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[B.M. No. 832.

November 27, 2001]

TULIAO et al.



Quoted hereunder, for your information, is a resolution of this Court dated NOV 27 2001.

B.M. No. 832 (In Re: The Matter of Admission to the Bar and Oath-Taking of Successful Bar Applicant Blas
Antonio M. Tuliao, Blas Antonio M. Tuliao, petitioner.)

Submitted for resolution is a petition of Blas Antonio M. Tuliao, filed on January 7, 1998, seeking to take the
lawyer's oath. Petitioner Tuliao passed the bar examinations administered in 1996.The Court, however,
deferred his oath taking due to his previous conviction for Reckless Imprudence Resulting in Homicide in 1993.

On January 20, 1992, petitioner and his seven (7) other fraternity brothers were originally charged with
Homicide for the death of Raul Camaligan before the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 81.Petitioner
and his fraternity brothers were, at the time, students at the San Beda College of Law and members of the Lex
Taliones Fraternitas.Camaligan was among their new recruits when he met his untimely death at the hands of
his would-be fraternity brothers during the initiation rites.Petitioner and his seven (7) co-accused, among
whom were Al C. Argosino and Arthur M. Cuevas, Jr., later withdrew their original plea of not guilty and upon
re-arraignment pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of Reckless Imprudence Resulting in Homicide.On January
11, 1993, the trial court convicted all the eight (8) accused including herein petitioner Tuliao and imposed the
penalty of imprisonment of two (2) years and four (4) months and one (1) day to four (4) years for each of

Incidentally, the hazing incident, subject of said criminal case, happened before the Anti Hazing Law (R.A. No.
8049) took effect on September 15, 1998.The plea bargaining of petitioner Tuliao and his co-accused as well
as the rendition of the judgment of the trial court in that case also happened before the Supreme Court
enacted on August 11, 1998 Circular No. 38-98 providing that the accused, with the consent of the offended
party and the prosecutor, can only plead guilty to a lesser offense provided the lesser offense is necessarily
included in the offense charge.

Petitioner later applied for probation which was granted by the trial court.On July 7, 1995, he was discharged
from probation and the case against him was ordered closed and terminated.

In 1996, petitioner was allowed by the Court to take the bar examinations subject to the condition that should
he pass the same, he shall not be allowed to take the lawyer's oath until further orders by the Court.Petitioner
successfully hurdled the bar examinations given in 1996.

On January 7, 1998, petitioner filed the present petition to allow him to take the lawyer's oath on the basis
that "he is now in possession of good moral character and that he has reformed his life after conviction for
Reckless Imprudence Resulting in Homicide."

In support of his petition, petitioner presented certifications from individuals who are of known probity and
integrity and who had known him for a significant period of time.Among those who issued certifications and
vouched for the good moral character of petitioner were: (1) Archbishop Diosdado A. Talamayan 1 Annex "B",
Records, p. 6. (2) Rev. Msgr. Marcelo C. Bassig 2 Annex "C", Records, p. 8. (3) Bro. Pete Calucag 3Annex "D",
Records, p. 9. (4) Dean Raymundo A. Briones 4Annex "E", Records, p. 10. (5) Atty. Teofilo E. Untalan 5Annex
"G", Records, p. 13. (6) Retired Justice Oscar R. Victoriano 6Annex "H", Records, p. 14. (7) Judge Pedro R.
Santiago 7 Annex "I", Records, p. 15.And (8) Atty. Enrico G. Gilera. 8 Annex "J", Record, p. 16.

Petitioner likewise invited the attention of this court to the fact that he and his seven (7) co-accused and the
family of the deceased Raul Camaligan established a scholarship foundation known as the Raul Camaligan
Scholarship Foundation.
Finally, petitioner presented a certification 9 Annex "F", Records, p. 12. from the Commission on Human rights
led by chairperson Aurora P. Navarette-Recina commending his performance in said office as "Attorney III."The
Commission noted that petitioner "has performed and continued with zeal in his endeavor to provide excellent
legal service to the underprivileged." The Commission added has exhibited true advocacy for human rights
while showcasing the nobility of an officer of the court and that his admission to the bar "will all the more
maximize his potentials and thus be an asset to the profession."

On February 3, 1998, We required Atty. Gilbert Camaligan, the father of the deceased Raul Camaligan, to
comment within ten (10) days from notice.

Atty. Camaligan, in his comment, stated that, as a Christian, he has forgiven the petitioner and his
co-accused in the criminal case for the death of his son.However, he stated that he was not in a position to
determine whether petitioner has become morally fit for admission to the noble profession of the law.He
submitted the matter to the sound and judicious discretion of the Court.

On March 2, 2000, Deputy Clerk of court and Bar Confidant, Atty. Erlinda C. Versoza, recommended that
petitioner Tuliao be allowed to take the lawyer's oath. 10 Records, pp. 25-28. She noted that petitioner had
been discharged from probation by the trial court of Quezon City as early as July 7, 1995 and that the case
against him has been ordered closed and terminated.Moreover, his two (2) co-accused, Al C. Argosino and
Arthur M. Cuevas, Jr. have been allowed to take the lawyer's oath on March 19, 1997 and January 27, 1998

The Committee on Legal Education, which was required by this Court to submit a report and recommendation,
likewise gave a favorable recommendation 11 Report and Recommendation of the Committee on Legal
Education, Rollo, pp. 39-40. for petitioner anchored mainly on the ground of fairness, equal treatment and
protection.The Committee opined that since petitioner's said two (2) co-accused in the criminal case have
been allowed to take the lawyer's oath, there was no reason to accord a different treatment to petitioner.

Petitioner's discharge from probation without any infraction of the attendant conditions therein and the various
certifications attesting to his good moral character and civic consciousness show that petitioner Tuliao has
sufficiently proven that he is now morally fit to be admitted to the Bar and to take the lawyer's oath.In allowing
petitioner Tuliao to take the lawyer's oath, the Court recognizes that petitioner Tuliao is not inherently of bad
moral fiber.He has also taken decisive steps to atone for the unfortunate death of Raul Camaligan.

It is significantly noted that the case of petitioner Tuliao arose out of the same hazing incident as that of Al C.
Argosino and Arthur M. Cuevas, Jr. who have been allowed by this Court to take the lawyer's oath on March
19, 1997 12 Re: Petition of Al Argosino To Take The Lawyer's Oath, Bar Matter No. 712, March 19, 1997, 270
SCRA 26. and January 27, 1998, 13 In Re: Petition To Take The Lawyer's Oath By Arthur M. Cuevas, Jr., Bar
Matter No. 810, January 27, 1998, 285 SCRA 59. respectively.The dispensation of justice should be even-
handed and consistent.

Petitioner Tuliao is reminded that the lawyer's oath is not a mere formality for entering the noble profession
of the law.He is exhorted to conduct himself beyond reproach at all times and to live in accordance with the
lawyer's oath and to abide by the Code of Professional Responsibility.As a new lawyer, he is advised to be a
man for others, ready and willing to render legal and other services to the less fortunate among our people.

IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the Court hereby resolves to GRANT the petition, and to ALLOW
petitioner Blas Antonio M. Tuliao to take the lawyer's oath on a date to be set by the Court, to sign the Roll of
Attorneys and, thereafter, to practice the legal profession.Buena, J., abroad on official business.

Very truly yours,

Clerk of Court
Asst. Clerk of Court

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