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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines SYLLABUS

(Formerly Mindanao University of Science and Technology) Course Title: Introduction to Power Electronics
College: College of Engineering and Architecture Course Code: SEE 104
Department: Electrical Engineering Credits: 3 units(2Lecture, 3Laboratory)
USTP Vision Semester/Year: 2nd Semester S.Y. 2014 - 2015 Prerequisite(s): 3rd Year Standing
A nationally - recognized Science Bldg/Rm no.: Th: 10:30AM-12:00NN, Co-requisite(s):
and Technology University Instructor: ABDUL HALIL S. ABDULLAH II Consultation Schedule: M 01:00PM-05:00PM, T 02:30PM-05:30PM
providing the vital link between Email: [email protected] Bldg./Rm: 43-302
education and the economy. Mobile no.: +639067212311 Office Phone no./Local:
I. Course Description:
USTP Mission This course introduces the basic concepts of switched-mode converter circuits for controlling and converting electrical power with
 Bring the world of work high efficiency. Principles of converter circuit analysis are introduced, and are developed for finding the steady state voltages, current, and
(industry) into the actual higher efficiency of power converters. Activities in this course include simulation of a dc-dc converter, and modeling and efficiency analysis of
education and training of power electronics converters.
students; II. Course Outcomes (CO) Program Outcomes (PO)
 Offer entrepreneurs the At the end of the course students are able to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m
opportunity to maximize their CO1: discuss and explain what a switched-mode converter is and its
business potentials through a basic operating principles
gamut of services from product CO2: solve for the steady-state voltages and currents of step-down,
conceptualization to step-up, inverting, and other power converters
commercialization; CO3: derive an averaged equivalent circuit model and solve for the
 Contribute significantly to the converter efficiency
national development goals of
food security and energy III. Course Outline:
sufficiency through Technology
solutions Intended
Electrical Engineering Department Course Teaching-
Allotted Suggested Assessment Grading
Vision: Outcomes Topic/s Learning Remarks
Time AT the end of Readings Tasks/Tools Criteria
To be a nationally-recognized (CO) Activities
the topics
electrical engineering department students are
that engages in the highest quality able to:
education, research, extension and 1. Explain the  University mission  University
innovation; and become a leading university vision handbook
force in molding globally mission &  Room rules  Course
competent electrical engineers, 2 vision and  Grading system  Syllabus,
researchers, innovators and policy, room  Other matters  Rubrics
entrepreneurs. policy, grading
Mission: 1. Explain the Introduction Fundamentals 1. Flipped Lecture 1. Rubrics
The Electrical Engineering process of 1. Introoduction to of Power Classroom for
Department of the University of manipulation of Electronics 2nd 2. Team – 1. Written group
power processing quizzes reportin
Science and Technology of electrical power 2. Several Ed., Robert W. Based 2. Group g
Southern Philippines-CDO Campus Erickson & Learning Reporting
applications of power 2. Rubrics
aims to: 2. Determine Dragan 3. Active and 3. Oral
for oral
electronics recitation
1. To educate and train our several Maksimovie Experiential recitatio
applications of 3. Elements of power Learning
students to become n
power electronics Chapter 1, a. Use of Laboratory
industry-ready by 3. Rubrics
10 CO1 electronics pages1 – 9 actual Experiments for
incorporating real-world
machines laborato
electrical engineering 3. Identify in 4. N-channel ry
practices in instruction and elements of Fundamentals laboratory MOSFET report
research. Converter Circuits Switching and
power of Power setting
2. To develop the innovation electronics and Electronics 2nd Present
4. Circuit ation
and technopreneurial skills explain each Ed., Robert W.
Manipulation Erickson &
of students by providing
5. A short list Dragan
opportunities for product
6. Transformer Maksimovie
conceptualization to Isolation
commercialization. 7. Converter Chapter 6,
To provide technology Evaluation design pages131-171
solutions to industry and
society through research and
1. Explain the Principle of Steady Fundamentals 1. Flipped Lecture 1. Rubrix
The BSEE program aims to: of Power Classroom for
concept and state Converter
Produce electrical engineers that Electronics 2nd 2. Team – 1. Written group
used inductor Analysis quizzes
are industry-competent and Ed., Robert W. Based reporti
volt second- 1. Inductor volt- 2. Group
thought leaders who significantly Erickson & Learning Reporting ng
balance second balance,
contribute to the national Dragan 3. Active and 3. Oral 2. Rubrix
2. Explain the Capacitor charge recitation
development through electrical Maksimovie Experiential for oral
concept and balance, and small Learning recitati
engineering solutions and
used capacitor ripple approoximation Chapter 2, a. Use of Laboratory on
innovations in the industry,
charge second- 2. Boost converter pages 11- 27 actual Experiments
business and academe
balance example machines
3. Explain the 3. Cuk converter in 1. Buck
Program Educational Objectives: Converter
concept and example laboratory 2. Boost
Three to Five years from setting
used small- 4. Estimating the Converter
Graduation: 3.
20 CO2 ripple output voltage ripple
PEO1: The graduates are industry-
competent electrical practitioners.
approximation in converter contaning
4. Derive the two-pole low pass
PEO2: The graduates are significant output filter
contributors to the national voltage,
development through electrical inductor, and Switching Realization Fundamentals
engineering solutions and innovations. capacitor 5. Switch-Quadrat of Power
equation for Switch Electronics 2nd
PEO3: The graduates are thought common dc-dc 6. A Brief Survey of Ed., Robert W.
leaders and catalyst for improvement converters. Power Semicanductor Erickson &
in the industry, business, and Devices Dragan
academe. 7. Switcing loss Maksimovie

Program Outcomes: Chapter 4,

The graduates of the _____ pages 63-92
Program will be able to:
a. Apply knowledge of mathematics,
sciences, and engineering to solve
complex engineering problems
appropriate to the field of electrical Fundamentals 1. Flipped 1. Rubrix
1. Contruct Steady-State Lecture
engineering practice. of Power Classroom for
equivalent Equivalent Circuit
Electronics 2nd 2. Team – 1. Written group
circuit model Medeling, Losses, and
b. Analyze complex electrical Ed., Robert W. Based
of a converters Efficiency 2. Group
engineering problems and formulate Erickson & Learning Reporting ng
using dc 1. The DC transformer
solutions using principles of Dragan 3. Active and 3. Oral 2. Rubrix
transformer Model recitation
mathematics and engineering Maksimovie Experiential for oral
model 2. Inclusion of Learning 4. Prototype recitati
sciences. 2. include inductor copper losses based
Chapter 3, a. Use of project on
losses of each 3. Construction of pages 39- 57 actual 5. 3. Rubrix
c. Design, implement, and evaluate
elements to equivalent circuit machines for
systems, components, or processes to
the converter model in prototy
meet desired needs and requirements laboratory pe
circuits 4. How to Obtain the Laboratory
within identified constraints. 3. Derive Input port of the setting based
complete Model 4. Performance project
d. Design and conduct experiments, Innovative
circuit model 5. Inclusion of 6. Buck-
analyze and interpret data in 28 CO3 task boost converter
of common dc- semiconductor
electrical engineering fields 7. Flyback
dc converters condction losses in Converter
specifically on power systems, power
4. Determine the converter model 8. Full bridge
electronics, renewable energy, and inveter
the efficiency
power economics of a dc-dc The Discontinuous Fundamentals
converter Conduction Mode of Power
e. Apply knowledge through the use Electronics 2nd
6. Origine of the
of current techniques, skills, and Ed., Robert W.
discontinuous Erickson &
modern engineering tools necessary
Conduction mode and Dragan
for electrical engineering practice.
Mode Boundary Maksimovie
f. Discuss contemporary issues 7. Analysis of thhe
involving societal, health, safety, Conversion Ratio Chapter 5,
M(D,K) pages 107-126
professional, ethical, legal, and
8. Boost Converter
cultural concerning the practice of
electrical engineering profession. 9.

g. Explain the effects of electrical

engineering solutions in a
comprehensive societal, economics
and environmental context for
sustainable development goals. Midterm and Final term Exam

h. Recognize professional, social, and

ethical responsibility for the practice
of electrical engineering profession. 6 quizzes (3 for midterm, 3 for final term)
i. Work effectively as an individual and
as a member or a leader in a trans–
disciplinary and multi–cultural teams
recognizing the different roles within
a team to accomplish a common goal.
IV. Course Requirements:
j. Proficient in business and technical 1. Class attendance and participation policy:
communication, and internationally (a) Attendance refer to Student Handbook
accepted Electrical Engineering 2. Course Readings/Materials:
(a) Titles, authors, and editions of textbooks and other materials, required and recommended
k. Use engineering and management  TEXT BOOK: Fundamentals of Power Electronics 2nd Ed., Robert W. Erickson & Dragan Maksimovie
principles as a member or a leader in a  Power Electornics: Converters, Applications and Design, Ned Mohan et. Al.
team, to manage projects and in  Power Electronics System theory and Design, Jai P. Agrawal
multidisciplinary environment. (b) Supplies needed
l. Recognize the need to be updated  Whiteboard / Blackboard
of the developments in the specific  Whiteboard Marker / Chalk
field of practice of electrical  LCD Projectors
engineering and be prepared to  MATLAB software
engage in life – long learning (c) URLs for online resources

m. Participate in the generation of 

new knowledge and advancement of 
existing knowledge, in research and 3. Assignments, Assessment, and Evaluation
development projects, and in (a) Policy concerning homework – 2 homework/assignment in a Term
technopreneurial activities in the (b) Policy concerning make-up exams – refer to student handbook
areas of power systems, power (c) Policy concerning late assignments/requirements – late assignments will not be accepted
electronics, renewable energy, and (d) Preliminary information on term papers or projects, with due dates – late projects will be given equivalent deduction per
power economics aligned to regional day
and national development agenda or (e) Description in detail of grading processes and criteria (how many quizzes, tests, papers; weighting of each; amount of
goals. homework, etc.) or the GRADING POLICY
(Passing Percentage is 70 %)

Code Descriptor Periodic Grade: Lecture/Laboratory Grade

I Introductory Course Class performance - 10 % Midterm: Grade = 30%CO1 + 40%CO2 + 30% CO3
PIT - 20 % Finalterm: Grade = 20%CO1 + 30%CO2 + 50% CO3
E Enabling Course
Term Exam - 30 %
D Demonstrative Course Quizzes - 40 % Term Grade
Code Definition 100 % Term Grade = 3/4% Lecture + 1/4% Laboratory
An introductory
I Final Grade
course to an outcome
Final Grade = 50% Mideterm + 50% Final Term
A course that
E strengthens the Note: Drill Problems/ Seatworks/ Laboratory Reports/Attendance and Assignments (DSLA)
(g) Subject-to-change notice - TBA
A course
(h)) Date and time of Final Exam - TBA
D demonstrating an
outcome 4. Use of VLS in class
to distribute course materials, to communicate and collaborate online, to post grades, to submit assignments, and to give you
online quizzes and surveys.

Every attempt is made to provide a complete syllabus that provides an accurate overview of the subject. However, circumstances and events make it necessary for the instructor to modify the syllabus during the semester. This may depend, in part, on the progress, needs, and
experiences of the students.

Prepared by


Recommending Approval:


Chairman, BSEE

Approved by:



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