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Initial Preparation Plans

FFT Support, 1.c (Setting Instructional Outcomes)

SKILL OBJECTIVE(S) FROM Goal Area: Communication
STANDARDS Standard: Interpersonal mode: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written
conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions
Strategy: work in small groups/ partners, taking turns recognizing expressions. Ask and answer questions

Standard:Interpretative mode: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a
variety of topics.
Strategy: demonstrate comprehension by reading questions related to people and family relations.

Standard: Presentational mode: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade,
and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers,
or viewers.
Strategy: discuss and present people and family relationships in Spanish.

Goal Area: Connections

Standard: Making Connections: Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while
using the language to develop critical thinking and to solve problems creatively.
Strategy: Students will create a family tree using new vocabulary words in Spanish.

MATCH OBJECTIVE WITH TEXT “Las Personas” vocabulary on pg. 38

Ensure material/resources is well-aligned to the
chosen strategy/skill and to student needs/interests/
cultural diversity
LESSON OBJECTIVE(S)/OUTCOMES Students will analyze and identify family relationships in Spanish.
Objective(s) must be
● specific, doable, assessable in the allotted
● measurable
● written with verbs for expectations of high
Prince George’s County Public Schools
● stated as a learning outcome
● in PGCPS format, posted visibly, and
stated aloud to students
VALUE, SEQUENCE, AND Previously, students learned vocabulary to greet each other and to identify the days of the week and months of the
ALIGNMENT /BALANCE year, time, and weather in Spanish. In this lesson, students will learn to discuss people and their relationships to
Students must be able to build their understanding one another using vocabulary words for family members. This provides students with the opportunity to increase
of important ideas from concept to concept. their vocabulary in Spanish so that they can be understood when they speak in the target language. In the next
● How does the lesson fit in with previous and
future lessons in this unit of study?
lessons, students will use the verb “ser” and adjectives to describe people.
● How will this lesson proceed in terms of time
and learning tasks? This lesson will take place in a 66 minutes class. Students will do a warm up for 7 minutes . Then, they will be
● What interdisciplinary connections and/or introduced to the new vocabulary for 10 minutes . They will then practice identifying the people and their
technology will be made in this lesson? relationships to one another for 15 minutes. They will create a family tree for 20 minutes . Students will then
● In what ways is this lesson rigorous and
present their family trees to the class for 10 minutes. After the presentations, students will complete a review
● Is there a balance of instruction for World worksheet, to reinforce the vocabulary they have learned. Finally, students will complete an exit slip that will
Language skills: listening, speaking, assess their knowledge of the vocabulary for 4 minutes.
reading, writing and language use?
Interdisciplinary connections:
English - reinforce the use of vocabulary in target language.

This lesson is rigorous because it requires students to apply the vocabulary they have learned to complete a
family tree in the target language.

This lesson is authentic because students will be able to use their knowledge of the Spanish language outside of
the classroom and in their communities. It is also authentic as students will need to understand how to
communicate about their family members and relationships should they travel to a Spanish-speaking country.

Listening: Students will listen to their classmates share their family trees.
Speaking: Students will present their family trees.
Reading: Students will read questions related to people and relationships.
Writing: Students will write about relationships within families.

Suitability for Diverse Learners (This space should be used to make notes about differentiating for diverse learners, learning tasks/formative assessments,
● What accommodations or differentiation students with whom the teacher will conference, etc)
of instruction/use of UDL has been
provided for diverse learners (TAG, ESOL,
SPED, 504, etc.)? Guided notes are provided for students to fill in. Guide notes help students understand the key concepts they must
● Are the outcomes providing cultural
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sensitivity? focused on.
● Are assessments differentiated? Visual presentations are used for students who learn best by having new information visually presented to them.

For the strong auditory learners, the vocabulary is recited several times. They have then the opportunity to recite it

SPED students’ specific accommodations will be followed. SPED students will receive extra time, modified
classwork, and, if necessary, texts with the keywords highlighted.

Lesson Component/Teaching Moves Lesson Notes Essential Question(s),

FFT Support, 1.e (Designing coherent Instruction) FFT Support, 2d (Managing Student Differentiation/Modifications and Resources Needed
FFT Support, 3.b ( Questioning/Discussion
FFT Support, 3.c (Engaging Students)
FFT Support, 3.d (Using Assessment in

Instructional Materials and Resources

● Utilize relevant instructional materials and *Santillana Spanish 1 textbook
course texts pg.38. This resource provides Essential Questions:
● How do the course materials
enhance/further/accommodate student
students with additional practice.
learning? In Spanish, how do you ask someone what their relationship is to another
During the warm-up, students will person? (“Quién es….?”)
Introductory & Developmental review phrases from the previous
Activities- 15-20 min. lesson. Differentiation/Modifications and Resources Needed:
-Connect and Engage (I do)-5 min.
● Explain/review the strategy/skill and how it is Teacher will present the new PowerPoint presentation
used. vocabulary with the use of a Family tree
● As appropriate, build/activate background
knowledge and vocabulary necessary.
PowerPoint presentation.
● Pre-assess as appropriate. In the PowerPoint, there are
● Students engage with primary lesson material images related to people and
(set their purpose, use reading strategies, use family relationships. The images
strategic behaviors). will be labeled with the word in
● How will this experience help students develop
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proficiency with: Spanish.
● 5 C’s: Communication,
Cultures, Connections,
Comparisons, After vocabulary has been
Communities introduced, teacher will ask
● Modes: Interpersonal, students to identify the people in a
Interpretive, family tree based on the image
Presentational projected on the board.
● Skills: Listening, Reading,
Writing, Speaking
(ex: “quien es la tia de Rosie?”)
-Modeling (I do)-10 min. A brief teacher-
directed lesson
● Model the skill/strategy.
● Record think-alouds for the students (sticky
notes, anchor chart, etc.)
● Engage students. Insert Turn and Talk or
other student response checks to monitor
Guided Practice - 10-15 min.
(We do) Teacher will ask students questions
Identify guided practice needed before releasing about the relationships of the Quien es la madre de Rosie?
students to practice on their own.
people presented in the family tree.
● Consider :
o Cooperative groupings. Quien es la esposa de Alberto?
o Conceptual difficulties that might arise. CFU: thumbs up / thumbs down if
o How students can initiate discussion. students feel comfortable with
o How tasks are differentiated and using the vocabulary
cognitively challenging.
o How the tasks advance students’
understanding and learning. Turn and Talk: discuss
o How to mentally engage students with the relationships within the family tree.
content and aid in constructing
o Ways to check for understanding or need
for further support.
Independent Task(s) - 20 min. Students will create a family tree
(You do) and describe 5 relationships
What opportunities will students have to use the between people in their tree. They
new skills/concepts in a meaningful way? How will
will use the vocabulary introduced
students expand and solidify their understanding of
at the beginning of the lesson.
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the concept and apply it? How will students When students are finished, they
demonstrate their mastery of the essential learning will present their family trees.
May be a continuation of the practice task.
Creating a family tree allows
students to become familiar and
interact with the new vocab in a
fun, creative way.

Students will complete a worksheet

in order to reinforce their
knowledge of the vocabulary.
CLOSING (5-10 minutes)
Includes one or more: Students will complete exit ticket in
▪ Assessment of student learning, including student
reflection on what was learned which may include:
order to assess their understanding
o Connections to previous and new learning. of the vocabulary. Las Personas y La familia
o A review of the lesson objective and if it was
o An exit slip, final journal reflection, or other
1. How do you say siblings in Spanish?
means of informal assessment. *Homework will be handed out and
o Student sharing and peer feedback. explained. 2. Quíen es tu (your) primo favorito?
o Celebrations of learning.
3. La madre de mi madre es mi_____________?

4. Mi tia es la ________________ de mi padre?

5. Mi primo es el _______________ de mi tio.

Prince George’s County Public Schools

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