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Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Published by:
Malaysia Health Technology Assessment Section (MaHTAS)
Medical Development Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Level 4, Block E1, Precinct 1
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62590, Putrajaya, Malaysia

The copyright owner of this publication is MaHTAS. Content may be
reproduced in any number of copies and in any format or medium
provided that a copyright acknowledgement to MaHTAS is included and
the content is not changed, not sold, nor used to promote or endorse
any product or service, and not used in an inappropriate or misleading

ISBN: 978-967-2173-15-1

Available on the following websites:

Also available as an app for Android and IOS platform: MyMaHTAS


These clinical practice guidelines (CPG) are meant to be guides for

clinical practice based on the best available evidence at the time of
development. Adherence to these guidelines may not necessarily
guarantee the best outcome in every case. Every healthcare provider is
responsible for the management of his/her unique patient based on the
clinical picture presented by the patient and the management options
available locally.

Every care is taken to ensure that this publication is correct in every

detail at the time of publication. However, in the event of errors or
omissions, corrections will be published in the web version of this
document, which is the definitive version at all times. This version can
be found on the websites mentioned above.
Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


These guidelines were issued in 2017 and will be reviewed in a

minimum period of four years (2021) or sooner if new evidence becomes
available. When it is due for updating, the Chairman of the CPG or
National Advisor of the related specialty will be informed about it. A
discussion will be done on the need for a revision including the scope of
the revised CPG. A multidisciplinary team will be formed and the latest
systematic review methodology used by MaHTAS will be employed.
Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


No. Title Page

Levels of Evidence and Formulation of Recommendation i

Key Recommendations ii
Guidelines Development and Objectives v
Development Group viii
Review Committee ix
External Reviewers x
Algorithm A: Screening and Diagnosis of Diabetes xi
in Pregnancy
Algorithm B: Intrapartum Glucose Monitoring for Diabetes xii
in Pregnancy in Active Labour
Algorithm C: Insulin Infusion and Titration xiii
in Active Labour


2.1 Overt Diabetes in Pregnancy 2

3.1 Medical Nutrition Therapy 4
3.2 Exercise 6

4.1 Preconception Care and Counselling 7
4.2 Contraception 8
4.3 Glycaemic Control 8
4.4 Folic Acid Supplementation 8

5.1 Glycaemic Control 10
5.2 Medical Nutrition Therapy 12
5.3 Oral Antidiabetic Agents 13
5.4 Insulin 14
5.5 Pre-eclampsia Prophylaxis 17
5.6 Assessment of Complications of Diabetes 18
5.7 Fetal Surveillance 19
5.8 Timing and Mode of Delivery 20
Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


No. Title Page



7.1 Postpartum Glucose Monitoring 23
7.2 Postpartum Use of Metformin 23
7.3 Breastfeeding 24
7.4 Postpartum Contraception 24
7.5 Postpartum Lifestyle Intervention 24


9.1 Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion 27
9.2 Corticosteroids 27
9.3 Fasting 27




Appendix 1: Examples of Search Strategy 37
Appendix 2: Clinical Questions 38
Appendix 3: Carbohydrate Content of Common 39
Malaysian Foods
Food Groups and Exchange Lists 40
Glycaemic Index List 44
Sample Menu 45
Appendix 4: Medication Table 46
Appendix 5: Preparation of Insulin Infusion 48

List of Abbreviations 49
Acknowledgement 50
Disclosure Statement 50
Source of Funding 50
Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Level Study design

I Evidence from at least one properly randomised controlled trial

II-1 Evidence obtained from well-designed controlled trials without


II-2 Evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or case-control

analytic studies, preferably from more than one centre or

II-3 vidence from multiple time series with or without intervention.

Dramatic results in uncontrolled experiments (such as the
results of the introduction of penicillin treatment in the 1940s)
could also be regarded as this type of evidence

III Opinions of respected authorities based on clinical experience;

descriptive studies and case reports; or reports of expert



In line with new development in CPG methodology, the CPG Unit of

MaHTAS is in the process of adapting Grading Recommendations,
Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) in its
work process. The quality of each retrieved evidence and its effect
size are carefully assessed/reviewed by the CPG Development
Group. In formulating the recommendations, overall balances of the
following aspects are considered in determining the strength of the
• overall quality of evidence
• balance of benefits versus harms
• values and preferences
• resource implications
• equity, feasibility and acceptability

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


The following recommendations were highlighted by the guidelines

Development Group as the key clinical recommendations that should
be prioritised for implementation.


• Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus based on risk factors

using 75 gram oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) should be done at
 If the test is negative, it should be repeated at 24-28 weeks of
• For women at the age of 25 or more with no other risk factors, OGTT
should be done at 24-28 weeks of gestation.
• Overt diabetes in pregnancy should be managed as pre-existing

Preconception Care

• Preconception care of women with pre-existing diabetes which

involve a multidisciplinary team should be fully implemented in all
healthcare facilities.

Antenatal Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

• Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) should be done in diabetes

in pregnancy. The blood glucose targets should be as the following:
 fasting or preprandial: ≤5.3 mmol/L
 1-hour postprandial: ≤7.8 mmol/L
 2-hour postprandial: ≤6.7 mmol/L
• The frequency of SMBG in diabetes in pregnancy should be
individualised based on mode of treatment and glycaemic control.
• Pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes on multiple daily insulin
(MDI) injection regimen should perform SMBG at least three times
daily. It can be done at fasting, preprandial, postprandial or bedtime.
• Women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) on MDI injection
regimen should perform SMBG two to three times daily, for two to
three days a week.
• Pregnant women with type 2 diabetes mellitus or GDM on diet and exercise
therapy, oral antidiabetic agents (OAD), single-dose intermediate-acting
or long-acting insulin should perform fasting and postprandial SMBG at
least once daily until blood glucose targets are reached.
• Pregnant women who are on insulin or OAD should maintain their
capillary blood glucose level >4.0 mmol/L.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

• Pregnant women with diabetes should be given individualised

medical nutrition therapy which includes carbohydrate-controlled
meal plan and monitoring of gestational weight gain.

• In gestational diabetes mellitus, metformin should be offered when

blood glucose targets are not met using changes in diet and exercise
within 1-2 weeks.
 It should be prescribed after consultation with specialists.
• Metformin should be continued in women who are already on the
treatment before pregnancy.

• Insulin therapy can be initiated at outpatient setting in pregnant

women with diabetes.
• The preferred choice of insulin regime in diabetes in pregnancy is
multiple daily injections.
• Insulin analogues should be continued during pregnancy in women
with pre-existing diabetes who are already on the treatment and
have established good blood glucose control before pregnancy.
• Rapid-acting insulin analogue may be considered as an option,
particularly in patients with frequent hypoglycaemia or postprandial
hyperglycaemia using human insulin during pregnancy.

• Pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes should be offered

ultrasound scan at:
 11-14 weeks of gestation for dating and major structural
 18-20 weeks of gestation for detailed structural anatomy scan (by
a trained specialist or ultrasonographer)
• In women with pre-existing diabetes and gestational diabetes
mellitus, serial growth scan should be performed every four weeks
from 28 to 36 weeks of gestation.

• In women with pre-existing diabetes or gestational diabetes mellitus

who develop maternal or fetal complications, elective delivery before
37+0 weeks should be considered.

Intrapartum Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

• In women with diabetes, capillary blood glucose should be maintained

between 4.0-7.0 mmol/L during labour and delivery.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Postpartum Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

• In women with history of gestational diabetes mellitus, oral glucose

tolerance test should be performed at six weeks after delivery to
detect diabetes and prediabetes. If negative, annual screening
should be performed.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy



The members of the Development Group (DG) for these CPG were
from the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Ministry of Higher Education
(MoHE). There was active involvement of a multidisciplinary Review
Committee (RC) during the process of the CPG development.

A systematic literature search was carried out using the following

electronic databases/platform: Guidelines International Network (G-I-N),
Medline via Ovid, Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews (CDSR)
and Pubmed. Refer to Appendix 1 for Example of Search Strategy.
The inclusion criteria were all diabetes in pregnancy regardless of
study design. The search was limited to literature published in the last
10 years, on humans and in English. In addition, the reference lists of
all retrieved literature and guidelines were searched and experts in the
field contacted to identify relevant studies. All searches were conducted
from 3 October 2015 to 21 March 2016. Literature search was repeated
for all clinical questions at the end of the CPG development process
allowing any relevant papers published before 30 June 2017 to be
included. Future CPG updates will consider evidence published after
this cut-off date. The details of the search strategy can be obtained
upon request from the CPG Secretariat.

Reference was also made to other guidelines as listed below:

• Ministry of Health Malaysia - CPG on Management of Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus (5th Edition) (December 2015)
• National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) - Diabetes in
Pregnancy: Management of Diabetes and its Complications from
Preconception to the Postnatal Period (February 2015)
• New Zealand Guideline Group (NZGG) - Screening, Diagnosis and
Management of Gestational Diabetes in New Zealand (December
These CPGs were evaluated using the Appraisal of Guidelines for
Research and Evaluation (AGREE) II prior to it being used as reference.

A total of 13 clinical questions were developed under different sections.

Members of the DG were assigned individual questions within
these sections. Refer to Appendix 2 for Clinical Questions. The
DG members met 22 times throughout the development of these
guidelines. All literatures retrieved were appraised by at least two DG
members using Critical Appraisal Skill Programme checklist, presented
in evidence tables and further discussed in each DG meetings. All
statements and recommendations formulated after that were agreed
upon by both the DG and RC. Where evidence was insufficient, the
recommendations were made by consensus of the DG and RC. Any

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

differences in opinion were resolved consensually. The CPG was

based largely on the findings of systematic reviews, meta-analyses and
clinical trials, with local practices taken into consideration.

The literatures used in these guidelines were graded using the US/
Canadian Preventive Services Task Force Level of Evidence (2001)
while the grading of recommendation was done using the principles of
GRADE (refer to the preceding page). The writing of the CPG follows
strictly the requirement of AGREE II.

On completion, the draft CPG was reviewed by external reviewers. It

was also posted on the MoH Malaysia official website for feedback from
any interested parties. The draft was finally presented to the Technical
Advisory Committee for CPG, and the HTA and CPG Council MoH
Malaysia for review and approval. Details on the CPG development
by MaHTAS can be obtained from Manual on Development and
Implementation of Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines
published in 2015 (available at

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


The objectives of the CPG are to provide evidence-based recommendations

on diabetes in pregnancy on these aspects:
i. Screening and diagnosis
ii. Management (pre-pregnancy, antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum


Refer to Appendix 2


Inclusion Criteria
i. Women with diabetes planning for pregnancy
ii. Pregnant women at risk of diabetes
iii. Pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes and gestational diabetes

Exclusion Criteria
Pregnant women with secondary causes of diabetes


This CPG intends to guide those involved in the management of

diabetes in pregnancy either in primary or secondary/tertiary care in
public and private practice namely:
i. Medical officers and specialists
ii. Allied health professionals
iii. Trainees and medical students
iv. Patients and their advocates
v. Professional societies


Outpatient, inpatient and community settings

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy



Dr. Nurain Mohd. Noor

Consultant Endocrinologist
Hospital Putrajaya, Putrajaya

Members (alphabetical order)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barakatun Nisak Ms. Nazatul Syima Idrus

Mohd Yusof Pharmacist & Principal Assistant
Lecturer & Dietician Director
Faculty of Medicine and Health Pharmaceutical Services Division
Sciences Ministry of Health Malaysia, Selangor
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor

Dr. Hanin Farhana Kamaruzaman Dr. Noor Lita Adam

Senior Principal Assistant Director Consultant Endocrinologist
Health Technology Assessment Section Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar, Negeri Sembilan
Ministry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya

Dr. Hoong Farn Weng Michael Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norasyikin Abdul Wahab
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Lecturer & Consultant Endocrinologist
Hospital Wanita & Kanak-kanak Sabah Faculty of Medicine
Sabah Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur

Professor Dr. Imelda Balchin Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norlaila Mustafa

Consultant Maternal Fetal Medicine Lecturer & Consultant Endocrinologist
Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur

Dr. Lili Zuryani Marmuji Dr. Ranjit Singh Dhalliwal

Family Medicine Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Klinik Kesihatan Gunung Rapat, Perak Hospital Ampang, Selangor

Dr. Mastura Ismail Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rohana Abdul Ghani

Consultant Family Medicine Specialist Lecturer & Consultant Endocrinologist
Klinik Kesihatan Seremban 2 Faculty of Medicine
Negeri Sembilan Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor

Dr. Mohd. Aminuddin Mohd. Yusof

Head of CPG Unit & Public Health
Health Technology Assessment Section
Ministry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


The draft CPG was reviewed by a panel of experts from both public
and public sectors. They were asked to comment primarily on the
comprehensiveness and accuracy of the interpretation of evidence
supporting the recommendations in the CPG.


Dr. Zanariah Hussein
Senior Consultant Endocrinologist &
National Advisor of Endocrinology Services
Hospital Putrajaya, Putrajaya

Members (alphabetical order)

Dr. Carol Lim Kar Koong Ms. Noraini Mohamad

Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Deputy Director
(Maternal Fetal Medicine) Pharmacy Practice & Development
Hospital Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Division
Pahang Pharmaceutical Services Programme
Ministry of Health Malaysia, Selangor

Dato’ Dr. Ghazali Ismail Dr. Norraliza Md. Zain

Senior Consultant Obstetrician & Consultant Family Medicine Specialist
Gynaecologist Klinik Kesihatan Lanang, Sarawak
Hospital Sultan Ismail, Johor

Dr. J. Ravichandran Jeganathan Dr. Norzaihan Hassan

Senior Consultant Obstetrician & Consultant Family Medicine Specialist
Gynaecologist & National Advisor of Klinik Kesihatan Bandar Kota Bharu
O&G Services Kelantan
Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor

Dr. Junainah Sabirin Professor Dato’ Dr. Sivalingam Nalliah

Deputy Director & Public Health Lecturer & Senior
Physician Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Health Technology Assessment Section Faculty of Medicine
Ministry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya International Medical University
Negeri Sembilan

Dr. Noor Aziah Zainal Abidin

Senior Principal Assistant Director
Medical Development Services Section
Ministry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

EXTERNAL REVIEWERS (in alphabetical order)

The following external reviewers provided feedback on the draft:

Dr. Ernieda Md Hatah

Senior Lecturer, Clinical Pharmacy Discipline
Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

Assoc. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Hamizah Ismail

Head of Department & Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Kulliyyah of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia, Pahang

Dr. Iskandar Firzada Osman

Consultant Family Medicine Specialist
Klinik Kesihatan Jaya Gading, Kuantan, Pahang

Professor Dato’ Dr. Mafauzy Mohammed

Professor of Medicine & Senior Consultant Endocrinologist
School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan

Dr. Navin Kumar a/l Loganadan

Clinical Pharmacist
Hospital Putrajaya, Putrajaya

Mdm. Nurul Huda Ibrahim

Senior Principle Assistant Director (Dietetic)
Primary Care Sector
Family Health Development Division, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

Dr. Shari Nor

Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist & Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Hospital Wanita & Kanak-kanak Sabah, Sabah

Professor Dr. Siti Zawiah Omar

Head of Department & Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Faculty of Medicine
Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur

Professor Dr. Winnie Chee Siew Swee

Professor of Food Science & Nutrition
Dean of School of Health Sciences
International Medical University, Kuala Lumpur

Professor Dr. Zalilah Mohd Shariff

Professor of Community Nutrition
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy



• Women at risk to develop GDM**: at booking/as early as possible
• Women age ≥25 with no other risk factors: at 24-28 weeks of gestation

75 g Oral Glucose Tolerance Test


OGTT results
Fasting plasma glucose (FPG): ≥5.1 mmol/L
2-hours postprandial (2-HPP) ≥7.8 mmol/L


Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Repeat OGTT at

(GDM) 24-28 week of gestation

FPG ≥5.1 mmol/L OR 2-HPP ≥7.8 mmol/L


Exclude GDM

*Overt DM is suspected in the presence of at least one of the following:

o FPG ≥7.0 mmol/L
o Random plasma glucose (RPG) ≥11.1 mmol/L
• However, the diagnosis of overt DM should be confirmed with a second test (FPG/RPG/OGTT).

** Presence of any risk factors:

• Body mass index >27 kg/m2 • Bad obstetric history
• Previous history of GDM • Glycosuria ≥2+ on two occasions
• First degree relative with diabetes mellitus • Current obstetric problems (essential hypertension,
• History of macrosomia (birth weight >4 kg) pregnancy-induced hypertension, polyhydramnios
and current use of corticosteroids)

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy



T2DM or
T1DM GDM on insulin/ GDM on diet alone

Start intravenous (IV) Stop subcutaneous

dextrose infusion insulin/metformin

Check capillary blood glucose Check CBG 4-hourly

(CBG) 1- to 2-hourly

Refer to *CBG results

ALGORITHM C (Target: 4.0-7.0 mmol/L)

<4.0 mmol/L 4.0-7.0 mmol/L 7.1-10.0 mmol/L >10.0 mmol/L

• Inform doctor Repeat CBG in 1 hour

• If symptomatic,
give bolus IV
(20 ml of D50%)
• If asymptomatic, Continue NO
offer nourishing monitoring CBG >7.0 mmol/L
fluid CBG
• Repeat CBG in as previously
30 minutes and YES
follow CBG
results (*) Start IV insulin infusion

T1DM : Type 1 diabetes mellitus

T2DM : Type 2 diabetes mellitus Refer to ALGORITHM C
GDM : Gestational diabetes mellitus

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy



Start intravenous (IV) insulin infusion*

Check capillary blood

glucose (CBG) hourly

CBG results
(Target: 4.0-7.0 mmol/L)

<4.0 mmol/L ≥4.0 mmol/L

Titration of insulin infusion:

• Withhold insulin infusion
• Inform doctor immediately CBG (mmol/L) Action
Drop >2.0 from Reduce by 1.0 unit
• If symptomatic, give bolus IV
previous reading
(20 ml of D50%) 4.0-7.0 Maintain current dose
• If asymptomatic, offer 7.1-8.5 Add 0.5 unit
nourishing fluid 8.6-10.0 Add 1.0 unit
• Repeat CBG in 30 minutes >10.0 Add 2.0 unit

Check CBG in 1 hour

! * IV insulin infusion initiation rate

! • Type 1 diabetes mellitus: 0.01-0.02 unit/kg/hour
! • Type 2 diabetes mellitus/gestational diabetes mellitus: 0.05-0.07 unit/kg/hour
• If requirement exceed 0.1 unit/kg/hour, refer the endocrinologist/physician

Refer to Appendix 5 for preparation of insulin infusion.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy
Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


The National Health Morbidity Survey 2015 showed that the prevalence
of diabetes was 17.5%. Generally, the prevalence of diabetes increases
with age.1, level III This is a concern especially in the reproductive age
group as this will adversely affect their fertility and pregnancy.

Diabetes in pregnancy is associated with risks to the woman and her

developing fetus. National Obstetric Report involving 14 tertiary hospitals
showed the incidence of diabetes in pregnancy was 8.66% in 2011 and
8.83% in 2012. The caesarean section rates in this group of patients
were around 13% in 2011 and 2012. In both years approximately 16%
babies born to diabetic mothers weighed 4 kg and more. There was
a 2-fold increase in macrosomia in diabetes patients in both years
as compared to nondiabetes and this could have contributed to the
increased caesarean section rates. These figures were obtained from
only a few tertiary hospitals and the actual prevalence was expected to
be higher.2, level III

There are variations in local clinical practice management of diabetes

in pregnancy at different levels of care. To date, there is no specific
local CPG addressing this issue. This CPG, therefore, provides
a comprehensive evidence-based guideline in screening and
management of diabetes and its complications in pregnancy. This CPG
would assist healthcare providers in delivering high quality care.


Screening for diabetes in pregnant women is important to identify

asymptomatic patients who may have overt diabetes before they
manifest symptoms such as excessive thirst and urination, or fatigue.
Two main screening strategies are ‘universal’ where all women undergo
a screening test for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and ‘selective’
where only those women at high risk are screened.

In a Cochrane systematic review, there was insufficient evidence to

determine if screening for GDM and types of screening can improve
maternal and fetal health outcome in view of small studies and poor
quality evidences. However, one of the included study showed that
universal screening was better than selective screening at detecting
GDM (RR=0.44, 95% CI 0.26 to 0.75).3, level I

Ideally, universal screening should be adhered to. However, if resources

are limited, selective screening is acceptable focusing on individuals at
risk of developing GDM.4

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

• Women at risk to develop GDM include:4

a. Body mass index (BMI) >27 kg/m2
b. Previous history of GDM
c. First-degree relative with diabetes mellitus (DM)
d. History of macrosomia (birth weight >4 kg)
e. Bad obstetric history [unexplained intrauterine death, congenital
anomalies (i.e. neural tube defects, cardiac defects), shoulder
f. Glycosuria ≥2+ on two occasions
g. Current obstetric problems (essential hypertension, pregnancy-
induced hypertension, polyhydramnios and current use of

Increasing age has been associated with an increased risk of developing

GDM. Based on consensus between RC and DG CPG, pregnant
women ≥25 years old without other risk factors should have screening
for GDM at 24-28 weeks.

Another Cochrane systematic review found that the evidence was

insufficient to conclude the best strategy to diagnose GDM.5, level I
However, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) has been recommended
by international guidelines on the issue.6, 7-8, level III It should be done at
booking for high risk women, and repeated at 24-28 weeks of gestation
if the initial result was negative4, 6

There is insufficient evidence to suggest HbA1c alone as a useful

diagnostic test for GDM and thus, it is not a useful alternative to
OGTT.9, level III

In a meta-analysis on screening for GDM, random blood sugar
measurement was found to be an inadequate test to screen for GDM.
10, level II-2


There is no universally accepted definition of overt diabetes in

pregnancy. However, the diagnosis is made when blood glucose level is
high (refer to yellow box in page 3) during the first trimester. In the case
of overt diabetes, a second test either using fasting plasma glucose
(FPG), untimed random plasma glucose (RPG), HbA1C, or OGTT,
must be performed on another day to confirm the diagnosis.11, level III
If results indicate overt diabetes, treatment and follow-up should be
carried out as for pre-existing diabetes.8, level III; 12

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

• GDM is diagnosed in the presence of any one of these results:4

 FPG ≥5.1 mmol/L
 2-hour postprandial (2-HPP) ≥7.8 mmol/L
• Overt DM is suspected in the presence of at least one of the
 FPG ≥7.0 mmol/L
 RPG ≥11.1 mmol/L with symptoms
• However, the diagnosis of overt DM is confirmed with a second test

Recommendation 1
• Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus based on risk factors*
using 75 gram oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) should be done at
 If the test is negative, it should be repeated at 24-28 weeks of
• For women at the age of 25 or more with no other risk factors, OGTT
should be done at 24-28 weeks of gestation.
• Overt diabetes in pregnancy should be managed as pre-existing

*Refer to the above yellow box on women at risk to develop GDM


Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy



There are many adverse effects of obesity on maternal and perinatal

outcomes. Obesity in pregnancy is associated with a significant risk of
GDM and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy including pre-eclampsia.
Caesarean section rates are high and infants of obese mothers
are at greater risk of large for gestational age (LGA), macrosomia,
shoulder dystocia, congenital malformation and stillbirth. Thus, lifestyle
modification strategies such as exercise, diet and weight management
are important to prevent GDM.


Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) consists of nutritional diagnosis and

therapy that include dietary intervention and counselling. It is crucial at
any stage of pregnancy in women who are at risk of GDM. This can be
achieved by choosing healthy food with appropriate gestational weight
gain (GWG).14, level III

Women at risks of GDM should receive individualised MNT as needed,

preferably by a dietitian. A small group counselling (2-4 women) may
also be provided. A nonrandomised trial has shown that small group
counselling produced similar improvement in nutrition knowledge
compared to individual counselling.15, level II-2

In a meta-analysis of RCTs among pregnant women (mostly with BMI

>25 kg/m2), combined dietary intervention and physical activity reduced
the risk of GDM by 18% (p=0.0091) compared with standard care. The
benefits were particularly prominent when the intervention was started
before 15 weeks of gestation.16, level I

A Cochrane systematic review suggested a possible reduction in GDM

risk in women receiving dietary intervention compared with standard
care. However, no significant difference was observed between
different types of dietary intervention to prevent GDM. There were no
adverse events reported in all of the included studies.17, level I

GWG rate which is higher than the recommended range especially

in early pregnancy may increase the risk of GDM. Excessive GWG
increases the risk of postpartum weight retention and maternal obesity
later in life. The recommended weight gain is determined based on
each woman’s pre-pregnancy BMI (refer to Table 1).18, level III

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Table 1: Total and rate of weight gain recommendations

during pregnancy

Pre-pregnancy body weight Total weight gain Rates of weight gain in

status (BMI in kg/m2) (ranges in kg) second and third trimester
[mean (range) in kg/wk]
Underweight (<18.5 kg/m2) 12.5-18.0 0.51 (0.44-0.58)
Normal weight (18.5-24.9 kg/m ) 2
11.5-16.0 0.42 (0.35-0.50)

Overweight (25.0-29.9 kg/m )2 7.0-11.5 0.28 (0.23-0.33)

Obese (≥30 kg/m2) 5.0-9.0 0.22 (0.17-0.27)

• In the local setting, the BMI criteria for overweight is 23.0-27.4 kg/m2
and obesity is ≥27.5 kg/m2.19 There is no recommendations on total
and rates of weight gain for local population. However, targeting
GWG to the lower range in Table 1 may be recommended to improve
pregnancy outcomes.

GWG is the major determinant of incremental energy needs during
pregnancy. Energy prescription should be individualised based on
pre-pregnancy BMI, weight gain, fetal growth pattern, physical activity,
food and blood glucose records.
• For women with normal pre-pregnancy BMI, energy prescriptions
(approximately ranges from 30-35 kcal/kg body weight depending on
activity level) should be given as per normal pregnancy based on the
Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Malaysia.4
• For obese women, a 30-33% of calorie restriction of their estimated
energy needs (approximately 25 kcal/kg body weight) can be
prescribed to reduce the rate of GWG without inducing maternal
ketosis and compromising fetal growth or birth weight. The GWG
must be closely monitored, and the additional energy needs during
pregnancy should be modified accordingly.20, level III

• General recommendations on MNT:

 MNT should be given to pregnant women with these conditions:
- at risk of GDM
- pre-existing diabetes
- at diagnosis of GDM
- at initiation of insulin therapy
- postpartum care
 MNT should be individualised according to nutritional needs
and cultural preference to ensure positive maternal and fetal

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Recommendation 2
• Pregnant women at risk of gestational diabetes mellitus should
be offered medical nutrition therapy which includes monitoring of
gestational weight gain.


Structured moderate physical exercise programmes during pregnancy

significantly decrease the risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.
21-22, level I They also reduce maternal weight gain with no adverse events

to the mother and neonate.22, level I

Examples of safe physical activities during pregnancy are:23, level III

• Brisk walking • Modified yoga or pilates
• Swimming • Strength training
• Stationary cycling • Racquet sport
• Low impact aerobics

These exercise and physical activities can be performed for at least

20 to 30 minutes per day on most or all days of the week and adjusted
accordingly as indicated.23, level III

Absolute contraindications to aerobic exercise in pregnancy are:23, level III

• Haemodynamically significant heart disease
• Restrictive lung disease
• Cervical incompetence with or without cerclage
• Multiple gestation at risk for premature labour
• Persistent second or third trimester bleeding
• Placenta praevia after 26 weeks gestation
• Threatened preterm labour
• Ruptured membranes
• Pregnancy induced hypertension

Recommendation 3
• All pregnant women with uncomplicated pregnancies should
be encouraged to exercise especially those at risk of developing
gestational diabetes mellitus.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy



Women with pre-existing Type 1 DM (T1DM) and Type 2 DM (T2DM)

will benefit from preconception care because it reduces the incidence
of congenital malformation, preterm delivery and perinatal mortality.
Preconception care also lowers the HbA1c level of these women in the
first trimester.24, level II-2 However, the role of preconception care in women
with history of GDM remains unclear due to lack of evidence.25, level I

Before conceiving, women with pre-existing diabetes are advised to

reduce their weight if they are overweight or obese. The recommended
exercise schedule is 150 minutes per week.4 Blood pressure (<130/80
mmHg) and HbA1c should be kept to the optimal (<6.5% or 48 mmol/mol).
Screening for diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy should be organised
prior to conception. Women with multiple cardiovascular risk factors on
contraception should undergo cardiovascular risk assessment before
withdrawal of the contraception. Additionally, folic acid supplementation
should be given three months before withdrawal of contraception.4

Preconception care, including counselling on the risk and expected

management during pregnancy for women with pre-existing diabetes,
should be provided by a multidisciplinary team.26, level III

• Preconception care, provided by a multidisciplinary team, consists

 discussion on timeline for pregnancy planning
 lifestyle advice (diet, physical activities, smoking cessation and
optimal body weight)
 folic acid supplementation
 appropriate contraception
 full medication review (discontinue potentially teratogenic
 retinal and renal screening
 relevant blood investigations
• Women with pre-existing diabetes should be informed of the
glycaemic control targets and empowered to achieve control before
conception. They should also be counselled on the risks and
expected management strategies during pregnancy.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

• Medication review
 Women with T2DM who are planning a pregnancy should switch
from oral antidiabetic agent (OAD) to insulin for glycaemic control.
Patients who are already on metformin may continue treatment.6
 Women with pre-existing diabetes who also have polycystic
ovarian syndrome may continue metformin for ovulation induction.
 Prior to conception or upon detection of pregnancy, the following
medications should be discontinued: angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers and statins.6


Women with pre-existing diabetes are encouraged to have a planned

pregnancy. Their choice of contraception is based on their own
preferences and any risk factors according to the Medical Eligibility
Criteria.6 The use of oral contraceptive pills are allowed. However,
intrauterine contraceptive device is the preferred method. Caution
should be exercised when using Depo-Provera since it may worsen
glycaemic control.27, level III


NICE guidelines recommend that women with pre-existing diabetes

who plan for pregnancy to aim for HbA1c <6.5% (48 mmol/mol) if
this is achievable without causing hypoglycaemia. Any reduction in
HbA1c level towards the target is likely to reduce the risk of congenital
malformations in the baby. Those with HbA1c level >10% (86 mmol/mol)
are advised not to get pregnant because of the associated risks.6

For each 1% decrement in HbA1c, the risk of pre-eclampsia reduces

by 12% in pre-pregnancy period to 53% at 34 weeks of gestation in
T1DM.28, level I

Women with pre-existing diabetes who plan to become pregnant need

to increase the frequency of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG)
by including fasting, pre- and postprandial levels.6


The synthetic form of folate is folic acid (FA) which is often used in
supplements and fortified foods. The main function of folate is to act as
the co-enzyme in one-carbon transfer during the methylation cycle, an
essential process for the syntheses of nucleic acids, which form part
of deoxyribonucleic acid and neurotransmitters. Folate also plays an

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

essential function in protein synthesis, metabolism and other processes

associated to cell multiplication and tissue growth.29

Daily FA supplementation (alone or in combination with other

vitamins and minerals) in women who become pregnant or are ≤12
weeks pregnant is effective in preventing neural tube defects (NTDs)
compared with no intervention/placebo or vitamins and minerals
without FA (RR=0.31, 95% CI 0.17 to 0.58). It also has protective effect
for recurrence of NTDs (RR=0.34, 95% CI 0.18 to 0.64). However, there
is no significant evidence of preventive effect on cleft palate, cleft lip,
congenital cardiovascular defects and miscarriages.30, level I

Lack of periconceptional (during a month before conception or first three

months of pregnancy) use of vitamins or supplements that contain FA is
associated with an excess risk of NTDs in diabetes.31, level II-2

All women with diabetes should be counselled regarding intake of

foods high in FA, folate-fortified foods and appropriate FA
supplementation of 4 to 5 mg per day during the preconception period
and in the first 12 weeks of gestation.32, level III This is supported by NICE
and Canadian guidelines.6; 33, level III Local guidelines and Canadian
guidelines recommend that FA supplementation should be taken at
least three months prior to conception.4; 33, level III

Recommendation 4
• Preconception care of women with pre-existing diabetes which
involve a multidisciplinary team should be fully implemented in all
healthcare facilities.
• Supplement of 5 mg folic acid per day should be given to women
with diabetes who plan to become pregnant at least three months
prior to conception and continue until 12 weeks of gestation.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy



Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) in all pregnant women with

pre-existing diabetes or GDM is recommended to achieve glycaemic
control and improve pregnancy outcomes.6; 11 It serves to assist patients
in adjustments of their medications particularly multiple daily insulin
(MDI) therapy to achieve the desired glycaemic targets. Furthermore, it
helps to prevent hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia episodes.

Monitoring of blood glucose is preferably done at home. The traditional

blood sugar profile (BSP) performed in the hospital may not reflect the
actual day-to-day blood sugar levels.4 In local setting when SMBG is
not feasible, clinic-based BSP may be done to assess the glycaemic
control. The frequency of BSP is once in two weeks until delivery or
more frequent.

In a Cochrane systematic review on pregnant women with pre-existing

diabetes, there was no significant advantage of any monitoring
technique on maternal and fetal outcomes.34, level I

In a meta-analysis on GDM, treatment consisting of diet modification,

insulin and glucose monitoring was effective in reducing the incidence
• pre-eclampsia (RR=0.62, 95% CI 0.43 to 0.89)
• shoulder dystocia (RR=0.42, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.77)
• macrosomia (RR=0.50, 95% CI 0.35 to 0.71)

However, these interventions did not significantly change the rates of

caesarean section, induction of labour (IOL), small for gestational age
(SGA) and admission to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).35, level I

There is no benefit for glycaemic targets of FPG between 3.33-5.00 mmol/L

and 4.45-6.38 mmol/L in T1DM. Very tight blood sugar control increases
the risk of maternal hypoglycaemia (RR=22.0, 95% CI 11.07 to 32.93).
There is evidence of harm (increased risk of pre-eclampsia, caesarean
section and LGA) for FPG >7 mmol/L.36, level I

Glycaemic targets that have been recommended by guidelines are:6; 11; 33

• fasting: ≤5.3 mmol/L
• 1-HPP: ≤7.8 mmol/L
• 2-HPP: ≤6.4-6.7 mmol/L

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

SMBG should be done at the following times (performed over a few

• fasting (following an 8-hour overnight fast) and preprandial
• 1 or 2 hours after the start of each meal (postprandial)
• bedtime and during the night when indicated
In poorly controlled diabetes, more frequent monitoring is essential.
Monitoring should be done at home to reflect the actual day-to-day
blood glucose levels. Refer to Table 2 on self-monitoring blood glucose.

There is no evidence on the effectiveness of HbA1c monitoring in

predicting adverse outcomes in pregnancy.

Table 2: Timing for Self-monitoring Blood Glucose4

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Timing of SMBG &
mode of treatment Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post/Prebed
Diet only    
OAD or single dose insulin    
Multiple dose insulin     

Recommendation 5
• Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) should be done in diabetes
in pregnancy. The blood glucose targets should be as the following:
 fasting or preprandial: ≤5.3 mmol/L
 1-hour postprandial: ≤7.8 mmol/L
 2-hour postprandial: ≤6.7 mmol/L
• The frequency of SMBG in diabetes in pregnancy should be
individualised based on mode of treatment and glycaemic control.
• Pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes on multiple daily insulin
(MDI) injection regimen should perform SMBG at least three times
daily. It can be done at fasting, preprandial, postprandial or bedtime.
• Women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) on MDI injection
regimen should perform SMBG two to three times daily, for two to
three days a week.
• Pregnant women with type 2 diabetes mellitus or GDM on diet
and exercise therapy, oral antidiabetic agents (OAD), single-dose
intermediate-acting or long-acting insulin should perform fasting and
postprandial SMBG at least once daily until blood glucose targets
are reached.
• Pregnant women who are on insulin or OAD should maintain their
capillary blood glucose level >4.0 mmol/L.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


MNT for pregnant women with diabetes focuses on carbohydrate

(CHO)-controlled meal plan. The aim is to achieve and maintain
optimum glycaemic levels and appropriate GWG, while meeting
essential nutrients to promote positive maternal and fetal outcomes.4

Evidence on the ideal amount of CHO for pregnant women with diabetes
to achieve good glycaemic control is limited, but a minimum of 175 g
CHO daily has been recommended.37, level III In a meta-analysis of RCTs
on GDM, lower CHO diets [40-45% of total energy intake (TEI)] showed
no significant difference in maternal and neonatal outcomes compared
with CHO intake of 55-60% TEI. This could be due to the small number
of studies included.38, level I

The ideal macronutrients distribution for pregnant women with diabetes

is not known. Macronutrient distribution should be individualised. A
general recommendation to promote a balance diet would be 45-60%
CHO, 15-20% protein and 25-35% fat of total energy requirement.4

Both the amount and type of CHO influence glycaemic control. The type
of CHO is best described using glycaemic index (GI) concept. In a meta-
analysis on GDM, a low GI diet was more effective in reducing insulin
requirement (RR=0.767, 95% CI 0.597 to 0.986) compared with high
GI diet.38, level I In a recent Cochrane systematic review on GDM, low-
to-moderate GI showed no significant benefits in maternal outcomes
(severe hypertension or pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and rate of caesarean
section) and LGA compared with moderate-high GI diet. However, the
primary papers used in the review were of low quality.39, level I

The components of CHO-meal plan include the following:4

• monitoring of total CHO intake using grams, exchange list, household
or hand measures as long as it is practical for women to comprehend
and follow
• distributing total CHO exchanges according to SMBG, lifestyle and
• choosing appropriate type of CHO which is lower in GI
• sucrose (e.g. sugars) intake must be counted as part of the total
CHO intake; excess sucrose intake contributes to calories and may
cause excessive GWG
• non-nutritive sweeteners do not impact glycaemic level. However, it
should not exceed the acceptable recommended daily intake.40, level III

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Refer to Appendix 3 on CHO food, exchange list and GI diet.

• MNT provided by a dietitian, SMBG and insulin therapy are effective

in reducing the rate of serious perinatal complications and tend to
improve maternal quality of life.41, level I
• Early nutritional intervention should be initiated at the time of
diagnosis. Refer to Appendix 3 for suggested menu plan.

Recommendation 6
• Pregnant women with diabetes should be given individualised
medical nutrition therapy which includes carbohydrate-controlled
meal plan and monitoring of gestational weight gain.


Metformin and glibenclamide are OAD that have been used in GDM.
Glibenclamide has limited human data and should only be used if
potential benefit outweighs the potential risk. Metformin is labelled as
FDA pregnancy category B while glibenclamide is in category C.

A meta-analysis showed that compared with glibenclamide, metformin

had significantly lower maternal weight gain, neonatal birth weight,
macrosomia and LGA. However, there was no significant difference in
glycaemic control (FPG and postprandial plasma glucose), caesarean
section, preterm birth, stillbirth and neonatal hypoglycaemia.42, level I

In four meta-analyses on GDM, there was no significant difference in

glycaemic control between OAD and insulin. Compared with insulin,
metformin was associated with less maternal weight gain43-46, level I but
higher incidence of premature birth (<37 weeks gestation).44-46, level I

Two of the above meta-analyses compared glibenclamide and insulin.

Glibenclamide was associated with less maternal hypoglycaemia but
higher maternal weight gain.44, level I For neonatal outcomes, it was
associated with higher incidence of macrosomia, neonatal birth weight
and neonatal hypoglycaemia.42, level I; 44, level I

Category B: Animal studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus and there
are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.
Category C: Animal studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and adequate
and well-controlled studies in humans were not available.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

NICE guidelines state that metformin should be offered to women with

GDM if diet and exercise do not control the blood glucose adequately
within 1-2 weeks.6

Refer to the medication table in Appendix 4.

Recommendation 7
• In gestational diabetes mellitus, metformin should be offered when
blood glucose targets are not met by modification in diet and exercise
within 1-2 weeks.
 It should be prescribed after consultation with specialists.
• Metformin should be continued in women who are already on the
treatment before pregnancy.


5.4.1 Initiating Insulin Therapy

Common current practice involves hospital admissions for initiation

of insulin therapy in insulin-naïve pregnant women and GDM. There
is no evidence to support inpatient or outpatient settings for more
effective treatment. However, local expert opinion recommends that
insulin therapy could be initiated in the outpatient setting if the patient
is agreeable, able to equip herself with adequate SMBG and able to
titrate the required insulin doses to achieve glycaemic targets without
hypoglycaemia. This may provide a more practical real-life experience
in the comfort of her home as she attempts to make the necessary diet
and lifestyle changes.

However, specialists may opt for hospital admission if deemed necessary

due to logistic reasons, the need for referral to other multidisciplinary
teams, closer monitoring for hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia and
other factors.

Insulin should be initiated when MNT and/or metformin therapy failed to

achieve optimum glycaemic control. There are multiple insulin regimes
available in managing diabetes in pregnancy. However, the preferred
choice of insulin regime is MDI.4 Initiation and optimisation of insulin
therapy is illustrated in Appendix 4.

Insulin should be initiated when:6

• blood glucose targets are not met after MNT and metformin therapy
• metformin is contraindicated or unacceptable
• FPG ≥7.0 mmol/L at diagnosis (with or without metformin)
• FPG of 6.0-6.9 mmol/L with complications such as macrosomia or
polyhydramnios (start insulin immediately, with or without metformin).

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

5.4.2 Human Insulin

The use of human insulin, both short acting (regular) and intermediate
or long acting [Neutral Protamine Hagedorn (NPH)] have been
established in pregnancy. They are generally considered safe and
effective and labelled as FDA pregnancy category B. In the local setting,
human insulin is the preferred choice of insulin in view of its cost and

5.4.3 Insulin Analogues

Insulin analogues mimic natural insulin physiology. There are rapid and
long acting (basal) insulin analogues which are currently used in pre-
existing diabetes during pregnancy and GDM. Insulin lispro and aspart
are labelled as FDA pregnancy category B. On the other hand, insulin
glulisine and glargine are labelled as FDA pregnancy category C (refer
footnote in page 13).

A. Rapid-acting Insulin Analogues

i. Insulin lispro
Insulin lispro significantly improves HbA1c and reduces total insulin
requirement in pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy compared with
regular insulin. Apart from that, it is associated with greater mean birth
weight and lower hyperbilirubinaemia. There is no significant difference
in other maternal and fetal outcomes.47, level II-2

ii. Insulin aspart

Insulin aspart (IAsp) is as effective and safe as regular insulin when
used in basal-bolus therapy with NPH in pregnant women with T1DM.
It also offers some benefits in terms of postprandial glucose control
and preventing severe hypoglycaemia.48, level I Fetal outcomes using
IAsp is comparable with regular insulin with a tendency towards fewer
fetal losses, preterm deliveries, congenital malformations and neonatal
hypoglycaemia.49, level I

B. Long-acting (Basal) Insulin Analogues

i. Insulin detemir
There is no difference in HbA1c when comparing insulin detemir with
NPH in pregnant T1DM women although insulin detemir group has
significantly lower FPG at 24 and 36 weeks. Insulin requirement and
rate of hypoglycaemia are similar in both groups.48, level I There is no
significant difference in the incidence of composite pregnancy outcomes
which include fetal and perinatal mortality, and major malformations.
49, level I

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

ii. Insulin glargine

In pre-existing diabetes, there is no difference in the glycaemic control
between insulin glargine and NPH. However, there is significantly lower
insulin requirement in patients treated with insulin glargine. Maternal
complications i.e. worsening pre-existing retinopathy and nephropathy,
pre-eclampsia, and all types of hypoglycaemia are significantly higher
in NPH-treated patients. Meanwhile in GDM, there is significantly higher
FPG and insulin dose requirement in NPH-treated patients.50, level II-2

In a systematic review on diabetes in pregnancy, there were no

significant differences in main neonatal outcomes between insulin
glargine and NPH.51, level II-2

C. Premixed Insulin Analogues

i. Premixed insulin aspart 30

The use of premixed insulin aspart 30 in T2DM during pregnancy
shows no significant difference in glycaemic control, maternal weight
gain and neonatal outcomes compared with premixed human insulin
30. However, there is lower mean total insulin dose requirement with
premixed insulin aspart 30.52, level I

• Human insulins are the preferred choice in pregnant women who

need insulin therapy.
• Both rapid- and long-acting (basal) insulin analogues are as
efficacious as human insulin in pregnant women with pre-existing
diabetes and GDM.
• Insulin analogues are associated with fewer incidences of
• Long-acting analogues have benefit in diabetic pregnant women
with repeated nocturnal hypoglycaemia.
• Insulin glulisine and glargine can be given only when potential
benefit outweigh the potential risk.
• There is no evidence to support the use of glulisine in pregnancy.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Recommendation 8
• Insulin therapy can be initiated at outpatient setting in pregnant
women with diabetes.
• The preferred choice of insulin regime in diabetes in pregnancy is
multiple daily injections.
• Insulin analogues should be continued during pregnancy in women
with pre-existing diabetes who are already on the treatment and
have established good blood glucose control before pregnancy.
• Rapid-acting insulin analogue may be considered as an option,
particularly in patients with frequent hypoglycaemia or postprandial
hyperglycaemia using human insulin during pregnancy.


Pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes have a five-fold increased

risk of pre-eclampsia (OR=5.74, CI 95% 5.31 to 6.20) compared to
women without diabetes.53, level II-2

In a large RCT on women with pre-existing diabetes, low dose aspirin

supplementation (60 mg) did not reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia.
There was also no evidence of harm to mothers or neonates.54, level I
However, existing guidelines recommend 75 mg aspirin daily from 12
weeks of gestation until delivery in patients with high risk of developing
pre-eclampsia, which includes diabetes.55; 56, level III

In three multicentre RCTs on women with pre-existing diabetes,

supplementation of vitamin C and E did not reduce the risk of pre-
eclampsia.57-59, level I In fact, it was significantly associated with the
following complications:
• fetal growth restriction59, level I
• low birth weight59, level I
• fetal loss or perinatal death (RR=2.20, 95% CI 1.02 to 4.73)57, level I
• preterm prelabour rupture of membrane (RR=1.97, 95% CI 1.31 to
2.98)57, level I

A Cochrane systematic review reported that high dose calcium

supplementation (>1g/day) reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia (RR=0.45,
95% CI 0.31 to 0.65), especially for women with low calcium diets and
those at high risk of pre-eclampsia.60, level I Lower dose calcium may be
effective, but needs to be confirmed by larger, high quality trials.61, level I

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends calcium

supplementation with 1.5-2.0 gram elemental calcium daily from 20
weeks of gestation in populations with low dietary calcium intake, to
reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia.62-63, level III

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Recommendation 9
• Low dose aspirin (75-150 mg daily) should be given to prevent pre-
eclampsia in women with pre-existing diabetes from 12 weeks of
gestation until term.
• Vitamin C and E supplementation should not be given to prevent
pre-eclampsia in women with diabetes.


5.6.1 Retinal Assessment during Pregnancy

Pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes should receive retinal

assessment at booking, and again at 28 weeks, if initial findings were
normal.6 If diabetic retinopathy is detected, referral to an ophthalmologist
is required.

In a population-based study on pre-existing diabetes during pregnancy,

25.9% of patients who received two or more retinal assessment
had progression of retinopathy. Significant factors associated with
progression of retinopathy were higher systolic blood pressure during
booking, higher HbA1c at first trimester and greater drop of HbA1c
between first and third trimester.64, level III

In women who present with high HbA1c and diabetic retinopathy in

early pregnancy, rapid optimisation of blood glucose control should still
be considered.6

5.6.2 Renal Assessment during Pregnancy

If renal assessment has not been done in the preceding three months
in women with pre-existing diabetes, arrange it during the first antenatal
visit. Referral to a nephrologist should be considered when:6
• serum creatinine is abnormal (120 µmol/L or more); estimated
glomerular filtration rate should not be used during pregnancy
• the urinary albumin: creatinine ratio (ACR) >30 mg/mmol
• total protein excretion exceeds 0.5 g/day

Thromboprophylaxis should be considered for women with nephrotic

range proteinuria above 5 g/day (ACR >220 mg/mmol).6

Pregnant women with pre-existing renal disease should be managed in

a combined clinic by multidisciplinary specialists.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Recommendation 10
• In women with pre-existing diabetes,
 retinal assessment should be performed at booking and repeated
at least once throughout the pregnancy
 renal assessment should be performed at booking; those with pre-
existing renal disease should be managed in a combined clinic


A meta-analysis of observational studies showed a higher risk of major

congenital malformations in babies of women with GDM compared with
reference group (RR=1.16, 95% CI 1.07 to 1.25). The risk was higher
in women with pre-existing diabetes compared with reference group
(RR=2.66, 95% CI 2.04 to 3.47).65, level II-2

In women with GDM, ultrasound-guided management reduces the

risk of LGA/SGA (RR=0.64, 95% CI 0.45 to 0.93) and macrosomia
(RR=0.32, 95% CI 0.11 to 0.95), but increases the need for insulin
treatment (RR=1.58, 95% CI 1.14 to 2.20) compared with conventional
management.66, level I

Fetal surveillance using ultrasound scan in women with pre-existing

diabetes is as follows:6

Timing Parameters

11-14 weeks • Early scan is performed to:

of gestation o confirm gestational age using crown-rump length
o assess for major structural malformation including
acrania and anencephaly
18-20 weeks • Detailed structural anatomy scan which includes the
of gestation spine and heart (four-chamber, outflow tract and
three-vessel views)
28-36 weeks • Serial growth scan is performed every four weeks to
of gestation assess fetal growth and amniotic fluid volume
• The rate of fetal growth should be used to facilitate
decisions with treatment, and timing and mode of

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Recommendation 11
• Pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes should be offered
ultrasound scan at:
 11-14 weeks of gestation for dating and assessment of major
structural malformation
 18-20 weeks of gestation for detailed structural anatomy scan (by
a trained specialist or sonographer)
• In pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes and gestational
diabetes mellitus, serial growth scan should be performed every
four weeks from 28 to 36 weeks of gestation.


In two systematic reviews on pregnant women with GDM and pre-existing

T2DM requiring insulin, active IOL at 38 weeks gestation reduced the risk
of macrosomia compared with expectant management until 42 weeks
(RR=0.56, 95% CI 0.32 to 0.98). There was no significant increase in
rates of caesarean section, shoulder dystocia, neonatal hypoglycaemia
or perinatal deaths. However, the RCT included had small sample size
and did not permit firm conclusion to be drawn.67-68, level I

In a systematic review on GDM, observational studies suggested

a potential reduction in macrosomia and shoulder dystocia rates
with elective IOL and caesarean section for estimated fetal weight
indications. However, the quality of evidence was low.67, level I

Management of delivery recommended by NICE guidelines in pregnant

women with:6
• pre-existing diabetes with no maternal or fetal complications, deliver*
between 37+0 and 38+6 weeks
• pre-existing diabetes with maternal and/or fetal complications,
deliver* before 37+0 weeks
• GDM with no maternal or fetal complications, deliver* no later than
40+6 weeks
• GDM with maternal and/or fetal complications, deliver* before 40+6
*elective delivery by IOL or caesarean section

Diabetes itself should not be considered a contraindication to attempting

vaginal delivery after a previous caesarean section. Pregnant women
with diabetes who have an ultrasound-diagnosed macrosomic fetus
should be counselled about the risks and benefits of vaginal delivery,
IOL and caesarean section.6

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Recommendations from other guidelines are:

• pregnant women with GDM or pre-gestational diabetes should be
offered IOL between 38-40 weeks depending on their glycaemic
control and other comorbidities.33, level III
• for women with GDM,12
 if ultrasound at 36-37 weeks reports normal fetal growth (<90th
percentile) and there are no maternal or fetal comorbidities, plan
delivery at 40 weeks
 If growth is >90th percentile or there are maternal and/or fetal co-
morbidities, plan delivery for 38 to 39 weeks

Antenatal corticosteroids is administered to women who have

spontaneous or planned preterm delivery to accelerate fetal lung
development. This will prevent respiratory distress syndrome. However,
the use of corticosteroids is associated with a significant worsening of
glycaemic control requiring adjustment in insulin dose.6

Recommendation 12
• The following should be planned for pregnant women with pre-
existing diabetes:
 without complications, delivery between 37+0 and 38+6 weeks
 with maternal or fetal complications, delivery before 37+0 weeks
• The following should be planned for women with gestational
 on diet alone with no complications, delivery before 40+0 weeks
 on oral antidiabetic agents or insulin, delivery between 37+0 and
38+6 weeks
 with maternal or fetal complications, deliver before 37+0 weeks
• Mode of delivery should be individualised, taking into consideration
the estimated fetal weight and obstetric factors.
• Women with diabetes who receive antenatal corticosteroids for
fetal lung maturation should have close monitoring of blood glucose
levels and insulin dose adjusted accordingly.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy



Maternal hyperglycaemia during labour increases the risks of neonatal

hypoglycaemia and fetal distress.6; 33, level III

Insulin requirements decrease during delivery due to less calories intake

and increased metabolic demand during the period. Adequate glucose
must be provided during labour to meet its high requirement.33, level III

A small RCT among pregnant women with diabetes requiring insulin,

titrated insulin infusion versus alternating intravenous fluid regime
with insulin as needed showed no difference in intrapartum maternal
glycaemic control and neonatal hypoglycaemia.69, level I There is no
other evidence on the optimal method of maintaining glycaemic control
during delivery.

Current recommendations for intrapartum glycaemic control are:6; 33, level III
• monitor CBG every hour during labour and delivery, and ensure that
it is maintained at 4.0-7.0 mmol/L
• use IV dextrose and insulin for women with
 T1DM from the onset of established labour
 CBG >7.0 mmol/L

For intrapartum glycaemic management in women with pre-existing

diabetes and GDM, refer to Algorithm B and C.

Recommendation 13
• In women with diabetes, capillary blood glucose should be
maintained at 4.0-7.0 mmol/L during labour and delivery.
• Monitoring of capillary blood glucose during labour and delivery in
women with diabetes should be done:
 1- to 2-hourly in women on insulin treatment
 4-hourly in women not on insulin treatment

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


Postpartum management is important in both GDM and pre-existing

diabetes. This section covers aspects in glucose monitoring, diabetes
prevention, pharmacotherapy, contraception, breastfeeding and lifestyle
modification in the postnatal period.


• Women with insulin-treated pre-existing diabetes should reduce

their insulin immediately after birth and monitor their blood glucose
levels carefully to establish the appropriate dose.6
• Most women diagnosed with GDM should be able to discontinue
their insulin immediately after delivery.4
• Explain to women with insulin-treated pre-existing diabetes that
they are at increased risk of hypoglycaemia in the postnatal period,
especially when breastfeeding, and advise them to have a meal or
snack available before or during feeds.6

In women with history of GDM,

• postpartum 75 g OGTT within one year of delivery yields higher
detection rate of diabetes and pre-diabetes compared with FPG
alone.70, level III
• FPG (≥6.1 mmol/L) has a sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 91%
for detection of diabetes. However, it will miss those with abnormally
high 2-hour glucose levels post glucose challenge [diabetes >11.1
mmol/L and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) >7.8 mmol/L] with
sensitivity of 61% and specificity of 93%.71, level II-3
• postpartum HbA1c is inferior to OGTT in the detection of diabetes
and pre-diabetes.72-73, level III However, the use of HbA1c (>5.7%)
in addition to OGTT provides an additional detection of 10.6% of
patients with pre-diabetes.74, level III
• FPG test is offered at 6-13 weeks after delivery to exclude diabetes,
preferably during the 6-week postnatal follow-up.6
• annual screening for diabetes should be performed.4
• OGTT should be performed six weeks postnatally.4


Postpartum metformin therapy significantly prevents newly-diagnosed

diabetes in women with history of GDM compared with placebo (risk
reduction=50.4%).75, level I However, there is no significant benefit on
weight loss or achievement of pre-pregnancy weight.76, level I

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


Breastfeeding of more than three months in women with history of

GDM is associated with lower risk of diabetes (HR=0.55, 95% CI 0.35
to 0.85).77, level II-2 Breastfeeding of more than nine months is associated
with lower incidence of metabolic syndrome (p=0.03) compared with
shorter duration.78, level II-2 Breastfeeding reduces the odds of abnormal
OGTT at 12 weeks compared with bottle-feeding (OR=0.418, 95% CI
0.199 to 0.888).79, level II-2

The optimum duration for breastfeeding is unknown. Breastfeeding

for at least three months is recommended and longer duration is
encouraged to reduce the risk of diabetes.


In pre-existing diabetes, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate

any significant difference in contraceptive efficacy and diabetes control
between hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptions.80, level I

There is limited data to demonstrate that Levonorgestrel-intrauterine

system does not negatively affect glucose tolerance, i.e. IFG and IGT,
compared with copper intrauterine device or tubal sterilisation in women
with history of GDM.81, level III


Postpartum lifestyle intervention includes MNT, physical activity and

behavioural modification. It has been shown to be effective in reducing
weight and insulin resistance, and development of T2DM among
women with history of GDM.82, level I

Intensive lifestyle intervention (addition of moderate physical activity,

50-60 minutes, four days per week) is effective in reducing cumulative
incidence of diabetes during a 3-year study compared with conventional
care (p=0.003).83, level I It is also effective in reducing postpartum weight
retention, waist circumference, insulin resistance, LDL-cholesterol
and triglycerides, and increase intensity of vigorous physical activity
level.83-84, level I

Postpartum weight loss of more than 2 kg is significantly associated

with smaller increase in FPG and reduction in 2-hour glucose levels
post glucose challenge.85, level I

In an RCT, intensive lifestyle intervention delivered via educational

programme showed no significant differences in waist circumference,
fasting blood glucose and lipids. This may be due to low subjects
participation to the scheduled visits.86, level I
Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Recommendation 14
• In women with history of gestational diabetes mellitus,
 oral glucose tolerance test should be performed at six weeks
after delivery to detect diabetes and pre-diabetes; If the result is
negative, annual screening should be performed
 metformin and intensive lifestyle intervention during postpartum
period should be considered to prevent diabetes
 breastfeeding of at least three months or longer should be
encouraged to reduce the risk of diabetes

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


Optimal glycaemic control during pregnancy reduces the incidence of

perinatal morbidity and mortality. Recognised neonatal complications
of mothers with diabetes include macrosomia, traumatic birth injuries,
neonatal hypoglycaemia and hyperbilirubinemia. Women with diabetes
should deliver in hospitals where neonatal resuscitation services are

Management of neonates of mothers with diabetes are listed below:6

• The neonates should stay with their mothers unless there are clinical
complications or signs that warrant admission for special or intensive
• Perform blood glucose testing routinely in neonates at 2-4 hours after
birth to detect hypoglycaemia. Perform blood tests for polycythaemia,
hyperbilirubinaemia, hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia if
clinical signs present.
• Only discharge neonates after 24 hours of delivery, provided that
they are maintaining satisfactory CBG levels and feeding well.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy




Insulin pump or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII)

is a small device that is used to administer subcutaneous insulin
continuously. It has been used in non-pregnant diabetes patients
especially in T1DM.

In a Cochrane systematic review, there is no evidence to support the

use of CSII over multiple doses insulin for pregnant women with pre-
existing diabetes and GDM. The RCTs used in the review were small
and of low quality.87, level I

• CSII does not confer additional maternal or fetal benefits compared

with MDI. However, those who are already using the device can
continue it throughout pregnancy.


Corticosteroids are administered during pregnancy to accelerate fetal

lung maturation. It is known to elevate plasma glucose levels and
worsen glycaemic control of diabetes in pregnancy.

In two observational studies, both fasting and postprandial plasma glucose

were elevated after corticosteroids administration in pregnant women with
diabetes.88-89, level III Most of them had to increase the insulin doses to less
than double of their regular doses.88, level III

There is no evidence on the use of oral or inhaled corticosteroids for

other indications in diabetes with pregnancy.

• Women with diabetes who are given corticosteroids during

pregnancy need regular plasma glucose monitoring (at least four
times a day, for 48 hours from the first dose) and adjustment of their
insulin dose accordingly.


Pregnant women with diabetes should be strongly advised against

fasting during Ramadhan. However, some of them might wish to
observe the religious obligation.90

In a local study on pregnant women with diabetes who fasted during

Ramadhan, most of them who were on NPH insulin (79.2%) were
able to fast for more than 15 days without any hypoglycaemia or

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

fetal complications. Thus, once or twice daily NPH insulin is safe and
tolerable for this group of pregnant women.91, level III

Women with pre-existing diabetes and GDM with good glycaemic

control prior to Ramadhan continue to have good control throughout
and after Ramadhan.92, level II-2

Recommendation 15
• Pregnant diabetes women should consult their healthcare providers
if they wish to observe fasting.


All women with pre-existing diabetes should receive continuous

specialist care to detect complications, review medications and optimise
glycaemic control.33, level III Similarly, women with GDM who have poor
glycaemic control and fetal complications should receive specialist

Referral to a dietitian is necessary to ensure balanced diet and

achievement of good glycaemic control. Assessment for retinopathy
and nephropathy should be performed regularly during pregnancy.6

At postpartum, these women should be referred back to their health

facilities to continue with their diabetes care. Ophthalmology review
should be performed at least six months after delivery.6

Recommendation 16
• Pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes and women with GDM
who have poor glycaemic control or fetal complications should be
referred to secondary or tertiary care.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


Implementation of CPG is important as it helps in providing quality

healthcare services based on best available evidence applied to local
scenario and expertise. Various factors and resource implications
should be considered for the success of the uptake in the CPG

11.1 Facilitating and Limiting Factors

The existing facilitating factors in implementing the recommendations

in the CPG are:
• availability of CPG to healthcare providers (hardcopies and
• regular conferences and updates on management of diabetes in
pregnancy involving professional societies or bodies (Malaysian
Endocrine and Metabolic Society, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Society of Malaysia, Family Medicine Specialist Association, Academy
of Family Physician Malaysia, National Diabetes Institute, etc.)
• public awareness campaigns on diabetes in pregnancy during World
Diabetes Day, etc.

The existing limiting factors in implementing the recommendations in

the CPG are:
• different levels of care and wide variation in practice due to expertise,
facilities and financial constraints
• lack of awareness among high risk women on the risk of developing
diabetes in pregnancy

11.2 Potential Resource Implications

To implement the CPG, there must be dedicated efforts to:

• ensure widespread distribution of CPG to healthcare providers
• provide regular training to healthcare providers via effective seminars
and workshops
• involve multidisciplinary team at all levels of health care
• strengthen the National Obstetric Registry

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

To assist in the implementation of the CPG, the following are proposed

as clinical audit indicators for quality management:

1. Screening at booking in women at risk of GDM

Number of women at risk of GDM
of women at
screened with 75-g OGTT
risk of GDM
at booking in a period
screened with = X 100%
75-g OGTT at Total number of women at risk of GDM
booking at booking in the same period
(target >85%)

2. Postpartum OGTT in women with GDM

of women with
GDM who Number of women with GDM who had
had OGTT OGTT at six weeks postpartum
= X 100%
at six weeks
Total number of women with GDM
(target >70%)

Implementation strategies will be developed following the approval of

the CPG by MoH which include Quick Reference and Training Module.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


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Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Appendix 1


Clinical Question: What are the effective and safe screening strategies
for diabetes in pregnancy?

2. (gestational adj1 diabetes mellitus).tw.
3. (diabetes adj1 (pregnancy-induced or pregnancy induced or
5. pregnancy in diabet*.tw.
7. diabetes
11. (diabetes mellitus adj1 (insulin-dependent or insulin dependent or
insulin-dependent 1 or insulin dependent 1 or type 1)).tw.
14. (diabetes mellitus adj1 (non-insulin-dependent or noninsulin-
dependent or noninsulin dependent or non insulin dependent or
type 2)).tw.
15. 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14
17. pregnanc*.tw.
18. 16 or 17
19. 15 and 18
20. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 19
22. screen*.tw.
23. (mass adj1 screen*).tw.
24. 21 or 22 or 23
25. 20 and 24
26. limit 25 to (english language and humans and yr=”2006 -Current”)

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Appendix 2


1. What are the effective and safe screening strategies for diabetes
in pregnancy?
2. What are the methods to diagnose GDM?
3. Are the following interventions effective and safe in pre-existing
diabetes? (preconception care and counselling, exercise,
contraception, glycaemic/metabolic control, supplementations)
4. Are the following antenatal management effective and safe in
non-diabetes pregnant women at risk of gestational diabetes?
(lifestyle modification, exercise, medical nutrition therapy [MNT])
5. Are the following antenatal management effective and safe in
pre-existing diabetes and gestational diabetes? (glycaemic/
metabolic control, timing and mode of delivery, pre-eclampsia
prophylaxis, MNT, fetal surveillance, screening for congenital
6. Are oral antidiabetic agents effective and safe in pre-existing
diabetes and gestational diabetes?
7. Is insulin analogue effective and safe in pre-existing diabetes and
gestational diabetes?
8. Are the following intrapartum management (spontaneous vaginal
delivery/caesarean section) effective and safe in pre-existing
diabetes and gestational diabetes? (blood glucose target, insulin
9. Are the following postpartum management effective and safe
in pre-existing diabetes and gestational diabetes? (postpartum
glucose monitoring, modification of the treatment, breastfeeding,
contraception counselling)
10. What are the effective and safe management of specific conditions
in pregnancy? (use of corticosteroids, use of insulin pumps,
11. What are the effective and safe management for infants of diabetic
12. What are the indications for referral to secondary/tertiary care?

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Appendix 3


Foods Serving Calories CHO Approx. CHO
(kcal) content (g) exchanges*
Cooked rice 1 bowl (159 g) 207 48 3
Roti canai 1 piece (95 g) 301 46 3
Chappati 1 piece (100 g) 300 47 3
Curry mee 1 bowl (450 g) 549 55 4
Fried noodles 1 plate (30 g) 281 41 3
(mee/mee hoon)
Bread (white/ 1 slice (30 g) 70 15 1
Biscuits, unsweetened 2 pieces (18 g) 80 14 1
Curry puff 1 piece (40 g) 128 17 >1

Potato 1 medium (90 g) 90 16 1

Dhal (raw) ½ cup (98 g) 98 64 4

Full cream milk 1 cup (250 ml) 187 18 1

Low fat milk 1 cup (250 ml) 131 12 1
Skim milk powder 4 tbsp (28 g) 100 16 1
Condensed milk, 2 tbsp (40 g) 126 21 1.5
Apple/orange 1 medium (114 g) 40 9 <1

Banana (pisang mas) 1 small (50 g) 40 9 <1

Star fruit 1 medium (260 g) 56 11 1

Durian local 5 small seeds (189 g) 64 12 1
Langsat/grapes/ 8 small (233 g) 52 12 1
Guava ½ fruit (100 g) 50 11 1
Watermelon/papaya/ 1 slice (160 g) 56 11 1
Mango 1 small (100 g) 50 11 1

*1 CHO food exchange = 15 g

tbsp = tablespoon

Sources: 1. Tee ES, Mohd Ismail N, Mohd Nasir A, et al. Nutrient Composition
of Malaysian Foods. Kuala Lumpur: Institute for Medical Research
2. Shahar S, Yusoff NM, Safii NS, et al. Atlas of food exchanges & portion
sizes (3rd edition). Kuala Lumpur: MDC Publishers; 2015.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Appendix 3


Cereals, Grain Products and Starchy Vegetables
(Each item contains 15 g carbohydrate, 2 g protein, 0.5 g fat and 75 calories)
Cereals, Grain and Bread
Rice, white unpolished (cooked) ½ cup or ⅓ Chinese rice bowl
Can be exchanged for
Rice porridge 1 cup
Kuey teow
Tang hoon ½ cup or ⅓ Chinese rice bowl
Mee, wet ⅓ cup
Idli 1 piece (60 g)
Putu mayam 1 piece (40 g)
Thosai, diameter 20 cm ½ piece
Chappati, diameter 20 cm ⅓ piece
Bread (wholemeal, high fibre, white/brown) 1 slice (30 g)
Plain roll 1 small (30 g)
Burger bun ½ piece
Pita bread, diameter 6” ½ piece
Oatmeal, cooked ¼ cup
¼ cup
Oats, uncooked 3 rounded tbsp
Muesli ¼ cup
Flour (wheat, rice, atta) 3 rounded tbsp
Biscuits (plain, unsweetened) 3 pieces
e.g. cream crackers, Ryvita
Small thin, salted biscuits (4.5 x 4.5 cm) 6 pieces
Starchy Vegetables
*Baked beans, canned 1/3 cup
*Lentils 1/3 cup
(*Contains more protein than other foods in the list i.e. 5 g/serve)
Corn kernel (fresh/canned) ½ cup
Peas (fresh/canned) ½ cup
Sweet potato
Tapioca ½ cup (45 g)
Breadfruit (sukun) 1 slice (75 g)
Pumpkin 1 cup (100 g)
Corn on the cob, 6 cm length 1 small
Potato 1 small (75 g)
Potato, mashed ½ cup
Waterchestnut 4 pieces
• 1 cup = 200 mL in volume = ¾ Chinese rice bowl
(11.2 cm in diameter x 3.7 cm deep)
• Tablespoon (tbsp) refers to dessert spoon level (equivalent to 2 teaspoons)

Adapted: Malaysian Dietitians’ Association. Medical Nutrition Therapy Guidelines for

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. 2013.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Appendix 3


(Each item contains 15 g carbohydrate and 60 calories)
Orange 1 medium
Can be exchanged for
Banana 1 small (60 g)
Custard apple (buah nona)
Star fruit
1 medium
Sapodilla (ciku)
Hog plum (kedondong) 6 whole
Mangosteen 2 small
Plum 2 small
Duku langsat
8 pieces
Water apple (jambu air), small
Lychee 5 whole
Rambutan 5 whole
Pomelo 5 slices
1 slice
Soursop (durian belanda)
Guava ½ fruit
Cempedak 4 pieces
Jack fruit (nangka) 4 pieces
Prunes 3 pieces
Dates (kurma), dries 2 pieces
Raisin 20 g
Durian 2 medium seeds
Mango ½ small
Adapted: Malaysian Dietitians’ Association. Medical Nutrition Therapy Guidelines for
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. 2013.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Appendix 3


Lean Meat, Fish and Meat Substitutes
(Each serving of meat and substitutes contain 7 g of protein.
These foods contain varying amounts of fat and energy,
but negligible carbohydrate)

CHO (g) Protein (g) Fat (g) Energy (kcal)

Lean meat / meat substitutes 0 7 4 65
Fish / shellfish 0 7 1 35
Lean Meat
Chicken (raw, without skin) ½ drumstick
Can be exchanged for
Lean meat (all varieties) 1 small serve (40 g)
Poultry (young) 40 g raw/30g cooked
Egg (hen) 1 medium
Soya bean curd (taukua) ½ piece (60 g)
Soya bean curd (soft, tauhoo) ¾ piece (90 g)
Soya bean curd, sheet (fucok) 1½ sheets (30 g)
Tempeh 1 piece (45 g)
Cheese, cheddar 2 thin slices (30 g)
Cottage cheese ¼ small cup
Fish (e.g. kembong, selar) ½ piece (40 g)
Fish cutlet ¼ piece (40 g)
Squid 1 medium (40 g)
Crab meat ¼ cup
Lobster meat
Prawn meat
Cockles 20 small
Prawn 6 medium
*Beans and lentils are good sources of protein
but they also contain carbohydrate
(Milk contains varying amount of carbohydrate,
fat and protein depending on the types)

CHO (g) Protein (g) Fat (g) Energy (kcal)

Skimmed (1% fat) 15 8 Trace 90
Low fat (2% fat) 12 8 5 125
Full cream 10 8 9 150

Fresh cow’s milk 1 cup (240 ml)

UHT fresh milk
Powdered milk (skimmed, full cream) 4 rounded
Yogurt (plain/low fat) ¾ cup
Evaporated (unsweetened) ½ cup
Adapted: Malaysian Dietitians’ Association. Medical Nutrition Therapy Guidelines for
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. 2013.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Appendix 3


(Each item contains 5 g of fat and 45 calories. Some of the foods
in the list, e.g. nuts and seeds also contain small amounts
of carbohydrate and protein)
Oil (all types) 1 level teaspoon (5 g)
Can be exchanged for
Butter, margarine
Mayonnaise 1 level teaspoon
Shortening, lard
Peanut butter (smooth or crunchy) 2 level teaspoons
Cream, unwhipped (heavy)
Cream cheese 1 level tbsp
Salad dressing
Cream, unwhipped (light)
Coconut, shredded
2 level tbsp
Coconut milk (santan)
Non dairy creamer, powder
Almond 6 whole
Cashew nut 6 whole
Walnut 1 whole
Peanut 20 small
Sesame seed 1 level tbsp
Watermelon seed (kuachi) with shell ¼ whole
Adapted: Malaysian Dietitians’ Association. Medical Nutrition Therapy Guidelines for
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. 2013.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Appendix 3


Food Category Low GI Intermediate Gl High GI
(< 55) (56-70) (>70)
Rice Barley Basmati Rice Glutinous rice
Brown rice Jasmine rice
Parboiled rice Instant porridge
Red rice White rice
Bread and All brand Capati Cornflakes
cereals breakfast Idli Rice crackers
products cereals Oatmeal Roti canai
Muesli Pita bread, White flour bread
Wholegrain wholemeal Wholemeal
bread Wholemeal barley (whole wheat)
varieties flour bread Wheat flour bread
Noodle and Lasagne pasta Spaghetti, white, Fried macaroni
Pasta sheets, durum Fried meehoon
Spaghetti, white, Wheat semolina Fried rice noodles
boiled Udon noodles, plain Rice noodle
Spaghetti, Wheat noodles (kuey teow)
Milk Full fat milk Ice cream Teh tarik
Low fat milk Sweetened
Skimmed milk condensed milk
Soy milk (without
added sugar)
Fruits Apple Banana Lychee
Mango Dates Watermelon
Oranges Papaya
Plum Pineapples
Legumes Baked beans
Mung bean
Tubers Cassava, boiled Pumpkins, boiled Potato, boiled
Sweet corn, boiled Sweet potato, boiled

Sources: 1. Atkinson FS, Foster-Powell K, Brand-Miller JC. International tables

of glycemic index and glycemic load values: 2008. Diabetes Care.
2. Foster-Powell K, Holt SH, Brand-Miller JC. International table of glycemic
index and glycemic load values: 2002. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002;76(1):5-56.
3. Mohd Yusof BN, Abd. Talib R, Karim NA, et al. Glycaemic index of four
commercially available breads in Malaysia. International journal of food
sciences and nutrition. 2008;60(6):487-496.
4. Shanita SN, Hasnah H, Khoo C. Amylose and amylopectin in
selected Malaysian foods and its relationship to glycemic index. Sains
Malaysiana. 2011;40(8):865-870.
5. Robert SD, Ismail AA, Winn T, et al. Glycemic index of common
Malaysian fruits. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2008;17(1):35-3

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Appendix 3

(FOR 2000 KCAL/DAY*)
(This sample menu provides ~ 48% carbohydrate, 18% protein and
34% fat from energy)

Suggested meal Suggestion for serving size and foods

Breakfast • 1 cup wheat noodles or spaghetti, preferably soups
(8-9 am) than fried, or
• 1 piece chapatti/2 pieces idli with dhal curry, or
• 5 tbsp oats with 1 tbsp powder milk and 1 tbsp fruits
• 1 glass (250ml) milk

Morning Tea • 1 piece curry puff, or

(10-11am) • Egg sandwich (2 pieces of whole grain bread, 1 boiled
egg, salads), or
• 1 container plain yogurt, or
• 1 glass milk

Lunch • 2 ladles of rice (preferably low-to-medium glycaemic

(12-2 pm) index)
• ½ ekor fish/1 piece (asam rebus, soup)
• ½ cup tempeh/tauhu (preferable baked)
• 1 ladle of vegetables
• ½ piece guava, 1 slice papaya, 1 apple/orange/pear/lai
• Plain water

Afternoon Tea • ½ cup barley water and 1 chickpea, or

(4-5 pm) • 1 tab plain yogurt, or
• 4-5 piece cream cracker with low fat cheese, or
• 1 glass milk

Dinner • Same as lunch, or

(6-8 pm) • 1 cup spaghetti (bolognaise or soup), salads and with
1 exchange fruit (apple/orange/pear), or
• Noodles soup with slices of chicken, salads and with
1 exchange of fruit (apple/orange/pear), or
• Chicken sandwich (2-3 pieces of whole grain bread,
1 slices baked chicken, salads) with 1

Supper • 1 glass milk

(9-10 pm)

*This is a menu planned for women with a normal pre-pregnancy BMI.

Patients who are underweight, overweight or obese should be referred
to a dietitian/nutritionist. The same applies to those with excessive
gestational weight gain.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Appendix 4


Oral Antidiabetic Agents

Drugs Formulations Minimum Dose Maximum dose
Metformin Metformin 500 mg tablet Initial dose 500 mg OD 1000 mg TDS
Usual dose 1500 mg OD
Metformin SR 850 mg Usual dose 850 mg BD 850 mg TDS
Metformin XR 500 mg/750 mg Initial dose 500 mg OD 2000 mg OD
Usual dose 1500 mg OD

Types of Insulin Onset of Peak Duration Timing of
preparation Action Action of Action Administration of
(hours) Insulin
Short-acting, 30-60 min 2-4 6-10 30 min
Regular before meal
Humulin R
Insugen R
Insuman R

Rapid-acting, 0-20 min 1-3 3-5 5-15 min

Analogues mmediately
Aspart before/after meals

Intermediate-acting, 1-2 hour 4-8 8-12 Pre-breakfast
NPH /pre-bed
Humulin N
Insugen N
Insuman N

Long-acting 30-60 min Less peak 16-24 Same time everyday

Analogues (flexible once daily
Glargine injection)

Mixtard 30 30 min Dual 18-23 30-60 min
before meals
Humulin 30/70 30 min Dual 16-18 30-60 min
before meals
Novomix 30 10-20 min 1-4 16-20 5-15 min
before meals
Humalog mix 25/75 15 min 0.25-2.5 16-18 5-15 min
before meals
Humalog mix 50/50 15 min 0.25-2.5 16-18 5-15 min
before meals

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Initiating Insulin Therapy in Pregnancy

Glycaemic abnormality Suggested Insulin Type and Dose

Glycaemic abnormality
FPG >5.3 mmol/L Start 0.2Suggested
units/kg ofInsulin Type and Doseinsulin at
FPG >5.3 mmol/L bedtime,
Start 0.2increase
units/kgbyof2 units every 3 days until
intermediate-acting targets
insulin at
are reached.
bedtime, increase by 2 units every 3 days until targets
are reached.
1-hour postprandial >7.8 mmol/L Start 6 units of short-acting insulin, increase by 2 units
1-hour postprandial >7.8 mmol/L every
2-hours postprandial >6.7 mmol/L Start 63units
daysofuntil targets are
short-acting reached.
insulin, If preprandial
increase by 2 units
2-hours postprandial >6.7 mmol/L short-acting
every 3 days insulin dose are
until targets exceeds
reached.16If units TDS,
consider adding
short-acting 6-10dose
insulin units exceeds
16 units insulin
in the morning
consider addingand
6-10titrate accordingly
units until targets
intermediate-acting are
in the morning and titrate accordingly until targets are

Estimation of total daily insulin requirement by gestation/trimester

Pregnancy gestation Total daily insulin requirement

1st trimester gestation
Pregnancy Total daily
0.7insulin requirement
2stnd trimester
1 trimester 0.8 units/kg/day
3 rdnd trimester
2 trimester 0.9 units/kg/day
3 rd trimester 0.9 units/kg/day
Blood Glucose Targets in Pregnancy
Timing of Blood Glucose Target Value (mmol/L)
Fasting of
Timing orBlood
Glucose Target Value
5.3 (mmol/L)
1-hour after
Fasting the start of a meal
or preprandial 7.8
1-hour afterthe
meal 6.7
2-hours after the start of a meal 6.7

Sources: 1. Malaysian Endocrine & Metabolic Society and Ministry of Health

Malaysia. Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (5th Edition). Kuala
Lumpur: MEMS & MOH; 2015.
2. Malaysian Endocrine & Metabolic Society and Ministry of Health Malaysia.
Practical Guide to Insulin Therapy. Kuala Lumpur: MEMS & MOH; 2011.
(Available at:

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Appendix 5


Principles of infusion:
Glucose is infused intravenously at a fixed rate. Insulin is administered
intravenously at a variable rate. CBG is checked hourly and insulin
infusion rate adjusted accordingly to maintain target CBG range.

Women with T1DM need to have some insulin in their system at all
times to avoid diabetic ketoacidosis. Those with T2DM or GDM may
or may not require insulin infusion. Insulin requirements decrease after
delivery of the placenta.

Intravenous insulin infusion protocol

Dilute insulin to a concentration of 1 unit/mL. Use either 20 units short-
acting human insulin (actrapid) made up to 20 mL with 0.9% saline
solution in a 20 mL syringe or 50 units short-acting human insulin made
up to 50 mL with 0.9% saline solution in a 50 mL syringe. Administer
insulin infusion via a syringe pump.

Based on serum potassium (K+) result, prepare a separate dextrose-

potassium chloride (KCl) mixture as below:

K+ result Amount of KCl to add to 500 mL of 5% dextrose solution

<3.5 mmol/L 3 g (39 mmol)
3.5-4.5 mmol/L 2 g (26 mmol)
>4.5 mmol/L 1 g (13 mmol)

Note: One ampoule of 10 mL KCl 10% contains 13.4 mmol of K+.

• Initiate IV insulin infusion as detailed in Algorithm C.

• Maintain a constant infusion of dextrose-KCl over six hours, at a rate
of 83 mL/hour.
• The patient would require one dedicated IV cannula with both
infusions administered concurrently through infusion pumps,
connected via a 3-way stopcock to the IV cannula.

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


ACR albumin:creatinine ratio

BD twice daily
BMI body mass index
CBG capillary blood glucose
CI confidence interval
CPG Clinical Practice Guidelines
CSII continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
DG Development Group
FA folic acid
FPG fasting plasma glucose
GDM gestational diabetes mellitus
HbA1c glycosylated haemoglobin
HPP hours postprandial
HPT hypertension
HR hazard ratio
IAsp insulin aspart
IOL induction of labour
IV intravenous
LGA large for gestational age
MaHTAS Malaysian Health Technology Assessment Section
MDI multiple dose injections
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NICU neonatal intensive care unit
NPH Neutral Protamine Hagedorn
OAD oral antidiabetic agents
OGTT oral glucose tolerance test
OD once daily
PG plasma glucose
PIH pregnancy-induced hypertension
RC Review Committee
RCT randomised controlled trial
RPG random plasma glucose
RR relative risk / risk ratio
SC subcutaneous
SGA small for gestational age
SMBG self-monitoring blood glucose
T1DM Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
T2DM Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
tbsp tablespoon
TDS thrice daily

Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy


The members of CPG DG would like to express their gratitude and

appreciation to the following for their contributions:
• Panel of external reviewers who has reviewed the draft
• Technical Advisory Committee of CPG for their valuable input and
• Madam Rosnani Abdul Latip, Information Specialist, MaHTAS
• Ms. Noormah Darus, Senior Principal Assistant Director, MaHTAS
• Dr. Matthew Chong Hon Loon, Neonatologist, Hospital Putrajaya
• Dr. Ainol Haniza Kherul Anuwar, CPG Unit, MaHTAS
• Dr. Noor Azizi Mohd Ali, Senior Lecturer, Universiti Putra Malaysia
for illustrating the front cover of this CPG
• All those who have contributed directly or indirectly to the
development of the CPG


The panel members of both Development Group and Review Committee

had completed disclosure forms. None held shares in pharmaceutical
firms or acts as consultants to such firms (details are available upon
request from the CPG Secretariat).


The development of the CPG on Management of Diabetes in

Pregnancy was supported financially by Ministry of Health Malaysia.
The printing of CPG was funded by Malaysian Endocrine and Metabolic
Society, Perinatal Society of Malaysia and Family Medicine Specialists
Association of Malaysia.


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