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Assingment English Literature

Disusun oleh :

1) Asri Kartika Dewi (06)

2) Mar’atush Sholihah (19)
3) Nabiila Rachmadini (24)
4) Putri Nabila Nurhamida (26)
5) Reghyna Sheren O. (29)
6) Tegar dwi Kurniawan (36)

Tahun Ajaran 2017 / 2018

SMA NEGERI 2 Kota Mojokerto

Jl. Raya Ijen No. 9, Wates, Magersari, Mojokerto

LKPD (Students’ Worksheet) 3.1

Completing Sentences Using Suitable Words

Purpose :

1. To improve students’ skill in understanding the from of present coditional

2. To train dtudents’ ability in writing present conditional


a. If you come (come) to my house, I will give (give) you my cookies.

b. If you sleep (sleep) early, I will do (do) my homework.
c. If my friends come (come), I will be (be) very happy.
d. You will get (get) toothache, if you eat (eat) too much sweet.
e. If the sun shine (shine), we will walk (walk) to the town.
f. If you run (run) now, you will come (come) on time.
g. If my cat scratch (sctrach) your sofa, I will take (take) it back.
h. If you always brush (brush) your treeth, you will get (get) healthy teeth.
i. We will get (get) the train tickets if we come (come) earlier.
j. If I find (find) my notebook, I will not call (not, call) you.

1. Do the exercise with your seatmate!

Leader : Asri Kartika Dewi (06)
Member : Wina Widiah Ningrum (36)
2. Read the sentences carefully! What have you got after reading those
3. Complete the sentences using the correct using the correct form of past
perfect tense! Number one has been done for you!
a. If you come to my house, I will give you my cookies
b. If you go to school, I will go with you.
c. If my mother cook a fried rice, I will bring fried rice for you.
d. If Ica done the homework, I will go to her house.
e. If Nabila has much money, she will buy a car.
f. If Puput make a meatball, she will bring it for me.
g. If Reghyna has a novel, I will borrow her novel.
h. If I buy a book, I will read this night.
i. If Haep goes to my house, I will buy some foods
j. If Asri has a notebook, I will buy the notebook too.
4. Discuss about present real conditional then make conclusion about it!
*The sentences that state real condition and it is not use for planning.
5. Write your own conclusion using your own words!
*Not for planning.
6. Write the answer in the white board in front of the class!

LKPD (Students’ Worksheet) 3.2

Finding Correct Present Real Conditional On Sentence


1. To improve students’ skill in finding correct present real conditional on

2. To train students’ ability in writing correct from of present real conditional.

Sentences :

a. We (pass/will pass) the exam, if we (work/ do work) harder.

b. If she (goes/went) to the meeting, i (will go/go) either.
c. I (be/will be) verry happy, if our teacher (give/gives) us lots of homework this
d. If i (go/went) to bed soon, i (wake/will wake) early in the morning.
e. If mario (Speak/spoke) good english, he (will teach/ teaches) me.
f. If i (go/went) to the library, i (study/will study) more.
g. If my sister (eats/eaten) all that chocolate, she (will feel/feels) sick.
h. Mia will (help/helps) me with my homework if she (has/have) time.
i. We (wait/will wait) if you (join/joins) to our club.
j. I (go/will go) to the beach if my mother (gives/give) me permission
1. Make a group of three with friends!
Leader : Tegar Dwi Kurniawan

Member :

Nabiila Rachmadini
Putri Nabila Nurhamidah
1) Read the sentences carefully! What have you got after reading it?

*Sentences that conditional in the future or for plan.

2) Find the correct present real conditional on sentences! Number one (a) has been
done for you!
a. We will pass the exam, if we work together.
b. We will get good score if we study.
c. Tegar will sing if he bored.
d. My father will call me if he need me.
e. If I have a book, I will read it.
f. If I sleepy, I will sleep.
g. If I hungry, I will eat something.
h. If I sad, I will tell to God.
i. My mother help me if she isn’t busy.
j. I will sleep if I feel sick.
3) Discuss with your friends how to identify the correct froms of present real
conditional sentences!
*Use present tense and future tense.

4) Conclude the activity and your result of discussion!

*Conditional type 1 use with present tense and present future tense.

5) Write your own conclusion using your own words!

6) Write your result in front of the class!
LKPD (students’ worksheet) 3.3

Completing the text by using correct from of present unreal



1. To improve students’ skill in finding correct present unreal conditional on

2. To train students’ ability in writing correct from of present unreal

Sentences :

a. If I were (was/were) you, I would tell (tell) the truth.

b. If I spoke (speak) french, I would move (move) to paris.
c. If johny were (was/were) rich, he would bought (buy) a big house.
d. If I spoke (speak) italian, I would worked (work) in italy.
e. If I had enough time, I would go (go) fishing.
f. If I had much money, I would treat (treat) you.
g. Billy bought (buy) a new car if he would get (get) good salary.
h. If I passed (pass) the test, I would treat (treat) you pizza.
i. If it were (was/were) raining, I would slept (sleep) all day long.
j. If you had a long holiday, you would visit (visit) me.

1. Do the following exercises with your classmate!

Leader : Wina Widiah Ningrum (36)
Member : Mar'atush Sholihah (19)
2. Read the sentences carefully! What have you got after reading it?
* Conditional sentences type 2
3. Complete the text using the correct from of present unreal conditional
a. If I were you, I would tell the truth
b. If they were come, I would make a cake
c. If she were buy a novel, she would read now
d. If he were go to school, he would breakfast this morning
e. If Nabiila were has much money, she would buy home
f. If I were have money, I would buy a burger
g. If Hanifa were go to Bali, she would buy a bag
h. If Puput were sleep, she would close the eyes
i. If Wina were come, I would make a dinner
j. If Reghyna were has a bag, I would buy it
4. Discuss with your friends how to identify the correct froms of present unreal
conditional to fill the blanks sentences!
a) Use past tense
b) Use past future tense
5. Conclude the activity and your result of discussion bellow!
*Conditional type 2 use with past tense dan past future tense
6. Write your own conclusion using your own words!
7. Write your result in front of the class!
LKPD (Students’ Worksheet) 3.4

Filling in the Blank Sentences by Using Present Unreal Conditional

Purpose :

1. To improve students’ skill in writing Present Unreal Conditional

2. To train students’ ability in understanding the use of Present Unreal


a. If I could choose (choose) anything, I would buy (buy) a car.

b. If I could go (go) anywhere, I would stay (stay) in Bali.
c. I would stand (stand) at front row, If I could get (get) the VVIP tickets.
d. If you could lend (lend) me a money, I would buy (buy) a ticket.
e. If I had a horse, I would ride (ride) it every day.
f. If Dodi were (was/were) a business man, He would be (be) rich.
g. If I had more free time, I would travel (travel) around the world.
h. If I cloud have (have) a lot of money, I would live (live) in a big apartment.
i. If it were (was/were) very cold today, We would not go (not go) to the beach.
j. If I were (was/were) you, I would take (take) a course.

1. Do the following exercises individually!

2. Read the sentences ! What have you get after reading the sentences ?
*Conditional sentences type 2
3. Fill in the blank sentences by using present unreal conditional ! Number one
has been done for you !
a) If I could choose anything, I would buy a car.
b) If I had a pony, I would ride it every day
c) If I knew how to play a piano, I would play it for you
d) If he really loved her, he would marry her
e) If she were a Billionare, she would buy a private Aircraft
f) If I were a President, I would make free school program in Indonesia
g) If I got much money, I would buy a new car
h) If Uus slept, I would distrubher
i) If Asri ate satay, I would ask it
j) If Puput read book, she would find new information
4. Discuss and conclude about use of present unreal conditional !
*Use past tense and past future tense
5. Write your own conclution using your own words !
6. Write your answer on the whiteboard !

HOTS Question (High-Order Thinking Skills)

A. Choose the correct answer by crossin A, B, C, D or E than give the reasons
or analysis!

The text is for question number 1 -2

To the manager of Taco Tacontento :

I am writing to bring to your attentiona serious issue I had in your
establishment last week. I ordered a vegetarian bean burrito, and halfway through
my meal, I bit into what turned out to be a chicken bone.
I am vegetarian, and the presence of bone in my burrito was jarring. I showed
the bone to the staff, who offered to make me a new burrito with the same beans the
bone persumbly came from. I did not want to risk eating any meat or finding another
bone, so i asked for a taco salad instead.
I am a regular customer at your restaurant, and I have never had any problems
with your food in the past. While I am relatively certain this was a fluke, I am still
concerned about how the bine got into the beans.I would like to know how this might
have happened.
I am also concerned with the lack understanding I received from the staff
member who helped me. I don’t know if she was working alone or merely
misunderstood my request, but she refused to let me speak to her supervisor while I
was in the restaurant. I flet she acted very unprofessionally.
I hope to hear back from you about this incident. I can be reached by phone
at (555)867-5309 at any time pr by e-mail at [email protected].
1. The text is about a letter of ......
Marilyn Hoss
A. Inquiry
B. Complaint
C. Application
D. Order
E. Reservation

Analysis : Main idea of the text.

2. What was the writer concerned about ?

A. The cheated restaurant
B. A wrong food
C. Bone in burrito
D. Non vegetarian taco
E. Unserved taco

Analysis : In 4th paragraph

Kaka was born in Brazil. From age 4 to 7, his family lived in Cuiaba,
following his father, a civil engineer. At age 7, the family moved to the city of
Sao Paulo, in the neighborhood of Morumbi, near the stadium of Sao Paulo FC.
As FIFA says,”Kaka fails to fit the Brazilian stereo type of the kind from the
favela who first played the game in the street with a ball made from rags.
Coming fromcomfortable and cultured family. Kaka kept us his studies as long
as they were compatible with his profession.”
His talent was soon recognized. A professor called the family and
suggested entrolling him in a football school. At age 8, Kaka was playing with
Sao Paulo FC, where he succeeded in all categories. At age 14, Kaka used to
wake up two hours early, to keep with his studies. Kaka managed to conclude
the intermediately cycle (eleven years) in Barzil, before dedicating exclusively
to football.
In 2006, only 24 years old, Kaka was oneof the main Brazillian players
in the World Cup. Despite the abundance of good players, coach Carlos Alberto
Parreira already said that Kaka would start as a principle. The groups formed by
Kaka, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo and Adriani was called “The Magic Square” by
Brazillian media fans.

The text is for question number 3-5

3. Having recognized Kaka’s talent, the professor suggested that .... in the
football school.
A. He become a supervisor
B. He enrol as a member
C. He accommodate
D. He practice more
E. He spend his free time

Analysis : In second paragraph

4. The main idea of paragraph 3 is .....

A. His talent was soon recognized
B. Kaka would start as a Principle
C. “The Magic Square” was formed by Kaka, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo,
and Andriano
D. Professor suggested Kaka’s family enrolling him in a football school
E. Kaka was one of the Brazilian players in the World Cup

Analysis : Main idea of paragraph 3

5. “His talent was soon recognized.” (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word his the closest meaning to ....
A. Predicted
B. Registered
C. Managed
D. Succeeded
E. Identified

Analysis : synonym of recognized

B. Combine two sentences to make one sentences by using the Present

Unreal Conditional
1. My family haven’t a car. My family can’t drive to my granny’s village.
Answer : if my family have a car. My family can drive to my granny's
2. Tono has to work. He didn’t have time to gather with his friends.
Answer : if Tono hasn't to work he will have time to father with his
3. Dimas didn’t have time, so he can’t travel to Yogyakarta.
Answer : if Dimas has time, he can will travel to Yogyakarta
4. Tamara didn’t speak English.She can’t get better job.
Answer : if Tamara speaks English, she will can get better job
5. She didn’t study. She can’t pass the test.
Answer : if she studies, she will can pass the test

Study Case
Read the instruction carefully before doing the task! Do the tasks on the
provided answer sheet!

1.  Title : Making Dialogue Using Present Real Conditional

 Task Type : Individual Assigment
 Situation : You and your friend are talking the weather. What will
you do if it is rainy season? Answer the question on a dialogue! Create a
dialogue using present.

To increse your analysis skill and to improve your comprehension by

understanding the lesson of making dialogue using present real conditional, do an
analysis with Discovery Learning model by completing the following tasks.

A. Problem Statements
1) ...
2) ...
3) ...
B. Relevant Refrences
1) Refrence taken from a book
Source : ...... (... Year)
Content : ......
2) Refrence taken from the internet
Source : ...... (... Year)
Content : ......
C. Example Dialogues Based on Situation
1) A : What are you doing if rainy season ?
B : I will make a paper ship if rainy season
A : Are there another activity ?
B : I will running in the field, If rainy season
A : I think that so interest
B : Yes I think so
2) A : What are you doing in the rainy season ?
B : I will look out my home from the hind the win
A : Why you do that ?
B : Because I just like to enjoy the rainy
A : Maybe you can do another activity
B : I don’t to do anything if rainy season
D. Classification and Data Analysis
1) Classification
a) ...
b) ...
2) Data Analysis
a) ...
b) ...
c) ...
E. What have you got after study this material?
1) We know about conditional sentences type I
2) Conditional sentences type I use present tense and present future

1.  Title : Diference Present Real and Present Unreal Conditional on

Dialogues Based on Situations
 Task Type : Group Assigment
 Situation :
a) You and your sister are talking about the menu for dinner. You find a
chicken in refrigerator. What will you cook? Create a dialogue based on
the situation using present real conditional.
b) Your father and your uncle are talking about an old car. Tey will
participate to old car exhibition. You know actually your father and your
uncle haven’t the old car. Create a dialogue based on the situation by
using present unreal conditional.

To increase your analysis skill and to improve your comprehesion by

understanding the lesson of differentiating present real and present unreal
conditional on dialogues based on situations, do an analysis Problem-Based
Learning model by completing the following tasks.

A. Problem Statements
1) .....
2) .....
B. Studying Activities to Complete the Problem
Number of Studying Result
Problem Activities
1 Observing Observation result :
the 1. ...
situations 2. ...
3. ...
4. ...
2 Practicing Preacticing result :
of making 1) A : I want to have chi
dialogues B : You can cook the chicken in the
A : Oh I see
B : Do you need my help
A : No I don’t. But if I need your help. I
will call her
B : Okay
2) A : Let’s join the old can exhibition
B : Yes let’s go
A : We can know if we study
B : We can study together
A : Yes let’s go
B : let’s go

C. Differences
Use of “present real conditional” : explain the actual situation
Use of “present unreal conditional”: explain about state things that are
expected or assumed to happen
D. Reflection :

2.  Situation : Final exam will come soon. You and your friends join to a course
for your preparation. Your friends are talking about one of your
friends who doesn’t study for final exam. Create a
dialogue based on the situation by using present unreal

To increase your analysis skill and to improve your comprehesion by

understanding the lesson of making dialogue present real and present unreal
conditional then take your documentation when practicing dialogue on a clipping,
do an analysis with Problem-Based Learning model by completing the
following tasks.

A. Title of Project : Our activity

B. Task Type : Group assigment
Member of group :
C. Projecting Planning

No. Day/ Date/ Week Types of activity

1 1 Sleep
2 1 Eat
3 2 Pray
4 1 Sport
5 1 Cook
6 2 Work

Note :


D. Relevant Refrences
Taken from books and internet about present unreal conditional
Source :
1) ......
2) ......
E. Project Result
A : I want to go to Surabaya
B : If you go to Surabaya I will recommendation to go Royal Plaza
A : But exacting if you don’t go, so I won’t recommendation to go Royal Plaza
B : That good. I want you to buy some food for me
A : I’ll buy for you
B : Thank you

Competency Test

Chose the correst answer by crossing A, B, C, D or E then give your reason

or analysis !

1. I….. the school bus if i don’t get up A. Will miss

early. B. Would miss
C. Missed 5. If you drink more of this sweet
D. Had missed syrup, you….. sick.
E. Miss A. Will get
B. Would get
Analysis : Use conditional
C. Get
sentences type 1
D. Got
2. If it….. I will use an umbrella. E. Had gotten
A. Had been raining
Analysis: Use conditional
B. Had rained
sentences type 1
C. Has rained
D. Rained 6. If I have enough time, i….. to the
E. Rains beach.
A. Will go
Analysis: Use conditional
B. Would go
sentences type 1
C. Went
3. If Ria knew the answer, she….. D. Had gone
you. E. Gone
A. Will tell
Analysis: Use conditional
B. Would tell
sentences type 1
C. Would have been tell
D. Told 7. If i….. you, I would go for picnic.
E. had tell A. Are
B. Was
Analysis: Use conditional
C. Were
sentences type 2
D. Had been
4. If they….. Harder, they would earn E. Become
more money.
Analysis: Use conditional
A. Works
sentences type 2
B. Had been working
C. Had work 8. If my father moved the café
D. Work downtown, …
E. Worked A. He would have more
Analysis: Use conditional
sentences type 2
B. He will have more E. He have more customer
Analysis: Use conditional
C. He had more customers.
sentences type 2
D. He raise more customers

Note for number 9 and 10 Because

It is used for unreal or possible
A. The sentence of the first and
second are correct and both of them
Analysis: Real conditional is not
show cause and effect correlation.
about planing
B. The sentence of the first and
second are correct but both of them
10. A sentence which talks about an
don’t show cause and effect
action happen in imaginary
situations belongs to unreal
C. The first sentence is correct while
the second sentence is incorrect.
D. The first sentence is incorrect while
The present unreal conditionals
the second sentence is correct.
indicate a situation which is only
E. Both the first and second sentence
imagined or in someone’s mind.
are incorrect.
Analysis: Unreal conditional is use
9. Present Real Conditional is often
for plan
called the “real” conditional

Having finished learning the material in this unit, complete these statements!

1. The most interesting thing I learned in this unit was conditional sentence with type 1,2
2. The part I enjoyed most was use conditional sentences type 2
3. I would like to find more about use conditional sentences type 3
4. The hardest part in this unit was nothing
5. I need to work harder at conditional sentences type 3

If you find some difficulties in answering the questions, you can learn the subject
once more or you may ask your teacher. Don’t be reluctant to ask you teacher, be brave
and confident.
Last student activity

Based on Permendikbud number 8, 2016

A. Individual task
1. Find the following website of present conditional :
 http//
 http//
2. Make a print out of that pages!
3. Write a summary of the article on paper of folio write your result tidily!
4. Submit your work to your teacher. Your work will be evaluated by your teacher.
B. Project
1. Make a group of four with your friends!
Leader : Mar’atush Sholihah
Member : (1) Tegar Dwi Kurniawan
(2) Wina Widiah Ningrum
(3) Asri Kartika Dewi
2. Set up your plan before on the table!

No. Day/Date/Week Types of Activity

1. 1 Study
2. 1 Sport
3. 1 Read

3. Make a creative dialogue using present real and unreal conditional!

A : Hi, what are you doing?
B : I read my book
A : You will like fiction, if you read FRIENDZONE
B : But I don’t like fiction, so I don’t read “FRIENDZONE”
A : This is a good story
B : Okay I’ll try to read it.
4. Practice your dialogue briefly!
5. Take a record while you are acting then save it on a soft file!
6. Write your dialogue on a paper of folio tidily!
7. Submit it to your teacher within two week

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