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PO173364 DOI: 10.

2118/173364-PA Date: 5-May-16 Stage: Page: 133 Total Pages: 14

Evaluating Fracture-Fluid Flowback in

Marcellus Using Data-Mining Technologies
Qiumei Zhou, Pennsylvania State University; Robert Dilmore, National Energy Technology Laboratory; and
Andrew Kleit and John Yilin Wang, Pennsylvania State University

Summary chlorite (Cunningham et al. 2012). Porosity of the shale matrix is

Natural-gas recovery from low-permeability unconventional res- typically in the range of 0.5 to 5%, with the highest reported poros-
ervoirs—enabled by advanced horizontal drilling and multistage ity of 9% in West Virginia (Lee et al. 2010). However, the matrix
hydraulic-fracture treatment—has become a very important pore spaces in Marcellus are poorly connected; thus, the successful
energy resource in the past decade. While evaluation of early gas- extraction of natural gas depends largely on the fractures. Matrix
production data to assess likely rate decline and ultimate gas re- permeability is on the order of 104 md and strongly stress depend-
covery has been reported in literature, flowback-water recovery ent (Soeder 1988); the permeability decreases by nearly 70% by
has been given little consideration. Fracture-fluid flowback is doubling the net stress (Soeder 1988). Because net stress will
defined herein as aqueous phase produced within 3 weeks follow- increase as pore pressure decreases during gas production, effec-
ing a fracture treatment (exclusive of well shut-in time). Field tive matrix permeability can be expected to decrease through the
data from Marcellus shale wells in northeastern West Virginia period of hydrocarbon recovery. Organic content ranges from 2 to
indicated approximately 2 to 26% of the fracture fluid is recov- 14%, but averages 3 to 6% in most areas (Cunningham et al. 2012).
ered during flowback. However, stimulation of gas shale is a com- The organic matter is primarily composed of Type II algal marine
plex engineering process, and the factors that control the kerogen (Ward 2010). Thickness, thermal evolution and maturity
volumetric flowback performance are not well-understood. of organic content, and formation-pressure gradients vary signifi-
The objective of this paper is to use post hoc analysis to iden- cantly. Thermal maturity generally increases from the west (where
tify correlations between fracture-fluid flowback and attributes of the reservoir is oily) to the east (where the reservoir produces natu-
well completion and geological setting, and to identify those fac- ral gas with no oil) (Zammerilli 2010; Bruner and Smosna 2010).
tors that are most important in predicting flowback performances. The thermal maturity, as estimated using vitrinite reflectance (Ro),
To accomplish this objective we selected a representative subset is low in the southwestern part of West Virginia and high in the
of 187 wells for which complete data are available (from a full set northeastern part. Generally speaking, the northeast central spatial
of 631 wells), including well location, completion data, hydraulic- subset is thick and the southwest part is thin. The Marcellus is
fracture-treatment data, and production data. The wells were clas- underpressured to the southwest, and it has been postulated to be
sified into four groups on the basis of geological settings. For normal to potentially overpressured to the northeast, with a transi-
each geological group, engineering and statistical analyses were tional area in between.
applied to study the correlation between flowback data and well Horizontal wells with multistage fracture treatments are an
completion through traditional regression methods. Important fac- established and economically viable method to enable economic
tors considered to affect flowback-water recovery efficiency gas-flow rate from gas shale formations. These massive hydrau-
include the number of hydraulic-fracture stages, lateral length, lic-fracture treatments are implemented by injecting millions of
vertical depth, proppant mass applied, proppant size, fracture-fluid gallons of water per well into the formation though multiple
volume applied, treatment rate, and shut-in time. The total prop- stages, in which each stage has three to five perforation clusters to
pant mass, proppant size, and shut-in time have a relatively large create a complex hydraulic-fracture network. However, the frac-
influence on volumetric flowback performance. ture fluid injected into the formation will not be recovered fully
The new results enable one to estimate flowback volume in a during flowback periods. For Marcellus shale wells in northeast-
spatial domain on the basis of the known geological conditions ern West Virginia, the range of the recovered fracture fluid within
and completion parameters, and lead to a better understanding of 3 weeks is from 2 to 26%. The hydraulic-fracture fluid may be
flowback behaviors in Marcellus shale. This also helps industry trapped or imbibed into the formation or natural fractures because
manage flowback water and optimize production operations. of the high capillary pressure, and the water recovered to the sur-
face has high salt concentration (Blauch et al. 2009; Haluszczak
et al. 2013; Barbot et al. 2013; Carter et al. 2013), which has
Introduction caused concerns in terms of formation damage, fracture damage,
The Marcellus formation—a Devonian, organic-rich black shale and environment. Therefore, it is desired to know what factor con-
covering an area of approximately 95,000 sq miles in the Appala- trols the flowback recovery and how much fracture fluid could be
chian Basin of the northeastern part of the US—has proved to be recovered with a development plan before making a decision.
a major resource for economically recoverable natural gas and liq- Though fracture-fluid flowback is important for post-fracture
uid-hydrocarbon condensate, with approximately one-third of gas evaluation and disposal management, work on flowback-water
in place estimated to be recoverable (Zammerilli 2010). The Mar- characterization and predictive model development has been rela-
cellus ranges in thickness from an average of 50 to 200 ft; the tively limited. Some researchers have simulated fracture-fluid vol-
depth of the Marcellus ranges from 4,000 to 8,500 ft. In most umetric recovery from shale gas reservoirs during flowback
areas, the Marcellus is overlain by the Hamilton shale member of periods (Clarkson and Williams-Kovacs 2013; Alkouh et al.
the Hamilton Group and underlain by the Onondaga limestone 2014; Bertoncello et al. 2014). These studies predict water and
formation (Sweeney et al. 1986; Carter 2007). Marcellus shale gas production as a function of stimulation details, properties of a
matrix is composed primarily of quartz, clay, calcite, and organic two-phase (water and gas) system, the hydraulic-fracture half-
material, with common minor constituents including pyrite and length, and fracture permeability with different physical assump-
tions for fracture geometry and flow regimes. Such modeling
approaches are limited in their ability to capture the full complex-
Copyright V
C 2016 Society of Petroleum Engineers
ity of these systems. Furthermore, challenges in adequately repre-
This paper (SPE 173364) was accepted for presentation at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing senting the uncertainty and variability in these systems by
Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 3–5 February 2015, and revised for
publication. Original manuscript received for review 4 March 2015. Revised manuscript
modeling alone suggest that complementing modeling with data-
received for review 12 August 2015. Paper peer approved 12 October 2015. driven approaches may aid in developing important insights.

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PO173364 DOI: 10.2118/173364-PA Date: 5-May-16 Stage: Page: 134 Total Pages: 14

Table 1—Summary of mean and data range for stimulation completion parameters and production.

Data-mining approaches can avoid issues of physical assump- with long, calculated shut-in times may be attributed to a delay in
tions, such as those made from the preceding simulation studies, well connection to production line. Volumetric flowback-recovery
and extract the implicit and interesting information from real pro- efficiency was calculated as cumulative recovered fracture-fluid
duction data in a large database. Data-mining approaches have volume after 3 weeks divided by total injected fracture-fluid vol-
been applied extensively for gas/oil-production analysis in shale ume. Three weeks was used because of the availability of data, but
reservoirs (Centurion 2011; Centurion et al. 2012, 2013; Cunning- 3-weeks cutoff could be referred to the work of Barbot et al. (2013)
ham et al. 2012; Esmaili et al. 2012a, 2012b; LaFollette and Hol- and Seales (2015), as well. According to Seales’ model, approxi-
comb 2011; LaFollette et al. 2012; Shelley et al. 2008), but such mately 80% of recoverable fracture fluid was flowed back within
studies were found rarely in the literature for fracture-fluid-flow- the first 3 weeks. The conclusive remarks achieved in this paper are
back analysis. Lan et al. (2014) performed experimental analysis based on 3 weeks of flowback data. As longer periods of flowback
for fracture-fluid flowback in shale reservoirs on the basis of sam- data are collected in the future, this analysis could be expanded to
ples from limited wells from shale members of the Horn River develop more-comprehensive insights. Finally, it should be noted
Basin and Montney tight gas formation. The controlling factors that all the wells in this paper are multistaged horizontal wells
for fracture-fluid-flowback volume change have not been identi- stimulated by slickwater fracturing.
fied clearly by previous published research, and correlations Before proceeding with data analysis, the outliers were
between fracture-fluid flowback and geology, completion, and detected by use of the Mahalanobis distance approach (Mahalano-
stimulation parameters have not been investigated adequately. bis 1936), which is defined as the distance between a data point
This paper is focused on assessing trends in flowback-recovery and the centroid of a multidimensional space, with the centroid
efficiency through data-mining techniques. The analysis includes determined as a function of the mean values of all variables.
two parts: univariate engineering analysis used to identify correla- Points with the Mahalanobis (1936) distance larger than a certain
tions of completion and stimulation parameters that impact flow- cutoff were treated as outliers. The outliers are assumed to bias
back-recovery efficiency and a multiple-variable linear-regression the analysis result and were removed from the data set. After this
model with variable-importance calculation used to identify the screening, the data set decreased from 187 to 173 observations.
controlling engineering factor that impacts flowback-recovery ef- However, the 173 wells retained after this screening were further
ficiency. In the second part, the effects from geological conditions scrutinized to identify the set of wells most appropriate for use in
were examined by principal-component analysis (PCA) and clus- this analysis. Some wells calculated shut-in periods of negative
tering analysis. The analysis procedures and methods used in this duration, those observations were removed. As a result, the total
paper are discussed in the following section. well count is reduced to 86; all the following analyses are based
on those 86 wells.
According to the thermal-maturity (indicated by vitrinite re-
Data Gathering, Screening, and Grouping flectance Ro) distribution and the formation-thickness (h) distribu-
Details of the data-set development and screening criteria are pro- tion (Bruner and Smosna 2010), we divided the study domain into
vided in Zhou et al. (2014). Completion parameters detailed in the four groups (Fig. 1). The data set was first partitioned as Group A
database include proppant type, proppant mass, fracture-fluid type, and Group B by Ro ¼ 1.6. The green region, Group A, represents
fracture-fluid volume, vertical depth, lateral length, number of the region in which Ro falls between 1.0 to 1.6, and the production
stages, number of perforation shots, perforation intervals, treatment should contain natural gas and oil together. The yellow region,
rate, average treatment pressure, maximum treatment pressure, in- Group B, represents the region in which Ro ranges between 1.6
stantaneous shut-in pressure (ISIP), acid volume, and shut-in time. and 2.5, and production is expected to contain natural gas only.
Because of insufficient data in some wells, only the fracture-fluid The white area is not considered in this study. Group A is then
volume, proppant mass, vertical depth, lateral length, treatment partitioned into Group A1 and Group A2 by Ro value equal to 1.3,
rate, number of stages, and shut-in time were considered as varia- above which a large amount of gas is known to be generated.
bles for this study. Table 1 shows the mean and ranges for each of Group B is subpartitioned into Group B1 and B2 by h ¼ 80 ft. The
those parameters over the entire spatial domain and in each geologi- detailed partition rules and principles are discussed in Zhou et al.
cal group. The shut-in time is defined herein as the number of days (2014). Table 2 lists the number of wells and the thermal-maturity
between end of treatment and beginning of flowback. Some wells range and thickness range in each geological group.

134 May 2016 SPE Production & Operations

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S Marshall

Wetzel A2
Tyler A1 Marion Preston



Allegheny Front

0 25 50 100


Fig. 1—Groups A1, A2, B1, B2 distribution on the map of West Virginia. Data set was first partitioned as Groups A and B by
Ro 5 1.6; Group A was subpartitioned by Ro 5 1.3; Group B was subpartitioned by h 5 80 ft.

Data-Analysis Methodology cient of determination (R2) was obtained from multivariable

Fig. 2 shows a schematic illustrating the analysis procedures of regression. The coefficient of multiple determinations, denoted by
this paper. The work flow consists of four major parts that are R2, is defined as in Eq. 1. R2 is the ratio of the sum of the regres-
marked with different colors. First, the data set was constructed by sion error to the sum of the total error, which represents the pro-
collecting the data from both public and confidential sources, portion of the behavior of the dependent variable that is explained
including eight parameters, and then partitioned into four geologi- by independent variables. SSTO (total sum of squares) measures
cal groups, as discussed in the Data Gathering, Screening, and the total variation, which is calculated as the sum of the square of
Grouping section. In a third step, bivariate analysis was performed the difference between observation value (Yi) and its correspond-
on the data. A fourth step was a more-complex and -comprehen- ing mean value ðY i Þ. SSR is the regression sum of squares, which
sive multiple-parameter analysis. Results of each part of this work is calculated as the sum of the square of the difference between
flow are discussed for both geological and engineering parameters. the mean value ðY i Þ and the fitted value ðY^i Þ.
SSR ðY i  Y^i Þ2
Regression Analysis. Regression analysis was applied to analyze 2
R ¼ ¼X : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð1Þ
the relationship between two or more variables, with the response SSTO ðYi  Y i Þ2
(in this case flowback recovery) represented by the predictor(s)
(e.g., lateral length) using a function. In this analysis, the coeffi- In the case of variable independence, the R2 value from the
multivariable regression equals the sum of r2 values from each
univariate regression result. Because model variables are likely
correlated in some way, the sum of R2 from univariate regression
does not effectively describe the contribution of all variables to
the predicted function, and a means of assigning relative impor-
tance of contributing regressors to a linear regression must be
Table 2—Thermal-maturity (Ro) and formation-thickness (h) ranges selected. The method of Lindeman, Merenda, and Gold (LMG)
in four groups. (Lindeman et al. 1980), which assigns importance on the basis of

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Data Collected and Screen

3-week Frac Lateral Pump Stage Shut-in

Proppant Depth
water Fluid Length Rate Number Time

Data Group by Geo Conditions

Thermal Maturity (Ro = 1.6)

A (52) B (34)

Thermal Maturity (Ro = 1.3) Formation Thickness (h = 1.3)

A1 (28) A2 (24) B1 (17) B2 (17)

Geological Parameter Bivariate Analysis Engineering Parameter

Geological Parameter Multiple Parameter Engineering Parameter


K-Means LMG

Fig. 2—Work flow of this paper.

averaging sequential sums of squares over all orderings of regres- each cluster are calculated. Distances between each observation
sors (predictors), is commonly applied to observational data prob- and the centroid are calculated and summed. The final clustering
lems such as that considered herein. In this context, “sequential” result is achieved when the sum of the distances between
means that the regressors are entered into the model in the order observed value and centroid in each cluster is at minimum after
in which they are listed. Division of sequential sums of squares by several iterations. This optimization process can be summarized
the total response sum of squares yields sequential R2 contribu- by Eq. 3, where jCkj means the number of clusters and (xij – xi0 j)
tions. This method takes into account the dependence on order- is the Euclidean distance between every two observations in a
ings by averaging over orderings, using simple unweighted k cluster:
averages. Eq. 2 shows the corresponding function, where lmg(xk) X 
is the variable importance of xk calculated by the LMG method, K 1 X Xp 2
minimizeC1 …Ck i;i0 2C ðx ij  x i0jÞ :
seqR2 is the sequential sum of squares, n is the data size, p is the k¼1 jC j
k j¼1
number of predictors, and S is the data set excluding xk:                    ð3Þ
lmgðxk Þ ¼ PCA. PCA refers to the processes that compute the principal
X components and perform analysis on the basis of these compo-
Sðx1 ;…xp Þnðxk Þ nðSÞ!½ p  nðSÞ  1!seqR ½ðxk ÞjS:    ð2Þ nents in understanding the data pattern. The principal components
are a relatively small subset of the original set of variables, and
collectively explain the majority of variance of the data set. The
Clustering Analysis. Clustering analysis is used to identify sub- generation of principal components on the basis of the theory of
groups (clusters) in a data set by partitioning objects with similar matrix decomposition and eigenvector is to find a low-dimen-
characteristics. Because it is often applied to problems in which sional set of features of the data set. The PCA can be used as
the number of groups is not known a priori, many clustering dimension reduction for visualization, such as 2D visualization.
approaches prescribe criteria to objectively define what it means This function is applied in this study in combination with the clus-
for two or more observations to be similar or different. Commonly tering method.
used clustering algorithms include K-means, hierarchical cluster-
ing, spectral clustering, and density-based clustering. In this
study, the K-means clustering method is applied to partition the Results and Discussion
set of 86 screened observations into subgroups by stimulation and Single-Parameter Study. A set of simple univariate analyses
completion parameters because of its simplicity and efficiency. In was performed to examine the correlation of each parameter with
K-means clustering, the data are initially randomly assigned to K the cumulative water recovery within a 3-week flowback to find
clusters, and centroids representing the mean of all variables in potentially statistically significant correlations between the 3-

136 May 2016 SPE Production & Operations

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10 12

3-Week Flowback (%)

3-Week Flowback (%)
4.46 6


0 0
Group A Group B Group B1 Group B2

Fig. 3—Three-week-flowback recovery between Group A (52 Fig. 4—Three-week-flowback recovery between Group B1 (17
cases) and Group B (34 cases); the flowback recovery increased cases) and Group B2 (17 cases); the flowback recovery
as Ro increased. decreased as h increased.

week fracture-fluid flowback and well geologic, stimulation, and Group B supports the decision to define this geological boundary.
completion features. Fig. 4 shows the average 3-week-flowback recovery within Group
B. It seems that as the thickness increases, the flowback recovery
decreases. To further understand the relationship between forma-
Geological Parameter. The difference in geological setting could tion thicknesses and flowback recovery, the stimulation and com-
have significant effects on flowback performance. Thermal matu- pletion parameters need to be considered.
rity, used as a practical index for the hydrocarbon composition and
hydrocarbon phases in the reservoir, is important for the 3-week-
flowback evaluation. In addition to thermal maturity, formation Engineering Parameter. Stimulation operational choices were
thickness also significantly impacts 3-week-flowback performance. also analyzed to explore which engineering parameters have sig-
Fig. 3 shows a comparison of the results on 3-week-flowback nificant influence on the flowback recovery (magnitude of correla-
recovery in Groups A and B. In Group A, the average 3-week- tion as absolute value), and the type of correlation (positive or
flowback recovery is 4.46%, while in Group B, the average is negative). Fig. 5 shows results of that univariate correlation anal-
8.75%. This relatively large difference between Group A and ysis; the coefficients of correlations (r) between single-engineering

30 30 30
Recovery Efficiency (%)

Recovery Efficiency (%)

Recovery Efficiency (%)

20 20 20

10 10 10

0 0 0
0 2 4 0 5 10 0 5,000 10,000
Total Fracture Fluid (bbl) ×105 Total Proppant (lbm) ×106 Vertical Depth (ft)

30 30 30
Recovery Efficiency (%)

Recovery Efficiency (%)

Recovery Efficiency (%)

20 20

10 10
0 0
6,000 8,000 10,000 0 20 40 50 100 150
Lateral Length (ft) Number of Stages Treatment Rate (bbl/min)

Recovery Efficiency (%)



0 100 200
Shut-In Time (days)

Fig. 5—Analysis of single-engineering parameter on 3-week-flowback recovery; shut-in time has a negative correlation with flow-
back recovery (86 cases).

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Table 3—Correlation coefficient and P-value between completion parameters and flowback recovery through 3 weeks post-stimulation.

Table 4—Coefficients of multiple regression results for each group.

parameters (total fracture-fluid volume, proppant mass, vertical Ranking of Engineering Parameters. To identify key engineer-
depth, lateral length, number of stages, treatment rate, shut-in time) ing factors affecting the well flowback performance, multiple-
and 3-week-flowback recovery are presented in Table 3. regression analysis between 3-week flowback and engineering pa-
Those results show that the shut-in time has the largest coeffi- rameters within each geological group is implemented. In this
cient of correlation compared with other parameters, followed by analysis, it is assumed that within each geological group, the geo-
lateral length, with r value as –0.3828 and 0.3713, respectively. logical characteristics are similar and the wells are operated using
The vertical depth, proppant mass applied, and lateral length ex- the same strategy. Because the engineering-parameter units vary
hibit positive correlation with the 3-week-flowback recovery (i.e., significantly between wells, a scaling process is applied before
the flowback recovery increases as those parameters increase). multiple-regression analysis is performed. To make the compari-
Other parameters, such as fracture-fluid volume, number of frac- son more meaningful, the total fracture-fluid volume, total prop-
ture stages, treatment rate, and shut-in time, have a negative rela- pant mass, and lateral length are divided by the number of stages.
tionship with the 3-week-flowback recovery (i.e., the flowback Table 4 shows the correlation between each factor with the water-
recovery decreases as these parameters increase). Fracture-fluid production performance by the sign and value of coefficient. The
volume, proppant mass, vertical depth, and number of stages have multiple-regression equation for each group is shown as Eq. 4. To
P-values larger than 0.05, and therefore are determined to not overcome the range problem of flowback recovery, the logistic
have a statistically significant relationship with the flowback re- transformation was applied (Kutner et al. 2004). Eq. 4 could be
covery. All of those correlations are weak (even the ones with P- applied to estimate 3-week flowback with a level of confidence,
value greater than 0.05). Still, this analysis provides some insights as shown in Table 4.
into the general trend between each stimulation or completion pa- 0 1
rameter and the 3-week-flowback recovery of Marcellus shale in
northeastern West Virginia. B recovery C
log@ recoveryA ¼ b0 þ b1 Fracture Fluid=Stage
Multiple-Parameter Study. The lack of strong correlation
between the reservoir and stimulation characteristics and well þ b2 Proppant Mass=Stage þ b3 Lateral Length=Stage
flowback recovery from univariate correlation analysis may stem þ b4 Vertical Septh þ b5 Average Rate þ b6 Shut-in Time:
from a lack of data normalization for geologic and engineering                    ð4Þ
parameters and the colinearity among those variables. In an
attempt to overcome these issues and identify meaningful patterns For each geological group, the variable importance was calcu-
in the data, multivariable regression, LMG, PCA, and clustering lated as shown in Appendix A. The factor of greatest importance
methods are considered in combination. for each of the four defined geological subgroups and the corre-
sponding variable-importance value are shown in Fig. 6. The
most important engineering factor for Groups A1 and B2 is the
shut-in time; for Group A2 and Group B2, the key factors are
Shut-in time Shut-in time proppant mass/stage and fracture-fluid volume/stage, respectively.
Proppant/stage To further understand what causes the different dominated en-
Fracture gineering-factor results, the proppant size and proppant concentra-
Variable Importance

fluid/stage tion of each geological group were studied. The proppant-size

data that were based on a single-well scale are insufficient to per-
Proppant/Stage form data-mining analysis. In each group, the number of wells
0.53 Frac. Fluid/Stage with available proppant-size information is 15, 0, 25, and 12.
Shut-in time However, different proppant size in each group may explain why
different engineering factors dominate the flowback recovery. For
0.28 Groups A1 and B2, the proppant size is 100, 40/70, and 30/50.
0.1 0.23 0.21
For Group B1, the proppant size is 100, 40/70, 30/50, and 20/40.
There is no information available for Group A2. In other words,
Groups A1 and B2 share the same proppant size, and Group B1
A1 A2 B1 B2
contains larger proppant size as 20/40. Although not directly con-
Fig. 6—Key factors and corresponding variable-importance sidered in the multiple-regression analysis, proppant concentra-
value of each geological group. Shut-in time is the most impor- tion is another factor significantly impacting fracture
tant variable for Groups A1 (28 cases) and B2 (17 cases); prop- conductivity. Figs. 7 through 10 show the proppant concentration
pant/stage is important for Group A2 (24 cases), and fracture in each geological group. The proppant concentration is similar
fluid/stage is important for Group B1 (17 cases). among Groups A1, B1, and B2.

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40% 40%
A1 36.11% A2 37.14%
35% 35%
30% 27.78% 30%
Frequency 25% 25%

20% 20% 17.14% 17.14%
15% 14.29%
10% 10%
5.56% 5.56%
5% 2.78% 2.78% 5% 2.86% 2.86% 2.86% 2.86% 2.86%
0% 0%
0.80 0.93 1.07 1.20 1.33 1.47 1.60 0.40 0.53 0.67 0.80 0.93 1.07 1.20 1.33 1.47
Proppant Concentration (lbm/gal) Proppant Concentration (lbm/gal)

Fig. 7—Proppant-concentration distribution for Group A1 (28 Fig. 8—Proppant-concentration distribution for Group A2 (24
cases). Approximately 86% of wells in this group with prop- cases). Approximately 17% of wells in this group with small
pant-concentration ranges from 1.2 to 1.47 lbm/gal. proppant-concentration of 0.4 lbm/gal, which is not observed in
the other three groups.
B1 31.03%
30% 35%
B2 30.43%
25% 30%
26.09% 26.09%
20.69% 20.69%

20% 25%

15% 20%

10% 15%
6.90% 6.90% 6.90%
5% 3.45% 3.45% 10%
4.35% 4.35% 4.35% 4.35%
0% 5%
0.67 0.80 0.93 1.07 1.20 1.33 1.47 1.60 0.00%
Proppant Concentration (lbm/gal) 0.53 0.67 0.80 0.93 1.07 1.20 1.33 1.47
Proppant Concentration (lbm/gal)
Fig. 9—Proppant-concentration distribution for Group B1 (17
cases). Approximately 72% of wells in this group with prop- Fig. 10—Proppant-concentration distribution for Group B2 (17
pant-concentration ranges from 1.2 to 1.47 lbm/gal. cases). Approximately 82% of wells in this group with prop-
pant-concentration ranges from 1.2 to 1.47 lbm/gal.
Therefore, the only difference among Groups A1, B1, and B2
is proppant size. According to the proppant size, Groups A1 and In Group A2, the concentration distribution of applied prop-
B2 show characteristics of typical slickwater fracturing to carry pant is smaller than that in the other three geological groups. In
proppant of small size. Slickwater fractures typically generate other words, with the same fracture-fluid volume, the total prop-
longer hydraulic fractures with larger matrix-fracture contact area pant mass applied would be less in Group A2 as compared with
and lower fracture conductivity. For those wells, flowback is most the other three geological groups. Because proppant is required to
sensitive to shut-in time. Longer shut-in times may result in more hold open stimulated fractures, insufficient proppant loading may
fracture-fluid imbibition in matrix or natural fracture and return of result in increased fracture closure during flowback period and
less to the surface. reduction in water-recovery efficiency. Relatively low proppant-
Larger-sized proppant, such as 20/40-mesh proppant (420 to mass loading is, therefore, proposed to be the dominating factor
840 mm), applied in Group B1 may result in greater fracture width influencing flowback performance in Group A2.
and higher fracture conductivity near the wellbore (Ahn et al.
2014). With good fracture conductivity, fracture fluid could flow
easily to the wellbore—such a mechanism may be supported by Geological Parameter. The effect of geological properties on
data shown in Table 1. The volumetric flowback recovery may be 3-week-flowback recovery was also examined using PCA and
more directly affected by the fracture-fluid volume per stage K-means clustering methods to normalize the effects from stimu-
rather than shut-in time. lation and completion parameters and generate different clusters
of similar stimulation- and completion-parameter values.
5 The effect of thermal maturity was first examined. PCA and
clustering methods were applied on Group A wells, which share
3.87 the same formation-thickness range, but have different thermal
3-Week Flowback (%)

maturity. The PCA and clustering results are shown in Appendix

B. The 3-week-flowback recovery from Groups A1 and A2 was
3 compared in one of the clusters. The flowback-comparison result
is shown in Fig. 11. There are eight wells picked from Group A1
2 and five wells picked from Group A2. Those wells share similar
formation thickness and engineering parameters (fracture fluid,
1 proppant, vertical depth, lateral length, number of stages, treat-
ment rate, shut-in time), but different Ro ranges. The Ro of Group
A1 is smaller than that of Group A2 (i.e., Group A2 has a rela-
A1 A2 tively high thermal evolution). As a result, the 3-week-flowback
recovery of Group A1 is slightly smaller than that of Group A2.
Fig. 11—Compared results between Groups A1 (8 cases) and The difference may result from the multiphase flow. In Group A1,
A2 (5 cases); flowback recovery increased as Ro increased. more condensate will be produced in the formation and may

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12 shut-in time, proppant size, and proppant mass are found to be

the significant parameters for predicting volumes of water pro-
10 duced within 3 weeks after a fracture treatment.

3-Week Flowback (%)

7.42 • In Groups A1 and B2, shut-in time is relatively important com-
pared with other parameters. Groups A1 and B2 use typical
6 slickwater fracturing to carry proppant of small size and gener-
ate larger matrix-fracture contact area and lower fracture con-
4 ductivity. For those wells, flowback is most sensitive to shut-in
time. Longer shut-in time may result in more fracture-fluid
2 imbibition to the matrix.
• In Group B1, the key engineering factor is fracture-fluid vol-
0 ume/stage. This difference may be caused by the different prop-
B1 B2 pant size applied in this area. Compared with Groups A1 and
B2, larger proppants are used in Group B1, and may result in
Fig. 12—Compared results between Groups B1 (11 cases) and greater fracture width and higher fracture conductivity. There-
B2 (10 cases); flowback recovery decreased as h increased.
fore, the flowback recovery is more sensitive to fracture-fluid
volume/stage. Some other factors, such as pressure difference
inhibit the fracture-fluid flowback in response to capillary pres- between pore pressure and in-situ stress, which is not available
sure and relative permeability (Alfi et al. 2014). As the saturation in this study, may be the cause of low flowback recovery. Fur-
of the condensate increases in the formation, the relative perme- ther study is required.
ability of condensate increases and relative permeability of frac- • In Group A2, the key factor is proppant mass/stage in addition
ture fluid decreases. Therefore, the flow of fracture fluid may be to treatment rate. The proppant concentration is smaller com-
affected by multiphase effects. Some other factors, such as clay pared with the other three groups, which may result in fracture
content, which is not available in this study, may be the cause of closure during flowback period. Therefore, higher proppant
lower flowback recovery in Group A1 than in Group A2. Further mass ensures open paths for fluid flow.
study is required. • On the basis of PCA and K-means clustering in the data base,
The effect of formation thickness was then considered. On the the effects from thermal maturity and formation thickness on 3-
basis of geological grouping, Groups B1 and B2 have the same Ro week fracture-fluid flowback were examined after eliminating
and different thickness. To eliminate the effect of engineering the contribution from engineering parameters.
attributes on wells in Groups B1 and B2, we now pick wells in • The 3-week fracture-fluid-flowback recovery increases as the
Groups B1 and B2 that share similar engineering characteristics thermal maturity increases, which may be explained as the
by use of PCA and K-means. PCA transfers the seven engineering effect of multiphase flow. More condensate produced may in-
attributes—fracture-fluid volume, proppant mass, lateral length, hibit the fracture-fluid flowback in response to capillary pres-
vertical depth, number of stages, shut-in time, and treatment sure and relative permeability.
rate—into two principal components, as shown in Appendix B. • The 3-week fracture-fluid-flowback recovery decreases as the
The K-means method was applied on the two principal compo- formation thickness increases, which may be explained in terms
nents and identified the wells in Groups B1 and B2 that have simi- of the fracture surface area. The thicker formation may have
lar engineering characteristics. As shown in Fig. 12, there are 11 larger fracture surface area than the thin formation, which will
wells selected from Group B1 and 10 wells selected from Group imbibe more fracture fluid into the matrix by capillary pressure.
B2. Those wells share similar thermal maturity and engineering
parameters. The 3-week-flowback recovery in Group B2 is lower Nomenclature
than the production in Group B1, a difference that may be attrib- C ¼ cluster containing certain number of observations,
uted to a difference in formation thickness, which may be dimensionless
explained as the fracture surface area. The thicker formation may h ¼ thickness, ft
have larger fracture surface area than the thin formation, and with n ¼ data size, dimensionless
that larger interfacial surface area, more fracture fluid will be p ¼ number of predictors, dimensionless
imbibed into the matrix by capillary pressure. r ¼ coefficient of correlation, dimensionless
r2 ¼ coefficient of determination from specific predictor,
Conclusion dimensionless
In this study, geological and engineering data of 187 Marcellus Ro ¼ vitrinite reflectance in oil, %
wells in northeastern West Virginia were collected and classified R2 ¼ coefficient of determination from all predictors,
into two groups and four subgroups on the basis of formation dimensionless
thickness and thermal maturity. Wells in Group A produce gas S ¼ data set, dimensionless
and oil (or condensate), while wells in Group B yield dry gas. The SSR ¼ regression sum of squares
production of Group A1 contains a significantly higher fraction of SSTO ¼ total sum of squares
liquid hydrocarbon than that of Group A2. On the basis of our x ¼ variable, dimensionless
evaluation of 3-week fracture-fluid flowback, conclusions are Yi ¼ observation value in regression analysis
as follows: Y i ¼ mean value in regression analysis
• Data screening was carried out by Mahalanobis distance analy- Y^i ¼ fitted value in regression analysis
sis (Mahalanobis 1936) to identify outliers in the entire data set.
Simple variable-analysis results show the general trend between Subscripts
3-week-flowback recovery with other geological, stimulation, i ¼ specific observation
and completion parameters. The 3-week-flowback recovery j ¼ specific feature
exhibits a positive relationship with proppant mass, lateral k ¼ specific cluster
length, and vertical depth, and negative relationships with frac-
ture-fluid volume, number of stages, treatment rate, and shut-in
time. Correlations were developed for estimating 3-week flow- Acknowledgments
back from wells in each of the four geological groups with dif- As part of the National Energy Technology Laboratory’s Regional
ferent confidence intervals. University Alliance, a collaborative effort of the National Energy
• On the basis of multiple-regression analysis and individual vari- Technology Laboratory, this technical effort was performed under
able-importance measurement in each geological group, the the RES contract DE-FE0004000.

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Disclaimer Texas, USA, 8–10 Octorber. SPE-158501-MS.

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Appendix A
Figs. A-1 through A-4 show the order of the variable importance for the four geological groups.
Variable Importance





Fracture Proppant Lateral Vertical Average Shut-in
Fluid/Stage Mass/Stage Length/Stage Depth Rate Time

Fig. A-1—Rank of variable importance of each engineering factor in Group A1 (28 cases). Shut-in time is the most-important engi-
neering factor.
Variable Importance





Fracture Proppant Lateral Vertical Depth Average Rate Shut-in Time
Fluid/Stage Mass/Stage Length/Stage

Fig. A-2—Rank of variable importance of each engineering factor in Group A2 (24 cases). Proppant mass/stage is the most-impor-
tant engineering factor.

Variable Importance




Fracture Proppant Lateral Vertical Depth Average Rate Shut-in Time
Fluid/Stage Mass/Stage Length/Stage

Fig. A-3—Rank of variable importance of each engineering factor in Group B1 (17 cases). Fracture fluid/stage is the most-important
engineering factor.

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Variable Importance



Fracture Proppant Lateral Vertical Depth Average Rate Shut-in Time
Fluid/Stage Mass/Stage Length/Stage

Fig. A-4—Rank of variable importance of each engineering factor in Group B2 (17 cases). Shut-in time is the most-important engi-
neering factor.

Appendix B depending on the shape (clustering) of the distribution of points,

PCA is a technique for reducing the dimension of an n  p data using analysis of the elbow method and the silhouette method.
matrix X. The first principal component direction of the data is The elbow method (Ketchen and Shook 1996) is to compute the
that along which the observations vary the most. The principal percentage of the variance explained by a certain number of clus-
component of a set of features X1, X2, …, Xp is the normalized lin- ters. The silhouette method (Rousseeuw 1987) provides a measure
ear combination of the features, as shown in Eq. B-1, where / is of how closely each datum within a cluster matches that cluster,
the loadings of the principal component: and how poorly it matches adjacent clusters, providing a value of
near 1 for data fitting well into a cluster and a value near –1 for
Z1 ¼ /11 X1 þ /21 X2 þ … þ /p1 Xp : . . . . . . . . . . . . ðB-1Þ data fitting poorly into a cluster.

The PCA method is implemented here to replace the seven varia- pcaComp1 ¼ /11  Fracture Fluid Volume þ /21
bles (fracture-fluid volume, proppant mass, vertical depth, lateral  Proppant þ /31  Depth þ /41  Lateral Length þ /51
length, number of stages, treatment rate, and shut-in time) that are Number of Stages þ /61  Trearment Rate þ /71
linearly correlated with flowback-water volume as two linearly
uncorrelated variables (principal components), referenced herein  Shut-in Time:                       ðB-2Þ
as pcaComp1 and pcaComp2. Each component is the linear com- pcaComp2 ¼ /12  Fracture Fluid Volume þ /22
bination of certain coefficients (principal component loading vec-
tors) from the seven variables, as shown in Eqs. B-2 and B-3. The  Proppant þ /32  Depth þ /42  Lateral Length þ /52
coefficients for pcaComp1 and pcaComp2 are shown in Table B-  Number of Stages þ /62  Trearment Rate þ /72
1 and the corresponding clustering results are shown in Figs. B-1  Shut-in Time:                       ðB-3Þ
and B-2. The best choice for the number of clusters is made

Table B-1—Principal-component loading vectors.

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K-Means Clustering K-Means Clustering

Results with K = 2 Results with K = 3







–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
pcaComp1 pcaComp1

K-Means Clustering K-Means Clustering

Results with K = 4 Results with K = 5








–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
pcaComp1 pcaComp1

Fig. B-1—Clustering results for geologic Group A (52 cases). Each point is one well, and each circle is one cluster.

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K-Means Clustering K-Means Clustering

Results with K = 2 Results with K = 3







–4 –2 0 2 –4 –2 0 2
pcaComp1 pcaComp1

K-Means Clustering K-Means Clustering

Results with K = 4 Results with K = 5







–4 –2 0 2 –4 –2 0 2
pcaComp1 pcaComp1

Fig. B-2—Clustering results for geologic Group B (34 cases). Each point is one well, and each circle is one cluster.

Qiumei Zhou is a PhD-degree candidate in the Energy and mental engineer with the American Academy of Environmen-
Mineral Engineering Department at Pennsylvania State Univer- tal Engineers and Scientists.
sity. Her research interests include numerical simulation and
data-mining analysis for unconventional reservoirs. Zhou holds John Wang is currently an associate professor of petroleum
a BS degree in petroleum geology from Chengdu University of and natural-gas engineering at the John and Willie Leone Fam-
Technology (China) and an MS degree in petroleum and nat- ily Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, having
ural gas engineering from Pennsylvania State University. joined the faculty of Pennsylvania State University in 2009. He is
also a director of Alfavor Petroleum Corporation. Before joining
Robert Dilmore is a research environmental engineer in the US the university, Wang was a petroleum engineer with a US inde-
Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Labora- pendent producer in Shreveport, Louisiana, where he worked
tory, Office of Research and Development, working on topics on evaluating and optimizing producing oil/gas fields. He is
related to characterizing technical and environmental per- dedicated to advancing the knowledge and practices in res-
formance of complex engineered geologic systems. His ervoir evaluation and stimulation through teaching undergrad-
recent research foci have included CO2 enhanced recovery uate and graduate courses, working with research scientists/
and storage in conventional and unconventional systems, associates/assistants, and serving the industry and professional
integrated assessment modeling for quantitative risk assess- society in a number of ways. Currently, Wang serves as the edi-
ment of large-scale geologic CO2 storage, characterization tor-in-chief of Elsevier’s Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas
of potential pathways for unwanted subsurface fluid migra- Resources, and is an associate editor of Springer’s Journal of
tion, and industrial process-waste management. Dilmore holds Petroleum Exploration and Production Technologies. He holds
a BS degree from the University of Delaware and a PhD a PhD degree from Texas A&M University, an MSc degree from
degree in environmental engineering from the University of the University of Houston, and a BS degree from the University of
Pittsburgh. He has authored or coauthored more than 40 pub- Petroleum of China, all in petroleum engineering.
lished papers, technical reports, and book chapters on his
research; is a professional engineer in the commonwealth of Andrew Kleit is a professor of energy and environmental eco-
Pennsylvania; and holds board certification as an environ- nomics and MICASU Faculty Fellow at the Pennsylvania State

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University. He is the Founding Chair of the Energy Business and the impacts of mining on political unrest in Peru. He has also
Finance Program, the largest undergraduate major in the uni- taught two courses at ESAN University. Kleit is the author of more
versity’s College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. Before becom- than 70 articles, including publications in the Journal of Law and
ing an academic, Kleit was Economic Advisor to the Director, Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Health Affairs,
Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission, and Senior Health Economics, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Resources
Economic Adviser to the Director for Investigation and Research and Energy Economics, Energy Studies Review, and The Energy
(the chief antitrust official in Canada). He has traveled widely in Journal. He is the author or editor of five books, including Elec-
Peru and has deep interest in the economic development of tricity Restructuring: The Texas Story (2009) and Electric Choices:
the country. Together with Oswaldo Morales Tristan of ESAN Uni- Deregulation and the Future of Electric Power (2006). Kleit holds
versity in Lima, Kleit is working on a research agenda examining a PhD degree in economics from Yale University.

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