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A Sourcebook for Mage: The Ascension® IL SZ aw Goodies and Gadgets By Bill Bridges, Phil Brucato, Brian Campbell, Roger Gaudreau, Angel Liegh McCoy, Judith McLaughlin and John R. Robey SS) Credits Bll Bridges, Phil Brucato, Brian Campbell, Gaudreau, Angel Liegh McCoy, Judith McLaughlin nd John . Robey Prelude bys Kathleen Ryan Developed by: Phil Bric Edited by: Allison Sturm Art Director: Aileen E. Miles Layout and Typesetting: Aileen E. Miles Written by Ri Art: Scot son, Leif taxa, Mike Chaney, Fred Hoope: ones, David Leri, Heather MeKinne' Front Cover Art: Leif Jones BackCover Art: Alex Sheikman Front and Back Cover Design: Aileen E. Miles Mark Jack 735 PARK NoRTH BLD. Sure 128 CLARKSTON, GA 30021 USA GENE STUDIO 1998 White Wolf Publishin duction without the writen pe All rigs reserve forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and for iter sheets, which may he reprocuced for personal use ‘Wo, Vampire the Masquerade, Vampire the Dark Ages und Mage the Ascension are egistered trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Werewolf the Apoci Iypse, Weaith the Oblivion, Changeling che Dreaming, Werewolf the Wild West, The Technomancer's T The Book of he Mage Storytellers Guide, The Book of Shadows, 1X, Technocracy NWO, Technocracy Void Engineers, Techn 5, Digital Wel Publishing, Ine ow Mirrors TTechnoeracy Iteratic eehoeracy Pro Virtual Ade White W names, place Publishing, Ine The mention of o ref ind Sons of Ether are rade All character, White We and text herein ate copyrighted h This book wes the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements ae fiction and ntended for entertainment purposes only. Reader disretion is heck out White WolFonine at herpif/; alt.gameswhitewoll an PRINTED IN THE USA he Technomancer's Toybox Special Thanks To: Rich “Jackie Chan® Dane, for kicking Evil Dade bre Rob “Death fa Thousand Cuts” Hatch forgoing to Hell and coming back with blod on his hands Ken “South ofthe Border” Chie, fr turning rover the ‘Andrew “Geneva Convention” Bates, forsendingourcrew packing Chris “Judgment Day" MeDonough and Greg “T1000” Fountain, for making August 29th a day to remember. Michael “Sanctwary!! Sanctwary!l” Rollins, for displacing the Safe House (thank all the gods that be!) Katie “Dog Days" McCaskill, for making Snert an office fixture Robbie “Road Warrior” Poore, for braving the elements, Fred “Open Season” Yelk, for teaching us how to game (again). Brian “I Have No Brain and | Must Seream” Glass, for through con season with his sanity (ifn his hair + liver) intact. Charles “Workohellic” Bai the call of duty Snyder, for turing up the heat each Mike “Vaule Dragon(Con) lait, Allison “Scared Little R. .epet" Tinney, for snagging usa really cool hie” Sturms, for laughing off the Eurotrash, Phil “Gabrielle” Brucato, for scoring with the Warrior Princess Wendy “Ir'sFull ofStars’ Blacksin, for lighting up the dark night of the soul Justin *PsychoDuse” Achill, just because and all those nice folks at GenCon, DragonCon, ‘Cons. Thanks, guys! Yo ComicCon andall the oth know Take « bow!

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