Basketball Sindy

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Name : Sindi Susanti

Class : Far w31/17

NPM : 17307039
Basketball is a handball game usually played by two teams of five players on the court. A
basketball is a spherical object that rolls and bounces. The objective is to get the ball through
a hoop mounted high on a backboard at back end. It is a very popular sport worldwide,
played with a round and usually orange ball that bounces. Basketball players mainly use
skills such as dribbling, shooting, running, and jumping.
The game is played between men's teams or between women's teams. Basketball has been
played in the Summer Olympic Games since 1936. The shot clock rule started in 1954. The
first basketball game took place in 1892, where the court was half the size of what it is
today.In 1891 the game was invented by James Naismith.
Personal fouls: Personal fouls include any type of illegal physical contact.
1. Hitting
2. Pushing
3. Slapping
4. Holding
5. Illegal pick/screen
Player Positions
1. Center.
2. Offensive
3. Defensive
4. Forward
5. Offensive
6. Defensive.
7. Guard.
8. Offensive
9. Defensive

14 basketball terms
1. alley-oop
By far the most amusing basketball term to say out loud, the alley-oop refers to a high pass
near the rim of the basket that another player dunks or tips in. The word ultimately comes
from a French exclamation “allez-hop!”, used to encourage or draw attention to an athletic
feat such as a leap or lift upwards.
2. buzzer beater
When a player takes a shot before the end of quarter buzzer but it goes into the
basket after the buzzer has gone off, you would refer to that shot as a buzzer beater.
3. cherry-picking
Although it is tempting to somehow ascribe this strategy to the tallest player on the
court, cherry-pickingactually describes the strategy of a player who does little defensively
and instead waits around the opponent’s basket for scoring opportunities. A controversial
tactic, cherry-picking is often a violation in amateur leagues and results in a penalty.
4. double
A double is a statistic that refers to a player accumulating double digits in any one of 5
categories during a game: points, assists, steals, blocked shots, and rebounds. When someone
refers to a double-double, this means that they have doubles in two of the five
categories; triple-double means the player has doubles in three of the five, etc.
5. fast break
The fast break is an offensive strategy that involves moving the ball up the court as quickly
as possible, with the goal of getting in position for scoring opportunities before the defense is
allowed to set up. A fast break sometimes involves cherry-picking.
6. field goal
Nope, not football—still basketball. A field goal is the term to describe both two- and three-
point shots, excluding free throws. The field goal percentage of a player or team looks at the
total number of baskets made to shots taken.
7. full-court press
A full-court press is when a team plays defense for the entire length of the court (rather than
just on the half-court). This defense is sometimes deployed by teams for the entirety of a
game, but is more often seen when a team is trailing late in the game and trying to force
8. key
The two rectangle-shaped keys on a basketball court (one directly in front of and partly
beneath each basket) are defined by the end line, the free-throw line, and the two lines that
connect them. Officially called the free throw lane, the area is also called the paint.
9. pick and roll
The pick and roll is one of the most common offensive plays. The play typically starts with
the member of the offense who is in possession of the ball being guarded by a member of the
defense. Another member of the offense then comes up behind the defensive player and sets a
screen, or “pick,” behind the player. The ball-handler then “rolls” around his teammate,
leaving the defender to choose between defending the player who picked him or continuing to
defend the ball-handler.
10. posting up
Posting up describes when a player on the offense sets up close to the basket below the foul
line, usually facing away from the basket with his back is to the defender. This positioning
allows him to use his body to protect the ball, as well as open up different sorts of scoring
11. run-and-gun
Run-and-gun refers to a fast-paced offensive style emphasizing fast breaks and
scoring opportunities. Typically, teams playing with a run and gun offense both score and
allow lots of points.
12. sixth man
With five players on the court for a team at the same time, the sixth man refers to the
first non-starting player off the bench, who is considered more valuable than other reserve
13. triple threat
When a player first receives a ball and has not yet dribbled, she is considered a triple
threat, meaning that she can either pass, shoot, or dribble (the full range of offensive
14. turnover
Turnover describes any of the various ways in which possession of the ball moves
from one team to another.

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