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Lecture 4 Krane Enge Cohen Williams

the Deuteron Ch. 4 Ch. 2 Ch 3 9.8

d-wave admixture 4.1 2.6 3.5 9.8
tensor force 4.1 2.6 3.5 9.8
missing S1 state 4.4 2.5 3.4
isospin 11.3 6.7 3.4 9.7

Problems on Lecture 4

1 What is the minimum photon energy required to dissociate the deuteron? Take the
binding energy to be 2.224589 MeV.

2 If the binding energy of the deuteron was 10 MeV instead of 2.23 MeV, what
would be the approximate depth of the assumed square-well potential? Estimate
the value of rd.

3 Assume the deuteron wave function in the region of the well, is given by
u(r ) ii = A sin K (r − c) where K = 2m( Eb − V0 )
− K 'r 1
iii = Be where K ' =
and by u ( r ) 2mEb in region iii.
What fraction of the time do the proton and neutron spend outside the range of
their forces?

Lecture 3 Review

1 Semi-empirical mass formula

Understand the origin of the terms
Do a calculation to find the most stable isobar

2 Other properties
a Angular momentum and parity Iπ of GS and excited states
For simple nuclei I is result of j of component nucleons
For odd A I is half integral (one unpaired nucleon)
For even A I is integral

b Magnetic dipole moment of nucleus

µ = glµN where µN = eh m is nucleon mass and l is the AM QNo.
NDM due to spin µ = gssµN
significance of gs for proton and neutron regarding substructure of nucleon

c Nuclear shape (actually covered in lecture 4)

Quadropole moment (measure of deformation of nucleus)
-28 2
Q = 1 / e ∫ ρ ( 3z 2 − r 2 ) dV ] and has units of area usually in barn (10 m ).
Q +ve prolate (football shape)
Q –ve oblate (cushion)

Lecture 4
I think we have spent enough time discussing the general properties of nuclei to give us the
basic information we need to discuss the details of the force between nucleons.
Firstly let’s summarise what we know about the nuclear force:

Some properties of the Nuclear Force

observation implication

Constant nucleon density Short-range force with a repulsive core.

Few odd-odd nuclei pairing ! stability

Sn for Ca isotopes pairing energy ~3 MeV

The actual properties of the nuclear potential are quite complicated. We will find it
depends not only of r, but on the spin s of the nucleons, and their relative AM l.

We can find out about the potential in two main ways. One is scattering of nucleons of
each other or from nuclei. (This will be discussed a little later).

The other is to study any stable states that might result from this interaction. There are of
course 3 possibilities: pn, pp, nn. It turns out that only one of these forms a stable nucleus.
We will discuss why, and what this means.
In this instance we will study the nucleus 2H, the deuteron, which is the nucleus formed
when a proton and neutron combine.

It is the simplest nucleus and in a sense is the nuclear equivalent of the H atom in atomic
studies. Unfortunately, unlike the H atom, it does not have any excited states, so there is
no information available from its spectroscopy. None the less the fact that it is bound at
all reveals a lot about the nuclear force. (of course if it were not bound, we wouldn’t be
here to study nuclear physics, since this nucleus is the basis for fusion to all the heavier
nuclei in the universe)

Lets summarise what is known about the deuteron:

Binding Energy 2.225 MeV Check this from tables of masses
How do I know?
Thermal neutron capture
H(γ,n)p threshold
No evidence of excited states
Spin I=1
Magnetic dipole moment µd = +0.85735 n m
(µp = +2.79275 n m)
(µn = - 1.91350 n m)

Quadrupole moment Q = 0.00282 barn (expect zero)

Radius Rd = 2.1 fm (1 fm = 10-15 m)

We need to solve the Schrodinger wave equation for a potential with the characteristics we
mentioned above. An attractive short-range force between the p and n, and a repulsive

Model potential

0 r
E - Eb

c b

Now the form of V may be V(rθϕ), but we will assume that it is only a function of r. We
should also consider the possibility that the AM of the n rel to p is not necessarily zero, in
which case we would need to include a centrifugal component in V which looks like

l ( l + 1)h 2
V= 2
. In fact since we know that there are no excited states we will
2 mr
assume that l=0

Note that this is the potential that the proton feels due to the n, or vice versa. The solution
of this 2-body problem can be resolved down to the solution of a single particle moving in
this potential, using the radial scale as the separation of one from the other, if we work in
the CM system and replace the mass of the particle with the reduced mass of the two.
m p mn 1
m= = mn
m p + mn 2
Thus we are to solve

h2 2
− ∇ ψ ( rθϕ ) = ( E − V )ψ ( rθφ )

where, ψ ( rθφ )=ul / rYlm (θφ )

However if we assume no angular dependence Ylm! (1/4π)1/2, and we can solve the 1-D
WE for u(r).

for r<c u(r) = 0 since V = ∞

for c< r <c+b

u(r ) ii = A sin K (r − c) where K = 2m( Eb − V0 )
for r> c+b
u( r ) iii = Be − K ' r where K ' = 2 mEb

du ( r )
The complete continuous solution requires continuity of both u ( r ) and at
r = c+b
A sin Kb = Be K '( c + b )
AK cos Kb = − K ' Be − K '( c + b )
dividing these gives
K cot Kb = − K '
K depends on V and Eb and K‘ depends on Eb.

This transcendental equation gives a relationship between b and V that is consistent with
Eb. That is we can a range of values of V and b that will give the correct BE for the
deuteron We need more information to define either the depth V or the width b.

In fact the radius of the deuteron has been measured, and on the vugraph I have written out
the calculation of rms radius of the deuteron from our solution.
We can calculate the deuteron radius from our
1st need to find A and B by normalizing ∫ ϕ 2 dτ = 1
(see Enge page 41)

2K ' proton
This gives A 2 = 1 + neutron •
1 + K' b CM
2K ' (sin 2 Kb )e 2K '( c + b )
B2 =
1 + K' b

∞ u( r ) Rd
< rd 2 > = ∫ r 2ϕ 2 dτ where ϕ = Y lm
0 r
u( r ) 1
r 4π

Rd is the measured radius of deuteron = 2.1 fm
= ∫ r 2 u 2 dr sin ce dτ = 4π
πr 2 dr
Rd2 = <rd2> + <rp2> <rp2>1/2 = 0.8 fm
1 1( 2c + b )(1 + K ' b ) c 2 K
< rd >= − + + −
2 2 K' 4 24(1
8K ' 8K Where <rd2>1/2 = ½<r2>1/2
Known, so this provides another relation between
Vo and b
C = 0.4 fm
Vo = 73 MeV
B = 1.337 fm
This gives another relation between Eb and b,
which leads to a well depth of 73 MeV.

Note that in order to solve the equation we need to set a value for the width of the
repulsive core. The value chosen is c = 0.4 fm. So that the deuteron is bound with the
correct BE if
c = 0.4 fm
Vo = 73 MeV and the width of the well is
b = 1.337 fm

However you should note that the nuclear potential is not a square well, and that this
calculation is only a first approximation to the real situation.
A very important characteristic of the nuclear force is evident from the deuteron. Firstly
there is only one bound state of the deuteron. It has I=1. We assumed that l=0 so it must
be that the n and p have their spins aligned, giving S=1. This is known as the triplet S
state (there are 3 projections of S=1).

But if the nuclear force depended only on the spatial co-ordinate r, it should make no
difference if the spins were parallel or anti-parallel. Thus we would expect at the same
energy an S=0 state (ie the GS should be degenerate). There is no S=0 state (singlet S)
We assumed that the n and p had a relative AM =0
This must mean that the nuclear
The AM of the deuteron is potential is weaker for two
nucleons aligned anti-parallel
I= +s that aligned parallel. Or in other
I=1 =0 s=1 Triplet s words the potential well is less
deep for anti-parallel nucleons.
How much shallower?

I=0 =0 s=0 Singlet s

The nuclear force is stronger for parallel spins

On the basis of this model, it can be shown that the minimum depth of the well for the
given value of b, that will just bind the p and n is about 60 MeV.

So it seems that there is a significant

difference in the nuclear potential.
From scattering studies, which we
will look at shortly we know that the
singlet state is only just unbound (by
about 60 keV). We should
remember this information when we
discuss the various terms that
contribute to the nuclear potential.

There is another worry about our assumption (calculation) that the deuteron wavefunction
is l=0. It comes from examination of the magnetic dipole moment of the deuteron.
Because the l =0 wave function is spherically symmetric, the proton cannot contribute to
the mag. moment by virtue of its orbital motion (l =0 in semi classical terms means a
degenerate ellipse). So the MM of the deuteron should be simply the sum of the intrinsic
MM of the proton and neutron (this is
Magnetic dipole moment of deuteron due to their spin).
mag. mom. (nuclear magnetons)
Proton 2.79275
neutron -1.91350
This discrepancy is significantly greater
deuteron expected 0.87925 than the errors in measurement. There
deuteron observed 0.85735 may be several reasons for this
discrepancy 0.02190 (~2.5%)
If = 0 the proton cannot produce a magnetic field
discrepancy, including the possibility
that the proton may be affected by the
The = 0 wave function is spherically symmetric
close proximity of the neutron within the
(or the = 0 semi-classical orbit is a straight line)
nucleus of deuterium. In fact of binding
Conclusion: the p and n together invokes, as we shall
The wave function must have a component with >0 see, the exchange of π mesons. These
indeed may have charge (π , π ) and contribute to the MM.
+ -

However the likely answer is that the WF is not

purely l=0., there is probably some ADMIXTURE 4% = 2
of l = 2. (a proton in an l =2 orbit of course can be contribution
seen as a current sweeping out an area, and
producing a MM). In which case we should see the
Ψ = as Ψs + ad Ψd
WF of the deuteron as: =0 =2
Why no = 1?
ψ = asψs + adψd
parity is π =(-1)
But why have we chosen the admixture as l=2; a d- All the terms in ψ must have same parity
state impurity? What about l=1; a p-state
impurity? Well, the parity of the GS WF is even, ψ1 has =1 and hence negative π,
and the parity of an l=1 WF is neg (Parity = (-1)π.) ψs and ψd have positive π.
So in order to maintain the parity of the WF the
impurity has to be of even l.

This means that the deuteron spends most if the time in an S state and a small fraction of
the time in a D state. This fraction specifies (ad)2. When it changes from S to D the spin
of one nucleon has to flip over in order to conserve AM.

The exact size of ad that gives the observed MM is about 4%.

However there is clear evidence that our assumption that the deuteron is a pure S state is
incorrect. This comes from the measured electric quadrupole moment.

For an S state, Q=0, since the wave function is spherically symmetric. Yet the measured
Quadrupole moment is Q = 0.00288 barn. So there must be a WF component that is not
spherically symmetric.

Well if we allow the orbital (but not the total since the spins will flip over) AM to blithely
change, there must be a torque acting.

for deuteron I = 1, T= r x F = r Fθ = -dV/dθ.

Ψ = as Ψs + ad Ψd
This implies that the potential
involved must be a fn of θ,. But the
central potential is a fn of r only.
S=1 This component of the nuclear
l= 2
potential is a non-central or tensor

Since the only direction in space

that is relevant to the deuteron is the
To change S from to requires an
direction of the spin S, the θ on which
external torque.
this force depends must be measured
So the nuclear force has a tensor component, i.e. one that
from this direction. In vector notation
depends NOT just on r.
the force must be a function of S.r. It
T = r x FT = rFθ = - dV/dθ will be different for θ = π/2 or 0.

FT is a function of S. and θ, FT
where θ is the angle between repulsive ⇑⇑ (repulsive)
r and S. So for example it will and ⇑
be different for θ = π/2 or 0 r FT
attractive (attracti
(if S = 0 there is no tensor force)

Consider the analogue of two bar magnets parallel or in line. They have different energies
and it requires a tensor force to move them.

When the p and n are in an S=0 state there is no tensor force

Why is there no singlet state of the deuteron?

However it is worthwhile asking why there is no S=1 (triplet) bound state of the n-n or p-p.
Does this imply that the nuclear force is different between n-n (the di-neutron) or p-p (the
di-proton)? We might well imagine that since the deuteron is only just bound, that the
coulomb repulsion of 2 protons separated by a fermi or so might destabilise the system and
be unbound: but not 2 neutral neutrons.

The short answer is that the Pauli Principle forbids it….no two identical particles can have
the same quantum state (or the same set of quantum numbers). The long answer (which
is really the explanation of the Pauli principle) is that the total wave function for identical
particles must be anti-symmetric.

The wave function that we obtained for the p-n system looked like:
ul ( r )
ψ ( space) = Plm (θ ) eiml φ
We made the assumption that l =0 (that is the wave function is s-state) so the WF became
spherically symmetric and the angular part became (1/4π)-1/2. The symmetry of the WF is
whether it changes from + to - on reflection through the origin. Mathematically this
symmetry is related to the parity which is (-1)l.

So this wavefunction is NOT anti-symmetric. This is because this is not the total WF.
The spin WF is part of it so that the more complete WF is

ul (r )
ψ= Plm (θ )eiml φ χ ( spin)
χ(spin) is symmetric if the spins are parallel (S=1 or triplet state), and antisymmetric if
they are antiparallel (S=0 or singlet state).

Now let’s look again at the WF we derived for the deuteron

it has l=0 symmetric

S=1 symmetric
so it is NOT a valid WF.

Well there is clearly something wrong here, since this is what a deuteron looks like: one p
and one n in l=0 S=1.

If we were dealing with electrons (which are also fermions and conform to the same rules
as nucleons) this would indeed be an invalid WF. We would have to flip one of the
electrons over to make the WF antisymmetric. For electrons this would be the total WF.
However for nucleons we have not yet specified the WF completely.

The total WF is:

ul (r )
ψ= Plm (θ )eiml φ χ ( spin) τ (T )
where τ(T) is the isospin part of the WF. This part of the WF is symmetric if the two
nucleons are the same and antisymmetric if they are different (i.e. one p and one n).

Now we can see that our WF for the GS of the deuteron is indeed valid. We can also see
that under these rules the WF for a di-neutron (nn) or di-proton (pp) is NOT valid.

However we must take this a little bit deeper and formalise this concept of isospin.

In essence we need to think of the proton and neutron as different states of the same
particle; the nucleon. To specify the different states we could use coloured pens: red for
protons and green for neutrons, and then these colours become the QN of the p and n. In
QM we assign a new quantum number (the isospin QN) to the nucleon.
t= ½ .
This is in exact analogy to the intrinsic spin s= ½, and just as the intrinsic spin can have
projections sz = ±½ , so can t.

tz = + ½ corresponds to a neutron
tz = - ½ corresponds to a proton

(note this convention is the opposite to that used in particle physics)

tz=+1/2 sz=+1/2
neutron t s
tz=-1/2 sz=-1/2

The isospin quantum state of a nucleon pair is the vector sum of their isospin . That is,
the state can have T=0 or T=1, ie a singlet or triplet isospin state.

s=1/2 t=1/2

s=1/2 t=1/2

S=1 S=0 T=1 T=0

Just as the singlet S state (S=0) can have only 1 projection (Sz=0) and the triplet S state
(S=1) have 3 projections (Sz = -1,0,+1);
so there is only one state associated with the T=0 (singlet) isospin state Tz=0. The T=1
(triplet) state has 3 projections Tz= -1,0,+1.

What does Tz mean? Tz = ∑tz. So Tz= 0 means a p and a n.

Tz= +1 means 2 neutrons
Tz= -1 means 2 protons

Tz=+1 Sz=+1
T=1 S=1
Tz=0 Sz=0
Tz=-1 Sz=-1

Now let’s look again at the 2-nucleon wavefunctions possible for the deuteron.

ul (r )
ψ= Plm (θ )eiml φ χ ( spin) τ (T )
1 =0 S=1 T=0 deuteron
symmetric symmetric anti-sym ANTI

2 =0 S=0 T=1 (Tz=0) deuteron

symmetric anti-sym symmetric ANTI

3 =0 S=0 T=1 (Tz=+1) dineutron

symmetric anti-sym symmetric ANTI

4 =0 S=0 T=1 (Tz= -1) diproton

symmetric anti-sym symmetric ANTI

So we see that there are 4 possible combinations that are

allowed for a 2-nucleon system.

1. is the bound state of the deuteron

23. is a legal state of the deuteron, but we found that this

is unbound by about 60 keV. This led us to the
important discovery that the nuclear central force
depends on the spin orientation; the potential is
shallower for anti-parallel spins.

3 and 4 are legal states, but clearly if 2 is unbound so

are they.


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