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Prose is the normal language

(sentences and paragraphs) people

use when writing or speaking. It is not
poetry and does not have a meter or
rhythmical pattern. Magazine articles,
encyclopedias, and essays are all
written in prose. Stories are also usually
written in prose.
1. Plot - The sequence of incidents or events through which an author
constructs a story. The plot is not merely the action itself, but the way the
author arranges the action toward a specific end (structure).
Important elements of Plot:
*Conflict- A clash of actions, ideas, desires, or wills. Types of
Conflict: Person vs. Person, Person vs. Environment, Person vs. Self.
*Protagonist- The central character in a conflict
*Antagonist- Any force arranged against the protagonist- whether
persons, things, conventions of society, or the protagonists own personality
*Suspense- The quality in a story that makes readers ask “what’s going to
happen next?”. In more literary forms of fiction the suspense involves more
“why” than “what”. Usually produced through two devices; either mystery
(an unusual set of circumstances for which the reader craves an
explanation) or dilemma (a position in which a character must choose
between two courses of action, both undesirable.)
2. Characterization - Analyzing characterization is more difficult than
describing plot; human nature is infinitely complex, variable and
ambiguous. It is much easier to describe what a person has done instead
of who a person is.
Types of Characters
* Flat Characters- Usually have one or two predominant traits. The
character can be summed up in just a few lines.
*Round Characters- Complex and many faceted; have the qualities of
real people.
* Stock Characters- A type of flat character. The type of character that
appears so often in fiction the reader recognizes them right away.
*Static Character- A character that remains essentially the same
Theme - The theme of a piece of fiction is its controlling idea or its central
insight. It is the unifying generalization about life stated or implied by the
story. While theme is central to a story, it is not the whole purpose. The
function of a literary writer is not to state a theme by to show and describe
it. Theme does not equal “moral”, “lesson”, or “message”.
1. Theme should be expressible in the form of a statement with a subject
and predicate.
2. The theme should be stated as a generalization about life.
3. Be careful not to make the generalization larger than is justified by the
terms of the story.
Setting - The setting of a story is its overall context- where, when and in
what circumstances the action occurs.
 Setting as Place- The physical environment where the story takes place. The
description of the environment often points towards its importance.
 Setting as Time- Includes time in all of its dimensions. To determine the
importance, ask, “what was going on at that time?”
 Setting as Cultural Context- Setting also involves the social circumstances
of the time and place. Consider historical events and social and political
issues of the time.
Point of View - Point of View is simply who is telling the story. To determine
POV ask, “who is telling the story”, and “how much do they know?”
*Omniscient POV- The story is told in third person by a narrator who has
unlimited knowledge of events and characters.
*Third Person Limited POV- The story is told in third person but from the view
point of a character in the story. POV is limited to the character’s
perceptions and shows no direct knowledge of what other characters are
thinking, feeling, or doing.
*First Person POV- The author disappears into one of the
characters. Shares the limitations of third person limited. Uses the
pronouns “I” and “we”.
*Second Person POV- Uses the pronoun “you”. Infrequently used.
5. Style - Style is the manner in which an author uses words, constructs
sentences, incorporates non-literal expressions, and handles rhythm,
timing, and tone. When asked to discuss style, you are being asked to
describe how or explain why the words, sentences, and imaginative
comparisons are effective in terms of what is being created. Central to an
author’s style includes:

1. Vocabulary- Choice of words

2. Syntax- arrangement of words, their ordering, grouping and placement
within phrases, clauses, and sentences.

3. Rhythm- The pattern of flow and movement created by the choice of

words and the arrangement of phrases and sentences.

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