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The University of Lahore has established Department of ORIC (Office Of Research Innovation and Commercialization) in
Electrical Engineering EE Building Basement. It is at very initial stage and has started working. It will support and integrate
the process of research, innovation and commercialization in all the departments of University of Lahore. ORIC aims at
implementing HEC’s plan of developing a research culture in UOL & develop contacts with the corporate sector / market /
industry to ensure compatibilities between research & requirements in order to increase its utility to the optimum.


The objective is to develop, expand, enhance and manage the models for sustainable economic and social development
university’s research programs and to link research activities of the society.
directly to the educational, social and economic priorities of • To provide tailored career counseling and placement
the university and its broader community. The ORIC is also services against one’s needs, goals, choices and future
responsible for assuring that the quality of research reflects plans based on one’s hidden abilities, skill and talents.
the highest international standards and advances the stature
of the university at national and international stages. • To provide quality mentorship and conducive environment
to writers and scholars for research-based writing.
ORIC shall try to guarantee that all research programs
• To maintain, deepen and strengthen an enduring lifelong
and policies reflect the core values of academic freedom,
relationship between alumni and university through
professional integrity and ethical conduct and full compliance
opportunities that promote interaction and engagement.
with all policies, legal requirements and operational standards
of the university. • Improving and strengthening university and industry
• To ensure all research related activities are conducted
• Promoting entrepreneurship, technology-transfer and
within the legal and ethical framework.
commercialization activities.
• To improve integration of research and education at all
• Coordinate internal and external reporting needs,
levels of the institution.
including maintenance of HEI’s database.
• Translating research for the public benefit.
• Develop a structure for mentorship of junior faculty.
• To promote and improve multi-disciplinary research
• Provide information about the grant process to faculty
including study section procedures, interpreting reviews,
• Develop, maintain and communicate pre & post award and identifying appropriate funding mechanisms.
administrative procedures for externally sponsored
• Review and analyze all new invention disclosures.
• Identify and establish collaborations and/or licensing
• Facilitate collaborations among faculty through
agreements associated with the Institute’s intellectual
identifying overlapping research interests and providing
property rights.
opportunities to communicate.
• Track the success of university technology in the hands
• Supporting the strategic research directions and policies
of licensees.
of UOL.
• Oversee any litigation that may arise related to Institute.
• To bring funding opportunities from national/international
donors/sponsors to the attention of faculties. • Monetize royalty streams from licenses.

• To design, develop and deploy practicable and replicable


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