E-Marketing of Financial Product & Services: Summer Training Project Report

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Submitted to
Mahamaya Technical University, Noida
For the pursuing degree of

External Guide Submitted By:

Assistant Manager ROLL No.-1163970029
Sharekhan, New Delhi MNo.- +919760775355
[MBA, Batch: 2011-13]


College Code: 639
5 Km. Stone, Delhi –Meerut Road, Ghaziabad – 201003, INDIA


Page 1
Table of Content

S. N. Topics PAGE NO.

Acknowledgement i
Certificate issued by organization ii
Certificate issued by institute iii
Declaration iv
Executive summary v

1 Introduction 1-59

2 Objective of study 60

3 Literature review 61

4 Research methodology 80

5 Data presentation and analysis 83

6 SWOT Analysis 91

7 Learning & Finding 93-96

8 Limitations of The Study 97

9 Conclusion & suggestions 99

Bibliography 100

Annexure-1 101
Annexure-2 102

Page 2
Every project big or small is successful largely due to the effort of a number of wonderful
people who have always given their valuable advice or lent a helping hand. I sincerely
appreciate the inspiration; support and guidance of all those people who have been
instrumental in making this project a success.

I, (GAURAV KUMAR), the student of RKGIT(MBA), am extremely grateful to

―SHAREKHAN LTD.‖ for the confidence bestowed in me and entrusting my project entitled
“E-Marketing of Financial Product & Services at SHAREKHAN LTD” with special
reference to SHAREKHAN LTD., New Delhi.

At this juncture I feel deeply honored in expressing my sincere thanks to Mr. JAIPAL
SINGH (Assistant Manager) for making the resources available at right time and providing
valuable insights leading to the successful completion of my project.

I express my gratitude to Dr. ARVID SINGH, Principal, RKGIT for arranging the summer
training in good schedule. I also extend my gratitude to my Project Guide Mr. JAIPAL
SINGH, who assisted me in compiling the project.

I would also like to thank all the faculty members of RKGIT, Ghaziabad for their critical
advice and guidance without which this project would not have been possible.

Last but not the least I place a deep sense of gratitude to my family members and my friends
who have been constant source of inspiration during the preparation of this project work.


Page 3
Raj Kumar Goel Institute of echnology(MBA)

Date: ……………….


This is to certify that Mr. GAURAV KUMAR has prepared Summer

Training Project Report on “E-Marketing of Financial Product &
Services at SHAREKHAN LTD.” for the pursuing the degree of
Master of Business Administration (MBA) affiliated to Mahamay
Technical University, Noida. His performance during the project has been
I wish him all the best for him future endeavors.

Dr. Arvind Singh


Page 4
I GAURAV son of Shri RAMNIVAS pursuing Master of Business Administration

(MBA) 2nd year from Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology (MBA Institute).

Ghaziabad in the session 2012-13. I hereby declare that the summer training project


AT SHAREKHAN LTD‖ is the outcome of my own effort under the guidance of

Dr.Vinay kumar srivastava.

The same report has not been submitted earlier to any Institute/University for

awarding the degree of MBA or any other professional course. If there will be any

violation of IPR than I will be solely responsible to that and Institute/University has

right to cancelled my degree.

Date…………………….. ………………………

Place RKGIT, Ghaziabad


Page 5
The good news is that E-MARKETING is inexpensive, fast, and easy to carry out.
And it can be more effective than any other marketing channel available today if
you‘re smart.Being smart is to be strategic. And for email marketing for financial
services to be strategic means to be sure you have everything in place so that your
email message is welcome.

New ideas and innovations have always been the hallmark of progress
made by mankind. At every stage of development, there have been two
core factors that drive man to ideas and innovation. These are increasing
returns and reducing risk, in all facets of life. The financial markets are
no different. The endeavor has always been to maximize returns and
minimize risk. A lot of innovation goes into developing financial
products centered on these two factors. It has spawned a whole new area
called financial engineering.

Derivatives are among the forefront of the innovations in the financial

markets and aim to increase returns and reduce risk. They provide an
outlet for investors to protect themselves from the vagaries of the
financial markets. These instruments have been very popular with
investors all over the world.

In this report, first the overview of Currency & Derivative Market in

India has been given. Now, investors are more cautious before investing
their money into any derivative segment as they fear losses. as well as
client of different brokerage house which clearly depicted that even till
today there are only few investors who are willing to invest in derivative
market as it carries an element of risk and uncertainty with it. Other than
that the real servings come when one moves ahead. Apart from secondary
data analysis, I have done primary data analysis: i.e. Study of investment
pattern of general public among currency derivatives and the conclusion
says that most of the people are not willing to participate in the derivative
market because they consider it highly risky. Also during the survey,
findings showed that general public is optimistic that market condition
will improve soon and they also thought that this is the right time to
invest as prices are at all time lows.

The study has been done to know the different types of currency &
derivatives and also to know the currency &derivative market in India.
This study also covers the recent developments in the derivative market
taking into account the trading in past years.

Page 6

E- Marketing:-

Page 7
The good news is that E-MARKETING is inexpensive, fast, and easy to carry out.
And it can be more effective than any other marketing channel available today if
you‘re smart.Being smart is to be strategic. And for email marketing for financial
services to be strategic means to be sure you have everything in place so that your
email message is welcome.

First there were websites and we pictured them as online brochures. People found our
websites mainly because they saw them printed in our adverts and on our business
cards. We delighted in the immediacy of sending and receiving email.

Just over ten years ago we still thought it was pretty cool marketing to have a site that
could also collect the email addresses and contact details of users. We sent
newsletters to our customers and prospects with great effect.

As websites multiplied beyond anyone‘s imagination, searching for them became

increasingly important. Websites became the first contact many of our customers had
with the company, so we added articles and content to interest and persuade them.
They stopped being static brochures.

Statistics allowed us to analyse how traffic moved around our web pages and we
worked to improve our marketing funnels and enquiry conversion rates.

Google became the dominant search engine and Search Engine Optimisation was
born. SEO specialists interpreted the Google search algorithm and built websites that
complied with the way their spiders wanted to assess the quality of content.

Google assessed the authority of links from a website by grading it from 0-10 and
giving it a PR rank. Links to a website increased its authority, pushing it further up
Google‘s search results. An SEO market in links emerged and thrived. High PR links
became valuable commodities.

Financial Product & Services:-

A financial market is a market in which people and entities can trade financial
securities, commodities, and other fungible items of value at low transaction costs and
at prices that reflect supply and demand. Securities include stocks and bonds, and
commodities include precious metals or agricultural goods.

There are both general markets (where many commodities are traded) and specialized
markets (where only one commodity is traded). Markets work by placing many
interested buyers and sellers, including households, firms, and government agencies,
in one "place", thus making it easier for them to find each other. An economy which
relies primarily on interactions between buyers and sellers to allocate resources is
known as a market economy in contrast either to a command economy or to a non-
market economy such as a gift economy.

Page 8
In finance, financial markets facilitate:

The raising of capital (in the capital markets)

The transfer of risk (in the derivatives markets)
Price discovery
Global transactions with integration of financial markets
The transfer of liquidity (in the money markets)
International trade (in the currency markets)

Financial planning

True financial planning is a comprehensive, ongoing approach that starts with helping
you define your dreams, developing a plan to help you get there, then tracking your
progress along the way, recommending changes where needed.

Banking and cash management

Find the solutions you need to streamline your financial life today — investment and
cash management accounts, credit and debit cards, CD, savings and checking

Insurance and annuities

Life can surprise you. So help protect your family and your assets and meet your
retirement needs with your choice of products: life insurance, disability income, auto
and home and long-term care, as well as annuities for retirement income.


Ameriprise financial advisors give you access to numerous investment options and
brokerage account types, so you can build a portfolio designed to help you achieve
your financial goals.


Get the funds you need to make a purchase, buy a home or consolidate debt with an
array of credit cards, mortgages and home equity lending solutions. We offer
competitive rates, quick approvals, and convenient options.


Page 9
Securities market has essentially three categories of participants namely the issuer of

securities, investors in securities and the intermediaries and two categories of

products, the services of the intermediaries the securities including derivatives.

The securities market has two interdependent and inseparable segments the new issue

(primary market) and the stock (secondary market). The primary market provides the

channel for sale of new securities while the secondary market deals in securities
previously issued


Page 10
Sharekhan is one of the top retail brokerage houses in India with a strong online
trading platform. The company provides equity based products (research, equities,
derivatives, depository, margin funding, etc.). It has one of the largest networks in the
country with 1200+ share shops in 400 cities and India‘s premier online trading portal
www.sharekhan.com. With their research expertise, customer commitment and
superior technology, they provide investors with end-to-end solutions in investments.
They provide trade execution services through multiple channels - an Internet
platform, telephone and retail outlets.

Sharekhan was established by Morakhia family in 1999-2000 and Morakhia family,

continues to remain the largest shareholder. It is the retail broking arm of the
LIMITED] Group. SSKI which is established in 1930 is the parent company of
Sharekhan ltd. With a legacy of more than 80 years in the stock markets, the SSKI
group ventured into institutional broking and corporate finance over a decade ago.
Presently SSKI is one of the leading players in institutional broking and corporate
finance activities. Sharekhan offers its customers a wide range of equity related
services including trade execution on BSE, NSE, and Derivatives. Depository
services, online trading, Investment advice, Commodities, etc.

Sharekhan Ltd. is a brokerage firm which is established on 8th February 2000 and
now it is having all the rights of SSKI. The company was awarded the 2005 Most
Preferred Stock Broking Brand by Awaaz Consumer Vote. It is first brokerage
Company to go online. The Company's online trading and investment site -
www.Sharekhan.com - was also launched on Feb 8, 2000. This site gives access to
superior content and transaction facility to retail customers across the country. Known
for its jargon-free, investor friendly language and high quality research, the content-
rich and research oriented portal has stood out among its contemporaries because of
its steadfast dedication to offering customers best-of-breed technology and superior
market information.

Page 11
Sharekhan has one of the best states of art web portal providing fundamental and
statistical information across equity, mutual funds and IPOs. One can surf across
5,500 companies for in-depth information, details about more than 1,500 mutual fund
schemes and IPO data. One can also access other market related details such as board
meetings, result announcements, FII transactions, buying/selling by mutual funds and
much more.

Sharekhan's management team is one of the strongest in the sector and has positioned
Sharekhan to take advantage of the growing consumer demand for financial services
products in India through investments in research, pan-Indian branch network and an
outstanding technology platform. Further, Sharekhan's lineage and relationship with
SSKI Group provide it a unique position to understand and leverage the growth of the
financial services sector. We look forward to providing strategic counsel to
Sharekhan's management as they continue their expansion for the benefit of all

SSKI Corporate Finance Private Limited (SSKI) is a leading India-based investment

bank with strong research-driven focus. Their team members are widely respected for
their commitment to transactions and their specialized knowledge in their areas of
strength. The team has completed over US$5 billion worth of deals in the last 5 years
- making it among the most significant players raising equity in the Indian market.
SSKI, a veteran equities solutions company has over 8 decades of experience in the
Indian stock markets.

If we experience their language, presentation style, content or for that matter the
online trading facility, we'll find a common thread; one that helps us make informed
decisions and simplifies investing in stocks. The common thread of empowerment is
what Sharekhan's all about.

"Sharekhan has always believed in collaborating with like-minded Corporate into

forming strategic associations for mutual benefit relationships" says Jaideep Arora,
Director - Sharekhan Limited.

Page 12
Sharekhan is also about focus. Sharekhan does not claim expertise in too many things.
Sharekhan's expertise lies in stocks and that's what he talks about with authority. So
when he says that investing in stocks should not be confused with trading in stocks or
a portfolio-based strategy is better than betting on a single horse, it is something that
is spoken with years of focused learning and experience in the‘ stock markets. And
these beliefs are reflected in everything Sharekhan does for us! Sharekhan is a part of
the SSKI group, an Indian financial services power house, with strong presence in
Retail equities Institutional equities Investment banking.

In Ahmedabad, It is having the branch at Dynamic house, opp. Child care hospital,
Navrangpura road and over 40 franchisees in Ahmedabad. We have been given the
centre at Navrangpura road, Ahmedabad.


Page 13
Formal (organized) Informal (organized)
Financial system Financial system

Financial markets

Capital market Money market

Equity market

 Future
 Option
 Swap
Primary market Secondary  Forwards

 Public issue
 Rights issue  NSE
 Private  BSE
 Preferential

In Sharekhan, under demat account there are two types of terminals.

TYPE OF DEMAT DEPOSIT (Refundable) CHARGES (nonrefundable)

Page 14

CLASSIC Rs.5000 Rs.750

Rs.10000 Nil

TRADETIGER Rs.5000 Rs.1000

Rs.10000/25000 Nil

 Its core services are:

 Equities, and Derivatives trading on the National Stock Exchange of
India Ltd. (NSE), and Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. (BSE),
 Commodities trading on National Commodity and Derivatives
Exchange India (NCDEX) and Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd.
 Depository services,
 Online trading services,
 IPO Services,
 Dial-n-Trade
 Portfolio management services,
 Fundamental and Technical Research services,
 In addition to this they also provide advisory services and distributions
for mutual funds.
 Sharekhan ValueLine (a monthly publication with reviews of
recommendations, stocks to watch out for etc.)
 Daily research reports and market review (High Noon & Eagle Eye)
 Pre-market Report
 Daily trading calls based on Technical Analysis
 Cool trading products (Daring Derivatives and Market Strategy)
 Personalized Advice
 Live Market Information
 Sharekhan First Step

Sharekhan First Step

The Sharekhan FirstStep is a brand new program designed especially for

those who are new to investing in shares. All one have to do is open a
Sharekhan FirstStep account and they guide us through the investing

Market Share

Page 15
Sharekhan enjoyed about 20 per cent market share in Web business (Internet
trading) in stock markets. Three years ago, Web trading showed lot of
promise but with the market witnessing a downturn, there was not much
interest among retail customers.

The share of Web trading constituted 22 per cent of the revenue. As
Sharekhan's daily trading volume was over Rs 200 crore, the share of Web
trading at about Rs 40 crore a day was substantial and a larger part of the
volume was coming from day traders.

Features of Trading With Sharekhan:

1. Freedom from paperwork

2. Instant credit and money transfer
3. Trade from any net enabled PC
4. After hour orders
5. Online orders on the phone
6. Timely advice and-research reports
7. Real-time Portfolio tracking
8. Information and Price alerts.


Taking in to consideration all its assets and liabilities company is valued at

around Rs. 750-850 crores.

 To educate and empower the individual investor to make better investment
decisions through quality advice and superior service.


 To be the best retail brokering Brand in the retail business of stock market.

Page 16

A wired company along with Reliance, Hll, Infosys, etc by ‗Business Today‘,
January 2004 edition.

It was awarded ‗Top Domestic Brokerage House‘ four times by Euro and Asia

It was Winner of ―Best Financial Website‖ award.

India‘s most preferred brokers within 5 years. ―CNBC Awaaz customers Award

The main strategies used in our training were as follow.

Page 17

In data calling we were provided data of mobile numbers and our job was to
generate appointments. After that we were required to convert that
appointment into closure. Apart from given data we also brought latest
business directory. We called to different business people and tried to generate


Called calling means to go at different corporate houses and to meet different

People and to get their visiting card by it we get lead and our immediate task

Was to call them & to fix appointment.


Another important strategy was to use our reference means our family, friends,
relatives etc. In marketing or selling we can never neglect references & they
always play a major role.


Stall activity means to

make stall at public place. Then
our job was to give them a
newspaper with brochures and
to take their name and contact
number. So it was another
process of generating lead.
After that our job was to follow
up and try for appointment and

Page 18
Sales Side Dealing Side

 Trainees  Junior Dealer

 Super Trainees  Dealer

 Sales Executives  Relationship manager

 Senior sales executives  Senior Relationship manager

 Business development  Equity advisor


 Assistant sales manager  Assistant Branch Manager

 Deputy manager  Branch Manager

 Territory manager  Cluster Head

 Area sales manager/ Cluster  Directors


 Regional sales manager  CEO

 Regional Head

 Vice president

 Directors

 Sharekhan provides 4 in 1 account.

1. De-mat a/c
2. Trading a/c [for cash calculation]
3. Bank a/c [for fund transfer]
4. Dial and Trade [for offline trading/for query relating trading]

[1] Dematerialization account:-

Dematerialization is the process of converting physical shares (share
certificates) into an electronic form. Shares once converted into dematerialized
form are held in a De-mat account Sharekhan is a depository participant. This
means that we can keep the shares in dematerialized form in Sharekhan. But
for this one has to purchases the Demat account in Sharekhan. .

 Sharekhan provides no opening charge.

 Sharekhan provide de-mat account free of charge for first year, Rs.400/
year from the next year (year continued from the day of opening).

 Auto pay-in & Auto pay-out of securities.

 Waver of pay-in and pay-out charges (Due to link De-mate account).


 2 passport size photograph

 Identity proof (PAN card is compulsory)

 Residence proof
 Cheque ( Min Rs.10,000 margin balance)
 Proofs of Identity:-

Customer can submit a photo copy of any one of the following

o Voter ID
o Passport
o PAN Card
o Driving License
o Photo I card issued by Employer registered under MAPIN
o Copy of Ration card

Address Proof

Customer can submit a photo copy of any one of the following

o Voter ID Card
o Driving License
o Passport
o Ration Card
o Telephone Bill
o Electricity Bill
o Leave-License
o Bank Passbook
o Latest Bank Statement
[2] Trading Account:

It is an electronic account which enables customers to trade in share through

internet without help to broker.

1) NSE/BSE/F&O/Commodity terminal live screen:-

Provides online fluctuations rate on computer screen

2) Online Daily Tips:-

 Sharekhan is providing tips through mails in 4 sessions

Pre market
Noon session
Post market
Late evening

 Sharekhan is provide tips through SMS (chargeable)

 Sharekhan is provide tips through Yahoo Messenger Online

3) IPO/MF Online :-

Sharekhan provide IPO and MF facility for the customer.

[3] Saving Account:

In Sharekhan, a customer can have a saving account for trading online with net
banking facility; Sharekhan have a tie ups with following Banks.

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1. HDFC Bank
2. CITI Bank
3. OBC Bank
4. YES Bank
5. UTI Bank
6. IDBI Bank
7. ICICI Bank
8. Union Bank
9. Indusind Bank
10. Bank of India
11. Deutsche Bank

A customer can allocate and transfer fund from your respective bank account to your
Sharekhan account for trading and transfer back to link bank account when and where

[4] Dial-N-Trade:-

Sharekhan provide Dial-N-Trade facility to the customer.

AMC PLAN:- ( Annual Maintenance Cost Plan)

Different Plans for Purchasing of Demat Accounts for Equity:-

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 Different Plans for Purchasing of Demat Accounts for Derivatives:-

 PRODUCTS & services:-

Sharekhan ltd. Provide different Product as follows:-

 Share online & offline

 Derivatives

 Mutual fund online

 Commodities online

 IPO online

 Portfolio Management Services

 Insurance

 Fixed deposits

Page | 24
 Advisory products

 Currency trading

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 Share online:-


Sharekhan provide online facilities.


I. Freedom from paperwork:-Integrated trading, bank and de-mat account with

digital contracts removers all paperwork.
II. Instant credit and transfer:-instant transfer of funds from bank account of
the choice to Sharekhan trading account.
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III. Trade anywhere:-enjoy the ease of trading from any part of the world in a
completely secure environment.
IV. Dial n Trade:-call toll free number (1-800-22-7050) to place orders through
V. Timey advice:-make informed decisions with expert advice, investment calls
and live market commentary.
VI. Real-time portfolio tracking:-benefit from real-time information for
investment and current portfolio value.
VII. After-hour orders:-place order after market hours, which get executed as
soon as the markets opens.

Sharekhan provide two different accounts:

1) Classic account
2) Trade Tiger


The Classic Account enables customers to trade online on the NSE and the BSE,
invest in IPO and Mutual Funds and access all the research and transaction reports
through Sharekhan‘s website. This account is suitable for the retail investors.
In this account Shown the maximum script are 25 in the terminal and the technical
chart are not shown in this account.
The life time registration charge for this account is 750 rupees.


 Online trading account for investing in Equities and Derivatives

 Free trading through Phone (Dial-n-Trade)

o Two dedicated numbers for placing your orders with your cell phone
or landline.

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o Automatic funds transfer with phone banking (for Citibank and HDFC
bank customers)
o Simple and Secure Interactive Voice Response based system for
o Get the trusted, professional advice of our telebrokers.
o After hours order placement facility between 8.00 am and 9.30 am

 Integration of: Online trading + Bank + Demat account

 Instant cash transfer facility against purchase & sale of shares
 IPO investments
 Instant order and trade confirmations by e-mail
 Single screen interface for cash and derivatives


1. Online trading is very user friendly and one doesn't need any software
to access.

1. They provide good quality of services like daily SMS alerts, mail alerts,
stock recommendations etc.

Sharekhan has ability to transfer funds from most banks. Unlike ICICI Direct,
HDFC Sec, etc., so investor not really needs to open an account with a
particular bank as it can establish link with most modern banks.


There are 14 main hierarchical levels in Sharekhan:

1) Trainees
2) Super trainees
3) Sales executives
4) Assistant sales manager
5) Area sales manager
6) Assistant branch manager
7) Branch manager
8) Regional head

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9) Directors
10) CEO


 Streaming quotes.
 Personalized market watch.
 Single screen interface for cash, derivatives and Commodities.
 New FastTrade is platform independent will support by all Operating
 New FastTrade will support all browsers in the market.
 New FastTrade is independent of existing website and can work even if
content website is down.
 Fast trade is web base product and it‘s a shown fluctuation rate.


An Option By Which Bulk

Trading Can Be Done.

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Trade tiger is a next-generation online trading product that brings the power of
broker‘s terminal to customer pc. It is session to capitalize on intra-day price
movement. Trade tiger is an internet –based application available on a CD, which
provides everything a trader needs on one screen.

Key Features:-

A single platform for multiple exchange BSE & NSE (Cash & F&O), MCX,
NCDEX, Mutual Funds, IPOs

Multiple Market Watch available on Single Screen

Multiple Charts with Tick by Tick Intraday and End of Day Charting
powered with various Studies

Graph Studies include Average, Band- Bollinger, Know Sure Thing,

MACD, RSI, etc

Apply studies such as Vertical, Horizontal, Trend, Retracement & Free lines

User can save his own defined screen as well as graph template, that is,
saving the layout for future use

User-defined alert settings on an input Stock Price trigger

Tools available to gauge market such as Tick Query, Ticker, Market

Summary, Action Watch, Option Premium Calculator, Span Calculator

Shortcut key for FAST access to order placements & reports

Online fund transfer activated with 11 Banks

Page | 30

Live Streaming Quotes

Access all Trading Calls

Advanced Charting features

Create your own technical rules for trading

A Single Trading Screen for all segments


 The HNI product.

 Personalized portfolio tracking & restructuring advice.

 Monthly stock valuation statements, report profitability statement.

 Daily report on transaction sent in printed format as well as available online.

 Research-based investment advice tailored for different investment approaches

 Share offline:-

As the internet has taken over the physical trade, the same is the situation in trading in
shares. Even the internet has not spared trading in shares and still the conventional
system of offline trading continues in today‘s world.

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Merits of offline trading

 Low brokerage
 Less margin
 Flexibility in credit period
 Customized advice

Demerits of offline trading

 Problems in getting in touch with the broker

 Limited clientele
 Problem of attention from the broker due to load
 Reliance on the broker‘s information
 Customer has to believe what the broker says
 Broker Might not give the best price
 Reconciliation of account and cash settlements
 Paperwork
 Geographical Restriction


Sharekhan provides complete trading facility like they are giving Toll free numbers
the phone trading facility as an alternative of net trading where a customer can call
―n‖ number of times.

Toll Free numbers: 1800-22-7500


Local number : 079-30307600 (chargeable)

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Exposure: For Intraday = 10 times
For Delivery = 04 times
Sharekhan is also providing the Margin on DP balance.

 Indexes of Equity market online


The national stock exchange of the India was the promoted by leading financial
institutions at the behest of the government of India, and was incorporated in
November 1992 as a tax paying company. In April 1993, it was recognized as a stock
exchange under the securities contracts( Regulation) Act, 1956. NSE commenced its
operation in the wholesale Debt Market (WDM) segment in June 1994. The capital
market (Equities) segment of the NSE commenced operation in November 1994.

The Bombay stock exchange is the oldest stock exchange in Asia. It is located at
Dalal Street, Mumbai, India.

The Bombay stock exchange was established in 1985. There are around 3500 Indian
companies listed with stock exchange, and has the significant stock volume. As of 29
may 2007, the market capitalization of the BSE is about Rs. 40.5 trillion. The BSE
SENSEX (SENSitive indEX), also called the “BSE 30”, is a widely used market index in
India and Asia. As of 2005, it is among the five biggest stock exchanges in the world
in terms of transactions volume.

 Derivatives
Derivatives are financial contracts whose value/price is depends on the
behavior of price of one or more basic underling assets. These contracts are
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legally binding agreement, made on the trading screen of stock exchange, buy
or sell an asset in future. The assets can be share, index, interest rate, bond,
rupee- dollar exchange rate, sugar, crude oil, soybean, cotton, coffee etc.



An agreement between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a certain

time in the Future at a certain price. Stock futures on certain specified securities and
internet rate futures are available for trading at NSE (NATIONAL STOCK
EXCHANGE).All the futures contracts are settled in cash.

 Options:-

An Options is a contract which gives the right, but not but or sell the underlying at a
stated price, which a buyer of an option pays the premium and Options are of two
types – calls and put.

give the buyer the right but not the obligation to buy a given quantity of the
underlying asset, at a given price on or before a given future date. Calls also known as

give the buyer the right, but not obligation to sell a given quantity of the underlying
asset at a given price on or before a given date. Puts also known as bears.

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 Commodities online:-

Commodities are agreements to buy and sell virtually anything except, for some
reason, onions. The primary commodities that are traded are oil, gold and agricultural
products. Commodity derivatives comprise of raw materials and products that can be
traded on special commodity exchanges across the country. Commodities expands
customer investing horizon from investing in a metal company to trading in the metal
itself. Trading in commodity derivative provides unique market opportunities for a
wider section of participants like: investor, hedgers, arbitragers, traders, manufactures
planters, exporters and importers. While trading commodities through an exchange,
there are no transportation charges, no insurance costs, no storage charges and
complete security when customer trade though an exchange. Customer can trade in
commodities at nominal costs and carry the investment in paper from as customer
want. The fundamentals for commodities are quite simple: price is a function of
demand and supply.

Sharekhan provides commodity facility. Sharekhan trades on two major commodity

exchanges in India.

1) MCX


Indexes of commodities



electronic commodity futures exchange.MCX is an independent commodity exchange
based in India. It was established in 2003 and is based in Mumbai. The turnover of the
exchange for the period Apr-Dec 2008 was INR 32 Trillion.MCX offers futures
trading in Agricultural Commodities, Bullion, Ferrous & Non-ferrous metals, Pulses,

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Oils & Oilseeds, Energy, Plantations, Spices and other soft commodities. MCX has
also setup in joint venture the National Spot Exchange a purely agricultural
commodity exchange and National Bulk Handling Corporation (NBHC) which
provides bulk storage and handling of agricultural products.


National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX) is a professionally

managed online multi commodity exchange promoted by ICICI Bank Limited (ICICI
Bank), Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), National Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development (NABARD) and National Stock Exchange of India Limited
(NSE). Punjab National Bank (PNB), CRISIL Limited (formerly the Credit Rating
Information Services of India Limited), Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited
(IFFCO) and Canara Bank by subscribing to the equity shares have joined the initial
promoters as shareholders of the Exchange.

NCDEX is the only commodity exchange in the country promoted by national level
institutions. This unique parentage enables it to offer a bouquet of benefits, which are
currently in short supply in the commodity markets. The institutional promoters of
NCDEX are prominent players in their respective fields and bring with them
institutional building experience, trust, nationwide reach, technology and risk
management skills. NCDEX is a public limited company incorporated on April 23,
2003 under the Companies Act, 1956. It obtained its Certificate for Commencement
of Business on May 9, 2003. It has commenced its operations on December 15, 2003.
NCDEX is a nation-level, technology driven de-mutualized on-line commodity
exchange with an independent Board of Directors and professionals not having any
vested interest in commodity markets. It is committed to provide a world-class

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commodity exchange platform for market participants to trade in a wide spectrum of
commodity derivatives driven by best global practices, professionalism and

NCDEX is regulated by Forward Market Commission in respect of futures trading in

commodities. Besides, NCDEX is subjected to various laws of the land like the
Companies Act, Stamp Act, Contracts Act, Forward Commission (Regulation) Act
and various other legislations, which impinge on its working. NCDEX is located in
Mumbai and offers facilities to its members in more than 390 centers throughout
India. The reach will gradually be expanded to more centers.

NCDEX currently facilitates trading of thirty six commodities - Cashew, Castor Seed,
Chana, Chilli, Coffee, Cotton, Cotton Seed Oilcake, Crude Palm Oil, Expeller
Mustard Oil, Gold, Guar gum, Guar Seeds, Gur, Jeera, Jute sacking bags, Mild Steel
Ingot, Mulberry Green Cocoons, Pepper, Rapeseed - Mustard Seed ,Raw Jute, RBD
Palmolein, Refined Soy Oil, Rice, Rubber, Sesame Seeds, Silk, Silver, Soy Bean,
Sugar, Tur, Turmeric, Urad (Black Matpe), Wheat, Yellow Peas, Yellow Red Maize
& Yellow Soybean Meal. At subsequent phases trading in more commodities would
be facilitated.

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What is insurance?

Insurance is a policy from a large Financial Institution that offers a person, company,
or other entity reimbursement or financial protection against possible future losses or

Life insurance ensures that your family will receive financial support in your absence
Put simply; life insurance provides your family with a sum of money should
something happen to you. It protects your family from financial crises. In addition to
serving as a protective cover, life insurance acts as a flexible money-saving scheme,
which empowers you to accumulate wealth-to buy a new car, get your children
married and even retire comfortably. Life insurance also triples up as an ideal tax-
saving scheme. To know more, read the Key Benefits of Life Insurance.
Currently Sharekhan has tie up with ICICI Prudential Life Insurance. So Under ICICI
prudential life insurance, the key benefits would be……
Life insurance, especially tailored to meet your financial needs

Need for Life Insurance

Today, there is no shortage of investment options for a person to choose from.

Modern day investments include gold, property, fixed income instruments, mutual
funds and of course, life insurance. Given the plethora of choices, it becomes
imperative to make the right choice when investing your hard-earned money. Life
insurance is a unique investment that helps you to meet your dual needs - saving for
life's important goals, and protecting your assets.

Asset Protection

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From an investor's point of view, an investment can play two roles - asset appreciation
or asset protection. While most financial instruments have the underlying benefit of
asset appreciation, life insurance is unique in that it gives the customer the
reassurance of asset protection, along with a strong element of asset appreciation.

The core benefit of life insurance is that the financial interests of one‘s family remain
protected from circumstances such as loss of income due to critical illness or death of
the policyholder. Simultaneously, insurance products also have a strong inbuilt wealth
creation proposition. The customer therefore benefits on two counts and life insurance
occupies a unique space in the landscape of investment options available to a

Goal based savings

Each of us has some goals in life for which we need to save. For a young, newly
married couple, it could be buying a house. Once, they decide to start a family, the
goal changes to planning for the education or marriage of their children. As one grows
older, planning for one's retirement will begin to take precedence.

Clearly, as your life stage and therefore your financial goals change, the instrument in
which you invest should offer corresponding benefits pertinent to the new life stage.
Life insurance is the only investment option that offers specific products tailor-made
for different life stages. It thus ensures that the benefits offered to the customer reflect
the needs of the customer at that particular life stage, and hence ensures that the
financial goals of that life stage are met.

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The table below gives a general guide to the plans that are appropriate for different
life stages.

Life Stage Primary Need Life Insurance Product

Young & Single Asset creation Wealth creation plans
Young & Just Asset creation & protection Wealth creation and mortgage
married protection plans

Married with kids Children's education, Asset Education insurance, mortgage

creation and protection protection & wealth creation plans

Middle aged with Planning for retirement & Retirement solutions & mortgage
grown up kids asset protection protection

Across all life- Health plans Health Insurance


 Life insurance plan:

Life insurance products assure your family will receive financial support, even in your
absence. Put simply, when you buy insurance you provide your family with a sum of
money, should something happen to you. It thus permanently protects your family
from financial crises.

In addition to serving as a protective cover, when you buy insurance you create a
flexible money-saving scheme, which empowers you to accumulate wealth to buy a
new car, get your children educational solutions, and even retire comfortably.

Today, there is no shortage of investment options for a person to choose from. Given
the plethora of choices, it becomes imperative to make the right choice when
investing your hard-earned money and online insurance is an ideal choice in today‘s
technology driven world. Buying Life insurance online is a way to make a unique

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investment that helps you to meet your dual needs - saving for life's important goals,
and protecting your assets.

From an investor's point of view, an investment can play two roles - asset appreciation
or asset protection. While most financial instruments have the underlying benefit of
asset appreciation, buying life insurance online gets you the unique reassurance of
asset protection, along with a strong element of asset appreciation.

When you buy life insurance online the core benefit is that the financial interests of
one‘s family remain protected from circumstances such as loss of income due to
critical illness or death of the policyholder. Simultaneously, buying life insurance
online gives a strong inbuilt wealth creation proposition. The customer therefore
benefits on two counts and online insurance products occupy a unique space in the
landscape of investment options available to a customer.

As your life stage and therefore your financial goals change, the instrument in which
you invest should offer corresponding benefits pertinent to the new life stage. Online
insurance products are the only investment option that offer specific products tailor-
made for different life stages. You are thus ensured that the benefits offered to the
customer reflect the needs of the customer at that particular life stage, and hence
ensures that the financial goals of that life stage are met.

On the basis of which life stage you are in and the corresponding insurance needs,
ICICI Prudential plans can be categorized into the following three types:

 Education Insurance Plans

 Wealth Creation Plans
 Protection Plans

Page | 42
Educational Insurance Plans Wealth Creation Plan Protection
ICICI Pru Smartkid Assure ICICI Pru Life Stage Wealth Pure Protect
ICICI Pru Smartkid Maxima ICICI Pru ACE Life Guard
ICICI Pru Smartkid Regular ICICI Pru premier Wealth Save n Protect
ICICI Pru assure Wealth Cashbak
ICICI Pru Life Time Maxima Home assure

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 Mutual fund:-


Mutual Fund is an investment company that pools money from shareholders and
invests in a variety of securities, such as stocks, bonds and money market
instruments. Most open-end mutual funds stand ready to buy back (redeem) its
shares at their current net asset value, which depends on the total market value of
the fund's investment portfolio at the time of redemption. Most open-end mutual
funds continuously offer new shares to investors.

Security exchange board of India is the regulatory body for all mutual fund.
All mutual funds must get registered with the SEBI.

Benefits of investing in mutual funds:

Small investment
Professional fund management

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Spreading risk

Online Mutual Fund

 Initial publi offering

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Initial Public Offering, the first sale of stock by a company to the public.
Companies offering an IPO are sometimes new, young companies, or sometimes
companies which have been around for many years but are finally deciding to go
public. IPOs are often risky investments, but often have the potential for significant
gains. IPOs are often used as a way for a young company to gain necessary market

From an investor point of view, IPO gives a chance to buy shares of a company,
directly from the company at the price of their choice (In book build IPO's). Many a
times there is a big difference between the price at which companies decides for its
shares and the price on which investor are willing to buy share and that gives a good
listing gain for shares allocated to the investor in IPO.

From a company prospective, IPO help them to identify their real value which is
decided by millions of investor once their shares are listed in stock exchanges. IPO's
also provide funds for their future growth or for paying their previous borrowings.
Sharekhan provides to their customer the Online IPO facility. In this facility, The
customer has to feel only the bid price and the quantity for which he/she wants to buy
the stock.

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Steps for Applying IPO


 Portfolio management service:-

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PMS: -


Sharekhan unfolds for customer an enable of PMS to choose from that helps customer
sit back, relax and see customer money grow without worrying about the ups and
downs at the stock market. Talks to Sharekhan specialists and they‘ll help customer
choose a PMS plan that suits customer ‗ risk taking appetite‘ and ‗expectation from
the market‘.

There are two types of PMS in Sharekhan Limited




ProPrime uses in-depth independent fundamental research through primary analysis in

high-quality companies. The ProPrime line is designed for varying risk-return profiles
and investment. Ideal for investors looking at steady and superior returns with low to
medium risk appetite. This portfolio consists of a blend of quality blue chip and
growth stocks ensuring a balanced portfolio with relatively medium risk profile. The
portfolio will mostly have large capitalization stocks based on sectors & themes that
have medium to long term growth potential.


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Investment are based on 3 tenets:
i] Consistent, steady and sustainable returns
ii] Margin of Safety
iii] Low Volatility


 Bottom up stock selection

 In-depth, independent fundamental research

 High quality companies with relatively large capitalization.

 Disciplined valuation approach applying multiple valuation measures

 Medium to long term vision, resulting in low portfolio turnover

 Why Invest?

 PMS proprime uses the expertise of 35 financial analyst to get the best
possible returns.

 Fundamental research based on in-depth analysis of companies including

past performance, management, growth potential of sector etc.

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 How to Invest?
 Minimum investment = Rs. 5.00 Lakhs
 Lock in period: 06 months
 Reporting: Access to website showing client holding & quarterly
reporting of portfolio holdings/transactions
 Charges: 2.5% p.a., AMC fees charged every quarter, 0.5% brokerage,
20% profit sharing after 15% hurdle crossed end of every fiscal.

 How to check?
You can access your portfolio through branches of franchisees for
 Daily NAV can be viewed online
 Quarterly reporting of portfolio holding/transaction


Protech uses the knowledge of technical analysis and the power of derivatives
market to identify trading opportunities in the market. The Protech lines of
products are designed around various risk/reward/volatility profiles for different
kinds of investment needs.

Protech is based on
(1)Long short strategies
(2)Focus on absolute returns
(3)Timing the market


Page | 50
1.Nifty Thrifty
2.Beta Portfolio
3.Trailling Stops

Product Approach:-

 Superior performance can be achieved through sheer market timing, by

picking Stocks/Nifty before the infection points in their trading cycles.

 Linear returns are possible from having sell market positions in downtrends
and by using the options market to change the portfolio beta.

 Money management rules will be in place.

Product Characteristics:-

 Using swing based index -trading systems, stop and reverse, trend
following and momentum trading techniques.

 Nifty based products for low impact cost and low product volatility.

 To earn return both in rising & falling market.

 Trading in futures market to allow for active risk protection using trailing
stop losses.

 Why Invest?

Different product based on risk-reward for different types of investor having different
Page | 51
time horizon of investment & return expectation.

Aspect from fundamental analysis, a successful investor can take a market view based
on technical analysis & power of derivatives for ‗Timing the market’.

If customer wants to be ahead in the race of timing the market correctly, then ProTech
PMS is the option for customer. So far Sharekhan is the first company to came out
with this kind of PMS in India based on Technical Analysis.

 How to invest?
Lock in: 6 months.
Reporting: fortnightly reporting of portfolio net worth, monthly reporting of portfolio
Holdings/ transactions.
Charges: 0% AMC fees, 0.05% brokerage for derivatives, 20% profit sharing on
booked profits on a quarterly basis.

 Fixed deposits

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Fixed deposits are loan arrangements where a specific amount of funds is placed on
deposit under the name of the account holder. The money placed on deposit earns a
fixed rate of interest, according to the terms and conditions that govern the account.
The actual amount of the fixed rate can be influenced by such factors at the type of
currency involved in the deposit, the duration set in place for the deposit, and the
location where the deposit is made.

The most unusual characteristic of a fixed deposit is that the funds cannot be
withdrawn for a specified period of time. In most cases, fixed deposits carry duration
of five years. During that time, the money remains in the account and cannot be
withdrawn for any reason. Individuals, corporate entities, and even non-profit
organizations that wish to set aside funds and limit their access to the funds for a
period of time often find that fixed deposits are a simple way to accomplish this goal.
As an added benefit, the monies in the account will earn a fixed rate of interest
regardless of any fluctuations in interest rates that apply to other types of accounts.

However, both these benefits can also turn into disadvantages under certain
circumstances. Because the money cannot be withdrawn until the duration is
complete, the funds cannot be used even in emergency situations. Changes in the
going interest rate may also rise to a point above and beyond the interest rate applied
to existing deposits. This means account holders are actually earning less interest with
fixed deposits than with other types of loans and accounts.

While the interest rate on fixed deposits cannot be changed, there is sometimes a way
to work around the issue of obtaining use of funds in an emergency situation. At

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times, the lending institution where the fixed deposit is placed may be willing to
extend a separate loan to the account holder, using the fixed account as collateral.
While not ideal, this can at least make it possible to deal with the current financial

Fixed deposits are a credible way to make a return on investment that is somewhat
higher than a standard savings account. The use of fixed deposits can also be helpful
when working with various types of currency. By establishing what is known as a
Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit or FCFD, it is possible to choose the type of
currency involved in the deposit and lock in a rate of interest. If the choice of
currency is a good one, this means the investor can enjoy a healthy fixed deposit
currency rate for the duration of the deposit and earn more than with a standard fixed
deposit strategy. However, going with an FCFD does contain a slightly higher amount
of risk, since the funds deposited must be converted to the currency of choice and then
converted back when the deposit is fulfilled. If the currency did not fare well in the
interim, there is some chance of obtaining a loss, due to the changes in the rate of
exchange from the time the fixed deposit was activated until the time the deposit is
considered complete. Sharekhan has tie up with Unitech Limited and HDFC
corporations limited.

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 Advisory produc


Sharekhan provide Advisory Products by which customer can get proper advise for
investing their money in proper way by which they can earn more profit. .

Need of Advisory Products:-

 Wide product range to meet diverse needs of clients

 Disciplined Approach
 Dedicated Product manager backed by Research
 Performance track record


Top picks Portfolio

Page | 55
123 portfolios
Smart Trade Portfolio
Derivatives Portfolio
Nifty Portfolio
Portfolio Doctor

(1) Top Picks Portfolio:

A Compilation of the best stock market ideas from the Sharekhan basket.

 Released Monthly
 Ideal for Every Investor.
 Picked by the highly acclaimed Sharekhan Research Team

 Quality Stock Selection.

 Effective for long term and medium term.
 Excellent Track Record.
 Good Strike Record.

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Top Pick Portfolio Performance
Top Picks Performance 67.80%
Sensex Performance 25.60%
Portfolio period 1st April 2007-31st March 2008

Top Pick Portfolio Performance

Top Picks Performance -4.10%
Sensex Performance -15.90%
Portfolio period 1st April 2008 - 31st Aug 2008

(2)123 Portfolio:

What is it?

123 portfolio is a cash market delivery portfolio. In this Portfolio, calls will be generated
by Advisory team in Consultation with Research Team in both Fundamental and
Technical Term. 123 Portfolio is for short term delivery clients with the time frame of 1-3

123 Portfolio - Rules

Ticket size Rs. 3 lacs & above
No of stocks in portfolio Max.5
Upside returns potential 10-20%
Downside risk 5-10%
Stop loss No stop loss will be given
Shall be done to clients at the End of day & also a Monthly
Reporting report will be sent
Product draw down 25% of clients corpus

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(3) Smart Trade Portfolio:

 A Model portfolio runs by the Sharekhan advisory Team centrally.

 Delivery calls are generated by the Advisory based on the market pulse (not based
on the Fundamental Research).
 ideal for short term investor looking for aggressive returns with medium risk
 Aggressive

 No leverage

 Actively Managed

STP: Trading Rules

Portfolio Rules
Call for Segment Only Cash Segment calls
Min Investment per call 10 % of corpus
Time frame of call Max : 1 month Min : 1 day
Monitoring Advisory Team

Portfolio Performance
Portfolio Returns 51.10% (Net of Costs)
Sensex performance 25.60%
Portfolio period 1st April 2007-31st March 2008

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(4) Derivatives Portfolio:

A Model portfolio runs by the Sharekhan advisory Team centrally. Ideal for Traders
looking for aggressive returns with medium risk.

 Aggressive
 Leverage
 Actively managed
 Super strike Rate

Portfolio Rules
Call for Segment Only Derivative Segment calls
20-25 % of corpus as Margin
Min Investment per call (Quantity also specified)
Time frame of call Max : 1 month Min : 1 day
Monitoring Derivative Team

Portfolio Performance
Returns (Absolute) 102% (Costs**)
Returns (Relative) 17.69%
Portfolio period 1st August 2007-31st March 2008
** Costs Net of Brokeage & doesn’t not considers other charges

Portfolio Performance
Portfolio Returns 95.54%
Sensex performance -15.90%
Portfolio period 1st April 2008- 16th Sep 2008
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(5) Nifty Portfolio:

 It is a trading portfolio managed by Sharekhan‘s technical team which

generated calls in Both (BSE &NSE) Index.
 This portfolio is meant for traders who want to trade for short and long index.

Why Nifty Portfolio?

 Historically 1/3 of F&O turnover is in NIFTY.

 Ample Liquidity and Low impact cost.
 Predefined method and rules.

Nifty Portfolio
Ticket Size Rs. 3 lakhs
Max EOD Exposure 6 Lots
Min Exposure 0 Lots
Expected Upside 1-8%
Stop Loss 1-4%
Reporting Shall be done to clients at the End of day & also a Monthly report will be sent
Drawdown 30%

Nifty Portfolio
Time Frame Intraday-30 Days
Stop Loss 1-4%
Target 1.5-10%
Strike Rate 60-65%
Risk Reward 1:2.5
Underlying Nifty Futures,Bank Nifty, Nifty Options,CNX IT(If Liquid)

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Dividend Distribution

Positive Return on investment will be consider for monthly dividend

(6) Portfolio Doctor:

 It is a tool for the comprehensive analysis of your existing portfolio.
 Recommendations for improvement on a continuous basis based on ―Market

 Analysis of your existing portfolio

 Recommendation from Sharekhan

 Creation of Model Portfolio

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 Currency Trading:

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Currency trading means to trade in currency of different countries and price
varies because of supply and demand.
Currency trading is mostly done by large companies or by people who is
import-export business.
In price of currency there is always fluctuation. So it can be dangerous for
people who have import-export business. So they make reverse position or it is
also known as hedging.
So by this way people minimize their risk with the help of currency trading.
Currency trading is not much useful to individual investors.
Sharekhan is providing offline currency trading to interested customers.
Online currency trading is not given because individual investors still not
prefer currency trading.

Major Challenges for the Organization

NEW DELHI: A combination of factors, such as rising macro challenges, policy
paralysis, muted quarterly results and monsoon expectations, have turned the market
bias negative, according to Sharekhan Ltd.

"For investors, any correction in the near term (due to macro concerns or tactical
factors) would be a summer discount sale as the risk reward ratio for long-term
investors has turned quite attractive," according to a report by the brokerage.

The government's proposal to review India's exclusive tax avoidance treaty with
Mauritius rattled the markets which were already reeling under the negative impact of
a weakening rupee.

The rising current account and fiscal deficits are putting pressure on the rupee against
the major currencies as well as causing structural liquidity issues in the domestic
banking system despite the fund infusion by the RBI through CRR cuts and open
market operations.
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On Friday, the Sensex fell below the 17,000 mark for the first time since January 24,
2012, closing at 16,831, down 320.11 points, or 1.87%. The 50-share Nifty fell
101.55 points, or 1.96%, to close at 5,086.85.

Investors worry that revising the terms of the pact could discourage overseas
investments in India as a sizeable chunk of foreign fund inflows into the country in
the last few years has been through Mauritius.

The BSE Mid-cap Index, which underperformed the Sensex in the October 2011 to
January 2012 period, actually outperformed the index in the past three months. Going
ahead, the monsoons are expected to be normal this year (as forecast by the India
Meteorological Department) which would be crucial in shaping the market.

In India, corporate earnings have come under pressure due to the high input cost,
rising financing costs and uncertainty in the external environment. In the past three
quarters, earnings of the Sensex companies grew in single digits -- 7% in Q1FY2012,
8.1% in Q2FY2012, and 4.1% in Q3FY2012.

However, the earnings downgrades picked up again after a lull for a couple of months.
The Sensex's consensus earnings estimate for FY2013 has been downgraded
substantially (by 15%) over the last 15 months and largely factors in most of the

Introduction of Problem
Sharekhan's Server is damn slow at 9.55 AM and after 2.45 pm.

When NSE begins at 9.55 AM you get Zeros all over for full 5 mins; sometimes
even for 20 mins.
If you call up the nearest Sharekhan Office you are sure to get an answer "
Everything is OK. Your broadband's speed is very slow." First I believed them.
Switched Sify to MTNL(2Mbps). Same problem. Changed over to Airtel
(2Mbps). Problem continues.

Very often you are looking at past. Share's rate is for example Rs 100.00. You buy
150 shares. Later you find that these shares were bought actually at Rs 115.00.
Why?? Because the time next to share rate is 15 mins behind the actual. The
Page | 64
server has not updated your scren at all. You have to shutdown and restart the
Sharekhan's programme ( not the compute) to get the current rate. The situation
becomes horrible if you were to buy to cover a Shortsold Day Trading Deal and
time shown is 3.20 pm. I bought some shares and later realised that I didnot buy at
all as the market was closed because the actual time was 3.35 pm. So you pay

Another thing happens infrequently. You do Day Trade for 200 shares of BHEL at
Rs 1300 per share. Buy shares at Rs1250.oo and settle the deal. You think you are
buying shares in NSE but actually you end up buying in BSE and you are in
serious trouble - auction. On day T+2 the closing price has shot up to Rs1570.00
and you have to this price plus 20% penalty. While you were glad that you made
Rs 50/- profit it has now become a nightmare with a loss of overRs500/share or Rs
1 lac. When you take it up with Sharekhan they would say nothing is wrong with
their software and you must have press the wrong keys on the keyboard. Their

The staff at the Sharekhan branches just donot know at what rate you are charged
STT, Education cess and a host of other taxes. Even emails to 'mysharekhan.com'
only frustrate you. Though you get a prompt reply and the rate of taxes' they canot
explain how it is worked out. They try to use jargons to escape any responsibility.
I asked them what the jargon 'Traded Value' means. Is it my purchase/ sold rate or
does it include brokerage or is it to be multiplied by the no of shares traded. No
reply for 45 days. I am still waiting.

Page | 65
To project Sharekhan as an authority in the retail stock trading


To execute business for the company by selling demat accounts and

mutual funds.

To study the various products of the company.

To know how to open and close the calls.

Page | 66
To learn the online terminal used for trading.

To know the various policies of the company.

To know how to handle various types of customers.

To know various reasons for market fluctuations.

To learn to manage time.

To gain practical knowledge of the market.

To have a practical experience of working in a reputed organization


Literature Review
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to organize and take stock of the present
situation of research on stock market integration by reviewing the available literature,
to provide quick and easy access for future researchers. Another objective of the
present study is to classify the literature and to provide the comprehensive
bibliography on stock market integration and to analyse the findings and results of the
studies taken into consideration for review.

Black-Litterman model: The Black-Litterman model enables investors to

combine their unique views regarding the performance of various assets with
the market equilibrium in a manner that results in intuitive, diversified
portfolios. This paper consolidates insights from the relatively few works on
the model and provides step-by-step instructions that enable the reader to
implement this complex model. A new method for controlling the tilts and the
final portfolio weights caused by views is introduced. The new method asserts
that the magnitude of the tilts should be controlled by the user-specified
Page | 67
confidence level based on an intuitive 0% to 100% confidence level. This is an
intuitive technique for specifying one of most abstract mathematical
parameters of the Black-Litterman model.
Portfolio Selection with Transaction Costs: In this paper, optimal
consumption and investment decisions are studied for an investor who has
available a bank account paying a fixed rate of interest and a stock whose
price is a log-normal diffusion. This problem was solved by Merton and others
when transactions between bank and stock are costless. Here we suppose that
there are charges on all transactions equal to a fixed percentage of the amount
transacted. It is shown that the optimal buying and selling policies are the local
times of the two-dimensional process of bank and stock holdings at the
boundaries of a wedge-shaped region which is determined by the solution of a
nonlinear free boundary problem. An algorithm for solving the free boundary
problem is given.
A Shrinkage Approach to Model Uncertainty and Asset Allocation: This
paper takes a shrinkage approach to examine the empirical implications of
aversion to model uncertainty.Portfolio Optimization, Heuristics, and the
―Butterfly Effect‖: The ―Butterfly Effect‖ has been an interesting concept in
the development of chaos theory. Given a complex system like the global
weather system, the butterfly effect is rather intriguing. It says that the
flapping of a butterfly‘s wings in Beijing will work its way through the system
and result in a tornado in Oklahoma. The same effect is at work with portfolio
optimizers that perform asset allocation and portfolio allocation chores. A
small change to an input works its way through the system of equations and
results in a large change in allocations. As a result, it is very easy to arrive at a
set of ―non-intuitive‖ allocations.

 Data presentation



S. N. Name %
Page | 68
Others 7


Company Percentage

ICICI Direct


In Sharekhan 38% respondents have de-mat & trading account because of

better services and no annual maintenance and other charges.

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Page | 70
Aimed at investors. Presents our stock pick and discusses reasons for the same. It
comes with a price target and a time frame over which gains can be materialized.


These stocks are steady compounders, churning out steady growth rates year on year.
They are typically significant players in their markets, with sound strategies that will

Page | 71
help them achieve and sustain market dominance in the long run. They have strong
brands, management credentials and a consistent track record of achieving super
normal shareholder returns. We expect stocks in this category to compound at
between 18-20% per annum for the next five to ten years Also called ownership
stocks, Evergreen stocks are the brightest jewels in any portfolio.

Apple Green

These are stocks that have the potential to be steady compounders and are attempting
to move upwards, to turn Evergreen. They rank a shade below the Evergreen
companies, only because their potential in the five to ten years' time is still not very
clear, although they might grow at rates faster than that of the Evergreen stocks in the
next year or two. They could grow at 25-30% per annum over the next two to three

Page | 72
Ugly Duckling

These are companies that are trading below their fair value or at values which are at a
significant discount to that of their peer group, due to a combination of circumstances.
But things are now starting to happen in these companies or in their markets that are
likely to cause a re-evaluation of their prospects. These stocks could double in two to
three years' time. Buy into an Ugly Duckling now and you'd have a beautiful white
swan on your hands two to three years down the line.

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Emerging star

These are typically young companies, often in niche businesses, that have the
potential to grow and dominate their niches. Even better, they might turn out to be

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real giants, if their niches explode into full-blown markets in their own rights. These
stocks are potential ten-baggers but you need to be patient. Buy into these stocks and
watch your personal star ascend.

Vulture's Pick
These are companies with valuable assets or brands that have been trashed to
ridiculously low prices. Buy a Vulture's Pick and wait for a predator who finds its
assets undervalued to come along. This could be a long wait but the returns could be
startlingly high. The key is to be patient. The vulture after all is a patient bird.

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Cannon Ball

They are fast gainers in a rising market, which could give returns of 20-40% within
three months. Based on a combination of sound market information, technical charts
and available fundamentals for investors with an appetite for high risk and high

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A daily fundamental newsletter to help the customer for taking right decisions.

 Contents Views on most important news reports of the day

 Recos using the bottom-up approach
 Stock Update reports
 Special reports
 Other reports


A model portfolio comprising of 12 stocks for investors with a horizon of more than a
year. Portfolio is updated with new stocks replacing existing stocks as and when
required to optimize performance.


Views on companies we don't track. Views on economy, policy changes and

government initiatives


Specialized reports on unique market opportunities.

Reports like - Selectivity pays, monetary policy review, Hurricane gains, Dividend
yield stocks, etc.

Page | 77

Report on forthcoming IPOs - only those IPOs which are covered by our research


View on various sectors and its constituents (eg sugar and Balrampur Chini, KCP
Sugar Industries, Upper Ganges)


Bi-monthly Fundamental view on the market.

Punter Call

A daily view on how the market and major indices are expected to trade for the day
the closest support and resistance levels are provided to help traders take decisions.

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Smart charts

It presents the best positional trading calls in the market. Each call is introduced along
with a reco (Go Long/Go Short), a price target, a stop loss and a chart depicting the
trend in the stock.

Derivative Calls

Toolkit for derivative traders

Day Traders Hit List

It captures the trading ranges of all the stocks that are currently the market's flavour. It
is meant for day trading. All positions need to be squared off by 3.30. The list
contains 20 liquid stocks.

Pivot Table

Pivot Table is an intra-day product and it covers mainly mid-cap and small-cap
companies. The Buy and Sell targets are given for each stock in this list.

Momentum Swing

Momentum Swing tries to capture the dynamic picture of price movements in stocks.
This product can be used to gauge the sentiments in stocks at a future date as reflected
in the charts.

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Derivative Toolkit

Toolkit for derivative traders

Eagle Eye

Eagle Eye is a daily newsletter based on technical research. It is aimed at traders. It


 Looking trendy (short term)

 Smart chart
 Day traders hit list
 Medium term target and reversal

High Noon

Toolkit for derivative traders

By tradetiger software, customer can see the market depth and volume of the
particular company.

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 Depository services

Depository Services:

A Depository is like a bank wherein the deposits are securities. ( i.e. shares,
debentures, bonds, government securities, units, etc.) in electronic form. Besides
holding securities, a depository also provides service related to transaction in

Depository provides its services to investors through its agents called depository
participants (DPs).

Sharekhan is one of the depositories.

NSDL-DP ID- IN300513

CDSL-DP ID- 12036000

It provides services as follow.

Page | 82
 Account Opening
 De-mat/ Re-mat/ Repurchase/ Redemption
 Account Transfer Instructions
 Inter Depository Transfer Instructions
 Client Master Changes
 Freezing/ De-freezing/ Account closing
 Transmission
 Pledge Creation/ Closure/ Invocation
 Stock leading & Borrowing
 SPEED-e & IDeAS/ easi & easiest.

 Customer supporter:-

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Call Center:
There is a call center at Bombay, where more than 200 employees are working
efficiently. Their work is as powerful that they complete every call within two
minutes. So customers are satisfied with them.

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Relationship Manager:

Sharekhan provides personal relationship manager to its customer. The work of

relationship manager in Sharekhan ltd is as follow:

 Punching in trades for clients.

 Communicating intra-day trading calls and investment ideas to customers.
 Conducting business development activities in branches.
 Monitoring day to day operations at branch.
 Maintaining regular relations with clients.


Variety of Alerts for equities,

Mutual Funds, IPOs and Traders
Get customize Daily Updates

IN YOUR MAIL Trade Execution Alerts will be set

by default for trading customers
IN MYINBOX Be the first to get Research updates
Setting Alerts was never easier
Get the advantage of new alerts
being added in the future

Sharekhan organizes seminars across the country from
time to time in order to educate investors in various
Page | 85
subjects related to the stock, derivatives and commodities
markets. These exclusive Seminars are organized by
Sharekhan for its Online Trading Customers for FREE.

These Seminar will equip and customer to take an

investment decision.
It is also doing for first step customers who have never invested his share before.


All you have to do is walk into any of our 1200 share shops across 400 cities in
India to get a host of trading and investment related services. Our friendly customer
service staff will also help you with any account related queries you may have.

After hour Orders

Sharekhan‘s customer also enjoy the facility of placing orders even after trading hours
and the orders are executed as soon as the market opens.

Value guide:-
Sharekhan‘s customers also enjoy the facility of value guide for the detail of stock
ideas, investment insight, company detail etc.

Mobile n trade facility:-

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Sharekhan lunches new facility for their customer to mobile n trade facility but still it
working process.

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Objective of the Research:

 The objective of the research is to know how many people are aware about the
share market.
 To know about how many people are eager to know about stock market.
 To know the company awareness among the people.

Research Source:

In this research we have used primary sources for data collection.

Sample Size:

In this research 100 respondents are there included.

Research Instrument:
In this research we have used telephonic and face to face conversation for getting the

Page | 89
Que.: Do you invest into stock market?

Objective: To know how many people are doing investment in stock


Finding :
YES 57%
NO 43%





yes no

From the above chart we can conclude that there are 57% people are
doing investment in stock market and 43% people are not doing
investment in stock market.

Page | 90
Que: If yes, where do you investing?

Objective: To know in which area people are interested to doing


Equity 59%

Mutual Fund 21%

Commodity 7%

Other 13%





30% 59%


10% 21%
Equity Mutual Fund Commodity Other

From the above chart we can see there are from 57% people, 59% in
equity, 21% in mutual fund, 7% in commodity and 13% in other doing

Page | 91
Que.:- If yes, from which brokerage house you do trading?

Objectives: - To know which company has taken priority place in

Customers mind.

Indiabulls 16%
Angel 29%
Shah investors 12%
Sharekhan ltd. 36%
Others 7%





15% 29%
5% 12%
Indiabulls Shah Sharekhan
Angel investors ltd. Others

We can know from above chart that most of the people are doing trade
from Sharekhan as 36% and 29% from angel, 16% from Indiabulls, 12%
from shah investment, 7% from other private sub brokers.

Page | 92
Que.: Which way you prefer for trading?

Objectives: To know how many people are doing trade online and offline.

Online 46%
Offline 54%





Online Offline

Here we can conclude that now people are aware with internet facilities.
So 46% traders prefer online trading. And 54% people are prefer offline
trading because of low availability of internet facility and busy in routine

Page | 93
Que.:-Have you ever heard about Sharekhan broking firm?

Objective:-to know how many people aware with Sharekhan ltd.


Yes 39%

No 61%

Yes No

From the above graph we can conclude that 39% people from 64% are
aware with the Sharekhan ltd and 61% are not.

Que.:- Are you interested because we have scheme going on?

Page | 94
Objective:-To know how many people are eager to know Sharekhan

Yes 47%
No 53%

49% 53%
46% 47%
Yes No

Here we knew that after listening the scheme of free opening de-mates
account and life time free available online software, 47% people are
interested to know about Sharekhan ltd‘s services.

Que.:- If yes, can we take an appointment?

Page | 95
Objective: - To know how many people are interested for live
demonstration of Sharekhan‘s online software

Yes 42%

No 58%





Yes No

From the above chart we can know 42% people are ready for live
demonstration of Sharekhan‘s online software and 58% people are
neglect for that.


Page | 96
1 0 20000 0 0 0% 0%
2 0 40000 0 0 0% 0%
3 0 60000 10,000 10000 50% 16.66%
4 0 80000 0 10000 0% 12.50%
5 0 100000 44,430 54430 222.15% 54.43%
6 0 120000 20,000 74430 100% 62.03%
7 0 140000 10,000 84430 50% 60.31%
8 0 160000 36,000 120430 180% 75.27%
9 0 180000 36,000 156430 180% 86.91%
10 0 200000 10,000 166430 50% 83.22%
11 0 220000 0 166430 0% 75.65%
12 0 240000 59,430 225860 297.15% 94.11%
13 0 260000 73,180 299040 366% 115.02%
14 0 280000 54,400 353440 272% 126.23%

Page | 97

250000 WEEK NO.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Page | 98
What is SWOT Analysis.
SWOT analysis (alternately SLOT analysis) is a strategic planning method used to
evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses/Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats involved
in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the
business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are
favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. Setting the objective should be
done after the SWOT analysis has been performed. This would allow achievable goals
or objectives to be set for the organization.

Strengths: characteristics of the business, or project team that give it an

advantage over others
Weaknesses (or Limitations): are characteristics that place the team at
a disadvantage relative to others
Opportunities: external chances to improve performance (e.g. make
greater profits) in the environment
Threats: external elements in the environment that could cause trouble
for the business or project


First brokerage firm to go online. High brokerage charges but
now they have overcome this by
a new prepaid scheme in which
PMS Services. brokerage is reduced to half.
Online fund transfer.
Research reports.
Clients (average of 15,000 accounts
per year)
Recommendations from clients.
Free Demat a/c opening.
Low annual maintenance charge

Page | 99
Huge market. Volatility of the share market.

Page | 100
1. Importance of information technology in the field of stock broking is

2. Stock broking companies run with the help of IT.

3. The terminal through which the brokers buy and sell shares is a software that
completely depends on the internet. For Sharekhan, this terminal has been
designed by the software company ―Spider‖.

4. Buying and selling through internet is fast. As soon as the prices of the shares
goes up or comes down then they can be sold or purchased instantly within

5. Customer Relationship is very necessary for the company to retain the


6. In Sharekhan I have learned how to maintain good relations with the

customers by giving them the proper service and solving their queries
regarding the share market.

7. I have also learned how to maintain good relation with the employees and the

8. In Sharekhan Ltd. I have learned a lot relating to the finance.

9. Learned about various products of the Sharekhan Limited.

Page | 101
10. Learned various aspects regarding Share Market.

11. Learned about various products used in the share market especially Demat

accounts and Mutual Funds.

12. Learned how to use online trading terminal.

13. Learned how to take appointments.

14. Learned how to approach the customers.

15. Learned how to open and close the calls.

16. Learned how to interact with people, how to convince them and guide them in


17. Learned the various policies of the company.

18. Learned the importance of the Excel sheet. I maintained all my daily records

in the Excel sheet.

19. Got the practical knowledge of the market.

20. Had a practical experience of working in a reputed organization.

21. In Sharekhan we have learned how to maintain good relations with the
customers by giving them the proper service and solving their queries
regarding the share market.

Page | 102
22. We have also learned how to maintain good relation with the employees and
the co-trainees.

23. Learned about various products used in the share market especially De-mat
accounts and Mutual Funds

24. We have enhanced our communication and convincing skills and also how to
interact with people in real market

25. We have got the practical knowledge of the market.

Page | 103
According to the survey most of the customers of―SHAREKHAN LTD.‖
says that it is pocket friendly.

1.Coming to faith 70% satisfaction SHAREKHAN LTD. is better than

others stock brokers due to customers satisfaction.

2. Main purposes of investments are returns & liquidity.

3.Investors take risk as well as returns into their mind while

making the investment.

4.Businessmen are more interested in the stock market than the others.

5.Commodity market is less preferred by the investors.

6.People want to invest their money in the security market but they
haven‘t the proper knowledge.

7.People are not aware of hedging in stock market.

8.People pay more emphasis on brokerage than service provided by

brokerage houses.











Page | 104

 Due to bad market conditions people are becoming more and more

pessimistic about investing in the share market. After the Reliance IPO,

SENSEX fell tremendously from 21000 to 15000. In this crash many

people lost their money amounting from 2 Lakhs to 4-5 crore or even

more. So when we approach them they tell us how much they used to

trade in shares and how much money they have lost in the share

market. They even tell us that we are doing our training (SIP) at very

wrong time.

 While telecalling sometimes the clients do not give positive response,

may be because they are really busy or may be not interested in the

demat accounts and mutual funds.

 While cold calling when we met the owners of big shops. They said that

if they had spare money they will invest it in their shops and not in the

share market. They don`t want to take risk.

 There are some negative rumors in the market about Sharekhan ltd.

some people have very bad experience with Sharekhan in terms of

services and charges. This may not be the fault of the company but of

some of the marketing executives who don`t disclose all the details

about charges and products and once the demat account has been

opened they don`t pay any attention to their old clients and thus fail to

give proper services to the clients.

Page | 105
Sharekhan takes no charges for opening Demat accounts but there is a initial
deposit of Rs.10,000/-. It is just a margin money which has to be kept with
Sharekhan till the account opens. As soon as the account opens this money
can be kept as it is in the demat account or it can be completely used for
buying shares or it can be partially used and the rest of the amount can be
withdrawn. But clients fail to understand this. They think that these are the
charges they start suspecting it. So it’s very difficult to convince them to
deposit that much amount and open a demat account.

Page | 106

 Importance of information technology in the field of stock broking is


 Buying and selling of shares through the internet is so easy.

 As soon as prices of share s goes up and comes down then the customer can
sell or purchase the share instantly within seconds.

 Products and services of the Sharekhan are good from others. Especially the
software of Sharekhan ―trade tiger‖ is unique from others.

 There are 57% people are doing trading in stock market.

 In it 59% people are doing trading in equity and others are in commodity,
mutual fund.

 Mostly the people have opening the account from Sharekhan ltd and angel
broking ltd.

 In Sharekhan the current scheme is that opening the de-mate account is free of
charge and there is no other charge on it for a year. Also the unique software
of ―trade tiger‖ is allowed free of charge for life time.

 After listening the current scheme 47% people are ready to opening the

Page | 107
 Because of time limitation and also internet available problems, mostly people
are doing off-line trading. But now in days numbers of customers are
increasing for online trading.

Page | 108

 Commitment should be equalized for every person.

 Provide the facility of free demonstrations for all.

  Improvement in the opening of De-mat & contract notice

procedure is

 required.

  There should be a limited number of clients under the

relationship manger.

 So that he can handle new as well as old customer properly.

  Some promotional activities are required for the awareness of

the customer.

  People at young age should be encouraged to invest in stock


  Seminars should be held for providing information to

prospective and present

 customers.

Page | 109
 Sharekhan‘s brochures
 Pandian, P (2010), Security analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikash
Publishing House, New Delhi


 http://www.sharekhan.com
 http://www.bseindia.com
 http://www.nseindia.com
 http://www.ncdex.com
 http://www.mcxindia.com
 http://www.mutualfunds.com
 http://www.derrivatives.com

Page | 110
Telephonic and called calling Questionnaire


Contact no:_____________________________

Do you invest into stock market?

Yes No

If yes, where do you investing?

Equity Mutual fund
Commodity Other

From which brokerage house you do trading?

Indiabulls Shah Investors Others

Angle Sharekhan

Which way you prefer for trading?

Online Offline

What is your current brokerage rate?

Have you ever heard about Sharekhan broking firm?
Yes No

Are you interested because we have scheme going on?

Yes No

If yes then appointment is generated for live demonstration for Sharekhan‘s

online software?
Yes No

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