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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 061912 共2005兲

Membrane-bound Turing patterns

Herbert Levine and Wouter-Jan Rappel

Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive,
La Jolla, California 92093-0319, USA
共Received 16 March 2005; revised manuscript received 4 November 2005; published 19 December 2005兲

Motivated by recent observations in biological cells, we study Turing patterns in bounded regions where the
nonlinear chemical reactions occur on the boundary and where reagent transport occurs in the bulk. Within a
generic model, we formulate the stability problem and discuss the conditions for the occurrence of a Turing
instability. By choosing other model parameters to be unequal, we find that Turing patterns exist even in the
case of equal diffusion constants. Finally, a recently introduced computation technique is utilized to follow the
nascent pattern into the highly nonlinear regime.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.061912 PACS number共s兲: 87.10.⫹e, 82.40.Ck, 87.16.Ac

I. INTRODUCTION 关12,13兴兲, but there has not to date been a general investiga-
One of the by-now familiar paradigms of pattern forma- tion of the Turing possibility. We will demonstrate the con-
tion relies on the Turing instability which can occur in a ditions for the existence of the basic instability and will pro-
variety of reaction-diffusion systems 关1兴. This mechanism vide a computational paradigm 共based on the phase-field
requires an autocatalytic activation process coupled to a method兲 for investigating the resultant nonlinear state.
longer-ranged inhibition. The instability itself is character-
ized by having a finite wave-vector mode go unstable even
as the steady-state solution remains stable to uniform pertur- II. RESULTS
bations. Experimental realizations of Turing pattern forma- A. Stability analysis
tion via the use of gel reactors and comparisons to models
thereof have been extensively discussed 关2–4兴. Our model is a standard two-component reaction-
One of the primary motivations for Turing’s original sug- diffusion system where the reaction takes place on the 共inner
gestion was that these models might provide insight into the part of兲 the bounding surface of some bulk region. On this
formation of biological patterns. Although it remains unclear surface, we have
how widespread the Turing paradigm really is, there have
u̇m = − rdum + rau + f共um, vm兲,
been several examples of multicellular systems which have
been argued to lie in this pattern-formation class 关5,6兴. Our
interest here, however, is to begin the investigation of Turing v̇m = − pdvm + pav + g共um, vm兲. 共1兲
patterns on the single-cell scale. A specific impetus is the The processes whereby the bulk species u, v exchange with
suggestion that reaction-diffusion patterns along the cell surface-resident ones um, vm are described by the desorption
membrane may be implicated in the gradient-sensing ma- coefficients rd and pd and adsorption coefficients ra and pa. A
chinery employed by eukaryotic cells to perform directed specific example of the nonlinear production functions f, g
motion 共chemotaxis兲. One line of evidence for this idea will be given later. The equations in the bulk, where no non-
comes from the recent observation of spontaneous symmetry linear chemistry takes place, are
breaking in amoeboid cells exposed to uniform chemoattrac-
tant signals 共see Fig. 1兲 关7兴. If instead the cell is presented u̇ = Duⵜ2u − ␭uu,
with a gradient, only one such spot forms and it is always at
the anterior. The simplest interpretation of this data is that v̇ = Dvⵜ2v − ␭vv
these cells use the external gradient to modulate an internal
Turing-unstable system. This idea was originally suggested with as boundary condition for the normal derivatives
by Meinhardt 关8兴, but he did not explicitly formulate a
membrane-bound model. Du = rdum − rau,
Our goal here is not to propose a detailed model for this ⳵n
specific system; this will be presented elsewhere. Instead, we
use a generic model to investigate the concept that Turing ⳵v
Dv = p dv m − p av .
patterns can appear on membranes wherein there occur non- ⳵n
linear reactions involving bulk-diffusing species. Note that
this is different from previous studies of three dimensional For simplicity, we will first work in a two dimensional
Turing patterns which modeled uniform reaction-diffusion circular region of radius R. The steady-state solution of the
equations 关9,10兴. Models which couple intracellular diffusion model is straightforward. In the absence of bulk decay 共␭u
to surface reactions have appeared in several biological con- = ␭v = 0兲 we have constant u and v in the bulk, equal, respec-
共0兲 共0兲
texts 共e.g., calcium waves 关11兴 and MIN oscillations tively, to rdum / ra and pdvm / pa; the membrane concentra-

1539-3755/2005/72共6兲/061912共5兲/$23.00 061912-1 ©2005 The American Physical Society


FIG. 1. Response of a Dictyostelium cell to

global stimulation with 1-␮M cAMP. The in-
creased fluorescence at spots along the membrane
is caused by the signal-induced attraction of
Green fluorescent protein fused to a transduction
protein containing a Pleckstrin-homology do-
main. The five pictures are 共a兲 before stimulation;
共b兲–共e兲 7.5, 30, 47 and 68 secs. after stimulation.
From Ref. 关7兴

共0兲 共0兲 共0兲 共0兲

tions satisfy f共um , vm 兲 = g共um , vm 兲 = 0. With decay, the bulk nonlinear equations for the membrane concentrations can be
fields can be written as solved numerically. For our specific case, however, we can
solve these equations analytically. For the case without bulk
u共r, ␪兲 = U共0兲I0共冑␭u/Dur兲/I0共冑␭u/DuR兲, 共0兲
degradation, ␭u = ␭v = 0, the solution is simply um 共0兲
= vm = 1,
共0兲 共0兲
and thus U = rd / ra and V = pd / pa. With degradation, we
v共r, ␪兲 = V共0兲I0共冑␭v/Dvr兲/I0共冑␭v/DvR兲. 共2兲 find three solutions for um共0兲
: um共0兲
= 0 and
Here, and in the remainder of the paper, In represents the
modified Bessel function of the first kind of order n. The flux 共0兲,± − a ± 冑a2 − 4共M u − a兲共M va − M uM v兲
um = ,
condition arising from Eq. 共2兲 leads to 2共M u − a兲
r du m where M u is given by
U共0兲 =
ra + 冑Du␭uI0⬘共冑␭u/DuR兲/I0共冑␭u/DuR兲
− rd冑␭uDuI0⬘共冑␭u/DuR兲/I0共冑␭u/DuR兲
with an analogous expression for V共0兲 involving p’s and the Mu = .
v-field diffusivity and decay constant. These are then substi- ra + 冑␭uDuI0⬘共冑␭u/DuR兲/I0共冑␭u/DuR兲
tuted into Eq. 共1兲, with the left hand sides set equal to zero, 共0兲
yielding a pair of coupled nonlinear equations for the mem- M v is given by a similar expression and vm can be found via
共0兲 共0兲 2
brane concentrations. vm = 1 / 关共um 兲 − M v兴. We will focus here on relevant nonzero
The stability calculation proceeds as follows. We assume solutions for um , which turns out to be the negative root
that um共␪ , t兲 = um + ␦umein␪e␻t; the corresponding perturba- solution.
tion in the bulk field has the same angular and time depen- In Fig. 2, we plot the the largest growth rate for the modes
dence and its amplitude is given by
␦u共r兲 = AnIn关冑共␭u + ␻兲/Dur兴/In关冑共␭u + ␻兲/DuR兴
again with analogous expressions for v. Via the flux condi-
tion, we can determine that
r d␦ u m
An =
ra + 冑DukuIn⬘共冑ku/DuR兲/In共冑ku/DuR兲
with ku ⬅ ␭u + ␻. Doing the same for V 共thereby defining a Bn
coefficient兲 and substituting into a linearized version of Eq.
共1兲, we obtain a 2 ⫻ 2 linear system,
␻ ␦ u m = − r d␦ u m + r aA n + f u␦ u m + f v␦ v m ,

␻ ␦ v m = − p d␦ v m + v aB n + g u␦ u m + g v␦ v m . 共3兲
The solvability of this system determines the growth rate ␻.
To illustrate this result, we focus on the specific case of FIG. 2. The largest growth rate ␻ as a function of pd for the first
f共um , vm兲 = a共um
vm − um兲 and g共um , vm兲 = 1 − um
vm introduced four modes. Parameter values, in arbitrary dimensionless units, are
by Gierer and Meinhardt 关14兴. In general, the pair of coupled ra = rd = pa = Du = 1, a = 0.4, Dv = 10, ␭u = ␭v = 0.02, and R = 8.


This method has traditionally been used to solve a variety

of free boundary problems, including dendritic solidification
关17兴, viscous fingering 关18兴, crack propagation 关19,20兴, and
the tumbling of vesicles 关21兴, but can also be applied to
tackle diffusional problems in stationary but complicated ge-
ometries 关22,23兴. It can handle the boundary conditions cor-
rectly and offers an accurate, computationally inexpensive
method that can be implemented with ease. Its main advan-
tage is that it avoids the need for explicit interface tracking
by introducing an auxiliary field that locates the interface and
whose dynamics is coupled to the other physical fields
through an appropriate set of partial differential equations. In
comparison to the more traditional boundary integral meth-
ods, the method is much simpler to implement numerically.
In our case, the equation of motion for the field u becomes
FIG. 3. Phase diagram showing the stability boundary of the n ⳵u ជ · 关␾ⵜ
ⵜ ជ u兴 ជ ␾兲2
= 0 共solid line兲 and the n = 1 mode 共dashed line兲. Parameter values = Du − ␭uu + 共rdum − rau兲 , 共4兲
are as in Fig. 2 but with pd⫽1.5. The modes are unstable to the right
⳵t ␾ K␾
of the curve. where K is a normalization constant which depends on the
area A of the membrane: K = 兰dxជ 共ⵜ ជ ␾兲2 / A. The time evolu-
n = 0 through n = 3 for a sweep over the parameter pd with tion for v is given by a similar equation. The phase field ␾ is
everything else being held fixed. The fact that there is a chosen to have the explicit form
range for which the n = 0 mode has negative growth rate
whereas some higher n have positive ones indicate the exis- 1 1
␾共r兲 = + tanh关共r0 − r兲/␰兴. 共5兲
tence of a Turing instability. Figure 3 shows a two parameter 2 2
phase diagram where we vary the diffusion constant Dv
共keeping Du fixed at 1兲 and the decay rate ␭v 共keeping ␭u Thus the phase field has the value +1 inside the cell, 0 out-
fixed at 0.02兲. As expected, long-range variation of the v side the cell and varies between these two values across a
field as enabled by large Dv and small ␭v drive the n = 1 diffusive boundary layer of thickness ␰. One can show that in
instability. We note in passing that it is possible to tune the the limit of ␰ → 0 the appropriate boundary conditions are
system to a co-dimension two point for which the Turing recovered 关22兴. Equation 共4兲 is solved on a regular cubic grid
instability occurs simultaneously with an n = 0 Hopf bifurca- in a computational box that can easily fit the geometrical
tion. We also note that it is straightforward to include diffu- object. The equations for the bulk diffusion were solved us-
sion along the membrane. This inclusion leads in Eq. 共3兲 to ing an alternating-direction method while the equations for
the replacements rd → rd + n2Dum and pd → pd + n2Dvm, where the membrane variables um and vm were solved on all grid
points where 共ⵜជ ␾兲2 exceeds a certain threshold, namely 10−4.
Dum and Dvm are the diffusion constants of um and vm, respec-
tively. Typical membrane diffusion constants are much In Figs. 4共A兲–4共D兲, we show snapshots of the time evo-
smaller than bulk diffusion constants. Thus for biological lutions of the u field on the membrane. As initial conditions
realistic values of Dum and Dvm, membrane diffusion will we started with uniform values for the fields plus a small
have an appreciable stabilizing effect only for large n modes. amount of noise in the u field. In Fig. 4共E兲 we plot the value
Finally, in Fig. 2 both the diffusion and the desorption coef- of u at one point of the membrane as a function of time. The
ficients are unequal. However, we have checked that a Turing snapshots in Figs. 4共A兲–4共D兲 correspond with the points la-
instability also exists for equal desorption coefficients and beled A–D. As we can see, after a transient, the uniform
unequal diffusion coefficients. solution destabilizes and a Turing pattern emerges on the
membrane. We have verified that a similar pattern arises
B. Simulations using the phase-field method when using a smaller gridspacing, indicating the absence of
any grid induced effects.
Let us now extend our calculations to three dimensions.
The stability calculation proceeds as before, with the only
C. Turing patterns for equal diffusion constants
difference being that the bulk solutions are now given by
modified spherical Bessel functions. To check the validity of The unusual ingredient of bulk diffusion, coupled to non-
our stability results and to study the restabilized nonlinear linear membrane dynamics, leads to phenomena not seen in
state, we performed numerical simulations of the equations ordinary Turing systems. In ordinary Turing systems, it can
on a sphere of radius R. Unfortunately, traditional finite dif- be shown that a Turing instability cannot occur when all
ference methods are not able to handle curved boundaries. diffusion constants are exactly equal 关关24兴, and references
One solution would be to reformulate the problem using a therein兴. Here, however, as in nonuniform multicellular sys-
finite elements approach. Here, however, we have chosen to tems 关25兴, it becomes possible for a Turing pattern to de-
utilize the phase-field method to numerically solve the origi- velop even in the case Du = Dv. The necessary difference in
nal system 关15,16兴. activator and inhibitor transport can then be provided by


FIG. 5. The system can exhibit Turing patterns even in the case
of equal diffusion constants. Shown here is um along the membrane
of a circular region, parametrized by the angle ␪. Parameter values
are Du = Dv = 2, ra = pa = 1, rd = 0.1, pd = 0.3, a = 0.05, ␭u = 1, ␭v = 0.3,
and R = 2. The simulation utilized the phase field with a width of
␰ = 0.2 and a computational box containing a rectangular grid with
dimensions 120⫻ 120. For plotting purposes, the membrane is de-
fined as the points of the rectangular grid that are closest to the
perimeter of the disk. Consequently, the plotted field exhibits some
variation which has been reduced by a smoothing procedure.

we have not performed a completely systematic exploration

of parameter space. In passing, we note that a traveling-wave
mode is believed to be responsible for the intracellular oscil-
lations observed in E. coli 关13兴.
FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 A–D snapshots of the variable u at the
membrane of the sphere of radius R = 50. The parameter values are
a = 0.7, pd = 1.25, ␭u = ␭v = 0.01, Du = 1, and Dv = 10. The width of the III. CONCLUSION
phase field is taken as ␰ = 5 and the computational box has dimen- In summary, we have studied the generic properties of a
sions 100⫻ 100⫻ 100. 共E兲 The value of u at an arbitrarily chosen
new class of Turing instability, one arising from restricting
point of the membrane as a function of time with the points A–D
the reactions to occur on a bounding membrane. This type of
corresponding to the snapshots.
dynamics is generic in signal transduction systems within
choosing other parameters 共desorption, adsorption or decay single cells. Interestingly, we found that in this system the
rates兲 to be unequal. An example of this case is shown in Fig. condition of a faster diffusion inhibitor no longer is neces-
5, where we plot the final, steady-state membrane concentra- sary and that Turing patterns exists even for equal diffusion
tion um along the membrane. The example is in a two dimen- constants. Our results form the underpinning for more de-
sional disk of radius R but we have verified that a similar tailed modeling of Turing patterns in specific biological con-
instability exists in three dimensions. As initial conditions, texts.
we used uniform values of the fields plus a small perturba-
tion favoring the n = 1 mode. In the case of equal diffusion ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
constants, we have also found time-varying inhomogeneous
solutions, corresponding to traveling-wave instabilities with This work has been supported in part by the NSF-
complex eigenvalues. In fact, this alternative instability sponsored Center for Theoretical Biological Physics 共Grant
seems to be the dominant one for equal diffusion, although Nos. PHY-0216576 and PHY-0225630兲.

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