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T.Y. B.Sc. (IT) : Sem.

Advanced Web Programming
Time : 2½ Hrs.] Prelim Question Paper Solution [Marks : 75

Q.1 Attempt the following (any THREE) [15]

Q.1(a) Explain .Net FrameWork. [5]
Ans.: The .Net framework is a software development platform developed by Microsoft. This
framework is meant to create applications, which would run on the Windows Platform. The
first version of the .Net framework was released in the year 2002.The version was called
.Net framework 1.0. The .Net framework can be used to create both - Form-
based and Web-based applications. Web services can also be developed using the .Net

Net Framework Architecture

The basic architecture of the .Net framework is as shown below :
 WinForms
Language  ASP.Net
 ADO.Net

Library  Framework Class Library

CLR  Common Lnaguage Runtime

Fig. 1 : .net framework architecture diagram

NET Components : .Net framework consists of following key components :
1. Languages : .Net supports variety of languages like Visual C++, VB, C# etc. Using these
following types of applications can be built. The .Net framework Applications are
classified broadly into the following categories :
 Windows Applications : This is used for developing Forms-based applications, which
would run on an end user machine. These applications do not support remote server
 Web Applications : The .NET Framework includes a powerful system for generating
Web content dynamically, enabling personalization, security, etc. This system is
called ASP.NET (Active Server Pages .NET), and one can use C# to create ASP.NET
applications using Web Forms.
 Web Services : Using Web services one can exchange virtually any data over the
Internet, using the same simple syntax regardless of the language used to create a
Web service or the system on which it resides.
 ADO.Net : Any of the above types of Application may also require some form of
database access, which can be achieved using the ADO.NET (This technology is used
to develop applications to interact with Databases such as Oracle or
Microsoft SQL Server).

2. Base Class Library (BCL) : The .NET Framework class library is a library of classes,
interfaces, and value types that provide access to system functionality. It is the
foundation on which .NET Framework applications, components, and controls are built.
Following are different types of applications that can make use of .net class library.
(i) Windows Application (ii) Console Application (iii) Web Application
(iv) XML Web Services (v) Windows Services
Developers just need to import the BCL in their language code and use its predefined
methods and properties to implement common and complex functions like reading and
writing to file, graphic rendering, database interaction, and XML document manipulation.

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3. Common Language Runtime : The Common Language Runtime (CLR), the virtual
machine component of Microsoft's .NET framework, manages the execution of .NET
programs. A process known as just-in-time compiler that converts the compiled code into
machine instructions which the computer's CPU then executes. The CLR provides
additional services including memory management, type safety, exception
handling, garbage collection, security and thread management. All programs written for
the .NET framework, irrespective of programming language, are executed by the CLR.

Q.1(b) Explain Garbage Collection in .Net. [5]

Ans.: In the common language runtime (CLR), the garbage collector serves as an automatic
memory manager. It provides the following benefits :
 Enables one to develop an application without having to free memory.
 Allocates objects on the managed heap efficiently.
 Reclaims objects that are no longer being used, clears their memory, and keeps the
memory available for future allocations. Managed objects automatically get clean
content to start with, so their constructors do not have to initialize every data field.
 Provides memory safety by making sure that an object cannot use the content of
another object.

Conditions for a garbage collection :

Garbage collection occurs when one of the following conditions is true :
 The system has low physical memory. It can be detected by either the low memory
notification from the OS or low memory indicated by the host.
 The memory that is used by allocated objects on the managed heap surpasses an
acceptable threshold. This threshold is continuously adjusted as the process runs.
 The GC.Collect() method is called to explicitly perform garbage collection. In almost all
cases, there is no need to call this method, because the garbage collector runs
continuously. This method is primarily used for unique situations and testing.

Q.1(c) Explain Type Conversion in C#. [5]

Ans.:  It is a process of converting value of one type into another type.
 It is also known as type casting.
 It is of two types :
1. Implicit type conversion:
 It is automatically done by C# in type safe manner.
 Conversion of lower type to higher type is done implicitly.
 No casting required.
 No loss of precision.
Example : int x = 10;
float y = x; // implicit

2. Explicit type casting:

 Here the cast operator/conversion function is explicitly required to perform casting.
 Conversion of higher type to lower type is done explicitly.
 There is loss of precision
Example: double p=12.6;
int x=(int)p;

 C# provides many conversion function. They are :

1. ToBoolean  Converts a type to a Boolean where, possible.
2. ToByte  Converts type to a byte.
3. ToChar  Converts a type to a single unicode character, where possible.
4. ToDatetime  Converts a type (integer to string) to date-time structure.
5. ToDecimal  Converts floating point or integer type to decimal.

Prelim Question Paper Solution

6. ToDouble  Converts a type to a double type.

7. ToInt16  Converts a type to 16-bit integer.
8. ToInt32  Converts a type to 32-bit integer.
9. ToInt64  Converts a type to 64 bit integer.
10. ToSbyte  Converts a type to signed byte type.
11. ToSingle  Converts a type to small floating point number.
12. ToString  Converts a type of String
13. ToType  Converts a type of specified type.
14. ToUInt16  Converts a type to unsigned int type.
15. ToUInt32  Converts a type to unsigned long type.
16. ToUInt64  Converts a type to an unsigned big int.
Note : These methods are static and called using class “Convert”

Q.1(d) Explain Runtime polymorphism. [5]

Ans.:  When method of base class is overridden in derived class and we use base class
reference to call the method then always base class version of the function is called
because the compiler only see the type of reference and not the content.
To solve this problem, the base class version of function is declared as “virtual” and the
methods are overridden using “override” keyword.
 Now depending on object assigned to base class reference, respective version of
function is called.
 Hence the polymorphism is resolved at runtime, hence known as runtime. Polymorphism
also known as late binding/ dynamic binding.

using System;
namespace inheritance1
class A
public virtual void display()
Console.WriteLine("class A display");

class B : A
public override void display()
Console.WriteLine("class B display");

class C : A
public override void display()
Console.WriteLine("class C display");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

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A r; //reference of A

r = new A();

r = new B();
r = new C();


class Program
static void Main (String [ ] args)
A a1 = new A ( );
B b1 = new B ( );
C c1 = new C ( );

A r; // reference of A
r = a1;
r : display ( );

r = b1;
r : display ( );

r = c1;
r : display ( );

C.RL ( );


Q.1(e) Explain Assembly and its component. [5]

Ans.:  An assembly is a fundamental building block of any .NET framework application. It
contains the code that is executed by common language runtime. For example, when we
build a simple C# application, Visual Studio creates an assembly in the form of a single
portable executable (PE) file, specifically an EXE or DLL.
 Every assembly has a file called ‘manifest’ file that stores all information about that
assembly. This information’s are known as metadata.
 The manifest file contains all the metadata needed to specify the assembly's version
requirements, security identity, and all metadata needed to define the scope of the
assembly and resolve references to resources and classes.

Prelim Question Paper Solution

Components of Assembly :
 Manifest
It describes the assembly. The manifest file contains all the metadata needed to
specify the assembly's version requirements, security identity, and all metadata needed
to define the scope of the assembly and resolve references to resources and classes.
 Type Metadata
It contains metadata, which describes each and every type (class, structure,
enumeration, etc).
It contains Intermediate language code.
 Resources
It contains bitmaps, icons, audios and other types of resources.

Q.1(f) Explain Namespace in C#. [5]

Ans.: A namespace is designed for providing a way to keep one set of names separate from
another. The class names declared in one namespace does not conflict with the same class
names declared in another.

Defining a Namespace:
A namespace definition begins with the keyword namespace followed by the namespace name
as follows :
namespace namespace_name
// code declarations

To call the namespace-enabled version of either function or variable, prepend the

namespace name as follows :

Namespaces have the following properties:

 They organize large code projects.
 They are delimited by using the . operator.
 The using directive obviates the requirement to specify the name of the namespace for
every class.
 The global namespace is the "root" namespace: global::System will always refer to the
.NET Framework namespace System.
 Namspaces can be nested within other Namespaces.

using System;
namespace nestednamespace
namespace n1
public class A
public void f1()
Console.WriteLine("f1 of A of n1");
namespace n2

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public class A
public void f1()
Console.WriteLine("f1 of A of n2");
class program
static void Main(string[] args)
n2. A a1 = new n2.A();
n1.A a2 = new n1.A();


Q.2 Attempt the following (any THREE) [15]

Q.2(a) Explain ASP.NET File Types. [5]
Ans.: ASP.NET applications can include many types of files. They are as follows :
1 Ends with .aspx These are ASP.NET web pages. They contain the user interface and,
optionally, the underlying application code. Users request or navigate
directly to one of these pages to start your web application.
2 Ends with .ascx These are ASP.NET user controls. User controls are similar to web
pages, except that the user can’t access these files directly. Instead,
they must be hosted inside an ASP.NET web page. User controls allow
you to develop a small piece of user interface and reuse it in as many
web forms as you want without repetitive code.
3 web.config This is the configuration file for your ASP.NET application. It includes
settings for customizing security, state management, memory
management, and much more.
4 global.asax This is the global application file. You can use this file to define global
variables (variables that can be accessed from any web page in the web
application) and react to global events (such as when a web application
first starts).
5 Ends with .cs These are code-behind files that contain C# code. They allow you to
separate the application logic from the user interface of a web page.

Q.2(b) Explain The Page Life Cycle. [5]

Ans.: To understand how web control events work, we must understand the page life cycle. Following
happens when a user changes a control that has the AutoPostBack property set to true :
1. On the client side, the JavaScript __doPostBack function is invoked, and the page is
resubmitted to the server.
2. ASP.NET re-creates the Page object by using the .aspx file.

Prelim Question Paper Solution

3. ASP.NET retrieves state information from the hidden view state field and updates the
controls accordingly.
4. The Page.Load event is fired.
5. The appropriate change event is fired for the control. (If more than one control has
been changed, the order of change events is undetermined.)
6. The Page.PreRender event fires, and the page is rendered (transformed from a set of
objects to an HTML page).
7. Finally, the Page.Unload event is fired.
8. The new page is sent to the client.

Q.2(c) Explain : (i) RangeValidator Control in ASP.Net [5]

(ii) CustomValidator Control in ASP.Net
Ans.: (i) RangeValidator Control in ASP.Net
This control is used to compare the value of one input control to the value of another input
control (Generally the text control) or to a fixed value. The control has ControlToCompare &
ControlToValidate properties for the controls to compare and validate. The control has the
ErrorMessage property to show the validation summery if validation fails. It has the special
property called as operator to determine the type of comparison between the controls; it
accepts the values like “GreaterThan”, “Equal”, “LessThan” etc. The type property is used to
specify the data type of the values to compare.

<asp:TextBox id="t1" runat="server" />
<asp:TextBox id="t2" runat="server" />
ControlToCompare="t2"ForeColor="Pink" BackColor="maroon" Type="String"
Text="Validation Failed!" runat="server"/>

(ii) CustomValidator Control in ASP.Net

This control allows us to write a method to handle the validation of the value entered by
the user. The control has ClientValidation Function property which specifies the name of
the client-side validation script function to be executed. It also has the
ControlToValidate, ErrorMessage, text, id etc. properties as explained in earlier controls.

<asp:Label runat="server" Text="Enter a username: "/>
<asp:TextBox id="t1" runat="server"/>
<asp.Button Text-"Submit" runat="server"/><br/>
<asp:Label id= "msg" runat= "server"/><br/>
<asp: Custom Validator ControlTo Validate="t1"
OnServerValidate="user"Text="Enter proper value!"runat="server"/>

Q.2(d) Explain AdRotator Control in Asp.Net. [5]

Ans.:  The basic purpose of the AdRotator is to provide a graphic on a page that is chosen
randomly from a group of possible images.
 Every time the page is requested, an image is selected at random and displayed, which is
the rotation indicated by the name AdRotator.
 One use of the AdRotator is to show banner-style advertisements on a page, but you can
use it anytime you want to vary an image randomly.
 The AdRotator provides following features:

The Advertisement File :


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<!-- First ad here. -->
<!-- Second ad here. -->

Advertisement File Elements:

Element Description
ImageUrl The image that will be displayed. This can be a relative link (a file in the
current directory) or a fully qualified Internet URL
NavigateUrl The link that will be followed if the user clicks the banner. This can be a
relative or fully qualified URL
AlternateText The text that will be displayed instead of the picture if it cannot be
displayed. This text will also be used as a tooltip in some newer
Impressions A number that sets how often an advertisement will appear. This
number is relative to the numbers specified for other ads
Keyword A keyword that identifies a group of advertisements. You can use this
for filtering

The AdRotator Class :

The actual AdRotator class provides a limited set of properties. You specify both the
appropriate advertisement file in the AdvertisementFile property and the type of
window that the link should follow (the Target window).

Special Frame Targets :

Target Description
_blank The link opens a new unframed window.
_parent The link opens in the parent of the current frame.
_self The link opens in the current frame.
_top The link opens in the topmost frame of the current window

Q.2(e) Explain SiteMapPath in Asp.Net. [5]

Ans.: The Sitemap Path control displays the navigation path of the current page. The path acts as
clickable links to previous pages. The Sitemap Path control uses the web.sitemap file by
default. The SiteMapPath control creates navigation mechanism which is a linear path
defining where the user is currently located in navigation arrangement. It usually helps end
user to know his location in relation to the rest of the site.

Following are some important properties of SiteMapPath control :

Properties Description
PathSeparator It is to get or set the Path separator text. (By
default it is >.)
PathDirection It is to set the direction of the links generated in the output.
Possible values for this property: RootToCurrent and
NodeStyle It is to set the style of all nodes that will be displayed.
CurrentNodeStyle It is to set the style on node that represent the
current page.
RootNodeStyle It is to set the style on the absolute root node.
PathSeparatorStyle It is to set the style of path separator.
ShowToolTips It is to set the tooltip for the control. By default value is

Prelim Question Paper Solution

To display SiteMapPath control in all your pages automatically, add it in the master page
of the website. To Create a SiteMapPath Control follow the following steps :
(i) Open the master page in design View and drag a SiteMapPath control from the
Navigation Toolbox to the page.
<asp:SiteMapPath ID="SiteMapPath1" runat="server">
(ii) Save the changes and then request any Content page in the browser.
(iii) Content page shows the path from the root of the site to the current page. While
navigating through the site the SiteMapPath control changes the path for each page.

Q.2(f) Explain Different methods to perform Redirection in Code. [5]

Ans.:  To perform redirection in code, you first need a control that causes the page to be
posted back, i.e you need an event handler that reacts to the ServerClick event of a
control such as HtmlInputButton or HtmlAnchor.
 When the page is posted back and your event handler runs, you can use the
HttpResponse. Redirect() method to send the user to the new page. You can get access
to the current HttpResponse object through the Page.Response property.
 When you use the Redirect() method, ASP.NET immediately stops processing the page
and sends a redirect message back to the browser. Any code that occurs after the
Redirect() call won’t be executed.
 When the browser receives the redirect message, it sends a request for the new page.
You can use the Redirect() method to send the user to any type of page. You can even
send the user to another website by using an absolute URL (a URL that starts with
http://), e.g., Response.Redirect ("");
 ASP.NET gives you one other option for sending the user to a new page. You can use the
HttpServerUtility.Transfer() method instead of Response.Redirect(). An
HttpServerUtility object is provided through the Page.Server property, so your
redirection code would look like this: Server.Transfer ("newpage.aspx");
 The advantage of using the Transfer() method is that it doesn’t involve the browser.
Instead of sending a redirect message back to the browser, ASP.NET simply starts
processing the new page as though the user had originally requested that page. This
behavior saves a bit of time, but it also introduces some significant limitations.
 You can’t use Transfer() to send the user to another website or to a non-ASP.NET page
(such as an HTML page). The Transfer() method allows you to jump only from one
ASP.NET page to another, in the same web application.
 When you use Transfer(), the user won’t have any idea that another page has taken
over, because the browser will still show the original URL. This can cause a problem if
you want to support browser bookmarks.It’s much more common to use
HttpResponse.Redirect() than HttpServerUtility.Transfer().

Q.3 Attempt the following (any THREE) [15]

Q.3(a) Explain Exception Handling. [5]
Ans.: Exception Handling :
 Exceptions are problems encountered in program at run time.
 C# supports exception handling.
 When an exception occurs in code notification is sent, and exception handling code are
specified to handle exception in rational manner.
 General Structure of Exception Handling Mechanism :
// Risky code goes here (opening a file, connecting to a database, and so on).

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// An error has been detected. You can deal with it here.

// Time to clean up, regardless of whether or not there was an error.

 To handle exception C# uses following keywords.

(i) try :
Í It contains block of code that needs to be monitored for occurrence of
Í If exception occurs within try block there is a chance of it being handled.
Í try block can be followed by either catch or finally or both.

(ii) catch :
Í It contains exception handling code.

(iii) throw :
Í used to throw exception manually.
Í Mainly used for throwing user defined exception.

(iv) finally :
Í Contains code that needs to be executed irrespective.
Exception is generated or not.
Generated exception is handled or not.

Q.3(b) Explain View State in Asp.Net. [5]

Ans.:  View State is one of the most common ways to store information.
 View state uses a hidden field that ASP.NET automatically inserts in the final, rendered
HTML of a web page.
 View State is a perfect place to store information that’s used for multiple post backs in
a single web page.
 The ViewState Collection :
i) The ViewState property of the page provides the current view-state information.
ii) This property provides an instance of the StateBag collection class.
iii) The StateBag is a dictionary collection, which means every item is stored in a
separate “slot” using a unique string name, which is also called the key name.
iv) Example :
// The this keyword refers to the current Page object. It's optional.
this.ViewState["Counter"] = 1;
v) This places the value 1 (or rather, an integer that contains the value 1) into the
ViewState collection and gives it the descriptive name Counter.
vi) If currently no item has the name Counter, a new item will be added automatically.
If an item is already stored under the name Counter, it will be replaced.
vii) When retrieving a value, you use the key name.
viii) Here’s the code that retrieves the counter from view state and converts it to an
int counter;
counter = (int)this.ViewState["Counter"];

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Q.3(c) Explain how state is managed using cookies. [5]

Ans.:  Cookies provide another way to store state information for later use.
 Cookies are small files that are created in the web browser’s memory or on the client’s
hard drive.
 One advantage of cookies is that they work transparently, without the user being aware
that information needs to be stored.
 They also can be easily used by any page in your application and even be retained
between visits, which allows for truly long-term storage.
 Cookies are easily accessible and readable if the user finds and opens the Corresponding file.
 Some users disable cookies on their browsers, which will cause problems for web
applications that require them.
 Steps to use cookies :
(i) One should import the System.Net namespace so you can easily work with the
appropriate types:
using System.Net;
(ii) To set a cookie, just create a new HttpCookie object. It can be then filled with string
information and can be attached to the current web response:
// Create the cookie object.
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("Priority");
// Set a value in it.
cookie["SubjectPriority"] = "ASP";
// Add another value.
cookie["Country"] = "INDIA";
// Add it to the current web response.
(iii) A cookie added in this way will persist until the user closes the browser and will be sent
with every request. To create a longer-lived cookie, you can set an expiration date:
// This cookie lives for one year.
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1);
(iv) You retrieve cookies by cookie name, using the Request.Cookies collection.
HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["Priority"];
(v) The only way to remove a cookie is by replacing it with a cookie that has an expiration
date that has already passed. This code demonstrates the technique:
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("Priority");
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

Q.3(d) Compare Session State and Application State Management techniques. [5]
Session State Application State
1. It allows all .NET data types for the It Allows all .NET data types
default in-process storage mode. All
serializable .NET data types if you use an
out-of-process storage mode.
2. The storage location is Server memory, The storage location is Server memory.
state service, or SQL Server, depending
on the mode you choose.
3. Times out after a predefined period The lifetime of the application
(usually 20 minutes, but can be altered (typically, until the server is
globally or programmatically). rebooted).
4. The scope is the whole ASP.NET The scope is the whole ASP.NET
application. application. Unlike other methods,
application data is global to all users.

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5. It is very secure, because data is never It is very secure, because data is never
transmitted to the client transmitted to the client.
6. The performance is slow when storing a The performance is slow when storing a
large amount of information, especially if large amount of information, because this
there are many users at once, because data will never time out and be removed.
each user will have their own copy of
session data.
7. Typical used for Storing items in a Typical used for storing any type of
shopping basket global data

Q.3(e) Explain types of selectors in CSS. [5]

Ans.: Following are the types of Selectors in CSS :
1. The Universal Selector :
The Universal selector, indicated by an asterisk (*), applies to all elements in your page.
The Universal selector can be used to set global settings like a font family. The
following rule set changes the font for all elements in your page to Arial :
*{font-family: Arial;

2. The Type Selector :

The Type selector enables you to point to an HTML element of a specific type. With a
Type selector, all HTML elements of that type will be styled accordingly.
color: Green;
The Type selector now applies to all <h1> elements in your code and gives them a green
color type selectors are not case sensitive, so you can use booth h1 and H1 to refer to
the same heading.

3. The ID Selector :
The ID selector is always prefixed by a hash symbol (#) and enables you to refer to a
single element in the page. Within an HTML or ASPX page, you can give an element a
unique ID using the id attribute. With the ID selector, you can change the behavior for
that single element, example :
font-style: italic;
Because you can reuse this ID across multiple pages in your site (it only has to be unique
within a single page), you can use this rule to quickly change the appearance of an
element that you use once per page, but more than once in your site, for example with
the following HTML code:
<p id = "IntroText">I am italic because I have the right ID.</p>
<p id = "BodyText"> I am NOT italic because I have a different ID.</p>

Here the #IntroText slector changes the font of the first paragraph which has the
matching id attribute but leaves the other paragraph unmodified. ID selectors are case
sensitive, ensure that id attribute and the selector always use the same casing.

4. The Class Selector :

The Class selector enables you to style multiple HTML elements through the class
attribute. This is handy when you want to give the same type of formatting to a number

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of unrelated HTML elements. The following rule changes the text to red and bold for all
HTML elements that have their class attributes set to Highlight :
font-weight: bold; color: Red;

The following code snippet uses the Highlight class to make the contents of a <span>
element and a link (<a>) appear with a bold typeface :
This is normal text but <span class = "Highlight"> this is Red and Bold.</span>
This is also normal text but <a href="CssDemo.aspx" class = "Highlight">this link is Red
and Bold as well.</a>

5. Grouping and Combining Selectors :

CSS also enables you to group multiple selectors by separating them with a comma. This
is handy if you want to apply the same styles to different elements. The following rule
turns all headings in the page to red :
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
color: Red;
Moreover, with CSS you can also combine selectors, enabling you to hierarchically point
to a specific element in a page. You can do this by separating the selectors with a space.
The following example targets all <p> elements that fall within an element with an id of
MainContent, leaving all other paragraphs unmodified.
#MainContent p
font-size: 18px;

Q.3(f) Explain relation between master page and content page. [5]
Ans.: Master page provides a framework within which the content from other pages can be
 It provides elements such as headers, footers, style definitions, or navigation bars that
are common to all pages in your web site. So the Content Pages need not have to
duplicate code for shared elements within your Web site.
 It gives a consistent look and feel for all pages in your application.
 The master page layout consists of regions where the content from each content page
should be displayed.
 These regions can be set using ContentPlaceHolder server controls.
 These are the regions where you are going to have dynamic content in your page.
 A derived page also known as a content page is simply a collection of blocks the runtime
will use to fill the regions in the master.
 To provide content for a ContentPlaceHolder, you use another specialized control, called
 The ContentPlaceHolder control and the Content control have a one-to-one relationship.
 For each ContentPlaceHolder in the master page, the content page supplies a matching
Content control.
 ASP.NET links the Content control to the appropriate ContentPlaceHolder by matching
the ID of the ContentPlaceHolder with the Content ContentPlaceHolderID property of
the corresponding Content control.

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Q.4 Attempt the following (any THREE) [15]

Q.4(a) Explain in details connected Mode in ADO.NET. [5]
Ans.: ADO.NET components for accessing a database directly :

.NET data provider

Data reader

Select command

Database server

Connection Database

Insert, Delete or
Update command

 The connected environment provides forward-only, read-only access to data in the data
source and the ability to execute commands against the data source. The connected
classes provide a common way to work with connected data regardless of the underlying
data source.
 They include Connection, Command,DataReader, Transaction, ParameterCollection, and
Parameter classes.
 Connected Mode Classes :
The following classes are used by ADO.NET to communicate directly with the data
source :
 Connection : Maintains information required to connect to the data source through
a connection string. The connection string contains information such as the name of
the data source and its location, and authorization credentials and settings.
 Command : Executes SQL statements or stored procedures against the data source.
The command class has a ParameterCollection object containing Parameter objects
that allow parameterized SQL statements and stored procedures to be used against
the data source.
 DataReader : Provides connected forward-only, read-only access to the data
source. It is optimized forspeed.
 Parameter : Allows parameters for both parameterized queries and stored
procedures to be defined and set to appropriate values. The Parameter class is
accessed through the ParametersCollection object within a Command object. It
supports input and output parameters as well as return values from stored
 Transaction : Allows transactions to be created on a connection so that multiple
changes to data in a data source are treated as a single unit of work and either all
committed or cancelled.

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Q.4(b) Compare DataReader and DataAdapter. [5]

DataReader DataAdapter
1 The ADO.NET DataReader is used to The DataSet is an in-memory
retrieve read-only(cannot update data representation of data. The DataSet
back to datasource) and forward- represents a complete set of data
only(cannot read backward/random) data including related tables, constraints, and
from a database. relationships among the tables.
2 Using the DataReader increases Using the DataAdapter decreases
application performance and reduces application performance and increases
system overheads. This is due to one row system overheads.
at a time is stored in memory.
3 You create a DataReader by calling Object is created explicitly using syntax:
Command.ExecuteReader() after creating SqlDataAdapter myAdapter = new
an instance of the Command object. SqlDataAdapter(SQLquery, conn);
4 This is a connected architecture: The data This works for Disconnected Architecture.
is available as long as the connection with
database exists.
5 You need to open and close the connection No need to manually open and close
manually in code. connection in code.

Q.4(c) Explain SqlCommand class in detail. [5]

Ans.: The SqlCommand class : The process of interacting with a database means that we must
specify the actions we want to occur. This is done with a command object. We use a
command object to send SQL statements to the database.

A command object uses a connection object to figure out which database to communicate
with. We can use a command object alone, to execute a command directly, or assign a
reference to a command object to an SqlDataAdapter.

Properties of SqlCommand are :

Property Description
Connection The SqlConnection object used to connect to the database.
CommandText The text of the SQL statement or the name of a stored procedure.
CommandType A constant in the CommandType enumeration that indicates whether the
CommandText property contains a SQL statement(Text) or the name of
a stored procedure (StoredProcedure).
Parameters The collection of parameters used by the command.

Methods of SqlCommand are :

Method Description
ExecuteReader Executes a query and returns the result as a Sql DataReader object.
ExecuteNonQuery Executes the command and returns an integer representing the number
of rows affected.
ExecuteScalar Executes a query and returns the first column of the first row returned
by the query.

Q.4(d) Explain how Repeated-Value Data Binding work? [5]

Ans.:  Repeated-value data binding works with the ASP.NET list controls.
 To use repeated-value binding, you link one of these controls to a data source.
 When you call DataBind(), the control automatically creates a full list by using all the
corresponding values.

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 Repeated-value binding can also simplify your life by supporting advanced formatting and
template options that automatically configure how the data should look when it’s placed
in the control.
 To create a data expression for list binding, you need to use a list control that explicitly
supports data binding.
 ASP.NET provides a number of list controls :
Í ListBox, DropDownList, CheckBoxList, and RadioButtonList : These web controls
provide a list for a single field of information.
Í HtmlSelect : This server-side HTML control represents the HTML <select> element
and works essentially the same way as the ListBox web control.
Í GridView, DetailsView, FormView, and ListView : These rich web controls allow
you to provide repeating lists or grids that can display more than one field of
information at a time.

Q.4(e) Explain various data source controls in Ado.Net. [5]

Ans.: Following are the various data source controls in Ado.Net :
 SqlDataSource : This data source allows you to connect to any data source that has an
ADO.NET data provider. This includes SQL Server, Oracle, and OLE DB or ODBC data
sources. When using this data source, you don’t need to write the data access code.
 AccessDataSource : This data source allows you to read and write the data in an
Access database file (.mdb). However, its use is discouraged, because Access doesn’t
scale well to large numbers of users.
 ObjectDataSource : This data source allows you to connect to a custom data access
class. This is the preferred approach for large-scale professional web applications, but
it forces you to write much more code.
 XmlDataSource : This data source allows you to connect to an XML file.
 SiteMapDataSource : This data source allows you to connect to a .sitemap file that
describes the navigational structure of your website.
 EntityDataSource : This data source allows you to query a database by using the LINQ
to Entities feature.
 LinqDataSource : This data source allows you to query a database by using the LINQ to
SQL feature, which is a similar (but somewhat less powerful) predecessor to LINQ to

Q.4(f) What is a GridView control? [5]

Ans.: The GridView server control displays data provided by a data source in a tabular format. It
renders its data as an HTML table. The GridView control supports automatic paging, sorting,
editing, deleting, and selecting. To enable row selection AutoGenerateSelectButton property
of GridView can be set to true.

The GridView data can be sorted based on any or all of its columns. To sort GridView data,
following are the steps :
 Set AllowSorting attribute of GridView to True.
 Also set SortExpression property of columns to respective field from database to sort.

Paging refers to the ability of GridView control to display bound data one page at a time.
Users can arbitrarily select pages from a GridView. To enable paging feature of a GridView :
 Set AllowPaging property of GridView control to true.
 Set PageSize property to no of records we want in each page.

Example :
<asp:gridview AllowSorting="true" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="5" ID="Gridview1"
runat="server" DataKeyNames="pid" DataSourceID="SqlDS" >

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<asp:BoundField DataField="pname" HeaderText="PRODUCT NAME"

SortExpression="pname"> </asp:BoundField>

Basic attributes of the GridView control :

Attribute Description
ID The ID of the control.
Runat Must specify “server.”
DataSourceID The ID of the data source to bind to.
DataKeyNames The names of the primary key fields separated by commas.
AutoGenerateRows If True, a row is automatically generated foreach field in the data
source. If False, you mustdefine the rows in the Fields element.
DefaultMode Sets the initial mode of the DetailsView control. Valid options are
Edit, Insert, or Readonly.
AllowPaging Set to True to allow paging.

Q.5 Attempt the following (any THREE) [15]

Q.5(a) Explain XML Schema definition. [5]
Ans.:  An XSD, or schema, defines what elements and attributes a document should contain
and the way these nodes are organized (the structure).
 It can also identify the appropriate data types for all the content.
 Schema documents are written using an XML syntax with specific element names.
 All the XSD elements are placed in the
namespace. Often, this namespace uses the prefix xsd: or xs:.

 Here is a simple XSD code.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified" >
<xs:element name="SuperProProductList">
<xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="Product">
<xs:element name="Price" Type="xs:double" />
<xs:attribute name="ID" use="required" Type="xs:int" />
<xs:attribute name="Name" use="required" Type="xs:string" />

Features :
 XSDs can be extensible for future additions.
 XSD is richer and more powerful than DTD.
 XSD is written in XML.
 XSD supports data types.

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 XSD supports namespaces.

 XSD is W3C recommendation.
 An XML XSD is kept in a separate document and then the document can be linked to an
XML document to use it.

Q.5(b) Explain Windows authentication in ASP.Net. [5]

Ans.: The Windows authentication provider is the default provider for ASP.NET. It authenticates
the users based on the users Windows accounts. Windows authentication in ASP.NET
actually relies on IIS to do the authentication. IIS can be configured so that only users on
a Windows domain can log in. If a user attempts to access a page and is not authenticated
then user will be shown a dialog box asking them to enter their username and password. This
information is then passed to the Web server and checked against the list of users in the
domain. If the user has supplied valid credentials access is granted.

To configure ASP.NET to use Windows authentication use the following code :

<authentication mdoe ="Windows"/>
<allow users = "*">
<allow users="*"/>
statement specifies permissions are provided to authorized users as well anonymous users.

There are four different kinds of Windows authentication options available that can be
configured in IIS :
 Anonymous Authentication : In this, IIS does not perform any authentication check and
allows access to any user to the ASP.NET application.
 Basic Authentication : In this, a Windows user name and password have to be provided
to connect. This information is sent over the network in plain text and hence this is an
insecure kind of authentication.
 Digest Authentication : It is almost same as Basic Authentication but the password is
hashed before it is sent across the network.
 Integrated Windows Authentication : In this, password is not sent across the network
and some protocols are used to authenticate users. It provides the tools for
authentication and strong cryptography is used to help to secure information in systems
across entire network.

Q.5(c) Explain Authorization in Asp.Net. [5]

Ans.: Authentication and Authorization are two interconnected security concepts. Authentication
is a process of identifying a user and authorization is the process of checking whether
authenticated user has access to the resources they requested.

There are two forms of authorization available in ASP.NET :

 FileAuthorization : It is performed by the FileAuthorizationModule. It uses the access
control list (ACL) of the .aspx file to resolve whether a user should have access to the
file. ACL permissions are confirmed for the users Windows identity.
 UrlAuthorization: In the Web.config file you can specify the authorization rules for
various directories or files using the<authorization> element.

Following is the syntax Authentication :

<[allow | deny] users roles />

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The allow and deny tags specifies grant or revoke respectively.

Example :
<allow users = "user1"/>
<deny users="*"/>

It will allow only user user1 and deny all other users to access that application. If you want
to give permission for more users then just add usernames separated with comma like
user2,user3 etc.

If you want to allow only admin roles to access the application and deny permission for all
the roles, then write the following code in web.config.
<allow roles="Admin"/>
<deny users="*"/>

Q.5(d) Explain the architecture of AJAX. [5]

Ans.: The architecture of AJAX is as follows :

Web browser

Web page

DOM Events

1 Web server

Application server
XMLHttpRequest 3

AJAX updates the contents of a web page as following :

1. An event happens on the web page. This can be the user moving the mouse, clicking a
button etc. This event triggers JavaScript code to execute.
2. JavaScript prepares a request and sends it to the web server. The request contains
information about the event and the current state of the controls on the web page.
3. The server receives the data and processes it. Although processing can take place on
the client, some actions, such as database access, must happen on the server.
4. The server prepares a response and sends it back to the browser. The response contains
the updated state of the controls on the web page.
5. JavaScript parses the response and uses the data it contains to update the contents of
the web page by modifying objects in the DOM. The browser then updates the user’s

Q.5(e) Explain the UpdatePanel Control in ASP.Net. [5]

Ans.: The update Panel control is most important control for creating flicker-free pages we just
wrap the control around the content that we want to update and add the script manager to
the page.

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Properties of UpdatePanel Control :

Property Description
ChildrenAsTriggers This property determines whether controls located within the
UpdatePanel can cause a refresh of the UpdatePanel. The default value
is True. When you set this value to False, you have to set the
UpdateMode to Conditional.
Triggers The Triggers collection contains PostBackTrigger and
AsyncPostBackTrigger elements.
RenderMode This property can be set to Block or Inline to indicate whether the
UpdatePanel renders itself as a <div> or <span> element
UpdateMode This property determines whether the control is always refreshed (the
UpdateMode is set to Always) or only under certain conditions, for
example,when one of the controls defined in the <Triggers> element is
causing a postback (the UpdateMode is set to Conditional).
ContentTemplate The <ContentTemplate> is an important property of the
UpdatePanel. It s the container in which you place controls as children
of the UpdatePanel.

General Form :
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">

Q.5(f) Explain UpdateProgress Control in Asp.Net. [5]

Ans.:  Even though there was visual problem in postback but it has one advantage that
user can see something is happening however with update panel user will have no idea
that something is happening until it has happened.
 To tell user to wait for few seconds while their request is processed, we can use
update progress control.
 The UpdateProgress control allows you to show a message while a time-consuming
update is under way.
 Showing a Simulated Progress Bar :
When you add the UpdateProgress control to a page, you get the ability to specify
some content that will appear as soon as an asynchronous request is started and will
disappear as soon as the request is finished.

Properties :
(i) DisplayAfter : It determines the time in milliseconds that the control has to wait
before it displays its content.
(ii) DynamicaLayout : It determine whether the progress template is dynamically rendered.
(iii) Visible : Indicated whether the control is visible and rendered.
(iv) EnableViewState : Whether the control automatically saves its state for the use in
round trips.

General Form:
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="UpdateProgress1" runat="server">


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