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Results and Discussions

Findings of the study are discussed as under:

Findings and Conclusion

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of Training on
employee’s job performance within some selected branches of Bank Alfalah.
Three branches of Bank Alfalah in Azad Kashmir and seven branches from
Rawalpindi and Islamabad were selected for this study. The target
respondents were all the employees working in these branches but clerical
staff is not considered in this study. From the supported material and results
of the study it is concluded that Training plays a major role in helping
employees to give better performance and help their organizations in
achieving their goals. In today societal and technological changing
environment the need for training has become more evident. Through
designing and implementing effective training activities, the benefits both
direct and indirect that are outlined in this project work can be achieved.
Further, the employees can acquire new knowledge, skills and capabilities to
increase their career potential. It is a well known fact that human resources
does not carry all skills and competencies and fully prepared to perform all
activities assigned to them when they are selected and join their
organizations. Training is the most powerful tool for influencing the
employee’s knowledge skills, abilities, capabilities and behaviors and to
prepare them for every task. Different level of training is required for
employees based on their qualification and skills possessed by them. This
study was conducted to see to what extent training affect the performance of
employees and evaluate its impact on various aspects of their job
performance including task and contextual aspects of performance. Six
variables of job performance including communication skills, organizational
commitment, quality of work, helping co-workers, supervisory skills and
motivation in work are selected in this study to see the impact of training on
all these aspects of individual performance. Above six variables are assumed

to construct the job performance and one main hypothesis is established to

see the impact of training collectively on all these aspects of performance.
The correlation results (r=0.477) shows that training has a positive and
significant effect on job performance, therefore the hypothesis H1 is
accepted. Further, regression analysis results also indicate a significant
relationship with R-square=0.228 and F-statistic=23.001, p<0.01. The value
of R-square (.228) shows that 23% variation in job performance has been
caused due to training.
On the basis of these results we may conclude that the impact of training on
employees job performance is not only significant but studies have proved
that training also improves various aspects of job performance such as
communication skills, organizational commitment, quality of work,
employee’s ability to help their co-workers, supervisory proficiency and
motivation at work. Training is a major practice in Pakistan and majority of
the organizations have realized the importance of training and train their
employees before and even during their jobs. The results shows that all level
of employees needed some level of training to understand their job functions
efficiently and effectively perform their work activities. There is no gender
and age difference is found in this regard. Employees of different age both
males and females were studied and their responses were found significantly
similar. We may conclude that training is equally needed for male and
females of all ages to enhance their knowledge and skills in order to perform
their work activities properly.

It is an unobvious fact that in recent time majority of the organizations have
realized the importance of training programs for the development of their
staff skills, capabilities, knowledge, career potential and efficiencies at work.
Organizations can reap the full benefits of training only by carefully planning
and implementing the training programs. The following are some guidelines

that can be helpful in ensuring the effectiveness of training programs to

achieve a return on investment. They include:
 Training program should be consistent with organization’s mission and
goals. Organization mission and goals should be kept in view while
designing the training programs. Each training activity should support
the mission and help the organization in achieving it goals and
 Training programs should be designed in a systematic way after
carefully and professionally identifying the training needs. The line
managers and the individuals involved in training should participate in
identifying the training needs along with HR personnels. It is helpful in
knowing what the trainees are looking, what attitude and behavior
need to be changed and what skills are needed.
 Training objectives should be job specific, attainable, measurable,
realistic and timely. They should include performance targets and
performance standards that can serve as motivating the employees.
 Training activities should be linked to the workplace. When training is
completed, it should enable the trainees to integrate the training
results into their jobs. They should know what training activities will be
completed, how to do them and after completing training how to
implement them in the job settings.
 Training activities should be supported and reinforced. To effectively
implement the training results, it is necessary that performance reward
system should be designed to support the training efforts and
recognized when performance is improved as the result of training.
 Training provided to the employees should result in a better
understanding of the performance objectives of employees. It should
also clear them about their job functions.
 Training contents and delivery methods should be selected very
carefully. They should be understandable to everyone and relevant to
the job functions.

 Both on-the-job and external training should be arranged. It can enable

them to enhance their efficiency at work as well as to cope with the
needs of changing competitive business environment in the external
 Frequency of training should be appropriate so that it can provide
opportunities to more and more employees to the training facilities.
 There should be career planning and development facilities and equal
promotion opportunities to everyone. Through counseling their
potential abilities and aspirations should be identified and then
organization should provide appropriate training for their career growth
and development.
 It is also necessary that training should be evaluated after a specific
time period to assess the training effectiveness in producing desired
results, and to identify in which areas changes or improvements are
required to make the training more effective.

Future Research
In view of the limited resources and time available for the study, only the training policy of Bank
Alfalah is chosen for study. The sample size is also small to reflect the opinion of maximum
employees of the bank to represent the whole organization. The answers and responses given by
the respondents have to be believed as truly reflecting their perception about their organizational
policy. Further only Bank Alfalah is selected for study but the findings of this research study may
guide the researcher to conduct their research on other organization especially the banks
operating in Azad Kashmir and other cities of the country in future.

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