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No: 4 Issue: 3 Page: 1
Date: 1 July 1997


1. Introduction

1.1 Authority is provided for the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to prescribe requirements in
respect of inspection or modification of aircraft, its engines, propeller or installed equipment.

1.2 When an aircraft is affected by a mandatory inspection or modification issued in accordance with
paragraph 1.1, it is legal for the aircraft to be flown (unless permission has been granted by the DGCA
either generally or in relation to a specific case) until the prescribed requirement has been complied with.

1.3 Operators and maintenance organisations are required to obtain from Airworthiness Division, DCA, all
relevant mandatory information relating to the relevant types of aircraft, engines and equipment with
which they are involved.

2. Compliance

For the purpose of compliance, the prescribe requirements for the mandatory modifications and
inspections as describe in 1.1 will be in three (3) different categories.

i) For aircraft registered in Malaysia, Airworthiness Notices issued by DCA. Notices in this series will
also be used to introduce new requirements.

A summary of the mandatory Airworthiness Notices will be issued in the form of an appendix known as
Appendix 1 of this Notice.

ii) For aircraft, engines, propellers or installed equipment for which Malaysia is the State of Design
and the Certifying Authority, DCA will issue Airworthiness Directives (AD) which will be known as

A summary of CAM AD will be issued in the form of an appendix known as Appendix 2 of this Notice and
the CAM AD will have the following numbering system, s/no-month-year, e.g. 001-04-1997.

iii) For aircraft, engines, propellers or installed equipment for which Malaysia is the Validating Authority
and the State of Registry, the following will apply:-

a) Airworthiness Directives issued by the Certifying Authority or State of Design (formerly known
as State of Manufacturer) of the aircraft, engines, propeller or installed equipment.

b) Airworthiness Directives issued by DCA which be known as VAM AD. These VAM AD replace
the MCAD and LTO.

A summary of VAM AD will be issued in the form of an appendix known as Appendix 3 of this Notice and
the VAM AD will have the following numbering system, year-s/no e.g. 1997-002.

2.1 The current comparatively small size of the aircraft type and component manufactured in Malaysia and
also the small size of Malaysian fleet of civil registered aircraft are such that DCA will only provide the
revision service of Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 of this notice periodically.

3. Requirements

3.1 Airworthiness Directives (CAM AD) issued by the DCA in accordance with paragraph 2(ii) are an obligation
as Malaysia is the State of Design in matters that affect aviation safety. These Directives are arise from
various sources, e.g. manufacturers Service Bulletins, in service difficulty reports or a result of design
investigation by the DCA.

3.2 Airworthiness Directives (VAM AD) issued by the DCA in accordance with paragraph 2(iii) (b) are intended
to introduce requirements which have a direct bearing on airworthiness or operations but which, for a
variety of reasons e.g. specifically Malaysian operating experience and are unlikely to be the subject of
airworthiness directive action by the State of Design.

3.3 The Appendixes 2 and 3 associated with this Notice provides the lists of both the CAM AD and VAM AD,
i.e. the definite listing of the Directives. The lists will be revised periodically as stated in paragraph 2.1.
No: 4 Issue: 3 Page: 2

3.4 With the issuance of CAM ADs and VAM ADs as described in this Notice, Letters to Operators (LTO) will
only be issued for non mandatory information documentation or any administrative matters to operators.

3.6 The Appendix to this Notice Issue 4 dated 1 September 1994 is hereby replaced by Appendixes as stated
in paragraph 2(i), (ii) and (iii), however the reference will be made to certain MCAD as reflected in current
Appendix 3.

3.7 Contusion has arisen in Malaysia in the past when several regulatory authorities have issued Airworthiness
Directives relating to a particular airframe or engine etc. Where the technical content of the directives have
been aimed at the same problem but the associated compliance requirements have varied from one to
another. Identification of the DCA requirements to be satisfied in such cases can best be illustrated by a
hypothetical example: -

Aircraft type manufactured in the United Kingdom, with American manufactured engines, propellers
manufactured in France and a cockpit voice recorder of American manufacture fitted by the operator as a
modification :-

(a) Airframe and installed equipment associated with the type certification of the aircraft –
Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary published by the UK CAA.

(b) Engines:
Airworthiness Directives issued under Federal Aviation Requirements (FAR) Part 39 by
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

(c) Propellers:
Consignes de Navigabilite issued by the Bureau Veritas.

(d) Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)

Airworthiness Directives issued under FAR Part 39 by the FAA.

(e) DCA Airworthiness Directives known as VAM AD (refer to Appendix 3 to this Notice).

4. Consultative Procedures

4.1 When the DCA is considering the introduction of a mandatory requirement in accordance with paragraph
3.1 and 3.2 which is likely to have a significant effect in terms of operator economics, a Notice of
Consultation will be sent to affected operators.

4.2 Operators are encouraged to comment to the DCA on such proposals and all comments received will be
given due consideration before the definitive requirement is issued.

5. Suspension

This Notice suspends the Appendix to Airworthiness Notice No. 4 Issue 4 dated September 1994, which
should be kept for reference until further notice. Refer paragraph 3.6

6. Cancellation

This Notice cancels Airworthiness Notice No. 4 Issue 2 dated 1 September 1988, which should be


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