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Subject : General Maritime English (GME)
Semester : II
Credit : Theory : ; Practice :

Topic Time Allocation

Basic Competence Learning Activity/ Indicator Assessment Reference

9. Discuss food on 9.1. Grammar: some  Completing sentences 1. use some and any to describe Quiz T1 Un 1
and any; would like supplies
board; order by using some and any 2. use some and any to order food T2 Un. 1,2,5,6,7
meals; report to describe supplies and drinks T2 Appdx 4
damage to food  Making questions using 3. use would like to offer and order T2 Un 59-62
cargoes food and drinks
some or any Internet
Written test
 Making sentences using
would like to order food
and drinks

9.2. Vocabulary: food  find name of food 1. name items of food and drinks
and drinks; adjectives 2. express personal taste using
indicating  repeat expression of adjectives of opinion
preferences; basic personal taste 3. identify, name and describe the
galley equipment; purpose of basic galley equipment
cooking utensils
 make list of galley and cooking utensils
equipment and cooking 4. identify and name different types of
utensils packaging of food cargo
 match picture and name
of packaging
9.3. Phonology: 1. practise intonation and pitch
revision of intonation from Units 1–8
and pitch, word and 2. practise rising and falling
sentence stress, intonation introduced in unit 1-8
linking sounds, and 3. practise word and sentence
contracted sounds stress from Units 1–8
4. practise linking sounds from
Units 1–8
5. practise contracted sounds from
Units 1-8
6. monitor own performance by
listening to a recording of own
Topic Time Allocation
Basic Competence Learning Activity/ Indicator Assessment Reference

9.4. Listening and  complete a conversation 1. describe how to make food

speaking: talking nutritious and tasty
about cooking and of ordering food 2. order food from a menu
food on board  illustrate some menu 3. understand informal
conversations in a messroom
using dialogue and café
9.5. Reading and  Identify food from a 1. read menu
writing: describing 2. list personal preferences in
personal preferences menu
in food  Make a list of food
10. Understand 10.1. Grammar:  Completing phrases 1. understand the difference in meaning
demonstrative between this, that, these and those
commands in adjectives; using this, that, these and 2. use the imperative form correctly for
emergency imperatives; must those giving urgent commands
situations on  Completing imperatives 3. use must to express obligation and
 Completing obligation and must not to express prohibition in
appropriate circumstances
10.2. Vocabulary:  Match picture and 1. name different types of emergency
types of emergency; situations on board
emergency and life- emergency situation 2. know and correctly pronounce the
saving equipment;  Match picture and name names of emergency equipment
verbs describing 3. use correct verbs and tenses to
emergency situations;
of emergency describe what happens in emergency
introduction to SMCP equipment situations
message markers:  Listen and repeat names 4. use SMCP message markers
instructions, correctly to precede instructions,
questions and
of emergency questions and answers in simulated
answers; SMCP for equipments external communications
distress messages  Identify message 5. demonstrate understanding of the
meaning and use of the vocabulary in
marker SMCP for simulated external distress
 Listen to SMCP communications regarding fire /
recording about SMCP explosion / abandoning a ship
message marker

10.3. Phonology:  Listening to a 1. recognise and identify contractions

contractions in and reductions of future forms in
connected speech conversation talking spoken English
about planning 2. use contractions of future forms
 Pronouncing the words fluently in connected speech
3. recognise contracted auxiliary verbs
related to connected in the Present Perfect when listening
speech to spoken models of connected
4. pronounce contracted auxiliary verbs
Topic Time Allocation
Basic Competence Learning Activity/ Indicator Assessment Reference

in the Present Perfect in connected

10.4. Listening and  Giving orders verbally 1. give effective emergency orders
speaking: giving verbally
emergency alerts  Listening and 2. 10.4.2. correctly identify message
identifying message types when listening to a selection
of instructions, questions and
 Having role play about answers which use SMCP
emergency situation 3. 10.4.3. understand short oral
commands in simulated emergency
4. react to simulated emergency
situations with single spoken
commands which are clear and

10.5. Reading and  Reading activities 1. 10.5.1. read samples of
writing: dealing with messages sent in distress
emergency situations related to distress procedures
on board by receiving procedures 2. 10.5.2. read and
or sending understand written
 writing and sending instructions for carrying out
commands general emergency
3. 10.5.3. describe the stages
for a general emergency

11. Check supplies, 11.1.Grammar:  Identify countable and 1. 11.1.1. categorise

countable and uncountable from countable and uncountable
cargo number and uncountable nouns; nouns
safety, passenger quantifiers  Making questions using 2. 11.1.2. enquire about
information; how much/many quantities of goods using
provide quantities,  Matching between how much and how many
picture and suitable 3. 11.1.3. give information
weights and prices; quantifier about quantities of various
discuss cargo goods using the quantifiers
handling too much / many, (not)
procedures; report
damage to cargoes
11.2. Vocabulary; 1. Pair work about prices 11.2.1. exchange information about
prices, types of cargo, prices of various goods and cargoes
container and cargo of goods in major currencies
handling gear; SMCP 2. Reading activities 11.2.2. revise types of cargo ship
for cargo handling; and passenger ship
Topic Time Allocation
Basic Competence Learning Activity/ Indicator Assessment Reference

phrases describing related to types of cargo 11.2.3. categorise cargoes and list
cargo damage; words appropriate containers
and phrases for and cargo handling 11.2.4. name types of cargo
passanger 3. Matching pictures of handling gear and match with
information measurement of ship relevant cargoes
11.2.5. understand and use tonnage
4. Demonstrate giving measurements to describe ships'
information based on volumes
scenarios 11.2.6. practise giving passenger
information clearly and concisely in
a range of scenarios
11.3. Phonology: past 1. Listening and repeating 1. 11.3.1. recognise the different
tense and past pronunciation of three -ed verb
participial endings (- the -ed verbs ending endings (/t/, /d/, /id/)
ed) 2. Listening and writing 2. 11.3.2. distinguish between the
the -ed verbs ending pronunciation of -ed endings when
3. Recording the -ed verbs 3. 11.3.3. distinguish between the
ending different pronunciations of '-ed verb
4. Pair work, exchanging endings in past participles
4. 11.3.4. pronounce past participles
information in correctly in connected speech
completing a store's 5. 11.2.1. evaluate own pronunciation of
requisition form -ed verb endings in past participles
5. Pair work, reading and by listening to a recording of own
dictating while other writing voice
quatities 6. 11.2.1. exchange information to
complete a store's requisition form
7. 11.2.1. comprehend requests for
numerical information relating to
quantities, capacities and
8. 11.2.1. read and dictate a variety of
numerical information correctly
9. 11.2.1. write down measurements
and quantities given by another
12. Compare vessel Grammar:  Describing nouns using 1. use comparative and
comparative and superlative adjectives to
details; deal with superlative adjective (positive, compare vessels and cargoes
health and safety adjectives; infinitive of comparative and 2. use the structures to + infinitive
on board purpose; for + -ing superlative) and for + -ing to explain the
equipment used for specific
 Completing sentences tasks
using structures to +
infinitive and for + -ing to
explain the equipment used
Topic Time Allocation
Basic Competence Learning Activity/ Indicator Assessment Reference

for specific tasks

Vocabulary: nouns 1. identifing ship's 1. give ship's dimensions using
and adjectives dimensions using appropriate nouns and
relating to vessel appropriate nouns and adjectives
specifications; adjectives from picture 2. describe selected equipment in
diseases and injuries; or replika terms of shape and dimensions
parts of human body 2. describing selected 3. name different parts of the body
equipment in terms of and describe the symptoms of
shape and dimensions common illnesses
3. distinguishing parts of
the body
4. describing the
symptoms of common

Phonology: sentence 1. listening and indicating 1. identify content words in spoken

rhythm and stress content words sentences
2. reproducing stress 2. stress content words in single
content words in single phrases
phrases 3. show awareness of rhythm
3. repeating model patterns in English by repeating
sentences correctly to model sentences correctly
shown 4. practise using rhythm and
awareness of rhythm sentence stress in conversation
patterns 5. practise main stress in given
4. roleplaying using statemen
rhythm and sentence
5. reproducing main stress
in given statemen
Listening and  Listening to a 1. talk about keeping healthy on
speaking: board
understanding and conversation and 2. exchange ideas on how to
discussing how to reproducing prevent epidemics
keep healthy on
board and how to
 Discussing about
prevent epidemics preventing

Reading and writing: 1. classifying a written 1. comprehend a written text

comparing vessel text about ships' about ships' systems and
details; health and systems and equipment equipment
safety on board 2. recognizing electrical 2. identify electrical equipment
equipment from written from written descriptions
descriptions 3. write a description of a vessel
3. composing a 4. report on health and safety
description of a vessel conditions on board
Topic Time Allocation
Basic Competence Learning Activity/ Indicator Assessment Reference

4. designing report on
health and safety
conditions on board




13. Describe Grammar: two uses 1. Classifying the 1. use the structure what does …
of like structure what does … look like? to ask for physical
people on look like? to ask for descriptions
board; physical descriptions 2. use the structure what is …
describe 2. distinguishing the like? to ask for subjective
seafarer structure what is … descriptions
like? to ask for
training subjective descriptions
Vocabulary: 1. interpreting a wide 1. use a wide range of adjectives
adjectives describing range of adjectives to to describe people’s physical
physical appearance describe various appearances
and personality; people's physical 2. use modifiers and adjectives to
articles of Personal appearances give opinions about various
Protective Equipment 2. implementing modifiers people's personalities
(PPE) and clothing; and adjectives to give 3. name various articles of PPE,
words and phrases opinions about various clothing for work and leisure
for seafarer training people's personalities 4. name different types of training
and education 3. identifying various and education for seafarers
Topic Time Allocation
Basic Competence Learning Activity/ Indicator Assessment Reference

articles of PPE, clothing 5. name and describe the overall

for work and leisure function of some professional
4. identifying different organisations, training
types of training and institutions and shipping
education for seafarers regulations
5. distinguishing and
describing the overall
function of some
organisations, training
institutions and shipping

Phonology: 1. recognizing the strong 1. identify the strong and weak

unstressed syllables; and weak syllables in syllables in word stress patterns
the weak vowel word stress patterns 2. produce the weak vowel sound
sound (the schwa) 2. demonstrating the weak (the schwa) correctly in single
vowel sound (the words
schwa) correctly in 3. identify the weak vowel sound
single words in spoken models of single
3. indicating the weak words
vowel sound in spoken 4. evaluate own pronunciation of
models of single words the weak vowel sound by
4. comparing own listening to a recording of own
pronunciation of the voice
weak vowel sound by
listening to a recording
of own voice
Listening and 1. Discussing one's own 1. talk about one's own training
speaking: talking training and education and education
about the history of 2. Ilustrating visitors on 2. exchange information about
seafarer education board training and education that may
and training in brief 3. Describing PPE and be helpful to maritime training
clothing 3. describe visitors on board
4. accurately describe PPE and
Reading and writing: 1. Recognizing a visitor on 1. identify a visitor on board from
describing the history board from written written descriptions
of seafarer education descriptions 2. read and discuss the impact of
and training in brief 2. reading and discussing the parts of the STCW
the impact of the parts Convention, 1978, as amended,
of the STCW pertaining to seafarer training
Convention, 1978, as 3. write a detailed description
amended, pertaining to comparing two or more
seafarer training individuals
3. Developing a detailed 4. write a brief on a specific
Topic Time Allocation
Basic Competence Learning Activity/ Indicator Assessment Reference

description comparing training program

two or more individuals
4. Constructing a brief on
a specific training
14. Describe Grammar: it; going to 1. Defining” it “to describe 1. use it to describe weather
weather conditions conditions
weather 2. Distinguishing the 2. use the structure going to +
conditions; structure going to + verb to describe future events
understand verb to describe future that are planned or certain
events that are planned 3. demonstrate an understanding
or certain of the difference in meaning
forecasts 3. Modifying the difference between going to and will
in meaning between 4. know and pronounce the names
going to and will of months and seasons
4. stating and producing correctly
the names of months 5. use various adjectives to
and seasons correctly describe a wide range of
5. modifying various weather patterns
adjectives to describe a 6. use abbreviations of compass
wide range of weather points in written note form
6. applying abbreviations
of compass points in
written note form
Phonology: groups of 1. Producing groups of 1. pronounce groups of word-final
consonant sounds; word-final consonant consonant sounds clearly,
rising and falling sounds clearly, without without inserting extra vowel
intonation inserting extra vowel sounds
sounds 2. distinguish between rising
2. Classifying between intonation on question tags for
rising intonation on checking information and falling
question tags for intonation for eliciting
checking information agreement
and falling intonation for 3. use rising and falling intonation
eliciting agreement on question tags appropriately
3. Applying rising and in connected speech
falling intonation on 4. pronounce groups of consonant
question tags sounds at the beginning and in
appropriately in the middle of words clearly,
connected speech without inserting extra vowel
4. Producing groups of sounds
consonant sounds at 5. assess own pronunciation by
the beginning and in the checking a recording of own
middle of words clearly, voice
without inserting extra 6. talk about damage to ship
vowel sounds caused by bad weather
Topic Time Allocation
Basic Competence Learning Activity/ Indicator Assessment Reference

5. Finding errors of own

pronunciation by
checking a recording of
own voice
6. Discussing damage to
ship caused by bad
Reading and writing: 1. reading and answering 1. read and comprehend a written
reporting weather questions based on text regarding meteorological
conditions written text regarding elements
meteorological 2. describe weather conditions
elements based on a selection of
2. illustrating weather meteorological information
conditions based on a 3. correctly interpret and explain
selection of symbolic data from satellite
meteorological charts / weather maps
information 4. write down temperatures and
3. Describing symbolic wind directions correctly when
data from satellite listening to spoken weather
charts / weather maps forecasts
4. listening to spoken
weather forecasts for
temperatures and wind
directions correctly
15. Report Grammar: Past 1. Constructing Past 1. manipulate Past Simple regular
Simple (positive Simple regular verb verb changes correctly orally
events form); review of changes correctly orally and in writing
from past regular and irregular and in writing 2. memorize Past Simple forms of
voyages; verb forms 2. Identifying Past Simple key irregular verbs with
describe forms of key irregular attention to spelling changes
verbs with attention to 3. use Past Simple irregular verb
main spelling changes forms correctly orally and in
engine and 3. Applying Past Simple writing
propulsion irregular verb forms 4. use the Past Simple in
correctly orally and in sustained oral and written
writing narrative when describing past
4. Demonstrate the Past events
Simple in sustained oral
and written narrative
when describing past
Vocabulary: verbs 1. describing the ports of 1. use regular and irregular verbs
relating to ship call on a ship's passage connected with sea travel and
voyages; vocabulary by applying regular and cargo operations to describe
of safety, navigation irregular verbs the ports of call on a ship's
Topic Time Allocation
Basic Competence Learning Activity/ Indicator Assessment Reference

and pilotage, repairs; connected with sea passage

travel and cargo 2. use verbs connected with
operations general repairs and
2. describing a breakdown maintenance to describe a
and repairs, using verbs breakdown and repairs
connected with general 3. use vocabulary of safety,
repairs and navigation and pilotage to
maintenance describe a ship's voyage (revise
3. appliying vocabulary of terminology connected with
safety, navigation and routes, directions, dates,
pilotage to describe a weather and sea conditions)
ship's voyage (revise
terminology connected
with routes, directions,
dates, weather and sea

Phonology: reduction 1. identifying the features 1. recognise the features of

and merging of of reduction in reduction in connected speech
sounds in connected connected speech (linking, elision, assimilation)
speech (linking, elision, from spoken examples
assimilation) from 2. produce models of reduction
spoken examples correctly in controlled speaking
2. applying models of practice
reduction correctly in 3. demonstrate ability to merge
controlled speaking word-final sounds when
practice followed by the same initial
3. showing the ability to sounds in connected speech
merge word-final 4. recognise that certain sounds
sounds when followed can change as a result of
by the same initial merging in connected speech
sounds in connected
4. identifying certain
sounds can change as
a result of merging in
connected speech
Listening and 1. reporting a past voyage 1. tell stories of a past voyage
speaking: recalling story orally 2. explain events that occurred
past voyage and 2. illustrating events that during a sea passage orally
lessons from marine occurred during a sea from prompts
accidents; passage orally from
understanding prompts
general information
about the function of
engines and
Topic Time Allocation
Basic Competence Learning Activity/ Indicator Assessment Reference

Reading and writing: 1. Discovering stages of a 1. comprehend stages of a sea

narrating past voyage sea passage, based on passage, based on samples of
or marine accident; samples of passage passage plans and charts
describing the plans and charts. 2. read and interpret log book
functions of engines 2. Reading and entries
and propulsion interpreting log book 3. complete uncompleted short
systems entries reports
3. Finding errors in 4. write notes about key details of
complete short reports specific past events by listening
4. Composing notes about to spoken accounts
key details of specific 5. write a report of events that
past events by listening occurred during a sea passage
to spoken accounts
5. Developing a report of
events that occurred
during a sea passage
16. Report Grammar: Past 1. Critisezing the Past 1. revise the Past Simple form of
Simple (questions Simple form of regular regular and irregular verbs in
details of and negatives); and irregular verbs in speech and writing
incidents question words speech and writing 2. manipulate the negative and
at sea 2. Modifying the negative question forms of the Past
and question forms of Simple correctly in speech and
the Past Simple writing
correctly in speech and 3. use a variety of Wh questions
writing with the Past Simple in speech
3. Integrating a variety of 4. name and understand the
Wh- questions with the nature of various types of
Past Simple in speech incidents at sea
4. Identifying and 5. use a variety of key verbs for
classifying the nature of explaining the details of
various types of different incidents at sea
incidents at sea 6. demonstrate understanding of
5. Modifying a variety of the meaning and use of the
key verbs for explaining vocabulary in SMCP for
the details of different urgency communications
incidents at sea regarding technical failure and
6. Ilustrating the cargo problems
understanding of the 7. use SMCP and message
meaning and use of the markers during simulated
vocabulary in SMCP for external distress and urgency
urgency communications for giving
communications information and warnings
regarding technical regarding collision and
failure and cargo grounding or issuing requests
problems regarding technical failure and
7. Proritizing SMCP and cargo problems
message markers
Topic Time Allocation
Basic Competence Learning Activity/ Indicator Assessment Reference

during simulated
external distress and
communications for
giving information and
warnings regarding
collision and grounding
or issuing requests
regarding technical
failure and cargo
17. Request for 17.1 Grammar:  Listening to the explanation of 1. demonstrate understanding of the Quiz T1 Un 17
the meaning of basic meaning of basic conjunctions by
medical assistance conjunctions using them to combine sentences T2 Un. 97
appropriately Written Test
 Writing simple sentences by 2. write simple sentences using
using conjunctions conjunctions to link ideas

17.2 Vocabulary:  Mentioning types of protective 1. name all types of protective clothing T5 p 161 – 162
articles of protective clothing used at sea, parts of used at sea
clothing; parts of the 2. name parts of the body T8 p 46,47,52
body, protective clothing
body; verbs 3. use verbs describing injuries that T4 p 330 – 332
describing injury;  Looking at articles related to affect particular parts of the body M4
items used in basic personal injuries 4. name and state the purpose of items
R1 A1/1.3 p 29 Medical
First Aid; SMCP for used in basic First Aid treatment
urgency  Describing names and
communication; T4 p 325
functions of First Aids
medical assistance
request; International
Code of Signals

17.3 Phonology:  Listening to the explanation of 1. demonstrate awareness of how T16 Un.14
rhythm and how rhythm is created by rhythm is created by stress patterns
contrastive stress stress patterns in English and in English
how contrastive stress can
change the emphasis of a 2. demonstrate understanding of how
phrase and communicate the contrastive stress can change the
speaker's intended meaning emphasis of a phrase and
 Practicing how rhythm is communicate the speaker's intended
created by stress patterns in meaning
English and how contrastive
stress can change the 3. use contrastive stress effectively to
emphasis of a phrase and change the emphasis of given
Topic Time Allocation
Basic Competence Learning Activity/ Indicator Assessment Reference

communicate the speaker's phrases

intended meaning

17.4 Listening and  Watching and listening to the 1. get First Aid on board V10
speaking: requesting CD about requesting medical 2. request for medical assistance
medical assistance 3. speak about possible physical injury V11
 Practicing dialogue about at sea V12
requesting medical assistance 4. identify type of injury from spoken
 Identifying type of injury from description of physical symptoms
spoken description of physical

17.5 Reading and  Interpreting texts regarding 1. read and comprehend texts T12 p 57
writing: reporting medical emergencies regarding medical emergencies
injury and medical 2. identify the causes, prevention and T1 Un.17
 Reading the causes,
assistance at sea prevention and treatment of treatment of common injuries on T9 p 66 – 69
common injuries on board from board from written reports or texts T9 p 44, 47, 275
written reports or texts 3. write basic reports of the causes of
 Applying basic reports of the minor accidents on board
causes of minor accidents on 4. listen to description of injury and
board complete a written report accurately
 listening to description of injury
and complete a written report

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