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Original Article

Evaluation of Effectiveness of Dental Apps in Management of

Child Behaviour: A Pilot Study
Vidyavathi H. Patil, Karan Vaid, Niraj S. Gokhale, Parin Shah, Madhura Mundada, Shivayogi M. Hugar
Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, KLE University, KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka, India

Background: We see children from all age groups, be it a toddler to a teenager, stuck up to the mobile phone playing interactive games or even
browsing internet entertainment holds a major share in the field of mobile applications, be it from listening to music or playing online games.
However, very little has happened in favor of pediatric dentistry or even educating the patients about the procedures of their treatment which
can help reduce their fear or apprehension. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of dental apps in the management of
child’s anxiety and behavior. Materials and Methods: Sixty children (24 girls and 36 boys) were made to use mobile dental app called “My
Little Dentist” developed by Tenlogix Games available on the Google Play Store on the android platform of the smartphones. Their anxiety
levels were noted before and after playing the game using the face imaging scale. Results: The results were found to be highly significant;
86.67% patients turned from a negative to positive behavior, 11.67% from positive to definitely positive, and 1.67% from definitely negative
to negative according to Frankl’s behavior rating scale. Conclusion: The mobile dental app was found to be very useful in the dental setup to
reduce the fear and anxiety of the pediatric patients.

Keywords: Children, dental anxiety, dental app

Introduction is started. Tell‑show‑do technique is based on the principle of

learning theory and is performed by the dentists themselves
The first dental visit is crucial in the formation of the child’s
in the operatory.[3,4]
attitude toward dentistry and future treatment success.[1] Dental
appointment is a stressful situation, which raises children’s Modeling refers to learning by observation and children
anxiety level and avoidance behavior. Children’s dental anxiety may reproduce behavior exhibited by the model in the same
is an intense but situational and transient anxiety. If it is not situation.[3] Modeling can be performed in two forms: Live
managed, it will possibly continue to adulthood.[2] or filmed one. Studies on modeling have demonstrated its
therapeutic effect in the management of anxiety[5,6] and
Several communicative, advanced, and pharmacological
educational effect in improving coping skills of children in
interventions have been developed to manage children’s
stressful situations.[7] Filmed modeling does not take time
anxious and cooperative behavior. The most commonly used
by the dentist and dental team although it has not achieved
techniques by dentists to manage child’s anxiety/fear and even
its proper situation. Live models such as peers, siblings, or
in some cases reluctant or resilient behaviors are tell‑show‑do
parents are used for preappointment teaching of the expected
method, modeling, and positive or negative reinforcements.
behavior to the child patient.[8‑10] Several studies have evaluated
Tell‑show‑do technique, introduced by Addelston in the efficiency of the modeling through a film in the reduction
1959, remains the cornerstone of behavior management of child’s dental anxiety.[11‑17]
techniques  (BMTs), which is commonly used by pediatric
dentists in the management of children’s anxiety at a Address for correspondence: Dr. Niraj S. Gokhale,
pretreatment visit. It dictates that before anything is done, the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, KLE University,
KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka, India.
child be told what will be done and then shown by some sort E‑mail: [email protected]
of simulation exactly what will happen before the procedure
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak,
Quick Response Code: and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new
Website: creations are licensed under the identical terms.
For reprints contact: [email protected]

DOI: How to cite this article: Patil VH, Vaid K, Gokhale NS, Shah P, Mundada M,
10.4103/ijpr.ijpr_5_17 Hugar SM. Evaluation of effectiveness of dental apps in management of
child behaviour: A pilot study. Int J Pedod Rehabil 2017;2:14-8.

14 © 2017 International Journal of Pedodontic Rehabilitation | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow

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Patil, et al.: Dental apps

With the advancement in technology, a standard mobile device patients an idea as to what would be the nature of their treatment
has gone from being no more than a simple two‑way pager to in an interactive manner. The patients were virtually made
being a mobile phone, GPS navigation device, an embedded dentists and were made to do patients in the app that included
web browser and instant messaging client, and a handheld extractions, scaling, filling and were taken into confidence and
game console. It is generally seen that children from all the how atraumatically and painlessly a dental procedure could
age groups, be it a toddler to a teenager, stuck up to the mobile be performed was shown to the child [Figure 2]. The children
phone playing interactive games or even browsing internet. were made to make use of the app and perform virtual dental
Today, we have an app for possibly everything. However, treatments. The anxiety levels were noted before and after
very little has happened in favor of pediatric dentistry or using the app using the face imaging scale; furthermore, Frankl
even educating the patients about the procedures of their behavior of the patients was also noted along with the other
treatment which can help reduce their fear or apprehension. scales and was recorded into a standardized form.
On search of the literature, no studies could be found on the Dental procedures were then clinically performed on the same
management of pediatric patients using dental apps. Thus, day by a single operator after making sure that the patient is
with these existing lacunae, this study is an attempt to evaluate completely satisfied and confident about the dental procedures
the effectiveness of dental apps in the management of child’s that were needed to be performed.
anxiety and behavior.

Materials and Methods
The data obtained were entered into a standardized form and
After obtaining the ethical clearance from the Institutional were statistically analyzed using SPSS version  21.0 (IBM
Review Board and written informed consent and assent, sixty SPSS Statistics 21, SPSS South Asia, Bangalore, India).
children (24 girls, 36 boys) in the age group of 8–12 years who Paired t-test was applied for comparison of pre and post scores
attended the dental clinic for the first time and fulfilled the of face imaging scale where P = 0.0000*, t = 21.876 which was
inclusion criteria were randomly selected from the Outpatient statistically significant where P value was set at 0.05 [Figure 3].
Department of Pedodontics and Preventive. Sixty children were The scale applied before playing the game showed that 10%
enrolled into the study which was calculated according to the of the children had mild symptoms, 85% showed moderate
ln (1 −  )
formula:[18] n = , where the confidence was 0.95, symptoms, and only 5% had severe symptoms of anxiety
ln (1 −  ) [Graph 1]. Postface imaging scales showed that the patients
the probability being 0.06. The sample size obtained was 49; shifted mostly to mild symptoms (56.7%) or no symptoms of
however, considering the dropouts, a sample size was taken as anxiety at all (38.3%) [Graph 2]; the results were found to be
60 in the study. To rule out the bias, all the children enrolled into highly significant. Furthermore, behavior of the patients was
the study needed the same kind of treatments. The children who examined and the data showed that 86.67% patients turned
had reported with pain were not considered for the study. The from a negative to positive Frankl behavior, 11.67% from
parents/guardians were questioned on their child’s anxiety using positive to definitely positive, and 1.67% from definitely
Corah’s dental anxiety scale. In this study, we used a mobile negative to negative. When the difference in gender was
dental app called “My Little Dentist” developed by Tenlogix considered, it was seen that there was a significant reduction
Games available on the Google Play Store on the android and in the anxiety levels of males and females and both were
iOS platform of the smartphones [Figure 1]. The app gave the statistically significant [Tables 1 and 2].

Figure 1: The dental app. Figure 2: The patient being made to use the app.

International Journal of Pedodontic Rehabilitation  ¦  Volume 2  ¦  Issue 1  ¦  January-June 2017 15

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Graph 2: Postface imaging scale or the symptoms of the patient after

playing the game.
Graph 1: Preface imaging scale or the symptoms of the patient before
playing the game. and oral healthcare, thus coping with and willing to undertake
dental treatment procedures.[20‑22]
Table 1: Difference in anxiety levels based on females Preoperative anxiety (PA) is of utmost concern in pediatrics;
40%–60% of children undergoing surgical procedures
experience high levels of PA.[23,24] PA may have negative effects
on children, such as higher postoperative pain, emergence
delirium, uncooperative behavior, and higher doses of sedation
or preoperative analgesia. Typical PA signs include increased
muscle tone, sleep disturbances, a cessation of playing,
agitation, and escape behavior.[25]
In children younger than 6 years, PA is expressed through
the fear of separation from the mother and the terror of the
unknown, while the fear of death and mutilation is prevalent
Table 2: Difference in anxiety levels based on males in older children. One category of interventions effective
in reducing PA is to provide preprocedure information to
children in a manner that is appropriate for their developmental
To date, a wide variety of BMTs are available to dental
practitioners, namely, tell‑show‑do, desensitization, modeling,
positive reinforcement, voice control, distraction, parental
presence/absence, restrain/protective stabilization, nonverbal
communication, hand‑over‑mouth, sedation, and general
anesthesia. Besides the techniques mentioned above, mobile
Discussion phone technology offers an unprecedented opportunity to
The management of children’s behavior is an integral unobtrusively track day‑to‑day behavior and changes in
component of pediatric dental practice. It is as fundamental emotional state, all in real time.[27] Mobile phone health
to the successful treatment of children as are handpiece skills tools also offer the potential of immediate response to the
and knowledge of dental materials in dental practice and it is outcome of this monitoring through delivery of mental health
achieved through the application of various BMTs.[19] BMTs are information contingent on changes in real‑time emotional
a set of procedures aimed at enhancing the child’s useful coping state. This technology has not yet been fully leveraged
skills, achieve complete willing and acceptance of dental care, for these purposes despite mobile phones being one of the
and ultimately reduce the child’s perception that the dental few pieces of technology that most people carry on their
situation is overwhelming or dangerous.[18] In other words, the person every day. This pervasiveness means that mobile
techniques are employed by dental practitioners in attending a phones offer a highly natural and regular means, by which
child dental patient so as to establish communication, alleviate information on emotional state could be obtained. They are
fear and anxiety, facilitate delivery of quality dental care, build also a cost‑effective means of seeking help for mental health
a trusting relationship between dentist, child, and parent, and issues that may overcome socioeconomic and geographic
promote the child’s positive attitude toward oral/dental health boundaries.[28]

16 International Journal of Pedodontic Rehabilitation ¦ Volume 2 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-June 2017

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Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.

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