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A Report


Course name: physics 307

Doctor : Alaa Mohamed Abdel-Hameed

Date performed: 11 November,2018

Prepared by: Amira Abdel- Megid Mohamed

If it is not stretched to the point where it becomes permanently deformed, the behavior of a
properly wound coiled spring, when subjected to a stretching force, can be expected to follow
Hooke's Law. [Bueche, p. 95] (Note that Hooke's Law applies more generally to many more
systems than just ordinary springs.) To see whether an ordinary screen door spring behaves
similarly, one such spring was suspended by one end from a horizontal support and masses
were hung from its other end to stretch it as shown in Figure 1. The resulting data were used to
construct a graph of load as a function of elongation, from which it was possible to obtain the
spring constant of the spring. In addition, for one value of load the spring was given a small
additional stretch and released, thereby setting the system into vertical oscillation. Assuming
this motion to be simple harmonic, its period also yields a spring constant, thereby providing an
additional check.
Note the difference between the abstract and the introduction. The introduction
indicates the primary thrust of the experiment but does not indicate results. It does not
have to stand by itself and can refer to later parts of the report such as a diagram or a
graph. Such reference should be to a numbered figure or graph. (Figure 1 in this
It is essential that the theory section be written for the
particular audience for which the report is intended. In this
case, imagine your audience to consist of one of your classmates
who had to miss this week’s lab.
If a weight, W = mg, is hung from one end of an ordinary spring,
causing it to stretch a distance x, then an equal and opposite force,
F, is created in the spring which acts to oppose the pull of the
weight. If W is not so large as to permanently distort the spring, then
this force, F, will restore the spring to its original length after the load
is removed. F is thus called an elastic force and it is well known that
the magnitude of an elastic restoring force is directly proportional to
the stretch,
F = kx
Note how all quantities are defined when they first appear.
Notice how the author uses italics to set off physical quantities
from the rest of the text.
A relationship called Hooke's Law after the 17th century scientist
who studied it. The constant k is called the spring constant, or
stiffness coefficient. To emphasize that x refers to the change in
length of the spring we write
F = mg = k. (1)
In this form it is apparent that if a plot of F as a function of has a
linear portion, this provides confirmation that the spring follows
Hooke's Law [Bueche, p. 226] and enables us to find k.
An additional approach is possible. One definition of simple harmonic
motion (SHM) is that it is motion under a linear, “Hooke's Law”
restoring force. For such a motion we have, from Newton's second law,
F = - kx = ma.
The minus sign appears since in this case the acceleration of the object
in SHM is in the direction opposite to the force causing it. From this
Write your equations in a form that is easy to read. In this case,
Equation Editor does the job. In Microsoft Word, choose the Insert
menu, then the Object menu, then select Equation Editor.
The solution to this differential equation is given in standard physics
textbooks [Bueche, p. 231] and the resulting expression for the period,
T, of the SHM is
Since your reader can be assumed to have seen this derivation
previously, it is not necessary for you to repeat it.
where k is again the spring constant and m is the mass which is under
motion. This provides an additional method for testing whether the
spring obeys Hooke's law.
k Spring constant
Mo Effective mass
L Length of spring
ΔL extension

procedure :

We hung a common screen door spring directly from a

horizontal metal rod secured to the laboratory bench by a C-clamp,
another pole and a right-angle clamp. We attached a mass hanger
directly to the bottom of the hanging spring to enable us to vary the
load hanging from the spring. Vernier calipers were used to measure
the vertical distances, l0 and l1, (Fig. 1) from the horizontal support rod
to the top coil and the bottom coil, respectively, of the hanging spring,
for a variety of load masses ranging up to 9kg. (Table 1)
Masses were added to the spring in a more or less random order so as
to better observe the overall correlation of load and elongation as we
graphed the data during collection. 3
For ease in reading, the data are reproduced in Table 1 in order of
increasing load. Mass, in kg, is plotted against elongation, in cm, in the
graph in Figure 2.
For the SHM part of the experiment, a single mass of 4kg was hung
from the spring and the time required for the system of mass plus
spring to execute an integer N number of oscillations was measured
with a digital stopwatch. This was repeated for three arbitrary values
of N, and the data appear in Table 2.

The measured positions of the top (l0) and the bottom (l1) coils of the
spring are given below in Table 1. From these distances we calculated
the length of the spring (L= l1-l0), and the extension, ΔL, which is the
difference between this extension, ΔL, and the unloaded extension of
In Fig. 2 we calculate the spring constant from measuring 25 to 50
separate oscillations and calculating the period of oscillation, T. From
the average value of the period, we can use Equation 2 to calculate the
spring constant, k.
The mass used in calculating k was not merely the load attached to the
bottom of the spring. The reason for this is that the system that is
vibrating includes the spring itself. However, the entire spring does not
vibrate with the same amplitude as the load and therefore it is
reasonable to assume that the effective load is the mass hung from the
end of the spring plus some fraction of the mass of the spring. The
fraction used was 1/3 since similar experiments with other types of
springs have led to this empirical result. [Sears, Zemansky, and Young]
It was assumed that 1/3 of the mass was a reasonable approximation
to the correct value for this particular spring.
Load L0 L1 L=L1-L0 <L> ΔL
Kg cm cm cm cm m
0 31.9 70.7 38.8 -------- -------
0 32.1 70.9 38.8 38.8 0
1 32.0 71.1 39.1 39.1 0.003
2 32.1 74.3 42.2 -------- -------
2 32.3 74.6 42.3 42.25 0.034
3 32.1 79.1 47.8 47.0 0.082
4 32.3 83.6 51.3 51.3 0.125
5 32.3 88.1 55.8 ------- -------
5 34.4 88.3 55.9 55.85 0.171
6 32.4 92.6 60.2 ------- --------
6 32.6 92.8 60.2 60.2 0.214
7 32.5 97.2 64.7 64.7 0.259
8 32.4 101.9 69.5 69.5 0.307
9 32.5 106.5 74.0 ------- --------
9 32.6 106.5 73.9 73.95 0.351
Table 1. Calculation of the spring constant from its loaded extension.
Mass of spring 70 gm All position measurements + .05 mm
All masses + 3 g
Table 2. Calculation of the spring constant using the resonant
frequency approach
oscillations Time(sec.) T(sec)
50 42.80 0.856
25 21.34 0.854
40 34.11 0.853
<T> = .854 + .002 sec
Timing oscillator - load = 4 kg

4 Column1

0 0.003 0.034 0.082 0.125 0.171 0.214 0.307 0.351

Figure 2. Load applied as a function of the resulting elongation of a

screen door spring.

Figure 2 indicates that for loads greater than about 1.1kg (notice intercept of fit),
there is a linear relation between load and elongation but that for small loads
such a relationship fails, since the fit curve does not intercept the y axis at zero. It
is assumed that this is caused by an initial "set" in the spring which requires
some initial load to overcome. This is apparent if one stretches the spring
manually and then releases it. It seems to snap shut at the last moment. For this
reason, 0 and 1 kg were ignored and the rest of the data were treated by a least
squares analysis to determine the coefficients of first degree polynomial best fit.
These were used to plot the line on the graph. The slope of the line, ignoring

that we need to multiply this quantity by g to calculate a value for the spring
constant of k = 217.4 ± 1.8 N/m.

Note that final numerical values include an estimate of uncertainty.

In determining k dynamically, only one value of load (4.0 kg) was used. Since the
mass of the spring was 7.0 gm the value of m used to determine k from equation
(2) was 4.023 kg. This together with <T> = .854 ± .002 sec gives

K=4(pi)^2*m/T^2=217.7 ±1.0N/m

These two values of k show agreement within the limits of accuracy of the
experiment and as such are evidence that the spring used, at least over a range of
loads from 2 to 9 kg, obeys Hooke's Law.

If the dynamic experiment were extended by using a range of masses and a graph
of T2 as a function of m were constructed, a linear plot should result for this


where mo would be the effective mass of the spring. This would give a more
reliable result than the estimate of 1/3 of the spring mass used here.

Hooke's Law says that the stretch of a spring is directly proportional to the
applied force. (Engineers say "Stress is proportional to strain".) In symbols, F =
kx, where F is the force, x is the stretch, and k is a constant of proportionality. If
Hooke's Law is correct, then, the graph of force versus stretch will be a straight

sample formal report lab .pdf
wriiten by: DONALD C. PECKHAM

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