioavailability and a brief duration of activ-
treatments for overdose include establishing an adequate ity and is administered by repeated boluses or through
airway, decreasing the risk of aspiration (e.g., positioning continuous intravenous infusion. Although it can be used
the patient on his or her side, use of a cuffed endotracheal as a low-dose (2 mg i.v.) diagnostic probe for suspected
tube), and, if indicated, providing ventilatory support and benzodiazepine overdose or in the reversal of benzodiaz-
hemodialysis. Hemodialysis or lavage therapies may also be epines given for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, flu-
used to enhance elimination of ingested substances. mazenil must be carefully administered to benzodiaz-
The syndrome of acute opioid overdose is recogniz- epine-dependent patients and patients who have ingested
able by respiratory depression, extreme miosis, and stupor mixed substances to avoid the production of withdrawal
or coma (126). Pulmonary edema may also be observed. seizures (135). Flumazenil can also affect cerebral hemo-
Naloxone is a competitive antagonist at all three types of dynamics and is not recommended for situations in which
opiate receptors (mu, kappa, and sigma) and has no in- intracranial pressure may already be increased (e.g., in the
trinsic agonist activity (127). It is clinically indicated to case of a head injury) (135). For these reasons, as well as
rapidly reverse a known or suspected opioid overdose cost, flumazenil is not recommended for uncomplicated
(126, 128). Because of its poor bioavailability from signifi- benzodiazepine overdose that can be successfully man-
cant hepatic first-pass effects, naloxone is typically admin- aged by supportive ventilation therapies.
istered intravenously, but it may also be given intramuscu-
larly, subcutaneously, or endotracheally if intravenous 2. Medications to treat withdrawal syndromes
access is unattainable (126). The dosing of naloxone varies Patients who develop tolerance to a particular sub-
depending on whether the patient is known to be opioid stance also develop cross-tolerance to other substances in
dependent as well as on the extent of respiratory depres- the same pharmacological class. Physicians can take ad-
sion. For example, in patients with CNS but not respiratory vantage of cross-tolerance in the treatment of withdrawal
depression, an initial dose of 0.05–0.4 mg i.v. is recom- states by replacing the abused substance with a medica-
mended. The lower dose is used for opioid-dependent in- tion that is in the same pharmacological class. Examples
dividuals, who will show withdrawal symptoms within of this include the use of methadone or buprenorphine in
minutes of being given the medication (129). For any per- the treatment of opioid withdrawal, benzodiazepines in

22 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


the treatment of alcohol and sedative-hypnotic with- The ingestion of alcohol after disulfiram, an inhibitor
drawal, and NRTs in the treatment of nicotine depen- of the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase, has been taken re-
dence (136–141). sults in the accumulation of toxic levels of acetaldehyde ac-
Other medications are used to ameliorate indirect companied by a host of unpleasant, potentially dangerous
withdrawal-related symptoms. For example, clonidine is but rarely lethal signs and symptoms (148–151). The pur-
an α2-adrenergic agonist that is useful in treating opioid pose of disulfiram is not to make the patient ill but to pre-
withdrawal symptoms as well as anxiety syndromes (129, vent the patient from drinking impulsively because he or
142). Nonspecific symptoms of withdrawal such as head- she knows the symptoms that will result from drinking
ache and stomach upset may also require treatment using while taking disulfiram (see Sections IV.C.3.b and IX.B.3.b).
medications such as acetaminophen and histamine2-re- Naltrexone, described above as an antagonist therapy
ceptor antagonists, respectively. for the treatment of opiate dependence, is also effective in
reducing alcohol craving and preventing alcohol-induced
3. Agonist maintenance therapies relapse (152–154), presumably because of the effect of mu
Opioid agonist maintenance therapy may be the pri- opiate receptor antagonism in blocking the centrally me-
mary tool available to engage an opioid-dependent indi- diated reinforcing effects of alcohol (155) (see Sections
vidual in treatment because it relieves unpleasant with- IV.C.3.a and IX.B.3.a).
drawal syndromes and craving associated with abstinence. Acamprosate (calcium bis-acetyl homotaurine) is a
The central and subjective effects of agonist therapies ren- small, flexible molecule that resembles GABA and decreas-
der these agents more acceptable to opioid-dependent pa- es glutamatergic neurotransmission, perhaps by acting as
tients than antagonist therapies, and adherence with treat- an N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist (151, 156). It has been
ment with agonist therapies is greater than with antagonist proposed that this medication helps sustain abstinence in
therapies. detoxified alcohol-dependent individuals by reducing
Opioid agonist maintenance therapies (described fur- neuronal hyperexcitability during early recovery (156, 157)
ther below) include methadone, a long-acting potent ago- (see Sections IV.C.3.c and IX.B.3.c).
nist at the mu opiate receptor sites (126), and buprenor- Treatment of nicotine dependence with the sus-
phine, a potent long-acting compound that acts as a tained-release formulation of the antidepressant bupropi-
partial opioid agonist at mu receptor sites (126) and that is on has been associated with reductions in nicotine craving
prescribed alone or with naloxone (in a combination tab- and smoking urges (158–160). The mechanism of action
let). An additional opioid agonist therapy, L-α-acetylmeth- for bupropion in the treatment of nicotine dependence is
adol (LAAM), has an extended duration of action and high unclear but is likely related to blockade of dopamine and
intrinsic activity at the mu opiate receptor, but it has been norepinephrine reuptake (161) as well as antagonism of
withdrawn from the U.S. market by its manufacturer be- high-affinity nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (162) (see
cause of the risk of cardiac arrhythmia. Sections III.E.2 and IX.A.1.b).

4. Antagonist therapies 6. Medications to treat co-occurring psychiatric

Antagonist therapies are used to block or otherwise conditions
counteract the physiological and/or subjective reinforc- The treatment of co-occurring psychiatric disorders
ing effects of substances. The narcotic antagonist naltr- may or may not improve treatment outcome for the sub-
exone blocks the subjective and physiological effects of stance use disorder, but if treatment of the co-occurring
subsequently administered opioid drugs (e.g., heroin) psychiatric disorder does not occur, it is less likely that the
(143, 144) without tolerance developing to its antagonist treatment of substance use disorder will be successful. The
effect (145) (see Sections VII.C.1.c and IX.E.1.b). Com- high prevalence of co-occurring psychiatric disorders in
pared with naloxone, naltrexone has good oral bioavail- substance-dependent patients implies that many such pa-
ability (126) and a relatively long half-life; it is also avail- tients will require specific pharmacotherapy for a co-oc-
able in a long-acting injectable preparation that may curring disorder. Examples include the use of mood stabi-
improve treatment adherence. lizers for substance-dependent patients with bipolar
Mecamylamine, a nicotine antagonist, has also been disorder, antipsychotics for patients with psychotic disor-
studied, but its effectiveness remains unclear (146, 147). ders, and antidepressants for patients with major depres-
sive disorder (see also Section II.G.2.d).
5. Abstinence-promoting and relapse prevention Clinically significant issues for substance-dependent
therapies patients receiving pharmacotherapy for co-occurring psy-
For promoting abstinence and preventing relapse in chiatric disorders include 1) synergy of prescribed medi-
patients with substance use disorders, certain medica- cations and effects of the abused substance (e.g., benzodi-
tions may be useful. Examples of such medications are dis- azepines and alcohol), 2) drug-drug interactions that
ulfiram, naltrexone, and acamprosate for alcohol use dis- affect the efficacy of psychiatric treatment (e.g., antipsy-
orders and bupropion for nicotine dependence. chotics and smoked tobacco), 3) nonadherence to treat-

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 23


ment because of intoxication and withdrawal states as well enhancing social supports and interpersonal functioning
as drug-seeking behaviors, and 4) intentional or uninten- (163). A central challenge for clinicians treating individu-
tional overdose. Certain medications used to treat co-oc- als with substance use disorders is that the core symptom,
curring psychiatric disorders may themselves be abused. compulsive substance use, at least initially results in eu-
For example, patients with a co-occurring anxiety disorder phoria or relief of dysphoria, with the aversive and painful
may abuse benzodiazepines, patients with attention defi- effects of substance use occurring some time after the re-
cit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may abuse prescribed warding effects. This contrasts with the course of most
stimulants, and patients with a co-occurring psychotic other psychiatric disorders (e.g., mood or anxiety disor-
disorder who are treated with anticholinergics for antipsy- ders), in which the primary symptoms are painful or aver-
chotic adverse side effects may abuse the anticholinergic sive. In addition, substance use has come to serve an
adjunct. Substance-dependent patients may also misuse important function in the individual’s life by the time
prescribed medications in an attempt to ameliorate with- treatment is sought. Sustained recovery from a substance
drawal syndromes, enhance the effect of other substances use disorder entails both relinquishing a valued element of
of abuse, or accelerate the action of the prescribed medi- life and developing different behaviors, thought patterns,
cation. Whenever possible, medications with low abuse and relationships that serve the functions previously met
potential and relative safety in overdose should be select- by substance use (164).
ed for the treatment of patients with a co-occurring sub- Psychosocial treatments are often essential for many
stance use disorder. aspects of this recovery process: Sustained motivation is
required to forgo the rewards of substance use, tolerate the
F. Psychosocial Treatments discomforts of early and protracted withdrawal symp-
Some type of psychosocial intervention is usually toms, and gather the energy to avoid relapse despite epi-
available in specialized substance use disorder treatment sodes of craving that can occur throughout a lifetime. Cop-
programs. These approaches are the mainstay of treat- ing skills are required to manage and avoid situations that
ment for users of certain classes of substances (e.g., co- place the individual at high risk for relapse. Alternative
caine) for which there are no pharmacological treatments sources of reward or symptom relief must be sought and
with established efficacy. The major psychotherapeutic used to fill the place of substance use. Dysphoric affects,
treatments that have been studied in patients with sub- such as anger, sadness, or anxiety, must be managed in
stance use disorders are cognitive-behavioral, behavioral, ways that do not involve continued substance use. Social
psychodynamic/interpersonal, and recovery-oriented relationships that are supportive of recovery need to be
therapies. A growing body of efficacy data from controlled developed or repaired.
clinical trials suggests that psychotherapy is superior to Patients with substance use disorders vary widely in
control conditions as a treatment for patients with a sub- their need for attention to each of these aspects of recov-
stance use disorder. However, no particular type of psy- ery, and brief treatment or self-help methods may be suffi-
chotherapy has been found to be consistently superior cient for the recovery of highly motivated patients with
when compared with other active psychotherapies for good interpersonal functioning and social support. How-
treating substance use disorders. Even comparatively brief ever, none of these processes can be assumed to occur
psychotherapies appear to have durable effects among pa- simply as a result of detoxification or with the administra-
tients with a substance use disorder (123). tion of medications. It is essential that these psychosocial
After a discussion of the role of psychotherapy in sub- aspects of recovery be evaluated during treatment plan-
stance abuse treatment and the relation between psycho- ning to determine the need for behavioral treatments.
therapy and pharmacotherapy, this section reviews the
2. Relation of psychosocial treatments to
major psychosocial treatment approaches, the principles
pharmacotherapy for substance use disorders
underlying their use, and their application in the treat-
ment of patients with substance use disorders. Research has demonstrated that the utility of pharma-
cotherapies for substance use disorders may be limited
1. Role of psychosocial treatments unless they are delivered with adjunctive psychotherapy.
Psychosocial treatments for substance use disorders For example, naltrexone maintenance for opioid depen-
attempt to counteract compulsive substance use by bring- dence is plagued by high rates of premature dropout (165,
ing about changes in patients’ behaviors, thought process- 166) that can be lessened by concurrent behavioral or fam-
es, affect regulation, and social functioning. Although the ily therapy (167). Without adjunctive psychotherapy, the
techniques and theories of therapeutic action vary widely utility of disulfiram may be limited, in part because of low
across the different approaches reviewed below, they all rates of medication adherence (150); however, its effec-
address one or more of a set of common tasks: 1) enhanc- tiveness can be enhanced when it is delivered in the con-
ing motivation to stop or reduce substance use, 2) teach- text of a contract with a family member or significant other
ing coping skills, 3) changing reinforcement contingen- (168). Methadone maintenance for opioid dependence is
cies, 4) fostering management of painful affects, and 5) the most successful pharmacological treatment of a sub-

24 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


stance use disorder, with substantial evidence of its impact uals who abuse these latter substances, psychosocial ther-
on treatment retention and associated reductions in opio- apies remain the principal treatments.
id use and illegal activity (169). However, cross-program Although the foregoing discussion has emphasized the
effectiveness varies widely in relation to the quality and need for psychotherapy to enhance the effectiveness of
amount of ancillary psychosocial services delivered (169). pharmacotherapy, this section would not be complete
Moreover, McLellan et al. (170) have shown that metha- without considering the role of pharmacotherapy in en-
done maintenance alone yields acceptable results for only hancing the efficacy of psychotherapy. These two treat-
a small fraction of patients and that outcome is enhanced ments have different mechanisms of action and targeted
in proportion to the intensity of concomitant psychosocial effects that can counteract the weaknesses of either treat-
services. More recently, a meta-analysis confirmed that a ment alone. Psychotherapies effect change by psychologi-
combination of psychosocial treatment and methadone cal means in the psychosocial aspects of substance abuse,
maintenance produced greater reductions in heroin use such as motivation, coping skills, dysfunctional thoughts,
by opioid-dependent individuals than methadone main- or social relationships. The weaknesses of these treatments
tenance alone (171). Similar results have been found with include a limited effect on the physiological aspects of sub-
nicotine replacement treatments: rates of sustained absti- stance abuse or withdrawal. Also, the impact of behavioral
nence are increased two- to fourfold when they are com- treatments tends to be delayed, requiring practice, repeat-
bined with behavioral therapies (172, 173). ed sessions, and a “working through” process. In contrast,
These findings suggest that even the most efficacious the relative strength of pharmacological treatments is their
pharmacotherapies for substance use disorders have limi- rapid action in reducing immediate or protracted with-
tations that need to be addressed with psychosocial inter- drawal symptoms, craving, and the rewarding effects of
ventions. First, medications frequently affect only part of continued substance use. In effect, pharmacotherapies for
the substance dependence syndrome while leaving other substance use disorders reduce the patients’ immediate
access to and preoccupation with the abused substance,
aspects untouched. For example, methadone is highly ef-
freeing the patient to address other concerns such as long-
fective in relieving withdrawal symptoms and minimizing
term goals or interpersonal relationships. When medica-
the impact of continued opioid use, but by itself it has lim-
tions are used in conjunction with psychotherapy, the
ited impact on counteracting social impairments resulting
dropout rate from therapy is reduced because the patient’s
from protracted substance use prior to a patient’s entering
urges to use and relapse to substance use are alleviated by
treatment (169). Also, most medications have variable or
the effects of the medication. In addition, a longer duration
partial effects on the target symptom. Second, side effects
of abstinence can further enhance the efficacy of psycho-
or delayed effects of medications may limit acceptability
therapy by preventing substance-related effects on atten-
and adherence. Third, medications typically target only
tion and mental acuity, thereby maximizing the patient’s
one class of substances, whereas abuse of multiple sub-
ability for learning new behaviors in therapy.
stances is the norm in treatment populations (174).
Because of the complementary actions of psychother-
Fourth, gains made while taking the medication tend to di-
apies and pharmacotherapies, combined treatment has a
minish when the treatment is discontinued, whereas vul-
number of potential advantages. As is reviewed later, re-
nerability to relapse is lifelong. Psychosocial strategies for
search evidence on combined treatment is sparse but gen-
countering these limitations and enhancing effectiveness
erally supportive. Although factors such as patient
of pharmacotherapies include 1) increasing a patient’s
acceptance can limit the use of combined approaches, it is
motivation to stop substance use by taking the prescribed
important to note that for the treatment of substance use
medication, 2) providing guidance to the patient on using
disorders, no studies have shown that combined treat-
the medication and managing its side effects, 3) maintain-
ments are less effective than either psychotherapy or phar-
ing the patient’s motivation to continue the medication af-
macotherapy alone.
ter an initial period of abstinence is achieved, 4) providing
the patient with a supportive therapeutic relationship 3. Cognitive-behavioral therapies
aimed at preventing premature termination, and 5) help- CBTs for the treatment of substance use disorders are
ing the patient develop skills to adjust to a life without sub- based on social learning theories regarding the acquisition
stance use. and maintenance of the disorder (176). These therapies tar-
The importance of psychosocial treatments is rein- get two processes conceptualized as underlying substance
forced by the recognition that there are only a handful of abuse: 1) dysfunctional thoughts, such as the belief that the
effective pharmacotherapies for substance use disorders use of substances is completely uncontrollable, and 2) mal-
and that, for the most part, these therapies are limited to adaptive behaviors, such as acceptance of offers to use
the treatment of opioid, alcohol, and nicotine dependence drugs. Early versions of this approach (177, 178) were de-
(175). Effective pharmacotherapies for dependence on co- rived from cognitive therapy for depression and anxiety by
caine and other stimulants, marijuana, hallucinogens, and Beck and Emery (179) and placed primary emphasis on
sedative-hypnotics have yet to be developed. For individ- identifying and modifying dysfunctional thinking patterns.

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 25


Other adaptations of this approach have broadened the fo- cial-psychological persuasion approaches and may be
cus of therapy to help the patient master an individualized provided by trained clinicians in substance abuse facili-
set of coping strategies as an effective alternative to sub- ties, mental health clinics, and private practice offices.
stance use (176, 180). Typical cognitive strategies include MET is characterized by an empathic approach in which
fostering the patient’s resolve to stop using substances by the therapist helps to motivate the patient by asking about
exploring positive and negative consequences of contin- the pros and cons of specific behaviors, exploring the pa-
ued use, recognizing seemingly irrelevant decisions that tient’s goals and associated ambivalence about reaching
could culminate in high-risk situations, and identifying those goals, and listening reflectively to the patient’s re-
and confronting thoughts about substance use. Behavioral sponses. This treatment modality is effective even for pa-
strategies are based on a functional analysis of substance tients who are not highly motivated to change, which gives
use (i.e, understanding substance use in relation to its an- it a practical advantage over other therapies for substance
tecedents and consequences) and include the develop- use disorders in many settings.
ment of strategies for coping with craving, preparing for
emergencies, and coping with relapse to substance use. 5. Behavioral therapies
Social skills training, an element of CBT, recognizes Behavioral therapies are based on basic principles of
that alcohol and drug dependence commonly results in learning theory (188), which deals with the role of external-
the interruption of normal developmental acquisition of ly applied positive or negative contingencies on learning or
social skills as well as the deterioration of previously unlearning of behaviors that can range from simple auto-
learned social skills because of the interference of drug- nomic reactions such as salivation to complex behavioral
seeking and drug-using behaviors. Social skills training routines such as purchasing drugs. When these theories are
targets an individual’s capacity for 1) effective and mean- applied to substance use disorders, the target behavior is
ingful communication, 2) listening, 3) being able to imag- habitual excessive substance use, which is altered through
ine someone else’s feelings and thoughts to inform one’s systematic environmental manipulations that vary widely
own behavioral interactions, 4) being able to monitor and depending on the specific substance use behavior. These
modify one’s own nonverbal communications, 5) being theories differ from those underlying CBTs by not recogniz-
able to adapt to circumstances to maintain relationships, ing cognition as a domain independent of behavior.
and 6) being assertive (181). This strategy has been suc- The shared goals of behavioral therapies are to inter-
cessfully used as an adjunct to a more comprehensive rupt the sequence of substance use in response to internal
treatment plan and can be delivered in a wide variety of or external cues and substitute behaviors that take the
outpatient treatment settings. It may be particularly useful place of or are incompatible with substance use. There are
in certain dually diagnosed populations, such as patients two broad classes of learning theory-based treatments: 1)
with schizophrenia (182) and adolescents at risk for begin- those that are based on classical conditioning and focus
ning substance abuse (183). more on antecedent stimuli such as cue exposure therapy
(189) and 2) those that are based on operant conditioning
Relapse prevention is a treatment approach in which
and focus more on consequences such as community re-
CBT techniques are used to help patients develop greater
inforcement therapy (190). Representative behavioral ap-
self-control to avoid relapse (184, 185). Specific relapse pre-
proaches are briefly described here.
vention strategies include discussing the patient’s ambiva-
lence about the substance use disorder, identifying emo- a) Contingency management. Contingency manage-
tional and environmental triggers of craving and substance ment therapy involves introducing rewards for therapeuti-
use, developing and reviewing specific coping strategies to cally desired behaviors (e.g., attending therapy sessions,
deal with internal or external stressors, exploring the deci- providing substance-negative urine samples) and/or aver-
sion chain leading to reinitiation of substance use, learning sive consequences for undesirable behaviors (e.g., failure
from brief episodes of relapse (slips) about triggers leading to adhere to clinic rules) (191–193). As an adjunctive treat-
to relapse, and developing effective techniques for early in- ment, contingency management has been used with a va-
tervention (184, 186). In more recent clinical trials (43, 187), riety of substances of abuse, including cocaine (193–196),
techniques drawn from cognitive therapy and relapse pre- opiates (197–200), and marijuana (201). Incentives to be
vention have been combined with the aims of initiating ab- offered, behaviors to be reinforced, and the reinforcement
stinence and preventing relapse. schedule vary widely by substance and also depend on the
role of contingency management within the larger treat-
4. Motivational enhancement therapy ment plan (188). Although most studies have centered on
MET is the longer-term follow-up to an initial brief in- abstinence from substance use, contingency management
tervention strategy. It continues the use of motivational in- procedures are potentially applicable to a wide range of
terviewing and moves a patient closer to a readiness to target behaviors and problems, including treatment reten-
change substance use behaviors (reviewed in DiClemente tion, adherence to treatment (e.g., retroviral therapies for
et al. [6] and Miller and Rollnick [49]). It combines tech- individuals with HIV), and reinforcement of other treat-
niques from cognitive, client-centered, systems, and so- ment goals such as employment seeking (202) or work at-

26 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


tendance (203). Contingency management is effective ment (212). Cue exposure can also be paired with relax-
when desired behaviors are rewarded with vouchers that ation techniques and drug-refusal training to facilitate the
can be exchanged for mutually agreed-on items such as extinction of classically conditioned craving (213, 214). As
movie tickets. Other reinforcers (e.g., free housing, direct an alternative, relaxation training has been used alone to
compensation) can be substituted for vouchers. The use of provide a nonsubstance response to counteract dysphoric
large but low-probability reinforcers (e.g., earning the affects or anxiety.
chance to draw from a bowl and win prizes of varying mag- d) Aversion therapy. Aversion therapy involves cou-
nitudes ranging from $1 to more than $100) is also effec- pling substance use with an unpleasant experience such
tive (204, 205) and may reduce the total costs of contingen- as mild electric shock, pharmacologically induced vomit-
cy management approaches (206). ing, or exaggerated effects of the substance. This treatment
Contingency contracting is a subtype of contingency seeks to eliminate substance use behaviors by pairing
management based on the use of predetermined positive them with punishment.
or negative consequences to reward abstinence or punish,
and thus deter, drug-related behaviors. Negative conse- 6. Psychodynamic and interpersonal therapies
quences of substance use may include notification of Psychodynamic psychotherapies vary but generally
courts, employers, or family members. The effectiveness attribute symptom formation and personality characteris-
of this approach depends heavily on the concurrent use of tics to traumas and deficits during an individual’s develop-
frequent, random, supervised urine screening for sub- ment that result in unconscious psychological conflict,
stance use. When negative contingencies are based on the faulty learning, and distortions of intrapsychic structures
anticipated response of others (e.g., spouses, employers), as well as internal object relations (215) and that have a
the treating physician should obtain the patient’s written profound effect on interpersonal relationships. These de-
informed consent to contact these individuals at the time velopmental events and their sequelae are inextricably in-
the contract is initiated (207). terconnected to the individual’s underlying neurobiology
(as determined by genetic and other influences), which
b) Community reinforcement. The community rein-
can in turn be altered by life experience, including learn-
forcement approach (CRA) is based on the theory that en-
ing, psychological events, and psychotherapy (216). Sys-
vironmental reinforcers for substance use perpetuate sub-
tematic testing of the efficacy of psychodynamic treat-
stance use disorders and that, at the same time, patients
ments for substance use disorders has occurred only with
with substance use disorders lack positive environmental
supportive-expressive therapy (217), a comparatively brief
reinforcers for sober activities and pleasures (208). CRA
psychodynamically oriented treatment based on the use
aims to provide individuals with substance use disorders
of interpretation and a supportive therapeutic relation-
with natural alternative reinforcers by rewarding their in-
ship to modify negative views of the self and others. Two
volvement in the family and social community; thus, fam-
trials have supported the efficacy of supportive-expressive
ily members or peers play a role in reinforcing behaviors
therapy for methadone-maintained, opioid-dependent
that demonstrate or facilitate abstinence (190). In CRA,
patients (177, 218). However, an additional randomized
emphasis is placed on improving environmental contin-
trial found that combined individual and group drug
gencies for activities of a sober lifestyle to make that type
counseling was superior to a combination of individual
of lifestyle preferable to a substance-dependent lifestyle.
support-expressive therapy and group drug counseling in
In addition to individual behavioral treatment and contin-
treating patients with cocaine dependence (219).
gency management, the multifaceted CRA treatment
IPT for substance use disorders is based on the con-
package typically includes conjoint marital therapy, train-
cept that dysfunctional social relationships either cause or
ing in finding a job, counseling on substance-free social
prevent recovery from a substance use disorder (220). By
and recreational activities, and a substance-free social
discovering the relation between interpersonal problems
club. CRA is often applied with contingency management
and substance use, the patient can move toward making
incentives (e.g., vouchers for recreation or food) that are
changes aimed at building a social network that is sup-
used to reward evidence of sober behavior (209, 210). CRA
portive of recovery. Clinical study of IPT for substance use
has been shown to be effective in treating alcohol depen-
disorders has been limited.
dence, with adjunctive disulfiram treatment increasing its
effectiveness (211). CRA can be clinic or office based, but it 7. Group therapy
is largely practiced in residential or partial hospitalization
Group therapy is viewed as an integral and valuable
programs, therapeutic communities, and community res-
part of the treatment regimen for many patients with a
idential facilities.
substance use disorder. Many different types of therapies
c) Cue exposure and relaxation training. Cu e ex po- have been used in a group format with this population, in-
sure treatment involves exposing a patient to cues that in- cluding CBT, IPT, and behavioral marital, modified psy-
duce craving while preventing actual substance use and, chodynamic, interactive, rational emotive, Gestalt, and
therefore, the experience of substance-related reinforce- psychodrama therapies (221–225).

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 27


Group therapies permit efficient use of therapist time and degree of abstinence, as well as encouraging family
(226). In addition, aspects of group therapy may make this support for abstinence, maintaining marital and family re-
modality more effective than individual treatment for in- lationships, and improving treatment adherence and long-
dividuals with a substance use disorder. For example, giv- term outcome (232–235). They may also include behavioral
en the social stigma attached to having lost control of sub- contracting to maintain treatment (e.g., contracting with a
stance use, the presence of other group members who partner for disulfiram treatment) or increasing positive in-
acknowledge having a similar problem can provide com- centives associated with sober family activities. Even the
fort. In addition, other group members who are further brief involvement of family members in the treatment pro-
along in their recovery can act as models, illustrating that gram can enhance treatment engagement and retention.
attempts to stop substance use are not futile. These more Controlled studies have shown positive outcomes of
experienced group members can offer a wide variety of involving non-alcohol-abusing family members in the
coping strategies that go beyond the repertoire known treatment of an alcohol-abusing individual (236). More re-
even by the most skilled individual therapist. Further- cent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of family
more, group members frequently can act as “buddies” involvement in substance use disorder treatment for both
who offer continued support outside of group sessions in women and men (237, 238), including patients on metha-
a way that most professional therapists do not. done maintenance (170). Family therapy, often in combi-
Finally, the public nature of group therapy provides a nation with other approaches, has also been studied ex-
powerful incentive to individuals to avoid relapse. The tensively and has shown good evidence for efficacy in
ability to publicly declare the number of days sober cou- adolescents (239–242).
pled with the fear of having to publicly admit to relapse is Different theoretical orientations of family therapy in-
a strong force that helps group members fight a disorder clude structural, strategic, psychodynamic, systems, and
that is characterized by a breakdown of internalized con- behavioral approaches. Family interventions include
trol mechanisms. Individuals with substance use disorders those focused on the nuclear family; on the patient and his
have been characterized as having poorly functioning in- or her spouse or partner; on concurrent treatment for pa-
ternal self-control mechanisms (227, 228), and the group tients, spouses or partners, and siblings; on multifamily
process can provide a robust source of external control. groups; and on social networks (120, 243, 244). Of the
Moreover, because the group is composed of individuals many types of family therapy used to treat substance use
recovering from substance use disorders, members may disorders, the preponderance of clinical trial evidence has
be better at detecting each other’s concealed substance been obtained for the behavioral and strategic approaches
use or early relapse signals than would an individual ther- (245). The support for behavioral couples treatment is par-
apist who may not have personal experience with a sub- ticularly strong (246).
stance use disorder. Family intervention is indicated in circumstances in
Although clinical trials of group therapy for substance which a patient’s abstinence upsets a previously well-es-
use disorders are comparatively rare, the available data tablished but maladaptive style of family interaction (233,
suggest that the efficacy of group treatment is comparable 247) and in which other family members need help adjust-
with that of individual therapies (229, 230). No compelling ing to a new set of individual and family goals, attitudes,
empirical evidence is available to document the advantag- and behaviors. Family therapy that addresses interperson-
es or disadvantages of choosing group or individual treat- al and family interactions leading to conflict or enabling
ment for substance use disorders. Because many patients behaviors can reduce the risk of relapse for patients with
have experience with group or individual therapy, patient high levels of family involvement. A major role for family
preferences should be considered when choosing between and couples intervention is to enlist concerned significant
the two types of treatment delivery or when developing a others to foster treatment seeking and retention in family
combined treatment program. members who are unmotivated to change substance
abuse behaviors. As reviewed by Miller et al. (248), most at-
8. Family therapies tention has been paid to behavioral coping strategies, 12-
Dysfunctional families, characterized by impaired step approaches, and confrontational interventions (249),
communication among family members and an inability of all of which are associated with high rates of treatment en-
family members to set appropriate limits or maintain stan- try for patients who receive the intervention. However, in
dards of behavior, are associated with poor short- and helping family members engage their significant others in
long-term treatment outcome for patients with substance treatment, concerned significant others and identified pa-
use disorders (231). Family therapy may be delivered in a tients are more likely to follow through and show better re-
formal, ongoing therapeutic relationship or through peri- sults with less confrontational approaches, including CRA
odic contact. Goals of family therapy include obtaining in- and community reinforcement and family training (250),
formation about the patient’s current attitudes toward sub- than with more traditional interventions (248). Couples
stance use, treatment adherence, social and vocational and family therapy are also useful for promoting psycho-
adjustment, level of contact with substance-using peers, logical differentiation of family members, providing a fo-

28 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


rum for the exchange of information and ideas about the also available for family members and friends (e.g., Al-
treatment plan, developing behavioral management con- Anon, Alateen, Nar-Anon) and provide group support and
tracts and ground rules for continued family support, and education about the disorder, with the goal of reducing mal-
reinforcing behaviors that help prevent relapse and en- adaptive enabling behavior in family and friends.
hance the prospects for recovery. There is also some evi- In general, active participation in self-help groups has
dence that these approaches can improve the psychoso- been correlated with better outcomes (256). AA has been
cial functioning and decrease the likelihood of substance effective for both men and women and appears to be par-
use in children living with a parent abusing alcohol or oth- ticularly useful for those with more severe alcohol depen-
er substances (251, 252). dence (257–259). Other recent research has suggested that
12-step groups may also benefit patients dependent on
9. Self-help groups and 12-step-oriented approaches
substances such as cocaine (256). For patients concurrent-
The most widely available self-help groups (also called ly receiving professional substance abuse treatment, there
mutual help groups) are based on the 12-step approach, is growing empirical evidence that improved treatment
originally embodied in AA (253, 254), which emphasizes outcomes are associated with participation in self-help
the concept of substance dependence as an incurable, groups (260–266). Furthermore, several studies (43, 219,
progressive disease that has physical, emotional, and spir- 265, 267) support the efficacy of professional treatment,
itual components. The 12-step programs firmly endorse including TSF therapy (268) and individual drug counsel-
the need for abstinence and consider themselves lifelong ing (269), that enhances a patient’s motivation to partici-
programs of recovery, even though initial success is at- pate in 12-step programs. These findings have important
tained one day at a time. The importance of recognizing clinical implications, given that these approaches are sim-
and relying on a “higher power” or a power greater than ilar to the dominant model applied in most community
the individual is a central element of these programs. Also treatment programs (270). Thus, for many patients, even
key are the 12 steps of recovery, which focus first on sur- those who may still be actively using substances, referral to
render and acceptance of one’s disease, second on a per- a 12-step program can be helpful at all stages in the treat-
sonal inventory, third on making amends and personal ment process.
change, and finally on bringing the message to others. In An individual’s refusal to participate in a self-help
addition, 12-step groups help members with relapse pre- group is not synonymous with his or her resistance to
vention by providing role models, social support, social treatment in general. Despite their many potential bene-
strategies for maintaining a sober lifestyle, and opportuni- fits, self-help groups are not useful for all patients. Some
ties for structured and unstructured substance-free social individuals’ apparent resistance to self-help group partici-
events and interactions. Members of self-help groups can pation can be addressed by individualizing the choice of a
attend meetings on a self-determined or prescribed group to the patient’s needs. For example, young people
schedule, which, if necessary, could be every day or even generally do better in groups that include age-appropriate
more than once a day. Periods associated with high risk for peers in addition to some older recovering members. Pa-
relapse (e.g., weekends, holidays, evenings) are particular- tients who require psychotropic medications for co-occur-
ly appropriate for attendance. A sponsor who is compati- ring psychiatric disorders should be directed to groups in
ble with the patient can provide important guidance and which this activity is recognized and supported as useful
support during the recovery process, particularly when the treatment rather than as another form of substance abuse.
patient is facing periods of emotional distress and in- The spiritual tenets of traditional 12-step programs can be
creased craving. The straightforward advice and encour- a deterrent to participation for individuals who do not em-
agement about avoiding relapse from a recovering spon- brace these ideas. Although not widely available, alterna-
sor as well as his or her personalized support are tive self-help groups such as Women for Sobriety (271),
important features of 12-step groups. For clinicians who Secular Organizations for Sobriety (272), and Self-Man-
are treating patients who report involvement in self-help agement and Recovery Training (273) have been devel-
groups, it is useful to ask if they are attending meetings, if oped to address this problem and may be an option for
they have obtained a sponsor, and if they are attending some patients.
other activities associated with the self-help group (e.g.,
self-help group–sponsored social gatherings, retreats). 10. Brief therapies
Another significant advantage to 12-step groups is their The efficacy of brief interventions has been studied
broad availability. AA is a worldwide organization with an mostly in connection with alcohol use disorders. The in-
estimated 2.2 million members in 150 countries (255), and terventions were initially designed to facilitate the treat-
12-step groups have expanded to include treatment of near- ment of alcohol abuse or dependence in a setting other
ly every type of substance use (Cocaine Anonymous, Mari- than a substance abuse treatment facility (e.g., primary
juana Anonymous, Methadone Anonymous, Narcotics care clinic, mental health clinic, EAP) (274, 275). More re-
Anonymous, Nicotine Anonymous, “Crystal Meth” Anony- cent evidence suggests that brief interventions are also ef-
mous). Self-help groups based on the 12-step model are fective with other substance use disorders, including can-

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 29


nabis (276), opioid (277), and nicotine (278) dependence G. Clinical Features Influencing Treatment
and in special populations such as adolescents (279), pa-
1. Use of multiple substances
tients with co-occurring psychiatric and substance use
Many patients entering treatment for a specific sub-
disorders (280), and patients in the military (281).
stance use disorder abuse more than one substance, and
The A-FRAMES model is the core structure of a brief co-occurring nicotine dependence is particularly common.
intervention: Assessment, providing objective Feedback, For some patients, there is a “drug of choice,” with other
emphasizing that Responsibility for change belongs to the substances serving as a substitute when the primary sub-
patient, giving clear Advice about the benefits of change, stance is unavailable. Others routinely use multiple sub-
providing a Menu of options for treatment to facilitate stances simultaneously. An individual’s concurrent use of
change, using Empathic listening, and emphasizing and two or more substances may be motivated by his or her wish
encouraging Self-efficacy with the patient (49). Despite to modify the effects of the primary drug of choice or to pre-
the short time required to implement a brief intervention, vent or relieve withdrawal symptoms. In addition, many pa-
treatment facilities that do not specialize in substance tients use multiple substances because of their availability.
abuse treatment often experience difficulties in using this Frequent drug combinations include 1) cocaine and alco-
hol; 2) cocaine and heroin; 3) heroin and benzodiazepines;
strategy, including inadequate time available during face-
4) alcohol, cocaine, and benzodiazepines; 5) nicotine and
to-face encounters and clinicians’ negative attitudes to-
any other drug; 6) multiple “club drugs” (e.g., 3,4-methyl-
ward substance use (282, 283).
enedioxymethamphetamine [MDMA], γ-hydroxybutyrate
11. Self-guided therapies [GHB], ketamine); 7) “club drugs” with prescription medi-
cations (e.g., MDMA with sildenafil and/or fluoxetine); and
Self-help therapies guided by written, programmed, or
8) opioids, stimulants, sedatives, steroids, and other sub-
Internet-based instruction have been shown to be effective
stances. The severity of abuse of each substance and the
for heavy users of legal substances (i.e., alcohol, nicotine) motivation to stop using each substance may vary widely in
who do not meet criteria for a substance use disorder. The individuals who abuse multiple substances.
target population for such approaches typically includes The treatment of patients using multiple substances
students or general medical patients rather than individu- may be complicated by 1) simultaneous intoxication or
als who are seeking treatment for a substance use disorder. withdrawal from two or more drugs, 2) varying time frames
Self-help manuals and behavioral self-control training for experiencing withdrawal symptoms, 3) the need to
teach patients how to 1) set goals for substance reduction detoxify the patient from more than one drug, and 4) po-
or cessation, 2) monitor progress toward achievement of tential interactions between an abused substance and
these goals, 3) reward oneself for progress, 4) learn new medications used to treat a comorbid substance use disor-
coping skills that will facilitate substance reduction or ab- der (e.g., inadvertent precipitation of opioid withdrawal in
patients treated with naltrexone for alcohol dependence).
stinence, and 5) perform functional analysis of behaviors
Although the presence of multiple substance use dis-
associated with substance use (284). These therapies are
orders is the norm, there is limited research to guide clini-
available as manual-guided self-help programs, manual-
cians on adapting the usual evidence-based clinical inter-
guided therapies with a clinician, and computer-guided
ventions to the treatment of individuals using more than
programs (285, 286). They are therefore available for home one substance, including medication and psychosocial
use as well as office- and clinic-based use. treatments. The best recommendation is for the clinician
Although these approaches are sometimes helpful for to do a comprehensive assessment of the patient and inte-
those at high risk for developing a substance use disorder grate the evidence-based treatment approaches, includ-
or substance-related medical consequences, such mini- ing pharmacological and psychosocial treatments, for
mal therapies may not be sufficient for treatment-seeking each specific substance use disorder (288).
patients who already have a substance use disorder. 2. Psychiatric factors
12. Hypnosis The presence of a substance use disorder will have an
impact on psychiatric issues, such as the risk of suicide or
The use of hypnotherapy for substance use disorders
other self-injurious behaviors and the risk of aggressive
has been most studied as an aid in the cessation of ciga-
behaviors, including homicide. In addition, the presence
rette smoking, with its usual goal being to implant uncon- of co-occurring psychiatric symptoms or disorders af-
scious suggestions that will deter use of a substance, such fects the patient’s treatment adherence as well as the on-
as “smoking will be unpleasant.” Despite the widespread set, course, and prognosis of the substance use disorder
use of hypnosis in this context, there is little scientific val- (170, 288–292). These factors need to be taken into con-
idation to support its effectiveness in the treatment of nic- sideration when arriving at a treatment plan for an indi-
otine dependence (287). vidual patient.

30 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


a) Risk of suicide. The frequency of suicide attempts Prospective studies of patients with co-occurring bi-
and death by suicide is substantially higher among pa- polar and substance use disorders consistently report
tients with a substance use disorder than in the general greater frequency of lifetime suicide attempts and suicidal
population. A systematic review of retrospective and pro- ideation compared with bipolar disorder patients with no
spective cohort studies of substance use disorders and sui- co-occurring substance use disorder (311–313). Bipolar
cide (293) demonstrated that individuals with alcohol use patients with co-occurring anxiety symptoms or cluster B
disorder, opioid dependence, or mixed drug use have a personality disorder features and a substance use disorder
substantially greater likelihood of suicide compared with may be at the greatest risk for suicidal behaviors (314, 315).
the general population, with a 9.8-, 13.5-, and 16.9-fold el- Patients with co-occurring cluster B personality and
evated risk, respectively. This review reported insufficient substance use disorders also have a greater risk of suicidal
evidence to compare the suicide risk among patients with ideation and death by suicide (316, 317). This population
other drug use disorders (e.g., cocaine dependence). In is also at greater risk for accidental death by injection drug
terms of lifetime suicide mortality, a review of 83 studies overdose (318).
demonstrated a lifetime suicide risk of 7% in individuals Despite this clear evidence for an increased risk of sui-
with an alcohol use disorder, which is comparable to that cidal behaviors in individuals with a substance use disor-
of individuals with a mood disorder (6%) or schizophrenia der, few controlled studies are available to assist in guiding
(4%) (294). These rates vary by country and may be slightly the treatment of such patients (319). As in the care of any
lower in the United States (295). In addition, significant patient with a psychiatric disorder, suicide risk should be
rates of substance use disorders are found in psychological assessed regularly and in a systematic manner. Assess-
autopsy studies of individuals who have died by suicide ment of suicide risk includes determining the presence or
(296–300), with a recent or impending interpersonal loss absence of current suicidal thoughts, intent, and plan; a
being a frequent apparent precipitant (301). history of suicide attempts (e.g., lethality of method, cir-
cumstances); a family history of suicide; a history of ag-
Rates of suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviors, in-
gression (e.g., weapon use, circumstances); the intensity of
cluding suicide attempts, are also increased in individuals
current depressive and other mood symptoms; the current
with a substance use disorder. For example, in a recent
treatment regimen and response; recent life stressors (e.g.,
prospective study, treatment-seeking individuals with al-
marital separation, job loss); substance use patterns; psy-
cohol dependence were found to have attempted suicide
chotic symptoms; and current living situation (e.g., social
seven times more frequently than age-matched, non-alco-
supports, availability of weapon). In substance-using indi-
hol-dependent comparison subjects during the 5-year fol-
viduals, suicidal ideation and suicide attempts may occur
low-up period after the initial evaluation (302). The alco-
in the context of a major depressive episode or result from
hol-dependent individuals who attempted suicide (4.5%) substance-induced sadness or dysphoria combined with
were more likely than the other individuals to have made increased impulsivity and poor judgment. However, indi-
prior attempts; other related factors were earlier onset of viduals with a substance use disorder can also be at risk for
the substance disorder, more severe substance depen- suicide even in the apparent absence of depression. In
dence, dependence on multiple substances, more panic terms of treatment implications, care should be used
symptoms, being separated or divorced, having had prior when prescribing potentially toxic medications to a sui-
treatment, and having been diagnosed with a substance- cidal patient. For additional recommendations on the as-
induced psychiatric disorder (302). In addition, significant sessment and treatment of suicidal patients with sub-
high rates of substance use disorders are seen among indi- stance use disorders, the reader is referred to APA’s Practice
viduals who have attempted suicide (296, 303–305). Guideline for the Assessment and Treatment of Patients
The risk of suicidal behaviors and death by suicide is With Suicidal Behaviors (301).
further increased for individuals with a substance use dis- b) Risk of aggressive behaviors, including homicide.
order in the context of certain co-occurring psychiatric Substance use disorders are associated with an in-
disorders, such as major depressive disorder, bipolar dis- creased risk for aggressive behaviors toward others, in-
order, and cluster B personality disorders. The presence of cluding physical assault, sexual aggression, domestic vio-
major depressive disorder substantially increases impul- lence, child abuse, and homicide (320–322). Substance
sive suicidal behaviors and suicide risk (298, 303, 306–308). intoxication and withdrawal states may be associated with
A recent review of the literature on co-occurring alcohol anxiety, irritability, agitation, impaired impulse control,
use disorders and major depressive disorder demonstrat- disinhibition, decreased pain sensitivity, and impaired re-
ed that this comorbidity increases the risk of suicidal ide- ality testing; these effects are hypothesized to account for
ation, suicidal behaviors, and death by suicide (309). the increased aggressive behaviors associated with sub-
Among patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder stance use. In particular, intoxication with substances
and bipolar disorder, cigarette smoking has also been such as alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamine, PCP, anabol-
found to be an independent predictor of future suicidal ic steroids, and hallucinogens may be associated with ag-
behavior (310). gression (138, 323–327), whereas withdrawal from sub-

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 31


stances such as alcohol, opioids, sedative-hypnotics, and these strategies will help improve insomnia in individuals
cannabis can lead to withdrawal syndromes associated with other substance use disorders as well.
with a risk of aggressive behaviors (138, 320, 328). Intoxica- d) Co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders.
tion with marijuana or hallucinogens may inadvertently
lead individuals to perform aggressive acts because of a (1) General principles. Co-occurring psychiatric and
faulty perception of reality coupled with high levels of anx- substance use disorders are common in all treatment set-
iety and paranoia (329–331). Substance use disorders are tings (e.g., centers for the treatment of substance use dis-
also indirectly associated with aggressive behaviors en- orders, mental health clinics, primary care settings, emer-
gaged in to obtain illicit or expensive substances. Although gency departments) and in the general community. In fact,
it is important to assess for and be aware of the potential only a few differences (e.g., higher prevalence of schizo-
for aggressive behaviors in individuals with a substance phrenia and primary psychotic disorders in mental health
use disorder, it is also important to assess for substance care settings, more severe patterns of substance use in
use disorders in all individuals who present with a history substance use treatment settings) are observable between
of agitation or aggression. Because family and partners patients with co-occurring psychiatric disorders receiving
may be affected by substance-related domestic violence, treatment in substance abuse treatment centers and pa-
systematic screening and referral for domestic violence tients with co-occurring substance use disorders receiving
treatment interventions may effectively reduce domestic treatment in mental health treatment centers (340). In
violence. Some treatments such as abstinent partner ther- community population samples studied in the National
apy (e.g., coping skills training [332]) and couples therapy Comorbidity Survey (341), individuals with alcohol depen-
(e.g., behavioral couples therapy [333]) have been shown dence had high rates of clinically significant depression
to reduce alcohol-related domestic violence in random- during their lifetime (men: 24% depression and 11% dys-
ized, controlled trials. thymia; women: 49% depression and 21% dysthymia). In-
c) Sleep disturbances. Individuals with substance use dividuals with bipolar disorder had high rates of alcohol
disorders frequently report sleep disturbances, particular- (61%) and other substance (41%) dependence (342). Treat-
ly after being detoxified. For some patients, managing ment-seeking individuals have even higher rates of co-oc-
sleep disturbances will be an important component of the curring disorders (343–345). For example, Penick et al.
treatment plan. Indeed, some studies have demonstrated (346) studied a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
that among detoxified alcohol-dependent individuals, in- hospital outpatient population with alcohol dependence
somnia is a strong predictor of relapse (334–336). Despite or abuse and found that 56% reported co-occurring psy-
the recognition that sleep disturbances are a problem chiatric disorders. In substance use disorder treatment
among individuals with substance use disorders, only a settings, depression, anxiety, and personality disorders
handful of studies have examined the treatment of sleep frequently occur. However, posttraumatic stress disorder
disturbances in these individuals, and these studies have (PTSD), adult ADHD, learning disabilities, social anxiety
focused only on individuals with alcohol dependence. For disorder, eating disorders, and pathological gambling are
example, one small double-blind study found that traz- also common and are often underrecognized and under-
odone was superior to placebo in improving sleep in alco- treated (121, 288).
hol-dependent individuals with insomnia (337). In an Individuals with nicotine dependence are more likely
open-label study comparing trazodone and gabapentin to have co-occurring psychiatric disorders than the gener-
for the treatment of insomnia in alcohol-dependent al U.S. population (347). Furthermore, in mental health
individuals, both medications were found to improve in- and substance use disorder treatment settings, nicotine
somnia, but the gabapentin group showed greater im- dependence continues to be the most common co-
provements than the trazodone group (338). Given the occurring substance use disorder, with approximately
open-label nature of this study, more research is needed to 60%–95% of patients being nicotine dependent, although
determine if gabapentin is an effective treatment for sleep this varies by the type of psychiatric disorder and the treat-
disturbances related to alcohol dependence. In addition, ment setting (348). One analysis of nicotine use as report-
more research is needed to determine if trazodone and ed in the National Comorbidity Survey found that individ-
gabapentin, as well as other sedating psychotropic medi- uals with psychiatric disorders were about twice as likely
cations, can effectively treat sleep disturbances not only in to smoke as the general population and that about 44% of
individuals with alcohol dependence but also in those the cigarettes smoked in the United States were smoked by
with other substance use disorders. individuals with a psychiatric disorder (349).
In addition to the studies of pharmacological agents, Use of multiple substances and co-occurring psychi-
there has been one randomized, controlled study that atric and substance use disorders are now so common in
showed that CBT strategies helped improve sleep distur- treatment settings that these combinations should be ex-
bances in alcohol-dependent individuals in recovery pected. Thus, all patients with a substance use disorder
(339). As with the pharmacological treatments for sleep should be carefully assessed for the presence of co-occur-
disturbances, more research is needed to determine if ring psychiatric disorders, including additional substance

32 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


use disorders. Conversely, patients with identified psychi- In a psychiatric treatment setting, it would be incorrect
atric disorders should be routinely assessed for the pres- to assume that successful treatment of a psychiatric disor-
ence of a co-occurring substance use disorder (350, 351). der will resolve the substance use disorder. The substance
Treating individuals with co-occurring psychiatric use disorder will require specific treatment even when it
and substance use disorders in traditional inpatient and arises in the context of another psychiatric disorder, a situ-
outpatient programs is challenging. Patients’ motivation ation that is quite common and that presents an opportu-
to change may vary according to the type of substance(s) nity for the prevention of a secondary disorder (358).
they use and the severity of their psychiatric issues, and Certain psychosocial and pharmacological treatments
this needs to be taken into consideration in treatment have been studied for specific combinations of psychiatric
planning. Recent research and consensus opinions by ex- and substance use disorders (e.g., major depression and al-
perts in the field support the notion that the integration of cohol dependence, schizophrenia and cocaine dependence)
substance abuse and mental health treatment strategies, (288, 353); the literature about these treatments is presented
including integrated systems, programs, and clinical treat- in the specific substance use disorder sections of this prac-
ment, improves patient outcome (80, 121, 352, 353). There tice guideline. The reader is also advised to review other APA
is growing evidence that patients in psychiatric or sub- practice guidelines for the treatment of patients with specific
stance abuse treatment settings have better outcomes if psychiatric disorders for additional information.
they receive integrated treatment for their coexisting psy- b. Pharmacological management of psychiatric dis-
chiatric and substance use disorders (121, 288, 354–356). orders. In most patients, the same medications are rec-
Integrated treatment usually requires incorporating and ommended for the treatment of a specific psychiatric dis-
modifying traditional psychiatric and substance abuse order whether that disorder co-occurs with a substance
treatment methods so that the co-occurring disorders re- use disorder or not. Clinical issues such as medication tol-
ceive simultaneous treatment. erability, safety, and abuse potential are important consid-
a. Integrated treatment. Recent research and clinical erations in choosing a medication and will influence tradi-
experience (80, 288) has also shed light on the question of tional psychopharmacological treatment algorithms.
treatment timing (e.g., if co-occurring disorders should be There is no evidence to suggest that the duration of phar-
treated together in an integrated manner or in what cir- macotherapy for a psychiatric disorder in conjunction
cumstances one problem should be addressed before an- with a co-occurring substance use disorder would differ
other). In general, the length of the observation period for from that needed to treat the psychiatric condition alone,
a psychiatric or substance use disorder will be determined and there are no data to suggest that decisions about con-
by balancing the following considerations: the degree of tinuation and maintenance treatment should differ (288).
diagnostic certainty, the severity of the patient’s condition, An important clinical question in treating a co-occurring
and the anticipated benefits and risks of the proposed psychiatric disorder in a substance use disorder treatment
treatment (288, 353). setting is whether the prescribing clinician should initiate
The integrated treatment of co-occurring psychiatric psychiatric medications during the acute treatment of the
and substance use disorders can include psychosocial substance use disorder. For some psychiatric disorders
and/or pharmacological interventions. Initial treatment (especially depression, generalized anxiety disorder
efforts should include engaging the patient in treatment [GAD], social anxiety disorder, and PTSD), there have been
and assessing and managing the most severe symptoms of widely differing opinions about the amount of time a pa-
both types of disorders. This may include addressing tient should be abstinent from a substance before a defin-
symptoms of intoxication or withdrawal. Sometimes se- itive diagnosis of a co-occurring psychiatric disorder ver-
vere psychiatric symptoms (e.g., psychosis, suicidal ide- sus a substance-induced psychiatric disorder can be
ation) can be managed while a patient is intoxicated or made. If there is little overlap between the symptoms ob-
experiencing withdrawal; such patients may require im- served and the expected abstinence syndrome (such as
mediate treatment in an emergency department or an in- bulimia nervosa in an opioid-dependent patient), then the
patient psychiatric unit. Once a patient’s acute psychiatric psychiatric diagnosis can be immediately established. In
symptoms and intoxication or withdrawal states have circumstances when prominent mood or anxiety symp-
been stabilized, the patient can be evaluated for treatment toms could be equally attributable to early abstinence or
in an ongoing rehabilitative treatment program. When pa- an independent co-occurring psychiatric disorder, a clini-
tients are being treated in a substance abuse treatment cian may consider whether similar symptoms occurred
setting, their psychiatric symptoms should be monitored before the substance use or during previous abstinence
and addressed clinically through psychiatric medications, periods or whether the individual’s family history suggests
when appropriate, as well as through integrated psychoso- a vulnerability to a co-occurring mood or anxiety disorder.
cial strategies (e.g., teaching patients mood management A common recommendation is to consider the severity of
as part of relapse prevention therapy) and integrated treat- an individual’s functional impairment when deciding
ment approaches for psychiatric disorders and substance whether or not to initiate pharmacotherapy, continue on-
use disorders (357). going monitoring of symptoms, and initiate psychosocial

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 33


treatment strategies for the management of anxiety and 370–372), and personality disorders (373, 374). The effica-
depression (288). cy of these integrated psychotherapies is being actively in-
Medication nonadherence is common among indi- vestigated in individual as well as in family and group mo-
viduals with co-occurring psychiatric and substance use dalities (375–377).
disorders (359, 360). Nonadherence can be due to many
(2)Treatment in the presence of specific co-
factors, including cognitive impairment, the patient’s fear
occurring psychiatric disorders.
of the interaction between prescribed medication and
substances being abused, fear that the prescribed medica- a. Schizophrenia. A review of the literature examining
tion is itself harmful, change in motivation, and lack of nicotine dependence among individuals with schizophre-
support. Some patients attending 12-step meetings may nia demonstrated prevalence rates of 68%–88% among
feel pressure from some group members not to take psy- outpatients and 81%–88% among inpatients (378), sug-
chiatric medications because they are “mood altering”; gesting that substance use vulnerability alone cannot ac-
however, AA does support the appropriate use of needed count for the high smoking rates among patients with
medications (361, 362). AA brochures and other resources schizophrenia. Patterns of nicotine use among patients
do state a reasonable concern about individuals’ avoiding with schizophrenia are more severe than in patients with
psychotropic medications with an abuse potential (e.g., other psychiatric diagnoses (379), and these usage patterns
sedative-hypnotics, anxiolytics, stimulants). When such are associated with increased morbidity and mortality due
medications are necessary, a clinician should prescribe to tobacco-related medical diseases such as cancer and
them with caution and closely monitor their use (e.g., dis- cardiovascular and respiratory diseases (359, 380–383).
pense in limited quantities, track prescription refills, mon- Apart from nicotine dependence, about 40%–60% of indi-
itor ongoing medical necessity for and the patient’s re- viduals with schizophrenia will have another co-occurring
sponse to the medication). substance use disorder during their lifetime (353, 384, 385).
c. Medications to treat substance use disorders. Substance-abusing individuals with schizophrenia are
Medications for treating substance use disorders, such as more likely to be male, young, and less educated and have
those for managing acute withdrawal and protracted with- better social skills than those not abusing substances, but
drawal symptoms or reducing craving, have not been well they have less peer support and poorer treatment out-
studied in dually diagnosed populations but should be comes in traditional substance abuse treatment settings
considered for these patients. The presence of a co-occur- because of the stress associated with the confrontational
ring mental illness may influence a clinician’s decision to treatment approaches sometimes used in these programs
prescribe disulfiram for alcohol-dependent patients if, for (353, 386). Because substance abuse treatment staff typi-
example, the clinician is concerned about a patient’s ca- cally have limited training in managing psychosis and be-
pacity to adhere to prescribing instructions due to acute cause mental health clinicians are trained and able to pro-
psychiatric symptoms. However, a 12-week multicenter, vide both medications and psychosocial treatment for
randomized, controlled trial of disulfiram in patients with schizophrenia, this population most commonly receives
co-occurring alcohol dependence and psychiatric illness integrated treatment for the co-occurring disorders within
demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of this medica- the mental health system.
tion with this population (363). This same study also sub- Effective integrated treatment programs have used
stantiated the safety and efficacy of naltrexone use in this one clinical team to provide long-term, comprehensive
population. However, no further benefit was achieved in care (i.e., medication and psychosocial treatment inter-
this study by combining disulfiram and naltrexone. ventions) for both psychotic and substance use disorders
d. Integrated psychosocial treatments. Psychosocial (80, 353). Treatment is provided in the patient’s natural en-
treatment is very important in the treatment of a sub- vironment, is matched to the patient’s motivational state,
stance use disorder both with and without a co-occurring provides comprehensive community services (e.g., stable
psychiatric disorder. Integrated psychotherapy approach- housing, financial assistance through entitlements, voca-
es represent some of the most recent advances in psycho- tional rehabilitation), and is not limited in duration (80,
social treatments, and several have been developed for 387). Integrated treatment often begins by stabilizing a pa-
specific subtypes of co-occurring disorders. A common tient’s psychotic symptoms, which may require psychiat-
feature of these integrated therapies is their blending of ric hospitalization. Integrated treatment programs can
traditional evidence-based psychotherapies with tradi- then initiate substance abuse treatment when the patient
tional evidence-based substance use disorder therapies is sufficiently stable to participate in the psychosocial
such as MET, relapse prevention therapy/CBT, and TSF treatments for the psychiatric and substance use disor-
therapy. Examples of psychiatric disorders for which inte- ders. Thus, the acute stabilization phase may initially em-
grated treatments have been developed include PTSD phasize appropriate antipsychotic and psychosocial treat-
(364–368), bipolar disorder (369), schizophrenia (80, 360, ments that help stabilize the illnesses (353, 371).

34 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


1) Pharmacotherapy potension if they abuse alcohol or other sedating drugs

Existing studies and reports from expert consensus while taking antipsychotic medications. Tobacco smoking
meetings on co-occurring disorders support the same substantially lowers blood levels of clozapine, olanzapine,
first-line agents recommended in APA’s Practice Guideline and numerous first-generation antipsychotics (e.g., halo-
for the Treatment of Patients With Schizophrenia (388) for peridol, fluphenazine, chlorpromazine, thioridazine) by
individuals with co-occurring schizophrenia and sub- increasing cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2 enzyme hepatic
stance use disorders (80, 288). With the possible exception metabolism, a moderate effect that may necessitate an in-
of clozapine for patients with treatment-resistant symp- crease in the medication dose. The metabolism of other
toms, antipsychotics generally have similar efficacy in second-generation antipsychotics is not significantly af-
treating the positive symptoms of schizophrenia (389), al- fected by changes in smoking status.
though there is emerging evidence and an ongoing debate Another clinically important issue in this population
regarding whether second-generation antipsychotics may is addressing poor adherence with both pharmacological
have superior efficacy in treating global psychopathology and psychosocial interventions. The use of long-acting, in-
and cognitive, negative, and mood symptoms (388). Vari- jectable antipsychotic medications can help increase
ous smaller studies have found better outcomes with cloz- medication adherence. A long-acting, injectable form of
apine (390–398), risperidone (394, 399–402), and olanzap- the second-generation antipsychotic risperidone is avail-
ine (403, 404) than with first-generation antipsychotics for able as are long-acting decanoate preparations of first-
patients with co-occurring schizophrenia and substance generation antipsychotics (i.e., haloperidol, fluphena-
use disorders. However, most of these studies were retro- zine); there have been no direct comparisons of these
spective, nonrandomized, or uncontrolled pilot studies. long-acting first- and second-generation antipsychotic
Furthermore, no evidence to date suggests that any one agents in this population.
second-generation antipsychotic is more efficacious than In general, medications targeting specific substance
another in this population, and no trials have been report- use disorders can be safely prescribed for patients with co-
ed that compare these agents in the same clinical study. occurring schizophrenia and substance use disorders
Some have thought that clozapine should be considered as (288). However, careful assessment is indicated before ini-
a first-line agent in patients with schizophrenia co-occur- tiating treatment with disulfiram. Given the cognitive dif-
ring with a substance use disorder because of the number ficulties associated with schizophrenia, disulfiram should
of studies supporting its use (394) and its ability to reduce be reserved for use in individuals whose judgment and
the risk of suicidal behaviors (405). In addition, clozapine memory are adequate and for whom impulsivity is not a
may have beneficial effects in decreasing smoking (406– significant concern. In addition, there may be some fur-
408). However, most experts have continued to recom- ther concern about using high-dose disulfiram in this pop-
mend clozapine as a second-line agent (288) because of ulation because carbon disulfide, a metabolite of disul-
the need for regular monitoring of the patient’s white firam, inhibits dopamine β-hydroxylase, increases
blood count to detect granulocytopenia or impending dopamine levels, and could potentially worsen psychosis
agranulocytosis, as well as other concerns about clozap- (409, 410). Specific studies also support the use of naltrex-
ine’s side-effect profile (i.e., increased seizure risk and se- one for alcohol dependence and methadone for opioid de-
dation). Because significant nonadherence to clozapine pendence in this population (411–413). The treatment of
necessitates the retitration of the medication dose and be- nicotine dependence with NRTs (i.e., nicotine patch, gum,
cause blood monitoring is an essential part of clozapine spray, inhaler, or lozenge) and bupropion has helped im-
treatment, clozapine is generally used in more motivated prove treatment outcomes for tobacco smokers with
patients and in well-integrated treatment programs. schizophrenia (414, 415). There is a theoretical concern
In choosing an antipsychotic medication, a clinician that bupropion may increase psychotic symptoms; how-
should assess patient preferences and vulnerabilities re- ever, this concern has not been borne out in studies to date
garding side effects, interactions with abused substances, (414). There are improved outcomes with combining NRT
and other safety considerations. It should be noted that in- and bupropion with psychosocial treatments that are spe-
dividuals with schizophrenia who abuse alcohol and co- cific to nicotine dependence (348, 416).
caine may have an increased risk for seizures or liver toxic-
ity and may have cardiac abnormalities as a result of their 2) Psychosocial treatments
substance use. Medications that may induce QT prolonga- Integrated psychosocial treatments for individuals
tion should be used with caution, with electrocardio- with co-occurring schizophrenia and substance use disor-
graphic monitoring as needed. Because most antipsychot- ders most commonly occur in mental health settings and
ic medications are hepatically metabolized and can lower include unique psychotherapy approaches as well as mod-
seizure threshold to some degree, these factors should also ified treatment programs and systems (352). One key as-
be taken into consideration when choosing among antip- pect of integrated treatment is that patients do better
sychotic medications. Patients with schizophrenia may when clinicians are able to maintain an optimistic, em-
also experience increased somnolence and orthostatic hy- pathic, and helpful approach (417). Integrated programs

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 35


often provide comprehensive services, including active episodes. In individuals without prior episodes of depres-
outreach and case management in the community setting, sion or a family history of mood disorders, it may be
in an effort to better engage and retain patients and help appropriate to delay the treatment of mild to moderate
them transition between different levels of care (370, 417). depressive symptoms for the purpose of diagnostic clarifi-
Model integrated treatment programs have been de- cation. Clinicians are advised to monitor symptoms, as-
scribed and evaluated in the literature (417), including as- sess and reassess for suicidal ideation, provide education,
sertive community treatment teams and integrated stage- encourage abstinence from substances, and observe
based motivational models; these models tend to empha- changes in mental status during the substance-free period
size a recovery-oriented perspective while combining while actively considering whether antidepressant inter-
medications, MET, relapse prevention therapy, social skills vention is indicated (288, 426–429).
training, and specific dual recovery therapy approaches
(80, 371, 386, 418, 419). Other helpful components to inte- 1) Pharmacotherapy
grated treatment programs include contingency manage- Existing studies and expert consensus support the
ment and money management (360, 372). Money manage- use of first-line agents recommended in APA’s Practice
ment helps patients prevent relapse, given that many Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Major De-
receive Social Security disability or Supplemental Security pressive Disorder (430) and substance use disorder medi-
Income payments and are most vulnerable to substance cations for detoxification, protracted withdrawal, and
use and relapse soon after receiving these funds (372). agonist maintenance treatment (288). Randomized, con-
b. Depressive disorders. Major depressive and sub- trolled trials supporting the efficacy of antidepressant
stance use disorders commonly co-occur in clinical popu- pharmacotherapies for co-occurring major depressive
lations and in the community (341, 343, 344, 420). Studies disorder and specific substance use disorders exist for al-
have demonstrated that individuals diagnosed with major cohol dependence, opioid dependence, cocaine use dis-
depressive disorder have high lifetime co-occurrence rates orders, and nicotine dependence.
of alcohol abuse (men 9% and women 30%) and alcohol A meta-analysis of 14 well-designed placebo-con-
dependence (men 24% and women 48.5%) (421). Among trolled trials of antidepressant medication for co-occur-
individuals with major depressive disorder, approximately ring major depression and alcohol, opioid, or cocaine de-
25% have a co-occurring substance use disorder (422). A pendence (425) showed an overall beneficial effect of
large prospective, longitudinal study has demonstrated medication on mood outcome, similar in magnitude to
that alcohol and drug use disorders during adolescence the effect size observed in clinical trials involving de-
predict later development of major depressive disorder in pressed patients without substance problems. Studies
young adults (423). showing the largest effects of medication on mood out-
Mood disturbance is one of the most common symp- come also showed significant beneficial effects of medica-
toms reported by individuals in substance use disorder tion on self-report measures of substance use, although
treatment programs. In addition to the high rate of co-oc- rates of abstinence were low. The results across studies
curring major depressive and substance use disorders, pa- were inconsistent, with eight positive and six negative
tients in substance use disorder treatment settings fre- studies. The positive studies, those demonstrating a bene-
quently experience substance-induced mood disorders in ficial effect of antidepressant medication, had low placebo
which signs and symptoms of depression are related to response rates and were more likely to have required at
acute substance intoxication or to acute or protracted least a week of abstinence prior to diagnosing depression
withdrawal from substances; these symptoms remit with and starting medication. The evidence for medication
maintained abstinence (424). Because it is often difficult effectiveness was more consistent among studies of pa-
for a clinician to discern whether a cluster of symptoms is tients with alcohol dependence than among studies of pa-
due to co-occurring major depressive disorder, substance tients with drug dependence, in agreement with the con-
intoxication, substance withdrawal, substance-induced clusion of another recent meta-analysis (430a).
mood disorder, or some combination thereof, guidelines Of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs),
have been established for diagnosing and treating mood fluoxetine (431) and sertraline (432–434) have been stud-
symptoms in the context of a substance use disorder (425). ied in the treatment of co-occurring major depressive dis-
When possible, it is advisable to delay antidepressant order and alcohol dependence, and evidence is also avail-
pharmacotherapy by 1–4 weeks, depending on the nature able for the use of nefazodone (435, 436) and the tricyclic
and severity of the mood symptoms, to allow the clinician antidepressants (TCAs) imipramine (428, 437) and de-
to identify substance-induced mood symptoms that may sipramine (438). These agents, however, have not been
remit without medication intervention. compared with each other nor has there been an adequate
In general, treatment of depressive symptoms of mod- number of studies of other SSRIs to make recommenda-
erate to severe intensity should begin concurrently or soon tions for specific antidepressants as first-line agents in this
after initiating treatment of the co-occurring substance population. A review of the literature indicates that antide-
use disorder, particularly if there is evidence of prior mood pressant treatment is more effective in ameliorating mood

36 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


symptoms than in improving drinking outcomes for this tained-release bupropion for treating nicotine dependence
dually diagnosed population (439). Given the reported may be safely added to other antidepressants (e.g., SSRIs,
risks of hepatotoxicity and death with nefazodone use which do not alter smoking cessation rates) being used to
(440), this medication is not generally recommended un- treat major depressive disorder (458). NRTs are also recom-
less other therapies have failed. mended as a first-line option in treating nicotine depen-
The evidence base for antidepressant pharmacother- dence in depressed smokers. In addition, integrating stan-
apy in co-occurring opioid dependence and major depres- dard tobacco dependence–related psychosocial treatment
sive disorder is inconsistent and well studied only in meth- into ongoing psychosocial treatment for depression im-
adone-maintained populations. Results of randomized, proves both tobacco dependence and depression out-
placebo-controlled trials of TCA treatment are mixed, with comes among smokers with recurrent depression and
some showing no differences between antidepressant heavy smoking (459).
treatment and placebo (441–443) and others showing su- Many patients with co-occurring major depressive
perior efficacy of TCAs compared with placebo (444–447). and substance use disorders will report experiencing in-
Evidence for SSRI efficacy in the same population is weak- somnia or anxiety symptoms. Such symptoms are opti-
er (448), and many studies have failed to demonstrate ben- mally addressed using behavioral strategies (e.g., stress re-
eficial effects of SSRIs on mood symptoms (413, 449, 450). duction, relaxation skills, adherence to sleep hygiene)
Nevertheless, the relative safety of SSRIs as compared with and/or pharmacological interventions with medications
TCAs in this population continues to influence the choice that do not have a potential for abuse (e.g., buspirone) be-
of SSRIs as first-line agents for patients with co-occurring fore medications with abuse potential (e.g., benzodiaz-
opioid use disorder and major depressive disorder. Al- epines, nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics such as zolpidem)
though the duration of antidepressant treatment in these are considered. Although not specifically studied in co-oc-
studies was not >3 months, there are no available data to curring major depressive and substance use disorders, the
suggest that the duration of an antidepressant trial should antidepressant trazodone may represent an additional op-
be different than that used for treating major depressive tion (see Section II.G.2.c).
disorder without a substance use disorder.
In the context of continued substance use, inadequate
Treating mood symptoms in individuals with co-oc-
symptom improvement should not lead the clinician to
curring cocaine use and major depressive disorders is
conclude that a medication regimen is a therapeutic fail-
complicated by the frequent occurrence of depressive
ure. Patients with persistent depression and substance use
symptoms during acute withdrawal from cocaine. Some
may benefit from more frequent outpatient visits or refer-
randomized, controlled trials support the use of antide-
ral to a higher level of care (e.g., intensive outpatient, par-
pressant intervention in these individuals (451, 452); this
tial or residential hospitalization, inpatient treatment).
population also appears to have a more favorable mood
response to TCAs than to SSRIs (453). 2) Psychosocial treatments
Nicotine dependence commonly co-occurs with major Integrated psychosocial therapies have been devel-
depressive disorder. In large well-designed, placebo-con- oped, and their efficacy is being tested in controlled trials
trolled trials, the antidepressant medications bupropion
for patients with co-occurring major depressive disorder
(158, 454) and nortriptyline (455, 456) have been found to
and substance use disorders (456, 460, 461). These psycho-
improve smoking cessation rates and to prevent relapse af-
therapy approaches combine traditional therapies for
ter successful quit attempts. Smokers with a current major
substance use disorders (e.g., MET, TSF, relapse prevention
depression were excluded from these studies. The benefi-
therapies, CBT, contingency management) with tradition-
cial effects of both nortriptyline (456) and bupropion (454,
al therapies for depression (e.g., cognitive therapy, behav-
1587) have been shown not to depend on a past history of
ioral therapy, IPT, and brief psychodynamic therapy) (357,
major depression—that is, the medications are equally ef-
462). These approaches commonly try to help patients
fective for smokers with and without past depression. An
identify and manage triggers for substance use, under-
analysis of mediators of treatment effect (456) suggested
stand and manage feelings, deal with grief and anger,
nortriptyline improves smoking cessation by reducing
change thoughts and beliefs that worsen mood, improve
postquit dysphoria, with the effect, again, independent of
relationships, and change behaviors and lifestyles (463).
past history of major depression. Serious depression some-
times emerges after a patient has successfully quit smoking c. Bipolar disorder. Individuals with bipolar disorder
(457, 457a, 763), suggesting the importance of monitoring are at high risk for a co-occurring substance use disorder;
mood during quit attempts. Studies are needed of the treat- community lifetime prevalence rates of co-occurrence are
ment of smokers with current depressive disorders. How- ≥50% (341, 420). Substance use disorders influence bipolar
ever, in such patients, most clinicians will prioritize stabili- disorder by worsening each episode as well as worsening
zation of the depressive episode and then subsequently the overall course of the disorder by causing more mixed
address treatment of nicotine dependence during the episodes, earlier onset, more frequent episodes, and slow-
maintenance phase of depression treatment (348). Sus- er symptom remission (464).

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 37


Few medication studies have been conducted with co- Because there are no specific studies of the treatment
occurring bipolar and specific substance use disorders; of bipolar depression in substance-abusing individuals,
however, the existing research (464–468) and expert con- medication strategies should follow the recommendations
sensus (469, 470) support use of the first-line agents rec- for managing bipolar depression described in APA’s Prac-
ommended in APA’s Practice Guideline for the Treatment of tice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Bipolar
Patients With Bipolar Disorder (471) and the use of adjunc- Disorder (471). The guideline recommends the initiation of
tive medications that target specific substance use disor- lithium or lamotrigine as a first-line pharmacological treat-
ders. The few medication studies examining co-occurring ment. Lamotrigine should be used cautiously in individu-
bipolar and substance use disorders support the use of als with co-occurring bipolar and substance use disorders
valproate (or valproic acid or divalproex) as a mood because active substance users may be unreliable in re-
stabilizer because it shows some evidence of efficacy and porting rashes; gradual titration of lamotrigine is needed
appears to help overall treatment adherence (472). In ad- and may be problematic in individuals who may be in-
dition, some evidence suggests that patients with these co- clined to take excess medication doses, and drug-drug in-
occurring disorders are more likely to respond to valproate teractions may alter lamotrigine levels and increase the risk
or a combination of valproate plus lithium than to lithium of rash (476). Antidepressant monotherapy is not recom-
alone (465–468, 472, 473). The relative lack of efficacy with mended due to concerns about precipitating a mixed or
lithium may be due to an increase in side effects or the dif- manic episode or contributing to the development of rapid
cycling. As an alternative, especially for more severely im-
ficulty that patients with co-occurring bipolar and sub-
paired patients, some clinicians will initiate simultaneous
stance use disorders have in achieving stable lithium
treatment with lithium and an antidepressant. Also, IPT
blood levels. The use of carbamazepine in this population
and CBT may help treat symptoms of bipolar depression
is supported by a few studies with positive outcomes (474).
when they are added to pharmacotherapy.
There is only one small pilot study to date evaluating the
Integrated psychosocial treatments for bipolar and
role of second-generation antipsychotics in patients with
substance use disorders have been developed and demon-
co-occurring substance use and bipolar disorders (475).
strated to be effective by Weiss et al. (369). The group ther-
Therefore, treatment recommendations follow those pre-
apy–based treatment approach in this study integrated
sented in APA’s Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Pa-
cognitive-behavioral approaches that were effective in
tients With Bipolar Disorder (471), with first-line pharma-
treating both disorders. The approach has been described
cological treatment for more severe manic or mixed in a clinical treatment manual for clinicians that includes
episodes with lithium or valproate plus an antipsychotic. educational, motivational, and coping strategies to en-
For less ill patients, monotherapy with lithium, valproate, hance medication adherence and self-efficacy with cues
or an antipsychotic may be sufficient. Second-generation and triggers for drug use (369).
antipsychotics are generally preferred over first-genera- Although nicotine dependence is common among in-
tion antipsychotics because they appear less likely to dividuals with bipolar disorder, there have been no reports
cause tardive dyskinesia and extrapyramidal side effects; on treating nicotine dependence in this population (348).
however, the possibility of weight gain, diabetes, and hy- Recommendations for treating co-occurring bipolar disor-
perlipidemia with these agents requires consideration. der and nicotine dependence are to integrate the standard
Second-generation antipsychotic agents with an FDA in- somatic and psychosocial treatments for nicotine depen-
dication for use in treating acute manic or mixed episodes dence (see Section III) into the context of the maintenance
in bipolar disorder include olanzapine, risperidone, phase of treating bipolar disorder.
ziprasidone, and aripiprazole. Quetiapine has an FDA in- d. Anxiety disorders. Symptoms of anxiety and anxiety
dication for the treatment of acute episodes of mania. In disorders commonly co-occur with substance use disor-
the acute setting of a manic episode, a benzodiazepine ders (341). Based on a sample of individuals between ages
may be helpful. However, the general concern about using 15 and 54 years, lifetime rates of anxiety disorders (includ-
a medication with high abuse potential must be consid- ing GAD, panic disorder, specific phobia, social phobia,
ered; therefore, caution should be exercised in using obsessive-compulsive disorder, PTSD, and acute stress
benzodiazepines beyond the time period of the acute disorder) in the community are estimated to be about 19%
manic episode. For mixed episodes, valproate may be in men and 31% in women (341). About 50% of individuals
somewhat more efficacious and thus may be preferred with a substance use disorder have an anxiety disorder
over lithium (465–468). Pharmacological alternatives to (341, 420), with different rates for different anxiety disor-
lithium and valproate include carbamazepine or oxcarba- ders. For example, about 4.5% of patients with a substance
zepine. The possibility of pregnancy should be considered use disorder have panic disorder, and 16% of panic disor-
when prescribing valproate or carbamazepine for women der patients have a co-occurring substance use disorder
of childbearing age, particularly given the increased risk of (341). Despite the high prevalence rates, anxiety disorders
neural tube defects if the fetus is exposed to these medica- are frequently underdiagnosed in substance abuse treat-
tions in utero. ment settings (477). Because many substances cause

38 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


state-dependent anxiety symptoms (i.e., during intoxica- dependence alone, both treatment conditions improved
tion, acute withdrawal, or protracted withdrawal), the as- alcohol-related outcomes and social anxiety; however,
sessment of anxiety disorders in substance-using popula- treatment focused on alcohol only was associated with bet-
tions is challenging and requires careful assessment. The ter alcohol use outcomes (481). Although more studies of
clinician should ask about symptoms that relate to specific concurrent treatments for social anxiety and substance use
anxiety disorders and use similar considerations during disorders are needed, these findings suggest that combina-
the assessment process to those recommended for de- tion treatment of social anxiety and alcohol use disorders
pression symptoms and substance use disorders. Al- may not be effective for all patients.
though nicotine dependence is also common among indi- The treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder in
viduals with anxiety disorders, there are almost no the context of a co-occurring substance use disorder uses
treatment studies for this population, and treatment pharmacotherapy with SSRIs and integrated psychosocial
should follow the standard somatic and psychosocial treatment. TCAs, including clomipramine, may be of con-
treatment recommendations for nicotine dependence cern for use in patients with co-occurring substance use
(see Section III). disorders because of the risk of seizures and the potential
Integrated treatment for co-occurring anxiety and for overdose in a suicide attempt. Second-generation an-
substance use disorders may include medications and tipsychotics may be an option for some individuals (288).
psychosocial treatments from both substance abuse and GAD commonly co-occurs with other psychiatric and
psychiatric treatment perspectives. Specific medications substance use disorders. CBT approaches can be particu-
and CBTs for specific anxiety disorders have been devel- larly helpful for symptoms of preoccupation/rumination
oped and can be combined with the usual treatments for and exaggerated perceptions of danger. First-line agents
substance use disorders. Providing education about the for this population include buspirone and SSRIs. Although
anxiety and substance use disorders and the effects the benzodiazepines may be used chronically in GAD patients
disorders have on each other is also important. with no substance use disorder, their use should be limited
The recommended medications for treating panic dis- or applied in only the previously described circumstances
order with a co-occurring substance use disorder are SSRIs in patients with a substance use disorder because of their
plus integrated psychosocial treatment (288, 478). If sever- abuse potential (288).
al SSRIs are tried and found to be ineffective, then a TCA PTSD is common among individuals with a substance
may be considered; however, TCAs may be of concern use disorder (about 20%), with women having about twice
when using them in the context of co-occurring substance the rate of co-occurring PTSD as men (482); however, cli-
use disorders because of the risk of cardiac toxicity and sei- nicians are advised not to overlook the possibility of PTSD
zures and the potential for overdose in a suicide attempt. in male patients, because in the general community, rates
Although benzodiazepines are usually considered a first- of PTSD are higher for men than for women (483). Rates of
line treatment for panic disorder in patients without an ac- PTSD appear to be high in substance use disorder treat-
tive substance use disorder, the risk of benzodiazepine ment settings, with one study reporting that 40% of 95 sub-
abuse is a significant concern and precludes this class of stance- abusing/dependent inpatients met criteria for
medications from being first-line agents in treating panic current PTSD (484). Women with PTSD and a substance
disorder in the context of a coexisting substance use disor- use disorder often experienced childhood physical and/or
der. In rare cases, physicians have treated severe panic sexual abuse, whereas men typically experienced combat
symptoms by using benzodiazepines on a time-limited or were victims of crime (483). PTSD symptoms are a com-
basis, selecting patients without a history of misusing ben- mon trigger of substance use, and patients may perceive
zodiazepines but who have a family history of panic disor- the substances as a way of coping with overwhelming
der, and fully informing the patient and sometimes the emotional pain (485–488). Indeed, one study showed that
family of the risks of taking benzodiazepines. Physicians individuals with PTSD and either cocaine or alcohol de-
may also limit prescriptions, supervise medication admin- pendence experienced increased craving when exposed to
istration, monitor medication adherence with pill counts, both trauma and drug cues (489). As patients with co-oc-
and request that patients come for more frequent office curring PTSD and a substance use disorder participate in
visits while patients are taking benzodiazepines. Two dou- treatment and become able to maintain continued absti-
ble-blind, placebo-controlled studies have demonstrated nence, they may feel overwhelmed by a flood of memories
the efficacy of buspirone in patients with alcohol depen- and unprocessed feelings about the past traumas that
dence and anxiety (479, 480). have been masked by substance use (490). Simply because
Pharmacotherapy for social anxiety disorder in the patients have become abstinent from substances does not
context of co-occurring substance use disorder may in- mean that symptoms of PTSD have resolved, and these
clude beta-blockers or SSRIs along with integrated psycho- will need to be addressed in treatment (491, 492). Patients
social treatment. In a recent study in which simultaneous may carry a great burden of shame and guilt, as both PTSD
treatment of social anxiety disorder and co-occurring alco- and substance abuse may be associated with keeping se-
hol dependence was compared with treatment of alcohol crets and denial. These individuals are sometimes per-

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 39


ceived as “crazy,” “lazy,” or “bad” by others and by them- RIs are considered first-line medication treatment for
selves, and these issues are similarly important to PTSD. Given the abuse potential of benzodiazepines, pre-
anticipate in psychotherapy (490). scribing them to patients for the treatment of PTSD pre-
Specific integrated psychotherapies for PTSD co-oc- sents a risk for substance relapse and/or the development
curring with a substance use disorder have been devel- of a new substance use disorder.
oped and evaluated (365, 368, 490). These approaches e. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. S u b -
have similar components in that they educate the patient stance use disorders are common in adolescents and
about both disorders and how the two problems interact adults with ADHD, with about 33% of adult ADHD patients
to worsen the course of either disorder alone. Treatment having a history of an alcohol use disorder and about 20%
focuses on stabilizing the substance use disorder and de- having a drug use disorder; even higher prevalence rates
veloping coping skills to manage the PTSD symptoms and (50%–60%) of co-occurring nicotine dependence have
trauma memories as they occur during the early phase of been reported (341, 499). Among patients with alcohol, co-
abstinence as well as after prolonged periods of absti- caine, or opioid dependence, 17%–50% have co-occurring
nence (490). Seeking Safety (490), an empirically tested ADHD (499). Establishing a diagnosis of ADHD can be
group treatment for patients with PTSD and a coexisting complicated in the context of ongoing substance use, be-
substance use disorder, and integrated treatment ap- cause attention problems are often caused by the acute
proaches that combine the 12-step treatment model from and prolonged effects of specific substances of abuse, and
substance use disorder treatment with traditional psycho- these attention problems will often improve with pro-
therapeutic approaches to PTSD have been developed to longed abstinence. On the other hand, delaying adequate
treat this patient population (493, 494). One study of 107 treatment of co-occurring ADHD may compromise a pa-
women were randomly assigned to receive Seeking Safety tient’s capacity to fully participate in treatment for a sub-
treatment, a manual-guided relapse prevention therapy, stance use disorder (500, 501). Therefore, it is recommend-
or standard community treatment found that women re- ed that treating physicians attempt to gather evidence
ceiving Seeking Safety or relapse prevention therapy had supporting a co-occurring ADHD diagnosis (e.g., child-
significant reductions in substance use, PTSD, and psychi- hood ADHD, evidence of symptoms during prolonged ab-
atric symptoms over the 3-month treatment period, stinence from substance use) during early assessment and
whereas the symptoms of women who received standard treatment planning. Clinicians are also advised to assess
community treatment worsened (364); furthermore, the patients with co-occurring ADHD and a substance use dis-
Seeking Safety and relapse prevention groups maintained order for other commonly co-occurring psychiatric disor-
the greater improvements in substance use and PTSD ders (e.g., learning disorders, mood and anxiety disorders,
symptoms at the 6- and 9-month follow-ups. Outcomes conduct disorder/antisocial personality disorder) (499).
did not differ between the Seeking Safety and relapse pre- The occurrence of childhood ADHD contributes inde-
vention groups. pendently of other psychiatric disorders to the risk of de-
Many integrated treatment approaches discourage veloping an early-onset substance use disorder (502, 503).
having the patient describe or explore traumatic memo- Early interventions for childhood ADHD (psychosocial
ries as might be done in exposure therapy. Only a few pilot and/or pharmacotherapy) may help to prevent new-onset
studies have been published that evaluate trauma explora- substance use disorders in this population in adulthood.
tion therapies (e.g., exposure therapy) in substance-abus- Even though stimulants are commonly recommended
ing patients (365, 368). In those few studies, positive re- for the treatment of childhood ADHD, concerns that child-
sults were generally reported. One recently published hood use of prescribed stimulants may predispose an indi-
effectiveness trial of integrated exposure-based therapy vidual to a future substance use disorder are unsubstanti-
for PTSD and psychosocial treatment of substance use dis- ated (504). In fact, a recent meta-analysis of the literature
orders reported feasibility and clinical effectiveness within indicated that childhood stimulant therapy lowers the risk
an inner-city mental health treatment setting serving du- of developing a concurrent alcohol or drug use disorder
ally diagnosed patients (366). Future research is needed to during adolescence and adulthood (505, 506).
define which patients may benefit from this type of treat- Stimulant pharmacotherapy is effective for adolescent
ment. Other psychosocial treatments used to treat PTSD and adult ADHD (507) and may be effective for patients
are being considered for adaptation to patients with PTSD with a co-occurring substance use disorder (508–510);
and a co-occurring substance use disorder; these include however, clinicians must carefully assess symptom im-
mourning therapy (495), eye movement desensitization provement with stimulant treatment against the risk for
and reprocessing (496), and the counting method (497). misuse or diversion of prescribed stimulants. Prescription
Medication recommendations for treating PTSD in monitoring (e.g., limited dispensing, medication logs) and
the context of a co-occurring substance use disorder fol- the use of long-acting stimulant preparations and stan-
low the general recommendations from APA’s Practice dardized clinical symptom assessments (511, 512) are rec-
Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Acute Stress ommended. When there is concern about the safety of
Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (498). The SS- stimulant treatment in patients with ADHD and a sub-

40 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


stance use disorder, alternative ADHD pharmacotherapies Medication strategies to treat bulimia or anorexia ner-
without an abuse potential may be considered, such as vosa should follow the recommendations in APA’s Practice
atomoxetine, bupropion, and desipramine (513). Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Eating Disor-
ADHD symptoms often interfere with a patient’s ad- ders (518). There are no controlled medication trials to
herence to substance use treatment, and therefore inte- guide treatment of bulimia nervosa co-occurring with a
grated psychosocial and pharmacotherapy treatment is substance use disorder. Naltrexone may be worth consid-
recommended for patients with ADHD and a substance ering for patients with co-occurring alcohol dependence
use disorder (501, 514). Although integrated psychosocial and bulimia nervosa, given its clinical utility in bulimic pa-
interventions for this population are recommended, re- tients (519, 520) and its established use with alcohol use
search to support their use is limited. Expert consensus disorders (see Sections IV.C.3.a and IX.B.3.a).
recommends providing patients with education about
g. Personality disorders. Personality disorders and sub-
both disorders, encouraging their active participation in
stance use disorders commonly co-occur, with an estimat-
support groups, and modifying psychosocial treatments to
ed 50%–60% of individuals with a substance use disorder
facilitate learning (e.g., using brief structured sessions
having a co-occurring personality disorder (463, 521).
with written handouts) (288, 499).
Prevalence rates of borderline personality disorder (BPD)
f. Eating disorders. Epidemiological studies indicate an are approximately 30%–50% across inpatient, outpatient,
association between bulimia nervosa and substance use and community samples of individuals with a substance
disorders, but not between anorexia nervosa and sub- use disorder (522). Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)
stance use disorders (515). Bulimia nervosa is more com- has a lifetime prevalence of 60% among injection drug us-
mon among individuals with a substance use disorder ers (523, 524), although there are recognized problems
than in the general population (515). Inpatient substance with the accuracy of an ASPD diagnosis in patients with a
abuse treatment studies report that about 15% of women co-occurring substance use disorder due in part to drug-
and 1% of men have an eating disorder; this group is more
associated criminal behavior (525) and overlap with BPD
likely to abuse stimulants and less likely to use opioids
(318). Establishing a personality disorder diagnosis in the
than individuals without an eating disorder (515). In clini-
context of a substance use disorder can be difficult and
cal samples, substance use disorders have been found to
may be best done after a patient has achieved a prolonged
be common among patients with bulimia (about 23%)
period of abstinence from substance use. Because patients
(516) and less frequent among those with anorexia ner-
with a substance use disorder and BPD or ASPD have high-
vosa (about 15%) (515). The types of agents abused by in-
er-risk behaviors and a higher suicide risk (303, 318, 526)
dividuals with an eating disorder include diet pills, stimu-
as well as poorer treatment outcomes (527–532), improved
lants, laxatives, diuretics, emetics, and many other
instruments for assessing a co-occurring personality dis-
substances (515, 517). With chronic use, tolerance to the
order in this context would help to identify high-risk pa-
effects of and withdrawal from these medications can oc-
tients who may require more intensive treatments.
cur. Tobacco use and dependence are also common
among individuals with bulimia and anorexia nervosa and Integrated treatments for this population initially fo-
may be linked with attempts to lose weight. Individuals cus on helping the therapist manage countertransference
with co-occurring bulimia and substance use disorders issues, develop a therapeutic alliance, and integrate exist-
are more likely to be younger when they seek treatment for ing behavioral therapy approaches for personality disor-
their bulimia nervosa and have an earlier onset of problem ders into the substance use disorder treatment. Specific in-
drinking compared with those individuals with bulimia tegrated psychosocial therapies that combine traditional
nervosa only (516). substance use disorder treatment with the treatment of a
Integrated treatment may occur within psychiatric or personality disorder have been developed to address these
substance use disorder treatment programs, and can co-occurring disorders (373, 374, 463). Although dialectical
combine traditional psychosocial treatments for sub- behavioral therapy has been shown to be effective for treat-
stance use disorders with treatments for bulimia, includ- ing BPD with or without a co-occurring substance use dis-
ing relapse prevention or CBT strategies (e.g., identifying order, it is not always effective in improving substance use
automatic thoughts, thought restructuring, identifying outcomes (533), and there remains a need for improved in-
cues and triggers for bingeing/purging and substance tegrated therapies for this high-risk population.
use). Substance abuse treatment programs may need to There have been few medication studies for co-occur-
add nutritional consultation and education for these pa- ring personality and substance use disorders. Medication
tients, help them set goals for an acceptable weight range, recommendations in the APA’s Practice Guideline for the
and observe them at and between meals for bingeing Treatment of Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder
and/or purging behaviors (515, 518). The 12-step recov- (534) may be used to guide treatment. In some cases, med-
ery–oriented community groups for both disorders (such ications for personality disorders are used episodically to
as AA and Overeaters Anonymous) can provide additional treat specific symptoms. Benzodiazepines should be used
structure and support. with caution in patients with co-occurring personality and

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 41


substance use disorders due to the risk of benzodiazepine Substance use causes a variety of health problems (Ta-
abuse (535) and overdose and suicide attempts (536). ble 3), which vary depending on the substance used and its
route of administration. These medical problems may be
h. Pathological gambling. Individuals with a substance
further complicated by the use of multiple substances and
use disorder are vulnerable to other non-substance-relat-
nutritional deficiencies that may accompany ongoing
ed compulsive behaviors such as pathological gambling
substance use. Many substance use disorder patients with
and compulsive sexual behaviors. Only pathological gam-
a co-occurring medical disorder do not seek or receive ad-
bling is recognized as a DSM-IV-TR disorder. Individuals
equate general medical care for a variety of reasons, in-
with a substance use disorder have about a four- to fivefold
cluding the chaotic and disorganized lifestyles often asso-
higher rate of pathological gambling when compared with
ciated with substance abuse and these patients’ lack of
the general population, and studies suggest that about
access to health care. Physicians may be reluctant to ade-
15% of substance abusers meet criteria for pathological
quately treat the pain of individuals who have a painful
gambling (537–539). The National Epidemiologic Survey
medical condition but also a current or past substance use
on Alcohol and Related Conditions, a large nationally rep-
disorder (556). Thus, the substance abuse treatment en-
resentative community study, reported that among adults
counter may be the first opportunity to address the gener-
with a lifetime history of pathological gambling, 73% have
al medical care needs of these patients.
had a co-occurring alcohol use disorder, 38% have had a
At present, the medical risks associated with marijua-
co-occurring drug use disorder, and 60% have had co-oc-
na use are not well understood. Because it is likely that
curring nicotine dependence (540). It is likely that patho-
marijuana contains many of the same carcinogens as cig-
logical gambling, though common, is underdiagnosed, be-
arettes, it is possible that lung cancer may occur in mari-
cause substance abuse or psychiatric treatment settings
juana smokers, although there is no evidence to support
do not always screen for it (541). Individuals with patho-
this (557).
logical gambling and a substance use disorder are also at
Substance use–related conditions such as hepatitis
increased risk for engaging in unsafe sexual behaviors and
and tuberculosis and associated events such as motor ve-
having mood or anxiety problems, ADHD, ASPD, or legal
hicle accidents, falls, suicide, and homicide contribute to
problems (537, 539, 542, 543).
an increased risk of death and disability in the substance-
Integrated treatment programs rarely include patho- using population. Tobacco-related medical disorders are a
logical gambling treatment and generally do not provide greater cause of mortality than alcohol-related medical
Gamblers Anonymous meetings on-site (542, 544). Howev- disorders among individuals dependent on alcohol or oth-
er, integrated treatment could readily incorporate behav- er nonnicotine substances (558). This finding highlights
ioral therapies for pathological gambling that are similar to the importance of assessing substance-abusing patients
traditional substance use disorder treatment, such as gam- for tobacco use and recommending psychosocial and/or
bling relapse prevention strategies, social skills training, pharmacological intervention that will help them quit.
problem solving, and cognitive restructuring (544). Among individuals who inject drugs, infectious diseases
Medications that appear to help reduce the desire to are the most common cause of general medical comorbid-
gamble and gambling behaviors have not been examined ity. Approximately 30%-40% of inner-city intravenous drug
in individuals with a co-occurring substance use disorder. users test positive for HIV (559, 560), and depending on the
Medications studied in pathological gambling alone in- treatment setting, as many as 30%–75% of substance use
clude fluvoxamine (545–547) and naltrexone (548, 549). A disorder treatment patients have been diagnosed with
large, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of paroxet- hepatitis C. Indeed, intravenous drug use accounts for
ine plus psychosocial treatment failed to demonstrate a 60% of new cases of hepatitis C and 25% of new HIV infec-
significant difference from placebo (550), and an open-la- tions per year (561). Regardless of treatment setting, the
bel, flexible-dose study of sertraline also failed to demon- adoption of universal precautions against body contami-
strate superiority to placebo (551). Lithium and valproate nation by infectious agents is a necessary part of protect-
may be effective in the treatment of pathological gambling ing staff and patients against the spread of HIV (562).
for those with bipolar disorder (552, 553). In general, med- The risks of contracting sexually transmitted diseases
ication trials for pathological gambling show a high early commonly differ between the sexes. Among individuals
placebo rate; longer-duration studies may be needed to with severe psychiatric disorders, men with hepatitis C
confirm the positive effects of medication. have increased lifetime rates of drug-related risk behaviors
(e.g., needle use, needle sharing, crack cocaine use),
3. Comorbid general medical disorders whereas women have higher lifetime rates of sexual risk
Concurrent general medical conditions frequently behaviors (e.g., unprotected sex in exchange for drugs,
complicate the treatment of substance use disorders. A full money, or gifts; unprotected vaginal or anal sex) (563). All
description of the medical problems associated with sub- substance-using patients should be counseled about safe
stance use disorders is beyond the scope of this practice sex practices and taught specific interpersonal skills (e.g.,
guideline and has been provided elsewhere (554, 555). assertiveness, negotiation) for discussing and requiring

42 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


TABLE 3. Medical Disorders Associated With Specific Substances

Substance Medical Disorders
Alcohol Gastrointestinal: esophagitis, Mallory-Weiss tear, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, fatty liver, alcohol-induced hepatitis,
cirrhosis, acute or chronic pancreatitis
Cardiovascular: hypertension, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease
Neurological: Wernicke’s encephalopathy, alcohol-related dementia, cerebellar degeneration, peripheral neuropa-
thy, stroke, seizures
Hematological: thrombocytopenia, anemia
Neoplastic: cancers of the esophagus, liver, and pancreas
Other: sexual dysfunction, sleep disorders, vitamin B deficiency, peripheral myopathy

Nicotine Cardiovascular: coronary artery disease, vascular disease

Respiratory: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Neoplastic: cancers of the mouth, esophagus, and lung

Cocaine Cardiovascular: ischemic heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, aortic dissection, myocardial infarction
Respiratory: spontaneous pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, bronchitis, pneumonitis and bronchospasm
(when smoked)
Neurological: seizures, stroke
Other: sinusitis, nasal irritation, septal bleeding and perforation (with intranasal use), HIV and hepatitis (with intra-
venous use), weight loss and malnutrition

Opioids (when used Gastrointestinal: acute and chronic viral hepatitis

intravenously) Cardiovascular: endocarditis
Respiratory: tuberculosis (which may be treatment resistant)
Neurological: meningitis
Other: cellulitis, abscesses, osteomyelitis, HIV

the use of safe sex practices with their partners. Gender- 4. Pregnancy
specific group treatments using educational/skills build- The treatment of substance use disorders is crucial in
ing approaches have been developed and are being stud- the pregnant woman because ongoing substance use dur-
ied (e.g., in the National Institute on Drug Abuse [NIDA] ing pregnancy has the following multiple implications for
Clinical Trials Network studies to reduce HIV-related and both the mother and the developing fetus:
sexually transmitted disease–related risk behaviors in pa-
tients in substance abuse treatment). Needle exchange 1. The health of the pregnant woman. Pregnant women
programs and effective treatment of the substance use dis- with a substance use disorder are at high risk for sexu-
order and HIV or hepatitis C also reduce the spread of HIV ally transmitted diseases (e.g., HIV infection), hepatitis,
and hepatitis C infection (561, 564). anemia, tuberculosis, hypertension, and preeclampsia
When treating HIV-seropositive, opioid-dependent in- (570, 571). In addition, the presence of a substance use
dividuals with antiretrovirals and methadone, the physician disorder may affect a woman’s ability to maintain a
needs to be aware of the clinically significant interactions healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and prena-
between these two medications that can decrease the effi- tal care.
cacy of antiviral medications and/or require methadone 2. The course of the pregnancy. Women with certain sub-
dose adjustments (565). It is recommended that individuals stance use disorders may be at greater-than-average
with hepatitis C receiving treatment with interferon be as- risk for spontaneous abortions, preeclampsia, abruptio
sessed for lifetime or current major depressive disorder be- placentae, and early and prolonged labor (572–574), in
cause of the frequent development and/or exacerbation of addition to complications of other general medical
depressive symptoms during treatment with interferon conditions that may be attributable to the substance
(566). All patients receiving interferon should be monitored use (e.g., hypertension in cocaine users) (575).
for the development of depression, and consideration 3. Fetal development. Some abused substances, includ-
should be given to initiating antidepressants and counsel- ing nicotine, opioids, cocaine, and alcohol, are known
ing. Guidelines for the psychiatric treatment of patients to pass through the placenta and directly affect fetal
with HIV or AIDS are available in the APA’s Practice Guide- metabolism and development (576–578). This may
line for the Treatment of Patients With HIV/AIDS (567). happen at any stage of development but is particularly
The rise of treatment-resistant tuberculosis among likely during the third trimester, when maternal fetal
patients with a substance use disorder suggests the need blood flow and rates of placental transport are in-
to consider periodic tuberculosis screening for patients creased. Fetal concentrations of abused substances av-
and staff who treat these patients, along with efforts to re- erage 50%–100% of maternal blood levels and may be
duce the spread of tuberculosis in treatment environ- higher than maternal blood levels (579). The circula-
ments. Supervised on-site chemoprophylaxis or treatment tion of active metabolites is another source of fetal ex-
for tuberculosis within substance abuse treatment pro- posure to potentially toxic substances. The fetus may
grams is also strongly recommended (568, 569). be at higher-than-average risk for birth defects, cardio-

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 43


vascular problems, impaired growth and develop- Female patients, particularly single mothers, may have
ment, prematurity, low birth weight, and stillbirth more family responsibilities and may require more help
(573, 580–585). After delivery, the neonate may experi- with family-related problems. There is some evidence that
ence withdrawal from the substance, which may be tailoring the goals of treatment to meet the needs of wom-
difficult to recognize, particularly if the pediatrician is en improves treatment outcomes for substance-using
unaware of the mother’s substance use disorder. women (599, 600).
4. Child development. Some substances (e.g., alcohol) are In terms of nicotine dependence, there is some evi-
associated with long-term negative effects on physical dence to suggest that women may smoke less for nicotine
and cognitive development, as is seen in fetal alcohol reinforcement and more for nonnicotine factors such as
spectrum disorders (586–588). other sensory effects of smoke inhalation, conditioned re-
5. Parenting behavior. In addition to ongoing treatment sponses to smoke stimuli, and secondary social reinforce-
for the disorder itself, mothers with a substance use ment (601). It has also been suggested that women have
disorder are frequently in need of education and train- more difficulties with smoking cessation than men, al-
ing in parenting skills, social services, nutritional though recent studies have suggested that cessation rates
counseling, assistance in obtaining health and welfare are similar between the two sexes. There is some evidence
entitlements, and other interventions aimed at reduc- that NRT is less effective in female smokers, but the evi-
ing the likelihood of child abuse or neglect (589, 590). dence for this is not strong; any initial failures with NRT
This is particularly true of women with co-occurring could be followed by nonnicotine therapies such as bupro-
substance use and psychiatric disorders. pion and clonidine (602). Two recent studies showed that
women have improved rates of smoking cessation when
Goals for the treatment of pregnant, substance-using
treated with naltrexone in combination with either smok-
women include 1) providing appropriate treatment for the
ing cessation therapy alone (603) or NRT and psychosocial
substance use disorder (e.g., methadone maintenance for
therapy (604). Naltrexone as an adjunctive treatment to
opioid dependence and abstinence from other substanc-
NRT and/or smoking cessation therapy may also be a
es, including alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, and nicotine),
treatment option for women who have had initial failures
2) treating co-occurring medical or psychiatric disorders,
with NRT, although more research is needed to support
3) monitoring the safety of patient behaviors during preg-
this. Factors that may lead to poorer outcomes in women
nancy as well as during the postpartum period, 4) facilitat-
include depressive symptoms, negative affect, and re-
ing competent parenting behaviors, and 5) motivating the
duced social supports. Women also frequently cite the fear
patient to remain abstinent after childbirth.
of weight gain or actual weight gain after smoking cessa-
The optimal therapeutic approach is nonpunitive and
tion as a reason for relapsing to smoking. Therefore, smok-
maintains patient confidentiality. Education and counsel-
ing cessation therapies for women should emphasize
ing to help women make an informed decision about con-
weight-management strategies.
tinuing or terminating a pregnancy should be provided.
Women may also experience more adverse physical
Women likely to return to a substance-abusing milieu
outcomes from tobacco use. Women may be more sensi-
should be counseled about long-term treatment options
tive to secondhand smoke than men (605), and studies in-
available in the community.
dicate that women smokers are at increased risk for lung
5. Gender-related factors cancer of all histological types, even after controlling for
Information on the natural history, clinical presenta- the number of cigarettes smoked (606). Estrogen effects on
tion, physiology, and treatment of substance use disorders carcinogenesis in the lung may account for this difference
in women is limited. Although women are estimated to in women.
comprise 34% of all individuals with a substance use dis- The prevalence of smokeless tobacco use in young
order other than nicotine dependence in the United States men over the last several years has dramatically increased
(591), psychosocial and financial barriers (e.g., lack of (607). This is particularly alarming given the high rates of
child care, lack of health insurance) prevent many women oral cancer associated with smokeless tobacco use.
from seeking treatment (592). Another explanation for Smokeless tobacco use should be taken into consideration
women’s low utilization of substance use disorder treat- in addition to cigarette, cigar, and pipe use during the as-
ment services may be women’s perception of greater social sessment and treatment planning processes.
stigma associated with their substance abuse (593–595). With regard to alcohol use, female-to-male ratios for
Once in treatment, women have been found to have a alcohol abuse are highest in the younger age groups, sug-
higher prevalence than men of primary co-occurring gesting more alcohol use among young women and a clo-
mood and anxiety disorders that require psychiatric care sure of the original gap in usage rates between the sexes
(593, 596). Many women with a substance use disorder (596, 608). Of notable concern is the poorer prognosis for
have a history of physical and/or sexual abuse (both as medical sequelae of alcohol abuse and dependence in
children and as adults), which may also influence treat- women. Alcohol-dependent women consume less alcohol
ment planning, participation, and outcomes (597, 598). than men yet progress to late stages of alcohol-related ill-

44 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


ness more rapidly (609) and have a shorter time course to old symptomatology of alcohol dependence (i.e., one or
the initial development of alcohol-related medical two symptoms only) but no abuse symptoms. A 3-year fol-
morbidity than do men. Prevalence rates of alcohol-relat- low-up study demonstrated that this entity has a unique
ed cirrhosis of the liver and cardiomyopathy in women are trajectory dissimilar to that of abuse and dependence.
twice that in men with alcohol abuse or dependence. Assessment and treatment of children and adoles-
Breast cancer and mortality are increased in women con- cents with a substance use disorder must take into ac-
suming more than two standard unit drinks per day (610). count their psychosocial developmental levels and the
Alcohol-abusing women are also at higher risk for death possible role of their substance use disorder in impeding
when compared with same-sex, sober control populations the successful attainment of developmental milestones,
(reviewed in Greenfield and O’Leary [611]). including a sense of autonomy, the ability to form inter-
One study of individuals with a substance use disorder personal relationships, and general integration into soci-
in three outpatient treatment settings (methadone mainte- ety. The assessment should be multidimensional and
nance clinic, intensive outpatient program for cocaine de- address problems in several life domains, including psy-
pendence, and general outpatient substance abuse treat- chiatric comorbidity, school or employment performance,
ment clinic) showed that women with a substance use family functioning, peer social relationships, legal status,
disorder reported significantly more cardiovascular, mood, and recreational activities (621).
nose/throat, CNS, skin, and gastrointestinal symptoms re- Children reared in family environments in which oth-
lated to substance use than did men (612). This occurred er family members abuse or are dependent on alcohol or
despite the lack of differences between men and women in other substances are at higher risk for physical and sexual
this sample in their preference for cocaine, alcohol, or opi- abuse, particularly when family members exhibit antiso-
oid drugs. Women frequently initiate cocaine and opioid cial behaviors; these children may exhibit psychological
use in the context of a substance-using partner and tend to and behavioral sequelae (including substance abuse) as a
initiate use at a younger age than men (593, 613). result (622, 623).
Most adolescents with substance use disorders also
6. Age
have one or more co-occurring psychiatric disorders, most
a) Children and adolescents. An in-depth review of the often conduct disorder and/or major depression, although
evaluation and treatment of substance use disorders in ADHD, anxiety disorders (including social phobia and
children and adolescents is beyond the scope of this prac- PTSD), bipolar disorder, eating disorders, learning disabili-
tice guideline. However, because an adult psychiatrist may ties, and other axis II disorders are also common (624–626).
be called on to evaluate children or adolescents with a Many adolescents with substance use disorders also have
substance use disorder, some general information and preexisting and concurrent impulsive, oppositional, self-
treatment principles are reviewed here. For more detailed injurious, and suicidal symptoms or syndromes (627).
information, the reader is referred to the American Acade- Treatment should also address these problems, with treat-
my of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry’s Practice Parame- ment of the substance use disorder(s) and coexisting psy-
ter for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Ado- chiatric symptoms occurring simultaneously.
lescents With Substance Use Disorders (614) and the In general, the range of treatment modalities used with
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administra- adults can be used with adolescents as well. These modali-
tion (SAMHSA) recommendations for screening and as- ties include brief interventions, motivational enhance-
sessing adolescents for substance use disorders (615–617). ment strategies, cognitive-behavioral approaches, psycho-
Alcohol and other psychoactive substance use, abuse, dynamic/interpersonal approaches (individual, group,
and dependence in children and adolescents continue to and family), self-help groups (628), and medications when
present a serious public health problem in the United needed (629). Most adolescents are treated in outpatient
States. Alcohol and other substance use are among the settings, and treatment is often delivered in a group thera-
leading causes of morbidity and mortality from motor py format. Although research data establishing the efficacy
vehicle accidents, suicidal behavior, violence, drowning, of specific treatment modalities for adolescent substance
and unprotected sexual activity in this population (618). use disorders are sparse, program outcomes for adoles-
Regional studies reveal that 7%–10% of adolescents are cents appear to be enhanced by the availability of treat-
in need of treatment for substance use disorders (619). ment that is developmentally appropriate and peer orient-
Children and adolescents are generally more likely to have ed and includes educational, vocational, and recreational
abuse rather than dependence disorders and are less likely services. Corrective experiences in family interaction
to appreciate the need for entering and remaining in treat- should be part of the treatment plan (628). Family therapy
ment. Abuse is not necessarily a prodrome to dependence, also appears to have benefit (241, 242, 630). Residential fa-
and it may be developmentally limited in many adoles- cilities are very effective in reducing substance use, but
cents. In addition, Pollock and Martin (620) demonstrated gains are lost when aftercare is not well coordinated (56).
the importance of a new nosological entry in youth diag- The prevention of substance use and abuse is consid-
noses entitled “orphan diagnoses” that includes subthresh- ered the primary intervention for schools and clinicians

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 45


(631–633). At-risk children and adolescents include those er onset, are a major problem among elderly individuals,
with a substance-abusing parent and those living under particularly those living alone (649–651). Alcohol-related
deprived conditions (i.e., neglect and/or abuse). Educa- cognitive impairment, co-occurring depressive disorder,
tional programs describe the negative consequences of dementia, poststroke syndromes, and other conditions are
substance use and teach drug refusal and harm-reduction also common among elderly individuals and may impair
behavioral strategies. Life skills training is a substance use their ability to obtain or adhere to treatment for a sub-
prevention curriculum (634) that focuses on teaching stance use disorder or other general medical or psychiatric
youths the skills necessary to avoid social pressures to ex- disorder (652).
periment with smoking, drinking, and drug use. In addi- Although rates of smoking decline with age (by 15%–
tion to showing efficacy in white middle-class youth (634, 20%), elderly patients who do smoke should be encour-
635), the effects of the life skills training approach has also aged to quit. Even in older smokers, smoking cessation can
been demonstrated to be beneficial in African American lead to health improvements, including improved quality
and Hispanic youth (636). Masterman and Kelly (637) not- and length of life. There are few published studies of smok-
ed that the empirical literature suggests that universal pre- ing cessation in the elderly; however, clinical experience
vention programs may delay the onset of drinking among suggests that the use of NRT is a safe and effective option.
low-risk baseline abstainers (i.e., individuals who are not However, caution should be used when prescribing bupro-
drinking at the baseline assessment and who would be pion to elderly individuals because of its potential hyper-
predicted to be at low risk of developing an alcohol use dis- tensive effects (653, 654). This agent should be considered
order on the basis of multiple risk factors); however, not as a second-line agent, as controlled studies have not been
enough studies support the utility of such programs for at- conducted in this population.
risk adolescents. Furthermore, they argue that motivation- There is a paucity of empirical data on the treatment
al interviewing within a harm-reduction framework is well of substance use disorders in the elderly population; it is
suited to adolescents. generally accepted that empirically supported treatments
Interventions aimed at preventing smoking are simi- of adult substance use disorders can be effectively applied
larly crucial, given that smoking rates among adolescents to the treatment of elderly patients. Some modifications,
continue to rise, despite reductions in other age groups such as slowing the pace of therapy, placing follow-up out-
(638). Smoking in adolescents is often a marker of psychi- reach calls, and providing patients with written informa-
atric problems such as another substance use disorder or tion, improve the effectiveness of some therapies. In a re-
depression. In adolescents who smoke, the motivation to cent study of 250 elderly men screened for substance
quit is often low; many of these adolescents are nicotine abuse from a VA outpatient population, predictors of pa-
dependent and will have difficulties stopping smoking tient engagement in substance abuse treatment included
without behavioral and pharmacological support. There severity of substance use, co-occurrence of depression,
have been relatively few studies of smoking cessation in healthy cognitive status, and higher educational achieve-
adolescent smokers, and success rates with interventions ment (655). A large multisite study (PRISM-E) has also
such as brief motivational enhancement, nicotine patch, shown that primary care patients screening positive for a
and bupropion appear to be very low, at approximately substance use disorder prefer to be treated within the
20% by the end of treatment (639–641). medical system, with integrated psychiatric and substance
Two common assumptions concerning adolescent abuse services, rather than to have facilitated referral to
substance use that are unfounded should be mentioned. outside treatment (31).
Supporting the findings of a recent meta-analysis (506), a Studies of individuals with alcohol use disorders also
16-year prospective, controlled trial showed that the use of suggest that the needs of older adults may be different
stimulant medication (e.g., methylphenidate) in ado- from those of younger patients. Kofoed et al. (656) report-
lescence to treat ADHD does not lead to increased sub- ed that VA patients age 54 years or older who received spe-
stance use in adulthood (642). Furthermore, contrary to cialized services for elderly patients as part of a treatment
the common perception, cannabis withdrawal is highly program were four times more likely to complete the pro-
prevalent in adolescents (643). gram and remained in treatment longer than those who
b) Elderly individuals. Substance use disorders in elder- received conventional services, although posttreatment
ly individuals are often undiagnosed and undertreated relapse rates were comparable in the two groups.
(644, 645). Abuse of and dependence on prescribed medi-
cations, particularly benzodiazepines, sedative-hypnotic 7. Racial, ethnic, and cultural factors
medications, and opioids, can contribute to excessive con- Current research suggests poorer prognoses for ethnic
fusion and sedation in elderly patients, poor adherence and racial minorities in conventional treatment programs,
with prescribed treatment regimens, and inadvertent although this may be accounted for by socioeconomic
overdose, particularly when these drugs are combined group differences (657–659). Although there is a paucity of
with alcohol (646–648). In addition, alcohol use disorders, research on the efficacy of culturally specific program-
whether an extension of a long-standing disorder or of lat- ming, treatment services that are culturally sensitive and

46 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


address the special concerns of ethnic minority groups his or her sexual orientation contributes in any way to the
may improve acceptance of, adherence to, and, ultimately, substance use. Special therapeutic strategies have been
the outcome of treatment. The training of staff to be sensi- developed that target known regional associations be-
tive to and incorporate culture-specific beliefs about heal- tween sexual orientation and substance abuse, such as a
ing and recovery should be part of a comprehensive treat- Los Angeles program for the treatment of male metham-
ment program that serves different minority and ethnic phetamine abusers who have sex with other men (680,
groups (660). For example, Native Americans and Alaskans 681). The rationale for this program was the discovery that
may have a greater acceptance of treatment that incorpo- this population has a high rate of HIV transmission. A sim-
rates the use of the Medicine Wheel (661, 662). Still, clinical ilar concern over the higher prevalence of smoking among
judgment in determining what cultural-based modifica- adolescent and adult gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals
tions to treatment are appropriate is advised, because has triggered the development of prevention and cessa-
some ethnic groups have large heterogeneity (e.g., Latino/ tion programs for these populations (682, 683). SAMHSA
Latina [663]); specialized cultural approaches (664) can be published a statement in 2001 concerning the need to ad-
considered with a patient to determine whether or not the dress substance abuse issues among gay, lesbian, bisexual,
approach would be perceived as useful. and transgender populations (684).
In terms of nicotine dependence, African Americans 9. Family characteristics
and Hispanics appear to be less likely to initiate smoking,
Substance use disorders exact an enormous toll on
tend to smoke in lower amounts, and have increased coti-
family members. High levels of interpersonal conflict, do-
nine levels (due to slower metabolism of nicotine). When
mestic violence, inadequate parenting, child abuse and
compared with whites, they appear less likely to become
neglect, separation and divorce, financial and legal diffi-
dependent but have less success in smoking cessation ef-
culties, and substance-related general medical problems
forts (665–668). Recent studies suggest that the nicotine
(e.g., AIDS, tuberculosis), if present, can add to the family
patch (669) and bupropion (670) are safe and effective
burden. In addition, children reared in family environ-
treatments for African American smokers, but further
ments in which other family members abuse or are depen-
study is needed.
dent on alcohol or other substances are also at increased
8. Gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender issues risk of physical or sexual abuse (685).
Families who have one or more members with a sub-
Controversies in the literature exist about whether or
stance use disorder often display a multigenerational pat-
not substance use rates are elevated in homosexual and bi-
tern of transmission of both a substance use disorder and
sexual populations. For example, earlier reports that lesbi-
other frequently associated psychiatric disorders (e.g., AS-
ans are at higher risk than heterosexual women for alcohol-
PD, pathological gambling) (686, 687). The impact of ma-
related disorders (671) have not been consistently replicat-
ternal substance use on fetal development and childhood
ed (672). Nonetheless, multiple studies do indicate in-
cognitive and emotional adjustment, coupled with the in-
creased rates of drug use among gay and bisexual sexually
fluence of genetically inherited risk factors (e.g., high ge-
active men and lesbian women as compared with exclu-
netic loading for alcoholism in the male population) and
sively heterosexual men and women, with a prominence of
negative role models, plays a role in the development of
cannabis and nicotine dependence for both homosexual
substance use disorders across generational lines (688).
men and lesbian women (673–675). In one undergraduate
The substantial burden that having one or more mem-
college student population, a higher incidence of drug use
bers with a substance use disorder imposes on families
and smoking was found among gay and bisexual men and
and the impact of family interactions in perpetuating or
lesbian women as compared with heterosexual men and
ameliorating these problems affect the initiation of, per-
women (676). Among older gay, lesbian, and bisexual pop-
petuation of, and patient’s recovery from the substance
ulations (ages 60–91 years), the incidence of alcohol abuse
use disorder; the patient’s motivation and ability to adhere
is greater for men than for women (677). Methodological is-
to treatment; and the patient’s clinical course and out-
sues of population sampling may confound interpretation
come. These relationships, combined with the high preva-
of these findings. For example, in one community with a
lence of substance use disorders, co-occurring general
high concentration of gay and bisexual men, few differenc-
medical and psychiatric disorders, psychosocial disability,
es were observed in drug use patterns among gay, bisexual,
and family burden make family screening and interven-
and heterosexual men (678). Furthermore, demographic
tions extremely important (232, 236, 689, 690).
variables other than sexual orientation influence the pres-
ence of substance abuse (679). 10. Social milieu and living environment
Because of concerns about increased risk and preva- The patient’s overall social milieu has an important
lence of substance use disorders in gay, lesbian, and bisex- impact on the development of and recovery from a sub-
ual populations, substance use disorder treatment pro- stance use disorder. The social milieu shapes attitudes
grams frequently inquire about an individual’s sexual about the appropriate context for substance use (e.g., the
orientation and whether or not the individual believes that difference between social drinking on family occasions

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 47


and recreational drinking to achieve intoxication). Role 2. Confidentiality and reporting of treatment
models among one’s family or peers influence the social information
and psychological context for substance use, the choice of To protect patients’ privacy and encourage their entry
substance, and the degree of control exerted over sub- into treatment, federal law and regulations mandate strict
stance-using behaviors. confidentiality for information about patients being treat-
Once a pattern of dependence or abuse has devel- ed for substance use disorders (i.e., 42 U.S.C. Sections 290
oped, an individual’s motivation and ability to adhere to dd-3 and ee-3; 42 C.F.R. Part 2). Disclosure of information
treatment are influenced by the degree of support within from treatment records is prohibited unless the patient
has given written consent, the disclosure is in response to
his or her immediate peer group and social environment.
a medical emergency, or there is a court order authorizing
Poor outcome is predicted by continued involvement with
disclosure. Other times when patient confidentiality may
substance-using peer groups or family members as well as
be attenuated include disclosure needed to protect or
by residence in an environment in which substances are warn third parties of potential harm by the patient, disclo-
readily available. Addressing these issues is an important sure in response to a crime committed at the treatment
component of any treatment plan. Patients with high lev- program or against program staff, reporting of suspected
els of psychosocial and environmental stressors need cor- child abuse or neglect, or, depending on the requirements
respondingly high levels of community-based support or, of the local jurisdiction, reporting of suspected abuse of
in some cases, temporary relief from these stressors elderly individuals. Consequently, psychiatrists should be
through treatment in a residential setting until the patient familiar with local and state reporting laws concerning the
is able to develop specific relapse prevention strategies possible abuse and neglect of children, other dependents,
that can be applied in a community setting. Sexually active or elderly individuals who may be at risk in the families of
individuals should be educated about the prevalence and substance users.
prevention of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted Federal law generally does not make specific reference
diseases (691). to the confidentiality of information pertaining to the
HIV/AIDS status of a patient in substance abuse treat-
Socioeconomic status may also play a role in the initi-
ment, but there are many different state laws restricting
ation and cessation of substance use. For example, smok-
disclosure of such status. The federal Health Insurance
ers with lower education level, wages, and socioeconomic
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 has been partic-
status are more likely to initiate smoking and less likely to
ularly prominent in protecting the privacy of patients with
quit; this may be due to less support for attempts to quit a psychiatric disorder (697). Psychiatric disorders com-
and less access to smoking cessation services. (692, 693). monly co-occur with substance use disorders, and these
patients are “doubly protected” by law.
H. Legal and Confidentiality Issues
3. Legal requirements for pharmacotherapy with
1. Effect of legal pressure on treatment participation opioids
and outcome Federal and state regulations govern the use of meth-
Many patients with substance use disorders seek adone, LAAM, and buprenorphine, the three opioids ap-
treatment in response to pressure from family members, proved by the FDA for the treatment of opioid depen-
employers, legal authorities, or other sources. Although dence. Programs that use these agents to treat opioid-
being internally motivated for treatment is often regarded dependent patients are registered with and accredited by
as a good prognostic sign, outcome studies of patients in the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. The center
therapeutic communities have shown that individuals holds opioid agonist treatment programs to a variety of ac-
who enter treatment under legal compulsion (e.g., as a creditation standards that regulate issues such as admis-
sions, record keeping, and the frequency of drug testing. In
condition of probation, to avoid incarceration) stay longer
addition, individual states may also impose stricter licens-
and do as well as comparable patients who enter treat-
ing criteria for these programs.
ment voluntarily (694, 695). The use of the opiate antago-
In an effort to expand access beyond the highly regu-
nist naltrexone has produced higher rates of adherence to
lated opioid agonist treatment programs, Congress passed
court-mandated treatment by patients and physicians or
the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000, which allows
other professionals who are at risk of losing their profes-
“qualified physicians” in office-based practices to pre-
sional licenses should they fail to comply. Similar findings scribe FDA-approved schedule III, IV, and V medications
have been reported for professionals being treated for sub- for the detoxification and maintenance of opioid depen-
stance use disorders by means of contingency contracting dence. Currently, sublingual buprenorphine and sublin-
approaches in which the contingency for nonadherence gual buprenorphine/naloxone are the only agents ap-
with treatment is being reported to a professional board of proved by the FDA for this purpose. Most physicians
registration (696). qualify by completing 8 hours of formal training and ob-

48 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


taining a special U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency number mentation of informed consent, qualification of the pa-
(“x” number). To obtain this number, physicians must tient as being dependent on opioids with a history of re-
have the capacity to refer patients for appropriate counsel- lapse or medical risk, ongoing monitoring of efficacy, and
ing and other ancillary services. Once qualified, physicians evidence of abstinence or substance use through urine
may treat patients in an individual or group practice with toxicology testing are required for safe prescribing. Physi-
sublingual buprenorphine or sublingual buprenorphine/ cians should also document the protection of children
naloxone. As with all opioid agonist therapies, strict docu- from accidental access to medication.

III.Treatment of Nicotine Dependence

A. Overview of ≥6 suggests that an individual is highly dependent on

nicotine (708). This scale can also predict which smokers
Smoking is common among individuals with other
are likely to quit smoking and which may benefit from
substance use and psychiatric disorders (698, 699). Al-
high-dose NRT (described in Section III.E.1). Nicotine de-
though most psychiatrists do not offer comprehensive nic-
pendence in smokeless tobacco users is common, and at-
otine dependence treatment, the multiple negative health
tempts have been made to measure dependence levels in
effects of tobacco use make it important for clinicians to
this group as well (712).
identify tobacco smokers and smokeless tobacco users,
provide motivational interventions to encourage patients Several other markers of nicotine dependence have
to quit tobacco use, and be familiar with medications and been proposed, such as number of cigarettes per day, time
psychosocial interventions that are effective in treating to first cigarette (an item on the Fagerström test), cotinine
nicotine dependence. Although there have been several levels, degree of withdrawal on last attempt, and number
recent controlled studies of smoking cessation treatments of unsuccessful attempts to quit. However, with the possi-
among psychiatric patients (414, 700–705), most of these ble exception of time to first cigarette (713), these markers
studies have been of limited sample size and primarily in- have yet to be shown to have significant treatment utility.
volved cohorts of patients with schizophrenia. Thus, much DSM criteria for substance dependence (Table 2) also ap-
of what is recommended in this section is similar to other pear to be reliable and have prospective validity in diag-
recommendations for psychiatric patients who smoke nosing nicotine dependence (714).
(173, 414, 698, 705) as well as being consistent with guide- As indicators of use, nicotine and cotinine levels can
lines from the U.S. Public Health Service (706) for the treat- be measured in blood, saliva, and urine (105). Nicotine lev-
ment of smokers who do not have a current psychiatric els can reflect tobacco use over the last few hours, whereas
disorder. It is also important to note that the treatment of the level of cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine, is sensitive
nicotine dependence differs from that of other drug de- to tobacco use in the last 7 days and offers a better mea-
pendencies in the following ways: 1) treatment commonly sure of total daily nicotine exposure (105). It has been pro-
uses pharmacotherapies (e.g., NRT, bupropion), with vary- posed that the measurement of cotinine levels be used to
ing levels of behavioral treatment given to those willing to help guide nicotine replacement, but the utility of this
receive it; 2) a specific “quit date” when all tobacco use is strategy has not been well tested (173). An individual’s car-
to cease is set; 3) a nicotine-dependent individual general- bon monoxide level is usually measured by breath and re-
ly does not experience substantial social/occupational flects smoking only over the last few hours (105). It has
dysfunction due to tobacco use; 4) there is less of a need been suggested that the measurement of carbon monox-
for family involvement in such treatment; and 5) effective ide is a means of motivating a patient to cease tobacco use
over-the-counter medication treatments are available for or reinforcing abstinence (715), but the efficacy of this is
treating this dependence. unclear. The major benefit to using carbon monoxide lev-
els as a marker is that it is easily measured and can be used
B. Assessment to verify cessation of tobacco use when patients are using
In addition to the general aspects of assessment out- an NRT (105). Because smokers in nontreatment (or mini-
lined in Section II.B, the patient’s current level of tobacco mal treatment) settings are usually truthful about their
use (e.g., number of cigarettes per day) and degree of nic- smoking status and the number of cigarettes smoked per
otine dependence also need to be determined, because day (716), the described measures are not necessary for
highly nicotine-dependent individuals are more likely to evaluating smoking cessation, although they show prom-
need more intensive therapy, especially pharmacotherapy. ise as helpful assessments.
The Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (Table 4) is Because 70% of smokers make more than one attempt
widely used in treatment studies and has proven reliability to stop smoking (602), it is important and useful to inquire
and validity (707–710). about and assess patient perceptions about prior attempts
A score of <3 on this scale indicates that an individual and past treatment adequacy. In addition to determining
has very low or no nicotine dependence, whereas a score the patient’s reasons for previous attempts to quit tobacco

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 49


TABLE 4. Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence

Questions Answers Points
1. How many cigarettes a day do you smoke? ≤10 0
11–20 1
21–30 2
≥31 3
2. Do you smoke more in the morning than during the day? No 0
Yes 1
3. How soon after you wake up do you smoke your first cigarette? >60 min 0
31–60 min 1
6–30 min 2
≤5 min 3
4. Which cigarette would you hate most to give up? Not first 0
First of day 1
5. Do you find it difficult to refrain from smoking in places where it is forbidden, for No 0
example, in church, at the library, in the cinema, etc.? Yes 1
6. Do you smoke if you are so ill that you are in bed most of the day? No 0
Yes 1
Source. Heatherton et al. (709). More information about the test is available in APA’s Handbook of Psychiatric Measures (711).

use and the amount of time he or she remained abstinent, 4. Are there any signs or symptoms of other undiagnosed
it is important to assess the perceived cause of relapse. For psychiatric or substance use disorders that might in-
example, was the relapse due to uncontrolled withdrawal terfere with efforts to quit tobacco use?
symptoms, environmental stressors, alcohol use, negative 5. What is the patient’s ability to mobilize coping skills to
or positive mood, psychiatric instability, or being around deal with cessation?
other smokers or tobacco users? Were there factors (e.g., 6. What is the tobacco use status (e.g., never smoked,
fatigue, life disappointments, family or other social stres- former smoker, current smoker) of others in the pa-
sors) that undermined abstinence? What did the patient tient’s household and among the patient’s close
learn from prior failures? Past efforts to quit may also influ- friends?
ence a patient’s readiness and motivation to try quitting 7. What are the patient’s treatment preferences and the
again. Thus, it is also important to understand the changes basis for these preferences?
that a patient thinks need to occur before he or she can A discussion of the impact of these factors on the ap-
make another attempt to quit tobacco use, his or her fears proach to treatment can be found in Section III.D, below.
about quitting, and the barriers to another attempt to quit.
For patients who have returned to tobacco use despite C. Treatment Settings
past efforts at treatment, a first consideration is the ade- With the exception of patients hospitalized for other
quacy of prior treatment. For example: What was the dura- reasons, treatment of nicotine dependence occurs on an
tion of therapy? How many sessions of behavioral therapy outpatient basis. However, an inpatient model for smoking
were attended? What was the quality of the behavioral cessation has been described (717) and appears to produce
treatment in the last attempt to quit? What were the doses high cessation rates, especially given the level of nicotine
of gum or patch used? What was the level of adherence dependence among smokers who enroll. There are no con-
with the psychosocial or somatic therapy? It is also helpful trolled trials that substantiate this at the current time.
to determine the patient’s satisfaction with prior treat- Regardless of the specific setting, treatment best oc-
ments. For example, did he or she believe that treatment curs in a system that encourages cessation (33). This may
was helpful? Did treatment experiences change his or her be especially important to achieve on psychiatric inpa-
expectations of future treatment or its outcome? tient units, as discussed below in Section III.G. The psychi-
The assessment of psychiatric patients in terms of cessa- atrist should also consider maintaining a smoke-free work
tion of tobacco use focuses on a number of other key points: site (33, 34).

1. Is the patient motivated to quit using tobacco in the D. General Approach to Treatment
next month?
As with treating other substance use disorders, the
2. Are there any psychiatric reasons for concern about general goals in treating nicotine dependence include mo-
whether this is the best time for cessation? Is the pa- tivating and engaging an individual in treatment to reduce
tient about to undergo a new therapy? Is the patient or preferably cease using tobacco. However, the general
presently in crisis? Is there a problem that is so press- approach to treatment of nicotine dependence will de-
ing that time is better spent on this problem than on pend on a number of factors, including the patient’s psy-
cessation of tobacco use? chiatric status, level of nicotine dependence, past treat-
3. What is the likelihood that cessation would worsen the ment and efforts at quitting tobacco use, and current
non-nicotine-related psychiatric disorder? motivation for reducing or quitting tobacco use. This sec-

50 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


tion discusses the general approach to nicotine depen- sicians is also effective (718, 721), and advice from multiple
dence treatment; specific aspects of the pharmacotherapy sources is more effective (718, 721). Thus, clear direct ad-
and psychosocial treatments of nicotine dependence are vice from the psychiatrist and other psychiatric personnel
discussed in Sections III.E and III.F, respectively. (e.g., nurses, social workers) to stop smoking is an essential
Meta-analyses have found that the general techniques initial therapeutic step that may increase patient readiness
described below increase rates of quitting by a factor of and motivation to try other therapies as needed.
1.5–2.0 (718–721). Descriptive reviews of the skills and Stages-of-change approaches and motivational en-
techniques critical to smoking interventions have also hancement models (32, 736) may help formalize interven-
been published (33, 172, 722–728). tions to enhance a patient’s motivation. Such interven-
Research shows that 98% of tobacco use involves cig- tions will generally include providing information and
arettes, and most of the studies of treatments for nicotine feedback on the risks of smoking and reasons for quitting
dependence and smoking cessation have been in ciga- that are specific to the individual patient. The most com-
rette smokers (602). The available evidence suggests that mon reasons for trying to stop smoking are to improve
other forms of tobacco use (e.g., pipe, cigars, smokeless health and respond to social pressure (737). Revisiting the
tobacco) are becoming increasingly common (692). Al- issue of smoking cessation at periodic intervals, especially
though studies of treatment interventions are limited, with the occurrence of smoking-related medical condi-
pipe and cigar use are associated with higher rates of nic- tions (e.g., bronchitis) or other special situations (e.g.,
otine dependence because of their higher nicotine con- pregnancy, living with a child with asthma), can some-
tent. Thus, these other forms of nicotine use should also times motivate smokers to consider quitting (737–740).
be taken into consideration in the assessment and treat- Documenting smoking status (as well as concurrent alco-
ment planning process. hol or other drug use) in the medical record may help facil-
itate such a follow-up.
1. Establishing and maintaining a therapeutic
framework and alliance 3. Overcoming barriers to smoking cessation
Nicotine dependence is a chronic relapsing disorder;
Patients who smoke may express negative feelings or
most smokers require five to seven attempts before they fi-
fears related to quitting that may serve as a barrier to their
nally quit for good (729). Many patients do not realize that
smoking cessation. The most common concerns are fear
several attempts are often needed to stop smoking, and
of weight gain, fear of withdrawal, and fear of failure (737).
they will need to be remotivated to attempt to quit after a
Women frequently cite the fear of weight gain or actual
previous failure (33). Because of this, it is important to es-
weight gain after quitting smoking as negative reinforcers
tablish a therapeutic relationship so that the patient will
contributing to smoking relapse. The exacerbation of psy-
accept treatment for subsequent attempts to quit, if neces-
chiatric symptoms is likely to be an additional barrier for
sary (33).
psychiatric patients (32). There is little evidence that
Clinician advice for individuals attempting to quit to-
smoking cessation can exacerbate psychiatric symptoms
bacco use is best given in a nonjudgmental, empathic, and
in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or major depres-
supportive manner (32, 33). No studies have been con-
sion whose symptoms are stabilized. However, any patient
ducted to test whether confrontational interventions ap-
fears about withdrawal symptoms or a worsening of psy-
plied in treating other substance use disorders are useful
chiatric problems may be dealt with by problem-solving
with nicotine dependence. In patients with a present or
approaches, increased monitoring by the clinician, behav-
past psychiatric disorder, it is important to convey the
ioral therapy, or treatment with NRT, bupropion, or both.
message that simply having a psychiatric disorder is not a
reason not to make a quit attempt (725, 730). Patients who smoke may also be uninformed and de-
moralized about their inability to change or may be defen-
2. Increasing readiness and motivation for smoking sive and resistant to change. Thus, it may be helpful for a
cessation clinician to clarify and legitimize patients’ feelings, explore
A patient’s current motivation will determine what the reasons for their smoking, and offer expressions of
strategies should be used to enhance and support his or support and respect. If feelings of demoralization are un-
her readiness and attempts to quit smoking. Because covered, they can be addressed by informing the patient
many psychiatric patients are ambivalent about stopping that even smokers who are very committed to quitting
smoking or are not ready to attempt to quit (731–733), nic- may make several attempts to quit before they finally suc-
otine dependence treatment will most often consist of en- ceed. Patients who become chronically ambivalent about
hancing their motivation and dealing with anticipated quitting may benefit from encouragement to take small
barriers to cessation (33). steps toward their goal of quitting, such as reducing the
Brief advice from a physician (using protocols similar number of cigarettes they smoke or trying to quit for just
to those recommended by the National Cancer Institute) to 24 hours. The psychiatrist supports self-efficacy by identi-
stop smoking typically doubles quit rates, from approxi- fying and praising past behavioral change and encourag-
mately 5% to 10% (718–721, 734, 735). Advice from nonphy- ing the use of strategies that were effective in the past.

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 51


Smoking by others in the household and close friends decreasing risk for smoking-related medical illnesses has
may also present a barrier to treatment. Whether and how not been clearly established (744, 745).
others in the household and friends have supported or un-
dermined a patient’s prior attempts to quit should be eval-
7. Setting a quit date
uated. Conversely, social support is a major predictor of Once the above factors have been addressed and the
cessation (741). If others in the household are current patient agrees to stop smoking, a specific quit date is set
smokers, it is useful to determine their willingness to quit and a concrete discussion of cessation procedures occurs.
at the same time as the patient or not to smoke in front of In addition, the psychiatrist may give the patient written
the patient. materials that provide suggestions for succeeding in quit-
ting. Even if a gradual approach to smoking cessation is
4. Eliciting patient preferences about treatment chosen, patients should generally be advised to set a date
Patients’ treatment preferences and the reasons for by which they will completely stop smoking and that they
those preferences should be elicited and considered when should not use NRT until they have stopped smoking. Be-
developing a treatment plan. For example, some patients cause many patients relapse within the first few days of
may prefer to stop smoking on a certain date or may have smoking cessation (746), it is important for the psychia-
strong likes or dislikes about pharmacotherapy, group trist or the psychiatrist’s staff to call or see the patient in
therapy, or individual therapy. These factors will be impor- the first 1–3 days after the quit date.
tant in setting a specific quit date as well as enhancing the If the patient is not ready to make a commitment to a
patient’s adherence to the treatment plan. quit date, the psychiatrist should plan to readdress smok-
ing at a later date, encourage the patient to reconsider, and
5. Determining timing of smoking cessation offer to help if the patient changes his or her mind. In ad-
When and how cessation advice is best delivered must dition, the psychiatrist may give the patient written mate-
be determined by the patient’s status; for example, smok- rials that are intended to motivate the patient to make a
ing cessation is not likely to be successful when the patient quit attempt or that give tips on how to successfully quit.
is in crisis. The best time for cessation would appear to be
8. Developing a plan of psychosocial and
when the patient is psychiatrically stable, there are no re-
pharmacological treatment
cent or planned changes in medications, and no urgent
problems take precedence (730). On the other hand, ad- a) Initial approaches. In the general population, most
mission to a smoke-free inpatient unit or integrating smokers quit on their own or with minimal treatment
smoking cessation into other lifestyle changes that are a (747); for those who are unable to stop with minimal inter-
part of ongoing psychiatric treatment (e.g., during cessa- vention, many algorithms and guidelines recommend a
tion of alcohol use) can sometimes motivate a patient to stepped-care approach, with minimal intervention early
quit smoking. More immediate cessation is indicated if the on and more intensive intervention later in the course of
patient has recently been diagnosed with a smoking-relat- treatment (140, 172, 748–750). At the same time, most
ed medical disorder; individuals with such disorders gen- smokers who quit on their own require several attempts
erally have high success rates for quitting (737, 740). before they succeed (750); thus any success later in the al-
Whenever a smoking quit date is postponed, it is helpful to gorithm cannot be attributed to the specific treatment be-
list smoking cessation as a goal on the master psychiatric ing given at that point. Just as important, early cessation of
treatment plan so that it can be addressed at a later time. smoking can prevent much of the devastating conse-
quences of smoking (751); thus, delaying delivery of a
6. Determining whether smoking cessation will be treatment known to be effective could allow a serious, irre-
abrupt versus gradual versible consequence of smoking (e.g., acute myocardial
Most patients attempt and most clinicians recom- infarction, lung cancer) to develop. Consequently, the
mend abrupt cessation of smoking rather than gradual re- availability of effective treatments for smoking cessation
duction (742). Previous thinking has held that gradual re- as well as the rarity of significant adverse effects of those
duction is less successful because patients appear to have treatments suggests that pharmacotherapy be offered to
difficulty achieving further reductions once they have cut all patients who wish to stop smoking. Combining psycho-
down smoking to 5–10 cigarettes per day (173). On the oth- social and medication treatment generally produces the
er hand, most of the scientific data available suggest no best outcomes; however, medications are effective even
difference in the outcomes of abrupt versus gradual cessa- when no psychosocial treatment is provided.
tion (173, 718, 719, 743); thus, patient preference to follow b) Monitoring clinical status. After the first follow-up
a gradual reduction strategy should be respected. A gradu- 1–3 days after the quit date (see Section III.D.7), additional
al approach may also be considered if the patient is histor- follow-ups may be scheduled, depending on the patient’s
ically uninterested or unable to quit smoking, as a signifi- perceived need, history of cessation, and psychiatric histo-
cant and sustained reduction in smoking might still be ry. Follow-up visits may also be needed to assess a medica-
achievable. Whether reductions in smoking are related to tion blood level that might increase with cessation. Fol-

52 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


low-up visits may also be needed to monitor side effects or is more likely with concurrent smoking cessation (38).
plan tapering of antismoking medications. There have been several prospective studies (760, 761) that
At follow-up, the psychiatrist assesses whether the pa- have examined whether smoking cessation can exacerbate
tient has smoked and, if so, the number of cigarettes depressive (762–766) or psychotic (414, 702, 703, 767)
smoked per day; the severity of the patient’s withdrawal symptoms in patients with major depression and schizo-
symptoms; the onset of any psychiatric symptoms; the pa- phrenia, respectively; most of the available evidence sug-
tient’s use of alcohol or other drugs; how the patient dealt gests that this risk is low when patients’ psychiatric symp-
with situations in which he or she felt a strong urge to toms are stabilized prior to the cessation attempt.
smoke; medication side effects; and other relevant issues A patient’s psychiatric status should also be monitored
and then tailors treatment accordingly (33). Most but not because blood levels of some psychiatric medications (e.g.,
all studies suggest that brief follow-ups (including tele- those metabolized by the CYP 1A2 microsomal system, in-
phone calls) increase quit rates (720, 721, 752–754). cluding clozapine, fluphenazine, haloperidol, oxazepam,
(1) Identifying symptoms of withdrawal. Nicotine with- desmethyldiazepam, clomipramine, nortriptyline, imi-
drawal symptoms typically begin a few hours after the pa- pramine, desipramine, doxepin, and propranolol) may in-
tient has ceased smoking and include dysphoric or de- crease substantially within 3–6 weeks when patients taking
pressed mood; insomnia; irritability, frustration or anger; such medications stop smoking, and these increases could
anxiety; difficulty concentrating; restlessness; decreased worsen side effects or cause toxicity (414, 698, 760, 768,
heart rate; and increased appetite or weight gain. Although 769). This effect appears to be due not to nicotine but rath-
most symptoms peak 24–48 hours after cessation, they last er to the effects of benzopyrenes (tobacco carcinogens) and
an average of 4 weeks, with hunger and craving for tobacco related compounds on the P450 system.
lasting 6 months or more in some individuals (755). The du-
ration of nicotine withdrawal symptoms may be a more im- 9. Providing education and enhancing adherence
portant determinant of smoking relapse than the severity of Many patients do not realize their smoking may be a
the symptoms (756). Smoking cessation can cause physio- form of nicotine dependence (770). Key points to convey
logical problems such as slowing of electroencephalographic to patients include the following: 1) most smokers try to
activity in the awake and sleep state, decreases in cortisol and quit multiple times before they finally succeed, but with
catecholamine levels, and a decline in the patient’s metabolic persistence, half of all smokers quit; 2) most smokers fail
rate (757). The mean heart rate decline is about 8 bpm, and early on, but if the smoker is able to remain abstinent for 3
the mean weight gain is 2–3 kg (757). months, relapse is unlikely; 3) nicotine withdrawal can be
Nicotine withdrawal can occur in association with all relieved with NRT; 4) true withdrawal symptoms generally
forms of tobacco use (cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuff, last 4 weeks or longer and may include dysphoric or de-
pipes, cigars) as well as with NRTs (755, 757). The ability of pressed mood, insomnia, irritability, frustration or anger,
these products to induce or maintain dependence and anxiety, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, decreased
withdrawal increases with the rapidity of the absorption of heart rate, increased appetite, or weight gain (33).
nicotine, the nicotine dose, and the availability of the To support a patient’s adherence to treatment, it is im-
product (758). Consequently, although symptom severity portant to deal with the patient’s concerns about weight
varies among patients (757), withdrawal is usually most gain. Even though the health benefits of stopping smoking
severe with cigarette abstinence compared with absti- clearly outweigh the health risks of weight gain (771), fear
nence from other forms of tobacco and nicotine medica- of weight gain is common and is a major deterrent to
tions (755, 757, 759). smoking cessation, especially in women (772, 773). On av-
(2) Identifying exacerbations of psychiatric symp- erage, smokers weigh 2–3 kg less than individuals who
toms. Patients with current or past psychiatric symp- have never smoked, and when smokers stop smoking, they
toms or disorders need particularly close monitoring in gain weight until they are similar in weight to those who
the first 14 days after smoking cessation because nicotine have never smoked (771). Most smokers gain weight over
withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, depression, in- the first few months after quitting smoking, but many later
creased rapid eye movement sleep, insomnia, irritability, lose much or all of this weight. Women who are already
restlessness, and weight gain can mimic, disguise, or ag- trying to decrease their weight gain the most (773). Howev-
gravate the symptoms of other psychiatric disorders or er, smoking cessation-related weight gain does not cause a
side effects of medications. For example, when an alcohol- relapse to smoking (755). In fact, a concentrated effort to
dependent individual who is also nicotine dependent is control weight gain by dieting during abstinence increas-
admitted to a smoke-free ward for alcohol detoxification, es, not decreases, the chances of a relapse to smoking (774,
his or her anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating, in- 775). This may be because attempting to quit smoking and
somnia, irritability, and restlessness could be due to or ag- dieting at the same time is just too difficult. Clinicians can
gravated by nicotine withdrawal. Although more studies recommend that patients increase their physical activity
support concurrent attempts to quit smoking and drink- and learn healthy eating strategies rather than diet or
ing, there is one study that suggests that relapse to alcohol convince patients to tolerate a moderate amount of weight

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 53


gain over the first 3 months after smoking cessation and not previously been treated with NRT and the prior relapse
work on losing weight later (775). Nicotine gum, but not appeared to be caused by withdrawal symptomatology,
the nicotine patch, appears to delay weight gain and could NRT is appropriate. If the patient has been adequately
be used to delay attempts to control weight until a relapse treated with NRT, the psychiatrist may consider bupropi-
to smoking is less likely (776). on and/or a different formulation or dose of NRT. If these
Alcohol use is a risk factor in most studies for relapsing approaches are also ineffective, the use of clonidine or
to smoking (777); thus, it is recommended that patients nortriptyline could be considered.
who are attempting to quit smoking either diminish their Other NRT delivery systems can also be considered.
alcohol intake or abstain from alcohol. Caffeine use typi- Although its side effects can limit its acceptability to some
cally does not change with smoking cessation (755), and it patients, nicotine nasal spray produces a more bolus-like
is unclear whether caffeine use is a risk factor for relapse effect that might better relieve withdrawal symptoms and
(769). Smoking increases the metabolism of caffeine, and craving (782), especially in heavy smokers who report that
smoking cessation increases caffeine levels by 50%–60% they relapsed to smoking both for withdrawal relief and for
(778). Because many of the symptoms of caffeine intoxica- the positive effects of nicotine and tobacco (e.g., liking,
tion and nicotine withdrawal overlap (e.g., anxiety, insom- satisfaction). A nicotine inhaler has the added advantage
nia, restlessness), reducing caffeine intake after smoking of replicating the hand-to-mouth motor acts associated
cessation might be helpful; however, the one study to test with smoking, which may further support its utility. A
this hypothesis found caffeine does not increase the sever- strategy of initially using nicotine nasal spray and then
ity of tobacco withdrawal (778). In addition, abruptly stop- switching to a nicotine patch or concomitantly using nic-
ping caffeine could induce a withdrawal syndrome of its otine nasal spray and patch has been proposed and re-
own (779). In summary, with this contradictory evidence, ceived some empirical support from controlled studies
patient preferences on whether to change caffeine intake (782a, 782b, 1563). The combination of a patch with a fast-
should be respected. er-acting NRT such as gum, lozenge, spray, or inhaler may
Because smoking even one cigarette during a cessa- have some rationale, as the patch provides a steady level of
tion attempt often portends a full-blown relapse (780), re- nicotine for withdrawal relief and the faster delivery sys-
ports of any slips should prompt immediate planning tems address the positive aspects of smoking (satisfaction
around changes in behavioral therapy (e.g., discuss ways and liking).
to avoid or cope with the situation that led to the slip) or
If the patient has relapsed because of a stressful life
changes in pharmacotherapy (e.g., increased dose, change
event and has not previously been treated with behavioral
in medication). If the patient has fully relapsed, the psy-
therapy, this type of therapy should be considered. If the
chiatrist should praise the patient for even limited success.
patient has already had behavioral therapy, two choices
The patient and psychiatrist should then discuss what was
are available: 1) more intensive behavioral therapy or 2)
learned with this quit attempt and when the patient would
behavioral therapy within a different content or format
like to think about trying again. Most patients who relapse
(e.g., group therapy, individual therapy, combined individ-
continue to be interested in stopping smoking; thus, the
ual and group therapy, involvement of family members).
psychiatrist should discuss setting a time to reconsider an-
Whether these treatments are effective for those who have
other cessation attempt.
not responded to prior behavioral therapy has not been
10. Determining approaches for patients who do studied. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish withdrawal
not respond to initial treatment versus nonwithdrawal causes of relapse. Under such cir-
When a patient does not respond to a trial of a known cumstances, the patient may be a candidate for combined
effective formal therapy (e.g., behavioral therapy, NRT, bu- pharmacological and behavioral therapy (783, 784).
propion, a combination of these therapies), it is first im- The results of three small controlled studies of acu-
portant to determine if the treatment was adequately or puncture are promising (785–787), but due to method-
inadequately implemented. If inadequately implemented, ological limitations, they do not justify the use of acupunc-
the therapy may be repeated with changes to ensure the fi- ture for treating nicotine dependence either alone or in
delity to therapeutic steps, treatment adherence, and ade- combination with other treatments. Furthermore, a meta-
quacy of treatment dose and duration. analysis of 22 controlled studies suggests acupuncture
If the treatment was both appropriate and adequately lacks efficacy in promoting smoking cessation (788).
implemented, rescreening the patient for other co-occur- When the treating psychiatrist does not have the
ring disorders is indicated, as other unrecognized sub- knowledge necessary to implement the treatments out-
stance use or psychiatric disorders can interfere with lined herein, or if the strategies are administered and the
smoking cessation (698, 760, 781). The psychiatrist should patient is not able to quit smoking, the psychiatrist should
also attempt to determine whether the relapse was related consider referring the patient to someone who specializes
to withdrawal symptoms or other causes. If the patient has in treating nicotine dependence.

54 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


E. Somatic Treatments er than bitten or chewed. Typical side effects of lozenges

are minor but include nausea, heartburn, and mild throat
1. Nicotine replacement therapies or mouth irritation; side effects of the gum are jaw sore-
NRTs can be used as a first-line treatment approach ness or difficulty chewing (802, 804). In addition, the loz-
for any individual who wishes to stop smoking. At present, enge contains phenylalanine and should not be used by
there are five FDA-approved forms of NRT: patch, gum, individuals with a history of phenylketonuria. With both
lozenge, nasal spray, and inhaler. Because all are effective the lozenge and the gum, it is important to avoid beverag-
in alleviating withdrawal symptoms (789) and reducing es other than water immediately before or during NRT use
smoking (790) in men and in women (791, 792), the choice because associated pH changes can blunt nicotine ab-
of a specific NRT typically depends on patient preference sorption (804a).
and the NRT’s route of administration and side effect pro- Nicotine nasal spray and vapor inhaler systems pro-
file (793). It is unclear what adjustments to NRTs are need- vide faster delivery of nicotine than gum or lozenges, but
ed for pipe and cigar users; probably these therapies still deliver nicotine more slowly and with lower peak nico-
should be implemented according to the patient’s nicotine tine levels than cigarettes. Nicotine nasal sprays produce
dependence level as measured by the Fagerström Test droplets that average 1 mg per administration, and patients
(794). Using a combination of NRTs (790) or combining administer the spray to each nostril every 1–2 hours. Nico-
NRT with bupropion (795) or psychosocial therapies (790) tine vapor inhalers are cartridges of nicotine that are
may improve outcome. placed inside hollow cigarette-like plastic rods and pro-
The optimal duration of NRT is debatable (693). Al- duce a nicotine vapor (0.013 mg/puff) when smokers puff
though some individuals appear to require long-term use on them (805, 806). The recommended dose is 6–16 car-
of NRT (e.g., ≥6 months), almost all eventually stop using tridges daily, with the inhaler being used ad libitum for
such agents, and the development of dependence on these about 12 weeks. Short-term side effects from nicotine nasal
agents is rare (796, 797). Thus, patient preference should spray include nasal and throat irritation, rhinitis, sneezing,
be the major determinant for the duration of an NRT. coughing, and watering eyes in up to 75% of users (807–
Of the NRTs, many individuals find it easier to adhere 809), and nicotine inhaler use is most often associated with
to nicotine patch therapy. Typically, nicotine patch therapy throat irritation or coughing in up to 50% of users (806,
will begin with a high-dose patch (21 or 22 mg); however, 810). When compared with other forms of NRTs, the nasal
patients who smoke <15 cigarettes per day are candidates spray and inhaler may have somewhat higher rates of con-
for starting with an intermediate-dose patch (e.g., 11 or 14 tinued use for periods >6 months (782, 796, 811).
mg) or for using another form of NRT (798). Whether the
24- or 16-hour patch is better is debatable (71, 798). The 24- 2. Bupropion
hour patch may better relieve morning craving but appears The antidepressant agent bupropion in the sustained-
to cause insomnia in some patients (799, 800). Other com- release formulation is a first-line pharmacological treat-
mon side effects are skin irritation (which can be dimin- ment for nicotine-dependent smokers who want to quit
ished by rotating patch placement sites), nausea, and vivid smoking. Bupropion appears to have comparable tolera-
dreams; however, patients usually develop tolerance to bility and effectiveness to NRTs (158–160, 795, 812) and is
these side effects (790, 801). The recommended duration of equally beneficial in men and women (813). The target
nicotine patch therapy is 6–12 weeks, with a tapering of the dosage for individuals with nicotine dependence is 300
patch dose over that period; longer durations of patch ther- mg/day. The medication is initiated at 150 mg/day 7 days
apy have not been found to be more effective (790). prior to the target quit date; after 3–4 days, dosing is in-
When nicotine gum or lozenges are used, scheduled creased to 300 mg/day (150 mg b.i.d.). Bupropion can also
dosing (e.g., one 2-mg lozenge or piece of gum every hour) be used in combination with an NRT, although the evi-
rather than ad libitum dosing is often best. The 4-mg dose dence is mixed on the extent to which this improves out-
is recommended for heavy smokers (>25 cigarettes/day) or comes (795).
more nicotine-dependent smokers (790, 802, 803). The The primary side effects associated with bupropion
dose of nicotine replacement can be tapered over 6–12 are headache, jitteriness, insomnia, and gastrointestinal
weeks by decreasing the gum or lozenge dose (i.e., from 4 symptoms (795). Caution is needed when prescribing bu-
to 2 mg) and/or increasing the time between doses. Pa- propion to individuals with a history of seizures of any
tients also benefit from receiving instructions about prop- etiology, as seizures have also been observed with bupro-
er use of these NRTs. With nicotine gum, patients should pion treatment. The use of bupropion, especially the
be instructed to chew one piece of gum very slowly until a short-acting preparation, is also discouraged in patients
slight tingling or distinctive taste is noted, at which time with a past, and particularly a current, diagnosis of an
the gum should be placed (“parked”) between the cheek eating disorder (i.e., anorexia nervosa or bulimia ner-
and gum until the taste or tingling is almost gone. This vosa) because of higher rates of seizures observed in ini-
process is then repeated over about 30 minutes for each tial studies of the medication (161). In other individuals,
piece of gum. Nicotine lozenges should be sucked on rath- the rate of de novo seizures is low (<0.5%), and such sei-

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 55


zures are predominantly observed when daily dosing ex- Thus, social support is recommended as a treatment for
ceeds 450 mg/day (795). smoking cessation.

3. Other agents 2. Brief therapies

There is also support for the use of nortriptyline and Brief therapies, such as behavioral supportive cessa-
clonidine as treatments for nicotine dependence; howev- tion counseling, may lead to enhanced rates of treatment
er, given the number of other available treatments for retention or smoking cessation (639, 826, 828, 834–837).
Such therapies can often be implemented successfully and
which results are well validated, these should be viewed as
economically in a broad range of health care settings.
second-line therapies. Nortriptyline may be particularly
These therapies often incorporate elements of MET and
promising as a second-line nonnicotine pharmacothera-
encourage the patient to examine the reasons for and
py, and its efficacy does not appear to depend on the pres-
against quitting smoking. When brief interventions are
ence of co-occurring depressive symptoms or major de-
used, patients are likely to have a greater number of quit
pressive disorder (795, 814). However, the side effects of
attempts and a greater likelihood of success in smoking
nortriptyline are more prominent than those of NRTs or
cessation (825, 826, 828).
bupropion, and nortriptyline is also toxic in overdose
amounts (455, 815–817). Clonidine may also have some 3. Behavioral therapies
merit as a second-line agent (818), but its side effects may Behavioral therapies are recommended as a first-line
limit its use (819). Acupuncture (788) and other agents treatment for smoking cessation, with a large database of
(e.g., naltrexone, mecamylamine, buspirone, monoamine over 100 controlled prospective studies on multimodal
oxidase inhibitors [MAOIs], SSRI antidepressants) (603, behavioral therapy supporting this recommendation
795, 820–823) have also been studied, but their efficacy for (720, 734, 735, 826, 838). In most reviews and meta-analy-
smoking cessation has not been established. ses, 6-month quit rates with behavioral therapy are dou-
ble those observed in control groups (824, 826, 828) and
F. Psychosocial Treatments similar to long-term outcomes obtained with NRTs and
bupropion. Specific types of behavioral therapy that have
There is extensive evidence of the efficacy of psycho-
also been studied include contingency management, cue
social therapies for treating individuals with nicotine de-
exposure, and “rapid smoking” aversion therapy; howev-
pendence, whether delivered in a group (824) or individual
er, none of these are sufficiently well studied to support
(825) format. These therapies are typically provided as a
their use clinically.
multimodal package of several specific treatments and
aim to provide patients with the skills to quit smoking and 4. Cognitive-behavioral therapies
avoid smoking in high-risk situations. Behavioral coping Several controlled studies suggest that CBTs are effec-
skills may include removing oneself from the situation, tive for smoking cessation (700, 839, 840) and are possibly
substituting other behaviors (e.g., walking, exercising), or effective for smokers with comorbid depressive symp-
using skills to manage triggers (e.g., assertiveness, refusal toms, major depression, and alcohol and other substance
skills, time management). Cognitive coping skills may in- use disorders (456, 459, 841–844). CBT may also help in ad-
clude identifying maladaptive thoughts, challenging dressing weight concerns associated with smoking cessa-
them, and substituting more effective thought patterns to tion (840). However, the long-term effectiveness of CBT in
prevent a slip from becoming a relapse (e.g., not viewing this population has not been established.
the slip as a catastrophe). The 6-month quit rates for be-
5. Self-guided therapies
havioral therapies in general are typically 20%–25%, or
Self-help materials are designed to increase patients’
about twofold greater than quit rates with control condi-
motivation to quit smoking and teach them smoking cessa-
tions (824–828). A review of behavioral therapy studies
tion skills. In most (845–853) but not all (854, 855) studies,
also suggests that 1) more intensive behavioral therapies
approaches such as community support groups, telephone
can produce better treatment outcomes versus low-inten-
counseling, written manuals, videos, and computer-gener-
sity interventions (701, 703), and 2) behavioral therapies
ated, tailored self-help materials have shown promise in
can augment smoking cessation outcomes with pharma-
increasing smoking cessation rates. The use of multiple
cotherapies, including all NRTs and bupropion (414, 701,
modes of therapy (e.g., written materials plus phone con-
703, 704).
tact) (718, 720, 721, 856–859) and tailoring materials to the
1. Social support specific needs and concerns of each patient improves the
effectiveness of self-help methods (736, 851, 860).
Social support appears to be of benefit in encouraging
an individual to quit smoking, whether it is measured ac- 6. Other therapies
cording to the degree of support provided by a spouse or A number of other psychosocial therapies have been
partner (829) or is provided in the form of a specific inter- evaluated in a small number of clinical trials, with the re-
vention (e.g., buddy system) (718, 826, 828, 830–833). sults showing variable success. For example, some evi-

56 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


dence suggests that exercise programs may help prevent a 1. System issues
relapse to smoking in women (861, 862), whereas other Although many inpatient units have been concerned
studies do not (863, 864). However, based on the other about implementing smoke-free units, most have found it
health benefits of exercise, increased activity is encouraged less difficult than anticipated (34, 866, 867). Most (34, 866,
in smokers attempting to quit or those who have recently 868–870) but not all (871) reports before and after the insti-
quit smoking. There is also some support for the effective- tution of smoke-free units indicate no increases in aggres-
ness of stimulus control techniques in reducing smoking sion, disruption, discharges against medical advice, use of
urges, such as discarding cigarettes; removing ashtrays, medications or restraints, or admission refusals. However,
lighters, and matches; avoiding smokers; and avoiding sit- a recent retrospective study on a smoke-free unit suggest-
uations associated with smoking (718). However, these ed that smokers may be more likely to be irritable or agitat-
strategies are probably best used within the context of mul- ed than nonsmokers and that smokers who are not pre-
ticomponent therapies. Little evidence is available that scribed an NRT were more likely to be discharged against
would support the use of physiological feedback (i.e., giv- medical advice than other patients (865). Giving special
ing immediate positive feedback on the benefits of smok- off-ward privileges to allow patients to smoke or labeling
off-ward passes as “smoking breaks” implicitly condones
ing cessation such as decreasing carbon monoxide levels),
smoking (34, 866). In addition, there are risks in allowing
gradual cessation (i.e., “nicotine fading”), or relaxation
some patients to have smoking breaks, such as patients
techniques (718). In addition, there is an insufficient num-
with suicidal ideation or those with a history of eloping or
ber of studies of adequate research design regarding the
exhibiting other problematic behavior on passes. Policies
use of 12-step programs, hypnosis, biofeedback, family that provide breaks for smokers and nonsmokers on the
therapy, IPT, or psychodynamic therapies for treating nico- same schedule may be preferable to policies that provide
tine dependence, although clinical consensus suggests smokers with extra passes. Other recommendations for
that such therapies may be useful in some patients. implementing a smoke-free unit are discussed in reviews
(34, 866).
G. Treatment of Smokers on Smoke-Free Wards
2. Patient education
This section focuses on the treatment of psychiatric
Patients need to be educated about the rationale for a
patients on smoke-free wards, a common issue confront-
smoke-free unit; that is, that its purpose is not to force pa-
ed by psychiatrists. The principles described also apply to
tients to stop smoking but to prevent secondhand smoke
smokers on general medical wards seen in consultation
exposure to other patients and be consistent with the insti-
and to smokers in smoke-free nonmedical settings, such
tution’s goal to encourage healthy behaviors (34, 866). Pa-
as residential care settings. Controlled studies of treating tients should also be educated about the goal of smoking
nicotine withdrawal symptoms on psychiatric inpatient cessation treatment: to reduce withdrawal symptoms and,
wards have not been published; thus, the recommenda- if patients are interested, to help them begin a cessation
tions below are based on treating withdrawal in outpatient attempt (see Section III.D.9). Many patients are unaware
settings (755, 757). of the valid symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and their
An inpatient stay may be an opportune time for initi- time course; thus education about these can be helpful
ating treatment for nicotine dependence because of the (34, 866).
intensity of exposure to medical staff, diagnosis of medical
3. Monitoring of symptoms
conditions, and removal from usual smoking cues. It may
therefore be helpful to include smoking cessation on the Although true for all individuals who stop smoking, it is
master treatment plan whenever relevant. As in other set- particularly important to monitor patients in smoke-free
inpatient settings for changes in psychiatric symptoms.
tings, smokers should be assessed for their readiness and
Smoking cessation can worsen anxiety, insomnia, concen-
motivation for change (32). Those considering quitting
tration, and weight gain, thereby confounding assessment
should be asked about their interest in using the tempo-
and treatment of the patient’s other psychiatric disorders
rary abstinence of the smoke-free unit as a beginning step
(865). For example, because many alcohol-dependent pa-
toward permanently stopping smoking. In addition to the
tients smoke, it may not be clear whether their irritability,
aspects of assessment discussed above in Section III.B, it anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, difficulty concentrating,
may also be helpful to elicit from the patient any history of and depression are due to alcohol or nicotine withdrawal
withdrawal symptoms in prior hospitalizations, withdraw- during alcohol detoxification on a smoke-free ward. Al-
al during prior voluntary quit attempts, or significant fear though nicotine withdrawal symptoms are thought to be
of withdrawal. An important but often neglected issue is milder than alcohol withdrawal symptoms, there is sub-
the incorporation of NRTs and smoking cessation-related stantial person-to-person variability so that some alcohol-
advice and aftercare into treatment plans on patient dis- dependent smokers have nicotine withdrawal symptoms
charge (865). that are more severe than their alcohol withdrawal symp-

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 57


toms (872). When patients with schizophrenia are hospital- through craving episodes. Support groups for those going
ized and given higher doses of medications to treat acute smoke free and support from family and significant others
psychosis, any increases in restlessness could be due to for going smoke free can be helpful as well.
nicotine withdrawal rather than to neuroleptic-induced
akathisia. Further confounding the source of the increased H. Clinical Features Influencing Treatment
symptoms is the fact that smoking cessation can cause dra-
1. Use of multiple substances
matic increases in blood levels of some medications (e.g.,
There is strong evidence that rates of smoking are
those metabolized by the CYP 1A2 microsomal system)
much higher in patients with a substance use disorder
(760, 873). In particular, clozapine levels can increase by up
than in the general population (347). For example, in the
to 40% with smoking cessation (874).
National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related
4. Treatment of withdrawal symptoms Conditions, the 12-month prevalence of nicotine depen-
dence is 34.5% among individuals with any alcohol use
For some individuals, nicotine withdrawal during hos-
disorder and 52.4% among individuals with any drug use
pitalization is often not as severe as anticipated because of
disorder (347). Conversely, among subjects with nicotine
the absence of smoking cues, the distraction of the prima-
dependence, the 12-month prevalence of an alcohol use
ry psychiatric problem, and the effects of medications.
disorder is 22.8% and that of a drug use disorder is 8.2%,
However, a recent retrospective study suggests there are
rates that are 4.4- and 8.1-fold higher, respectively, those
clear benefits of providing NRTs to smokers on smoke-free
observed in non-nicotine-dependent individuals (347). A
inpatient psychiatric units (865), findings that are consis-
similar association between nicotine dependence and
tent with recommendations of the U.S. Agency for Health-
other substance use disorders has been observed in data
care Research and Quality’s A Clinical Practice Guideline
from the National Comorbidity Study (349). In addition,
for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence (826) and with a
the presence of alcohol or illicit drug use may be a negative
meta-analysis of studies in nonpsychiatric inpatients
predictor of smoking cessation treatment outcomes (698,
(875). Thus, given the low risk of NRTs, prophylactic treat-
872). Although substance use and smoking are often con-
ment with an NRT is suggested for all psychiatric inpa-
current and conditioned effects may be one important fac-
tients who smoke. The advantages of nicotine gum in this
tor in determining the high rates of comorbidity and treat-
context include the patient’s ability to self-titrate the nico-
ment failure, rates of smoking cessation among these
tine dose and stop using the gum immediately before in-
individuals can still be substantial (349). In addition, many
termittent smoking (e.g., during passes). In addition,
individuals with a substance use disorder express an inter-
many patients find that only a few pieces of gum per day
est in smoking cessation. In patients who do not express a
are sufficient to prevent withdrawal symptoms (34, 866).
current interest in quitting, motivational interventions
The nicotine patch has the advantage of improved adher-
should be used.
ence and providing stable nicotine replacement. This may
There is conflicting evidence about whether concur-
be especially advantageous in patients for whom a clini-
rent smoking cessation can increase, decrease, or affect at
cian is trying to differentiate nicotine withdrawal symp-
all the risk of relapse to alcohol (38), and it is also unclear
toms from psychiatric symptoms (873). For highly nico-
whether cessation should be attempted concurrently or
tine-dependent individuals, the use of more than one
after initial abstinence from other substances. For these
form of NRT (e.g., nicotine patch plus gum) may be helpful
reasons, this decision may be guided by patient prefer-
(865). A frequent question about prescribing NRT to pa-
ence. In addition, there are few studies of pharmacothera-
tients on smoke-free units relates to those individuals who
pies in individuals with substance use disorders (705), but
do not wish to stop smoking entirely and may use NRTs
there is some evidence for the utility of NRT and behavior-
and cigarettes concurrently. However, such use of NRTs
al approaches. The use of alcohol treatment-related phar-
appears to be unlikely to produce significant adverse ef-
macotherapies such as disulfiram or naltrexone might be
fects (865, 876–881). Bupropion can also be used in inpa-
considered in alcohol-dependent smokers, but there are
tient settings given its fixed dosing, easy monitoring, and
no empirical studies to suggest the efficacy of these thera-
efficacy in reducing signs and symptoms of the withdrawal
pies in smoking cessation. In any case, such smoking ces-
syndrome (158).
sation treatment should be made available in substance
Although the existing evidence does not show direct use disorder treatment programs.
effects of psychosocial treatments on withdrawal symp-
toms, clinical experience suggests several strategies that 2. Treatment in the presence of specific co-
may be useful for individuals in inpatient settings. Relax- occurring psychiatric disorders
ation tapes can be used to alleviate anxiety. Anger can be In the presence of a co-occurring psychiatric disorder,
averted by temporarily avoiding interactions; insomnia smoking cessation may be more difficult (349, 698, 760,
can be decreased by improving sleep hygiene; weight gain 882). Psychiatric patients appear to have more withdrawal
can be combated by increasing activity; and distraction symptomatology when they stop smoking (414, 703, 767),
and activities aimed at keeping busy can be used to get probably as a function of their higher levels of nicotine de-

58 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


pendence and smoking consumption. Cessation rates havioral support and pharmacotherapies (NRTs or bupro-
with NRTs (702, 703, 883) appear promising in patients pion) have shown modest short-term cessation rates,
with serious psychiatric disorders. Nicotine nasal spray whereas one open-label trial of bupropion and supportive
and vapor inhaler systems provide faster delivery of nico- group therapy showed a decreased consumption of ciga-
tine, which may increase the rewarding effects of their use. rettes in patients with schizophrenia (415). Concurrent al-
However, no specific studies on these systems have been cohol and drug abuse in individuals with schizophrenia is
published in psychiatric patients, and the degree of diffi- high and can complicate cessation efforts; most studies
culty of using these delivery systems and their side effects have attempted cessation in patients whose drug use is in
may limit their utility in this population (758, 884). Al- recovery and whose psychiatric symptoms are stable. Reg-
though many psychiatric patients smoke large numbers of ular monitoring of antipsychotic side effects and plasma
cigarettes and inhale cigarette smoke deeply (885), using concentrations may be needed because smoking cessa-
higher-than-normal doses of nicotine for heavier smokers tion may increase levels of antipsychotic medications that
has not been consistently shown to be more effective (790, are metabolized via the CYP 1A2 system (e.g., clozapine,
886). However, supplementation of the nicotine patch olanzapine, fluphenazine, haloperidol) (see Section
with ad libitum use of nicotine gum, lozenges, or inhaler III.D.8.b.2). There is some evidence that in smokers with
appears helpful (887, 888). NRTs may also be considered as schizophrenia, the use of second-generation antipsychot-
a way to reduce smoking even when patients do not have ic agents can either reduce smoking (e.g., clozapine) in
smoking cessation as a goal. those not wanting to quit (407) or facilitate cessation in
Initial psychosocial interventions for psychiatric pa- those attempting to quit with the nicotine patch (703) or
tients may need to include higher intensities of behavioral bupropion (414), but further studies of this effect are need-
therapy, because briefer psychosocial treatments are often ed in larger samples.
unsuccessful (414, 702–704). There has been little study of b) Depressive disorders. Individuals with major depres-
behavioral therapies for smoking cessation in chronic psy- sive or dysthymic disorder also have high rates of smoking,
chiatric patients, although preliminary studies provide with 12-month prevalence rates of about 30% (347). Simi-
modest evidence that higher-intensity therapies may im- larly, about 17% of nicotine-dependent individuals have a
prove outcomes (701, 703). These studies have typically 12-month prevalence of major depressive disorder (347),
lacked a treatment as usual or minimal intervention con- and 40% of smokers seeking treatment have a history of
trols, necessitating more controlled studies to establish the depression (760, 781). Current (765, 892, 893) and perhaps
efficacy of these treatments. Combining higher-intensity past (894) depression appears to be a negative predictor of
behavioral treatments with an NRT or bupropion should be treatment outcome during smoking cessation. Although
considered and has shown some modest success rates in pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation have not been
preliminary studies (414, 701, 703, 704). In addition, psychi- carefully tested in patients with current (458) or past (456)
atric patients, including those who abuse or are dependent major depression, antidepressants such as bupropion
on substances, are more likely to benefit from behavioral (158) or nortriptyline (456) should be strongly considered.
therapy because of their high incidence of psychosocial In general, SSRIs do not appear to be efficacious in pro-
problems, poor coping skills, and often, history of benefit moting smoking cessation (602, 795). Behavioral therapies
from such therapy (730). When deciding between individu- such as CBT should also be considered for depressed
al or group therapy, it is important to consider patient pref- smokers (456, 459, 893, 895), as these individuals are likely
erence, as many psychiatric patients have experience with to fail with more minimal interventions. After a patient has
one or both kinds of psychotherapy. For some patients, both quit smoking, his or her plasma levels of some antidepres-
individual and group therapy may be indicated; for exam- sants (e.g., TCAs) that are metabolized by CYP 1A2 may in-
ple, a specific problem that undermines cessation (e.g., a crease, necessitating close monitoring of levels and anti-
problem with assertiveness) might be addressed by individ- depressant side effects.
ual therapy, whereas smoking cessation in general might be
c) Other psychiatric disorders. Smoking rates in pa-
addressed in group therapy. Patients with low levels of cop-
tients with a bipolar or anxiety disorder (e.g., PTSD, panic
ing skills or supports might also benefit from both individu-
disorder), ADHD, or another substance use disorder (e.g.,
al and group behavioral therapy.
marijuana, opioids, cocaine) are also higher than in the
a) Schizophrenia. Rates of smoking in patients with general population, but there has been little study of fac-
schizophrenia are much higher (58%–88%) than in the tors associated with these patients’ interest in quitting
general population (349, 889). The motivation to address smoking or the efficacy of smoking cessation interven-
smoking is often poor in these patients (882, 890), and thus tions with these patients (698, 699).
motivational interventions as initial treatments are
strongly suggested (891). In addition, the very low quit 3. Comorbid general medical disorders
rates observed for these patients (349) suggest that more a) General issues. Nicotine dependence is the most fre-
intense interventions are needed. Several controlled trials quent substance use disorder in all medical settings. In
(414, 701–704) using combinations of higher-intensity be- 2001, an estimated 46.2 million adults in the United States

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 59


smoked cigarettes (896). A 2004 report of the U.S. Surgeon junctures. Screening for other substance use is also indi-
General (897) concluded that there is sufficient evidence cated, as smokers with pulmonary problems may be high-
to infer a causal relation between smoking and many med- ly dependent and have a comorbid alcohol use disorder.
ical conditions, including cancer and cardiovascular and In general, the treatments for nicotine dependence
respiratory diseases. Despite improved public awareness that are recommended for use in the general population
of its dangers, tobacco use continues to be the leading pre- are effective in patients with co-occurring general medical
ventable cause of disease and death in the United States, conditions. NRTs decrease acute symptoms of nicotine
leading to approximately 440,000 deaths per year (898). withdrawal and increase smoking cessation rates (839,
Because the duration of smoking is a substantial contribu- 907–912) without appearing to have any increased risk of
tor to the associated harms from inhalation of tar and car-
adverse outcomes (836, 876, 913–916). Bupropion also ap-
bon monoxide, early intervention is important if smoking-
pears to be safe as well as effective in individuals with car-
related morbidity and mortality are to be prevented.
diovascular (917) and pulmonary disease (918). Behavioral
It is not surprising that smokers with psychiatric dis- interventions improve smoking cessation rates when ad-
orders have an increased risk for nicotine-related medical ministered alone (875, 919, 920), as a package of several
disorders because individuals with a psychiatric and/or a behavioral interventions (836, 875, 920, 921), or in combi-
substance use disorder are two to three times more likely
nation with an NRT (908, 911, 912); they appear particular-
to be dependent on nicotine than the general population
ly useful when delivered in more intensive formats (855,
(347) and smokers with psychiatric disorders consume
875, 920) or in conjunction with a program of smoking ces-
nearly half of all the cigarettes consumed in the United
sation aftercare (836, 875, 920, 921).
States (349). In addition, many of these individuals are
obese, consume harmful levels of alcohol and salt, and do 4. Pregnancy
not exercise or undergo cholesterol screenings (899). As
Pregnant women who smoke pose an immediate and
well as having increased medical comorbidity, smokers on
considerable challenge, given the risks of smoking to the fe-
psychiatric or other medications that are metabolized
tus (574, 922–928). Screening patients for their smoking
through CYP 1A2 will require higher medication doses
status during pregnancy is essential, and biochemical mea-
compared with nonsmokers (414, 698, 760, 768, 769).
sures may be more accurate than self-report measures in
Environmental tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke)
identifying those in need of intervention (929). The prima-
also contributes to increased morbidity and mortality and
ry risk of smoking during pregnancy appears to be low-
has been classified by the U.S. Environmental Protection
birth-weight infants. If a woman quits smoking by her third
Agency as a known cause of lung cancer in humans (group
trimester, the risk of giving birth to a low-birth-weight in-
A carcinogen). Secondhand smoke is estimated by the
fant is no greater than the risk to a nonsmoker (930–935).
agency to cause approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths in
nonsmokers each year (900). Given the high proportion of There is good evidence that physician counseling about
individuals with psychiatric disorders who smoke, those smoking during pregnancy is effective (936, 937). In addi-
who reside or attend treatment programs with large num- tion, behavioral interventions may be preferred by many
bers of other smokers may be at increased risk from envi- women (938, 939); thus, these interventions should be con-
ronmental tobacco smoke. sidered first-line treatments for pregnant smokers (939).
The evidence is mixed on the ability of NRTs to aug-
b) Issues related to specific physical disorders. C a r -
ment rates of smoking cessation in pregnant women com-
diovascular disease, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive
pared with behavioral interventions alone (940, 941). Al-
pulmonary disease are the most common causes of mor-
bidity and mortality among smokers, making it important though there appears to be no increased risk for NRTs in
to screen smokers for the signs and symptoms of these pregnancy (930, 938), this has not been well studied. Nev-
conditions (751, 901). Among smokeless tobacco, cigar, ertheless, the consensus suggests that any increase in risk
and pipe users, mouth and upper airway cancers are the that might occur with NRTs is likely to be less than the risk
most common causes of tobacco-induced mortality, and of ongoing smoking (942, 943). Intermittent forms of NRTs
users of these forms of tobacco should be screened for the may be preferred over the nicotine patch as the former
presence of these diseases (751, 901). minimize nicotine exposure to the fetus (930). Although
With smoking-related physical disorders, the duration there are no reports on the teratogenicity of bupropion,
of smoking abstinence is directly related to decreases in the decision to treat a pregnant woman with bupropion
risk within 5 years of cessation (902–906). Smoking cessa- should include consideration of the potential benefits and
tion also leads to an improved quality of life. Because med- risks to the woman and the fetus.
ical hospitalization, cancer diagnosis, impending surgery, Regardless of the form of treatment used to augment
or exacerbation of cardiorespiratory symptoms may moti- smoking cessation in pregnant women, postpartum re-
vate individuals to consider smoking cessation, treatment lapse rates are high (738, 929, 944, 945), suggesting a need
for nicotine dependence is particularly important at these for additional efforts at relapse prevention.

60 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


IV. Treatment of Alcohol-Related Disorders

A. Overview such patients manifest a reduction in the number of drink-

ing days and improved health status within 6 months (43).
The focus of this section is on the treatment of patients
The majority of patients who are treated for an alcohol
with alcohol dependence or abuse. However, treatment of
use disorder have at least one relapse episode during the
these disorders may be complicated by episodes of intoxi- first year after treatment. However, there is considerable
cation and withdrawal, the treatment of which is discussed evidence to show that most individuals with an alcohol use
in Sections IV.C.1 and IV.C.2. Alcohol use disorders are disorder drink less frequently and consume less alcohol af-
common. In the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol ter receiving treatment compared with before treatment
and Related Conditions, the 12-month prevalences were (956–959). For example, patients typically report drinking
4.65% for alcohol abuse and 3.61% for alcohol dependence heavily on 75% of the days during a 3-month period before
(23), with corresponding 12-month prevalences in the Na- treatment, whereas during posttreatment follow-ups, they
tional Comorbidity Study of 3.1% and 1.3%, respectively report being abstinent on 70%–90% of the days and engage
(946), and prevalences of lifetime disorder that were about in heavy drinking on 5%–10% of the days (231).
five times the 12-month prevalences (947). Treatment has also been shown to bring about im-
The course of alcohol use disorders is variable and fre- provements in family functioning, marital satisfaction,
quently characterized by periods of remission and relapse. and psychiatric impairments (43, 290, 960–963). Although
The first episode of alcohol intoxication is likely to occur in improvements after treatment for alcohol dependence are
the mid-teens, and the age at onset of alcohol dependence at least in part attributable to nontreatment factors such
peaks at ages 18–25 years (947, 948). The first evidence of as patient motivation (964), it is generally accepted that
withdrawal, if it occurs, is not likely to appear until many treatment does make a difference, at least in the short run.
other aspects of dependence have developed. Although
some individuals with alcohol dependence achieve long- B. Treatment Settings
term sobriety without active treatment, others need treat- The choice of treatment setting for an alcohol-depen-
ment to stop the cycles of remission and relapse (949). dent individual will be determined by the results of the ini-
The relation of alcohol dependence to alcohol abuse is tial medical and psychiatric evaluation (see also Section
also variable. In one study (950), only 30% of male subjects II.C). In addition, the optimal treatment setting and subse-
with alcohol abuse at baseline met criteria for alcohol de- quent treatment outcome are likely to vary depending on
pendence 4 years later; the other 70% either continued to the characteristics of the individual patient (965, 966).
meet criteria for alcohol abuse or saw their alcohol prob- Patients with alcohol withdrawal must be detoxified in
lems remit entirely. a setting that provides for frequent clinical assessment and
The long-term goals of treatment for patients with an the provision of any necessary treatments (967). Some out-
patient settings can accommodate these requirements
alcohol use disorder are identical to those for patients with
and may be appropriate for patients deemed to be at low
any type of substance use disorder and include abstinence
risk for a complicated withdrawal syndrome, with medical
(or reduction in use and effects), relapse prevention, and
detoxification being accomplished using the medications
rehabilitation. There is some controversy in the literature,
described below (see Section IV.C.3). Postdetoxification
however, regarding the possible benefits of striving for a re-
treatment can also be successfully conducted outside of
duction in alcohol intake, as opposed to total abstinence,
the hospital (e.g., in outpatient, day hospital, or partial
for those who are unlikely to achieve the latter. A compre-
hospitalization settings) for most patients with alcohol de-
hensive review of the issue (951) concluded that a lower se-
pendence or abuse (51, 956, 967). Intensive outpatient
verity of pretreatment alcohol dependence and an individ-
care involving frequent visits or conducted in a day hospi-
ual’s belief that he or she could control his or her drinking
tal is generally preferable for the early phase of treatment.
were associated with the individual’s achieving controlled
It is usually preferred that a significant other be available
drinking after treatment. Interventions aimed at achieving for travel to and from the treatment site, medication mon-
moderate drinking have also been used with patients in the itoring, symptom evaluation, support for abstinence, and
early stages of alcohol abuse (952, 953). Controlled drink- communication with a responsible health care profession-
ing may be an acceptable outcome of treatment for a select al on behalf of the alcoholic patient. Relapse prevention
group of patients when it is accompanied by substantial medications should always be considered after detoxifica-
improvements in morbidity and psychosocial functioning. tion. Currently available medications are naltrexone, dis-
However, abstinence is the optimal goal that achieves the ulfiram, and acamprosate (see Sections IV.C.3.a–c).
best long-term overall functioning (9). Patients who are unlikely to benefit from less intensive
Numerous studies (43, 954, 955) have documented and less restrictive alternatives may need to be hospital-
positive outcomes among individuals who receive treat- ized at times during their treatment. In particular, those
ment for alcohol dependence; approximately 70% of all who have a history of withdrawal seizures or delirium tre-

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 61


mens, whose documented history of very heavy alcohol the first several hours after the cessation or reduction of
use and high tolerance places them at risk for a complicat- heavy, prolonged ingestion of alcohol. It includes signs
ed withdrawal syndrome, who are concurrently abusing and symptoms such as gastrointestinal distress, anxiety, ir-
other substances, who have a severe comorbid general ritability, elevated blood pressure, tachycardia, and auto-
medical or psychiatric disorder, or who repeatedly fail to nomic hyperactivity.
cooperate with or benefit from outpatient detoxification The syndrome of severe alcohol withdrawal, including
are more likely to require a residential or hospital setting delirium tremens, occurs especially within the first several
that can safely provide the necessary care. Patients in se- days after cessation or reduction of heavy, prolonged inges-
vere withdrawal (i.e., delirium tremens) always require tion of alcohol; the syndrome includes signs and symp-
treatment in a hospital setting. Patients who fail to achieve toms such as clouding of consciousness, difficulty in sus-
abstinence or who relapse frequently should also be given taining attention, disorientation, generalized tonic-clonic
a trial of inpatient care. Under some circumstances, psy- seizures (grand mal) seizures, respiratory alkalosis, and fe-
chiatrically or socially unstable individuals may similarly ver (969–971). As described in DSM-IV-TR and elsewhere
benefit from the stabilization provided by a residential (972, 973), <5% of individuals with alcohol withdrawal de-
treatment setting. velop severe symptoms and <3% develop grand mal sei-
Inpatient care should include medical detoxification zures. In the past, the mortality rate for patients experienc-
and a program of rehabilitation. Although many inpatient ing alcohol withdrawal delirium was as high as 20%;
and residential treatment programs have been traditional- currently, it is closer to 1% because of improved diagnosis
ly organized around a treatment length of 28 days, empir- and medical treatment (972). The presence of a co-occur-
ical studies have not yet identified a specific optimal ring medical disorder may also increase the likelihood of a
length of stay for the treatment of patients with an alcohol complicated withdrawal syndrome (974–976). Because
use disorder. Moreover, 28 days is a brief period in the nat- mounting evidence suggests that repeated episodes of al-
ural history of a chronic disease. cohol withdrawal may lead to a worsening of future with-
Regardless of whether treatment for an alcohol use drawal episodes (a phenomenon known as the alcohol
disorder begins in an inpatient or outpatient setting, the withdrawal kindling or sensitization effect), individuals
pivotal factor in successful treatment is engaging the pa- with multiple previous withdrawals may require more ag-
tient in long-term outpatient relapse prevention with a du- gressive treatment (977). To aid in identifying individuals at
ration measured in years rather than days. Patients should risk for severe alcohol withdrawal, a number of standard-
also be encouraged to participate in 12-step or other self- ized instruments have been developed that assess and
help group programs during outpatient rehabilitation. qualify the severity of withdrawal symptoms, with perhaps
the most widely used being the Clinical Institute With-
C. Somatic Treatments drawal Assessment for Alcohol Scale, Revised (978, 979).
1. Treating intoxication states For approximately 67% of the patients with mild to
moderate withdrawal symptoms, generalized support, re-
In general, the acutely intoxicated patient requires re-
assurance, and frequent monitoring are sufficient treat-
assurance and maintenance in a safe and monitored envi-
ment (980), although the effectiveness of supportive treat-
ronment in which efforts are made to decrease external
ment for these patients relative to pharmacotherapy is not
stimulation and provide orientation and reality testing. Ad-
well established (981, 982). In one case-control study (981),
equate hydration and nutrition are also essential. Clinical
74% of hospitalized alcohol-dependent patients without a
assessment should follow the general guidelines described
serious comorbid general medical problem responded to
in Section II.B, giving particular emphasis to the patient’s
supportive treatment for alcohol withdrawal. Consensus
general medical and mental status, substance use history,
does suggest that thiamine be given routinely to all patients
and any associated social problems. Patients presenting
receiving treatment for a moderate to severe alcohol use
with signs of intoxication should also be assessed for the
disorder to treat or prevent common neurological sequelae
possibility of recent use of other substances that could
of chronic alcohol use (983–986). In addition, patients in
complicate their clinical course. Patients with a history of
more severe withdrawal and those who develop hallucina-
prolonged or heavy drinking or a history of withdrawal
tions require pharmacological treatment.
symptoms are at particular risk for medically complicated
withdrawal syndromes and may require hospitalization. The criteria for an ideal pharmacological agent to treat
alcohol withdrawal include effectiveness in relieving
2. Treating withdrawal syndromes symptoms and preventing seizures and delirium; a benign
The treatment of alcohol withdrawal has two major side effect profile, including safety in overdose; limited in-
goals: 1) help the patient achieve detoxification in a man- teractions with other medications; tolerability by those
ner that is as safe and comfortable as possible and 2) en- with comorbid medical conditions; tolerability by outpa-
hance the patient’s motivation for abstinence and recov- tients who may have cognitive impairment; and the ability
ery (968). According to DSM-IV-TR, the syndrome of mild to suppress drinking during and after alcohol withdrawal
to moderate alcohol withdrawal generally occurs within (987). Because no single agent or class of agents meets all

62 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


of these criteria, a pharmacotherapeutic agent needs to be before benzodiazepines can be completely withdrawn.
chosen according to the needs of the individual patient. Benzodiazepine administration should be discontinued
There are numerous reviews of the pharmacological once detoxification is completed. Multiple randomized,
treatment of moderate to severe withdrawal (987–993). controlled trials demonstrate the use of less medication as
The pharmacotherapy is directed toward reducing CNS ir- well as shorter duration of treatment in symptom-trig-
ritability and restoring physiological homeostasis. This of- gered detoxification protocols (998, 1001–1003).
ten requires the use of fluids, benzodiazepines, and, in se- For patients who have severe hepatic disease, are eld-
lected cases, other medications (138, 987, 992, 994), as erly, or have delirium, dementia, or another cognitive dis-
described below. In particular, benzodiazepines effectively order, short-acting benzodiazepines such as oxazepam or
reduce withdrawal severity and the incidence of seizures lorazepam (1004) are preferred by some clinicians and ap-
and delirium (991, 992). Carbamazepine, beta-blockers, pear to be efficacious (1005). Oxazepam and lorazepam do
and clonidine also diminish the severity of alcohol with- not require multistep biotransformation; they are metab-
drawal symptoms but have not been proven to prevent de- olized by phase II enzymes (glucuronidation) that are not
lirium or seizures, which suggests that beta-blockers, as affected by alcohol-related hepatitis. Glucuronidation is
clonidine, carbamazepine, and neuroleptics can be used preserved even in severe liver disease and cirrhosis (1006,
adjunctively but not as monotherapy (992). In fact, there is 1007), making these medications safer choices for such
some suggestion that protracted withdrawal symptoms patients. Lorazepam also has the advantage of being able
and the relapse rate that occurs after successful detoxifica- to be administered parenterally. However, because of their
tion may depend in part on what type of agent (benzodiaz- brief half-lives, the short-acting benzodiazepines need to
epine or anticonvulsant) is used during the acute detoxifi- be given more frequently (1008–1011).
cation period (977).
Additional factors need to be taken into consideration b) Adrenergic agonists and antagonists. Beta-adren-
when choosing a medication in an outpatient detoxification ergic antagonists (e.g., propranolol, 10 mg p.o. q6h) have
setting. It is clear that benzodiazepines can cause sedation been used to reduce signs of autonomic nervous system
and, if used with alcohol, can be especially dangerous. Use hyperactivity (e.g., tremor, tachycardia, elevated blood
of an anticonvulsant agent such as carbamazepine may be pressure, diaphoresis) and, at higher doses, arrhythmias
considered. Anticonvulsants, clonidine, and beta-blockers (1012–1014). Atenolol has been used for a similar purpose,
do not have the abuse potential of benzodiazepines and are usually in combination with benzodiazepines (1015), thus
not likely to be diverted for other uses. These factors may be allowing the use of lower doses of benzodiazepines and
particularly important in the outpatient detoxification of a thereby reducing the sedation and cognitive impairment
person who abuses multiple substances. often associated with benzodiazepine use. Clonidine, an
α-adrenergic agonist (0.5 mg p.o. b.i.d. or t.i.d.) has been
a) Benzodiazepines. The use of benzodiazepines to
shown to reduce tremor, heart rate, and blood pressure
control withdrawal symptoms takes advantage of the
(1016, 1017). However, the use of beta-blockers or cloni-
cross-tolerance between alcohol and this class of medica-
dine alone for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal is not
tion (972). A substantial body of evidence, including sever-
recommended because of their lack of efficacy in prevent-
al meta-analyses (991, 992, 995), supports the use of ben-
ing seizures (992).
zodiazepines in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal.
The literature is less clear about specific benzodiaz- c) Anticonvulsants. The use of anticonvulsants as a
epines or a specific protocol for detoxification with benzo- treatment for acute alcohol withdrawal has been investi-
diazepines. Some authors suggest a single oral loading gated in several studies (977, 994, 1018–1020) and consid-
dose of 200–400 mg chlordiazepoxide or 20–40 mg diaz- ered in two meta-analyses (991, 992) and a review (987).
epam, or as needed, may be used (996, 997). Orally admin- Anticonvulsants and benzodiazepines appear to have
istered chlordiazepoxide (50 mg every 2–4 hours), diaz- comparable efficacy in preventing seizures during alcohol
epam (10 mg every 2–4 hours), oxazepam (60 mg q2h), and withdrawal (995); however, the prophylactic use of anti-
lorazepam (1 mg q2h) are commonly used (982, 998). An- convulsants such as phenytoin is not generally recom-
other approach is to take the total dose necessary to sup- mended (1005, 1021–1023) except in individuals with a co-
press CNS irritability and autonomic hyperactivity in the occurring seizure disorder who have stopped their anti-
first 24 hours (i.e., the stabilization dose) and give it in four convulsant medications while drinking (1024). Other with-
divided doses the following day, after which the dose can drawal symptoms may also be diminished by anticonvul-
usually be tapered over 3–5 days, with monitoring for re- sants (992, 994, 1018, 1020), particularly in patients with
emergence of symptoms (999). For most patients, the mild to moderate withdrawal, although the evidence for
equivalent of 600 mg/day of chlordiazepoxide is the maxi- this is mixed (987) and sample sizes of studies considering
mum dosage, and many patients require less; a few, how- this usage have generally been small, making meta-analy-
ever, may require substantially more (1000). Patients in se- sis problematic (1025). Carbamazepine (600–800 mg/day
vere withdrawal and those with a history of withdrawal- for the first 48 hours; then tapered by 200 mg/day) has also
related symptoms may require up to 10 days of treatment been demonstrated to be effective in preventing withdraw-

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 63


al-related seizures, although its tendency to lower white studies have not (1042, 1043). Long-acting injectable naltr-
blood cell counts in some patients may pose an added risk exone also appears to be efficacious (1044). In a number of
of infection (1026–1030). Although the evidence for the use these studies, the type and amount of concomitant psy-
of oxcarbazepine is sparse, this medication may be useful chosocial interventions may confound the interpretation
as an alternative to carbamazepine (1031). Divalproex so- of the study findings (1042, 1043). Several studies have in-
dium at a dosage of 500 mg t.i.d. (994) and intramuscular dicated that naltrexone works best when combined with a
magnesium sulfate (1032) have also been used for prevent- relapse prevention approach, such as coping skills or CBT
ing withdrawal seizures. Barbiturates (e.g., pentobarbital, (187, 1038, 1039, 1041). Conversely, when more severely de-
phenobarbital, secobarbital) may be useful in reducing pendent subjects have been studied without concomitant
withdrawal symptoms in patients whose symptoms are re- relapse prevention interventions, the efficacy of naltrexone
fractory to benzodiazepines (1033). However, more recent has been less robust (1045) or nonexistent (1043).
reviews indicate that well-controlled studies of phenobar- With the initiation of naltrexone therapy, patients tak-
bital are rare and do not recommend phenobarbital for ing opioids may experience withdrawal symptoms; there-
routine treatment of alcohol withdrawal (987). fore, before starting naltrexone, patients should be opioid
d) Antipsychotic agents. For patients manifesting deliri- free for at least 5 days after the last dose of a short-acting
um, delusions, or hallucinations, antipsychotic agents, par- opioid such as heroin or 7 days after the last dose of a long-
ticularly haloperidol (0.5–2.0 mg i.m. q2h, as needed) are er-acting opioid such as methadone (see Section VII.C.1.c).
recommended. Because antipsychotic agents are not effec- A urine toxicology screen for opiate medication may be in-
tive for treating the underlying withdrawal state (992), they dicated before naltrexone therapy is initiated. In non-opio-
should be used as an adjunct to benzodiazepines. Most pa- id-abusing patients, the 50-mg dose of naltrexone used in
tients will require <10 mg of haloperidol every 24 hours, al- most studies has been associated with mild and transient
though some patients may require considerably more. side effects, including CNS-related symptoms (headache,
fatigue, dysphoria) and gastrointestinal problems (nausea,
e) Intravenous ethanol. Although some hospitals main-
vomiting, abdominal pain). Similar side effects are report-
tain oral and intravenous ethanol in their formularies to
ed with the long-acting injectable naltrexone and are more
treat alcohol withdrawal syndromes, there is no clear evi-
prominent in doses of 380 vs. 190 mg i.m. per month
dence for the effectiveness of ethanol in this application.
(1044). In addition, injection site pain was noted in about
Given the published evidence of intravenous or oral benzo-
10% of patients (1044).
diazepine treatment for minor and major abstinence syn-
Although significant hepatoxicity has been reported
dromes and the lack of any controlled trials comparing the
with naltrexone, this side effect is rare at the usual doses.
use of intravenous benzodiazepines such as chlordiazep-
Moreover, liver function may improve in naltrexone-treat-
oxide with intravenous ethanol, the use of intravenous eth-
ed patients as a result of decreased drinking (1046). Hepa-
anol is not supported by the current published data (1034,
totoxicity m ay be more likely in m orbidly obese
individuals or at doses higher than those normally used in
3. Medications to treat alcohol abuse and clinical treatment (>100 mg/day). Hepatoxicity resulting
dependence from an interaction between nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-
a) Naltrexone. Naltrexone, an opiate receptor antago- tory drugs (NSAIDs) and high-dose naltrexone has also
nist, is thought to act by preventing the opiate receptor- been described (1047); clinicians should use high doses of
mediated euphoric and rewarding effects of alcohol, di- naltrexone cautiously and warn patients accordingly. In
minishing the rewarding aspects of alcohol-induced addition, because naltrexone is an opioid antagonist, it
dopamine release, and blunting the subsequent craving would be inappropriate for patients requiring opioid anal-
for alcohol. Naltrexone is one of the most widely studied gesics. The naltrexone-treated patient should carry a card
medications for the treatment of alcohol dependence. explaining these issues and provide it to health care per-
Meta-analyses have found it to be more effective than pla- sonnel in an emergency.
cebo in promoting abstinence, reducing heavy drinking b) Disulfiram. Treatment with the aversive agent disul-
days, and decreasing rates of relapse (152–154, 1036). De- firam (usually 250 mg/day, range 125–500 mg/day) is
pending on the study and outcome measure used, naltrex- aimed at motivating abstinent alcoholic individuals to re-
one is associated with small to moderate benefits (e.g., sist alcohol consumption. When aldehyde dehydrogenase
with effect sizes of 0.1–0.5 and/or relative risk decreases of is inhibited by disulfiram (151), alcohol consumption
10%–14%). In addition, individual responsiveness to naltr- causes toxic levels of acetaldehyde to accumulate, which
exone varies, with some evidence that a family history of in turn is associated with a host of unpleasant and poten-
alcoholism and high levels of craving may predict better tially dangerous signs and symptoms, including a sensa-
naltrexone response. tion of heat in the face and neck, headache, flushing, nau-
Some single-site and small multisite trials from several sea, vomiting, hypotension, and anxiety (148–150). Chest
countries have shown therapeutic benefits of oral naltrex- pain, seizures, liver dysfunction, respiratory depression,
one (187, 954, 1037–1041), whereas other larger multisite cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, and death

64 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


have also been reported. The purpose of disulfiram is not ter the last dose of disulfiram could cause an alcohol-dis-
to make the patient ill but to prevent a patient from drink- ulfiram reaction (1061).
ing impulsively because he or she knows that illness will c) Acamprosate. In 2004 the FDA approved a new medi-
result from drinking while he or she is taking disulfiram. cation, acamprosate, for the treatment of alcohol depen-
However, disulfiram is only effective to the degree that an dence. The approval was based primarily on data derived
alcohol-using individual adheres to taking it as prescribed. from studies done in Europe (reviewed in 1062, 1063). Al-
Methods to improve adherence include behavioral con- though the neuropharmacological action of acamprosate
tracting between an alcohol-dependent individual and his is not completely known, researchers do know that it is an
or her spouse and other forms of monitored administra- amino acid derivative of taurine that is thought to work at
tion with set contingencies. brain glutamate receptor sites and stabilize glutamatergic
Controlled trials have not demonstrated any advan- function (155). As such, it has been hypothesized that it
tage of disulfiram over placebo in achieving total absti- might normalize an aberrant glutamate system present
nence, delaying relapse, or improving employment status during early abstinence that may be the basis of protracted
or social stability (1048, 1049), and a meta-analysis showed withdrawal and early abstinence craving (1064).
only some diminution in drinking with disulfiram (1036). Studies in Europe have evaluated patients who have
However, a large VA multisite cooperative study did find generally started on the medication while in a hospitalized
that patients receiving 250 mg of disulfiram reported sig- setting and who were abstinent for at least 7–10 days be-
nificantly fewer drinking days than those who either re- fore taking the medication; the results of those studies
ceived no disulfiram or 1 mg of disulfiram (150). Moreover, showed that an increased number of patients maintain ab-
some clinicians believe that this medication, when com- stinence. Those who relapsed had more abstinent time be-
bined with other therapeutic interventions, has some ben- fore their first drinking day and also more overall abstinent
efit for selected individuals who remain employed and so- days during a year or more of treatment (1062, 1063, 1065,
cially stable (150, 1048, 1050–1052). Patients who are 1066). In contrast, a multisite trial completed in the United
intelligent, motivated, and not impulsive and whose States did not find acamprosate to be effective in a primary
drinking is often triggered by unanticipated internal or ex- intent-to-treat analysis but did find that when subjects’
ternal cues that increase alcohol craving are the best can- motivation to maintain abstinence and adhere to medica-
didates for disulfiram treatment. Treatment effectiveness tion treatment was taken into account, acamprosate was
more effective than placebo in increasing the number of
is enhanced when adherence is encouraged through fre-
abstinent days (1067). The U.S. trial included outpatients
quent behavioral monitoring (e.g., breath tests), group
who had a varied number of abstinent days prior to medi-
support for remaining abstinent (e.g., group therapy, AA)
cation initiation, but, in general, the overall pretreatment
(1053), contingency contracting, or, where feasible, super-
abstinent time was much shorter than that in the Europe-
vised administration of disulfiram (1054, 1055).
an trials. Also, subjects in the U.S. trial received a standard-
Disulfiram should never be used without the patient’s
ized medical management type of counseling, whereas the
knowledge and consent; understanding and explaining European studies generally used varied traditional psy-
disulfiram’s toxic or potentially lethal effects to patients is chosocial alcohol treatment approaches focusing on the
a prerequisite for its use (1056–1058). Patients taking disul- maintenance of abstinence. It would appear that, al-
firam must be advised to avoid all forms of ethanol (in- though not specifically studied, a number of days (perhaps
cluding, for example, that found in some cough syrups). 7 or more) of abstinence prior to starting acamprosate
Disulfiram requires hepatic metabolism to convert it into might be needed for acamprosate to be most effective.
an active medication. A metabolite of disulfiram is an in- There is also some evidence that acamprosate and
hibitor of CYP 450 3A4 (1059) and can interfere with the naltrexone can be given together, but the benefit of doing
metabolism of a variety of psychotropic and other medica- so has not been clearly established (954, 1068). The COM-
tions that are substrates for CYP 450 3A4. In addition to its BINE Study, a multisite trial supported by the National In-
aversive effects after the ingestion of alcohol, disulfiram stitute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is in the process
can cause a variety of adverse effects that are rare but po- of further assessing the efficacy of acamprosate alone and
tentially severe, including neuropathies and hepatotoxici- in combination with naltrexone with and without a spe-
ty. Thus, it should be used cautiously in patients with cialist-delivered behavioral intervention (1069, 1070).
moderate to severe hepatic dysfunction, peripheral neur- Acamprosate has also been studied in combination with
opathies, renal failure, and cardiac disease (1048). A pa- disulfiram and has shown an apparent improvement in ef-
tient who is impulsive, has poor judgment, or has a severe ficacy (1071).
co-occurring psychiatric disorder (e.g., schizophrenia, bi- At a dosage of two 333-mg pills t.i.d. (total dose of
polar disorder) that makes him or her unreliable or self- 1,998 mg), which is an approved dose in the United States,
destructive (149, 1060) may also be a poor candidate for acamprosate is well tolerated, with generally self-limited
disulfiram treatment. Moreover, disulfiram is eliminated and symptomatically treated diarrhea being the main ad-
from the body slowly. Ingesting alcohol even 1–2 weeks af- verse effect. Because acamprosate is excreted by the kid-

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 65


neys and not metabolized by the liver, caution must be sive symptoms. A more recent meta-analysis also showed
taken with patients who have renal impairment (1072). no efficacy for lithium in treating alcohol use disorders
However, liver disease should not affect its metabolism or (1036). Consequently, lithium is not recommended as a
blood level concentrations. Acamprosate has minimal if primary treatment in patients who do not have co-occur-
any negative interaction with alcohol so that it is expected ring bipolar disorder.
to be generally safe in active or relapsed drinkers.
d) Medications acting on the serotonin system. D. Psychosocial Treatments
SSRIs have been used in the treatment of alcoholism A variety of psychosocial treatments have been used in
to directly affect alcohol consumption, with the goal of re- the treatment of alcohol use disorders (1089), and the effi-
ducing drinking or promoting abstinence. SSRIs also may cacy of specific psychotherapies for these disorders has
reduce psychiatric symptoms or syndromes (e.g., anxiety, been reviewed by a number of authors (79, 956, 1090,
depression) that might influence drinking behavior. 1091). The sections that follow provide an overview of the
In addition to evidence that serotonin modulates the use of CBT, behavioral therapies, psychodynamic thera-
behavioral effects of alcohol (479, 1073–1075), several ran- pies, IPT, self-help groups, brief interventions, marital and
domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human stud- family therapy, and aftercare in the treatment of alcohol
ies with nondepressed heavy drinkers found that SSRIs re- use disorders.
duce short-term alcohol consumption by 15%–20% (1076,
1077). However, subsequent studies in patients diagnosed 1. Cognitive-behavioral therapies
with alcohol dependence have been less consistent (1078– CBT and relapse prevention therapies aimed at im-
1080) and suggest that SSRIs may worsen drinking behav- proving self-control and social skills have been consistent-
iors in some individuals. The use of SSRIs in the treatment ly found to reduce drinking (79, 1090, 1092–1094); such
of alcohol dependence is similar to their use in other dis- cognitive-behavioral therapies, as well as MET and TSF,
orders (430), although gastrointestinal side effects may be are therefore recommended for use in individuals with an
more prominent in alcohol users. alcohol use disorder. Cognitive-behavioral stress manage-
TCAs also have nonselective effects on serotonin re- ment interventions and behavioral self-control training
uptake and have been used to treat depression associated (consisting of cognitive and behavioral strategies, includ-
with alcohol use disorders with equivocal results (138). ing self-monitoring, goal setting, rewards for goal attain-
However, two studies showed improved mood and re- ment, functional analysis of drinking situations, and the
duced alcohol consumption in open (428) and double- learning of alternative coping skills) produced better out-
blind, placebo-controlled trials (1081) with desipramine. comes than control treatments in about half of the studies
Subsequent randomized, double-blind, controlled trials (79, 1090, 1095–1097). Better outcomes during follow-up
with desipramine (438) and imipramine (437), as well as a also seem to occur in individuals who show increased cop-
recent meta-analysis (425), concluded that TCAs may offer ing responses or “self-efficacy” at the end of treatment
modest benefits in treating patients with alcohol use dis- (184, 1098–1100) and in those who use problem solving or
orders and depression but not those with alcohol use dis- mastery rather than relying on avoidance of high-risk situ-
orders in the absence of depression. ations as a coping strategy (43, 265, 959, 1101). In contrast,
Based on animal studies (1082, 1083) and early clini- cognitive therapy interventions that are focused on identi-
cal laboratory findings (1084), the selective serotonin-3 fying and modifying maladaptive thoughts but that do not
receptor antagonist ondansetron was thought to have ef- include a behavioral component are not as effective.
fects on alcohol reward and thereby reduce alcohol con- In group settings, CBT approaches are similarly effec-
sumption and promote abstinence. Although patients tive, although treatment benefits may vary with patient
with early-onset alcoholism and lower levels of drinking characteristics (1102–1104). Finally, most studies show ef-
showed some benefit with low-dose ondansetron (1085, ficacy for social skills training, which focuses on learning
1086), other patient subgroups did not demonstrate a re- skills for forming and maintaining interpersonal relation-
sponse. Replication studies have yet to be conducted, and ships, being assertive, and refusing alcohol (79).
ondansetron is not approved by the FDA for alcoholism MET and motivational interviewing are typically brief
treatment. (Dosing, side effects, and implementation of therapies that last one to four sessions and are aimed at
treatment with ondansetron are discussed in greater de- maximizing the patient’s intrinsic desire to change or en-
tail in Section IX.B.3.d.) hancing a patient’s adherence to more intensive or extend-
e) Lithium. The use of lithium to treat patients with an al- ed treatment. Motivational approaches have been found
cohol use disorder not comorbid with bipolar disorder was to be efficacious in most studies (reviewed by Dunn et al.
supported by some early anecdotal reports and by a small [1105] and Miller and Wilbourne [79]), including the find-
double-blind, placebo-controlled study (1087). However, a ings from Project MATCH (43, 90, 265, 1106) in which four
large VA collaborative study (1088) showed no benefits of MET sessions given as a stand-alone treatment either ini-
lithium over placebo for patients with or without depres- tially or as part of posthospitalization care were compara-

66 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


ble to 12 sessions of CBT or TSF, with benefits of treatment more intense treatment; even very brief interventions (i.e.,
persisting through 3 years of follow-up. a few hours) may have some positive effect (1110, 1111).

2. Behavioral therapies 5. Self-help groups and 12-step-oriented treatments

Individual behavioral therapy, particularly involving The effectiveness of AA, per se, has not been evaluated
positive reinforcements for targeted behaviors, has been in randomized studies. However, other sources of infor-
found to be effective for patients with an alcohol use disor- mation provide growing support for the utility of AA and
der (191, 956, 1090) and is also a recommended treatment 12-step-oriented treatments (259, 261, 956, 958, 959) as
approach. Also effective are behavioral contracting (79) well as the efficacy of professional therapies such as TSF
and the community reinforcement approach (190, 1107, that are aimed at motivating patients to participate in AA
1108), which uses behavioral principles and usually in- (43, 219, 265, 267, 269). In addition, a large number of stud-
cludes conjoint therapy, training in job finding, counseling ies have documented that greater AA participation is asso-
focused on alcohol-free social and recreational activities, ciated with greater rates of abstinence from alcohol (1112)
monitoring of disulfiram use, and an alcohol-free social as well as with better drinking outcomes (260–266, 289,
club. When compared with usual outpatient treatment or 1113, 1114). Thus, most patients should be encouraged to
disulfiram plus a behavioral adherence program, commu- attend at least several AA meetings to ascertain the appro-
nity reinforcement led to significantly better patient out- priateness and utility of AA in helping them remain alco-
comes (190, 1108). Community reinforcement also has hol free. Individual patient needs and concerns should,
documented effectiveness in combination with marital however, be taken into consideration when making this
therapy (690). Compared with positive reward approach- recommendation.
es, aversive therapies have been less successful (79). Relax- As a spiritual but nonreligious program requiring be-
ation training, although widely studied, has been ineffec- lief in something beyond oneself (268), AA provides tools
tive in virtually all controlled trials (79). for its participants to maintain sobriety, including the 12
steps, group identification, and mutual help. More specif-
3. Psychodynamic and interpersonal therapies ically, “AA is a fellowship of men and women who share
There are insufficient studies of adequate research de- their experience, strength and hope with each other that
sign regarding the use of group or individual psychody- they may solve their common problem and help others to
namically oriented psychotherapies for the treatment of recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for mem-
individuals with an alcohol use disorder (79, 1090). It is dif- bership is a desire to stop drinking” (253). Al-Anon (friends
ficult to draw conclusions in this area because of the pau- and family), Alateen (teenage children of alcoholic indi-
city of well-controlled and designed studies, and the small viduals), and Adult Children of Alcoholics (those who grew
extant literature is limited by poor research design and up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes) help
short duration of studies. However, there is some clinical family members and friends of alcoholic individuals focus
consensus that such treatment is particularly helpful on the need to avoid enabling behaviors and care for one-
when other psychiatric disorders or interpersonal issues self whether a loved one is drinking or not. Other mutual
are present and when combined with other psychosocial help programs include Women for Sobriety, Rational Re-
or biological interventions. There are large numbers of pa- covery, Double Trouble (for patients with alcohol depen-
tients in this type of treatment, and clinical consensus sug- dence comorbid with other psychiatric disorders), and
gests the therapy is effective in at least some of these pa- Mentally Ill Chemical/Substance Abusers.
tients (956, 1090). In addition to addressing alcohol abuse Patients may be more likely to benefit from AA groups
or dependence, treatment goals often include stabilization composed of individuals with similar personal character-
of the patient’s social and interpersonal life, disorganiza- istics, such as age, sex, or cultural and occupational status.
tion of which may both accompany and perpetuate the al- Evidence from small-scale trials on patient-to-program
cohol use disorder. matching suggests that patients with a greater severity of
drinking problems, an affective rather than cognitive fo-
4. Brief therapies cus, a concern about purpose and meaning in life, better
Brief interventions are generally delivered over one to interpersonal skills, and a high need for affiliation are good
three sessions and include an abbreviated assessment of candidates for AA (254, 1115). In the landmark Project
drinking severity and related problems as well as the pro- MATCH study (43), TSF-based aftercare was more effective
vision of motivational feedback and advice. Typically stud- than that using CBT for outpatients who did not show psy-
ied in general medical or school-based settings and in chiatric symptoms and was of comparable efficacy for
non-treatment-seeking heavy drinkers, brief therapies those with psychiatric symptoms. At 1-year follow-up, pa-
have been shown to be effective in reducing alcohol use tients rated as high in seeking meaning of life fared better
and improving general health and social functioning (79, with TSF compared with MET and CBT, and patients with
275, 1109). In these subgroups of patients, the efficacy of high social support for abstinence had better drinking out-
brief therapies is often comparable with that of longer, comes at 1- and 3-year follow-up.

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 67


Although official AA policy encourages members to disorders need to be considered for patients with an alco-
adhere to medical treatment, many individual members hol use disorder.
interpret the ethos of coping without the use of drugs to
mean that recovering individuals should also forgo psychi- 1. Co-occurring psychiatric disorders
atric medications (1116). Consequently, patients with a Co-occurring psychiatric disorders are common
co-occurring psychiatric disorder requiring medication among individuals with an alcohol use disorder. Integrated
should be encouraged to attend dual-diagnosis AA groups psychosocial treatments that combine traditional thera-
or those in which regular attendees do not oppose medi- pies for the psychiatric condition with therapies for the al-
cally prescribed psychotropic treatment. cohol use disorder have been shown to be effective (376,
1124, 1125). In general, medications recommended to treat
6. Marital and family therapies patients with an alcohol use disorder alone are also effec-
For patients who are married or living with family tive in patients with a co-occurring psychiatric disorder,
members, such relationships can be an important factor in and pharmacological treatment of the psychiatric disorder
the posttreatment environment (1090, 1117). Thus, it is is similar to that recommended when the psychiatric disor-
not surprising that therapies aimed at enhancing marital der occurs independently of an alcohol use disorder. Some
or family relationships can be effective in the treatment of exceptions to these general principles are discussed below.
alcohol use disorders. In particular, behavioral marital Given the propensity of individuals with alcohol and
therapy has demonstrated efficacy and cost-effectiveness other substance use disorders to misuse prescribed medi-
(79, 225, 236, 238, 690, 961, 1118, 1119). Marital approach- cations, the treating clinician should give preference to
es for which there is significant support are Al-Anon facil- prescribing medications that have a low abuse potential.
itation and disulfiram contracting (168, 248); other ap- Patients with a high level of depression, impulsivity, or
proaches to marital therapy have shown lesser degrees of poor judgment or the potential for making a suicide at-
efficacy (79). tempt should receive medications with a low potential for
lethality in overdose (e.g., SSRIs) (1126, 1127). Given the
7. Self-guided therapies
tendency of patients with co-occurring disorders to have
Strong evidence is available to support the efficacy of poor medication adherence and an increased risk of over-
self-monitoring of drinking patterns, guided by pamphlets dose, medications should be dispensed in limited
provided by practitioners (79). Such approaches have typ- amounts, the number of refills should be limited, and ran-
ically been evaluated in general populations of primary dom or frequent blood or urine toxicology screening
care patients or with heavy drinkers who do not meet full should be used to determine use of both prescribed and
criteria for alcohol dependence. Patients presenting to nonprescribed medications.
specialized substance use disorder treatment settings Many patients with alcohol dependence present with
have generally experienced multiple failures at self-treat- signs and symptoms suggestive of major depression or an
ment and are poorer candidates for this approach. anxiety disorder. In many patients, however, these signs
8. Aftercare and symptoms are related to alcohol intoxication or with-
drawal and remit in the first few weeks of abstinence (424).
A patient’s involvement in aftercare after completing
Consequently, many psychiatrists feel that patients should
inpatient treatment for an alcohol use disorder is an im-
be observed over a 3- to 4-week substance-free period be-
portant predictor of outcome (264, 1120, 1121). The lowest
fore a diagnosis of a co-occurring mood or anxiety disorder
rates of relapse have been noted in those completing an af-
is made and a disorder-specific medication is prescribed.
tercare program (1121, 1122), with some evidence that
Others suggest that in selected cases, earlier initiation of
completion rates vary with therapists’ efforts to maintain
treatment is warranted. For example, depressed patients
patients in the aftercare program (1122). Although the
with particularly severe symptoms, a history of major de-
number of trials on specific aftercare approaches is limit-
pression unrelated to periods of alcohol use, and/or a
ed, there is evidence for efficacy for TSF (43, 265), MET (43,
strong family history of mood disorders are more likely to
265), CBT administered alone (43, 265) or with coping
have a co-occurring depression that should be treated soon
skills training (223, 1102, 1103), a version of behavioral
after detoxification is completed (426–429).
marital therapy that includes relapse prevention tech-
Although studies of SSRIs in individuals with an alco-
niques (1118, 1119), insight-oriented interactional group
hol use disorder who are not depressed have shown mixed
therapy (223, 1102, 1103), and nurse visits delivered over a
benefit (see Section IV.C.3.d), studies of those who are de-
12-month period (1123).
pressed have shown a moderate positive effect on the pa-
tients’ addiction and mood (431, 1128, 1129). TCAs may
E. Clinical Features Influencing Treatment
also be effective for alcohol-dependent patients with co-
The treatment implications of various clinical features morbid depression (425, 437, 438), although the risk of
are summarized in Section II.G. In addition to these con- poor adherence, tricyclic-to-alcohol interactions, and
siderations, specific sequelae and patterns of co-occurring overdose should be considered with such patients. In ad-

68 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


dition, tricyclic plasma levels may be lower than expected the cardiovascular system, and the central and peripheral
because of the alcohol-induced increase in liver microso- nervous systems. Alcohol-induced gastrointestinal prob-
mal oxidases (1130, 1131). MAOIs have been used to treat lems include gastritis, ulcers of the stomach or duodenum,
patients with atypical depression, but there is a high risk of esophageal varices, portal hypertension, and, in approxi-
poor adherence to dietary and medication restrictions (in- mately 15% of heavy users, cirrhosis of the liver and pan-
cluding those for alcohol) and subsequent adverse reac- creatitis (1136–1138). Alcohol-dependent individuals also
tions (e.g., hypertension) in patients with alcohol use dis- experience higher-than-average rates of cancer of the
orders (1132). Consequently, because SSRIs and other esophagus, stomach, and other parts of the gastrointesti-
nontricyclic, non-MAOI antidepressants have fewer ad- nal tract (1139, 1140).
verse effects and less risk of morbidity and mortality in Common comorbid cardiovascular conditions in-
overdose situations, they are preferred over tricyclic and clude low-grade hypertension and increased levels of trig-
MAOI antidepressants in the treatment of patients with a lycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which
co-occurring alcohol use disorder and depression (1133). increase the risk of heart disease. Cardiomyopathy occurs
Studies of antidepressant agents in individuals with primarily among very heavy drinkers (1141).
an alcohol use disorder and co-occurring anxiety are lim- For men, endocrinological changes associated with
ited (1134). Consensus would suggest that these medica- chronic alcohol use include decreases in testosterone, loss
tions can be used as recommended for patients with an of facial hair, breast enlargement, decreased libido, and
anxiety disorder alone. impotence (1142); endocrinological changes for women
The use of benzodiazepines for alcohol-dependent include amenorrhea, luteal phase dysfunction, anovula-
patients with comorbid anxiety or panic disorder is more tion, early menopause, and hyperprolactinemia (1143).
controversial, as benzodiazepines have a high abuse po- Blunting of the thyroid-stimulating hormone response to
tential in these patients. For patients with generalized or thyrotropin-releasing hormone, hypoglycemia, ketosis,
performance anxiety, beta-blockers (e.g., propranolol) and and hyperuricemia have also been reported (1144, 1145).
buspirone are preferable to benzodiazepines because they Alcohol-induced peripheral myopathy with muscle
have no cross-tolerance with ethanol or other CNS depres- weakness, atrophy, tenderness, and pain is accompanied
sants and minimal abuse potential. Buspirone has also by elevations in creatine phosphokinase levels and the
been reported to reduce alcohol consumption in patients presence of myoglobins in the urine (1146). Histological
with high levels of comorbid anxiety (479, 1135). In pa- evidence of myopathy can be observed in a significant
tients with otherwise treatment-resistant panic disorder, proportion of patients with an alcohol use disorder, even
clonazepam or other long-acting benzodiazepines can be in the absence of symptoms (1147). When it is severe, alco-
cautiously administered if the principles outlined in Sec- hol-induced myopathy can involve rapidly progressive
tion II.G.2.d.2.d. are observed. muscle wasting.
For patients with comorbid bipolar and alcohol use Many patients seeking treatment of alcohol depen-
disorders, lithium, valproate, or carbamazepine may be dence manifest cognitive abnormalities (1148–1150).
used. A recent double-blind, controlled study of patients Chronic, heavy drinkers can experience an alcoholic de-
with bipolar disorder and alcoholism who were being mentia with characteristic cognitive deficits that include
maintained with valproate showed promising results of impairment in short- and long-term memory, abstract
this medication as an adjunct to treatment (472). However, thinking, judgment, and other higher cortical functions as
when prescribing lithium, valproate, or carbamazepine, well as personality change. Usually the memory deficits
the clinician may need to closely monitor the patient for are less severe than in Korsakoff’s syndrome (alcohol-in-
side effects. In particular, the low therapeutic index of lith- duced persisting amnestic disorder) or Alzheimer’s disease
ium may lead to a greater risk of toxicity in individuals with (1151). Neuropathological abnormalities in the frontal
an alcohol use disorder who are actively drinking, and he- lobes, in the area surrounding the third ventricle or dif-
matological abnormalities may be more pronounced in al- fusely through the cortex, have been reported. More com-
cohol-dependent individuals who are treated with val- monly, however, there is subtle cognitive dysfunction that
proate or carbamazepine. hampers a patient’s ability to comprehend or adhere to a
In patients with schizophrenia, some data suggest that treatment plan (1148, 1149, 1152, 1153). For such patients,
clozapine may be useful for treating the symptoms of both family members or other responsible parties should be ac-
schizophrenia and a comorbid substance use disorder, in- tively involved from the beginning of and throughout the
cluding an alcohol use disorder (384, 391, 393, 398), a pos- course of treatment. Initial placement of the patient in a
sibility that requires further study in double-blind, ran- more structured (e.g., residential) treatment setting may
domized, controlled trials. also be indicated to assess the impact of cognitive prob-
lems on the patient’s ability to adhere to short- and long-
2. Comorbid general medical disorders term treatment. In patients who remain abstinent, reversal
Chronic high-dose alcohol use can affect several dif- of alcohol-induced cognitive disturbance is often ob-
ferent organ systems, including the gastrointestinal tract, served over time (1154, 1155).

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 69


Other nervous system sequelae of chronic alcohol use, treatment with B complex vitamins over a prolonged peri-
including peripheral neuropathies, degenerative changes od, and improvements may continue to occur up to 1 year
in the cerebellum, Wernicke’s encephalopathy, and Korsa- after treatment is begun (1161).
koff’s syndrome, are related to vitamin deficiencies, par- Alcoholic hallucinosis during or after cessation of pro-
ticularly deficiencies in thiamine and other B vitamins longed alcohol use may respond to antipsychotic medica-
(1156). Peripheral neuropathy is common, occurring in up tion. Unlike the visual hallucinations that may occur dur-
to 33% of hospitalized individuals with an alcohol use dis- ing alcohol withdrawal, these are primarily auditory and
order, with an even greater proportion of alcohol users occur in conjunction with a clear sensorium (1162).
showing electrophysiological evidence of peripheral nerve
damage (1157). Symptoms of alcoholic neuropathy typi- 3. Pregnancy
cally include sensory loss, paresthesias, a burning sensa- The general effects of substance use during pregnancy
tion of the feet, numbness, cramps, weakness, calf pain, are described in Section II.G.4. Alcohol-related disorders
and ataxia. Ataxia in alcohol-dependent patients can also may have specific adverse effects on the health of the preg-
occur due to cerebellar dysfunction. nant woman, the course of the pregnancy, fetal and early
Wernicke’s encephalopathy is characterized by oph- child development, and parenting behavior. The most
thalmoplegia, ataxia, and confusion (972, 1158). Ocular well-established effect of in utero alcohol exposure is fetal
abnormalities include nystagmus, eye muscle palsies, and alcohol spectrum disorder (587, 1163 ,1164). Some chil-
pupillary abnormalities. The mortality rate for acute un- dren with this disorder will exhibit the characteristic fea-
treated Wernicke’s encephalopathy is 15%–20% (1159, tures of fetal alcohol syndrome, including low birth
1160); recovery is incomplete in 40% of cases. Most pa- weight, poor coordination, hypotonia, neonatal irritabili-
tients (approximately 80%) with Wernicke encephalopa- ty, retarded growth and development, craniofacial abnor-
thy also develop Korsakoff’s syndrome, characterized by malities (including microcephaly), cardiovascular defects,
anterograde and retrograde amnesia, disorientation, poor mild to moderate retardation, childhood hyperactivity,
recall, and impairment of recent memory coupled with and impaired school performance (586, 972, 1165, 1166).
confabulation. Lesions in the mammillary bodies and tha- Others will not have the classically described features of
lamic nuclei may be the result of vitamin deficiencies or fetal alcohol syndrome but will exhibit cognitive and be-
the direct toxic effects of alcohol. Recovery is variable and havioral effects of in utero alcohol exposure (587, 1163,
not possible to predict on the basis of brain imaging. In 1164). Thus, the goals in treating pregnant women with an
more than half of the patients, elements of Korsakoff’s syn- alcohol use disorder include eliminating the use of alco-
drome are permanent. hol, treating any comorbid psychiatric or general medical
These neurological complications should be treated disorders, guiding the patient safely through the pregnan-
vigorously with B complex vitamins (e.g., thiamine, 50–100 cy, facilitating appropriate parenting behavior, and moti-
mg/day i.m. or i.v.), usually after adequate fluids and glu- vating the patient to remain in treatment after delivery to
cose levels are maintained. Some patients may require minimize the risk of relapse.

V. Treatment of Marijuana-Related Disorders

A. Overview disorders (1171–1174). Cannabis use can precipitate initial

episodes of psychosis in vulnerable individuals (1175) and
Marijuana (cannabis) is the most widely used illicit
is associated with an earlier age at first psychotic episode
drug in the United States (1167) and in the world. Although
in male patients with schizophrenia, 6.9 years younger
marijuana’s relative dependence potential is less than that
than in non-cannabis users (1176). Cannabis abuse or de-
of other substances of abuse, the large number of users
pendence is highly associated with increased risk of other
will yield high population rates of marijuana dependence
(1168). Furthermore, although the overall prevalence of substance dependence (1177).
marijuana use has remained stable over the past decade, Contrary to the popular belief among laypeople and
the initial age at onset of marijuana use has been declining professionals that treatment for cannabis dependence is
(1169) and the prevalence of marijuana abuse or depen- usually neither needed nor sought, the demand for such
dence has increased significantly, perhaps due to an in- treatment at substance use disorder programs doubled
creased potency of available marijuana (1170). between 1992 and 1998 in the United States. The percent-
Marijuana use is often considered benign, but it has age of illicit drug abuse treatment admissions for marijua-
been associated with a number of psychological, behav- na (23%) approximated that for cocaine (27%) and heroin
ioral, and social problems. Marijuana use is common and (23%) (1178). Despite this, the treatment of marijuana
can be problematic in individuals with other psychiatric abuse and dependence is a comparatively understudied
disorders, including major mood, anxiety, and personality area to date.

70 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


B. Treatment Setting manual-guided, group-based treatment for adolescents

with mild to moderate substance abuse found that mari-
Treatment for marijuana-related disorders usually oc-
juana use (but not alcohol use) was significantly reduced
curs in an outpatient setting, either individually or in
at 6 months, with the reduction sustained at 12 months
groups. Inpatient treatment is most likely to occur if the in-
dividual is hospitalized for another psychiatric disorder, (1190). Thus, although there are few studies of psychoso-
including another substance use disorder. cial treatments for marijuana dependence, those that have
been conducted show evidence of benefit, particularly
C. Somatic Treatments with more intensive approaches. Given the lack of phar-
macotherapies for marijuana dependence and its psycho-
Somatic treatments for marijuana dependence have
logical, behavioral, and social consequences, psychosocial
been studied infrequently, perhaps because of the belief
treatments such as motivational therapy and relapse pre-
held by many that marijuana is a benign substance whose
vention are recommended for those with marijuana de-
use is easy to stop when desired. However, interest in treat-
ment has grown as evidence from animal and clinical
studies has suggested that a withdrawal syndrome occurs
E. Pregnancy
if chronic heavy use of cannabis or tetrahydrocannabinol
is discontinued (1179–1181). The magnitude and severity There is increasingly robust evidence that marijuana
of these symptoms appear substantial, and their onset and use during pregnancy is associated with a number of dele-
time course appear similar to those of other substance terious outcomes. Case-control data (1190a) obtained at
withdrawal syndromes. Common symptoms are primarily 17–22 weeks of gestation suggest that marijuana exposure
emotional and behavioral, although appetite change, has negative effects on fetal growth as measured by foot
weight loss, and physical discomfort are frequently report- length and body weight. Behavioral, cognitive, and aca-
ed. With our increased knowledge of the marijuana with- demic difficulties have also been observed in longitudinal
drawal syndrome has come a heightened awareness of the follow-up studies of individuals with prenatal exposure to
drug’s role in hampering many individuals from ceasing marijuana. As with prenatal exposure to maternal smoking
marijuana use. or alcohol use, maternal use of marijuana during pregnan-
Although more attention is now being paid to treat- cy appears to be related to increased impulsivity (1190b,
ments for marijuana withdrawal symptoms, there have 1190c), inattention (1190c, 1190d), and externalizing be-
been no successful controlled trials of pharmacotherapy haviors during childhood (1190c). Learning and memory
to date. Human trials of medications to ameliorate symp-
tasks (1190b, 1190c) and other aspects of cognitive func-
toms of marijuana withdrawal have included bupropion
tioning, such as executive functioning or visual analysis
(1182), divalproex (1183, 1184), naltrexone, and nefaz-
and hypothesis testing (1190d), also seem to be negatively
odone (1185); all these trials have had negative results. No
affected by prenatal marijuana exposure.
pharmacotherapy trials to prevent marijuana reinstate-
ment after abstinence have been reported. Thus, no spe- Data from the 10-year follow-up of mother-child pairs
cific pharmacotherapies can be recommended at this who participated in the Maternal Health Practices and
time. Child Development Project indicated differences in the ef-
fects of maternal marijuana use depending on the trimes-
D. Psychosocial Treatments ter in which exposure occurred. For example, independent
of prenatal alcohol exposure, first-trimester marijuana ex-
Treatment of cannabis-related disorders has primarily
posure was associated with deficits in reading and spelling
used psychotherapies (1178). Specific psychosocial ap-
scores and lower teacher ratings of performance, whereas
proaches that have been studied in the treatment of mari-
second-trimester exposure was associated with impaired
juana dependence have included a brief motivational ap-
reading comprehension and school performance (1190e).
proach and a more intensive relapse prevention approach
In the same cohort, prenatal marijuana exposure in the
that combines motivational approaches with coping skills
first and third trimesters predicted significantly increased
development. Compared with delayed treatment control
levels of depressive symptoms in offspring at 10-year fol-
conditions, both treatments decreased marijuana use
(276, 1186–1188), and, in the more robust study, intensive low-up (1190f ). An additional longitudinal study found
treatment showed a greater impact through the 15-month that prenatal exposure to marijuana was associated with
follow-up period (276). Adding voucher-based incentives increased likelihood of both cigarette smoking and mari-
to coping skills and motivational enhancement may lead juana use in 16- to 21-year-old adolescent offspring com-
to further improvements in outcomes (201). Nonetheless, pared with adolescents whose mothers had not used mar-
even after achieving at least 2 weeks of abstinence, rates of ijuana during pregnancy (1190g).
relapse among marijuana-dependent patients receiving These findings suggest that pregnant women should
behavioral/psychosocial treatment are high, reaching be asked about marijuana use and advised to abstain from
>67% by 6 months in one study (1189). A recent study of a marijuana use during pregnancy.

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 71


VI. Treatment of Cocaine-Related Disorders

A. Overview treating delusions associated with cocaine intoxication,

most individuals recover spontaneously within hours
At the time of the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use
(1204, 1205) and thus require no treatment (1206–1208).
and Health (1191), approximately 2.3 million individuals
There is no evidence that anticonvulsants prevent stimu-
were currently using cocaine, with approximately 33% of
lant-induced seizures, and they are not recommended for
that group smoking crack cocaine. In addition, 1.1 million
this purpose.
people used cocaine for the first time during that year. Al-
though this figure does not approach the peak of 1.6 mil- 2. Treating withdrawal
lion new users seen in 1980, it does represent a slight in-
The clinical features and duration of the cocaine absti-
crease over the approximately 1 million new users in each
nence syndrome are still somewhat controversial. Al-
of the previous 3 years.
though anhedonia and cocaine craving are common
In recent years, the abuse of methamphetamine has
(1204), craving can be difficult to define (1204, 1209), and
also become a significant public health problem, begin-
the cessation of cocaine use does not always cause specific
ning primarily in Hawaii, the West Coast, and the south-
withdrawal symptoms. However, many people do experi-
western United States and steadily moving eastward.
ence a characteristic withdrawal syndrome within a few
Although this section focuses on cocaine dependence,
hours to several days after the acute cessation of, or reduc-
pharmacotherapy of amphetamine dependence is expect-
tion in, heavy and prolonged cocaine use. An early uncon-
ed to be similar. Neither disorder has an FDA-approved
trolled outpatient study (1204) characterized withdrawal as
pharmacotherapy, and very few clinical trials have been
progressing from a “crash” associated with intense depres-
completed with amphetamine-dependent patients, with
sion, fatigue, and at times suicidal ideation to dysphoria
none of these studies showing different results than those
and sleep difficulties lasting 1–10 weeks. Results from more
described later for cocaine dependence (1192, 1193). A
recent inpatient studies (1209, 1210) and one outpatient
possibly significant difference between cocaine and am-
study (1211) have suggested that cessation of regular co-
phetamine is cocaine’s interaction with alcohol to form co-
caine use is associated with relatively mild symptoms of
caethylene. This metabolite has cocaine-like effects and
depression, anxiety, anhedonia, sleep disturbance (insom-
toxicity (1194–1196).
nia or hypersomnia), increased appetite, and psychomotor
retardation, which decrease steadily over several weeks.
B. Treatment Settings
Dopamine agonists, such as amantadine (200–400
Patients with a cocaine or other stimulant use disorder mg/day), were initially thought to be effective in reducing
generally do not require treatment in an inpatient setting symptoms of cocaine withdrawal, craving, and subse-
as withdrawal syndromes are not severe or medically com- quent use (1212–1214), but two other studies (1209, 1215)
plex. Several studies have indicated that most patients can failed to confirm this finding. Similarly, initial studies of
be effectively treated for cocaine abuse in intensive outpa- bromocriptine yielded promising results in the treatment
tient programs (1197, 1198). of cocaine withdrawal (1216, 1217). A subsequent ran-
domized, double-blind, controlled trial (1214) found a
C. Somatic Treatments
higher rate of cocaine-negative urine samples but a higher
1. Treating intoxication dropout rate among patients given bromocriptine than
The treatment of acute cocaine intoxication has been among patients given amantadine. An uncontrolled inpa-
the subject of relatively little systematic investigation. In tient study (1218) found no reduction of cocaine craving
general, because there is no specific antidote to cocaine, with bromocriptine, and a randomized, double-blind,
treatment is typically supportive and aimed at treating controlled trial (1219) found no significant difference be-
symptoms such as delusions or autonomic hyperactivity. tween bromocriptine and placebo in reducing cocaine use
Cocaine intoxication can produce hypertension, tachycar- in outpatients. Finally, a large study of pergolide (1220)
dia, cardiac arrhythmias, coronary artery vasospasm, my- found no difference from placebo in either symptom re-
ocardial infarction, stroke, and seizures (1199). Although duction or continued cocaine use.
the beta-blocker labetalol has been cited as being helpful Propranolol has recently been shown to have promise
in reducing this cocaine toxicity, animal studies and some in reducing cocaine withdrawal symptoms, although its
clinical experience suggest that the use of adrenergic efficacy as a pharmacotherapy for cocaine dependence in
blockers and dopaminergic antagonists should be careful- general appears to be limited to those with relatively se-
ly monitored when treating acute cocaine intoxication vere withdrawal symptoms (1221). There may be a sub-
(1200–1202). Benzodiazepines are used for acute cocaine group of patients who will respond to some form of phar-
intoxication in patients who become extremely agitated macotherapy with reduced craving and, subsequently,
and/or potentially dangerous (1203). Although antipsy- reduced use (see below); however, to date there are few re-
chotic medications have been reported to be effective in search data to help the psychiatrist identify such patients.

72 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


3. Medications to treat cocaine dependence ticonvulsant, topiramate, for cocaine-dependent patients.

For many patients, pharmacological treatment is not The GABAB agonist baclofen has shown some success in
ordinarily indicated as an initial treatment of cocaine de- treating cocaine dependence (1263), and a recent double-
pendence because no medication has been found to have blind clinical trial of tiagabine, a GABA reuptake blocker,
clear-cut efficacy (1222–1225). However, a number of stud- was superior to placebo for reducing cocaine use (1264).
ies have shown promising results with pharmacothera- However, these findings require replication. Modafinil
peutic agents, and patients with more severe forms of co- (400 mg/day) has recently shown some efficacy for reduc-
caine dependence (e.g., those with more severe cocaine ing cocaine abuse in an 8-week controlled study and mer-
withdrawal symptoms) (1221, 1226) or patients who do its further investigation (1265). Two previous cocaine in-
not respond to psychosocial treatment may be candidates teraction studies also support the potential efficacy and
for a pharmacotherapy trial. safety of modafinil (1266, 1267).
Studies of desipramine have yielded inconsistent find-
ings, with some studies showing benefit of the medication
4. Medications to change the subjective effects of
(1227–1229) and others showing no response by patients
(1215, 1230, 1231). An additional study that compared de- Attempts to find a medication that blocks or attenu-
sipramine with placebo showed improvement with de- ates the subjective (e.g., euphorigenic) effects of cocaine
sipramine in the short term (6 weeks) but not at 12 weeks or have included trials of neuroleptics (1268, 1269) and
1 year (503). Interpretation of studies of desipramine may mazindol (1270–1273), neither of which has been shown to
be confounded by differences in patient population, route be effective. Recent data with disulfiram suggest that this
of cocaine administration, and use of concomitant psycho- medication may increase the aversive effects of cocaine
therapies or other pharmacotherapies. Fluoxetine (1232, and reduce its use (1274–1277). Other recent work has sug-
1233) and bupropion (1234) have also shown some benefit gested that a cocaine vaccine may induce the formation of
in small studies but have demonstrated no superiority to sufficient antibodies to reduce cocaine use (1278).
placebo when evaluated in larger trials (413, 1235–1238).
5. Acupuncture
The evidence for using dopamine agonists in treating
cocaine dependence is also mixed. Of the dopamine ago- Acupuncture is a somatic treatment that has been fre-
nist medications, amantadine is the best studied but has quently used in the treatment of patients with a substance
shown no overall benefit in most studies (1225, 1231, use disorder. Two recent large randomized, controlled tri-
1239). However, it may be useful for some patients, as it did als (1279, 1280) of auricular acupuncture, a type of acu-
demonstrate efficacy in one controlled trial (1240) and in puncture that is supposed to be helpful specifically for pa-
another trial may have led subjects with more severe with- tients with a substance use disorder, found the treatment
drawal symptoms to have a better response (1226). Incon- to be no more effective than relaxation techniques or the
clusive or negative findings have been seen with other needle insertion/sham acupuncture control condition.
dopamine agonists, including selegiline (1241; F. Vocci, Moreover, cocaine craving and physiological arousal were
personal communication), L-dopa/carbidopa (1242), and not differentially affected by auricular acupuncture com-
pergolide (1220, 1243). Although replacement therapies pared with sham acupuncture (1281). Although many
with methylphenidate or sustained-release amphetamine studies have reported positive results for the use of acu-
are associated with better patient retention and greater re- puncture in clinical settings (1279, 1282–1287), none have
duction in cocaine use than placebo, these studies need used randomized assignment or appropriate controls.
further replication (1244–1247). Thus, evidence for the benefits of acupuncture is weak,
In treating patients who are dually dependent on co- and if acupuncture is used, it should be part of a biopsy-
caine and opioids, the mixed opioid agonist-antagonist chosocial treatment approach.
buprenorphine has shown some promise in open trials
(1248, 1249) but not in large-scale double-blind studies D. Psychosocial Treatments
(1250–1252). Again, responses may vary depending on fac-
tors such as buprenorphine dose, with doses of 12–16 mg/ 1. Cognitive-behavioral therapies
day being more effective (1253), or concomitant treatment For the treatment of cocaine dependence, CBT con-
(e.g., desipramine plus contingency management) (1228, fers greater therapeutic benefits than less-intensive ap-
1229, 1254). Naltrexone has also been tested but has not proaches that have been evaluated as control conditions
been found to be useful for cocaine dependence (1255). (267, 1288). It is at least as effective as manual-guided dis-
Although initial studies of the anticonvulsant carbam- ease-model approaches (267, 1289) and can be associated
azepine showed some favorable results in the treatment of with further decreases in cocaine use even after subjects
cocaine dependence (1256), subsequent double-blind, leave treatment (1192, 1275, 1290, 1291). Furthermore,
placebo-controlled studies failed to confirm this (1257– CBT appears to be particularly effective with more severe
1261). More recent research, including one double-blind cocaine users or those with a comorbid disorder (229, 452,
study (1262), has suggested some promise for another an- 503, 1289, 1292, 1293).

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 73


2. Behavioral therapies tensive treatment (36 individual and 24 group sessions

The effectiveness of contingency management as a over 24 weeks, for a total of 60 sessions) with group drug
treatment for cocaine dependence has been demonstrated counseling alone; cognitive therapy (1306) plus group
by Higgins and colleagues (188, 191–194, 1294). In addition drug counseling; or supportive-expressive therapy, a psy-
to their work, the benefits of contingency management chodynamically oriented approach (217), plus group drug
procedures have been replicated in other settings and sam- counseling. However, the greatest reductions in cocaine
ples, including cocaine-dependent individuals receiving use were noted with 12-step-based individual drug coun-
methadone maintenance (195, 196, 1295, 1296), sub- seling plus group drug counseling (219); 12-step-oriented
stance-abusing homeless individuals (1297), freebase co- standard group counseling also appears to be comparable
caine users (1298), and pregnant substance users (1299). in efficacy with relapse prevention aftercare (229).

3. Psychodynamic and interpersonal therapies E. Clinical Features Influencing Treatment

No randomized clinical trials have been conducted for The treatment implications of various clinical features
psychodynamically oriented treatments for cocaine abuse are summarized in Section II.G. In addition to these con-
or dependence, although a case series of individual psy- siderations, specific sequelae and patterns of co-occurring
chodynamically oriented psychotherapy (1300) and re- disorders need to be considered for patients with a cocaine
ports of psychodynamically oriented group psychothera- use disorder.
py (1301, 1302) have supported the efficacy of this
approach. The clinical study of IPT has been limited to a 1. Specific co-occurring psychiatric disorders
single 12-week randomized trial in cocaine-dependent Co-occurring psychiatric and medical disorders are
outpatients in whom CBT was found to be superior to IPT common among cocaine-dependent patients (1307). Sev-
(1276). Supportive-expressive therapy has been studied as eral reports have addressed the treatment of patients with
part of the NIDA Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study, a a psychiatric disorder who also have a cocaine-related dis-
multisite randomized trial of psychotherapeutic treat- order (1308–1315). Specific treatments that have been re-
ments for cocaine dependence, and was found to be less ported to be effective in certain populations of patients
effective than individual plus group drug counseling in de- with cocaine abuse include lithium for patients with co-
creasing cocaine use (219). occurring bipolar disorder, desipramine for patients with
co-occurring depression, and bromocriptine for patients
4. Self-help groups and 12-step-oriented treatments
with co-occurring ADHD (1223, 1310, 1311, 1316). In addi-
Although self-help groups have not been shown to be tion, the results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-
a sufficient alternative to professional treatment (1303), controlled trial (445) suggest that desipramine or amanta-
greater participation in AA, Cocaine Anonymous, or other dine treatment for depressed cocaine-abusing, metha-
12-step self-help groups seems to predict less cocaine use done-maintained patients may reduce cocaine use. Sever-
at subsequent follow-up points (256, 1304). al focused and reasonably well-controlled studies have
Manual-guided, professionally delivered treatments shown that patients with schizophrenia who primarily
are based on 12-step principles, and patients treated with abuse cocaine experience some decreases in craving with
these approaches are actively encouraged (but not re- antipsychotic agents (401, 1317–1319). Given the evidence
quired) to attend AA or Cocaine Anonymous meetings, be- to date, however, these treatments alone cannot be expect-
come involved in traditional fellowship activities, and ed to reduce cocaine use in these patients and must there-
maintain journals of their self-help group attendance and fore be accompanied by appropriate psychosocial treat-
participation. These therapies, including TSF (268) and in- ment for a cocaine use disorder (1309, 1310).
dividual drug counseling (219, 269, 1305), also have dem-
onstrated efficacy in treatment of cocaine use disorders. 2. Comorbid general medical disorders
For example, in alcoholic cocaine-dependent individuals, A range of general medical conditions are associated
TSF was found to be significantly more effective than clin- with cocaine use, depending on the route of administra-
ical management, was comparable with CBT in reducing tion of cocaine. Intranasal use may cause sinusitis, irrita-
cocaine use (267), and was associated with continuing tion and bleeding of the nasal mucosa, and nasal septum
reductions in cocaine use throughout the follow-up peri- perforation. Smoking cocaine is associated with respirato-
od. Furthermore, the attainment of significant periods of ry problems, such as coughing, bronchitis, broncho-
abstinence during treatment was associated with absti- spasm, and pneumonitis, resulting from irritation and in-
nence during follow-up, emphasizing that the inception of flammation of the tissues lining the respiratory tract (1320,
abstinence is an important goal of treatment (194, 1275). 1321). Barotrauma such as pneumothorax, pneumomedi-
The effectiveness of 12-step-oriented individual drug astinum, and pneumopericardium may occur as a result of
counseling (269) was demonstrated in the NIDA Collabo- coughing or a Valsalva-like maneuver that is performed to
rative Cocaine Treatment Study (219, 1305). Cocaine use better absorb the drug (1322, 1323). Puncture marks and
was significantly reduced relative to baseline use after in- “tracks,” most commonly in the forearms, occur in indi-

74 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


viduals who inject cocaine. HIV infection is associated mean birth weight, head circumference, and length) dem-
with cocaine dependence as a result of frequent injections, onstrated worse outcomes in infants who had been ex-
increased promiscuous sexual behavior, or both; other posed to cocaine in utero than those who had not, only the
sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and risk for abruptio placentae and premature rupture of
other lung infections are also seen, as described in DSM- membrane remained statistically associated with cocaine
IV-TR (p. 247). use. Thus, although children of women who used cocaine
General medical conditions independent of the ad- during pregnancy did appear to have worse perinatal out-
ministration route of cocaine include weight loss and mal- comes, this may have been due to other factors associated
nutrition from appetite suppression, myocardial infarc- with cocaine or other substance use during pregnancy.
tion, and stroke (657, 1225, 1324). Seizures, palpitations, The possible effects on early childhood development
and arrhythmias have also been observed in cocaine-us- that have been reported in cocaine-exposed newborns in-
ing individuals. Among individuals who sell cocaine, trau- clude hypertonicity, spasticity, convulsions, hyperreflexia,
matic injuries from violent behavior are common, as de- irritability, and inattention. However, the role of exposure
scribed in DSM-IV-TR (p. 248). to cocaine or other substances, poor maternal nutrition,
3. Pregnancy birth prematurity, low infant birth weight, and neonatal
In addition to the general effects of substance use dur- withdrawal in the development of these signs and symp-
ing pregnancy (Section II.G.4), cocaine-related disorders toms remains unclear (1330, 1331). Signs of CNS irritability
may have specific adverse effects on the health of the preg- usually disappear within the first year of life, as do any dif-
nant woman, the course of the pregnancy, fetal and early ferences in head circumference or retardation in brain
childhood development, and parenting behavior. Possible growth. Studies in cocaine-exposed children have revealed
effects of cocaine use on the course of the pregnancy in- deficits in attention span at 7 months, and in utero expo-
clude irregularities in placental blood flow, abruptio pla- sure to amphetamines has been found to be associated
centae, and premature labor and delivery, as described in with slightly lower IQs (albeit still in the normal range) in
DSM-IV-TR (p. 248). Although earlier studies suggested 4-year-old children (1332). A recent review of early child
that cocaine use during pregnancy results in adverse ef- development after prenatal cocaine exposure (1333) sys-
fects on fetal development (e.g., very low birth weight, tematically examined 36 studies on this subject and docu-
congenital anomalies, urogenital system malformations, mented no independent effects of cocaine exposure on
mild neurodysfunction, transient electroencephalograph- most measures of child development, although it did find
ic abnormalities, cerebral infarction, seizures, vascular that some reduction in attentiveness and emotional ex-
disruption syndrome, smaller head circumference) (1325– pressivity may occur. Thus, although no clear correlation
1328), more recent studies (583, 1329) have challenged the between in utero cocaine exposure and subsequent intel-
specific role of cocaine in adversely affecting the course of lectual or neurological development has been established,
pregnancy. Behnke et al. (1329) assessed the offspring of a associated conditions, such as low birth weight, the com-
sample of 154 identified cocaine users and a matched plications of untreated (or undertreated) withdrawal, and
group of 154 non-cocaine-using control subjects to com- congenital abnormalities may have adverse effects on off-
pare perinatal outcomes. The cocaine-exposed infants spring’s cognitive and psychosocial development. In addi-
were significantly more likely to be premature and have tion, as stated above, many children of women who used
smaller birth weight, length, and head circumference but cocaine during pregnancy have other risk factors that may
showed no other major or minor anomalies to a greater affect their development.
degree than non-cocaine-exposed infants. Addis et al. A clinician who is developing a treatment plan for a
(583) conducted a meta-analysis of 33 studies of the po- pregnant patient who is withdrawing from cocaine should
tential teratogenicity of cocaine. They found that although take into account the risks and benefits to the mother and
all of the complications they examined (prematurity, fetus in deciding about the use and choice of pharmaco-
abruptio placentae, low birth weight, prevalence of major therapies. When present, the concurrent use of other sub-
malformations, premature rupture of membrane, and stances will also need to be addressed.

VII.Treatment of Opioid-Related Disorders

A. Overview (54%) of individuals who used heroin in the previous year

were dependent on this opiate. These numbers are likely
According to the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use
and Health (1191), there were approximately 3.7 million to be significant underestimates because of the difficulty
lifetime users of heroin in 2003. Of these lifetime users, in ascertaining community rates of heroin dependence;
314,000 individuals had used heroin in the previous year the Office of National Drug Control Policy estimates that
and 169,000 reported heroin dependence at some point in 750,000 to 1,000,000 individuals are heroin dependent
the previous year. This suggests that a high proportion (1333a).

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 75


Heroin is not the only opiate that is abused; there has Additional goals of treatment include addressing oth-
been a growing awareness of misuse or “nonmedical use” er substance use, psychosocial outcomes (e.g., impact of
of prescription pain relievers (e.g., hydromorphone, mor- drug use on employment, reconciliation with family mem-
phine, oxycodone, codeine, propoxyphene). The 2003 sur- bers), and psychiatric and somatic needs (e.g., treatment
vey found that there were approximately 31.2 million indi- for comorbid affective disorders, management of chronic
viduals who reported nonmedical use of prescription pain physical disorders). Treatment goals will vary depending
relievers in their lifetime, a rate markedly higher than the on the circumstances of the particular patient, the specific
rate of lifetime heroin use. Approximately 11.7 million re- opioid-related disorder for which the patient seeks treat-
ported using opiates for nonmedical reasons in the previ- ment, the treatment setting, the resources available to the
ous year, and 943,000 individuals fulfilled criteria for opio- practitioner, and the resources available to the patient.
id dependence that same year. Although a considerably Defining specific goals that are applicable to all pa-
lower proportion of individuals with past-year use were tients is unrealistic, but a few further general points re-
dependent on prescription opioid pain relievers com- garding treatment goals are worth noting. For example,
pared with heroin (8% vs. 54%), it is important to note that cessation or stabilization of substance use should be an
over five times as many individuals are dependent on pre- early and primary treatment goal. It is probably premature
scription opioid pain relievers than on heroin. to attempt to rectify many early psychiatric symptoms or
Given the number of individuals who are using and psychosocial problems while a patient is actively using
are dependent on opiates, it is not surprising that the opioids. However, exceptions may be made in certain cir-
most commonly studied substance-related conditions, cumstances, such as with a patient who has a clear history
and those for which treatments have been most exten- of a psychiatric disorder that is independent of the sub-
sively studied, are opioid dependence, opioid abuse, opi- stance use or a patient who is acutely suicidal. In particu-
oid intoxication, and opioid withdrawal. Treatment for lar, the patient who maintains that he or she needs
opioid-related conditions can be highly effective. Inter- pharmacological treatment for anxiety or depressive
ventions include pharmacological treatments with agents symptoms to control illicit opioid use is probably best ini-
such as methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone and tially managed with a focus on the substance use. Another
nonpharmacological services such as behavioral thera- general treatment goal may include educating patients
pies and counseling. The treatment of opioid depen- about the possibility of relapses during treatment and the
dence, in particular, is one of the most extensively re- importance of making a plan to prevent further substance
searched areas in the field of addictions, and the range of use if a relapse occurs. Finally, treatment expectations,
available treatments is more extensive than for most other such as the patient’s behavior (e.g., tardiness, missed ap-
substance use disorders. pointments, presenting while intoxicated) and the clini-
Despite the number of effective treatments for opioid cian’s responsibilities (e.g., providing emergency contact
dependence and the scientific basis for their efficacy and information, providing other resources to optimize out-
safety, the availability of treatment programs for this and comes) are related to treatment goals and may be ad-
other illicit drug use is limited. Among the multiple factors dressed through a discussion with the patient.
that probably contribute to the limited availability of such
treatment generally and opioid dependence treatment in B. Treatment Settings
particular are the social stigma associated with treatment In general, there are five settings or modalities in
facilities and their patient population, limited funding for which most treatment of opioid-related disorders occurs:
treatment, and a history of variability in the quality of inpatient hospital settings, outpatient clinics and offices,
treatment supplied by clinicians and existing programs. In opioid treatment programs, self-help programs, and ther-
addition, social ambivalence about the nature of addic- apeutic communities. The choice of treatment setting de-
tions and the medicalization of substance use disorder pends on the clinical characteristics and preferences of the
treatment may be significant contributing factors for the patient, the patient’s perceived treatment needs, and the
difficulty of expanding such treatment. available alternatives. As in the treatment of all patients,
There are two general thoughts regarding the treat- the least restrictive setting that is likely to facilitate safe
ment goals for patients with an opioid use disorder: 1) and effective treatment is preferred.
there should be abstinence from all illicit opioid use or 2) There are some general guidelines and recommenda-
there should be a substantial decrease in use but absti- tions for treatment settings for opioid-related disorders. An
nence is not an absolute requirement. The logic of the lat- opioid overdose, which in severe cases can be a life-threat-
ter is that decreased use of illicit substances will translate ening emergency, should be evaluated and initially man-
into lower rates of risky behavior and that this is a worthy aged in a supervised medical setting such as an emergency
goal of treatment. Although these two general goals may department or inpatient service. Treatment typically in-
seem opposed, it may be helpful to conceptualize the lat- cludes reversal of opioid effects with an opioid antagonist
ter as an acceptable intermediate stage toward the ulti- (e.g., naloxone). Opioid withdrawal may also be treated in
mate achievement of the first goal—abstinence. an inpatient setting and can be effectively managed with

76 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


pharmacological agents such as opioid agonist medica- Self-help programs such as Narcotics Anonymous are
tions (e.g., methadone, buprenorphine) or nonopioid another form of treatment used by individuals with opioid
medications (e.g., clonidine). Although management of abuse or dependence. Because anonymity is an integral
opioid withdrawal symptoms can be effectively achieved part of these programs, it is difficult to know the extent of
relatively quickly in an inpatient setting (i.e, within 7 days), their utilization, outcomes achieved, or factors that pre-
long-term outcome for such withdrawal is generally poor, dict a particular person’s success in such programs. How-
with high rates of relapse after discharge from the con- ever, anecdotal reports from patients and the pervasive
trolled setting. Continued treatment for the opioid use dis- availability of the meetings suggest these programs serve a
order after withdrawal is indicated in most cases. Inpatient valuable function and are effective for many people who
opioid withdrawal without specific outpatient follow-up have used illicit opioids. Self-help groups can also be effec-
(e.g., drug-free treatment) is an inadequate intervention tive when used within the different treatment settings pre-
that has a low likelihood of long-term success. viously discussed (see Section II.F.8).
The second possible setting is outpatient clinics and Therapeutic communities are yet another treatment
offices. This can include so-called drug-free programs setting for patients who abuse or are dependent on opiates
(treatment programs that do not provide opioid agonist (see Section II.C.2.d). Therapeutic communities can be an
medications to the patient), group practices, and the indi- effective treatment for some patients with opioid depen-
vidual practitioner’s office. Drug-free programs can pro- dence but have decreased in prominence over time. How-
vide services to patients who have undergone an inpa- ever, there is renewed interest and evidence of efficacy for
tient, medically supervised opioid withdrawal. Although therapeutic communities in special circumstances, such
these programs do not provide opioid agonists to patients, as with criminal justice populations.
they may provide naltrexone for the treatment of opioid
dependence. Group practices and the individual practitio- C. Somatic Treatments
ner’s office may provide buprenorphine or naltrexone for
1. Treating dependence and abuse
the treatment of opioid dependence. The Drug Addiction
Treatment Act of 2000 allows physicians in the United a) Full mu agonist therapy: methadone and LAAM.
States to prescribe schedule III, IV, and V medications that There are two approved full mu agonist opioid medications
are approved for the treatment of opioid dependence from available for the treatment of patients with chronic and re-
office-based settings, although there are stipulations on lapsing opioid dependence: methadone and LAAM, both
this practice. Currently, sublingual buprenorphine and schedule II medications. Methadone is the most thorough-
sublingual buprenorphine plus naloxone are the only ly studied and widely used pharmacological treatment for
FDA-approved agents for this purpose. There also has opioid dependence (1335, 1336). It is orally active, can be
been interest in developing office-based methadone treat- dosed once per day, and at sufficient doses does suppress
ment, which is generally not available in the United States opioid withdrawal and block the effects of other opioids.
except under certain circumstances in which a physician LAAM is structurally related to methadone and shares
works with an opioid treatment program (1334). many similar features (oral activity, withdrawal suppres-
Outpatient opioid treatment programs, a third treat- sion, blockade effects) but has a longer duration of action,
ment setting, are primarily methadone maintenance pro- allowing dosing on a less than daily basis. Although it is still
grams, although buprenorphine can also be provided in an FDA-approved medication, LAAM has been withdrawn
this setting. These operate under special federal and state from the United States market by its manufacturer because
regulations, and expansion of this modality has been diffi- of an associated risk of cardiac arrhythmias (1337).
cult in many parts of the United States. However, when Each of these medications is available only through
properly operated, these programs can be highly effective specially licensed opioid treatment programs. Oversight of
for patients who have been unable to maintain abstinence these programs was recently shifted from the FDA to SAM-
from illicit opioid use. Methadone maintenance is the most HSA, and the programs are now accredited by an outside
common form of pharmacological treatment for opioid de- agency such as the Joint Commission on Accreditation of
pendence, with more than 240,000 individuals estimated to Healthcare Organizations. Many of the prior treatment
be receiving methadone treatment in the United States in regulations have been revised (including greater flexibility
2004. Routine office-based pharmacological treatment in take-home doses of medication).
with buprenorphine, and possibly methadone, in the fu- The primary goals of opioid agonist maintenance
ture has considerable promise based on research studies treatment are to 1) achieve a stable maintenance dose that
and the growing clinical experience with this form of treat- suppresses withdrawal, reduces opioid craving, blocks the
ment in the United States. Experience from France (1334a) effects of illicit opioids, and eventually stops illicit opioid
suggests these treatments can substantially reduce opioid- use; and 2) facilitate patient engagement in a comprehen-
related mortality, but there is a risk of buprenorphine diver- sive program designed to prevent dependence or abuse of
sion to other uses and abuse in the outpatient setting. other substances and promote rehabilitation.

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 77


The choice of treatment for opioid dependence is need to be considered because they may induce symp-
based on patient preference, assessment of the patient’s toms of withdrawal, toxicity, and even death by interfering
past response to treatment, the probability of the patient’s with the metabolism of methadone (1354, 1355). The most
achieving and maintaining abstinence for the different common side effects of methadone are constipation, in-
treatment modalities, and the physician’s assessment of creased sweating, and sexual difficulties. Although early
the short- and long-term effects of continued use of illicit studies of methadone found the medication had no signif-
opioids on the patient’s life adjustment and overall health icant effect on cognition or performance measures (1356–
status. Because methadone maintenance may become a 1358), other studies have found evidence of some subtle
lifelong therapy, some physicians prefer to avoid it as a but significant effects (1359, 1360). Finally, overdose with
first-line treatment for opioid dependence in adolescents. methadone or any mu agonist can produce respiratory de-
In addition, the higher demand versus availability of opio- pression and death. Methadone can be used as an analge-
id treatment programs can be an additional and signifi- sic, and there has been evidence of increased methadone-
cant factor influencing referral to this type of program. related deaths as the frequency of prescribing methadone
Methadone maintenance treatment for opioid-de- for pain management has increased. Methadone can be
pendent individuals has generally been shown to be effec- diverted for abuse, as can other opiates that have agonist
tive in 1) decreasing illicit opioid use, 2) decreasing psy- effects at the mu receptor (e.g., LAAM, buprenorphine).
chosocial and general medical morbidity associated with b) Partial mu agonist therapy: buprenorphine. B u -
opioid dependence, 3) improving overall health status, prenorphine is a mixed opioid agonist-antagonist with a
4) decreasing mortality, 5) decreasing criminal activity, pharmacological profile different from that of full mu ago-
and 6) improving social functioning (171, 1338–1340). Sev- nists such as methadone. Buprenorphine produces a less
eral studies also support the usefulness of methadone than maximal or partial agonist effect at the mu receptor
maintenance in reducing the spread of HIV infection (its primary action with respect to the treatment of opioid
among intravenous drug users (1341). It should be noted dependence) and an antagonistic effect at the kappa recep-
that methadone maintenance treatment involves a com- tor (126). These receptor interactions are thought to ac-
bination of methadone medication and nonpharmacolog- count for buprenorphine’s unique profile of effects, which
ical services. The latter can include individual and group have clinical implications for treating opioid dependence.
counseling, urine testing, and behavioral treatments, with Buprenorphine has been marketed worldwide as a
the purpose of addressing opioid and other substance use parenteral analgesic for many years. Because it has poor
as well as the psychosocial problems associated with drug oral but fair sublingual bioavailability, a sublingual bu-
use. Further discussion of psychosocial treatments for opi- prenorphine tablet has been developed for the treatment
oid-related disorders is provided in Section VII.D. of opioid dependence. Buprenorphine enters the blood-
One of the key issues in methadone maintenance is stream more slowly through the sublingual route than with
determining a dose sufficient to suppress the patient’s opi- parenteral administration and thus has less abuse poten-
oid withdrawal and craving, as no single dose is optimal tial compared with the parenterally delivered form. There
for all patients. Some may benefit from maintenance on are two forms of the sublingual tablet: a buprenorphine-
lower doses such as ≤40 mg/day, whereas others may re- only tablet and a combination tablet of buprenorphine and
quire >100 mg/day to achieve maximum benefit. Con- the opioid antagonist naloxone. Because naloxone has
trolled studies of methadone dosing have not tested daily poor sublingual but good parenteral bioavailability (1361),
doses of >100 mg/day, although there are anecdotal re- it is hoped that the combination tablet may decrease the
ports of such use in the United States, and doses greater risk of buprenorphine diversion to other uses and
than 100 mg/day are used in several other countries (1342– parenteral abuse even further because naloxone used
1346). Although 40–60 mg/day of methadone (and some- parenterally will precipitate opioid withdrawal in opioid-
times less) is usually sufficient to block opioid withdrawal dependent patients. Both forms of buprenorphine tablets
symptoms (1339), higher doses are usually needed during are schedule III medications in the United States.
maintenance treatment to block craving for opiates and Like methadone, buprenorphine can suppress opioid
associated drug use. Higher doses of methadone are also withdrawal and block the effects of other opioids. Clinical
generally needed for heroin addicts with axis I psychiatric trials comparing daily sublingual buprenorphine (equiva-
comorbidity (1347, 1348). In general, higher doses are as- lent of 12–16 mg of the tablet form per day) to moderate
sociated with better treatment retention and lower rates of doses of daily oral methadone (i.e., 50–60 mg/day) have
illicit opioid use (1349–1352). generally shown comparable outcomes on treatment re-
Maintenance on methadone is generally safe. Metha- tention and decreased illicit opioid use (1251). However,
done undergoes hepatic metabolism by CYP 450 3A4 in higher doses of methadone (≥80 mg/day) appear to pro-
conjunction with other P450 enzymes; its half-life is ap- duce superior outcomes to daily buprenorphine (1250,
proximately 24 hours, so methadone can be administered 1251, 1336, 1362–1364). It is not known if comparable ef-
once daily (1353). However, other concurrent medications fects could be produced by increasing the dose of bu-
and/or substances of abuse that a patient might be taking prenorphine; current evidence suggests buprenorphine

78 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


may be best suited for patients with mild to moderate lev- active effect, naltrexone blocks the pleasurable effects of
els of physical dependence. Nonpharmacological treat- the usual street doses of heroin and other opioids, thereby
ment in combination with buprenorphine can help to discouraging opioid use and diminishing conditioned
achieve abstinence. For example, a study by Galanter et al. craving. Naltrexone cannot be given to individuals while
(1365) demonstrated that psychosocial support (in this they are actively dependent on opioids because it can pre-
study, network therapy) tailored to promoting abstinence cipitate an immediate opioid withdrawal syndrome. Before
from illicit opioids during buprenorphine maintenance starting naltrexone, patients must be completely with-
can improve clinical outcomes. drawn and abstinent for at least 5 days from a short-acting
Buprenorphine has a long duration of action and can opioid such as heroin or 7 days from a longer-acting opioid
be dosed on a less than daily basis. When used in this way, such as methadone. A urine toxicology screen for opiate
the dose administered should be increased to compensate medication may be indicated before naltrexone therapy is
for the longer between-dose interval (for example, dou- initiated. The risk of relapse during the interval between
bling the daily dose for a 48-hour interval and tripling the opioid withdrawal and the initiation of naltrexone treat-
daily dose for a 72-hour interval). Between-dose intervals ment is high; for this reason, rapid opioid withdrawal, us-
of 48–72 hours are generally well tolerated in most pa- ing clonidine and naloxone, has been used to shorten the
tients; some patients may tolerate even longer intervals, interval between withdrawal and initiation of naltrexone
such as 96 hours (1366–1370). treatment. Repeated doses of naloxone, a short-acting opi-
In the United States, buprenorphine can be distribut- oid antagonist related to naltrexone, have also been used
ed not only in special clinics but also through clinicians’ with clonidine to shorten opioid withdrawal.
offices; access in this latter setting provides a means for ex-
After withdrawal and the appropriate period of absti-
panding treatment capacity and mainstreaming the care
nence, a test dose of 0.8 mg i.m. of naloxone can be used to
of opioid dependence. Daily sublingual maintenance dos-
determine that the individual is no longer dependent on
es typically fall between 8 and 32 mg. The buprenorphine-
opioids before naltrexone treatment is initiated. Naltrex-
naloxone combination tablet significantly reduces the risk
one can be taken as a daily dose of 50 mg or, because of its
the medicine will be diverted for other uses because nalox-
long duration of action, three times per week with doses of
one will exert a potent opioid antagonist effect if the com-
100 mg on Monday and Wednesday and 150 mg on Friday.
bination tablet is crushed and administered intravenously
Naltrexone is approved for the treatment of opioid depen-
by an opioid-dependent person. Details on use of the
dence in the United States; it has no abuse potential and is
medication (e.g., induction, withdrawal) are available
not a scheduled substance.
through specific guidelines published by the Center for
Substance Abuse Treatment and through courses spon- Studies of naltrexone’s efficacy are mixed. Although
sored by professional societies, including APA. inpatient studies of naltrexone-treated, opioid-dependent
Buprenorphine is generally safe, and its side effects individuals who were given the opportunity to self-admin-
can be similar to those seen with full mu agonist opioids. ister opioids have shown that naltrexone is highly effective
However, in the context of abrupt cessation of opioid use, at attenuating opioid use (1372), outpatient clinical trials
buprenorphine is associated with a comparatively mild have failed to demonstrate a similar robust effect (1373).
withdrawal syndrome (126). Another notable difference Patients often drop out of such studies shortly after com-
from methadone is that overdose with buprenorphine pleting opioid withdrawal and starting on naltrexone. This
generally does not produce significant respiratory depres- is probably related, in part, to the absence of a psychoac-
sion (1371); this probably reflects buprenorphine’s partial tive effect with naltrexone. In certain populations of moti-
mu agonist effects. Nevertheless, there have been reports vated patients (e.g., patients on federal probation), howev-
of fatalities when individuals overdose with a combination er, naltrexone can be useful and effective (1374, 1375).
of buprenorphine and a benzodiazepine, typically when The adverse effects of naltrexone may include dyspho-
both are taken parenterally. These reports have come from ria, anxiety, and gastrointestinal distress. As previously
France, where buprenorphine is used extensively for the noted, naltrexone can precipitate withdrawal in actively
outpatient treatment of opioid dependence and where opioid-dependent individuals. Naltrexone’s label notes
prescribing benzodiazepines is also quite common. Final- that there is a risk that liver function test values will in-
ly, there is some evidence that buprenorphine may pro- crease for some patients, but a review of the evidence
duce mild elevations in liver function tests, especially in shows that these cases occurred only with higher daily
individuals with a history of liver disease. This is more like- doses of naltrexone (300 mg/day) or, in rare cases, in pa-
ly to occur if large amounts (greater-than-usual clinical tients who were over age 40 years and on a dose of <300
doses) of buprenorphine are taken parenterally. mg/day (1376). Finally, after discontinuation of chronical-
c) Opioid antagonist therapy: naltrexone. Na l t re x - ly administered naltrexone for the treatment of opioid de-
one is an opioid antagonist that can be an alternative to pendence, there is an increased sensitivity to opioid effects
maintenance on full or partial mu opioid agonists. By tight- and an increased risk that opioid overdose will lead to sig-
ly binding to opioid receptors without producing a psycho- nificant respiratory depression; this is likely related to the

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 79


up-regulation of opioid receptors while a patient is being The goal of opioid tapering is to minimize acute with-
treated with naltrexone (1377). drawal symptoms and help patients transition to long-
term treatment for opioid dependence. The use of stan-
2. Treating intoxication
dard rating scales for withdrawal (e.g., Clinical Institute
The care of patients with an opioid use disorder is fre-
Narcotic Assessment) can help guide dosing in an objec-
quently complicated by episodes of relapse. Consequently,
tive and routine manner. Five pharmacological strategies
it is important in ongoing treatment to recognize and treat
are in general use: 1) methadone substitution, with gradu-
intoxication with opioids or other substances.
al methadone tapering; 2) abrupt discontinuation of opio-
Mild to moderate opioid intoxication usually does not
ids, with use of clonidine to suppress withdrawal symp-
require treatment. An uncomplicated overdose with a
toms; 3) clonidine-naltrexone detoxification, where
short-acting opioid that has a relatively short half-life,
withdrawal symptoms are precipitated by naltrexone and
such as heroin, may be treated in an emergency depart-
then suppressed by clonidine; 4) buprenorphine substitu-
ment, with release after a few hours. Overdose with longer-
tion, followed by abrupt or gradual discontinuation of bu-
acting opioids such as methadone, however, requires clos-
prenorphine; and 5) use of other medications to treat the
er inpatient observation for a minimum of 24–48 hours. In
symptoms of opioid withdrawal.
addition, severe opioid overdose, marked by respiratory
depression, may be fatal and requires treatment in an a) Use of methadone for withdrawal. Methadone hy-
emergency department or inpatient setting. Naloxone, an drochloride is highly effective in ameliorating the symp-
opioid antagonist, reverses respiratory and CNS depres- toms of opioid withdrawal. Although the use of opioids to
sion as well as other manifestations of overdose. (Its use is detoxify or maintain opioid-dependent patients requires
described in detail in Section II.E.1.) A patient who delib- special licensing (see Section II.H.3), this regulation is
erately takes an overdose as part of a suicide attempt re- waived for inpatients admitted primarily because of a life-
quires thorough psychiatric evaluation typically in a hos- threatening general medical or psychiatric condition who
pital setting. For patients who do not require medical or also require methadone to stabilize their opioid depen-
psychiatric hospitalization, appropriate follow-up is a dence during the inpatient stay.
necessary part of discharge planning. Inpatient opioid withdrawal with methadone involves
stabilizing a patient on a daily methadone dose that is de-
3. Treating withdrawal
termined by the patient’s response based on objective
An opioid-dependent individual may undergo opioid
withdrawal signs (1378, 1379). Once the stabilization dose
withdrawal rather than be maintained in methadone or
is determined (usually 40–60 mg/day and sometimes less),
buprenorphine treatment if, for example, the patient has a methadone can be tapered, for example, by increments of
relatively short history of opioid abuse with a good prog-
5 mg/day. In inpatient settings, detoxification from heroin
nosis for remaining abstinent without pharmacological
or other short-acting opioids can usually be completed
maintenance, no maintenance treatment program is
within 7 days, but a more gradual tapering will result in a
available locally, or the patient desires to not be restricted
smoother clinical course.
by the requirements of maintenance medication. Some
When compared with inpatient withdrawal, outpa-
patients successfully maintained on a medication such as
tient opioid withdrawal uses a higher initial dose of meth-
methadone or buprenorphine will also want to undergo
adone and occurs over a longer period of time. The goal of
medically supervised withdrawal.
using a higher initial dose of methadone is to help depen-
Criteria for withdrawing patients from long-term
dent individuals end illicit opioid use. Because studies
maintenance on methadone or buprenorphine include
have suggested that slow tapers are associated with better
demonstrated progress toward a drug-free lifestyle, stabil-
outcomes, methadone should be tapered gradually over a
ity in personal and occupational adjustment, the absence
period of weeks. Many patients tolerate methadone reduc-
of other substance use disorders, and successful treatment
tions to 20–30 mg/day with little difficulty, but further dose
and remission of any co-occurring psychiatric disorders.
reductions may lead to increasing withdrawal distress.
Precipitous discharge from maintenance programs
Even with gradual reductions in the dose, such distress
and concurrent withdrawal of methadone are associated
may be difficult for some patients to tolerate and may be
with a high rate of relapse to illicit opioid use, arrests, and
accompanied by high dropout and relapse rates during
death. Voluntary termination of methadone maintenance
this later phase of withdrawal.
also carries a high risk of relapse, even for patients who
have responded well to treatment. Patients who voluntari- b) Use of clonidine for withdrawal. Clonidine is a cen-
ly discontinue maintenance treatment should receive sup- trally acting α2-adrenergic antihypertensive medication
portive treatment during withdrawal as well as aftercare that effectively decreases the noradrenergic hyperactivity
services to aid in maintaining abstinence. Patients who re- associated with opioid withdrawal. Clonidine is not ap-
lapse repeatedly despite such support should be given the proved for opioid withdrawal in the United States but has
option of voluntary long-term maintenance on metha- been extensively studied and used for this indication else-
done or buprenorphine. where. Clonidine reduces withdrawal symptoms such as

80 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, and sweating but, un- during the entire detoxification procedure. However, re-
like methadone, does little to reduce other symptoms such lapse rates with naltrexone maintenance are high.
as muscle aches, insomnia, distress, and drug craving A related technique is to withdraw a patient from an
(1380, 1381). As a nonopioid medication, clonidine has opioid while the patient is maintained under general anes-
some advantages over methadone for withdrawal. For ex- thesia. This technique has been called ultra-rapid opioid
ample, clonidine does not produce opioid-like tolerance or detoxification and has included naltrexone maintenance
dependence or the postmethadone rebound in withdrawal after the acute withdrawal is completed. Although some
symptoms (1382). In addition, patients completing a small uncontrolled studies have reported good long-term
course of clonidine-assisted withdrawal can immediately outcomes with this method, it appears to be no more ef-
be given an opioid antagonist (e.g., naltrexone) if indicated. fective than methadone detoxification in achieving bene-
The disadvantages of clonidine include its aforementioned ficial outcomes such as maintenance of abstinence (1390).
inability to improve certain opioid withdrawal symptoms, In addition, complications associated with such rapid
associated hypotension that can be profound despite the withdrawal procedures (e.g., general anesthesia) coupled
use of low doses of this medication, and its possible seda- with the lack of better long-term results suggest that the
tive effects. Contraindications to the use of clonidine in- procedure should not be commonly used (1390).
clude acute or chronic cardiac disorders, renal or metabol- d) Use of buprenorphine for withdrawal. Prior to bu-
ic disease, and moderate to severe hypotension (1383). prenorphine’s approval in the United States for the treat-
On the first day of clonidine-aided detoxification, a ment of opioid dependence, there were reports of the effi-
clonidine dose of 0.1 mg three times daily (totaling 0.3 mg cacy and safety of its analgesic form when used for
per 24 hours) is usually sufficient to suppress signs of opi- medically supervised opioid withdrawal. Clinicians used
oid withdrawal; inpatients can generally receive higher parenteral buprenorphine for relatively short opioid with-
doses to block withdrawal symptoms because of the avail- drawal (≤1 week), administered by injection or provided in
ability of medical staff to monitor the patient for hypoten- the liquid (analgesic) form sublingually. Now with FDA ap-
sion and sedation. The dose is adjusted until withdrawal proval of the sublingual form of this medication, the anal-
symptoms are reduced. If the patient’s blood pressure falls gesic form for opioid withdrawal should no longer be used,
below 90/60 mm Hg, the next dose should be withheld, af- and this nonapproved use of injectable buprenorphine is
ter which tapering can be resumed while the patient is not recommended.
monitored for signs of withdrawal. In the case of short-act- Studies of buprenorphine for opioid withdrawal have
ing opioids such as heroin, clonidine-aided withdrawal generally found that it has greater patient acceptability
usually takes 4–6 days. Other medications may be used and is more effective than clonidine (1384, 1391–1393),
along with clonidine to treat withdrawal symptoms. with the two medications differing on measures of subjec-
In general, clonidine-assisted detoxification is easier tive symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Well-designed and
to carry out and monitor in inpatient settings. Clonidine- executed studies comparing buprenorphine to metha-
induced sedation is also less of a problem for inpatients. done for the treatment of opioid withdrawal have not been
However, when delivered by experienced staff, outpatient published.
detoxification with clonidine is a reasonable approach When buprenorphine is used for inpatient opioid
(1384–1386). Outpatients should not be given more than a withdrawal, patients can be stabilized on a relatively low
3-day supply of clonidine for unsupervised use because dose of daily sublingual buprenorphine (e.g., 8 mg/day),
treatment requires careful dose titration and clonidine with the goal of suppressing opioid withdrawal symptoms.
overdoses can be life-threatening (1387, 1388). Both tablet forms (with or without naloxone) can be used
Clonidine can be an effective alternative to metha- in an inpatient setting, as the risk of diversion and
done for treating opiate withdrawal; the completion rate parenteral abuse is low. The dose can be decreased in in-
for clonidine-treated outpatients is relatively low and crements of 2 mg/day over several days. Because bu-
roughly comparable to that of methadone withdrawal prenorphine has a long duration of action, minimal with-
(1387, 1389). drawal symptoms are seen during the dose reduction.
c) Use of clonidine-naltrexone for rapid withdrawal. However, some clinicians report that withdrawal symp-
The combined use of clonidine and naltrexone for rapidly toms can appear several days after the last dose of bu-
withdrawing patients from an opioid has been demon- prenorphine, after a patient is discharged from an inpa-
strated to be safe and effective. Essentially, naltrexone-pre- tient setting.
cipitated withdrawal is avoided by pretreating the patient If buprenorphine is used for the outpatient treatment
with clonidine. This technique is most useful for opioid-de- of opioid withdrawal, then procedures similar to those de-
pendent patients who are in transition to narcotic antago- scribed earlier for methadone should be followed. But the
nist treatment. The limitations of this method include the tablet form combined with naloxone is preferred. For ex-
need to monitor patients for 8 hours on the first day be- ample, patients should be initially stabilized on a daily
cause of the potential severity of naltrexone-induced with- dose (probably 8–32 mg/day) of buprenorphine that sup-
drawal and the need for careful blood pressure monitoring presses opioid withdrawal and results in abstinence from

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 81


illicit opioid use. Dose reductions should then occur grad- seling plus supportive-expressive psychotherapy in pa-
ually over a period of 10–14 days. Because buprenorphine tients with low levels of psychiatric symptoms; however, in
tablets are not scored, the smallest dose increment the presence of higher degrees of depression or other psy-
reduction possible is 2 mg. chiatric symptoms, supportive-expressive therapy or CBT
It should be emphasized that concurrent nonpharma- has been shown to be much more effective than drug
cological treatments should be used to maximize the like- counseling alone (177, 218, 531, 1400, 1401). CBT may also
lihood of maintaining abstinence throughout and after help reduce other target symptoms or behaviors (e.g., HIV
withdrawal. However, long-term outcomes associated risk behaviors) in opioid-using individuals (1402). Group-
with withdrawal are generally poorer than those seen with based relapse prevention therapy, when combined with
maintenance treatments (1394). self-help group participation, may also help recently
e) Use of other medications. So m e c l i n i c i a n s a n d detoxified patients reduce opioid use and criminal activi-
treatment programs have used medications targeting the ties and decrease unemployment rates (1403).
symptoms of opioid withdrawal as the primary means for 2. Behavioral therapies
treating this condition. For example, sedative-hypnotics
Contingency management approaches are beneficial
or anxiolytics are used to treat insomnia and/or anxiety,
in reducing the use of illicit substances in opioid-depen-
antiemetics are prescribed to treat nausea and vomiting,
dent individuals who are maintained on methadone (170,
NSAIDs are provided for muscle cramps, and antispas-
195, 1295). Although other reinforcers or rewards (e.g.,
modics are used to treat gastrointestinal cramping. There
vouchers for movie tickets or sporting goods) may be pro-
are limited controlled data about the use of such medica-
vided to patients who demonstrate specified target behav-
tions for the treatment of opioid withdrawal. Some psychi-
iors (e.g., providing drug-free urine specimens, accom-
atrists maintain that the abuse potential of sedative-hyp-
plishing specific treatment goals, attending treatment
notics and anxiolytics is too great to be used with these
sessions), methadone take-home privileges are a com-
patients and that these medications may also precipitate
monly offered and effective incentive that is made contin-
craving for opioids and relapse. Others feel that for careful-
gent on reduced drug use (197–199, 202). Furthermore,
ly selected patients and with appropriate monitoring, the
contingency management, either alone or in conjunction
use of benzodiazepines over a relatively brief period (i.e.,
with family therapies, can also be used to enhance adher-
1–2 weeks) may be helpful in ameliorating the often debil-
ence with unpopular treatments such as naltrexone and
itating insomnia that can accompany opioid withdrawal
has been shown to result in diminutions in drug use
(1395). Diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, and sedating an-
among recently detoxified opioid-dependent individuals
tidepressants (e.g., doxepin, amitriptyline, trazodone)
(165–167, 1404–1407).
have also been used for this purpose. It should be noted
that these medications have also been abused, although 3. Psychodynamic and interpersonal therapies
much less often than benzodiazepines (129). Other medi- The utility of adding a psychodynamic therapy to a
cations such as NSAIDs and antispasmodics may be safely program of methadone maintenance has been investigat-
provided but appear to be less effective than mu agonist ed. The provision of supportive-expressive therapy, a spe-
opioids for symptom relief. cific approach to such treatment, may be particularly
helpful for patients with high levels of other psychiatric
D. Psychosocial Treatments
symptoms (177, 218) (see Section VII.D.1). However, in
When considering psychosocial treatments for treat- terms of individual IPT, the potential benefits of treatment
ing opioid-related disorders, it is essential to note that all are unclear, as it is very difficult to engage opioid-depen-
clinical trials of psychosocial interventions for opioid dent patients in such approaches. Psychodynamically ori-
abusers have taken place in programs that also provide ei- ented group therapy, modified for substance-dependent
ther opioid agonist maintenance (e.g., methadone) or patients, appears to be effective in promoting abstinence
treatment with opioid antagonists. Although some follow- when combined with behavioral monitoring and individ-
up studies of naturalistic treatment have found equivalent ual supportive psychotherapy (1301).
efficacy for methadone maintenance and outpatient drug-
free programs for heroin users (61, 1396–1398), early at- 4. Family therapies
tempts at providing psychotherapy alone yielded unac- Family therapy has been demonstrated to enhance
ceptably high attrition rates (1399). treatment adherence and facilitate implementation and
monitoring of contingency contracts with opioid-depen-
1. Cognitive-behavioral therapies dent patients (1408, 1409). Family therapies are described
In individuals who are receiving methadone mainte- in detail in Section II.F.8.
nance, CBT is efficacious in reducing illicit substance use
and achieving a wide range of other treatment goals. The 5. Self-help groups and 12-step-oriented treatments
benefits of CBT in combination with drug counseling are Self-help groups, such as Narcotics Anonymous, are
equivalent to those of drug counseling alone or drug coun- beneficial for some individuals in providing peer support

82 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


for continued participation in treatment, avoiding sub- persistent substance abuse causes many patients to cease
stance-using peers and high-risk environments, confront- or greatly limit use, whereas failure to enforce such limits
ing denial, and intervening early in patterns of thinking implicitly gives patients license to continue use. Others
and behavior that often lead to relapse. Because of the em- believe that methadone withdrawal is never justified for
phasis on abstinence in the 12-step treatment philosophy, patients abusing alcohol or other substances because of
patients maintained on methadone or other opioid ago- the proven efficacy of methadone in reducing intravenous
nists may encounter disapproval for this type of pharma- heroin use, improving social and occupational function-
cotherapy at Narcotics Anonymous meetings. ing, and providing the opportunity to continue to motivate
patients to reduce other substance use.
E. Clinical Features Influencing Treatment
2. Psychiatric factors
The treatment implications of various clinical features The reduction of opioid use in patients with a preexist-
are summarized in Section II.G. In addition to these con- ing co-occurring psychiatric disorder may precipitate the
siderations, specific sequelae and patterns of co-occurring reemergence of previously controlled psychiatric symp-
disorders need to be considered for patients with an opio- toms (e.g., depression, mania, psychosis), which in turn
id use disorder. may increase the risk of relapse to substance use (1417).
1. Use of multiple substances In prescribing medications for co-occurring non-sub-
stance-related psychiatric disorders, psychiatrists should
Dependence on alcohol, cocaine, or other substances
be alert to the dangers of medications with a high abuse
of abuse is a frequent problem for opioid-dependent pa-
potential and to possible drug-drug interactions between
tients. In one study, cocaine abuse was found to occur in
opioids and other psychoactive substances (e.g., benzodi-
about 60% of patients entering methadone programs
azepines) (442, 1378, 1400). For example, the use of MAOIs
(169). In studies of opioid-dependent patients in active
should be avoided because of their potential interaction
treatment, rates of cocaine use as high as 40% or more
with alcohol, cocaine and other stimulants, and opioids,
have been reported (1410–1413). Similarly, heavy drinking
including meperidine and dextromethorphan. In general,
is a problem for an estimated 15%–30% of methadone-
benzodiazepines with a rapid onset, such as diazepam and
maintained patients, and benzodiazepine abuse may be
alprazolam, should also be avoided because of their abuse
just as common in this population (1414, 1415). Compara-
potential (1418). However, benzodiazepines with a slow
ble data regarding rates of co-occurring substance use dis-
onset and substantially lower abuse potential (e.g., ox-
orders in patients treated in naltrexone programs are not
azepam, clorazepate) can probably be used safely for se-
generally available.
lected patients to, for example, ameliorate insomnia (Sec-
Other co-occurring substance use disorders require
tion VII.C.3.e), provided that appropriate controls are
special attention because treatment directed at opioid de-
applied (1419). With all other psychotropic medications,
pendence alone is unlikely to lead to the cessation of other
decisions about prescriptions should consider that pa-
substance use. Treatment is generally similar to that de-
tients may not take medications as prescribed; random
scribed for individual substances elsewhere in this prac-
blood or urine monitoring can sometimes help in deter-
tice guideline. Increased frequency of behavioral monitor-
mining adherence.
ing (e.g., daily breath or semiweekly urine toxicology
testing), intensified counseling, contingency contracting, 3. Comorbid general medical disorders
referral to specific self-help groups (e.g., AA), and special- The injection of opioids may result in the sclerosing of
ized pharmacological treatments (e.g., disulfiram) have all veins, cellulitis, abscesses, or, more rarely, tetanus infec-
been used with varying degrees of success. The results of tion. Other life-threatening infections associated with opi-
two studies suggest that higher methadone doses coupled oid use by injection include bacterial endocarditis, hepati-
with intensive outpatient treatment may decrease cocaine tis, and HIV infection. HIV infection rates have been
use by methadone-maintained patients (1416). reported to be as high as 60% among individuals depen-
Opioid-dependent patients who are also dependent dent on heroin in some areas of the United States (see
on other substances, particularly CNS depressants, should DSM-IV-TR, p. 275). Counseling on how to reduce HIV risk
be stabilized with methadone and then gradually with- should be a routine part of treatment for intravenous opi-
drawn from the other substances. Efforts to abruptly elim- oid users (559).
inate all substances of abuse will not be successful with all Tuberculosis is a particularly serious problem among
patients. In such cases, the elimination of the drugs one at individuals who inject drugs, especially those dependent
a time may be warranted. on heroin. Infection with the tubercle bacillus occurs in
The use of aversive contingencies, such as methadone approximately 10% of these individuals. For non-HIV-in-
dose reduction or even withdrawal, for continued abuse of fected patients who test positive for the purified protein
cocaine (or sedatives or alcohol) for patients in metha- derivative of tuberculin, the lifetime risk of developing ac-
done maintenance treatment is controversial. Some psy- tive tuberculosis is approximately 10% and the 1-year risk
chiatrists believe that requiring methadone withdrawal for is 7%–10% (1420). Guidelines regarding prophylactic treat-

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 83


ment for patients with a positive skin test have been pub- Pregnant patients who lack the motivation or psycho-
lished (1421). social support to remain substance free should be consid-
As described in DSM-IV-TR (p. 275), in addition to the ered for methadone maintenance regardless of their treat-
presence of life-threatening infections, opioid depen- ment history, as methadone maintenance improves infant
dence is associated with a death rate as high as 1.5%–2% outcomes relative to continued maternal heroin use
per year from overdose, accidents, injuries, or other gener- (1424–1426). In a randomized comparison of enhanced
al medical complications. and standard methadone maintenance for pregnant opio-
id-dependent women, Carroll et al. (1427) found that en-
4. Pregnancy hanced treatment—consisting of standard treatment (dai-
In addition to the general effects of substance use ly methadone medication, weekly group counseling, and
during pregnancy (Section II.G.4), opioid use disorders thrice-weekly urine screening) plus weekly prenatal care
may have adverse effects on the health of the pregnant by a nurse-midwife, weekly relapse prevention groups,
woman, the course of the pregnancy, fetal and early child positive contingency rewards for abstinence, and the pro-
development, and parenting behavior. In pregnant wom- vision of therapeutic child care during treatment visits—
en these effects include 1) poor nourishment, with ac- resulted in improved neonatal outcomes (longer gesta-
companying vitamin deficiencies or iron- and folic acid- tions and higher birth weights) but did not affect maternal
deficiency anemias; 2) general medical complications substance use. Contingency management approaches
from frequent use of contaminated needles (abscesses, may also be implemented to enhance adherence (1299,
1428, 1429). Withdrawal from methadone is not recom-
ulcers, thrombophlebitis, bacterial endocarditis, hepati-
mended, except in cases where methadone treatment is
tis, urinary tract infections, and HIV infection); 3) sexually
logistically not possible. In cases where medical withdraw-
transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis,
al is necessary, there are no data to suggest that withdrawal
herpes); and 4) hypertension.
is worse during any one trimester.
Possible effects of opioid use and the related lifestyle
Although the long history of methadone use in preg-
on the course of the pregnancy include preeclampsia (tox-
nant women makes this medication the preferred phar-
emia), miscarriage, premature rupture of membranes, and
macotherapeutic agent, a growing body of evidence sug-
infections. Possible short- and long-term effects on the in-
gests that buprenorphine may also be used. Jones et al.
fant include low birth weight, prematurity, stillbirth,
(1430), in a randomized, double-blind, double-dummy,
neonatal abstinence syndrome, and sudden infant death flexible-dosing, parallel-group controlled trial, compared
syndrome (1327, 1422, 1423). Approximately 50% of the in- 4–24 mg/day sublingual buprenorphine to 20–100 mg/day
fants born to women with opioid dependence are physio- oral methadone, with treatment starting in the second tri-
logically dependent on opioids and may experience a mester of pregnancy. Although the study was limited by its
moderate to severe withdrawal syndrome requiring phar- small sample size, buprenorphine and methadone
macological intervention. However, when socioeconomic showed comparable outcomes in terms of neonatal absti-
factors (e.g., family disruption, poverty) are controlled for, nence syndrome. Data from uncontrolled observations in
mild to moderate neonatal withdrawal does not appear to more than 300 neonates also suggest that buprenorphine
affect psychomotor or intellectual development (1423). may be useful in pregnant women, with rates of neonatal
The goals of treatment for the pregnant opioid-using abstinence syndrome possibly less than those observed
patient include ensuring physiological stabilization and with methadone treatment during pregnancy (1431).
avoidance of opioid withdrawal; preventing further sub- Data on other treatments for opioid withdrawal or de-
stance abuse; improving maternal nutrition; encouraging pendence during pregnancy are sparse. In particular, data
participation in prenatal care and rehabilitation; reducing on the safety of clonidine in pregnant patients are not avail-
the risk of obstetrical complications, including low birth able. However, a narcotic antagonist should never be given
weight and neonatal withdrawal, which can be lethal if un- to a pregnant substance-using patient because of the risk
treated; and arranging for appropriate postnatal care of spontaneous abortion, premature labor, or stillbirth.
when necessary.

84 Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement


Individuals and Organizations That Submitted Comments

Maryann Amodeo, Ph.D., M.S.W. Theresa E. Madden, D.D.S., Ph.D.

James C. Anthony, Ph.D. Peter A. Mansky, M.D.
Corinne Axelrod, M.P.H., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac. Icro Maremmani, M.D.
David Baron, M.S.Ed., D.O. G. Alan Marlatt, Ph.D.
Sheila Blume, M.D. Elinore F. McCance-Katz, M.D., Ph.D.
Lisa Borg, M.D. Michael R. McCoy, Ph.D.
Kathleen T. Brady, M.D., Ph.D. Barbara S. McCrady, Ph.D.
Michael Brody, M.D. Edward P. Monnelly, M.D.
David W. Brook, M.D. William R. Morris, O.M.D., MS.Ed., L.Ac.
Kirk J. Brower, M.D., F.A.S.A.M. Edgar P. Nace, M.D.
Kenneth Carter, M.D., M.P.H. Edward Nunes, M.D.
Scott Coffey, Ph.D. Herbert S. Peyser, M.D.
Mirean Coleman, M.S.W., L.I.C.S.W., C.T. Jonathan I. Ritvo, M.D.
Wilson Compton, M.D., M.P.E. Brian Robertson, M.D.
George De Leon, Ph.D. Victor Schermer, M.A., L.P.C.
Andrea DiMartini, M.D., F.A.P.M. Jeffrey Selzer, M.D.
Lance M. Dodes, M.D. Ian Shaffer, M.D., M.M.M.
Chad D. Emrick, Ph.D. Tammy L.H. Sims, M.D., M.S.
Michael Farrell, M.B. B.Ch., M.R.C.P., M.R.C.Psych. Robert Stern, M.D., Ph.D.
David A. Fiellin, M.D. Maxine Stitzer, Ph.D.
Loretta Finnegan, M.D. William R. Tatomer, M.D.
Marc Fishman, M.D. Joseph R. Volpicelli, M.D., Ph.D.
Philip J. Flores, Ph.D., A.B.P.P., C.G.P., F.A.G.P.A. Robert Weinstock, M.D.
Marc Galanter, M.D. Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine
David R. Gastfriend, M.D. American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry
Eilish Gilvarry, F.R.C.Psych. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Leslie H. Gise, M.D. American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists
Mark S. Gold, M.D. American Academy of Pediatrics
David Gorelick, M.D., Ph.D. American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
John Grabowski, Ph.D. American Association of Oriental Medicine
Sanjay Gupta, M.D. American Group Psychotherapy Association
Larry Hammer, M.D. American Mental Health Counselors Association
Allen Harlor, M.D. American Music Therapy Association
Tina Haynes, MT-BC American Psychological Association
Alfred Herzog, M.D. American Society of Addiction Medicine
Susan Hoppenworth, L.M.H.C. Association for Academic Psychiatry
John R. Hughes, M.D. Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies
Andy Jagoda, M.D., F.A.C.E.P. Association for Medical Education and Research on
Yifrah Kaminer, M.D., M.B.A. Substance Abuse
Kyle M. Kampman, M.D. Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry
Debra K. Katzman, M.D., F.S.A.M. Managed Health Network, Inc.
Janice Kauffman, R.N., M.P.H., C.A.S. National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance
Patricia K. Kokotailo, M.D., M.P.H. National Association of Social Workers
George F. Kolodner, M.D. Royal College of Psychiatrists
Martin Leamon, M.D. Society for Adolescent Medicine
Frances Levin, M.D. Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians
Joseph G. Liberto, M.D. World Federation for Mental Health

Am J Psychiatry 164:4, April 2007 Supplement 85


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