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ECOMMS Final Exam April 30, 2007

Spring 2007 11:00AM– 1:00PM

Student’s Name:

DIRECTIONS: This exam consists of three parts – Part A, Part B and Part C. Answer
all questions in all three parts. This exam is OPEN TEXTBOOK/ NOTES/
CALCULATOR, CLOSED COMPUTER/WEB. Remember to specify UNITS for all
answers. Use proper NOTATION. Show ALL WORK.

Part A (4 questions @ 10 points each = 40 points)

1. A 1-Kz single-tone modulated standard-AM signal has a modulation index of 85%, a

carrier amplitude of 100-V and a carrier frequency of 840-kHz.
(a) Write down the time-domain expression for the AM signal.
(b) Write down the frequency-domain expression for the AM signal.
(c) Sketch the spectrum of the AM signal.
(d) Calculate the modulation efficiency.
(e) Calculate the transmission bandwidth.

2. A Huffman-tree is shown in Figure 2 for coding the symbols A through G; the

occurrence probability associated with each symbol is also indicated.

A: 3/8

B: 3/16

C: 3/16
D: 1/8

E: 1/16

F: 1/32

G: 1/32

Figure 2

(a) What are the individual code words and code lengths for each of these symbols?
(b) What is the coding efficiency?
(c) If each of these symbols were equiprobable, would you agree that a fixed length code
is about as efficient as any code can be? Give reasons for your answer.
(d) If each of these symbols were equiprobable, how many source symbols should the
source generate for the coding efficiency to be 100 percent?

3. Speculate on the state of communications technology in the future. In particular,

predict the products and services that will be available to an average consumer in:
(a) 2017
(b) 2057
(c) 2107

4. Discuss the trade-offs associated with using multi-level digital baseband signaling for
bandpass digital communications.

Part B

5. You are required to capture and perform spectral analysis on an AF signal that is
bandlimited to 5-kHz. The spectral resolution should be such that the user can
distinguish frequencies that are at least 20-Hz apart. You are provided with an
HP54645A Oscilloscope (which does NOT support FFT displays) connected to a PC.
The PC supports Agilent IntuiLink Scope and Matlab. Design a waveform capture
and spectral analysis strategy in the steps outlined below:

(a) What time window, T, should be set in the oscilloscope for capturing the AF
signal? Available options are 10 ms, 100 ms, 1 s and 10 s.
(b) How many points should be captured? Available settings in IntuiLink Scope
include 500 points, 1000 points, 2000 points and 4000 points.
(c) Write a Matlab program that:
 Reads in the file containing time and amplitude information from the
captured AF signal.
 Computes the sampling frequency of the time-domain signal.
 Computes the FFT of the time-domain signal.
 Displays that part of the computed amplitude spectrum that represents the
CFT of the AF signal.

(20 points)

Part C

6. Trace Contaminant Detector

You have been hired as the lead systems engineer by a start-up company that has just
secured a contract from the US Department of Homeland Security. The project is to
design and build a Trace Contaminant Detector (TCD) to detect the presence of
extremely small quantities of biological and/or chemical hazards in an airport security
environment. The heart of the sensor system is a 16-channel Quartz Crystal
Microbalance (QCM) array.
Each QCM consists of a quartz crystal coated with an adsorptive surface along with a
pair of Au electrodes. The adsorptive surface is specific to a single analyte and allows a
minute amount (a few nanograms) of the contaminant to adhere to it; thus changing the
mass of the crystal structure. This change in mass causes a proportional shift in the
resonant frequency of the quartz crystal. The mass of the adhering layer is calculated by
using the Sauerbrey relation:
m = C f (1)
-1 -2
where C = 17.7 ng Hz cm for a 5 MHz quartz crystal. The QCM-array consists of 16
separate QCM structures, each with a 14 mm diameter quartz crystal, and each
responding to a specific biological or chemical contaminant.
Perform a system-level design of the TCD device. Your device must output a digital
bitstream that allows for:
1. The display of the detected quantity of each of the 16 contaminants; and,
2. A network interface to a remote host for data analysis and archival.
Other desired device specifications are:
Mass resolution, ng 3
Maximum mass load, g 90
Output voltage range, V ± 4.0

Your system-level design should not focus on individual components; rather, it should
provide block diagrams of systems and subsystems with specified I/O characteristics.
Credit will be given for design simplicity, functionality and adherence to current
communications standards.
(40 points)

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