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I, CECILIA S. LAMSEN, of legal age, married, and with residence and postal
aadress at Barangay San Rafael, Tarlac City, after having been duly sworn to in
accordance with law, do hereby depose and say – THAT:

1. I am the registered owner of a parcel of land located in Barangay San Rafael,

Tarlac City with an area of THREE HUNDRED ONE (301) SQUARE METERS,
more or less, and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 043-
2014000511, which is more particularly described as follows:

Transfer Certificate of Title No. 043-2014000511

“A parcel of land (Lot 5, Block 1 of the Consolidation Subdivision

plan (LRA) Pcs-9351 approved as non-subdivision project, being a
portion of the consolidation of Lot 3-B-2-F, (LRC) Pcs-5706, L.R.C.
RECORD NO. 15048), situated in Barangay San Rafael, Tarlac City,
xxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED ONE (301) SQUARE
METERS, more or less.”

2. In the subject lot title, my maiden name, Cecilia Soliman, and civil status as
“single” were entered therein instead of my married name, which is CECILIA
SOLIMAN LAMSEN, and my correct civil status which is married;

3. After conferring with the persons who facilitated the transfer and titling of the
subject parcel of land in my name, I was made to understand that the entries
in the subject lot title, particularly as my regards my personal circumstances,
were just copied from the Partition Agreement earlier executed prior to the
titling of the subject parcel of land;

4. The said Partition Agreement was pursuant to the Extrajudicial Settlement of

Estate of our deceased mother, Rosario Flores Soliman, and which resulted in
the subdivision of the mother title in the name of our deceased mother into
ten (10) lots and one of which is the above-described lot in my name;

5. Accordingly, I, Cecilia Soliman Lamsen, and the name Cecilia Soliman as the
lot owner appearing in TCT No. 043-2014000511 refer to one and the same

6. I am executing this affidavit to attest to the foregoing and facts to inform the
concerned agencies.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ___ day of

________ 2018 at Tarlac City, Philippines.

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of ________ 2018 at Tarlac
City, Philippines.

Doc. No. ____;

Page No.____;
Book No.____;
Series of 2018.

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