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Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().,-volV)


Properties of structural lightweight concrete containing treated oil

palm shell as coarse aggregate
V. Swamynadh1 • K. Muthumani1

Received: 23 January 2018 / Accepted: 5 June 2018

Ó Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

One way of attaining sustainable and environment friendly structures is to use industrial waste as construction material. Oil
palm boiler clinker obtained from palm oil extraction process in palm oil industry is a promising material which can be
used for replacement of coarse aggregate in concrete. In this study, development of water absorption rate in oil palm shell
is modified with water-repellent admixture to maintain the mechanical properties as same as normal weight concrete
(NWC). These oil palm shells are lightweight and can be used as coarse aggregate for structural application in construction
structures. The physical and chemical properties of such aggregate are evaluated and improved for those parameters which
are deficient to produce good quality concrete. Internal curing of concrete takes place when treated oil palm shell is used as
lightweight aggregate which is an added advantage for durable concrete. Properties like sorptivity, density, compressive
strength were measured and discussed. Results show that replacement of normal aggregate with industrial waste product is
structurally good and environmental friendly, compression strength ranging from 25 to 30 MPa which is same in case of

Keywords Water absorption  Water repellent  Density  Oil palm shell (OPS)  Oil palm shell structural lightweight
concrete (OPS Concrete)

Introduction ASTM 567-A Standard Test Method for determining the

Density of SLC. Concrete with low density can be achieved
Construction industry is growing at a greater speed and by natural and industrial wastes like pumice, scoria, oil
they use natural resources extensively. The current focus of palm shells, etc. Density of concrete made with these waste
policy planners is to increase the use of environmentally products and natural materials are in the range of
renewable concrete and makes it lighter, stronger and 1200–1900 kg/m3 (Teo et al. 2007). Density of SLC is
durable. The new development in material is directed lighter than normal weight concrete (NWC) by about
towards using industrial waste. Oil palm shell, a by-product 25–35%.
from palm oil industry, is widely available in the southern Processing of palm oil from palm oil fruit is made in
part of India. These shells are lightweight and have similar four stages, i.e. sterilization, separation, pressing, deperi-
mechanical properties of aggregates used in concrete. Basic carping, separation of kernel and shell, and clarification. In
physical and chemical properties of OPS are not good the processing stage, shells are the waste product and they
enough to be used directly in making structural concrete are dumped as waste. Normally, the colour of shell is dark
and hence need improvement in certain properties of grey to black. The concrete made with this oil palm shell
material. Structural lightweight concrete (SLC) has normal looks black after crushing of concrete. These shells are left
air dry density in the range of 1440–1840 kg/m3as per the under environment without any care or protection. Usage
of this industrial waste in the concrete had to be investi-
gated. These shells which can be replaced as the aggregate
& V. Swamynadh
[email protected] in concrete show huge improvement on mechanical and
physical properties.
School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, Vellore
Institute of Technology, Chennai, India

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

Although the LWC aggregate properties will affect the Materials

compressive strength and durability properties, the nature
of constituent material matrix plays a greater influence. Binder
Fine aggregates used in matrix should have fine enough
particles to maintain the cohesiveness of the concrete Cement used for making of structural lightweight aggre-
mixture. Mix designs for SLC have been under develop- gate concrete is Ordinary Portland cement (OPC), Specific
ment for many decades to get the optimum strength and to gravity of cement is 3.14, the Blaine-specific surface area is
make the concrete durable. SLC has been in use in 3510 cm2/g, silica fume used has a specific gravity of 2.05
Malaysia to build sustainable environmentally structures and the specific surface area is 15,000 m2/kg. GGBS has
among developing countries (Uemura et al. 2012). They the specific gravity of 2.85, and specific surface area of
use some of the agricultural wastes and industrial by- 4000 cm2/g. The chemical composition of OPC is given in
products to make the concrete lightweight and to make the Table 1.
construction environmental friendly. In tropical regions,
OPS is widely used and are widely available. OPS is Aggregates
agriculture waste from the oil palm industries throughout
the world. Their by-products are oil palm shell (OPS) and Normal river sand of size of 300 lm to 5 mm is used as
palm kernel shell (PKS). Research on OPS for SLC was fine aggregate while for the coarse aggregate, oil palm
started in the year 1985 by Salam and Abdullah in shells are used which have a specific gravity of 1.3. These
Malaysia (Teo et al. 2006). Malaysia, Nigeria, Indonesia are obtained from Andhra Pradesh and India, having the
and many other countries have established oil palm size of 2.36–10 mm as shown in Fig. 1. Table 2 shows the
industries. 57.8% of the total supply of palm oil in the physical properties of OPS which has compacted the bulk
world is produced and exported to different countries by density of 510 kg/m3 and loose bulk density of 380 kg/m3
Malaysia (Teo et al. 2006). In Malaysia and Nigeria, it was (Shafigh et al. 2010). The 24 h water absorption of oil palm
estimated that over 4 and 1.5 million tons, respectively, of shell (OPS) is 22% as against 4% for gravel. The partial
OPS solid waste are produced annually. distribution grading is given in the granular grading anal-
OPS can be used as an aggregate for making lightweight ysis for the OPS aggregate. Sieve analysis is carried out
structural concrete as can be seen from various investiga- and is in the range of 2–10 mm in size which is crucial in
tions by the researchers. OPS for SLC shows good
mechanical and physical properties and good thermal per-
Table 1 Chemical composition of OPC
formance for low cost housing (Mannan and Ganapathy
2002). Using solid agricultural wastes as aggregates can SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Al2O3 SO3 LOI
reduce the cost of construction materials and OPS is the
Chemical composition (%)
best replacement of granite gravel which is used commonly
21.22 3.39 64.6 2.07 5.8 2.16 0.65
for making concrete. Using such industrial wastes in
making concrete resolves the problem concerning the dis-
posal of waste products generated at different industries.
Treatment of oil palm shell has to be done before
casting. Water absorption or sorptivity value is 8 times
higher than normal aggregate. The shells after separation
from the fruit are crushed. The shape of the shell is angular
and polygon, etc. The face of the shells is smooth and these
have thickness of about 2.3–10 mm. Due to high porosity
in OPS, the density is around 350–600 kg/m3 (Basri et al.
1999), which has specific gravity in the range of 1.13–1.38.
OPS is 60% lower density than normal weight aggregate
(gravel). OPS is hard and does not deteriorate easily.

Fig. 1 Oil palm shell

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

Table 2 Physical properties of

Compacted bulk density (kg/m3) Water Absorption (%) Aggregate Impact value (%)
OPS aggregate and crushed
granite OPS Crushed granite OPS Crushed aggregate OPS Crushed aggregate

Physical properties
350–550 1470 23–30 2–5 21.1 17.85

water absorpon in OPSC

WR surface
Water 25
repellent 20
admixture 15
(ml) 10
0 10 20 30
Water absorbon %

Fig. 2 Water repellent for pumice and water absorption in OPS

Fig. 3 Silicon and oxygen forming series to form hydrophobic nature

the mix design of concrete. Grading curve shows the

impact on mechanical properties of OPS concrete. SLC the OPS aggregate to absorb less water as shown in Fig. 2.
mix design is done for a 28-day compressive strength Graph shows decrease in water absorption rate with an
around 25–30 MPa and cement is partially replaced by increase of water repellent admixture (Zycocyl). This nano-
silica fume and GGBS to improve strength and durability sealer becomes integral part of the aggregate which should
properties (Shafigh et al. 2011). be done before 24 h for making OPS concrete (Akhnoukh
2017). This gives good slump value and workability.
Water Making of concrete with untreated OPS gives low slump
value and less bonding to cement paste which is not
Normal water is used to mix the concrete constituents. acceptable for good bond strength of concrete. Chemical
Water/cement ratio taken is 0.35 which is about action of penetrative waterproofing creates molecular level
170–220 kg/m3. hydrophobic zone as in Fig. 3, which is the high level
water-resistant zone.
Water repellents

Acrylic bonding agent and penetrative waterproofing are Mix proportion and procedure
the admixtures which form a water-resistant cementitious
bonding coat and reduce porosity of the aggregate. It acts Two types of concretes are investigated with different mix
as an excellent bonding agent for improving adhesion of proportions to know the mechanical properties. All the
concrete. Water absorption of OPS is about 23–30% which ingredients were blended in a pan mix. Concrete is pre-
is 60–70% high when compared to NWC (Ardakani and pared to conduct slump test for all the blended mix and
Yazdani 2014). Use of water repellent admixture can make then prepared concrete is poured in moulds and allow them

Table 3 Quantity of constituent materials as per mix design

Mix Cement (kg) Water (l) w/c (ratio) Sand (kg) Coarse aggregate Slump (mm) Density (kg/m3)
OPS (kg) Gravel (kg)

NWC 400 160 0.4 751.8 – 1080.6 60 2390

LWC 450 180 0.4 715 382 – 95 1727
LWC SF 15 Cement SF 180 0.4 715 394 – 90 1739
383 67
LWC GGBS 15 Cement GGBS 180 0.4 715 394 – 90 1739
383 67

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

in the room temperature for 24 h. Standard cubes and Table 5 Compressive strength of concrete (MPa)
cylinders were prepared and are cured for 28 days till the
Age (days) 7 14 28 35
test is conducted. Two mix designs were prepared for LWC
and NWC. Three types of mix proportions are prepared in LWC 22 26 30 32
case of LWC concrete to observe the difference in LWC SF 15 24 27 31 33
mechanical properties. Mix proportions of all the type of LWC GGBS 15 18 24 27 29
concretes are listed in Table 3. Replacement of cement NWC 25 28 34 36
with 15% silica fume and 15% GGBS in LWC is designed
to improve the strength and to maintain the strength same
as NWC as reported by Mehta and Monteiro (2006). As
listed in Table 3, lightweight concrete (LWC), lightweight interlocking between the lightweight aggregate and cement
concrete with 15% silica fume (LWC SF 15), lightweight paste. LWC SF 15 shows similar strength as NWC due to
concrete with 15% GGBS (LWC GGBS 15), and normal the micro-pores in the lightweight aggregates which are
weight concrete (NWC) were prepared to test for filled with percentage of silica and bonding between the
mechanical properties. All the LWA are pre-soaked in paste and aggregate is much higher than that of LWC.
water for 24 h and treated with water-repellent admixture Figure 4 shows the compressive strength and age of
before the mixing is done. concrete for all the mix designs. NWC has compressive
strength of 36 MPa which is 85% of that of SF15.
Remaining mix designs show decrease in mechanical
Tests and results properties compared to NWC due to their respective
ingredients in concrete. GGBS 15 shows gradual decrease
Sieve analysis for OPS in compressive strength than NWC and SF 15 for the 7, 14,
28 days but nearly equal compressive strength at 35 days
OPS is collected from the dumping yard of palm oil of SF 15. This is due to the delay in heat of hydration in the
industry. These are mixed with debris and cannot be used LWC GGBS 15. Gel formation at this level of mix does not
directly. Sieve analysis for the sample of 50 kg is carried show good binding nature with the OPS and there is a
out with different sieve sizes as shown in Table 4 and decrease in compressive strength. Such comparative stud-
represented in the percentages of each stage. Sieve analysis ies reported by Aslam et al. (2016a) show less compressive
is carried out to collect the aggregate of size range from 8 strengths of LWC when compared to NWC of all the
to 10 mm for making the lightweight concrete. sample mixes.
Replacement of cement with 15% silica fume shows the
Compressive strength higher compressive strength than GGBS 15 for 28 days.
The 28 days compressive strength of these concrete mixes
The compressive strength test is conducted on cubes of is in structural range. The decrease in compressive strength
standard size of 150 mm at the age of 3, 7, 14, 28, 35 days is mainly due to the weak bond between the cement paste
using UTM of 2000T capacity in accordance with com- and the type of aggregate used in the concrete. Density of
pressive strength test of concrete (IS:516) (Parhizkar and the aggregate also influences the strength of concrete
Najimi 2012). Compressive testing is conducted for all the (Aslam et al. 2016a, b; Okpala 1990).
mix samples and is listed in Table 5. Compressive strength
of LWC is 18% less when compared to NWC due to lack of
Compressive strength (MPa)

Table 4 Results of sieve analysis show size distribution of OPS

S.No Sieve size Pass percentage 30
25 SF 0
1 16 100
20 SF 15
2 14 94.4
15 GGBS 15
3 12 82.6 NWC
4 10 57
5 8 16.8 0
6 6 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Age of concrete in days

Fig. 4 Compressive strength of concrete

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

Tensile strength of SLC

Reinforced concrete structures ignore the tensile strength

of concrete and provide steel reinforcement in the RCC
structures. It is not practical to use reinforcement in the
huge constructions like dams, airfield slabs and dams under
seismic loading (Mehta and Monteiro 2006; Neville 2008).
Splitting tensile strength of LWC and NWC is plotted in
Fig. 5. As expected, NWC has higher splitting tensile
strength than LWC. Results show 3.4 MPa for LWC for
28 days and 3.98 MPa for NWC. The variation in NWC
and LWC splitting tensile strength is due to the toughness
of the aggregate in LWC which falls in less tensile strength
than NWC. Kockal and Ozturan reported that the minimum
splitting tensile strength of 2 MPa is required for making
SLC (Kockal and Ozturan 2011). The ratio of splitting
tensile strength to compressive strength for LWC falls
under 15.7–17.2% whereas for NWC it falls under
11.7–12.6%. This shows that for similar grade of concrete Fig. 6 Test setup for impact strength of lightweight aggregate and
conventional aggregate
there are contrasting results for both compressive strength
and splitting tensile strength of concretes. This also shows
measuring cup should be filled with these samples one by
that there is a possibility of increase in splitting tensile
one and should be fixed firmly at the bottom of the testing
strength if the toughness of the aggregate in LWC is more.
machine as shown in Fig. 6. The falling weight is 135 kg
Shafigh et al. reported that the ratios of LWC have 8–10%
and the falling distance of 300 mm height. The sample is
tensile to compressive strength which comes close to the
taken out from the measuring cup and passed through
NWC (Shafigh et al. 2012).
2.36 mm sieve and is weighed. The aggregate impact value
is computed. The samples of NWA and LWA are consid-
Aggregate impact value
ered for the test and AIV is found as reported in Table 6.
Test results shows the percentage impact values are in the
Aggregate impact value (AIV) gives toughness or impact
range of strong values as recommended by (IS: 2386 part
value of aggregate. It is the percentage of fine produced
IV 2002) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete.
from the aggregate sample after subjecting to a standard
amount of impact. Aggregate size of 8–10 mm is consid-
ered and then sieving of aggregate is carried out with
8–10 mm sieves. The aggregate that passed through this
and retained on 10 mm sieve is taken to conduct the test.
1. OPS needs pre-processing to improve the water
Both the NWA and LWA are sieved and weighed in bal-
absorption property. The strength needed for structural
ance machine and are prepared for testing. The apparatus
performance of concrete can be obtained using OPS
required to conduct the test is impact testing machine. The
and other ingredients. 15% replacement of cement with
silica fume shows good compressive strength compa-
rable to NWC. This is due to the aspect ratio of silica
Spling tensile strength (MPa)

4 fume to cement. When 15% cement is replaced with

GGBS, the compressive strength decreases initially but
gains in longer duration. This is because the C–S–H
3.6 gel formation is delayed in case of LWC with GGBS.
2. Water repellents are used to process the OPS aggregate
3.4 LWC GGBS 15
for making of LWC. Use of hydrophobic water
3.2 repellent for OPS shows decrease in water absorption
rate to 2% from 24%.
20 25 30 35 40 3. Aggregate impact value for LWA is 21.1% which is in
compressive strength (MPa) the range of strong impact value classification, which
Fig. 5 Comparison of split tensile strength and compressive strength

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

Table 6 Aggregate impact

Total weight of sample = 420 g Total weight of sample = 118 g
Weight of sample passing 2.36 mm sieve = 75 g Weight of sample passing 2.36 mm sieve = 25 g
Aggregate impact value = 17.85% Aggregate impact value = 21.1%

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