Design and Fabrication of Electromgnetic Embossing Machine

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 4 Issue: 4 354 - 356

Design and Fabrication of Electromgnetic Embossing Machine

Swati N. Datey1, Akhilesh A. Solanke2, Rajat D. Kokate3, Lokesh N.Chawhan4, Akash Bhoyar5, Ajay Wankar6
assistant Professor Of Mechanical Engineering Department, D.M.I.E.T.R. Wardha, India.
ug Student, D.M.I E.T.R. Wardha, India.

Abstract—Conventionally in many manufacturing industries, embossing operation is carried out manually using jigs and fixtures or by means of
a machine. These machines are mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic. These machines are costlier for manufacturing, installation and maintenance
also. The running cost of these types of machines is also high. An electromagnetic embossing machine proves itself better against these
machines in respect with above said points. In this machine embossing operation is carried out in project work on very thin aluminum sheet or
other soft material.
In the machine there is an electromagnet which incorporates a plunger passing through it. The plunger is allowed for vertical motion
through electromagnet. The plunger carries an iron core fixed to its upper end, and to the lower end of the same a tool holder is attached, this
tool holder holds an embossing tool that is used for embossing. The plunger is hanged with the help of springs. A working material is placed just
below the embossing tool. Entire assembly is fixed into some kind of housing or body. Whenever electromagnet is made on it pulls the iron core
towards it the plunger is forced into downward direction, which pushes the embossing tool against the work (raw) material, thus embossing is
carried out, after making the electromagnet dead the spring pull back the plunger into its original position making it ready for another working
stroke, meanwhile the embossed piece of material is retracted.

Keywords: -Coils, Current, Electromagnet, Punching Die, springs.



Today’s world is going fast at an amazing rate to cope with this fast Pneumatic embossing machines:-
changing environment the technological manufacturing process needs  More floor area is required due to compressor, air filter; lube
to be speed up and efficient. This leads to developed various new tube, dryer, regulators etc.
types of machines that are efficient, economical and easy on  Seal leakages can cause energy loss.
maintenance.  Operation becomes noisy.

Our main aim is to develop a low cost, efficient, low power Hydraulic embossing machines:-
consuming embossing machine for lower capacity works like plastic  Hydraulic fluid is often corrosive.
embossing and aluminium foil embossing as well.  Loss of energy due to friction.
 Aeration will cause foaming, degradation of hydraulic fluid,
It was decided to construct said machine using damage to the internal parts.
electromagnetic force as main power source for the operations.
Mechanical embossing machines:-
As industrialization is ginning up across the globe various  Power losses due to friction.
invention and innovation are being carried by human to fasten various  Operation becomes noisy operation.
processes associated with manufacturing and aligned things one such
thing is industrial automation unit. In this automation unit various III. CONSTRUCTION AND WORKING
machine those can be adopted easily are also getting
developed .Considering the example of canned food industry (baby
The base platform, middle plate and top plate are designed and
food, weight gainer powder) in which embossing machines are used to
drawn on MDF sheet. These materials are then cut with jig saw cutter.
print manufacturing dates, expiry dates, batch number etc. There can
This are arranged / attached at fixed position with help of studs, nuts
be various type of embossing machine depending upon material to be
and bolts. The electromagnet is drafted ground a plastic core of
embossed. Now a day’s hydraulic embossing machine, pneumatic
diameter 5.08cm. A twenty gauge copper insulator wire is used for
embossing machine, mechanical type embossing machine are popular
manufacturing electromagnet. In all thousand turns are made towards
type of embossing machine used in above industries.
completion of electromagnet. The iron core is of 2.54cm diameter and
10.16cm length is forcefully fitted in plastic pipe.
In this project compact embossing machine of a new type i.e.
electromagnetic shearing machine is decided to be fabricated.
For constructing the project work entitled ―Electromagnetic
embossing machine‖, various materials like steel pipe, MDF sheet,
As simple layout and tricky operation enables this type of
copper wire, embossing tool, springs, power cord, PVC pipe etc are
machine to work practically at low cost, low maintenance, low capital
investment in less space. This machine is able to emboss invitation
cards which are currently manufacture with the help of manual
The base framework of steel of dimensions
machine on small scale. This machine can also be used for stamping
600x300x300mm is made using cast iron pipe of 2.54cm x 2.54cm
on ATM, credit card etc. Expiry dates, product specification can be
screws section. This support framework is from one side and the top
embossed on food container made up of aluminum foil. As far as the
and bottom plates are covered using 12mm MDF sheets of 300 x
actual project work is concerned the magnetic effect can be increased
300mm size at the bottom plate supports the die. This die is used for
by increasing the number of copper coil turns to enhance the capacity
resting the work piece.
as per the requirement in the industry.

IJRITCC | April 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 4 354 - 356
The top plate of the frame structure supports a bobbin of = 1875 mm3
diameter 17.78cm and stem rod of diameter 5.08cm the stem height is V 1 = 1875 × 6
7cm. On this main suspension of bobbin first laminated paper is = 11250 mm3
wrapped. On this laminated paper a glass wool paper is wrapped that
supports copper coil. The copper wire of 20 gauge number is wrapped  Calculate Volume of Large Frame:-
1000 times on the stem of the bobbin then the glass wool paper is V 2 = 550 × 25 × 25
again wrapped and the laminated sheet is covered thus this = 343750 mm3
electromagnet is formed. Through the hole of this bobbin a PVC V 2 = 343750 × 2
plunger of internal diameter 2.54cm is passed. = 687500 mm3
Total Volume (V):
This iron core gets attracts towards the electromagnet when V = V1 + V2
the same is worked. To the centre of this plunger two helical springs = 11250 + 687500
are attached. At the other end of this PVC plunger the embossing tool = 698750 mm3
is fitted using attachments. = 698.50 cm3

Whenever the electricity is supplied to the electromagnet it  Mass of steel:-

gets magnetized and pulls the iron core at the top of the plunger unit M=𝜌×V
makes the plunger moves in downward direction suddenly thus the = 7.8 × 698.50
embossing tool get pressed against the work piece thereby embossing = 5450.25 gm
operations is carried out and when the electrical energy is cut off the = 5.45025 kg
plunger regains its position using spring tension thus the embossing
operation is carried out. This machine does not require electricity for  Design of Top & Bottom Sheet:-
return smoke. Thus this machine is constructed and it works. Material Used: MDF (Medium Density Fibre)
Density of Plate: 840 kg/ m 3
Two types of embossing operations perform on this machine are as Thickness = 8 mm
follows: Area = 300 × 270 mm
1. Hot embossing ( plastic and paper ) Volume = 300 × 270 × 8 mm
2. Cold embossing ( aluminium ) = 648000 mm 3
= 6.48 × 10 –4 m3

 Mass of Top & Bottom MDF Sheet (M):-

M =𝜌×V
= 840 × 6.48 × 10 –4
= 0.544 kg

 Large Circle MDF Sheet:

Diameter = 190 mm
Circle thickness = 8 mm
V = π /4 × D2 × l
= π /4 × 1902 × 8
V = 226822.98 mm3
No. of large circles are two
= 2.268 × 10 –4 × 2m3
= 4.536 × 10 –4 × m3

 Mass of Two Large Circles MDF Sheet

= 840 × 4.536 × 10 –4
= 0.38 kg

 Electromagnet:-
Current = 16 amp
Voltage = 230 v
No. of turns (N) = 1000
Fig 1:- Actual Machine Model Diameter of rod (D) = 0.0508 m

IV. DESIGN CALCULATION  Electrical power = V × I

= 230 × 16
= 3.6 KW
 Calculation for required force for embossing
 Magnetic field intensity (H) :-
aluminium foil:- H = N × I / length
F= δAl x Area = 1000 × 16 / 0.07
= 0.08844 x 1000 = 228571.42 AT/m
= 88.44N  Magnetic Flux Density ( B ) :-
B = H × µo
 Calculate Volume of Small Frame:- = 228571.42 × 4π× 10-7 ( µo = 4π × 10-7 )
V 1 = 300 × 25 × 25
IJRITCC | April 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 4 354 - 356
= 0.2872 tesla or wb/m 2 6. It does not require periodic check up and
 Force:- maintenance.
Fe = B2 ×A / 2 × µ o
= 0.28722 × 2.1 × 10-3 / 2 × 4π × 10-7 VII. APPLICATIONS
= 68.92 N
 Applications
 Total force= Electromagnetic force + Self weight 1. Numbers on ATM cards.
= 68.92 + 19.52 2. Dog Tacks.
= 88.44 N 3. Expiry and manufacturing dates on food containers.
4. Wedding cards.


The project work can further be modified on the following basis –

 The flux of electromagnet can be increased by increasing
size of the same and by increasing the coil turns. So this
modification enables this machine to emboss harder
materials such as steel.
 Automation can be implementing by adding roller and
feeder mechanism.
 The PVC pipe can be replaced by non magnetic metal.
 MDF can be replaced with aluminium.
Fig:-Graph of force vs no. of turns.  Overall capacity can be increased.
[1] ―Process Design and Development of Electromagnetic
SR.NO. Operations Result Shearing Machine‖ by Sagar P. Kulkarni, Shailesh B.
1. Cold Embossing 0.5 mm aluminium foil can be Wahulkar, Swapnil M. Yeole, Anant Kumar, Mangesh P.
embossed with 88.44N force. Naik, Sushil D. Yeole,
2. Hot Embossing 0.1 to 0.5 mm embossing depth [2] Paper on ―Novel Design and Model of Punching Machine
Driven By Electromagnetic Actuator‖ by R. Srinivasa
can be possible with 88.44N and
Sugash, Mohamad Raseem .F, Shyam Sundar S, Tarun
90 to 140 degree Celsius tool Veeraraghavan SSN College Of Engineering/Department Of
temperature. Mechanical Engineering, Chennai, India,
[3] Khurmi and Gupta, 2005, ―Machine Design‖, S. Chand and
Company Ltd, pp, 820-825.
V. CONCLUSION [4] Prof. V. B. Bhandari, 2007, ―Design of machine Elements"
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. New Delhi, pp 49-52.
[5] Sen and Bhattacharyya, 2006, ―Principles of machine tools‖,
The project work and testing shows that this machine, simultaneously New central book agency, Kolkata, pp 319-384.
solve some problems from various types of embossing machines there Websites :-
exhibiting a good integrated result. This machine can be fixed in less 1.
place ,requires low maintenance ,does not require skilled labour has 2.
high rate of action , has longer span of time , require less capital
investment , has low running cost hence can be implemented in the
industry to help to lower down the production cost . Automating this .
unit gives a unique advantage of interfacing this unit in industrial
automation unit. For more fast production rate and virtually endless
working hour’s .This very basic and unique ability this machine
exhibits can put itself at remarkable less in the industry.

After clearing disadvantage associated with and after few further

modification suggested in the relevant chapter, the project work thus
execute can find its way directing in the industry for implementation.

The project work being cost solution can work best in

the industry and thus lower down production, manufacturing cost of
goods thereby reduction in the cost of the product.

 Advantages
1. It is simple in construction and working.
2. Its capital investment is low.
3. Its running cost is low.
4. It requires very low space.
5. It does not require skilled labour.

IJRITCC | April 2016, Available @

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