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Brahmaiah Bonthagarala. et al. / Singapore Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2014;1(1):1-7.

Singapore Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

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Brahmaiah Bonthagarala*, Prasanna Kumar Desu, Sreekanth Nama,
Donthiboina Sudarshan
Department of Pharmaceutics, Priyadarshini Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (PIPER),
5th Mile, Pulladigunta, Kornepadu (V), Vatticherukuru (M), Guntur-522017, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Article Info ABSTRACT

Received 28/10/2013 The objective of this study is to design and evaluate sustained release matrix tablets of
Revised 19/11/2013 Ozcarbazepine. The effects of various viscosity grades of Eudragit RSPO and HPMC
Accepted 22/11/2013 E50LV on the release of Ozcarbazepine have been evaluated. Tablets were evaluated for
physical and chemical parameters such as Hardness, Friability, Thickness, Weight variation,
Key words: Drug content uniformity and in vitro release. All batches are complied physical and
Ozcarbazepine, HPMC chemical parameters within the U.S.P limit. The amounts of Ozcarbazepine at different time
E50LV, Sustained intervals were estimated by UV Spectrophotometer method. In vitro release profile of
Release, Eudragit Ozcarbazepine from combination of Eudragit RSPO and HPMC E50LV polymers (F8)
RSPO. showed that 100% of the drug was released at the end of 24 hr which is considered as
optimized formulation. The tablets showed no significant change either in physical
appearance or in dissolution pattern after storing at room temperature, 40° c and 75% RH
and 2-8°c for three months. The drug release data fit well to Higuchi, Peppas and
Korsemeyer equation. The drug release was found to diffusion and little extent by erosion.

INTRODUCTION diffusion and erosion mechanism. HPMC is the first choice

Ozcarbazepine is an anticonvulsant drug widely for formulation of hydrophilic matrix system, providing
used in the treatment of simple and complex seizures, robust mechanism, choice of viscosity grades, consistent
trigeminal neuralgia and bipolar affective disorder. reproducible release profiles, cost effectiveness and
Ozcarbazepine overdose leads to various side effects. Thus utilization of existing conventional equipment and methods
for patient compliance, improve bioavailability, minimize [3].Water penetration, polymer swelling, drug dissolution,
total drug quantity minimize accumulation on chronic use drug diffusion and matrix erosion from dosage form is
and reduce fluctuation in drug level sustained release of controlled by the hydration of HPMC, which forms the gel
Ozcarbazepine is desirable [1]. Hydrophilic polymer matrix barrier through which the drug diffused [4]. Several
systems are widely used in oral controlled drug delivery mathematical models have been published, to elucidate the
system because of their flexibility to obtain a desirable drug water and drug transport processes and to predict the
release profile, cost effectiveness, and broad regulatory resulting drug release kinetics [5]. The dissolution profile
acceptance [2]. Drug release from hydrophilic matrices is of some of the sustained release products available in their
known to be a complex interaction between dissolution, market are in the lower side of the U.S.P limit. So, an effort
was made in this work to achieve an optimum USP limit.
The aim of the work was to prepare hydrophilic matrix
Corresponding Author tablets containing Ozcarbazepine as a drug and HPMC as
hydrophilic matrix to retard drug release. The above discuss
Brahmaiah Bonthagarala suggests that the sustained release product may enhance the
Email:- [email protected] bioavailability and control the seizures during sleeping.

Brahmaiah Bonthagarala. et al. / Singapore Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2014;1(1):1-7.

There are number of techniques applied in the The powders were evaluated for angle of repose,
formulation and manufacturing of sustained release dosage loose bulk density, tapped bulk density, compressibility
form. However, matrix tablet prepared by direct index, total porosity etc.
compression method has attracted much attention due to its
technological simplicity in comparison with other Bulk density
controlled release systems. Direct compression method had LBD (Loose Bulk Density) and TBD (Tapped
been applied for preparation of matrix tablet that involved Bulk Density) were determined by 2g of powder from each
simple blending of all ingredients used in the formulations formula. The powder was previously lightly shaken to
and then underwent direct compression. It required fewer break any agglomerate formed and then it was placed into a
unit operations, reduced number of personnel and reduced 10 ml measuring cylinder. After the initial volume was
processing time, increased product stability and faster observed, the cylinder was allowed to tap under its own
production rate [6]. There are three primary mechanisms by weight onto a hard surface from the height of 2.5 cm at 2
which active agents can be released from a delivery system: second intervals. The reading of tapping was continued
diffusion, degradation, and swelling followed by diffusion. until no further change in volume was noted. Using the
The release of drug from the matrix tablet depends on the following equation LBD and TBD was calculated LBD =
nature of polymer. HPMC K4M, HPMC K15M CR and Weight of the powder / bulk volume of the packing. TBD =
HPMC K100LV CR are hydrophilic polymers that become Weight of the powder / Tapped volume of the packing. The
hydrated, swollen and facilitates to diffuse the drug [7]. The results were shown in Table 2.
effect of hydrophilic polymer PEG 6000 which act as a
channeling agent was evaluated on the matrix tablet with Compressibility index
combination of HPMC K4M. Here Ph independent swelling The compressibility index of the granules was
of Eudragit RSPO and Eudragit RLPO released the drug determined by Carr’s Compressibility index [8]. The results
from the matrix. In the present study an attempt had been were shown in Table 2.
made to formulate Ozcarbazepine as sustained release Carr’s index (%) = {(TBD – LBD) X 100}/TBD
matrix tablet with the addition of release retarding polymers
HPMC E 50 LV, Eudragit RSPO. Angle of repose
The angle of repose of granules was determined by
MATERIALS & METHODS the funnel method [9]. The results were shown in Table 2.
Ozcarbazepine, Eudragit RSPO, HPMC E 50LV,
Avicel and magnesium stearate, were obtained and used as Hausner’s Ratio
received. All other chemicals and solvents used were of It is the frictional resistance of the drug .The ideal
analytical grade. range should be 1.2-1.5. It is determined by the ratio of
tapped density and the bulk density [10]. The results were
Preparation of Matrix Tablets by Direct Compression shown in Table 2.
Ozcarbazepine drug was used with various types Formula:
of polymers (HPMC, Eudragit RSPO) in varying ratios to Hausner’s ratio= Vi/Vt
formulate the sustained release matrix tablets. Avicel 102 Where, Vt is the tapped volume
was used as a diluent in the preparation of the tablets. Vi is the untapped volume
Magnesium stearate (1% w/w) was added in the
formulation as a lubricant. The tablet weight (404 mg) was EVALUATION OF TABLETS
adjusted so as to contain 200 mg of Candidate drug in each Weight Variation
tablet. The Ozcarbazepine sustained release matrix tablets Twenty tablets were randomly selected from each
were prepared by passing drug, Polymers, Avicel 102 batch and individually weighed. The average weight and
through a #30 mesh sieve. Finally adds a Magnesium standard deviation of 20 tablets was calculated. The batch
stearate by passing through the #60 mesh sieve. The blend passes the test for weight variation test if not more than two
was compressed in a Cadmach tablet compressing machine of the individual tablet weight deviates from the average
fitted with concave punches (14.5 mm × 4.5 mm).Finally weight by more than the percentage shown in Table 3 and
the tablet weight was adjusted to 400mg. none deviate by more than twice the percentage shown
Pre formulation studies
The parameters like identification of pure drug Thickness
Ozcarbazepine by IR spectra, drug excipients compatibility Three tablets were randomly selected from each
studies, angle of repose, bulk density, tapped density, batch and there thickness was measured by using vernier
Hausner‘s ratio, Carr’s index. calipers. Thickness of three tablets from each batch was
measured and mean was calculated. The results were shown
Physical evaluation of powders in Table 3.

Brahmaiah Bonthagarala. et al. / Singapore Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2014;1(1):1-7.

Hardness release, first 60% drug release data was fitted in

Hardness indicates the ability of a tablet to Korsmeyer–Peppas Model:
withstand mechanical shocks while handling. The hardness Mt / M∞ = Ktn………………………… (1)
of the tablets was determined using Monsanto hardness Where, Mt / M∞ is the fraction of drug release data time t,
tester. It is expressed in kg/cm2Three tablets were randomly k is the rate constant and n is the release exponent. The
picked and hardness of the tablets was determined. The results were shown in the Table 5.
results were shown in Table 3.
Stability Studies
Friability The stability study of the formulations was carried
Friability test is performed to assess the effect of out according to ICH guidelines at room temperature, 40°C
friction and shocks, which may often cause tablet to chip, ± 2° C and 75 % RH, 2-8°C for one month by storing the
cap or break. Roche friabilator was used for the purpose. samples in stability chamber (Lab-care, Mumbai). The
This device subjects a number of tablets to the combined results were shown in the Table 6-8.
effect of abrasion and shock by utilizing a plastic chamber
that revolves at 25 rpm dropping the tablets at distance of 6 RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS
inches with each revolution. Five tablets were weighed and Oral dose of Ozcarbazepine is 200-1200 mg,
placed in the Roche friabilator, which was then operated for hence it is required to be taken 200 mg three times a day.
25 rpm for 4 min. After revolution Tablets were dedusted U.V. Scanning of Ozcarbazepine was performed and the
and reweighed. Compressed tablets should not lose more λmax at 285.4 was found to be the most appropriate for the
than 1% of their weight. The results were shown in Table 3 determination of concentration of unknown samples.
The percentage friability was measured using the Standard curve of Ozcarbazepine was prepared at λmax
formula 285.4 nm and the regression value was found to be 0.999.
% F = {1-(W0/W)} ×100 The tablets of various formulations of Ozcarbazepine were
Where, prepared and the tablet hardness was found to be in range of
% F = friability in percentage 6.5 to7.3 Kg/cm2. The average weight of the prepared
W0 = Initial weight of tablet tablets of various formulations was found to be within the
W = weight of tablets after revolution USP limit i.e. ± 5% (for tablet weight approx. 404 mg). The
average percentage (%) drug content was also found within
Assay the USP limit and shows the effectiveness of the mixing
Twenty tablets from each batch were powdered procedure. From the In vitro studies, it was observed that
and weighed accurately equivalent to 100 mg with increasing the concentration of Eudragit RSPO, the
Ozcarbazepine. Dissolve the weighed quantity of powder rate and extent of drug release from the tablet decreases.
into 100ml of 1 % SLS in water solution by stirring it for This was due to the fact that Eudragit RSPO is an insoluble
1hr. Immediately analyze the drug by taking absorbance at polymer and showed low permeability and pH independent
285.4 nm. The Assay of all Batches are shown in Table swelling. From In vitro studies, it was also observed that
No.3 with increasing the concentration of HPMC E50LV the rate
and extent of drug release form the tablets not much more
In- Vitro Drug Release Study effect. This is because HPMC E50LV is a low viscosity
In Vitro dissolution study was carried out using polymer. Swelling study was not performed because drug
USP I (Basket) apparatus in 900mL of 1% SLS in water for release was due to erosion and it mainly depends on the
24 hours. The temperature of the dissolution medium was Eudragit RSPO but not on HPMC E50LV.
kept at 37± 0.5oC and the basket was set at 100 rpm. 10 ml The release of Ozcarbazepine from sustained
of sample solution was withdrawn at specified interval of release tablet of the various formulations varied according
time and filtered through 0.45 μm Whatman filters. The to the ratio and degree of the different polymer. In case of
absorbance of the withdrawn samples was measured at tablets of F1, containing drug and Eudragit RSPO, HPMC
λmax 285.4 nm using UV visible spectrophotometer. The E50LV in the ratio 1:0 the release profile, it was showing
concentration was determined from the standard curve of 34.20% release in 24 hours. The dissolution study was
Ozcarbazepine drug prepared in water at λ max 285.4 nm. shown that Eudragit RSPO, HPMC E50 LV in 1:0 ratios
The results were shown in the Table .4 more controlled the release of drug from formulation. In
case of tablets of F2, containing drug and Eudragit RSPO,
IN-VITRO DISSOLUTION STUDY AND KINETIC HPMC E50LV in the ratio 0:1 the release profile was
MODELLING OF DRUG showing 88.58% release in 12 hours. The dissolution study
Mechanism of drug release was shown that Eudragit RSPO, HPMC E50 LV in 0:1 ratio
Korsmeyer et al (1983) derived a simple can also not able to control the release up to 24 hours. In
relationship which described drug release from a polymeric case of tablets of F3, containing drug and, Eudragit RSPO,
system Equation (1). To find out the mechanism of drug HPMC E50 LV in the ratio 2:1 the release profile was

Brahmaiah Bonthagarala. et al. / Singapore Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2014;1(1):1-7.

showing only 38.9% of drug release in 24 hours with very plots were found to be 0.919, 0.891, 0.988, 0.965, and
slower release. In case of tablets of F4, containing drug and 0.919 respectively. The ‘n’ value for F8 was found to be
Eudragit RSPO, HPMC E50 LV in the ratio 1.25:1 the 0.735 which is indicates that the release approximates non-
release profile was showing only 52.64% of drug release in fickian diffusion mechanism. The regression coefficient of
24 hours with very slower release. In case of tablets F5, formulation F8 was found to be 0.919. These results
containing drug and Eudragit RSPO, HPMC E50 LV in the indicated that the release rate was limited by the drug
ratio 1:1.25 the release profile was showing only 79.38% of particles dissolution rate and erosion of the polymer matrix.
drug release in 24 hours with slower release. In case of The In-vitro drug release profile of tablet from each batch
tablets F6, containing drug and Eudragit RSPO, HPMC (F1 to F10) was carried out and results are shown in Table
E50LV in the ratio 1:2 the release profile was showing only No 5. Thus, it may be concluded that the drug release from
86.38% of drug release in 24hours with slower release. But sustained release matrix tablet of Ozcarbazepine is best
it was observed that release rate was increased when the explained by Higuchi Kinetic model. The values of slope
concentration of Eudragit RSPO polymer concentration was and intercept for Higuchi Kinetic model are 0.988 and
decreased. In case of tablets of F7, containing drug and 21.80 respectively
Eudragit RSPO & HPMC E50 LV in the ratio 1:3.5 the The optimized formulation of Sustained release
release profile was showing 100 % of drug release in 24 matrix tablets of Ozcarbazepine tablets were subjected to
hours. But it was observed that release rate was not accelerated stability studies. Stability studies of the
matched with the USP results. In case of tablets F9, optimized formulation were performed at ambient humidity
containing drug and Eudragit RSPO, HPMC E50 LV in the conditions, at room temperature, at 40 oc ± 2oC &75% RH
ratio 3.5:1 the release profile was showing only 37.22% and 2-8oc for a period up to 30 days. The samples were
drug release in 24 hours, The dissolution study was shown withdrawn after periods of 15 days, and 30 days and were
that Eudragit RSPO, HPMC E50 LV in 3.5:1 ratios more analyzed for its appearance, hardness, friability, drug
controlled the release of drug from formulation. In case of content and in vitro drug release. The results obtained were
tablets of F10, containing drug and Eudragit RSPO & shown in Table 6-8.The results revealed that no significant
HPMC E50 LV in the ratio 8:1 the release profile was changes in appearance, drug content, hardness, friability,
showing 35.94 % drug release in 24 hours. The dissolution and in vitro release for F8 formulation.
study was shown that Eudragit RSPO, HPMC E50 LV in Ozcarbazepine sustained release matrix tablets
8:1 ratios more controlled the release of drug from were prepared successfully using combination of HPMC E
formulation. In case of tablets of F8, containing drug, 50LV & EUDRAGIT RSPO polymers and achieve required
Eudragit RSPO & HPMC E50LV in the ratio 1:8 the dissolution profile. The release pattern of optimized
release profile was showing 100 % of drug release in 24 formulation F8 was achieved the optimum USP limit when
hours, and also observed that release rate was matched with compared to marketed formulation. Drug release kinetics of
the USP results. It concludes F8 has better controlled this formulation corresponds best to Higuchi, Peppas and
release than the other formulations. The regression Korsemeyer model. The optimized formulation is
coefficients values for formulation F8 of zero order and controlled by a complex mechanism of diffusion and extent
first order Higuchi matrix, Peppas and Hixson-Crowell by erosion.
Table 1. Formulation design
Ingredients F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10
Ozcarbazepine 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Eudragit RSPO 176 0 180 98 78 58 38 18 138 158
HPMC E50LV 0 176 58 78 98 118 138 158 38 18
Avicel 102 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Mg state 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Total 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Table 2. Characterization of Trial Blends of all formulations
Bulk Density Tapped Compressibilty Hausner’s Angle Of
(g/ml) Density (g/ml) Index (%) ratio(HR) Repose(ɵ)
F1 0.560 0.608 8 1.08 33
F2 0.608 0.700 13 1.15 32
F3 0.630 0.700 9.09 1.10 29
F4 0.583 0.700 16.66 1.20 28
F5 0.625 0.681 8.33 1.09 27
F6 0.652 0.750 13.04 1.15 32
F7 0.638 0.714 10.63 1.11 25

Brahmaiah Bonthagarala. et al. / Singapore Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2014;1(1):1-7.

F8 0.681 0.750 9.09 1.10 34

F9 0.714 0.789 9.50 1.10 30
F10 0.681 0.750 9.20 1.10 28

Table 3. Physical Parameters of Tablets of all formulations

Weight Thickness Hardness Friability Assay
Variation (mg) (mm) (kg/cm2) (%) (%)
F1 400.671.53 50240.02 6.670.12 0.06 99.49
F2 401.330.58 5.200.01 6.730.31 0.04 101.24
F3 401.331.53 5.240.01 6.930.21 0.03 100.32
F4 402.67 1.53 5.230.02 6.500.50 0.09 100.87
F5 401.002.65 5.200.02 7.030.035 0.02 98.87
F6 401.002.00 5.230.01 7.330.21 0.04 100.05
F7 400.671.53 5.200.02 7.100.20 0.03 98.99
F8 403.002.00 5.170.02 6.800.44 0.08 100.64
F9 401.332.08 50140.01 6.500.17 0.06 99.45
F10 399.002.00 50160.01 6.500.17 0.05 98.56
Table 4. Cumulative % Drug release of all formulations
Formulations Time in Hours (Cumulative % Drug Release)
1 3 6 12 24
F1 2.94 5.88 9.77 27.12 34.2
F2 5.88 19.55 30.16 88.58 100.2
F3 3.89 9059 14.4 22.9 39.9
F4 3.64 11.27 18.23 27.46 52.46
F5 3.79 10.62 19.45 29.75 79.38
F6 4.85 18.54 33.57 53.72 86.39
F7 6.623 22.08 38.348 61.51 100.0
F8 9.46 31.44 48.05 73.18 101.1
F9 3.87 3.46 13.55 26.66 37.22
F10 3.34 7.45 11.76 24.43 35.94
Release Kinetics
Table 5. Kinetic values obtained from In vitro released data of formulation F1-F10
Zero order First Order
Higuchi Peppas model Hixson crowell
Formulation Release release
K R k R k r n R K R
F1 1.482 0.927 -0.511 0.923 7.66 0.924 0.824 0.968 -0.494 0.927
F2 4.451 0.884 -0.742 0.801 23.32 0.905 0.933 0.968 -1.483 0.884
F3 1.548 0.979 -0.503 0.532 7.98 0.973 0.710 0.997 -0.516 0.979
F4 2.108 0.987 -0.512 0.561 10.71 0.951 0.812 0.989 -0.702 0.987
F5 3.189 0.981 -0.517 0.573 15.49 0.864 0.917 0.987 -1.063 0.981
F6 3.553 0.971 -0.572 0.736 18.38 0.971 0.895 0.978 -1.184 0.971
F7 4.085 0.974 -0.593 0.795 21.12 0.972 0.844 0.985 -1.361 0.974
F8 4.061 0.919 -0.635 0.891 21.79 0.988 0.735 0.965 -1.353 0.919
F9 1.537 0.954 -0.509 0.546 8.02 0.971 0.732 0.994 -0.512 0.954
F10 1.490 0.0969 -0.506 0.534 7.68 0.961 0.765 0.993 0.497 0.969

Stability studies
Table 6. Formulation F8 Stored at room temperature (25°c ± 2°c & 60% RH)
Drug Content Cum% Drug
Formulation Tested after days Hardness Kp Friability (%)
(%) Released
F8 15 6.8 0.08 99.92 100.65
F8 30 6.8 0.06 99.22 99.84

Brahmaiah Bonthagarala. et al. / Singapore Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2014;1(1):1-7.

Table 7. Formulation F8 stored at temperature (40°c ± 2°c & 75% RH)

Drug Content Cum% Drug
Formulation Tested after days Hardness Kp Friability (%)
(%) Released
F8 15 6.6 0.07 100.42 101.77
F8 30 6.6 0.09 99.62 99.84

Table 8. Formulation F8 stored at temperature (2-8°c)

Hardness Friability Drug Content Cum% Drug
Formulation Tested after days
Kp (%) (%) Released
F8 15 6.8 0.06 98.92 97.65
F8 30 7.0 0.07 97.22 98.57

Fig 1. Dissolution Profile for all formulations

Ozcarbazepine sustained release matrix tablets (for tablet weight approx. 404 mg). The average percentage
were successfully formulated by using HPMC E 50LV & (%) drug content was also found within the USP limit and
EUDRAGIT RSPO polymers U.V. Scanning of shows the effectiveness of the mixing procedure. From the
Ozcarbazepine was performed and the λmax at 285.4 was in vitro studies, it was observed that with increasing the
found to be the most appropriate for the determination of concentration of Eudragit RSPO, the rate and extent of drug
concentration of unknown samples. Standard curve of release from the tablet decreases. This was due to the fact
Ozcarbazepine was prepared at λmax 285.4 nm and the that Eudragit RSPO is an insoluble polymer and showed
regression value was found to be 0.999. The tablets of low permeability. From in vitro studies, it was also
various formulations of Ozcarbazepine were prepared and observed that with increasing the concentration of HPMC
the tablet hardness was found to be in range of 6.5 to7.3 E50LV the rate and extent of drug release form the tablets
Kp. The average weight of the prepared tablets of various not much more effect. This is because HPMC E50LV is a
formulations was found to be within the USP limit i.e. ± 5% low viscosity polymer.

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