Materials On Die

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OLEJÁR ISSN 0543-5846

METABK 51(1) 117-120 (2012)
UDC – UDK 669.14-418:539.37:620.17=111


Received – Prispjelo: 2010-12-27
Accepted – Prihvaćeno: 2011-02-03
Review Paper – Pregledni rad

In the contribution the stress of die materials of thermal fatigue is defined and material life is derived theoretically
and compared with the measured values. The important properties of the die materials as thermal conductivity,
coefficient of thermal expansivity, modulus of elasticity and mechanical properties are described. Binding to it sin-
gle die materials as carbon steels and chrome-tungsten steels are analyzed. As the perspective die material for pres-
sure die casting of ferrous metals appears molybdenum with regard to advantageous properties.
Key words: stress of material, thermal fatigue, service life, material properties
Materijal matrica za tlačno lijevanje. U članku je definirano naprezanje materijala pri toplinskom umoru i iz-
veden teorijski životno (radno) vrijeme materijala te uspoređene sa izmjerenim vrijednostima. Opisana su važna
svojstva materijala, kao što je toplinska vodljivost, koeficijent toplinske rastegljivosti, modul elastičnosti i mehanička
svojstva. U nastavku su analizirani materijali kao što su ugljični čelici te krom-volframovi čelici. Kao perspektivni
materijal za tlačno lijevanje željeznih slitina se pojavljuje molibdan sa prestižnim svojstvima.
Ključne riječi: naprezanje materijala, toplinski umor, radni vijek, svojstva materijala

At operation of pressure die casting dies are cycli-
cally stressed on thermal fatigue. After exhausting of
material sliding properties the end of die service life
comes. For the more profound explanation it is neces-
sary further to analyze thermal conditions and single
important properties of die material during the opera-
tion of pressure die casting.

Figure 1 The surface layer 1 and undersurface layer 2 of the

STRESS OF DIE AT PRESSURE DIE CASTING die at filling the die with the liquid metal 3

At entrance of liquid metal with high temperature

into die a heat comes from the in the layer under the surface layer. However after draw-
metal into the die surface according to Figure 1. ing the casting from the die the surface layer cools and
The layer of die face can be considered as a whole. a tensile stress arises in it.
If this layer is free and we know its linear coefficient of By repeating this process as a thermal fatigue at the
thermal expansivity α then at its temperature T1 and its tensile stress it is arising a danger of cracks. After ten
temperature before entrance of liquid metal T0 the ex- till hundred thousand cycles the cracks arise really and
tension of the layer is [1,2]. the life of the die material ends.

δ=a(T1-T0) (1)
Because the layer cannot be expanded the compres-
sive stress σ arises in it If the number of the pressing liquid metal into the
δmE die N is considered as the quasicontinous function with
σ= (2)
m–1 indirect proportional dependence on the pouring tem-
where m – Poisson’s constant, E – Young’s modulus of perature T then every elementary increase of the pour-
die material. If we substitute competent values E = ing temperature dT means lowering indirect proportion-
2,2·105 MPa, α = 1,3·10-5, m = 3,3, To = 300 °C, T1 = 600 al cycles of the die material service life .
°C we obtain σ = 1 200 MPa that evokes a tensile stress Then it is:
dT = – k (3)
E. Ragan, J. Dobránsky, P. Baron, T. Olejár, Faculty of Manufacturing N
Technologies, Prešov, Technical University in Košice, Slovakia where: k – constant /°C.

METALURGIJA 51 (2012) 1, 117-120 117


Table 1 Important properties of die materials

Modulus of Coefficient of Thermal Resistance
Hardness /
Material Addition /% elasticity thermal expansion conductivity against
/ MPa / m0C-1 / kJm-1s-10C-1 melting
Copper - 105 000 16,5 0,393 60 excellent
Beryllium bronze 0,5 Be 110 000 16,5 0,0836 400 excellent
Heat treat soft steal 0,4 C 220 000 11,7 0,0627 8 excellent
Low alloy heat treat steel 0,3 C, 1 Cr 215 000 10,5 - 13 0,0418 300 – 400 good
High alloy heat treat steel 0,3 C, Cr, W, Mo, V 210 000 10,5 - 13 0,0188 – 0,0334 350 – 500 good
Austenite steel 0,1 C,18 Cr 200 000 19,5 0,0209 130 very bad
Molybdenum - 350 000 4,9 0,146 170 excellent
Molybdenum - titanium - 350 000 3,2 0,125 200 excellent

After integration from T1 up to T and from N1 up to

N we obtain:
T–T1=–klnN + klnN1 (3,1)
We adapt it and we change on decadical logarithm
logN = A – k1t (3,2)
where: A – constant, /°C-1.
The relation (3.2) corresponds to the measured re-
sults according to Figure 2 where the logarithm of cy-
cles N is dependent on the pouring temperature T at
pouring single alloys of zinc, aluminum, copper and
Figure 2 Dependence of die material service life at pressure
ferrous alloys (cast iron, steel). die casting on pouring temperature
It is possible to reach the increase of die service life
by single or total use of following measures [5,6]: the Thermal conductivity
use of die material with the smallest thermal expansion, It is an important property. It shows also at running
the smallest modulus of elasticity and the largest con- property of metal. In [9] length of flow is compared in
ductivity. dependence of the die material alloy Cu-Be and steel
Ceramic materials accommodate to the first claim that is 44 percent shorter that at steel.
but they do not accommodate to the second claim and as
very brittle ones they did not prove at tests. Mechanical properties
Molybdenum that is shown as a perspective die ma- It is possible to change mechanical properties by al-
terial accommodates partly to the third claim. It is how- loying and heat treatment so that deformations are in
ever expensive at lower temperatures it has area of brit- elastic area. It is however possible only at casting of
tleness and at higher temperatures with regard on its zinc alloys at temperatures low. The yield point is low-
sublimation it is necessary to secure a surface protec- ered at high temperatures and plastic deformations oc-
tion. For increase of die service life at pressure die cast- cur. It manifests that it is necessary to temper die steels
ing brass it is possible to use the alloys Inconel 617 and on lower strength. Plastic deformations are tired out
Haynes together with higher temperature of die. slower.

PROPERTIES OF DIE MATERIALS Chemical stress of die materials

At chemical stress of die material in the first row
Die materials must fulfil properties going out of there are alloys dissolving iron especially aluminum al-
from stress of dies in operation. They are mainly ther- loys. It is possible to find out it from equilibrium dia-
mal expansion and modulus of elasticity, mechanical gram of iron and elementary metal of alloy then Fe-Zn,
properties, resistance to thermal fatigue [6] and chemi- Fe-Al, and Fe-Cu. The higher is temperature of alloy
cal stress of die. the higher is danger of chemical dissolving die. At brass
zinc penetrates into die cracks. Also at aluminum alloys
Thermal expansion
it can come to very expressive effect. According to
and modulus of elasticity equilibrium diagram Fe-Al at 700 °C aluminum creates
At smaller thermal expansion and modulus of elas- the brittle intermetallic phases FeAl2, Fe2Al3 and FeAl3
ticity stress at certain thermal impact at die operation is [10,11]. At slight thickness they can influence unfavora-
also smaller. It dependences on modulus of elasticity of bly surfaces of casting and die and they can demolish
elementary metal that is only little changed by alloying the die. This appearance is well-known as a sticking.
addition. Modulus of elasticity and thermal expansion Especially improperly situated cores and parts of die
coefficient of die materials are on Table 1 [7,8]. exposed to flowing alloy at filling die cavity are endan-

118 METALURGIJA 51 (2012) 1, 117-120


gered. We face to attacking by the large hardness of die Mo most often also the addition of V sometimes
face and protective layers. also W and Co. the cobalt lowers the inclination to
brittle fracture at higher temperatures and increases
plastic properties in heat. With lowering content of
chrome and further additions it was reached the
For dies of pressure die casting carbon steels, low- considerable improvement of service life. The tests
alloyed steels, high-alloyed steels, chrome steels, tung- at die casting brass showed that the better resist-
sten steels and chrome-molybdenum steels are used. ance to cracks is at tempering on smaller strength
- Carbon steels are used for die parts being not in 1 050 up to 1 300 MPa than on 1 600 MPa. At die
contact with liquid metal as the clamping die box, casting aluminum alloys it would be necessary the
the guide and supporting plate of ejectors and the increase effect of protective layers obtained by ni-
hydraulic drawer of cores. triding or sulfonitriding recommended at these
- Low-alloyed steels are used especially for zinc al- steels [16,17].
loys. They are steels with the content 0,30 up to
0,45 % C alloyed with Cr respectively V and Mo. MATERIALS ON DIES
Further they are carbon constructional steels with
high strength after heat treatment 1 000 up to 1 200
MPa. It is possible to reach martensitic structure The important factor is the steel quality not only ac-
into larger depth with carbide-created elements. At cording to composition but also according to cleanli-
tempering they shift the decrease of martensit de- ness. It goes about low content of sulfur and phosphorus
composition on pearlit into higher temperatures. It but also the smallest content of inclusions their fineness
limits their use on lower temperatures of pour when and regular distribution. The inclusions always lower
the decrease of hardness is not large. resistance to origin of cracks network. Remelting steel
- High-alloyed steels contain so many carbide-created in vacuum is also important. It is possible to obtain the
elements that by tempering at temperature higher improvement of material service life by further change
than 400 °C it comes to increase of hardness meas- of the chrome, molybdenum, tungsten and vanad so that
ured at room temperature marked as the secondary the suitable secondary hardness is reached at the small-
hardness. It is higher at larger number of the car- est content of these elements. We obtain with it also si-
bide-created elements connecting with the origin of multaneously the largest possible thermal conductivity.
complex carbides and shifting into higher tempera- It is possible to reach the further improvement by low-
tures. Therefore the steels for dies shifted from the ering hardness after tempering. [18,19]
chrome and tungsten steels to the combinations W- At large series of die casting in production of auto-
Cr, W-Cr-Co, Cr-Mo, Cr-Mo-V, Cr-Mo-V-W. At mobiles the choice of materials on dies for zinc alloys
hardening under temperature of the martensite crea- aims at chrome-molybdenum steels used for die casting
tion beginning the steel contains the martensite and aluminum alloys. The analogous tending can be oc-
the residual austenite that at tempering decomposes curred for other alloy die cast.
on the martensite or bainite and with it possible to Molybdenum is appeared as the perspective material
contribute to the secondary hardness [12]. on dies for die cast. It has the relative high thermal con-
- Chrome steels are martensitic with so large content ductivity the low coefficient of thermal expansivity so
of chrome that they are anticorrosive and heat-re- that also at large modulus of elasticity the high stress
sisting and with so large content of carbon that they does not rise. It is brittle in the interval of low tempera-
are hardenable. By additions of the carbide-created tures. It can come to cracking. As to it has not the pro-
elements the finer grain at higher temperature of tective layer on the die face e.g. nitriding one it comes
austenitization and shifting zone of secondary to sublimation at die cast. [20]
hardness into higher temperatures is reached. Further the composite materials have a perspective.
- Tungsten steels are the steels with the content 0,30 According to [21,22] the filling chamber was from the
up to 0,35 % C, 2 up to 2,5 % Cr and 4,5 up to 11 % composite materials reinforced by particles of titan (TiB
W. In USA they are without further additions in Slo- and TiC) for die cast of aluminium alloys in USA.
vakia still with addition V and Ni and in Germany
also Co. The tungsten-chrome steels have larger CONCLUSION
hardness into higher temperatures of tempering.
They match on dies for resistance to wear and stick- In the contribution the cyclical stresses on thermal
ing e.g. in region of gate [13,14]. The thermal con- fatigue of die materials are described and analytically
ductivity of the tungsten steels is not so good as at derived. Further exhausting of the material sliding prop-
the steels without tungsten. Tungsten and cobalt im- erties are derived with the end of die service life. The
prove however the resistance to wear [15]. single properties of the die materials are also described.
- Chrome-molybdenum steels have the content ap- The development was very important at transition from
prox. 0,30 % C, 2,8 up to 5 % Cr, 0,5 up to 2,5 % zinc to aluminum and copper alloys at die cast and it can

METALURGIJA 51 (2012) 1, 117-120 119


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