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Carlton Cooke, PhD

Leeds Metropolitan University
Dave Bunting, MBE
My Peak Potential
John O’Hara, PhD
Leeds Metropolitan University


Human Kinetics
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Mountaineering : training and preparation / Carlton Cooke, Dave Bunting, and John O’Hara, editors.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7360-8469-7 (soft cover)
ISBN-10: 0-7360-8469-X (soft cover)
1. Mountaineering. 2. Mountaineering--Training. 3. Mountaineering--Psychological aspects. I. Cooke, Carlton, 1958- II. Bunting,
Dave, 1968- III. O’Hara, John, 1976-
GV200.M687 2010
ISBN-10: 0-7360-8469-X (print)
ISBN-13: 978-0-7360-8469-7 (print)
Copyright © 2010 by Carlton Cooke, Dave Bunting, and John O’Hara
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Preface  vi
Acknowledgments  ix
Credits  xi
Introduction: From Derbyshire to Everest  1

Part I
Planning and Team Selection

Chapte r 1
Logistics and Planning . . . . . . . . . . 19
Chapte r 2
Team Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Chapte r 3
Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Chapte r 4
Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Chapte r 5
First Aid, Travel, and Acclimatisation . . 87

Part II
Conditioning and Nutrition
for Expeditions

Chapte r 6
Fitness and Training . . . . . . . . . . . 113

▪ iv ▪
Chapte r 7
Endurance Training . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Chapte r 8
Strength and Power Training . . . . . . 149
Chapte r 9
Nutrition for Training . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Chapte r 10
Nutrition for Expeditions . . . . . . . . . 199

Part III
Expedition Leadership
and Psychology

Chapte r 11
Skills in the Outdoors . . . . . . . . . . 217
Chapte r 12
Resilience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Chapte r 13
Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Glossary  263
References  265
About the Editors  271
About the Contributors  273

▪ v ▪

Many people enjoy being in the outdoors moun- ters focus on selection of teams and equipment,
taineering and spending time with friends and extreme preparation for extreme expeditions,
fellow enthusiasts. It could be a simple weekend logistics and planning, and first aid. Regardless
trip or a major expedition lasting months. Motives of the scale of your expeditions, you will have
will vary: rest and relaxation, physical and mental a unique insight into how the experts do it and
well-being, escape from busy work schedules, or what lessons you can apply based on their con-
achievement of goals. Much has been written siderable experience.
about mountaineers all over the world, ranging Part II presents the aspects of physical training
from success stories of climbing new summits to required for success in mountaineering: endur-
detailed accounts of peril and tragedy. However, ance, strength and power, and acclimatisation.
what is not so well documented are the principles, Training can be effective only if you are mind-
processes, methods, and experiences of training ful of your nutrition habits and other lifestyle
and preparing for mountaineering expeditions. habits such as rest and recovery. Chapters 9 and
With Mountaineering: Training and Preparation, 10 cover the specifics of nutrition to help you
whether you are a recreational participant or a achieve effective outcomes in training and expe-
seasoned mountaineer, you will find much that ditions; those chapters also give consideration
will interest and inform you on what goes into to general health and well-being.
devising, planning, preparing for, training for, Part III covers aspects of psychological skills
experiencing, and returning from expeditions of training and leadership. These skills are essential
any length or complexity. when preparing for and coping with various
In this book, the two main areas of focus are situations in extreme environments.
undertaking physical and mental training and The contributing writers bring a breadth and
preparing well so that you have a safe, enjoyable, depth of experience and expertise to this book.
and successful expedition. Strong emphasis is Included are some of the very best professionals
placed on accepting that even the best-laid plans in mountaineering and sport and exercise sci-
can fall by the wayside when conditions and ence; they have lifetimes of experience participat-
events dictate, but it is still possible to predict ing in, leading, and collecting data from some
and prepare for those situations. Throughout the of the most demanding expeditions to remote
book, but particularly in chapter 3 on extreme locations around the globe. The contributors
preparation, you’ll also find advice on training formed a special partnership on the British
and preparing for pioneering expeditions, which Army Everest West Ridge Expedition (EWR) in
are reserved for only the most serious, commit- 2006. All of the authors either were major play-
ted, and experienced mountaineers, not weekend ers in the main expedition team or were part of
enthusiasts. the group of sport and exercise scientists from
You can use the book in various ways. You can Leeds Metropolitan University who provided
read the entire book to cover the full breadth support in the two and a half years leading up to
of material in order to prepare and train for the expedition, throughout the expedition, and
mountaineering expeditions, or you can refer after the team’s return from the expedition. This
to specific chapters that cover aspects that are of book contains many insights, lessons, stories,
particular relevance to you in your preparation and anecdotes from the EWR 2006 expedition
or training for expeditions. as well as from many other ventures of the team
Part I of Mountaineering: Training and Prepara- members. The details of planning, preparation,
tion contains a wealth of insights on the numer- and training of mountaineers have never been
ous aspects of planning for expeditions. Chap- presented in this way before.

▪ vi ▪
preface  ▪  vii

Whether you are new to mountaineering efits to be gained from sharing the experiences
expeditions, a recreational enthusiast, or an and expertise of other seasoned campaigners.
experienced campaigner, you should benefit Whether it is in specific aspects of preparation or
from this book. For those starting to plan their training, there will be great insight to be gained
first expeditions the book provides a blueprint from the combined experience and expertise of
for effective training and preparation. The recre- the team of mountaineers and sports scientists
ational enthusiast will find a wealth of detailed who have authored the various specialist chap-
information on specific aspects of training ters of this book to provide a complete guide to
and preparation for mountaineering that they preparation and training for mountaineering
weren't able to access previously. Finally, all expeditions.
serious mountaineers acknowledge the ben-
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First, we are grateful to the participating authors comments, anecdotes, and quotations to the
for their contributions and the hard work, book. We would also like to acknowledge the
patience, and understanding that they have support from Leeds Metropolitan University
displayed throughout the production of this for the Everest West Ridge 2006 expedition and
book. We would also like to acknowledge the all the staff and students of the University that
contributions of Jamie Harley and Bengamin contributed to the partnership, without which
Taylor for the production of the glossary and this text could not have been produced. Finally,
research in support of the sports science chapters we would like to express our thanks to Human
and Dr. Nick Monastiriotis (ASCC, UUA) for Kinetics for their support and hard work in the
his valuable comments and suggestions on the production of this book.
Endurance Training chapter. We are also in debt
to all members of the Everest West Ridge 2006 Carlton Cooke, Dave Bunting,
expedition who have contributed photographs, and John O’Hara

▪ ix ▪
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Table 4.1 Table courtesy of Summit Oxygen Essentials of strength training and conditioning,
International Ltd. ( 2nd ed., edited by T.R. Baechle and R.W. Earle
Figure 5.3 Adapted from the algorithms for the (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 395-426.
Resuscitation Guidelines 2005. [Online]. Avail- Table 9.2 Reprinted, by permission, from Com-
able: mittee on Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition
htm [August 18, 2009]. Used with permission Policy (COMA), 1991, Dietary reference values
from the Resuscitation Council UK. for food energy & nutrients for the United Kingdom
Table 5.4 Adapted from Clinics in Sports Medicine (London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office).
24(2), T. Reilly, J. Waterhouse, and B. Edwards, Reproduced under the terms of the Click-Use
“Jet lag and air travel: Implications for perfor- Licence. Data for 60-74 year olds from B. Thomas
mance,” 367-380, copyright 2005, with permis- and J. Bishop, 2007, Manual of dietetic practice,
sion from Elsevier. 4th ed. (Oxford, UK: Blackwell), 858.
Figure 6.1 Adapted, by permission, from M. Table 9.3 Reprinted, by permission, from Com-
Burtscher, M. Flatz, and M. Faulhaber, 2004, mittee on Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition
“Prediction of susceptibility to acute moun- Policy (COMA), 1991, Dietary reference values
tain sickness by SaO2 values during short-term for food energy & nutrients for the United Kingdom
exposure to hypoxia,” High Altitude Medicine & (London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office).
Biology 5(3): 335-340. The publisher for this Reproduced under the terms of the Click-Use
copyrighted material is Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Licence.
publishers. Table 10.2 Source:
Table 8.1 Adapted from T.R. Baechle, R.W. Earle, com/nutrition_complan_original.php.
and D. Wathen, 2000, Resistance training. In

▪ xi ▪
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From Derbyshire to Everest
Dave Bunting

The British Isles are a haven for adventure, offer- Cadets as teenagers. This opened our eyes to a
ing some of the most exciting and challenging wider world of experiences, including the Duke
mountains available. I was lucky enough to grow of Edinburgh award scheme and other exciting
up in the Derbyshire countryside, running wild ventures around the country and sometimes fur-
and looking for the most exhilarating challenges ther afield. Our teenage years became filled with
to pass my time. I was part of a country family a variety of outdoor challenges, which further
where getting dirty, cold, and wet were the norm exposed me to the excitement of the outdoors.
for what was a fabulous upbringing, but with I became hugely inspired by the hills, and my
three brothers to compete against, nothing came first real mountain experience came when I was
without a good battle. Country life was an awe- lucky enough to go to Scotland with the Cadets
some adventure, especially with my best mate and found myself in the Cairngorms. Although
Leigh, but we both wanted something more and only skiing on piste, the trip allowed me to
thought it might be exciting to join the Army experience the winter mountains, see how harsh
conditions could be, and deal with the intricacies
of keeping warm and motivated in this environ-
ment. My experiences as a schoolboy remained
relatively tame in the grand scale of things, but
I had a desire even at that time for experienc-
ing new places and challenges, especially when
some excitement and danger were involved.

Taking Every
I know so many people who regret not taking up
mountaineering and climbing earlier in life. It’s
never too late, but if you can start early and grasp
every opportunity available to enhance your all-
round experience, there is a huge amount to do
in the outdoors. I was lucky enough to join the
Army Cadets, which opened my eyes and led to
me joining the army full time, following in the
footsteps of both my father and grandfather. I
was only 16 when I signed up, and each leave
period I would return to Derbyshire and often
go walking with my older cousin, Ant. He intro-
duced me to the bigger hills of Derbyshire and
taught me how to navigate and prepare myself
for the hills, inspiring me to become more
Dave Bunting scrambling in North Wales. involved in the outdoors.

▪ 1 ▪
2  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

I was well suited to the routine of army life schoolboy on the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award,
and revelled in the physical training, discipline, I thought it would be sensible to take the next
and competitiveness required to survive each step. The Pennine Way or any of the other U.K.
day. I have many great memories from my train- long-distance paths offered a chance to cut my
ing, but a week of leadership training in the teeth on some of the skills required to under-
mountains of North Wales was my favourite. take longer physical challenges. Dealing with
Focussed on character building and teamwork, the organisation and day-to-day difficulties on
the 2 weeks of climbing, canoeing, and hill such journeys offered a firm grounding for the
walking were magnificent, and climbing Moel bigger expeditions that would follow in the
Siabod was the highlight for me. The steep climb, future, from the requirements for planning and
physical effort, and last 30 minutes in thick mist training before departure to the way you take
all added to the adventure. care of yourself and adjust your plan each day to
For a time, another outdoor activity became the prevailing conditions during the journey. My
my passion. Kayaking was my priority, and like experience on the 12 days and 435 kilometres
the hills, it offered tough challenges and adven- (270 miles) of the Pennine Way laid a founda-
ture, although I leaned towards the long-distance tion and gave me the desire to achieve something
events, which probably further instilled my love more demanding.
for endurance and long-term commitment over When you spend enough time in the out-
speed and sprinting. doors, you will thoroughly test yourself, some-
I started to improve my outdoor expertise by times in situations you didn’t mean to get into,
doing more walking in my own time. I became and some of these lessons may be painful. On
more proficient with the techniques required my home turf in 1988, I learned some hard les-
to be in the mountains and took confidence sons that would help shape my future and teach
in my performance. Annual adventurous train- me to respect how serious accidents can be in the
ing with my regiment became my next focus. I outdoors. My climbing ability and strength far
loved all of the activities from skiing to winter outweighed my technique at that time. Whilst
mountaineering, and even though I had spent climbing, I took a rest on a poorly placed piece
most of the year kayaking, now climbing and of protection. It popped and I plummeted to
the mountains were beginning to captivate me. the rocks below, landing on my feet and break-
Inspired by my friend, Taff Rees, I was encour- ing my ankle in two places, as well as damag-
aged to push myself and realised that I might ing various joints. My lesson was a realisation
have found something to which I was really of how difficult it can be to extricate a casualty
suited. On my first trip to the sea cliffs of Scot- in the outdoors even from a location relatively
land, I realised that I could excel with climbing, close to a road.
and I managed to tick off all of the challenges Thankfully, this accident did not deter me
I was set by Taff. He became a role model for and in 1989 my climbing really started to take
me: capable, knowledgeable, and at the same off. Along with my close mate Chris Collett, I
time inspiring to be around. He also had an air ventured to North Wales and also pushed the
of confidence about him and a fantastic way of grades on the limestone outcrops of Europe.
encouraging people with his style of leadership. These mini-holidays were great for my devel-
It was during this time that I started to experience opment and were one of the most memorable
the adrenaline buzz and satisfaction from being times of my life, pushing limits, building trust,
scared and overcoming that fear, putting myself and above all just having great fun.
in the face of danger but being able to handle it. Experience in the outdoors is essential and
progression is built on it; however, there is
Gaining Experience huge value in formalising your knowledge and
gaining qualifications to confirm your ability.
I am a believer in taking on things progres- I had spent time self-teaching, reading books,
sively rather than running before you can walk, and then going out to practise. The downside
and following short weekend expeditions as a of this approach is that it can end in accidents
introduction: from derbyshire to everest  ▪  3

and offers you no confirmation of whether you I plodded on, playing down how bad I really
are doing the right thing. I was lucky enough felt, and by the time we reached our next camp
to attend my first structured training courses at over 5,000 metres (16,405 ft), I was unable
through the army and headed off to Norway to to hide my discomfort. We did not know that
fill a vacant slot on an alpine mountaineering I should have gone back down immediately,
course. The course provided me with an excel- and it turned out to be the worst night of my
lent introduction to the skills that I required to life as severe acute mountain sickness (AMS)
fill the gap between the climbing and moun- kicked in: Nausea, vomiting, rejection of any
taineering. food or drink, diarrhoea, and my continuing
Years later I was posted to instruct in the Joint headaches collapsed my confidence and made
Service Mountain Training Centre (JSMTC), for a debilitating night. My tent partners were
where I could consolidate my skills, and com- brilliant but with the ensuing heavy storm, fre-
bined with activity delivery, I was starting to quent trips outside to be sick and go to the toilet
understand the bigger picture. Risk assessment, in a whiteout couldn’t be shared with anyone
programme development, and decision making and I felt very lonely.
all helped me to become a more rounded out- The next morning it was clear I had to go
doorsman. My enthusiasm for climbing led me down, and my trusted friend Chris volunteered
to being selected to complete a course attached to accompany me even though he could have
to the German Army Mountain Troops, where continued upwards. His completely unselfish
after a year of varied and arduous training I approach to it all was simply superb and it was
became a German Army Mountain Guide. an amazing lesson for me in descent—with each
step I took down the mountain I began to feel
better. Three hours later I was scoffing a big pile
My First Real of food, feeling much better and totally relieved.
Expedition The team was sadly kept from the summit by
severe snow. Thankfully, once everyone was
My course in Norway led to greater opportunity
when I was invited to take part in a Himalayan
expedition to Pisang Peak. The scary thing about
that trip was that because of my technical climb-
ing ability, the leader had chosen me to be the
climbing leader, putting me in charge of the
technical climbing even though my experience
on snow and ice was limited to a little in Scot-
land and my Norway course. On reflection it was
horrendous that I was in charge of this important
area of decision making with no experience of
altitude. Clueless about acclimatising but a fit
hill walker, I set a swift pace and on occasion
arrived at our destination well ahead of others,
not rehydrating as I should and not setting an
appropriately steady pace for acclimatising.
Inevitably, as we got to higher altitudes I began
to suffer, and on the side of our mountain at
around 4,200 metres (13,780 ft) I was feeling
Once we settled into camp I felt a little better,
but by the morning my headache was painful.
Dave Bunting and brother, Andy, on the summit of Island
With no knowledge and only foolish determi- Peak (6,200 m [20,340 ft]) with Makalu in the background,
nation, I elected to head up with everyone else. 1997.
4  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

safely off the mountain, the expedition had to some respect amongst other military climbers.
proceed over the high Thorong Pass and onto It was a place people aspired to visit and at a
Pokhara, so I was able to test my ability at alti- young age I had been lucky enough to already
tude once again and all went well. have that tick in the box.
The Pisang Peak episode was enough to With these experiences behind me, I headed
put me off for life, but thankfully it didn’t. I back to Pisang Peak on what I saw as a personal
look back at it as one of my greatest lessons. rerun to prove to myself that I could operate
Since then I have ensured that my pace on the effectively in this harsh environment. This time
approach march to high altitude has been slow I was team medic, which felt a little less impos-
and enjoyable, and I usually aim to be the last to ing than climbing leader, but nevertheless this
get to our destination each day. Education in the was still in at the deep end and I learned many
risks, preparation before departure, and sound lessons about organisation and care of team
judgement whilst on expedition are fundamen- members on expeditions. The whole experi-
tal to the success and safe return of the team. ence could not have been better. After a paced
My motivation was undeterred by this expe- approach, enjoying the surroundings, we arrived
dition, and I wanted to learn more and achieve at the mountain in top condition. I was teamed
something significant on these fabulous moun- up with Chris again and a friend named Pete,
tains. My pride had been dinted, especially and everything went swimmingly well right up
when one of the older members of the team had until a rope length below the summit. Pete was
walked past me as I lay suffering; I did not want much more experienced on ice than both Chris
this to happen again. Thankfully there was so and I, and he led out the relatively steep final ice
much more to the expedition than my 48 hours pitch as Chris and I belayed him from a small
of hell on the mountain, and I was able to focus ice step only centimetres wide. The poor ice
on the positive rather than negative elements of conditions did not allow us to secure ourselves,
my experience. and as Pete ran out the rope with no protection,
This first expedition was enough for me to we both became more concerned about our
realise that bigger expeditions were much more position and what might happen were he to
interesting and complex with so many more ele- fall. We prepared ourselves to unclip, knowing
ments to consider. The bigger expeditions leave we would have absolutely no chance of arrest.
far less room for poor preparation, which at best Thankfully he didn’t, and we all stood proudly
will cause you to suffer memorably and at worst on the summit with our ice axes held high in
risks serious injury or loss of life. In contrast, celebration. It was an amazing moment and
short day or weekend excursions can often be my ghosts had been laid to rest. In 1990 I had
poorly planned and prepared but your survival been so far out of my comfort zone, but now I
will rarely be at risk. I now wanted another trip felt confident and strong and I wanted more.
to the Himalayas, and this time I wanted to do This was not the only memorable part of the
things right. expedition; we then chose to cross the more
remote Tilicho Pass to link over to the opposite
side of the Annapurna Circuit. This offered a
Getting It Right superb 4-day unsupported challenge as the
Less than 2 years after my first Himalayan expe- Sherpas crossed the easier Thorong Pass with
dition, an opportunity came up to go back to the heavier equipment, leaving us to fend for
Pisang Peak and I jumped at it, thinking there ourselves. This may have been the first time I
would be no better trial than to attempt the trod somewhere only a handful of people had
same mountain armed with all I had learned been before, and I loved the seriousness of our
during and since my first attempt. Since my 1990 situation and the hostile landscape with no one
experience, I had climbed in Central Europe else around to help. We had little information
and Yosemite, been to the Alps for glacier and about the pass apart from some details in Chris
ice experiences, and worked as an instructor in Bonington’s I Chose to Climb (1985), and we had
Norway. One thing I noticed during this time to deal with problems as they arose, including
was that my first Himalayan trip had gained me remote camping, climbing a dangerous gully,
introduction: from derbyshire to everest  ▪  5

and a full-day diversion to avoid a semifrozen On return to Europe in 1997, we immediately

lake. Another hard and memorable personal began planning the next trip. The Pumori trip
lesson came when I tried to jump a frozen stream was pulled together very quickly, in just 12
and my leg went through the ice! Escaping with months, and it was during that time that I met
painkillers and anti-inflammatory tablets rather one of my greatest personal inspirations, John
than snapping my leg, which could easily have Doyle. He had been posted to the British Alpine
happened from my launch from what I thought Centre in Bavaria, where I worked, to prepare
was solid ice, is a lesson I often reflect on. Such for the next German Army course. John had
a remote and high helicopter rescue would not already completed the impressive Cassin Ridge
have been possible from this location and a on McKinley as well as Gasherbrum 1, the 11th
long carry evacuation by my team would have highest peak, without oxygen. I revelled in his
certainly cut down on my list of friends. This stories about the bigger peaks, wondering what
lesson taught me that before doing anything in it must be like to go to these mountains. John
the mountains, you must always consider the was very different to the majority of other people
consequences for everyone if it goes wrong. I had met, focussed and strong but also quiet
and understated. John was highly respected in
Learning How mountaineering circles, and within the Army
Mountaineering Association he had already
to Organise an reached legendary status.
Expedition I felt I could learn from him, and so when he
joined our Pumori expedition we were delighted
Around 1996 I was planning a small venture to and departed with a very capable team. Pumori
Island Peak and we were joined at the last stages
of preparation by my brother, Andy, whom we
invited along for the travel experience. This
expedition still stands today as one my favou-
rite trips, a small uncomplicated team, loads of
laughter, and above all standing on the summit
with Andy and a climbing friend called Ewen
was such a satisfying experience. Taking care of
Andy made me feel more confident with both
my mountaineering skills and leadership ability.
It soon became apparent from these early
experiences that success was all about prepara-
tion and planning. If you do all the preparation
properly, the expedition will run smoothly; if
you neglect your preparation and are lazy before
departure, it will result in inescapable discomfort
and frustration. A massive investment of energy
in the preparation and planning stages will
provide for a much more enjoyable experience
on the expedition itself, something I have been
aware of since my early outdoor experiences.

A Tougher
During the Island Peak trip we had not only
viewed the stunning slopes of Mount Ever-
est, but we had also spotted an inspiring peak
called Mount Pumori (7,165 m, or 23,505 ft). Pumori Base Camp with Everest in the background, 1998.
6  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

John Doyle and Dave Bunting at Camp 1 on Pumori, 1998.

is impressive and serious with no easy routes. It calls. After some good progress leading out the
turned out to be a great trip for many reasons, route by a variety of team members, John and I
a key one being that we took the right people, were now the two lead climbers. The team had
which is ultimately the foundation for any great established Camp 3 on a promontory at around
expedition. 6,300 metres (20,670 ft), where we had chiselled
Climbing each day on relatively technical out a small exposed step in the snow to place our
ground with a clear view up Everest was mind- tent. We settled in, admired our route above, and
blowing, and the pull to be on those infamous picked out the line we would be taking.
slopes began to build in me. Being so close to Suddenly there was a huge noise from above
so much history, disaster, and triumph stirred and we looked in horror as a huge ice serac
my desire. It was like being in a bubble with his- peeled away from the summit ridge and began
tory being made around me; there were stories to avalanche down the mountain. As it hit the
developing over my shoulder on the slopes of open reentrant way above our camp, it was redi-
Everest that would make up the front covers of rected and steered onto a track heading straight
British climbing magazines in weeks to come. for our position. We both looked on, frozen by
Strangely, I remember at that point that I did what we were witnessing. The only thing to do
not have the immediate desire to stand on the was get down behind the pathetic 1.2-metre
summit of Everest, just its slopes. Maybe the (4 ft) wall that had been carved out during the
poor performance on my first trip had knocked placement of our tent and hope it would offer
my confidence to perform, but I certainly wanted some protection from this growing mass of snow
to be part of a team to climb the mountain. and ice. We watched the approaching avalanche
On Pumori, the climbing was considerably in slow motion and 50 metres (55 yd) from our
more dangerous than on previous expeditions position, behind the only pathetic protection
and it was here that I had one of my closest we could use, the mass of debris hit a mound
introduction: from derbyshire to everest  ▪  7

John Doyle and Keith Jenns climbing to Camp 2 at 6,200 metres (20,340 ft) on Pumori, 1998.

of ground and dissipated down either side of impossible at that altitude on that part of the
the promontory, leaving a large cloud of ice route.
particles to completely engulf our camp but do John and I discussed the realities of our situa-
no damage. I remember just looking at John, tion, including the length of exposure we would
kneeling calmly with me behind this wall, clearly have in the danger zone at 6,300 to 7,000 metres
not convinced that it would protect us, but what (20,670-22,965 ft). We would be moving excep-
could we do? It was one of the only times in my tionally slowly; something was bound to come
life that I genuinely thought for a split second our way. Everything we knew and had learned
that we were going to die. during our time in the mountains said to turn
As the afternoon progressed, smaller ava- back, but after all the effort to get up there,
lanches continued to break free with the warm the money, the sponsorship, and the desire to
conditions, but having seen such a big one have summit, it was not an easy choice. Desire could
little impact on us, we felt protected. The route not overcome the stark reality, however, and on
above, however, was not protected and our line the morning radio call I announced our decision
of ascent to the next camp headed directly up to turn back. The expedition leader understood,
the barrel of the gun down which anything having witnessed the previous day’s activities,
from above would be forced. We observed the and the attempt was abandoned.
terrain but settled down for the night, knowing It was a thought-provoking experience for me
that there was little option than to be exposed and one that could have easily resulted in the
to huge danger if we wanted to make the ascent. wrong decision. It was also a lesson in analys-
By daylight, having listened to the frequency of ing risk and I was happy with our performance.
avalanche, I was convinced that with such warm As we stood looking at the mountain from a
conditions any progress was going to be hit by distance, having already packed up Base Camp,
something, and escape from its path would be something happened that was almost meant to
8  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

be. An even bigger avalanche swept down the something special, and with his sense of humour
mountainside, taking the line straight through and down-to-earth style he soon had the team
our route and camps. The right decision had hanging on every word.
been made! Mount Pumori remains one of the In the interim, in 1999 I became part of a
deadliest mountains, predominantly due to the huge expedition to take 180 army personnel to
avalanche risks in the same area where we had the Himalayas to climb the 18 so-called trekking
our incident. In 2001, five young Spanish climb- peaks. The name gave no clue to the difficulty; I
ers were killed just above the site of our incident, was signed up for the technically hardest peak,
and by 2005, 472 climbers had summited the set in the Everest region—Kusum Kanguru, just
mountain with 42 deaths, 13 of those after sum- over 6,300 metres (20,670 ft). The leader of my
miting—statistics that are far worse than those team was Dave Wilson and I took on the role
on Mount Everest. of climbing leader. The expedition was bril-
liant, and sadly we were denied the summit by
atrocious snow conditions that sent a wave of
The Next Level: extreme storms across the Himalayas, killing a
An 8,000-Metre Peak number of people and stranding others in base
camps and villages. The experience on Kusum
During 1998, the next big British Services 8,000- Kanguru added to my all-round confidence for
metre (26,245 ft) trip was being organised to Kanchenjunga, although I was quite nervous but
Kanchenjunga, the world’s third highest peak, also immensely excited about this expedition.
and John was already in the frame for selection For the first few weeks of the expedition I felt
after his performance on the 1996 Gasherbrum strong, reaching Camp 1 quickly, carrying loads
trip. The leader of this next trip, Steve Jackson, and with plenty of strength to spare. With my
had been with John in 1996 and had seen his three climbing team partners, we then worked
impressive contribution firsthand, and he knew up to Camp 2 at 6,800 metres (22,310 ft), where
John’s involvement would be key. John encour- we stayed for a couple of nights acclimatising
aged me to attend the selection weekend and at and did a short carry before returning to Base
the same time, unbeknownst to me, spoke to Camp. Back at Base Camp we needed a rest, but
Steve about my inclusion. John’s recommenda- in the night I woke with a crippling headache.
tion had worked; Steve liked me and the route I have never had anything like it in my life. I
was set for my biggest challenge yet. couldn’t move with the excruciating pain until
The training for this trip was different. The it came light enough to find some paracetamol.
members were already highly experienced with When I got up it became clear there was some-
Alpine and Himalayan routes to their names, thing wrong with my eye, and as I looked down
and the training focus was never on pushing the valley I could only see a distorted image.
limits. A great atmosphere was created, and Using an ophthalmoscope, the doctor soon
meets focussed on the team, getting to know discovered that I had a severe retinal haemor-
each other, and making sure we would get on rhage. He made it clear that going back up the
when the chips were down. This mindset was mountain carried a risk of it getting worse. This
developed by Steve, who was a fabulous char- was incredibly upsetting; my chances of achiev-
acter, and I could see why he was the man for ing much beyond what I already had were over.
the job. When I first met him, I did not know However, I did not want to damage my eyes, so
what to expect but probably had an image of a I took the commonsense decision and withdrew
towering physical specimen who was going to from the climbing teams. There was still a lot
drag us to the top of this mighty peak. Quite to keep me occupied as I assisted Steve at Base
the opposite transpired as the 152-centimetre Camp and kept involved with progress. Back
(5 ft), rosy-cheeked, slightly overweight bloke home the doctors confirmed a double retinal
from Mansfield appeared. His intention was to haemorrhage on my macula, so I was content
organise, direct, and inspire the team to achieve with my decision.
introduction: from derbyshire to everest  ▪  9

Dave Bunting and John Doyle at Camp 1 on Kanchenjunga with Jannu in the background, 2000.

The climbing teams went on to set up higher

camps and eventually, after an unbelievable
effort, John, Ady Cole, a Royal Marine climber,
and two of our Sherpas reached the 8,586-metre
(28,170 ft) summit. At Base Camp I stood next
to our leader, Steve, as the climbers spoke from
the summit, and it was an incredibly proud
moment I will never forget. I was captured
by the whole experience and inspired by the
people around me. One big lesson was learned
here as Ady pulled off an incredible achieve-
ment. Although a talented and physically strong
person, he had never been to altitude—he hadn’t
even done Mont Blanc in the Alps—yet here he
was standing aloft the third highest mountain
on earth without oxygen. This was a lesson that
strong character and determination are key to
overcoming adversity, but also I had seen John’s
experience and confidence help carry Ady for-
ward to success. The seed was planted, and after
Kanchenjunga I decided I wanted to organise Nima Sherpa, Ady Cole, and John Doyle on the summit of
and lead a big expedition myself. Kanchenjunga (8,586 metres [28,170 ft]), 2000.
10  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Filling in the Gaps Mount Everest. Getting John Doyle involved

was key, and with our combined qualities I
I felt there were still skills I needed to learn as a felt confident we could gain both support and
leader, so I decided to organise a smaller expe- interest. John’s high-altitude and hard-climbing
dition with novices to the Annapurna area of background and my expedition background and
the Himalayas. My childhood best mate Leigh mountain centre experience combined to create
set up the trip. I was the climbing leader and quality training and a realistic leadership team
the experienced member of the team making for the mountain.
the decisions on the ground. This experience Gaining support from my best mate Leigh
was outstanding and proved to me that I both further bolstered the plan. Leigh was a trusted
enjoyed the planning and preparation elements friend, and during the 2002 trip to Chulu West
but also took huge satisfaction from introducing he had proved to be a great expedition team
novices to life-changing mountain experiences. member. I became heavily focussed on produc-
My confidence was growing to commit to my ing a project that could not fail to inspire and
own big challenge; all I needed to do was decide interest, and whereas it was my idea to head for
on what, where, and when. Everest, John’s interest in the West Ridge would
cause a stir. I realised, however, that there would
My Big Chance: need to be more in this project to encourage
Everest West Ridge sponsors, and we wanted it to be something
that was both groundbreaking and historical.
The answer fell on my lap when in 2003 a good I pushed for the inclusion of some less expe-
friend of mine, Dave Pearce, reached the summit rienced mountaineers and the involvement of
of Everest as part of a Royal Navy expedition. both youngsters and women in the project. This
This was enough to send me into action. Over- decision was one of the best I made. It gained us
night I finalised my thoughts of the idea that had unrivalled support from all areas and made for
been brewing since 2000 and, approaching my a fabulous project that would cover all angles
boss, I announced that I intended to organise an and involve a junior and development team in
Army Mountaineering Association trip to scale addition to the main team on Everest itself.

Dave and Leigh on the Thorong Pass, Annapurna Circuit, during the Chulu West expedition, 2002.
introduction: from derbyshire to everest  ▪  11

The junior team would be aimed at teenage a superb opportunity to test myself again as I
recruits led by experienced mountain leaders. So took up the role of deputy leader and climbing
long as the team members were kept safe, their leader with a friend from the Kanchenjunga
experience was going to be unrivalled during expedition as the expedition leader. Colin and
their young lives. I wanted them to experience I worked well together, and in this important
the wonders of Nepal and the Himalayas and decision-making role I took advantage of view-
give them a flavour of expedition mountaineer- ing the big picture, in addition to being involved
ing and trekking. in front-end climbing.
I saw the development team as the next gen- The experience was invaluable, and although
eration of high-altitude mountaineers and lead- we had to turn back at 7,300 metres (23,950
ers who could take the place of the experienced ft) due to running out of time after prolonged
climbers in the future. Their main aims would extreme bad weather, I still gained much from
be to have an expedition experience, learn the the expedition. My confidence was boosted
intricacies of planning, and gain some extreme because I felt comfortable at our highest point,
altitude experience by standing on top of a and my excitement for Everest was now unstop-
7,000-metre (22,965 ft) peak, giving them the pable. The biggest disappointment was that I
confidence to go further in future expeditions. believe we could have completed the route; a
Six months after the idea had begun, I gained French team who joined us did so only days
the full support of the Army Mountaineering after we left. We were going as strongly as they
Association, which was awesome and boosted were and had we been able to stay a little longer,
my confidence hugely. I was keen to quickly I think the summit would have been within our
recruit real help and gained confirmation that grasp. The French climbers were great and they
John could fill the role of climbing leader whilst paid a compliment to us in their national climb-
my Kusum Kanguru partner, Dave, was recruited ing magazine, stating that they could not have
into the deputy leader position. The leadership achieved it without us. Colin’s leadership style
team—along with Leigh, whom I had asked to was very good but also very different from Steve’s
head up the sponsorship and finances—now on Kanchenjunga, and I took lessons from both
had to become salespeople, getting everyone to expeditions with me to Everest.
share our vision. The application for the Everest team involved
In 2004 I was already due to be part of the a CV of background experience in key areas of
Joint Services Makalu expedition that was winter and alpine climbing, as well as expedition
attempting the hugely committing Southeast and high-altitude experience. To gain a feel for
Ridge, which had seen little action, and almost character and determination, the obvious ques-
untrodden ground beckoned our team. This was tion was included: Why do you want to be part of

A panoramic image of Everest West Ridge from above Tilman’s camp.

12  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Dave Bunting and Ian Venables at Camp 1 (5,800 metres [19,030 ft]) on Makalu in 2004.

this expedition? I vetted every single application and included myself and Dave as the leadership
form, of which we received around 160, and team, along with three highly experienced climb-
split people into those who were appropriate for ers from past Everest expeditions. The questions
interviews for either the main or development ranged from ‘How did you start climbing?’ to
team. By this stage I had gained permission for ‘What do you know about the route you are
the development team to be headed by its own signing up to?’ I focussed on what skills each
leadership team of trusted and experienced person might bring to the team, and Dave set
expedition leaders, and although I maintained scenarios to see how the person would react in
overall control, I needed to focus now on the awkward situations. The other panel members
main team selection. focussed on the question of commitment, not
We held two selection weekends to give only of the interviewees but also of their family
everyone the best opportunity to attend and and bosses since this was going to be a 3.5-year
gave a 20-minute interview to everyone who project that would require the highest level of
had applied. I had a strong feeling about how focus and drive to ultimately achieve our task on
I wanted to run the selection weekends, having the mountain. No one was going to get released
been on both sides of the fence in the past. A from daily work, so weekends, evenings, and
friendly and relaxed atmosphere was essential leave periods would be the time commitment to
to uncovering the real person, and from the consider, and over such a long time, this could
outset I tried to be down to earth with everyone put strain on families and relationships. At the
involved. For the process to be enjoyable, it end of the second selection weekend, we found
could not be too intimidating and our questions ourselves with around 38 names, twice that of
had to address what we wanted to know about the team we planned to take with us, but ideal
each person. The panel were carefully compiled for the squad since we expected some drop out.
introduction: from derbyshire to everest  ▪  13

We retained the squad for 8 months, so early

training meets were still part of the selection of
our ultimate team.
Under John’s direction as climbing leader, an
exciting array of training meets was designed,
ranging from the Peak District to the Alps.
Each meet was enjoyable but at the same time
challenged and tested people, uncovering their
strengths and weaknesses and allowing me to
determine their roles for the mountain. We tried
to approach things differently to other expedi-
tions I had been part of, and a professional
standard was set on all training. This style of
preparation was boosted even further when we
began working with Leeds Metropolitan Uni-
versity, which not only offered us a degree of
financial support but also became our closest
expedition partner. Bringing expertise in nutri-
tion, physiology, and psychology, the university
took our training to new levels and became heav-
ily committed to supporting us to reach our goal,
as well as carrying out some valuable research
into new areas for themselves. The partnership

The North Face of Everest at sunset.

was rewarding for all involved and set a new gold

standard for expedition preparation.
During this phase, roles and responsibili-
ties were handed out and I had the chance to
assess each person’s suitability for the project.
In addition, we planned weekends with families
and social events, ensuring a well-bonded and
fully committed team. It was during this phase
that I started to get to know people well and
identify my lieutenants whom I could rely upon
to help maintain direction, offer advice, and
steer the ship in the right direction. This built
a better bond with me and made those people
feel a big part of the decision-making process.
I also canvassed thoughts of all team members
to see whom they enjoyed working with. When
the time came to select my team, the decisions
were not easy. By this time everyone had become
incredibly passionate about the expedition and
Dave Bunting at Camp 1 at 5,800 metres (19,030 ft) on wanted to be included, so the announcement of
Everest. the team was going to be emotional. I phoned
14  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

every member myself once we had made the on the Pennine Way. The long learning period
final decisions, dealing with the disappoint- suited me, allowing my methodical nature to
ments first and then the celebrations. gain the required knowledge, skills, and confi-
With the selection behind me and the high- dence to undertake such a big challenge. I felt
performing team on the start line, a series of fully prepared with a quality team around me,
training and planning meets filled 2005 and and we had placed a large emphasis on picking
early 2006, along with numerous media oppor- the right group of people to face this ultimate
tunities supported by the army, which had come goal.
to recognise that the expedition was something As they say, it’s history now, and as I reflect
quite special. We could not have been given back on this once-in-a-lifetime trip, I have no
more support, and though all team members regrets. We were unable to make the summit
continued their full-time jobs, the encourage- of the mountain and had to retreat with dig-
ment for our expedition was outstanding and nity after the avalanche danger at 8,200 metres
came from all levels of the army, including the (26,900 ft) became so overwhelming that I
very top. refused to allow any of the team members to
We departed on the expedition in March 2006 venture back into the Hornbein Couloir area
and I began the most amazing journey of my life, where the worst danger lay.
leading this superb and highly trained team on a However, I do not look back at this experience
dream route on the highest mountain on earth. as a failure but as a great success. If I were to write
The journey from Derbyshire to Everest had down the positives gained from this expedition,
taken 18 busy years from that first experience the list would be as high as the mountain itself,
whereas the negatives would have only one item
on the list.
For me, it is the quality of the journey that
counts on every single expedition and the return
of each and every team member in good health
to enjoy the memories and be able to share the
experiences with others. My expedition experi-
ences, particularly my 10 trips to the Himalayas,
have created the core of my development in life
and I would not change the outcome of any of
them. Each was a huge learning experience for
the next exciting venture, whether we stood on
the summit or not.

Key Ideas
▸▸ Take every opportunity. Life is made for living,
so don’t let opportunities to gain valuable
experience pass you by.
▸▸ Develop your experience progressively. Too
many people try to run before they can
walk, and this will lead to being easily put
off or to accidents. Building blocks are the
secret to creating a platform to secure your
▸▸ Allow time to prepare and plan. Leave no

Team member arriving back at Camp 2 (6,400 metres stone unturned when planning expedi-
[21,000 ft]) on Everest with the summit in the background. tions. It’s better to train and prepare in the
introduction: from derbyshire to everest  ▪  15

Guy Homan and Paul Chiddle at Everest Camp 5 at 8,000 metres (26,245 ft), waiting to set out for the summit. Both were in
excellent physical and mental shape, but the stress of functioning at this altitude is clear in their faces.

comforts and safety of the preexpedition never allow you to enjoy the possibilities
phase than to try to deal with problems that are at your fingertips.
when you are there. Meticulous, detailed ▸▸ When setting up an expedition, take the time
planning takes time, so start early. to select your team. The success of any expe-
▸▸ Validate your development by gaining quali- dition lies with how good your team is,
fications along the way. It is important to and taking a methodical, well-considered
confirm you are doing things right, and by approach to selecting each member can pay
undergoing qualifications you can monitor dividends in the long run.
safe progress. I have a number of climbing ▸▸ It’s all about the journey! It’s no good reach-
friends who have amassed a vast amount of ing your goal if the trip along the way
experience in the big mountains, and later has not been challenging, rewarding, and
in life they regret that not having gained enjoyable. Too many people focus on the
qualifications stands in the way of leading goal, and considering that the goal is usu-
their own simple activities with groups. ally minutes within any length of expe-
▸▸ Test yourself. It is important to put yourself dition, it seems foolish to not enjoy the
under some pressure to develop yourself whole experience.
in life. Staying in your comfort zone will
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P a r t

Team Selection
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C h a pt e r

Logistics and Planning
Pete Longbottom

A mateurs talk about tactics, but

professionals study logistics.
General R.H. Barrow,
had let myself in for four of the most frenetic
but ultimately most satisfying, rewarding, and
unforgettable years of my life. In becoming the
U.S. Marine Corps, 1980 baseman, I had effectively forgone my beloved
climbing. At that moment, I had given up that
rare and privileged possibility of standing in
One wet spring day in 2003, I received a phone the only place on the planet where every other
call from a guy whom I’d heard of by reputation earthly thing lies beneath you—the summit of
but never met. He had acquired my number Mount Everest. The only heights I could reach
from a mutual friend, and in the course of the now were personal achievements associated with
following 15 minutes, he put forward a propo- doing the best one can do in one’s job. This led
sition. He painted a picture of high mountain me to another realisation: I had never been on
peaks in faraway places with long, sometimes an expedition anywhere near as large as this
technical routes. There was no doubt that the before. I had never even been a base camp man-
images were appealing. As a mountaineer, I ager before. What did a base camp manager do?
wanted to be part of this vision. I clearly remem- Despite these obvious shortcomings, I did
ber wondering how I was going to be able to have a solid background in climbing and
wangle the 3 months required for the trip, time mountaineering, and at the time of asking, I
I would need to have off work. Worse than this, had served with the British Army for over 20
I had trouble with my knees. Too many years years. Mountaineering, logistics, and planning
of carrying heavy loads in arduous terrain and were what I had spent an awful lot of my time
too many skiing trips had taken their toll. I was doing. Furthermore, I was in a fortunate position
simply not capable of fulfilling the physically of drawing on 50 years of British Services moun-
demanding role that I was being invited to taineering experience. This meant that despite
accept. I had no choice but to decline. ‘But . . . ,’ my lack of experience, I had a good knowledge
I heard myself saying, and it was a very big but, base to draw from.
“if you need a base camp manager . . .’ I was also Some of the ideas I put forward here are those
going to offer my services to one of the other two of my predecessors in British Services expedi-
development teams, but I didn’t have chance tions. Some of the ideas I have absorbed from
to speak another word. It was already a done 20 years of work in an organisation that has to
deal—my fate was sealed. get planning and logistics right as an absolute
The caller was Dave Bunting, the mutual imperative. Some of the ideas came from the
friend John Doyle, and the audacious under- Everest West Ridge team members. Everyone had
taking was Everest West Ridge from the Tibetan input at some level.
side (the north). Little did I realise that on This process was an enormous team effort.
that typically British, miserable autumn day, I The team included members far beyond the

▪ 19 ▪
20  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

20 climbers. Many of this extended team never through any source of quotes about military
even left Britain. In some ways, dealing with the strategy, the same theme is continually repeated.
extended team was as rewarding as any other The military is an expeditionary logistics
area of my responsibility. It showed me just how machine.
big our expedition was. Although I rarely men- This chapter is an account of the experience
tion it, a large part of this chapter is about the I gained on our expedition through my role of
extended team away from the climbing team. being the base camp manager on Everest West
It was these silent team members who enabled Ridge in 2006. I hope this information is enlight-
me to deliver those 70 days in Tibet. For all of ening for any person undertaking any type of
us, this trip was the most important thing in our expedition of any size.
lives at that time, and we all were united in the
hope that some of the 20 would stand on top Importance
of the world in early summer 2006.
My brief was to produce a chapter on expe-
of Logistics
dition planning and logistics, specifically how Before it is possible to detail exactly how we
they become crucial in enabling an expedition accomplished our logistical plan, it is worth-
to achieve its aim—in other words, how they while to consider the role of logistics in enabling
enable team performance. Though I draw heav- an expedition. Again, as mentioned, even
ily on the Everest West Ridge expedition as my though our expedition was a reasonably large
example, the principles, processes, procedures, affair set in the Himalayas, the ideas that I will
and practices are relevant to any expedition of discuss are applicable to all types of expeditions
any size. The core of this chapter is the planning in all environments.
that goes into delivering those logistics. This For anyone undertaking an expedition at any
planning is closely associated with other aspects level, logistics should be considered at the very
of expedition planning, such as team selection, onset of planning. It develops hand in glove
training and command, and decision-making with all other aspects of expeditionary plan-
processes. However, these areas are detailed in ning. Every major decision has an impact on
other chapters and so I have made a conscious the logistics plan. For example, stating intent
effort to avoid overlapping into them, although to get one extra person to the top of Mount
at some stages, it is simply not possible to avoid Everest, which is at the top of an exponential
doing so. I make no apologies for this encroach- pyramid of logistics, is not as easy as adding one
ment; in fact, it demonstrates two key aspects to all the requirements. It is a complex power
of logistics. First, logistics is at the heart of function. Changes that seem small can have a
expeditionary planning. It is simply impossible large effect on the logistics of big expeditions.
to separate it from any key area because it is a For this reason, the logistics management and
fundamental component. Second, it demon- the overall expedition management team work
strates the level of cooperation that is required closely together. Indeed, in some expeditions,
to make an expedition work. No element can one person will fulfil both functions. We were
stand alone; each is dependent on every other. unusual in that our expedition did not use this
This close cooperation is how an expedition approach.
develops strength. On a low-level expedition, good logistics will
We were a British Army expedition. Therefore, make the trip more cost effective, more efficient,
all of our team thought in military terms. A and more enjoyable for the participants. At the
large part of the presentation of this chapter is higher end of expeditionary activity, logistics
based on this military background, and some takes on a strategic importance. Good logistics
of the terminology is obviously military. I feel becomes critical to achieving success. Cost effec-
this is appropriate because it is how we actu- tiveness, efficiency, safety, and enjoyment have
ally thought whilst planning this expedition, serious logistical consequences on such expe-
but more important, it is a proven system. The ditions—failure to deliver in any one of these
opening quote demonstrates this—if you look areas could lead to overall failure. Therefore,
logistics and planning  ▪  21

logistics comprises two components. On the one

hand, it deals with real items or kit: equipment,
clothing, vehicles, food, toilet paper, transport,
freight, and every other physical element of an
expedition and the means of delivering it. On
the other hand, it deals with people. The whole
point of logistics is to provide these physical
items to satisfy people’s needs. Logistics is about
helping people to do something. Poor logistics
may have a detrimental effect on the morale
of participants and their ability to perform. In
turn, this will have a detrimental effect on the
expedition. The maintenance of morale becomes
a logistical effort. To deliver these physical and
personal components in an appropriately inte-
grated function, therefore, defines the overall
logistics capability that is required. The job of
the logistics manager is to deliver this capabil-
ity to the expedition in a coherent and effective
way—to provide the conditions that allow the
team to perform.
It is useful to consider some guiding prin-
ciples. They act as a reminder so that effort is not
Pre-expedition planning meeting.
wasted in fruitless areas or isolated avenues. They
are the checks and balances of logistical plan-
ning should include numerous decision points
ning. Every decision, change, or idea should be
that act as balances against possible drift. This
judged against these principles to ensure that the
keeps the expedition streamlined, promotes
criteria of the principles are met. They also act
momentum, and ensures good anticipation. To
as a reminder that at the base of every element
place the importance of this planning element
of an expedition, there should be an efficiency
in context, the total duration of our expedition
of effort. For those with an extensive familiarity
was 4 years from the moment of conception to
with logistics, these principles become second
the completion of the expedition itself. By far
nature—often, they are simply gut feelings. For
the greatest time was spent on planning and
those who are still developing that level of expe-
preparation—3 years.
rience, I advise continually thinking in terms of
the following. Expediency  The word expedition derives from
the Latin expeditus (unimpeded). In its English
Planning  Planning is the most crucial prin-
verb form, expedite, it simply means to process a
ciple of expeditionary logistics. Complete plans
task in a quick and efficient fashion. At the heart
must be made to cover all likely courses of
of an expedition is an ethos of expediency—ful-
events. Furthermore, contingency plans should
filling the logistics efficiently with as little fuss
be made for the most likely problems, such as
as possible. I used to teach ski mountaineering,
excessively inclement weather. Planning effort
and I conveyed this principle in terms of energy
should be given to what-if questions. What if
conservation. Even though an expedition is a
we lose a camp through bad weather? What if
different beast to a ski tour, the same ideas are
a team becomes stranded at a camp for more
applicable here. They are the five Es of energy
than a couple of days? The type of expedition
will determine these questions. Whatever the
expedition, the most likely what-ifs need con- 1. Economy. This is the correct amount of
tingency plans and preparations. Finally, plan- effort without duplication or waste.
22  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Exactly the correct amount of resources Simplicity  In times of stress or difficult con-
is used to achieve the aim. It is important ditions, a simple logistics plan is more likely to
not to overly burden an expedition with a survive than a complex one. Because expeditions
massive resource schedule, most of which seek out these very conditions, simplicity makes
will never be used. sense. In project management terms, this sim-
2. Efficiency. For big expeditions, enormous plicity can be achieved by identifying a critical
quantities of equipment and resources path with as few links as possible. Effort should
may be required. Additionally, the sys- be made to achieve this critical path.
tems for deploying and managing these Teamwork  An expedition is a complicated
resources may be complex. For this project. It is impossible for one person to take
reason, every resource and the way it is responsibility for it all. Developing a good team
used must produce the maximum posi- with a good work ethic and good lines of com-
tive impact possible. Resources that are munication is essential.
used infrequently, such as luxuries, will
burden the expedition and make logistical Flexibility  Despite the best planning, things
management slow and unresponsive. will not always develop in the way that they were
envisaged. For this reason, a flexible approach to
3. Effort. There is no doubt that an expe-
the management of logistical effort is required.
dition such as the one we undertook
The ability to anticipate and react to situations
requires an enormous amount of effort.
in an appropriate and timely fashion is essential.
Four years of effort went into ours, but
where this effort was made was also criti-
cal. Pushing hard at the wrong time can
lead to an overly exhausted logistical
effort and an exhausted team. Therefore,
knowing when to push hard, when to
coast, and when to relax becomes crucial
in executing expedition logistics.
4. Easy. Expeditions are not supposed to be
easy. They often deliberately seek out the
most difficult terrain in the most difficult
environments. However, there is no point
in making a difficult situation worse. So
long as the expedition stays within the
bounds of the style, ethics, route, and so
on, it should aim to make each individual
element within the expedition as easy as
5. Effective. There has to be a reason for every
logistics effort, and this reason has to
promote the success of the expedition or
enable an objective or goal that will pro-
mote overall success. There is no point in
pushing many resources at an effort that
will have negligible positive impact on the
expedition. Every resource and the way it
is used must have an effective impact on
the progression of the expedition towards
its conclusion. Team planning meet at Tilman’s Base Camp on Everest.
logistics and planning  ▪  23

These principles make it abundantly clear that sible for one person to deal with every area.
it is not only impossible to produce a logistics Therefore, large expeditions are often divided
capability that provides for every eventuality, but into hierarchical areas or functions. In our case,
it is counterproductive and undesirable to even this hierarchy enabled the overall capability of
try to do so. For this reason, there is an element the expedition. Each hierarchical function had a
of risk involved with every logistical and plan- manager who was responsible for delivering that
ning decision. A balance must exist that allows function to the expedition. Figure 1.1 shows how
logistics to be robust enough to be effective yet the logistical element fitted in with the overall
not so cumbersome that it becomes an uneco- expedition hierarchy. The whole logistics effort
nomical burden. Erring too far in either direction was too large for one person to manage, so we
places an expedition at risk. Achieving a good divided this effort further into subfunctions.
balance reduces overall risk of failure. The pri- Figure 1.2 shows how these individual areas
mary responsibility of the planning and logistics were linked.
team is to achieve and maintain this balance. The lines of communication for our expedi-
The logistics manager must control this balance, tion were extensive. Logistics had a central role
especially when responsibility is devolved to within the expedition hierarchy and for those
area or function managers. It is easy to become who were delivering the details that would make
so engrossed in one’s own responsibility that the expedition work. Just about every decision
one forgets the overall picture. made in any of the other functions and areas
influenced the logistics plan. As such, it is fun-
damental to expedition success to get logistics
Role of Logistics right. It is also important to ensure that the team
in the Expedition works together efficiently. Finally, expeditions by
nature involve a group of people from various
To understand how logistics fits into the expe- occupations and geographic locations. Most of
dition, it is necessary to discuss where it lies in the necessary teamwork has to be conducted
the higher management functions. On a com- at a distance. We rarely met as an entire team
plicated expedition such as ours, it is impos- during the preparation phase of the expedition,



Time and space leadership

Selection Training Selection Team


Critical core
functions Environment Climbing

Equipment Logistics
requirements manager

Team doctor

Figure 1.1  Expedition management hierarchy—functional responsibilities.

E4897/Cooke/Fig 1.1/360070/TwoJay!/R1
24  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation


Flights and manager
Liason expedition
Freight manager
In country Operations
Critical information manager
(e.g., weather) Operations

Logistics Emergency Rear link Communications
communications manager
Operations infrastructure Base camp
Equipment Infrastructure Life support

Climbing Food Food

Climbing manager
Medical food
Climbing Equipment
individual manager
life support
Medical Expedition
infrastructure doctor

E4897/Cooke/Fig 1.2/360071/TwoJay!/R2-kh
Figure 1.2  Logistics management functions.

and therefore communicating intent to the team bases to allow the tactical effort of climbing the
became a serious issue. mountain to begin without pause. There were
Logistics should be considered as a series of an additional four tactical camps.
bases and dumps placed in such a way as to
enable the overall effort of the expedition. Care-
ful consideration should be made as to where Sustainability
logistical command and control should sit
amongst these operational bases during various In the last section, I mentioned that the whole
expedition phases. This is likely to vary during point of logistics is to provide resources for
the course of the expedition. people’s needs. In this section, I will develop this
For our expedition, we had two strategic theme further. In particular, I am going to develop
bases—one in the United Kingdom, where we the idea of sustainability, which is the provision
prepared and deployed all-out logistical effort, and delivery of resources over a given time in
and one in Nepal, where all the logistical effort order to achieve the aim of the expedition. A
was consolidated in theatre. Then, we estab- number of factors can influence the sustainability
lished three operational bases—the camp where of an expedition, including the following.
vehicle transport terminated (Road Head Camp, Environmental Attrition  Expeditions by
or RHC), the location where the yak lift had their nature seek out those areas where environ-
to stop (Tilman’s Camp, or TC), and the camp ments tend to be extreme. The rate of attrition
where the heavy portage (mostly Sherpas) had for materials, resources, and people can be
to stop (Camp 1 at the foot of the mountain, immense. The ability to sustain an expedition
where the climbing began). Resources were then through environmental hardship is essential to
deployed in a set order through the operational achieve success.
logistics and planning  ▪  25

Tilman’s Camp on Everest West Ridge, 2006.

Rates of Consumption and Expendi- It has to be transported by something or some-

ture  These rates are the demand on the logis- one, and transport is a limitation. Therefore,
tics framework. However, consumption rates are each resource should be assessed for utility.
affected by the environment. As an example, take Specialised equipment and resources should
the effect of altitude on an Everest expedition. In be minimised as much as is possible without
this extremely harsh environment, more calories compromising the expedition. However, in some
are required just to sustain normal performance, areas they are a necessity, such as certain medi-
and in the rarefied air, more fuel is required just cal equipment and oxygen. In contrast, some
to boil a given volume of water. The demand resource items can fulfil multiple functions.
during an expedition can vary enormously to (A similar ethos can be extended to expedi-
that of normal life. Estimating this demand, tion team members, too.) Furthermore, once a
therefore, is a primary task to achieve sustain- resource has fulfilled its intended function, it
ability. should be available to be redeployed in some
other logistical effort. We used the tents from
Equipment and Resource Availability  An
our development team (after its expedition was
expedition should have all the infrastructure
complete) to establish Camp 1. Additionally, an
resources available to achieve the overall objec-
expedition should have the capability to repair
tive. However, delivering those resources at the
damaged resources (to a certain degree) and put
right time and in the correct order is critical to
them back into service quickly.
sustaining expedition momentum. The team
driving the expedition forward must be sus-
tained with a continuous flow of resources. Fail- Quantifying Equipment
ure to meet demand means the expedition stops. and Resources
Equipment Utility, Redundancy, Regen- One of the fundamental questions early in the
eration, and Self-Help  Every resource is an planning phase of an expedition is how many
asset to the expedition, but it is also a liability. equipment items and consumable resources
26  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

will be required and for how long. Being able The volume is the product of rate of con-
to deliver these resources at the correct time and sumption and duration. The volume of
at the correct levels will significantly enhance sustainability can be represented in three
the probability of achieving the objectives of ways depending on the resource:
an expedition. ▸▸ Days of supply (DOS): This represents the
Quantifying resources is an essential aim of volume of consumption of nonhuman
the planning phase, and it cannot be accurately assets, such as vehicles or generators.
completed until most of the other expedition ▸▸ Man days (MD): This is the volume of
parameters have been set. Determining an
consumption of people and includes
exact quantity of all our resources, especially
food, water, and fuel (for cooking).
consumables, took 1,000 hours of work (by two
▸▸ Infrastructure supplies: These are all non-
people at about 500 hours each) over 2 years.
Even then we got some things wrong, but gener- consumable resources that are required
ally, this amount of preparation paid enormous to provide the life-support and resource
dividends to the sustainability of the expedition. framework. It includes technical equip-
To quantify the resources requirement of ment, accommodation, and operational
an expedition like ours, one must answer four resources.
questions: Part of the sustainment effort involves creat-
1. Where are the resources needed—what is ing a resupply system and quantifying resources.
their destination? Environments change We used two methods on our expedition:
demand. They also change the equip- ▸▸ Just in case (JIC): This is a system where
ment required simply to exist and operate
resupply is held close to where it is needed.
there. High-level mountains are extremely
It is very responsive but may slow the
hostile environments, and the equipment
overall effort because it requires additional
and resources of an expedition must take
effort to transport.
this into account.
▸▸ Just in time (JIT): This is a system where
2. What is the demand for these resources? In its
resupply is held to the rear in operational
simplest terms, demand is the rate of con-
bases. It is slower to respond but requires
sumption or the utilisation of resources.
less logistical effort to maintain.
However, demand is not usually uniform.
It is the product of three demand profiles: For our expedition, we used a hybrid system
The steady state is the uniform consump- where a first line of resupply was held JIC on the
tion of a resource, cyclic demand is a mountain itself, but the majority of resupply was
predictable demand over time such as held at RHC on a JIT basis.
team rotation through camps, and surge
demand is caused by unpredictability of
the environment or other factors.
Creating a Sustainability
3. How far is it to get the resources to the des- Statement
tination—what is the distance? Distance Once sustainability has been quantified, it needs
should be considered not in terms of to be expressed to the relevant managers so that
actual distance but as a level of effort they can commence the practical process of
required to move resources around. Actual securing resources. They need a directive that
distances on a high mountain may be states what the expedition requires in terms of
only a few hundred metres, but the level equipment, consumable items, and other mate-
of effort required to move resources these rials. For this step, I produced a sustainability
distances is comparatively large. statement. Following are the headings I used
4. How long will the demand be—what is the for this statement along with an explanation
duration? When considered with demand, of what each directed the team to deliver. This
the duration of effort will provide the statement gave my team the parameters needed
overall volume of resources to be used. to do the job.
logistics and planning  ▪  27

General ▸▸ Essential equipment. Listed in order of prior-

These areas dictated volumes (demand × dura- ity all equipment and resources that were
tion) and infrastructure requirements: critical to the success of the expedition.
▸▸ Attrition. Detailed which equipment and
▸▸ General statement. Summarised how many resources were likely to suffer greatest attri-
DOS and MDs were required for the three tion rates and how this would be dealt with.
▸▸ Rations. A breakdown of MDs for various Good logistics promote morale, and high
phases of the expedition was required morale promotes success. It is worth emphasis-
because different foods were consumed ing once more that ultimately, it is people who
at different stages and the food manager make an expedition a success. Logistics has a key
needed to know how much was required role in setting the conditions that sustain people
at each stage. and enable them to perform. The logistics effort
is essential for success.
▸▸ Oxygen. Referred to the total MDs required
for this specialist high-altitude consum-
able. Planning
▸▸ Fuel. Fuel had two elements. First, it had By now it should be clear that in order to pro-
a DOS element for infrastructure require- duce a sound logistics platform for a compli-
ments such as group cooking and generator cated expedition, an enormous planning effort is
power. Additionally, it had an MD element required. Most of the 4 years spent getting ready
for individual climbing needs. for the Everest West Ridge expedition were taken
▸▸ High-altitude equipment. Quantified how up by planning and preparation. This planning
many high camps were required, what phase is the subject of this section. I will use our
each contained, and how many anchors expedition as a model unless otherwise stated.
and metres of fixed rope were required to
connect them. Developing the Idea and
▸▸ Medical and environmental health. Included Building the Team
DOS of general medical requirement and
MD for individual requirements. It is easy to state an intention to organise a
major expedition. However, if one is serious,
▸▸ Supply systems. Described how I would hold
one needs to begin developing details very early.
resupplies in reserve. In our case, I opted for Usually, these details will have developed to a
leaving them at the first operational base and certain degree before the intention is even made
operated a JIT resupply system—that is, if public—someone probably has been mulling
the team needed supplies, we fetched them. over the expedition as a pet project. This was the
▸▸ Tentage. Included the tent requirement case with our expedition, where Dave Bunting
for every base or camp and who was to had been doing just this, first alone and then
provide it (we had an in-country provider with John Doyle. Dave’s vision and John’s addi-
who facilitated some resources at our tional details set the foundation for what was to
operational bases). become the 2006 Everest West Ridge expedition.
At some stage, providing details will become
Sustainability Planning Parameters too much for the initial visionary to sustain. As
These areas gave guidance on how various factors the idea develops, the core team must develop
would affect the expedition: to maintain momentum. Over a few months,
▸▸ Environment. Detailed the facts about the Dave built a core team that encompassed the
environment and how it would affect the following roles:
logistical effort of the expedition. ▸▸ Expedition leaders. Roles included planning,
▸▸ Duration and activity levels. Expressed the operations, liaison, travel, marketing, selec-
anticipated ratio of work to rest for the total tion, coordination, command and control,
duration of the expedition. and leadership.
28  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

▸▸ Finance manager. Roles included sponsor- Subject-Matter Expertise and Research  

ship, marketing, insurance, budgeting, and This was the largest information requirement.
paying bills. Of course, we had a core of expertise ourselves;
▸▸ Climbing manager. Roles included subject- however, only one of the climbing team and three
matter expertise, planning, environmental of the film production team had been on Everest
requirements, training, and selection. before. Only one (a climbing partner for one of
▸▸ Logistics manager. Roles included planning,
the cameramen) had been on the route before.
logistics, equipment and resources, com- Therefore, we had to research almost every aspect
munications, power, freight, and liaison. of planning for the route. We also enlisted the
help of diverse experts (mostly through sponsor-
These people formed the core team. Over time ship) to provide subject-matter expertise in every
as the team took shape and was finalised, this field, from mountaineering to training to dietary
hierarchy developed into the expedition estab- needs. This is how we became involved with Leeds
lishment seen previously in figures 1.1 and 1.2 Metropolitan University, which has ultimately led
on pages 23 and 24. The core team developed to the production of this book.
ideas in the following key areas that helped set
Emergency Procedures  We had to plan
the scope of the expedition.
for every conceivable eventuality, and accidents
Expedition Aim  The details of this area were and emergencies were obviously an impor-
critical. They included ascent from which side tant consideration. Not only did these include
(Tibet or Nepal), exact route, style of climb, with trauma and clinical medicine on the mountain,
or without oxygen, pre- or postmonsoon season, but also evacuation and repatriation processes.
and how many people we intended to summit. Fortunately, through a combination of excellent
preparation, training, and good judgement, the
Cost  Expeditions are enormously expensive.
expedition doctor was never truly called upon.
Those that are as large as ours was are far too
This suited him entirely—he spent the whole trip
expensive for the entire cost to be borne by the
demonstrating to the world just how mad he was!
participants. Of course, we all contributed. We
also received funding from a number of self-
sustaining military organisations (such as the
Army Mountaineering Association). However,
the vast majority of funding for the expedition
had to come from private sources—through
Team Composition  The size, composition,
and experience of the team had to be decided, as
did the Sherpa support requirement. The desired
number of summiteers was critical. Every addi-
tional summiteer would exponentially increase
the base of the logistics pyramid. Finally, we had
to decide whether this would be a stand-alone
expedition (that is, we provided everything our-
selves) or whether we would enlist the assistance
of a trekking facilitator to get the expedition to
the climbing. In the end, we used Jagged Globe
as a facilitator. They also facilitated our sponsors’
visiting team.
Liaison  At an early stage, Dave decided that
we would ascend from the north—Tibet. This
presented host-nation issues that required liai- EWR 2006 doctor in a reconstruction of a famous Mallory
son and communication. photograph from Everest.
logistics and planning  ▪  29

The development of some of these conceptual plan. Our planning process followed a workflow,
ideas is the responsibility of other chapters. From as described next.
here, I will only demonstrate how we developed
Estimating the Logistical Require-
those ideas that led to the climbing plan and the
ment  This process began immediately—about
logistics that fell out from that. However, it is
3.5 years out. All the critical information men-
worth reiterating that to move forward with the
tioned previously was factored into an estimate
logistics planning, I needed detailed information
process balanced against a set of constraints. This
on every one of these key areas.
led to a number of possible courses, which were
reviewed individually before elimination led to
Developing Your Logistics a coherent plan. Figure 1.3 provides a diagram
Plan of this process. Possible courses included vari-
ous forms of alpine style versus siege style and
Once you’ve built your team and determined
launching from Tibet versus from Nepal. In
the key ideas of your expedition, it’s time to
the end, we opted for a large-scale, siege-style
start developing your logistics plan. Our expe-
expedition, with oxygen, launching from Tibet.
dition was fortunate in that the deputy leader,
Dave Wilson, had an analytical, engineering Logistics Support Plan  This process began
background and was one of the most thorough about 3 years out. It was the fundamental tool
planners I know. We were also fortunate in used to quantify the total resources above
inheriting a proven planning tool from Merion TC. It included the four Ds mentioned in the
Bridges (also an engineer) that had an estab- logistics section of this chapter—destination,
lished track record in mountain logistics. Both demand, distance, and duration. This planning
of these people were as much responsible for process required a great deal of effort, and it
the logistics plan as I was—without them, I may resulted in the total volume of equipment and
never have developed such a robust logistics resources represented as loads (a load being

Expedition Expedition Expedition

Decision Decision
analysis estimate plan




Core team Style

Factors Courses open 1

Finalize aim Planning Plan

Constraints Courses open 2

Initial idea

Exercise Logistics


Figure 1.3  The process by which Everest West Ridge 2006 took the initial idea and developed the final plan.
E4897/Cooke/Fig 1.3/360072/TwoJay!/R1
30  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

the amount a climber could carry) that must be consumption of other stores (food and fuel).
transported to each camp. Every item carried up Therefore, this model was developed to assist
the mountain was weighed. Therefore, the total in achieving the most efficient in-load profile.
resources in-loaded was divided by the amount a The camp location gives details of the camp
climber could carry to give the number of loads and how many climbers it should be able to
required. Additionally, it provided the total accommodate. The route-making column details
logistical effort (represented in MDs) required every item of equipment that must be in-loaded
to transport this demand. If the number of MDs to establish the camp and develop the next part
of effort surpassed the number available, the of the route—this is consumption neutral. The
plan could not work. Therefore, the aim was to transit–living column details work that is carried
achieve the total effort in about two-thirds the out at the camp—this is a net consumer. The
available MDs. The remaining third became the in-loading column shows additional loads to
reserve for bad weather and other issues leading completely stock the camp to enable the next
to lost days of effort. The logistics support plan level of development. It is a consumer and sup-
was developed using a single spreadsheet that is plier, but it has to be a net supplier.
too large to demonstrate here. However, figure If the net-supplying element falls below the
1.4 illustrates how the spreadsheet worked. consumption rates of the transit–living element,
Each camp had a table similar to that shown then the logistics plan will fail. The final column
in figure 1.4. The variable factor was supply and then gives a running total of loads that must be
demand. In-loading stores also required the in-loaded and levels of effort to achieve this.

R-H Camp Tilman’s Camp 1 Camp 2 Camp 3 Camp 4




Total loads in

Total loads in

Total loads in

Total loads in
Total loads
Man days

Man days

Man days

Man days

Man days
Load bal

Load bal

Load bal

Load bal

Load bal
Load in

Load in

Load in

Load in

Load in


Date Day
16-Apr-06 26 26 LLS 10 126 94 6 18 18

17-Apr-06 27 18 LLS 10 136 0.5 6 97.5 6 24 0.5 6 16.5 *

18-Apr-06 28 14 LLS 10 146 1 12 94.5 12 36 0.5 6 28 0
19-Apr-06 29 LLS 4 150 1.5 18 79 18 54 0.5 6 33.5 12 12 12

20-Apr-06 30 14 146 1.5 18 77.5 36 33.5 12 12

21-Apr-06 31 26 146 6 77.5 36 33.5 12 12

22-Apr-06 32 22 146 0.5 6 77 36 33.5 12 12

*Note: C2 balance reduced by 7 loads used for fixing to C3.

Figure 1.4  Sample element of the logistics support plan (A, B, C, and D refer to climbing teams).
E4897/Cooke/Fig 1.4/360073/TwoJay!/R2-kh
logistics and planning  ▪  31

Climbing-Movement Plan  Once we estab- night consumed about half a load. From this, it
lished how many loads needed to be in-loaded was possible to produce simple formulas that
to each camp, a movement plan was required would track the net accumulation of loads in
to achieve this task. This movement plan was each camp. These planning figures were based
produced concurrently with the logistics support on what we anticipated a team member could
plan and began about 3 years out. The two plans carry—around 11 kilograms (24 lb). The Sherpas
had to be continually cross-referenced to ensure could carry significantly more than this amount.
that one was not getting out of proportion with This provided a buffer against performance vari-
the other. Adding a single extra team in a camp ables, such as fatigue.
would throw out the figures in the logistics sup- Using this approach, the route was devel-
port plan. For this reason, a change in one had oped with a pyramid of logistics. The foun-
to be reflected by appropriate changes in the dation at Camp 1 was extensive, with each
other. The expedition was based on four teams, subsequent camp requiring fewer in-loads. The
each team comprising four expedition members top camp—Camp 5—required only one initial
and two Sherpas. Teams worked on a rotation, in-load to establish it. The summit team then
including the preparing team, supporting team, carried all consumables from Camp 4.
developing team, and resting team. This equated To demonstrate how this planning process
to a level of effort of about 4 to 1 (working to worked, consider the plan for 17 April (see figure
resting). Therefore, above Camp 1, each team 1.4). (It is important to realise that this is not actu-
could carry six loads. A team in a camp for one ally what happened on 17 April. It is purely a tool.

Everest West Ridge 2006 Sherpas.

32  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

The most it can tell us about 17 April is where we to RHC—13 metric tonnes (14 short tonnes),
wanted to be at that time. When 17 April arrived, including a Jagged Globe package. The aim of
we could see whether we were ahead or behind this phase was to arrange the logistics in a fash-
schedule.) Team C is in C1 (Camp 1) and is in- ion that promoted efficiency on the expedition.
loading into C2, and team B is in C2 developing RHC is at 5,000 metres (16,405 feet). Even when
towards C3. Team C in-loads 6 loads to C2 (first acclimatised, working on logistics here was hard
figure in C2—load-in column). This increases work. For this reason, I wanted to complete as
the total in to 24 (from 18 on the previous day). much preparation ahead of time as possible to
However, team B consumes half a load that day, minimise this effort. The following preparations
working from C2 to C3. This half-load equates to were made in the United Kingdom; all that was
6 MDs. The load balance in C2 becomes 24 minus required in Tibet was ensuring that loads were
.5 minus the 7 loads team B use to develop the dispatched in the correct order.
next stage to C3, which equals 16.5. This process
▸▸ Individual issue. A great deal of personal
is continued throughout the spreadsheet until
equipment was provided by sponsors
the summit bids are reached. We also factored
(especially the high-altitude clothing). It
in weather days (the hatched areas). These were
was important that the team members had
deliberately placed to account for bad weather or
access to this equipment prior to deploy-
other environmental factors. The total weather
ment to allow issues to be resolved more
days were our best guess based on previous experi-
ence. Reading down each column gives the totals
for that camp. Reading left to right, C1 will have ▸▸ Freight. Ten metric tonnes (11 short tonnes)

greater totals than C5. This is evidence of the of freight left the United Kingdom. Every
logistics pyramid that was built. container (barrel) had to be individually
Load-Movement Plan  This plan began
about 6 months out. The load-movement plan
can best be described as the desired order of
dispatch of loads. It was based on predicted
(steady-state and cyclic) demand. To ensure
that loads were dispatched in the correct order,
a spreadsheet was developed that charted load
destination extrapolated against dispatch.
Load-Tracking Plan  This plan was devel-
oped in the final month and a half before
departure. It was a process for monitoring where
loads were and whether they were at their final
destination. It was based on reporting the load
numbers to the base camp and checking against
the predetermined load-movement plan.

Preparation Process
Whilst producing the planning work, I was also
busy receiving all the equipment and resources.
Although this was a straightforward process of
receipt, unpack, account, and repack in a way
that allowed ease of freighting and manage-
ment on the mountain, it was the most time-
consuming aspect of the whole expedition. We
had a lot of equipment to freight and transport Packing the kit in the UK.
logistics and planning  ▪  33

The barrels containing the kit at Road Head Camp

packed and manifested, and a complete ▸▸ Desired load order of dispatch. From the
freight manifest had to be produced. This RHC base, I developed a desired order of
included the anticipated recovery plan for dispatch for the barrels to be moved to TC
equipment that needed to be returned and for each load to be dispatched to the
(about half the outgoing freight). mountain. Loads were contained in barrels
▸▸ Yak transportation. The equipment deployed numbered for each camp (C1 all began with
above RHC had to be transported by yak. 1, C2 began with 2, and so on). This meant
The limit of yak portage is 40 kilograms (88 that load organisation was possible without
lb). Therefore, individual bundles or barrels having to open too many barrels at once.
had to be exactly 20 kilograms (44 lb) each, ▸▸ Load numbers. Each load was given a load
two barrels per yak. If they weighed any number from the load-movement plan
more, the yak herders would have refused that allowed it to be tracked. The numbers
them; if they weighed less, we would have followed the numbering system mentioned
lost valuable yak capacity to fresh air. previously.

Yak transportation between Road Head Camp and Tilman’s Camp.

Key Elements of the Everest
West Ridge 2006 Expedition

I would like to detail some key elements of the plan and logistics framework that
affected the way we operated on our expedition. Did our preparation have a posi-
tive impact on the expedition, and were there areas where we were not prepared?
▸▸ Momentum
The team was extremely well prepared for the expedition, from individual physical
performance to the way that Dave Bunting led the team. Every climber on the expe-
dition ascended to at least Camp 4—over 7,500 metres (24,605 ft), and many went
above this point. The momentum of the team was incredible. By the time I had dis-
patched the last yak from RHC to TC, the team had already established Camp 1. This
momentum enormously stretched our ability to keep up with demand. However, our
system for deployment was simple, flexible, and robust. A less prepared effort could
have easily fallen down, and this would have lost the momentum that the climbers
were developing.
▸▸ Logistics Command
Logistics command became a real issue for me. The distance from RHC to TC was 8
kilometres (5 mi), and from TC to Camp 1 it was another 8 kilometres, in combination
a day’s worth of movement. I had roles to fulfil in each of these locations, some of
them concurrently. I needed to be where the main effort was, but often I simply could
not be. For this reason, I was reliant on a core of logistically aware team members. In
hindsight, with the length of these lines of communication, I ideally needed a second
(deputy) logistics manager who, like me, was not part of the climbing team.
▸▸ Environment
High-altitude mountaineering is a difficult working environment where simply exist-
ing is hard work. For this reason, we needed a logistics plan that placed the minimum
burden on the team members. This was the main driver during preparation. Even
though some loads did not get to the correct places, our logistics platform was flexible
enough to accept the changes that were necessary to prevent system failure.
▸▸ Weather Days
We anticipated a lot of bad weather. We were lucky and only had two incidents of
stormy weather. However, both instances led to the situation we were trying to avoid,
with teams stranded in camps, consuming stocks and performing no work. The teams
stayed for the right operational reasons. However, both occasions had a negative effect
on the logistics effort and on team morale. Even though we couldn’t know it at the
time, the snow that these two storms deposited led to the avalanche conditions that
ultimately thwarted our summit attempt.

▪ 34 ▪
▸▸ Load Tracking
Load tracking became my single biggest problem. The problem arose from momentum
and the extended lines of communication previously mentioned. As the key dispatch
point for all climbing loads was Camp 1, we really required someone to control this.
However, the team was busy developing the route and in-loading, and I was needed
elsewhere. In the end, a lot of the load tracking was organised by the powerhouse of
our load carrying, the Sherpa team. Often, the Sherpa team would respond to lead-
team demand and in-load on this basis. From a logistical point of view, this led to
deficiencies in critical equipment at critical times. The people who rescued the effort
were the Sherpas, making their own superhuman effort in-loading.

Sherpas preparing to load carry on Everest.

▸▸ Logistics Support Plan and Climbing-Movement Plan

The logistics support and climbing-movement plans were our single most important
planning tools, allowing us to predict the demand for equipment, resources, and
consumables on the expedition. However, the translation of this plan to reality was
different. We had anticipated a smooth cumulative ascent of the route, but we spent
far more time on the lower mountain than predicted. This was due to bad weather,
all the steep technical climbing, the need to acclimatise, and plain hard work. Camp 1
unintentionally became an operational base, but it was not resourced as such. Camp
2 became an acclimatisation camp and saw more people living there than was antici-
pated. Finally, Camp 3 became a key logistical node. Once Camp 4 was established,
this is where further effort was launched from. The smooth pyramid we had planned
changed and became an even effort up to Camp 3, after which a faster, quasi-alpine
style was used.

▪ 35 ▪
Everest West Ridge  (continued)

▸▸ Resource Consumption and Availability

The amount of activity from camps 1 through 3 became a major concern. The con-
sumption rates, especially in fuel (gas), were far greater than anticipated. Although
we organised a resupply, the consumption rates in this area were balanced by the
reduced rates above Camp 3 (due to the more alpine approach). However, it had the
potential to jeopardise the expedition. Additionally, the consumption of mountain
rations changed with climbers simply selecting from stocks at Camp 3 based on personal
preferences, resulting in a logistical waste of effort carrying up rations not consumed.
Finally, the amount of fixed rope and particularly anchors became a concern. A
double rope system was employed (to allow two climbers to ascend simultaneously)
on the lower section of the route. Additionally, the anticipated spacing of anchors
was grossly underestimated. All of the reserve was used. Fortunately, because of the
critical nature of the fixed ropes, that reserve was substantial.

Team members load carrying above Tilman’s Camp.

Application to Other be given to the elements of logistics and plan-

ning, whether the trip involves 2 people or 20,
Expeditions a garage or an aircraft hanger, yaks or mountain
In this chapter I have given some insight into bikes, mountains or an ocean.
the principles and process of logistics and plan- Logistics is a never-ending cycle. Much of
ning using Everest West Ridge as my example of the equipment that we returned was destined
an expedition. The level of complexity will not to become the foundation of someone else’s
be replicated in most expeditions for weekends logistical plan, which brings me to my final
away or low-level trekking expeditions lasting a thought—my role as base camp manager for
week or two. However, due consideration should the British Army Everest West Ridge 2006 expe-

▪ 36 ▪
logistics and planning  ▪  37

dition. I had now become part of that experi- ▸▸ Logistics deals with both kit and people.
ence reservoir that the next base camp manager ▸▸ Planning is crucial in preparation, but flex-
would want to tap. Therefore, I had a duty to ibility is a key element of good logistics—
put something back into that system. I had to be prepared for the unexpected to happen,
provide my experiences and lessons identified because it will.
so that the next poor soul who volunteered by ▸▸ Logistics also involves teamwork and relies
accident would have a starting point.
on effective communication.
This chapter is an extension of that respon-
▸▸ Sustainability is a key focus of logistics
sibility. It is my repayment to the climbing
world—the world that gave me the core skills and planning to facilitate delivery of an
even to be considered for the expedition in the expedition.
first place. It is also a form of solace for those ▸▸ Supply and demand of kit and other
people with dodgy knees who think that expe- resources are central components of logis-
ditions are past. Beyond the climbing, this is tics and planning.
a world that takes you to the places you love ▸▸ Planning permeates all aspects of expedi-
and provides a different form of fulfilment. My tion preparation and delivery.
time as a baseman took me to the very heart of ▸▸ Monitor resource consumption as the
an expedition. For that experience, I thank my expedition unfolds and build in some
dodgy knees. contingency plans, allowing for worst-case
Key Ideas ▸▸ Recycle as much kit and knowledge as you
can; this will assist others with their logis-
▸▸ Logistics and planning are critical for deliv-
tics and planning.
ering cost effectiveness, efficiency, safety,
and enjoyment on expeditions.
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C h a p t e r

Team Selection
Stevan Kenneth Jackson

T hink where man’s glory most

begins and ends,
And say my glory was I had such
been involved in the selection process for a large
number of expeditions in every role from being
an unsuccessful applicant, to being a success-
friends. ful applicant, to being selected as a reserve, to
W.B. Yeats being a selection team member, and ultimately
to being chairman of the selection team. I have
had my share of successes and disappointments
In this chapter I will draw on my four decades in the selection process and have been involved
of experience as a member, organiser, leader, in pleasing or disappointing a great many aspir-
adviser, and planner of expeditions in an attempt ing expedition members. But in doing either, I
to pass on my knowledge of how to select a have always tried to be fair and to treat others
team to achieve a particular goal. I will not be as I would like to be treated myself.
prescriptive about what is right or wrong in I invite you to reflect upon the material in this
putting together a team to tackle any particular chapter and draw your own conclusions and put
objective, apart from saying that first, life is too them into your own context. But above all else, I
short to go on expedition with people you don’t would suggest that expeditions are about people
like, and second, if my experience is anything to and the interactions amongst them. Teams are
go by, the friends you make through expeditions made up of people, people are all different, and
will remain friends for life. therefore all teams are different and require
I have been fortunate (though fortune favours unique management. People are driven by emo-
the brave) to take part in expeditions that have tions, and therefore the key to managing people
climbed in the United Kingdom, France, Swit- is to understand and manage their emotions
zerland, Italy, Austria, Germany, Spain, Gibraltar, effectively. Preparing a team for any expedition
Norway, Lofoten Islands, Kenya, Tanzania, Cali- will inevitably involve gaining and maintaining
fornia, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Pakistan, hard skills such as climbing, placing fixed ropes,
Nepal, and Tibet. I conceived, planned, organ- and so on, but it is just as important to help the
ised, and led most of the expeditions and have team bond using fun activities such as 10-pin
always believed that in achieving personal goals, bowling, paintball, or go-kart racing. It doesn’t
you are only constrained by lack of imagination. matter what vehicle is used as long as the aim
I have enjoyed terrific support from the Royal of bonding the group into a close-knit team is
Navy and Royal Marines Mountaineering Club, achieved. To do that, you need the correct raw
the Army and Royal Air Force (RAF) Mountain- material in your team and the right approach.
eering Associations, and many brilliant people Hopefully you’ll get some ideas of what that
from all three of those organisations. I have also might mean from this chapter.

▪ 39 ▪
40  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Selectors and supported, participants can explore their

limitations, how they react to others, and how
The Joint Himalayan Committee was the name that affects their behaviour. In this way partici-
given in 1947 to the body that was previously pants can develop increased self-awareness, an
known as the Mount Everest Committee. The important aspect of emotional intelligence and
Joint Himalayan Committee was composed a key component of leadership.
of senior members of the Alpine Club and the There is also the unavoidable fact that mili-
Royal Geographical Society and was responsible tary expeditions are representing their country;
for organising and financing British attempts whether they like it or not, they are ambassa-
on Mount Everest, including the first ascent in dors for the United Kingdom and the military
1953. The Joint Himalayan Committee origi- needs to ensure that an appropriate manage-
nally selected Eric Shipton as the 1953 Mount ment structure is in place to avoid any potential
Everest expedition leader. Shipton probably embarrassment and that this structure is integral
knew Mount Everest better than any other Briton to the team selection process. The HMC will
at the time, having been on expeditions to the want to ensure that the expedition leader will be
mountain that included Hugh Ruttledge’s expe- capable of realising the aims and objectives of
ditions in 1933 and 1936. He also led the 1935 the expedition whilst protecting the reputation
Everest expedition, which included a 19-year- of the Armed Forces. I have been on two HMCs,
old Sherpa Tensing on his first outing, and he and they work well for the Armed Forces.
led the 1951 expedition that first identified the If an HMC is going to be used, those who are
route up the Khumbu Glacier. However, appar- selected to serve on it should have a reasonable
ently as a result of his preference for small-scale, understanding of the activity that is being under-
lightweight, alpine-style ascents as opposed to taken. As the top-level committee, they should
military-style siege tactics, the Joint Himalayan have a strategic leadership role and should be
Committee decided to replace him with an army looking upwards and outwards, whereas the
officer, Major John Hunt, and the rest, as they leader and the operational leadership team
say, is history. should be looking downwards and inwards. The
Nowadays few expeditions, aside from those leader should be the link between the two, brief-
mounted by the armed services to the highest ing and updating the HMC on a regular basis
and hardest peaks or to particularly remote and taking the committee’s direction, guidance,
regions, appoint a higher management com- and encouragement back to the leadership team.
mittee (HMC). Perhaps the military persists in The HMC needs to be in a position to support
having an HMC because it has a slightly different the leader in areas such as selecting the team,
agenda to others when it comes to adventurous fund-raising, obtaining necessary diplomatic
training, and this needs to be borne in mind. clearances and permissions, and helping to deal
The army objectives of adventurous training with obstacles in the planning phase.
are not simply to get to the top of a mountain, Additionally, in this age of instant commu-
for example, but include the development of nication, committee members should be adept
knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that in areas such as public relations and handling
will enhance operational capability by develop- the media, particularly if bad news emerges in
ing leadership, teamwork, physical fitness, and preparation for or during the expedition. When
resilience (moral and physical courage). the expedition is taking place, the HMC provides
Adventurous training is an ideal mechanism the point of contact in the home country in the
for achieving those objectives because aside from event that something goes wrong, especially if it
the practical, military-related skills that can be becomes newsworthy. Things will inevitably go
learned (e.g., map reading, crossing difficult wrong; it is just a question of the magnitude. To
terrain, operating in challenging conditions), it quote Moltke the Elder, ‘No battle plan survives
uncovers the behaviour patterns and interper- contact with enemy,’ though Moltke was not
sonal skills of participants and how they relate suggesting that plans are a waste of time. On
to others. In taking risk whilst being challenged every expedition it is vital that the leader has a
team selection  ▪  41

written plan, but I can confirm from my own An alternative approach is for the team to
experience that the plan never survives contact select the leader, as often happens in sport teams.
with the mountain. In the rugby and football teams I played in, the
In summary, there needs to be an early deci- season usually started with the players electing
sion about whether the expedition warrants an their leader or captain for the coming season.
HMC. If so, then its members need to be selected The problem was that they would often simply
with care, taking into consideration what their elect the best player rather than the best leader.
role will be during the planning phase and Sometimes the best player was the worst leader
whilst the expedition is taking place. because he had little patience with or under-
standing of those who could not perform as well
as he could. The leader does not need to be the
Expedition Leader best performer on the team, but it is useful if he
Whether it is the job of the HMC or others to is (I was never anywhere near the best climber
select an expedition leader, there are two ways on any of the numerous expeditions that I led).
of doing it. The first is to identify a leader and What is more important is for the leader to be
let that person decide the objective; the second able to stand back, appraise the situation, and
is to identify an objective and then find a leader give direction and guidance to the team and
capable of selecting, preparing, and leading a motivate them to achieve.
team to success. If you have lots of potentially If pressed to list the ideal qualities of an
good leaders, you can identify your objective expedition leader, I would identify the following
and then find a suitable leader, but if you have characteristics:
a limited number of leaders, then you might
have to match your expedition ambitions to the
▸▸ Has a good track record in the activity being
abilities of the available leaders. undertaken.
▸▸ Is committed to and focussed on the suc-
cess of the expedition.
▸▸ Has integrity and is respected and trusted.

▸▸ Remains calm in a crisis and acts logically

and decisively.
▸▸ Communicates confidently in speech and
▸▸ Is persuasive and a motivator.

▸▸ Gives clear direction, sound guidance, and

sensible advice to team members.
▸▸ Has good self-awareness and insight into
personal strengths and weaknesses.
▸▸ Is well organised, well prepared, and
▸▸ Is a creative thinker and has a good imagi-
▸▸ Is able to cooperate with partners, other
expeditions, sponsors, and so on.
▸▸ Is a good listener.

▸▸ Has an empathic nature.

▸▸ Delegates effectively.

Steve Jackson at Base Camp on Kanchenjunga (8,586 ▸▸ Challenges team members but is also sup-
metres [28,169 ft]) in 2000. portive.
42  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

▸▸ Is capable of rational analysis and inter- England’s only ever success in the football World
pretation. Cup and is a perfect illustration of the approach
▸▸ Retains a good sense of humour under all that is needed for success on any expedition. In
conditions and is able to laugh at self. Ramsey’s view, the keys to success were selfless-
▸▸ Is modest and happy for others to take
ness, a strong team ethos, and willingness on
the part of each member to work hard for the
benefit of the team.
▸▸ Acts the part, incorporating the above into
It might be useful to give some background
the performance of the role. information about army expeditions so you
This list looks rather daunting, and it might can see why I have formed some of the views
seem that the ideal leader needs to be a cross expressed here. Between 1976 (when Bronco
between Admiral Lord Nelson, Mother Teresa, Lane and Brummie Stokes reached the summit
and Dr. Martin Luther King. Some people are of Everest) and 1992, the Services attempted
naturally better leaders than others, but lead- many expeditions to big mountains, including
ership is a skill, and like any other skill it can to the West Ridge of Everest in 1988 and 1992,
be improved with study and hard work. The and they didn’t succeed in reaching any of the
more effort you put into leadership, the easier summits. Brigadier David Nicholls, then chair-
it becomes. Leadership is a bit like luck; as man of the Joint Services Mountaineering Com-
Liverpool football manager Bill Shankly once mittee, tasked me, the expedition secretary of the
said, ‘It’s all down to luck and I find the harder Royal Navy and Royal Marines Mountaineering
we work, the luckier we become.’ I learned Club, to identify factors that might explain why
my expedition leadership skills through trial those teams hadn’t been successful and what
and error and observing other leaders at close lessons could be learned to improve the situ-
hand, notably Meryon Bridges on Gasherbrum ation. Indeed, the whole question of whether
I (Himalayas, Karakorum, Pakistan, near K2) in the Services should give up the idea of going to
1996. In recent years I have seen Dave Bunting, 8,000-metre (26,245 ft) peaks was raised.
who writes and lectures on the subject, blossom I spoke to a number of people who had been
into someone who closely matches the compe- on expeditions during that time and to others
tences listed here. If you want to better under- who would have liked to have been but were
stand leadership, you could do a lot worse than not. It seemed that one of the problems was the
to listen to one of Dave’s lectures on the subject. team selection. A familiar story emerged—the
same people went on the expeditions and were
in danger of becoming a bit of a clique. You
Components of a couldn’t get on a Himalayan expedition unless
Winning Team you had Himalayan experience, and you couldn’t
get Himalayan experience unless you went on
One of my favourite anecdotes on the subject a Himalayan expedition—a classic catch-22. It
of winning teams involves the England football was also suggested that some members of these
team manager, Alf Ramsey, when he selected Jack expeditions had been accustomed to failure and
Charlton, the Leeds United central defender, for were confirming American football coach Vince
the England team in the lead-up to the 1966 Lombardi’s maxims:
World Cup. It wasn’t an obvious choice, and
Jack was apparently a bit surprised at finding Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is
himself in the company of such stellar talents losing.
as Bobby Moore, Martin Peters, and Jack’s own Confidence is contagious. So is lack of con-
brother, Bobby Charlton. When he asked Alf fidence.
Ramsey why he had been selected, he probably Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit.
didn’t expect Ramsey’s response: ‘I’m selecting
a team, I don’t necessarily pick the best players, Astonishingly, one person admitted that his
(slight pause) Jack.’ Ramsey’s focus on compat- motivation was to be a member of an Everest
ibility and balance within the team resulted in expedition to enhance his CV, but once he got
team selection  ▪  43

to base camp, his enthusiasm for doing anything throughout the Services in 1993, and people
on the mountain disappeared because he got were invited to complete an application that
psyched out by the sheer scale of the mountain. asked them about their climbing experience and
He said he was looking to do just enough and what they felt they could bring to the team that
then find a respectable place to quit, which would make a difference. These applications
is not much help to a leader and other team were sifted and the likely candidates invited to
members who are focussed on reaching the attend a weekend in North Wales in the com-
summit. Another issue raised was that some of pany of the selection team. During this time
the expeditions had large, unwieldy numbers they underwent a formal interview. By the end
of climbers, over 30 in some cases, and more of the weekend everyone had been given a score
than one person admitted that there were team between 1 and 5 (1 being the best and 5 being
members whose names they did not know even the worst). The leader then selected a team of
at the end of the expedition. 12 climbers plus half a dozen reserves (people
Clearly, the Services needed a new approach always drop out of expeditions for various work-
to climbing the big mountains that retained related or personal reasons).
the experience of the old Himalayan hands but Here is a true story about the weekend of
introduced some new blood into the gene pool, the Gasherbrum team selection that illustrates
and selection needed to be open and fair. There the importance of attitude in a potential team
were some amongst the Services mountaineer- member. I was organising and managing the
ing community who did not think we should Gasherbrum team selection at the Ministry of
continue with extreme high-altitude mountain- Defence camp at Capel Curig in North Wales.
eering. The alternative view was that not to do On the first day I was tasked by the camp com-
so would be like athletes not wanting to play mandant to find a couple of people to man the
in their national team or go to the Olympics main gate security post for half an hour whilst
and test themselves against the world’s best. the gateman had his lunch hour. I asked one
David Nicholls decided that what was needed person if he would mind doing it, and he said
was to get a quick win on one of the 14 8,000- he hadn’t come all this way to stand on a main
metre (26,245 ft) peaks. We needed a success gate checking car passes and ID cards, even for
somewhere, anywhere, and that proved to be half an hour. I should point out that he didn’t
on Gasherbrum I (Hidden Peak) in 1996, the realise that I was involved in the selection pro-
11th highest mountain in the world, under the cess. This person’s experience and climbing
leadership of Colonel Meryon Bridges and a ability was such that I think he would have been
team of 12 climbers, of whom Dan Carroll, John assessed as a good candidate for the expedi-
Doyle, Andrew Hughes, and Steve Hunt reached tion. First impressions are important and his
the summit. poor understanding of the situation and lack of
The Gasherbrum expedition had several enthusiasm to contribute to the common cause
particularly interesting aspects that subsequent spoke volumes. I could have insisted that he do
expeditions used as a model. Meryon and the the duty, but I wanted to present the situation
HMC decided that there would be two teams of as an opportunity for someone to demonstrate
climbers—the main team, who would attempt personal commitment. In the end, a Royal
Gasherbrum I, and a junior team, who would Marine claimed responsibility for the situation
do something in the same area but would train and solved the problem.
with and learn from the main team and become I advised the selection team of the incident
the mountaineers of the future. The main team and of my firm view that I didn’t think the first
was made up of experienced Himalayan hands person I asked was the sort of individual we
along with some very good climbers such as should take on an expedition; he was obviously
John Doyle, who blossomed into a fantastic not a team player. They agreed. Being a team
Himalayan performer on that trip. player and putting others before yourself is one
The selection of the Gasherbrum expedition of the most important characteristics to look for
team was a good example of how to choose when selecting team members for an expedition,
a team. The expedition was advertised widely because if you are going to live with people in
44  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

difficult and dangerous circumstances for many Alexandra. Seven months earlier, in May
weeks, you need to be able to get on with them. 2003, 30-year-old Swift, from Plymouth,
At the end of the Gasherbrum selection pro- had achieved another first: He’d set foot on
cess, people were advised in a personal letter Mount Everest. ‘I’ve climbed a lot of moun-
whether their application had been successful tains,’ he says, ‘but never Everest—and it’s
or not. For most of those who had not been always been my dream.’
selected, no feedback was given other than the
statement that they had not been successful on After 6 weeks climbing and acclimatising
this occasion. However, a few people were given in the Himalayas, the Royal Navy expedi-
some feedback to encourage them to continue tion was just days away from the summit.
to gain the experience necessary to improve their Then disaster struck. News came that a
chances of success on future expeditions. One climber on another expedition had broken
person who got this level of feedback was Royal a leg—a serious injury at the best of times,
Marine Darren Swift, who was advised to gain but life-threatening when you’re 8,500
more alpine experience and get some expedi- metres (27,890 ft) up Everest. With the
tion experience on smaller mountains. If he did help of a fellow climber, the injured man
so, I said he would get a place on a future trip. had managed to struggle 200 metres (655
He went about this with significant effort and ft) down to Camp VI. But now his helper,
determination, and in 1999 he reminded me of Peter Madew, an Australian, was suffering
what I had said. As a result, he got a place on an from dehydration, snow blindness, and
expedition in 2000 to Ramtang Peak, adjacent frostbite and urgently needed help himself.
to Kanchenjunga in northeast Nepal. Darren Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Arding, leader
was subsequently selected for the 2003 expedi- of the Royal Navy expedition, decided he
tion to Everest led by Lieutenant Colonel Nick had to divert Summit Team 2 away from
Arding of the Royal Marines. He could never the summit to a double rescue operation.
have imagined how that trip would involve him Marine Swift—since promoted to Lance
in one of the most dramatic episodes in the his- Corporal—admits to an initial feeling of
tory of climbing on that mountain and test him disappointment. ‘It was hard being so close
to his limits. to the summit and then having to turn
This chapter is concerned with team selection, back,’ he says. ‘But I did think,’ he goes on,
and my point here is to communicate the quali- ‘if I was in the injured man’s position, I
ties needed to succeed on a serious expedition, would like someone to help me.’ One group
as well as how to conduct the expedition in a of men was allocated to help the climber
morally responsible and ethical manner. The with a broken leg, who would have to be
following is an extract from the Royal Humane brought down on a stretcher. Marine Swift
Society that tells the story of Darren Swift’s expe- volunteered to get Peter Madew down on
riences on the 2003 Everest expedition, and it his own.
says a lot about the qualities and attitudes lead-
The weather conditions were grim: a gale of
ers should be looking for in team members. Put
about 35 knots (40 mph) was blowing and
yourself in the place of expedition leader Nick
the effective temperature was –30 degrees
Arding, Darren Swift and his fellow climbers,
Celsius (–30 degrees Fahrenheit). The
and Peter Madew and you will get a good idea
route down the treacherous North Col of
of the character, attitudes, and decision-making
Everest meant going down near-vertical ice
skills displayed by the players in this episode.
slopes—and Madew could neither see nor
On 14 January 2004, Royal Marine Darren use his hands. ‘I roped myself to him,’ Swift
Swift went for the first time in his life recalls, ‘and we set off down the mountain.
to Buckingham Palace. He was there to Because of the wind, our fixed ropes had
receive his Royal Humane Society Silver been blown away and at times there were
Medal—the only one awarded in 2003— 2,000-metre (6,560 ft) drops on either
from the Society’s president, HRH Princess side. It was very, very scary,’ he says, ‘but I
team selection  ▪  45

knew I had to stay calm because Peter was didn’t think I’d done anything worthy of
getting panicky. He couldn’t see where he an award.’
was going and there were times when I had
to place his feet in holds.’ To make matters I now invite you to compare the attitudes and
worse, Madew was considerably taller than actions of Nick Arding and his team with those
his rescuer. ‘I just told him to put his hands displayed in similar circumstances by a differ-
on my shoulders,’ says Swift, ‘and to trust ent group of climbers on Everest 3 years later
me.’ The 1,200-metre (3,940 ft) descent on 15 May 2006, when David Sharp got into
back to Advanced Base Camp took Swift serious trouble high up on the same mountain.
7 long and exhausting hours. From there, In doing so, consider the ethical dimension of
Madew was accompanied back to Base climbing 8,000-metre (26,245 ft) peaks, decide
Camp and then taken by truck to hospital whether there is any moral obligation to help
in Kathmandu. For this outstanding rescue, others who have got themselves into difficulty
Swift was awarded a Royal Humane Society on a big mountain, and perhaps draw up a list of
Silver Medal. Christopher Tyler, Secretary the qualities to look for in someone you would
of the Society, says: ‘Marine Swift showed want to be on an expedition with. I am not
enormous personal courage in guiding going to go through the details here; it is better
a seriously injured man to safety on the that you do the research yourself and draw your
world’s most inhospitable mountain. He own conclusions.
put the life of a fellow human being before If you are looking for a summary of the attri-
his own and richly deserves his medal.’ butes needed by an ideal team member, then
Swift himself seems surprised at the acco- Dave Bunting’s Everest West Ridge team gave a
lade. ‘I’m gobsmacked,’ he says, ‘I really perfect example when they came up with such

The Kanchenjunga 2000 team that made the second British ascent of the mountain via the Southwest (Yalung) Face at
46  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

a list. Dave mentions it in his chapter on leader- Selection Tips

ship, so I won’t labour the point. The list they
came up with was as follows: I have included here what I hope will be some
useful thoughts based on my experiences. All are
▸▸ Total commitment to the task commonsense but not, unfortunately, always
▸▸ Honesty in yourself common practice.
▸▸ Tolerance of others
Using Cheese as a Selection Tool  In
▸▸ Loyalty preparing for one expedition I led, we went
▸▸ Teamwork to the Swiss Alps for some training and stayed
▸▸ Communication
overnight in a mountain hut. When the food
comes out from the kitchen in an alpine hut, it
▸▸ Physical fitness
always perfectly equates to the number of people
▸▸ Mental robustness in your group. When our breakfast came out on
▸▸ Attention to detail this particular morning, a quick scan showed
▸▸ Sense of humour that there were two pieces of cheese each on the
plate. The first member of my group took three
The important thing to note in this list is that pieces of cheese and passed the plate to me. I
climbing ability is not mentioned. The only item now had a dilemma—was I going to say some-
in the list with any element of knowledge and thing to that person, was I going to take my two
skill is physical fitness; the rest are emotional pieces and pass on the problem, or was I going
competences (EQ), illustrating the point that to take one piece and thereby solve the problem?
emotional intelligence is the most important I did the latter and passed the plate on to the
quality to be found in a good team member. To next person, who even asked the first person if
put it another way, attitude is more important he had enough cheese, but the point was missed.
than knowledge and skills. This episode contributed to my decision not to

Kanchenjunga from the southwest.

team selection  ▪  47

select the first person for the expedition because

if he couldn’t work out something as simple as
how much cheese is available to share equally
for breakfast, then I would question his judge-
ment at extreme high altitude on an 8,000-metre
(26,245 ft) peak. It was a useful insight into
someone’s thought processes or lack thereof.
Doing the Critical Nonessentials  The
story about the cheese might sound slightly
extreme, but it illustrates how small things are
important and count for a lot. If you get enough
of the team doing the critical nonessentials, as Sir
Clive Woodward calls it in his book Winning!
(which chronicles the story of England’s rise
to Rugby World Cup victory), then you might
stand a good chance of success in whatever you
are striving to achieve. Sir Clive emphasised
that attention to minute detail is essential, and
he would doubtless agree that team members
need to think about others before themselves
and put the welfare of their colleagues ahead
of their own. It is a hard thing to do, but if
everyone thinks in that way, it will make for an
effective team.
Stickability  The selection process needs to
identify team members who are prepared to Bad weather on Kanchenjunga.
continue when they are below par. This is what
my late father called stickability, the determina-
tion to carry on. It is inevitable that all team The bad weather reduced our ability to work
members will spend some time feeling below on the mountain for almost a third of the
their best for all sorts of reasons, some physical expedition, although there were days when
and some psychological, on any expedition. It’s the weather at base camp did not stop activity
also important for the team to accept that some higher up on the mountain. From our experi-
people will be below par on some days and to do ence on Gasherbrum I in 1996, we knew that if
what they can to support their team members. we were to be successful on Kanchenjunga, we
would have to be prepared to work in marginal
Working in Bad Weather  It is also impor-
weather conditions.
tant to look for team members who are willing
and able to operate in bad weather. Kanchen- Hewers of Wood and Drawers of
junga is notorious for its bad weather, and in Water  There is an adage that Himalayan
2000 the fact that my team had the courage to mountaineering is characterised by carrying
work in bad weather, which was almost every heavy loads for long distances in dangerous
other day, was a major factor in explaining why conditions so that someone else can reach the
we became only the second British expedition summit. There is a degree of truth in this, and
to succeed in reaching the summit via the South it is important to select some team members
West Face. If you are to succeed on the big moun- who are prepared to be the hewers of wood and
tains, then you need team members who will drawers of water and do the unglamorous but
venture out in conditions that you would not essential tasks such as load carrying, stocking
go out in if you were in the Alps. camps, trail breaking, hauling out fixed ropes,
48  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

digging the tents out when it has been snowing, Being a Leader and a Follower  A well-
and so on. Selecting a team of prima donnas balanced team needs leaders, followers, and
who all think that they should be preserved for people who can fulfil both roles during the expe-
the summit bid is a surefire way to guarantee dition. You can be a leader today because you
failure. are particularly good at what is being attempted
Being Prepared to Leave Your Safety and then a follower tomorrow, when others’
Margin Behind  When tackling the world’s expertise comes to the fore.
highest mountains, you need people with the Sacking the Juggler  It is important for the
confidence and courage to leave their safety leader to have the courage to change the team
margin behind them on their way to the top. if it becomes necessary. If someone is unable or
It is what separates those who have the drive to unwilling to change behaviours or attitudes that
get to the summit of a mountain like Everest, are having an adverse impact on the ability of
particularly on a route such as the West Ridge, the team to achieve its objectives, then the leader
where there is unlikely to be any chance of needs the courage to sack the juggler if it is in
help outside of your own team’s resources if the best interest of the team.
things take a turn for the worse. It also takes
courage to admit that you don’t want to make Laughter Is the Best Medicine  One of
a summit attempt. I have had that experience the most important elements of good perfor-
and can only say that as a leader, it is better mance that I always looked for when selecting
that people admit they are not up for it than a team is sense of humour. In any successful
to make a half-hearted attempt to reach the team you will find a fund of good stories, but
summit whilst subconsciously looking for an there is a balance to be struck between selecting
acceptable place to quit. a team that performs like the Keystone Cops and

John Doyle, leaving his safety margin behind, climbs high on Kanchenjunga with Everest in the far distance.
team selection  ▪  49

selecting a team that is serious about achieving communications from base camp at 1700 with
the objective. Humour is the best antidote to all the teams on the mountain at Camps 1, 2,
negative thoughts and can break the downward and 3. Also on the same route as us was Alan
spiral that leads to failure. It can be used to Hinkes, the foremost high-altitude mountain-
expose serious issues within the team, bringing eer in the United Kingdom and the only Briton
them into the public domain where they can be amongst the 13 climbers to have summited all
addressed without rancour and disagreement. 14 of the world’s 8,000-metre (26,245 ft) peaks.
To achieve this, you need people who can tell Alan is a Royal Marine Commando reservist; in
amusing tales or recycle popular TV comedy other words, he is a part-time soldier and gives
shows. On Gasherbrum we were lucky to have up his time in the evenings and at weekends to
Larry Foden, a Royal Marine officer now and one do military duty in support of regular forces.
of the best storytellers I know. On Kanchenjunga Alan came up on the radio and asked me if it was
I had selected Larry, Dave Pearce, and Ady Cole okay to use our Camp 2. Before I had a chance
in the team, and they provided a never-ending to respond, Ady (himself a Royal Marine Com-
stream of dittys and stories. Dave inherited his mando) piped up on the radio and said, ‘Yes,
storytelling abilities from his father, Mike, with after 1600 and weekends only.’ It is that sort
whom I went on expedition to Arctic Norway in of humour that helps to ignore the discomfort
1978 and whom I would pay to listen to. and danger that you have been experiencing and
Ady Cole brought the house down on build morale. It is rare for a team to be unhappy
Kanchenjunga when I was doing my daily radio and to succeed.

Dave Pearce digging out Camp 2 on Kanchenjunga. Avalanche on Jannu seen from Base Camp Kanchenjunga.
Dave’s storytelling is legendary and was an important The avalanches often got very close to the route in and out
contribution to team morale. of base camp on the Yalung Glacier.
50  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Reflections on the
Kanchenjunga Expedition

Iwill end with the reflections of a member of the Kanchenjunga expedition that I
led in 2000. James Raitt’s words capture the essence of what I have attempted to
convey in this chapter regarding team selection.
7 June 2000
Dear Steve,
I hope that all is well with you, and that you are coping with the return to normal
life. I wanted to thank you for all the hard work and effort that you have put
in over the last three years that made [the expedition] such a success. I am sure
that there must have been times when you wondered if it were all worth it, and
I am glad that it has all worked out so well. I feel that this is largely due to the
thoughtful team selection. I never thought at the outset that we would all get
on so well for such a long time in a very cloistered environment.
I had a truly excellent time, and although when we departed in March I was
very focussed on reaching the summit, I was more than happy to return home a
member of a successful expedition. Thank you again and I look forward to seeing
you again in July.
James Raitt
Note: At the time of the expedition, James was a captain in the Royal Marines. He
is now training to become a doctor.

Key Ideas simple as possible, and clearly understood

by the selectors and the applicants so that
▸▸ Selecting a team to attempt a challeng- everyone knows what the selectors are
ing objective such as climbing one of the looking for and the mechanism that will
world’s highest mountains requires a pro- be used to give all applicants a fair chance
cess that is conducted with professionalism of putting themselves forward in the best
and integrity. It might be overseen by an possible light.
HMC that will need the appropriate skill ▸▸ The leader needs to have a vision of suc-
sets, experience, and network to be effective cess and be capable of communicating that
in such a role, especially if the expedition vision lucidly and with energy and motivat-
experiences circumstances that thrust it ing the team to achieve it. The leader needs
into the public arena and the merciless to demonstrate the qualities of curiosity,
attention of the media. The selection pro- enthusiasm, courage, and insight. The main
cess needs to be carefully thought out, as role of the leader is to give the team direc-
team selection  ▪  51

tion, guidance, and encouragement. The interpersonal leadership skills and be able
leader also needs strong lieutenants who to lead others. All should have the aware-
can support and give advice on specialist ness to know when leadership is required
areas. and have the confidence and courage to
▸▸ The team should have balance and consist deliver it and make a difference when
of a strong core of experienced people who needed. EQ is more important than IQ,
can act as role models and coaches for the and team members need to know when it is
others, a cadre of technically competent more appropriate to use followership skills
performers who are striving to learn from and let others lead. A sense of humour
their more experienced counterparts and needs to pervade the team, and team
take on that role in the near future, and a members should look out for each other
small number of talented people who will and meet the needs of the team, the task,
have the middle role next time around and and the individual. Where necessary, team
hopefully become the leaders of the future. members may be required to leave their
▸▸ Every team member should have strong
safety margin behind in order to achieve
the team goal. Success has many guises and
intrapersonal leadership skills and be able
should be celebrated accordingly.
to lead themselves. Most should also have
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C h a p t e r

Chip Rafferty, John O’Hara, and Carlton Cooke

A life without adventure is likely

to be unsatisfying, but a life in
which adventure is allowed to take
Read any of the high-altitude mountaineering
books and, with few exceptions, little is men-
tioned about training for the big mountain other
whatever form it will is sure to be than getting fit on the walk in or on the moun-
short. tain itself. This concept has always bemused
Bertrand Russell me because I (Chip) have been involved all my
life in endurance sport—fell running, triathlon,
mountain biking, and mountaineering—and
This chapter will deal with extreme training I have always trained before an event! So why
techniques that Paul (Chip) Rafferty first used not train for high-altitude mountaineering? If
to secure a top-20 place in the London mara- you draw the analogy of the summit of Everest
thon in 1981 and that have been adopted ever being the equivalent of an Olympic gold medal
since in preparations for personal challenges. in respect of effort and achievement, then why
These challenges have included some of the do so many people go to the mountaineering
world’s deepest caves (Gouffre Berger, France; equivalent of the Olympics without appropriate
Badalone, Pyrenees; Alpazat, Mexico), summits training? I have never heard of Olympic mara-
and attempts on several high-altitude moun- thon runners doing the bulk of their training
tains (Mount Shishapangma, Himalayas; Mount at the Olympic Village in preparation to win a
Chimborazo, Ecuador; Mount Aconcagua, gold medal, but thousands of mountaineers do
Argentina), substantial climbing experience in the equivalent. I would suggest that so many of
the Alps, and other assorted endurance events. them have failed to achieve their objectives on
Chip has also used these training techniques the big mountains because of this.
in the preparation of mountaineers for high- This chapter is about extreme training and
altitude summit attempts, including the Army preparation for extreme expeditions. The high
Everest West Ridge 2006 climbing team. These mountains are an extreme environment and
training techniques and concepts have been people get stopped when they are unable to
developed through his experiences as a moun- cope with the cumulative effects of such an
taineer and a high-performance triathlon coach, environment. A high-altitude environment is
as well as more generally through his career in an alien one. It includes extreme cold and heat
the outdoors. Some of the concepts introduced as well as a reduced ability to utilise oxygen,
in this chapter are based on a mountaineering which offers physical challenges that a normally
practitioner approach rather than that of sport resilient body may not be able to cope with. I
science in practice. However, the coauthors believe that only through training evolutionary
(John O’Hara and Carlton Cooke) have sup- physical responses using scientifically appropri-
ported the ideas and training concepts with ate training methods can a mountaineer begin
scientific evidence where it is available. to prepare for a high-altitude expedition. So

▪ 53 ▪
54  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

when the bystander asks me at the side of the team planned for a summit attempt that could
lake on a freezing cold morning what the hell take up to 36 hours. Their summit plan was to
open-water swimming for an hour has got to leave Camp 3 in the morning for Camp 4 and
do with climbing a mountain, my answer is then head for Camp 5 late that night. Then they
cold tolerance and increased vasodilatation to would depart at midnight to reach the summit
the hands and feet, both of which will enable of Mount Everest between 8 and 9 a.m., giving
me to perform better in the extreme conditions them the rest of the day to get down to the rela-
experienced on the mountain. tive safety of Camp 4.
Getting up big mountains is as much about A prime example of an over-distance day is the
climbing smart as it is about logistics and plan- Bob Graham Round, a 105-kilometre (65 mi),
ning. I have read so many postexpedition reports 42-peak Lakeland challenge to be completed
that illustrate weaknesses in the planning and in less than 24 hours. A less extreme example is
preparation of the expedition. Attention to fit- the Yorkshire Three Peaks, to be completed in
ness and the ability to tolerate extremes is key. less than 12 hours. Runners such as the legend-
This chapter looks at subjects ranging from ary Billy Bland, who holds a record of 13 hours
specific physiological adaptations to transferable and 53 minutes for the Bob Graham Round,
lessons from other extreme sports. Advancement may be compared with the average fell runner,
in what is being achieved and what is possible who may take up to three attempts to complete
in the high mountains is about using vision, the round in less than 24 hours. Now let’s say
thinking outside the box, and not being afraid these two are mountaineers setting off on a long
to contradict current practice, as well as using the endurance day, attempting to reach the summit
tried and tested scientific approaches to training. of a mountain, and one takes twice the time,
Be aware—what is about to be suggested is not 24 hours instead of 12. You can understand the
for the fainthearted! rationale behind training for long endurance
days to enable you to travel faster and safely.
(Note that these extreme over-distance days
Over-Distance Days should be carried out only periodically in a
The often-used strategy of getting fit once you get training programme, with sufficient time for the
on the mountain is flawed because high volumes body to recover prior to the expedition.)
of training are needed over a long time, and the One of the most likely occurrences in high-
body needs to adapt. The analogy of training altitude mountaineering is multiple extensive
kilometres as an investment in a bank and the endurance days, or days that deplete the body’s
expedition as withdrawal of that investment reserves for many reasons—the body works
helps explain how many mountaineers fail due progressively harder as altitude is gained, using
to the debt that results when the withdrawal far more energy and creating more products such
exceeds the investment in training. as lactic acid in the muscles; environmental
Extensive endurance days (over-distance days) conditions such as weather and difficult terrain
have long been the remit of endurance athletes can prolong the time taken to achieve daily
and should be considered by mountaineers of objectives; cold creates an inefficiency in the
all levels. The idea is to simulate the long days a way the body works and taxes the system; and
mountaineer might experience during an expe- minor injuries through accidents have the effect
dition so that you are aware of how hard you of slowing the body down. All experienced
can push your body. It is not unusual to end up mountaineers have had long days on the hill,
with days lasting beyond 16 hours in the moun- and many tales of mountaineering describe
tains, and the energy systems required at these extreme examples of these long days, such as
prolonged durations need training. For example, the story of Joe Simpson surviving for more than
a summit attempt and descent of Kilimanjaro 3 days as he crawled down a mountain with a
(5,895 m [19,340 ft]) may take from 10 to 17 badly broken leg in the Peruvian Andes, or Jean-
hours depending on the speed of ascent and Christophe Lafaille’s epic on the south face of
descent, whereas the 2006 Everest West Ridge Annapurna during which he spent 5 days alone
preparation  ▪  55

down-climbing one of the biggest alpine walls progresses, leading up to a high point of 6 hours
in the world after seeing his climbing partner plus of biking or 3 hours of running after a
Pierre Béghin fall to his death, taking most of tiring day of caving, climbing, paddling, and so
their climbing gear with him (Twight & Martin, on. The result is often extreme fatigue, which is
1999). Not withstanding the aforementioned exactly the experience required for those long
extreme examples, it is not unusual for each day depletion days on high-altitude mountains.
to be long and high in volume and intensity On one day in the training programme, I
of exercise, and the safety implications of not carry out an extreme depletion day to simulate
being able to carry on due to lack of training are the worst-case scenario on the mountain. In
far greater in the mountains than in any other the many training programmes I have done,
endurance event. Preparing for such days in these long depletion days have varied from
training is a prudent if not essential part of any an Ironman Triathlon (4-km [2.4 mi] swim,
mountaineer’s training programme. 180-km [112 mi] bike ride, and 42-km [26 mi]
In preparing for extreme expeditions, par- marathon) to Bob Graham’s 24-hour challenge.
ticularly to high altitude, it is not unusual to I have also used long caving trips such as the
lose body mass, including both fat mass and Cueto-Coventosa route in Spain, which took
muscle mass. With each kilogram of mass lost, 32 hours and included 900 metres (984 yd) of
there is an increase in the body’s ability to abseiling underground, climbing and crawling
utilise oxygen with each breath of air. However, for something like 10 kilometres (6 mi), and
that advantage comes with a cost—inability to finally swimming 3 kilometres (2 mi) under-
cope with the stresses associated with losing ground in freezing cold lakes before emerging
body mass, be it from inadequate diet, reduced into the daylight 32 hours later.
muscle mass, depleted energy stores, or the extra My employment in the military has resulted
work required in high-altitude mountaineering. in my leading some of the world’s classic under-
Therefore, replicating the stresses of an extensive ground caving and canyoning trips and has
endurance day in training is essential. been of direct benefit in developing my capac-
The training strategies for replicating an ity for extreme endurance challenges. Caving
extensive endurance day start with early morn- techniques often produce long days in the cold
ing fat-burning runs or other activities such as a and wet, working in physically arduous condi-
bike ride or swim. Training the body to become tions whilst crawling and dragging ropes and
efficient at burning fat is essential to any endur- equipment. I would rank caving as one of the
ance athlete, whether mountaineer, marathon most effective training activities for developing
runner, or triathlete. The early exercise doesn’t extreme endurance. Also, because of the added
have to be prolonged. Twenty minutes a day implications of working in enclosed areas, as
of running before eating, when the liver has well as the dark and unknown environment, it
reduced glycogen stores, enables free fatty acids develops a psychological resilience that serves
to become more easily mobilised, therefore well on the high mountains, especially on the
increasing fat oxidation in comparison to the hard days when problems occur and that extra
fed state. Additionally, fat burning continues bit of physical and psychological capacity is
even after exercise, adding to the training effect. essential.
Once a week, an over-distance training day
that replicates the intensity and volume of a
long hill day should be done. It may take the Training in Some
form of a 4-hour hilly bike ride or a 2-hour run State of Glycogen
on hilly countryside. My favourite strategy is to Depletion
do this training after a day’s work in outdoor
activities on the hill or better still, in the cave. The research literature unequivocally sup-
When I get to the transport after the day’s caving ports the consumption of carbohydrate during
or hill walking, I bike or run home. The distance endurance exercise to sustain performance
and time increase as the training programme (see Jeukendrup, 2004, for a review). However,
56  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

triathletes and marathon runners may train in The increased fat metabolism associated
a carbohydrate-depleted state as an alternative with training in a glycogen-depleted state may
strategy to stimulate endurance training adap- be advantageous for those wanting to reduce
tations. As a marathon runner in the 1980s, I their fat mass in the preparation phase for a
accidentally came across the results of training mountaineering challenge. When fat mass is lost,
without eating during one of my many 12-week endurance fitness relative to weight improves
training programmes. On the base mileage without any improvement in training status.
phase of training, I could only train in the morn- The power-to-weight ratio is also improved, as
ing before breakfast to get the easy base miles long as muscle mass and the associated capac-
in. The result of this regular 30-minute morning ity for energy expenditure are maintained or
run was one of my best marathon results, 19th increased at the same time. Therefore, high-
in the London marathon, taking 3 to 4 minutes altitude mountaineers are likely to perform
off my personal best. Because the early runs better with a reduction in body fat. The laws of
without breakfast were the only difference from physics dictate that all other things being equal,
all the other 12-week build-ups I had done, I was a mountaineer carrying 6 kilograms (14 lb) of
certain that they were the main reason for the weight in the form of excess fat mass is going
improvement in time. to use more energy and probably go slower up
It is now accepted that during acute steady- the mountain than a person without that extra
state exercise following an overnight fast (Berg- weight. Lance Armstrong, six-time winner of the
man & Brooks, 1999) or in a glycogen-depleted Tour de France, only became successful in the
state, fat oxidation is increased due to the lower Tour de France mountain stages after he had
amount of available glucose. Producing adap- trimmed off a good percentage of his body mass
tations that facilitate the ability to burn fat as (Armstrong & Carmichael, 2006).
efficiently as possible is the holy grail of the However, reducing body mass is more com-
endurance athlete since increased fat metabo- plex than just reducing fat mass. When reducing
lism for a given exercise intensity is related to body mass, you need to target fat mass whilst
better endurance performance (Hawley, Brouns, maintaining muscle mass through strength
& Jeukendrup, 1998). Furthermore, there is evi- training and an adequate intake of dietary pro-
dence to suggest that carbohydrate intake can tein (see chapter 9). Otherwise, you may lose fat
limit important fat metabolism adaptations. mass and muscle mass, which will mean a loss of
Therefore, it is logical to assume that train- strength and power. In addition, such strategies
ing in a glycogen-depleted state can enhance may be useful during training, but carbohydrate
physiological adaptations that ultimately benefit is essential for optimal endurance performance.
endurance performance. (However, though I Therefore, whilst undertaking your challenge,
stand by this hypothesis, the effects of long-term you should still consume sufficient carbohydrate
training—10 weeks or more—in a glycogen- (see chapter 10).
depleted state are yet to be investigated.) The The feeding and energy systems of the body
other good news is that this form of training are delicately balanced mechanisms, and as
may mean greater glycogen sparing during many dieticians will tell you, tinkering with
endurance training, which is further supported them often results in unexpected outcomes.
by the consumption of carbohydrate (De Bock Some effects can be beneficial to mountaineers,
et al., 2008). such as supercompensation trends whereby if
This form of training prepares the body for a you reduce body fat by fasting, your body will
specific scenario that you may need to deal with attempt to get it back at the earliest opportunity.
whilst undertaking your mountaineering chal- Fasting was once a common practice for mara-
lenge. It is likely that at some point during your thon runners; they would fast and then binge
expedition, you will find yourself in a glycogen- on carbohydrate to gain a supercompensation
depleted state for one reason or another but effect of increased muscle and liver glycogen
you still will be required to perform. Therefore, before the race. A mountaineer’s ability to
preparing for this specific scenario may prove supercompensate with mass gain when needed
to be beneficial. on the mountain is no bad thing; it is far better
preparation  ▪  57

than retreating off the high mountains looking reflected ultraviolet (UV) rays from the snow
like a skeleton. create intense heat, air is drier, and performance
My personal observations suggest that there clothing (e.g., down suits) produces more ther-
are limitations to the efficiency of the practice moregulatory stresses. All of these factors result
in that without careful balance between train- in greater fluid loss, and thus the high-altitude
ing and diet, even highly motivated athletes mountaineer is a prime candidate for dehydra-
can spiral into a downward trend of disordered tion and its consequences, which may include
eating, which in some cases can result in pro- greater susceptibility to heatstroke, increased
found eating disorders that may take years to prevalence of hyponatraemia (electrolyte dis-
control. turbance), increased heart rate, reduced cardiac
The old saying that there is no such thing as output, reduced stroke volume, and attenuated
bad training—‘If it doesn’t floor you, it will make blood flow, which can limit oxygen delivery to
you hard’—may sound naive, but nevertheless the exercising muscles and accelerate increases
in my experience it carries a lot of truth. After in core temperature. However, the ultimate
25 years of training using these methods, at 57 consequence of dehydration is reduced exercise
years old I personally have still biked under an performance, both physically and mentally.
hour for 40 kilometres (25 mi), ran 10 kilome- Measuring true hydration status is not as
tres (6 mi) in 34 minutes, and completed an simple as just measuring change in body mass;
Ironman Triathlon in less than 11 hours, and reconciliation of lost body mass in terms of
I haven’t had a day off in sickness for as long sweat loss and effective body water loss (itself
as I can remember. (An alternative view of his determined by changes in fuel oxidation, the
coauthors is that Chip is a relative of Superman!) production of metabolic water, and drinking
The consequences of such training are exactly strategies) needs to be made. In other words,
what are most likely to be encountered on the changes in body mass do not directly reflect
mountain, and being exposed to them in train- changes in body hydration. However, loss of
ing is crucial to success. body mass is probably the only realistic proxy
Having said that, let me offer this advice: This measure of dehydration in the field since pre-
form of training can involve complex responses cisely establishing sweat loss and effective body
that vary depending on the person and may water is so complex (King, Cooke, Carroll, &
include the mobilisation of different types of O’Hara, 2008).
fat for energy production and the suppression The general consensus within the literature
of muscle glycogen breakdown, to mention just is that body water loss, equivalent to 2 percent
a couple. These are responses that are associated of body mass, is tolerable by some athletes, but
with the body’s survival mechanisms. Each of exceeding this amount in cold (5-10 degrees
these responses can have unexpected conse- C [41-50 degrees Fahrenheit]) and temperate
quences. Any protocols of depletion training, (21-22 degrees C [70-71.6 F]) environments
including training without eating, should only be may impair performance (Coyle, 2004). Whilst
carried out under the close supervision of a coach a loss of 5 percent can decrease performance
or adviser who understands the implications of by 30 percent (Armstrong, Hubbard, Szlyk,
such training, especially with young people or Mathew, & Sils, 1985; Saltin & Costill, 1988)
developing mountaineers. As with all good ideas, in hot environments (greater than 30 degrees
most have been tested and the limitations have Celsius [86 degrees Fahrenheit]), dehydrating
been discovered, but often the hard way. by the lesser figure of 2 percent of body mass is
potentially dangerous.
An example of the potential for dehydration
Training for and impaired performance is highlighted from a
Dehydration recent mountaineering expedition to Peru with
the Special Air Services. By monitoring body
Inadequate hydration can have a marked effect mass daily, I would estimate average body-mass
on most physiological and metabolic functions, losses to be 3 to 5 kilograms (6.5-11 lb), or 4
negatively influencing performance. At altitude, to 7 percent body mass, on the high-altitude
58  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

mountain days. Fluid intake in terms of both winners who drink sparingly are the fastest yet
volume and frequency was also monitored and most dehydrated (Cheuvront, Carter, & Sawka,
recorded. The results illustrated the extent of 2003) and why the top Ironman Triathlon fin-
dehydration, as well as the problem of inad- ishers are able to tolerate body-mass losses in
equate drinking strategies, which compounded excess of 10 percent (Sharwood, Collins, Goede-
the effect of water loss. Hydrating on the move cke, Wilson, & Noakes, 2002, 2004).
has always been a problem for me during long Though training for dehydration will create
endurance events such as the 2-day Original resilience to dehydration and probably thirst
Mountain Marathon and Ironman Triathlon, sensations, it is important to hydrate adequately
especially during hot weather. In those events, in order to maximise performance once on the
gastric emptying becomes greatly reduced as the mountain, especially at higher altitudes. There-
intensity of exercise increases, which means that fore, the conclusion is that not drinking at all
over a given duration the body can only use a during exercise will impair performance, but
small amount of the fluids swilling about in the drinking to more than one’s pleasure may not
stomach. Even though the general advice should provide any additional benefits (Noakes, 2007);
be to drink little and often, you also need to drinking enough to avoid the development of
consider the extra effort of carrying excess weight thirst may be the key.
in water or sport drinks.
Some of the pioneer climbers of the big North
Face alpine routes that took longer than 18 Training to
hours used to train without water in an effort Tolerate Cold
to adapt and therefore have to carry less weight
on the difficult, long climbs. I therefore began a It was a bemused and somewhat confused Ever-
regimen of controlled water depletion training, est West Ridge team of elite service climbers that
minimising water intake to simulate the effects stood at 5:00 in the morning as the sun rose on
of dehydration, yet continuing to perform on the an icy cold lake, preparing themselves for 20
mountain. I adopted a strategy whereby once a minutes of open-water swimming immediately
week, during an over-distance session, I reduced followed by a psychological ability test and a
water intake. Furthermore, on one extra-long motor task of rethreading a knot. The results
over-distance day not less than 1 month before varied from cold-water shock to general muscle
the challenge, I would carry only emergency fatigue to inability to walk and balance after the
water and would try to perform without any swim to difficulty doing the tests. Several of the
water intake. (I would recommend that you group commented that the only time they had
attempt this only under the control of a coach previously felt the same effects was when getting
or fellow mountaineer and monitor your reac- dangerously cold in wintry mountaineering situ-
tions, dizziness, and rate of sweating.) ations, which was exactly the reason they were
Incredulity was the response from the major- doing this training. However, by the fourth swim
ity of sport scientists, who have encouraged a of the early open-water swimming regimen,
spongelike regimen for athletes, the opposite their physical and psychological tolerance was
of the minimalist approach I had undertaken. such that they could do the training without the
Now, this strategy may seem like complete mad- uncomfortable side effects and, therefore, they
ness; however, Noakes (2007) has proposed gained a number of valuable training benefits.
that exercise performance may be impaired by Training in cold situations can improve
increased thirst sensations caused by inadequate tolerance to the cold, especially cold-water
fluid replacement, or an anticipatory response submersion. The Japanese Ama pearl divers are
to the body knowing it is not going to receive a good example. They regularly tolerate aver-
an adequate amount of fluid, rather than dehy- age surface water temperatures of 27 degrees
dration in itself impairing exercise performance. Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit) in the summer
Therefore, a regimen to develop a tolerance to and 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit)
these factors may explain why the marathon during the winter, thus being exposed to strong
preparation  ▪  59

thermal stresses (Ferretti & Costa, 2003). They Plunging your hands into icy water in prepara-
are able to tolerate the cold through elevation of tion for cold climbs at altitude is another tech-
the shivering threshold and greater body insu- nique used by mountaineers to develop tolerance
lation. According to Ferretti and Costa (2003), to the cold. Throwing snowballs with bare hands
this is due to either stronger peripheral vasocon- may be just as effective and potentially more
striction or more effective countercurrent heat fun! These strategies help to develop changes
exchange. The effects of improved cold tolerance in peripheral circulation to the hands, which
are independent of the breath holding associ- protects against the development of frostnip or
ated with diving and are specifically related to frostbite. Blood flow to the fingers in extreme
cold exposure. Increased cold tolerance due to temperatures is reduced (vasoconstriction) to
an elevated shivering threshold has also been retain heat, but then paradoxically it is increased
highlighted in Australian Aborigines, who used (vasodilatation) every 15 to 30 minutes, which
to sleep naked in cold air. is commonly known as hot pulses. Vasodilata-
Therefore, in every training preparation for tion has been shown to occur more frequently
a high-altitude mountaineering expedition, I in fishermen who regularly have their hands in
include regular open-water swimming in tem- cold water. It also lasts longer with acclimatisa-
peratures as cold as can be tolerated. Training tion (Stroud, 2004), as well as eliciting a reduced
without a wetsuit is more effective for short- vasoconstriction response and higher peripheral
exposure cold tolerance. However, to gain some skin temperatures. Cold-water swimming also
of the other benefits associated with longer ses- has the same benefit by increasing capillarisation
sions (more than 15 minutes) in water below 8 at the extremities of feet and hands. When the
degrees Celsius (46 degrees Fahrenheit), I would body becomes cold, the warm blood migrates
recommend using a wet suit (without head, foot, to the vital organs for survival reasons. However,
and hand protection) whilst swimming two in cold-water swimming, the range of movement
or three times a week, which will bring about and continuous activity of the arms, hands, legs,
the relevant adaptations. In any case, if you are and feet forces the blood back to the extremities
thinking of adopting this strategy, you need and encourages healthy capillarisation of the
to adhere to the appropriate safety guidelines extremities. On the mountain, this may be impor-
associated with open-water swimming, and tant to the preservation of fingers and toes with
such sessions should always be monitored with the ever-present danger of frostnip or frostbite.
appropriate back-up to deal with any adverse In addition to improving cold tolerance,
responses that may occur. cold-water swimming has other benefits for the
Open-water swimmers tend to have a higher mountaineer. Cold-water submersion reduces
percentage of fat than bikers or runners, which the heart rate and produces hyperventilation
helps insulate their bodies against the cold. in the same way that working at altitude does.
Rather than a training response, this is more Swimming creates pressure on the rib cage and
likely a conscious decision by the swimmers lungs that feels similar to the constricted feel-
that is achieved through dietary manipulation. ing of working in thin air, especially if Cheyne-
An increase in body-fat percentage for insula- Stokes respiration is also present (rapid and
tion against the cold in lean climbers may be of irregular breathing). Initial exposure to cold
particular benefit in the run-up to any moun- water can bring on cold shock, resulting in
taineering expedition. Overall, the trend in reduced cognitive and physical capability, which
open-water swimming is to visit environments can be improved through repeated exposure to
that are similar to the evolutionary environ- cold-water swimming. An additional side effect
ments that we first developed from. In so doing, in training is a slightly hypoxic state as poorer
the hope is to recreate the strong defences and swimmers never seem to get enough air, a tactic
tolerances we used to have to cope with these also used by some elite swimmers to enhance
harsh environments, therefore better preparing the anaerobic training effect.
ourselves for the harsh environments of high- Further training effects include an improve-
altitude mountaineering. ment in the respiratory muscles, which will
60  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

ensure normal lung function, and increased in the 1990s whilst working with triathletes
respiratory muscle strength, which will help to and other endurance athletes. At that time, the
prevent premature respiratory fatigue. Swim- person at the cutting edge of hypoxic training
ming bilaterally, drawing breath with every was Dr. Arkadi F. Prokopov, who had worked
other stroke, is the best way to train the respi- with Russian athletes. The hypoxic training
ratory muscles, especially for poor swimmers, system he adopted could be partly responsible
which many mountaineers tend to be. Training for Russian dominance in endurance events at
respiratory muscles is extremely important for Olympics and world championships over the
people who are going to be exposed to altitude last two decades. In the field of athletics, only
because the reduced partial pressure of oxygen runners from Ethiopia, Kenya, and Morocco
in the ambient air increases the demands on the who live at altitude were able to challenge Rus-
respiratory muscles, including increased respira- sian dominance. Ark was consultant adviser to
tory rate and depth, which can be equivalent to Hypoxico, a company selling hypoxic training
maximal exercise at sea level. Interestingly, the systems that were slept in (tents), cycled in and
respiratory systems of high-altitude Sherpas are run in (chambers in gyms), and lived in (hypoxic
highly developed and have adapted to support living quarters, used by the Swiss cross-country
their regular journeys at high altitude. Sherpas skiing team, amongst others).
from the Khumbu area (Everest Valley) in Nepal There had been a lot of interest by high-
have been shown to have forced vital capaci- altitude climbers in the hypoxic systems, but
ties of 4.7 litres at an altitude of 3,840 metres at that time it was a new dimension and Ark
(12,600 ft), which is significantly higher than had not addressed the protocols for such train-
that of visitors to the region (Havryk, Gilbert, ing. The key to unlocking the door and creat-
& Burgess, 2002). ing a programme that would overcome the
Another effective way to develop your resis- acclimatisation problem for mountaineers and
tance to respiratory fatigue is through the use produce the climber who could scale Everest in
of a device called the POWERbreathe, which less than 4 hours was a complex one. Very little
isolates the respiratory muscles. The POWER- field research had been done on mountaineers
breathe training device could be advantageous because of the obvious difficulties in reproduc-
to mountaineers of all levels and is discussed ing laboratory conditions on the mountain.
more in chapter 7. However, a commonsense approach along with
scientific evidence, which I had gathered from
research on three high-altitude expeditions in
Hypoxic Training 2006, 2007, and 2008, produced useful data,
The greatest limiting factor in climbing big including blood lactate concentrations, heart
mountains is coping with and adapting to the rates, blood oxygen saturations, haemoglobin
effects of altitude. If this factor could be com- levels, body mass, hydration status, stress,
pletely overcome, we would probably see Mount fatigue, and muscle soreness. After each of these
Everest climbed from Base Camp by a well- expeditions, comparisons were made between
trained endurance athlete in under 4 hours. At those who had used hypoxic training before the
the present time of writing, efforts to overcome expedition and those who hadn’t. The effects on
the effect of altitude have seen some remarkably the previously mentioned criteria allowed me
fast attempts. Notably, in May 2003, Sherpa to untangle the maze and find a starting point
Pemba Dorjie climbed Mount Everest from Base from which to help our staff design programmes
Camp in 12 hours and 45 minutes, and Sherpa for high-altitude mountaineering using hypoxic
Lakba Gelu made the same climb in less than 11 training.
hours. Also, in the last decade alpine-style fast The starting point in designing a preacclima-
ascents have become fashionable for super-fit, tisation programme was to look at the known
well-acclimatised alpine mountaineers such as physiological adaptations to hypoxic training
Jean-Christophe Lafaille and Anatoli Boukreev. that would benefit a mountaineer prior to
I first approached the concept of using going on a mountain. Repeated exposure to
hypoxic training to improve performance back hypoxia interspersed with periods of normoxia
preparation  ▪  61

has been shown to produce adaptations in the Sleeping in a Hypoxic Tent

cardiovascular, respiratory, and skeletal muscle
systems. This ultimately allows better oxygen Athletes have slept at altitude (2,500 m, or 8,200
extraction and more efficient utilisation of ft) and trained at sea level (live high, train low)
oxygen for metabolic processes, which would for many years. This form of training has been
be beneficial to a mountaineer. The idea was shown to improve aerobic power, mainly due
to then balance these findings with the field to an increased oxygen-carrying capacity of the
research and my personal experiences. I con- blood. Levine and Stray-Gunderson (1997)
cluded that the best training for high-altitude showed that 4 weeks of sleeping at a moder-
mountaineers wanting to improve their physical ate altitude (2,500 m) is sufficient to stimulate
performance on the mountain would be to use erythropoiesis, the process by which red blood
a preacclimatisation strategy that integrated a cells are produced. This strategy increased red
variety of hypoxic training protocols. The use blood cell mass and haemoglobin by 10 percent,
of these strategies will accustom you to hypoxia thereby increasing the oxygen-carrying capac-
before your arrival at high altitude. This will ity of the blood, with an associated .6 percent
enable you to move more comfortably and increase in maximal oxygen uptake (  VO2max).
safely once you reach altitude, and it will make These physiological adaptations may be
you stronger and able to recover more quickly beneficial for training prior to an expedition,
on the mountain. Other potential benefits as well as assisting the in-country acclimatisa-
include decreased chances of developing acute tion process. Therefore, I recommend sleeping
mountain sickness (AMS). Even though there at simulated altitudes (normobaric hypoxia)
is a logical argument to support the following using a hypoxic tent in the weeks before an
recommendations, research is needed to estab- expedition to high altitude. Even though this
lish the best preacclimatisation programmes for method is different to sleeping at real altitude
high-altitude mountaineers. (hypobaric hypoxia), there is evidence to sup-
Hypoxic training as a preacclimatisation port improvements in the oxygen-carrying
strategy should include exposure to normobaric capacity of the blood at sea level (Brugniaux et
hypoxia at rest (sleeping in a hypoxic tent for al., 2006; Robach et al., 2006). This is an area
prolonged lengths of time at various oxygen where further research is needed because the
levels to simulate altitude or intermittent research findings are equivocal, with some stud-
hypoxic training [IHT] at rest), as well as during ies showing no significant changes (Hinckson
and following exercise (in-load and postload et al., 2005; Robach et al., 2006). Regardless,
hypoxic training). These programmes should the literature does support sleeping at altitude
be used in conjunction, as described later, since (normobaric hypoxia) as an effective preaccli-
the acclimatisation process for each protocol matisation strategy for athletes wanting to train
results in different physiological adaptations or compete at altitude; therefore, it must be of
that are beneficial for those attempting to climb benefit to mountaineers.
mountains at high altitude. Maximal oxygen uptake is not a predictor
The hypoxic training programme must be of performance at high altitude. As altitude
carefully tailored to the person, which is best increases and the partial pressure of oxygen
done after a full physiological assessment that decreases, maximal oxygen uptake is signifi-
measures variables such as maximal oxygen cantly reduced, which may mean that people
uptake, lactate tolerance, peak heart rate, peak with a low maximal oxygen uptake may struggle
power, respiratory function, body composition, at high altitudes. Nevertheless, the associated
and blood measurements for haemoglobin and haematological adaptations could be crucial
haematocrit levels. Once all data from these tests in terms of high-altitude performance. Unpub-
have been collected, areas for improvements can lished research by a military team of doctors
be better identified, such as poor tolerance for on Mount Everest in 2007 showed that at 6,000
lactic acid or a weak aerobic base. These factors metres (19,685 ft), maximal oxygen uptake was
will help determine how much time is spent in similar across a number of climbers. This sug-
the various protocols described next. gests that the more endurance-trained climbers
62  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

were susceptible to a greater fractional decrease mountain and a preacclimatisation strategy may
in maximal oxygen uptake in comparison to have been beneficial for those climbers, whom
those less-trained climbers, which is supported I call low-pulse racing snakes.
by Ogawa Hayashi, Ichinose, and Nishiyasu A well-functioning HVR should also be
(2007). It seems that as altitude increases, the accompanied by a high ventilatory efficiency to
absolute decrease in maximal oxygen uptake maintain adequate arterial oxygen saturation,
may be greater for well-trained mountaineers despite lower increases in minute ventilation.
who begin with the advantage of a higher test Therefore, including slow breathing training in
score. The reason for this might be explained by your preparations may be extremely useful in
the fact that endurance-trained athletes tend to assisting adaptation to high altitude.
have a lower hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) Rather than sleeping at 2,500 metres (8,200
at altitude in comparison to less well-trained and ft) for a prolonged time, it is better to simulate
more sedentary people. the high-altitude mountaineering situation as
Sleeping at a simulated altitude of 2,650 best as possible. A typical programme would last
metres (8,695 ft) has been shown to improve 4 weeks starting at an altitude of 2,500 metres
HVR (Townsend et al., 2002), with a well-func- (8,200 ft) or so—equivalent to an ambient
tioning HVR necessary to perform at interme- oxygen percentage of 15 percent. However, a
diate altitudes (Bernardi, Schneider, Pomidori, longer programme of sleeping at altitude would
Paolucci, & Cogo, 2006). This is a positive be better. The altitude for sleeping is increased
adaptation because it increases minute ventila- incrementally over the 28 days, usually to a
tion on exposure to hypoxia, which facilitates maximum of 6,000 meters (19,685 ft, or 10
arterial oxygen saturation. Bernardi and col- percent of oxygen); no further benefits will be
leagues (2006) suggested that HVR should only gained from going above 6,000 metres. A word
be increased moderately to allow high but sus- of warning: Do not go too high too soon; this
tainable ventilation at extreme levels of hypoxia. adjustment needs to be progressive. An oxygen
This adaptation is crucial—a negative outcome meter should be in the tent at all times to moni-
of preexpedition endurance training at sea level tor oxygen levels even though the hypoxic gen-
will result in a decrease in HVR. A blunted HVR erators have safety mechanisms, which should
may mean you need to spend longer in country include a safety alarm.
acclimatising because it may affect your ability According to anecdotal information from the
to acclimatise effectively and perform at altitude. climbers in the Everest West Ridge team, who
These facts highlight the importance of sleep- utilised this preacclimatisation strategy, they
ing at attitude as part of a preacclimatisation perceived that they acclimatised more quickly
strategy. Furthermore, they help explain why and felt physically stronger on the mountain in
some trained athletes perform poorly at alti- comparison to other expeditions to high altitude
tude in comparison to their relatively untrained where they had not used such a programme.
counterparts. Lower arterial oxygen saturation This programme should not interfere with
in the trained athletes means a lower ability to normal training, however, because of the effects
utilise oxygen. During maximal exercise, this already mentioned and the intrusive nature of
is not helped by the trained athlete’s higher the protocols on the body. Tiredness and over-
cardiac output, which can reduce the transit training can be felt, in which case a night off
time of blood in the pulmonary capillaries and or longer break from the tent would be recom-
thus reduce the time available to reoxygenate mended. Tests to monitor any physiological or
the blood. This situation was also evidenced psychological changes should be carried out at
from the blood oxygen saturation measures regular intervals during the training, especially
taken from my previous research showing that on haematocrit and haemoglobin counts—these
super-fit climbers, who wanted to race up the can quickly become high, dangerously affecting
mountain, had consistently low arterial oxygen the viscosity of the blood. It is useful to wear
saturation readings throughout their expedi- a heart rate monitor to record maximum and
tions at altitude. Therefore, a slower pace on the minimum heart rates whilst in the hypoxic tent.
preparation  ▪  63

It is not unusual for the first few nights to be Intermittent Hypoxic

restless as the body adapts, and occasional gasp-
ing for air and even Cheyne-Stokes respiration Training at Rest
(rapid and irregular breathing) may appear, in Sleeping in a hypoxic tent for prolonged
which case the answer is simply to ventilate the amounts of time is my preferred resting preac-
tent and turn off the generator. climatisation strategy. However, if you do not
The effective sleeping altitude is the same as have access to a hypoxic tent, another option is
living high and training low, which promotes IHT, which can be accessed commercially. IHT
the physiological adaptations required for living is a hypoxic training strategy developed in the
and working at altitude whilst using the normal former Soviet Union. It is a system whereby you
oxygen environment during the day to allow full are progressively exposed to higher simulated
recovery from the stress and to complete regular altitudes (4,000-6,600 m, or 13,125-21,655
training under normoxic ambient conditions. ft) through increased hypoxia (13 to 9 percent
Furthermore, as exposure to altitude increases oxygen) for short amounts of time using a face
the energy demands placed upon the body, it is mask or hypoxic chamber or tent. This protocol
advisable to increase the food consumed. This is interspersed with ambient air and is per-
is especially important because you can lose formed at rest. Typically the air changes every 5
a lot of body mass in a short time, including minutes, and sessions initially last 60 minutes,
muscle mass, which is likely to be detrimental progressing to 90 minutes after at least 15 days
to your preparations. Monitor your body mass, (see table 3.1 for more details).
fat mass, and muscle mass regularly during this An oxygen-saturation oximeter, or pulse
phase and alter your training and dietary intake oximeter, should be used when undertaking
accordingly. IHT. There are certain oxygen-saturation levels

Table 3.1  Sample IHT Programme

Day Effective oxygen percentage Arterial oxygen saturation (±2%)
1 13%, or 4,000 m (13,125 ft) 86%

2 13%, or 4,000 m (13,125 ft) 86%

3 13%, or 4,000 m (13,125 ft) 86%

4 12%, or 4,500 m (14,765 ft) 84%

5 12%, or 4,500 m (14,765 ft) 84%

6 12%, or 4,500 m (14,765 ft) 84%

7 11%, or 5,200 m (17,060 ft) 82%

8 11%, or 5,200 m (17,060 ft) 82%

9 11%, or 5,200 m (17,060 ft) 82%

10 10%, or 5,800 m (19,030 ft) 80%

11 10%, or 5,800 m (19,030 ft) 80%

12 10%, or 5,800 m (19,030 ft) 80%

13 9%, or 6,600 m (21,655 ft) 78%

14 9%, or 6,600 m (21,655 ft) 78%

15+ 9%, or 6,600 m (21,655 ft) 78%

64  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

you should not go below for each simulated With careful cross-referencing to the physi-
altitude (see table 3.1). Once your oxygen satura- ological tests carried out before hypoxic training,
tion decreases to the recommended safety limit, which should determine the requirements of the
you should then breathe ambient air, with the person (e.g., poor lactate threshold or deficien-
recovery of oxygen-saturation levels indicating cies in strength and power), a hypoxic training
when to start breathing hypoxic air again. As programme can be designed to suit the needs of
with sleeping at altitude, IHT protocol benefits the individual. Having listened to Ark Prokopov
are similar, potentially improving the oxygen- discussing preacclimatisation strategies and
carrying capacity of the blood, as well as cellular applying his experience, I can recommend the
adaptations. following ILHT sessions as part of your preac-
climatisation programme. A sample session may
In-Load and Postload include a warm-up for 5 minutes at an easy pace
at normoxia. Then at an altitude of around 3,000
Hypoxic Training metres (9,840 ft) and 14.5 percent oxygen, carry
Once you have completed a reasonable accli- out continuous exercise at a moderate intensity
matisation phase (a minimum of 3 weeks, of 60 to 70 percent of heart rate reserve (see
reaching a simulated altitude of 5,000-6,000 chapter 7). The duration of the session should be
m, or 16,405-19,685 ft) using the sleeping-at- progressive, starting at approximately 15 minutes
altitude protocol or the IHT-at-rest protocol, I and building slowly to 50 minutes as the sessions
recommend integrating in-load hypoxic training become easier. This is obviously dependant on
(ILHT) and postload hypoxic training (PLHT). your fitness and previous hypoxic training. At
It is important to reach a simulated altitude the end of the session, remove the mask and
of 5,000 to 6,000 metres (16,405-19,685 ft), cool down for 5 minutes. Again, you should use
because this will accustom you to the environ- a pulse oximeter; oxygen saturation should not
ment you are likely to operate in during a high- drop below 84 percent at any point whilst exercis-
altitude expedition. Furthermore, no additional ing. If it reaches this safety limit, you should stop
acclimatisation benefits are likely to be gained exercising and wait for your oxygen saturation to
above 6,000 metres (19,685 ft). return to normal before continuing.
ILHT and PLHT complement the resting Maximising lean mass before departing
protocols by enabling skeletal muscle adapta- for an expedition is crucial in combating the
tions associated with exercise, and this requires muscle loss associated with high-altitude expe-
certain levels of physical exertion. Skeletal ditions. Therefore, PLHT is essential because
muscle adaptations include increased capillary anecdotal evidence suggests that such sessions
density, which enhances the ability of the exer- may stimulate the growth of the muscles that
cising muscles to extract oxygen from the blood; were physically loaded during the exercise prior
increased myoglobin and mitochondrial activity; to the hypoxic inhalation. The sessions should
and greater lactate tolerance. The implications be performed after intense exercise bouts and
of these adaptations are that there is a greater are best used with an intermittent type of train-
likelihood of improvements to better tolerate ing session. A sample session would be 3 to 5
work at altitude. The more specific the physi- minutes of exercise at normoxia, progressively
cal exertion is to the activity to be undertaken increasing exercise intensities with 5 minutes
(e.g., running on a ramped treadmill to simu- of rest under normobaric hypoxic conditions,
late climbing steep mountains), the better the followed by a bout of exercise, followed by 5
training suits the needs of the mountaineer. It minutes of rest, and so on. The total duration of
becomes apparent after using these ILHT proto- each session should be approximately 60 min-
cols that the volume and intensity often mirror utes. Each rest phase should include inhalation
normal training protocols of endurance athletes, of 12 to 10 percent oxygen, preferably whilst
starting with the high-volume aerobic base (i.e., lying down or reclining comfortably with all
sleeping in a tent, training lactate tolerance and muscles unloaded. Start with 12 percent oxygen
endurance using ILHT, and stimulating muscle (up to 4,500 m, or 14,765 ft) and then decrease
adaptations and power output through PLHT). it as you feel the session becoming easier. When
preparation  ▪  65

performing these sessions, the volume of other level, and initial haematocrit and fatigue level
exercise during the day should be reduced. It is (overtraining status). There are limits on how
also recommended to include adequate protein these protocols can be used, and because of
and carbohydrate in your diet to ensure effective the complexity of hypoxic training effects, such
muscle recovery and growth. training should only be carried out by experts
in the field.
Hypoxic Training ‘Train hard, climb easy’ is a mantra that under-
pins the methods illustrated in this chapter. The
Summary only caveat to that saying is to train smart, and
Hypoxic training is a complex method of train- know why you’re delving into these physical
ing that exposes the body to physiological extremes.
adaptations that can only be experienced in the
unique environment of high-altitude climbing, Key Ideas
where no one is able to survive for any great
length of time. It is therefore not a natural ▸▸ Over-distance days are important because
human environment, with its only parallels they prepare you for the long days a moun-
being the oxygen-limited existence of a child in taineer may experience and develop your
the womb before birth or diving without breath- awareness of how hard you can push your
ing apparatus, which offer other dimensions of body.
study in the use of hypoxic training. However, ▸▸ Including training sessions in some state of
extreme activities require extreme methods of glycogen depletion will prepare you for a
preparation, and from an ethical standpoint scenario where you might have to perform
using hypoxic training methods at sea level is no in a glycogen-depleted state.
different than going to the high mountains of
▸▸ Dehydration will negatively affect your
Chile or Kenya and training to gain some of the
physiological and cognitive function. There-
benefits experienced by the indigenous athletes
fore, training to tolerate dehydration and
from these countries. Simulated training is argu-
drinking frequently during mountaineering
ably a cheaper, more convenient form of train-
should help to maintain performance.
ing, especially for countries such as Finland that
▸▸ Acclimatising to the cold will increase your
have no mountains to use for altitude exposure,
and because high-performance athletes do not shivering threshold and therefore your abil-
necessarily thrive in a mountain environment ity to tolerate the cold conditions you may
away from home like the leading mountaineers experience during your expedition.
and climbers of the world do. ▸▸ Hypoxic training will enable you to start
Nevertheless, hypoxic training does not seem adapting to the effects of altitude prior to
to work for everyone. Some have suggested that your expedition, which should assist your
being a responder or nonresponder may be due in-country acclimatisation and overall
to genetics, initial iron storage status, training performance.
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C h a p t e r

John Doyle and Chip Rafferty

C arrying a heavy rucksack,

sleeping fitfully in a hut, too
hot and then too cold, probably
We now live in an age of abundant informa-
tion about most subjects, including expedition
equipment, which is also easy to acquire from
hungry, undoubtedly thirsty, a range of sources. Literature and Internet sites
climbing in the mountains takes are plentiful, as are manufacturers and designs.
place in extreme conditions Many articles on outdoor clothing can be found
compared with most sports. A in catalogues, magazines, and newspapers. Cost,
runner or rugby player, however quality, and functionality are all important
serious they are, can always retire considerations that are related to the intended
from the field of play. . . . In contrast, end use. For the enthusiast either lacking or
mountaineering is not the sort of unwilling to part with large amounts of hard-
sport which can be stopped at any earned cash to simply keep up with the latest
time. Even if you are at the limits trends, equipment will come down to good old-
of endurance, if your feet feel like fashioned practicality, versatility, and reliability.
lead, your head is swimming with Stripping down and minimising equipment
exhaustion, you cannot sit down is important for the elite performers of our
and say, ‘I’ve had enough, I’m giving sport. However, adopting an article of clothing
up.’ that will enable speed and success on one route
Gaston, 1975 and then dropping it straight into the recycling
bin is not something most people can afford
to do.
I (John) had read these words as a young boy In many ways, choosing clothing and equip-
new to climbing and enthusiastic to learn from ment for a specific mountain and route, such
and experience the mountains. I was blessed as the West Ridge of Mount Everest, can be a far
with a mother who had a considerable gift as simpler task than trying to select a waterproof
a sewing machinist, being able to turn a black- shell that will be just as capable for a low-level
and-white photo of the day’s most technically valley walk as a beautiful alpine climb. In a
efficient article of outdoor clothing into home- similar way, the journey to the summit of a
made attire that any 14-year-old mountaineer large Himalayan peak will have many phases,
would envy. It was this steep learning curve, with starting with the drive to the airport, flight to
many days (and nights) spent perfecting the a possible tropical destination, and transfer to
equipment, that would allow me to experience your onward destination. The approach trek
the magic of the outdoors, from the Yorkshire may be through the Tibetan plain, followed by
moors to the Himalayas, from the Arctic to the climbing the lower mountain, then the final
tropics. push over 8,000 metres (26,245 ft). All phases

▪ 67 ▪
68  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

will require careful thought and consideration ▸▸ Initial travel to location

as to the equipment and clothing requirements ▸▸ Trek to base camp
of yourself and the team. ▸▸ First steps on the mountain
The aim of this chapter is not to sell specific
▸▸ Establishment of route and camps
products but to pass on hard-earned experience
and advice as to what works in various situa- ▸▸ Summit push
tions, never forgetting that what is optimal for
one person may not work so well for another. The journey starts as soon as you leave home,
Clothing and equipment should be tried and and depending on your destination, it might not
tested before committing it to a serious expedi- end for many months. Every item of equipment,
tion or making a major purchase for outdoor whether individual or team kit, will need to be
activities on the weekends and holidays. put through its paces before you even consider
packing it for the mountain. I once witnessed
a climbing partner almost break down in tears
Leaving Home when gearing up in a small bivi tent at over 7,000
Before leaving home, keep in mind the six Ps: metres (22,965 ft), preparing for the summit
Prior planning and preparation prevent poor bid, only to discover that his newly purchased
performance. Few of us would set off for a day neoprene overboots would not facilitate the use
in the Lake District or a weekend alpine ski trip of his crampons—an emotional and avoidable
without adequate thought for our intended experience, to say the least!
itinerary. Driving licence, passport, inoculations, My advice is to break the journey into stages
insurances, and currency would all be seen as and identify what will be needed and when. I
essentials. Regardless of final destination, the have undertaken numerous weekend climbing
breakdown of the journey for a serious expedi- trips to Scotland and the Alps, driving or using
tion might look something like this: one of the many convenient low-cost airlines,

Make sure everything is checked and accounted for before you leave home. Once you’ve departed, it’s too late.
equipment  ▪  69

wearing pretty much my entire climbing outfit, At 8,000 metres (26,245 ft), early morning
willing to accept the discomfort of the initial temperatures may well be –25 degrees Celsius
journey and the embarrassing aroma of the (–13 degrees Fahrenheit), yet by midday the sun
return trips in order to grasp the opportunity of can produce an ambient temperature through
a weekend climb. I obviously wouldn’t recom- radiation off the snow of 20 degrees Celsius or
mend this solution for an extended trip. more (68 degrees Fahrenheit). The one-layer
On a serious expedition, arguably the most down suit is difficult to strip down or vent
important equipment items will not be seen whilst on technical ground, and heart rate will
after being packed at home until they reach base be increased with the heat and the inefficiency
camp. If these items are to be freighted by sea, of climbing in the full suit. Tests at sea level have
this could take weeks, if not months. It is for shown that, timed over 100 metres (328 ft) on
this reason that we start with the end in mind. a 30-degree gradient, the difference between
At high altitude, the sudden variations moving in a full down suit versus an articulated
between being cold or overheating may be pair of trousers is a rise of 20 percent in heart
dramatic, especially when considering reflected rate in the down suit compared with very little
ultraviolet rays from the snow or windchill in change in the trousers. Such examples demon-
gale-force winds. On any single day, clothing strate how all the hard training to increase fit-
may need to be warm and protective or light ness may come to nothing just by selecting the
and cooling. Furthermore, it has to be efficient wrong type of clothing or layers and not having
in thermoregulation so as not to create greater it modified for your needs.
energy expenditure whilst climbing, especially These same variables must be considered
on the more technical mountains. when working at lower altitudes on peaks of

Enjoying, or enduring, a food break at 6,500 metres (21,325 ft). Plan for the worst scenario; forgotten goggles can prevent all
activity, even eating.
70  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

1,000 metres (3,280 ft) or less. For example,

fell runners normally wear shorts and a T-shirt.
However, they also have to deal with windchill,
rain, and cooling of air with increasing altitude,
which may produce ambient temperatures
below freezing even on a moderate day in the
An important factor common to both moun-
taineering and fell running is dealing with the
heat produced during physical work. Most
mountaineering activities involve enough move-
ment to produce heat. In exercise, approximately
75 percent of the energy associated with muscle
contractions is heat, so the challenge for clothing
is dissipating the excess heat when you are work-
ing hard, but also keeping warm when you are
doing little physical work. A fell runner who can
set off for a day on the mountain wearing little
clothing has to maintain a fine balance between
warmth generated from movement and the use
of appropriate clothing and shelter. When the
run is going according to plan, all is well, but if
something happens that is not expected, such as
Choose layers for effective performance in combination.
an injury, then extra clothing will be required,
so it should be carried for safety.
needed—it must be capable of dealing with the
Layering Clothing expected fluctuations in temperature and con-
ditions. Higher on the mountain, I have often
Regardless of summit height or likely condi- opted for a heavyweight legging to make up for
tions, it is always wise to expect the unexpected excessively skinny legs, but this will depend on
and plan for the what-if scenario. Basic layering the person. Although most modern underwear is
principles are fundamental either on a walk in easy to wash, plan on wearing it for extended work
Snowdonia in North Wales or on summit day sessions, often days at a time, and carry a spare
on Everest, where shedding or putting on extra set. On a long trip, I would take at least three sets.
clothing is not always viable. Finally, lighter colours provide better protection
from sun and heat when used as the outer layer.
Inner Layer
Lightweight, midweight, heavyweight, long
sleeved, short sleeved, round neck, zipped—the The choice of a good functional midlayer will
choice of next-to-the-skin layers is endless. Once depend on the environment in which it will be
on the mountain, my preference is for long, used. For a wet and windy U.K. climate, it will
midweight, synthetic underwear, although wool almost certainly need to incorporate insulation
is now back on the market and is much more and a windproof and showerproof layer. Many
comfortable to wear than it used to be. Regardless items now fit this bill, including the newer tech-
of your choice of material, ensure that it’s not so nologies of Polartec Power Shield and Schoeller
heavy as to take away its wicking properties but Dryskin, both of which offer exceptional
still heavy enough to keep out the chill when warmth, comfort, breathability, and durability.
Valuable Lessons Learned

I set off on the Lakeland Mountain Marathon, two laps of 22 kilometres (13.5 mi)
over hilly terrain. All but two of us were in T-shirts and shorts, but having noticed
a sprinkling of snow on the high ground, I had decided to wear full leg cover and a
full-length LIFA shirt under shorts and a vest. By lap 2, most of the runners in shorts
and vests were slowing, and by 32 kilometres (20 mi), many of them were walking.
They were visibly distressed with the cold as their decreased work rate had reduced
their ability to produce heat. Furthermore, the energy needed to keep warm and
increase speed required more fuel, particularly in the form of carbohydrate, which
compounded their problems.
—Chip Rafferty

Load carrying through the rocks from Tilman’s Camp to Camp I on EWR 2006.

▪ 71 ▪
72  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

For colder and drier environments, technical Páramo, provide great waterproof performance
fleece jackets are the best way to keep out the and excellent wicking properties. When extra
chill, yet they also provide a lightweight and warmth is required in a damp environment,
comfortable option. A windproof fleece gives opt for one of the synthetic insulation options,
added protection and in some cases may cut such as Primaloft or Polarloft jacket and trou-
out the use of an outer layer, but it also adds to sers. These are exceptionally versatile and offer
weight. If choosing to add a leg layer, ensure it great warmth and protection. Remember to
has appropriate-length zips to facilitate going buy a size that is large enough to go on over all
over boots and crampons. your other layers in the worst conditions. As the
altitude increases and you experience colder,
drier conditions, there is less need for full-on
Outer Layer
protection from the rain, but more protection
An outer layer may consist of a hard shell will be needed from the wind and cold. It is here
or a soft shell. Both should be windproof, that the softer stretch fabrics of Schoeller and
waterproof, and breathable. Considerations Power Shield come into their own, providing
in selection include, comfort, fit, weight, and good fit and comfort. These items now come
the time and location of your expedition. On well designed with lots of convenient pockets
a wintry day in Scotland, you are likely to face for storing route topos (sketches of the route),
much more rain and snow than on a higher small items such as a hat and gloves, and snacks.
but much colder arctic peak. Gore-Tex XCR and The designs also allow for neat fitting and wear-
my personal favorite for the U.K. environment, ing of a climbing harness.

Approaching 8,000 metres (26,245 ft) at 7 p.m. can still be warm work; make sure you can vent if needed.
equipment  ▪  73

Being Prepared for a Changing World

A t extreme altitudes, you operate in a world of inconsistency. On a midafternoon

load carry, you may suffer the unbearable sun and heat that can turn in minutes
to a full-on Himalayan storm, quickly bringing temperatures and windchill down to
an equably unbearable level at the opposite extreme. I have often used a universal
outer layer in these conditions that is a one-piece, lightweight, windproof Pertex suit.
A midweight base layer and a windproof suit provided me with an ideal arrangement,
light and breathable, comfortable and nonrestrictive, but I also carried a down duvet
jacket to supply extra warmth should the weather suddenly change, or to put on during
breaks. This has been my preferred combination for 90 percent of the climbing I have
undertaken; only in extreme conditions (when most progress is halted anyway) or on
a summit day have I donned full down protection. Full down protection will normally
be provided as either a one-piece or two-piece suit.
A two-piece suit provides a little more versatility, especially lower on the mountain
at a belay or food break where the down jacket can be quite useful. Some might also
argue that when worn with the bottoms, two-piece suits are easier to vent to stay cool
when necessary. However, my own personal preference has been for the one-piece
suit. I have found it to be more comfortable and easier to wear (any piece of cloth-
ing at 8,000 metres [26,245 ft] is never going to be totally comfortable), it provides
significant warmth that has enabled me to spend a number of nights above 7,500
metres (24,605 ft) without a sleeping bag, and it is able to vent when necessary. The
key is to get the layers below just right. This has invariably been minimalistic (i.e., a
midweight inner layer).
—John Doyle

Footwear Lightweight approach shoes or boots pro-

vide a good fit, are comfortable, normally
There are no excuses for getting footwear wrong. require little breaking in, and are now avail-
Poorly fitting boots, cold feet, or blisters come able to suit all shapes and sizes. Those with a
down to poor preparation, such as not break- Gore-Tex membrane add greater waterproofing
ing in the footwear before leaving home. When and dry relatively quickly. They are available
choosing a boot, choose something comfortable in a choice of low or higher ankle support,
that you are happy to wear all day for extended and when combined with a lightweight gaiter
amounts of time. Feet come in all sizes and they provide great flexibility. A lightweight
shapes, and the number of manufacturers and leather boot will provide added durability and
designs available can cater for all. Again, for improved water protection, but often at the
the high-altitude mountaineer the choice is not cost of extra weight.
as bewilderingly extensive as for the trekker or For longer days with snow, ice, and glacier
lower-altitude climber, where marketing and crossings, as well as climbing, lightweight insu-
fashion feature as much as functionality due to lated single boots are available in plastic, leather,
the larger market. and various fabric combinations. These boots
74  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

are appropriate for technical climbing and the boot dry but require a disciplined approach to
use of crampons, but special consideration should changing and drying socks. This may entail using
be given to fit in order to avoid problems with two to three socks varying in thickness, with the
restricted circulation, especially in cold conditions. thinnest sock next to the foot. Don’t have any-
Cold-weather, high-altitude technical boots thing around the foot that is tight or cramping,
are invariably going to be a double or even because this constricts the blood flow. A good
triple boot. A thermal insulating inner boot is tip is to wear a technical marathon running
combined with a synthetic insulated outer boot, sock; in my experience, the design minimises
and an integral breathable gaiter gives all-around blistering and overheating. A quality walking
protection. sock is paramount, and investment in this item
Long days on the go will require regular is well worth it. Make sure you take enough pairs
attention to both your footwear and your feet. to last a long trip. Even when washed at base
A consideration for all footwear is moisture camp, they never feel the same, so I always take
build-up; feet perspire even at 8,000 metres plenty of spares.
(26,245 ft). Single boots can become as wet on Finally, consider a lightweight electric foot-
the inside as they are on the outside. Drying in warming system such as the Cozy Feet foot
the sun or overnight will not only assist in the warmer. Twenty years ago, Sharon Wood, the
performance of the boot but also one’s feet. A first Canadian and only woman to climb Ever-
Dampire Dryzone can be used to absorb mois- est by its West Ridge, used the foot warmer to
ture from within the boot, and the advantage combat frostbite. The latest version of this system
of an inner boot is that it can be removed and includes a lightweight foot bed with a flexible
dried inside a tent or sleeping bag at night. plastic lead connected to a lightweight power
Keeping feet dry and changing socks regularly supply of lithium batteries, which without a
will help. I have often worn vapour-barrier socks doubt produces a real safeguard from the cold
(essentially waterproof bags) that keep the inner and the potential for frostbitten toes.

Heading off for a day’s work! Note the climbers are roped together and headwear, eye protection, and gloves are all in place. It
is important to check all gear with each other before you leave the relative safety of camp.
equipment  ▪  75

Gloves and Hats

I choose and adjust gloves and hats in a similar
fashion to the layering system used with other
clothing. A lightweight power stretch glove is
suitable in a wide range of conditions, from pro-
tecting against the sun on a warm glacier crossing
to handling metal objects in extreme cold condi-
tions when dexterity is the key. These will wear
out quickly, so take a few spares and don’t spend
a fortune. The next layer is a midweight alpine
climbing glove that is windproof, waterproof,
insulated, and reasonably hard wearing, and
that provides good grip in the palms for climb-
ing and the use of ice axes and so on. Don’t be
surprised to go through a few pairs of these on
a 3-month expedition, when daily use will take
its toll. Finally, when the cold really starts to
bite, a mitt is best for keeping your hands warm.
A combination of a removable inner layer with
a windproof and waterproof outer layer works
well. In extreme cold, you might opt for a down-
filled version, but beware—you will experience a
dramatic loss in your ability to perform even the Carrying heavy loads between camps is hard on you and
most straightforward tasks. For this reason I often your equipment. Make sure your pack is loaded correctly,
wear a thin (and dry) inner glove to enable quick well-fitted, and adjusted before you begin steep ascents.
removal of the outer mitt for performing tasks
whilst protecting the fingers at the same time. one pack will cover all options, so invariably you
Headwear can also be approached in a simi- will end up taking a combination to suit the vari-
lar way. First, use a lightweight hat with a large ous parts of the expedition. You wouldn’t want to
brim to help keep you cool and cut down on undertake your approach walk and acclimatisa-
the amount of sun protection you need to wear, tion with a heavy load, so a smaller pack makes
which invariably will be sweated off and irritate sense. A 40-litre (10.5 gal) pack or similar will give
your eyes. As conditions change, I prefer a hat you the ability to carry all you need for a day’s
either in fleece or wool that combines warmth trek: food, drink, and clothing, with enough spare
with windproof ability. Make sure the hat covers room for the extra camera lens and tripod. If you
the ears, or if you’re working really hard, opt for are going to be separated from your main supplies
a WindStopper headband to protect the ears but for the whole day, ensure you have enough to
allow adequate cooling. If wearing a helmet, survive in case the planned reunion is delayed. I
consider a skullcap liner for extra warmth. once spent a cold and uncomfortable night when
Finally, for extreme cold and wind protection, my warm clothing and sleeping system failed to
a lightweight balaclava should provide full neck make the next camp. If a lightweight alpine style
coverage and protection for chin and nose whilst is to be used on the mountain, this size of pack
maintaining good visibility. would double up.
If a more traditional approach to the climb is
Rucksacks planned with numerous camps and load carries
in between, something larger will be required.
Your choice of rucksack depends on a number of Here the balance is between being able to trans-
variables such as length and type of route, dura- port larger, bulkier objects (i.e., tents, sleeping
tion, technical difficulty, and approach trek. No bags) and weight. With the best will in the
76  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

world, carrying in excess of 20 kilograms (44 two-person tent, will need to be strong, durable,
lb) is unlikely to be sustained for many days, and as light as possible. Single-skin tents are the
especially at altitude, so a pack of 100 litres lightest, but if you are looking to have something
(26.5 gal) is unlikely to be beneficial. A better placed precariously for longer amounts of time,
choice is a more conservative pack of 60+15 a double-skin tent will prove more resilient. We
litres (16+4 gal). combined the Ultra Quasar with double poles
Regardless of size, a number of factors will for extra strength (although also extra weight)
need to be considered. Your rucksack is part that withstood the worst of Himalayan storms
of your climbing system and will need to be in locations where, previously, only snow holes
compatible with your clothing to allow access dug with much time and effort had survived.
to pockets and vents. Your climbing harness and Finally, if route and duration are totally
rucksack hip belt must not interfere with each unknown for the summit push, plan for the
other, and due consideration must be given worst and have an emergency back-up. Some-
to carriage and accessibility of climbing gear. thing as simple as a small two-person bothy
A water system also needs to be considered, bag will be a lifesaver in the worst-case scenario
whether that is a bladder and drinking tube or and weighs in at 0.3 kilograms (.7 lb). We went
a pouch on the hip belt, not forgetting appro- a step further in designing the climber’s high
priate insulation. Last but not least, keeping isolation pod (CHIP) shelter, a one-off design
the contents of your rucksack waterproof and made specifically for the Everest West Ridge 2006
separated in stuff sacks (compression straps for expedition. The idea for this shelter came from
reducing volume are useful) will help to keep hard-earned experiences of surviving in canyons,
items separate and easily identifiable.

Tents can be divided into four stages of require-
ment for large expeditions: trek, base camp,
mountain camps, and summit assault. On many
approach treks in the Himalayas, it is possible
to use tea house–type accommodations, consist-
ing of basic shared sleeping space and provision
of food and drink. Although convenient, these
don’t always offer the best night’s rest and accli-
matisation. For this reason, on the approach I
have often used tents earmarked for higher on
the mountain.
Once at base camp, something a little more
substantial and spacious is recommended for
prolonged amounts of time to allow good rest
and recuperation after hard climbing days. On
the 2006 Everest West Ridge expedition, the
Terra Nova Cosmos proved ideal. Designed for
eight people, it can be a comfortable and luxuri-
ous base camp tent for three or four, providing
lots of space for personal equipment and room
enough to stand and stretch (as long as you’re
under 183 cm, or 6 ft), along with the strength
to withstand the worst of weather.
No camp on the mountain itself is going to be
particularly comfortable. Your tent, normally a A modern two-person tent design at camp 2 on EWR 2006.
equipment  ▪  77

caves, and mountains. Ultralightweight and want to find any cold spots. The fit needs to be
compact, it can provide shelter for up to four, comfortably snug; if it is too big, it won’t be as
offering a haven for resting, eating, drinking, and efficient in keeping you warm and will add extra
warming up. When used in conjunction with a weight. If you’re hot bagging, or sharing sleep-
small stove, it could quickly turn –34 degrees ing systems at various camps with other team
Celsius (–30 degrees Fahrenheit) to –1 degrees members (not normally at the same time), size
Celsius (30 degrees Fahrenheit), no mean feat will be a consideration if one team member is
at over 8,000 metres (26,245 ft). 198 centimetres (6 ft, 6 in.) and another is 152
centimetres (5 ft). Sleeping bags specifically
designed for females are also now available.
Sleeping Systems Make sure zips are working well and have a
Browse any good equipment catalogue or retail baffle; a good hood and draw cord system will
shop and the vast array of choices for sleeping also help you to get a good night’s sleep. Added
bags will soon become apparent. However, no warmth and protection can be gained by using
one sleeping bag will suit all situations. From a bivi bag. Choose one that is waterproof and
bag design (mummy or tapered) to filling (down breathable—otherwise you will end up as wet
or synthetic), the choice may seem endless. inside as out.
Often you will find yourself on a trip requiring A good sleeping bag will perform at its best if
a long approach trek, possibly starting from low used with an appropriate sleeping mat. Choose
altitude in warm, humid conditions and rising to between closed-cell and self-inflating mats.
the freezing temperatures of base camp, which Closed-cell mats are durable, forgiving, light,
means more than one sleeping system may and flexible and can be rolled or folded flat to
be required. Carrying only one light bag and fit inside a rucksack. Ensure that the mat has a
intending to add clothing as you get higher will nonslip surface, or you will find yourself sliding
not always be ideal, especially for longer trips. off in the night. Closed-cell mats can also be cut
You may be happy to rough it for a few days on down to minimise weight and space. If more
an alpine-style ascent, but if you’re planning an comfort is desired, consider a self-inflating mat.
extended trip, a warm and comfortable night’s Often best used at base camp, these provide far
sleep will be much needed. better insulation and comfort at an added cost of
Insulation comes in the form of down or syn- weight. I have used Therm-a-Rest mats success-
thetic; both have pros and cons and your choice fully in all conditions, but always carry a repair
will depend on the environment for intended kit—you never know!
use. In cold, dry conditions, down is hard to
beat. Lighter in comparison to synthetic insula- Stoves
tion, down packs into a reasonably small size,
even for a heavier fill weight, but you will need I doubt there is a single serious mountaineer
to look after the bag, treating it with greater care. who has never had a severe drama with a moun-
Down won’t perform as well as synthetic mate- tain stove. It can be the pleasure or pain on any
rial if damp or wet, which will be inevitable in mountain or route. Get it right, fantastic; get it
extended use. Make sure to dry and air the bag wrong, and it will become your worst nightmare.
as often as you can. Give careful thought to the intended objective,
Synthetic bags can be much more forgiving. height, length, altitude, temperature, country,
They are generally cheaper, but more filling is and availability of fuel, as well as whether it is
required so they tend to be heavier. Importantly, for personal use or will be shared by expedition
they have the advantage of keeping you warm members.
even when they are wet. So when conditions are Easily maintained and most commonly used
a little more unpredictable, synthetic could be are the screw-in cartridges that come in butane
the best option. or a butane–propane mix. For the majority of
Regardless of fill type, make sure that all bags low-level objectives, they will prove the easiest
have good all-around insulation—you don’t and most forgiving options. Make best use of
78  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

heat exchangers and windbreaks to optimise still, carry a back-up stove amongst the team. A
performance. If placed on the floor, make sure PocketRocket comes in at 85 grams (3 oz) and
you provide some kind of insulation, especially will provide instant warmth and a drink, even
if using directly on snow. Hanging stoves are inside a two-person bothy bag at 8,000 metres
now popular, and the Jetboil system provides (26,245 ft)!
a compact, neat, and efficient stove. Consider
insulating the fuel because it will lose efficiency Climbing Gear
when getting low and cold; even adding hand
warmth will make a difference. I have also wit- Every climb and every route will require a dif-
nessed climbers using an external heat source for ferent approach, and to that end the equipment
a hanging stove, but be warned, this can have needed will vary immensely. Experience is the
serious consequences. key to deciding preferences and what gear is
At altitude, or when it starts to get really cold, I required. Here we will give some insight into the
have sworn by my old MSR XGK for many years. personal climbing gear used on the 2006 Everest
As long as you can get the right fuel (make sure West Ridge expedition and similar objectives.
it’s not contaminated if it’s from an unreliable With all climbing gear, compatibility with
source), it is remarkably robust, blasts out great other gear items and the route is essential. Boots
heat, and is fast. Regardless of final choice, I and crampons must match the conditions on
can’t emphasise enough the need to check your the mountain. On Everest, we were unlikely to
stove, fuel, and intended lighters before setting encounter grade VI ice, so a technical crampon
off and to always carry a small repair kit. Better would be inappropriate; more suitable in most

Paul Chiddle, climbing the French Spur up to the West Ridge of Everest, tackling steep ice at 6,300 metres (20,670 ft).
equipment  ▪  79

It’s Not How Well You’re Dressed

But How Well You Climb

W ell over 20 years ago, I shared a base camp under Mount Kenya’s Diamond
Couloir with a team of Polish climbers. With my youth and naivety, kitted out
in homemade climbing clothing and secondhand boots and ice tools, we shared a
passion to climb at any cost. I watched in awe as this bunch of bedraggled climbers
would tackle anything and everything in front of them with passion and ease, from
hard rock to steep ice, all in preparation for an impending Himalayan trip. It was a
valuable lesson for a young lad. Climbing is not about shiny new gear in the latest
trends and colours but approach and attitude combined with an ability to improvise,
adapt, and overcome.
—John Doyle

cases is a quality mountaineering crampon. Select performance curved ice tools will give you con-
something strong and reliable in steel, make sure fidence to tackle hard, steep, mixed terrain, and
points are sharpened for the best performance, at least one pair of these for the lead climbers is
and always use an antiballing plate (plastic plates useful. For the rest of the team following on fixed
are lighter than rubber). Ensure the crampons fit ropes, a lighter, more versatile tool is appropri-
your boots well, even when using gaiters, and ate. Something like the Grivel Air Tech Evolution
experiment with various attachments—clip-on, combines a practical approach on moderate ter-
toe bail, heel lever, and plastic harness. Try them rain with featherweight performance. Choose a
in all conditions and whilst wearing gloves and length of 50 to 55 centimetres (20-22 in.) and
mitts; fitting crampons to boots at 8,000 metres when the going gets less steep, combine it with
(26,245 ft) can be a major challenge. a telescopic walking pole.
A harness needs to be comfortable and adjust- Don’t underestimate the value of good head
able over a wide range of clothing, from a thin protection, even on easier angled terrain; falling
base layer on the lower mountain to a full down rock and ice can rapidly ruin your day. Ultra-
suit higher up. Consider how the harness fits lightweight modern helmets are constructed
with your intended rucksack and waist belt (if of compressed foam, and though they offer
worn), the adjustment range of waist and leg protection, they will not stand up to the rigors
loops, access to gear loops, and the all-important of a long trip and inevitable wear and tear, kit
emergency toilet stop. Though full-body har- dumps, and abuse. Opt for a hard-shell helmet,
nesses will have their benefits when travelling which is perhaps not as stylish but is practical,
through heavily crevassed areas, especially with durable, and sure to last the course.
heavy loads, they tend to be uncomfortable and When ascending fixed ropes, a good expedi-
can cause problems when adding or removing tion ascender will be hard to beat. Normally on
layers. Perhaps a more useful option is to use all but the steepest of terrain, you will need only
a separate chest harness if and when required. one, and a good handle will provide a positive
Ice tools need to have a balance between grip even when wearing mitts. Attached with a
technical ability and practical use. For leading short sling or daisy chain to your harness, it will
initial steep sections, a pair of well-balanced, also provide safety when passing fixed anchors
80  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

on steep ground. For descending ropes, a good required lots of hard Jumar work. On the easier
abseil device can double up for both. Make sure sections we used a much thinner, lighter 7.5-mil-
it can handle the rope chosen; many now will limetre cord to act mainly as a hand rail in poor
cover 8 to 11 millimetres, but it is worth check- weather. Whatever combination you choose,
ing, especially on icy ropes. Both ascender and don’t underestimate the amount of fixed line
descender should be used with locking karabin- you will need to secure your intended route—it
ers. I prefer screw gate as opposed to twist lock could well be in excess of 5 kilometres (3 mi)
and suggest you carry a couple. on an 8,000-metre (26,245 ft) peak.
Rope can be categorised by that used for When it came to securing ropes, 90 percent of
general climbing and fixed lines. A general the anchors used were in snow and ice, with only
climbing rope will be dynamic in construction a small number of rock pegs. Sixty-centimetre (2
and anywhere between 8 and 11 millimetres in ft) snow pickets were a good length to carry and
diameter. The terrain (glacier, easy snow slope, place in steep snow, and all had been prefixed
or hard mixed rock and ice ground) will dictate with small tie-in loops to speed up fixing of rope.
the best length, diameter, and weight. When Titanium ice screws, although more expensive,
fixing large sections of a route, consider the are considerably lighter when you have to carry
difficulty of the terrain and the amount of use large numbers. Make sure they are nice and sharp
the ropes will get. If on a popular route, use to penetrate the hardest ice.
could involve hundreds of ascents. Because we Last but not least in terms of personal climb-
were the only expedition on the West Ridge of ing gear are Prusik loops. Carry a couple of
Everest, we had total control over how the fixed 6-millimetre loops that will provide for a poten-
lines were to be used and thus chose a heavier tial multitude of uses, from crevasse rescue to
9-millimetre static rope on steeper sections that abseil back-up.

Don’t underestimate how much wear and tear fixed ropes will take with team members performing multiple ascents and
descents with heavy loads over many weeks of climbing during a long expedition.
equipment  ▪  81

Supplementary body on inhalation only. This system offers great

savings in the quantity of oxygen used, therefore
Oxygen Equipment extending the duration of an oxygen cylinder
As with all equipment choices, supplementary by at least three times. The other benefit of the
oxygen must fit in with the objectives of the pulsed dose is that the oxygen is delivered via a
chosen peak and route. Many of the 8,000-metre nasal cannula, which allows the climber to eat,
(26,245 ft) peaks are now climbed using supple- drink, and communicate whilst still receiving
mentary oxygen. Arguably all but the highest supplemental oxygen. It also allows a climber to
(Everest, K2, and Kanchenjunga) are quite fea- sleep on oxygen without creating vast amounts
sible without supplementary oxygen, if the expe- of condensation in the face mask that then seeps
dition team has prepared correctly beforehand. into the sleeping bag. Pulsed-dose systems sense
However, many commercial guiding companies a person’s inhalation and deliver a precisely
will insist on the use of supplementary oxygen. metered dose of oxygen at the leading edge of
There is no question that using supplementary inspiration. This allows the oxygen to go deep
oxygen will greatly increase your chance of suc- into the lungs, thus realising the best therapeutic
cess, and having previously climbed two 8,000- benefits. Because the oxygen is only delivered in
metre peaks without it, I was absolutely amazed precise doses and only at the start of inhalation,
at the difference it did make. Donning an oxygen no oxygen is wasted by filling the anatomical
system for the first time at Camp 4 on the West dead spaces in the upper lungs, upper respira-
Ridge, I romped across the North Face to over tory tract, and mouth where oxygen cannot be
8,000 metres in less than 2 hours, feeling like absorbed into the body. This is how the pulsed-
I was back at Camp 1. For smaller expeditions, dose system extends the endurance of the oxygen
don’t underestimate the logistical problems that cylinder for so much longer. Table 4.1 compares
using oxygen will bring. the endurance offered by the two systems.
Supplementary oxygen systems can be divided
into two types. The first and more traditional
is the constant-flow system. It is simple to
operate, and when used in conjunction with a
modern facemask, it provides the best results in
terms of physical performance for the climber.
With the constant-flow system, oxygen flows
all the time the regulator is open. As a climber
exhales, the inlet valve in the facemask is closed
by the increased pressure. The breath exits the
facemask via the exhalation valve. At this point
the oxygen is still flowing and starts to fill a
reservoir that expands to accept the increasing
volume of oxygen. As the climber then inhales,
the contents of the reservoir are drawn into the
facemask and then the climber’s lungs. With
older facemask styles, this basic system has not
worked reliably, with valves leaking oxygen to
the atmosphere and even freezing in the closed
position, preventing oxygen from flowing into
the facemask. The fit of the facemask is vital to
ensure a good seal for efficiency, as well as to
prevent the fogging of goggles.
The second system available is the pulsed-
dose system. This is a demand-based system
that, as the name suggests, doses oxygen to the Enjoying a good night’s rest at 7,300 metres (23,950 ft).
82  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Table 4.1  Oxygen Flow Rates

Cylinder Flow rate (l.min-1)

pressure 1 2 3 4 5 6

4 L (1 gal) cylinder endurance table—pulsed dose

50 bar 10 hr, 6 min 5 hr, 3 min 3 hr, 22 min 2 hr, 32 min 2 hr 1 hr, 40 min

100 bar 20 hr, 12 min 10 hr, 6 min 6 hr, 43 min 5 hr, 3 min 4 hr 3 hr, 22 min

150 bar 30 hr, 20 min 15 hr, 9 min 10 hr, 6 min 7 hr, 35 min 6 hr, 3 min 5 hr

200 bar 40 hr, 25 min 20 hr, 12 min 13 hr, 28 min 10 hr, 6 min 8 hr, 4 min 6 hr, 43 min

250 bar 50 hr, 30 min 25 hr, 15 min 16 hr, 50 min 12 hr, 37 min 10 hr, 6 min 8 hr, 25 min

300 bar 60 hr, 20 min 30 hr, 10 min 20 hr, 12 min 15 hr, 9 min 12 hr, 7 min 10 hr, 6 min

4 L (1 gal) endurance table—constant flow

50 bar 3 hr, 20 min 1 hr, 40 min 1 hr, 10 min 50 min 40 min 34 min

100 bar 6 hr, 40 min 3 hr, 20 min 2 hr, 15 min 1 hr, 40 min 1 hr, 20 1 hr, 10 min

150 bar 10 hr 5 hr 3 hr, 20 min 2 hr, 30 min 2 hr 1 hr, 40 min

200 bar 13 hr, 20 min 6 hr, 40 min 4 hr, 25 min 3 hr, 20 min 2 hr, 40 min 2 hr, 15 min

250 bar 16 hr, 40 min 8 hr, 20 min 5 hr, 30 min 4 hr, 10 min 3 hr, 20 min 2 hr, 45 min

300 bar 20 hr 10 hr 7 hr, 30 min 5 hr 4 hr 3 hr, 20 min

Table courtesy of Summit Oxygen International Ltd. (

A number of factors were key to our decision

to go with Summit Oxygen’s pulsed-dose system:
1. The usage time per bottle was almost triple
that of the Russian constant flow system
due to the oxygen being on demand rather
than constant flow. This meant that the
cost, mountain logistics, and number of
bottles to be carried were all much lower.
2. The system is far more user friendly
because it uses a nasal cannula to deliver
the oxygen instead of a large face mask
and reservoir bag, thus enabling users to
speak, eat, drink, and see where they are
going. For those who preferred, a smaller
mask was available for use with the
system. The mask was tried, but almost
all but a few Sherpas preferred the ease
of the cannula.
3. All the equipment is compatible, mean-
ing that if climbers want to optimise their Dave Wilson at over 8,000 metres (26,245 ft) using a silicone
performance on the mountain, then the nasal cannula for oxygen on demand.
equipment  ▪  83

Breathing With or Without

Supplementary Oxygen

I t is often assumed that it is best to get as high as possible on the mountain before
using supplemental oxygen. This made good sense in days gone by when only
constant-flow systems were available. With the advent of pulsed-dose technology,
however, supplemental oxygen can now be used in sparing quantities on the lower
reaches of the mountain and still reduce the logistical burden of oxygen cylinders
on the mountain. A good example of this is our use of oxygen for sleeping at camps
above 7,300 metres (23,950 ft) on Everest, which meant that at 7,300 metres, we had
acclimatised as much as physiologically possible. Using oxygen when sleeping allows
the climber a good night’s sleep since apnea is eliminated. This in itself will greatly
improve performance, and in my case, after a good night’s sleep at Camp 3, the fol-
lowing day I had more than enough energy to allow progress along the entire West
Ridge without the use of supplementary oxygen, thus easing the logistical supply
problems immensely. It was only on leaving camp 4 at 7,600 metres (24,935 ft) that
the pulsed-dose system was used continually, and as previously stated, it made a phe-
nomenal difference. Without any shadow of a doubt, never have I seen a group of
high-altitude climbers perform so well both physically and mentally. I only wish we
could have controlled the snow conditions as effectively!
—John Doyle

pulsed-dose system could be used on the Eye Protection  Never underestimate the
lower sections of the mountain and then effect that the outdoor elements can have
climbers could switch to constant flow on your eyes, from glaring sun reflected and
before departing the top camp for the intensified from the surrounding snow to the
summit. cold, biting, and drying winds of high altitude.
Neglect good eye protection at your peril—I
have witnessed how debilitating and potentially
Miscellaneous catastrophic the effects of snow blindness can be
Essentials on both an individual and a team.
A vast array of eye protection is now avail-
Last but not least, here is a little food for thought able. Gone are the days of old-fashioned glacier
on a number of essential equipment items. As glasses with dull and uncomfortable designs.
previously stated, the aim of this chapter is not The new sport-type sunglasses have sleek, face-
to sell specific products but to pass on hard- hugging designs that should provide everyone
earned experience and advice as to what works with an almost perfect fit to prevent unwanted
in different situations. Only by getting outdoors light and wind penetrating to the eyes. One
in all conditions will you really appreciate the important factor to consider is misting up of the
pros and cons of your equipment and what lenses, especially when working hard. Experi-
works best for you. ment before you depart and look for a balance
84  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

of protection and ventilation. Glasses are useless as plumbers tape and strong plastic glue, these
if you can’t see through them due to misting. limitations can be minimised.
Interchangeable lenses give the option to get Navigation Tools  Map, compass, and GPS
the best out of the many light combinations, all have their place. Once on the route itself,
including clear, amber, brown, grey, and tradi- most of the navigation problems are solved.
tional darker lenses. Make certain the protection It’s now down to technical route-finding ability,
from UV rays is adequate; different tints provide and there is no substitute for experience. On the
different levels of protection. During training lower mountain, glacier approaches, and easier
runs, bike rides, and mountain days, I have terrain, marking the route with wands will save
found the ability to change lenses quite useful, you a lot of time and grief after a long day in
but once I’m on serious, long mountain routes, poor visibility when, for example, searching for
I’m unwilling to stop and change lenses to suit a small camp in the middle of a glacier. Always
the conditions for passing cloud cover. carry a map, compass, and GPS just in case;
Once the winds start to blow hard with know bearings and distance to key features;
spindrift, quality goggles will become essential. and mark the features as waypoints in your
Don’t be tempted to buy cheap goggles; double GPS, especially when operating in large, open
lenses and good ventilation will ensure the best areas. I would also recommend a good watch
performance in the worst conditions. Choose with alarm, stopwatch, backlight, and altimeter
a robust yet flexible design because they may capability; it is as much a useful navigation aid
well spend most of the trip stuffed in a rucksack as a timepiece. Make sure it is waterproof; can
pocket, and as with glasses, take spare lenses stand up to the knocks; and, as with all electronic
with you—they are often broken or misplaced. equipment, has fresh batteries (and spares).
Hydration  Failure to stay hydrated dramati- Trekking Poles  Poles are a great aid to
cally increases risk to mountaineers as both crossing the variety of terrain you can expect to
physical and cognitive performance are nega- encounter on expedition, from jungle to deep
tively affected. Maintaining the ability to take snow. A trekking pole is great for rough terrain in
in fluids during a long day is essential. During ascent or descent, and when carrying heavy loads
Everest West Ridge 2006, we developed the it will help take the strain from aching joints. I
complete hydration internal pouches (CHIP) prefer a three-piece collapsible pole because it
system that has been used successfully above packs neatly onto the side of the rucksack when
8,000 metres. The design has two 1-litre fluid hands are needed for climbing or scrambling.
bladders winterized with neoprene-covered Trekking poles have also been useful in helping
tubes and nozzles. These tubes are shortened to splint the odd leg sprain.
such that when they are placed in a fixed pouch
inside a waistcoat, one on each side of the front Headtorch  If you can’t see the map, guide,
of the chest, the nozzles are only accessible by or topo, you can’t navigate. Now with the latest
a flap in the down suit. With careful manage- mini-LED (light-emitting diode) torches, there
ment they are only momentarily exposed to is no excuse to be caught out. These come with
the freezing conditions during drinking and are a long battery life, are small and light, and give
kept liquid by body heat so that fluid is always enough illumination for easier night travel and
readily accessible. On a cold night the system awkward situations. If you require something a
makes a great hot-water bottle and gives you a little more substantial, choose a halogen lamp to
warm start. Equally as effective on warmer days give a powerful searching beam for serious route
at altitude, the system can be worn over a ther- finding, although such lamps go through batter-
mal base with no other layers. As with all new ies quite quickly and weigh considerably more.
innovations, there are some limitations due to Skis and Snowshoes  I have seen more
freezing, potential leaks, or pipes coming adrift, than one expedition grind to a frustrating halt
but with good husbandry and a repair kit, such after heavy snowfall. In some areas you should
equipment  ▪  85

expect a lot more snow than in others, so plan of 3-millimetre cord, and some superglue for
accordingly. Teams are not always stopped due those small, awkward repairs. At base camp on
to avalanche conditions, which should never larger expeditions, a more extensive kit can be
be underestimated, but more often due to the held to cover larger repairs to tents and so on
inability to wade through thigh-deep snow when time permits.
above 5,000 metres (16,405 ft). For this reason Eating and Drinking Utensils  Use a large,
you should plan on giving yourself the option of plastic measuring beaker of at least 1 litre to keep
skis or snowshoes to operate in such conditions track of fluid intake and help you stay hydrated
and not waste valuable time. so you can perform at your best. Mark it so you
Skis sound like a fun option, but don’t under- know it’s yours—people will be jealous! For
estimate the effort and skill required for skiing eating, I prefer a plastic spoon. Attach a cord to
safely at altitude. You will also need to consider the spoon and beaker so they can be hung in
the terrain you will encounter, the group’s abil- the tent for ease and convenience.
ity, carrying even more equipment, and how
often you think you will be able to use the Urine Bottle  Another essential piece of
equipment to justify its inclusion. Unless you are equipment that will keep you warm and sane
taking a team with a main objective to ascend during the night and in any unexpected tent time
or descend a route on skis (the feasibility and is the urine bottle. It should be a wide-mouthed
methods would require a chapter of their own), plastic container of at least 1 litre, and make sure
I would recommend snowshoes. it’s recognizably different from any drinking
Snowshoes are a much simpler option for bottle, even in the dark. Some prefer the col-
the majority of team members and require lapsible type; I opt for something a bit sturdier
little training. They are now available in many to avoid any accidents. Practice makes perfect!
designs, but opt for a robust model with a
universal binding that will fit a wide range of
shoe sizes. Look for a toe-crampon system for
icy sections, as well as to prevent sideslipping
on traverses. They should be able to pack down
flat and should be reasonably light—there’s no
point in carrying more weight than is neces-
sary, and they are often sized for the weight
of the climber, including rucksack. The main
aim after snowfall is to reopen the route on the
mountain as quickly as possible, so you prob-
ably won’t need to equip every member with a
pair of snowshoes, but take a few pairs for the
hardy trailbreakers.
Repair Kit  Making sure all your equipment
is 100 percent serviceable before you leave will
pay dividends. However, there will be the odd
unforeseen blowout that will have to be dealt
with, so balancing the need to carry a small
repair kit against all that might happen is worth-
while. A small multitool with a selection of knife
blades (make sure they are sharp), screwdriver
attachments, small metal file, and pliers is essen-
tial. Carry a selection of plastic zip ties in various Malcolm Russell replacing fluids at 7,300 metres (23,950 ft)
sizes for fast and efficient repairs, a few metres by collecting snow, which is then melted on a stove.
86  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Key Ideas ▸▸ Be practical. Whether on a weekend in

Scotland or a Himalayan expedition, the
▸▸ Remember the six Ps: Prior planning and best and most expensive equipment won’t
preparation prevent poor performance. guarantee success.
▸▸ Check and test everything; leave nothing ▸▸ Ask questions and take advice, but remem-
to chance. ber it is ultimately your decision.
▸▸ Put your equipment through its paces and
in all conditions.
C h a p t e r

First Aid, Travel,
and Acclimatisation
Adrian Mellor and John O’Hara

L ife is not a journey to the grave

with the intention of arriving
safely in a pretty and well-preserved
First Aid
in a Wilderness
body, but rather to skid in broadside, Environment
thoroughly used up, totally worn
The approach to a casualty in a remote loca-
out, and loudly proclaiming, “Wow,
tion differs little from that in other areas. It is
what a ride!”
in planning the response and appropriate levels
Anonymous of kit, equipment, and expertise that the real
challenges occur.

Planning medical care for a party encompasses

everything from a small group out for a day’s
Approach to the Casualty
walk to a major expedition to a remote, high- Mountain environments present unique chal-
altitude objective. A chapter in a book of this sort lenges for a would-be rescuer. A relatively trivial
cannot cover the vast array of techniques, back- injury may cause great difficulties in terms of
ground knowledge, and skills involved, nor can access to and extrication of the patient.
it replace common sense or provide the judge- It is of paramount importance to assess the
ment required. However, the basic principles of scene of the injury for further risks. The casualty
approach to a casualty, priorities, and recogni- may have been hit by falling rocks that still rep-
tion of serious illness are covered, along with resent a risk to any rescuer. This situation occurs
basic options for treatment. Details will also with winter climbing and avalanche situations
be provided on specific high-altitude problems where residual avalanche threat may pose a risk
and on preparing a medical kit for expeditions. to rescuers. It is the responsibility of the rescuer
The last part of the chapter deals with travel and to perform a risk assessment at the scene of the
acclimatisation to altitude, both of which can injury. For example, it may be more appropri-
cause performance and health problems if not ate for the casualty to come to the rescuer than
planned for and managed appropriately. vice versa.

▪ 87 ▪
88  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Calling for Help Addressing injuries in this way also provides

a framework for reporting the injuries (without
An essential part of expedition planning is know- necessarily knowing any underlying diagnoses)
ing how to contact local rescue services (e.g., in to ambulance control and other rescuers as
the United Kingdom, telephone number 999 they arrive. A logical approach is to assess the
connects to the emergency services, and in the scene, approach the casualty, kneel by the head,
United States the emergency number is 911). and with a hand on the forehead and shoulder,
Where applicable, it should be stated that the gently shake the patient and shout to elicit a
accident has taken place in a wilderness environ- response. Airway, breathing, circulation, disabil-
ment and mountain rescue will be required. In ity, and exposure—ABCDE—are then assessed.
the United Kingdom, the ambulance controller
will then make a decision to call out the RAF Airway (and Cervical Spine
search-and-rescue services or local air ambu- Control)
lance services. In other countries there may be Without a patent airway, even with respira-
a choice of numbers for rescue services or even tory effort the patient cannot get oxygen in
direct lines to private helicopter services. These and out of the lungs and death will ensue in
numbers can usually be found at local guide approximately 4 minutes. The airway comprises
offices or in guidebooks and should be located the passages from the mouth and nose to the
as part of the preparation for any international pharynx and down through the larynx to the
visit to a wilderness environment. trachea. The airway should first be inspected
Though mobile phone coverage is good in for any foreign bodies (e.g., teeth, dentures,
most areas of Britain and Europe (especially high food), which should then be removed. Second,
on the hills rather than in the valleys), this may listen for breathing noises. If the mouth is clear
not be the case in many international locations. of obstruction and no air is passing in and out,
For more remote expeditions, consider taking then the airway needs to be opened.
a satellite phone, even though coverage is not The airway is most commonly blocked by the
complete, especially in steep valleys. There is an tongue moving back in the mouth to obstruct
international convention for signalling distress the air passages. Because the tongue is attached
with a whistle (six blasts followed by a minute to the jaw, moving the jaw forward will clear the
interval) or signalling with a torch (six flashes airway and allow breathing. This can be achieved
followed by a minute interval). All expedition with a manoeuvre known as a jaw thrust. The jaw
members should be aware of the emergency thrust consists of placing the fingers behind the
contact numbers and signalling procedures; an angle of the jawbone (mandible) and lifting the
aide memoir or reminder can be produced and jaw forward (figure 5.1).

Once the casualty has been reached, carry out
a quick primary survey. The aim of this survey
is to identify and provide first aid treatment for
life-threatening problems. Treatment priorities
are based on the order in which injuries create
a threat to life; hence, injuries are treated in the
following sequence:
▸▸ Airway
▸▸ Breathing

▸▸ Circulation

▸▸ Disability
Figure 5.1  Performing a jaw thrust. Note the fingers
under the angle of the jaw and hands against the facial
▸▸ Exposure bones.
First Aid, Travel, and acclimatisation  ▪  89

This manoeuvre is of minimum risk to the Breathing

cervical spine, which can often be injured in After assessing the airway and performing simple
falls, resulting in unconsciousness. The cervical opening manoeuvres as necessary, breathing
spine consists of the vertebrae running through must be assessed. Breathing can easily be exam-
the neck and contains the spinal cord. If the ined by placing one’s head close to the casualty’s
cervical spine is fractured and the usual align- mouth. Important things to note include the
ment of the bones disrupted, then damage to the following:
nerves supplying the rest of the body can occur.
In the most severe cases, this can cause paralysis 1. The rate and rhythm of breathing (nor-
of the breathing muscles and death within a mally 10-20 breaths per minute)
few minutes. For this reason every effort must 2. Whether there are any abnormal noises
be made to minimise movement of the cervical suggesting secretions or blood in or
spine. This can be difficult for a single rescuer, damage to the airway
and although the combination of supporting the
3. Whether the chest is moving equally on
head and performing the jaw thrust is relatively
both sides
easy with practice, it effectively ties the rescuer
to the patient’s head until help arrives (figure If no breathing is noted after opening the
5.2). If there are two or more rescuers, then one airway, it should be established whether there
should perform manual in-line stabilisation of are any signs of life. If there are no signs, basic
the cervical spine, gently supporting the sides life support (BLS) commences (see figure 5.3). It
of the neck in a neutral position, until rescuers is not appropriate to describe BLS techniques in
arrive and can immobilise the spine.
Various airway adjuncts are available to help
keep an airway patent. Most commonly used is a Unresponsive?
Guedel oropharyngeal airway. This plastic curved
tube is inserted over the back of the tongue and
keeps the airway patent. For inexperienced rescu-
ers, a simple jaw thrust will suffice. Shout for help

Open airway

Not breathing

emergency services

30 chest

2 rescue breaths,
30 compressions

Figure 5.2  Performing a jaw thrust and checking for Figure 5.3 E4897/Cooke/Fig
Basic life support (BLS) guidelines.
signs of breathing. Adapted from Resuscitation Council UK 2005.
90  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

detail in a text of this sort; see Suggested Read- is made by noting the patient’s appearance and
ings on page 108 for suitable references. taking a pulse. The pulse should be measured
over 15 seconds and the result multiplied by
Circulation 4 to get a rate per minute. Absence of a pulse
The initial assessment of the patient should pro- is an important sign—with falling blood pres-
duce some evidence of the adequacy of circula- sure, the pulse tends to disappear in the smaller
tion. For example, to be able to talk coherently, arteries, so it will disappear at the wrist, then in
the casualty must have adequate blood flow to the groin, and then in the neck as blood pres-
the brain. An otherwise healthy person can com- sure falls.
pensate for a loss of up to 40 percent of blood Adequacy of circulation can be further
volume before becoming severely unwell. As assessed with the capillary refill test. This is
part of the assessment of circulation, any bleed- performed by pressing with a finger on, for
ing points should be examined and dressed. example, the breastbone (sternum) for 5 seconds
An elastic pressure dressing (sometimes sold as and then releasing; in an uninjured person the
first field dressings or military-type dressings) skin should flush pink again within 2 seconds.
consisting of a pad and elasticated bandage Capillary refill is a useful test, but it can be dif-
is ideal for stopping bleeding from a limb or ficult to interpret, especially in the extremities of
head wound. Fractures can bleed significantly, a cold patient. Table 5.1 shows the progression
especially fractures of the femur (thigh bone) of shock with degrees of blood loss. It is impera-
and pelvis. This bleeding can be reduced by tive to be able to recognise a patient who is in
gentle alignment and splinting. Treatment of shock, provide any possible first aid, and arrange
internal bleeding for all but the best equipped for urgent evacuation to a hospital.
and trained rescuers will consist of recognition
of the seriously injured patient and expedited Disability
transport to a hospital. Realistically, little can be done to reduce dis-
Shock is the medical state in which inad- ability in an injured patient other than apply-
equate oxygen is supplied to the body. This may ing the principles described thus far, ensuring a
be because of a problem with the heart (e.g., patent airway and breathing, and stopping any
as the pump), a lack of oxygen in the blood haemorrhage.
(e.g., high-altitude pulmonary oedema), or a In terms of communicating with emergency
problem with the blood supply (e.g., haemor- services, disability can be assessed using the
rhage from wounds, internal or external). In AVPU scale:
the extreme case, a shocked patient will appear
cold, clammy, sweating, and unwell with a fast Alert—The patient is talking and aware of
pulse (greater than 120 beats per minute) that surroundings.
may not be felt as a pulse anywhere other than Verbal—The patient responds to verbal
in the neck. Rapid assessment of the circulation questioning.

Table 5.1  Degrees of Shock

Blood loss <15% lost 15%-30% lost 30%-40% lost >40% lost

Heart rate <100 bpm >100 bpm 120-140 bpm >140 bpm

Respiratory rate 10-20/min 20-30/min 30-40/min >35/min

Capillary refill Normal >2 s >2 s Prolonged or


Mental state Normal Agitated, Confused, hostile Confused,

frightened unresponsive

Normal blood volume for an adult male is approximately 5,000 millilitres (5 qt); bpm = beats per minute.
First Aid, Travel, and acclimatisation  ▪  91

Pain—The patient responds to a painful rescue within 2 hours of a patient who has
stimulus (e.g., pressing on the bony area a normal temperature, then CPR should
of the eyebrow will produce a response not be started.
even if the casualty has a spinal cord
Treatment for
Unresponsive—The patient does not
Specific Injuries
Exposure The spectrum of medical problems requiring
first aid in a wilderness environment is huge
Injured patients will quickly become cold and and beyond the scope of this chapter. It is
lose heat for various reasons. They may be laid important to consider preexisting conditions,
on the ground, losing heat directly; they may illnesses unrelated to the environment (e.g., an
have less blood in their circulation; and they expedition member may have the misfortune
will lose more heat by breathing more quickly. to develop appendicitis), and injuries due to
Additionally, the emotional component to a trauma and the activities undertaken. The imme-
significant injury tends to make casualties feel diate management of a few specific injuries is
cold and shiver. For these reasons, it is neces- considered next.
sary to provide warmth. This can be done in a
variety of ways depending what is available, but
it is important to try to get the person off cold Lacerations and Cuts
ground (on a rucksack, spare jacket, or foam First aid for any bleeding wound is to apply pres-
mat) and covered as much as possible, especially sure and elevate the limb above the level of the
the head. heart. A dressing should be applied that is firm
Note on Basic Life Support but not tight enough to cut off the blood supply
The decision to start BLS in a wilderness environ-
ment can be challenging. It is difficult to rapidly
assess what injuries are simply not survivable, in
which case BLS is inappropriate. BLS is extremely
tiring and once started, it should be continued.
For a single rescuer, this is exhausting and limits
the ability to call for help. Points for consider-
ation are as follows:
1. If the casualty is seen to collapse rather
than suffer any injury, BLS may be appro-
priate (e.g., the cause may be a preexisting
heart condition).
2. If a casualty has multiple injuries and BLS
cannot be started for several minutes due
to difficulties with access, BLS is futile.
3. Hypothermic casualties may do better
than expected because cold tends to pro-
tect the brain; thus, BLS should be started
if it can be continued whilst the patient
is warmed. This is usually only reason-
able if evacuation times are short, and it
will depend on the number of rescuers
available to perform cardiopulmonary Stitching a head wound after a close call in a rock fall on
resuscitation (CPR). If there is no hope of Everest.
92  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

to the limb. This can be assessed by looking at before and after splinting. Upper-limb fractures
the limb beyond the injury and testing capillary can be treated in a sling made from a triangular
refill; if the blood supply to the limb is intact, bandage.
it should flush pink again within 2 seconds. If Open fractures should first be dressed with a
stitching is required and the expertise and kit are sterile dressing and adequate padding around
available, it can be completed. In exceptional a protruding bone if the fracture cannot be
circumstances, a tourniquet can be used to stop reduced. If possible, the dressing against the
bleeding. This is usually only required in major wound should be soaked in dilute iodine,
limb injury, such as traumatic amputations. A potassium permanganate, or a similar antiseptic
tourniquet (which can be bought already made solution.
or fashioned from a rolled triangular bandage) Pain relief should be given early in the form
can be applied above the injury, and it needs of an appropriately strong painkiller. A casu-
to be tight enough to prevent any blood flow alty who does not have to be moved and is
into the limb. The danger with tourniquets is well splinted may be surprisingly comfortable,
that because the blood supply to the limb is cut whereas moving will be painful. A casualty
off, the limb is effectively dying. For this reason should not be fed after an injury (in anticipation
the casualty needs to be evacuated urgently. If of an operation on arrival at hospital), but sips
evacuation is delayed, the tourniquet should be of water with painkillers are entirely appropriate.
eased hourly to assess whether it is still required.
Fractures and Sprains Burns may occur on expeditions due to the use
In the field, it is often impossible to tell the of petrol or gas stoves in tents or other confined
difference between a fracture and a sprain. The spaces. As with all medical problems, prevention
treatment for simple sprains consists of RICE: is better than cure and every effort must be made
rest, ice, compression (with a crepe or tubular to comply with the manufacturer’s guidelines.
bandage), and elevation. More severe sprains Wherever possible, avoid using stoves inside
will need splinting in the same way as a fracture. tents.
There can be significant bleeding from frac- First aid for burns is relatively straightforward
tures, so splinting is important for both reducing and consists of three phases:
pain and preventing bleeding. When assessing
a fracture, it is essential to look at blood supply 1. Stopping the burning process
to the limb beyond the break using the capil- 2. Cooling the burn surface
lary refill method described previously. If the 3. Providing pain relief and dressing the
limb has very delayed or absent capillary refill, burn
consider applying gentle traction to realign the
limb before splinting if adequate pain relief can All burning should be extinguished and
be given. clothing that is covered in hot water or burn-
The principle of splinting fractures is that ing should be removed. If clothing has melted
the joint above and the joint below the fracture and cannot be removed, cut around the most
should be splinted. For example, a fracture of the affected areas, leaving those bits of cloth adher-
lower leg would need splinting at the ankles and ing to the burn.
above the knees. The uninjured leg can be used The burn surface should be cooled with water
as a splint for the injured leg, paying attention at 8 to 25 degrees Celsius (46-77 degrees Fahr-
to padding between the legs and ankles. Material enheit)—do not use ice. This reduces the area of
such as a foam mattress or spare clothing can the burn and provides pain relief. Flowing water
be used for padding. Bandages used to splint is ideal, but spraying or sponging the wound or
should be broad (ideally, folded triangular wrapping in cold, wet towels is acceptable. Cool-
bandages) and tied on the noninjured side. ing in this way should take place for 20 minutes.
Once again, capillary refill should be checked While this cooling is taking place, it is impera-
First Aid, Travel, and acclimatisation  ▪  93

tive to keep the rest of the victim warm. To be body temperature have a significant impact on
effective, cooling needs to take place within 3 well-being.
hours of injury.
The burn should be dressed either in a clean Heat Illness
gauze dressing, in cling film, or in proprietary Heat illness is the name given to the body’s
burn dressings. Cling film stops air from coming inability to deal with heat production during
into contact with the burn and will therefore exercise. It occurs infrequently in the United
reduce the amount of pain. Burned areas swell Kingdom and similar environments but often
considerably within a few hours. For this reason, occurs in hotter climates. Some knowledge of
dressings should not be continuous around a the effects and signs of heat illness, as well as
limb or finger; overlapping layers are better. For a gradual acclimatisation to extreme temperatures,
similar reason, all jewellery should be removed. will ameliorate many problems.
Heat exhaustion may occur after a short
exposure to heavy work in hot weather or after
Dental Problems prolonged exposure to a hot environment.
Dental problems are common on protracted Symptoms include weakness, tiredness, dizzi-
expeditions. It goes without saying that before ness, headaches, nausea and vomiting, cramps,
any prolonged trip to a remote environment, flushing, and sweating. Treatment is aimed at
team members should have routine dental reducing temperature and consists of removal
checks and any dental work completed. Dental to a cool place, fanning, spraying with water,
problems include loss of fillings, damage to and drinking water. Heat exhaustion needs to
teeth, or toothache due to abscess formation. be taken seriously because it can lead to heat-
Temporary tooth dressings can be purchased stroke, which is much more serious. If body
over the counter as premixed pastes along with temperature is measured, it should be less than
first aid kits including a dental mirror and 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).
spatula. This temporary dressing can be used to Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition
fill a cavity if an old filling falls out or to dress where the body core temperature exceeds 40
a broken tooth. Toothache occurs because of degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). At this
a deep abscess within the jawbone. Treatment point the usual temperature-regulating mecha-
should be with painkillers and antibiotics, such nisms break down and the casualty may start to
as 375 mg of Augmentin three times daily. shiver or even feel cold to touch. Symptoms are
Painkillers and antibiotics will usually provide the same as heat exhaustion but become more
sufficient relief for a team member to carry on serious, including confusion, irritability, fitting
with an expedition. Mouthwash (e.g., Corsodyl) (such as seizures or convulsions), and uncon-
is useful for mouth ulcers and gum irritation. sciousness. Treatment is the same as for heat-
stroke, but other measures such as ice packs in the
Environmental Problems armpits and groin may be required. In extreme
cases the ABCDE process must be followed.
Expeditions often take place in inhospitable
environments with extreme temperatures (often Hypothermia
both high and low during the course of one day) Hypothermia occurs when the core body tem-
and a lack of fresh drinking water, or with tor- perature is less than 35 degrees Celsius (95
rential downpours of rain and wind dramatically degrees Fahrenheit). This can occur acutely with
lowering the effective temperature. The body’s falls into cold water or more commonly over
physiological processes are designed to work at several hours from exposure to the elements
the normal body temperature of 37 degrees Cel- due to inadequate clothing. As with most situ-
sius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit). This temperature ations, prevention through adequate prepara-
is usually tightly controlled between 36.5 and tion of equipment and clothing and attention
37.5 degrees Celsius (97.7-99.5 degrees Fahren- to the weather forecast is better than providing
heit). For this reason, small differences in core treatment.
94  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Hypothermia symptoms start with feelings metal objects that conduct heat away from the
of cold and loss of coordination and dexterity. body. Any state that decreases blood flow to the
As body temperature falls further, more severe extremities will also increase the risk of frostbite,
symptoms ensue. These include deteriorat- including dehydration, poorly fitting boots, and
ing memory, loss of decision-making ability, smoking.
and loss of volition. This leads to a cessation Treatment consists of rewarming the affected
of shivering, and at about 28 degrees Celsius part in water at 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees
(82.4 degrees Fahrenheit), the heart is prone to Fahrenheit). This will be very painful and will
arrhythmia, leading to coma and death. require strong painkillers. After rewarming, the
Treatment is gradual rewarming. This involves affected part should be dressed in sterile dress-
removing wet clothing and putting on warm, dry ings to reduce the risk of infection. Rewarming
clothes, taking care to cover the extremities and should only occur when the risk of reexposure
head; drinking warm, sweet fluids; and getting to freezing is minimal, such as in a hospital or at
into shelter and into a sleeping bag (ideally with base camp. The casualty should be encouraged
another person who has not got hypothermia). to move the affected part to increase blood flow.
Hot-water bottles can be used (drinks bottles Nonfreezing cold injury (trench foot) occurs
filled with hot water work well in this role), but with prolonged exposure to low temperatures
they should be wrapped in clothing or towels, and occurs without freezing. The affected area is
not placed directly next to the skin, and they white and numb. This continues after rewarm-
should be held against the torso rather than ing and may be permanent; however, usually
limbs. a day or so after rewarming, sensation returns
In severe cases, cardiac arrest will occur. This
is predominantly due to the heart going into
a rhythm called ventricular fibrillation (VF).
Extreme care should be taken to move a severely
hypothermic patient gently so as not to pre-
cipitate VF. When considering starting BLS, it is
important to think about the fact that BLS may
have to be continued for a long time (until the
casualty is in a medical facility or has a normal
temperature). This will exhaust a single rescuer.
BLS should only be started if no pulse can be
found in the neck after 1 minute (heart rate can
be extremely slow in hypothermic patients).
Cold Injury
Cold injury encompasses both freezing cold
injury (frostbite) and nonfreezing cold injury
(trench foot). Frostbite occurs in temperatures
lower than 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahr-
enheit). It is most common in the hands and
feet, although any area can be affected. Damage
occurs because of freezing within the tissues and
subsequent death of the cells. The affected part
becomes white and loses sensation. Recovery
depends on how deeply and for how long an
area is frozen.
Prevention is, once again, better than cure,
and adequate footwear and gloves are essential. Treatment for mild frostbite after reaching the summit of
It is important to minimise contact with bare Kanchenjunga.
First Aid, Travel, and acclimatisation  ▪  95

with a burning pain that persists until sensation Ailments Relating to

returns to normal. At the same time the limb
may develop more blood flow and become red Foreign Travel
in colour. Traveller’s diarrhoea is common when travelling
Prevention includes wearing adequate foot- in remote areas, affecting 20 to 50 percent of
wear with dry socks and regularly checking the travellers. The condition is usually self-limiting
feet, not sleeping in wet footwear, and being and short lived; however, stomach cramps, diar-
aware of any tingling or numbness as early signs rhoea, and vomiting can complicate mountain
of trench foot. travel. Dehydration or illness may predispose
one to the development of AMS, so the condi-
Sunburn tion should be taken seriously. The cause is
Sunburn is more likely to occur at high altitudes often bacteria that are not usually present in the
and in snowy environments due to the fact that traveller’s home environment.
at altitude there is less protective atmosphere Prevention consists of good hygiene and not
and UV radiation is reflected from snowy sur- drinking untreated water. This includes tooth-
faces. It does not have to be a cloud-free day for brushing and eating fruit or salads washed in
sunburn to occur; UV rays penetrate cloud, and untreated water. Treatment consists of main-
cloud can provide an extra reflecting layer that taining hydration with electrolyte solutions
bounces UV rays between snow and cloud. (e.g., dioralyte if severe) and using antimotility
Sunburn should be prevented by wearing agents to reduce the frequency of bowel motions
high-factor sunblock (greater than factor 25), (e.g., loperamide and antibiotics). Antimotility
lip balm containing sunblock, and light cloth- agents should not be used if the diarrhoea is
ing. The sun protection factor (SPF) reflects the bloody. Antibiotics (e.g., ciprofloxacin) shorten
amount of protection relative to unprotected the episode of diarrhoea and can be effective
skin (e.g., SPF 8 has eight times the protection as a single dose. In certain areas of the world
of normal skin). Exposure to UV rays produces there is antibiotic resistance amongst the bac-
sunburn on unprotected skin with redness, blis- teria commonly causing traveller’s diarrhoea,
tering, and swelling. Symptomatic relief can be and this information should be checked before
provided with proprietary creams or in severe departure.
cases, mild steroid creams (e.g., 0.1 percent Malaria is not a problem above 2,500 metres
hydrocortisone cream). (8,200 ft) in any area of the world; however,
malarial areas may be transited en route to
Snow Blindness remote areas. Obtain specialist advice regarding
Snow blindness is caused by UV damage to the the area to be visited in terms of malaria prophy-
eyes in snow landscapes. The eyes become very laxis and other vaccines against tropical diseases.
painful and gritty. Prevention consists of wearing Any illness, especially one with a fever, should
quality sunglasses with UV filters (a spare pair be reported to a doctor, and details of foreign
should always be carried). If no glasses are avail- travel should be made known at an early stage.
able, then a pair can be improvised from any
piece of material that can be tied over the eyes Specific High-Altitude
with small slits or cross-shaped holes to reduce
the entry of light into the eye. Treatment consists Problems
of padding the eye, administering antibiotic eye Altitude illness encompasses acute mountain
drops as a lubricant, and using drops to dilate sickness (AMS), high-altitude cerebral oedema
the pupils (e.g., cycloplegics, such as atropine (HACE), and high-altitude pulmonary oedema
drops). In extreme cases, such as where painful (HAPE). These illnesses can occur at any altitude
eyes are limiting the ability to retreat down a above 1,500 metres (4,920 ft), although they
mountain, local anaesthetic drops can be used; are more common at very high altitude (>3,500
however, these are toxic to the eye and ideally metres, or 11,485 ft). HACE probably represents a
should be avoided. severe form of AMS (a common illness), whereas
96  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

HAPE may occur without AMS. HACE and HAPE 250 milligrams twice daily, but other regimens,
can both be rapidly fatal, and anyone who travels such as 500 milligrams at night or 125 mil-
to altitude must be familiar with the symptoms ligrams twice daily, may be effective. It should
and signs of these conditions. be started 24 hours before ascent. There have
Acclimatisation to altitude begins immedi- been cases of AMS developing when the drug
ately on attaining a new altitude and consists is stopped, so for this reason it may be best to
of several phases. Initially there is a rise in heart continue until descent is made. Common side
rate and breathing rate, which enables the body effects include pins and needles in the hands
to increase the amount of oxygen entering the and feet, which can be severe (and necessitate
lungs for delivery to the tissues. To enable this stopping the drug), and fizzy drinks tasting flat.
increased rate of breathing, some hydrogen Various strategies can be used to treat AMS.
ions are excreted from the kidney. This can be Mild AMS can be treated by halting the ascent,
recognised as an increased desire to pass urine. resting, and taking simple painkillers (e.g.,
Over a longer length of time, the amount of paracetamol or ibuprofen). For more severe
haemoglobin in the blood increases. cases it is logical that since the condition occurs
because of lack of oxygen, a reduction in alti-
Acute Mountain Sickness tude (hence increasing oxygen) is the mainstay
The frequency at which AMS occurs changes of treatment. Wherever possible, the reduction
with rapidity of ascent and the altitude reached. in altitude should be to the point at which the
For example, 75 percent of those visiting Mount climber last felt well. Alternative ways of increas-
Rainier in the United States (4,394 m, or 14,415 ing the oxygen are to use bottled oxygen (not
ft) will experience symptoms of AMS. In many practical in the long term) or a portable hyper-
ways the symptoms of AMS are inevitable baric chamber (described later). Acetazolamide
with gaining altitude, and gaining altitude can is useful for treatment (at a dose of 250 mg three
become a constant battle against AMS. times daily), and in severe cases, use dexametha-
AMS typically occurs 6 to 12 hours after gain- sone (4 mg four times daily).
ing altitude. Symptoms are headache, nausea or
vomiting, fatigue at a greater level than expected High-Altitude Cerebral Oedema
for a given amount of exertion, loss of appetite, HACE is rare but potentially life threatening. It
dizziness, and sleep disturbance. Presence of a usually occurs above 3,500 metres (11,485 ft)
headache is essential for the diagnosis of AMS. but has been reported as low as 2,500 metres
This helps differentiate AMS from other illnesses, (8,200 ft). It represents the severe end of a spec-
such as traveller’s diarrhoea. trum from the onset of AMS through worsening
Prevention of AMS principally involves a AMS to HACE, and as such it is usually preceded
gradual ascent, allowing the body enough time by symptoms of AMS. The climber will have
to acclimatise. The recommended guidelines are developed signs of AMS but then goes on to
that above 3,000 metres (9,845 ft), each night’s develop more serious features such as confusion,
sleep, or sleeping altitude, should be no more disorientation, hallucinations, loss of balance,
than 300 metres (985 ft) above the last, with a and clumsiness. This will progress to lethargy,
rest day every 1,000 metres (3,280 ft) climbed. eventually leading to coma. The progression of
Within these guidelines, more than 300 metres these symptoms can be rapid (within 12 hours).
(985 ft) can be climbed in a day, providing a The treatment for anyone suspected of suffer-
descent is then made to sleep (i.e., climb high, ing from HACE is rapid descent. Dexamethasone
sleep low). On many occasions this guideline (8 mg initially, followed by 4 mg every 6 hours)
cannot be followed due to topography, in which can be given (intravenously or through intra-
case rest days should be added more frequently. muscular injection in extreme cases), as well
Drugs can be used to reduce the incidence of as oxygen. Acetazolamide has not been proven
AMS. The only proven drug used for prophylaxis to be of use in treating HACE, but it can be
is acetazolamide (Diamox), which works by added and will not cause any harm. Hyperbaric
encouraging the excretion of hydrogen ions and chambers are useful in the short term; their use
speeding acclimatisation. The dosage is usually is discussed later.
First Aid, Travel, and acclimatisation  ▪  97

High-Altitude Pulmonary and will gain dramatic improvement if bottled

Oedema oxygen is available. Drug therapy with nifedip-
ine (10 mg capsule broken under the tongue
HAPE is a condition that usually occurs above
followed by 20 mg slow release every 6 hours)
2,500 metres (8,200 ft) and is often associated
improves symptoms.
with strenuous exercise and significant height
gains. The climber will be short of breath to a
Treatment Using Portable
much greater degree relative to others and less
able to exercise. This will progress to breath-
Hyperbaric Chambers
lessness at rest, especially at night and when AMS, HACE, and HAPE are brought about by a
laid flat, as well as a cough with bubbly, wet reduction in inspired oxygen due to low atmo-
sputum, perhaps with blood staining. The spheric pressure. Portable hyperbaric chambers
severity of breathless distinguishes HAPE from are large pressure bags into which a patient can
high-altitude cough, which may produce blood- be placed. The pressure within the bag is then
stained sputum due to trauma to the airways. increased, and hence, an increased amount
As the condition worsens, it is associated with of oxygen is available. The bags are relatively
a high heart rate and temperature. If the chest lightweight and portable, and they rely on the
is listened to with a stethoscope, there will be use of bellows pumps to increase and maintain
crackles in the lungs; however, these crackles also the pressure. By this means, a patient in a bag
occur without HAPE. at 5,000 metres (16,405 ft) can be subjected to
Treatment consists of descent to lower alti- a higher pressure with the equivalent altitude
tude, preferably with minimal exertion. The (and therefore pressure of oxygen) of 2,500
patient will be more comfortable sitting upright metres (8,200 ft).

John Doyle and Leigh ‘Woody’ Woodhouse monitoring a member of the visiting team in the Gamow bag at Everest base
camp, 2006. The Gamow bag, used for altitude-related illnesses, is pressurized and produces the same effects as a reduction
in altitude.
98  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Three manufacturers make these bags (PAC, ditions to extreme altitude, whereas for
Gamow, and Certec). The bags weigh around 5 treks to high altitude with easy descents
kilograms (11 lb) and come with foot or hand and perhaps local medical facilities, it
pumps. The major advantage is that with no would be inappropriate for reasons of
mechanical parts or reliance on bottled oxygen, weight, expense, and risk.
they are reliable, portable, and easy to use. The 4. Are there any specific environmental
drawbacks are claustrophobia for the casualty, threats (e.g., heat, cold, venomous ani-
heat build-up inside the bag, effort required to mals, malaria, vaccinations)? Although no
operate the pump, and the fact that the casualty specific medical kit is required for these
has to be laid flat (although the head of the bag conditions, knowledge of any threats to
can be elevated). team members’ health is an important
With the rapid and significant descent that part of the risk assessment and briefings
can be simulated with these bags, the casualty prior to departure.
will often become significantly better and able
5. Are there any preexisting health prob-
to make a conventional descent down the moun-
lems amongst the team, and what are the
tain. However, the bags are not an alternative
team’s expectations (e.g., is this a com-
to descent.
mercial expedition with a duty of care
for its clients)? This will affect the range
Expedition Medical of drugs carried; for example, an elderly
Planning team with a history of heart problems may
prompt the decision to carry specific treat-
By considering the likely injuries and treatments ments or even find an expedition doctor.
outlined in the preceding part of this chapter, This question will also affect the cost of
some elements of an expedition first aid kit any first aid kit.
should already be apparent. Before determining 6. What level of medical expertise is avail-
what drugs and equipment should be carried, able within the team? Certain drugs will
consider the following questions: be appropriate depending on the skill of
1. What is the duration of the expedition medical personnel on the expedition and
and how many members are there? The their individual specialisation.
likelihood of having to use drugs for 7. How portable does a medical kit need to
minor ailments from an expedition first be? This is a crucial point to address and
aid kit will increase with time, so for longer is covered in the discussion of items for
expeditions, more drugs will be required. expedition medical kits.
Likewise, adequate stocks for a party of
The authors’ practice is to split the medi-
four will soon be depleted by a team of 12.
cal kit so that each person has a first aid kit to
2. How quickly can an injured casualty be provide for most minor eventualities and initial
evacuated? This information will help treatment. This kit needs to be comprehensive
determine the appropriate quantities of enough to deal with a wide range of events but
drugs to carry, such as antibiotic injections. small enough to be easily carried in the top
3. What altitude is the expedition climbing pocket of a rucksack. Most expedition members
to? As stated previously, the risk of alti- will have favourite painkillers, throat lozenges,
tude-related illnesses (i.e., AMS, HACE, and antimotility drugs for diarrhoea. A few
HAPE) increases with increasing altitude. emergency dressings should also be carried. In
The number of climbers exposed to risk addition, all team members are responsible for
and the length of time spent at altitude taking sufficient personal prescription drugs and
must be reflected in the quantity of drugs keeping enough with them on a daily basis. An
carried to treat these conditions. Bottled example of a personal first aid kit for a trek or
oxygen may be needed for climbing expe- walk to a remote area is given in table 5.2.
First Aid, Travel, and acclimatisation  ▪  99

Table 5.2  Sample Personal First Aid Kit for a Trek to a Remote Area
Items Examples Number
Painkillers Paracetamol, 500 mg 12 tablets

Codeine phosphate, 30 mg 12 tablets

Antimotility drugs Loperamide, 2 mg 12 tablets

Large absorbent dressing First field dressing 1

Triangular bandage 1

Zinc oxide tape, 2.5 cm (1 in.) 1 roll

Assorted sticking plasters 6

Sunblock 1 tube

Throat lozenges 12

Survival bag 1

For trips to altitudes greater than 2,500 trend is a useful guide—percentage saturation
metres (8,200 ft), acetazolamide (250 mg × 4 will increase with acclimatisation. Additionally,
tablets) and dexamethasone (4 mg × 2 tablets) patients with AMS or HAPE will have lower
should be added. Additionally, when climbing values than other expedition members.
at higher altitudes, a pack containing injectable Controlled drugs such as morphine can be
dexamethasone (4 mg in 2 ml), nifedipine (2 carried across international borders with sur-
capsules), and a 2-millilitre syringe and needle prising ease. The expedition doctor (or doctor
is kept with each climbing group. providing the drugs) should apply to the Home
The main expedition medical equipment can Office drugs branch for a permit to carry con-
be kept at base camp or with support teams to trolled drugs. In theory, this permit is only valid
allow resupply for the individual kits as required in the United Kingdom, but other countries are
or to treat more serious events. An example of an prepared to accept the licence. It is only sensible
expedition medical kit is given in table 5.3. This to carry evidence of any professional qualifica-
is the equipment that was carried for a remote tions (e.g., a photocopy of General Medical
expedition to Kyrgyzstan, climbing at altitudes Council registration for doctors) when carrying
up to 6,000 metres (19,685 ft) with a team of quantities of drugs, needles, and syringes.
14, and at altitudes up to 6,900 metres (22,640 Medicines can be obtained for expeditions by
ft) in Argentina with a team of 16. obtaining a private prescription from a doctor.
The merits and potential side effects of the This can become expensive because there will
various drugs carried are beyond the scope of likely be a charge for the prescription and the
this text. Clearly, the decision to take diagnos- cost of the drugs is paid rather than a one-size-
tic medical equipment such as pulse oximeters fits-all prescription charge.
relies on expedition members being able to An expedition in a remote area may well be
interpret and act on the results. Pulse oximetry seen by the local population as bringing in con-
shows the percentage saturation of red blood siderable medical expertise and equipment that is
cells with oxygen. The normal sea-level value poorly provided locally. This means local people
is around 95 to 99 percent. This will fall with may well present to the expedition requesting
altitude and the absolute value is not neces- medical assistance. It is difficult for an expedition
sarily an indication of acclimatisation, but the to provide any meaningful advice and treatment
Table 5.3  Sample Expedition Medical Kit
Drug Indication/dosage No.
Paracetamol, 500 mg tablets Mild-to moderate pain: Take 2 tablets every 4 hr. 200

Codeine phosphate, 30 mg tablets Pain/diarrohoea: Take 2 tablets every 4 hr. 100

Ibuprofen, 600 mg tablets Pain: Take 1 tablet 3 times daily. 100

Diclofenac, 50 mg tablets Pain: Take 1 tablet 3 times daily. 50

Tramadol, 50 mg tablets Severe pain: Take 1 tablet every 8 hr. 50

Ketamine injection, 10 ml (50 mg per ml) Very severe pain: 0.5mg/kg for short term 1
analgesia/sedation by suitably skilled doctor.

Altitude sickness
Drug Dosage No.
Acetazolamide, 250 mg tablets Take 1 tablet twice daily. 30

Nifedipine, 20 mg slow-release tablets Take 1 tablet 4 times daily. 20

Nifedipine, 10 mg capsules Pierce 1 capsule and squeeze under tongue. 10

Dexamethasone, 2 mg tablets Take 2 tablets 4 times daily. 20

Dexamethasone, 8 mg injection (2 ml vials) Give 1 injection (4 mg) 4 times daily (i.e., 1 ml). 6

Drug Indication/dosage No.
Augmentin, 375 mg capsules Antibiotic: Take 1 capsule 3 times daily. 60

Augmentin injection, 1.2 g Antibiotic: Give 1 injection (1.2 g) every 8 hr. 2

Cefotaxime, 2 g injection Antibiotic: Give 1 injection (2 g) 3 times daily. 2

Metronidazole, 400 mg tablets Antibiotic: Take 1 tablet 3 times daily. 50

Ciprofloxacin, 500 mg tablets Antibiotic: Take 1 tablet twice a day. 80

Eyes, ears, skin

Drug Indication/dosage No.
Chloramphenicol eye ointment, 4 g Inflammation or foreign body: Apply 3 times daily. 3 tubes

Anusol cream Piles: Apply 3 times daily. 1 tube

Hydrocortisone 0.1% Severe sunburn: Apply twice only. 2 tubes

Piriton, 4 mg tablets Itching: Take 1 tablet 3 times daily. 20

Various throat lozenges Sore throat: Fisherman’s Friend, Strepsils, Zubes, 28 packets

Otosporin ear drops, 5 ml Itchy ears: Take 3 times daily. 2 bottles

Calamine lotion Skin lotion: Apply as necessary for relief of skin 100 ml

Tincture of iodine Antiseptic: 25 ml diluted to clean wounds. Bottle

▪ 100 ▪
Drug Indication/dosage No.
Loperamide, 2 mg tablets Diarrhoea: Take 2 tablets, then take 1 tablet 4 100
times daily.

Lansoprazole, 30 mg tablets Indigestion: Take 1 daily. 20

Gaviscon tablets Indigestion: Take 1-2 tablets every 4 hr. 40

Dioralyte tablets or similar electrolytes Rehydration: Take 1 tablet in water as required. 20

Stethoscope 1

Pulse oximeter 1

Aneroid sphygmomanometer 1

Syringes (2 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml) 10

Needles 15

Scalpel and blades 2

Scissors 2

Spencer Wells forceps 1

Tweezers 2

Potassium permanganate tablets 30

Lignocaine 1% injections, 5 ml (local anasthetic, short-acting) 10

Bupivacaine, 0.5% 10 ml (local anasthetic, long-acting) 2

Water for injection, 5 ml 20

Granuflex dressing 6

Triangular bandages 4

Elastoplast adhesive bandages, 5 and 8 cm (2 and 3 in.) 4 mixed

Opsite dressing, 10 cm × 10 cm (4 in. × 4 in.) 5

Zinc oxide tape, 8 cm (3 in.) 2 rolls

Melonin dressing, 10 cm × 10 cm (4 × 4 in.) 14

Elastoplasts, various 56

Steristrips, various 14

Sutures, various 4

Alcohol swabs 50

Cling film 1 roll

Small bags for dispensing drugs 20

▪ 101 ▪
102  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Travel Fatigue
and Jet Lag
A significant amount of time and resources
will be invested in your expedition. To get the
most from all your hard work in training and
preparation, you need to consider the effects that
travelling to the destination may have on your
body, as well as how you are going to cope with
the new environment. Therefore, the following
sections discuss travel fatigue and jet lag.
Carefully planning your expedition or trek-
king itinerary is essential, and building in time
to recover from travel fatigue and jet lag is
necessary if you want succeed and enjoy your
adventure. Some operators do not build in rest
days following arrival. This may save money, but
it does not allow you time to recover and cope
with the fatigue of travelling and jet lag. Jet lag
Helping out a local person in the Everest region, 2006. is of particular concern because your physical
performance will be below par until you have
for long-term health problems where follow-up adjusted to the new time zone (Reilly et al., 2007,
of treatment is not practical. It is usually best to Reilly, Atkinson, & Waterhouse, 1997). Arriving
direct the patient to local services so as not to at your destination the night before and then
undermine what is available locally. Assistance to starting your expedition the following morning
the injured should always be provided and care is ill-advised, especially if you have been on a
transferred to local facilities as soon as possible. long flight.
An expedition has a responsibility to provide Regardless of the mode of transport, travel-
care to those in its employ (e.g., porters), which ling can cause discomfort and fatigue on any
requires consideration when planning quantities long journey, especially if you are travelling
for the medical kit. in cramped conditions. Signs of travel fatigue
include disorientation, headaches, and weari-
ness. These symptoms are typically caused or
exacerbated by a combination of stressors asso-
ciated with travelling. Sources of stress might
include the disruption of normal routine; the
hassle and aggravation of airport queues, waiting
times, delays, changing arrangements, boarding,
transferring, reclaiming baggage, etc. Addition-
ally, dehydration and relative hypoxia can occur
during long flights and contribute to fatigue
(Reilly et al. 2007).
Travel fatigue can be easily reduced or pre-
vented if certain guidelines and recommenda-
tions are followed. As with all aspects of expedi-
tions, planning is key. Address and prepare for
the causes in advance so that you will be able
to deal with the journey and any disruptions
that might occur. For obvious reasons, get a
Team doctor helping out a fellow trekker to the Everest good night’s sleep. If you are going on a long
region, 2006. journey, try to arrange for a stopover to break
First Aid, Travel, and acclimatisation  ▪  103

up the trip and allow recovery and relaxation ▸▸ Increased incidence of headaches and
between flights. Make sure your paperwork is irritability
in order, including visas if they are required, ▸▸ Loss of appetite and general bowel irregu-
and that all members of the team have had larities
their necessary injections and are carrying the
necessary paperwork for the countries you will These symptoms are similar to those of travel
visit (including the stopover). It is best to sort fatigue, the difference being that these symptoms
this out well before departure day. Make sure do not disappear overnight but may take several
all aspects of the journey, including transfers, days because the ability to sleep is affected. It
accommodations, and an itinerary on arrival may take the number of days equal to two-thirds
have been planned with your group and agreed of the time zones crossed for your body clock to
on well before departure day. Ensure that team adjust to the new environment. So, for example,
members take appropriate food and drink to a long-haul flight from the United Kingdom to
cater to their specific dietary needs, likes, and Nepal, travelling east crossing six time zones,
dislikes (water and fruit are good things to carry may take at least 4 days for your body clock to
in hand luggage—the former will need to be pur- adjust. The severity of jet lag increases with the
chased after clearing security). On long flights, number of time zones crossed (Waterhouse et
don’t be afraid to ask for more water or juice al., 2007) and also depends on the direction of
if you know you need it—if you wait until you travel and individual body responses. Flights to
are thirsty you may get dehydrated. While some the east are associated with more jet lag than
flights provide free alcohol, tea, and coffee, these flights to the west because they compress a
are best avoided in excess because the effects of 24-hour day, meaning you are likely to find it
caffeine and alcohol can contribute to fatigue difficult to adjust to the new bedtime, whereas
(Reilly et al. 2007). flights to the west tend to cause premature awak-
When you arrive, take some time to relax, ening (Waterhouse & Reilly, 1997). This lack of
rehydrate, and take a bath or shower. If you are sleep will affect your physical performance, so
very tired, take a short nap—but resist the urge time for adjustment should be considered before
for a long sleep, as you’ll need to try to get your the start of your expedition. This is especially
overnight rest at the appropriate local time in important because you are likely to be trekking
order to adjust more quickly. Depending on or mountaineering in areas of the world that
time of arrival and time spent travelling, you may have other environmental stresses, such as alti-
want to add some light exercise to your arrival tude, that will only exaggerate these problems.
itinerary, but only if you feel up to it (Reilly et One strategy is to include a stopover, thus
al. 2007). splitting your journey and the total time zone
Jet lag is noticed during long flights, when transition, which is likely to result in less severe
travelling in an easterly or westerly direction, and jet lag (Tsai et al., 1988). However, you also need
when crossing at least three time zones rather to consider the additional travel stresses of this
than travelling directly north or south (e.g., strategy, as well as the extra cost, which may
from Europe to Asia along the same meridian). outweigh any benefits. There are other ways of
The crossing of time zones causes a discrepancy coping with jet lag, including preflight, in-flight,
between your body clock and the new time zone and postflight strategies. Preflight strategies
at your destination. The symptoms of jet lag include planning to arrive a few days before
include the following (Reilly et al. 2007): starting your expedition and trying to schedule
▸▸ Tiredness in the new daytime and yet flights to arrive at your destination in the late
unable to sleep at night afternoon or early evening. This will provide
an opportunity for sleep in the new time zone
▸▸ Waking in the new night, unable to get
sooner. Furthermore, you can start to adjust
back to sleep your sleep–wake cycle to the direction of travel.
▸▸ Less ability to concentrate or self-motivate However, an adjustment in retiring to bed by
▸▸ Decreased psychological and physical per- more than 2 hours is likely to be counterpro-
formance ductive (Reilly et al., 2007) since this will affect
104  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

your ability to maintain your daily routine and of the body clock. Following an eastward flight
performance. (up to nine time zones to the east), you should
Once your flight has departed, it is worth try to advance your body clock by staying awake
altering your watch to the local time of your des- during the day, avoiding natural bright light in
tination (Waterhouse, Reilly, & Edwards, 2004) the morning, and staying outside as much as
and then living (eating and drinking) according possible in the afternoon. When travelling east,
to this new local time (Reilly et al., 2007), even it is likely that you will arrive at your destination
if this means missing the odd in-flight meal. We in the morning; therefore it is recommended
know that meal times affect the body clock, and that you wear light shades on the plane and dark
this strategy of altering your eating habits to the shades whilst travelling to your accommodation,
new time zone seems sensible. However, new and stay in dim indoor light on arrival to mini-
research suggests that not eating on a long flight mise exposure to the light (Waterhouse, Reilly,
and then eating on arrival may allow people to & Edwards, 2004). However, this is a hypothesis
recover more quickly from jet lag. Fuller, Lu, and yet to be tested by proper research design, and
Clifford (2008) discovered that a single period how dim the indoor light needs to be is currently
of starvation followed by a meal activates a food unknown (Waterhouse et al., 2007).
clock that adjusts the body clock much more During a westward flight, try to phase delay
quickly to a new time zone. Therefore, adapting your body clock by staying awake during the
your eating schedule on long flights by fasting day and being exposed to natural bright light
for approximately 16 hours may be enough to and then sleeping when it is dark. Bright light
engage this food clock, and eating as soon as you includes exposure to any natural light—even sit-
land in line with local mealtimes may help you ting in a room with windows will expose you to
to recover from jet lag more rapidly. However, bright light (Reilly et al., 2007)—whereas avoid-
this is a hypothesis that is based on running ing bright light means being in a dimly lit room
experiments with mice and is yet to be tested away from the windows. In eastward flights over
by research with humans. nine time zones, adjust your body clock by phase
Regardless of this food clock hypothesis, you delay rather phase advance (Waterhouse et al.,
should drink plenty of water during the flight, 2002). For specific details of good and bad local
more than offered with your meal alone, because times for exposure to natural bright light, which
it is easy to dehydrate due to the dry air in the is dependent upon the number of times zones
plane cabin. It is worth having a bottle of water you have crossed in an eastward or westward
with you throughout the flight. Avoid drinks direction, refer to table 5.4.
such as coffee, tea, and alcohol because these Trying to adjust the body clock by staying
act as diuretics, increasing urine output and awake during the day at the new time zone may
dehydrating the body. In addition, certain fizzy be difficult. The consumption of caffeine and
drinks also act as diuretics. Some light exercise, exercise outside in bright light might assist in
such as stretching and walking up and down combating sleepiness. However, ensure that caf-
the aisles, is important to prevent stiffness and feine consumption does not affect your ability
safeguard against deep vein thrombosis (House to sleep at night. Any exercise should fit in with
of Lords Select Committee, 2000). Sleeping and the optimum timings for bright light exposure,
napping are only beneficial if it is nighttime at and if you have travelled in an eastward direc-
your destination (Reilly et al., 2007); otherwise tion, you should avoid morning exercise for the
you are counteracting any in-flight alterations in first few days because it could create a counter-
your body clock to the new time zone. productive phase-delay response (Edwards et
Once you have arrived at your destination, al., 2002).
you can promote the adjustment of the body These strategies for adjusting the body clock
clock using light, which is probably the most to the new time zone should only be considered
effective way of alleviating jet lag (Waterhouse if your stay is longer than 3 days. Otherwise it
& Herxheimer, 2003). Exposure to bright light is not possible to adjust your body clock, and
at certain times of day is of great importance in these strategies should be avoided (Waterhouse
promoting the phase advance or phase delay & Reilly, 1997).
Table 5.4  Recommendations for Using Bright Light to Adjust the Body Clock After
Time-Zone Transitions
Bad local times for exposure Good local times for exposure
to light to light

Time zones to west

3h 0200-0800a 1800-2400b

4h 0100-0700a 1700-2300b

5h 2400-0600a 1600-2200b

6h 2300-0500a 1500-2100b

7h 2200-0400a 1400-2000b

8h 2100-0300a 1300-1900b

9h 2000-0200a 1200-1800b

10 h 1900-0100a 1100-1700b

11 h 1800-0000a 1000-1600b

12 h 1700-2300a 0900-1500b

13 h 1600-2200a 0800-1400b

14 h 1500-2100a 0700-1300b

15 h 1400-2000a 0600-1200b

16 h 1300-1900a 0500-1100b

Time zones to east

3h 2400-0600b 0800-1400a

4h 0100-0700b 0900-1500a

5h 0200-0800b 1000-1600a

6h 0300-0900b 1100-1700a

7h 0400-1000b 1200-1800a

8h 0500-1100b 1300-1900a

9h 0600-1200b 1400-2000a

10 h Can be treated as 14 hours to westc

11 h can be treated as 13 hours to westc

12 h can be treated as 12 hours to westc

a denotes promotion of a phase advance

b denotes a delay of the body clock
c reflects that the body adapts to large delays more easily than to large advances
Adapted from Reilly, Waterhouse, and Edwards 2005.

▪ 105 ▪
106  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Acclimatisation and at the Royal Geographical Society recommends

the following: At altitudes greater than 2,500
Ascent Strategies to 3,000 metres (8,200-9,845 ft), increase your
As discussed earlier, AMS can develop into a life- sleeping altitude by no more 300 metres (985
threatening illness (HAPE or HACE), and if it is ft) per day, with a rest day every third day or
not dealt with appropriately, it will put an end 1,000 metres (3,280 ft) of altitude gained. It is
to your expedition. The following section pro- also recommend that you spend a week above
vides recommendations for acclimatising appro- 4,000 metres (13,125 ft) before sleeping at 5,000
priately, which will hopefully minimise your metres (16,405 ft) (Clarke, 2002). This strategy
chances of developing AMS and will enable you should be adopted by climbers whether they are
to have a safe and enjoyable expedition. These trekking or being driven into base camp. If you
recommendations are based on the assumption are being driven into base camp, you should take
that you have not adopted a preexpedition accli- some exercise throughout your journey. On your
matisation strategy (see chapter 3). rest days you should go trekking for a few hours,
Travellers are unlikely to develop AMS at or gain some altitude, and then return for rest. This
below 2,500 metres (8,200 ft). In excess of 50 ensures you are functionally acclimatising to the
percent of travellers develop some form of AMS mode of exercise you are going to be undertaking
on direct ascent to 3,500 metres (11,485 ft), but later in the expedition.
virtually all will succumb on rapid ascent to The recommended strategy for ascent may
5,500 metres (18,045 ft) (Clarke, 2002; Deegans, seem extremely slow, but it is worth adopting
2002). Therefore, it is imperative that you avoid if your expedition route allows for it. There are
ascending rapidly to these altitudes. certain situations where this strategy may be
However, there are occasions where this is impractical; for example, it would mean spend-
not possible. Certain expeditions may approach ing 10 or more days on Mount Kilimanjaro (inac-
Mount Everest Base Camp on the north side, tive volcano in Northeast Tanzania) because of
via Lhasa in Tibet. This means flying directly the relatively short distances. Therefore, the EAC
into Lhasa, which is at 3,620 metres (11,875 ft), suggests that in this type of situation, you should
where many people may develop AMS symptoms, preacclimatise for several days on nearby peaks,
including vomiting. It is not unusual to hear such as Mount Meru (4,566 m, or 14,980 ft) or
people retching as the plane cabin is depressurised Mount Kenya (4,895 m, or 16,060 ft). However,
when going into Lhasa. It is also fairly typical do not let summit fever take over and push
for other symptoms of AMS to occur, such as yourself too hard. The main aim is to use this
headaches, nausea, fatigue or weakness, and diz- time to preacclimatise, not to exhaust yourself
ziness, as well as difficulty sleeping for a couple before climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Further-
of days. If you have to fly or drive into this sort of more, if you do not summit, you are still likely
altitude (2,500-3,500 m, or 8,200-11,485 ft), it is to increase your likelihood of summiting Mount
imperative that you do not overexert yourself or Kilimanjaro, as well as having a safer and far
move higher for at least the first 24 hours (Barry & more enjoyable experience, than those travellers
Pollard, 2003). Several days at the landing altitude being pushed up the Marangu route on Mount
are advised to ensure affective acclimatisation. Kilimanjaro in less than 4 days. This strategy may
Overexerting yourself is easy to do, especially in increase the financial burden of the expedition;
a place like Lhasa, which has so much cultural however, this outlay is probably relatively small
history to explore. However, the main objective of in comparison to the satisfaction of reaching the
any expedition is to summit your chosen moun- summit of Mount Kilimanjaro or the cost of a
tain or complete your selected trek, which is what second attempt if you are unsuccessful the first
you should remind yourself to ensure you take time. This strategy of preacclimatising on other
adequate rest to enable more time to acclimatise. mountains is also used by high-altitude moun-
To give yourself the best opportunity to accli- taineers, who may climb several 6,000-metre
matise and succeed at your mountaineering (19,685 ft) peaks before tackling their chosen
challenge, the Expedition Advisory Centre (EAC) 8,000-metre (26,245 ft) mountain.
First Aid, Travel, and acclimatisation  ▪  107

Acclimatisation is best achieved by a slow Postexpedition

ascent, allowing the body to adjust before going
higher and reducing the chances of developing
Training and
AMS. A large part of acclimatisation takes place Recovery
over the first 1 to 3 days at a given altitude (Barry
& Pollard, 2003). However, people vary in their Depending on the length and intensity of the
rate of acclimatisation, with some able to ascend expedition, postexpedition recovery will vary
much faster than others. Women are less likely to in length and activity. The body and mind will
suffer from AMS in comparison with men, with need a greater amount of recovery after a long
young men the most vulnerable, most likely due Himalayan expedition lasting 8 weeks or more
to their competitive streak. The fable of the tor- than from a 1- to 2-week alpine trip. However,
toise and the hare is a suitable example of how to in both cases there are a few things to take into
approach acclimatisation. Those who walk fast consideration.
and are the first into camp every day due to the After intense and prolonged effort, the body’s
mistaken belief that greater fitness and strength reserves can become depleted, usually in the
will protect them against AMS are more likely to loss of fat and lean muscle mass, which needs
succumb to AMS in comparison to their slower to be recovered. In the case of fat mass, people
counterparts. Be more like the tortoise, being may not want to replace all the fat lost if they
last into camp and stopping frequently for rest started at a higher percentage of fat than required
breaks, thus ensuring affective acclimatisation. It and feel fitter with a lower percentage of fat.
is believed that the less fit you are, the slower you Lance Armstrong performed more successfully
will want to walk, and thus the greater chance in the Tour de France mountain stages after he
you have of acclimatising properly. Therefore, had trimmed off a good percentage of his body
the best advice is to walk as slowly as possible, mass (Armstrong & Carmichael, 2006). The
and if you are part of a large group, you should same rationale may apply to a high-performing
always walk at the pace of the slowest person in mountaineer.
the group. Following an enforced assault on the body’s
A flexible schedule with the inclusion of rest reserves through the efforts of an expedition,
days is important. Rest days can be days of pure the body’s mechanisms go in to supercom-
rest with no further ascent to provide your body pensation mode wherein the body recovers
with more time to acclimatise. Alternatively, the reserves (especially in the form of fat)
they can be days where you climb to experience and at every opportunity adds on a measure
a higher altitude before returning to sleep low, in preparation for the next assault (Stroud,
another effective strategy adopted by moun- 2004). Many athletes and mountaineers have
taineers. In addition, AMS can be prevented by succumbed to yo-yoing in weight gain and
consuming an adequate amount of calories, loss, which affects fitness. Therefore, it is
including a high percentage of carbohydrate, as probably not a good idea after an expedition
well as maintaining hydration (since dehydra- or a phase of high-volume and high-intensity
tion can exacerbate AMS). training to completely rest for more than 2
By the time you have arrived at your destina- or 3 days without doing some complemen-
tion for your high-altitude expedition, it is likely tary exercise. This is essential to control body
that you have invested a lot of time and resource mass. It should be complementary because the
in your preparations—travel, equipment, cloth- specific muscle groups and systems used on
ing, nutrition, and training, to mention but a the expedition should not be taxed directly.
few. Cutting corners at this stage by trying to Alternative exercises that you enjoy, such as
climb the mountain as quickly as possible is swimming, skiing, and cycling, should be per-
likely to be a false economy. Another way of formed at low intensities and volumes. These
ensuring effective acclimatisation is to adopt should be done on a day-on, day-off basis to
the preexpedition acclimatisation strategies best maintain the fitness gained and facilitate
discussed in chapter 3. adequate recovery.
Suggested Readings

T he following texts expand the information provided in this chapter and can be
used as background reading or reference material. There is value in including one
or more of these texts in the first aid kit for an expedition depending on the group
experience, location, and so on.
▸▸ General First Aid
This is a useful resource for nondoctors covering all elements of BLS and first aid.
St. Andrew's Ambulance Association, St. John Ambulance, and the British Red
Cross. (2006). The authorised first aid manual of St. John Ambulance, St. Andrew’s
Ambulance Association, and the British Red Cross (8th ed.). London: Dorling
▸▸ High-Altitude and Expedition Medicine for Doctors
Pollard’s book is very useful for medical knowledge pertaining to the high-altitude
environment. It is available as a handy microedition, which is convenient to carry in a
first aid kit. Ward’s book is a very useful reference book that is the definitive text on
the topic; this book contains in-depth physiology and medicine. Greaves is a compre-
hensive text covering all prehospital medicine, with useful chapters on trauma, acute
medical and surgical problems, and a comprehensive formulary.
Pollard, A.J., & Murdoch, P.R. (2003). The high altitude medicine handbook. Oxford:
Radcliffe Medical Text.
Ward, M.P., West, J.S., & Milledge, J.B. (2000). High-altitude medicine and physiol-
ogy (3rd ed.). Arnold: London.
Greaves, I., & Porter, K. (2007). Oxford handbook of pre-hospital care. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
▸▸ Useful Web Sites
Discusses several topics related to mountain medicine, specifically the relative merits
of various portable hyperbaric chambers and painkillers.
Offers useful links to general mountaineering information, including links to Inter-
national Mountaineering and Climbing Federation (UIAA) Mountain Medicine
information sheets.
Provides useful expedition medicine info and a free downloadable book, Travel at
High Altitude.
Offers country-specific links with overall hazards and a detailed health section for
vaccination requirements and current problems.

▪ 108 ▪
First Aid, Travel, and acclimatisation  ▪  109

The length of active rest will differ depend- participants should be familiar with the
ing on the timing of your next project and prevention, recognition, and immediate
the volume and intensity of the previous one. treatment of these.
However, a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks of active ▸▸ First aid kits should be appropriate for the
rest would be recommended for a three-season location and the skill levels of expedition
alpine climber and a maximum of 2 months for members.
a Himalayan climber doing two projects a year. ▸▸ The effects of travel fatigue and jet lag
should be considered when planning expe-
Key Ideas ditions abroad.
▸▸ All expedition members should be aware
▸▸ Planning should take into account local
of the need to acclimatise to altitude and
infrastructure and the group’s medical
appropriate ascent strategies for doing so.
knowledge and ability.
▸▸ Postexpedition training and recovery need
▸▸ All expedition members have a responsi-
to be built into planning and should be
bility to learn how to perform initial treat-
carefully implemented, especially on return
ment for casualties.
from major expeditions.
▸▸ High altitude is associated with life-
threatening medical emergencies, and all
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P a r t

Nutrition for
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C h a p t e r

Fitness and Training
John O’Hara and Carlton Cooke

I f we all did the things we are

capable of doing, we would
literally astound ourselves.
physiological profile that would provide the fit-
ness suitable for mountaineering and climbing
expeditions. Although we recommend working
Thomas Alva Edison with professionally accredited sport and exercise
scientists if you are undertaking a serious expedi-
tion to a remote, extreme environment, we have
To keep safe and get the most enjoyment and
also provided some details of tests that can be
achievement out of any mountaineering or
performed without access to a laboratory.
climbing expedition, you must be fit enough to
undertake the expedition you have selected as
your objective. Thus, one component of prepa- Components of
ration that is crucial in ensuring that you can Fitness
achieve your objective is the physical training
programme that you undertake to produce an One of the benefits of regular participation in
appropriate level of fitness. When planning your mountaineering or climbing, whether for recre-
training programme, you should aim to achieve ational activity at weekends and during holidays
a level of fitness that exceeds what you might or in preparation for high-performance expedi-
expect to call upon to cope with the worst con- tions, is that both your performance and health
ditions you may experience on the expedition. will benefit.
This approach means that you should be able A number of definitions of physical fitness
to begin your expedition confident that your recognise components that are either health- or
physical training has provided you with a level performance-related or both. We can therefore
of fitness that should be more than adequate consider the fitness requirements for moun-
to the task, with sufficient extra to cope with taineering and climbing in terms of those that
extreme conditions. It also underlines the impor- are required for performance and that will
tance of selecting an expedition that is within benefit long-term health and well-being. Well-
the level of physical fitness you can realistically established health benefits to being fit and
expect to achieve with an appropriate training active include disease prevention and reduced
programme. incidence of diseases such as coronary heart
This chapter begins with an explanation of the disease, type 2 diabetes, many forms of cancer,
components of fitness that are relevant to perfor- and metabolic conditions.
mance on both mountaineering and climbing Most organisations that promote the health
expeditions. The principles of training that need benefits of physical fitness, as well as many
to be applied in planning and implementing sport and exercise scientists, consider health-
an appropriate training programme are then related physical fitness to comprise five compo-
discussed, followed by the development of a nents. These components are also important in

▪ 113 ▪
114  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

fitness for performance and are very relevant to body and weak upper body or one strong side
mountaineering and climbing (each component and one relatively weak side. This has important
will be outlined in more detail in the following implications for strength training, which is con-
sections): sidered in detail in chapter 8.
▸▸ Endurance (cardiorespiratory fitness) Muscular Endurance  This aspect of fitness
▸▸ Muscular strength and power
is the ability to repeat a movement pattern for a
certain amount of time without undue fatigue.
▸▸ Muscular endurance
Muscular endurance is an important element of
▸▸ Flexibility fitness for both mountaineering and climbing
▸▸ Body composition because certain muscle groups are required to
reproduce the same or similar movement pat-
Endurance  Endurance exercise is whole-body terns for prolonged amounts of time.
(large muscle mass), aerobic (with oxygen) activ-
ity, also referred to as cardiovascular endurance,
Flexibility  Flexibility involves range of
motion of the major joints. It is an important
cardiorespiratory endurance, or stamina. This
element of fitness for high-performance rock
aspect of fitness requires a well-developed heart
climbing—together with strength and power, it
able to pump large volumes of blood with each
allows the climber to achieve the most techni-
beat, lungs free from disease with airways that
cally demanding movements on rock faces or
are clear, and large muscle masses with a good
climbing walls. Good flexibility is also valuable
blood supply that are used to exercise. Endur-
for recreational climbers and in all aspects of
ance is an important component of fitness for
mountaineering, from handling ropes and gear
performance in all forms of mountaineering
to progressing on technically difficult terrain.
and some forms of climbing, whether you are
a recreational or high-performance participant. Body Composition  Contrary to what many
Not only will endurance training enhance your people may think based on the global epidemic
performance in the outdoors, but it will also make of obesity, having some body fat is vital to health
a significant contribution to your health and well- and performance. Mountaineering and climbing
being. Endurance training for mountaineering also require well-developed muscles and strong
and climbing is considered in detail in chapter 7. bones. Some sports require high performers to
have less than the normal levels of body fat,
Muscular Strength and Power  This aspect
particularly where the sport involves transport-
of fitness relates most closely to the musculo-
ing their own body mass, such as in endurance
skeletal and nervous systems. Strength is the abil-
running. Generally speaking, low body fat is an
ity to exert force through your musculoskeletal
advantage for both mountaineering and climb-
system and power is the ability to exert force
ing, but as discussed later in this chapter, there
quickly. In extreme rock climbing, strength and
are circumstances where starting an expedition
power will be required to raise the whole body
with an increased percentage of body fat may be
when only being able to grip with two fingers
considered beneficial.
and a thumb. Strength and power are important
in both climbing and mountaineering, especially The five components of physical fitness just
on steep slopes when carrying loaded rucksacks. described are relevant for both performance and
Lower-body strength and power are essential health. However, there are other components
in both climbing and mountaineering. Upper- of fitness that relate more to the ability of the
body strength and power are also critical for person to perform successfully in an activity or
rock climbing, but they are not to be underes- sport. These are commonly referred to as com-
timated in importance for mountaineering and ponents of motor fitness, although it is gener-
scrambling. ally acknowledged that there is some overlap
Just because you are relatively strong in one between physical fitness and motor fitness (e.g.,
particular movement or muscle group, it does power is often considered under both catego-
not mean you are a generally strong and power- ries). These components include speed, agility,
ful person. It is possible to have a strong lower balance, coordination, and reaction time.
Fitness and training  ▪  115

Speed  Many sports require participants to be taineering, there are also some specific require-
able to move all or part of their body quickly. ments for high-performance rock climbing
The quickness of movement may be related to that have been mentioned in the list of fitness
hand speed in sport climbing when complet- components described thus far. One common
ing a bold, dynamic move for a difficult hold. element is endurance fitness—the ability to
Absolute speed is not a central requirement for keep going for prolonged lengths of time is a
most mountaineering and climbing situations, requirement for multiple-pitch climbing and
although sustaining a critical speed can be more obviously for trekking and mountaineer-
important in lightweight alpine ascents, where ing, where expeditions can last from a few days
little gear is carried and a slower speed could to several months.
result in an unplanned night out with poten- Both rock climbing and mountaineering
tially disastrous consequences. require work against gravity, where participants
are often carrying their body mass and equip-
Agility  Agility is the ability to move quickly, ment, food, drink, and clothes in a rucksack.
change direction, and maintain balance. It is This work against gravity and carrying loads
particularly important in climbing but is also requires extra energy expenditure that has to
valuable in mountaineering. It involves strength, be delivered by the cardiorespiratory, energy,
speed, coordination, and sensory perception. and musculoskeletal systems of the body. Load
Balance  Balance is important in both climb- carriage is therefore a common requirement of
ing and mountaineering. It involves strength both climbing and mountaineering and has to
in the core muscles of the trunk and back, as be factored into training and preparation.
well as the legs. The ability to shift body weight Fitness is more than the physical, and a
rapidly or make small adjustments is essential number of definitions recognise this. For exam-
in climbing and important in many aspects of ple, fitness has been defined as ‘a state of total
mountaineering. well-being of the individual, physically, men-
tally, emotionally, spiritually and socially’ (Fit-
Coordination  Coordination is the ability to ness and Amateur Sport, 1992). For those who
perform smooth, accurate skills and techniques, find enjoyment and satisfaction from spending
combining sensory feedback with coordinated time in the outdoors, including mountaineering
muscle contractions that affect both powerful and climbing, this holistic view of fitness is likely
whole-body movements and small, refined hand to resonate. This view certainly comes through
and foot movements. Coordination is essential in a number of the chapters of this book.
in climbing and important in many aspects of
Genetics and
Reaction Time  Reaction time is the time
taken to respond to a given stimulus. Visual Training: Nature
reaction time is the slowest, whereas kinaes- Versus Nurture
thetic response time, where feedback is from
the proprioceptors in ligaments and tendons, A common question asked by those with an
is the fastest. Reaction time is generally not a interest in sport is whether high-performance
major component of fitness for mountaineering athletes can be made through training or
and climbing, but a short reaction time can be whether they are born to be champions—the
useful in difficult circumstances that require a nature-versus-nurture debate. The answer is that
rapid response. athletic achievement at the highest level requires
a combination of both a good genetic blueprint
In terms of mountaineering and climbing, and appropriate training.
fitness may be described as the possession of Some sports require a particular body type
attributes or characteristics that facilitate the for success. For example, front-row forwards
performance of given tasks within these broad in rugby union are not small and light, and
categories of activity. Though there are some Olympic gymnasts are not big and heavy. The
common elements to rock climbing and moun- best coaches cannot take front-row forwards and
116  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

turn them into high-performance gymnasts, and Effective training programmes are based on the
vice versa. They need to have the right material application of training principles. The primary
to work with in the first place. In mountaineer- principles are progressive overload, specificity,
ing there is not one body type associated with individuality, and reversibility.
success; there are examples of both tall and short
high-performance mountaineers. In rock climb- Progressive Overload  Progressive overload
ing, there is also a range of body shapes and is a combination of two principles of training:
sizes, but the ability to handle your own body overload and progression. The application of the
weight on tiny holds does define a key common overload principle in training is what stimulates
attribute for success at the highest level. So, an improvement in physiological function to
similar to most sports, there are key attributes produce a training response, which results in
in the genetic blueprint for success, though they improved performance in one or more of the
are more strongly represented in the extremes of components of fitness (e.g., strength). Overload
rock climbing than in mountaineering. is achieved by manipulating intensity, frequency,
The good news is that whatever your size, and duration, most often with a focus on a par-
shape, and potential defined by your genes, ticular type or mode of exercise. FITT (frequency,
you can improve almost every component of intensity, time, and type) is often used to sum-
fitness with appropriate training. The not-so- marise the principle of overload.
good news is that almost every component of Manipulation of progression in the appli-
fitness is affected by the ageing process. As is cation of overload is a critical component
true in most sports, you do not have to possess of planning and delivering effective training
the best genetic attributes to be able to enjoy programmes. The cycle of overload needs to be
mountaineering and climbing to a relatively carefully manipulated through periodic training.
high level of performance. Equally, it is good to Overload beyond the current capacity of the
know your limits. person will stimulate complex and integrated
functional adaptations from the molecular to
the systemic level of the body, which, linked with
Principles of appropriate recovery, will result in an enhance-
Training ment or supercompensation in performance. If
progression is attempted through changes that
The aim of training is to maintain or improve are too large and the training is repeatedly and
performance or health. In terms of exercise doggedly adhered to, the result will be a decrease
physiology, training for mountaineering and in performance, along with an increased prob-
climbing is about stimulating structural and ability of injury, staleness, overreaching, and
functional adaptations in the body so that you overtraining. This is why careful planning, moni-
perform better in tasks associated with these toring, and evaluation are required to ensure
forms of physical activity. At the same time, such effective training adaptations.
training will maintain or improve health status
as long as the training programme is appropri- Specificity  The specificity principle explains
ately designed and monitored. To stimulate the that adaptations to training are specific. Speci-
body to produce the required adaptations, a ficity of training applies to the mode or type of
training programme is required that incorpo- exercise, the muscles, the speed of movement,
rates repeated bouts of planned exercise. If the the range of motion, the intensity of the exercise,
training programme is appropriately planned the energy systems used, and so on. Specificity
and followed, it will result in chronic adapta- therefore tells us that only the performance of
tions over time that will result in improved the particular movements used in the chosen
performance, be it in strength, speed, power, sport or exercise can be 100 percent applicable
endurance, or other components of fitness, to training. Therefore, it is important to consider
with the combination of adaptations depen- the extent of transfer from training to mountain-
dent on the focus of the training programme. eering or climbing.
Fitness and training  ▪  117

For example, in strength training it is impor- right parents (i.e., they have a more optimal pre-
tant to select appropriate exercises to target the disposition or blueprint), but without exposure
particular muscle groups used in the movement to appropriate training programmes, they will
patterns associated with mountaineering and not be able to reach their potential.
climbing. However, it is also important to con- Individuality therefore explains why we have
sider the timing, recruitment, and intensity of to plan, monitor, and evaluate training on an
muscle contributions and try to mimic the spe- individual basis—copying better performers’
cific movement patterns from the sport in order training programmes may result in overtrain-
to maximise carryover. Strength development ing or injury. This is especially important for
for climbers and mountaineers is not focussed young mountaineers and climbers, who should
on absolute strength but rather strength relative not be encouraged to adopt the same training
to weight and body composition. Specificity in programmes and practices as adult high per-
training for rock climbing may suggest a need to formers even though they may already be able
focus on bouldering or climbing both indoors to demonstrate excellence in their performance.
and outdoors to produce the relationship Although there is only limited evidence from
amongst relative strength, power, and flexibility research with junior climbers, there is evidence
that is required to improve rock climbing at the from other sports that inappropriate training
highest level of performance. However, for those practices can lead to chronic injuries and condi-
who are progressing from hill walking and gentle tions in young performers.
scrambling to rock climbing and who cannot Related to individuality is the law of dimin-
support their weight using only handholds, ishing returns. This principle is based on the
only a well-planned training programme that understanding that relatively inactive people
addresses their specific training needs will help beginning a training programme will show
them achieve success. For many people, this much larger improvements in a given time than
requires a change in diet and energy expendi- high-performance mountaineers or climbers
ture, as well as an appropriate resistance training who have been training hard for many years.
programme in the gym. As years of training increase, the percentage of
Use of fingerboards and time on climbing improvement in performance in a given time
walls and rock faces is specific to the needs of diminishes as we approach our genetic poten-
high-performance rock climbers. However, these tial. High-performance athletes therefore do
specific forms of conditioning must be factored not expect to make large improvements in their
into an individualised training programme that performance; they accept that they have to work
is balanced by other forms of strength and con- hard to see only small improvements.
ditioning together with adequate rest to avoid
Reversibility  If you stop training or reduce
overtraining and injury.
your training load considerably, your fitness and
Individuality  If two climbers or mountain- performance will decrease. In the same way that
eers subject themselves to exactly the same the molecules, tissues, organs, and systems of the
training programme, they will respond to it human body adapt to the stimulus of training so
differently, which summarises the principle of that we become fitter, they will also adapt to the
individuality. A number of factors influence the stimulus of detraining by reverting to pretraining
individual nature of training response, including status. The effects of detraining are significant
training history and state of fitness at the start after a couple of weeks of inactivity, which is
of a training programme, genetic blueprint or associated with injury in sport. For example,
predisposition, and other factors such as age decreases in muscle strength and cardiorespira-
and gender. Genetics defines the potential we tory fitness of about 3 and 5 percent have been
each have for development in the various com- shown after 2 weeks of inactivity. Interestingly,
ponents of fitness, as well as the rate at which anaerobic performance seems to decline at a
we will approach that potential. It is true that slower rate than strength and cardiorespiratory
Olympic and world champions have chosen the fitness. The rate and magnitude of the effects of
118  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

detraining will vary from person to person and time, then you will probably have the right
will also depend on the length of detraining, physiological profile to climb Mount Everest.
the training history, and the performance levels However, you will also need the ability to walk
before detraining. in the mountains for prolonged lengths of time
Reversibility and detraining should not be (>12 hours) carrying up to 18 kilograms (40 lb).
confused with tapering, where athletes cut down On the other hand, to climb Scafell Pike, you
their training in preparation for a major cham- do not need to be able to complete a triathlon;
pionship or trial. Tapering allows performers to being able to walk continuously and comfort-
be at their best since they have decreased their ably for a day with a small amount of weight in
training load in a controlled way so they are a day sack should ensure that you enjoy your
fresh and hungry for a particular challenge. In walk and achieve your goal.
certain circumstances where peak performance Comparing requirements of endurance fitness
is required for a particular challenge, perform- in various extremes of expedition illustrates the
ers will train through other challenges without usefulness of considering your physiological
tapering, working towards the main goals of profile, or your level in each element of fitness.
their training programme. These goals are set You can then monitor the change in each fitness
so they can peak for their new Everest, whatever element as you implement your training, adjust-
it may be. ing your programme as you adapt to the training
Applying the principles of training to plan- stimulus. The following sections consider the
ning, monitoring, and evaluating training important elements of a physiological profile for
programmes is important so that realistic goals mountaineering and climbing expeditions. The
can be set and the best opportunity to achieve main elements of physical fitness necessary for
the desired performance improvements can be an appropriate physiological profile for moun-
realised. So far this chapter has discussed the taineering include body composition, aerobic
concept of fitness and training principles. The endurance, maximal strength, and strength
remainder of the chapter will consider various endurance.
components of fitness and how they can be com-
bined in an appropriate physiological profile, Body Composition
which can assist with the planning, monitoring,
and evaluation of training programmes. Body composition is an important part of the
profile because excess body fatness increases
the energy demands placed upon the body,
How to Make a ultimately slowing a person down. Further-
Physiological more, someone who carries too much body fat
Profile may overheat and become dehydrated because
considerable heat energy is produced by the
Obviously there are distinct differences in the body during exercise and fat is a good insulator.
level of physical fitness required to climb a small Norms of body-fat percentages for males and
mountain in the United Kingdom in a single day females range from 15 to 19 percent for men and
(e.g., Scafell Pike, 978 m [3,210 ft], the highest 20 to 25 percent for women, whereas body-fat
point in England) versus tackling Mount Everest values observed for trained endurance athletes
(8,848 m [29,029 ft]), which may take up to 50 range from 3 to 8 percent for males and 8 to
days. Regardless of your starting point and your 12 percent for females. Essential fat constitutes
personal Everest, these challenges are based about 3 percent of body mass in the reference
on endurance, or how long you can continue man (McArdle, Katch, & Katch, 2007).
a sustained pace over a few hours, a few days, Because a high proportion of training for
or a few months. Therefore, developing your mountaineering is aerobic, the lower the body
endurance capabilities is essential whatever your fat that can be achieved during the training
goals are. Generally, if you are able to complete phase, the better, as long as it is consistent with
an Olympic-distance triathlon in a reasonable good health. This will reduce unproductive mass
Fitness and training  ▪  119

during the training phase. For example, when are required to climb an 8,000-metre (26,245
working with the 2006 Everest West Ridge team, ft) mountain. Nevertheless, no mountaineer will
we recommended that people with body-fat per- attempt to climb Mount Everest without a strong
centages above 12 percent should aim to reach aerobic and endurance base. If the demands of
this value, and those below this level should the mountain are greater than your capability,
not make any dramatic changes. Even though then failure is inevitable. Therefore, developing
a low body-fat percentage is recommended your endurance fitness is essential for these types
during the preparation phase of an extreme of challenges. Making improvements in all areas
mountain challenge such as Everest, a small of an endurance profile is more important than
increase in body-fat percentage before departure a certain endpoint because the preparation and
may be appropriate, especially in people with training required to make improvements will
low body-fat percentages (less than 10 percent). ensure that you are better able to cope with the
People with a high body surface area relative to challenge and the effects of altitude.
their body mass will lose heat at a faster rate. Several elements make up a good aerobic
Conversely, the thicker the layer of fat (adipose endurance
. profile. These include a relatively
tissue) on the body, the better the body will be   2max, a lower heart rate response to a
high VO
insulated, preserving core heat, as well as tolerat- given submaximal exercise, and a delayed blood
ing lower temperatures before shivering. There- lactate increase in response to increased exercise
fore mountaineers and climbers with extremely intensity.
low body-fat percentages are more susceptible
to the cold temperatures and burn more calories
Maximal Oxygen Uptake
than their fatter counterparts in an attempt to Maximal oxygen uptake, or VO   2max, is a mea-
keep warm. Thus, a small amount of insulation sure of cardiorespiratory function and an indica-
in such circumstances is beneficial. tor of endurance performance potential, and it is
Finally, you should maximise your lean mass therefore an important. part of a mountaineer’s
(muscle tissue) before the expedition in order   2max is the maximum
physiological profile. VO
to combat the muscle degradation that occurs rate at which a person can extract and utilise
when spending longer amounts of time at alti- oxygen whilst breathing air at sea level (Astrand,
tude. This is another reason why strength train- Rodahl, Dahl, Sigmund, & Stromme, 2003). This
ing is important. component of fitness is an important prereq-
uisite for high performance in UK endurance
events such as the Bob Graham Round, a fell race
Aerobic Endurance
over 42 Lakeland peaks in 24 hours covering 116
Mountain climbing at around sea level gener- kilometres (72 mi), or the Original Mountain
ally means that climbers are operating at 30 Marathon, a 2-day double-marathon mountain
to. 55 percent of their maximal oxygen uptake orienteering event. It is of lesser importance for
( VO2max) depending upon the terrain (Reilly & those
. wanting to climb Scafell Pike in a day.
Waterhouse, 2005) for up to several hours a day.  VO 2 max is severely compromised with
Therefore, it is a relatively low-intensity physical exposure to altitude, dramatically increasing
activity that is prolonged in nature, with a large the physiological stress of a given challenge in
emphasis placed on aerobic metabolism and comparison to the same challenge at sea level,
endurance fitness. However, mountaineers do even in well-trained people.
. Due to a decrease
need an ability to tolerate high-intensity efforts, in ambient pressure, VO  2max is reduced at alti-
which make up a small proportion of the overall tudes between 1,500 metres (4,920 ft) and 6,100
demands on a mountain day. metres (20,015 ft) at a rate of approximately 10
Mountaineering at extreme altitudes increases percent per 1,000-metre (3,280. ft) increase in
the physiological stress placed on the body for altitude (McArdle et al., 2007). VO  2max is not a
a given task compared with the same challenge predictor of how well you are going to perform
at sea level. There is no precisely documented at altitude, and there is some. evidence to sug-
evidence of what physiological characteristics gest that the higher your  VO   2max, the greater
120  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

the fractional decrease in comparison to less- taineering, they will not all be able to transfer
trained people (Ogawa et al., 2007). However, their fitness effectively to mountaineering. This
endurance fitness is crucial in sustaining long, explains why some successful mountaineers may
repeated days. of effort in a mountain environ- not be as endurance fit as other athletes close to
ment. Mean VO   2max values of 61.3 millilitres sea level but can perform better in a challenging
per kilogram per minute have been observed in mountain environment. The ability to cope or
people from previous Everest expeditions (West even thrive at high altitude in low temperatures
et al., 1983), with ranges of 54 to 66 reported and bad weather also adds to the specific fitness
in the literature (Oelz et al., 1986). These num- requirements of mountaineering.
bers are similar to those shown by the Everest It is therefore important to ensure that training
West Ridge team (45-66 ml per kg per min), the for improved endurance performance specific
majority of whom were able to operate at 7,600 to mountaineering and climbing incorporates
metres (24,935 ft), as well as those shown by a sustained effort in an appropriate mountainous
small group working at 8,000 metres (26,245 environment, using the skills and movement
ft) without oxygen. patterns that are essential to the mountaineer.
Submaximal Exercise Oxygen-Carrying Capacity
Economy of Blood
In endurance sports such as running, it is advan- Haematocrit represents the percentage of the
tageous to have a better economy of movement, blood occupied by the red blood cells; there-
and this is no different in mountaineering, where fore, a low haematocrit value (<45 percent)
sustained effort is required on repeated long days indicates a decreased oxygen-carrying capacity.
on the mountain. Economy is defined as the Haemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying compo-
submaximal oxygen. consumption per unit body nent of red blood cells and thus is important
mass per minute ( VO2, or ml per kg per min) for aerobic exercise. A low haemoglobin value
for a given workload or power output, be this will reflect a reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of
running speed for runners or load carriage with the blood, which limits endurance performance.
a heavy rucksack for mountaineers. Running Furthermore, exposure to high altitude reduces
economy . has been shown to be superior (i.e., the amount of oxygen carried by the haemoglo-
lower VO  2) for high-performance endurance bin; thus, it is beneficial to have normal levels
runners compared with club and recreational before ascending to altitude. A typical range
runners (Cooke, 2008), and there is no reason observed for males is 130 to 180 milligrams per
to believe that high-performance mountaineers litre, with females tending to have lower values.
will not have a better economy of effort than These variables are not trainable, but they do
less experienced mountaineers. However, there vary depending upon diet and training status,
is currently no research evidence to support this. and it is important to maintain values in normal
Given our .discussion regarding the effective biological ranges.
decrease in VO  2max with increasing altitude,
a better economy on the mountain would Respiratory System
help. counter the restrictive effects of altitude Breathing out (expiration) is largely a passive
on VO  2max. Irrespective of altitude, a better process, whereas breathing in (inspiration) is an
economy of effort on the mountain is also an active process relying on the inspiratory muscles
advantage in terms of safety since economical (diaphragm and intercostals). Weak inspiratory
mountaineers are able to sustain their efforts for muscles have been linked with the perception of
a longer duration or at a higher intensity before breathlessness (Killian, 1988), which is related
compromising their safety on the mountain. to respiratory fatigue. This impairment in lung
Such economy in high performance is an appli- function may limit endurance performance
cation of the specificity principle of training. rather than superior lung function improving
Though triathletes and marathon runners may endurance performance. Therefore, normal
have the aerobic fitness required for moun- lung function is an important part of the physi-
Fitness and training  ▪  121

ological profile. In the same way that resistance mountaineering that they are considered in
training can increase strength and endurance of detail in chapter 8.
specific muscles, breathing against an inspira-
tory load can enhance resistance to fatigue of
the inspiratory muscles and reduce feelings of
breathlessness. This can be achieved by training and Evaluating
with a device called the POWERbreathe, which Conditioning for
has been shown to increase maximum inspira-
tory pressure after 6 weeks, reduce inspiratory
muscle fatigue, reduce respiratory effort sensa- A wide range of protocols and procedures for
tions, and increase cycle time-trial performances physical fitness assessment is available, but your
by approximately 4 percent (Romer et al., 2002). selection will depend on the nature of your
The specifics of using the POWERbreathe are expedition, the areas of physical performance
discussed in chapter 7. you want to improve, the resources you have
Normal lung function and inspiratory muscle to invest in this form of preparation, and the
strength are even more important for people facilities you have access to.
who are going to be exposed to altitude for short The following list outlines some of the physi-
or long amounts of time. The reduced partial ological variables you can have assessed as part
pressure of oxygen in the ambient air that is of your preparations:
encountered at altitude increases the demands
placed on the respiratory muscles. Even during ▸▸ Body composition (body mass [kg]; stature
light exercise at high altitude, respiratory rate [m]; Body Mass Index; body-fat percentage
and depth may match that observed during via skinfold measurements, bioelectrical
maximal exercise at sea level. This respiratory impedance, air-displacement plethysmog-
workload can only be sustained for a few min- raphy [Bod Pod], or dual energy X-ray
utes at a time. Sensible acclimatisation strategies absorptiometry [DXA] scan)
during an expedition can aid the ability of the ▸▸ Maximal oxygen uptake (ml per kg per
mountaineer to withstand these challenges. min)
However, improvements in the strength and ▸▸ Heart rate (beats per min) and blood lac-
endurance of specific muscles that control respi- tate (mmol/L) responses during submaxi-
ration may also prove beneficial to maintenance mal incremental exercise
of performance at high altitude.
▸▸ Lung function (inspiratory muscle strength,
Maximal Strength and
▸▸ Blood haemoglobin (mg/L) and haemato-
Strength Endurance crit (%) levels
Strength and power are important fitness com- ▸▸ Arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) levels
ponents for both climbing and mountaineering. after acute exposure to altitude
Relative strength and power are more important ▸▸ Maximal strength and strength endurance
than absolute strength and power because in
both mountaineering and climbing, you have For those who are preparing for an extreme
to be able to handle your own body mass when challenge, we would recommend that you gain
moving against gravity. Lower-body strength and the support and services of a sport science
power are essential for all climbing and moun- laboratory, thus gaining access to state-of-the-art
taineering skills and techniques. Upper-body equipment and expertise. For climbing chal-
strength and power are also critical for success lenges in temperature extremes and altitude, we
in rock climbing, and they should not be under- would recommend a sport science laboratory
estimated in importance for mountaineering. with an environmental chamber. To ensure
Strength and power training are so important quality service, you should employ the services
for improving performance in climbing and of an accredited sport scientist and laboratory.
122  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

However, you can monitor your own progress BMI is calculated by taking body mass and
using basic testing protocols and procedures, dividing it by stature in metres squared: 85
though they will not be as comprehensive or kilograms / (1.76 metres × 1.76 metres) = 27.5
as accurate. kilograms per metre squared. The following BMI
If you are an adult and you do not ordinar- classifications are provided by NHS Direct:
ily take regular exercise—sustained vigorous
▸▸ Underweight for height: < 18.5
physical training at least three times per week
▸▸ Ideal weight for height: 18.5 to 24.9
of more than half an hour with heart rate above
70 percent age-related maximum (estimated by ▸▸ Above ideal weight for height: 25 to 29.9
(220 – age) × 0.7)—and you want to develop ▸▸ Obese: 30 to 39.9
your fitness in preparation for a day in the hills ▸▸ Very obese: 39.9+
or something more extreme, then you should
have your health status assessed by your general BMI is only an indication of whether you are
practitioner before embarking on your physical classified as underweight, ideal, overweight, or
preparations. obese. It does not take into account body type
and shape, which will affect your score. It is only
Body Composition a simple tool used to track change in people who
are starting an active lifestyle because it does
At a basic level, you can monitor your body not accurately apply to very muscular people
mass (kg) using standard bathroom scales. You (muscle is denser than fat, so BMI will over-
can then use your body mass with your height estimate fatness). Therefore, other methods of
to calculate your BMI, which is an indirect esti- body composition analysis, such as establishing
mate of body composition. Body mass should the amount of excess fat tissue, should be used
be measured on the same scales at the same time wherever possible.
once every week, wearing minimal clothing. Measurement of skinfold thickness can be
Ideally, stature should be measured with a sta- performed by a sport scientist and is a more
diometer. For adults, this only needs to be done accurate way of establishing whether you are
once a year. With shoes and socks removed, the carrying excess adipose tissue. The skinfold
subject stands on the stadiometer platform with method measures a double fold of skin and sub-
feet together. The buttocks and shoulder blades cutaneous adipose tissue by means of callipers,
should be in contact with the back of the stadi- which apply a constant pressure over a range of
ometer, and shoulders are relaxed with hands thicknesses (Hawes & Martin, 2001). This is the
and arms hanging loosely at the sides. The head most common method of establishing body-
should be positioned into the Frankfort plane fat percentage. However, there is a complexity
(a horizontal line from the ear opening to the to establishing body-fat percentage from the
lower border of the eye socket). The head board sum of skinfolds. The selection of an appropri-
should be brought down to contact the vertex ate equation to calculate body-fat percentage,
of the skull. The subject should keep the heels which has been derived from a sample whose
on the ground and, maintaining the Frankfort characteristics are similar to those of the subjects
plane, stand as tall as possible. Gentle pressure being measured, is required. Unfortunately,
should be applied by the observer beneath the there is no specific equation for mountaineers.
mastoid processes (upwards under the end of the The use of an equation that is not specific to this
jaw) to stretch the subject upwards to the fullest population may over- or underestimate body-fat
extent. Stature is recorded to the nearest whole percentage.
millimetre. If you do not have a stadiometer, the However, there is merit in using the sum of
same procedure can be used standing against the skinfolds as an indicator of overall subcutane-
wall whilst a friend uses a horizontal rule on top ous fatness. This measure avoids many of the
of your head to mark your stature on the wall untenable assumptions that are inherent in
with a piece of chalk. Then measure the height the use of a predictive equation for body-fat
with a tape measure. percentage. The method also provides specific
Fitness and training  ▪  123

information about increases or decreases in skin- each stage, increasing running speed by 1 kilo-
fold thickness at various sites around the body. metre (.5 mi) per hour at the end of each stage.
This is information that other methods cannot The number of stages will be dictated by your
provide and that is easy to understand. More blood lactate concentrations and heart rate;
accurate and reliable measurements of body-fat once they reach approximately 4 millimoles per
percentage can be made using techniques such litre or 5 to 10 beats per minute of maximum,
as air-displacement plethysmography or DXA respectively, you have completed sufficient exer-
scans. However, you will need access to a sport cise stages. Heart rate will be recorded during
science facility for such techniques. the last 30 seconds of each stage, and fingertip
blood samples will be collected at the end of
Submaximal and Maximal each exercise stage.
You should be allowed up to 15 minutes of
Assessment of Fitness active recovery, or sufficient time to still feel
If you are preparing for an extreme challenge, warm and recovered before the second part of
you have access to a sport science laboratory, the test.
. This part of the test directly determines
and you have the appropriate resources, then your VO  2max. The running speed is continuous,
we recommend that you have your heart rate being 2 kilometres (1.3 mi) per hour lower than
and blood lactate concentration responses to the running speed during the last stage of the
. exercise measured, as well as your initial part of the test. However, the gradient is
  2max. These tests can be performed either on
VO increased by 1 percent every minute from a start-
a treadmill or a cycle ergometer. The preference ing gradient of 1 percent until volitional exhaus-
would be to assess these physiological variables tion, which is usually within 6 to 8 minutes.
using a treadmill because it is more specific to Expired air will be collected using Douglas bags
mountaineering. However, if the majority of or an online gas analysis system, with a fingertip
your training is going to be performed on a cycle blood sample at volitional exhaustion for blood
ergometer, you may choose to use this mode lactate concentration. The same principles are
of assessment. The protocol we recommend also applied if a cycle ergometer is the preferred
involves standard tests used to assess endurance mode of exercise.
performance (Jones, 2007). The technicalities involved in the direct
Before the treadmill test, you should deter- assessment of fitness make this form of assess-
mine blood pressure, resting heart rate, body ment unfeasible outside laboratory settings and
mass, stature, and resting blood lactate con- therefore not accessible to everyone. However,
centration in addition to completing a health there are alternatives, which will be discussed
screening questionnaire. A fingertip blood later in this section.
sample should then be taken and a telemetric Progression is the key in developing your
heart rate monitor fitted, followed by your own physiological profile in preparation for your
warm-up and stretching regime. challenge. Taking this into account, you can
The first part of the test is a discontinuous monitor your progression by designing your
incremental protocol to establish your lactate own simple but progressive exercise test with
threshold, lactate turnpoint, and heart rate no need for fancy technologies, or you can use
responses. This information can then be used to previously established field-based measures of
establish individual training zones to structure fitness, such as the Rockport fitness walking test
your training. The starting running speed will (Kline et al., 1987) or the maximal 12-minute
vary depending upon your initial fitness level Cooper test (Cooper, 1968).
and should be negotiated with the sport scientist A walking test is ideal for people who do not
running your test. The treadmill gradient should routinely take part in physical activity and are
be set at a 1 percent gradient to simulate normal unable to run 1.6 kilometres (1 mi). A running
running energetics (Jones & Doust, 1996). test, on the other hand, is more suitable for those
You should complete five to nine 3-minute with a reasonable level of fitness, especially
exercise stages with 30 seconds of rest between because the walking test will probably be too
124  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

easy for them. However, a maximal exercise test with weight on your back for over an hour and
may be inappropriate for many adults without a half, you should be ready to tackle something
medical clearance or where the testing environ- equivalent to one of the three Yorkshire peaks
ment does not have the necessary supervision (Whernside, Pen-y-ghent, Ingleborough).
and safeguards. Therefore, we strongly suggest If you want to be a bit more scientific with
that you have your general practitioner assess your approach,
. then you can determine your
your health status before you embark on maxi- estimated VO  2max from a 1.6-kilometre (1 mi)
mal exercise. walk using the Rockport fitness walking test
Here is an example of how to design your (Kline et al., 1987). After a very gentle warm up
own fitness test. This test is based on walking, for no more than 5 minutes walk a mile as fast
but similar principles can be used for running if as you can (do not run or race walk). Note the
you have a moderately active lifestyle. following
. variables to predict your estimated 
If you do not have an active lifestyle but want   2max: Time to walk the mile in minutes and
to tackle a mountain in a day, you might start off seconds, heart rate at the end of the walk (either
by seeing how quickly you can walk a 1.6-kilo- from a heart rate monitor or by counting heart
metre (1 mi) route from and to your house with- beats manually for 15 seconds and multiplying
out running out of steam on the flat. (You may by 4), age (years) and body mass (pounds).
. You
find the following Web sites useful to plan your can then calculate your estimated VO   2max using
routes: the following equation. Note that BM is your
blgooglemap1.htm; body mass in pounds; A is your age in years; G is
An ordinary person out for a walk should be your gender (female is 0 and male is 1); T is your
able to complete 1.6 kilometres (1 mi) in 16 time for 1-mile walk in minutes and hundredths
minutes, whereas someone with a good level of of a minute; and HR is your heart rate taken at
fitness should be able to complete the walk in the end of the 1-mile walk in beats per minute.
less than 15 minutes. If you exceed 16 minutes .
  2max ( = 132.853 − (0.0769
for this distance, then you’re not in the best of
× BM) − (0.3877 × A) + (6.315× G) −
aerobic shape. The accuracy of this test depends
(3.2649 × T) − (0.1565 × HR)
on your pacing ability and motivation; therefore,
it may take a couple of attempts to get your You can see from. the equation that your pre-
pacing accurate. With the introduction of an dicted estimate of VO  2max will go down if you
appropriate training programme, walking regu- put on weight, take longer to walk, your heart
larly will be a good start (see chapter 7 for further rate is higher or you have a birthday. Therefore
details) and you should start to bring your time the key variables to monitor for your walk are
down. Once you can complete 1.6 kilometres (1 heart rate, walking time and body mass, which
mi) in less than 16 minutes, it is then time to you can compare with repeated tests every 3
extend your test route up to 3 kilometres (2 mi), months, before and after a focussed period
aiming for less than 32 minutes, and then extend of training, before and after an expedition, or
the test route to 5 kilometres (3 mi), aiming for before and after a period of time away from regu-
less than 48 minutes. This pace is equivalent to lar walking. That way you can compare changes
6 kilometres (3.75 mi) per hour. in your own fitness and performance over time,
Once you can walk 5 kilometres (3 mi) on the which is the best use of such fitness tests.
flat in under 48 minutes, start including a hill The 12-minute Cooper test is a maximal
or two into your route. Then once this becomes running test, which may be more appropriate
easier (completed in less than 48 minutes), for people who are able to run 1.6 kilometres
walk the route with a rucksack, carrying the (1 mi) or more without difficulty. Instead of
weight and equipment you would normally completing a set distance as fast as possible,
take with you into the hills for a day, then start the idea of this test is to cover as much distance
to increase the weight, and then start to progres- as possible in 12 minutes, ideally running on
sively increase the duration and distance of your a 400-metre (.25 mi) athletics track, although
walks. Once you are able to walk continuously walking is allowed if necessary (Cooper,
Fitness and training  ▪  125

1968). Then
. using the distance (D) covered in sample to assess the oxygen-carrying capacity
  2max can be calculated:
metres, VO of the blood, with typical values being 130 to
. 180 milligrams per litre and 45 percent, respec-
Estimated VO
  2max = (D − 504.9) / 44.73
tively. A low value will reflect a reduced oxygen-
As with the walking tests, practice and pacing carrying capacity of the blood, which may limit
are required to ensure the best prediction. This endurance performance, especially at altitude.
equation is much simpler and only uses dis- Improvements can be made in these variables
tance covered, so in terms of monitoring your by increasing consumption of foods rich in iron,
own fitness it basically comes down to distance such as red meats, fortified breakfast cereals,
covered in 12 minutes, which is easy. If you put green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, pulses, nuts,
on weight you will run a shorter distance and if and seeds. Iron absorption can be hindered by
you don’t walk in the hills or train you will also excessive intake of tea and coffee, which should
cover a shorter distance. Conversely, as you train be avoided at meal times. Iron absorption can
harder you will increase the distance covered be aided by the inclusion of vitamin C during
in 12 minutes as you will be able to run faster. each meal, such as a glass of orange or grapefruit
The Rockport walking test and 12-minute juice or some broccoli, strawberries, or peppers.
Cooper test have been shown to be good pre- If these variables do not change after a period
dictors of cardiorespiratory fitness, but they are of dietary manipulation, then you should seek
not as accurate as direct determination meth- further advice from your sport scientist or gen-
ods. Kline and colleagues (1987)
. reported a eral practitioner.
correlation of 0.93 between VO   2max and time
to complete 1.6 kilometres (1 mi), and Cooper
(1968). reported a correlation of 0.90 be- Arterial Oxygen Saturation
  2max and the distance covered in a
tween VO Levels After Acute
12-minute walk–run. However, more important Exposure to Altitude
than accuracy is ensuring continued improve-
ments in the variables tested. Using state-of-the-art expertise and equip-
ment, certain sport science laboratories and
Lung Function hypoxic centres are able to predict your chances
of developing AMS. They should be able to
Spirometry devices can be used to assess the assess your arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2)
condition of the airways. Forced vital capacity levels after acute exposure to altitude. This is
(FVC) can be measured, which is the amount of important because low blood oxygen satura-
gas expelled when you have taken a deep breath tion has been highly associated with AMS.
and then forcefully exhaled maximally as fast as Furthermore, for certain mountain climbs,
possible. Forced expiratory volume (FEV) can such as Aconcagua (Andes Mountains, Argen-
also be measured, which is the amount of gas tina), local authorities will not allow you on
that is exhaled during specific time intervals of the mountain or beyond a certain point unless
the FVC test. Subjects with healthy lungs can your blood oxygen saturation is above a certain
exhale about 80 percent of the FVC within 1 level. They may use a protocol whereby they
second (FEV1). The average healthy FVC is 5.0 measure your SaO2 via pulse oximetry from
litres and the average FEV1 is 4.0 litres, or 80 sea level up to 6,500 metres (21,325 ft). They
percent. then cross-reference your response with a sci-
entific study by Burtscher, Flatz, and Faulhaber
Oxygen-Carrying Capacity (2004), which has an 86 percent accuracy rate
in predicting the likelihood of developing
of Blood AMS on exposure to altitude (figure 6.1).
The sport science laboratory should also be able This test will provide some basic information
to measure your haemoglobin and haemato- on how you might cope at altitude, and you
crit levels by taking a resting fingertip blood can then prepare appropriately, spend longer
126  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

100 Acute mountain sickness

95 Yes
Arterial oxygen saturation (%)






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Altitude (metres)

Figure 6.1  Prediction of susceptibility to AMS by SaO2 values

E4897/Cooke/Fig during short-term exposure to hypoxia.
Adapted, by permission, from Burtscher, Flatz, and Faulhaber 2004.

acclimatising in the country, or preacclimatise activity on a regular basis, then you may need
using a hypoxic chamber. The ideal preacclima- at least 3 months of training to be able to climb
tisation strategy would be to sleep in a hypoxic Whernside safely. On the other hand, if you
tent at home, steadily increasing altitudes 6 to want to climb Mount Everest, regardless of your
8 weeks before your departure. starting point you may need at least a year to
get yourself in shape.
Within the Everest West Ridge team, there
Initial Assessment was a range of fitness levels, and a decision
of the Expedition was made to have a long period of physical
Team preparation to ensure that the entire team had
the maximum amount of time to benefit. We
Regardless of your personal challenge, whether had just over 12 months to assist in the team’s
scaling the highest peak in the world, Mount physical preparations. We implemented four
Everest (8,848 m, or 29,029 ft), or the highest physical assessments every 4 months, and the
peak in Yorkshire, Whernside (736 m, or 2,415 information collected was analysed by the Leeds
ft), meticulous planning is essential. One part Met team. This analysis enabled the team and
of being successful includes appropriate physical Chip Rafferty, its physical performance coach, to
preparation relevant to the challenge you have prescribe individualised training programmes
set yourself. in preparation for the expedition. The effects of
The best way to plan your physical prepa- these interventions were monitored and evalu-
ration is to assess your personal fitness and ated through follow-up tests and the submission
then to implement a training programme, the and evaluation of training diaries. This schedule
effectiveness of which should be evaluated and of testing and prescription ensured that the
monitored regularly to ensure you are making team members were in the best physical condi-
improvements in all areas of your physical tion they could be prior to the expedition. The
preparations. Your starting point and the adoption of a similar testing, monitoring, and
physical demands of the challenge will guide evaluation schedule would be recommended,
the length of your preparation schedule. For especially for those who want to climb at alti-
example, if you do not undertake any physical tude.
Physical Performance on the EWR
2006 Expedition

T he Everest West Ridge team was put through the following physical assessments
on each testing occasion: (1) the measurement of maximal oxygen uptake, heart
rate, and blood lactate responses during maximal incremental exercise using a treadmill
test; (2) the assessment of lung function (i.e., expiration and inspiration volume); (3)
the assessment of blood haemoglobin and haematocrit levels; and (4) the assessment
of body composition using body mass, stature, and estimation of body-fat percentage
(skinfold measurements). The data collected from the initial set of physiological assess-
ments were used as a baseline and to initiate individualised training interventions.
The three follow-up assessments evaluated the effectiveness of the interventions and
ensured that each team member progressed towards an optimal level of fitness prior
to the expedition.
The information collected from each set of physical assessments was fed back to
each team member via an individual report, as well as a team report for the expedi-
tion leader and the physical performance coach. Feedback meetings were held with
the physical performance coach after each set of tests to discuss the details. Within
each report, recommendations were made for improvements that were specific to
each person. This enabled the physical performance coach to create specific training
programmes based on the test results.
Table 6.1 shows the changes in certain physiological variables measured in one of
the male team members over the duration of the intervention. This person started
off with a high body-fat percentage and a relatively low maximal oxygen uptake. As
previously stated, the aim of any intervention for this sort of challenge is to ensure
improvement in all areas of the physiological profile, optimising each person’s poten-
tial rather than everyone aiming for set end points. This climber was able to make

Table 6.1  Changes in physiological variables for one of the EWR 2006
team climbers.
Test 1 Test 2 Change Test 4 Change

Body mass (kg) 105.3 99.4 −5.9 97.5 −1.9

Sum of skinfolds (mm) 180.5 133.8 −46.7 127.6 −6.2

Body fat (%) 24.4 18.1 −6.3 17.6 −0.5

Maximal oxygen uptake: 39.3 (4.14) 49.03 (4.88) +9.7 (0.74) 46.7 (4.49) −2.33 (0.39)
ml ∙ kg-1 ∙ min-1
(absolute − litres ∙ min-1)


▪ 127 ▪
128  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

EWR 2006 Expedition  (continued)

dramatic improvements in the initial 8 months of the intervention. He demonstrated
a significant decrease in body mass and body-fat percentage and a significant increase
in maximal oxygen uptake during this time. Within the last 4 months of the interven-
tion, he was able to maintain his enhanced physiological profile with no real change
except for a further reduction in body mass.
Even though this climber did not have the highest maximal oxygen uptake within
the team, this did not seem to limit his performance. In fact, he was able to oper-
ate more effectively at 8,000 metres (26,245 ft) without oxygen than other climbers
who had higher maximal oxygen uptakes. This underlines the fact that each person
should focus on maximising individual potential rather than worrying about the values
achieved. The verbal feedback from this climber was that without the training and
the motivation of the fitness assessments, he would not have been able to contribute
so successfully to the expedition.

Key Ideas ▸▸ Physiological profiling and access to

accredited sport and exercise scientists
▸▸ Fitness will benefit from regular partici- is advisable for training programmes in
pation in training for mountaineering or preparation for extreme expeditions.
climbing expeditions. ▸▸ Monitoring and evaluating training pro-
▸▸ Application of the principles of training to grammes through regular tests and mea-
the planning, implementation, and moni- surements help ensure training is effica-
toring of training programmes is important cious in improving fitness.
for achieving appropriate fitness in prepa-
ration for expeditions.
C h a p t e r

Endurance Training
Chip Rafferty, John O’Hara, and Carlton Cooke

E ndurance is not just the ability

to bear a hard thing, but to
turn it into glory.
the debilitating effects of altitude, inadequate
hydration and nutrition, intense heat and cold,
and the many other factors that contribute to
William Barclay the potential for breakdown in performance.
Improving endurance fitness to a level that will
provide you with a reserve to deal with the most
Numerous factors contribute to the develop- extreme conditions you may encounter, as well
ment of a successful mountaineer, many of as helping you cope with the length of your
which are psychological, such as self-belief, journey, is therefore a key determinant of safety,
motivation, accepting fear, and dealing with enjoyment, and achievement in any climbing
altitude. However, all these add up to very little expedition.
without the physical ability to support them. This chapter provides the information
Climbing mountains requires cardiorespira- required to help you set realistic goals and plan
tory fitness, muscular endurance, strength, and and implement your endurance training pro-
power. It is a myth that psychological attributes gramme according to your individual needs,
can overcome limitations in physical fitness. A whether you are a high-performance mountain-
lack of cardiorespiratory and muscular endur- eer or a weekend warrior.
ance will prevent you from being able to sus-
tain effort for a prolonged time, as is required The Golden Triangle
in mountaineering. If the power and strength
needed to overcome a climb aren’t within your The starting point before embarking on any
physical capacity, you will not succeed. Psycho- training regime is to consider the golden triangle,
logical resilience can get you started again, and the components of which are the objective or
that has often been the case in some heroic tales goal, the individual, and the training pro-
of mountaineering endurance. However, it can gramme (figure 7.1). Each of these must match
be argued that there are numerous failures and up with the other components or the result will
fatalities associated with the lack of physical be a breakdown in performance. For example, if
endurance for the tasks being undertaken. an individual chooses to climb a mountain that
Apart from being genetically gifted with a demands a level of fitness beyond her current
predisposition for endurance, there is no other capabilities and she does not have the physical
more important factor in developing physical ability or the time to train up to the required
ability for the mountain than a programme of level, then she is set for failure. Again, an indi-
balanced physical training. It is not by accident vidual has a greater chance of failing before he
that many of the most successful mountaineers starts if he chooses a training programme that
have used endurance training programmes is suited for short technical climbs, such as in
before achieving their goals. Through appro- the Alps, but has chosen to climb an endurance-
priate training they prepare themselves for sapping Himalayan giant.

▪ 129 ▪
130  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

The goal mountaineer or climber, as well as your capac-

ity for fitness development and that of all team
members, is therefore a crucial starting point for
any expedition. Consider carefully your capacity
for training and performance and the require-
ments of a training programme when deciding
on your goal.

The Individual
A good investment before you ever think of
embarking on a training programme is to per-
form a full physiological assessment at a sport
science facility, similar to the ones used by the
2006 Everest West Ridge team (see chapter 6
for more details). Whether or not you have
The individual The training
programme access to sport scientists and laboratory test-
ing, the training history and physical profile
Figure 7.1  E4897/Cooke/Fig
Golden triangle.7.1/360076/TwoJay!/R1 questionnaire (figure 7.2) will provide a useful
starting point for you to consider whether you
have the endurance training and performance
The Goal background to realistically undertake your goal
Your individual characteristics and subsequent through appropriate training. Writing down the
development through a training programme information required to complete the question-
must match the goal as closely as possible. naire will get you thinking about whether the
Too many people fail in their mountaineering goal is a logical and achievable next step for you
endeavours because of poorly thought-out and and is within reach in terms of the endurance
unrealistic goals. Those rose-tinted views of training you will have to undertake. The data
mountaineering gained from glossy pictures or from the physiological assessments should be
extreme sport videos disguise the reality of being reviewed in conjunction with the information
out in the cold, dehydrated, hungry, and lacking contained in the training history and physical
in both physical and psychological preparation profile questionnaire in assessing your readiness
for the enormity of the task in hand. You should to undertake the training necessary to achieve
focus your training so that you are more than your goal.
prepared for your chosen mountaineering chal- Consideration of the individual component
lenge, with something left in reserve. This allows of the golden triangle will help you bring clar-
for the many things that can and do go wrong ity to what is realistic for you in terms of the
in the mountains, such as suffering the effects selected goal and the training that is necessary to
of altitude, overcoming a crux on route, getting prepare for the goal. Do you have the endurance
out of the way of falling debris, or helping a and performance training necessary to achieve
climbing partner in trouble. the level of endurance fitness required by the
It is also essential that you know your techni- goal? Do you have sufficient time, knowledge,
cal limitations. Climbing a relatively nontechni- understanding, and motivation to develop,
cal mountain such as Aconcagua in Argentina implement, monitor, and evaluate the training
(6,959 m, or 22,830 ft) is completely different programme that is necessary to achieve the goal?
to the physically draining alpine rock climb Answering these questions in detail for each
and experience of continually being exposed individual involved in the expedition will clarify
on a mountain such as Ama Dablam (6,865 whether or not the elements of the golden trian-
m, or 22,525 ft) in the Himalayas. Selecting a gle fit with each person’s capability and capacity
goal that fits with your technical capacity as a for what is required in endurance fitness.
Figure 7.2
Physical Profile and Training History Questionnaire

Name: _______________________________ Preferred name: _ _____________________

DOB: ____ / ____ / ____
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
E-mail address: _________________________ Phone number: ____________________
Employer: _____________________________________________
Job title or description: ________________________________________________________

Physical Profile
Body mass: _____________________ Structure: _________________________
Resting heart rate (in bed in the morning): ___________________
Present fitness level (1 to 10): __________

Training History
Time to train (daily): _________________________________
Preferred type of training: ___________________________________________________
Training locations (gym, outdoors, home, and so on): _ _________________________
1.5-mile run time: _____________________ 400-metre run time: __________________
Long run time (3-mile, 10k, other): _________________________
Longest endurance activity: __________________________________________________
Endurance sports: ___________________________________________________________
Notable endurance achievements: ____________________________________________
Other sports: _ ______________________________________________________________
Favourite sports: ____________________________________________________________
Favourite leisure activities: ___________________________________________________

From C. Cooke, D. Bunting, and J. O’Hara, 2010. Mountaineering: Training and preparation (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).

▪ 131 ▪
132  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Learning From My Experience

I spent 3 hard years training myself into a reasonable marathon runner (personal
best: 2 hours, 19 minutes, and 35 seconds). However, those days, months, and years
could have been a lot easier if I had trained smart. Training smart would have started
by looking at the engine and then the chassis of my body. I would have undergone a
series of physiological assessments to identify my strengths and weakness as an endur-
ance athlete, which could have been used to develop a smart training programme. My
early hit-and-miss approach to training relied on training in the discipline I enjoyed—
long, slow distance training. Therefore, I became an efficient, steady plodder who
broke down when the intensity of a race demanded a higher pace and the injection
of explosive power. Though a large proportion of long, slow distance training should
be performed to develop specific aspects of endurance, you also need the ability to
perform high-intensity efforts that you can recover from (Twight & Martin, 1999).
My experience has taught me the importance of the golden triangle. If I had consid-
ered my goal in marathon running alongside my strengths, weaknesses, and training
history as an individual, I would have formulated a different training strategy based
on SMART principles (specific, measurable, achievable, recordable, and testable; see
The Programme for details). Though the training I did was clearly beneficial to my
performance, I believe that too much focus on long, slow endurance work and not
enough on shorter, high-intensity work limited my performance improvement.
Learn from my lesson—consider the golden triangle carefully and apply SMART
training principles, and your endurance training will be tailored well to your individual
and expedition requirements.
—Chip Rafferty

The Programme mountain, an alpine-style route, or a Lakeland

peak. The training needs to be measurable in
‘Train hard, climb easy’ is a mantra that under- relation to the training components of endur-
pins the methods illustrated in this chapter and ance, strength, and power. It should be achiev-
chapter 3. The only caveat to that is training able in relation to the time and effort you can put
must be SMART: into the training, as well as your physical status
Specific and background as a mountaineer. The train-
ing should be tested with regular physiological
Measurable assessments to ensure improvements in endur-
Achievable ance and should balance volume, intensity, and
Recordable frequency of training plus recovery. A record
Testable of these tests and any other training indicators
should be kept in diary form to be reviewed and
The type of training you undertake needs to assessed before moving on to the next phase of
be as specific to the mountaineering challenge as training.
possible. For example, there are differences in the For example, referring to specificity, if train-
training required to summit a giant Himalayan ing adaptation is to be useful, it must ulti-
Endurance training  ▪  133

mately resemble the types of physical activity, tions. You should be able to use the principles
recruitment patterns, and stresses required on explained next together with the examples of
the mountain. Although running, biking, and training programmes and sessions discussed
swimming have some great benefits for moun- later in the chapter to plan and implement an
taineers in developing overall cardiorespiratory individualised endurance training programme.
fitness and important supporting muscle groups, This will be easier if you can also consult with a
they do not mirror completely the specific coach, conditioner, trainer, or sport scientist, but
stress of hard and sometimes fast mountain application of the information presented here to
days, especially if there are specific technical your individual circumstances will ensure you
sections. Therefore, these disciplines have to be have the makings of a good endurance training
trained specifically. With a bit of imagination programme.
and knowledge of anatomy and physiology,
this can be done in training before getting to
Progressive Overload and
the mountain.
An example of how specific an exercise has to Training Variety
be can be illustrated in a cyclist changing body
Many people shy away from a structured train-
position only slightly on the bike by lowering
ing programme for good reasons. Often the
the seat or altering the handlebars—a new pat-
structure and discipline in their working life
tern of recruitment of muscle groups needs to
are enough of a burden without adding them
be trained to achieve the same performance
to their free time. Therefore, the first principle
as was previously trained through the original
in designing any training programme is to make
pattern of muscle activity. Another example is
it as enjoyable as possible. However, in order to
Lance Armstrong’s cycling versus his running
improve fitness and performance, the principle
performance. At his peak in world-class cycling,
of progressive overload must also be applied.
he wouldn’t have been in the first 10 percent of
Progressive overload in training will incorporate
any top endurance running event because of
the elements of the FITT principle (frequency,
the differences in neuromuscular coordination
intensity, time, and type of endurance training)
between cycling and running. The development
to progressively improve endurance fitness. An
of the correct neuromuscular coordination is
example of overload in endurance training is
important because it leads to the recruitment
increasing the number of endurance sessions
of specific muscle groups, thereby developing
per week, which increases total training time
movement efficiency and economy for a specific
and volume. The duration and intensity of each
run can also be manipulated through changes
The last example is from mountaineering,
in running speed.
where an extremely talented climber and moun-
An example of a programme Chip designed
taineer in the armed services had a weakness in
for British junior triathletes to ensure continued
his cardiorespiratory endurance that was limit-
engagement in the sport is shown in figure 7.3.
ing his performance on longer routes. Once this
This is a long-term development plan lasting
weakness was addressed with an emphasis on
from their introduction to the sport at 12 years
longer, low-intensity exercise, his mountaineer-
old to Olympic representation a decade later.
ing potential developed in line with the effort he
The plan was based on a progressive system
put in, resulting in him cruising sustained routes
that started with playing at the sport with lots of
that had previously been difficult.
complementary activities such as skateboarding,
trampolining, and BMX riding—in other words,
Endurance Training the games children play. As participants devel-
Principles oped both physically and psychologically into
all-rounders, complementary activities to the
This section applies principles of training from discipline of triathlon were introduced, includ-
the perspective of endurance training for suc- ing bodysurfing and surfboarding to develop
cess in mountaineering and climbing expedi- them as swimmers; BMX and mountain biking
134  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Figure 7.3
Long-Term Triathlon Development Plan by Paul (Chip) Rafferty

Hours of
Biomotor Events/ training Physiological
Stages development Age competition Training (%) (per year) key events
mentary General Specific
Initial   Dexterity,   9-12 BTA 50% 45% 5% 100-250   General
(4 years) co-ordination, Milk Race (all years) growth
Flexibility, series
speed, and

Basic   Strength   13-16 BTA start   35% 50% 15% 300-500   Growth spurt
(4 years) development, races and (all years) at onset of
increased Intro Sprint puberty
muscle profile, Youth and
improved   Junior Inter-
muscular   national

Specific   Develop maxi- 17-19 Youth and 20% 40% 40% 600-800   Puberty; mus-
Aerobic Base   mum cardiac Junior In- (year 1) culoskeletal
(3 years) capacity, maxi- ternational 600-800   and cardio
mum strength, (sprint and (year 2) vascular adap-
maximum   distance); 900-1,000 tation
endurance Intro Olympic (year 3)

High-  Consolidate   20-21 Elite   15% 25% 60% 1,000-1,100 Musculoskel-

performance all above in domestic (year 1)   etal, cardio
maximisation specific   common- 1,200-1,300 vascular over-
(2 years) aerobic base wealth (year 2) load, conver-
games sion of muscle
fibre types

Maintenance Decrease vol- 22-24 International 10% 25% 65% 800-1,000 Recovery and
(2 years) ume, increase Olympics (all years) peak from
specifics and previous High-
intensity performance
and micro-
physical adap-

to develop them as cyclists; and orienteering, country, and local mountain bike and road
football, and basketball to develop them as racing clubs. However, during this time the
runners. competitive pressure was also deflected by not
The next stage had 40 percent of the training exposing participants to overcompeting. As they
and preparation specific to triathlon disciplines, developed, the percentages of activities specific
but in a varied way: swimming galas and local to the sport of triathlon progressed. However,
swim competitions, athletic clubs and cross complementary activities such as climbing,
Endurance training  ▪  135

skiing, and skateboarding were maintained to For mountaineers, a wide variety of exercise
add variety and enjoyment. Examples of pro- is encouraged—unless you are lucky enough to
gressive overload from figure 7.3 illustrate the be in the mountains every day, occasional visits
progressive increase in hours of training per will not provide enough stimulus to develop
year, the shift to more training that is specifically sufficient endurance capacity. Therefore, modes
focussed on triathlon, and the level of competi- of exercise such as running, swimming, moun-
tion demands throughout the years. This long- tain biking, road cycling, spinning, swimming,
term triathlon development plan was developed stair-stepping, cross-country skiing, skiing, and
by Chip Rafferty, who once said, “I remember snowshoeing are all relevant to improving your
vividly back in the 1980s the last marathon I ever mountaineering endurance.
ran, standing on the elite start of the London Road running or running on the flat has its
marathon looking round at the other competi- place in a training programme, but trail running
tors, who in most cases could only be described may be a more effective way of gaining moun-
as having lungs on legs. Many couldn’t lift their tain fitness. The irregular terrain in trail run-
own body weight and were plagued by overuse ning makes it physically demanding and varies
injury. I decided at that moment to train in a the loads on the joints and muscles, as well as
way that would give me all-round strength and being low impact in comparison to road run-
endurance in a progressive and varied way that ning (Soles, 2006). The benefit of road cycling
hopefully would be more enjoyable.” is that it provides a means of training for long
The lessons in progressive overload and varia- durations, offering long, slow distance train-
tion from this example are transferable to devel- ing. Due to the nature of the terrain, mountain
oping yourself as a mountaineer. Although train- biking, on the other hand, offers more interval-
ing for an expedition will be over a shorter time type sessions, with the chosen route dictating
(which could vary from 3 months for weekend the type of training session.
warriors preparing for their main annual holi- Swimming has benefits such as developing
day expedition to more than 2 years for Everest respiratory capacity and working on alternative
West Ridge 2006), the same principles apply in muscle groups, and open-water swimming helps
terms of progressive overload and variety. Plan develop a tolerance to cold environments (see
to steadily increase your training load using the chapter 3 for more details). A final example
FITT principle and be prepared to adjust your is cross-country skiing, which is an excellent
programme based on how you are adapting. Do whole-body aerobic workout, involving a
not increase too quickly, and if you feel tired all pulling-down motion from the upper body
the time and performance is not getting better or that is suited to climbers (Soles, 2006). Even
is even getting worse, increase recovery because though this variety in training modes may be
you are probably training too hard. Always enjoyable, bear in mind that each session is a
allow a taper in training prior to your expedition training session, not just a jolly, and there is a
where you maintain your endurance fitness but specific reason for the session that needs to be
can then expect to start the expedition in great taken into account in the planning and execu-
shape with lots of energy and enthusiasm to tion of the training programme.
achieve your goal.
This approach is essential to all long-term and
Training Intensity
medium-term training no matter what your age
because it provides all-round fitness and strength Mountaineering is often regarded as a low-
using many of the muscle groups and energy intensity activity in which demands on strength,
systems used in mountaineering. This enables power, and speed form only a small percentage
the body to adapt and reduces the occurrence of of the overall demands on a mountain day. To
overuse injuries, as well as developing specific an extent this could be true; many people with
muscle groups that will be used in later stages of average fitness and a fairly sedentary back-
training and in the arduous conditions encoun- ground seem to be able to climb some of the
tered on the mountain. world’s highest mountains, including Mount
136  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Everest. This may seem contradictory, but it is the holy grail for endurance athletes. Moderate-
the paradox of Everest—it is a mountain often duration HIT will predominately develop the
climbed by nonmountaineers, though generally lactate threshold. Short-duration, very HIT can
supported by Sherpas. be split into exercise intensities equivalent to or
Therefore, the question may be reasonably above the pace associated with your maximal
asked as to why you should go through all the oxygen uptake. Training at a pace equivalent
pain of training in the first place. First, you will to your maximal oxygen uptake will predomi-
climb the mountain in much better style and nately develop maximal oxygen uptake and
with a lot less effort, therefore able to deal with lactate tolerance. Untrained mountaineers may
the unexpected should the need arise. Further- see increases of 20 to 30 percent in maximal
more, the more physically prepared you are for oxygen uptake, whereas trained mountaineers
the mountain, the less likely you are to find may only see small increases of 2 to 3 percent,
yourself extremely fatigued, potentially avoid- with variability over the training year. Training
ing the life-threatening situations that many at a pace above your maximal oxygen uptake
climbers have found themselves in (Arnette, will predominately develop your neuromuscu-
2006). Next time you watch a mass marathon, lar patterns, speed, power, and local muscular
look at the facial expressions of the leading 10 endurance.
percent of the runners at the finish and then at The identification of your lactate threshold
the following 90 percent and you will see who (as described in chapter 6) is useful in identify-
is coping with the distance and physical effort. ing and regulating training intensities, as well as
Second, the adage ‘Fail to prepare and prepare being an important predictor of endurance per-
to fail’ has serious implications for mountain- formance. The terms lactate threshold and lactate
eers. I have seen some top-class mountaineers turnpoint were introduced in chapter 6 and will
return from the mountain both physically and be referred to throughout the rest of this chapter.
psychologically shattered by the extreme effort Lactate threshold is the first rise in blood lactate
required due to unexpected bad weather, alti- concentration above basal concentrations and
tude, or technicalities on the mountain that lactate turnpoint is the exercise intensity that is
they had not factored into their preparation. associated with a substantial increase in blood
Furthermore, certain routes, such as the more lactate concentration during an incremental
extreme alpine-style routes, require the climber exercise test (Jones, 2007).
to perform high-intensity efforts whilst recover- If you do not have access to a sport science
ing on the mountain. These are key reasons why laboratory that can provide your training inten-
you need to train beyond the capacity required sities based on your blood lactate profile, an
before your mountaineering challenge. alternative approach is to use heart-rate training
Endurance training can be placed into three zones.
distinct zones, according to Shave and Franco Long, slow, distance exercise should be
(2006): long, slow, moderate-duration distance equivalent to an exercise intensity around the
training; high-intensity training (HIT); and lactate threshold but below the lactate turnpoint,
short-duration, very HIT. You cannot rely purely where there is a lack of lactate accumulation
on your ability to perform at a long, slow pace if since lactate utilisation and removal outstrips
you want to be a successful mountaineer (Twight lactate production. It is somewhere between a
& Martin, 1999). The training programme needs marathon and half-marathon running pace. It
to include the appropriate frequency and dura- is an exercise intensity that can be sustained for
tion of each of these intensities to elicit the 60 to 120 minutes for running or 120 to 240
optimal improvements in endurance required minutes for cycling.
for your chosen challenge. To develop the lactate turnpoint workload,
The training intensities will develop specific you should perform exercise sessions that pro-
components of endurance performance. For duce the average heart rate or running speed
example, long, slow distance training will con- or cycling power output associated with your
tribute to the ability to transport and utilise lactate turnpoint (Keith, Jacobs, & McLellan,
oxygen, thus improving the ability to burn fat, 1992). Your lactate turnpoint is approximately
Calculating Heart-Rate Training

U sing your heart rate to guide training intensities is not an exact science, but it
is useful for mountaineers who do not have access to sport science facilities.
Generally, there are four heart-rate training zones (Jeukendrup & Van Diemen, 1998):
Zone 1: Target heart rate of 60 to 70 percent (based on heart rate reserve as explained
Zone 2: Target heart rate of 70 to 80 percent
Zone 3: Target heart rate of 80 to 90 percent
Zone 4: Target heart rate of 90 to 100 percent
The best way to establish your target heart-rate training zones is based on the work-
ing range of your heart rate, termed the heart-rate reserve (HRR). The HRR can be
calculated using the following equation proposed by Karvonen, Kentala, and Musta
HRR = maximum heart rate (MHR) – resting heart rate (RHR).
To calculate your target heart rate:
Target heart rate = (%HRR / 100) × (MHR – RHR) + RHR.
So if you want to exercise at 75% (zone 2) and you have a MHR of 200 beats per
minute and a resting heart rate of 68 beats per minute, your target heart rate would
be (75 / 100) × (200 – 68) + 68, giving you a target heart rate of 167 beats per minute.
This method requires the use of your RHR and MHR. RHR is best taken when you
wake in the morning. There are two ways of determining MHR. You can simply sub-
tract your age from 220 to estimate your MHR, though this method should be used
with caution because it has been shown to have large standard deviations and can be
out by 12 to 15 beats per minute (Wallace, 2006). The direct determination of MHR
via a field-based test is more accurate. If you are a healthy athlete, you may choose
to perform a series of 1-minute exercise bouts, increasing the exercise intensity at the
end of each bout and taking a short rest between each bout until the last one is flat
out, and note your MHR from your heart rate monitor. If you are not used to perform-
ing intense exercise and are over 40 years of age, it is recommend that you have your
MHR assessed in a sport science facility with a doctor present.
MHR is variable depending upon the mode of exercise. The MHR you can achieve
during various modes of exercise will be different due to differences in body position
and the amount of muscle mass utilised. Therefore, it is worthwhile to establish your
MHR for your training modes using the interval-based exercise test described previ-
ously. It is also important to be aware of cardiac drift when using target heart rates
to monitor training intensity. In cardiac drift, over time your heart rate increases by
as much as 20 beats per minute during exercise (Jeukendrup & van Diemen, 1998),
which needs to be taken into account.

▪ 137 ▪
138  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

equivalent to your half-marathon or 16-kilome- runners and bikers. There was a shift away from
tre (10 mi) running time (Jones, 2007) and is the long, slow distance training towards more
an exercise intensity that you should be able to HIT, with a resulting dip in performance and
maintain for 30 to 60 minutes at a maximum. medals at international level for over a decade.
Short duration, very HIT exercise sessions In more recent times, the high-volume approach
are the icing on the cake. These sessions are has been adopted again, and it is paramount for
high-intensity intervals that last between 1 and success. There is no doubt that high-intensity
5 minutes at a pace equivalent to your maxi- workouts have their place in any endurance
mal oxygen uptake, interspersed with sufficient training programme, but you have to put in the
recovery of up to 2 minutes. A typical session distance to establish good endurance fitness.
may include four 1.6-kilometre (1 mi) runs at To improve your endurance, as a starting
the running speed equivalent to maximal oxygen point you should dedicate approximately 70
uptake. It is also useful to include sessions at an to 80 percent of your training time to long,
intensity above your maximal oxygen uptake slow distance training, although this may vary
that last up to 1 minute in order to further slightly depending upon the phase of training.
develop your speed and power. A typical ses- (The phases of training will be discussed in
sion may include running 200-metre (656 ft) more detail later in this chapter.) The physi-
repetitions on an athletics track. These shorter ological training effects of high-volume, long,
interval sessions may also include hill sessions. slow distance training include an increased
These types of sessions develop strength, speed, ability to transport and utilise oxygen through
and power without the stresses associated with an increased capillary network, increased blood
high-intensity speed work. A good example is volume and mitochondrial size and density,
hills resistance training, where high intensities improved fat oxidation, the development of
are reached through running or biking on steep neuromuscular patterns for this exercise inten-
hills, producing resistance without the impact sity that leads to improved movement efficiency
associated with sprinting or peak efforts on the and economy, and greater muscular endurance
flat. Hill running sessions use the muscles in (Shave & Franco, 2006). These training adapta-
a more specific range of movements in a con- tions are essential for mountaineers, particularly
trolled and deliberate way. at high altitudes.
Ultimately, as a mountaineer you are training Although we know the percentage of time you
to increase your muscles’ contractility and there- should be working towards at this long, slow
fore their ability to utilise oxygen at any pace training intensity, how much volume should it
required. Therefore, variety in training exercise entail? Too little volume will not provide opti-
intensities is key to developing the physiologi- mal improvements in endurance, but too much
cal variables associated with endurance training volume too soon would be foolish and result in
and in so doing your ability as a mountaineer. overtraining and overuse injuries. The following
formula is recommended for training volume,
Training Volume regardless of your training status. Calculate the
average training volume over a given period of
It has been a long-held assumption that per- previous training and then at the most add 10
formance in endurance activities is directly percent. If no previous training has been under-
linked to training volume. Back in the 1980s, taken, an endurance athlete of average fitness
long, slow distance running was regarded as should be able to tolerate around 6 hours of
the holy grail of all endurance athletes, with long, slow distance training a week. This is obvi-
many runners covering 193 kilometres (120 mi) ously split across a series of training sessions.
or more a week and professional bikers doing Once the person has adapted to the volume of
966 kilometres (600 mi) or more a week, often training, 10 percent can be added after a given
totalling 9,656 kilometres (6,000 mi) of running period of not less than 1 month.
and 48,280 kilometres (30,000 mi) of cycling Ultimately, volumes at the long, slow dis-
a year. However, a new scientific approach took tance training intensity should be taken as
over in the 1990s amongst U.K. long-distance high as possible as long as they don’t affect the
Endurance training  ▪  139

high-intensity workouts, which are introduced cumulative cardiorespiratory, muscular, and

following the base or initial training phase. skeletal demands on the body, even if the inten-
Subsequently the volume of long, slow distance sity is increased.
training should be reduced as you start to intro-
duce and develop HIT sessions during the lactate Recovery
turnpoint, power, and speed training phases.
As a good starting point, these high-intensity Recovery is a crucial part of any training pro-
sessions should constitute approximately 20 to gramme; without it, the body and mind will
30 percent of your training time. Once the base struggle to adapt and ultimately struggle to
training and high-volume, low-intensity work perform. Planning a good recovery programme
has been completed, the benefits gained need is as important as planning the training pro-
to be maintained by over-distance maintenance gramme. You need to include a session of
training performed once a week. This allows complete rest in your weekly schedule, at least
the overall weekly volume to be reduced whilst one day off from training whereby you do not
maintaining the benefits gained from the previ- undertake any demanding physical activity. Also,
ous high weekly volume of training. you should include recovery workouts in your
Frequency, intensity, and volume are closely training weeks. Some of your long, slow distance
interlinked, and a particular combination can sessions, performed at below-marathon run-
have a positive or negative effect on different ning pace (60 to 70 percent of your MHR), can
people. For example, some mountaineers may be used as recovery sessions as long as they do
benefit from splitting a high-volume session into not exceed 30 minutes. These recovery sessions
two sessions whereas others will not. The results are usually the first session of the day and are
are very much determined by the physiological useful for increasing overall distance, helping the
and sometimes psychological characteristics of body recover from high-intensity sessions the
the person. However, the benefits of the deple- day before, and preparing the body for training
tion or over-distance training days cannot be later the same day. These sessions place minimal
gained by dividing the total volume. The extreme stress on the neuromuscular system and should
stimulus cannot be reproduced with the same last no longer than 30 minutes for running but

Training With Depleted Energy Stores

B y necessity and with some good luck, 20 years ago I came across the ultimate
in high-volume training, which I call over-distance or depletion days, whereby
in my job as an outdoor instructor I would train immediately after a day’s caving or
mountaineering activity, running back the 19 kilometres (12 mi) home or biking some-
times up to 160 kilometres (100 mi) after a day’s work. This activity was done with
low reserves of food and hydration, which had the effect of digging deeply into my
physical reserves and developing an awareness of how my body might feel after a long
mountain day. These sessions developed into the planned depletion days described
in chapter 3. I would minimise my intake of food and water to simulate the effects of
being thirsty and hungry on the mountain and allow my body and mind to gain an
indelible imprint of that situation for future use.
—Chip Rafferty
140  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

longer for non-weight-bearing activities such as then flattens out with much smaller decreases
biking or swimming. Biking should normally as the taper phase progresses (from 30 to 25%
last twice as long as the equivalent running of normal training for the slow decay and from
sessions. Swimming is harder to quantify for 15 to 10% of normal training between the 10th
time, and you should use your own judgement and 14th day for the fast decay, respectively).
based on your swimming ability, but try to go According to Mujika and Padilla (2003), the
for longer than 30 minutes if you can. If you are best way to taper is to maintain the training
a good, relaxed swimmer, up to an hour is fine. intensity but progressively reduce the volume
Sufficient recovery time is a key to good of training by 60 to 90 percent and slightly
training so that you do not overreach or over- decrease the training frequency by no more than
train, which can be monitored through physi- 20 percent. Tapering your training will hopefully
ological or performance assessments. It is also elicit improvements in your overall performance,
important to understand reversibility, whereby bringing together and optimising all the physi-
too much rest and recovery can reverse the ological determinants required for your moun-
training-induced adaptations, be it planned taineering performance, as well as ensuring you
or injury induced. Responses to recovery and hit the mountain fresh but not detrained. This
the previously mentioned linked components is called peaking, which needs to be planned to
are the areas where people differ the most. occur at the point of your expedition and is more
It is unlikely that any two mountaineers will of an art than a science. For short expeditions,
recover from training at the same rate, which aim to peak for the start. For longer expeditions
may result in one being undertrained and the involving overseas travel, a long walk in to the
other overtrained should they train together mountain and acclimatisation to altitude, you
using exactly the same sessions. Note, too, that should try to peak for the critical period of your
a good nutrition programme with appropriate expedition, factoring in all the travel and accli-
supplementation is vital to recovery and general matisation to your training plan.
well-being (see chapter 9), as is the use of thera- The tapering period is hard to specify and may
peutic methods such as massage, physiotherapy, vary from person to person, and it is dependent
yoga, and hydrotherapy pools, especially after on the previous training load and the total
hard training sessions. length of training. The longer the overall train-
ing phase, the longer the tapering period that is
Tapering and Peaking required. However, if the tapering period is too
long, then you may be susceptible to becoming
As the expedition date nears, you need to con- detrained; on the other hand, if it is too short,
sider reducing the training load. This is called then there is not enough time for sufficient
tapering, the main aim of which is to reduce recovery. The length of the expedition also needs
the accumulative fatigue associated with daily to be taken into account; on a typical Himalayan
training, thereby improving your performance. expedition, the packing, the flight, the mountain
There are four tapering strategies: linear taper, walk in, and acclimatisation can sometimes take
exponential taper (slow decay), exponential more than 2 weeks of virtual inactivity. On such
taper (fast decay), and step taper. The exponen- expeditions, keep the training going more or
tial tapers are more beneficial; see Mujika and less right up to the flight day and do not taper
Padilla (2003) for further details. as significantly as if you were going on a shorter
As suggested by the names the two expo- expedition or an expedition where you are on
nential tapers describe the shape of the general the mountain significantly sooner. In addition,
curve representing the decrease in percentage of you need to take into consideration long-haul
training over time. There is a steeper decline in travel during the tapering phase because travel
percentage of normal training at the beginning fatigue and jet lag can adversely affect perfor-
of the taper phase (a decrease of the order of 20 mance (see chapter 5). An example of a 21-day
to 30% of normal training in the first taper day exponential taper (slow decay) can be seen in
for the slow and fast decay respectively) which figure 7.4.
Endurance training  ▪  141

Figure 7.4
Sample 21-Day Exponential Taper (Slow Decay)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Long slow distance training

Number of sessions per week 8 6 4

Total duration per week 8 hours 4 hours 2 hours

High-intensity training
Number of sessions per week 3 3 3

Total duration per week 2.5 hours 2 hours 1.5 hour

Short-duration, very high-intensity training

Number of sessions per week 3 3 3

Total duration per week 2 hours 2 hours 1.5 hour

Total number of training sessions per week 14 12 10

Total training duration per week 12.5 hours 8 hours 5 hours

Putting the Principles with strength and conditioning training, after

the development of a good cardiorespiratory
Together foundation. An implication of this initial high-
In summary, the main elements to any endur- volume phase of training is a likely reduction in
ance training programme, if you discount taper- strength and power if it is not accompanied by
ing and peaking, are long, slow distance training; compensatory strength and conditioning train-
HIT; short-duration and very HIT. They are often ing, which needs to be included in preparation
named and sequenced in different ways. There for the short-duration, very HIT sessions.
are other elements of training that should be part All the phases overlap and require careful
of your programme, including strength training, placing of maintenance sessions outside the spe-
flexibility, reactivity, balance, coordination, and cific phase; otherwise detraining and reversibility
agility, which are not covered in this chapter. may occur in the areas that are already trained.
To achieve and adapt to the training set, The key to any successful endurance training
the combination of the main components is programme for mountaineers is to match the
important. One approach is sequencing, where components of the programme (progression,
the athlete initially develops a good cardio- intensity, volume, frequency, and recovery), with
respiratory foundation through long, slow the goal or mountain challenge—remember the
distance training before moving on to the HIT golden triangle. Knowledge of your strengths
sessions to develop the lactate turnpoint work- and weaknesses using the physiological assess-
load, power, and speed whilst still maintaining ments on offer at many sport science facilities
extensive endurance. A second approach is will help you and your coach develop the most
reverse sequencing, where the athlete increases appropriate training programme for you. Please
the training volume by increasing the distance see chapter 6 for details of the tests used with
at an already improved speed. the Everest West Ridge team in 2006.
You should consider including hill sessions There is no quick fix, and reaching your maxi-
within your training programme, often coupled mum potential for performance is a long-term
Sample Training Programmes

W e have included some weekly training programmes used to prepare the 2006
Everest West Ridge team, which you may want to use as a guide if your chal-
lenge is an energy-sapping Himalayan giant. We have also included a programme that
is more appropriate for weekend warriors.
▸▸ Weekend Warrior Sample Programme
The following is a typical weekly training programme that weekend warriors may want
to use to develop cardiorespiratory endurance before engaging in any HIT training
sessions (see figure 7.5). Note that everyone responds differently to training, and you
should use the principles and explanations in this chapter to develop your own training
programme. This specific phase of training should last a minimum of 6 weeks, depend-
ing upon the duration of time you have to prepare for your challenge, accumulating
up to 6 hours per week of long, slow distance training.
Following the development of your cardiorespiratory foundation, you would start to
increase the pace of some of your short training sessions (30 to 60 minutes) to an intensity
equivalent to your half-marathon and 16-kilometre (10 mi) running pace, performing two
of these sessions a week. Then after 4 weeks, you should include a hill training session
once a week, which should be an additional session in preparation for short-duration,
very HIT sessions. Once you have completed 4 weeks of integrating hill sessions into
your training, you should then start to introduce the short-duration, very HIT sessions
into your weekly schedule, building up to two sessions a week, whilst maintaining your
extended endurance. These two sessions should replace existing sessions, such as the hill
training session and one of your shorter long, slow distance training sessions. Examples
of short-duration, very HIT sessions can be seen in the Everest programme.
▸▸ Everest Sample Programme
The following is an example of a typical weekly training programme used by the Ever-
est West Ridge team to develop cardiorespiratory endurance before engaging in any
HIT sessions (figure 7.6). This was the first phase of training, and the key was for team
members to enjoy the training, performing the activities they liked as long as they
were at the specified intensities, and a good percentage of the training was weight
bearing. They were told not to be obsessed with sticking directly to the programme.
If they missed a day, they were to count this as their easy day or day off rather than
doubling up the training the next day. It was also emphasised that each session was
a training session, but they were not training to be elite competitive athletes; rather,
they were training to reach their full physical potential as high-altitude mountaineers.
Again, everyone responds differently to training, and you should use the principles in
this chapter to develop your own training programme.

▪ 142 ▪
This specific phase of the training would last for a minimum of 6 weeks, depending
upon the duration of time you have to prepare for your expedition, accumulating
up to 10 hours per week of long, slow distance training. Following the development
of your cardiorespiratory foundation, you would start to increase the pace of some
of your shorter training sessions (30 to 60 minutes) to an intensity equivalent to your
half-marathon or 16-kilometre (10 mi) running pace, performing two or three of these
sessions a week. Then after 4 weeks, you would include hill training sessions every
other day to develop your strength and power in preparation for the short-duration,
very HIT sessions. Sample sessions may include the following:
Cycling: Hilly course (2 hours plus) or mountain bike course; four steep, hilly
30-minute repetitions.
Running: Hilly course (1 hour plus), mainly cross country trail running or hill repeti-
tions: 10 minute warm-up, 100- to 200-metre (109-219 yd) repetitions, for approxi-
mately 20 minutes, followed by 5 minutes recovery, running up and down as fol-
lows: first repetition easy jog; second repetition high knee lift; third repetition jog
but keep on balls of feet, letting heels drop but not touching ground. Then run
downhill fast but with a relaxed, long stride. Take 5 to 10 minutes to cool down.
Once you have completed approximately 4 weeks of integrating hill sessions into
your training, you then need to introduce the short-duration, very HIT sessions into
your weekly schedule, building up to three sessions a week, whilst maintaining your
extended endurance. Very HIT sessions may include intervals, which are between 1
and 5 minutes, at an exercise intensity equivalent to your maximal oxygen uptake,
with up to 2 minutes recovery between repetitions.
Running: 4 × 1.6-kilometre (1 mi) runs
8 × 1-minute runs, on- or off-road terrain
Other examples of short-duration, very HIT sessions may include intervals, which are
up to 1 minute in duration at an exercise intensity above your maximal oxygen uptake.
Running: 8 × 200 metres (219 yd) with 30 seconds recovery between each interval
12 × 150 metres (164 yd) with 30 seconds recovery between each interval
Cycling: 8 × 30-second repetitions on turbo trainer or on the road, with 30 seconds
recovery between each interval
Swimming: 12 × 25-metre (27 yd) repetitions or 6 × 50-metre (55 yd) repetitions
depending on ability, with 30 seconds recovery between each interval
Note that these are hard sessions at a pace above your maximal oxygen uptake and
should only be performed once a week.


▪ 143 ▪
Sample Training Programmes  (continued)

Figure 7.5
Sample Week’s Training Programme for a Weekend Warrior
(Foundation Phase)

Morning Afternoon/evening Recovery session

Sunday Rest Long, hilly walk over dis- Play, swim


Monday 20-minute run or swim or Rest Climb wall (easy, introduc-

40-minute bike at an in- tory session); 30 minutes
tensity around the lactate maximum or a strength
threshold but below the and conditioning session
lactate turnpoint in gym

Tuesday Rest Cross-country, hilly run 45- Hydropool massage; yoga;

60 minutes or 90 minutes swim
hilly bike at an exercise
intensity around the lac-
tate threshold but below
the lactate turnpoint

Wednesday 20-minute run or swim, or Rest Rest

40-minute bike at an in-
tensity around the lactate
threshold but below the
lactate turnpoint

Thursday Rest Orienteering course point Hydropool massage; yoga;

to point on mountain bike swim

Friday 20-minute run or swim, or Rest Rest

40-minute bike at an in-
tensity around the lactate
threshold but below the
lactate turnpoint

Saturday Rest Running session: 1.5-mile Rest

warm-up at an intensity be-
low the lactate turnpoint;
.5 mile at a pace averaging
the lactate turnpoint
.5 mile at a pace equivalent
to maximal oxygen uptake;
.5 mile at a pace below the
lactate turnpoint (or do
same on the bike, doubling

▪ 144 ▪
Figure 7.6
Sample Week’s Training Programme for an Everest West
Ridge 2006 Team Member (Foundation Phase)

Morning Afternoon/evening Recovery session

Sunday Rest Cross-country run up to 30-minute swim at an in-

90 minutes or bike for up tensity around the lactate
to 3 hours at an intensity threshold but below the
around the lactate thresh- lactate turnpoint, fol-
old but below the lactate lowed by a massage

Monday Early morning 20-minute 45- to 60-minute run at an Climbing wall (easy, in-
run or swim, or a 40-minute intensity averaging lactate troductory session) or
bike at an intensity around turnpoint strength and conditioning
the lactate threshold but maintenance session in
below the lactate turnpoint gym

Tuesday Early morning 20-minute Long mountain walk car- 30-minute swim at an in-
run or swim at an intensity rying a weighted rucksack tensity around the lactate
around the lactate thresh- or a 2- to 3-hour bike ride threshold but below the
old but below the lactate at an intensity around the lactate turnpoint or rest
turnpoint lactate threshold but be-
low the lactate turnpoint

Wednesday Early morning 20-minute Rest Rest or hydropool mas-

run or swim, or a 40-minute sage
bike at an intensity around
the lactate threshold but
below the lactate turnpoint

Thursday Early morning 20-minute Cross-country hilly run for Climbing wall or strength
run or swim, or a 40-min- 60 to 75 minutes or 2-hour and conditioning mainte-
ute bike at an exercise in- hilly bike at an intensity nance session in gym
tensity around the lactate around the lactate thresh-
threshold but below the old but below the lactate
lactate turnpoint turnpoint

Friday Early morning 20-minute Complementary training: 30-minute swim at an in-

run or swim, or a 40-minute skiing, hilly walk, open- tensity around the lactate
bike at an intensity around water swim, or downhill threshold but below the
the lactate threshold but mountain bike lactate turnpoint or hy-
below the lactate turnpoint dropool massage or yoga

Saturday Rest Running session: 1.5-mile Rest

warm-up at an exercise
intensity below the lac-
tate turnpoint; .5 mile
at a pace averaging the
lactate turnpoint; .5 mile
at a pace equivalent to
maximal oxygen uptake;
.5 mile at a pace below
the lactate turnpoint (or
do same on the bike, dou-
bling distances)

▪ 145 ▪
146  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

development. Therefore, don’t expect instant exposure after using IMT with previous accli-
results—improvements and adaptations can matisation experiences. Relative to previous
often take years. Very few Olympians have high-altitude exposure and following 10 weeks
achieved gold-medal standard after the first year of IMT, the mountaineers reported a reduction
of training, so don’t be disappointed if you don’t in the perception of respiratory demand and
achieve the levels you dream of in the early years. physical fatigue at altitude after IMT. This was
Be patient and remember the Guinness advert previously reported by Romer, McConnell, and
that says, ‘Good things come to those who wait’, Jones (2002), who found a reduction in both
which refers to the length of time it takes to respiratory and whole-body effort perceptions
produce the perfect pint of Guinness. following 6 weeks of IMT, but only at sea level.
Further research needs to be performed to
Inspiratory quantitatively assess the effectiveness of IMT
on helping to combat the challenges of altitude.
Muscle Training However, integrating IMT into the preacclima-
The majority of the specialist training and prepa- tisation strategy of mountaineers may decrease
rations for altitude and endurance are covered their perceptions of effort during acclimatisation
in other chapters of this book. However, there is and subsequently improve their performance at
one final training method that may benefit your altitude and therefore their enjoyment.
endurance preparations, as well as assisting you IMT requires you to inhale using a mouth-
in coping with the demands of altitude. piece against a pressure load that is designed
High-altitude mountaineering presents a to be hard enough so that you are just able to
significant physiological challenge. The low overcome it. We recommend that you follow
partial pressure of oxygen at altitude increases the standard IMT programme and instructions
the demands placed upon the inspiratory mus- that come with the device. This should only
cles, making them more susceptible to fatigue. take 10 minutes per day, whereby you aim to
Sensible acclimatisation strategies during an complete 30 inhalations twice a day (once in
expedition can aid the ability of the mountain- the morning and once in the evening; keep it
eer to withstand these challenges. However, by your toothbrush to remind yourself!) over a
improvements in the strength and endurance minimum of 10 weeks before your expedition.
of specific muscles that control respiration may Your inhalation should be fast and forceful and
also prove beneficial to performance at high- your exhalation should be long and slow. Whilst
altitude. There is plenty of research evidence you breathe out, you should slowly empty the
to suggest that the use of a pressure-threshold lungs. Good breathing technique using the dia-
inspiratory muscle training (IMT) device called phragm is encouraged. It may take a little time to
the POWERbreathe can improve the function of establish the resistance on the device that allows
the thoracic inspiratory muscles with as little as you to complete 30 inhalations; it may even take
6 weeks of training (Romer, McConnell, & Jones, time to build up to this on the easiest tension
2002). Strengthening these respiratory muscles setting. As with any training regime, progression
before exposure to altitude may help reduce is crucial, so once you are able to complete 30
the perception of respiratory fatigue at altitude. inhalations with ease, increase the training load
However, there is limited evidence as to whether by increasing the tension on the IMT device. This
these adaptations are beneficial for exposure to may mean you can only achieve 26 inhalations
hypobaric hypoxic conditions. during the next session, but within a few days
The use of IMT was something we introduced you will be up to 30 again. Make sure you are
into the preparations of the 2006 Everest West standing in an upright and relaxed position
Ridge team and subsequently the British Army’s when performing IMT.
Shishapangma (Himalayas, South Central Tibet) Specificity is also an important training prin-
2007 team. Using some of these high-perfor- ciple, and we recommend that you make the
mance mountaineers, we compared individual training specific to mountaineering after at least 5
perceptions of acclimatisation to high-altitude weeks of IMT. This can be achieved by performing
Endurance training  ▪  147

the IMT with a loaded rucksack on your back (the ▸▸ The goal, the individual, and the training
maximum weight you expect to carry regularly on programme need to be considered together
your expedition) and a slight lean forward (the so you can select an expedition that you
position you will be in when trekking). are capable of undertaking based on the
IMT should be challenging, not painful, so if necessary level of endurance fitness that
you feel any discomfort you should seek profes- you can achieve through training.
sional advice as soon as possible. Furthermore, ▸▸ Use SMART and FITT principles in planning
you should discontinue IMT if you are suffering and implementing your endurance training
from a cold or other respiratory tract infection, programme.
and only resume once the symptoms have dis- ▸▸ Always build in adequate recovery, and
increase your recovery if necessary due to
cumulative fatigue or decrease in perfor-
Key Ideas mance.
▸▸ Mountaineering and climbing expeditions The authors would like to express their grati-
require endurance fitness appropriate to tude to Dr. Nick Monastiriotis (ASCC, UKA) for
comfortably meet the challenge. his valuable comments and suggestions.
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C h a p t e r

Strength and Power
Theocharis Ispoglou, Christopher Low, and Carlton Cooke

W hen I dare to be powerful, to

use my strength in the service
of my vision, then it becomes less
graph provides support for the importance of
strength (upper and lower body) in rock climb-
ing, mountaineering, ski mountaineering, and
and less important whether I am cross-country skiing. (For definitions of terms,
afraid. see the glossary on page 265).
Audre Lorde Good muscular endurance and strength of the
arms and shoulders are beneficial for climbing.
Research has shown that success in climbing per-
The purpose of this chapter is to provide anyone formance is best explained by trainable variables
who has an interest in mountaineering and such as shoulder strength and endurance, fore-
climbing with an understanding of the impor- arm strength and endurance, and maximum grip
tance of strength and power in maximising strength, rather than anthropometric character-
performance either at a recreational or high- istics such as height and weight (Giles, Rhodes,
performance level. This chapter provides a useful & Taunton, 2006; Mermier, Janot, Parker, &
guide that includes all the information required Swan, 2000). Low body-fat percentage, low body
for designing resistance training programmes, as mass, and a positive ape index traditionally have
well as a range of exercise ideas. been perceived as beneficial in rock-climbing
performance (Watts, Martin, & Durtschi, 1993).
Importance of However, the majority of research suggests
that low body mass, low body-fat percentage,
Strength and Power and a positive ape index are not necessarily
for Mountaineering prerequisites for rock-climbing performance
and Climbing (Giles, Rhodes, & Taunton, 2006; Watts, 2004;
Sheel, 2004). Mermier and colleagues (2000)
Strength and power are two vital factors for in particular found that training variables such
successful performance in activities such as as knee extension and flexion, shoulder exten-
mountaineering, climbing, and cross-country sion, and grip strength and endurance explain
skiing. However, supporting evidence for the approximately 59 percent of the total variance
importance of strength and power in these in climbing, whereas anthropometric character-
activities is mainly anecdotal. To our knowledge, istics and flexibility explain 0.3 percent and 1.8
there are few, if any, well-designed training stud- percent of the total variance.
ies that have looked at the effects of training In cross-country skiing, upper-body strength
protocols on mountaineering and climbing. An and quadriceps strength have been found to
overview of key findings in the following para- be good determinants of race performance,

▪ 149 ▪
150  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

whereas strength of knee flexors has not (Ng be underestimated, the traditional belief that
et al., 1988). Upper-body strength in particular specific training and a decrease in body mass
has been shown to improve performance in are the best ways to improve performance can
cross-country skiers mainly by improving work be challenged. Regardless of the fact that rock
economy (Hoff, Gran, & Helgerud, 2002; Hoff, climbing is a highly technical event, if athletes
Helgerud & Wisloff, 1999). Ski mountaineer- are not strong enough, they will not be able to
ing performance during uphill skiing seems to hold a particular position for the same length
be highly correlated with the strength of knee of time as athletes who have equally good tech-
flexors (Voutselas, Soulas, & Kritikos, 2005). The nique but are stronger.
different findings between the studies by Ng et Technique is just one part of the equation for
al. and Voutselas et al. are more likely attribut- improved performance. We would also argue
able to the inclination of the ground. It seems that excessive use of weighted jackets or extra
that improved ski mountaineering uphill is weights whilst climbing not only compromises
directly linked with the strength of knee flexors. technique but also is time consuming. Instead,
The latter finding emphasizes the importance as explored in following sections, an appropri-
of strengthening the knee flexors in order to ate strength and conditioning programme will
maximize performance for this activity. create greater physiological adaptations more
Another important finding is that absolute conducive to strength gains than use of extra
strength of elite climbers and the general popu- weights whilst climbing. Even though they
lation does not differ, but relative strength is emphasise the importance of climbing, elite
better in climbers than nonclimbers (Giles, climbers also incorporate resistance training in
Rhodes, & Taunton, 2006). Thus, it has been their sessions, as the following quotes from rock
suggested that low body mass might improve climber Ben Moon (
rock-climbing performance. Similarly, during ski climbing,431,0,1,training.html) show:
mountaineering, low body mass index (BMI) is
highly correlated with performance (Voutselas, In an ideal world I’d like to do weights
Soulas, & Kritikos, 2005). Maintaining a low twice a week.
body mass in order to improve relative strength I think that young people worry too much
and performance might not necessarily be the about training and don’t climb enough. . . .
best option for mountaineers and climbers. Also, In the early days I’d climb, climb, climb.
the fact that mountaineers who attempt to climb
mountains such as Everest tend to lose up to 7 Such training does not seem to be the case
percent of their body weight during an expedi- with the majority of climbers, who seem to be
tion suggests that weight loss before an expedi- narrowly focussed on technique and using extra
tion might not be desirable (Wiseman, Freer, weights whilst climbing. Imagine a coach who
& Hung, 2006). A better alternative to increase coaches athletes in pole vault and asks them
relative strength and thus performance might be to wear weighted jackets in order to improve
an increase in maximum strength rather than strength, power, and potentially jumping per-
a decrease in body mass. Gains in maximum formance. Sole use of such a method would be
strength would in turn increase relative strength, questioned by high-performance coaches, and
provided the gains in muscle hypertrophy are they would not adopt it for important reasons:
minimal or of smaller magnitude compared There are better ways to improve relative strength
with strength gains. and power than body weight and addition of
Anecdotal evidence and climbing literature weight during an activity and the risk of injury
suggest that climbers in particular believe that and accident would greatly increase, particularly
a decrease in body mass and a specific training for athletes who are weaker and inexperienced.
regime that imitates climbing activities are the We propose that alongside improvement in
best ways to improve performance in rock climb- climbing technique, a strength and condition-
ing. Even though the importance of technique- ing programme is important to improve rock-
specific training and low body mass should not climbing performance at all levels. We do not
strength and power Training  ▪  151

seek to undermine the importance of climbing The stronger twin would be able to lift his
technique that should be taught from the initial body weight 44 times more than the weaker
stages of training, but we believe that the gains twin. The estimated number of repetitions was
associated with a structured strength and con- worked out using prediction tables (Baechle,
ditioning programme are too often overlooked. Earle, & Wathen, 2000). This relationship is
Even for the experienced climber, a strength and equally important for several strength exercises
conditioning programme would be beneficial. in the gym (see sample programmes later in
Climbers who have previously used more spe- the chapter), which can increase the capacity to
cific training activities, such as campus boards perform more repetitions in climbing-specific
and fingerboards, but have found performance movements. Increase in maximal strength (or
plateauing can use weight training to shock the increase in capacity to produce force) means
system and help break that performance ceiling. that submaximal efforts become more efficient
A cycle of strength training can also provide the (i.e., less energy cost for the same amount of
key to a climber who, for example, may simply work). Becoming more efficient helps climb-
lack the physical strength to perform the crux ers and mountaineers not only by conserving
move on a route but has sufficient endurance energy, which is vital in extreme conditions,
to get to the crux every time. but also by decreasing the risk associated with
The relationship between strength and mountaineering and climbing activities. Safety
muscular endurance is demonstrated with an is of paramount importance in extreme condi-
example comparing the strength and muscular tions. People who use a higher percentage of
endurance of twins. Identical twins both have their maximum strength at high altitude are not
a mass of 80 kilograms (176 lb). However, one only likely to lose balance and coordination but
of the twins (A) can lift 160 kilograms (353 lb) are also more likely to be fatigued as a result of
during 1-repetition maximum (1RM) strength excess energy consumption. As well as increased
testing of the bench press whereas the other safety at altitude, the greater efficiency in energy
twin (B) can lift 70 kilograms (154 lb). Which consumption would mean a greater reserve
one can do the most press-ups? See table 8.1 for for the traditional climber pushing for the on-
the mathematical solution using the estimated sight flash at a new grade or reducing the risk
number of repetitions based on 1RM strength. factor when the climbing is loose or bold. For
From an energy expenditure perspective, when the sport climber or boulderer, it would mean
twin B is doing the press-ups at 100 percent more attempts at the route in a single session.
effort, twin A is doing the press-ups at 50 percent Regardless of the types of activities that take
maximal effort. place during a mountain expedition (figure 8.1)

Table 8.1  Estimated Number of Repetitions Performed at Various 1RM Loads

Twin A Twin B
160 × 1 = 160 70 × 1 = 70

150 × 2 = 300 67 × 2 = 134

140 × 5 =700 60 × 5 = 300

130 × 8 = 1,040 55 × 8 = 440

120 × 10 = 1,200 50 × 10 = 500

110 × 12 = 1,320 47 × 12 = 564

100 × 15 = 1,500 46 × 15 = 690

Sum: 6,220 / 80 kg = 78 times Sum: 2,698 / 80 kg = 34 times

Adapted from Baechle, Earle, and Wathen 2000.
152  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

or a rock-climbing expedition (figure 8.2), the

evidence clearly suggests that strength gains can
improve performance.
The strength and conditioning programme
should not be viewed as a replacement for climb-
ing but rather as supplementary. It is possible
to do a weight training session after climbing,
provided that the climbing was more finger
orientated and not overhanging (Gresham,
2004). Maintaining a climbing programme
during the strength programme is important
for transferring the increased levels of strength
and power into greater climbing performance.
Unless you’re an experienced climber, the best
way of converting the pure strength gains into
climbing gains is through bouldering (figure
8.3). By combining bouldering sessions with
a weight training programme, technique and
strength can develop together. Experienced
climbers may wish to combine a strength and
conditioning programme with system boards
and system training, along with campus boards
and fingerboards. However, care is necessary to
avoid overloading the body during this phase of
training. It is not in the scope of this chapter to
Figure 8.1  Mountain expedition. discuss implementation of system training and

Figure 8.2  Rock-climbing expedition.

strength and power Training  ▪  153

Figure 8.3  Bouldering on the gritstone. Figure 8.4  Skinning in the mountains.

the detailed use of campus boards, but excellent Resistance Training

online articles are available that give advice on
these training activities (for example, see www.
Protocols,, Strength can be increased using a variety of
and resistance training protocols (Carpinelli &
Mountaineers and ice climbers would benefit Otto, 1998; Coleman, 1977; Pollock et al.,
greatly by adopting a strength and conditioning 1993; Stadler, Stubbs, & Vucovich, 1997). Two
programme as part of their preparation for the to three training sessions per week for 4 to 16
winter season or an expedition. In particular, the weeks is usually adequate to increase strength
development of strength and power in the legs is (Carpinelli & Otto, 1998). The magnitude of
useful for activities such as skinning (figure 8.4). strength gains usually ranges from 10 to 40
The strength of knee flexors and extensors, percent and depends on many factors, includ-
shoulder girdle, and grip are considered impor- ing the intensity and frequency of the training
tant for successful performance in mountain- sessions, the training status of the participants,
eering and climbing activities. The proposed the mode of exercise (e.g., isokinetic or isoin-
resistance training programme presented in a ertial dynamometry), and the duration of the
subsequent section will therefore primarily focus training programme (Braith et al., 1989; Car-
on developing the strength of muscles involved pinelli & Otto, 1998; Pollock et al., 1993). The
in these movements. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
154  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

has suggested typical ranges in magnitude of training frequency (twice a week) with number
strength gains from approximately 40 percent of training sessions per week, which might be up
in those who are untrained, 20 percent in those to six (split routines); training frequency refers to
who are moderately trained, 16 percent in those the number of training sessions for a particular
who are trained, 10 percent in those who are muscle group.
advanced, and 2 percent in those who are elite Periodisation (planned variation in training
over durations ranging from 4 weeks to 2 years programme variables such as volume, intensity,
(Kraemer et al., 2002). and choice of exercise) is recommended for
According to the position stand of the ACSM optimal strength gains. The training phases are
(Kraemer et al., 2002), the initial resistance for usually planned in blocks of 2 to 6 weeks, with
novice subjects should be in the range of 8RM a full training cycle lasting approximately 12 to
to 12RM, and as they progress they can move 24 weeks.
to heavy loading in the range of 1RM to 6RM Typical training frequencies range between
using at least 3-minute rests between sets at a two and four times per week depending on
moderate contraction velocity of 1 to 2 seconds variables such as training intensity and volume,
for lifting the weight and 1 to 2 seconds for training phase, and choice of exercise. Train-
lowering it (Kraemer et al., 2002). In addition, ing more frequently allows split routines such
a training frequency of 2 to 3 days per week is as upper and lower body or specific muscle-
recommended for novice and intermediate train- training routines. The optimal training fre-
ing and 4 to 5 days for advanced training (split quency seems to be three times a week (4 sets
routines). The initial position stand recom- per muscle group) at lower intensities of 1RM
mended 8 to 12 repetitions for 8 to 10 exercises (approximately 60 percent) for untrained and
(ACSM, 1998), which was found to be effective intermediate people. For the more advanced,
in improving strength in previously untrained optimal training frequency seems to be 2 days
subjects (Coleman, 1977; Feigenbaum & Pol- per week and 4 to 8 sets per muscle group at
lock, 1999). This was further developed and 80 to 85 percent of 1RM. Training twice a week
now includes progression models for people would allow more advanced people to further
who want to progress in their training regime. increase the training volume and intensity
A variety of loading also seems to be most during a training session and also allow them
effective for long-term improvements in mus- to fully recover before the next training session.
cular strength (Fleck, 1999). The findings of Strength and power are only two of the main
a meta-analysis by Rhea, Alvar, Burkett, and factors that can lead to improved performance,
Ball (2003) to determine the dose response so every effort should be made for participants
for optimal strength development supports to fully recover before subsequent sessions.
the position stand by ACSM (Kraemer et al., Ideally, a resistance training session should be
2002). The findings of Rhea and colleagues followed by a rest day or low-intensity training
showed that in order to elicit maximal gains in day. A resistance training session might take
strength, untrained people should perform 4 sets place the same day as an endurance or speed
per muscle group three times a week at a mean workout (usually following the end of the speed
intensity of 60 percent of 1RM, whereas trained or endurance workout), thus allowing more time
people should perform 4 sets per muscle group for recovery.
two times a week at a mean intensity of 80 per- During the initial training phases, usually the
cent. In a more recent meta-analysis, Peterson, volume is high and the intensity low. In the first
Rhea, and Alvar (2004) showed that the mean 2 to 4 weeks of training, emphasis should be on
intensity and training volume for athletes is even technique, improving any imbalances between
higher (85 percent of 1RM and 8 sets per muscle muscle groups, strengthening tendons and liga-
group) than for trained people and the training ments, and improving muscular endurance; the
frequency is the same (twice a week), thus sup- number of repetitions per exercise should be
porting the progression model outlined by the high and the intensity low. The second phase
ACSM (Kraemer et al., 2002). Do not confuse should focus on improving strength by some
strength and power Training  ▪  155

degree of muscle hypertrophy; the number of at a low cost. The training load
repetitions should be medium and the volume and intensity can be increased to some extent
high. A typical third phase would focus on by using elastic bands of greater resistance,
improvement of maximum strength and power; increasing the number of repetitions, modify-
the number of repetitions should be low and ing the time of muscle activation (slow and fast
the intensity high. muscular actions), and choosing a technically
A strength and power workout typically more difficult exercise.
involves high intensities (80-100 percent of This chapter does not allow for all the detail
1RM), few repetitions (1-6), and full recovery that is involved in designing a resistance train-
between sets (3-6 minutes). A hypertrophy ing programme. Two recommended books on
workout involves medium intensities (less than all aspects of resistance training are Designing
85 percent of 1RM), relatively high number of Resistance Training Programs by Fleck and Krae-
repetitions (8-12), and short recovery between mer (2004) and Essentials of Strength Training
sets (approximately 1 minute). A muscular and Conditioning by Baechle and Earle (2000).
endurance workout typically involves a high
number of repetitions (above 12), low inten- Strength Training
sity (less than 70 percent of 1RM), and short
recovery between sets (less than 30 seconds). Exercises
From a mountaineering and climbing perspec- The following section provides illustrations and
tive, muscle hypertrophy might sound undesir- explanations of coaching points for key exercises
able. However, some degree of hypertrophy will that may be incorporated in a resistance train-
lead to gains in maximum strength. As a result, ing programme for mountaineers and climbers.
relative strength gains would be expected to be Examples will also be given as to how the muscle
greater as well. groups used in the exercises relate to various
Measurement of 1RM strength and then use climbing situations.
of prediction tables and prediction equations is The proposed training exercises were chosen
one way to estimate submaximal training loads. using the following criteria.
The drawbacks accompanied by this method
are that it puts people with less-than-perfect Specificity  Leg, forearm, and shoulder
technique at risk of injury and may inaccurately strength are beneficial for performance in moun-
estimate the training load; as the training loads taineering and climbing activities. The majority
increases, the deviation of the estimated load of the exercises presented in the following pages
from the actual load increases. activate muscle groups important for mountain-
The alternative we propose in this section is to eering and climbing.
use an estimated load initially and then work out Multimuscle, Multijoint, and Single-Joint
the exact training load within a training session Exercises  Multimuscle, multijoint exercises
by making adjustments. For example, if the target are effective in creating an anabolic environment
is 3 sets of 10 repetitions with 1 minute of rest favourable to muscle hypertrophy and gains in
between the sets, the athlete needs to estimate strength. Single-joint exercises have their own
a load based on 1RM or any other multiples of place in a strength conditioning programme,
RM. If the athlete cannot perform 10 repetitions especially during the initial stages of training.
during the last set, the load needs to be adjusted However, multimuscle, multijoint exercises not
so that in a following session the athlete will be only cause a greater number of adaptations,
able to perform the 3 sets. they are also more time efficient. Primary use of
When gym equipment is not available, several single-joint exercises would require the inclusion
exercises can be performed using body weight, of many exercises within a training programme
elastic bands, and dumbbells. Dumbbells and in order to train all muscle groups. On the other
elastic bands can be carried easily and can be hand, inclusion of multimuscle, multijoint
purchased from many commercial stores or exercises allows the exercising of many muscle
online (e.g.,, www.skf- groups at the same time, thus saving time.
156  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Key Multimuscle, than the deadlift. Deadlifts have the added

advantage of isometrically strengthening the
Multijoint Exercises forearm muscles without the risk of injury to
The following multimuscle, multijoint exercises the fingers.
may produce greater physiological adaptations Inappropriate technique in the following
than single-joint exercises and are therefore rec- exercises will not only minimise the potential
ommended for resistance training programmes. benefits of training, it will also increase the
Two or three of these exercises should be part risk of injury. An ideal situation would involve
of each resistance training session. Inclusion of supervision by an experienced strength and
more than two exercises is likely to cause excess conditioning coach. If that is not possible, use
fatigue and potential injury. Training twice a lighter weights until technique is perfected,
week would allow the incorporation of almost and training with a partner should always be a
all of the exercises. For example, the squat, dead- priority. For increased safety, when lifting heavy
lift, and push press can be performed in session weights it is vital to always take a deep breath,
1 and the front squat, overhead squat, and sumo contract the abdominal muscles, and arch the
deadlift in session 2. lower back.
Normally, multimuscle, multijoint exercises
are placed at the beginning of a resistance train-
ing programme and are followed by single-joint
exercises. Some of the exercises described in
following pages activate groups of muscles
rather than single muscles and should also be
performed early in a training programme. In
addition, to allow for adequate recovery during
the session, lower-body exercises may be fol-
lowed by upper-body exercises (e.g., squat by
bench press) and exercises that activate exten-
sor muscles may be followed by exercises that
activate flexor muscles (e.g., triceps extensions
followed by biceps curls).
In any vertical or slab environments, the role
of the legs is to support the body weight whilst
the arms maintain balance (Quaine, Martin, &
Blanchi, 1997). Leg strength is therefore impor-
tant, but it is an area that is often ignored. Climb-
ers often move into deep squats in either one or
both legs, either to place protection or to rest
and analyse the next route section (figure 8.5).
When climbing moves become more dynamic,
then lower-leg strength, along with musculature
of the arms and back, becomes increasingly
important. For full-blown dynos, such as the
Buckstone Dyno at Stanage Edge, the leg exten-
sors generate the required momentum for flight.
The deadlift exercise activates almost all
muscle groups. The sumo deadlift activates the
quadriceps and adductor muscles to a greater Figure 8.5  Climber in a deep squat, analysing the rock for
extent and the back muscles to a lesser extent the next move.
strength and power Training  ▪  157

1. Stand with feet shoul-
der width apart and
toes pointing slightly
2. Take a deep breath
and press chest up
and out, flexing hips
first and then knees.
Back should remain
tight throughout the
movement. Lower
until thighs are paral-
lel with the floor, keep
knees aligned over
feet, and keep looking
straight ahead.
3. Extend hips and knees
at the same time with
chest up and lower
back tight and slightly a b

Front Squat

1. Stand with feet shoul-

der width apart and
toes pointing slightly
out, bar resting on
shoulders with elbows
2. Flex hips first and then
knees. Back should
remain tight through-
out the movement.
Lower until thighs are
parallel with the floor,
keeping knees aligned
over feet and looking
straight ahead.
3. Extend hips and knees
at the same time, with
chest up and lower
back tight and slightly
a b curved.
158  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Overhead Squat
1. S t a n d w i t h b a r
overhead with arms
straight and wide
grip, feet shoul-
der width apart,
and toes pointing
slightly out.
2. Flex hips first and
then knees, keeping
chest up and out and
knees aligned over
feet. Lower until
thighs are parallel
with the floor, keep-
ing bar overhead.
3. E x t e n d h i p s a n d
knees at the same
time. Bar remains
overhead, with chest
up and lower back a b
tight and slightly

Push Press

1. S t a n d w i t h f e e t
shoulder width
apart and toes point-
ing slightly out, bar
resting on shoulders
with elbows up.
2. F l e x k n e e s a n d
keep the body in
an upright position,
knees aligned over
3. Drop elbows slightly
and extend knees
explosively, knees
remaining aligned
over feet. Push bar
above head.

a b
strength and power Training  ▪  159


1. Stand with feet hip width

apart and toes pointing
slightly out, bar over the
balls of feet and close to
shins, shoulder width grip,
shoulders slightly over and
in front of bar, and chest up
and out. The angle of the
torso to the floor should be
approximately 45 degrees.
2. Maintaining torso angle
constant to the floor, push
with feet (do not use back
and arms during the first
pull). As bar moves towards
a b
knees, push knees backwards,
and when it reaches knees,
straighten torso whilst at the same time straightening legs. Note that by using a reverse
hand grip, you can lift much heavier weights.

Sumo Deadlift
The sumo deadlift does not put as much pressure on the lower back compared with the clas-
sic deadlift.
1. Stand with feet wider than shoulder width apart and toes pointing slightly out and
aligned with knees, bar over balls of feet and close to shins, chest up and out, and
thighs parallel with the floor (note grip in photos).
2. Extend knees and hips at the same time, bringing torso in an upright position and
pulling shoulders back.
3. Lower bar to the floor whilst holding your breath, keeping the back slightly curved.

a b
160  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Upper-Body boredom and a plateau in performance, which

is more likely to occur if the same exercises are
Exercises used all the time.
Up to four exercises from the following two sets The bench press and incline press work
of exercises can be used within a training ses- muscles such as the front deltoids, helping to
sion. The reasons for separating exercises into balance the back muscles predominantly used
two groups are to ensure a more complete and for climbing and mountaineering. Of these, the
effective training programme. The two sets of main climbing muscle is the latissimus dorsi
exercises ensure that training of major muscle (Gresham, 2004). The lats are important for
groups occurs at least twice per week, but selec- pulling-down actions by the arm, as demon-
tion from the two groups ensures that the same strated by the right arm of the climber in figure
major and smaller muscles are activated in 8.6.
slightly different ways. Altering patterns of acti- The seated row and barbell row work the
vation through variations in loading and angles muscles of the upper back. This will not only
of movement is more likely to result in better help in the maintenance of good posture by
all round training adaptations for the varied and preventing forward chin posture or belay neck
complex movement patterns involved in climb- (
ing and mountaineering. Variation through asp) but also in training the muscles used on
selection from the two groups also helps avoid steep faces and roofs (Gresham, 2004).

Figure 8.6  A climber using the lats to stabilise the arms whilst placing the left foot.
strength and power Training  ▪  161

Exercises for the biceps (e.g., hammer curls,

concentration curls) clearly benefit pulling
down on holds, but they are also helpful for
climbing that involves undercutting (figure 8.7).
Exercises that strengthen the triceps (e.g., triceps
extensions) are useful for top-outs, mantelshelfs,
pressing moves (figure 8.8), and chimneying.
Muscles used in chimneying, which involves
pressing-type actions, can be strengthened
using front and lateral arm raises. Performing
the arm raises whilst leaning over will change
the emphasis and work shoulder muscles more
commonly used for the majority of climbing
(Gresham, 2004).

Figure 8.7  A climber using the biceps during an

undercut move with the right hand.

Figure 8.8  A climber using the triceps in a press move.

162  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Set A
Bench Press
1. Lie on a bench with feet flat on either
the floor or bench, eyes same level
with bar, overhand grip slightly wider
than shoulder width. Lift bar and
stabilise above chest.
2. Breathe in and lower bar to middle or
lower part of chest, keeping elbows
and hands beneath the bar.
3. Extend arms, progressively exhaling
towards the end of the effort.

Lat Pull-Down
1. Grip bar with wide overhand grip, keeping lower back slightly arched.
2. Take a deep breath and pull bar until hands are almost aligned with shoulders. Push
chest out and pull elbows back.
3. Return bar slowly to initial position.

a b
strength and power Training  ▪  163

Hammer Curl
1. This exercise can be performed standing or sitting. Hold dumbbells and make sure
palms face each other whilst arms are fully extended.
2. Take a deep breath and raise forearms either together or one at a time.
3. Lower until arms are fully straightened.

a b

Reverse Wrist Curl

1. Sit on a bench or kneel and rest forearms on the bench. Hold bar with overhand grip
and lower hands as far as they can go.
2. Raise bar as far as you can by extension at the wrist.
3. Lower to initial position.

a b
164  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Machine Triceps Extension

1. In a standing position, hold the handles, making sure palms are facing back. Keep
upper arms firm to the body and push elbows back, trying to keep torso in an upright
2. Take a deep breath and fully extend forearms.
3. Return to initial position by slowly flexing elbows.

a b

Front Arm Raise

1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart
and knees slightly bent, push chest
out, and hold dumbbells with an
overhand grip, resting dumbbells
on front of thighs with palms facing
2. Take a deep breath and raise dumb-
bells alternately to eye level, keeping
arms straight.
3. Lower slowly to initial position.

a b
strength and power Training  ▪  165

Lateral Dumbbell Raise

1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent, push chest out, and hold
dumbbells with overhand grip, arms hanging next to body and palms facing towards
centre of the body.
2. Take a deep breath and raise arms out from sides of the body until horizontal. Elbows
should be slightly bent and hands slightly more forward than elbows.
3. Lower slowly to initial position.

a b

One-Arm Dumbbell Row

1. Hold dumbbell with one hand and place opposite hand and knee on the bench to
support body, torso parallel with bench. Move hand slightly in front of head, palm
facing in.
2. Take a deep breath, pull with arm, and lift elbow as high as possible by bending it.
Push chest out and pull shoulder blades together, trying to maintain torso parallel
with the bench.
3. Lower slowly to initial position.

a b
166  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Set B
Incline Bench Press
The bench is approximately 45 to 55 degrees.
1. Sit on a bench, feet flat on the floor, eyes same level with bar, using overhand grip
slightly wider than shoulder width. Lift bar and stabilise above head and chest.
2. Breathe in and lower bar to middle and upper part of chest, keeping elbows and hands
beneath the bar.
3. Extend arms by lifting bar above head and progressively exhaling towards end of

a b

Seated Row
1. Sitting with feet flat on foot pads, lean torso forward and fully extend arms, palms
facing each other.
2. Bend elbows and pull them back using arms and back. Keep chest up and out; lower
back should be arched.
3. Return slowly to initial position.

a b
strength and power Training  ▪  167

Concentration Curl
1. Sit on a bench with feet flat on floor and dumbbell in hand. Place elbow against inner
thigh, palm facing diagonally forward. Fully extend arm.
2. Take a deep breath and raise forearm as high as possible, by flexing at the elbow.
3. Lower slowly until arm is fully straightened.

a b

Wrist Curl
1. Sit on a bench or kneel and rest forearms on the bench. Hold bar with underhand grip
and lower hands as far as you can.
2. Raise bar as far as you can, by flexion at the wrist.
3. Lower to initial position.

a b
168  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Dumbbell Triceps Extension

1. Hold dumbbell with one hand and place opposite hand and knee on the bench to
support your body, torso parallel with bench. Raise elbow by keeping it bent, palm
facing in.
2. Fully extend forearm.
3. Lower slowly to initial position.

a b

Bent-Over Lateral Raise

1. Hold dumbbells with both hands, feet hip width apart, knees bent, torso leaning
forward 60 degrees (aim to reach an almost horizontal position), arms fully extended
in hanging position, and palms facing each other.
2. Move arms from hanging position to horizontal position out to the sides, elbows
slightly bent.
3. Return slowly to initial position.

a b
strength and power Training  ▪  169

Upright Row
Use either a bar or dumbbells.
1. Stand with feet shoul-
der width apart and
knees slightly bent,
push chest out, and
hold dumbbells or bar
with overhand grip
slightly wider than
shoulder width.
2. Take a deep breath
and raise elbows as
high as possible, keep-
ing the dumbbells or
bar as close as possible
to the body through-
out the movement. a b
3. Lower slowly to initial

Bent Row
1. Hold bar with overhand grip. From a standing position and with feet hip width apart,
lean forward (torso should be angled 45 degrees to floor) until bar is just below
knees (knees bent). Push chest out and keep a lordotic curve in lower back, arms fully
2. Take a deep breath and pull bar up to chest.
3. Breathe out slowly and lower bar slowly to initial position.

a b
170  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Lower-Body holds, but leg curls can also be extremely useful

for overhanging terrain, such as heel-hooking
Exercises manoeuvres (figure 8.9). This photo dem-
Choose up to four exercises from the follow- onstrates why climbers need good all-round
ing two sets to use within a training session, as strength and power training for the lower
explained previously. Some practical benefits of body, using a variety of exercises. Bouldering
increased lower-leg strength were highlighted in requires strength and power to be exerted with
the section on multimuscle, multijoint exercises. the points of contact in an infinite combina-
Further examples include rockover moves, which tion of positions. As shown in figure 8.9, this is
require knee extensor power, and squat positions why it is important to develop and maintain a
even in overhanging terrain. high degree of flexibility, as well as appropriate
Calf raises have a clear benefit to climbers lower-body strength and power.
pushing up on and applying forces to foot-

Figure 8.9  A climber using the heel to progress up a boulder.

Set A
Leg Press
1. Place feet shoulder width apart with legs straight.
2. Bend knees until thighs are parallel with footplate, knees aligned with feet. (The higher
the feet are placed on the footplate, the greater the activation of gluteal muscles and
3. Straighten legs and return to initial position.
strength and power Training  ▪  171

Lying Leg Curl

1. Lay facedown with ankles positioned under pad.
2. Bend legs at the same time by trying to bring heels as close as possible to gluteal
3. Uncurl legs and return to start position.

a b

Dumbbell Lunge
1. From standing position, feet shoulder width apart, hold dumbbells with both hands
and arms fully relaxed at sides.
2. Take a step forward whilst keeping torso straight. Bend at one knee until thigh is
parallel with the floor.
3. Return to initial position and repeat with other leg.

a b
172  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

One-Legged Standing Calf Raise Using

To make the exercise more advanced, use
a footplate so the gastrocnemius muscle is
slightly stretched before raising the heel.
1. Stand on one foot and keep the body
in a vertical position. Hold dumbbell
with one hand and maintain balance
using other hand.
2. Raise heel and briefly balance on ball
of foot.
3. Return to initial position.

a b

Stiff-Legged Deadlift
1. From standing position, hold a bar with overhand grip, feet and hands shoulder width
2. Lean forward, trying to maintain straight back and legs. Lower back should be slightly
arched and knees aligned.
3. If you cannot maintain a straight back, return to initial position and then repeat.

a b
strength and power Training  ▪  173

Set B
Dumbbell Squat
1. From standing position, hold dumbbells with both hands and arms fully relaxed at
sides, feet shoulder width apart.
2. Bend first at hips and then at knees to lower the body until thighs are parallel with
floor. Keep chest up and out, lower back slightly arched, and knees aligned with feet.
3. Straighten legs and return to initial position.

a b

Seated Leg Curl

1. Position thighs between pads, with legs extended and feet dorsiflexed.
2. Bend knees.
3. Return to initial position.

a b
174  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Barbell Lunge
1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Place bar across upper back.
2. Take a step forward and try to keep torso straight. Bend at one knee until thigh is
parallel with floor.
3. Return to initial position and repeat with other leg.

a b

One-Legged Seated Calf Raise Using Weight

To make the exercise more advanced, use a footplate so the soleus muscle is slightly stretched
before raising the heel.
1. Sit on a bench with a 90-degree angle at knee joint and place a weight plate on one
or both thighs (directly above knees).
2. Raise heels.
3. Return to initial position.

a b
strength and power Training  ▪  175

Abdominal hanging leg raises can be made more climbing

specific by using a fingerboard to simultaneously
Exercises develop endurance in the forearms and fingers.
Abdominal strength is extremely important in A select number of back and abdominal
rock climbing, particularly when the terrain exercises follow. Strengthening of these muscle
becomes overhanging. Good body tension is groups should take place from the initial stages
vital for the arms and legs to not only work effec- of training. The exercises can either be incorpo-
tively in a coordinated way but also to ensure rated within a resistance training programme
that handholds and footholds can be used or within another type of training programme.
appropriately. When there is a full rack of gear These exercises might include dumbbell side
to be carried, abdominal strength becomes even bends, hanging leg raises, sit-ups with feet on a
more important (figure 8.10). Exercises such as bench or standard sit-ups and crunches.

Figure 8.10  A climber showing good abdominal strength to move through the roof whilst carrying a full rack of gear.
176  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Side Bends
1. Stand with feet shoulder-width
apart and hold a dumbbell with
one hand. The other hand is at
your waist (or as alternatives, it
can be straight to your side or
behind your head).
2. Bend the torso to the opposite
side of the dumbbell.
3. Return slowly to the starting
position and then bend the
torso to the same side of the
dumbbell before returning to
the initial position. You should
try to bend from the lower tho-
racic region of the spine rather a b
than the lumbar region.

Hanging Leg Raises

1. Use a leg raise station or hang from a fixed bar (weaker individuals should use wrist
straps for greater stability) with arms and legs fully extended.
2. Inhale and start lifting your legs by contracting your abdominal muscles and not by
momentum (e.g. by swinging your legs) until your legs are parallel to the floor.
3. Exhale whilst returning slowly to the initial position. You should not relax the abdomi-
nal muscles at any point throughout the movement.

a b
strength and power Training  ▪  177

Sit-Ups With Feet on a Bench

1. Lie on the floor and place your feet and/or calves on a bench. The angle between your
thighs and the calves should be approximately 90 degrees.
2. Place your hands behind your head and push your elbows back. Do not push your head
with your hands. Take a deep breath and exhale whilst lifting your shoulders off the
3. Exhale when returning to the starting position. Try to maintain the abdominal muscles
contracted throughout the full range of motion.

a b

Body-Weight and These exercises can be useful for individuals

who are preparing for mountaineering or other
Other Exercises forms of expedition, but are spending time away
If training equipment is not available, body from home and their normal training environ-
weight, elastic bands of varying strengths, and ments. For example, team members preparing
a few dumbbells might be used for resistance for the EWR expedition, who were stationed
training. These exercises can easily translate to abroad with the military on active service, used
a wall environment and could be performed body-weight exercises. The flexibility of being
immediately after a climbing session, provided able to substitute these training exercises with
that the climbing session was primarily a finger- your strength and conditioning programme
focussed type of climbing on terrain that was not allows you to maintain a regular training pro-
mainly overhanging. The majority of exercises gramme even if you are not able to generate the
recommended in the previous sections can be same training effects you can get with access to
easily performed using dumbbells or elastic free weights.
bands. Following are some exercises that may
be included.
178  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

1. Lie on the floor facedown with hands at shoulder level. Keep feet together, fingers
pointing forward and elbows out.
2. Fully extend arms by keeping upper and lower body aligned.
3. Return slowly to initial position.

a b

Chin-Up With Overhand Grip

1. Hang from fixed bar, arms fully extended, holding bar in overhand wide grip.
2. Fully flex arms by bringing chest to the same level as bar.
3. Return slowly to initial position.

a b
strength and power Training  ▪  179

Reverse Chin-Up
1. Hang from fixed bar,
arms fully extended,
holding bar in under-
hand narrow grip.
2. Fully flex arms by
bringing chest to the
same level as bar.
3. Return slowly to ini-
tial position.

a b

Triceps Dip
1. Place hands on bench, making sure palms are securely on the bench and fingers facing
forward. Keep upper arms firm to the body and fully extended.
2. Take a deep breath and start bending elbows slowly. Push elbows back by keeping
torso in an upright position (you may lean slightly forward).
3. Return to initial position by fully extending arms.

a b
180  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Squat Against a Wall

1. Stand with back flat against a wall, feet shoulder width apart, and toes pointing
straight ahead or slightly out. Knees should be bent and thighs parallel with the floor,
knees aligned over feet.
2. Maintain position for 20 to 30 seconds.

a b

Floor Hip Extension

1. Lean on elbows and kneel on one knee whilst bringing other knee close to chest.
2. Extend hip fully; ankle, hip, and shoulder joints should be completely aligned.
3. Lower leg slowly to initial position.

a b
strength and power Training  ▪  181

Leg Abduction
1. Lie on side, supporting head with hand. Legs are straight and parallel.
2. Raise leg, keeping knees straight and legs parallel.
3. Lower leg slowly to initial position.

a b

Biceps Curl
1. Standing with feet on elastic band, hold both handles and make sure palms face each
other whilst arms are fully extended.
2. Raise and rotate forearms upwards, either together or one at a time. Keep upper arms
fixed to body. At the end of the pull, palms should face up.
3. Lower until arms return to initial position.

a b
182  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Hammer Curl
1. Standing with feet on elastic
band, hold both handles and
make sure palms face each other
whilst arms are fully extended.
2. Take a deep breath and raise fore-
arms either together or one at a
3. Lower until arms are fully straight-

a b

Lateral Arm Raise

1. Standing with feet shoulder width apart on elastic band and knees slightly bent, push
chest out and hold handles with overhand grip, arms hanging with palms facing the
2. Take a deep breath and raise arms until horizontal. Elbows should be slightly bent
and hands slightly more forward than elbows.
3. Lower slowly to initial position.

a b
strength and power Training  ▪  183

Upright Row
1. Standing with feet shoulder
width apart on elastic band
and knees slightly bent, push
chest out and hold handles
with overhand grip slightly
wider than shoulder width.
2. Take a deep breath and
raise elbows as high as pos-
sible, keeping handles as
close as possible to the body
throughout the movement.
3. Lower slowly to initial posi-

a b

Sample Resistance and number of exercises decreasing from phase

1 to 3 and number of sets and time for recovery
Training increasing from phase 1 to 3. Figures 8.11 and
Programmes 8.12 provide examples of resistance training pro-
grammes, applying the principles set out in table
Based on the information presented previ- 8.2 for someone training two or four times per
ously and key resistance training variables, the week. It is important that you are realistic about
proposed training programmes that follow are what you can manage in terms of your resistance
guidelines for mountaineers and climbers. Table training programme, as it must fit in with your
8.2 provides an overview of factors to consider other training commitments and work/life. It is
when designing a resistance training programme. important to use more time building up over a
It demonstrates the relationships between phases period of weeks with slower achievable progres-
of training with different emphases, number of sions that maintain your enthusiasm and energy
repetitions and sets, exercises, and rest periods. levels, rather than committing to a programme
Phase 1 focuses on the development of muscular you cannot really manage effectively. If you start
endurance, with a shift in Phase 2 to a focus on a programme that is not manageable you will
hypertrophy and strength, finishing with Phase become stale and your performance will plateau
3 where the emphasis is on strength and power. and training will not be enjoyable.
Note the contrasting patterns of change across
these phases, with number of repetitions per set
Table 8.2  Variables to Consider When Designing Resistance Training Programmes
Rest between Number of
Emphasis Repetitions Sets sets exercises Exercises
Phase I Muscular Above 12 2-3 Less than 30 12-15 WB: 2-3
(2-4 endurance seconds UB: 4
weeks) LB: 4
AB: 2-4

Phase II Hypertrophy 8-12 3-5 Approximately 6-12 WB: 1-3

(4-6 and strength 1 min UB: 0-5
weeks) LB: 0-4
AB: 2-3

Phase III Strength and 1-6 3-5 Full recovery 4-8 WB: 1-2
(4-6 power (3-6 min) UB: 0-3
weeks) LB: 0-3
AB: 0-2

WB = whole-body exercises; UB = upper-body exercises; LB = lower-body exercises; AB = abdominal exercises.

Note: The number of exercises per session will vary depending on the intensity and frequency of the training programme.
During high-intensity workouts such as those during phase III, the total number of exercises should be smaller than the
number of exercises in phases I and II.

Figure 8.11
Sample Resistance Training Programme

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

frequency Two times a week (hypertrophy phase) for 4-6 weeks using 8 exercises which can be varied

Whole- Squat; Front squat;

body Deadlift Sumo
exercises deadlift

Upper- Bench Incline

body press; bench
exercises Reverse press;
wrist curl Seated row

Lower- Leg press; Seated leg

body Stiff- curl
exercises legged

Abdominal Side bends Sit-ups with

exercises in hanging feet on
position; a bench;
Side leg Hanging
raises in leg raises

▪ 184 ▪
Figure 8.12
Sample Resistance Training Programme

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Training 4 times a week (hypertrophy phase) for 4-6 weeks using selected exercises  
frequency which can be varied

Whole- Squat; Push press Front Sumo

body Deadlift squat; deadlift
exercises Overhead

Upper- Bench Incline

body press; bench
exercises Lat pull- press;
down; Seated row;
Reverse Wrist curl;
wrist curls; Upright
Machine row

Lower- Leg press; Dumbbell

body Lying leg squat;
exercises curl; Seated leg
One- curl;
legged Barbell
standing lunge;
calf raise One-
using legged
dumbbell; seated calf
Stiff- raise using
legged weight
deadlift plate

Abdominal Side bends; Sit-ups with

exercises Hanging feet on a
leg raises; bench;
Sit-ups Hanging
with feet leg raises
on a bench

▪ 185 ▪
186  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Key Ideas ▸▸ Multimuscle, multijoint exercises may

cause greater physiological adaptations
▸▸ Gains in strength and power through an than single-joint exercises.
appropriately designed resistance train- ▸▸ Get the technique right before you start
ing programme may be accompanied by increasing the load.
performance gains in mountaineering and
▸▸ Try to train each muscle group at least twice
a week.
▸▸ Muscle growth will not necessarily have a
▸▸ Resistance training may take place at the
negative impact on mountaineering and
end of a climbing session or any other
climbing activities as long as it is accom-
training session.
panied by gains in relative strength and
▸▸ The day following a resistance training ses-
▸▸ A medium number of repetitions (8-12)
sion should be a recovery day or an easy
training session (e.g., low-intensity runs,
with short recovery is likely to enhance
core stability exercises).
strength as a result of muscle hypertrophy,
whereas a low number of repetitions (<6)
with long recovery is more likely to increase
strength with minimal hypertrophy.
C h a p t e r

Nutrition for Training
Louise Sutton, Roderick King, and John O’Hara

N utrition can be defined as

the sum of the processes
involved in the intake and utilisation
has shown that nutritional strategies based on
carbohydrate and fluid intakes can help endur-
ance athletes improve their performance. Much
of food, including ingestion, of this research has concentrated on endurance
digestion, absorption, transport and runners and cyclists, but as a recreational hill
metabolism of nutrients found in walker or an extreme mountaineer you can
food and their assimilation into body apply similar principles to your own endurance
tissues. This definition focusses on activities. The chapter ends with a brief look
the biochemical and physiological at the value of nutritional supplements in the
functions of the food we eat but training diet.
nutritional intake can also be The prolonged duration of hill walking and
affected by a range of psychological, mountaineering can place exceptional demands
sociological and ecomonic factors. on participants, making training for such endea-
Jeukendrup and Gleeson (2004) vours desirable. Whether planning a day’s walk
in the Dales or an expedition to Everest, good
nutrition is essential to maintain your training
The nutritional requirements of hill walkers and schedule. Your training schedule also provides
mountaineers have received limited attention the opportunity to practise and evaluate nutri-
from researchers despite physiological and psy- tional strategies. Nourishing food and fluids will
chological consequences of sustained walking provide energy and nutrients to support effective
over prolonged amounts of time, sometimes training and recovery.
in adverse weather conditions. This chapter Whatever your chosen challenge, the train-
introduces the links amongst nutrition, health, ing diet bears many similarities to nutritional
and performance. It addresses the fundamentals guidelines for long-term health. In addition to
of a healthy diet and the influence of nutrition general health and well-being, particularly the
on exercise performance, along with a solid ability to defend against and recover from dis-
foundation of knowledge on which to develop ease, the right balance of nutrition is essential
good eating practices to support training for to both physical and mental growth, as well as
both the occasional day out in the hills and performance and productivity in daily living. In
extended expeditions. It considers factors that regards to hill walking and mountaineering, the
affect food intake and choice, as well as methods longer your sorjourn into the hills or mountains,
of collecting and analysing dietary information the more important training and nutritional
to assess nutritional needs for training. Research planning and preparation become.

▪ 187 ▪
188  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Nutrition for carbohydrate stores during training, however,

you may need to top up with sugary foods that
Health and are more rapidly absorbed, such as sweets, dried
Performance fruit, fruit juice, and sugary drinks, particularly
during intense periods of training when you
Whatever your hill walking or mountaineer- may be spending long days out in the hills or
ing goals, diet can play an enormous part in mountains. See figure 9.1 for examples of simple
improving performance. Foods contain six major (sugar) and complex (starch) carbohydrate.
nutrients: carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, The best approach is to base all your meals
minerals, and water. Fat and carbohydrate are the and snacks on starchy complex carbohydrate
two main energy sources for exercising muscles. foods and eat at regular intervals. Some athletes
Energy is supplied by carbohydrate, protein, and will be able to enjoy a substantial meal or snack
fat in differing amounts. Recommendations 2 to 4 hours before training, but others might
on the correct mix of macronutrients for those suffer severe gastrointestinal distress. You will
undertaking regular physical training are 55 to need to experiment to find out what works
60 percent carbohydrate, 20 to 30 percent fat, best for you at different exercise intensities,
and 15 to 20 percent protein. remembering that on the hill you are likely to
eat and be on the move again quickly. It is also
Carbohydrate  The main function of carbo- important that you consume sufficient levels of
hydrate in the diet is to supply energy. Eating carbohydrate every day. Table 9.1 shows how to
a diet adequate in carbohydrate is essential for estimate your daily carbohydrate needs.
restoring muscle and liver glycogen on a daily A conscious effort to increase carbohydrate
basis. Failure to restore will result in diminished intake in the final 1 to 3 days before your hill
capacity for training and performance. These walk or mountaineering challenge is a useful
foods can be filling, though. Starchy foods, strategy. To achieve this, eat plenty of complex
especially those that are unrefined, provide a carbohydrate, such as whole-grain breads and
steady supply of energy. To achieve optimal cereals, pasta, rice, and potatoes.

Figure 9.1
High-Carbohydrate Foods

Simple Carbohydrate (Sugars)

Sugar Jam
Honey Marmalade
Sugary carbonated beverages Fruit squashes
Boiled and jelly sweets Fudge
Dried fruit Fruit bars
Fruit juice Sport drinks, gels, and bars

Complex Carbohydrates (Starches)

Bread Bagels
Crisp bread Crackers
Rice Pasta and noodles
Polenta Potatoes
Breakfast cereals Pulses
Root vegetables
nutrition for training  ▪  189

Table 9.1  Estimated Carbohydrate Requirements Based on Daily Activity Levels

Level of daily activity Grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight
1 hour 4-5 g

1 hour 5-6 g

1-2 hours 6-7 g

2-3 hours 7-8 g

4 hours plus 8-10 g

Protein  Protein is essential for growth and will not improve performance, especially in
repair of body tissues, and it can be used as an those already well nourished and consuming
energy source in situations of negative energy a varied diet and sufficient calories. For recom-
balance. In most cases, if you are eating a normal mendations on vitamin and mineral intake, see
varied and balanced diet and meeting your Department of Health COMA 41 (1991).
energy requirements, you should automati- Fluid  To maintain fluid balance, you need to
cally be eating enough protein. Normal protein
drink approximately 30 to 35 millilitres per kilo-
requirements are in the range of 0.75 to 1.0 gram
gram of body weight per day, although greater
per kilogram of body weight per day. Those
volumes will be needed to cover the demands
undertaking regular programmes of intense
of training. Inadequate fluid intakes can lead
physical training do require greater intakes of
to dehydration. Hill walkers and mountaineers
protein per kilogram of body weight in order to
are particularly prone to dehydration because
promote tissue growth and repair. The Lausanne
consensus conference (2003) on sports nutrition of a combination of factors such as high fluid
recommended an intake of 1.2 to 1.7 grams per requirements, increased diuresis, poor availabil-
kilogram of body weight per day. ity of fluids, increased insulation of clothing,
Training should not result in a loss of lean and intense heat generated by reflected ultra-
body mass through inadequate energy balance. violet sun rays on snow. The section in chapter
Susceptibility to this is more likely in the imme- 3 on training for dehydration highlights the
diate lead-up to an extended expedition when implications of inadequate hydration and the
greater demands may be placed on training and difficulties in measuring hydration status; it also
expedition planning for departure. challenges conventional thinking on hydration
strategies but concludes that drinking sufficient
Fat  Fat is a concentrated source of energy that quantities to avoid the development of thirst
supplies the predominant fuel for low-intensity may be the key. The thirst mechanism is slow to
activity. Those engaging in regular intense respond to the body’s need for fluids (i.e., if you
training programmes should aim for 20 to 25 are thirsty, it is too late!). Therefore, to ensure
percent contribution to total intake to achieve
adequate hydration, drink before you feel thirsty.
recommended carbohydrate intakes, but in
You should normally begin training sessions
absolute terms (grams) may consume similar or
fully hydrated with 400 to 600 millilitres 2 to 4
slightly greater quantities, depending on training
hours before exercise.
volume compared to fat intakes recommended
If training sessions are short (less than 30
for the sedentary population.
minutes), fluid ingested during the session will
Vitamins and Minerals  Micronutrients not benefit performance. However, to optimise
occur naturally in a wide variety of foods. Any hydration during longer training sessions, you
increase in requirements as a result of training should consume 200 to 250 millilitres of fluid
should naturally be met by increased food con- every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise, although
sumption. Vitamin and mineral supplements this may not always be practical.
190  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

After training it can be useful to check your are less quickly absorbed and are not the best
body weight. As a guide, a 1-kilogram weight choice if fluid replacement is the priority. They
loss during a training session has been shown may be useful if training at a high intensity for
to equate to a 1-litre fluid loss. Practical recom- long periods and are best used after exercise.
mendations suggest replacing this loss 1.5 times Isotonic drinks are designed to be in balance
(i.e., 1.5 L). You can easily monitor the status of with the body’s own fluids to provide fast fluid
your hydration by checking your urine colour. A absorption and a boost to carbohydrate supplies.
pale colour indicates you are well hydrated; dark They contain approximately 5 to 7 grams of car-
yellow indicates severe dehydration. Accustom bohydrate per 100 milliliters and are suitable for
your body to increased fluid intakes during use before, during, and after training.
training. Start rehydration immediately after Hypotonic drinks are less concentrated than
training, and always rehydrate before drinking your body fluids (2 to 3 grams carbohydrate per
alcohol. 100 ml) and are designed to be absorbed quickly.
Sports drinks are an option for carbohydrate Hypotonic drinks emphasize fluid replacement,
and water ingestion during and after activity. not energy. These drinks are suitable for use
There are three types of sports drinks (hyper- before, during, and after training.
tonic, isotonic, and hypotonic); their absorption Your choice of drink will depend on whether
by the body is dependent on their concentration you need to replace fluid quickly or whether
of certain fluids. Added carbohydrate in a sports your priority is to replace fuel, or both. One of
drink boosts energy supplies, and added sodium the most important considerations in choice of
aids water uptake and stimulates carbohydrate drink is taste. If you choose a palatable drink,
absorption. you are much more likely to drink it! You should
Hypertonic drinks contain the most carbohy- try out products during training and not assume
drate (greater than 10 g per 100 ml) in the form that what tastes fine when consumed at rest in
of sugar or glucose polymers and are useful for the home will taste good on the hill during an
the repletion of glycogen stores. These drinks expedition.

Knowing If You’re Dehydrated

▸▸ Check urine colour and volume. If you are well hydrated, your urine will be
light and plentiful; if you are dehydrated, your urine will be dark and limited
in volume.
▸▸ You are likely to feel thirsty.

▸▸ Your skin my become redder in colour.

▸▸ Exercise is likely to feel more difficult.

▸▸ You may feel lethargic or irritable.

▸▸ Concentration may be difficult.

▸▸ You may develop a headache.

▸▸ If you are severely dehydrated, you may become confused and disorientated.
nutrition for training  ▪  191

Estimating Energy requirement can be estimated by

multiplying basal metabolic rate (BMR, the
Individual Energy energy required to maintain basic functions)
Requirements by a physical activity level (PAL, an estimate
Regarding diet, you need to take into account in physical activity based on occupational and
the extent of your hill walking or mountaineer- leisure-time activity).
ing challenge. In simple terms, longer duration To estimate energy requirements, you first
and higher altitude will place greater demands need to calculate basal metabolic rate in kilo-
on nutritional planning and preparation. calories per day by using the equation in table
The amount of energy required in your diet 9.2 where W is weight in kilograms.
is dependent on several factors: body mass, Total energy requirement (TER) is estimated
age, sex, distance to be covered on the hill or by applying PALs (physical activity levels) to
mountains, total altitude gained, and backpack BMR (TER = BMR × PAL). PALs require you to
weight carried during your walk or expedition. make an assumption about the energy demands
(Note that mass and weight are synonymous of both occupational and non-occupational
for the purpose of this chapter and hence are activity levels (see table 9.3). Athletes in normal
used interchangeably.) Exercise intensity in hill training have been shown to have PALs of 2.0
walking tends to be light to moderate but pro- to 2.5. Athletes in rigorous training have levels
longed and often over varied terrain, imposing of 2.5 to 4.0. Values greater than 4.0 have been
high overall demands on energy; ascents to high reported during periods of extreme physical
altitude incur additional energy requirements. endurance.

Table 9.2  Calculating Basal Metabolic Rate in Kilocalories per Day

Males 18-29 years BMR = 15.1 × W + 692
30-59 years BMR = 11.5 × W + 873
60-74 years BMR = 11.9 × W + 700
Females 18-29 years BMR = 14.8 × W + 487
30-59 years BMR = 8.3 × W + 846
60-74 years BMR = 9.2 × W + 687
Reprinted, by permission, from Committee on Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition Policy (COMA) 1991. Data for 60-74 year olds from
Thomas and Bishop 2007.

Table 9.3  PALs for Adults at Three Levels of Occupational and Non-Occupational
Activity Occupational Activity
Light Moderate Heavy
Non-Active 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.5

Moderately Active 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.6

Very Active 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.9 1.7

M = male, F = female.
Reprinted, by permission, from Committee on Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition Policy (COMA) 1991.
192  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

As an example of this equation, the BMR for ▸▸ Frequency of training

a 26-year-old male with a body weight of 70 ▸▸ Age and training status
kilograms is 1749 kilocalories (7321 kJ). ▸▸ Fitness level

BMR = 15.1 × W + 692

As discussed, whether training for the occa-
= (15.1 × 70) + 692 sional day out in the hills, a multiday climbing
= 1057 + 692 trip, or an expedition of several weeks, good
= 1749 kcals nutrition will make its greatest contribution
by allowing you to train consistently and effec-
Estimated total energy requirements, assum- tively to meet the demands of your training
ing he has a sedentary office job (light) and programme. Your diet must meet the demands
a heavy training programme (very active), are that training places on your body, particularly
2798 kilocalories (11712 kJ). when you are training for a multiday trip or
longer expedition. To achieve this, adhere to the
TER = 1749 × 1.6
following recommendations:
= 2,798 kcals
▸▸ Start refuelling as soon as possible after
Estimated total energy requirements, assum- training, when muscle capacity to refuel
ing he has a manual job and a heavy training is greatest.
programme (very active), are 3323 kilocalories
▸▸ Organise yourself by carrying snacks and
(13910 kJ).
fluid in your kit bag or backpack.
TER = 1749 × 1.9 ▸▸ Avoid restricting eating to traditional meal-
= 3,323 kcals times. Try smaller, more frequent meals
and snacks to fit eating around training.
▸▸ Rest days are important. Use the extra time
Training Diet
to eat sensibly and make up for hurried
Recommendations mealtimes, particularly during intense
When developing sound eating habits and training sessions.
nutritional strategies to support training for hill ▸▸ Use the eatwell plate to plan meals and

walking, climbing, and mountaineering, the fol- snacks (Food Standards Agency 2007):
lowing need consideration: ▸▸ Base meals and snacks on starchy car-
bohydrate foods.
▸▸ The types of food eaten to support training
▸▸ Try to have five or more servings of
▸▸ The timing of meals and snacks around
fruits and vegetables each day.
▸▸ Remember to include dairy foods.
▸▸ Ensuring a balanced diet of all nutrients
▸▸ Include meat or fish in your diet, and
▸▸ Maintaining sufficient fluid intake and
try alternatives such as peas, beans,
hydration status
lentils, and eggs.
▸▸ Promoting long-term health and reducing
▸▸ Limit foods high in fat.
the risk of chronic disease
▸▸ Remember, sugary foods can aid refu-
▸▸ Minimising the risk of injury and illness
Your nutritional requirements will vary ▸▸ Aim to consume a carbohydrate snack as
according to the following: soon as possible after training, when gly-
cogen resynthesis in most efficient. Choose
▸▸ Type of training
a snack with high or moderate glycaemic
▸▸ Intensity of training
index because it will be absorbed more
▸▸ Duration of training quickly (see figure 9.2).
nutrition for training  ▪  193

Figure 9.2
Glycaemic Index of Various Foods
Glycaemic index expresses the effects of carbohydrate foods on the rate and amount
of increase in blood glucose levels after ingestion.
High Glycaemic Moderate Glycaemic Low Glycaemic
Sugar Pasta Lentils
Honey Instant noodles Soya beans
Bread Porridge oats Milk
White rice Grapes Plain yougurt
Baked potato Orange Ice cream
Weetabix Potato crisps Grapefruit
Corn flakes Milk chocolate Apple
Lucozade Orange juice Peanuts
Mars bar Rye bread Dried apricots
Ryvita Baked beans
Shortbread biscuits Banana

▸▸ Maintain an adequate fluid status. don’t foget any items. Record as much informa-
▸▸ If consuming alcohol after training, rehy- tion as possible, including the following:
drate fully beforehand. ▸▸ The type of food and drink consumed
▸▸ Take care in planning, choosing, and cook- and how much, either as an estimation
ing food; these are good habits to establish of portion size using standard household
in preparation for an extended expedition. measures, such as slices of bread, cups
▸▸ Enjoy your food and don’t become too of vegetables, and so on, or as an actual
obsessed with your training diet! weight, either weighed or recorded from
the packaging. (Note: Weighing all foods
is likely to result in unnessary burden and
Assessment of choices of foods that are easy to weigh,
Nutritional Needs thus providing an unrepresentative record
and Energy Balance of usual intake.)
for Training ▸▸ The time the food and drink was consumed
and where you were when you consumed
To assess your nutritional intake, keep a record it. These points are often useful to consider
of all food and drink you consume for at least when assessing external factors that affect
3 days, including 1 weekend day. For a more your dietary intake.
detailed evaluation, record your intake for a full ▸▸ Any activity or training you undertake,
week (see figure 9.3). Record everything you eat including duration and intensity (i.e., light,
and drink. Be as accurate as possible and do not moderate, or hard).
modify your dietary intake at this stage; other-
wise you will not be evaluating your typical diet. Once complete, compare your record with the
Carry the record with you at all times to record guidelines of the eatwell plate (Food Standards
food and drink as they are consumed so you Agency 2007). For example, do you base your
194  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Figure 9.3
Food Record

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday






Supper snacks

meals around starchy foods, do you include five natural or manufactured sources, that have been
or more servings of fruits and vegetables each identified as potentially beneficial to the diet. It
day, do you include at least three servings of should not be necessary to take supplements in
dairy, and so on? In addition to the types and the form of specific natural, organic, specialist,
amounts of food you eat, this record may give or manufactured tablets, capsules, or foods if
you an idea about how your daily life and train- adherence to the recommended healthy, bal-
ing patterns dictate what, when, where, and why anced, and varied diet is observed. This state-
you eat. This dietary analysis will provide you ment is based upon the Department of Health
with a useful index of the strengths and limita- COMA 41 (1991) and Food Standards Agency
tions of your dietary intake and allow you to (2007) guidelines that cover requirements for
address any deficiencies in your taining diet. For the broadest population possible.
a more detailed analysis of your intake, consult A potential limitation of this approach is
a registered dietitian or sports nutritionist. immediately apparent in that there is great
diversity of intake within the average popula-
tion due to food preferences and the fact that
Use of Dietary the requirements of those who engage in non-
Supplements normal lifestyles differ greatly from the average
requirement. Those who engage in training may
The attraction of supplementation is no less rel- have a special set of circumstances that nesseci-
evant to hill walkers or mountaineers than it is tates greater attention to meeting nutritional
to the public at large. Supplements usually come requirements. This is especially true when the
in the form of specific, combined, and variable nature of the activity, in this instance training
concentrations of substances, taken from either for either casual or serious hill walking, climb-
nutrition for training  ▪  195

ing, and mountaineering, precludes the use of Consumers should ask questions about the
a decent kitchen and store. The fact that intake, structure, function, dose, mechanism, efficacy,
frequency, and amount of a healthy, well-bal- and research trials of supplements. This is espe-
anced, and varied diet may be compromised cially important to those who are training for
by participation in such activities means that serious mountaineering because the cost–benefit
considerable effort should be made to balance analysis of the whole endeavour should not be
food supplies by adding specific nutrient needs compromised by inclusion of nonworthwhile
that have the best evidence base. activities or practises. This applies to nutrition and
Imbalance may occur due to nutrient exclu- supplements as it does to any other aspect of an
sion or restriction. Though there is now evidence expedition. Here are some suggested questions:
that supplementation may be beneficial in such
circumstances, this is largely when demon- ▸▸ Is the dietary supplement recognised by
strated deficiencies occur and is by no means science, in particular the fields of nutrition,
universal for all macro- and micronutrients. In physiology, and biochemistry?
this situation, additional intake of convenient ▸▸ Have ethically approved and peer-reviewed
food from an appropriate source or from spe- trials been conducted?
cific supplementation may be invaluable. In ▸▸ Has the supplement a robust scientific
such instances, it would be necessary to restrict evidence base for its use?
supplementation to an amount appropriate to
▸▸ Is there documented evidence in humans
fulfil the needs identified from imbalance due
for use in the intended situations?
to actual or projected dietary intake or mismatch
of needs during training. ▸▸ Were double-blind, randomised, and

Nutritional supplements used to compensate placebo-controlled trials used to obtain

for an inadequate diet or to meet the demands the evidence base?
of training might take the form of multivitamin ▸▸ Were appropriate methods used to evaluate
and mineral supplements or sport drinks, gels, changes in performance, body composi-
bars, powders, or meal replacements. Sport tion, or desired effect of the supplement?
drinks are a good way to replace fluid and pro- ▸▸ Were valid and reliable methods and proto-
vide energy before, during, and after training. cols used to evaluate supplement efficacy?
Energy bars may provide a convenient source ▸▸ Were confounding factors and variables
of energy during prolonged training. Vegetar-
controlled during the data collection for
ians, people with food intolerances, and erratic
the evidence base?
eaters may benefit from vitamin and mineral
▸▸ Were data pertaining to the acceptability
Nutritional supplements that may be useful, and legitimate use of the supplement prop-
including vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate, and erly analysed, interpreted, and presented?
protein, and those contained in herbs or similar Those embarking on intense training pro-
nutritional substances are different from drugs grammes for extended expeditions may benefit
(substances not normally contemporary with from a full nutritional assessment undertaken
physiological or biochemical processes and by an accredited sport nutritionist to identify
metabolism). It is especially important to delin- energy and nutrient intake goals and the benefits
eate the types of evidence-based claims because of preexpedition supplementation.
these range from natural structure–function rela-
tionships (e.g., glucose structure and metabo-
lism within the body) to more extensive claims Putting It Into
that should be substantiated by safety studies Practice
(e.g., hazard and toxicity) and where possible,
strict clinical trials based on the gold standard of Whether you are planning to undertake a day’s
randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled walk in the Dales or an expedition to Everest, it
crossover in human participants. is hoped that the guidelines in this chapter will
196  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

help you establish sound nutritional strategies you are increasing the duration of your daily
to support your endeavours. The following sce- walks and heading for the hills most weekends.
narios provide some context in which to apply
these guidelines. You’ll require more energy, and to ensure that
energy stores are maintained, increase the per-
Scenario 1: You’re a recreational hill walker centage of calories consumed from carbohydrate
undertaking the occasional weekend walk to the to 60 percent and drop fat to 25 percent. Aim
Peak or Lake District, maintaining your fitness for a carbohydrate intake equivalent to 5 to 6
by daily walks of 3 to 5 kilometres (2-3 mi). grams per kilogram (2.2 lb) of body weight, a
protein intake in the region of 1.2 to 1.4 grams
The healthy eating recommendations for the per kilogram of body weight, and a fat intake
general population will be sufficient to support around 70 grams per day for women and 90
your level of training. Calorie intakes should be grams per day for men. Base all your meals
based on 35 calories per kilogram (2.2 lb) of around starchy carbohydrate foods, with protein
body weight. You should aim to achieve at least portions around 75 to 100 grams and at least
50 percent of calorie (energy) intake from car- three servings from the dairy food group each
bohydrate, no more than 30 to 35 percent from day. Greater intakes of carbohydrate will also
fat, 15 to 20 percent from protein, and no more result in greater intakes of protein.
than 6 percent from alcohol. Aim for 4 to 5 grams Increased frequency and duration of training
of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight, a will incur greater fluid losses from the body. For
protein intake between 0.75 and 1.0 gram per training sessions less than 30 minutes, it is not
kilogram, and a fat intake around 70 grams per usually necessary to drink during training, but
day for women and 90 grams a day for men. for prolonged walks, start with the maximum
To ensure adequate intakes of vitamins and amount of fluid you can tolerate in your stom-
minerals, opt for unrefined carbohydrate sources ach and aim to stay ahead of the sensation of
and at least five servings of fruits and vegetables thirst by sipping fluids at regular intervals.
each day. If training is well spaced, you have ade-
quate time to replenish muscle glycogen stores. Scenario 3: You’re now training for an extended
On a day trip, you will want foods that are expedition where rough terrain and altitude
reasonably light to carry and energy dense to will be encoutered. You may have added other
avoid fatigue due to lack of energy. Foods high endurance activities to your training programe
in carbohydate should form the majority of your such as running or cycling.
provisions for the day and are ideally consumed
in frequent, small amounts. A carbohydrate-rich Carbohydrate requirements will increase
meal before you start and at the end of your further to 7 to 8 grams per kilogram (2.2 lb) of
walk should allow for adequate preparation body weight per day, protein intake will remain
and recovery. between 1.2 and 1.4 grams per kilogram of
A sample lunch for a day’s steady walk lasting body weight, and fat intake will remain around
5 to 6 hours could include the following: 70 grams for a female and 90 grams for a male.
Evidence suggests that hard exercise depletes
▸▸ Two rolls or sandwiches the body of antioxidant vitamins, so take care to
▸▸ Dried fruit or cereal bar achieve adequate intakes of fruits and vegetables.
▸▸ Bar, chocolate, or small bag of peanuts
As training frequency and intensity increase, the
timing and content of meals and snacks become
▸▸ At least 2 litres of water
important to facilitate glycogen refuelling.
▸▸ Sweets for emergency use Consume a carbohydrate snack as soon as
possible after training, when glycogen resyn-
Add another sandwich or snack for each addi-
thesis is most efficient. Remember to opt for
tional 2 hours of walking.
carbohydrate with a high or moderate glycaemic
Scenario 2: You’ve decided to undertake a index since these will be absorbed more quickly
10-day walking holiday, and in preparation (figure 9.2). Good choices include bananas,
nutrition for training  ▪  197

dried fruit, a chocolate bar, or jam sandwiches. Weight and urine checks provide a useful way
During exercise, an isotonic sport drink may help of monitoring fluid status. A weight reduction
to delay fatigue and maintain training intensity of 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) during a training ses-
by providing a source of carbohydrate and fluid. sion is roughly equivalent to a 1-litre fluid loss.
These simple weight checks before and after
Scenario 4: You are training more than once a exercise can help determine your fluid require-
day for an ascent on Everest. ments postexercise. In general, frequent trips to
The general recommendation for those engag- the toilet to pass plentiful quantities of pale-
ing in heavy endurance training is to achieve a coloured urine are an indicator of good hydra-
carbohydrate intake of 65 to 70 percent of calorie tion, whereas small volumes of dark-coloured
intake, equivalent to 8 to 10 grams per kilogram urine indicate poor hydration. After training,
(2.2 lb) of body weight per day. To achieve this, aim to replace fluid losses one and a half times
you will need to increase your reliance on car- to ensure adequate rehydration.
bohydrate from sugary sources. Protein require-
ments should not exceed 1.7 grams per kilogram
of body weight, and fat intake will probably not Key Ideas
exceed the values previously stated. Timing of
meals and snacks becomes increasingly impor-
▸▸ Diet plays an important part in training
tant to maintaining glycogen stores. Menu plan- for and completing mountaineering and
ning will require greater attention, and it would climbing expeditions.
be useful to carry high-carbohydrate snacks at ▸▸ A balanced, varied, and healthy diet is good
all times, especially for use immediately after for training, performance on expeditions,
training. and health, but quantities will need to be
It is important to minimise the risks of dehy- adjusted to meet the extra energy demands.
dration. As mentioned, fluid losses can be up ▸▸ Do not try new diets or supplements on
to 1 litre per hour in endurance exercise, and an expedition; always try both in training
this can be higher if exercising in hot, humid under realistic conditions.
conditions. As a rough guide, aim to consume 5 ▸▸ Ensure good hydration in training and on
to 7 millilitres of fluid per kilogram (2.2 lb) of
body weight before exercise, or as much as can
be tolerated, and the equivalent of 2 millilitres ▸▸ Start refuelling as soon as possible after
per kilogram of body weight every 15 minutes, training, and carry adequate food and fluid
or 200 to 300 millilitres every 15 to 20 minutes. on mountain days, with some extra rations
Fluid replacement can be facilitated by drinking for emergencies or contingencies.
still, less-concentrated, cool drinks of a reason- ▸▸ Consider using supplements for hard train-
able volume, but higher exercise intensities will ing and long mountain days, but always
slow fluid absorption. trial them before use on expeditions.
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C h a p t e r

Nutrition for Expeditions
Louise Sutton, Roderick King, and John O’Hara

T o eat is a necessity, but to eat

intelligently is an art.
Planning for and
Maintaining Energy
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Balance During
Preexpedition training can place a great deal
of stress on the mountaineer’s body. Chapter 9 Food satisfies both physiological and psycho-
dealt with the links amongst nutrition, health, logical requirements. These factors become more
and performance and took a practical look significant in a high-altitude environment. Plan-
at nutritional requirements and strategies to ning for adequate nutritional intake improves
support training for hill walking and moun- the ability to operate safely in a mountainous
taineering. This chapter focuses on expedition environment and decreases the risk of injury
nutrition, particularly for high-altitude moun- and fatigue.
taineering, and considers planning and prepara-
tion for maintaining energy balance on expedi- Challenges of Nutrition
tions, practical nutrition when mountaineering,
food safety and the effects of foreign foods,
at Altitude
monitoring of nutritional intake, and the use The fundamental challenge of nutrition at high
of specialist products and dietary supplements. altitude is to maintain energy intake when
Evidence suggests there is a need for practical normal eating patterns are seriously compro-
advice to translate general sport nutrition recom- mised, appetite has changed, energy demands
mendations into practice to help mountaineers are high and variable, and food provision is
increase their energy and nutrient intake suffi- affected by climate and location. Although stud-
ciently to meet the energy demands of expedi- ies have reported that the combined effects of
tions. In extreme environments, this practical altitude, cold temperature, and the performance
advice will be to maximise energy and nutrient of physical activities over rugged terrain combine
intake. Requirements for expedition food are to increase energy expenditure, energy intake has
not the same as those for a healthy, balanced been observed to decrease as a result of anorexia
everyday diet. On expedition, it is appropriate (loss of appetite), limited food availability, and
to follow the healthy-eating messages identified difficulty of food preparation (Butterfield,1999).
in chapter 9 where possible, but meeting energy This is particularly problematic during initial
requirements for the enforced circumstances of exposure to high altitude when the symptoms
the expedition may compromise this. of AMS interfere with food and fluid intake.

▪ 199 ▪
200  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Increased altitude also has the potential to ▸▸ Anticipate likely energy and fluid deficits
suppress appetite and alter taste sensation, all during active phases and aim to restore
conspiring to make meeting nutritional require- these as soon as practical, usually at the
ments a difficult task. start and end of the day.
To compound matters, increased altitude also
brings about a greater risk of dehydration due to General recommendations for nutrient require-
diuresis, water lost in breath and sweat, as well ments at high altitude stress the need for a bal-
as difficulty maintaining an adequate intake of anced provision of macronutrients together with
water. Fluid requirements may exceed 5 to 6 minerals, vitamins, and sufficient water, especially
litres per day when physically active at altitude. in situations of prolonged exposure that may last
If energy balance is not maintained, several from days to weeks (Butterfield, 1999).
physical and psychological consequences are Following are nutritional considerations at
commonly observed along with the symptoms high altitude:
of AMS. These include fatigue, exhaustion, ▸▸ Energy intake—potential for a two- to
lethargic behaviour, loss of strength, and weight threefold increase in basal energy require-
loss (as much as 15 to 20 percent of total body ments
mass, according to some accounts). ▸▸ Energy composition—approximately 60 to
70 percent carbohydrate, 25 to 30 percent
Importance of Nutritional fat, and 15 percent protein
Balance ▸▸ Fluid intake—approximately 4 to 6 litres
per day
Diet is paramount in maintaining body mass,
▸▸ Vitamin and mineral intake—dietary refer-
nutritional status, and physical and mental
well-being whilst at extreme altitude (Reynolds ence values used as a target
et al.,1999). Diet is the only practical method There is an obvious potential for long periods
to preserve lean body mass, replenish glyco- of energy imbalance during extended continu-
gen stores, maintain body weight, and sustain ous climbing, with only late-evening and early-
mental ability, physical fitness, and endurance. morning opportunities for sufficient food intake.
Careful consideration of nutrient choice and Despite the difficulty of assessing daily food
timing of provision can minimise depletion intake at high altitude, there is little doubt on
of energy reserves and erosion of physical and the need to increase energy intake up to two to
psychological capacities. When undertaking three times greater than sea-level resting values.
nutritional planning and preparation for moun- Energy requirements are reported to be in the
tainous environments, consider the following range of 4,500 to 6,000 calories per day.
general recommendations: Prolonged hypoxia has been associated with a
▸▸ Energy requirements may be more than reduction in carbohydrate preference (Rose et al.,
double normal amounts, which requires 1988), but there is evidence that increased carbo-
the provision of more foods and fluids with hydrate intake at first exposure to high altitude
a high energy content. is of benefit. Carbohydrate is a more efficient
fuel source than either fat or protein for meeting
▸▸ Consuming regular carbohydrate-rich
energy demands. Additionally, the main fuel for
snacks and sport drinks may assist in
the brain is glucose, and mental performance
achieving increased energy and carbohy-
relies upon an adequate blood glucose con-
drate requirements.
centration. If blood glucose concentration falls
▸▸ There is a high probability of dehydration,
below the normal range of 4.5 to 5.5 millimoles
but easily accessible hydration systems that per litre, cognitive function may be impaired,
allow the consumption of fluid without the especially if frank hypoglycaemia occurs (<3.0
need to stop will be beneficial. mmol/L), resulting in problems with attention,
▸▸ Food provision for unexpected delays and memory, vigilance, self-regulation, and decision
prolonged duration should be factored in. making. This places an even greater importance
nutrition for Expeditions  ▪  201

on adequate carbohydrate consumption, prefer- contributions made by losses in lean body

ably 60 to 70 percent of total energy intake. mass. Lean body mass is lost due to energy
Early accounts from Himalayan expeditions demands exceeding conventional energy supply
(Pugh, 1954) recognised the importance of basic from reserves of fat and glycogen at critical
nutrition, such as increased sugar intake either points during the climb. During such times,
in combination with other foods or as a sweet- shortfall will be made up from protein from
ener for hot drinks. Other practical measures lean tissue. This sacrificial loss of protein will
include frequent (almost hourly) carbohydrate also occur if daily energy intake and nitrogen
intake throughout the day, which is important balance are not maintained during rest, espe-
for maintaining blood glucose at altitude. cially after each climbing session, when recov-
If expeditions to high altitude are to suc- ery for the next climbing session ought to be
ceed, then nutritional strategies that address the sole focus.
the energy demands of climbing and recovery The goal of sustained energy provision with-
are paramount. Previous studies report losses out loss of body mass has been unattainable
of body mass up to 20 percent, with significant in many expeditions. However, weight loss at

Estimating Energy and Carbohydrate

Intake Goals for EWR 2006

T he following is a case study of a 40-year-old male climber with a body mass of 66

kilograms (146 lb). Consideration was given to personal goals for nutrient intake,
specifically energy, carbohydrate, and fluid, based on the prediction that total energy
requirement (TER1) at altitudes such as 5,600 metres (18,375 ft) would be near double
resting metabolic requirements at sea level and that at higher altitudes, a tripling of
resting metabolic requirements might be expected (TER2).
Following are the normal requirements based on estimating energy requirements
outlined in chapter 9:
Basal metabolic rate (BMR) = (11.5 × 66) + 873 = 1,632 kilocalories.
TER = 1,632 × 1.7 (assuming moderate occupational
and nonoccupational activity levels) = 2,774 kilocalories.
Carbohydrate at 55 to 60 percent = 381 to 416 grams per day (based on 4 kcal per g).
Here are the expedition requirements based on doubling and tripling of BMR:
TER1: BMR × 2 = 3,264 kilocalories.
Carbohydrate at 60 to 70 percent = 490 to 571 grams.
TER2: BMR × 3 = 4,962 kilocalories.
Carbohydrate at 60 to 70 percent = 739 to 868 grams.

202  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Estimating Energy and Carbohydrate Intake Goals for EWR 2006  (continued)

As a rough guide, 1 millilitre of fluid per kilocalorie of energy requirement can be

used to predict fluid requirements.
Table 10.1 is a sample menu from the 2006 Everest West Ridge expedition that
would meet the needs of this climber at higher altitudes.

Table 10.1  Sample Everest West Ridge 2006 Menu

Food item Kcal Carbohydrate (g)
1 Complan and Oats 250 30
1 freeze-dried breakfast 600 125
1 freeze-dried main meal 700 65
1 Complan drink 250 35
1 Boost bar 310 35
1 bag Jelly Babies 600 145
2 muesli bars or flapjack bars 350 55
1 50 g (1.8 oz) bag of peanuts 300 5
1 tuna sachet 135 0
2 energy gels 180 40
1 All the Way multipack 425 60
2 normal tea bags 0 0
2 herbal tea bags 0 0
1 coffee latte sachet 110 10
1 hot chocolate sachet 120 20
2 Cup-a-Soups 80 15
2 L energy drinks 540 135
Totals 4,950 775
Calories are approximations to the nearest 5 kcals; carbohydrate values are approximations to the nearest 5 g.

altitude can be minimised by increased energy particularly for long expeditions. Unappetising
intake (Butterfield et al., 1992). Careful consid- food will have a negative impact on any expedi-
eration of nutrient choice and timing of nutrient tion team no matter how energy-providing and
provision during all stages of an expedition is a nutritious the food is. Inadequate, repetitive,
practical way to limit erosion of the human body and plain nutritional diets have been associ-
and depletion of energy reserves sufficiently to ated with negative experiences when living at
attain the goals of the expedition without irre- altitude. Alongside energy and nutritional con-
versible damage to health. tent, important factors in food selection include
weight, bulk, durability, ease of preparation, and
Nutrition and Morale special dietary requirements.
Expedition meals should aim to be the fol-
Getting nutrition right is important on any expe- lowing:
dition, but food should not be viewed simply as
fuel. Adequate nutrition also helps to maintain ▸▸ Energy dense—Needs enough energy to
social interaction, morale, and task motivation, meet increased requirements.
nutrition for Expeditions  ▪  203

▸▸ Lightweight—An important consideration Nutritious meals and snacks are required,

if carrying food supplies, paying for porters, taking into account the likelihood of menu
or travelling by plane. fatigue, and where possible, individual prefer-
▸▸ Varied and appetising—Energy-dense ences. Meals and snacks may be supplemented
meals and snacks have no value if not by energy bars, drinks, or gels. Meal-replacement
consumed. products such as Complan or Build-Up not only
provide additional calories but also protein
▸▸ Easily prepared—Preparation time should and micronutrients during long expeditions.
be kept to a minimum. Table 10.2 shows the nutritional composition of
▸▸ Durable and easily stored—If food per- Complan Original. This was used on the Ever-
ishes, it is wasteful of effort and funds spent est West Ridge 2006 expedition because a daily
in transport. two-sachet serving met reference nutrient intakes

Table 10.2  Complan Original Nutritional Composition

Typical Values Per 100 g Typical Values Per 57 g
(3.5 oz) Powder (2 oz) Powder
Energy 1,848 kJ / 439 kcal 1,053 kJ / 250 kcal
Protein 15.4 g 8.8 g
Carbohydrate 61.1 g 34.8 g
Carbohydrate (of which sugars) 40.1 g 22.9 g
Fat 14.8 g 8.4 g
Fat (of which saturates) 6.6 g 3.8 g
Sodium 0.23 g 0.13 g
Vitamin A 350 mg 200 mg
Vitamin D 4.4 mg 2.5 mg
Vitamin E 8.8 mg 5.0 mg
Vitamin C 53 mg 30 mg
Thiamin 1.2 mg 0.7 mg
Riboflavin 1.4 mg 0.8 mg
Niacin 16 mg 9.0 mg
Vitamin B6 1.8 mg 1.0 mg
Folic acid 180 mg 100 mg
Vitamin B12 0.9 mg 0.5 mg
Biotin 0.13 mg 0.075 mg
Pantothenic acid 5.3 mg 3.0 mg
Calcium 570 mg 320 mg
Phosphorus 470 mg 270 mg
Iron 6.7 mg 3.8 mg
Magnesium 79 mg 45 mg
Zinc 4.2 mg 2.4 mg
Iodine 61 mg 35 mg
A daily two-sachet serving meets reference nutrient intakes for a number of micronutrients and makes a valuable
contribution to protein, carbohydrate, and fat intake.
204  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

for a number of micronutrients in addition to to maintain an adequate nutritional intake. The

making a valuable contribution to protein, car- very fact that intake, frequency, and amount
bohydrate, and fat intake. of nutrition may be compromised means that
there should be a greater drive to balance food
Hydration supplies through planning. Although there is
now evidence that supplementation may be
Hydration is one aspect of nutrition that many
beneficial in such circumstances, this is largely
climbers and mountaineers neglect. Factors
when demonstrated deficiencies occur and is by
that increase fluid requirements at high altitude
no means universal for all macro- or micronu-
include the following:
trients. In mountaineering, additional intake of
▸▸ Increased ventilation convenient food from an appropriate source or
▸▸ Increased urinary losses due to the diuretic from supplementation may be valuable. In such
effect of altitude and cold cases, it would be necessary to restrict additional
supplementation to an amount appropriate to
▸▸ Sweating related to physical exertion (fur-
fulfil the needs identified from any imbalance
ther magnified at high altitude or in hot due to actual or projected dietary intake or mis-
climates) match of requirements.
▸▸ Vomiting associated with AMS The temptation of using a supplement is that
▸▸ Diarrhoeal losses it is presented as an essential component of the
diet that you may be short of and it would be
Small amounts of liquid should be consumed better if you took more to ensure success. The
consistently throughout the day. Mountaineers attraction of supplements is related to both per-
and climbers should develop a programme of ceived and actual ergogenic benefits, including
regularly scheduled drinking. Hydration blad- enhanced performance, desirable body composi-
ders allow for frequent drinking on the move, tion, or both.
and insulated bladders and hoses should prevent Sound nutritional intake maintains good
freezing during cold-climate mountaineering, health that in turn provides stable body com-
especially if hot water is poured in and sealed. position, and this should be the primary pre-
Mountaineers should carry a stove and boil requisite for mountaineering success. However,
up 3 litres of water every 8 to 10 hours to refill supplements can help to optimise body com-
the bladder system. The time spent melting snow position for a desired outcome, be it additional
and boiling water is offset by enhanced perfor- body fat for prolonged expeditions or improve-
mance and mental alertness from maintained ments in power-to-weight ratio. Supplements
hydration. The practical aspect of when and in this situation could be prescribed quantities
where to stop for food and fluid intake should of the core macronutrients (fat, protein, and
be factored in during the planning phase. Finally, carbohydrate) in amounts that differ from the
it is vital to rehydrate before you go to sleep. simple position stand for the balance of good
health and dietary reference values. An example
Use of Dietary would be an increase in supplemental protein to
maintain nitrogen balance during energy deficit,
Supplements as experienced during extreme climbing with
People who engage in extreme activities have low energy intake and high energy expenditure.
special dietary requirements, especially when Another example would be the use of carbohy-
the activity is mountaineering, where the typical drate to improve glycogen stores before or after
fallback of a decent kitchen and local store is not key climbing sessions.
available. It is intuitive that dietary imbalance These are examples of acute use of macro-
may occur due to nutrient exclusion or restric- nutrients as supplements superimposed on
tion whilst on expedition. As discussed, an expe- the requirements for a simple balance of good
dition that might be days to months away from health. The specific properties of macronutrients
the nearest food supply requires careful planning can be exploited because there is good evidence
Supplementary Energy Bars
and Powders for EWR 2006

P reexpedition research for the Everest West Ridge 2006 expedition indicated the
need for a solid as well as a liquid product to assist in meeting overall energy
demands. The primary aim was the development of products that addressed the need
to maintain energy balance and preserve lean body mass. One product was formulated
as a cereal bar, the other as an energy powder to mix with water for drinking.
Cadbury Schweppes has a history of providing adventurers with nutrition solutions.
In 1911, the company provided Robert F. Scott with cocoa for his expedition to the
South Pole. Researchers at the Cadbury Schweppes Global Science Centre developed
two pioneering cereal bars and an energy drink to support the British Army on the
EWR expedition.
As discussed, one of the greatest challenges of mountaineers is maintaining energy
balance where malnutrition is the main contributor to negative energy balance at
high altitude (Westerterp, Kayser, Wouters, Le Trong, & Richalet, 1994; Pulfrey & Jones,
1996). Evidence suggests that the decline in energy consumption at increasing altitude
is not accompanied by shifts in the distribution of macronutrient intake (Reynolds et
al., 1998) or energy digestibility (Kayser, Acheson, Decombaz, Fern, & Cerretelli, 1992).
Despite the difficulty of accurately assessing daily food intake at high altitude, when
mountaineering there is an increased energy expenditure two to three times that of
sea-level resting values (Reynolds, Lickteig, Howard, & Deuster, 1999).

▸▸ High-Altitude Energy Bars

The cereal bar underwent development for two requirements—cold-temperature
consumer use and nutritional composition. It was possible to provide two varieties:
Enhanced bars, with low glycaemic index but with full macronutrient combination of
fat, protein, and carbohydrate for use at altitudes up to 6,000 metres (19,685 ft), and
All the Way bars, with higher glycaemic index and additional features specifically for
high, cold altitudes beyond 6,000 metres by virtue of a low glass point of –19 degrees
Celsius (–2 degrees Fahrenheit). These bars could be eaten at cold temperatures without
biting and chewing difficulty, and they were designed and tested for use at extreme
altitude to provide wholesome nutrition whilst actively climbing. They came as mul-
tipack minibars, as well as 75-gram (2.7 oz) bars for specific types of active climbing.
The 75-gram Enhanced bars were designed and tested for use at lower altitudes and
less extreme temperatures, especially as a supplement to be consumed at Base Camp,
lower intermediate camps, and the end of climbing sessions.
Enhanced bars were designed to deliver slow-release energy when consumed at
rest. These bars contained more fat, protein, and fibre to slow digestion, as well as
complex carbohydrate to maintain glycogen stores and blood glucose availability. The
binding syrup contained sugars with a low glycaemic index and soluble fibres. The


▪ 205 ▪
Supplementary Energy Bars and Powders for EWR 2006  (continued)

target macronutrient balance was 60 to 75 percent carbohydrate, 15 to 25 percent

protein, and 15 percent fat.
All the Way bars were designed to deliver fast-release energy when consumed on the
move. These energy bars were formulated with higher levels of refined carbohydrate,
and the binding syrup was glucose based for rapid absorption. The macronutrient bal-
ance was 75 to 80 percent carbohydrate, 10 to 15 percent protein, and 10 percent fat.
The packaging featured easy-open flow wrap so that it could be removed with a
gloved hand, which was important for climbers on the move in extreme conditions.
▸▸ High-Altitude Energy Powders
The energy powder underwent development for two requirements—ease of prepara-
tion with hot water from melted snow and a balanced macronutrient blend of protein
and carbohydrate with specified vitamins and minerals. The powder was formulated
both as a recovery preparation mixed at full strength and as an active-use prepara-
tion mixed at half strength. The powder was designed to formulate into a solution
without congealing when mixed with water between 70 and 80 degrees Celsius (158
and 175 degrees Fahrenheit).
The energy powder used as a recovery preparation was designed to deliver both
slow-release and fast-release energy when consumed at rest. This powder contained
more protein and carbohydrate to replete both muscle and liver glycogen stores and
maintain blood glucose availability. Whey protein provided an easily digested but bal-
anced source of essential and nonessential amino acids to support nitrogen balance.
The target macronutrient balance was 70 to 80 percent carbohydrate and 20 to 30
percent protein. The energy content was 360 kilocalories per 100 grams. When used at
full strength as a recovery solution, each litre supplied 360 kilocalories and 100 grams
of carbohydrate–protein mix.
The energy powder for active-use preparation was designed to deliver significant
fast-release energy when consumed on the move. When used at half strength as an
active-use solution, each litre supplied 180 kilocalories and 50 grams of carbohydrate–
protein mix.
The basic formulation of the powder contained minerals and vitamins necessary to
support needs in a high-altitude environment. Supplementation levels were designed
to be major fractional parts of reference nutrient intake, assuming consumption of 1
to 2 litres of recovery strength or 2 to 4 litres of active-use strength per day.
▸▸ Field Results
The bar products provided significant nutritional support in a compact form. Package
design facilitated use at altitude whilst climbing or camping and was space efficient
for ease of transport. Field use showed that the products were advantageous during
both climbing situations when energy demands were high and recovery when camped.
The powder products were of use not only as energy and protein liquid supplements
at camps but also whilst climbing.

▪ 206 ▪
nutrition for Expeditions  ▪  207

for using certain combinations of amino acids ▸▸ Two to 3 weeks before departure
in protein (e.g., casein and whey), the glycaemic ▸▸ One week before departure
index for carbohydrate (high for immediate ▸▸ Departure
energy and low for sustained energy release),
▸▸ Journey to base camp
and saturation balance in fats (proportions of
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty ▸▸ Base camp
acids). Macronutrient intake can be altered to ▸▸ Beyond base camp
achieve desired body composition targets both
before and during an expedition. Two to Three Weeks
As highlighted, energy demands whilst climb-
ing can be considerable, yet the provision of Before Departure
adequate nutrition to meet energy and nitrogen At this stage, there should be no conflict between
balance is difficult for several reasons, includ- eating for health and eating for performance.
ing the logistics of supply, lack of opportunity Sound nutritional strategies have a great part
to eat regularly, environmental extremes, and to play in optimising intake and allowing you
physiological responses to the situation. Energy to train consistently and effectively in the final
imbalance is almost inevitable, but supplemen- weeks before departure. If training intensity
tation whilst climbing can be beneficial if it remains high, energy requirements will remain
is in the form of easily ingested and digested high. It is important to meet requirements
substances. Table 10.3 lists the calorie and car- through the correct mix of macronutrients
bohydrate content of Everest West Ridge 2006 (approximately 60 percent carbohydrate, 25
food supplements and meals. This nutrition percent fat, and 15 percent protein).
resource was displayed in the mess tent at Base Diet must meet the demands that train-
Camp for team members to monitor progress ing places on the body; see the basic training
towards daily intake goals. diet recommendations in chapter 9 for more
details. Additional energy and carbohydrate
may be required to support increased training,
Meeting Nutritional body composition, and maintenance of lean
Requirements When body mass. These requirements may be met by
Mountaineering consuming supplements in the form of snacks.
Carbohydrate snacks are especially important
Preexpedition identification, acquisition, and for the resynthesis of glycogen during this time.
supply of nutrients can allow for tailor-made See figure 10.1 for a list of snacks that are rich
ration packs for all stages of an expedition, from in carbohydrate, provide approximately 250
the journey to base camp to the summit bid. Eval- calories, and can easily be incorporated into
uation of likely energy and macronutrient needs your usual diet.
for your team is a key in food trial and selection.
Well-chosen products based on sound scientific One Week Before
platforms should underpin dietary provision.
Careful attention to meeting basic nutritional
requirements is important, as are catering for In the final week before departure for an expe-
taste preferences and menu fatigue and making dition, you should attempt to increase your
sure sufficient food supplies are available. carbohydrate intake beyond that consumed to
At many of the stages identified in this sec- support your training. This is especially impor-
tion, moderate- to high-intensity physical work tant if you have been undertaking hypoxic train-
sustained for long amounts of time will benefit ing as part of your preacclimatisation strategy. It
from high carbohydrate intakes. In addition, is also advisable to pay close attention to your
adequate hydration should not be overlooked. fluid intake. Simple urine colour and volume
This section discusses nutritional requirements checks are advised; you should look for pale
throughout the following stages: and plentiful urine.
Table 10.3  Calorie and Carbohydrate Content of Everest West Ridge 2006 Food
Supplements and Meals
Product Weight in g (oz) Calories/portion portion (g)
Babybel cheese 25 (.9) 75 0
Bassett’s Fruity Babies 165 (5.8) 510 120
Bassett’s Fruit Allsorts 180 (6.3) 575 140
Bassett’s Jelly Babies 180 (6.3) 600 145
Bassett’s Liquorice Allsorts 105 (3.7) 370 80
Complan drink 57 (2.0) 250 35
Complan and Oats 60 (2.1) 250 30
Ainsley Harriott couscous 100 (3.5) 370 80
Brunch bar 35 (1.2) 160 20
Cadbury Schweppes energy drink 150 (5.3) 540 135
Cadbury milk chocolate biscuit bar 49 (1.7) 255 30
Cadbury milk chocolate bar 49 (1.7) 255 30
Cadbury fruit and nut bar 49 (1.7) 240 30
Cadbury Boost bar 60 (2.1) 310 35
Cadbury Crunchie bar 50 (1.8) 240 35
Coffee sachet—latte 22 (.8) 110 10
Coffee sachet—mocha 22 (.8) 90 15
Dorset flapjack 85 (3.0) 350 55
Dried meat pepperoni 10 (.4) 50 0
Hammer energy drink sachets 29 (1.0) 100 25
Hammer energy gel 36 (1.3) 90 20
Hot chocolate sachets 28 (1.0) 120 20
Mother Earth muesli bar 32.5 (1.1) 130 20
Mother Earth Baked Oaty Slice 50 (1.8) 190 25
Super Noodles 100 (3.5) 175 25
KP peanuts 50 (1.8) 300 5
Hammer Recoverite sachet 30 (1.1) 160 30
Real Field Meal breakfast 185 (6.5) 600 124
Real Field Meal main meal 151 (5.3) 700 65
Ainsley Harriott risotto 140 (4.9) 550 95
Tinned sardines 125 (4.4) 230 0
Soup sachet (slim) 20 (.7) 45 10
Soup sachet 20 (.7) 50-80 10-15
John West tuna sachet 85 (3.0) 135 0
Calories are approximations to the nearest 5 kcal; carbohydrate values are approximations to the nearest 5 g.

▪ 208 ▪
nutrition for Expeditions  ▪  209

Figure 10.1
Carbohydrate-Rich Snacks
5 Jaffa Cakes .5 litre of semi-skimmed milk
1 Complan drink made with water 1 fruit smoothie (4 oz)
1 Complan and Oats made with water 1 Cadbury Crunchie bar
1 Complan chocolate bar 2 slices Soreen malt loaf
1 low-fat yoghurt with a digestive 2 Weetabix with 158 millilitres of
biscuit semi-skimmed milk
2 large bananas 1 small bowl of flaked cereal with 158
1 litre of isotonic sport drink millilitres of semi-skimmed milk
75 grams (2.7 oz) of wine gums or 1 toasted bagel with jam
similar fruit sweets 2 thick slices of toast with jam
1 small tin of rice pudding 1 large currant tea cake
1 fruit scone with jam 1 small bowl of vegetable soup with a
75 grams (2.7 oz) of dried fruit slice of bread

Departure and Travel cal and sustain a high fluid intake until you are
well hydrated. Check urine colour and volume;
When your travel arrangements involve air travel, your urine should be pale and plentiful.
start preparing the body for expedition at least 3
days before departure. Concentrate on optimis-
ing carbohydrate and fluid intakes. Journey Into Base Camp
Before departure, try to get lots of sleep to If your journey is to altitude, you may experience
compensate for any sleep you might lose during unhelpful appetite and thirst responses if food
the flight and to help minimise the effects of jet and fluid intakes are neglected. High carbohy-
lag. Try to avoid or limit alcohol consumption drate and fluid intakes should be maintained at
the day before departure and then during the all times. Dehydration can intensify the symptoms
flight. Alcohol is a potent diuretic and is likely of altitude sickness, which will result in reduced
to increase urine output and dehydrate the body food intake. Anticipating the consequences of alti-
during the flight. Also, limit caffeine-rich drinks, tude that cause impaired appetite and enforced
such as coffee and cola. These can have a mild feeding may minimise secondary consequences
diuretic effect that can exacerbate fluid loss and of altitude sickness, such as depleted muscle
contribute to dehydration. During the flight, glycogen and loss of lean body mass. In addi-
carry a bottle of water and drink plenty. tion, exposure to altitude increases carbohydrate
Pack portable carbohydrate-rich snacks for usage at rest and during exercise. Carbohydrate
your flight to assist in maintaining a high car- intake can be supplemented with sport drinks. If
bohydrate intake. The calorie content of these you are reliant on a trekking company to supply
nutrition travel packs should be 500 to 1,000 main meals for the expedition, supplement with
kilocalories. Maintaining a high-carbohydrate carbohydrate-rich snack foods such as chocolate
diet may help to lessen the effects of altitude bars, cereal bars, and energy drinks.
sickness during initial altitude exposure. Try to
adopt a meal pattern in line with your new time Base Camp
zone once your flight has departed; it is likely
that the airline will have considered this in their As discussed, eating enough food is the major
in-flight service schedule. nutritional priority at altitude. Weight loss is
On arrival, adopt a regular meal pattern in almost inevitable. Changes in body composi-
line with your new time zone as soon as is practi- tion such as losses in body fat and lean tissue
210  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

can be incapacitating, and loss of insulating can result in mild to disabling diarrhoea. To
fat can decrease tolerance to cold tempera- minimise the risk of diarrhoea, clean hands
tures. Nutritional menus should be conceived thoroughly before eating, do not eat exterior
in an attempt to mitigate this, but vigilance is surfaces of fruit and vegetables, and avoid eating
required to make sure you consume enough meat unless you are sure it has been properly
food and fluids. refrigerated. In addition, the high magnesium
At base camp, you may be fed by a cook content of glacial water can have a laxative effect
provided by a trekking company; however, due on the bowel.
to the potential monotony of local cuisine for Constipation is another common complaint
long expeditions, it is essential to add variety to on expedition. It is more prevalent at high alti-
the menu. To ensure that food never becomes a tude, where excessive fluid losses rob water from
chore, include menu items in the food plan that the large bowel and reduced oxygen availability
will boost spirits. These could be classed as the slows down the intestines. Excessive intestinal
magic menu items, which proved popular with gas is another common complaint. Some find
the Everest West Ridge 2006 team. relief by limiting consumption of dehydrated
high-carbohydrate foods.
Beyond Base Camp
During the climbing phases of an expedition, Key Ideas
food packs can be divided into two catego-
Following are do and do-not checklists of high-
ries: low-mountain rations (LMR) and high-
altitude nutrition strategies.
mountain rations (HMR). A key difference in
the composition of LMR and HMR is the snack Do
items. HMR packs, where weight is likely to be
of concern, should contain energy gels, drinks, Establish a food plan.
and bars, whereas LMR packs may contain more Emphasise a high carbohydrate intake.
conventional snacks. Do not pack foods that you Try to consume at least one hot meal a day.
do not find appetising. If you do not consume Provide a variety of main meals and snacks.
them, you have wasted the energy required to
carry them. If foods are not palatable at sea level, Schedule and enforce eating and drinking.
there is a high probability that they will not be Flavour water to increase consumption.
consumed at altitude. Food caches at strategic Discourage alcohol consumption.
points along the route can be used to hold addi- Monitor colour and volume of urine.
tional food and as dumps for food that has not
Test foods before your expedition.
been consumed.
Table 10.4 lists typical daily food items, with Remove any unnecessary packaging.
magic menu items in bold. Snack items to Monitor weight loss (if practical).
be consumed on the move should be high in Monitor food and fluid intake (if practical).
carbohydrate, easy to access, palatable, easy to
digest, and worth their weight and pack space Do Not
to carry. The following foods fit this profile: jelly Skip meals and snacks.
beans, fruit gums, liquorice, fudge, dried fruit, Force-feed when nauseous or vomiting (but
sport gels, and bite-sized cereal or flapjack bars. do encourage drinking).
Drink unpurified water.
Food Safety and the
Restrict water intake to avoid having to
Effects of Foreign Foods urinate.
Hygienic food practices are essential on expedi- View the expedition as a deliberate oppor-
tion. Ingestion of contaminated water or food tunity to lose weight.
nutrition for Expeditions  ▪  211

Table 10.4  Typical Daily Food Items

Type of meal Food item

Base Camp
Breakfast Porridge, cereals, eggs, beans, bread, chapattis, jams and spreads, dried fruit and
seeds, tinned grapefruit, mandarins

Lunch Tinned fish, pulses, soup, chapattis or tortillas, hot-dog sausages, tinned meats,
bread, crackers with pâté

Dinner Soup, rice, pasta, potatoes, sauce (with lentils, beans, meat, or vegetables), tinned
fruit, cake, custard, jelly

Snacks Biscuits, crackers, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, Pringles, salted nuts, sweets, chocolate
bars, cakes, pretzels, cereal bars

Drinks Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, Horlicks, fruit-flavoured powder mixes, energy drinks,
herbal teas

Breakfast Porridge or muesli mixed with skimmed milk powder, cereal bars, hot drinks

Lunch Noodle soup, tuna or mackerel cold pasta mix, Ryvita with Primula cheese or pâté,
flapjack, chocolate bar, energy drinks

Dinner Soup, boil-in-the-bag meal, pudding, hot drinks

Snacks Jelly sweets, cereal bars, chocolate, energy bars, peanuts, dried fruit, nuts, seeds

Drinks Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, skimmed milk powder, sugar sachets

Breakfast Porridge or muesli mixed with skimmed milk powder, Complan and Oats,
dehydrated breakfast, cereal bars, hot drinks

Lunch Noodle soup, Ryvita with Primula cheese or pâté, flapjack, chocolate bar, energy

Dinner Soup, dehydrated meal, dessert

Snacks Jelly sweets, cereal bars, chocolate, energy bars and gels, peanuts, dried fruit
Food and Nutrients at All Stages
of the Expedition

P reexpedition identification, acquisition, and supply of food and nutrients enabled

shipment of ration packs tailored for all stages of the expedition, from the jour-
ney into Base Camp to the summit bid. Evaluation of likely energy and macronutrient
needs for the team and its members was a key driver for selection, trial, and prescribed
use of the provisions. Local Nepalese and Tibetan food provided the bulk of meals at
Base Camp, supplemented by familiar products (chocolate and cereal bars, sweets, and
Complan meal-replacement drinks) shipped from the United Kingdom specifically for
ease of consumption and contribution to carbohydrate intake.
▸▸ Composition of Camp Packs
Absolute weight of camp packs is an important consideration since food has to be
carried by the mountaineer. As discussed earlier, food packs were divided into two
categories during the climbing phases: LMR and HMR. The HMR packs contained
energy gels, drinks, and bars, whereas the LMR packs contained more conventional
snacks. All camp packs were analysed for their nutritional composition and provided
approximately 60 to 65 percent of calories from carbohydrate, 20 to 25 percent of
calories from fat, and 10 to 15 percent of calories from protein. Both packs were
supplemented with additional snack items according to personal preference.

LMR Camp Pack HMR Camp Pack

1 boil-in-the-bag breakfast 1 Complan and Oats
1 boil-in-the-bag main meal 1 freeze-dried breakfast meal
1 boil-in-the-bag dessert 1 freeze-dried main meal
1 Complan drink 1 Complan drink
1 Enhanced bar 1 Enhanced bar
1 50-gram (1.8 oz) chocolate bar 2 muesli bars or flapjack bars
1 muesli bar 1 50-gram (1.8 oz) bag of peanuts
1 Mother Earth Baked Oaty Slice 1 tuna sachet
1 fruit bar 2 energy gels
.5 packet Ryvita crackers 1 All the Way bar
1 pâté portion 2 black tea bags
1 50-gram (1.8 oz) bag of peanuts 2 herbal tea bags
2 black tea bags 2 coffee sachets
2 herbal tea bags 1 hot chocolate
2 coffee sachets 2 Cup-a-Soups
1 hot chocolate sachet 2 litre energy drinks
2 soup sachets

▪ 212 ▪
▸▸ Monitoring and Maximising Nutritional Intake at Altitude
Short-lived exposure to altitude does not require significant increases in nutrients, with
the exception of increased fluid. If intended exposure is no more than 2 or 3 days, any
deficit can be regained on return. However, the duration of the 2006 Everest West
Ridge expedition made careful planning and monitoring important for maximising
nutritional intake.
The limited evidence to date suggests that group and self-regulation of performance,
including nutrition and hydration monitoring, are imperative for successful adapta-
tion and functioning at altitude. Diet monitoring and a conscious effort to maintain
energy intake and dietary intake goals (energy, carbohydrate, and fluid) may help
replenish glycogen stores, maintain endurance, preserve physical fitness, and sustain
mental ability by minimising losses in body mass. Table 10.5 shows an example of a
completed daily food and fluid record from the 2006 expedition. Note this is not a
specific recommendation for food or supplement intake.

Table 10.5  Sample Daily Food and Fluid Record

Time Food or fluid consumed Portion size
0600 Orange drink powder with water 30 ml (2 tbsp)—large mug

Oatmeal block 75 g (2.6 oz) dry weight

Hot water 74 ml (5 tbsp)

White sugar 2 sachets

Semi-skimmed milk (dried) 10 ml (2 tsp)

Dried raisins 30 ml (2 tbsp)

0700 Supplement (multivitamin) 1 tablet

0830 Tea with sugar 1L

Chocolate bar (Mars) 50 g (1.8 oz)

1030 Beef jerky 1 packet (50 g [1.8 oz])

Oat slice 50 g (1.8 oz)

Energy drink 1L

Instant hot chocolate mix 30 ml (2 tbsp)

Hot water Small mug

1300 Instant chicken soup 1 sachet

Hot water Large mug

Real Field Meal (freeze-dried meatballs and 1 packet

pasta in tomato sauce)

Orange drink powder with water 30 ml (2 tbsp)—large mug


▪ 213 ▪
Food and Nutrients at All Stages of the Expedition  (continued)

Table 10.5  (continued)

Time Food or fluid consumed Portion size
Dried fruit and nuts Large handful

1520 Instant coffee powder 5 ml (1 tsp)

Hot water Large mug

White sugar 10 ml (2 tsp)

Fruit and nut chocolate bar 49 g (1.7 oz)

1700 Tea 1L

Fruit gum sweets .5 packet

1930 Real Field Meal (freeze-dried chilli con carne) 1 packet

Real Field Meal (freeze-dried chocolate pudding 1 packet

with chocolate sauce)

Instant coffee powder 5 ml (1 tsp)

Hot water Large mug

White sugar 10 ml (2 tsp)

Energy drink 1L

▪ 214 ▪
P a r t

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C h a p t e r

Psychological Skills
in the Outdoors
John Allan and Jim McKenna

O nly those who will risk going

too far can possibly find out
how far one can go.
aspirations within preparation. The first is to
reduce the likelihood of unwanted but predict-
able responses and outcomes. The second is to
T. S. Eliot ensure adaptive responses to extraordinary, often
unpredictable, challenges. In the first part of the
chapter, we identify psychological issues raised
Adventure represents a willingness to take risks in modern adventure education. In the latter
and learn through uncertainty. The unpredict- sections, we consider the application of sport
able and dynamic nature of the outdoors helps psychology techniques.
to facilitate this capacity for change. Although
the challenges of adventure education may differ
in terms of difficulty, adventure is created by Psychology
appropriately matching skills to emerging risks. in Adventure
This concept applies across the range of partici- Education
pants and skill sets, from the use of rudimentary
navigation by novices on low-level terrain to Psychological skills in the outdoors, as in life, do
the complex planning and technical expertise not operate in isolation. Although we are unique
required by mountaineers undertaking a full- individuals, we are all composed of physical
scale ascent of Mount Everest in the West Ridge. actions, thinking capacity, feelings, instincts, and
In chapter 12, we identify the development- moral core. These areas develop through matu-
by-challenge philosophy and the components ration and experience, so expansion can occur
that interconnect to determine the impact of in all of them. Deeply satisfying adventurous
adventure education. These elements include experiences, especially those placing balanced
the physical or natural setting, participants, demands on these facets of human develop-
type of activities, group dynamics, and facilita- ment, create a broader repertoire of skills that
tion or leadership of experiences. When these can help manage future challenges. This posi-
factors are interwoven effectively, they initiate tive psychological thinking is consistent with
whole-person challenges because they concur- modern adventure philosophy in which growth
rently test physical, psychological, and social and change is best achieved when participants
capabilities. In this chapter, we will look at a feel challenged and supported yet are still free
range of psychological skills relating to these to make informed choices.
areas. We argue that appropriate adventure Thoughts and emotions stimulate action in
education enhances individual and collective challenging situations. Therefore, these psycho-
outcomes. Our thinking relates to the two main logical elements underpin the capacity to interact

▪ 217 ▪
218  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

with any adventure education environment that Clear Thinking

offers realistic consequences for actions. For
instance, making an incorrect navigational deci-
sion can automatically create a longer distance in Adventure
to travel; there is no choice. Deciding to press Education
on when the demands outweigh individual or
group capacity can produce more hazardous We all differ in how we think, feel, and behave.
consequences than just extending travel time. This in turn influences how we face challenges.
Thus, psychological fitness is a key component Thinking stimulates responses in line with
in acquiring and using the skills necessary in emotional states and inner value systems.
adventure activities. More specifically, these skills Learning to maintain a balance of these areas,
include the following: especially in tough circumstances, creates an
important pathway for human growth. The
▸▸ Technical competence (efficient movement thinking, or cognitive, component of our being
and use of equipment) also relies on balance; too much concentra-
▸▸ Physical fitness (activity-specific condition- tion on reasoning alone may inhibit decision
ing, general endurance, perseverance) making and resultant action. Consider how
▸▸ Humanistic skills (self-determination, con- decision-making capability in adventure edu-
centration, management of fear, apprecia- cation can be affected by too much thinking
tion of others) (paralysis by analysis); for example, it can lead
▸▸ Environmental awareness and respect to hesitation about making a tough call, such as
(being in tune with changeable demands, when pressure is exerted by changeable weather
appreciation of aesthetic and ethical issues) conditions or alterations in the needs of group
Personal development through adventure Wisdom and intelligent thinking are not fixed
education begins with attaining an ideal psycho- qualities. Each needs to adapt to the changing
logical state for growth. Aligning thought pro- forces of nature, so each change in external
cesses (cognition) and emotions (affect) within circumstances can create a new learning oppor-
a moral framework enables people to interact tunity. The aim of intelligent decision making
flexibly and reciprocally within the changing is not to show cleverness; it is to consider the
environment (setting). Because adventure edu- prominent facets of any situation and weigh
cation can be a social endeavour and a medium each in the light of experience in order to create
for teaching, group processes (social) also help a judgement. Nowhere is this more important
to determine effective psychological functioning. in adventure education than when safety may
An adventurous experience exposes the need to be compromised or when enjoyment and learn-
be psychologically flexible in all of these areas, ing are impeded. Being vigilant to, but humble
which makes it an ideal learning environment about, the capacity of humans to influence
for refining these skills; management training nature is another facet of thinking that can help
groups justify their adventure education using prevent complacent decision making.
precisely this argument. For instance, the need A measure of the courage needed to deal
for effective decision making (cognitive skill), with uncertainty in adventure education is not
unselfishness (emotional skill), and cooperation dominance over the environment; this would be
(social skill) are all imperative in mountain- futile and foolhardy. Authentic courage relates to
based expeditions. The key to developing psy- how well people flow in response to each new
chological fitness is to progressively overload challenge. Egotistical desire, on the other hand,
capability in all these areas by practicing and often impedes experiencing beautiful and pow-
receiving feedback on that practice. We look at erful natural settings. In moments of adventure,
each of these areas in turn throughout the first humility often reflects intelligent thinking and a
section of this chapter and consider how the deep awareness of risk. High-altitude mountain-
underpinning skill areas can be refined. eers comment that they can summit over 8,000
Psychological skills in the outdoors  ▪  219

metres (26,245 ft) only when the weather allows Problem Solving and
it. It takes real courage to recognise personal
limitations and make the appropriate decision Foresight
to either push on or retreat with dignity when all Problem solving and foresight, or realistic pre-
the risks have been evaluated. Bravery does not diction making, are strongly associated with
develop by simply overcoming fear but through adventure education. They are considered the
managing it intelligently to direct behaviour most complex of intellectual functions and they
towards achieving goals and aspirations. are central to effective decision making. Each
Thinking skills, similar to other psychologi- involves weighing options, even in the face of
cal skills, can be taught. Cognitive intelligence deep uncertainty, analysing and then summa-
does not just relate to fixed intellectual abilities. rising situations to provide realistic solutions.
It encapsulates a range of qualities and activi- Such skills need to be based on reality, not on
ties—scholarly or otherwise—that are developed blind ideas inspired simply by hope or faith.
by the cooperative links forged between personal They comprise a blend of systematic thinking,
attributes and the environment. The capacity to common sense, and intuition.
think effectively can be trained through deliber- Anticipation of problems can avert the need
ate practice in adventure education. A Review of to make rash decisions. Solving problems in a
Research on Outdoor Learning (Rickinson et al., fluid environment is influenced by available
2004) states that adventure education enhances time—a subjective notion—and this can lead
problem-solving competencies, academic per- to making decisions too early or too late. For
formance, and environmental knowledge and example, consider the implications of getting
understanding through positive effects on long- timing just right whilst attempting a push for the
term memory. summit in high-altitude conditions. Withdraw-
When interacting with unforgiving environ- ing from an outdoor activity early on (say, when
ments, as in high-altitude mountaineering, the weather conditions deteriorate) risks denying
information that is processed reflects immediate valuable opportunities for learning and achieve-
assessments based on previous experience and ment. However, being blasé about the worsen-
expertise. The achievements we experience—and ing circumstances might not only compromise
part of what makes us smart—come from com- safety but also alienate participants from future
bining effort with the expertise acquired over endeavours.
time. Mental skills that underpin effective opera- In Outdoor Leadership, John Graham (2003)
tion in the outdoors encompass many of the less states that systematic time management over-
obvious elements of cognitive intelligence. These comes many of the problems that emerge in
range from problem solving and maintaining volatile external circumstances. In timing a
focus to inquisitiveness and creativity. decision, the best course of action is to begin
In the context of adventure education, many by considering the overall schedule of the activ-
of these thinking skills are essential. Renowned ity, in particular the latest hour of the day at
Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck which you must end the session (for example,
(2007) promotes the concept of a growth the completion of a mountain walk). Once
mindset and has completed extensive research this is established, determine the time needed
showing that the psychological environment to implement activity options (long or short
contributes to this productive and adaptive route) and subtract the time needed to imple-
pattern of development. According to her work, ment the slowest option (longer route) before
holding the belief that intelligence is learned making the decision. Using this process, rational
allows humans to embrace challenges, persist choices displace reactive decision making based
in the face of setbacks, and perceive effort as on guesswork.
the pathway to mastery. It may even be that Problem solving in adventure education also
holding this belief system supports our own needs to be logical and progressive. In condi-
contention that adventure education can create tions of anxiety, this involves an initial calm-
personal growth. ing phase—taking a deep breath, or creating a
220  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

moment of psychological silence—followed by Concentration

a preliminary scan of available options. This
initial calming is important because anxiety is Concentration involves directing thinking to
known for creating tunnel vision, which may intended targets. With variable channel capacity,
narrow the range of what can be attended to. people have a limited capacity to concentrate for
To widen the search for possible options, look long amounts of time, intermittently, or with
for unconventional alternatives. For group competing demands. The ability to concentrate
activities, this may involve short all-in meet- in an uncertain environment will depend on
ings. Once the best information is gathered factors such as emotional and physical state
within the available time, a risk-versus-benefit (the need to feel rested and calm), effort, enthu-
exercise can be employed for each option, and siasm, and confidence in skills (the more we
the option where benefits best outweigh risks know what to do in variable circumstances, the
can be implemented. As circumstances change, less anxiety affects focus). Therefore, learning
this course of action can be refined. and practicing concentration skills and strate-

Solving Problems on the Hill

Y ou are leading a hill walk in sunny conditions where you have planned a scramble
in the route. Halfway into ascending the gully, you notice that your intended
line is inaccessible. There is another route you can take, but it is more exposed and will
require careful attention. You consider alternatives based on what information you
can gather. Turning back would involve some tricky down-climbing, and lost time will
prevent an attempt to reach the summit of the peak. Another option is to carry on
via the exposed route, which may cause some uncertainty amongst group members.
It could also present an exciting challenge for others.
After some thought, you use a scrambling rope to secure a handrail, provide some
simple instructions in relation to foot and hand placements, and buddy up the less
confident members with those who feel secure. Risks and benefits have been weighed
systematically and the problem dealt with effectively.
In the 2006 Everest West Ridge expedition, many of the climbers were fit and healthy
enough to be selected for the two designated summit teams. The leader had to make
his selections based on prevailing levels of fitness, technical skills, and the strength of
character needed to be part of a cohesive unit. Having spoken to all team members
about their preferred options, climbers were selected using systematic thinking to
assemble and then assess the options, risks, and benefits. Common sense and intuitive
thinking aimed at predicting possible performance outcomes also guided the decision-
making process. By allowing team members access to the overall process, emotional
highs and lows were channelled into a collective force that added momentum for the
climbers and the squad. This process demonstrated the high value that was attributed
to every team member and to every role within the team.
Psychological skills in the outdoors  ▪  221

gies enables people to successfully direct their Staying Power and Effort
attention. Improved concentration also helps to
overcome the negative effects of arousal, which Endurance and tolerance within an unpredict-
range from boredom and daydreaming to high able setting are abilities that draw on cognitive,
levels of worry and fear. emotional, and social skill sets. Patience and
In adventure education, participants may be perseverance in the face of delay or provocation
required to keep focussed for extended times are helpful in remaining calm and mentally
(such as on long multipitch climbs). Where alert, especially in long-term adventures. Think-
events are changing, concentration can be con- ing rationally and empathetically is especially
sciously regulated by adjusting your focus up relevant in laborious endeavours where comfort
(or down) as situations demand (e.g., skiing may be hard to find. This quality was abundantly
on variable terrain). Such regulation involves demonstrated by the Everest West Ridge climbers
selectively attending to priorities; in mountain when they carried heavy loads for up to 8 hours
guiding, this may include attending to naviga- without complaint in hostile, lonely conditions.
tional waypoints, weather, and group needs. Most already knew that they were undertaking
Maintaining ideal levels of physical and this task without having any chance of being
psychological freshness not only minimises selected to make a summit attempt.
environmental noise but also helps support Hard work and persistence bring rewards in
concentration. Making the effort to say ‘Stop!’ relation to personal development. New compe-
when the mind is wandering is one simple way tencies are realised through dedicated practice,
of restoring lost focus. Intentionally resorting to so despite setbacks and plateaus in learning,
tunnel vision by attending only to one source learning still takes place. For example, the learner
can be refined through sustained practice. To who falls most during initial climbing sessions
displace the anxieties that might emerge from may well go on to become the better climber.
feeling overwhelmed by a large task (for exam-
ple, an elongated, complicated climb), it may Attention to Detail
be helpful to cognitively break down that task To minimise danger, precision and accuracy are
into smaller, discrete chunks. This can restore the requirements of adventure education. These
sense of control and mastery that characterises include correct use of technical equipment and
the growth mindset. knowledge, leaving as little possible to chance.
Another approach is to park, or banish, spe- Luck always has a role to play in adventure educa-
cific worries and address them in downtimes tion due to the fluidity of the environment. Still,
(times when you can relax). Setting a time to this has to be balanced with the requirement for
return to negative thoughts can help to displace exact preparation and making in-field judge-
those concerns in favour of more pressing issues. ments. Methodological protocols for equipment
Knowing how people best learn and receive use (so they become habits) and for monitoring
information—through observing, writing, lis- changes in circumstance all help to minimise
tening, or practical methods—can also optimise errors and promote safe practice, especially
their capacity to concentrate. Staying mentally where stress might prevail (e.g., belaying and
active within any learning opportunity, which rope work, whiteout navigational conditions).
might include regularly asking searching ques- Being precise in areas of personal responsibility
tions of ourselves, others, and other options, (e.g., camping skills, personal accountability for
can prevent boredom and allow new material to kit) also protects against overburdening others.
merge into what is already known. Importantly,
lack of knowledge or understanding is often a Creative Thinking and
cause of poor concentration. Between bouts of
concentration, changing physical and psycho-
logical states (moving around, thinking about Adventure requires inventiveness and resource-
other things) can also help to rekindle interest fulness to prevail in times where there is no
and renew focus. clear rationale for action. Common examples
222  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

include the need to build a shelter from sparse ours. Experiencing a range of emotions (positive
materials or to find creative uses of available and negative) is necessary to expand the capac-
resources. Therefore, imagination must combine ity to deal with the unpredictable challenges of
with analytical, logical thinking. Intuition has mountaineering. Much adventure philosophy
been described as a different way of knowing; it emphasises the human need to encounter the
is not reliant on articulate fluency, but involves a edges of individual psychological possibility,
holistic appreciation of a given situation (Clax- which involves feeling destabilised and emo-
ton, 2000). Staying connected to use creative tionally disoriented. Personal development
insight and spontaneity is essential in adventure through adventure education involves appreciat-
education. Sometimes it is possible to know ing the value of emotional ups and downs and
something without understanding why or how. accepting that learning emerges as much from
Although there is a strong requirement for ratio- mistakes as from success.
nality and intentionality in adventure education, Learning to create positive emotions whilst
the freedom to develop intuitive thinking should facing a tough challenge is important for forward
be encouraged. Guided experimentation within momentum. Today’s theorists, such as Barbara
activities and exploratory reflective practice both Fredrickson (Fredrickson, Tugade, Waugh, &
help to develop intuition. Larkin, 2003), take the view that positive emo-
tions widen the array of cognitive and behav-
Inquisitiveness and ioural tendencies that people can deploy in a
Curiosity given situation. Building positive emotional
skills (or intelligence) through progressive train-
The celebrated outdoor educationalist Colin ing can help people become more resilient in
Mortlock (1984) regards inquisitiveness as the their learned attributes, social bonds, and abili-
single most important aspect of intelligence in ties. By living in this way, and through regular
adventure education. He has referred to it as a involvement in challenging circumstances, these
prerequisite for adventure. It not only involves emotions can come to characterise individuals.
the acceptance of uncertainty but a willingness Consider the following example: A novice is
to explore unknown territory in the quest for grasping the fundamental techniques of rock
challenge. This stimulus for the acquisition of climbing in a disused quarry. Her underlying
knowledge and new experiences relates to both tension about falling is inhibiting progress,
journeys to physical destinations and inner jour- even though she helped set up the safety system
neys of self-discovery. When people seek adven- and is proficient on indoor climbing walls. She
ture, they typically embrace uncertainty whilst becomes increasingly reactive rather than coor-
seeking to broaden horizons. This approach dinated and proactive. To help her, the facilitator
requires a curious mind and a desire to engage in aims to draw the negative emotions from her
unaccustomed behaviour to convert future pos- interpretations of these concerns. For example,
sibilities into distinct probabilities. Inquisitive- he allows her to feel the protective quality of the
ness and asking questions of ourselves develops harness, fall at will, take rests, and not be overly
the capability to cope with a range of situations concerned about displaying precise technical
and contexts. skills. This allows the novice to adapt to the varia-
tions in the conditions (e.g., feel and condition
Emotions of the rock, use of foot- and handholds, exposure
(Affective Domain) to the elements). Eventually, a calmer approach
develops and confidence grows—a better bal-
Feelings portray the immediate state of mind. ance becomes established between current and
They are entirely personal and link to innermost evolving skills and the effort needed for success.
values. As with thinking, emotions need to be This measured approach builds positive emo-
balanced—every positive emotion has a direct tions and self-belief by reducing the perceived
opposite. Emotions fluctuate with experiences risks and by supporting the courage needed to
and can influence the quality of further endeav- deal with them. The authenticity of the experi-
Psychological skills in the outdoors  ▪  223

ence also provides the opportunity to develop independence, confidence, self-esteem, feelings
new competencies. of control, self-efficacy, and coping strategies
Developing positive emotional skills allows (Hattie et al., 1997). However, these positive
people to feel confident in their capacity for developments hinge on effective facilitation. If
success. An increase in perceived competence a significant mismatch occurs and there is no
also heightens self-regulatory behaviour, where support and encouragement, then the picture
achievement is attributed to persistence and could be painted very differently. Panic (a nega-
self-mastery over the task at hand. Figure 11.1, tive emotion) can replace feelings of control,
adapted from Bandura’s self-efficacy theory leading to feelings of inadequacy or even shame
(Bandura, 1997), shows how the develop- (more negative emotions). In contrast, when a
ment of confidence affects immediate and challenge appears beyond the reach of a person,
future learning. Providing climbing challenges any sustained efforts to achieve it should be
matched to individual skill develops self-belief. recognised and applauded. Positive feedback
This enables people to control perceived risks. about improvement, wherever it can be found,
Peer approval and encouragement from leaders refocuses attention on the task at hand. When
inspires an even stronger sense of competence, dealing with anxiety, fear, or even panic, help the
which leads to self-fulfilment. person to become calm, and be honest—fright-
From such processes, it seems that adventure ened people are more scared of the unknown
education can have a positive impact on attitudes than the known. When appropriate, injection of
and self-perceptions. It demonstrably improves humour can also lighten the moment.

Perceived competence = success

Attempt at Skill level of Task is optimally

climbing new route person challenging

Success in new Enjoyment,

Increase in perceived
experience intrinsic pleasure
competence, feelings of
control developed

Individual chooses
activities that provide
self-satisfaction and
give emotional
reactions such as
pleasure, which
increases motivation Self-reward system Positive
and future participation and intrinsic motivation reinforcement from
developed significant others

Figure 11.1  Competence and self-efficacy development.

E4897/Cooke/Fig 11.1/360077/TwoJay!/R2-kh
224  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

One feature that seems central to developing glue that binds people together. Such bonding
emotional capability is courage. Using courage and emotional displays develop trust. Sharing
to manage fears involves resolving the cogni- a rope or the hardship of expeditions helps to
tive, social, and emotional risks associated with generate an appreciation of others’ needs.
a given scenario. These tests can include trying
something new and persevering despite the Group Processes
fear of failure to forming relationships, show-
ing humility, dealing with conflict calmly and (Social Skills)
with compassion, admitting error and learning Humans are social creatures. The development
from mistakes, maintaining integrity in the face of harmonious relationships in adventure edu-
of opposition, and so on. Overcoming such cation is necessary to succeed in complex tasks
emotionally destabilising experiences creates requiring coordinated effort. This even relates
an array of emotional intelligences that are not to a day’s hill walk with unknown walking part-
only beneficial in themselves but also build ners. Though some might like to believe that the
capacity for subsequent growth. Here are some creation of mountaineering teams is a magical
other important emotional qualities associated process, it is better undertaken with clear think-
with development through adventure education. ing, common sense, and care for others. For the
Vigour  Vigour relates to the possession of whole to be more effective than the sum of its
vitality and energy. It may manifest itself in vari- parts, good leadership and interpersonal skill
ous forms, such as enthusiasm for challenges, development are warranted. Such skills include
dealing with disappointment, and optimism good decision making and planning, ownership
when things look bleak. Vitality in the face of and sharing of responsibility, providing clear
fear may mask the inner struggle that eventually messages within equally clear channels of com-
gives rise to constructive solutions. munication, commitment to team goals, trust
building, and willingness to deal with unrest.
Honesty in Yourself  Honest personal evalu-
Research from the team event that was the
ations provide an important safeguard for both
2006 Everest West Ridge expedition is helpful
individuals and groups. However, when people
here. The approach to team selection was based
adopt egocentric evaluations, they can signal
on more than a combination of team mem-
a loss of confidence in the value of decision
bers’ knowledge and technical competence. We
making. Further, egocentric evaluations can lead
interviewed the mountaineers throughout their
to deception, cheating, and taking shortcuts on
2-year preparation and at Base Camp, and it
routine tasks. This threatens safety on any expe-
became clear how the selection of team mem-
dition, not least when any such behaviour cre-
bers and continual focus of squad activities were
ates problems for others. In this moment, trust
instrumental in maintaining harmony. In order
in others can become compromised. Consider
of importance, the selection criteria included
the implications of a social climate where trust
social compatibility, total commitment to the
is declining—put yourself in the position of a
task, tolerance and support of others (especially
mountaineer beginning to experience the symp-
regarding mistakes and shortcomings), loyalty,
toms of altitude sickness on an 8,000-metre
and communication in teamwork. Technical
(26,245 ft) peak when others in the expedition
capability was lower on the list of priorities,
seem driven by personal glory.
especially for initial selection.
Empathy and Altruism  Empathy is about These priorities highlight the importance of
appreciating another’s need, and altruism developing a social network characterised by
involves providing assistance without expect- connectivity, emotional competence, trust, and
ing any reciprocal gesture. These qualities are dependency on others, since these are all quali-
socially derived and contain a strong emotional ties that will be sorely tested in prolonged expo-
dimension. Based on compassion and coopera- sure to extreme conditions. By prioritising these
tion, empathy and altruism represent the social features, the expedition leaders were aiming to
Psychological skills in the outdoors  ▪  225

minimise the likelihood that unwanted develop- They underline the range of issues that form
ments might occur, such as individual isolation, the central business of sport psychology and
hostility, and lost team cohesion. The sheer scale therefore how it might be adopted to help moun-
of what these climbers faced signifies the need taineers at the various stages of their careers.
for social connectivity. Imagine these experi- Although change is not in the list, it is implicit
ences and compare them with your daily life: to these concepts. A central feature of what sport
Prepare for 3 years; be away from home for an psychologists do is manage change to optimise
80-day event that may not succeed just because athletic performance, whether judged by a single
of the weather; accept that a day’s progress event, a prolonged amount of time (such as on
might move you forward 35 metres (115 ft) for 8 an expedition), or a lifetime. However, sport psy-
hours of work; and cope with continually losing chology is a relatively new science, and coherent
your footing and winds that freeze and knock relationships amongst the key variables remain
you over. Dressing will require 2 hours in –20 elusive. Researchers and theoreticians continue
degrees Celsius (–4 degrees Fahrenheit), every to develop appropriate research paradigms and
step takes 10 breaths, and all you are aware of is theoretical bases, and practitioners continue to
your fatigue, your breathing, and your heartbeat. adopt do-best approaches to help themselves
Although these are extreme endeavours, the or their charges.
messages remain clear about the need for cohe- Sport psychology moves beyond immediate
sion even in smaller adventure initiatives. Princi- responses to given events. Instead, attention is
ples formulated by the leader and adopted by the paid to recalling, practicing, and then refining
group set the tone for the purpose and direction appropriate behaviours through regular exercises
of the activity. This ethos should be agreed upon to prepare for events that may arise. This not only
and made explicit to create and reinforce a clear refines technique, which makes outcomes more
philosophy of engagement in adventure educa- predictable, but also helps people to resort into
tion. It seems that certain qualities are required their adaptive responses, whether the problem
if people are to work well together in adventure they foresee is physical or mental. Since some
education. Many of these qualities are related to of what happens in mountaineering might be
the ability to act in personally responsible ways reasonably predicted in terms of fatigue, discom-
and in collectively responsible ways. fort, risk of injury, and so on, this approach has
considerable value. These issues also recur across
Sport Psychology the profile of experience, not least because expe-
rience often brings the pursuit of more demand-
How would you characterise the needs of a ing challenges. For example, Burke, Sparkes, and
mountaineer who might be expected to success- Allen-Collinson (2008) identified how climb-
fully climb Everest? Burke and Orlick (2004) ers attempting to summit Everest recurrently
have identified seven core features: focus (espe- experienced self-doubts about continuing their
cially in descents), mental toughness, setting attempt and were regularly challenged by their
short-term goals, drawing on past experiences, own thoughts about quitting.
connecting to bodily sensations, feeling sup- There is clear evidence in the published litera-
ported by other climbers, and believing you have ture that athletes generate specific mental states,
the personal capability to complete the climb. with and without training in sport psychology.
These features match well with the verbs and Though athletes may behave in systematic ways
nouns that preface any reputable sport psychol- to control their mental activity, even in the late
ogy text, including Advances in Sports Psychology 1990s sport psychologists reported that they
(Horn, 2008). These labels all detail the con- could still learn new things about top athletes’
cerns of sport psychology and include behaviour, psychology. For example, 24 U.S. psychologists
variations, group, leader, anxiety, motivation, traits, reported four surprising facts that they had dis-
dispositions, orientation, skill, ability, understand, covered about elite athletes: They were the same
modify, explain, predict, and environment. as other people, they were sometimes fragile
226  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

with low self-confidence, they had self-control the term mental exercises or mental skills exercises
concerns, and they sometimes didn’t work hard (MSEs). Although there are unique features
but still performed well (Sullivan & Nashman, about mountaineering that contribute to its
1998). That psychologists found these facts challenge and appeal, one of the reasons why
surprising underlines the need for interventions a sport psychology approach may be helpful to
that are athlete and evidence based. What has participants relates to what we already know
not been shown is the extent of athletes’ natural about how humans think when faced with risk.
use of mental skills and their impact on areas Humans adopt two main types of thinking.
such as performance, reaction to performance, System 1 thinking is characterised by limited
or recovery from injury. thinking, risk aversion, automaticity, and sim-
Sport psychology is an influential factor in plicity. This type of thinking can be triggered by
achieving positive change in all these areas, yet events or situations considered threatening or
sophisticated advocates recognise the need to frightening. Inexperienced or novice participants
more closely examine how change takes place, may most readily adopt this approach, although
how it is best facilitated, and to what effect. Dif- we should not imagine that even experienced
ferent approaches to sport psychology can regard people are inured to fear in the mountains. In
mental activity as an antecedent, a mediator, or a contrast, system 2 thinking is analytical, com-
consequence of sport-related behaviour. Further, plex, rule-based, and less emotional. Grasp-
prediction is often central to the business, such ing these distinctive thinking styles helps to
as how athletes will react whilst playing away explain why we believe personal growth emerges
from home in front of a hostile crowd and carry- through systematic exposure to the demands of
ing an injury. In the context of mountaineering, mountaineering. Having the skills that allow
selection of partners may involve how we predict clear thinking in the face of risk enhances the
the performance and behaviour of others during chances of realistic prediction making. This is a
the tough times that we can anticipate. core feature in ensuring safe and enjoyable sport
Mental Training One characteristic that shows the shift from
system 1 to system 2 thinking is that the current
There has been a long tradition of seeking the circumstances are no longer understood in terms
appropriate cognitive set for levels of achieve- of other people, systems, bad luck, or the sheer
ment within specific sports. It remains difficult impossibility of existing tasks. System 1 thinking
to establish cause and effect between naturally often is the result of preconscious or automatic
occurring success and use of higher forms of mental processing, whereas system 2 thinking
cognition (such as metacognition, which is the requires people to counter any individual pref-
act of thinking about thinking). However, what erence to externalise and instead consider what
distinguishes novice from expert performers they need to do to resolve the issues. Further,
is the cognitive advantage of the elites, which when resources are limited, priority is placed on
develops through years in the sport. This may what most effectively generates system 2 think-
relate to winning medals, achievement of high ing and then identifying the smallest changes
performance standards, satisfaction with one’s that bring about the most profound improve-
performance, and the length of the athletic ment. As part of intensive preparation for moun-
career. taineering, therefore, sport psychologists would
In mental training, or psychological skills encourage the development of psychological
training (PST), the sport psychologist’s aim is to skills that can be deployed for any situation.
help athletes develop mental control, thought The many skills espoused by traditional sport
control, or concentration, which are all concepts psychology include goal setting, imagery, self-
that nonspecialists might regard as the same talk, and reinforcement. Although they each can
thing. The core PST skills, or the practices that be understood in isolation, they also can be used
develop mental control, are often grouped under concurrently and to greater effect.
Psychological skills in the outdoors  ▪  227

Goal Setting athletes who report their best and worst sporting
experiences, there are clear differences in goal-
Goal setting describes the planning associated setting styles. In best experiences, 66 percent
with having clear outcomes for judging perfor- used performance goals (focusing on things to
mance, supported by clear pathways (process do). In worst experiences, 88 percent set goals
goals) towards those outcomes. Goal setting can relating to the result of the performance, or what
be distinguished from do-besting, which is an it means to win or to lose (Jackson & Roberts,
instinctive, unplanned, and less formalised way 1992). This highlights the need for developing
to do what is thought best in any given moment. and refining goals though several rounds of
Writing personal goals helps to develop and goal setting.
refine them whilst also heightening individual Coaching relationships also influence goal
commitment and accountability to the goals. setting. For example, in set-up-to-fail syndrome,
Empirically, the impact of goal setting is often the idea of needing help (such judgements are
compared with do-besting and is found to be often based on below-expected performance)
far more effective. After completing a success- simply emphasises low self-esteem. The extra
ful climb, a traditional do-best approach to get attention that this often generates, albeit with
back safely can be compared with setting specific the best of intentions, then confirms what
safety goals for the stages of the descent. Goals athletes already know—that this response is
might include setting arrival times for the stages reserved for underperforming people. The
of the descent, directing attention to specific athlete’s sense of competence, control, and
descent practices, or planning refuelling stops. motivation is reduced and worsens with every
The flexibility of goal setting means that it can further misguided intervention. We sink into low
be widely applied across a range of behaviours. expectations and are boxed in a trap of our own
Although there are limitations, adoption of the creation. Ironically, given the positive effects of
SMART acronym (specific, measureable, achiev- goal setting, when people are trapped inside the
able, realistic, and time based) is widely sup- set-up-to-fail syndrome, one unwanted response
ported not only for creating but also for judging is taking misguided risks in an attempt to rees-
the completion of goals. tablish lost reputation.
Though there are strong, intuitively appealing More effective approaches may begin with
reasons for setting group goals in group-based an open exchange of views on what contributes
mountaineering, there is a lack of empirical to low-level performance. This progresses to
evidence supporting the benefits of this. How- describing how low performance was estab-
ever, there may be advantages to group-based lished, including the role of both parties. It
approaches. For example, they help make goals concludes with everyone involved planning
obvious, which brings accountability (answering remedial actions to help solve the problem.
the questions of who, how, and when). Discus- Both parties then pay close attention to manag-
sions can also adjust unrealistic goals and add ing relapses from the new plan, which creates
stretch to goals that are too easy. positive cycles but requires superiors to take a
For goal setting, Weinberg and colleagues low-control approach.
(1993) reported that females set goals most
frequently, team sport athletes set more goals for Imagery
winning, and a majority of athletes (60 percent)
preferred moderately difficult goals. Perhaps for Imagery, as the word suggests, involves creating
this reason more than any other, many sport mental pictures relating to performance; the
psychologists recommend an individualised notion of the mind’s eye captures what imagery
approach to PST. In this way, PST can build on is all about. Images may involve athletes seeing
preexisting self-confidence and strengths. themselves negotiating difficult tasks or complet-
Goal setting has a long history of effectiveness, ing a highly technical skill. Recent studies suggest
but it is not universally effective. Even amongst that the greater the detail that accompanies the
228  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

mental images, the stronger will be the perfor- isolated, this may be an important skill for sus-
mance effect. Aspects such as specific physical taining quality performance. Although mental
movements, environmental factors (e.g., wind, chatter seems universal (try to stay mentally
isolation, cold), task, timing, learning history (i.e., silent for 30 seconds and you will see what we
experience), emotion, and perspective (i.e., impli- mean), the way in which people go about it can
cations of the event being imaged) should be be distinctive. In everyday life, negative self-talk
considered in developing adaptive images. Some is often at the root of avoiding important tasks,
athletes need to imagine the timing or pattern of which may make it problematic in demanding
their movement at the appropriate speed because mountaineering scenarios. This underlines the
mistimed imagery can impair performance in need for preplanning and practicing adaptive
highly technical activities. Athletes need to link coping approaches. Positive self-talk may relate
to what they know of the performance context to emotional-based coaching (e.g., ‘I can cope
(mountaineers would need to connect to ambient with this,’ ‘This is what I planned for’) or coach-
temperature, hydration, fatigue states, and strong ing- or problem-based coping (e.g., ‘Move your
features of living circumstances) to optimise the right hand, then with your left foot . . .’, ‘To
value of imagery exercises. handle this we need to . . .’).
One crucial understanding about imagery is Obviously, the various forms of self-talk can
that it is the controlled re-creation of beneficial be combined, but they are most effective when
images of the athlete performing. This is one way they are planned and repeated. Preplanning
of increasing so-called time on task, even when on challenging routes may help mountaineers
physical training is not possible or is unwise establish their private patter for different parts of
(e.g., when fatigued, when access to physical a climb. Leaders may also provide moments of
practice is impossible, when the physical envi- quiet so that team members can withdraw from
ronment is unduly hazardous). Climbers who group activities to get their minds right. In this
are preparing for big expeditions often report moment, they are adopting choice points, which
reading all available accounts of previous climbs are known to enhance the use of preplanned self-
and consulting widely with others who have talk. Experience may help some people develop
made those climbs, both of which may enhance a set of self-talk statements that manage most
imagery. Whatever the situation for adopting expectable issues, whereas unexpected events
imagery, we recommend considerable practice may create more problems. Establishing strong
to heighten the vividness and controllability of routines may be one way to ensure a predictable
the images, positive attitudes and expectations self-talk response. For extended high-altitude
regarding imagery effects, skills in achieving expeditions where long amounts of downtime
relaxation at will, and capacity for internal focus. can be spent in tents and where winds are so
Outdoor athletes have long reported using strong that they prevent conversation, self-talk
imagery to improve their performance by con- may be central to maintaining morale.
trolling either their cognition or motivation Planning the script for self-talk may be as
(Salmon, Hall, & Haslam, 1994). For example, important for coping with the inevitable hard-
amongst 28 New Zealand Olympic-class sailors, ships associated with performance as it is for
17 (61 percent) practiced visualisation exercises handling high levels of success. Other forms
(Legg et al., 1997). Almost all U.S. athletes (99 of self-talk include the repetition of positive,
percent) have reported using imagery, and over preplanned affirmations (e.g., ‘Love steep
90 percent of U.S. coaches have reported working climbing’) triggered by common daily events
to develop this skill in athletes (Murphy, 1994). (such as the telephone ringing). Mountaineers
might adopt this approach by repeating specific
Self-Talk affirmations at regular points in the day, such as
when they first handle a specific item of equip-
Self-talk exercises aim to control the ways in ment or every time they pick up their rucksack.
which we talk to ourselves. Given that there are The positive effects of self-talk may be as much to
so many occasions when mountaineers might be do with displacing negative notions (e.g., ‘Don’t
Psychological skills in the outdoors  ▪  229

let me fall’) with action-oriented expressions. least because the relationship between the pun-
Although self-talk is usually unheard, promot- isher and the punished may become strongly
ing its private use may be one way to create a altered. Equally, providing substantial positive
positive spoken environment. rewards for modest behaviour change or suc-
cess can undermine the effects of subsequent
Reinforcement praise. Rewards can also be undermining after
success has been achieved; some rewards (such
Reinforcement is central to motivation and sus- as too much beer) may undo months, and pos-
tained involvement, especially in challenging sibly years, of training and preparation. It may
circumstances. Anything that increases the likeli- be wise to include any such rewards within
hood of repeating a specific behaviour is a rein- normal preparation routines so that when suc-
forcement agent. Therefore, at an interpersonal cess does come along, these behaviours are not
level, we need to think beyond obvious material so destructive.
rewards to attention, praise, and the provision of The reward system employed by a coach or
even modest resources (such as a square of choc- leader creates a motivational climate that athletes
olate). There are positive and negative rewards, quickly learn to understand. Leaders determine
or rewards that are either broadly pleasurable the reward system through the ways in which
or punishing. Others consider rewards as either they most consistently reward group mem-
primary (where the reward meets a basic need bers; therefore, leader behaviour sets the tone.
such as food or water) or secondary (where the Depending on how interactions develop, there
reward is a consequence of something else, such are two main pathways for the resulting moti-
as a pat on the back for doing something well). vational climate. In the first, leaders can create
In high-altitude mountaineering, it may be a particularly adaptive environment by offering
important that climbers find value in undertak- rewards to group members (or units) according
ing the dog work so that others may succeed. to their effort, persistence, and strategy. This
Another intrapersonal reinforcement for inter- becomes the currency by which further rewards
national mountaineering may be the desire to are earned. In the second approach, rewards
interact with other cultures or with transcenden- centre on judgements of outcome quality and
tal experiences of just being in the mountains. on personalisation. Problematically, this second
Time should be allocated for these factors so approach encourages favouritism, undermines
that motivation is sustained. Clearly, then, an effort-based approaches, and may undermine
understanding of reinforcement is crucial for some group members to the extent that they
leaders and can guide how leaders orient group engage with self-handicapping and sabotage of
members to the interpersonal behaviours they group attempts. Clearly, the first approach seems
wish to see on expeditions. most suited to groups where hardship and set-
Another approach recognises two other backs will be relatively commonplace.
rewards: intrinsic (where the pleasure associated
with the reward has no obvious external value Arousal (or Emotional)
but satisfies some covert need or desire) and
extrinsic (where the reward meets an externally
validated standard, such as money or recogni- Arousal describes the all-inclusive range of
tion). Although it may seem counterintuitive, factors that switch on when the idea of an ath-
providing rewards at the wrong times or in the letic challenge comes to mind. For this reason,
wrong ways can undermine motivation. Cen- arousal has both physical and psychological
tral to these unwanted outcomes is anything components and can be used to gauge how
that leads to participants feeling manipulated appropriately aroused a person is for that task.
or where the rewards undermine the intrinsic Overarousal is associated with anxiety, and it is
pleasure associated with an activity. debilitating because it is characterised by inter-
The use of punishment is an example where nal discomfort and nervousness. The tension it
responses can be delayed but subversive, not produces especially impairs decision-making
230  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

and fine-motor skills, not least because of the correction. However, just as buns and burgers
effort needed to reregulate the imbalanced come in different sizes, so too does our capacity
state. In relation to group-based activities, the to handle correction (which is often experienced
emotional regulation associated with arousal is as criticism) and our need for support. These
also important. issues have been expressed arithmetically in the
Given our human proclivity to respond to positivity-to-negativity ratio. Importantly, the
the emotions around us, it is clear that over- idea of a ratio suggests trading off behaviours
and underaroused people will influence others. and interactions.
Attention, therefore, may need to be paid to The positivity-to-negativity ratio suggests
establishing how camp talk influences morale that every negative emotional experience must
(in much the same way as corridor conversations be countered by a minimum of three positive
influence the workplace). In Burke and Orlick’s emotional experiences. In this understanding,
(2004) accounts of climbers who successfully the creation of positive social environments is
ascended Everest, feeling the support of other more than a luxury; it is an absolute necessity for
climbers was an important factor. This type of high-level human functioning. Environments
support has a powerful effect on the emotional that produce the greatest positivity typically
climate for mountaineers. Burke and Orlick’s involve appropriate levels of challenge, gen-
sample comprised mostly men, demonstrat- erating positive social interactions with both
ing that it is unwise to dismiss this subject as friends and unfamiliar others. Given that 80
unmasculine. percent of adults are in the counterpart state to
Within positive psychology, positive emotions flourishing—that is, languishing—preferences
are seen as a direct antidote to negative emo- for criticism sit uncomfortably alongside the
tions, not least because they signal safety and positivity of the newly revised Big Mac attack.
freedom from fear. Positive emotions actively Perhaps counting daily instances of how often
displace negative emotions and require little we praise others would be a good starting point.
mental effort for their effects to become obvious. Given the lack of obvious examples for
This contrasts with the impact of negative emo- mountaineering, it may be instructive to follow
tions, which often preclude accurate prediction the six principles proposed by Freudenberg
making and consideration of possibilities. For and colleagues (1995) for guiding effective
this reason, emotional regulation may offer a interventions. These include (1) tailoring to the
gateway to improved openness, learning, and specific population and its setting; (2) involv-
creativity. Cognitive psychologists suggest that ing participants in planning, implementation,
this may be, in part, due to improved working and evaluation; (3) integrating efforts to change
memory and verbal fluency. people, social and physical environments, com-
Positive psychology is also appealing to so- munities, and policies; (4) linking participants’
called ordinary people because the behaviours concerns to broader life concerns and to a vision
leading to positive emotions are accessible to, of a better society, (5) using existing resources
and easily practiced by, most people. Positive within the environment; and (6) building on the
psychology is rooted in people’s actions as they strengths of participants and their communities.
overcome the daily hassles and anxieties that
pepper even the most normal of lives. It is great Conclusion
to know that we can think and act ourselves into
positive emotions. We have aimed to present a comprehensive
This relationship supports the adoption of the evaluation of psychological skills that can
Big Mac attack in working with others. The Big be adopted within adventure education, and
Mac attack roughly describes, in diagram form, mountaineering in particular. The first section
how much reward and correction coaches and considered a humanistic appreciation for psy-
mentors should use to facilitate athletes’ learn- chological functioning that can be developed
ing. For bun, read praise, and for burger, read through experiential learning in adventure
Psychological skills in the outdoors  ▪  231

education. The second section looked at psy- ▸▸ Cognitive skills in adventurous activi-
chological strategies that can enhance specific ties involve more than decision making
performance outcomes. or problem solving. Other skills include
It is clear that, despite differences in focus, mental sustainability, tolerance, effort,
application, and terminology, both the human- precision, creativity, and curiosity.
istic and psychological approaches attend to ▸▸ Broadening of emotional capacity (intel-
adaptable aspects of human behaviour, whether ligence) through adventure heightens self-
from cognitive, emotional, or social perspec- regulatory behaviour and helps develop
tives. Each has something to offer mountaineers new competencies.
at the different levels of performance. Both ▸▸ Social connectivity and compatibility, as
approaches show that for human potential to
opposed to combined technical profi-
be realised, there is a need to blend systematic,
ciency, can be more important in adventure
philosophical, and creative skill learning. This
endeavours with shared objectives.
is achieved through effective practice in realistic
▸▸ Sport psychologists help manage systematic
environments with supportive mechanisms.
Both approaches also advocate holistic, lon- change to optimise athletic performance
gitudinal development of the intuitive, auto- in preparation for and within singular or
matic, or self-regulated strategies that direct prolonged events.
behaviour. ▸▸ The range of issues that underline sport
psychology can also be adapted in a perfor-
mance context within adventure activities
Key Ideas such as mountaineering.
▸▸ Adventure is a relative concept that can ▸▸ An array of psychological skills can be
facilitate personal growth within a broad used in adventure settings, such as goal
range of participants. setting, imagery, self-talk, reinforcement,
▸▸ Psychological fitness is a key element in the and arousal (emotional) control.
acquisition and performance of adventure- ▸▸ Using such skills, mountaineers can pur-
based skills such as technical proficiency, posefully adopt analytical system 2 think-
social competence, and environmental ing rather than emotionally reactive system
awareness. 1 approaches in situations of risk.
▸▸ An ideal psychological state is achieved ▸▸ Effective interventions bring tailored-made
through the optimal alignment of thoughts, programmes of positive skill practices into
feelings, and physical capability with chal- the performance environment and broader
lenges presented. life contexts.
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C h a p t e r

Jim McKenna, John Allan, Steve Cobley, and Mark Robinson

T hat wonderful world of high

mountains, dazzling in their
rock and ice, acts as a catalyst. In the
refer to them. Give yourself a score for each item
using a scale from 1 (not very good at this) to
10 (very good at this). Be honest.
extreme tension of the struggle, on
the frontier of death, the universe Score (1-10)
disappears and drops away beneath ____ I am compassionate and contribute to
us. Space, time, fear, suffering society.
no longer exist. Everything then ____ I am empathetic.
becomes quite simple. As on the ____ I am stress hardy.
crest of a wave, or in the heart of a
cyclone, we are strangely calm—not ____ I establish realistic goals and expecta-
the calm of emptiness, but the heart tions.
of action itself. ____ I feel in control of my life.
Maurice Herzog, from Annapurna: ____ I feel special (not self-centred) and I
The First Conquest of an 8,000-Metre Peak help others to feel the same.
____ I learn from both success and failure.
In this chapter we describe the broad range of ____ I live responsibly based on considered
factors that make up psychological resilience. values.
We also provide a rationale for why we need ____ I use effective communication and
to build resilience across societies. Using a interpersonal skills.
blend of theory and practical application, we
____ I use solid problem-solving and deci-
demonstrate how resilience can be developed
sion-making skills.
through adventure education. Notwithstanding
the semantic debates about what distinguishes If you had to provide a label that defines the
adventure education from outdoor education items in this table, what would it be? We sug-
and so on, we explain how the broad spectrum gest an appropriate collective term for these 10
of adventure can be used in helping people to questions might be resilience, which has strong
become resilient, from junior school children to relevance for notions of personal growth. Resil-
youths, parents, teachers, students, and captains ience is commonly associated with the ability
of industry. to bounce back from situations that test our
resolve. Despite its rarity in the tightest of times,
What Is Resilience? it is a remarkably common feature. Resilience
links to personal growth through the deploy-
Look at the statements in the following list. As ment of strategies learned through previous
you read through this chapter, try to keep at least experiences with adversity. This form of growth
some of the items in mind because we will also allows us to bounce beyond our original posi-

▪ 233 ▪
234  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

tion to face future testing circumstances with and inspire us. Many best-selling adventure
greater capacity. books reflect stories of breathtaking courage
Though resilience seems to have everyday and determination in seemingly impossible
relevance, its universal meaning remains difficult circumstances and environments—think of Joe
to establish. Psychologists continue to debate Simpson and Tony Bullimore in recent times and
whether resilience is an instinctive, underlying the extraordinary Ernest Shackleton in the last
psychological quality that underpins human century. However, most of our struggles relate to
development or a series of related yet distinctive daily life—job uncertainty, local environmental
qualities. Here we use the term to describe the problems (such as flooding), relationship dis-
beliefs people hold about themselves and others. turbances, domestic or residential instability, ill
These beliefs and other qualities make up the health—and these can appear mundane by com-
mindset that helps people deal with daily and parison with the great adventurers’ experiences.
prolonged hassles. Three core features provide However, all of these experiences can create not
the essential scaffolding of a resilient life: the only an isolated burden but also an accumulat-
capacity to face and then face down hardship, ing load that causes people to malfunction in
the ability to find meaning in life, and the ability some way.
to improvise (Coutu, 2009). Although we can label people as resilient,
One recent review by Joseph and Linley they may be just as likely as anyone else to
(2006) asserted that a slightly different range experience the shock, anger, grief, or sadness of
of strategies allows us to adjust our behaviour any given event. Our interest lies not in fixed
in difficult situations. These strategies include labelling but how we can help people build
building and nurturing relationships, staying and maintain personal growth by learning to
positive, achieving life balance, and becoming adapt to their circumstances. What marks the
more reflective. Although some of these options resilient mindset is its ability to take control
may seem beyond us, when they result from and restore functioning rather than accepting
intentional acts they place us at the heart of a disturbed state as normal. For this reason,
creating a resilient mindset. Resilience, therefore, the resilient mindset parallels with early ideas
can be learned. Having the capacity to share relating to intelligence (Piaget, 1963). In a rejec-
positive resilience experiences with others also tion of narrow definitions of intelligence it has
suggests that resilience may be catching. Pro- been defined as knowing what to do when you
viding opportunities to share these experiences don’t know what to do, which is something
may be a first step in helping it grow in others. that is central to our thinking about resilience.
Adventure education that is properly conceived, In relation to adventure education, many edu-
planned, and facilitated can offer the opportu- cators believe such a definition of intelligence
nity to develop not only the knowledge but also is also appropriate given the speed with which
the skills that lead to personal growth. environmental conditions can change and the
Resilience is not a new concept. Life is harsh importance of knowing how to respond to
and resilience may have been expected of people unfolding circumstances.
in order to survive. Monty Python’s ‘Four York- In exceptional human endeavours, such as
shiremen’ recounts progressively more absurd high-altitude mountaineering, where situa-
stories of harsh upbringings, the sketch illustrat- tions change rapidly and demands and risks
ing that each person or subsequent generation are high, resilience is needed to sustain both
claims to have endured the greatest suffering. performance and performers. In 2004, British
Contrary to the notion of the youth of today not military climbers preparing to climb Everest
knowing they’re born, the complex interactions in 2006 by arguably its most difficult route—
of stressors that we each face make it impossible the West Ridge—collectively penned a list of
to directly understand another person’s hard- 10 expectations for each team member. Their
ships. What we do know, though, is that modern democratically devised list was indicative of their
society is just as full of incidents of triumph over need for interpersonal compatibility. Expedition
adversity as history is replete with survival sto- members, and especially the expedition lead-
ries from horrendous conditions that can teach ers, vigorously pursued these features during
Resilience  ▪  235

preparations. This all helped to establish the the notion that growth occurs when positive
ethos of the expedition, which was to provide factors enhance personal strengths and mental
personal growth for expedition members. Each health. Focusing on growth and the capacity to
climber also carried a credit-card-sized list of learn new skills can build resilience to the most
these expectations throughout the 3 years of arduous of circumstances.
preparation to reinforce the agreed-upon prin- In preparing for the Everest West Ridge expe-
ciples. Additionally, the cards were intended to dition, climbers learned to become resilient by
generate a sense of collective responsibility and recognising, building, and then reliving their
social connection. These were all factors that personal strengths. These signature strengths
the expedition leaders saw as important for might include strong emotional regulation,
building the conviction needed to complete the which is often the precursor to imaginative
challenge. The list was compiled in no particular problem solving and decision making. In any
order and is detailed here: unexpected adventure education environment, it
is wise to extend personal and group boundaries
Honesty in yourself
by establishing a group culture that celebrates
Tolerance of others unified strength. The overall effect of such a
Loyalty climate is that people foresee more options in
Teamwork any given situation and look for solutions rather
Communication than focusing on problems. Therefore, this
apparently unimportant issue of atmosphere is
Mental robustness central to knowing what to do when you don’t
Attention to detail know what to do. We will show how adventure
Sense of humour education can help build resilience in positive
Total commitment to the task ways with an aim of transferring such learning to
other contexts. We begin by providing a rationale
Physical fitness
for resilience building based on the fundamental
This range of qualities has considerable relationship of resilience to health.
resonance with our initial list of statements.
They also can be grouped in other ways, such as
according to other accepted hallmarks of resil- Resilience Has
ience, namely emotional competency (learned Health-Giving
awareness, control, management of one’s own Properties
and others’ emotional states), cognitive compe-
tence (positive thinking, decision-making capa- Growing evidence supports the need to build
bility), and social connectedness (skills required resilience within our so-called advanced soci-
to communicate effectively, including asking for eties. Change is happening faster than we can
assistance). We will revisit these qualities later understand or manage, from our ecological
when we discuss group resilience. concern for the planet to financial collapse,
The responses of high-altitude climbers to from education to welfare. To survive and even
unpredictable conditions or accidents, some- prosper in potentially destructive times, people
times involving the death of teammates, is simi- rely on the flexibility and self-awareness that
lar to reactions of people to natural disasters, resilience provides. The connections between
such as Hurricane Katrina or England’s 2007 negative experiences and ill health make this
floods. Such events become catastrophic when clear. Research continually shows that feeling
their negative emotional effects impede the bad about something is more meaningful than
capacity to think and respond. Alternatively, feeling it is just a passing experience. The fields
positive handling of negative events can invigo- of social epidemiology (how social conditions
rate people to persevere in adversity and attain influence health) and psychoneuroimmunology
unexpectedly high levels of achievement. Rather (how psychological processes interact with our
than focusing on negative features of human nervous and immune systems) show that what
development, positive psychology embraces we think about our circumstances will predict
236  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

short-, mid-, and long-term health. Emotional create no harm. Additionally, more positive
dysfunction resulting from ordinary stressors responses can emerge in the absence of harm.
such as relationship problems or poor work- Other understandings see resilience as reducing
ing conditions can bring a cascade of harmful the scale of immediate damage whilst also quick-
health effects such as immune deficiency and ening a return to normal functioning, or recovery.
clinical depression. Even where people appear Building resilience systematically involves
to suffer no apparent ill effects, they may be first developing and then refining the capacity to
adopting coping strategies that only repress the repel negativity, which then creates the possibil-
true impact, which emerges later. Adventure ity for expanding the problem-solving repertoire.
education may provide an important antidote In another psychological domain, flourishing,
to such pervasive life conditions. researchers emphasise the importance of having
Where stress is intensive and perhaps pro- three positive experiences for each negative expe-
longed, such as in war or civil disturbance, the rience to ensure high-level functioning in daily
end result may be post-traumatic stress disorder life. For this reason we broadly reject the wilful
(PTSD), a nervous breakdown or a combina- creation of harmful biological states, some of
tion of harmful diseases. For example, recent which may create irreversible biological effects,
data from the Iraq War suggest that there may and we advocate a focus on authentic, positive
be more damage done to U.S. veterans through developmental programmes. We recommend
PTSD than through battlefront attacks. These carefully scaled and progressively weighted
may appear to be adult-only concerns, but in challenges. This weighting involves individu-
recent years the prominence of PTSD amongst alised perceptions of reality and what would
young people has begun to be recognised. Thirty- represent a demand beyond established capac-
three years after the Aberfan disaster (where 144 ity. Sufficient time and support should then be
people, 116 of them children, were killed when provided to optimise adjustment and develop-
coal waste slid onto a mining village), symptoms ment. Systematic adventure education generates
of PTSD were still found in almost one in three challenges that require people to seek—and
survivors. Other recent events and trends, such find—something extra within themselves.
as the rise in attacks on schoolchildren (e.g., Meeting a challenge often initiates posi-
Columbine), exposure to problematic parent- tive feelings (confidence and excitement) that
ing, drug abuse, and low educational attainment quickly replace initial anxiety, fear, and self-
have led the American Psychological Association doubt. To demonstrate the practicalities of build-
to identify resilience as one of the three revised ing resilience, we now identify how the major
Rs of education (the others being responsibility characteristics of adventure education interact to
and reasoning). These events refute, at least in facilitate personal growth. These interconnected
part, the oft-quoted aphorism, ‘What doesn’t kill components include the physical environment,
you only makes you stronger.’ participants, challenges or activities, group
Resilience helps protect against stress and dynamics, and the facilitation of experiences
ill health. Numerous case studies have shown that people benefit from and can take away into
that positive adaptation to distressing situa- other elements of daily life.
tions helps to sustain both health and healing.
These stressors might include chronic illness or
injury, poverty, sequential failures, relationship Adventure
breakdown, unemployment, or bereavement. Education Can
Paradoxically, the intentional development of Build Resilience
resilience involves deliberate exposure to a harm-
ful or unpleasant experience. Just as immunity to Adventures obviously include elements of
infections is gained through the controlled expo- uncertainty. This uncertainty is created by com-
sure to a harmful agent, overcoming challenges bining unfamiliar environments with unknown
provides a form of psychological inoculation outcomes. The combined effects of a novel
where further equivalent harmful experiences physical and social environment plus a culture
Resilience  ▪  237

of perceived risk taking can provide an ideal In support of this contention, we offer this
breeding ground for resilience. In essence, care- line of evidence. In a recent study of over 1,500
fully nurtured adventure education takes people university students attending a 1-week adven-
back to their basic elements in ways of thinking ture education programme, we tried to identify
and responding to adversity. Carefully handled, any unique characteristics of the low-resilience
these experiences can generate new perspectives students. Comparing their responses to a range
on daily circumstances. of attitudes, values, and adventure educa-
The ability to improvise in difficult situations tion experiences, the only difference amongst
is a core feature of resilience. The unknowing- low-resilient students was that they were less
ness, potential adversity, and need to improvise frequently inspired by the countryside. No dif-
add a unique dimension to the ways in which ferences in exposure to eight elements of pro-
resilience might be tested and developed. Recog- gramme content could distinguish the levels of
nising this link, the maxim ‘Improvise, adapt, resilience. These results point to the importance
and overcome’ seems appropriate. Consider the of mindset for determining how people respond
following scenario as a relatively common form to experiences. For guides and leaders, it also
of unknowingness in the outdoors: emphasises the importance of making time to
appreciate the splendour of the environment.
You are out walking on a broad, flat, undis-
Equally, it underlines the need to be sensitive
tinguished, and boggy moor. You are with
and respond to any growing negativity or anxiety
two colleagues. Without warning, a dense
that may close the mind to such beauty.
mist descends, reducing visibility to less
This interconnectivity between the recipient
than 10 metres (33 ft). You cannot see the
and the environment provides a context that
broader landscape or physical markers to
may result in a revised sense of wholeness. The
help identify where you are. You decide to
solitude of the wide ocean and the beauty of
keep walking, but after 20 more minutes,
the snow-topped peak contribute to moments
you realise you are utterly lost.
of affirmation, and they can exist despite living
What aspects of resilience would be best a quite different life away from adventure edu-
deployed here? What elements should you use cation. There is little doubt that the inspiring
to assist a fearful colleague? How can you use effects of being in a natural setting can create
this experience to help develop your colleague’s a sense of appreciation, belonging, unity, and
resilience? tranquillity. The quote introducing this chapter
Many people report that adventure education and the following scenarios exemplify the signif-
creates a new sense of freedom and identity. icance of this flowlike immersion of integrated
Further, group activities challenge people to activity within a stimulating environment.
interact with others and learn to value their Eight hours into a summit attempt, a
contributions. This understanding sustains our climber is perched on the North Face of
view that authentic adventure education acts Everest above 8,000 metres (26,245 ft). He
as a motivator for positive behaviours and the is in the death zone where bodily functions
development of those protective qualities con- are rapidly decreasing. In between taking
tained in our original list. 10 breaths for every step of a traverse, he
Research suggests that a range of activities records the sunrise on a small camera,
can have a positive impact on participants’ atti- thinking, ‘Just look at that sunrise—who
tudes, beliefs, and self-perceptions. Land- and else is going to see this?’
water-based pursuits are used as vehicles within
a natural context to engender personal growth. A senior member of the expedition team
It is not so much the activities themselves that records that ‘coming back morally intact’ is
bring about these outcomes but a combination the foremost purpose, even at the expense
of inherent holistic challenges (with distinctive of not summiting following 3 years of
emotional, physical, and cognitive features) methodical preparation.
interacting with the environment. —2006 Everest West Ridge expedition
238  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Dawn rises in the Spanish Pyrenees and living on the edge of life—in essence, coming to
even though it is a summer month, it is understand how engagement with the outdoors
bitterly cold at this hour. Three climbers holds clues to some of the riddles of human
ascend 1,000 metres (3,280 ft) from their existence. It also seems that even in the most
camp in a secluded col before it becomes arduous of circumstances in adventure educa-
unbearably hot. They are traversing the tion, a timeless appreciation of beauty and
high-level route of the whole mountain moral philosophical positions can occur. This
range in 50 days and are behind sched- may also underline why adventure education is
ule. Still, they devote time to observe the valuable for generating self-autonomy and ideals
majestic sight of griffon vultures rising on for collective community.
a whirlpool of invisible warm air until the
birds are almost in touching distance on
the knife edge of the ridge. This is not a
Can Adventure
moment to be missed. The moment lasts Education Build
over an hour. Resilience for All
—John Allan, Pyrenees Traverse expedition, Participants?
Studies suggest that age, gender, background,
People with resilient mindsets demonstrate and expectations of participants may influence
self-awareness and interdependency with others, the benefits of adventure education. Adults who
as well as what can be deemed spirituality. This are participating voluntarily may benefit due
brings to surface a feature of Coutu’s (2009) to high motivation from the outset. Likewise,
recent characterisation of resilience, drawn from people expecting to gain from a programme may
the accounts of Holocaust survivors, who sur- be motivated to achieve more than those with
vived within unspeakable environments. These lower expectations.
people held a deep belief that life, no matter Adventure, however, is a relative concept—
the circumstances, is meaningful. For some, what is perceived as challenging and high risk
personal survival was connected to their wish to for one person will be seen differently by others.
stay alive to tell others about what happened. People have different levels of competence, and
The similarity with items from our initial list, because environments and situations possess
such as ‘I live responsibly based on considered variable levels of risk, adventures will differ by
values,’ ‘I feel in control of my life,’ and ‘I feel person, place, and context. Adventure educa-
special (not self-centred),’ suggests that these tion is known for its inclusive appeal and for
may all be interconnected, existential issues. flexibility in meeting the needs of distinctive
These perceptions and experiences are associated groups. This ranges from children with learning
with increased coping skills, greater resistance to disabilities aiming to become more independent
stress, greater optimism about life, greater levels to executives striving to become more effective
of social support, and lowered levels of anxiety. leaders. Resilience is the element that houses
An ecological appreciation of the natural much of the potential for behavioural change. It
environment states that human existence is how we construct and modify adventure edu-
equates with that of all other species and that cation that releases this potential. Age, gender,
we must protect the environment that sustains and ability should not be a limiting factor for
these species. In his pioneering book Adventure such achievement—challenging competence
Alternative, Colin Mortlock (1984) describes whilst also offering support is what will ignite
peak experiences in adventure education and capability and transform it into achievement.
how people experience a respect and fusion Consider this example: On a perfect October
with different cultures (whether from different day, a diverse group is being led on a hill walk
layers of our own society or from others) and to ascend Tryfan in North Wales. There are male
natural settings. These have been described as and female students, a young boy of 10, and
going through a door into another world and a middle-aged woman. Some are experienced
Resilience  ▪  239

walkers, others complete novices. All have differ- ing, taking turns, patience, empathy, and com-
ent expectations and do not know what they will munication. In adventure education, this is
encounter. Techniques are progressively intro- never more important than when planning,
duced in relation to safe movement and group preparing, and executing long-term expeditions,
management. The route is exposed and seems which involves many people in multiple tasks
beyond the participants’ technical capacity, yet and roles. How well these individuals interact,
all achieve the goal of reaching the summit and coordinate, and connect will affect the quality
returning safely. of the required outcomes. Earlier we considered
On reflection, all the participants learned from the 10 principles that denoted the ethos of the
their involvement. The range of challenges pre- 2006 Everest West Ridge expedition and that
sented was as diverse as the group. At certain stages house many features of resilience. In this con-
some operated below their existing competency, text, feelings of mutual dependence focussed on
and still they experienced fun activities where common objectives that helped to bond team
little concentration was required. Others, despite members—the atmosphere was strongly kinlike.
operating near their personal limitations, felt their This created and sustained honest emotional
control increasing as the end of the walk neared, expression and sharing. Though these qualities
building their confidence for hill walking. Others are generic and broad, they provided the context
may have been generally fearful, and for them within which particular values, thoughts, atti-
the walk represented the unknown and untested. tudes, and behaviours were supported. Leaders
For some, their uncertainties were linked to the had determined that these qualities and behav-
group or having to exert unfamiliar levels of effort. iours were central to developing individual and
Consider the wide-ranging nature of resilience- social qualities whilst also helping to build the
building qualities from our original list that have social health of the group. These leaders had
been promoted within these few hours. Which of wisely appreciated that elements of social con-
them could now be transferred to similar contexts? nectedness and relationships have as much to
say about health as they do about interpersonal
behaviour, effectiveness, or productivity.
Adventure Loyalty was another of the 10 attributes listed
Education Builds for the expedition, and synonymous with loyalty
Collective is trust. Trust is a key feature in maintaining
Resilience group resilience, and it comes in at least three
forms: organisational, strategic, and personal.
Adventure education often generates group Leaders, coworkers, and group members all play
situations that depend on social integration and a role in building or undermining trust, which
responsibility. This collective dependency, as might influences understandings of cause and effect
be seen in everyday interactions on an expedition, and, therefore, the predictions people make
can be used to shape individual or group charac- about impending actions or events. Where trust
teristics. The reciprocity that evolves within groups is low, so too is predictability. Low trust pro-
also provides participants with a sense of being foundly limits the potential for planning and
valued and supported. These subjective experiences committing to any plans that need to be made
create bonds that not only help the group to func- in anticipation of future events.
tion but also support individuals through testing The immediate implications for outdoor
moments. Such mutual reliance may also require events are obvious. High trust is necessary for
that group members learn to balance the needs successful management of environments that
of the group with their own. Altruistic behaviour have low predictability—that is, we already
and the ability to gain the support of others are know what we should do in difficult moments
attributes associated with relational competence, where direct assistance and communication may
another component of resilient behaviour. not be possible. However, these conditions have
Resilience literature stresses the importance added subtlety, such as when groups include
of peer relationships for learning about shar- people from backgrounds where trust was
240  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

uncommon or where interpersonal relationships Which elements of resilience are most likely
and behaviour continually erode levels of trust. to break down in the least resilient member of
This highlights the importance of trust building your group? What behaviours or responses may
and considerate care for others, as reflected in result?
our scale item, ‘I feel special (not self-centred) As we considered our response to this
and I help others to feel the same.’ unexpected challenge of lost kit and injury in
A further example may be helpful. It high- hazardous conditions, we identified an ongo-
lights the social skills needed to manage events ing need within groups to detect the factors
in hazardous adventure education conditions. that can cause one person to react badly in a
given moment and another to accept the events
Imagine a strong, healthy climber who feels and continue towards a positive resolution.
ready for an impending adventure education Calhoun and Tedeschi (2004) describe this
challenge, having trained hard for a weeklong as shifting from surviving to thriving. Clearly,
trip in the mountains with two friends and our hypothetical situation implicates thinking,
one friend of a friend. At about 3 p.m. on feeling, and behaviour and has relevance to
the last day of their expedition in late Octo- skill development, group selection, and group
ber, heavy rain starts. Equipment is lost and behaviour and conduct. For all these layers and
all four members of the group are hungry, considerations, resilience seems an appropriate
wet, and cold. Within minutes, low cloud concept on which to focus when preparing to be
descends, minimising visibility and bringing in the outdoors either for prolonged amounts
biting cold air. Just as two of the members of time or when personal or collective resources
fall out, another trips and breaks an ankle. are being stretched.

Resilience and Coping on EWR 2006

I t would be untrue to suggest that climbers who had worked for 3 years in prepar-
ing for the challenge of Everest West Ridge were not themselves challenged by
teammates. Mood shifts, banter that was uncompromising and at times severe, and
incidents of flashing (directed anger) were observed by researchers working with the
climbers on Everest. Our uncensored access to the climbers provided insights into their
coping and resilience. Despite their strong connectedness, climbers relied on individual
adaptive resourcefulness to shape their responses when the expedition was halted.
The decision to withdraw was highly taxing—but for impossible conditions above
8,000 metres (26,245 ft), any of 13 climbers could have completed the final 800 metres
(2,625 ft) to the summit where only 13 people in total had ever stood via this route.
Crucially, in making the decision to retire, the leaders were all cognitively intact and
capable of realistic prediction, both signals of emotional maturity. The careful choice
of participants and repetition of core values over the preparation phase meant that
the climbers also accepted their role as followers and what was expected of them in
tough times. Despite the huge disappointment this represented for all expedition
members, the preparation helped people set aside their aspirations for glory and once-
in-a-lifetime achievement in favour of individual survival and group safety. Unsurpris-
ingly, when the immediate emotional reactions subsided, expedition members relied
on one another for support without reservation.
Resilience  ▪  241

Creating a Healthy and is not a fixed asset; it is achieved

through perseverance.
▸▸ Allow the natural environment to impose
Education standards for performance. The dramatic
Environment consequences that people anticipate whilst
mountaineering often regulates how much
In adventure education, learning often comes effort they expend in seeking specific out-
from facing the consequences of actions; authen- comes. Facilitators should complement
tic experiences can heighten the engagement of the realism of the natural environment by
people who ordinarily are disengaged. Learning encouraging self-assessment in participants
from mistakes signifies that achievement comes rather than overpraising them when they
as a result of stretching oneself by applying are successful. Artificial or imagined expe-
continued effort and working collaboratively. riences with low standards will not create
Adventure education helps people create a personal growth that can be transferred to
resilient mindset where the fixed, ego-driven other life settings.
perspective of can’t-do is replaced by flexible,
task-focussed, can-do persistence. This process Being inspired to achieve within adventure
can be facilitated by providing immediate and education comes from participants mastering
accurate feedback on the effort and strategies the skills that overcome uncertainty in spite of
employed by individuals, subgroups, and whole the dangers and risks they may perceive. Estab-
groups. lishing mastery in such circumstances comes
Lessons must be real and natural (e.g., get- from a need to challenge self-perceptions and
ting wet and cold through lack of planning insecurities. Initially, these challenges often
and kit selection, hiking extra distances due to seem overwhelming, and they are often indi-
navigational error), as must be rewards (e.g., vidualised. Effective responses rely on active
witnessing sunsets over the ocean and moun- control over mental, emotional, and physical
taintops, enjoying feelings of self-fulfilment and resources. For example, when experiences are
accomplishment). To reinforce the value of such facilitated appropriately, learning in one ses-
experiential learning, feedback from facilitators sion can progress from the need to ask for help
should not define success or failure through in using equipment to eventually acquiring
reward or punishment, but should allow the the skills to help others stay safe and secure as
natural environment and the support of others environmental conditions worsen.
to show the way in overcoming challenges. This Providing the means to be successful also
creates a path to sustainable resilience. Here are involves careful distancing by instructors, even
a few practical tips: when real dangers are present. For this reason,
knowing how long to wait before intervening
▸▸ Only provide solutions when managing the represents one of the biggest challenges for
immediate dangers is beyond the capabili- optimising personal growth. Leaders may wish
ties of the participants. to profile particular group members according
▸▸ Continue to ask questions when difficult to specific resilience items and intervene in those
issues arise. This promotes self-discovery areas with those individuals.
and a sense of control over outcomes. Providing a range of options and giving the
By learning in uncertain environments, freedom to make important choices empow-
whether through success or failure, partici- ers people by helping them to realise not only
pants learn about themselves and others. their personal impact but also their interde-
They also acquire knowledge that they have pendency with others. Retreating with dignity
generated and feel they own. Learning to from an activity and making a reasoned choice
extend comfort boundaries relies on time, to pursue a challenge are equal antecedents of
effort, and persistence—often the process is adventure. Removing the power for people to
more important than the product. Accom- decide for themselves means that they typically
plishment results from stretching oneself attribute successes or failures not to themselves
242  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

but to the decision makers. Achieving a balance relate directly to the demands of leadership in
between self-determination and recognition of daily work. This type of transfer needs to be
contributing qualities are both important in refined so that the specific leadership qualities
determining success. Resilience building, then, are not only clarified but also developed and
is about changing beliefs in one’s ability to cope then transferred via specialised delivery and
in uncertainty. feedback processes. Finally, metaphoric transfer
takes place in situations with symbolically iden-
Facilitating tical interactions, such as group cooperation.
Effective adventure practitioners systematically
Resilience in vary the context, roles, and the nature of adven-
Adventure ture education challenges to facilitate these types
Education of transfer. The attention placed on resilience for
meeting life challenges shows the relevance of
We have already noted that resilient mindsets practical work relating to coping.
can be established, and we also recognise that In sport psychology literature, coping has tra-
behaviour adaptation and potential for growth ditionally focussed on emotional and problem-
are based on the complex interactions of pre- based coping rather than on personal estimates
dispositions, experiences, and opportunities. of what needs to be managed, avoided, or dif-
It is these complex interactions that develop fused. Facilitated review and reflection needs
new competencies within changing tasks and to be immediate, meaningful, and capable of
contexts. We have also recognised that adven- meeting the evolving needs of the person based
ture education can provide a valuable context on individual coping competencies; otherwise,
in which to develop resilience. These factors associated growth is restricted. The messages
are dynamic and are not uniformly applicable that are transmitted through reflective practice
across tasks and contexts. need to emphasise personal and group strengths,
Because the response to any given adven- especially those based on effort, strategy, and
ture education event is highly subjective, it is persistence. Success and failure have to be
crucial to appreciate the value of an instructor assessed in the same manner—the journey in
who can positively influence what is learned addressing challenges is often more important
and taken away. Crucial to positive experiential than the outcome. The following are practical
learning is constructive sharing of information. tips for reviewing experiences with messages of
Through the facilitation of the instructor, this strength.
new understanding may then transfer to other
contexts or tasks.
▸▸ Send messages that encourage effort, persis-
One way to consider how aspects of resil- tence, and strategy rather than emphasising
ience can be made applicable to other tasks and winning and losing—participants should
contexts is to consider the principle of transfer. not be labelled in either way.
Three types of transfer can help explain how ▸▸ Ask participants to explore the effort and

adventure education can be linked to personal tenacity they demonstrated whilst chal-
mindsets and behaviour adopted in completing lenging themselves emotionally, cogni-
others tasks or in different contexts. Nonspecific tively, physically, and socially. Ask them to
transfer of principles, values, and attitudes such provide examples of displays of strength in
as caring for others or issues of morality can these areas.
occur. Specific transfer considers how specific ▸▸ Help participants understand the need to
skills, such as technical proficiency, leadership, stretch into areas of uncertainty. Provide
or effective communication, have strong simi- reminders that undertaking new challenges
larities to requirements in other life domains. requires using the mind as a muscle—this
For example, businesses often value adventure muscle, like most others, can grow through
education because the leadership it reveals can training (which is when people practise
Resilience  ▪  243

and learn). Meeting new challenges creates doors, different elements and their associated
new brain connections. climatic conditions can offer challenges beyond
▸▸ Emphasise that learning is progressive and normal expectations. Extreme environments
takes time. Even the most accomplished may generate extreme physical, social, and psy-
people once started as beginners. Ask ques- chological challenges. This adds to their appeal
tions such as the following: What elements in the pursuit of ever-challenging experiences.
have you learned today that you can use Given the understanding that adventure
for next time? What constructive criticism education provides an environment that can
would you give yourself to enable you to foster personal growth, it is hardly surprising
improve? Wait for the answers and respect that militaries find such value in exposing
what is said. recruits to adventure education as part of their
▸▸ Praise the growth that results from practice,
development and preparation for duty. In the
British Army, an expressive phrase underlines
choices, and using specific strategies. Even
the obvious parallels between adventure educa-
when outcomes are less than desired, praise
tion and battle: No plan survives contact with
efforts and achievements thus far.
the enemy. The flexibility demanded by the
The following capturing-the-moment prompts outdoor environment is seen as a relevant, if
can be used for ongoing reviewing: not direct, simulation for learning to survive
and respond to difficult moments associated
▸▸ Imagine that you can make a wish come
with both warfare and peacekeeping. Learning
true. Your wish is for something that is
drawn from adventure education has transfer-
missing right now. When you have this
ability to situations associated with military
thing, the situation will go better. How can
service. Positive adventure education may well
you make the situation go in this direction
contribute to new self-perceptions (‘I am calm
using what you already have?
in the face of danger’), enhanced relationships
▸▸ What made you smile today?
(‘I can trust these people’), and changed life
▸▸ If this were a game of snakes and ladders, philosophy (‘I work hard to make a difference,
where were the ladders, what were they like, but what will be, will be’). These are characterisa-
and where have they taken you? tions of personal growth that indicate profound
▸▸ What issues have shifted down or off the changes, and they can be distinguished from
agenda because you have already dealt fleeting yet pleasurable behavioural episodes.
with them? Many would suggest that both the physical and
▸▸ What did you do that contributed to today’s
the adventure education training in the military
focus on changing the person. Implicitly this is
about building resilience, which increases what
▸▸ What are the strengths of your team? What
a person can do in body and mind during dif-
can you share? What are you proud of from ficult events.
today? Consider the following: Which of the resil-
ience factors in our scale would you use to
Resilience as THE survive for over 24 hours in the open sea? This
Survival Skill? happened to a couple who were scuba diving
on the Great Barrier Reef in June 2008. They
The unique influence of the outdoors, as detailed surfaced from diving to find that the company
within the components of adventure educa- vessel that had provided their passage was gone.
tion, contrasts strongly with the normality of Would you use the same features to maintain
daily life. Spending any amount of time in the your grip on a stretcher handle whilst carrying an
outdoors is likely to represent some challenge injured colleague in temperatures of 37 degrees
to most sedentary, urban-dwelling people. Even Celsius (98 degrees Fahrenheit) and humidity
when people are more experienced in the out- of 94 percent within a tropical forest?
Adapting to Challenges
on Expeditions

W ithin the 2006 expedition, we had the unusual opportunity to explore resilience
and survival issues amongst a group of new army recruits who were selected to
shadow the main team of climbers, climbing a much lower peak. The members of this
group were unaccustomed to high altitude and therefore required a higher degree of
protection and reliance on their strengths. Our interview questions focussed on how
the recruits saw themselves changing as a result of their engagement in the expedition,
as well as how intermediate and novice climbers protected themselves and adapted to
the challenges posed by preparing and climbing in the Himalayas whilst also navigat-
ing their new life within the army. Here is an example of an exchange within one of
these interviews, this time with one of the expedition instructors.
Q: Do you think through adventure training, whether civilian led or in the military,
there is a spillover effect into people’s personal lives?
A: Oh yeah, without a doubt. I mean, yes it does, because you have confidence
in your ability to cope with something and on a mountain. You know, if you’re on
dodgy ground or if the weather’s poor you can spend quite a long time in pretty bad
conditions, let’s say, coping with high anxiety. You spend quite a lot of time not only
coping with high anxiety but actually having to sometimes make decisions and do
things correctly under that strain. Now if you think about it, you are in risk of life and
limb, especially if you’ve got a lot of rockfall or whatever. Now actually if you can go
through that, you know, what in a day-to-day life is, you know, so you’ve done some-
thing wrong or the boss is losing his rag, it’s like—yeah, you know, you’re not gonna
kill me. I mean, it’s accepting and dealing with levels of punishment or levels of poor
outcomes that tells you something about yourself.
—Adventure training instructor, Everest West Ridge, 2006
It seems that—possibly contrary to the stereotypical boot-camp idea for preparing
battle-hardy recruits—the generic adventure training philosophy has evolved into a
measured approach to promoting personal growth. It emphasises that the feeling of
competence can indicate that a challenge can be met, often based on facilitated support
and team building. Another instructor from the 2006 expedition explained it like this:
Good instruction is vital and also at the right level of activity for the person. If you
throw someone in the deep end, they just spend their whole time being petrified,
or if you make something so arduous that they are uncomfortable and feel bad
about themselves all the time it won’t be . . . they won’t draw the things out of
them, whereas if it’s done at the right level then they will get masses out of it.
It is about not learning to teach but understanding how to help people learn.

—Senior officer and adventure training instructor, Everest West Ridge, 2006

▪ 244 ▪
Resilience  ▪  245

Conclusion you can achieve when you believe you can grow.
Quotes collected by the authors from first-year
This chapter investigated the notion of resilience university students after a 1-week residential
and its use within society, with special emphasis adventure education experience in the Lake
on the role of adventure education in bringing District in 2007 illustrate this:
about personal growth. Resilience is a multi-
dimensional construct that can be expressed I would be prepared to try any activity no
uniquely in individuals, as well as be developed matter how scared. I would feel confident
for infinite uses. It possesses common properties and optimistic doing it because you feel a
that can be transferred across a range of contexts real sense of achievement in the outdoors.
and prevailing conditions. It can signify emo- We eventually arrived back from the
tional and cognitive intactness, even when sur- mountain day—and I remember standing
rounded by others who are demonstrating poor squelching in my dripping waterproofs,
judgement or detrimental actions. Resilience complete with wet hat and hair—perhaps
promotes continuity, adaptability, and optimism more significantly I had a huge smile on
in unfavourable, against-the-odds situations. On my face. I had truly achieved something. An
the one hand, resilience can be reactionary (e.g., experience like this is as rewarding as the
maintaining self-discipline), but on the other it amount of effort you put into it; abnormal
becomes embedded within the forces that help conditions can be used to your advantage
bind groups. in the creation of life’s lessons—as long as
Within our increasingly risk-averse society, you add enthusiasm and positivity to your
adventure education can be cherished, whether list of ingredients.
it helps people enjoy the activity for its own
sake or is used as a vehicle for personal growth.
Learning to manage unpredictability allows us Key Ideas
not only to spring back from potential adversity ▸▸ Resilience is developed through outdoor
but also to spring forward with added vigour
activities and adventure education.
and confidence when confronted by fresh chal-
▸▸ Resilience is multidimensional, is expressed
lenges. Through such processes, we may no
longer see subsequent events as threatening through individual growth, and can be
and compromising, instead welcoming them applied in everyday life.
as positive opportunities for growth that will ▸▸ Resilience results in emotional and cog-
enhance quality of life and general health. The nitive judgement that leads to calm and
spirit of adventure encapsulates a sense of time- positive action, even in the face of extreme
less purpose and freedom to change that can adversity.
be realised by many. This can be accomplished ▸▸ Resilience can be manifest in individuals
by undertaking historical feats of endurance or and as a sign of group cohesion.
through the growing self-realisation of what
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C h a p t e r

Dave Bunting

T he task of leadership is not to

put greatness into people, but
to elicit it, for the greatness is there
unable to adapt to the new challenges. To help
you adapt to a variety of leadership roles, it’s
important to recognise where your strengths
already. and weaknesses lie in leadership and accept
John Buchan that you can’t master everything. During expe-
ditions, a leader will be tested in a wide variety
of situations, many of which will be difficult to
Leadership is a role that we all have to take on
foresee even with the best preparation. How-
during our lives in one shape or another. Due
ever, it is still important to question, research,
to its inevitability, it’s something that is better
and practise expected scenarios to ensure your
faced early on in life in order to learn how to
strategies will deal with them in the best manner.
cope with it rather than avoiding the responsi-
Though shorter expeditions can get away with a
bility and falling flat when the moment arrives.
democratic decision-making process, lengthier
At a young age, I found it invaluable to chal-
challenges will require direction and a watchful
lenge myself, and as a teenager I found I was
eye most of the time.
more often taking a committed step forward
This chapter explores the elements of leader-
than a shy step back. The earliest influence for
ship that I have observed throughout my life,
taking this approach was my grandfather, who
both in the military and on a variety of expedi-
had served for 19 years in the army, includ-
tions. It includes gaining experience, learning
ing with the elite Chindits in Burma. I hugely
from early expeditions, and developing your
admired his calm but confident manner with a
own style of leadership to suit future chal-
hint of humour that commanded respect from
lenges. Finally, it explores turning your vision
into a reality, first gaining the support to make
If you have aspirations to lead, it’s likely you
it happen and then leading your team to meet
will have role models to compare yourself with.
the requirements for the expedition.
Observing those leaders you admire most and
trying to take the best of what you witness will
help you to cope with a variety of situations you Gaining Expedition
may find yourself leading in. Experience
I often hear the phrases born leader or natural
leader, but I am not sure whether such people To gather the experience to lead your own expe-
exist, especially in terms of leading in every dition, it is important to either take lesser roles
conceivable situation. I have witnessed some or commit to easier adventures to gather the
superb leaders who have been outstanding in knowledge, skills, and attitude that are required.
certain situations and yet they have been appall- Your first expedition experience should be
ing when the environment changes, completely thought through carefully, because many people

▪ 247 ▪
248  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

have been put off by the harsh nature of the ini- being on this long-distance path with just my
tial experience. A relatively tame but progressive rucksack and teammate to think about, and this
adventure is the ideal first step and will encour- carefree lifestyle captured my imagination even
age you to go further rather than giving in before then. Although there were only two of us, I may
you really get started. Expeditions bring together have even started to take a leadership role on
a multitude of skills that can be difficult in isola- this first venture, probably because my outdoor
tion, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed by experience was slightly more than that of my
biting off too much in the beginning. Familiarity companion. The Pennine Way was a fabulous
with various roles will always be valuable once trial and taught me a number of key skills and
you start to lead your own expeditions. simple lessons, many of which can be useful in
My first expedition, relatively short in time any expedition.
but certainly not in distance, was to Britain’s Plan Ahead  When planning an expedition,
classic Pennine Way, where I developed many give yourself considerably more time than is
planning, preparation, training, and decision- required. Many unexpected issues can arise,
making skills that gave me a quality grounding especially during large-scale ventures. By put-
for future expeditions and leadership. Methodi- ting the time in beforehand, you will allow the
cal by nature, I found this first experience of expedition to run smoothly and give yourself
expeditions and leadership to be invaluable and your team both the best experience and
because it allowed me to build each step of the highest chance of success. You will be sur-
knowledge in a situation where if things went prised by how many unexpected difficulties can
wrong, I would not have to fall back too far to arise, especially for adventures to undiscovered,
find familiar ground. I loved the simplicity of remote, and foreign regions.

Preexpedition planning.
leadership  ▪  249

Remain Flexible and Be Willing to but my first big expedition was to the greater
Change Plans  Your first idea, no matter mountain ranges. In my early 20s, I was given
how bright or experienced you are, will never the opportunity to head out to the Nepalese
be perfect. During the preparation and planning Himalayas and tackle the Annapurna Circuit
stages, the expedition leader must be flexible to and 6,000-metre (19,685 ft) Pisang Peak. In
new ideas that will help shape the initial vision many ways the expedition was a big step up
and turn it into something special. Being a for me, but I had many of the skills already
good listener is one of the greatest qualities of a in place, including physical fitness, climbing
leader, and absorbing new slants on your vision ability, and knowledge of how to look after
can help make it even better. The expedition myself in the hills. However, the one thing I
environment itself is ever changing, and it’s not was not prepared for was the environment, in
just the weather, climbing conditions, or foreign particular the extreme effect that the altitude
bureaucracy, it’s also your team—humans can can have. No one in the team, including the
act irrationally once they face the realities of the leader, knew how to handle the dangers of
expedition environment. A flexible approach altitude. The totally wrong approach and pace
and willingness to change as a leader are crucial were set, and we carried far too much equip-
in such situations. ment in the early stages. Some harsh lessons
were quickly learned, but I believe if we had
just had one person who had been to altitude
First Big Expedition in a remote environment before, we could have
After the Pennine Way, I was lucky enough overcome a lot of misery. For future leadership
to experience numerous smaller trips around situations, I learned three key lessons from this
various climbing venues and to go the Alps, expedition.

Team planning meet at Base Camp Everest.

250  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Use Local Support  The local people, par- adopted from the beginning. This is not to say
ticularly in poorer countries where many expe- that you are in the front of your team all the way,
ditions take place, earn their highest possible but by educating your members to the dangers
income by carrying equipment for foreign expe- of competiveness and environmental risks such
ditions, so most are only too willing to do so. as altitude, the right tone and pace for the expe-
By gaining support from the local porters, you dition will be established early on. During my
will give yourself the chance to slowly adapt to first trip, I behaved as if I were in a low-altitude
the difficult terrain and ascents whilst enjoying environment in the United Kingdom where I
your surroundings and minimising risk of injury. could pace out and test my personal fitness on
Also, at the higher levels of challenge you will a daily basis against the constantly steep terrain
not succeed if you don’t employ the unmatch- experienced in Nepal. This was a big mistake,
able abilities of the indigenous people, such as and once on Pisang Peak I suffered so badly that
the Sherpas in Nepal. As a leader, you should I still look back and think it was one of the worst
always consider employing the best support to physical experiences of my life. I succumbed to
achieve your goal, and porters and Sherpas can terrible AMS and at 5,000 metres (16,405 ft), I
add a special element to your team. had the worst night possible. I now endeavour
to be the last to the daily camp and stop to enjoy
Set the Pace  The pace and tone of an expe- drinks and rest stops regularly. If I am the leader
dition should be set by the leader, ensuring that of an expedition with novices, then I personally
a relaxed and sensible working atmosphere is set the pace and insist that no one overtakes me

Our Sherpas on the Everest West Ridge Expedition.

leadership  ▪  251

on the first few days. This both acclimatises team tunity to challenge yourself as a team player,
members to the new altitude and gets rid of the organiser, and leader. On each of my expedition
U.K. mentality of testing your fitness against experiences, I have made every effort to take on a
fellow team members on a daily basis. new role within the team. Several of these roles
have been alien to me, but they have all taken
Employ the Right Knowledge  My last key
me out of my comfort zone and forced me to
lesson from this early expedition is the impor-
learn new skills in challenging real-life situa-
tance of taking someone, even one person, who
tions. With each expedition, I was selected for
knows what to do. If we had invited someone
a new role, and eventually I began to be chosen
along who could advise us on coping with
for leadership roles such as deputy leader and
altitude, it would have been a much more
climbing leader. I quickly built a varied portfo-
rewarding trip. It is the harsher environments
lio of leadership experiences that prepared me
where the biggest lessons are learned and the
for bigger things to come, ultimately leading to
damaging effects of mistakes can be greater. I
leadership of a big trip of my own. The expedi-
remember landing in Lukla in the Everest region
tions where I took a bigger role in the decision
and meeting with a group of climbers from the
making became hugely rewarding, and I enjoyed
elite Parachute Regiment who were just finish-
analysing situations and being involved in the
ing their expedition. Their 4 weeks had been
movements of equipment and team members
out-and-out torture because they had adopted
in order to take things forward. But at the same
their usual competitive marching ethos, and they
time, the energy and time required to make
were lucky no one had died as a consequence. I
things come together can place heavy pressures
admired the young officer who had gone out of
on your life, so support from those close to you
his way to give this opportunity to his men, but
is vital. You cannot lead successfully in isolation.
if he had just employed someone who knew the
After a number of experiences, expeditions
ins and outs, the whole experience would have
started to take over my life. One of my biggest
provided a lasting positive memory that could
motivations became the joy of introducing
have inspired new mountaineers rather than the
others to the life-changing opportunities that
nightmare that they never wanted to experience
can be discovered through these journeys.
again. The leader does not need to have all of
Make sure you have the right skills to take on
the answers for every situation; however, it is the
a leadership role, and make sure your previous
leader’s responsibility to gather a wide range of
experience is appropriate to prepare you for
knowledge, skills, and talent in the team to help
the next step. You may be a good leader on a
overcome whatever you may face.
weekend camping in the Peak District in Der-
byshire (U.K.), but that doesn’t mean you will
Developing be the same on a 3-month expedition in some
Leadership far-flung corner of the earth. As I have already
mentioned, I prefer the methodical approach
When undergoing your apprenticeship, make to expeditions and building experience slowly.
sure you have each stage right before advancing Before jumping into the hot seat as the expedi-
to the next; otherwise you can be overwhelmed. tion leader, it pays to fulfil an organising role as
I prefer to take a building-blocks approach, a deputy leader or climbing leader, where you
making sure the team’s skills and my own are have leadership responsibilities and the oppor-
learned and reinforced before going on to the tunity to make hard decisions but don’t hold the
next stage. Finally, those who don’t learn from ultimate responsibility. This can give you a feel
their mistakes will inevitably not return from an for the pressures of real-life situations, trial your
expedition one day. ability to analyse risks and rewards, and gain
Once the foundations of your personal skills confidence in yourself to make the right choices.
are in place, expeditions offer a fabulous envi- I was lucky enough to be climbing leader and
ronment to learn and test new skills, and team deputy leader on five Himalayan expeditions
responsibilities in particular provide the oppor- before I became the overall expedition leader,
252  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

and these experiences allowed me to discover along by delegation to appropriate members of

my own strengths and weaknesses, which has your team. The Internet and guidebooks are an
proved invaluable in creating the right team incredible help, and much can be gleaned from
around me. I now tend to build a leadership route maps. Personal accounts and photos also
team that complements my abilities rather than give fabulous information about a particular
overshadows them, one where decisions can area. As a team leader, you should use all the
be reached through careful consideration by information you can find from reliable sources
a number of people. Being climbing leader of to help in your planning. However, nothing
my first expedition to Nepal was far too much beats the input of people who have been there
responsibility for someone of my experience at and are able to give you their firsthand view of
the time. I learned some harsh lessons and it what to expect. Whenever possible, I go out of
could have put me off for life. Now that I have my way to contact people who have visited the
had several good experiences in a leadership places that are the focus of my next expedition.
team, I relish the challenge. However, what makes an expedition much
more exciting is going where no one (or very few
people) has ever been before. A new leadership
Making Your and planning approach is needed for this style
Vision a Reality of expedition, and it needs plenty of support in
place to allow for the unexpected, such as extra
We all have dreams of what we would like to
equipment and a daring team.
achieve in life, and for most of us they remain
Finally, an important part of a leadership
a dream unless we take action. Throughout life
vision is having the ability to communicate it to
I have had many ideas that came to nothing. To
your team. You can come up with an idea and
have a vision that is going to come to fruition, a
take your vision forward, shaping its progres-
methodical, progressive, and well-thought-out
sion as you go, but then it’s important to drive
path should be taken. If you are going to take
the vision and make sure your team members
on a leadership challenge, you must think things
understand and agree with what you are trying
through carefully and consider every conceivable
to achieve. This support and understanding can
alternative and escape plan in case you need to
be gained through good communication and
opt for a change of direction. As a leader, you
involving every team member in open dialogue
should establish a clear vision of what you are
for new ideas, giving them ownership and loy-
trying to achieve, and starting with the end in
alty to you and the cause. Clearly it’s impossible
mind is always a good way to approach this. For
to think of everything and a flexible approach
me, the journey is more vital than the actual
is essential, but don’t become so flexible that
goal, and if that journey has developed the team,
your vision loses direction and you lose control
lessons have been learned, fun has been had,
of your plan.
and everyone has returned in one piece, then it’s
likely to have been an educational, rewarding
experience for everyone involved. Gaining Support
The great thing about having a vision and
taking on your own challenge is you can shape Gaining support is crucial, and the key is being
the project exactly how you want. However, as a a good salesperson. You need to map out your
leader you must be open to new ideas. This may vision clearly and gain the confidence of those
change elements of your vision, but it means you whose support you want. When trying to gain
oversee the big picture and maintain the overall this support, remember that you don’t get a
shape of the project, giving great satisfaction as second chance to make a first impression. If
you see your idea become reality. you don’t get your sales pitch right, that sup-
Once your vision has been established, it’s port could be lost forever. If you come up with
important to consider the details. This is only a well-thought-out expedition that contains
achieved through careful reflection and research, groundbreaking aspects, then there is a good
which takes valuable time, but it can be helped chance that everyone will want to be involved
leadership  ▪  253

and get a piece of the action. It is important to and take your vision to reality. The people in
weed out people who may not be helpful, and this small group need to share your vision and
you must recruit quality, knowledgeable, and values, and you need to know them well and
enthusiastic support that will help you move trust them implicitly. It helps if you have already
forward. shared an experience similar to the expedition
you are about to undertake and thus you have
seen them under similar pressures. If you haven’t
The Team had these shared experiences, then you risk being
At the early stages of leading an expedition, you surprised when, under new strains and in alien
must carefully consider whom you want in the environments, you both react differently to what
core of your team to help push forward your is ahead. By employing the right people with the
idea. This includes not just technical performers right qualities, you will quickly gain the necessary
but a loyal, hardworking, and effective group momentum and they will help you to inspire
whom you can always rely on to support you supporters and other team members alike.

Supporting Each Other

T he core of the team in my most recent expedition, Everest West Ridge, consisted
of people I knew I could work with throughout the whole 3.5-year challenge.
They would encourage me to keep going, help me with the workload, and drive me
when times got tough.
▸▸ My lifetime best friend, Leigh
Woodhouse, could be trusted
to unwaveringly support me in
every situation and to develop
key tasks without me having
to continuously watch over his

Leigh ‘Woody’ Woodhouse at 7,800 metres (25,590

ft) on the North Face of Everest approaching Camp 5.

Supporting Each Other  (continued)

▸▸ John Doyle, climbing leader, is an inspirational performer with whom I had

already worked and who I had been on two expeditions with to challenging
peaks. Super focussed and capable, he would influence external support and
inspire people to achieve their very best.

John Doyle and Dave Bunting discussing tactics and organising teams.

▸▸ Dave Wilson, deputy leader, was someone with whom I had already shared a
leadership experience. I knew we would be able to take the plan forward shoul-
der to shoulder, and if there was any form of disagreement it would be handled
in a sensible and supporting manner. Although we would now swap roles for
this challenge, I knew that, similar to our previous trip, we would make things
happen together.

Dave Wilson leading a group in the Alps in preparation for Everest.

▪ 254 ▪
leadership  ▪  255

Family and Friends people who are powerful and carry influence
but at the same time are not so busy that they
Volunteering for a big project that is going to can’t offer you their time.
take years to plan can result in a single-minded Retired members of the House of Lords or
and selfish time in your life, and unless you have retired mountaineers are often signed up to these
no family and friends, you are signing up more roles, and from my experience, they are worth
people than yourself to the forthcoming project. their weight in gold. In addition, a guiding and
If you don’t have the absolute support of your advisory committee can be invaluable when
family and close friends, then it will be a difficult developing big projects.
time for you, and it may be too demanding to
overcome the stresses and strains placed upon
you. I have always thought that when you are Sponsors or Partners
single it’s much easier because you can be rela- I have been involved in a number of expeditions
tively selfish and use your free time to totally where gaining sponsorship was critical to getting
immerse yourself in the planning process, but sufficient finances and logistical support to make
the understanding and support of those close the project happen. To gain support, you need
to you can help you achieve so much more. The to consider what companies and organisations
time required for planning a big project should are looking for. Here are a few ideas.
not be underestimated.
Family and friends should be informed and Achieving a First  Being able to suggest that
encouraged to get involved. Organise team meets your project is a first and also is high risk is very
aimed at gathering families and friends so that attractive to companies. Many British companies
they become involved in at least the social net- still have great pride in supporting exciting ven-
work associated with the expedition. They can tures that may see their flag planted alongside
put names to faces and get to know the people the Union Flag in some untrodden ground, thus
with whom you are working so closely and in producing media attention. In addition, there
whom you are investing your trust for extreme is a big adrenaline junkie culture that captures
undertakings. This widens the expedition family- the eye of the media, so if you can suggest that
and-friends network. Some family and friends the risks are high and the chances of success are
can also help organise social and fund-raising slim but you have the right team to do it, often
events, relieving pressure from the leaders in you can gain support. Aiming to succeed in the
delivering these important activities. The infor- face of adversity will also gain media attention.
mation you give your family and friends about Development  Undertaking a high-level,
the expedition should be thought out carefully. high-risk venture requires top performers who
Too much detail, particularly if they are not know what they are doing and are able to deal
experienced or knowledgeable about the activity, with the difficulties that will be faced. Always
could make them unnecessarily worried. opting for a team of out-and-out gladiators is not
a good idea, however. Taking along some rela-
Patrons tive novices and intermediates will also attract
support, and it will help develop the next genera-
The importance of a quality core team and sup-
tion of high-performance mountaineers. Given
port from your family and close friends cannot
enough time to train and prepare, people with
be underestimated, but the power of influential
the right attitude will soon pick up the skills. I
supporters who are well positioned to gain
have seen many people quickly advance to the
sponsorship or cut through red tape is also
required level when they have the right physical
crucial. Expedition patrons have long offered
attributes, mindset, and guidance.
support and guidance for bigger expeditions,
and their contacts and knowhow can prove Inclusivity  Similar to encouraging an ethos
crucial if finances are not going as planned or of development, it is also important to step back
an in-country embassy is being difficult. It is, and look at the combination of people in your
however, a balancing act because you require team. Diverse teams are much more attractive to
256  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Staying Connected

W hen I was preparing for my leadership of the Everest West Ridge attempt,
my young nephew was convinced I was a computer attachment, not a moun-
taineer—from the time he was born I had spent so much time e-mailing and creating
important documents that he knew no different! Throughout my expedition planning
phases, I have been incredibly fortunate to have the most supportive family, and the
selfless support of my parents has been amazing. My dad, however, would always
mock about the waiter service he provided, bringing me drinks and meals whilst I
was hard at work!

sponsors and supporters because they generate be clear in defining the shared expectations for
more interest from outside parties and give the media participation in a large-scale expedition.
project more angles and stories to tell. Young and Clarification of responsibility for resources for
old, male and female, novice and advanced—all camera crews and other media team members
have their benefits when selling your vision. is important for planning and logistics, but the
However, as a leader it is important to maintain overall responsibility for the expedition in terms
the balance between inclusivity and the values, of the nature of the team, journey, objectives,
beliefs, and attitudes of the team as a whole. and ethos must remain with the leader.
Whomever you get on board, the important Smaller expeditions can also benefit from
thing is that you don’t just want a sponsor; you engagement with the media. Local newspapers
want an expedition partner. This means a much and regional television are often looking for
bigger buy-in, including attendance at train- local stories on people and teams that are under-
ing meets and social events. If you have pulled taking challenges such as expeditions. Contacts
together a good team, the partners will become made through working with local media can
so engrossed in the project that they will end up also increase local support and sponsorship,
supporting you above and beyond what you ever and stories can focus on aspects of development
thought possible. and the journey rather than just headlines about
The media are not that straightforward in terms
Leadership in
of support because they have a job to do, and Training
that is to find out information and sell stories. and Preparing
The best stories are exciting, death defying, and
controversial, so the media will always be look-
Your Team
ing for a slant and may sometimes put you under This section covers a vital part of the expedition.
pressure that you don’t need. On the positive As the leader, you must set the standards for your
side, having a national newspaper or TV channel expedition, give advice, and carry out detailed
on board can attract huge sponsorship if pitched preparation and planning to ensure every chance
right. The expedition leader therefore needs to of success.
leadership  ▪  257

Dave Bunting talking live to Sky News on EWR 2006 for a TV documentary on the expedition and for the Army.

Select Your Team  Because this subject is Although smaller expeditions do not need
covered elsewhere in this book, I won’t go into to be too concerned with large and structured
too much detail. However, the selection of a suit- leadership teams, the coherence and integrity
able team has major implications for your style of the team are still critical in the need to share
of leadership. It is crucial to select a team that responsibilities and support the leader. On
shares your values and has certain skills. Some bigger expeditions, a deputy leader and technical
larger projects have been known to select a team climbing leader are essential for the following
based on climbing CVs and interviews; however, reasons:
I strongly advise against this because it underval- ▸▸ Sounding board—Often when you are in
ues the importance of people skills and having difficult decision-making situations, if you
complementary team members. I begin with are experienced enough you will know the
inviting applications and carrying out interviews, answer, but it’s good to be able to bounce
which leaves me with a squad of people that your ideas off someone else to give you the
allows for reserves. This squad can then enter a confidence to make an announcement and
selection phase of training where a person’s true know you have others’ support.
colours can be tested and uncovered, allowing ▸▸ Support—When involved in a complex proj-
the opportunity to choose the very best team for ect with daily movements and decisions
the venture. Careful selection of your team will that are taxing, having support to lean on
help you throughout the venture and will make and encourage you can help immensely
your job more straightforward in the long run. and boost your confidence.
258  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

Team members training for Everest in poor conditions in the Alps.

▸▸ Cover—During long expeditions, you will makes it much more likely that the job will get
do well to be on top form day in day out, done. Most important, it allows the expedition
and it will be impossible to be everywhere leader to step back, take a strategic view, and
at once. When you are feeling low from move the project ahead by exploring ideas and
illness or recovering from exhausting chasing leads.
physical exertion, having a good deputy
Identify What’s Important  It is necessary
to fill in for you keeps the situation under
to decide exactly what is required to get your
control and maintains the direction and
team ready for the upcoming challenge. The best
focus rather than just letting the team drift.
way to start is with the end in mind, and if you
Additionally, I have been on expeditions
study exactly what is needed to succeed, then you
where the leaders are performing so well
won’t waste time messing around with pointless
on the climbing front that they find them-
training and preparation. Use past experiences
selves deep in the weeds, immersed in their
and talk to those who have been where you are
activity and unable to see the big picture.
going in order to learn about techniques and
Cover from a good deputy leader in such
skills that are crucial to overcoming the particu-
situations will again ensure that direction
lar challenge. It’s no good honing rock-climbing
is maintained.
skills for a route that is mainly snow and ice.
Delegate Team Responsibilities  Any Pay Attention to Detail  It is your job as
expedition, no matter how small, is best con- expedition leader to always think of the big
ducted with responsibilities shared amongst the picture but also regularly observe the detail
team. This not only allows people to take on without becoming a micromanager. ‘Leave no
new roles and develop themselves, but it also stone unturned’ was the motto we used on my
leadership  ▪  259

last expedition to Everest West Ridge. We took Maintain Focus  Maintaining focus comes
all past experiences and information and turned back to identifying what is important. Though
them upside down and inside out to ensure the you may be creating a project that is interesting
most thorough preparation. If we ran into some- and exciting as a journey, don’t forget that you
thing we did not know about, then we would are trying to achieve a particular goal. It would
have already trained for sufficient flexibility to be a real shame to have lots of fun-oriented
overcome it. A useful military strapline comes training meets and forget to prepare for the
to mind—‘Train hard, fight easy.’ real situations you may face. I remember once
going on an expedition to a high-altitude peak
Keep It Interesting and Diverse  Most and although the training had been rewarding
expeditions of any reasonable scale require a and regular, it was not until we were over 6,000
long lead in time, and it is important to make metres (19,685 ft) on the side of a Himalayan
sure your team maintains focus and doesn’t giant that the other lead climber and myself
become bored and complacent. It is the expedi- discovered our fixed-rope techniques were dif-
tion leader’s responsibility to inspire and lead ferent. It only required a 10-minute discussion to
the way. A key component in my leadership agree how we would proceed, but it could have
strategy is setting a training programme that is resulted in a nightmare of wasted time.
exciting and focussed on achievement of the goal During our 2 years of training for the ascent
but is also diverse, containing team-building of Everest, the leadership team drew up a con-
aspects as opposed to just specific activities. I tract that was gathered from the team members
have always found it useful to have someone in to define our values and help maintain focus.
charge of training who can oversee planning and These shared values guided our attitudes and
progression, as well as search out and employ behaviour towards each other and our shared
experts in particular fields. goal, significantly shaping what became an

The Everest West Ridge 2006 team.

260  ▪  Mountaineering: Training and Preparation

incredibly strong team. Team members carried a chy works well on expeditions where the leader
list of the values with them at all times, ensuring is one of the team and decisions are openly
everyone kept focus: talked about and resolved. Placing yourself on
a pedestal is only lining yourself up for a big
▸▸ Total commitment to the task fall when you make a wrong judgement. If you
▸▸ Honesty in yourself have placed yourself amongst your team in a
▸▸ Tolerance of others friendly and down-to-earth manner, there is a
▸▸ Loyalty good chance many will come to your aid when
the moment comes.
▸▸ Teamwork

▸▸ Communication Adapt to the Situation  As a leader, you

need to be able to gather information effectively
▸▸ Physical fitness
to quickly determine the best course of action for
▸▸ Mental robustness the given situation. If you don’t collect all of the
▸▸ Attention to detail data required, then you risk making the wrong
▸▸ Sense of humour decision. Although quick decisions need to be
made occasionally, try to think things through
Manage Your Team From Within  Man- if you get the time. Every team and project are
aging your team on a complex project means unique, so you must adjust your style to fit
you need to adopt a number of styles to fit the what’s required or create a project from scratch
moment. You will most certainly have to employ and shape it fully. The styles I adopt differ com-
a variety of skills to overcome problems, and pletely when I am taking an experienced team of
a single leadership style will not work for all climbers versus a group of novices, and for the
people in all situations. I find that a flat hierar- latter much more care and energy are required
to ensure a quality, safe experience.
Learn From Experience  If you are fortu-
nate enough to have past experiences on expedi-
tions, then it is worth observing the leadership
and what worked and what didn’t. I was lucky
enough to have been on two large-scale expedi-
tions prior to my leadership on Everest, and the
lessons I learned were invaluable. Both expedi-
tions were led with different styles and each
had ups and downs, allowing me to pick the
best aspects of leadership from each and adapt
them to my style. Interestingly, the two leaders,
for whom I have the greatest of respect, were very
different characters, had considerably different
technical abilities, and led quite different teams,
which meant they had to adopt different styles
of leadership even though the mountains were
equally challenging.
One leader led mainly from base camp,
directing a high-performance team to achieve
his vision. Due to his knowledge and judgement
and the high motivation levels of the team, his
strategic view of what was happening facili-
tated huge success on the mountain, although
I believe this style could not be adopted with a
Dave Bunting load carrying to camp 2 on Everest, 2006. lesser team. The second leader was a physically
leadership  ▪  261

strong climber and was able to be amongst the ▸▸ Select a capable team. As with gaining sup-
climbers forcing the route up the mountain. port, it’s important to carefully consider
His team members were less experienced on whom you select; otherwise your project
the whole, and so his lead-by-example style was will suffer.
required to inspire his team to keep going. Sadly, ▸▸ Challenge your team to achieve the vision.
the second expedition did not reach the summit, Merely presenting an idea to your team is
but the route was incredibly challenging and the not good enough to take the project for-
weather was unfriendly. ward in a dynamic way. If you are hoping
Having witnessed the two styles, I attempted to develop your team as well as achieve
to fall somewhere in between the two, and I your goal, you must regularly lay down
wanted to be amongst the climbing to help challenges that stretch your team members
with forward movement but also able to step and make them rise to the challenge.
out of the weeds and see what was happening ▸▸ Support your team throughout. If you take
as required. Later in my Everest expedition, I
on a daunting objective, then your team
was able to choose myself to be in one of the
will be under similar pressure, particularly
summit parties, but only because I had a strong
if you have chosen to take along novices
deputy leader who could take over in terms of
and intermediates. They will need extra
viewing the big picture. There is rarely a clearly
guidance and support to build confidence
right or wrong style, but different situations call
alongside their responsibilities.
for different styles. Each will have advantages
▸▸ Trust your team to get on with the job. Micro-
and disadvantages; the key is identifying what
will be best for a given expedition and having management will not work in a large-scale
the flexibility to adapt to each situation, phase, expedition; there are too many facets to
and challenge. control and they all advance at a rapid rate.
Trusting your team during the planning
stages is important because once you are
Key Ideas on the expedition itself, you will need to
trust them, potentially with your life. On
▸▸ Know your strengths and weaknesses. The
bigger mountains the team can be spread
advantage of gaining experience and test-
out over large distances, and the need for
ing yourself is that you get to know your
trust in handing over a level of responsibil-
strengths and weaknesses. Understanding
ity is unavoidable. This is partly why team
yourself helps you plan strategies that suit
selection is so important.
your style and create situations that will
▸▸ Delegate. Trying to stay on top of too many
move the plans forward.
▸▸ Clearly communicate your vision. We all have
tasks will place unneeded pressure on you
when you could be taking the project for-
dreams, and they will remain dreams if we
ward elsewhere. It is essential to share the
don’t take action to turn them into reality.
work. Team members will not thank you
Once you have decided what you want to
if you take on so much that the important
aim for, research it thoroughly and clearly
things don’t happen and the expedition
communicate it to your team and sup-
fails to even launch.
▸▸ Step back and see the big picture. It is impor-
▸▸ Gain the right support. Ineffective support is
tant to take a strategic step back to review
a drain on your valuable energy and time.
progress on a regular basis to ensure every-
Make sure you carefully consider whom
thing is on track. This can only happen
you invite to be involved, or they won’t
if the rest of the key points have been
help but will hinder you.
This page intentionally left blank.

absolute strength—The ability to exert maximum electrolytes—Minerals in blood and other bodily
force independently of body weight (Bompa, fluids that carry an electrical charge. They affect the
1999). Absolute strength can be a reliable way amount of water in the body, blood acidity (pH),
to make comparisons within the same group or muscle action, and other important processes.
between matched groups; however, it is not recom- erythropoiesis—The process of red blood cell forma-
mended when there are differences in body size. tion or production. In humans, erythropoiesis
acute mountain sickness (AMS)—Associated with occurs almost exclusively in the red bone marrow.
high altitude, the occurrence of AMS depends on From erythro (‘red blood cells’) and poiesis (‘to
elevation, rate of ascent, and individual suscep- make’).
tibility. Symptoms include headaches, nausea, erythropoietin (EPO)—A protein hormone pro-
fatigue, and vomiting. duced by the kidney. After being released into the
adaptation—Adjustment to environmental condi- bloodstream, it binds with receptors in the bone
tions or a new stimulus (such as training) involv- marrow, where it stimulates the production of red
ing adjustment of an organism to the intensity or blood cells (erythrocytes).
quality of stimulation; modification of an organ- force—Davies, Heiderscheit, and Brinks (2000)
ism or its parts that make it fitter for existence define force as a push or pull exerted by one mate-
under the conditions of its environment. rial object or substance on another. See also torque.
ambient air—The air in the surrounding environ- gastric emptying—The process of emptying food
ment. from the stomach.
ape index—A comparison of arm span to height. A glycogen—The storage form of glucose in animals
positive ape index can be established when arm and humans. It is synthesised and stored mainly
span is greater than height (Giles et al., 2006). On in the liver and muscles.
average, elite climbers have a 2.5-centimetre (1 in.) haematocrit—The proportion of blood volume that
ape index, which does not differ from the general is occupied by red blood cells.
population (Mermier et al., 2000).
haematological—Involving blood and blood-pro-
apnea—Transient cessation of respiration. ducing organs.
body mass index—BMI is the most widely used haemoglobin—A component of red blood cells, the
weight-for-stature index and is calculated as weight main task of which is the transport of oxygen in
divided by height squared (kg/m2); may be used as the blood.
a marker of adiposity (Heymsfield, 2005).
hypertrophy—An increase in muscle size by the
cardiorespiratory adaptations—Any stimulus that addition of myofibrils. The cross-sectional area
results in an increased ability of the cardiorespira- (diameter) of a muscle fibre increases as additional
tory system (hearts, lungs, blood) to pump oxygen myofilaments of myosin and actin are added to
and nutrient-rich blood to body tissues. each myofibril, leading to splitting and increased
central adaptations—Primarily refers to the cen- number of myofibrils (Goldspink et al., 1992;
tral nervous system and a training stimulus that Kraemer, Fleck, & Evans, 1996).
allows for increased motivation or increased hyponatraemia—An electrolyte disturbance as a
subconscious neuromuscular firing that results in result of a sodium concentration in the plasma
increased performance. below 135 millimoles per litre.
Cheyne-Stokes respiration (periodic breathing)— hypoxia—A deficiency of oxygen that normally
An abnormal pattern of breathing categorised by reaches the tissues of the body, such as at altitude
periods of breathing with gradually increasing (generally considered less than 21 percent oxygen).
and decreasing tidal volume interspersed with hypoxic living—The chronic adaptations and accli-
periods of apnea. mation that occur when one spends a majority of
dehydration—The removal of water from an object. time in hypoxic conditions (either consistently

▪ 263 ▪
264  ▪  glossary

living at altitude or spending a significant amount only one attempt (Knuttgen & Kraemer, 1987).
of time in a simulated altitude environment such Similarly, 10RM indicates that a subject can per-
as a tent). form 10 repetitions at a given resistance. Repetition
hypoxic training—The acute adaptations that occur maximum is the highest number of repetitions
when training in a hypoxic environment. that can be performed at a given resistance and
with proper lifting technique (Fleck & Kraemer,
hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR)—Hyperventila-
2004). This system is widely used for assessing
tion due to a reduction in arterial partial pressure
strength and power.
of oxygen.
oxidation—The loss of electrons by a molecule,
intermittent hypoxic training (IHT)—Situation
atom, or ion.
where one lives at sea level but undertakes inter-
mittent hypoxic training. oxygen saturation—The percentage of haemoglobin
binding sites in the bloodstream that are occupied
lactate threshold—The exercise intensity at which
by oxygen.
lactic acid production is greater than removal,
resulting in the accumulation of lactic acid in the oxygen-saturation oximeter—A device that monitors
bloodstream. the amount of oxygen carried by the haemoglobin
in red blood cells.
live high, train low—Situation where one primarily
lives in a hypoxic state but trains in normoxic partial pressure of oxygen—According to Dalton’s
conditions (for example, someone who lives at law, this is the pressure exerted by oxygen in a
altitude but drives down the mountain to lower mixture of gases.
altitudes to train, or someone who sleeps in a peripheral adaptations—Any stimulus that causes
tent to simulate hypoxia but does all training at adaptation in any organ or tissue that is away from
sea level). the core of the body (e.g., training that increases
maximal oxygen uptake—The maximum amount mitochondria in the leg muscles).
of oxygen that can be taken up and used whilst power—The ability to perform an explosive move-
operating at sea level. ment in the shortest time possible (Bompa, 1999).
maximum strength—The highest force that can be Power (P) can also be defined as the rate at which
generated during a maximum voluntary contrac- mechanical work (W) is performed with respect
tion, or MVC (Bompa,1999). MVC refers to a to time (P = W / T) or as the product of force (F)
condition in which a person attempts to recruit and velocity (V) (P = F × V) (Sale, 1991).
as many fibres in a muscle as possible in order to pulse oximeter—See oxygen-saturation oximeter.
produce force (Knuttgen & Kraemer, 1987). relative strength—The ratio between absolute
metabolism—Refers to the breakdown of food and strength and body weight (Bompa, 1999). Relative
its transformation into energy. It consists of both strength has been used as a measure of normalised
anabolism and catabolism (the build-up and strength, which would allow for comparisons
breakdown of substances). between studies.
muscular endurance—The ability of muscles to strength—The ability to exert force. Sale (1991)
maintain work for a prolonged time (Bompa, defined strength as the peak force or torque
1999), or the ability of a certain muscle or muscle developed during an MVC under a given set of
group to perform repeated contractions against a conditions. Another definition, provided by
submaximal resistance (Harman, Garhammer, & Knuttgen and Kraemer (1987), is that strength is
Pandorf, 2000). the maximal force that a muscle or muscle group
normobaric—A barometric pressure equivalent to can generate at a specified velocity.
sea-level pressure. torque—A force that produces rotation about a point
normoxia—The normal oxygen content reaching or axis.
tissues and organs at sea level (with 21 percent vasoconstriction—The narrowing of the blood ves-
oxygen in the air and a sea-level atmospheric pres- sels resulting from contraction of the muscular
sure of 760 mmHg). wall of the vessels, restricting blood flow.
one-repetition maximum strength (1RM)—The vasodilation—The widening of the blood vessels
maximum isoinertial strength for a specific exer- resulting from the relaxation of the muscular wall
cise; resistance at which a subject can perform of the vessels, increasing blood flow.

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About the Editors

Carlton Cooke is the Director of University Research, Carnegie Professor

of Sport & Exercise Science and Head of the Carnegie Research Centre
for Performance Sport at Leeds Metropolitan University.
Carlton has presented and published extensively on aspects of sports
performance and physical activity, exercise and health, principally in the
areas of exercise physiology and biomechanics. He has worked with a
range of partners in high performance sport in facilitating, developing or
delivering sports science support and research. He worked in support of
the British Army expedition to Everest West Ridge in 2006, together with
a team of sport & exercise scientists from Leeds Metropolitan University.
The University continues to support preparations for Army expeditions
and support other expeditions in the outdoors alongside a commitment
to optimizing the role of the outdoors in Higher Education through the
Carnegie Great Outdoors. Carlton has participated and competed in a
range of outdoor sports and activities and continues to enjoy the outdoors both professionally and

Dave Bunting is director of training and cofounder of My Peak Poten-

tial, an experiential learning and development centre in the Bavarian
Alps of Southern Germany. He served 24 years in the British Army,
predominantly within the Army Physical Training Corps, where he
became a specialist in mountain leadership training. He has instructed
in mountain training centres in Wales, Norway, Canada, and Bavaria. In
Bavaria, he undertook the arduous year-long German Army Mountain
Guide’s (Heeresbergfuhrer) course, becoming one of only a few British
soldiers to have gained this prestigious qualification. Dave has a pas-
sion for mountaineering and has been involved in the organisation and
execution of numerous expeditions, including 10 to the Himalayas. In
2006 Bunting led an elite selection of climbers from the British Army on
a groundbreaking expedition in an attempt to become the first British
team to climb the formidable West Ridge of Mount Everest. As expedition
leader, Dave headed up the planning, team selection and preparation, and he was a strong member
of the climbing team. This highly publicised expedition earned Dave an MBE and was filmed for the
televised documentary Everest: Man vs. Mountain.

▪ 271 ▪
272  ▪  about the editors

John O’Hara, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in Sports Performance Physiology

within the Carnegie Faculty of Sport and Education at Leeds Metropoli-
tan University. His PhD was on carbohydrate ingestion and endurance
performance. He is a British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences
accredited sport and exercise scientist (Physiology – Scientific Support).
His research interests are focussed on carbohydrate metabolism, hydra-
tion status, limiting factors for sports performance and the preparation
of athletes for extreme sporting challenges. He has a keen interest in
the outdoors, being a keen hill walker, mountain biker and climber.
He has also been on two Himalayan Expeditions, Yala Peak (5,500 m)
and with the Everest West Ridge 2006 team, climbed up to Camp 1
(6,100 m) on the lower slopes of Mount Everest. He has also summited
Mount Killimanjaro (5,895 m). Through his accumulative experiences
from academia and in the great outdoors, he led, developed, managed
and successfully delivered the multidisciplinary support services provided to the Everest West Ridge
2006 team, which included physiological, nutritional and psychological support. Since then he has
provided a similar level of support to other Army Mountaineering Association expeditions, as well
as other sporting disciplines, such as a solo yachts women competing in the Vendee Globe 2008;
around the world single hand sailing race.
About the Contributors

John Allan is senior lecturer in adventure educa- British ascent of Gasherbrum I (the world’s
tion and psychology in the Carnegie faculty of 11th-highest mountain), the first British ascent
Leeds Metropolitan University. His published of the southwest face of Kanchenjunga (the
research interests focus on adventure and per- world’s third-highest peak) without supple-
sonal growth with emphasis on the facilitation mentary oxygen, and the Army Everest West
of psychological resilience through adventure Ridge expedition in 2006, in which he was the
programming. As an outdoor educator and climbing leader. A former Royal Marine Com-
practitioner, he has been instrumental in devel- mando, in 2001 John was awarded the MBE for
oping the world’s largest database investigating his contribution to services mountaineering. In
the impact of residential adventure programmes recent years he has focused on delivering training
on students’ transition into higher education. and development packages through challenging
As a member of the sport science research team activities in an outdoor environment at individ-
supporting Everest West Ridge 2006, John ual and corporate levels. Equally at home in the
undertook two trips to the Himalayas. This cul- boardroom or outdoors teaching his children
minated in supporting climbers and collecting to ski, John now co-directs the organisational
data on psychological resilience at base camp, development company My Peak Potential in the
particularly in the final stages of the expedition. Bavarian alps of southern Germany, allowing
his clients to unlock potential and maximise
Steve Cobley, PhD, is a senior lecturer in skill performance.
acquisition and sport psychology in the Carnegie
faculty of sport and education at Leeds Metro- Theocharis Ispoglou, PhD, is a senior lecturer
politan University. In the faculty, Steve teaches in the Carnegie faculty of sport and education
at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels at Leeds Metropolitan University. His primary
on a range of courses. He is a member of the research interests include the study of nutritional
Faculty Research Ethics Committee and coordi- and exercise interventions on human perfor-
nates the major independent study element of mance and body composition. The focus of his
postgraduate provision. Steve’s research interests PhD was the investigation of specific amino acid
focus on the developmental factors that con- supplements on strength and body composition
strain attainment. This has involved local and of athletes and non-athletes. Theocharis also
international collaborative research, which has has a special interest in athletics (sprinting),
subsequently been published in international Olympic weightlifting, and sport performance.
peer-reviewed journals. Steve has been involved He is an accredited member of the UK Strength
with coaching and performance consulting with and Conditioning Association (UKSCA) and is
amateur, varsity, representative, military, and a UK athletics coach.
international athletes in athletics, soccer, cricket,
archery, and cycling. He was also a member of Stevan Kenneth Jackson, FRGS, FInstLM, FCMI,
the multidisciplinary team that provided sport MCGI, Chartered MCIPD, Royal Navy (rtd), is
science support to the British Army’s Everest a seminal figure in the armed forces moun-
West Ridge expedition in 2006. taineering community. In over three decades
of service to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines
John Doyle, MBE, has been a passionate rock Mountaineering Club, of which he became
climber, mountaineer, and general lover of the the chairman, he was involved in climbing
outdoors for over 30 years. He has climbed on expeditions to the Alps, Arctic Norway, Kenya,
major peaks all over the world, including the Tanzania, California, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina,
Cassin Ridge on Mount McKinley, the second Pakistan, Nepal, and Tibet. In 1987 and 1989

▪ 273 ▪
274  ▪  about the contributors

he led expeditions to Peru and Bolivia that car- Pete was forced to decline the invitation. But so
ried out research on altitude illness conducted insistent was Dave that Pete accepted the posi-
by Dr James S Milledge, FRCP, MD, co-author tion of base camp logistics and communications
of High Altitude Medicine and Physiology. The manager.
findings of this research were published in the Pete’s first taste of climbing was on a school
British Medical Journal, Journal of Clinical Science, trip at the age of 10. He joined his college’s
and European Journal of Respiration. The research climbing club in 1979. In 1983, Pete joined
has led to increased understanding of hypoxic the British Army, where he completed 24 years
ventilatory response, microvascular fragility, and service. In 1993, Pete was fortunate enough to
the role of atrial natriuretic peptide hormone attend and pass the prestigious German Army
in humans at altitude. In 1996 he was deputy Mountain Guides Course (Heeresbergführe Leh-
leader of the British Services Gasherbrum I rgang) in Mittenwald, Bavaria. On completion
expedition. In 2000 he led an expedition to of the course, Pete spent much of his remaining
Kanchenjunga, the world’s third-highest moun- service career providing training for British and
tain; it was only the second British ascent of the other national armed forces military moun-
southwest (Yalung) face of the mountain, still taineering and arctic warfare. In this capacity,
one of the most significant achievements by a his work has allowed him to pursue his main
service mountaineering team. interest. He has planned trips to and climbed or
skied on every continent except Antarctica. He
Roderick FGJ King, PhD, is Carnegie pro- insists that the crag climbing of his early climb-
fessor of sport and exercise biochemistry at ing exploits are his fondest memories.
Leeds Metropolitan University. He trained as When he is not with his children, Pete spends
a biochemist at Bath and obtained a doctor- his time developing interest in mountaineering
ate in medical biochemistry at Leeds. Rod has in the Far East. He is currently planning expedi-
spent over 35 years in academic life both as a tions to China and Kyrgyzstan.
lecturer and a researcher and has worked with
the Open University both as a tutor and con- Chris Low, PhD, is currently a senior lecturer in
sultant. He has extensive experience in research biomechanics at Leeds Metropolitan University.
with participants in a variety of contexts. Rod His research interests lie in the area of sport
specialised in wet chemistry techniques and technique analysis. He completed his doctoral
led the laboratory team in the academic unit at degree in 2005, researching the biomechanics of
the Leeds General Infirmary. He has conducted rock climbing movement. He has climbed and
quantitative research in chemical pathology, in bouldered around the world for over a decade.
the MRC neutron activation facility at Leeds, and As a high-performance gymnastics coach, he
in surgical procedures. He gained experience in has provided consulting on body preparation
innovation applied to nutrient products, which exercises for the British climbing team.
led to industrial and commercial involvement
between and with patent agents, suppliers, plant Jim McKenna, PhD, is professor of physical
manufacturers, ingredient producers, marketing activity and health at Leeds Metropolitan Uni-
agents, product consultants, retail organisations, versity and leads the Active Lifestyle Research
and others on a national and international scale. Centre. He has a wide portfolio of research
His current research focuses on carbohydrate interests centred on behaviour change in a range
and hydration for sport performance. Rod joined of settings and contexts. Matching his diverse
the School of Leisure and Sports Studies at Leeds interests, his recent publications include exer-
Metropolitan University in 2000. cise in ageing, promotion of workplace walk-
ing, community-wide promotion of physical
Pete Longbottom, in the spring of 2003, was activity, and development of personal growth
approached by Dave Bunting to participate as a through positive psychological approaches. He
climber with the British Army Everest West Ridge regularly reviews for various academic journals
2006 expedition. Because of persistent injuries, and research agencies.
about the contributors  ▪  275

Adrian Mellor, MBChB, FRCA, earned a medi- Mark Robinson is director of Carnegie Great
cal degree specialising in anaesthesia from Outdoors and is responsible for outdoor adven-
Leeds University in 1990. He is a surgeon com- ture activities at Leeds Metropolitan University.
mander in the Royal Navy and has seen service Mark has a passion for the outdoors and is an
on submarines and aircraft carriers and in field experienced kayak coach, climber, and skier.
hospitals in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has also He graduated from the University of York with
worked as a consultant at James Cook University a BA (honours) in educational studies before
Hospital in Middlesbrough and with the Great joining Leeds Metropolitan in 2000 to pursue
North Air Ambulance Service. He is a military a career as a lecturer and outdoor instructor.
rock climbing instructor, mountain expedition He has been instrumental in developing their
leader, and Alpine mountain leader. Adrian academic curriculum, outdoor activity, and
started caving and climbing while at university residential programmes, which are now accessed
in Leeds in 1986. His experience includes rock by thousands of students annually. In 2006 he
climbing in Europe and Australia and the Alps received the Chancellor’s Award in recognition
in summer and winter. In 2007 he led an expedi- of his many achievements and contributions to
tion to Aconcagua in Argentina with a group of outdoor education at the university. Mark still
military medics and later in the year made the lectures on the outdoors to a variety of audi-
first ascent of a 4,800-meter peak in Kyrgyzstan ences and remains an active coach. Currently he
with a Royal Marines team. He has been to the is director of Carnegie Great Outdoors, where
Himalayas twice to attempt 8,000-meter peaks he manages an extensive network of strategic
(Broad Peak in 1992 and Makalu in 2004). partnerships that ensure the delivery of leading
Home is in North Yorkshire with his (very under- outdoor programmes in the UK and abroad.
standing) wife, Nicola, and daughters Poppy and
Scarlett. He also has three children from a pre- Louise Sutton is a performance nutritionist
vious marriage: Victoria, James, and Harriette. and a principal lecturer in sport and exercise
nutrition at Leeds Metropolitan University with
Paul (Chip) Rafferty, often labelled as “the a particular interest in the practical application
fittest bloke in the Army,” spent most of his of sport dietetics. She manages the Carnegie
coaching career in the Army Physical Training Centre for Sports Performance and Wellbeing,
Corps training athletes in numerous sports as is a member of the Health and Fitness Technical
well as preparing soldiers, including the elite Expert Group of SkillsActive (the Sector Skills
SAS, to be fit for duty. In the past three decades Council for Active Leisure and Learning in the
his achievements have included a top 20 finish UK), and is an advisor to the Register of Sport
in the London Marathon, winner of ultradis- and Exercise Nutritionists. Her research interests
tance races on road and fell, silver medallist in focus on the practical application of dietetics in
the Long Course World Duathlon Champion- elite sports and extreme environments. Louise
ship (Austria 2003), and World Championship led the provision of nutrition support to the
Ironman qualifier Canada in under 11 hours. British Army in their preparations for their
Adventurous highlights include leading the first attempt to ascend the West Ridge of Everest in
descent of Low’s Gully Borneo and exploring 2006 and their ski mountaineering attempt on
many of the world’s most challenging caves and Mount Shishapangma in 2007. Over the past 15
mountain ranges. He has a master’s degree and years she has advised many elite sports profes-
is a high-performance coach with the English sionals in athletics, orienteering, tennis, cricket,
Institute of Sports, which has supported his football, and rugby.
work with Leeds Metropolitan University as Known for her practical approach to nutri-
endurance coach and climber on three major tion problems and solutions, Louise regularly
Himalayan expeditions, including the Services contributes to nutrition features in popular
Everest West Ridge expedition in 2006. outdoor magazines.
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