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Lumabao, Jerouen Paul D.

September 17, 2018

2017-03851 NSTP 1 – UV – 1
Volunteerism is the act of doing something out of love and care for others without
expecting anything in return. In the Philippines, the Republic Act 9418, also known as the
Volunteer Act of 2007 recognizes that volunteerism or “bayanihan” can be enhanced to become a
technique for national development and international cooperation. An act that binds the
government to make partnerships in order to achieve the social transformation and sustainable
development needed by the country through the act of volunteerism. A policy that enabled
Filipinos to uplift the spirit of volunteerism in their hearts.
In the video about volunteerism, volunteerism was defined as an important element for
sustainable development. Global development can only be possible through the balance of social,
economic, and environmental objectives. In order to achieve this, volunteerism must be done. It is
by helping one another, we can help the community, then the country, and eventually the world to
become better.
With the implementation of the R.A 9418, and the video that I’ve seen about volunteerism,
I have realized that I, myself, with just small actions towards the purpose of helping the community
and others as well, can contribute to achieving sustainable development. The kind of action does
not matter, however big, however small, your action is a part of the change and betterment of the
So what actions are example of volunteerism? “A simple act can make a big change,” is
the famous term that we hear and say, which is also true. A simple act of giving food to your
neighbor who needs food, an act of cleaning your surroundings and joining clean up drives of your
barangays, helping in the construction projects of schools and other establishments in your
community by sending donations in kind or cash, are just some of the examples of volunteerism.
When these actions are multiplied and the power of community helping is added, a better
environment can be made.
Without starting the actions in oneself, without the initiative to make a move, and without
the love and passion to serve, sustainable development would not be made possible. These things
are all connected and defined in the word volunteerism.
If we do not change our wrong actions, if we do not act and make something better, if we
do not volunteer, how can we make the world a better place? How can we help our suffering
brothers and sisters? How can we help our government? How can we help our nation in the
problems that it is facing? And how can we help mother earth?
Start acting now, start the movement to a better world, join the journey to attain sustainable
development. Let us implore in our hearts and minds, the word, meaning, and essence of
volunteerism. Let us not always think that if we give or do something, we should expect something
in return. Yes, it is not easy to volunteer, since sacrifices and challenges are waiting along the way.
But let us take note that this action that were doing is not only for ourselves, but also for our family,
friends, loved ones, for the community, the nation, the world and most of all for the greater glory
of God.

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