Topic 3 Properties of Waves Including Light and Sound: What Is Wave Motion?

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IGCSE Physics 0625 notes Topic 3: Waves.

Light and Sound 1



The wave motion is a means of transferring energy from one point to another
without there being any transfer of matter or substance between these points. Waves
may be classified as mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves.

Mechanical Waves:
 Mechanical waves (example water waves, sound waves, waves in stretched
springs) require a material medium for travel.
 When a wave travels from one point A to
point B, it is because of a disturbance of some
kind at A has caused the particles of the
medium to move. This particle drags its
neighbor with it, so that it too becomes
displaced and has a similar effect on next
particle, and so on until the disturbance
reaches at point B.
 There are two types of mechanical waves
depend upon how the particles of the medium
move. These are transverse waves and
longitudinal waves. In transverse waves the
direction of movement or disturbance of the
particles in the medium is at right angle to the
direction of the waves. However in
longitudinal wave the direction of disturbance
of particles in the medium is in the same direction that the waves travel.

Electromagnetic waves:
Electromagnetic waves (for example light
waves, radio waves, x-rays etc) can travel
through the space with the constant speed
without the presence of any medium. They
are comprised of electric and magnetic field
oscillating perpendicular to the direction of
waves. More detailed explanation on
electromagnetic waves is in last section.

Wavelength (λ):
The wavelength of a wave, represented by
the Greek letter λ (lambda), is the
distance between the two successive
crests or troughs.

Frequency (f):
The frequency f is the number of
complete waves generated per second.
The unit of frequency is ‘cycle per
second’ or ‘hertz (Hz)’.

Speed of wave motion (v):

The speed v of the wave is the distance moved in the direction of travel of the wave
by a crest or any point on the wave in 1 second.

Amplitude (a):
The amplitude ‘a’ is the height of a crest or the depth of trough measured from the
center of undisturbed position.

Time period (T):

It is the time taken for a wave to complete one cycle or one wave.

The wavefronts are represented by straight
lines and can be thought as the crests or
troughs of the waves. They are at the right
angle to the direction of waves.

Direction of wave travel

Wave equation:
The higher the frequency (f) of a wave the smaller its wavelength (λ). It is true for
all types of waves and the relation between them is called wave equation which is
= × ℎ

where T is the time period of the wave.

IGCSE Physics 0625 notes Topic 3: Waves. Light and Sound 3

Reflection of plane waves:

Most common example of reflection of wave is echo
that is when you hear two sounds in an empty room. It
is reflection of sound waves. When the sound waves
fall on a hard surface at an incident angle θ between
the direction of travel of the waves and the normal of
the surface than it will reflect with the same angle in
opposite direction. The incident angle io is always equal to reflected angle ro.
∠ =∠
Other examples are reflection of light rays from the mirror or radar.

Refraction of waves:
Refraction is the bending of waves towards the normal when
they enter from lighter medium to denser medium i.e. the
angle of incidence is more than the angle of refraction. In the
example of water waves, when straight waves pass from deep
to shallow region, their wavelength becomes shorter. It
means that, although the wavelength λ has altered, the
frequency f has remained same. Since the velocity v=f λ, it
means that the waves travel more slowly in shallow region
than in deep.
∠ >∠
when the incident medium is less densor than the reflected

Diffraction of waves:
When straight waves are incident on a small opening formed between two bars
placed in the path of waves, then the wavefronts emerge with a circular shape and
waves spread out in all directions from the opening. The spreading of waves at the
edges of obstacles is called diffraction. The extent of diffraction depends on the
width of the gap compare to the wavelength. If the width of the gap is
approximately equal to the wavelength then the diffraction is most noticeable. In
the process of diffraction the wavelength, speed and frequency of the wave remain

 Light waves travel in straight lines.
 A ray is the direction of the path taken by light waves and represented in
diagrams by a straight line with an arrow on it.

 A beam is a stream of light energy and may be represented by a number of rays

which may be diverging, converging or parallel.

 Light waves are electromagnetic waves and can travel without the presence of
any medium.
 Why shadows formed? Because the object is
opaque, light travels in straight line and light
waves have shorter wavelength. For example in
pin hole camera.
 Speed of light is much faster than the speed of
sound. For example in thunder we see the
lightening first and then we hear the sound.

 When the light waves called incident rays strike on a
silver shinny surface eg plane mirror, they bounce back at the
same angle. The bounced ray is called reflected ray.
 Plane mirror can be formed by a thin silver coating at
the back of a transparent glass sheet and then painting the
surface for protection.
 The perpendicular to the plane mirror where incident
ray strikes is called NORMAL.

Laws of Reflection:
 The Angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection or
∠ =∠
The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal all lie in the same plane.
Reflection is irregular or diffuse when waves strike on the surface that is not
perfectly smooth like mirror.
IGCSE Physics 0625 notes Topic 3: Waves. Light and Sound 5

Real and virtual images:

1. A real image is one which can be produced on a screen and is formed by
rays that actually pass through the lens or refracting material. The real
images are inverted.
2. Virtual images are formed by the intersection of imaginary rays. They
cannot be projected on a screen and only produced by rays which seem to
come from the image but do not pass through it. Virtual images are always
erected (upright). The image in the plane mirror is virtual image. In optics,
a virtual image is an image in which the outgoing rays from a point on the
object never actually intersect at any point.

Properties of the image in plane mirror:

The image in the plane mirror is:
a. as far behind the mirror as the object is in front
and the line joining the object and image is
perpendicular to the mirror,
b. the same size as the object,
c. virtual,
d. laterally inverted (right side left)

 The bending of light when it passes from one
material (medium) to another is called refraction.
 A ray of light is bent towards the normal when it
enters from lighter medium (eg air) to densor
medium (eg glass).
 The angle between the incident ray and normal is
called incident angle.
 The angle between the refracted ray and normal is called refracted angle.
 When light passes from lighter medium to denser medium the speed and
wavelength decreases and frequency remains constant and opposite is true
when light goes from densor to lighter medium.
 A ray of light traveling along the normal is not refracted.

Laws of refraction:
 The incident and refracted rays are on opposite sides of the normal at the point of
incidence and all three are in same plane.
 The ratio of sine of angle of incidence to sine of angle of refraction is constant
for a given pair of media. It is called refractive index of the medium (This law is
called Snell’s law presented by Willebrord Snell, Professor of mathematics in

Use simple experiment with optical pins to find the position of refracted
image through a transparent glass slab. Show the angle of incidence and
angle of refraction.

Refractive index:
 Speed of light in air or vacuum is 3 x 108 m/s.
 Speed of light in glass is 2 x 108 m/s.

 The value of constant for a ray of light passing from one medium to
another is called refractive index (n) of the second medium (r) with respect to
the first (i).

 =

 Another definition of refractive index in terms of speed of light wave is

 =

 Common refractive indices with respect to vacuum or air are:

Medium or material Refractive index (n)

Air 1.0008
Water 1.330
Glass 1.510
Diamond 2.417
Ruby 1.760

Total Internal Reflection:

Consider a ray of light passing from glass to air. If the ray is along the normal then
it will not refract. When the angle of incidence is small; we get a weak internally
reflected ray (light grey) and strong refracted ray (dark grey). As we increase the
angle of incidence, the angle of refraction also increases. At the same time the
intensity of reflected ray gets stronger and intensity of refracted ray weaker. At
IGCSE Physics 0625 notes Topic 3: Waves. Light and Sound 7

certain angle of incidence the angle of refraction becomes 90o. The incidence angle
at which the angle of refraction is 90o is called critical angle of incidence, c.
Since it is impossible of have an angle of refraction greater than 90o, it follow that
for all angles of incidence greater than the critical angle c the incident light go
through the process called total internal reflection. Fiber optic cables and mirage
are the good example of total internal reflection.

Fiber optic cable:

Fiber optic or optical fiber are flexible strands
of glass that conduct and transmit light using
total internal reflection. When the ray of light
enters the fiber strikes on the inner wall of the
cable with angle of incidence θ greater than
the critical angle of the glass the ray goes
through total internal reflection and reflects
back into the glass with the same angle of
reflection. The continuous reflection of ray
inside the fiber transmits the light signal from
one end of fiber to other end. The common
use of optical fiber is in digital data
communication and medical research.

Refraction by a prism:
In a triangular glass prism the
bending of a ray due to refraction
at the first surface is added to the
deviation at the second surface
and deviation do not cancel out as
in parallel sided glass. The angle δ
is called the angle of deviation.

Dispersion of light:
When white light falls on triangular
glass prism a band of colours called
spectrum is obtained. The effect is
called dispersion. It arises because
white light is mixture of seven
colours which the prism separates
because the refractive index of glass
is different for each colour or
wavelength of light and it is
greatest for violet light.

Lens is a transparent refracting medium bounded by two regular shaped surfaces
such as spherical, plane or cylindrical. They are divided into two types
1. Convex or converging lens is thicker at the middle than the edges.
2. Concave or diverging lens thicker at the edge than at the centre.

Principal axis:
The straight line passing through the centre of the lens is called principal axis.

The diameter of the lens is called aperture of the lens.

Optical centre:
A point inside the lens situated on the principal axis is called optical centre. The
rays passing through the optical centre are not deviated.

Focal point or Focus:

A point at which incident rays parallel to the principal axis of a lens converges or
appear to diverge after refraction is called focus of the lens.

Focal length:
The distance from the optical centre to the focus is called focal length of the lens.

Refraction Rules for a Diverging Lens1

 Any incident ray traveling parallel to the principal axis of a diverging lens will
refract through the lens and travel in line with the focal point (i.e., in a direction
such that its extension will pass through the focal point).
 Any incident ray traveling towards the focal point on the way to the lens will
refract through the lens and travel parallel to the principal axis.

IGCSE Physics 0625 notes Topic 3: Waves. Light and Sound 9

 An incident ray which passes through the center of the lens will in affect
continue in the same direction that it had when it entered the lens.

Convex lens as magnifying glass:

When the object is very far from the lens it will produce
a small and inverted image but when the object is
placed close to the lens between the focal point and the
centre of the lens, the image produce is very large and
virtual. The position of the image can be achieved by
drawing the ray diagram. When two rays originating
from an object and after passing through the lens they
do not meet at any point. The position and size of the
image can be found by drawing two rays back tracing
without bending until they meet. The point where they meet is the top of the
image. The size of image will be larger than the size of object. It will
produce the image at the same side as the object and it will be a virtual

Ray diagrams for converging lens:

The position of image formed by object placed at various positions from the lens.
Parallel rays of light are refracted through the focus F. The rays of light pass
through the center of the lens travel straight on.

1. If an object is outside 2F then

the image will be between F
and 2F. It is inverted, small,
diminished and real.

2. If an object is on F then the image will

be on F as well. It is inverted, same size
and real.

3. If an object is between F and 2F then the

image will be outside 2F. It is inverted,
magnified and real.

4. If an object is placed on F then no image

will be image formed.

5. If an object is placed between F

and the lens the image appeared to
be at the same side of the lens. It is
upright, magnified and virtual. In
this way we can use the convex
lens to see the magnified image of
an object.

Electromagnetic waves are consists of electric and magnetic fields oscillating
perpendicular to the direction of waves. Based on their frequency and wavelength
they are of different types, for example radio waves, micro waves, infrared, visible
light, ultra violet, x-rays and gamma rays, however they all travel with same speed
in vacuum, 3×108 m/s. Electromagnetic waves travel fastest in vacuum and presence
of medium reduces its speed. The single name given to all the electromagnetic
wave is electromagnetic spectrum.

Electromagnetic spectrum
The range of wavelengths for electromagnetic waves from the very long to the very
short is called the Electromagnetic Spectrum:
Radio and TV waves are the longest usable waves, having a wavelength of 1.5 km
or more. They are used for television and radio transmission.
Microwaves are used in telecommunication as well as for cooking food.
Infrared waves are barely visible. They are the deep red rays you get from a heat
lamp. They are also used in remote controls.
Visible light waves are the radiation you can see with your eyes. Their wavelengths
are in the range of 10-7 meters.
Ultraviolet rays are what give you sunburn and are used in "black lights" that make
object glow. These are also used as disinfectant and for killing microorganism.
X-rays go through the body and are used for medical purposes.
Gamma rays are dangerous rays coming from nuclear reactors and atomic bombs.
They have the shortest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum of about 10-13
IGCSE Physics 0625 notes Topic 3: Waves. Light and Sound: Revised on: 17 September 2010 11

Safety issues concern to use of microwave and X-rays

It is known that microwave radiation can heat body tissue in the same way it heats
food. Exposure to very high levels of microwave radiation can cause a painful burn.
The lens of the eye is particularly sensitive to intense heat, and exposure to high
levels of microwaves can cause cataracts. Likewise, the testes are very sensitive to
changes in temperature. Accidental exposure to high levels of microwave energy
can alter or kill sperm, causing temporary sterility. These types of injuries can
only occur if exposed to large amounts of microwave radiation, much more than
a leak from a microwave oven.
For X-rays we should know the expected path of the main beam. Always
keep all parts of your body outside of this path. Whenever possible, keep the
safety doors to the instrument closed and latched. No unauthorized personnel
may defeat or override any safety features on the X-ray generators, the
safety enclosures, or tube shields and shutters without the permission of the
lab director. No user may employ any power or hand tool on any part of the
X-ray generator, detector, or low temperature device without express
instructions from the lab director.


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