Short Test - Past Simple

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Name and last name ______________________________

Put the verbs into the simple past: ____ /20

1. Last year I ___________________(go) to England on holiday.
2. It ___________________(be) fantastic.
3. I __________________(visit) lots of interesting places. I ___________________ (be) with
two friends of mine .
4. In the mornings we ___________________(walk) in the streets of London.
5. The weather ___________________(be) strangely fine.
6. It ___________________(not / rain) a lot.
7. But we ___________________ (see) some beautiful rainbows.
8. She _________________ (not / watch) TV yesterday.
9. We _________________ (buy) a new car last weekend.
10. We _________________ (have) a computer when I was a child.
11. I _________________ (love) ice cream when I was a child.
12. They _________________ (not / meet) yesterday.
13. I _________________ (work) in a bank for ten years.
14. She ___________(leave) home earyl yesterday.
15. I ___________(find) a ten-dollar bill.
16. Mary _______________(come) home from school late.
17. I ___________________(have) a terrible headache yesterday.
18. They _________________(watch) TV last night.
19. Ann __________________(talk) to her friends all day.

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