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a, b
Jay Thompson, MD *, Naheed Lakhani, MD

 Cataracts  Intraocular lens implant  Surgery  Management  Cataract symptoms

 A cataract is the term used to describe the opacification of the crystalline lens inside the
 Primary care providers play a key role in diagnosing cataracts based on symptoms and
known risk factors.
 Cataract surgery is one of the most successful of all surgical procedures performed.
 There are currently no medical treatment for cataracts, however, minimizing exposure to
known risk factors can slow progression.


A cataract is a clouding of the crystalline lens inside the eye, which leads to a decrease in
vision. It is the most prevalent, treatable cause of visual impairment and blindness in the
world. Cataract surgery with an intraocular lens (IOL) implant is one of the most common
and thought to be the most effective surgical procedure in any field of medicine. Although
aging is the most common cause, other factors, including disease, trauma, medications,
and genetic predisposition, are also known to be associated with cataract formation.1
Although cataracts, and the subsequent surgery to correct them, are ultimately the
domain of ophthalmology, the primary care physician is frequently the one to whom pa-
tients present with vision complaints. Knowledge of cataract symptoms, how to evaluate
them, and a basic understanding of the surgery to correct cataracts make primary care
physicians an integral part of treating this leading cause of preventable blindness.

Cataract Surgery: A Brief History

Cataract surgery today is defined as the removal of the opacified lens and replacement
with a synthetic lens known as an IOL. Up until the 1960s and later, the cataract was sim-
ply removed without a replacement. Although the potential of vision was restored, the
resulting lack of a lens, or aphakia, resulted in a significant hyperopia caused by the
absence of the lens’ focusing power. Thus, in order to have focused vision it was

Lowcountry Eye Specialists, 9565 Highway 78, #100, Ladson, SC 20456, USA; b Emory Family
Medicine Residency Program, 718 Gatewood Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Prim Care Clin Office Pract 42 (2015) 409–423
0095-4543/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
410 Thompson & Lakhani

necessary to wear very thick, heavy glasses. These glasses were inconvenient, unsightly,
and induced a lot of prism caused by the thickness of the glass lenses. In 1949 a British
ophthalmologist by the name of Harold Ridley noticed that plastic fragments from the
cockpit canopies of fighter jets were well tolerated in the anterior chambers of the pilots
who had been shot down. The idea was born of replacing the lens with a plastic one after
the cataract was removed. In the decades since Dr Ridley’s idea, IOLs have evolved in
design, style, and material. Most modern IOLs are made of either acrylic or silicone. Cur-
rent IOLs come in a spectrum of diopter powers. The biggest advantage to cataract sur-
gery is that, in addition to restoring clarity to the eye by removing the cataract, the IOL
placed can be optimized to correct much of a patient’s refractive error. Thus, even pa-
tients who were strongly nearsighted or farsighted before cataract surgery will often
have no to minimal correction required after, as the IOL is now correcting that error.
The determination of IOL power is made by taking various measurements of the eye, spe-
cifically the axial length (the distance from the front of the cornea to fovea) and the cur-
vature of the cornea, and then using regression formulas to calculate a power. Newer
formulas also use anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, and corneal diameter to pro-
vide even more accurate results and, thus, a better chance of achieving emmetropia.
Prevalence and Epidemiology
Approximately 90% of blindness in developed countries can be attributed to cataracts.
Prevalence of cataracts varies by age, race, and sex. In the United States, among the
nursing home population, cataracts are a leading cause of low vision (as defined by
visual acuity worse than 20/40 in the better-seeing eye), responsible for 37% of low
vision among Caucasians and 54% of low vision among African Americans.2 Among
Americans, a visually significant cataract (visual acuity <20/40) is present in approxi-
mately 2.5% of those aged 40 to 49 years, 6.8% of those aged 50 to 59 years,
20.0% of those aged 60 to 69 years, 42.8% of those aged 70 to 79 years, and
68.3% of those aged greater than 80 years. The 3 subtypes of age-related cataracts
(nuclear, cortical, and posterior subcapsular [PSC]) vary across populations. The
term nuclear cataract describes the normal yellowing and sclerosis of the lens nucleus
associated with aging. Cortical cataracts are wedge-shaped or spokelike opacities in
the outer cortical layers of the lens. PSCs are plaquelike opacities along the posterior
cortical layers. In the United States, nuclear cataracts are seen more commonly in Cau-
casians, whereas cortical cataracts are seen more commonly in African Americans;
however, PSC cataracts are prevalent at roughly the same rate in both groups. Age-
related cataracts may be further classified by the Lens Opacities Classification System
III (LOCS III). This system, used at the slit lamp, grades the type and density of cataracts
by comparing them with standard photographic color plates. Although LOCS III is a
very accurate and reproducible way to grade the severity of cataracts, it is primarily
used for research purposes to evaluate progression.3 Cataracts affect nearly 22 million
Americans aged 40 years and older. By 80 years of age, more than half of all Americans
have cataracts. Direct medical costs for cataract treatment are estimated at $6.8 billion
annually.4 The prevalence of cataracts has a strong positive relationship with age.


The lens is a transparent biconvex disk that sits behind the iris inside the eye (Fig. 1).
The functions of the lens are to
1. Maintain its own clarity
2. Focus light
3. Provide accommodation
Cataracts 411

Fig. 1. The human eye.

It is suspended like a trampoline and is attached to the ciliary body, with fibers known
as the zonules of Zinn. The developed lens is an avascular structure and is without inner-
vation. Its metabolic needs are met by the adjacent aqueous humor. Histologically, the
lens is composed of a single-layer, anterior, cuboidal, inverted epithelium that secretes
an overlying thick basement membrane called the lens capsule to which the zonules
attach. New cells are formed constantly during life and are laid down externally to the
older cells. These newly formed cells differentiate into lens fibers. In doing so they
stretch, lose their organelles, and dramatically increase the mass of cellular proteins.
It is these changes that impart transparency to the lens. Because the epithelial cells
are unable to shed and are instead differentiated into lens fibers, they are compacted
centrally, with the oldest being in the center, or nucleus, of the lens. Without organelles
these central cells are more susceptible to the photooxidative effects of aging. It is the
photooxidative insults to these cells that lead to the discoloration and opacities in the
lens known as a cataract. A cataract causes light to scatter when it passes through
the lens, which decreases the amount of light to the retina.5,6
Types of Cataracts
There are several types of acquired cataracts: age related, secondary, and trauma
related. Age related can be classified as nuclear, cortical, or PSC (Fig. 2). Secondary
cataracts develop as a result of systemic disease or an ocular disease. Congenital
cataracts can be genetic or disease related.
Age-related cataracts
 Nuclear: This type of cataract is the most common; it begins with a gradual hard-
ening, yellowing, and sclerosis of the nucleus, which expands to other layers of
the lens. This change is a normal aging change, though many factors are known
to accelerate its formation.
 Cortical: This type tends to occur more often in persons with diabetes. It begins in
the peripheral lens in the outer cortical layers and then slowly moves inward in a
spoking pattern.
412 Thompson & Lakhani

Fig. 2. Types of cataracts. (A) Nuclear cataract. (B) PSC cataract. (C) Cortical cataract.

 PSC: This type of cataract is plaquelike opacity of the back of the lens and can
develop rapidly. Significant symptoms may not occur until the cataract is well
developed. These cataracts are commonly associated with corticosteroid use.

Secondary cataracts
Several systemic or ocular diseases can predispose individuals to cataracts. Patients
with diabetes have a high prevalence of cataracts.5–7 Cataracts are among the earliest
complications of diabetes mellitus. Klein and colleagues8 demonstrated that patients
with diabetes mellitus are 2 to 5 times more likely to develop cataracts than their
nondiabetic counterparts; this risk may reach 15 to 25 times in diabetic patients
Cataracts 413

who are less than 40 years of age.9 Myotonic dystrophy, atopic dermatitis, neurofibro-
matosis, hypoparathyroidism, and Down syndrome, among many others, are also
associated with cataract formation.
A variety of ocular conditions are also commonly associated with cataracts (Fig. 3).
Uveitis, an inflammation of the inner eye, is commonly associated with cataracts.
These cataracts may be caused both by inflammation and/or the steroids used to treat
it.10 Other ocular syndromes commonly associated with cataracts include acute
congestive angle closure, high (pathologic) myopia, and hereditary fundus dystro-
phies, such as retinitis pigmentosa, Leber congenital amaurosis, gyrate atrophy,
and Stickler syndrome.
There are a variety of diseases and conditions linked to congenital cataracts. Diseases
linked to cataract development include rubella, cytomegalovirus, varicella, syphilis,
and toxoplasmosis. Genetic causes include autosomal-dominant congenital cataract,
Lowe syndrome, and galactosemia.
Both blunt and penetrating trauma are common causes of cataracts. Other types of
trauma include electric shock, infrared radiation (eg, occupational exposure), and
ionizing radiation (eg, for ocular tumors). These types can develop immediately
following the traumatic event or insidiously over time. Because of the potential for injury
to the zonules and other parts of the eye with blunt trauma, surgical repair of these cat-
aracts can be more difficult and complications are more common.11 Obtaining a
detailed history of the type and extent of trauma is imperative for surgical planning.


Cataracts most often present slowly and painlessly. Because of the insidious nature of
progression many patients are often unaware of, and will not complain of, any dra-
matic changes in their vision. However, when asked about specific symptoms they
will readily admit to difficulty. Thus, when completing a review of systems and ques-
tioning patients about their vision, it is important to ask specific closed questions
instead of simply asking, how is your vision? Questions specifically designed to gauge
the effect on activities of daily living and, thus, determine whether ophthalmic consul-
tation is indicated include the following: Do you see well enough to safely drive at
night? Are you able to easily read the print on your medication bottles?
The types of cataracts mentioned previously vary in how they present because of
the different ways in which the opacities effect light transmission through the lens.

Fig. 3. Cataracts caused by various conditions. (A) Advanced diabetic cortical cataract. (B)
Radiation cataract.
414 Thompson & Lakhani

Nuclear sclerotic cataracts, with their yellowing and hardening of the central lens and
resulting myopic shift, often present with diminished distance vision but few problems
with near acuity. Patients may complain about difficulty seeing road signs or following
a golf ball but have no problem reading a newspaper. Cortical cataracts, caused by
the spoking of the peripheral lens, are more problematic in low light when the pupil
naturally dilates to let more light in and involves the peripheral opacified lens in
focusing light. This cataract commonly results in complaints of glare, especially
when driving at night. PSC cataracts, caused by the opacity being central, are most
bothersome in bright light or when the pupil is constricted, such as when reading
because all focused light passes through the small pupillary opening and then the
opacity immediately behind it. Symptoms tend to improve in low light when the pupil
then dilates and light is able to pass around the cataract. Although this is a good rule of
thumb, any visual complaint can be found with any type of cataract (Fig. 4).12
The most common complaints consistent with a worsening cataract are as follows:
 Blurred vision and/or glare, especially when driving at night
 Reduced visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, or color appreciation
 Increasing nearsightedness
 Monocular double vision or ghosting: seeing multiple images of one object


A thorough history is important when you have a patient who presents with symptoms
of a cataract. The primary care physician’s priority is to establish both the clinical sus-
picion for a cataract in light of a vision complaint and to determine a patient’s suitability

Fig. 4. Impact of cataracts on vision.

Cataracts 415

for surgery. Relevant aspects of a past medical history include previous eye condi-
tions, previous ocular injuries or surgeries, concurrent ocular diseases, and genetic
A history of medication use, specifically alpha-blocker use, such as tamsulosin hy-
drochloride (Flomax), is of critical importance for the primary care physician to pass
onto the ophthalmologist as many patients do not know the medications they take.
This class of medications can be very problematic during cataract surgery as they
can cause intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS). This syndrome leads to a loss
of tone of the iris causing progressive pupillary constriction during surgery resulting
in iris trauma and inadequate visualization. As a result, complication rates are signifi-
cantly higher in patients with IFIS. Unfortunately, stopping these medications before
surgery does not necessarily lessen the chance of IFIS because of the permanent
structural changes to the iris. However, the surgical technique can be adjusted to
account for these changes as long as the ophthalmologist knows to expect them.13
Other conditions, such as obesity, alcohol consumption, smoking, hypertension,
and known inflammatory markers, can all have an impact on the safety of and recovery
from cataract surgery. The more relevant a history the primary care physician obtains,
the more these factors can be taken into account to individualize a surgical plan and
optimize the outcome.


In evaluating patients with visual complaints, the first step in evaluation by the primary
care physician is the determination of visual acuity at both distance and near. Vision
should be checked with the most current or best pair of glasses, and patients should
be pushed to read the smallest line possible on the Snellen chart and near card. It
should be noted that 20/20 or near-perfect vision does not preclude the presence
of a cataract. Types of cataracts, specifically cortical, can present with a significant
reduction in functional vision in glare situations (such as night driving); visual acuity
testing alone will not reveal the full degree of visual disability.
If the primary physician is comfortable with a direct ophthalmoscope, it can be a
very useful tool in both diagnosing a cataract and discerning other causes of the
visual complaint. Depending on the comfort level of the primary physician, dilating
the pupils (as long as no known history of narrow angles exists) with 2.5% phenyl-
ephrine and 1.0% tropicamide can greatly enhance the view of the lens. With the
lens power set to zero, hold the ophthalmoscope approximately 12 inches from
the eye. The reflection of light off of the retina will produce a bright red reflex.
This reflex should be uniform in color and brightness. Any cataract change in the
lens will show up as a dark spot against the red reflex.12 Specifically, PSC and
cortical cataracts are most readily discernable by this method (Figs. 5 and 6).
Next, the ophthalmoscope should be used to evaluate the optic nerve and fundus,
much easier if the pupils are dilated, for any retinal conditions that could also
explain the vision complaints. The presence of any drusen, scarring, or hemor-
rhages should be noted.
A thorough eye examination by the primary care physician should include the
 Distance and near visual acuity with by Snellen letter, Tumbling E, or picture
charts WITH newest or best glasses
 The external eyes for trauma or deformity
 Extraocular muscle movements
 The presence of an afferent papillary defect
416 Thompson & Lakhani

Fig. 5. PSC cataract retroillumination.

 Red reflex bilaterally

 Optic nerve and disk with the ophthalmoscope
 Ability to fixate on and follow or reach for moving object in preverbal patients
If the suspicion of a cataract exists, based on history, demographics, and/or exam-
ination findings a referral to ophthalmology should be made for further evaluation and
The lens is best examined with a dilated pupil by an ophthalmologist. Table 1
includes diagnostic methods used by the ophthalmologist to evaluate cataracts.


Nonsurgical Management of the Cataract
Although cataracts are ultimately a surgical condition, there are several nonsurgical
treatment options that may be temporarily effective in optimizing visual function. First,

Fig. 6. Cortical cataract retroillumination.

Cataracts 417

Table 1
Ophthalmologic diagnostic modalities

Slit lamp A biomicroscope, used to visually examine the eye; used to

detect the type and severity of cataract opacity within lens
Potential acuity meter or Used to assess potential visual acuity with removal of cataract
laser interferometer if other forms of ocular pathology exist
B-scan ultrasound Used to detect retinal detachment or tumors if a cataract is so
dense that it prevents retinal examination
Glare testing and contrast Used to quantitatively assess functional impact of glare or loss
sensitivity testing of contrast in cataracts

vision can often by improved with a careful refraction and a new pair of glasses for dis-
tance and near vision. For specific complaints of difficulty reading, increasing ambient
lighting or increasing the power of the bifocal portion of the glasses can help. Although
research is ongoing, there is currently no medical treatment to definitively treat or
reverse cataract formation.

Surgical Management of Cataracts

The primary indication for cataract surgery is the patients’ desire for improved visual
function and the likelihood that cataract surgery will help them achieve that goal. The
decision to proceed is not based on a specific level of acuity but on when patients and
the physician determine that the diminished acuity from the cataracts interferes with
daily activities.

Indications for Surgery

 Improve vision and overall functionality
 Address medical indications (eg, phacomorphic glaucoma)
 Facilitate management of fundus disease (eg, diabetic retinopathy) when poste-
rior view is too poor to adequately diagnose and follow

Cost-effectiveness of Cataract Surgery

In the United States, each year, almost 1.5 million people have cataract surgery at a
total estimated cost of $3.4 billion. However, the cost of not treating a cataract is
much greater because of the effects of cataract-related vision loss on the ability to
work and to function independently. Therefore, the optimal management of a cataract
that is symptomatic and limiting to functionality is surgical removal.
Despite the large amount of money spent annually on cataract surgery, the quality-
of-life gain is tremendous. One evaluation showed that monocular cataract surgery
conferred a gain of 1.62 quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), whereas bilateral cataract
surgery conferred more than 2.8 QALYs of benefit.5 Another student demonstrated
that initial cataract surgery yielded an extraordinary 4567% financial return on invest-
ment to society over the 13-year model. This finding is even more reassuring given
other data that cataract surgery is 34.4% less expensive than in 2000 and 85.0%
less expensive than in 1985. However, for most ocular interventions, patient value
gain occurs primarily because of improvement in quality of life. Cataract surgery in
the first eye confers a 20.8% quality-of-life gain, more than double the 6.3% to
9.1% patient value gain in quality of life and length of life conferred by b-adrenergic
blockers for the treatment of systemic arterial hypertension.7
418 Thompson & Lakhani

Preoperative Assessment
A Cochrane review showed that routine preoperative testing does not increase the
safety of cataract surgery. The analysis included 3 studies with a sufficient sample
size and statistical power to investigate this claim. Reviews of the literature and prac-
tice guidelines found that commonly performed preoperative laboratory tests in adults
preparing for elective surgeries have generally low predictive value. Before the
conduct of this review, surveys of ophthalmologists in the United States and Canada
in 1992 indicated that among ophthalmologists, ordering preoperative screening tests
was common and that these tests were often ordered despite a lack of belief in their
clinical value. Tests were sometimes ordered in the belief that other physicians
required the test results or based on medicolegal concerns.
This review reported results for 21,531 total cataract surgeries. Among those,
there were 707 total medical adverse events associated with cataract surgeries,
including 61 hospitalizations and 3 deaths. Of the 707 medical adverse events re-
ported, 353 occurred in the pretesting group and 354 occurred in the no-testing
group. Most events were cardiovascular and occurred during the intraopera-
tive period. Preoperative medical testing did not reduce the rate of intraoperative
(odds ratio [OR] 1.02, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.85–1.22) or postoperative
medical adverse events (OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.74–1.24) compared with selective or
no testing. Alternatives to routine preoperative medical testing have been pro-
posed, including self-administered health questionnaires. Such avenues may
lead to cost-effective means of identifying those at an increased risk of medical
adverse events caused by cataract surgery. However, despite the rare occurrence,
adverse medical events precipitated by cataract surgery remain a concern
because of the multiple medical comorbidities among the age demographic of
cataract surgery patients. The studies summarized in this review should assist rec-
ommendations for the standard of care of cataract surgery, at least in developed
Currently, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which covers most
cataract surgeries in the United States, covers preoperative services that assess a
beneficiary’s fitness for surgery.14 Although such services are covered, the American
Academy of Ophthalmology’s practice guidelines recommend testing on indication
rather than routine preoperative medical testing.15 In the United Kingdom, the Royal
College of Ophthalmologists’ guidelines16 and National Health Service do not recom-
mend routine preoperative medical testing (ie, blood tests and electrocardiograms)
before cataract surgery. Similarly, the American Heart Association recommends
against routine testing in patients undergoing low-risk procedures, such as cataract
surgery.17 Thus, although cataract surgery carries very low risks and routine testing
is not recommended, preoperative medical evaluation by the primary care physician
to determine overall fitness for the procedure is commonly sought based on known
comorbidities. Contraindications to surgery include uncontrolled hypertension, hyper-
glycemia, unstable heart disease, systemic infections, or any respiratory issues.
Patients with a variety of complex medical conditions can have cataract surgery per-
formed as long as those conditions are stable. The primary care physician will often be
asked to consult with the ophthalmologist and anesthesiologist before surgery if there
are any concerns.
In general, patients taking aspirin or other anticoagulant drugs do not need to
change their regimen before undergoing cataract extraction as there is generally no
bleeding and minimal risk of any. Despite this, measures of control, such as the inter-
national normalized ratio, should be within the therapeutic range. However,
Cataracts 419

retrobulbar and peribulbar anesthesia should be avoided in patients on anticoagu-

lants. The surgeon should also be aware of other drugs patients may be taking, spe-
cifically tamsulosin hydrochloride (Flomax) and other alpha-1 antagonists.

Cataract Surgery
Before the surgery
Before cataract surgery, patients undergo a comprehensive ophthalmologic examina-
tion, including measurement of refraction, measurement of intraocular pressure, slit
lamp examination, and examination of the retinal fundus with the pupils dilated. Other
causes of impaired vision must be ruled out or taken into account, such as glaucoma,
age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, or optic nerve pathology.
Glare effect can be measured by determining visual acuity under conditions of
increased ambient lighting, which can greatly exacerbate cataract symptoms. In
patients with coexisting eye problems, such as age-related macular degeneration,
special testing and clinical judgment are needed to assess the potential value of cata-
ract surgery.

Anesthesia for cataract surgery

Nearly all cataract operations in the United States are performed with light sedation
along with a topical anesthesia. This technique is currently the most time-efficient
and cost-efficient method. Retrobulbar and peribulbar injections have become less
common because of a longer visual recovery and a higher risk of serious complica-
tions. Also, topical anesthesia does not affect vision and does not cause akinesia
(temporary paralysis) of the eye, so many patients have useful and improved vision
almost immediately after surgery. Some ophthalmologists are even eliminating intra-
venous sedation and are just using a small amount of oral sedation along with topical
anesthesia. General anesthesia may be appropriate in patients who cannot cooperate
because of advanced age, poor mental status, or severe claustrophobia. It is the
extensive history provided by the primary care physician that is instrumental in deter-
mining the optimum anesthesia technique for each case.

Current surgical techniques

The 3 main techniques for cataract extraction today are intracapsular extraction,
extracapsular extraction, and phacoemulsification. More than 99% of cataract sur-
geries in the United States are done with phacoemulsification.

Intracapsular cataract extraction

Intracapsular cataract extraction is the removal of the entire lens including the
capsule, after which patients must wear special (ie, aphakic) eyeglasses because
no IOL is implanted. This procedure is no longer used in developed countries except
in rare cases, such as a partly dislocated lens. It has a high rate of intraoperative and
postoperative complications, and the need for thick glasses or contacts makes it
much less desirable.

Extracapsular cataract extraction

Extracapsular cataract extraction involves removing the opacified lens as a whole but
leaving the capsule of the lens and its zonular attachments intact. The capsular bag
then provides a scaffold for implantation of a synthetic lens. Although this method
does allow implantation of an IOL, it requires a large incision at the corneal-scleral
junction requiring sutures for closure and a longer recovery. Complication rates are
also much higher than with phacoemulsification. This procedure is used for very
mature cataracts that are too dense for phacoemulsification.
420 Thompson & Lakhani

Phacoemulsification is currently the most commonly used procedure for cataract
extraction in the United States. This procedure is a less invasive version of extracap-
sular cataract extraction, developed by Charles Kelman in 1967, in which the lens nu-
cleus is emulsified within its capsule using an ultrasonic probe inserted through a small
(1.8–3.0 mm) incision. When constructed properly, the small wound size is self-sealing
and precludes the need for a suture to close it. The advantages of phacoemulsification
compared with regular extracapsular extraction are that the incision is smaller; the
rates of intraoperative complications, such as vitreous loss and iris prolapse, are
lower; the procedure time is shorter; and the time to visual recovery is faster. As
with the other extracapsular approach, the capsular bag is maintained, allowing for
easy placement of a synthetic lens implant (Fig. 7). Despite the rapid healing and
rare complications of phacoemulsification, the eyes are generally operated on sepa-
rately and done 1 to 4 weeks apart.
Postoperative Care
In uneventful phacoemulsification, the patients’ vision will often return to normal within
a few days. In order to speed visual recovery and prevent complications, patients are
usually placed on a combination of drops after surgery. The most common regimen is
an antibiotic, a steroid, and a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug. These medications
are usually used for 3 to 6 weeks postoperatively. In addition, optimal recovery is
achieved with a limitation of strenuous activity for a week or so. Activities such as
weight lifting, heavy yard work, or impact sports are avoided. Because no sutures
are placed, patients are also advised to avoid rubbing the eye and a plastic shield is
often placed over the eye when sleeping to avoid inadvertent contact. If needed, a
new glasses prescription can be given to patients in 1 to 3 weeks after both eyes
are done.
Intraocular lenses
Once the cataract has been removed from the eye, there is the resulting loss of the
focusing power (albeit blurry) that the cataractous lens provided. As a result, nearly

Fig. 7. Retroillumination of IOL after cataract surgery.

Cataracts 421

all modern cataract surgery involves the placement of an IOL during surgery, which
replaces the natural lens and restores focusing power to the eye. These IOLs have
evolved significantly since Dr Ridley first developed them. Some of the greatest ad-
vances in cataract surgery over the last decade have been in the types of IOLs that
can be implanted (Fig. 8). Although a variety of IOL designs exist, they can be divided
into three categories: monofocal, toric, and multifocal/pseudo-accomdative.18 The
types of IOLs are summarized in Table 2.
Because cataract surgery is only done one time, the determination of which type
of IOL to implant is an important one. This decision is made by the surgeon and the
patients together. Factors that play into this decision are the desired level of spec-
tacle independence, amount of preexisting astigmatism, budget, and preexisting
ocular comorbidities that may have an impact on final best-corrected vision after


Prevention of cataracts primarily involves reducing risks. Significant research con-

tinues to be done on ways to slow the progression of cataracts. It is known that oxida-
tive stress plays a large role on the cellular level in the formation cataracts. However, a
large randomized study found that supplementation with vitamins C and E and beta-
carotene had no impact on cataract formation.19,20 Similar studies looking at aspirin,
lutein, zeaxanthin, and glutathione found that they did not have any effect on slowing
cataract formation either.21 Although it is known that these antioxidant supplements
have benefits to other systems, there are currently no data suggesting that their use
should be predicated on a desire to prevent cataracts. However, research is ongoing.
More relevant to preventing cataracts is what exposures can be reduced. There is a
well-established link between oral, topical, and ocular corticosteroid use and the
development of PSC cataracts. The link between inhaled corticosteroids and PSC
development is less certain.22 Although cataracts are a correctable side effect of these
medications, reducing the dose, duration, and strength can slow their development

Fig. 8. Examples of IOLs.

422 Thompson & Lakhani

Table 2
Types of IOLs

Monofocal IOL It is one focal length, usually targeting distance vision.

Patients often still need reading glasses or bifocals for
near activities. This type is the only type of IOL that
insurance companies will reimburse for.
Toric IOL It is astigmatism correcting. It can reduce/eliminate varying
levels of preexisting corneal astigmatism reducing
dependence on glasses or contacts after surgery for
distance activities. It is not considered medically
necessary and, therefore, not covered by insurance.
Multifocal and These IOLs are designed to minimize dependence of glasses
pseudoaccommodative IOLs after surgery at a variety of focal lengths by providing
both distance and near vision. They do not correct
astigmatism. They are not considered medically
necessary and, therefore, not covered by insurance. They
may have increased side effects, such as glare, haloes,
and loss of contrast.

precluding the need for surgery, especially in younger patients. UV light has also been
a well-established contributor to cataract development. There is evidence that
reducing cumulative lifelong exposure to UV-B light can reduce cataract development,
which is most easily achieved by wearing a hat and sunglasses with UV-B protec-
tion.23 Smoking has been linked as a risk factor for the development of nuclear cata-
racts.24 The Physicians’ Health Study I showed, based on the first 5 years of follow-up,
that current smokers of 20 or more cigarettes per day, compared with never smokers,
had a 2-fold increased risk of cataract. Past smokers had a 15% increased risk of
cataract development that was not found to be statistically significant.25
There are lifestyle factors that have been linked to decreased cataract formation.
Increased physical activity, lower body mass index, and increased cardiorespiratory
fitness have been found to have a preventative effect on cataract formation in
men.26 Among postmenopausal women, there is evidence that estrogen may play a
protective role in reducing the incidence of age-related cataracts.27


1. Shichi H. Cataract formation and prevention. Expert Opin Investig Drugs 2004;
2. West SK, Munoz B, Schein OD, et al. Racial differences in lens opacities: the
Salisbury Eye Evaluation (SEE) project. Am J Epidemiol 1998;148(11):1033–9.
3. Chylack LT Jr, Wolfe JK, Singer DM, et al. The lens opacities classification system
III. The longitudinal study of cataract study group. Arch Ophthalmol 1993;111:
4. Vision problems in the U.S.: prevalence of adult vision impairment and age-
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