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Mercantile Missionaries #1:

Fashion Conscious

Part 1 of a mini-adventure trilogy in Baldur’s Gate

In the metropolis of Baldur’s Gate, a garment-thieving outlaw gang runs rampant, raiding
seafront stores and stripping merchants of money. It is your patron’s turn to be struck by the
outlaws, and you have been called upon to stop them!

A two-hour adventure for 1st level characters


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Fashion Conscious
find his crew to be valuable company because of
the racial differences. (see appendix)
In the metropolis of Baldur’s Gate, a garment- Backstory
thieving outlaw gang runs rampant, raiding
Nearly a decade ago, the half-ogre Captain
seafront stores and stripping merchants of money. It
McSmiles was exiled from his ogre tribe in the
is your patron’s turn to be struck by the outlaws,
Evermoors after inciting the wrath of its leader
and you have been called upon to stop them!
with an insult. He roamed the Sword Coast alone in
This adventure is best played by a group of three
search of a purpose, until he managed to band
to five player characters, with one Dungeon Master.
together a group of outlaws in Scornubel,
This adventure is the first part of the Mercantile
convincing them he had a plan to make them rich.
Missionaries trilogy, however it is designed to be
They stole a small unguarded caravel moored on
easily adapted for a one-shot adventure, or as part
the River Chionthar and sailed to Baldur’s Gate,
of your own campaign. The adventure is set in
christening themselves the Bentsword Band (the
Baldur’s Gate, in the official Forgotten Realms D&D
name came from the shape of their scimitars).
McSmiles suggested the idea that they raid
Area Information seafront clothing stores in the Lower City, then sail
back to Scornubel and sell the stockpile of stolen
Baldur’s Gate is a bustling centre of trade, with goods on the black market. However, McSmiles has
goods coming from north and south by wagon a hidden agenda: he plans to ditch the outlaws
along the Trade Way and by ship on the Sea of once they reach Scornubel and take the clothing to
Swords, and from the east along the River the Evermoors, find his tribe, and offer it as a gift
Chionthar and from Cormyr and Sembia. Baldur’s with hopes they will welcome him back in.
Gate is situated on a prominent bluff next to the
river, overlooking an excellent natural harbour. It Player Character Backstories
is divided up into three distinct segments: the Since the hook in this adventure is based on the backstory
Upper City where the richest and most influential of the player characters, it is important to discuss with the
citizens live and where the city’s marketplace (the players how they could have become involved with Kristof
Wide) is located; the Lower City, which surrounds Swiftfinger. The player characters could be:
the harbour and where most of the city’s  Members of Kristof’s private guard. Kristof employs
merchants live and conduct their business; and the several men as guards and security for his residence. The
Outer City, which lies outside the walls and where close proximity between Kristof and his guards means
most of the city’s labourers reside in conditions he has knows all of them quite well.
that vary from crowded but clean to squalid.
 Old friends of Kristof. Kristof was part of the city guard in
- Extract from Tyranny of Baldur’s Gate before he inherited his father’s business.
Dragons: Hoard of the Dragon He developed good friendships during this time, some of
Queen which persist even to this day.
Key Characters  Advisors or merchants within Swiftfinger’s Mercantile,
potentially with an adventuring or military past.
Kristof Swiftfinger. A very successful merchant
situated in Baldur’s Gate. He inherited his father’s However, as the DM it is your choice whether you go with
this backstory hook. It is purely for the purpose of
merchant business, Swiftfinger’s Mercantile, many
continuation into the next adventure in the Mercantile
years ago, and has since grown it to a substantial
Missionaries trilogy. If you are running this adventure as a
size. He even has influence in government and one-shot or as part of your own campaign, the characters
political matters within Baldur’s Gate. He is a well- could simply be employed by Kristof as mercenaries or
dressed, dignified man in his later years. He keeps investigators for a short period of time.
both his friends and enemies close. (see appendix)
Jack Elmon. Owner of a hatters business in the The Swiftfinger Residence
Lower City on the seafront. His business supplies
Swiftfinger’s Mercantile with various fashionable A luxurious three-story stone building nestled
hats. He is a relatively small man who tends to amongst the other large buildings in the Upper
avoid social encounters with strangers, spending City. Kristof Swiftfinger, his wife Jane, his daughter
most of his time crafting hats, some of which he Alesia and several servants, maids and cooks all
wears himself. (commoner) live within the residence. There are several guest
Captain McSmiles. Leader of the Bentsword rooms and a large hall, entering into a dining room
Band; a group of self-proclaimed ‘pirates’ that raid fit for any event. Kristof Swiftfinger’s enormous
seafront stores for fashionable clothing items. He wealth has allowed him to buy a relatively large
is a dim-witted and lonely half-ogre, and does not area of expensive land in the Upper City, despite

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the population-swelling situation affecting all of reach on a success. The net has AC 10 and 20 hit
Baldur’s Gate. points. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net
destroys a 5-foot-square section of it, freeing
anyone trapped in that section. Jack equipped this
trap after the previous Bentsword Band robbery,
Adventure with hopes to catch them next time. The trap is
During their time at the Swiftfinger Residence, the triggered when Jack pulls the cord in his hand.
player characters are approached by one of
Kristof’s servants (either together or individually),  If the characters trigger the trap, Jack Elmon
asking that they visit Kristof in his office. Once the will burst out from behind the counter
characters enter his office, read: exclaiming that he has “got you now!” He
believes the characters are from the Bentsword
You all enter a lavishly furnished chamber. To one side, Band and are attempting to raid his store. The
a hubristic painting of Kristof Swiftfinger, and below it
player characters can convince him otherwise
with a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
logs crackle in the hearth. Kristof himself sits at a desk
Otherwise, he will run out of the store and call
on the far side of the chamber, with stacks of parchment
for help. 4 guards will rush into the store a few
piled around him. He welcomes you all and directs you
moments later (the characters have time to
to sit on a long bench draped in colourful animal hides.
escape before the guards arrive, if they choose
to do so). The guards will take the characters to
Kristof then explains the situation with Jack holding cells, but Kristof Swiftfinger will arrange
Elmon’s hatter’s store being repeatedly robbed by for their release the following day, unless the
a group of outlaws calling themselves the characters attack the guards, at which point they
Bentsword Band. As Jack supplies Swiftfinger’s fail the assignment and become felons. The
Mercantile with a variety of fashionable hats that characters may return to complete the
make a lot of money for the business, his store assignment, however the falling net trap will
cannot be allowed to fail. If the robberies persist, have been removed, and Jack will be running the
the store will be forced to close down. Kristof asks store as he usually would. Jack will have been
the characters that they visit Jack and investigate made aware of the full story and will apologise
the robberies, and offers a reward or bonus for to the characters. Continue the adventure as
doing so. before from this point.
 If the characters detect the trap door and
The Hatter’s Trap actively avoid it, Jack will stay hidden. If the
The characters should proceed to the Lower City. player characters choose to search the room,
His store lies on the seafront, just behind boat they can attempt a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
docks where goods are unloaded and brought into check to discover him behind the counter.
Baldur’s Gate on foot. Otherwise, they discover nothing of particular
Once they enter the hatter’s store, read: importance. If Jack is discovered, he will appear
frightened, saying “take what you want.” The
The building you enter has fashionable hats stacked on characters must explain they are not a threat,
shelves either side of you. Ahead of you is a counter and
which will take a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion)
check because of Jack’s panicked state. If they do
a large mirror hangs to one side. However, you notice
not manage to convince him, he will stay
the oil lamps hanging from the ceiling are all unlit,
frightened but will not attempt to flee.
despite the gloomy, shadow-stricken half-light inside
the store. The hatter you seek appears to be absent. Unexpected Customers
An ornately dressed man and several servants
Falling Net Trap. Concealed above a ceiling trap enter the store quietly and roam around,
door is a large 10-foot-square net, just several seemingly in search of a particular hat. If the
steps from the entrance. Allow the player characters attempt a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight)
characters to attempt a DC 15 Wisdom check, they sense something odd or disguised
(Perception) check. If successful, the characters about the strangers. These men are in fact 4
notice a disguised trap door in the ceiling. When it Bentsword Outlaws (see appendix).
falls, anyone trapped under the net is restrained,
and those that fail a DC 10 Strength saving throw The Disguise Drops
are also knocked prone. A character can use their The Bentsword Outlaws will attempt to move into
action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing a favourable position without arousing suspicion.
themselves or any other character within their Once they have roughly surrounded both Jack

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(unless he has not been discovered/revealed Below Deck
himself up to this point, in which case the outlaws 4 Bentsword Outlaws (see appendix) lie sleeping
automatically discover him) and the characters, in bunks below deck. At the stern end is a small
the outlaws drop their disguise. If the outlaws wooden door, behind which lies several barrels of
have not yet raised suspicions, they have a round stolen garments, and a chest containing 50gp. If
of surprise. In this case, two of them grab Jack and the characters attempt to take either the barrels or
hold him at knifepoint, ordering the characters to the chest, have them attempt a DC 10 Dexterity
lay down their weapons. The two others rush (Stealth) check. If they fail, the noise of them
around the store hastily, each filling large sacks passing the sleeping outlaws wakes them. The
with hats. outlaws try to attack, however the characters get a
round of surprise over them automatically. The
A Hasty Retreat outlaws are not equipped with armour (AC 11
If the characters attack and the odds turn against instead of 12), but their weapons lie on the floor
the men, they will attempt an escape with beneath the bunks and are easily within reach.
whatever loot they have. No more than one or two
men should escape, but if none of them escape the Making the Chest a Plot Point
characters see another man running past out front Instead of having the chest contain monetary treasure,
with a large bag of loot, towards the hidden there are several alternatives you as the DM could choose;
Bentsword Band’s caravel. Otherwise, if the making the chest a plot point leading on to further
characters choose to interrogate a defeated outlaw, adventures. With the concept that the Bentsword Band
he will tell them there are more of them aboard a never opened this chest but in fact discovered it in a recent
caravel outside with a DC 10 Charisma raid, some ideas include:
(Intimidation or Persuasion) check. The characters  The chest is magically sealed and requires high-level
receive advantage to their roll if they choose to magic to open. This could result in the characters using
knock him about a bit first. Kristof’s connections to find a suitable arcanist, or
venturing to a distant place where someone with the
The Caravel required arcane skills is said to be located.
Moored at a dock just out of sight of the hatter’s  The chest contains several old maps marking the
store is the Bentsword Band’s caravel. It is a locations of treasures across the Western Heartlands.
sturdy but seemingly outdated style. It is 60 feet in The treasures could have no connection to each other
length with a 15-foot beam. If the characters are and act as a series of one-shot adventures, or the
chasing any retreating outlaws, they see the treasures could be different parts of an ancient artefact
caravel as the outlaws reach the end of the dock, or connected treasures that come together in some way
– for better or for worse.
who then go to jump aboard.
 The chest could in and of itself be extremely valuable to
Battle on the Deck someone or a group of people unknown to the
Captain McSmiles (see appendix) and 2 characters (and the Bentsword Band). This unknown
Bentsword Outlaws (see appendix) await the person/group could be searching for this chest, and if
return of their comrades on the deck of the caravel. they hear of the characters’ possession of it, they may
be prepared to them kill to retrieve it.
Any retreating outlaws will jump aboard from the
dock and join McSmiles. Add these to the Otherwise, continuation from this adventure into the next
encounter, unless you feel the fight would be too adventure in the Mercantile Missionaries trilogy can be
difficult for the characters, in which case reduce found in the conclusion.
the number of outlaws already on deck.
Mounted Crossbow. This improvised weapon is
fixed to the stern section of the deck, raised above
the ground on a fully-rotating turret. It acts the Conclusion
same as a regular Heavy Crossbow, however small The characters have successfully thwarted the
characters have no disadvantage on attack rolls. plans of the Bentsword Band, and saved Jack
There is a chest containing 10 Crossbow bolts Elmon’s store.
beneath the turret. It is unmanned as McSmiles If the player characters return the barrels of
and his men are at the bow end of the deck. Once garments from the caravel to Jack, award each of
the characters are aboard, at least one outlaw will them a bonus of 25 XP.
attempt to run the length of the deck and mount it. If the player characters decide to turn McSmiles
There are stairs leading down below-deck at the in to the authorities instead of killing him, award
bow end of the deck near McSmiles. each of them 20gp as a reward, as well as a bonus
of 25 XP each.

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The characters return to Kristof who rewards Skills Intimidation +2
them each a 25gp silver signet ring with the Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Swiftfinger’s Mercantile emblem engraved on it for Languages Common, Giant
their troubles. Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Continuation Actions
Kristof reminds the characters that his daughter Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Alesia’s wedding is in one week. Because of their one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.
troubles, he would like them to attend and gives Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
them each a letter of invitation. Only use this if you range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing
intend to follow this adventure with Mercantile
Missionaries #2: The Gunpowder Plot.

Kristof Swiftfinger
Appendix: Bestiary Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
Stat blocks are listed in alphabetical order Armour Class 12
Hit points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Bentsword Outlaw Speed 30 ft.
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil STR 13 (+1)
DEX 14 (+2)
Armour Class 12 (padded armour) CON 12 (+1)
Hit Points 9 (2d8) INT 11 (+0)
Speed 30 ft. WIS 13 (+1)
STR 12 (+1) CHA 12 (+1)
DEX 13 (+1) Skills Insight +3, Persuasion +3
CON 11 (+0) Senses passive Perception 11
INT 10 (+0) Languages Common, Elvish
WIS 10 (+0) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
CHA 10 (+0)
Senses passive Perception 10 Actions
Languages Common
Multiattack. Kristof makes two melee attacks
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., Reactions
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage. Parry. Kristof adds 2 to his AC against one melee
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, attack that would hit him. To do so, he must see the
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
1) piercing damage.

Captain McSmiles
Large giant (half-ogre), chaotic neutral
Armour Class 12 (leather armour)
Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 16 (+3)
DEX 12 (+1)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 7 (-2)
WIS 9 (-1)
CHA 10 (+0)

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