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Chapter: Chapter 6

Multiple Choice

1. A race condition ____.

A) results when several threads try to access the same data concurrently
B) results when several threads try to access and modify the same data concurrently
C) will result only if the outcome of execution does not depend on the order in which instructions
are executed
D) None of the above

2. An instruction that executes atomically ____.

A) must consist of only one machine instruction
B) executes as a single, uninterruptible unit
C) cannot be used to solve the critical section problem
D) All of the above

3. A counting semaphore ____.

A) is essentially an integer variable
B) is accessed through only one standard operation
C) can be modified simultaneously by multiple threads
D) cannot be used to control access to a thread's critical sections

4. A mutex lock ____.

A) is exactly like a counting semaphore
B) is essentially a boolean variable
C) is not guaranteed to be atomic
D) can be used to eliminate busy waiting
5. In Peterson's solution, the ____ variable indicates if a process is ready to enter its critical
A) turn
B) lock
C) flag[i]
D) turn[i]

6. The first readers-writers problem ____.

A) requires that, once a writer is ready, that writer performs its write as soon as possible.
B) is not used to test synchronization primitives.
C) requires that no reader will be kept waiting unless a writer has already obtained
permission to use the shared database.
D) requires that no reader will be kept waiting unless a reader has already obtained permission to
use the shared database.

7. A ___ type presents a set of programmer-defined operations that are provided mutual
exclusion within it.
A) transaction
B) signal
C) binary
D) monitor

Ans: D
Feedback: 6.8
Difficulty: Easy

8. ____________ occurs when a higher-priority process needs to access a data structure that is
currently being accessed by a lower-priority process.
A) Priority inversion
B) Deadlock
C) A race condition
D) A critical section

Ans: A
Feedback: 6.6.4
Difficulty: Medium

9. What is the correct order of operations for protecting a critical section using mutex locks?
A) release() followed by acquire()
B) acquire() followed by release()
C) wait() followed by signal()
D) signal() followed by wait()

Ans: B
Feedback: 6.5
Difficulty: Easy

10. What is the correct order of operations for protecting a critical section using a binary
A) release() followed by acquire()
B) acquire() followed by release()
C) wait() followed by signal()
D) signal() followed by wait()

Ans: C
Feedback: 6.6
Difficulty: Easy

11. _____ is not a technique for handling critical sections in operating systems.
A) Nonpreemptive kernels
B) Preemptive kernels
C) Spinlocks
D) Peterson's solution

Ans: D
Feedback: 6.3
Difficulty: Medium

12. A solution to the critical section problem does not have to satisfy which of the following
A) mutual exclusion
B) progress
C) atomicity
D) bounded waiting

Ans: C
Feedback: 6.2
Difficulty: Medium
13. A(n) _______ refers to where a process is accessing/updating shared data.
A) critical section
B) entry section
C) mutex
D) test-and-set

Ans: A
Feedback: 6.2
Difficulty: Medium

14. _____ can be used to prevent busy waiting when implementing a semaphore.
A) Spinlocks
B) Waiting queues
C) Mutex lock
D) Allowing the wait() operation to succeed

Ans: B
Feedback: 6.6.
Difficulty: Easy

15. Assume an adaptive mutex is used for accessing shared data on a Solaris system with
multiprocessing capabilities. Which of the following statements is not true?
A) A waiting thread may spin while waiting for the lock to become available.
B) A waiting thread may sleep while waiting for the lock to become available.
C) The adaptive mutex is only used to protect short segments of code.
D) Condition variables and semaphores are never used in place of an adaptive mutex.

Ans: D
Feedback: 6.9.3
Difficulty: Medium

16. What is the purpose of the mutex semaphore in the implementation of the bounded-buffer
problem using semaphores?
A) It indicates the number of empty slots in the buffer.
B) It indicates the number of occupied slots in the buffer.
C) It controls access to the shared buffer.
D) It ensures mutual exclusion.
Ans: D
Feedback: 6.7.1
Difficulty: Medium

17. How many philosophers may eat simultaneously in the Dining Philosophers problem with 5
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 5

Ans: B
Feedback: 6.7.3
Difficulty: Medium

18. Which of the following statements is true?

A) A counting semaphore can never be used as a binary semaphore.
B) A binary semaphore can never be used as a counting semaphore.
C) Spinlocks can be used to prevent busy waiting in the implementation of semaphore.
D) Counting semaphores can be used to control access to a resource with a finite number of

19. _____ is/are not a technique for managing critical sections in operating systems.
A) Peterson's solution
B) Preemptive kernel
C) Nonpreemptive kernel
D) Semaphores

Ans: A
Feedback: 6.3
Difficulty: Medium

20. When using semaphores, a process invokes the wait() operation before accessing its critical
section, followed by the signal() operation upon completion of its critical section. Consider
reversing the order of these two operations—first calling signal(), then calling wait(). What would
be a possible outcome of this?
A) Starvation is possible.
B) Several processes could be active in their critical sections at the same time.
C) Mutual exclusion is still assured.
D) Deadlock is possible.

Ans: B
Feedback: 6.7
Difficulty: Difficult

21. Which of the following statements is true?

A) Operations on atomic integers do not require locking.
B) Operations on atomic integers do require additional locking.
C) Linux only provides the atomic_inc() and atomic_sub() operations.
D) Operations on atomic integers can be interrupted.

Ans: A
Feedback: 6.9.2
Difficulty: Medium

22. A(n) ___________ is a sequence of read-write operations that are atomic.

A) atomic integer
B) semaphore
C) memory transaction
D) mutex lock

Ans: C
Feedback: 6.10.1
Difficulty: Medium

23. The OpenMP #pragma omp critical directive ___________.

A) behaves much like a mutex lock
B) does not require programmers to identify critical sections
C) does not guarantee prevention of race conditions
D) is similar to functional languages

Ans: A
Feedback: 6.10.2
Difficulty: Medium
24. Another problem related to deadlocks is ____________.
A) race conditions
B) critical sections
C) spinlocks
D) indefinite blocking

Ans: D
Feedback: 6.6.3
Difficulty: Medium


25. What three conditions must be satisfied in order to solve the critical section problem?

Ans: In a solution to the critical section problem, no thread may be executing in its critical section
if a thread is currently executing in its critical section. Furthermore, only those threads that are not
executing in their critical sections can participate in the decision on which process will enter its
critical section next. Finally, a bound must exist on the number of times that other threads are
allowed to enter their critical state after a thread has made a request to enter its critical state.
Feedback: 6.2
Difficulty: Medium

26. Explain two general approaches to handle critical sections in operating systems.

Ans: Critical sections may use preemptive or nonpreemptive kernels. A preemptive kernel allows
a process to be preempted while it is running in kernel mode. A nonpreemptive kernel does not
allow a process running in kernel mode to be preempted; a kernel-mode process will run until it
exits kernel mode, blocks, or voluntarily yields control of the CPU. A nonpreemptive kernel is
essentially free from race conditions on kernel data structures, as the contents of this register will
be saved and restored by the interrupt handler.
Feedback: 6.2
Difficulty: Medium

28. Explain the difference between the first readers–writers problem and the second readers–
-writers problem.
Ans: The first readers–writers problem requires that no reader will be kept waiting unless a writer
has already obtained permission to use the shared database; whereas the second readers–writers
problem requires that once a writer is ready, that writer performs its write as soon as possible.
Feedback: 6.7.2
Difficulty: Medium

29. Describe the dining-philosophers problem and how it relates to operating systems.

Ans: The scenario involves five philosophers sitting at a round table with a bowl of food and five
chopsticks. Each chopstick sits between two adjacent philosophers. The philosophers are allowed
to think and eat. Since two chopsticks are required for each philosopher to eat, and only five
chopsticks exist at the table, no two adjacent philosophers may be eating at the same time. A
scheduling problem arises as to who gets to eat at what time. This problem is similar to the
problem of scheduling processes that require a limited number of resources.
Feedback: 6.7.3
Difficulty: Medium


37. Race conditions are prevented by requiring that critical regions be protected by locks.

Ans: True
Feedback: 6.4
Difficulty: Medium

38. The value of a counting semaphore can range only between 0 and 1.

Ans: False
Feedback: 6.6
Difficulty: Easy

39. A deadlock-free solution eliminates the possibility of starvation.

Ans: False
Feedback: 6.6.3
Difficulty: Medium

40. The local variables of a monitor can be accessed by only the local procedures.

Ans: True
Feedback: 6.8
Difficulty: Medium

41. Every object in Java has associated with it a single lock.

Ans: True
Feedback: 6.8
Difficulty: Medium

42. Monitors are a theoretical concept and are not practiced in modern programming languages

Ans: False
Feedback: 6.8
Difficulty: Easy

43. A thread will immediately acquire a dispatcher lock that is the signaled state.

Ans: True
Feedback: 6.9.1
Difficulty: Easy

44. Mutex locks and counting semaphores are essentially the same thing.

Ans: False
Feedback: 6.6
Difficulty: Easy

45. Mutex locks and binary semaphores are essentially the same thing.
Ans: True
Feedback: 6.6
Difficulty: Easy

46. A nonpreemptive kernel is safe from race conditions on kernel data structures.

Ans: True
Feedback: 6.2
Difficulty: Medium

47. Linux mostly uses atomic integers to manage race conditions within the kernel.

Ans: False
Feedback: 6.9.2
Difficulty: Medium

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