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Warlock Patron:

The Symbiont
A subclass for the 5th edition Warlock

You are infected with a powerful extraplanar symbiont for good or ill. It
aids you by strengthening your body and granting you access to powerful
magic, but your goals may not always align and it can be cruel and
uncaring. Thankfully it needs you to survive, so for the foreseeable
future you are stuck together.

by Michael Richter

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The Symbiont Bioelectricity/Morphing
Starting from 1st level, you know either the Shocking
You have willingly or unwillingly been infested with
Grasp cantrip as well as the Witch Bolt spell, or you
an extraplanar symbiont, which is now part of your
know the Thorn Whip cantrip as wells as the Arms of
body. The creature's survival is tied inherently to your
Hadar spell. These spells do not count towards your
own and its main goals are survival and acquisiton of
limit of spells known.
power, in that order.
The symbiont is an unempathic entity without any
true concerns for others, although it may decide to Regeneration
fake such feelings. It will not shy away from severely Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to greatly
harming you if it decides that this would be in its own enhance your metabolism and heal yourself. As an
best interest. action, you can regain hit points equal to three times
your Warlock level. You must finish a long rest before
Based on the nature of your union, it will usually be a
you can use this feature again. This can be used to
helpful companion though, trying to make you
restore lost limbs, eyes, etc.
stronger by strengthening your connection and
protecting you as effectively as possible. Your own
favor and happiness is in its concern only so far as Purity
that it makes you more likely to comply with its own From 10th level onward, your immune system is
wishes. impeccable, making you immune to all diseases and
The symbiont's ultimate goal is a powerful host and if poisons.
possible immortality, although it can't survive in an
undead host.
Eldritch Flight
The appearance and physical nature of the symbiont At 14th level, you grow a pair of wings from your back,
is up to you and your DM to decide. It might just in- gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed.
habit one of your arms and appear as an eyeball or These wings inhibit the use of armor, unless the
face on the back/inside of your hand, or perhaps it is armor is made to accommodate them. The wings
a swarm of worms that are spread throughout your have an appearance that you consider most fitting for
entire body. Maybe a second face on the back of your your Symbiont (e.g. bat wings, feathered wings,
head? insect wings or something more alien).

Expanded Spell List

The Symbiont lets you choose from an expanded list Pact Options
of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The When using the Symbion patron, your pact features might
following spells are added to the warlock spell list for differ slightly in flavor and form.
Pact of the Blade. Your pact weapon doesn't manifest in
your hand, but instead grows from your body (usually your
hand). It's appearance may reflect this, being made from bone
Symbiont Expanded Spells or strange looking metals, although this doesn't affect it's
Spell Level Spells properties. You may also choose to instead transform one of
1st False Life, Cure Wounds your arms into a weapon, meaning you can't be disarmed, but
2nd Alter Self, Web also don't have the option of dropping it. Transforming your
3rd Protection from Energy, Aura of Vitality limb back uses a bonus action.
4th Stoneskin, Fire Shield Pact of the Tome. The book grows organically from your
5th Antilife Shell, Awaken
body and it's appearance represents that, with a cover of
bone, pages made of skin and writing in blood. It can't be ab-
sorbed again. If you lose it the regular rules apply and you

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must grow a new one. Alternatively you may choose to have
your body itself be the book, the secrets inside being etched
onto your skin in a code that only you can read, although they
are still visible to others. This way you cannot lose the tome,
but it might draw unwanted attention. Any attempts to destroy
the writing on your skin is futile. It will reappear after 1d4
Pact of the Chain. The familiar grows from your body and may
return to it. It's appearance may reflect this but doesn't neces-
sarily have to.

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