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C H A P T E R - 1 Q U I Z


W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g i s not an assurance service?

a. Examination of prospective financial information
b. Audit historical financial statement
c. Review of financial statements
d. Compilations of financial statements

When performing a compilation engagement, the accountant is required to

a. assess internal control

b. Obtain general knowledge of the business and operations of the entity.
c. Verify matters and explanations.
d. Make inquiries of management to assess the reliability and completeness of the
information provided

. An objective of performance audit is to determine whether an entity’s

a. operational information is in accordance with government auditing standards
b. financial statements present fairly the result of operations
c. specific operating units are functioning economically and efficiently.
d. internal control is adequately operating as designed.

the internal auditing department ‘s responsibility for deterring fraud is to

a. examine and evaluate the system of internal control
b. maintain internal control
c. establish an eefective internal control system
d. exercise operating authority over fraus prevention activitities

Operational audits generally have been conducted by internal and COA auditors, but maybe
performed by certified public accountants. primary purpose of an operational audit is to provide

A. A measure of management performance in meeting organizational goals.

B.The results of internal examinations of financial and accounting matters to acompany’s
top level management.
C. Aid to the independent auditor, who is conducting the examination of the financial
D. a means of assurance that internal accounting controls are functioning as planned

Which of the following is the most appropriate action to be taken by a CPA who has been asked
to perform a consulting services engagement concerning the analysis of a potential merger if
he/she has little experience with the industry involved?

a. accept the engagement and perform it in accordance with Philippine Standards

on auditing PSA’s.
b. decline the engagement because he/she lacks sufficient knowledge.
c . Accept the engagement but he/she should conduct research or consult with
others to obtain sufficient competence
accept the engagement and issue a report that contains hi/her opinion on theachievabilit
y of the results of the merger


Neutral criteria contribute to conclusions that are free from bias. TRUE

Attestation service an independent professional service that improves the quality of information
for decision makers . FALSE

Information risk is the risk that information upon which a business decision is made is
inaccurate. TRUE

Assurance is a service in which the CPA firm issues a report about the reliability of an assertion
that is the responsibility of another party . FALSE

Independent professional services that are intended to enhance the credibility of information to
meet the needs of an intended user best describe assurance service. TRUE

The primary purpose of financial statement audit is to A measure of management performance

in meeting organizational goals. FALSE

role of internal auditing to serve as an independent& objective assurance and consulting

activity that adds value to operations. TRUE

Independent auditors are certified public accountants or accounting firms that perform audits of
commercial and non - commercial financial entities. TRUE


Accounting is a continuous process, i.e. day to day recording of transactions are done. While
Auditing is a periodic process

Operational audits evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of any part of an organization’s
operating procedures and methods

financial report is prepared in all material respects in accordance with an applicable financial

It is use to communicate the of audit findings to users is called Audit reports.

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