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A Survey on Urban Traffic Management System Using
Wireless Sensor Networks
Kapileswar Nellore * and Gerhard P. Hancke
Advanced Sensor Networks Research Group, Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering,
University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +27-61-859-5390; Fax: +27-12-362-5000

Academic Editor: Leonhard M. Reindl

Received: 3 August 2015; Accepted: 16 November 2015; Published: 27 January 2016

Abstract: Nowadays, the number of vehicles has increased exponentially, but the bedrock capacities
of roads and transportation systems have not developed in an equivalent way to efficiently cope
with the number of vehicles traveling on them. Due to this, road jamming and traffic correlated
pollution have increased with the associated adverse societal and financial effect on different markets
worldwide. A static control system may block emergency vehicles due to traffic jams. Wireless
Sensor networks (WSNs) have gained increasing attention in traffic detection and avoiding road
congestion. WSNs are very trendy due to their faster transfer of information, easy installation, less
maintenance, compactness and for being less expensive compared to other network options. There
has been significant research on Traffic Management Systems using WSNs to avoid congestion, ensure
priority for emergency vehicles and cut the Average Waiting Time (AWT) of vehicles at intersections.
In recent decades, researchers have started to monitor real-time traffic using WSNs, RFIDs, ZigBee,
VANETs, Bluetooth devices, cameras and infrared signals. This paper presents a survey of current
urban traffic management schemes for priority-based signalling, and reducing congestion and the
AWT of vehicles. The main objective of this survey is to provide a taxonomy of different traffic
management schemes used for avoiding congestion. Existing urban traffic management schemes for
the avoidance of congestion and providing priority to emergency vehicles are considered and set the
foundation for further research.

Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs); traffic sensing systems; intelligent traffic light
controllers; emergency vehicle priority; traffic congestion; Average Waiting Time (AWT);
traffic parameters

1. Introduction
Over the years vehicle usage has increased exponentially worldwide. Due to this, road traffic
conditions have become complicated and chaotic. According to the Victoria Transport Policy Institute’s
Urban Mobility Report (UMR) dated 18 December 2014 [1], huge amounts of time and money are
wasted, and e.g., time delay: 5.5 billion hours and fuel wasted: 2.9 billion gallons in urban areas
of the United States due to traffic congestion between 2000 and 2010. The UMR predicted that
congestion cost will increase from $121 billion (in 2011) to $199 billion (in 2020). Accidents occur at
road intersections due to malfunctions in Traffic Light Control Systems (TLCSs) and drivers’ negligence.
By improving the operations in traffic management systems, safety and efficiency of transportation
systems will increase. A common traffic control system utilizes static signalling times at intersections
and does not provide priority to emergency vehicles such as ambulances, firefighters and police cars,
possibly causing a loss of lives, damage or destruction of property, and increased fuel costs, pollution
and congestion. An Intelligent Traffic Management System aims at managing traffic effectively

Sensors 2016, 16, 157; doi:10.3390/s16020157

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traffic effectively during emergencies through the use of cutting-edge communication and processing
during emergencies
technologies through the
and appropriate use of cutting-edge
intelligent communication and processing technologies and
system algorithms.
appropriate intelligent
In the present system algorithms.
state-of-the-art, a wireless sensor network is a promising technology that offers a
solution forpresent
In the the design and development
state-of-the-art, of a sensor
a wireless good deal of traffic
network control system
is a promising applications.
technology The
that offers
sensor network
a solution for theconsists
design of
anda sensor and gateway
development nodes.
of a good dealThe duty control
of traffic of the sensor
systemnode is to monitor
applications. The
traffic in an allocated
sensor network area,
consists of utilizing
a sensor differentnodes.
and gateway devices
dutycan measure
of the several
sensor node is tophysical
monitor traffic
parameters likearea,
in an allocated flow,utilizing
density, different
volume, headway,
devices thatwaiting time, throughput,
can measure as welltraffic
several physical as pollution.
like flow, node collects
density, theheadway,
volume, traffic information from
waiting time, all the nodes
throughput, and
as well asdirects the The
pollution. same to the node
gateway base
collects the traffic information from all the nodes and directs the same to the base station.

Figure 1. WSN-based Urban Traffic Management System.

Figure 1. WSN-based Urban Traffic Management System.

The WSNs have attracted wide interest from academic and industrial researchers due to their
lowerThe WSNs havelow
maintenance, attracted
price, wide interest
and usage in from academic and
a wide-ranging industrial
application researchers
areas, such asdue to their
health, the
lower maintenance, low price, and usage in a wide-ranging application areas,
military, industry and the home. The exclusive characteristics of WSNs include the mobility of sensor such as health, the
nodes, industry
ability and the home.harsh
to withstand The environmental
exclusive characteristics
conditions, of node
includelow the power
mobilityand of
sensor nodes,
scalability. the ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions, node failures, low power
and scalability.
A typical WSN-based Urban Traffic Management System (W-UTMS) is depicted in Figure 1. A
A typical
scattered W-UTMS WSN-based
applicationUrban Trafficfour
achieves Management
functions:System (W-UTMS)
(i) information is depicted
collection; in Figure
(ii) data 1. A
scattered W-UTMS application achieves four functions: (i) information collection;
(iii) processing of data to plan the required activities; and (iv) implementation of the suitable actions. (ii) data diffusion;
(iii) processing
To carry out theseof data to planautonomously,
functions the required activities;
the UTMS andis(iv) implementation
equipped of thesensors,
with wireless suitablea actions.
Management Centre (TMC), a Road Side Unit (RSU) and On Board Units (OBUs) on vehicles.aSensors
carry out these functions autonomously, the UTMS is equipped with wireless sensors, Traffic
collect Centretraffic
the real-time (TMC), a Road Sidelike
information, Unit (RSU)density,
vehicle and Ontype Boardof Units (OBUs)
vehicle, averageon waiting
pollution and relay the traffic data to the RSU. When an emergency vehicle approaches and
collect the real-time traffic information, like vehicle density, type of vehicle, average waiting time the
pollution andthe
intersection, relay
traffic data
that to the RSU. When
information to theanRSU.
The RSU vehicle approaches
gathers the data the fromintersection,
all sensor
the OBU
nodes anddirects
OBUs thatand information
forward the to theto
same RSU. The RSU
the TMC. Thegathers
schematictheof data from all
a typical TMCsensor nodes and
is presented in
OBUs and
Figure 2. forward the same to the TMC. The schematic of a typical TMC is presented in Figure 2.
The data
The datacollection
moduleofofthe theTMCTMC gathers
gathers thethe data,
data, analyses
analyses the traffic
the traffic parameters
parameters and
and then
then sends
sends it to
it to the the traffic
traffic signal signal
modulemodule of theThe
of the TMC. TMC. Themodule
control control evaluates
module evaluates
the data andthe
takes intelligent decisions to offer signalling priority for emergency vehicles. After the passage ofthe
data and takes intelligent decisions to offer signalling priority for emergency vehicles. After an
passage of an emergency vehicle, the system resumes its regular operation.
emergency vehicle, the system resumes its regular operation. This system will optimally manage the This system will optimally
urban the urban traffic congestion,
congestion, the priority
the priority for emergency
for emergency vehicles,
vehicles, waiting
waiting timetimeofofvehicles,
vehicles, fuel
consumption, and
consumption, and safety. safety.
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Figure 2. Schematic
2. Schematic of aof a traffic
traffic management
management centre.

Lately, Vehicular Sensor Networks (VSNs) have been proved as a great solution for monitoring
Lately, Vehicular Sensor Networks (VSNs) have been proved as a great solution for monitoring
traffic. In VSNs, vehicles are equipped with sensing devices and these vehicles move about the city
traffic. In VSNs, vehicles are equipped with sensing devices and these vehicles move about the city
to sense the traffic. Vehicles transfer the sensing data to a city traffic monitoring centre by using
to sense the traffic. Vehicles transfer the sensing data to a city traffic monitoring centre by using
vehicle-to-vehicle or vehicle-to-infra wireless communications. The vehicular sensing system has a
vehicle-to-vehicle or vehicle-to-infra Figure 2.wireless
Schematic ofcommunications.
a trafficcost.
management The vehicular sensing system has
high coverage capability and low deployment Dynamic traffic monitoring using vehicular
a high coverage capability and low deployment cost. Dynamic traffic monitoring using vehicular
networks (DTMon) is an Sensor
Lately, Vehicular alternative
Networks technique
(VSNs) have to collect reliablea great
been proved information about traffic in free-flow
networks (DTMon) is an alternative technique to collect reliableasinformation solution for
traffic in free-flow
and in traffic.
transient-flow conditions.
In VSNs, vehicles are equipped with sensing devices and these vehicles move about the city
and in transient-flow conditions.
The Average
to sense Waiting
the traffic. Time
Vehicles (AWT)
transfer for a vehicle
the sensing data to aatcity antraffic
a conventional
by using system is
The Average Waiting
vehicle-to-vehicle Time (AWT)wireless
or vehicle-to-infra for a vehicle at an intersection
communications. The vehicularin a conventional
sensing system has a system is
unpredictable. Schemes that are smart and adaptive to traffic flow are continuously being developed
high coverage
unpredictable. Schemes capability
that areand low and
smart deployment
adaptive cost.toDynamic
traffic flowtrafficare
continuouslyusing vehicular
being developed
and used for building
(DTMon) isan Intelligent Trafficto Management System about (ITMS), which can decrease the
and used for building an Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITMS), which canin decrease
networks an alternative technique collect reliable information traffic free-flow
the AWT
AWT of vehicles at the intersection
and in transient-flow conditions. and regulates the traffic flow.
of vehicles at the
The intersection
Average and
Waiting regulates the traffic atflow.
This paper provides a Time (AWT) review
complete for a vehicle an intersection
of existing in a conventional
techniques for WSN-basedsystem is urban traffic
This unpredictable.
paper provides Schemes a complete
that are smart review of existing
and adaptive to traffic techniques for WSN-based
flow are continuously being developedurban traffic
management, discusses key challenges and identifies future research directions. The remaining part
management, and used for building
discusses an Intelligentand
key challenges Traffic Management
identifies futureSystem (ITMS),directions.
research which can decrease the
The remaining part
of this AWT
paper is organized
of vehicles as follows:
at the intersection andin Section
regulates the2, an overview
traffic flow. of the key issues is given. Section 3
of this papersensing
provides is organized as follows:
evolution in Section 2,technologies.
an overviewSection of the key issues some
is given. Section 3 on
This paper provides and traffic
a complete sensing
review of existing techniques for WSN-based 4 reviews related
urban traffic work
provides sensing
urban management, evolution
traffic management and
discusses key traffic
schemes sensing
challenges forand technologies.
identifiesbased Section
future signalling, 4 reviews
research directions. some related
The remaining work on
part and AWT of
urban traffic management
of this paper is organizedschemes for
as follows: priority
in Section based signalling,
2, an overview
vehicles. Section 5 highlights various challenges of Urban Traffic Management Systems. of the reducing
key issues iscongestion
given. Sectionand
3 AWT of
Section 6
vehicles. provides sensing
Section 5 evolution
highlights and traffic
various sensing technologies.
challenges of Urban Section
Traffic 4 reviews some related
Management work on Section 6
concludes the paper by providing future directions.
concludesurban traffic management schemes for priority based signalling, reducing congestion and AWT of
the paper by providing future directions.
vehicles. Section 5 highlights various challenges of Urban Traffic Management Systems. Section 6
2. Key concludes
Issues intheUrban
paper byTraffic Management
providing System
future directions.
2. Key Issues in Urban Traffic Management System
Traffic congestion
2. Key Issues in Urbanis Traffic
a burning issue in
Management many cities due to an exponential growth of running
Traffic congestion is a burning issue in many cities due to an exponential growth of running
vehicles. There congestion
are basically two issue
typesin of traffic congestion. The first one is recurring traffic
vehicles. ThereTraffic
are basically two is a types
burningof traffic many cities due
congestion. Theto an exponential
first growth
one is recurring of traffic
running congestion,
congestion, which
vehicles. Thereappears at the
are basically same
two typesplace during
of traffic the same
congestion. Thetime
one isday. The second
recurring traffic one is non-
which appears at the same
place theduring the same time every day. The second one isis non-recurring
recurring trafficwhich appears atwhich
congestion, sameoccurs
place during the samelike
randomly timeanevery day. The second
unplanned one This
event. non-non-recurring
traffic congestion, which occurs randomly like an unplanned event. This non-recurring
recurring traffic congestion, which occurs randomly like an unplanned event. This non-recurring effect can cause
effect can cause a sudden traffic volume increase. Detection of non-recurring traffic congestion is
a sudden effect
cause a increase.
sudden trafficDetection of non-recurring
volume increase. traffic congestion
Detection of non-recurring is criticaliscompared
traffic congestion
compared to tothetherecurring type,because
because it requires real-time traffic information and
to the recurring type, because it requires real-time traffic information and evaluationand
compared recurring type, it requires real-time traffic information thereof with
evaluation thereof
evaluation with
thereof appropriate
with traffic
appropriate traffic management
management decisions.
appropriate traffic management decisions.

25% Bottlenecks-40%
Traffic Incidents-25%
25% 10%
Inclement Incidents-25%
35% Inclement Weather-15%
Work Area-10%
15% 5% 5%Rare Events-5%
40% 35% Work Area-10%
Poor signal Timings-5%
15% 5% Rare Events-5%
Poor signal Timings-5%
Figure 3. Sources
Figure 3. Sourcesof
of urban traffic
urban traffic congestion.

Figure 3. Sources of urban traffic congestion.

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Sensors 2016, 16, 157 4 of 25
Congestion is mainly due the inadequate capacity of the roadways to efficiently move the
number of traveling vehicles on them. To activate the congestion relief process, first we have to
Congestion is mainly due the inadequate capacity of the roadways to efficiently move the number
determine the sources of congestion. A US Federal Highway Administration report [2] defines six
of traveling vehicles on them. To activate the congestion relief process, first we have to determine
sources of congestion. Figure 3 shows the congestion sources and their contribution. The points
the sources of congestion. A US Federal Highway Administration report [2] defines six sources of
where the roadway narrows are termed “bottlenecks”. Vehicle crashes and stalls are termed “traffic
congestion. Figure 3 shows the congestion sources and their contribution. The points where the
incidents”. Road repairs, building of new roads and maintenance activities are termed as “work
roadway narrows are termed “bottlenecks”. Vehicle crashes and stalls are termed “traffic incidents”.
area”. “Inclement weather” such as excessive rains, snowfall and fog cause congestion. “Poor signal
Road repairs, building of new roads and maintenance activities are termed as “work area”. “Inclement
timing” occurs when the traffic light controller is faulty and there is no relation maintained between
weather” such as excessive rains, snowfall and fog cause congestion. “Poor signal timing” occurs when
time allocation for a signal and traffic volume. “Rare events”, e.g., strikes and marathons, cause a
the traffic light controller is faulty and there is no relation maintained between time allocation for a
surge in traffic volume and resulting congestion. An estimated graph of everyday traffic density is
signal and traffic volume. “Rare events”, e.g., strikes and marathons, cause a surge in traffic volume
shown in Figure 4. On the X-axis, time in 24 h format is shown and on the Y-axis, vehicle density is
and resulting congestion. An estimated graph of everyday traffic density is shown in Figure 4. On
considered. In the early hours, i.e., from 1h00 to 5h00, vehicle density is at its lowest as most people
the X-axis, time in 24 h format is shown and on the Y-axis, vehicle density is considered. In the early
sleep at night. The vehicle density increases exponentially and reaches a maximum value at 8h00 as
hours, i.e., from 1h00 to 5h00, vehicle density is at its lowest as most people sleep at night. The vehicle
it is considered peak hour when people go to the office, school and college. The vehicle density
density increases exponentially and reaches a maximum value at 8h00 as it is considered peak hour
decreases gradually between 10h00 and 14h00. The vehicle density again increases exponentially and
when people go to the office, school and college. The vehicle density decreases gradually between
reaches a maximum value at around 17h00 as people return back home. The vehicle density decreases
10h00 and 14h00. The vehicle density again increases exponentially and reaches a maximum value at
gradually between 20h00 and 24h00. Therefore, the peak hours are usually between 8h00 to 9h00 and
around 17h00 as people return back home. The vehicle density decreases gradually between 20h00
17h00 to 18h00. Most of the congestion occurs at this time and is recursive. Because of traffic incidents
and 24h00. Therefore, the peak hours are usually between 8h00 to 9h00 and 17h00 to 18h00. Most of
and rare events, the traffic density may increase additionally. Designing an adaptive and dynamic
the congestion occurs at this time and is recursive. Because of traffic incidents and rare events, the
traffic control system to provide smooth traffic flow in peak busy hours can be an interesting issue
traffic density may increase additionally. Designing an adaptive and dynamic traffic control system to
for future research.
provide smooth traffic flow in peak busy hours can be an interesting issue for future research.

Figure 4. Urban traffic density.

Figure 4. Urban traffic density.

congestionin urban and metropolitan
in urban areas, the
and metropolitan design
areas, therequirements to be considered
design requirements to be
in developing
considered in adeveloping
new trafficamanagement system are: system are:
new traffic management

‚ Hierarchicalroad
Hierarchical roadinfrastructures
‚ Reliable information on real-time traffic should
Reliable information on real-time traffic should be provided to users and
be provided to traffic
users management
and traffic
management systems.
‚ Thetraffic
The trafficcontrol
‚ The highest priority to the emergency vehicles at intersections totosave
The highest priority to the emergency vehicles at intersections savelives
 The system has to detect road accidents.
‚ The system has to detect road accidents.
 A smart city traffic system should provide security.
‚ A smart city traffic system should provide security.
3. Overview
3. Overview
This section
This section provides
provides an
an overview
overview of
of the
the sensing
sensing evolution,
evolution, traffic
traffic sensing
sensing technologies,
technologies, the
characteristic of
characteristic of the
the general
general sensor
sensor node
node and
and the
the hierarchical
hierarchical functionality
functionality ofof aa WSN-based
WSN-based urban
traffic management system.
traffic management system.
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3.1. Sensing Evolution

The Sensor is a key element of any smart system and a course of action is taken based on its
location. The control system gathers the data from a group of sensors and uses different variables to
distinguish its location and modifies its actions consequently. The accessibility of a massive amount of
various sensors and endlessly growing technology facilitates applications that were unfeasible in the
earliest because of high prices and restricted handiness. Technological developments have driven the
improvement behind sensors and also powered the small-scale devices by making use of the sensors
at a low price. From the viewpoint of the desires of smart traffic management, an extensive handiness
of the technology transforms to a great amount of chances in the sensing.

3.2. Traffic Sensing Technologies

The safe and efficient operation of a traffic management system relies largely on the application
of advanced technologies. As a result, the past decade has witnessed the wide application
of communication, sensing and computing technologies in traffic management, event detection,
emergency response, fleet management and travel assistance. There is a requirement for effective
traffic organization, to avoid congestion and optimize traffic flow at intersections. An approach to
control traffic flow is to make use of sensor technologies. Table 1 lists a few types of traffic sensing
technologies that are frequently employed in traffic surveillance for data collection. The table also lists
the advantages and disadvantages of present sensor technologies in terms of installation, maintenance,
performance in various atmospheric conditions and varying traffic flow [3]. Table 2 lists the output
data, coverage and bandwidth requirements of each sensor technology.

3.3. General Sensor Node

A sensor is a transducer which transforms the physical nature parameters like light, temperature,
velocity, pressure, moisture, etc. to an electronic signal. This electronic signal can be understood by
humans or fed into a control system. A traffic monitoring sensor node typically comprises of four main
modules as given below:

‚ A sensing module—This module acquires data.

‚ A processing and storage module—This module process the local data and stores it.
‚ A radio module—This module is for wireless data communication.
‚ A power module—This module is for energy supply.

A general sensor node normally includes a radio module for wireless data communication. The
transmission range of wireless communication depends on the communication technology, which
can be a few meters (Bluetooth, Zig Bee, Wi-Fi, etc.) to thousands of kilometers (Wi-MAX, GSM, etc.).
The wireless communication has numerous technologies and standards, including Zig Bee, Bluetooth,
GPRS, GSM, Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX [4]. Table 3 highlights the frequency, range, throughput and feature
of these wireless communication technologies.

3.4. Hierarchy of Urban Traffic Management Systems

The urban traffic management system is mainly divided into three subsystems, namely the sensor
network subsystem, the traffic control subsystem and the safety subsystem. The sensor network
subsystem collects real-time traffic information and quickly directs that to the traffic control subsystem,
which manages the traffic congestion for normal and emergency vehicles at intersections by using
adaptive traffic algorithms. The last subsystem provides security to the wireless traffic control system
against jamming and violation attacks. We can classify the functions of TMS into three categories, i.e.,
congestion avoidance, prioritizing emergency vehicles and reducing Average Waiting Time (AWT).
The hierarchical functionality of WSN based urban traffic management system is shown in Figure 5.
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Table 1. Overview of traffic sensing technologies [3].

Technology Principles Advantages Disadvantages Specific Equipment

‚ Installation and maintenance require

The inductive-loop sensor detects the ‚ Flexible design to fulfill a great pavement cut and lane closure.
vehicle or conductive metal object by variety of applications. ‚ Many loops are required to cover Roadway sensors, lead-in cables, pull box
Inductive loop
sensing the loop inductance, which is ‚ Unresponsive to bad weather. a location. and electronic unit in the control cabinet.
dropped by inducing currents in the object. ‚ Offers accurate count data. ‚ The detection accuracy drops with
vehicle classes.

RFID technology uses radio waves to

give-and-take data between a reader and an RFID only senses equipped vehicles at a Antenna (transmitter and receiver),
RFID (Radio-frequency identification) ‚ RFID is economical. Transponder, tag reader system, and
electronic tag attached to a vehicle for the ‚ It does not disturb traffic. point on the road. computer.
purpose of tracking.

The Microwave radar transmits signals in

the recognition regions and captures the ‚ Unresponsive to bad weather. Continuous wave Doppler sensors are Antenna (transmitter and receiver), control
Microwave radar echoed signals from vehicles. The reflected ‚ Speed is measured directly. incapable of sensing immobile vehicles. unit and processor.
signal is processed to find the speed and ‚ Multiple lane operation.
direction of the vehicle.

Acoustic sensors detect audible sounds

‚ Unresponsive to precipitation. Vehicle count accuracy may be affected by Transducer, filters, microphones, pre
Acoustic produced by vehicular traffic and there by
‚ Multiple lane operation. cold temperature. amplifier, storage equipment.
vehicle presence, and speed are measured.

‚ Less prone than loops to pressures ‚ Installation needs a pavement cut.

Magnetometers have sensors that sense the of traffic. ‚ Inadequate installation decreases Magnetic probe detector, micro loop probes
Magnetometer horizontal and vertical components of the ‚ Unresponsive to bad weather. pavement life cycle. and control unit.
Earth's magnetic field. ‚ Data transmission over RF (Radio ‚ Maintenance and installation require
Frequency) link. lane closure.

‚ Applicable where loops are

A magnetic sensor detects the presence of a not likely.
‚ Installation needs a boring under
vehicle by measuring the perturbation in ‚ Installation of some models does not Magnetic probe detector, micro loop probes
Magnetic the road.
the Earth's magnetic field because of a require a pavement cut. and control unit.
‚ Incapable of sensing
ferrous metal object. ‚ Insensitive to bad weather.
immobile vehicles.
‚ Less prone than inductive loops to
pressures of vehicles.

The infrared sensor illuminates the low

powered infrared energy in the recognition
regions and captures the echoed energy ‚ The vehicle information such as
from the vehicles. The echoed energy is speed, position and class are ‚ Sensitive to bad weather.
Infrared focused onto an infrared-sensitive material, accurately measured by the ‚ Installation, maintenance and lens Multi spectrum camera.
which transforms the echoed and transmission of multiple beams. cleaning require lane closure.
illuminated energy into electrical signals.
‚ Multiple lane operation.
These signals are processed and analyzed to
obtain the presence of a vehicle.
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 7 of 25

Table 1. Cont.

Technology Principles Advantages Disadvantages Specific Equipment

This technology involves the use of either ‚ Traffic surveillance can be taken at ‚ Helicopters are expensive and
manned or unmanned helicopters in the high accuracy. necessitate pilots to operate.
‚ It is a non-intrusive and non- ‚ It costs time and resource to gather Helicopters, Analog color PAL camera and
Aerial/Satellite Imaging sky to capture imageries of the ground and
interruptive technology. traffic data. computer.
the imageries are transmitted to a
workspace for investigation. ‚ It can offer a bird’s eyesight of the ‚ Analysis of aerial pictures
system-wide traffic situations. is complicated.

An Ultrasonic sensor transmits ultrasonic ‚ Performance is affected by

waves and again collects the echoed waves ‚ Monitors multiple lanes. environmental circumstances.
Ultrasonic from an object. It uses the time lapse Transducers (Transmitter and Receiver),
‚ Proficient of detecting over ‚ Occupancy measurement on amplifier and oscillator.
between the transmitted and reflected sonic height vehicles. freeways may be degraded with
wave to identify the location of the object. large pulse repetition periods.

‚ Installation and maintenance require

This system normally consists of a camera, lane closure.
processor-based workstation for analyzing ‚ Monitors multiple lanes. ‚ Performance is sensitive to bad
VIP (Video image processor) the images, and software for understanding ‚ Simple to add and change weather, vehicle shadows, and dusts Analog color PAL camera and image
detection areas. on the camera lens. processing unit.
the imageries and transforming them into
traffic data. ‚ Offers broad-area detection. ‚ Requires specific camera mounting
height for finest vehicle presence
detection and speed measurement.

Table 2. Traffic output data and communications bandwidth of commercially available sensors [3].

Multiple Lane, Multiple Communication

Technology Vehicle Count Presence Speed Output Data Classification
Detection Zone Data Bandwidth
Inductive loop 4 4 4* 4 4& Low to modest
Magnetometer 4 4 4* 4 Low
Magnetic induction coil 4 4$ 4* 4 Low
Microwave radar 4 4# 4 4# 4# 4# Moderate
Active infrared 4 4 4@ 4 4 4 Low to modest
Passive infrared 4 4 4@ 4 Low to modest
Ultrasonic 4 4 4 Low
Acoustic array 4 4 4 4 4ˆ Low to modest
Video image processor 4 4 4 4 4 4 Low to high
* Two sensors can be used to measure speed; & With specific electronics device that categorizes vehicles; $ By using distinct sensor layouts and data processing software; # By using a
microwave radar sensor and suitable signal processing unit; @ With multi detection region; ˆ By suitable beam forming models and data processing unit.
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 8 of 25

Table 3. Wireless Communication Technologies [4].

Technology Description Standard Frequency Range Throughput Feature

Standard for data
High speed and serve
Wi-MAX transmission via IEEE 802.16 2–11 GHz <10 km <75 Mbps
number of users.
radio waves.
Specification of a set of
complex wireless
communication protocols for Mesh networks,
ZigBee use with low consumption IEEE 802.15.4 2.4 GHz <75 m 250 Kbps Multiple protocol
digital radios, based on availability.
WPAN standard
IEEE 802.15.4.
Standard for data and voice
Class 1: 100 m v. 1.2:1 Mbps
transmission between many Low power
Bluetooth IEEE 802.15.1 2.4 GHz Class 2: 15–20 m v. 2.0:3 Mbps
devices via a safe and free version available.
Class 3: 1 m UWB: 53–480 Mbps
radio link.
UWB is merely a radio
Extremely fast transfer
technology that can
UWB IEEE 802.15.3a 3.1–10.6 GHz 10 m2 m 110 Mbps480 Mbps of files between servers
be used as part of
and portable devices.
an overall standard.
System of wireless data
IEEE 802.11a; 5.8 GHz High speed
Wi-Fi broadcast over <100 m 11/54/300 Mbps
802.11b/g/n 2.4 GHz and ubiquity.
computational webs.
Typical system for
Large coverage, High
communication via mobile Dependent on
GSM – 850/900/1800/1900 MHz 9.6 Kbps capacity and
phones including service provider
transmission quality.
digital technology.
High resource
Extended GSM for packet Dependent on
GPRS – 850/900/1800/1900 MHz 56–144 Kbps utilization,
data communication. service provider
Short access time.
125 KHz,
Uses radio waves to detect
RFID – 13.56 MHz, Up to 3 m 9.6–115 Kbps Low cost.
objects carrying tags.
902 to 928 MHz
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 9 of 25
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 10 of 26

Figure 5. Hierarchical functionality of WSN based urban traffic management system.

Figure 5. Hierarchical functionality of WSN based urban traffic management system.
4. State-of-the-Art Review
4. State-of-the-Art Review
This section provides a complete review of related projects, architectures, data collection
schemes, routing algorithms, congestion avoidance schemes, priority based traffic management
This section
and averagea waiting
completetimereview ofschemes
reduction relatedonprojects, architectures,
urban traffic management,data
on WSNs. schemes,
routing algorithms, congestion avoidance schemes, priority based traffic management schemes, and
4.1. Related
average waiting timeProjects
reduction schemes on urban traffic management, based on WSNs.
Considerable research has been done on Traffic Management Systems using WSNs for
4.1. Relatedcongestion
Projects avoidance, prioritizing emergency vehicles and reducing Average Waiting Time (AWT)
of vehicles at intersections. During the last years, quite a lot of projects on urban traffic management
have been research
developedhas beenondone
focusing on Traffic
different Management
traffic parameters. They areSystems using
presented WSNs
in Table 4. for congestion
avoidance, prioritizing
A $423 m emergency vehicles
Intelligent Transport and reducing
System (ITS) [5] was Average
developedWaiting Time the
to improve (AWT)trafficof vehicles
at intersections. During andthecontrol
lot of road network,
projects which istraffic
on urban one ofmanagement
the busiest roadhave been
networks in the world. This project was started in 2001 and effectively completed in 2010. The key
focusing on different traffic parameters. They are presented in Table 4.
included in this project to address traffic congestion are traffic organization, monitoring,
A $423 m Intelligent Transport
data analysis and control System
activities. (ITS) [5]
This project haswas developed
ensured to improve
optimal traffic control by the trafficofmanagement
tracking all
and control system on Hong Kong’s road network, which is one of the busiest road networks in the
the main highways, trunk roads and road tunnels.
world. This project et al.started
[6] designed and tested
in 2001 a low-cost sensor
and effectively network instrument
completed in 2010. The for monitoring
key platformstraffic included
in a work zone. They started this project in 2009 with funding of £30,144.00 and completed it in 2010.
in this project to address traffic congestion are traffic organization, monitoring, data analysis and
A complete sensor network system collects data in work zones and presents it for post facto analysis
control activities.
and to theThis project has ensured optimal traffic control by tracking of all the main highways,
trunk roads and road tunnels.
Al-Holou et al. [7] formulated the vehicle impact on the environment, jamming and traffic safety
as aet multi-dimensional
Sridhar al. [6] designed model. They astarted
and tested low-costthis project
sensorwith a budget
network of $80,064for
instrument in monitoring
2010 and traffic
completed it in 2012. The adaptive sign control application recommended in this project is directed
in a work zone. They started this project in 2009 with funding of £30,144.00 and completed it in 2010.
to attain two main goals: (1) improving traffic flow and diminishing traffic density; (2) refining traffic
A complete sensor network system
safety at intersections. collectstraffic
An adaptive data light
in work zones and
controlling presents
approach, which it for
usespost facto analysis
and to the internet.
communications epitomize a revolution in the traffic management area.
Al-HolouThe main
et al. [7]attention
formulated on modeling
the vehicle and simulation
impact on of the
traffic flow via Fast Lane
environment, jamming[8] is toand
do the
traffic safety
computations both fast and with a perfect outcome. Fast Lane is a software tool that can be used for
as a multi-dimensional model. They started this project with a budget of $80,064
short term estimation of traffic flow on freeways. A superior case study was conducted to show that
in 2010 and completed
it in 2012. the
The adaptive
framework cansign
be used control application
to predict recommended
real-time traffic in the future. in this project is directed to attain
two main goals: (1) improving
A project traffic weather
titled “Advanced flow and diminishing
responsive traffic density;
traffic management (2) refining
strategies” traffic
was started in safety at
2012 An
intersections. withadaptive
funding of traffic
The main goal of this project
approach, was road
which usesweather
V2V/V2I management.
The project was successfully completed in 2013.
epitomize a revolution in the traffic management area.
The development of an adaptive traffic signal control system (ACS Lite) for Wolf Road, Albany,
The main attention
NY, USA [10] started on modeling
in 2012 withand simulation
funding of traffic
of £569,800.00. flow viaofFast
The objectives Lane [8]
this project are is
to to do the
computations both fast and with a perfect outcome. Fast Lane is a software tool that can be used for
demonstrate the Siemens ACS-Lite technology and signaling efficient system at the junctions along
short termWolf Road in Albany,
estimation of trafficNY. flow
This project team includes
on freeways. URTC member
A superior caseRensselaer
study was Polytechnic
conducted Institute
to show that
(RPI) and the City College of New York (CCNY) and non-UTRC members Siemens ITS, SenSys
the framework can be used to predict real-time traffic in the future.
Networks, and Annese and Associates, Inc. The project was successfully completed in 2013.
A project titled “Advanced weather responsive traffic management strategies” was started in
2012 with funding of £206,856.00 [9]. The main goal of this project was road weather management.
The project was successfully completed in 2013.
The development of an adaptive traffic signal control system (ACS Lite) for Wolf Road, Albany, NY,
USA [10] started in 2012 with funding of £569,800.00. The objectives of this project are to demonstrate
the Siemens ACS-Lite technology and signaling efficient system at the junctions along Wolf Road
in Albany, NY. This project team includes URTC member Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and
the City College of New York (CCNY) and non-UTRC members Siemens ITS, SenSys Networks, and
Annese and Associates, Inc. The project was successfully completed in 2013.
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 10 of 25

Table 4. Urban Traffic Management Projects.

Project Name Objectives Project Sponsor Year of completion

To perform an optimal traffic
Hong Kong ITS project [5]. Hong Kong Government. 2010
To design, construct, and test a low-cost
A Distributed Instrument for Measuring Traffic in Research and Innovative Technology
sensor network instrument to monitor 2010
Short-Term Work Zones [6]. Administration, US
traffic in work zones.
A Multi-Dimensional Model for Vehicle Impact on To use technology for creating a safe, Research and Innovative Technology
Traffic Safety, Congestion, and Environment [7]. efficient and greener environment. Administration, US
Fast Lane: modelling and simulation Dutch traffic and transport laboratory
Prediction of the traffic flow. 2013
of traffic flow [8]. for students, Dutch
Advanced Weather Responsive Traffic Management Research and Innovative Technology
To perform road weather management. 2013
Strategies [9]. Administration, US
Adaptive Traffic Signal Control System (ACS Lite) To dynamically adjust signal timing to New York State Department
for Wolf Road, Albany, New York [10]. meet current traffic demands. of Transportation
To provide congestion information,
Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) for Department of Electronic and
alternate route, travel time and alert 2014
Indian Cities [11]. Information Technology (DeitY), India
travelers about any accident.
Agent- Based Traffic Management and
To minimize travel time and Research and Innovative Technology Start date: 2010-10-01
Reinforcement Learning in
reduce stoppage. Administration, US (In Progress)
Congested Intersections [12].
A Proof-of-Concept and demonstration of a High
To monitor and analyze the traffic
Definition, Digital Video Surveillance and Wireless Research and Innovative Technology Start date: 2009-03-20
through high definition video
Transmission System for traffic Monitoring and Administration, US (In progress)
surveillance and broadcast system.
Analysis [13].
Sensors 2016, 16,
Sensors 2016, 16, 157
157 11

To ease the traffic congestion problem, an Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) was
To ease the traffic congestion problem, an Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) was
jointly developed by the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and C-DAC (Trivandrum), India in
jointly developed by the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and C-DAC (Trivandrum), India in
2014 [11]. The network selected for the Real-time Traffic Information System (RTIS) prototype project
2014 [11]. The network selected for the Real-time Traffic Information System (RTIS) prototype project
was a 16 km long stretch that includes heavy traffic roads. Over 100 GPS devices have been positioned
was a 16 km long stretch that includes heavy traffic roads. Over 100 GPS devices have been positioned
on city buses on the route and 32 video cameras are mounted along the roads to collect traffic data.
on city buses on the route and 32 video cameras are mounted along the roads to collect traffic data.
The information to travelers will be provided through Variable Message Sign (VMS) boards on the
The information to travelers will be provided through Variable Message Sign (VMS) boards on the
route and the RTIS website. This project is sponsored by the Department of Electronic and
route and the RTIS website. This project is sponsored by the Department of Electronic and Information
Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India.
Technology (DeitY), Government of India.
Rahim et al. [12] started developing an agent-based traffic management technique with
Rahim et al. [12] started developing an agent-based traffic management technique with
reinforcement learning principles in 2010. The Research and Innovative Technology Administration,
reinforcement learning principles in 2010. The Research and Innovative Technology Administration,
Washington is the sponsoring organization, which funded the project with £117,786.00. This project
Washington is the sponsoring organization, which funded the project with £117,786.00. This project
ensured that the adaptive operated traffic signals cut down the travel time, fuel consumption and
ensured that the adaptive operated traffic signals cut down the travel time, fuel consumption and also
also helps to smooth flow of traffic. This advanced research will lead to developments in the mobility
helps to smooth flow of traffic. This advanced research will lead to developments in the mobility and
and reliability in the region.
reliability in the region.
Christopher et al. [13] demonstrated a high definition video surveillance and broadcasting
Christopher et al. [13] demonstrated a high definition video surveillance and broadcasting system
system at the University of Maryland campus. This project will allow analysis of video technology
at the University of Maryland campus. This project will allow analysis of video technology for traffic
for traffic analysis and a deployable wireless image transport system. The Research and Innovative
analysis and a deployable wireless image transport system. The Research and Innovative Technology
Technology Administration, Washington is the funding organization for this project.
Administration, Washington is the funding organization for this project.
4.2. Specific Architectures, Data Collection Schemes and Routing Algorithms
4.2. Specific Architectures, Data Collection Schemes and Routing Algorithms
To gratify the requirements for real-time traffic management, researchers have proposed a
To gratify the requirements for real-time traffic management, researchers have proposed a number
number of explicit architectures, data collection schemes and routing algorithms for WSN-based
of explicit architectures, data collection schemes and routing algorithms for WSN-based urban traffic
urban traffic management. They are reported in the literature.
management. They are reported in the literature.

Figure 6.
Figure Location of
6. Location of TOs
TOs and
and virtual
virtual strips
strips from
from the
the entry
entry of
of aa four
four lane
lane highway
highway [14].

Dynamic Traffic Monitoring

Monitoring using vehicular networks (DTMon) has been used to collect high
quality travel time in [14,15].The
travel time in [14,15]. Themain
components of DTMon
of DTMon architecture are: Task
architecture are: Organizers (TOs)
Task Organizers
and Virtual
(TOs) Strips (VSs).
and Virtual Strips DTMon uses theuses
(VSs). DTMon TasktheOrganizers (TOs) to(TOs)
Task Organizers interconnect with moving
to interconnect with vehicles.
vehicles.Strips (VSs)
Virtual are (VSs)
Strips the traffic data
are the collection
traffic points onpoints
data collection the roads. The
on the location
roads. The of TOs and
location VSs
of TOs
from the entry of a four lane highway is shown in Figure 6. The vehicle rigged
and VSs from the entry of a four lane highway is shown in Figure 6. The vehicle rigged with a with a communication
module that communicates
communication module thatwith the VS andwith
communicates Traffic
the Monitoring
VS and Traffic Control (TMC).Control
Monitoring They examined
(TMC). Theythe
examined ability using VANET
the DTMon’s modules.
ability using VANET By assigning
modules.various tasks and
By assigning withtasks
various various
andlocations, the
with various
the Message Ratio (MRR) and
Reception Information
Ratio (MRR) and Reception
Information RatioReception
(IRR) are Ratio
are simulation
results show better
The simulation performance
results show better of DTMon
performancethan an Automatic
of DTMon than Vehicle LocationVehicle
an Automatic (AVL) system
of monitoring. The use of virtual strips in DTMon can be extended for detecting
system in terms of monitoring. The use of virtual strips in DTMon can be extended for detecting and and tracking the
end-of-queue, caused by congestion.
tracking the end-of-queue, caused by congestion.
An investigation
investigationof of daily changeability
daily changeability in public transport
in public journey journey
transport time using a Global
time usingPositioning
a Global
System data set for bus travel times can be found in [16]. Short range vehicle-to-vehicle
Positioning System data set for bus travel times can be found in [16]. Short range vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)
and vehicle-to-roadside (V2R) communications
(V2R) communications in a vehicular environment
in a vehicular are found
environment are in [17,18].
found in
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 12 of 25

WAVE/IEEE 802.11p technology is used for V2V and V2R communications. Field trial outcomes
demonstrated the improved performance using the advanced radio.
Bruno et al. [19] proposed two efficient data collection algorithms: GREEDY and Probabilistic Data
Collection (PDC) for vehicular multimedia sensor networks. They simulated the proposed algorithm
using a VANETMobiSim and NS-2 simulator. The simulation results show that the GREEDY solution
can achieve a more uniform coverage and consume less network bandwidth.
Chao et al. [20] proposed an intelligent traffic management system based on RFID for
determination of traffic flow. The proposed intelligent traffic light control system (ITLCS) uses an RFID
system, which complies with the IEEE 802.11p protocol to detect the number of vehicles and find the
time in seconds spent by vehicles on main roads and on side roads passing through the intersection
throughout a period of green light. They used Zig Bee modules to send real time data like weather
conditions and the vehicle registration information to the regional control centre. The proposed system
can perform remote transmission and reduce traffic accidents.
Saqib et al. [21] presented a novel application to estimate the position and velocity of a vehicle
using WSNs. They used anchor sensor nodes as roadside readers and when a moving vehicle comes
in between the operating range of these two nodes, position information is given by a symmetric
double-sided two-way ranging algorithm. By measuring position at different times, the velocity of
a moving vehicle is calculated. The proposed model is less expensive compared to other models for
detection of position and velocity of moving vehicles. A WSN cross-layer design method has been
proposed in [22] comprising the physical, MAC, and network layers for achieving energy efficiency
and improving latency.
Choi et al. [23] developed an optimal routing policy in the VSN. They studied the important
factors that influence the delay performance in VSNs. They formulated the packet routing problem
as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and developed an Optimal VSN Data Forwarding (OVDF)
algorithm. They conducted simulations on a GloMoSim simulator. They compared the Performance of
OVDF with the Vehicle Assisted Data Delivery (VADD) algorithm and Trajectory Based Data (TBD)
forwarding scheme. The simulation results demonstrated that the OVDF gives best sensing coverage,
a higher packet delivery ratio and reduces the delay about 25% and 20% compared to VADD and
TBD, respectively. Lee et al. [24] developed a middleware called MobEyes, which supports vehicular
sensor network based urban traffic monitoring applications. They validated MobEyes in a challenging
track application.
Friesen et al. [25] developed a complete data gathering system at the University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, MB, Canada. The developed system employs a variety of wireless networking technologies
and devices to gather inferred traffic data at an intersection along a main street in an urban setting.
Vehicle presence and vehicle trajectory information is collected by a Bluetooth device discovery and
the information is transmitted to the master node via the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. The master node
handles all incoming data. For real time information about the intersection, the master node sends the
data to the server every 5 mins via cellular GSM communication. The server stores the information in
the data base, which is accessed by the consumer and corporate websites to get the correct data in real
time. They proved Bluetooth tracking as a useful means of capturing vehicular traffic for real-time
traffic monitoring.
Liu et al. [26] proposed a fast and effective approach to detect and locate a vehicle logo. The logo
in the image is located using a Hough transform based algorithm, a texture analysis algorithm and a
gradient algorithm. After locating the logo, feature extraction and classification is done by using the
scale invariant feature transform, gradient operators and wavelet transform. The experimental results
showed the effectiveness of the proposed method.
A user-customizable urban traffic information collection scheme based on WSNs was proposed
in [27] to achieve the balance between the energy consumption of sensors and the delay time of data
delivery by using all routing attributes for decision-making.
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 13 of 25

Ahmad et al. [28] proposed a channel switching techniques to reduce communication overhead
and energy consumption. The proposed model was simulated in OPNET. They observed that their
model is feasible for implementation at intersections. However, the proposed model gave negative
results of intra-vehicle channel interference. All representative architectures, data collection schemes,
and routing algorithms that were analysed in detail are highlighted in Table 5, where data is sorted by
author names and reference numbers.

Table 5. Summary of architectures, data collection schemes and routing algorithms.

Reference Proposed Approach Outcome

Dynamic traffic Collection of high quality travels
Arbabi et al. [14]
monitoring system. time and speed.

‚ Provides shortest route.

Mazloumi et al. [16] GPS based tracking system. ‚ Traveling time of
vehicle reduces.

Vertical distance vector routing ‚ Provides highly

Bazzi et al. [17] reliable communication.
algorithms for timely data
Alexander et al. [18] ‚ Maximum coverage range.
acquisition in VSNs.

‚ Reduced
Data collection (Greedy & PDC) redundancy information.
Bruno et al. [19] Schemes for urban ‚ Consumes less
monitoring applications. network bandwidth.

‚ Remote transmission.
RFID based intelligent traffic ‚ Traffic accidents are reduced.
Chao et al. [20] ‚ Effectively control
flow control system.
traffic flow.

Position and velocity of a moving

Symmetric double sided two way
Saqib et al. [21] vehicle are determined
ranging algorithm.
with less computation.
WSN cross layer design approach
Cabezas et al. [22] to coordinate the Latency and jitter are improved.
transfer of packets.
Delay-optimal VSN routing Improved delivery performance of
Choi et al. [23]
algorithm (OVDF). data packets in VSN.

Prototype of a cost effective ‚ Monitoring vehicle density

Friesen et al. [25] Bluetooth traffic and traffic directionality.
monitoring system. ‚ Low power consumption.

Liu et al. [26] Vehicle-logo location algorithm. Classification of vehicles.

User customizable
Zhou et al. [27] Fast traffic information delivery.
data-centric routing.

4.3. Congestion Avoidance Schemes

Traffic congestion is a plight situation on roads that occurs as use increases. It is characterized
by slower vehicle speeds, queuing, and longer trip times. To reduce congestion, several WSN-based
schemes and techniques have been developed and described in the literature.
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 14 of 25

Du et al. [29] proposed a traffic monitoring and estimation system for Shanghai using VSNs. They
proposed two methods: circuit patrol and greedy patrol control algorithms to improve the performance
of matrix completion (MC) based traffic monitoring. Simulation results have shown that the proposed
algorithms reduced the traffic estimation error from 35% to 10% compared with the random patrol
method. Vehicle-to-vehicle communication also helps in reducing traffic congestion [30]. Mobility
management methodologies and recent progress in mobile WSNs are discussed in [31].
Dragoi et al. [32] presented a congestion avoidance model for traffic control over a vehicular ad-hoc
network created between the sensors and cars in traffic. The road side wireless equipment (also called
wireless traffic lights, WTLs) collects the data from cars in different road segments and accumulates it
to form a road map and its costs. They evaluated the proposed model using a VNSim simulator. Their
evaluation results showed that the average time desired for the vehicle to reach its endpoint recorded
a significant decrease of up to 40%.
Ahmad et al. [33] developed a test bed for the evaluation of traffic signal control algorithms
using a microscopic traffic simulator (SUMO) and AVR micro-controller. They implemented four
scheduling algorithms, i.e., the shortest remaining processing time (SRPT), the Fair SRPT, the minimum
destination distance first (MDDF) and minimum average destination distance first (MADDF) in SUMO,
studied their effect on traffic networks and measured their execution times. Their experimental results
indicated the execution time is constant and independent of traffic intensity for SRPT, decreases with
increase in traffic intensity for Fair SRPT, increases rapidly with traffic intensity for MADDF and
increases with traffic intensity for MDDF, but not as rapidly as MADDF.

Table 6. Summary of congestion avoidance schemes.

Reference Proposed Approach Outcome

Circuit patrol and Greedy patrol ‚ The traffic estimation error is minimized
Du et al. [29] algorithms to improve the from 35% to 10%.
estimation of traffic matrix. ‚ Traffic monitoring is improved.

‚ Traveling time sinks from 22% to 12%

VANET based strategies for compared with the case
Knorr et al. [30] without communication.
improving traffic state estimation.
‚ Penetration rates are slightly improved.

Traffic model based on the use of ‚ Travel time reduced up to 40%.

Dragoi et al. [32] cars to collect traffic data and several ‚ The emission decreased.
wireless traffic lights.

A test bed for evaluation of traffic

Ahmad et al. [33] Accurate measurement of execution times.
signal control algorithms.

Data spreading algorithms ‚ High packet delivery ratio.

(D-Greedy, D-min cost) for ‚ Low delivery delay.
Skordylis et al. [34] ‚ The communication cost required for
optimizing the data delivery and the
data acquisition. monitoring traffic is minimized.

‚ Congestion is reduced at the traffic signal.

Abishek et al. [35] Adaptive traffic flow algorithm. ‚ Increased utilization of the infrastructure.

ZigBee based wireless system to ‚ Smooth traffic flow.

Eren et al. [36] ‚ Lower end-to-end delays.
assist traffic flow on urban roads.

Traffic random early detection

Laisheng et al. [37] (TRED) algorithm for real-time Reduce Congestion.
scheduling of traffic.
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 15 of 25

Skordylis et al. [34] proposed packet-forwarding algorithms for vehicular network scenarios.
They introduced two routing algorithms: Delay-bounded Greedy forwarding (D-Greedy) and
Delay-bounded Minimum cost (D-Min) forwarding algorithms for minimizing the communication
costs required for monitoring traffic. They conducted an experimental evaluation of proposed schemes
using a discrete event simulation environment and compared the results with epidemic schemes. The
proposed algorithms have outperformed in the point of communication cost as maintaining the utmost
packet delivery ratio and least delivery delay.
Abishek et al. [35] proposed a WSN-based solution for Indian city traffic. Their aim was to make
Sensors 2016, signals
traffic 16, 157 adapt to the dynamic traffic flow. The proposed system is simulated using the
16 of 26
C++ language. They found that the existing infrastructure can handle 7% more vehicles.
Eren et al. [36] investigated the use of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and supervisory
control and data acquisition
acquisition (SCADA) systems in traffic traffic control
control applications.
applications. ZigBee technology is
used for communication between the PLC and SCADA systems. The master SCADA unit processes
the collected data and synchronize traffic traffic lights
lights for the smooth flow of vehicles. The results from their
study showed that the traffic traffic lights
lights can
can be
be synchronized
synchronized by by the
PLC/SCADA system.
Xiao etetal.
proposed a Traffic
a Traffic Random
Random Early
Early Detection
Detection (TRED)
(TRED) algorithm
algorithm for real-time
for real-time traffic
traffic scheduling
scheduling and to and to solve
solve congestion
congestion problems.
problems. AllAll representativetraffic
representative traffic congestion
congestion avoidance
approaches that were analysed in detail are highlighted in Table 6, sorted by author names and
reference numbers.

4.4. Priority-Based Traffic

4.4. Priority-Based Traffic Management
Management Schemes
An emergency
anyvehicle that
vehicle is designated
that is designatedandand
authorized for emergency
authorized for emergencyservice (such
as police,
(such ambulance
as police, and fire).
ambulance and Priority-based signalling
fire). Priority-based will give
signalling will priority to emergency
give priority to emergencyvehicles and
can thus save lives and property. Several WSN-based traffic management
and can thus save lives and property. Several WSN-based traffic management schemes and schemes and methodologies
have been designed
methodologies have andbeendeveloped
designed and to prioritize
developed emergency vehicles
to prioritize and have
emergency been reported
vehicles and haveinbeen the
literature. It can be found that most of the efforts are related to intelligent traffic control
reported in the literature. It can be found that most of the efforts are related to intelligent traffic system design
for smooth
control passage
system of emergency
design for smooth vehicles [38–42].
passage The priorityvehicles
of emergency based intelligent
[38–42]. The trafficpriority
system is shown
intelligent traffic in Figure 7. system is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7.
7. Priority
Priority based
based intelligent
intelligent traffic management system.
traffic management system.

The sensors placed on traffic signals will detect the RF signal and the code transmitted from the
The sensors placed on traffic signals will detect the RF signal and the code transmitted from the
vehicles. The sensor sends the data to the traffic light controller. The controller checks for priority
vehicles. The sensor sends the data to the traffic light controller. The controller checks for priority and
and manages the signalling. After the passage of an emergency vehicle, the traffic control system
manages the signalling. After the passage of an emergency vehicle, the traffic control system reverts
reverts back to its normal operation. If two emergency vehicles of the same priority arrive at the
back to its normal operation. If two emergency vehicles of the same priority arrive at the intersection
intersection point at the same time, then signalling of the green light is given based on distance
measurements of emergency vehicles from the intersection point. A vehicle with less distance from
the intersection point will be given priority [43].
Farheena et al. [44] proposed an approach for the management of traffic systems and altering it
for emergency vehicles. They presented IR and GPS methods for estimation of the traffic density and
classification of an emergency vehicle. The proposed system consists of two parts: The Smart Traffic
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 16 of 25

point at the same time, then signalling of the green light is given based on distance measurements
of emergency vehicles from the intersection point. A vehicle with less distance from the intersection
point will be given priority [43].
Farheena et al. [44] proposed an approach for the management of traffic systems and altering it
for emergency vehicles. They presented IR and GPS methods for estimation of the traffic density and
classification of an emergency vehicle. The proposed system consists of two parts: The Smart Traffic
Light Control system (STLC) and the Smart Congestion Avoidance (SCA) system. The STLC system
is responsible for the signalling at intersections and gives priority to emergency vehicles. The SCA
system provides the best and shortest route to avoid congestion.
An intelligent transportation system based on SIP/ZigBee architecture was proposed in [45,46]
to achieve higher cost performance. The authors presented the use of ZigBee and WSNs in the
metropolitan public transportation system. Their work was guided by the expert group of the ITSIC
and sponsored by the Science and Technology Innovation Foundation of Hubei Province Department
of Education (No: 2006JOOl).
Bottero et al. [47] investigated the use of WSNs for traffic monitoring. They installed the wireless
sensor network for monitoring traffic in a logistic area and analysed its performance in different
traffic situations.
Brahmi et al. [48] investigated the MAC layer in WSNs. They proposed a real-time data acquisition
scheme (improved back-off selection scheme for the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol) for the faster notification
of emergency events to the traffic management system. By the quick response of TMS, collision of
vehicles, loss of human lives and traffic congestion are mitigated. They evaluated the end-to-end
transmission delay of an incident report by using an NS-2 simulator. The simulation results proved
the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in terms of faster transmission of incident messages.
The traffic signal monitor interface has been designed in Lab VIEW [49] and adopted GPRS
technology to control traffic signals. All representative priority based traffic management approaches
that were analysed in detail are highlighted in Table 7, sorted by author names and reference numbers.

Table 7. Summary of priority-based traffic management schemes.

Reference Proposed Approach Outcome

Rajeshwari et al. [38]
Sireesha et al. [39] ‚ Smooth traffic flow.
Shruthi et al. [40] Implemented traffic control system. ‚ Emergency vehicle clearances.
Hussian et al. [41] ‚ Stolen vehicle detection.
Nabeel [42]
Real-time optimized traffic Effective management of high
Chakraborty et al. [43]
management algorithm. prioritized vehicles.

‚ Priority based signaling.

Traffic light control system and congestion ‚ Smooth traffic flow.
Farheena et al. [44]
avoidance systems are proposed. ‚ Saving fuel consumption.

Remote communications and control

Zhou et al. [45] SIP/ZIGBEE based architecture for
operations of ITS distribution nodes
Tao et al. [46] distributed traffic monitoring.
are unified and simplified.

‚ Accurate vehicle classification

Magnetic sensor based traffic and count.
Bottero et al. [47]
monitoring in logistic centers. ‚ Low error rate.

‚ Transmission delay reduction.

Enhanced back-off section scheme ‚ Faster transmission of emergency
Brahmi et al. [48] messages reporting
for IEEE 802.15.4.
dangerous events.
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 17 of 25

4.5. Average Waiting Time Reduction Schemes

Average waiting time refers to the amount of time a vehicle is waiting in a queue before the traffic
signal is ON. This factor increases the travel time and shows a negative impact on transport economy.
To reduce average waiting time, several WSN-based schemes and methodologies have been developed
and stated in the literature.
Srivastava et al. [50] proposed two adaptive traffic light control algorithms, i.e., the maximum
intersection utilization and the empty lane with green light. The maximum intersection utilization
configuration is shown in Figure 8. The empty lane with green light configuration is shown in Figure 9.
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 18 of 26
They tested the proposed algorithms on the Green Light District (GLD) simulator. Simulation results
show thatZhouthe Average
et al. [51]Waiting
proposed Time (AWT) oftraffic
an adaptive the conventional
light control policyalgorithmis 26.7
for cycles
real-timeof wait,
for maximum intersection
proposed algorithm utilization
adjusts the length andand6.5sequence
cycles for an empty
of traffic lights.lane
Thewith green
proposed light. checks
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 18 of 26
Zhouspecial circumstances,
et al. [51] proposed blankan circumstances,
adaptive traffic Hunger
control (HL), Waiting Time
algorithm (WT) and traffic.
for real-time Traffic The
Volume of
proposed algorithm the lane
Zhou et al. (TV) and then
[51] proposed
adjusts the length issues the
an adaptive signalling.
traffic light
and sequence The experimental
of control
lights. The outcomes
for real-time
proposed showed
traffic. The the
algorithm checks
proposed algorithm
proposed algorithmproduces
adjusts the reduction
the length of average
and sequence waiting
of traffic time
for special circumstances, blank circumstances, Hunger Level (HL), Waiting Time (WT) and Traffic of
The vehicles
proposed and high
algorithm throughput
for special
compared circumstances,
to fixed-time blank
control circumstances, Hunger Level (HL), Waiting Time (WT) and Traffic
Volume ofVolume
the lane (TV)
of the laneand
(TV)then issues
and then the
issues thesignalling.
signalling. The The experimental
experimental outcomes
outcomes showed thatshowed
the that the
proposed proposed
algorithm produces
algorithm the the
produces reduction
reductionof of average waiting
average waiting timetime of vehicles
of vehicles and highand high throughput
comparedcompared to fixed-time
to fixed-time control
control algorithms.

Figure 8. 8.Maximum
Figure Maximum intersection
8. Maximumintersection utilization
intersection utilization configuration

Figure 9. Empty lane with green light [50].

The approach to make the traffic

Figure light adapt to traffic flow are[50].
discussed in [52–54]. Bharadwaj
Figure 9.9.Empty
Empty lane
light [50].
et al. [55] proposed an Efficient Dynamic Traffic Control System (EDTCS) to save vehicle traveling
The and assigntothe highest
make thepriority for emergency
traffic light adapt to vehicles at intersections.
traffic flow The in
are discussed proposed
system consists of a Traffic Control Unit (TCU), Traffic Monitor Unit
et al. [55] proposed an Efficient Dynamic Traffic Control System (EDTCS) to save vehicle (TMU) and Road Side Unit
(RSU). Figure 10, shows the process at the intersection. Based on RFID tags, the emergency vehicles
time and assign the highest priority for emergency vehicles at intersections. The proposed EDTCS
are identified and all the vehicles are counted by the inductive loop method. Emergency vehicles
system consists of a Traffic Control Unit (TCU), Traffic Monitor Unit (TMU) and Road Side Unit
communicate with the RSU via RFID tags. If the RFID tag is genuine, the emergency vehicle count is
(RSU). Figure 10, shows the process at the intersection. Based on RFID tags, the emergency vehicles
are identified and all the vehicles are counted by the inductive loop method. Emergency vehicles
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 18 of 25

The approach to make the traffic light adapt to traffic flow are discussed in [52–54].
Bharadwaj et al. [55] proposed an Efficient Dynamic Traffic Control System (EDTCS) to save vehicle
traveling time and assign the highest priority for emergency vehicles at intersections. The proposed
EDTCS system consists of a Traffic Control Unit (TCU), Traffic Monitor Unit (TMU) and Road Side Unit
(RSU). Figure 10, shows the process at the intersection. Based on RFID tags, the emergency vehicles
are identified and all the vehicles are counted by the inductive loop method. Emergency vehicles
communicate with the RSU via RFID tags. If the RFID tag is genuine, the emergency vehicle count is
incremented Sensors
by one. 2016, 16, 157
The centralized traffic server collects the count of normal and emergency 19 of 26
and toggles incremented
the signalby toone.
The to about 30
centralized s for
traffic thecollects
server side with emergency
the count vehicles.
of normal and emergencyThe proposed
model has solved and toggles theproblems
traffic signal to green
about 30 s for
the the side with
traveling time.emergency
A UHFvehicles.
RFID tagThe antenna has
Sensors 2016, 16,
proposed 157 has solved many traffic problems and saved the traveling time. A UHF RFID
model 19 oftag
been utilizedantenna
as a displacement sensor in [56] and the authors found that the sensor is sensitive to
has been utilized as a displacement sensor in [56] and the authors found that the sensor is
displacementsincremented by one. The
for atodynamic centralized
range traffic server collects the count of normal and emergency
sensitive displacements for aof 40 mm.
dynamic range of 40 mm.
vehicles and toggles the signal to green to about 30 s for the side with emergency vehicles. The
proposed model has solved many traffic problems and saved the traveling time. A UHF RFID tag
antenna has been utilized as a displacement sensor in [56] and the authors found that the sensor is
sensitive to displacements for a dynamic range of 40 mm.

Figure 10.Figure architecture
10. Layout forforefficient
architecture dynamic
efficient dynamic traffic
traffic controlcontrol system [55].
system [55].

Faye et al. [57] proposed a distributed algorithm for traffic light control. They organized sensors
Faye et al.
in a[57] proposed
hierarchical a distributed
architecture. A logicallyalgorithm
separated 4-levelfor hierarchical
traffic light control.
distributed Theyisorganized
network shown sensors
Figure 10. can
in a hierarchical architecture.
in Figure 11. Any node ALayout architecture
perform light for efficient
plan dynamicSensors
computation. traffic control
hierarchical system [55].
are organized network is shown
in two groups:
After-Light (AL) sensors and Before-the-Light (BL) sensors. Vehicle arrival data is continuously
in Figure 11. Any node
Faye canproposed
et al. [57] perform light plan
a distributed computation.
algorithm Sensors
for traffic light control.are
Theyorganized in two groups:
organized sensors
collected by BL sensors and departure data is collected only for the light is green by AL sensors. AL
in a hierarchical
After-Light (AL) architecture.
sensors and A logically separated 4-level hierarchical Vehicle
networkdatais shown
sensors are in charge of dataBefore-the-Light
aggregation and for (BL) takingsensors.
decisions. As the sensor is continuously
device directly
in Figure 11. Any node can perform light plan computation. Sensors are organized in two groups:
collected by communicates
sensorswith and thedeparture data
base station, spatial is collected
reuse and channel only for
capacity the light
problems is green
are prevented.
(AL) sensors and Before-the-Light (BL) sensors. Vehicle arrival data is continuously
by AL sensors.
proposed algorithm is flexible in managing conflicts and decisions. However, the authors haven’t
AL sensors are in charge
collected of data
by BL sensors and aggregation
departure data isand for taking
collected decisions.
only for the Asbythe
light is green AL sensor
sensors. ALdevice directly
adopted a low power mechanism to reduce the WSN node power consumption.
communicates sensors
witharethein charge of data aggregation
base station, and forand
spatial reuse taking decisions.
channel As the sensor
capacity device directly
problems are prevented. The
communicates with the base station, spatial reuse and channel capacity problems are prevented. The
proposed algorithm is flexible in managing conflicts and decisions. However, the authors haven’t
proposed algorithm is flexible in managing conflicts and decisions. However, the authors haven’t
adopted a low power
adopted a lowmechanism
power mechanism to reduce
to reducethethe WSN
WSN node node power
power consumption.

Figure 11. Logically separated 4-level hierarchical distributed network [57].

Dynamic traffic management techniques to reduce accidents due to the Red-Light-Running

(RLR) phenomenon are discussed in [58–60]. The RLR phenomenon is an unhealthy and dangerous
driving act. As Figure 11. Logically
drivers wait inseparated 4-level
the traffic lighthierarchical
queue, many distributed
driversnetwork [57]. the intersection
try to cross
Figure 11. separated 4-level hierarchical distributed network [57].
Dynamic traffic management techniques to reduce accidents due to the Red-Light-Running
Dynamic phenomenon
traffic are discussed
management in [58–60].to
techniques The RLR phenomenon
reduce accidentsisdue
an unhealthy and dangerous
to the Red-Light-Running (RLR)
driving act. As the drivers wait in the traffic light queue, many drivers try to cross the intersection
phenomenon are discussed in [58–60]. The RLR phenomenon is an unhealthy and dangerous driving
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 19 of 25

act. As the drivers wait in the traffic light queue, many drivers try to cross the intersection when
the traffic light changes from green to yellow. This causes accidents and traffic congestion. The
proposed techniques try to reduce RLR phenomenon by assigning green times to the road sections
with long queues.
Some interesting methods are related to the dynamic management of traffic light cycles and
phases using WSN and multi fuzzy logic controllers [61,62]. A fuzzy logic-based multi controller
system is shown in Figure 12. The multi controller system consists of a Wireless Sensor Network
(WSN), phase sorting module and fuzzy logic controller for each traffic light phase. The WSN acquires
traffic data. A phase sorting module calculates the phase order and a fuzzy logic controller calculates
the green time duration of each phase. The results demonstrate that the multi-controller approach
is effective in balancing the vehicles waiting time in queues for heavy and random traffic arrivals.
However, these approaches haven’t considered the priority for emergency vehicles. A robust system
based on a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) can be found in [63]. The authors obtained 90.55% accuracy
in the detection of the traffic light state with the proposed system. All representative average waiting
time reduction approaches that were analyzed in detail are highlighted in Table 8, sorted by author
names and reference numbers.

Table 8. Summary of average waiting time reduction schemes.

Reference Proposed Approach Outcome

The average waiting time:
Adaptive traffic flow algorithms
Orthodox policy: 26.7 cycles.
Srivastava et al. [50] Maximum intersection utilizations (MIU).
MIU: 22.6 cycles.
Empty lane with green light (ELWGL).
ELWGL: 6.5 cycles.

‚ Optimal green light length and

green light sequence.
Zhou et al. [51] Adaptive traffic light control algorithm. ‚ Higher throughput.
‚ Low vehicle waiting time.

‚ The system is self-configurable.

Bhuvaneswari et al. [52] ‚ Average waiting time of
Adaptive traffic signal flow control system. vehicles reduces.
Zhou et al. [53]
‚ Detects real-time traffic stats.

‚ Dynamic traffic light control.

‚ Reduces congestion.
Vehicle count calculation and ‚ Saves travel time.
Bharadwaj et al. [55]
single toggle algorithm. ‚ Special priority for
emergency vehicles.

‚ Reduced average waiting time at

Distributed algorithm to control traffic lights an intersection.
Faye et al. [57]
in urban areas. ‚ Frequent traffic light decisions.

‚ Minimized Average
Al-Nasser et al. [58] waiting time.
Smart traffic signal control algorithms. ‚ Reduce the RLR
Collotta et al. [59]
phenomenon occurrence.

‚ Reduces the vehicles

Collotta et al. [61] Dynamic traffic light control system based on waiting times.
Wu et al. [62] WSNs and FUZZI logic controllers. ‚ Real-time traffic monitoring.

Traffic light state estimation using hidden Obtained 90.55% of accuracy in the
Gomez et al. [63]
Markov models. detection of traffic light state.
Sensors 2016,
Sensors 2016, 16, 157
157 21of
of 26
Sensors 2016, 16,
16, 157 20
21 of25

There has been considerable research on Traffic Management System using WSNs for congestion
There has been considerable research on Traffic Management System using WSNs for congestion
avoidance, prioritizing
There has emergency
been considerable vehicles
research onand Average
Traffic Waiting System
Management Time (AWT) reduction
using WSNs of vehicles
for congestion
avoidance, prioritizing emergency vehicles and Average Waiting Time (AWT) reduction of vehicles
at intersections.
avoidance, It was emergency
prioritizing found that vehicles
most of andthe Average
developed systems
Waiting were
Time onlyreduction
(AWT) tested in of
at intersections. It was found that most of the developed systems were only tested in laboratory
at and onlyItawas
intersections. few found
of these have
that mostactually
of the been deployed
developed in a real
systems weretraffic
only environment [5–13].
tested in laboratory
settings and only a few of these have actually been deployed in a real traffic environment [5–13].
settings and have
only concentrated
a few of theseonhave
different traffic
actually parameters
been deployedtoin
optimize trafficenvironment
a real traffic management.[5–13].
Researchers have concentrated on different traffic parameters to optimize traffic management. Some
of the mosthave
Researchers significant solutions
concentrated that optimized
on different traffic management
traffic parameters to optimizeand achieved
traffic parameters
management. Someare
of the most significant solutions that optimized traffic management and achieved parameters are
the mostinsignificant
Figure 13. solutions that optimized traffic management and achieved parameters are shown
shown in Figure 13.
in Figure 13.

Figure 12. Fuzzy logic based multi controller system [61].

Figure 12. Fuzzy logic based multi controller system [61].

Figure 13. Summary of traffic parameters and solutions.

Figure 13. Summary of traffic parameters and solutions.

5. Challenges
5. Challenges
A has traffic
A WSN-based
WSN-based traffic
traffic management
management system
system has reduced
reduced travel
travel time
time of
of metropolitan
metropolitan traffic by
enhancing safety with the purpose
the purpose of
of refining
refining our
our everyday
everyday life.
life. Traffic management
management systems
enhancing safety with the purpose of refining our everyday life. Traffic management systems
experience some significant
significant challenges and
and issues as
as discussed below:
experience some significant challenges
challenges and issues
issues as discussed
discussed below:
Sensors 2016, 16, 157 21 of 25

Connectivity and coverage: Connectivity and coverage are the two vital factors for certifying
effective resource management in WSNs. When many nodes are deployed to have more coverage, the
efficient coordination between nodes and the central system is a big challenge. What are the confines
on the number of nodes for a certain percentage of coverage?
Communication and energy cost: Minimizing communication cost of the system is essential to save
energy and extend the network lifetime. The reliability of the system is always affected by the battery
life issue. How to make use of low power mechanisms to reduce the WSN node power consumption?
Congestion: Despite many techniques to avoid congestion problem, the traffic management system
is still not able to react quickly to non-recursive congestion. How to design a traffic management
system to provide a solution for the non-recursive congestion problem?
Traffic incident notification: How making the traffic management system capable of sending
incident notification to local media, police department and situation management office to act upon
the situation?
Coordination and implementation: How to maintain coordination between intersections? How to
design an intelligent traffic cloud to resolve real-time problems by making use of cloud computing?

6. Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we have presented a comprehensive review of existing urban traffic management
schemes. The main challenges associated with congestion control, average waiting time reduction,
prioritizing emergency vehicles and the design requirements of intelligent traffic system are discussed
to provide an insight into the goals of urban traffic management.
Despite the large number of research activities and the excellent progress that has been made in
traffic management systems in recent years, challenges for further research remains. A few issues are
outlined for future work.
A real-time traffic management system cannot be guaranteed. Processing of large amounts of
real time traffic data, the run time of the control system and reliability are the problems to be solved
to ensure real-time demand of the urban traffic management system. There is a need to design an
intelligent traffic cloud by making use of cloud computing to solve the problems related to real-time.
The use of virtual strips in DTMon [14] can be extended for detecting and tracking of the
End-of-queue, caused by congestion. Intra-vehicle channel interference [28] can be reduced further
by assigning non-overlapping channels to RSUs. Modifying the dynamic traffic management system
using WSN and multi fuzzy logic controllers proposed in [61] to detect emergency vehicles is an option
to consider. Usage of PLCs and SCADA system in intelligent transportation system for smooth traffic
flow can be an interesting issue for future research. Designing a promising traffic management system
to provide smooth traffic flow in non-recursive congestion situation can be an interesting issue for
future research.
In further research, it is recommended that information variables, such as the number of accidents
and traffic violations are to be involved in traffic management system to assist decision makers in the
formulation of traffic rules and policies.

Author Contributions: All the authors have equally contributed to the development and writing of this article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors hereby declares no conflict of interest.

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