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Scenario Upgrade Pack:

“The Stars
Are Right!”
This pack is not a standalone product, but an add-on supplement designed to enhance an existing Call of Cthulhu product —
“The Stars Are Right!,” a book of modern day scenarios published by Chaosium, Inc. Two editions of this supplement have been
published over the years — the first in 1992 (as CHA2337) and the second in 2004 (as CHA23100). For this upgrade pack to be
at all useful, you will need to own a PDF or printed copy of one of these editions of “The Stars Are Right!” At the time of writing,
printed copies of this book are no longer easy to find, but it is still possible to purchase PDF versions of the second edition book
at a very reasonable price. Check with Chaosium’s online web store (; the PDF may also be available via
DrivethruRPG and other similar sites.

So what is this pack, and how can it enhance my Call of Cthulhu game?
The idea behind this pack is to provide a Call of Cthulhu Keeper with some resources which he or she can use to enhance the
running of scenarios from “The Stars Are Right!” using the most recent, seventh, edition of the game rules.
The resources contained in these pages are of three types:

• Notes on updating plot elements for the 21st Century: The majority of the scenarios in
“The Stars Are Right!” were written in the early 1990s and have not been substantially revised since then.
Unsurprisingly, some plot elements — in particular the use of technology — now seems mildly anachronistic.
To overcome this, we have suggested a number of plot tweaks that better reflect the world of 2017 (though,
of course, these will eventually become outdated as well; such is the nature of “modern” scenarios).

• New renditions of the Scenario Handouts: Each of the original scenario handouts from “The
Stars Are Right!” has been re-created as a prop-quality colour image. In many cases the format of clues has
been revisited to modernize them, for example converting 1990s-era newspaper articles to 2017-era news
website stories. Some “bonus” handouts, which were not in the original book, have also been added.

• Statistic blocks and updated mechanics for 7th Edition: While the “conversion” required to
use older scenarios with the newest edition of the Call of Cthulhu rules is very slight, and can mostly be
done “on-the-fly” during play, as an aid to time-poor Keepers we have included 7th Edition conversion
statistics wherever needed.
We hope that these resources enhance both the Keeper’s experience of running these scenarios, and players’ experience of
playing them. Many thanks to Richard Watts, John Tynes, André Bishop, Fred Behrendt, Steve Hatherley, Gary Sumpter,
Kevin Ross, David Conyers, and William Jones — the authors of these scenarios. Without their visions of a horrific modern
world, these scenarios would never have existed in the first place.
Clear Credit
To make use of the materials in this PDF you will need to own a copy of either Chaosium’s
publication “The Stars Are Right!, 1st Edition” (CHA2337) or “The Stars Are Right!, 2nd Edition”
(CHA2337). Electronic copies of the 2nd Edition book may be purchased direct from Chaosium
( or via other retailers.

“The Stars Are Right!” was first published by Chaosium in 1992 as a collection of seven
roleplaying game scenarios, written by a collection of writers. The second edition was published
in 2004 and reprints the original seven scenarios and adds an additional two.

Chaosium and the original scenario authors retain all copyrights to the scenarios in “The Stars
Are Right!”. This PDF does not reprint any copyrighted materials from the Chaosium publication
but does contain works derived from material in that book.

This PDF contains reverse-engineered versions of the handouts from “The Stars Are Right!” These
were designed and rendered by Dean Engelhardt for this pack. The text contained in these handouts
is copyright by Chaosium and the original authors.

New image content created for this pack are copyright © 2017 Dean Engelhardt

This PDF contains new statistic blocks which are derivative works, created by re-imagining the
game statistics from the original scenarios in light of the common game mechanics particular to
the most recent, seventh, edition of the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.

Scenario Upgrade Pack: “The Stars Are Right” was published by Cthulhu Reborn in 2017.

Call of Cthulhu is a Registered Trademark of Chaosium Inc..


This PDF edition is released under an unported Creative Commons license.

Permission is granted for free duplication and distribution but all commercial
exploitation rights of the intellectual property are reserved by the authors.

Scenario Upgrade Pack:
“The Stars
Are Right!”
Resources for “Love’s Lonely Children” (Watts)
Updating for the 21st Century. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
New Handouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Conversion notes for Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Resources for “Nemo Solus Sapit” (Tynes)

New Handouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Updating for the 21st Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Conversion notes for Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Resources for “This Fire Shall Kill” (Bishop)

Updating for the 21st Century. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
New Handouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Conversion notes for Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Resources for “The Professionals” (Behrendt)

Updating for the 21st Century. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
New Handouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Conversion notes for Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Resources for “Fractal Gods” (Hatherley)
Updating for the 21st Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
New Handouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Conversion notes for Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Resources for “The Gates of Delerium” (Sumpter)

Updating for the 21st Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
New Handouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Conversion notes for Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Resources for “The Music of the Spheres” (Ross)

Updating for the 21st Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
New Handouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Conversion notes for Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Resources for “Darkest Calling” (Conyers)

Updating for the 21st Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
New Handouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Conversion notes for Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Resources for “The Source and the End” (Jones)

Updating for the 21st Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
New Handouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Conversion notes for Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Note that the handouts in this PDF are provided in both fully-
rendered, texture-rich versions and also as plain text. The former
looks more like realistic movie props but also demands more of
players to extract the relevant clues. The plain text versions are clear
and unambiguous and also searchable.
Both versions of the handouts are contained in this file as sepa-
rate PDF layers. Consult the documentation for your PDF reader
2017 for instructions on how to turn individual PDF layers on and off.

Upgrade Pack Contents:
Scenario 1 — Love’s Lonely Children
Original Scenario created by: Richard Watts

“The Stars Are This PDF

Right!” Page Ref Page Ref
1st Ed 2nd Ed
Lonely Children Papers #1: Online News Article 4 9 7
Bonus Handout: Flyer advertising upcoming punk gig - - 8
Lonely Children Papers #2: Band Discography 7 10 9
Bonus Handout: Album listing on iTunes Store - - 6
7E Mechanics for researching “The Rising” 6 10 11
7E Mechanics for diagnosing Spider 8 11 11
7E Mechanics for forcing through the crowded audience 8 12 11
7E Mechanics for exploring the Squat 10 14 11
Bonus Handout: Photograph outside Hammonds Store - - 9
7E Mechanics for examining Kathy’s photograph 12 16 11
7E Mechanics for breaking into Hammonds Adult Books 12 16 11
7E Mechanics for escaping using the upstairs bedroom window 14-15 19 11
7E Mechanics for the heroin solution in the bathroom 15 19 11
Lonely Children Papers #3: Photocopies of a Mythos Tome 15 20 10
7E Mechanics for fighting Y’golonac 16 20 11
Statistics for HONEYSUCKLE ROSE 18 22 12
Statistics for KARL MCIVOR, Drummer 18 22 12
Statistics for BAZ ELLIOT, Guitarist 18 23 12
Statistics for DAVE JOHNSON, Bass Guitarist 18 23 12
Statistics for SPIDER HOLLOWAY, Vocalist 18 23 12
Statistics for COLIN HAMMOND 18 23 12
Statistics for EDITH HAMMOND 18 23 12

Page Reference Notations: the two published editions of The Stars Are Right! each make use of their own book layout, splitting
the contents over a different number of pages. This means that page numbering is not common across both editions. Where this
pack makes reference to the location of a particular scenario element, we have either explicitly separated out the first edition page
number and the second edition page number (as in the table above) or used the notation “see TSAR page X/Y”. In the latter case,
the number before the slash (i.e., “X”) denotes the page number in the first edition The Stars Are Right! while the number after the
slah (i.e., “Y”) denotes the page number where the equivalent text appears in the second edition book.

Love’s Lonely Children: Updating for the 21st Century
All of the primary themes found in this scenario – pornography, prostitution, shadowy nightclubs, badly behaving
musicians, and drug addiction – are still relevant to a 21st Century setting. All remain dark but pervasive elements of
life in most large cities. The Keeper might wish to replace the heroin addiction of some of the NPCs with a more recent
problem drug (Ice or Crystal Meth or whatever is currently making headlines).

Some Keepers might want to morph the punk music stylings of “The Rising” into a more recent rebellious musical
genre (although there are certainly still plenty of garage punk bands out there, so leaving it unchanged would work
as well). One thing that will almost certainly need a minor tweak is the means by which investigators track down the
music of “The Rising” – while real-world physical music stores still exist, streaming music services are just as likely
to be the medium of choice for investigators listening in. Some Keepers might find the notion of a pornography store
called “Hammonds Adult Books” to be slightly anachronistic – feel free to rename it to something else; it’s important
that the shady establishment still sells at least some printed books, but it can equally well be a more general-purpose
(mom & pop sized) adult products store that sells all manner of items.

The Rising

1. Don’t Believe 3:19

2. Hate Trumps All 2:58
3. Urban Reckoning, pt 1 3:40
4. Thinking Ain’t Illegal 3:03
5. Lost and Lonely 2:55
6. Sweet Anarchy 3:14
7. Bach at the Moon 3:47
8. Urban Reckoning, pt 2 2:19
9. The New Berlin 3:55
10. Cannibalistic Consumer Culture 3:33
11. God Hates the Prez 3:33
12. Urban Reckoning, pt 3 3:33

Bonus Handout: Album listing on iTunes Store

Dismembered Body Found in Caulfield Park

CAULFIELD PARK — The body of Katherine Louise

Hammond, a seventeen year old prostitute of no fixed ad-
dress, was discovered early this morning in downtown Caul-
field Park by city workers. Pieces of the body wrapped in
black plastic bags were found in several garbage cans along
the edge of the park’s ornamental lake.

Police spokesperson Detective Sergeant Margaret

O’Halloran said that the corpse had been crudely dismem-
bered with a heavy instrument, possibly an axe. The body
was also marked by numerous savage bite wounds. These
wounds, although definitely human, indicate a possible jaw
or facial deformity of distinctive appearance.
Lonely Children Papers #1

Early examination shows the cause of death was due to

loss of blood, and shock. Although final tests are yet to be
made, a preliminary check showed a large amount of heroin
in the victim’s bloodstream. Hammond is believed to have
died sometime between the hours of 11:00 p.m. last night
and 1:00 a.m. this morning.

Hammond’s boyfriend David “Spider” Holloway, a musi-

cian with a popular underground band called “The Rising” is
currently assisting police with their enquiries.





Bonus Handout: Flyer advertising upcoming punk gig

Bonus Handout: Photograph outside Hammonds Store

The photograph shows a scene with people standing

outside a squalid shop-front bearing the label

One figure is an obese woman; another is a filthy,

weasely man. A third figure has been cut out of the
photograph with scissors.

The Rising’s Recording Catalogue


“Kill The Law” c/w “Meat”

“Go Home Homophobe” c/w “Shoot It (If It Thinks)”
“Disbelieve, Disobey, Destroy” c/w “Capitali$tic Xma$ Orgy”


Sweet Anarchy, featuring “Thinking Ain’t Illegal,” “Don’t Believe,” “Lost

And Lonely,” “Cannibalistic Consumer Culture,” and “Sweet Anarchy.”

Lonely Children Papers #2


“Beyond a gulf in the subterranean night a passage leads to a wall of

massive bricks, and beyond the wall rises Y’golonac to be served by the
tattered and eyeless figures of the dark. Long has he slept behind the wall,
and those which crawl over the wall scuttle over his body never knowing
it to be Y’golonac; but when his name is spoken or read he comes forth to

Lonely Children Papers #3

be worshiped or to feed and take on the shape and soul of those he feeds
upon for those who read of evil and search for its form within their minds
call forth evil, and so may Y’golonac return to walk among men and await
that time when the earth is cleared off and Cthulhu rises from his tomb
among the weeds....”

Statistics for “Love’s Lonely Children”
Conversion to Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition
7E MECHANICS FOR RESEARCHING “THE up the drainpipe to the second-story window requires
RISING” (TSAR page 6/10) two rolls: a Climb roll and a check to see whether the
flimsy drainpipe will hold the investigator’s weight. The
Investigators can find interviews and reviews describing latter is an opposed roll where the drainpipe’s STR of 70
The Rising by searching book stores/libraries (Library is opposed to the investigator’s SIZ – if the investigator
Use roll) or by searching online (Computer Use roll). overcomes the pipe’s STR it collapses. Falling – either
due to a failed Climb or due to collapse of the pipe – in-
7E MECHANICS FOR DIAGNOSING SPIDER flicts 1D6 damage unless the investigator succeeds in a
(TSAR page 8/11) Jump roll.
Investigators meeting lead singer, Spider, can attempt
to fathom his blank stares in a couple of ways: a Science 7E MECHANICS FOR ESAPING USING UPSTAIRS
(Chemistry) or First Aid roll will confirm that he is not BEDROOM WINDOW (TSAR page 14-15/19)
on drugs, while a Psychology roll will suggest shock as Investigators may wish to use the awning below the
the cause of his affliction. bedroom window as a convenient method of escaping
room. Success with either a Climb or Jump roll will
7E MECHANICS FOR FORCING THROUGH THE the get an investigator safely onto the awning – but it is a
CROWD (TSAR page 8/12) flimsy construction and large investigators may easily
Investigators need to made a STR roll to force their break it. Make an opposed roll comparing the awning’s
way through the crowd, and must also make a DEX roll STR of 60 against the investigator’s SIZ. If the investiga-
to avoid slipping on spilled drinks. tor overcomes the awning, he or she is rudely deposited
on the pavement for 1D3 damage.
Investigators stepping through the gloom must each
BATHROOM (TSAR page 15/19)
make a Luck roll; those who fail find that their path Investigators can identify the dangerous drug with
takes them across floorboards that have been ripped up. either a First Aid, Medicine, Science (Chemistry) or
Successfully navigating such an obstacle requires a DEX Science (Pharmacy) roll. Injecting even a small amount
roll; failure inflicts 1D2 damage). of this drug would likely kill someone – treat a small (1ml)
dose as a Strong Poison dealing 2D10 damage, halved by
7E MECHANICS FOR EXAMINING KATHY’S an Extreme success on a CON roll. A larger (2ml) dose
PHOTOGRAPH (TSAR page 12/16) would be a Lethal Poison dealing 4D10 damage, halved
by Extreme success on a CON roll. The Keeper should
Investigators inspecting the photograph may deduce
rule that any larger dose – such as a full 20ml syringe –
with an INT roll that the middle-aged couple are Kathy’s simply kills any human recipient immediately without
parents; a further INT roll makes the connection that any roll; if used against a larger creature a full syringe
Kathy’s parents might be the owners of Hammonds deals 200 hit points of damage, halved to 100 hit points
Adult Books which is the shop exterior visible in the by Extreme success on a CON roll.
photograph’s background. Investigators who succeed in
an Art/Craft (Photography) roll can determine that the 7E MECHANICS FOR FIGHTING Y’GOLONAC
picture was taken on a cheap disposable digital camera. Investigators who wish to stick a syringe into the flabby
form of Y’golonac must first succeed in a DEX roll as
7E MECHANICS FOR BREAKING INTO HAM- well as a normal Fighting (Brawl) attack – damage from
MONDS ADULT BOOKS (TSAR page 12/16) a heroin overdose is given above. If the avatar takes more
The stout back door of the store has STR 70. Climbing than 75 points of damage it flees from Colin’s form.
Prostitute Vocalist & Rhythm Guitar
STR 55 CON 50 SIZ 45 DEX 65 INT 55 STR 65 CON 60 SIZ 80 DEX 70 INT 80
APP 65 POW 50 EDU 55 Sanity 45 Hit Points: 9 APP 75 POW 85 EDU 60 Sanity 85 Hit Points: 14
Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 9 Magic Points: 10
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 7 Magic Points: 17
Fighting 65% (32/13), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Broken Bottle 65% (32/13), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Dodge 30% (15/6) Dodge 40% (20/8)

Skills: Charm Customer 80%, Credit Rating 2%, Skills: Art (Play Guitar) 45%, Art (Sing) 85%, Credit
Listen 60%, Persuade 75%, Psychology 75%, Sleight Rating 40%, Fast Talk 35%, Glare 100%,
of Hand 25%, Stealth 75%, Strut Provocatively 80% Jump 40%, Listen 60%, Psychology 35%
STATS for KARL MCIVOR, age 23, Drummer
STR 70 CON 60 SIZ 50 DEX 75 INT 55
APP 50 POW 60 EDU 45 Sanity 60 Hit Points: 11 Purveyor
Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 9 Magic Points: 12
STR 50 CON 45 SIZ 55 DEX 70 INT 80
Fighting 65% (32/13), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus APP 40 POW 65 EDU 60 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 10
Broken Bottle 65% (32/13), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 7 Magic Points: 13
Dodge 40% (20/8)
Fighting 35% (17/7), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Skills: Art (Play Drums) 75%, Climb 45%, Credit
Dodge 40% (20/8)
Rating 35%, Listen 40%, Mechanical Repair 35%,
Persuade 40%, Psychology 40%, Sleight of Skills: Accounting 45%, Art/Craft (Photography) 70%,
Hand 30%, Sneer 100%, Stealth 30% Credit Rating 25%, Cthulhu Mythos 12%,
Grovel 75%, Listen 70%, Persuade 60%,
STATS for BAZ ELLIOT, age 19, Guitarist
Psychology 60%, Rub Hands Nervously 100%,
STR 65 CON 60 SIZ 70 DEX 70 INT 75
Stealth 30%, Whine 80%
APP 60 POW 65 EDU 50 Sanity 65 Hit Points: 13
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 13
Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus STATS for EDITH HAMMOND, age 42,
Dodge 35% (17/7) Domineering Wife
Skills: Art (Play Guitar) 80%, Art (Sing) 45%, Credit STR 70 CON 75 SIZ 95 DEX 50 INT 75
Rating 35%, Electrical Repair 35%, Law 50%, APP 40 POW 75 EDU 50 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 17
Mechanical Repair 40%, Psychology 40% Damage Bonus: +1D6 Build: 2 Move: 6 Magic Points: 15

STATS for DAVE JOHNSON, age 20, Bass Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Guitarist (or fighting maneuver to strangle for 1D3 per round,
maneuver required to break free)
STR 60 CON 65 SIZ 65 DEX 65 INT 60
Kitchen Knife 50% (25/10), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus
APP 60 POW 50 EDU 60 Sanity 50 Hit Points: 13
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 10 Axe 50% (25/10), damage 1D8 + Damage Bonus
Dodge 20% (10/4)
Fighting 60% (30/12), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Club 60% (30/12), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus Skills: Accounting 55%, Credit Rating 25%, Cthulhu
Dodge 30% (15/6) Mythos 5%, Intimidate 95%, Nag 100%,
Skills: Art (Oratory) 45%, Art (Play Bass Guitar) 75%, Art Persuade 70%, Psychology 70%
(Sing) 20%, Climb 50%, Credit Rating 30%, Elec.
Repair 40%, Listen 50%, Mechanical Repair 50%,
Operate Hvy Machinery 15%, Psychology 45%,
STATS for Y’GOLONAC, Great Old One
Spot Hidden 40%, Throw 40% See page 329 of the Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition rules.
Upgrade Pack Contents:
Scenario 2 — Nemo Solus Sapit
Original Scenario created by: John Tynes

“The Stars Are This PDF

Right!” Page Ref Page Ref
1st Ed 2nd Ed
Bonus Handout: Website for the Van Dyson Center - - 15
7E Mechanics for investigating Van Dyson’s Background 24 29-30 17
Bonus Handout: Covers for Van Dyson’s Books - - 16
Bonus Handout: Diaz Transport Work Order - - 15
Bonus Handout: Note written on rumpled scrap of paper 29 35 13
7E Mechanics for escaping the Eye of Azathoth 32 38 17
Statistics for DR. PETROFF VAN DYSON 32 40 17
Statistics for DAMON NEWCOMB 34 40 17
Statistics for HECTOR SIMONE 34 40 18
Statistics for TYPICAL ORDERLY 34 40 18
Bonus Handout: Note written on rumpled paper

I found it likely. Perhaps so.

Incidents are rising.


Nemo Solus Sapit: Updating for the 21st Century
This scenario’s basic themes – mental illness and alternative therapies – still feel fresh and relevant to the 21st Century.
However, the scenario’s descriptions of computers and communication technology definitely feel a little dated. The
notes which follow provide some updated descriptions which are more credible in a modern (2017) context.

Updated Description of Van Dyson’s Office (TSAR page 22/27):

Van Dyson’s Office contains a standard modern personal computer, which is left on throughout the day (albeit
with the screen locked with a password code whenever Van Dyson is away from the desk for more than a few
minutes). Using this computer Van Dyson can access the Internet and also files stored on the Center’s restricted
Local Area Network. The network is separated from the outside world by several layers of security appliances –
firewalls and network monitoring devices. This makes accessing the Center’s sensitive internal files from outside
a difficult proposition: if a would-be hacker already has detailed information about the network configuration
he or she would still require an Extreme success on a Computer Use roll to bypass the protections; without such
information an additional Luck roll would be needed as well.
The segregation of the Center’s network from the world-at-large is not absolute, however. Van Dyson has installed
equipment which enables him to establish a Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnel between his office computer
and the computer in his home (see the description of his house). From the office, a temporary connection can be
established by clicking an icon on his desktop and entering the appropriate password (“Van Logo”) – this allows the
contents of his home computer to be browsed until such time as the connection is severed by the user or left inactive
for more than five minutes. It is also possible to establish a VPN connection from Van Dyson’s home computer to
the Center’s network (see the description later).
The Van Dyson Center’s network contains mountains of information, divided into two categories – a restricted
folder of digital recordings of patient sessions (which are still called “session tapes” despite there being no physical
tape), and administrative records. Investigators can track down the “session tapes” relating to Newcomb – these
reveal van Dyson’s descent into madness. Listening to the entire set takes well over 200 hours and inflicts a sanity
loss of 2D6 on the listener while simultaneously boosting his or her Cthulhu Mythos skill by 10 percentiles. If the
investigator chooses to only listen to parts of the recording the Keeper will need to decide how much is learned
about Newcomb and Van Dyson, and what sanity loss and skill increase results. Even a brief sample of the recorded
sessions will reveal the menace of Van Dyson.
Apart from the carefully restricted folder of “session tapes” the rest of the network is fairly open. A scan reveals
financial and accounting files which show that the Center is making a healthy profit partly thanks to several wealthy
patients and partly thanks to extortionate fees that Van Dyson collects from lectures and seminars as an invited speaker.

Updated Description of Van Dyson’s Study (TSAR page 30/36–7):

The study in Van Dyson’s house is a duplicate of his office at the Center. A gleaming, modern computer graces a
tasteful but minimally-decorated desk. Accessing the local files on the computer requires either the doctor’s password
(“Van Logo”) or a Hard success with a Computer Use roll to bypass. Generally there is not much of interest on the local
system – some saved email correspondence sheds some light on the network of rare book dealers he has been in touch
with in search of obscure items like John Dee’s Necronomicon, The Book of Eibon and Unaussprechliche Kulten. None
of the emails suggest that any of the book dealers have been able to locate these obscure titles.
In order to allow himself access to files on the Center’s restricted network, Van Dyson can establish a (temporary)
Virtual Private Network tunnel. This requires the user to enter not only the doctor’s password but also a time-
sensitive six-digit code from a security fob (a small keychain-like device with an LCD display which updates every
30 seconds). Usually Van Dyson keeps the VPN fob locked in a filing cabinet in the corner of the study.
If needed, Van Dyson can also use the VPN fob to connect his cell phone or tablet to the Center’s network,
effectively allowing him to upload or listen to “session tapes” from anywhere.

Van Dyson Center
Dr. Petroff Van Dyson, Founder What is Empathy Therapy?
Hector Simone, Administrator
Painful things happen to nearly all of us at some time in our life that
Office and Therepeutic Address become stamped on our subconscious, to be carried along as we jour-
6700 Lynn Parkway North ney through our lives. The memories of these can case depression,
Samson, CA phobias, panic and anxiety attacks, and a host of other symptoms.
The root cause of many of these negative outcomes lies in the fact that
The Van Dyson Center is a modern we, alone, have experienced the pain. What burden would be lifted
residential retreat located in the se- from our shoulders if only another person could truly, deeply, and
rene mountains northeast of the city of
Sampson, California. profoundly experience precisely what we have felt? For the first time
Miles from the hectic day-to-day world in the history of psychology there is a way to access deeply-buried
of both northern and southern Califor- feelings through empathy, thereby reducing suffering. It is, in essence,
nia, the Center offers an oasis of calm the first science of psychotherapy.
which serves as the perfect backdrop for
Empathy Therapy® treatment.
To enhance the atmosphere of calm seg-
regation, the Center maintains its own
state-of-the-art systems which ensure
cell phone signals cannot be received
anywhere within the facility.

Bonus Handout: Website for the Van Dyson Center

Pickup from:

Bonus Handout: Diaz Transport Work Order

UC Samson, Astronomy Dept, 1600 Campus Drive; Contact Candice Lee
Instruction: Pack entire office contents inc. computers etc.

Delivery to:

The Ventura Apts, 2121 Willaston Bvd, Apt 4D; Contact Candice Lee
Instruction: Key supplied. Leave boxes in room to right of entrance

Customer Acceptance:

Cash Payment in advance

Customer Acknowledgement: (signature) Candice Van Dyson

A true story of overcoming
Childhood Trauma & Abuse
Bonus Handout: Covers for Van Dyson’s Books

Van Dyson

Van Dyson
The Science of Empathy

Be freed from the burdens of anxiety by

harnessing the transformative power of empathy

Over one million copies sold worldwide.

Statistics for “Nemo Solus Sapit”
Conversion to Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition
7E MECHANICS FOR INVESTIGATING VAN Language (English) 105%, Language
DYSON’S BACKGROUND (TSAR page 24/29–30) (German) 75%, Language (Latin) 35%, Language
(Russian) 30%, Law 20%, Library Use 75%,
In general the text presented in the scenario is sufficient Medicine 85%, Occult 40%, Psychoanalysis 90%,
although the proper 7E terminology would be: Psychology 90%, Science (Astronomy) 5%, Science
• Each character should attempt a Knowledge roll – (Chemistry) 85%, Science (Pharmacy) 90%, Talk
any that achieve a Hard success or better learn Eruditely 100%
something of his past; for members of the medical
profession only a Normal success is needed Spells: Cloud Memory, Dominate, Dread Curse of
while those who work in the field of Psychology Azathoth, Shrivelling, Summon/Bind Dimensional
Shambler, Voorish Sign
automatically succeed;
• If the character’s Knowledge roll was an Extreme Items: Van Dyson has an enchanted cane that currently
success, he or she also knows of the doctor’s divorce; holds 68 Magic Points; he doesn’t know how to
• Anyone who reads his recent book “You Are I” and recharge it.
succeeds in an INT roll notes that Van Dyson’s
methods rely on the use of medication to diffuse STATS for DAMON NEWCOMB, age 26, Lost Soul
the patient’s sense of reality. STR 70 CON 75 SIZ 70 DEX 60 INT 80(30)*
• Online or library research may also dig up additional APP 40 POW 105 EDU 93(30)* Sanity 0 Hit Points: 14
articles – each day spent searching permits the Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 21
investigator one roll (Computer Use for online * numbers in parentheses reflect his outward abilities, reduced
research; Library Use for scouring libraries or because of Van Dyson’s efforts.
similar repositories). Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Switchblade 45% (22/9), damage 1D4 + Damage Bonus
AZATHOTH (TSAR page 32/38) Skills: Anthropology 35%, Archaeology 30%, Computer
If the investigators’ car becomes stuck, they can attempt Use 45%, Credit Rating 25%, Cthulhu Mythos 45%,
to push it out by making an opposed roll pitting their History 60%, Language (English) 95% (30%)*,
combined STR against the car’s resistance of 160. A Language (Spanish) 15%, Library Use 45%,
maximum of three investigators can apply their effort using Occult 60%, Psychology 25%, Science
the system described under “Physical Human Limits” on (Astronomy) 45%, Science (Chemistry) 20%,
page 88 of the Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition rules. Ramble Senselessly 80%

STATS for DR. PETROFF VAN DYSON, Spells: Call Azathoth, Cloud Memory, Dominate, Dread
Curse of Azathoth, Shrivelling, Summon/Bind
age 46, Gifted but Insane Psychologist Byakhee, Summon/Bind Dimensional Shambler,
STR 60 CON 70 SIZ 65 DEX 65 INT 95 Summon/Bind Servitor of the Outer Gods, Voorish
APP 60 POW 95 EDU 93 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 13 Sign, any Enchant Item spells the Keeper wishes
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 7 Magic Points: 19 (see the general description of this category of
Fighting 60% (30/12), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus spells on page 255 of Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition).
9mm Auto 45% (22/9), damage 1D10
Note: Because of Newcomb’s lobotomy, any attempt to
Dodge 35% (17/7)
cast a spell must first obtain a Hard success or better on
Skills: Accounting 35%, Anthropology 10%, a POW roll. While the magic, originating deep within
Archaeology 10%, Computer Use 75%, him and bypassing the normal routes of thought is not
Credit Rating 85%, Cthulhu Mythos 30%, in itself affected by the lobotomy, his ability to focus that
Drive Auto 45%, First Aid 45%, History 35%, energy into an effective spell is significantly degraded.
Of course, if the Keeper’s dramatic purposes require STATS for TYPICAL ORDERLY
success (or failure) on a spell-casting roll he or she can
STR 75 CON 70 SIZ 80 DEX 60 INT 70
simply dictate the outcome. Spells cast on non-player
APP 55 POW 65 EDU 70 Sanity 60 Hit Points: 15
characters (especially Hector Simone) should probably
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 7 Magic Points: 13
always succeed.
Fighting 70% (35/14), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
STATS for HECTOR SIMONE, age 24, Taser 55% (27/11), damage 1D3; victim must also
Unwitting Pawn make a Hard CON roll or fall unconscious
Dodge 30% (15/6)
STR 70 CON 60 SIZ 65 DEX 45 INT 80
APP 50 POW 60 EDU 90 Sanity 45 Hit Points: 12 Skills: Psychology 30%, Restrain Prisoner 75%,
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 12 Wisecrack 55%
Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Skills: Computer Use 35%, Credit Rating 30%, GODS
History 30%, Language (Spanish) 90%, Language See page 304 of the Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition rules.
(English) 75%, Library Use 65%, Psychology 45%,
Science (Chemistry) 25%, Resist Mind Control 5%

Upgrade Pack Contents:
Scenario 3 — This Fire Shall Kill
Original Scenario created by: André Bishop
“The Stars Are This PDF
Right!” Page Ref Page Ref
1st Ed 2nd Ed
The Fire Papers #1: Online News Article 38 44 20
7E Mechanics for searching the burned ruins 36 44 23
Bonus Handout: Page From “Worshipers of Fire” - - 21
7E Mechanics for sneaking around the burned-out park 41 49 23
Statistics for TWO FIRE VAMPIRES 41 49 23
7E Mechanics for interpreting Hardman’s eulogy 42 50 23
7E Mechanics for breaking into Willows’ apartment 42 50 23
7E Mechanics for analysing the video 42 51 23
Bonus Handout: Frame from Summoning Video - - 22
7E Mechanics for searching Hardman’s House 45 53 23
Tome statistics for The Letters of Nestar 45 53 23
The Fire Papers #2: Notebook 46 54 22
7E Mechanics for understanding the sheet of calculations 46 54 24
7E Mechanics for investigators arriving at the Bank Building 47 56 24
Statistics for ROBERT HARDMAN 52 61 24
Statistics for MELISSA HARDMAN 52 61 24
Statistics for VERONICA HARDMAN 52 61 24
Statistics for TOMMY JOHNSON 53 61 24
Statistics for JOHN CRISLOW 53 61 24
Statistics for WILL TRIPPER 53 61 24
Statistics for DUANE COLLINS 53 62 24
Statistics for PHIL WATSON 53 62 24
Statistics for GARY WATSON 53 62 25
Statistics for MARCUS SMITH 53 62 25
Statistics for AL DARVEY 53 62 25
Statistics for NICK STODDARD 53 62 25
Statistics for JACK O’CONNOR 53 62 25
Statistics for TWELVE FIRE VAMPIRES 53 62 25

This Fire Shall Kill: Updating for the 21st Century

This scenario doesn’t require any large-scale changes to bring it up-to-date for a modern (2017) setting. The existence
of a video tape showing one of the cult’s rituals might better be a digital video file on a portable disk or memory stick
(or stored inside a handy portable GoPro camera).


Two Homes Destroyed in Early Evening Blaze

SAN FRANCISCO — Two people were killed in a tragic fire yester-

day that also destroyed two homes. Pronounced dead at the scene were
Thomas Wilmont and his wife, Edna Wilmont, owners of the home where
it is believed the blaze started.
Eyewitnesses expressed amazement at how fast the fire spread. “It was
terrifying,” said John Landsdown, who lives across the street. “There was
a tremendous whoosh and boom, we looked out the window just in time
to see the fire spreading to the second house.”
Lieutenant fire fighter Robert Hardman, leader of the first crew on the
scene echoed that statement. “There was nothing we could do to save
the two houses. We spent most of our time trying to keep the fire from
spreading any further.”
Occupants of the other house are believed to have been out at the time
of the fire.
It is currently believed that the fire began in the basement of the Wil-
mont house as a result of oily rags stored in the basement in a closed

The Fire Papers #1

Another group worthy of brief mention is the cult of Nestar Mobedan Mobed, as self-proclaimed prophet and Zoroastrian fundamen-
talist. Nestar is known to be a historical individual, living in the sixth century Anno Domini. During his life, the prophet denounced the
materialism of the wealthy priest caste and, with a small band of followers, departed to live among the wilderness. Evidentially the cult
endured, for twenty years later — when the Nesterians were forgotten by the society they had left behind — the prophet Nester himself
led down from the mountains a rag-tag army. This force of men attacked the city with great ferocity, setting much of it to the torch as
they rampaged through the streets. The object of this sudden raid appears to be the destruction of the city’s splendrous palace, which the
Nesterian called the “Tower of Gold.”
However, before the army of Nester could reach its prize, it came under a most vicious counter-attack by the guard whose mission it
was to defend the city. The rebellious force was soon routed and their great prophet put to the sword. So great was the defeat that many
believed that the cult had been wiped out entirely, but this was not the case.
A small number of members of the Nesterian sect are believed to have survived the ill-fated military expedition, and by their devotion
to the teachings of the prophet kept the worship alive. For fear of persecution the sect was obliged to conduct its gatherings, rituals, and
sacrifices in secret. A line of holy priests — calling themselves Mobed — was maintained, with the tenets of the worship handed down
from generation to generation in sacred teachings. The Mobed was responsible for safekeeping the liturgies central to the worship, laid
down in a holy book. This volume was known by various names, but most frequently referred to simply as “The Letters of Nestar.” Adher-
ents of the faith believe that the writings are transcriptions of the hand-written testimony penned by the prophet himself.
The Nesterians endured in Persia until some time in the mid 18th Century, when it is known that the core group was driven from their
birthplace as part of a broader persecution of Zorastrians by the Muhammadan rulers. Cast adrift, the Nesterians relocated to Bombay,
India, and integrated into the Parsee population of that great metropolis.
There are some reports that the Nesterian sect survives even to modernity. Obscure accounts from remote regions even suggest the ex-
istence of a high priest in the present day. Indeed, there is persistent (albeit unsubstantiated) testimony which suggests that the Nesterian
worship has spread to various points within the British Empire during the 19th century. The early years of our own century were marked
by occasional reports that a group affiliated with the sect was active in the United States of Ameria, in particular in the far western state
of California.
According to Davis, et al., the modern-day Nesterians hold a singular belief that there is a prophecy within the Letters of Nestar foretell-
ing a momentous event which would soon transpire, “at a time when the stars came right.” The year 1906 was cited as the first occasion at
which such a conjunction might become possible. Adherents of the faith point to the calamitous fire which all but destroyed San Francisco
in that very year as validation of this prophetic message.

Bonus Handout: Page from “Worshippers of Fire

Bonus Handout: Frame from
Summoning Video

Video shows blurry low-light images of three

men dressed in fire-fighter uniforms in a heavily
wooded section of park. There are strange fire-
shrouded shapes; smoke envelops the figures.

Our Deeds of Fire.

“How we ache for your touch, oh flaming lord.

How we have toiled for your purpose, oh Fire
King. How we’ve begged for your coming, oh
Red Lord. But on that day we shall receive you,
Grandfather Fire. For on that day all is right.
The Tower of Gold shall become the Pillar of
Fire and we shall give the call. Let mankind be
cleansed by your power. Let the profane know,
as we know, that on this day the fire shall burn
so bright, burn into the memory of all men.”
The Fire Papers #2

Statistics for “This Fire Shall Kill”
Conversion to Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition
During the search the Keeper should ask each investiga- Attempts to wrench open the solenoid-operated latch on
tor for one or more DEX rolls; failures indicate trips and the apartment complex should be treated as an opposed
falls which result in 1D4 damage. Using Electrical Repair roll where up to two investigators can pit their STR against
skill rules our faulty wiring as the cause while successful the door’s STR of 90 (using the rules on page 88 of Call of
Science (Chemistry) rules our accelerants. Spot Hidden Cthulhu, 7th Edition). The upper-story door to Willows’
can turn up two items of note – a cotton face shawl and apartment itself also must be forced by a similar opposed
a burned wooden cone. An INT roll determines the lat-
roll of investigator STR against that door’s STR of 70.
ter to be a torch-bearing device of some kind. A Natural
World roll determines that the wooden cone is made of
sandalwood; a Cthulhu Mythos roll ties it to the sum- 7E MECHANICS FOR ANALYSING THE VIDEO FOUND
moning of Fire Vampires. More mundane investigation IN WILLOWS’ APARTMENT (TSAR page 42/51)
– such as an Anthropology or Occult roll – suggests only
In a modern game, this video is a digital video file  –
that the device is somehow tied to fire worship.
likely stored on some kind of memory card or stick
7E MECHANICS FOR SNEAKING AROUND (rather than a “video tape” as described in the scenario).
THE BURNED-OUT PARK (TSAR page 41/49) Enhancing the digital video can be performed either via
judicious use of photographic ability (success in Art/Craft
Keepers should ask investigators to make occasional
Stealth rolls to avoid attention of the authorities. (Photography)) or by making a Hard Computer Use roll.
Investigators seeking to analyse the brown powder
found in Hardman’s locker at the Fire Station will need 7E MECHANICS FOR SEARCHING
to succeed in a Science (Chemistry) roll. HARDMAN’S HOUSE (TSAR page 45/53)
STATS for TWO FIRE VAMPIRES • Investigators seeking to identify the black polished
STR CON SIZ DEX POW HP Magic Move rock on the table-top can do so with a Science
One – 35 05 75 70 7 14 11 (Geology) roll.
Two – 40 05 80 75 8 15 11 • If investigators find the ancient book stored in
Touch 85% (42/17), damage 2D6 fire damage; plus Hardman’s under-floor safe they can identify it by
Magic Point drain means of any of the following skill rolls: Archaeology,
Dodge 40% (20/8) Science (Linguistics), Science (Cryptology).
Armor: Standard material weapons cannot harm them,
(blades, bullets, etc.) Water costs a fire vampire one hit TOME STATISTICS FOR THE LETTERS OF
point per half-gallon poured over it, a typical handheld
fire extinguisher does 1D6 hit points of damage to it, NESTAR (TSAR page 45/53)
while a bucket of water costs it 1D3 hit points. Sanity Loss: 1D8
Sanity Loss: 0/1D6 to see a Fire Vampire. Cthulhu Mythos: +2/+6
Mythos Rating: 26
HARDMAN’S EULOGY (TSAR page 42/50) Suggested Spells: Call Cthugha, Summon/Bind Fire
Investigators who suspect Hardman already and who Vampire, Enchant Torch [ritual to create the magi-
make a successful INT roll will recognize his words as a cal torch used by the cultists], Draught of Phan [for-
possible warning. mula for the drug used by Hardman].
A successful Occult or Science (Astronomy) roll iden-
tifies the calculations as relating to the movement of stars. STR 80 CON 65 SIZ 85 DEX 55 INT 60
APP 50 POW 65 EDU 60 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 15
Damage Bonus: +1D6 Build: 2 Move: 7 Magic Points: 13
7E MECHANICS FOR INVESTIGATORS ARRIVING Axe 65% (32/13), damage 1D6+1 + Damage Bonus
AT THE BANK BUILDING (TSAR page 47/56) Flamethrower 55% (27/11), damage 2D6
Arriving investigators who achieve a Hard or better Dodge 30% (15/6)
success on a Spot Hidden roll can see flames licking at a Skills: Climb 85%, Electrical Repair 45%
window high up on the building.
STATS for ROBERT HARDMAN, age 39, STR 75 CON 70 SIZ 60 DEX 50 INT 70
Lieutenant, Priest of Cthugha APP 40 POW 75 EDU 50 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 13
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 15
STR 85 CON 75 SIZ 75 DEX 55 INT 80
Fighting 65% (32/13), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
APP 60 POW 110 EDU 85 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 15 Pike 65% (32/13), damage 1D8 + Damage Bonus
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 22
Dodge 30% (15/6)
Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Skills: Climb 75%, Drive Pumper 75%, Jump 45%
Axe 50% (25/10), damage 1D6+1 + Damage Bonus
Dodge 30% (15/6) STATS for WILL TRIPPER, age 44
Skills: Credit Rating 45%, Cthulhu Mythos 14%, STR 65 CON 80 SIZ 80 DEX 50 INT 70
Psychology 20%, Operate Hvy. Mach. 65%, APP 60 POW 55 EDU 65 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 16
Science (Astronomy) 45% Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 6 Magic Points: 11

Spells: Call Cthugha, Summon/Bind Fire Vampire Fighting 30% (15/6), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Knife 40% (20/8), damage 1D4+2 + Damage Bonus
Dodge 30% (15/6)
Cultist Housewife Skills: Locksmith 50%, Mechanical Repair 75%, Polish
Fire Truck 65%
STR 60 CON 80 SIZ 50 DEX 75 INT 70
APP 70 POW 60 EDU 70 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 13 STATS for DUANE COLLINS, age 29
Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 9 Magic Points: 12
STR 70 CON 80 SIZ 70 DEX 75 INT 55
Fighting 65% (32/13), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus APP 65 POW 65 EDU 50 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 15
Dodge 40% (20/8) Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 13

Skills: Burn Dinner 55%, Credit Rating 45%, Drive Burning Torch 35% (17/7), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus
Auto 45%, Psychology 30%, Swim 39% Axe 35% (17/7), damage 1D6+1 + Damage Bonus
Dodge 40% (20/8)

STATS for VERONICA HARDMAN, age 10, Skills: Aim Water Nozzle 50%, Operate Hvy Mach. 75%
Warped Child STATS for PHIL WATSON, age 26
STR 30 CON 60 SIZ 25 DEX 75 INT 55 STR 70 CON 70 SIZ 75 DEX 65 INT 75
APP 70 POW 55 EDU 20 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 8 APP 65 POW 85 EDU 50 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 14
Damage Bonus: -2 Build: -2 Move: 9 Magic Points: 11 Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 7 Magic Points: 17
Water Pistol (Gasoline) 65% (32/13), damage 1D6 + 1D3 Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
per round thereafter until extinguished Crowbar 50% (25/10), damage 1D8 + Damage Bonus
Dodge 50% (25/10) Dodge 35% (17/7)
Skills: Climb 55%, Psychology 50%, Stealth 65% Skills: Computer Use 75%, Listen 55%
STR 70 CON 70 SIZ 85 DEX 60 INT 60 STR 80 CON 75 SIZ 80 DEX 70 INT 70
APP 60 POW 80 EDU 65 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 15 APP 75 POW 85 EDU 75 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 15
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 7 Magic Points: 16 Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 17
Fighting 40% (20/8), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus Axe 40% (20/8), damage 1D6+1 + Damage Bonus
Pike 40% (20/8), damage 1D8 + Damage Bonus Pick 40% (20/8), damage 1D8 + Damage Bonus
Dodge 30% (15/6) Dodge 40% (20/8)
Skills: Climb 55% Skills: Climb 50%, Fire Lifeline 65%
APP 45 POW 75 EDU 80 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 13 STR CON SIZ INT DEX POW HP Mag. Mov
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 9 Magic Points: 15
#1 – 40 05 75 35 50 08 10 11
Burning Torch 55% (27/11), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus #2 – 50 05 90 50 65 10 13 11
Shovel 55% (27/11), damage 1D8 + Damage Bonus #3 – 45 05 70 45 65 09 13 11
Dodge 50% (25/10)
#4 – 55 05 80 55 75 11 15 11
Skills: Climb 65% #5 – 55 05 110 80 70 11 14 11
STATS for AL DARVEY, age 38 #6 – 40 05 80 60 50 08 10 11

STR 70 CON 65 SIZ 85 DEX 60 INT 55 #7 – 45 05 50 50 60 09 12 11

APP 50 POW 70 EDU 70 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 15 #8 – 35 05 85 70 80 07 16 11
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 2 Move: 7 Magic Points: 14 #9 – 60 05 75 55 55 12 11 11

Axe 45% (22/9), damage 1D6+1 + Damage Bonus #10 – 35 05 80 45 45 07 09 11

Bolt Cutters 45% (22/9), damage 1D4 + Damage Bonus #11 – 30 05 90 50 50 06 10 11
Dodge 35% (17/7) #12 – 50 05 100 40 60 10 12 11
Skills: Climb 55%, First Aid 65%, Spot Hidden 55% Damage Bonus: N/A Build: -2
Touch 85% (42/17), damage 2D6 fire damage; plus
STATS for NICK STODDARD, age 37 Magic Point drain
STR 65 CON 80 SIZ 70 DEX 85 INT 80 Shovel 40% (20/8), damage 1D8 + Damage Bonus
APP 70 POW 85 EDU 60 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 15 Armor: Standard material weapons cannot harm them,
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 17 (blades, bullets, etc.) Water costs a fire vampire one hit
Fighting 75% (37/15), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus point per half-gallon poured over it, a typical handheld
Axe 75% (37/15), damage 1D6+1 + Damage Bonus fire extinguisher does 1D6 hit points of damage to it,
Dodge 30% (15/6) while a bucket of water costs it 1D3 hit points.
Skills: Climb 55%, Spot Hidden 55%, Stealth 45% Sanity Loss: 0/1D6 to see a Fire Vampire.

Upgrade Pack Contents:
Scenario 4 — The Professionals
Original Scenario created by: Fred Behrendt

“The Stars Are This PDF

Right!” Page Ref Page Ref
1st Ed 2nd Ed
7E Mechanics for meeting with the McKinney Family 57 66 30
Bonus Handout: Contact entries from Spirelli’s phone - - 28
Bonus Handout: Pencil rubbing on note pad - - 28
7E Mechanics for opening Simon’s Briefcase 61 71 30
7E Mechanics for inspecting Simon’s high-tech notebook PC 61 71 30
Statistics for SAM FOBES 62 72 30
Statistics for MILTON JAINES 62 72 30
7E Mechanics for spotting the weirdness in Miranda’s TV spots 63 73 30
Bonus Handout: Twitter postings by Companions of Lyr - - 28
Bonus Handout: Online news article about car bomb - - 29
Bonus Handout: Classified briefing about ODIN - - 29
Statistics for MIRANDA SHARPE 70 79 30
Statistics for SIMON CHILDE 70 79 31
Statistics for JACKSON “COBRA” O’BRIAN 70 79-81 31
Statistics for Typical Companion of Lyr 70 81 31
Statistics for Typical Convention Hall Guard 70 81 31

The Professionals: Updating for the 21st Century
This tale of corrupt politicians with dubious backgrounds is just as relevant to 2017 as it was to the 1990s era (arguably
even more so). A few of the depictions of technology require some minor tweaks to update them (see notes below).

Also, some elements of the scenario’s written chronology do firmly place it in the nineties – a more decade-
agnostic chronology is provided below, basing events on a time-line relative to “NOW” (i.e., the year in which
the scenario is being run).

Decade-Agnostic Scenario Timeline:

• 4 decades before NOW: Teenager Miranda Sharp meets a young Simon Childe and the two fall in love. A
mere two weeks later, Miranda is attacked and replaced by the Cell Vampire while she is walking along
the waterfront in New Jersey. Shortly after replacing Miranda, the creature breaks up with Childe. The
copied “Miranda” continues to participate in beauty pageants for the next decade or so, allowing itself
to age occasionally.

• 3 decades before NOW: The copied “Miranda” makes the transition to performing in the adult movie industry.
She makes a large number of pornographic movies over the next 10–12 years. The creature crosses paths
with Simon Childe – now a cut-rate screenwriter – but does not acknowledge that the two met previously.

• 2 decades before NOW: The Cell Vampire shifts professions again, abandoning pornography for low-budget
mainstream action films. She makes a large number of trashy films and becomes a minor household name;
the latter allows her to springboard a career in politics.

• Five or six years before NOW: The copied “Miranda” runs for Congress and is elected. The publicity surrounding
her election brings her to Childe’s attention once again.

• A year or two before NOW: The copied “Miranda” is re-elected, but starts eying a career in the Senate. Childe
begins to understand what has happened to “Miranda”, and starts to plot the banishment of the alien creature
(so he can reclaim his childhood sweetheart).

• Recent past before NOW: Miranda announces she will contest the senate seat held by Ted McKinney.

Updated description of Cell Vampire (TSAR page 55/65):

The electro-magnetic field that the Cell Vampire emits – in particular when placed under stress – interferes with
most types of modern electronic equipment. Computers, cell phones and tablets are especially susceptible to the
strong but invisible cloud of energy, but any device which contains a microprocessor will be affected to some degree
(which includes most appliances and devices, except those which have purely mechanical apparatus).

Updated description of The Tape (TSAR page 59/69):

The package contains an antique video tape – huge and bulky – typical of the type used by professional video houses
one or two decades ago. Today it is hard to find equipment that will play such old-fashioned media: conceivably a
less-than-modern TV station might retain this kind of machine (to retrieve and digitize archival footage), although
most will have retired their old equipment a decade or two ago. Alternatively, the investigators may be able to track
down a specialty service which deals with converting old media like this to modern formats.

Bonus Handout: Contact entries from
Phone Contact Entry Phone Contact Entry

Larry Panthero Simon Childe

Phone #: (311) 555-6113 Phone #: (667) 555-1581

Ringtone: Default Ringtone: Serenity

Notes: “Nightingale” Email: Simon.Childe@communicatio...

Notes: M.S.

Spirelli’s phone
Work Address:
Supervisor of Technical
Federal Building #23
Suite 4632
Baltimore, Maryland

Companions of Lyr @comp_lyr 2d

Don’t believe the FAKE NEWS from @miranda_sharp

and her army of incompertents!! Who will be laughing
Bonus Handout: Pencil rubbing on note pad

when we #TakeOutTheFakers ? <icon of coffin>

Companions of Lyr @comp_lyr 19h

@anna_nyt prints LIES. Say we lunatic fringe. Wake up!

We professional dedicated grp w solid agenda: remov
Dr. Ruggerio 8:30 a.m. female meddling from politics. We do WHATEVER

Companions of Lyr @comp_lyr 1h

Schneider = traitor; helping Sharp to LIE way into power.

We gabe him wat all traitors deserv. #TakeOutTheFakers

Bonus Handout: Twitter postings by

Companions of Lyr
Breaking Story: Car Bomb a shadowy and obscure group known
as “The Companions of Lyr” hinted

Bonus Handout: Online news article about car bomb

Official reports are slowly confirming that the bombing had been a deliberate
initial eyewitness accounts of a car and targeted assassination of Edwin
bomb that exploded a short time ago Schneider. The group seem to have
in a suburban street. The blast killed singled out the attorney because of the
at least one man — the occupant of the key role he has played recently in assisting
vehicle. He is believed to be attorney Miranda Sharp’s election campaign.
Edwin Schneider, a 25-year resident of
this city and a well-respected member In an email statement to The Globe,
of the legal fraternity. Schneider is also a spokesman for the “Companions”
a figure closely connected with the claimed to be in possession of evidence
electoral campaign of Miranda Sharp. that Schneider was the “anonymous
This latter association calls into question lawyer” who recently aided Sharp in
the motivations behind the violent attack. bringing attention to photographs
damaging to the campaign of election
rival, Ted McKinney. They stated that the
Militant “Men’s Rights” group bombing of Schneider was “a necessary
claims responsibility for bomb: act” designed to “salvage the integrity of
“A Necessary Political Act.” the fair political process.”

Despite a paucity of official information Little is known about the “Companions.”

about the circumstances surrounding They have connections to militant
todays horrific car bomb attack, its factions within the so-called “Men’s
perpetrators seem to have wasted Rights” movement.
little time in claiming responsibility.
Posting on their online Twitter feed,

ODIN Mission Manager Brief
(S//NF) 1.Introduction
ODIN is an acronym for Optically Distributed Interactive Neuroimplant. It is an experimental device developed as part
of a broad R&D initiative jointly conducted by five military and intelligence agencies under the DIXIE arrangement.

Bonus Handout: Classified briefing

The purpose of ODIN to provide an advanced Human Machine Interface (HMI) in the form of a cybernetic implant
comprising a small black orb
(TS//NF) 2.Concept of Operations
The ODIN implant is surgically introduced to the wearer, replacing one of the individual’s eyeballs. After successful
integration, it forges a molecular interface by way of the optic nerve. This is achieved via a matrix of DNA “seeds” that
reproduce, expand, and mesh with the host nerve tissue.
After creation of the nerve link, the person implanted with ODIN is able to use it to remotely operate electronic devices
that have been fitted with an ODIN Control Interface (ODIN-CI). Communication between the implant and the control
interface occurs via Infra-Red transmissions.
By creating a reliable two-way communications link between the wearer and the devices, ODIN facilitates the operation
of devices through the simple act of thought.
(TS//NF) 3.Deployment Scenarios
about ODIN

ODIN was particularly developed with the intention that it should control Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) devices.
One intended application is information gathering during the upcoming Mars missions. This deployment scenario has
driven the inclusion of prototype functionality to assist with observing and recording three-dimensional wave form
samples. Stored wave forms are locally stored on a solid state memory unit within the implant and can be subsequently
downloaded via a wireless interface for storage on larger-capacity media.

MCKINNEY FAMILY (TSAR page 57/66) STR 80 CON 70 SIZ 55 DEX 85 INT 90
After being shown the photograph of Mae Ann APP 35 POW 35 EDU 90 Sanity 30 Hit Points: 12
Spirelli investigators should attempt a Hard Know roll. Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 9 Magic Points: 7
Characters who succeed in the roll, or otherwise have Fighting 65% (32/13), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
special knowledge of the pornography industry, recognize Knife 65% (32/13), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus
the name “Tanya Desire” as a major adult movie star from .38 Automatic 70% (35/14), damage 1D10
some years ago. Investigators who succeed in a Medicine Dodge 70% (35/14)
roll will spot that the recent photograph of the actress
Skills: Accounting 55%, Climb 65%, Credit Rating 50%,
suggests that she is seriously ill, with symptoms consistent
with HIV/AIDS. Drive Auto 55%, Fast Talk 65%, Intimidate 40%,
Law 60%, Listen 70%, Persuade 45%,
Psychology 65%, Spot Hidden 75%, Stealth 60%,
BRIEFCASE (TSAR page 61/71)
Investigators can open the locked leather attaché 7E MECHANICS FOR SPOTTING THE WEIRDNESS
case either by forcing it (regular STR roll) or with a
Locksmith roll.
It requires an Extreme success on a Know roll to realise
7E MECHANICS FOR INSPECTING SIMON’S that there is something not right about these TV spots; as
HIGH-TECH NOTEBOOK PC (TSAR page 61/71) though something had been done to them to make them
strangely compelling to viewers.
The unfamiliar dome-shaped bead of laser light can be
identified with an INT roll as a kind of optical pointer –
an input device similar to a trackball but allowing a user STATS for MIRANDA SHARPE, The People’s
to scroll by passing a finger-tip through the laser beams. Choice
After using the computer for a while and exploring STR 100 CON 120 SIZ 45 DEX 130 INT 85
its strange VR images of high-resolution human forms APP 90 POW 110 EDU 95 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 16
an investigator can deduce (with an INT) roll that the Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 22
computer stores the full genetic image of several people.
Bite 75% (37/15), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus
Knife 75% (37/15), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus
STATS for SAM FOBES, Senior FBI Agent Life Drain 90% (45/18), damage 1D8×5 STR each round
STR 85 CON 75 SIZ 85 DEX 55 INT 50 Dodge 75% (37/15)
APP 45 POW 45 EDU 90 Sanity 50 Hit Points: 16 Armor: None, but all weapons inflict minimum
Damage Bonus: +1D6 Build: 2 Move: 8 Magic Points: 9
damage. Can regenerate up to 10 Hit Points per
Fighting 75% (37/15), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus round.
.38 Automatic 60% (30/12), damage 1D10
Dodge 35% (17/7) Skills: Accounting 58%, Alter Image* 85%,
Climb 43%, Credit Rating 80%, Fast Talk 81%,
Skills: Accounting 50%, Climb 51%, Credit
Law 68%, Listen 47%, Pose Attractively 72%,
Rating 65%, Drive Auto 60%, Fast Talk 40%,
Psychology 90%, Persuade 78%, Spot
Intimidate 75%, Law 65%, Listen 63%,
Hidden 58%, Stealth 55%, Throw 41%
Persuade 40%, Psychology 40%, Spot
Hidden 43%, Stealth 35%, Track 37% * Use of skill requires expenditure of 1 Magic Point

STATS for SIMON CHILDE, Unrequited STATS for Typical Companion of Lyr
Madman STR 75 CON 80 SIZ 65 DEX 55 INT 50
STR 40 CON 50 SIZ 75 DEX 70 INT 85 APP 45 POW 70 EDU 40 Sanity 35 Hit Points: 14
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 14
APP 65 POW 55 EDU 93 Sanity 05 Hit Points: 12
Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 5 Magic Points: 11 Fighting 65% (32/13), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Fighting 35% (17/7), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus .32 Automatic 50% (25/10), damage 1D8
9mm Auto 35% (17/7), damage 1D10 Machine Pistol 45% (22/9), damage 1D10
Dodge 30% (15/6)
Dodge 35% (17/7)
Skills: Drive Motorcycle 45%, Jump 60%, Listen 50%,
Skills: Accounting 68%, Art (Oratory) 45%, Art
Plant Bomb 55%, Spot Hidden 50%
(Photography) 58%, Brood Endlessly 90%,
Computer Use 78%, Credit Rating 75%,
Drive Auto 55%, Electrical Repair 40%, STATS for Typical Convention Hall Guard
Electronics 35%, Fast Talk 65%, First Aid 60%, STR 75 CON 75 SIZ 60 DEX 70 INT 50
History 65%, Law 20%, Library Use 50%, APP 60 POW 50 EDU 65 Sanity 55 Hit Points: 13
Mechanical Repair 50%, Psychology 41%, Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 9 Magic Points: 10
Persuade 63%, Science (Astronomy) 51%, Fighting 70% (35/14), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Science (Biology) 55%, Science (Physics) 31%, .45 Revolver 75% (37/15), damage 1D10+2
Spot Hidden 59%, Stealth 35%, Throw 48% Machine Pistol 65% (32/13), damage 1D10
Dodge 70% (35/14)
STATS for JACKSON “COBRA” O’BRIAN, 38, Skills: Fighting (Martial Arts) 70%, First Aid 55%,
Radical Caudillo and Murderer Listen 55%, Stealth 65%
STR 80 CON 70 SIZ 55 DEX 75 INT 65
APP 65 POW 45 EDU 70 Sanity 20 Hit Points: 12
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 9 Magic Points: 9
Fighting 75% (37/15), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
12g Shotgun 45% (22/9), damage 4D6/2D6/1D6
Machine Pistol 55% (27/11), damage 1D10
Dodge 90% (45/18)
Skills: Art (Oratory) 75%, Credit Rating 52%, Drive
Motorcycle 39%, Fast Talk 65%, Jump 57%,
Law 50%, Listen 61%, Persuade 79%, Plant
Bomb 82%, Psychology 69%, Spot Hidden 45%

Upgrade Pack Contents:
Scenario 5 — Fractal Gods
Original Scenario created by: Steve Hatherley

“The Stars Are This PDF

Right!” Page Ref Page Ref
1st Ed 2nd Ed
Fractal Papers #1: Suicide Message Video 73 85 36
Bonus Handout: Sample of Jon’s Schoolwork - - 37
Fractal Papers #2: Email to Investigators 73 85 39
7E Mechanics for vocalizing the chant 74 85 40
Bonus Handout: Malware code analysis - - 38
Bonus Handout: Snapshots from Fractal Gods #12 75 87 39
7E Mechanics for Fractal Creatures 76 88 40
Statistics for The Beacon 76 88 40
Statistics for Predator Fractals 77 89 40
7E Mechanics for Marauders 77 89 40
Statistics for YOG-SOTHOTH in Fractal Form 78 90-91 40
Statistics for Floater Fractals 78 90 40
Statistics for Feeder Fractals 78 90 40
Statistics for Builder Fractals 78 90 41
Statistics for Hider Fractals 78 90 41
Statistics for Inspector Fractals 78 90 41
Statistics for Comber Fractals 78 90 41
7E Mechanics for attacks by Fractals one, two, and three 82 93 41
Bonus Handout: German diary page - - 38
Statistics for GATHERER-THING 80 92 41
Statistics for FRACTAL ONE 82 93 41
Statistics for FRACTAL TWO 82 95 41
Statistics for FRACTAL THREE 82 95 41
Statistics for ANTHONY LATHAN 83 95 42
Statistics for KATHI LATHAN 83 95 42
Statistics for THE MAINFRAME BEACON 82 95 42
Statistics for THE MARAUDER 82 95 42
Statistics for JULIA BURNET 83 95 42
Statistics for YAN MUELLER 83 95 42
Statistics for GATHERER 82 - 42

Fractal Gods: Updating for the 21st Century
There are a few fundamental pieces of the scenario’s backstory – in particular the existence of the electronic fanzine
“Fractal Gods,” mailed to subscribers on 3.25” floppies – that won’t work in a modern (2017) context. The notes which
follow aim to reinvent these anachronistic elements: in place of a fanzine, they propose the existence of a series of
YouTube video blog postings, one of which is being used as part of a nefarious plan to break down the barriers between
dimensions via an international “summoning” botnet.

Updated description of the Keepers Information, paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 (TSAR page 71/82–83):
Together the alien and Mueller dismantled the program to see how it functioned, thereby creating the basis
for a new gate. However, such a digital gateway to a fractal dimension requires an enormous amount of ongoing
computation in order to remain open – thus, for any practical application either a massively powerful computer
would be required or many computers operating in concert. Recognizing this limitation, yet desperate to explore his
new discovery, Mueller racked his brains: he had no ready access to a supercomputer, but he did know something
about writing computer malware. He embedded the fractal gateway routines as a malicious program called Other
Beacons which could be hidden inside video streams and run on unsuspecting victim computers that viewed the
video. Mueller reasoned that by adding his Other Beacons malware to a popular Youtube video and re-uploading
his infected version, he could cause hundreds of individual computers around the world to all begin running his
gate code. Furthermore Mueller knew the perfect vehicle – the niche but popular series of video blog (vlog) postings
made by Julia Burnet under the name “Fractal Gods”.
Thus it was the Mueller, aided by the gatherer, infected a copy of the most recent vlog posting in the series –
“Fractal Gods #12” and re-uploaded it under a pseudonym. While this copy of the video received nowhere near as
many views as the true original copy of “Fractal Gods #12”, it was downloaded often enough to open up localised
gateways to the fractal dimension.
The Suicide
Not long after Mueller uploaded his infected version of “Fractal Gods #12”, It was streamed – and saved – by a
Boston teen Jon Lathan on a PC in his basement study. An avid reader of the Fractal Gods vlog, he was eager for
a fix of the latest spectacular computer animations synced to hypnotic psy-trance music. As he watched his saved
copy of the video over and over again, the malicious software did its job.

Updated description of the wrecked computer in the Lathans’ basement (TSAR page 73/84):
The computer’s monitor and keyboard have clearly been smashed beyond the point where they could be functional,
but a Computer Use roll informs an investigator that it is possible that the computer’s internal hard disk might
have survived the wreckage. However, should investigators attempt to power up the wrecked computer it makes a
few feeble beeping sounds before automatically switching itself off; clearly it has suffered some internal damage. If
investigators persevere with repeating the experiment, after three attempts an acrid cloud of smoke emerges from
within the computer, evidence of a small electrical fire that has permanently damaged the computer’s internal
components, including the hard disk.
If, instead, an investigator thinks to dismantle the broken computer and remove the hard disk prior to its destruction
by fire there is a good chance that some of its data can be recovered. Fitting the disk to another working computer
requires a Hard Computer Use roll and reveals that some areas of the disk have survived the damage while others
are unreadable. With a further Hard Computer Use the investigator can determine that the most recent file accessed
on the computer was a video file called “Fractal Gods #12 by OpenerOfTheWay (saved from YouTube @720p).mp4”.
All attempts to open the file itself prove to be in vain. If the investigators run a malware scan over the hard disk
from the broken computer it will find several malicious programs, most of them unremarkable – one file, a hidden
program called “OtherBeacon.exe” is flagged as a suspicious file of an unknown type. Dissecting this malware will take
many hours and an Extreme Computer Use roll but will reveal that it is an illogically-coded piece of malware which
performs a range of unfathomable tasks on the computer, but also links it to a world-wide network of “bots”.

Fractal Gods: Updating for the 21st Century (cont.)
Updated description of the working computer in the Lathans’ basement (TSAR page 73/84):
The other computer is intact … fathom its purpose. A successful Computer Use suggests that they might be
graphics rendering libraries. Those who check, and make another Computer Use roll find that some elements of the
code seem to resemble techniques used by malware writers for hiding programs. If the investigators have dissected
the malware left behind by “Fractal Gods #12” they will quickly recognise similarities. At any rate …
Updated description of Fractal Gods (TSAR page 74/85–86):
Fractal Gods is the name given to a popular series of YouTube videos which combine psychedelic animations
(usually constantly-shifting fractals intercut with artistically-shot photographs of bizarre objects) with hypnotic psy-
trance music loops. Although compiled and uploaded by a single person – Julia Burnet, a young woman who lives in
Houston, Texas – its lengthy video streams are really made up of contributions from many different artists. Over the
years Fractal Gods has established a niche reputation amongst lovers of abstract art, and also some among the drug
culture. New vlog entries are uploaded at irregular intervals, usually no more than one every three months or so.
Finding all of the issues uploaded in the series is as easy as typing the name “Fractal Gods” into a search engine
or directly into YouTube search. The most recently uploaded edition of the vlog is “Fractal Gods #12” and searches
reveal that there are two versions of the video still viewable on YouTube – one is a popular download (created by user
“JuliaBurnet”); the other is a much less frequently downloaded version (created by user “OpenerOfTheWay”). Both
appear identical on viewing. In fact they are not the same – the former is the true, original, copy of the video and
contains no malicious software, the latter is Mueller’s malware infected version. A locally-saved copy of the infected
video stream was the most recently (and frequently) accessed file on the smashed computer in the Lathans’ basement.
The Fractal Papers #3 provides snapshots of the contents of this video.
Updated description of Other Beacons (TSAR page 74/86):
Viewing the infected version of the “Fractal Gods #12” video causes an executable program to be dropped onto
the local computer – a file called “OtherBeacons.exe”, saved into a random location on the disk. Once the stealthy
installation has taken place the program is automatically run. The software vulnerability which allows both the
dropping and activating of the malware relies on a (currently unpublicized) programming error in a free video
translation library whose use is extremely widespread – indeed, the library is incorporated into all major operating
systems as a standard component. This means that the malware works on most computers, tablets and cell phones.
When the OtherBeacons.exe is activated – either by the infected video or manually by clicking on the malicious
file – its effects are not immediately apparent. In fact for the first two minutes the program appears to do nothing,
not even opening a window. After the delay, however, a small window appears in the very corner of the screen – the
image it displays is initially disappointing – upon a black background …
Updated description of Houston (TSAR page 78/91):
Investigators who have become aware of the infected version of “Fractal Gods #12” will likely wish to track
down the individual who uploaded this malicious video. The only clue they have is the name of the uploader,
“OpenerOfTheWay” – no amount of searching on YouTube or elsewhere finds any other files created by this
user. Such searches also fail to unearth any hint of the real-world identity of this person. It is only by contacting
the original creator of “Fractal Gods #12” – Houston engineer Julia Burnet – that some clue can be obtained.
Investigators can communicate with Julia either online or by tracking her down in the real world. If they mention
the “OpenerOfTheWay” during the conversation she will very quickly respond, “oh, you must mean Yan”. If quizzed
she will reveal that Yan Mueller is one of the most avid commenters on her vlog and has the habit of signing off
his emails with the nickname “Opener”. Although Julia has never met Yan in person, she knows his New York City
address, having once sold him a copy of a special DVD produced to celebrate the third anniversary of “Fractal
Gods”. She will readily supply this address to anyone who asks for it.
If asked whether she is aware of the malicious copy of “Fractal Gods #12”, she confesses ignorance. She also has
not experienced any of the weird fractal manifestations – although once the investigators have made her aware of
the malicious video she may subsequently watch it and suffer the effects.

Fractal Gods: Updating for the 21st Century (cont.)
Updated description of “Fisher Consulting Engineers” (TSAR page 78/91):
The Global Botnet
The unfortunate events affecting Jon Lathan in Boston are not isolated events; if investigators find a way to
track the (relatively small number of) downloads of the infected version of Fractal Gods #12 they will find that
several other persons have displayed similarly uncharacteristic personality swings. A handful have succumbed to
unexplained suicidal tendencies. There is no geographical pattern to these incidents – they are spread across the
globe. In reality, it is the OtherBeacons malware that is responsible.
Yan Mueller’s hope was that his malware would become massively copied across the Internet as the result of
unsuspecting persons viewing his video, but in reality only a few hundred copies have become active to-date. The
computers which have been infected by OtherBeacons – in addition to opening small, isolated gates to the fractal
dimension – are all linked together by covert messages sent between one another. They also communicate with a
secret command and control server which periodically sends messages to coordinate the strange computations. It
is this network of enslaved computers, working in concert – a Botnet – that Mueller hopes will eventually cause
a much larger gateway to be opened. Unfortunately the growth of this Botnet has been considerably slower than
Mueller hoped: at the current rate it may take months before enough computers are infected.
If an investigator somehow manages to track down the Botnet’s control server online (a task that requires three
Hard Computer Use rolls) he or she can easily gain access and get an up-to-the-second count of the number of
infected computers. Unless they have used extreme Stealth, however, it is likely that logging on to the server will
attract the attention of 1D6 assorted fractals.
Updated text “Going Home” (TSAR page 80/93):
After the investigators’ visit, the fractal decides it is time to move on. Police interest also causes it to leave. The
first few unfortunate policemen are absorbed into its mass, then Mueller urges it to depart. Such desperate measures
creates the need to speed up the plan for creating the permanent gateway – a plan that relies on the spread of the
OtherBeacons malware. Frantically Mueller concocts a plan: if he could force Julia Burnet to release a special
“emergency” edition of the Fractal Gods vlog, one that is both official (released by her trusted user name) and
infected with OtherBeacons, the malware would spread like wildfire. He knows that Burnet has an impressively
large social network and that dozens, perhaps hundreds, of people across the world download her videos within
minutes of them being linked on Facebook and Twitter.
Unfortunately the unwelcome attention of the investigators (and perhaps the police) makes it impossible for Mueller
to attempt coercing Burnet via online means, so the desperate man adopts a more direct approach. Stealing a truck
and loading the fleshy form of the fractal into the back, he sets out to drive to Houston to track down Burnet in
person. He hopes he can convince her with words but he packs a pistol just in case. Three days later – having fed on
an assortment of hitch-hikers and traffic cops along the way – Mueller and his fractal arrive in Houston. After a tense
confrontation, Burnet agrees to the barely-coherent demands of the wild-eyed man and a special short video – Fractal
Gods #12A – is uploaded to YouTube. Simultaneously the video is advertised on Julia Burnet’s social media accounts.
Investigators who are somehow alerted to this new video and who play it, see a frightened-looking Burnet sitting at
her home workstation. Around her floats a range of spectacular, shifting forms – presumably computer generated
images. The interaction between the CGI elements and the real footage is impressive, with the delicate spindly fractal
shapes apparently casting complex shadows over Burnet’s face as they swim past. The video only lasts 30 seconds and
the anxious Julia does not speak. Anybody who watches the video to its completion will have their computer infected
with the OtherBeacons malware, thereby joining the Botnet.
With the publicity created by Julia’s involvement, Fractal Gods #12A rapidly becomes a trending video among the online
art subculture. Within just twenty minutes the Botnet reaches its critical mass and the gateway is opened. At this time the
gatherer drains Burnet of her final Magic Points, causing her to fall unconscious; then it does the same with Mueller.
The fractal edges of the gateway yawn wide …
Updated description of Returning through the Gate (TSAR page 82/95):
As the investigators leave, the gate collapses. The Botnet overloads, causing hundreds of infected computers
around the world to spontaneously burst into flames.

A grainy phone-quality video showing a 17 year old in a distressed
state, speaking to the camera.

He says:

Hey Mom, Dear Dad,

It started a few days ago – the voice. lt burns images into my soul.
Blackened cities, twisted shells of buildings. Tortured souls penned
for the spheres to feed on from between the planes. l’ve seen the im-
ages. The spheres. And it is true, the voice shows me.
I can stand it no more. The Blackness taunts me so. It must go, I
cannot stand it.
I wrote it down, just like the voice said.
Mom, Dad, I love you.
Forgive me, Jon.

The last images of the video show words scrawled on a plain brick

The Fractal Papers #1

chu htin llo han zob kzad

A school test on the subject of calculus, filled out by Jon Lathan.

Scrawled in the margins, and across part of the test itself is a repeated
gibberish phrase:

chu htin llo han zob kzad

Bonus Handout: Sample of Jon’s Schoolwork

Bonus Handout: Malware code analysis

Decompiled computer code which is hideously complex with an

apparently insane internal logic.
Bonus Handout: German diary page

A page from a hand-written diary in German.

Featured prominently in the centre of the page is an odd mathematical

Bonus Handout: Snapshots from Fractal Gods #12
Nine thumbnail pictures showing frames from different segments in
the Fractal Gods #12 YouTube video stream:

• Headshot of Julia Burnet introducing the stream

• “Dissonance”
• Fractal Lion
• Brake-Thru
• Mole
• Three old men with fractals
• “Always Greener on the Other Side”
• Other Beacons

An email written by Jon Lathan.

Dear Sirs,
The Fractal Papers #2

I don’t understand the pictures in my head and the voice in my soul. It

torments and grinds. I see terrible things that I know are real.

chu htin llo han zob kzad

I don’t know where this comes from. lt burns in my mind. I don’t


Jon Lathan

(TSAR page 74/85) page 77/89)
If the investigators attempt a vocalization and succeed To resist an attack by a marauder requires an opposed
in an Extreme POW roll, they briefly receive hideous roll comparing the victims POW to the fractal’s POW; if
visions and suffer sanity loss (as described in the scenario). the victim obtains a superior result the fractal is driven
away although the victim still suffers a loss of 1D3/1D10
7E MECHANICS FOR FRACTAL CREATURES (TSAR Sanity Points. If, however, the fractal wins the opposed
page 76/88) roll, the victim falls unconscious and loses 1D6/1D20
The fractals’ only meaningful statistics are POW and Sanity. Furthermore, the victim must immediately attempt
Magic Points. Once a fractal’s Magic Points equals its an Extreme INT roll – if this fails, the marauder begins
POW÷5, it needs to feed no more. However, on this the inexorable process by which it takes full control of the
plane the fractal energies naturally dissipate completely victim. In all, this possession takes 1D8 days to complete.
over a period of 24 hours. This means they must feed During this period the victim will be haunted by terrible
on the Magic Points of other beings to replenish this alien visions, and the marauder will also feed upon his or
reserve – merely to survive. Magic points drained from her Magic Points (although not exclusively).
living things are added to their own total on a one-for-
one basis; when the fractal’s total has reached its POW÷5, STATS for Yog-Sothoth, Outer God in fractal form
however, it is satiated and ceases to attack. Upon first
emerging from the gateway, an average fractal has an STR – CON 2000 SIZ 750 DEX 05 INT 200
initial Magic Point total equal to its POW÷5 minus POW 500 Hit Points: 400
Damage Bonus: N/A Build: - Move: 6 Magic Points: 100
1D6+3 (although never less than 1 Magic Point).
Predators are able to steal Magic Points from living 1D20 Tentacles 80% (40/16), damage special (see scenario)
creatures, and instinctively pick on the weakest targets. Dodge 05% (2/1)
They attack by stabbing their victims, triggering an Armor: None, but physical attacks cannot harm it. If
opposed roll where the fractal compares its current reduced to 0 Hit Points the fractal form of Yog-
Magic Points × 5 versus the target’s current Magic Sothoth is dispelled.
Points × 5. If the fractal obtains a superior class of result
it steals 1D6 Magic Points from the victim, adding the Spells: Any that the Keeper wishes.
same number to its own total. Sanity Loss: 1D10/1D100
STATS for The Beacon, fractal homing signal
STATS for Floaters
STR – CON – SIZ – DEX 60 INT 25
POW 50 Hit Points: N/A DEX 05 INT 1D2×5
Damage Bonus: N/A Build: - Move: 10 Magic Points: 10 POW 1D4×5 Hit Points: N/A
Damage Bonus: N/A Move: 1 Magic Points: MP÷5
1D6 Tentacles 50% (25/10), damage special (see scenario)
Dodge 30% (15/6) No attacks
Sanity Loss: 1/1D6 Armor: None, but physical attacks cannot harm it.
Sanity Loss: 0/1D4
STATS for Predators
DEX 4D6×5 INT (3D6+3)×5 STATS for Feeders
POW (2D6+6)×5 Hit Points: N/A
Damage Bonus: N/A Move: 10 Magic Points: MP÷5 DEX 1D4×5 INT 1D3×5
POW 1D4×5 Hit Points: N/A
Stab 60% (30/12), damage 1D6 Magic Point drain
Damage Bonus: N/A Move: 5 Magic Points: MP÷5
Energy Bolts 50% (25/10), damage 1D3
Dodge 35% (17/7) No attacks
Armour: None, but physical attacks cannot harm it. Armor: None, but physical attacks cannot harm it.
Sanity Loss: 1/1D6 Sanity Loss: 0/1D4
STATS for Builders STATS for GATHERER-THING, fleshy body of
DEX 2D6×5 INT (1D6+2)×5 the Gatherer
POW 1D6×5 Hit Points: N/A STR 125 CON 90 SIZ 130 DEX 40 INT 70
Damage Bonus: N/A Move: 4 Magic Points: MP÷5 POW 110 Hit Points: 22
No attacks Damage Bonus: +2D6 Build: 3 Move: 1 Magic Points: 22
Tent. Thrash 40% (20/8), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus
Armor: None, but physical attacks cannot harm it.
Tent. Grapple 40% (20/8), drag to maw and consume
Sanity Loss: 0/1D4 Dodge 20% (10/4)
Armor: 1-point of fleshy skin. If reduced to zero Hit
STATS for Hiders Points, the body dies and the Gatherer leaves.

DEX 2D6×5 INT 1D4×5 Sanity Loss: 1D3/1D10

POW 1D4×5 Hit Points: N/A
Damage Bonus: N/A Move: 3 Magic Points: MP÷5 STATS for FRACTAL ONE
No attacks STR – CON – SIZ – DEX 65 INT 60
Armor: None, but physical attacks cannot harm it. POW 70 Hit Points: N/A
Damage Bonus: N/A Build: - Move: 6 Magic Points: 14
Sanity Loss: 0/1D4
1D3 Tentacles 40% (20/8), damage special
Dodge 40% (20/8)
STATS for Inspectors Armor: None, but physical attacks cannot harm it.
DEX 2D6×5 INT (2D6+6)×5 Sanity Loss: 0/1D4
POW 3D6×5 Hit Points: N/A
Damage Bonus: N/A Move: 7 Magic Points: MP÷5
Tentacle 50% (25/10), damage 1D3 Magic Point drain
STR – CON – SIZ – DEX 55 INT 50
Dodge 20% (10/4)
POW 90 Hit Points: N/A
Armor: None, but physical attacks cannot harm it. Damage Bonus: N/A Build: - Move: 6 Magic Points: 18

Sanity Loss: 0/1D4 1D3 Tentacles 35% (17/7), damage special

Dodge 30% (15/6)

STATS for Combers Armor: None, but physical attacks cannot harm it.
Sanity Loss: 0/1D4
DEX 2D4×5 INT 1D6×5
POW 1D6×5 Hit Points: N/A
Damage Bonus: N/A Move: 7 Magic Points: MP÷5 STATS for FRACTAL THREE
No attacks STR – CON – SIZ – DEX 80 INT 65
POW 55 Hit Points: N/A
Armor: None, but physical attacks cannot harm it.
Damage Bonus: N/A Build: - Move: 6 Magic Points: 11
Sanity Loss: 0/1D4 1D3 Tentacles 50% (25/10), damage special
Dodge 45% (22/9)
7E MECHANICS FOR ATTACKS BY FRACTALS Armor: None, but physical attacks cannot harm it.
ONE, TWO, AND THREE (TSAR page 82/93) Sanity Loss: 0/1D4
The fractals attack with 1D3 tentacles. If any hit the
fractal drains 1D3 Magic Points if it successfully wins an
opposed roll matching its current Magic Points × 5 with
the victim’s Magic Points × 5.
Insurance Broker DEX 3D6×5 INT 4D6×5
STR 65 CON 60 SIZ 75 DEX 40 INT 70 POW 4D6×5 Hit Points: N/A
Damage Bonus: N/A Move: 9 Magic Points: MP÷5
APP 60 POW 60 EDU 80 Sanity 60 Hit Points: 13
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 7 Energy Bolt
Magic Points: 12 60% (30/12), damage 1D3
1D3 Tentacles 80% (40/16), damage 1D3 Magic Point drain
Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Dodge 30% (15/6)
Dodge 25% (12/5)
Armor: but physical attacks cannot harm it.
Skills: Accounting 70%, Art (Oratory) 40%, Computer
Use 45%, Credit Rating 65%, Drive Auto 45%, Sanity Loss: 1/1D6
Fast Talk 60%, Law 40%, Persuade 50%,
Psychology 60% STATS for JULIA BURNET, 26, Editor of
Fractal Gods
STATS for KATHI LATHAN, 32, Fractal- STR 55 CON 70 SIZ 55 DEX 80 INT 80
Possessed APP 60 POW 55 EDU 75 Sanity 55 Hit Points: 12
Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 8 Magic Points: 11
STR 45 CON 55 SIZ 60 DEX 75 INT 75
Mace Spray 40% (20/8), damage stun
APP 60 POW 45 EDU 70 Sanity 20 Hit Points: 11
Dodge 45% (22/9)
Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 8 Magic Points: 9
Claws ×2 50% (25/10), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus
Skills: Art (Photography) 30%, Computer Use 70%,
Tongue Throttle 55% (27/11), damage 1D4 + victim must
Credit Rating 45%, Drive Auto 40%, Library
succeed in opposed roll of STR vs tongue Use 45%, Persuade 30%, Psychology 30% ,
STR of 75 to free oneself Ride 20%, Science (Engineering, Civil) 50%,
Dodge 50% (25/10) Spot Hidden 50%, Stealth 45%, Swim 40%

Skills: Accounting 40%, Computer Use 60%, Credit

Rating 50%, Drive Auto 50%, First Aid 50%,
STATS for YAN MUELLER, 29, Insane Digital Artist
Library Use 50%, Listen 60%, Medicine 20%, STR 65 CON 70 SIZ 65 DEX 50 INT 70
Psychology 30% , Science (Chemistry) 40%, APP 55 POW 60 EDU 60 Sanity 0 Hit Points: 13
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 12
Science (Optics) 75%, Stealth 40%
Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Sanity Loss: 1/1D6 to see the fractal warp Kathi’s Dodge 90% (45/18)
tongue and claws into weapons.
Skills: Archaeology 30%, Art (Digital) 80%, Art
(Photography) 40%, Computer Use 55%,
STATS for THE MAINFRAME BEACON Credit Rating 20%, Cthulhu Mythos 5%, Drive
STR – CON – SIZ – DEX 60 INT 25 Auto 45%, Language (German) 60%, Library
POW 100 Hit Points: N/A Use 40%, Occult 35%, Psychology 20% , Science
Damage Bonus: N/A Build: - Move: 10 Magic Points: 20 (Astronomy) 45%, Science (Geology) 20%
1D6 Tentacles 60% (30/12), damage special
Dodge 35% (17/7) STATS for GATHERER, homesick fractal
Armor: None, but physical attacks cannot harm it. STR – CON – SIZ – DEX 75 INT 70
POW 110 Hit Points: N/A
Sanity Loss: 1/1D6 Damage Bonus: N/A Build: - Move: 9 Magic Points: 22
Energy Bolt 55% (27/11), damage 1D4
1D6 Tentacles 80% (40/16), damage 1D3 Magic Point drain
Dodge 40% (20/8)
Armor: None, but physical attacks cannot harm it.
Sanity Loss: 1/1D6
Upgrade Pack Contents:
Scenario 6 — The Gates of Delirium
Original Scenario created by: Gary Sumpter

“The Stars Are This PDF

Right!” Page Ref Page Ref
1st Ed 2nd Ed
Delerium Papers #1: Online News Article 84 96 44
Delerium Papers #2: Online News Article 84 97 45
Delerium Papers #3: Suicide Note 86 100 46
7E Mechanics for breaking into Rachel Hayward’s Apartment 88-89 101 6
Delerium Papers #4: Voice Message 89 102 43
7E Mechanics for stepping out into the 13th Floor 90 102 11
Delerium Papers #5: Computer File containing Dream Journal 89 102 46
Statistics for TENTACLED HORROR 91 103 11
7E Mechanics for fighting the Thing in the Garbage Chute 91 103 9
7E Mechanics for spying on Doctor Tarrou 91 106 11
7E Mechanics for breaking into Doctor Tarrou’s House 94 107 11
Delerium Papers #6: Dr. Tarrou’s Notes 95 107 45
Delerium Papers #7: Excerpts from The Revelations of Glaaki 95 108 47
Statistics for RACHEL HAYWARD 98 111 12
Statistics for DR RAYMOND TARROU 98 111 12
Statistics for NGO DINH HAO 98 111 12

“Hello Ms. Hayward, this is Dr. Tarrou. I trust the capsules of the drug Liao have
been effective in alleviating your distress. Let me remind you that this wonderful new
therapeutic medicament is still in its experimental stage and has not yet been approved for
pharmaceutical purposes.

“Remember to take only one capsule each night before retiring, and please record upon
waking every sensation in as much detail as recollection allows; it will allow me to more
clearly monitor your progress at our subsequent consultations here in Asharoken. I trust that
you are finding this new drug much more efficacious than the morphine.”

The telephone is equipped with a last number redial feature. If the investigators use this to
discover where she last called, they are connected to Dr. Tarrou’s house on Long Island.

The Delerium Papers #4

The Gates of Delirium: Updating for the 21st Century
This scenario doesn’t require any large-scale changes to bring it up-to-date for a modern (2017) setting. Some Keepers
might like to replace the home answering machine in Hayward’s apartment with a voice mail on her cell phone
(assuming investigators have some way of accessing her messages). Similarly, it is easy to replace the stack of CDs and
games with more contemporary technological equivalents (see below).

Updated description of Clues in Hayward’s Apartment (TSAR page 89/101):

A computer sits on a sturdy table; several USB thumb drives lay scattered around the room in various stages of
repair. Most of them contain perfectly mundane files – backups of saves from various games and the like. A thor-
ough search of the room will find one somewhat scuffed beaten thumb drive under the bed. It appears to have been
damaged at some time, perhaps by being sat on. If the investigators plug it into a computer an error message appears
to warn of errors on the thumb drive, however a Computer Use roll allows an investigator to repair the file system.
He or she can then read parts of the single file present on the drive. This document is called “DREAMS.ONE” and
the fragments that are undamaged are shown in Delirium Papers #5.

Subway Accident Victim Identified

Suicide Attempt Foiled.

NEW YORK – The young woman pulled from the tracks at Brooklyn’s Grand Army
The Delerium Papers #1

Plaza subway station last week has been identified as Ms. Rachel Hayward of Brooklyn.
According to eyewitnesses, Ms. Hayward had thrown herself in front of an oncoming
train, but was rescued at the last moment by an heroic bystander.

A spokesman for the New York Police Department describes the anonymous saviour as
“a real Samaritan.” Ms. Hayward is currently recovering from her injuries at Brooklyn
Hospital, where she is listed in fair condition.

The Delerium Papers #2
Subway Drama!

Woman saved from Certain Death

Police credit the daring heroics of a perfect stranger with saving the life of an
unknown woman late last night after she had thrown herself in front of a subway train
at Brooklyn’s Grand Army Plaza Station.

A small crowd of commuters waiting for the 11:49 train watched in horror as a young
woman jumped onto the tracks. With the train rapidly approaching, a quick-thinking
bystander climbed down from the platform and pulled the woman to safety, an instant
before the rain rushed into the station.

The young woman, who has not been identified, is listed in fair condition at Brooklyn
Hospital. The unsung hero was treated for minor cuts and released.

The Delerium Papers #6 (translated)

Fielding, Martin: Currently in initial stages of therapy. Signs of paranoia
enhanced by treatment. Reports out-of-body experience and floating sensations.
Maintain dosage.

Hayward, Rachel: Therapy in progress. Exhibits signs of psychological

dependence. Reports vivid images after numerous out-of-body experiences
overlapping into reality(?). Maintain dosage.

McNab, Bruce: Therapy in progress. Frequency of manic-depressive episodes

increase with treatment. Reports vague. Disconnected images and out-of-body
experiences provide nothing concrete. Increase dosage.

Spencer, Amy: Advanced stages of treatment. Grip on reality most certainly

slipping. Ability to function in this world impaired, but reports extremely lucid
encounters during treatment. Patient approaching threshold — will sanity hold?
Increase dosage.

Dr. Tarrou:
This note shall serve to explain my death, so that no misunderstanding can exist. Do
not judge my actions without first understanding the circumstances in which I find
myself enmeshed.
Having grown weary of this mindless, mundane existence, my ennui led me down
esoteric paths in my search for an escape. In short, I became obsessed with the need
to delve into unknown realms, to penetrate those secret places where no one has yet
The Delerium Papers #3

ventured – the human mind.

By means of therapeutic opiates and transcendental mathematics l plunged into
unfathomed depths, exploring foreign, but all-too-familiar terrain. I sought a place
where I could be at peace, and new feelings could develop and flourish, but instead I
was swept away by undercurrents of anonymous sensation as torrential as the tides,
and I discovered – and unleashed within my own mind – a primal force that cannot
be tamed.
I have passed through the gates of delirium, to become both pawn and prey of ultra-
worldly powers: insatiate, half-seen and tenebrous monsters – the very essence of
terrifying, macabre dread: the inescapable madness and horror of cosmic evil that
renders human existence both tenuous and trite.
Burdened by these unspeakable revelations, there can be but one escape. I must seek

Rachel Hayward

Last night I took Dr. Tarrou’s experimental capsule for the first time. I felt very, very light, like a feather floating
on a gentle breeze. I floated up, weightless, looked down at my room and saw myself asleep in bed. What a strange,
soothing experience!
Last night, with the aid of the marvelous drug, I floated further and further away, as though I swam in the ether.
The walls vanished, and all familiar objects disappeared as time and space seemed to merge into one, a strange new
dimension in which I could perceive everything simultaneously and from all sides.
Tonight I drifted back — not of my own volition, but inexorably drawn there by some unseen force. I traveled
through strange curves and angles of non-Euclidean space.
I retired early last night, eager to ingest Dr. Tarrou’s wonderful capsule. I am beginning to realize that time and
space are not separate, but identical. They are both nothing more than imperfect manifestations of an invisible
reality which I am gradually becoming able to perceive. I sense that it will not be long before the veils are lifted and
all will be made dear to me. At last I have found a sense of purpose!
I could not wait for nightfall to continue my journey. This morning, in my exuberance, I took a handful of capsules.
I glimpsed terrible things which mankind was never meant to distinguish but, mercifully, I can think of no words
with which to describe them. They are all around us at all times, hungry and hateful, but they cannot leave their
dimension to enter ours unless guided by one who twice crosses the artificial boundary of time and space — exactly
what I have done by returning to our earthly dimension. How can I face another day knowing what horrors I have
ushered into this world?

The Delerium Papers #5

“And thou enprise to retray the veils:

Against He Who Lifts the Veils, it behooves thee to purvey certain devices, in
order to warn mishap when His umbre doth cause all to wan. Dress well the
paynim perclose, and the Pentacle of Planes such as that made by the second
sign of the Saaamaaa Ritual, doth suffice, tofore.

He is hight, else the petitioner himself is benome. Take force that said perclose
remains unrased. Tofore He is cleped, rap well the paynim engine upon the
flagstone. If thou wish to beskift, rap well again till dispel the world which He
Who Lifts the Veils domineth.

Seek not to entreat with Him, lest He doth rash thee In like manner, it is not
unwise to avert thine eyes, for He is beseen but by folly.”

The Delerium Papers #7

HAYWARD’S APARTMENT (TSAR page 88-9/101) patient
Investigators without the key may attempt to break STR 40 CON 65 SIZ 45 DEX 65 INT 70
down the door; this requires a Hard STR roll. APP 75 POW 55 EDU 55 Sanity 42 Hit Points: 11
Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 8 Magic Points: 11
7E MECHANICS FOR STEPPING OUT INTO THE Fighting 25% (12/5), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
13TH FLOOR (TSAR page 90/102) Dodge 30% (15/6)
An investigator who steps out of the elevator into the
Skills: Accounting 15%, Art (Oratory) 20%, Computer
darkness beyond should make a Hard DEX roll – success
Use 35%, Credit Rating 30%, Library Use 60%,
means that he or she has grabbed onto something; failure
means a fall into an apparently endless black chasm. Persuade 35%, Psychology 35%, Ride 15%


STR 130 CON 130 SIZ N/A DEX 40 INT 45 psychologist
POW 90 Hit Points: 26 STR 50 CON 65 SIZ 50 DEX 65 INT 80
Damage Bonus: N/A Build: - Move: N/A Magic Points: 18
APP 50 POW 75 EDU 75 Sanity 15 Hit Points: 11
Tentacles (×3) 30% (15/6), damage 1D6 plus grab Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 7 Magic Points: 15
Dodge 20% (10/4)
Fighting 30% (15/6), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Sanity Loss: 1/1D6 .38 Special 35% (17/7), damage 1D10
Dodge 40% (20/8)
7E MECHANICS FOR FIGHTING THE THING IN Skills: Credit Rating 55%, Cthulhu Mythos 10%,
THE GARBAGE CHUTE (TSAR page 91/103) Drive Auto 30%, Fast Talk 40%, First
If a victim is grabbed by the thing’s tentacles it can Aid 50%, Language (English) 70%, Language
only break free of the grasp by overcoming the beast’s (Vietnamese) 35%, Library Use 60%,
STR of 130 with his or her own STR in an opposed roll Medicine 25%, Occult 30%, Persuade 30%,
(multiple characters can combine their STR as per the Psychoanalysis 40%, Psychology 60%, Science
rules outlined on page 88 of Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition).
(Astronomy) 15%, Science (Chemistry) 50%,
Science (Pharmacy) 60%
TARROU (TSAR page 91/106) Spells: Call Daoloth (see The Grand Grimoire of
Cthulhu Mythos Magic, page 55)
An investigator spying on the Asian driver who
emerges from the van may identify him as Vietnamese
if they succeed in an Extreme EDU roll. STATS for NGO DINH HAO, faithful
TARROU’S HOUSE (TSAR page 94/107) APP 45 POW 65 EDU 50 Sanity 55 Hit Points: 12
• Breaking into the metal box requires a Hard Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 9 Magic Points: 13
STR roll. Fighting 70% (35/14), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
• Reading the Doctor’s hand-written patient notes (or fighting maneuver for grapple)
requires success on Language (French). Bush Knife 55% (27/11), damage 1D6+2 + Damage Bonus
Dodge 45% (22/9)
• The strange old book can be skimmed if an
investigator succeeds in either a Language Skills: Climb 55%, First Aid 40%, Jump 60%, Language
(English) or Art (Literature) roll followed by (French) 20%, Listen 75%, Stealth 80%, Survival
success with Spot Hidden. 35%, Swim 60%, Throw 50%, Track 50%
Upgrade Pack Contents:
Scenario 7 — The Music of the Spheres
Original Scenario created by: Kevin Ross
“The Stars Are This PDF
Right!” Page Ref Page Ref
1st Ed 2nd Ed
Ghroth Papers #1: Excerpt from a Mythos Tome 99 113 50
7E Mechanics for learning about odd things at the GPCA 101 114 53
Ghroth Papers #2: Excerpt from a Mythos Tome 101 115 50
7E Mechanics for Music of the Spheres effects 102 116 53
Bonus Handout: Web Site for GPCA 105 120 51
Statistics for Mad Dog 105 120 53
7E Mechanics for Event: Earthquake 107 122 53
7E Mechanics for Gaining Information 112 123 53
7E Mechanics for The Dream 113 127 53
Statistics for The Madman 113 127 53
Bonus Handout: Weird Text Message 114 128 50
7E Mechanics for Escaping the Mi-Go Destruction 115 129 53
7E Mechanics for Mi-Go Electrical Weapons 115 129 53
Ghroth Papers #3: Online News Article 118 134 51
Ghroth Papers #4: Online News Article 120 134 52
Ghroth Papers #5: Online News Article 120 134 52
Statistics for SHERIFF RANDY KAUFMAN 120 134 53
Statistics for DEPUTY BOB HORNER 120 134-5 54
Statistics for DEPUTY DONNY CARPENTER 120 135 54
Statistics for DR GERALD NEAL 120 135 54
Statistics for DR CARL GUEST 120 135 54
Statistics for JENNY HOOPER 120 135 54
Statistics for HARLAN BENNETT 121 135 54
Statistics for JACK BERNARD 121 135 55
Statistics for DR DIANE MANCINI 121 135 55
Statistics for GARY WILSON 121 135 55
Statistics for THE FUNGI FROM YUGGOTH 121 135-6 55
Statistics for VICTIMS OF THE MUSIC 121 136 55

The Music of the Spheres: Updating for the 21st Century

This scenario doesn’t require any large-scale changes to bring it up-to-date for a modern (2017) setting. Keepers who
are interested in rooting the scenario in the modern day might like to reference recent real-world natural disasters as
part of the series of calamities happening around the globe.

Though the universe may feign the semblance of
fickleness, its soul has always known its masters.
The sleep of its masters is but the largest cycle of all
life, for as the defiance and forgetfulness of winter <gibberish>
is rendered vain by summer, so the defiance and
Ghroth Papers #1

forgetfulness of man, and of those others who have Meet me by dish 1

assumed stewardship, shall be cast aside by the at 2 a.m.
reawakened masters. When these hibernal times
are over, and the time for reawakening is near, <gibberish>
the universe itself shall send forth the Harbinger
and Maker, Ghroth. Who shall urge the stars and
worlds to rightness. Who shall raise the sleeping
masters from their burrows and drowned tombs;
who shall raise the tombs themselves. Who shall
be attentive to those worlds where worshippers
presume themselves stewards. Who shall bring
those worlds under sway, until all acknowledge
their presumption, and bow down. Bonus Handout: Weird Text

The time would be easy to know, for then mankind would have become
as the Great Old Ones, free and wild and beyond good and evil, with
Ghroth Papers #2

laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and
reveling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways
to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would
flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom.

Bonus Handout: Website for GPCA
Welcome to the Great Plains Cruciform Array!

Located 4 miles west of Hayden, Nebraska, the Great Planes Cruciform Array (GPCA) is
a world-class radio astronomy facility, one of the largest in the continental United States.
Founded in the early 1970’s as a joint venture between the National Science Foundation and
NASA, the array is now run as part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.

The GPCA consists of 14 radio antennas in a cruciform arrangement. Five are mounted on
rails allowing for the configuration of the array to be varied. The entire array covers an area
of approximately ten square miles.


ARTHUR COUNTY — Officials at the University of Nebraska have reported that yesterday’s
minor earth tremor measured less than 2.0 on the Richter scale. The quake is believed to have
been centered in the area of Three Mile Lake in Arthur County 40 miles northwest of North
Platte. No damages have been reported at this time, though residents were understandably
Ghroth Papers #3

“Just kind of unexpected, you know,” stated Billy McHenry of nearby Arthur. “The hogs
started running back and forth and squealing and all, and the earth shaking, but no harm
done. Nothing like you see in California all the time.”

Midwestern earth tremors or quakes are rare, but not unknown. Readers may recall that in
1990 scientists predicted that a major earthquake would occur with an epicenter in Missouri.
That quake never materialized, but scientists nevertheless say that major earthquakes in the
Midwest are a real possibility, though predicting them is impossible.


ADIS ABABA — An earthquake believed to have measured nearly 9 points on the Richter scale struck
the south central portion of this African nation yesterday morning. Peace Corps volunteers and officials
of the Ethiopian government report village’s destroyed and countless fatalities.
Ghroth Papers #4

The earthquake was preceded by a series of small tremors that began about thirteen hours before
the major quake rocked Adis Ababa and areas as far away as Nairobi, Djibouti, and southern Egypt.
Casualties are reported to be heavy with most losses occurring among starving people of Ethiopia.
Severe droughts have afflicted this African nation for over a decade, and worldwide relief efforts have
failed to bring needed aid to the famine stricken Ethiopians.

Nathan Vaughan, head of the American Peace Corps Famine Relief Program in Ethiopia, stated that
now more than ever aid is needed for the devastated African nation. “These people were bad off before
the earthquake, and now we’ve got damaged roads so we can’t even get the supplies to where they’re
needed. Things are a hell of a lot worse. I’ve seen whole villages lying in ruins, hundreds of people dead.
We’re going to need even more medical supplies and food than before. Christ, this is just a real mess.”


EASTER ISLAND — Severe storms and tidal waves have racked the vicinity of Easter Island for the past
week. Officials of the Chilean government warn against travelling in the waters west of that country, as
an underwater earthquake is believed to have stirred up extremely rough seas throughout that part of the
South Pacific.
Ghroth Papers #5

At least one vessel, the freighter Yolanda Gray out of San Francisco, has been lost in these storms. Rescue
operations were suspended Monday due to rough waters and high winds, and all hands are feared lost.
Captain Paolo Rivas of the Chilean Coast Guard reports that underwater seismic activity is believed to be
causing the disturbances in the ocean nearby.

Rescue vessels have reported seeing new islands thrown up from the ocean floor, but these reports are as
yet confirmed.

THINGS AT THE GPCA (TSAR page 101/114) STR 65 CON 65 SIZ 70 DEX 60 INT 60
This may require several visits to the facility, making APP 55 POW 45 EDU 65 Sanity 36 Hit Points: 13
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 7 Magic Points: 9
friends with some of the staff and perhaps successful
Science (Astronomy) and/or Persuade rolls. Fighting (×2) 60% (30/12), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Tire Iron 50% (25/10), damage 1D8 + Damage Bonus
Dodge 40% (20/8)
7E MECHANICS FOR MUSIC OF THE SPHERES Skills: Listen 40%, Rant and Rave 65%
EFFECTS (TSAR page 102/116)
• Anger/Rage: Roll D100 and subtract the 7E MECHANICS FOR ESCAPING THE MI-GO
sufferer’s POW÷5; then add 10 percentiles for DESTRUCTION (TSAR page 115/129)
each previous episode of Anger/Rage … During the destruction, the Mi-go with ruthlessly
• Pain: Reduce DEX by 5 and Hit Points by 1 for the pursue anyone fleeing by foot or car; the former will
require Stealth rolls, the latter Drive Auto rolls.
duration of the effect.
STATS for Mad Dog WEAPONS (TSAR page 112/123)
STR 45 CON 65 SIZ 40 DEX 60 INT 20 Being struck by the crackling bolt of electricity requires
POW 35 Hit Points: 10 a victim to make an opposed roll comparing his or her
Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 10 Magic Points: 7 CON to the weapon’s POW (which is 2D8 × 5). If the
Bite 40% (20/8), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus weapon obtains a better result the victim suffers damage
Dodge 35% (17/7) equal to one-fifth of its POW (i.e., the 2D8 originally
rolled). Regardless of the outcome of the opposed roll
Skills: Jump 60%, Listen 75%, Spot Hidden 65%, the victim is stunned – all movement or skills are halved
Track 70% for the next 2D3 rounds. If a human attempts to fire the
weapon, his or her base chance is calculated by one-fifth
7E MECHANICS FOR EVENT: EARTHQUAKE INT or one-fifth DEX, whichever is higher.
(TSAR page 107/122)
For strong earthquakes, characters must succeed in a IN ASTRONOMY (TSAR page 118/133)
DEX roll or stumble and fall.
Any investigator spending a fair amount of time at the
GPCA should be allowed to make a skill check in Science
INFORMATION (TSAR page 112/123)
Several of the basic investigations require success in
STR 60 CON 70 SIZ 75 DEX 65 INT 70
Science (Astronomy); sneaking into the offices of scientists
APP 65 POW 65 EDU 70 Sanity 65 Hit Points: 14
to read their notes requires successful Stealth rolls. Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 7 Magic Points: 13
Fighting 60% (30/12), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
7E MECHANICS FOR THE DREAM (TSAR page (or fighting maneuver for grapple)
113/127) Nightstick 45% (22/9), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus
.38 Revolver 65% (32/13), damage 1D10
The Keeper should determine the success of the Mi-go’s 12g Shotgun 75% (37/15), damage 4D6/2D6/1D6
Send Dreams spell by calling for a Hard POW roll for the Dodge 35% (17/7)
victim – if this is failed then the victim will experience the Skills: Art (Photography) 40%, Credit Rating 40%,
nightmare. During the dream, the huge blast will require Drive Auto 55%, First Aid 40%, Law 65%, Listen
the Dreamer to succeed in an Extreme DEX roll or be 50%, Persuade 45%, Psychology 40%, Spot
thrown to the ground. Hidden 60%, Stealth 30%, Track 30%
STATS for DEPUTY BOB HORNER, 46 STATS for DR CARL GUEST, Astrophysicist, 51
STR 65 CON 55 SIZ 80 DEX 50 INT 60 STR 50 CON 50 SIZ 70 DEX 45 INT 75
APP 45 POW 50 EDU 60 Sanity 50 Hit Points: 13 APP 60 POW 70 EDU 85 Sanity 70 Hit Points: 12
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 6 Magic Points: 10 Damage Bonus: nonw Build: 0 Move: 5 Magic Points: 14
Fighting 75% (37/15), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus 20g Shotgun 45% (22/9), damage 2D6/1D6/1D3
(or fighting maneuver for grapple) Dodge 25% (12/5)
Nightstick 55% (27/11), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus
Skills: Anthropology 15%, Art (Photography) 40%,
.357 Magnum 60% (30/12), damage 1D8+1D4
12g Shotgun 60% (30/12), damage 4D6/2D6/1D6 Computer Use 55%, Credit Rating 50%,
Dodge 25% (12/5) Electrical Repair 35%, Electronics 30%,
History 50%, Library Use 45%, Listen 35%,
Skills: Drive Auto 55%, Law 55%, Listen 35%, Spot
Mechanical Repair 45%, Persuade 55%,
Hidden 40%
Psychology 35%, Ride 70%, Science
(Astronomy) 80%, Science (Chemistry) 20%,
STATS for DEPUTY DONNY CARPENTER, 33 Science (Geology) 20%, Science (Physics) 65%,
STR 70 CON 80 SIZ 75 DEX 70 INT 65 Spot Hidden 45%
APP 75 POW 60 EDU 80 Sanity 60 Hit Points: 15
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 7 Magic Points: 12 STATS for JENNY HOOPER, Grad Student, 25
Fighting 65% (32/13), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus STR 45 CON 60 SIZ 55 DEX 65 INT 75
(or fighting maneuver for grapple)
APP 70 POW 65 EDU 90 Sanity 65 Hit Points: 11
Nightstick 55% (27/11), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus
Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 8 Magic Points: 13
.38 Revolver 50% (25/10), damage 1D10
12g Shotgun 45% (22/9), damage 4D6/2D6/1D6 Fighting 25% (12/5), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Dodge 45% (22/9) Dodge 40% (20/8)

Skills: Climb 50%, Computer Use 35%, Credit Skills: Art (Photography) 35%, Computer Use 55%,
Rating 30%, Drive Auto 50%, Fighting (Martial Credit Rating 25%, Drive Auto 35%,
Arts) 45%, Law 50%, Listen 30%, Mechanical History 30%, Library Use 50%, Listen 45%,
Repair 40%, Psychology 30%, Spot Hidden 35%, Persuade 40%, Psychology 45%, Ride 45%,
Stealth 40%, Throw 55%, Track 25% Science (Astronomy) 65%, Science
(Chemistry) 30%, Science (Geology) 35%,
STATS for STATS for DR GERALD NEAL, Science (Physics) 50%, Spot Hidden 35%
Astrophysicist, 53
STR 50 CON 55 SIZ 70 DEX 50 INT 85
APP 55 POW 65 EDU 94 Sanity 59 Hit Points: 12
Computer Engineer, 38
Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 5 STR 60 CON 70 SIZ 65 DEX 65 INT 80
Magic Points: 13

Fighting 25% (12/5), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus APP 65 POW 60 EDU 85 Sanity 60 Hit Points: 13
Dodge 30% (15/6) Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 12

Fighting 25% (12/5), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus

Skills: Accounting 45%, Art (Cartography) 30%,
Dodge 35% (17/7)
Computer Use 50%, Credit Rating 65%,
Electronics 35%, History 40%, Language Skills: Art (Cartography) 35%, Computer Use 80%,
(English) 95%, Language (German) 50%, Credit Rating 45%, Drive Auto 40%, Electrical
Library Use 60%, Listen 40%, Persuade 65%, Repair 30%, Electronics 65%, Listen 30%,
Psychology 35%, Science (Astronomy) 95%, Mechanical Repair 35%, Psychology 15%,
Science (Chemistry) 20%, Science Science (Astronomy) 35%, Science
(Physics) 70%, Spot Hidden 40% (Physics) 40%, Spot Hidden 55%
STATS for JACK BERNARD, Computer STATS for GARY WILSON, Maintenance
Technician, 32 Chief, 57
STR 60 CON 60 SIZ 70 DEX 65 INT 70 STR 65 CON 75 SIZ 75 DEX 65 INT 65
APP 70 POW 55 EDU 85 Sanity 55 Hit Points: 13 APP 60 POW 60 EDU 65 Sanity 60 Hit Points: 15
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 7 Magic Points: 11 Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 5 Magic Points: 12
Fighting 55% (27/11), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus Fighting 75% (37/15), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Club 55% (27/11), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus Club 75% (37/15), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus
Dodge 35% (17/7) .22-250 Rifle 60% (30/12), damage 2D6+1
Skills: Art (Cartography) 35%, Computer Use 65%, Dodge 40% (20/8)
Credit Rating 35%, Drive Auto 50%, Skills: Climb 60%, Computer Use 15%, Drive
Electrical Repair 45%, Electronics 50%, Fast Auto 50%, Electrical Repair 70%,
Talk 45%, Law 15%, Mechanical Repair 50%, Electronics 40%, Mechanical Repair 80%,
Psychology 15%, Science (Astronomy) 30%, Science (Astronomy) 15%, Spot Hidden 50%
Science (Physics) 35%, Stealth 30%
Astrophysicist, 44
One 50 60 30 60 75 70 09 14 -1
STR 50 CON 55 SIZ 65 DEX 55 INT 80 Two 60 65 60 70 70 60 12 12 no
APP 55 POW 65 EDU 95 Sanity 65 Hit Points: 12 Three 55 45 45 75 90 85 09 17 no
Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 6 Magic Points: 13
Four 85 50 65 50 50 75 11 15 +1D4
Fighting 40% (20/8), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Five 35 45 45 80 90 70 09 14 -1
.38 Revolver 25% (12/5), damage 1D10
Dodge 30% (15/6) Move: 7/9 Flying
Skills: Computer Use 35%, Credit Rating 40%, Armor: None, but impaling weapons do minimum damage.
History 50%, Library Use 65%, Listen 40%,
Persuade 65%, Psychology 35%, Science Fighting 45% (22/9), damage 1D6 + Damage Bonus
(Astronomy) 55%, Science (Botany) 15%, Seize [mnvr] See Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, page 301
Dodge 35% (17/7)
Science (Chemistry) 40%, Science
(Physics) 75%, Spot Hidden 60% Sanity Loss: 0/1D6


One 65 75 55 65 50 45 50 50 37 13 10 none 0
Two 80 50 75 65 50 35 80 70 70 12 16 +1D4 1
Three 30 80 60 50 35 55 50 60 41 14 10 none 0
Four 50 30 70 50 65 45 40 45 27 10 08 none 0
Five 50 65 75 75 85 50 40 60 28 14 08 +1D4 1
Six 35 35 45 50 50 70 60 80 43 08 12 -1 -1
Seven 65 65 50 65 75 65 45 70 33 11 09 none 0
Eight 80 65 85 60 90 55 35 70 21 15 07 +1D6 2
Nine 60 65 65 55 65 35 40 75 27 13 08 +1D4 1
Ten 30 55 55 65 55 50 50 65 41 11 10 none 0
Eleven 55 60 60 60 65 80 45 60 32 12 09 none 0

Upgrade Pack Contents:
Scenario 8 — Darkest Calling
[Only Appears in 2nd Edition Book]
Original Scenario created by: David Conyers
“The Stars Are This PDF
Right!” Page Ref Page Ref
1st Ed 2nd Ed
Darkness Calling Papers #1: Indian Art Diagram - 139 57
7E Mechanics for Finding Kate’s Body - 140 60
7E Mechanics for Gaining Access to the First Victim - 143 60
Darkness Calling Papers #2: Forensic Report - 143 57
Darkness Calling Papers #3: Initial Autopsy Report - 145 58
Darkness Calling Papers #4: Indian Art Diagram - 145 59
7E Mechanics for Learning the Summoning Spell - 145 60
7E Mechanics for Mapping the Location of Future Sacrifices - 146 60
7E Mechanics for Meeting the Descendants of the Kokoham - 147 60
Darkness Calling Papers #5: Kokoham Banishment Ritual - 147 59
7E Mechanics for Capture by the Kokoham - 147 60
7E Mechanics for The Elder Stars Ritual - 147 60
Darkness Calling Papers #6: Map of Ritual Locations - 148 58
Statistics for ANDREA KNIGHTLY - 149 60
Statistics for JOHN TOKODA - 150 60
Statistics for TYPICAL KOKOHAM INDIAN - 150 61
Statistics for FESTERING SHAMBLER - 150 61

Darkest Calling: Updating for the 21st Century

This scenario doesn’t require any significant changes to bring it up-to-date for a modern (2017) setting.

A scrap of paper with a fragment of a Native American
style drawing.

Darkness Calling Papers #1

Two star-shaped figures appear. One has a single
circle next to its left hand. The other has two circles
next to its left foot.


Victim #1: Paco Yuma Victim #2: Kate Louise Draper

Age: 19 Age: 28
Height: 5’11” Height: 5’8”
Weight: 175lbs Weight: 120lbs
Hair: black Hair: red
Eyes: brown Eyes: gray
Physique: endomorph Physique: ectomorph
Martial Status: single Martial Status: single
Children: none Children: none
Residence: Gu Achi, Papago Indian Reservation, Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
Arizona Profession: Freelance Journalist
Profession: Federal Postal Worker Criminal Record: none
Criminal Record: none Location of Body: southeast corner of Organ Pipe
Location of Body: 10 miles south of route 86 near Cactus National Monument
western edge of Papago Indian Reservation Religion: agnostic
Religion: Native America

Darkness Calling Papers #2

Phoenix Police Department, Laboratory Services Bureau
Darkness Calling Papers #3 Coroner: Douglas P. Hampton M.D.
1. Both victims died during the early hours of the morning, around 7:00 or 8:00 a.m.
2. The victims were stripped naked and bound by thick rope to five wooden stakes pounded
into the ground with a heavy mallet.
3. Once restrained, each victim underwent a torture of bloodletting that involved cutting
symbols such as spirals, stars, crescents and swirls into the victim’s flesh. None of these cuts
were fatal.
4. Both victims were conscious during the ritualized bloodletting.
5. Victim #2 shows signs of struggle during her bloodletting, such as rope abrasions to the
wrists, ankles and neck. In contrast, Victim #1 shows no sign of resistance even though he
was conscious at this point.
6. Cause of death was from the extensive mutilation or bite wound to the abdominal section.
Wounds are suggestive of a bite from a large, yet unidentified predatory animal.
7. Toxicology tests showed no blood abnormalities and no presence of any foreign chemicals.
8. Fingerprints and hairs of the killer were found (black straight hair matching those of Native
American Indians) on both victims, but so far no positive identification has been made in
any of the national criminal databases.
9. A thick orange substance smelling vaguely of bile was found on the bite wounds in large
quantities. It is highly toxic. Analysis of this substance has so far failed to offer any clues to
its nature.
10. A circular area of cleared earth, approximately 10 feet in diameter was present at both
murder scenes.
Darkness Calling Papers #6

A map of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, overlaid with

locations of six ritual sites. They are arranged in a star shape.

A page from a book, showing a photographed Native American art piece. It comprises five
vaguely star-shaped geometric figures. They are arranged equally around a circle.

The top right figure has a single circle next to its left hand

The bottom right figure has two circles next to its left foot

Darkness Calling Papers #4

The bottom left figure has three circles next to its right foot

The top left figure has four circles next to its right hand

The top central figure has five circles next to its head

There are two boxes overlaid on the photograph with text.

Box 1 reads: Sacred Tradition: The Kokoham practiced a well-established artistic tradition
believed to stretch back many centuries. These sacred designs were carved into stone,
painted onto animal skins, and tattooed onto brave Kokoham warriors.”

Box 2 reads: In The Stars: According to verbal tradition, the design depicted here serves
as a stylized Kokoham representation of a constellation in the night sky. The exact
identification is not known: they are simply called “the Elder Stars.”

Darkness Calling Papers #5

A scene from a traditional dance. A shaman or Keeper of the

Well banishes an evil Festering Spirit, returning it to its lair in
the underworld. The Kokoham people studied the constellations,
particularly the Elder Stars as tattooed on the Shaman’s hand,
which they used to calculate specific times and locations for
important ceremonies.

All the displayed artifacts were donated by Papago Shaman, John

Takoda, 1998.

(TSAR page -/140) Senior Detective Phoenix Police
Investigators who have a CON of 60 or less must rest STR 55 CON 70 SIZ 55 DEX 50 INT 75
every hour for twenty minutes to recover their breath. APP 75 POW 65 EDU 70 Sanity 61 Hit Points: 12
Once the body has been discovered, an Occult roll will Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 8 Magic Points: 13
connect the markings on her body with Indian tribes Fighting 60% (30/12), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
while a second Occult roll or a Science (Astronomy) roll Dodge 30% (15/6)
will note connections with constellations.
Skills: Computer Use 15%, Credit Rating 35%, Drive
Auto 60%, Fast Talk 45%, First Aid 50%, Law 35%,
7E MECHANICS FOR GAINING ACCESS TO Library Use 35%, Language (Apache) 10%,
THE FIRST VICTIM (TSAR page -/143) Language (English) 75%, Language (Spanish) 25%,
Knightly can be convinced to allow investigators access Listen 50%, Locksmith 35%, Psychology 65%, Spot
to the body of the first victim (Paco Yuma) if they succeed Hidden 60%
with either a Medicine roll or a Hard Persuade.
STATS for JOHN TOKODA, age 61, Kokoham
SUMMONING SPELL (TSAR page -/145) STR 45 CON 70 SIZ 60 DEX 65 INT 85
With a day of study time, the spell can be learned by an APP 65 POW 110 EDU 50 Sanity 81 Hit Points: 13
Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 5 Magic Points: 22
investigator as long as he or she succeeds in a Hard INT roll.
Sacrificial Knife* 50% (25/10), damage 1D4+2 + Damage Bonus
Dodge 50% (25/10)
LOCATION OF FUTURE SACRIFICES (TSAR * This weapon is enchanted and can harm creatures which
are immune to non-enchanted weapons
page -/146)
Skills: Anthropology 70%, Art (Ritual Painting) 85%,
The location of the next three ritual murders can be
deduced by any investigator who succeeds on a Navigate Climb 45%, Cthulhu Mythos 12%,
or Science (Astronomy) roll – this provides them with First Aid 85%, History 40%, Language
“Darkness Calling Papers #6”. (Apache) 40%, Language (English) 65%,
Language (Kokoham) 75%, Language
(Hopi) 50%, Language (Navajo) 35%, Language
7E MECHANICS FOR MEETING THE (Papago) 65%, Language (Spanish) 45%,
DESCENDANTS OF THE KOKOHAM (TSAR Listen 80%, Native American Lore 90%, Natural
page -/147) History 90%, Navigate 75%, Occult 60%,
Investigators who succeed in an Anthropology roll or Persuade 75%, Psychology 75%, Spot
a Hard Spot Hidden will notice that there is something Hidden 80%, Stealth 80%, Track 75%
different about this group of Native Americans. Spells: Contact Deity: Nyarlathotep, Summon/Bind
Festering Shambler, Augur [spend 4MP to receive
7E MECHANICS FOR CAPTURE BY THE vague hints of future events], Bless/Blight Crop
KOKOHAM (TSAR page -/147) [spend 6MP to cause one acre of vegetation to
improve or wither], Cast Out Devil [ritual to free
If they are restrained, investigators will be tied up using human host of demonic possession; requires 10MP
rope which can be broken with a regular STR roll. and an opposed roll of POW vs POW], Healing
[for 12MP can heal 2D6 Hit Points], Journey to
7E MECHANICS FOR THE ELDER STARS the Other Side [ritual to transcendentally travel to
another dimension; costs 15MP and lasts 1D6+3
RITUAL (TSAR page -/147) game hours], Unmask Demon [destroys magical
An investigator who wishes to escape his or her bonds disguise of supernatural being; oppose creatures with
will need to succeed in a Hard STR roll. combined casters’ MP sacrifice × 5].
STR 70 CON 65 SIZ 70 DEX 75 INT 60 Roll Average
APP 70 POW 50 EDU 60 Sanity 50 Hit Points: 13 STR (3D6+18) × 5 143
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 10 CON (3D6+12) × 5 113
Fighting 70% (35/14), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus SIZ (6D6+12) × 5 165
9mm Auto 50% (25/10), damage 1D10 DEX (4D6+6) × 5 100
Dodge 40% (20/8) INT (1D6+6) × 5 48
POW 3D6 × 5 52
Skills: Drive Auto 50%, First Aid 40%, Language
(English) 70%, Language (Spanish) 20%, Law 25%, Average Hit Points: 27
Listen 60%, Psychology 55%, Spot Hidden 65% Average Damage Bonus: +3D6 Average Build: 4
Move: 9 Average Magic Points: 10


Attacks per round: 1
STR 60 CON 75 SIZ 55 DEX 50 INT 65 Bite 50% (25/10), damage 1D10 + Damage Bonus +
APP 60 POW 60 EDU 45 Sanity 60 Hit Points: 13 wound infection (see below)
Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 8 Magic Points: 12 Dodge 50% (25/10)
Fighting 55% (27/11), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus Armor: Takes minimum damage from non-magical
Knife* 35% (17/7), damage 1D4+2 + Damage Bonus weapons. Regenerates 1 Hit Point per round.
12g Shotgun* 40% (20/8), damage 4D6/2D6/1D6
.30-06 Rifle* 35% (17/7), damage 2D6+4 Spells: None
Dodge 40% (20/8) Sanity Loss: 1/1D10
* Only one quarter of the Indians owns one of these weapons Wound Infection: Any victim that survives the bite of
Skills: Drive Auto 50%, Language (English) 50%, a Festering Shambler must make an opposed roll
comparing his or her CON against 5 × (number of
Language (Kokoham) 65%, Language
hit points lost to the creature). If the victim’s CON is
(Papago) 65%, Language (Spanish) 30%, overcome, they are fatally poisoned and will lose 5
Listen 40%, Natural World 40%, Navigate 45%, points from their STR, CON, DEX and APP every
Occult 20%, Spot Hidden 40%, Stealth 35% day until they are dead. Even if the victim wins the
opposed roll, he or she will still lose 5 points from STR,
CON, DEX and APP for the next 1D6 days at which
point their body has finally beaten the toxin. When
calculating the loss of characteristics, don’t forget to
recalculate Hit Points, Damage Bonus and Build.

Upgrade Pack Contents:
Scenario 9 — The Source and the End
[Only Appears in 2nd Edition Book]
Original Scenario created by: William Jones
“The Stars Are This PDF
Right!” Page Ref Page Ref
1st Ed 2nd Ed
7E Mechanics for Assessing the Storm and Possible Flood - 153 64
7E Mechanics for Spotting Lurkers in the Town - 154 64
7E Mechanics for Breaking Down the Door to Garrett’s House - 154 64
The Source Papers #1: Scrap of Paper - 155 63
7E Mechanics for Volatile Gases in the Kitchen - 156 64
The Source Papers #2: Scrap of Paper - 156 63
The Source Papers #3: Scrap of Paper - 156 63
7E Mechanics for the Archaic Book of Eibon - 157 64
Tome Statistics for the (Incomplete) Book of Eibon - 157 64
7E Mechanics for the eBook on Improvised Explosives - 157 64
7E Mechanics for locating deleted files on Garrett’s Computer - 158 64
7E Mechanics for moving through town - 159 64
7E Mechanics for breaking down Cadie Brynes’ door - 160 65
7E Mechanics for crossing Cement Creek Bridge - 160 65
7E Mechanics for Exploring Mine #19 - 163 65
7E Mechanics for Optional Rule: Expertise Re-Roll - 163 65
7E Mechanics for blowing up the mine - 164 65
7E Mechanics for Rewards of Success - 165 65
Statistics for GARRETT RUSSELL - 165 65
Statistics for CADIE BRYNE - 165 65
Statistics for LT NEAL WARNER - 165 65
Statistics for Typical U.S. Recon Ranger - 165-6 66
Statistics for SPAWN OF UBBO-SATHLA - 166 66
Statistics for MUTATED SPAWN - 166 66
Statistics for MUTATIONS OF OFFSPRING - 166 66
7E Mechanics for the Mezzemalech Stone - 167 66

The Source and the End: Updating for the 21st Century
This scenario doesn’t require any significant changes to bring it up-to-date for a modern (2017) setting.

The Source Papers #3
far too late. No buyer. She’s been work
probably alone. There’s not enough for
or a warrant, and it would be useless
Taking the book was the easiest answer.
No one will believe this anyway. I’m not sure
crawling alive with them. Somehow I think she
and changed the weather. It is easier for them
the rain, and the dark. There’s not doubt she
and she’s onto me. But the book did tell me how
The Source Papers #1

can kill them with fire! My only tactic is to contsr

Tregardis Tregardis Tregardis
but time is running out If I don’t act soon, I
He seems to be the key, but little information
[…] continued below
crystal or on the man. It is as though he just van
hiding — or perhaps was murdered.
I’m certain more information in the Federal Archives. I can
or find the original hardcopy. Most anything
from somewhere around ‘33 about a Brit.
is going to be any government database. But his name does
which says there’s more. Someone under Hoover without the stone. I think she is a part of the ce
or suspected him of some crime, real or I saw the thing in Mine #19. If I can stop it,
originally owned the crystal, so vanished without a trace think all of this will come to and end. But I and
the time approaches. It must move before the
leaves the mine or leaves Hillston. It might kill

limited time I had to see it, the crystal appeared

milky and lifeless. But as I held it, I watched as it
began to glow. An inner brilliance, as though it

and a living thing. A heart. I could see things in it

I at least feel them. I knew that Cadie would be on
at the store for at least two hours, which gave me
surprised. But when I checked my watch, nearly at
least. I have no memory of what transpired, but
my gut feeling. Somehow now, the crystal seems
It is more familiar to me. I can see her attraction
I’m called by it, too. But I need to wait. I want the
and the buyer, not just the thief. There’s the real
quite a puzzle. Who hired her?

Buford says the stone’s owner is unknown.

was anonymously donated to the museum. He
calls it the Tregardis Crystal. He’s a canny fish, B[…]

know he’s holding out on me as well. But one mys[…]

that next. The description matches the with the te[…]
or can get the R.P. text. The online archives are t[…]
at Columbia U. Can’t tell much from the abstract.
along with the photocopies, which arrive in a few […] The Source Papers #2
claim! Otherwise, I

7E MECHANICS FOR ASSESSING THE STORM safe and which is dangerous. If investigators discover the
AND POSSIBLE FLOOD (TSAR page -/153) scraps of cloth in the laundry room, a second successful
Demolitions roll will suggest that these were intended to
An investigator succeeding in a Science (Meteorology) be wicks for explosive devices such as Molotov cocktails.
roll can determine that it is unusual.
While walking through town, success on a Natural
World roll suggests that the storm is likely to cause the 7E MECHANICS FOR THE ARCHAIC BOOK OF
creek to flood parts of the town. EIBON (TSAR page -/157)
The old book, although written in (archaic) English,
7E MECHANICS FOR SPOTTING LURKERS IN is hard for modern readers to follow – success in either
THE TOWN (TSAR page -/154) a Hard History or Hard Language (English) allows an
investigator to cut through the elaborate flourishes in
While in the town the Keeper should occasionally ask the language and research the book at the normal rate.
any investigators carrying their on light source to roll Anybody else takes twice as long as usual.
both Luck and Spot Hidden. If the Luck roll is a success,
a Hard or better success on the Spot Hidden means that
one of the lurkers has been seen. If the Luck roll was a TOME STATISTICS FOR THE (INCOMPLETE)
failure, an Extreme success on the Spot Hidden is needed BOOK OF EIBON (TSAR page -/157)
to make the same observation. Sanity Loss: 1D4
Cthulhu Mythos: +2/+6
TO GARRETT’S HOUSE (TSAR page -/154) Study: 10 weeks
Suggested Spells: Alter Weather [ritual to change the
Any attempts to break any of the doors to the house
meteorological conditions], Gate, Deflect Harm [a
require a Hard STR roll.
defensive spell which allows caster to turn back at-
tacks by expending Magic Points equal to damage
7E MECHANICS FOR VOLATILE GASES IN THE they would have caused], Enchant Knife, Summon/
KITCHEN (TSAR page -/156) Bind Formless Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla.
If an investigator brings any type of flame into the
kitchen, there is a chance that it may trigger a massive 7E MECHANICS FOR THE EBOOK ON
explosion. To determine whether this happens first allow IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVES (TSAR page -/157)
investigators a Luck roll – if they succeed, then they
Reading through the eBook – which takes 5 weeks  –
recognize the early signs of combustion and can quickly
provides an investigator with +10 percentiles in
extinguish their flame or leave the room without further
Demolitions skill.
incident. Failure on the Luck roll (or an unwillingness
to remove the dangerous flame) creates the potential for
the explosion – the Keeper should allow the investigator 7E MECHANICS FOR LOCATING DELETED FILES
to make a roll against the potency of the flame he or she ON GARRETT’S COMPUTER (TSAR page -/158)
carries (by default this potency is 50). This roll is used Uncovering each of the files requires success in a
to oppose a roll made against the volatility of the gas combined Computer Use and Library Use roll. If the result
mixture: when the investigators first enter the kitchen the is an Extreme success multiple files have been uncovered.
volatility is 100, but this value increases by 25 for each
quarter hour that they remain there. If the Keeper’s roll
against volatility overcomes the investigator’s roll then a
massive fireball erupts. TOWN (TSAR page -/159)
If investigators wish to examine the strange pipes, The heavy downpour of rain makes vehicular
a Demolitions roll can reveal that they have been manoeuvres and outdoor physical activities more difficult
deliberately created as makeshift improvised explosive than normal; at the Keeper’s discretion any such skill
devices (IEDs), presumably by Garrett. This roll also check can either receive a penalty of 5 percentiles or be
allows an investigator to determine which of the items is performed with a penalty die.
Visibility is extremely limited – with no additional light STATS for GARRETT RUSSELL, age 61,
source, investigators can see only an arm’s length in the Inquisitive FBI Agent (retired)
gloom. If they have a flashlight this is extended to INT÷5
STR 70 CON 75 SIZ 70 DEX 60 INT 80
yards, twice that with strong lights like a car’s headlights. APP 60 POW 60 EDU 80 Sanity 60 Hit Points: 14
Firearm attacks require at least a Hard success to hit. Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 5 Magic Points: 12
Listen rolls performed outdoors automatically fail. Fighting 65% (32/13), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
.45 ACP 72% (36/14), damage 1D10+2
TO CADIE BRYNE’S HOUSE (TSAR page -/156) Skills: Climb 48%, Computer Use 33%, Credit Rating 35%, Cthulhu
Mythos 3%, Drive Auto 40%, Fast Talk 68%, First Aid
Any attempts to break any of the doors to the house 35%, History 30%, Jump 38%, Law 44%, Library Use 55%,
require a Hard STR roll. Listen 56%, Occult 6%, Persuade 60%, Psychology 61%, Spot
Hidden 46%, Stealth 30%, Throw 44%

CREEK BRIDGE (TSAR page -/160) Clever Cat-Burglar
Extreme weather makes checks against vehicular STR 60 CON 70 SIZ 55 DEX 80 INT 90
skills or physical skills more difficult: the Keeper might APP 70 POW 80 EDU 80 Sanity 80 Hit Points: 12
consider a penalty of 10 or 20 percentiles to such rolls or Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move:9 Magic Points: 16
alternatively impose a penalty die. Fighting 55% (27/11), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
Glock 17 64% (32/12), damage 1D10+1
Dodge 45% (22/9)
Skills: Climb 80%, Computer Use 40%, Credit Rating 65%, Cthulhu
(TSAR page -/156) Mythos 10%, Drive Auto 47%, Fast Talk 58%, Fighting
(Martial Arts) 45%, First Aid 39%, Jump 55%, Law 38%,
Any physical movement in the confined space of the
Locksmith 85%, Library Use 71%, Listen 58%, Occult 10%,
mine (e.g., jumping, climbing, running, lifting) requires Persuade 67%, Psychology 45%, Spot Hidden 65%,
a successful DEX roll, otherwise the character falls to Stealth 70%, Throw 35%
the ground.
EXPERTISE RE-ROLL (TSAR page -/163) STR 80 CON 80 SIZ 70 DEX 60 INT 65
APP 55 POW 65 EDU 70 Sanity 65 Hit Points: 15
This optional rule has been superseded by the inclusion Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 13
of Pushing skill rolls, a core part of the 7th Edition rules.
Fighting 60% (30/12), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus
M16A2 70% (35/14), damage 1D8
7E MECHANICS FOR BLOWING UP THE MINE .45 ACP w/sil 70% (35/14), damage 1D10+3
Bayonet (M16) 45% (22/9), damage 1D6+1 + Damage Bonus
(TSAR page -/164) Frag Grenade 35% (17/7), damage 4D6/4yds
Executing the plan to pack the mine with explosives Smoke Grenade 35% (17/7), damage special
and detonate it requires success against the following Flashbang Gren. 35% (17/7), damage stunned for 3D6 rounds
Dodge 40% (20/8)
skills: Demolitions, Mechanical Repair and Operate
Heavy Machinery. Armor: 12 Points from Heavy Body Armor (bulky, reduces skills
requiring fine control by 30 percentiles)
Skills: Climb 65%, Computer Use 30%, Demolitions 38%, Fighting
7E MECHANICS FOR REWARDS OF SUCCESS (Martial Arts) 66%, First Aid 38%, Inspire Platoon 30%,
(TSAR page -/165) Jump 38%, Listen 31%, Navigate 46%, Operate Hvy
Machinery 31%, Persuade 30%, Psychology 40%, Spot
Investigators who defeat the Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla earn a Hidden 47%, Stealth 47% (57% while wearing camo gear),
reward of +1D10+2 Sanity Points and +2D6 Credit Rating. Throw 50%, Track 28%
STATS for Typical U.S. Recon Ranger STATS for MUTATED SPAWN
STR 80 CON 75 SIZ 70 DEX 60 INT 60 Roll Average
APP 55 POW 60 EDU 65 Sanity 60 Hit Points: 14 STR 1D4×5 to 4D4×5 7 to 50
Damage Bonus: +1D4 Build: 1 Move: 8 Magic Points: 12
CON 1D4×5 to 3D4×5 7 to 37
Fighting 58% (29/11), damage 1D3 + Damage Bonus SIZ 1D4×5 to 4D4×5 7 to 50
M16A2 65% (32/13), damage 1D8
SAW 80% (40/16), damage 1D10+4 [2 per platoon] DEX 1D4×5 to 5D4×5 7 to 62
.45 ACP w/sil 48% (24/9), damage 1D10+3 INT none 0
Bayonet (M16) 35% (17/7), damage 1D6+1 + Damage Bonus POW 1D4×5 to 4D4×5 7 to 50
Flamethrower 45% (22/9), damage 2D6+shock [1 per platoon]
Frag Grenade 35% (17/7), damage 4D6/4yds
Smoke Grenade 35% (17/7), damage special
Flashbang Gren. 35% (17/7), damage stunned for 3D6 rounds STR 70 CON 70 SIZ 40 DEX 65 INT 0
Dodge 40% (20/8) POW 40 Hit Points: 11
Armor: 12 Points from Heavy Body Armor (bulky, Damage Bonus: none Build: 0 Move: 12 Magic Points: 8
reduces skills requiring fine control by 30 Bite* 58% (29/11), damage 1D6+1 + Damage Bonus
percentiles) Claw (up to 6) 38% (19/7), damage 1D4+1 + Damage Bonus
Skills: Computer Use 25%, Climb 55%, Tentacle (up to 10) 40% (20/8), damage 1D4 + Damage Bonus
Demolitions 25%, Fighting (Martial Arts) 35%, Dodge 30% (15/6)
First Aid 28% [platoon has 3 medics who
* If the Keeper wishes, these attacks might also deliver
have First Aid 39%], Jump 28%, Listen 28%,
Navigate 30%, Operate Hvy Machinery 31%, a mild poison (1D10 damage, halved with an
Psychology 27%, Spot Hidden 38%, Stealth 40% Extreme CON roll)
(50% while wearing camo gear), Throw 54%, Armor: Tough hide provides between 1 and 3 points
Track 34% of armor

STATS for SPAWN OF UBBO-SATHLA Skills: Climb 45%, Listen 48%, Sense Food 90%,
Spit 65%, Spot Hidden 60%, Stealth 55%
STR 170 CON 80 SIZ 140 DEX 60 INT 0
POW 50 Hit Points: 22 Sanity Loss: 1/1D6
Damage Bonus: +3D6 Build: 4 Move: 10 Magic Points: 10
Swallow 58% (29/11), victim is consumed and takes 7E MECHANICS FOR THE MEZZEMALECH
1D6 damage per round from
suffocation while held fixed; others STONE (TSAR page -/167)
may attempt to extract To keep the stone functioning an individual must
Dodge 30% (15/6)
succeed in an Extreme POW roll. The Keeper is free to
Skills: Stealth 90% call for additional POW rolls for further manipulations of
Sanity Loss: 1/1D8 the stone or mental encounters with its denizens.


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