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Case 1:18-cv-06741-KAM-SMG Document 1 Filed 11/27/18 Page 1 of 20 PageID #: 1


d/b/a PORT and SAVA
303 Merrick Road, Suite 212
Lynbrook, New York 11563
(516) 352-2999



ERIC MURDOCK and BRENDA WILLIAMS Docket # 18 cv 06741

Plaintiffs COMPLAINT

UNITED AIRLINES, INC, and JANE DOE, an unidentified

Employee of the Defendant United Airlines, Inc.


The Plaintiffs ERIC MURDOCK and BRENDA WILLIAMS, complaining of the Defendants,

alleges as follows:

Introduction and Summary

1. This suit is brought to redress the racial discrimination and wrongful profiling of peaceful

African-American passengers by United Airlines. On Friday, July 13, 2018, the Plaintiff

were passengers on United Flight 1537 from Las Vegas to Newark. On said flight the

Plaintiffs were discriminated against, harassed, and humiliated by one of Defendant’s

flight attendants, an unidentified woman referred to as “JANE DOE.”

2. Plaintiffs were then unjustifiably removed from the flight in front of the other

passengers, despite the fact that they posed no security risk and committed no wrongful
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acts. Plaintiffs were removed from the flight at the insistence of the Defendant JANE

DOE whose unprofessional conduct caused discomfort for the passengers around her.

Plaintiffs were not arrested, as they had done nothing illegal.

3. The Plaintiff ERIC MURDOCK (“Murdock”), an African-American man, is a retired

National Basketball Association player, who as a point guard played for the Utah Jazz,

Milwaukee Bucks, Denver Nuggets, Miami Heat, New Jersey Nets, and the Los Angeles

Clippers. He held, until 2002 the NCAA records for most steals, 376, and a Big East

Conference record for most points, 435. In his NBA career, Murdock played in 508

games and scored a total of 5,118 points. He is a resident of State of New Jersey.

4. The Plaintiff Brenda Williams (“Williams”), an African-American woman is a resident of

New Jersey.

5. Defendant United Airlines, Inc. (“United”) is a major American airline headquartered in

Chicago, Illinois. Defendant is incorporated in Delaware. It conducts business in New

York and is listed on the New York Stock exchange. The Defendant operates at John F.

Kennedy Airport, in Queens, New York at terminals 1, 4, 5 and 7, and from LaGuardia

Airport, in Queens, New York, at Terminal B.

6. Defendant JANE DOE is a Caucasian unidentified female flight attendant who works for

the Defendant United and was working on United Flight 1537 from Las Vegas to Newark

on July 13, 2018.

7. This lawsuit challenges the discriminatory and unjustified removal of United States

citizens from a United Airlines flight, in violation of the laws of the United States. This

case is brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1981. This Court has jurisdiction over this action

pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1343, and 1367.

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8. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant because Defendant is an airline that

regularly does business in Queens County, New York, in the Eastern District of New


9. Venue is proper in the Eastern District of New York under 28 U.S.C.§ 1391 because

Defendant United does substantial business in this district as it operates out of two

airports and five terminals.


10. In July 2018, the Plaintiff Murdock had attended a conference hosted by the National

Basketball Retired Players Association in Las Vegas, Nevada.

11. In July 2018, the Plaintiff Williams had attended a conference hosted by her employer in

Las Vegas, Nevada.

12. On July 13, 2018, the Plaintiffs Murdock and Williams were ticketed passengers on

United Flight 1537 from Las Vegas, Nevada to Newark, New Jersey and were properly

seated in the plane. Plaintiffs were strangers to each other and met due to the assignment

of adjacent seats.

13. Plaintiff Murdock was assigned seat 15-E and his son was assigned seat 36-H.

14. Prior to take-off Plaintiff Murdock noted that the row behind his seat was empty. This

row contained the emergency exit.

15. Plaintiff Murdock asked a female flight attendant, herein after “Jane Roe”, if he and his

son could sit together in the emergency exit row. Roe assented if no ticketed passenger

would be sitting there.

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16. Roe did inform Plaintiff Murdock that there was a premium price for the seats, which

Plaintiff Murdock offered to pay. Roe informed him that he’d have to pay at the counter

outside, but as the cabin door had been closed, that option was rendered impossible.

17. Just prior to take off, a ticketed passenger did appear and had seat in the emergency exit


18. The ticketed passenger upon hearing that Plaintiff Murdock, who is over 6 feet tall, and

his son wished to sit together in this emergency exit row graciously offered up his seat.

19. Plaintiff Murdock accepted the offer of the other passenger and moved from his center

row seat to the emergency exit row. The other passenger moved to another seat. Such

move was made with the approval of the unidentified flight attendant, Jane Roe.

20. Shortly before takeoff, Defendant JANE DOE, a flight attendant acting for and as an

agent of the Defendant United demanded that Plaintiff Murdock return to his ticketed


21. Defendant JANE DOE stated that the seats in the emergency row carried a premium

price. When Plaintiff Murdock requested the price, Doe was unable to tell him. She later

told him the price but was unable to tell him how to pay.

22. Defendant JANE DOE was also informed that the ticketed passenger for the emergency

row had swapped his seat with Plaintiff Murdock. Defendant JANE DOE refused to be

swayed by the fact that the passenger ticketed for the seat voluntarily switched with the

Plaintiff Murdock and demanded that he return to his ticketed seat.

23. Defendant JANE DOE also told Plaintiff Murdock that the emergency row had to remain

clear and unoccupied.

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24. During the exchange Defendant JANE DOE was rude and dismissive of Plaintiff


25. Plaintiff Murdock ultimately complied and returned to his ticketed seat as did his son.

26. Approximately a half an hour into the flight, a Caucasian female moved into a seat in the

emergency exit row.

27. Defendant JANE DOE did not cause the Caucasian female to return to her ticketed seat.

Instead, DOE provided beverage service to the female.

28. Plaintiff Murdock then returned to the emergency exit row.

29. Defendant JANE DOE then told Plaintiff Murdock to go back to his seat.

30. Plaintiff Murdock asked Defendant JANE DOE why she had allowed the Caucasian

woman to sit in the emergency row, and Defendant JANE DOE told him that it was none

of his business.

31. Plaintiff Williams had gone to the rest room when Plaintiff Murdock moved back to the

emergency exit row seat and was returning when she observed the Defendant JANE

DOE’s confrontation with Plaintiff Murdock.

32. Plaintiff Williams concerned about Defendant JANE DOE’s aggressive and disrespectful

attitude asked Doe as to why she was being rude to Plaintiff Murdock.

33. Defendant JANE DOE aggressively told Plaintiff Williams that it was none of her


34. Defendant JANE DOE then began yelling at Plaintiff Williams and accusing Williams of

recording Defendant JANE DOE on her cellular telephone.

35. Though Plaintiff Williams was holding her phone she was not recording her.

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36. Despite being repeatedly told by Plaintiff Williams that she was not recording her,

Defendant JANE DOE demanded, in a very hostile and aggressive manner that Plaintiff

Williams surrender the phone.

37. When Plaintiff Williams refused, Defendant JANE DOE extended her arm and leaned

into the row about half way across and demanded with a threatening and intimidating

voice, “erase the video now, or give me your phone! It’s against the law to record me!”

38. The actions of Defendant JANE DOE placed Plaintiff Williams in imminent fear of an

unwanted, offensive physical contact.

39. Plaintiff Williams repeatedly told Defendant JANE DOE that there was no recording.

Defendant JANE DOE however continued to yell at Plaintiff Williams and made as if to

grab the phone.

40. Defendant JANE DOE finally left without taking Plaintiff Williams’ phone.

41. Shortly thereafter, Jane Roe returned and asked Plaintiff Murdock if he would consent to

return to his seat.

42. While Roe was talking to Plaintiff Murdock, Defendant JANE DOE returned. She leaned

over and placing her head within inches of the Plaintiff Murdock and spoke. Plaintiff

Murdock told her to get out of his personal space.

43. The actions of Defendant JANE DOE placed Plaintiff Murdock in imminent fear of an

unwanted, offensive physical contact.

44. At the request of Jane Roe, Plaintiff Murdock returned to his seat.

45. Shortly thereafter during the beverage service, Defendant JANE DOE in a snide and

condescending tone asked Plaintiff Murdock if he wanted a beverage or if he was “going

to boycott?”

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46. Plaintiff Murdock did not respond to the obvious race baiting but maintained a dignified


47. Neither Plaintiff had any further interaction with Defendant JANE DOE.

48. After the Plaintiff landed at Newark International Airport, the passengers were instructed

by the pilot to remain seated do to a security situation.

49. The Plaintiffs were then escorted off the plane first.

50. On this plane were various co-workers of the Plaintiff Williams as well and current and

former professional athletes. Further, the Plaintiff Murdock is celebrity athlete and has

been the subject of many local news stories in New Jersey.

51. When the Plaintiffs were led off the plane they were met by four armed members of the

Transportation Security Administration.

52. After being interviewed by the TSA, the Plaintiffs were not further detained and were

allowed to retrieve their luggage and leave the airport.

53. Plaintiff Williams suffered severe personal embarrassment and well as emotional trauma

from this event.

54. Plaintiff Murdock suffered severe personal and professional embarrassment from the





55. The Plaintiffs repeat and realleges the proceeding paragraphs as if set forth herein.

56. Plaintiffs are informed and believes and thereon alleges that in doing the acts as

heretofore alleged, Defendant, JANE DOE was incompetent and unfit to perform the

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duties for which she was employed, and that an undue risk to persons such as plaintiffs

would exist because of the employment.

57. Plaintiffs are informed and believes and thereon alleges that in doing the acts as

heretofore alleged, Defendant United failed to adequately train and supervise Defendant

JANE DOE in the exercise of the tasks of her employment and/or failed to terminate her,

thereby proximately causing plaintiffs’ injuries as set forth heretofore.

58. Despite this advance knowledge of Defendant JANE DOE’s unfitness to perform her

duties, Defendant United retained JANE DOE as an employee in conscious disregard of

the rights and safety of others.

59. Defendant United is liable for the actions of its agents and employees directly and under

the doctrine of respondeat superior.

60. Defendant United is a Common Carrier. A Common Carrier must carry passengers

safely. Common carriers must use the highest care and the vigilance of a very cautious

person. They must do all that human care, vigilance, and foresight reasonably can do

under the circumstances to avoid harm to passengers. While a common carrier does not

guarantee the safety of its passengers, it must use reasonable skill to provide everything

necessary for safe transportation, in view of the transportation used and the practical

operation of the business. Defendants breached their duty of care in its actions toward


61. As a direct and proximate result Defendants actions, plaintiffs suffered mental distress,

anguish, personal and professional embarrassment and indignation. Plaintiffs are thereby

entitled to general and compensatory damage in an amount no less than ten million


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62. Defendants acts alleged herein are malicious, oppressive, despicable, and in conscious

disregard of Plaintiff’s rights. As such, punitive damages are warranted against

Defendants in order to punish and make an example of each of them.



63. The Plaintiffs repeat and realleges the proceeding paragraphs as if set forth herein.

64. The Defendant JANE DOE, as an agent and employee of the Defendant United by

reaching and attempting to grab the cell phone held by the Plaintiff Williams placed

Plaintiff Williams in imminent apprehension and fear of unwanted bodily contact.

65. The actions of the Defendant JANE DOE in reaching and grabbing for the cell phone

were intentional and by reaching into the confined space of the airplane demonstrated and

will and ability to carry of the threat.

66. At no time did Plaintiff Williams consent to or in any way justify any of the acts of


67. Defendant United is liable for the actions of its agents and employees directly and under

the doctrine of respondeat superior.

68. Corporate Defendant is a Common Carrier. A Common Carrier must carry passengers

safely. Common carriers must use the highest care and the vigilance of a very cautious

person. They must do all that human care, vigilance, and foresight reasonably can do

under the circumstances to avoid harm to passengers. While a common carrier does not

guarantee the safety of its passengers, it must use reasonable skill to provide everything

necessary for safe transportation, in view of the transportation used and the practical

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operation of the business. Defendants breached their duty of care in its actions toward

Plaintiff Williams.

69. As a direct and proximate result Defendants actions, Plaintiff Williams suffered mental

distress, anguish, and indignation. Plaintiff Williams is thereby entitled to general and

compensatory damage in an amount no less than $50,000.

70. Defendants acts alleged herein are malicious, oppressive, despicable, and in conscious

disregard of Plaintiff Williams’ rights. As such, punitive damages are warranted against

Defendants in order to punish and make an example of each of them.



71. The Plaintiffs repeat and realleges the proceeding paragraphs as if set forth herein.

72. The Defendant JANE DOE, as an agent and employee of the Defendant United by

leaning over and placing her face within inches of the Plaintiff Murdock while engaged in

disrespectful language placed Plaintiff Murdock in imminent apprehension and fear of

unwanted bodily contact.

73. The actions of the Defendant JANE DOE of leaning over and placing her face within

inches of the Plaintiff Murdock while engaged in disrespectful language into the confined

space of the airplane demonstrated and will and ability to carry of the threat.

74. At no time did Plaintiff Murdock consent to or in any way justify any of the acts of


75. Defendant United is liable for the actions of its agents and employees directly and under

the doctrine of respondeat superior.

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76. Defendant United is a Common Carrier. A Common Carrier must carry passengers

safely. Common carriers must use the highest care and the vigilance of a very cautious

person. They must do all that human care, vigilance, and foresight reasonably can do

under the circumstances to avoid harm to passengers. While a common carrier does not

guarantee the safety of its passengers, it must use reasonable skill to provide everything

necessary for safe transportation, in view of the transportation used and the practical

operation of the business. Defendants breached their duty of care in its actions toward

Plaintiff Williams.

77. As a direct and proximate result Defendants actions, Plaintiff Murdock suffered mental

distress, anguish, and indignation. Plaintiff Murdock is thereby entitled to general and

compensatory damage in an amount no less than $50,000.

78. Defendants acts alleged herein are malicious, oppressive, despicable, and in conscious

disregard of Plaintiff Murdock’ rights. As such, punitive damages are warranted against

Defendants in order to punish and make an example of each of them.



79. Plaintiffs repeat and realleges the preceding and subsequent paragraphs as though set

forth herein.

80. Defendants breached their duty of care to Plaintiffs by failing to provide a safe place for

its passengers to conduct their travel. As a direct and proximate cause of Defendants’

breach of duty, Plaintiffs suffered and continues to suffer shock, humiliation,

embarrassment, trepidation, fright, nervousness, grief, anxiety, worry, mortification,

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indignity and extreme and enduring emotional distress, all to their damage in an amount

to be determined according to proof at trial.

81. Defendant United is liable for the actions of its agents and employees directly and under

the doctrine of respondeat superior.

82. Defendant United is a Common Carrier. A Common Carrier must carry passengers

safely. Common carriers must use the highest care and the vigilance of a very cautious

person. They must do all that human care, vigilance, and foresight reasonably can do

under the circumstances to avoid harm to passengers. While a common carrier does not

guarantee the safety of its passengers, it must use reasonable skill to provide everything

necessary for safe transportation, in view of the transportation used and the practical

operation of the business. Defendants breached their duty of care in its actions toward


83. As a direct and proximate result Defendants actions, Plaintiffs suffered mental distress,

anguish, and indignation. Plaintiffs are thereby entitled to general and compensatory

damage in an amount no less than ten million dollars.

84. Defendants acts alleged herein are malicious, oppressive, despicable, and in conscious

disregard of Plaintiffs’ rights. As such, punitive damages are warranted against

Defendants in order to punish and make an example of each of them.



85. Plaintiffs repeat and realleges the preceding and subsequent paragraphs as though set

forth herein.

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86. Defendants engaged in outrageous conduct which was intentional and malicious and done

for the purpose of causing Plaintiff to suffer humiliation. As a direct and proximate cause

of Defendants’ outrageous conduct, Plaintiff suffered and continues to suffer shock,

humiliation, embarrassment, trepidation, fright, nervousness, grief, anxiety, worry,

mortification, indignity and extreme and enduring emotional distress, all to their damage

in an amount to be determined according to proof at trial.

87. Defendant United is liable for the actions of its agents and employees directly and under

the doctrine of respondeat superior.

88. Defendant United is a Common Carrier. A Common Carrier must carry passengers

safely. Common carriers must use the highest care and the vigilance of a very cautious

person. They must do all that human care, vigilance, and foresight reasonably can do

under the circumstances to avoid harm to passengers. While a common carrier does not

guarantee the safety of its passengers, it must use reasonable skill to provide everything

necessary for safe transportation, in view of the transportation used and the practical

operation of the business. Defendants breached their duty of care in its actions toward


89. As a direct and proximate result Defendants outrageous actions, Plaintiffs suffered mental

distress, anguish, and indignation. Plaintiffs are thereby entitled to general and

compensatory damage in an amount no less than ten million dollars.

90. Defendants acts alleged herein are malicious, oppressive, despicable, and in conscious

disregard of Plaintiffs’ rights. As such, punitive damages are warranted against

defendants in order to punish and make an example of each of them.

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91. Plaintiff repeat and realleges the preceding and subsequent paragraphs as though set forth


92. At all times relevant to the events described above, Defendant JANE DOE on Friday,

July 13, 2018 was an employee and/or agent of Defendant United. The discriminatory

practices described above were carried out: (a) at the direction of and with the consent,

encouragement, knowledge, and ratification of the Defendant United; (b) under the

Defendant United’s authority, control, and supervision; and/or (c) within the scope of the

employee’ employment.

93. Defendant United is liable for the actions of its agents and employees directly and under

the doctrine of respondeat superior.

94. Defendant JANE DONE and by extension, Defendant United engaged in intentional

discrimination based on Plaintiffs’ race, color and ancestry, by assaulting Plaintiffs and

by their hostile treatment of Plaintiffs on Corporate Defendant’s July 13, 2018 flight. In

so doing, Defendants discriminated against Plaintiffs in the making and enforcement of

their contract with Defendants, namely the ticket they purchased to travel Defendant

United’s July 13, 2018 flight from Las Vegas, Nevada, to Newark, New Jersey.

95. The foregoing actions by the Defendants thus constitute a deprivation of plaintiffs’ right

to make and enforce contracts regardless of their race, in violation of 42 U.S.C. § 1981.

96. As a direct, foreseeable, and proximate result of Defendant’s discrimination and wrongful

acts, Plaintiffs suffered and continues to suffer fear, anxiety, humiliation, mental pain and

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anguish, emotional distress, inconvenience, and economic loss. The Plaintiffs were

injured on an amount no less than ten million dollars.

97. Defendants acts alleged herein are malicious, oppressive, despicable, and in conscious

disregard of Plaintiffs’ rights. As such, punitive damages are warranted against

defendants in order to punish and make an example of each of them.



98. Plaintiff incorporates by reference each and every allegation set forth above as though

fully set forth herein.

99. The pilot and Defendant JANE DOE on United Airlines United Flight 1537 from Las

Vegas to Newark on July 13, 2018, were at all relevant times agents and/or

employees of Defendant United and were acting within the course and scope of their


100. Defendant United is liable for the unlawful acts of its agents and employees

directly and/or under the doctrine of respondeat superior.

101. Defendant United is the recipient of federal funds and is thus covered by Title VI of

the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d). Title VI and its implementing

regulations prohibit recipients of federal monies from discriminating on the basis of,

inter alia, race, color, or national origin.

102. Defendant JANE DOE’s actions during the flight to include arranging for the

Plaintiffs to be made a public spectacle by having them escorted off of the plane as

security risks and to be detained by the TSA were based upon the Plaintiffs race,

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color, and/or national origin thus discriminated against the Plaintiffs in violation of

Title VI and its implementing regulations. Defendants actions were intentional and

done in violation of Plaintiffs’ civil rights.

103. As a direct, foreseeable, and proximate result of Defendant’s discrimination and

wrongful acts, Plaintiff suffered and continues to suffer fear, anxiety, humiliation, mental

pain and anguish, emotional distress, inconvenience, and economic loss. The Plaintiffs

were injured on an amount no less than ten million dollars.

104. Defendants acts alleged herein are malicious, oppressive, despicable, and in

conscious disregard of Plaintiffs’ rights. As such, punitive damages are warranted against

defendants in order to punish and make an example of each of them.



105. The pilot and Defendant JANE DOE on United Airlines United Flight 1537

from Las Vegas to Newark on July 13, 2018, were at all relevant times agents and/or

employees of Defendant United and were acting within the course and scope of their


106. Defendant United is liable for the unlawful acts of its agents and employees

directly and/or under the doctrine of respondeat superior.

107. Defendants intentionally and willfully deprived Plaintiffs of their freedom of

movement by removing Plaintiff from United Airlines United Flight 1537 on July 13,

2018, by identifying them as security risks to the plane and other passengers.

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108. The Defendants caused the Plaintiffs to be detained by employees of the

Defendant and by armed members of the TSA.

109. The restraint, confinement, and detention compelled Plaintiffs to remain in the

airport for an appreciable amount of time.

110. Plaintiffs did not knowingly or voluntarily consent to such restraint,

confinement, and detainment.

111. Plaintiffs were emotionally harmed by such restraint, confinement, and

detainment and embarrassed before the public.

112. Defendant’s conduct was a substantial factor in causing Plaintiffs harm. The

Plaintiffs were injured on an amount no less than ten million dollars.

113. Defendants acts alleged herein are malicious, oppressive, despicable, and in

conscious disregard of Plaintiffs’ rights. As such, punitive damages are warranted against

defendants in order to punish and make an example of each of them.



114. Plaintiff incorporates by reference each and every allegation set forth above as

though fully set forth herein.

115. Defendant and its employees and agents acted negligently and/or recklessly

when they removed Plaintiffs from United Airlines United Flight 1537.

116. Defendant and its employees and agents should have known that their

discriminatory treatment and confinement of Plaintiffs would create an unreasonable

risk of emotional and physical damages.

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117. As a result of Defendant’s actions, Plaintiffs have suffered serious emotional

distress, including suffering anguish, fright, nervousness, grief, anxiety, worry, shock,

humiliation, and shame, all of which an ordinary reasonable person would be unable

to cope.

118. Defendant’s negligence was a substantial factor in causing Plaintiffs’ serious

emotional distress. The Plaintiffs were injured on an amount no less than ten million


119. Defendants acts alleged herein are malicious, oppressive, despicable, and in

conscious disregard of Plaintiffs’ rights. As such, punitive damages are warranted against

defendants in order to punish and make an example of each of them.



120. Plaintiff incorporates by reference each and every allegation set forth above as

though fully set forth herein.

121. Plaintiff and Defendant entered into a contract of carriage.

122. Plaintiff performed all conditions, covenants, and promises required on his part to

be performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.

123. Defendant breached the contract by removing the Plaintiffs from United Airlines

United Flight 1537 and failing to provide safe transport.

70. As a proximate result of Defendant’s breach, Plaintiffs have suffered

damages in an amount to be proven at trial.

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Prayer for Relief

Plaintiffs pray for judgment as follows:

A. For a declaratory judgment that the actions of Defendant described above

constituted discrimination on the basis of race in violation of 42 U.S.C. § 1981;

B. Permanently enjoining Defendant and its directors, officers, agents, and

employees to take all affirmative steps necessary to remedy the effects of the illegal,

discriminatory conduct described herein and to prevent similar occurrences in the future;

C. Awarding Plaintiff their expenses, costs, fees, and other disbursements associated

with the filing and maintenance of this action, including reasonable attorneys’ fees

pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1988, and any other applicable provision of law;

D. For compensatory damages in an amount not less than ten million dollars;

E. For statutory damages;

F. For punitive damages; and

G. For such other relief as the Court may deem just and proper.

Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11, by signing below, I certify to the best of my
knowledge, information, and belief that this complaint: (1) is not being presented for an
improper purpose, such as to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the
cost of litigation; (2) is supported by existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for
extending, modifying, or reversing existing law; (3) the factual contentions have
evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified, will likely have evidentiary support
after a reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery; and (4) the
complaint otherwise complies with the requirements of Rule 11.

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Dated: November 27, 2018

Gary Port, Esq.
Port and Sava
Attorneys for the Plaintiffs
303 Merrick Road, Suite 212
Lynbrook, New York 11563
(516) 352-2999
[email protected]


The Plaintiffs hereby demand a trial by jury for all issues for triable.

Dated: November 27, 2018

Gary Port, Esq.
Port and Sava
Attorneys for the Plaintiffs
303 Merrick Road, Suite 212
Lynbrook, New York 11563
(516) 352-2999
[email protected]

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JS 44 (Rev. 11/15) CIVIL COVER SHEET
The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, except as
provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the
purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON NEXT PAGE OF THIS FORM.)


ERIC MURDOCK and BRENDA WILLIAMS United Airlines, INC. and Jane Doe, an unidentified Employee of the
Defendant United Airlines Inc

(b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff Somerset County, NJ County of Residence of First Listed Defendant Queens, New York

(c) Attorneys (Firm Name, Address, and Telephone Number) Attorneys (If Known)
Port and Sava
303 Merrick Road, Suite 212
Lynbrook, New York 11563
II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an “X” in One Box Only) III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Place an “X” in One Box for Plaintiff
(For Diversity Cases Only) and One Box for Defendant)
’ 1 U.S. Government ’ 3 Federal Question PTF DEF PTF DEF
Plaintiff (U.S. Government Not a Party) Citizen of This State ’ 1 ’ 1 Incorporated or Principal Place ’ 4 ’ 4
of Business In This State

’ 2 U.S. Government ’ 4 Diversity Citizen of Another State ’ 2 ’ 2 Incorporated and Principal Place ’ 5 ’ 5
Defendant (Indicate Citizenship of Parties in Item III) of Business In Another State

Citizen or Subject of a ’ 3 ’ 3 Foreign Nation ’ 6 ’ 6

Foreign Country
IV. NATURE OF SUIT (Place an “X” in One Box Only)
’ 110 Insurance PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY ’ 625 Drug Related Seizure ’ 422 Appeal 28 USC 158 ’ 375 False Claims Act
’ 120 Marine ’ 310 Airplane ’ 365 Personal Injury - of Property 21 USC 881 ’ 423 Withdrawal ’ 376 Qui Tam (31 USC
’ 130 Miller Act ’ 315 Airplane Product Product Liability ’ 690 Other 28 USC 157 3729(a))
’ 140 Negotiable Instrument Liability ’ 367 Health Care/ ’ 400 State Reapportionment
’ 150 Recovery of Overpayment ’ 320 Assault, Libel & Pharmaceutical PROPERTY RIGHTS ’ 410 Antitrust
& Enforcement of Judgment Slander Personal Injury ’ 820 Copyrights ’ 430 Banks and Banking
’ 151 Medicare Act ’ 330 Federal Employers’ Product Liability ’ 830 Patent ’ 450 Commerce
’ 152 Recovery of Defaulted Liability ’ 368 Asbestos Personal ’ 840 Trademark ’ 460 Deportation
Student Loans ’ 340 Marine Injury Product ’ 470 Racketeer Influenced and
(Excludes Veterans) ’ 345 Marine Product Liability LABOR SOCIAL SECURITY Corrupt Organizations
’ 153 Recovery of Overpayment Liability PERSONAL PROPERTY ’ 710 Fair Labor Standards ’ 861 HIA (1395ff) ’ 480 Consumer Credit
of Veteran’s Benefits ’ 350 Motor Vehicle ’ 370 Other Fraud Act ’ 862 Black Lung (923) ’ 490 Cable/Sat TV
’ 160 Stockholders’ Suits ’ 355 Motor Vehicle ’ 371 Truth in Lending ’ 720 Labor/Management ’ 863 DIWC/DIWW (405(g)) ’ 850 Securities/Commodities/
’ 190 Other Contract Product Liability ’ 380 Other Personal Relations ’ 864 SSID Title XVI Exchange
’ 195 Contract Product Liability ’ 360 Other Personal Property Damage ’ 740 Railway Labor Act ’ 865 RSI (405(g)) ’ 890 Other Statutory Actions
’ 196 Franchise Injury ’ 385 Property Damage ’ 751 Family and Medical ’ 891 Agricultural Acts
’ 362 Personal Injury - Product Liability Leave Act ’ 893 Environmental Matters
Medical Malpractice ’ 790 Other Labor Litigation ’ 895 Freedom of Information
’ 210 Land Condemnation ’ 440 Other Civil Rights Habeas Corpus: Income Security Act ’ 870 Taxes (U.S. Plaintiff ’ 896 Arbitration
’ 220 Foreclosure ’ 441 Voting ’ 463 Alien Detainee or Defendant) ’ 899 Administrative Procedure
’ 230 Rent Lease & Ejectment ’ 442 Employment ’ 510 Motions to Vacate ’ 871 IRS—Third Party Act/Review or Appeal of
’ 240 Torts to Land ’ 443 Housing/ Sentence 26 USC 7609 Agency Decision
’ 245 Tort Product Liability Accommodations ’ 530 General ’ 950 Constitutionality of
’ 290 All Other Real Property ’ 445 Amer. w/Disabilities - ’ 535 Death Penalty IMMIGRATION State Statutes
Employment Other: ’ 462 Naturalization Application
’ 446 Amer. w/Disabilities - ’ 540 Mandamus & Other ’ 465 Other Immigration
Other ’ 550 Civil Rights Actions
’ 448 Education ’ 555 Prison Condition
’ 560 Civil Detainee -
Conditions of
V. ORIGIN (Place an “X” in One Box Only)
’ 1 Original ’ 2 Removed from ’ 3 Remanded from ’ 4 Reinstated or ’ 5 Transferred from ’ 6 Multidistrict
Proceeding State Court Appellate Court Reopened Another District Litigation
Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing (Do not cite jurisdictional statutes unless diversity):
42 USC 1981, 28 USC 1331, 1343 and 1367
VI. CAUSE OF ACTION Brief description of cause:
Violation of Civil Rights
COMPLAINT: UNDER RULE 23, F.R.Cv.P. 10,000,000.00 JURY DEMAND: ’ Yes ’ No
(See instructions):


Case 1:18-cv-06741-KAM-SMG OF ARBITRATION
1-1 Filed 11/27/18 Page 2 of 2 PageID #: 22
Local Arbitration Rule 83.10 provides that with certain exceptions, actions seeking money damages only in an amount not in excess of $150,000,
exclusive of interest and costs, are eligible for compulsory arbitration. The amount of damages is presumed to be below the threshold amount unless a
certification to the contrary is filed.

Case is Eligible for Arbitration

I, __________________________________________,
GARY PORT counsel for____________________________,
Plaintiff do hereby certify that the above captioned civil action is ineligible for
compulsory arbitration for the following reason(s):

monetary damages sought are in excess of $150,000, exclusive of interest and costs,

the complaint seeks injunctive relief,

the matter is otherwise ineligible for the following reason


Identify any parent corporation and any publicly held corporation that owns 10% or more or its stocks:

RELATED CASE STATEMENT (Section VIII on the Front of this Form)

Please list all cases that are arguably related pursuant to Division of Business Rule 50.3.1 in Section VIII on the front of this form. Rule 50.3.1 (a) provides that “A civil case is “related”
to another civil case for purposes of this guideline when, because of the similarity of facts and legal issues or because the cases arise from the same transactions or events, a
substantial saving of judicial resources is likely to result from assigning both cases to the same judge and magistrate judge.” Rule 50.3.1 (b) provides that “ A civil case shall not be
deemed “related” to another civil case merely because the civil case: (A) involves identical legal issues, or (B) involves the same parties.” Rule 50.3.1 (c) further provides that
“Presumptively, and subject to the power of a judge to determine otherwise pursuant to paragraph (d), civil cases shall not be deemed to be “related” unless both cases are still
pending before the court.”


1.) Is the civil action being filed in the Eastern District removed from a New York State Court located in Nassau or Suffolk
County? Yes No

2.) If you answered “no” above:

a) Did the events or omissions giving rise to the claim or claims, or a substantial part thereof, occur in Nassau or Suffolk
County? Yes No

b) Did the events or omissions giving rise to the claim or claims, or a substantial part thereof, occur in the Eastern
District? Yes No

c) If this is a Fair Debt Collection Practice Act case, specify the County in which the offending communication was

If your answer to question 2 (b) is “No,” does the defendant (or a majority of the defendants, if there is more than one) reside in Nassau or
Suffolk County, or, in an interpleader action, does the claimant (or a majority of the claimants, if there is more than one) reside in Nassau or
Yes No
Suffolk County?___________________________________
(Note: A corporation shall be considered a resident of the County in which it has the most significant contacts).


I am currently admitted in the Eastern District of New York and currently a member in good standing of the bar of this court.

Yes No

Are you currently the subject of any disciplinary action (s) in this or any other state or federal court?

Yes (If yes, please explain No

I certify the accuracy of all information provided above.

Signature: ____________________________________________________

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Case 1:18-cv-06741-KAM-SMG Document 1-2 Filed 11/27/18 Page 1 of 2 PageID #: 23

AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action


for the
Eastern District
__________ of of
District New York


Plaintiff(s) )
v. Civil Action No. 18 cv 06741
unidentified employee of Defendant United Airlines, )
Defendant(s) )


To: (Defendant’s name and address) United Airlines, Inc.

233 S. Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606
United States

A lawsuit has been filed against you.

Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) — or 60 days if you
are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in Fed. R. Civ.
P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) — you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney,
whose name and address are:
Port and Sava
303 Merrick Road, Suite 212
Lynbrook, New York 11563
(516) 352-2999

If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
You also must file your answer or motion with the court.


Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk
Case 1:18-cv-06741-KAM-SMG Document 1-2 Filed 11/27/18 Page 2 of 2 PageID #: 24

AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action (Page 2)

Civil Action No. 18 cv 06741

(This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 (l))

This summons for (name of individual and title, if any)

was received by me on (date) .

’ I personally served the summons on the individual at (place)

on (date) ; or

’ I left the summons at the individual’s residence or usual place of abode with (name)
, a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there,
on (date) , and mailed a copy to the individual’s last known address; or

’ I served the summons on (name of individual) , who is

designated by law to accept service of process on behalf of (name of organization)
on (date) ; or

’ I returned the summons unexecuted because ; or

’ Other (specify):

My fees are $ for travel and $ for services, for a total of $ 0.00 .

I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true.

Server’s signature

Printed name and title

Server’s address

Additional information regarding attempted service, etc:

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