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People of the Philippines v.

Tamani 55 SCRA 153

This is an appeal of defendant Teodoro Tamani y Marinay from the decision of the Court of First Instance of Isabela, (a) sentencing
him to "life imprisonment" for the murder of Jose Siyang and ordering him to indemnify the victim's heirs in the sum of P6,000 and
(b) further sentencing him to an indeterminate penalty of two (2) years, four (4) months and one (1) day of prision correccional to
eight (8) years and twenty-one (21) days of prision mayor for the attempted murder of Eduardo Domingo and ordering him to
indemnify the victim in the sum of P2,000 (Crim. Cases Nos. II-192 and II-198).

Issue as to dismissal of the appeal.—After the appellant had filed his brief, the Solicitor General filed a motion to dismiss the appeal
on the ground that the notice of appeal was forty-seven days late. Appellant's counsel de oficio did not oppose the motion. Action
thereon was "deferred until this case is considered on the merits". (Resolution of March 7, 1967). The motion to dismiss is
reiterated in appellee's brief. That preliminary question should first be resolved.

The lower court's decision convicting defendant Tamani was promulgated on February 14, 1963. A copy thereof was served on his
counsel on February 25, 1963. On March 1, 1963 he filed a motion for reconsideration. It was denied. A copy of the order of denial
was served by registered mail on July 13, 1963 on defendant's counsel through his wife. He had eleven days or up to July 24, 1963
within which to appeal (if the reglementary fifteen-day period for appeal should be computed from the date of notification and not
from the date of promulgation of the decision). He filed his notice of appeal only on September 10, 1963 or forty eight days from
July 24th.

Silvestre B. Bello, defendant's counsel, filed a sworn statement, accompanying the notice of appeal. In that affidavit, he stated that
the trial court's order, denying his motion for reconsideration, although admittedly received by his wife on July 13th, was never
brought to his attention and that he came to know of the order only on September 7th when he verified the expediente of the case
and discovered that an order of denial had been issued. He averred that his wife must have lost the envelope containing the order.

The trial court opined that the wife's affidavit should have been submitted and that the defendant should have filed a motion
praying that the tardy appeal be given due course.

After considering the gravity of the two penalties imposed on the accused and the earnest plea of defense counsel, the trial court
gave due course to the appeal without prejudice to the right of the Solicitor General to "raise the question of jurisdiction on the
ground of a very much belated appeal".

Rule 122 of the Rules of Court provides:

SEC. 6. When appeal to be taken.—An appeal must be taken within fifteen (15) days from promulgation or notice of the judgment
or order appealed from. This period for perfecting an appeal shall be interrupted from the time a motion for new trial is filed until
notice of the order overruling the motion shall have been served upon the defendant or his attorney.

The word "must" in section 6 is synonymous with "ought". It connotes compulsion or mandatoriness. The clear terms of section 6
leave no room for doubt that the appeal should be effected within fifteen days from the promulgation of the judgment.

The counsel for appellant Tamani must have so understood that import of section 6 (which is confirmed by the practice in trial
courts) as evinced by the fact that his motion for reconsideration was filed on March 1st, which was the fifteenth or last day of the
reglementary period.

The assumption that the fifteen-day period should be counted from February 25, 1963, when a copy of the decision was allegedly
served on appellant's counsel by registered mail, is not well-taken. The word "promulgation" in section 6 should be construed as
referring to "judgment" (see section 6 of Rule 120), while the word "notice" should be construed as referring to "order". That
construction is sanctioned by the rule of reddendo singula singulis: "referring each to each; referring each phrase or expression to
its appropriate object", or "let each be put in its proper place, that is, the words should be taken distributively" (76 C. J. S. 175).

Therefore, when the order denying appellant's motion for reconsideration was served by registered mail on July 13th on
appellant's counsel, he had only one (1) day within which to file his notice of appeal and not eleven days. That construction is an
application by analogy or in a suppletory character of the rule governing appeals in civil cases which is embodied in section 3, Rule
41 of the Rules of Court.

Appellant Tamani's notice of appeal, filed on September 10, 1963, was fifty-eight days late. A regoristic application of section 6
justifies the dismissal of his appeal, as prayed for by the prosecution.

However, considering that appellants right to seek a review of his case was lost by reason of his counsel's inadvertence and
considering further that the briefs have been submitted, the Court has resolved to review the record to obviate any possible
miscarriage of justice (Cf. Marbury vs. Madison, 1 Cranch 135, 2 L. ed. 60, where Chief Justice Marshall discussed the merits of a
mandamus action although the Court held that it had no power to issue that writ).

FACTS: Tamani was convicted of murder and attempted murder by the lower court on February 14, 1963. Upon receipt of a copy of
this order, his counsel subsequently filed a motion for reconsideration on March 1, 1963, which was denied. The lower court sent a
copy of the order of denial to the counsel by registered mail on July 13, 1963 through the counsel’s wife. Counsel filed his appeal
only on September 10, 1963, forty-eight days from July24th, which is the reglementary fifteen-day period for appeal. Appellees
contend that the case should be dismissed on the ground that the appeal was forty-eight days late. They invoked Sec. 6, Rule 122
of the Rules of Court which states that an appeal must be taken within fifteen (15) days from the promulgation or notice of the
judgment or order appealed from.

ISSUE: Whether the fifteen-day period should commence from the date of promulgation of the decision.

RULING: Yes. Using the rule of reddendosingula singulis, the word “promulgation” should be construed as referring to “judgment”,
while “notice” should be construed as referring to“order”.Tamani’s appeal is therefore 58 days late, not47, as Appellees contend;
he only had a day left from the receipt of his wife of the notice on July 13. Nonetheless, the court decided to act upon the appeal at
hand “to obviate any possible miscarriage of justice”

On February 14, 1963, the lower court found Tamani guilty of consummated and attempted murder. On
February 25, 1963, Tamani’s counsel received a copy of the decision and consequently filed for a motion
for reconsideration on March 1, 1963. It was denied. On July 13, 1963, the lower court sent a denial order to the counsel through
his wife via registered mail. On September 10, 1963, the said counsel appealed
the lower court’s decision.
Then, the appellees argued that the appeal should be dismissed contending that the appeal should have been made up to July 24,
1963 which is the 15 day period of appeal from the date of notice and not from the date of promulgation. Thus, the appellees
claimed that the appeal was filed 47 days late.

Issue: Whether the 15-day period should commence from the date of promulgation or from the date of notice of the decision.
Held: Appeal was dismissed. The 15-day period should commence from the date of promulgation.

Ratio: Rule 122 of the Rules of Court provides: SEC. 6.

When appeal to be taken- an appeal must be taken within fifteen (15) days from promulgation or notice of the judgment or order
appealed from. This period for perfecting an appeal shall be interrupted from the time a motion for new trial is filed until notice of
the order overruling the motion shall have been served upon the defendant or his attorney.

The assumption that the fifteen-day period should be counted from February 25, 1963, when a copy of the decision was allegedly
served on appellant's counsel by registered mail, is not well-taken. The word "promulgation" in section 6 should be construed as
referring to "judgment" while the word "notice" should be construed as referring to "order". That construction is sanctioned by the
rule of
reddendo singula singulis

: "referring each to each; referring each phrase or expression to its appropriate object", or "let each be put in its proper place, that
is, the words should be taken distributively". Therefore, when the order denying appellant's motion for reconsideration was served
by registered mail on July 13th on appellant's counsel, he had only 1 day within which to file his notice of appeal and not 11 days.
Appellant Tamani's notice of appeal, filed on September 10, 1963, was 58 days late.

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