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The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1995, 75(l): 921-929

Serotonergic Modulation of Striatal Dopamine Measured with

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and in viva Microdialysis

Stephen L. Dewey,’ Gwenn S. Smith,* Jean Logan,’ David Alexoff,’ Yu-Shin Ding,’ Payton King,3 Naomi
Pappas,3 Jonathan D. Brodie,* and Charles Ft. Ashby, Jr.3
‘Department of Chemistry, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, *Department of Psychiatry, New
York University School of Medicine, New York, New York 10016, and 3Medical Department, Brookhaven National
Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973

Positron emission tomography and in vivo microdialysis were Neurotransmitters interact in the CNS and PNS through an
used to study serotonin’s role in modulating striatal dopa- intricate network of efferent and afferent projections. Through
mine. Serial PET studies were performed in adult female these interactions, the CNS biochemically mediates the transfer
baboons at baseline and following drug treatment, using the of information from one specific neuroanatomic focus to an-
dopamine (D,) selective radiotracer, “C-raclopride. The se- other. By taking advantage of our fundamental knowledge of
rotonergic system was manipulated by administration of the many of these pathways and their neurochemical interactions,
selective 5HT reuptake inhibitor, citalopram, or by seroto- we have been able to direct our neuroimaging positron emission
nergic (5HT,) receptor blockade (using altanserin, a 5-HT, tomography (PET) studies at the development ofa methodology
antagonist). llC-Raclopride time-activity data from striatum that can effectively be applied to an examination of these in-
and cerebellum were combined with plasma arterial input teractions in the living human brain (Dewey et al., 1988, 1993d).
functions and analyzed by calculating a distribution volume Previous studies from this laboratory demonstrate that PET can
as described previously (Logan et al., 1990). Additionally, in be used to measure the functional responsiveness of a neuro-
vivo microdialysis studies were performed in awake freely transmitter to a pharmacologic challenge. Furthermore, these
moving rats using similar pharmacologic challenges plus SR findings suggestthat PET can be applied to studying neurotrans-
463498, a new highly selective 5-HT, receptor antagonist. mitter interactions as well. For example, PET has been directed
Altanserin and SR 46349B increased extracellular striatal at measuring the ability of ACh, GABA, and the opiate system
dopamine concentrations (35% and 910%, respectively) to modulate striatal dopamine (DA) release(Dewey et al., 1992a;
while altanserin decreased striatal “C-raclopride binding Smith et al., 1993), and on the ability of GABA, 5-HT, and DA
(37%). Citalopram, however, decreased extracellular striatal to modulate cortical and subcortical ACh (Dewey et al., 1990a,
dopamine concentrations (50%) and increased llC-raclo- 1993b). These findings are consistent with data from other lab-
pride binding (33%). These data demonstrate that 5-HT- oratories using traditional neuroanatomic and neurophysiologic
selective drugs produce changes in striatal dopamine that approaches. Alterations in GABA, 5-HT, DA, opiates, and ACh
can be measured noninvasively with PET. Furthermore, the have been implicated in the etiology and progression of many
PET data obtained from anesthetized baboons is consistent neuropsychiatric and neurologic diseases. Together these find-
with in vivo microdialysis data obtained from awake and ings demonstrate that PET is well suited for studying neuro-
freely moving rats. Finally, these studies have implications transmitter interactions and the consequences of their disrup-
for understanding the therapeutic efficacy of atypical neu- tions in normal volunteers. Future studies will be directed at
roleptics and their utility for treating schizophrenia and af- investigations of these interactions in neurologic and psychiatric
fective disorders. patients.
[Key words: positron emission tomography, microdialysis, Given the demonstrated role of 5-HT/DA interactions in the
dopamine, 5-HT, interactions, raclopride] mechanism of action of new antipsychotic and antidepressant
compounds, the present study was specifically designed to char-
acterize 5-HT’s ability to modulate striatal DA activity. While
this study provides a unique experimental approach, in terms
Received Mar. 23, 1994; revised May 18, 1994; accepted July 18, 1994. of a noninvasive examination of this interaction with PET, ex-
This work was carried out at Brookhaven National Laboratory under Contract
DE-AC0276CH00016 with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and supported
tensive studies using a wide variety of neuroanatomic, neuro-
by its Office ofHealth and Environmental Research. We also acknowledge support physiologic (including in vivo microdialysis), and behavioral
from the followine Public Service Grants: NIMH. MH-49165 and MH-49936: techniques suggest that 5-HT’s inhibitory or excitatory role in
NINDS NS-1538gand NS-15638. Further suppoi of this work came as awards
from the DOE Laboratory Directed Research and Developmental program to modulating striatal DA remains controversial (Fibiger and Mil-
S.L.D. and awards from the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and ler, 1977; Waldmeier and Delini-Stula, 1979; Waldmeier, 1980;
Depression (NARSAD) to S.L.D. and G.S.S. We gratefully acknowledge the as- Sinton and Fallon, 1981; Quit-ion and Richard, 1985; Spam-
sistance of Joanna S. Fowler, Alfred P. Wolf, S. John Gatley, Robert MacGregor,
Colleen Shea, Tom Martin, Darrin Jenkins, David Schlyer, Don Warner, Clarence pinato et al., 1985; Castrogiovanni et al., 1989; Sorensen et al.,
Barrett, and Robert Carciello. We thank Dr. Douillet from Sanofi Recherche, Inc., 1989; Benloucif and Galloway, 199 1; Huang and Nichols, 1993).
France, for the generous supply of SR 46349B and Dr. Hytell from H. Lunbeck
A/S for the generous supply of citalopram. Many of these discrepancies may be attributed to species and
Correspondence should be addressed to Stephen L. Dewey at the above address. experimental differences, variations in outcome measures, and
Copyright 0 1995 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/95/150821-09$05,00/O differences in pharmacologic challenge conditions. Nonetheless,
822 Dewey et al. * Serotonergic Modulation of Striatal Dopamine

recent observations suggest that atypical neuroleptic drugs (drugs raclopride also binds to the D, and D, receptor subtypes. Ad-
binding to both DA and 5-HT, receptors) are beneficial for ditionally, to aid in the interpretation of our PET data and to
treatment resistant schizophrenic patients. It is essential, there- simultaneously investigate the effects that general anesthesia has
fore, to characterize this clinically relevant interaction in the on these interactions, we performed in vivo microdialysis studies
brains of normal and psychiatric patients. in freely moving rats using the same compounds, plus the new
We chose to examine the 5-HT, receptor due to its greater 5-HT, receptor antagonist, SR 46349B.
density and neurophysiologic role in the striatum and its re- An abstract of these findings has appeared previously (Dewey
ported involvement in psychiatric illnesses. Furthermore, this et al., 1992a).
receptor subtype has been implicated in the mechanism of action
of atypical neuroleptics (Pazos et al., 1987; Peroutka, 1989;
Palacios, 1990; Arora and Meltzer, 199 1; Deutsch et al., 199 1; Materials and Methods
Meltzer, 199 1). Serotonergic dysfunction in schizophrenia has Primate PET studies. Adult female baboons (Papio anubis, 13-18 kg)
been suggested by studies of plasma metabolites and cerebral were used for all PET studies and labeled raclooride was svnthesized
spinal fluid (CSF) and receptor binding in platelets and post- as detailed previously (Farde et al., 1986). Arterial blood samples were
obtained throughout the study and selected plasma samples were ana-
mortem brain tissue (Mita et al., 1986; Stahl and Wets, 1987; lyzed for the presence of unchanged radiotracer. Altanserin (n = 3) was
Arora and Meltzer, 199 1). Also suggestive is the therapeutic administered (2.5 cc) at a dose of 1.O mg/kg 45 min prior to radiotracer
efficacy of atypical neuroleptics which have an affinity for the administration. Citalopram (n = 3) was administered (2.5 cc) at a dose
5-HT, receptor (e.g., ritanserin), in addition to traditional neu- of 1.O mg/kg 180 min prior to radiotracer administration. Vital signs
were monitored throughout the length of study using a Spacelabs mon-
roleptics which have some affinity for the cortical 5-HT, recep- itor (model 90303B).
tor (Leysen et al., 1978; Peroutka and Snyder, 1980; Deutsch In vivo microdialysis measurements of extracellular DA in freely mov-
et al., 199 1; Meltzer, 199 1). For these studies, we selected 5-HT, ing ruts. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (200-300 gm, Taconic Farms)
selective drugs (whose pharmacologic profile is well known) that were anesthetized and siliconized guide cannulae were stereotaxically
are used therapeutically to treat psychiatric illnesses in order to implanted into the right anterio-lateral striatum (0.5 mm anterior and
2.5 mm lateral to bregma, and 2.5 mm ventral to the cortical surface)
simultaneously examine their effects on “C-raclopride binding under chloral hydrate anesthesia (400 mg/kg, i.p.) at least 3 d prior to
and striatal DA release. study. On the day of study, rats were placed in a bowl for at least 30
Altanserin, a relatively new 5-HT, receptor antagonist, is min prior to fraction collection. Microdialysis probes (4.0 mm, Bioan-
structurally related to ketanserin (Lemaire et al., 1988). It has alytical Systems, BAS) were positioned within the guide cannulae and
artificial cerebral spinal fluid (ACSF, 155.0 mM Na:, 1.1 mM Ca2+, 2.9
recently been radiolabeled with fluorine- 18, and appears to be mM K+, 132.76 mM Cl-. and 0.83 mM ME*+. DH 7.41was administered
more selective for the 5-HT, receptor (K, = 0.13 nM) than other through the probe using a CMA/lOO mi&oinfusion pump (BAS) at a
PET radiotracers (Frost, 1990; Lemaire et al., 199 1). However, flow rate of 2.0 pl/min. Twenty minute samples were collected within
due to its affinity for the DA D, receptor (K, = 62 nM) and the the injection loop (50 rl), injected on line (CMA/ 160, BAS) and analyzed
CY,adrenergic receptor (K, = 4.5 nM) a second more selective until three sequential injections differed by less than 10%. The average
DA concentration of these three stable samples was defined as control
5-HT, receptor antagonist, SR 46349B was chosen for study. (100%) and all subsequent treatment values were transformed to a per-
SR 46349B @runs, 4-([3Z)3-(2-dimethylaminoethyl)oxyimino- centage of that control. Upon establishing this baseline measurement,
3(2-fluorophenyl)propen- 1-yl]phe no1 hemifumarate) is a new, altanserin (20 mg/kg, 1.0 cc, n = 4), citalopram (20 mg/kg, 1.0 cc, n =
potent, and highly selective 5-HT, receptor antagonist that has 4), or SR 46349B (10 mg/kg, 1.0 cc, n = 4), dissolved in sterile phys-
iologic saline, was injected intraperitoneally. Control animals received
been radiolabeled with carbon- 11 and examined with PET (Tan saline injections using a similar injection protocol (n = 10). The HPLC
et al., 1994). Recent studies demonstrate that this compound system consists of a BAS reverse phase column (3.0 M C-18), a BAS
has a high affinity for the 5-HT, receptor (IC,, = 5.8 nM, Kd = LC-4C electrochemical transducer with a dual glassy carbon electrode
1.14 nM) and moderate affinity for the 5-HT,, receptor (IC,, = set at 650 mV, and a dual pen chart recorder. The mobile phase (flow
120 nM). It has very low affinity, however, for other 5-HT, DA, rate = 1.O ml/min) consisted of 9.5% methanol, 50 mM sodium phos-
phate monobasic, 1.O mM sodium octyl sulfate, and 0.1 mM EDTA, pH
adrenergic, or histaminergic receptors systems (Rinaldi-Car- 4.0. DA eluted at 7.5 min. Upon completion of the study, rats were
mona et al., 1992). To confirm our findings with these two drugs, sacrificed and brains were sectioned to verify probe placement.
a separate group of studies was performed using citalopram, a PETdata analysis and region of interest selection. Regions of interest
5-HT selective reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) which is the most se- (ROIs) were drawn directly on the PET images using computer software
supplied with the tomograph as detailed previously (Dewey et al., 1992b,
lective and potent inhibitor of the 5-HT reuptake site (K, = 2.6 1993a). ROIs were appropriate in size for the resolution of the tomo-
nM) presently available. It has a higher potency ratio of DA to graph. Briefly, the corpus striatum was outlined, bilaterally, on every
5-HT and norepinephrine to 5-HT, than other SSRI’s (i.e., pa- transaxial slice upon which it appeared. The cerebellar ROI was drawn
roxetine, fluoxetine, sertraline, quipazine, 6-nitroquipazine; Hy- across the midline at the level of the cerebellar vermis. ROIs from the
tell et al., 1977, 1982; Langer et al., 1980; Koe et al., 1983; first study were then copied directly onto the corresponding slice from
the second. By examining placement of the ROI’s on the second scan
Thomas et al., 1987; Hashimoto and Goromaru, 1990; Johnson, changes could be made, if necessary, in ROI position only. This mul-
1993). The SSRI’s, particularly citalopram, have very weak af- tiplanar method of analysis reduces differences that may arise due to
finities for neurotransmitter receptors, especially when com- movement of the animal within the gantry during the scanning interval
pared with the tricyclic antidepressants and should produce the (Bendriem et al., 199 1).
Receptor availability as a function of alterations in synaptic DA con-
opposite effect of a 5-HT antagonist as it causes an increase in centrations was analyzed using a graphical technique designed specifi-
synaptic concentrations of 5-HT. cally for reversible systems as detailed previously (Logan et al., 1990.
In this study, we pretreated baboons with either altanserin or 1994; Dewey et al., 1992b, 1993a). This analysis direct&gives the steady
citalopram and examined their effects on the striatal and cere- state distribution volume (DV) which is a linear function of the free
bellar binding of “C-raclopride. ’ ‘C-Raclopride is a radiotracer receptor concentration (Logan kt al., 1990; Koeppe et al., 1991). More
importantly, studies with “C-flumazenil, a reversible benzodiazepine
with high selectivity and moderate affinity for the DA D, re- antagonist, have recently shown that the use of the DV makes it possible
ceptor and is sensitive to changes in endogenous DA concen- to separate high-affinity binding from altered radioligand delivery due
trations (Young et al., 199 1; Dewey et al., 1993a). Furthermore, to changes in regional cerebral blood flow (Holthoff et al., 1991). We
The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1995. 15(l) 823

0.045 0.045
0.040 0.040

0.035 0.035

0.030 0.030

0.025 0.025

0.020 0.020

0.015 0.015

0.010 0.010

0.005 0.005

0.000 0.000
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

0.025 0.025
2 0.020
0Ei 0.015 0.015
.g 0.010 0.010
0.005 0.005

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Time (mins) Post Injection Time (mins) Post Injection

Figure 1. A, “C-Raclopride striatal time-activity data from study BE197. Open circles are from the baseline scan. Open boxes are from the scan
performed following altanserin administration. B, “C-Raclopride cerebellar time-activity data from study BE197. Open circles are from the baseline
scan. Open boxes are from the scan performed following altanserin administration. Note that altanserin reduced striatal uptake and had no effect
on cerebellar binding. C, IT-Raclopride striatal time-activity data from study BE265. Open circles are from the baseline scan. Open boxes are from
the scan performed following citalopram administration. D, “C-Raclopride cerebellar time-activity data from study BE265. Open circles are from
the baseline scan. Open boxes are from the scan performed following citalopram administration. Note that citalopram increased striatal uptake
and had no effect on cerebellar binding.

have presented our results for the ratio of the striatum to the cerebellum tical and thalamic structures and reached 50% of the peak within
as this ratio does not contain the term Kl/k2 (transport constants). 5 min. Striatal radioactivity continued to accumulate and reached
a peak value within 5 min and cleared to 50% of the peak within
Results 25 min. Altanserin produced a decreasein striatal “C-raclopride
Primate PET studies binding (Fig. 1A) and an average decreasein the ratio of striatal
In all studies, there was no need to alter the placement of the (ST) to the cerebellar (CB) DV of 37% (Table 1, Fig. 2).
ROI’s from one scan to the next. Accumulation of radioactivity Citalopram, however, produced an increase in striatal “C-
began immediately following radiotracer injection in both cor- raclopride binding (Fig. 1C) and an average increase in the DV
tical and subcortical structures. With the exception of the corpus ratio of 33% (Table 2, Fig. 3). Neither altanserin or citalopram
striatum, radioactivity cleared within the first 3 min from cor- altered cerebellar radioactivity (Fig. l&D) or the systemic rate
824 Dewey et al. * Serotonergic Modulation of Striatal Dopamine


F; 80

Figure 2. Logan plots of the striatal distribution volume from study Figure 3. Logan plots of the striatal distribution volume from study
BE197. Open circles are from the baseline scan.Solid circles are from BE265. Open circles are from the baselinescan.Solid circles are from
the scanperformedfollowing altanserin administration. the scanperformed following citalopram administration.

of labeled raclopride metabolism and the metabolite corrected structure and altanserin and citalopram did not alter the regional
plasma input function. distribution of the radiotracer. Neither drug altered any vital
The statistical analysis was designed to test the hypothesis signs during the study and in all cases,recovery from anesthesia
that (1) the altanserin and citalopram challenge differed from was unremarkable.
the test/retest variability of this radiotracer (performed in the
same animals under identical experimental conditions; Dewey In vivo microdialysis studies
et al., 1993a) and (2) the challenge conditions differed from each The position of the guide cannulae within the anterior-lateral
other. To reduce the number of comparisons and to take into aspect of the right corpus striatum was verified in all animals.
account the baseline condition, difference scores were computed Altanserin produced an average maximum increase in extra-
for the striatum, cerebellum, and the striatum to cerebellum cellular striatal DA concentrations of 35% at 40 min following
ratio, using the formula (Study 1 - Study 2)/Study 1. The dif- administration. DA concentrations returned to baseline values
ference scores were subjected to a univariate analysis of vari- 60 min following administration and fell below baseline values
ance, with condition (test/retest, altanserin, citalopram; three for the remainder of the study (Fig. 4A). Citalopram, however,
levels) as a between-subject factor. The Scheffe test was selected produced a gradual decrease in extracellular striatal DA con-
as the most conservative multiple comparison test. A significant centrations that reached an average maximum of 50% 200 min
between group effect was obtained for the striatum (F = 46.25, following administration (Fig. 4B). SR 46349B resulted in an
p = <O.OOl), and the striatum to cerebellum ratio (F = 56.13, average maximum increase in extracellular striatal DA concen-
p < 0.001) but not for the cerebellum (F = 2.94, p = 0.10). trations of 9 10% 40 min following administration and returned
The results of the Scheffe test for the three groups indicated that to baseline values within 120 min (Fig. 4C).
both the altanserin and citalopram conditions were significantly
different from the test/retest condition, as well as from each Discussion
other. The fact that significant results were obtained for the The etiology and progression of many CNS diseases may result
striatum and striatum to cerebellum ratio, but not for the cer- from alterations in the biochemical mechanisms that modulate
ebellum, indicates that the effects of the intervention were lim- and subsequently release neurotransmitters. The impetus for
ited to the specific, but not the nonspecific binding component. understanding these mechanisms is predicated not only upon
Labeled raclopride did not accumulate in any white matter the need to understand the underlying pathophysiology of these

Table 1. Effects of altanserin on striatal “C-raclopride binding Table 2. Effects of citalopram on striatal W-raclopride binding

Control Altanserin Control Citalopram

Study (STXB) pretreatment % Change Study (STKB) pretreatment % Change
BE197 2.81 1.44 -48.8 BE241 2.42 2.91 20.2
BE198 3.02 2.10 -30.5 BE257 2.11 2.81 33.2
BE200 2.75 1.83 -33.5 BE265 2.11 3.08 45.9
The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1995. 15(l) 825

diseases, but also on (1) the knowledge that many neurotrans-

140 A mitter-specific drugs (i.e., typical neuroleptics, anticholinergics)
produce undesirable side effects which may be related to their
120 interaction with other neurotransmitter systems, (2) the fact that
many psychiatric and neurologic diseasesinvolve multiple neu-
100 rotransmitter deficits, and (3) the findings that new atypical
neuroleptics beneficial for treatment resistant patients have
80 binding affinities for more than one specific neurotransmitter
system. Therefore, the therapeutic efficacy of these atypical neu-
roleptics may be linked to their unique ability to alter other
neurotransmitter systems that are functionally linked to the tar-
get systems. PET is particularly well-suited for these studies as
recent data from this laboratory demonstrates it can be used to
noninvasive~y measure changes in neurotransmitter release fol-
lowing a direct or indirect neurochemically specific pharma-
cologic challenge.
Altanserin produced an average decrease in the ratio of DV’s
for STKB of 37% (Table 1). In contrast, citalopram increased
this ratio by an average of 33% (Table 2). The magnitude of
these changes in labeled raclopride binding is similar to the
effects of GBR- 12909, d-amphetamine, and tetrabenazine, three
120 drugs that increase striatal DA by different mechanisms (Dewey
et al., 1993a). These data are consistent with 5-HT’s inhibitory
100 influence on striatal DA release as administration of a 5-HT,
antagonist would disinhibit nigral DA neurons and increase
80 striatal DA levels (Ugedo et al., 1989). Further support of this
inhibitory role comes from the citalopram data as it has been
60 shown to increase endogenous 5-HT levels (Hytell et al., 1977),
i resulting in a further inhibition of striatal DA release. When the
second injection of “C-raclopride was administered 60 min
following citalopram, there was no change in the DV of the
striatum or in the ratio of the STKB DV’s (data not presented).
However, when this pretreatment interval was extended to 180
mitt, there was a significant increase in these values. This is
consistent with the microdialysis studies in that 60 min follow-
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 ing citalopram, extracellular DA levels were not significantly
lower than control values but by 180 min extracellular DA levels
1200 were significantly lower than controls. These studies confirm
our hypothesis that citalopram decreases striatal DA concen-
trations. In the PET studies, this decrease in striatal DA would
1000 produce the increase in D, receptor occupancy by labeled ra-
clopride observed in our primate studies. Altanserin and cital-
opram did not alter cerebellar binding demonstrating a region-
800 ally specific effect of these compounds on striatal DA release.
These changes in “C-raclopride binding significantly exceed the
600 test/retest variability (< 10%) of this radiotracer obtained in the
same animals under identical experimental conditions (Dewey
et al., 1993a). As stated previously, due to the lack of selectivity
400 of labeled raclopride for the DA receptor subtypes, it is likely
that the changes in labeled raclopride binding observed follow-
200 ing drug administration represent changes in binding to D,, D,,
and D, receptor subtypes. However, based on mRNA levels in
the striatum, D, and D, receptors are likely to be expressed at
0 l/l 0 to l/ 100 the levels of D, receptors and, therefore, binding
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 to the D, and D, receptor represents a minor contribution to

Time (mins)
Figure 4. A, Effectsof altanserin on extracellular striatal DA concen-
trations. Open circles are from control studies. Open squares are from citalopram administration. C, Effectsof SR 46349B on extracellular
studiesperformedfollowing altanserin administration. B, Effectsof ci- striatal DA concentrations.Open circles are from control studies.Open
talopram on extracellular striatal DA concentrations.Open circles are squares are from studies performedfollowing SR 46349B administra-
from control studies.Open squares arefrom studiesperformedfollowing tion. Arrows indicate the time drugs were administered.
828 Dewey et al. * Serotonergic Modulation of Striatal Dopamine

the radioactivity measured in striatal PET image (Bunzow et brain raphe nuclei has been described based upon double ret-
al., 1988; Sokoloff et al., 1990; Van To1 et al., 1991). rograde tract tracing studies in which neurons located more
The temporal effects of altanserin and SR 46349B on extra- rostrally project to neostriatum, SN, and amygdala, whereas
cellular DA are different from citalopram suggesting possible neurons located more caudally project to the hippocampus and
differences between these compounds in their bioavailability. locus coerleus (Imai et al., 1986). 5-HT-immunoreactive nerve
Altanserin and SR 46349B produced a significant increase in terminals have been characterized in the ventrolateral caudate-
extracellular DA concentrations 20 min following administra- putamen (Steinbusch, 1981). Major ascending 5-HT fiber sys-
tion (Fig. 4A,C). Sixty min following altanserin administration tems have been described, including a transtegmental system
DA levels returned to and fell below baseline values for the which innervates the VTA (originating mainly from the dorsal
remainder of the studies. Citalopram, however, caused a gradual raphe nucleus and the median raphe, to the dorsal raphe nu-
decreasein DA that plateaued 200 min following administration cleus). Iontophoretically administered 5-HT produced a slight
(Fig. 4B). A direct comparison of the pharmacokinetic effects inhibition of the firing of DA neurons in the SN and electrical
of these drugs between the two techniques must be made with stimulation of the raphe nucleus has been reported to inhibit
caution. While the microdialysis findings support the direction and excite SN neurons as well (Dray et al., 1978). In fact, a
of changes measured with PET, it must be noted that the in- majority of the ascending 5-HT fibers and terminals in the SN
travenous route of administration for the PET studies should appear to be collaterals arising from the dorsal raphe nucleus
produce higher plasma levels sooner than the intraperitoneal (Parent et al., 198 1). Finally, intermediate concentrations of
route used for the microdialysis experiments. The large differ- 5-HT, receptors have been found in the human caudate, pu-
ence in the magnitude of the effect of altanserin and SR 46349B tamen, and globus pallidus (Luabeya et al., 1984; Beigon et al.,
on extracellular striatal DA levels (35% vs 910%, respectively) 1986; Hoyer et al., 1986; Pazos et al., 1987). These findings
may result from differences in bioavailability which could be have been confirmed by in situ hybridization (Mengod et al.,
influenced by alterations in the amount of drug that is absorbed 1990) and the concentration of these receptors is greater than
through the gastrointestinal tract, in the rate of systemic me- other 5-HT receptor subtypes in the striatum (Palacios, 1990).
tabolism of each compound, and in the amount of each drug Azmitia and Whitaker-Azmitia (199 1) suggestthat 5-HT plays
that crosses the blood brain barrier and successfully enters the a neurotrophic role with respect to DA. Depletion of striatal
CNS. For example, PET studies using “C-benztropine and “C- DA by the neurotoxins MPTP or 6-OHDA in neonatal or adult
scopolamine, two radiotracers specific for the muscarinic/cho- animals (rats and primates) results in an increase in 5-HT levels
linergic system, demonstrate that while both compounds bind and a sprouting of serotonergic fibers in the striatum (Berger et
to M, and M, receptors and enter the human brain in similar al., 1985; Snyder et al., 1986; Luthman et al., 1987; Zhou et
concentrations (Dewey et al., 1990b; Frey et al., 1992), benz- al., 1991). However, the functional significance of these new
tropine is systematically metabolized much slower than labeled connections remains unclear. Saller and colleagues (1990) dem-
scopolamine, consistent with the longer half-life of the former. onstrated that the effects of D, dopamine blockade were mod-
Additionally, due to altanserin’s affinity for the D, receptor (K, ulated by ICI 169,369 a selective 5-HT, receptor antagonist.
= 62 nM), it could potentially bind to the presynaptic DA au- This compound did not, however, alter striatal D, receptor num-
toreceptor resulting in an attenuated response. Consequently, it ber. Finally, it should be noted that while these findings support
is also possible that altanserin-induced decreasesin striatal ‘IC- a role for 5-HT’s ability to modulate striatal DA, the findings
raclopride binding are due, in part, to a direct competition be- observed with PET may also result from 5-HT’s ability to mod-
tween altanserin and labeled raclopride for the DA D, receptor. ulate other neurotransmitter systems (i.e., GABA, sigma opi-
However, in light ofour findings with citalopram and SR 46349B, ates) that in turn modulate striatal DA release (Vincent et al.,
it is unlikely that this explains these findings exclusively. Fur- 1994). In fact, it is conceivable that the net effect of 5-HT on
thermore, pretreatment with either halopemide or bromolisur- striatal DA modulation is via an inhibitory role on another
ide, compounds with a much higher affinity for D, receptors neurotransmitter system that inhibits striatal DA release. The
than altanserin, did not alter 18F-altanserin binding in the stria- result might be a disinhibition and subsequent increase in stri-
turn more than the frontal cortex (Lemaire et al., 199 1). Finally, atal DA concentrations.
altanserin’s effect on striatal DA release may be effected by Clinical studies performed over the last decade have dem-
interactions between other systems with which it interacts (i.e., onstrated the efficacy of the atypical neuroleptic, clozapine, for
(Yeadrenergic, GABA, and sigma opiates). the treatment of schizophrenia, particularly in treatment resis-
The PET and microdialysis results in the present study are tant patients (Kane et al., 1988; Meltzer, 1989, 199 1). The elu-
consistent with 5-HT’s inhibition of striatal DA. There is con- cidation of the mechanism of action of clozapine, as distinct
siderable neuroanatomic evidence that supports a direct con- from more traditional neuroleptics as haloperidol, may shed
nection between 5-HT and DA-containing neurons. For ex- light upon the etiology of the disease. At present, the hypothesis
ample, studies by Nedergaard et al. (1988) have demonstrated that the therapeutic efficacy of clozapine is related to its ability
that 5-HT containing terminals make direct synaptic contact to block the D, receptor is still being evaluated. Studies are
with dopaminergic neurons and this interaction facilitates cal- currently in progress examining the effects of a typical and an
cium conductance in the dendrites of these nigrostriatal neurons. atypical neuroleptic on 5-HT/DA and DA/ACh interactions
Reciprocal interactions have been well characterized between (Dewey et al., 1993~). These studies will be used to aid in the
the raphe nuclei and the dopaminergic cell bodies of the sub- development of a method for measuring alterations in these
stantia nigra (SN) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the interactions in normal human subjects, for eventual study in
ventral striatum and nucleus accumbens (Aghajanian and Bun- psychiatric illness. Assessing the functional responsiveness of a
ney, 1974; Samanin and Garattini, 1975; Dray et al., 1976; neurotransmitter to a pharmacologic challenge might serve as
Azmitia and Segal, 1978; Herve et al., 1987; Parent et al., 198 1; a predictive test for whether a given patient might respond better
Van Bockstaele et al., 1993). A functional organization of mid- to a drug with a neurochemical profile similar to clozapine. The
The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1995, 15(l) 927

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example, studies of haloperidol induced catalepsy in rats have Deutsch A,Moghaddam B, Innis R, Krystal J, Aghajanian G, Bunney
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catalepsy (Neal-Belliveau et al., 1993). In addition, clozapine, Dewey SL, WolfAP, Fowler JS, Brodie JD, Shiue C-Y, Alavi A, Heisiger
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et al., 1990). This may be attributable to either an effect of these Dewey SL, Brodie JD, Fowler JS, MacGregor RR, Schlyer DJ, King
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nergic/cholinergic interactions in the baboon brain. Synapse 6:321-
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greater potency at the 5-HT, receptor site or a lesser potency at DJ, Brodie JD, Fowler JS, WolfAP, Gatley SJ, Hitzemann R (1990b)
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