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Hydraulic Mining Shovels

Product Support Guidebook

Version 2016_4.1 Media-No. EM019081 | Caterpillar Global Mining HMS GmbH

Product Support Guidebook

Table of contents
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Assembly & Commi ssioning............................................................................................................................ 4
2.1. Machine Documentation.............................................................................................................................. 4
2.2. Service P ublications overview ................................................................................................................... 6
2.3. Revision of Service Publications ............................................................................................................... 8
2.4. SIS Feedback ................................................................................................................................................11
2.5. Assembly Requirements ............................................................................................................................13
2.6. Assembly Area ..............................................................................................................................................15
2.7. Assembly tools ..............................................................................................................................................16
2.8. MSDS Sheets ................................................................................................................................................18
2.9. Fluid Recommendation ..............................................................................................................................19
2.10. Factory Support during Assembly ..........................................................................................................19
2.11. Possible Service Letter Updates .............................................................................................................19
2.12. Commissioning Documentation ..............................................................................................................20
2.13. Reporting of defect and missing parts during assembly .................................................................21
2.14. Order missing parts through spare parts system ..............................................................................23
2.15. Storage Procedure.......................................................................................................................................23
2.16. Machine performance check ....................................................................................................................26
2.17. Accumulator charging .................................................................................................................................26
3. Parts and Components .....................................................................................................................................27
3.1. Recommended Dealer Stocking List .....................................................................................................27
3.2. Service P arts and cons umables .............................................................................................................28
3.3 Spare parts .....................................................................................................................................................29
3.4. Electrical Spare Parts .................................................................................................................................32
3.5. Component Life Time .................................................................................................................................35
3.6. Hose life time .................................................................................................................................................35
3.7. Cat Hose and Coupling Products ...........................................................................................................36
3.8. Cat Work tools ...............................................................................................................................................37
3.9. Warehouse Management ..........................................................................................................................38
3.10. Rebuild Options / Reuse and Salvage ..................................................................................................40
3.11. Cylinder Rebuild ...........................................................................................................................................43
3.12. Reman Options .............................................................................................................................................44
3.13. Steel Structures/Weld Repair...................................................................................................................45
3.14. Steel structure inspection application for CA T Inspect ...................................................................48
3.15. Attachment boring manual ........................................................................................................................49
3.16. How to install bushings...............................................................................................................................53
3.17. Cat Options / Third Party Options...........................................................................................................55
3.18. Reus e and Salvage guidelines ................................................................................................................55

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4. Tooling......................................................................................................................................................................56
4.1. Service Tools .................................................................................................................................................56
4.2. Additional Regular Inspection Tools ......................................................................................................61
4.3. Major Shut down tools ................................................................................................................................62
5. People .......................................................................................................................................................................66
5.1. Manpower / Organiz ational Structure....................................................................................................66
5.2 Service and Maintenanc e Training.........................................................................................................69
6. Communication ....................................................................................................................................................86
6.1. Global CP I Call..............................................................................................................................................86
6.2. CPI dealer view notification ......................................................................................................................86
6.3. CPI status report for a specific model / prefix.....................................................................................90
6.4. Monthly HMS tech call with region .........................................................................................................90
6.5. Sales gram......................................................................................................................................................91
6.6. R+I documentation.......................................................................................................................................92
7. Equipment Management ..................................................................................................................................93
7.1. Differences between Truck PM and HMS PM / Repair...................................................................93
7.2. Machine application.....................................................................................................................................95
7.3. Lube truck requirements ............................................................................................................................96
7.4. Service Truck .................................................................................................................................................99
7.5. Daily walk around ...................................................................................................................................... 107
7.6. Best practices ............................................................................................................................................. 109
7.7. Numbering of components ..................................................................................................................... 109
7.8. Component History tracking .................................................................................................................. 110
7.9. Component tracking sheet ..................................................................................................................... 111
7.10. KPI Reporting ............................................................................................................................................. 113
7.11. Backlog management .............................................................................................................................. 114
7.12. Condition monitoring ................................................................................................................................ 116
7.13. CTS –Custom Track Service................................................................................................................. 117
7.14. SOS................................................................................................................................................................ 121
7.15. MSR Maintenance Strategy Reference ............................................................................................. 122
7.16. Who to contact ........................................................................................................................................... 123
7.17. Goodwill and warranty process ............................................................................................................ 124
7.18. Equipment Protection Plan .................................................................................................................... 124
7.19. Production test / Performance test ...................................................................................................... 125
8. Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................................................... 126
8.1. Healt h interface options for the HMS products ............................................................................... 126
8.2. Healt h interface options for the HMS products ............................................................................... 128
8.3. Dealer Connect Communities ............................................................................................................... 129
8.4. Information on Integration ...................................................................................................................... 130

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8.5. Request for other documents................................................................................................................ 130

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1. Introduction
The dealer playbook is intended to assist the dealer in the integration of the Expanded Mining HMS
product into the Caterpillar network.

2. Assembly & Commissioning

2.1. Machine Documentation

In HMS, every machine has its own specific spare parts book and service manuals. These may be
largely identical between machines of one model and batch, however certain customer options fitted ex-
works may differ between such machines so that it is safest to use the technical documentation for the
specific unit. Machine documentation may be accessed through SIS such
documentation includes: Operating instructions, Service manuals, Parts manuals, etc…..
HMS machines are also using a technical handbook “THB” which can be accessed through SIS under
“General Service Information”.

Ideally, machine documentation is accessible online prior to machine shipment to ease planning on the
dealer’s side. However, this may not always be the case. In such events, a machine with the same prefix
and of similar batch (status of modifications and updates) may be accessed until the desired machine
documentation has been uploaded. To avoid conflict with machines possibly not identical, a DSN
request should be generated to enquire which machine documentation may be accessed in lieu of the
intended machine documentation.
The paper copies of the technical machine documentation do not get updated automatically. Therefore
the use of the online based documentation is recommended.

HMS publications can be listed under BIxxxxxx or EMxxxxxx.

Should you experience any issues with finding a certain publication please use the “Advanced Full
Text Search” function in the SIS system.

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Where to find machine serial number prefixes

Machine serial number prefixes are available through SIS

Step 1 – click on “(find)” next to “Serial Number or Prefix”

Step 2 – navigate/scroll down to “Expanded Mining Products” and click on “Hydraulic Shovel”

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Step 3 – the current Prefix list will appear on the RH side

2.2. Service Publications overview

A) Service Letters SL

Service Letters are confidential and should not be copied or provided to customers; they are intended
for dealer internal use only. They get published via the Caterpillar Service Information System (SIS). In
general these documents are valid and available in SIS only for a certain time which is specified by the
termination date (usually 2 years after publication). After this date the program expires and cannot be
found in SIS anymore.

Caterpillar participates in cost for completion of a Service Letter.

Different types of Service Letters are available:

1. Service Letters PIP (Product Improvement Program) are mandatory programs. Caterpillar
expects to carry out these jobs. If parts are needed, 50 % of estimated parts requirement must
be in stock before publishing.
a. Safety PIP refers to a safety related subject. They must be handled with first priority.
They do not have a termination date and are valid indefinitely.
b. Priority PIP refers to potentially costly repairs. They have additionally a completion
date (usually 6 month after publication); if job has been completed within this period,
Caterpillar covers as well consequential damages.
c. Parts Stock PIP is used, when suspected improper parts must be removed from
dealers parts inventory. Termination is usually 3 month after publication.

2. Service Letters PSP (Product Support Program) describe a product problem and its solution.
a. Before or After Failure PIP allows dealer to perform the repair prior to a failure or at
that time a failure occurs. If parts are needed, 35 % of estimated parts requirement
must be in stock before publishing.
b. After Failure Only PIP allows dealer to perform the repair only at that time a failure
occurs. If parts are needed, 20 % of estimated parts requirement must be in stock
before publishing.

B) Service Magazines SM or SMAG

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Service Magazines are not confidential they are intended for dealer internal use and limited customer
access. They get published via the Caterpillar Service Information System (SIS) and will remain there
unlimited. This document is limited to a size of about 3 pages. The publication of a SM is obligatory to
close a CPI (continuous product improvement) process.

C) Special Instructions SI
Special Instructions are not confidential they are intended for dealer internal use and limited customer
access. They get published via the Caterpillar Service Information System (SIS) and will remain there
unlimited. This document is not limited to a size and is used for lengthy or complex repair procedures.

D) Technical Information Bulletins TIB

Technical Information Bulletins are confidential they are intended for dealer internal use. They get
published via the Caterpillar Service Information System (SIS) and will remain there limited. It
describes a temporary interim repair. It will be replaced by a Service Magazine or Service Letter when
a permanent repair is available.

Note: Due to the different task s of these publications, the same technical issue could be handled in
more than one document.

Example: One issue could cause a Service Letter and a Special Instruction and a
Service Magazine.

A list of Service Publications, released within the last 7 days can be found in SIS
under “Highlights” – “New Information”:

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2.3. Revision of Service Publications

Revisions of Service Publications for Hydraulic Mining Shovels

- Service Magazines - SM / SMAG

- Special Instructions - SI
- Technical Information Bulletins - TIB

Until Dec. 2014 above mentioned documents have been named with a media number beginning with
the letters BI (Bucyrus International) – example BI645084.
Since then these two first letters have been changed to EM (Expanded Mining) – example EM010781.
Revisions of both types will be published always with an EM Number.

Example until Dec. 2014 Example beginning Dec. 2014

First Release Revision First Release Revision
BI645123-00 BI645123-01 BI645125-00 EM010511-00
EM010998-00 EM010998-01

If a revision of a publication with a BI Number exists, it will be only displayed in the corresponding SIS-
title (Illustrations 1 & 2).

A revision of a BI-Type document can be found as well by searching for the previous BI-Number, even
when the revision has been released with an EM-Number (Illustrations 3 to 5).

After the revision has been published, the previous documents will be removed from SIS within a short
period of time; the media search would not find these numbers anymore. The “Advanced Full Text
Search” should be used instead.

Access SIS-Web:

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Illustration 1: Choose “New Information” on the SIS-Start-Screen

Illustration 2: If a document with an EM-Number replaces a BI-document both media-

numbers will be shown in the SIS title. In this case “Replacement of

TIB BI645084”.

Illustration 3: Choose “Advanced Full Text Search” on the SIS-Start-Screen

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Illustration 4: Type in machine Serial Number Prefix, previous BI-Number

and click on “Search”

Illustration 5: Result of Search, showing the previous BI-Numbers

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Expanded Mining Service Information Search

The expanded mining service information search site provides dealers the option to find information
additional to the available information in SIS. This search site only encompasses unrestricted expanded
mining service information.
Any restricted service information will not be displayed through this site and must be accessed via SIS
or other existing web portals.
Access via SIS:

2.4. SIS Feedback

Should there be any problems with the documentation listed in SIS web (e.g. missing documents, wrong
information, etc.) please make sure you use the SIS feedback function. The SIS feedback function is
listed in the Go To: Menu

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2.5. Assembly Requirements

The assembly requirements per machine model can be found in SIS web (Service Information System).
This is available on

As the assembly requirements are stored as documents you need the BI numbers.

6015 -> BI644850

6018 -> BI644851
6020B -> BI644852
6030 -> BI644853
6040 -> BI644854
6050 -> BI644855
6060 -> BI644856
6090 -> BI644857

Step 1 – click on “Media Search”

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Step 2 – Enter either one or more BI numbers in the blank fields on the LH side and click on retrieve

Step 3 – If you entered only one BI number – Following screen will appear - click on the link on the RH
side to route to Step 4

Step 3 – If you entered more than one BI number – Following screen will appear – First choose on the
LH side one of the Topics, then click on the link on the RH side to route to Step 4

Step 4 – click on “View Documentation”

Step 5 – The document will open in a pdf document and can be saved to your computer now

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2.6. Assembly Area

Example of an assembly area for the 6060. Exact dimensions of the assembly area are given in the
assembly requirements. (Chapter 2.4)

Example of an assembly area for the 6030FS

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2.7. Assembly tools

The assembly tools for each machine model can be found in SIS web (Service Information System).
The assembly tools are part of the technical handbook chapter 3.2:

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Checking and pre-charge pressure in accumulators on HMS machines

To check and pre-charge the gas pressure of the accumulators please use:

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2.8. MSDS Sheets

The MSDS sheets for the liquids used on the HMS machines can be found on:

For HMS specific fluids please also check BI644872:

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2.9. Fluid Recommendation

The fluid recommendations for each machine model can be found in SIS web (Service Informat ion

Expanded Mining Fluid recommendation media number: SEBU6250-20

2.10. Factory Support during Assembly

Factory support during assembly can be requested through your local Cat representative.

2.11. Possible Service Letter Updates

Recommendations for possible updates, check which service letters have been released since machine
shipping, schedule service letter implementation

Contact your local service rep as soon as the assembly/ commissioning planning starts in order to get
in contact with the product group. That will assure latest updates and improvements can be installed
before the machine gets to work.

PIS – confirm SL implementation / SIMSi

Service letter tracking is done through the PIS system which is available
Once the service letter completion is tracked through the SIMSi system it will be linked and marked as
completed in PIS system.

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2.12. Commissioning Documentation

Link to documents / BI number for report template is available on: (BI645070)

Please select “Media Search”

Please enter “BI645070”

Click on “Information available”

Click on “View Documentation” and open or save the template on your computer.

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All important documents for machine commissioning are grouped in the service magazine BI645070.

- Commissioning Report (Media No. BI644860 to BI644867) with signatures of

• customer
• dealer
• Caterpillar representative, if available on site

- Performance Check (Media-No. BI644869)

- Report Check for Axial Play of Swing Ring (Media-No. BI644868)

- Assembly Report (Media No. BI644859)

- Drift Test (Media No. BI644870)

- In addition all serial numbers of the installed major components should be listed and cross
checked for future use.

2.13. Reporting of defect and missing parts during assembly

Please use the SIMSI / CLAIMSI system in case of any defect or missing parts. This is available on:

Select “claims & coverages” and then “Claims Home Page”

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The Claims page will appear in a new window. Please select Claim Entry.

On this page you will have the opportunity to enter your data for the claim.

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2.14. Order missing parts through spare parts system

Parts which are missing during the assembly of a machine, or parts which are damaged during the
shipment of the machine, should be ordered in a way as “normal” spare parts over Dealer Parts Support
Center (DPSC) by using the SAP or BU_ part number or through Cat Logistics by using the Cat part

2.15. Storage Procedure


Chapter 20 of the Service Manual contains recommendation and procedures for warehousing and/or
storage a Hydraulic Mining Shovel and spare parts for a period of one year.
The document is split in following different categories;

• Conservation of machine, either

o Pre-assembled machine modules, new delivered, but not assembled.
o Or already commissioned, but not taken to production.
o Or machines taken out of production and parked for a longer period.
• Conservation of spare parts
• Conservation agents
• Hydraulic Cylinder protection on the machine

The standard ex-factory packaging is only suitable for around 4 months from dispatch from the factory
(highly depending on local climate condition). Therefore it is important to start the storage preservat ion
process as soon as the machine arrives if the machine is not going to be assembled after its arrival.

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To find information regarding storage procedure for Caterpillar Products please have a look at following
media numbers.

Media Number: SEHS9031-12 (SMCS-0355, 1000, 7000)

Media Number: REHS3828 (SMCS-1000, 1250, 1350)

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To get information of parts and equipment that are needed to preserve your engine please have a look
at the “Cat Engine Storage and Preservation” document which you find SIS
Media Number: PEHJ0241

1. Cat Engine Storage and Preservation PEHJ0241

Please review also Engine Lubrication procedures before initial start:

- SMHS7701
- SEBD9630
- REHS5001-14
- SEHS9031

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2.16. Machine performance check

The machine performance checks are available through the SIS
As the performance check is stored as documents you need the BI number.
Performance check -> BI644869

Hydraulic settings THB (Technical Handbook)

The pressure checking and setting can be found in the THB 1 chapter 8.6.
How to find the THB is explained in this dealer playbook chapter 2.1

2.17. Accumulator charging

Due to shipping regulations all accumulators (installed on new machines as well as spare parts) are
getting delivered EMPTY.

Please note Special Instruction BI644933

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3. Parts and Components

3.1. Recommended Dealer Stocking List

1. This List is available on

2. Select -> Products -> Cat Machines -> Hydraulic Shovels -> select the machine type
3. Select -> Product Support -> Recommended Dealer Stocking List

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3.2. Service Parts and consumables

Parts required for scheduled maintenance of HMS machines include filters, o-rings and fluids.
Filters and O-rings
Service intervals and scope of work are defined in the machine’s technical documentation in the
Operation and Maintenance Manual, accessible through SIS. Good maintenance and warehousing
practice would be to create service kit bill of materials (BOM) for different interval service activities and
save them as part numbers. A maintenance management system or planner can then arrange for a site
warehouse or storage to release such a kit in preparation for a preventive maintenance machine stop.
Having the full BOM ready at the maintenance site will ensure that all required parts are available for
the service and decreases the chances of omitting certain tasks.

Such filter BOM’s are machine specific due to variations among machines of the same model. Such
variations may include options such as dual air conditioning systems or gear box configurations. One
must also consider site conditions. A dusty environment may call for more frequent air filter changes
whilst some regions battle with fuel quality and require a different fuel filter change interval.
A small booklet or pages of the spare parts book with instructions in the local language should help to
ensure that filters and O-rings are installed correctly.
The on-site parts coordinator must ensure that sufficient consumables are available and applicable
forecasts have been communicated to a parts hub or central warehouse.
Filling quantities
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual section “Inspection and Servicing” to access a list of fluids
and the amounts to be filled. A digital metering valve/dispenser can be used to fill fluids as per
specifications and thus eliminate over-filling and subsequent draining. Metering valves are available in
the Dealer Service Tool Catalogue. -> See also chapter 4.1

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A good way of ensuring a quick and precise wet service would be to print a summary of fluid types and
quantities on laminated cards and issue these to service staff. This way there will be several copies of
instructions and there should be no misunderstandings or filling the wrong fluids.

3.3 Spare parts

Due to our customized manufacturing, improvements and updates, is each machine a bit different to the
others. For that reason it is important to use the specific parts book which belongs to your machine.
To find the correct spare parts for your specific machine you have to look into the dedicated parts book.
One option is to use the hard copy, which is delivered with the machine.
Another option is to open the parts book online, which give you the benefit to have the newest version
and it is always available.

How to open the parts book online?

Here a quick guide how to find the parts book for machine e.g. 6030 060 (DHL30060)
Browse to the “Service Information System” 
Click on “Hydraulic Shovels”

Click on “6030-DHL Alt Model RH120E”

Important: The AC machines are shown with the same prefix as the Diesel powered machines.

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Than you will forwarded to the parts catalogue which is very similar to the known “LinkOne” system.

3.4. Electrical Spare Parts

Electrical spare parts are not listed in the machine parts book. All electrical spare parts are listed in back
of the electric schematic.
The electric schematics can be found in SIS web with the machine prefix under “Schematics”.

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Harnesses are listed in the same file:

Minor electric parts such as pins and plugs etc. can be found in the electrical component catalogue


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One Safe Source

 Product Support / References Software Technical / One Safe Source
The variety of information that are provided on One Safe Source can be found at the bottom of the
webpage. For your information at this moment in time the Hydraulic Mining Shovels are not fully
integrated into all the listed catalogues.

Hose Products and Tooling Guide

Media Number: PECP5030

This catalog shows hose and coupling options with fittings.

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More information regarding hydraulic hoses on:

3.5. Component Life Time

The product group is not authorized to distribute information regarding estimated component lifetime.
For detailed information on this subject please contact your district office.

3.6. Hose life time

Operational information for hydraulic hoses and recommended change out intervals for hydraulic hoses
on HMS machines are described in Special Instruction BI645092

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3.7. Cat Hose and Coupling Products

The Caterpillar Strategy to Support Hose & Coupling on Hydraulic Mining Shovels is described in the
information release memo PELJ1703-00

Please review also Special Instruction BI644931. The Special Instruction describes which hose flanges
and which bolts to use etc. when fitting traditional Cat hoses to HMS machines

There is also an arctic hose option for the attachment hoses on following HMS machines:
6015 – BI644903
6018 – BI644914
6030 – BI644915
6040 – BI645031
6050 – BI644916
6060 – BI644917

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3.8. Cat Work tools

1. Information about Cat Work tool options for the HMS product available
2. Select -> Products -> Cat Machines -> Hydraulic Shovels -> select the machine
3. Select -> Attachment -> Buckets Hydraulic Mining Shovels

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3.9. Warehouse Management

The district office is able to provide specialists to conduct contamination control audits. The parts
representatives are responsible for offering parts management advice.
The following pictures are shown good and bad examples for the warehouse management.

Good example to store filters: Not ideal example to store filters

Good example for warehouse management:

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Warehouse areas with space for improvement:

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3.10. Rebuild Options / Reuse and Salvage

Reuse and Salvage Guidelines
The reuse and salvage guidelines are available through SIS

Step 1 – enter machine serial number or prefix

Step 2 – click on “Documentation (Document Structure)”


Step 3 – Open the tab „Reuse and Salvage Guidelines“

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Step 4 – choose one of the options on the LH side

Step 5 – click on one of the links on the RH side

Step 6 – The document will open and can be saved to your computer

Further information can be found on -> Product Support -> Service Operations -> RPE -> Repair Process Component
Guidelines for Expanded Mining Products

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More information on the currently available Reuse and Salvage Guidelines can be found in Media
Number SEBF9348

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3.11. Cylinder Rebuild

Full details on cylinder rebuild dimensions are available in publication BI644873

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3.12. Reman Options

1. Information about Reman options for the HMS product is available on
2. Select -> Product Support -> Parts -> Reman -> Reman Mining Data Sheet

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3.13. Steel Structures/Weld Repair

Structural Inspection with reference to BI644776 & BI644777

Please submit all structural inspection reports to the SIMSi system as well as to:

[email protected]

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Weld Repair with reference to Standard Practice HMS specific

Available for HMS Media number EM01064 and as part of the technical handbook (THB) 2 chapter 20

Legacy Caterpillar Service Welding Guide Media Number – SEBD0512-04

Specific Repair Procedure – to be requested via DSN system

Based on a detailed Structural Inspection Report providing

- Machine S/N
- Operating Hours
- Photos identifying the crack position at the component and the crack details

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Non-Destructive Testing with reference to BI644609

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3.14. Steel structure inspection application for CAT Inspect

The steel structure inspection is now integrated in the Cat Inspect application.
Information on the Cat Inspect App can be reviewed on

Once installed on your device you will be able to use the steel structure inspection and send it directly
from your device to the relevant people.


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3.15. Attachment boring manual

How to find:

Enter the SIS system

The procedure is shown here for a 6030 FS machine as an example.

Type in the machine prefix of the machine type for which you need bore dimensions and choose
“Documentation (Document Structure)”

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“Service Repair Information (Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, Troubleshooting,
Specifications, Disassembly and Assembly)”

Choose “Specifications / Disassembly and Assembly”

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“6030, 6030 FS - Dimensions and Positioning of Attachment Borings - BI644896 - Pub. 2014”

Click on “View Documentation”

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The Document will open:

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3.16. How to install bushings

Installation of brass bushings:


To ensure correct installation of brass bushings during exchange, please follow the instructions on the
following pages. Wrong installation of bushings can lead to reduced
Component life.
Important Safety Information
It is essential that all applicable safety measures and procedures are carried out.
For more information refer to the maintenance manual, service manual as well as those measures
outlined by the executing parties mine regulations and associated agencies.
Personal protective equipment must be used as required. When applicable, observe all local safety
The job is only to be carried out by skilled, trained personnel.

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Installation of spherical bearings:

Please review Special BI651730 for the installation of the spherical bearings.

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3.17. Cat Options / Third Party Options

Thermal event prevention system

Due to local safety requirements, a thermal event prevention system is not part of the factory options
list. It needs to be purchased and installed locally by third party. All our machines are electrically
prepared with a power supply and an emergency terminal being able to install a shut off contact.
Machine specific support can be requested by creating a DSN ticket.

Mine Star / Product Link

A Health Interface Module can be installed on machines with CAMP and E-CAMP system.
Please refer to REHS8828 for further information. Please see also Dealer Playbook chapter 8.2.

Camera systems

A camera system is optional available ex-factory.

Local systems can be installed without any problems as all our machines are prepared for additional
customer options. Machine specific assistance can be requested by creating a DSN ticket.

3.18. Reuse and Salvage guidelines

1. Information about Reuse and Salvage guidelines for the HMS products is available
2. Select -> Product Support -> Service Operations -> Repair Process Engineering -> Repair
Process Component Guidelines for Expanded Mining Products

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4. Tooling
4.1. Service Tools

Standard Service tools/ Hand tools can be found In the DSTC (Dealer Service Tool Catalogue). This is
available on

1. Information on HMS specific tools is available

2. Select -> Product Support -> Service Tools -> Tool list -> Machine -> Mining Machines ->
Hydraulic Mining Shovel HMS tool list

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Differentiate between assembly specific tools (high cost, rare usage) and maintenance tools or perhaps
BOM for typical toolbox required during assembly but also for daily service and avoid unneeded tools.

A list of specific tools for assembly and maintenance can be found in the Technical Hand Book (Part 1)
of each machine (Chapter 3).

Technical handbooks can be found on sisweb - Please use the machine Prefix or
serial number to get technical handbooks.

Step 1 – Enter serial number (example for 6060 SN170) and click on “Documentation”

Step 2 – Choose „General Service Information“ and click on „Technical Handbook“

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Step 3 – Download the file/ folder to your computer

Step 4 – Open the folder on your computer. Inside the folder you will find a PDF file with your machine
serial number (340170). Open this file to start!

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Step 5 – Scroll down to page 3 and click on “Tools, Assembly” to enter chapter 3.

Step 6 – Click on “Tools” to enter the tool list

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Information – Tools Required for HMS Maintenance

Go to SIS

After entering the serial number of the machine select Documentation.

Select the General Service Information & then your machines Technical Handbook
Go to THB I Chapter 3.2 Tools

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4.2. Additional Regular Inspection Tools

Go to SIS Web => Select Media Search

Type in BI no

Camp Test Equipment -> BI644830 Steel Structure Inspections -> BI644776; BI644777

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4.3. Major Shut down tools

Tools for repairs and updates during machine shutdowns are available as Dealer Service Tools.
1. Information on HMS specific tools is available
2. Select -> Product Support -> Service Tools -> Tool list -> Machine -> Mining Machines ->
Hydraulic Mining Shovel HMS tool list
3. Please check also the standard Dealer Service Tool catalogue

Examples for HMS specific tools listed in the Dealer Service tool catalogue:

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5. People
5.1. Manpower / Organizational Structure

Chapter 7.1 explains the differences in maintenance culture when comparing traditional hauling and
support equipment and HMS machines. The severity of HMS downtime on production has to be pointed
Across a range of dealerships, the approach of incorporating the HMS business section into the already
existing org. structure may be very different. There is no by-the-book way of doing this. However, given
the differences in maintenance culture and downtime impact, it may be favorable to keep management
and running of front line equipment such a HMS and drills separate from hauling and ancillary equipment
Also it should be considered to have a specialized sales person in the team as well as an application
specialist to ensure that the correct product is being chosen for the specific application.
The below images show examples of an organizational structure. It is split into two sections:

• General administration and management - at the dealer branch or support headquarters

• Site support – on the respective mine sites.

The detailed implementation of these examples are up to the dealer and depend on several factors such
as the size of the fleet, number of sites, cost of labor, type of support agreements in place, available
personnel/skill and distance/location from the dealer branch/support center.

Administrative Personnel Off-Site

Technical Support
Manager HMS

Technical Support Technical Analysis HMS parts HMS technical

Superintendent and Warranty specialist trainer

Assembly and
major shut-down
HMS warranty

Site Support
Team 1 HMS rebuild
"location A"
Site Support
Team 2
"location B"

Team 3

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Off-site staff in the dealer’s branch or support headquarter will be responsible for administering the fleet
of HMS machines in a particular region which may comprise several mine sites. Jobs of staff in this
location include:

• Coordinating support activities such as large shut-downs and machine builds across a number
of sites and dispatching personnel accordingly
• Processing reports and warranty claims received from sites
• Assist in sourcing technical information
• Administer condition monitoring data (CTS, SOS results etc.)
• Order, store and forecast parts
• Work together with the CRC to guarantee parts availability and attempt to establish reasons
for failure and preventive measures
• Develop and constantly adapt the support strategy

The technical support superintendent would be responsible for heading the various site support
personnel. This position would also include leading a team which could be dispatched throughout the
dealer’s territory to assist with machine builds and large shut-downs.
The Technical Analysis and Warranty coordinator would head a group of admin staff with a technical
background, responsible for gathering technical information to assist both site-based and CRC repairs.
This group would work closely with CRC and parts teams to ensure quick and durable repairs.
A technical trainer would be required in a role reporting directly to the technical support manager. It is
crucial that a dealership develop its own training resources to allow for more frequent but shorter training
sessions for personnel in the local languages in line with local culture.

Site Support Personnel

superintendent /
project manager

HMS fleet truck fleet support equip.

superintendent superintendent superintendent

HMS specialist /

maintenance service
troubleshooter parts coordinator
planner coordinator

breakdown team PM crew A with


PM crew B with

PM crew C with

On site, a project manager would be in charge of several superintendents who, in turn, lead support
for their respective areas or machine types.

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The HMS superintendent may have an HMS specialist or consultant available to provide more in-dept h
knowledge at a stage where a particular site or dealership is still new to the HMS product. The HMS
support department could be divided into a preventive maintenance section with planners and
coordinators, a troubleshooting section and a dedicated HMS parts coordinator.
The troubleshooting team would concentrate on being a first response to machine breakdowns locating
the root cause of problems and establishing corrective action. The group should be skilled in electrical
and hydraulic troubleshooting and carry diagnostic tooling and a stock of smaller spares (circuit breakers
etc.). On big repairs (hydraulic pump or motor failures etc.) more manpower may need to be provided
by the PM crew.
PM crews would be coordinated by a maintenance planner and a service coordinator. Between these
two positions, the scope of work for the next planned service will be defined. PM crews will carry out
planned services, catch up backlogs and implement service letter updates. The tasks between services
will be very similar so that high skill level may not be a priority in this crew. However, contamination
control, a well-organized service and timely completion of the job are important.
A parts coordinator with close ties to the parts department at the dealer’s support headquarter or parts
hub should support in getting parts and consumables ready for breakdown repairs and service work.
Site conditions may dictate different filter combinations, i.e. a dusty site may require filters at a rate
different from that on a rainy site. A parts specialist must incorporate such site specifics into the parts

As mentioned at the beginning of this section, there are several factors which influence a dealer’s HMS
org structure. Generally, the strict separation of HMS from other equipment support structures has been
seen to work very well. However, this may not always be possible or even desired by the dealer.

The most important factor in providing good support to our customers is to have dedicated and well-
trained people in the right position. There is no perfect formula on paper to help with this.

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5.2 Service and Maintenance Training

Surface Mining Technician - Career Development Program

The below Technician Career Development Program – Pyramid shows the layout of the steps in
technician career development.

The participation in the HMS specific product trainings which are offered in this documet are requiring
certain previous trainings which are listed in the curricula pyramid below.

It is not compulsory to have those foundational pre-trainings completetd before entering the HMS
courses, but it’s highly recommended.

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Introduction to Service Training for Hydraulic Mining Shovels (HMS)

The following pages are showing the available types of technical service training for the HMS product
range. The courses are usually conducted in the training center of the HMS factory in Dortmund,
Please refer to our annual ‘factory trainig schedule’ on the following pages for training courses which
are conducted at the Dortmund location. The training courses are to be foung on the DPC webpage.
You may use the search function and use the machine modelto search for the certain itmes e.g. “6060”
and the system will show all available training courses and technical training materials.

All technical training courses can also be conducted at worldwide Caterpillar, Dealer or Customer
locations. Please refer to the conditions of ‘on site trainings’ on the following pages to get more input on
requirements for the conduction of the courses.

HMS ‘on site’ operator training courses are also offered for the whole product range, please find more
information about this topic further below in this document.

Pease find below the contact details of the HMS Service Training Department for registrations as well
as more detailed information, quotes, possible training dates, etc.

Don’t hesitate to contact us, we are happy to help!

Mr. Matthias Aust – HMS Service Training Management

E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 231 922 4932

Ms Dana Dietrich – Assistant to Service Training

E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 231 922 4943

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HMS - Machine Product Range:

Here are the current available Cat ® 60xx HMS machine models / types:

Cat® Model Cat® Prefix Implement Drive Bucyrus Model

6015 DHB BH Version Diesel Engine RH40E

6015 FS DHF FS Version Diesel Engine RH40E FS

6015 B WSN(T1)/LWN(T4) BH Version Diesel Engine -----

6018 DHT BH Version Diesel Engine RH90C

6018 FS DHD FS Version Diesel Engine RH90C FS

6018 AC FS/BH DHD / DHT usually FS Electric Motor RH90C e-drive

6020 B DNR BH Version Diesel Engine -----

6030 DHL BH Version Diesel Engine RH120E

6030 FS DHG FS Version Diesel Engine RH120E FS

6030 AC FS/BH DHG / DHL usually FS Electric Motor RH120E e-drive

6040 DHJ BH Version Diesel Engine RH170B

6040 FS DHX FS Version Diesel Engine RH170B FS

6040 AC FS/BH DHJ / DHX usually FS Electric Motor RH170B e-drive

6050 DHM BH Version Diesel Engine RH200

6050 FS DH FS Version Diesel Engine RH200 FS

6050 AC FS/BH DH / DHM usually FS Electric Motor RH200 e-drive

6060 DHN BH Version Diesel Engine RH340B

6060 FS DH FS Version Diesel Engine RH340B FS

6060 AC FS/BH DH / DHN usually FS Electric Motor RH340B e-drive

6090 FS DHS FS Version Diesel Engine RH400 FS

6090 FS from #400015 DM FS Version Diesel Engine RH400 FS

6090 AC FS DHS FS Version Electric Motor RH400 FS e-drive

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Hydraulical / Mechanical Service and Maintenance Training

Purpose and Reason:

During this training, participants acquire detailed knowledge and skills to carry out troubleshooting and
repair on mechanical and hydraulically machine systems to conduct preventive maintenance and get
the machine back into operation in an appropriate time frame to minimize downtime as much as possible.
This type of training course is available for all listed HMS machine models.

Participants attending this course should have a technical education as mechanical or electrical
apprenticeship, or technical background such as technical training instructor, technical communicator,
shovel expert or service manager.

The following topics are covered during these training courses:

• Undercarriage
• Superstructure
• Engine and Pump Drive
• Tank, Main Pumps and PMS
• Servo System
• Travel (Logic) System
• Attachment Functions
• Hydraulic Oil Cooling
• Swing System
• Cylinders
• Central Greasing System

The duration of a regular training course is set as follows:

Cat® Model Regular Duration

6015 – 6015B* – 6018 – 6020B* 4 days
6030 – 6040 – 6050 – 6060 – 6090 5 days
6018 AC - 6030AC – 6040AC – 6050AC – 6060AC – 6090AC 5 days

Cat® 60xx Hydraulic Mechanic Service and Maintenance Training Workbook (ITTP or HMS-PG
Cat ® 60xx Technical Machine Documents (delivered with machine or out of SIS-web).
Cat® 60xx Hydraulical and Electrical Schematic of related machine type.
Cat® 60xx Machine if possible. (Machines in assembly line and electric simulator in Dortmund)

* Training includes basic electrical training.

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Electrical Service and Maintenance Training

Purpose and Reason:

During this training, participants acquire detailed knowledge and skills to carry out troubleshooting and
repair on electrical and electronically machine systems to conduct preventive maintenance and get the
machine back into operation in an appropriate time frame to minimize downtime as much as possible.
This type of training course is available for all listed HMS machine models.

Participants attending this course should have a technical education as mechanical or electrical
apprenticeship, or technical background such as technical training instructor, technical communicator,
electrical engineer, shovel expert or service manager.

The following topics are covered e.g. during a CAMP training course:

• 60xx HMS Electrical Drawings

• Controller Hardware Set Up
• Basic Electric Components Overview
• Electrical Terminals and Connectors
• CAN-BUS and SAE-J-1939 BUS Communication
• BCS - Board Control Screen and Compact Flash Card
• Servo Block – Hand/foot Controller Functions
• Servo Controller System - SIL Operation
• Drive Controller System Operation
• Auxiliary Controller System Operation
• Fault Memory Settings
• Joystick Parameters and Settings
• Software Download
• Controller Change Out
• Electrical Spare Parts Catalog

The duration of a regular training course is set as follows:

Electrical Machine System Regular Duration

CAMP Electrical System (6030 / 6040 / 6060 / 6090) 4 days
PMS / CMS / DAP System (different contents covered - 6015 / 6018 / 6050) 3 days
High Voltage Electrics
(different contents covered – 6018AC / 6030AC / 6040AC / 6050AC / 6060AC / 3 days

Cat® 60xx Electrical Service and Maintenance Training Workbook (ITTP or HMS-PG Version)
Cat ® 60xx Technical Machine Documents (delivered with machine or out of SIS-web).
Cat® 60xx Electrical Schematic of related machine type.
Cat ® 60xx Machine if possible. (Machines in assembly line and electric simulator in Dortmund)

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‘Hands On’ Service and Maintenance Training

Purpose and Reason:

This training is focusing mostly on daily preventive maintenance, mechanically, hydraulically and
electrical troubleshooting and repair on machine systems to show and enable the mine site service team
to conduct their responsibilities as per best practice. This is a measure to align processes with best
practice performance.
This type of training course is available for all listed HMS machine models

The training is designed for service technicians, service planners, technical communicators, servic e
managers which are involved in the daily maintenance and repair at worldwide mine sites.

The duration of these training courses is very individual, depending on number and background of the
participants. The duration is also depending on the whole mine site situation in terms of technical
equipment, workshop condition, support equipment, etc.

Cat® 60xx Technical Machine Documents (delivered with machine or out of SIS-web).
Cat® 60xx Electrical and Hydraulically Schematic of related machine type.
Regular hand tools as well as special tools for individual tasks.

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Gearboxes Repair Training

Purpose and Reason:

During the repair training, the participants acquire detailed knowledge about how to inspect, check and
repair gearboxes which have been in service on the 60xx HMS machines to get the gearboxes back to
The training to inspect and repair gearboxes is available for swing-, travel- and pump drive gearboxes.
The training can be conducted at the dealer or customer workshop or at a dealer gearbox repair /
rebuild center if available. The gearboxes have to be physically available in the workshop as well as
the related tooling and handling equipment must be available.
This service can be offered without participation of the supplier.

Focussed participants attending this course should have a technical education such as mechanical
apprenticeship and technical background. The training is designed for repair center personnel as well
as mining technicians, technical training instructor, technical communicator, shovel expert, servic e
manager or mine site service technician.

The duration of these training courses is very individual, depending on number of gearbox types to be
covered as well as the background of the participants.

Cat® 60xx Technical Machine Documents (delivered with machine or out of SIS-web).
Regular hand tools as well as special tools for individual tasks as per gearbox repair manuals and
related documenation.

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Gearboxes Repair Training with Rebuild Center Certification

During the repair training with rebuild center certification, the participants acquire detailed knowledge
about how to inspect, check and repair gearboxes which have been in service on the 60xx HMS
machines to get the gearboxes back to operation. The session must be conducted at the workshop
which is supposed to be the rebuild center as the certification process is related to the workshop and
the personnel involved. This is a measure regarding warranty, legal regulations, etc.
This type of training is currently only available for pump drive gearboxes.
The gearboxes have to be physically available in the workshop as well as the related tooling and
handling equipment must be available.
This certification process can be offered with participation of the gearbox supplier or a supplier certified
gearbox specialist from CGM Dortmund.
The training and certification process as per current state will be conducted by our gearbox specialist
together with personnel of the related supplier; date and time frame have to be discussed.

Focussed participants attending this course should have a technical education such as mechanical
apprenticeship and technical background. The training is especially designed for repair center personnel
as the certification is based on the personnel as well as on the location (workshop).

The duration of these training courses is very individual, depending on number of gearbox types to be
covered as well as the background of the participants and the condition of the workshop.

Cat® 60xx Technical Machine Documents (delivered with machine or out of SIS-web).
Regular hand tools as well as special tools for individual tasks as per gearbox repair / rebuild manuals
and related rebuild documenation.

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Welding Training – HMS Structure Specific

Purpose and Reason:

During this training, the participants acquire detailed knowledge about the importance of required
structural inspections at Hydraulic Mining Shovels and on how to perform the most reliable weld repair
in field as well as in the workshop. This is a measure to detect and report damages in a most early state
to reduce degradation of the failure and initiate professional repair as quick as possible.
This type of training course handles all HMS machine models.
Upon completion of this training the participants will have a better understanding of structural
components at Hydraulic Mining Shovels subjected to high dynamic loads.
In addition the participants are getting basic knowledge of the required structural inspections and
structural specific weld repairs in case of any crack development has been identified.

This training is for experienced welding personnel. Participants attending this course must be qualified
in weld processes SMAW and GMAW and should have best possible already some expert status or a
supervising function either in a workshop or in field. (Recommended)

The following topics are covered e.g. during a welding training course
• Overview about materials, usage of mild steels and high strength steels.
• Welding Processes (SMAW, GMAW, FCAW)
• Structural Components on Hydraulic Mining Shovels
• Required structural inspections (areas to focus on)
• Technical Handbook „Welding for Maintenance and Repair“.
• Crack development
• Results of not conducted structural inspections on a regular base
• Results of a repair not performed according to standard practices
• Possible welding defects
• Specific repair procedures

The process will be conducted by our welding specialist

The duration of a regular training course is set to 2 days.

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Technical Training Courses and Materials available on DPC Webpage

The following Web Based Trainings (WBT), Instructor Led Trainings (ILT) and Instructor Technical
Training Packages (ITTP) are available on the DPC webpage. Please ask your HMS service training
team for the correst material package.

DPC Webpage:

Cat® Model and Training Type Module Number

Cat® 60xx – Hydraulic Mining Shovels – Overview (Web Based Traing) WBT 40731
Cat® 6020B – Basic Overview (Web Based Traing) WBT 44376

Cat® 6030 – Basic Overview (Web Based Traing) WBT 41551

Cat® 6060 – Basic Overview (Web Based Traing) WBT 41390
Cat® 6015 – Hydr. / Mech. Service and Maintenance Training ILT 42020
Cat® 6015B – Hydr. / Mech. Service and Maintenance Training ILT 44288
Cat® 6015 / 6018 - Hydr./Mech. Service and Maintenance Training (comb.) ILT 41812

Cat® 6018 – Hydr. / Mech. Service and Maintenance Training ILT 43957
Cat® 6020B – Hydr. / Mech. Service and Maintenance Training ILT 44784
Cat® 6030 – Hydr. / Mech. Service and Maintenance Training ILT 40240
Cat® 6030 / 6040 – Hydr. / Mech. Service and Maintenance Training ILT 42014
Cat® 6040 – Hydr. / Mech. Service and Maintenance Training ILT 42014

Cat® 6050 – Hydr. / Mech. Service and Maintenance Training ILT 42018
Cat® 6060 – Hydr. / Mech. Service and Maintenance Training ILT 42016
Cat® 6090 – Hydr. / Mech. Service and Maintenance Training ILT 42012
Cat® 60xx – CAMP Electrical Service and Maintenance Training ILT 40239 / ILT 41959
Cat® 60xx – PMS Electrical Service and Maintenance Training ILT 42495

Cat® 60xx – Welding on HMS Structures (Instructor Led Training) ILT42755

Cat® 6015 – ITTP (Instructor Technical Training Package) SERV 2078
Cat® 6018 – ITTP (Instructor Technical Training Package) SERV 2088
Cat® 6015B – ITTP (Instructor Technical Training Package) SERV 2075
Cat® 6020B – ITTP (Instructor Technical Training Package) SERV 2034

Cat® 6030 – ITTP (Instructor Technical Training Package) SERV 1965

Cat® 6040 – ITTP (Instructor Technical Training Package) SERV 1983
Cat® 6050 – ITTP (Instructor Technical Training Package) SERV 2021
Cat® 6060 – ITTP (Instructor Technical Training Package) SERV 2005
Cat® 6090 – ITTP (Instructor Technical Training Package) SERV 1984

Cat® 6030 – CAMP Electrics ITTP (Instructor Technical Training Package) SERV 2022

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Technical Training Schedule – Dortmund Factory – 2016

This schedule contains Hydraulical / Mechanical Service and Maintenance Training as well as Electrical
Service and Maintenance Training courses as per description in the upper area of this document.
The training courses are conducted in the HMS factory in Dortmund, Germany.

Participants attending this course should have a technical education as mechanical or electrical
apprenticeship, or technical background such as technical training instructor, technical communicator,
shovel expert or service manager.
We are planning to offer the following trainings conducted in English language:

Subject Location Language Week Date
Course No. Class Code

6030 + 6040 42014 120479 Dortmund English 8 22.02.-26.02.2016

6060 42016 120482 Dortmund English 8 22.02.-26.02.2016
60xx CAMP Electrics 40239 120490 Dortmund English 9 29.02.-03.03.2016
6015 + 6018 41812 120477 Dortmund English 10 07.03.-10.03.2016
6050 42015 120484 Dortmund English 11 14.03.-18.03.2016
6015B 44288 120594 Dortmund English 16 18.04.-21.04.2016
6020B 44784 120487 Dortmund English 16 18.04.-21.04.2016
6030 + 6040 42014 120480 Dortmund English 24 13.06.-17.06.2016
6020B 44784 120488 Dortmund English 24 13.06.-16.06.2016
60xx CAMP Electrics 40239 120491 Dortmund English 26 27.06.-30.06.2016
6015B 44288 120595 Dortmund English 26 27.06.-30.06.2016
6015B 44288 120596 Dortmund English 38 19.09.-22.09.2016
6020B 44784 120489 Dortmund English 38 19.09.-22.09.2016
6015 + 6018 41812 120478 Dortmund English 45 07.11.-10.11.2016
6050 42015 120485 Dortmund English 45 07.11.-11.11.2016
6030 + 6040 42014 120481 Dortmund English 47 21.11.-25.11.2016
6060 42016 120483 Dortmund English 47 21.11.-25.11.2016
60xx CAMP Electrics 40239 120492 Dortmund English 48 28.11.-01.12.2016

Standard cost for each training session incl. training material is 750,- EUR per participant incl. lunch in
our canteen. Costs for accommodation, flight, etc. are to be borne by the participant.
Hotel rooms in Dortmund City Center are already reserved, payment has to be done at check-out by the

Please note that the minimum number of participants is 4 persons and the maximum limited to 8 persons.
Registration is requested to arrive at the latest 5 weeks prior to training starting date to ensure correct
planning and optimal utilization.

Please also bear in mind that visa application may be very time consuming.
Please consider to bring your own safety shoes to ease the organization.

Please use the DPC Webpage to register:

Additional, please send us an information by e-mail to make sure all visa, hotel, etc. is organized.
Please use forms as per below and send them to:

Dana Dietrich – Assistant to Service Training

E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 231 922 4943

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Operator Training

Operator Training for Cat ® 60xx HMS can be requested at the HMS Service Training Team as well as
via the Equipment Training Solutions Team. The teams will discuss the request and determine the
responsibility. Should there be any need for production studies to identify deficiencies in customer
operation please get in touch with the Product Group as well as for the operator training. Some regions
are also equipped with weigh scales etc. which can be used.

HMS - Service Training Department

Ms Dana Dietrich – Assistant to Service Training
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 231 922 4943

ETS - Equipment Training Solutions, Peoria, USA

Ms Linda Tharp – Assistant to ETS
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +1 309 675 5268

This training handles the practical HMS machine operation at customer site, to train the participant in
efficient machine operation as per OEM specifications.

Safe, productive operation of the HMS machine at the customer site.
This training course ensures that the trainee is able to operate the HMS machine at the customers mine
site with most safe, professional, efficient and profitable operation techniques.
The training handles also the involvement of the related mining equipment like trucks, dozers, graders ,
etc. to generate an efficient machine set up.

This training is intended for customer operators which are beginners, as well as for already experienc ed
HMS operators and dealer operator trainers.

The training is usually conducted as instructor-led training at customers mine site, usually with a
theoretical part in classroom (max. 12 people) and further practically training on the machine.
Note: During the practical part, there are 2 trainees allowed on the machine same time.

The training will be delivered by experienced, instructors from the HMS Product Group or Caterpillar
Demonstration and Learning Centers which are certified to conduct training on HMS machines.
The conduction of training usually takes place after machine commissioning or whenever training is
requested by customer, dealer or Caterpillar regional support teams.

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Operator Training Agenda:

The basic operator training course duration is below issued for 5 days, (max 10hrs/day) but has to be
extended depending on the number of operators and in which depth the operators have to be trained.
The training usually contains a classroom part and a practical part on the machine. Depending on the
operators’ skills and experience, the ratio between theory and practical training can also vary because
of several reasons. We would suggest to schedule a practical training of a minimum of 0.5 day per
trainee. The below agenda shows the training in a common sequence:

Day 1 In the Classroom -Theory

• Introduction & registration
• Safety intro
• Overview company, factory, product line
• Machine introduction Cat® 60xx
• Presentation of training material
• Plant Safety (Safety aspects for Mining Machinery).
• Introduction to excavator set-up’s, e.g.: BH or FS digging methods.
• Mine layout, truck spotting and learn how to manage the loading process.
• Cabin layout, control tower, joysticks, and pedals.
• BCS presentation.
• The can Do’s Dont’s with the machine
• Open discussion in classroom.

Day 2 On the Machine - Basics

• Walk Around - check machine from the ground for leaks, dents, grease
pipes, tracks and track motors, bucket GET, cylinder leaks, fuel station.
• Pre Checks - checking and if necessary top up fluids on the machine
• Start-Up - Start engine or engines, proper procedures.
• Show joystick functions and pedal functions.
• Explain control tower & BCS in the cabin.
• Swing super structure 360° before commencing work. (lube swing gear)
• Position of the attachment when work has finished. (to check oil levels).
• Proper procedure of stopping engine(s).
• Pre check walk around after work has finished.
• Operators try lever functions and swing functions one by one.
• Start digging with HMS

Day 3 – 5 On the Machine – In the Seat

Note: In this stage it is not possible to have more than 2 operators in the cabin same
=> Duration time. (other mine regulations can be different)
extendable • Digging training, at first only excavator operation to deepen the functions.
as per • Start loading dump trucks and learn how to manage the loading process.
• Further loading training to improve the skills together with our operator trainer.

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Service Training Regulations and Cost Structure

These are our basic regulations for HMS ‘on-site training’ at worldwide Caterpillar-, Dealer-
or Customer locations. The regulations are valid for all trainings as per following information:
Prerequisite for a training course is the availability of the following:

• Training room with projector and white screen - access to the internet if possible
• White board and flip-chart with markers in different colours.
• Trainees should be free for the complete duration of the course.
• The related HMS machine should be available for a minimum of 1 day for technical trainings.

Cost Structure and Quotes for Technical Service Training:

For all HMS ‘on site’ technical service training, cost are 1.300€ per training day and 750€ per standby
or travel day. Additional cost for flights, hotel accommodation, rental car, fuel, etc. are invoiced as per
expenditure. The base of the later invoice is the detailed training report which is generated by each
technical trainer during the training session, the report will be sent to the requester of the training.
Due to nature of individual requests and local variations, we are usually getting requesters an
individual quote with expected cost which may differ by course duration, training site location, visa,
flight ticket, rental car or other transport, accommodation, meals, etc.
The resulting cost per training course should not exceed the following Caterpillar technical training
standard rates:

3 days 10.400 $ US (inluding all cost as per above explanation)

4 days 13.800 $ US (inluding all cost as per above explanation)
5 days 15.600 $ US (inluding all cost as per above explanation)
Cost structure for longer durations as per individual offer.
Colour printed hand-outs for classroom training will be organized by the dealer or customer locally if
needed to safe cost and time for shipping. We will provide the correct related documents in pdf.-style by
e-mail or SIFT - free of charge!

Cost Structure and Quotes for Operator Training:

For all HMS operator training, cost are 1.000€ per training day and 750€ per standby or travel day.
Additional cost for flights, hotel accommodation, rental car, fuel, etc. are invoiced as per expenditure.
The base of the later invoice is the detailed training report which is generated by each operator
training instructor during the training session, the report will be sent to the requester of the training.
Due to nature of individual requests and local variations, we are usually getting requesters an
individual quote with expected cost which may differ by course duration, training site location, visa,
flight ticket, rental car or other transport, accommodation, meals, etc.

The resulting cost per training course should not exceed the following standard rates:

5 days 12.500 $ US (inluding all cost as per above explanation)

12 days 22.000 $ US (inluding all cost as per above explanation)
Cost structure for longer durations as per individual offer.

Colour printed hand-outs for classroom training will be organized by the dealer or customer locally if
needed to safe cost and time for shipping. We will provide the correct related documents in pdf.-style
by e-mail or SIFT - free of charge!

ETS Charges:
1,200 $US per training day or travel day - If it is a remote location that takes longer to get there, we
charge for the actual amount of days it takes to reach the site plus flight cost and other expenses.

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Registration Form - Technical Training – Dortmund Factory




E-mail Address:

Office Phone No.:

Mobile Phone No.:

Training Date:

Training Type (Name):

Hotel Arrival Date:

Hotel Departure Date:

Invoice Address:

If there is visa required, please fill out the next page as well.
In this case, please send us also a copy of the passport.

Visa Application Form - Technical Training – Dortmund Factory


Date of Birth:


No of Passport:

Date of Expiry:

Company Address:

Home Address:

Copy of Passport: To be sent as scan or picture.

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Registration Form – Technical Trainings ‘On Site’

Today’s Date:
Name of Requester:


E-mail Address:

Office Phone No.:

Mobile Phone No.:

Business Case Description:

Site Location of Machine:

Training Location (City, State,

Training Location, Postal Address:

Best Airport Destination:

Dealer Name:
Dealer Site Representative in Charge:

Customer Name:
Machine Type:

Machine Serial Number:

Expected Training Date:

Expected Duration:
Training agreed as part of sales? :

Who pays for the training? :

Invoice Address and Contact Name:

Please send this registrations by Email to:

Ms Dana Dietrich – Assistant to Service Training

E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 231 922 4943

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Registration Form - Operator Training ‘On Site’

Today’s Date:
Name of Requester:


E-mail Address:

Office Phone No.:

Mobile Phone No.:

Business Case Description:

Site Location of Machine:

Training Location (City, State, Country):

Training Location, Postal Address:

Best Airport Destination:

Dealer Name:

Dealer Site Representative in Charge:

Customer Name:

Machine Type:

Machine Serial Number:

Expected Training Date:

Expected Duration:
Training agreed as part of sales?:

Who pays for the training?:

Invoice Address and Contact Name:

Please send this registration by E-Mail to:

Ms Dana Dietrich – Assistant to Service Training
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 231 922 4943

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6. Communication

6.1. Global CPI Call

Each quarter the HMS Product Group is doing a global CPI call in two different sessions to cover all
time zones as best as possible. Dealer TCs and regional product support reps are invited to participate.
If you want to be invited please get in touch with the Cat representative covering your region through
your local regional service rep.

6.2. CPI dealer view notification

We are using the Cat CPI system. If there is any CPI point effecting your machines you can subscribe
through the CPI system as follows:

Step 1 – click on “CPI reports”

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Step 2 – click on “CPI status report”

Step 3 – enter CPI number

Step 4 – click on “search”

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Step 5 – tick the box for “Subscribe”

Step 6 – click on “Save/Submit”

Following steps explain how to open the dealer view:

Step 7 – click on the hyperlink

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Step 8 – click on “Accept”

Step 9 – dealer view will open

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6.3. CPI status report for a specific model / prefix

To show all CPI projects related to a specific model / prefix you can search for a machine model. This
function might be handy if a new model is coming to the dealer’s area and the CPI history can be

Click on CPI Reports
Click on CPI Status Reports
Enter either Manufacturer Model (e.g. 6060) or Serial number prefix (e.g. DH3)

6.4. Monthly HMS tech call with region

PG offers the possibility to set up a monthly technical call per each region on request.
It should be held between the dealer TCs, regional product support rep and factory representative. If
you wish to set up one of those calls please get in touch with your regional rep to set up this call.

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6.5. Sales gram

You will find all available sales grams regarding our HMS Products on the Caterpillar Media Informat ion
Enter a keyword for the quick search or:
1. Select machines
2. Select Hydraulic Mining Shovels
3. Select a subfamily from list -> Hydraulic Mining Shovel
4. Select the type of machine

You will be forwarded to a list, please select the desired document.

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6.6. R+I documentation

The R&I documentation can be found in the SIS:

Step 1 – enter machine prefix

Step 2 – click on “Documentation (Document Structure)”

Step 3 – Open the tab “Disassembly and Assembly”

Step 4 – Click on the LH side on “60XX Hydraulic Shovels Machine Systems”
Step 5 – If multiple options in the middle section are available click on “Disassembly and Assembly”
Step 6 – Choose one of the topics on the RH side

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7. Equipment Management
7.1. Differences between Truck PM and HMS PM / Repair

HMS Service Culture vs. Traditional Equipment

Introducing the HMS product to regions and dealers with little or no shovel experience holds some
challenges regarding service culture changes.

Impact of HMS Downtime

The EMP product is largely front line equipment which has a great impact on the overall productivity of
customer operations. One HMS machine will load as many as 8 to 10 haul trucks. A down event of this
shovel might reduce this particular crew’s productivity by 100%.

Service Preparation
As any HMS downtime is a serious blow to production, stoppage time minimization is crucial. Prevent ive
maintenance (PM) stops must be well prepared and coordinated to guarantee the job is completed within
the target timeframe.
It is recommended to have a basic maintenance pad prepared near a machine’s primary digging location
(perimeter of pit or discarded haul road section). The area should be distanced from dusty areas to avoid
contamination. This will guarantee several advantages during service work:

1. Increased safety as work is away from other equipment

2. Preparation possible – support equipment can be positioned before machine is stopped
3. Level ground for good footing and easy filling of fluids
4. Quick release of machine with housekeeping or clear-up taking place later
5. Little time lost to travelling machine to safe location.
6. Basic comforts can be set up – shade, rain cover, toilets

One way to ensure that scheduled shut-downs are kept short and efficient would be to have a night shift
complete preparations for the day shift PM work. A machine should only be stopped once all parts and
equipment are ready. As soon as the machine is down all hands should be busy.

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Tooling and Equipment

The HMS product has limited mobility due to its size and reduced speed. Preventive maintenance and
breakdown repairs would have to be completed almost exclusively in field conditions. All equipment and
tooling must be mobile. A dedicated service truck or trailer fitted with such tooling and a basic hand
stock of bolts and nuts etc. would greatly ease such activities and reduce time spent driving to and from
the workshop for small errands. A repair crew must be self-contained during a scheduled service and
as independent as possible during repairs.

Breakdown repairs
Certain failures can be attended to immediately. Basic spares such as temporary hoses for the auto-
lube and pilot systems can be kept accessible for a quick fix. Such temporary repairs can be rectified at
a later stage without impacting production.

Cleanliness of machine
Washing equipment must be mobile. A clean machine will ease identification of problems at an early
stage and reduce time spent for cleaning during breakdowns. Potential thermal events can be
eliminated. Working on a clean machine is generally more acceptable amongst maintenance personnel.

Allocated time for Scheduled Stops

PM planning should be realistic with a certain safety factor built into the schedule. Overrunning a
scheduled stop is worse than asking for more time during the planning stage. However, returning a
machine early on a regular basis may also raise some questions so that a good balance must be found.
As long as downtime is scheduled it can be handled by operations.

Several broken down trucks will not influence overall production nearly as much as one stopped HMS
machine may. In most cases trucks can be repaired and serviced in a workshop environment with tooling
and equipment readily available. A dealer new to HMS machines must understand the concept of
servicing front line equipment and adapt the maintenance and repair culture accordingly.

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7.2. Machine application

Please refer to the Cat reference guide to surface mining applications AEXQ0030

Please refer also to the Operation “Do’s and Don’ts” as available through the operator training
department. The correct operation of the HMS machine has a direct influence on the machine
reliability/ durability.

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7.3. Lube truck requirements

Filling qty. of machine fluids (5000l Diesel, 200l engine oil etc.) to be added to service BOM’s

6018 6030
Machine Model 6015 6015B 6018 6020B 6030
Hydraulic Tank [l] 1300 956 2000 2160 2800 2500 3000

Fuel Tank (per fuel tank) [l] 1300 1700 1600 X 3600 2680 X
Pump Drive Gearbox (per Gearbox)
[l] 13,5 X 13,5 29 17 / 43 15,5 98
(Quantities depending on gearbox type)
Swing Drive Gearbox (per Gearbox)
[l] 14 28 22 22 17 / 25 32 / 38 32/ 38
(Quantities depending on gearbox type)
Final Drive (per Gearbox) [l] 13,5 /
20 33 33 47 67 / 96 67 / 96
(Quantities depending on gearbox type) 18
Engine (per Engine, with filter
66 87 64 X 114 68 X
change) [l]
Engine oil tank optional (per
X X X X X 260 X
Engine) [l]
Coolant system (per Engine) [l] 115 165 85 X 150 X
Grease Tank [kg] 180 / 360 /
(Quantities depending on grease container 10 61 180 180 205 l
type) 500 1000

6040 6050 6060 6090

Machine Model 6040 6050 6060 6090
k Hydraulic Tank [l] 3400 4000 7500 6500 7100 6500 10000 10000

Fuel Tank (per fuel tank) [l] 3900 X 5350 X 6494 X 8200 X
Pump Drive Gearbox (per
Gearbox) [l] 55 149 85 188 85 188 160 160
(Quantities depending on gearbox type)
Swing Drive Gearbox (per
Gearbox) [l] 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38
(Quantities depending on gearbox type)
Final Drive (per Gearbox) [l] 95 / 95 / 155 / 155 / 155 / 155 /
(Quantities depending on gearbox type)
215 215
110 110 170 170 170 170
Engine (per Engine, with filter
114 X 185 X 152 X 260 X
change) [l]
Engine oil tank optional (per
430 X 625 X 500 X 640 X
Engine) [l]
Coolant system (per Engine) [l] 220 X 290 X 300 X 350 X
Grease Tank [kg] 360 / 360 / 360 / 360 / 360 / 360 /
(Quantities depending on grease 1000 1000
container type) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

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Nozzles required, length of hoses, threads of hoses and nozzles / Quick couplers

This guideline supplies basic information on practical versions of a service truck.

To use the service truck efficient on Caterpillar HMS machines, the truck should be equipped with the
following couplings:

Quick coupling for refilling gear oil on pump drive gearbox:

SAP P/N: 4019497

Connection thread for service truck hose: ¾“ NPT male
Required hose length: 20 m

Quick coupling for refilling engine oil engine:

SAP P/N: 4019492
Connection thread for service truck hose: ¾“ NPT male
Required hose length: 20 m

Quick coupling for refilling hydraulic oil:

SAP P/N: 4019493

Connection thread for service truck hose: ¾“ NPT male
Required hose length: 20 m

Quick coupling for refilling coolant:

SAP P/N: 4468178
Connection thread for service truck hose: ¾“ NPT male
Required hose length: 20 m

Quick coupling for refilling grease:

SAP P/N: 4014346
Connection thread for service truck hose: 1“ NPT female
Required hose length: 20 m

Quick coupling for refilling fuel:

SAP P/N: 4016541

Connection thread for service truck hose: 2“ NPT female
Required hose length: 20 m

ATTENTION: Please ensure that the lube truck is able to dispense all liquids at the same time.
E.g. the grease pump of the lube truck should be operable at the same time as the fuel pump is
operating to minimize the downtime of the machine during service.

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Good examples for Lube trucks:

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7.4. Service Truck

What truck to use:

It is recommended to use a truck which is capable to access the HMS product in any case and every
location of the mine or property the machine is working on. These requirements are regional/ area
specific and the decision on what is required should be discussed by the dealer in cooperation with the
customer. In case of a completely new project and if no experience is available it should be considered
to reach out to the Caterpillar service rep and the product group for assistance as they have a worldwide
network and experiences in mining. Also the dealer network can be used as a good resource.
The truck should be equipped with following major tools:

- Air compressor, including sufficient length of hoses and tools for cleaning purposes as well as tools
for R&I of smaller components
- Generator for electric power supply including sufficient length of extension cords for different tools
as well as light
- Torch
- Welding unit to perform interim weld repairs (no major repairs where planning is needed for)
- Crane which is capable to lift items which are too heavy for carrying by or hand or are too bulky that
carrying by hand would be unsafe (e.g. 3 point contact cannot be done by getting up a ladder)
- Man lift or make sure a man lift can is available on site and easily accessible for HMS technician
- Set of hand tools (metric) please refer to chapter 4.1 in the Dealer Playbook for recommended tools
- Hydraulic gauges for troubleshooting. Please refer to chapter 4.1 in the Dealer Playbook for
recommended tools
- Electrical troubleshooting tools (CAMP test kit) troubleshooting. Please refer to chapter 4.1 in the
Dealer Playbook for recommended tools

In addition the service truck should be equipped with service manuals, OMM, part book, schematics in
either printed or digital version. Also internet access would be helpful as latest publication can be
reviewed by the technician.
Explain importance of hand stock (sensors, wires, relays, nuts, bolts etc.) which will be available for
quick fixes
In case the machine breaks down it is beneficial to have certain components and tools on the truck. This
helps to reduce downtime of the HMS as travel time for getting specific tools or small components can
be avoided. Depending on the size of the mine or location where these items have to collected it could
sum up to several hours.

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Following items are examples for recommended parts to be on the service truck

- Seal kits (Technical handbook Chapter 3.2.7)

- Sensors (pressure, temperature, grease initiator) wires and electrical connector sets for interim
- Filled grease hoses, fittings, tool to manufacture hoses (press); Emergency grease kits
- Pilot hoses
- Sort of metric hydraulic fittings
- Pin pulling tools, shackles etc.
- GET pins, retainers and also teeth and shrouds if feasible

Articulated truck as service truck:

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Big service truck:

Medium Truck:

Small Truck:

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Hand stock
The following kits should be on the service truck to fix small defects during the daily service as soon as

Description HMS Part No. SAP Part No.

SAE O-Ring Kit 6002000 1457951
O-Ring Kit (inch) 1424013 1460612
O-Ring Kit (metric) 1423537 1458101
Allen head plug and seal Kit 6004430 4042752
Electrical Connector Kit 2482882 1469727
CAMP testing kit 6003905 4272894
HMS Hydraulic test kit 6003979 4416667
Cable number Kit 3705779 1484696
Wire Ferrule Kit 2482529 1469726
Grease System Emergency Kit 1 6005000 4042756
Grease System Emergency Kit 2 6004813 4235828
Allen Head Screws M4-M8 6004371 4042748
Allen Head Nuts M3-M16 6004372 4042749
Washers M3-M20 6004373 4042750
Helicoil Thread Repair Set M5 6004474 4212145
Helicoil Thread Repair Set M6 6004475 4212146
Helicoil Thread Repair Set M8x1 6004476 4212147
Helicoil Thread Repair Set M8x1,25 6004477 4212148
Helicoil Thread Repair Set M10x1 6004478 4212149
Helicoil Thread Repair Set M10x1,5 6004479 4212150
Helicoil Thread Repair Set M12x1,75 6004480 4212151

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HMS Hydraulic test kit:

HMS P/N: 6003979; SAP P/N 4416667; Cat P/N 456-6429

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Connection HMS test ports:

Quick coupler for CAT gauges 6V 3965

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no of inserts
thread size HMS P/N SAP P/N
in set

M5 5 6004474 4212145
M6 5 6004475 4212146
M8x1 10 6004476 4212147
M8x1,25 5 6004477 4212148
M10x1 10 6004478 4212149
M10x1,5 5 6004479 4212150
M12x1,75 5 6004480 4212151
M16x1,5 5 6004502 4212173
M16x2 5 6004481 4212152

Left over parts material from new machine

Left over parts material (Shims, Accumulator test tool, Crimping tool, etc.) from new machine should be
stored in a container or designated space for service and maintenance.

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7.5. Daily walk around

The TA-1 and TA-2 are tools to maintain the machine every day in the same way.
If it will performed conscientious, you will identify upcoming issues very early and this can prevent
unscheduled downtime. This brings the maintenance crew in the position to schedule all maintenanc e
and repair jobs and that leads to lower owning and operating costs.

1. TA1 and TA2 documents are available on

2. Select -> Product Support -> Equipment Management -> Condition Monitoring -> Inspection
Data -> TA1 and TA2 inspection forms

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A performance test is part of the inspection as well.

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7.6. Best practices

Best practices are listed under communities:

- Mining Best Practice Community

7.7. Numbering of components

There is a procedure (media number BI644634) which describes how to number major components on
hydraulic mining shovels. Numbering of components leads to clear communication and avoids
In general left hand (LH)/ right hand (RH) and front/rear to be understood in travel direction of the
Hydraulic Mining Shovel when idlers are positioned in front (related to superstructure).

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7.8. Component History tracking

Why Do We Need to Collect Component Life Data?

The need for collecting Component Life Data is a typical Win-Win-Situation:

Component Performance and Impact on Operating Costs – As an OEM, we often do not have good
insight into design life or durability of our components (specifically on EMP products). Without a clear
understanding of component performance, our centerline accuracy will not be where it needs to be to
accurately forecast service and change out intervals.
Accordingly, when components underperform, it negatively affects the customers’ Operating Costs /
Cost per Hour.
Therefore an accurate list of component life data and change out dates for critical major components
is required.

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7.9. Component tracking sheet

Customers expect HMS machines to work for up to 60.000 hours or more. During this machine life
almost all of the major parts will be changed out, either preventively or upon failure. Customers’
maintenance strategies will vary in regards to this. However, regardless of the maintenance strategy in
place, it is crucial to understand how many hours a certain part or component on the machine has
completed and what remaining time it shall be installed.

Properly implemented component tracking can serve several purposes:

• Assist in determining cost per hour / cost per ton of a machine – crucial for keeping an operation
• Calculation of Maintenance and Repair contracts (MARC) – to understand scope of work and
rates to apply
• Spare parts stock – ease planning of which parts to keep and when to consider re-ordering
• Component rebuild center scheduling – if removal of major components is scheduled, CRC
schedules can be forecast and piece parts ordered well ahead.
• Planning major shut downs – if a machine is to undergo a major stoppage, good component
tracking can prove an important tool at defining the jobs.

Ideas for tracking

1. Maintenance Planning Computer Systems

Some dealers and customers may run maintenance planning computer programs which will define tasks
and remind the user of imminent component changes based on information fed into the program upon
a machine being added to the fleet.

2. Spreadsheet

A very simple spreadsheet with component part numbers, serial numbers, projected life and several
columns to accommodate details on changes may suffice in most cases, provided it is kept up to date
by dedicated personnel.

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How to start
To establish a life cycle forecast or centerline Caterpillar’s RMC – regional MARC consultants need to
be contacted. Some details such as machine serial number, application, mine location and altitude will
need to be provided with such a request. The RMC will establish a center line which defines component
change-out times. Details: contact information RMC

1. Machine data

This lists all the components’ serial numbers as they left the factory. This should be entered into the
preferred tracking system (see previous section) by dealer or customer and serves as a basis.
The document can be requested through DSN until fully available on SIS web.

2. Numbering of components (see also chapter 7.7)

This document contains a section which lists component locations and their numbering.
The information received through the sources listed above should suffice to devise a tracking system
which best suits the dealer/customer.

Good component tracking is the basis for preventive maintenance culture where components are
exchanged prior to failure, reducing unscheduled downtime and replacement costs of component s
which, once failed, could be beyond repair.
1. Information on HMS Equipment Management is available
2. Select -> Product Support -> Industry -> Mining Support -> Mining Equipment Management

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7.10. KPI Reporting

Key Performance Indicator
Also known as KPI, a top level performance metric. The collection of KPI´s are used to describe the
performance of machines.

MTBF: Mean Time Between Failures

MTBS: Mean Time Between Shutdowns

The average operating time (including production delays) between machine shutdowns /stoppages
MTBS (hrs.) =
𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑠𝑠ℎ𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢

MTTR: Mean Time To Repair

The average downtime for machine stoppages ... the average duration of downtime events,
expressed in hours.

𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜

MTTR (hrs.) =
𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑠𝑠ℎ𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢

Availability Index :

Index of machine availability calculated from the planned and unplanned downtime.

Availability (%) = 𝑥𝑥 100


MTBF Diggers- FY15

40,0 6040
20,0 6060

- Target
FY14 Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez Jan Feb Mrz Apr Mai Jun
Avg. 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15

MTTR Diggers- FY15

4,0 6040
2,0 6060
- Target
FY14 Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez Jan Feb Mrz Apr Mai Jun
Avg. 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15

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7.11. Backlog management

Refer to – check media numbers for existing best practice etc.
Implementing Backlog Management
Most mining equipment must comply with very strict production schedules and thus maintenanc e
windows are limited and possibly between longer intervals. A breakdown may need to be fixed
temporarily to reduce unscheduled downtime and get a machine back into operation as quickly as
possible. Service Letters published may affect a particular machine.
Work which cannot be completed on a machine whilst in operation is referred to as a backlog. It is quite
acceptable to run a machine which is accumulating backlogs, as long as good management, tracking
and rectification of these deficits is put in place and adhered to.

A dealer supporting the HMS product, either in a MARC or warranty only situation, must be able to
identify deficits or problems and decide upon a schedule for repair or implementation. A proactive culture
and constant updating of machine status will contribute to a reliable machine with high availability and
few stoppages.

The below example is to provide a few ideas for a concept of backlog management

Backlog and PM Management Board

machine ID:
serial number:

inspection findings

mechanics enter findings and problems, maintenance planners will sort these
entries into below categories

backlog PM
job parts Y/N when
2 maintenance planner defines jobs which are to be completed during PM's

backlog opportune
miantenance planner defines jobs which can be completed during opportune
maintenance, e.g. rain events, lunchtime inspections etc.

1 operator complaints and inspection findings may necessitate monitoring. Regular
2 BCS recordings would fall under this. Monitoring can be executed during machine
3 operation and should not impact availability

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A good way to implement backlog management on mine sites where support personnel is on constant
shift rotation with changing roles and responsibilities would be to have a whiteboard or similar, dedicated
to one machine and located inside the planning or maintenance management offices. This whiteboard
should be updated constantly so that it is a summary of the machine’s current state.

Generally, data entered into this sheet could be collected from various sources:
1. Daily inspections – mechanics performing lunch break/shift change walk-around’s will come
back with possible problems which did not require immediate attention.
2. Breakdowns temporarily fixed – some problems, such as a broken grease hose or chafed
harness, may be repaired temporarily to enable the machine to operate until the next scheduled
stops or until parts are available. Such repairs must be noted and a backlog created.
3. Accident damage – damage which does not compromise the safety of personnel or cause
problems to the machine (scratches, bent pipe or guard) may be attended to later. A note must
be made to rectify the damage when possible.
4. Service Letters – information released through SIS, which does not call for immediate
implementation can be scheduled for depending on machine schedule and parts availability.
5. Operator comments – information about observations made by the operator (loose clamp, one
air conditioning giving trouble, intermittent faults with low priority) must be collected and
All information collected should be classed by experienced planning personnel according to urgency
and parts availability. Whilst some jobs may be completed during opportune maintenance (rain event s
etc.) or meal breaks, others may be more time consuming and need to be completed during a prevent ive
maintenance stop. Others still, may only require monitoring (e.g. hose sweating, cylinder moist or
checking for good grease on certain pins) and could be removed from the list or classed differently after
such monitoring.

A backlog list which is constantly kept up-to-date will reflect the overall machine condition at a glance.
Located in an area frequented by maintenance personnel, it will provide a guide to mechanics and
planners and help to establish a proactive maintenance culture.

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7.12. Condition monitoring

Condition monitoring is the pro-active process of evaluating equipment and application data inputs in
order to provide maintenance, component replacement, application and repair recommendations that
help customers lower owning and operating costs, improve availability and reduce warranty costs.
Dealers must analyze electronic data, fluids analysis results, inspection results, equipment history and
site analysis into value-added recommendations for customers.
1. Information on HMS condition monitoring is available
2. Select -> Product Support -> Equipment Management -> Condition Monitoring

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7.13. CTS –Custom Track Service

To get access to the CTS (Customer Track Service) documents please click on link shown above or
alternatively follow the instruction below.
1. Information on HMS CTS data is available
2. Select -> Product Support -> Parts -> Parts Marketing -> Tires and Undercarriage ->
Undercarriage -> Parts Industry -> Select document you require

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Marked are the links which can be specifically related to the Hydraulic Mining Shovels.

If there is no access to possible the wear limits of the Cat 60xx undercarriage
components are also described in chapter 4.2.3 of the service manual which is delivered with the
machine or can be look at

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Below good examples how wear measurements can be make more visible by using an Excel sheets.

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7.14. SOS

S•O•SSM Services is a proprietary process designed to turn fluids analysis data into valuable information.
1. Information on HMS SOS service data is available
2. Select -> Product Support -> Equipment Management -> SOS Services

Details to wear limits for certain components can be found in the Technical Handbook 2 Chapter 21:

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7.15. MSR Maintenance Strategy Reference

The Maintenance Strategy Reference (MSR) is used as a planning and strategy template for
maintenance and repair events. It is designed to provide a way for the dealer and the customer to jointly
define and document how equipment will be maintained at a particular jobsite. The MSR encompasses
maintenance and repair activities and management processes up to, and including, component level
maintenance. The component level plans, when taken in the aggregate, become the overall site or
project maintenance plan. An MSR is a document that details all the reference articles and guidelines
necessary to complete a Maintenance Program on a piece of mobile equipment. These documents are
generated in open discussion with the equipment user (Maintenance and Production) and the equipment
supplier (Dealer and Caterpillar). The outcome of the planning process is recorded in a referenc e
document for use by all parties involved in the management of a specific fleet, at a specific site.

Please contact your reliability team and/or your local Caterpillar service rep.
The HMS Product group is also a good resource to get technical knowledge into the MSR and
will be glad to support.

1. Information on HMS MSR data is available

2. Select -> Product Support -> Industry -> Mining Support -> Site Management -> Maintenanc e
Strategy Reference

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7.16. Who to contact

Regional support
Technical support is provided through the regional offices in terms of the regional product support rep
for each region. If you do not know your regional rep please get in touch with your regional product
support manager.

Factory support
If you need factory support for any purpose, whether if it´s via phone or visit to be requested, please get
in contact with your regional product support rep. They are able to establish contact to the factory to get
offers and organize efficient support.

Line of communication
The dealer personnel which is located at all the different mine sites around the world should get in
contact with their dealer TC first in case of technical questions. They have a good overview of all their
machines in the field and are able to assist fairly quickly. If the dealer TC is not able to solve the problem
they will get in contact with the regional product support rep. If the regional product support rep is not
able to solve the problem they will get in contact with the factory product support rep.
In case of clear technical questions the dealer TC should use the DSN system, please see chapter.

DSN (incl. what to ask in DSN and that we do not send full drawings etc.)
The DSN (Dealer Solution Network) is available through PSCRM:

The DSN system is a direct link for the dealer TC to the product group in case of clear technical
questions. The purpose of DSN is “to restore machine functionality”. As the DSN system is working in
different priorities please use the priority setting carefully. E.g. a machine documentation is not available
is nothing which should go through DSN. According to the impact of loss of production, machine down,
urgency of the request please advise the TIER1s on relevant priorities.
Full design drawings will not be send through the DSN system. If you do need specific measurement for
any repair please ask clearly for the specific measurements you need and we are able to provide, this
will avoid unnecessary questions back and forth.

Parts Tech DSN

The Parts Tech DSN is also a direct link to the PG but straight to the spare parts department.
This is very helpful in case you receive some parts which appear to be different to what is used on the
machine or kits seems to be incorrect etc.

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7.17. Goodwill and warranty process

1. Information on the HMS goodwill and warranty process data is available
2. Select -> Global Guide -> Machines -> 2.13-12 Expanded Cat Mining Products

7.18. Equipment Protection Plan

1. Information on the HMS Equipment Protection Plan is available

2. Select -> Product Support -> Extended Protection -> Equipment Protection Plan Mining HMS

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7.19. Production test / Performance test

Please contact your local representative for assistance to organize production / performance tests.
Caterpillar can assist with scale systems, 3D laser scanning, production test conditions etc.
1. Information on Scale Studies is available
2. Select -> Product Support -> Industry -> Mining Support -> Site Management -> Scale Study

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8. Miscellaneous

8.1. Health interface options for the HMS products

Information for the Health interface options can be found in different locations
1.) – search for PELJ1655

2.) 20Compatibility%20Matrix%20For%20non-

CAT%20Machines%20-%20March3115-V er5x.pdf

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3.) Special Instruction REHS8828

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8.2. Health interface options for the HMS products

Information for the Terrain interface options can be found under media number REHS4458

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8.3. Dealer Connect Communities

DealerConnect is a Connections environment which leverages business networking features —

including profiles and communities with blogs, files, forums and wikis
Stay in touch in the HMS communities on

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8.4. Information on Integration

1. Information on HMS Integration is available

2. Select -> Product Support -> Industry -> Mining Support -> Expanded Mining Product
Integration -> Select document you require

8.5. Request for other documents

If there as any additional request for additional documents which are not available in the online systems
please request via DSN.

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