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University of Iowa Football

Media Conference
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Kirk Ferentz
KIRK FERENTZ: First of all, just good afternoon. fight and compete or you're going to surrender. There
Appreciate everybody being here and covering the really aren't options in either one of those choices.
The choice is to push forward and maximize the
Just looking backwards for a second, last weekend was opportunities moving forward, and I'm confident and
a defining weekend for a lot of teams in college comfortable our team will do that, and that's where
football, and certainly a pivotal one for our football we're at right now.
team. You look back, every team starts preparation for
the most part in January with the out-of-season The other thing was regarding playing time, roles, and
programs. You go through a lot, and then August rolls that type of thing with personnel decisions, etc, and as
around and there's a lot of hope and optimism, and we you can well imagine, our first goal as a team is to win,
certainly felt that way. It was a guarded optimism, but and then our secondary goals are to score points
you have goals, lofty goals and expectations, and the offensively and stop points on the defensive side.
bottom line is this football team this year has really
worked hard. I've said that consistently. They've We spent a lot of time evaluating our team, looking at
worked hard. They've had a great attitude, and they've the team, watching them, and then week to week trying
showed up and competed hard, and that is to figure out what gives us the best chance to do those
commendable. Certainly, the first seven weeks went two things, attain those two goals, and it's a little bit
better for us than the last three, and that's certainly complex. It starts with knowing your personnel and
disappointing for each and every one of us. then obviously trying to match your opponents,
anticipated things that they're going to give you. So it
That's part of the deal. They've been tough losses, two depends on the plan.
points, six points, four points, and I know that's
disappointing for our fans. It's more disappointing for Injury situations of players also factor into it a little bit,
our players as you can imagine with just all the and then most importantly once you get to the game;
investment that they've made, but that's part of the how the game goes, how the opponent chooses to
deal. attack you and go on from there.
With that, I understand there's always questions, and There are a lot of things that go into it, a lot of it is
questions are asked, and quite frankly probably the reactionary and then just work from there. So that's
hardest time for me to deal with that stuff is right after a how we go about that.
ballgame. You're thinking about the players, where
they're at mentally, and you're thinking about the game Circling back to our football team, I've said this
in a million different ways. consistently, this team so far has really shown good
leadership, and they've continued to do that. We've
Clearly I had some time to reflect and look back, and had good leadership there, and we've seen a good
just to hit two questions quickly, I'll touch back on attitude from everybody, and there are a lot of little
those, and then we'll move forward to Illinois. things you look for during the course of a year, whether
it's academic, social, just things they do, how they
First thing is how do we move forward as a football interact with each other, what the locker room looks like
team right now, what's there left to play for, and I've when you walk through it, and I think these guys have
always felt like anything in sports, I mentioned the other really done a good job of doing the little things well.
night we prepare pretty much year-round. You only get
12 opportunities guaranteed, so every game is special. Nobody wants to lose, obviously. Nobody wants to
We've got two scheduled and they're important to us. I lose one game, let alone three in a row, but the big
know they are for our opponents, also, and it really thing right now and the thing we've tried to
goes down to two things for a football team or anybody communicate to our players that's the key is looking
when you face disappointment. You're either going to forward at this point. There's nothing you can do about
pull together or you're going to divide or you're going to what's happened behind us, and really what's

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important is what we're doing on a daily basis because out there together at times, they're out there separately
that will affect what happens in the future, and that's at times, and if they are out there separately, the lean is
what we've got to be concerned about. to T.J. probably because he's a little bit more versatile
as a tight end. I would compare him more to a
That's kind of been the message to our football team specialist position. But nonetheless, he's an
the last couple weeks, pretty much all 10 weeks for that outstanding football player, and we've tried to get him
matter, and will continue to be. the ball, and we'll continue to try to get him the ball.

Turning the page to Illinois, the captains will be the Q. Noah had, I believe, eight or nine snaps in the
same guys: Parker Hesse, Nate Stanley, Jake Gervase second half. Is that enough in your eyes for Noah?
and Keegan Render. Injury-wise it looks like Brandon KIRK FERENTZ: Nothing really looked very good last
Smith will be back. He's practiced the last two days, so Saturday, quite frankly, offensively. There wasn't much
as long as he gets through the week, he'll be back. we did that really did with consistency, so we went back
Nate Stanley is doing better than the last two weeks. I and looked at everything and we'll try to keep him
don't know if he's 100 percent, but he's certainly doing involved and get him involved. But he's a good football
better and doing fine, threw the ball well today and player. We're going to be a better team if we can get
yesterday. And then on a different note, Max Cooper, him the ball. He didn't play that many snaps against
we lost him in the last part of the game there on Indiana, but he had a lot of production, and that was
Saturday, so he's going to be out for the season, coming off an injury and what have you. Snap count
unfortunately. He's been doing some good things and was pretty low, but his production was really high, as
just came back off an injury. That's disappointing for was T.J.'s, and we didn't get that kind of production
everybody. from either of the guys the other night. Not putting it on
them, it's just Northwestern did a really good job of
Talking about Illinois, Coach Smith's third year and making it tough on us the other day.
they're a very young football team in a lot of regards.
When you look at them defensively, clearly there's an Q. There's some speculation that there's maybe a
identity there that's been consistent, and then where character issue or a vendetta issue. It doesn't
the big change is offensively, they made a change in seem like that's actually the case, though, right?
systems this past out of season, and the last three KIRK FERENTZ: Well, if that's floating around out
weeks especially they've really been clipping right there, which I've got to apologize, I'll read the papers
along. I think they're 41 points a game, 550 yards tomorrow night. I haven't heard that. I can assure you
average over the last three ballgames, and a lot of that's not an issue. Noah is a high-character guy. He's
that's coming on the ground. been tremendous with us. He's a great kid. So there's
no issues there at all, and that's hardly the deal.
Quarterback and the running back are both doing a
great job, extremely dangerous players, and then Beyond that, again, he's a good player. We're going to
they're playing with great confidence, and probably the be better if we can find ways to get him the ball. We
biggest change outside of that that I would cite is just tried to get him the ball on that two-point play at
their offensive line. They were a young group last year Purdue, the last one we had. Unfortunately he was
and a little bit rough around the edges, but they're assaulted on that play and didn't get the opportunity.
much improved as a group and they're allowing their And that kind of factors in sometimes, too. Remember,
offense to operate really efficiently. They've done a we have a lot of plays that are designed for he, T.J.,
good job of moving that thing along. other guys, as well, but if the defense takes something
away, then you're out of luck on that one.
Back on the road again, and just another Big Ten
challenge. We need to have a good week. We're off to Q. You've told us in the past that Phil has the
a good start and the challenge now is to go on the road primary decision making on personnel decisions
and try to get a Big Ten win. on defense. Is the same true for Brian on offense?
KIRK FERENTZ: Yes, pretty much, and LeVar on
Q. With Noah, I don't understand how a player of special teams. We'll have conversations. I'll interject
that resume doesn't get on the field. I don't thoughts, ideas. I had one last night before we left on
understand that. It feels like he's one of the best the other side of the ball about a couple things. But
players. that's kind of always been the way I've operated. I'll
KIRK FERENTZ: No question. I said the other night, make my observations, say what I think is important,
we've got two really good tight ends, and it's rare to and then pretty much let the coordinators handle
have that. But if you look at it, this year plus compared things.
to last year, we're going about roughly the same ratio,
amount of snaps. They're out there, he and T.J. are

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Obviously there are times you step in. Bob Sanders in 0-0 in my opinion, and really I think the critical things in
2000 I thought it was time to get him on the field and the game the other night, my observation would be we
see what we could do, see if he would help things. did a nice job on kick return, but outside of that we
didn't help ourselves in the kicking game, especially
But yeah, we let the coordinators pretty much dictate, with punt and punt return. We got nothing out of that.
and they're the ones that have to make the calls in In fact, we helped them a little bit.
critical times, so I think it's better that way.
They ran the ball better than we did, and they were
Q. You mentioned after the Purdue game, you're able to run it with success in the second half especially,
building for the next one, next Big Ten and we weren't. And then 3rd and 4th down
Championship. How important is this finishing conversions factored in there, too, and that kind of tied
stretch -- in with the running game's success.
KIRK FERENTZ: It's always important. We've always
talked about November football being important, and It's something we'll keep working at. I think the guys
that hasn't changed. Again, this has been are working hard at it, and we just haven't gotten it to
disappointing because we've had two tough games in the point where we'd like to, and we've got two games
this month and then another one prior to that. left, so this would be a great time to get it started.

Coming out of Purdue, it looked like a long shot to go Q. Do you think the running back by committee has
to Indy, and yeah, so that's always been our attitude hindered that? Has it not allowed it to get into a
going back to day one in '99 when we couldn't win a rhythm?
game. But you're always trying to build towards KIRK FERENTZ: I don't think necessarily. I think it's a
something, and it's really important, you're either matter of us being a little bit more cohesive and trying
adding to it, you're contributing, or you're taking away to -- we've got to push this thing through. It's kind of
from. That was really the impetus behind sending bowl like our team overall; we've just got to push this thing
watches to the 2000 seniors because they never got through and do things a little bit better.
the opportunity to play in a bowl and that was a real
pivotal -- those guys helped set the table for that 2001 Q. Gersonde, you wouldn't waste a redshirt by
season, and that was hardly momentous looking back, using him; is there any chance you might see him
but it was at that time. That was like going to Indy for this week?
us at that point. KIRK FERENTZ: Yeah, that's true of a lot of the guys
we have right now that are under that four-game count,
And then right along with that, you get pressed about so yeah, we'll definitely let those guys compete, and
evaluating teams and all that, and I am reluctant to do Ryan is -- we can play him without being penalized
that until the season is over. Two of my favorite teams now, which is really nice, and there are probably a
to coach and work with on a daily basis are not going couple other guys, too, that we're looking at that might
to go down in the record books as memorable Iowa be able to help us in some way, maybe small roles, that
teams perhaps for a lot of people, but they will for me. type of thing, help us win the game.
The '13 season and the '08 season were two of the
better -- I thought those guys really -- they were on the Q. You had NFL guys on the offensive line last year
right page, they were working together and maximized in James and Ike, then Akrum, NFL running back,
every opportunity as best they could. In '08 we lost -- but still, last year the running game was a little bit
after our 3-0 start, got off to a good start and then had short in some games --
three tough losses like this stretch. But they came out KIRK FERENTZ: Yeah, we really didn't have Ike, but
of it. We had one more loss at Illinois, coincidentally, yeah.
by three points I think. But that season, the team just
kept driving and kept pushing. That's all we're asking Q. And it feels like that's a large part of what you
our guys to do right now, and there's still a lot of good guys want to be, a large part of your identity when
moments we can have if we'll stick with it, and that's you're right in your offense.
the goal right now. KIRK FERENTZ: Yeah, that was a bad night offensively
for us, period, and if you look back at Wisconsin last
Q. You talked about the problem with the running year, which ironically our tight ends weren't very
game postgame, you talked about it last week. involved in that game, either. When we don't run the
How frustrating is it watching the film and not ball, it's really tough. When you're struggling
seeing really any progress? offensively, which we were the other night, it's just -- it's
KIRK FERENTZ: Yeah, that was a big part of the game a bad situation. They kind of feed off each other, and
the other day. It was 3-0 at halftime, might as well be we've certainly run the ball better with NFL guys up

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front or in the backfield. LeShun helped us a lot. But one observation I think the poaching is going to
we've also run it effectively without NFL guys, and it happen now in November and October instead of
doesn't take that. It's got to be a little bit more January -- it used to be January when it was a
cohesive of a team effort. conventional January, February signing. Like
everything in recruiting, it's moved up, and Florida I
The other night they -- I think I mentioned last Tuesday think accelerated, quote-unquote, the poaching period.
that I really think a big part of Northwestern's success I know we've had a couple guys that have been offered
is what they've done defensively from 2008 on. Not by schools that are, quote-unquote, the elite type
every year has been great defensively for them, but programs.
they've got an identity. I think they really do a great job
with their players, and that was an example, You know, anything is possible. We're hopeful
unfortunately, for us. That was an example the other everybody committed to us is committed for the right
night. You can look back at their season, and I think reason and will stick with us. But all that being said, it's
Michigan will probably tell you the same thing. like anything else, you don't want somebody to join
Michigan has scored a lot of points this year; they got your team that doesn't have both feet in. That's not
20 against Northwestern and had to work hard. We good for anybody.
knew it was going to be a challenge going into the
game, and unfortunately we weren't really able to Q. What are you expecting number wise for this
generate anything. class?
KIRK FERENTZ: For December -- overall I would say
But historically I know this, too, one game doesn't 19 to 21 something like that probably. Somewhere
determine what's going to happen in the next one. So around 20, give or take one or two.
we're back at work, but to your point if we don't run the
ball better this week, it's not going to be pretty. Q. What would you say your identity is on defense?
Last week -- Purdue was bombs away, last week
Q. How would you assess Sargent's progress this was a rushing thing. I think the adjustment Phil
year? made at safety worked. You have a bunch of
KIRK FERENTZ: Yeah, again, nobody had a great linebackers now who don't get on the field as
night the other night, right, but the two weeks prior to much. Is there an identity there with the defense?
that, I really thought he was playing really well and KIRK FERENTZ: Yeah, it's interesting you say that
doing a lot of great things. But we've got to get him because that was part of the discussion last night when
started, too. It's not fair to -- you can't just hand a back we were talking, and it just so happens he had a frame
a ball and expect him to go do it. We didn't give him frozen up on his screen that kind of led right down that
enough opportunity or any of the guys carrying the ball road. It's really interesting, I think I mentioned this a
enough opportunity the other night. That's what we're while back, that we all kind of knew in the room here
going to try to get that going a little bit better this week. what it looked like up front. We knew what it looked
like back at the safeties, although that's changed now
Q. I have a recruiting question. I know you guys with Geno in there and Hooker down below.
have had the rule that committed guys can't visit
other schools, verbally committed guys can't visit But really, it's kind of corner to corner in there right
other schools. Is that a strict rule still, or is there across the board, the corners and three linebackers,
some leeway there? we didn't know coming in who was what, and certainly
KIRK FERENTZ: Everything is case by case, but as a didn't have anybody that was -- had returning --
rule, commitment means commitment, and we try to significant returning experience. So my thoughts, and I
encourage when players do commit to us, we try to told you back in August, I really thought by the end of
encourage them to embrace that, that concept. What September, mid-October we'd kind of have a grip on it.
they do, their actions, anything in life, your actions kind Now you factor the injuries that we've had and the
of dictate what your intentions might be, so if we see rotation we've had, and we're sitting here in November
something that might be a little contradictory to a now, and it's still a little bit of a jump ball. The good
commitment, then we'll have to consider it and talk news is that I think we've seen all the guys play well,
about it, et cetera, and visit with the prospect about it. whether it was Jack settling in at mike, but Welsh has
really done a nice job in there. We've got Neimann
Q. Do you anticipate some poaching that may go who was hurt, now he's back, and Colbert has done a
on now with the earlier signing day? You guys good job. So we're just trying to figure that whole
have been through this cycle now. equation out and what's best.
KIRK FERENTZ: Yeah, it does, every year that's a
concern or a reality I guess I should say. Probably the In September we weren't fooling around with Hooker

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down below, so now -- it's a whole new dynamic, and KIRK FERENTZ: Really tough for a first-year player to
then we have two freshmen corners that I think have get thrown in at any position, especially the offensive
done a lot of good things out there. line. We're playing Big Ten teams now so we have a lot
of clips from a year ago when you look at our cut-ups,
So I guess it's not a quandary, but it's -- I guess the and he's a more confident player. He's more technique
good news is we're deeper than we were two months proficient now. Last year I'm not sure he understood
ago, so we've just going to figure this out. totally what he was supposed to be doing. He might
know his assignment, but he probably had no idea
Q. Do you feel like you need two defenses, like what his neighbor was doing, that type of thing.
against Wisconsin you have a philosophy --
KIRK FERENTZ: That is going to be an interesting -- if That's part of the beauty of experience. He's not there
you're going to play Hooker in that position, you yet, but he's got a great attitude, works extremely hard,
probably don't want to line him up against a tight end. and he's out there every day just with a good attitude,
That's probably not a smart thing. so he's got a chance to be a really good player. He's
playing well for us. But he's got a chance to be a really
That's going to be a whole separate discussion and good football player here before his career is over.
figure out how we adjust it. It's kind of like he'll be
adjusting opposite of what we did three or four weeks Q. There were a couple players that mentioned
ago. But that's a separate time, separate discussion maybe the last couple weeks, they've been feeling
unless we hook up somebody like that in a bowl game, kind of maybe tense in practice, but they said
and then it'll be Neimann for sure at that point. But yesterday was the first day they kind of felt like
anyway, we've had a lot of guys play, and now I think they got back to having fun. Have you kind of
hopefully over the next couple weeks we'll figure out sensed anything different from this week than the
who we are and what we are. past couple weeks?
KIRK FERENTZ: Not necessarily. I hope nobody is
Q. How about Amani Jones? The guy kind of lost feeling tense. You should be feeling focused. I think
his job in the first quarter of the first game, but you that's a better word. At least that's what I hope players
thought he would be a factor all year. How was his are, focused and intense but not tense. But that's easy
progression and would you think about putting him for me to say, too, right, because I'm not the one out
back out there? there doing what they're doing. It's tough.
KIRK FERENTZ: It's possible. He's kind of more of a
situational type guy, if you will. I think we're dealing But that's the beauty of experience. That's the beauty
with that the right way right now. We've really of repetition. Probably the biggest thing maybe to that
encouraged him to just embody the special teams role point is just this hasn't been fun, losing is never fun
that he has, and he's done a great job with that. His because you work so hard to have success, but it's a
attitude has been great. He's practicing really well out reality of if you're going to go out there and put it on the
there and really bringing a lot of energy, which that's line, it could happen, so that's the reality of life. We all
just his nature. I think we're in the right spot with him, face things that are tougher than losing football games
and then we'll just figure that out later, but right now his at different points of your life.
main role is just to help us on special teams and give
us some energy out there. So what do you take from that, how do you respond,
and again, I think the point I said earlier, you learn from
Q. You mentioned Nate. How much has that altered what's happened in the past, but you've really got to
the game plan the previous couple weeks? focus on what you're doing today because that will
KIRK FERENTZ: It hasn't altered the plan at all. The affect what happens down the road here. Right now
question was can he get to the game and be healthy, we can't worry about the last couple weeks. We've got
and just for the record, I've been saying he's been to worry about what can we do to give ourselves a
throwing the ball the last two Tuesdays, maybe three -- chance to be victorious again, and that's the goal right
I can't remember how long it's been now, but he's now. So it really gets down to us practicing well, and
throwing it well every Tuesday and Wednesday, right on you can't do it being tense. You have to be intense, but
through the week. you've got to let it rip a little bit, too. You can't squeeze
the bat when you swing it.
It's been fine.

Q. Tristan Wirfs, what is his progression, especially

from a year ago? What have you seen maybe from
him at the tackle spot?

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