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Strategic Mike Millmore, Philip Lewis,

Human Resource Mark Saunders, Adrian Thornhill

Management and Trevor Morrow
Mike Millmore, Philip Lewis, Mark Saunders,
Adrian Thornhill and Trevor Morrow

Resource Management
Strategic Human
As people, knowledge and talent become increasingly core to an organisation’s competitive advantage, strategic
approaches to the management of human resources become ever more important.

In this exciting and definitive new guide to managing human resources strategically, the authors have:
• Balanced the academic theory and rhetoric of SHRM with the practicalities of organisational life
• Provided a holistic overview of the strategic HRM territory, explaining how key HR topics can be thought
about strategically
• Critically examined strategic practice in ten key HR disciplines and the complexities surrounding their
strategic implementation
• Offered comprehensive exploration of the concept of strategic integration and how this can be applied in
practice to specific areas of HR activity
• Promoted student understanding through the provision of numerous examples and case studies, key concept
boxes, self-assessment questions, suggestions for follow-up study and a comprehensive glossary.

“An excellent text! The authors should be congratulated on their thorough

coverage of the material and the interesting perspectives of the themes.”
John Gould-Williams, Cardiff Business School

“This book offers a truly wide choice of case studies from different sectors

and countries.”

Thornhill and Morrow

Millmore, Lewis, Saunders,
Chris Marshall, Principal Lecturer HRM University of Sunderland

Human Resource
Mike Millmore is a Visiting Fellow at Gloucestershire Business School,
University of Gloucestershire, and a freelance HRM lecturer and author.
Dr Philip Lewis is a freelance HRM lecturer and author.
Professor Mark Saunders is Assistant Dean: Director of Research and
Doctoral Programmes at Oxford Brookes University Business School.
Dr Adrian Thornhill is Head of Department of Human Resource Management
Contemporary issues
at the Gloucestershire Business School, University of Gloucestershire. ISBN 978-0-273-68163-2

Dr Trevor Morrow is a lecturer in Business Studies at the University of

Ulster’s School of International Business.

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Mike Millmore, Philip Lewis,

Mark Saunders, Adrian Thornhill
and Trevor Morrow

Human Resource
Contemporary Issues
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Pearson Education Limited

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List of figures x
List of tables xiii
Preface xv
Acknowledgements xix
Guided Tour xxii
About the authors xxiv

Part 1 Overview 1

1 Strategy and human resource management 3

Learning Outcomes 3
Introduction 4
Strategy and strategy making 6
Strategic management and its links to HRM 15
The resource-based view of the organisation and its links to HRM 26
Summary 37
Follow-up study suggestions 38
Suggestions for research topics 38

2 Strategic human resource management: a vital piece in the

jigsaw of organisational success? 39
Learning Outcomes 39
Introduction 40
What is strategic human resource management? Major principles
underpinning the concept 40
Main theoretical approaches to SHRM 45
The history and origins of SHRM 62
The contribution of SHRM to organisational performance 67
Summary 77
Follow-up study suggestions 78
Suggestions for research topics 78
SHRM_A01.QXD 15/2/07 08:10 Page vi

vi Contents

3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world: internationalisation of

business and the role of SHRM 79
Learning Outcomes 79
Introduction 80
Background to the internationalisation of business 81
SIHRM: definition and analytical framework 88
SIHRM issues: functions, policies and practices 97
The capabilities needed to devise and implement SIHRM 102
The cultural perspective on SIHRM 106
Summary 115
Follow-up study suggestions 115
Suggestions for research topics 116

4 Evaluating SHRM: why bother and does it really happen in practice?

with Denise Skinner 117
Learning Outcomes 117
Introduction 118
The nature of evaluation 121
The need to evaluate 123
Undertaking the evaluation 131
Clarity of purpose and evaluation strategies 134
Gathering primary data for analysis 142
Analysing and feeding back 146
Summary 147
Follow-up study suggestions 148
Suggestions for research topics 148

Part One Case study: Strategic human resource management at

Halcrow Group Limited 150

Part 2 Strategic Interventions 157

5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis

for effectiveness? 159
Learning Outcomes 159
Introduction 160
Defining organisational structure 160
Organisational structure: linkages to strategy and SHRM 162
Conceptual approaches to the design of organisational structures
for strategic effectiveness 171
Classical universal approach to organisational structure 171
Contingency approach to organisational structure 174
Consistency approach to organisational structure 178
Principal forms of organisational structure and the effect on employees 181
Summarising the relationship between organisational structure and SHRM 194
Summary 196
Follow-up study suggestions 197
Suggestions for research topics 198
Case study: DaimlerChrysler AG 198
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Contents vii

6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values

have consequences? 202
Learning Outcomes 202
Introduction 203
Meanings of culture 204
Typologies of national cultures and their implications for managing
human resources strategically 206
Frameworks for understanding organisational cultures 215
Typologies of organisational cultures and their implications for
managing human resources strategically 218
Human resource strategies for managing organisational cultures 223
Summary 232
Follow-up study suggestions 233
Suggestions for research topics 233
Case study: Corporate culture and Group values at DICOM Group plc 234

7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 236

Learning Outcomes 236
Introduction 237
What is strategic human resource planning? 239
Human resource planning: the vital connecting link? 251
The problematic nature of human resource planning practice 256
The HRP paradox: to plan or not to plan? 263
Forging the missing link 265
Summary 272
Follow-up study suggestions 272
Suggestions for research topics 273
Case study: Human resource planning in mergers and acquisitions 273

8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 276

Learning Outcomes 276
Introduction 277
What is the rationale for strategic recruitment and selection? 278
What is strategic recruitment and selection? Towards a conceptual
framework and model of strategic recruitment and selection 282
How can strategic recruitment and selection be applied in practice? 292
How feasible is strategic recruitment and selection in a changing world?
Confronting the challenge of change 300
How extensive is strategic recruitment and selection practice? A review
of the evidence 303
What might account for the mismatch between the rhetoric and
the reality of strategic recruitment and selection? 309
Summary 312
Follow-up study suggestions 312
Suggestions for research topics 313
Case study: Recruitment and selection at Southco Europe Ltd 313

9 Performance management: so much more than annual appraisal 316

Learning Outcomes 316
Introduction 317
Performance management and SHRM 321
SHRM_A01.QXD 15/2/07 08:10 Page viii

viii Concents

Reasons for growth in the importance of performance management 330

The performance management systems model and the key
processes embedded in it 332
Performance management: built on shaky foundations? 343
Summary 346
Follow-up study suggestions 346
Suggestions for research topics 347
Case study: Performance management at Tyco 347

10 Strategic human resource development: pot of gold or chasing

rainbows? 350
Learning Outcomes 350
Introduction 351
Definitions and emerging themes 354
SHRD: a continuum of meanings and maturity 356
Systematic training approaches as a route to SHRD 363
Defining characteristics of SHRD 369
The learning organisation: the chicken and egg paradox of SHRD? 371
Knowledge management 377
Managers as SHRD stakeholders: linchpin or spanner in the works? 384
Summary 389
Follow-up study suggestions 390
Suggestions for research topics 390
Case study: INA 391

11 Strategic reward management: Cinderella is on her way to the ball 393

Learning Outcomes 393
Introduction 394
What is reward? 395
What is strategic reward management? 399
Factors in the external environment that have led to the increased
interest in strategic reward management 400
The links between intra-organisational factors that impact upon strategic
reward management and strategic reward management 402
Summary 417
Follow-up study suggestions 418
Suggestions for research topics 418
Case study: Developing a global reward strategy at Tibbett and Britten Group 419

12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric

and operational reality 422
Learning Outcomes 422
Introduction 423
Defining the employment relationship 426
Differing perspectives on the employment relationship 429
SHRM and employee relations 434
Involvement and participation: strategic concepts and practices 444
Summary 459
Follow-up study suggestions 459
Suggestions for research topics 460
Case study: Strategic approaches to the employment relationship
social partnership: the example of the Republic of Ireland 460
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Contents ix

13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy?

with Savita Kumra 465
Learning Outcomes 465
Introduction 466
The concept of diversity management 469
Managing diversity and equal opportunities: separate or interdependent approaches? 480
The business case for diversity management 482
The need for a supportive culture and claimed benefits 485
Evidence of the strategic adoption of diversity management and implementation advice 488
Summary 491
Follow-up study suggestions 492
Suggestions for research topics 492
Case study: Making diversity an issue in leafy Elgarshire 493

14 Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction? 497

Learning Outcomes 497
Introduction 498
Downsizing 499
The strategic implications of downsizing 503
Strategies for organisational downsizing 504
Implications arising from downsizing 507
Interventions to manage downsizing as a bottom-up process 512
Summary 518
Follow-up study suggestions 518
Suggestions for research topics 519
Case study: The demise of MG Rover cars? 519

Glossary 522
References 534
Index 556

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 Instructor’s Manual containing:

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 answer to self-check and reflect questions

 answer to case study questions


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SHRM_A01.QXD 15/2/07 14:43 Page x

List of figures

Figure 1.1 Mapping the strategy and human resource management territory:
a summary diagram of the chapter content 5
Figure 1.2 Strategic continuum from mostly deliberate to mostly emergent 13
Figure 1.3 Strands of strategic integration 24
Figure 1.4 Strands of strategic integration shown in a hierarchical
relationship and related to external variables 25
Figure 1.5 Resource-based approach to strategy 30
Figure 2.1 Mapping the strategic human resource management territory:
a summary diagram of the chapter content 40
Figure 2.2 Three theoretical approaches to strategic HRM 46
Figure 2.3 Pfeffer’s seven practices of successful organisations 48
Figure 2.4 The ‘open’ SHRM model 60
Figure 2.5 Changes in the HRM operating environment of the 1980s and
1990s which are associated with the growth of interest in SHRM 63
Figure 3.1 Mapping the international strategic human resource management
territory: a summary diagram of the chapter content 80
Figure 3.2 Integrative framework of SIHRM in MNCs 90
Figure 4.1 Mapping the evaluating SHRM territory: a summary diagram
of the chapter content 120
Figure 4.2 The purpose and focus of different evaluation approaches 131
Figure 4.3 A typical evaluation 137
Figure 4.4 The action research spiral 140
Case Figure 1 Halcrow Group Limited structure 151
Figure 5.1 Mapping the role of organisational structure in SHRM territory:
a summary diagram of the chapter content 161
Figure 5.2 Structural types related to the interaction between
environmental complexity and stability 177
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List of figures xi

Figure 5.3 Representation of a functional structure 182

Figure 5.4 Representations of a divisionalised structure 183
Figure 5.5 Representation of a matrix organisation 186
Figure 5.6 Individual responsibility under different types of
matrix structure 187
Figure 5.7 Representation of a project-based structure 188
Figure 5.8 Representations of network forms 190
Figure 5.9 Representation of a cellular form 192
Figure 6.1 Mapping diagram of the relationships between culture and strategic
human resource management: a summary diagram
of the chapter content 204
Figure 6.2 Schematic distribution of the Confucian dynamism dimension
for the UK and Japan 210
Figure 6.3 Trompenaars’ and Hampden-Turner’s dimensions of
cultural differences 212
Figure 6.4 A comparison of Hofstede’s and Schein’s representations of
organisational cultures 215
Figure 6.5 Deal and Kennedy’s typology of organisational culture 220
Figure 6.6 Johnson and Scholes’ cultural web 221
Figure 6.7 Beer et al.’s ‘bottom-up’ approach to task alignment 227
Figure 7.1 Mapping the SHRP territory: a summary diagram of the
chapter content 238
Figure 7.2 Input and output relationships between strategic human resource
forecasting, strategy formulation and HRP 241
Figure 7.3 Input–output relationships between strategic human resources
forecasting, strategy formulation and HRP – a revised model 242
Figure 7.4 A systems perspective of the HRP process 250
Figure 7.5 A processual perspective of the HRP process 250
Figure 7.6 The ‘people process map’ 270
Figure 8.1 Mapping the strategic recruitment and selection (SR&S) territory:
a summary diagram of the chapter content 278
Figure 8.2 Why bother with strategic recruitment and selection?
An interrelated rationale 281
Figure 8.3 Strategic recruitment and selection: an explanatory model 284
Figure 8.4 Core dimensions of strategic recruitment and selection 290
Figure 9.1 Mapping the performance management territory: a summary
diagram of the chapter content 318
Figure 9.2 Four possible scenarios linking the demonstration of skills,
behaviours and attitudes (SBAs) with performance outcomes 329
Figure 9.3 The performance management systems model 332
Figure 10.1 Mapping the SHRD territory: a summary diagram of the
chapter content 353
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xii List of figures

Figure 10.2 A continuum of HRD strategic maturity 356

Figure 10.3 Mapping the HRD strategic maturity continuum 361
Figure 10.4 Problem-directed versus strategically oriented HRD in the
introduction of new technology 362
Figure 10.5 The systematic HRD model 363
Figure 10.6 A strategically oriented cycle of HRD activities 365
Figure 10.7 Employee learning and development as a strategic process 366
Figure 10.8 Revised continuum of HRD strategic maturity 368
Figure 10.9 A systems perspective of knowledge management 380
Figure 11.1 Mapping the strategic reward management territory:
a summary diagram of the chapter content 394
Figure 11.2 Reward strategy and its relationship to business and
other strategies 399
Figure 12.1 Mapping the employment relationship territory: a summary
diagram of the chapter content 426
Figure 12.2 Employee choices in relation to commitment 436
Figure 13.1 European Union population, 2000–2030 467
Figure 13.2 European Union workforce aged 60 and over, 2000–2030 467
Figure 13.3 Mapping the diversity management territory: a summary
diagram of the chapter content 468
Figure 13.4 Conceptualisations of diversity in the literature 469
Figure 13.5 Stages in the implementation of diversity management 490
Case Figure 1 ‘Racism. Let’s make it an issue’ poster 495
Case Figure 2 ‘Is your inability…’ poster 496
Figure 14.1 Mapping the downsizing territory: a summary diagram of the
chapter content 498
Figure 14.2 Survivor reactions to downsizing 502
Figure 14.3 Outcomes of downsizing 504
Figure 14.4 Organisational strategies to achieve downsizing 505
Figure 14.5 Downsizing methods, managerial control and employee influence 507
Figure 14.6 Principal determinants and categories of survivors’ reactions
to the advent of downsizing 510
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List of tables

Table 2.1 HR policy areas and the main characteristics with which they
are associated 48
Table 2.2 HRM links to strategy and structure 53
Table 2.3 Required employee behaviours for each of Porter’s three main
types of organisational strategy and the HR techniques needed
to foster these behaviours. 55
Table 3.1 The world’s top ten non-financial MNCs, ranked by foreign
assets (millions of US dollars and number of employees). 87
Table 3.2 Characteristics of principal organisational structures for
international business 95
Table 3.3 Organisational drivers and obstacles to geocentrism 97
Table 3.4 Factors HR function needs to practise in order to be effective
and the extent to which they are practised 106
Table 4.1 Illustrative examples of different types of evaluation 121
Table 4.2 Levels of evaluation 134
Table 4.3 Choice of evaluator 145
Table 6.1 Relative scores on Hofstede’s dimensions of national culture
for selected countries 210
Table 6.2 Relative positions on Trompenaars’ and Hampden-Turner’s
dimensions for selected countries 213
Table 6.3 Design parameters for cultural change 230
Table 6.4 Relative effectiveness of top-down and bottom-up approaches
to cultural re-alignment across different parameters 231
Table 7.1 Strategic human resource forecasting versus human
resource planning 242
Table 7.2 The elements of HRP 243
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xiv List of tables

Table 7.3 Distinguishing features of manpower planning and human

resource planning 244
Table 7.4 Transitions in SHRP: from policeman to business partner 245
Table 7.5 Distinguishing characteristics of hard and soft HRP 246
Table 7.6 The Pandora’s box of HRP: four different perspectives on
the problems associated with HRP 260
Table 8.1 Human resource planning choices 301
Table 11.1 External environmental changes and their relationship to
reward strategy 400
Table 12.1 Key dimensions of industrial relations and SHRM 435
Table 12.2 A model of the psychological contract 450
Table 13.1 Managing diversity and equal opportunities approaches to
diversity management 479
Case Table 1 Comparative demographic data 494
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In teaching strategic approaches to the management of human resources (strategic

human resource management – SHRM) to undergraduate and postgraduate students
undertaking general business and management or more specialist human resource man-
agement (HRM) courses, as well as those studying towards membership of the
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, we found it impossible to find a
single text to adopt as a reader in support of their studies. Our dilemma was that avail-
able texts explicitly positioned to address the strategic development of HRM practice
were either too inaccessible or insufficiently rigorous in their treatment of strategic inte-
gration. We therefore set about writing a book to bridge this ‘divide’.
This book was conceived to bridge this perceived gap by providing comprehensive
exploration of strategically directed management of human resources in a format that
was easily accessible to students. We believe we have succeeded by ensuring that the sub-
ject domain is treated in an academically rigorous way but that, through the use of many
illustrative devices, an undergraduate audience will be able to engage in its content.
Early feedback on chapter drafts from our own undergraduate and postgraduate stu-
dents provides evidence that we are well on the road to realising our aim.
The origins of SHRM lie in the burgeoning interest in strategic management evident
from the late twentieth century onwards. Strategic management arguably became the
dominant theme in management literature from 1980 onwards. Given the emphasis
placed by strategic management on the strategic utilisation of an organisation’s resource
capability in the pursuit of organisational goals, it was hardly surprising that, within the
personnel/human resources (HR) domain, attention turned to how human resources
could be managed more strategically. This gave rise to the parallel development of HRM
theory and practice. Advocates of HRM saw it as a natural development of more tradi-
tional approaches to personnel management that chimed with the strategic imperatives
facing organisations in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century.
A number of distinguishing features were identified to differentiate HRM from its
personnel management antecedents. These included: devolvement of HR activities to
line managers so that they became more accountable for the performance of those that
they managed; the adoption by HR specialists of a business partner role aimed at achiev-
ing greater congruence with business needs; and a movement in employee relations
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xvi Preface

away from a collective focus (involving trade unions) towards the establishment of indi-
vidual relationships with employees as a route to securing greater organisational
commitment within a unitary perspective. However, underpinning the growing interest
in HRM was the realisation that employees potentially represented an important, if not
the most important, asset an organisation had at its disposal in its pursuit of strategic
advantage. The feature that epitomises this ideology and underscores all interpretations
of HRM is that of strategic integration where HR activities (or levers) are aligned verti-
cally, with an organisation’s mission and/or strategic objectives, and horizontally with
each other to provide mutually supporting ‘bundles’. In short, the one thing that com-
mentators agree on is that what differentiates HRM from personnel management is its
strategic focus and concern for strategic integration.
Given the overwhelming consensus that HRM is nothing if not strategic, deciding on
the title for this book (Strategic Human Resource Management) provided us with some-
thing of a conundrum. If the essence of HRM, and its key feature for distinguishing it
from personnel management, is its focus on strategic integration then the ‘S’ of ‘SHRM’
is tautological in that it simply adds the strategic element that is already accepted as a
given in HRM! It was therefore with some misgiving that we opted for the SHRM title
because of the possible confusion this may cause among our readership. However, we
justify our decision on two grounds.
First, in our view the term HRM has come to be inappropriately used, such that it has
been increasingly adopted in place of personnel management without due regard for its
differentiating characteristics. In this sense, the term HRM is frequently used in the liter-
ature, too loosely, as a simile for personnel management. This has also been reflected in
practice where organisations have relabelled their personnel function. It is not unusual
to find that Personnel Departments have become HRM Departments, Personnel Man-
agers HR Managers and Personnel Officers HR Officers with no commensurate change
in their underpinning ideology or in the way functional roles are executed. This is akin
to the proverbial case of ‘old wine in new bottles’!
Second, this loose use of the term creates the possibility that some texts masquerade
as HRM when they essentially cover the same ground found in earlier personnel man-
agement texts. An analysis of titles lining the bookshelves in one of our studies illustrates
this point very well. This revealed that of those texts published in the last ten years
(1996–2006): 58 per cent referred to HRM; 18 per cent to SHRM; 8 per cent to HR
Strategies; 5 per cent to Management of Human Resources; 5 per cent to People
Resourcing; and 5 per cent to Personnel Management. In summary, therefore, over 75
per cent used HRM in the title and only 5 per cent Personnel Management. An analysis
of the content of these texts builds on the old wine in new bottles analogy. Many of these
HRM texts and some of the SHRM texts allude to strategic integration but arguably
after a nod in that direction proceed to present the material in a relatively standard way
without maintaining an explicit strategic focus throughout.
We hope that when reading our text you will agree that the strategic component of
HRM underpins the content throughout. We have attempted to build on the personnel
foundations of HR theory and practice by exploring in detail what is meant by strategic
integration, both generally and with specific reference to a selection of HR levers and
issues around its development and delivery in practice. In order to stress this strategic
focus and differentiate our work from those loosely titled HRM texts, we have adopted,
with reservation, the title Strategic Human Resource Management. However, this leads to
a second conundrum.
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Preface xvii

Throughout the period of the book’s conception we found it difficult to reconcile two
conflicting interests. First, we wanted to address our criticism of other HRM texts and
discuss in detail how the various components of HR (or HR levers) such as recruitment
and selection, reward management, employee relations and downsizing, etc., could be
aligned to organisational strategy both conceptually and in practice. Second, it was
recognised that to treat each area of HR in isolation of the other HR levers in this way
would be inconsistent with the horizontal integration dimension of HRM identified
above which anticipates their development as a bundle of practices. In the final analysis
we could not find a way of doing this to our satisfaction and instead adopted a compro-
mise position.
The book is divided into two parts. Part 1, through four chapters (Chapter 1, ‘Strategy
and human resource management’; Chapter 2, ‘Strategic human resource management: a
vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational success?’; Chapter 3, SHRM in a changing and
shrinking world: internationalisation of business and the role of SHRM’; and Chapter 4,
‘Evaluating SHRM: why bother and does it really happen in practice?’), provides an
overview of the SHRM territory. In addressing the substance of their respective chapter
titles, we have endeavoured in this part to present a holistic view of SHRM. A particular
concern has been to surface the complexity lying behind the notion of strategic integra-
tion and to explore how this complexity impacts on the conceptual development and
practical application of SHRM. In support of our attempts in Part 1 to present a holistic
approach to the subject domain, we have used one integrated case study to cover all four
chapters rather than the chapter case studies that are a feature of Part 2. This comprehen-
sive, integrated case – Strategic human resource management at Halcrow Group Limited
– appears at the end of Part 1 and hopefully sets the scene for the exploration of specific
HR levers that follows.
The second part looks in detail at ten selected HRM levers and critically examines
how they too can be conceived strategically and operationalised through organisation
practice. The ten areas selected for Part 2 inevitably reflect our personal views. They are
included because we feel that they all represent critical components of SHRM practice.
Many of these selected levers (strategic human resource planning, strategic recruitment
and selection, performance management, strategic human resource development, strate-
gic reward management and strategic employee relations) will be found in the majority
of HRM texts while others (organisation structures, culture, diversity and downsizing)
are less frequently covered. This is not to say that our selection will find favour with
everybody and we are already considering the possibility of including chapters on
change management, competences and flexibility in any future edition. Hopefully, feed-
back on this first edition will throw up other possibilities for us to consider. However, in
all cases our treatment of the ten selected topics concentrates on their strategic con-
struction and organisational manifestation and consistently adopts a critical perspective
that surfaces the difficulties of putting the rhetoric of SHRM into practice. However, in
disaggregating this HRM ‘bundle’ to examine its constituent parts we have not aban-
doned the central HRM tenet of horizontal integration. Throughout the chapters
making up Part 2, we provide cross-references to other HR levers to emphasise their
interconnectedness and use other devices, selectively, to reinforce the essence of hori-
zontal integration. For example, in Chapter 8 (‘Strategic recruitment and selection’) we
provide a specific example to demonstrate how recruitment and selection can help facil-
itate the horizontal integration of the various HR levers, and in Chapter 7 (‘Strategic
human resource planning, the weakest link?’) frequently use the theme of mergers and
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xviii Preface

acquisitions to illustrate the need for ‘joined-up’ HRM thinking. Also, although each
chapter concludes with its own topic-specific case study, it is possible to use the inte-
grated Halcrow case to explore further the strategic connections of the various HR
levers presented. Nevertheless we accept that our approach remains something of a com-
promise and runs the risk of falling between two stools. We accept that our position
could alternatively be viewed positively as a pragmatic solution to our dilemma or nega-
tively simply as a cop out.
We now leave it to you, our readers, to judge whether or not we have met our aims,
which can be summarised as: to write a SHRM book that
 maintains a rigorous and critical focus on the ‘S’ of ‘SHRM’ throughout rather than
resorting to a more traditional, personnel management, treatment of the subject
 through its written style and supporting pedagogic features can be readily under-
stood by its potential readership;
 conveys the central importance of vertical and horizontal strategic alignment in a way
that enables the reader to appreciate the holistic nature of the concept and how it can
be applied in practice to recognised specific areas of HR activity; and
 grounds the reader in the practicalities of organisational life in a way that enables
them to distinguish between SHRM rhetoric and reality.
Although it could be said that ‘we would say that any way’, we would argue that there
are early signs that we are well on the road to achieving our aims. During the course of
writing this book we have ‘test marketed’ much of its content. Selected chapter drafts
have been used as basic readings to support the teaching of SHRM to level three under-
graduates and master’s stage postgraduates. The majority of feedback has been that our
work does treat the ‘S’ of ‘SHRM’ with more integrity than the majority of texts, through
its rigorous exploration of the strategic alignment of HRM theory and practice, and does
so in a way that can be understood. We are not quite sure how we should have reacted to
the student who said that the readings were ‘exhaustive if not exhausting’ but are grateful
to those students who have confessed that the readings were the inspiration behind their
choice of dissertation or workplace management report topics. It is encouraging to know
that we have budding researchers, currently out in the field, investigating the extent to
which case organisations are practising respectively strategic recruitment and selection,
and strategic human resource development. Indeed, one of these students has adapted
their project to form the basis of the strategic recruitment and selection case study
appearing at the end of Chapter 8! For those seeking ideas to kick-start their own
research projects, each chapter concludes with ‘Follow-up study suggestions’ and ‘Sugges-
tions for research projects’. Hopefully these will not only serve as a vehicle for reinforcing
the book’s content but, for some, also help to maintain a growing interest in SHRM.
SHRM_A01.QXD 15/2/07 08:10 Page xix


We would like to thank all those who helped to make the production of this book possible:
 those who granted us organisational access and support to produce a range of case
studies that are a strong feature of this book;
 staff at Pearson Education who have helped steer us through the whole process, from
the original book proposal right through to its publication; and
 friends, colleagues and, particularly, family who have had to put up with us while we
endeavoured to bring the project to fruition.
Case studies are a commonly used vehicle for integrating theory and practice and
help the reader actively engage in the subject material. We are, therefore, particularly
grateful to those who granted access and provided cooperation and help to allow us to
generate the case studies featured in this book.
The case studies in this book are all based on real organisations and examine their
HR practice to explore its strategic credentials. Some of the cases, featuring named
organisations, are based on published or publicly available information. However, the
majority are based on data sourced directly from the organisations concerned and pro-
vided or written up by their staff. We would therefore like to thank the following people
and their organisations who provided access to and supplied the data to generate these
case studies and gave permission to use them.

Part 1 case study

Strategic human resource management at Halcrow Group Limited – an integrated
case relating to the major themes developed in the first four chapters of this book which,
taken together, provide an overview of the strategic human resource territory: Mandy
Clarke, Director of Human Resources of Halcrow Group Limited, for permission to use
the case study and for her considerable assistance and support in its preparation.

Part 2 case studies

 Case 5 – DaimlerChrysler AG: Professor Peter Weis, Dean, University of Applied Sci-
ence, Kempten, Germany, for support and permission to develop and use this case.
SHRM_A01.QXD 15/2/07 08:10 Page xx

xx Acknowledgements

 Case 6 – Corporate culture and Group values at Dicom Group plc: Kevin Davies,
Managing Director of DICOM Technologies Ltd, for permission to use the case study,
and the considerable assistance of Steve Barker, Operations Manager Dicom Tech-
nologies Ltd, in its preparation.
 Case 8 – Recruitment and selection at Southco Europe Ltd: Scott Duncan and Russ
Pender, the outgoing and incoming Managing Directors of Southco Europe Ltd, for
their support and permission to use this case, and Inge Studnik who was, at the time,
Executive Assistant of Southco Europe Ltd, for taking the lead role in its preparation.
 In Practice 8.3 – Recruitment and selection at the Dionysos: Ahmet Senol, Manag-
ing Director of the Dionysos Hotel, for permission to use this case and for his
considerable assistance and support in its preparation.
 Case 9 – Performance management at Tyco: Thanks are due to Tyco Ltd. for permis-
sion to use this case, and to Joanna Binstead for her support.
 Case 12 – Strategic approaches to the employment relationship social partnership:
the example of the Republic of Ireland: Dr Terry Cradden, former Head of School,
University of Ulster, for his support and guidance in developing this case.
 Case 13 – Making diversity an issue in leafy Elgarshire: Roger Britton, Development
and Training Manager (Human Resources) of Worcestershire County Council, for
permission to use the case study and for his considerable assistance and support in its
We would also like to thank all of the staff at Pearson Education (both past and pres-
ent) who have supported us through all the stages of writing this book, from its inception
to final production and appearance on the bookshelves, and Professor Denise Skinner of
Coventry Business School, Coventry University, and Dr Savita Kumra of Oxford Brookes
University Business School, for co-authoring Chapters 4 and 13 respectively.
Finally, our thanks go to Alice, Jenny, Jane, Jan, Roisin, Stephen, Jennifer, Jemma, Ben,
Andrew and Katie for being so understanding and tolerant of our lengthy absences
thinking about and writing our contributions to this book, and the pressures we have
inevitably imposed on family life as a consequence.

Publisher’s acknowledgements
We are grateful to the Financial Times Limited for permission to reprint the following
Chapter 1 ‘Strategic “Microsoft concern ad ‘technology lag’”, © Financial Times, 10
November 2005; Chapter 3 ‘The WTO smoothes the path to trade between US and
China’, © Financial Times, 22 April 2004; Chapter 14 ‘MG Rover staff benefit from
speedy payout’, © Financial Times, 3 May 2005; Chapter 14 ‘New employment found by
1,250 ex-Rover workers’, © Financial Times, 22 June 2005; Chapter 14 ‘Waiting game
ended in tears as SAIC deal for Rover failed to materialize’, © Financial Times, 17 Octo-
ber 2005;
We are grateful to the following for permission to use copyright material:
‘Shortage of people to run hot technologies’ from The Financial Times Limited, 9
November 2005, © Ian Limbach; Extract from ‘Capability procedures for teachers’ is
reproduced from Croner’s The Teacher’s Legal Guide and with kind permission of
SHRM_A01.QXD 15/2/07 08:10 Page xxi

Acknowledgements xxi

Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited (c) 2007. All rights reserved. No part of this documenta-
tion may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by
any means without the prior written permission of Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited.
Croner is a Trading Division of Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited (;
Extract from ‘Broadbanded pay: on the right track at EWS’, from IRS Employment
Review 796, 2004, reprinted by kind permission of Reed Business Information; Extract
from ‘Family breakdown: developing an explanatory theory of reward system change’,
from IRS Employment Review 796, 2004, by Lewis, P., Thornhill, A. and Saunders, M.,
from Personnel Review 33.2, 2004, reprinted by kind permission of Emerald Group
Publishing Limited; Table 3.1 from World Investment Report, UNCTAD (Anon., 2003):
the United Nations is the author of the original material; Table 3.4 from Globalizing
Human Resource Management, Routledge (Sparrow, P., Brewster, C. and Harris, H.,
2004); Figure 4.4 from Research Methods for Business Students, 4th Edition, FT Prentice
Hall (Saunders, M., Lewis, P. Millmore, M. and Thornhill, A., 2006); Figure 6.4, Table 6.5
and Figure 6.7 from Managing Change: A Human Resource Strategy Approach, FT Pren-
tice Hall (Thornhill, A., Lewis, P. Millmore, M. and Saunders, M.N.K., 2000); Figure 6.6
from Exploring Corporate Strategy, Text and Cases, 6th Edition (Johnson, G. and Scholes,
K., 2003); Table 7.1 – this material is taken from HR Forecasting and Planning, by Turner,
P. (2002), with the permission of the publisher, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development, London; Figure 8.3 from Just how extensive is the practice of strategic
management and selection? in The Irish Journal of Management, Vol. 24, No. 1, Irish
Academy of Management (Millmore, M., 2003).
In some instances we have been unable to trace the owners of copyright material, and we
would appreciate any information that would enable us to do so.
SHRM_A01.QXD 15/2/07 08:10 Page xxii

Guided Tour of the Book

Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 353

In Practice 10.2

 Full page chapter openers list Bottom-line benefits of SHRD – a case of business turnaround at
Hindle Power

Hindle Power faced the threat of losing its major contract, representing 75 per cent of its income, if it
did not improve its customer service significantly. It responded by investing heavily in HRD in order to

the learning outcomes that survive and built a platform for future growth.

The pursuit of Investors in People (IiP) was used as a catalyst for business planning and improve-
ment with an emphasis on improving communication between line managers and their staff.
Career planning was aligned to a new system of performance appraisal and led to the internal pro-
motion of over 25 per cent of staff.

Strategy and human resource

enable you to see what you 

A training budget was established for the first time and was sufficient to support up to 26 days’
training per annum for every employee.
HRD interventions focused on business management and IT skills, induction, customer care and,

1 management
should achieve from the chapter.

in conjunction with suppliers, product awareness.
Non-work-related HRD was also supported as an adjunct to career planning because it was recog-
nised that the learning derived would result in unplanned organisational benefits.
Over a four-year period, a loss-making company with a turnover of £6 million was back in profit
with a turnover of £15 million and a transformation in its organisational culture.
Source: Littlefield (2000).

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 Define the term strategy. Definitions

and emerging
 Describe and evaluate a range of approaches to strategy making.
 Analyse links between different approaches to strategy and human
resource management (HRM). The learning
 Understand the significance of strategic integration to explore links
between strategy and HRM and its multi-dimensional nature. What is
SHRD: a Defining
continuum of characteristics
 Analyse the resource-based view of the organisation and describe key SHRD?

All chapters contain summary maps 

meanings of HRD
concepts related to this approach.
 Describe and evaluate links between resource-based theory and HRM. management
models of
HRD and their

to help you grasp the overall picture. strategic

Managers as
key HRD

Figure 10.1 Mapping the SHRD territory: a summary diagram of the chapter content

Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 7 42 Part 1 Overview

Classical approach
In Practice 2.1
The classical approach was developed as a theoretical discipline in the 1960s (Chandler,
1962; Sloan, 1963; Ansoff, 1965) and emphasises strategy as being a rational, deliberate, Recognising employee performance at B&Q

linear and top-down process, where conception is separated from implementation
through the creation of strategic plans that are passed down to others to implement.
This process involves a number of strategic planning steps including:

analysing an organisation’s environment and its internal resources;
identifying and evaluating strategic options;
In practice boxes give you an B&Q engaged consultants to measure employee engagement across its 327 stores, reflecting the
company’s strong belief that higher employee commitment and satisfaction translates to better cus-
tomer service, which in turn drives higher profits.
A specific area that was targeted for company-wide improvement was that of ‘recognition’. A
question in the employee survey asked, ‘In the last seven days, have you received recognition or

idea of how the theory is applied

 implementing the strategy chosen.
praise for doing good work?’ B&Q’s HR director noted that the response to this question was satis-
Integral to this approach to strategic management are a range of techniques and factory but that it was an easy one to improve. So in 2002 he introduced what he calls ‘the best
tools, ranging from a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis recognition schemes in retail’. These are:
to a variety of diagrammatic and quantitative methods. SWOT analysis has been used  The big B&Q thank you – a monthly award of £50 in Kingfisher Group vouchers for each store and
widely to appraise the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation and the opportuni- head office department for an employee with outstanding performance.
ties and threats evident in its external environment. The use of this and other analytical
techniques theoretically leads senior managers to identify a range of strategic options
from which the future strategy of the organisation will be chosen. This strategy will be
intended to produce a match, or fit, between the organisation’s internal resources and
in real-world situations.  The best of the best – an annual award for the highest-performing store staff adviser in each of six
job types, such as cashiers, customer advisers and goods-in staff. Each store nominates its best
performers in each category and they receive a small award, such as a bottle of champagne. The
names go forward to the regional office, which then picks the best out of the region’s stores and
the opportunities available in its external environment. The goal is to achieve competi- makes more awards. Finally, the six best across all stores each receive a £10,000 home makeover.
tive advantage over its competitors or to produce a state of organisational effectiveness.  B&Q heroes – staff are invited to submit details of a dream they would like to fulfil and the most imag-
Mintzberg et al. (1998) essentially see this approach to strategy as a process of concep- inative each year receives a year’s paid sabbatical plus £10,000 to try to pursue their ambition.
tion. Within the classical approach, they differentiate between what they term the design The three schemes cost around £500,000 a year and have brought a considerable rise in the
school, as outlined above, the planning school and the positioning school. Respectively, these recognition score in the employee survey. The results are part of the store managers’ bonus scheme
schools of thought were developed in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. The planning school was which covers managers, deputy managers, assistant managers and team leaders. It is based on store
different from the design school because it elaborated on and formalised strategic planning sales, as well as employee survey scores and customer service scores from 3,000 quarterly customer
and stressed the importance of strategic planners to inform and advise an organisation’s interviews conducted by Gallup.
chief executive, who, instead of formulating strategy according to the design school, became Source: adapted from IRS Employment Review (2003b).
responsible for choosing it. The positioning school, in contrast to the two previous schools of
thought, advocated that, instead of an open choice of strategy, organisations should adopt
one of a restricted choice of strategic positions to achieve competitive advantage. Porter’s
of it, it is plausible to recognise that an organisational structure that is responsive to change

 Key concepts throughout the text

work (1980, 1985) is identified as the major focal point and driving force in the develop-
ment of this school of thought. Porter (1985) identified three generic strategies: cost (e.g. enabling a project team comprising staff from different branches in different regions to
leadership, differentiation and focus (see Key Concepts 1.2). He believed that it would be open a new retail store) will lead to greater organisational effectiveness than an unrespon-
necessary for a firm to choose one of these positions to gain competitive advantage. sive, rigid structure. However, it is misleading to assume that all organisations are
characterised by change. Some are relatively stable and unchanging. The primary school, for
example, may have a stable staff, constant pupil numbers, and an unchanging organisational

highlight major or established

mission (notwithstanding curriculum change). Contrast this with Boots, the giant UK
Key Concepts 1.2 chemist chain, which has undergone a major restructuring programme in order to improve
profitability (BBC News Online, 2004b). Structural change will clearly be necessary at Boots
Porter’s three generic strategies for competitive advantage as it responds to a changing retail environment, whereas such a change may be quite unnec-
essary at the primary school. To deduce that SHRM is possible at Boots but not at the
primary school seems too simple. Boots has obviously developed a business strategy
Cost leadership
This strategy is designed to achieve competitive advantage through operating as a low-cost pro-
ducer. This can be achieved through large-scale production methods that incorporate economies of
scale, controlling operating costs tightly and being very efficient.
theoretical ideas. embodying major change, part of which involves the trimming of staff costs, and to develop
an HR strategy consistent with this is not only plausible but desirable. However, the primary
school may also be in a position to pursue SHRM. If the school is deemed successful it may
want to pursue a strategy of ‘steady as we go’ and develop an HR strategy to reflect this desire
Differentiation for stability. It seems that to have a flexible organisation is probably better than having an
inflexible one, but that is not the same as saying that for HRM to be strategic it must be
This strategy is based on developing product differentiation, engendering brand recognition and customer
loyalty. This can be achieved by developing high-quality products and/or superior performance, together
characterised by a flexible organisation structure.
with perceptions about quality and superiority, which can be reflected in the pricing position used. Hendry and Pettigrew (1990: 21) also define SHRM in terms of four principles:

SHRM_A01.QXD 15/2/07 08:10 Page xxiii

Guided Tour xxiii

24 Part 1 Overview Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 25

Corporate strategy

Key Concepts 1.4


Six strands of strategic integration

Responses to first-order strategic decisions Organisational structures
Downstream, external or vertical integration

Responses to second-order strategic decisions

Downstream, external or vertical integration
Figures in every chapter present
Functional strategies
Responses to third-order strategic decisions
Downstream, external or vertical integration

Interactions with strategy and as a potential driver of future strategic direction

Upstream, external or vertical integration
information in diagrammatic form INTEGRATION BETWEEN AND

 to aid your understanding.

Human resourcing
Alignment of HR policies with themselves and with other functions; of line managers’ practices with Marketing, etc. Finance, etc.
HR policies; and of employees with the organisation’s strategic objectives
Internal or horizontal integration

Responsiveness to future uncertainties and need for change.

Organisational culture

Reward management

Employee relations
Job/work design

Recruitment and
Human resource

Human resource

Figure 1.4 develops this representation of strategic integration by showing its three


levels or orders vertically. In relation to the third order, this figure shows horizontal inte-

gration between and within functional areas, focusing on HRM. Strategic integration
within HRM is expanded to show links to the areas dealt with in subsequent chapters of

Self-check and reflect questions are 

Figure 1.4 Strands of strategic integration shown in a hierarchical relationship and related to external variables
Organisational focus
Two-way relationships One-way relationship Lack of intended this book. This diagram also attempts to show environmental and temporal dimensions.
between different between different relationship between Surrounding the figure are references to the external environment and change. Using
orders of strategy orders of strategy different orders traditional SWOT analysis, the environment can be seen as providing opportunities for

Human resource focus

Institutional integration of
of strategy

No institutional integration
positioned at strategic points throughout an organisation as well as threats to it, while change shown on the right of the figure
indicates the need to be capable of responding effectively to these variables.

HR function of HR function

the text to confirm your grasp of the



Internal integration of Low internal integration Self-Check and Reflect Questions 1.3
HR elements of HR elements
Behavioural integration Low behavioural
Think of an organisational situation with which you are familiar. This may be one in
of employees integration of employees
which you are currently employed or one that you have worked for previously, or
another organisation known to you.

Forward looking
and sensitive to change
Temporal focus
Stasis – insensitive
to change
learning points and understand both the Use the model of the six strands of strategic integration to evaluate, as far as
you are able, the extent of the integration of HRM and human resources within the

Figure 1.3 Strands of strategic integration

theory and practice that has gone before.

Chapter 2 SHRM: a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational success?

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 2.4

 End-of-chapter summaries provide 78 Part 1 Overview

Follow-up study suggestions

What practical contribution do you think the studies linking HR and organisational
performance listed in this section have made to the practice of SHRM?
an overview of what each chapter has  Search the specialist practitioner HR literature for case studies that illustrate the way
in which clear and cogent organisational philosophies inform HR strategy.
 From Pfeffer’s (1998) book, make notes on the rationale for his recommendation of

covered and are a useful check and 
seven practices of successful organisations and assess the extent to which you think
this rationale is valid.
Look up ‘employee competences’ in an internet search engine and, from help offered
on the sites you find, compile a list of desired employee behaviours consistent with
the need to develop employees equipped to deliver high-quality customer service.
The main principles of SHRM include:

revision of the chapter content.

 a stress on the integration of personnel policies both one with another and with
 Compare the research studies by MacDuffie (1995) and Huselid (1995) and assess the
business planning more generally; strengths and weaknesses of both.
 the locus of responsibility for personnel management no longer resides with spe-  Read the research report by Purcell et al. (2003) as an HR manager and make a list of
cialist managers but is now assumed by senior line management; the lessons that you think you could apply in your organisation or one with which
 the focus shifts from management–trade union relations to management– you are familiar.
employee relations, from collectivism to individualism.
 there is stress on commitment and the exercise of initiative, with managers now

assuming the role of ‘enabler’, ‘empowerer’ and ‘facilitator’. Suggestions for research topics
 The principal theoretical approaches to SHRM are termed: universalist, matching

Follow-up study questions and suggestions 

models (closed) and matching models (open). The universalist approach assumes that  To what extent may the HRM activity in ABC organisation be termed ‘strategic HRM’?
there are ‘best HR practices’ that promise success irrespective of organisational cir-
cumstances. The matching models (closed) approach specifies HR policies and
 What have been the effects of the major change programme in ABC organisation on
practices that are relevant to specific organisational situations, whereas the matching HR strategy, policies and practices?
models (open) approach defines the employee behaviours necessitated by the organi-  Test the appropriateness of Mabey et al.’s open SHRM model in ABC organisation.
sation’s overall strategy. These behaviours are to be delivered through the HR strategy.  Compare the validity of Pfeffer’s list of key HR practices in private sector manufac-
 All of the theoretical approaches to SHRM have their problems. Those concerned
with the universalist approach are: defining the ‘best practices’ to apply; the low
regard for organisational context; and the absence of employee input assumed. The
problems with the matching models (closed) approach are: the ambiguity that
for research topics will reinforce the 
turing and financial services.
Does Purcell et al.’s theory that employee performance is a function of ability + moti-
vation + opportunity apply equally in the public and private sectors of employment?

attends the defining of strategy; the essentially managerialist stance assumed; and

problems concerned with implementation. Problems attending the matching models
(open) are the models’ rather idealised nature and, like the other models, their pre-
scriptive tone.
The growth of interest in SHRM was due to a number of factors including: the crisis
book’s content and help kick-start students’
of under-performance in American industry; the rise of individualism; a decline in

collectivism; the rise of knowledge workers with differing work expectations; and a
search for more status by personnel specialists.
In an attempt to establish the link between SHRM and organisational performance
research projects.
there have been numerous studies conducted since the mid-1990s in the USA and
UK. In general, these have been very positive about the relationship between SHRM
and organisational performance, although most have not offered an explanation as to
why certain HR practices may lead to enhanced organisational performance.

 Part 1 ends with a major case study that brings together all the
ideas and issues discussed in chapters 1 to 4, and ends with
case study questions that challenge your understanding.
Part 1 Case Study – Strategic human
resource management at Halcrow Group

Part 1 Case Study: Strategic Human Resource Management at Halcrow Group Limited 155

 Listen to others’ points of view new questions have been added. In 2004 approxi-
Halcrow’s first projects outside the UK were  Be honest and open (Halcrow, 2003: 3).
mately 30 questions were used to ascertain
undertaken in the 1890s, such work now accounting employees’ views on ten key areas. These included
for nearly 40 per cent of an annual turnover in excess Two aspects of the code of behaviours are the direction (of the Group), clarity about their job,
of £200 million with the Group currently undertaking important here: the need to help each other and client focus, their competence, resources to do
projects in over 70 countries. Recent projects learn in from experiences and to be professional and their job, empowerment, involvement, cooperation
which Halcrow have been involved include the Chan- ethical at all times. It is felt that HR has an important from others, feedback to them and recognition.
Introduction to Halcrow
nel Tunnel Rail Link, road construction near the part to play in affecting the values of all employees. Supplementary questions to assess employee com-
The HR director’s predecessor did not see promot- mitment were also included. Virtually all questions Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 201
Halcrow Group Limited is a multidisciplinary consul- Stonehenge World Heritage Site, the International
Congress Centre in Rome, Kuala Lumpur Interna- ing the HR role in generating the appropriate code employ five-point Likert-type scales to record
tancy group specialising in the provision of planning,
tional Airport, new and refurbished stands for of behaviours as an important activity, but this is answers. In addition there are spaces for comments The specific measures required to put the new HR policy of DC. This may also be a reflection of
design and management services for infrastructure
now being pursued through the writing of HR poli- and a few open questions to provide further oppor-
development throughout the world. Within this, the Chelsea Football Club, coordination of wetland con- actions into place are expected to be presented a generally rather poor (strategic) HR
cies and disseminating them in the overseas tunity for respondents to highlight key issues.
Group’s main interests are transportation, water, servation and river basin management for the to the Supervisory Board for approval by the end management of DC’s head office.
operations. The HR director is also keen to act as a Locational information such as regional office, busi-
property and consulting. Although Halcrow has a Danube and its tributaries and managing pollution of April. You are therefore also asked to answer the
sounding board for international managers and is ness group and skill group, is included to enable
background in civil engineering and associated spe- risk from the animal mass burial sites arising from the following questions:
generally keen to promote the visibility of HR. Grad- comparisons although, to preserve confidentiality,
cialisms, in recent years the group has extended its UK’s 2001 foot and mouth disease outbreak.
ually, good relations are being built between HR and results for a sub-group are not provided if less than  In light of the intentions in the announcement
range of disciplines to cover architecture, project Halcrow was founded in 1868 by Thomas Meik, Case study questions
the international management teams to the extent three people in that group completed the survey. of DC (text above) which HR areas or HR
management, environmental science, transport plan- the company becoming Sir William Halcrow & Part-
that they now see the point of taking HR seriously. Response rates for the survey are high, with over challenges are concerned?
ning and other non-engineering but related skills. ners in 1941. In 1985 a private limited company 1. As the HR-Director of DC (Stuttgart, Germany)
They can appreciate that having a local HR pres- 67 per cent of employees worldwide returning their  Name some of these challenges. Then
Unlike many organisations, Halcrow does not have a bearing the same name was formed, the most you are required to develop a ‘suitable HR
ence would provide them with useful support. questionnaire in 2002 and 72 per cent in 2004. establish a plan of action by formulating and
mission statement, arguing that their ‘purpose … to recent change being in 1998, when the various Hal- strategy’ to propose solutions to the problems
Hitherto there have been no policies as there has Through the 2000 employee survey, Halcrow was
sustain and improve the quality of people’s lives’ crow businesses and departments became Halcrow justifying possible solutions to the challenges
been no HR presence. It is felt that it is important to able to identify those areas of strategic human raised by the actual situation of DC and the
describes their approach better (Halcrow, 2003). This Group Limited. The Halcrow Trust owns 90 per cent you have identified.
support the regional offices in achieving the Group’s resource management highlighted by employees as intentions of the CEO described above.
purpose is underpinned by a series of values which of Halcrow, with the remaining 10 per cent by its 3. What type of organisational structure should be
strategy of making Halcrow a first choice employer being most in need of attention. These were: feed- State your understanding of the situation at DC
outline those things that are important to the Group: employees. Halcrow has grown extensively over the created and implemented to support the new HR
for the best people and the place where its employ- back, recognition and involvement of employees. and determine the needs of DC (problems within
‘Skills and innovation; Enjoying what we do; Deliver- past decade and now operates through a network of
ees want to work. Benchmarking the surveys in 2002 and 2004 DC and reasons for the new organisational strategy?
ing within time and budget’, codes of business 29 UK and 32 international offices. As part of this
against the 2000 employee survey, has allowed Hal- structure); also describe some strategic 4. What are possible advantages (and
behaviour and business principles. growth, the number of employees has increased
crow to establish the extent to which these issues elements of the organisational structure. disadvantages) of creating a new organisational
Evaluation of SHRM at Halcrow are being addressed through HR initiatives. Results
2. Whereas German companies such as Deutsche structure?
from the surveys suggest that there have been
Bank AG, Lufthansa AG or Allianz AG are seen 5. In developing and implementing the new
Although Halcrow has had a staff council for nearly improvements in all three areas. However, data from
the survey and other sources suggest that there is by HR specialists and scholars as ‘truly’ global structures, the company will have to recruit new
30 years, and through this has involved employees
still more to be done to improve these and other companies with excellent strategic HRM international managers. How could the company
in the formulation of group policy and direction,
aspects of human resource management such as policies, DaimlerChrysler lacks such a really select and develop a group of experienced
there has until recently been only limited formal
evaluation of HR initiatives including strategic HRM. employee engagement. Halcrow’s senior managers 198 Part 2 Strategic Interventions reputation. There were incredible problems international managers? What instruments would
Training courses were and continue to be evaluated are currently working with Kaisen Consulting Ltd to integrating Chrysler in the DC group. It took you use?
by traditional end of course questionnaires but, explore the precise meaning behind these results years to fix many post-merger problems. There
2. Use Key Concepts 5.2 to try to evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s struc-
prior to 2000, only limited attempts had been made and develop clear action plans to improve the man- are many other examples of a poor international
ture, or one part of it, in relation to the four consequences listed.
to link evaluation of HR initiatives to the strategic agerial environment. As part of this they are creating
direction of the Group. a process through which employees are involved in 3. Use Key Concepts 5.3 and the discussion in the section titled ‘Consistency approach
In 2000, Halcrow introduced the Group-wide developing the actions. to organisational structure’ to evaluate the level of consistency between the key ele-
‘employee survey’ to measure staff satisfaction, and Using data from Halcrow’s employee survey the ments of its structure.
provide information to help the organisation improve consulting company calculates an HR Enablement
Index for the Group. This is an average score of
4. Identify the form or forms of structure evident in this organisation. How would you
its leadership, management and skills base. This
questionnaire is administered biennially to employ- responses to all the questions in each of the ten key assess the nature of working relationships in the organisation and how suited are
ees worldwide by an independent company, Kaisen areas. This index provides an overall indication of these to the form or forms of structure that are used in it?
Consulting Ltd, who undertake the data analysis, the extent to which employees are engaged with
provide Halcrow with a report and, in conjunction their work within the Group. Average scores for
with Halcrow, run follow-up workshops. The aims of each of the ten key areas are then be used to high-
the survey are outlined clearly in an accompanying light those aspects where satisfaction is relatively Suggestions for research topics
letter with a clear focus upon identifying strengths as low and where action may need to be taken. Com-
well as areas that require improvement. parison of the 2004 HR Enablement Index score
The core content of the questionnaire has with that for 2002 revealed that there had been no  An evaluation of the relative advantages and disadvantages of centralised and decen-
remained substantially the same between years to significant change in employees’ engagement. tralised structures: a case study of ABC.
enable benchmark comparisons, although some Retention rate data for the same period revealed  An exploration of the impact of bureaucracy in department WX in company YZ.
 Examining the implications of a case study’s organisation for those who work in it.
 How do managers/why should managers assess the effectiveness of organisational
 An exploration of the relationship between organisational structure and the manage-
ment of change (in relation to a particular case study organisation).
 The relationship between organisational structure and human resource management:
a case study-based investigation.
Each of these suggestions for research projects may be undertaken as a literature-based
examination and discussion, where your institution requires this type of project to be
completed as part of an award, or in relation to a particular case study organisation,
where you are required to collect some primary data and analyse these in relation to
theory for part of your course.

Case Study
DaimlerChrysler AG

Each chapter in Part 2 ends with an  The company

DaimlerChryslers’ product portfolio ranges from

small cars to sports cars and luxury sedans; and
Setra and Mitsubishi Fuso. It offers financial and
other automotive services through DaimlerChrysler
Financial Services.
DaimlerChrysler (DC) has a global workforce

end-of-chapter case study again with from versatile vans to trucks and coaches. Daimler- (382,723 at year-end 2005) and a global share-
Chryslers’ passenger car brands include Maybach, holder base. DaimlerChrysler achieved revenues of
Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler, Jeep®, Dodge and €149.7 billion in 2005. The operative result was
Smart. Commercial vehicle brands include Mer- €5.1 billion for 2005 (Mercedes Car Group a loss of
cedes-Benz, Freightliner, Sterling, Western Star, €505 million!).

pertinent case study questions.

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About the authors

Mike Millmore, BA, MSc, MA, PGCE, FCIPD, is a Visiting Fellow in Human Resource
Management (HRM) at Gloucestershire Business School, University of Gloucestershire.
As an HR generalist, he has taught a range of HRM subjects to postgraduate, undergrad-
uate and professional students as well as supervising master’s dissertations. Mike’s main
areas of interest and research are strategic human resource management, human
resource development, human resource planning and, particularly, recruitment and
selection, on which he has published several articles. He led the University’s MA Man-
agement of Human Resources course for a number of years and has undertaken
consultancy in both public and private sectors. He is co-author with Philip, Mark and
Adrian of Managing Change: A human resource strategy approach, published by Financial
Times Prentice Hall. Prior to his career in higher education, Mike worked for Hoover
Ltd in both personnel and training roles. For roughly one-third of his career, Mike has
worked in a variety of management roles including as a Training Manager and as a
senior general manger within education. As Head of Department of Management and
Business Studies and Dean of the University’s Business School, Mike oversaw the devel-
opment and implementation of three phases of faculty strategy designed to
accommodate intra- and inter-organisational mergers. During this period the key focus
was on integrating prior knowledge and experience of management and HR theory and
practice to develop strategic HR responses to the changing strategic mosaic.

Philip Lewis, BA, PhD, MSc, MCIPD, PGDipM, Cert Ed, is a freelance lecturer and
author of Human Resource Management. He teaches HRM and research methods to
postgraduate, undergraduate and professional students, and is involved in research
degree supervision. Philip’s research interests are reward management and performance
management, on which he has published several articles. He is co-author with Mark and
Adrian of Research Methods for Business Students and Employee Relations: Understanding
the employment relationship and with Adrian, Mike and Mark of Managing Change: A
human resource strategy approach, all published by Financial Times Prentice Hall. He has
undertaken consultancy in both public and private sectors. Prior to his career in higher
education, Philip was a training advisor with the Distributive Industry Training Board.
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About the authors xxv

Mark N.K. Saunders, BA, MSc, PGCE, PhD, MCIPD, is Assistant Dean: Director of
Research and Doctoral Programmes at Oxford Brookes University Business School. He
is also visiting professor at Newcastle Business School, University of Northumbria. Prior
to this he was Head of the Human Resource Management Research Centre at Glouces-
tershire Business School. He currently teaches research methods to master’s and doctoral
students as well as supervising master’s dissertations and research degrees in the area of
human resource management. Mark has published a number of articles on trust and
organisational justice perspectives on the management of change, research methods and
service quality. He is co-author with Philip and Adrian of Research Methods for Business
Students and Employee Relations: Understanding the employment relationship, and with
Adrian, Philip and Mike of Managing Change: A human resource strategy approach, all
published by Financial Times Prentice Hall, and has also co-authored a book on busi-
ness statistics. He has undertaken consultancy in public, private and not-for-profit
sectors, prior to which he had a variety of research jobs in local government.

Adrian Thornhill, BA, PhD, PGCE, FCIPD, is Head of the Department of Human
Resource Management at Gloucestershire Business School, University of Gloucestershire.
He teaches HRM and research methods to postgraduate, undergraduate and professional
students, and is involved in research degree supervision. Adrian has published a number
of articles principally associated with employee and justice perspectives related to manag-
ing change and the management of organisational downsizing and redundancy. He is
co-author with Mark and Philip of Research Methods for Business Students and Employee
Relations: Understanding the employment relationship and with Philip, Mike and Mark of
Managing Change: A human resource strategy approach, all published by Financial Times
Prentice Hall and has also co-authored a book on downsizing and redundancy. He has
undertaken consultancy in both public and private sectors.

Trevor Morrow, BA, PGDIP, PGCUT, PhD, MCIPD, is a lecturer in Business Studies at
the University of Ulster’s School of International Business. He currently teaches human
resource management and employee relations to undergraduate and master’s students as
well as supervising master’s dissertations and research degrees in the area of human
resource management. Trevor’s primary research focus is within the field of interna-
tional strategic human resource management. Trevor is the joint editor of the Irish
Journal of Management and is the lead editor of International Business in an Enlarging
Europe (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005). He has chaired three major international confer-
ences and is course director of the University of Ulster’s MSc in International Business.
Trevor has published several articles within the area of SHRM. Trevor spent three years
as a visiting lecturer, teaching on the International Executive MBA at the Michael Smur-
fit Graduate School of Business, University College Dublin. He has undertaken
consultancy in both public and private sectors.

Professor Denise Skinner is Professor of Human Resource Management at Coventry

Business School Coventry University.

Dr. Savita Kumra is Senior Lecturer in International Human Resource Management at

Oxford Brookes University Business School.
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Part 1
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Strategy and human resource

1 management

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 Define the term strategy.

 Describe and evaluate a range of approaches to strategy making.
 Analyse links between different approaches to strategy and human
resource management (HRM).
 Understand the significance of strategic integration to explore links
between strategy and HRM and its multi-dimensional nature.
 Analyse the resource-based view of the organisation and describe key
concepts related to this approach.
 Describe and evaluate links between resource-based theory and HRM.
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4 Part 1 Overview

Strategic human resource management (SHRM) is concerned with the relationship between
an organisation’s strategic management and the management of its human resources
(Boxall, 1996). Strategic management focuses on the scope and direction of an organisa-
tion, and often involves dealing with uncertainty and complexity. Johnson and Scholes
(2002) define strategic management in terms of the following three main elements.

1. ‘Understanding the strategic position of an organisation’ (Johnson and Scholes,

2002: 16), which relates to management’s understanding about:
 the impact of the external environment on organisational strategy;
 the organisation’s strategic capability; and
 the influence and expectations of its key stakeholders.
2. Management exercising ‘strategic choice’ about possible future strategies, to seek
competitive advantage (or organisational effectiveness in the case of public sector or
voluntary organisations).
3. ‘Translating strategy into action’, through the development of appropriate structures,
processes and resources within the organisation and managing change (Johnson
and Scholes, 2002: 21).

In Practice 1.1 is an illustration of a strategic response by one major multi-national:

Sony Corporation.

In Practice 1.1

Restructuring Sony

In autumn 2005 Sony Corp.’s new management team looked set to announce another round of job
cuts and new investment in fast-growing digital electronics as part of its strategy to turn the company
around. The world’s second-largest consumer electronics maker was aiming to strike a delicate bal-
ance between painful restructuring and forward-looking investments to drive growth and win back
consumers and investors.
Sony was likely to accelerate the shift of resources to more promising digital ones, such as next-
generation DVD recorders, high-definition camcorders and flat panel TVs, from analog products.
According to Reuters, analysts said that sizeable job cuts were likely as Sony downsized its cath-
ode ray tube (CRT) TV operations, narrowed its research and development focus, and looked to
eliminate head office staff. Sony had already slashed about 20,000 jobs under its current three-year
restructuring plan that ran through to March 2006, but to no visible effect. Revenues had been shrink-
ing and in 2005 Sony was flirting with an operating loss.
The company had been closing production lines for CRT sets over the past few years, but was still
far behind rivals Matsushita Electric Industrial and Sharp Corp. in making the switch to flat panel TVs.
Some commentators were looking for wide-ranging restructuring across the electronics operations
including its components business, its PC unit and its CD/MD Walkman operations, amid a rapid
switch in the industry to digital music players. The inventor of the Walkman pioneered the portable
music market a quarter-century ago, but has since been outfoxed in the digital era by Apple Com-
puter Inc. and its popular iPod player and iTunes online music store.
Source: Reuters (2005).
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 5

People are a key resource, critically influencing each of these elements of strategic
management. People form a significant component of an organisation’s strategic capa-
bility and the ability to understand the organisation’s strategic position will largely be a
function of the capabilities of the organisation’s people. People’s capabilities also affect
the exercise of strategic choice and the effectiveness of the way in which strategy is
translated into action, as is considered in more depth later in this chapter. People’s
capabilities in an organisation result from the employment and management of its
human resources. The relationship between an organisation’s human resource strategy
(in brief, how it selects, uses, develops, rewards and treats its employees) and its
strategic management is therefore of great importance.
The exact nature of this relationship in practice, however, is likely to be difficult to analyse
and evaluate, not least because strategic management is a far from simple matter. Strategy
and strategy making, as the basis of strategic management, are problematic and contested
areas. As Whittington (2001: 2) notes, ‘there is not much agreement about strategy’. To
develop an understanding of SHRM it is necessary to explore the relationship between
strategic management and HRM. To do this Boxall (1996) maintains that two difficult
questions have to be addressed:
1. what is strategy? (content); and
2. how is strategy formed? (process).
Building from these two questions, the chapter begins with a focus on strategy and,
particularly, strategy making in order to provide a foundation for subsequent chapter
sections that concentrate on developing their links to SHRM. When referring to the links
between strategy and human resource management the term strategic integration is
used and the second part of this chapter is designed to explore what is meant by this
concept. This is initially done by examining how HRM can be linked to the different
approaches to strategy making outlined in the opening section. Different perspectives
on the nature of strategic integration that enable it to be constructed as a multi-
dimensional concept are then considered.

What is Concepts and Strategic
Strategy? approaches integration

Key approaches:
Defining Key Key
• Classical
strategy concepts concepts
• Evolutionary
• Processural
• Systemic
theory and links
to HRM
Assessment and
evaluation of the
key approaches

approaches and
the links to HRM

Figure 1.1 Mapping the strategy and human resource management territory: a summary diagram of the chapter content
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6 Part 1 Overview

The concluding section of the chapter explores the more recent recognition of a differ-
ent approach to making strategy that places an organisation’s human resource capabilities
at the centre of this process. This is the resource-based view of the firm or resource-based
theory. Traditional views of strategy see it as a process of analysing the external environ-
ment of an organisation in order to devise a strategic direction that matches the
opportunities that this offers to ensure future success. The resource-based view shifts this
view so that strategy making focuses on the internal capabilities of an organisation includ-
ing its people, particularly those that give it some unique or valuable position, so that these
can be used as the basis of its strategic direction to ensure future success.

Strategy and strategy making

Understanding strategy and strategy making is problematic. This leads to a lack of agreed
definitions and explanations about the processes involved. A number of different
approaches to strategy and strategy making are described and discussed in the literature (e.g.
Mintzberg et al., 1998; Whittington, 2001). In this section Whittington’s (2001) framework
will be followed, which outlines the four approaches to strategy and strategy making:
1. classical;
2. evolutionary;
3. processual; and
4. systemic.
These four approaches are supplemented by the more finely graded analysis of
Mintzberg et al. (1998), who outline ten schools of strategy-making theory and practice
(see Key Concepts 1.1). Each of these approaches will be described and discussed, and
their respective links to human resource management will be explored below.

Key Concepts 1.1

Ten schools of strategy making identified by Mintzberg et al. (1998)

Approach to School of strategy Strategy is formed through

strategy making

Prescriptive Design a conceptual process

Planning a formal process
Positioning an analytical process

Processual Entrepreneurial a visionary process

Cognitive a mental process
Learning an emergent process
Power a negotiated process
Cultural a collective process
Environmental a reactive process

Transformational Configuration a transformational process

Source: adapted from Mintzberg et al. (1998); Purcell (2001).

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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 7

Classical approach
The classical approach was developed as a theoretical discipline in the 1960s (Chandler,
1962; Sloan, 1963; Ansoff, 1965) and emphasises strategy as being a rational, deliberate,
linear and top-down process, where conception is separated from implementation
through the creation of strategic plans that are passed down to others to implement.
This process involves a number of strategic planning steps including:
 analysing an organisation’s environment and its internal resources;
 identifying and evaluating strategic options;
 implementing the strategy chosen.
Integral to this approach to strategic management are a range of techniques and
tools, ranging from a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis
to a variety of diagrammatic and quantitative methods. SWOT analysis has been used
widely to appraise the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation and the opportuni-
ties and threats evident in its external environment. The use of this and other analytical
techniques theoretically leads senior managers to identify a range of strategic options
from which the future strategy of the organisation will be chosen. This strategy will be
intended to produce a match, or fit, between the organisation’s internal resources and
the opportunities available in its external environment. The goal is to achieve competi-
tive advantage over its competitors or to produce a state of organisational effectiveness.
Mintzberg et al. (1998) essentially see this approach to strategy as a process of concep-
tion. Within the classical approach, they differentiate between what they term the design
school, as outlined above, the planning school and the positioning school. Respectively, these
schools of thought were developed in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. The planning school was
different from the design school because it elaborated on and formalised strategic planning
and stressed the importance of strategic planners to inform and advise an organisation’s
chief executive, who, instead of formulating strategy according to the design school, became
responsible for choosing it. The positioning school, in contrast to the two previous schools of
thought, advocated that, instead of an open choice of strategy, organisations should adopt
one of a restricted choice of strategic positions to achieve competitive advantage. Porter’s
work (1980, 1985) is identified as the major focal point and driving force in the develop-
ment of this school of thought. Porter (1985) identified three generic strategies: cost
leadership, differentiation and focus (see Key Concepts 1.2). He believed that it would be
necessary for a firm to choose one of these positions to gain competitive advantage.

Key Concepts 1.2

Porter’s three generic strategies for competitive advantage

Cost leadership
This strategy is designed to achieve competitive advantage through operating as a low-cost pro-
ducer. This can be achieved through large-scale production methods that incorporate economies of
scale, controlling operating costs tightly and being very efficient.

This strategy is based on developing product differentiation, engendering brand recognition and customer
loyalty. This can be achieved by developing high-quality products and/or superior performance, together
with perceptions about quality and superiority, which can be reflected in the pricing position used.

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8 Part 1 Overview

Key concepts continued

This strategy is designed to achieve penetration into a particular market niche, where this is achieved
in association with cost leadership or differentiation (see In Practice 1.2).

A key element in the classical approach is the process of identifying and choosing strat-
egy, whether from an unrestricted or from a constrained choice. According to this
approach, strategic choice will be determined by the logic of the analysis related to the
appraisals that are undertaken of the organisation itself and the external environment
within which it operates. The classical approach, as indicated above, is rooted in a rational
and objective paradigm. However, the contested nature of these assumptions about the
classical approach suggests that strategic choice will be much more problematic in prac-
tice. The theory of ‘strategy choice’ developed by Child (1972, 1997) will now be explored,
followed by an examination of more general criticisms of the classical approach.

In Practice 1.2

Milking the market: rational analysis of the market for soft cheese

At the first of a series of Milk Development Council meetings covering on-farm processing, farmers
were told that soft cheese, in particular, was a ‘growth market’. Developing new farmhouse cheeses
with a strong local identity is one of the best opportunities for dairy farmers considering on-farm pro-
cessing. With UK cheese consumption now running at about 10 kg a head per year – compared with
18.5 kg in the rest of the EU – the regional cheese market is ripe for expansion.
Farmers were also told that UK consumption of imported soft cheeses is increasing, so there’s
a good opportunity for UK dairy farmers to develop the home-produced market. But, although there’s
potential, farmers must devise a strong concept for any new product launch. They were advised that
as well as actually producing a high-quality food, farmers must ensure that they create the correct
identity and marketing strategy.
Source: Farmers’ Weekly Interactive (2006).

Evaluating the classical approach: strategic choice in practice

The classical approach implies that the strategy of an organisation should be determined
by its organisational and environmental contingencies. Child published his 1972 paper
on the nature of strategic choice as a ‘corrective’ to this deterministic view (1997: 43),
which he believed to be inadequate because it fails ‘to give due attention to the agency of
choice by whoever have the power to direct the organisation’ (1972: 2). This view recog-
nises the existence of a political perspective in strategy making. The political perspective
suggests that the preferences of key people in an organisation, its dominant coalition, to
be reflected in the decisions taken. Child (1997: 45) therefore defines strategic choice as
‘the process whereby power-holders within organisations decide upon courses of strate-
gic action’. This recognises that managers in organisations will exercise some level of
personal choice and behave proactively, rather than simply being directed by the con-
straints implied by environmental and organisational analyses and behaving reactively
as a result (Child, 1972). However, Child (1997: 46) did not seek to substitute this view
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 9

about agency of choice for determinism completely; rather he advocated a potential syn-
thesis between the political process and functionalist perspectives because the power
available to decision-makers was seen to be accountable in terms of the consequences
for organisational performance that was the result of its exercise.
In reality, strategic choice will therefore be informed by political considerations that
reflect the interests and values of the dominant coalition in an organisation. These con-
siderations will affect decisions taken about strategy, as well as other aspects of
organisational design. This will at least be the case when organisational performance is
perceived as successful by key stakeholders such as shareholders. It highlights a subjective
perspective to this process in practice, contrary to the presupposed position of the classi-
cal approach as entirely rational and objective. In this way, the exercise of political
preference may be seen as a constraint on the nature of ‘rational’ strategy making. How-
ever, as Child indicates above, this view should not be used to assume that those in power
will be able to exercise choice about strategy in a way that is entirely self-interested.
Child’s 1997 paper recognises that there will be a wider range of constraints placed on the
way in which decision makers exercise strategic choice in practice. In addition to the exercise
of political considerations, strategic choice will also be likely to be constrained by cultural,
psychological and logistical issues (see In Practice 1.3). Strategic decisions taken by multi-
national organisations, for example, will be taken with a number of considerations in mind,
not the least of which is the attitude of the host country’s government toward its operations.
The development of theory related to national and organisational cultures (e.g. Hofstede,
1980) demonstrates how cultural values and institutionalised norms are likely to be inter-
nalised with the result that these constrain choice through the ways in which individuals
perceive and interpret events and take action. This perspective will be returned to below
when the systemic approach to strategy is considered, and also more fully in Chapter 6.
Points of view or norms about strategic action that are prevalent in an industry or
organisation may also restrict a decision-maker’s choice of strategy. Other psychological
and logistical factors that may limit consideration about choice of strategy include time
pressure and information load and the way in which individuals cope with these (Dutton,
1993; Child, 1997). Child also refers to imperfect information as a further factor that will
constrain the choice of decision-makers in organisations. Information that is available
may be limited in relation to its completeness and/or its ability to inform the decision-
making process, especially where this is characterised by uncertainty.

In Practice 1.3

The impact of environmental concern on motor vehicle manufacturers

Throughout the world, the use of motor vehicles is growing. The environmental cost of this is well
known. Throughout their life cycle, vehicles impact the environment in several ways: energy and
resource consumption, waste generation during manufacturing and use, and disposal at the end of their
useful lives. About 75 per cent of end-of-life vehicles, mainly metals, are recyclable in the European
Union (Kanari et al., 2003). The remaining 25 per cent of the vehicle is considered waste and generally
goes to landfills. Environmental legislation of the European Union (EU) requires the reduction of this
waste to a maximum of 5 per cent by 2015.
On the face of it, this is a constraint upon the activity of motor vehicle manufacturers which forms
part of the raft of considerations that need to be taken into account in the strategy-making process.
But it is important that motor vehicle manufacturers keep track of the wider cultural nuances in society
that move governments to take such legislative action.
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10 Part 1 Overview

Child (1997) concludes that these contributions have developed the scope of the original
(1972) theory of strategic choice. The theory of strategic choice therefore encompasses a
range of factors that place limitations on the presupposed rational and objective linkages
implicit in the classical approach to determine strategy.

Evaluating the classical approach: intentions, outcomes and learning

The theory of strategic choice highlights limitations to human cognition. Simon (e.g.
1976) introduced the concept of bounded rationality to refer to the cognitive and behav-
ioural limitations involved in collecting and processing information to make decisions.
Perfectly rational behaviour would mean collecting all relevant information, considering
this fully and evaluating it objectively to choose the best possible strategy (Simon, 1976).
As has been seen above, this is unlikely to occur. Instead, what Simon calls bounds on
human rationality result from the limitations involved in collecting and processing
information. These bounds are linked to the existence of cultural filters and imperfect
information, particularly in situations marked by complexity. If the classical approach
sees strategy as being both rational and deliberate, then questions raised about the
bounded rationality of decision-making will also reflect on the deliberate decisions that
are taken. Decision-making processes that are not strictly rational will be likely to affect
the nature of the outcomes that result, since all factors affecting the decision will not
have been considered (e.g. Cyert and March, 1963; Simon, 1976).
In this context, Mintzberg et al. (1998) differentiate between realised and unrealised
strategies. A deliberate strategy is one where strategic planning leads to a set of intended
outcomes that are fully realised. However, in many cases, planned outcomes will not be
realised in practice. These are intended strategies that are unrealised. Mintzberg et al.
(1998) offer a number of reasons to explain why these become unrealised. These include
the problem of coping with uncertainty, a factor which faces most organisations. This
will make it difficult to anticipate future conditions and design an effective strategy. It
may also lead to the development of an increasingly inappropriate strategy where chang-
ing conditions indicate the need for a different direction.

Evolutionary perspectives
Whereas the classical approach emphasises the role of planning, with senior managers
responsible for ensuring that strategy achieves an effective fit or match between the
organisation’s resource capabilities and the external environment to be able to exploit
evident opportunities, evolutionary perspectives on strategy place much greater emphasis
on the role of environmental forces. Mintzberg et al. (1998) label this approach the envi-
ronmental school. They say that those who advocate this view see an organisation and its
managers as being subordinate to the external environment, with management’s role as
one of reacting to environmental forces. The role of management is to match strategy to
these external forces. Contingency theory or the contingency approach, described in
Chapter 5, identifies a number of broad dimensions including stability, complexity,
diversity and hostility to which managers need to react. For example, environmental
complexity would require the introduction of decentralised decision to facilitate organi-
sational effectiveness. (Chapter 3 details the way in which this may be the response of
some multi-national corporations.) In this way, organisations undergo adaptation to
their environment.
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 11

However, for some who subscribe to an evolutionary approach, such as population

ecologists (Hannan and Freeman, 1988), such interventions will only have limited
effects. Organisational characteristics, which according to population ecologists are diffi-
cult to change, will determine whether an organisation survives in its environment or
not in the fullness of time: as population increases and hence intensifies competition for
resources, some organisations with particular characteristics will be selected out, while
others remain. This approach introduces notions of natural selection and sees market
competition as the determination of success or failure: that is, survival. The key empha-
sis in this construction is environmental fit or specialisation, rather than any strategic
intervention by managers. This suggests that an environment will determine the criteria
of fit and, therefore, which organisations survive over the longer term. Survival in this
context will be demonstrated by superior performance and the achievement of profit
maximisation (Mintzberg et al., 1998; Whittington, 2001).

Evaluating evolutionary perspectives

This view has been contested on a number of grounds. For example, environmental sys-
tems may be more open than is being suggested and are therefore receptive to greater
variation than is implied by the ecology approach. More fundamentally, the assumption
that organisations are only acted upon, or selected, by their environment, rather than
enacting with it, has been strongly contested (e.g. Mintzberg et al., 1998). Whittington
(2001) refers to the work of Penrose (1952), who points out that many large firms effec-
tively select and dominate particular markets, rather than the market undertaking the
selection. Organisations may also cooperate with each other through a number of
formal and informal means to ensure their survival. These criticisms have lead to some
reframing of this evolutionary perspective on strategy, although it appears to continue
to find advocates, either explicitly or implicitly. Whittington (2001: 19) discusses the
implications of this perspective for strategy; in competitive circumstances it is likely to
lead to ‘strategic conservatism’, where organisational efforts are focused on the basics of
production, costs are minimised and operating efficiencies sought. Apart from those
who enjoy considerable market power, most firms according to this view should be
attempting to operate as efficiently as possible.

Processual approach
The processual approach to strategy making commences from radically different
assumptions from those of the classical approach. The classical approach conceives of
strategy making as a rational, deliberate and linear process, resulting in the formulation
of strategic plans that are handed down for implementation. But the processual approach
identifies strategy as an adaptive and emergent process, driven by learning in an organi-
sation. In this way, the formulation and implementation of strategy become, in practice,
a more integrated or fluid process. Consequently, strategies are seen to form through
action. Mintzberg (1987) refers to the approach of ‘crafting strategy’. He sees the devel-
opment of strategy as analogous to the approach of skilled experts, whose knowledge
and skills mean that they conceive of (formulate) as well as execute (implement) their
work in an integral manner. If you ask most skilled workers to distinguish between the
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12 Part 1 Overview

formulation and implementation their work, they may find this difficult. In reality, the
two are integrated. This provides a powerful contrast to the classical approach. Organi-
sational strategies may emerge through opportunities that become apparent from the
work of people employed at different levels in an organisation rather than just being
deliberately planned from the top. Small, incremental steps, related to, say, product
development or service delivery, lead to success and the emergence of a pattern of
action. This then becomes recognised and established in an organisation. Moreover,
recognition leads to this pattern of action becoming an organisational strategy in the
formal sense (Quinn, 1980; Mintzberg, 1987, Mintzberg et al., 1998).
Mintzberg and colleagues have termed this approach to strategy making, the learning
school. Strategy is seen to emerge through a process of collective learning in an organisa-
tion (or outside the organisation, see In Practice 1.4). This is believed to be particularly
important in the context of unstable environments, characterised by uncertainty. In
such a context, advocates of this school believe that learning through time provides an
effective means to develop strategy in circumstances that otherwise make it difficult to
first develop a formal strategic plan prior to implementation.

In Practice 1.4

Product development at Microsoft

Napoleon is reported to have said, ‘No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.’ Similarly, no soft-
ware product, no matter how well designed and conceived, survives first customer contact without
requiring changes. As a result, at some point during the development process, product teams decide
their product is far enough along to begin getting external feedback to help validate the features and
architecture. To help get that feedback while there is still enough time to act, most product groups
release alpha versions of their products.
Sometimes these alpha (or preview) releases are given to only select customers who have demon-
strated a willingness to examine pre-release products and are known to give quality feedback. At
other times (as with Microsoft Visual Studio and Windows ‘Longhorn’), they are made available for
download. Customers who are participating in a formal alpha program typically have dedicated
Microsoft support resources available to them. Those in the download program have only public
newsgroups to assist them.
In addition to providing Microsoft with feedback, alpha releases give customers an early look at the
architecture of a product and help them make decisions on how and when to use the product. Cus-
tomers using alpha releases in this fashion, however, must accept that the final product will differ,
sometimes significantly, from the alpha, and any plans will need to be re-evaluated as the product
nears completion.
Finally, an alpha release can serve a marketing purpose for Microsoft, particularly for products that
require significant third-party developer support or which have long lead times for adoption. Publicis-
ing the availability of alpha builds helps Microsoft competitively by slowing the adoption of competing
products and can draw developers and IT managers’ attention towards its own offerings, even if they
are not yet commercially available. Using pre-release builds to draw attention in this manner is by no
means unique to Microsoft.
Source: DeMichillie (2004).
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 13

Evaluating the processual approach

Mintzberg et al. (1998) point out that while emergent strategy making emphasises learn-
ing, deliberate strategy emphasises control. In this way, the classical approach seeks to
emphasise management control over strategy. They state that, ‘all real strategic behav-
iour has to combine deliberate control with emergent learning’ (1998: 195). The role of
organisational leaders should be to develop an approach to strategic management that
subtly exercises control while facilitating learning, so that strategies can emerge.
Mintzberg (1987) had recognised earlier that in reality a purely deliberate or purely
emergent strategy did not exist. Mintzberg and Waters (1985) developed a continuum
along which real strategies could be identified, ranging from mainly deliberate to mainly
emergent. These include strategies that are partly deliberate and partly emergent, which
we now consider. Figure 1.2 shows a representation of this continuum.
Quinn (1980) introduced the concept of logical incrementalism to describe an
approach to strategy making that commences with a conscious or evolving strategic
vision, which is then realised or developed logically through a range of incrementally
developed processes. These processes include the development of commitment towards,
and consensus around, the strategic vision to help realise it. This approach indicates at
least a degree of deliberate strategy making in a process that also relies on emergent or
incrementally developed behaviours for success.



















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Figure 1.2 Strategic continuum from mostly deliberate to mostly emergent

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14 Part 1 Overview

Mintzberg and Waters (1985) describe what they term an umbrella strategy, which
involves senior management defining strategic targets that others in the organisation use
to develop the details of an operable strategy. The first part of this approach to strategy
development is deliberately set out, while the second part is allowed to emerge. They
also describe a process strategy, which involves senior management controlling processes
such as organisational structures and staffing but allowing those within these structures
to determine the content of strategy (i.e. which products or services to produce and how
to provide them). This approach to strategy formation is again partly deliberate and
partly emergent. Mintzberg (1987) recognises that these approaches to strategy are
important in organisations where expertise and creativity are required, since it will be
those deep down in an organisation’s structure who will have such expertise and who
will understand what is required to achieve strategic success in their market niche or
area of service delivery. An organisation such as Microsoft (see In Practice 1.4) is a good
example of this. Such organisations are likely to be structurally complex, most likely
being structured as multi-divisional structures (see Chapter 5) where the corporate
centre will be likely to develop umbrella and/or process strategies, allowing the operat-
ing divisions to form operable strategies more locally.

Systemic perspectives
Whittington (2001) states that systemic theorists also believe that organisations can plan
strategically; however, they do not believe that the classical approach provides a univer-
sally applicable model of strategic planning because of variations between social
systems. Systemic perspectives are based on the belief that strategy and strategy making
will be affected by the social and cultural system within which this occurs. In this way,
one country’s social and cultural system will differ from another’s due to variations in
class structure, the operation of the market, the role of the state and underpinning
beliefs and values, which will combine to affect the nature of strategy making, producing
different approaches between countries. According to this interpretation, the classical
approach is a reflection of the social and cultural system that prevails in the USA and to
a lesser extent in the UK, where individualism and non-interventionism produce a free-
enterprise approach to strategy and where the pursuit of profit is seen to be of primary
importance. Whittington (2001) contrasts this culturally specific approach to other
approaches that prevail in different types of society. In continental Europe, for example,
countries such as France and Germany developed a much stronger tradition of state
intervention than the USA or UK. This has led to a longer-term approach to strategy,
where emphasis on national interest and social responsibility are also seen to be impor-
tant, as opposed to a narrow emphasis on the shorter-term pursuit of profit (e.g. Price,
2001; Fulbrook, 2002). Whittington (2001) also points to cultures where people believe
that outcomes are predetermined by God or by fate. In such cultures, the western notion
of strategy as an expression of human free-will would not be accepted so easily. These dif-
ferent perspectives indicate an important sociological aspect to strategy and strategy
making, which questions the general applicability of the classical approach in particular.

Evaluating the systemic approach

While this approach emphasises the importance of social and cultural differences and the
ways these may impact on strategy and strategy making, there is also a need to beware of
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 15

broad generalisations. Whittington (2001: 36) recognises that, ‘Not all firms within a par-
ticular social system need be the same … Societies are too complex and people too
individualistic to expect bland uniformity.’ Most societies encompass a wide range of
acceptable beliefs and behaviours, making these pluralistic, within which different
approaches to strategy and strategy making will prevail. Various types of organisational
strategy may therefore be promoted and justified by reference to different beliefs and
norms that are accepted within a society. However, just as it is important to recognise that
there will be variations to strategy formation within a particular country, the systemic
approach recognises that there will be differences related to cultural grounds between
societies, thereby invalidating the idea of any universalistic model of strategy formulation.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 1.1

Is it possible to reconcile any of these four approaches to strategy making in

practice and if so how might this occur?

Strategic management and its links to HRM

The above review shows that there are a range of ways in which strategy may be formed.
Like other human systems, practice is likely to vary on a case-by-case basis, informed in
each situation by a particular combination of factors. These different approaches to
strategic management have corresponding implications for the formation of human
resource strategy. Ways in which the SHRM literature attempts to link strategic manage-
ment and HRM will now be discussed.
To be strategic, HRM needs to demonstrate a two-way link to strategy. In this way,
HRM will be informed by organisational strategy as well as helping to shape the nature
of that strategy (Purcell, 2001). This idea of strategic integration is a key concept in defi-
nitions of SHRM (e.g. Guest, 1987; Storey, 1992; Wright and McMahan, 1992). Redman
and Wilkinson (2001) refer to integration as a necessary condition for HRM to be con-
sidered strategic, although they recognise that it is not sufficient to consider it as the
only condition. Other conditions for HRM to be considered strategic are discussed in
Chapter 2. At this stage in the nature of the linkages between organisational strategy and
HRM in relation to the different approaches outlined above to strategic management are
specifically discussed.

Classical approach to strategy making and HRM

The behavioural perspective (Wright and McMahan, 1992) has been used to attempt to
explain the link between the classical approach to strategy and HRM. This behavioural
perspective is associated with the work of Schuler and Jackson (1987) and focuses on the
types of employee behaviours required to realise organisational strategy. This theory
assumes that employees possess the appropriate skills, knowledge and abilities for effec-
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16 Part 1 Overview

tiveness and focuses, instead, on using these capabilities through the identification of
‘required role behaviours’ to achieve organisational strategy. Schuler and Jackson iden-
tify 12 types of role behaviour, each of which forms a continuum. For example, one type
of behaviour varies between the requirement for predictability on the one hand and the
need for innovation on the other. Another type varies between the requirement not to
take risks and the need to take risks. A third one varies according to the need to engage
in change. These types of employee role behaviour were used by Schuler and Jackson
(1987) to predict the combinations of employee behaviours required to realise each of
Porter’s (1985) three generic strategies: cost leadership, differentiation and focus, which
we discussed earlier. According to Schuler and Jackson, the identification of a set of
required role behaviours to achieve one of these generic business strategies leads to the
development of a particular human resource strategy to obtain and strengthen these
behaviours. Table 2.3 provides a fuller representation of these theoretical links between
each of Porter’s three generic strategies, the employee role behaviours that are believed
to be required for each and the appropriate HR practices that would make up a human
resource strategy to realise each set of behaviours.
Adopting the behavioural perspective to find a link between organisational strategy
and HRM, developed out of the tradition of contingency theory (Wright and McMahan,
1992). Contingency theory, in this context, is concerned with matching or fitting an
organisation’s HRM to its organisational strategy. A number of other matching models
have been proposed in the literature. Fombrun et al. (1984) attempted to match or fit
HR strategies not only to the nature of organisational strategy but also to the type of
organisational structure associated with a particular type of strategy. Kochan and
Barocci (1985) suggested that HR strategy should be linked to the life cycle stage of an
organisation, related respectively to its start-up, growth, maturity and finally its decline.
Each of these types of theoretical linkage between organisational strategy and HR strat-
egy is discussed further in Chapter 2.
Returning more specifically to the behavioural perspective as a way of linking the
classical approach to HRM, more recent work by Schuler et al. (2001) develops this link-
age further by producing a model that looks at the role of HRM in the strategic
management process. This model follows the assumptions of the classical approach in
separating strategy formulation from its implementation in what appears as a rational,
deliberate, linear and top-down process. Schuler et al. (2001) identify strategy formula-
tion as being composed of three linear elements:
1. Establishing an organisation’s vision, mission, values and general strategy, and then iden-
tifying the human resource management implications that arise from these activities.
2. Identifying a range of strategic business issues and establishing strategic business
objectives, which also then lead to the identification of human resource implications
that arise from these particular activities.
3. ‘Crafting’ specific plans to achieve the vision, mission, values and objectives, etc.,
which also lead to identifying the human resource implications of such business
Strategy implementation in their model includes developing and implementing HR
plans that are based around what they call ‘the four-task model of HRM’ (Schuler et al.,
2001: 121). These four tasks require an organisation to:
1. engage in human resource planning;
2. develop required employee competences;
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 17

3. ensure required role behaviours; and

4. promote employee motivation.
This four-task model may be seen as an extension of the earlier ‘role behaviours
model’ of Schuler and Jackson (1987), outlined above. HRM, in this four-task model,
may also be seen as fulfilling the first, necessary condition to be strategic: the model
recognises not only that HRM will be informed by organisational strategy but also that
HR strategy will affect business strategy to some extent (Schuler et al., 2001).
This type of model may be seen as epitomising the link between the classical
approach to making strategy and HRM. However, the reality of such hypothesised links
between corporate strategies, structures or life cycles, on the one hand, and HR strate-
gies, on the other, is likely to be much more problematic than these reported
formulations suggest. For example, it is important to recognise that strategy will change
during an organisation’s life cycle and that human resource strategy will be affected by
this as well as by the nature of the organisation’s strategy more generally. Similarly, the
industrial sector within which the organisation operates and the nature of the occupa-
tional groups involved may have a significant effect (e.g. Purcell, 2001). However, such
theorised linkages are based more on deduction than on empirical data (e.g. Hendry
and Pettigrew, 1990), leading to an oversimplification of the processes involved in prac-
tice. It was seen earlier that the process of strategy development is affected by political,
cultural and capability factors. It was also recognised above that when considering other
approaches to strategy making it is unlikely to be an entirely top-down, rational and
deliberate process, with business strategies emerging in parts of an organisation. Such
factors suggest that a much more complex model of the relationship between strategy
making and HRM is required to represent such linkages in reality.
Storey and Sisson (1993) point out that for a linkage even to be considered, a business
strategy will need to be clearly apparent to the managers of an organisation. They sug-
gest that ‘where such strategies are available they are often extremely vague’ (Storey and
Sisson, 1993: 69). Mabey and Salaman (1995: 40) say straight out that ‘experience sug-
gests that strategic decision-making, either corporate or HR, is incremental, piecemeal,
ad hoc, incomplete, and negotiated and only partly rational’. The complexity implied by
these aspects needs to be considered alongside other factors that also question a straight-
forward linkage between business and HR strategies.
This conclusion does not discount the potential impact that particular strategies and
structures may have on the use of HR strategy; rather, it discounts any straightforward
and uniform linkage. Brews and Hunt (1999) recognised that organisations can derive a
great deal of value from engaging in the type of strategic planning that incorporates
flexibility, incrementalism and the involvement of line managers and others. Their
remedy for bad planning is not to abandon it but to develop good planning that incor-
porates the attributes mentioned.

Evolutionary perspectives to strategy and HRM

This approach to strategy making stresses situational or environmental determinism to a
much greater degree than does the classical approach (Poole, 1990). It follows that the
matching model should be seen as even more appropriate for organisations that
subscribe to this approach. Managers’ strategic choice would be minimised in circum-
stances where environmental factors controlled the fate of an organisation and human
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18 Part 1 Overview

resource strategy would need to be closely matched to the organisational strategy deter-
mined by these factors in order to achieve success.
Of course, this type of analysis may begin to appear theoretical in an unworldly way.
In theory, success would depend on the capability of managers to identify and interpret
key environmental variables, so that organisational and human resource strategies are as
well adapted to environmental circumstances as possible. In practice, of course, the same
criticisms made about strategy making in the classical approach can be applied to use of
an environmental perspective. The same political, cultural and capability constraints
will affect managements’ ability to understand and interpret environmental factors
appropriately, although the imperative to take action will be present. As a result, the
approach developed to human resource strategy and to employee relations in such
organisations is likely to be one that is dominated by the views of senior management.
Opposition from other employee groups would be seen as dysfunctional, producing a
senior managerial conviction for a strongly unitarist position.
The extent to which an organisation is adapted to its environment will affect its
actions. A well-adapted organisation will be able to benefit from its environment, partic-
ularly if it faces limited competition. However, the implications for less well-adapted
organisations, particularly in competitive situations, suggest more negative conse-
quences. It was recognised earlier that this situation is likely to lead to strategic
conservatism, where organisational efforts are focused on the basics of production. In
this way, costs will be minimised, operating efficiencies sought, tight controls imposed
with relatively short-term payback targets and performance monitoring (e.g. Goold and
Campbell, 1987; Schuler and Jackson 1989; Whittington, 2001). This cost-efficiency
strategy (Schuler and Jackson, 1989) or financial economies approach (Purcell, 1995)
will have a number of implications for human resource strategy. These include restraints
on pay budgets, employee discretion and staffing levels, and the use of performance con-
trols, restructuring and downsizing (e.g. Purcell, 1989b; Schuler and Jackson, 1989).
Such an approach may actually prove to be ineffective if it damages employee relations
and leads to disaffection and higher levels of labour wastage (see In Practice 1.5).

In Practice 1.5

Pay problems at HSBC

The first strike at a UK high street bank in eight years was due to occur in 2006 after talks between trade
union Amicus and HSBC broke down. Amicus said that the one-day action was in protest at a pay deal
which, it alleged, would lead to a wage cut for thousands of workers. Amicus expected 9,500 workers to
take action, on the same day as the bank’s annual meeting. The bank said that it expected cash
machines, telephone and online banking and major branches to be unaffected.
The dispute was over what the union said were inadequate pay arrangements at the bank. According
to Amicus, 55 per cent of British HSBC workers covered by its pay negotiations got no salary rise or an
increase below inflation in 2006. Tensions at HSBC have been on the rise during a wave of austerity,
which has cost 3,500 jobs since the beginning of 2005. Lloyds TSB, a high street rival to HSBC, is also in
the firing line for industrial action: workers there were also due to vote on a strike in the middle of 2006.
Source: BBC News Online (2006).
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 19

Redman and Wilkinson (2001) comment that such an approach can be seen as strate-
gically integrated only in relation to the strategic imperative to control costs. For them,
as for others, strategic human resource management requires a wider remit (see Chapter
2), where emphasis is also placed on developing and integrating the ‘human’ side as
opposed to focusing simply on the ‘resource utilisation’ aspect of HRM (e.g. Guest,
1987; Storey, 1989, 1992). Inefficiencies that result from this broad focus may lead some
organisations to incorporate human resource strategies aimed at developing and involv-
ing their employees rather than seeing them simply as a cost, although the use of these
strategies will still be focused on maximising the interests of the organisation and
achieving its goals.

Processual approach to strategy making and HRM

As noted above, the processual approach emphasises strategy making as an adaptive and
emergent process, driven by learning in an organisation, with clear implications for the
role of human resource strategy. The existence of an emergent strategy will need to be
recognised (Mintzberg, 1987) and appropriate HR strategies introduced to encourage
the behaviours required to promote and support this approach. These strategies may be
divided into two categories. First, human resource, cultural and structural strategies can
be used to help to foster the development of emergent strategies. Second, specific strate-
gies also need to be designed to respond to the development of emergent strategies, in
order to support them. As an example of the first category, Quinn’s (1993) discussion
about promoting an incremental approach to develop organisational strategy empha-
sises, in particular, the use of employee involvement as a key human resource strategy in
this process (see Chapter 12). Related to both categories, Mintzberg (1987) believes that
the development of emergent strategies in organisations is based on learning. This needs
to be recognised and supported through human resource strategies related to, in partic-
ular, recruitment and selection, training and development, and reward, as well as
through strategies related to organisational development and structure.
Organisational strategies which are emergent are likely to be understood by those
who work in an organisation where they have been involved in the development of these
strategies in some way. This contrasts with a situation where a strategic plan results in a
low level of ‘ownership’ or even a lack of knowledge about it (Johnson and Scholes,
2002). This greater level of understanding and involvement may also, perhaps, be associ-
ated with the generation of increased levels of commitment to the goals of the
organisation. Indeed, Quinn (1993) argues that one of the reasons for developing organ-
isational strategy in an incremental manner is to generate employee effort and
commitment in relation to an emerging strategy.
The earlier evaluation of the processual approach to strategy making discussed a
number of strategies that are partly deliberate and partly emergent. It recognised that
such a mixed approach is much more likely in reality than one which is completely
deliberate or emergent. These approaches lend support to the idea of human resource
strategy fulfilling multiple roles. These roles include responding to deliberate aspects of
organisational strategy, fostering the capabilities and behaviours required to promote
emergent aspects of the strategy and then supporting its development. They indicate a
strategic approach to HRM, where human resource strategy is both informed by organi-
sational strategy and helping to develop and realise it in practice.
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20 Part 1 Overview

Systemic perspectives to strategy and HRM

This approach recognises that strategy and strategy making will be affected by the social
and cultural system within which this occurs. Institutional differences between countries
will affect strategic choice about organisational and human resource strategies. The role
of the state has been different in France and Germany, for example, when compared to
the USA and the UK. These national institutional differences are related to underpin-
ning cultural beliefs and values. Cultural differences may manifest themselves more
generally. For example, the high prevalence of downsizing in some western-style
societies has not been used in some Asian countries, where a stronger sense of collective
values has led instead to the greater use of work-sharing strategies. However, even in
China this is changing (Knight and Yueh, 2004). This suggests that the way in which
human resource strategy is integrated into organisational strategy will vary, under-
pinned by societal values that may place, for example, much less emphasis on
short-term, profit maximisation. Prevailing forms of ownership and size of organisation
will also be likely to affect the nature of strategy. Whittington (2001) tells us, for exam-
ple, that while a series of huge conglomerates developed in South Korea, nearby Taiwan’s
economy has been characterised by small and medium-sized family owned businesses.
These factors suggest that the ways in which human resource strategy is conceived and
integrated into organisational strategy will not only vary but that in many situations, in
many different types of society, HRM will not be conceptualised in any intentional way
as being strategic. The discussion of these aspects will principally be developed in two
chapters: Chapter 3, which explores the international context of business and the role of
SHRM, and Chapter 6, which looks at the role of culture in SHRM.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 1.2

What is the scope for the strategic integration of HRM in relation to each of the
four approaches to strategy making discussed in this section?

The multi-dimensional nature of strategic integration

Before discussing the resource-based view of the organisation in the next section, the
nature of strategic integration wil be considered in more depth. Integration has been
used through the previous part of this chapter as a means to explore possible links
between different approaches to strategy and HRM. For this purpose integration was
used because it is recognised as a necessary condition for HRM to be considered strate-
gic (Redman and Wilkinson, 2001). So far, it has been recognised that integration may
be a two-way process, where HRM informs the nature of organisational strategy as well
as being informed by it. Alternatively, it may be a one-way process where organisational
strategy informs HRM without being informed by it in any intended or planned way.
The first of these situations implies full integration and the second partial integration.
The discussion of these and other variants of strategic integration are now developed.
One may initially seek to achieve this by developing the use of the term organisa-
tional strategy, which so far as been used as a general expression to refer to any process
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 21

of strategy making at the level of the organisation. In reality, strategy may be made at a
number of levels in an organisation. The nature of an organisation’s structure, discussed
in Chapter 5, will thus be an important determinant of strategy making in practice.
Strategy made at one level of an organisation will affect decision-making at other levels,
with decisions taken at a higher level being most likely to affect those taken at a lower
level. In general terms, three levels or ‘orders’ of strategy have been recognised (e.g. Pur-
cell, 1989b).
The highest level is concerned with the overall or corporate strategy of an organisa-
tion. This relates to the way in which strategy was defined and used earlier in this
chapter. Purcell (1989b: 70) refers to the nature of these strategies as ‘“upstream”, first-
order decisions’ to indicate their status in relation to lower-order ones and the likely way
in which other levels of strategy will flow from these higher-order strategies. These are
concerned with the long-term direction and scope of the organisation. A further distinc-
tion may be made at this level between corporate and business strategies, related to the
nature of multi-product and multi-divisional organisations. Purcell (1995: 66) suc-
cinctly summarises this distinction as follows:
Multi-product and multi-divisional firms have to make a distinction between corpor-
ate and business strategies; between those taken at the centre covering the whole
enterprise, and those taken lower down at division or business-unit level and related
to the products made and the markets served.

Various strategic management writers identify a range of corporate strategies which

may be grouped within a number of broad categories (e.g. Johnson and Scholes, 2002).
Four such categories are shown in Key Concepts 1.3.
These corporate strategies will have implications for the nature of second- and third-
level strategies including human resource strategy, as referred to earlier and will also be
discussed further in Chapter 2.
The second and third levels of strategy are seen by Purcell (1989b) as being ‘down-
stream’ of corporate strategy. The second level of strategy concerns the organisational
structures and operating procedures that are put into place to support first-order

Key Concepts 1.3

Four categories of corporate strategy

Stability E.g. continuing with an existing strategy, consolidation

Growth E.g. product development, market penetration, market development, or

diversification involving internal investments, joint ventures, acquisition or merger

Retrenchment/ E.g. harvesting a business by using its existing competences and resources but
withdrawal reducing costs, investments and running it down; closing down some existing
locations; relocation to reduce costs; divesting existing businesses

Combination Using a particular mixture of the strategies referred to above

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22 Part 1 Overview

decisions. The third level concerns functional strategies, including those related to HRM,
which are developed in the context of the first two levels. All three levels have strategic
significance since they each affect the long-term direction of an organisation and the
attainment of its goals, whether this is recognised and intended or not.
In relation to the second level of strategy, for example, a ‘first-order’ decision to merge
with or take over another organisation would be likely to be followed by a set of decisions
governing the structures and relationships of the ‘new’ organisation. These decisions
might include delayering, increasing accountability to business units and decentralisation
of business decision-making. Changes at this second level would, in turn, impact on
human resource areas such as the roles performed by employees, their reporting relation-
ships, and management style. The third level of strategy is therefore where functional
areas define their strategies in accordance with first- and second-order decisions and the
external environmental factors operating on the organisation (Purcell, 1989b). This direct
strategic linkage of third-order, functional strategies with higher-order ones has also been
referred to as external integration (e.g. Mabey and Iles, 1993: 16).
A limitation of these three types of strategic linkage is that they describe one-way, or
‘downstream’, relationships and as such do not meet the fuller definition of strategic
integration, which incorporates a two-way relationship (i.e. moving ‘upstream’ as well as
‘downstream’). From this perspective, external integration may only be achieved fully
when human resource issues not only serve first- and second-order strategies in a down-
stream relationship but also operate upwards to influence strategic decision-making
(e.g. Liff, 2000, Greer, 2001; Turner, 2002). At one level this upstream relationship could
result in corporate strategy being informed by changes in the labour market and at
another being formulated around the people and skills the organisation has at its dis-
posal (Liff, 2000; Turner, 2002). Mabey and Iles (1993: 16) argue that this two-way
relationship requires what they term ‘institutional integration’. This is where the human
resource function is strategically integrated into the organisation and is more likely to
occur where the head of function is a board-level appointment. This ensures that a
meaningful dialogue about the relationship between people and strategy will take place
(Liff, 2000; Turner, 2002). This dialogue may surface a different perspective on opportu-
nities and threats that might otherwise be overlooked and may also introduce a different
set of values, for example in relation to diversity, that could influence strategy.
This two-way interpretation of strategic integration moves away from treating
human resources as a ‘dependent variable’, where HRM simply reacts to predetermined
organisational strategies (Liff, 2000), and is consistent with a number of themes
explored in this book. It also reflects the resource-based view of the firm where strategy
formation develops from the distinctive qualities inherent in the internal resources of
the organisation that we consider in the next section. This two-way (upstream and
downstream) relationship is central to our interpretation of SHRM and represents the
fourth strand of the multi-dimensional nature of strategic integration. It supports the
contention of Lengnick-Hall and Lengnick-Hall (1988) that organisations that engage in
a process of strategy making that considers the interrelationships between competitive
strategy and human resources will be more likely to improve their performance than
those who simply use human resources to implement strategy. Of course the difficulties
surrounding HRM in practice may reduce such views to no more than empty rhetoric. It
assumes that human resources may operate as an element of first-order strategy forma-
tion whereas the evidence points to it being relegated to third-order status, consistent
with the dominant view of HR as a dependent variable (e.g. Liff, 2000).
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 23

These first four strands of strategic integration all relate to external, or vertical, inte-
gration between the levels in the strategic hierarchy and HRM. The fifth strand relates to
the horizontal integration of all the elements of HRM so that they fit together into a
coherent whole. In this way, human resource activities need to be internally integrated in
order to achieve full strategic integration (Mabey and Iles, 1993: 16–17). This would
mean, for example, that within an organisation competing on the basis of quality, all the
HR levers should be mutually supporting the acquisition, development and retention of
a workforce that can deliver this type of competitive strategy. This means recruiting
quality staff, investing significantly in the development of the organisation’s skills base,
defining and rewarding quality performance, involving employees in continuous
improvement, etc.
Guest’s (1987) interpretation of horizontal integration recognises that human
resource activities not only need to be internally consistent but that they also need to
cohere with other functional areas such as marketing, service provision or production,
etc. Guest also identifies two further aspects of integration. The first of these relates to
the attitudes and behaviours of line managers and the need for them to internalise and
practise HR policies. The second relates to the full integration of employees into the
business, leading to their identification with and commitment to the organisation.
These additional aspects to achieve full integration are discussed further in Chapter 2
and the issue of employee involvement and commitment is evaluated in Chapter 12.
Taken together, this all begins to lead to a richer understanding of the nature of strate-
gic integration but is still in itself insufficient. So far, what can only be seen as a static view
of strategy has been presented which does not explicitly take account of uncertainty and
the impact of unexpected change. Gratton (1999: 170) argues that a key challenge for
organisations today ‘is to continue to deliver sustained competitive advantage in the
short-term whilst at the same time preparing for longer-term success’. This recognises
that, as the future unfolds, changes to the business-operating environment will necessi-
tate strategic shifts, sometimes of a transformational nature. This gives rise to the need
for organisations to develop a pool of human capital that can not only achieve short-term
business goals, derived from current organisational strategies, but also contribute to
organisational transformation, through initiating, implementing and achieving change,
including changes to business strategies (Gratton et al., 1999). This presents an important
temporal dimension to strategic integration that is sensitive to an uncertain future, where
what lies over the horizon is hidden from view. It is this temporal dimension that repre-
sents the sixth and last strand. It also indicates another link to the resource-based view of
the organisation, which is considered next.
For the various strands of integration for HRM to be considered strategic, SHRM
needs to incorporate two-way vertical integration, horizontal integration within its own
policy areas and with other functional areas, institutional integration, line management
integration, the integration of employees with the goals of the organisation and its
capacity to respond to change as the future unfolds. In practice, this may be asking a
great deal for an organisation’s approach to HRM to be classified as fully strategic. It
does, however, provide an analytical framework against which organisational practice
may be evaluated. A particular organisation’s approach to HRM may thus be judged
against these components for SHRM, in terms of whether each is present and also in
terms of effectiveness, where simple presence does not imply this. Key Concepts 1.4 lists
the six strands of strategic integration discussed above and Figure 1.3 represents these in
diagrammatic form.
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24 Part 1 Overview

Key Concepts 1.4

Six strands of strategic integration

Responses to first-order strategic decisions

Downstream, external or vertical integration

Responses to second-order strategic decisions

Downstream, external or vertical integration

Responses to third-order strategic decisions

Downstream, external or vertical integration

Interactions with strategy and as a potential driver of future strategic direction

Upstream, external or vertical integration

Alignment of HR policies with themselves and with other functions; of line managers’ practices with
HR policies; and of employees with the organisation’s strategic objectives
Internal or horizontal integration

Responsiveness to future uncertainties and need for change.

Figure 1.4 develops this representation of strategic integration by showing its three
levels or orders vertically. In relation to the third order, this figure shows horizontal inte-
gration between and within functional areas, focusing on HRM. Strategic integration
within HRM is expanded to show links to the areas dealt with in subsequent chapters of

Organisational focus
Two-way relationships One-way relationship Lack of intended
between different between different relationship between
orders of strategy orders of strategy different orders
of strategy

Human resource focus

Institutional integration of No institutional integration
HR function of HR function


Internal integration of Low internal integration

HR elements of HR elements
Behavioural integration Low behavioural
of employees integration of employees

Temporal focus
Forward looking Stasis – insensitive
and sensitive to change to change

Figure 1.3 Strands of strategic integration

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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 25

Corporate strategy


Organisational structures

Functional strategies



Human resourcing
Marketing, etc. Finance, etc.
Organisational culture

Reward management

Employee relations
Job/work design

Recruitment and
Human resource

Human resource





Figure 1.4 Strands of strategic integration shown in a hierarchical relationship and related to external variables

this book. This diagram also attempts to show environmental and temporal dimensions.
Surrounding the figure are references to the external environment and change. Using
traditional SWOT analysis, the environment can be seen as providing opportunities for
an organisation as well as threats to it, while change shown on the right of the figure
indicates the need to be capable of responding effectively to these variables.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 1.3

Think of an organisational situation with which you are familiar. This may be one in
which you are currently employed or one that you have worked for previously, or
another organisation known to you.
Use the model of the six strands of strategic integration to evaluate, as far as
you are able, the extent of the integration of HRM and human resources within the
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26 Part 1 Overview

The resource-based view of the organisation and its links

to HRM

Strategic management theorists traditionally focused their analysis on the product

market or industry within which an organisation operated. Wernerfelt’s (1984) analysis
focused instead on the internal resources of organisations, to explore the implications of
these for competitive advantage. This approach has led to the development of a major
strand of strategic management literature, known as the resource-based view (RBV) or
resource-based theory (RBT) of the firm (e.g. Dierickx and Cool, 1989; Wernerfelt,
1989, 1995; Prahalad and Hamel, 1990; Barney, 1991; Connor, 1991; Grant, 1991; Amit
and Schoemaker, 1993; Peteraf, 1993; Connor and Prahalad, 1996). Wernerfelt based his
idea of looking at organisations as sets of resources on the work of Penrose (1959). Pen-
rose saw firms as being heterogeneous, in that their resources, both physical and human,
varied and remained different over the course of time related to their differing qualities,
including those of management and other employees. It follows from this analysis that
competitive advantage and therefore superior firm performance might flow from the
possession and development of better-quality resources.

Resource-based theory: resources, capabilities and

competitive advantage
Resource-based theory conceives of organisational resources as unique bundles that have
the power to give an organisation a competitive advantage over others in the same
industry or sphere of operation (e.g. Boxall, 1996). Uniqueness or heterogeneity is
stressed over sameness or homogeneity. Barney’s (1991) conception of the resources of
an organisation is widely drawn to include all of its strategic assets. These include its
organisational attributes, capabilities and knowledge, and the processes (e.g. manage-
ment decision-making) that it uses to make and implement strategy. More specifically,
Barney identifies three categories of resources: physical, human and organisational. Of
these, human resources are conceived in terms of the experience, knowledge and under-
standing that managers and workers bring to the context of the organisation. The third
category of organisational resources is also important to the subject of this book. It
includes formal organisational resources such as its structure and its systems for plan-
ning, coordinating and controlling as well as informal aspects such as the nature of
internal and external relationships. These resource categories are each seen as being part
of an organisation’s stock of capital (Barney, 1991). Grant (1991) alternatively identifies
six categories of resources: financial, physical, human, technological, reputation and
organisational. He recognises that a number of these resources are intangible: difficult to
value in an accounting sense and yet vital to the performance and success of the organi-
sation which has assembled and developed them.
Grant (1991) also discusses the important distinction between resources and capabil-
ities. Resources need to be brought together to form capabilities. However, a capability is
more than just a collection of resources: it requires coordination between the people
involved and their cooperation, and also coordination between people and other types
of resources, in order to be able to perform an activity. A capability may also be seen as a
collection of organisational routines, where those involved know and understand these
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 27

routines and so are able to respond to a situation in a familiar, competent and produc-
tive manner. The establishment of organisational routines, and therefore capability,
helps to demonstrate the link to competitive advantage. An organisation will develop a
competitive advantage if it establishes routines or capabilities that others have yet to
understand or perfect (Barney, 1991; Grant, 1991). Sustaining a competitive advantage
involves an organisation maintaining this lead over others despite their best efforts to
catch up (Barney, 1991).
Expressed more dynamically, an organisation may stay ahead of others and enjoy a
sustained competitive advantage by proving to be more effective in adapting its routines
and capabilities or learning and developing new ones (Grant, 1991) (see In Practice 1.6).

In Practice 1.6

Capabilities in action at Pret a Manger

Pret a Manger made its name as an environmentally friendly trader, banning genetically modified
foods and sourcing chickens from humane cages in Seville (The Guardian, 2001). It also spelled the
end of the brilliantly constructed illusion through which Pret seemed to offer a taste of sophistication
for little more than the cost of an ordinary sandwich. In its early days, the chain’s brushed steel stools,
magenta labels and immaculate chrome bars seemed the ultimate in industrial chic. Its French name
and comparatively adventurous menu all helped create an aura of exclusivity – instead of ham and
tomato sandwiches, Pret offered Brie, tomato and basil baguettes.
The origins of Pret’s classy £3 lunches lie in the mid-1980s, when its two creators met at the Uni-
versity of Westminster, where they were studying property law. According to one industry expert, Pret
was in the right place, at the right time. There was a revolution going on in sandwiches – packaged
sandwiches were finally taking off in a big way, mostly thanks to Marks & Spencer.
Pret has always been clear about who its customers are. Charging £1.20 for a tiny bottle of orange
juice means it is targeting urban professionals with little time on their hands. In 2001 the chain had
just over 100 shops in Britain, and one in New York. In 2000 it sold 25 million sandwiches, baguettes
and wraps and just over 14 million cups of coffee. Pret sandwiches are still made on the premises, at
every store. Shops receive fresh deliveries in the evenings, which are refrigerated every night until
cooks arrive at 6.30am to prepare the day’s sandwiches.
One of the partners holds the purse-strings. The other partner looks after the food, spending
Thursday afternoons with a recipe committee, sampling different ideas. He goes for exotic mixtures,
once remarking: ‘The English respond to strong tastes – look at curry.’ Recent additions include
Scotch beef with crispy onions, ‘more than mozzarella’ sandwiches and Peking duck wraps.
In addition to the distinctive product offering, the company reduced labour turnover to 65 per cent in
the first part of 2005, a difficult task in a sector where turnover normally runs at 100 per cent (People
Management, 2005b). In 2002, Pret’s turnover ran at 95 per cent. The following year it dropped to 86 per
cent, then to 82 per cent in 2004, and then to 65 per cent in 2005. It seems that about 70 per cent of the
turnover is due to staff taking time off to travel or return to their home country. Many of the frontline
employees at Pret are non-UK nationals. The HR manager believes that some of the company’s employ-
ees stay because Pret works hard to continually show its appreciation of its people. Perks include
weekly drinks and an internal magazine that’s allowed to appear uncensored by managers. In the HR
manager’s view, working at Pret is as much about social activities as business matters.
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28 Part 1 Overview

Barney (1991, 1995) identifies the attributes that an organisation’s resources and
capabilities must demonstrate in order to achieve sustained competitive advantage.
These are shown in Key Concepts 1.5.

Key Concepts 1.5

Attributes of resources and capabilities that lead to competitive advantage

 Valuable Resources and capabilities that allow an organisation to develop strategies to

exploit available opportunities and neutralise evident threats will be valuable.
Valuable resources and capabilities provide the basis for competitive advantage.

 Rare Resources and capabilities also need to be rare, or unique to a particular

organisation, in order to create a situation of competitive advantage. Commonly
available (i.e. non-rare) resources and capabilities that are valuable may help an
organisation survive but will not ensure competitive advantage.

 Inimitable Resources and capabilities that are valuable and rare are likely to lead to
competitive advantage. Such an advantage will be eroded where others imitate
or copy these resources and capabilities. For this advantage to be sustained
these resources and capabilities will therefore need to be inimitable – that is,
they cannot be imitated or copied. Such resources and capabilities are then
labelled imperfectly imitable – they cannot be copied successfully.

 Non-substitutable An alternative means to challenge an organisation’s competitive advantage,

where its resources and capabilities remain inimitable, would be to use an
alternative approach to implement the same strategy, where this is possible.
Where inimitable resources and capabilities can be substituted this will allow a
competitor to challenge an organisation’s competitive advantage, either
completely or partially depending on the nature of the substitutability of this
alternative approach.

 Effectively organised In addition to possessing valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable

resources and capabilities, an organisation will need to be effectively organised
to realise its potential competitive advantage and sustain this.

Source: Developed from Barney (1991, 1995).

The attributes described in Key Concepts 1.5 provide a useful conceptualisation to

show, first, how competitive advantage may be gained through an organisation’s
resources and capabilities and, second, how this may be sustained in some cases or
challenged and eroded in others. Resources and capabilities need to be both valuable
and rare, as well as effectively organised, to create a situation of competitive advantage.
For this to be sustained, resources and capabilities need to be both imperfectly imitable
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 29

and non-substitutable. The literature identifies three possible reasons for resource
1. The history and timing of the organisation. Firms may enjoy the effects of what Wern-
erfelt (1984) describes as a ‘resource position barrier’: they benefit from being a ‘first
mover’ in developing an effective resource base which allows them to produce
superior returns over other firms so long as they maintain this resource advantage.
An example of this may be the UK vacuum cleaner manufacturer Dyson, which pro-
duced the first bagless vacuum cleaner. Valuable and rare resources by definition will
be limited and the argument is made that organisations which set up at the time and
place when these are developed should continue to benefit from the advantages that
accrue, where other potential competitors have to contend with barriers to entry and
resource position barriers (Wernerfelt, 1984; Barney, 1991).
2. Causal ambiguity. Basically, this is where the reasons for an organisation’s competitive
advantage are not understood clearly by it or by its competitors. In such circumstances,
it will be difficult to know which resources and capabilities should be imitated to
achieve similar success. If an organisation enjoying competitive advantage were able to
analyse precisely why it enjoyed this success, competitors would be able to entice away
its best managers to share their knowledge, just as top football teams persuade success-
ful managers from smaller clubs to join them. Situations of complexity may actually
make it difficult for organisations to analyse the reasons for their competitive advan-
tage. In addition, much knowledge in an organisation is likely to remain tacitly in the
heads of many different employees spread throughout the organisation.
3. Social complexity. The resources, capabilities and relationships in an organisation are
very likely to be complex. While according to this reason it is possible to identify how
success is achieved, for example because of good intra-organisational and/or
supplier–customer relationships, the sheer complexity of these and other relevant
factors would make it difficult to replicate them elsewhere. For example, understand-
ing and manipulating a competitor’s organisational culture to replicate that of the
organisation enjoying competitive advantage would be most unlikely in practice. As
Barney (1986) recognised, organisational culture may be a source of competitive
advantage for this reason (see Chapter 6).
The attributes in Key Concepts 1.5 may also be seen as relating to a particular point
in time. Other, exogenous variables, such as a major shift in technology, could shake up
the status quo and lead to a reshaping of what constitutes valuable, rare, inimitable and
non-substitutable resources and capabilities in such altered circumstances. Increasing
use of computer applications and the rise of digitally based technologies provide current
examples of how industrial boundaries and therefore previously enjoyed competitive
advantages are being altered in the early twenty-first century. The major changes occur-
ring at present in the retail industry as a result of the development of online shopping is
just such a case. In Practice 1.7 illustrates the need for companies in the computer appli-
cations industry to revisit their capabilities to ensure future competitive advantage.
In summary, resources and capabilities that demonstrate the attributes shown in Key
Concepts 1.5 are seen by resource-based theorists as the principal source of an organisa-
tion’s competitive advantage. Figure 1.5 shows a simply portrayed causal link between
these elements in the resource-based theory of the organisation.
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30 Part 1 Overview

In Practice 1.7

Strategic ‘Microsoft concern at “technology lag’’’

Leaked internal memos from Microsoft have warned that its business would be under threat if it failed
to respond quickly and decisively to key technologies in which it lagged competitors.
Ray Ozzie, chief technical officer and a newcomer to Microsoft, said in a memo to senior staff that
the company had failed to achieve leadership in key areas of internet technology.
His memo suggested a shift in the technical leadership of the company, with Bill Gates, chairman
and chief software architect, passing on authority for its most significant strategic change in five
years to Mr Ozzie.
In an introduction to Mr Ozzie’s memo, Mr Gates said the ‘next sea change’ was upon the com-
pany. He predicted the Ozzie memo would be as critical as ‘the internet tidal wave’ one he himself
wrote 10 years ago when he issued a rallying cry to the company to embrace the internet.
The memo outlines a similar challenge whereby the growth of broadband, wireless networking and
a new business model around advertising-supported web services and software ‘has the potential to
fundamentally impact how we build, deliver and monetise innovations’.
Mr Ozzie said Microsoft must respond quickly and decisively. ‘It’s clear that if we fail to do so, our
business as we know it is at risk,’ he said. He joined Microsoft in April and is regarded as an industry
‘We knew search would be important but through Google’s focus they’ve gained a tremendously
strong position,’ the memo said. And ‘it was Skype, not us, who made VoIP [voice over internet proto-
col] broadly popular.’’
Source: Financial Times (2005b).

Resources Capabilities Strategy

Figure 1.5 Resource-based approach to strategy

Source: Developed from Grant (1991).

However, not all organisational resources and capabilities will exhibit such attributes,
even within an organisation that enjoys a competitive advantage, and we now consider
in more depth the nature of the capabilities which do and differentiate them from those
that do not.

Resource-based theory: core capabilities and competitive

Capabilities which give an organisation a strategic advantage over its competitors have
been called core capabilities (e.g. Leonard-Barton, 1992), although a number of alterna-
tive terms have been used to refer to the same concept, as Key Concepts 1.6 illustrates.
An important article by Prahalad and Hamel (1990), that helped to disseminate the
resource-based view, refers to developing core competence in an organisation. Core com-
petence develops from collective learning in an organisation, especially from being able
to coordinate diverse sets of skills and integrate different technologies. Rather than
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 31

Key Concepts 1.6

Alternative terms for the concept of core capability

Leonard-Barton (1992, 1998) lists the various alternative terms used to refer to the concept of core

Term Source
Distinctive competences Snow and Hrebiniak, 1980
Core competence Prahalad and Hamel, 1990
Firm-specific competence Pavitt, 1991
Resource deployments Hofer and Schendel, 1978
Invisible assets Itami, 1987

seeing a corporation as a set of diversified strategic business units, each producing a

series of independently conceived end products, this perspective sees it as being com-
posed of a small number of core competences, which are then used to derive a set of core
products from which flow the range of end products. As examples, Prahalad and Hamel
refer to companies such as Honda, Canon and Philips. Honda developed core compe-
tence in the production of engines and power trains. This was then used to produce a
diverse range of end products including cars, motorcycles and generators. Canon devel-
oped core competences in imaging, optics and microprocessors, leading to the
production of several end products including cameras, copiers and scanners. Philips
developed core competence in optical media, leading to a wide range of laser disc-related
end products. Rather than focusing on particular markets and the products that are sold
within these to drive development, this perspective focuses instead on an organisation
using its strategic intent to identify and build a small number of core competences and
then using these as sources of competitive advantage through a range of commercial
applications (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990; Hamel and Prahalad, 1994). Boxall and Purcell
(2003: 79) refer to this perspective as being ‘knowledge-based rather than … product
based … [to understand]… strategic opportunities’.
Leonard-Barton (1992, 1998) also developed analysis of the operation of capabilities
through her work on core capabilities and core rigidities. Each of these concepts will be
examined in turn. For Leonard-Barton, capabilities can be considered as core if they are
strategically important, leading to competitive advantage. She adopts what is termed a
‘knowledge-based view’ and defines core capability as a knowledge set, which is com-
posed of four dimensions. These four dimensions are outlined in Key Concepts 1.7.
While core capability draws on accumulated knowledge sets within an organisation
to achieve competitive advantage, Leonard-Barton (1992, 1998) identifies ‘core rigidities’
which lead to the loss of such advantage. Core rigidities are defined as knowledge sets
that, while once appropriate for organisational success, have become inappropriate to
achieve future advantage. They are the flip side of core capabilities. Because they have
become part of the culture of an organisation they are difficult to change and therefore
capable of damaging its future prospects, indicating the need to develop a new knowl-
edge base. Leonard-Barton (1992) refers to the work of Itami (1987), who suggests that
the time to develop new core capability is while the existing one is still effective. This
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32 Part 1 Overview

Key Concepts 1.7

Dimensions of core capability

Leonard-Barton (1992, 1998) develops four dimensions for the concept of core capability:

Employee knowledge and skill

This dimension is embodied in the organisation’s employees and is composed of their general and
organisationally specific technical knowledge and skills. Leonard-Barton comments that this dimen-
sion is particularly important during the development of new products.

Physical technical systems

This dimension recognises that employees’ knowledge and skills will not only reside in people’s
heads but also lead to the development of organisational information systems over the course of
time. These accumulated and formalised technical systems provide both a source of organisationally
specific information and a set of procedural rules to shape and direct action.

Managerial systems
This dimension describes the sources that promote, guide and limit knowledge creation in an organis-
ation, and which operate through both formal and informal channels. Knowledge creation related to
desired core capability may be promoted and guided through types of development opportunities,
organisational structures that facilitate this, appropriate rewards systems and internal and external
networking, and so forth. Similarly, these systems can be used to inhibit types of knowledge creation
that are not desired in relation to the strategic intent of the organisation.

Values and norms

This dimension is linked to the culture of an organisation and permeates the other three dimensions
of core capability. Values and norms determine the types of knowledge created, and the means to
generate and control it. Knowledge creation will emphasise areas of strategic importance in an organ-
isation, e.g. development, design, information systems, production, service delivery and/or
marketing. The means to generate knowledge will demonstrate which types of employees are impor-
tant as well as their characteristics related to level and type of education or experience. The third
element relates to the locus of control over knowledge. While the achievement of competitive advan-
tage implies that knowledge creation will be available to the organisation and that management will
exercise de facto control, this knowledge or resource-based view also implies that employee influ-
ence will be vital in order for this advantage to be realised.
Source: Developed from Leonard-Barton (1992, 1998).

implies proactivity related to foresighted strategic intent and indicates the need to avoid
damaging periods of transition or even crisis.
Leonard-Barton (1998) recognises that not all resources within an organisation can
be defined as core capability (i.e. leading to competitive advantage). She identifies two
further categories for these other types of organisational capability, labelled supplemen-
tal capabilities and enabling capabilities. Supplemental capabilities add value to the
activities of an organisation but are not necessary and can be imitated or copied by
others. For example, an organisation’s core capability may be in internet retailing but it
may also have a strong distribution network; this supplements its core capability but is
neither required nor unique when compared to other organisations (see In Practice 1.8).
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 33

In Practice 1.8 develops distribution network’s decision to open a second UK distribution centre was first announced in May 2004
and came following strong international sales growth. A total of 300 employees is expected to be
employed at the centre in 2005 with further temporary staff being recruited to help with the busy
Christmas months. The facility is operating in conjunction with’s existing UK distribu-
tion centre at Marston Gate, near Milton Keynes.
The Gourock distribution centre covers 300,000 sq ft – the size of five football pitches (this com-
pares to’s existing distribution centre at Marston Gate which is 540,000 sq ft) with
almost 3.5 miles of shelving and pallet racks. It handles customer orders from across’s
product range in categories such as Books, Music, DVD, Video, Software, PC & Video Games, Elec-
tronics & Photo, DIY & Tools, Garden & Outdoors, Kitchen & Home, Personal Care and Toys. In
addition to handling UK orders, the facility is dispatching orders to customers across the world.
Source: Scottish Enterprise (2004).

Enabling capabilities will be necessary but not by themselves sufficient to create a situ-
ation of competitive advantage. Leonard-Barton (1998) gives an example of
manufacturing firms that need to establish very high levels of quality in order to com-
pete but this attribute by itself is not sufficient to create competitive advantage since
many such organisations need this just to stay in the industry (i.e. high quality is valu-
able but not rare). In this way, high-quality resources will serve an enabling role but
other resource attributes will need to be developed to make these core capabilities.
A core capability distinguishes itself by its uniqueness, so that it is not easily copied,
or imitated, in other organisations. It offers strategic superiority, leading to sustained
competitive advantage. Core capability within an organisation will become institution-
alised in its ways of operating, linked to the dimensions identified in Key Concepts 1.5.
These dimensions will also contribute to the development and renewal of core capability
if any competitive advantage is to be sustained (Leonard-Barton, 1992, 1998). Leonard-
Barton’s development of the concept of core capability is based, as noted above, on a
‘knowledge-based view’ of the organisation. The management of knowledge, particu-
larly organisation-specific knowledge, is critical in this construction to achieve
competitive advantage. However, as Boxall and Purcell (2003: 83) note: ‘There is really
no point in making a distinction between the resource-based view and the knowledge-
based view of the firm. Whichever of these labels we apply, we end up with the same
argument – that it is a firm’s ability to learn faster than its rivals … that gives it competi-
tive advantage.’ Both the knowledge-based view and the resource-based view focus on
the internal resources of an organisation and in particular the development of core
competence or capability as the principal means to generate the scope for competitive
advantage. The key attribute of these views, as far as this book is concerned, is that they
place organisational resources and, in particular, human resources at the centre of strat-
egy making and it is to the implications for SHRM that we now turn.
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34 Part 1 Overview

Resource-based theory: links to HRM

Different types of link between resource-based theory and HRM can be identified. Since
resource-based theory sees resources and capabilities as the principal source of competi-
tive advantage, it may be seen as placing human resources in a central position to realise
this. For example, Barney (1991) includes ‘human capital resources’ as one of his three
resource categories and Grant (1991) ‘human resources’ as one of his six. For Grant,
intangible resources, including employee-based skills, are probably an organisation’s
most important strategic asset. Leonard-Barton (1992, 1998) also includes employee
skills and knowledge as one of her four dimensions of core capability. Mueller (1996)
takes an integrated view, seeing human resources combined with other key strategic
assets, such as product reputation, as the source of competitive advantage. In either of
these approaches, human resources in an organisation can be seen as a pool or stock of
human capital, some of which may be linked directly to a situation of competitive
advantage (Wright et al., 1994).
However, no matter how strong the attributes and abilities in a human capital pool
are, it is unlikely that these will be harnessed without a range of coordinating interven-
tions. Wright et al. (1994) differentiate between the potential of human capital and its
realisation through appropriate employee behaviours. The achievement of valuable out-
comes in the case of human resources who offer supplemental or enabling capabilities,
or competitive advantage in the case of human resources who are part of an organisa-
tion’s core capability (Leonard-Barton, 1998), stems from the ways in which these
resources are coordinated, developed and treated (cooperation was recognised earlier as
being necessary) as well as integrated with other organisational resources (e.g. Grant,
1991). This indicates that the management of human resources in general terms is vital
and provides a key link to resource-based theory.
Wright et al. (1994) consider the role of management in developing an organisation’s
capabilities. According to resource-based theory, capabilities need to be built or devel-
oped rather than being bought (e.g. Teece et al., 1997). It is therefore management’s role
to build, recognise, develop and use an organisation’s capability, including any core
capability, to realise a situation of strategic or competitive advantage (Wright et al.,
1994). Management’s role in achieving this aim is potentially multi-faceted. Manage-
ment can identify the need to develop a core competence or capability through the
statement of an organisation’s strategic intent and then act on this (e.g. Prahalad and
Hamel, 1990). Management may also identify the existence of a latent pool of human
capital in an organisation, which has the potential to be developed into a capability for
strategic or competitive advantage (Wright et al., 1994). Management may also seek to
improve the utilisation of an existing capability, particularly in a situation of rapid
change. These possibilities demonstrate that level of managerial capability itself will be
important in an organisation, in order for it to be able to recognise, develop and opti-
mise resource-based opportunities.
Unlike other factors of production, people cannot be owned by the organisations that
hire them. The effectiveness of a capability in which people play a part will be affected by
the nature of relationships between them, their levels of cooperation and by their organ-
isational treatment (Boxall, 1996; Grant, 1991). In the discussion earlier about whether
an organisation’s resources may be imitated by others, it was also recognised that the
scope for this is likely to be adversely affected by causal ambiguity and social complexity
(e.g. Dierickx and Cool, 1989). Given that causal linkages are generally more complex
than imaged and difficult to understand, management will need to focus attention on
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 35

developing organisational structures, organising work, fostering cooperative relation-

ships and ensuring consistency of fair treatment to facilitate the development of an
organisation’s capability, rather than simply trying to exert overt forms of control.
This points to a further link between resource-based theory and HRM, related to the
potential contribution of human resource policies or strategies. We may ask, ‘What is the
role of human resource strategies in helping to develop an organisation’s capabilities
and, in particular, how can these be used to promote the development of core compe-
tence or capability?’ At a fairly superficial level, it seems obvious that human resource
strategies should be important in developing an organisation’s capabilities. Human
resource practices related to recruitment and selection, managing performance, training
and development, and reward can be designed to attract, develop and retain high-
quality employees (see Chapters 8, 9, 10 and 11 respectively for detailed coverage of
these areas). Given that resource-based theory stresses the need to develop, rather than
simply purchase, capabilities related to their organisation-specific nature, training and
development appear to become particularly important. This is illustrated in ‘In Practice’
1.9 where the need for companies to train very large numbers of skilled information
technology (IT) workers to ensure future capabilities is demonstrated. The above discus-
sion about developing capabilities, stressed that learning and knowledge application are
key processes to achieve strategic and competitive advantage. This is a dimension of
strategic human resource development (HRD) developed and explored in Chapter 10.
However, there are two problems in assuming that in practice there is a straightfor-
ward, causal relationship between HRM and the generation of organisational capability
in which a range of human resource strategies can be simply introduced to facilitate

In Practice 1.9

Shortage of people to run hot technologies

If IP [internet protocol] and wireless networks are such hot technologies at the moment, where are the
people who can run them? Europe is facing a damaging shortage of skilled IT workers that could limit
economic growth and international competitiveness in the region.
Three years from now, Europe will need nearly 500,000 more skilled resources than are available
on the job market … Eastern European nations face the widest skills gaps both today and in coming
years, although Hungary and the Czech Republic fare notably better. Russia is expected to have a
shortfall of 60,000 skilled technicians in 2008 ... But even in Europe’s leading economies, demand will
significantly outstrip supply. Although their gaps may be lower in percentage terms, the absolute
number of resources needed will be significant. Germany could lack 88,000 technicians in 2008, while
the UK and France could each face a gap of 40,000 people.
‘There is a perception that ICT [training] is no big deal. But in 2005, no country is really well
positioned. This is a wake up call for all of us,’ warns Yvon Le Roux, a vice president at Cisco. And
there are signs that Europe is already feeling the crunch. Half the organisations that had hired IT staff
in the last 12 months reported difficulty in finding candidates with the right skills. ‘When companies
start stealing employees from each other, there’s a gap,’ says IDC analyst Marianne Kolding ...
The gap is being driven both by the success of new technologies and a failure of training pro-
grammes to keep pace with adoption.
Source: Ian Limbach, Financial Times (2005a).
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36 Part 1 Overview

resource-based competitive advantage. The first of these concerns the scope for human
resource strategies to become a source of competitive advantage, and is related to the
assumptions of resource-based theory (Wright et al., 1994). The second explores the
evolutionary nature of developing resources and capabilities in practice and the implica-
tions of this for the role of human resource strategies (Mueller, 1996). Each of these is
discussed in turn.
The first problem is related to the definition of capability as a source of competitive
advantage that we discussed earlier. Barney (1991) defined resources and capabilities that
lead to sustained competitive advantage as ones that are not only valuable to an organisa-
tion but also rare, inimitable and non-substitutable. Wright et al. (1994) argue that it
would be very difficult for human resource strategies to be rare, inimitable and non-
substitutable, since by their generic nature they can be developed in many different organ-
isations. There is, for example, no shortage of books and articles about HRM, professing
good practice and discussing links to strategy; for this reason, HRM can hardly be thought
of as a mysterious set of practices, known only to those who enjoy competitive advantage
in a particular industry or sphere of operation! However, Wright et al. (1994) argue that,
while human resource practices cannot be a source of competitive advantage in them-
selves, they can nevertheless be linked to the development of core capability and
competitive advantage through their role in developing the human capital pool within an
organisation, and in particular by shaping employee behaviours that lead to effectiveness.
In this way, they argue that human resource practices moderate the relationship between
an organisation’s pool of human capital and its competitive performance. The existence of
a pool of human capital without appropriate human resource strategies, including prac-
tices related to selection, training, involvement, etc. as well as facilitative organisational
structures and culture, may result in reduced organisational performance. Conversely, it is
argued, appropriate human resource strategies will enhance organisational capabilities and
performance, and could lead to competitive advantage where a capability is not only valu-
able but also rare, inimitable and non-substitutable.
Significantly, this position recognises an organisation’s human resources as the source
of competitive advantage, not the human resource strategies that are used to build them.
It makes an important distinction between ‘human resources as a pool of human capital
and human resource practices’ (Wright et al., 1994: 317). Mueller (1996) follows this dis-
tinction by exploring the evolutionary nature of the ways in which resources are
developed and the implications of this for the role of human resource strategies. He
recognises that strategy and its relationship to human resource management have often
been portrayed in an overly rationalistic way. Instead Mueller (1996: 757) ‘proposes an
evolutionary approach to strategic human resources … [where] … truly valuable stra-
tegic assets are unlikely to result directly from senior management policies’. This
effectively returns us to the discussion earlier in this chapter about strategy as an emer-
gent process, where this is formed from a pattern of activities over time. We recognised
earlier that top-down planning approaches often make very simplified assumptions, do
not recognise factors such as social complexity or bounded rationality, and are unlikely
to be realised as intended.
Mueller proposes that strategic human resources are more likely to develop through a
process of evolution rather than as the result of short-term managerial interventions.
Mueller suggests that this can be facilitated by a number of factors. Management can
pursue a state of persistent strategic intent, perhaps underpinned by a unifying theme
such as the pursuit of continuous improvement. This will be important in terms of pro-
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Chapter 1 Strategy and human resource management 37

viding a focus around which strategy can develop over the longer term. Strategic human
resources can also be promoted by focusing on skills development related to the organisa-
tional routines that underpin organisational capabilities rather than more superficial
training and development programmes. They may also be promoted where there is
organisational recognition of and support for the various forms of spontaneous coopera-
tion and related employee behaviours that develop around organisational routines, linked
to desired capabilities. The role for human resource strategies therefore becomes one of
supporting these spontaneous forms of cooperation and behaviours to embed them into
organisational processes linked to organisational routines and desired capabilities.
Mueller also believes that human resources will be effective if they are integrated with
other strategies or policies aimed at promoting and developing organisational capabili-
ties. He sees this approach as a long-term one and refers to the development of ‘social
architecture’ in an organisation, which ‘results from ongoing skill formation activities,
incidental or informal learning, forms of spontaneous cooperation, the tacit knowledge
that accumulates as the – often unplanned – side-effect of intentional corporate behav-
iour’. Mueller’s view, then, is that human resources may provide a source of competitive
advantage but that the role and contribution of human resource strategies is likely to be a
secondary and supporting one in terms of developing strategic human resources. HRM
may be used to start a process of creating strategic human resources and also to help to
develop them but is not sufficient in terms of their realisation.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 1.4

How would you relate the resource-based view to the dichotomy between the
planning school and the learning school that we discussed earlier?


 Strategic management focuses on the scope and direction of an organisation, and

often involves dealing with uncertainty and complexity.
 Strategic human resource management is concerned with the relationship between
an organisation’s strategic management and the management of its human resources.
The exact nature of this relationship in practice, however, is likely to be difficult to
analyse and evaluate, not least because strategic management is a problematic area.
 Four approaches to strategy making were described and evaluated: the classical
approach, evolutionary perspectives, processual approach and systemic perspectives.
The implications of each of these approaches for human resource management were
subsequently analysed.
 Strategic integration was used to explore possible links between approaches to strat-
egy and human resource management. Integration has been recognised as a necessary
condition for HRM to be considered strategic although it is not sufficient to treat it as
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38 Part 1 Overview

the only link to define a strategic approach to HRM. Six possible strands of strategic
integration were identified.
 Resource-based theory was analysed because of its recognition of an organisation’s
internal resources as a potential source of competitive advantage. Forms of organisa-
tional capability were analysed and their relationship to human resource
management were evaluated.

Follow-up study suggestions

 Undertake a search of practitioner publications (related to HR and management),

identify a number of short articles about case study organisations that often feature
in these and select, say, two or three of them to identify references to or evidence of
any of the strategic management themes discussed in this chapter and their relation-
ships to the management of human resources.
 Seek out the possibility of talking to a senior manager in an organisation to discuss
the organisation’s approach to strategy making and the relationship between strategy
and HRM.
 Seek to identify the strategy-making processes used in this organisation and the key
influences that impact on and help to form the approach used.

Suggestions for research topics

 What are the key strategy-making processes used in organisation XYZ and what role
does the HR function play in the conduct of these processes?
 How does overall organisational strategy influence HR strategy? A survey of private
sector practice.
 To what degree are the organisation’s human resources consciously used to develop
strategically important capabilities in the organisation?
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Strategic human resource management:

2 a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 identify the major principles which underpin the concept of strategic human
resource management (SHRM);
 analyse the main theoretical approaches to SHRM;
 explain the history and origins of SHRM;
 evaluate the studies which aim to establish the link between SHRM and
organisational performance.
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40 Part 1 Overview

It is now to rather quaint and old-fashioned to hear the work undertaken by HR practition-
ers or HR departments referred to as ‘personnel’. The change which has seen ‘personnel’
re-titled as ‘HR’ has come about in the last few years. It is equally commonplace to hear
HR practitioners talk about the role they play in assisting the direction of the ‘business’ for
which they work (even HR practitioners in the public sector often refer to their organisations
as ‘businesses’). There is obviously an element of fashion in all this. It is clearly leaping
much too far ahead to think that just because a personnel department calls itself ‘HR’
and that it claims to play an important part in contributing to the organisation’s strategic
direction that it is engaging in SHRM. The reality is much more complicated than that.
This chapter takes the two topics of defining SHRM and examining the degree to
which SHRM may be said to be contributing to organisational performance as twin
themes. It is a far from straightforward journey since the process of defining SHRM is
complex and the plotting of a straight path between the conduct of HR practices and
organisational performance is fraught with ambiguities.

The contribution
What is The history and of SHRM to
Strategic HRM? origins of SHRM organisational

Key models:
The major
Universal Key studies
principles of
Matching (closed) and research
Matching (open)

Assessment and
evaluation of
the key models

Figure 2.1 Mapping the strategic human resource management territory: a summary diagram of the chapter content

What is strategic human resource management? Major

principles underpinning the concept

SHRM is such a complex, multi-faceted phenomenon that is not easy, nor is it particu-
larly helpful, to arrive at a neat all-encompassing definition. Indeed, were one to do so it
would be at best simplistic and at worst misleading. This and the following section of
this chapter clarify some of the major principles fundamental to SHRM and then
explain some of the differing perspectives on SHRM. The intention is not to paint a
black and white portrait of SHRM but to give an overview of the main strands of SHRM
thinking, which set the scene for the remaining chapters in this book.
Sisson (1990: 5) comes as close as any writer in his assessment of the four main prin-
ciples of SHRM, which are:
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Chapter 2 SHRM: a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational success? 41

1. A stress on the integration of personnel policies to form a coherent package, and with
business planning more generally.
2. The locus of responsibility for personnel management no longer resides with specialist
managers but is now assumed by senior line management.
3. The focus shifts from management–trade union relations to management–employee
relations, from collectivism to individualism.
4. There is stress on commitment and the exercise of initiative, with managers now
assuming the role of ‘enabler’, ‘empowerer’ and ‘facilitator’.
The first of Sisson’s principles is perhaps the most fundamental. Indeed, Sisson (1990: 5)
says that ‘the management of people becomes a critical element – some would say the critical
element – in the strategic management of the business’. SHRM derives its ‘strategic’ facet
from the link to wider business strategy and integration between the various HR policies,
procedures and practices: the first termed vertical integration and the second horizontal inte-
gration (Mabey et al., 1998). The second component goes some way to explaining why so
many HR practitioners in the larger organisations are now called ‘HR consultants’. Their
role is to support line managers with advice on the HR aspects of their roles, such as the
disciplining of staff in a way which is consistent with the organisation’s discipline policy
and procedure. The third component of Sisson’s assessment of the main principles of
SHRM relates to a change in the focus of the employment relationship. This has
changed from a concentration upon the relationship between management and trade
unions to that between management and individual employees. This sounds self-evident
in the second half of the first decade of the twenty-first century. The decline of trade
union power and influence is well documented (see Lewis et al., 2003c). Some of this
decline may be attributed to the way in which managers have sought to get ‘closer’ to
their employees through such initiatives as team briefing and other employee involve-
ment techniques (for evidence of the growth employee involvement in the 1990s see
Cully et al., 1999). Another of these employee involvement initiatives is the setting up of
problem-solving groups which are designed to achieve the commitment-seeking and
empowering aims of management noted in the fourth element of Sisson’s assessment.
Similarly Guest (1987) argues that there are four main principles of SHRM:
1. Integration of: relevant employment activities into general organisational strategies
and policies; between HR practices themselves; of line managers in the process of
people management; of all employees into the business.
2. High employee commitment to the goals and practices of the organisation.
3. High-quality staff and internal practices to achieve high-quality products.
4. Flexibility in terms of organisational structure, employee functions and job content
to enable the organisation to respond quickly to change.
There appears to be two similarities with Sisson’s four principles. They agree about
the integration of relevant employment activities into general organisational strategies
and policies and the existence of employee commitment to organisational goals.
It is difficult to argue with Guest’s third principle of high-quality staff and internal
practices producing high-quality products originating from general organisational
strategies and policies which reflect the necessity for such staff and practices. An exam-
ple of a company, the well-known DIY chain B&Q, using the internal HR practice of
giving employees recognition in order to generate commitment and, therefore, quality
customer service, is shown in ‘In Practice’ 2.1.
However, Guest’s fourth element of SHRM – a fluid and adaptive organisational struc-
ture in which flexible employees perform flexible jobs – is less straightforward. On the face
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42 Part 1 Overview

In Practice 2.1

Recognising employee performance at B&Q

B&Q engaged consultants to measure employee engagement across its 327 stores, reflecting the
company’s strong belief that higher employee commitment and satisfaction translates to better cus-
tomer service, which in turn drives higher profits.
A specific area that was targeted for company-wide improvement was that of ‘recognition’. A
question in the employee survey asked, ‘In the last seven days, have you received recognition or
praise for doing good work?’ B&Q’s HR director noted that the response to this question was satis-
factory but that it was an easy one to improve. So in 2002 he introduced what he calls ‘the best
recognition schemes in retail’. These are:
 The big B&Q thank you – a monthly award of £50 in Kingfisher Group vouchers for each store and
head office department for an employee with outstanding performance.
 The best of the best – an annual award for the highest-performing store staff adviser in each of six
job types, such as cashiers, customer advisers and goods-in staff. Each store nominates its best
performers in each category and they receive a small award, such as a bottle of champagne. The
names go forward to the regional office, which then picks the best out of the region’s stores and
makes more awards. Finally, the six best across all stores each receive a £10,000 home makeover.
 B&Q heroes – staff are invited to submit details of a dream they would like to fulfil and the most imag-
inative each year receives a year’s paid sabbatical plus £10,000 to try to pursue their ambition.
The three schemes cost around £500,000 a year and have brought a considerable rise in the
recognition score in the employee survey. The results are part of the store managers’ bonus scheme
which covers managers, deputy managers, assistant managers and team leaders. It is based on store
sales, as well as employee survey scores and customer service scores from 3,000 quarterly customer
interviews conducted by Gallup.
Source: adapted from IRS Employment Review (2003b).

of it, it is plausible to recognise that an organisational structure that is responsive to change

(e.g. enabling a project team comprising staff from different branches in different regions to
open a new retail store) will lead to greater organisational effectiveness than an unrespon-
sive, rigid structure. However, it is misleading to assume that all organisations are
characterised by change. Some are relatively stable and unchanging. The primary school, for
example, may have a stable staff, constant pupil numbers, and an unchanging organisational
mission (notwithstanding curriculum change). Contrast this with Boots, the giant UK
chemist chain, which has undergone a major restructuring programme in order to improve
profitability (BBC News Online, 2004b). Structural change will clearly be necessary at Boots
as it responds to a changing retail environment, whereas such a change may be quite unnec-
essary at the primary school. To deduce that SHRM is possible at Boots but not at the
primary school seems too simple. Boots has obviously developed a business strategy
embodying major change, part of which involves the trimming of staff costs, and to develop
an HR strategy consistent with this is not only plausible but desirable. However, the primary
school may also be in a position to pursue SHRM. If the school is deemed successful it may
want to pursue a strategy of ‘steady as we go’ and develop an HR strategy to reflect this desire
for stability. It seems that to have a flexible organisation is probably better than having an
inflexible one, but that is not the same as saying that for HRM to be strategic it must be
characterised by a flexible organisation structure.
Hendry and Pettigrew (1990: 21) also define SHRM in terms of four principles:
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Chapter 2 SHRM: a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational success? 43

1. the use of planning;

2. a coherent approach to the design and management of personnel systems based on an
employment policy and manpower strategy, and often underpinned by a ‘philosophy’;
3. matching HRM activities and policies to some explicit strategy;
4. seeing the people of the organisation as a ‘strategic resource’ for achieving competi-
tive advantage.
The first of Hendry and Pettigrew’s principles is implied in the emphasis upon strategy.
They argue that HR planning is an important part of meeting business needs. This is partic-
ularly so if it is based on competence development and career planning rather than simply
‘headcount’. The second and third are consistent with the principle of vertical integration
included in the lists of Sisson and Guest, albeit that they include the notion of personnel sys-
tems being based on a ‘philosophy’. Hendry and Pettigrew argue that having an HRM
philosophy is a way of ensuring that HR practices are governed not just by ‘technological,
social and economic circumstances but by a degree of idealism as well’ (Hendry and Petti-
grew, 1990: 21). The notion of an HR philosophy has become increasingly important to
many organisations in recent years and is often based on the well-known mission statement.

In Practice 2.2

BP work environment

We believe in creating a work environment of mutual trust, respect, inclusion and diversity. Everyone
who works for BP should know what’s expected of them in their jobs and have open and constructive
conversations about their performance.

What to expect
We believe in creating an environment where you can improve your mind, learn more, gain profes-
sional qualifications within your discipline, improve your résumé, and work with and be inspired by
like-minded individuals.

What do we expect?
We expect that you’ll give it your all; that you’ll share our vision for social responsibility and company,
team and individual growth; and that you’ll strive to make a difference every day. One thing is certain.
When you join BP, we want you to be the best you can be. And be yourself.

Open communications
We aim for a radical openness – transparent, questioning, restless and inclusive. A new approach from a
new company. We will be the magnet for people who want to change the world with new ideas, delivering
a performance standard that challenges the world’s best companies. Does that sound like you?

Our benefits vary a great deal from country to country, largely because regions vary so much.

Stock options
BP offers most of its employees an opportunity to acquire shares in the company, through savings-
related and matching arrangements. We also use a long-term performance plan and grant share
options as a part of employee remuneration. The exact offerings vary, depending on the country.
Source: BP (2004).
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44 Part 1 Overview

It is easy to dismiss such statements as being little more than a series of meaningless clichés
of the ‘people are our most important asset’ type. But such a statement of people manage-
ment philosophy seems to us to be important in a large multi-national corporation such as
BP. In Practice 2.2 portrays to prospective BP employees something of the nature of employ-
ment at BP which should apply to whichever part of the world that person is employed in.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 2.1

What value would you place in a philosophy statement similar to the BP example
above if you were searching for employment?

In a survey of 34 organisations (IRS, 2000) which have statements of employment

philsophies, the most prevalent values expressed were:
 honesty and integrity (featured in 44 per cent of statements);
 valuing others and equality (41 per cent);
 focus on customers (35 per cent);
 innovation (32 per cent)
 respect (29 per cent)
 teamwork (24 per cent)
 development (24 per cent)
 partnership (15 per cent)
 responsiveness (15 per cent).
The fourth principle of Hendry and Pettigrew, seeing the people of the organisation as a
‘strategic resource’ for achieving competitive advantage, implies two important values. The
first is contained in the B&Q policy statement on employee recognition (see In Practice
2.1) and in the list of values found to be prevalent among the organisations which
responded to the IRS (2000) survey. It is the focus on customers in order to gain competi-
tive advantage. Such focus has not restricted itself to the private sector, where one would
expect to find the enterprise culture at its liveliest. As du Gay and Salaman (1998: 59) note:
There can hardly be a school, hospital, social services department, university or col-
lege in the UK that has not in some way been permeated by the language of
enterprise. Enterprise has remorselessly reconceptualised and remodelled almost
everything in its path.
Du Gay and Salaman go on to argue that the reconceptualisation of employment, for
many, has found expression in the encouragement of competitiveness through small-
group working and promoting individual accountability and responsibility through
performance management schemes. Moreover, they argue, customer-focus philosophy
has generated the values of: enhanced productivity, quality assurance, the fostering of
innovation, and flexibility.
Those of us who are old enough to remember the pre-enterprise culture days are
familiar with the interests of the producer dominating those of the consumer. Just such a
tension can now be seen in China and parts of eastern Europe, where former Communist
economies are grappling with the change to market economies with the result that
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Chapter 2 SHRM: a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational success? 45

employees in many organisations are having for the first time to ask themselves ‘What is
best for the customer?’ not ‘What is best for us?’ It may be true that information technol-
ogy has revolutionised customer service but so has the revolution in organisational
attitudes. Computers have facilitated 24-hour banking but it needs management respon-
siveness to customer needs to have telephone lines staffed for 24 hours.
The second value enshrined in the fourth principle of Hendry and Pettigrew’s is that of
seeing the people of the organisation as a ‘strategic resource’. This strikes at the heart of
some of the earliest writing on HRM. It prompts the question of whether employees are to
be seen as human resources or resourceful humans (Morris, 1974). The former term recalls
Storey’s (1992) oft-quoted phrase that employees, when seen as human resources, are seen
as a ‘headcount resource’ and treated in as rational a way as ‘any other factor of production’
(Storey, 1992: 29). On the other hand, when employees are treated as ‘resourceful humans’,
the emphasis is upon training and development, employee involvement and all the other
HR practices which are designed to optimise the potential of employees. In reality, of
course, it is rarely an either/or situation as both views can co-exist in any organisation at
the same time. A major restructuring programme can, at the same time, involve major
redundancies and initiatives to invest in those employees who are seen as key to the success
of the restructuring programme. Whichever view is adopted, and whether the emphasis is
upon cost reduction or investment in human capital, the human resource is, as Hendry
and Pettigrew note, an important part of the organisation’s strategy
So far all that has been done is discuss a list of major principles underpinning the
concept of SHRM. They do not constitute a theory. It is important to articulate that
theory clearly now. This is that if SHRM is introduced then certain benefits, such as the
acquisition of a customer focused organisational culture, will be the consequence. Such
theories are discussed in the next section.

Main theoretical approaches to SHRM

So far, all that has been done is to outline some of the principles that underpin SHRM. So, if
one wanted to assess the extent to which the organisation’s HRM activities were ‘strategic’,
the best we could do would be to march along with these checklists and tick off those which
we felt were present. This sounds straightforward but unfortunately organisational life is not
as simple as that. The emphasis on integration, in the lists presented above, suggests that
some indication of how the various components of SHRM fit together and interact may be
more helpful. This introduces the idea of SHRM models which dominated the literature in
the early writing on the topic. These models are helpful because they highlight different ways
of thinking about SHRM, but, more importantly, they reinforce, and elaborate, that most
significant of SHRM principles – the link between organisational strategy and HR strategy.
It is not possible to cover all the various SHRM models in this chapter, so some of the
more influential ones in relation to the way in which they portray the link between
organisational strategy and HR strategy are categorised. There are three categories,
labelled: universal models; matching models (closed); and matching models (open) (see
Figure 2.2). The universal approach assumes that there are ‘best HR practices’ which
promise success irrespective of organisational circumstances. The matching models
(closed) approach specifies HR policies and practices which are relevant to specific
organisational situations, whereas the matching models (open) approach defines the
employee behaviours necessitated by the organisation’s overall strategy. These behaviours
are to be delivered through the HR strategy. We now go into more detail on each of these.
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46 Part 1 Overview


Matching Matching
models models
(closed) (open)

Figure 2.2 Three theoretical approaches to strategic HRM.

Universal models
The approach here is, on the face of it, very straightforward. It suggests that there is ‘one
best way’ of achieving HR effectiveness. The link between organisational strategy and
HR strategy is still emphasised but advocates of the universalistic school argue that this
involves top management giving ‘HR practices the profile they deserve in the senior
management process’ (Boxall and Purcell, 2003: 61). Boxall and Purcell go on to say that
the universalists stress the importance of:
 top management commitment to key HR practices;
 researching the leading edge of best practice;
 publicising commitment to specific best practices;
 measuring progress towards the best practices;
 rewarding line managers for the consistent implementation of the best practices.
Everybody is familiar with the universalist approach. It can be seen in most prescrip-
tive texts, particularly in the many ‘how to be a successful manager’ type of books which
have appeared in recent years. Perhaps the most influential of these is In search of Excel-
lence (Peters and Waterman, 1982). One of the eight key attributes that formed the basis
of Peters and Waterman’s prescription for organisational success was ‘productivity
through people’ – where ‘employees are seen as the key resources of the organisation
and this is emphasised in involvement programmes and through activities designed to
reinforce in employees the importance of their contribution to the success of the organi-
sation and therefore to their own rewards’ (Guest, 1992: 6).
The appeal of these books is their simplicity, but this is also their shortcoming. If the
process of managing is as simple as following a magic number of golden rules then, pre-
sumably, the only unsuccessful managers would be those that never read the books!
There is something a little demeaning in this. There are no books which promise to turn
people into successful doctors, or lawyers or teachers in ten easy steps. Managing is a
complex process underpinned by a wealth of social science theory. If it could be learned
by following a few easy steps then presumably many readers of this book would not be
spending valuable time and money studying the subject.
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Chapter 2 SHRM: a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational success? 47

Before the idea of universalism is dismissed, some of the prescriptions must be exam-
ined. In doing so it must be admitted that there is some sense in the best-practice
approach. Few would deny, for example, that it is better to select employees on the basis
of the demands of the job rather than some vague notion of who may be the ‘best’
person. Similarly, to analyse training needs and set clear training objectives is preferable
to adopting a haphazard approach to training. But we have already demonstrated that an
important aspect of SHRM is that of integration. So immediately there appears to be a
problem with universalism in that often the ‘golden rules’ are discrete; there is no clear
sense of the way in which they interact with one another to produce an effective package.
But before critiquing the universalist approach, an examination of two of the HR-
specific ‘best practice’ prescriptions is conducted. The first, that of Walton (1985), was
extremely influential in early SHRM thinking, and, for that matter, still is. One then goes
on to consider the more recent, and equally well-known, work of Pfeffer (1998).
Walton’s (1985) argument was so influential because he did much to popularise the
idea that certain HR practices implemented in specific ways gave rise to employee com-
mitment; a theme that has subsequently been taken up with great enthusiasm by
academics and managers alike. For Walton this was important because he felt that
American managers (UK managers were little different) had failed to motivate their
employees and realise their latent abilities. Moreover, there had been failure to engage
employees in any sort of partnership, which Walton felt was necessary to serve the inter-
ests of the organisation’s stakeholders. Walton made his theory quite clear. It sounds as
persuasive today as it did 20 years ago.
The strategy of eliciting employee commitment requires that management overhaul a
large number of human resource policy areas. The common theme in the revision of
these policies is the increased mutuality between workers and managers and between
employees and employers. Thus, the new management strategy involves policies that
promote mutuality in order to elicit employee commitment, which in turn can generate
increased economic effectiveness and human development.
(Walton, 1985: 36)
Walton contrasted his commitment model with the traditional model of employee
control which owed much to the scientific management thinking of F.W. Taylor. The sci-
entific management quest was to establish order and control to achieve efficiency. By
contrast, the commitment model is designed to generate high levels of mutual trust
without which ‘management is forced to reinstitute controls to ensure acceptable per-
formance’ (Walton, 1985: 50).
The HR policy areas which Walton highlighted are shown in Table 2.1.
Pfeffer’s (1998) seven practices of successful organisations are shown in Figure 2.3
and have some similarities with Walton’s model, particularly in the policy areas of
teams, reward, employment assurance and employee voice.
The seven practices are:
1. The provision of employment security.
2. Systematic recruitment and selection.
3. Self-managed teams and the decentralisation of decision making as the basic princi-
ples of organisational design.
4. Comparatively high levels of reward based on organisational performance.
5. High investment in staff training.
6. Reduced status differences.
7. Sharing financial and performance information with all the organisation’s employees.
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48 Part 1 Overview

Table 2.1 HR policy areas and the main characteristics with which they are associated

HR policy area Main characteristics

Job design Jobs to be broader and combine planning and implementation; teams to be
emphasised as units of accountability
Performance expectation Emphasis on ‘stretch objectives’; dynamic and based on continuous improvement
Management organisation Flat; emphasises shared goals; based on expertise not position; status differences
Reward Emphasis upon reinforcing group achievement; emphasis upon contribution not job
Employment assurance Great care to be taken to avoid redundancies
Employee voice Mechanisms to be developed for employee involvement; importance placed on
communication of information to employees
Employment relations Less adversarial; develop scope for joint problem solving
Management philosophy Inspiring; legitimate claims of all stakeholders acknowledged; employee needs as
goal not means to end

Source: developed from Walton (1985).

data with

Reduced Systematic
status recruitment
differences and

Provision of

training Self-managed
investment teams


Figure 2.3 Pfeffer’s seven practices of successful organisations

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Chapter 2 SHRM: a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational success? 49

This chapter will not go into the detail of each of Pfeffer’s seven practices, any more
than it has done with Walton’s, since only these approaches to SHRM are used as exam-
ples of best practice rather than definitive models. More detail on such issues as
recruitment and selection, reward and training are found in later chapters of this book.
However, it is appropriate to give some idea of the main thrust of Pfeffer’s thinking.
Pfeffer argues that employment security is fundamental to the operation of his
seven practices because organisations are unlikely to invest resources in the careful
screening and training of new people if those people are not expected to be with the
organisation long enough for it to recover these investments. He also argues that dele-
gation of operating authority and the sharing of sensitive performance and strategic
information require trust, which is much more likely to emerge in a system of mutual,
long-term commitments.
Central to Pfeffer’s list are the three practices which form the kernel of most HR sys-
tems: recruitment and selection; training; and reward. It is no surprise that Pfeffer
emphasises the importance of systematic recruitment and selection of new employees
with particular attention being paid to a fit between the critical skills, behaviours and
attitudes necessary for successful job performance. Neither is it a surprise that high
investment in staff training is advocated. But Pfeffer bemoans the fact that in the USA
(and, all too often, in the UK) an irrational cycle occurs where training budgets are cut
in times when organisations are not prospering and employees have more time to
undertake training. The same budgets are plentiful in profitable times when employees
have less time to pursue training. The linkage of reward to organisational performance
is central to many high-performance work systems, as explained later in this chapter. It
is also a fundamental component of strategic reward systems, as Chapter 12 illustrates.
There is a logical thread that runs through the remaining three of Pfeffer’s seven
practices of successful organisations: organisational design based on self-managed
teams and the decentralisation of decision making; reduced status differences; and
sharing financial and performance information with all the organisation’s employees.
Pfeffer claims a number of benefits for these practices, all of which have a plausible
ring to them. The general thrust of his argument for all three is that better-quality
decisions will result if those who have to implement the decisions are involved in their
making and possess the necessary information to make those decisions. Moreover, the
process of employee involvement, and the erosion of status differentials (particularly
between white and blue collar employees) will send a symbolic message to employees
that they are trusted and valued with the result that levels of motivation and job satis-
faction will increase.
This chapter may be accused here of suggesting that both Walton and Pfeffer are
oversimplifying their approaches. In fairness, both warn against assuming that imple-
menting the policies they advocate is unproblematic. In addition, Pfeffer points out that
implementing his seven practices piecemeal may be counter-productive. An example of
this may be where organisations are unlikely to derive benefit from their commitment to
training unless changes in work organisation permit these more skilled people to actu-
ally implement their knowledge.
Pfeffer acknowledges the point that the individual practices must be aligned with one
another and be consistent with the overall direction of the organisation if they are to
have a beneficial effect upon organisational performance.
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50 Part 1 Overview

Problems with the universalist models

The problem of list composition
The first problem for universalists is agreeing on which HR practices are essential for the
delivery of enhanced organisational performance. The similarity between some of the
practices in the lists of Walton and Pfeffer implies that agreement over some of the
basics, such as effective selection and training activity, may be straightforward but there
are areas, such as collective employee representation either through trade unions or
internal employee committees, which may be much less so. Our immediate reaction to
the question as to whether collective employee representation is likely to be associated
with effective HR and organisational performance is that it depends on the context in
which the organisation operates. It may be appropriate in a giant national employer in
Sweden where there is a high level of trade union organisation, but less so in a small
software design company in the USA.

The problem of context

The clearest difficulty with universalist models of SHRM is that they ignore the context
in which SHRM operates. It seems an immediately plausible argument that a universal-
ist recipe applied in one organisation may not yield the same results in another
organisation. There may be a host of reasons for this which Boxall and Purcell (2003)
classify as originating from differences in national, sectoral and organisation contexts.
There is a growing amount of international HRM literature which warns against the
assumption that simply transplanting management practices from one country to
another may result in widely differing consequences (see Key Concepts 2.1). The more
those countries differ in relation to such factors as culture, work organisation, economic
and political systems and what Gamble (2003) calls ‘national business systems’ (embed-
dedness in national institutional structures) the more care needs to be exercised.
Sectoral differences within countries may pose as many problems for universal advo-
cacy of HR practices as transnational differences. Sectors of employment may, of course,
be differentiated by the market for products or services in which they operate, organisa-
tional size or ownership. An obvious difference suggests itself between the large
organisations operating in product markets characterised by the need for high added-
value (e.g. telecommunications, computing) where sophisticated technology is used by
professional and technical workers and small organisations using limited skills in low
value-added operations (e.g. garment manufacturing, catering). The 1998 Workplace
Employee Relations Survey (Cully et al., 1999) notes, for example, that key HR practices,
such as performance appraisal, were not operated by two-thirds of small workplaces
(less than 100 employees). A major factor in the consideration of the difference between
the likely consequences of implementing the same HR practices in large and small
organisations is the level of sophistication in the management of employees. The follow-
ing quote from Dundon et al.’s (1999) case study of a small commercial truck dealer
illustrates this point. Here, managers outside the family circle tended to be time-served
ex-mechanics or sales reps. Dundon et al. report one manager as recalling:
The problem with motor trade managers is that they’ve had very little training – par-
ticularly in people and communication skills – they’ve got very rough and ready
management skills.
(Dundon et al., 1999: 255)

The enormous amount of attention paid to organisational culture in recent years

raises the obvious point that what is done in one organisation, even if all other variables
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Chapter 2 SHRM: a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational success? 51

Key Concepts 2.1

Performance management in China

The development of performance management in Chinese organisations poses problems of cultural

adaptation. This is particularly so in organisations owned by the state. These organisations have a
greater legacy of management ineffectiveness to overcome than foreign – investing – companies.
However, it is a potential difficulty for all organisations which employ Chinese nationals. Some of
these problems are fundamental to performance management, including: the processes of assigning
objectives; setting performance measures; giving performance feedback to employees; and tying pay
to individual performance.
The major cultural barrier is the relative reluctance of Chinese society to embrace the concept of
individualism – the very essence of performance management. Child (1994: 181) talks of ‘the identifi-
cation of merit by reference to objective performance criteria and the encouragement of personal
ambition … [as] … the side of personnel management furthest removed from the collective norms of
Chinese tradition and socialist ideology’. One consequence of this is that the notion of individual
responsibility for the acceptance of personal job performance objectives is alien to traditional Chinese
custom. The same applies to a spirit of openness in giving employees feedback (criticism or praise)
on their job performance. This reluctance to engage in both objective setting and feedback giving,
stems from several sources. Among the most telling of these is the complex sociological phenome-
non of ‘face’ which imposes upon Chinese the need to maintain harmony in social settings. In
addition, the legacy of the ‘iron rice bowl’ system of lifetime employment created an employment cul-
ture where high individual employee performance was of scant importance. There is also the
traditional Chinese concern with bureaucracy, which may be used as a shield behind which those
who do not wish to accept personal responsibility may hide. Bureaucracy also leads to the develop-
ment of ‘meaningless’ performance objectives, which do little to improve individual job performance.
The traditional Chinese attitude to reward is also inconsistent with the concept of individual per-
formance management. This has reflected the Communist concern with equality. Consequently, pay
differences among those in different professions and at different levels of responsibility have been
much lower than in Europe and North America. In China, rather than individual performance driving
compensation levels, it has been seniority, political orientation and nepotism (Ding et al., 1997).
Source: Lewis (2003a).

such as country, size and product market, are held constant may ‘work’ differently in
another. This is why multi-national corporations, such as McDonald’s, work so hard at
attempting to inculcate a standard culture across countries. More is said about this in
Chapter 3.

The problem of the absence of employee voice

The point is made below (in more detail) that one of the major problems with the uni-
versalist and matching (closed) models of SHRM is that they are essentially unitarist in
that they assume a managerial view of the world without taking into account the
employee perspective. The universalist position, as represented here by Walton and Pfef-
fer, is one that assumes unity of employee and employer interest and that if problems
arise with the consequence that the desired results do not flow from the recommended
HR practices then these are the result of faulty implementation rather than the sub-
stance of the practices themselves (Marchington and Grugulis, 2000).
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52 Part 1 Overview

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 2.2

In what ways do you think the presence of employee voice may be helpful to the
implementation of universalist HR initiatives?

Matching models (closed)

This school of SHRM thinking has argued that there is a clear and mutually supportive
relationship between organisational strategy and HR strategy and goes on to say that
this relationship gives rise to the implementation of specific HR initiatives. That is to say
the match between the organisational strategy and HR strategy is closed and prescribed
in the sense that a particular type of organisational strategy suggests the need for a spe-
cific HR strategy and set of practices.
The first of these comes from one of the earliest and most influential sources – Fom-
brun et al. (1984). They relate HRM activities to organisational strategy and structure
(see Table 2.2). In this model it is simple to ‘read off ’ what an organisation should do in
terms of the various HR activities when it is at a particular stage of development.
Fombrun et al. (1984) describe their model as an attempt to fit their four generic HR
systems (selection, appraisal, reward and development) to the different stages of growth
that organisations go through from start-up to maturity. As such they were adapting the
work of Galbraith and Nathanson (1978).
Fombrun et al. (1984) nail their colours firmly to the mast in their attempt to elevate
their model to the status of a predictive theory. Their argument is that just as organisa-
tions will encouter inefficiencies when they try to implement new strategies with
outmoded structures they will also face problems of implementation when they attempt
to implement new strategies with inappropriate human resource systems. For Fombrun
et al. the critical managerial task is to align the formal structure of the human resource
systems so that they drive the strategic objectives of the organisation.
Baird and Meshoulam (1988) and Kochan and Barocci (1985) also link HR activities
to stages in the organisation’s development. Baird and Meshoulam’s model moves from
the first stage of initiation (the start-up stage) to the final stage of strategic integration
(the management focus is upon flexibility, adaptability and integration across all busi-
ness functions). As organisations move through the stages, the various HR components
(e.g. management of the HR function, role of line managers and HR skills) become
increasingly sophisticated. So management of the HR function moves from being absent
or informal in the initiation stage to integrated with the strategic direction of the busi-
ness in the strategic integration stage. Kochan and Barocci advocate three stages –
growth, maturity and decline – and prescribe different HR activities under the headings
of recruitment and staffing, compensation and benefits, training and development, and
employee relations.
Schuler and Jackson’s (1987) approach is a little different. They draw upon the well-
known work of Porter (1985) and, in particular, his three main types of organisational
strategies: innovation, quality enhancement and cost reduction (see Key Concepts 2.2).
Schuler and Jackson’s argument is that differing organisational strategies require from
employees different behaviours which may be fostered through the practice of different
HR techniques.
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Table 2.2 HRM links to strategy and structure

Strategy Structure Selection Appraisal Reward Development

Single product Functional Functionally Subjective: Unsystematic, Unsystematic,

oriented: assessment determined in based on
subjective through a paternalistic experience in the
criteria used personal manner single function
discussions focus

Single product Functional Functionally Impersonal Performance- Functional

(vertically oriented: assessment related based on specialists with
integrated) standardised based on cost productivity data some generalists:
criteria used and productivity largely job rotation.

Growth by Separate self- Functionally Impersonal: Formula-based Cross-functional

acquisition contained oriented, but based on return including but not
(holding businesses businesses may on investment return on cross-business
company) of vary in extent of and profitability investment and
an unrelated systematic profitability
business approach

Related Multi-divisional Functionally and Impersonal: Large bonuses Cross-functional,

diversification of generalist based on return based on cross-divisional
product lines oriented: on investment, profitability and and cross-
through internal systematic productivity and subjective corporate/
growth and criteria used subjective assessment of divisional: formal
acquisition assessment of contribution to
contribution to the company
the business

Multiple Global Functionally and Impersonal: Bonuses: based Cross-divisional

products in organisation generalist based on on multiple and cross-
multiple (geographic oriented: multiple goals planned goals subsidiary to
countries centre and systematic such as return with some top corporate: formal
worldwide) criteria used on investment, management and systematic
profit tailored to discretion
product and

Source: adapted from Fombrun et al. (1984).

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54 Part 1 Overview

Key Concepts 2.2

Porter’s three main types of organisational strategies

Developing products or services different from those offered by competitors – the primary focus on
offering something new and different.

Enhancing product and/or service quality

Being right the first time every time – continual improvement.

Cost reduction
Gaining competitive advantage through being the lowest-cost producer by the use of tight controls,
minimising overheads and pursuit of economies of scale.
Source: developed from Schuler and Jackson (1987).

Schuler and Jackson (1987: 208) define employee behaviours in terms of ‘what is
needed from an employee who works with other employees in a social environment …
rather than thinking about task-specific skills, knowledge and abilities to perform a spe-
cific task’. There are 12 such behaviours which may be assessed by the degree to which
the role demands:
1. creativity;
2. a long/short time focus;
3. independence;
4. concern for quality;
5. concern for quantity;
6. risk taking;
7. concern for process;
8. the assumption of responsibility;
9. flexibility;
10. tolerance of unpredictability;
11. skill application;
12. job (or organisational) involvement.
Table 2.3 shows the required employee behaviours for each of Porter’s three main
types of organisational strategies and the HR techniques that are likely to foster these
different behaviours from employees.
Such matching models are deceptively simple and contain a certain appeal. It must be
of some comfort to the HR director to decide which of the strategies his or her organisa-
tion is pursuing and devise an HR strategy accordingly. But, as ever, life is not as simple
as that. The matching models (closed) are not without their problems.
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Table 2.3 Required employee behaviours for each of Porter’s three main types of organisational strategy and the HR
techniques needed to foster these behaviours

Type of strategy Required employee Accompanying HR

behaviours techniques

Innovation  High degree of creativity  Select high-skill employees

 Longer-term focus  Allow employees to develop skills which
 High degree of cooperation and may be used in other organisational
interdependence positions
 Equal attention to process and results  Performance appraisal which assesses
 High degree of risk-taking individual and group performance
 High tolerance of ambiguity  Rewards which are lower in base pay but
reflect organisational performance and
internal equity
 Broad career paths
 Give employees discretion
 High investment in human resources
 Tolerance of occasional failure
 Longer-term focus for performance

Quality  Repetitive and predictable behaviours  Fixed and explicit job descriptions
enhancement  Long to intermediate-term focus  Employee participation in job-level
 Modest degree of cooperation and decisions
interdependence  High emphasis upon empowerment
 High concern for quality  High emphasis upon teamwork
 Modest concern for quantity  Concern for giving employees feedback
 High concern for process  Some emphasis upon job security
 Low risk-taking  High attention to training and development
 High commitment to organisational goals

Cost reduction  Repetitive and predictable behaviours  Tightly defined jobs

 Short–term focus  Emphasis upon organisational ‘rightsizing’
 Primarily autonomous, individual activity  Monitoring of market rates to ensure no
 Modest concern for quality upward pay drift
 High concern for quantity  High concern for results in performance
 High concern for results management
 Low risk-taking  Increased use of part-time employees
 Comfortable with stability and subcontactors
 Work simplification
 Temporal (i.e. flexible hours/shifts/days)
 Little attention to training and development

Source: developed from Schuler and Jackson (1987).

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56 Part 1 Overview

Problems with the matching models (closed)

The problem of strategy ambiguity
Perhaps the most apparent difficulty with the idea of a neat matching of organisation
strategy and HR strategy is that of assuming that both are defined clearly within the
organisation. Moreover, that both are capable of clear definition. In Chapter 1 it is
asserted that the formation of strategy is not as simple as managers sitting down and
deciding which strategy to pursue. It may be as deliberate as this or may emerge as a
process of trial and error (Mintzberg and Waters, 1989). So if the idea of strategy is
accepted (both organisation strategy and HR strategy), emerging over time, then, the
idea of HR strategy following organisation strategy becomes a somewhat messier and
longer drawn-out process.
There has also been criticism (e.g. Boxall, 1992) of the extent to which it is possible to
generalise about organisational strategies in the way in which they are portrayed in the
models above. If Porter’s three generic strategies are taken as an example, it appears that
Schuler and Jackson are treating them as independent of one another, whereas the real-
ity for many organisations is that they are pursued in tandem, as the example of Tesco
(see In Practice 2.3) amply illustrates. Indeed, suggesting that these generic strategies are
independent of one another seems illogical. While it may be that many organisations
admit to not being particularly innovative, perhaps with good reason, there can be few
who do not pursue the twin goals of quality enhancement and cost reduction. Both
these goals point the way to competitive advantage. Neither is it only in the private
sector that these twin goals are relevant. The explicit message of the ‘best value’ initiative
in UK local government is to provide better-quality service from a reduced cost base.
Best Value Performance Indicators exist because of the duty of best value, which
requires local authorities (and other best value authorities) to seek to achieve continu-
ous improvement by having regard to the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of
their service delivery. To see if local authorities are achieving best value central govern-
ment departments set measures of performance against key service delivery areas.
(Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2004)

In Practice 2.3

Pursuing strategies of innovation and quality enhancement at Tesco

Tesco, the UK’s biggest supermarket chain, is well known for its aggressive pricing policy. This was
the way in which the company built its business from modest beginnings. Yet the company has grown
to its present size pursuing simultaneously strategies of growth through quality, price and innovation.
Tesco operates more than 2,300 stores in 13 countries, including Japan, Poland, Turkey, Hungary,
and a joint venture in China. Tesco said sales at its international operations in Asia and central and
eastern Europe were up 13.1 per cent in 2004. It added that it intended to create 25,000 jobs world-
wide in 2005, including about 11,000 in the UK (BBC News Online, 2005b).
Tesco’s commitment to quality customer service is reflected in its HR policies. The company was
one of the first to sign a partnership deal with its trade union, USDAW. The company reasoned that
delivering the required level of customer service depended on enthusiastic staff who feel they are
valued. The partnership deal allows for communication and consultation at all levels of the organisa-
tion (Thornhill et al., 2000).
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Chapter 2 SHRM: a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational success? 57

Another way in which the notion of organisational strategy is oversimplified con-

cerns the tendency to assume that one organisation equates to one strategy. This ignores
the multi-national, multi-divisional and multi-product companies where operational
managers have limited knowledge of what is going on in other parts of the organisation
(Purcell, 1999). This makes HR strategy forming even more confusing and complex.
Purcell makes another point about the oversimplification of the closed matching
models. He argues that they only look at business strategies and (with the obvious
exception of HR) ignore those operational strategies that are needed to put the business
strategies into effect. Such operational strategies may spell the need for different HR
strategies from those suggested by the main business strategy. This highlights the prob-
lem of the difficulty of assuming that specific types of organisational strategy give rise to
specific types of HR strategy. Purcell cites the example of the company (Pirelli Cables)
which pursued cost minimisation through heavy investment in high-technology pro-
duction systems. Schuler and Jackson’s (1987) model prescribes little attention to
training and development. Yet, in Purcell’s example, the importance of maximising the
potential of the new technology was such that learning new skills and knowledge
became an important HR goal.
Another problem of strategic ambiguity is that the matching models (closed) make
the assumption that the same HR techniques may be applied to all employees in the
organisation pursuing the particular strategy. Intuitively this seems suspect. Schuler and
Jackson’s innovation strategy, for example, talks of low base pay in favour of rewards
that link to organisational performance. However, the reality is that different employees
prefer different reward packages due to differing personal circumstances. This is, of
course, the theory behind flexible reward packages that enable employees to choose
which package suits their needs.
The final ambiguity with this approach to SHRM theorising concerns the assumption
that it is inevitable that HR strategy follows organisational strategy. It is by no means
automatic that this may be so. The logical flow may be the other way around; that is that
organisational strategy is determined largely by HR strategy. This is the so-called
resource-based view of strategy which was covered Chapter 1. It may be that, particu-
larly for small organisations in specialist product markets, the organisation’s competitive
advantage is built around the unique competences of key employees making HR-led
organisational strategy formulation a real possibility. What this does point to is, perhaps,
the key problem with the assumption that HR strategy neatly follows organisational
strategy: that of the impossibility of defining and modelling all the contingent variables
and their interconnection and of predicting the effect that changing one variable will
have on others (Purcell, 1999).

The problem of managerialism

A rather basic weakness of the matching models (closed) is the way in which this
approach assumes that managers will conceive and implement strategies without con-
sidering the perspective of employees. Given that HR strategies directly affect the
working lives, and livelihoods, of employees this is a very considerable weakness. It
betrays a unitarist perspective on the employment relationship (see Key Concepts 2.3)
which is managerialist and pays no regard to the fact that employees may oppose the
wishes of management. This may take several forms; for example, individual complaints,
banding together with other employees to seek the help of a trade union, resignation or,
at best, sullenly complying with management wishes.
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58 Part 1 Overview

Key Concepts 2.3

The unitarist view of the employment relationship

 The employees of the organisation are seen as a team, unified by a common purpose with all
employees pursuing the same goal.
 There is a single source of authority – that source being management.
 Since all employees are pursuing the same goal, conflict is irrational; it must be the result of poor
communication or ‘troublemakers’ at work who do not share the common purpose.
 The presence of third parties to the employment relationship is intrusive, therefore there is no place
for trade unions.
Source: developed from Fox (1966).

Such opposition is, of course, of vital importance to management implementing

SHRM since all organisational strategies require at least the cooperation, if not the
wholehearted commitment, of employees. Boxall and Purcell (2003) make the valid
point that being mindful of employee interests is vital for organisations in highly com-
petitive product and labour markets, where attracting and retaining key staff may pose
real problems. Cooperation and commitment certainly cannot be taken for granted, yet
the coverage of SHRM so far in this chapter has strangely little to say about the topic of
employee motivation. This is curious as it is accepted that this is one of the central tenets
of the management of people. As Boxall (1992: 68) says when he sums up the manageri-
alist stance neatly: ‘HRM appears as something that is “done to” passive human
resources rather than something that is “done with” active human beings”’. Similarly,
Hendry and Pettigrew (1990: 23) reason that such an approach means that employees
are ‘excised from the equation’.

The problem of implementation

Boxall (1992) and Boxall and Purcell (2003) make the point that the SHRM matching
models (closed) are rather ‘static’ in that they pay little attention to the fact that organi-
sations’ operating environments are constantly changing. On the one hand, ‘fit’ points to
a certain unchanging rigidity, whereas ‘flexibility’ suggests dynamism and the ability to
cope with ever-changing environments. Indeed, Wright and Snell (1998) note that the
strategic fit and organisational flexibility are, on the face of it, in conflict. Clearly there
are implications here for the management of HR which relate to the point made above
about the assumption of a model of SHRM appearing as something that is ‘done to’ pas-
sive human resources. Dynamism implies the need for employees who can cope with
change and an HR quest to attract, develop and retain key employees who can anticipate
or, indeed, promote change as well as cope with the change when it occurs. The SHRM
model in this case does not simply flow from organisational strategy to HR strategy but
is constantly flowing between the two as change demands different responses from both.
A final point to be made here about problems of implementing the SHRM matching
models (closed) is the unproblematic view that they take of organisational life. To think
that simply designing the HR strategy in accordance with the prescription will yield ‘suc-
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cess’, ignores the host of variables that may conspire to render such an outcome unlikely. In
short, the deterministic perspective is based on assumptions of rationality and unitarism
which disregard the political realities of organisational life (Keenoy, 1990) not the least of
which involve resistance to any threat to existing power bases (see In Practice 2.4).

In Practice 2.4
Lloyds TSB workers threaten to strike in protest over strategic plans to move
call centre jobs to India

Members of finance union Unifi at Lloyds TSB are being balloted over the next few weeks after the
move, which would lead to the loss of 1,000 jobs in Newcastle. The union national officer of Unifi,
said: ‘Staff at the call centre feel completely let down that the bank is putting profits before people.
They want the opportunity to voice their disgust at the way they are being treated.’
A spokeswoman for Lloyds TSB has said the decision to close had been a difficult one and any
staff reductions would hopefully be made through staff turnover and redeployment.
Source: BBC News Online (2003).

Matching models (open)

The open approach to SHRM also argues the existence of a clear and mutually support-
ive relationship between organisational strategy and HR strategy. However, it differs
from the closed approach in that the HR strategy initiatives should not be prescribed,
following from the organisational strategy, but should be left open. In other words, the
test of the degree to which the HR strategy is truly ‘strategic’ is a test of its appropriate-
ness (Mabey et al., 1998) to the organisational strategy.
In the authors’ view the model that best summarises this approach is that of Mabey et
al. (1998). These authors argue that the closed and open approaches to SHRM have
much in common, not least that there should be a close and mutually supportive
relationship between organisational strategy and HR strategy.
To summarise the Mabey et al. model, the operating environment (both external and
internal) in which the organisation finds itself gives rise to the development of an organ-
isational strategy that requires specific desired employee behaviours to be adopted if it is
to be achieved. These desired behaviours are pursued through the HR strategy. This con-
sists of three ‘key levers’ (structural, cultural and personnel strategies), which are
intended to subsume all aspects of organisation that impact upon employees’ behaviour.
In the same way as there is to be a close and mutually supportive relationship between
organisational strategy and HR strategy, so the same degree of mutual support is
expected between the three components of the HR strategy.
This organisational strategy is called corporate strategy in the model (see Figure 2.4).
Mabey and Salaman (1995) use the terms ‘corporate strategy’ and ‘business strategy’
interchangeably. This ignores Purcell’s (1995) clear distinction between the two, which
has the former as ‘those taken at the centre covering the whole enterprise’ (Purcell, 1995:
66) in multi-product and multi-divisional firms. Business strategies are ‘lower down at
the division or business unit level and related to the products made or the market
served’ (Purcell, 1995: 66). The absence of clear definition of this term means its use in
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60 Part 1 Overview



Cultural HR Structural
strategies strategies strategies



Figure 2.4 The ‘open’ SHRM model

Source: developed from Mabey et al. (1998).

Mabey et al.’s model is ambiguous. It could be used in either sense. But what is clear is
the intention of the authors is to convey an impression of strategy driven by wider
organisational purpose which has clear strategy, policy and practice implications for
HRM (see Key Concepts 2.4).
Like all the models explained in this part of the chapter, Mabey et al.’s has a strong
prescriptive ring to it. The authors argue that:
… competitive advantage will accrue to those organisations best able to exploit environ-
mental opportunities and avoid or survive threats; and that the strategic management of
human resources will assist organisations in this by encouraging and generating the
appropriate sets of behaviours, attitudes and competences from employees.
(Mabey et al., 1998: 71)

However, the appeal of the Mabey et al. model is that the nature of the organisational
strategy is not prescribed, neither is the content of the cultural, HR operational and
structural strategies, or, indeed, the desired employee behaviours. It all depends upon
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Key Concepts 2.4

Using the open SHRM model to change employee behaviours in a high
street book multiple retailer

Bookworm was facing competition from a range of alternative suppliers of retail books, principally the
specialist and generalist online suppliers. This meant that the company had to change dramatically
from the way in which it had operated traditionally, which could be characterised as rather staid,
formal, conservative and responding to the demands of the customer. The new retail book environ-
ment needed to be sharper and more entrepreneurial, always thinking up new ideas to anticipate and
meet customer needs.
This meant that Bookworm needed to change the behaviours of its employees, with the emphasis
being upon ‘business-getting’ salespeople rather than ‘librarians’. The newly appointed HR director
went about planning an HR strategy to deliver this change. This involved designing HR activities to
complement the three ‘key levers’ (structural, cultural and personnel strategies) which would have an
impact on employees’ behaviour.
She started by defining the desired employee behaviours. One of these was that she particularly
wanted employees to take responsibility, to think for themselves and not refer every minor decision
(for example, on what specialist books to stock) to central managers. This involved changing the
structure of the organisation with fewer managers and therefore shorter reporting lines.
In terms of personnel strategies, the HR director changed the template of required skills used for
selection, training and appraisal purposes, and devised a new individual performance-related pay
scheme to reflect the importance of employees demonstrating more responsibility in anticipating and
meeting customer needs. She resisted the temptation to implement a major training programme
under the banner of ‘major cultural change’, reasoning that making these changes to structure and
personnel strategies would, by themselves, change the Bookworm culture over time.

the unique organisational context. That said, the Mabey et al. model should be treated
with similar caution to the other models reviewed here. The authors themselves
acknowledge that the model represents a:
… fantastically idealised picture: in reality achieving it is extremely rare, and the risk
in these rarefied discussions of abstract principles of HRS is that people begin to
believe that the world is really like this. It is not.
(Mabey et al., 1998: 70)

Like all the SHRM models in this chapter, the Mabey et al. model is conceptually
simple and, therefore, appealing. However, these authors agree with Mabey et al., that
the operationalisation of the model in order to achieve the desired results is extremely
difficult. Each stage of the process provides its problems, not the least being that, as the
authors themselves admit, the model tends to underestimate the dynamic nature of the
context in which real-life organisations operate. This makes environmental analysis
potentially unreliable for two principal reasons. First, in fast-moving sectors such as
those employing high-technology applications, it is obviously problematic to keep track
of what key actors, such as competitors, are doing in the external environment. Second,
it also ignores the fact that organisational change initiatives, by definition, produce
changing internal (and possibly external) environments.
Such processes as environmental analysis suggest that the Mabey et al. model adopts a
highly rational approach with each step being taken in a cool, detached, systematic
manner. As suggested earlier, this ignores the political dimension of organisational life
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62 Part 1 Overview

and also assumes that employees’ attitudes and behaviours can be changed in a simple
cause–effect manner.
So far it has been shown that SHRM has a distinct identity, which marks it out as dif-
ferent from what has been known as personnel management. It is also more precise than
HRM since it concentrates upon the strategic link between organisational strategy and
HR strategy. Indeed, HRM, certainly in its ‘soft’ orientation, has been associated with a
‘nurturing’ approach to employees; the de-emphasising of conflict; increased communi-
cation; teamwork (Storey, 1992) as well as enhanced employee involvement; investment
in training and development and employment security (Claydon, 2002). Claydon makes
the point that this version of HRM has been portrayed as a ‘win–win’ situation in which
the employer wins the benefit of higher labour productivity with resulting improve-
ments to market share and profitability, and the employee gains a more interesting,
better paid, more secure job with enhanced training and promotion opportunities.
Yet one of the notable aspects of the open approach is that it caters for all types of
strategy, including a combination of the three Porter generic strategies which Schuler
and Jackson used to drive their SHRM model, as analysed earlier. It is perfectly possible
that an organisation (such as Tesco – see In Practice 2.3) may pursue strategies simulta-
neously giving rise to hybrid employee behaviours. For example, a high-tech computer
games design house, which aims to be first in the market with high-quality games at a
competitive price, will need designers who are flexible enough to learn new skills quickly
as a result of a high degree of self-development, work across different projects and pro-
duce high-quality ‘right first time’ results.
What has not been shown is that SHRM, in any of the three orientations we have
explained here, is any more effective in practical terms than any other approach to the
management of employees. There has been increasing interest in providing such evi-
dence in recent years and it is a summary of this which forms the last part of this
chapter. But before we turn to this we describe the history and origins of SHRM.

The history and origins of SHRM

This chapter has explained that SHRM derives from the 1980s in North America and
was adopted with enthusiasm in the UK in the latter part of the 1980s and 1990s. There-
fore, the temptation is to look at that part of American business history to find the
triggers which prompted such an interest in SHRM. Mabey et al. (1998) argue that this
may be misleading, since SHRM is not that new; it was re-packaged in such a way that it
resonated with other changes which happened in the external environment in that
period. What was new, Mabey et al. (1999: 36) argue, was the ‘combination of old ele-
ments in a new package’. Indeed, as Hendry and Pettigrew (1990) note, one of the
doyens of management writing, Peter Drucker (1954), emphasised the importance of
employees as a key organisational asset over 50 years ago.
Although there is some validity in the argument that SHRM did not arrive unan-
nounced, there is no doubt that many of the changes that occurred in the external
environment in which organisations operate had a profound influence upon the way in
which managers viewed the importance of, and managed, their employees. That which is
the most frequently quoted is the perceived crisis in American business performance
which occurred in the early 1980s. This was due to the fact that American industry, par-
ticularly motor car production, was being outperformed significantly by Japanese
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companies. This produced the incentive to ‘re-invent’ American organisations to restore

their competitiveness; a re-invention in which the management of employees was to
play an important part. This suggests that in North America, and later in the UK, the
origins of SHRM were management driven, in response to a crisis of confidence. This is
not so. SHRM also owes its momentum to other social, technological and labour market
changes which occurred in the 1980s and 1990s. It is important to see these changes as
interconnected in that one change stimulated another; for example, the drive to achieve
competitiveness created the need for better use of human resources to achieve improved
labour productivity, which spawned the practice of flexible work initiatives. So some
changes were first-order changes which generated second-order changes in a constantly
evolving dynamic cause–effect cycle of change from which it is often very difficult to say
(if, indeed, it is useful to do so) which change came first. This section charts some of the
most important of these changes which seem to us to be closely associated with the rise
of interest in SHRM. These are summarised in Figure 2.5.

Crisis of under-performance in American industry

For many writers (e.g. Hendry and Pettigrew (1990) and Mabey et al. (1998)) one of the
most significant triggers for the SHRM movement of the 1980s in the USA was the crisis

Crisis of under-
in American

Search for
more status The rise of
by personnel individualism

The growth
of interest

Drive for
quality through Decline in
total quality collectivism
The rise of
workers with
differing work

Figure 2.5 Changes in the HRM operating environment of the 1980s and 1990s which are
associated with the growth of interest in SHRM
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64 Part 1 Overview

of under-performance in American industry. This was highlighted in an influential Har-

vard Business Review account by Abernathy et al. (1981). In this, Abernathy et al. charted
the woes of US manufacturers of products such as cars, TVs, machine tools and com-
puters. The problem arose because of the superior quality and cheaper cost of products
from European and, particularly, Japanese manufacturers. Abernathy et al. attributed the
success of these rival manufacturers to superiority in their manufacturing plants, espe-
cially in their production processes and workforce management. Abernathy et al. argued
that the remedy was not to make incremental changes but to implement radical change,
not least in the area of workforce management.
This bemoaning of the state of US industry and the call for radical changes in
employee management, stimulated the growth of interest in SHRM in America. Ameri-
can scholars, notably Beer et al. and Fombrun et al., occupied an almost evangelistic role
in popularising SHRM through both their writing and their teaching. The latter activity
attracted a notable following from the MBA student community for the first time. The
American message was soon replicated by UK commentators, such as Storey (1989,
1992), and a decade of enhanced interest in employee management ensued.

The rise of the individualism

There has been a general change in western society in the past 20 years which has seen
the growth of individualism and an accompanying decline in traditional family and
community-based values. There may be a host of reasons for this upon which it is
beyond the scope of this chapter to speculate. For example, in the UK, the Thatcher phil-
osophy encapsulated in the former Prime Minister’s famous comment:
There is no such thing as Society. There are individual men and women and there are
families, (cited in Kessler and Purcell, 1995)

set the tone for changes, replicated throughout Europe, which saw people encouraged to
buy their publicly owned houses and buy shares in newly privatised public utilities such
as gas, telecommunications and rail. Indeed, it may be argued that the decline in invest-
ment in public services for many years was an invitation for individuals to be more
reliant on their own privately financed means and less on services to be provided for the
community at large. The composition of the workforce and the jobs that workers do
have also contributed to the rise in individualism. Jobs in the old ‘smokestack’ industries
often bred a sense of community which grew from many workers doing the same jobs
and often sharing in the hardships imposed by the difficult and physically demanding
nature of these jobs.
The societal shift towards individualism in recent years has been mirrored in HR initia-
tives. SHRM has a distinctly individualist ring to it, as Sisson’s (1990) list of SHRM
principles demonstrates: ‘the focus shifts from management – trade union relations to man-
agement – employee relations, from collectivism to individualism’. The clearest evidence of
this is the growth of performance management (Bach, 2000) in which the individual
employee is set targets and held accountable for their achievement. This approach forces the
employee into a one-to-one relationship with that employee’s manager. Therefore, the treat-
ment that the employee receives from the manager is individualised according to the extent
to which success has been achieved in pursuit of the targets.
Nothing illustrates the notion of individualism at work better than the idea of
‘employability’ where:
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… the onus is placed on the individual to ensure accumulation of training and experi-
ence in order to remain attractive in the labour market, whether internal or external.
The employer may provide opportunities for human capital development but it is up
to the individual to take advantage of them. (Boxall and Purcell, 2003: 117–118)

Decline in collectivism
As Sisson’s (1990) quote above notes, the workplace focus has shifted from manage-
ment–trade union relations towards management–employee relations. It would be
misleading to suggest that this has been caused by the rise of individualism. There are
many other contributory factors of which changes in employment structure, particu-
larly the decline of manufacturing industry, is an important one. However, the growing
trend for employees to advance their own cause has been helped by the increasing
amount of employment protection legislation in Europe aimed at the individual, much
of it inspired by the EU. This has led to the membership of trade unions in the UK
declining from approximately 13 million in 1980 to 7.8 million in 2000. At the same
time, the proportion of workplaces without trade union recognition agreements has
increased from approximately one-third to one-half. This decline in the influence of
trade union organisation at the workplace has created a climate where managers can
introduce policies of change, including SHRM initiatives based upon notions of individ-
ualism, such as performance management, without the need for extensive and
time-consuming consultation and negotiation with trade unions. The desire of the UK
Fire Service to introduce more flexible work practices and the resistance to this which
led to a major strike after protracted negotiations, is a case in point. That is not to say
that employers wedded to SHRM principles ride roughshod over employees by intro-
ducing change without consultation. Communication with employees by management
has grown in importance as trade union influence has declined. The 1998 Workplace
Employee Relations Survey (WERS) notes the prevalence of such communication meth-
ods as team briefings, the ‘cascading’ of information via the management chain, regular
newsletters distributed to all employees and regular meetings with the workforce. All of
these bypass the traditional method of communicating with employees in collectively
organised workplaces. This is through the union representatives who sit on various
committees and are charged with twin responsibilities. First, to represent their members’
views at committees and, second, to disseminate the results of the committee meetings.

The rise of knowledge workers with differing work expectations

The decline in influence of trade unions is partly a consequence of the shift in western
economies from the old ‘smokestack’ industries of, for example, coal, steel and ship-
building to service and high-technology industries. It was in the smokestack industries
that manual labour proliferated. The customary reliance on collective solutions to
employee problems is not one that characterises employment in the newer industries.
This is partly because trade unions have traditionally found it more difficult to recruit
members in such industries as retail and catering because employers and workplaces
tend to be small and geographically disparate. Consequently, there is less of a tradition
of trade union organisation in these industries. But it is also in part due to the differing
expectations of the increasing number of ‘knowledge’ workers who have the confidence,
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66 Part 1 Overview

information and, often, labour market power gained through a shortage of key workers,
necessary to pursue their interests.
The role which the proliferation of computer technology has played in increasing the
amount of knowledge workers cannot be underestimated. This has changed the nature
of many jobs and facilitated the emphasis of the workforces of the developed countries
from the production of goods to the processing of information. In the twenty-year
period to 2000 the proportion of manufacturing jobs in the UK declined by one-half
whereas the proportion of financial services jobs doubled (Department for Education
and Employment, 2000). Even many manufacturing jobs have changed in that they
involve workers directing robotised machines by computer.
In general, it is often more of a challenge to employers to attract and retain key mana-
gerial, professional and technical workers than workers whose skills are more easily
replaced. The ways in which this challenge is met are more likely to be individualistic,
e.g. individualised reward packages rather than collective. The repertoire of HR initia-
tives designed to motivate the individual professional and thereby attract and retain that
professional is different from the collective initiatives needed to render compliant the
manual workforce.

Drive for quality

As noted above, Abernathy et al. (1981) commented upon the poor quality of many US
manufactured products relative to those of Japanese manufacture. This stimulated the
drive to produce higher-quality goods through processes which were subject to what
became known as total quality management (TQM). The guru of this essentially Japanese
movement was, ironically, the American W. Edwards Deming. Japanese industry had used
TQM to regenerate its industries after the ravages of the Second World War. TQM
differed from the traditional quality inspection approach through its emphasis upon qual-
ity problem prevention which emphasised employee involvement in all quality processes.
Quality inspection had become associated with the management control approach, criti-
cised by Walton (1985) as noted earlier. Involving employees in quality processes
signalled the need for a radically different approach to employee management along the
lines of the SHRM principles explained above, something which Deming advocated.
Foremost among the principles of TQM is the notion of employee empowerment, which
is necessary, for example, for employee participation in quality-problem-solving groups
and suggestions for continuous improvement.

Search for more status by personnel specialists

In her reflections on the growth of HRM, Legge (1995) argued that there were certain
stakeholders who had a vested interest in promoting HRM as a strategic function of
considerable organisational importance, thus promoting it from the often mundane
operational role it had traditionally occupied. These stakeholders were academics, line
managers and personnel managers. The latter group has always suffered from low status
relative to, for example, accountants and marketers. Torrington et al. (2002) categorise
the personnel manager’s role as historically being concerned principally with welfare,
bureaucracy, industrial relations and manpower analysis. The accession of HRM to a
place of strategic significance within the organisation presented the 1980s personnel
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manager with an opportunity to raise his or her status through developing HR strategies
in line with organisational strategies. Some evidence that the personnel specialist has
succeeded in this quest to move away from its low-status operational image may be seen
in the latest development of the personnel specialist as ‘internal consultant’; a role in
which, for example, he or she may review the way in which HR activities are carried out
and suggest resolutions to problems (Kenton and Moody, 2004). In addition, the inter-
nal HR consultant often has a key role to play in designing HR initiatives to generate and
complement organisation change programmes.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 2.3

How influential would you say that the factors noted in Figure 2.4 were in creating
the drive to introduce SHRM in major organisations?

The contribution of SHRM to organisational performance

The content of this section is based on the theory that the practice of SHRM will con-
tribute to the overall effectiveness of the organisation. The attempt to demonstrate a link
between personnel management practices and such ‘hard’ outcomes as profit or, even
less remote outputs as employee satisfaction, has been the Holy Grail of people manage-
ment specialists for many years. The complaint has always been that so many other
factors can impinge upon the relationship between the particular practice and the
desired outcome that measurement is at best problematic, at worst pointless. This may
be one explanation for the notorious reluctance of HR specialists to evaluate the effec-
tiveness of HR policies and practices. What a blessing it would be if HR managers could
present chief executive officers (CEOs) and finance directors with irrefutable proof that,
say, an individual performance-related pay scheme produced a 50 per cent increase in
production. The reality, of course, is that many other factors, for example, the general
feel-good atmosphere created by a large order which guarantees future employment,
may account for a significant proportion of the increase.
It follows that the attempt to show that there is a cause–effect link between HR and
organisational effectiveness has been a major concern of researchers in recent years.
Some of the most influential studies in this section are reviewed. All the studies reviewed
have focused on SHRM in the sense that they assume vertical integration, a close
relationship between HR and business strategy rather than simply attempting to meas-
ure the effectiveness of individual HR practices. Some of the studies treat HR practices
as groups or ‘bundles’ of activities, thus emphasising the importance of horizontal inte-
gration between practices.
It is possible to trace a line of development chronologically through the studies cov-
ered here. The earlier studies from the mid-1990s concentrate on statistical
relationships between HR practices and organisational effectiveness, whereas the later
studies, in particular that of Purcell et al. (2003), attempt to explain what it is that
people management practitioners actually ‘do’ that leads to organisational success. Each
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68 Part 1 Overview

of the studies has its strengths and weaknesses but one thread seems to run through
most of them: they are very confident about the effect of HR practices on the ‘bottom
line’. This confidence is shared by the UK’s Chartered Institute of Personnel and Devel-
opment (2001: 4) which states:
More than 30 studies carried out in the UK and the US since the early 1990s leave no
room to doubt that there is a correlation between people management and business
performance, that the relationship is positive, and that it is cumulative: the more and
the more effective the practices, the better the result.

Lack of space here prevents this chapter from giving little more than a taste of the
studies chosen. However, although some thoughts have been offered on the strengths
and weaknesses of each study, it is the intention here to allow readers to judge how justi-
fied the researchers are in their confidence that there is a clear link between HR and
business performance.
One of the early studies by MacDuffie (1995) (Key Concepts 2.5) made a significant
contribution to the HR–organisational performance debate by conceptualising SHRM
as the application of ‘bundles’ of policies and practices rather than treating them as sep-
arate entities.

Key Concepts 2.5

MacDuffie (1995)

Industry sector: Automobiles.

Location: USA
No. of companies in study: 70 automobile plants

Theoretical background: MacDuffie’s starting position was in the Walton (1985) tradition. He argued
that innovative HR practices are the way to secure employee commitment to the organisation and
such commitment is essential if employees are to apply the amount of discretionary effort required for
high performance. In addition, he was interested in establishing the extent to which a specified
‘bundle’ of HR practices would be more effective than such practices implemented individually.

Research strategy and method: MacDuffie studied flexible production systems in the auto industry.
Flexible production systems are characterised by the reduction of stock inventories and the elimina-
tion of ‘buffer’ areas such as those concerned with product repair space which create ‘slack’ in the
production process. MacDuffie reasoned that these characteristics would have three major conse-
quences: (1) the increase of interdependencies within the production process; (2) the highlighting of
production problems; and (3) searches for improvements to the production process to solve these
problems. His hypothesis was that innovative HR practices have an important role to play in such
flexible production systems. MacDuffie argued that workers in flexible production systems need a
good grasp of the production process and analytical skills to diagnose problems.
The data were collected by questionnaires and interviews with plant managers. The study sought
to assess the effect upon labour productivity and quality of three variables: (1) the use of ‘buffers’; (2)
work systems (e.g. the use of work teams and employee involvement groups); and (3) HR policies,
relating to those involved in the production process, of selection, performance-related reward, status
differences and training and development.
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MacDuffie developed two specific hypotheses: (1) that innovative HR practices affect performance
not individually but as interrelated elements in an internally consistent ‘bundle’ and (2) the HR
‘bundle’ is effective in contributing to manufacturing plant productivity and product quality when they
are integrated with flexible production systems.

Results and conclusions: MacDuffie argues that the evidence from his study supported the hypoth-
esis that assembly plants using flexible production systems which use HR ‘bundles’ that are
integrated with the production strategy outperform plants using traditional mass production systems
on both measures of productivity and quality.

Study strengths: (1) Treats HR practices as integrated ‘bundles’ rather than separate practices. (2)
Uses contextually relevant measures of organisational performance. (3) Study rooted in specialist
knowledge of manufacturing production process.

Study limitations: (1) Employee commitment and competence are theoretical principles which are
important to the study but they are not measured. One would expect the HR ‘bundle’ to promote high
levels of commitment and competence which in turn would yield high productivity and quality meas-
ures. (2) It is not clear how the components of the HR ‘bundle’ were chosen. It seems that important
elements (e.g. job security) may have been omitted (Richardson and Thompson, 1999). (3) The study
is industry specific and may not generalise to other employment contexts. (4) The data are gathered
from plant managers so there is no input from employees or HR specialists.

The research by Huselid (1995) (Key Concepts 2.6) was equally important in that
he emphasised the ‘strategic fit’ aspect of SHRM. Like MacDuffie, Huselid concentrated
on quantitative analysis of large data sets in the attempt to give validity and reliability to
his results.

Key Concepts 2.6

Huselid (1995)

Industry sector: All major industries

Location: USA
No. of companies in study: 3,452 companies with more than 100 employees

Theoretical background: Huselid’s position was that HR practices can affect HR performance in
terms of their levels of skill and motivation and through adjustments to organisational structures
which allow better job performance. Increased levels of employee skill and motivation will lead to
lower employee turnover and higher productivity. As long as the expenditure on the HR practices
designed to yield lower employee turnover and higher productivity does not exceed their true costs
then lower employee turnover and higher productivity should lead to enhanced corporate financial
performance. Furthermore, Huselid argued that the concept of strategic fit was important. Enhanced
organisational performance will follow if HR practices complement and support one another. Similarly,
enhanced organisational performance will be the consequence if the system of HR practices is
aligned with the organisation’s competitive business strategy.

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70 Part 1 Overview

Research strategy and method: Huselid sought to test four specific hypotheses: (1) systems of
high-performance work practices will reduce employee turnover and increase productivity and cor-
porate financial performance; (2) employee turnover and productivity will be the link between systems
of high-performance work practices and corporate financial performance; (3) complementarities or
synergies between high-performance work practices will reduce employee turnover and increase pro-
ductivity; (4) alignment of a firm’s high-performance work practices with its competitive strategy will
reduce employee turnover and increase productivity.
Questionnaires were sent to 12,000 US firms which yielded 3,452 replies, a 28 per cent response
rate. The questionnaire was sent to the senior HR manager in each firm. The questionnaire asked about
13 high-performance work practices which Huselid grouped into two main categories, which he called
‘employee skills and organisational structures’ and ‘employee motivation’. The former category included
practices designed to enhance employees’ knowledge and skills and thereafter a structure in which
those knowledge and skills could be applied in job performance. These practices included: job design;
sophisticated employee selection; training and development; employee participation programmes,
including profit-share schemes. The category he called ‘employee motivation’ included practices to
recognise and reinforce the desired employee behaviours developed by practices in the first category.
These included: performance appraisal; individual performance-related pay; and merit-based promo-
tion. In addition, respondent views were sought on the extent to which there was consistency between
the HR practices and between the HR practices and the firm’s competitive strategy.
Employee turnover equated to the firm’s average annual turnover rate and productivity was meas-
ured as sales per employee. Corporate financial performance was assessed in two ways: gross rate
of return on capital and the market value of the firm divided by the costs of its assets.

Results and conclusions: Huselid found broad support for the hypothesis that systems of high-
performance work practices will reduce employee turnover and increase productivity and corporate
financial performance. This applied across industries and firm size. Indeed, the strength of the associ-
ation was substantial. However, he found only modest support for the third and fourth hypotheses:
that higher levels of internal and external fit will lead to better firm performance.

Study strengths: (1) Huselid adopts an explicitly strategic perspective in that he seeks to measure
the effect of both internal and external fit. (2) He attempts to overcome one of the main methodologi-
cal problems with this type of research, the problem of reverse causality. This means that, in this
study, it is a concern that the firms may introduce high-performance work practices because they are
successful rather than such practices causing organisational success. Huselid does this by introduc-
ing the intermediate measure of employee turnover and higher productivity rather than measuring
directly the effect on firm performance of high-performance work practices. (It is difficult to imagine
firms introducing high-performance work practices because they have low employee turnover and
high employee productivity.) (3) Large sample size and breadth of industrial coverage.

Study limitations: (1) The data are gathered from HR specialists with no input from employees.
(2) Data are collected at company level which does not allow for differences in separate workplaces in
multi-workplace organisations (Richardson and Thompson, 1999). (3) The fact that this is a ‘snapshot’
piece of research rather than longitudinal (over a period of time) weakens any claim that high-
performance work practices cause enhanced organisational performance.

The work of both MacDuffie and Huselid was carried out in the USA whereas Patter-
son et al. (1997) (Key Concepts 2.7) were commissioned by the UK’s Institute of
Personnel and Development. Theirs was a longitudinal study, which allowed the
researchers to measure the effect of the introduction of HR practices over time. In addi-
tion it concentrated on single site and single-product workplaces in order to make
comparisons more valid.
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Chapter 2 SHRM: a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational success? 71

Key Concepts 2.7

Patterson et al. (1997)

Industry sector: Manufacturing

Location: UK
No. of companies in study: 67

Theoretical background: Patterson et al.’s point of departure was similar to that of other similar
studies. They assumed that: (1) employees are the organisation’s valuable resource; and (2) that the
management of employees makes a difference to company performance. More specifically, they
devised four research questions: (1) Is there any relationship between employee attitudes (i.e. job
satisfaction and employees’ commitment to their organisations) and company performance?
(2) Does organisational culture predict subsequent organisational performance? (3) Do human
resource management practices make a difference to organisational performance and, if so, which
of these practices are the most important? (4) How do other management practices (i.e. competi-
tive strategies, quality emphasis, research and development investment, investment in technology)
compare with human resource management practices in terms of their influence upon organisa-
tional performance?

Research strategy and method: This was part of a ten-year study which began in 1991 aimed at
establishing the factors that affect organisational effectiveness. Organisations’ economic perform-
ance data were collected annually from 1990. Senior managers in the companies were interviewed
every two years from 1991 and 36 of the companies’ employees participated in employee attitude
and organisation culture surveys in the early stages of the research. The companies were predomi-
nantly single-site, single-product operations with less than 1,000 employees.
Interviews were carried out with four or five senior managers in each of the 67 organisations,
organisational documentation was gathered and observational tours of production plants were under-
taken. In 36 of the organisations, employee attitude and culture survey questionnaires were sent to
Company performance was measured by productivity (sales per employee) and profitability (profit
per employee). For each company, performance data for two time periods were collected: (1) the
average of the company’s performance for the three years prior to the measurement of HRM prac-
tices, culture and employee attitudes; and (2) the average of the company’s performance for the year
following the measurement of HRM practices, culture and employee attitudes.
Job satisfaction was measured by 15 items ranging from relations with fellow team members and
managers; to job autonomy, variety and responsibility; physical work conditions; pay; hours; recogni-
tion; job security; attention paid to suggestions; opportunities to use abilities; and promotion
opportunities. Organisational commitment was measured by three components: identification with,
involvement in and loyalty towards the company.
The HR practices measured were grouped under two headings which reflect the interrelated nature
of the practices which Patterson et al. wished to portray: ‘acquisition and development of employee
skills’ (selection, induction, training and appraisal) and ‘job design’ (skill flexibility, job responsibility,
job variety and use of formal teams).
Two data analysis strategies were employed: (1) the HR practices culture and employee attitude
data were related to the average of the company’s performance for the year following the measure-
ment of HRM practices, culture and employee attitudes; and (2) the researchers investigated
whether higher levels of HRM practices, culture and employee attitudes were positively related to an
increase in organisational performance by controlling for prior performance when predicting subse-
quent performance.

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72 Part 1 Overview

Results and conclusions: Patterson et al. showed that:

1. Job satisfaction and organisational commitment each explained 5 per cent of the variation
between companies in change of profitability. For productivity, job satisfaction explained 17 per
cent and organisational commitment 7 per cent of the change in performance.
2. Organisational cultural factors explained 10 per cent of the variation between companies in
change of profitability. In relation to productivity, organisational cultural factors explained 29 per
cent of the change in performance over three to four years. The most important aspect of the
organisational cultural factors was employee welfare.
3. HRM practices explained 19 per cent of the variation between companies in change of profitabil-
ity. For productivity, job satisfaction explained 17 per cent and organisational commitment 7 per
cent of the change in performance. For productivity, HRM practices explained 18 per cent of the
change in performance.
4. Management practices other than HR (i.e. competitive strategies, quality emphasis, research and
development investment, investment in technology) accounted for a very small proportion of the
variation between companies in terms of their profitability and productivity.

Study strengths: (1) This is a longitudinal study with a before–after measurement and therefore does
allow attempts to measure the effect of the introduction of HR practices over time. (2) The study does
include employee as well as managerial interview data. (3) Mixed data collection methods were used
which added to the validity of the data. (4) The single-site and single-product nature of the sample
makes comparison more valid.

Study limitations: (1) The study was restricted to manufacturing companies, raising the question of
generalisability. (2) Although the study is confident in its assertion that a link exists between HR and
company performance, it does not explain why this link exists, i.e. what it is about the HR practices
which cause enhanced company performance.

Like MacDuffie and Patterson et al., Youndt et al. (1996) concentrated on the manu-
facturing industry. Their study is useful in the light of this chapter because they were
concerned with the difference between what we have called the universal and the contin-
gency (matching) approaches to SHRM. This study is interesting because of the
performance measures the researchers use. Youndt et al. spurned what some may argue
is a rather indefinite relationship between HR and financial performance measures and
used manufacturing outputs such as production lead time. Although this study (like the
others) has its limitations, in the authors’ view it makes a valuable contribution to the
debate (Key Concepts 2.8).
The research by Guest et al. (2000) (Key Concepts 2.9) was also commissioned by the
Chartered (as it had become by then) Institute of Personnel and Development. It is
based on a very clearly articulated model of HR–organisational effectiveness linking and
a large-scale data set.
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Chapter 2 SHRM: a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational success? 73

Key Concepts 2.8

Youndt et al. (1996)

Industry sector: Manufacturing

Location: USA
No. of companies in study: 97

Theoretical background: Youndt et al.’s starting position was that the value of human capital is par-
ticularly important in manufacturing companies that have invested in advanced manufacturing
technologies since these technologies rely heavily upon employee skills and commitment to achieve
superior performance. They were also particularly interested in drawing a comparison between the
universal HR approach and the contingency (matching) approach. They had three overall research
objectives: (1) determine the extent to which HR systems enhance performance; (2) analyse the mod-
erating effects of manufacturing strategy on the relationship between HR and operational
performance; (3) assess the extent to which particular manufacturing strategies and HR systems are
actually used in conjunction with one another.

Research strategy and method: Youndt et al. calculated operational performance using eight meas-
ures: product quality, employee morale, on-time delivery, inventory management, employee
productivity, equipment utilisation, production lead time and scrap minimisation. HR practices were
grouped into aggregate indexes. One they called administrative HR system (including selection for
manual skills, procedural training, results-based performance appraisal, hourly pay) and, the other,
human capital enhancing system (including selection for technical and problem-solving skills, com-
prehensive training, developmental performance appraisal, skill-based pay). Manufacturing strategy
was grouped into three types: cost reduction, quality enhancement and flexibility.
The research hypotheses developed were: (1) A human-capital enhancing HR system will be posi-
tively associated with operational performance. (2) Manufacturing strategy moderates the relationship
between HR systems and operational performance. (3) A cost manufacturing strategy will positively
moderate the relationship between an administrative HR system and operational performance. (4) A
quality manufacturing strategy will positively moderate the relationship between an administrative HR
system and operational performance. (5) A flexible manufacturing strategy will positively moderate
the relationship between a human-capital enhancing HR system and operational performance.
Questionnaires were sent to plant general managers to ask them about HR activities and plant per-
formance. Questionnaires were also sent to functional managers (operations, quality, production and
HR) in the same plants to ask them about HR practices used in the plants. Eighteen months later a
similar questionnaire was sent to all the managers who responded to the initial survey.

Results and conclusions: The study found general support for the contingency (matching) strategy
particularly as the human-capital enhancing HR system delivered operational performance enhance-
ments when linked to the quality enhancement manufacturing strategy. However, the researchers
point out that administrative HR systems are appropriate in certain strategic contexts. They found
that administrative HR systems interact with the cost manufacturing strategy to enhance employee
productivity and also work in conjunction with a flexible manufacturing strategy to improve customer
satisfaction. Although Youndt et al. hypothesised that flexible manufacturing strategies require high-
skill employees, they point out that it may be that flexible manufacturing strategies may be based on
flexible machines rather than flexible jobs.

Study strengths: (1) Particularly useful for the light it throws upon the distinction between the univer-
sal HR approach and the contingency (matching) approach. (2) Some longitudinal element in data

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74 Part 1 Overview

Study limitations: (1) Based upon self-report questionnaires with no data collected from public
sources (e.g. financial performance). (2) No data collected from employees. (3) The study was
restricted to manufacturing companies. (3) Little insight into why link exists between HR practices
and operational performance. (4) This study only looked at the moderating effects of manufacturing
strategy on the HR practices–operational performance link. The researches point out that there could
be other variables (e.g. organisational structure or technology) which could have affected the results.

Key Concepts 2.9

Guest et al. (2000)

Industry sector: Various

Location: UK
No. of companies in study: 237

Theoretical background: The study is based on a model developed by Guest (1997). In this model
Guest argues that the financial performance of companies is influenced by four factors: business and
HR strategies; effectiveness of HR departments and HR practices; HR outcomes; and productivity
coupled with product and service quality. Put simply, the model contends that business and HR
strategies will point to the appropriateness of certain HR practices. The extent to which the HR prac-
tices are conducted effectively together with the effectiveness of the HR department will influence the
achievement of the HR outcomes which Guest specifies: employee competence, commitment and
flexibility. These three HR outcomes will in turn affect productivity and product and service quality
which will have a significant influence upon the company’s financial performance.

Research strategy and method: The study concentrated upon the private sector, both manufactur-
ing and service. The respondents were heads of HR and CEOs. The research report is based upon
interviews with 835 companies and over 1,000 managers. In 237 companies there were matched
responses from both the head of HR and the CEO.
Two separate questionnaires were sent: one to CEOs and the other to heads of HR. The head of
HR questionnaire asked questions about: the workforce, HR strategy and practices, HR outcomes
and performance outcomes. The CEO questionnaire covered: HR strategy, a limited amount of HR
practices, HR outcomes and performance outcomes, and additional questions on the business strat-
egy and the state of the market in which the company operated.

Results and conclusions: (1) The most important factor in the defining of business strategies was
responsiveness to customers (74 per cent) and high service quality (59 per cent), whereas beating
competitors on price was rated lowly (10 per cent). (2) Only 10 per cent of managers thought issues
concerning people were more important than finance or marketing. (3) Only one-quarter of organi-
sations had more than 50 per cent of a list of 18 typical HR practices in place. (4) The most highly
rated areas of HR activity were internal labour market practices (promotion from within) and
employment security. (5) Managers rated employee flexibility and performance outputs highly. (6)
Approximately one-half of CEOs rated their company’s productivity and financial performance as
above average for their industry. (7) Overall responses led the researchers to conclude that there
was link between HR practices and HR department effectiveness, employee attitudes and behav-
iour and corporate performance.
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Chapter 2 SHRM: a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational success? 75

Study strengths: (1) The sample size was one of the biggest in all the studies linking HR with cor-
porate performance. (2) There was an attempt to measure the effectiveness, rather than simply the
presence, of HR practices. (3) The clarity with which the research is based upon the variables which
link HR and organisational performance.

Study limitations: (1) Interviews were by telephone, which limited the degree of ‘insight’ which could
be developed by researchers (particularly when contrasted with, for example, the observational tours
of production plants undertaken by Patterson et al.). (2) The absence of employee data. (3) The self-
report nature of the managerial responses which raises questions about respondent objectivity. This
is particularly relevant where questions about such items as organisational performance in relation to
competitors are concerned. (4) Although the study points to the relationship between certain key vari-
ables it is less helpful in explaining the reasons for certain associations between variables.

The work of Purcell et al. (2003) (Key Concepts 2.10), also sponsored by the Chartered
Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), is different from its predecessors. It sets
out to be different in that is attempts to establish not only the extent to which HR is associ-
ated with organisation performance but, more importantly, ‘to unlock the “black box” to
show the way in which HR practices – or what the CIPD terms ‘people management’,
meaning all aspects of how people are managed – impact on performance’ (Purcell et al.,
2003: ix). The UK study is also different in that it does not concentrate on manufacturing
companies. Of the 12 case study organisations featured in the research, only Jaguar Cars
may be said to be a traditional manufacturer. The remaining organisations are in high-
technology production, retail, financial services, health care and management services.

Key Concepts 2.10

Purcell et al. (2003)

Industry sector: Various

Location: UK
No. of companies in study: 12

Theoretical background: The theoretical framework which is tested in the study holds that employee
performance is a function of ability + motivation + opportunity. That is that people perform when they
possess the knowledge and skills necessary for the job, are motivated to perform and, finally, are given
sufficient opportunity to deploy the skills and contribute to workgroup and organisational success.
More specifically the theoretical propositions were:
 Performance-related HR practices work only if they induce discretionary behaviour.
 Discretionary behaviour is more likely to occur if employees have commitment to their organisation
and/or they feel motivated to act in such a way that they exhibit discretionary behaviour and/or
they gain job satisfaction.
 Commitment, motivation and job satisfaction are greater when they experience policies imple-
mented to create a more able workforce, including opportunities to participate.
 A positive employee experience is improved if the HR policies designed to create ability + motiva-
tion + opportunity are in place and are mutually reinforcing.

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76 Part 1 Overview

 Front-line managers have a key role in shaping the employee attitudes necessary to deliver dis-
cretionary behaviour through their implementation of HR policies and enactment of organisational
values and culture.
 Success in achieving performance outcomes helps to reinforce positive attitudes.
Research strategy and method: The research was carried out over a two-and-a-half year period
from 1999. In each organisation, interviews were carried out with one unit of analysis (e.g. one depart-
ment). The interviews were with senior decision-makers, first-line managers/team leaders and
front-line employees. Interviews were repeated 12 months later to allow changes to be noted. Ques-
tionnaires were administered face-to-face; there was no self-completion.
The HR practices which the researchers measured were those designed to deliver ability + motiva-
tion + opportunity and interrelate one with another. The list comprised 11 practices not dissimilar from
those listed in the ‘universalist’ lists earlier in this chapter with the notable addition of job
challenge/autonomy and work–life balance. The researchers also sought to measure employee com-
mitment, motivation and job satisfaction as well as employee views of the way in which front-line
managers did their job. The performance measures used for each organisation were unique to that
organisation – those that each organisation felt were most important.

Results and conclusions: One of Purcell et al.’s key findings was that the HR–performance link was
associated with the existence of a ‘big idea’ (e.g. quality at Jaguar), underpinned by similar values
and culture. Another important finding was the centrality of the role played in employee management
by front-line managers. By communicating, problem solving, listening to employee suggestions,
coaching and showing employees fairness and respect, front-line managers brought HR policies to
life. Such employee treatment by front-line managers was found to bring discretionary effort from
employees – the desire to go the ‘extra mile’. The existence of certain HR policies and practices was
found to be less important than the way in which they were implemented.
There were distinct patterns in the association between certain HR policies and practices and
enhanced employee commitment, job satisfaction and motivation, albeit that there were clear differ-
ences between occupational groups. Career opportunities, job influence, job challenge, training,
performance appraisal, team working, involvement in decision-making, and work–life balance were all
associated with enhanced employee commitment, job satisfaction and motivation. On the other hand,
lower employee commitment was associated with poor execution of existing policies rather than the
absence of those policies.
Overall, Purcell et al. found that the highest performing organisations were those that could sustain
their performance over time and linked people management policies and practices with that perform-
ance. This meant that HR policies and practices fitted with business strategy and were flexible
enough to help adapt to new environmental conditions.

Study strengths: (1) The most significant strength of this study is the ‘black box’ dimension. It is the
only study that attempts to go beyond statistical associations and understand ‘what is going on’ in
the key HR processes which lead to organisational performance. (2) Some longitudinal element in
data collection. (3) Different performance measures for each organisation, which are likely to lead to
more meaningful performance data. (4) The varied nature of the markets in which the case study
organisations operate. (5) Employee responses gathered.

Study limitations: (1) The longitudinal element of the study meant that, inevitably, some of the
respondents had left their organisations by the time the second round of interviews took place. (2)
Not using standardised measures to assess organisational performance meant potentially more rele-
vant measures were applied. However, in some organisations there was difficulty in obtaining
performance data. Overall, the team noted difficulty in separating the impact of HR policies and prac-
tices on organisational performance from the impact of variables such as market fluctuations and
technological changes.
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Chapter 2 SHRM: a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational success? 77

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 2.4

What practical contribution do you think the studies linking HR and organisational
performance listed in this section have made to the practice of SHRM?

 The main principles of SHRM include:
 a stress on the integration of personnel policies both one with another and with

business planning more generally;

 the locus of responsibility for personnel management no longer resides with spe-

cialist managers but is now assumed by senior line management;

 the focus shifts from management–trade union relations to management–

employee relations, from collectivism to individualism.

 there is stress on commitment and the exercise of initiative, with managers now

assuming the role of ‘enabler’, ‘empowerer’ and ‘facilitator’.

 The principal theoretical approaches to SHRM are termed: universalist, matching
models (closed) and matching models (open). The universalist approach assumes that
there are ‘best HR practices’ that promise success irrespective of organisational cir-
cumstances. The matching models (closed) approach specifies HR policies and
practices that are relevant to specific organisational situations, whereas the matching
models (open) approach defines the employee behaviours necessitated by the organi-
sation’s overall strategy. These behaviours are to be delivered through the HR strategy.
 All of the theoretical approaches to SHRM have their problems. Those concerned
with the universalist approach are: defining the ‘best practices’ to apply; the low
regard for organisational context; and the absence of employee input assumed. The
problems with the matching models (closed) approach are: the ambiguity that
attends the defining of strategy; the essentially managerialist stance assumed; and
problems concerned with implementation. Problems attending the matching models
(open) are the models’ rather idealised nature and, like the other models, their pre-
scriptive tone.
 The growth of interest in SHRM was due to a number of factors including: the crisis
of under-performance in American industry; the rise of individualism; a decline in
collectivism; the rise of knowledge workers with differing work expectations; and a
search for more status by personnel specialists.
 In an attempt to establish the link between SHRM and organisational performance
there have been numerous studies conducted since the mid-1990s in the USA and
UK. In general, these have been very positive about the relationship between SHRM
and organisational performance, although most have not offered an explanation as to
why certain HR practices may lead to enhanced organisational performance.
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78 Part 1 Overview

Follow-up study suggestions

 Search the specialist practitioner HR literature for case studies that illustrate the way
in which clear and cogent organisational philosophies inform HR strategy.
 From Pfeffer’s (1998) book, make notes on the rationale for his recommendation of
seven practices of successful organisations and assess the extent to which you think
this rationale is valid.
 Look up ‘employee competences’ in an internet search engine and, from help offered
on the sites you find, compile a list of desired employee behaviours consistent with
the need to develop employees equipped to deliver high-quality customer service.
 Compare the research studies by MacDuffie (1995) and Huselid (1995) and assess the
strengths and weaknesses of both.
 Read the research report by Purcell et al. (2003) as an HR manager and make a list of
the lessons that you think you could apply in your organisation or one with which
you are familiar.

Suggestions for research topics

 To what extent may the HRM activity in ABC organisation be termed ‘strategic HRM’?
 What have been the effects of the major change programme in ABC organisation on
HR strategy, policies and practices?
 Test the appropriateness of Mabey et al.’s open SHRM model in ABC organisation.
 Compare the validity of Pfeffer’s list of key HR practices in private sector manufac-
turing and financial services.
 Does Purcell et al.’s theory that employee performance is a function of ability + moti-
vation + opportunity apply equally in the public and private sectors of employment?
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SHRM in a changing and shrinking

3 world: internationalisation of business and
the role of SHRM

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 identify some of the key background issues relevant to the

internationalisation of business;
 analyse the significance in the growth of multi-national companies;
 define strategic international human resource management;
 identify the key components of strategic international human resource
 explain the significance of the capability perspective on strategic
international human resource management;
 evaluate the importance of the cultural perspective on strategic
international human resource management.
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80 Part 1 Overview

In any book or article on changes in the business environment in recent years there will
be emphasis upon the growth in international business. The important effect this has
had upon the way organisations conduct their affairs touches upon all aspects of the
organisational life: not the least of which is HRM. This chapter examines the concept of
strategic international HRM (SIHRM). Not surprisingly, this examination tends to con-
centrate upon the role of multi-national corporations (MNCs) in the conduct of SHRM,
since it is in these organisations that SIHRM is more developed and more visible.
The chapter starts with an analysis of the background to international business.
This analysis concentrates upon why organisations want to conduct international
business and some of the main methods by which they pursue their international
goals. It is argued that the time spent on this is worthwhile, in order to gain a greater
understanding of the context in which SIHRM takes place. An example of this is the
statistics which show the enormity of the scale of international trade. The main body
of the chapter is an en examination of the concept of SIHRM. This uses a well-known
conceptual model to structure the examination and examples from across the world.
The chapter ends with a study of SIHRM from two important perspectives: capability
and culture. Capability refers to the ability of those people, including HR profession-
als, responsible for international business. It is an area that is receiving an increased
amount of attention. The importance of national cultures is more well known and no
coverage of SIHRM would be complete without consideration of this key issue.

What is What is Strategic

The Capabilities The Cultural
International International
perspective perspective
Business? HRM?

Key capabilities
Why develop Defining
and Key issues
internationally? SIHRM

Key international The effects of

Key factors
business culture on
affecting SIHRM
activities SIHRM practices

The SIHRM issues,

multinational functions, policies
company and practices

Figure 3.1 Mapping the international strategic human resource management territory: a summary diagram of the
chapter content
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Chapter 3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world 81

Background to the internationalisation of business

Defining international business

Harrison et al. (2000) note that international business may be divided into two cate-
gories: international trade and international investment. International trade refers to the
export and import of goods and services. However, the focus of this chapter is on inter-
national investment. International investment applies to the transfer by companies of
resources in order that they may undertake business outside their country of origin. Such
investment may take various forms, from the investment by multi-national companies
(MNCs) in setting up wholly owned subsidiaries in foreign countries, to the licensing by
MNCs of the right to use the licensers’ intellectual property.

Why do companies wish to develop their international

As with all management decision-making, establishing the reasons why companies
internationalise their business is not always as straightforward as might be imagined.
Ghauri (2000), for example, talks of the ‘bandwagon effect’, where companies rush to
emulate competitors by investing abroad for fear of losing competitive edge. However,
there are solid reasons why companies will wish to invest abroad, as evidence from the
past behaviour of companies shows. Some of these are listed below.

The desire to access international markets

An MNC will wish to expand its market by selling its products and services internation-
ally because the domestic market is limited and the life cycle of the product is such that
the commercial benefit to be gained from it means that the market has to be exploited
while the product still has currency. A good example of this, as the illustration in
In Practice 3.1 shows, is the market for Hollywood movies, in which the Walt Disney
Corporation is a giant player.

In Practice 3.1

The clownfish nets shoals of bucks

Finding Nemo, the film about a clownfish’s attempt to find his lost son, is the first animated movie to
make more than $500 million in sales outside the USA. It has now made $504.2 million (£278.5million)
outside the USA, including $93 million (£51.3 million) in Japan, reports UK industry newspaper Screen
International (BBC News Online, 2004c). The film reached number one in the UK when it was released in
October 2003. In France the film made $63 million (£34.8 million) and looks set to overtake the total
made by the Disney-animated hit The Lion King. Finding Nemo’s records also included an opening
weekend worth $310,000 (£171,000) in Turkey, a record for an animated film there. The film is produced
by the animation studio Pixar, which has also made such hits as Toy Story and Monsters, Inc.
Subsequent DVD sales of the movie helped Pixar’s net income in the first three months of 2005 to
rise to $81.9 million (£43 million) compared with $26.7 million a year earlier. Sales rose to $161.2 million
from $53.8 million a year ago (BBC News Online, 2005a).
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82 Part 1 Overview

The desire to access production advantages offered by other countries

One of the most familiar images of MNCs’ operations is the ease with which they seem to
move freely across the world seeking operational advantages that render the production of
their products or services more cost effective. From the HR perspective the most significant
advantage that MNCs seek is alternative sources of labour. This may be motivated simply
by cost: workers in other countries may demand much less in wages than their counterparts
in the MNC’s country of origin. It may be that a greater pool of skilled labour is available in
another country, thus enabling the MNC to overcome skilled labour shortages in the coun-
tries in which it normally operates. In the former case, the decision by many UK companies
to set up call centres in Asia has attracted a lot of publicity. For example, in 2004, HSBC
decided to cut 4,000 UK call centre jobs in order to set up a call centre in the Philippines, a
country that has good-quality telecommunications and potential workers with good Eng-
lish-language skills. HSBC also has service centres in India, Malaysia and China (BBC News
Online, 2004d). Similarly, the case of Dyson, the UK manufacturer of the ‘bagless’ vacuum
cleaner, attracted a lot of publicity when it decided to move production to Malaysia, caus-
ing the loss of 800 jobs in Wiltshire. Dyson argued that the hourly wage of a Malaysian
worker was one-third of a UK worker and office rental rates offered similar cost advantages.
The company also cited the fact that its suppliers were increasingly based in the Far East
and Far Eastern markets were also in its sights (BBC News Online, 2002).
Much publicity has been given to the availability of pools of highly qualified young IT
workers in India. In 2004, IBM had a headcount in India of about 10,000 and is still
expanding, while one of IBM’s rivals, the US company Computer Sciences, aimed to more
than triple its staff in India to 5,000 in about two years (ZDNetUK, 2004). Google planned
to open a research centre in India’s southern city of Bangalore, known as India’s Silicon
Valley. Microsoft, too, planned to expand its activities in India, increasing the number of
engineers at its software development centre in Hyderabad from 150 to 500 in 2005.
Around 20 per cent of the company’s software engineers are of Indian extraction.

To grasp opportunities in developing markets

In May 2004, ten new countries gained admittance to the European Community. Of
course, one of the principal reasons for their joining is that enormous trading opportu-
nities are opened up not only to the companies in the joining countries but to those in
the existing member states. Poland is a good example. It has a relatively under-developed
economy but a population of 40 million, which presents excellent growth opportunities
for European countries who have hitherto not sought to develop the Polish market.
However, the best example of the phenomenon of an emerging market ready to be
cultivated is China. With an economy growing at approximately 10 per cent annually,
and a growing prosperous middle class whose members are no longer content to use the
bicycle as their main form of transport, the automobile market in China presents mas-
sive potential for western manufacturers such as Volkswagen (see In Practice 3.2).

To take advantage of financial inducements

Much of the inward investment by MNCs has been assisted by financial inducements
offered by host countries. These may take the form of direct financial assistance; agree-
ments to defray some of the initial operational costs, or favourable corporate tax rates
(Harrison et al., 2000). Car manufacturers in the UK, such as Nissan at Tyne and Wear and
Toyota in Derby, have created factories and employment opportunities, with grants avail-
able in European development areas. South Korean giant Hyundai has picked Slovakia as
the site for a new £466 million car plant. The factory, which will open in 2006, will produce
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In Practice 3.2

China stands out in Volkswagen’s global sales

German auto giant, Volkswagen AG, reported a sales growth of 32.9 per cent in the booming Chinese
market for the first nine months of 2003, selling nearly half a million vehicles. The growing demand in
the Chinese auto sector contributed to the group’s 26.8 per cent sales growth in the Asia-Pacific
region, which saw 570,000 vehicles sold from January to September, said a statement from Volkswa-
gen Automobile (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
Meanwhile, car sales in the company’s traditional European and North American markets shrank by
3.5 per cent and 6.3 per cent respectively compared with the same period in 2002. Sales in Canada
dropped by 6.4 per cent and in Japan by 7.4 per cent, according to the Volkswagen’s statement.
The company, affected by the slow recovery of the world economy, a strong euro, plus losses in its
Brazilian market, saw a 1.2 per cent drop in global auto sales over last year to 3.71 million in the first
nine months.
Volkswagen, the biggest automaker in China, is ambitious about expanding in the world’s fastest
growing economy. The company announced earlier this year that it planned to increase capacity to
one million units by 2007 and that it would build two more factories by 2008.
Source: China Daily (2003).

up to 200,000 vehicles every year under Hyundai’s Kia brand. Hyundai were thought to be
influenced by Slovakia’s low labour costs and financial incentives offered by the host coun-
try (BBC News Online, 2004g).

Following the example of competitors

Ghauri (2000) makes the point that a decision by a company to enter a new foreign
market induces a chain reaction from leading firms in the same market as they do not
wish to lose their competitive position. The rush of leading companies to the emerging
markets of China and India is a case in point, as is their decision to source certain prod-
ucts from particular countries (e.g. consumer electronics in Taiwan, South Korea and
Malaysia, and textiles in Pakistan, the Philippines and China).

To avoid host country protectionism

In order to protect their domestic markets, governments construct trade barriers that
make efforts by foreign competitors’ to enter those markets more difficult and costly.
Such barriers may be tariffs and quotas or specific rules and regulations (Harrison et al.,
2000). Among the responses by companies to this, is to set up production facilities in the
foreign country, as with the examples of Volkswagen in China and Toyota and Nissan in
the UK, mentioned above. It is also an incentive for governments to join common trad-
ing arrangements such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) (see Key Concepts 3.1).

Principal international business activities

Import and export
Although it is not the most significant category of international business for the pur-
poses of this chapter, import and export are vitally important to the operation of any
country’s economy and the prosperity of its companies. Exporting and importing may
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84 Part 1 Overview

Key Concepts 3.1

The WTO smoothes the path to trade between the USA and China

There is no doubting the huge significance of China’s entry to the WTO in 2003. This has led to the
removal of restrictions on trading and distribution that will allow US companies to put their products
directly into Chinese shops (Financial Times, 2004). The USA has been indignant over the practice,
commonplace in China, of illegally copying US movies, software and music. However, China has
mounted an ‘action plan’ that its officials said would lead to a measurable reduction in piracy. Beijing,
for example, will change its laws to allow for criminal penalties against a wider array of violations, and
make it an offence to import or export counterfeited material.
Both the USA and China seemed optimistic that deals like these will help to defuse tensions in the
USA–China trade relationship. US exports to China are growing rapidly. Despite a record $124 billion
trade deficit with China in 2003, US sales to China have grown 76 per cent over three years,
2001–2004, while falling to the rest of the world.
Source: Financial Times (2004).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 3.1

The reasons that companies pursue a strategy of internationalisation are not new.
Historically, empires have been built on thriving international trade. Yet the rate of
growth of international trade has grown apace in recent years. Why should this be?

take two forms: direct and indirect. Direct exporting, on the one hand, takes the form of
a company producing and selling goods to foreign customers. On the other hand, indi-
rect exporting may be a domestic manufacturer importing goods from a foreign
exporter and incorporating these goods as components in the manufacture of a product,
which may in turn be exported. Some idea of the growth of importing and exporting
can be seen from the fact that during the 30-year period from 1948, annual world
exports grew by 6 per cent against a background of output growing by 3.8 per cent
(Harrison et al., 2000). In the UK alone, exports accounted for approximately £189,000
million and imports £250,000 million in 2002 (uktradeinfo, 2005).

Foreign direct investment

Foreign direct investment (FDI) involves a company gaining a controlling interest in a for-
eign company, usually through acquiring 30 per cent or more of the foreign company’s
equity. Where two or more companies share ownership of a FDI, the operation is termed a
joint venture. According to Daniels et al. (2004), about 63,000 companies worldwide have
FDIs that range across a variety of goods and services. Companies are likely to pursue FDI
for the commercial reasons outlined above, but the enormous growth of FDI across the
world has been eased by trade liberalisation policies practised by governments. A similar
growth rate is evident in developing economies. The ten developing economies most active
in terms of FDI increased investment from approximately US$60,000 million in 1997 to
approximately US$161,000 in 2001 (UNCTAD, 2003). Harrison et al. (2000) make the point
that it would be misleading to assume that most company FDI was a consequence of
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Key Concepts 3.2

FDI outflows from US hit record $252 billion in 2004

Foreign direct investment (FDI) outflows from the USA reached $252 billion in 2004 – up from $141 billion
in 2003 to hit an all-time record. While this to some extent was reflected in the weakness of the dollar, it
also confirmed continuing strong interest among US companies in acquiring corporate assets abroad.
Of the largest 25 cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in 2004, five had a US-based company
as the acquirer. A recovery of M&A activity in 2004, meanwhile, has carried on into 2005. On present
trends, both inward and outward FDI in OECD (Organisations for Cooperation and Development) countries
could increase by 10–15 per cent in 2005, OECD estimates suggest.
Inward FDI into Germany and France, the two largest economies of the European continent, fell
sharply in 2004. In France, inward investment almost halved, falling from $43 billion to $24 billion. In
the case of Germany, foreign investors actually withdrew about $39 billion from the country, reversing
the inflow of $27 billion recorded in 2003. (Inward FDI figures include transactions, which can involve
both inflows and withdrawals, between foreign-invested enterprises and their foreign mother com-
panies. The downturn in 2004 largely reflected repayments to recipients outside Europe of
inter-company loans and other transactions between related enterprises.)
For the OECD area as a whole, according to OECD figures, FDI inflows continued on a downward
trend, falling to $407 billion in 2004 from $459 billion in 2003. Outflows, on the other hand, rose from
$593 billion in 2003 to $668 billion in 2004. Against this background, net FDI outflows from OECD
countries to the rest of the world reached record high levels in 2004: the OECD area was a net con-
tributor of $261 billion worth of direct investment – most of which went to developing countries. In
2003, OECD countries invested a net $134 billion outside the OECD area.
China continued to receive a large share of the direct investment in developing countries, with
inward FDI into mainland China rising to a record $55 billion in 2004 from $47 billion in 2003.
Source: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (2005).

In Practice 3.3

Royal Bank of Scotland expands into the US market

The UK’s Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is expanding its push into the USA by spending £5.8 billion on
the US bank Charter One, based in Cleveland, Ohio. The purchase is to take place through Citizens
Financial Group, RBS’s main vehicle in the USA. The acquisition will give RBS access to six Midwestern
states, including the cities of Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland. RBS has been an aggressive acquirer of
US financial services companies, although Charter One is its biggest buy to date. RBS became the
second largest in the UK when it bought NatWest in 2000.
RBS state that merging Charter One into Citizens will make the resulting bank one of the ten biggest
in the USA, with assets of almost $130 billion and 24,000 employees. Charter One has 616 branches in
the Northeast and Midwest.
RBS chief executive Fred Goodwin said ‘this is a highly logical and natural acquisition for Citizens
to make … it consolidates Citizens’ position as one of the leading banks in the US’. RBS hopes to get
one-quarter of its future profits from its US operations.
Source: adapted from BBC News Online (2004e).
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86 Part 1 Overview

companies establishing greenfield production sites in foreign countries. Much FDI activity
involves mergers and acquisitions, such as has occurred in international car production, an
example being the 36.8 per cent share in the Japanese manufacturer Nissan acquired by the
French manufacturer Renault (Morrison, 2002). Morrison makes the point that cars are
now truly international products in that the country in which they seemingly originate may
be quite misleading since they may be assembled with products sourced from across the
globe. In 2003, UK companies acquired 243 companies abroad at a total cost of over £21 bil-
lion whereas foreign companies investing in the UK acquired 129 companies at a total cost
of £9.3 billion (Office for National Statistics (2004). Some idea of the scale of FDI growth
may be seen from Key Concepts 3.2 and In Practice 3.3, which show how the top ten FDI
host economies grew in trems of FDI activity in the period 1997–2001.

Licensing and franchises

Licensing involves the licenser allowing the licensee to use the licenser’s intellectual
property rights in return for a fee. These intellectual property rights may include techni-
cal expertise, patents, commercial knowledge and, most importantly, brand names. So,
for example, a foreign company may be licensed to manufacture the brands of the
licensing company or use the brand name of a company as an intrinsic part of a product
being manufactured (e.g. the use of Nike or Adidas on sports shirts).
Franchising is a type of licensing agreement whereby the franchiser allows the fran-
chisee to use the franchiser’s intellectual property to undertake a specific business activity.
This is seen by the franchising company as an effective way of spreading its brand name
throughout the world without the risk and expense of setting up companies in foreign
countries. Such arrangements are particularly popular in the retail and service industries.
Fashion retailer Benetton, for example, sells 93 per cent of its products worldwide through
franchises (Business Week, 2003). The US company Burger King has over 11,000 restau-
rants in over 50 other countries and franchises over 90 per cent of its restaurants.

The importance of the multi-national company

Much of the coverage of what follows in this chapter assumes that the most important
aspect of the internationalisation of business is the predominance of the multi-national
company. It is these companies that are significant in terms of SIHRM because it is they
that develop strategies for the management of employees affected by the multi-national
nature of their activities. This is the case whether those employees are international man-
agers, for whom sophisticated international placement policies need to be developed, or
production employees made redundant as a consequence of the MNC locating production
in a lower-cost country.
Bennet (1999: 163) notes that defining the MNC is a confusing affair but argues that ‘the
essence of multinationality in a company’s operations lies in the globalisation of its man-
agement systems, perspectives and approaches to strategic decisions. An MNC’s profits are
maximised across the world as a whole, regardless of the location of various activities, the
whereabouts of head office or the nationality of its senior management. Resources are allo-
cated to the areas that yield the highest return; there is no presumption that investments
have to be restricted to certain countries.’ The multi-national context in which the MNC
functions is such that strategy plays an important role on the MNC’s operations, hence the
importance of strategic decisions in respect of employee management.
Such is the importance of MNCs that they now control one-third of the world’s output
and two-thirds of world trade (Morrison, 2002). Table 3.1 shows the world’s top ten MNCs.
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Chapter 3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world 87

Table 3.1 The world’s top ten non-financial MNCs, ranked by foreign assets (millions of US dollars and number
of employees)

Rank Company Foreign Total Number of Total

(home economy) assets assets foreign employees

1. Vodafone (UK) 187,792 207,458 56,430 67,178

2. General Electric (USA) 180,031 495,210 152,000 310,000
3. BP (UK) 111,207 141,158 90,500 110,150
4. Vivendi Universal (France) 91,120 123,156 256,725 381,504
5. Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany) 90,657 145,802 78,722 257,058
6. Exxonmobil Corporation (USA) 89,426 143,174 61,148 97,900
7. Ford Motor Company (USA) 81,169 276,543 189,919 354,431
8. General Motors (USA) 75,379 323,969 148,000 365,000
9. Royal Dutch Shell Group (UK/Netherlands) 73,492 111,543 52,109 89,939
10. TotalFinaElf (France) 70,030 78,500 69,037 122,025

Source: UNCTAD (2003).

It is one of the curious contradictions of modern life that while, in general, the image
of MNCs does not enjoy great public acclaim (see Key Concepts 3.3), we all use their
goods and services every day of our lives with little thought of the consequences. The
anti-globalisation movement has done much to promote opposition to the large MNCs.
Most of the movement’s supporters believe that globalisation leads to exploitation of the
world’s poor workers and the environment. The movement’s key mode of protest is
organising mass demonstrations. It first came to the attention of the international media
in 1999 when 100,000 demonstrators marched on the opening ceremony of the WTO’s
third ministerial meeting in Seattle, Washington. Although the majority of protesters
were peaceful, a minority caused major damage in the city. There were 500 arrests and
damage to buildings and business losses was valued at £12.5 million.

Key Concepts 3.3

The case for and against MNCs

The case for:

MNCs create economic advantages for society as a whole by:
 using the world’s resources efficiently by concentrating economic activity in countries which pos-
sess specialist resources;
 creating employment opportunities in countries where these are needed;
 developing the knowledge and skills base of people throughout the world;

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88 Part 1 Overview

 creating economies of scale, thereby bringing to consumers goods at prices they otherwise may
not be able to afford;
 enabling technology transfer throughout the world;
 expanding host countries’ economies by earning foreign finance, which can be used to fund eco-
nomic development in the host country.

Global Envision takes the free market system as a starting point for reducing world poverty. Pro-
viding the poor with opportunities to improve their own lives is the catalyst for creating a more fair,
hopeful and stable future. We support economic development and responsible free markets as the
most reliable and sustainable strategies for global poverty alleviation. (Global Envision, 2004)
The case against:
 MNCs are owned and controlled by the world’s largest and richest countries (see Table 3.1) which
amounts to a form of ‘economic imperialism’ practised by the rich countries.
 MNCs seek to impose their cultural values upon, often, ancient cultures and traditions, thereby
amounting to ‘cultural imperialism’.
 MNCs operate in countries with weak employment and environmental legislation, thereby exploit-
ing those countries and their people.
 MNCs too often pay little attention to environmental issues in the countries in which they operate.
 MNCs often concentrate low-skill operations in developing countries, preserving high-skill activi-
ties, such as research and development, for developed countries.
 MNCs are often accused of paying scant attention to employees’ rights in such ways as: paying
very low wages to and expecting long working hours from production employees; offering little
health and safety protection; not granting collective bargaining opportunities and using expatriate
managers rather than developing the management skills of local employees.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 3.2

As a senior HR manager in a major MNC, what arguments would you anticipate

using to defend your company against the anti-globalisation lobby’s position that
globalisation was disadvantageous to your company’s employees?

SIHRM: definition and analytical framework

So far, this chapter has sketched in a little background in order to convey some of the
growing importance of international business. In view of this it is not surprising that an
increasing amount of attention in the management literature is paid to international
human resource management. However, much of this literature has concerned the man-
agement of expatriate employees. The importance of this topic is undeniable. However,
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Chapter 3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world 89

the scope of the remainder of this chapter is much broader. It is intended to examine a
specifically strategic perspective on IHRM. This section starts by defining SIHRM and
examining a conceptual framework which is useful for considering some of the main
issues that attend SIHRM. Two perspectives on SIHRM are then considered: the organi-
sational capability perspective and the cultural perspective.

Defining SIHRM
Harris et al. (2003: 135) take domestic SHRM as their starting point for defining
SIHRM. In pointing out that strategic HRM is concerned with the linkage of HRM with
the strategic management processes of the organisation and the integration between
various HRM practices, they simply add that SIHRM ‘is used explicitly to link interna-
tional HRM with the strategy of the MNC’. While the essence of this definition cannot
be denied, the richness of the additional issues with which SIHRM is concerned seems
to us to be lost in this simple adaptation of the domestic definition. Schuler et al. (1993)
note that the importance of SIHRM lies in the HRM policies and practices that result
from the strategic activities of MNCs and the impact that SIHRM has on the interna-
tional concerns and goals of those organisations.
Schuler et al. use the term multi-national enterprises as opposed to multi-national
companies quite deliberately. Although the term is not generally used, it may be more
appropriate to refer to multi-national organisations. This term would cover the huge
not-for-profit organisations, such as the United Nations and the International Federa-
tion of the Red Cross, which employ large international workforces. However, Schuler et
al.’s framework (see Figure 3.2) does imply that it is designed with companies in mind,
and it is the term multi-national companies that is used in this chapter.
Close consideration of this definition raises immediate questions: what are the
human resource management issues, functions, and policies and practices?; and what
are the likely international concerns and goals of those enterprises? Schuler et al. provide
the answers to these questions in the useful framework they develop with the intention
of helping us to differentiate between domestic SHRM and SIHRM (see Figure 3.2).
Each of the factors in Schuler et al.’s model are analysed below. In the model, classic
MNC components and factors relevant to the MNC’s external and internal operating
environments influence the SIHRM issues, functions, and policies and practices which
in turn affect the concerns and goals of the MNC.

Strategic MNC components

Schuler et al. (1993: 424) argue that there are two major strategic components of MNCs that
give rise to and influence SIHRM: these are inter-unit linkages and internal operations.

Inter-unit linkages
MNCs that operate globally have key decisions to make about how best they structure
their organisations in order that they may conduct business effectively. Schuler et al.
argue that the key factor which determines success is the way in which the MNC differ-
entiates its operating units throughout the world and, at the same time, integrates,
controls and coordinates its activities. The key objective seems to be to balance the need
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90 Part 1 Overview

External factors SIHRM issues

Industry Inter-unit linkages
characteristics – control/variety
Country/regional Internal operations
– local sensitivity/ MNC concerns
strategic fit and goals
Strategic MNC Competitiveness
components Eficiency
Inter-unit linkages Local
Internal responsiveness
operations Flexibility
Internal factors
SIHRM functions Learning and
Structure of
Orientation transfer
HQ International
SIHRM policies
and practices
Experience in

Figure 3.2 Integrative framework of SIHRM in MNCs.

Source: adapted from Schuler et al. (1993: 423).

for diversity with the needs of coordination and control to produce an organisation that
is globally competitive, flexible and is capable of organisational learning. Diversity stems
from the need to operate in a responsive way in the variety of environments experienced
throughout the world. This chapter later goes into detail, for example, about different
national cultures which demand operational diversity from MNCs. Coordination and
control are classic organisation design factors which have long dominated the organisa-
tional literature.

Internal operations
There are two key imperatives for the MNC here. First, to fit activities with the local
environment of the host country (see In Practice 3.4) and, second, to play a part in con-
tributing to the competitive strategy of the MNC as a whole and the local unit itself. The
local environment will dictate differential responses in terms of legal, political, cultural,
economic and social issues which have the potential to threaten integration with overall
MNC strategy, thus the need for coordination and control mentioned above.
In addition to the strategic MNC components, Schuler et al. note the importance of
the external and internal factors which affect the SIHRM conditions, issues, functions,
and policies and practices.
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Chapter 3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world 91

In Practice 3.4

Pfizer’s community values

One of Pfizer’s values is to play an active role in making the community in which the company oper-
ates a better place to live and work. Throughout the world, Pfizer strives to improve the local
environment and help in worthwhile initiatives. An example of this is Pfizer’s South African Diflucan™
Partnership Programme.
The programme was developed by Pfizer in cooperation with the United Nations and the World
Health Organization (WHO). As of April 2004, 22 developing countries hit hardest by HIV/AIDS are
now receiving Diflucan™ free of charge from Pfizer.
Through the Diflucan™ Partnership, the company is working closely with governments, non-gov-
ernmental organisations, the UN and the WHO to ensure that Diflucan™ reaches all eligible patients
who cannot afford treatment. The partnership offers medically responsible treatment programmes,
which include the education of patients and health-care providers, appropriate dispensing of medica-
tions, ongoing monitoring and support from partner governments. The company’s support has no
time or money limits. The Diflucan™ Partnership has distributed over 4 million free doses of Pfizer’s
antibiotic and trained over 18,000 health-care professionals.
Source: Pfizer (2005)

External factors
The external factors affecting SIHRM may be grouped under seven main headings:
industry type; competitor activity; extent of change facing the MNC; political; eco-
nomic; legal; and socio-cultural.
The type of industry in which the MNC operates is important in determining
SIHRM activity. Schuler et al. distinguish between global and multi-domestic industries.
In the global industry, the MNC’s competitive position in one country will be influenced
by its competitive position in other countries. The major domestic electronic manufac-
turers, such as Sony and Samsung, are examples of MNCs that operate in a global
industry. Such is the strength of their brands, fostered by global distribution and mar-
keting, that they enjoy a competitive position across the world. In a multi-domestic
industry, such as retailing, competition in one country is largely independent of compe-
tition in other countries. The traditionally highly successful UK retailer Marks and
Spencer found, to its cost, that success in one country did not necessarily equal success
overseas. At the beginning of 2001 the company took the decision to sell most of its
stores abroad, including 18 stores in France and ten in Hong Kong, plus 220 Brooks
Brothers sales outlets (men’s apparel) in the USA and Asia and 25 Kings Super Market
(food stores) based in New Jersey (USA). Conversely, the US fashion retailer Gap has
forged a strong international competitive position with over 3,000 stores worldwide.
Schuler et al. propose that MNCs in global industries are likely to have an HR func-
tion which is more internationally oriented than multi-domestic industries.
Coordination and control in global industries will have an international focus, whereas
multi-domestic industries will have a more national orientation to these activities.
The main argument concerning competitor activity is that, unless careful attention is
paid to this the strategy of the MNC may prove ineffective. This attention should be
devoted to the geographical scale of the competitors’ activities (e.g. whether they are
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92 Part 1 Overview

global or multi-national players) and their overall business strategies, including the
degree to which competitors may wish to be market leaders and their position with
regards to merger and acquisitions. Schuler et al. argue that the more global and intense
the activity of the main competition, the more significance is attached to SIHRM issues.
The extent and speed of change which the MNC faces will also affect SIHRM activity.
Such changes may include product innovations, technological change, and entry and
exit of major market competitors. Since this change occurs on a global scale, the more
intense the scope and speed of change the greater necessity for coordination and cooper-
ation (see Key Concepts 3.4). Consequently, the attention that needs to be paid to
SIHRM increases in significance. This may lead to more importance being attached to
such issues as management development, inter-unit communication mechanisms, such
as video-conferencing, and job rotation among key personnel.

Key Concepts 3.4

The importance of intra-company communication

In a persuasive article, which stresses the importance of intra-company communication, Steinberg

(1998) warns that corporate horror stories often are a result of management never getting its message
about integrity and management control across to employees, or employees not bringing critical
information to management, or both. He cites a Coopers & Lybrand USA survey of 100 CEOs, 100
chief financial officers, 100 middle managers and 200 non-management employees. The study found
that 82 per cent of CEOs believe they lead by positive personal example but fewer than 40 per cent of
non-management employees agreed.
Upwards communication from employees was equally ineffective. CEOs often are among the last
to know of a potential crisis. The survey found that while 95 per cent of CEOs say they truly have an
open-door policy and will reward those who communicate potentially bad news, half of all employees
believe the bad news messenger runs a real risk. Indeed, Steinberg reports that in his role as a Coop-
ers & Lybrand executive, he found that employees at hundreds of companies knew of very serious
problems, while top management did not.
Steinberg argues that it might seem that some companies get into trouble because their chief
executives turn a blind eye even when they sensed possible wrongdoing. Actually, top management
is so often focused on new strategic initiatives, reorganisations, acquisitions or making the quarterly
numbers, they sometimes do not mind day-to-day business closely enough.

Schuler et al. contend that MNCs can face political and economic risk in global oper-
ations. Political risk, for example, may involve a change in the degree of political stability
in a particular country. A good example of the political risk that flows from global oper-
ations is the case of the US-based oil services MNC, Halliburton. This company was one
of the first to win a contract for the post-Iraq war reconstruction following the 2003
war. At the time of writing (summer, 2004) the Iraqi environment is fraught with post-
war difficulties so much so that dangerous conditions exist for parent-country national
employees in Iraq, particularly those that come from western countries, such as the USA
and UK, which were involved in the war. Added to those problems are the vulnerabilities
involved where MNCs expose themselves to sensitive political situations played out on
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Chapter 3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world 93

an international stage. Not the least allegation waged against Halliburton, for example,
was one of favouritism, since the US government awarded the contract to Halliburton
whose CEO from 1995 to 2000 was Dick Cheney, the US vice-president at the time the
contract was awarded (The Guardian, 2004).
Schuler et al. maintain that the level of financial complexity involved in global opera-
tions generates a degree of economic risk that is much greater for the MNC than its
domestic counterpart. Coupled with the heightened political risk attending global oper-
ations, this creates a source of uncertainty that the MNC will seek to control through
monitoring the activities of its units. Part of this control will come from SIHRM policies
and practices such as extra attention to welfare policies to deal with possibly vulnerable
ex-patriate employees and flexible staffing to cope with changes in location consequent
upon decisions to place operations in alternative locations.

Key Concepts 3.5

Workers’ rights in India

The labour laws which apply in the manufacturing sector in India are as follows:
a. The right of association. India’s Constitution gives workers the right of association. Workers may
form and join trade unions of their choice. However, trade unions represent only approximately
2 per cent of the total workforce, and about 25 per cent of industrial and service workers in the
sectors organised by unions.
b. The right to organise and bargain collectively. Indian law recognises the right of workers to organ-
ise and bargain collectively. Procedural mechanisms exist to adjudicate labour disputes that
cannot be resolved through collective bargaining. However, state and local authorities occasionally
use their power to declare strikes ‘illegal’ and force adjudication.
c. Prohibition of forced or compulsory labour. Forced labour is prohibited by the Constitution. A 1976
law specifically prohibits the formerly common practice of ‘bonded labour’. However, the practice
of bonded labour continues in many rural areas. Efforts to eradicate the practice are complicated
by extreme poverty and jurisdictional disputes between the central and state governments; legisla-
tion is a central government function, while enforcement is the responsibility of the states.
d. Minimum age for employment of children. Poor social and economic conditions and lack of com-
pulsory education make child labour a major problem in India. The government’s 1991 census
estimated that 11.3 million Indian children from ages 5 to 15 are working. Non-governmental
organisations estimate that there may be more than 55 million child labourers. A 1986 law bans
employment of children under the age of 14 in hazardous occupations and strictly regulates child
employment in other fields. Nevertheless, hundreds of thousands of children are employed in the
glass, pottery, carpet and fireworks industries, among others. Resource constraints and the sheer
magnitude of the problem limit ability to enforce child-labour legislation.
e. Acceptable conditions of work. India has a maximum eight-hour workday and 48-hour work week.
This maximum is generally observed by employers in the formal sector. Occupational safety and
health measures vary widely from state to state and among industries, as does the minimum wage.
Source: adapted from US Department of State (2004).
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94 Part 1 Overview

Finally, there may be significant legal and socio-cultural differences between coun-
tries in which the MNC operates. The early part of this century saw a notable trend by
western MNCs to outsource much of their routinised work to developing countries such
as India (People Management, 2004). In general, the labour laws in India are similar to
those in the EU and do not pose great constraints upon MNCs planning to, say, set up a
call centre. However, the manufacturing sector is somewhat different in that labour laws
offer protection to, in particular, children who are exploited in a society which is charac-
terised by extreme poverty.
Schuler et al. note that socio-cultural factors are important external factors affecting
SIHRM. The next section of this chapter is devoted to the cultural perspective on SIHRM.
The significance of these differences led UK outsourcing company Vertex to send workers
from their call centre in India to undergo a week-long cultural awareness training
programme in the UK, at which they watched UK TV and listened to soccer commentaries
in an attempt to better understand UK culture (People Management, 2004a).

Internal factors
Schuler et al. list the internal factors affecting SIHRM as: the structure of the MNC’s
international operations; the orientation of the MNC to its international business; the
MNC’s competitive strategy; and the MNC’s experience in dealing with international

The structure of the MNC’s international operations

There are five main options for the MNC in structuring its international operations: the
international division structure; multi-national; global; international; and transnational.
The characteristics of each of these are illustrated in Table 3.2.

In Practice 3.5

Virgin goes global

In 2005 Virgin started operation of its new USA low-cost airline (BBC News Online, 2004f). The airline
created 600 jobs in the first five years in New York City, the location of the HQ. In addition, 1,800
workers were hired in two years in San Francisco, the location of the operations. Virgin is the first air-
line to have operations based in California. It is US-owned and operated. Flight attendants, engineers
and workers in related functions are hired in San Francisco.
Virgin USA said a minority stake in the new airline would be held by the Virgin Group, the conglom-
erate that also operates carriers Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Express. The company said it plans to offer
a customer-focused, low-cost airline providing more comfort and entertainment.
Under US law, foreign companies are only allowed to own 25 per cent of the voting rights in a US
airline, and up to 49 per cent of the equity.
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Chapter 3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world 95

Table 3.2 Characteristics of principal organisational structures for international business

Focus International Multi-national Global International Transnational


Structural MNC adds unit Based on Operates on Establishes Goals are seeking
to domestic geographical global scale to discrete local economies of
structure to deal divisions – very achieve economies units scale; sensitivity
with international decentralised of scale to local needs;
business Strategic global
Responsive to Spreads decisions made competitiveness;
Key decisions still local needs development costs at centre flexibility and
made at centre over larger area organisational
Loss of Local units learning
Knowledge economies of scale Strategic decisions implement
developed at made at centre strategic The goals of the
centre decisions made MNC are more
Local units at centre important than the
implement major structure adopted
strategic decisions which may be a
made at centre hybrid of the

SIHRM Appointment of Developing HR Operating MNC as Ensuring local Selection and

international practices to suit single global units implement development of
management local environments operation; deciding strategic managers who
based at centre and staffing local whether to appoint decisions can balance
and expatriate operations with local managers or effectively effectively global
staff local staff expatriates; (see In and local
ensuring sensitivity Practice 3.5) perspectives
to local conditions
(see In Practice 3.5)

Source: adapted from Schuler et al. (1993).

The orientation of the MNC to its international business

The orientation of the MNC to its international business is an important, and well-doc-
umented factor, which influences the company’s approach to SIHRM. The most
well-known way of characterising the potential orientations is the work of Perlmutter
(1969) and Heenan and Perlmutter (1979). They portrayed the characteristics as: ethno-
centric; polycentric; and geocentric.

The ethnocentric orientation

The main orientation of the MNC here is to direct foreign operations from parent-
country HQ. Key jobs at both HQ and local operations are held by parent-country
nationals. Perlmutter (1969: 11) depicts the MNC’s senior management attitude as ‘Let
us manufacture the simple products overseas. Those foreign nationals are not yet ready
or reliable. We should manufacture the complex products in our country and keep the
secrets among our trusted home country nationals.’
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96 Part 1 Overview

The polycentric orientation

Here the MNC treats each separate foreign operation as a distinct national entity with
some decision-making autonomy. Foreign subsidiaries manage local operations albeit
that they are seldom promoted to parent-country HQ. Perlmutter (1969) notes that
senior executives work with the assumption that host country cultures are different and
foreigners are difficult to understand. They tend to think that local people know what is
best for them and the part of the organisation which is located in the host country
should principally be as local in identity as possible. In this situation, Perlmutter views
the organisation being held together by sound financial controls.

The geocentric orientation

The major concern of the MNC here is to employ the best people in key positions, irre-
spective of nationality. The ultimate goal is a worldwide approach to the organisation of
the MNC. The focus is on corporate objectives as well as local objectives with each part
making its unique contribution with its unique competence. Some of the organisational
drivers and obstacles to geocentrism are illustrated in Table 3.3.

The MNC’s competitive strategy

This factor is considered in detail in Chapter 2, in particular the work of Schuler and
Jackson (1987) who use Porter’s (1985) three main types of organisational strategies:
innovation, quality enhancement and cost reduction (see Chapter 2 Key Concepts 2.2).
Schuler and Jackson’s argument is that differing organisational strategies require from
employees different behaviours which may be fostered through the practice of different
HR techniques.
Although conceived with domestic HRM in mind, Schuler and Jackson’s thinking has
relevance for SIHRM. Differing organisational strategies require different employee
behaviours fostered through different HR techniques but these behaviours are unlikely to
be affected by international location. In view of this it seems that the sharing of knowledge
and expertise across the MNC’s units is likely to be an effective strategy. Such a strategy
may be assisted by the MNC’s decision to devote some units to specialist activities and to
develop mechanisms for sharing the resultant expertise across the organisation.

The MNC’s experience in managing international operations

Finally, Schuler et al. (1993) suggest that MNCs with considerable international experi-
ence, such as Royal Dutch Shell and Ford, are more likely to have a diverse set of HR
practices than those with limited international experience. Experience of dealing with
complex international situations may have taught the MNC to be flexible by accommo-
dating diverse local demands.
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Table 3.3 Organisational drivers towards and obstacles to geocentrism

Environmental Intra-organisational Environmental Intra-organisational

forces towards forces towards obstacles to obstacles to
geocentrism geocentrism geocentrism geocentrism

Increase in technical Desire to use all resources Economic nationalism, in Management inexperience
and managerial (including human) optimally host and parent countries in foreign operations
knowledge globally

Local demand for Evidence of increasing Political sensitivities involved Mutual distrust between
product quality and cost of polycentric approach in host-country operations host-country and parent-
competitive price country senior managers

Growth of world markets Risk diversification Lack of international Potential costs and risks
through global production monetary system
and distribution

Global competition Necessity to secure Growing differences Nationalistic attitudes of

among MNCs for services of best possible between rich and poor staff
scarce resources staff on a global basis countries
(including human

Advances in global Need for development Host country resentment Immobility of staff
transport and of global information of parent country tendency
telecommunications system to get greater allocation
systems of profits

Integration of global Globalisation of products Parent-country Language and cultural

political and economic and services management desire to barriers
communities control MNC policy
Senior management
commitment to geocentrism

Source: adapted from Perlmutter (1969).

SIHRM issues: functions, policies and practices

Earlier it was explained that Schuler et al. (1993) argue that there are two major strategic
components of MNCs that give rise to and influence SIHRM: inter-unit linkages and
internal operations. Here, we note some of the major ways in which they affect SIHRM
issues; functions; policies and practices.
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98 Part 1 Overview

Inter-unit linkages
SIHRM policies and practices most associated with inter-unit linkages are: establishing a
mix of employees in the local operation which is a mix of parent-country nationals
(PCNs), host-country nationals (HCNs) and third-country nationals (TCNs); establish-
ing HR policies and practices that link units but allow local adaptation; and using
management development to ensure organisational coherence.

Establishing a mix of employees in the local operation which is a mix of

PCNs, HCNs and TCNs
Traditionally, the objective of coordination and control has been achieved through
means such as placing parent-country nationals as managers in the early stages of a for-
eign operation in the way that Japanese companies, for example the truck manufacturer
Iveco locating in the West, did in the 1980s and 1990s. More recently, a leading UK DIY
retailer opened stores in China with key positions occupied by UK senior managers
(Gamble, 2003). Consequently, activities designed to prepare ex-patriates for overseas
assignments (Dowling et al., 1999) are likely to be important. However, as the case study
of Halcrow at the end of Chapter 3, related to this chapter, shows, this can be a costly
option. In the past, Halcrow’s international staffing policy has been to send expatriates
from the UK to work on overseas projects. This is now too expensive an option (IRS,
2002) as the relative cost of employing TCNs from countries such as China and Pakistan
means that this is an increasingly attractive option for Halcrow. It is also an increasingly
viable option as the amount of skilled potential staff in these countries is growing.
The move towards greater reliance on HCNs and TCNs does, of course, raise the
problem of securing coordination and control. This may be accomplished through such
measures as developing clear policies and procedures to which the foreign operation’s
managers are to adhere. Similarly, it may be done by tight financial control targets being
imposed upon the operation. In addition, coordination and control may be achieved
through what Gamble (2003) calls imparting ‘explicit’ and ‘tacit knowledge’. In the case
of the leading UK DIY retailer which has opened stores in China with key positions
occupied by UK senior managers, explicit knowledge was conveyed to HCNs through
such means as ‘the introduction and dissemination of employee handbooks, training
manuals and standard operating procedures’ (Gamble, 2003: 374). Gamble notes that
invariably the transmission of explicit and tacit knowledge overlap.
Thus, at DecoStore, the expatriate managers not only introduced and activated train-
ing, selection and recruitment, and promotion procedures, they also participated in
and oversaw their operation. In selection procedures, for instance, they introduced
and established the recruitment criteria and actively selected recruits who pos-
sessed the ‘motivational characteristics and skills appropriate to the imported form
of organisational practice’. In addition, in their daily behaviour and example they indi-
cated to local employees the kind of work style and approach that was ‘sought,
sanctioned and would be rewarded by the firm’.
(Gamble, 2003: 374)
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Self-Check and Reflect Questions 3.3

In what other ways may the expatriate managers at DecoStore have established
tacit knowledge?

Establishing HR policies and practices that link units but allow

local adaptation
It seems logical to assume that the demands of coordination and control should not be
so overwhelming that HR policies and practices cannot be adapted to local conditions.
This logical assumption was confirmed in an IRS Employment Review study (IRS, 1999)
of senior HR managers across a range of transnational companies, see In Practice 3.6.

In Practice 3.6

HR policies and practices in MNCs: centralisation and local adaptation

IRS carried out case study work covering firms representing a variety of industrial sectors, countries
of ownership and countries of operation. The focus was on the extent of internationalisation within
five key areas of people management:
 employee relations and communications;
 remuneration and benefits;
 working time;
 selection and recruitment; and
 performance management and career development.

What was the overall finding of the research?

The IRS research revealed a mixed picture, characterised by important differences both between and
within companies. The case studies showed a marked difference between those firms with a general
policy of delegating decision-making to national subsidiaries and individual business units and those
with a policy of internationalising aspects of human resource management.

Which areas of people management were decentralised?

The companies that give national subsidiaries considerable autonomy in, for example, selection and
recruitment tended to have an international outlook when it comes to high-level succession planning
and filling senior posts. In several cases, a key criterion for recruitment (and promotion) to top jobs
was international mobility.
Not even the most centralising of the case-study firms favoured harmonising pay rates between
countries where the relevant market rates are different. Basic pay levels provided one area where
centralisation and decentralisation can appear paradoxically to amount to the same thing. The decen-
tralised firms leave it to local managers to determine pay according to prevailing labour market
conditions, while the centralised companies make it a matter of worldwide corporate strategy that

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100 Part 1 Overview

people are rewarded in relation to the relevant market. In both cases the outcome is the same: base
pay levels determined according to the market.

What was the main conclusion of the research?

The reason for the unevenness found in the international harmonisation of HRM policies and prac-
tices both between and within individual firms was that the scope for internationalisation is not the
same for every aspect of the employment relationship. Some areas, such as performance manage-
ment and staff development, readily lend themselves in some companies to a consistent
cross-border approach. However, others, such as working time, are subject to a multitude of national
regulations and local arrangements, which effectively rule out substantial harmonisation.
There was unanimity among the case study firms on the question of barriers to harmonisation of
employee relations and communications strategies and policies. The most important obstacle cited
was the existence of widely differing national frameworks of employment law and labour market regu-
lation. In addition, the role of trade unions, works councils and collective bargaining in different
countries was important. However, there was no agreement among the firms on the desirability of
moving towards a cross-border approach to managing employee relations. One company illustrated
this point. US-owned computer giant, IBM, while acknowledging that a country focus is to some
extent inevitable because laws and institutions are different in each country, seeks as far as possible
to apply a single employment philosophy in every location. A key part of its philosophy is that the firm
should communicate directly with individual employees, rather than going through intermediaries
such as trade unions. Although the situation on union recognition for collective bargaining varies from
country to country, there are no cases where the union is the main channel of communication at IBM.
IBM is actively seeking to break down the barriers to international management of employee relations
and communications. The development of information and communication technologies is widely
seen as one of the most important means to this end.
Source: adapted from IRS (1999)

Using management development to ensure organisational coherence

If MNCs are to use PCN managers located in foreign operations as a major part of the
quest for inter-unit coordination and control, then it is apparent that the development
of those managers is an important part of an MNC’s HR strategy.
Briscoe and Schuler (2004) offer a series of ‘tips’ which American firms have adopted
in order to develop the managerial competence of their international managers. These
emphasise the importance of international mobility and experience for managers and
the importance of integrating the managers who have received this international devel-
opment into the mainstream of the organisation. Among the ‘tips’ are sending ‘rising
stars’ on international assignments for two or three years, incorporating overseas place-
ments into the main management development programme and considering moving
certain foreign operations to other countries to facilitate greater global interaction.
Above all, Briscoe and Schuler (2004) advocate the development of a ‘global mind-set’
among international managers. Among the attributes of managers with a global mind-
set are the ability to: conduct business on a global as well as domestic scale; work and
communicate with multiple cultures; manage the inevitable complexity that is involved
in international business; manage cross-cultural teams and manage their own personal
global learning. There is more on the competences of global managers in the next sec-
tion of the chapter.
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Chapter 3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world 101

Internal operations
Schuler et al. (1993) note that the main objective of MNCs sums up the explanation of
this important strategic component made earlier. This is being responsive to, and effec-
tive in, the local environment, yet being willing and ready to act in a coordinated fashion
with the rest of the MNC units.
Schuler et al. note a number of ways in which this objective may be achieved. These are:
 matching and adapting HR practices with the competitive strategy of the unit and the
local cultural and legislative system;
 creating a modus operandi whereby these HR policies can be modified to fit changing
 developing global HR policies flexible enough to be adapted for local HR practice.

Matching and adapting HR practices with the competitive strategy of the

unit and the local cultural and legislative system
Schuler et al. (1993) argue that one of the most important ways of ensuring that the
needs of the competitive strategy of the unit and the local cultural and legislative system
are simultaneously met is to appoint an HCN as HR manager. This will ensure that
knowledge of the local environment (e.g. legislation, acceptability of pay methods) is
used as a positive aid in meeting business needs. Indeed, Schuler et al. contend that
managing in a way that reflects local cultural needs is the key difference between domes-
tic SHRM and SIHRM, given that both demand integration between business and HR
strategy and between the components of HR strategy themselves.

Creating a modus operandi whereby these HR policies can be modified to

fit changing conditions
As in other business contexts, it is important that sufficient flexibility exists in the local
operation to be sensitive to changes in the operating environment and to adapt to these.
To a large extent this hinges on the structure adopted for HR management in MNCs. In
the giant French oil and chemicals MNC Elf Aquitaine, for example, there is a single,
group HR and communications division which covers the whole of the HR area. Each of
the three branches of the business has its own international HR division. The operating
subsidiaries in each of the 62 individual countries in which the company operates each
have an HR function, which reports to the head of the subsidiary; but there is also a
‘dotted line’ (two-way communication in relation to corporate HR policy and guidelines
where they exist) to the heads of HR of the three branches (IRS, 1999). Such flexibility of
structure gives companies like Elf Aquitaine sufficient capacity to respond quickly to oper-
ating environment changes at local level while ensuring consistency with MNC strategy.

Developing global HR policies flexible enough to be adapted for local

HR practice
This imperative suggests the importance of the ‘dotted line’ in MNCs such as Elf
Aquitaine above. Two-way communication in relation to corporate HR policies is
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102 Part 1 Overview

important if the MNC’s global HR policies are to be flexible enough to be adapted for
local HR practice.

MNC concerns and goals

This is the last component of the Schuler et al. (1993) framework and represents the
central issues on which the MNC’s SIHRM function will be focused. The concerns and
goals are:
1. global competitiveness;
2. efficiency;
3. local responsiveness;
4. flexibility;
5. learning and transfer of knowledge.
To a large extent these concerns and goals are integrated in many of the considera-
tions that have been discussed earlier in this part of the chapter, in particular local
responsiveness; flexibility; and learning and transfer of knowledge. Schuler et al. (1993)
make the point that the degree of importance of each of these to the individual MNC
will vary according to the circumstances of the organisation. But is it certain that global
competitiveness and efficiency will apply to all MNCs. To assist in achievement of these
two goals (and, for that matter, the remaining three goals), is the concern of those
charged with the responsibility of devising and implementing SIHRM. The next part of
this chapter deals in more detail with the capabilities required to fulfil this aim.

The capabilities needed to devise and implement SIHRM

It was noted above that management development is a major component of the drive to
achieve inter-unit coordination and control. This section goes further than this and
advocates that the development of key competences and capabilities is an important
aspect of SIHRM. It can be seen as applying at three levels: organisation; line manage-
ment; and HR professional. As can be seen in other chapters of this book, the
development of competences and capabilities is an intrinsic part of domestic SHRM.
This section deals particularly with those which relate to SIHRM.

Organisational capability
Interest in the concept of organisational capability has been evident for several years. It
has its roots in the fields of management of change, organisational design and leadership
(Sparrow et al., 2004). Organisational capability focuses on the organisation’s internal
processes, systems and management practices to meet customer needs and directing the
skills and efforts of the employees to achieving the goals of the organisation. A particu-
larly important strand of organisational capability was explained in Chapter 1: the
so-called ‘resource-based view of the firm’. This emphasises the intangible nature of the
so-called core competence that the organisation may possess. It is the sum of learning
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across individual skill sets and organisational units, which result in a bundle of skills and
technologies that enable the organisation to provide particular benefits to customers
(Hamel and Prahalad, 1994). Sparrow et al. (2004: 44) contend that building interna-
tional organisational capability may mean creating many new competences, or applying
existing competences to generate new strengths, for example by:
 exploiting core competence globally in a large number of countries and markets;
 identifying new resources found in untapped markets or countries and using them to
strengthen an existing core competence; and
 reconfiguring value-adding activities across a wider geography and range of opera-
tions in order to enhance an existing competence.
All this sounds rather mysterious and begs the question: ‘how will international HR
managers recognise organisation core competence?’ and ‘when they have recognised the
answer to this first question, how will they exploit, strengthen and enhance core compe-
tence?’ A pointer to the answer to the first of these questions is provided by Ulrich
(2000) who has listed the following as some of the indicators of organisational capabil-
ity. These are the existence of:
 organisational structures which enable rapid decision-making by de-emphasising
bureaucratic processes;
 strong organisational identity (or ‘brand’) against which employees can align their
 talented employees;
 a culture of innovation and learning;
 communication and information sharing across international boundaries;
 clear accountability for decision-making.
To a large extent the answer to the second question is to be found in the more concrete
fields of management development and competence development of HR professionals. It
is to these that the chapter now turns.

Line management competences

There are several studies which arrive at lists of management competences for the global
manager (see Briscoe and Schuler, 2004). Typical among these is that of Dalton et al.
(2002). These researchers argue that global managers need not only the core capabilities
(managing action, people, information, coping with pressure and understanding how busi-
ness works) but as global managers they need to see the world through the eyes of others.
Consequently, Dalton et al. argue that they should develop four key global capabilities:
 international business knowledge;
 cultural adaptability;
 perspective taking (i.e. taking into account the views of others);
 ability to take the role of innovator by seeing old problems in new ways and trying
new methods of solving them.
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104 Part 1 Overview

Much more is said about the need for cultural adaptability in the next section on the
cultural perspective on SIHRM. Meanwhile, taking into account the views of others on
the international stage is possessing what is similar to Schneider and Barsoux’s (2003)
‘global mindset’. This they define as a ‘state of mind’ achieved by managers who are able
to work effectively across organisational, functional and cross-cultural boundaries. They
argue that a global mind-set requires broad scanning, peripheral vision, and keeping in
mind that multiple interpretations of a situation are needed. Moreover, they warn
against the sort of ‘our way is the only way and the best way’ type of thinking to which
adopting stereotyped views of ‘foreign’ operations can lead.

The competences of HR professionals

The aspect of the capability perspective on SIHRM which is most important to this
book is that on the competences of international HR professionals. This is informed by
work carried out by Sparrow et al. (2004) for the UK/Irish Chartered Institute of Per-
sonnel and Development. Part of the work involved a questionnaire with over 700
international HR professionals in UK organisations. It sought to find which HR activi-
ties were the most important in terms of the amount of people involved in them and the
demands made upon their knowledge base.
The research revealed that international HR professionals pay more attention to com-
munication processes, recruitment and selection, pay and benefits, training and
management development, performance management, culture change and strategic
planning, as well as, naturally enough, IHR administration. Sparrow et al. argue that it is
predictable that these functions dominate given that they make a direct contribution to
overall organisational effectiveness across the whole of their operations. On the other
hand, Sparrow et al. contend that industrial relations, including employment law and
equality and diversity issues, are often given a more domestic focus because they are
related to legal and regulatory regimes that are more country specific. It is less clear why
cost reduction and business process re-engineering issues do not feature more promi-
nently. Sparrow et al. conjecture that it may have more to do with the concern of many
international HR professionals with matters concerning international transferees than
with the undoubted importance of these topics.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 3.4

Which of the line manager competences do you think are particularly important
for HR professionals?

The importance of communication

The research of Sparrow et al. (2004) concluded that that international HR professionals
pay a good deal of attention to communication processes. Sparrow et al. see this as a
consequence of the increased focus in global organisations on knowledge management.
They argue that HR professionals have assumed the responsibility for the exploitation of
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Chapter 3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world 105

knowledge that key employees carry with them, knowledge that is often the key to com-
petitive advantage. The challenge for HR professionals is to develop mechanisms which
can be used to share this knowledge throughout the organisation. Inevitably this means
that the development of information technology solutions facilitates knowledge sharing
through such means as company intranets. Many respondents in the research carried
out by Sparrow et al. reported that they had started this process but that it was in its
early stages at that time. Their general conclusion was that this would have an important
effect upon the role of HR in global organisations.

In Practice 3.7

Fate of BAe merger hinges on exchange of knowledge

The success of the 1999 merger of British Aerospace and the defence arm of GEC Marconi to form
BAE Systems depended on whether the two groups were willing to share corporate knowledge and
best practice – in particular, the huge reserves of knowledge stored in BAe’s then newly established
virtual university. BAe management warned that the leverage of knowledge would be a more crucial
factor in the merger than the integration of traditional business factors. Alan Millican, director of the
virtual university, said, ‘ideally, there will be an openness to look at what we can both bring to the
table’. But he admitted that there were many barriers to information sharing. ‘There is a massive prob-
lem in corporations that occurs when employees adopt an ‘over my dead body’ attitude to using
other people’s ideas and expertise. We’re not very good at sharing best practice.’
The virtual university team were already aware of the legacy of BAe’s own corporate past: the fail-
ure of its military and civilian divisions to exchange knowledge. ‘People have been locked into
individual areas and, when we merge with GEC, that will be even more evident,’ Millican said. He
admitted that GEC’s ‘entirely different’ culture would present a challenge for management, but said
the organisation was pinning its hopes on the more open, relationship-focused virtual workplace.
Millican argued that the intranet is a powerful tool to communicate the need to share. His view was
that the new company could start to shape behaviour by disseminating values’. In the four years prior
to the merger with GEC Marconi, BAe had been running a cultural change programme designed to
face the challenge of global competition. The scheme spawned ‘sharing events’ such as a best-
practice forum and employee-run master classes on best practice. The company had put all of this
on its intranet which it was contemplating sharing with GEC. Millican added that ‘mergers like this
don’t have a big success rate. We need to get staff excited about sharing their knowledge, and the
virtual university is a good place to start.’
Source: People Management (1999).

Sparrow et al.’s (2004) study asked organisations questions about the key compe-
tences for global HR professionals. Table 3.4 notes the responses in terms of both those
factors which the respondents thought the HR function needed to practise in order to be
effective and the extent to which they felt that they were being practised.
In addition to the factors noted in Table 3.4, respondents were asked about the degree to
which their organisations positioned the HR function as a strategic partner in global busi-
ness, seen by Sparrow et al. as a crucial determinant of HR effectiveness in global
organisations. This relates to most of the factors listed immediately prior to the chapter
summary, in particular the ability to market HR globally as a source of strategic advantage,
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106 Part 1 Overview

Table 3.4 Factors HR function needs to practise in order to be effective and

the extent to which they are practised

Factor Cited as Reported as

important (%) being
practised (%)

Ensure flexibility in HR programmes and processes 51.6 37.5

Have ability to express the relative worth of HR
programmes in terms of their bottom-line contribution
to the organisation 37.5 35.9
Have ability to market HR globally as a source of
strategic advantage 35.9 35.0
Develop global leadership through developmental
cross-cultural assignments 29.7 29.7
Foster the global mind-set of all employees through
training and development 29.7 29.7
Design and implement international HR
information system 29.7 29.7
Develop relationships with international HR
counterparts to encourage information exchange 23.4 23.4

Source: Sparrow et al. (2004).

to develop global leadership through developmental cross-cultural assignments and to foster

the global mind-set of all employees through training and development. Not surprisingly,
this produced a very positive response with nearly 70 per cent of organisations reporting
that they felt this was practised in their organisations.

The cultural perspective on SIHRM

Briscoe and Schuler (2004) argue that the most important issue in the conduct of both
international business and IHRM is culture. To anyone who has read about the cultural
blunders made by MNCs in disregarding the cultural differences between countries this
may seem self-evident. The same HR policies will not produce the same results in differ-
ent cultural contexts. If this is accepted this as a valid statement in terms of domestic
HRM how much more this is the case when the layer of complexity of different national
cultures is added. An example of this occurred when a US company published a new
diary for international distribution. The diary contained a note for Tuesday, April 30,
followed by the detail: ‘Queen’s Birthday (Uruguay)’. In fact, Uruguay has no queen and
no monarchy. The company’s top customer in Uruguay personally called the publisher’s
general manager to ask just what it would take for the company to understand the basic
culture of their market.
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Chapter 3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world 107

What is national culture?

Chapter 6 goes into much more detail on the issue of culture, in particular that which
relates to the importance of culture at the organisational level. This section concentrates
on the impact that national cultures have upon the efforts by global organisations to
implement their HR strategies.
Chapter 6 also defines the concept of culture, at whatever level it applies. So this sec-
tion does not want to complicate the issue by adding definitions which stress the
national element of culture. However, it may be useful to introduce this section by
noting what Briscoe and Schuler (2004) say about the impact that culture has upon the
people who share a common culture which seems to us to be particularly appropriate to
national culture. They contend that a people’s culture:
 gives them a sense of who they are; a sense of belonging;
 equips them with the knowledge of how to behave in particular circumstances;
 enables them to pass the sense of who they are and the knowledge of how to behave
in particular circumstances to succeeding generations;
 affects all aspects of how people think, solve problems and make decisions both
within and outside their employing organisations.
This last reference to organisational life leads to a consideration of the relevance of
national cultures for SIHRM. The last part of this section deals with the effects of
national cultural differences on specific SIHRM practices. But different national cultural
emphases have an impact upon the notion of strategy itself. By definition, strategy is
concerned with longer-term organisation planning, a concept that sits uncomfortably
with some national cultures. Briscoe and Schuler (2004) cite the work of Gesteland
(1999) who categorised four key national cultural differences which helped him to
better understand international marketing, negotiating and management behaviours.
One of these four is attitudes to time. For some cultures time is vital, whereas others
have a much more relaxed attitude to planning, scheduling and time. This difference
may pose potential problems for MNCs in ‘time conscious’ cultures who expect the
same attention to strategy and planning to be paid in ‘time relaxed’ cultures.
Before the chapter goes any further in this debate, a general warning is issued about
generalising and stereotyping. It is obviously misleading to think of all members of an
organisation as possessing similar characteristics. It is even more tempting to adopt the
same approach with people from different national cultures. It is so easy to slip into the
‘all Germans are formal and bureaucratic’ while ‘Americans communicate openly’ mode
of stereotyping, but this bears little relation to the complex reality of social life. In addi-
tion, this type of thinking assumes that national cultures are static. Yet everbody knows
from the understanding of our own national culture that it is constantly evolving.
Indeed, it would be surprising were this not the case, given the impact upon all our lives
of rapidly developing international transport and electronic communication. Nonethe-
less, understanding that there may be differences in thinking about work issues which
have their roots in traditional culture is clearly important to organisations which wish to
implement effective international HR strategies.
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108 Part 1 Overview

How can differences in national cultures be measured?

Having advocated the importance of understanding national cultures it is of limited use
if managers are aware of the existence of different cultures and their effects but cannot
formalise this understanding through some attempt to render it tangible. This may be
done through definition and, particularly importantly, an attempt to measure differ-
ences. This is why the work of academics such as Hofstede (1980, 1991, 2001) and
Trompenaars (1993) and Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997) has received so
much attention. Their work is evaluated in detail in Chapter 6. But here their work is
summarised to highlight the differences in national cultures.
Hofstede measured national cultural characteristics on five dimensions, the first four
of which are:
1. Power distance (relates to the views societies have about the exercise of power in
2. Uncertainty avoidance (relates to actions members of societies take in respect of
ambiguous and uncertain situations.)
3. Individualism–collectivism (relates to the views societies have about preferred ways
of social organisation, as individual members or collective groups).
4. Masculinity–femininity (relates to the importance societies put upon the values of
assertiveness or caring for others).
On the power distance dimension, Malaysia and the Philippines ranked as having
high power distance, in that society members accepted the legitimacy of managers’
power whereas the reverse was the case in the USA, UK, Ireland and Israel. For uncer-
tainty avoidance, Greece and France were notable among societies with high uncertainty
avoidance, thus pointing to the need for attention to bureaucracies and procedures,
whereas Denmark and Sweden ranked low which signals the need for greater flexibility
of approach in organisational processes. The USA emerged as a highly individualist soci-
ety as opposed to Japan and Hong Kong, which rated as more collective. Japan was
ranked the most masculine society, with Norway, Sweden, Denmark and the Nether-
lands the most feminine.
In addition, Hofstede refers to a long-term–short-term orientation. This relates to the
views societies have about the importance of time horizons (see the reference to Geste-
land (1999) in the previous section). Hofstede’s original research did not include the
long-term–short-term orientation dimension. This stemmed from the work of the Chi-
nese Culture Connection (1987). This is a critical dimension given the importance of
long-term decisions such as investment in training and development. Countries such as
Japan tend to traditionally have a focus on the future as opposed to western countries
which have a shorter-term view of, for example, company results.
Trompenaars identified seven distinct cultural factors by which countries in his study
could be categorised. He contended that these seven value orientations greatly influence
our ways of conducting business and managing. The relative position of people along
these dimensions guides their belief and actions through life.
These were:
1. universal v. particular (emphasis on rules v. relationships);
2. collectivism v. individualism;
3. range of emotions expressed (neutral v. emotional);
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Chapter 3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world 109

4. specific v. diffuse relationships (e.g. in specific cultures people compartmentalise

their lives into separate spheres (e.g. work and home) but in diffuse cultures there is
less compartmentalisation so, for example, work relationships may be carried over
into employees’ private lives);
5. method of according status to other people (e.g. by performance or social status);
6. inner v. outer directedness (the degree to which individuals feel that they have control
over their environment. Inner-directed individuals will, for example, have a much
greater belief in planning than outer-directed individuals who will tend to believe
that ‘events’ will dictate outcomes);
7. emphasis placed upon the past, present and future in orientation to action.
Trompenaars’ conclusions were similar to those of Hofstede, albeit the different
emphases in the dimensions used to measure culture. This research prompted Ronen
and Shenkar (1985, 1988) to devise a general grouping of national cultures. These are:
 Anglo (Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, the UK and USA);
 Arab (Abu-Dhabi, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia and UAE);
 Far Eastern (Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Viet-
nam, Taiwan and Thailand);
 Germanic (Austria, Germany and Switzerland);
 Latin American (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela);
 Latin European (Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain);
 Near Eastern (Greece, Iran and Turkey);
 Nordic (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden);
 Independent (Brazil, India, Israel, Japan and South Korea).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 3.5

Of what value is this general grouping of national cultures to managers in their

SIHRM activities?

How can differences between national cultures be managed?

Earlier in the chapter the three different orientations of MNCs to their international
business were explained: ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric (Perlmutter (1969)
and Heenan and Perlmutter (1979)). Schneider and Barsoux (2003) present a similar
categorisation of strategies that MNCs may employ in dealing with cultural differences.
The three main categories noted are: ignoring the differences; minimising the differ-
ences; and utilising the differences.
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110 Part 1 Overview

Ignoring cultural differences

The thrust of this strategy is to see cultural differences as irrelevant, or at least to push
them to one side in the pursuit of standardisation and efficiency. This may an important
part of MNC overall business strategy since the strength of international brands, such as
Wal-Mart and Starbucks, depends upon the customer receiving a similar experience in
whichever part of the world the store is situated. So, in terms of marketing strategy at
least, such MNCs are making a virtue of the ‘one size fits all’ approach.
But in relation to HR, ignoring cultural differences is similar to the ethnocentric (HQ
knows best) orientation which is more complex to manage than presenting a uniform
company face to the customer because it may fall foul of, for example, local legislation
and trade union regulation. But to draw such a sharp distinction between marketing and
HR strategy may be too tempting. Schneider and Barsoux (2003) note the case of
Disney, which invests enormous resources in ensuring that the Disney visitor experience
is exactly the same irrespective of location. This means that Disney employees must be
trained to ‘perform’ in an identical fashion at all times in all places. Disney employees
are an intrinsic part of the marketing strategy: a significant challenge for Disney training
and HR specialists.
Perhaps the most revealing phrase in the Disney University example in ‘In Practice’
3.8 is ‘Nonconformists needn’t apply.’ Conformity is the byword for MNCs which
pursue a ‘one best way’ approach to managing culture. But it is this desire for conformity
which leads to difficulties in cultural adaptation of HR strategy and, ultimately, to
charges of ‘inhumanity’ from those such as Ritzer (2002) who argue against the worst
effects of globalisation.

Minimising cultural differences

This perspective sees cultural differences as a problem but does not ignore such differ-
ences. As with Perlmutter’s (1969) polycentric orientation to international business,
each foreign operating company is given some decision-making autonomy. To echo
Perlmutter’s view: local people know what is best for them and the part of the organisa-
tion that is located in the host country should be as local in identity as possible. This
approach does not rule out the possibility of the MNC developing a strong corporate
culture: but there is sufficient flexibility to adapt that culture to local conditions.
This is akin to the approach taken by many of the Japanese companies setting up in
Europe in the past 20 years. One of the distinctive features of HR strategy the large
Japanese corporations introduced is to work with a company union that represents
workers but nonetheless is essentially part of the management structure of the company.
The trade union structure in most European countries is quite different in that unions
are independent of the organisations whose employees they represent. Japanese compa-
nies, such as Nissan (Wickens, 1987), adapted the company union idea in the UK by
entering into agreements with British trade unions whereby a single union in partner-
ship with the company represents the interests of its workers.

Utilising cultural differences

Here the MNC is concerned to use cultural differences as a learning opportunity and a
source of competitive advantage. Rather as in the geocentric orientation, where the best
people are placed in key positions, irrespective of nationality, MNCs that wish to utilise
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Chapter 3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world 111

In Practice 3.8

The role of the Disney University in presenting a uniform face to the visitor

The secret to Disney’s success isn’t magic; it’s much easier to replicate. It’s a well-trained, enthusias-
tic and motivated workforce: a secret that Walt Disney himself realised a long time ago. ‘You can
dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world but it requires people to make
the dream a reality,’ he said.
All of Walt Disney World’s ‘cast members’ begin their careers with Disney at the casting office. It’s
here that Disney ‘auditions’ prospective cast members. Disney’s casting building was specifically
designed to introduce prospective cast members to the idea that they are not simply doing a job but
performing on stage. Cast members assigned to work in the casting office come from all different
parts of the Disney organisation. They work on 12-month assignments. Disney believes it’s important
to have people who actually work in different parts of the company do the selection. An assignment
to the casting office is a coveted job: one that most don’t want to give up after their assignment ends.
While prospective cast members wait for their initial interviews, they watch a short video that
describes the interview process and outlines Disney’s expectations of its future cast members. Non-
conformists needn’t apply. Once hired, all new cast members go through the same one-and-one-half
day training programme called ‘Traditions’. It’s here that they learn the basics of being good cast
members, from Disney history to direction on how to meet and exceed guest expectations. It’s also
their first taste of something that is a large part of all cast members’ careers: the Disney University.

Disney University
Walt Disney established the Disney University after opening Disneyland, when he realised the need
for a structured learning environment to teach the unique skills that are required of Disney cast mem-
bers. It was the first corporate university and remains one of the largest corporate training facilities in
the world.
Disney University claims that it provides all cast members with world-class training in diverse skills
ranging from computer applications to culinary arts. Cast members are also eligible to participate in
the company’s Educational Reimbursement Plan, which allows cast members to attend courses to
pursue a college education at Disney’s expense.
Disney University utilises a number of advanced training technologies that allow all cast members
to receive training when it’s convenient for them. Mobile Training Units allow cast members to receive
computer training at their work site. In addition, training via satellite from some of America’s top busi-
ness schools is available to front-line supervisors and mid- to upper-level managers. The Disney
University Learning Centre also provides cast members with dozens of self-paced courses in a vari-
ety of subjects that allow cast members to study whenever time allows.
A variety of visiting tutors is available for specialised training at various times.
Source: adapted from Patton (1997).

cultural differences are likely to spread their operations throughout the globe. This
enables them to take advantage of different ideas and insights from wherever they may
come. Earlier in the chapter there were examples of MNCs that had located some of
their specialist functions in different parts of the world, largely for reasons for efficiency.
But Schneider and Barsoux (2003) cite the case of pharmaceutical giant P & G which
gave an element of product development responsibility to its Indian operation with the
result that successful products for the Indian market were developed based on tradi-
tional herbal medicines.
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112 Part 1 Overview

The P & G example tempts Schneider and Barsoux (2003: 270) to suggest a new form
of MNC where ‘specialised units are co-ordinated into integrated networks’.
Rather than be an assemblage of semi-independent units which contribute individually
to HQ coffers, the MNC becomes a heterarchy with many centres playing a strategic
role in formulating as well as implementing strategy. This fosters a broader range of
strategic thinking, and encourages a global mentality among all employees. These
approaches provide opportunities for organisational innovation and learning from any
direction. They encourage reflecting on which local innovations may have applications in
other national units or might even warrant global diffusion. They force companies to
consider what is the opportunity or incentive for ‘local for global’ organisational learning,
or transfer of ‘best practice’ from the subsidiaries to the headquarters.

What are the effects of national cultural differences on

SIHRM practices?
The categorisation of strategies that MNCs may employ in dealing with cultural differ-
ences, explained above, only paints a rather general picture of what HR managers in
MNCs may do to adapt to cultural differences. The reality of such differences is really felt
at the level of HR practices. Being aware of a general strategy is one thing; knowing how
to devise a pay system to promote a favourable reaction from Vietnamese workers is quite
another. This final section examines briefly some of the issues that face MNC HR man-
agers when making key decisions which have to take into account cultural differences.
The decision areas we cover are: selection, training, performance management and pay.

Among the questions, which are interrelated, which need to be asked when selecting in
unfamiliar cultures are:
 What emphasis needs to be put upon what people know as opposed to what they can do?
 How important is educational background?
 How important is social and family background?
 How important is it to be a generalist rather than a specialist?
 How important are issues of gender, disability, race, religion and age in selection?
Clearly the answers to these questions are important in informing selection decisions
not only in ensuring that the most suitable person for the job is selected but that the
successful candidate can become integrated into the organisation. It is always tempting
to think that selection is a process of rational decision-making where the most compe-
tent person gets the job, irrespective of other considerations. However, we all know that
this is not the case, despite the move to more apparent rationality in selection –
decisions in the West through the development of such techniques as job specifications
and competence frameworks.
Schneider and Barsoux (2003) report the tale from K-Mart, the USA retail giant,
which bought the former state-owned Maj department store in Prague. Part of the selec-
tion criteria for the new company was that sales staff that would smile and greet
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Chapter 3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world 113

customers in the way we have become used to in the West. However, this contradicted
typical Czech behaviour which is characterised ‘moodiness’ and ‘cynicism’. New
appointees soon found that they could not adapt to the required behaviour and left.

Many of the key issues for HR managers in MNCs in relation to training are similar to
domestic concerns. However, there are two key issues which need to be considered: who
does the training and to what extent do the content and method of the training provi-
sion (including the language used) need to be tailored to the country in which the
training takes place.
There is considerable scope for ethnocentrism in the approach adopted. Of all the HR
practices, training perhaps has the highest potential for delivering a ‘MNC HQ knows
best’ message by adopting the content and method of the HQ country, delivered by
training professionals from that country in (usually) English. Not only is there the spirit
of ethnocentrism evident in the message sent here but the content of the training may
be inappropriate for host-country needs. This strikes a familiar chord with the enduring
claim that business and management education tends to be too American dominated.
The US publisher McGraw-Hill seems to be aware of the dangers of ethnocentrism in
its training provision and is moving towards a more polycentric approach designed to
minimise cultural differences (see In Practice 3.9).

In Practice 3.9

International training at McGraw-Hill

The vice-president at McGraw-Hill in charge of international training often delivers the training to the
company’s 17 locations, which are mainly in Europe and Asia. There are two McGraw-Hill divisions:
USA and International, and training is seen as a way of developing a common corporate culture. His-
torically there was little training carried out in the International division.
The company is conscious of the need not to be too American in its training provision. Trainers
network with other international trainers and host-country managers in order to tailor provision to
host-country needs. In addition, trainers arrive at the location well before the training event in an
attempt to familiarise themselves with the location’s specific culture.
However, McGraw-Hill’s goal is to develop instructors in each of the locations.
Source: adapted from Briscoe and Schuler (2004).

Performance management
Performance management is a particularly complex practice to transfer between cul-
tures without philosophical and practical conflicts. The types of questions that may arise
in considering the extent to which performance management may be transferred across
cultures are: how prepared are individuals to accept individual responsibility as opposed
to identifying their activities as part of a team effort?; how prepared are individuals to
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114 Part 1 Overview

accept personal performance objectives?; how prepared are individuals to accept per-
formance feedback?; and how equipped are managers to give feedback?
Schneider and Barsoux (2003) give two examples of the difficulties, one from Russia
and the other from the USA. They note that Russian managers are often reluctant to set
performance objectives for their employees because this is reminiscent of the regime of
Lenin’s Young Communist League in which individuals had to report on objectives
achieved, such as the number of streets cleaned as part of community service expecta-
tions and the amount of papers by Lenin that had been mastered.
In the USA there is considerable sensitivity over what is being assessed: the individual
or the individual’s job performance. Such is the importance of the distinction that the
US courts will uphold complaints from appraised individuals who can prove that their
evaluation was based on their personal traits rather than their job performance, unless it
can be demonstrated that there is a direct link between personality and performance.

Some of the issues that relate to performance management also concern pay; a classic
example being the degree to which individual, team or organisational performance may
be linked to pay. There are also cultural differences over the differentials that exist over
the pay of employee groups, for example senior managers and production operatives. A
large gap is expected and tolerated in the West, this will be less so in countries with a
recent socialist history. For example the history of egalitarianism in China is clearly part
of the ‘old’ values which are still influential in Chinese organisations. For example, so-
called ‘red-eye disease’ (jealousy) is evident in many Chinese organisations where there
is resentment over differing levels of pay.
In addition, the resistance to the principle of paying individuals differently according
to their performance also highlights another difficulty in Chinese organisations, partic-
ularly those that are, or have until recently, been state owned. The absence of any real
employee understanding of entrepreneurialism is a problem. Individual performance-
related pay serves as an embodiment of the tension that exists in China between the ‘old’
values and the realisation that economic necessity dictates a set of ‘new’ values, a set in
which old egalitarianism plays little part. Part of this set of ‘new’ values is using job
effectiveness as a pay differentiator. This poses practical barriers for many Chinese
organisations where there is no effective performance management system, in addition
to the cultural barriers.
This section concludes wth a summary list of those HR activities that the authors
consider cultural differences impact upon the most:
 strategic planning
 organisational structure in reaction to degree of formalisation and hierarchy
 management decision-making
 recruitment and selection
 the socialisation of employees into the organisation
 performance management
 content and structure of training
 career development
 employee involvement
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Chapter 3 SHRM in a changing and shrinking world 115

 pay and benefits

 facility for gaining employee commitment to goals of organisation
 attitudes towards change management programmes
 attitudes of employers and employees towards collective employee representation.
There is little doubt that the future for many HR professionals will involve much
more attention to international issues. As can be seen from this chapter, SIHRM is a
wide-ranging and complex topic that merits careful attention. What will be interesting
to note, as global business develops, is the attention that non-European and North
American companies pay to HR issues as they spread their influence throughout the
world. This chapter has taken a very western perspective on SIHRM. The future will
undoubtedly be even more complex and varied.


 MNCs pursue international business for a variety of reasons in a variety of ways.

 The importance of MNCs is not new but their growth in recent years has been rapid
and significant.
 SIHRM may be better understood by the examination of a model in which classic
MNC components and factors relevant to the MNC’s external and internal operating
environments influence the SIHRM issues, functions, and policies and practices,
which in turn affect the concerns and goals of the MNC.
 The development of key competences by MNCs is important at three levels: organisa-
tional, line management and HR professionals.
 National cultural differences are an important aspect of SIHRM and have been meas-
ured by a number of authors allowing these differences to be categorised.
 Strategies for managing cultural differences include: ignoring them, minimising them
and utilising them.
 The effects of national cultural differences on HR practices can be quite profound
with the consequence that the transferability of many of these practices is suspect.

Follow-up study suggestions

 Investigate official international business web sites (e.g. UNCTAD) to determine

growth patterns in MNCs (i.e. country of origin, economic sector, size).
 Examine company reports of MNCs to identify the markets into which they are
spreading and the discernible patterns among these developments.
 Interview key managers in an organisation known to you which has a substantial
amount of international business in order to establish the key competences for man-
aging international business.
 Search in key practitioner texts for examples of HR practices which have necessitated
modification in the light of significant cultural differences.
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116 Part 1 Overview

Suggestions for research topics

In a particular organisation for which international HRM is important:

 Study the international HRM activities of the organisation and assess the degree to

which they differ from the organisation’s domestic HR activities.

 Evaluate the opportunities and threats posed to the effective operation of the organisa-

tion’s HR activities by the international environment in which the organisation operates.

 What cultural challenges are posed by the different national cultures in which the

organisation operates?
 What strategies are used by the organisation to manage cultural differences and to

what degree do these seem to be successful?

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Evaluating SHRM: why bother and does it

4 really happen in practice?*
With Denise Skinner

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 explain the importance and contribution of evaluation to strategic human

resource management;
 identify the range of different purposes an evaluation can serve;
 assess the barriers to evaluation and their causes;
 identify the various stakeholders in any evaluation and their need both to
contribute and to receive feedback;
 assess the choices to be made in respect of the evaluation process and
make suitably informed decisions;
 outline a range of strategies and data collection techniques involving both
primary and secondary data, which may be used to evaluate strategic
human resource management;
 identify the complexity of issues associated with feeding back the findings
of evaluations.

* This Chapter was co-authored with Denise Skinner

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118 Part 1 Overview

Within all of our lives we are constantly evaluating as part of our normal daily activi-
ties. As this book was being researched the value or worth of many academics’ work
in the field of strategic human resource management (SHRM) was assessed. As this
book is being read its contents will be evaluated, the style in which it is written, the
design and pedagogic features and the ideas and issues that are raised. The rele-
vance of the contents will probably be evaluated to the reader’s context, her or his
ability to understand the material and the suitability of the place and time in which it is
being read. Such ‘personal’ or ‘informal’ evaluations of situations and experiences
affect one’s perception of the world and underpin the choices that are made.
Given that this process is so central to what people do, it is perhaps surprising that
evaluation, as a planned and formal activity, appears to be so problematic in an
organisational context. Effective evaluation and the promotion of HR strategies
requires the systematic collection of data that are subsequently analysed, the find-
ings being presented in a meaningful and useful form. These data may have been
collected through monitoring what is happening within an organisation over time, per-
haps as part of a balanced scorecard approach to performance management or an
HR information system, or specifically to evaluate a particular strategic HR interven-
tion. However, without the ensuing evaluation, the effectiveness of one or a series of
strategic HR interventions may be unclear. The knowledge and understanding gained
through this process of research, the authors would argue, enables organisations to
have a clearer understanding of the impact of different strategies and, of equal impor-
tance, to adjust their HR interventions to help promote these strategies. Yet despite
this, it is widely recognised that the implementation of HR strategies has rarely
included a planned evaluation (Doyle et al., 2000) and, on those occasions that they
do, the findings are rarely utilised at all, let alone strategically.
Toracco (1997) argues that this lack of evaluation is due to difficulties associated
with the long timeframes required for strategic change in organisations. In particular,
it is often difficult to be certain of the precise impact of specific interventions. These
observations are supported by others (for example Randell, 1994; Skinner, 2004) who
emphasise the difficulty of designing evaluation studies and obtaining data of suffi-
cient quality to disentangle the effect of a specific HR intervention from other stimuli.
Even in the context of training and development, where there is a great deal of litera-
ture written about the need to evaluate and a widespread acceptance among
practitioners of its importance, the reality is that evaluation rarely progresses beyond
the end of course ‘happy sheet’, asking participants about the operational practicali-
ties of the training experience. Despite such problems, the need for evaluation is
emphasised by models of strategy formulation and development. These usually incor-
porate an information gathering and analysis stage, which emphasises the
importance of knowing and understanding an organisation’s current situation as part
of developing strategy. For example, as was seen in Chapter 1, top-down develop-
ment of strategy involves a number of steps, including analysing an organisation’s
environment and its internal resources, within which it is recognised that this informa-
tion is likely to be incomplete and therefore imperfect. Similarly, the processual
approach to strategy development involves reflection, evaluation and understanding.
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Such research is likely to include data on the external environment as well as internal
objectives, organisational (including HR) capabilities and the need to communicate
within the organisation (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990).
Typical ‘scientific’ approaches to research often seek to minimise the amount of
involvement between those collecting and analysing the data (the researchers) and
those from whom data are collected on the grounds of maintaining objectivity
(Robson, 2002). Within such a scientific evaluation, evaluators are seen as separate
from, rather than working alongside, an organisation. Findings are disseminated only
to the sponsor of the evaluation rather than all those affected. This conflicts with
much that we discuss in this book in terms of the importance of an employee involve-
ment to develop strategy ownership and understanding (Chapter 12). Such conflict is,
perhaps, not too surprising if the purpose attributed to the evaluation is to under-
stand and explain. We would argue that evaluation can also provide useful insights
about HR issues associated with specific strategies. However, in evaluating and pro-
moting HR strategies, we believe it is often necessary for the person undertaking the
evaluation to be within or to become part of the organisation. Analysis of data col-
lected should not take place in a vacuum and judgements need to be made within the
context of the organisation.
In this chapter we therefore argue that the evaluation of HR strategies needs to
involve those affected within the organisation as fully as possible. This is not to say
that evaluation can only be undertaken by people within the organisation. Rather it
implies that where people external to the organisation are used, their role should be
to help those within to perceive, understand and act to improve the situation; an
approach akin to Schein’s (1999) ‘process consultation’. As part of this it is recog-
nised that, depending upon the purpose of the evaluation, one or a number of
research strategies might be more appropriate. Evaluation may take place over a
range of time horizons. These can range from one-off case studies, perhaps answer-
ing the question ‘Where are we now?’, through cross-sectional studies which
benchmark HR practices, to longitudinal evaluations perhaps using a series of
employee attitude surveys. Similarly, we recognise that to address particular strategic
objectives some data collection techniques are likely to collect more appropriate data
than others. For example, a questionnaire survey of employees is less likely to dis-
cover their in-depth feelings about a recent downsizing than face-to-face interviews
in which an interviewer takes time to gain the employee’s confidence.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 4.1

Think about the last time you were asked to evaluate a course in which you were
participating. A possible course could be a module on your current programme or
a training course at your workplace.
a. What aspects of the course were you asked to comment about?
b. How do you think your evaluation and that of your fellow students was used
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120 Part 1 Overview

This chapter begins by considering the nature of evaluation in terms of what it is,
its benefits and why it may not be undertaken (Figure 4.1). The choices that have to
be made about the process once a decision has been made to evaluate are then
explored. Commencing with a discussion of purpose and context, typical and action
research approaches are considered and different evaluation strategies and data
gathering techniques outlined. The implications of different tools and techniques, and
issues relating to the feeding back of findings, are then discussed. However, we
would stress that while this chapter provides an overview of a range of evaluation
strategies and techniques, there is still a need to read far more widely about these
prior to undertaking an evaluation yourself. This is because the space available is
insufficient to enable us to explain the strategies and techniques in sufficient detail.

Nature Undertaking Clarity Analysis

Need to Gathering
of the and and
evaluate data
evaluation evaluation strategy feedback

Purpose of clear Observation Analysis
and SHRM

Evaluation Feeding
Benefits Context Interview
strategies back

not to Questionnaire

that need
of evaluator

Figure 4.1 Mapping the evaluating SHRM territory: a summary diagram of the chapter content
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Chapter 4 Evaluating SHRM: why bother and does it really happen in practice? 121

The nature of evaluation

If one were to ask a group of people to define evaluation, it would probably be found
that the term meant different things to individuals depending on their background and
experience. As the thinking and practice relating to evaluation have evolved over the last
40 years, a variety of strategies and data collection techniques has developed and there
has been a range of definitions to match. Patton (1997: 192), for example, identifies 57
types of evaluation as ‘illustrative’ of the many types available! Key issues in differentiat-
ing between evaluation types include:
 when they occur;
 their purpose;
 what is being evaluated;
 the evaluation strategy adopted;
 who undertakes the evaluation.
These issues have been used to differentiate between some examples of the evaluation
types that Patton identifies in Table 4.1.
This process of planned or formal evaluation, as distinct from the personal, informal
evaluation such as ‘gut feeling’, has variously been defined as: an activity for providing
information for decision-making (Alkin, 1969), an activity focused on assessing the
achievement of objectives (Eisner, 1979; Guba and Lincoln, 1981) or an activity focused
on assessing actual effects and outcomes regardless of stated goals (Scriven, 1972).

Table 4.1 Illustrative examples of different types of evaluation

Example of evaluation Central question or

type or focus defining approach

Purpose Outcomes To what extent have the desired outcomes

been achieved and what has been the
impact on those involved?
Decisions What information is needed to inform future
Cost–benefit analysis What is the relationship between the cost of
the initiative/intervention and the outcomes
in monetary terms?
Efficiency Could the same level of output be achieved
with reduced input or could greater output
be achieved with the same level of input?

When Longtitudinal What happens to the initiative/intervention

and those involved/affected over time?
Needs assessment What do the client/participants/employees
need and how might those needs be met?
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122 Part 1 Overview

Table 4.1 Continued

What is being Effort What are the inputs in terms of the level of
evaluated activity and effort being put into the initiative
or intervention, e.g. resources, ratios?
Process What are strengths of the day-to-day
processes, how can these processes be
Quality Are acceptable standards being consistently

Evaluation Monitoring Data are routinely collected and analysed,

strategy often through a human resource information
system, on an ongoing basis
Developmental The evaluator is part of the team working on
the initiative’s continued development
long term

Who Collaborative The intended users work with the

evaluators on the evaluation
Connoisseurship Experts apply their own criteria and
External The evaluation is conducted by independent
outsiders to increase credibility
Internal Those involved evaluate the initiative/

Source: adapted from Patton (1997).

Although different definitions take slightly different views, they all emphasise the need
for evaluation to be conducted as a planned and purposeful activity rather than as an
afterthought (In Practice 4.1). As such, evaluation is concerned with finding things out
in a systematic way. The term ‘systematic’ emphasises that evaluation will be based on
logical relationships and not just beliefs or hunches often associated with informal eval-
uations. The term ‘finding out’ highlights the importance of data as the basis upon
which decisions are made as opposed to a reliance upon assumptions and guesswork.
Patton (2002) highlights the contribution of evaluation to improvement, describing
evaluation as any effort to increase human effectiveness through systematic data-based
inquiry. Drawing these ideas together, Russ-Eft and Preskill (2001) argue that evaluation
should be a systematic process for enhancing knowledge and decision-making which
involves the collection of data.
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In Practice 4.1

Planned evaluation of sustainability support for small businesses

Business Boffins Ltd provides mentoring and support to new and young businesses. Working with the
South East England Development Agency and Oxford Brookes University, Business Boffins devel-
oped a business mentoring programme for small businesses. The programme was pilot tested with
147 small businesses in the south east of England. During this first year of operation, participants
were asked to evaluate the programme three times using purpose-designed questionnaires. The data
collected allowed the programme to be further tailored to the needs of the small businesses during
the year. At the end of the first year, over 95 per cent of the small businesses agreed that the pro-
gramme had been helpful. This contrasted with a recent Federation of Small Businesses’ survey
which indicated that, although 70 per cent of small businesses seek help and advice, only 10 per cent
are satisfied with the help they receive (Business Boffins, 2005).

The need to evaluate

Evaluation and SHRM

Inevitably, given the turbulent business environment of the late twentieth and early
twenty-first centuries, organisations have to contend with a world in which the only
constant is change (Carnall, 1995). In this context, an important aspect of SHRM is to
ensure that the organisation is able to respond in a timely and positive manner to its
internal and external environments. As early as 1987, Guest identified a key role for HR
managers within the global scenario of organisations faced with increasing external and
internal pressures, when he asserted that the capacity to implement strategic plans was
an important feature of successful SHRM. Since then, the literature has frequently
argued for the strategic role of the HR function and authors such as Purcell (1999),
Tyson (1999) and Ulrich (1998) have emphasised the need to manage human resources
strategically in order that an organisation’s capacity for change can be improved. Tyson
(1999) maintains that HR managers are major players in the creation of organisational
capability. He also suggests that evaluation is an area where the HR function can make a
significant contribution to increase understanding of the appropriateness of interven-
tions, in effect to learn from experience, and to change strategy as a consequence.

The benefits of evaluation

As discussed in Chapter 10, an integral part of effective learning is the reflection on
experience – the evaluation of process and outcomes that enables informed progression
to the next stage. Writing on organisational change, Doyle et al. (2000) ask the question,
if this is not monitored how can the experience contribute to organisational learning?
Pedler et al. (1991) include the conscious structuring of evaluation as a characteristic of
learning organisations and the role of evaluation in successful change initiatives is
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124 Part 1 Overview

widely acknowledged within the change management literature. Similarly, Patrickson et

al. (1995: 6) argue that evaluation is a necessary precursor to more change ‘in a cycle of
continuous improvement’, a pivotal point that provides an opportunity for analysis and
reflection before making adjustments to the course of change. Nelson (2003) also asserts
that the management of any change should incorporate the regular review of progress
and that strategy should change in response to feedback.
Other authors specifically identify important contributions that the inclusion of a
planned process of evaluation can make to successful SHRM. Love (1991), for example,
outlines the role of effective evaluation in improving management decision-making
through the provision of information and the development of shared understanding.
Kirkpatrick (1985) argues the importance of feedback in gaining acceptance and com-
mitment to organisational initiatives, while Carnall (1995) suggests that people need
information to understand new systems and their place in them. Preskill and Torres
(1999) argue that evaluative inquiry helps organisation members reduce uncertainty,
clarify direction, build community, and ensure that learning is part of everyone’s job.
The sharing of information, they argue, is essential if new insights and mutual under-
standing are to be created.
Many of these benefits relate to the common themes of information gathering and
developing shared understanding. At the start of this chapter, the reality that every indi-
vidual evaluates on a personal basis and how the same is true in relation to our
individual organisational experiences was highlighted. Reichers et al. (1997) argue that
people need to understand not only the reasons for change but also its ongoing progress
and its results. Individuals at all levels will make their own assessments, constructing
their own ‘reality’ relating to the necessity for, and the effectiveness of, new initiatives
and strategies, often even when these do not affect them directly. In some cases, these
views are shared and tested with colleagues but, despite this, much may remain tacit
rather than explicit. Yet individuals’ future actions will almost certainly be influenced by
these assessments, even when they are based solely on personal perceptions and the sub-
jective evaluations that result from relatively narrow perspectives.
The extent of individual understanding is inevitably determined by the information
that is available, whether through formal or informal channels. The conclusions that are
reached will be affected by the quality of that information; in particular its relevance,
accuracy, comprehensiveness and up-to-dateness (Calder, 1994). Patton (1997) main-
tains that an evaluation process is, in itself, a benefit, due to the learning that occurs
among those involved in it. This, he argues, is because evaluation both depends on, and
facilitates, clear communication. Every strategic HR intervention is unique and can only
be understood from the experience of the participants but this needs to happen within a
more general analytical framework. A planned process of evaluation can provide a
mechanism for capturing the individual learning which has occurred and for the shar-
ing of this learning across the organisation. This helps ensure that valuable knowledge
will not be lost (Anderson and Boocock, 2002) and that there will be a sense of closure
to the experiential learning cycle (Hendry, 1996). Without an evaluation process to cap-
ture and share the learning, the evidence is that valuable knowledge will escape, and it is
highly likely that both individuals and organisations will repeat the, often unsuccessful,
past (Garvin, 1993) increasing the likelihood of repeated mistakes (Gustafson et al.,
2003; Key Concepts 4.1).
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Key Concepts 4.1

Thinking about whether to evaluate?

Chapter 9 considers the widely accepted management mantra that what gets measured, gets done.
This highlights the importance of the link between performance and the evaluation or assessment of
that performance. This and the issues discussed in the previous section can be summarised as four
questions to consider in relation to whether SHRM should be evaluated:
1. If you don’t measure outcomes and impact, how can you tell success from failure and explain it to
2. If success isn’t visible, acknowledged and shared how can you reward it and build on it?
3. If you can’t reward success, then how can you be sure that you are not rewarding failure?
4. If you can’t recognise failure, how can you avoid its repetition and how can you improve?

Source: adapted from Patton (1997).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 4.2

List the arguments you would use to justify the need for an organisation to justify
evaluating SHRM interventions.

Reasons not to evaluate

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 4.3

Before you read on, based on your own experience make a list of reasons why
you might be reluctant to undertake an evaluation of an HR process.
As you read this section compare the reasons you have listed with those we
identify. To what extent are they the same or similar to those you have identified?

From reading and thinking about the arguments put forward in the previous subsection
and answering Self-Check Question 4.2, you will have identified a range of reasons to
justify the evaluation of SHRM. If asked, most mangers would probably come up with a
similar list. Yet, despite the benefits that evaluation can provide, the reality for many
organisations is that evaluation simply does not happen. Reasons given for this can be
grouped into three overlapping categories:
 the difficulties of undertaking evaluation;
 the perceived lack of a need to evaluate;
 the difficulties associated with dealing with negative outcomes.
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126 Part 1 Overview

Difficulties of undertaking evaluation

Difficulties of undertaking evaluation in relation to HRM strategies have long been con-
sidered greater than for other business functions. Unlike the finance or production
aspects of an organisation, the contribution of HR has been widely considered to be vir-
tually unmeasurable because it deals with the ‘soft’, people side of the business. In the
past it was not considered possible for HR to be fully accountable in the same terms as
other functional areas, as its performance could not easily be measured or quantified in
financial terms or business metrics (Key Concept 4.2). This belief has not served the
cause of the HR function well, making it difficult for HR managers to demonstrate the
value of the function’s contribution to the business and to compete for resources. It is,
however, a position that is changing, as there has been increasing recognition of the need
to assess the contribution of strategies to manage human resources (often referred to as
human capital management) to the bottom line. This highlights that, while there is no
consensus on a set of universally relevant indicators, there is growing agreement that the
performance of human resources is linked to practice in areas such as recruitment,
training and development, remuneration and job design. These, it is argued, need to be
measured and reported combining hard (quantifiable) data with narrative (Kingsmill,
2003). In the UK this has been reinforced by the move to introduce regulations requir-
ing human capital management reporting to become a statutory requirement for listed
companies as part of their operating financial review (Department for Trade and Indus-
try, 2004; Key Concept 4.2).
Linked to the perception that some things are impossible to measure is the, often
unfounded, assumption that an organisation’s members do not possess the necessary
skills to produce a credible or competent evaluation. This may lead to a belief that to
acquire the necessary skills is likely to be both time consuming and costly or that an
evaluation must involve the use of expensive external consultants.

The perceived lack of a need to evaluate

The perceived lack of a need to evaluate is often characterised by the phrase: ‘we know
the impact will be positive’. This is especially the case for interventions that are fashion-
able. Not surprisingly, writers such as Asch and Salaman (2002) caution that
‘fashionable’ ideas may not always be good. An intervention which fails to identify, or
takes a simplistic view of, the origins and nature of HR difficulties, may simply replace
one set of problems with another. Despite this there is often little or no evidence of a
detailed or considered assessment of either the organisational need or the appropriate-
ness of particular HR strategies before they are introduced. Given that the academic and
practitioner literature promote the beneficial effects of HR initiatives and the positive
experiences of others, it is not surprising that senior managers responsible for initiating
the process often begin from the premise that there is an inherent value in the initiative
in question (Brunnson and Olsen, 1998) and that benefits will therefore inevitably result
from their implementation of a new or revised strategy.
In situations where managers are under increasing pressure, ‘quick fixes’ may be
attractive (Swanson, 1997) and it may appear easier to imitate rather than innovate
(Brunsson and Olsen, 1998). This unquestioned belief also serves to reduce the perceived
need to evaluate formally as those responsible already ‘know’ the effect will be positive
(Skinner, 2004). The power and impact of such assessments is recognised widely in the
literature. Writing about the measurement of business excellence, Kanji (2002) observes
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Key Concepts 4.2

Human capital management reporting

Human capital management reporting is based on the premise that, if an organisation’s human capital
drives its success, human capital should be reflected in the organisation’s annual report. Within the
UK, the government set up a task force ‘Accounting for People’ in January 2003 to:
 look at the performance measures used to assess investment in human capital;
 consider best practice in human capital reporting, and performance measures most helpful to
 establish and champion the business case for such reports.
The task force published its report in November 2003. In this they recommended that reports on
human capital management should be balanced and objective, following a process which could be
audited. In particular reports should:
 be strategic in focus;
 communicate the board’s understanding of the links between human capital management policies
and practices and its business strategy and performance;
 include information on:
 workforce size and composition;
 motivation and retention of employees;
 competences, necessary skills and training;
 fair employment practices;
 leadership and succession planning;
 provide information that enables comparison over time using commonly accepted definitions
where appropriate.
However, while the requirements published by the Financial Reporting Council state that the oper-
ating financial review should include information about employees, policies and the extent to which
these have been successfully implemented; it does not define the precise content (Accounting Stan-
dards Board, 2005). These major references to employee reporting appear in a separate guide that is
not part of the standard itself.
Sources: adapted from Kingsmill (2003); Scarborough (2003); People Management (2005a).

that ‘gut feelings’ rather than fact and measurement are the basis of too many manage-
ment decisions. Such informal evaluations are made on the basis of unverified
information, experience, instinct or the opinion of the most influential people rather
than on information extracted correctly from reliable data (Conti, 1997). Easterby-Smith
(1994) notes also a preference of managers, particularly at senior levels, for information
received via their own informal information channels and observes that this information
tends to be far more influential than that produced via more formal channels. Clark and
Salaman’s (1998) ideology of management reinforces the belief of managers in the value
of their own judgements, making them unlikely to question their own interpretations or
to acknowledge the limits of their own understanding. These factors serve not only to
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128 Part 1 Overview

undermine a perceived need for a planned evaluation but may also mean that objectives
and expected outcomes of SHRM initiatives are unclear and unarticulated.
Compounding this lack of a perceived need to evaluate formally among senior man-
agement is the focus of senior management on the initiation rather than
implementation stages (Skinner and Mabey, 1997) of strategic human resource initia-
tives. This may also result in a failure to define success criteria or to assign responsibility
for monitoring progress. Russ-Eft and Preskill (2001) note that, in their experience, the
number one reason people give for not undertaking an evaluation is that no-one
requires it. Managers at all levels of organisations struggle constantly with the pressure
to succeed and the pressure of time (Swanson, 1997). Consequently, time for evaluation
may appear an indulgence. Managers have limited resources available and, in the inter-
ests of their own security, satisfaction and longer-term goals are likely to use their
resources in pursuit of outcomes and activities which they perceive to be valued by those
in a position to reward success. They are therefore unlikely to undertake activities that
they consider are not seen as priorities in the minds of their superiors and for which
they have not been given specific responsibility or resources.
Allied to the discussion of the lack of a perceived need to evaluate is the implicit
recognition that, for many, evaluation is an afterthought. You will probably have noticed
that, in many of your HRM textbooks, discussion of evaluation occurs rarely and, if it
does, tends to appear towards the end. The implication is that evaluation of HR strate-
gies and associated interventions is something that is only thought about after the event
has happened and is not central to the implementation process. However, the end of the

In Practice 4.2

Difficulties of measurement

During research relating to the evaluation of HR change initiatives, undertaken by Skinner (2004),
managers in two organisations made the following comments with regard to problems associated
with measurement:

A higher education institute

I don’t think that managers are encouraged to think in evaluative terms and I think little of the liter-
ature suggests any kind of systematic approach. … I mean, I’ve worked in a number of soft
change areas and I think it’s particularly hard to pin down evaluation techniques that are useful for
those areas.

A government agency

… there are no established measuring devices for the less tangible criteria.

We don’t tend to evaluate ‘touchy-feely’.

There are some people that say it can’t be measured because it’s about people’s views and feel-
ings and that’s not objective data …
… we can’t measure people’s feelings and views.
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implementation is the point at which those who have been involved are likely to be look-
ing towards the next project and evaluation of what is perceived as a past event is not
high on their personal agenda. In addition, if an evaluation process is not included in
implementation plans from the beginning it is unlikely that thought will have been
given to the systems, processes and resources that will be needed to collect information
that will enable the evaluation to take place.

The difficulties associated with dealing with negative outcomes

The difficulties associated with dealing with negative outcomes provide the final cate-
gory of reasons why evaluation of SHRM initiatives may not happen. For many HR
managers, their previous experience of evaluation has been negative and divisive rather
than as a positive process of improvement and shared learning. This is largely due to the
blame culture which exists in a wide range of companies (In Practice 4.3). Bloomfield
(2003) characterises such cultures as ones in which it is sensible to keep your head
down, cover your back, do your best to hide mistakes, or, at the very least, ensure there is
always someone else to share the blame. Not surprisingly, the expectation is that any
planned, explicit evaluation will inevitably focus upon accountability and this will inex-
orably lead to criticism and the apportioning of responsibility for failure. As Tyson
(1999) notes, managers are more than passive bystanders when it comes to the importa-

In Practice 4.3

Learning from accidents – the Ladbroke Grove train crash

On 5 October 1999 at Ladbroke Grove junction, about two miles west of Paddington Station, London,
there was a head-on crash between two trains travelling at high speed. This crash caused the death
of 31 people and injured over 400 others. The findings of the public inquiry into the Ladbroke Grove
rail crash were reported in 2001. In its consideration of essential elements for the management of
safety on Britain’s railways, the report indicated that a high proportion of accidents, incidents and
near misses followed unsafe actions resulting from underlying deficiencies in the management of
safety. The evaluation report highlighted the existence of a blame culture within the rail industry in
which there was a tendency to attribute blame rather than to seek to understand what had occurred
and the reasons behind it. This, it was argued, inhibited proper investigation of rail accidents and inci-
dents, and the open sharing of information. The blame culture was also said to deter staff from
reporting non-serious accidents.
Lord Cullen, who chaired the inquiry, identified the need for the blame culture to be replaced by
one of continuous learning in which the rail industry should study the lessons from previous acci-
dents, near misses and other incidents in order to prevent them from recurring. In addition, the
industry needed to establish clear and consistent processes to enable that to happen. The lessons
that were learned from accidents, near misses and other incidents should be shared subsequently
with all parts of the industry, and actions taken to prevent them being repeated. Regardless of
whether they were major or minor incidents, the report said that accidents and other failures of proce-
dures and systems provided an opportunity for a company or an industry to learn from its mistakes.
Source: adapted from Cullen (2001).
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130 Part 1 Overview

tion of new ideas, often selecting, reinterpreting and giving relative emphasis to ideas
according to their own agendas. For these reasons, they become the obvious targets in a
blame culture. Inevitably on this basis, defensive reasoning and routines at both an indi-
vidual and an organisational level (Argyris, 1994) are unlikely to encourage the pursuit
of planned, explicit, evaluation of strategic human resource management. HR managers
are likely to be aware of the risks involved in terms both of personal criticism and of the
activity being unpopular with peers and others who may also feel vulnerable.

Aspects of SHRM that need to be evaluated

The question that most probably arises at this stage is: ‘Which aspects of SHRM should
be evaluated?’ It would, perhaps, appear unconvincing to answer ‘all of them’. However,
if an HR intervention is of strategic importance to an organisation, then the organisa-
tion needs to evaluate its impact. For some aspects of SHRM, such as recruitment and
selection (Chapter 8) and human resource development (Chapter 10), data may already
be collected and held on the organisation’s human resource information system (In
Practice 4.4). In such instances, the key issues will be ensuring that:
 the data held is both up to date and relevant;
 routine monitoring using these data are undertaken;
 the findings from the routine monitoring are acted upon.
For other aspects, such as the introduction of a new performance management
system (Chapter 9) or the impact of an organisational downsizing on those who remain
employed (Chapter 14), data are likely to need to be collected specifically to evaluate
parts of that strategy. Similarly, for specific training interventions (Chapter 10), it is

In Practice 4.4

The human resource information system at Whitbread

Whitbread plc has a workforce of over 40,000 and an annual revenue of £1.8 billion. Although it is the
biggest player in the UK hospitality sector, it also aims to be the UK leisure industry’s employer of
choice. To support this Whitbread’s challenge has been to:
 create a single, integrated employee management platform, replacing the multiple systems that
had developed over time across its various brands;
 improve the quality of employee information available, thereby allowing HR planning to be aligned
with the organisation’s corporate strategy;
 develop online self-service planning and training systems.
The database application Oracle Human Resources had been used to streamline human resource
and payroll management, providing a single repository for all information on employees. The use of
Oracle’s iLearning package allows staff to train at their own pace, while minimising disruption at work.
Through these IT-based systems, Whitbread has been able to meet the challenges outlined above.
Source: developed from Allen (2005).
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Chapter 4 Evaluating SHRM: why bother and does it really happen in practice? 131

likely to be necessary to design evaluation strategies that measure the impact of the
intervention on employees’ performance, rather than whether or not the participants
felt the trainer helped them to learn!

Undertaking the evaluation

The purpose of evaluation

Business research textbooks, for example Saunders et al. (2007), often place research
projects on a continuum according to their purpose and context (Figure 4.2). At one end
of this continuum are evaluations undertaken to advance knowledge and theoretical
understanding of processes and outcomes including SHRM. This basic research is there-
fore of a fundamental rather than applied nature, the questions being set and solved by
academics with very little, if any, focus on use of research findings by HR managers. At
the other end are evaluations that are of direct and immediate relevance to organisa-
tions, address issues which they consider to be important and present findings in ways
which can be understood easily and acted upon. This is usually termed applied research
and is governed by the world of practice. The evaluation of SHRM is, not surprisingly,
placed towards the applied end of this continuum. Such research is oriented clearly
towards examining practical problems associated with strategic HR interventions or
making strategic decisions about particular courses of action for managing human
resources within organisations. It therefore includes monitoring of operational aspects
of HRM such as absence (Chapter 9), turnover and recruitment (Chapter 8), thereby
helping organisations to establish what is happening and assess effectiveness of particu-
lar HR interventions.
Evaluation should take place as an integrated part of the ongoing monitoring of
existing HR policies or procedures as well as during the introduction and implementa-


Apply results
knowledge and
to specific

Formative Summative
evaluation evaluation
Focus on Focus on
improving and assessment of
fine tuning impact or
meeting of goals

Figure 4.2 The purpose and focus of different evaluation approaches

Source: adapted from Thornhill et al. (2000).
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132 Part 1 Overview

tion of new HR policies or procedures. Evaluation where the focus is on improving and
fine tuning is often referred to as formative evaluation (Table 4.1). In such cases data col-
lection is often undertaken as part of regular ongoing measurement of an organisation’s
performance. For example, where a balanced scorecard approach (Kaplan and Norton,
1992; Huselid et al., 2001) is adopted, data are collected on those measures that are consid-
ered to be most critical to that organisation’s vision for success (Key Concepts 4.3). This is
likely to include HR strategies such as learning and development and its ability to enhance
the organisation’s future leadership capabilities, or the extent to which the management of
employee performance enables revenue growth. That which occurs towards the latter
stages, perhaps to assess impact, determine the extent to which goals have been met or
establish whether to continue with the intervention is termed summative evaluation. For
such evaluations, data collection is likely to be less frequent or regular.

Key Concepts 4.3

The balanced scorecard

Balanced scorecards are an organisation-specific tool designed to monitor the impact of manage-
ment’s actions from four strategic perspectives (Ritter, 2003):
 financial – how do shareholders see the organisation?
 customer – how do customers see the organisation?
 internal processes – what must the organisation excel at?
 human resources, learning and innovation – can the organisation continue to improve and create
Devised in the early 1990s, the scorecard aims to provide an integrated view of an organisation’s
performance, including both financial and non-financial indicators, and from both internal and exter-
nal perspectives (Kaplan and Norton, 1992).
Measures included in the scorecard are designed to focus employees and managers on the overall
strategic vision of the organisation. Data overload is prevented by minimising the number of meas-
ures used but, at the same time, managers are forced to consider all the data together (Kaplan and
Norton, 1992).

Within any evaluation, it is important to establish the purpose of both the evaluation
and the strategic HR intervention or process that is being evaluated. Easterby-Smith
(1994) defines four possible purposes of an evaluation but cautions that it is unrealistic
to expect any evaluation to serve more than one. These are:
 improving where the need is to identify what should happen next;
 controlling is about monitoring for quality and efficiency;
 proving involves measuring and making judgements about worth and impact;
 learning in which the process of evaluation itself has a positive impact on the learning
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It would, however, be dangerous to assume that the identification of purpose will be

straightforward. Many strategic HR initiatives lack either clear objectives or stated suc-
cess criteria. This may make it difficult to identify what should be evaluated and how.
Often evaluations need to include a variety of stakeholders, not all of whom may wish to
pursue the same purpose. In addition, individuals and groups may not be able or willing
to share their true intentions or expectations with each other or those who are under-
taking the evaluation.

The context of evaluation

Not surprisingly, given the discussions in the previous paragraph, it is also important to
identify who the stakeholders are in relation to the HR initiative being evaluated and the
evaluation itself. Any changes resulting from the evaluation are likely to affect a range of
individuals and groups who are likely to be both internal and external to the organisa-
tion. These stakeholders are likely to differ in the extent of their interest, their priorities
and their level of influence for, as Easterby-Smith (1994) observes, any evaluation
process is a complex one which cannot be divorced from issues of power, politics and
value judgements. Organisational politics can affect any stage of an evaluation (Russ-Eft
and Preskill, 2001) from influencing the decision to evaluate through to the way in
which the findings are used. In any evaluation there is likely to be a commissioning or
dominant stakeholder or stakeholder group (often referred to as principal client or
sponsor) and in an organisational setting this is often a management group. However,
the nature of HRM strategies and initiatives is such that in each case there will be others
who have both a legitimate interest and a stake in the findings of any evaluation process.
Not least, those managers and employees whose participation in the evaluation is neces-
sary and who, through sharing their views and experience, might feel that they were
owed access to the findings they had helped create as well as those who will use the eval-
uation findings.
Identifying the intended audience for the findings is important in terms of under-
standing expectation, defining purpose, involving those who need to participate and in
providing feedback in an appropriate way. Although not a barrier to evaluation in itself
the way in which the findings are used inevitably determines the effect, if any, that an
evaluation has. Patton (1997) goes so far as to suggest that evaluations ought to be
judged on their actual use, for as we will discuss in more detail in ‘Analysing and feeding
back, later in this chapter, non-utilisation of findings is a commonly identified and
widely bemoaned problem. In this context, it is only realistic to recognise that it is the
values of the commissioner and intended users, those who have the responsibility to
apply evaluation findings and implement recommendations that need to frame the eval-
uation. This need not, however, preclude responding to the needs of other stakeholders.
Evaluation can serve an important function in facilitating bottom-up feedback, ensuring
that the experience of those on the receiving end of strategies is captured and shared
outside their immediate peer group and used to refine the strategy.
Evaluation can take place at a number of different levels based upon its focus.
Although the labels used differ, evaluation models in effect distinguish between levels
that range from an operational level measuring reactions through to a more strategic
focus on organisational performance. Developed in 1959 in relation to training evalua-
tion, Kirkpatrick’s model is still the most widely recognised (Phillips, 1991; Russ-Eft and
Preskill, 2001). This highlights that evaluation can be undertaken to assess operational
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134 Part 1 Overview

interventions (level 1 and occasionally 2), to support medium-term or tactical interven-

tions (level 3 and occasionally level 2) or it can focus on more strategic interventions
(level 4). As can be seen from Table 4.2, Kirkpatrick’s first two levels focus on the effec-
tiveness of the intervention as judged by the recipients. They relate primarily to the
operational level and while they may affect the design of the HR intervention, such as a
training event, evaluation at these two levels is unlikely to have any strategic impact. In
contrast, evaluation at levels 3 and 4 have an increasingly strategic impact. These con-
sider the effect of the process or policy being evaluated on the wider organisation, the
achievement of its goals and ultimately the implications for organisational performance.
Subsequent researchers, for example Hamblin (1974), have added a further strategic
level of evaluation (5) which focuses on the wider contribution the organisation is now
able to make. However, despite these observations, it is worth noting that Kirkpatrick
did not describe his model originally as hierarchical or suggest that one level would
impact upon the next.

Table 4.2 Levels of evaluation

Level Measures Comment Impact

1 Reaction Commonly measured soon after a training Operational

programme. Although this measurement is
often referred to rather derisively as ‘happy sheets’,
it provides an assessment of participants’ reaction
to the programme

2 Learning Measures amount participants believe they have Operational to

learned but does not measure whether the learning tactical
or the training has contributed to the organisation
in any way

3 Behaviour Measures behaviour change that has happened Tactical

since the training: whether what has been learned
transferred into the workplace

4 Result Assesses the impact of the training on the Strategic

achievement of organisational goals

Sources: adapted from Phillips (1991); Russ-Eft and Preskill (2001).

Clarity of purpose and evaluation strategies

In terms of approach, as with any evaluation, decisions have to be made regarding the
techniques to be used to collect data. These should reflect the choices that have been
made in relation to the topics covered in the preceding section. In terms of evaluation,
the use of sound method and reliable data are critical (Stern, 2004). The decision about
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purpose will also determine whether the evaluation needs to be formative or summative
in nature. A formative evaluation takes place during the implementation with the inten-
tion of feeding back into the process and improving both the process and the outcomes
of the initiative where appropriate. A summative evaluation usually occurs at the end of
the implementation and is about determining the worth or value of what has been done,
whether success criteria were met, if the results justified the cost. It would therefore be
possible to undertake both a formative and summative evaluation of the same initiative.

The importance of a clear purpose

Probably the most difficult aspect of any evaluation is coming to a clear understanding
of what is being evaluated and why; in other words the precise purpose and objectives
(Saunders et al., 2007). However, this issue is often bypassed within the evaluation
process. For example, typical corporate measures of the success of a redundancy pro-
gramme are often related to profit, production levels, return on investment and perhaps
customer satisfaction (Chapter 14). A numerical rise in such measures may be inter-
preted as the programme being successful and, perhaps, having a positive impact on
employee commitment. However, these numbers do not actually measure employees’
commitment to the organisation or any link between redundancies and commitment.
Similarly, training courses are often evaluated in terms of the trainees’ enjoyment and
thoughts on the perceived usefulness of the intervention rather than the impact upon
their observed behaviour in the work environment (Chapter 10). Simply enjoying a
training intervention does not prove that it is effective, unless producing enjoyment is
one of the aims (Rushmer, 1997).
One way of helping ensure clarity of purpose and objectives is to spend time estab-
lishing and agreeing these with the sponsor of the evaluation. This is unlikely to be as
easy as it might seem and will be time consuming. As part of the process, it can be
argued that it is essential to ensure that both the person undertaking the evaluation and
the sponsor have the same understanding. Another, and equally important, aspect of
ensuring clarity of purpose relates to the understanding and insight the person under-
taking the evaluation brings. While her or his previous experience is likely to be
important, this understanding is also likely to be drawn from reading about others’
experiences in similar situations; a process more often referred to as reviewing the litera-
ture. Indeed, your reading of this book is based upon the assumption that you will be
able to apply some of the theories, conceptual frameworks and ideas written about in
this book to your strategic management of HR.

Evaluation strategies
Once a clear purpose for evaluation has been established, a variety of evaluation strate-
gies may be adopted. Typically, evaluations are concerned with finding out the extent to
which the objectives of any given action, activity or process, such as the introduction of
a new training intervention, has been achieved. In other words, it is concerned with test-
ing the value or impact of the action, activity or process, usually with the view to making
some form of recommendation for change (Clarke, 1999). As part of the evaluation, it is
necessary to gather data about what is happening or has happened and analyse them.
This can be undertaken either as a snapshot or longitudinally using a variety of data
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136 Part 1 Overview

collection techniques such as interrogating existing HR databases, interview, question-

naire and observation. Findings based upon the analysis of these data are subsequently
disseminated back to the sponsor whose responsibility it is to take action (In Practice 4.5).
Consequently, there is no specific requirement upon those involved in the research to take
action (Figure 4.3). This is in contrast to action research which will be discussed later.

In Practice 4.5

Evaluation at Barclays Edotech

Barclays Edotech is part of Barclays Technology Services, the division that is responsible for service
delivery, production and marketing of information technology services principally to the Barclays
Group. Each year, employees at the Computer Centre have taken part in the annual staff attitude
survey for the division. The aims of this survey are outlined clearly in the letter that accompanies the
questionnaire, with a strong focus upon identifying strengths and areas that require improvement. The
content of the questionnaire remains substantially the same between years to enable comparisons.
Approximately 80 questions are used to ascertain employees’ views on areas of leadership, policy
and strategy, people management, resources and processes, customer satisfaction, people satisfac-
tion, the impact of the organisation upon society and business results.
In the late 1990s, consideration of the data from the annual staff attitude survey and an additional
local staff survey indicated HR interventions required revision, in particular with regard to production
staff salary grades, people management, leadership, and policy and strategy. Based upon this,
actions were planned. These included:
 a review of salary grade bandings so that staff could be rewarded according to their skills and
 walkabouts by management team members;
 the introduction of regular question-and-answer sessions at which staff could raise local issues
with a senior site manager.
These interventions were evaluated using a range of techniques including subsequent annual
staff attitude surveys and the business excellence model self-assessment process. Findings indi-
cated improvements of at least 25 per cent in the areas of people management, leadership and
policy strategy and suggested that the interventions introduced were having a positive impact
(Thornhill et al., 2000).

Saunders et al. (2007) emphasise that, when making choices, what matters is not the
label attached to a particular strategy, but whether the strategy is appropriate to the pur-
pose and objectives. In particular, the use of a sound evaluation strategy and the
collection of reliable data are critical (Stern, 2004). Four evaluation strategies tend to be
used in the evaluation of SHRM:
 case study;
 existing (secondary) data.
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Existing HRM
activity or process

Establish objectives
related to the criteria Collect Analyse Disseminate
for the HRM action, data data findings
activity or process

for action

Figure 4.3 A typical evaluation

Source: adapted from Thornhill et al. (2000).

Each strategy should not be thought of as mutually exclusive, for example a case
study in an organisation may well involve using a survey to collect data and combine
these data with existing (secondary) data from the organisation’s HR information
system. Similarly, an experimental design, such as testing the relative impact of a
number of different HR interventions, will often be undertaken using a number of dif-
ferent case studies. In addition, these strategies can be applied either longitudinally or
cross-sectionally. The main strength of a longitudinal perspective is the ability it offers
to evaluate the impact of SHRM interventions over time. By gathering data over time,
some indication of the impact of interventions upon those variables that are likely to
affect the change can be obtained (Adams and Schvaneveldt, 1991). In contrast a cross-
sectional perspective seeks to describe the incidence of a particular phenomenon or
particular phenomena, such as the information technology skills possessed by managers
and their attitude to training, at one particular time.

Using surveys to evaluate SHRM

Surveys are perhaps the most popular strategy for obtaining data to evaluate SHRM
interventions. Using this strategy, a large amount of data can be collected from a sizeable
population in an economic way (Saunders et al., 2007). This strategy is often based
around a questionnaire. Questionnaires enable standardised data to be collected, thereby
allowing easy comparison. They are also relatively easily understood and perceived as
authoritative by most employees. However, the questionnaire is not the only data collec-
tion technique that can be used within a survey strategy. Structured observations, such
as those frequently associated with organisation and methods (O&M) evaluations and
structured interviews involving standardised questions can also be used.
Survey questions can be put to both individual employees and groups of employees.
Where groups are interviewed, their selection will need to be thought about carefully.
We would advocate taking a horizontal slice through the organisation to select each
group. By doing this, each member of an interview group is likely to have similar status.
In contrast, using a vertical slice would introduce perceptions about status differences
within each group (Saunders et al., 2007).
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138 Part 1 Overview

Using case studies to evaluate SHRM

Robson (2002: 178) defines case study as ‘a strategy for doing research which involves an
empirical investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon within its real life
context using multiple sources of evidence’. This strategy is widely used when research-
ing the impact of HR interventions within an organisation or part of an organisation
such as a division. The data collection techniques used can be various including inter-
views, observation, analysis of existing documents and, like the survey strategy,
questionnaires. However, this is not to negate the importance of comparative work,
benchmarking or setting a case study in a wider organisational, industrial or national
context. This might be achieved by combining a case study strategy with the analysis of
existing (secondary) data that have already been collected for some other purpose.

Using experiment to evaluate SHRM

An experimental strategy owes much to research in the natural sciences, although it also
features strongly in the social sciences, in particular psychology (Saunders et al., 2007).
Typically, it will involve the introduction of a planned HR intervention, such as a new
form of bonus, to one or more groups during which as many of the other factors likely
to influence the groups are controlled. Comparison is then made between the groups
and a control group where the HR intervention has not been introduced. However,
although the origins of evaluation practice and theory lie in an experimental strategy, in
many organisations, experiments such as that outlined may be impracticable.

Using existing (secondary) data to evaluate SHRM

The increasing use of existing data as a strategy to evaluate SHRM has been facilitated by
the rapid growth in computerised personnel information systems over the past decade.
These relational databases store HR data in a series of tables. Each table can be thought
of as a drawer in a conventional filing cabinet containing the electronic equivalent of
filing cards. For example, one table (drawer) may contain data about individual employ-
ees. Another table may contain data about jobs within the organisation, another about
grades and associated salaries, while another may contain data on responses to recruit-
ment advertisements. These tables are linked together electronically within the database
by common pieces of data such as an employee’s name or a job title.
Although these data have been collected for a specific purpose, they can also be used
for other purposes. Data collected as part of performance and development appraisals
might be combined with data on competences and recruitment and selection to support
the development of a talent management strategy. As part of this, reports would be pro-
duced which match current employees’ profiles with future requirements due to likely
retirements within the organisation, thereby highlighting specific training needs.
External sources of secondary data tend to provide summaries rather than raw data.
Sources include quality daily newspapers, government departments’ surveys and pub-
lished official statistics covering social, demographic and economic topics. Publications
from research and trade organisations such as the Institute for Employment Studies at
Sussex University and Income Data Services Ltd, cover a wide range of human resource
topics, such as performance-related pay and relocation packages.
For certain SHRM evaluations, possible improvements will be sought by comparing
data collected about particular HR processes in an organisation with data already col-
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lected from other organisations using one or more of numerous evaluation models
available, such as the European Foundation for Quality Management’s (EFQM) Euro-
pean Excellence Model (Chartered Management Institute, 2004; Key Concepts 4.4).
Such process benchmarking is concerned not only with the measure of performance,
but also with the exploration of why there are differences, how comparable the data are
between different contexts and how potential improvements may be transferred (Ben-
dell et al., 1993). However, where limited appropriate secondary data are available within
the organisation, primary data will also need to be collected specifically for the purpose
(Key Concepts 4.3).

Key Concepts 4.4

The EFQM European Excellence Model

The EFQM European Excellence Model (known previously as the Business Excellence Model) argues
that excellent business performance is dependent upon an organisation’s impact on its customers, its
people, and society at large. The model provides a framework for business improvement by identifying
gaps and weaknesses that require addressing as well as strengths for consolidation and improvement
and allows benchmarking against other organisations (Chartered Management Institute, 2004).
The model considers nine criteria:
 leadership and best practice in communication, empowerment and how change and improvement
work in the organisation;
 policy, strategy and how organisational values, vision and goals are established;
 people management and how the organisation energises the full potential of its employees to
improve their own skills and the business;
 partnership and resources and how they are managed effectively to contribute to business goals;
 processes to deliver products and services to customers;
 people’s perceptions of the organisation and how their needs and expectations are met;
 customers’ perceptions of the organisation and how their needs and expectations are met;
 society’s view of the organisation and what is done to improve this;
 how the above feed into financial results and how targets are met and reviewed.
These are divided into 32 sub-criteria about each of which data are gathered through a variety of
possible techniques.

Action research: an alternative to the typical evaluation

An alternative way to approach evaluation is that of action research, within which there
is an inherent need for those involved to take some form of action. Action research
makes use of the same set of data collection techniques as used for other evaluation
approaches. Although it has been interpreted by management researchers in a variety of
ways, there are four common themes within the literature. The first focuses upon and
emphasises the purpose: research in action rather than research about action (Coghlan
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140 Part 1 Overview

and Brannick, 2005) so that, for example, the evaluation is concerned with the resolu-
tion of organisational issues, such as downsizing, by working with those who experience
the issues directly.
The second emphasises the iterative nature of the process of diagnosing, planning,
taking action and evaluating (Figure 4.4). The action research spiral commences within
a specific context and with a clear purpose. This is likely to be expressed as an objective
(Robson, 2002). Diagnosis, sometimes referred to as fact finding and analysis, is under-
taken to enable action planning and a decision about the actions to be taken. These are
then taken and the actions evaluated (cycle 1). Subsequent cycles involve further diagno-
sis taking into account previous evaluations, planning further actions, taking these
actions and evaluating.
The third theme relates to the involvement of practitioners in the evaluation and in
particular a collaborative democratic partnership between practitioners and evaluators,
be they academics, other practitioners or internal or external consultants. Eden and
Huxham (1996: 75) argue that the findings of action research result from ‘involvement
with members of an organization over a matter which is of genuine concern to them’.
Therefore, the evaluator is part of the organisation within which the evaluation and
change process are taking place (Coghlan and Brannick, 2005) rather than more typical
evaluation where, for example, survivors of downsizing are subjects or objects of study.
Finally, action research should have implications beyond the immediate project; in
other words it must be clear that the results could inform other contexts. For academics


Evaluating 3 Planning



Evaluating 2 Planning


Evaluating 1 Planning

Figure 4.4 The action research spiral
Source: Saunders et al. (2007). Reproduced with permission.
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undertaking action research the Eden and Huxham (1996) link this to an explicit con-
cern for the development of theory. However, they emphasise that for both internal and
external consultants this is more likely to focus upon the subsequent transfer of knowl-
edge gained from one specific context to another. Such use of knowledge to inform
other contexts, the authors believe, also applies to others, undertaking action research
such as practitioners.
Thus action research differs from typical evaluation due to:
 a focus upon change;
 the recognition that it is an iterative process involving diagnosis, planning, action and
 the involvement of employees (practitioners) throughout the process.
Schein (1999) emphasises the importance of employee involvement throughout eval-
uation processes, as employees are more likely to implement change they have helped to
create. Once employees have identified a need for changes in HR polices and procedures
and widely shared this need it becomes difficult to ignore and the pressure for change
comes from within the organisation. Action research therefore combines both informa-
tion gathering and facilitation of change. The diagnosis stage is often seen by employees
as recognition of the need to do something (Cunningham, 1995). Planning encourages
people to meet and discuss the most appropriate action steps and can help encourage
group ownership by involving people. These plans are then implemented. Once moni-
toring and evaluation have taken place there is a responsibility to use the findings to
revise the intervention as necessary.
Action research can have two distinct foci (Schein, 1999). The first of these, while
involving those being evaluated in the process, aims to fulfil those undertaking the eval-
uation’s agenda rather than that of the sponsor. This does not, however, preclude the
sponsor from also benefiting from any changes brought about by the evaluation. The
second starts with the needs of the sponsor and involves those undertaking the evalua-
tion in the sponsor’s issues, rather than the sponsor in their issues. Such consultant
activities are termed ‘process consultation’ by Schein (1999). The consultant, he argues,
assists the client to perceive, understand and act upon the process events that occur
within their environment in order to improve the situation as the client sees it. Within
this definition, the term ‘client’ refers to the persons or person, often senior managers,
who sponsor the evaluation. Using Schein’s analogy of a clinician and clinical enquiry,
the consultant (evaluator) is involved by the sponsor in the diagnosis (action research)
which is driven by the sponsor’s needs. It therefore follows that subsequent interven-
tions are jointly owned by the consultant and the sponsor, who is involved at all stages.
The process consultant therefore helps the sponsor to gain the skills of diagnosis and
fixing organisational problems so that he or she can continue to improve the organisa-
tion on his or her own.
Schein (1999) argues that the process consultation approach to action research is
more appropriate because it better fits the realities of organisational life and is more
likely to reveal important organisational dynamics. However, it is still dependent upon
obtaining data which meet the purpose of the change evaluation and are of sufficient
quality to allow causal conclusions to be drawn. Many authors (for example Randell,
1994), have emphasised the difficulties associated with obtaining such data. For exam-
ple, the data collected may well be unreliable, such as where there are low response rates,
or in the case of HR information systems, incomplete or out of date. We now turn to the
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142 Part 1 Overview

need to identifying appropriate techniques for obtaining credible data whichever type pf
evaluation is being undertaken.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 4.4

Outline the relative advantages of action research and more typical approaches to
evaluation from the perspective of the HR manager sponsoring an evaluation.

Gathering primary data for analysis

The data gathering techniques used need to be related closely to the purpose of the eval-
uation. For all change evaluations, it is important that data appear credible and actually
represent the situation. This issue is summarised by Raimond (1993: 55) as the ‘How do
I know?’ test and can be addressed by paying careful attention to data gathering tech-
niques. This is especially important for longitudinal evaluation as techniques used and
the questions asked at the start of a change process may be inappropriate if transforma-
tional change has occurred (Golembiewski et al., 1976). For cross-sectional evaluations
or evaluations over shorter time periods, the likelihood of techniques and questions no
longer being appropriate is far lower. For example, the impact of a management devel-
opment programme might be evaluated using data gathered by one or a number of
different techniques dependent upon the focus of the analysis. These might be cross-
sectional, such as in-course and post-course questionnaires and observations by trainers
and others, and/or longitudinal attitude surveys and psychometric tests before and after
the event. Secondary data regarding employee performance, already gathered by existing
appraisal systems, might also be used.
However, before considering primary data gathering techniques, it is important to
note that, in practice, evaluators’ choices are likely to be influenced by pragmatic consid-
erations. HR managers are often working within a very quantitatively oriented
environment, where numbers convey accuracy and a sense of precision. In addition,
they may have little experience or training in qualitative methods (Skinner et al., 2000).
Consequently, the use of qualitative data can be problematic as managers may not be
comfortable with judgements based on such evidence.

Using observation
Where evaluation is concerned with what people do, such as how they respond after a
particular training intervention, an obvious way to collect the data is to observe them.
This is essentially what observation involves: the systematic observation, recording
description, analysis and interpretation of people’s behaviour (Saunders et al., 2007).
There are two main types of observation: participant and structured. Participant obser-
vation is qualitative and derives from the work of social anthropologists in the twentieth
century. It has been used widely to study changing social phenomena. As part of this, the
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evaluator attempts to become fully involved in the lives and activities of those being
evaluated and shares their experiences not only by observing but also by feeling those
experiences (Gill and Johnson, 2002).
By contrast structured observation is quantitative and, as its name suggests, has a
high level of predetermined structure. It is concerned with the frequency of actions,
such as in time and motion studies, and tends to be concerned with fact finding. This
may seem a long way from the discussion of evaluating SHRM with which this chapter
began. However, re-examining the typical evaluation and action research processes (Fig-
ures 4.3 and 4.4) emphasises that this is not the case. Both these processes require facts
(data to be collected or diagnosis to take place) before evaluation can occur and, in the
case of action research, action taken.
We would discourage you from thinking of one observational technique, or indeed
any single technique, as your sole method of collecting data to evaluate SHRM. In many
instances, the decision to undertake formal evaluation is based, at least partially, on
informal evaluation drawing upon observation in which the role of complete partici-
pant has been adopted.
However, on its own, participant observation is unlikely to provide insufficient evi-
dence for an organisation’s senior management team. Consequently, it is often necessary
to supplement observation with other methods of data collection, such as interviews
and questionnaires, to triangulate (check) the findings. If findings based on data from
different sources all suggest the same conclusion, then you can be more certain that the
data have captured the reality of the situation rather than your findings being spurious.

Using interviews
Interviews are often described as purposeful conversations, the purpose being to gather
valid and reliable data. They may be unstructured and informal conversations or they
may be highly structured using standard questions for each respondent. In between
these extremes are intermediate positions, often referred to as semi-structured
interviews. Unstructured and semi-structured interviews are non-standardised.
Unstructured interviews are normally used for exploratory or in-depth evaluations and
are, not surprisingly, also referred to as ‘in-depth’ interviews. There is no predetermined
list of questions, although the person undertaking the interview needs to have a clear
idea of those aspects of the change she or he wishes to explore. These are often noted
down prior to the interview as a checklist. The interviewee is encouraged to talk freely
about events, behaviours and beliefs in relation to the changes and it is their perceptions
which guide the interview (Easterby-Smith et al., 2002).
In semi-structured interviews, the interviewer will have a list of themes and questions
to be covered. In these interviews, questions may vary from interview to interview to
reflect those areas most appropriate to respondents’ knowledge and understanding. This
means that some questions may be inappropriate to particular interviewees. Additional
questions may also be required in some semi-structured interviews to enable the objec-
tives of the evaluation to be explored more fully. The nature of the questions and the
ensuing discussion means that data from semi-structured interviews are usually
recorded by note taking. However, as with in-depth interviews, audio recording may be
used, provided this does not have a negative effect on interaction within the interview
(Easterby-Smith et al., 2002).
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144 Part 1 Overview

Using questionnaires
Saunders et al. (2007) argue that structured interviews are in reality a form of question-
naire. This is because, like other ways of administering questionnaires, the respondent is
asked to respond to the same set of questions in a predetermined order (de Vaus, 2001).
Because each respondent is asked to respond to the same set of questions, a questionnaire
provides an efficient method of gathering data from a large sample prior to analysis.
Responses to questionnaires are easier to record as they are based on a predetermined
and standardised set of questions. In structured interviews, there is face-to-face contact
as the interviewer reads out each question from an interview schedule and records the
response, usually on the same schedule. Answers are often pre-coded in the same way as
those for questionnaires. There is limited social interaction between the interviewer and
the respondent, such as when explanations are provided, and the questions need to be
read out in the same tone of voice so as not to indicate any bias.
Questionnaire data may also be collected over the telephone, by post, by delivering
and collecting the questionnaire personally or, as is increasingly the case in organisa-
tions’ annual staff attitude surveys, by an online questionnaire. Some organisations use
questionnaires developed by external organisations to evaluate SHRM interventions and
benchmark themselves against other organisations, for example Cooper, et al.’s (1994)
Occupational Stress Indicator. Others, either use consultants to develop a bespoke ques-
tionnaire, or develop their own in house. However, before deciding to use a
questionnaire we would like to include a note of caution. Many authors (for example
Oppenheim, 2000; Bell, 2005) argue that it is far harder to produce a questionnaire that
collects the data you need than you might think. Each question will need to be clearly
worded and, for closed questions (Key Concepts 4.5), possible responses identified. Like
other data collection techniques, the questionnaire will need to be pilot tested and

Key Concepts 4.5

Open and closed questions

Open questions are used widely in in-depth and semi-structured interviews. In questionnaires they
are useful if you are unsure of the response, or when you wish to find out what is uppermost in the
respondent’s mind. For example:
Please tell me what you like most about your current job?
In contrast, closed questions, sometimes known as forced-choice questions, provide a number of
alternative answers from which the respondent chooses. These are normally quicker and easier to answer
as they require minimal writing. Responses are also easier to compare as they have been predetermined:
For the following statement, please tick  the box that matches your view most closely:

agree tend to neither agree tend to disagree

agree nor disagree disagree

I believe there are ‘us and them’ barriers

to communication in the company now  5  4  3  2  1
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Chapter 4 Evaluating SHRM: why bother and does it really happen in practice? 145

amended as necessary. The piloting process is of paramount importance as there is

unlikely to be a second chance to collect data. Even if finance for another questionnaire
were available, people are unlikely to be willing to provide further responses.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 4.5

Outline the advantages that are likely to accrue to an organisation using a range
of techniques, rather than just one, to obtain data to evaluate SHRM.

The choice of evaluator

Another important aspect is identifying who should undertake the evaluation. A choice
must be made between an evaluator who is an employee of the organisation or an external
consultant and, within that, whether the individual needs to be experienced and/or
trained as an evaluator, termed in Table 4.3 ‘professional’. Table 4.3 highlights some of the
factors that may be associated with each choice.

Table 4.3 Choice of evaluator

Internal evaluator: External evaluator:

Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages

Amateur ☺ Knows  Vulnerability to ☺ May find it easier  Significant additional

organisation dominant stakeholder to be objective costs
☺ Understands  Familiarity diminishes ☺ Credibility as perceived  Limited
internal ability to question as independent understanding of
processes and challenge ☺ Not reliant on organisation
☺ Unlikely to be  Conflict with other organisation for
additional salary duties long-term career
cost prospects

Professional ☺ Knows organisation  Vulnerability to ☺ May find it easier  Vulnerability to

☺ Understands internal dominant stakeholder to be objective dominant
processes  Familiarity diminishes ☺ Credibility as stakeholder
☺ Unlikely to be ability to question perceived as  Familiarity diminishes
additional salary cost and challenge independent ability to question
☺ Well-developed  Conflict with other ☺ Not reliant on and challenge
evaluation skills duties organisation for
☺ Credibility within long-term career
organisation as prospects
evaluator ☺ Well-developed
evaluation skills
☺ Experience of
evaluation in other

Sources: adapted from Nevo (1986); Torres et al. (1996).

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146 Part 1 Overview

Analysing and feeding back

Analysis and feedback are important in both typical evaluations and action research.
Typical evaluation ends usually with the report and a presentation to the sponsor of
findings from the analysis. In contrast, an evaluator involved in an action research proj-
ect, perhaps as a process consultant, is likely to be involved also in developing actions
and revising the intervention as necessary.

Analysis of data is obviously a precursor to feedback. While a full discussion of the tech-
niques available is outside the scope of this chapter, some key observations can be made.
The most important of these is to ensure that the evaluation is undertaken against the
agreed objectives (see ‘Clarity of purpose and evaluation strategies’ earlier in this chapter).
Analysis of large amounts of data, whether quantitative or qualitative, will inevitably
involve the use of a personal computer. It almost goes without saying that those under-
taking this analysis should be familiar with the analysis software for quantitative data
(e.g. SPSS) or qualitative data (e.g. NVivo) used. However, we believe it is important that
those who are going to analyse the data are also involved in the design stages of the eval-
uation. People who are inexperienced often believe it is a simple linear process in which
they first collect the data and then a person familiar with the computer software shows
them the analysis to carry out. This is not the case and it is extremely easy to end up with
data that can only be analysed partially. If objectives, strategy, data collection techniques
and analysis had been better integrated then data could analysed more easily. Another
pitfall is that readily available software for data analysis means it is much easier to gener-
ate what Robson (2002: 393) describes concisely as ‘elegantly presented rubbish’!

Feeding back
Findings based upon data analysis are fed back to the sponsor, usually in the form of a
report and, perhaps, a presentation. Where the report contains findings that may be
considered critical of the organisation in some way, this may create problems. However,
we would argue that to maximise benefit it is important that these findings are fed back
rather than being filtered so as not to offend. Typically, especially where large groups are
involved, a summary of the feedback is cascaded from the top down the organisation.
This may make use of existing communication structures such as newsletters, notice
boards and team briefings. Alternatively, if rapid feedback is required then additional
newsletters and team briefings might be used. The evaluation sponsor sees the full
report of the findings first. Subsequently, a summary may be provided for circulation to
all employees or posted on the organisation’s intranet. As part of the team briefing
process, each managerial level within the hierarchy is likely to see its own data and is
obliged to feed the findings down to its own subordinates. Managers at each level are
expected subsequently to report about what they are doing about any problems identi-
fied, in other words the actions they intend to take.
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Chapter 4 Evaluating SHRM: why bother and does it really happen in practice? 147

Schein (1999) argues that such a top-down approach may be problematic as it rein-
forces dependency on the organisation’s hierarchy to address issues identified. If some
issues raised by the evaluation are ignored, then employee morale may go down. It also
places managers in a difficult position as they are in effect telling their subordinates
about issues that the subordinates thought were important. Then they tell them what
they (the managers) are going to do about it.
Instead, Schein advocates an alternative of bottom-up feedback that he argues also
helps to promote change from within. In bottom-up feedback, data are shared initially
with each workgroup that generated them. This process concentrates upon under-
standing the data and clarifying any concerns. Consequently the focus is on the
evaluation rather than the whole organisation. Issues arising from the data are divided
into those that can be dealt with by the group and those that need to be fed back to the
organisation. The workgroup is therefore empowered by more senior managers to deal
with problems, rather than being dependent upon the organisation’s hierarchy. Feed-
back continues with each group in an ‘upward cascading’ process. Each organisational
level therefore only receives data that pertain to their own and higher levels. Each level
must think about issues and take responsibility for what they will work on and what
they will feed back up the line. Schein (1999) argues that this helps build ownership,
involvement and commitment, and signals management’s wish to address the issues. In
addition, it emphasises that higher levels of the organisation only need to know about
those things that are uniquely theirs to deal with. While it may take longer to get data to
the top level, Schein believes that this approach is quicker for implementing actions
based upon the evaluation.
Thus, a top-down approach to disseminating evaluation findings can enable relatively
rapid communication. It also allows management to maintain control of the process and
decide the nature of the message, who receives it and any actions that will be taken. By
contrast, a bottom-up approach involves employees thinking about issues, deciding and
taking responsibility for the actions they will take, and selecting those issues they need to
feed back to their line managers. The latter is inevitably more time consuming, but will
only work where an organisation’s culture allows employees to be empowered by man-
agers to take ownership of the evaluation and any forthcoming actions. However, it
would be wrong to think of these two approaches as mutually exclusive. Rather, the
approach to feedback like the rest of the evaluation of SHRM needs to be tailored to the
precise requirements of the organisation.


 Evaluation has the potential to make an important contribution in relation to the

implementation of specific HR initiatives but also to wider SHRM.
 Evaluation takes place continuously on an informal and personal basis and will affect
people’s choices and behaviours at work.
 There are a number of valid reasons relating to organisational culture, unchallenged
assumptions and previous experience that explain why planned formal evaluation of
strategic HR has rarely taken place.
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148 Part 1 Overview

 A planned systematic process of evaluation should be included at the beginning of

the implementation process for all HR interventions.
 Within evaluation of SHRM, a distinction can be made between typical evaluations
and action research. While both use the same strategies and data collection tech-
niques, action research has explicit foci on involvement of participants and
subsequent action. Both can make use of both secondary and primary data.
 Prior to evaluating SHRM, it is important that a clear understanding of the precise
purpose and objectives of the evaluation is reached. This needs to reflect the context
and purpose of the evaluation and be agreed between those undertaking the evalua-
tion and the sponsor.
 Evaluation of SHRM involves multiple stakeholders and cannot be divorced from
issues of power, politics and value judgement.
 Feedback typically involves cascading a summary of findings from the top-down
organisation. Alternatively, the findings can be shared first with those who generated
the data. This can help promote ownership of subsequent actions. Issues that cannot
be dealt with may be fed up from the bottom to high levels of the organisation.

Follow-up study suggestions

1. Choose a large UK quoted company (there are over 1,000, many of which are listed in
the financial pages of quality daily newspapers) and visit that organisation’s web site.
Obtain a copy of that organisation’s annual report. To what extent is the organisa-
tion’s policy towards its employees reported? What quantitative measures are used for
human resources?
2. Working with a colleague obtain copies of the evaluation questionnaires used to eval-
uate two different courses in which you have participated. Examples could be a
module on your current programme of study or a one-day training course. Examine
these questionnaires carefully and make an assessment regarding the levels of each
evaluation. For evaluations that appear to be at the operational level, what would
need to be done to address tactical or strategic issues?
3. Using the information in Key Concepts 4.4 as your starting point, consider how the crite-
ria for the EFQM European Excellence Model support the evaluation of SHRM. (Hint:
you may find it useful to visit the EFQM’s web site
4. Use an internet search engine, such as Google, to search for organisations that offer to
undertake evaluations of human resource interventions. To what extent do you con-
sider the evaluations they are offering to undertake to have a strategic, tactical or
operational focus? Note down your reasons for this.

Suggestions for research topics

1. Despite the evidence, why do organisations fail to evaluate human resource

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Chapter 4 Evaluating SHRM: why bother and does it really happen in practice? 149

2. An exploration of the utility of training evaluations/exit interviews/equal opportuni-

ties monitoring in the public sector/not for profit/automotive sector…
3. To what extent does human capital management reporting support the strategic
management of human resources: a comparison of companies WX and YZ.
4. A widely recognised problem relating to evaluation is that organisations fail to use
the findings. Why might this be so and what can be done to increase the likelihood of
findings being utilised?
5. Design an evaluation for an HR intervention in a case study organisation and justify
the choices made.
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Part 1 Case Study – Strategic human

resource management at Halcrow Group

Halcrow’s first projects outside the UK were

undertaken in the 1890s, such work now accounting
for nearly 40 per cent of an annual turnover in excess
of £200 million with the Group currently undertaking
projects in over 70 countries. Recent projects in
Introduction to Halcrow which Halcrow have been involved include the Chan-
nel Tunnel Rail Link, road construction near the
Halcrow Group Limited is a multidisciplinary consul- Stonehenge World Heritage Site, the International
tancy group specialising in the provision of planning, Congress Centre in Rome, Kuala Lumpur Interna-
design and management services for infrastructure tional Airport, new and refurbished stands for
development throughout the world. Within this, the Chelsea Football Club, coordination of wetland con-
Group’s main interests are transportation, water, servation and river basin management for the
property and consulting. Although Halcrow has a Danube and its tributaries and managing pollution
background in civil engineering and associated spe- risk from the animal mass burial sites arising from the
cialisms, in recent years the group has extended its UK’s 2001 foot and mouth disease outbreak.
range of disciplines to cover architecture, project Halcrow was founded in 1868 by Thomas Meik,
management, environmental science, transport plan- the company becoming Sir William Halcrow & Part-
ning and other non-engineering but related skills. ners in 1941. In 1985 a private limited company
Unlike many organisations, Halcrow does not have a bearing the same name was formed, the most
mission statement, arguing that their ‘purpose … to recent change being in 1998, when the various Hal-
sustain and improve the quality of people’s lives’ crow businesses and departments became Halcrow
describes their approach better (Halcrow, 2003). This Group Limited. The Halcrow Trust owns 90 per cent
purpose is underpinned by a series of values which of Halcrow, with the remaining 10 per cent by its
outline those things that are important to the Group: employees. Halcrow has grown extensively over the
‘Skills and innovation; Enjoying what we do; Deliver- past decade and now operates through a network of
ing within time and budget’, codes of business 29 UK and 32 international offices. As part of this
behaviour and business principles. growth, the number of employees has increased
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Part 1 Case Study: Strategic Human Resource Management at Halcrow Group Limited 151

from 1,700 to nearly 5,000 worldwide. Approxi- ness groups: Consulting, Property, Transport and
mately 80 per cent of Halcrow’s employees are Water. These operate as a matrix structure across
classified by the Group as professional and techni- the Group’s eight geographical regions, this structure
cal (P&T) staff who have a minimum of an facilitating appropriate employees or teams to be
undergraduate degree in engineering or a related brought together for specific projects throughout the
subject. The majority are engineers who are also world (Figure 1). Each of the four business groups is
members of a relevant professional institution or are led by a management team comprising five people
undergoing training to gain membership. The including a Group board director or managing direc-
remaining 20 per cent of employees, including those tor. Within each business group, P&T staff are
in human resources, are classified by Halcrow as assigned to technical skills groups the leader of
non-P&T and provide corporate support services. whom is responsible for their training and career
development. Employees are also assigned to an
office in one of the regions. These vary in size from
Halcrow Group’s strategy less than ten to more than 500 employees. The busi-
ness groups and regional offices are supported by
As a result of restructuring to meet the future needs Corporate Support Services, comprising all the cor-
of the business environment, Halcrow’s operations porate and business support functions, including
were brought together in 2001 as four main busi- human resources, and located predominantly within

Main board


UK North
UK South Water Property
and Scotland

Europe and
Middle East Consulting Transport
Central Asia

North America Latin America

Asia Pacific India

Corporate Support Services

Finance Systems Legal Development

Corporate Human Administrative Corporate

communications resources services management

Figure 1 Halcrow Group Limited structure

Source: Halcrow (2004a).
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152 Part 1 Case Study: Strategic Human Resource Management at Halcrow Group Limited

the UK. At the time of writing, the human resource over commercial success. By the very nature of
function had 31 employees divided between three their training, Halcrow people tend to be concerned
teams: Personnel (22), Pensions (3) and Training (6) with ‘detail’ rather than seeing the bigger picture.
with a director at the executive level. This has served the Group well. But a recent client
In 2004, Halcrow launched its change pro- satisfaction survey commissioned by the Group did
gramme, ‘Act now’, which was designed to help the not show Halcrow in a uniformly glowing light. It
Group ‘to continue to develop in a dynamic and reported that Halcrow emerged as technically excel-
sustainable way’. The focus of ‘Act now’ was to lent and a ‘safe pair of hands’ but that clients were
align employees’ behaviours and approaches to looking for much more than technical competence
Halcrow’s purpose, values, codes of behaviour and and a track record. They wanted business partners
business principles thereby improving individual, whose behaviours were aligned to their own needs.
team and overall business performance. This was In addition the Group was also seen as rather ‘grey’.
summarised in Act Now: Your Pocket Guide to Hal- The challenge for Halcrow is to retain the reputation
crow’s Change Programme (Halcrow, 2004b: 8) as: for technical excellence and reliability while becom-
ing increasingly commercially aware, flexible and,
To take Halcrow’s existing personality, strengthen above all, more responsive to customer needs.
all those things that are good about it, for exam- Halcrow has designed several key HRM initia-
ple, our … tives to support the change programme. These are:
 technical competence
 the development of core competences. This is
 friendliness seen as important because Halcrow employees
 reputation for being a safe pair of hands have traditionally emphasised the importance of
 commitment professional qualifications above all else. The
 pride in one’s profession development of a core competence programme
is designed to move the emphasis from what
… and give it some added extras … people know to what they can do.
 passion  The introduction of 360-degree appraisal. It is
 dynamism envisaged that this will make a significant contri-
 fleetness of foot bution the ‘Act now’ culture change initiative. The
 better listening skills Group’s culture has always tended to reinforce the
 excitement importance of hierarchy in that employees have
 innovation been very conscious of their position in the organ-
 confidence (with a clear sense of self) isation. In addition, there had been something of
 being more celebratory an ‘ignore and deflect culture’ in which people
 consistent delivery to expectation sought to evade responsibility for mistakes rather
 greater commercial edge than being open enough to learn from them. By
 being performance driven. opening up the system of employee appraisal to
people above and below the individual being
This change programme is intended to be con- appraised and by seeking the views of significant
tinuous rather than having a specific end date. It other stakeholders, particularly customers, Hal-
emphasises the need for flexibility and the sharing crow management believe that a far greater
of good practices and learning throughout the degree of openness will be developed.
Group, the centrality of employees to achieving this,  The instigation of a profit share bonus scheme.
and the need to monitor and evaluate.
This is particularly designed to create in employ-
ees a greater awareness of the Group’s profit
SHRM at Halcrow performance. In the view of senior Halcrow man-
agement, this has the potential to make a major
The ‘Act now’ change programme is central to contribution to fostering in Halcrow employees
everything that Halcrow plans to do in relation to the more commercially aware values. In view of the
HRM strategy. The overriding concern is to change fact that senior management have set clear tar-
the organisation’s culture. It is often said that the gets for increases in Halcrow’s profit performance,
Group is full of people who are professional engi- greater knowledge of the Group’s profitability is
neers and who take pride in a job well done. In seen as an effective way of focusing the minds of
essence, technical excellence takes precedence employees on profit performance.
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Part 1 Case Study: Strategic Human Resource Management at Halcrow Group Limited 153

 The development of ‘ideas labs’. This is an impor- The second implication is the problem of retention.
tant part of the Halcrow management of innovation There is a shortage of high-quality consultants
programme which is designed to promote innova- throughout the construction and engineering sectors
tive thinking and enable commercially valuable and competition for consultants is high. Like the
ideas to be implemented. It is designed to: sector in general, staff turnover is high at Halcrow.
 add value to the business;
This is an issue that senior management know must
be addressed. The problem is exacerbated by the
 encourage cross-fertilisation between disci-
declining number of construction-related graduates
plines; and in the UK, the number of students studying relevant
 give staff ownership of the ideas put forward. courses in the UK dropping by 10 per cent in the
late 1990s.
Overall, the key change issue that is driving
A second example of the more demanding nature
SHRM is the need for Halcrow to be more responsive
of clients is the requirement that companies state their
in the light of a more competitive industry. Therefore,
policy and practice on employee diversity and equal
the principal aim of the new HR initiatives is to gener-
opportunities. Again this presents a problem for com-
ate more competitive employee behaviours which, in
panies in this sector, like Halcrow, which has been
turn, is envisaged will generate better all-round
traditionally male dominated and has, until recently,
employee and business performance.
employed considerable numbers of expatriates in its
There are other critical issues facing HR at Hal-
crow. An important one of these is a consequence overseas operations. In the UK construction industry
of customer feedback. Increasingly this shows that as a whole, the proportion of women employed is less
customers are taking technical excellence for than 9 per cent (Egan, 1998).
granted when making decisions about which con- The third example of client demands is the
sultancy group to employ. In view of Halcrow’s requirement that companies offer assurances over
reputation for technical excellence among cus- corporate governance. In the light of corporate
tomers, this is bad news for the Group. As the HR scandals such as Enron and Parmalat, this is under-
director explained the world has moved on. Clients standable. The HR response to this is to ensure that
are now more demanding and want more all the global training of key staff to ensure compliance
time. Among the most demanding clients are the with industry standards takes place. In addition,
public sector. In the UK, Halcrow management feel organisational structure issues, such as the revision
that the UK government’s Private Finance Initiative of reporting relationships to ensure greater trans-
(PFI) has contributed to change in the industry. (The parency, are receiving attention.
PFI is a mechanism developed by the government The level of staff turnover at Halcrow and decline
to raise money to pay for new buildings and serv- in the number of graduates entering the construc-
ices. Under PFI schemes a public authority buys the tion-related industry has shaped another HR priority
services of private-sector companies to design, for the Group. This is to define more clearly a people
build, finance and operate a public facility, such as statement that states more precisely what is meant
a hospital. The private-sector companies borrow by ‘employer of choice’. In particular, Halcrow is con-
the money for the scheme and then the government cerned about losing high-quality graduates to the
pays an annual fee to the companies under a long- financial sector, both at the time of graduation and
term operating contract for the services.) after they have worked with the Group for a short
Three examples of the more demanding nature of period. High-quality graduates can earn more money
clients are evident, each of which demands an HR in financial services. In addition, younger graduates
response. The first is clients asking for an assurance are more concerned with the work–life balance
that the staff commencing work on a project will issues and their own staff development than were
stay with the Group for the duration of the project. their predecessors. A measure of the siginificance
This is a key issue in an industry where the reputa- of this issue to Halcrow is the large number of grad-
tion of the consultancy is such that, in effect, the uates employed each year, this being 133 in 2003.
staff appointed to a project can be a more important There is also worry over an ageing workforce in the
factor in the client’s decision to engage a particular construction industry in general.
consultancy than the consultancy group itself. The It is felt by the HR director that employees and
implications for HR are twofold. First, it must assure employee issues at Halcrow need to be higher on
both external and internal clients that succession the list of Group priorities. Staff turnover is now a
planning is in place. In the past this was not an HR key performance indicator for the HR director. In
strength at Halcrow or other similar consultancies, her view ‘it is no good imposing things upon
but is an issue that is now receiving more attention. people at Halcrow – the Group need to win hearts
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154 Part 1 Case Study: Strategic Human Resource Management at Halcrow Group Limited

and minds’. This is typical of companies employing (e.g. Water) have to prepare business plans which
a high proportion of professional staff who tend to include plans for acquisitions. These plans are
define, and act upon, their own standards of pro- reviewed by senior management. Plans with regard
fessional behaviour. to acquisitions have to be coherent with the overall
An HR strategy can be seen to be emerging at business strategy, particularly in relation to the
Halcrow, one that will demand vision and skill from business sectors in which the companies to be
the HR function. According to the HR director these acquired reside.
are not qualities which the function has always dis- The scale of Halcrow’s international business can
played. She feels that HR has a major job to do be seen from the fact that approximately 40 per cent
because it has been perceived by Halcrow managers of the Group’s workforce are engaged overseas. In
as ineffective in the past. Halcrow managers are criti- the past, the Group’s international staffing policy
cal and demanding and expect to receive effective was to send expatriates from the UK to work on
assistance from the service functions. However, the overseas projects. However, in recent years this has
importance accorded to technical excellence within altered. The level of expertise of the available work-
Halcrow had created a culture where service func- force in developing countries such as China and
tions, such as HR, were under-valued. Halcrow has Pakistan, and the relative cost of labour in the devel-
traditionally called its staff ‘professional and techni- oping countries compared with the UK, means that
cal’ and ‘non-professional and technical’ – the this option is now far less attractive. At the time of
language reinforcing the message of P&T staff as writing, only 3 per cent of the international Halcrow
fee-earners being the most important people in the workforce was UK expatriates.
Group. In addition, the HR function has been largely The Halcrow overseas offices operate as sepa-
administrative rather than strategic, a situation that is rate companies within the Group, albeit that the
now changing because of the HR challenges that UK-based Corporate Support Services provide
Halcrow faces. The HR director is very conscious of support to these offices. There has been no HR
developing professionalism in the HR team by devel- function in any of these offices until recently. The
oping team members’ confidence and helping them first overseas HR manager has been appointed in
acquire professional qualifications through the Char- Dubai, UAE, where there are approximately 750
tered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). employees in the region. In addition to the small
The HR director argues that it is essential to develop number of expatriate employees and the staff
a more customer-focused HR team. The lead pro- employed in the overseas companies there is a
vided by the HR director is important. Both she and group of transnational employees who come form
the training manager have experience in leading Halcrow’s eastern European, Chinese and Asian
change programmes in their previous companies. It operations. The Group has also established a com-
is also a help that the HR director has a close link puter-aided design bureau in Dubai.
with the chief executive officer. This enables her to The fact that there has been no HR function in
ask for the support necessary to drive through the any of the offices until recently suggests that HR
HR initiatives. The HR director has also started giving has experienced a very low profile in Halcrow’s
increasing amounts of ‘professional’ work to her international operations. In fact, the function in all
team members. An example of this was a case but the most basic administrative sense has been
where redundancies flowed from business re- non-existent. However, the HR director is keen for
structuring in one part of the Group. One member of that to change and is pursuing a vigorous pro-
the HR team handled all aspects of this. The HR gramme of visits to the regional offices within the
director is also paying attention to mentoring and Group to promote the advantages of HR. A catalyst
coaching her team. for this drive is the Group’s recently published codes
of behaviour. These stress the need for honesty,
transparency and integrity in all Halcrow’s business
International SHRM at Halcrow operations and state that all employees will:
 Treat everyone with respect, trust and dignity
Halcrow has a clear strategic aim in relation to its
international business. It wishes to be a genuinely  Help each other – share experiences and lessons
international business rather than a UK business learned
with international operations. It is part of Halcrow’s  Be polite
corporate business strategy that the Group wants  Never undermine anyone directly or indirectly
to develop the scale of its international business.
The plan is to pursue this growth through acquisi-
 Work together to resolve disagreements
tions in countries overseas. Business groups  Be professional and ethical at all times
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Part 1 Case Study: Strategic Human Resource Management at Halcrow Group Limited 155

 Listen to others’ points of view new questions have been added. In 2004 approxi-
 Be honest and open (Halcrow, 2003: 3). mately 30 questions were used to ascertain
employees’ views on ten key areas. These included
Two aspects of the code of behaviours are the direction (of the Group), clarity about their job,
important here: the need to help each other and client focus, their competence, resources to do
learn from experiences and to be professional and their job, empowerment, involvement, cooperation
ethical at all times. It is felt that HR has an important from others, feedback to them and recognition.
part to play in affecting the values of all employees. Supplementary questions to assess employee com-
The HR director’s predecessor did not see promot- mitment were also included. Virtually all questions
ing the HR role in generating the appropriate code employ five-point Likert-type scales to record
of behaviours as an important activity, but this is answers. In addition there are spaces for comments
now being pursued through the writing of HR poli- and a few open questions to provide further oppor-
cies and disseminating them in the overseas tunity for respondents to highlight key issues.
operations. The HR director is also keen to act as a Locational information such as regional office, busi-
sounding board for international managers and is ness group and skill group, is included to enable
generally keen to promote the visibility of HR. Grad- comparisons although, to preserve confidentiality,
ually, good relations are being built between HR and results for a sub-group are not provided if less than
the international management teams to the extent three people in that group completed the survey.
that they now see the point of taking HR seriously. Response rates for the survey are high, with over
They can appreciate that having a local HR pres- 67 per cent of employees worldwide returning their
ence would provide them with useful support. questionnaire in 2002 and 72 per cent in 2004.
Hitherto there have been no policies as there has Through the 2000 employee survey, Halcrow was
been no HR presence. It is felt that it is important to able to identify those areas of strategic human
support the regional offices in achieving the Group’s resource management highlighted by employees as
strategy of making Halcrow a first choice employer being most in need of attention. These were: feed-
for the best people and the place where its employ- back, recognition and involvement of employees.
ees want to work. Benchmarking the surveys in 2002 and 2004
against the 2000 employee survey, has allowed Hal-
crow to establish the extent to which these issues
Evaluation of SHRM at Halcrow are being addressed through HR initiatives. Results
from the surveys suggest that there have been
Although Halcrow has had a staff council for nearly improvements in all three areas. However, data from
30 years, and through this has involved employees the survey and other sources suggest that there is
in the formulation of group policy and direction, still more to be done to improve these and other
there has until recently been only limited formal aspects of human resource management such as
evaluation of HR initiatives including strategic HRM. employee engagement. Halcrow’s senior managers
Training courses were and continue to be evaluated are currently working with Kaisen Consulting Ltd to
by traditional end of course questionnaires but, explore the precise meaning behind these results
prior to 2000, only limited attempts had been made and develop clear action plans to improve the man-
to link evaluation of HR initiatives to the strategic agerial environment. As part of this they are creating
direction of the Group. a process through which employees are involved in
In 2000, Halcrow introduced the Group-wide developing the actions.
‘employee survey’ to measure staff satisfaction, and Using data from Halcrow’s employee survey the
provide information to help the organisation improve consulting company calculates an HR Enablement
its leadership, management and skills base. This Index for the Group. This is an average score of
questionnaire is administered biennially to employ- responses to all the questions in each of the ten key
ees worldwide by an independent company, Kaisen areas. This index provides an overall indication of
Consulting Ltd, who undertake the data analysis, the extent to which employees are engaged with
provide Halcrow with a report and, in conjunction their work within the Group. Average scores for
with Halcrow, run follow-up workshops. The aims of each of the ten key areas are then be used to high-
the survey are outlined clearly in an accompanying light those aspects where satisfaction is relatively
letter with a clear focus upon identifying strengths as low and where action may need to be taken. Com-
well as areas that require improvement. parison of the 2004 HR Enablement Index score
The core content of the questionnaire has with that for 2002 revealed that there had been no
remained substantially the same between years to significant change in employees’ engagement.
enable benchmark comparisons, although some Retention rate data for the same period revealed
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156 Part 1 Case Study: Strategic Human Resource Management at Halcrow Group Limited

that this was within a context of declining labour evolving and needs to be more closely aligned to
turnover and led the HR director to ask why the future direction of the Group and the centrality
engagement had only remained constant in a labour of the human resources to this.
market characterised by a shortage of suitably
qualified people? The answer to this question is
currently being sought from a range of data includ- Case study questions
ing employee exit interviews, staff workshops
around the world to discuss issues associated with 1. Provide a brief overview of Halcrow Group’s
employee engagement and further analysis of the strategy.
employee survey data. 2. Outline the linkages between Halcrow Group’s
Data from other surveys are also used to evaluate strategy and its strategic human resource
SHRM within Halcrow. These include the use of the management.
Business Excellence Model (BEM) self-assessment
process (British Quality Foundation, 2001) to help 3. What obstacles do you think that Halcrow
illuminate issues raised in employee surveys, staff management will face as it works to change the
workshops focusing upon issues of particular impor- Group’s culture from one dominated by technical
tance, and internal customer satisfaction surveys. In excellence to one that also embraces
addition they argue that an employee ‘feel-good commercial awareness?
factor’ is also important. 4. What measures might Halcrow take to increase
A range of secondary data provides further infor- its retention of young professional graduates?
mation from which to monitor, evaluate, learn and 5. (a) What hurdles do you think that Halcrow will
improve SHRM initiatives. For example, Non Compli- have to overcome in its attempt to ensure
ance Reports from external auditing by the British international employees adopt the Group’s
Standards Institute (BSI) in relation to quality stan- codes of behaviour?
dards and by clients had highlighted a range of
(b) Now visit the Halcrow Group web site
issues. These related to a number of employee induc-
(http:/ and read Halcrow’s
tions not having been undertaken properly and in
Statement of Business Principles, paying
some cases records of training being incomplete.
particular attention to the Code of Business
These have now been addressed. Similarly, the new
Practice. Expand your answer in the light of
360-degree feedback and client satisfaction surveys,
what this tells you about the Group’s views
such as those discussed earlier, have emphasised the
regarding business integrity, and what is
importance of initiatives to ensure employees engage
expected of Halcrow staff.
with the company and also understand and
empathise with the client’s needs. 6. To what extent do the data collected by the
Increasingly, Halcrow compares itself with other employee survey allow the HR director to
companies in the sector using a variety of evaluate the extent to which HR initiatives are
approaches. In some instances this benchmarking supporting the Group’s strategic direction?
is undertaken for prospective clients as part of the 7. (a) How does Halcrow currently make use of
tendering for new contracts process. For example, primary and secondary data to evaluate the
the UK Highways Agency uses ‘Capability Assess- extent to which initiatives to engage
ment Testing’ to benchmark potential suppliers and employees within the Group are working?
assess their alignment to what they require. Infor- (b) What other measures do you think they
mal benchmarking is conducted through contacts might adopt?
in joint-venture companies or other industry con-
tacts to share best practice, discuss issues that are
pertinent to the sector such as skills shortages and, Acknowledgements
through surveys, to establish benchmarking data
relating to salaries, benefits and the like.
The considerable assistance and support of Mandy
Halcrow sees monitoring and evaluation as
Clarke, Director of Human Resources at Halcrow
essential to knowing whether or not SHRM initia-
Group Limited, in the preparation of this case is
tives within the ‘Act now’ programme are effective.
gratefully acknowledged.
Within these means of evaluation, the HR director
recognises that the nature of the measures is still
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Part 2
Strategic Interventions
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The role of organisational structure in

5 SHRM: the basis for effectiveness?

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 define the term organisational structure and evaluate its links to strategy;
 describe and analyse conceptual approaches to the design of
organisational structures and discuss their strategic implications;
 identify principal forms of organisational structure and explore their main
effects on those who work within them at both a theoretical and practical
 analyse the relationship between organisational structure and SHRM.
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160 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

In general strategy terms, one of the most important resources an organisation has is
its employees. Within the context of SHRM models and theories a central theme
emerging is that people are the organisation’s most important ‘asset’, so how they are
organised is crucial to the effectiveness of a strategic approach to the management
of human resources. Traditional views about controlling the organisation through
structure can be traced back to the early twentieth-century management scientists,
such as F.W. Taylor and Elton Mayo. These approaches can be directly linked to a
view of strategy making that is essentially top-down. Strategy is developed at the top
of the organisation and the rest of the organisation, including the HR function, is
utilised as a supporting mechanism in the implementation of the strategy. In this
approach to strategic management, the organisational structure becomes a method
for achieving top-down control. Such a principle of control is known as bureaucratic
or mechanistic. This chapter considers organisational structure in the context of
SHRM. The fact that there is a need to regulate the implementation of an HR strategy
is accepted but this needs to take of a wide variety of influences into account. For
example the types and range of issues and problems the organisation faces in devel-
oping and implementing a strategic approach to the management of its human
resources. Key issue to consider include:
 The operating environment of the organisation: it may operate in a highly complex or
changing environment or in a relatively stable one.
 How diverse the organisation is, for example the needs of a multi-national company
with a wide range of products and services and a globally dispersed customer base
will be dramatically different from those of a small local firm.
 How accountable the senior executives of the organisation are to external influences,
for example is the organisation a public body, perhaps reporting to a government
minister or is it a publicly quoted company reporting to a board of directors and a
variety of internal shareholders or is the business privately owned by a family or
group of partners who may be owner managers and have complete control over the
current and future direction of the business?

If the structure of the organisation is bureaucratic or mechanistic and focuses on

the implementation of a top-down strategy, this can have a major impact. In the con-
text of SHRM, a structure such as the one mentioned above may result in the HR
function finding it difficult, if not impossible, to operate in a strategic manner: many of
the goals will not be achievable, as the ability to influence and develop strategy will
be firmly placed at the top of the organisation.

Defining organisational structure

Organisational structure is more than just a way of representing working relationships.

Its importance is much more fundamental and strategic to organisations than simply
producing organisational charts to show who reports to whom. Jackson and Carter
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 161

The relationship
What are Concepts Principle
organisational and forms of
structures and
structures? approaches structure

Rationale for,
Defining Key
and uses of,
structure perspectives
each structure

Linkages to and evaluation The effect on
strategy of the key employees

SHRM policy

Research on

Figure 5.1 Mapping the role of organisational structure in SHRM: a summary diagram of the
chapter content

(2000) recognise that, ‘without structure there would be no organisation’. At a strategic

level, the ways in which organisations are structured affect their scope to interact with
their environment and fulfil their strategic purpose, their abilities to operationalise and
the nature of working relationships and behaviours in them.
This chapter therefore sets out to discuss four relationships; the aim is to discuss
these relationship at both a theoretical and a practical level. This section examines the
relationship between organisational structure and human resource strategies, also recog-
nising links to corporate strategy. The next section explores the relationships between
approaches to the design of structure and implications for strategic effectiveness. The
following section discusses the forms of organisational structure and their effects on
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162 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

those who work within them. The final section summarises the elements of the relation-
ship between organisational structure and SHRM that have emerged through the
discussion in the previous three sections.

Organisational structure: linkages to strategy and SHRM

Chapter 1 identifies that strategy may be made at a number of levels in an organisation

and that, in general terms, three levels or ‘orders’ of strategy have been recognised (Pur-
cell, 1989a). First-order decisions affect the long-term direction and scope of the
organisation and involve corporate or business-unit-level strategic decision-making
(Purcell, 1995). These include decisions about issues such as mergers, acquisitions,
market position, cost cutting and downsizing. This level of strategic decision-making is
generally taken ahead, or ‘upstream’, of other types of strategic decision. The second and
third levels of strategy are thus seen by Purcell (1989a) as being ‘downstream’ of corpo-
rate strategy. The second level of strategy concerns the organisational structures and
operating procedures that are put into place to support first-order decisions, with de-
cisions taken at both of these levels having strategic implications for subsequent,
third-level strategies. For example, a merger or cost-cutting strategy will impact on
organisational structure and human resource strategies.
The nature of an organisation’s structure is therefore an important part of strategy
making in practice. Of course, this top-down method to strategy making reflects the
classical approach that is discussed in Chapter 1 and which is recognised to be rational-
istic and not so perfectly evident in practice. An evaluation of this approach to the
formulation of organisational strategy will take place in various places in this chapter. At
this point in the discussion, it nevertheless seems reasonable to recognise that organisa-
tional structure has strategic implications, whether an organisation seeks to adopt a
top-down approach to strategy making or something that is messier in practice, involv-
ing recursive relationships between corporate, structural and functional strategies. The
structures organisations choose to implement can also have a significant impact on
SHRM. The development of key theories relating to SHRM focuses on the achievement
of key policy goals or outcomes. Guest (1991) recognises that the four SHRM outcomes
specified by Beer et al. (1984) (commitment, competence, congruence and cost effective-
ness) constitute an ‘implicit theory’ and go on to construct their own theory of SHRM
as a ‘particular approach’ to managing people. Guest (1991) identified the following as
the four key outcomes of SHRM:
 strategic integration;
 high commitment;
 high quality;
 high flexibility.
It can argued that the strategic management of key elements of the HR function, such
as recruitment and selection, pay and rewards, training and development, etc., will result
in truly strategic HR policies and practices. This is undoubtedly true, but it may be diffi-
cult if not impossible to achieve this strategic approach without an organisational
structure that supports current and future activities in these key HR areas.
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 163

If an organisation wishes to achieve the four key SHRM policy goals previously men-
tioned it must create, implement and, where necessary, develop and amend an appropriate
organisation structure. Let us consider the role that structure may have to play in achieving
its SHRM outcomes.
 Strategic integration refers to the integration of the corporate strategy and HR strategy.
To fully achieve this integration, the most senior HR professional must hold a senior
position within the organisational structure, ideally holding a seat on the board of
directors or equivalent body and being able to play a full role in the development and
implementation of corporate strategy. The corporate strategy should be driven by cur-
rent and future HR capabilities within the organisation. The reverse of this can occur
in many organisations, the most senior HR professional is seen by senior executives as
having a solely operational role, does not contribute to corporate strategy develop-
ment and is faced with a corporate strategy that does not take the organisation’s HR
capabilities into account. The HR decision, taken by the HR function in this example,
can often be reactive and result in very low levels of strategic integration.
 High commitment relates to the relationship between employees and their employer,
highly committed employees perform at high levels, are innovative and respond very
well to changes in the internal and external operating environment. To achieve high
levels of commitment, the employer must ensure that their employees remain moti-
vated. A well-established way of doing this is to offer opportunities for career
progression through promotions. The organisational structure chosen by an organisa-
tion should give high-performing employees an opportunity to gain promotions and
establish a wide range of knowledge and skills. If the organisation structure is designed
in such a way that it limits opportunities for progression, employee commitment may
become low and employees may seek opportunities outside the organisation. This is a
problem for the organisation as it may lose high-performing, talented members of
staff. Chief executives and senior managers in organisations constantly highlight the
fact that staff retention is a major issue in achieving an SHRM approach.
 High flexibility refers the range of skills and knowledge of an individual employee or
group of employees. Flexibility relates to the context of their current job, their ability
to do other jobs that currently exist in the organisation and, possibly more impor-
tantly, future tasks and jobs that may emerge in the organisation. In strategy terms,
this concept has been covered in the flexible firm literature (see Atkinson, 1984;
Thompson and McHugh, 2002). In SHRM, this flexible approach may create an
organisational structure that focuses on core and periphery workers. The core reflects
the need for the organisation to develop a permanent, highly skilled group of
employees with internal career paths. In SHRM terms, ‘core’ employees experience a
high degree of job security, with resource provided from training in company-specific
skills not readily available in the external labour market. In contrast, peripheral work-
ers have a low position within the organisational structure, perform jobs that are seen
as having little or no strategic importance, are often on fixed-term contracts and
appear to be easy to replace.
 High quality refers to the quality of goods or services the organisation creates and
sells or offers to customers and clients. How high quality is defined will be unique to
individual organisations. Quality levels are driven by the needs of the organisation’s
current and future customers, and the policies and procedures of its major competi-
tors. SHRM can be viewed as being of vital importance to ensuring that the
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164 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

organisation recruits, develops and retains highly talented employees who are the key
element in achieving high quality. Organisational structures can be considered as the
building block required to facilitate integration at the job, team, departmental and
organisational levels. The correct choice of structure can make high quality a true
organisational reality; an inappropriate organisational structure can make it difficult,
if not impossible, to achieve high quality.
There are potentially a number of different ways in which an organisation may be
structured. A number of dimensions or components of organisational structure have
been identified from previous research (e.g. Pugh et al., 1968; Child, 1984, 2005). Key
Concepts 5.1 briefly summarises some of these dimensions to illustrate the underlying
components of organisational structure.

Key Concepts 5.1

The Aston Studies: research that identified the dimensions of organisational

Important research on the measurement of organisational structure was undertaken by a group of

researchers in the 1960s who were based principally at the University of Aston. Outputs from this
research became known as the Aston Studies and were continued by researchers who went on to
work at a number of different universities. They developed a number of different ways to measure
organisational structure and used these to survey organisations. A paper published by Pugh et al. in
1968 identified six primary dimensions of organisational structure based on a review of the literature
on organisations. These primary dimensions are:
1. Specialisation – this is concerned with the extent to which activities in an organisation are divided
into different and therefore specialised roles.
2. Standardisation – this is concerned with the extent to which work in organisations becomes sub-
ject to standard procedures and rules during its conduct.
3. Formalisation – this is concerned with the extent to which such procedures, rules and other
instructions and policies about work are written down.
4. Centralisation – this is the extent to which decision-making authority is located at the top of the
organisation’s management hierarchy, known as the locus of authority.
5. Configuration – this is concerned with the ‘shape’ of the role structure in an organisation, in terms
of the number of levels in an organisation’s management hierarchy, the span of control at each
level (i.e. the number of subordinates that report to a manager) as well as the nature of personnel in
the organisation.
6. Traditionalism – this is concerned with the extent to which the nature of work in organisations is
standardised around implicitly understood customs and practices – i.e. that people know what to
do based on established traditions that do not need to be written down.

Pugh et al. (1968) constructed a series of scales to measure these dimensions in a

range of organisations in different industries and services. Their subsequent analysis led
to the identification of four basic or underlying dimensions of organisational structure:
1. The extent to which work is structured through the adoption of specialisation, stan-
dardisation and formalisation. The nature of work in organisations that scored highly
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 165

in relation to these would be highly structured and regulated, through the extensive use
of specialised roles and high levels of standardisation and formalisation. An example of
this type of structure could the National Health Service (NHS). In the context of the
NHS, individual hospital trusts are expected to follow nationally agreed standards of
practice and the structure of organisations is formalised to support the achievement of
national standards. Within a hospital trust there is also the issue of specialisation: struc-
tures will reflect the fact that the organisations employ staff who have specialised
knowledge and skills. Three broad specialist areas can be identified in hospitals:
 clerical and manual staff such as receptionists, cleaners and porters;

 professional and technical staff such as doctors and nurses;

 management specialists such as accountants, human resource managers, etc.

2. The extent to which authority is concentrated in an organisation. A structure may be

associated with centralised decision-making and low levels of autonomy elsewhere in
the organisation; conversely, this may vary along a continuum where organisational
structures encourage decentralised decision-making and greater levels of autonomy.
Public-sector bodies, such as the UK’s civil service, can be considered to have highly
centralised decision-making and low levels of autonomy. In the civil service and its
various departments, decision-making is very centralised with the rationale being
that all the organisation’s customers and clients require consistency of approach. In
this type of organisational structure, junior managers appear to have little autonomy.
At the opposite end, many major retail organisations, such as Tesco, can be viewed as
having high levels of decentralised decision-making; at a store level, managers have
relatively high levels of autonomy and, although organisations such as Tesco develop
an overall centralised corporate strategy there can be significant variations with
regard to the implementation and development of the strategy at the store level; these
variations may be evident in how employees in stores are managed.
3. The extent to which line management exercise control over work rather than this
being exercised through impersonal forms of control, such as operating procedures.
This dimension can be evident in organisations in which team working is highly
important and the key products or services of the organisation are predominantly
developed within the boundaries of this team or department. An example of this is
the manufacturing organisation, such as Caterpillar or General Electric, that offers
customers a wide range of products and services. Line mangers with responsibility for
a team or department that is manufacturing a key product have high levels of control
over the work of the team/departmental members. This line management control
may also be focused at a geographical level, where line managers will exercise control
over all the employees who are in their area or territory. In sales-driven environ-
ments, such as retailing, area managers can exercise high levels of control over work.
4. The relative size of the workforce in an organisation’s structure engaged in support
roles, as opposed to those that contribute directly to the goals of the organisation.
This dimension is highly evident within the UK’s various regional police forces;
within most UK police forces there is now a high percentage of employees who are
considered as providing essential support services for the police officers who are con-
tributing directly to achievement of the goals of the organisation. The recruitment of
employees who will work in support services for various police forces has in recent
years required dramatic changes in the traditional organisational structure of virtu-
ally every police force in the UK.
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166 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

As these underlying dimensions are mutually independent, they were seen as helpful
to characterise the nature of organisational structure since each could be applied to
understand the structure of a particular organisation.
Child’s (1984) later summary of the dimensions of organisational structure
reinforces and develops the conclusions from this earlier work. His list of major dimen-
sions includes:
1. The way in which work is allocated to individuals in an organisation. This relates to
specialisation, standardisation and formalisation.
2. The way in which reporting relationships are determined. This relates to configura-
tion, including the number of levels in an organisational hierarchy and resulting
spans of control.
3. The way in which work is grouped together into sections or departments, and then how
these are grouped together into larger operating units and divisions, and finally how
these are grouped in the organisation as a whole. This also relates to configuration.
4. The way in which organisational systems are incorporated to integrate effort, ensure
effective communication and information sharing, and promote necessary participation.
5. The way in which organisational systems are designed to motivate employees, through
appraising performance and structuring rewards, rather than alienating them.
More recent work by Child (2005) recognises that the original emphasis on these
dimensions or components of organisational structure remains just as valid as when it
was first subject to academic research, nearly 40 years before. The context has changed in
varying ways over this period of time, so that the way these components are used in
practice has been subject to some change. For example, some organisational forms now
lay greater stress on reducing levels of management, through delayering the hierarchy
and espousing greater discretion over the carrying out of tasks. They also emphasise
leadership as a relationship-based process rather than the exercise of authority, with
fewer, perhaps more wide-ranging and possibly unclear, management roles (Child,
2005). In general terms, though, the relevance of these dimensions or components of
organisational structure remains unchallenged, which is not at all surprising given that
they rest on the observation of organisational practices.
These dimensions indicate the complex range of factors to be understood by man-
agers in deciding how they should structure an organisation’s activities to meet its
current and future strategic objectives. They also indicate that an organisation’s struc-
ture will involve the exercise of choice, made by those managers able to influence and
control such decisions. A particular structure will be judged as effective if it enables the
objectives and goals of an organisation to be realised. However, even these seemingly
logical points about organisational structure decision-making are unlikely to be as
straightforward in practice. In Chapter 1, Child’s theory of strategic choice was dis-
cussed (1972, 1997). It must be recognised that strategic choice, including decisions
taken about organisational structures, will be constrained by a range of factors, a
number of these factors are presented in Key Concepts 5.2.
Decisions taken about organisational structure will be affected by economic, personal
and political considerations that reflect the interests and values of the dominant coali-
tion in an organisation. Decisions may also be affected by cultural, psychological and
logistical constraints. These may potentially constrain the way managers understand
organisational and environmental contingencies and make decisions about organisa-
tional structures. These types of constraint are therefore likely to affect choice about
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 167

Key Concepts 5.2

Factors constraining strategic choice

 The culture of the business including the leadership style operated.

 The industries and markets the business operates in.
 The level of competition the business faces.
 The level at which the business operates, e.g. local, regional, national, international, etc.
 The size of the business in a number of areas, including the total number of employees, their
market share for key products and services, the level of profits the business makes.
 The current and future needs of customers.
 The geographical location of the business.
 The skills and knowledge of the existing workforce.
 The ability to recruit and retain high-performing employees.
 The level of legal regulation at the industry and national levels.

organisational structure. Since organisational structure contributes towards organisa-

tional effectiveness and the performance of an organisation, an inappropriate choice will
be less likely to enable the objectives and goals of an organisation to be realised. While
organisational performance will be affected by factors other than structure, this will
have at least some impact on an organisation’s effectiveness.
Child (1984, 2005) recognises the adverse effects on an organisation’s performance
that arise from an inadequately designed organisational structure. He identifies a
number of organisational consequences that may arise from structural deficiencies,
including those summarised in Key Concepts 5.3.

Key Concepts 5.3

Organisational consequences from structural deficiencies

 Reduced sense of morale and motivation

This may result because decisions about structure are poorly understood, or are seen to be poorly
conceived, perhaps because they do not provide scope for employee development, growth,
recognition and reward, or because structural decisions fail to lead to adequate job definitions,
perhaps associated with role conflict and work overload, or because of some combination of such
factors as well as others.
 Poor quality and delayed decision-making
This may result from inadequate mechanisms for integration between different decision-makers in
a structure and resulting poor coordination between them, or because of the inadequate transmis-
sion of information linked to structural weaknesses, or because decision-makers are overloaded,
or because of some combination of such factors as well as others.

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168 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 Ineffective coordination between functions or groups, with the potential for conflict
This may result from inadequate mechanisms for integration between parts of an organisation’s
structure, or because of conflicting objectives between different functions or groups within it,
especially where some functions or groups are highly dependent on others. An example may be a
group of employees whose work is dependent on information provided by another department but
who only receive inadequate information without being able to negotiate any improvement.
 Lack of adaptability to changing circumstances.
This may result from lack of roles within a structure to identify the nature and implications of
change, lack of systems and senior management support to recognise and respond to this, and
failure to use adaptive structural mechanisms such as project teams composed of relevant experts
or involvement approaches to help to develop and implement new strategies.

Sources: adapted and developed from Child (1984, 2005).

For Child (1984), structure needs to be designed to fulfil three requirements,

as follows:
1. It should help the organisation to cope with its strategic direction and related objec-
tives, and the environmental circumstances confronting it.
2. It needs to ensure consistency between its constituent parts – organisational structure
involves differentiation to cope with uncertainty and different objectives but also the
need for overall integration (see Key Concepts 5.4).

Key Concepts 5.4

Differentiation and integration

Lawrence and Lorsch (1967) developed the concepts of differentiation and integration, which help us
to understand the functions of organisational design.
Differentiation is the process of subdividing the work of an organisation into different operating
units, such as divisions, departments or business units. Each unit focuses on a particular organisa-
tional objective or area of activity.
Lawrence and Lorsch found that when environments became more uncertain, managers
responded by increasing the degree of differentiation within the organisation to allow it to respond to
each of its areas of activity more effectively. Differentiation is associated with the development of
organisational subcultures and the design of unit-level operating procedures. Differentiated struc-
tures, particularly highly differentiated ones, may lead to conflict between operating units and require
appropriate mechanisms to ensure effective coordination.
Integration is the process of coordinating the respective areas of work and operating units within
an organisation. As the degree of organisational differentiation increases, so too does the need for
greater integration. This may take a number of forms including introducing levels of management,
cross-functional teams, working groups or committee structures, as well as corporate-driven proce-
dures and guidelines and other interventions, such as standard human resource policies.
Consistency will be achieved where the level of differentiation is matched by an appropriate
approach to integration. For example, a differentiated structure that did not include sufficient integrat-
ing mechanisms would be likely to be ineffective. The concept and importance of consistency in
organisational design will be discussed further in the following section.
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3. Finally, it needs to be adaptable to changing circumstances that affect the organisa-

tion. In relation to this final point, Fritz (1994) believes that structure is a key variable
to be able to manage change.
These requirements illustrate the strategic nature of organisational structure, demon-
strating that it implies more than simply a means to subdivide the work of an
organisation and to coordinate the various tasks that result.
If the discussion in this section shows how structure is related to corporate- or
business-level strategic decisions, it also begins to indicate how structure interacts with
third-level or functional strategies, particularly human resource ones. The extent to
which work is structured and authority is concentrated is likely to have a profound
impact on those who work within an organisation in the following ways:
 the role of line managers and use of bureaucratic procedures;
 the ways in which work is grouped;
 the nature and use of systems to communicate with, involve, appraise the perform-
ance of, and reward participants.
This shows strategic linkages connecting strategy, organisational structure and
human resource strategies. Child’s reference, above, to consistency, illustrates the impor-
tance of this to help ensure effectiveness across these strategic levels. In Practice 5.1
provides an example where inconsistency between organisational structure, human
resource strategies and corporate strategy did not occur, with implications for integra-
tion between these levels of strategy and organisational effectiveness.

In Practice 5.1

The impact of inconsistency between strategy and structure

A company in the financial services sector, which will be called Finco, invested considerable effort in
developing its new organisational structure. This was underpinned by the development of a compe-
tences framework that provided the basis for job evaluation to position individuals within the new
structure. The intention was to use this competences framework not only to determine employees’
grades, and therefore reward, within the new structure but also to link this framework to a range of
other human resource management strategies, including recruitment, training and development and
career management, for example. The use of the competences framework suggested implications for
the way in which work in the new organisational structure should be grouped and for the role of man-
agers. This led to the belief that the new structure in Finco would be more transparent and effective
than the one it replaced. These developments held out the promise of greater consistency between
the components of its new structure, with positive implications for human resource as well as organi-
sational effectiveness.
However, at the same time as Finco was developing this new organisational structure it was also
facing an increasingly tough competitive situation. Finco decided its corporate strategy should be to
maintain its market share in this tough climate by competing more on price while also reducing its
cost base.
The impact of Finco’s strategy now meant that greater emphasis was placed on holding down
labour costs and there was also a sharpened emphasis on relating pay to performance. This had a
negative impact on the use of the competences framework, which was widely seen by many of

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Finco’s managers as only likely to produce potential benefits in the longer term, while Finco was plac-
ing its new emphasis on shoring up its market share in the short term, through price- and cost-based
competition. As a result of this altered corporate strategy, the competences framework became a
secondary consideration and the internal, third-level strategies, which had been envisaged to link to
the new organisational structure, became less important in practice, crowded out by the need to
engage in more aggressive price- and cost-based competitive strategies. The new organisational
structure remained but it did not achieve the consistency with other levels of strategy that had origi-
nally been envisaged.

These relationships will be considered more fully below but at this point in the dis-
cussion linkages between organisational structure and human resource strategies, as well
as corporate strategy, may be recognised. Organisational structure will affect a wide
range of human resource strategies, such as human resource planning, recruitment and
selection, training and development, performance management, reward, employee rela-
tions and employee involvement as well as others.
The relationship between organisational structure and human resource strategies
may also be considered in relation to other practices that develop in an organisation. An
organisation’s structure is, of course, composed of people and arguably the managers in
a structure have a strong influence on how it works in practice. In this way, the effective-
ness of an organisational structure and its links to human resource strategy will be
affected by the styles of management that prevail within the organisation. The effective-
ness of organisational structure will similarly be affected by the nature of the culture
and climate that exists within an organisation (see Chapters 13 and 6). The organisa-
tional practices that develop as a result of these influences may, for example, undermine
or support a structure designed to encourage employee involvement in an organisation.
Of course, organisational structure will help to influence the nature of managerial atti-
tudes and styles and the culture and climate in an organisation. Organisational structure
may thus significantly affect levels of employee morale and commitment, the nature of
communication between those in the structure, the development of informal, as well as
formal, relationships, conflict, and resulting motivation (Child, 1984; Francis, 1994;
Fritz, 1994; Mintzberg, 1993).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 5.1

Drawing on the dimensions of organisational structure outlined above, use the list
of potential organisational consequences from structural deficiencies to evaluate
the structure of an organisation known to you.
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Conceptual approaches to the design of organisational

structures for strategic effectiveness

In the section above, the dimensions of organisational structure were identified through
previous research and observed organisational practice.
It is important to recognise that organisational structure has strategic and operational
implications for organisational effectiveness and performance, indicating that its design is
an important issue. This raises a key question about how a group of managers should
design the structure of its organisation and what factors it should take into account if the
organisation is well established and requires restructuring. The theory of strategic choice
suggests that managers will exercise choice in determining structure (Child, 1972, 1997).
This approach suggests that organisational structure will be a political process as key man-
agers make a choice based on those factors that reflect their own interests and values where
possible. However, such a suggestion is keenly contested by some theorists. In this way,
other conceptual approaches have been advanced to explain how organisations should be
structured, advocating at least a degree of prescription for the design of structure.
Three other perspectives or schools of thought that offer explanations about the re-
lationship between the design of organisational structure and strategic effectiveness will
now be discussed.
1. The first of these perspectives is clearly prescriptive since it claims that a universal set
of principles should be used to design the structure of any organisation. This is the
classical universal approach to organisational structure, which was promulgated in the
first 60 to 70 years of the twentieth century (e.g. Child, 1984; Francis, 1994). However,
the notion of a set of universal principles to structure organisations was also re-
advanced in the 1980s through the publication of the ‘excellence’ literature (Peters
and Waterman, 1982). Some formulations of universal principles suggest an ideal
form of organisational structure which, if attained, would restrict, if not eliminate,
the need to alter this in response to changing environmental circumstances.
2. The second perspective relates to contingency theory. This theory suggests that an
effective organisational strategy and structure will be contingent on the circumstances
confronting an organisation. Thus, as these circumstances change, there will be a
need to alter both strategy and structure (e.g. Child, 1984; Mintzberg, 1993; Francis,
1994). Donaldson (1996) refers to this as structural contingency theory.
3. A third perspective relates to the need to achieve consistency between the various
facets of organisational design within a particular organisation (e.g. Child, 1984;
Mintzberg, 1991, 1993). This internal consistency approach places greater emphasis on
the fit between the various elements of an organisation’s structure in order to achieve
strategic and operational effectiveness than its fit to the external environment.

Classical universal approach to organisational structure

The approach can be considered as a development of the so-called ‘scientific manage-

ment’ approach in organisations in the early twentieth century which, along with
technological changes, led to increasing standardisation of work and the notion that
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172 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

there was ‘one best way’ to organise it. This approach was designed to increase managerial
control over organisational work. A similar idea, focusing on universally applicable prin-
ciples, was applied to the design of organisational structure. A number of structural
principles were advanced which were believed to be applicable in all organisations (see,
for example, Francis, 1994).
This classical universal approach, at least as an idea, appears to have been popular for
some time, until it was challenged by contingency theory. The work of early contingency
theorists (Burns and Stalker, 1961; Woodward, 1965), as well as that of subsequent ones,
demonstrated that the notion of universally applicable principles for the design of
organisational structures was incorrect. The notion of ‘one best way’ was in effect substi-
tuted by a recognition that the design of an appropriate structure for an organisation
will depend on a number of characteristics of that organisation and the environmental
factors that confront it. In other words, an appropriate structure will be contingent on
the nature of these characteristics and factors.
A body of literature and research, which is known as the ‘excellence’ literature,
emerged in the 1980s and led to the advancement of yet more universal principles.
These principles were based on a number of attributes of chosen organisations that had
performed successfully, in terms of growth and financial returns, over a number of
years. The belief was that if other organisations applied the principles derived from this
excellence group, they would also benefit. While a number of the attributes derived by
Peters and Waterman (1982) have structural, as well as cultural, characteristics, three of
these attributes have particular relevance to structure as follows:
1. The belief that high-performing organisations were adopting ‘leanness’ in relation to
the design of the organisation and its staffing. This concept of leanness has a major
impact on how organisations develop a strategic approach to human resource man-
agement. It is often associated with a hard approach to SHRM and may require
downsizing of the workforce and will require existing or future workforces to be
multi-skilled and be fully committed to the current and future strategic direction of
the business.
2. A model of accountability based on devolving responsibility through decentralisation
while ensuring centralised control over core values and through financial targets.
3. A third advocates the creation of small, empowered teams on a flexible basis, whose
sole task would be to find a relatively rapid solution to a significant business problem,
rather than working through a bureaucratic or formal route to solve the issue.

Assessing the classical universal approach to

organisational structure
The extent to which the publication of the ‘excellence’ literature and the dissemination
of its ideas actually affected the thinking of those who were responsible for making de-
cisions about corporate strategy and organisational structures may never be known. It is
the case that strategies related to these principles have been particularly influential in
organisations in many countries over the last 25 years. These strategies include struc-
tural changes related to leanness such as:
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 team working; and
The widespread practical adoption of these strategies may therefore be taken as evi-
dence of a tendency towards the adoption and implementation of a universal approach
to structuring organisations. However, the use of these strategies may also be explained
by other causes. These include changes in organisations’ operating environments, such
as those related to globalisation, and the subsequent need to increase competitiveness. In
addition, some of these structural strategies may be claimed to exhibit a much longer
history than some current writing suggests, e.g. aspects of flexibility. Widespread adop-
tion of these structural strategies may be explained by a ‘universal’ inclination to adopt
cost reduction strategies, rather than dissemination of a management theory related to
the advocacy of a generally applicable set of principles.
In any case, the universal applicability of these principles or attributes is questionable.
Simple, lean structures may be applicable in some situations but not in others. The
resulting use of delayering and downsizing (see Chapter 14), aimed at producing lean
and efficient organisations which are responsive to their environment, may instead pro-
duce under-resourced ones that are associated with what employees view as being
difficult environments rather than having the strategic underpinning and benefits asso-
ciated with leanness (Kinnie et al., 1998). Devolving responsibility through
decentralisation may also be inappropriate in particular situations (Child, 1984). This
issue will be discussed in more detail later in this subsection. In addition, the reliability
of the universal principles or attributes has been questioned because of both the
methodology used to derive them (e.g. Raimond, 1993) and the subsequent perform-
ance of the ‘excellence’ group of companies. The nature of these organisations’
subsequent performance in changing environmental circumstances has raised questions
about any approach to structure adopted by them that does not take into account key
current and potential future factors evident in the internal and external operating envi-
ronments. Organisations successful in one period cannot guarantee success in future
periods – not without making changes that adapt them to new circumstances. A good
example of this is presented in ‘In Practice’ 5.2.

In Practice 5.2

The decline of big blue’s PC division

International Business Machines (IBM) is the world’s top provider of computer products and services. It
is ranked in the world’s top ten companies by Fortune (the leading practitioner business journal); it ranks
among the leaders in almost every market in which it competes. The company makes mainframes and
servers, storage systems, and peripherals. Its service arm is the largest in the world, and IBM is also one
of the largest providers of both software (ranking number 2, behind Microsoft) and semiconductors. The
one sector in which IBM has struggled in recent years is its PC division. IBM was the market leader in
the personal computer (PC) market during the 1970s and 1980s. The organisation was so successful,

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generating huge profits, and employing thousands of employees across the globe, that it became
known by its senior managers and industry analysts as ‘big blue’. The perception was that it had such a
large market share that its future operating success would never be in question regardless of the emerg-
ing competition. This may have created a false sense of confidence in the IBM senior executives who
were responsible for the PC division. This confidence appears to have resulted in complacency with
regard to strategic decision-making and necessary changes to the corporate structure required to
respond to the dramatic changes taking place in the global PC market. The essential design and imple-
mentation of new strategies and structures for a series of key management functions did not emerge.
New competitors began to emerge, such as Compaq, Apple, Fujitsu, Siemens and Dell. Dell is now the
world number 1 PC manufacturer. These organisations were offering customers more competitively
priced products and were developing organisational structures that were much more responsive to the
needs of both their customers and employees. The emergence of Microsoft and its new Windows oper-
ating system opened up the home PC market and created a dramatically larger global customer base.
Bill Gates, founder and CEO of Microsoft, offered to sell his Windows operating system to IBM and he
claims they refused point blank and were very dismissive of Microsoft which was at that time only a tiny
company employing a very small number of people. Microsoft is now one of the world’s most successful
corporations and generates billions of dollars in sales every year.
Throughout the 1990s, IBM’s share of the PC market decreased year upon year and many people
reading this book may have heard of IBM but would not know that they made PCs. Students of busi-
ness and management in the 1980s and early 1990s would have all been very familiar with the IBM
Corporation and, in particular, its highly successful PC division. IBM completed the sale of its PC
operations to the Chinese corporation Lenovo for approximately $1.75 billion in 2005. It is possible to
conclude that this was an indication by senior executives that the PC division not longer fitted well
with IBM’s overall organisational structure.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 5.2

What other criticisms do you think may be made against the classical universal
approach to the design of organisational structure?

Contingency approach to organisational structure

A number of contingency factors have been recognised in the literature (e.g. Child, 1984;
Mintzberg, 1993). These include the companies’ growth rate, size, range of products and
services and number of markets in which they operate, including how internationally
diverse they are, the nature and impact of the environmental factors that have an effect
upon them, and the level of difficulty of the technologies that they use. The subsequent
discussion will focus on the organisational and environmental contingencies in order to
explore and evaluate this approach to designing organisational structures. Writers on con-
tingency theory believe that where an organisation’s structure has not been designed to
take account of the demands created by the current and future operating environment and
the characteristics of the organisation this will have an negative effect on its effectiveness
and performance. Where this approach is applied in practice, it may lead to a wide range
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 175

of structural solutions. In reality, other factors are likely to make the use of this approach
difficult or unachievable. These factors will be discussed later in this section.
A series of structural changes is likely to become necessary as organisations grow and
employ greater numbers of staff. Small organisations are likely to be characterised by a
simple structure within which there is departmental or role flexibility, and a high level of
direction and control from the manager or chief executive, who may also be the owner
of the business. For example, the owners of a small restaurant may run the kitchen, wait
on tables as well as manage the finance of the business, recruit and train employees. This
type of manager will expect a high level of flexibility from the few staff they employ. In
contrast, large organisations have traditionally developed their structures to incorporate
departmental and task specialisation, delegation of authority, and highly formalised
standard policies and procedures. This approach can create a situation of greater inter-
nal complexity. This latter type of structure, associated with large organisations, is
mechanistic and bureaucratic, as defined by the presence of specialised tasks and jobs,
clearly identified procedures and responsibilities, and hierarchical structures. An exam-
ple of this can be seen in ‘In Practice’ 5.3.

In Practice 5.3

The changing context of public sector organisations

Examples of this type of situation include organisations such as the civil service and central and local
government. The public sector, in general, has been heavily criticised for being mechanistic and bureau-
cratic. Those individuals who are in senior positions within these organisations are aware that the
structures can cause major problems for those who work in them and can make it very difficult to
respond to the changing needs of their customers and clients. Historically, the desire of senior man-
agers to make dramatic changes to these types of organisations may not be as great as it is in the
private sector simply because of the nature of their operating environments. Traditionally, public-sector
organisations have a constant customer or client base, low level of competition, are focused on regional
or national markets and appear to have little difficulty in recruiting employees. But things are changing
for the public sector, the current UK Labour government has set out clear policies for the restructuring of
the public sector. The drive to modernise the UK civil service, and central and local government, has
been part of the Labour Party’s agenda since its election in 1997. At time of writing, the most recent ini-
tiatives are being led by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown. Key elements already
completed include the merger of Customs and Excise with the Inland Revenue and the next phase will
see the downsizing and restructuring of various government departments. The central aim is to respond
to the criticism of the electorate, groups representing the private sector and government ministers who
are keen to see a dramatic reduction in the cost of managing the public sector. Some of the changes
have been widespread and involved significant external consultant processes under the title Review of
Public Administration. The outcome of this review includes the reduction of the number of councils in
local government, reductions in the number of hospital trusts and health authorities, and the reduction in
the number of political forces. The practical implication of these changes can be dramatic and will
require the merger of current organisations to cover a greater geographical area and also provide a
wider range of services. The public in these areas still require these services but the civil service of the
future will undoubtedly have a smaller number of total employees as will local government. The mergers
of hospital trusts and of police forces will create larger and more complex organisations. These changes
to the public sector will require significant change to the existing organisational structures and the cre-
ation of new structures to support the creation and development of the new organisations.
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176 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

In large organisations, coordination becomes a significant issue, as do the design of

jobs, the motivation of those who work in such a system and the identification and
management of effective performance. In Practice 5.4 considers the reverse of the exam-
ple given previously of a small restaurant: the opposite of this type of organisational
structure might exist in the restaurant of a large hotel.

In Practice 5.4

The structure of a large hotel

For the purpose of discussion, let us use a Hilton hotel as an example. The restaurant in a Hilton
hotel is likely to be structured as a department of the business (in this context the business is the
hotel rather than the overall Hilton Hotel corporation) with a range of specialist jobs and staff. There
will be a restaurant manager who reports to the overall hotel manager. The restaurant manger will be
responsible for managing the waitresses and waiters, bar staff, customer service, cleaning staff, etc.
Within the context of the restaurant the kitchen is of vital importance; the head chef will have a high
degree of control over what happens in relation to this area and the structure should reflect this. In
the context of a prestige hotel such as a Hilton hotel, the chef running the kitchen will also have sig-
nificant expertise and a high degree of autonomy over how he or she manages the staff in the
kitchen. The staff in the kitchen are likely to report directly to the head chef rather than the restau-
rant manager. In this context, the organisation structure will need to reflect the fact that professional
staff, such as a chef, are as important as a restaurant manager in achieving the strategic goals of the
organisation. To support this type of structure the head chef and the restaurant manager will need to
work in partnership.
In a less prestigious or smaller hotel chain, the skill and expertise required of the head chef will be
lower and his or her role in the hierarchy may be reflected by the fact that the head chef will have to
report to the restaurant manager.

Child (1984: 223) believes that organisational structure will be affected by ‘multiple
elements and factors, such as environment plus size’. Because of the resulting interaction
between these factors and elements, size will not act as the sole determinant in choosing
an appropriate structure, even though it is seen as a very significant factor according to
contingency theory. At this point it is important to consider the impact of environmen-
tal factors on the design of organisational structure.
Mintzberg (1993) identifies four environmental dimensions. These relate to stability,
complexity, diversity and hostility in the environment.
 Stability refers to the level of certainty or predictability that is evident, with
a dynamic or variable environment being characterised by uncertainty or low
 Complexity concerns the number of environmental elements that confront an organ-
isation, with a complex environment being characterised by the presence of
numerous external factors.
 Diversity relates to the range of activities of an organisation, so that a business would
be likely to face greater uncertainty where it had diversified into a number of different
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 177

 Finally, hostility refers to the level of competition faced by an organisation, as well as

the presence of other threats to its competitive position.
These environmental dimensions can interact with each other, affecting the type of
organisational structure that will be appropriate in a particular combination of circum-
stances, according to contingency theory. Figure 5.2 shows the interaction between only
two of these environmental dimensions, namely complexity and stability, and the struc-
tural implications of these interactions that are believed to result according to this
contingency approach.
Figure 5.2 shows that it will not be appropriate for all large organisations to adopt a
mechanistic and bureaucratic approach to the design of their organisational structure
because of the interaction between these variables. Traditionally, this type of bureau-
cratic structure was likely to be more appropriate in large organisations, such as
public-sector bodies, banks and utility companies, that operate in relatively stable and
simple environments (e.g. Mintzberg, 1993), organisations in these sectors have experi-
enced significant change in the last ten years. This type of company produces standard
products and services, where its technology and market remain relatively stable. This
type of structure will also be more appropriate for organisations that supply one market,
especially where they enjoy a position of market leadership or domination. In each of
these cases, the level of environmental uncertainty is (fairly) low.
However, in environments characterised by varying conditions, an alternative structural
model will be more appropriate. Similarly, where an organisation faces environmental
complexity, or where it has diversified into different markets and created a situation of
complexity of its own making, an alternative set of structural arrangements will be neces-
sary. Intense competition can also require a higher level of responsiveness than that offered
by the adoption of a mechanistic and bureaucratic structure. The alternatives to such a
mechanistic and bureaucratic structure are characterised by greater flexibility and differ-
ing levels of decentralisation or centralisation. Some of the examples discussed later in this
chapter illustrate these more flexible forms of structure.

Environmental complexity
Simple Complex

The stable environment promotes a While the stable environment promotes

bureaucratically based structure and a bureaucratically based structure, the
the limited environmental interaction environmental complexity requires
Environmental stability

encourages centralised decision-making decentralised decision-making linked

to a divisional structure

Environmental variability requires a Environmental variability requires a

structure variability
that encourages requires a
flexibility, structure that encourages flexibility,
adaptability and responsiveness. adaptability and responsiveness.
Limited environmental interaction makes However, environmental complexity
centralised decision-making possible, also requires decentralised

while the variable or dynamic nature of decision-making. This will result in an

this environmental niche means that this organisational structue with a high level
is also desirable of internal complexity

Figure 5.2 Structural types related to the interaction between environmental complexity and
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178 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Evaluating the contingency approach to organisational

In reality, choice of organisational structure will be subject to aspects other than the ele-
ments suggested above, and these other aspects may prove to be more important in
practice than such contingent variables. Child (1984) provides a very useful assessment
of contingency theory when applied to organisational design. His assessment includes
consideration of the following aspects related to organisational performance:
 environmental dependency;
 the impact of multiple contingencies;
 structural variations and choice (that may be based on non-technical factors) and an
absence of rationalistic assumptions.
Some examples from the work of Child (1984) will illustrate the essence of these
aspects. Structure is only one of several factors that will affect organisational perform-
ance. It is therefore possible for a relatively successful organisation to be operating with a
structure that is apparently a poor fit in relation to its operating environment (and vice
versa). Organisations in a position of market dominance may not recognise the conse-
quences of poor operating choice. They will therefore be able to exercise greater freedom
in relation to choice about organisational structures without having to suffer the conse-
quences of resultant inefficiencies, at least in the short term.
Child’s (1984) discussion on contingency theory may be seen to cope with this by
pointing to the adoption of an internally differentiated structure, or structures, in an
organisation, this reality also leads to structural variations and the exercise of choice.
Such choice may be based on suboptimal or social considerations. It may also be based
on lack of knowledge about structural alternatives, constrained by current (‘fashion-
able’) thinking and affected by previous organisational policy and practice. This is likely
to lead to significant differences between apparently similar organisations operating in
the same environment (Stacey, 1993). It is also the case that organisations will seek to
affect their operating environments and markets in a way that is beneficial to their cur-
rent and future financial interest. A large organisation may seek to do this by using its
market position and through the use of marketing techniques. Such actions may
encourage structural variations as organisations adopt different strategies to attempt to
achieve this beneficial environmental planning and to achieve and maintain competitive

Consistency approach to organisational structure

In reality it is likely to be difficult to use such a rational approach as suggested by contin-

gency theory to design an organisational structure. An alternative approach recognises
that effectiveness may nevertheless be achieved where an organisation attains a high level
of integration within its organisational structure and in relation to other key internal
attributes, such as its culture (Chapter 6), leadership and internal operating systems,
including the strategic approach taken by the human resource function. The essence of
this approach is based on achieving a high level of internal consistency between the com-
ponents of organisational structure, as outlined above, and the creation of clear and
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 179

concise linkages with other organisational characteristics. Strategic effectiveness is

derived in this way through the creation of internal consistencies and efficiencies rather
than through fit with the factors operating in the organisation’s external environment,
although, of course, effectiveness may be achieved through some combination of fit with
both internal and external factors. Similar organisations operating in the same environ-
ment but with different structures may thus each be effective where they achieve a high
level of internal consistency (e.g. Child, 1984; Mintzberg, 1991).
This is demonstrated in relation to centralised and decentralised forms of organisa-
tional decision-making and related structures. Child (1984) provides examples of
organisations in the same industry that adopted either a centralised form of decision-
making and structure, or a decentralised form, but which were both effective because of
the high levels of internal consistency within each approach in practice. He contrasts
this with other organisations in the same industry that adopted decentralised structural
forms but also maintained tight centralised controls over decision-making and support-
ing centralised structures, with the result that they were much less effective due to these
structural inconsistencies. Such inconsistencies are likely to lead to conflict and to the
frustration and demotivation of managers in operating divisions or business units who
feel unable to manage in their areas of apparent responsibility without having to keep
obtaining authority from higher levels of the organisation. In contrast a truly decen-
tralised organisation will be likely to have delayered its structure, reducing centralised
managerial overheads and support staff, and therefore reducing the overall size of its
workforce. Structural consistency is therefore associated with improved organisational
performance as well as effectiveness (Child, 1984). However, configuration and relative
workforce size may not tell the whole story. Control may continue to be exercised
through formalisation and bureaucracy even though centralised structures have been
reduced, as In Practice 5.5 illustrates.

In Practice 5.5

Inconsistencies in Publicserviceorg

Publicserviceorg had made periodic changes to its organisational structure, related to attempts to
resolve tensions between centralised and decentralised decision-making. It had a long history of cen-
tralised decision-making and control but the nature of its work meant that tensions existed between
the centre of the organisation and its operating divisions, which were seen to impair its performance
and effectiveness. Over a number of years, the central managerial overhead was reduced and
attempts made to devolve greater responsibility to these operating divisions. However, the need for
accountability of the public funds deployed in the organisation and measurement of its performance
in relation to similar organisations, via controls exercised through central government reporting and
accounting procedures, meant that the organisation remained highly formalised and subject to
bureaucratic control. As a result, managers and staff in its operating divisions enjoyed little autonomy
in practice, spending more of their time engaged on formal reporting procedures than interfacing with
their client groups.
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180 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Evaluating the consistency approach to organisational

Recognition of the importance of internal consistency in organisational structure offers
an alternative to the prescriptive approaches of both the classical universal and contin-
gency approaches. The consistency approach recognises choice in determining a
structure that can lead to strategic effectiveness linked to organisational performance.
Seeking to match organisational structure to a complex and rapidly changing set of
environmental factors may be difficult to achieve in practice and the consequences of
trying to achieve this may not always produce the necessary outcomes. Equally, follow-
ing a claimed set of best practices may or may not be appropriate. Even where either of
these approaches might be followed, however, the importance of achieving internal
structural consistency for strategic effectiveness will remain.
In Chapter 6 it is recognised that seeking to change culture is likely to be problematic;
while possible to change perhaps, it is not a given entity that may be manipulated
according to the predetermined design of a particular group of managers. Many so-
called culture change programmes have failed because of this reason. In a similar way,
organisational structure, which may appear to be more tangible than culture when rep-
resented as a formal chart or as an ‘artefact’ or ‘visible symbol’ of culture, also involves
human perceptions, beliefs and behaviours. Relationships between individuals and
groups in an organisation cannot easily be changed, so that restructuring that is aimed
at changing an organisation’s culture is likely to be problematic. The consistency
approach may be seen as implying at least some sense of continuity because changes in
the environment will not automatically lead to a change in organisational structure. It
also implies relative simplicity because the key need is for the components of structure
to fit together effectively. Child (1984) believes that company traditions and practices
are likely to be important in developing consistency. This also has the benefit of allowing
those who work in such a structure to develop long-lasting relationships, develop trust
and potentially to identify with and be committed to the organisation, perhaps to a
greater extent than they might to one that is subject to continuous restructuring. Of
course, as Child recognises, change will be necessary over time but this will be observ-
able as an occasional process rather than continuous one.
From an SHRM perspective, the conclusion to be drawn from this approach is that an
organisational structure that is internally inconsistent is more likely to lead to negative
human resource implications than one that is consistent. This theme will be returned to
in the final section of this chapter.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 5.3

How would you summarise the key differences between the classical universal,
contingency and consistency approaches to the design of organisational structure?
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 181

Principal forms of organisational structure and the effect

on employees

Organisational structures have changed in relation to the development of increasingly com-

plex and variable or dynamic environments, including changes in the scope of organisations
such as diversification or globalisation (e.g. Chandler, 1962; Miles and Snow, 1984b; Child,
2005). Chandler’s (1962) work on the rise of industrial enterprise in the USA charted the
development of organisational structures that were used to adapt to the changing nature
and strategies of American capitalism. Miles and Snow (1984a, 1984b) summarised these
developments and produced a typology of five organisational forms as follow:
 agency or simple;
 matrix; and
 network structures.
Further work by Miles, Snow and other colleagues (Miles et al., 1997) suggests the addi-
tion of what they call cellular structures. Some types of network and cellular structures are
often referred to as virtual organisations. The development of new organisational forms
has been characterised by Clegg and Hardy (1996) as a movement from bureaucracy
towards much greater fluidity, associated with decentralisation, collaboration and alterna-
tives to hierarchy. Each of these forms and their effects on those who work within them
will now be reviewed.

Simple organisational structures

A simple organisational structure is often associated with small organisations. These
organisations commonly employ less that 25 people, supplying a single product or serv-
ice, or related products or services, within a defined market. An example may be a
professional practice such as a small firm of financial advisers or a doctors’ surgery serv-
ing a particular location (see In Practice 5.6). A simple structure is inherently centralised,
with one person or perhaps a small number of people exercising control over the direc-
tion and operation of the organisation. The nature of both the managerial style adopted
and the work undertaken will significantly affect the character of working relations in
this type of structure. In this sense, its impact on those who work within it will depend
also on these factors. Simple structures encourage flexibility and should be responsive to
changes in its environment, although the degree of responsiveness will depend on the
abilities and attributes of the person who exercises control over the organisation.

Functional and divisionalised forms of organistional structure

These are the most prevalent forms of organisational structure among large industrial
companies commonly employing over 250 people (Mayer and Whittington, 2004). Intro-
ducing a functional structure is designed to overcome the inability of a simple structure to
respond to an organisation’s increasing internal complexity arising from its growth. The
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182 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

In Practice 5.6

Such organisations are all around us!

Most organisations employ no more than a ‘handful’ of people.

There is a tendency to think of large organisations when studying subjects such as SHRM but
when there is a need to call a plumber or an electrician, take a car to the garage, visit a doctor, call in
to the local takeaway, or take a pet to the vet, there is probably interaction with a small business, run
by one person or no more than a few and which employs only a small number of people at most.
You might care to think about the small businesses whose services you use, how these are struc-
tured and what it would be like to work for them.

adoption of a functional structure therefore leads to the creation of a number of spe-

cialised managerial roles and departments that typically include areas such as production
or service provision, product development, sales and marketing, finance and human
resources (Figure 5.3). Although this type of structure involves some delegation of
authority (vertical decentralisation), power and control continue to be vested in line
managers and focused on those in the most senior positions (Mintzberg, 1993). This type
of structure is associated with the bureaucratic model that was briefly outlined earlier.
Mintzberg (1979, 1993) called the developed form of this type of structure the ‘machine
bureaucracy’ because of its mechanistic and standardised approach to organising work.
Many types of organisation have traditionally been organised in this way.
However, functionally arranged organisations, characterised by bureaucratic princi-
ples of standardisation and formalisation, have been criticised for not being sufficiently
responsive to complex environmental circumstances (e.g. Chandler, 1962; Miles and
Snow, 1984b). Organisations require a different form of structure to be able to respond
to a complex or diverse operating environment. For these organisations, the third type
of structure in Miles and Snow’s (1984a) typology is more appropriate. This is the div-
isionalised form of organisational structure. In a divisionalised structure, different
products, or groups of products, or service areas are organised into separate operating
divisions (Figure 5.4). Different regions supplied by an organisation may also be organ-
ised into corresponding operating divisions (e.g. Child, 1984). Many well-known
organisations, such as Marks and Spencer, General Electric, Vodafone and Virgin, struc-
ture themselves using one or more of these divisional forms. The managers of a
semi-autonomous division will thus be able to focus on the particular issues faced by
their operating unit and take more rapid action. This type of structure is often referred
to as the multi-divisional or M-form of structure (e.g. Purcell, 1995). Mayer and Whit-
tington (2004) report that, despite national differences about choice of structural forms,

Chief Executive

Research and Operations Finance Marketing Sales Human

Development (O) (F) (M) (S) Resources
(R&D) (HR)

Figure 5.3 Representation of a functional structure

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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 183

Chief Executive

Product-based Product-based Product-based Product-based

division division division division


Chief Executive

Area-based Area-based Area-based Area-based

division division division division


R&D = research and development; O = operations; F = finance; M = marketing; S = sales;

HR = human resources.
Figure 5.4 Representations of a divisionalised structure

the multi-divisional form is the dominant type in western European countries, as well as
in other developed countries, such as the USA and Japan.
While Mintzberg (1993) recognises that the use of a divisionalised structure will
involve some decentralisation of decision-making, he points out that this will be
restricted. This will only occur vertically down to the senior managers of each division,
so that these middle-ranking managers in the organisation are permitted to exercise
power along with its corporate managers. From a human resource perspective, this may
help to motivate these divisional managers, providing them with developmental experi-
ence and a clear route for career progression and promotion (Child, 1984). However,
there may be little effective difference for others who work in each product division,
other than the fact that a centralised bureaucratic structure has been replaced by a simi-
lar functional structure for that particular division. In other words, a divisionalised
structure may continue to be characterised by a mechanistic and bureaucratic design
affecting most of the people who work within it, although this does not have to be the
case (Mintzberg, 1993). See In Practice 5.7 for an example of this structure type.
The human costs of working in such mechanistic and bureaucratic structures under
Tayloristic principles of managing people have been recognised for a long time (see, for
example, Mintzberg, 1993; Francis, 1994). Structures that emphasise managerial control
over work are likely to be met by forms of employee resistance and attempts at counter-
control. Employees may develop forms of job control that restrict their work effort and
output. Indeed, Crozier (1964) found that the employees he studied used the bureau-
cratic procedures imposed by their organisations to their own ends in order to prevent
their managers from treating them in an arbitrary way. These types of structure are
therefore associated with a range of potential outcomes that may impact adversely on
human resource strategies aimed at engendering employee involvement and perform-
ance as well as broader strategies related to innovation and change.
As recognised earlier, a bureaucratic structure may also prove to be inappropriate
when an organisation is confronted by variable/dynamic or hostile environmental con-
ditions. Such an organisation would operate according to established rules which
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184 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

In Practice 5.7

Trad Manufacturing Co.: assessing the nature of its structural components

Trad Manufacturing Co. (TMC) has an organisational structure that reflects a highly functional and
mechanistic form. Analysis of its structure using the components reported earlier shows how this
works in practice.

Specialisation Specialised job roles are prevalent among both TMC operatives and office staff

Standardisation There is a high level of standardisation arising from the use of internal operating
procedures and quality management systems in TMC

Formalisation Operations in TMC are highly formalised. This is partly because its parent company
maintains control through issuing formal policy guidelines to direct its operations. TMC
has also adopted various quality management systems to meet the quality standards
required by the organisations to whom it supplies its products

Centralisation Vertical hierarchy is important in TMC, with authority centralised in its senior management
team and ultimately in its parent company, of which it forms one operating division

Configuration In spite of a long period of downsizing and some delayering, TMC remains hierarchical,
with five levels of authority and fairly narrow spans of control, although it has used ad
hoc project teams on particular occasions to capitalise on the expertise embedded in
different parts of the company

Traditionalism In spite of significant change and the introduction of forms of flexibility in TMC, embedded
custom and practice still informs the conduct of work in certain areas of its operations

wouldn’t necessarily be suitable to cope with their changing environment. Contingency

theory suggests that in these situations the appropriate form of organisational structure
is likely to be a centralised one that permits an ‘entrepreneurial’ approach rather than
one characterised by pre-established bureaucratic routines and behaviour. For example,
Child (1984: 223) found that ‘high performing companies in a changing environment
tended to be particularly free of a bureaucratic style of structure: they were highly cen-
tralised and without much formalisation’. Mintzberg (1993) suggests that a centralised
organisational structure will need to be introduced, at least on a temporary basis, where
an organisation is confronted by a situation of particular difficulty from its environment
(see also Morgan, 1989). Where an organisation has already been adversely affected by
such environmental conditions and needs where possible to make improvements, these
improvements usually occur under a new management regime: an entrepreneurial and
centralised organisational structure will also be appropriate (e.g. Mintzberg, 1991).
The discussion in this section so far has highlighted some of the tensions around the
dimensions of organisational structure. These include:
 determining the appropriate level of behavioural or procedural standardisation;
 the extent to which decision-making should be centralised or decentralised;
 the extent of specialisation that is appropriate (e.g. Pugh et al., 1968).
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 185

A problematic relationship is particularly evident between the respective desires for

managerial control, organisational efficiency and responsiveness to external conditions
and intended markets. The simple organisational structure allows for the achievement
of these three goals in variable or dynamic environmental conditions, where the leading
manager(s) adopts an appropriate approach – perhaps encapsulated by the term ‘entre-
preneurial’. Because of the lack of standardisation and formalisation, this type of
organisation remains organic and adaptable.
As previously discussed, standardisation and specialisation are likely to develop in an
organisation that develops a functional structure where it operates in a fairly stable and
simple environment. This may help to preserve managerial control and organisational
efficiency but may also impair the organisation’s ability to be responsive where the oper-
ating environment becomes more changeable or dynamic, or where the organisation
itself changes and encounters a more complex operating environment. Responsiveness
may be regained in the event of diversification by introducing some vertical decentrali-
sation through a divisionalised structure, while seeking to maintain managerial control
and efficiency by retaining other elements of a bureaucratic structure. However, a more
difficult situation will confront an organisation that faces both a more complex and
variable or dynamic environment. The desire to achieve managerial control, organisa-
tional efficiency and responsiveness in this situation is likely to lead to a more
complicated organisational structure. Such a structure will be designed to promote
managerial control and optimise efficiency while allowing a greater measure of decen-
tralisation and more flexiblity, in order to be responsive to the uncertain conditions
confronting the organisation. One manifestation of this type of organisation is the
matrix form of organisational structure, the fourth type in Miles and Snow’s (1984a)
typology. This type will now be discussed before discussing other possible forms.

Matrix forms of organisational structure

A matrix structure combines a functional, hierarchical form with a lateral, project-based
approach. As an illustrative example of this type of organisational design, Figure 5.5
shows the functional structure on the vertical axis and the project-based approach
linked to a particular product or market location on the horizontal axis of this structure.
In other words, one of these approaches to managing is overlaid on the other, to create
an integrated or multi-dimensional structure (Child, 1984). This type of structure is
designed to combine the efficiency suggested by a functional approach to organisational
design with the responsiveness implied by a product- or market-centred approach (e.g.
Miles and Snow, 1984b). In this way, a matrix form is seen to be more likely to be suited
to an operating environment characterised by both variability and complexity
(Mintzberg, 1993). However, because it operates on the basis of a shared, dual approach
to decision-making and control it may well be problematic to operate in practice
because of differences between the people who exercise, and share, authority within this
type of structure. Some of these human resource focused issues of this type of organisa-
tional structure will be considered in the discussion that follows in this subsection.
As may be expected, in practice this organisational structure has a number of varia-
tions. It may be introduced on a temporary or permanent basis, and as a structure for
the whole or a part, or parts, of an organisation. The ‘temporary’ use of this type of
structure is likely to be characterised by the use of project- and team-based teams. The
level of uncertainty confronting an organisation may lead it to establish special project
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186 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Functional groupings

Production Finance Marketing



project groupings
Rest of


Figure 5.5 Representation of a matrix organisation

teams to deal with the problems that face it and in order to utilise effectively the spe-
cialised, and perhaps limited range of, skills that it possesses. Such project teams may be
formed or re-formed according to the needs of the organisation and the environmental
or market problems confronting it. A recent example of this was the use of cross-func-
tional teams by many organisations to ensure Year 2000 compliance in relation to the
operation of their computing systems.
The use of this project-based approach suggests a number of potential advantages,
related to the organisation and its employees. For the organisation, it suggests respon-
siveness to circumstances, the attainment of employee flexibility, as well as, perhaps,
effective employee performance arising from a stream of interesting and challenging
work, concomitant development and a greater acceptance of change. For affected
employees, it suggests scope for development, motivation, involvement and satisfaction.
However, it also suggests scope for role and interpersonal conflict, resulting in stress,
that may have the opposite effect in relation to these work dimensions (e.g. Child, 1984).
A matrix structure will involve the establishment of both project and functional
managers, which will affect the way in which these personnel, as well as others involved,
need to work together. In a negative scenario, there is scope for confusion and interper-
sonal conflict between these different types of manager and for the creation of stress,
with implications for effectiveness and performance. Even in a more positive scenario,
there are implications about the level of communication and nature of decision-making
processes required to realise the potential benefits of this type of organisational struc-
ture in practice. A matrix structure will require intensive communication and the use of
joint decision-making processes. Adopting a permanent form of matrix structure is
likely to have significant repercussions within an organisation. It may well signify a cul-
ture change, or at least the final stage of one, for the organisation (Bartol and Martin,
1994). It will also require great care in relation to the selection and training, as well as
defining the roles, of those who are placed into the management and other key jobs in
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 187

this type of structure. The significance of the need to define these roles and to select and
train for them carefully is illustrated by the potential for shifts in power and struggles for
control where this is not considered or achieved effectively.
There are three forms of control in a matrix structure (Knight, 1977). In an ‘absolute’
or ‘pure’ matrix structure, which Knight called the ‘overlay form’, functional managers
and project or product managers jointly share power and exercise authority. These man-
agers still commence their roles within this structure from different perspectives: in
other words, from their functional or project/product perspective; but will need to work
closely together to achieve an outcome. Francis (1994: 68–69) summarised this position
of interdependency:
Every individual in the organisation is responsible to a functional manager for the
technical aspects of the work and to a product or project manager for the way in
which the task in hand is co-ordinated with other tasks relating to the same product
or project.

The requirements of matrix structures indicate the potential for conflict to occur and
to become standard practice. Other employees may be affected adversely where they are
exposed to conflict in situations where they undertake different roles and answer to vari-
ous managers, resulting in stress.
An alternative to the pure or absolute form of matrix structure is for either the func-
tional manager or the project/product manager to hold overall authority. The first
scenario has been called the ‘coordination’ matrix and the second situation the ‘second-
ment’ matrix (Knight, 1977). The authors’ experience suggests a further variation,
whereby overall authority switches between the functional manager and project/product
manager, depending on the particular context or project. This is referred to as the ‘vari-
able control’ matrix (Figure 5.6). Each of these variations suggests that there is still scope
for conflict, even where overall, formal power and control has been established. This
potential for conflict has led Mintzberg (1993) to suggest that this type of structure is

Individual is responsible to …
… a functional … a project
manager manager

Coordination Pure/absolute … a functional

matrix structure matrix structure manager

Individual is
responsible to …
Va atri
ria x s

bl tru

Secondment … a project
co ctu

matrix structure manager

nt re

Figure 5.6 Individual responsibility under different types of matrix structure

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188 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

only really suitable for organisations that have achieved operational and interpersonal
‘maturity’. This may be characterised by an organisational culture that emphasises open-
ness, cooperation and learning (see Chapters 6 and 11 in particular). This will be in
addition to other requirements before this type of structure is adopted (e.g. Davis and
Lawrence, 1977; Child, 1984).

Project-based organisational structures

Another variation of this type of organisational design is a project-based structure. In this
type of structure, project-based teams are responsible for undertaking the core activities
of the organisation (Figure 5.7). This organisational design may also continue to have a
functional structure, although this will play a secondary role in the business of the organ-
isation and the relationship between the project-based and functional structures will be
different from that in a matrix structure. An organisation’s capacity to respond to its
environment and to innovate in this design is therefore generated by the use of project
teams rather than through its functional arrangements (Morgan, 1989). In this way the
project-based organisation will be more fluid than bureaucratic (Clegg and Hardy, 1996).
This is similar to the ‘task alignment’ approach advocated by Beer et al. (1990) (see
Chapter 6 for a fuller discussion of this approach). They advocate the introduction of ad
hoc organisational structures, centring on various types of project teams, to help bring
about more permanent organisational change. This approach is intended to engage
employees in the generation of solutions to the problems faced by an organisation – to
some extent, as a ‘bottom-up’ approach to strategy formation and implementation. Beer
et al. (1990) believe that the use of project teams in this type of situation will lead to a
number of specific benefits, culminating in the generation of more effective change in
comparison with a top-down, ‘programmatic’ approach. These benefits include: the
opportunity for participants to develop an understanding of the problems facing that
part of the organisation for which they work and to devise solutions that are ‘owned’
jointly; as a result, the development of commitment to this work and those engaged on it;
and the development of competences to be able to contribute. Whether such an approach
generates, or is more likely to generate, these benefits must be open to examination in the
context of particular change situations. In relation to organisational structure, Beer et al.
(1990) believe that a more effective structure should emerge from a ‘task alignment’
approach. This is because the structure will emerge through the experiences of the project


Project Corporate Project

team centre team


Figure 5.7 Representation of a project-based structure

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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 189

teams. It will be reflective of those areas of interdependency that become evident, which
require coordination. When such a structure has emerged fully, it can be formalised in the
organisation. This, they contend, will be a more effective way in which to generate an effi-
cient structure for the future, than imposing one from above at the outset of a purely
‘top-down’ change programme. A project-based organisation may therefore be used as a
means to move from one formal structure to another, and thus it may be seen as a trans-
itional structural state and a facilitator of other types of change.
Project-based structures, according to these two formulations, may be either perma-
nent or transitional structural arrangements. In either case, some of the concerns
expressed above about the involvement of organisational participants in either approach
are relevant here. Such arrangements will need to be based on effective working relation-
ships and genuine forms of employee involvement and participation. There are
undoubtedly risks to using this type of structure as well as potential benefits. This proj-
ect-based approach to organisational design should benefit from the use of a range of
human resource strategies that are designed to foster and support it. These include the
introduction of appropriate recruitment and selection, training and development, per-
formance management and employee involvement strategies and practices.
Project-based structures require the expertise of those who are involved in them and
their commitment to develop solutions and a new direction in order to achieve success.
This will involve human resource strategies including employee involvement and com-
munication that need to be developed in an ‘integrated’ manner rather than imposed
from the top down. Beer et al. (1990) distinguish between approaches to human
resource strategy by seeing top-down, imposed approaches as aimed at changing atti-
tudes and more grounded, emergent and context-specific approaches as being aimed at
altering behaviours. The behavioural approach is seen as being much more effective; the
attitudinal one being likely to become ‘overtaken’ by other organisational events (e.g.
Guest et al., 1993).

Network forms of organisation

Matrix and project-based structures are more suited to environmental conditions char-
acterised by both complex and variable or dynamic conditions. Another form of
organisation suited to this type of environment is the so-called network organisation.
Such organisations are seen as being flexible and responsive to market changes and seg-
ments, again stressing fluidity rather than bureaucracy in their operations. There are
different categories or types of network structure. These have been termed internal net-
works, vertical or stable networks and dynamic or loosely coupled networks (e.g. Miles
and Snow, 1984a; Morgan, 1989; Snow et al., 1992; Senior, 2002; see Figure 5.8 below).
Internal networks are essentially strategic business units or profit centres that use
market pricing as the basis for supplying components or services from one part of an
organisation to another. This arrangement is used to promote organisational efficiency
and innovation. Many large organisations have moved to establish this type of internal
structural arrangement.
Vertical or stable networks involve different organisations, centred on a core organisa-
tion, working together to produce and supply a good or service. The example often cited
is that of the motor industry. Vertical integration is limited in this industry, so that at
least some of the parts of the car that you drive may have been made by a range of firms
that supply the company whose name your car displays. The distribution network for a
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190 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

particular make of car will also be owned by a range of other organisations, approved by
and contracted to the particular manufacturer. These types of network generally remain
stable over long periods. For the core organisation in such a network, this has the benefit
of spreading the costs of investment, their exposure to risk and controlling their supply
costs. For the organisations that supply parts or distribute the final product, this should
generally ensure a steady flow of work and income. For the core organisation, this type
of organisational arrangement is also known as outsourcing. Other examples of vertical
networks may be found in a range of other industries such as manufacturing, clothing
and retail (e.g. Benetton, Next and Debenhams).
Dynamic or loosely coupled networks differ from the previous form in that they are
less likely to be dependent on a particular organisation and, by definition, are also likely
to be less stable. This type of arrangement is essentially a cooperative one between a
number of organisations to develop and exploit a perceived commercial opportunity,
perhaps where none is large enough or resource capable to achieve this in isolation.
Examples may be found in construction, in order to undertake large projects that bring
together a range of capabilities. Such a network arrangement therefore has the benefit of
allowing a number of specialised organisations to pool their resources to mutual advan-
tage. Larger organisations that cooperate to pool their resources in some way, in relation
to a particular opportunity, may prefer to develop a more permanent organisational
arrangement. This has occurred in manufacturing, where companies have shared the
large investment costs necessary. This may lead to the creation of a strategic alliance or
joint venture. These arrangements indicate the increased importance of interorganisa-
tional relationships and resulting structures.
In general terms, there appears to be a number of human resource implications aris-
ing from these types of network arrangements and structural relationships. These
include issues related to coordination, cooperation, communication, product quality,
training and development, performance management, involvement and commitment.
The use of an internal network will affect the nature of coordination and communica-
tion within the organisation, suggesting the need for the development of cooperative
relations based on internal customer relationships. In turn, this is likely to have implica-

Vertical or stable Dynamic or loosely

networks coupled networks

Distribution network

Core organisation

Suppliers to core organisation

Supply chain

Figure 5.8 Representations of network forms

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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 191

tions for the nature of human resource strategies relating to, among others, recruitment
and selection, training and development, and the design and management of appropri-
ate performance standards.
A vertical network adds a further layer of complexity to the effective management of
people engaged in this type of arrangement. Coordination, cooperation and communi-
cation will not only need to be achieved within each constituent organisation in this
type of network but also between them. The core organisation may seek to ensure the
adoption of particular standards in supplying organisations within the network by
requiring them to adopt an approved and verifiable system of quality management. This
in turn will raise human resource implications related to, most obviously, employee
training and selection. The core organisation may also use its supplier network, or part
of it, to hold down costs in this area, with particular implications for the nature of the
treatment of those who work in one of these supplier organisations. When a core organ-
isation decides to develop its strategy of outsourcing, this may lead it to restructure and
reduce its workforce as it downsizes. In effect, this vertical network strategy may allow
the core organisation to become smaller with an altered internal organisational struc-
ture. This outcome may therefore lead to a lower level of internal complexity, but a need
to engage ‘key’ personnel to coordinate effectively its vital external relationships.
The issue of external complexity and coordination is most evident in relation to the
use of a loosely coupled network. This type of network arrangement suggests the need
to generate a high level of shared understanding, communication, trust and coopera-
tion. It seems likely that each core employee of an organisation in such a network will
need to become a ‘key’ member in ensuring the success of this type of arrangement. This
has clear implications for the selection of employees and the management of perform-
ance, as well as the commitment characteristics, of people who work in organisations
that adopt the network approach.

Cellular forms of organisation

Another variation of a flexible, adaptive and responsive form of organisational structure
is described by Miles et al. (1997). The cellular form of organisational design is based on
principles of self-organisation and entrepreneurship. It has been used by a, as yet, small
number of companies according to the literature to re-create themselves into a number
of individual but linked organisations, each of which operates independently of the
others but which also act interdependently when circumstances warrant this. Each cell
or company will be capable of maintaining an independent existence through working
in network relationships with other, external organisations, for its own customers. It will
also work with other cells or companies in its parent organisation, where there is scope
to combine their respective competence and knowledge base to exploit a particular
market opportunity. Figure 5.9 provides an example of this type of organisation.
This organisational design emphasises the importance of entrepreneurial behaviours,
adaptability, creativity, participation and innovation. It appears suited to knowledge-
based companies and Miles et al. (see In Practice 5.8) describe its use in two companies
in the computing industry as well as its partial use in other types of company.
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192 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Link to Cell showing

external simple internal
network structure



Figure 5.9 Representation of a cellular form

In Practice 5.8

Building a cellular structure

Miles et al. (1997) describe an Australian-based computer graphics company which exemplifies cellu-
lar organisation. This organisation developed a number of information technology capabilities leading
to a range of products and services. The company organised itself into 13 small firms, each acting as
an independent cell with its own purpose and ability to develop and conduct business, specialising in
different aspects or products of the overall organisation. Business is developed through partnerships
that involve one or more cells of the organisation working with an external firm in a joint-venture rela-
tionship and with an important customer, which provide equity capital and an advanced order
respectively. Each cell typically operates with up to 20 professionals.

Virtual organisations
The idea that organisational structures can demonstrate fluidity reaches its height, per-
haps, in relation to descriptions of virtual organisations. The virtual organisation is seen
as a developed form of the network organisation (Child, 2005): a flexible and transient
structure specifically assembled from cells or companies to respond to a particular
opportunity, which will either cease once this goal has been fulfilled or reform in an
appropriate way to pursue another. It lacks its own physical assets and structures, relying
instead on those of its constituents and on the use of electronic communications tech-
nology. In this sense, the organisation may be thought of as virtual because of its
reliance on the internet and the mobility of working that this permits. Its presence as an
organisation may be more evident through the internet than based on the existence of a
particular physical location. It may be truly international, with work being sourced from
anywhere in the world where there is an appropriate capability and access to the inter-
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 193

net. Work will be fragmented into tasks, carried out by constituent individuals, cells or
companies and then integrated into a whole elsewhere in this virtual organisation (e.g.
Davidow and Malone, 1992; Warner and Witzel, 2003).
The concept of the virtual organisation appears suited to knowledge-based work that
utilises technologies such as the internet. It epitomises the human resource implications
described above for network and cellular organisations. In particular it may be seen as
epitomising the alternative to hierarchy that was referred to in the introduction to this
section, or at least demonstrating a new approach to hierarchy, where this may shift
according to the particular task or project being undertaken within the virtual organisa-
tion. The relationships implied by this approach suggest the need for high levels of
cooperation and commitment. However, this is not to say that control is absent within
such a virtual organisation, since the scope to change the supply of a particular service
or product exists by using alternative suppliers on a global basis, suggesting that poor
performance would not need to be tolerated by other contributors to the virtual organi-
sation. A summary of structural types is produced in Key Concepts 5.5.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 5.4

Using the ideas discussed above, how would you summarise ‘organisational fluidity’?

Key Concepts 5.5

Summarising structural types

A centralised structure, where one person or a few people exercise control over the direction and
operation of the organisation.

Functional and divisionalised

A functional structure is associated with a number of specialised managerial roles and operating
departments. In a divisionalised structure, different products or services are organised into separate
operating divisions.

A matrix structure combines a functional hierarchical structure with a lateral, project-based approach.

Project based
In this structure, project-based teams are responsible for undertaking the activities of the organisation.

An organisational form designed to be flexible and responsive to change. There are different types of
network organisation: internal; vertical; and dynamic.

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194 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Another form of organisation designed to be flexible, based on principles of self-organisation and

A highly flexible and transient form, which exists for a given period and purpose.

Summarising the relationship between organisational structure

and SHRM

The relationship between organisational structure and SHRM has emerged through
three strands of our discussion. Firstly, it has emerged in relation to the discussion about
the links between corporate strategy, organisational structure and human resource man-
agement strategies.
 The first substantive section of this chapter recognises that there will be links between
strategy and structure as well as between structure and human resource strategies.
This is not an attempt to advocate a rationalist, planned approach by this recognition
or to be prescriptive about the nature of these links. Whether strategy is attempted in
a planned way or achieved through an emergent approach, these linkages will exist. In
this way all aspects of organisation – strategy, structure and human resource strate-
gies in our context – need to be considered in relation to one another. Without this,
incongruence or inconsistency may result in practice. Components of structure need
to be consistent with strategy and between themselves, while these same dimensions
of structure will impact on the nature of work and of working relationships (Key
Concepts 5.2 and 5.3 help to illustrate some of these relationships, as does the discus-
sion in the section within which these are located).
 Second, the relationship between organisational structure and SHRM has emerged in
relation to the discussion about conceptual approaches to understand the design of
organisational structures. While these approaches are conceptual and, in practice,
structure may emerge in many organisations through a more pragmatic and intuitive
process of decision-making, each of these approaches nevertheless suggests implica-
tions about the relationship between organisational structure and the management of
human resources. Adopting universal principles appears to suggest a lack of focus on
the outward context of the organisation. Adopting leanness or decentralisation, for
example, because of adherence to some universal set of principles will have particular
consequences for the management of human resources, whether or not this is the
most appropriate course to take. Attempting to achieve a contingency approach
demonstrates an explicit attempt to match strategy to contextual circumstances, with
implications for the nature of both structure and human resource strategies. Of
course an organisation’s ability to comprehend and match all of its contextual cir-
cumstances may be limited for a number of reasons, as was recognised above and in
Chapter 1. Strategic choice and the influence of organisational politics and power
recognise instead the role of individual agency and gain, with consequential implica-
tions for the management of human resources.
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 195

 Third, the relationship between organisational structure and SHRM also emerges in
the discussion about structural forms. Each form of organisational structure will have
different effects on those who work within it, as well as particular implications about
the nature of the capabilities and attributes of the people required to make it effective
in practice. This may be most evident in relation to the more decentralised forms of
structure discussed in the above section. In these decentralised forms, high levels of
competence, communication and cooperation are often required, particularly among
core employees or workers. This has clear implications for the nature of human
resource strategies, both to facilitate these types of structure and working relation-
ships, and to support their maintenance and development. The scope of human
resource strategies in such decentralised organisations may, however, be limited to
particular divisions, constituent companies or cells within a larger organisation, with
implications for consistency and integration across the organisation as a whole.
The consistency approach to structural design recognises that effectiveness will be
linked to congruence between the elements of structure within each organisation, with
clear implications for consistency with SHRM as well.
Some discussion about the scope of human resource strategies in decentralised struc-
tures will be developed below, after seeking to summarise the human resource
implications arising from organisational structures in general terms. As can be seen in
the following list, organisational structure can be seen to influence:
 the nature and fulfilment of organisational strategy;
 organisational responsiveness to external change and competitiveness;
 scope for innovation;
 organisational capability to cope with uncertainty;
 organisational performance and effectiveness;
 product and service quality;
 the nature and effectiveness of coordination;
 the organisation of work and job design;
 the nature of decision-making (accountability and responsibility);
 the location and exercise of power and control;
 the generation and level of organisational conflict (and cooperation);
 organisational culture;
 motivation and commitment/alienation;
 the scope for and nature of employee involvement and performance;
 the nature of and channels for communication;
 formal and informal relationships;
 group processes, team working and network relationships;
 career paths and scope for development;
 the nature of employees’ psychological contracts (discussed in Chapter 8);
 work-related stress.
What items can you add to this general list of implications?
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196 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

The focus now turns towards the way in which decentralised structures may affect the
scope for and nature of human resource strategies in organisations. In the section above,
discussions on divisional structures and their implications for those who work within
them took place. The use of complex and vertically decentralised organisational struc-
tures, characterised by a multi-divisional structure, can lead to a reduction in the scope
for human resource strategies to develop or embed themselves across an organisation.
Business unit managers in such a structure may become more concerned to meet the
financial targets established for them than to focus on corporate human resource issues
and approaches, even where these have been identified and developed (Purcell, 1989b).
This decentralised focus is also likely to depend on the strategic focus of particular
organisations. Some divisionalised organisations may promote a short-term focus on
financial control and returns that reduces their scope to develop organisation-wide
human resource strategies. Conversely, other divisionalised organisations may adopt a
longer-term strategic focus that encourages the development and use of integrative
human resource strategies across the organisation (Goold and Campbell, 1987). The
nature of human resource strategies may also be affected by a combination of a division-
alised organisational structure and the particular strategic focus of the organisation.
In a similar way, other decentralised forms of organisational structure, such as net-
work or cellular structures, may affect the scope for organisation-wide human resource
strategies. Again, this effect is likely to be in combination with the strategic focus of an
organisation. The use of these structures may thus lead some organisations to recognise
the importance of the contribution of their core groups of staff, in particular, and to
adopt a developmental and strategic approach to the management of these people. Con-
versely, other organisations may adopt a more short-term focus based on financial
controls and returns. These organisations may believe that they can ‘poach’ key mem-
bers of staff from an external pool of labour, by rewarding them well. This second
approach is based on pragmatism and opportunism and would not encourage the devel-
opment of a range of integrated and longer-term human resource strategies.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 5.5

The discussion in this section has considered the impact of decentralised organi-
sational structures on the development of human resource strategies. How do
you think a more centralised and bureaucratic form of organisational structure will
affect the development of human resource strategies?


 Strategic linkages exist between corporate strategy, organisational structure and

human resource strategies, demonstrating the strategic nature of structure.
 Dimensions of organisational structure have been identified that can be used to
analyse the nature and evaluate the effectiveness of an organisation’s structure.
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 197

 These dimensions indicate the complex range of variables to be understood by man-

agers in deciding how they should structure an organisation’s activities to meet its
strategic objectives. They also indicate that the design of organisational structure
involves managerial or strategic choice.
 Three perspectives were considered that offer explanations about the relationship
between the design of organisational structure and strategic effectiveness. These
relate to the classical universal, contingency and consistency approaches to the design
of organisational structure. A fourth perspective relates to the role of organisational
politics and the exercise of power that has already been considered and discussed in
depth in Chapter 1.
 Principal forms of organisational structure were reviewed and their effects on those
who work within them analysed and evaluated. These forms include: simple; func-
tional; divisionalised; matrix; project-based; network, cellular and virtual structures.
Theoretical linkages between these organisational forms and contingency variables
have been recognised. The development of these forms indicates some degree of
movement from centralised and bureaucratic structures to decentralised and more
fluid ones.
 Organisations need to promote human resource strategies that are congruent with
the nature of the organisational structure that they chose (or recognise the impact of
their structure on their espoused human resource policies and the practice and out-
comes of the human resource strategies that they promote).
 Choice of organisational structure has been recognised as leading to a problematic
relationship between the respective desires for managerial control, organisational
efficiency and responsiveness to external conditions and intended markets. Attempts
to maximise centralised managerial control in situations requiring greater organisa-
tional responsiveness are likely to affect the pursuit of effectiveness and working
relationships adversely.
 Decentralised forms of organisational structure may adversely affect the scope for
and nature of organisation-wide human resource strategies. In practice, this is likely
to be a function of both the nature of the structural form that is chosen and the strat-
egy of the organisation.

Follow-up study suggestions

Undertake a search of practitioner publications (related to human resource and man-
agement) and identify a number of short articles about case study organisations that
often feature in these and select, say, two or three of them that discuss structural change,
perhaps due to downsizing or a restructuring, and use one or more theories discussed
above to try to evaluate what these organisations did and its likely effectiveness.
Using an organisation with which you are familiar, which may be one in which you are
currently employed or have worked for, or one known to you:
1. Use the list of dimensions of organisational structure in Key Concepts 5.1 to analyse
the nature of this organisation’s structure.
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198 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

2. Use Key Concepts 5.2 to try to evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s struc-
ture, or one part of it, in relation to the four consequences listed.
3. Use Key Concepts 5.3 and the discussion in the section titled ‘Consistency approach
to organisational structure’ to evaluate the level of consistency between the key ele-
ments of its structure.
4. Identify the form or forms of structure evident in this organisation. How would you
assess the nature of working relationships in the organisation and how suited are
these to the form or forms of structure that are used in it?

Suggestions for research topics

 An evaluation of the relative advantages and disadvantages of centralised and decen-

tralised structures: a case study of ABC.
 An exploration of the impact of bureaucracy in department WX in company YZ.
 Examining the implications of a case study’s organisation for those who work in it.
 How do managers/why should managers assess the effectiveness of organisational
 An exploration of the relationship between organisational structure and the manage-
ment of change (in relation to a particular case study organisation).
 The relationship between organisational structure and human resource management:
a case study-based investigation.
Each of these suggestions for research projects may be undertaken as a literature-based
examination and discussion, where your institution requires this type of project to be
completed as part of an award, or in relation to a particular case study organisation,
where you are required to collect some primary data and analyse these in relation to
theory for part of your course.

Case Study
DaimlerChrysler AG

The company Setra and Mitsubishi Fuso. It offers financial and

other automotive services through DaimlerChrysler
DaimlerChryslers’ product portfolio ranges from Financial Services.
small cars to sports cars and luxury sedans; and DaimlerChrysler (DC) has a global workforce
from versatile vans to trucks and coaches. Daimler- (382,723 at year-end 2005) and a global share-
Chryslers’ passenger car brands include Maybach, holder base. DaimlerChrysler achieved revenues of
Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler, Jeep®, Dodge and €149.7 billion in 2005. The operative result was
Smart. Commercial vehicle brands include Mer- €5.1 billion for 2005 (Mercedes Car Group a loss of
cedes-Benz, Freightliner, Sterling, Western Star, €505 million!).
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 199

DC has been described as a very traditional billion per year, G&A staff reduced by up to 20
German company. For a long time its culture has per cent over three years
been described as technology- and quality-
Supervisory Board agrees to realignment of
focused: brilliant engineers and craftsmen were
functions within the Board of Management
producing well-designed, reliable, high-quality cars.
Under the shining Mercedes star, managers could Shortly after the board’s announcement the fol-
afford to buy companies all over the world as the lowing text was published on DC’s web site
coffer was full. Unfortunately, too often they paid (
too much for companies which did not fit in their
DaimlerChrysler today introduced a new
organisational structure.
management structure designed to enhance
Meanwhile, the reputation of the Mercedes star
competitiveness and promote further profitable
has dimmed and Mercedes has slid dramatically in
growth. The new structure will further integrate
consumer rankings and loyalty. DC appears to have
the company’s functions, focus the operations
quality problems, manufacturing efficiency has
declined (while costs are relatively high) and there within DaimlerChrysler on core processes, and
has been excess production capacity for years. Also, encourage internal collaboration. Moreover, it
its technological prowess is more and more disputed. will reduce redundancies and remove manage-
The giant head office (HO) in Stuttgart-Möhrin- ment layers.
gen monitors hundreds of national and international ‘Our objective in taking these actions is to
companies in different industries. There are manu- create a lean, agile structure, with streamlined
facturing facilities in 17 countries. Most Group and stable processes that will unleash Daimler-
companies are in fact (economically) more or less Chrysler’s full potential,’ said Dieter Zetsche,
independent as it is very difficult to stir these com- Chairman of the Board of Management (BoM) of
panies ‘virtually’ from the HO. DaimlerChrysler AG. ‘We’re going to build on a
Dieter Zetsche became group chief executive at strong product portfolio.’ In 2005 alone, Daimler-
the start of the year 2006 succeeding Jürgen Chrysler launched 17 new products, giving it one
Schrempp. of the youngest product lines in the automotive
In September 2005 Zetsche warned: ‘We should industry. The company plans to continue its
not let ourselves become overconfident. There is aggressive level of investment.
still a long and difficult road ahead of us before we ‘Over the last several years, we focused on our
can become truly competitive again.’ The company automotive business and started to streamline the
continues to drag around excess production capac- core processes in our divisions,’ said Zetsche.
ity, he wrote, and its costs remain ‘significantly ‘But to safeguard our future in this competitive
higher than those of the best competitors’. To global industry, we need to apply that same equa-
redress the situation, he announced, Daimler- tion across all general and administrative (G&A)
Chrysler’s board was cutting 8,500 Mercedes jobs functions with the added dimension of adapting to
in Germany, or about 9 per cent of the total. the needs of our business.’
The preliminary work for this new structure
began in mid-2005 with a high-level internal team.
New ‘leadership model’ The program focuses on the company organi-
zation and the processes that are used
On 24 January 2006 the board published a new ‘lead- throughout the DaimlerChrysler enterprise.
ership model’, which was focused on making specific Among structural changes is a consolidation
changes to the existing organisational structure. and integration of G&A functions, such as
Within minutes the share prise rose by about 5 per Finance and Controlling, Human Resources and
cent to €45. This model was widely reported in the Strategy. These areas will be centralized to
print media: report to the respective head of that function
throughout the entire company. Redundancies
Integration leads to organization that is faster, between staff functions at the corporate and
more flexible, leaner and more efficient operating levels will be eliminated, thereby
Together with other ongoing efficiency pro- reducing the complexity of the organization. A
grammes, G&A [general and administrative] more integrated G&A organization will result in
costs are expected to be reduced by EUR 1.5 more consistent processes, and reporting and
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200 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

decision-making will become shorter, faster and Several other organizational changes will also
more efficient. be made. Corporate-wide Research and Tech-
‘We want our divisions to concentrate on the nology will be merged with product development
automotive core processes – development, pro- of Mercedes Car Group under BoM member
duction and sales,’ added Zetsche. Thomas Weber. The new organization – Group
The consolidation of corporate functions will Research & MCG Development – will continue as
occur throughout the company. The earlier deci- the research center of competence for the entire
sion for Dieter Zetsche to serve a dual role as company. Within this realignment, the new func-
Chairman of the Board of Management and con- tion will take on more responsibility for advanced
currently as Head of the Mercedes Car Group, engineering activities of all automotive divisions.
will now be reflected in the organizational struc- This action is expected to reduce the time-to-
ture as well. BoM members Bodo Uebber and market of future technologies, keep research
Ruediger Grube will also continue to have dual focused on customer-relevant innovations, and
roles: Uebber for Finance and Controlling, as eliminate redundancies.
well as DaimlerChrysler Financial Services; The Commercial Vehicles Division, headed by
Grube for Corporate Development (including BoM member Andreas Renschler, will also
Information Technology) and DaimlerChrysler’s undergo changes. It will focus on commercial
participation in EADS (European Aeronautic trucks as its core business and operate under
Defense and Space company). That will effec- the name Truck Group, while the Bus and Van
tively reduce the number of BoM members to business will be reported elsewhere. The follow-
nine (from 12 about one year ago).
ing operations will continue in Truck Group:
The German BoM members currently based in
Trucks Europe/Latin America (Mercedes-Benz),
Stuttgart-Moehringen will relocate in May 2006,
Trucks NAFTA (Freightliner, Sterling, Thomas
along with their staff, to Stuttgart-Untertuerkheim,
Built Buses), Mitsubishi Fuso Bus and Truck Cor-
and therefore closer to production. This means the
poration, and Truck Product Creation. The new
DaimlerChrysler headquarters function will be
structure will create further synergies between
located in Stuttgart-Untertuerkheim and Auburn
the regional truck units and brands, and allow
Hills, Michigan. Several support functions and non-
G&A functions will stay in Stuttgart-Moehringen. the Truck Group to accelerate its profit potential
On the basis of the new structure, the com- initiative called Global Excellence …
pany will standardize the most important In total, the new management model will
processes within and across divisions, according reduce the cost of administrative functions at
to best-practice criteria. DaimlerChrysler, in an effort to reach benchmark
Cooperation between the Mercedes Car levels. Together with other ongoing efficiency
Group and the Chrysler Group will become programs, G&A costs are expected to be
markedly closer, according to Zetsche, but ‘a reduced by EUR 1.5 billion per year. The net
clear priority within this effort will continue to fur- effect of today’s announcement will be EUR 1
ther strengthen brand identity. You can expect to billion per year.
see more examples of collaboration especially Preparation to implement this comprehensive
when we can transfer knowledge between the program will start immediately, and take three
groups, much as Chrysler Group tapped the years to fully implement. It is expected to require
rear-wheel-drive expertise of Mercedes-Benz in an overall expenditure of about EUR 2 billion from
the development of the Chrysler 300C. 2006 to the end of 2008. Due to the elimination of
‘Beyond that,’ added Zetsche, ‘you will also redundancies, consolidation of staffs and opti-
see more examples of clearly defined “project mization of processes, headcount will be reduced
houses” where engineers from different divisions by about 6,000 employees over the three-year
work together for the benefit of the whole com- span. This represents roughly 20 percent of gen-
pany.’ A current example is the joint project to eral and administrative staff (30 percent at
develop hybrids, where Mercedes-Benz and management levels). These reductions will take
Chrysler engineers are working side-by-side place in G&A functions around the world. At a
(with General Motors and BMW specialists). This meeting today, the DaimlerChrysler Supervisory
joint team is creating a new two-mode hybrid Board agreed to the realignment of functions in
system that will power future vehicles from the the Board of Management, which will be imple-
brands of both divisions … mented by March 1st, 2006.
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Chapter 5 The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for effectiveness? 201

The specific measures required to put the new HR policy of DC. This may also be a reflection of
actions into place are expected to be presented a generally rather poor (strategic) HR
to the Supervisory Board for approval by the end management of DC’s head office.
of April. You are therefore also asked to answer the
following questions:
 In light of the intentions in the announcement
Case study questions
of DC (text above) which HR areas or HR
challenges are concerned?
1. As the HR-Director of DC (Stuttgart, Germany)
 Name some of these challenges. Then
you are required to develop a ‘suitable HR
establish a plan of action by formulating and
strategy’ to propose solutions to the problems
justifying possible solutions to the challenges
raised by the actual situation of DC and the
you have identified.
intentions of the CEO described above.
State your understanding of the situation at DC 3. What type of organisational structure should be
and determine the needs of DC (problems within created and implemented to support the new HR
DC and reasons for the new organisational strategy?
structure); also describe some strategic 4. What are possible advantages (and
elements of the organisational structure. disadvantages) of creating a new organisational
2. Whereas German companies such as Deutsche structure?
Bank AG, Lufthansa AG or Allianz AG are seen 5. In developing and implementing the new
by HR specialists and scholars as ‘truly’ global structures, the company will have to recruit new
companies with excellent strategic HRM international managers. How could the company
policies, DaimlerChrysler lacks such a really select and develop a group of experienced
reputation. There were incredible problems international managers? What instruments would
integrating Chrysler in the DC group. It took you use?
years to fix many post-merger problems. There
are many other examples of a poor international
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Relationships between culture and

6 SHRM: do values have consequences?

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 explain the meanings of national and organisational cultures and the

debates relating to their existence;
 discuss the importance of organisational and national cultures in managing
SHRM interventions;
 explore the three main perspectives through which culture has been
explored within organisations: integration, differentiation and fragmentation;
 assess the complexity of issues associated with aligning culture to an
organisation’s strategic direction;
 analyse the linkages between organisational and other cultural spheres and
SHRM interventions.
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 203

Over the past 50 years, culture has become one of the most widely written about
concepts in management literature in both the populist and academic press (Cooper
et al., 2001). At the national level, writers such as Hofstede (2001) and Tayeb (1996)
have highlighted the implications for both multi-national organisations and uni-
national organisations employing a multi-cultural workforce, while at the
organisational level, writers such as Handy (1993) and Peters and Waterman (1995)
have highlighted the importance of an effective culture to organisational success.
Messages relating to organisations from a vast range of culture studies have been
summarised by Hendry (1995) as twofold. First, culture matters and, more impor-
tantly, the right organisational culture can lead to improved organisational
performance. Linked to this there is a second implicit message: an organisation’s cul-
ture is a tangible phenomenon, which can be manipulated and altered. The
importance of organisational culture might therefore be considered a result of the
search by organisations for competitive advantage linked to ‘buzz phrases’ of the
1980s, such as ‘competitive advantage’ and ‘models of excellence’ (Legge, 1994:
397). The implication of this is that, through a strong culture, an organisation can
deliver sustained superior performance gaining competitive advantage and corporate
success (Barney, 1986).
An organisation does not, however, exist within a cultural vacuum. Rather, its oper-
ations are affected by what Schneider and Barsoux (2003: 51) term ‘interacting
spheres of culture’. In addition to the organisation’s culture, these spheres include
national and regional cultures, industry cultures, functional or professional cultures.
All of these impact upon each other and the culture of the organisation and, as a con-
sequence, the management of human resources within the organisation. The
implication is that an understanding of these spheres of culture and their interactions
is central to the success of business activities, such as mergers and acquisitions,
joint ventures and the like.
Despite this, research evidence (reviewed by Hendry, 1995) suggests that the link
between an organisation’s culture and its performance is weak. He argues that an
organisation’s culture is unlikely to accentuate positive attributes already possessed
such as competitive advantage, overall performance or success. Rather the way in
which an organisation’s employees behave, and the assumptions upon which they
base their behaviours, are likely to reduce the impact of negative attributes such as
resistance to necessary change. With regard to this, Whipp et al.’s (1989) contention
is that culture is one factor influencing an organisation’s competitiveness over time.
This implies that an understanding of an organisation’s culture, and the other spheres
of culture that influence it, can assist in the selection and application of more effective
SHRM interventions relating to recruitment and selection, performance management,
training and development programmes. At the same time, SHRM interventions can
influence the culture of the organisation.
This chapter starts by considering the different meanings of culture and exploring
different typologies of national cultures (Figure 6.1). Building upon this, frameworks
for understanding organisational cultures and typologies of organisational cultures are
examined. Within this the implications of different cultures for different SHRM inter-
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204 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

ventions are considered. In this consideration the standpoint is adopted that an

organisation’s culture is an objective entity and, in particular, that it is ‘something an
organisation has’ (Legge, 1994: 405). This implies that an organisation’s culture, as
well as impacting upon HR policies and practices, is something that can, at least the-
oretically, be manipulated and managed to achieve alignment with an organisation’s
strategic direction. To this end we offer an analysis of a variety of ways in which this
might be achieved and the contribution SHRM might make. Within this analysis it is
recognised that, while a large number of views and prescriptions for realigning or
changing an organisation’s culture abound, in reality the process is long term and
complex needing careful study prior to attempting any strategy of change (Thomp-
son, 1992; Bate, 1995).

Meanings National Organisational Organisational Strategies for

of culture typologies frameworks typologies managing

or Structural Frameworks

Hofstede Alignment


Cultural web

Figure 6.1 Mapping diagram of the relationships between culture and strategic human resource management: a
summary diagram of the chapter content

Meanings of culture

Within the literature there are numerous definitions of culture. Schneider and Barsoux
(2003) note that anthropologists alone have proposed over 164 different definitions and,
in their discussion, argue that culture is both shared patterns of behaviours and the
meanings that are attributed to these behaviours. They stress that the interrelationship
between meanings and behaviours is crucial to understanding cultures, emphasising not
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 205

only that the same shared behaviour can have different meanings but also that different
shared behaviours can have the same meaning. This is illustrated in ‘In Practice’ 6.1.
They also highlight that these meanings may not be readily apparent, suggesting that,
although culture can be observed, like a code it still needs to be deciphered.

In Practice 6.1

The world’s local bank

A recent television advertisement campaign by the international banking corporation HSBC high-
lighted differences in national cultures and their importance to understanding the bank’s customers.
In the advertisement, the meanings attributed to different gestures and gifts were contrasted between
countries in a humorous manner. For example, while the giving of chrysanthemums is welcomed in
the UK, the same flowers are associated with funerals and death in France. However, the underlying
message put over by the advertisement was serious. Although HSBC is a global company it under-
stands the importance and takes account of local cultural differences in its operations. This was
emphasised by the advertisement’s final comment ‘HSBC The World’s local bank’.

Schein (1997: 12) captures these ideas of shared behaviours and meanings in his defi-
nition of culture. In this he states that culture is:
A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its prob-
lems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to
be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way
to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems.

This definition emphasises that culture consists of shared assumptions that not only
belong to a group but, because they have worked, have been internalised and are taken for
granted. Within this a group could be, for example, a nation, region, industry, profession,
organisation or function within an organisation. Consequently, it can be argued that these
assumptions represent why people within a group behave the way they do and why they
hold the values and beliefs they espouse. This definition has additional appeal as it empha-
sises key issues faced by SHRM: finding solutions to problems of adaptation to the
external environment and determining practices that will promote internal integration.
When considering organisational culture specifically, most writers adopt one of two
approaches. Either they view culture as one of a series of metaphors, such as the organi-
sation as a machine, used to help understand the complexity of organisations (for
example Morgan, 1997); or (the majority) see it as an objective entity. Those writers who
view culture as an objective entity use two distinct approaches. The first of these consid-
ers culture in a similar way to anthropologists; that is as something an organisation is
rather than a variable that can be manipulated by managers. The is approach argues that
all of an organisation’s features and behaviours, including its systems, procedures, policies
and processes, are part of its culture. As a consequence, the culture cannot be manipu-
lated as a whole, or turned on or off; although it may be intentionally influenced
(Pacanowsky and O’Donnell-Trujillo, 1982; Meek, 1992). Legge (1994) argues that this
approach is self-defeating. By defining culture as an organisation’s features and behav-
iours, its management becomes equivalent to managing behaviour in organisations,
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206 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

including SHRM. The alternative approach is to think of culture as a variable that an

organisation has, such as the set psychological predispositions that members of an organ-
isation possess which lead them to respond in certain ways (Schein, 1997). This implies
that it is possible for an organisation to manage at least some aspects of its own culture.
Drawing upon these arguments, the relationship between organisational culture and
SHRM is examined from the viewpoint of culture being something an organisation has.
Despite this, it is recognised that some implications for SHRM associated with the is
approach are still likely to be of relevance, in particular the complexity and time-
consuming nature of the change process. As the basis for this examination, Brown’s
(1998: 9) definition is used:
Organisational culture refers to the pattern of beliefs, values and learned ways of
coping with experience that have developed during the course of an organisation’s
history, and which tend to be manifested in its material arrangements and in the
behaviours of its members.
This definition is similar to Schein’s wider definition of culture. The term ‘culture’ is used
collectively to refer to more than a single set of attitudes or beliefs within any one organisa-
tion. A particular pattern of beliefs, values and behaviours will have proven valid and useful
for the organisational group(s) that use this, and will therefore have been shared with new
group members (Schein, 1992a). It therefore follows that a culture will need to change when
the beliefs, values and learned ways no longer work or when the external environment neces-
sitates different responses. Brown’s (1998) definition also acknowledges the possibility of a
multi-national organisation having different cultures in different countries owing, at least in
part, to the influence of national or regional cultures as well as political, economic, technical
and social factors. In addition, it allows for the possibility of more than one culture co-
existing within an organisation, such as different cultures for different professional groups.

Typologies of national cultures and their implications for

managing human resources strategically

All HR interventions are influenced, at least to some extent, by the cultures within which
they are enacted. In particular, the efficacy of differing HR interventions depends upon
the national culture and context within which an organisation operates. Over the last 30
years, large numbers of typologies of culture, particularly within the national and
organisational spheres, have been developed. These provide differing overviews of the
variations that exist between cultures and some indication of the associated dimensions.
Although these typologies are not applicable to all nations or organisations, they can be
used as a series of idealised types through which to begin to understand aspects of cul-
tures and subcultures and explore the implications of these for SHRM. To this end the
section starts by considering national cultures.

The influence of national cultures – converging or diverging?

As suggested earlier in relation to Schneider and Barsoux’s (2003) cultural spheres of
influence, one of the influences upon an organisation’s culture is the national culture or
cultures within which it is located. Within the literature, there is a long-standing discus-
sion as to whether national cultural differences and their impact are declining or
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 207

increasing. This is known as the convergence–divergence debate. Those favouring the con-
vergence view highlight that, due to advances in telecommunications, the world is
becoming smaller and that we are increasingly buying global brands, such as Levi jeans
and Nike trainers, and eating global food, such as McDonald’s. They argue that the rapidly
increasing use of technology and the growing numbers of multi-national organisations
will result in a convergence of organisational configurations in terms of strategy, structure
and management practice (Ritzer, 1998; Senior, 2002). In 2002 the United Nations esti-
mated that there were more than 65,000 multi-national companies in the world and that
the total sales of these companies accounted for more than one-tenth of the world’s gross
domestic product (GDP) and one-third of the world’s exports (International Labour
Office, 2003). Consequently, it is argued that the impact of national cultures on organisa-
tional cultures appears likely to continue to decline where such organisations have no
national allegiance, only an international common purpose (Ohmae, 1994).
Management education has also been argued to encourage convergence (Schneider
and Barsoux, 2003). For example, training provided in western business schools pro-
vides students with an understanding of basic business disciplines including finance,
marketing, operations and human resource management. This is often underpinned by
a particular ideology based upon the need for businesses to make money and the impor-
tance of shareholders’ rights underpinned by the fundamental of free enterprise. Despite
this, the business norms associated with these ideologies suggest a common culture
management which, it is argued, may not be relevant or useful for some contexts
(Schneider and Barsoux, 2003). Consequently an implicit promotion of convergence
through education may be counter-productive.
Writers like Hofstede (2001) and Tayeb (1996) support the opposing ‘divergence’
view. They argue that, despite the growth in multi-national organisations and the tech-
nical and economic forces for convergence, between-country differences, such as
language, religious beliefs, laws, political systems and education, mean that their cultures
will diverge. Organisations therefore increasingly need to be aware of differences in
national cultures, the influence of these differences upon the organisation’s culture or
subcultures and the implications for the organisation’s policies and procedures and dif-
fering management practices. While advances in telecommunications technology are
increasingly enabling organisations to locate work (for example call centres) anywhere,
thereby taking advantage of economic differences between countries, the management
of the people employed still needs to take account of cultural differences between coun-
tries. These will influence both the culture of organisations operating within these
countries and the human resource interventions utilised within these organisations. In
addition, an increasingly culturally diverse workforce within countries, such as the UK,
further emphasises the need to understand the implications of national cultures within
organisational HR practices, such as training and development (In Practice 6.2).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 6.1

Produce a table summarising the arguments for convergence and for divergence
of national cultures using the following structure:

Arguments for convergence Arguments for divergence

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208 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

In Practice 6.2

Ethnic minority police are more likely to quit

According to UK government targets, the proportion of recruits to London’s Metropolitan Police from
ethnic minorities needs to reach 25.9 per cent by 2009. Speaking to the BBC (British Broadcasting
Corporation) in April 2004, the Metropolitan Police Force’s head of human resources said the current
rate of progress meant the force did not ‘stand a prospect of getting anywhere near that target’. In
2002–2003 some 9.8 per cent of recruits to London’s Metropolitan Police were from ethnic minorities.
Despite the need to meet such targets, the 2004 Skills Foresight report for the police sector in
England, Wales and Northern Ireland reveals that nearly a quarter of police recruits from ethnic minor-
ity backgrounds quit before they finish their training programme. Recruits from ethnic minority
backgrounds are twice as likely to drop out of training within the first six months as those from white
Research conducted by the Commission for Racial Equality (2004: 27) reports that for one group of
police probationers undergoing initial training there was a ‘dominant “bar culture” which reinforced
macho and anti-diversity attitudes and excluded participants from minority groups who abjured alco-
hol or heavy drinking’. Based upon this and other evidence, the report highlighted that ethnic minority
probationers often felt culturally isolated and vulnerable. The report recommended the establishment
of effective pastoral care and a safe complaints process for trainees.

Hofstede’s dimensions
The best-known work on national cultures has been undertaken by the Dutch academic
Geert Hofstede, the most recent version being published in 2001. As outlined briefly in
Chapter 3, this focuses on the differences and similarities between national cultures
across, initially, four dimensions using survey data drawn from a pre-existing bank of
employee attitude surveys undertaken in the 1960s and 1970s within IBM subsidiaries in
66 countries. Based upon analysis of these and some additional data, Hofstede was able
to define four bi-polar dimensions of national culture, giving a comparative score to 40
out of the 66 countries in which the IBM subsidiaries were located for each. These
dimensions were:
 power distance;
 uncertainty avoidance.
Subsequent research in the 1980s (Bond, 1988) resulted in a fifth dimension:
 Confucian dynamism.
Power distance relates to the extent to which less powerful employees accept that
power is distributed unequally. Thus, within low power distance countries, such as the
UK, Sweden and Denmark, inequalities between people are more likely to be minimised
and consultative decision-making is more likely to be used. In contrast, in high power
distance countries such as Malaysia and the Philippines, inequalities are considered
desirable and there are greater differentials between employers and senior managers in
terms of pay and privileges.
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 209

Individualism/collectivism refers to the extent to which individuals are oriented to

themselves and their immediate family, rather than wider strong cohesive in-groups that
offer protection in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. This is likely to have implications
for the psychological contract. In high individualist countries, such as the USA and the
UK, contracts of employment are based on mutual advantage in which the employer
provides training and good physical conditions are taken for granted and are relatively
unimportant. For low individualist countries, such as Pakistan and Indonesia, contracts
with employers tend to be viewed in moral terms, like a family relationship. Conse-
quently, hiring and promotion decisions are more likely to take into account the
employee’s in-group. Employer-provided training, and the like, is less likely to occur,
and where it does, it is unlikely to be taken for granted.
The masculinity/femininity dimension refers to the extent to which assertiveness and
decisiveness are prioritised over more caring values, such as nurturing and concern for
quality of life, Hofstede’s label attributing these to specific genders. Although you may
find the use of such gendered labels annoying, it is worth putting aside your feelings and
exploring briefly the meanings Hofstede attributes to these words. In ‘masculine’ coun-
tries, such as the UK and Italy, organisations place greater emphasis on competition and
high performance. Employment disputes tend to be resolved by conflict and there is
often a stronger ethos of living to work. In more ‘feminine’ countries, such as Sweden
and the Netherlands, conflicts tend to be resolved by compromise and negotiation, and
there is often an ethos of working to live.
Uncertainty avoidance relates to the extent to which people feel threatened by
ambiguous or unknown situations. In low uncertainty avoidance countries, such as the
UK and Hong Kong, there is greater tolerance of risk and ambiguous situations, and
people are likely to be motivated by achievement and esteem. For high-uncertainty
avoidance countries, such as Portugal and France, there is a fear of ambiguous situations
and people are more likely to be motivated by security.
The final dimension, Confucian dynamism, captures the long- or short-term orienta-
tion of cultures. Countries with a high long-term orientation, such as China and Japan,
emphasise the adaptation of traditions to a modern context, are sparing with resources
and stress perseverance. In contrast, countries with a low long-term orientation, such as
the USA and the UK, tend to have less respect for traditions, place lower emphasis on
the importance of social and status obligations, approve conspicuous consumption and
demand quick results.
Table 6.1 notes the relative scores on Hofstede’s dimensions of national culture for
selected countries. These can be thought of as stereotypes based on the mean score of the
respondents from each country and so represent an average around which scores for
individual members of that country will be dispersed. Consequently, when cultural
dimensions are compared among members of a country, there is likely to be less variation
than when they are compared between countries. This can be represented diagrammati-
cally, such as when comparing the cultures of the UK and Japan in relation to their
long-term orientation (Figure 6.2). Although it may be possible to find some Japanese
who have less of a long-term orientation than some people from the UK (represented by
the shaded area), overall we can expect people from the UK to have a relatively short-
term orientation and those from Japan a relatively long-term orientation.
Hofstede has emphasised that, while his work and that of others such as Laurent
(1983) on upper and middle managers has focused on the nature of national cultures,
these nations are largely a creation of the twentieth century. For example, within the past
two decades, both the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia have split into constituent countries
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210 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Table 6.1 Relative scores on Hofstede’s dimensions of national culture for selected countries

Country Power distance Individualism/ Masculinity/ Uncertainty Confucian

(high = greater collectivism femininity avoidance dynamism
differentials) (high = (high = (high = fear (high = long-term
individualism) masculinity) of ambiguity) orientation)

Germany (West) Low High High Moderate Moderate

Hong Kong High Low Moderate Low High
Japan Moderate Moderate High High High
Netherlands Low High Low Moderate Moderate
Pakistan Moderate Low Moderate Moderate Low
Sweden Low High Low Low Moderate
Switzerland Low High High Moderate Moderate
Taiwan Moderate Low Moderate Moderate High
UK Low High High Low Low
USA Low High High Low Low

Source: adapted from Hofstede (2001).

and Germany has been re-unified. Despite this, Hofstede argues that differences between
countries in language, education and laws mean that national cultures are still powerful
forces in shaping the patterns of beliefs, values and learned ways of coping with experi-
ences for employees within organisations.
Although Hofstede’s work has been adopted widely, it has also been subject to criti-
cism, a recent example being that by McSweeney (2002a). As part of this he criticises the
assumptions implicit within Hofstede’s method, namely that:
 an individual’s organisational, occupational and national cultural spheres are discrete;
 national cultures can actually be identified at the micro or local level;
 national cultural differences can be shown by differences in questionnaire responses;
 national cultures can be identified by analysing such responses;
 national cultures are situationally (in this instance, organisationally) non-specific.

Short-term UK Japan Long-term

orientation mean mean orientation

Figure 6.2 Schematic distribution of the Confucian dynamism dimension for the UK and Japan
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 211

McSweeney (2002a) also argues that Hofstede’s research fails to show a causal link
between the dimensions of a particular national culture and specific actions. He states
that, while Hofstede acknowledges the existence of other levels and types of culture, he
appears to suggest that they have little influence. McSweeney argues that other levels and
types of culture and non-cultural influences are likely to also be important. For example,
in one country uncertainty avoidance may be the cause of low labour turnover, while in
another it may be due to high unemployment (Tayeb, 2000). This might be equated, at
least in part, to the importance given by Schneider and Barsoux (2003) to the interaction
between their different spheres of cultural influence and other factors. Hofstede (2002)
responded to McSweeney’s criticisms, arguing that many had been addressed elsewhere
(for example, Hofstede, 1980, 2001). In his response Hofstede emphasised that while
organisational practices could be modified, national cultural values, as measured in his
research, were hardly changeable. It should be noted that in a rejoinder, McSweeney
(2002b) argued that Hofstede had failed to rebut his initial criticisms. However, whether
you agree or disagree with McSweeney’s (2002a) criticisms, they:
 provide insights into the methodological assumptions behind Hofstede’s work;
 raise awareness of possible interactions between different spheres of culture;
 question the extent to which national cultures have preferred management styles;
 question the extent to which national cultures have discrete influences on specific
actions such as SHRM interventions.
Your own view on such issues will inevitably influence the way in which you consider
the implications of national cultures for SHRM, an issue which you can explore further
through Self-Check and Reflect Question 6.2.

Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s dimensions

In contrast Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997) identify seven dimensions of
culture. Although these are different, they appear conceptually related to Hofstede’s
dimensions (Tayeb, 2000). Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner sampled over 30,000
employees from 30 companies, with departments in 50 countries worldwide, a mini-
mum of 100 people with similar backgrounds and occupations being included from
each of these countries. Approximately 75 per cent of their sample were managers, the
remaining 25 per cent being general administrative staff. Based on these data, Trompe-
naars and Hampden-Turner proposed a series of seven dimensions which, they argue,
are the basis of cultural differences. These dimensions are grouped into three distinct
areas that are summarised in Figure 6.3 and listed below:
 relationships with people;
 attitudes to time;
 attitudes to the environment.
As can be seen from Figure 6.3, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997) group
five dimensions within the area ‘relationships with people’. The first of these is universal-
ism versus particularism. Societies, which are universalist, have a relative rigidity in
which contractual agreements and rules are important in defining individuals’ conduct
within the workplace as well as in the relationships between organisations. Personal rela-
tionships are not anticipated to impact upon business decisions. These are expected to
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212 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Relationships with people

universalism v. particularism
individualism v. communitarianism
neutral v. emotional
specific v. diffuse
achievement v. ascription

Attitudes to time Attitudes to the environment

linear/sequential v. circular/synchronic inner directed v. outer directed

Figure 6.3 Trompenaars’ and Hampden-Turner’s dimensions of cultural differences

be made logically, impartially and professionally. In contrast, in societies which are more
particularist, obligations to both friends and family are considered to be important and
morally right. Consequently, specific situations, such as whom to recruit or promote, are
likely to be considered more flexibly.
The individualism versus communitarianism dimension emphasises that societies
can be individualistic or collectivist. It can therefore be considered to be almost identical
to Hofstede’s individualist/collectivist dimension (Tayeb, 2000). Within societies, com-
munitarianism (collectivism) can take many forms such as the importance of the
organisation in Japan, or the family in Italy. However, the relevance of this to managing
human resources strategically relates to the extent to which employees regard themselves
as individuals or as part of a group and has associated implications for policies and
practices, such as performance-related pay and team working (Trompenaars and Hamp-
den-Turner, 2004).
The extent to which it is acceptable to express emotions publicly, such as within inter-
personal communications, is highlighted by the neutral versus emotional dimension.
This can be considered as the extent to which individuals should communicate the full
extent of their personal feelings. Within North America and, to a lesser extent, north
west Europe, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997) argue that business relation-
ships are typically instrumental and focused upon achieving objectives; personal feelings
being subdued as they only confuse issues. In contrast, they argue that in cultures that
are more open about their emotions (affective), such as Russia and Egypt, more overt
displays such as laughter and anger are typically considered part of business (Table 6.2).
Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (2004) consider that this dimension is particularly
important when managing employees and, in particular, enabling employees to learn
through honest evaluations of their work performance. They argue that, by establishing
rapport between individuals in a supportive environment, it is possible to ‘make tough
reports and still be credible’ (2004: 120), while if there is no rapport such reports may be
ignored or seen as personal attacks.
The specific versus diffuse dimension highlights the relative importance ascribed by
different cultures to focusing on the specific, for example analysing issues by reducing
them to specific facts, tasks, numbers or bullet points. This is contrasted with a focus
upon analysing issues by integrating and configuring them into relationships, under-
standings and contexts. Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (2004) illustrate this by
contrasting specific and diffuse approaches to ascribing blame in a workplace where a
trainee has made a serious and costly error. In a more specific culture, such as Australia
or Russia, blame would be more likely to be placed on the individual who made the mis-
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 213

Table 6.2 Relative positions on Trompenaars’ and Hampden-Turner’s dimensions for selected countries

Relationships with people

Country Universalism Individualism v. Neutral v. Specific Achievement Attitudes Attitudes

v. particularism communitarianism emotional v. diffuse v. ascription to time to the

China Particular Communitarian Middling Diffuse Ascription Sequential External

Egypt Middling Communitarian Emotional Middling Ascription Middling External
Finland Universal Middling Middling Specific Middling Middling Middling
Germany Universal Middling Middling Specific Middling Middling Middling
India Middling Communitarian Middling Diffuse Ascription Sequential Middling
Japan Middling Communitarian Neutral Middling Ascription Synchronic Middling
Netherlands Universal Middling Middling Specific Middling Middling Internal
Russia Universal Middling Emotional Specific Middling Sequential External
Switzerland Universal Middling Middling Specific Middling Middling Internal
UK Universal Middling Middling Specific Achievement Middling Internal
USA Universal Individual Middling Specific Achievement Middling Internal

Source: adapted from Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997, 2004).

take. In contrast, within a more diffuse culture such a mistake is more likely to be con-
sidered as due to a failure in a wider system, such as the procedures for training,
supervising and developing new employees.
The fifth dimension, concerned with relationships with people, achievement versus
ascription, focuses upon the way in which status is accorded. Cultures that place rela-
tively high values on achievement are more likely to focus on what has been
accomplished with, for example, selection, promotion and reward decisions being more
likely to be based upon this. In contrast, cultures that place a higher value on status than
what has been accomplished are more likely to focus upon kinship, gender, age, connec-
tions and past record, such as the university attended. In ascription cultures, seniority
and promotion are more likely to be linked, for example, to age or time served in the
organisation. Comparing Tables 6.1 and 6.2, it can be seen that this dimension has some
similarities with Hofstede’s power distance. For example, countries that have relatively
low power distance scores, such as the UK and the USA, tend to accord status through
achievement. In contrast, countries that ascribe status, such as Japan, tend to have at
least a moderate power distance score.
The dimension ‘attitudes to time’ (Figure 6.3) focuses particularly on whether time is
viewed as linear and sequential (past, present and future), or circular and synchronic
(seasons and rhythms). These differences are likely to impact on how planning and
organising takes place and can be differentiated by contrasting a focus on the concept of
doing things in sequence as quickly as possible (sequential), often attributed to North
America, with the concept of coordinating processes so that things are done just in time
(synchronic), often attributed to Japan. This is illustrated in ‘In Practice’ 6.3.
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214 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

In Practice 6.3

Just in time and time and motion

In their book Managing People Across Cultures, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (2004) recount how
Taichi Ohno, the person who first set up the Toyota motor company’s assembly operation in the 1950s,
used to kick any pile of inventory he saw on the assembly plant floor. Such piles of ‘work in progress
inventory’ highlighted where there was poor synchronisation between different parts of the assembly
operation and so emphasised where improvements were needed to shorten the process. Reflecting on
Toyota’s current vehicle assembly operations, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner argue that the combi-
nation of this just-in-time philosophy of good synchronisation with rapid sequencing based upon time
and motion studies has enabled Toyota to maintain its lead in automobile manufacturing.

The final dimension, attitudes to the environment, focuses on the relationship

between individuals and the environment (Figure 6.3). Some cultures, for example the
UK, see the major focus affecting individuals’ lives and the origins of the way that people
act as residing within the individual or internally. Other cultures, for example China, are
more likely to consider an individual as a product of their environment and so influ-
enced externally. This interrelationship with the surrounding environment is illustrated
by the reasons some people in large conurbations wear face masks over their mouth and
nose. In Tokyo, people tend to wear such masks when they have a cold or virus in order
not to infect other people by breathing on them. This can be considered as seeing them-
selves as part of the environment and not wishing to impose upon it. In London, face
masks tend to be worn by people such as cyclists who do not want to breathe environ-
mental pollution, in other words to be imposed upon by the environment (Trompenaars
and Hampden-Turner, 1997).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 6.2

Examine Tables 6.1 and 6.2 and select two countries with contrasting profiles.
Use Hofstede’s dimensions to suggest how SHRM interventions to motivate
employees and appraise employees might differ between these countries. Now
repeat this process using Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s dimensions. To
what extent do your suggestions differ?

The discussion of Hofstede’s work on national cultures emphasised the importance of

power and the way it is exercised for the strategic management of human resources.
However, it has also highlighted the importance of other factors, such as the tolerance by
employees of uncertainty and whether the time orientation is over the shorter or longer
term. Alongside Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s research, it has also been empha-
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 215

sised that the relative focus on the individual and differences in the way in which con-
flicts are resolved are also likely to influence an organisation’s culture and subcultures
and, consequently, the way in which human resources are managed. Following a discus-
sion of frameworks for understanding organisational cultures the discussion turns to
the implications of cultures and their management for SHRM.

Frameworks for understanding organisational cultures

Among the best-known representations of culture are Hofstede’s (2001: 11) ‘onion dia-
gram’ subtitled ‘manifestations of culture at different levels of depth’ and Schein’s (1997)
‘levels’ of culture. Each emphasises that cultures manifest themselves in many ways.
Some of these are visible and therefore relatively easy to discern, such as when studying
an organisation. However, because of their shallow or superficial nature, the true mean-
ing is difficult to decipher. These manifestations are Hofstede’s ‘symbols’, ‘heroes’ and
‘rituals’ and Schein’s ‘artefacts’ (Figure 6.4). Managers often think that just through
changing these visible practices or artefacts they are able to effect a culture change.
Unfortunately, for real change the process also needs to occur far more deeply, in the less
visible levels.
The deepest levels of culture (Hofstede’s ‘values’ and Schein’s ‘basic underlying
assumptions’) are invisible and, as a consequence, extremely difficult to discover (Figure
6.4). They provide what Argyris (1995: 21) terms the ‘theories in use’ upon which the
more visible ‘practices’ or ‘artefacts’ of organisational culture are built. Hofstede (2001:
10) refers to these ‘values’ as a ‘core element of culture’. Such values are likely to have
become so taken for granted that there will be little variation in them within a culture or
subculture (Schein, 1997). They will be communicated to new employees, thereby trans-
ferring the culture. If these basic underlying assumptions are held strongly, then group
members will find behaviour on any other premise inconceivable. For this reason,
changing these is likely to result in a true culture change, which will also be reflected in
‘practices’ and ‘artefacts’. However, because they are deeply and strongly held in individ-
uals’ subconscious, they are extremely difficult to change.
Between the deepest and shallowest levels, Schein (1997) introduces ‘espoused values’.
These are values connected with moral and ethical codes and determine what people think

Hofstede (2003) Schein (1992, 1997)

Shallow Symbols Artefacts Visible

Heroes Practices
Espoused values

Deep Values Basic underlying Invisible


Figure 6.4 A comparison of Hofstede’s and Schein’s representations of organisational cultures

Source: Thornhill et al. (2000). Reproduced with permission.
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216 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

ought to be done, rather than what they necessarily will do. Often, organisations present a
particular view of their culture through formal documents, such as annual reports, mis-
sion statements and speeches by senior managers (In Practice 6.4). While these predict
much of the behaviour that is observed at the ‘practice’ or ‘artefact’ level, especially with
regard to what people say, they may conflict with what people do (Schein, 1997).

In Practice 6.4

Smile while you work

Employees at the Disneyland theme parks and, in particular, the practices they adopt while working,
have a major impact on the guests’ (customers’) experiences. While the symbolic resources within the
parks are an important part of the experience, it is the workforce’s eagerness or otherwise in greeting
guests, helping them into rides, delivering food in restaurants, keeping the streets clean and under-
taking many other jobs, that will decide whether or not customer expectations are met.
Disney employees are expected to adopt a prescribed demeanour. This is governed by three rules:
 a friendly smile;
 using only friendly and courteous phrases; and
 not being stuffy.
Language is also important with, for example, customers being referred to as ‘guests’, and rides as
‘attractions’. Employees are expected to be happy and helpful at all times. They are also expected to
conform to park procedures and policies set down in codebooks with which they must be familiar.
Supervisors keep close watch on what is going on and employees know they can lose their jobs by
not conforming to expectations and breaking these rules.
Despite this, it has been suggested that at times during the working day some employees adopt
an emotional numbness during which, although they appear as if they are fully engaged in their work,
they are not. This has been argued to be a passive resistance to the prescribed culture.
Source: Van Maanen (1991).

So there is a problem. The outward manifestations of culture are clearly visible and
relatively easy to discern. Unfortunately, if only these are considered, we cannot be cer-
tain that they are congruent with the less visible underlying values or basic assumptions
of the culture. Yet, in order for SHRM interventions to be aligned with an organisation’s
culture, it is necessary to ensure that not only are the practices or artefacts, such as mes-
sages provided through training sessions, appropriate but that they are also internalised
as values or basic underlying assumptions by individual employees (Mabey and Mallory,
1994/5). Conversely, where SHRM interventions are used to change an organisation’s
culture, it is necessary to ensure that not only can new values be observed through arte-
facts, such as answering the telephone within four rings, but that these new values are
espoused by employees and the relationship between these and the desired culture has
been internalised as part of the employees’ underlying beliefs.
Martin (1992) identified three perspectives for looking at organisations’ cultures.
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 217

These she termed:

The integration perspective implies that all members of an organisation share a
common culture and there is consensus regarding the beliefs held and the behaviours
expected. While this idea of one culture is easy to comprehend, Schneider and Barsoux’s
(2003) concept of interacting spheres of culture emphasise that this is unlikely to exist in
its purest form. Although there may be some aspects of the way in which people in
organisations behave and beliefs that are accepted by everyone, it is unlikely that all the
beliefs and behaviours of organisational members in, for example, different professional
groups will be universally accepted. Rather, different employee groups and their represen-
tatives are likely to have different beliefs about some aspects of the organisation. Martin
terms this perspective ‘cultural differentiation’, arguing that, for this, manifestations of
culture within the organisation will at times be inconsistent. Subcultures, perhaps formed
around different work groups, such as shop-floor workers, professions or management,
will exist, consensus regarding some aspects being found only within, as opposed to
between, these groups. Martin’s fragmentation perspective offers a further, if somewhat
extreme, alternative to the other two. Within this, researchers argue that they can detect
very little cultural consensus in what they are studying other than around time-specific
sensitive issues, such as an imminent downsizing. Inevitably, these issues will change over
time and, as a consequence, cultures are ambiguous and uncertain.
In reality, therefore, the idea of an integrated whole organisational culture, in which
all members hold precisely the same beliefs, is unlikely to occur. Rather, organisations
will exhibit only some organisational-wide cultural consensus and consistency. In addi-
tion, there will be differentiation between groups of employees. Research at the global
nylon manufacturer DuPont’s Gloucester site (Thornhill et al., 2000) emphasises this,
highlighting how some employees had embraced the new culture introduced by man-
agement as part of a change process. Although these employees were now taking
responsibility for their own actions, others, in particular production workers, still
believed that this was not part of their job. This example also emphasises that culture is
not a static entity, rather an organic process that is created, sustained and changed by
people (Bate, 1995).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 6.3

Why do you think it is difficult for managers to describe their organisation’s cul-
ture in detail?
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218 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Typologies of organisational cultures and their implications for

managing human resources strategically

Structural views
Structural views of organisational culture inevitably use structural artefacts or symbols
as outward expressions of an organisation’s culture. Of these, the most widely known
and influential is probably Handy’s (1993) typology. This was developed in the 1970s
from work by Harrison (1972) and is concerned with how authority is exercised within
an organisation and is the basis for power. These artefacts through which power is
expressed can be used to help explore the likely cultural implications for managing the
employment relationship. Handy proposes four main types of organisational culture:
He argues that, although these types do not have a high level of rigour, the differing
power structures they encapsulate impact upon the way the organisation does things; in
other words, the organisation’s ways of coping with experiences that have developed
during the course of its history.
In a power culture, Handy argues that there is a single source of power from which
rays of influence spread out. He likens this to the power radiated by the god Zeus in
Greek mythology, who was believed to be the supreme god, and protector and ruler of
all humankind. The internal organisation of power is highly dependent upon trust,
empathy and personal communication for its effectiveness. Authority comes from the
resources controlled and the leader’s charisma. This means that the strength of the cul-
ture comes from the willingness of employees to defer to the leader and, presumably,
accept his or her power. Within such a culture, Handy argues that employees are unlikely
to be concerned about taking risks or issues of job security. In contrast, within a role
culture, power comes from the bureaucracy (rules and procedures) and the logic and
rationality of the way functions/specialisms are structured (Chapter 5). Position power
and, to a lesser extent, expert power are therefore the main bases for authority and it
seems likely that the organisation’s values will reflect ideals of security and predictability.
Handy likens the role culture to a Greek temple, suggesting that any individual’s power
is determined by the rules and structures of the organisation rather than its leader.
Within a task culture, power is based upon employees’ expertise rather than
charisma. This is likely to necessitate a different approach to managing human
resources, as flexibility and adaptability are valued and authority is based upon the
employee’s ability rather than position or seniority until a crisis occurs. When this hap-
pens, such cultures can, Handy argues, quickly change into a power or role culture with
rules or procedures or internal political influences becoming the dominant way of man-
aging employees. Handy continues with his Greek analogy, suggesting that the goddess
Athene’s emphasis was on task and getting the job done. Like Senior (2002), the authors
find this analogy for a task culture somewhat curious, as Athene was typically allegorised
into a personification of wisdom. Within Handy’s fourth type, the person culture, power
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 219

and authority lie within each of the individual members, rules and procedures being of
minimal importance. The person culture is represented by Dionysos who, as the Greek
god of wine and altered states, was considered the god of the self-oriented individual.
This, Handy argues, occurs in very few organisations and represents a group of people
who decide that it is in their own interests to come together as a cluster of individuals,
for example in a doctors’ or solicitors’ practice. Later work by Pheysey (1993) has linked
task and person cultures, in particular, with processes of support and achievement used
within organisations, thereby emphasising the importance of culture in motivating and
controlling employees.

Competing values
Work by Quinn and McGrath (1985) uses the nature of information exchange within
organisations to distinguish between different organisational cultures. Within their
typology, the focus is on the values that determine how things are done rather than the
status that these processes give to both individuals and groups within the organisation.
As part of their work, they argue that the manner in which these transactions are con-
ducted (the artefact) is governed by a set of values or norms, which reflect the basic
underlying assumptions within the organisation. From this they identified four generic
cultures determined by the dominant values:
 rational or ‘market’ culture;
 ideological culture or ‘adhocracy’;
 consensual or ‘clan’ culture;
 the hierarchical culture – ‘hierarchy’.
Although there is a concern about the nature and use of power within these, they also
appear to have some parallel to Hofstede’s individualism/collectivism and mascu-
linity/femininity dimensions.
A market culture is directive and goal oriented, with individuals being judged accord-
ing to their output and achievement. These values are likely to be reflected in artefacts
such as pay and reward systems (Chapter 9). The ‘boss’ is firmly in charge of the organi-
sation and their competence is the basis of authority. Decisions are made decisively and
intuitively, compliance being guaranteed by employees’ contracts. In contrast, within an
adhocracy, individuals are judged according to their intensity of effort, rather than
achievement. Authority in an adhocracy is maintained by charisma, while power comes
from reference to the espoused organisational values.
Within a clan culture, authority is based upon the informal status of organisation
members. Consultation and participation are valued, employees complying with deci-
sions because they have shared in the process by which these were reached. Individuals
are evaluated in terms of the quality of relationships they enjoy with others and are
expected to show loyalty to the organisation. In a hierarchy culture, authority is vested in
the rules, and those with technical knowledge exercise power. Decisions are made on the
basis of factual analysis and leaders are conservative. Compliance of employees is main-
tained by surveillance and control, and they are evaluated against formally agreed
criteria. They are expected to value security. Thus, the artefact of the nature of transac-
tions within an organisation provides a means of helping distinguish the underlying
values of the culture.
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220 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

The external environment

Deal and Kennedy’s (1982) typology of organisational culture is explained through arte-
facts related to the importance of the external environment (market place). They
identify four generic cultures (Figure 6.5) based upon the interaction of two market-
place factors:
 degree of risk associated with organisation’s activities;
 speed at which the organisation and employees receive feedback on their decisions
and strategies.
The latter of these, speed of feedback, can be argued to incorporate aspects of the short-
or long-term orientation of the culture; Hofstede’s Confucian dynamism dimension and
Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s sequential versus synchronic attitudes to time.
While Deal and Kennedy recognise that organisations will not fit into any one of their
four cultures perfectly, they argue that this framework is useful in helping managers
identify their own organisation’s culture(s).
Within tough guy/macho cultures the focus is on speed and the short-term, which
places enormous pressures on employees to take risks and get results quickly. As a result,
internal competition, tension and conflict are common suggesting both masculine and
individualist dimensions in which employees are unlikely to make a long-term commit-
ment to the organisation. Work hard/play hard cultures also focus on short-term
feedback for performance but at the same time each individual action is unlikely to have
high risks for the organisation as a whole.
Bet-your-company cultures are associated with risk but feedback takes a long time. As
a consequence, decision-making tends to be top-down and there is a strong respect for
authority, technical competence and cooperative working, linking to power distance and
uncertainty avoidance dimensions. The process culture is a low risk and slow feedback
culture, which operates well in a known predictable environment, with employees
receiving relatively little feedback on their work and memos and reports seemingly dis-
appearing into a void. Those employees who remain in such organisations tend to be
orderly, punctual and attentive to detail.

Market-place feedback
takes a short time

Work hard/play hard Tough guy/macho

Market place culture culture Market place
for organisationí s for organisation’s
activities is activities is
low risk Bet-your-company high risk
Process culture

Market-place feedback
takes a long time

Figure 6.5 Deal and Kennedy’s typology of organisational culture

Source: adapted from Deal and Kennedy (1982).
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 221

Johnson and Scholes’ cultural web

An organisation’s culture is therefore likely to influence, and be reflected in, the way that
an organisation manages its human resources. This in turn will have been influenced by
internal factors, including the organisation’s subcultures and external factors, such as the
national cultures within which the organisation is operating. Earlier in this chapter, an
organisation’s culture was defined in terms of artefacts, espoused values and basic
underlying assumptions. Artefacts, as the most visible of these, often have symbolic
value for employees over and above their normal associations. Johnson and Scholes
(2003) refer to the:
 power structures;
 organisational structures;
 control systems;
 rituals and routines
and their interrelationships as the cultural web which define the core values and beliefs
of the organisation. These elements combine together in different ways to determine
and reinforce the paradigm that makes up the organisation’s culture and the way in
which it is acted out through day-to-day actions (Figure 6.6).
Within an organisation, aspects of the way in which human resources are managed
are likely to have strong symbolic associations for employees and provide clues to the
organisation’s culture. Organisational rituals and routines, such as training pro-
grammes, recruitment and promotion, provide clues as to what the organisation values
and considers important. Similarly, the manner in which employees usually behave
towards each other can be seen to represent the accepted way of doing things. Such



Rituals and


Figure 6.6 Johnson and Scholes’ cultural web

Source:Johnson and Scholes (2003: 230).
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222 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

rituals and routines will manifest themselves in particular control systems, as set out
through procedures or policies, such as individual or team-based performance-related
pay (Chapter 9) or an avoidance of redundancy procedure (Chapter 14), but are likely to
be based upon the underlying basic assumptions of that organisation. Organisational
structures will also provide clues as to the real value placed upon SHRM, for example
whether the HR director has a board-level appointment. Similar clues are provided by
informal power structures, such as relationships between senior human resources’ per-
sonnel and other managerial groupings within the organisation. Symbols, such as logos,
offices and reserved car parking spaces, are also likely to reflect the organisation’s culture
while stories and myths are used to reinforce key aspects of the culture (In Practice 6.5).
From these elements, individuals are likely to obtain the information they need to
understand how the organisation operates, and the forms of behaviour that are accept-
able and unacceptable.

In Practice 6.5

DuPont’s safety culture

Safety has always been, and continues to be, of paramount importance to the global corporation
DuPont. The corporation’s web site states that ‘since its founding, DuPont has held fast to core
values of safety, health, ethics, fair and respectful treatment of people and environmental steward-
ship’ (DuPont, 2004). Although, today, DuPont provides science-based solutions in areas such as
food and nutrition, health care, apparel, safety and security, construction, electronics and transporta-
tion, it was originally an explosives manufacturing company (DuPont, 2004).
A corporation story tells of an accidental explosion in 1818 at the gun-powder plant on the
Brandywine River in Delaware, Massachusetts. Subsequent to this, the du Pont family rebuilt the
plant, including its own house within the plant grounds. E.I. du Pont justified this, arguing that if the
factory was safe for his employees it would be safe for him and his family. The du Pont family also
agreed that one partner should always remain in the yards and that lower-level managers should
reside, as the family did, within the plant grounds (DuPont, 2004).
Today, within DuPont, it is commonly said that if you make an error regarding safety it is ‘a good
career opportunity’, in other words acting safely is a condition of continued employment. The focus
upon safety has wider significance, namely that every employee is responsible for his or her own
actions. Within DuPont, each employee is responsible for creating a safe environment. DuPont
emphasises that, although it is the managers’ responsibility to create a safe environment, it is also
each individual’s responsibility to act safely within it (Thornhill et al., 2000).

Considering an organisation’s culture in the way that has so far been made in this
chapter, suggests that it is as an objective entity and, in particular, ‘something an organi-
sation has’ (Legge, 1994: 405), which manifests itself visibly in the organisation’s features
and behaviours, including its systems, procedures, policies and processes. In doing this,
culture is being considered as one of a number of variables that an organisation has,
such as the set of psychological predispositions that employees possess which lead them
to act in certain ways (Schein, 1997). This implies that culture is a distinct influencing
variable that needs to be understood in managing human resources but also that it can
be managed by organisations through SHRM interventions.
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 223

Human resource strategies for managing organisational cultures

As outlined earlier (‘Meanings of culture’) there has been considerable debate as to whether
culture can be managed, much of it focusing on whether or not it can be modified. Given
that it can be altered, it therefore follows it can be managed and, where necessary, realigned
to the strategic direction an organisation wishes to take. Bate (1995) argues that, within
organisations, culture is a dynamic continuously developing phenomenon. It therefore fol-
lows that, if managers can manage organisations’ cultures, they can not only realign culture
but also prevent its realignment as well as abandon or destroy it (Ogbonna, 1993). In this
section possible frameworks for realigning an organisation’s culture through both gradual
or incremental changes as well as more radical or transformational changes to a new culture
are explored. In particular, the use of top-down and bottom-up approaches and the role of
SHRM interventions within these are looked at.

Frameworks for cultural alignment

Lewis (1996) reviews a range of frameworks for cultural change. These, he argues, con-
sist ‘overwhelmingly of a number of steps’ or questions (Lewis, 1996: 9) which outline
an overall process and emphasise the importance of knowing and understanding the
current culture and strategic direction of the organisation prior to commencing realign-
ment. In essence, the process consists of:
1. working out the desired culture;
2. ensuring that the HR strategy and desired culture match;
3. identifying gaps between actual and desired culture;
4. taking steps to move the actual culture to the desired culture.
One of the most widely quoted of these is Lewin’s (1952) three steps of unfreezing,
moving and refreezing. Lewin’s framework emphasises that before an organisation’s cul-
ture can be transformed, the existing embedded culture must be unfrozen and made
more susceptible to being altered. Subsequent to the transformation, his framework
highlights the importance of stabilising and institutionalising the new culture, in
Lewin’s words refreezing.
However, the reality of achieving this is more complex. Organisations are dynamic
phenomena and even those within similar backgrounds in similar environments are
likely to develop different cultures (Hassard and Sharifi, 1989). As highlighted particu-
larly by Handy’s (1993) typology of organisational cultures and Johnson and Scholes’
(2003) cultural web, power relationships within the organisation and the transforma-
tion process will need to be managed (In Practice 6.6). Similarly, the resources available
will need to be sufficient to ensure that any cultural realignment is permanent (Beck-
hard, 1992). These, and other principles, have been illustrated by numerous case studies
which ‘purport to demonstrate successful cultural change’ (Lewis, 1996: 10) and are
summarised in the following list:
 Accepted and appropriate patterns of behaviours within organisations are defined by
values and basic underlying assumptions.
 Successful organisations tend to be those where the values and basic underlying
assumptions encourage practices and behaviours, which match the organisations’
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224 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 Where values and basic underlying assumptions are incompatible with an organisa-
tion’s strategy, successful cultural change may be difficult to achieve.
 If an organisation is contemplating change, it first needs to establish whether or not
the strategy necessitates a shift in values and basic underlying assumptions or if
change can be achieved in another way.
 Prior to any culture change, senior management must understand the implications of
the new culture for their own practices, artefacts and espoused values, and be
involved in all the main change phases.
 Adequate resources need to be allocated to support culture change and maintain it
once it has been achieved.
 Culture change programmes must pay careful attention to the organisations’ power
bases and opinion leaders, such as trade unions and employees’ associations.
 Culture change programmes must take into account an organisation’s existing prac-
tices or artefacts such as approaches to recruitment, selection and retention, training,
performance management and employee relations.
 In order to create a change in culture, organisations need to decide how practices or
artefacts will be amended to support the new espoused values and contradictory
practices removed.
 Every opportunity should be taken to reinforce the practices or artefacts and restate
the espoused values of the new culture’s values and basic underlying assumptions.
Source: adapted from Hassard and Sharifi (1989); Beckhard (1992).

In Practice 6.6

HP merges with Compaq

In 2002 Hewlett-Packard (HP) merged with Compaq to create the world’s largest consumer IT com-
pany, the world’s largest small and medium-sized business IT company and a leading enterprise IT
company. The merger involved 145,000 employees in 170 countries (Hewlett-Packard, 2004) and,
according to press reports at the time, resulted in a culture clash between the two firms. Two years on
from the merger, Hugo Bagué, vice president HR, stresses that HP is now one company (Edwards,
2004). He states that the attitudes of the company’s employees are aligned to the future of HP, citing
evidence from the employee attitude survey. Much of this success is attributed to HP’s global HR
team. They developed a three-part people strategy (Edwards, 2004):
1. Ensuring a solid foundation in which all employees had access to the latest information on HP’s
strategies and objectives through a company-wide information portal. The portal streamlined
processes into one company-wide approach, while still taking account of cultural and linguistic dif-
ferences as well as legislative differences between countries.
2. Creating a high-performance workplace by linking together performance systems, salary planning,
the performance review process and reward and payroll. This enables employees to see how their
performance impacts upon the rest of the business.
3. Energising people to feel HP is the best place to work by addressing a range of HR issues, such as
diversity and talent management.
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 225

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 6.4

Visit HP’s corporate web site at Use the menus to go to the
pages headed ‘Company information: About us – History and Facts’.
What clues do these give you about the culture of HP?
Which culture do you consider was dominant in the merger between HP and

From earlier discussion it is clear that, prior to utilising SHRM interventions to align
an organisation’s culture, a variety of elements need to be taken into account. Bate
(1995) groups these into five foci. The first is a need to have a clear appreciation of the
existing culture. To enhance appreciation, the current culture needs to be placed within
an historical context so that the ways in which it has developed are clearly understood.
This second focus allows learning from past experience as well as avoiding ‘corporate
amnesia … and the associated problems of repeating the same mistakes or endlessly re-
inventing the wheel’ (Bate, 1995: 141). Understanding of the current organisational
culture needs to be integrated with the nature of the required change. In particular,
whether the existing culture can be further developed or a transformational change to a
new culture is necessary. Bate (1995) refers to this third focus as the life-cycle stage of
the culture in the organisation. Through doing this, the most appropriate SHRM inter-
ventions can start to be identified as well as potential problems.
Typologies of organisational culture reviewed earlier in this chapter (for example,
Deal and Kennedy, 1982) suggest the external environment will also impact upon indi-
viduals’ behaviours and an organisation’s culture. This environmental context provides
Bate’s fourth focus and, taking a broad interpretation, could be considered to emphasise
that other cultural spheres are also influential. Bate’s last focus returns to the organisa-
tion and contrasts what people in an organisation want with that organisation’s needs.
This emphasises the importance of understanding organisational politics, power bases
and opinion leaders (highlighted by the cultural web – Figure 6.6) prior to attempting to
alter culture (Harrison, 1972; Handy, 1978). Changes required for cultural realignment
will therefore occur from and within an existing organisational culture and be influ-
enced by other cultural spheres, such as the professional and national.

Strategies for cultural alignment: top-down or bottom-up?

Strategies for cultural alignment are characterised as two alternative approaches: top-
down and bottom-up. Those in the former category, often termed ‘programmatic
change’, are typically initiated and led from the top (Beer et al., 1990) and have often
been inspired by writers on corporate excellence (Hendry, 1995). Those in the latter
focus on incremental approaches, in which alignment is developed from the bottom up,
tied to an organisation’s ‘critical path’ (Beer et al., 1990) and spread through that organi-
sation. For either approach to succeed, it is crucial that employees have the capabilities
to deliver the behaviours necessary to realise cultural alignment (Mabey and Mallory,
1994/5). It therefore follows that an organisation can make a number of HR responses to
support either approach, ranging from strategic to tactical, coherent to piecemeal or,
maybe just after thought!
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226 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Top-down approaches
Cultural alignment initiated by senior managers typically looks towards organisation-wide
consensus, focusing on the artefacts of culture (including employees’ overt behaviour) and
to a lesser extent their espoused values (Legge, 1994). As a consequence, senior managers
often rely on the HR function to manage the associated cultural symbols, such as the
organisational structure, the management of office space, and car parking allocations, as
well as provide educational and training interventions to change them directly. SHRM in-
itiatives, such as organisation-wide human resource development programmes (Chapter
10) to enhance quality, excellence or empowerment, might be introduced as part of top-
down approaches, although the outcome is likely to be representational learning (i.e. in
the way participants talk) rather than behavioural learning (the way they do things).
Often managers will try a succession of HR interventions using only anecdotal evi-
dence to evaluate the impact each is having rather than having a clear strategic focus.
For example, the introduction of performance-related pay (Chapter 9) might force
managers to differentiate between better and poorer performers. However, on its own it
will not help them to internalise the cultural context of the new standards by which per-
formance is to be judged, or the way in which poor performers will be dealt with.
Ultimately it may therefore fail to create the desired realignment of culture resulting in,
perhaps, another HR intervention, such as training to manage poor performance. Con-
sequently, the focus is on the process rather than understanding the organisation’s
problems and the consequent need for strategic integration. In addition the succession
of interventions tends to promote cynicism and scepticism thereby inhibiting real
change. Hendry (1995: 135) summarises these arguments:
Programmatic change does not work because it typically fails to tackle three interre-
lated structural-cum-attitudinal factors – the requirement for co-ordination through
teamwork, the need for commitment, and the need to develop new competencies.
Company-wide change programmes address one only or, at best, two of these. Cul-
ture change programmes in particular dwell on the creation of commitment, but only
at a very superficial level.

Programmes involving top-down culture change also suffer from three interrelated
paradoxes (Legge, 1994). First, messages of initiative, autonomy and innovation are usually
conveyed through highly bureaucratic methods, such as team briefings or company-wide
training initiatives. This can be problematic when, as in the case of the NHS, such public
promises have in some instances only been delivered in part (In Practice 6.7). Second,
transformation to the new culture is often seen as the task of a new leader. This can create
problems if employees believe the new culture conflicts with their existing occupational
culture. Finally, and building upon Legge’s second point, if the values espoused by senior
management are discordant with employees’ sense of reality the new culture may be acted
out cynically and without being internalised into employees’ basic underlying assumptions.
This is not to say that HR interventions, such as those we have mentioned, are inappro-
priate to managing cultural realignment. They can play a valuable role when used
strategically in an integrative manner, ensuring that the implicit and explicit message pro-
vide ‘consistent cues’ to the desired culture (Brown, 1998: 166). Indeed research into
significant factors behind successful interventions at organisations, such as BT (British
Telecom), Royal Dutch Shell, BA (British Airways) and Manchester Airport, emphasise the
importance of deliberately modifying organisation-wide HR practices such as reward sys-
tems (Chapter 11) to reinforce desired cultural changes (Mabey and Mallory, 1994/5).
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 227

In Practice 6.7

Improving working lives?

Recent research argues that organisations’ HR policies can be seen as a visible manifestation of man-
agement promises. Skinner et al. (2004) considered the Improving Working Lives (IWL) policy within the
UK National Health Service (NHS) as an example of one such ‘promise’ that has been made to staff.
Improving Working Lives publicly acknowledged the centrality of staff in attaining the achievements
and changes required and the reciprocal need for the NHS to invest in its human resources. Using an
anonymous questionnaire, data were collected from employees in five primary care trusts in relation to
their experiences and awareness of what was being done to address working-life issues as part of a
wider culture alignment. Their research found that although the IWL standard makes very public prom-
ises about work–life balance, harassment, equality and the valuing of staff, employees in these five
primary care trusts perceived these promises had been met only in part.

Bottom-up approaches
In contrast to a programmatic or top-down approach, Beer et al. (1990) found that suc-
cessful change usually started in one part of an organisation away from corporate
headquarters. As you would expect, change in these organisations was led by general
rather than senior managers. Rather than creating formal structures and systems, these
managers focused upon solving concrete business problems; a process Beer et al. (1990)
termed ‘task alignment’. The role of senior management in change, such as cultural
realignment, was to specify the general direction and provide a climate for change as
well as to spread lessons from both successes and failures. Task alignment, Beer et al.
argued, could be achieved through a series of overlapping steps (their critical path)
taken at the business unit or site level (Figure 6.7).

6. Evaluate outcomes of changes and amend

vision and actions as necessary

5. Confirm changes by ensuring that policies,

procedures and structures support them

4. Spread the changes out to other areas of the


3. Work towards common agreement of the vision,

and skills and actions to carry it forward

2. Work jointly to develop a vision for the future

of the organisation

1. Start to ensure commitment to the change by

involving people in defining the problems

Figure 6.7 Beer et al.’s ‘bottom-up’ approach to task alignment

Source: Thornhill et al. (2000). Reproduced with permission.
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228 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

As can be seen, there are some similarities between the bottom-up approach and the
general framework for culture re-alignment outlined earlier. Despite these, it can be
argued that bottom-up task alignment offers a different approach for managing culture
re-alignment within organisations. In particular it focuses on the part of the organisa-
tion away from corporate headquarters, emphasising individuals’ shared commitment
and vision as a prerequisite. As in other frameworks, re-alignment is enabled by HR
interventions, such as developing people’s abilities, although now the desire to learn is
enhanced by improved coordination and the need to work differently to solve concrete
problems. Subsequent results generate stronger commitment to change, resulting in a
mutually reinforcing cycle of increasing commitment, coordination and abilities. This
provides a role model for other parts of the organisation. Organisation-wide SHR poli-
cies, procedures and structures provide a framework within which this is allowed to take
place, with strategies, such as those relating to recruitment and selection, or roles and
responsibilities within the hierarchies, only being revised subsequently to reinforce and
support the re-alignment.
Consequently, within a bottom-up approach, HR-related strategies can be used to
support such a process of culture re-alignment. In the early stages of Beer et al.’s (1990)
bottom-up task alignment, this is likely to involve managing or enabling employees
from different levels and functions within that part of the organisation to meet, mobilise
commitment and develop their shared vision. Once the vision has been defined,
employees will need to develop the skills required by the new culture. As part of this
stage (three), HR initiatives, such as training and management development pro-
grammes might be used (Chapter 10). Such programmes can play a very important role
in indoctrinating the desired culture as illustrated by use of employee training at Dis-
neyland (Van Maanan, 1991; In Practice 6.4). However, unlike the Disneyland
experience, training within a bottom-up approach will usually aim to address needs
directly identified by employees. As a consequence, it is more likely to influence their
basic underlying assumptions.
By stage three in the re-alignment process, employees who have not accepted the new
culture are likely to be highly visible. It will be apparent if the total number of employees
is too large or too small for the new vision of the organisation. For both scenarios, HR
interventions can help to foster consensus of the new vision and generate the cohesion
to move it along. Redundancy or early retirement programmes (Chapter 14) perhaps, as
in the case of Abbey National in the mid-1980s, accompanied by the offer of generous
severance terms, can also be used in this situation to encourage those people who hold
onto the original culture to leave (Williams et al., 1993). Considerable care will need to
paid to ensure that the negative impact of these programmes on those who remain is
minimised. Alongside this, recruitment and selection of new staff involving realistic job
previews (Williams et al., 1993) and selection exercises to discover whether interviewees
support the desired culture might be used (Chapter 8). Internal and external promo-
tions, as well as transfers and secondments, can support this.
Transfers or secondments of key people are also likely to be used to spread the new
culture to other parts of the organisation (Figure 6.7, stage four). As with the initial
change, Beer et al. (1990) argue that the change in these other parts must again be man-
aged from within rather than being forced by senior managers.
Beer et al. (1990) argue that strategic alterations to policies, procedures and
structures to support the process (new culture) should only be made once it is
entrenched within part of the organisation, the right people are in place and it is work-
ing (Figure 6.7, stage five). Through working together, employees have already learned
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 229

what interdependencies are necessary and so the organisational structures to support

this can be developed. As discussed later, performance appraisal systems (Chapter 9)
need to be tailored to emphasise the basic underlying assumptions of the new culture.
Answers to questions such as: ‘are past achievements or future potential more impor-
tant?’, ‘should objective or subjective techniques be used?’ and ‘who undertakes the
appraisal?’ need to be aligned to the culture. Reward systems (Chapter 11) need to reflect
the espoused values of the culture through what is rewarded, the relative importance of
individuals or teams and the way bonuses are given. Similarly, defining job roles, writing
new policies and applying human resource development systems (Chapter 10) will,
whether intended or not, send out messages to employees about accepted and desirable
behaviour and the new culture. Many of the problems with implementing strategies to
re-align culture occur because such systems are either projecting inappropriate values or
because they are giving out mixed messages (Hendry, 1995). The HR function can help
coordinate, providing direction and control to overcome this.
The final stage in the process of bottom-up task alignment relates to evaluating and
adjusting strategies in response to problems. This emphasises the evolving nature of cul-
ture as it interacts with both the internal and external environments. However, as in
earlier stages, it also emphasises the importance of evaluating interventions and sharing
the outcomes of evaluations undertaken as part of the process (Chapter 4).
Having just read the arguments above, one might gain the impression that a bottom-
up approach is always the best way to manage culture re-alignment. However, this is not
always the case. While Beer et al.’s (1990) research has shown that a bottom-up approach
is more likely to achieve effective re-alignment, this does not mean that top-down
approaches will not work. Every organisation’s culture is unique and, as discussed, a
product of that organisation’s past as well as the wider environment within which it
exists. The appropriateness of the chosen strategy will consequently depend upon what
an organisation wishes to achieve through culture re-alignment (In Practice 6.8).

In Practice 6.8

Establishing a culture of trust at Richer Sounds

The UK’s hi-fi retailer Richer Sounds has, for a number of years, been using a variety of HR interven-
tions to enhance the working environment and create a culture of trust. Employees are offered a
range of benefits on top of their basic pay package, including a subsidised health-care plan, a hard-
ship fund and performance-related bonuses. Staff who have been employed by Richer Sounds for
over a year receive short paid holidays in holiday homes owned by the company on top of the normal
leave entitlement. They are encouraged to invite both family and friends to join them on these holi-
days. While some may argue that this is a risky thing to do, as the majority of employees are male and
under 35, it is argued that this helps reinforce a culture of trust. For the same reason, employees who
win performance-related bonuses are allowed to take the cash directly out of the till. The company’s
scheme for employee feedback channels complaints via a named representative. This means that no
individual is held back by fear of repercussions. In addition, the company has formal procedures to
ensure that employees do not work beyond their allocated hours. Consequently, it is as strict about
employees staying late as it is about their arriving at work on time.
Source: Allen (2004).
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230 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Bate (1995) identifies a series of parameters through which an organisation can

explore what it wishes to achieve through cultural re-alignment and the appropriateness
of different cultural change strategies and associated SHRM interventions. Bate (1995:
203) argues that the relative importance, weight and value of these ‘design parameters
for cultural change’ will differ both between organisations and over time within an
organisation. These are outlined in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3 Design parameters for cultural change

Parameter Aspect of the organisation Description

Expressiveness Affective component (feelings) The ability of the approach adopted and
associated SHRM interventions to express a
new symbol, which captures employees’
attention, and excites or converts them

Commonality Social component (relationships) The ability of the approach adopted and
associated SHRM interventions to create a
shared common understanding and sense of
common purpose among a group of employees
or the whole organisation

Penetration Demographic component (number/depth) The ability of the approach adopted and
associated SHRM interventions to spread
throughout all levels of an organisation and to
affect employees’ basic underlying assumptions

Adaptability Development component (process) The ability of the approach adopted and
associated SHRM interventions to adjust to
changing organisational and wider
environmental circumstances

Durability Institutional component (structure) The ability of the approach adopted and
associated SHRM interventions to create a
lasting culture

Source: adapted from Bate (1995).

Thus, what might be effective or appropriate in one situation may not be in another.
For example, ‘expressiveness’ is unlikely to be important where culture re-alignment is
concerned with further developing an existing culture, in effect more of the same. Con-
versely, where transformational re-alignment is desired, expressiveness is an essential
component. Requirements of an organisation are also likely to change over time. At the
start of a culture re-alignment process, expressiveness may be considered more impor-
tant, while commonality and penetration are considered less important. However, as the
process continues and the new culture is spread throughout all levels of the organisa-
tion, commonality and penetration may become more important.
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 231

Relationships between these parameters and the top-down and bottom-up

approaches are summarised in Table 6.4. As can be seen, the two approaches’ effective-
ness differs across the parameters. This emphasises that it is not just a case of choosing
which approach will fit best with an organisation, as no one approach will provide
everything required. Rather, the HR strategy for culture re-alignment needs to be tail-
ored to the organisation’s precise requirements at that particular time, taking into
account the wider cultural spheres within which it is operating. A top-down approach
can enable relatively rapid change in an organisation’s practices. SHRM interventions,
such as organisation-wide training and communication, can be used to help inspire
employees to adopt the new culture at the practice or artefact level, offering the impres-
sion of culture re-alignment. However, if the culture re-alignment is also required to be
durable, it will need to be combined with a bottom-up approach over a longer time
period. This can help ensure the new culture becomes part of the employees’ basic
underlying assumptions.
Managing an organisation’s cultural re-alignment change is therefore extremely
complex. It needs to take account of the existing culture, whether developmental or
transformational re-alignment is required, as well as a range of internal and external

Table 6.4 Relative effectiveness of top-down and bottom-up approaches to cultural re-alignment across
different parameters

Parameter Level of effectiveness of:

top-down approaches bottom-up approaches

Expressiveness High – deal in simple messages and Low in short term – focus on concrete problem
specialise in communicating these generates lots of detail rather than a new
effectively and reasonably quickly at the symbol
practice/artefact level

Commonality Low – promoted unifying feeling often High – operate through shared understanding
ceases after formal programme ends. and create a culture of trust and understanding
Methods often lead to resistance and lack of
common ownership

Penetration Variable – depends on ability of interventions Low in short-term – involve only part of the
to affect more than just practices or artefacts; organisation
– highly structured programmes likely to High in long term – involve discussing proposals
reach all employees and implications with employees

Adaptability Low – tend to be inflexible and imply instant High – concrete-problem-led, willing to
fix; programmed nature implies conformity accommodate new views and find best fit with
and devalues deviance organisational requirements

Durability Low – based on senior management’s desires; High – employees are keen to preserve what
– lack of ownership by employees likely to be they have created;
highest with transformational re-alignment. – especially high when a development of
existing practices which employees own rather
than transformational re-alignment

Source: Thornhill et al. (2000). Reproduced with permission.

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232 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

factors. As part of this process, employees need to be managed. The reality of this chal-
lenge is clearly summarised by Whipp et al. (1989: 583) who state: ‘culture is a Pandora’s
box: both academics and practitioners should not make any easy assumptions about
their control of the contents’.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 6.5

How might an organisation use SHRM interventions to support a culture re-align-

ment process?

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 6.6

Why might organisations choose a top-down approach to cultural re-alignment?


 An understanding of culture, and the interactions between different spheres of cul-

ture, such as national and organisational, can assist in the selection and application of
effective HRM interventions and the hierarchies in which they are placed. At the same
time, SHRM interventions can influence the culture within an organisation.
 Culture consists of shared attitudes, beliefs, values and behaviours that belong to and
have been learned by a group and, because they are considered to be valid, have been
internalised and are taken for granted. These are taught to new members of the group
as the correct way to perceive, think and feel.
 Culture is one of a range of factors that can influence an organisation’s competitiveness.
 There is long-standing debate as to whether the impact of national cultural differ-
ences is declining or increasing. This is known as the convergence/divergence debate.
 Researchers have developed dimensions upon which national cultures can be placed.
These emphasise the importance of power and the way it is exercised, alongside other
factors, such as tolerance of uncertainty, orientation to time, the relative focus on
individuals and the way in which conflicts are resolved.
 Nations’ scores against dimensions of national cultures can be thought of as stereo-
types representing the mean around which scores for individual members of that
country are dispersed. There is likely to be less variation within countries than
between countries.
 Within organisations culture is most visible in practices or artefacts and, to a lesser
extent, espoused values. SHRM interventions are largely concerned with structural
means of influencing and supporting these visible manifestations.
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 233

 To re-align an organisation’s culture, the basic underlying assumptions upon which

these practices or artefacts are based need to be changed. As these are deeply and
strongly held within each employee’s subconscious they are difficult to change, espe-
cially over the short term.
 Realigning an organisation’s culture is a complex process utilising a range of strate-
gies. These are often divided into top-down (programmatic) and bottom-up (critical
path) approaches.

Follow-up study suggestions

1. Working with a colleague from another culture, first describe your national culture as
you see it. Now describe your colleague’s culture. Compare your view with that of
your colleague for the two cultures. What does this suggest to you about stereotypes
of national cultures?
2. Use your understanding of culture to create a cultural web for an organisation or a
department within an organisation that you know well.
3. Re-examine the cultural web you drew in answer to suggestion 2. If you wished to re-
align the organisation’s culture, how would you use HR interventions to support
changes to the rituals, routines, stories and symbols?
4. Choose a large multi-national organisation and visit that organisation’s web site.
Based upon the web site, what do you think are the main features of that organisa-
tion’s corporate culture?

Suggestions for research topics

1. Can typologies of organisational and national cultures help organisations manage

their human resources more effectively?
2. To what extent are the human resource practices in XYZ aligned to that organisation’s
3. To what extent does an organisation’s culture act as a barrier to change? A case study
of company XYZ.
4. What are the implications of a lack of congruence between an organisation’s
espoused values and its actual HRM practices?
5. How do national cultures impact upon HRM practices in different countries?
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Case Study
Corporate culture and Group values at Dicom Group plc

Dicom Group plc is the global market leader in the  To us respect, integrity and loyalty constitute
information capture market, providing document very important values, reflected in a co-opera-
imaging scanning hardware and software, and tive relationship with the society and the
associated support services. Operating through two environment in which we operate.
distinct divisions, the information capture and the
Samsung General Agency Division, the Group has The Group promotes itself to employees in the
wholly owned subsidiaries in Europe and Asia and subsidiary companies as the ‘Dicom Family’. The
over 10,000 customers in more than 60 countries unofficial (although heavily endorsed by senior
(Dicom, 2004). In the financial year ending 30 June management) aim of the Group is ‘to make money
2004, the Group achieved a turnover of £156.2 mil- and have fun doing it’. Announcements regarding
lion, the information capture division accounting for Group performance and other news are communi-
77 per cent of this and 92 per cent of the Group’s cated regularly to all employees via email from the
profits (Dicom, 2004). Chief Executive Officer. These emails always begin
Founded in Switzerland in 1991 by Otto Schmid, ‘Dear Friends,’ and finish by thanking everyone for
Dicom Group grew rapidly during the 1990s via a their hard work and commitment. Within emails,
combination of acquisitions and organic growth and subsidiaries’ newsletters and face-to-face commu-
now employs over 840 people across the subsidiary nications, a Group language has evolved in which
companies. Although the Group headquarters are in some everyday words and phrases have particular
Basingstoke, UK, the senior management team organisational meanings. For example, employees
operate from an international base, due to the throughout Dicom are likely to say ‘Standards!’
Group’s broad global coverage (Dicom, 2004). A when a colleague or the organisation has done well,
visit to the Group’s web site reveals both the vision: thereby offering congratulations for the setting of a
standard which competitors will find difficult to
The Dicom team will be the world leader in
achieve. Group members argue that the use of such
enabling organisations to automate their busi-
language reinforces the feeling of camaraderie, and
ness transactions by accelerating the collection,
their membership of an exclusive club.
transformation and delivery of mission critical
Stories are used to illustrate the Group’s values
to visitors, prospective and new employees. One
and the mission: story concerns the Group’s tenth anniversary cele-
brations. All 800 employees from around the world
 We care for our customers better than anyone
and their partners were invited to Switzerland for an
else in our industry.
all expenses paid weekend of celebrations at the
 We are a premier business partner of the Lucerne Opera House. This was hired exclusively
world’s leading system integrators, software by the Group for the whole weekend and, according
developers, IT resellers and OEMs [original to Dicom legend, was partly funded by the Chair-
equipment manufacturers]. man out of his own pocket. This and other stories
 We only compete with superior products and are used to illustrate the humanity and caring nature
services in fast-growing information technol- of the Board of Directors and how this permeates
ogy sectors in which we can achieve and the entire Group.
maintain a dominant market share. Virtually all Dicom’s employees work in open-plan
 We hire the highest calibre employees available offices, symbols and displays of rank or seniority
and continually invest in their development. being discouraged. Employees are introduced as
 We constantly aim to achieve attractive returns ‘colleagues’ to visitors by their managers, the
for our shareholders. phrases ‘these people work for me’ and ‘these are
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Chapter 6 Relationships between culture and SHRM: do values have consequences? 235

my staff’ being considered unacceptable. All performance is exceptional, the manager has dis-
employees are given freedom to undertake their jobs cretion to reward him or her in the way that is likely
in their own way, albeit within the confines of com- to be of most value. This might be the granting of
pany procedures and policies. One UK manager extra holiday, a meal for them and their partner, or a
described this approach as ‘We like to steer with public display of gratitude at an award ceremony.
very long reins’. Wherever possible, employees are Every year, at the Group’s Christmas celebration,
quickly given as much responsibility as they can awards and prizes are given out to individuals and to
handle in both their working lives and their own per- work groups that have been voted as exceptional by
sonal development. Dicom Group aims to ‘bring colleagues. Each subsidiary company has a display
people on’, and takes responsibility for the personal cabinet where these shields, trophies and award
development of its employees. Wherever possible, certificates are displayed for all to see.
employees are promoted internally into managerial Alongside performance review, performance
positions as they arise. Where this is not possible, measurement is a continual process. Within each
employees are involved in the writing of the job subsidiary, work groups normally meet on a
specification and the subsequent recruitment monthly basis to discuss problems and progress.
process, including interviews and selection. All work-group members are encouraged to make
Employee training and development is consid- suggestions to improve performance against meas-
ered essential by Dicom. All employees, whatever urable criteria. All subsidiary companies report
their level, are encouraged to take advantage of annually on promotions, hires of people who are
both in-group and external training programmes. If disabled, and donations to charity. This is done with
there is a business advantage to be gained from the the aim of promoting ethical awareness among
training, then the Group will both provide the Dicom Group’s management.
finance and allow individuals time to complete it. At
the time of writing, employees based at the UK sub-
sidiary, Dicom Technologies Ltd, were attending Case study questions
courses including a Certificate in Management
Studies, a Diploma in Personnel Management, 1. Drawing on the information given in this case,
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants construct a cultural web for Dicom Group.
Certification and Microsoft Certification training.
Alongside external courses, Dicom has recently 2. Assess the extent to which Dicom Group’s
launched ‘The Dicom Academy’. This offers all culture is aligned to its vision and mission.
Dicom Group managers and those identified as 3. To what extent do you consider that Dicom
future managers the opportunity to attend a series Group’s culture exhibits characteristics identified
of one-week courses on areas such as marketing by Hofstede (Table 6.1) and by Trompenaars and
and leadership at various venues around the world. Hampden-Turner (Table 6.2) for Switzerland?
These are tutored by Harvard Business School pro- Give reasons for your answer.
fessors alongside Dicom Group board members.
Performance appraisal is carried out at least
annually for all employees, with employees in some Acknowledgements
subsidiaries receiving three-monthly reviews. Each
appraisal focuses upon a joint review of an individ- The support of Kevin Davies, Managing Director of
ual’s own performance using an appraisal schedule. DICOM Technologies Ltd., in granting permission to
This asks a series of questions, for example ‘How use this case, and the assistance of Stephen
do you rate your punctuality on a scale of one to Barker, Operations Manager of DICOM Technolo-
ten?’ If an employee has a different rating from his or gies Ltd., in the preparation of this case are both
her manager, then a discussion is held and a com- acknowledged gratefully.
promise reached. Where an individual employee’s
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Strategic human resource planning:

7 the weakest link?

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 identify and discuss the core principles that underpin the concept of
strategic human resource planning;
 critically evaluate the extent to which strategic human resource planning
represents the vital connecting link between organisational strategy and
SHRM practice;
 analyse the conceptual and operational difficulties surrounding the practice
of strategic human resource planning;
 assess the relevance of strategic human resource planning to organisations
facing an increasingly changing business environment;
 review potential avenues for addressing the difficulties associated with
human resource planning in order to enhance its operational viability.
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 237

Human resource planning is about ensuring that the correct number and mix of
employees is available at the right place at the right time. The success of HRP is
paramount to the survival of the organisation and the complexities associated with
the planning process are enormous.
(Parker and Caine, 1996: 30)

This opening definition captures three important themes that have been used to
help structure the chapter. First, it starts with a beguilingly simple definition of
human resource planning (HRP) that is frequently echoed elsewhere in the literature.
Although this definition can be criticised as being too simplistic, it provides a useful
starting point for getting to grips with the question, ‘What is strategic human resource
Second, the claim that HRP is ‘paramount to the survival of the organisation’
reflects its potential strategic significance and critical position within SHRM. Recog-
nising that similar claims might be made for other dimensions of SHRM explored in
this book, it is necessary to subject Parker and Caine’s statement to closer scrutiny.
To do this a case for representing strategic human resource planning (SHRP) as the
vital connecting link between organisational strategies and SHRM practices is devel-
oped. However, it is accepted that viewing SHRP in this way provides no guarantee
that it will be either practised or practised effectively.
The third theme relates to the complexities underpinning the theory and practice of
SHRP referred to in Parker and Caine’s definition. The nature of these complexities is
deconstructed in order to better understand the difficulties that might confront organisa-
tions wishing to practise SHRP. This leads to the conclusion that conceptual and
operational complexities associated with SHRP contribute to its limited take-up by organ-
isations. This presents something of an organisational conundrum, whereby, despite its
potential as a vital connecting link between organisational strategies and SHRM prac-
tices, the difficulties associated with SHRP may preclude its practice by organisations.
This potential dilemma is particularly pronounced when the case for SHRP is set
against the challenges presented by an uncertain future. The paradox that arises here
is captured well by Turner (2002: 19) who argues, ‘There are those who say it is use-
less trying to plan when no one can predict what is going to happen … and there are
those who would claim that it is now more than ever necessary to plan.’ However,
where such dilemmas militate against its practice, SHRP can be viewed as the miss-
ing link between organisational strategies and SHRM practices, or, to borrow the
vernacular of a popular game show, ‘the weakest link’ of SHRM. These apparent
paradoxes are more fully explored as a further chapter theme and can be para-
phrased in the question ‘To plan or not to plan?’
As a final chapter theme, how SHRP practices and processes might be shaped in
order to enable it to fulfil its potential role as a crucial link between organisation strat-
egy and SHRM practice is discussed.
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238 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

SHRP: the
What is The problematic The HRP Forging the
vital connecting
SHRP? nature of HRP paradox missing link

HRP: definitions The benefits dimensional HRP: the
and key themes of HRP nature of strategic weakest link?

HRP as a
Elements of The Pandoraí s
crucial bridging
HRP box of HRP

The HRP lineage

Hard v. soft


Figure 7.1 Mapping the SHRP territory: a summary diagram of the chapter content

This chapter introduction concludes with an illustrative example of SHRP in prac-

tice (In Practice 7.1). The focus here is on evidence of failures in mergers and
acquisitions that particularly illustrates the problems that can arise when SHRP is a
missing element in important corporate-level decision-making. It is in stark contrast
to the concluding chapter case, where SHRP is identified as a critical factor in suc-
cessful merger cases.
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 239

In Practice 7.1

The role of HRP in mergers and acquisitions

From 1980 onwards, the number of mergers and acquisitions increased, largely as a result of the
strategic possibilities they offered (Appelbaum and Gandell, 2003; Schraeder and Self, 2003). For the
organisations involved, they constitute major change at the first-order level of corporate strategy
decisions (Purcell, 1991) and are designed to achieve, through strategic integration, objectives such
as diversification and economies of scale, as well as opportunities for obtaining a speedy global pres-
ence (Schraeder and Self, 2003). In contrast to the relatively slow speed of internal development,
mergers/acquisitions offer unique potential for accelerated organisational transformation and renewal
and have the capacity to contribute to rapid market repositioning (Salama et al., 2003). However, their
track record of success is very poor. Based on research evidence in the USA, the failure rate of merg-
ers/acquisitions to meet their financial and strategic objectives has been variously assessed at 55–70
per cent (Schraeder and Self, 2003) or 60–80 per cent (Appelbaum and Gandell, 2003).
Increasingly it is held that such failures are due to poor HRP throughout the merger/acquisition
process (Greer, 2001; Appelbaum and Gandell, 2003). The argument runs that while financial, legal
and operational aspects, together with strategic synergy, are well planned, HR areas, such as culture,
communication, management style and leadership of change, are neglected. It has been argued that
the success of mergers/acquisitions depends on the extent to which the human resources of the
combining organisations are integrated. The repeated failure to consider these issues demonstrates
that HRP is not integral to the process of strategic planning (Greer, 2001). Somewhat ironically, evi-
dence also exists of cases where planning still fails to sufficiently account for HR issues even where
the prime motivation behind the merger was to acquire another organisation’s human resources
(Greer, 2001). Cultural issues are particularly identified as a cause of merger failures and can be the
factor that makes or breaks the merger success (Salama et al., 2003; Schraeder and Self, 2003).
Importantly, the extent to which HR issues are neglected throughout the planning stages of merg-
ers/acquisitions impacts on employees as well as the success of the venture itself. Buono and
Bowditch (1989) discuss two contrasting strategies for integrating human resources. A ‘love and mar-
riage’ strategy strives for high levels of HR collaboration between the organisations involved in
attempts to secure employee commitment, despite the hard realities that may accompany the merger
(e.g. downsizing). In contrast, an ‘abuse and plunder’ strategy is seen as synonymous with asset
stripping. They conclude that evidence points to the latter being much more common than the former
(Buono and Bowditch, 1989).

What is strategic human resource planning?

Definitions of SHRP
Returning to Parker and Caine’s (1996: 30) definition that ‘Human resource planning is
about ensuring that the correct number and mix of employees is available at the right
place at the right time’, it can be argued that reducing SHRP to one all-encompassing
definition is too simplistic and not particularly helpful. However, by considering a range
of definitions it is possible to surface a number of important features that, as with
SHRM (Chapter 2), reveal SHRP to be a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon.
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240 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Key Concepts 7.1


‘Manpower planning may be defined as a strategy for the organisation, utilisation, improvement and
preservation of an enterprise’s human resources’ (Department of Employment and Productivity, 1968: 2).
‘HRP consists of a range of tasks designed to ensure that the appropriate number of the right people
are in the right place at the right time’ (Zeffane and Mayo, 1994: 36).
‘A management process designed to translate strategic objectives into targeted quantitative and
qualitative skill requirements, to identify the human resource strategies and objectives necessary to
fulfil those requirements over both the shorter and longer terms, and to provide necessary feedback
mechanisms to assess progress. Overall the purpose of the planning is to invoke an institutional
learning process and to generate information which can be utilised to support management decision
making in all staffing areas’ (bin Idris and Eldridge, 1998: 346).
‘Human resource planning is the process of systematically forecasting the future demand and supply
for employees and the deployment of their skills within the strategic objectives of the organization’
(Bratton and Gold, 2003: 191).
‘HRP is the process for identifying an organisation’s current and future human resource requirements,
developing and implementing plans to meet these requirements and monitoring their overall effective-
ness’ (Beardwell, 2004: 159).

Key features of SHRP

From the above definitions it is possible to surface a number of important features that
have been used to inform the exploration of SHRP.

Key Concepts 7.2

Key features of HRP

 HRP is viewed as a process (Parker and Caine, 1996; bin Idris and Eldridge, 1998; Bratton and
Gold, 2003; Beardwell, 2004).
 There is a temporal perspective such that HRP is directed at meeting both current and future needs
(Zeffane and Mayo, 1994; Parker and Caine, 1996; bin Idris and Eldridge, 1998; Beardwell, 2004).
 HRP is seen to progress through distinct phases primarily involving forecasting the demand for
and supply of human resources and then developing plans to address any mismatches arising (bin
Idris and Eldridge, 1998; Bratton and Gold, 2003; Beardwell, 2004).
 Monitoring and evaluating outcomes and feeding back results are viewed as integral parts of the
process (bin Idris and Eldridge, 1998; Beardwell, 2004).
 The process should be driven by the strategic objectives of the organisation and its purpose is to
help achieve their fulfilment (Parker and Caine, 1996; bin Idris and Eldridge, 1998; Bratton and
Gold, 2003).
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 241

Conceptual limitations of SHRP definitions

While the above definitions and key features provide a useful starting point, they carry
with them a number of limitations:
 First, the notion that HRP is about ensuring that ‘the right people are in the right
place at the right time’ is somewhat simplistic. Although it trips readily off the tongue
and finds popular expression, it provides no insight as to what might be construed
as ‘right’.
 Second, there is little or no explanation as to what is meant by the term ‘process’.
Although the importance of viewing HRP as a continuous process is discussed later
in the chapter, this facet does not emerge from the above definitions, with the possi-
ble exception of that provided by bin Idris and Eldridge (1998). At best, HRP as a
continual process is only implicit in the definitions cited.
 Third, the strategic linkage consistently appears to be portrayed as one-way with HRP
being clearly positioned downstream of corporate decision-making. This reflects a
narrow interpretation of vertical strategic integration falling short of the two-way
strategic linkage advocated in Chapter 1.
 Fourth, references to the planning stage reflect a compartmentalised mentality where
HR plans developed to address mismatches between the demand and supply of
labour could be conceived as stand-alone activities with little thought to their hori-
zontal integration.
 Last, the very use of the word ‘planning’ in HRP could be viewed as something of a
misnomer when applied to the forecasting stage. Arguably, planning responds to the
outcomes of the forecasting process and is about developing solutions to perceived
HR problems.
This last point is crystallised by Turner (2002) who separates the two concepts of
forecasting and planning. He reserves the term HRP for what others regard as the latter
(planning) stage of the process. He interprets HRP as an output arising from strategy
formulation concerned with managing the organisation’s human resources. In contrast
strategic human resource forecasting is interpreted as an input to strategy formulation,
rather than a dimension of planning. These relationships are captured diagrammatically
in Figure 7.2 .
However, strategic human resource forecasting can also lie downstream as an output
of strategy formulation. It is argued here that it also represents an input into HRP. This
reflects the more conventional view that forecasts of labour demand and supply are
made against corporate strategies with any resultant mismatches between them being
the concern of HRP. Figure 7.3 illustrates how the input–output relationships described
by Turner can be reconstructed to reflect all these possible relationships.

human Strategy
resource formulation

Figure 7.2 Input and output relationships between strategic human resource forecasting,
strategy formulation and HRP
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242 Part 2 Strategic Interventions



Figure 7.3 Input–output relationships between strategic human resource forecasting, strategy
formulation and HRP – a revised model

To better understand the distinctions drawn by Turner between strategic human

resource forecasting and HRP his definitions of these two elements are reproduced in
Table 7.1.

Table 7.1 Strategic human resource forecasting versus human resource planning

Strategic human resource forecasting (SHRF) is Human resource planning is defined as:
defined as:

A process by which an organisation looks ahead at the The output that arises from the process of business or
people implications of business and organisational organisational strategy setting as it affects the people
strategy, and facilitates a dialogue within the in an organisation. It contains quantitative analyses of
organisation about these implications. Its objective is HR data ranging from headcount and costs to
to give direction to the people decisions to be made at qualitative analyses about culture, learning and
strategic level that will enable the organisation to knowledge management. The HRP is a dynamic entity
achieve sustained success ... The SHRF deals with the that can be changed if turbulence or unpredicted
quantification of the people implications of business or extraneous factors affect the business strategy.
organisational strategy and the likely qualitative inputs It consists of a range of plans within the key HR
or outputs of the strategy. activities. These can be grouped as follows:
The SHRF comprises a process intended to form an
 resourcing through specific organisational design,
intervention into the strategic planning process or the
quantified HR plans and resource allocation
strategy-setting process of the organisation. It consists
 employee commitment and relations
of groups of strategic HR activities:
 learning, training and development
 dialogue with strategy-makers  reward and recognition
 scenario planning aligned to the business or
organisational strategy
 demand-and-supply forecasts for the people
aspects of strategy
 gap analysis
 input to the HR plan

Source: This material is taken from HR Forecasting and Planning,

by Turner, P. (2002), with the permission of the publisher, the
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, London
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 243

Taken together, the two elements of Turner’s (2002) model go some way to address-
ing the earlier critique of HRP definitions. He is more explicit about the nature of
process features and his use of the word ‘dialogue’ suggests a continuous process that
incorporates two-way strategic fit. However, the lack of focus on horizontal integration
is again evident.

Elements of HRP
From Turner’s (2002) definitions of SHRF and planning, it is possible to identify the key
elements involved in the two processes. Table 7.2 summarises the key elements of HRP
identified elsewhere in the literature, which can be compared with Turner’s framework
(Table 7.1).

Table 7.2 The elements of HRP

Key elements of HRP Description

Strategic planning Environmental scanning

Identification of key business issues
Strategy formulation

Demand forecasting Determining HR implications of strategy

Forecasting future HR requirements to meet
business objectives

Auditing current HR capability Analysing current labour resources

Auditing internal labour supply
Reviewing labour utilisation

Supply forecasting Forecasting internal labour supply

Forecasting external labour supply

Gap analysis Comparing demand and supply forecasts

Identifying gaps between needs (demand) and
availability (supply)

Planning Developing HR objectives and goals to address

identified labour shortages and surpluses
Designing HR strategies, policies, programmes and
practices (action planning) to deliver objectives
and goals

Implementation and evaluation Implementing action plan

Monitoring and evaluating outcomes
Feedback results
Revising and refocusing HR objectives and plans

Sources: Hercus (1992); Hendry (1995); Tansley (1999).

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244 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Although these elements of HRP are frequently brought together in explanatory

models, it is very difficult to capture fully the complexities of the HRP process in this
way. However, many examples exist within the HRP literature that you can refer to for a
diagrammatic summary of the process (for example Galpin, 1999; Turner, 2002;
Beardwell, 2004).

The HRP lineage: the historical development of HRP

Historically, two labels have commonly been applied to the formal process designed to
plan future organisational HR requirements. The term ‘manpower planning’ was widely
adopted up to the mid-1980s (as reflected in the Department of Employment and Prod-
uctivity’s (1968) definition appearing in Key Concepts 7.1), after which it became
increasingly replaced by the term ‘human resource planning’ (or HRP). This change par-
alleled the shift in terminology from personnel management to HRM and prompted
similar debates around whether it simply represented a cosmetic name change or some-
thing more fundamental. Most commentators, however, argue that HRP is conceptually
different from manpower planning. The most commonly identified differences have
been summarised in Table 7.3.

Table 7.3 Distinguishing features of manpower planning and human resource planning

Manpower planning Human resource planning

 Human resources viewed as a factor of  Human resources viewed as the

production to be deployed efficiently – organisational key to sustained
employees seen as costs competitive advantage – employees
seen as assets

 Emphasis is on managing the headcount  Emphasis is on human capability

 Concentration on generating and storing  Creative and integrated approach to

HR data knowledge management

 Represents a downstream, tactical  Represents both an input into strategy

response to strategy formulation formulation and an output to meet
strategic objectives

 Adopts a quantitative ‘hard’ approach  Adopts a quantitative and qualitative

with a focus on forecasting and controlling approach by building on hard elements
labour to ensure its efficient utilisation to incorporate ‘soft’ elements such as
culture, management, and development
and retention of talent

 Follows rational, prescriptive decision-  Adopts a processual approach

making approach

 Tactical  Dynamic

Sources: Bramham (1997); Tansley (1999); Liff (2000); Beardwell (2004).

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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 245

Ulrich (1987: 42) went further in differentiating three phases in the development of
SHRP: ‘regulation’; ‘control’; and ‘shape’. These phases in the transition to SHRP are
described in Table 7.4.

Table 7.4 Transitions in SHRP: from policeman to business partner

Phase Guiding principle Objective of HRP HRP metaphor Responsibility for HRP

1 Regulation Ensure compliance with Policeman HR specialists

internal, corporate and
external, government
regulations and policies

2 Control Modify HR practices to match Professional HR specialists and strategic

corporate strategies and planning staff
support their achievement

3 Shape Create competitive advantage Business partner Line managers and HR

through development of core specialists
HR competences

Source: after Ulrich (1987: 42).

This three-phase interpretation of the development of SHRP introduces two impor-

tant dimensions that will be explored in more detail later in the chapter. First, it is
possible to distinguish a temporal dimension between short-term, operational and
longer-term strategic HR requirements. Second, it is possible to discern two different
types of strategic fit: one-way (traditional HRP and the control phase) and two-way
(strategic HRP and the shape phase). This last point leads to potential confusion in ter-
minology between HRP and SHRP. However, irrespective of whether it is translated as
one-way or two-way, the essential characteristic of HRP definitions discussed earlier is
that of strategic integration. For this reason, from this point onwards, the conventional
acronym HRP has been adopted and its strategic prefix taken as a given. These different
types of strategic integration are returned to later in the chapter with a reminder of and
reference back to the multi-dimensional nature of strategic integration discussed in
Chapter 1.

Hard versus soft HRP

Running alongside the manpower versus HRP debate is the frequently drawn distinction
between hard quantitative and soft qualitative variants of HRP. Indeed some of the dis-
tinguishing features of the hard and soft variants reflect definitions of manpower
planning and HRP respectively. The commonly identified characteristics of the hard and
soft variants of HRP are summarised in Table 7.5.
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246 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Table 7.5 Distinguishing characteristics of hard and soft HRP

Hard HRP Soft HRP

 Focuses on human resources  Focuses on resourceful humans

 HR strategies directed at exploiting this  HR strategies directed at developing

resource to the benefit of the organisation employee capability to the mutual
benefit of both employees and

 Management of human resources reflects  Management of human resources

a unitary perspective and operates reflects a pluralist perspective and
through direct control via the exercise of operates through indirect control
managerial prerogative enabled through employee involvement
and measures aimed at gaining their

 Synonymous with manpower planning  Synonymous with SHRM with an

and efficient utilisation of labour emphasis on integrating employee
values, beliefs and behaviours
with organisational goals through culture

 Driven by HR specialists intent on  Driven by a multi-stakeholder

demonstrating their strategic awareness perspective with particular emphasis
and ability to contribute to the bottom-line on the role of line managers in
executing organisational strategies and
contributing to their formulation

 Champions the cost-effective use of human  Champions a resource-based view of

resources as a major contributor to meeting the firm where employees represent
organisation objectives assets that can produce sustainable
competitive advantage

Sources: Mabey et al. (1998); Tansley (1999); Liff (2000); Bratton and Gold (2003); Beardwell (2004).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 7.1

To what extent can the hard and soft variants of HRP be regarded as mutually
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 247

Taken together with manpower planning, the hard variant can be criticised for reduc-
ing HRP to little more than a numbers game. Here HRP can be likened to a form of
stock control with a concentration on headcount, staff inventories and the movement of
staff within the organisation. This perspective has little regard for the qualitative skills
possessed by staff, such as their knowledge, motivation and values, or their relevance to
job performance (Hendry, 1995). Criticisms of the hard variant are brought together
well by Liff (2000: 94) who reminds us of ‘the need to remember the humanness of
human resources’. However, these criticisms do not mean the hard variant cannot be
strategic. It is highly relevant to organisational strategies directed at cost minimisation
and as such is arguably more likely to be found in practice than soft HRP. Moreover, the
harsh realities of business life may lead to organisations having to take hard HRP de-
cisions irrespective of their business ethos. This is evidenced below in ‘In Practice’ 7.2
which reports on the case of the Co-operative Financial Services Group, recognised as
one of Britain’s leading proponents of ethical business behaviour, which in 2004 was
undertaking large-scale job cuts in one of its business divisions.

In Practice 7.2

Co-operative Insurance to axe 2,500 jobs

In July 2004 the Co-operative Insurance Society (CIS), part of the Co-operative Financial Services
Group, announced it was cutting its headcount from 9,000 to 6,500 over the next two years. In
response to the increasingly competitive nature of the market, the move was designed to reduce
costs and increase CIS’s competitiveness in the financial services sector.
The job losses were to be part of a re-organisation programme and might involve compulsory
redundancies. Union officials of Amicus said that while they recognise the need for change and mod-
ernisation, such a drastic reduction in headcount was to be regretted and that any compulsory
redundancies would be vigorously opposed.
The chief executive of the Co-operative Financial Services Group maintained that the job losses
would help to ensure the future viability of CIS so that it would be well placed to fulfil its mandate of
meeting the needs of millions of ordinary households in the UK.
Source: Griffiths (2004).

To reinforce the strategic relevance of the hard variant you might like to return to
Table 2.3 in Chapter 2 and reflect on the employee behaviours and HR techniques that
Schuler and Jackson (1987) associate with a cost reduction strategy. Similarly you could
usefully reflect on the appropriateness of hard HRP to Miles and Snow’s (1984b)
defender strategy. In contrast, the report on Pret a Manger summarised in ‘In Practice’
7.3 reveals evidence of the softer side of HRP in operation. Its business revolves around
the quality of its product and the passion and service quality displayed by its staff. Here
HRP needs to translate this into HRM strategies and practices that will provide the nec-
essary staffing base to deliver these prerequisites.
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248 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

In Practice 7.3

What can be softer than passion?

Pret a Manger has established in the UK, and increasingly internationally, a niche business with a dis-
tinctive culture. Its success is based around the quality of its product – high-quality sandwiches – and
the passion for the business demonstrated by the people who serve them.
According to the chief executive, Andrew Rolfe, passion for the product, the staff and the whole
business is the driving force behind Pret. Part of the business philosophy is to obtain consistency of
purpose throughout the business so that customers will recognise the Pret experience within minutes
of walking into one of its shops. This is achieved through attention to customer and supplier relations
and new product development. It requires clear specification of personal responsibilities and staffing
the organisation with people with the talent to carry out those responsibilities.
Pret deploys an integrated set of HR practices to ensure that its shops are staffed with people who
display the necessary passion, including:
1. Unorthodox selection procedures where candidates attend a general interview and are sent to their
closest shop for a further interview with the general manager before working a paid day in the
shop. The whole shop team then vote on which applicants to accept. Successful candidates
receive ten days training in the shop and kitchen working side-by-side with a personal trainer who
takes them through all aspects of the company. Recruits are formally appraised after working four
weeks and successfully completing their training, with subsequent promotion into a team member
after three months. Only 5 per cent of applicants are selected.
2. Use of extrinsic and intrinsic reward strategies including: visits by managers to pass on congratu-
lations to team members specifically singled out by customers through their feedback; giving
praise consistently for effective job performance; taking over a pub every Friday night and inviting
all team members; a weekly bonus every time a shop hits its performance target; surprise rewards
– in 2001 the company granted an across-the-board pay increase that had not previously been
budgeted or planned for (after its introduction, sales and profits went up); and cash vouchers
awarded to employers at various ‘graduation’ stages that can be distributed to colleagues who
have been instrumental in their progress.
3. Keeping employees close to the business through ensuring that: every new employee, including
senior managers, works for two weeks in one of the Pret shops without the team members know-
ing their position; all head-office staff are sent out five times a year to work in their adopted
‘buddy’ shop.
4. Open communication through 15-minute team briefings held every morning in every shop.

Source: Human Resource Management International Digest (2002).

In contrast to hard HRP, soft HRP has been criticised for being too broad and telling
us little about how it might be applied in practice. It lacks the methodological precision
associated with the hard variant and, if seen to embrace all dimensions of human
resourcing, becomes difficult to differentiate from SHRM (Marchington and Wilkinson,
1996; Tansley, 1999). However, despite the difficulties associated with translating it into
practice the soft variant of HRP may be critical to organisational success as exemplified
in the cases cited in ‘In Practice’ 7.4.
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 249

In Practice 7.4

Soft HRP: applications and examples

Williams (2002) identifies that the failure of organisational mission statements to impact on employee
behaviour and the implementation failures of business initiatives designed to provide competitive
edge (e.g. business process re-engineering) can arise from a lack of commitment to long-term plan-
ning and core organisational values. She argues that an organisation’s core values need to be
articulated at all levels of the organisation and translated into strategic human resource plans and
practice. She concludes that where shared values and their cultural context cannot be easily repli-
cated they assume the status of an important source of sustained competitive advantage.
A study by Deutsche Bank (Steffens-Duch, 2001, cited in Turner, 2002: 58–59) concluded that
employee commitment embedded in organisation culture was a significant differentiating factor
between successful and less successful businesses operating in the service sector. Employee com-
mitment was therefore held to be a pre-condition for business success.
The global telecommunications giant Ericsson established clear linkages between values, behav-
iour and culture. The values of professionalism, respect and perseverance were ultimately converted
into the behaviours of passion to win, dedication to customer success, fast urgent creativity and
value-adding teamwork. In recognition of the criticality of these ‘soft’ HR dimensions Ericsson
appointed a senior vice-president to be responsible for people and culture (Reigo, 2001, cited in
Turner, 2002: 59).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 7.2

To what extent can the view that HRP is all about ensuring that the right person is
in the right place at the right time be interpreted as a soft, as well as a hard,
approach to HRP?

The HRP process

In concluding this section, the question ‘What is SHRP?’ is addressed by briefly reviewing
one further area of debate within the HRP literature. This relates to the process of HRP
itself where two different approaches – systems and processual – emerge from the differ-
ent theoretical perspectives underpinning strategy formulation discussed in Chapter 1.
Tansley (1999: 45) provides a helpful analysis of these relationships. She argues that the
systems approach to HRP equates to rational planning models where management exer-
cise decision-making prerogative ‘through deliberate calculation and analysis’. This
reflects the prescriptive classical approach to strategy and strategy making discussed in
detail in Chapter 1. Here, in summary, the organisation is viewed as having a separate
existence from the employees that make it up and is characterised by: a controlled inter-
face with the external environment; detailed internal structures; clearly defined
objectives; and a unitary ideology with its stress on shared goals and values. Relating
these strategy formulation perspectives to HRP, Tansley (1999) argues that within a sys-
tems model, planning precedes action, as illustrated in Figure 7.4.
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250 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

HR planning of HR action

Figure 7.4 A systems perspective of the HRP process

Source: adapted from Tansley (1999: 51).

This systems perspective is synonymous with the hard, manpower planning dimen-
sions of HRP illustrated respectively in Tables 7.5 and 7.3. Although criticised for its
narrow, rationalist and prescriptive foundations (Mintzberg, 1994; Liff, 2000) this
should not lead to its wholesale rejection particularly when viewed as an integral com-
ponent of HRP practice. In Table 7.3 it was argued that HRP ‘adopts a quantitative and
qualitative approach by building on hard elements to incorporate soft elements such as
culture, management and development, and retention of talent’. Therefore the inherent
limitations of this perspective become particularly dangerous to organisations only
when it is used in isolation.
In contrast, the processual approach to strategy and strategy making, again discussed in
detail in Chapter 1, reverses the basic premise such that organisations are viewed as cre-
ations arising from the social interactions of their stakeholders. This chimes with the
emergent view of strategy to create a dynamic where organisations and their patterns of
beliefs and behaviours are forged over time as a result of a continuous process of social
exchange and negotiation (Tansley, 1999). From this perspective, the HRP process can be
viewed as being based on continual interactions between those responsible for HR strategy
and those responsible for business strategy (Liff, 2000). Compared with a systems perspec-
tive, the processual perspective is arguably more able to accommodate unforeseen events
arising from an uncertain future and the ‘humanness’ of people with their idiosyncrasies
and is also better equipped to support the types of behaviours necessary to survive in an
increasingly turbulent, global economy (Tansley, 1999). In HRP terms, adopting a proces-
sual perspective means that it becomes a continuous process where action can precede
planning as well as planning precede action, as illustrated in Figure 7.5.
Of the definitions of HRP reviewed earlier, arguably that of bin Idris and Eldridge
(1998) comes closest to reflecting this processual perspective. They view HRP as a con-
tinual learning process brought about through the interactions of stakeholders affected
by the HRP process, with managers being particularly identified as crucial participants.
Their construction of HRP also incorporates a systems approach to formalise the con-
tinuous process and thereby draws on the strengths of both the systems and processual
perspectives. They maintain that:

Human Human
resource resource
planning actions

Figure 7.5 A processual perspective of the HRP process

Source: adapted from Tansley (1999: 52).
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 251

Fundamentally, through transformation an internal capability is developed to face the

opportunities and threats posed by the external environment. Successive cycles of
planning work build internal robustness in decision making by increasingly directing
attention to areas of human resource weakness and opportunity. The ability
to respond more effectively over time in this way represents a learning to learn capa-
bility jointly acquired by stakeholders which builds as cycles [of the process]
are completed in successive rounds of planning activity.
(bin Idris and Eldridge, 1998: 355)

The operation of such a continuous process carries with it the possibility for HRP to
provide the crucial link between corporate strategies (prescribed or emergent) and
SHRM practices (short or long term).

Human resource planning: the vital connecting link?

Reflecting Parker and Caine’s (1996: 30) view that ‘The success of HRP is paramount to
the survival of the organisation’, Mills (1985) argues that HRP helps organisations to
ascertain that strategic plans may be unrealisable because of HR factors before rather
than after they have been implemented. However, he goes on to argue that, despite the
compelling nature of this benefit, many organisations do not practise HRP, thereby run-
ning the risk of costly strategic implementation failures.
His argument provides a powerful rationale for HRP and illustrates the importance
of the potential two-way (upstream and downstream) relationship that exists between
organisational and HR strategies. It also throws up the possibility that the evident lack of
formal HRP practice is inconsistent with its importance. This possibility is considered
further in a later section examining the HRP paradox. Mills’ analysis also accords with
the introductory discussion on the role of HRP in mergers and acquisitions (see In Prac-
tice 7.1). Here it was revealed that a failure to plan for the HR dimension of mergers and
acquisitions was a key reason for their subsequent failure. It might have been thought
that those planning mergers would have had a vested interest in identifying and attend-
ing to the human factors that could threaten their success! Building on this initial
position, the chapter now goes on to focus on the perceived benefits of HRP and how
these can be used as a platform for constructing an argument in support of the role of
HRP as the crucial link between organisational strategies and SHRM.

The benefits of HRP

Frequently identified benefits of HRP have been captured in Key Concepts 7.3 and these
provide powerful arguments to justify its formal practice by organisations.
An analysis of the benefits claimed (Key Concepts 7.3) shows that the majority relate
to the link between HRP and strategic planning. This is reflected at three levels:
 where HR plans are aligned with corporate strategies to further their accomplishment
in a downstream relationship;
 where HRP can reveal HR issues that threaten the viability of corporate strategies and
thereby lead to their reformulation; and
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252 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Key Concepts 7.3

Benefits of HRP

1. Ensures that the HR dimension receives due attention in the strategy-making process.
2. Enables HR strategies to be linked to and integrated with organisational strategies.
3. Surfaces and recognises the potentially unique contribution an organisation’s human capital can
make to long-term strategic direction.
4. Provides a formalised process that encourages organisations to take account of HR issues early
on in strategy making thereby reducing the risk of implementation failures due to a lack of HR
5. Provides a formalised process for generating plans to tackle the HR issues arising from strategic
6. Generates a detailed audit of an organisation’s human capital.
7. Enables the appropriateness of the organisation’s current skills, knowledge and attitudes mix to
be analysed.
8. Provides a mechanism for forecasting labour demand against internal and external supply in
terms of numbers, knowledge, skills and attitudes.
9. Matches labour demand and supply and through gap analysis surfaces mismatches between the
two that need to be addressed.
10. Generates a variety of HR solutions for tackling the complexity of problems arising from strategy
11. Enables HR strategies, policies, procedures and practice to be developed as a coherent bundle
of activities.
12. Provides detailed information that enables tighter control over staffing numbers and costs.
Sources: Greer (2001); Marchington and Wilkinson (2002); Turner (2002).

 where a reciprocal relationship means that HR issues can represent an important input
into the strategy formulation process from the outset in an upstream relationship.
The operation of these three levels of strategic linkage is consistent with those who
advocate that two-way external or vertical integration is a core dimension of SHRM.
Where HRP successfully contributes to these three types of linkage it is difficult to
deny its utility as a linking mechanism between organisational strategy and HR strate-
gies and practices.
In contrast, identified benefits provide little emphasis on the potential contribution
HRP can make to integrating HR strategies horizontally despite the centrality of this
dimension to the concept of SHRM. This is addressed to an extent by Marchington and
Wilkinson (2002: 280) who argue that ‘It enables employers to make more informed
judgements about the skills and attitude mix in the organisation, and prepare inte-
grated HR strategies.’ Their view is reinforced by Beardwell (2004: 181) who argues that
HRP can contribute to organisational performance through ‘the integration of HR
policies and practices with each other and with the business strategy, i.e. horizontal and
vertical integration’.
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 253

The notion that the route to competitive advantage lies through an organisation’s
human resources and the way they are managed is an increasingly recurrent theme in
the SHRM literature. HRP as a specific contributor to business performance is sup-
ported by Marchington and Wilkinson (2002: 280) who argue that irrespective of
whether HRP is operating in a downstream or upstream relationship with corporate
strategy it ‘is perceived as a major facilitator of competitive advantage’. Using HRP as a
vehicle for managing people as strategic assets can also facilitate the pursuit of the high-
performance organisations commonly associated with SHRM by focusing on a high
commitment, productivity and trust agenda (Godard and Delaney, 2000).
The claimed contribution of HRP to organisational performance may, however, be
more difficult to establish in practice. In Chapter 2, following an examination and cri-
tique of a number of studies investigating the link between SHRM and organisational
performance, it was concluded that the studies were generally positive about this rela-
tionship. However, as was pointed out, all of the studies reviewed focused on SHRM
rather than the effectiveness of individual HR practices such as HRP. In comparison
there has been little empirical research on the extent of HRP practice or its link to
organisational performance. One notable exception is the work of Nkomo (1986, 1987)
who found evidence two decades ago that the introduction of formalised, strategically
linked HRP was frequently followed by improvements in organisational performance
and that inferior organisational performance was linked to its absence. Her last point
accords with earlier arguments that the failure of mergers and acquisitions frequently
arise from deficiencies in formal HRP. More recently, evidence has established links
between HRP and labour productivity (Kock and McGrath, 1996) and sustained organi-
sational profitability (Caulkin, 2001). What limited evidence there is of the link between
HRP and organisational performance seems, at least, to mirror that found for HRM
more generally and lends weight to the argument that HRP can operate as the vital con-
necting link between organisational and HR strategies.
For Zeffane and Mayo (1994) the process of HRP contains within it an important
boundary-spanning role that is crucial in helping organisations to adapt the workforce to
meet changing demands arriving from a dynamic socio-economic climate. It can be
argued that human resources are the key factor in managing change because they are far
more adaptable than other sources of production, such as capital investment. As a conse-
quence, HRP may help manage the unpredictability of business life by exercising a degree
of control over medium-term and incremental change through exploiting the flexibility
and adaptability of the workforce to meet new contingencies as they arise (Beardwell,
2004). However, this claim is open to question as it can be argued that a lack of flexibility
and adaptability in the workforce can potentially frustrate using human resources in this
way. Elsewhere in this book the difficulties of culture change and the political realities of
organisational life that can, for a variety of reasons, fuel employee resistance and intransi-
gence have been discussed. Also, the pace at which it is possible to adapt and shape the
workforce is debatable. As Gratton (1999: 173) graphically points out:
 It takes ten to fifteen years to select and develop an international senior executive
 It takes a minimum of three years to pilot and implement a reward system refocused
on supporting a new set of competences.
 It takes at least five years to reshape the technological skill base of employees.
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254 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

These facets of an organisation’s human resources remind us of Liff ’s (2000: 94) clar-
ion call ‘to remember the humanness of human resources’ and it is surprising how little
of the discussion in the literature on the benefits of HRP focuses on workforce consider-
ations. However, at least Bratton and Gold (2003) go some way towards this by pointing
out that HRP has an important role to play in reconciling the needs of individual
employees and the needs of the organisation. This has echoes of the employee-centred
HR practices associated with soft HRP.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 7.3

How would you map out the benefits of HRP identified in the above analysis
against the ‘regulation’, ‘control’ and ‘shape’ phases of Ulrich’s (1987) model of
transitions in SHRP (see Table 7.4)? You might find it helpful to structure your
answer in tabular format. To get you started one example under each of the three
phases identified by Ulrich has been provided below.

Phase I Regulation Phase II Control Phase III Shape

Provides detailed Enables HR strategies to Surfaces and recognises the

information that enables be linked to and potentially unique
tighter control over staffing integrated with contribution an organisation’s
numbers and costs organisational strategies human capital can make to
long-term strategic direction

HRP as a crucial bridging mechanism

Given the benefits claimed for formal HRP it is easy to appreciate its potential value as
an SHRM tool. However, to what extent does this justify a view that HRP can represent
the crucial link that facilitates the two-way integration between organisational strategy
and SHRM? As identified in the chapter introduction, HRP can arguably be considered
from two perspectives. Conceptually, HRP can be viewed as a vital boundary-spanning
function operating between organisational strategies and the human resources that
determine their successful realisation (or otherwise) and as such could be construed as
the focal point for human resource practice in the organisation (Zeffane and Mayo,
1994). However, its conceptual relevance does not mean that HRP will be formally prac-
tised in organisations or, if practised, make an effective contribution to organisational
effectiveness. Therefore, a second perspective is that HRP is either a potential link that is
in reality missing or is the weakest link of SHRM practice. Either of these perspectives
may account for failures of organisations to realise their strategic objectives because of
failures to plan the people dimension. This second perspective is discussed later in the
chapter in a search for evidence of HRP practice. The perspective of HRP as the vital
connecting link between organisational and HR strategies is now considered further.
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 255

In establishing a conceptual linkage, initial reference is made to the oft-cited frame-

works of Miles and Snow (1984b) and Schuler and Jackson (1987) who provided early
and powerful arguments for developing strategically integrated HR practices (Chapters
1 and 2). By way of a reminder, if you refer back to Table 2.3 it is possible to track the
employee role behaviours and accompanying HR techniques that Schuler and Jackson
identified against each of three competitive strategies: ‘innovation’; ‘quality enhance-
ment’; and ‘cost reduction’. However, valuable though they are, a number of reservations
were raised about such frameworks in Chapter 2. For example, they are overly prescrip-
tive and do not, therefore, cater sufficiently for the contingencies operating in specific
organisational settings. They are also more appropriate to earlier definitions of man-
power planning in that the nature of strategic integration is ostensibly one-way: top
down. As such, it fails to address employee diversity (Chapter 13) and the political reali-
ties of organisation life.
More importantly, with respect to HRP, such frameworks do not detail the process used
to forge the strategic linkages exemplified. For example, using Schuler and Jackson’s
framework, how would an organisation move from strategy to needed employee role
behaviours to accompanying HR techniques? Unfortunately such frameworks are not cre-
ated by magic nor do they drop out of the sky into the laps of waiting managers and HR
specialists. It is here that the formal processes of HRP come into play forming a bridge
between an organisation’s strategies and staffing processes. Spanning the boundaries
between these two organisational dimensions is the territory of HRP (Zeffane and Mayo,
1994; Rothwell, 1995). To put it another way, HRP represents the formal expression of that
linking function. Viewed from this perspective, for example, HRP is this missing connect-
ing link in the Miles and Snow (1984b) and Schuler and Jackson (1987) frameworks. Here,
HRP is the process necessary to identify the needed behaviours of employees and integrate
the HR practices necessary to obtain, develop and sustain these behaviours.
Although these models, as already discussed, are ostensibly one-way – top-down
(closed matching models) – the same argument about the capacity of HRP to act as a
linking mechanism with strategy can be applied to models that reflect more the
resource-based view of strategy with their emphasis on two-way vertical integration
(open matching models). For example, taking the open model approach to human
resource strategies portrayed by Mabey et al. (1998) and discussed in Chapter 2 it will be
seen that there is no reference to HRP. The SHRM components in this model are identi-
fied as culture, personnel and structure, and are integrated vertically with corporate
strategy and horizontally with each other. What is missing is reference to the process
necessary to establish this vertical integration and the horizontal integration between
the SHRM components themselves. Here again it can be argued that HRP has the poten-
tial to fill this void and create the necessary strategic linkages.
Building on the above, it is possible to identify a number of organisational roles
played by HRP. It starts from the basis that if resourceful humans are to realise their
potential to source competitive advantage, HRP becomes central to strategy formulation
and implementation. On the one hand it can help steer HR practice to become more
compatible with organisational prerogatives and on the other help to identify, address
and resolve fundamental strategic issues related to corporate and people management
(Greer, 2001). On this basis it has been argued that HRP represents the core of SHRM
and that improvements to its processes and systems are likely to benefit both the organi-
sation and the HR function (Khoong, 1996). However, in many ways, explaining the
conceptual nature and heritage of HRP as well as its potentially pivotal role in SHRM is
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256 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

the easy part. Turning the HRP rhetoric into reality is an altogether more difficult
proposition. As explored in the next section, there are many difficulties confronting the
effective practice of HRP. These may well be sufficient to put many organisations off
from even entertaining the prospect of introducing HRP such that it is cast aside to a
different destiny altogether as the missing or weakest link.

The problematic nature of human resource planning practice

While not disagreeing with Parker and Caine’s (1996: 30) view that ‘The complexities
associated with the planning process are enormous’, there is a need to get to grips with
what this means in practice if effective HRP is to become a reality. This section begins by
briefly revisiting the discussion on the multi-dimensional nature of strategic integration
in Chapter 1 in order to explore the problematic nature of establishing strategic linkage
between organisational goals and HR practices. It then goes on to range more widely
over a number of potential pitfalls, posers and problems associated with HRP which
have been characterised here as ‘the Pandora’s box of HRP’.

The multi-dimensional nature of strategic integration

At the heart of the complexity surrounding HRP is the very strategic integration that it
is meant to forge between an organisation’s management of its human resources and its
strategic goals. Too often in the SHRM literature the nature of strategic integration and
its implications for SHRM practice is either taken as a given or not developed beyond
the notion of vertical and horizontal integration. However, as discussed in Chapter 1,
this is too simplistic and represents only part of the story. It is therefore sobering to be
brought down to earth by Purcell’s (1995: 63) rueful observation:
All definitions of human resource management agree on one point: that there must
be a link between a firm’s strategy and the deployment and utilization of the human
resource. Quite what that link is, where it is realized and how it is developed, are sep-
arate matters.

In Chapter 1, at least six strands to strategic integration were delineated, each one
of which could be said to carry with it potentially different implications for HR plan-
ners. Within the context of HRP, these six strands of strategic integration can be
summarised as:
 HRP responses to first-order strategic decisions, i.e. those concerned with the long-
term direction of the enterprise or the scope of its activities;
 HRP responses to second-order strategic decisions, i.e. organisation structures and
operating procedures put into place to support first-order decisions;
 HRP responses to third-order strategic decisions, i.e. where functional areas define
their strategies in accordance with the first- and second-order decisions;
 two-way strategic integration where HRP operates both upstream to help shape
future strategic direction as well as downstream to support organisational goals in a
reciprocal relationship;
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 257

 horizontal integration where HRP operates to facilitate other HR initiatives and

develop coherence between them;
 HRP sensitivity and responses to planned change and unplanned change arising from
future uncertainties.
Summarised in ‘In Practice’ 7.5 and 7.6 are two HRP cases that illustrate the different
strategic connections that can be forged within the multi-dimensional model of strate-
gic integration. As you read the two In Practice boxes, think through which of the six
strands of strategic integration are evident in each case. This will form the basis of the
self-check and reflect question that follows them.

In Practice 7.5

Strategic HRP in a Chilean university library

Strategic HRP was introduced by a Chilean information organisation in the library system of the Pon-
tifical Catholic University of Chile (SIBUC) in order to achieve the organisation’s strategic objectives.
The HRP process adopted starts from the premise that the management of human resources needs
to be coherent with the library system’s strategic plan.
The starting point is SIBUC’s mission ‘to contribute to the attainment of academic excellence by
the university community of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile’ (Franco and Diaz, 1995: 15). To
achieve the mission, strategic objectives were developed for each of the organisation’s nine key man-
agement areas: human resources; users; management; image; financial resources; information and
bibliographic resources; technological support; physical resources; and suppliers. For example:
 Human resources. To have human resources with a service vocation, who are achievement ori-
ented, innovative, competent, informed and satisfied with their work in professional and financial
terms, interacting effectively in a disciplined working environment.
 Management. To attain an organization oriented to the user, which is innovative, rapid in response,
efficient, integrated, co-ordinated and austere, tending to the autonomy of its members, using a
participative management system with working groups and consultations.
 Suppliers. To have a close collaboration with suppliers, by means of a mutually beneficial commer-
cial relationship that ensures the efficient and timely provision of our services at the lowest
possible cost (Franco and Diaz, 1995: 19–20).

Using a SWOT analysis, current human resources were analysed in relation to the organisation’s
operating environment and its nine strategic objectives. The findings of the SWOT analysis were then
used to develop a suite of (six) human resource objectives and strategies designed ‘to improve on the
weaknesses, to take advantage of the opportunities, to diminish the threats and to maintain the
strengths’ of current human resources (Franco and Diaz, 1995: 21). The six HR objectives were:
 To have supervisors who are leaders who will permit the efficient attainment of strategic objectives.
 Staff who interact assertively and effectively with the user community, anticipating information
 To have a staff selection system that will permit the incorporation of achievement-oriented people
with innovative capabilities.

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258 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 Decrease rotation of librarians in the high rotation levels without deteriorating the relative positions
of the jobs.
 Promote self-instruction for professional development.
 Knowledge of the contribution of the present performance evaluation system to staff productivity
and job well-being’ (Franco and Diaz, 1995: 21–22).
Against each HR objective the following were developed: a strategy; a plan to achieve that strat-
egy; and a series of controls against which achievement of the strategy could be evaluated.
Source: Franco and Diaz (1995).

In Practice 7.6

The man who moved east to make rooms: a case of hard HRP?

When one of Silicon Glen’s biggest electronics manufacturers decided in 2001 to shut up shop in
Scotland and relocate to low-cost eastern Europe, it started another local company thinking. Michael
Shand, managing director of R.B. Farquhar, an Aberdeenshire-based maker of portable cabins and
prefabricated rooms for construction projects, did some swift sums. ‘I went on the internet, found
some figures for labour costs in the Czech Republic and calculated on the back of a fag packet
whether we could also produce there more cheaply,’ he says. ‘It looked very encouraging.’
He concluded then that labour costs for the manufacture of prefabricated bathroom pods, of the
type Farquhar supplies to hotel chains, would be about 75 per cent lower. In the event, the saving has
proved to be closer to 80 per cent. Three years after Mr Shand reached for the cigarette packet, Far-
quhar is winning significant orders from a new £3 million plant in the Czech Republic. Since coming
on stream last November, the plant has won orders worth about £12 million, including a £10 million
order from Travelodge, the budget hotel chain, for 3,000 pods.
Farquhar’s pods business, which is also served by a plant at Huntly in Aberdeenshire, is now grow-
ing at more than 25 per cent a year thanks to the new plant, which is already in profit – six months
earlier than Mr Shand had estimated. ‘It’s way ahead of our expectations,’ he says. ‘We can compete
now with any producer of prefabs anywhere in Europe.’
The board had considered acquiring a local company, entering a joint venture or building a green-
field plant, but after due analysis opted for the latter. A site for the plant was found in a region of
relatively high unemployment close to the German border. Mr Shand then went to the local labour
office and won support for a training scheme for 90 potential workers. Farquhar provided the materi-
als for the training scheme and the local authority paid the workers while they were being trained.
About half the trainees were taken on as the first batch of workers at the factory, which now employs
60 staff and is hiring five to ten new people each month. The company also benefits from the fact that
the Czech authorities pay half the wages of anyone joining the company from the unemployment list
for the first two years of their work.
But, rather than their cost, it is the quality of the Czech workforce that has most impressed Mr Shand
since the plant was completed last August. ‘We found the workers absolutely excellent. They’re respon-
sive, they have good skills, a good work ethic,’ he says. ‘We were very surprised and very pleased at
what we found. With no disrespect to our staff at home, they’re as good as anything in the UK.’ He also
points out that the Czech facility was never designed to replace Farquhar’s UK plant. ‘This was firmly
not about relocation. This was about opportunity and being more profitable,’ he says.
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 259

Nonetheless, he suggests that opening the Czech plant may have provided ‘a little bit of a wake-
up call’ to staff in the UK. Indeed, one unexpected result of opening an overseas plant has been the
effect on production at Huntly. In the UK plant, for instance, workers move around the steel-framed
pods as they are manufactured. In Chomutov, where it was easier to experiment with production
methods, the company tried putting the pods on wheels and moving them among teams of workers.
This cut working time per unit in the Czech plant by a fifth, so the practice is now being adopted in
the UK operation.
Source: Nicholson (2004: 11).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 7.4

For each of the above In Practice Cases answer the following question and justify
your answer with reference to case evidence:
 Which of the six strands of strategic integration are evident in the case company?

An example illustrating how the multi-dimensional framework of strategic integra-

tion can be applied to one SHRM lever, recruitment and selection, is provided in
Chapter 8. This demonstrates how the multi-dimensional nature of strategic integration
impacts on SHRM practice and will help you to apply the six strands of strategic inte-
gration to other SHRM levers covered in this book.
These different types of strategic integration can be applied to any HR activity to test
its strategic credentials. Logic would seem to dictate that the more fully an HR practice
reflects the different types of strategic integration over time the stronger its strategic cre-
dentials. However, the more strands of strategic integration that are woven into the HRP
tapestry quite clearly the more complex it becomes. Unfortunately the multi-dimen-
sional nature of strategic integration is not the only difficulty confronting practitioners
of HRP. The chapter now goes on to surface other sets of difficulties that can arise from
the process of strategy formulation itself as well as the context and realities of organisa-
tional life.

Potential pitfalls, posers and problems: the Pandora’s box

of HRP
Pandora’s box has come to mean any source of great and unexpected troubles. In Greek
mythology Pandora was given a box by Zeus but advised not to open it. She did, releas-
ing its contents, which represented the ills of the world, except for hope which was left in
the bottom of the box (Chambers, 1999). In previous chapters a number of problemati-
cal issues that are likely to be released upon those involved in practising HRP have
surfaced. The intention here is not to go through them all again at length but to provide
a brief bullet-point résumé of some of the main issues arising, leaving you to revisit ear-
lier chapters for a fuller account if necessary.
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260 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Table 7.6 The Pandora’s box of HRP: four different perspectives on the problems associated with HRP

The strategy jungle Contextual contingencies Cultural complexity ‘Humanness’ hiccups

 Questionable assumption  International differences  The strategic choice of  Assumptions of rationality

that organisational strategy and the problems the dominant cultural and unitarism adopt a
is: associated with viewpoint in multi-national managerialist view of the
 defined clearly
transnational transportation organisations: world and ignores or
 communicated clearly
of HR practices  polycentric plays down employee
 capable of clear  ethnocentric perspectives
 Sectoral differences with
definition  geocentric
different markets or  Employees, collectively or
 Questionable assumption  regiocentric
products sometimes individually, may oppose
that one organisation brought together in one  Managing integrating managerialist prescriptions
equates to one strategy: holding company spheres of cultures:  One size fits all HR
 first-, second- and  national
 Organisational differences prescriptions ignore
third-order strategies  regional
including: individual differences
 corporate, business unit  organisational
 size and technological
level strategies  Short-term focus militates
sophistication against the long-term focus
 Conflicting strategies  professional
 operating environments
that underpins investment
 Limitations of rational  managerial competence
in human capital
planning model of and sophistication  Organisational culture and
 Investment in employees
strategy formulation when  multiple structures change management:
is consistent with human
in reality it can be:  fluidity in structures  supportive or against?
resource issues being
 rational, deterministic  enabler or barrier?
 Organisational life cycles, regarded as central to
e.g., start-up; growth;  Problems of changing the organisation strategy
 ad hoc
maturity and decline culture itself whereas this may not be
(Kochan and Barocci, 1985)  Top-down versus bottom- the case in reality
 The temporal dimension up approaches to cultural  Managers may give low
and the challenge of alignment: which to priority to their HR role
change choose? responsibilities and/or
 Problems of definition and exclude the employee
whether in reality, an voice
organisation’s culture can  The political nature of
be managed. managerial decision-
making rather than
rational planning may
more closely approximate
organisational reality
Mills (1985) reports on the ‘International human ‘The Prudential did not try to ‘For HR Planning to be
views of one business resourcing is conducted turn itself from Reliable strategic it needs to take
executive who argues that within a multi-unit business Insurer to Online Bank – it place within an organization
talk of HRP should be vetoed organisation that operates in gave birth to Egg: new where human resource issues
when failures to even several countries, giving rise people, new approach, new are seen as central to
adequately conduct business to conflicts and tensions governance mechanics, and business strategy. However,
planning mean that effectively associated with the inherently instant new culture (Turner, this is not normally the case,
HRP is a non-starter political relationship between 2002: 66). certainly in the UK where
managements of the parent financial considerations are
company and its overseas invariably predominant (Liff,
subsidiaries’ (Walsh, 1999: 2000: 108)
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 261

Despite the daunting range of complexities summarised in Table 7.6, the Pandora’s
box of HRP has not yet been emptied of all but hope as there are at least two further dif-
ficulties particularly relevant to HRP practitioners left in the box that need to be
considered. First, there are limitations associated with techniques for forecasting labour
supply and demand. This element of HRP has been previously identified as being essen-
tial to gap analysis and the subsequent development and implementation of HR plans to
address mismatches between labour supply and demand. Despite the wide range of fore-
casting techniques available, they can often lack the precision necessary to be able to HR
plan with certainty. Further, some of the statistical techniques employed are well beyond
the capabilities and comprehension of many HR professionals.
Forecasting labour supply and demand has been identified as a central component of
manpower planning. The difficulties associated with some forecasting methods and the
questionable accuracy of the predictions generated contributed to the decline in interest
in manpower planning before the advent of HRP. A particular difficulty is that HRP
involves long-range planning, and reliability of forecasting generally diminishes as the
time horizon increases, so, whereas projections several months ahead may be reasonably
accurate, those over a three- to five-year timescale are likely to be less reliable (Mintzberg,
1994). Another difficulty with HRP, and a reason why it is sometimes shunned, is trying
to forecast the future in an increasingly changing world. In Practice 7.7 provides a flavour
of the forecasting headaches that can arise from the unplanned and unexpected, and
illustrate well the difficulties that can confront HRP in a dynamic environment. All the
examples are taken from events reported while writing this chapter.

In Practice 7.7

There may be trouble ahead!

In a deal between leadership of the Labour Party and trade unions, workplace rights will be extended
for millions of workers. A European Union directive designed to provide agency and temporary work-
ers with similar rights to those enjoyed by permanent employees had been opposed by the
government. The government’s decision to reverse its stance and withdraw its opposition will result in
a guarantee of an extra eight days’ holiday a year for millions of employees because under the direc-
tive employers will no longer be able to count Bank Holidays as part of the minimum entitlement to 20
days holiday per year (Grice and Clement, 2004).
Many companies are in danger of being ‘burnt by soaring oil prices’. The managing director of a
specialist glassmaker, where energy is the second highest cost after the wage bill, reported that the
best quotes obtained for new contracts for electricity and gas were up 51 per cent and 34 per cent
respectively. He said, ‘This equates to a cost increase of £600,000, which is over half our annual profit
prior to interest and tax.’ According to the Energy Intensive Users’ Group, manufacturers up and
down the country are telling similar stories (Koenig and Kemeny, 2004: 7).
Spain’s biggest bank, Santander Central Hispano, is set to announce a bid to take over Abbey
National, Britain’s sixth-largest bank, to create the world’s eighth-largest bank (Cave, 2004a). The
business analysts at Citigroup estimated that Santander would need to lay off 8,000 Abbey National
employees to achieve its £300 million synergy targets. However, they predict that 6,000 jobs will actu-
ally be cut in measures to bring processing staff, as a percentage of the total workforce, in line with
the ratio operating at Santander (Cave, 2004b).
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262 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

There has also been a tendency to equate forecasting with the quantitative dimension
of labour supply and demand to the neglect of the qualitative dimension. Forecasting
the qualitative dimension of labour is arguably even more difficult than quantitative
extrapolation. Consider for a moment the difficulties of pinning down the skills
involved in performing a task. Employees may perform jobs in subtly different ways and,
through exercising job control, may obscure relationships between skills and effective
job performance. There may also be mismatches between an employee’s actual skill base
and their willingness to exercise their skills in practice. Further, if employees are
involved in analysing the skills used in the performance of their job, they may conspire
to exaggerate their prowess, particularly if the exercise is related to pay determination.
This illustrates well the problematic and messy reality of organisational life as identified
in Table 7.6 (Liff, 2000).
A second set of further difficulties emerge around the ability of HR specialists to per-
form as business partners (Lawler and Mohrman, 2003). Two important related points
raised earlier are relevant here. An argument running throughout the chapter is that for
HRP to become a reality the centrality of HR issues to organisational strategy needs to
be recognised and acted on (Liff, 2000; Newell, 2002). However, as Liff (2000: 108) con-
cludes, ‘this is not normally the case’. The second point relates to the status and role of
the HR function within organisations. In order for HR issues to take centre stage and be
an integral component of organisational planning it has been argued that the head of
the HR function must have equal status with other heads of function and sit at top table
(Mabey and Iles, 1993; Greer, 2001; Turner, 2002). These two points are brought
together eloquently by Liff (2000: 108) who posits that ‘A factor which is arguably both a
symptom and cause of the lack of importance given to human resource issues is the tra-
ditionally low status of HR specialists.’ The development and successful implementation
of HRP is highly unlikely in an organisational context where HR issues are not regarded
as being of paramount importance.
This bleak scenario is consistent with the downstream HR role discussed earlier
which anticipates that, once strategy has been formulated, HR activities will at best be
directed to support its implementation. This creates a danger that HR practice will be
piecemeal and lack horizontal integration and effectiveness (Galpin, 1999). Despite
these dangers, recent research surveying how HR functionaries spend their time con-
firmed that their orientation and competence meant that traditional HR roles still
predominate, with little evidence of the role of business partner emerging (Lawler and
Mohrman, 2003). Of course, it may be the very competence of HR specialists and their
lack of strategic acumen that militates against their achievement of business partner
status (Greer, 2001; Beardwell, 2004). The devolvement of HR functions to line man-
agers anticipated by SHRM may compensate in part for this deficiency but this
presupposes the competence of those managers to perform strategically. The difficulty
here is that managerial orientation tends to be towards more immediate concerns rather
than longer-term planning, an orientation that may well be reinforced by reward man-
agement systems. The skill base of managers arguably reflects the needs of day-to-day
problem solving rather than strategic planning and encourages a focus on operational
issues (Greer, 2001). This leads to a somewhat circular argument where a strategically
oriented, interventionary HR presence is necessary to support line managers in their
planning roles but may well be absent, with the consequence that managers lack help in
moving from their short-term orientation.
The above analysis presents a formidable set of barriers and difficulties confronting
the effective practice of HRP and could well be sufficient to prevent HRP ever being
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 263

entertained by organisations. This is a possibility that is considered next but not before a
quick reminder that, according to Greek mythology, it should still be possible to find
hope residing at the bottom of Pandora’s box.

The HRP paradox: to plan or not to plan?

In one sense, a paradox arises from juxtaposing the benefits of HRP against the problem-
atic nature of its practice. On the one hand, claims that ‘the success of HRP is paramount
to the survival of the organisation’ (Parker and Caine, 1996: 30) have been examined.
Here it could be argued that the numerous benefits associated with HRP and its potential
role as the vital link between organisational strategy and HR strategy and practice sup-
port such claims. On the other hand, Parker and Caine’s (1996: 30) contention that ‘the
complexities associated with the planning process are enormous’ has also been consid-
ered. The problematic nature of strategic integration and the potential pitfalls, posers and
problems associated with HRP certainly give credence to their viewpoint and may con-
spire to inhibit its practice. This leads us to a position where it is difficult to establish
HRP as a vital connecting link because the strategic linkage is difficult to forge, i.e. the
reasons that argue for its adoption conspire to thwart its effective execution.
A more commonly identified paradox, however, arises specifically from the relation-
ship between HRP and the unpredictability of the future. This generates a dilemma that
has been captured by a number of commentators in Key Concepts 7.4.

Key Concepts 7.4

The HRP paradox

‘Is it realistic even to consider strategy, planning and forecasting in a dynamic and unpredictable
world?’ (Turner, 2002: 13).

‘It is sometimes implied that planning is irrelevant or misguided in a turbulent and increasingly
insecure environment’ (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2002: 278).

‘It is of course a paradox that as it becomes more difficult to predict and select, so it becomes
more necessary to do so’ (Bramham, 1988: 7).

Evidence of HRP: another rhetoric versus reality gap?

Earlier in the chapter it was pointed out that, relative to SHRM, little empirical research
has been conducted to establish the extent and nature of HRP (Lam and Schaubroeck,
1998; Liff, 2000; Beardwell, 2004) making it difficult to establish the significance it plays
in linking organisation and SHRM strategies and practice. However, analysing what
evidence there is leads us to four general conclusions. First, there is an optimistic
and pessimistic divide. Some research evidence can be found which indicates that the
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264 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

majority of organisations and HR/personnel managers are involved with HRP (Tyson
and Doherty, 1999; Millward et al., 2000), whereas other studies demonstrate little evi-
dence of HRP being practised (Lam and Schaubroeck, 1998; Wagner et al., 2000).
In Practice 7.8 provides a recent and costly example where operational inadequacies in
HRP appear to be evident in one of the UK’s most prominent businesses. The HRP diffi-
culties faced by British Airways also demonstrate internal (or horizontal) integration in
operation, albeit negatively, as issues around absenteeism, employee commitment,
employee development, employee relations, labour retention and turnover, recruitment
and selection, and reward management come together in a dangerous cocktail to thwart
day-to-day operational management.
Second, the survey methodology frequently adopted may lead to an exaggeration of
the incidence of HRP practice. Here, surveys sometimes reveal an organisational intent
to conduct HRP that, when subjected to more detailed case analysis, is found not to be
converted into practice (Liff, 2000; Beardwell, 2004). Third, building on this apparent
mismatch between organisational rhetoric and reality, HRP practice uncovered by

In Practice 7.8

What price HRP failures?

On Tuesday, normally the quietest day of the week, and for the second day running, British Airways
was forced to cancel more than 30 flights out of Heathrow airport. ‘BA bosses were forced to deploy
the lamest excuse in travel: staff shortage’ (Calder, 2004: 1). According to Calder (2004: 1) ‘the origin
of the chaotic scenes at Heathrow yesterday lies in a combination of low staff morale, absenteeism
and technical resources’, all of which represent dimensions of HRP.
On the day in question, 11 per cent of staff rostered on the morning shift failed to turn up for work.
This may have been partly the result of a deal to pay bonuses to baggage handlers, check-in and
ground staff who take less than the average annual sickness absence of 17 days. The deal, due to
take effect in October, was agreed the previous week to avert a threatened strike and, according to
one source, staff were ‘getting their retaliation in early, racking up the days off while they can’ (Calder,
2004: 1). It was also held that low staff morale was contributing to staff turnover as well as high levels
of absenteeism. According to Calder (2004: 1) efforts to tackle staff shortages will be too late, ‘BA is
recruiting and training replacement workers who start work next month after the summer peak, a
piece of timing described by the talk-radio host Mike Dickin as “like training Father Christmases in
January’’.’ One stranded passenger commented: ‘It’s a world-renowned company. They should have
the infrastructure in place to ensure they have adequate staff’ (Demetriou, 2004: 4).
Rod Eddington, BA’s chief executive, admitted ‘that staffing levels were inadequate to cope with
the number of travellers and that appropriate decisions were not taken at the right time’ (Simpkins,
2004: 3). BA has cut its workforce by 13,000 to 52,000 as part of his ‘Future Size and Shape’ strategy,
‘but the big fear is that BA has cut too much’ and that its ‘obsession with costs is starting to hit the
quality of service’ (Simpkins, 2004: 3).
BA is reportedly going ‘to give 17,500 staff two free tickets each to compensate them for stress
and inconvenience suffered during last week’s cancellations debacle at Heathrow’ at an estimated
cost of £4 million (O’Connell, 2004: 1). The full extent of the cost to BA will, however, only become
clearer when the impact of its troubles on future revenue can be gauged. ‘As Ms Baaske stated: “The
next time I will fly Lufthansa”’ (Demetriou, 2004: 4).
Sources: Calder (2004: 1, 4); Demetriou (2004: 4); O’Connell (2004: 1); Simpkins (2004: 3).
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 265

research evidence tends to be more focused at the operational rather than the strategic
level (Nkomo, 1988; Lam and Schaubroeck, 1998; Wagner et al., 2000; Beardwell, 2004).
Last, the research may be too constrained by rational prescriptions of HRP and in
searching for this may overlook evidence of HRP emerging from ad hoc, incremental
and more tentative efforts (Hendry, 1995; Beardwell, 2004) that are more associated
with a processual viewpoint.

HRP: the weakest link?

On balance, therefore, it is difficult to make a convincing case that HRP is alive and well
and the missing, or weakest, link perspective seems more than a distinct possibility.
Unfortunately there is little research evidence of substance to explain why this might be
the case, although the earlier review of the complexity of the process will no doubt sug-
gest a number of possible candidates. However, part of the problem may well be that
HRP is avoided because it cannot deliver certainty, whereas, as pointed out above, less
exacting expectations might demonstrate its utility and make less than perfect outcomes
acceptable. For example, Boxall and Purcell (2003: 232) argue that ‘it is vital to accept
that change is inevitable and that some preparation for the future is therefore crucial’.
Armstrong (2003: 367) stresses that even broad statements of intent can be used to
guide HR practice and are better than nothing at all. Returning to the paradox, it is
therefore possible to build up a case that, just because an uncertain future and the
dynamics of change make HRP both more complex and difficult, it does not render it
meaningless, but arguably makes it more necessary than ever (Liff, 2000). This has
echoes of the adage, to fail to plan is to plan to fail.
In the light of these realities, it seems that, rather than being seen as an anachro-
nism, human resource planning may now be more important than ever, and
remaining constantly aware of employees’ strengths and weaknesses and catering
for them in planning future needs should, therefore, form a primary thrust of human
resource management.
(Wagner et al., 2000: 384)

This perspective is also consistent with the earlier review of the work of Brews and
Hunt (1999) in Chapter 1 with respect to the processual approach to strategy and strat-
egy making. There it was argued that in a reversal of received wisdom they advocate
that more strategic planning is required in unstable environments and possibly less in
stable ones.

Forging the missing link

Can hope be found at the bottom of Pandora’s box?

Space does not permit an in-depth discussion of how each of the difficulties associated
with HRP, identified above, might be tackled in order to forge HRP as the vital connect-
ing link between organisational strategies and HR strategies and activities. The focus
here therefore concentrates on addressing four particular areas of difficulty that need to
be confronted if any hope of establishing HRP as such a link is to be realised.
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266 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Four key difficulties impeding HRP practice

The four areas of difficulty identified below have all been explored in some detail earlier
in the chapter and are therefore only summarised here. However, each area is sufficiently
significant such that, taken singularly or in combination, they can operate to thwart the
introduction of formalised HRP or threaten its effective practice. First, the rationalistic
presumption of strategy formulation places HRP in a downstream relationship relegat-
ing the importance of HR to a level far removed from that envisaged by SHRM. Second,
the lack of importance attached to HR and the low status frequently afforded to profes-
sional practitioners makes it difficult to challenge this presumption. Third are the
complications arising from the need for HRP to address both short- to medium-term
and long-term strategic concerns – the temporal perspective. These different time per-
spectives arguably demand different HRP approaches (Gratton, 1999). Fourth,
longer-term perspectives are difficult to sustain in an increasingly dynamic environment
where rapidly changing circumstances can frustrate and/or invalidate the best of plan-
ning intentions. Here it can be argued that change can make any static HR plans rapidly
obsolete and that forecasting future HR requirements is futile when organisations
cannot predict what lies over the horizon with any degree of certainty.

Potential routes towards effective HRP practice

In response, it is possible to identify at least four avenues that have the potential to
address the ‘key’ difficulties identified.

Elevating the credibility of HR and its specialist practitioners

The first potential avenue revolves around the status of HR and its practitioners. In a hos-
tile organisation environment the onus for improving the lot of HR will almost certainly
fall on its specialist practitioners. A possible way forward is for any HR function to
develop its own HR plan for increasing its competence, influence and strategic relevance,
while at the same time developing the HR capabilities of line managers to contribute to
HRP. This approach is referred to by Beardwell (2004: 178) as ‘micro-planning’. This
means that those responsible for HR must be proactive in getting their voice heard on
matters of strategy, even if they are not represented at board level. Where there is no rep-
resentation, Turner (2002) offers some practical guidelines to the HR function for getting
the board to take account of the people dimension in their deliberations:
 Become fully acquainted with corporate objectives and how the organisation’s board
of directors operates in order to provide the information necessary to plan strategies
for securing a higher profile for HR issues.
 Ask the board to sign off specific HR issues to raise their profile and secure greater
organisational commitment.
 Endeavour to get regular presentations on HR included on the agenda of board meet-
ings and include annual performance evaluations of the HR function.
 Lobby the chief executive to represent HR initiatives at board meetings.
 Lobby other board members to champion and/or support HR initiatives.
 Become technically proficient on complex and critical HR matters and seek acknowl-
edgement of this expertise as a way of gaining credibility and extending the sphere of
HR influence.
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 267

Such a proactive stance may not come naturally hence the need to HR plan the HR
function to ensure that, longer term, it can achieve its own strategic objectives. Indeed,
success for HRP at this micro, functional level might in itself go a long way to enhancing
the credibility and elevating the status of HR in the organisation and the profile of HRP
itself. It is also likely to help HR specialists hone their HRP skills, possibly to the subse-
quent wider benefit of the organisation. Without such a stance it is difficult to see how
two-way strategic integration will be achieved, a situation that leaves organisations vul-
nerable to strategic and operational failure because of its lack of attention to the people
dimension (Appelbaum and Gandell, 2003; Greer, 2001).

Flexible forecasting
The second potential avenue focuses on confronting the problematic nature of forecast-
ing in an increasingly uncertain and unpredictable world through contingency and
scenario planning. These approaches are ‘predicated on the assumption that if you
cannot predict the future, then by speculating on a variety of them, you might just hit
upon the right one’ (Mintzberg, 1994: 248). The two approaches are broadly similar,
although it could be argued that scenario planning is about identifying a number of
possible hypothetical positions and contingency planning is about producing HR plans
to match the different scenarios identified and their possible outcomes (Turner, 2002;
Beardwell, 2004). In Practice 7.9 provides some examples to illustrate these approaches.

In Practice 7.9

Examples of scenario and contingency planning

HRP might need to take account of uncertainties such as:

 extreme movements in the cost of commodities, energy and raw materials, e.g. oil, cement, etc.,
that drive up costs and product prices and lead to unanticipated adverse market conditions;
 political changes in government, economic direction and legislative priorities;
 enlargement of the European Community;
 major national disasters that have a global impact or adversely affect certain industries.
HRP might need to cater for different outcomes to a planned event, e.g. the establishment of an
autonomous, new business venture:
 the business launch goes to plan, meeting market projections and planned performance indica-
 the business launch far exceeds original market projection expectations with the consequence that
product or service demand cannot be met within current human resource capability;
 the business launch flops and leads to a public relations disaster for the parent company and a
position of chronic over-staffing;
 the planning permission necessary for a greenfield development to accommodate the new venture
is not granted.
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268 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

The importance of this type of contingent thinking is well illustrated by Manzini

(1988), who argued that:
Large sectors of our industry have plainly failed to anticipate possibly threatening
future events, and the impact such events would have on the organization. In fact,
many organizations even failed to plan appropriate action to address the ‘worst
case’ scenario, other than reacting after the fact by directing large-scale layoffs and
other ‘economies’ which should have been paid attention to in the first place.
(Manzini, 1988: 79)

However, despite their potential, scenario and contingency planning are not without
their problems. It is possible that, as the future unfolds, unplanned scenarios may still
emerge and such approaches demand an HRP sophistication or resource base likely to
be lacking in many organisations (Mintzberg, 1994). This places a stress on the need for
HRP to be a continuous process so that deviations from forecasts and plans can be rap-
idly identified and tackled.

Human resource flexibility

The third potential avenue approaches the problem of uncertainty and unpredictability
from a different direction in a way consistent with the resource-based view of the firm
by creating an adaptable and flexible workforce. Whereas scenario and contingency
planning attempt to anticipate threats and create a capacity to change HR plans even at
short notice, this approach is intent on building into the workforce the capacity to cope
with planned and unplanned change. It is unlikely that significant changes to HR plans
arising from a dynamic, changing environment could be managed effectively without a
flexible HR capacity. Under this approach a central strand of HRP becomes the cre-
ation of a flexible workforce that will enable adjustments to be made to the
strategy–HR link to reflect changing circumstances that could vary from incremental to
transformational change.
A number of possible routes for achieving this flexibility may come to mind. One
approach, perhaps as part of the ‘flexible firm’ construct, is to build functional and
numerical flexibility into the workforce. Another is to identify competences associated
with managing change and to embed them in the organisation through HR practices,
such as recruitment and selection (Chapter 8), performance management (Chapter 9),
human resource development (Chapter 10) and reward management (Chapter 11).
Indeed this might be developed to the point where the competences for change become
the core competences of the organisation (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990). The notion of
core competences was discussed in Chapter 1 as a facet of resource-based theory. Here, it
is argued more generally that in order to develop HR capability as a source of competi-
tive advantage management need to focus attention on developing organisational
structures, organising work, fostering cooperative relationships and ensuring consis-
tency of fair treatment to facilitate the development of this capability. HRP provides a
vehicle for management to do this irrespective of the competences to be developed and
supported. Yet another route to flexibility is through diversity management, as discussed
in Chapter 13.
These various routes can be brought together through the planning process. For
example Wright and Snell (1999) have developed a framework that sets out to reconcile
the potentially competing demands of strategic fit and flexibility. They argue that plan-
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 269

ning is necessary to ensure that the necessary HR practices, employee skills and
employee behaviours are in place to achieve both planned strategies and future flexibil-
ity in order to achieve effective organisation performance.

HRP as continuous process

The work of Wright and Snell (1999) shifts the focus to the HRP process itself. This is
the fourth and probably most important avenue for confronting the myriad of difficul-
ties associated with HRP. The argument here is that there is a need to develop HRP
processes that are continuous, not static, so that they have the capacity to inform strat-
egy formulation and provide an early warning system for when events begin to deviate
from plans. This enables contingency plans to be brought into effect or, in their absence,
adjustments made to HR plans to reflect the new reality. To achieve all of this it is likely
that HRP processes must involve all relevant stakeholders so that emerging threats and
opportunities are not overlooked. The stakeholders themselves need to be sufficiently
competent to add meaningfully to the HRP process, and senior managers must be open
to accepting inputs into the planning process and strategy formulation from all quarters.
Planning to achieve this might in itself be an example of the micro-planning referred to
earlier. It also necessitates a formalised and integrated feedback and evaluation mecha-
nism in order to surface deviations from plan and elicit changes in direction that
otherwise might be left to chance.
Wright and Snell’s (1999) framework referred to above, taken together with process
models produced by Ainsworth (1995), Gratton (1999) and Turner (2002), provides various
possible ways forward. To illustrate this potential the work of Gratton (1999) and Ainsworth
(1995) is summarised below.
Gratton (1999), using case study methodology, has mapped out relationships
between organisational strategy and employee performance. The ‘people process map’
developed by Gratton et al. (1999) is based on three propositions:
That the delivery of business strategy is most successful when linkage occurs on
three dimensions; that at the core of the linkage are a set of key clusters of
processes; and that the linkage between business strategy and these people
processes can vary from weak to strong.
Gratton (1999: 172)

The three dimensions of her strategic linkage are the, by now, familiar ones of vertical,
horizontal and temporal linkage, with the latter ensuring that both short- and long-term
strategic considerations receive due attention. Interestingly, she identifies different clusters
of people processes as being relevant to the achievement of short- and long-term strate-
gies. For short-term strategic linkage, objective setting, performance metrics, rewards and
short-term training are identified as being particularly relevant, whereas for long-term
linkage, leadership development, workforce development and organisational development
are identified. The strength of the linkage between organisational strategies and people
processes are assessed along a continuum. At one end, changes in people processes mirror
changes to organisational strategies, while at the other end there is, at worst, no relation-
ship between the two and, at best, ad hoc linkage. Through continual monitoring and
feedback, gaps between strategies and HR capability can be identified and people strate-
gies developed to redirect the people processes as necessary to address both short- and
long-term requirements. Taken together these relationships are captured below in an
adaptation of Gratton’s (1999: 185) ‘people process map’, as depicted in Figure 7.6.
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270 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Short-term cycle

Organisational strategies

People strategies

People processes
• Objective setting Scanning current (HR)
feedback and
• Performance metrics people capability
• Short-term training

strategies Gap analysis

People processes
• Leadership
development Stakeholder Scanning long-term
• Workforce feedback and people trends and
development evaluation capability
• Organisational

Organisational strategies

People strategies

Long-term cycle
Figure 7.6 The ‘people process map’
Source: after Gratton (1999).

Within the case companies studied, people process–strategy linkages were found to
be stronger within the short-term cycle and significantly weaker within the long-term
cycle. The main reasons put forward for this lack of long-term strategic linkage were ‘the
complexity of embedding these processes and the general short-term view of the com-
panies’ (Gratton, 1999: 195). Given the previous discussion this does not come as any
surprise but once again reinforces the difficulties associated with HRP.
In Practice 7.10 summarises an alternative HRP process developed by Zeneca Phar-
maceuticals. However, like Gratton’s (1999) ‘people process map’, it places heavy
emphasis on continual feedback and evaluation and also stresses the importance of
multi-stakeholder participation in an open and collaborative process.
It is now left to you, the reader, to reach your own conclusion on the extent to which
HRP can be viewed as either the vital link or the missing/weakest link between organisa-
tional strategies and SHRM.
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 271

In Practice 7.10

A window on HRP practice at Zeneca

The strategic HRP process developed at Zeneca Pharmaceuticals was in response to a need to move
the business from a relatively stable and centralised operation to one that could address the realities
of a rapidly changing business environment. Creative and innovative science, speed to market and
effective marketing were identified as the organisation’s critical success factors and it was accepted
that all three were dependent on HR excellence. At this time, however, although accountability for HR
had been increasingly devolved to line managers, the HR function had little previous strategic involve-
ment. In response to these contextual factors a rolling six-stage framework for devising strategic HR
plans with senior line management teams was developed and implemented.

Stage 1 – initial analysis by core team

For each particular line function, a core HR team analyses: the key HR implications arising from
each of the line function’s objectives; which HR activities or processes are vital to achieving those
objectives; and the extent to which the function is currently deploying those HR activities and
processes effectively.

Stage 2 – sharing the analysis with function head and agreeing key themes
The HR team present the function head with their analysis and its relationship to the business (not
function) strategy with a view to producing an HR plan for the function. During this process the func-
tion head may rework the core team’s analysis and conclusions.

Stage 3 – function head engages with (their) management team through existing business
processes to confirm key themes
The outcome of stage 2 is shared with the functional management team through one of their normal
business planning processes. Where possible, a current area of HR interest is used as a hook to facil-
itate line management involvement.

Stage 4 – work with management team to agree strategic plan

Key HR themes are worked up into a detailed HR plan for the future.

Stage 5 – implementation of plan

This is led by the line management with the support of the HR team.

Stage 6 – continual review of progress and currency of plan

Where possible the review is conducted through the same business planning process utilised at stage
3 and aims to integrate HRP and the HR function’s objectives with organisational objectives as they
change over time.
Source: Ainsworth (1995).
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272 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 HRP is the name given to formal processes designed to ensure that an organisation’s
human resource capability can support the achievement of its strategic objectives. It
involves forecasting the future demand for and supply of labour and drawing up HR
plans to reconcile mismatches between the two.
 When viewed as the vital link between organisation and HR strategies, HRP can be
regarded as a bridging mechanism fulfilling three vital roles: aligning HR plans to
organisational strategies to further their achievement; uncovering HR issues that can
threaten the viability of organisational strategies and thereby lead to their reformula-
tion; and acting in a reciprocal relationship with organisational strategies such that
HR issues become a central input into the strategy formation process.
 Numerous difficulties surrounding the practice of HRP may thwart its potential to
serve as the link between organisational strategy and SHRM practice. These difficul-
ties may be sufficient to lead organisations to abandon any thoughts of practising
HRP, may conspire to reduce the effectiveness of HRP practice, or may limit its appli-
cation to short-term, operational matters.
 Patchy and limited data on HRP practice points to its low level of take-up by organi-
sations leading to an alternative perspective of HRP as the missing or weakest link
between organisational and HR strategies. This leads to a paradox where the more the
complexities of organisational life warrant the establishment of HRP as the vital link
the more these complexities are likely to cause HRP to be cast aside to become the
missing/weakest link.
 Avenues for confronting operational difficulties and forging HRP as the pivotal
bridging mechanism between organisational strategy and SHRM practice focused on:
raising the profile of HR issues generally and the status and credibility of HR practi-
tioners particularly; using contingency and scenario planning to introduce flexibility
into the HRP process; building towards a flexible workforce that can manage the
vagaries arising from unplanned developments and an uncertain future; and develop-
ing an HRP process centred on continual review, evaluation and adaptation and
adopting a multi-stakeholder approach to make this a realistic possibility.

Follow-up study suggestions

 Access and read the cited articles of Miles and Snow (1984b) and Schuler and Jackson
(1987). Analyse the extent to which you believe their approaches to human resourcing
can be construed as HRP using the conceptual frameworks discussed in this chapter.
 Review Chapter 7 and determine what you believe are the key features of an effective
HRP process. Then, access and read the frameworks, maps and models developed
respectively by Ainsworth (1995), Gratton et al. (1999), Turner (2002) and Wright and
Snell (1999) and analyse these against the evaluative framework you have just created.
 Drawing on research methods literature, design a research project to test the extent to
which HRP is practised in UK organisations. Critique your research design to identify
its strengths and weaknesses.
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 273

 Access the international SHRM literature and identify and explore the key HRP issues
arising. Those wishing to conduct a deeper level of analysis can go on to complete
this task against the different organisation forms adopted by businesses operating
across national boundaries, i.e. multi-national; global; international; and trans-
national companies.
 Use the internet to explore the HRP practices of different ‘case’ organisations and develop
explanations that account for similarities and differences between their practices.

Suggestions for research topics

 How do the processes and practices of HRP vary between SMEs and large organisations?
 To what extent and how do organisations conduct longer-term HRP?
 How do HR professionals perceive their role in HRP? An exploration of the differ-
ences between their aspirations and perceptions of reality.
 How extensive is HRP in organisations? A survey of current HRP practice in the UK.
 Vive la difference! How do organisations based in different countries view the utility
of HRP? A comparative study of European HR practice.

Case Study
Human resource planning in mergers and acquisitions

The three cases outlined briefly below are drawn value-added outcomes arising from M&A are only
from the work of Salama et al. (2003) who are inves- likely to be realised if people from both organisations,
tigating changes and opportunities presented by and particularly their managers, have both the will and
mergers and acquisitions (M&A) involving compa- the ability to work collaboratively. They argue that ‘The
nies within related industries but which cross key to integration is to obtain the participation of the
national boundaries. Such M&A frequently bring people involved without compromising the strategic
together people of diverse cultural backgrounds task’ (Salama et al., 2003: 313). This represents a criti-
which create the potential either to enhance com- cal agenda for HRP. One approach here would be to
petitive advantage or to derail the M&A process and minimise the difficulties by establishing cultural com-
lead to its subsequent failure. patibility as one important criterion for selecting
Their research provides an interesting counterpoint possible M&A candidates. However, as exemplified in
to the literature that emphasises how inappropriate Chapter 6, a more realistic scenario is that cultural dif-
integration strategies contribute to the high failure rate ferences will exist and need to be managed. This
of M&A (see In Practice 7.1). In contrast, they report scenario is a feature of all three cases and underpins
on three M&A success stories and have focused on their interest in integration strategies designed to
researching the integration processes adopted to encourage: tolerance of diversity; organisational learn-
maximise potential synergies and minimise the poten- ing; knowledge transfer; and acculturation (culture
tial negative effects of cultural differences between the change resulting from the interaction of different
organisations involved. Their central argument is that organisational cultures).
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274 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Deutsche Bank and Bankers Trust  redundancy packages incorporating incentives

Deutsche Bank was in the process of strategic for ‘redundant’ Bankers Trust employees to
transformation from a German bank to a global work through until the acquisition process was
organisation but lacked sufficient presence in the completed;
USA. It acquired Bankers Trust to address this and  incentive schemes to encourage ‘key’ Bankers
was particularly interested in the investment bank Trust staff (only) to commit to the new organisation
Alex Brown acquired by Bankers Trust two years in order to avoid damaging employee turnover.
earlier. The success of the acquisition has been
largely attributed to the pre-integration period or British Petroleum (BP) and Amoco
‘courting phase’ (Salama et al., 2003: 316). Here, The merger between two large British and US petro-
during the due diligence period (the period of time leum companies has been hailed as a success by its
between announcing and closing the M&A deal), an managers because it was achieved faster and created
independent cultural assessment exercise was greater synergy than forecast. As with Deutsche Bank,
commissioned by Deutsche Bank senior manage- the management of the pre-merger phase was seen
ment. The cross-organisational perceptions of as crucial to this success. This involved the creation of
employees revealed that: an integration team who used the due-diligence
 Deutsche Bank employees did not feel the period to assess the potential synergies that could be
acquisition of Bankers Trust would enhance their produced by combining head offices and merging
business; operating divisions (e.g. finance, HR).
Managing the post-merger ‘marriage phase’
 the integration of Alex Brown and Bankers Trust
revolved around five areas:
had not been managed effectively, causing inter-
nal conflict and a loss of identity among Alex 1. Integrating areas of duplication where, continuing
Brown employees; the marriage analogy, partners analysed and dealt
 Bankers Trust felt that Deutsche Bank typified with duplication of assets brought into the marriage
the traits of bureaucracy, hierarchy and slow and worked from current patterns of behaviour to
decision-making that they associated with develop and pursue desired behaviours.
German companies. 2. Appointing into managerial roles in a way that
creates opportunities for employees from both
These findings led senior management to:
constituent companies. Here, for example, the
 enhance employee communication to close what top 500 appointments in the new company were
was perceived to be a validity information gap by sourced 60 per cent from BP and 40 per cent
sharing the rationale behind the acquisition; from Amoco, directly in line with their respective
 name the merged company in the USA The share of the business.
Deutsche Bank-Alex Brown Investment Bank to 3. Integrating systems and processes on the basis of
reinforce the brand identity that was one of the what was considered to be best practice across
prime moves behind the acquisition in the first the constituent companies. Here integrating HR
place (this led to the perception among Alex processes, such as job grading and remuneration
Brown employees that they had been rescued management, were particularly problematic not
from Bankers Trust by Deutsche Bank); because of any technical complexity but because
 start challenging the prevailing Deutsche Bank of strong emotional attachments of employees to
working values and embracing alternative ones. their HR heritage.
4. Building a new corporate culture where regular
During the ‘integration phase: the “marriage”’
meetings of the top managers were used to
(Salama et al., 2003: 316) a number of HR initiatives
explain the operating philosophy of BP and to
were introduced to facilitate organisational integration:
encourage socialisation and the breakdown of
 the establishment of an integration team, com- barriers between BP and Amoco managers.
prising key executives, charged with making the 5. Regular monitoring of employee attitudes as the
tough integration decisions, one of which was merger unfolded so that managerial action could
the decision to ‘strip out’ those parts of Bankers be directed towards influencing their ‘hearts and
Trust that could not be integrated into the new minds’ and obtaining full commitment to the new
business; company.
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Chapter 7 Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link? 275

Volvo and Ford The due-diligence period focused on exploring

This merger between a large Swedish organisation the potential for financial synergies. Cultural issues
and huge Anglo-Saxon corporation had to confront were not explored at this time, but immediately after
many cultural differences between the two. Employ- the merger was finalised an integration team com-
ees perceived Volvo as operating within a prising 18 matched pairs of Ford and Volvo
decentralised and participative management philoso- executives was formed. They were tasked to work
phy where teamwork and devolved decision-making together on an equal basis to establish further syn-
were the accepted norm and where personal credi- ergies in specified areas such as marketing,
bility was derived from expertise not position in the purchasing and research. The integration team was
organisation hierarchy. These characteristics were seen as an important vehicle for overcoming cul-
reflected in the management of industrial relations tural differences.
where union representatives and management Source: Salama et al. (2003).
worked closely together to improve business per-
formance. In contrast, Ford was perceived as highly
structured and hierarchical, with status differentials Case study questions
between blue- and white-collar workers and with a
more confrontational industrial relations climate. For 1. Compare and contrast the three outline cases
Volvo employees, the transition was also more from an HRP perspective. What are the main
marked as they moved from a position where Volvo similarities and differences between them?
represented 51 per cent of the previous AB Volvo 2. If you had been responsible for the HRP dimension
group to where it represented only 8 per cent of of each of the three merger situations which do
Ford’s total business. you think was handled most effectively and why?
Structural re-organisation was a key outcome of
3. If you had been responsible for the HRP
the mergers. Two major divisions were created. The
dimension of each of the three merger situations
first brought the premium products under one roof
what would you have done differently and why?
(Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin and Volvo) – the
Premium Automotive Group. The second, Ford 4. Critically evaluate the HRP process and practice
Cars, covers the more traditional, mass-market evident in the three cases against the subject
product offerings. content of the chapter.
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Strategic recruitment and selection:

8 Much ado about nothing?

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 provide an underpinning rationale in support of the development and

practice of strategically integrated recruitment and selection;
 identify and explain the major features of strategic recruitment and
selection, and summarise these through an explanatory model;
 analyse how recruitment and selection can be developed to fit a variety of
strategic scenarios using illustrative examples to support your analysis;
 explain how recruitment and selection practice can be shaped to
accommodate the demands of strategic change and unplanned change
arising from an uncertain future;
 evaluate evidence to determine the extent of strategic recruitment and
selection practice;
 account for the apparent mismatch between the rationale for strategic
recruitment and selection and the paucity of evidence of its practice.
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 277

The focus of this chapter is on how recruitment and selection practice can be devel-
oped in support of SHRM to apply strategic leverage in organisations. The chapter
begins by developing a rationale for the adoption of a strategic approach to recruit-
ment and selection by organisations. However, irrespective of how persuasive this
rationale might be, there is limited evidence of the adoption of strategic recruitment
and selection by organisations. This lack of organisational take-up and the problem-
atic nature of the concept and how it can be put into practice are important
challenges confronting the development of strategic recruitment and selection.
Unfortunately, despite passing reference to strategic recruitment and selection in
mainstream texts, there is little detailed development of the concept or reported evi-
dence of its practice in academic journals, as illustrated in Key Concepts 8.1.

Key Concepts 8.1

Food for thought?

In the 1980s and 1990s the occasional chapter dedicated to strategic recruitment and selection could
be found in mainstream HR texts (see, for example, Borucki and Lafley, 1984; Miller, 1984; Evenden,
1993; Lundy and Cowling, 1996; Williams and Dobson, 1997). Now, most chapters on recruitment and
selection in mainline HR texts make some reference to strategic perspectives (see, for example, Iles,
2001; Bratton and Gold, 2003; Beardwell and Wright, 2004). However, such references tend to be cur-
sory in nature and this, together with the lack of coverage of strategic recruitment and selection in
academic journals, suggests that research into the subject is somewhat sparse. When strategic recruit-
ment and selection does get a mention it tends to be buried in a wider management or HR investigation.
In April 2004 a search of the Emerald Fulltext database using strategic recruitment and selection
as the search words was conducted. One thousand and forty-nine hits were scored but only one
bull’s-eye. Only one article title directly referred to the subject domain (Petrovic and Kakabadse,
2003). Further searches of four management and social sciences databases provided one further hit
(Millmore, 2003) which is reported on in ‘In Practice’ 8.11, later in this chapter.

In order to address these issues, the chapter goes on to discuss the nature of strategic
recruitment and selection and develops its principal characteristics into a conceptual
framework and associated model. This is followed by a discussion on how the principles
of strategic recruitment and selection might be applied to a multi-dimensional interpre-
tation of strategic fit. This includes, as a further section, how strategic recruitment and
selection can be applied to support strategic change specifically and to managing change
more generally.
The final two sections review the extent of strategic recruitment and selection prac-
tice and analyse why evidence points to its low level of take-up by organisations.
The chapter themes identified above have been captured in a series of questions and
correspondingly mapped in Figure 8.1:
1. What is the rationale for strategic recruitment and selection?
2. What is strategic recruitment and selection?
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278 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

What is SR&S? Applying the Why the

Towards a principles of rhetoric of
The rationale Evidence of
conceptual SR&S to SR&S may be
behind SR&S SR&S practice
framework and different types running ahead
model of strategic fit of the reality

Aligning SR&S to corporate strategy

Aligning SR&S to organisational structures

Aligning SR&S to functional strategies

SR&S as a driver of strategy formation

Aligning SR&S to other HR activities

SR&S and managing change

Figure 8.1 Mapping the strategic recruitment and selection (SR&S) territory: a summary diagram of the chapter content

3. How can strategic recruitment and selection be applied in practice?

4. How feasible is strategically aligned recruitment and selection in a changing world?
5. How extensive is strategic recruitment and selection practice?
6. What might account for the mismatch between the rhetoric and reality of strategic
recruitment and selection?

What is the rationale for strategic recruitment and selection?

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 8.1

Imagine that you work as an HR officer for a company that is unhappy with the
effectiveness of its current recruitment and selection practice. You have been
asked to write a paper presenting a rationale for the development and subse-
quent implementation of strategic recruitment and selection.
Before you read on, take five minutes to think through the main arguments that
you would use to structure such a paper. Write them down in note form. If you
have already read Chapters 1, 2 and 7 you should find these helpful in developing
your ideas.
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 279

Self-Check and Reflect Questions

Advance warning!
At the end of this section the following Self-Check and Reflect Question is posed:
What potential features emerge from your reading of the section ‘What is the
rationale for strategic recruitment and selection?’ that you would expect to be
incorporated into the development of a conceptual framework of strategic recruit-
ment and selection?
You might therefore find it helpful to bear this question in mind as you read and
try to identify emergent themes as you go along.

If the mantra of HRM is accepted then human resources represent an organisation’s

most valuable asset. From this perspective it can be argued that an organisation’s human
resource capability is a core competence and major source of competitive advantage.
However, while this may be true for many organisations the discussion of the resource-
based view of the firm in Chapter 1 pointed to how other resources, for example brands
or capital stock, could also fulfil this role. Notwithstanding this rider to the HRM per-
spective, an organisation’s human capital will still represent a critical resource because of
its capacity to exploit these other resources for strategic advantage.
Against this backdrop it is easy to identify the importance recruitment and selection
has in sourcing an organisation with employees capable of delivering sustainable com-
petitive advantage. Although only one of a bundle of human resourcing practices, it has
been argued that recruitment and selection lies at the very centre of human resourcing
in organisations. The importance attached to recruitment and selection is evident in the
assertion that appointment decisions are some of the most crucial ones ever taken by
employers (IRS, 1991) and summarised neatly by Newell (2005: 141): ‘if we get the
wrong people in the organisation there will be problems’. However, this arguably shifts
recruitment and selection practice from its traditional, narrow focus on identified job
vacancies to a broader organisation concern to secure strategic leverage. The essence of
the strategic variant is that recruitment and selection practice is driven by its alignment
with organisational strategies rather than the immediate needs of specific job vacancies.
The strategic importance of recruitment and selection is given sharp focus by a
number of writers. For example, Sparrow and Hiltrop (1994: 315) argue that recruit-
ment, selection and assessment are central practices that ‘provide the organization with
a powerful basis for influencing and organizing human behaviour in line with the strate-
gic direction of the organization’. Williams and Dobson (1997: 242) arguably go further
in their hypothesis:
that where SHRM strategies in general and selection specifically are coherent and
aligned to current and future business strategy, personnel selection will make a sig-
nificant contribution to organizational performance.

In making the shift in direction it begs the question as to whether traditional

approaches to recruitment and selection can deliver the necessary strategic focus. Over
many years, organisational recruitment and selection practice has evolved into a rela-
tively standardised approach frequently labelled as ‘traditional’ (Newell and Shackleton,
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280 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

2001: 24). This traditional approach has its roots in a psychometric model where organ-
isational effort is directed at matching the different attributes of individuals to the
different demands of specific jobs in order to establish a person–job fit (Newell, 2005).
The psychometric tradition of recruitment and selection translates the process into a
systematic sequence of activities as outlined in Key Concepts 8.2.
The limitations of this approach are that the stages of recruitment and selection and
any subsequent evaluation of its effectiveness are prescribed by the demands of specific
jobs rather than the strategic imperatives of the organisation. To shift recruitment and
selection practice towards a strategic focus arguably requires the features of the psycho-
metric tradition to be adapted to meet broader organisational concerns. How this might
be achieved, both conceptually and in practice, are discussed in the next three sections.
The interrelated nature of the arguments presented immediately above has been illus-
trated in Figure 8.2.
Drawing on the above analysis it is possible to summarise the rationale for strategic
recruitment and selection by reference to a series of propositions contained within the
strategic management and human resource literature (Key Concepts 8.3).

Key Concepts 8.2

Essential features of the psychometric tradition of recruitment and selection

1. Jobs are analysed and defined in terms of their tasks and responsibilities (job description).
2. Human attributes associated with effective job performance are identified and assembled into a
profile of the ideal candidate (person specification).
3. Jobs are marketed to attract applicants who fit the person specification (recruitment).
4. Applicants are assessed and profiled against the person specification using a variety of measures
5. Candidates are selected on the basis of the match between their personal profile and the person
specification (offer/rejection decision).
6. Job performance of appointed candidates is measured to establish effectiveness of the recruit-
ment and selection process (evaluation).
Source: adapted from Newell (2005: 142).

Key Concepts 8.3

The rationale for strategic recruitment and selection – summary propositions

 Organisation behaviour should be increasingly directed towards the strategic pursuit of competi-
tive advantage (Porter, 1985).
 The strategic pursuit of competitive advantage involves matching resources to the long-term direc-
tion of the organisation (Johnson and Scholes, 2002).
 Human resource competence represents an important element of resource capability (Thornhill
et al., 2000) and is regarded by many as an organisation’s most important asset (e.g. Bratton and
Gold, 2003).
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 281

 Human resource management incorporates, as its principal feature, the alignment of HR practice
with corporate strategy (e.g. Bratton and Gold, 2003).
 Recruitment and selection lies at the centre of human resourcing within organisations (Newell, 2005).
 Traditional approaches to recruitment and selection are ill-equipped to contribute to the strategic
pursuit of competitive advantage (Thornhill et al., 2000).
 Strategically directed recruitment and selection has the potential to make a significant contribution to
organisational performance and the pursuit of competitive advantage (Williams and Dobson, 1997).


HR capability as
core competence

People as an organisationí s

most valuable asset


Strategically integrated
recruitment and selection

Recruitment and selection

viewed as central HR


Figure 8.2 Why bother with strategic recruitment and selection? An interrelated rationale
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282 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 8.2

What potential features emerge from your reading of the section ‘What is the
rationale for strategic recruitment and selection?’ that you would expect to be
incorporated into the development of a conceptual framework of strategic recruit-
ment and selection?

What is strategic recruitment and selection? Towards a

conceptual framework and model of strategic recruitment
and selection

This section commences with a brief discussion of the seemingly straightforward rela-
tionship between strategy and recruitment and selection in order to generate an initial
understanding of the concept of strategic recruitment and selection. The shortcomings
of this opening position will then be exposed through reference back to Chapters 1 and
7 where a more detailed examination of the notion of strategic integration (or fit)
revealed its true complexity. This will lead into a more in-depth exploration of how to
develop strategic recruitment and selection practice from which a conceptual frame-
work and model of the process is developed. What will become apparent is that the
movement of recruitment and selection from its psychometric traditions to a strategic
approach does not involve the proverbial ‘throwing out the baby with the bath water’. It
will be seen that while some fundamental differences exist, in other respects strategic
recruitment and selection builds on many of the features of the psychometric approach.

Strategic recruitment and selection: an opening position

The central tenet of strategic recruitment and selection is its strategic thrust, where the
suitability of potential recruits is defined by reference not only to specific job require-
ments but also to broader strategic concerns. Not surprisingly, this strategic thrust is
captured in definitions of the concept. For example, Lundy and Cowling (1996: 240)
argue that:
If organisation selection is informed by the organisation’s environment, linked to
strategy, socially responsible, valid, periodically evaluated and maintained by knowl-
edge of leading theory and practice, then selection is, indeed, strategic.

Their definition not only emphasises strategic integration but also points to other cri-
teria that might need to be incorporated into a more demanding interpretation of the
concept of strategic recruitment and selection. However, before examining such criteria
in more depth the fact that this opening position throws little light on the nature of
strategic integration, thereby masking its inherent complexity, is addressed. To do this,
the multi-dimensional nature of strategic integration is reviewed briefly. This is neces-
sary in order to understand the different types of strategic fit that need to be
incorporated into strategically driven recruitment and selection.
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 283

The multi-dimensional nature of strategic integration

In Chapter 1 (and reinforced in Chapter 7) the notion of strategic integration and its
multi-dimensional nature was explored. Without claiming to have covered all the angles
it was demonstrated that strategic fit could relate to: different levels within a strategic
hierarchy comprising first-, second- and third-order strategies; two-way, downstream
and upstream relationships; internal, or horizontal, integration between HR activities;
and strategic change and future uncertainties. These six strands of strategic integration
were captured in Key Concepts 1.4 and Figure 1.3 and a quick look back at these will
help to reinforce the multi-dimensional nature of strategic integration. These six strands
of strategic fit have been related to recruitment and selection immediately below:
 Recruitment and selection responses to first-order strategic decisions (downstream,
vertical or external integration).
 Recruitment and selection responses to second-order strategic decisions (down-
stream, vertical integration).
 Recruitment and selection responses to third-order strategic decisions (downstream,
vertical integration).
 Recruitment and selection as an influencer of future strategic direction (upstream,
vertical integration).
 Recruitment and selection responses to facilitate other HR initiatives (horizontal or
internal integration).
 Recruitment and selection responses to planned change and future uncertainties.
In Figure 1.3 the complex strategic context of SHRM was captured with recruitment
and selection clearly identified as one of a bundle of human resourcing activities. In
terms of recruitment and selection, this begins to explain the nature of the strategic link
identified by Purcell (1995: 63) but still falls short of explaining how that link will be
realised and developed in practice in order to achieve the demands of strategic integra-
tion. The chapter now goes on to address these remaining matters and later sections
takes each of the six strands of strategic integration and demonstrates how they can be
supported by recruitment and selection practice.

How can strategic recruitment and selection practice be

In Figure 8.3 the key features of strategic recruitment and selection are brought together
in a model of the process.
The model captures the primary and secondary features underpinning strategic
recruitment and selection. It also shows how HRP can be used as a linking mechanism
between different orders (or levels) of organisational strategies and strategic recruitment
and selection. The chapter now goes on to discuss the primary and secondary features
depicted in the model.

Primary features of strategic recruitment and selection

Strategic recruitment and selection starts from the premise that an organisation’s work-
force makes a significant contribution to the achievement of both short-term and
long-term strategic goals. The quality of an organisation’s workforce is, in part, a func-
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284 Part 2 Strategic Interventions



HR IMPLICATIONS Strategic integration
Human resource planning
2ND-ORDER: 3RD-ORDER: Long-term perspective



PLANNING Front-loaded investment model
Rigorous evaluation
Recruitment and selection Sophisticated selection
Human resource development Multi-stakeholder involvement
Performance management
Employee relations
Diversity management
Reward management
Health and safety, etc

Figure 8.3 Strategic recruitment and selection: an explanatory model

Source: Millmore (2003: 92).

tion of the recruitment and selection process. The concern to meet current and future
strategic requirements as well as facilitating organisational adaptation to cope with
future uncertainties represents the starting point for a model of strategic recruitment
and selection.
Millmore and Baker (1996) not only reinforce the links between recruitment and
selection and corporate strategy but also begin to suggest how organisational strategies
can be translated into recruitment and selection practice. For them strategic recruitment
and selection occurs when practice is aligned with and integrated into the strategic plan-
ning process of organisations and involves the translation of mission statements and/or
strategic plans into those employee attributes which are seen to be critical to their suc-
cessful attainment. This provides a long-term focus where the intention is to develop
recruitment and selection practice to source an organisation with those attributes
deemed critical to its future success.
The emerging themes of strategic integration, identification of employee attributes
necessary to service strategic goals and the adoption of a long-term focus are embedded
in Miller’s (1984) discussion of strategic staffing. He argues that it is essential to inte-
grate recruitment and selection practice with business planning in order to staff the
organisation with people who can best deliver its corporate strategy over the long run.
This involves forecasting the human resource requirements necessary to ensure the suc-
cessful implementation of an organisation’s strategic plans and developing a range of
staffing programmes and activities to find such people.
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 285

When compared to the ‘traditional, systematic approach’ (Wright and Storey, 1997:
211) the strategic variant has: a different starting point; is geared to longer-term consider-
ations; and requires a bridging mechanism between strategy and recruitment and
selection practice. Here, consistent with the concept of internal integration (Mabey and
Iles, 1993), recruitment and selection is one of a number of integrated HR activities
designed to deliver an organisation’s strategic objectives rather than an isolated activity
conducted in a vacuum (Millmore and Baker, 1996). For strategic recruitment and selec-
tion the starting point is not a job vacancy but the strategic objectives of the organisation
which must be translated into the personal attributes required to achieve this strategy.
This shifts the focus of recruitment and selection away from fitting the person to the job
to fitting the person to the organisation or fitting the job to the person once recruited
(see, for example, Bowen et al., 1991; Beaumont and Hunter, 1992; Lawler, 1994). Here
the HR requirements of an organisation are sometimes expressed as a common set of
core values and/or competencies which are used to drive recruitment and selection and
other related human resource practices (e.g. Cockerill, 1989; Sparrow, 1994). This is not
dissimilar to the approach adopted by TGI Fridays as described in ‘In Practice’ 8.1.

In Practice 8.1

Strategic recruitment and selection at TGI Fridays

TGI Fridays is based on the American bar and diner concept, portrayed humorously in the US sitcom
Cheers. It occupies a lead position in the themed dining market and actively pursues premium brand
status. Within its niche market it aims for higher than average repeat business and customer spend.
Central to this is the service performance of staff who are expected to achieve successful encounters
with customers through offering a personal service within the context of a highly standardised busi-
ness operation. This creates a tension between standardisation and customisation that has to be
addressed through all business areas, including SHRM strategies.
Operating within tightly specified performance standards, employees are expected to take respon-
sibility for customer satisfaction through:
 meeting unusual service requests;
 resolving customer complaints; and
 delighting customers.
This requires the interpersonal competence to adjust to varying clientele needs ranging from enter-
tainment through showmanship to respecting customer space and managing conflict.
When researching employee empowerment at TGI Fridays, Lashley (2000) witnessed first-hand
spontaneous examples of its service ethic performed by employees without management direction.
On one occasion, during dinner, a succession of ‘Dub-Dubs’ (TGI Fridays speak for waiting staff)
came and tied balloons to the chair of a highly amused young woman celebrating her birthday. On
another, at a hen party, eight front of house and kitchen staff gathered around to sing ‘I’m getting
married in the morning’.
Recruiting and selecting against these role demands is arguably complicated in the UK by the lack
of service ethic where, according to one TGI Fridays executive, too often service means servile. Not
surprisingly, the organisation invests heavily in recruitment and selection procedures. These can
include multiple interviews, psychometric testing and something tantamount to auditioning where
candidates have to perform or act out role-play situations. The emphasis is primarily on recruiting
staff with the right personality and is supported by front-loaded investment in training to develop
operational skills.
Source: Lashley (2000).
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286 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

To achieve the degree of integration between SHRM practice and strategy discussed
above requires a bridging mechanism. As discussed in Chapter 7, the translation of cor-
porate plans into human resource requirements and planned actions to deliver those
requirements is the province of formalised human resource planning (HRP) (Rothwell,
1995; Iles, 2001). For Miller (1984) HRP is central to the HR function’s development
and implementation of recruitment and selection strategy.
It is not the intention to repeat the HRP content of Chapter 7 here but simply to
remind you of its bridging potential. In a discussion that centred on HRP as the vital
link between HR practice and organisational strategy, a two-way relationship was estab-
lished. It was explained how HRP has both the potential to act as a downstream support
mechanism geared to ensure that the necessary HR capabilities are in place to help
realise organisational strategy and a shaping role where it operates as part of the strategy
formulation process.
Based on the foregoing discussion of strategic recruitment and selection, it is possible
to delineate three primary features of the concept:
 strategic integration;
 a long-term perspective; and
 the use of HRP as the bridging mechanism between organisation strategies and
recruitment and selection practice.

Secondary features of strategic recruitment and selection

If the above primary features are developed to their logical conclusion, two consequen-
tial, interdependent outcomes arise. First, recruitment and selection acquires greater
organisational importance and, second, it becomes more sophisticated and complex.
When getting it right is evaluated against broader strategic concerns, the recruitment
and selection process arguably becomes much more important than where it simply
relates to satisfying more immediate job needs. However, the complex demands gener-
ated by such a strategic focus are likely to lead to more diverse and exacting personnel
specifications. This in turn will require a greater array of recruitment and selection prac-
tices to be deployed in order to meet organisational staffing requirements. Under these
circumstances the challenge for recruitment and selection is to develop and assess
against composite personnel specifications, addressing the needs of specific job require-
ments, group and organisation fit for both now and in the future.
These consequential outcomes of strategically driven recruitment and selection have
the potential to impact significantly on organisational practice in a number of particular
ways. First, the perceived critical role of recruitment and selection and concern to get it
right is likely to lead to a front-loaded investment model. Here the assumption is that
up-front investment in recruitment and selection is made with the objective of recruit-
ing the ‘right’ competences first time rather than investing later in rectifying ‘poor’
selection decisions and is exemplified by practice documented in inward investment
companies such as Nissan and Toyota (Storey and Sisson, 1993) and a number of UK
companies (Cockerill, 1989).
Second, the greater financial expenditure demanded by a front-loaded investment
model will almost certainly lead to concerted calls for its effectiveness to be more rigor-
ously evaluated. Full evaluation would include the assessment of the reliability and
validity of the personnel specification, the selection methods utilised and the contribu-
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 287

tion recruitment and selection makes to the attainment of strategic objectives (Lawler,
1994). Third, heavy investment in the process, the consequential emphasis on getting ‘it’
right and the demands of a more complex and diverse person specification will necessi-
tate the use of a greater array of selection methods to assess potential recruits (Evenden,
1993; Bratton and Gold, 2003) in order to deliver acceptable levels of reliability and
validity. Fourth, the complex and critical nature of strategic recruitment and selection
makes untenable the limited stakeholder involvement associated with the traditional
variant and arguably demands a multi-stakeholder approach. Consistent with the social
exchange view of recruitment and selection, the strategic model places much more
emphasis on securing the active participation of relevant stakeholders within a more
open decision-making framework. There is a concern throughout to provide a realistic
preview of the job, role and organisation context to enable candidates to match their
aptitudes and interests, etc. against any vacancy and thereby enable self-selection
(Lawler, 1994). In addition the selection process itself will also be constructed with due
regard to the impact it, and the decisions emanating from it, can have on the future lives
of candidates and other organisation members. This leads naturally to the involvement
of those who have a direct investment in any appointment, for example subordinates,
peers and service providers as exemplified in ‘In Practice’ 8.2.
This analysis clearly positions these features as a natural corollary of strategically
integrated recruitment and selection. As such they may be regarded as a set of secondary
features that are needed to support the three primary features in order to achieve strate-
gic recruitment and selection. However, it has to be accepted that they could just as
easily be present as elements of good, professional practice within the psychometric tra-
dition of recruitment and selection. Therefore on their own these features are not
sufficient to evidence strategic recruitment and selection because they might be operat-
ing in a strategic vacuum. It is only when they are allied to the three, necessary, primary
features that their strategic significance becomes apparent. Despite their centrality to
strategic recruitment and selection, on their own the three primary features do not actu-
ally staff the organisation with effective recruits. To do this requires, in addition, the
operation of the secondary features.

In Practice 8.2

Recruitment and selection at Pret a Manger

Pret a Manger is in the business of making and serving coffee and sandwiches through its shops, and
involves hard, physical teamwork. Staff are recruited to shops against a set of core competences,
such as enthusiasm, which are assessed via a two-stage selection process. First, there is a compe-
tence-based interview from which only a minority of candidates progress to the second stage:
working one day in a shop where there is a vacancy. During the day candidates are exposed to as
many different tasks and team members as possible, and are also interviewed by the shop manager.
At the end of the day the candidate is assessed by team members against the core competences,
who then vote on whether to appoint or not. The shop manger actively participates in the assessment
discussion but cannot vote.
Source: Carrington (2002a).
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288 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

It is now possible to assemble these primary and secondary features into a conceptual
framework (Key Concepts 8.4) of strategic recruitment and selection. Taken together,
the conceptual framework and model of strategic recruitment and selection depicted in
Figure 8.3 provide a detailed specification against which the strategic pedigree of an
organisation’s recruitment and selection practice can be assessed.

Traditional recruitment and selection practice as a foundation for the

strategic variant
It is important to stress that under the strategic variant developed above, the essential
elements of the recruitment and selection process are broadly similar to those outlined
earlier under the ‘traditional’ model. The key difference is that strategic concerns drive
their operation. This will mean that job analysis moves away from a narrow concentra-

Key Concepts 8.4

Strategic recruitment and selection: a conceptual framework

Primary features
To be classified as strategic, recruitment and selection must exhibit three interdependent primary fea-
tures: strategic integration; a long-term focus; and a mechanism for translating strategic demands
into an appropriate recruitment and selection specification.
 Strategic integration occurs when recruitment and selection practice is aligned with an organisa-
tion’s hierarchy of strategies and results in sourcing the organisation with employees who possess
the necessary attributes to achieve those strategies.
 This represents a long-term perspective and anticipates recruitment and selection contributing to:
the achievement of current strategies; planned changes in strategic direction; and emergent strate-
gies and, in part, involves equipping organisations with a human resource capability that can cope
successfully with future uncertainties.
 This requires a capacity to identify the HR attributes necessary to deliver the organisation’s strate-
gic plans over the long term and to develop staffing practices and activities to obtain such people.
The translation of strategic plans into HR requirements and plans to deliver those requirements is
the province of formalised HRP.

Secondary features
When recruitment and selection is strategically driven there are two consequential outcomes: it acquires
greater organisational importance; and it becomes more sophisticated and complex. These outcomes
lead to four interrelated secondary features that support the three, necessary, primary features:
 Substantial, front-loaded investment in the process.
 Rigorous evaluation of its effectiveness including its strategic contribution.
 The adoption of a greater array of more sophisticated selection methods.
 A multi-stakeholder approach.
Source: Millmore (2003).
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 289

tion on the current demands of specific tasks to a future-oriented process that also takes
into account the wider demands of units or teams as well as the whole organisation itself
(Bowen et al., 1991). This changing requirement is encapsulated in the strategic job
analysis technique developed by Schneider and Konz (1989). This sets out to specify the
knowledge, skills and abilities that will be relevant to anticipated future job roles and
tasks to ensure their effective performance as well as providing a procedure that can be
applied to job roles and tasks that have not yet been anticipated. There is a similar
change in emphasis in the generation of a personnel specification. The focus is no longer
on identifying attributes associated with effective performance among current job
incumbents but on those that are seen to be relevant to changing strategies and future
uncertainties. The person specification could therefore reflect changing patterns of
work, the consequences of organisational restructuring, different strategic priorities as
well as be responsive to specific change programmes (e.g. culture change) and future
uncertainties. It is critical that the specification provides sufficient detail for recruitment
and selection processes to be targeted specifically at locating, attracting and assessing the
desired attributes whatever they are.
The strategic variant does not therefore reject traditional recruitment and selection
methods, but develops and deploys them in ways consistent with overriding strategic
concerns. For recruitment more thought will be given to likely sources of potential
recruits and how to reach them. For selection, the common reliance on shortlisting,
interviews and references is likely to be put aside in favour of more reliable and valid
selection methods. This may involve the use of purpose-built selection methods, such
as work sampling exercises, as well as the use of a greater array of off-the-shelf assess-
ment tools, such as psychometric tests. There will be concern to increase the reliability
and validity of interviews and a more realistic appreciation of what they can and
cannot measure as well as frequent adaptations to application forms and reference
requests to reflect the explicit demands of different roles or jobs, for example based
around core competences.
Overall there is an implicit assumption that it will be insufficient to simply update
existing job descriptions, interpret the personnel specification narrowly in terms of
immediate job requirements, use the same array of recruitment media, produce stan-
dardised application forms and select by interview in a relatively arbitrary and cavalier
way. The focus switches from role to organisational requirements and in essence strate-
gic recruitment and selection is interpreted as a tailor-made activity designed to relate
specifically to many emerging demands. This construction makes redundant any pre-
tence to a prescriptive model. Each recruitment and selection activity is therefore viewed
through a contingency framework that recognises that it will need to be adapted to each
changing scenario.
Based on the above discussion it is possible to distil a number of core practices that
underpin the primary and secondary features of strategic recruitment and selection.
These are captured in Figure 8.4.
These explanatory devices enable a more detailed exploration as to how the six types
of strategic fit identified earlier might be realised through strategic recruitment and selec-
tion practice. However, before doing this a case example of recruitment and selection
practice is presented in ‘In Practice’ 8.3 and you are invited to analyse this against the
conceptual framework and model of strategic recruitment and selection outlined above.
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290 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

• Two-way strategic
• Internally integrated with
other HR strategies

• Interests of all stakeholders • Short-term and long-term

represented strategic focus
• Customer centred • Facilitates management of
• Emphasis on self-selection change
• Line management ownership • Contributes to business

• Continuous improvement • Human resource planning
and selection
model as a vehicle for strategic
• Evaluation of process integration
and outcomes • Focus on organisation fit as
• Evaluation includes well as job fit
contribution to achievement • Incorporation of core
of strategic objectives values/competences

• Realistic job preview central

to the process
• Stress placed on reliability • Front-loaded investment
and validity of recruitment model
and selection methods • Reduced post-selection
• Selection methods chosen costs
or developed on basis of
fitness for purpose

Figure 8.4 Core dimensions of strategic recruitment and selection

In Practice 8.3

Recruitment and selection at the Dionysos

The Dionysos is a luxury hotel located on the Turkish coast overlooking Kumlubuk on the Bozburun
peninsular. It accommodates 85 guests and employs over 50 full-time equivalent staff. In Greek
mythology Dionysos was the son of Zeus, and god of vegetation, fertility, wine and ecstasy.
The business goal of the owners, Rim and Ahmet Senol, is ‘to create a special and unique environ-
ment, completely removed from the orthodox tourist experience – where service comes first and guests
can relax in a truly stunning setting’ (Exclusive Escapes, 2005: 55). The achievement of this business
goal is based on two overriding principles. First, that the business represents a family where all staff and
guests are members during their stay. Ahmet likens this to the traditional, matriarchal, Mediterranean,
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 291

family business and this sets the pattern for how the hotel is managed. Second is a concern to deliver a
quality of service that exceeds guests’ expectations. Business performance is evaluated against three
interrelated performance indicators: customer satisfaction; complaints; and repeat business. Another
measure of success is where annual staff bonuses exceed their expectations.
Recruitment is largely through word of mouth and personal recommendation. Selection is based
on two principal methods: a ‘conversation’; and a probationary period. The ‘conversation’ has two
main purposes. First, to assess candidates’ ability to deliver the quality of service demanded as
measured by the rather unconventional criterion of their ability to ‘smile from the heart’. Second, is to
establish what candidates are good at and what they want from their life. A major concern of Ahmet’s
is how working at the hotel can be used to support the aspirations of staff. The other key selection
criterion is family fit, where staff exhibit the family values such as trust and mutual respect. Although
assessed during the ‘conversation’, family fit is largely determined via the second selection method:
the probation period.
Candidates progressing from the ‘conversation’ stage are provided with one month’s paid employ-
ment. Candidates are allocated to job groups on the basis of their interests and assessment of their
aptitudes. At month end, group members report on the suitability of candidates against the criteria of
service performance and family fit. Successful candidates are offered employment and, once
appointed, are encouraged to have further ‘conversations’ with Ahmet to track their interests and
aspirations. Changes in role responsibilities and group membership are determined largely by these
Workgroups also play a key role in managing ‘family relationships’. As well as providing inputs into
the staff development process they are also largely responsible for dealing with performance prob-
lems, including discipline. Staff training and development is ongoing and based on issues arising out
of day-to-day job performance. In addition financial support is provided to help staff realise their aspi-
rations. This most frequently involves support for education to enhance the career opportunities of
staff. Rim and Ahmet expect members of the Dionysos family to move on and believe that they
should help provide additional life skills to enable this to happen. They also provide support to staff
who encounter problems in their domestic lives.
Most recruitment takes place ahead of the new season so that there is time to weed out unsuc-
cessful candidates. At the end of each season customer feedback is shared throughout the family
and used to set group and corporate goals for the next season, in a kind of rolling performance-
management cycle.
Based on participant observation over a two-week period, the level of customer satisfaction with
service quality was exceptionally high. The only evident criticism was that because it was so good it
might make guests reluctant to venture outside the hotel! The vast majority of guests vowed to return
at the earliest opportunity with many making bookings for the following year while they were there.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 8.3

To what extent do staffing processes at the Dionysos reflect the strategic

approach to recruitment and selection encapsulated by the conceptual frame-
work and model depicted in Key Concepts 8.4 and Figures 8.3 and 8.4?
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292 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

How can strategic recruitment and selection be applied

in practice?

This section discusses how recruitment and selection practice can be aligned to support
different strategic scenarios. These strategic scenarios represent the six strands of strate-
gic integration identified in Chapter 1 (as summarised in Key Concepts 1.4 and depicted
in Figure 1.3) and developed through the discussion of the multi-dimensional nature of
strategic integration. These six strands were further elaborated in Chapter 7 by applying
them to HRP where, looking ahead, it was indicated that they would be used in the
recruitment and selection chapter of this book as a vehicle for showing how SHRM
practice could be related to these six different strategic scenarios.
How these six strands of strategic integration could be related to strategic recruit-
ment and selection was identified earlier in this chapter. Converting these into
questions, it is now possible to go on to explore in turn how recruitment and selection
can support these different kinds of strategic relationships. In this section, the four dif-
ferent types of vertical (or external) integration identified are illustrated as well as
exploring how recruitment and selection can be integrated horizontally (or internally)
with other HR levers. In the following section the last strand of strategic fit is addressed
through an examination of how recruitment and selection can contribute to strategic
change and the vagaries of an uncertain future.

How can recruitment and selection contribute to first-order

(downstream, vertical integration) strategic decisions?
In Chapter 1 it was identified that ‘first-order decisions are concerned with the long-term
direction of the enterprise’ (Purcell, 1991: 70). These relate to what Purcell (1995: 63)
calls ‘the big decisions taken in the corporate office’ and include: mergers or acquisitions;
joint ventures; and divestment out of existing business (Purcell, 1995). Burnes (2004:
240–241) refers to ‘six basic forms of strategy which organisations pursue at this level’:
stability; growth; portfolio extension; retrenchment; harvesting; and combination strat-
egy. Elsewhere in the literature, first-order decisions are translated into different strategic
choices for achieving competitive advantage, for example the defenders, prospectors and
analysers developed by Miles and Snow (1984b) and the innovation, quality enhance-
ment and cost reduction framework of Schuler and Jackson (1987). Irrespective of the
strategic choice, the objective of strategic recruitment and selection under this scenario is
to resource the organisation with employees whose role behaviours will enhance its
capacity to deliver its chosen strategy. The key task is to identify these necessary role
behaviours and to use them to drive recruitment and selection practice.
To illustrate this, reference is made to the work of Schuler and Jackson (1987), ini-
tially discussed in Chapter 2. They identified 12 behavioural continua that can be used
to generate a personal profile of those enabling behaviours that would support the pur-
suit of three different competitive strategies: innovation; quality enhancement; and cost
reduction. For example, reference to Table 2.3 reveals that the following employee
behaviours would be particularly required to support an innovation strategy:
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 293

 high degree of creative behaviour;

 longer-term focus;
 high level of cooperative, interdependent behaviour;
 equal degree of concern for process and results;
 high degree of risk-taking activity;
 high tolerance of ambiguity and unpredictability.
When specific job-related requirements are added to this generic set of attributes this
produces the more complex and diverse strategically driven person specification referred
to in the development of the strategic recruitment and selection conceptual framework
(Key Concepts 8.4) and its related core recruitment and selection dimensions (Figure
8.4). This person specification provides the framework against which recruitment and
selection practice can then be developed and implemented. The role of recruitment will
be to seek out and attract people with these necessary personal attributes. The role of
selection will be to design a selection process that will deliver reliable and valid assess-
ments of shortlisted candidates against these attributes. Here it is argued that the classic
trio ‘of application form, letter of reference and interview’ (Cook, 2004: 3) are highly
unlikely to suffice. What is more likely is that the use of a greater array of sophisticated
selection methods will be needed to adequately assess candidates against these attributes.
Essentially this process represents how strategic recruitment and selection can be
applied to all the types of strategic fit identified. It satisfies the three primary features
where HRP is used as the vehicle to translate long-term strategic demands into human
resource requirements. It also would necessitate front-loaded investment in the recruit-
ment and selection process through, for example, the development of custom-made
selection methods to address the demands of the complex person specification. The use
of sophisticated methods of selection in itself is likely to be better served by multi-stake-
holder involvement, particularly given the reference to cooperative, interdependent
behaviour in the person specification. However, this would still need the subsequent rig-
orous evaluation of the process to realise the full set of secondary features.

In Practice 8.4

Strategic recruitment and selection at Signet

Like many high street retailers, Signet, owners of the H. Samuel and Ernest Jones chains of jewellers,
is recruiting constantly. The organisation employs 6,000 staff but annually recruits 3,000 staff to cover
labour turnover and 2,000 to provide Christmas cover.
Concerns about sales led to the development of a business goal to grow sales without increasing
retail space. This placed a heavy emphasis on the recruitment of staff who would perform well in a
sales environment. This led to proposals to overhaul Signet’s whole HR strategy rather than to simply
invest heavily in training. The rationale, successfully sold to the board, was that HR strategies were
needed to avoid wasting resources on recruits who were likely to leave within a few months.
A business psychologist was employed to determine the key motivational factors associated with
high-performing sales staff and all candidates for such roles now have to complete a motivational ques-
tionnaire prior to interview. Feedback from Signet’s performance management system has already
provided evidence that staff selected through this approach are delivering higher levels of performance.
Source: Carrington (2004).
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294 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

In Practice 8.5
Strategic recruitment and selection at the Pontifical Catholic University of

In ‘In Practice’ 7.5 the work of Franco and Diaz (1995) was used to provide an example of the rational
approach to HRP where the library system of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (SIBUC) set
out to integrate its human resource objectives and strategies with corporate strategy. As part of the
HRP process, six HR objectives were formulated to enable this strategic integration, one of which
reflects downstream strategic recruitment and selection in action. This objective was to develop a
staff selection system that would source the organisation with achievement-oriented people with
innovative capabilities.
The ‘strategy’ for achieving this objective centred on employing a specialist consultant to work in
partnership with SIBUC staff. The action plan formulated by this partnership to create the strategically
integrated recruitment and selection system involved:
 identifying and formalising the core values and competences of the organisation emerging from its
corporate strategy;
 determine job profiles based on these core values and competences;
 employ an expert psychologist in personnel selection to work with the partnership to evaluate the
validity of the job profiles, and prepare a preliminary recruitment and selection policy to meet
organisational requirements;
 communicate the policy to line managers and obtain their feedback;
 finalise the policy and develop related recruitment and selection procedures; and
 implement the action plan.
The effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process was to be monitored and controlled by
three measures: specifying policies and procedures in a written document; the use of performance
evaluation to assess the extent to which the policy was being achieved; and following up staff
recruited through the new system to assess their degree of job satisfaction.
Source: developed from Franco and Diaz (1995).

Taken at face value it seems highly plausible that different employee role behaviours
will underpin different competitive strategies. However, such frameworks may be overly
prescriptive and should therefore be used cautiously. While such frameworks provide
useful guidance, organisations will still need to identify and validate those role behav-
iours that support their own particular context in order to fully exploit the potential
contribution that recruitment and selection can make to first-order strategic decisions.
The identification and validation of employee role behaviours is then a core dimen-
sion of strategic recruitment and selection. However, as discussed earlier, ‘the big
decisions taken in the corporate office’ (Purcell, 1995: 63) extend beyond competitive
strategies to include, for example, the demands of joint ventures, mergers, inward invest-
ment, and change to a service culture, etc. The same logic can be applied to shaping
recruitment and selection to meet these first-order strategic demands. It is about identi-
fying the key employee behaviours, values, etc. that are necessary to support these big
decisions and then using recruitment and selection to actively acquire them whenever
the opportunity presents itself.
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 295

How can recruitment and selection contribute to second-order

(downstream, vertical integration) strategic decisions?
In Chapter 1 it was identified that ‘second-order decisions’ are concerned with the align-
ment of an organisation’s internal structure and operating procedures and processes
with its first-order strategic decisions (Purcell, 1991: 71). Similarly to first-order strate-
gic decisions, there are likely to be contingent relationships between structures and
processes on the one hand and staffing strategies and desired role behaviours on the
other (Miller, 1984). For example, as you may have experienced, organisations regularly
make major structural changes as they adapt to changing organisational circumstances.
This has frequently involved the move away from bureaucratic, mechanistic structures
towards more organic organisational forms and the imposition of delayering to reduce
hierarchy and produce flatter organisational structures.
The impact that this shift from bureaucratic to organic structures has had on mana-
gerial roles has been researched by Cockerill (1989). In the relative stability of
bureaucracies, planning, organising, monitoring and the use of rules, regulations and
precedents to solve problems represent appropriate role behaviours that could be used
to drive recruitment and selection. However, these role behaviours lose their value in
organic organisations where the more turbulent nature of the business environment
undermines their validity. Here management behaviours that include networking, team
building, information retrieval and innovative problem solving and decision-making are
likely to be more appropriate.
This focus on managerial roles, however, is only half the equation. To support
changes to organisation structures more fully, similar thought also needs to be given to
the necessary role behaviours for line staff. For example, in organic structures, or as a
consequence of organisational delayering, employees are likely to be expected to:
 exercise higher degrees of discretion and autonomy in their work (empowerment);
 take more control of their personal development;
 be flexible and adaptable in their responses to changing patterns of work;
 work collaboratively within and across teams;
 multi-skilled in order to deliver the wider role responsibilities expected of them, both
horizontally (job enlargement) and vertically (job enrichment).
This is likely to lead to greater emphasis being placed on the assessment of social skills,
interaction ability and group fit and may lead to teams being given devolved responsibil-
ity for recruitment in a highly appropriate application of a multi-stakeholder approach.

How can recruitment and selection contribute to third-order

(downstream, vertical integration) strategic decisions?
In Chapter 1 it was identified that ‘downstream third-order decisions’ (Purcell, 1991: 91)
concern strategic choices made at the functional level that are necessary to support the
achievement of corporate strategies. Here, by way of illustration, the focus is on the HR
function and how recruitment and selection can be directed to support the move from
traditional personnel management to SHRM. The presumption here is that the HR
function is making this change to align itself with the prevailing corporate focus in its
pursuit of competitive advantage.
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296 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

As discussed in Chapter 2, SHRM has emerged as an approach to managing the

human resources of an organisation partly in response to the increasing recognition
given to employees as valuable assets but particularly because of its strategic alignment.
To illustrate the impact recruitment and selection can have on the introduction of
SHRM Guest’s (1987) construction of HRM and its related series of theoretical proposi-
tions are utilised. His work is explained more fully in Chapter 2 but, by way of a
reminder, it is built around four key human resource goals: integration; employee com-
mitment; flexibility/adaptability; and quality.
Applying the strategic approach to recruitment and selection, developed above
against first-order decisions, to Guest’s (1987) analysis, the key issues will be to identify
the attributes that are positively correlated with committed, flexible and high quality
employees and to determine how to attract and select people who possess them.
Another key feature of SHRM is its emphasis on the devolvement of much of the work
of HR specialists to line managers who are perceived as having a pivotal role in its suc-
cessful introduction. This re-alignment is likely to impact significantly on their respective
role responsibilities. For line managers, who are not generally noted for their interest or
competence in handling HR issues, this redefinition of their role places particular
demands on their selection and development. If the HR competence of line mangers
cannot be assured, it is highly likely that any top-down intent to introduce SHRM will be
frustrated by their skills gap and inappropriate attitudes. For HR specialists, SHRM may
precipitate the development of an alternative model for delivering the department’s work,
create the need for the acquisition and development of a different skills base and possibly
involve redundancy. For example, in one of many typologies of HR specialist roles, Storey
(1992: 168–169) identifies four types of personnel management: ‘handmaidens; advisers;
regulators; and changemakers’. Of these it is the changemaker role that is closely identi-
fied with the SHRM approach. Any move towards the changemaker role from the other
less interventionist and/or strategic types should have significant repercussions on the
recruitment and selection of HR staff as the change in role orientation involves signifi-
cantly different skills, behaviours, values and attitudes.

How can recruitment and selection contribute to strategy

formulation (upstream, vertical integration)?
This section begins by illustrating the nature and potential organisational significance of
upstream (or two-way, external integration) through reference to a real case (see In
Practice 8.6), adapted to preserve anonymity.
This scenario illustrates the potential dangers of operating the external integration
relationship between corporate strategy and human resourcing only through a one-way
(downstream) interpretation. It may have also said something about the credibility
and/or status of the personnel function in the case organisation (i.e. the ‘institutional
integration’ of Mabey and Iles, 1993: 16). It also provides an example of how, through
environmental scanning, human resource concerns can potentially influence higher
levels of strategic planning and corporate level decision-making, as discussed in Chap-
ter 7. Evenden (1993: 223) argues that this represents a ‘business case’ for upstream
strategic integration. He contrasts this with a ‘social responsibility’ case for upstream
integration where strategy formulation is influenced by human resource initiatives
concerning moral and ethical issues (Evenden, 1993: 223). This could arise, for exam-
ple, through proactive approaches to equal opportunities that target recruitment
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 297

In Practice 8.6
Rejection of HR’s upstream strategic proposals contributes to
business collapse

A large manufacturing company developed an aggressive growth strategy to defend its dominant
market position. This involved both planned expansion of its product markets and increasing the
company’s share of those markets, thereby providing growth of sales on two counts. This required
significant financial investment to fund increased production capacity through the installation of addi-
tional traditional production lines based on scientific management principles and to enhance the
production support infrastructure. In order to service this strategy in a downstream relationship, the
HR department was tasked to recruit employees to staff the new production lines and related growth
in service departments in order to meet the increased production targets.
The HR department was aware that prevailing labour market conditions (virtually full employment
leading to both general labour and specific skill shortages) precluded any large-scale recruitment. They
argued that this would make the production and marketing plans untenable, thereby threatening the via-
bility of the corporate strategy itself. As an alternative the HR department proposed a strategy based
around the capital intensification of production work and associated business re-engineering as the
mainstay of the organisation’s growth and defender strategy. The rationale was that this would allow the
increased sales and production demands to be met through greater utilisation of existing staff using
extensive automation coupled with computerisation to generate the additional production capacity.
The department was basically instructed to stop messing up and get on with the recruitment cam-
paign. Despite exhaustive recruitment efforts the increased demand for labour could not be met. This
led in time to a staffing crisis where production lines could not be staffed. Consequently output fell
well short of the increased demand generated by the successfully implemented marketing strategies
and potential customers went elsewhere. The staffing crisis fuelled the collapse of the business strat-
egy and, coupled with the inflow of cheaper foreign imports, contributed significantly to the eventual
demise of the organisation.

strategies at the long-term unemployed, a group which is significantly over-represented

by ethnic minorities.
Another example where upstream integration may be evident is the promotion by the
HR function of a ‘managing diversity’ strategy (Chapter 13). ‘Managing diversity’ has
been developed as a strategic response to the changing demographic complexion of the
workforce and social values that emphasise the need for the full participation of all
people in and at work. According to Kandola and Fullerton (1994a: 8):
The basic concept of managing diversity accepts that the workforce consists of a
diverse population of people. The diversity consists of visible and non-visible differ-
ences which include factors such as sex, age, background, race, disability,
personality and workstyle. It is founded on the premiss that harnessing these differ-
ences will create a productive environment in which everybody feels valued, where
their talents are being fully utilised and in which organisational goals are met.

As such, using Evenden’s (1993: 223) analysis, the push for a diversity strategy could be
construed as representing both a ‘business’ and ‘social responsibility’ case for upstream
strategic integration. However, the likelihood is that its adoption is more likely to be
driven by business arguments as the following examples of managing diversity sum-
marised in ‘In Practice’ 8.7 illustrate.
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298 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

In Practice 8.7
The search for diversity through the strategic integration of
recruitment and selection

A range of companies, for example Burger King and Sainsbury’s, have developed recruitment and
selection strategies to increase the number of employees from certain ethnic groups in order to
exploit these groups’ significant and growing importance as consumers (Evenden, 1993).
L’Oréal in France found that recruiting a diverse workforce enhanced the creative capacity of the
workforce on which it depended (Sadler and Milmer, 1993).
Iles and Hayers (1997) point to how a number of organisations are selecting diverse, multi-national
project teams to increase their flexibility and responsiveness in globally competitive markets.
Ford has targeted the distribution of more that 250,000 recruitment leaflets at London boroughs
with large ethnic minority populations in an effort to attract more young Asian and black people to
become apprentices. This appears to be part of a growing appreciation of the business case for
diversity where large companies ‘want to get the best talent from the widest possible pool, to under-
stand fresh markets by having them represented in their workforce, and to drive innovation through
diverse teams’ (Maitland, 2004: 1).
The frequently cited positive policies on age diversity operated by B&Q are held to make good busi-
ness sense. B&Q found ‘that having older workers on its staff has enhanced sales and customer
loyalty’. Similar arguments are held to apply to the financial services sector where increasing the aver-
age age of sales teams provides a better fit with the age profile of the customer base (Murray, 2004a: 6).
Barclays Bank found that many customers preferred to do business with older, more experienced
staff, the very sort of employee who had been lost to the bank in successive rounds of redundancies
in the 1990s. To address this and the future demographics of the labour pool they have been review-
ing all policies and practices to ensure that they are as inclusive as possible. This has led to changes
in advertising copy, recruitment media and the design of application forms (Murray, 2004b: 6).

It can also be argued that the recruitment of a diverse workforce adds generally to an
organisation’s ability to meet the challenges presented by an uncertain future through
the creation of a more flexible and adaptable workforce (Sparrow, 1994). Recruitment
and selection processes have a key role to play in securing a diverse workforce and may
require innovative practices to identify and attract suitable candidates from target
groups (Paddison, 1990). This use of recruitment and selection to help confront the
challenge of change is explored in greater depth in the next section. This section con-
cludes by examining recruitment and selection against the fifth strand of strategic fit:
horizontal integration.

How can recruitment and selection facilitate other HR

initiatives (horizontal integration)?
As discussed earlier, an important part of internal integration is the coherence between
different elements of human resourcing (Guest, 1987; Mabey and Iles, 1993). Here, work
restructuring is used to illustrate how recruitment and selection can support other
human resource change initiatives. You might also like to work through how recruit-
ment and selection can similarly be integrated with all the other HR areas covered by
this book. For example, the next chapter deals with performance management and with
respect to its internal integration with recruitment and selection the following questions
could be legitimately asked:
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 299

1. Do different types of people respond better than others to a performance culture?

2. If so, how can what characterises such people be identified?
3. Where will such people be found?
4. How might the organisation attract their interest?
5. What selection methods would provide the most reliable and valid measures of these
attributes among prospective candidates?
Earlier, when considering second-order strategies, it was observed that delayering
might necessitate the redesign of jobs to achieve greater congruence with the demands
placed on working arrangements and relationships by flatter structures (Lawler, 1994). A
consistent feature emerging from the chapters on the role of organisation structure
(Chapter 5) and downsizing (Chapter 14) is that jobs will require restructuring in order
to cope with the consequences of delayering and the need ‘to do more with less (staff)’.
A direct consequence of the introduction of delayering, and downsizing, has been a
growing interest in autonomous workgroups (Flynn et al., 1990), team working (Staniforth,
1996) and high-involvement organisations (Bowen et al., 1991; Beaumont and Hunter,
1992). These approaches to job design are in many ways synonymous and involve the intro-
duction of self-managed teams who are assigned delegated responsibility for task
completion. Such teams exercise high degrees of autonomy over interrelated activities such
as production control, quality control, work allocation and problem solving. This demands
a high level of involvement from and interaction between team members. Evidence suggests,
however, that, in practice work redesign along these lines has not always been successful
because such changes have not been introduced within the context of a supportive human
resourcing infrastructure (Staniforth, 1996). Staniforth (1996) argues that in order to ensure
internal integration, team-working ability needs to be assessed during recruitment and
selection, developed through training and reinforced through appraisal and reward systems.
However, the composition of the team has been particularly identified as a critical success
factor (McCombs et al., 1994). This places considerable emphasis on the role of recruitment
and selection in identifying, attracting and selecting those employees who are most likely to
succeed under team-working conditions (Flynn et al., 1990).
Two sets of employee characteristics have been identified as predictors of effective
team performance. The first concerns individual characteristics, such as dependability,
interpersonal skills, self-motivation and integrity. The second concerns group member-
ship characteristics such as leadership potential, assertiveness, participation, tolerance of
ambiguity and capacity to cope with stress (Flynn et al., 1990). In reporting on case
studies where autonomous workgroups (Flynn et al., 1990) and high involvement work
systems (Bowen et al., 1991) have been successfully introduced, such characteristics have
been assessed through the use of multiple selection devices. These included:
 application forms designed around the specified characteristics;
 surveying previous employers using structured questions to secure reference checks
against dependability and integrity;
 work sampling;
 attendance at a pre-employment training programme;
 group interviews involving current team members;
 aptitude and personality testing; and
 a series of group exercises to assess decision-making skills, problem solving and
values orientation.
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300 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

There was also a heavy emphasis throughout on providing candidates with a realis-
tic job preview, making selection genuinely a two-way process, and involving team
members in the final selection decisions. Both the Bowen et al. (1991) and McCombs
et al. (1994) studies also reported on methods used to evaluate the recruitment and
selection process which were found to have promoted the formation of teams charac-
terised by high productivity, high job satisfaction scores and low levels of absenteeism
and labour turnover.

How feasible is strategic recruitment and selection in a

changing world? Confronting the challenge of change

The demands of different time horizons and change on

strategic recruitment and selection
From the preceding discussion it is argued that strategic recruitment and selection has
three distinct temporal points of focus. First, they must be aligned with current strategic
objectives in order to facilitate their achievement. Second, it must be aligned to future
strategy in a way that will support the implementation and achievement of any new
strategic direction. Third, it needs to facilitate continual, proactive change in order to
help the organisation adapt successfully to future uncertainties. This might be broadly
interpreted as focusing recruitment and selection activities on three different scenarios:
 maintaining the status quo;
 responding to planned, predictable change; or
 coping with an uncertain future characterised by unplanned, unpredictable change
which might arise from either unintended consequences of planned change or new,
emergent contingencies.
Through a contingency framework, it is possible to map out appropriate HRP
approaches, strategic selection choices and selection criteria for each of these three sce-
narios (Snow and Snell, 1993; Sparrow, 1994; Williams and Dobson, 1997). Table 8.1
illustrates these contingent relationships and helps us to identify the recruitment and
selection implications of the three different scenarios.
The primary concern in this section is to explore the relationship between recruit-
ment and selection and two of these three scenarios: planned/predictable change; and
unplanned/unpredictable change. This will enable us to explore the extent to which
recruitment and selection can contribute to strategic change and staffing in readiness for
future uncertainties.
However, the distinctions between planned/predictable change and unplanned/
unpredictable change are arguably less clear-cut than Table 8.1 might suggest. For exam-
ple, planned changes to strategy suggest a degree of rationality to change management
that will not always accord with reality. Further, the distinction between selection
choices relating to predictable and unpredictable change may be somewhat artificial. It
could be argued that the human resource competences that Williams and Dobson (1997:
239) associate with ‘transformational’ selection criteria, such as envisioning, team build-
ing, conflict management and persuasiveness, are equally applicable as both attributes
for securing some future planned strategy and enablers that facilitate adjustment to
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 301

unpredictable change. In Practice 8.8 illustrates how recruitment and selection help
planned change at Axa, the insurance conglomerate.

Table 8.1 Human resource planning choices

Scenario HRP approaches Strategic selection choices Selection criteria

Status quo Provision of human Select for short-term proficiency Operational criteria: attributes
resources for and accept the possibility of high required for successful current job
existing jobs levels of turnover if employees performance, such as the abilities,
cannot cope with change knowledge, interpersonal skills
and the beliefs and values required
to meet current job demands

Planned/ Provision of Select for longer-term adaptability Visionary criteria: attributes that
predictable human resources to change, but accept that there are hypothesised as necessary for
change for envisaged will be limited knowledge of future successful future job performance
future jobs changes and therefore some
difficulties in assessing adaptability

Future Provision of human Follow a path of continuous Transformational criteria: attributes

imperfect: resources for jobs modifications as the future that are required to enable change
unplanned/ that cannot be unfolds, with numerous changes to happen: the competences for
unpredictable prescribed to selection systems (where change rather than the changing
change reliance is on the external labour competences
market) or vocational training
systems (where the reliance is on
an internal labour market)

Sources: adapted from Snow and Snell (1993), Sparrow (1994: 15); Williams and Dobson (1997: 235).

In Practice 8.8

Changing core values at Axa

With increasing globalisation of its business and a desire to create a unifying employer brand, Axa
found it necessary to undertake culture change. It sought to establish a new culture that could cross
the diversity of culture, language and social barriers reflected in its international workforce. This led
over time to the creation of a global set of five core values: innovation; integrity; pragmatism; profes-
sionalism; and team spirit.
To make these values accessible to HR practice they were deconstructed into the behavioural
traits necessary to secure their delivery. These behaviours form the basis of recruitment and selection
practice and are used to underpin induction, staff development and performance management sys-
tems. Over time, staff who could not operate within the changed value system have been replaced
through recruitment and selection by staff who exhibit the necessary behavioural traits and share the
organisation’s core values.
Source: Higginbottom (2003).
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302 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

The contribution of strategic recruitment and selection to

unplanned and unpredictable change
A major difficulty is that it is not always possible to predict with any degree of certainty what
lies ahead even within the adopted planning horizon, let alone what lies over the horizon.
This is well illustrated by the events of 9/11 and its aftermath, which impacted differentially
on the long- and short-haul airline industry. Within this context it is easy to see how the
strategic relevance of human resource plans and contingent recruitment and selection
strategies can quickly be overtaken by events in the wake of unfolding events. A change in
business strategy and/or radical adjustments to future staffing requirements (downsizing)
may turn previous human resource and recruitment and selection strategies on their head
almost overnight. Such uncertainties place an onus on recruitment and selection to generate
a workforce that will be able to cope with the unexpected as well as expected or planned
change. Two possible strategies may be appropriate in such situations. First, to recruit people
who can adapt readily to change and, second, recruit people who will become agents of
change and/or shapers of the organisation’s future destiny. This also gives rise to the
prospect that recruitment and selection processes will be directed, in part, at jobs that do not
yet exist! These approaches are congruent with the resource-based view of the firm where
organisations seek to identify their core competences and exploit them to future strategic
advantage. Even within circumstances of change this can provide a strategic direction to
recruitment and selection and the building blocks for future job creation.
One approach, consistent with the recruitment of employees who can adapt to
change, is managing diversity (Chapter 13). As identified earlier, this can build a rich
mix of employees whose varied skills, experiences, values and culture increase the organ-
isation’s potential capacity to cope with change. Another approach is to recruit and
select against the construct of the learning organisation, as discussed in Chapter 10. The
implication for the staffing process is to incorporate characteristics appropriate to the
learning organisation into the personnel specification – such as: ‘experiments, admits
mistakes, open, encourages ideas and makes joint decisions’; as opposed to ‘cautious,
rationalises mistakes, defensive, discourages ideas and dominates’ (Evenden, 1993:
238–239) – and to develop recruitment and selection strategies to secure these attributes
and evaluate their strategic significance.
Another approach is to consider the extent to which managers will hold the key to
future organisational effectiveness in times of uncertainty. This has led to attempts to
identify and select managers against appropriate change management competences. Cock-
erill (1989: 54–55) identified 11 competences that are associated with high-performance
management in rapidly changing environments (‘information search; concept formation;
conceptual flexibility; interpersonal search; managing interaction; developmental orienta-
tion; impact; self-confidence; presentation; proactive orientation; and achievement
orientation’) and argued that they could be assessed reliably through direct observation
and ‘simulated assessment centre conditions’. Williams and Dobson (1997: 239) cited BP
and NatWest as good examples of companies trying ‘to ensure that they have the basic raw
material in senior management to cope with a scenario where the only certain fact is that
the future will be impregnated by change’. They see the use of what they termed ‘transfor-
mational criteria’ in recruitment and selection and training and development making a
significant contribution to ‘an organisation’s renewal processes and the development of
the learning organisation’ (Williams and Dobson, 1997: 239).
The change agent role of managers is well documented. Beer et al. (1990) suggest that
line managers might be expected to play a pivotal role in initiating and managing
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 303

change, whereas Williams and Dobson (1997) point to the key role newly appointed
chief executives might play in the process of strategic change. However, it is important to
stress that change agents are not necessarily managers and may operate at various levels
within the organisation. Therefore, it is arguably the characteristics of transformational
leaders that are needed for organisations to manage change effectively. Bass (1990)
stresses the increasing relevance of transformational leadership to future uncertainties
in the business environment and suggests that research evidence identifies four key
characteristics of such leaders:
 charisma – where the leader provides vision and is able to generate respect, trust and
 inspiration – where high expectations are set and communicated;
 intellectual stimulation – where rational, intelligent approaches to problem solving
are promoted; and
 individualised consideration – where the needs of individual employees are identified
and supported through personalised approaches to their development needs.
Alternatively, Legge’s (1978) ‘deviant innovators’ might be viewed as high-ranking
HR change agents with the mission of challenging the criteria by which organisational
success is evaluated and promoting change towards a different set of beliefs and values.
This perhaps represents another perspective on diversity and will be particularly valu-
able as an antidote to organisations that, for whatever reason, find they have assembled a
management team that is too homogeneous (Sparrow, 1994).
The potential for creating novel solutions to the problems that change can visit on
organisations can also be enhanced by taking a team approach to recruitment and selec-
tion. Unfortunately the demanding lists of competences sought in change environments
(see, for example, Cockerill, 1989) may only be found in individuals who can walk on
water! It may, therefore be more appropriate to apply the competence template to teams
so that members collectively have the capacity to initiate and manage change and cope
with an uncertain future. This, however, implies that personnel specifications and appro-
priate recruitment and selection strategies need to be constantly recast as each team
member is appointed in order to focus on the competence gaps that remain following
each appointment. This would be important, for example, where new teams are being
formed, perhaps along the lines of autonomous work groups described earlier. The iden-
tification of competences is not therefore a one-off exercise but a dynamic process in
which refinement to and development of competency profiles is the order of the day.
Each recruitment and selection activity is therefore viewed through a contingency frame-
work that recognises that it will need to be adapted to each changing scenario.

How extensive is strategic recruitment and selection practice?

A review of the evidence

Grounds for optimism

It was argued earlier that it is possible to construct a persuasive rationale in support of
the adoption of strategically aligned recruitment and selection such that its practice
might be expected to be widely and increasingly evident. However, it is legitimate to
question the validity of this proposition particularly as it is frequently maintained that
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304 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

the rhetoric of SHRM runs well ahead of its practice (e.g. Legge, 2005). This section
examines evidence of strategic recruitment and selection practice in order to address its
opening question. It starts by considering the evidence of strategic recruitment and
selection practice that emerges from four distinct fields of HR research investigating
respectively: the use of HR systems to support the pursuit of different competitive
strategies; general developments in HR practice; individual case companies (in search of
SHRM); and specific developments in recruitment and selection practice. It then goes
on to challenge the optimistic picture painted by this initial review using counter-
evidence while at the same time developing a rationale to explain the apparent exaggera-
tion of strategic recruitment and selection practice. Lastly it reports on recent survey
evidence that provides a stark picture of the current state of play.

The use of HR systems to support the pursuit of different competitive

On both sides of the Atlantic there has been a number of reported cases of strategic
recruitment and selection in action. This evidence has sometimes been assembled
against generic strategies of competitive advantage. This is well illustrated by the work of
Schuler and Jackson (1987) referred to earlier. They were able to identify human
resource practices, including recruitment and selection, that were congruent with the
different competitive strategies of cost reduction, innovation and quality enhancement
and found evidence of such practice in case companies.

General developments in HR practice

At other times, evidence of strategic recruitment and selection has emerged from studies
investigating general developments in human resource practice. For example, from a
case study investigation into how the management of human resources was developing
in UK companies, Storey (1992) was able to identify ‘selection’ as one of 27 dimensions
that could be used to differentiate SHRM from more traditional personnel management
and industrial relations practice. Under SHRM, selection was identified as an ‘inte-
grated, key task’ whereas under the personnel and industrial relations banner it was seen
as a ‘separate, marginal task’ (Storey, 1992: 35). In his analysis of 15 major case compa-
nies Storey (1992: 83) found evidence of integrated selection in 80 per cent of them,
suggesting a high incidence of strategic recruitment and selection.

Individual case companies (in search of SHRM)

Another strand in case study-based research has been to examine how human resourc-
ing has supported particular corporate strategies and/or responded to environmental
pressures to maintain leading edge competitive positions. Sparrow and Pettigrew (1988),
through a study of companies operating in the UK computer industry, tracked how
SHRM was responding to support radical strategic change flowing from a turbulent
business environment. Strategic selection was identified as a critical lever for acquiring
specialist skills necessary to support the delivery of high-quality service provision as
companies moved progressively from concentration on selling hardware to providing
total business solutions that incorporated non-hardware support services. In a review of
their own case study research, Hendry et al. (1988) identified that strategic responses to
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 305

changes in the business environment, such as restructuring, internationalisation and

total quality management, were leading to demands for new employee skills to support
such moves. Their delivery required a more strategic approach to recruitment and selec-
tion. Kydd and Oppenheim (1990) studied four successful industry leaders with
excellent track records of SHRM practice and found that they were using recruitment
and selection strategically to respond, albeit in different ways, to their particular labour
market conditions to maintain their competitive position.

Specific developments in recruitment and selection practice

Elsewhere, case studies targeted specifically at recruitment and selection have also pro-
vided evidence that the strategic variant is being practised. In a study of Chase
Manhattan Bank, Borucki and Lafley (1984) demonstrated how recruitment and selec-
tion practices were adapted over time to meet different strategic imperatives as they
emerged. Research by Bowen et al. (1991) led them to develop an alternative model of
recruitment and selection with a strategic thrust. Here their focus is on recruitment and
selection directed against organisational and not specific job requirements. They illus-
trated how their model related to recruitment and selection practice in a manufacturing
company adopting a high-performance and involvement strategy. In a detailed case
study exploring the human resource practices of a paper production plant, Beaumont
and Hunter (1992) uncovered strong evidence that recruitment and selection was being
used strategically to bring about a more flexible workforce that was necessitated by the
organisation’s competitive strategy.

The emergence of a more pessimistic picture

These case study findings provide grounds for optimism about the extent of strategic
recruitment and selection. However, an alternative perspective is supplied by Wright and
Storey (1997). Although acknowledging evidence that some organisations were develop-
ing radically new approaches to support major corporate initiatives, such as business
process re-engineering, they concluded that traditional approaches to recruitment and
selection continue to dominate current practice. The true extent of strategic recruitment
and selection practice may, therefore, be fairly limited and closer examination of the evi-
dence supports this viewpoint on at least four counts.

Why the practice of strategic recruitment and selection may appear to be

First, supporting Wright and Storey’s (1997) more pessimistic analysis, it is possible that
the simple reporting of evidence of strategic recruitment and selection practice can lead
to an exaggerated impression of its incidence which does not accord with reality. Indeed,
limited evidence of strategic recruitment and selection led Lundy and Cowling (1996:
212) to conclude that ‘There is a paucity of cases which demonstrate strategic selection
in action’. Scholarios and Lockyer (1996), following a review of British selection practice,
point to a significant discrepancy between the rhetoric of many SHRM texts and the
reality of organisational recruitment and selection practice. They found that there had
been little movement towards ‘better-integrated SHRM practices’ and limited evidence
of more sophisticated recruitment and selection practice (Scholarios and Lockyer, 1996:
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306 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

189). They concluded that prevailing evidence supported Keep’s (1992: 332) observation
that, despite the importance attached to selection ‘in many organisations, recruitment
and selection are apparently conducted in a haphazard and informal fashion’. The survey
results of recruitment and selection practice in the hotel industry summarised in ‘In
Practice’ 8.9 appear to bear out these perspectives.
Second, it is possible that the validity of reported strategic recruitment and selection
is in itself open to question. This suggestion can be explored by closer scrutiny of the
evidence of strategic recruitment and selection practice. If, for example, Storey’s (1992)
case study analysis is reconsidered, it will be recalled that he identified recruitment and
selection as an ‘integrated key task’ representing one of 27 dimensions used to construct
his template of SHRM practice. This juxtaposition of ‘integrated’ recruitment and selec-
tion with SHRM might suggest that evidence of such practice in his case companies may
be construed as strategic recruitment and selection. However, with respect to Storey’s
(1992) terminology, this may be an assumption too far and it is worth asking the ques-
tion ‘integrated to what?’
Storey’s (1992) conclusions concerning integrated selection were based on evidence
from the major case companies that they were responding to labour shortages by:
attaching greater importance to recruitment and selection; developing innovative prac-
tices to appeal to a wider spectrum of potential applicants; using training and career
development initiatives to aid retention; making greater use of testing and assessment
centres to assess personal attributes; and attempting to improve the reliability and valid-
ity of interviewing practice through training line managers. Although these responses
may be consistent with strategic recruitment and selection, and certainly seem to pro-
vide evidence of the secondary features of strategic recruitment and selection in action

In Practice 8.9
Does size matter? Research findings on recruitment and
selection practice in the hotel industry

Hotels operate in the service sector where organisational success is largely determined by the quality
of service provided by front-line (or customer facing) staff who engage with the clientele directly.
However, within the industry there is little evidence of strategically focused recruitment and selection
designed to identify the personal characteristics associated with quality service or of sophisticated
selection practice to assess such qualities. The use of psychometric testing, structured interviews,
biographical data, etc., is generally rare and where it is evident is limited to larger hotels and hotel
chains. This suggests that the absence of a strategic connection in the recruitment and selection
practices of small hotels is particularly marked.
This conclusion arises from a survey of recruitment and selection practice in Scottish hotels, using
data from 81 questionnaire returns and nine interviews. Relative to larger hotels and hotel chains, it
was found that recruitment and selection practice in smaller hotels:
 is less likely to be supported by professional personnel input;
 is more likely to be conducted by the manager/owner who is less likely to have received any train-
ing for the role;
 uses fewer and less valid methods of selection;
 relies more on informal methods bearing little relation to ‘good practice’ models.

Source: Lockyer and Scholarios (2004).

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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 307

(see Figures 8.3 and 8.4), they do not necessarily provide evidence of vertical strategic
integration. It could be argued, for example, that these responses were not strategically
driven but represented no more than rational responses to changing labour-market con-
ditions and as such are part of the normal diet of everyday recruitment and selection
practice. As such they are clearly integrated to something but not necessarily to the
organisation’s corporate strategy.
Third, reported evidence of strategic recruitment and selection may be drawn from
case companies which are not representative of organisations generally. For example,
Kydd and Oppenheim (1990) based their work on what they termed excellent compa-
nies, Storey (1992) used 15 leading organisations while Sparrow and Pettigrew’s (1988)
work was positioned within the highly turbulent world of the computer supply industry.
This potential lack of representativeness is highlighted by Scholarios and Lockyer (1996:
189) when they concluded that what limited evidence of more sophisticated recruitment
and selection there was appeared ‘to be restricted to relatively few companies, usually the
largest’. To this list it is possible to add foreign owned, inward investment companies, as
exemplified by Nissan (Garrahan and Stewart, 1992), those experiencing transforma-
tional change (van de Vliet, 1995) and those practising SHRM (Storey, 1992).
Fourth, evidence of strategic recruitment and selection has, arguably, been advanced
on narrow foundations and against a concept that has not been fully explained. It is pos-
sible that all that is required for the existence of the strategic variant to be claimed is
evidence that recruitment and selection policies and practice are clearly consistent with
an organisation’s corporate strategy. While this is clearly necessary it may not be sufficient
and may mask the fact that any relationship between the two variables is more accidental
than deliberate. This raises the not implausible suggestion that evidence of strategic
recruitment and selection relates directly to how the concept is defined by the researcher.

In Practice 8.10

Recruitment and selection at Buckingham Palace

Breaking news, November 2003 – Ryan Parry, a Daily Mirror undercover reporter, worked undetected
for two months as a trainee footman in Buckingham Palace. His role gave him unprecedented access
to the Palace and compromised the Queen’s personal security. His duties included attending at the
Queen’s breakfast table which he claimed gave him ample opportunity to poison her.
Ryan Parry had applied for the job under his real name but submitted a fake CV and one of his
listed references was false. He attended a 30-minute interview and shortly afterwards was advised
that he had been accepted for the job subject to security clearance. The personnel department
handles the Palace’s vetting procedure. One of the checks they made was a telephone reference
request to a pub in North Wales where he had previously worked. The landlord had moved on but a
barmaid taking the call shouted out Mr Parry’s name to see if he was known by any of the regulars. A
regular took the call, said he recognised the name and this was accepted by the caller.
Whitehall officials emphasised the need for careful selection of staff who would be working along-
side members of the Royal Family, particularly as the country was on a heightened terrorist alert. The
Palace accepted that its vetting procedures were insufficient. A simple internet search would have
revealed Ryan Parry’s true identity and highlighted that he had previously infiltrated security at the
Wimbledon tennis tournament after posing as a security guard.
Sources: Pierce et al. (2003); Seamark (2003); Seamark and Greenhill (2003).
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308 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 8.4

To what extent does the process used to recruit Ryan Parry reflect a strategic
approach to recruitment and selection? It is recommended that you conduct your
analysis against the conceptual framework and model of strategic recruitment
and selection presented earlier in the chapter (Key Concepts 8.4 and Figures 8.3
and 8.4).

Evidence of strategic recruitment and selection practice

In Practice 8.11 concludes this section by reporting on evidence extracted from recent
research that was clearly structured around a detailed exposition of strategic recruit-
ment and selection that culminated in the conceptual framework and model presented
earlier in the chapter (Key Concepts 8.4 and Figures 8.3 and 8.4). It was against these
templates that evidence of strategic recruitment and selection was assessed.

In Practice 8.11
Is the strategic recruitment and selection glass half full or half empty?
A summary of recent findings from survey data

Literature review:
 Research reported in the literature painted a contradictory picture. It was possible to construct
both an optimistic view that strategic recruitment and selection was alive and well, and a pes-
simistic view that its practice was much exaggerated.
 A difficulty in resolving this contradictory position arose because the explicit criteria against which
recruitment and selection practice was being evaluated to establish its strategic credentials were
seldom made explicit.
 A conceptual framework of strategic recruitment and selection comprising three primary and four
secondary features was developed as an evaluative tool (see Key Concepts 8.4).
The study:

 A longitudinal examination of recruitment and selection practice in organisations represented by

management and HR students attending postgraduate programmes.
 Respondents (students) were asked to report on actual recruitment and selection exercises con-
ducted in their organisations.
 Respondents were required to map out, through a flow chart, their perception of the entire recruit-
ment and selection process that was used to fill an identified vacancy.
 Instructions for completing the flow chart emphasised the need to start from the very beginning of
the recruitment and selection process and to work through to the very last element of the process.
 Prior to the production of flow charts, students had received inputs on strategic integration and
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 309

 180 flow charts depicting recruitment and selection exercises conducted by 108 organisations
over a four-year period were generated and analysed.
 Flow charts were analysed against the evaluative frameworks depicted in Key Concepts 8.4 and
Figure 8.4 to establish evidence of strategic recruitment and selection practice.
Selected findings:
 Not one recruitment and selection exercise satisfied all the primary features.
 Only 2 per cent of exercises demonstrated any direct connection with strategy.
 If HRP was interpreted implicitly as fulfilling all three primary features, then evidence of strategi-
cally driven recruitment and selection rose to 8 per cent.
 In these 8 per cent of cases, evidence of secondary features was far more prevalent than in the
remainder which reflected the traditional, systematic approach to recruitment and selection.
 There was no evidence of the strategic contribution of recruitment and selection practice being
 On the basis of this evidence the strategic recruitment and selection glass is virtually empty, albeit
with a little froth in the bottom.
Source: Millmore (2003).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 8.5

In Chapter 2 a number of studies exploring the contribution of SHRM to organisa-

tional performance were reported on. A critique of the research methodology used
by each study was presented under the banner of ‘Study limitations’. On a similar
basis, what limitations can you identify in the study outlined in ‘In Practice’ 8.11 that
might explain the low incidence of strategic recruitment and selection reported?

What might account for the mismatch between the rhetoric and
the reality of strategic recruitment and selection?

The problematic nature of strategic fit

Many of the difficulties that may frustrate the development of strategic recruitment and
selection coalesce around the nature of strategic fit itself. Much of the above analysis has
within it a rational deliberative process of strategic formulation, which will not always
be in evidence. As discussed in Chapter 1, legitimate challenges can be made against the
rational, deterministic presumption. At one level, strategy may be seen to emerge over
time (Mintzberg, 1987) on the ‘I know it when I see it basis’ or as a result of muddle and
inertia. At another level, strategic change, like any change programme, may be more
effectively driven by a bottom-up approach through task alignment (Beer et al., 1990).
However, irrespective of whether strategy is the outcome of a deliberate or an emergent
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310 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

process, there is still a requirement to translate it into ‘people’ terms, and, on this basis,
where there is no evident strategy it can be held that one should be assumed, for only
then is it possible to ‘develop human resource policies and plans related to the organisa-
tion’s future’ (Evenden, 1993: 222).
There may also be insufficient integration between SHRM and strategic planning, a
factor that has been identified as a common reason for SHRM policy implementation
failures (Golden and Ramanujam, 1985). Another difficulty is that the central tenet of
strategic fit is open to challenge. It may be simply that organisations fail to undertake
strategic planning or that personnel managers cannot develop strategic approaches to
human resourcing because they cannot gain access to the strategic plan even if it exists
(Storey and Sisson, 1993). Alternatively, there may be more than one strategy operating at
the same time. This is only to be expected in multi-divisional organisations, and when
combined with decentralised decision-making it should be self-evident that the develop-
ment of coherent, long-term, integrated human resource strategies will be problematic
(Storey, 1992). Another difficulty is that strategic contradictions may be evident. For
example, following Guest’s (1987) construction of SHRM, an organisation may adopt
core–periphery strategies to deliver ‘flexibility/adaptability’ but it is questionable whether
‘quality’ can be sustained solely on the backs of core employees and within a climate of
cost-cutting and the casualisation of labour (Storey and Sisson, 1993).

The barriers of money and time

The strategic recruitment and selection model, with its emphasis on tailor-made proce-
dures, is expensive in terms of both time and money. Because of this, the potential for
front-loaded investment staffing processes may be restricted to large organisations and
is, anyway, unlikely to be compatible with cost-reduction strategies. Strategies developed
around cost competition may be the antithesis of strategic recruitment and selection,
and are more likely to lead to an end-loaded rather than front-loaded investment model.
Strategic recruitment and selection may also be perceived as demanding an unobtain-
able nirvana where selection is successfully made against a composite personnel
specification embracing specific job requirements, group fit and organisation fit both
now and in the future. Even if managers have time to work through all these scenarios,
compromises between these different demands are likely and may necessitate sub-
optimal decisions that could then threaten the integrity of the whole process.

Another practical difficulty is the short-term perspective, rooted in accountancy tradi-
tions and traditional patterns of corporate ownership, said to characterise UK
businesses. This outlook encourages managers to adopt quick-fix solutions (Storey and
Sisson, 1993). A scenario, familiar to many managers, ‘is that they may be under too
much pressure to develop a strategic response of any kind – they may simply seek to
muddle through’ (Sisson, 1994a: 12). This is reminiscent of Legge’s analysis (1978) of
personnel managers who are caught in a vicious circle, where problem prevention is pre-
cluded by a focus on problem solving and fire fighting.

The evaluation of strategic contribution?

One last problem concerning strategic fit considered here is the difficulty of validating
selection decisions within the strategic framework. Most attempts to validate recruit-
ment and selection decisions use the predictive validity model where relationships
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 311

between predictions from selection methods and subsequent measures of job perform-
ance are correlated (Lundy and Cowling, 1996). However, the utility of this approach
which is based essentially on current job performance, is questionable where selection is
being directed towards organisation fit and the future capabilities of employees to
manage change (Lawler, 1994). Organisations may therefore find it difficult to justify
resource-intensive staffing processes without also investing in alternative concepts of
validation (Lawler, 1994).

Issues of competence?
Another set of difficulties relate to the very competence of those responsible for recruit-
ment and selection. Whatever strategic recruitment and selection is, it is not
straightforward. HRP, strategic job analysis, sophisticated selection, evaluation, etc. are
not exactly as easy to execute as falling off the proverbial log. They arguably demand a
high degree of commitment and competence and these attributes may simply not be
within the compass of those managers and HR specialists responsible for recruitment
and selection. Here it can be questioned whether managers are psychologically fit to
carry out their HR responsibilities effectively (Beer and Eisenstat, 1996). Consider, for
example, the following questions:
 Have managers been selected with the necessary attributes and values to deliver their
HR responsibilities successfully?
 Have managers been trained adequately to fulfil these responsibilities?
 Are overall managerial roles structured to provide sufficient prominence to and space
for the effective delivery of their HR responsibilities?
 Do short-term performance demands preclude the longer-term perspective
demanded by strategic recruitment and selection?
 Are managers assessed and rewarded for their ability to staff their section with either
employees who can demonstrably contribute to the achievement of the longer-term
strategic imperatives of the organisation or, who in terms of immediate job perform-
ance, can hit the ground running?
Of course it is unfair to single out managers in this way as it is equally legitimate to
question the capability of the HR specialists who support these managers in their
recruitment and selection role responsibilities. This presents an interesting catch-22
where organisations may need to practise strategic recruitment and selection in order to
staff their organisation with managers and HR specialists with the necessary compe-
tences to develop strategic recruitment and selection practice!

Am I bothered?
These potential obstacles represent formidable barriers to the successful implementation of
strategic recruitment and selection processes. However, as reported earlier, there are exam-
ples of organisations that are moving in this direction, perhaps reflecting the adage ‘to fail to
plan is to plan to fail’. There are also, inherent within the strategic model, concepts whose
careful application may serve to address and ameliorate these difficulties. Particular atten-
tion is drawn to recruitment and selection geared around managing diversity, the learning
organisation, competences associated with change management, managerial and key
change agent appointments and using team selection as the basis for assembling the many
disparate qualities likely to be demanded in the workforce of the future.
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312 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 The pursuit of competitive advantage, interest in SHRM and the role of recruitment
and selection in securing one of an organisation’s most valuable assets provide a pow-
erful rationale for the development of strategic recruitment and selection.
 It is possible to construct a model of strategic recruitment and selection around three
primary features: strategic integration; a long-term perspective; and the use of HRP
as a bridging mechanism between strategy and HR practice. The strategic variant ele-
vates the organisational importance of recruitment and selection, and leads to the
generation of a more demanding person specification. These two outcomes generate
four consequential interrelated, secondary features that are likely to shape strategic
recruitment and selection practice: the adoption of a front-loaded investment model;
rigorous evaluation of outcomes; the use of high validity, sophisticated selection
methods; and multi-stakeholder involvement.
 Far from being a simple notion, strategic fit has been revealed as a multi-dimensional
concept where it is possible to identify at least six different strands. This means that
strategic recruitment and selection has potentially to be aligned with multiple inter-
pretations of strategy if it is to satisfy its strategic credentials.
 Despite uncertainties surrounding strategy implementation and the business envi-
ronment as it unfolds over time, recruitment and selection practice can be shaped to
support long-term changes in strategic direction.
 On balance, and despite a powerful rationale to the contrary, organisational
approaches to recruitment and selection practice appear to be dominated by tradi-
tional and not strategic approaches.
 The overall conclusion is that although the case for adopting strategic recruitment
and selection may be seductively persuasive it is arguably another case in the HR
arena where the rhetoric runs ahead of the reality.

Follow-up study suggestions

 Search the literature for material that explicitly addresses strategic recruitment and
selection. From this, develop your own definition and conceptual framework of
strategic recruitment and selection against which organisation practice could be
tested to establish its strategic credentials.
 Compare and contrast your conceptual framework of strategic recruitment and selec-
tion with the constructions of strategic recruitment and selection presented in this
chapter in Key Concepts 8.4 and Figures 8.3 and 8.4. Develop the arguments that you
would present in defence of the similarities and differences identified.
 Drawing on research methods literature, design a research project to test the extent to
which strategic recruitment and selection is practised in UK organisations. Critique
your research design to identify its strengths and weaknesses.
 Access the international SHRM literature to establish whether discussion of strategic
recruitment and selection theory and evidence of its practice is more or less prevalent
in other countries.
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection: Much ado about nothing? 313

 Use the internet and SHRM/recruitment and selection literature to determine those
competences that you believe are positively associated with the effective manage-
ment of change. Develop these into a person specification and think through how
selection methods could be devised to provide valid assessments of candidates
against these competences.

Suggestions for research topics

 How will we know it when we see it? The development of a conceptual and evaluative
framework against which organisational recruitment and selection practice can be
analysed to determine its strategic credentials.
 To what extent can recruitment and selection in XYZ organisation be termed ‘strate-
gic recruitment and selection’?
 How extensive is strategic recruitment and selection practice in UK organisations?
 Why is the apparent gap between the rhetoric and reality of strategic recruitment and
selection so large?
 Does size matter? An examination of the feasibility of practising strategic recruitment
and selection in SMEs.

Case Study
Recruitment and selection at Southco Europe Ltd

Southco is a medium-sized American-owned global The organisation’s vision is to be the ‘leading global
manufacturer of access hardware solutions, such as source of engineered access control hardware, ser-
latches and hinges, used for applications in the air- vices and solutions’ (Southco, 2004: 1). This is
craft, railway, computer and automotive industry. translated into the following mission statements,
Operating out of its headquarters in Philadelphia, by which are communicated throughout the organisation:
2003 the company had manufacturing sites and
 to create continuous growth opportunities
sales offices in Connecticut and Florida and similar
through strong customer connectivity and
European operations with a head office in the UK. At
engineering excellence
this time, the company employed a global workforce
of more than 1,479 employees referred to as ‘associ-  to seize these opportunities through seamless
ates’. This case is centred on the European head teamwork and by leveraging operational excel-
office of the business and details how recruitment lence and supply chain management
and selection is being used to support the organisa-  to drive leadership, growth and extraordinary
tion’s strategic goal of accelerated global expansion value for customers, associates and shareholders.
while serving local markets with local production. (Southco, 2004: 1)
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314 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

The organisation’s vision, mission statements and and it is company policy that every position is first
related annual key objectives are captured on a advertised internally. The company regards people as
plastic card carried by every Southco associate: its key success factor and places great emphasis on
their development and training. The HR department
 to drive profitable top line growth
seeks to continuously assess and develop the skills
 to drive and leverage process excellence and talents of its associates in order to ensure that
 to expand global reach and capabilities these match its strategic requirements.
 to strengthen and leverage financial position With a strong focus on the rapid global expan-
sion of the organisation, the pressure is on the HR
 to strengthen people and performance man-
function for timely and effective delivery. A critical
agement systems.
success factor for achieving this is the coherent
(Southco, 2004: 1)
alignment of the HR function with corporate strat-
Exposed to environmental factors, such as egy and objectives. This is particularly evidenced
increasing political and economic insecurity and ever through the corporate scorecard, where the HR
more aggressive competitors, Southco reflects a cli- function represents one of the key measurables
mate of constant change. An appreciation of cultural relating to performance delivery against corporate
diversity is characteristic of the organisation as sum- goals, including internal and external customer sat-
marised by one of its cultural belief statements: ‘Act isfaction. Here, in short, Southco’s HR function
Global/Think Local.’ The company’s continuing com- positions people processes as the link between cor-
mitment to this objective has recently been porate objectives and performance management.
demonstrated by its establishment of a direct sales The strategic fit between Southco’s corporate and
presence in eastern Europe and a new Automotive HR strategies is also evidenced by the fact that the
Office in Germany to better serve local customers. European Human Resource Development (HRD)
Manager is regarded as an indispensable member
of the senior management team.
Case study question 1 – to be answered
before reading on
Case study question 2 – to be answered
1. Based on the information provided with respect before reading on
to organisation context, strategy, vision, mission
statements and annual key objectives, what core 2. What do you think would be an appropriate
competences do you feel will underpin Southco’s recruitment and selection procedure for Southco
recruitment and selection processes? to follow? Map out your answer providing as
much detail as possible on the recruitment and
Southco values its associates highly and its selection methods you would use.
approach to human resource management could
best be described as soft. This is reflected in its The organisation’s recruitment policy could be
annual key objectives and evidenced by: generous summarised as ‘right person, right job’, a philoso-
health and benefits schemes; considerable invest- phy backed up by the argument that hiring the
ment in employee training and development; and ‘wrong’ person will cause the company to incur
initiatives that seek to improve employee relations substantial indirect (e.g. the impact on business effi-
such as interdepartmental or cultural training, where ciency of poor performers) and direct (e.g. training)
the associates are prepared for the challenges of a costs. On the one hand, the match between the
multi-cultural environment. person and the skills and competence requirements
Despite being exposed to a rapidly and continu- of the job specification should be as accurate as
ously changing business environment, the possible. However, on the other hand, Southco also
organisation regards itself as being extremely stresses the importance of the candidate’s fit with
people-focused and is particularly committed to its organisational culture. Information material received
internal labour market and proud of its many long- by potential applicants clearly states the organisa-
serving employees. When sourcing for the right pool tion’s vision, mission statements and corporate
of talent, Southco recruits from both the internal goals, which are also included on Southco’s web
and external labour markets. site. Therefore, prior to any application, interested
However, it will first strive to fill vacancies via the parties are given the opportunity to assess for
internal labour market rather than recruiting externally themselves whether they can identify with ‘what
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Chapter 8 Strategic recruitment and selection 315

Southco is about’, and decide whether or not to manager which, taken together, are designed to
apply for a position. In addition, any candidate must establish both behavioural fit and technical compe-
also be able to adapt to the fast-paced business tence. Following these standard arrangements, the
environment that characterises Southco. procedure then varies according to the position.
In an organisation such as Southco, with a grow- However, the focus remains on skill and competence
ing demand for globally mobile talent, and an ever testing supplemented by further introductions to the
increasing awareness of both internal and external organisational context. An applicant for, say, a po-
customer service, the HR function views its core sition in European Customer Services, will undergo
responsibility as ‘identifying the right pool of talent various written and oral foreign language tests, and
for establishing the right candidate’. Applicants are an applicant for a secretarial position will be tested
shortlisted by the HR Advisor based on a compe- on their IT skills. Having concluded the technical
tence-based approach. This means that there must skills and competence testing procedures, all candi-
be a very close match between the skills and com- dates meet with the person who currently holds the
petences detailed in the job and person position of interest to them, in order to gain an
specification and what is described in the written insight into the daily working environment and to
application. Therefore the match between the tech- learn first-hand about the nature of the job. Candi-
nical skills and work experience of the applicant and dates for managerial positions may be required to
specific requirements of the job and person specifi- return to deliver presentations to their potential
cation are important considerations. However, there teams and, in some cases, particularly for senior
is also a number of organisationally driven require- managers, are sent to the corporate office in the US
ments that inform shortlisting decisions. These for further interviews and presentations.
particularly focus on organisation fit, where an Finally, the recruitment and selection team meet
applicant should come across as a ‘well-suited for discussion and ideally come to joint decisions on
family member’, but also correspond to the interna- candidates based on their findings with respect to
tional nature of the business, assessed in terms of skill and competence and cultural fit assessments.
speaking at least another European language
and/or demonstrating a ‘global outlook’, revealed Case study questions 3 and 4
ideally through work experience abroad or at least
an expressed interest in travelling. 3. To what extent could Southco’s approach to
Not surprisingly, the selection processes are recruitment and selection be classified as strate-
lengthy and complex. Dependent on the position, gic? Justify your answer with evidence drawn
the selection procedure may last anywhere between from case material.
2 and 7 days. During the selection process candi- 4. What changes would you make to Southco’s
dates attend a series of interviews, skill and recruitment and selection processes in order to
competence assessments, and are psychometri- more fully meet the model, core dimensions and
cally tested to identify whether or not they would be conceptual framework of strategic recruitment
suitable for the Southco environment. Consistent and selection captured respectively in Figures 8.3
with the mission statement, particular emphasis is and 8.4 and Key Concepts 8.4.
also placed on establishing whether a person inter-
acts well within a team. The key recruitment and
selection decision-makers include the HRD man- Acknowledgement
ager, the line manager and in some cases, for top
management, the next-level manager. The support of Scott Duncan and Russ Pender, the
On the first day, candidates are welcomed by the outgoing and incoming Managing Director of
HRD manager and attend an informal introductory Southco Europe Ltd., in granting permission to use
interview, followed by a two-hour psychometric test- this case and the lead role played by Inge Studnik,
ing procedure. On the second day, candidates formerly Executive Assistant of Southco Europe
attend a behaviourally based interview with the HRD Ltd., in its preparation are gratefully acknowledged.
manager, followed by an interview with the direct line
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Performance management: so much

9 more than annual appraisal

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 define performance management and explain its relationship to strategic

human resource management;
 analyse the reasons for the growth in importance of performance
 explain the performance management systems model and the key
processes embedded in the model;
 evaluate some of the major criticisms of performance management;
 suggest ways in which performance management may link more closely to
strategic human resource management.
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Chapter 9 Performance management: so much more than annual appraisal 317

What is performance management?
Rather like many other titles, the term ‘performance management’ originated in the USA.
But in reality there is nothing new about performance management. It is an umbrella term to
describe not a single activity but a range of activities that may be gathered together to
enhance organisational performance. So, before defining what performance management
is, it may be useful to clarify what it is not. First, it is not performance appraisal. It is easy to
go through the annual ritual of performance appraisal, from which little action follows, and
call this performance management. Performance appraisal is an important component of
performance management, but the action that emanates from performance appraisal is cru-
cial if organisational performance is to be enhanced. Second, performance management is
not just defining performance indicators and setting these as targets to be achieved, either
by individual employees, a department or organisation. This is much too narrow an
approach, as is argued later in this part of the chapter. Third, performance management is
not only performance-related pay. This may be an important consequence of the perform-
ance appraisal process, but it is only one consequence. Indeed, performance-related pay
may be awarded to individuals without any formal attempt at appraising performance.
Given the wide-ranging nature of performance management, it is not surprising that
defining the topic is not straightforward and many conventional HRM texts do not attempt a
definition. However, Armstrong and Baron (1998: 7) address the issue of defining perform-
ance management by framing a short overall definition and then embellishing this with a
further explanation of what performance management is about. This seems an effective
way of capturing the complexity of a subject that is so all-embracing that a simple catch-all
definition is unsatisfactory. Armstrong and Baron define performance management as:
A strategic and integrated approach to delivering sustained success to organisations
by improving the performance of people who work in them and by developing the
capabilities of teams and individual contributors.
For the purposes of this book, the emphasis that Armstrong and Baron put upon the
aspect of strategy and integration is highly appropriate. Performance management has
the capacity to match the organisation’s overall strategy, indeed these authors argue that
performance management will not reach its full potential if that is not the case. In addition,
Armstrong and Baron stress the aspect of integration. Ideally, performance management
is integrated vertically with the strategic goals of the organisation and horizontally with the
other aspects of HRM. Particular attention is paid to these two aspects of integration later
in the chapter. The word ‘ideally’ is chosen deliberately to highlight the fact that perform-
ance management is often not strategic or integrated (IRS, 2003).
However, there are important additions to this definition that need to be made. In making
these additions the scene is set for the content of this chapter. The terms ‘development’
and ‘improvement’ suggest a forward-looking element to performance management, which
is captured in this chapter. Development in terms of both capability and longer-term career
planning has long been an important element of effective performance appraisal systems –
improvement less so. However, the role that performance management plays in seeking to
improve the performance of under-performing employees is given due attention in this
chapter. The aspect of team performance management is given much less attention, both
in the literature and in practice. This is surprising given the current attention that is paid to
teamwork in organisations. This is examined briefly in this chapter. All these aspects are
important if a strategic and integrated approach to achieving success in organisations by
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318 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

improving the performance of people who work in them and by developing the capabilities
of teams and individual contributors is to be realised.
As noted earlier, a major component of performance management in many organi-
sations is that of individual performance-related pay. Although this topic is covered
briefly in this chapter, it is dealt with in more detail in Chapter 11.

What is Performance A critical look
Performance management at performance
Management? and SHRM management
systems model

Vertical and
Definition horizontal Key contexts

Key concepts management and Processes

Performance HR outputs
and employees

The growing
importance of

Figure 9.1 Mapping the performance management territory: a summary diagram of the chapter content

Performance measurement: only one element of performance management

The introduction makes clear that performance management is not simply the process
of defining performance indicators and measuring achievement against those indica-
tors. The difference between performance measurement and performance management
is that performance measurement includes measures based on key success factors, which
may include: measures of deviation from the ‘norm’; measures to track past achieve-
ments; measures of output and input; whereas performance management involves such
issues as training, teamwork, management style, attitudes, shared vision, employee
involvement and rewards, etc. (Lebas, 1995).
Yet the performance measurement approach has proliferated in many organisations,
following work such as that of Kaplan and Norton’s (1992) ‘balanced scorecard’
approach (see Key Concepts 9.1) and the well-known European Foundation for Quality
Management (EFQM) European Excellence Model. The EFQM model posits that busi-
ness results are a function of leadership driving people management, resources, and
policy and strategy, which in turn drive business processes. The outcome is people
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Chapter 9 Performance management: so much more than annual appraisal 319

satisfaction, customer satisfaction and, through these, business results. (For more details
on the European Excellence Model see Key Concepts 4.4).

Key Concepts 9.1

Kaplan and Norton’s balanced scorecard

Kaplan and Norton’s approach assumes that for an organisation to be successful it must satisfy the
demands of its key stakeholders: investors, customers and employees. Therefore, they suggest four key
perspectives on business performance. These perspectives generate the following four questions:
1. Financial: ‘to succeed financially how should we appear to our shareholders?’;
2. Customer: ‘to be successful how should we appear to our customers?’;
3. Internal business processes: ‘to meet the expectations of our shareholders and customers at what
business processes should we excel?’;
4. Learning and growth: ‘to achieve our vision and strategy how will we sustain our ability to change
and improve?’
Kaplan and Norton argue that the balanced scorecard strategy should have vision, not control, at
the forefront. It establishes goals but assumes that people will adopt whatever behaviours and take
whatever actions are necessary to arrive at those goals. The measures are designed to drive people
towards the overall vision. Managers may know what the end result should be but they cannot tell
employees exactly how to achieve that result, if only because the conditions in which employees
operate are constantly changing.
Kaplan and Norton’s view is that by combining the financial, customer, internal process and inno-
vation, and organisational learning perspectives, the balanced scorecard helps managers to
understand, at least implicitly, many interrelationships between different organisational functions. This
understanding can help managers transcend traditional notions about functional barriers and ulti-
mately lead to improved decision-making and problem solving. The balanced scorecard keeps
organisations focused on the future not simply the past.

The issue of quantitative measures in HR, and the problems that flow from using this
approach, are touched on in Chapters 2 and 4, where the subject of the contribution that HR
makes to organisational performance is examined. Gratton (2004) echoes the authors’ view
that placing too much reliance in HR metrics is a dangerous path to tread. Yet it is tempting
to pursue this approach to performance evaluation because it is the language that so many
managers understand. For HR specialists to hide behind the sort of argument that runs –
‘you can’t measure soft HR process factors like the quality of interaction between colleagues’
– is likely to be seen as, at best, an excuse and at worst an attempt to evade accountability. In
either case it does little to enhance non-HR managers’ view of the HR profession.
The main problem behind the performance indicators approach to performance
management is that of validity. Put simply, can those who define the performance indi-
cators be sure that the indicators are measuring what they want measured? Gratton
(2004) gives the well-known metric of retention to illustrate the case. This is often used
as a supposed indicator of such phenomena as employee commitment to the employing
organisation. The theoretical assumption is that ‘committed’ employees will stay longer
in the organisation than those who are not committed. Gratton draws on research which
suggests that those employees who are highly mobile did form attachments and com-
mitment during their relatively short stays in organisations and were just as committed
as workers who stayed in a single company.
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320 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

The other main problem with the concentration upon performance measurement is
that it can see measurement as an end in itself whereas the performance management
emphasis is upon following up the results and promoting action consequent upon those
results. This is similar to the action research approach to evaluation outlined in Chapter 4.
The performance measurement approach has been particularly prevalent in the UK
public sector, where it has been introduced as part of the drive to improve public services,
through more effective use of resources, and to reinforce accountability so that organisa-
tions are accountable for resource usage and achievement of outcomes. The role that
performance management plays in meeting these goals is explained in Key Concepts 9.2.

Key Concepts 9.2

Public services productivity: meeting the challenge

Effective performance management is essential for any organisation. Without the rigour that perform-
ance management provides, public services can (and do) lose sight of their objectives, accept
mediocrity and fail to serve the customer.
The concept of performance management is well understood in the public sector and most
organisations have some form of performance management system in place. But successful implementa-
tion of such systems is difficult and the quality is currently very mixed. We therefore regard performance
management as very important and in October 1999 the Civil Service Management Board adopted the
key elements of our framework as the new business planning structure for central government.

To stretch and motivate the organisation


To translate the aspiration into a set of specific
metrics against which performance and
progress can be measured


To ensure that REVIEW
individuals who are best To ensure that
placed to ensure continuously improving
delivery of targets have performance is being
real ownership for delivered in line with
doing so expectations

To motivate individuals to deliver the targeted performance
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Chapter 9 Performance management: so much more than annual appraisal 321

1. Bold aspirations to ensure that organisations have a clear and shared sense of direction that are
derived from the needs and preferences of stakeholders, whether internal or external.
2. A coherent set of measures and targets that must be both demanding and manageable, with a
mixture of targets that are cascaded throughout the organisation and are continually reviewed.
3. Ownership and accountability for targets, which may be at team or individual level, but specific
responsibilities and accountabilities must be recognised.
4. Rigorous performance monitoring and review, when accountabilities have been defined.
5. Reinforcement so that success in delivering targeted performance should result in real conse-
quences at an individual level, involving a mix of incentives such as financial rewards, career
opportunities and non-pay incentives.
Source: Public Services Productivity Panel (2000).

The fear that performance measurement becomes an end in itself was borne out in case
study research carried out by Radnor and McGuire (2004) in two UK public sector organ-
isations: a health authority and a central government department. These researchers
found four main weaknesses.
1. Performance was about measurement and evaluation, not about management. In
both organisations too much time was spent ‘form filling’ and chasing information.
2. The systems in the two organisations were diagnostic not interactive or about allow-
ing employee improvement.
3. The targets were not considered nor was there evaluation of the foundation upon
which they were based.
4. There was a general lack of ownership of the targets, since those having to manage
them were not responsible for the setting of the targets.
The last two weaknesses point to the observation that staff felt they had no direct
influence over the targets and therefore quickly lost interest in them because they felt
that they had little relevance to their daily work.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 9.1

What factors do you think would explain the weaknesses Radnor and McGuire
found in their research?

Performance management and SHRM

It was noted in Chapter 2 that SHRM derives its ‘strategic’ facet from the link to wider
business strategy and integration between the various HR policies, procedures and prac-
tices: the first-termed vertical integration and the second ‘horizontal integration’
(Mabey et al., 1998). In this section of the chapter the links that performance manage-
ment has with both vertical and horizontal integration are analysed.
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322 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Performance management through vertical integration

There are two major ways in which senior management can enlist the services of per-
formance management activities to underpin the strategic direction of the organisation:
first, by reinforcing the organisation’s mission and, second, through closely relating the
organisation’s business objectives to those of the individual.

Reinforcing the organisation’s mission

It has become fashionable for organisations in all sectors of the economy to have clear
statements of their mission. These tend to promote a good deal of scepticism, as often they
are couched in rather bland language and express sentiments with which few would dis-
agree. An extreme example is one of the world’s leading computer companies which states:
Our goal is simply stated. We want to be the best service organization in the world.
It goes without saying that employees are crucial to the pursuit of this mission and
activities devoted to optimising employee performance are an intrinsic part of deliver-
ing the mission. However, this may not be as straightforward as it seems because it
assumes that employees are able and willing to play their part in mission achievement.
Purcell et al. (2003), with their A+M+O model (see Chapter 2), assert that for people
to perform effectively they must:
1. have the ability to do so by possessing the required skills and knowledge;
2. be motivated to do the work and do it well;
3. be given the opportunity to use their skills in playing their part in achieving team and
organisational success.
Performance management has a direct role to play in the second and third of these
factors. To return to the mission statement, as it does assume that employees will be
motivated to play their part in its achievement, the challenge for managers is to get all
employees to be committed to the mission.
The pursuit of employee commitment to the organisation’s mission is something that
has dominated people management thinking in recent years. As was noted in Chapter 2,
Guest (1987) identified commitment as one of the four goals of HRM together with
strategic integration, flexibility and quality.
Legge (1995b: 180) suggests that the orthodox interpretation of commitment ‘is
operationalised in terms of three factors: a strong desire to remain a member of the
organisation; a strong belief in, and acceptance of, the values and goals of the organisa-
tion; and a readiness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organisation’. Guest
(1987) argues that the theoretical proposition that follows from this orthodox interpre-
tation of commitment is that organisational commitment will result in high employee
satisfaction, high performance, longer tenure and a willingness to accept change.
The research evidence on the effects of employee commitment is inconclusive, not
the least reason being the difficulty of separating cause and effect in relation to HR
processes and outcomes (Legge, 2001). For example, you may be asking: does the oppor-
tunity to negotiate individual performance objectives cause employee commitment or
does a committed employee define the objective-setting process as negotiation where, in
truth, it is little more than imposition with a cursory opportunity for the individual to
disagree? What this suggests is that testing the theoretical proposition that employee
commitment leads to specific outcomes is extremely difficult.
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However, it is necessary to make two points here. The first is that managers have taken
this theoretical proposition as an act of faith on the assumption that employees who ‘sign
on’ to the organisation’s goals are more likely to be effective performers than those who
are, at best, apathetic or, at worst, alienated. Notwithstanding the complexity of the topic
masked by its seeming simplicity, it is a compelling argument. The second is that without
the communication of the organisation’s mission, commitment to it is impossible. Per-
formance management offers an excellent opportunity not only to introduce the mission
but to reinforce it consistently through regular reviews of individual performance.

Relating the organisation’s business objectives to those of the individual

Integrating human resource activities with the strategic objectives of the organisation
may take the form of, for example, selecting the sort of people with the potential to
deliver a contribution specifically to organisational objectives (the ability element of the
Purcell et al. (2003) A+M+O model) and training them in such a way that such per-
formance may be realised. But performance management offers the most obvious link.
In Practice 9.1 is a good illustration of how organisational objectives, in this case based
on Kaplan and Norton’s (1992) balanced scorecard approach, inform the performance
objectives throughout the organisation.
The design of a clear link between individual job and organisational objectives raises
the question of the extent to which this link will be forged in practice. For reassurance,
doubting managers may turn to goal-setting theory (Locke et al., 1981). Goal-setting

In Practice 9.1

Performance management at Lever Fabergé

Lever Fabergé manufactures major international toiletry and home-care brands, such as Persil,
Domestos, Dove, Sure and Sunsilk. It employs 2,700 people across four UK sites and introduced a
new performance management system at its Leeds manufacturing plant.
The integrated approach to performance management is based on four related elements: objective
setting; competence development; personal development planning; and reward and remuneration.
Objective setting is based on the balanced scorecard approach. There are six top-level objectives
that are the foundations of the objectives that are then cascaded throughout the organisation. These
are: safety; quality; service productivity; service delivery; cost; and morale. Annually, three work tar-
gets are agreed with relevant employees, which support key performance indicators (KPIs). The KPIs
are based on the top-level objectives and represent work priorities or special tasks that need to be
accomplished. The targets can apply to an individual, a team or a group of teams.
The top-level objectives also provide the basis for competence development. At the same time as
targets are being set, employees agree their personal competence development targets. There is a
list of core competences upon which the targets are based. These include such competences as
influencing others; team working; self-development and creating a safe environment.
The work targets and competence targets form the basis of a personal development plan, which
includes not only the targets but the way it is planned that they should be achieved. There are regular
progress reviews and a final end of year evaluation to assess the extent of achievement.
The work targets and personal competence development targets drive individual performance-
related pay. This takes two forms: a salary increment and a cash bonus.
Source: IDS (2003b).
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324 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

theory has a long history that has been substantiated over 30 years of research. The com-
ponents of the theory are that:
 clear and challenging goals lead to higher performance than easily attainable goals,
goals at which you try your best, or no goals;
 goals affect performance by directing employees’ attention and effort, increasing their
determination to succeed and motivating them to develop strategies for achievement;
 goal-setting is most likely to improve employees’ task performance when goals are
clear and challenging; employees have sufficient ability to achieve them; supportive
managers give regular feedback on the level of progress being made; tangible rewards,
such as money, are given for goal achievement; and employees accept their goals.
Many performance management schemes involve setting employees challenging
goals. Microsoft UK (IDS, 2003) calls them ‘stretch goals’. An insurance company whose
performance management scheme was studied (Lewis, 1998a) emphasised that rewards
would only be given to those employees who demonstrated improved performance; per-
forming at last year’s level, however good, simply wasn’t good enough. This reveals a
particularly demanding aspect of performance management but what it does imply is
the necessity for managers to ensure that the opportunity is available for individuals to
demonstrate improved performance.
Locke et al.’s inclusion of the notion of employee acceptance by the individual of
assigned goals suggests that mere imposition of goals by managers is unlikely to lead to
goal acceptance and goal pursuit in line with strategic objectives. At Lever Fabergé (see In
Practice 9.1) emphasis is placed upon the principle of joint ownership, with employees
accepting their responsibility for performance development if they are to progress.
There may be two reasons why managers impose rather than negotiate objectives.
The first relates to what Marsden and Richardson (1992) call ‘information asymmetry’.
This occurs when managers control all the information relevant to performance man-
agement. They set objectives, define performance measures, conduct appraisals and
decide rewards. It is easy to see why some managers may prefer to do this: it enables
them to retain the power that they derive from their managerial status and makes them
less accountable for their actions.
The second reason why managers may impose rather than negotiate objectives is
structural. In many large organisations, such as the building society in which the authors
studied performance management, the objective-setting process is a mini-industry
(Lewis, 1998a). Goals are ‘handed down’ to over 700 branch managers through their area
managers. In reality there is little scope to amend the content of these goals which relate
to the outputs (e.g. mortgage sales) the manager is expected to achieve. However, there is
scope for area managers to negotiate process goals, on the way in which the branch man-
ager performs his or her duties (e.g. leadership style of branch staff).
The provision of feedback to show progress in relation to the goal is a powerful indi-
cator of performance management effectiveness. Some organisations have weekly,
monthly or quarterly progress meetings and reviews. This is a very demanding and
time-consuming process for managers. This element of the performance management
cycle needs managers who are not only prepared to spend the time, but also committed
to the style of management that is consistent with emphasis upon, giving feedback. This
‘new style’ managerialism is characterised by less concern for the technical side of indi-
viduals’ jobs and more emphasis on talking to them about what they do to ensure that
everything is right for them to do their jobs. The ‘new style’ manager is supportive, a
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Chapter 9 Performance management: so much more than annual appraisal 325

team leader, a coach and facilitator. This is a style of management that is concerned with
processes as well as outputs.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 9.2

What obstacles do you think may stand in the way of an attempt by organisations
to adopt a ‘new style’ of management in which the ‘new style’ manager is sup-
portive, a team leader, a coach and facilitator?

Giving rewards, such as money, for goal attainment raises the contentious question of
individual performance-related pay, which is covered in Chapter 11. Suffice it to say at
this stage, that for some employees the achievement of goals is a reward in itself, without
the existence of financial incentives.

Performance management through horizontal integration

It will become clear when performance management inputs, processes and outputs are
considered later in this chapter, that the scope for performance management to link to
other elements of HR is considerable. In this section, consideration is given to how this
may be done by seeing performance management as: an important part of the so-called
‘high performance (or ‘high commitment’) HR strategy; an approach which reinforces
the organisation’s structure; and a vital component of the drive to build employee skills,
behaviours and attitudes consistent with the business strategy.

Performance management as an important part of the

so-called ‘high performance’ HR strategy
Much attention has been paid to high performance (or, as they are sometimes called,
high commitment) work systems in recent years. According to the Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development (CIPD, 2004b) these are characterised by the presence of:
 decentralised, devolved decision-making, with decisions made by those closest to the
customer – so as constantly to renew and improve the offer to customers;
 development of people capacities through learning at all levels, with particular
emphasis on self-management, team capabilities and project-based activities – to
enable and support performance improvement and organisational potential;
 performance, operational and people management processes aligned to organisa-
tional objectives – to build trust, enthusiasm and commitment to the direction taken
by the organisation;
 fair treatment for those who leave the organisation as it changes, and engagement
with the needs of the community outside the organisation – this is an important
component of trust- and commitment-based relationships, both within and outside
the organisation.
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326 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

The thinking behind such work systems is that they will create the conditions
whereby employees will be more likely to be enthusiastic and involved with their work,
thus demonstrating higher commitment to the organisation’s goals. It is assumed that
this will lead to enhannced employee and organisational performance. Much of the
research that has been done on high performance work systems concentrates upon their
ability to deliver improved organisational performance, a topic that was dealt with in
some detail in Chapter 2. Boxall and Purcell (2003) point out that much works needs to
be done to establish the conditions for and the components and consequences of high
performance work systems.
The list of characteristics above puts performance management firmly at the centre of
high performance activities. Cully et al. (1999), in the 1998 Workplace Employee Rela-
tions Survey, list performance tests and regular appraisals as part of the battery of high
performance work practices, while Wood and de Menezes (1998) talk of ‘new forms of
assessment’. The contribution that performance management can make to high per-
formance work systems is to act as part of a ‘bundle’ of HR activities, complementing
and reinforcing them in order that the impact of the bundle may be increased.
To go into more detail on high performance work systems is not the concern of this
chapter. Suffice to say that performance management has the facility to change the cul-
ture and therefore the working practices of organisations as part of a concerted effort to
generate change.

Performance management and the reinforcement of the

organisation’s structure
The point was made in Chapter 2 that a key element of SHRM is a fluid and adaptive organ-
isational structure in which flexible employees perform flexible jobs (Guest, 1987).
Performance management can play an important part in ensuring the effectiveness of
an organisational structure. In order to understand this, it is necessary to return to
basics: what is the purpose of any organisation’s structure? This is concerned with:
 the allocation of resources in order that maximum efficiency may be gained;
 the organisation of work tasks;
 the distribution of responsibilities to organisational members;
 the monitoring of work patterns and standards to ensure efficient resource usage;
 establishing reporting patterns to clarify responsibilities;
 coordination of different parts of the organisation;
 ensuring a degree of flexibility in order that future changes may be accommodated.
As is explained later in this chapter, the essence of performance management is
the series of communication processes between job holders and their managers. This
communication is, for example, about: what tasks are to be performed; the standard
to which the tasks are to be performed; and the identity of the person(s) responsible
for monitoring the achievement of tasks and performance standards. Thus, effective
communication between employees and their managers over these structural topics
is an important part of ensuring that the purposes of an effective structure are
achieved. Effective communication should lead to a better understanding of these
structural topics.
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This better understanding is achieved in two ways. First, it means that individuals and
teams are likely to be much more responsible for their performance if they can see pre-
cisely the goals they are supposed to achieve, are given guidance on how the goals may
be achieved and are provided with the resources to perform the tasks. This is particularly
the case if they have been instrumental in setting the objectives. Second, performance
management, through its close relationship between individual, unit goals and organisa-
tional goals, is potentially a powerful way of ensuring the optimum use of resources, as it
should lead to a minimum of wasted resources through, for example, duplicated efforts
or the pursuit of inappropriate tasks. The conduct of frequent, regular performance
reviews ensures that tasks pursued by employees are as appropriate at the time of the
review as they were when originally set.
Armstrong and Baron (1998) make the point that performance management is very
much concerned with interrelationships, among the most important people – managers
and individuals, managers and teams, and team members themselves. They note that
contributors to their research often talked of the value of formal and semi-formal dis-
cussions that took place, which clarified many of the structural topics referred to earlier.

Key Concepts 9.3

Communication to foster effective interrelationships: a Chinese perspective

Some researchers (e.g. Child, 1991; Glover and Siu, 2000) have noted the absence of interpersonal
communication in Chinese organisations. This is consistent with poor communication of information
in organisations. In Child’s (1994) view, this is because many Chinese employees see information as a
personal rather than as a collective possession. As a consequence, there is often virtually no flow of
information between departments. Child suggests that this is exacerbated by the absence of any
notion of interdependence between departments and the inability of many Chinese employees to see
how their efforts fit into the overall purpose of the organisation. In addition, it may be explained by the
vertical authority chain in many Chinese organisations, where employees accept little responsibility
because all decisions have to be referred to the senior executive at the top of the organisation. Glover
and Siu (2000: 874) noted the ‘low involvement, low initiative nature of employee attitudes to work’,
which accounted for production errors in the food processing plant they studied.
Questionable interpersonal communication skills may be attributed to the cultural value of the wish to
preserve face. Feedback on job performance, if done with genuine intent, will inevitably involve some
personal criticism. As one technician in an electronics plant studied by Lewis (2003a) explained:
There is not a lot of talking between managers and staff in R and D at present, only about the every-
day demands of the job. Individual review meetings would be welcomed if it could be assured that
managers would listen to the views of their staff. They must give specific answers to problems. We
seldom have discussions about personal development. Mr W… does not tell his staff they are prom-
ising but he sends the message in a subtle way by giving them responsible jobs.

Performance management as a vital component of the drive to

build employee skills, behaviours and attitudes
Perhaps the most basic way of integrating the various HR practices is to use the skills,
behaviours and attitudes (SBAs) necessary to deliver effective job performance as a way of
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328 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

assessing individual success. Skills, behaviours and attitudes (the term ‘competences’ has
been deliberately avoided here to steer clear of a debate about the different definitions of
the term) are what are needed for the employee to meet the performance targets (the
‘how’ to deliver the ‘what’). Such skills, behaviours and attitudes may be used to define:
 the person specification at the time of recruitment. This specification can be the basis
of the job advertisement;
 the job description;
 training and development objectives, which can inform both learning objectives and
criteria for assessing training effectiveness;
 job performance targets;
 criteria for determining performance-related pay awards;
 promotion criteria;
 capability targets to be achieved by less-effective performers.
In Practice 9.2 contains a good illustration of how skills, behaviours and attitudes are
used in the performance management system by a UK public service employer.

In Practice 9.2
The use of skills, behaviours and attitudes in performance management
at the Scottish Prison Service

The Scottish Prison Service operates 15 prisons in Scotland with 4,500 staff and in 2000 embarked
upon a new vision called ‘correctional excellence’, based on the principle of continuous improvement.
An important part of the new vision was a revised performance management system which has three
main components:
 a clear set of expected outputs against which employee performance is measured;
 desired skills, behaviours and attitudes that reflect how the outputs are to be attained;
 continuous improvement targets.
The desired SBAs’ profile was a new initiative for the Scottish Prison Service. It used the skills
framework that had already been drawn up for the purpose of drafting person specifications and job
descriptions. Five core behaviours were defined.
 building and maintaining relationships (working with others, sharing ideas, experiences and effort
to achieve common objectives);
 problem solving and decision-making;
 planning, implementation and control;
In order to assist line managers in the measurement of the SBAs, illustrations of ‘effective’ and
‘ineffective’ behaviours were drafted for each of the five core behaviours. Examples for ‘building and
maintaining relationships’ are: ‘effective’ – ensures people have the information they require; ‘ineffec-
tive’ – shows little consideration for the impact of decisions in other areas, gives misinformation.
Source: IDS (2003b).
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Chapter 9 Performance management: so much more than annual appraisal 329

The initiative by the Scottish Prison Service to measure SBAs is a bold one given the
relative ease with which performance outputs, compared with SBAs, may be measured.
Hard measures lend themselves to quantification, whereas soft measures, such as behav-
iours, do not. This also raises the question of the desirability of paying attention to soft
measures. It is a plausible business argument that what counts is what is achieved, not
the way it was achieved.
In addition, attention to SBAs’ measurement may be challenged on basis of the
underlying theory that prescribed SBAs lead to particular performance outcomes. To
explain the authors’ contention that this may not necessarily be the case, look at Figure
9.2. Scenarios A and B reflect the theoretical position on which the performance man-
agement system, which puts emphasis on the demonstration of SBAs, is based. There is
a certain intuitive logic to this. It is similar to the ‘high commitment work practices
lead to enhanced organisational performance’ theory. After all, it seems like common
sense that the employee who can perform the sort of SBAs enshrined in the Scottish
Prison Service’s five core behaviours is more likely to meet his or her performance tar-
gets than the employee who cannot. Yet scenario C raises the possibility that the SBAs
may be demonstrated, yet the performance outcomes may not be met. There may be a
host of reasons for this. There may be inadequate resources provided by the organisa-
tion or external constraints, for example the economic context, may render target
achievement very difficult. Scenario D is that situation to which many managers may
be tempted to turn a blind eye: targets are achieved in spite of ineffective SBA demon-
stration. Such a situation may be common in sales situations where the salesperson
may demonstrate poor customer relationship skills and behave in a manner that alien-
ates his or her sales team colleagues yet still achieve high sales figures due to a buoyant
product market or simple persistence (although this may, of course, be a relevant SBA).
The manager may be swayed by the argument that long-term success in the job will
only be sustained if there is demonstration of effective SBAs. This would lead to a poor
performance rating for the salesperson. But it would be a brave sales manager who
risked losing someone who produced high sales figures as a result of a poor SBA rating.
That said, there are jobs where the link between SBAs and performance output achieve-
ment may be stronger. An example is a senior manager who is dependent upon others
for the achievement of outputs.

Effective Ineffective

Scenario A Scenario C

Effective SBAs demonstrated, resulting Effective SBAs demonstrated, albeit

in effective performance outcomes ineffective performance outcomes


Scenario D Scenario B
Environmental variability requires a

Ineffective SBAs demonstrated, albeit Ineffective SBAs demonstrated,

effective performance outcomes resulting in ineffective performance
demonstrated outcomes

Figure 9.2 Four possible scenarios linking the demonstration of skills, behaviours and attitudes
(SBAs) with performance outcomes
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330 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

It is not the purpose of Figure 9.2. to undermine the promotion of SBAs in perform-
ance management. Far from it. Emphasis upon SBA achievement enhances the strategic
thrust of performance management through the principle of generic SBAs, such as the
five core behaviours evident in the Scottish Prison Service’s system. The nature of these
five SBAs is that they relate to the majority of jobs in the organisation. The fact that
individual employees may reflect scenarios C and D does not threaten the principle that,
in general, the inclusion of SBAs in performance management may enhance strategic
significance, provided, of course, that the SBAs reflect the organisation’s mission. The
significance of Figure 9.2 is that scenario C points up that the context in which the job is
performed needs to be conducive to effective performance, and scenario D may be seen
as a ‘test of resolve’ for organisations and managers who espouse the value of attention
to job processes as well as performance outcomes.

Reasons for growth in the importance of performance


Any list of the reasons for the growth in importance of performance management in
recent years in many respects mirrors the content of the list of reasons for the growth in
importance of SHRM. This reinforces the claim for the centrality of performance man-
agement in SHRM.
An early survey of performance management by the (then) Institute of Personnel
Management (1992) claims it offers several advantages to organisations. Among
these are:
 more effective employees, able to meet increased product market competition;
 a greater opportunity for employees to share in the organisation’s vision and the way
to realise that vision;
 the pushing of key decisions down the organisational structure to line managers and
 a greater acceptance of accountability by line managers of the necessity to make such
decisions; and
 reward structures that forge a clear link between individual and/or group performance.
These claims seem as relevant now as they did in the early 1990s. Indeed, with the
growth of global competition in many markets, the rationale that underpins perform-
ance management, which is reflected in the first factor in the list above, is more relevant
now. Therefore, it is no surprise to note that in 2004 the most recent survey by the CIPD
noted that 87 per cent of organisations surveyed had some form of performance man-
agement system (Baron and Armstrong, 2004).
But it is not just in the private sector that attention to cost, which leads to a quest for
optimum contribution from all employees, has been apparent. Earlier, this chapter
explained how performance measurement was a feature of performance management in
the UK public sector. The best value initiative in UK local government is a good example
of this drive for optimum employee contribution. Best value was introduced in 1998
with the aim of ensuring that management and business practices in local government
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Chapter 9 Performance management: so much more than annual appraisal 331

deliver better and more responsive public services. Best value in local government is
about local authorities:
 balancing quality service provision against costs;
 achieving sustainable development;
 being accountable and transparent, by engaging with the local community;
 ensuring equal opportunities;
 continuously improving the outcomes of the services they provide (Scottish Execu-
tive, 2004).
Similarly, performance management has been a key component in the campaign to
introduce a performance culture in many organisations. Raising the status of individual
employee performance assessment from an aspect of personnel bureaucracy (these
forms have to be filled in once a year) to a managerial practice that has real meaning is
an important symbol of the desire of the organisation to change. Chapter 6 explains
how one view of culture has it that artefacts are an important visible manifestation of
organisational culture (Schein, 1992a). Performance management is a powerful visible
manifestation of the organisation’s desire to change to a performance culture. This is
particularly so when the outcomes lead to discernible management action, such as per-
formance-related pay, promotion and development decisions or action to improve
individual performance through the capability procedure.
The ability of performance management to differentiate between those employees
whose performance is adequate, or less than adequate, and those who are high perform-
ers has acquired greater importance in these days of downsized, delayered and flexible
organisations. It follows that if there are fewer people doing the same amount of work
then a higher level of performance is required together with practices that generate
higher levels of performance.
The final reason why performance management has grown in importance is the
increasing dissatisfaction with traditional performance appraisal practices (Bach, 2000).
Bach highlights the lack of objectivity of performance appraisal and the over-reliance on
the annual appraisal interview as the most important reasons for general dissatisfaction
with performance appraisal. This had led to a greater interest in so-called 360-degree
appraisal in which performance assessments are secured from a wider range of sources:
for example, the employee him- or herself and other stakeholders, such as customers
and other line managers. This, in turn, generates performance information on a wider
range of topics than if the assessment is done only by the employee’s immediate line
manager. Later in this chapter, 360-degree appraisal is discussed in more detail.
Consideration of the way in which performance management processes are changing
leads us now to the major part of the chapter, which deals with the performance man-
agement system.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 9.3

To what extent do you think that the lack of objectivity in performance appraisal
may be overcome in performance management?
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332 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

The performance management systems model and the key

processes embedded in it

It is normal for writers on performance management to represent the series of activities

included in performance management as a cycle (e.g. Clark, 1998, Thornhill et al.,
2000). This is a valid approach, since there is a series of activities that start at a particular
point in the organisation’s calendar, are subject to regular review and end with dis-
cernible results. The cycle then starts again at the commencement of the following year.
However, in this chapter, performance management is characterised as a systems model.
The cyclical nature of performance management is included in the model, as are all the
activities that form the cycle. We believe that by representing performance management
in systems form we give greater emphasis to the inputs and outputs of the system as well
as the processes. It is the processes that gain greater coverage in the literature. This is as it
should be because the interaction between appraiser and appraisee is the very essence of
performance management. However, the effectiveness of performance management is
not only a consequence of how well the processes are enacted. It is also a function of, for
example, the context in which the system operates.
In Figure 9.3, the inputs to the system (e.g. the existing SBAs of employees) are
instrumental in creating the outputs through the application of a series of processes
(e.g. performance appraisal). These outputs are both HR and the ultimate goals,
enhanced employee and, eventually, organisational performance.

The most important stakeholders in the performance management system are apprais-
ers, appraisees, and those upon whom they have most immediate impact, for example
recipients of the services provided by the appraisee.

Inputs Processes HR outputs

• Stakeholders • Reviewing past • Enhanced SBAs
• External and internal objectives • Performance targets
contexts, including • Performance • Performance
organisational strategy measurement improvement plan
• Employee skills, • Giving performance • Pay awards
behaviours and feedback • Career/promotion plan
attitudes • Setting fresh objectives • Creation of a
• Previously set objectives performance culture
• Internal policies and
• Psychological contract

• Enhanced organisational

Figure 9.3 The performance management systems model

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Chapter 9 Performance management: so much more than annual appraisal 333

Traditionally the system has been driven by the individual employee’s immediate
manager who set objectives and assessed the extent that these were achieved. However,
this is now changing, particularly with the growing popularity of 360-degree appraisal
as is explained in the section on processes. This means that the population of significant
stakeholders expands to include the appraisee’s colleagues or subordinates, other man-
agers and customers.

External and internal contexts including organisational

It would be foolish to ignore the social, political, economic and technological contexts
external to the organisation in which performance management operates. For example,
the advent of a greater degree of democracy in performance appraisal process is a reflec-
tion of wider social change, and the very content of jobs and the SBAs they require for
effective performance is affected by technological change. Similarly, as is evident in the
thrust of this book, the organisation’s overall strategy is a key input to the performance
management system.
The aspect of the internal context that cannot be ignored is the organisation’s culture
(see Chapter 6). Perhaps the key determinant of the effectiveness of performance man-
agement is the degree to which the culture supports the aims of the system. If the overall
emphasis is upon improving what managers perceive as sub-standard employee per-
formance, then the culture will need to be different (results-driven) to one where the
emphasis is upon self-development of individuals (nurturing).

Employee skills, behaviours and attitudes

SBAs are a central component of the performance management systems model. Existing
levels of SBAs are brought to the system by employees as inputs. Often one of the
intended outputs of performance management, as with the Scottish Prison Service (IDS,
2003) example above, is to improve the level of SBAs.

Previously set objectives

Part of the review process takes into account the extent to which the individual has
achieved the objectives set at previous review(s).

Internal policies/procedures
The degree of comprehensiveness of internal policies and procedures may also play an
important part in determining performance management system effectiveness. A good
example of this is the way in which the discipline procedure caters for the improvement
of employee capability, as shown in ‘In Practice’ 9.3.
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334 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

In Practice 9.3

UK teachers’ capability procedure

Informal stage
If a teacher is considered to be under-performing, the headteacher or line manager should investi-
gate. Once the facts have been gathered, there are three options: (1) drop the matter because there is
no case to answer; (2) arrange counselling in order to give support without using the formal proce-
dures; (3) arrange a formal interview if the case is serious enough.
The counselling and informal coaching should aim to help and encourage the teacher. The
teacher should be told what is required, how his or her performance will be reviewed and when.
The teacher should also be told that the formal procedure will begin if there is no improvement. At
the appointed time of the review, a clear decision should be taken either to drop the matter or
arrange a formal interview.

Formal stage
The investigations into a teacher’s capability and the various interviews, meetings and decision-
making during the procedure can be carried out either by the head or by a senior colleague who has
responsibility for the teacher’s performance. Throughout the procedures, local education authority
(LEA) advisers, or other advisers with educational and personnel experience, should advise the
school and, if appropriate, assist with the process, including classroom observation and providing
support to the teacher and to the investigators.
Formal interview
A formal interview will initiate the formal stage. At least five working days’ (or if out of term time,
seven consecutive days’) notice of this initial formal interview must be given.
The teacher can be accompanied by a union official or a colleague.
At the end of the interview, there are two options available if new evidence has come to light or fur-
ther investigation has shown that the matter is no longer as serious: either drop the matter or arrange
counselling, unless this has already been done without improvement. Where there is continuing con-
cern, there are two alternatives: oral or written warning, or a final written warning. The decision about
which level of warning is appropriate will depend on the seriousness of the problem. Normally a written
warning will be the next step. It is possible, however, in cases where the education of pupils is in jeop-
ardy because of the lack of competence, that the head might move directly to a final written warning.
A written warning will trigger an assessment period of up to two terms. A final written warning will
trigger an assessment period not exceeding four weeks. During the assessment period, those moni-
toring the performance should always offer periodic feedback and instruction to help the teacher to
improve. Training courses should be arranged as soon as possible if these would be helpful, but they
should not interrupt the timing of the procedure.
Appeal against a formal warning
An appeal could be heard by a senior manager, an LEA adviser or an individual governor. Meanwhile,
the monitoring of the teacher’s progress should continue.
First assessment stage
From week 1 to week 20, regular observation, monitoring and evaluation with guidance, training and
support will be put in place. It would be possible to move to a final warning at any time during this
stage if a more serious problem arose. At week 20 the process could stop if progress has been satis-
factory but, if not, then a final written warning will be issued. The decision and main points must be
recorded and communicated to the teacher in writing.
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Second assessment stage

If a final written warning has been issued, regular monitoring will continue for a further four weeks.
During week 24, the final evaluation meeting will take place. If performance is still unsatisfactory, the
teacher should be told in writing that the matter will be referred to the governing body’s Staff Dis-
missal Committee.
Source: Croners (2004).

Psychological contract
The final input to the performance management system considered here is the psycho-
logical contract. This is a term first used by Argyris (1960) to refer to the expectations
of employer and employee which operate in addition to the formal contract of employ-
ment. It has been defined by Rousseau (1994 cited by Hiltrop, 1995: 287) as ‘the
understanding people have regarding the commitments made between themselves and
their organisation’. As the central assertion is that the inputs to the performance man-
agement system are instrumental in creating the outputs through the application of a
series of processes, it follows that performance management activities, which are con-
sistent with the psychological contract, will assist the quest for performance
management effectiveness. Conversely, if the psychological contract is breached, then
the consequence may be that performance management will not achieve the aims
planned by management.
Hiltrop’s (1995) examination of the psychological contract, included contrasting
characteristics of the ‘old’ and ‘new’ types of contract. It is clear from this that perform-
ance management has a central role to play in that it defines what is expected from the
employee in terms of the parameters of performance criteria. He talks, for example, of a
‘fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay’ being replaced by ‘high pay for high job perform-
ance’; ‘making a difference to the organisation’ replacing the ‘old’ contract expectation of
‘good performance in the present job’; ‘knowledge and skills’ superseding ‘time and
effort’ as a dominant aspect of the expectations of management; ‘value added’ being
attributed more importance than loyalty.
Stiles et al. (1997) argue that performance management processes play a key role in
creating a framework in which the psychological contract between employer and
employee is determined. They specify three particular processes as being important: (1)
setting objectives; (2) performance evaluation; and (3) the linkage between (1) and (2)
to generate reward and development outputs in order to reward desired behaviour. They
conducted research at three organisations which used performance management as an
important part of their attempt to move from an ‘old’ type of psychological contract,
emphasising job security and clear career paths, to one that supported the companies’
aims of excellent customer service, commitment to teamwork, continuous improvement
and professionalism. Stiles et al. concluded that the move towards redefining the psycho-
logical contract was hampered by ineffective implementation of performance
management. In particular, they highlighted the presence of mixed messages from man-
agement and employees’ doubts about the fairness and accuracy of ratings. The
particular problems noted by the researchers were:
 short-term demands dictated that ‘softer’ targets were ignored;
 objectives were imposed by managers rather than negotiated;
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336 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 performance appraisal was perceived as bureaucratic and did not give rise to action;
inconsistent appraisal ratings;
 performance pay in which the link between pay and performance was unclear and/or
perceived as unfair;
 training outcomes that were based on the current job rather than the espoused aim of
 insufficient opportunity to practise newly learned skills.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 9.4

In what ways do you think the psychological contract is threatened by the short-
comings in the implementation of performance management at Stiles et al.’s

Performance management processes

Reviewing past objectives
This is usually the first process in any performance appraisal interview. Too often it can
be the first review of past objectives since they were originally set. This is the opposite
approach to that which is trumpeted in the prescriptive texts: the need to have regular
reviews to ensure that objectives are still relevant and to check progress against them.
Clearly, modified past objectives may have an important influence upon the content of
fresh objectives.

Performance measurement
The earlier section of this chapter, which dealt with performance measurement, is criti-
cal of too narrow a conception of performance measures – in particular that
demonstrated by the ‘performance indicators’ approach adopted in some public-sector
organisations. Recent research by the CIPD (2004a) confirms the impression that many
organisations may not be broadening the criteria by which they assess employee per-
formance. A survey of over 500 practitioners reported that 84 per cent of respondents
thought that ‘quantifiable measures of performance are essential to successful perform-
ance management’. In terms of the key factors used to determine the effectiveness of
performance management, ‘achievement of objectives’ and ‘achievement of financial tar-
gets’ were rated as the most important by respondents.

Giving performance feedback

Performance appraisal was prevalent long before the term performance management
achieved popular usage. Appraisal remains the cornerstone of performance manage-
ment and the major vehicle for providing employees with feedback on their job
performance. In the 1998 Workplace Employee Relations survey (Cully et al., 1999)
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80 per cent of UK workplaces conducted appraisals, albeit that they were more likely to
be conducted among ‘white collar’ than manual employees. In an IRS (2003) survey of
49 UK organisations in both public and private sectors, 96 per cent used performance
appraisal with 77 per cent of those organisations thinking that the technique had a ‘lot’
of effect upon employee performance.
All the organisations in the IDS (2003b) study conducted regular performance
reviews with staff. The typical pattern was for there to be a minimum of two formal
reviews: one in the middle of the review year and the other at the end of the year. Organ-
isations such as Microsoft also encourage managers to meet regularly with their
employees to give feedback, and employees are given a guarantee that they will be given
time to talk to their managers about performance and development issues.
The model of the manager as the sole judge of employee progress, given in a top-
down manner, is increasingly becoming outmoded in many organisations. So-called
360-degree appraisal is becoming more prevalent. In the IRS (2003) study of 49 organi-
sations, one-half used 360-degree appraisal. This type of appraisal is so called simply
because it does not rely on assessment from the line manager only but from a number of
sources. These may include, in addition to the line manager: other managers such as
those responsible for projects; peers (e.g. fellow team members); employees for whom
the individual may be responsible; internal and external customers; and self-assessment.
Since those sources, other than the immediate line manager, may not be familiar with
the individual’s performance objectives, skills and behaviours are usually the focus of
the feedback. Therefore, the information gained from multiple sources is more likely to
be used for developmental reasons than for the purpose of ‘rating’ the individual for the
purposes of pay or promotion.

In Practice 9.4

Upward appraisal at Microsoft UK

At Microsoft UK, upward feedback is provided to line managers in advance of their own development
discussions and formal performance reviews. Every member of the manager’s team has the opportu-
nity to give feedback to the managers through the online feedback tool, which is operational in April
and December of each year. Employees are asked to rate certain areas of the manager’s performance
on a 5-point scale and also answer open-ended questions about the manager.
Although employees are given the opportunity to remain anonymous in giving their feedback,
Microsoft believes that the feedback will be more useful if it comes from a known source.
Source: IDS (2003b).

There are potentially significant advantages to be gained from 360-degree appraisal

not the least of which is the breadth of view that is lent to the feedback process. It may
be argued that the subjectivity of performance appraisal by one manager is simply mul-
tiplied by the number of feedback givers in 360-degree appraisal. But if the feedback
reveals significant trends that are reinforced by a number of sources, then the feedback
may be more valid. Redman (2001) notes that senior managers may also find 360-degree
appraisal a useful management development tool, since it is often this group that is
ignored in traditional performance appraisal schemes. Redman also argues that 360-
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338 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

degree appraisal has a strategic advantage in that feedback questionnaires may be

designed to reflect the specific organisation’s mission, culture, strategy, etc.
However, 360-degree appraisal is not without its potential problems. Perhaps the
most important of these is the almost inevitable doubt about the validity of the data
produced. Redman (2001) makes the point that information is only as good as the
instrument that is used to collect it. He cites the example of the question posed to
employees about their manager: ‘does the manager deal with problems in a flexible
manner?’ The very ambiguity of such a question leads to doubt about the data it yields.
This assumes that the employee is in position to answer the question. If he or she has
not been in a position to witness the manager in situations where flexibility is required,
then the doubts about the validity of the data multiply. It is not only wording of ques-
tions that may lead to different interpretations that attracts Redman’s scepticism. He is
similarly doubtful about the administration of standard evaluation instruments to a
variety of raters that does not take into account the fact that the rater’s contact with the
person being evaluated may differ according to context. For example, the manager’s sec-
retary may have quite a different perspective on the manager’s competence than a fellow
manager or a colleague technical expert.

Setting fresh objectives

The principal questions to ask when considering performance objectives are: where do
they come from?; who sets them?; how may they be characterised?; and for how long do
they last?
The strategic thrust of this book and this chapter means that the answer to this first
question is clear. Performance objectives flow from the organisation’s business goals and
values (as in the Lever Fabergé example in ‘In Practice’ 9.1). If this is not so, the risk is
run that HR process and functions, such as the pursuit of performance objectives, oper-
ate in a vacuum (Hendry et al., 2000). All this assumes, of course, that there is clarity in
the strategic objectives of the organisation and, as Chapter 1 points out, this may not
always be the case.
It may be expected that if the individual’s performance objectives are derived from
the organisation’s business goals and values, then their content is clear and the question
of who sets the goals in unproblematic. However, this is not as straightforward as it
appears. As was noted earlier in the research by Stiles et al. (1997), employees saw the
imposition of objectives by managers as undesirable. It seems reasonable to assume that
if employees are to pursue individual objectives with some enthusiasm then they should
have some say in setting them. Increasingly this seems to be the trend. The IDS study
(IDS, 2003b) notes how employees at AstraZeneca Global R&D group propose their
own objectives to their line managers as the initial stage in a negotiation. At Microsoft
UK, goal setting is seen as a three-way responsibility: with individual employees, line
managers and HR playing a part. Here again, employees have overall ownership of the
process but line managers, with guidance from HR, ensure that employee expectations
are realistic and that there is sufficient ‘stretch’ in the objectives set.
Goal-setting theory (Locke et al., 1981) has long held that a relatively small amount
of objectives with which employees can readily identify is better that a multiplicity of
objectives. Having too many objectives makes focusing more difficult. In addition, the
well-known SMART acronym suggests that objectives should be: specific (defined
clearly); measurable (or, in the case of qualitative objectives, at least demonstrable);
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agreed rather than imposed; realistic (to be perceived as fair by employees); and time-
related (with clear target dates by which achievement may be evident). This last aspect
heralds the final question about performance objectives that was heralds at the begin-
ning of the section: for how long do they last? Clear target dates by which achievement
may be evident suggest a rigidity that may be inconsistent with the organisation’s desire
to be flexible and responsive to external (and internal) pressures. There was a general
pattern in the IDS study (IDS, 2003b) for organisations to have regular performance
reviews during the annual cycle, at which the appropriateness of performance objectives
were reviewed and changed as necessary to reflect changing circumstances.

HR outputs
Enhanced SBAs and performance targets
SBAs and performance targets have already been covered in some detail in this chapter
and it is not our intention to re-visit these topics here. Suffice it to say that in the CIPD
research noted above (CIPD, 2004a), 82 per cent of respondents thought that the focus of
performance management should be developmental, suggesting that the employee SBAs,
that serve as an input to the performance management systems model, should ideally
emerge from the model in enhanced form. This is self-evidently the case where the inten-
tion is to remedy poor performance. But, with the possible exception of the organisation
where the thrust of performance management is overt control (to ensure that employees
are ‘doing what they are paid to do), it seems that a golden opportunity to enhance
employee SBAs is being missed if the system does not have a developmental focus. Perfor-
mance appraisal has long been recognised as an important way of identifying training
needs. However, the growth in popularity of defining SBAs has meant that, in many
organisations, performance management is the precursor to specific activities, such as
shadowing key employees or coaching by a recognised ‘expert’, designed to enhance the
individual’s SBA levels. This may be contrasted with the approach where appraisal is the
annual ritual where managers assign employees to training courses which they think may
be relevant. Often the appropriateness of the content of such courses is checked neither
beforehand nor after attendance. Similarly, there is little effort to give the employee the
opportunity to utilise the skills and knowledge gained on the course.
The model in Figure 9.2 includes performance targets set at the previous review as
inputs, which are the focus of attention for the review, measurement and feedback
processes. These processes lead to the setting of objectives for the coming review period,
which are outputs in our model and feed back into the system as inputs for the next period.

Performance improvement plan

In recent years there has been much more attention paid to the question of employee
capability. There are at least two reasons for this. First is the increasing importance of all
employees performing to their maximum potential in the light of reduced headcount in
organisations. The second is the development of management thinking, which accepts
that sub-standard employee performance may be a result of insufficient preparation of
the employee by his or her managers. This has led many organisations to develop a sepa-
rate procedure for dealing with lack of capability – a procedure that is, in effect, part of
the main disciplinary procedure.
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340 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

As In Practice 9.5 points out, Acas guidance on the handling of capability issues
(Acas, 2004) makes clear that performance management has a major role to play both in
the prevention of capability problems and in the handling of them when they arise.

In Practice 9.5

Acas guidance on the handling of capability issues

 Employers are responsible for setting realistic and achievable performance standards and ensuring
that employees understand the standards required of them.
 Standards should be capable of being measured in terms of quantity, quality, time and cost.
 Any shortfall in performance should be pointed out to the employee and consideration given as to
whether this is due to inadequate instruction, training, supervision or some other failing.
 Care in recruitment and selection will minimise the risk of capability problems.

Source: adapted from Acas (2004).

Acas (2004) go on to recommend that in cases of unsatisfactory performance an

employee should be given an ‘improvement note’, setting out:
 the performance problem;
 the improvement that is required;
 the timescale for achieving this improvement;
 a review date; and
 any support the employer will provide to assist the employee.
Acas advise that the employee should be informed that the note represents the first
stage of a formal procedure and that failure to improve could lead to a final written
warning and, ultimately, dismissal. A copy of the note should be kept and used as
the basis for monitoring and reviewing performance over a specified period (e.g.
six months).
However, if an employee’s unsatisfactory performance – or continuance – is suffi-
ciently serious, for example because it is having, or is likely to have, a serious harmful
effect on the organisation, it may be justifiable to move directly to a final written warn-
ing. An example of this may be disregard of an important organisational rule, such as
recording when a period of duty has finished.
The immediate problem in dealing with the poor performer is to establish whether
the reason for poor performance is due to lack of capability or negligence. Poor per-
formance may be evident when an employee does not have the ability to achieve the
standards set by the manager, however hard that employee tries. Alternatively, the
employee may possess the ability to meet the standards but, for whatever reason, is not
prepared to make the effort to meet them. There is a clear need for the employer to dis-
tinguish between what the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) termed ‘sheer
incapability due to an inherent incapacity to function or … one of failure to exercise to
the full such talent as is possessed’ (Croners, 1991: 1). This attempt to distinguish is
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Chapter 9 Performance management: so much more than annual appraisal 341

made through the initial investigation which, for example, is detailed in the first princi-
ple of the procedure in ‘In Practice’ 9.3. The EAT went on to say that ‘cases where a
person has not come up to the required standard through his own carelessness, negli-
gence or idleness are much more appropriately dealt with as cases of misconduct rather
than incapability’ (Croners, 1991: 1).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 9.5

What problems may be involved in distinguishing between lack of capability and


Pay awards
When the CIPD carried out research in 1992 and 1997 on performance management,
one of the conclusions was that there was a dominance of individual performance-
related pay (CIPD, 2004a). Indeed, for many respondents in the 1992 survey (Institute of
Personnel Management, 1992) performance management was synonymous with per-
formance-related pay. There is some evidence that the link with pay is not quite as direct
as it was in the early 1990s. There is still a link between the achievement of individual
performance targets and pay in many organisations but there are other drivers of indi-
vidual pay. A typical example is the financial services organisation studied by the
authors (Lewis et al., 2004) which has introduced a new reward system. Here pay is
determined by market rate, competence acquisition as well as achievement of individual
performance targets. In the Lever Fabergé example cited earlier in this chapter (IDS,
2003b) similar arrangements exist although there are proposals to remove individual
performance targets from pay considerations. At the Scottish Prison Service, employees
move to the next pay point if they are rated as at least effective. However, at AstraZeneca
performance reviews ‘inform’ rather than ‘determine’ employees’ pay awards.
A trend that had developed is the payment of cash bonuses linked to the achievement
of individual performance targets. These bonuses are not consolidated into basic pay.
More consideration is given to variable pay in Chapter 11.

Career/promotion plan
For many employees, performance appraisal has been a traditional vehicle for recognis-
ing potential with a view to planning forthcoming activities so that the employee may
move ‘onwards and upwards’ in the organisation. This may be, for example, in the form
of training course attendance, expanding the current job to encompass new responsibili-
ties, on the job coaching by an experienced employee, or temporary attachment to a
project team. Here the emphasis has tended to be upon the individual’s manager ‘spot-
ting’ the potential of the employee and planning initiatives to develop that potential to
the benefit of the organisation and the individual.
However, as noted earlier, there has been a move from the time-honoured top-down
model of performance management to one where the emphasis has been on the individ-
ual to participate in his or her own objective setting and performance measurement. In
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342 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

the same vein, the flattening of organisational structures, with the consequent reduction
in vertical promotion opportunities and the end for many employees of the ‘job for life’
psychological contract, has meant that the emphasis for career development has switched
to the employee. Torrington et al. (2002) make the point that the career is the property of
the individual and therefore the responsibility for planning the career rests with the indi-
vidual, who should identify career goals and adopt strategies and plans to realise them.
Clearly this may be within or outside the individual’s current employing organisation.
It seems that the practice of defining employee SBAs in performance management is
particularly helpful to employees in career planning. This approach clarifies the neces-
sary ingredients for success in the current and future roles within the organisation. In
addition, it enables the employee to assess his or her own competence in SBAs that may
be considered generic for his or her chosen speciality which are likely to apply in other
organisations. One aspiration of many organisations, such as that illustrated in ‘In Prac-
tice’ 9.6, is to create a so-called performance culture.

In Practice 9.6

Creating a performance culture in a UKAir

Many companies in the air industry suffered as a result of the very difficult product market following
the events of 11 September 2001 and the consequent reluctance of travellers to use air transport.
UKAir’s profits declined by 60 per cent in the third quarter of 2003. However, despite the decline in
profits, UKAir confirmed it achieved its sales target. As a result, it has overtaken its US rival for the
first time in three decades of fierce competition. A company statement said: ‘Our performance during
the first nine months of 2003 is in line with our plans. We continue to reinforce our position in the
industry’s competitive environment and lay the foundation for future profitable growth through invest-
ments in new products.’
One of the consequences of this tighter financial climate has been the need to generate HR
responses that match the strategic need to be more cost effective. As far as reward is concerned, the
compensation and benefits specialist devised a new reward strategy. This was to replace the old one
that was based on the principle of progress being made through annual increments up a steep hierar-
chical grading structure. The new strategy places much more emphasis upon individual job
performance. The compensation and benefits specialist said we need to breed a performance culture
here. It is not now enough for people to come and work, even for ten hours a day. They have to per-
form, make a difference. It’s not how long you are here, or what qualifications you have: it’s what you
actually do that counts.’

Creation of a performance culture

As noted earlier in this chapter, the development of a performance culture is based on
the principles of Schein (1992b, 1997) which were discussed in Chapter 6. Schein would
argue that tying pay to the performance management system in the way UKAir has done
(see In Practice 9.6) is a powerful visible manifestation of organisational culture which,
if allowed to embed itself in organisation practices over a long period, may play a signif-
icant part in developing a performance culture in which the need to ‘make a difference’
is a taken for granted assumption within the organisation.
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Performance management: built on shaky foundations?

So far, this chapter has struck a rather positive note in that it has sought to demonstrate
that performance management has an important role to play in delivering significant HR
outputs. However, not all commentators have been as encouraging in the performance
management perspective they have adopted. In this final section a few issues are raised
that summarise this less positive stance, with the intention of signalling the possible pit-
falls that may lie in wait for the unwary designer of performance management schemes.

Performance management and the quest for management control

It is clear from this chapter that there is scope for managers to implement performance
management in a variety of ways. At the ‘soft’ end of the continuum, the manager may
adopt a highly democratic perspective in which employees play a major part in shaping
the performance management processes outlined here, such as defining performance
objectives and measures. At the ‘hard’ end, the emphasis may be upon imposition, with
managers imposing a harsh regime of targets which if not met trigger the disciplinary
procedure. The hard end appears to equate with what Friedman (1977) called direct con-
trol. Direct control involves close supervision of employees, a harsher regime of discipline
characterised by threats of, say, pay reduction or dismissal. It also entails minimising the
individual responsibility given to employees. As Morgan (1997) notes, direct control is
part of the approach that sees the organisation, and its employees, as machine-like. It has
somewhat militaristic overtones and, in industry, owes much to the work of F.W. Taylor,
the father of scientific management (1911). The spirit of scientific management is
reflected in Taylor’s stress upon the manager’s need to set goals and objectives and ensure
that employees go for them; to organise rationally, efficiently and clearly and to specify
every detail of the work in order that employees will be sure of the jobs that they have to
perform. In short, Taylor’s creed was to ‘plan, organise and control’.
It seems that Taylorism is alive and well in the twenty-first century. Morgan (1997)
cites the example of the fast-food chain that specifies the tasks that workers have to per-
form in careful detail. For example, when the food is ready at the counter to be handed
to the customer, the observation checklist used to rate employee performance specifies
that the bag in which the food is placed should be neatly double folded away from the
customer with the company’s logo facing the customer and the food should be placed
on the tray neatly and evenly. The level of detail specified for effective employee per-
formance in the Scottish Prison Service (see In Practice 9.2) may not be as great, but the
principle is the same: management defining what has to be done and the way in which it
should be done.
You may argue that this is perfectly legitimate. After all, many of us would rather be
doing something else than selling our labour to our employer so it follows that if we
would rather spend our time at work doing what we want to do, or at least doing what
our employer wants us to do in the way we want to do it, then managers need to devise
ways of making us do what they want us to do.
However, a regime of direct control is hardly an attractive proposition for many
employees. Moreover, for the past 20 years it has also been somewhat unfashionable.
Employers have realised that greater productivity it possible using a strategy of what
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344 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Friedman (1977) called responsible autonomy. This is very much the Theory Y approach
of McGregor (1960), which assumes that human beings welcome the opportunity to
take responsibility for their working lives: to be empowered. This school of thought is
that of the human relations school. The assumptions on which its advocates’ writing is
based are summarised below:
 individuals have needs to satisfy in organisations; they do not exist in order to satisfy
the purposes of the organisation;
 organisations and individuals both bring needs to the relationship; when they fit then
both prosper;
 democratic leadership is the best way to ensure such a fit;
 openness and participation is the best way to demonstrate such leadership (Fineman
and Mangham, 1987).
The views of Walton (1985) have also been influential for the past 20 years. He advo-
cates that managerial policies of mutuality (where employers and employees share goals
and agree on the means to achieve these goals) rather than direct control will elicit
employee commitment, which in turn will generate both better economic performance
and greater human development.
But it is misleading to think of ‘hard’ performance management as simply part of the
apparatus of direct control. It may be that ‘soft’ performance management is equally
controlling even if aligned to the principles of responsible autonomy. The performance
management, which applies to UK schoolteachers, is a good example of a scheme which
gives some autonomy to teachers in the controlling performance management
processes; nonetheless it is an attempt by management to impose accountability for
individual job performance upon employees who traditionally have not had to experi-
ence such measures.
What managers practising strategies of direct control and responsible autonomy have
in common is that they both assume that their particular strategy will yield the best results
in terms of organisational performance. When we think about management control we
tend to think about direct control, but if the purpose of responsible autonomy is to elicit
more effective employee performance, as Walton suggests, then it is equally controlling. It
is just that it has a face, which is rather more acceptable in the twenty-first century.

Performance management and assumed employee compliance

The issue of management control is closely aligned with that of the assumption in much
modern HR thinking, that when employees are given the ‘right’ treatment in terms of
HR policies then positive outcomes will follow. The treatment of performance manage-
ment in this chapter so far tends to follow this assumption. It gives little thought to the
notion that employees simply will object to it in principle or (more likely) in practice.
This objection may take the form of outright dissent, as with the National Union of
Teachers’ threat of strike action when the scheme was introduced (BBC Online, 1999).
Alternatively, disgruntled employees (and their managers, for that matter) may simply
‘go through the motions’ with no meaningful results.
Much HRM thought and action is based on the principle of unitarism, which sees the
employees of the organisation as a team, unified by a common purpose with all employ-
ees pursuing the same goal. It does not admit that there may be competing interests in
the organisation, most relevantly between managers and employees. For many employ-
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Chapter 9 Performance management: so much more than annual appraisal 345

ees, the thought that they will readily commit to the goals of the organisation is simply
fanciful. Their principal interest is their own personal concerns, such as family and
career, and the role of their current employment is simply a means to an end.
The likelihood is that most employees are in favour of policies which recognise good
and bad performance, and see these as intrinsically fair in principle. The problems arise
when the implementation of such policies is perceived by employees as unfair. The prin-
ciple of organisational justice (Greenberg, 1987) puts great emphasis upon procedures
being perceived as fair and the way in which any benefits (e.g. pay and promotion) flow
from management policies as being distributed fairly. Much of the hostility, or more
likely apathy, towards performance management implementation stems from a lack of
organisational justice.

Performance management and the danger of prescription

This chapter cannot be concluded without a reference to the dangers of prescribing par-
ticular performance management policies, procedures and processes: such prescription
will be explicit in the solutions advanced by some management writers and consultants
and even may be implicit in this chapter. An example of this is schemes that are centrally
imposed by governments on employee groups such as teachers, university lecturers and
doctors. This ignores the simple consideration that what may be appropriate for one
school or university department or doctor’s practice may be quite inappropriate for
another. The concept of culture raises obvious points of difference, which those seeking
to introducing performance management schemes would be foolish to ignore (Mabey et
al., 1998). Cultural differences may render performance management prescriptions
questionable at national level (see Key Concepts 9.3), at the level of the organisation or
department or occupation. The same may be said of structural differences. It has also
become a discernible trend in HR prescriptive writing to assume an individualist per-
spective and ignore the possibility of trade union influence. There may be a case for this
in many areas of the private sector where trade union recognition is increasingly limited
but this is not so in the public sector. Trade union presence may, for example, constrain
the ability of managers to introduce performance management, which includes individ-
ual performance-related pay, as this may be seen by trade union negotiators as
undermining the principle of collective bargaining.
Ending the chapter by sounding these warnings makes the point that the introduction of
performance management in itself will not guarantee that the part it is designed to play in
delivering an effective HR strategy will be a success without careful consideration of the con-
text in which it is managed and the way in which it is conducted. Indeed, this serves as
reinforcement of the point made throughout this book: that effective SHRM depends upon
the co-existence of various HR activities which are mutually reinforcing. There is little doubt
in our minds that performance management plays a crucial role in this set of HR activities.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 9.6

What other potential problems may be relevant to the introduction or implementa-

tion of performance management?
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346 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 Performance management is an umbrella term to describe not a single activity but
a range of activities that may be gathered together to enhance organisational
 Although the performance indicators approach to performance management has
proliferated in many organisations, it offers a restricted perspective on performance
 Performance management may be linked to the organisation’s strategy through hori-
zontal and vertical integration.
 Performance management has the facility to change the culture and therefore the
working practices of organisations as part of a concerted effort to generate change
through its role as part of an organisation’s ‘high performance’ HR strategy.
 An important way of integrating the HR practices is to use the skills, behaviours and
attitudes necessary to deliver effective job performance as a way of assessing individ-
ual success.
 Among the reasons for the growth in importance of performance management, are
the desire to achieve grater organisational effectiveness and the dissatisfaction with
traditional performance appraisal.
 The performance management systems model includes inputs such as external and
internal contexts and employee skills; processes including setting objectives and 360-
degree appraisal; HR outputs such as performance plans and pay awards; and
enhanced organisational performance.
 Included in the major conceptual flaws in performance management thinking are the
potential preoccupation with management control, the assumed compliance of
employees and the dangers of prescribing a particular model of performance man-
agement without paying due regard to the organisation’s context.

Follow-up study suggestions

Using an organisation with which you are familiar, which may be one in which you are
currently employed or have worked for, or one known to you:
 Identify the range of activities that may be deemed to be part of what is termed in the
chapter ‘performance management’ and assess the extent to which those activities
may be termed ‘strategic’.
 Identify which are the most important skills, behaviours and attitudes to be devel-
oped by employees in the organisation and the degree to which performance
management contributes towards this development.
 Using the performance management systems model in Figure 9.2, identify the key inputs,
processes and HR outputs in the organisation’s performance management system.
 Define what may be termed ‘effective’ performance management and evaluate the
degree to which performance management in the organisation meets this definition.
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Chapter 9 Performance management: so much more than annual appraisal 347

Suggestions for research topics

Using an organisation with which you are familiar, which may be one in which you are
currently employed or have worked for, or one known to you:
 How do managers manage employees’ performance? An investigation of the formal
activities embraced by performance management and the extent to which they play a
secondary role to the informal day-to-day management of employee performance.
 What role does performance management play in the management of change?
 A study of the skills and behaviours required by managers to obtain the maximum
benefit from 360-degree appraisal.

Case Study
Performance management at Tyco

Tyco employs 260,000 people in the USA and in Role and responsibilities of the
more than 100 countries around the world. It is: participants in the performance
 a global leader in passive electronic components management process
and major producer of active components;
 the number one worldwide company offering fire The handbook which outlines the details of the
and security solutions; scheme makes it clear that employees, managers
and the company have crucial responsibilities if the
 one of the largest medical device and dispos-
scheme is to operate effectively.
ables companies in the world;
Employees must:
 a leader in niche markets for plastics and adhe-
sives products;  work hard to achieve their goals;
 the world’s number one producer of sprinklers,  take responsibility for their own professional
valves and actuation. development;

The overall aim of Tyco’s performance manage-

 solicit, listen to and act upon feedback;
ment system is to contribute to the company’s  assess their performance objectively.
goals of achieving operational excellence and
Managers must:
becoming one unified company. The aim is to unite
Tyco teams throughout the world into a single oper-  set and clarify employees’ goals;
ating company with a healthy culture characterised  support employee development and possible
by alignment and growth opportunities. career progression;
Performance management at Tyco has three par-
 provide useful, frequent and candid feedback;
ticularly significant features. First, it is easy to
understand; second, it empowers employees to  assess performance fairly.
take an active and influential part in the processes;
Tyco must:
and, third, it is designed to assess not only the
results that employees achieve but the way in which  make performance management and employee
these results are achieved. development a business priority;
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348 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 ensure fairness, consistency and process integrity Providing feedback

across all businesses;
 provide tools and processes to develop skills Both managers and employees have responsibility
and behaviours that enhance performance. for requesting and providing feedback. Employees
are encouraged to request feedback at formal per-
formance review meetings and as part of informal
Tyco’s performance management system day-to-day conversations. Managers are reminded
that providing feedback is a core responsibility of
Tyco’s performance management system is a their job and that employees look to them for guid-
simple yet powerful three-step process. The three ance, encouragement and advice. Managers are
steps are: expected to encourage their employees to ask for
feedback by letting them know that they as man-
1. setting goals; agers are open and keen to provide information on
2. providing feedback; and their employees’ performance. At the same time,
managers should ask for feedback from their
3. conducting the assessment.
employees on their performance as managers.

Setting goals
Conducting the assessment
Performance goals should flow from the top of the
This third part of the performance management
organisation down through the various layers
process has three steps:
(e.g. departments) to be expressed in individual
employee goals. Advice given to employees in the 1. completing/updating the profile form;
performance management handbook states: ‘if you 2. writing the self-assessment;
cannot state how your performance goals support
3. a collaborative discussion between the individual
the accomplishment of higher level goals, then your
employee and the manager.
goals should be carefully re-examined’. The goal-
setting sequence starts at the commencement of
the fiscal year. At that point there is a meeting Completing/updating the profile form
between the employee (or group of employees) and The profile form is an internal curriculum vitae (cv).
the manager at which departmental goals are dis- It is annually updated by the employee and can be
cussed. The employee then uses these goals to used in internal promotions and job transfers
write his or her individual goals. These are then throughout the company. As with any cv, it contains
submitted to the manager for approval. Employees details of Tyco and general work experience, qualifi-
and managers are reminded of the importance of cations and training undertaken, etc.
reviewing goals throughout the year, as the goals
may need to change to reflect changing business Writing the self-assessment
priorities. The goals are expected to be SMART This step involves the completion of an assessment
(specific, measurable, agreed, realistic and time- form which, like the profile form, should be no more
than one side of paper. The employee is asked to
related). Typically they may relate to factors such
summarise in bullet points his or her performance
as: earnings before interest and taxes, revenue,
for the review year. Also, employees are asked to
operational excellence, cash, growth and safety.
summarise their performance against Tyco’s four
Each employee usually has between two and four
key behaviours: integrity, excellence, teamwork and
performance goals.
accountability. These values are supported by nine
In addition to performance goals, employees
key behaviours:
have development goals. These are individual to the
employee and focus on the skills, knowledge and 1. champions integrity and trust;
behavioural changes necessary to accomplish per- 2. managerial courage;
formance goals or prepare for future assignments.
3. customer focus;
Typically, each employee has one or two develop-
ment goals which may concentrate on developing 4. learning/change agility;
strengths or improving development needs. 5. building effective teams;
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Chapter 9 Performance management: so much more than annual appraisal 349

6. managing vision and purpose;  best next moves;

7. managing diversity;  development plan;
8. drive for results;  summary categories.
9. business acumen. At the conclusion of the discussion, both man-
Employees are asked to note short examples of ager and employee sign the assessment form which
how they demonstrated (or failed to demonstrate) signifies that a discussion has taken place, although
each behaviour. Examples are provided in the per- this does not necessarily mean that total agreement
formance management handbook. was reached.
The self-assessment form also asks employees
to include a brief description of their perceived Case study questions
strengths and development needs and one or two
‘key questions’. These questions usually focus on 1. What action is needed to ensure that Tyco
contributions and flow from the perceived strengths managers play their full part in ensuring that the
and development needs (e.g. can I learn to provide performance management system is effective?
candid, direct feedback?). Finally, there is a section
2. What action is needed to ensure that Tyco
for ‘best next moves’ which is the outcome of a dis-
employees are equipped to gain the
cussion between the employee and the manager
maximum benefit from the performance
about the employee’s potential for a lateral move,
transfer or promotion within the next two years. management system?
3. What should be the priority concerns of Tyco HR
A collaborative discussion between the individual specialists in their attempt to ensure that the
employee and the manager performance management system is fully
The final stage in Tyco’s performance manage- integrated with other HR activities?
ment process is a two-way discussion between 4. What problems may be encountered in applying
manager and employee, focusing on the profile a standardised performance management
and self-assessment forms. The performance system throughout the 100 countries in which
management handbook suggests the following Tyco operate?
order for the discussion:
 performance summary;
 Tyco values/behaviours;
 strengths and development needs; Thanks are due to Tyco Ltd., for permission to use
 key questions; this case, and to Joanna Binstead for her support.
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Strategic human resource development:

10 pot of gold or chasing rainbows?

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 develop and discuss a continuum of strategic maturity upon which different

approaches to Human resource development (HRD) can be located;
 identify and explain the major features of Strategic human resource
development (SHRD) and organise these into a conceptual framework;
 analyse how systematic approaches to HRD can be accommodated in
conceptual frameworks of SHRD;
 analyse the significance of the learning organisation and knowledge
management to SHRD;
 critically review the rhetoric and reality of the role of managers as key SHRD
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Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 351

Similar to other HR activities explored in this book, SHRD is not portrayed as some-
thing completely new but as an approach to developing an organisation’s human
resource capability that builds on earlier traditions. The majority of readers will already
be familiar with the term training and development, widely recognised as one of the
fundamental components of HR practice. Training and development can broadly be
represented as a planned process designed to improve the current and future capacity
of an organisation’s human resources to work effectively through modifying their skills,
knowledge and attitudes. The process is frequently portrayed as a cycle of four sys-
tematic stages running through: identifying training needs, planning and designing
training interventions, implementing training and evaluating its outcomes.
More recently, the term training and development has been replaced by human
resource development (HRD). At one level this may simply reflect more general shifts
in HR terminology that mirror more closely the language of HRM. At another level,
HRD reflects a significant development from its training and development traditions.
Whereas training and development is normally driven by top-down, planned interven-
tions, HRD incorporates, in addition, a greater focus on individual and organisational
learning that can give rise to accidental as well as planned changes to the skill,
knowledge and attitude base of employees.
SHRD arguably represents the latest extension of the training and development lin-
eage where training and learning are strategically integrated, vertically to an
organisation’s strategic goals and horizontally to other HR activities. This moves
training and development from a process that is largely directed at solving specific
gaps in HR competences as they are identified to a potentially proactive activity
directed at improving corporate effectiveness.
Although many other terms covering the same or similar territory can be found
within the literature, in this chapter, unless referring directly to the work of others, the
terms HRD and SHRD have been adopted. SHRD is used to cover all those situations
where the focus is clearly strategic, and HRD is used where the various interventions
that make up its approach do not have an explicit strategic focus. However, it is
worth pointing out that although the chapter concentrates on exploring the intricacies
of SHRD, and its potential to contribute to organisational effectiveness, opposing
viewpoints on the worth of even its more basic forerunner HRD exist. You may wish to
reflect on the two viewpoints presented below.

Most investment in HRD is a waste of money!

Such a stark hypothesis may seem to be a strange way to introduce a chapter on
SHRD. However, as a statement designed to provoke argument, it is worthy of further
consideration. In Practice 10.1 provides examples of those circumstances that tend
to support such a position.
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352 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

In Practice 10.1

HRD as a waste of money?

 Investment in HRD is viewed as an organisational luxury. In reality it represents little more than an
extension of the benefits package. This viewpoint is exemplified where HRD is drastically cut back
at the outset of economic downturn.
 Investment in HRD is systematically wasted. This arises through failures to reinforce off-the-job
learning and skills development in the workplace or to cascade HRD outputs throughout the
 Investment in HRD reflects an act of faith. There is little attempt to evaluate its organisational bene-
fits and bottom-line contribution or even to establish the criteria against which its organisational
payback could be evaluated.
 Investment in HRD is targeted primarily at remedying identified employee deficiencies with little or
no connection to organisation strategy and goals, thereby contributing little to the pursuit of sus-
tained competitive advantage.

The potential for this somewhat depressing portrayal of HRD to become an organi-
sational reality is reflected by Helen Milner, Executive Director of Learndirect (Milner,
2004). She argues that training investment is wasted by:
 failures to take up places on courses already paid for because staff are too busy to
be released;
 undertaking comprehensive training programmes when only a small part is relevant
to the trainee’s job; and
 failures to transfer and evaluate learning as a result of inadequate debriefing.

HRD as a source of competitive advantage

The pessimistic picture painted above is in sharp contrast to examples that demonstrate
how investment in HRD has been used as an important, if not the key, vehicle for turning
round organisational fortunes. This is well illustrated by the National Training Award winner
Hindle Power, reported on in ‘In Practice’ 10.2 below, and the chapter case where, for
INA, investment in HRD became an inextricable component of strategy making.
In this chapter the emphasis is on the second viewpoint. The focus is on the
strategic potential of HRD, and its emphasis on the promotion of a learning culture, to
contribute to achieving sustainable competitive advantage. The chapter begins with
an exploration of the HRD/SHRD interface in order to delineate the defining charac-
teristics of SHRD and different levels of HRD strategic maturity. This surfaces the role
of a learning culture as a central characteristic of SHRD and the chapter goes on to
explore two recent HRD approaches related to this facet: the learning organisation
and knowledge management. However, the development of SHRD and/or a learning
culture is to a large extent dependent on the HRD role responsibilities of managers
and how effectively they are performed. The chapter is therefore concluded with an
exploration of the pivotal position played by managers, as HRD stakeholders, in facil-
itating or impeding the development of SHRD.
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Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 353

In Practice 10.2
Bottom-line benefits of SHRD – a case of business turnaround at
Hindle Power

Hindle Power faced the threat of losing its major contract, representing 75 per cent of its income, if it
did not improve its customer service significantly. It responded by investing heavily in HRD in order to
survive and built a platform for future growth.
 The pursuit of Investors in People (IiP) was used as a catalyst for business planning and improve-
ment with an emphasis on improving communication between line managers and their staff.
 Career planning was aligned to a new system of performance appraisal and led to the internal pro-
motion of over 25 per cent of staff.
 A training budget was established for the first time and was sufficient to support up to 26 days’
training per annum for every employee.
 HRD interventions focused on business management and IT skills, induction, customer care and,
in conjunction with suppliers, product awareness.
 Non-work-related HRD was also supported as an adjunct to career planning because it was recog-
nised that the learning derived would result in unplanned organisational benefits.
Over a four-year period, a loss-making company with a turnover of £6 million was back in profit
with a turnover of £15 million and a transformation in its organisational culture.
Source: Littlefield (2000).


and emerging

The learning

SHRD: a Defining
What is
continuum of characteristics
meanings of HRD

models of
HRD and their
Managers as
key HRD

Figure 10.1 Mapping the SHRD territory: a summary diagram of the chapter content
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354 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Definitions and emerging themes

The exploration of the HRD/SHRD territory begins, in Key Concepts 10.1, with a review
of a number of definitions of the concepts. From these definitions a number of key
themes that are used to inform later chapter sections are extracted.

Key Concepts 10.1

Definitions of the HRD/SHRD territory

‘Human resource development encompasses activities and processes which are intended to have an
impact on organisational and individual learning. The term assumes that organisations can be con-
structively conceived of as learning entities, and that the learning processes of both organisations
and individuals are capable of influence and direction through deliberate and planned interventions.
Thus, HRD is constituted by planned interventions in organisational and individual learning
processes’ (Stewart and McGoldrick, 1996: 1).
‘A strategic approach to training and development can be depicted as one where all those involved
are engaged in a connected, explicit and developmental purpose which helps to simultaneously fulfil
an individual’s learning goals and the organization’s mission’ (Mabey et al., 1998: 158).
‘SHRD could thus be defined as the creation of a learning culture, within which a range of training,
development and learning strategies both respond to corporate strategy and also help to shape and
influence it. It is about meeting the organisation’s existing needs, but it is also about helping the
organisation to change and develop, to thrive and grow. It is the reciprocal, mutually enhancing,
nature of the relationship between HRD and corporate strategy which lies at the heart of SHRD and at
the heart of the development of a learning culture’ (McCracken and Wallace, 2000: 288).
‘Strategic HRD may be considered as a range of culturally sensitive interventions linked vertically to
business goals and strategy, and horizontally to other HR business activities, to actively encourage
and support employee learning, commitment and involvement throughout the organisation’ (Myers
and Kirk, 2005: 359).

Key themes
From the above definitions, a number of key SHRD themes can be identified. Perhaps
not surprisingly the most dominant theme arising is that of external or vertical strategic
integration. However, this tends to be limited to a downstream, vertical strategic rela-
tionship where HRD interventions are designed to support the achievement of an
organisation’s mission and its explicit strategic objectives. In Practice 10.3 provides an
example of this downstream, relationship.
However, what is lacking from this interpretation of strategic fit is the two-way,
mutually supporting relationship that exists when HR activities also operate upstream
of business strategy. This notion of two-way vertical strategic integration surfaces in the
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Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 355

In Practice 10.3

The use of SHRD to support a hotel’s customer service strategy

René Angoujard, general manager of the Novotel London West hotel, challenges the commonly held
view that training is a waste of time and money because it leads to staff leaving once trained. He
presents a stark alternative: ‘What if you don’t train them and they stay?’ (Morrison, 2004: 29). For
him, training was at the heart of a culture change programme prompted by: client dissatisfaction;
poor staff morale; a staff turnover rate of 78 per cent; and the need to profit from a major refurbish-
ment programme and market repositioning of the hotel from a tourist to business customer base. The
hotel had, in his opinion, lost sight of its service ethic and a ‘comprehensive customer service strat-
egy’ was used to forge a service culture (Morrison, 2004: 29).
HRD interventions included formal training around a set of core service behaviours and the use of
selected staff drawn from all levels of the hotel’s hierarchy to act as on-the-job exemplars and
coaches. Initial returns on HRD investment include: a 92 per cent drop in customer complaints; a
10 per cent increase in sales; achievement of a repeat booking level of 70 per cent; winning a number
of training and customer service awards; and reducing staff turnover by over half to 34 per cent.
Source: Morrison (2004: 29).

more recent definitions. The capacity of SHRD to influence and shape corporate strat-
egy in a mutually enhancing relationship is central to McCracken and Wallace’s (2000)
definition. Myers and Kirk (2005) refer to vertical linkage, which in many frameworks of
SHRM assumes a two-way relationship. This fuller interpretation of strategic fit under-
scores much of the contemporary literature on SHRD and receives particular attention
in Chapters 1 and 7. As will be seen a little later, this two-way vertical integration has
been captured in a number of models of SHRD and can be seen reflected in Figures 10.3
and 10.7.
Another dominant theme arising from the above definitions is a focus on learning at
the level of the individual and/or organisation. This finds particular expression when
SHRD is promoted as the vehicle for establishing a learning culture (Stewart and
McGoldrick, 1996; McCracken and Wallace, 2000) which resonates with the notion of
the learning organisation. Learning is also interpreted as the vehicle for promoting the
development of individuals towards their full potential so that there is mutuality
between individual and organisational growth. This begins to surface a third theme, that
to be effective SHRD has to respond to and reconcile the needs of a variety of different
stakeholders. These emergent themes of: strategic integration; learning as an organisa-
tional orientation; and different stakeholder perspectives are central to the concept of
SHRD and are adopted here as the main points of focus for the chapter.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 10.1

Based on the story so far, what do you think are the essential characteristics of
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356 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

SHRD: a continuum of meanings and maturity

Characteristics of SHRD
In the analysis below, it is shown how McCracken and Wallace (2000) develop Garavan’s
(1991) nine characteristics of strategic HRD to arrive at a revised definition and model
of SHRD. They present their construct of SHRD as being very strategically mature and
compare and contrast this with HRD and training where, in their view, strategic matu-
rity progressively decreases. In this sense their ideas on the development of SHRD can
be presented as a continuum, working through training and HRD to the fullest expres-
sion of strategic maturity represented by SHRD (see Figure 10.2).


Organisation not very Organisation quite Organisation very
strategically mature in strategically mature in strategically mature in
HRD terms HRD terms HRD terms

Integration of HRD with Two-way strategic

Little or no integration
organisational mission integration where HRD
of HRD with
and strategic objectives also helps to shape
organisational mission
in a downstream organisational mission
and strategic objectives
relationship and strategic objectives

Figure 10.2 A continuum of HRD strategic maturity

Source: adapted from McCracken and Wallace (2000).

This section uses the concept of a continuum of HRD strategic maturity as a useful way
of getting to grips with what is meant by SHRD and further develops the three positions
depicted along the continuum presented in Figure 10.2. It starts with a review of the work
of Garavan (1991) and McCracken and Wallace (2000) before going on to explore how the
concept of a continuum can be further developed within the context of SHRD. This will
include going back to the very bedrock of HRD, as represented by the systematic approach
to training. As identified in the chapter introduction, many readers will be familiar with
this systematic approach and its depiction as a cycle of activities or stages and, in the fol-
lowing section, this is further developed to demonstrate its strategic possibilities.
Based on a comprehensive review of the literature, Garavan identified nine key charac-
teristics that for him defined SHRD practice. These are summarised in Key Concepts 10.2.

Key Concepts 10.2

Garavan’s characteristics of SHRD

1. Integration with organisational missions and goals – where HRD is systematically integrated with
wider business planning in a supporting role so that sight is not lost of organisational strategic
objectives when developing HRD interventions.
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Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 357

2. Top management support – where the strategic integration of HRD requires the active support and
participation of senior management in order to become a reality.
3. Environmental scanning – where the HRD function has the capacity to continuously analyse the
external environment in order to identify both opportunities and threats to business and HRD
strategies and thereby reinforce access to top table planning discussions.
4. HRD plans and policies – where systematic integration requires the formulation of HRD plans and
policies to support wider business needs. For this planning to assume strategic status it must
incorporate environmental scanning and scenario planning which, when used to regularly and sys-
tematically inform strategy formulation, can lead to HRD assuming a proactive, shaping function
rather than simply a reactionary one.
5. Line manager commitment and involvement – consistent with the development of SHRM, the line
manager takes centre stage in identifying and addressing the HRD needs of subordinates. This
requires his or her active commitment and participation, where any relegation of their HRD roles
and responsibilities in their list of managerial priorities will jeopardise its successful delivery.
6. Existence of complementary HRM activities – these cover such areas as improving HRP, recruiting
higher-calibre employees, more exacting performance appraisal and identification of HRD needs,
and individually and organisationally focused career development plans.
7. Expanded trainer role – where to support a strategic orientation HRD specialists need to develop
their roles to become more proactive, interventionist, central and influential. This is likely to be
embodied in the movement from training provider to a consultant, innovator role.
8. Recognition of culture – where the onus is on the HRD function to develop its activities in line not
only with organisational strategy but also with organisation culture. This includes the key role of
shaping HRD activities to maintain and change corporate culture.
9. Emphasis on evaluation – where, in order to develop its strategic relevance, the HRD function must
evaluate its activities so that its strategic contribution and relevance can be assessed.
Source: Garavan (1991).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 10.2

Before reading on, how would you critique Garavan’s depiction of SHRD as
summarised in Key Concepts 10.2?

Although Garavan’s early work provides a very useful starting point to an exploration
of SHRD, it can be critiqued on a number of grounds. These are summarised below:
 a specialist HRD function surfaces as a key SHRD stakeholder when in reality such a
function may be absent from many organisations;
 the prominence given to the specialist HRD function downplays the significance of
managers as SHRD stakeholders;
 this is at odds with the SHRM construct, which emphasises devolvement of responsi-
bility to line managers;
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358 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 the potential for conflict between HRD specialists and managers as SHRD protago-
nists is not addressed;
 strategic integration is reduced to a vertical, downstream relationship that overlooks
the importance of horizontal integration and the multi-dimensional, two-way inter-
pretation of vertical strategic alignment;
 a very managerialistic standpoint is adopted which relegates the importance of the
employee stakeholder perspective; and
 more prosaic areas such as needs analysis and approaches to HRD delivery are
excluded from the analysis suggesting that they have little or no input into the train-
ing/SHRD debate.
McCracken and Wallace (2000) used Garavan’s (1991) strategic portrayal of HRD as
the starting point for their redefinition of SHRD. Following their review of his work,
they concluded that, taken together, his identified characteristics of SHRD portrayed an
approach that is not fully mature in terms of its strategic credentials. They went on to
develop each one of his nine characteristics to reflect what a higher level of strategic
maturity is for them. Their analysis is summarised in Key Concepts 10.3.
In some ways this reworking and redefinition of Garavan’s characteristics of SHRD
goes some way to addressing the earlier critique of his work. There is particularly more
emphasis on the nature and importance of senior and line management involvement
with a commensurate reduction in the emphasis on the role of the HRD function.
McCracken and Wallace’s rhetoric also points to the potential for the development of
closer working relationships between managers and HRD specialists. Their characterisa-
tion of strategic integration also adopts and emphasises the importance of two-way
vertical and horizontal integration. However, their analysis could still be said to reflect
four potential limitations inherent in Garavan’s work:
1. There remains a presumption that a professional HRD function is operating as an
important stakeholder in support of HRD. This is unlikely to be the case in many,
particularly small, organisations.
2. Strategic integration is represented as a single, two-way, vertical construct that does
not reflect the multi-dimensional construct discussed in earlier chapters (particularly
1, 7 and 8).
3. Their ideas appear to be even more managerialist where SHRD is viewed as being less
about addressing employee needs and more about focusing on the strategic impera-
tives of the organisation.
4. Issues around the employee stakeholder role, HRD needs analysis and approaches to
HRD delivery do not feature in their analysis. However, this is not surprising as they
were using Garavan’s initial propositions as the platform for their redefinition of
SHRD and Garavan was silent on these areas.
In one important respect it could be argued that Garavan’s analysis reflects a greater
level of strategic maturity than that offered by McCracken and Wallace. In their treat-
ment of HRD evaluation, McCracken and Wallace emphasise the need for evaluation to
have a harder, quantifiable edge, whereas Garavan places stress on the need for evalua-
tion to focus on the strategic relevance of HRD. On the basis that a harder focus on cost
effectiveness is likely to be a constituent element of evaluating the strategic contribution
of HRD, Garavan’s analysis arguably reflects the greater degree of strategic maturity.
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Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 359

Key Concepts 10.3

Characteristics of strategically mature HRD

McCracken and Wallace argue that:

1. True strategic integration arises only when SHRD shapes and influences an organisation’s missions
and goals as well as supporting their effective implementation.
2. Top management support is too passive to fully enact SHRD and that what is required is top man-
agement leadership.
3. Consistent with this leadership role and as part of its environmental scanning responsibilities,
senior management should assume responsibility for analysing the HRD implications of external
and internal environment changes and take over this role from HRD specialists.
4. The formulation of HRD plans and policies, although strategically oriented, reflects an operational
emphasis. To achieve a more strategic focus requires the development of HRD strategies from
which the policies and plans would flow.
5. Line manager commitment and involvement, while necessary, is insufficient to achieve true integra-
tion of HRD into their broader managerial responsibilities. To achieve this integration requires
closer collaboration with HRD specialists and the development of strategic partnerships between
6. Similarly, the existence of complementary HRM activities is insufficient in that it downplays the
need for their close integration under the SHRM umbrella. This makes more explicit the necessity
to ally vertical integration with horizontal integration and anticipates the development of strategic
partnerships between HRD specialists and their other SHRM colleagues.
7. The expanded role for HRD specialists needs to be further extended to elevate their facilitation of
organisational change function to a leadership of change role.
8. Similarly, the HRD function needs to extend its recognition of organisational culture, where training
activities are shaped, in part, by an awareness of the current cultural context, to a position where it
actively influences culture and, when necessary, plays a central role in culture change.
9. That the emphasis on evaluation needs to be interpreted more rigorously to include a harder, quan-
tifiable edge, where HRD activities are evaluated in terms of their cost-effectiveness.

Source: McCracken and Wallace (2000).

One important feature of McCracken and Wallace’s work is the emphasis they place
on the relationship between SHRD and the development or existence of a learning cul-
ture within the context of a learning organisation. They argue that ‘the existence of a
learning culture would seem to be crucial to the existence of SHRD and likewise any
organization where HRD has a role in influencing culture probably already has a learn-
ing culture in place’ (McCracken and Wallace, 2000: 285). This they see as reflecting a
two-way relationship between learning and organisational culture. On the one hand a
learning culture is ‘a means of transmitting culture’ and on the other can be ‘a product
of [organisational] culture’ (McCracken and Wallace, 2000: 285). As learning becomes
institutionalised and an integral component of organisation development so, it is
argued, the organisation adopts the characteristics of the learning organisation. This sig-
nificant feature of SHRD is subjected to more detailed scrutiny later in the chapter.
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360 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Towards a continuum of HRD strategic maturity

The above analysis leads McCracken and Wallace to the view that SHRD embodies a
proactive function where the emphasis is on shaping the strategic focus of the organisa-
tion supported by a strong learning culture. SHRD is characterised as being very mature
in terms of strategic integration. In contrast, they interpret Garavan’s analysis as repre-
senting HRD where the strategic connection is mainly conducted in a downstream
supporting role within a relatively weak learning culture. HRD is characterised as being
quite mature in terms of strategic integration. This they further contrast with training
where ‘The organization is strategically immature in HRD terms and has no discernible
learning culture’ (McCracken and Wallace, 2000: 286). Their representation of training
as the provision of an ad hoc diet of standardised offerings is justified by its evident lack
of connection with any of the nine characteristics as identified by Garavan (1991). This
places training at the opposite end to SHRD on the continuum of HRD strategic matu-
rity depicted in Figure 10. 2 and permits a clear comparison along this continuum
between training, HRD and SHRD. The training end of the continuum reflects more a
situation where its interventions are viewed as remedial and are designed to make good
employee deficiencies, or fixing problems once they have arisen, in order to increase
organisational efficiency (Garavan et al., 1995; Daniels, 2003). These positions along the
continuum of HRD strategic maturity are portrayed in Figure 10. 3.

Training and SHRD as a bi-polar construct

Notwithstanding the analysis above, the HRD territory is more commonly interpreted as
a bi-polar construct with training at one end and SHRD at the other (see for example
Muhlemeyer and Clarke, 1997; Horwitz, 1999; Holden, 2004). Figure 10.4 uses the intro-
duction of new technology as an example to differentiate the two ends of this construct.
At one end, training interventions are reactive and are directed at resolving specific
problems resulting from the introduction of the new technology (what Muhlemeyer and
Clarke refer to as problem-directed training and development). At the other end, SHRD
interventions are proactive and help shape the decision-making process surrounding the
introduction of the new technology (what Muhlemeyer and Clarke refer to as strategi-
cally oriented training and development). At the SHRD end, evaluation of HRD
interventions operates as a continuous loop not only to support the introduction of new
technology but also as an input into wider organisational learning that might impact,
for example, on such areas as change and project management.
Muhlemeyer and Clarke’s (1997) two approaches to HRD can be illustrated by refer-
ence to the introduction of computerised information systems into workplaces. This
‘new technology’ has been used, for example, by many organisations through the devel-
opment and introduction of computerised personnel information systems or to
underpin the operation of public sector bodies, such as the Child Support Agency and
the Inland Revenue. The story line is that too frequently the technology fails to deliver
expected efficiencies, leads to excessive backlogs and may even end up as a grossly
expensive white elephant that has to be replaced by another computerised information
system. Using Muhlemeyer and Clarke’s analysis it would be interesting to know in such
cases whether HRD was problem-directed or strategically oriented. Although only anec-
dotal, the authors’ experience is that such computerised systems are introduced with
little thought about the workforce’s capability to operate them. This leads to operational
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Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 361




• 1st-order corporate decisions
• 2nd-order structure/process decisions
• 3rd-order functional decisions


Continuum of HRD Immature Quite mature Very mature

strategic maturity:

Learning culture: Absent Weak Strong

Orientation of HRD function: Admin/delivery Consultant Strategic change

HRD characteristics:
1. Integration with • Little or accidental • Downstream supporting • Two-way, incorporating
organisational integration role shaping role
missions and goals
2. Top management • Very limited support • Active support and • Adopts leadership role of
support involvement HRD
3. Environmental scanning • Limited awareness of and • Continuous monitoring • Senior management role
response to environment by HRD function to scan environment for
HRD implications
4. HRD plans and policies • Ad hoc responses to • Systematically integrated • Developed within HRD
identified problems with organisational strategies
5. Line manager • Limited involvement and • Line managers exercise • Strategic partnerships with
commitment and commitment pivotal role HRD specialists
6. Existence of • Little or no horizontal • HRD as one of a bundle • Horizontal integration
complementary HRM integration of HR activities of complementary HRM between complementary
activities activities SHRM activities
7. Expanded trainer role • Limited to a training • Addition of a consultant, • Addition of an organisation
provider role innovator role change consultant role
8. Recognition of culture • Remote from • Interventions shaped by • Operates to influence
organisational cultural organisation culture and/or change
considerations organisational culture
9. Emphasis on evaluation • Little evident evaluation • Cost effectiveness • Strategic contribution and
interventions evaluated relevance of interventions
Figure 10.3 Mapping the HRD strategic maturity continuum
Source: adapted from Garavan (1991); McCracken and Wallace (2000).
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362 Part 2 Strategic Interventions


TIME Audit of employee skills,

competences and potential

Planning and investment Planning for new technology

in new technology and analysis of training needs
to support its introduction

Investment in technology plus

training, including from

Introduction of new technology Introduction of new technology

Lack of know-how and skills

leads to problems with

Analysis of training needs

Training of employees

Evaluation of training

Organisational learning

Figure 10. 4 Problem-directed versus strategically oriented HRD in the introduction of new technology
Source: adapted from Muhlemeyer and Clarke (1997).

failures that pinpoint the gaps in employee capability that are addressed retrospectively
through problem-directed HRD. It is a moot point as to whether the adoption of a
strategically oriented approach to HRD would lead to fewer operational failures and,
perhaps, the saving of millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money.
Perhaps somewhat depressingly for the adherents of SHRD, Muhlemeyer and Clarke
found little evidence of strategically oriented practice. Citing a study by the University of
Chemnitz (1995), they reported that only 18 per cent of organisations ‘strategically plan
their training and development requirements’, with the vast majority of companies
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Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 363

reporting that ‘planning for training and development occurred only as a result of prob-
lems arising in the workplace’ (Muhlemeyer and Clarke, 1997: 5). This pessimistic
picture of SHRD take-up is echoed in analysis of empirical evidence reported elsewhere
and particularly suggests that few organisations are actively developing a learning cul-
ture or an HRD infrastructure to support such a development (Horwitz, 1999; Ashton
and Felstead, 2001; Harrison and Kessels, 2004). Taken at face value, this suggests that
whatever the rhetoric underpinning the value of SHRD, strategically immature
approaches to HRD dominate practice.

Systematic training approaches as a route to SHRD

The traditional, systematic approach to training

Having presented HRD strategic maturity as both a continuum and bi-polar construct,
it is probably safe to say that readers will be more familiar with the training end of both
these representations and will be well acquainted with what is commonly referred to as
the systematic approach to training (or HRD, using the terminology adopted in this
chapter). This approach to HRD is frequently depicted as a cycle of activities (as mod-
elled in Figure 10.5) comprising:
 identification of HRD needs;
 planning and designing HRD interventions to meet identified needs;
 implementing the planned HRD interventions; and
 evaluating the outcomes of these interventions.
Such widely recognised and understood frameworks underpin the approach adopted
by many organisations and can be illustrated by a couple of short examples. First, the
extension of discrimination legislation to incorporate ageism will particularly impact on
managerial behaviour. The identification of training needs may point to a need for man-
agers to become conversant with the legislation and how it impacts on the way they
manage their human resources, for example promotion decisions. HRD interventions to
address these needs will be developed and implemented. The success of the HRD

Identify HRD

Evaluate Plan and

HRD design HRD
outcomes interventions


Figure 10.5 The systematic HRD model

Sources: Gibb and Megginson (2001); El-Sawed (2002).
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364 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

interventions may then be evaluated in terms of the number of grievances and employ-
ment tribunal cases arising from age discrimination. Second, a move towards SHRM
anticipates the devolvement of much of the responsibility for HR to line managers.
Their performance appraisals may throw up a lack of competence to perform this role,
with HRD needs in, say, employee involvement, giving and receiving feedback, inter-
viewing, etc. emerging. HRD interventions to address these needs will be developed and
implemented and their effectiveness perhaps assessed through the next cycle of per-
formance appraisals.
However, as with so much else in the SHRM literature, the apparent simplicity of this
HRD perspective can conceal a number of underlying complexities. A number of exam-
ples can be used to illustrate this point:
 Identification of HRD needs at its most basic level may be simply about identifying
employee deficiencies related to their job performance. In contrast, at its broadest
level of interpretation, the identification of HRD needs may adopt a strategic orienta-
tion. Here business strategies and goals are the starting point for an approach to HRD
needs analysis that then cascades down the organisation to ensure integration
between these needs and those of business units, workgroups and individuals. Indeed
this approach is an important dimension of performance management as discussed
in Chapter 9 and is captured in Holden’s (2004: 318) depiction of the training cycle
with his inclusion of the three sequential stages of ‘organisation strategy’, ‘HRM strat-
egy’ and ‘training development strategy’.
 The application of learning theory is needed both to inform the design of HRD inter-
ventions and to ensure that the method of HRD delivery matches (or develops) the
learning styles of participants. Learning is thus critical to the HRD cycle.
 The evaluation stage of the cycle may be restricted to the lower levels of evaluation
hierarchies or may alternatively vary across the whole range. Using Reid and Barring-
ton’s (1999) hierarchy, this might mean that the evaluation stage only measures the
reactions of participants to their training or whether trainees have learned what was
intended. Alternatively, the evaluation might range from these lower levels to the ulti-
mate level where it seeks to assess the extent to which HRD interventions generate
organisational benefits.
 When practised as a continuous cycle, the systematic HRD model mirrors the charac-
teristics of the action research approach to evaluation as discussed in Chapter 4. This is
also reflected in the HRD loops depicted in Figures 10.6 and 10.7 below, and echoes the
strategic importance of evaluation captured in the models of SHRD discussed earlier.
Therefore, although the systematic HRD model may be thought of as residing at the
less mature end of the continuum, it too can be developed to reflect different levels of
strategic maturity.

Towards a strategically oriented cycle of HRD activities

This extension in the level of HRD strategic maturity is well illustrated by the work of
Muhlemeyer and Clarke (1997). They are highly critical of the problem-directed applica-
tion of the HRD cycle that for them epitomises the approach adopted by the majority of
organisations. Their critique envisages a potential situation where failures to effectively
transfer the know-how acquired through off-the-job training into the workplace means
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Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 365

that ‘every investment in training, whatever it costs, is a waste of money’ (Muhlemeyer and
Clarke, 1997: 5). They hold that their interpretation of the training cycle (illustrated in
Figure 10.6) encapsulates a strategic orientation. This can be found particularly in their
emphasis on the whole cycle being driven by organisational needs and securing knowledge
transfer, and its exploitation, throughout the whole organisation. Their emphasis on
knowledge transfer prevents HRD outputs being simply locked up in the heads of those
directly involved in the training intervention and makes them available for others to utilise.

Analysing company HRD

requirements to meet
organisational needs

Preparation and
Controlling HRD implementation of
HRD interventions

Securing success:
know-how transfer
within the workplace

Figure 10.6 A strategically-oriented cycle of HRD activities

The importance they attach to knowledge transfer is summed up by their conclusion

that it is ‘this particular part of the training process, the transfer and subsequent use of
know-how, that can be the key to success’ (Muhlemeyer and Clarke, 1997: 7). This res-
onates with the principles underpinning a learning culture and, more recently, that of
knowledge management. For them the development of organisational know-how occurs
when the outputs from HRD interventions (‘direct participant training’) are dissemi-
nated and absorbed within the organisation (‘know-how transfer and indirect
participant training’) which requires active organisational facilitation in order to over-
come resistance to change (Muhlemeyer and Clarke, 1997: 9). However, the extent to
which their ideas move the HRD cycle along the continuum of strategic maturity is
restricted by two factors. First, the strategic connection represents one-way, downstream
integration where HRD is cast in a supporting role. Second, the last of their four stages,
controlling HRD and development, reflects an approach to evaluation that includes
cost–benefit analysis but falls short of assessing effectiveness at the ultimate level of
organisational contribution. Although less detailed in its depiction, this arguably places
their positioning of training and development as a strategic task alongside McCracken
and Wallace’s (2000) portrayal of HRD, that is quite mature in strategic terms.
Harrison’s (1993a) cycle of HRD activities moves further along the continuum of
strategic maturity through its aim ‘to transform people’s learning and development into
a corporate, business-led activity, relying on a collaboration between key parties to gen-
erate information, agree on strategies and plans and monitor, evaluate and act on
outcomes’. Her portrayal of HRD, illustrated in Figure 10.7, carries many of the hall-
marks of SHRD reflected in the later work of McCracken and Wallace (2000). It:
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366 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 has a long-term perspective;

 exhibits a heavy emphasis on learning;
 elevates evaluation to incorporate organisational learning;
 places the development of HRD plans and activities within a learning strategy;
 translates corporate vision, mission and goals into business strategies and key
business processes from which employee development needs and learning strategies
are sourced;
 is responsive to changing circumstances through its accommodation of emergent
 addresses the potential for conflict between HRD stakeholders through forging agree-
ment on responsibilities between them;
 anticipates two-way strategic integration where the output of corporate learning
evaluation operates as an input to corporate vision, mission and goals; and
 is responsive to both the external and internal operating environment of the organisation.

Environmental scanning

External Internal

Business strategies,
Organisational missions
structures and key HRD implications
and goals

Longer-term evaluation Formulating and

of impact on agreeing learning
organisational strategies, plans and
performance and learning interventions

Agreeing responsibilities
Evaluating learning for the management
planned learning
outcomes and monitoring of
learning interventions

Adaptation of learning Monitoring learning

interventions to meet outcomes from
emergent needs learning interventions

Figure 10.7 Employee learning and development as a strategic process

Source: adapted from Harrison (1993a: 326).
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Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 367

By way of example, an organisation may detect that it is entering a period of

increased turbulence and instability in its field of operations (e.g. package holiday com-
panies, branches of retailing such as Marks and Spencer, and the INA case featured at
the end of the chapter). A response might be to develop a competitive strategy around
innovation and recognition of the need to develop an employee capability and culture in
the future that is adaptable and flexible. This then becomes the prime focus for HRD
interventions to be supported by the parallel development of a learning organisation.

A revised continuum of HRD strategic maturity

These three depictions of systematic cycles of HRD activities broadly correspond to the
levels of strategic maturity represented earlier by training, HRD and SHRD. However,
while these positions on the continuum arguably cover the majority of HRD practice
evidenced in organisations, they do not represent the full range of possibilities. Drawing
further on the HRD literature, it is possible to delineate further positions along the con-
tinuum of strategic maturity as set out in Key Concepts 10.4, which also serve to extend
the two extremes of the continuum.

Key Concepts 10.4

Levels of strategic maturity in HRD practice

1. No systematic training where employee development is likely to be ad hoc and at times accidental.
2. Isolated tactical training (as reflected by Muhlemeyer and Clarke’s (1997) problem-directed
3. Training integrated with operational management as part of planned structures for skill and career
4. Training as a vehicle for implementing corporate strategy and achieving change in a downstream,
supporting role.
5. Training and learning as a vehicle for shaping strategy through two-way strategic integration.
6. Training and learning as a process through which strategy is formulated.
7. Learning and development processes are strategically directed to building and enhancing the
organisation’s core competences as the source of competitive advantage.

Sources: Burgoyne (1988); Lee (1996); Walton (1999).

The notion that SHRD can represent the process through which strategy can be for-
mulated is developed by Luoma (2000). In an alternative approach to delineating
different types of strategic integration, he identifies three HRD variants. The first –
HRD driven by needs – adopts the familiar downstream stance where the strategic inte-
gration of HRD is defined by its ability to equip employees with the skills, knowledge
and attitudes necessary to support the achievement of organisation objectives. The role
of HRD here is to identify skill performance gaps that might frustrate the achievement
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368 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

of organisational strategy and then to close the gaps through appropriate HRD interven-
tions. The second – HRD driven by opportunities – replaces this internal focus with one
that concentrates on importing HRD strategies from the ‘outer world of employee
development’ to act ‘as catalysts for mental growth in organizations’ (Luoma, 2000:
772–773). Cited examples include HRD associated with business process analysis, team-
work and total quality management (TQM) where their importation is designed not
only to support the implementation of current organisational strategy but also to pro-
vide the capacity to orchestrate strategic and culture change. The third – HRD driven by
capabilities – focuses on developing employee capabilities as the source of and route to
competitive advantage. This is consistent with the resource-based theory of the firm and
core competences discussed in earlier chapters. It is these organisational capabilities that
become ‘the primary object of strategy, and managerial attention should be focused on
factors that support the capabilities’ (Luoma, 2000: 775). These approaches, when oper-
ated in tandem, can, respectively, help support the efficient maintenance of the strategic
status quo, provide the basis for new or revised strategic thinking or form the very basis
of competitive strategy itself.
Taking all these perspectives into account, it is now possible to revise the continuum
of HRD strategic maturity and identify the defining characteristics of points along it
(Figure 10.8).

Increasing levels of strategic maturity in HRD



• Ad hoc • Problem directed • Planned cycle of • Focus on needs • Two-way strategic • The process
• Incidental • Reactive activities arising from integration through which
• Focus on strategy • Contribution to strategy is
employee needs • Downstream strategy formulated
support role formulation • Employee
capabilities as
the route to

Lee (1996) Lee (1996) Gibb and Garravan (1991) Harrison (1993) Lee (1996)
Muhlemeyer and Meggison (2001) Muhlemeyer and McCracken and Luoma (2000)
Clarke (1997) El-Sawed (2002) Clarke (1997) Wallace (2000)
Mabey et al. (1998)

Figure 10.8 Revised continuum of HRD strategic maturity

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Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 369

Defining characteristics of SHRD

Earlier in the chapter, three themes that emerged from an analysis of definitions of
SHRD were identified: strategic integration; the centrality of a learning culture; and dif-
ferent stakeholder perspectives. The subsequent analysis of SHRD against different levels
of strategic maturity and models of systematic HRD cycles not only reinforces these
themes but builds on them to the point where it can be argued that they represent the
defining characteristics of SHRD.

Strategic integration
Starting with strategic integration, it is not surprising that underpinning the concept of
SHRD are the principles of vertical and horizontal strategic fit. Although not capturing
the whole range of the multi-dimensional nature of strategic integration discussed in
Chapter 1, the foregoing analysis embraces:
 the importance of two-way strategic integration where SHRD both supports the
achievement of organisational strategies in a downstream relationship and can act to
help shape strategic formulation in an upstream relationship;
 the role of SHRD in supporting (and being supported by) other SHRM activities and
strategies in a mutually reinforcing coherent package; and
 the contribution of SHRD to strategic change through its emphasis on and exploita-
tion of a learning culture.
Although not yet made explicit in this chapter, earlier coverage of vertical strategic
integration (particularly in Chapters 1, 7 and 8) has established the position that the
concept applies to the three levels (or orders) of strategy identified by Purcell (1991) and
that vertical integration can operate in a two-way relationship. These four strands,
together with horizontal integration and strategic change, delineate the six different
strands of strategic integration discussed in Chapters 1 and 7. In Chapter 8, worked
examples were used to show how these different strands of strategic integration could be
applied to strategic recruitment and selection. This provides a template that can be
applied to all HRM interventions to evaluate their strategic pedigree and you are
encouraged to think through how these six different types of strategic integration can be
applied to SHRD. However, the Self-Check and Reflect Question that follows should
help you to get started.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 10.3

How can SHRD help support second-order strategy changes designed to pro-
duce a flatter organisational structure through delayering?
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370 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

What are new, however, are the attributes of SHRD embedded in the highest level of
strategic maturity depicted in Figure 10.8. This portrays SHRD as the process through
which strategy is formulated (Lee, 1997) and the driver of organisational capabilities
that represent the route to sustainable competitive advantage (Luoma, 2000). These
ideas increasingly find expression through such terms as intellectual capital and knowl-
edge management, which require further exploration as a component part of the second
theme: the centrality of a learning culture. For Walton (1999: 82), ‘The measure of suc-
cessful SHRD is that people development and the supporting learning processes should
be considered to be one of the strategic capabilities and distinctive competences of those
organisations that effectively undertake them’.

Centrality of a learning culture

The centrality and importance of organisation learning and SHRD are captured well in
Harrison’s (1993) schematic representation of learning and development as a strategic
process (see Figure 10.7) and McCracken and Wallace’s (2000) portrayal of SHRD (see
Figure 10.3). Horwitz (1999: 188) argues that ‘Learning occurs at individual, work group
and organisational levels’ and that ‘A key focus of SHRD is the creation of a learning
environment and structural design, which promotes learning and development for per-
formance improvement and competitiveness’. This positions learning as an
organisational capability such that those organisations that are able to learn more
quickly than their rivals secure significant competitive advantage. It is this premise that
has led to interest in the concept of the ‘learning organisation’.

A multi-stakeholder perspective
The third theme, concerning different stakeholder perspectives, changes in emphasis as
HRD moves along the continuum of strategic maturity. At the training end of the con-
tinuum the focus is very much on employee needs with the HRD function and
specialists being held largely responsible for addressing them. Here the role of line man-
agers is restricted mainly to identifying HRD needs. At the SHRD end of the continuum
the focus is on organisational needs, senior management leadership, and strategic part-
nerships between line managers committed to HRD and HRD specialists. This positions
senior and line managers as having a pivotal role to play in the effective delivery of
SHRD. For Mabey et al. (1998) the support of senior managers and active involvement
of line managers is an essential component of their model of SHRD because they consti-
tute a dominant coalition of interests and represent and reflect the prevailing
organisational culture.
The first of these defining characteristics of SHRD, strategic integration, is a constant
throughout the book and, as indicated above, you will now be left to explore how the
multi-dimensional nature of strategic integration, particularly developed in Chapters 1,
7 and 8, can be applied to SHRD. The remaining sections of the chapter go on to con-
centrate on important SHRD dimensions related to the two remaining themes identified
above: the centrality of a learning culture; and different stakeholder perspectives. In the
first of these, two distinct perspectives surfaced earlier are explored – the learning
organisation and knowledge management. For the second the concentration on HRD
stakeholders is directed at managers who are regarded by many as playing the pivotal
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Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 371

role in SHRD (for example, Mabey et al., 1998; McCracken and Wallace, 2000; Harrison
and Kessels, 2004). Critical here is not only the development of managers themselves
towards greater levels of competence to enhance their contribution to organisational
success but also how they execute their personal HRD role responsibilities in support of
the development of their staff.
These characteristics of SHRD, expressed through the three emergent themes, mirror
what Harrison and Kessels (2004) conclude are the four key future challenges facing the
HRD function:
 achieving strategic integration and thrust;
 facilitating culture change and building a learning culture;
 promoting workplace learning processes that build social as well as human capital;
 developing managerial and leadership capability to operate in changing organisa-
tional form.

The learning organisation: the chicken and egg paradox of SHRD?

A recurrent theme running through the management literature and reflected in this
book is that organisations will need to learn how to adapt to endemic change if they are
to survive and flourish. There is nothing essentially new in the notion that organisations
learn to interact with their environment to varying degrees of success. Indeed, learning
can be identified at the very foundation of many management change initiatives, such as
TQM, culture change, and business re-engineering. Learning also lies at the heart of
SHRD. Individual and/or organisational learning was a dominant theme arising from
the definitions of SHRD considered at the beginning of the chapter such that the devel-
opment of a learning culture is sometimes seen as being synonymous with SHRD
(Stewart and McGoldrick, 1996; McCracken and Wallace, 2000). Such is the strategic
significance of learning that in some quarters its status has been elevated to become the
modus operandi of organisations finding popular expression in such terms as ‘The
Learning Organisation’ or ‘The Learning Company’.

Organisational learning or the learning organisation

The recent elevation in the status of learning can be attributed to at least two particular
lines of argument. First is the notion that, to maintain competitive advantage, organisa-
tions through the collective interactions of their employees need to learn faster than the
rate of change and faster than their competitors (Ashton and Felstead, 2001; Greer,
2001). Second, consistent with the principles of core competences and the resource-
based view of the firm discussed in Chapter 1, is the notion that learning itself is one of
the main sources, if not the main source, of competitive advantage (Ashton and Fel-
stead, 2001; Sloman, 2002). Thus, learning can be viewed as both a means to an end and
an end in itself. To an extent, these two perspectives have been reflected in the differenti-
ation found in the literature between ‘organisational learning’ and the ‘learning
organisation’. In Key Concepts 10.5 an attempt is made to bring together the defining
characteristics of these two concepts.
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372 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Key Concepts 10.5

Organisational learning and the learning organisation

Organisational learning (the process of learning) The learning organisation (the process of
learning to learn)

 Focuses on learning that results in behavioural  Focuses on learning that results in changing
changes among employees, either individually the behaviour of the organisation itself as
or in workgroups it anticipates or responds proactively to
changes in its operational environment
 Concentrates on how individuals learn. Seeks  Concentrates on learning how to learn.
to analyse the process involved in individual Seeks to explore methods for improving
or collective learning in order to better the learning process in a continual quest
understand how it can contribute to to improve the ability of the organisation
formalised HRD to learn
 Concerned with knowledge development in  Concerned with enabling employee learning
order to gain new insights that have the to generate positively valued outcomes
potential to influence the future behaviour such as innovation, managing change and
of employees the development of core competences
 Viewed as a means to an end where  Viewed as an end in itself where the
behavioural change is directed at supporting development of a learning organisation can
the achievement of organisational goals become a strategic goal of the organisation
Sources: Garavan (1997); Mabey et al. (1998); Reynolds and Ablett (1998);
Armstrong and Foley (2003); Betts and Holden (2003); Sun and Scott (2003).

The learning organisation has therefore a broader focus that builds on and thereby
incorporates the principles underpinning organisational learning. The section now goes
on to focus on the implications that this broader interpretation of the learning organisa-
tion has for organisational SHRD practice.

Characteristics of the learning organisation

A frequently quoted definition sees the learning organisation as one ‘which facilitates the
learning of all its members and continually transforms itself ’ (Pedler et al., 1991: 1).
Underpinning this definition is the creation of a learning climate where everybody is
encouraged to learn and the organisation as a whole develops a capacity for learning.
Drawing on the literature to unpack the concept further, it is possible to distinguish a
number of features of the learning organisation, as seen in Key Concepts 10.6.

Learning: a problematic concept

Learning, however, is a difficult concept to get to grips with. Not least is that learning is
difficult to evaluate and is arguably only evident when it results in some measurable
behavioural outcome. This situation is further complicated by the premise that the
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Key Concepts 10.6

Characteristic features of the learning organisation

 Learning can be derived from all experiences – accidental and deliberate/successes and failures –
and used to shape future behaviour.
 Learning is valuable in its own right and learning how to learn is a critical part of the process.
 Learning from both the external and internal environment takes place at all levels of the organisa-
tion and therefore there is a premium on sharing knowledge across organisational boundaries.
 Learning is a continuous process and at its most powerful when it becomes habitual and intern-
 Unlearning and the reconstruction and adaptation of an organisation’s knowledge base is a key
managerial task.
 Learning is used intentionally as an enabling mechanism for organisational transformation.
 Conscious organisational initiatives are necessary to translate learning, from whatever source, into
a strategic force.
 An underpinning organisational philosophy, culture and supportive structure are necessary to
create the right environment for experiential learning and its operational application.
 It embraces a multi-stakeholder approach with a reduced emphasis on formal HRD interventions
and greater emphasis on employees accepting responsibility for their own learning and managers
actively facilitating the processes of learning.

Sources: Pettigrew and Whipp (1991); Storey and Sisson (1993); Mabey and Salaman (1995); Lundy and Cowling (1996);
Muhlemeyer and Clarke (1997); Walton (1999); Ashton and Felstead (2001); Sun and Scott (2003).

interaction between learning and outcomes can occur at a number of levels (Argyris and
Schon, 1978, 1996; Walton, 1999; Harrison and Kessels, 2004). The first level, single-loop
learning, focuses on improving current practice (i.e. doing what we currently do better).
Essentially it involves a continual cycle of detecting errors in current practice, identify-
ing potential areas for improvement and making incremental enhancements to work
operations. For example, the manufacturing organisation cited in an earlier chapter (In
Practice 8.6) was not able to meet its growth strategy because it could not fill its staff
vacancies in a virtually full employment labour market. A single-loop response would
anticipate incremental adjustments to recruitment and selection practice in an effort to
match labour supply and demand. This could include, for example, changing recruit-
ment media, redefining the person specification, or sourcing vacancies from abroad.
The second level, double-loop learning, focuses on questioning established practice
(i.e. challenging what we currently do). Essentially it involves challenging existing aims,
established beliefs and values with a view to reconstructing organisational systems and
processes as organisations strive to adapt to changes in their internal and external envi-
ronments. This response may be triggered when evaluation demonstrates that changes
resulting from single-loop learning have not worked and could lead, for example, to
changes to an organisation’s core values, mission or strategy. Building on the above
example, a continuing failure of single-loop adjustments to recruitment and selection
practice to match labour supply and demand could lead to the organisation questioning
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374 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

its business practice in more fundamental ways. This might lead to outsourcing its
production operations to eastern Europe, a wholesale relocation to another country or
the capital intensification of work where labour is substituted by technology.
The third level, triple-loop learning, focuses on the processes of learning (i.e. learning
what we can from single- and double-loop learning). Essentially it involves ‘reviewing
and reflecting on previous learning experiences and using such experiences as a basis for
the formation of new learning activities and insights’ (Walton, 1999: 389). It is synony-
mous with learning to learn and is directed at improving organisational learning
processes. Double- and triple-loop learning are particularly identified with the concept
of the learning organisation. Although not situated in an organisational context, you
might like to think through the extent to which the no-diet approach to losing weight,
summarised in ‘In Practice’ 10.4, relates to single-, double- or triple-loop learning.

In Practice 10.4

How to lose weight without dieting: the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

Clinical trials currently underway may point to an effective but novel way of losing weight. Early
results include:
 an average weight loss after four months of more than 10lbs (4.54 kilos);
 an average weight loss of a further 2lbs (1 kilo) over the next six months;
 only a minority of subjects involved in the trials putting weight back on; and
 weight loss over a full year of up to 40lbs for some subjects.
These results have been achieved without any instructions with respect to diet or exercise
regimes. The ‘no-diet diet’ starts from the assumption that most diets fail because people revert back
to deeply ingrained habits. The approach being trialled requires subjects to behave in opposite ways
to their habitual ways of behaving (‘unlearning’), experimenting with behaviour in close relationships
and changing activity patterns. So, for example, the subject might have to act as an introvert if they
were an extrovert and vice versa, or might give up watching television and listen to the radio instead.
Although not an objective of this approach to behavioural modification, the weight loss seems to
follow. The reasons for this are not yet fully understood but it is believed that being forced to change
certain behaviours in this way results in subjects thinking more carefully about their other lifestyle habits.
Source: Persaud (2005).

The final paragraph of In Practice 10.4 probably gives the greatest insight into the
type of learning being displayed. A diet based on changing the patterns of behaviour not
ordinarily related to dieting at least elevates learning to double-loop. However, transfer-
ring this learning, even if subconsciously, to eating habits probably reflects triple-loop
learning, where prior experiences are being used to develop new insights.

Translating the concept into practice: a critical analysis

The demanding nature of the concept and the complexities surrounding learning and its
evaluation are likely to present significant obstacles to those organisations aspiring to
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become learning organisations. Indeed, the conceptual and practical difficulties sur-
rounding its practical manifestation have led to something akin to the chicken and egg
dilemma – it probably takes a learning organisation to produce a learning organisation!
This has led to the conclusion that the learning organisation is better viewed as an aspi-
rational vision that can at best be pursued as a never-ending journey and at worst will
never be realised (Walton, 1999; Tjepkema et al., 2002). This perspective is echoed well
by Garavan’s (1997: 26) view that ‘It is perhaps more appropriate to suggest that organi-
zations can develop in a progressive manner towards a learning organization but it is an
idealized state which may never be attained’.
It is not surprising, therefore, that much of the literature on learning organisations
tends to concentrate on those organisational practices and support mechanisms that
help build towards a learning organisation (for example, Garavan, 1997; Walton, 1999;
Griego et al., 2000; Armstrong and Foley, 2003). These frequently coalesce around:
 the creation of a learning culture where learning and experimentation are actively
promoted, as evidenced through such things as the resources allocated to learning
and development activities and the recognition and reward of risk taking;
 structural mechanisms to support organisational learning, such as routines for col-
lecting, analysing, disseminating and applying information, and identifying and
addressing learning and development needs as well as the organisation structure itself
(Chapter 5);
 the importance of evaluation as a continuous process that not only underpins the
principles of the learning organisation and knowledge management but informs
organisational investment in HRD/SHRD (Chapter 4); and
 the psychological maturity of an organisation’s human resources such that, for exam-
ple, employees at all levels are receptive to the greater levels of accountability, autonomy
and responsibility that underpin the construct of the learning organisation.
Given the above analysis, it is not difficult to subscribe to the view that the learning
organisation is perhaps best regarded as a ‘convenient shorthand term for describing an
overall philosophy for sustaining learning in organisations’ (Walton, 1999: 409). This
leads to the position where it could be argued that, while a learning organisation cannot
exist in its idealised form, some organisations will exhibit some of the characteristics of
learning organisations (Griego et al., 2000). For those committed to the aspirational
vision of the learning organisation this will represent a very pessimistic picture. How-
ever, it is a position largely supported by empirical evidence. Based on an analysis of case
study and survey findings it can be concluded that there is little evidence of either the
existence of learning organisations or, perhaps even more significantly, the support
mechanisms necessary for their creation (Reynolds and Ablett, 1998; Ashton and Fel-
stead, 2001; Tjepkema, 2002; Harrison and Kessels, 2004). In Practice 10.5 provides a
sample of conclusions that can be drawn from the available evidence.
In the context of SHRD the whole philosophy of the learning organisation is disarm-
ingly seductive. The underlying hypothesis is that where learning takes place all the time
throughout the organisation, the organisation will be better able to cope with change and
uncertainty and thereby sustain long-term competitive advantage (Lundy and Cowling,
1996). Where the continuous development of employees is inextricably linked to the
process of strategic management they ‘become a major source of competitive ability,
positioned to take advantage of every opportunity, while taking a positive stance when
confronted with adversity’ (Harrison, 1993: 317). Others have gone further to argue that
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In Practice 10.5

Evidence of the learning organisation or chasing rainbows?

 Interest in the concept of the learning organisation far exceeds its practical manifestation. In a
survey of 60 organisations with a good record of investment in HRD, 84 per cent expressed an inter-
est in the concept, 10 per cent claimed to have adopted the concept in practice but only 0.25 per
cent were able to report on progress towards its implementation (Reynolds and Ablett, 1998).
 Little progress has been made towards the much heralded move towards a knowledge-based
economy built on lifelong learning because: few employers provide the conditions necessary to
support continuous employee development; apart from some professions, there is little interest
among occupational groups for lifelong learning; and for most employees ‘notions of employee
development never mind continuous learning remain a fantasy’ (Ashton and Felstead, 2001:
 Even in organisations expected to exhibit high levels of HRD expertise and proactivity, little atten-
tion is being paid to developing learning cultures (Harrison and Kessels, 2004).
 The majority of managers lack preparation and training for their HRD role responsibilities (Cunning-
ham and Hyman, 1999; Harrison and Kessels, 2004).

people are the only sustainable source of competitive advantage within a complex envi-
ronment (West, 1994) and that organisational learning may be the only competitive
advantage for firms in the future (Stata, 1989). For example, at the time of writing the
cosmetic company Avon was about to diversify into the financial services sector using its
door-to-door sales techniques to sell financial products. The company had awoken to the
fact that its sales force was something of a sleeping giant with excellent customer access
and sales competence that had hitherto been limited to the sale of cosmetics.
Viewed from these perspectives the learning organisation appears to offer the much
sought after pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and application of its principles has
been associated with the successful management of strategic and operational change (Pet-
tigrew and Whipp, 1991). However, against this, as argued above, the concept may
represent no more than an idealised construct rather than a practical working model
(Storey and Sisson, 1993). One particular difficulty is that, as touched on earlier, the con-
ditions thought to be conducive to learning organisations may not be readily found in
practice. These conditions include: employees who are committed to and capable of man-
aging their own continuous personal development; the presence of mechanisms that
support mutual learning and which capture, disseminate and share learning; an appropri-
ate culture that supports experimentation, risk taking, independent thinking, discord,
authority based on expert knowledge rather than status; and, a pluralist ideology which
accepts the fact that stakeholders within an organisation may have different interests to
pursue. Organisations characterised more by bureaucracy, control and unitarism represent
for many of us the reality of work. Messengers do get shot and even where senior manage-
ment espouse openness and innovation, the reality may be that a blame culture (see
Chapter 6) operates so that employees avoid risks and learn to keep their mouth shut.
Another difficulty is that the very concept of transformation underpinning Pedler et
al.’s (1991) definition of the learning organisation, cited above, is open to criticism. In
reality, organisational transformation is likely to be rare, and anyway, Mumford (1998)
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argues strongly that learning should be incremental rather than transformational. He

questions whether employees can be equipped with the capacity for double-loop learn-
ing when arguably the HRD infrastructure has yet to deliver the widespread capacity for
single-loop learning. The much-lamented parlous state of HRD in the UK would seem
to lend weight to his view. In this context, single-loop learning may represent a rational
approach to problem solving and should not be jettisoned until the superiority of new
learning forms has been validated (Henderson, 1997).
Perhaps, then, a construct that appears from the literature to promise so much may in
fact prove to be somewhat elusive in practice. However, the journey in pursuit of the
rainbow’s end, like so many journeys, may be rewarding in itself. Many of the ingredi-
ents of the learning organisation appear to have merit and arguably represent common
sense even if common sense may in reality be a rare commodity!

Knowledge management

Knowledge management: the next big thing in HRD?

More recently the focus on approaches to HRD has moved on from learning organisa-
tions to knowledge management. Traced historically these represent the two latest
approaches to HRD with knowledge management being the most recent to occupy
centre stage in management discourse (In Practice 10.6).
This shift has been attributed to moves in developed economies away from low-tech,
labour-intensive industries reliant on a relatively low skill base to high-tech industries
reliant on knowledge workers. The argument runs that because such workers are in
relatively short supply they have become identified as the key source of sustainable com-

In Practice 10.6

The recent HRD lineage

1. 1960s onwards – the systematic approach to HRD.

2. 1980s onwards – business orientation where the focus of the systematic approach concentrates
on meeting organisational objectives consistent with a performance management framework.
3. Mid-1980s onwards – where frameworks for business approaches to HRD were built around com-
4. Late 1980s onwards – emphasis on self-development where employees are given increasing
autonomy over and responsibility for their learning as reflected in employee development and
assistance programmes (EDAPs).
5. Early 1990s onwards – the learning organisation where the focus shifts from a concentration on
individuals to adopt a holistic, systemic, whole-organisation perspective.
6. Mid-1990s onwards – knowledge management with a focus on developing human, intellectual and
social capital.

Sources: Megginson et al. (1999); Walton (1999); Gibb and Megginson (2001).
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378 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

petitive advantage consistent with the ideas of core competences and the resource-based
view of the firm, discussed in Chapter 1. Given this rationale, it is not surprising that
senior management may increasingly look towards HRD to build and help translate the
knowledge and skills of its employees – the organisation’s human capital – into intellec-
tual capital to the benefit of the organisation (Blackler, 1995; Walton, 1999).
Interest in knowledge management would therefore appear to be predicated on at
least two recent interrelated developments: the advent of the knowledge economy; and
the focus on knowledge as the route to competitive advantage. Whereas in traditional
economies added value is achieved through optimising the utilisation of the classic fac-
tors of production (capital, labour, material), in the knowledge economy added value is
achieved through developing and utilising existing and new knowledge to enhance
organisation efficiency, effectiveness and innovation. Where intangible, knowledge-
based assets become the most important currency in the knowledge economy there is a
premium on developing HRD processes strategically to capitalise on these assets (Harri-
son and Kessels, 2004). This position is captured by Skapinker (2002: 1):
People at all levels have accumulated knowledge about what customers want, about
how best to design products and processes, about what has worked in the past and
what hasn’t. A company that can collect all that knowledge and share it between
employees will have a huge advantage over an organisation that never discovers
what its people know.

Despite the attractiveness and plausibility of Skapinker’s conclusion, there are two
important difficulties that impact on its practical application. The first concerns the
number of facets relating to knowledge that have to be managed. The second and related
difficulty concerns the meaning and nature of knowledge itself.

Facets of knowledge management

With respect to the first concern it is possible to break down knowledge management
into a number of interrelated strands. A fairly simplistic approach is to make a distinc-
tion between existing and new knowledge. Skapinker’s conclusion relates principally to
knowledge that already resides within the workforce, whereas earlier in the chapter the
strategic importance of new knowledge and its effective utilisation were also stressed
(Harrison and Kessels, 2004).
At a more detailed level of analysis Gibb and Megginson (2001) discern three inter-
related strands in thinking. The first concerns the means for capturing, storing,
retrieving and disseminating information. This information systems perspective partic-
ularly concentrates on the use of IT to facilitate these processes. Although seemingly
straightforward, this dimension of knowledge management is not without its difficulties
as exemplified by the exhortations of chief executives on the lines of ‘if only we knew
what we know’ (Storey and Quintas, 2001: 340). Here auditing the existing workforce as
part of HRP can make an important contribution to mapping existing knowledge
(Matthewman, 1993; Heng, 2001; Herremans and Isaac, 2004).
Their second strand concerns the development of a learning culture as a facilitator of
knowledge management. Viewed from this perspective it would appear that Gibb and
Megginson are treating learning as a subset of knowledge management. However, it is
also possible to adopt the opposite perspective where knowledge management is
regarded as one step in the direction towards a learning organisation where the focus
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In Practice 10.7
Global knowledge communities network to save millions and
transform learning

Shell International Exploration and Production (SIEP) is a global knowledge-intensive business. This
carries with it the potential that a problem faced in one country has already been encountered and
solved in another. Without a mechanism to share and apply this knowledge a lot of money could be
lost. To address this, SIEP established a series of web-based global knowledge communities focused
on the core elements of its business. As a result, when the Brazil operation needed to retrieve broken
tools from a borehole, local engineers were able to call down help from their international colleagues
specialising in wells in order to help solve the problem. The ideas that poured in enabled the tools to
be retrieved, the well being saved and an estimated monetary saving of US$7 million.
Source: Carrington (2002b).

moves from learning generally to concentrate on knowledge as the core competence

(Storey and Quintas, 2001). Irrespective of the position taken, emerging from both is a
clear emphasis on learning being critical to organisation success, particularly in the field
of knowledge work. This leads to their third strand which focuses on the strategic per-
spective with its emphasis on the value of intellectual capital. However, before moving
on it is worth noting that it is arguably the second strand that carries within it the
potential to develop and effectively utilise new knowledge.
The strategic perspective (the third strand) has been a constant in the exploration of
SHRD in this chapter and the elevation of knowledge management in the hierarchy of
management thinking is well illustrated by reference to a small selection of commen-
taries. The Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) (1988) concluded that
the foundation for economic success in the twenty-first century depended on invest-
ment in human capital. Stewart (1997) postulated that in recent years, within
management and organisation theory knowledge, management had become a very
important if not the most important development such that it was viewed in some quar-
ters as the most important factor in economic life. For Prusack (1997: ix), ‘a firm’s
competitive advantage depends more than anything on its knowledge, or, to be slightly

In Practice 10.8

Global knowledge communities as a strategic tool

Thames Water, serving over 50 million customers in more than 46 countries, is using knowledge-sharing
communities that span global boundaries as part of its strategy for meeting one of its organisational
objectives to ‘profit from our knowledge, getting more value from our assets and capabilities’. Examples
of these communities include water preservation experts who pool their ideas on preventing water loss,
and contracting experts who share ways to improve bidding and negotiation processes.
Source: Lank and Windle (2003).
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380 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

more specific, on what it knows, how it uses what it knows, and how fast it can know
something new’.
Another way of delineating the various strands of knowledge management has been
to distinguish between human capital, intellectual capital and social capital. Human
capital refers to the knowledge, skills, experience and competence embodied in the
workforce that, as an intangible asset, has value to the organisation. These individual
and collective capabilities (know-how) are acquired through a process of lifelong learn-
ing and represent the focus of organisational HRD practice. However, it is increasingly
recognised that, within the work context, everyday job experiences and professional and
social networks contribute significantly to the accumulation of human capital. It is
when the organisation is able to utilise this human capital to business advantage that it
becomes intellectual capital. From a systems perspective, human capital represents the
key input to knowledge management. When these inputs are converted into the tangible
outputs on which an organisation trades, such as inventions, patents, market brands,
reputation, problem solving, and research and development capability, etc., the outputs
come to represent the intellectual capital of the organisation. Social capital represents
the interpersonal glue that facilitates intra- and inter-group cooperation and comprises
such things as social networks and shared values, norms and understandings. Inter-
preted through the systems construct, social capital is the process that facilitates the
translation of human capital into intellectual capital through being a powerful conduit
for learning and generator of unique and valuable knowledge (Figure 10.9).

Social capital
Human capital (inputs) Intellectual capital (outputs)

Figure 10.9 A systems perspective of knowledge management

From this perspective it is social capital that builds and sustains knowledge-produc-
tive relationships within the workforce (Garavan et al., 2001; Storey and Quintas, 2001;
Harrison and Kessels, 2004; Herremans and Isaac, 2004). Therefore, as well as contribut-
ing to the development of human capital, SHRD also has an important role in helping to
create, facilitate and sustain learning communities. However, consistent with the multi-
stakeholder nature of SHRD, delivery of this role requires support from other quarters.
This is particularly true of managers not only through their direct interventions but also
through the work and organisational structures they build (Harrison and Kessels, 2004;
Hedlund, 1994; MacNeil, 2004).

What is knowledge?
The second difficulty emerging from Skapinker’s (2002) conclusion is that knowledge is
a difficult concept to get hold of. There can be little disagreement that it is possible, in
principle, to differentiate between occupations in terms of their knowledge intensity, i.e.
the extent to which knowledge and other cognitive capacities impact on job perform-
ance. For example, jobs such as doctor, lawyer and lecturer can be classified as
knowledge intensive relative to those of cleaner, checkout operator and footballer.
Further, it is not a difficult step to accept that knowledge-intensive jobs can be differen-
tiated according to the extent to which their underpinning knowledge is either relatively
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certain and complete or uncertain and incomplete. For example, the knowledge under-
pinning the job of a pharmacist or lecturer in modern languages is relatively certain
compared with that of an astronomer or ecologist. The extent to which such knowledge
occupations operate in environments prone to endemic change will increase the signifi-
cance of uncertain and incomplete knowledge to their effective performance. However,
such simple distinctions based around knowledge intensity and the certainty of knowl-
edge are relatively crude and do not adequately reflect the many theoretical perspectives
available (see, for example, Blackler, 1995). However, for the purposes of this chapter
they provide a useful template to which can be added the distinction between articulated
and tacit knowledge (Hedlund, 1994).
Articulated knowledge mirrors that which is relatively certain and complete. It is
known and can be expressed through verbal and written communication. Tacit knowl-
edge as a concept, however, is far more amorphous. It represents that knowledge which
it is difficult or impossible to articulate because it comprises intuition, values, etc. that
are highly personal and relate to particular contexts (Hedlund, 1994; Garavan et al.,
2001). Imagine trying to articulate how to ride a bicycle or what it is to be in love and
you will get somewhere close to tacit knowledge and why it is difficult to put it into
words. Not surprisingly, therefore, knowledge management is likely to be largely
directed at articulated knowledge and developing new knowledge. However, Baumard
(1999) argues that, over time, what is currently tacit might become capable of articula-
tion. He terms this implicit knowledge and differentiates it from that tacit knowledge
which remains permanently closed to articulation. From an organisational perspective
this carries with it the potential to bring some tacit knowledge under the umbrella of
knowledge management. It has been argued that small teams have the potential to pro-
vide the forum for creating and sharing tacit knowledge through constant exposure to
and communication between team members (MacNeil, 2004). This reinforces the role
and value of social capital in knowledge management.
If the rhetoric of knowledge management is accepted, it is possible to advance a
number of premises that place it securely within the SHRD arena. These are summarised
in Key Concepts 10.7.

Key Concepts 10.7

The strategic credentials of knowledge management

 Within the SHRM construct superior human resources, i.e. the know-how embodied in the organi-
sation’s workforce, are a key source of competitive advantage.
 Knowledge, as a component of know-how, and social capital, if not the most important dimen-
sions of HR competence are at least major contributors to human capital.
 The advent of the knowledge economy, particularly when allied to endemic change, places a pre-
mium on knowledge management where the utilisation of existing knowledge and the generation
and application of new knowledge are used to generate intellectual capital from which organisa-
tions can profit.
 In advanced economies, the emphasis is increasingly directed towards ‘developing knowledge
workers capable of making rapid skills transitions and adjustments in response to unforeseen and
unforeseeable contingencies’ (Walton, 1999: 83).

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382 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 This will necessitate that knowledge workers: possess a high level of job-specific capability;
demonstrate commitment to and engagement in continuous personal development; and exhibit
flexibility and cognitive agility to respond to conflicting demands and the challenge of the unknown.
 The HRD infrastructure can make important contributions to enable and support the development
of human and social capital. However, this may well mean the need to transform learning and
development to move it from an over-reliance on structured interventions to an infrastructure that
can support lifelong learning as a route to human and social capital accumulation.
 Where such a transformation can take place, it will position HRD at the strategically mature end of
the HRD continuum, depicted in Figures 10.3 and 10.8.

Sources: Lee (1996); Muhlemeyer and Clarke (1997); Walton (1999); Ashton and Felstead (2001); Garavan et al. (2001);
Gibb and Megginson (2001); Harrison and Kessels (2004).

The problematic nature of knowledge management

Like the learning organisation, knowledge management appears to offer a route to the
proverbial pot of gold but it carries with it similar question marks about its efficacy. To
begin with, it is possible to question the extent of the knowledge economy itself and the
preponderance of knowledge workers. Broad economic decisions are in the hands of
government, and in the UK, at least, inconsistent signals have been sent out. In the early
1990s, for example, at one and the same time there was opposition to EU regulations
that were seen to hamper organisations’ ability to compete on the basis of cost while on
the other there were drives to increase the participation rate of school leavers in higher
education. For many workers, developments in IT can lead to a reduction in the knowl-
edge component of their work, as evidenced in the financial services sector. Further,
despite the clamour to increase the participation rate in higher education and thereby
the number of graduates, it is among unskilled and skilled craft occupations that the
severest shortages of labour have been experienced over the past decade, helping to
explain the countervailing concern by government to develop the basic skills and com-
petences of school leavers. The concept of knowledge management also smacks of
unitarism. Employers may well be seeking to exploit the knowledge embedded in their
workforce while at the same time undermining progressively their psychological con-
tract. This throws up issues of ownership and power in relation to knowledge, and
employees may not be willing to commit their intellectual capital beyond that which
they are contracted to supply in the performance of their work contract.
The potential for SHRD to contribute towards the development of human and social
capital is readily discernible, although the focus of knowledge management has arguably
been largely directed internally at the intra-organisational level, although learning and
the acquisition of knowledge clearly also derive from sources external to the organisa-
tion as part of lifelong learning and carries with it the same potential to be translated by
employers into intellectual capital. This may mean that the HRD infrastructure, as part
of social capital enhancement, will need to have an external focus. For organisations
wishing to gain the maximum potential from this source of knowledge external net-
working promoted via employee membership of professional bodies is unlikely in itself
to be sufficient. However, such moves to exploit externally generated knowledge outside
of the work contract are likely to exacerbate issues around the ownership and exploita-
tion of intellectual capital. In ‘In Practice’ 10.9 the example of a university HRM lecturer
has been used to illustrate the relationship between externally generated knowledge and
the principles of knowledge management.
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In Practice 10.9
Do knowledge workers routinely exploit external sources to enhance
their job performance?

Travelling home from work, Jo, a university HRM lecturer, is listening to breaking news on her car radio.
There has been an orchestrated series of terrorist attacks on transport systems in capital cities across
the world. Those claiming responsibility say that the attacks are aimed at tourists from developed
economies and will continue until those countries stop exporting capitalism. Not surprisingly the news
story receives wall-to-wall coverage and engenders panic among those planning to travel abroad.
The following day, travelling into university, Jo decides to ditch her plan for the lectures that week
on ‘The virtues of human resource planning in a changing world’. Instead she decides to run each
session as a discussion forum using this latest news as the catalyst for exploring the lecture title.

In relation to externally generated information and knowledge management, a number of points might
be relevant:
 the predisposition of knowledge workers to keep their minds switched on when they leave work;
 whether the manipulation of non-work-specific knowledge and evaluating its relevance to work
occurs naturally among knowledge workers;
 the extent to which this almost spontaneous importation and utilisation of knowledge is dependent
on certain competences, a flexible disposition and the willingness to take risks;
 the extent to which Jo’s actions add value, personally, for her students and for the organisation as
a whole; and
 how Jo might have responded if this was an organisational expectation rather than a personal ini-
tiative over which she had full control.

A specific problem facing the development of knowledge management in the UK is the

under-investment in HRD, evidenced at both the national (macro) and organisational
(micro) level. The resources necessary to underpin knowledge acquisition, much of which
is likely to be highly speculative, is unlikely to occur in all but a handful of organisations
within this national context. Although HRD as a vital component of SHRM has its pas-
sionate advocates, it arguably remains a poor relation (Keep, 1992; Thornhill et al., 2000).
Ashton and Felstead’s (2001) analysis points to evidence that, in terms of HRD invest-
ment, the UK is not catching up with its European competitors and is falling behind new
competitors emerging from South East Asian economies. They conclude: ‘If there is to be a
significant move in the direction of lifelong learning or a knowledge economy, then it will
require far more radical changes to the institutional framework than is currently envisaged
in the policy debates’ (Ashton and Felstead, 2001: 186).
Even if there is a commitment to knowledge management at the organisational level,
it might be frustrated by the existing HRD infrastructure. The move towards SHRD, as
discussed earlier, requires significant change in the strategies, roles and behaviours of
the HRD function if it is to take place. This is likely to involve transforming HRD deliv-
ery systems from those characterised by standardised training packages and
prescriptions to a focus on workplace learning with its greater emphasis on employee
self-development facilitated by managers operating as mentors and coaches. Here there
is likely to be a premium on HRD specialists working in partnership with senior and line
managers, operating as facilitators rather than instructors, and actively developing and
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384 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

promoting support mechanisms to facilitate the development of learning and knowl-

edge in the pursuit of continuous improvement and innovation (Walton, 1999;
McCracken and Wallace, 2000; Harrison and Kessels, 2004). Key questions flowing from
this analysis include:
 Will HRD specialists willingly make such transformations?
 Do they possess the necessary competences to successfully execute the change?
As with other HR interventions there is also the danger that knowledge management
is likely to founder unless attention is paid to its full strategic integration. While the case
for vertical alignment of knowledge management with organisational strategies has been
well made, it is unlikely that it will be achieved if its horizontal integration with other
dimensions of HR is not realised. A number of examples illustrate this point. Given the
demanding set of competences required by knowledge workers, careful attention will
need to be paid to their recruitment and selection (Chapter 8) and subsequent develop-
ment. Reward structures (Chapter 11) will need to be able to recognise superior
performance in the development of new knowledge and the successful application of
this and existing knowledge to generating intellectual capital. The auditing and dissemi-
nation of knowledge will need to be incorporated into HRP as a key activity (Chapter
7). Learning cultures (Chapter 6) will be needed to support risk taking, innovation and
entrepreneurial spirit, etc., which in turn will need to be supported by appropriate
organisational structures (Chapter 5). Hierarchic structures based on command and
control will need to be transformed into those that can accommodate and foster: tem-
porary coalitions of employees and business units; an emphasis on lateral rather than
vertical communication; delegation of responsibility for communication between func-
tions, divisions and international operations from managers to line staff; job design
incorporating the principles of self-organising teams; and sufficient formal regulation to
capture the outputs of these more informal arrangements and translate them into intel-
lectual capital (Hedlund, 1994; Harrison and Kessels, 2004).
Lastly, the capacity and competence of managers to meet the demands placed on
them by SHRD, more generally, and knowledge management, specifically, is questioned.
A core dimension of SHRM is the devolvement of responsibility for HR from specialist
practitioners to, particularly line, managers and their internalisation of these responsi-
bilities can be viewed as a component of strategic integration (Guest, 1987). In terms of
social capital, line managers (or supervisors) have been identified as potentially the key
players in fostering knowledge acquisition, transfer and exploitation in work teams.
However, in addition to general concerns over the ability of managers to exercise their
SHRD role responsibilities, MacNeil (2004) argues specifically that the potential super-
visors provide for filling the missing communication link necessary to translate
individual tacit knowledge into collective tacit knowledge receives insufficient attention.

Managers as SHRD stakeholders: linchpin or spanner in the


Arguably, the chapter to date provides plenty of rhetoric in support of the pivotal role
played by managers in SHRD but it is left to you to work through these in response to
the self-check question below. The focus of the section that follows is on two key inter-
related perspectives: the critical relationship between organisational performance and
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Self-Check and Reflect Questions 10.4

Why might it be argued that managers are the linchpin in the successful introduc-
tion and maintenance of SHRD?

the quality of its managers; and managers’ role responsibilities for developing their staff.
Central to these two perspectives is the management development component of SHRD.

Managerial HRD competence: a strategic linchpin?

The strategic importance of management development is readily discernible if it is
accepted that an organisation’s ability to secure current and future competitive advan-
tage is dependent, in part, on the quality of its managers (Muhlemeyer and Clark, 1997;
Sloman, 2002). Arguably, the importance attached to developing managers will increase
the more dynamic an organisation’s business environment becomes. It is not surprising,
therefore, that in a survey of European companies commissioned by the Ashridge Man-
agement Research Group that ‘managing on-going organisational change’ was the most
commonly cited priority when developing managers (Lundy and Cowling, 1996: 274).
However, success in this arena is inextricably bound up with the ability of managers to
secure effective performance from their staff. This obviously incorporates a number of
human resource dimensions including HRD.
Development of their staff is seen here as one of the critical SHRM role responsibili-
ties of managers. As they make operational the organisation’s strategic plans, it is
arguably line managers who are best placed to assess the current and future HRD needs
of their staff (Garavan, 1991; Horwitz, 1999). In addition, they can play an important
role in constructing and implementing HRD strategies designed to develop the requisite
skills, knowledge and attitudes among the workforce. Particularly for job-related HRD,
it will be necessary for managers to exhibit coaching and mentoring skills and to facili-
tate learning through shared experiences (Garavan, 1991).

In Practice 10.10

A case of two managers: Felicity

Felicity is a middle manager responsible for 15 technical and professional staff who can be classified
as knowledge workers. She strongly believes that her performance as a manager is dependent upon
the capability of staff who report to her and that their personal development also serves the interests
of her organisation. She is therefore very committed to HRD even if it means that she may be partici-
pating in the development of tomorrow’s managers who may be promoted ahead of her.
Although she is not against formalised off-the-job training, she particularly values using learning
opportunities that present themselves from day-to-day work experiences. This means that she
devotes a lot of her time to discussing work with her subordinates, identifying immediate HRD needs
that arise from this and helping to develop their competence through coaching and mentoring.
Felicity is a strong advocate of learning derived from further education and is currently sponsoring
two of her subordinates on an MBA programme. As part of her commitment to this she regularly

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386 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

meets with these staff to discuss: what they are learning on the programme; how it might be related
to and used in their work; how their jobs might be reshaped to enable greater transfer of learning;
how their learning challenges current organisational practice; and the feasibility of experimenting with
practice to reflect their critique.
Felicity applies this same approach to staff undertaking an internal or external off-the-job HRD
course. In addition, before she will approve course attendance, Felicity requires the member of staff
concerned to propose how they will disseminate the outputs from the course, not only within her unit
but more broadly across the organisation, and how they will evaluate its effectiveness. Delivery
against this ‘contract’ is then incorporated into the six-monthly formal performance review she con-
ducts with all her staff.
Although she recognises that this commitment to HRD is very time-consuming Felicity finds that
she is increasingly able to delegate her operational tasks to her subordinates who, in return, seem
increasingly keen for her to do this.

Managerial HRD competence: a spanner in the works?

Unfortunately, in comparison to countries such as Japan, this portrayal of managers’
HRD role responsibilities sits rather uneasily in the context of the UK economy. As dis-
cussed earlier, the prevailing climate at both the national and individual organisation
level is not particularly favourable to SHRD. A number of factors impact adversely on
the quality of our managers and operate to marginalise their staff development respon-
sibilities. An initial difficulty arises over role definition and the ownership of HRD.
Managers may not necessarily regard HRD as part of their role either because they have
not connected generally with their HR responsibilities or because they believe that its
ownership resides elsewhere with HRD specialists. This position is likely to be reinforced
where the customary response to identified HRD needs is to send the employee on a
course rather than to undertake job-related HRD. For example, in developing managers’
competence to manage poor performers, the organisation might either send them on a
course to do this or exploit the learning opportunities presented by real cases of poor
performers in their areas of responsibility. The first approach might be executed simply
through HRD functional specialists, whereas the second approach requires the commit-
ment of line and senior managers to their respective HRD role responsibilities.
However, even if dual responsibility for HRD is accepted, there is a danger that the
two protagonists will conflict. Twigg and Albon (1992) reported that managers and
HRD specialists are frequently critical of each other over, respectively, their lack of busi-
ness focus and short-term profit mentality that precludes investment in the
development of people. They have identified that these relationships can become so
polarised that it is as if the two parties are operating in two different worlds – hardly a
recipe for success. The reconfiguration of SHRD by McCracken and Wallace (2000) rep-
resents an interesting development and, with its emphasis on collaboration between
HRD specialists and line managers, should not only avoid such polarisation but could
generate very constructive working partnerships (Horwitz, 1999).
A further difficulty is that even managers who understand that HRD is an integral
aspect of their staffing responsibility may fail to deliver against this role. At one level
they may simply lack the motivation. This is not as irrational as it may sound because
the longer-term payback strongly associated with HRD is not consistent with the pre-
dominantly short-term focus adopted by many organisations. For example, a sales
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Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 387

manager assessed on the achievement of six-monthly sales targets by his or her sales
team may be reluctant to release staff to undertake management development or to
commit his or her own time and effort to developing their competence in this direction.
Also, if the cynical view that you only get the behaviour that you either measure or pay
for through performance management systems is accepted, then any failure to incorpo-
rate HRD performance objectives into a manager’s performance criteria will result in
the expenditure of minimum effort in this area. As Storey and Sisson (1993: 171) have
lamented, ‘Rarely is it the case in British companies that the extent to which a manager
develops his or her own immediate staff is regarded as the critical measurement of how
well that manager is doing the job’. Returning to the sales manager example, if the
organisation was serious about managers executing their HRD role responsibilities then
his or her performance-related pay could be made dependent on how well he or she per-
forms in this arena.
At another level, managers may simply lack the necessary competences to execute
their HRD roles effectively. Garavan (1991) cites the inability to appraise performance,
identify HRD needs and empathise with subordinates, together with a lack of listening
and counselling skills as the most commonly identified shortcomings. These compe-
tence deficiencies may reflect the relatively low education and training base of some
managers and/or HRD approaches that rely more on throwing managers in at the deep
end than on their methodical, continuous development (Storey and Sisson, 1993). This
view is consistent with management development being seen as an avoidable cost such
that it receives low priority in organisations (Greer, 2001).

In Practice 10.11

A case of two managers: Stanley

Stanley is a middle manager responsible for 15 technical and professional staff who can be classified
as knowledge workers. He strongly believes that his performance as a manager is down to his own
efforts and that he can get the best out of his subordinates through the force of his own personality.
He has come up the hard way and believes that managers are born and not made. He is therefore
very sceptical about expenditure of time, effort and money on HRD and will actively try to prevent any
of his staff getting one jump ahead of him on the organisational promotion ladder.
Although he sees it largely as a waste of time, his standard response to any identified training
need, if he cannot resolve it through threats and coercion, is to send subordinates on a course. How-
ever, he regards off-the-job courses as more like a holiday and resents the time staff spend away
from their job. Stanley feels that the demands of his job do not allow him the luxury of spending time
on the development of his staff. As far as he is concerned, throwing staff in at the deep end repre-
sents a sensible and efficient approach to HRD.
Stanley is proud of the fact that he has got where he is today without any management qualification
and does not see the value in management education. He is aware that two of his staff are undertaking
an MBA at their own expense. In the early days of their programme they had approached him wanting to
discuss their course and its relevance to their work responsibilities. He had advised them to forget that
theoretical nonsense and to get on with their jobs ‘the way we do things around here’.
Stanley is generally critical of the competence of his staff and resents the fact that he cannot dele-
gate work to them because they cannot be trusted to perform it effectively. His view is that if you
want something doing well, then do it yourself.
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388 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Drawing on empirical evidence, it can be argued that it is a minority of organisations

that effectively prepare their managers for their HRD role responsibilities. This applies to
their leadership of HRD processes generally and the use of HRD as a strategic intervention
particularly (Mabey et al., 1998; Cunningham and Hyman, 1999; Harrison and Kessels,
2004). A particular difficulty is that what HRD activity there is tends to be concentrated
towards the lower end of the management hierarchy (Garavan, 1991). Particular concern
has been expressed that insufficient attention is paid to senior manager development given
their critical contribution to organisation performance (Mumford, 1998). Where senior
managers neglect their own personal development it can also establish poor role models,
potentially reinforcing the negative attitudes line managers below them have towards
HRD. Conversely, where senior managers demonstrate strong commitment to HRD, par-
ticularly through adopting an interventionist role in shaping its strategy and practice,
learning transfer and higher levels of general commitment to HRD throughout the organ-
isation are likely to be found (Horwitz, 1999; Ashton and Felstead, 2001).
Unfortunately a dilemma emerges in that managers may sustain an anti-HRD attitude
out of rational self-interest, despite its potential for facilitating organisation change. Keep
(1992) outlines a rather depressing scenario, where poorly educated and trained managers
brought up within traditional authoritarian control and command structures conspire to
deny subordinates training opportunities because their effective development may subse-
quently threaten their own managerial prerogative and/or managerial position.

Managerial HRD competence: another box for Pandora?

On a more optimistic note, it may be that the demands of strategic management will act
as a catalyst on managers’ attitudes towards HRD and galvanise them into action with
respect to their own development needs and those of their subordinates. Research con-
ducted in 91 large UK-based companies found that expenditure on management
development was highest when it represented an integral element of corporate planning,
was directly associated with the need to respond effectively to changing environments
and the operating market was increasingly turbulent (Parkinson, 1990). More generally,
management development appears to be receiving greater priority in the UK with an
expectation that it will continue to increase (Stewart, 1997). Evidence of increased man-
agement development activity has also been linked explicitly with culture change
programmes where it has been identified as an essential vehicle for engineering change
(Storey and Sisson, 1993; IRS, 1997). Evidence drawn from across Europe, including the
UK, also points to line managers increasingly accepting responsibility for their HRD role
both in terms of identifying needs and the formulation of HRD policies (Mabey and
Salaman, 1995).
Following on from the Pandora’s box analogy in Chapter 7, it is possible that, despite
the many obstacles to management engagement in HRD, strategic imperatives provide
hope that they may re-evaluate their behaviour. It is to be hoped that, for example,
through greater involvement in their own HRD, managers may adopt more positive atti-
tudes to the development of their subordinates. A key element here may be to make
HRD more accessible and relevant to their needs. In order to bridge the two worlds
occupied by line managers and HRD specialists, Twigg and Albon (1992) suggest that
HRD interventions need to switch from an emphasis on generic, off-the-job courses to
work-based activities that have been designed collaboratively by the two parties to specifi-
cally address identified business needs. They particularly highlight the role organisational
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Chapter 10 SHRD: pot of gold or chasing rainbows? 389

learning can play in drawing the two worlds together. Under this approach, business needs
are increasingly linked to managing change and the requirement for managers to innovate
and take risks. This they argue is more likely to happen in a learning climate where ‘experi-
ences, whether successful or not, are rapidly assimilated by others and form the basis of
learning how to cope with change’ (Twigg and Albon, 1992: 86).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 10.5

What factors have contributed to the relatively low level of importance attaching
to management development?


 It is possible to construct a continuum of HRD strategic maturity upon which differ-

ent approaches to HRD can be positioned. At the strategically immature end HRD is
conducted in isolation of organisational strategies. Here, any strategic linkage is acci-
dental and HRD interventions represent isolated, tactical responses to operational
problems encountered. At the strategically mature end HRD approaches and specific
interventions reflect full strategic integration through their effective accommodation
of two-way vertical and horizontal integration.
 In addition to strategic integration, SHRD is characterised by: senior management
sponsorship; the commitment and active involvement of all levels of management;
effective collaborative partnerships between HRD specialists and line managers; sys-
tematic environmental scanning to maximise the lead time for developing HRD
responses to change; transformation in the role of HRD specialists from training
providers to proactive change agents; a learning culture; and comprehensive evalua-
tion of SHRD interventions.
 Although often positioned at the non-strategic end of the continuum of strategic
maturity, it is possible for the more familiar systematic cycle of HRD to be modelled
to incorporate the characteristics of SHRD.
 The learning organisation and knowledge management have emerged as two recent
approaches to HRD that have a strong strategic connection. The learning organisation
focuses on the process of learning to learn so as to enable learning within organisations
and the rate of change to be faster than those achieved by competitors. Knowledge
management adopts a narrower focus and seeks to capture, disseminate and utilise
existing knowledge and generate new knowledge in order to sustain an organisation’s
competitive position and promote innovatory behaviour. Both concepts place a pre-
mium on human capital as the route to sustainable competitive advantage where
learning and knowledge can assume the status of an organisation’s core competence.
 Within a multi-stakeholder perspective, managers can be identified as the linchpin
for the successful execution of SHRD. However, for a variety of reasons, their willing-
ness and ability to assume this central role in SHRD are questionable.
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390 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Follow-up study suggestions

 Access and read the work of Luoma (2000), Mabey et al. (1998), McCracken and Wal-
lace (2000) and Muhlemeyer and Clarke (1997) cited in the chapter and compare and
contrast their views on what constitutes SHRD.
 Review the components of SHRD discussed in the chapter and produce your
own conceptual model of SHRD. Critique your model in terms of its strengths and
 Select either the learning organisation or knowledge management, read more widely
around the concept and its practise by organisations. Produce a critique of both its
theory and practise.
 Revisit either Chapter 3 or 6 and explore how SHRD can contribute to the interna-
tionalisation of business or the strategic alignment of culture.
 Use the internet to source four or five examples of organisational SHRD practice
(preferably relating to practise in a number of different countries). Using the con-
tinua of HRD strategic maturity depicted in Figures 10.3 and 10.8, analyse the cases
and locate them on the continua providing justification for your decisions.

Suggestions for research topics

 Just how extensive is SHRD in practice? A comparative survey of SMEs and large
 Are you sitting comfortably? Evaluating HRD practice against a continuum of strate-
gic maturity: a survey of organisational practice.
 Of what practical relevance is the concept of the learning organisation to organisa-
tions competing in today’s global economy?
 What is meant by knowledge management and to what extent is it being practised by
 To what extent do managers hinder or help the development of SHRD practice?
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Case Study

INA Bearing Company is a medium-sized manufac- supervisors operated as team leaders and man-
turer of high-precision engine components for the agers as supervisors. The grapevine was rife and
automotive industry. Based in Llanelli, South Wales, the works council operated more as a forum for dis-
it is one of a number of manufacturing companies cussing housekeeping issues. Previous attempts to
across Europe owned by the multi-national Schaef- build skills through NVQ (National Vocational Quali-
fler Group. fications) programmes had foundered because of
In 2001 the company was facing a crisis. Its lack of time and commitment among supervisors to
market position had been declining rapidly since undertake the necessary assessments of employee
the late 1990s as a result of orders being switched competences. The workforce was characterised by
to low-cost producers in eastern Europe. This long-serving employees who had received little
period resulted in successive reductions in the task-based HRD. Lastly, employee relations had
workforce from around 860 to 360 jobs. In 2001 deteriorated to the point that some unresolved
prospects looked bleak. INA’s German parent had issues had prompted strike ballots.
plans to switch even more production capacity to In addressing these potential obstacles, INA took
units in eastern Europe which, if implemented, two early important steps towards facilitating the
would have resulted in the loss of a contract desired learning culture where survival was seen to
accounting for around half the plant’s output and depend on learning faster than the rate of change.
further job losses of 120. First, one-to-one meetings were held with every
Faced with this bleak scenario, the personnel employee to explain the company’s vision and signal
manager led a strategy workshop to reformulate the management’s commitment to that vision. The
best way forward. It was accepted that competing emphasis was on communicating the company’s
with its European counterparts on the basis of cost position honestly, whereby if the company failed to
was not a viable option. Instead INA decided to achieve its vision its decision to base its strategy
compete on the basis of quality with a vision to around HRD investment would have at least resulted
become the group’s preferred location for high-tech in employees having been equipped with high-level,
production work. At the same time, it was recog- portable skills that would significantly enhance their
nised that this transformation in production employability. The second was to forge a partnership
orientation could not be achieved without radical agreement with the trade union Amicus. This resulted
realignment of the company’s skill base. This led in the union signing up to the change programme
INA to a commitment to compete on the basis of and securing funding for significant investment in the
workforce capability. Investment in machinery was company’s learning centre.
to be switched to investment in human capital with These two interventions have changed the
the clear intent of building an employee skill base, employee relations climate and opened up a gen-
developing a continuous improvement culture and uine two-way dialogue. The individual meetings
building towards a learning organisation in order to allowed employees to share their perceptions on
realise the company’s vision. obstacles to the development of a learning culture.
In effecting this transformation, INA had to con- They particularly stressed the importance of a uni-
front a number of potential obstacles. The demands fied team. This resulted in the harmonisation of
of continuous production severely limited the time terms and conditions, the introduction of an infla-
available for staff development. The failure of previ- tion-linked pay system and the re-alignment of the
ous turnaround initiatives had left the workforce works council. Shop stewards now report that col-
cynical about management’s intentions. Over time, laboration has replaced confrontation, evidenced
the demands of production had resulted in the HR by the way that the works council now plays a key
roles of managers, supervisors and team leaders role in developing strategy. Also, the council’s sub-
becoming diluted. Team leaders spent too much committees have been charged with leading
time helping out with production, meaning that the important initiatives. These include a review of in-
management hierarchy was becoming distorted as ternal communications and the development of
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392 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

systems to support company financed individual reported that the grapevine is now regarded as the
learning plans (similar to EDAPs). least reliable information source by employees.
The platform for skills development was the re- Labour turnover has fallen from an already low 8.1
launch of the NVQ programme. This time around, the per cent in 2001 to 2.5 per cent and absence rates
roles of managers, supervisors and team leaders have been reduced by 50 per cent. Cost-reduction
have been redefined to enable them to commit to projects have produced savings in excess of
their HRD responsibilities. This surfaced a number of £324,000, alongside improvements in productivity
management skills gaps among these groups, such and the company’s health and safety record. The
as communication, and led to the introduction of an company’s efforts have also received external
NVQ level 3 in business improvement techniques for recognition, including a number of HR accolades.
supervisors and an NVQ level 3 in management for The company was named ‘Welsh people develop-
team leaders. To reinforce their commitment to HRD, ment company of the year’ in 2003 and shortlisted
senior managers assist in customising training to for CIPD’s annual People Management Award in
meet INA’s context and participate in its delivery to both 2003 and 2004.
those with leadership roles. An NVQ level 2 pro- Despite this progress, and representations made
gramme in performing manufacturing operations is by employees to the German parent, by the end of
being delivered in collaboration with a local college. 2003 INA did not know whether all of this would
This is being taken by all the company’s production turn around its fortunes within the Schaeffler Group.
operators, some of who are now progressing through However, the vision of becoming the Group’s ‘pro-
levels 3 and 4 of the programme. duction location of choice’ took a large step
For some operators, gaining the NVQ award rep- towards becoming reality when in 2004 it was
resents their first ever external qualification. However, announced that the Llanelli plant would not only
NVQs, while addressing identified skills gaps, repre- retain production of the ‘at risk’ component but
sent only one step in the direction of forging a would also be commissioned to produce a new
learning culture. The development of the learning high-tech engine component for a prestigious car
centre represents a significant milestone in this jour- manufacturer.
ney. Computerised learning facilities provide a Sources: Roberts (2003); Evans (2004).
network of HRD possibilities for all staff and so far,
for example, 100 employees have signed up for the
government-initiated Learndirect courses. In-house Case study questions
continuous improvement courses further reinforce
the focus on learning which is increasingly being 1. How is INA trying to build a learning culture and
supported by those already trained becoming how would you assess its success to date?
involved as coaches, mentors and NVQ assessors in 2. In a number of models of SHRD, employees, line
order to help cascade the outputs of the various managers and senior managers are identified as
training programmes throughout the organisation. As having important roles to play in its development
roles are redefined, HRD support is offered to help (for example Mabey et al., 1998; McCracken and
facilitate the changes. For example, programmes to Wallace, 2000). To what extent do these
develop meetings skills have supported the now stakeholders represent obstacles to the
active engagement of employees in the works coun- development of SHRD in INA and how are any
cil and its sub-committees. The trade union, Amicus, such obstacles being addressed?
appoints and sponsors four learning representatives
3. Where would you position INA along the HRD
and uses TUC courses to support their role develop-
strategic maturity continuum (Figure 10.8) and
ment. The company’s investment in individual
how would you justify your placement decision?
learning plans is yet another step along INA’s journey
towards internalising a learning culture throughout 4. Either – what recommendations would you make
the company. Although some of the HRD outcomes to help INA move further towards strategically
of these plans involve employees attending non- mature HRD?
work-related study in their own time, the message Or – what further evidence would be needed to
the company wishes to communicate is that learning justify positioning INA at the SHRD end of the
is valuable for its own sake. HRD strategic maturity continuum (see Figures
This process of transformation has already 10.3 and 10.8)?
yielded substantial benefits. The works council has
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Strategic reward management:

11 Cinderella is on her way to the ball

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 define reward management and strategic reward management;

 explain the factors in the external environment that have led to the
increased interest in strategic reward management;
 analyse the links between intra-organisational factors that impact upon
strategic reward management.
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394 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Reward has always enjoyed something of a Cinderella status in the world of person-
nel management. It has traditionally been about the rather dull but necessary
concerns of wage and salary administration than the more exciting arena of strategy.
Indeed, that tradition represents almost the opposite of strategic thinking as the fol-
lowing quote from Smith (1983) illustrates:
Repeated questions to managers and employees about why they pay and accept
certain levels of remuneration usually result in replies which boil down to the same
answer: that is the pay level is as it has always been or, in harsher terms, we don’t
really know. There are very few organisations where the answer is clear and positive.’
(Smith,1983: 12)
This chapter covers evidence which suggests that the situation in many organisa-
tions may not have changed that much in the last 20 years. However, for the more
progressive organisations, times have changed; reward now plays a central part in
HR strategy. According to one senior HR practitioner:
Organisations are realising what a powerful lever reward is and how it needs to com-
plement their other business strategies, whereas historically people have tended to
view it in glorious isolation.
(Arkin, 2005)
It is this change which is the theme of this chapter.
The term ‘reward’ rather than ‘pay’ is used in this chapter. This is an important point
because employees expect more than pay for their efforts, so the definition of reward used
in this chapter includes non-pay benefits, such as recognition and pensions, as well as
wages and salaries. This broad definition of reward is examined in the first part of the chap-
ter. It is followed by a definition of the term ‘strategic reward management’ which serves as
the guiding framework for the rest of the chapter. The chapter continues with an analysis of
the factors in the external environment that have led to the increased interest in strategic
reward management. The main part of the chapter is about the environment internal to the
organisation and the links between intra-organisational factors that impact upon strategic
reward management. The chapter then concludes with a discussion of some of the ethical
concerns which attend new types of reward.

Pay for Changing Linkages between

What is Strategic Reward
Performance Reward reward and other
Reward? Management
Schemes Structures HR strategies

External factors and Rewarding

strategic reward individuals, teams
management and organisations

Linkages between
factors and
strategic reward

Figure 11.1 Mapping the strategic reward management territory: a summary diagram of the chapter content
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Chapter 11 Strategic reward management 395

What is reward?

Armstrong (2002: 3) defines reward as ‘how people are rewarded in accordance with
their value to the organisation. It is concerned with both financial and non-financial
rewards and embraces the philosophies, strategies, policies, plans and processes used by
organisations to develop and maintain reward systems.’
This definition is a useful point of departure for this chapter because it points the
direction that much of the chapter will take. The first part of the definition notes that
‘people are rewarded in accordance with their value to the organisation’. This is a signifi-
cant point because it immediately raises the central concept in new reward thinking that
it is people that are the focus of concern, not jobs. This is reflected, for example, in indi-
vidual performance-related pay schemes. In addition, Armstrong’s (2002) definition
notes the importance of both financial and non-financial rewards. Including both finan-
cial and non-financial rewards in the reward system is recognition by the employer that
non-financial rewards may play an important part in attracting, and, more particularly,
retaining employees. It also represents what seems to us an important principle: that
individuals require more for their efforts than simply monetary reward.

Financial and non-financial rewards

Armstrong (2002) notes that there are five areas where employees’ needs may be met by
non-financial rewards:
 personal growth.
Of these, it is likely that the first two – achievement and recognition – will apply to
virtually all employees. The remaining three – responsibility, influence and personal
growth – will apply to many more employees than may first be assumed. Most of us like
to feel that we have accomplished something in our work and derive pride from our
achievement. In addition, most managers realise that a simple ‘thank you’ and a pat on
the back for a job well done has enormous motivational power.
It may seem strange to see responsibility in the list of non-financial rewards. We
know that not all employees seek greater responsibility in their jobs, or greater influence
over decisions that directly or indirectly influence those jobs. This may be related to the
individual’s personal characteristics, or it may be a consequence of a history of organisa-
tions not giving people the opportunity to exercise responsibility or influence. However,
Semler’s (1993) powerful account of the management style in his Brazilian company is
an excellent example of how employees accept and welcome responsibility when they
are treated in such a way that they are obviously valued. It may seem equally curious to
see personal growth as a non-financial reward. Yet many individuals rate the opportu-
nity for personal growth higher than financial reward.
Non-financial rewards are particularly important as motivational tools for some
employees. Paying attention to these rewards increases the possibility of more positive
employee attitudes and behaviours.
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396 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Employee involvement initiatives figure prominently as ways in which non-financial

rewards may be delivered. For example, a communication strategy that broadcasts the suc-
cesses of individuals and teams is often met with enthusiasm. Many organisations do this
through their in-house magazines or their intranet. This, combined with special ‘thank
you’ prizes (e.g. a weekend in Paris), often will have more motivational influence than
direct financial rewards. Most of us like our colleagues to know when we are successful!
Performance appraisal systems also have a significant role to play in meeting employees’
needs for recognition and a feeling of achievement. As Chapter 9 emphasises, goal-setting
and giving feedback to employees about their performance in pursuit of those goals are key
performance appraisal activities. A developmental perspective to performance appraisal,
rather than seeing it as a management control mechanism, is likely to result in employees
defining their own training and career development needs. However, this approach to per-
formance appraisal does depend on line managers having the appropriate attitudes and
skills to manage in such a way that the individual is given sufficient autonomy for personal
growth to be developed. This implies a clear training need for managers to shed the ‘tech-
nician’ label they often possess and embrace new ways of managing, which have leadership
and facilitation as their guiding principles. These ‘new ways of managing’ are central to the
concept of change given the key role line managers play in managing the change process.
Employees’ needs for responsibility, influence and personal growth may also be met
through imaginative job design. Armstrong (1993) advocates a number of elements of
job design that may enhance the interest and challenge of work. These are:
 greater responsibility for employees in deciding how their work is done;
 reducing task specialisation;
 allowing employees greater freedom in defining their performance goals and stan-
dards of performance;
 introducing new and more challenging tasks.
In addition, more opportunities for employee involvement may also foster responsi-
bility, influence and personal growth among employees. Achievement may be the result
of involvement in such activities as quality circles and problem-solving groups.

Total reward
Non-financial rewards are the cornerstone of the concept of total reward. This concept
emerged from the USA in the late 1990s. An internet-inspired booming economy gener-
ated a war for talent, and the consequent need to retain the most effective employees (IRS,
2003a) persuaded many organisations to look at their reward packages in new ways.
Total reward combines the traditional pay and benefits elements with the other fac-
tors that employees gain from employment. These may be skills, experience,
opportunity and recognition. Therefore it is more than a flexible benefits package or a
consideration of the combined value of basic pay, incentives and benefits. Total reward
takes into account the less tangible benefits of employment (IRS, 2003c). The total
reward package may differ between organisations, employee groups or individual
employees. It may contain such considerations as a competitive base salary, development
opportunities or flexible working hours. The aim is to construct the total reward pack-
age (see In Practice 11.1) in such a way that it is tailored to the desires of individual
employees with the cost implications for the employer being minimal.
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Chapter 11 Strategic reward management 397

In Practice 11.1

Total reward at the Forestry Commission

The Forestry Commission awards its 21 senior staff 30 days holiday, while all other managers and
staff (approximately 3,100) receive 25 days annual leave on entry and 30 days after ten years’ service.
However, it also offers a number of options for employees to take a longer break from work. These
are in addition to the statutory rights to unpaid parental leave and fall into four broad categories:
Short breaks with pay. All employees are able to request short periods of time off work, regardless
of their length of service. This allows staff to take time off to deal with life events, such as a family
bereavement or domestic emergencies, or to participate in voluntary public service activities. How-
ever, employees are encouraged to take holiday to cover these and managers will take account of the
person’s untaken annual leave in deciding whether to grant special paid leave. Employees who have
completed their probation – usually a year-long period – may apply for special leave without pay, of
which there are several variations:
Short breaks. Employees are able to take an extended break of up to 40 days a year. ‘This type of
leave accommodates those employees who want to take a longer holiday, for example to visit rela-
tives abroad. But such leave is limited in length and a return date must be agreed prior to the
period of leave starting.
Open-ended. Employees can take an open-ended period of leave. While some organisations grant
such sabbaticals for work-related or learning activities, the Forestry Commission does not place
any restriction on what an employee can do during this time. Typically for no more than one year.
Career breaks. A scheme aimed at those with caring responsibilities provides the opportunity to
take an unpaid employment break of up to five years. Again, employees must have completed their
probationary period. Although not restricted to parents, that is the target group for this type of
break and they are the most frequent takers.

Benefits all around

The head of HR at the Forestry Commission thinks that the breaks form part of the work–life balance
approach that is continually being promoted within the organisation. He believes that having a range
of options available to employees – subject to the business being able to cope with the absences,
which he says it generally can – can only be advantageous because not only do the staff have the
option of taking leave, but happy staff then make good workers for the organisation.
Source: IRS (2004a).

The examples in ‘In Practice’ 11.1 and Key Concepts 11.1 raise the total reward issue
which is currently exercising the minds of many HR specialists: that of work–life balance.

Key Concepts 11.1

Foreword by Patricia Hewitt, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, to
CIPD People Management Guide to Work–Life Balance

‘It’s not political correctness, it is sound business sense’

Ten years ago, the phrase ‘work–life balance’ was virtually unheard of, and the idea of staggered hours
and job sharing would have left most businesses baffled. Thankfully, times have changed. More and more
organisations now operate on a 24/7 basis and traditional working practices are no longer an option.

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398 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

There is growing evidence that flexible working arrangements do help to lower absenteeism,
reduce staff turnover, improve recruitment and widen the labour pool – all of which are tangible
business benefits for companies looking for an edge in competitive and challenging markets. To give
an example, stress-related sick leave costs British industry £370 million a year. It’s a cost that we
cannot afford.
I am therefore delighted that the term work–life balance is slowly but surely becoming a part of the
everyday business vocabulary and that examples of good practice are becoming more widespread.
It’s my belief that it is not simply a matter of political correctness – it is sound business sense.
The argument for work–life balance is compelling. Since the launch of the DTI Work–Life Balance
Campaign in 2000, the government has been committed to raising awareness of the business case
for work–life balance and showing employers how they can implement effective policies.
We are committed to changing workplace culture, which is why we are bringing in new laws –
developed in partnership with employers and employees – to create a new legal standard for flexible
working. For example, from April 2003 parents of young or disabled children will gain the right to
request to work flexibly and their employers will have to consider their requests seriously.
However, there is still work to be done to get more companies to seek and implement change.
There are no off-the-shelf solutions to work–life balance issues. Our job is to enable a dialogue to
take place between employers and employees that allows them to develop solutions that suit their
individual workplace.
Work–life balance is about both empowering employees with control and choice over their working
lives, and helping businesses to operate more efficiently, helping our economy become more produc-
tive. I believe that employers that instigate change will soon reap the bottom-line benefits that result
from a happier workforce.
Source: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2002).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 11.1

What obstacles stand in the way of the more widespread adoption of work–life
balance policies?

The philosophies, strategies, policies, plans and processes

used to develop and maintain reward systems
In his definition of reward, Armstrong (2002) also notes that reward embraces the
philosophies, strategies, policies, plans and processes used by organisations to develop
and maintain reward systems. More particularly, writers such as Lawler (1995) have
stressed the need for reward systems to play an important part in changing employee
behaviours in order to complement business strategy. Such behaviours may be, for
example, the acquisition of more ‘commercially aware’ attitudes and behaviours and
greater preparedness and ability to undertake a wider range of tasks. This sits easily with
the strategic HRM literature (see, for example, Mabey et al., 1998), which also empha-
sises changed employee behaviours as the outcome of strategic HRM activities. It leads
us to a more comprehensive definition of strategic reward management.
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Chapter 11 Strategic reward management 399

What is strategic reward management?

The strategic reward model in Figure 11.2 forms the basis of most of the content of this
chapter. At the heart of the model is the theory that the HR strategy plays an important
role in delivering the organisation’s overall business strategy by creating in employees
certain behaviours, the need for which are implied by the business strategy. These
employee behaviours may be produced by an HR strategy, which includes a reward
strategy as well as other HR strategies such as the cultural strategy; the structural strat-
egy and other HR strategies (e.g. recruitment and selection, training, performance
management, diversity).
The business strategy is based on the organisation’s external and internal operating
environments. Armstrong (1993) notes that the internal environment consists of the
organisation’s culture, structure, technology, working arrangements, processes and sys-
tems. In part, the model owes something to the thinking of Lawler (1995) who argues
that the organisation’s reward strategy can make a valuable contribution to the develop-
ment of employee behaviours, although he, like us, concedes that reward is, of course,
only part of the wider HR strategy.

External environment


Reward strategy
Cultural strategy
Structural strategy
Other HR strategies
(e.g. recruitment and selection,
training, performance
management, diversity)


Internal environment
Figure 11.2 Reward strategy and its relationship to business and other strategies

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 11.2

What problems occur to you when you look at Figure 11.2?

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400 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Factors in the external environment that have led to the

increased interest in strategic reward management

Figure 11.2. suggests that reward strategy is increasingly being driven by the overall busi-
ness strategy of the organisation, which is shaped by the external and internal
environment in which the organisation operates. A recurrent them in this book is the
changing nature of the external environment. In Table 11.1 some of the major environ-
mental changes are considered and what they signal for an organisation’s reward strategy.

Table 11.1 External environmental changes and their relationship to reward strategy

External environmental change Relationship to reward strategy

More competitive product markets The need to generate greater employee

productivity through making this a key driver of
reward strategy

More competitive product markets Greater emphasis upon cash bonuses (e.g. in
dictating need for greater cost control team pay or individual performance-related pay
(IPRP) schemes) that are not consolidated into
base pay

The drive for more customer-focused Greater need for reward strategies that emphasise
organisational cultures the demonstration of customer-focused
behaviours as a key performance criterion

More competitive labour markets in Reward strategies that are designed to attract and
key occupations retain key employees (e.g. paying for competence
acquisition, high performance). (See Schuster and
Zingheim, 1999)

Low inflation economies Greater need for self-financing reward

mechanisms (e.g. output-related performance-
related pay, gain sharing)

Adoption of new technologies Need for reward strategies that are designed to
pay employees for acquiring new competences

Increase in flexible organisation Enhanced importance of flexible reward practices

structures and work practices

Flatter organisational structures Alternative ways of motivating effective employees

resulting in fewer promotion in order to aid retention need to be adopted (e.g.
opportunities IPRP)
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Chapter 11 Strategic reward management 401

Changing career expectations of Declining likelihood of employees staying with

employees organisations most of their career means loyalty
is less important than effectiveness, so rewards
schemes need to reflect individual effective-
ness. Less attention paid to service-related pay

The decline of collective bargaining Less emphasis upon across-the-board pay

settlements to apply to all employees means
greater opportunity for managers to differentiate
between the pay of individuals and teams

The rise of HRM and high-commitment Increase in initiatives, such as employee work
practices involvement and teamwork, leads to search for
reward initiatives that complement these

The fact that most of these external environmental changes have occurred is beyond
dispute, although not all of them (e.g. the decline of collective bargaining) are signifi-
cant in all organisations. To some degree, these environmental changes are reflected in
the objectives for introducing new pay systems explained by organisations in the
research conducted by Corby et al. (2005). Among these objectives were attraction and
retention of staff; encouraging flexibility; and wanting to reward employees financially
for remaining in their current posts rather than seeking higher pay through promotion.
But the evidence suggests that the promotion of ‘leading edge’ reward strategies has not
occurred to the extent that one may have expected. Lowe et al.’s (2002) international
survey showed that the move to variable pay may not be as pronounced as it is tempting
to think. Only three countries’ managers (China, Japan and Taiwan) rated pay incentives
as an important part of their current reward systems, much higher than the USA and
Australia. However, all managers in all ten countries in their research were of the opin-
ion that there should be greater dependence upon pay incentives in their reward
systems. This suggests that actual reward practice is running behind management ambi-
tions. When asked if incentives were a significant amount of pay, only Korea scored
highly, whereas USA, Canada and Australia were low. This last finding is surprising given
the national cultural value of individualism in these three countries. Again, managers in
all ten countries thought incentives should be a more significant amount of pay. A simi-
lar result was evident when the focus turned to reward being contingent upon
organisational or group performance. Again, only China and Taiwan reported relatively
high dependence upon reward contingent upon organisational or group performance.
In another study, Brown (1999) notes that although 94 per cent of the respondent
organisations in a Towers Perrin study of 460 organisations in 13 European countries
reported that they had made ‘significant’ changes to their reward policies in the preced-
ing three years and even more had changes planned,
the reward package of the average European worker, in fact, looks very similar to
that of three, five or even ten years ago, with base pay levels set using a job evalua-
tion system in three-quarters of the companies; pay managed within ranges
averaging between 20 and 40 per cent in width; an annual profit-sharing scheme;
and an increasingly comprehensive bundle of benefits.
(Brown, 1999: 53)
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402 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Brown argues that the impression gained from this study is one of incremental change
with, for example, competences being used to improve traditional job evaluation schemes
and team pay introduced alongside, rather than in place of, individual bonus schemes.
This lack of major change does raise questions as to what obstacles there may be to its
introduction. Brown (1999) argues that there may be two such obstacles. The first is the
lack of skill and commitment that many line managers have when it comes to the imple-
mentation of reward initiatives, particularly (as noted in Chapter 10) when they are
linked to performance management. The second obstacle is the poor grasp that many
employees have of such basic issues as how their base pay is set and the value of their
reward packages. This is what the authors found (Lewis et al., 2002) found in a study of
the introduction a new reward scheme in a large UK company. Only eight of the 460
respondents to the Towers Perrin survey noted above were able to say that their employ-
ees had a strong understanding of the basic pay issues that relate to them.

The links between intra-organisational factors that impact upon

strategic reward management and strategic reward management

The link with business strategy

Figure 11.2 makes clear that the purpose of the reward strategy (in its role as part of the
overall HR strategy) is to assist in producing employee behaviours that are consistent
with the organisation’s business strategy. As such, the reward strategy plays its part in the
quest for organisational change. As a preliminary stage prior to defining desired
employee behaviours, the organisation may produce statements of intent similar to that
of the company in the case study at the end of this chapter.
The strategic HRM literature (e.g. Beer et al., 1984; Guest, 1987) reflects the desire for
certain employee behaviours (or ‘key HR outputs’ as they call them) to be delivered by
strategic HRM. These are: employee commitment to the organisation’s aims; employee
competence; flexibility; and the production of quality goods and services. Twenty years
on from when this was written, these key HR outputs look so general and unspecific that
they are of little value to most organisations. Many organisations have progressed from
this level of generality by using these key HR outputs as general aims from which to
develop statements of desired employee behaviours: behaviours that flow from the
organisation’s business strategy. These are often expressed as key competences for par-
ticular jobs. The movement towards competence acquisition is considered later in this
chapter when we argue that the specification of competences is a key component of
strategic reward management in that it links reward with other HR activities, such as
recruitment, and selection and training.
At this point the assumption is raised which dominates reward management thinking
in general and the model in Figure 11.2 in particular. This is that pay has the ability to
motivate employees to behave in a way in which they may not otherwise behave. The
theory here that tends to predominate is that of rational economic person. This has it
roots in the work of F.W. Taylor (1911) who assumed that workers were lazy and needed
money to motivate them to expend greater effort. The prevalence of payments-by-
results schemes in the twentieth century, in particular for blue-collar workers, testifies to
the influence of this way of thinking about the relationship between pay and employee
effort. Later, this approach was questioned by the human relations school, which
queried the over-reliance on money as a motivator and argued that social relationships
were an important determinant of employee productivity.
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Chapter 11 Strategic reward management 403

Equally well-known are the theories of Maslow (1943) and Herzberg (1968). Maslow’s
‘hiearchy of needs’ suggests that people’s needs change as they ascend a hiearchy, which
has basic needs for food, security, etc. at the lowest level, with self-actualisation at the
highest. Herzberg argued that employees were more likely to be motivated by factors such
as achievement and the work itself than simply by money. While money has only limited
power to motivate, it does have the ability to demotivate employees if they are dissatisfied
with the amount they receive or the way in which this amount is determined.
It is beyond the scope of this chapter to go into detail on these and the many other
motivation theories. What is clear is that this is a highly complex issue. Perhaps the best
we can say is that money may motivate some people to behave in particular ways some
of the time, in some circumstances. What we cannot assume is a clear relationship
between pay and motivation.

The links between reward strategy and cultural strategy;

structural strategy; and other HR strategies
In Chapter 2, the point is made that in the matching models of strategic HRM, organisa-
tional culture, structure and HR activities (e.g. recruitment and selection, training) are
important components of strategic HRM. This is true of both closed and open models. In
the closed models of strategic HRM (e.g. Fombrun et al. (1984)) a particular type of busi-
ness strategy (e.g. innovation or cost reduction) suggests the need for a specific
organisational structure and differing HR practices. In addition, Schuler and Jackson
(1987) suggest cultural change to match changed business strategies in terms of a series of
required employee behaviours. In the open model (Mabey et al., 1998) the organisational
strategy’s implied desired employee behaviours are pursued through the HR strategy,
which consists of three ‘key levers’ (structural, cultural and personnel strategies) which are
intended to subsume all aspects of organisation that impact upon employees’ behaviour.
These three ‘key levers’ of the open model form the basis of the sections that follow
and flow from Figure 11.2. First, organisation cultural strategy and the part that reward
management may play in delivering a particular type of culture is dealt with. To achieve
this what has been by far the most significant change in reward management in recent
years is analysed: the linking of pay to performance. The section that follows deals with
organisation structural strategy and the role of reward in achieving structural change.
For this purpose we examine pay systems based on the principles of broad banding and
job families. Both of these approaches to reward reflect the desire of organisations to
move towards more flexible organisational structures to ensure greater responsiveness to
change. The third section deals with HR strategies other than reward. Here we examine
the issues of job competences. This has been a major feature of reward change in many
organisations and has strong integrating links with the other major areas of HR.

The link with organisational culture: paying for performance

Rewarding performance, either individual job performance, team performance or
organisational performance, has become, for many organisations, the most important
component of reward strategy. What this means for many employees is a proportion of
their salary is put at risk: something that is not guaranteed to be popular because most
of us think about reward in terms of base pay (Schuster and Zingheim, 1992): the fixed
amount which traditionally has increased yearly to reflect inflation and, often, length of
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404 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

service. Base pay will also change, of course, upon promotion to a more responsible job.
Base pay embodies the values of predictability, security and permanency – none of
which are characteristics consistent with the desire to change employee behaviours.
From a managerial perspective, base pay is not necessarily the best form of reward
strategy because the element of permanency that it entails is expensive. Increasingly
employers are asking themselves why they should build into their fixed salary costs a per-
manent salary bill that takes little account of changing external, organisational and
individual circumstances. Reward strategies that rely exclusively on base pay built into
salary scales, through which employees move annually until the top of the scale is reached,
or promotion achieved, are typical in public-sector employment. Such strategies assume
that length of service equates with experience and loyalty – neither of which tends to be as
prized by organisations now as in the past. Indeed, such is the pace of change that yester-
day’s experience may be an impediment to change. Moreover, it is now generally accepted
that loyalty to one employer, typified by a career spent with that employer, is an increas-
ingly outdated concept in an age where employees may have a number of different careers
as well as employers. Reward strategies that rely on promotions for employees to grow
their salaries do not take into account the fact that organisations now have flatter struc-
tures, with the consequence that promotion is less available.
However, the decreasing interest in the dominance of base pay does raise an interesting
question for HR specialists: ‘how can the traditional reward objectives of attracting, retain-
ing and motivating employees be achieved while making the pay budget more cost
effective?’ The answer for many organisations has been to make base pay reflect the market
rate for the job and to supplement this with a variable pay element related to individual
performance, team performance, organisational performance and individual competence
acquisition – or a combination of these. One of the key decisions that needs to be taken
into account is whether to pay the variable element as a lump sum bonus or to consolidate
this into salary. The trend in both the USA and UK has been for a move towards one-off
cash bonuses (IDS, 2003a). This is hardly surprising given the cost saving that the organi-
sation enjoys. By not raising base pay, one-off cash bonuses do not affect future base pay
increases or other associated payments such as overtime, and, of course, pensions.
Moving from all base pay to a combination of base and variable pay does, of course,
signal the organisation’s desire to move from paying for the job to paying for the person.
Therefore, the reliance on traditional bureaucratic forms of job evaluation is less pro-
nounced. However, job evaluation is still relevant. Base pay still needs to be set at a level
consistent with jobs throughout the organisation and the external labour market. There-
fore, some method of determining the relative importance of jobs is needed. It is that
definition of importance that is likely to be different in the organisation which places
more significance in a combination of base and variable pay. Such a definition is likely to
reflect the changed employee behaviours the organisation wishes to encourage in order
to meet its changed organisational circumstances. What is clear, according to Schuster
and Zingheim (1992), is internal equity will no longer be the dominant consideration.
The market value of jobs, and employees’ skills and their impact on the organisation’s
strategy will take precedence over internal equity.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 11.3

Moving from a situation where all pay is base pay to one where there is a combi-
nation of base and variable pay does carry with it threats. What may these be?
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Chapter 11 Strategic reward management 405

Rewarding individual performance

Appraisal-related pay (or, as we prefer to call it here, ‘individual performance-related pay’
(IPRP)) is defined by Acas as: ‘a method of payment where an individual employee receives
increases in pay based wholly or partly on the regular and systematic assessment of job per-
formance’ (Acas, 2005). It was adopted enthusiastically throughout the 1990s in the USA
and UK in many areas of white-collar employment, for example education, local govern-
ment and financial services. There is some evidence that the popularity of IPRP is
spreading to many countries. In a survey of 460 organisations in 13 European countries by
Towers Perrin, it was reported that only 25 per cent of non-management employees in the
firms surveyed had general, across-the-board pay increases, while 93 per cent of the respon-
dent firms had variable bonus schemes (Brown, 1999).
IPRP has been introduced in many organisations to change the culture towards a ‘new
performance culture’ which many managers feel is necessary. There seems to be some sup-
port for the validity of this attempt. Lawler (1984: 128) notes that reward systems can lead
to the culture of an organisation varying quite widely. Among the different types of culture
that can be generated, Lawler suggests, are: human-resource oriented cultures, entrepre-
neurial cultures, innovative culture, competence-based cultures, and participative cultures.
However, if you have studied Chapter 6 you will know that introducing IPRP and expect-
ing a performance culture to be the inevitable consequence is somewhat naïve.
The proposition that IPRP will lead to culture change is based on two assumptions:
first, that employees, in general, find the prospect of IPRP appealing and, second, that it
is implemented effectively. The evidence suggests that the first may be valid. Most
employees (Kessler, 1994) agree with the principle of IPRP: that the able and industrious
employee should be rewarded more generously for that ability and industry than the idle
and incompetent. However, there is ample evidence that the problems with IPRP con-
cern implementation.
In a study of PRP for first-level managers in three UK financial services organisations
(Lewis, 1998b) the author found evidence of implementation problems. Perceived
unfairness was one which had a variety of causes. There was evidence of managers
imposing objectives with the result that the objective-setting process was ‘something
that was done to them rather than something in which they played an active part’
(Lewis, 1998b: 70). In another study, the employees interviewed by Procter et al. (1993)
in an electronics plant expressed concerns about favouritism, in particular the arbitrary
way in which managers applied measurement criteria and the ways in which grades were
distributed. In two of the three organisations the authors researched (Lewis, 1998b) little
attention was paid to the giving of performance feedback to employees. This may be
because managers are put in a position where they must differentiate between the level
of reward of their team members, a position many find uncomfortable. This decision
process effectively creates increased dependency of the team member on the line man-
ager, and less dependency on, for example, the trade union (Kessler, 1994).
Hand (2000) notes the growth of IPRP in Ireland. But he too notes implementation
problems in Irish organisations. Among these are:
 poor design, implementation and communication;
 too much emphasis upon individual performance over a short timescale;
 an excessive focus on financial results;
 inadequate salary differentiation (particularly a problem in times of low inflation).
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The outcome of these implementation weaknesses is that the value of paying for per-
formance is not practised. What seems a good idea in principle becomes overtaken by
perceived problems with the result that employees and managers lose faith in the concept.
This then raises considerable doubts about the ability of IPRP to deliver the cultural
change objectives planned by organisations (see Key Concepts 11.2 and In Practice 11.2).

Key Concepts 11.2

Acas on making appraisal-related pay effective

If appraisal-related pay is not suitably designed and introduced sensibly into an environment where
trust is high and there is a readiness to adapt to the change, employee relations may suffer. It may not
only fail to motivate but may in fact demotivate. Employees may soon become discouraged if they are
not aware of the levels of performance they need to attain or where appraisal-related pay awards are
not applied consistently across the eligible participants. There may be doubts about the credibility of
the scheme where financial constraints, for example by the use of budgets or ‘quotas’, unnecessarily
restrict the extent or amount of appraisal-related pay awards. A carefully developed scheme should
minimise the scope for complaints about subjectivity in assessment and divisiveness in operation.
In particular, the appraisal-related pay scheme should be designed to avoid any tendency to mark
higher each year to retain employees during periods of labour shortage. Any beneficial link between
performance and reward may be lost with pay costs rising but without a corresponding rise in corpo-
rate or individual performance. Employers are also advised to consider how the scheme will fit with
the management style and culture of the organisation.
Employers may also need to overcome a disinclination among some employees to move around
an organisation where learning the skills required by a new job may jeopardise their appraisal-related
pay awards. Employees may prefer to remain in a job where they have already been rewarded. Fur-
thermore, employers who have operated a highly centralised method of pay determination may find a
scheme that relies on openness and the judgement of line managers inappropriate.
Some trade unions and employee representatives remain hostile to appraisal-related pay as they see it
as an individualised method of payment running counter to the principles of collective bargaining. These
objections will best be overcome if, through negotiation and/or consultation, they have an opportunity to
influence and agree management’s proposals, develop confidence in the fairness of the scheme and the
way it will operate, and if the potential benefits to their members are clearly demonstrated.
Appraisal-related pay should not be introduced retrospectively. Employees should be consulted at
the earliest opportunity about any proposal to alter the established payment system in favour of
appraisal-related pay. Employers will need to explain the need for such an initiative as well as how both
the organisation and individual employees might hope to benefit from its introduction. Necessary
research will need to be conducted to select the most suitable and flexible scheme that can accommo-
date the immediate and continuing needs of the organisation. Extensive communications and training
will need to take place as far in advance of the scheme’s implementation date as possible. Employees
can only then know what is expected of them and in turn what to expect from the scheme.
The following points summarise some important ways in which appraisal-related pay may be made
more effective.
 There must be commitment to appraisal-related pay from senior managers.
 The role of managers is critical.
 Adequate resources and suitable training should be provided.
 Employers should consult with managers, employees and their representatives before appraisal-
related pay is introduced.
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 All employees involved must receive full and clear information about how the scheme will operate.
 Appraisal-related pay should be fair and open and based on a formal system of performance
 The scheme should be carefully designed, simple to operate and should encourage consistency
and objectivity.
 There should be an appeals procedure and the scheme should be regularly evaluated.

Source: Acas (2005).

In Practice 11.2

Mobile phone operator introduces individual performance-related pay

Mobile phone company O2 has reduced staff turnover by introducing performance-related pay for new
workers in its UK call centres. The director of compensation and benefits at O2 said the new pay struc-
ture, which includes a performance-linked bonus and a revised career and pay progression framework,
had ‘dramatically reduced’ staff attrition rates and the company’s reliance on temporary staff.
O2 introduced the reward structure as part of a larger transformation programme to increase
employee commitment and customer satisfaction following customer complaints about the complex-
ity of its billing tariffs. Prior to the introduction of the new scheme, pay rises were linked to service
and length of time in the role. There was no performance element and some of the salaries the com-
pany was paying were thought to be higher than the market rates.
Staff pay rises are now based on individual performance, monitored via phone-call observations and pro-
ductivity levels. Employees can receive a target bonus of up to 10 per cent of their salary per annum, paid
out twice yearly. They also sit down every month with their line managers to discuss their performance.
Currently only 30 per cent of O2’s 3,300 UK call centre staff are on the new pay structure, with the
remainder on a set salary up to £5,000 higher than those on the new pay scale. The difference is a
result of O2’s demerger from BT in 2001, because transferred staff were on the same terms and con-
ditions that BT originally set in place.
O2’s compensation director notes that the next task is to merge the existing employees onto the
new terms and conditions. However, it was thought that the different pay scales had not caused
problems between employees as the company had been very open about the two levels of pay.
Source: People Management (2004b).

Rewarding team performance

It is one of the contradictions of HRM in recent years that the expansion in IPRP has
been accompanied by structural change that has emphasised team working. It would
therefore be expected that team-based pay would have had similar growth to more indi-
vidualised pay. But this has not been the case. Research by UK bodies, such as IRS, CIPD,
the Institute for Employment Studies and the Industrial Society, suggest that, at most,
10 per cent of UK organisations operate team pay schemes, although the figure noted in
the European-wide study by Towers Perrin was more than double that (see IRS, 2001).
Yet, as well as reinforcing the desire to move towards a team-oriented structure, team-
based pay may play its part in fostering cultural values which support teamwork.
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In team-based pay, payments, or other forms of non-financial reward, are made to team
members on the basis of some predetermined criteria. These criteria may overcome one of
the objections to team-based pay, that of differential contribution, by making differenti-
ated rewards. Armstrong (2002: 336–337) notes that the purpose of team-based pay is to
‘reinforce the sort of behaviour that leads to and sustains effective team performance by:
1. providing incentives and other means of recognising team achievements;
2. clarifying what teams are expected to achieve by relating rewards to the attainment of
pre-determined and agreed targets and standards of performance or to the satisfac-
tory completion of a project or the stage of a project;
3. conveying the message that one of the organisation’s core values is effective teamwork.’
Thomson (1995) identified the types of teams that may be associated with team-
based pay. He categorised these as temporary and permanent. The former may be a team
set up to achieve a specific project-related goal. The team would consist of employees in
different functions operating at different levels in the organisation. Permanent teams
may be those based on a specific function (e.g. HR), a process (e.g. in manufacturing
plants), a product market or a geographical area. What seems to be important for team-
based pay to have a chance of success is that the team has a clear identity, a sense of
autonomy, consists of members whose work is interdependent and are flexible, multi-
skilled and good team players (Roberts, 1997: 570).
IRS (2001) argue that the slow take-up of team-based pay may be for five reasons:
1. the problem of identifying teams;
2. the difficulty is assessing individual contributions;
3. the effect that it may have in encouraging employees to stay in high-performing/
rewarding teams thus prejudicing organisational flexibility;
4. group norms which encourage teams to perform at the level necessary to trigger the
financial reward; and
5. the ‘peaking out’ effect, where teams reach a performance peak from which they
decline after two or three years.

Rewarding organisational performance

The touchstone for the development of reward schemes that reward organisational per-
formance is the statement by Chancellor Gordon Brown in his 1998 pre-budget report:
I want to remove, once and for all, the old ‘them and us’ culture in British industry. I
want to encourage the new enterprise culture of teamwork in which everyone con-
tributes and everyone benefits from success … we will make it easier for all employees
... to become stakeholders in their company. I want to double the number of firms in
which all employees have the opportunity to own shares.
(cited in Hyman, 2000)

Profit-related bonus schemes

The simplest, and traditionally most popular, of the schemes that reward organisation
performance is the profit-related scheme (see an example in ‘In Practice’ 11.3). This pop-
ularity was due to the tax advantages that existed under UK tax regulations. Although
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In Practice 11.3

Profit-related pay at The Big Food Group

The Big Food Group, a retail chain which includes Iceland stores, launched its scheme in 2001. It
covers all employees and aims to link bonus to group and business unit profit.
For the majority of employees 75 per cent of the bonus potential is linked to the business unit
profit target and the remaining 25 per cent to the group profit target. The annual payment is triggered
when the group profit target is hit, since this covers the cost of the bonus payout. Additional pay-
ments are made for performance beyond target. Bonus potential depends upon role and seniority. In
the initial year of operation all staff received a payment of £200. This amount could be doubled if the
maximum profit target is achieved.
At the launch of the scheme, much effort was put into employee communication through briefings
to managers and letters and leaflets to all employees. Progress towards targets is communicated to
employees quarterly.
Source: IDS (2003a).

these tax advantages no longer remain, the link between profit and reward is a straight-
forward one which contributes to the Chancellor’s ambitions.
In addition to linking bonus to profit, many organisations run employee share own-
ership schemes in which employees obtain shares in the company’s stock.

Employee share ownership schemes

Hyman argues that there are three principal management rationales for the introduction
of employee share schemes. These are that they:
1. offer property rights to employees;
2. help to unite employee and employer interests with resultant enhancements in
employee satisfaction and, therefore, productivity;
3. buttress management attempts to seek control over the regulation of the employment
relationship through, for example, moving pay away from predetermined formulae
such as cost of living and connecting it more directly with company performance.
Hyman is dubious about the effect of the first two of these rationales. In general, the
amount that is added to employees’ salaries is modest, such that employees tend to see the
share allocation as a bonus. In addition, there are usually no means for influencing
organisational decision-making. Given these points, it is unlikely that significant gains in
employee identification with the interests of the employer will result. That said, Hyman
points out that there is some evidence to suggest the management ambition to retain key
employees through the introduction of employee share ownership schemes is being
realised. This view receives some support in a recent IRS study (IRS, 2003b). However, the
same study notes that the administrative burden they impose is a potential disadvantage.
Key Concepts 11.3 and 11.4 outline the operational details of two employee share
ownership schemes currently available in the UK.
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Key Concepts 11.3

Share incentive plans (SIPs)

Prior to October 2001, SIPs were known as all-employee share ownership plans (AESOPs). SIPs
provide for four types of share provision:
 free shares: given by the company to employees up to a limit of £3,000 in any tax year;
 partnership shares: purchased by employees out of their salary before it is subject to tax or
national insurance to a limit of £125 per month (or 10 per cent of salary, whichever is the lower);
 matching shares: companies match partnership shares purchased by employees up to a limit of
two matching shares for each partnership share purchased;
 dividend shares: dividends may be re-invested tax-free up to a limit of £1,500 per year depending
on the rules in the company plan.
Employees who keep their shares in the scheme for five years pay no income tax or national insur-
ance contributions on the shares. If the shares are withdrawn after three years, income tax and
national insurance contributions must be paid on the initial market value of the shares. In addition,
employees do not have to pay capital gains tax if their shares are kept in the scheme for five years.
Of the 27 large UK employers that participated in an IRS study in 2003 (IRS, 2003b), four were
operating SIP schemes. One of these was the financial services organisation National Australia Group
Europe. Ninety per cent of its employees participate in the scheme. The minimum monthly employee
purchase of partnership shares is £10 and additional free shares are allocated, based on the com-
pany’s performance (no matching shares are allocated as part of the scheme).

Key Concepts 11.4

Savings-related share option schemes

The savings-related share option scheme requires a contribution from the employee. In such
schemes, the employee saves for a specified period of three, five or seven years. The scheme speci-
fies that employees can buy shares at the end of the savings period with the savings fund
accumulated. The price of the shares will be the market price at the start of the savings contract or at
an agreed discount agreed at the start of the contract. The shares bought at the end of the savings
contract attract tax relief.
With the three-year savings contract, the employee saves a fixed amount monthly (it cannot
exceed £250) and at the end of the term a cash bonus of 2.75 months’ payment is added. At the end
of a five-year contract, a cash bonus of 7.5 months’ payment is added. At the end of the three- or
five-year term, the employee uses the amount saved and the bonus to buy shares in the company.
For employees who have saved for five years there is the option of extending the term to seven years,
in which case, 13.5 months’ payments is added as a cash bonus. Employees who choose a seven-
year contract do not have to make monthly contributions after five years but agree to leave their
savings untouched for the final two years to qualify for the higher bonus.
The price at which employees have the opportunity to purchase shares must not be below 80 per
cent of the market value at the start of the contract. This seemed to be the typical price determined
by employers in an Incomes Data Services (IDS) study (IDS, 1998). At the end of the contract period,
employees also have the option to have their contributions returned if the share price is not
favourable, rendering the scheme risk-free.
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As with profit-sharing schemes, all employees who have been employed by the company for five
years must be eligible to participate in savings-related share option schemes if the scheme is to gain
Inland Revenue approval.
The UK bank First Direct’s savings-related share option scheme has a 61 per cent take-up among
eligible employees (those with at least six months’ service). Participating employees must make a
minimum monthly payment of £5. The company offers a discount of up to 20 per cent on the market
price of the shares purchased. Three- and five-year period options are available (IRS, 2003b).

Gainsharing is more popular in the USA than in Britain. Gainsharing schemes differ
from employee share ownership schemes in that the relationship between employees’
efforts and their eventual reward is more direct. Gainsharing schemes are designed so
that employees share the financial results of improvements in productivity, cost saving
or quality. The resultant payment is paid from costs savings generated as a result of such
improvements. The gainshare plan payment may be made in three ways: as a percentage
of base pay; as a one-off cash bonus or as a payment per hour worked.
Schuster and Zingheim (1992) are careful to point out that the organisation must
design safeguards to ensure that it derives financial value from the results generated
from the project linked to gainsharing. This type of gainsharing differs from more tra-
ditional forms of gainsharing which have operated in manufacturing under the heading
of Scanlon and Rucker plans. The principal difference is that the foundation of this new
type of gainsharing is the future goals of the organisation, whereas that of more tra-
ditional gainsharing plans is the historical performance standards of the participating
employees. The key point here, of course, is that historical performance standards may
be achieved or exceeded while the organisation’s overall goals are not met.

In Practice 11.4

Gainsharing at BP Grangemouth

BP’s Grangemouth site has operated a gainsharing plan for several years. It covers all 2,300 employ-
ees at the site and is designed to focus the performance of employees on the site’s performance
objectives. The plan is divided into output measures and input measures. Output measures account
for 80 per cent of the overall bonus and include a range of factors, such as:
 reliability; and
Input measures cover:
 people and organisational objectives;
 the completion of projects on time; and
 the development of new strategy.

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The financial, safety and reliability targets are annual or quarterly cash-based targets and a share of
the savings generated by meeting or exceeding these targets is distributed among employees. The
input targets are ‘yes/no’ targets, which yield payment only if they are fully achieved in the year.
The gainshare bonus is paid annually. In 2003 it was 15 per cent of salary.
Communication to employees is achieved by line managers explaining targets and regularly updat-
ing their teams on progress towards target achievement. Employees can also obtain information on
targets and potential bonus payments from the site intranet.
Source: IDS (2003a).

The link with organisational structures

In the same way that reward has the potential to effect cultural change, it also has the
capacity to contribute to structural change. Two of the most popular methods by which
structural change strategies have been pursued are to construct reward structures on the
principles of broad banding and job families. Organisations introducing these structures
have a variety of reasons for doing so. But at the heart of the reforms is a desire to move
towards more flexible organisational structures to ensure greater responsiveness to change.
A new reward structure reflects the particular circumstances of the organisation
introducing it. Therefore, in the following section only give a general overview of broad
banding and job families with a view to demonstrating how they play a significant part
in strategic reward and SHRM can be given.
An understanding of new forms of reward structure is gained more easily by a brief
introduction to traditional pay structures, typified by those that still exist for many
employees in the public sector. Here, usually, a process of evaluating the ‘worth’ of each
job leads to a pay structure that consists of a number of grades, each of which contains a
pay spine with minimum and maximum pay levels for each spine. There is also a refer-
ence point which reflects the central position of the spine. In the example of the senior
lecturer grade in the UK ‘new’ university sector, the pay spine contains ten pay points
with a minimum pay point of £27,390 and a maximum pay point of £36,420 (there is no
reference point as such). Employing universities determine the point at which a newly
engaged lecturer enters the pay spine depending upon experience and market rate. How-
ever, the important point to bear in mind is that the lecturer progresses up the spine,
usually by one point annually, until the top is reached. In such cases extra salary can only
be obtained by promotion or cost of living adjustments to the scale.
Traditional pay structures do present the advantages of orderliness and the ability for
employees to control costs.

Job-family-based reward structures

A job family is a group of jobs that may be similar in purpose and content although car-
ried out at different levels in the organisation. They may be functional, in that they cover
specific workgroups within a function such as marketing or HR; alternatively, they may
be generic, encompassing jobs that entail similar types of work across functional bound-
aries, for example technicians or administrators. Armstrong and Murlis (1998: 208) note
that there are a number of processes involved in job family modelling. These are:
 identifying groups of roles in which the type of work is similar but where it is carried
out at different levels:
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 analysing the essential nature of each of these groups or job families;

 establishing the levels of work carried out within each job family;
 defining the differentiating factors between each level in the family in terms of
role size;
 producing functional or generic role specifications.
Job family-based structures offer specific advantages over more traditional pay struc-
tures, particularly the creation of career paths for employees who, in traditional pay
structures, see promotion as a process of ‘grade-jumping’. ‘Grade-jumping’ may have
involved the employee in moving away from the type of job in which that employee had
specialised, or from the particular function in which expertise and experience had been
developed. In job-family-based reward structures the ambitious employee may grow his
or her responsibilities and salary by remaining in similar work in the same function.
This is particularly important in organisations that have been ‘flattened’ with fewer
opportunities for promotion being evident.
By isolating particular jobs in separate groupings, job-family-based reward structures
also present pay management advantages to the employer. Pressures on pay from the
external labour market may be met more easily if jobs are put in ‘market groups’ (Arm-
strong and Murlis, 1998).

In Practice 11.5

Introducing a job-family-based reward structure at Norlife

Norlife is a supplier of retail financial services products in the UK. In recent years the financial services
market has been characterised by intense competition following the deregulation of the market in the
late 1980s. This competition led to the development of a strategy in which cost reduction was a cor-
nerstone. In particular, it was felt to be of paramount importance that more value needed to be
obtained from the organisation’s employees. Obtaining more value from Norlife’s employees was the
driving force behind the new reward strategy that was introduced in 1998.
For some years Norlife operated a traditional pay system. The foundation of this was a conven-
tional pay structure in which a sequence of job grades existed and jobs of broadly equivalent value
were slotted into grades. A pay range was attached to each grade and pay progression was through
that range which contained, typically, ten pay points. Grades were determined by job evaluation.
While this provided an orderly basis for managing pay relativities, it led to a belief by employees that
the only means of career and pay progression was by promotion through the grade structure.
The new structure is based on the principle of job families. All jobs at Norlife are grouped into eight
families that are on six different levels. For example, staff who deal with customer queries in the com-
pany's call centre were placed in the job family ‘sales support’ at level 6 (the lowest level), whereas
directors are in the ‘strategy and policy’ job family at level 1.
For each generic role (e.g. accounting technician) a set of competences was defined reflecting what
role holders should be able to demonstrate as a ‘starter’, ‘typical performer’ or ‘high performer’. Under the
new system, pay is to be determined by market rate, acquisition of competences and the achievement of
individual performance targets. In addition, Norlife management stressed that pay will be determined by
job not grade. An important defining principle of the new system is that those employees who contribute
more will progress faster through the pay scales than those who are average or below average performers.
Stress was laid upon the fact that current pay and benefits were unaffected by the new system.
The company newsletter which announced the new job families system noted several advantages
of the change.

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 employees would be better equipped to plan their own careers (within or outside the organisation)
and their own training and development needs;
 broader job descriptions would give employees more opportunity to increase their skills and make
their jobs more challenging;
 employees would not see grade promotions as the only way of furthering their salaries but be
encouraged to think of skill acquisition as a means of career and salary progression;
 more effective employees would be able to earn more competitive salaries.

In the final analysis Norlife was seeking to develop a more competent and flexible workforce,
better equipped to manage change and to meet the Norlife goal of increased efficiency and therefore,
reduced cost.
Source: Lewis et al. (2004).

Broad-banded reward structures

Armstrong and Murlis (1998: 186) define broad banding as ‘the compression of a
hierarchy of pay grades or salary ranges into a small number of wide bands. Each of
the bands therefore spans the pay opportunities previously covered by several separate
pay ranges’.
Again the comparison with the traditional pay structure outlined at the beginning of
this section will be taken as the focus of this brief discussion of broad banding.
The broad-banded pay structure may comprise as few as four or five bands to
encompass all the employees covered by the pay structure. This contrasts with more than
double that number of pay bands in the traditional pay structure. The broad bands are
themselves much more comprehensive in their coverage of the pay span, which may
extend to as much as 100 per cent or more above the minimum rate in the band. (In the
senior lecturer example, noted above, the maximum pay point is only 30 per cent higher
than the minimum point.) Compared with traditional pay structures the broad-banded
structure will often depend less on the process of job evaluation to define small differ-
ences between job responsibilities. The pay differences that these produce may be catered
for in a broad band that affords managers more opportunity to use their discretion in
paying their employees what they think is the appropriate amount. Employees will be less
concerned for higher status as a way of growing pay than in the traditional pay structure;
this is replaced with a concern for career development through acquiring new compe-
tences. Therefore, the emphasis switches from the job in the traditional pay structure to
the person in the broad-banded pay structure.
It is this last feature of broad-banded pay structures that relates most closely to
strategic reward management and SHRM. One of the major advantages they offer is to
encourage greater employee attention to career development through competence
acquisition as well as fostering added organisational flexibility as employees are more
likely to move around within their own bands than seek advancement through promo-
tion to a higher band (see In Practice 11.6).
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In Practice 11.6

Broad banding at English Welsh & Scottish Railway

English Welsh & Scottish Railway (EWS) is a rail freight operator running trains to and from British
ports and into continental Europe. The company employs around 6,000 people. It emerged as a
single entity from an international consortium that bought British Rail’s freight operation in 1996. The
company recognises four trade unions.

Original pay structure

The company inherited a reward structure based on allocation of a specific pay rate for a job that
spanned 45 grade codes. Pay increases related to promotion and annual pay rises agreed by the
associated trade unions, and had no direct link to performance, skills gained, or market rates. It was
therefore a relatively inflexible system that did not easily accommodate sideways movement from one
job to another within the organisation.
Because EWS had taken over what had been five separate companies, five different rates of pay
for identical job types existed throughout the company. For instance, a chief clerk on grade five oper-
ating in one part of the company could be on £10,000, while a chief clerk at the same grade in
another office was on £11,000.
Furthermore, salaries took no account of location. So, a senior administrator in Scotland could be
earning the same as a senior administrator in a part of England where living costs are higher.
The company also inherited a complex system of overtime pay and allowances based on rosters
worked. These revolved around lengthy timesheets, which created the need for a complicated pay
administration process.

Rationale for change

The reasons for change therefore hinged around the need to:
 provide more reward flexibility;
 provide a better base for rewarding growth in competence;
 reflect organisational changes and equalise the pay structure throughout the business;
 simplify the pay administration system to render it easier to run and less costly; and
 ensure that pay was in line with market rates.
The company felt that this pay system did not reflect the way the company wanted to do things. It
felt that market rates should be paid; the right salary for the right person in the right place. So the
decision was taken to discuss with the unions how a move away from the system of allocation of a
specific pay rate for a job could be achieved.
A key factor in introducing the new system was that it focused staff on the need to acquire new
competences in order to move up the salary band, rather than relying on promotion. A senior EWS
manager explained that this enabled a pay structure to be created that allowed the company to say to
staff ‘the more responsibilities you take on, the more skills you gain, the more motivated you are, fine
– you will move through the pay band. But if you are going to sit there and do the minimum job, we
won’t give you a pay rise.’
It also enabled the company to move away from formal job evaluation, which the company
believed to be too rigid. It was felt that the new system was totally flexible and allowed the company
to pay greater attention to what the market was paying.

New structure
The revised organisational structure consists of five bands or ‘levels’, ranging from the more junior
roles in level one to the chief executive and director roles at level five. Broad-banded pay applies to

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the 1,200 white-collar workers only, leaving the remaining 4,800 employees in level one (largely train
drivers, guards and ground staff) on a specific pay rate for a job.
Using external market data, EWS sets the range of pay attached to each level and this is further
broken down into three sections: low (L), medium (M) and high (H). These salary ranges can be altered
over time as and when changes occur in the market place. An outline of the general level, dimensions
and accountabilities of the jobs that fall into each band was agreed with the unions and this is used
by managers and HR as a guide to determine where each job sits within the framework.
Source: IRS (2004c).

The link with other HR strategies

Linking reward to other HR strategies is potentially the most problematic aspect of inte-
grating reward with intra-organisational factors. Yet it is vital. It was noted at the
beginning of the chapter that, historically, people have tended to view reward in glorious
isolation. For example, it was evident in our discussion of team pay that progress
towards its adoption has been slow despite the burgeoning of teamwork. In this final
section competence-related pay is analysed. Competences highlight the employee attrib-
utes that may underpin a recruitment campaign and define those that selectors look for
at selection stage. Competences structure the aims and objectives of training pro-
grammes and enable measurement criteria for performance management schemes to be
defined accurately. They too may play an important part in promotion and redundancy
decisions. Here we concentrate on competences in their direct link to pay.

Competence-related pay
Competence-related pay can be defined as ‘a method of rewarding people wholly or
partly by reference to the level of competence they demonstrate in carrying out their
roles. It is a method of paying people for their ability to perform’ (Armstrong, 2002:
289). It is not surprising that interest in competence-related pay should grow given the
enormous amount of attention paid to the definition of competences for purposes of
selection, training and appraisal in recent years. However, there is some evidence that
take-up of competence-related pay is limited. Only 14 per cent of the 460 organisations
in the Towers Perrin study noted above (Brown, 1999) reported that they related base
pay increases to employees’ competences.
As Chapter 9 details, perhaps the main reason for the low adoption of competence-
related pay, in spite of the general interest in competences, is that managers often tend to
concentrate on the ‘hard’ outputs (i.e. those performance indicators that can be calculated
numerically) rather than the ‘soft’ processes (e.g. processes such as working with other
team members) when measuring employee performance. Normally, managers are not too
concerned with how the job is done provided that results are achieved. Yet competence-
related pay overcomes this alleged weakness of IPRP by ensuring that, usually, both
processes and outputs are taken into account when pay-related measurement is made.
Armstrong’s definition of competence-related pay highlights the most important dif-
ference between competence-related pay and IPRP. This is that IPRP is essentially
retrospective in that it measures performance over the past pay period (often one year).
However, competence-related pay is forward-looking. It identifies those competences
that are likely to be associated with effective current and future job performance.
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Chapter 11 Strategic reward management 417

Flannery et al. (1996: 92) define competences as ‘sets of skills, knowledge, abilities,
behavioural characteristics, and other attributes that, in the right combination and for
the right set of circumstances, predict superior performance’. So the technical skill to do
the job is insufficient. The successful job-holder must ally this skill (e.g. introducing
clients to new products) with other attributes (e.g. the desire to enhance the perform-
ance of the branch or team). In other words, competence-related pay is highly
contextual. It also has, potentially, strong links to organisational strategy. Using the
model of reward strategy in Figure 11.2, the question which may be asked at business
strategy level is ‘what employee behaviours/competences do we want our people to
demonstrate in order that we may achieve our business goals?’
Competence-related pay need not necessarily ignore performance outputs at the expense
of concentrating on competences. Many organisations introducing competence-related pay
accompany competence-related ratings with performance output measurements, the market
rate for the job, and the position of the individual on the pay scale in determining salary
level. (A good example of such a reward programme is that of US giant Dow Chemical
(Risher, 2000).)
One of the problems with IPRP is that managers can apply IPRP measurement crite-
ria in an arbitrary way which creates in employees perceptions of a lack of fairness. This
is no less true of competence-related pay. In fact, the more the approach moves from
one where identifying discernible skills and outputs is possible, the more subjective the
measurement process becomes. As yet, little empirical research has been done on the
operation of competence-related pay but it would be surprising were it to uncover any-
thing other than the same sort of employee dissatisfactions as found in relation to IPRP.
However, the measurement criteria themselves may be more acceptable to employees
than in the case of IPRP. This is often because there is some form of employee involve-
ment in the development of the competence statements (Armstrong and Murlis, 1998),
albeit that line managers are making the assessment of the extent to which the compe-
tences have been demonstrated. This contrasts with IPRP where it is usually the
manager who defines the performance objectives and assesses performance.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 11.4

What may be some of the potential disadvantages of competence-based pay?


 Reward management is concerned with financial and non-financial rewards to

employees and embraces the philosophies, strategies, policies, plans and processes
used by organisations to develop and maintain reward systems. Strategic reward
management plays an important role in delivering the organisation’s overall business
strategy by creating in employees certain behaviours, the need for which are implied
by the business strategy. These employee behaviours may be produced by an HR
strategy which includes a reward strategy as well as other HR strategies, such as the
cultural strategy, the structural strategy and other HR strategies.
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418 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 A variety of factors in the external environment has led to the increased interest in
strategic reward management. Principal among these are those factors which have
impacted upon the commercial environment in which organisations operate creating
the necessity to be more competitive and responsive to change.
 The intra-organisational factors that impact upon strategic reward management are
the organisation cultural strategies, structural strategies and other HR strategies. In
terms of reward, the principal contributors to the organisation’s cultural strategies are
pay for performance schemes. These may be at the level of the individual, the team,
the business unit and the organisation.
 The reward contribution to the organisation’s structural strategies involves changing
reward structures. In this chapter the move from traditional pay structures to job
family and broad-banded structures was examined. Competence-related pay was
analysed as the means by which reward may complement other HR strategies.

Follow-up study suggestions

Use an organisation with which you are familiar, which may be one in which you are
currently employed or have worked for, or one known to you, in order to study the fol-
lowing topics.
 Assess the degree to which the organisation has specific reward objectives.
 Using the model in Figure 11.2, evaluate the extent to which the organisation’s reward
management may be termed ‘strategic’.
 Analyse the external factors that are impacting on the organisation’s reward strategy.
 Evaluate the extent to which the organisation’s pay structure fits the culture and
structure of the organisation.
 Evaluate the extent to which the organisation’s reward strategy complements the
other HR strategies in place.

Suggestions for research topics

 What role do line managers play in the management of reward and how may this role
be made more effective?
 How can employee involvement activities contribute to the effective management of
 What constitutes an ‘effective’ reward scheme?
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Chapter 11 Strategic reward management 419

Case Study
Developing a global reward strategy at Tibbett and Britten Group

Business context had grown rapidly but there had been no attempt to
introduce consistency in the way that managers in
The Tibbett and Britten Group (TBG) is a UK-based different countries were rewarded. The UK grading
international logistics service provider. Its main cus- structure had been identified as an issue in need of
tomers are retailers and manufacturers, to whom it attention, but it was felt that the best way to
provides warehouse, distribution and supply-chain approach the problem was to take a step back and
management services under long-term contracts. put a broader framework for reward in place across
The company directly employs 35,000 people in 35 the company. The objectives were to:
countries, with the biggest markets in Europe and  bring a measure of internal consistency to
North America.
reward by establishing a group policy framework
TBG employs people on a variety of contracts in
that would:
different countries. Operating in a highly competitive
sector, margins are low and the penalty to the busi-  help managers communicate a coherent
ness of passing on sudden rises in employment costs policy on reward;
to customers is high. This is especially true where con-  guide country managers in the alignment of
tracts are operated on an ‘open book’ basis, whereby reward policies and projects within overall
a management fee is charged and other costs are group principles;
agreed with the customer. The company’s objective  initiate a cost-effectiveness review of current
was, therefore, to reform group reward policy in a way reward expenditure in light of what was identi-
that would be largely cost-neutral. Between 65 per fied as valued by employees; and
cent and 70 per cent of the Group’s overall operational  maintain the flexibility for local innovation and
costs relate directly to people, so staff reward man- adaptability to customers’ needs;
agement is key to business competitiveness.
The majority of TBG’s employees were transferred
 address tactical issues impacting negatively on
from major customers such as Debenhams, Home- employee motivation and engagement, and
base or IBM. These employees retained their existing create a culture where performance drove
terms and conditions of employment. This meant that reward and recognition;
there was a wide variety of pay and grading arrange-  create competitive advantage for TBG in the
ments in operation. These varied by country and market place, particularly by improving its repu-
contract. There were short- and long-term incentives tation as a contractor and employer of choice.
and other benefits. There were also differing local rela-
tionships with trade unions. Local managers had The key elements of the reward project were to:
traditionally agreed to vary certain arrangements  introduce a broad strategy focused on ten
locally and to pay upper quartile rates, for instance, or
reward principles;
to use a particular form of competence-based pay.
While the use of TBG incentives and benefits had  review all elements of reward in line with these
become more consistent, many contracts were deter- principles, project by project;
mined by the terms and conditions transferred from  move from the current grading structure to a new
the customer. Most non-management employees job level and job family structure, with five broad
were not on TBG terms and conditions. Managing this work levels, to be rolled out first in the UK; and
complexity was a key issue in the company’s relation-  continue to roll out a new voluntary benefits pro-
ships with both employees and customers.
gramme as part of the strategy, introduced in the
UK in September 2003, to European countries.
Developing a new strategy TBG focused on a population of around 3,000
managers in developing the new reward strategy
The group started the process of reviewing its pay and introducing the new job levels. The approach
and benefits arrangements in 2002. The company was ‘one step at a time’.
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420 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

The overall reward strategy had been developed  operational/functional scope;

using focus groups, interviews with managers, and  people/leadership challenge;
extensive organisational analysis conducted by the
HR team.  financial impact; and
 customer/complexity challenge.
The levels were, however, underpinned by job
Reward principles
evaluation, at least during early implementation of
In view of the complexity of the business it was felt the new system. All management jobs were to be
that the reward strategy needed to be simple and slotted into the new structure in the UK. Ultimately,
easy to communicate in order to have any impact. managers throughout the business would be
Ten reward principles were proposed that formed involved in agreeing the re-alignment of staff on
the heart of the reward strategy, which were their contract to the new system.
described as both a ‘consistency benchmark’ and a In order to set pay bands for job levels, extensive
‘communications framework’. pay benchmarking research was carried out so that
The ten principles (see Appendix 1 at the end of market data could be used to set a target rate for full
the case study) were designed to be used to review competence in a particular role. It was thought that
current policies and practices, ensure that resources new pay rates, with a clear target rate and performance
were being spent on company priorities and encour- range, would be more transparent than the previous
age greater internal consistency. For example, the grading system. There would be greater emphasis on
company was nearing completion of a review of its reward and access to incentives for high performers.
short-term incentive programme for managers The key principle was: ‘This is the price for the job – the
within Europe, from which eligible managers price you get depends on how good you are.’
received an annual payment, based on local country, The project involved the benchmarking of pay,
region and unit performance, linked also to perform- benefits and incentives against appropriate com-
ance against personal objectives. The review would parator groups, both inside and outside the
reduce awards for poor and mediocre performance, industry, with a longer-term aim of widening
while increasing awards for superior performance. A employment pools in certain areas and ‘locking in’
clearer framework for setting objectives and per- scarce talent in others.
formance assessment was being introduced.

The introduction
Grading project
An overhaul of the grading system used in the UK was TBG planned to communicate the reward strategy
the largest project being rolled out as part of the over- and UK grading project within the company. The
all reward strategy. In the UK, TBG has historically implementation required a thorough and painstaking
operated a standard grading structure determined by process of one-to-one reviews, group meetings and
job evaluation points. This was extended to evaluate written communications. A management panel was
jobs of managers in other countries. established to provide a permanent consultative
The proposals for the new pay and grading forum to oversee the roll-out of the project to man-
structure meant moving from grades to five broad agement grades. To encourage a move towards
job levels and a job family structure. There were to alignment with the reward principles, annual ‘con-
be clear and structured capability statements for sensus meetings’ were introduced, at which
each level and descriptions of outputs that defined divisional heads met to compare and benchmark
the scope of the role. Using the balanced scorecard information on the reward systems currently operat-
approach, they were to cover four key areas: ing in different customer contracts and countries.
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Chapter 11 Strategic reward management 421

Appendix 1 Ten reward principles

1. ‘Think global, act local’ by creating programmes that employ group principles and maintain optimum internal con-
sistency and cohesion, while providing the flexibility to adapt to local market requirements and practices.
2. Develop and communicate total rewards policies and practices consistent with the stated group objective of
attracting, motivating and retaining highly capable employees who regard Tibbett & Britten as their employer of
3. Establish a competitive position for total compensation in the market place (fixed and variable pay and benefits) using
appropriate comparator references, as well as internal benchmarks. Recognise that certain strategic roles and exceptional
circumstances will drive variations from the norm without compromising the integrity of the established principles.
4. Pay for performance, strongly differentiating rewards, which reflect the underlying contribution of individuals
through performance assessment against stretching objectives.
5. Establish and communicate accepted levels of operation that communicate clear career paths and development
6. Ensure that all incentive programmes are exciting, ‘SMART’, credible and, where appropriate, tailored to the unique
characteristics of different roles.
7. Implement rewards selectively and tactically, where justified, in recognition of the unique characteristics of certain roles.
8. Support and encourage all managers to ‘recognise from the heart’ the contribution of individuals and teams, as a
critical component of the total rewards strategy.
9. Incorporate flexibility in the design of reward programmes, to provide the benefit of choice across our increasingly
diverse workforce and to facilitate controlled tailoring to customer requests.
10. Exploit the Group’s scale and available financial and fiscal opportunities in the delivery of benefit programmes for
mutual advantage.

Appendix 2 Pay and grading: some big choices

Past approach Future approach

A culture where relative status is reinforced A culture where individual performance drives recognition
through grades of contribution.
Externally validated, cumbersome job evaluation TBG bespoke job-levelling methodology: business
methodology: lengthier process, low risk, yet not responsive (and owned), greater discretion and
transparent to managers transparency
Published pay bands drive pay decisions Reliable market information drives pay
Grade changes and promotion naturally hand-in-hand Greater emphasis on lateral job moves planned around
building capability
Grades seen to drive pay Individual performance seen to drive pay
Many grades and benefits thresholds, frequent Fewer, significant job levels, with more benefits paid as
requests for grading reviews cash
Grade increases reflect reporting lines Some managers and their direct reports within the same
level of operation
Grade thresholds are determined by job evaluation So far as possible, grade levels reflect accepted
points (‘tail wags dog’) differences in levels operationally (‘dog wags tail’)
Continue to roll out Hay grades to continental/rest of Reconsider, in light of where and how the interests of
world operations country operations and the Group are best served

Source: developed from IRS (2004b).

Case study questions 2. Look again at the ten principles. Do you think
there may be any potential contradictions
inherent in these principles?
1. Why do you think that the creation of internal 3. What potential benefits do you think may
consistency was such an important objective of accompany the achievement of greater
the new reward strategy? transparency in the new reward strategy?
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Managing the employment relationship:

12 strategic rhetoric and operational reality

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 explain the importance of the employment relationship to SHRM;

 define the employment relationship;
 evaluate the strategic approaches to managing the employment
 identify the various formats for organising the employment relationship at a
range of levels;
 define employee involvement and voice;
 assess the linkages between SHRM and employee relations;
 evaluate the concepts of partnership and the psychological contract.
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 423

The aim of this chapter is to consider how the management of the employment rela-
tionship can contribute to the achievement of SHRM. Essentially it has three key
areas, the first area focuses on defining the changes that have taken place in the
employment relationship. Central to this discussion has been the shift away from
industrial relations to employee relations. The aim of this chapter is to explore and
assess the linkages that exist between employee relations and SHRM. This explo-
ration will emerge in the second and third areas of this chapter. In the second area an
analysis of key theoretical discussions on the linkages between SHRM and employee
relations will be presented. In the third area of the chapter evidence of the practices
associated with a strategic approach to the management of the employment relation-
ship will be presented. These practices are grouped around the central SHRM
concept of employee involvement and participation.
The last 25 years in the HRM literature has seen significant focus and evaluation being
placed on a ‘strategic’ approach to the development and implementation of HRM policies
and practices (Legge, 1995b; Storey, 1995, Tyson, 1995; Schuler and Jackson, 1999a;
Boxall and Purcell et al. 2003). Extensive discussions on this strategic approach have
taken place in previous chapters of this book and the purpose of this chapter is to con-
sider the management of the employment relationship and evaluate the strategic choices
that are available to the various parties in this relationship. The term employment relation-
ship can be defined most simply as the interaction between employers and employees.
This simplistic definition highlights a potential problem in the employment relationship, if
the relationship is merely based on interaction, at best it will be operational and as such
have little strategic value for the parties involved. Traditionally, the management of the
employment relationship has focused around the concept which is known as industrial
relations. Industrial relations is generally understood to refer to the relationship between
employers and employees collectively. The focus of industrial relations was firmly based
on collective relationships that existed between individual or often groups of employees
and the representatives of employees, namely trade unions. The CIPD (2005b) believe
that the term industrial relations is no longer widely used by employers and refers to a set
of employment relationships that no longer widely exist. So, do examples of traditional
industrial relations exist?
 The first place to look would be within the public sector generally and in health, edu-
cation, central and local government.
 Second would be in traditional industries, such as transport, heavy engineering and
utility companies in the electricity, gas and water sectors.

These industries have had traditionally high levels of trade union membership.
Industrial relations became the central element of personnel management from the
mid-1940s until the late 1970s. This period can be characterised by widespread union
membership, industry-level pay agreements, collective bargaining and widespread
industrial disputes and strikes. Employers struggled to assert their authority and in
many sectors collective bargaining was accepted as a form of ‘joint regulation’ that
gave trade unions a say in many key management decisions. Over the last 25 years, a
dramatic shift away from industrial relations towards employee relations has been
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424 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

witnessed. Employee relations is closely associated with SHRM and is often defined
as an individual relationship between employer and employee. Employee relations
can be considered as a way of describing a variety of employer policies and prac-
tices, which are aimed at improving workplace communications, for engaging
employees directly or indirectly in decision-making and for securing employee com-
pliance with management rules through disciplinary action. The key tool used by
employers in managing employee relations is often employee involvement and partic-
ipation (EI&P). This topic will be discussed in detail in a subsequent section but it is
useful to introduce it at this point. Employee involvement and participation is seen as
playing a central role in SHRM and is regarded as playing a central role in the devel-
opment of high-performance work systems (Marchington, 2001). Bratton and Gold
(2003) identify three aspects in relation to the contemporary debate on EI&P. These
aspects are as follow:
 from a management perspective EI&P initiatives are seen as fundamentally trans-
forming the climate of employment relations because they lead to long-term changes
in workers’ attitudes and commitment;
 communication plays a critical role in constructing and maintaining a ‘strong’ organi-
sational culture, and, as a feature of the leadership process, ‘communication style’ is
seen as being central to effective leadership;
 EI&P initiatives that promote the individual employee rather than employees’ collec-
tive bodies deliberately undermine the role of trade unions; the exception to this is
where the organisation uses partnerships agreements with trade unions to develop-
ment and implement EI&P.

The concept of partnership will be discussed in more detail in a subsequent sec-

tion of this chapter. In Key Concepts 12.1 the development of the employment
relationship is explored.

Key Concepts 12.1

The development of the employment relationship

The concept of the employment relationship can be viewed as being a central element of a body of
academic and practitioner writing in the field of employee relations. As Lewis et al. (2003a) highlight, a
skim through the titles of books covering the relationship between employers and employees over the
last 20 years will give an idea of the shift in emphasis that has taken place. In the 1970s and 1980s
important authors such as Clegg (1979) and Bain (1983) used the term ‘industrial relations’ in their
book and paper titles, while more recently the terms ‘employee relations’ (e.g. Rose 2001) and
‘employment relations’ (e.g. Gennard and Judge (2002)) have been used. Undoubtedly there is an ele-
ment of fashion at work here. Lewis et al. (2003a) believe that ‘industrial relations’ is associated with
the declining ‘smokestack’ industries and blue-collar workers and the accompanying emphasis upon
collective bargaining between employers and trade unions. ‘Employee relations’ suggests that a
wider employment canvas is being covered with equal importance being attached to non-union
employment arrangements and white-collar jobs. Nonetheless, the emphasis still tends to be on the
structure of ‘perspectives, participants, processes and practices’ adopted by Salamon (2000).
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 425

If the analysis presented in Key Concepts 12.1 is correct, the emerging employee
relations concept with a strong strategic theoretical underpinning may be open to
similar criticism to that expressed in relation to the general models of HRM.
These criticisms have been led by Legge (1995b). At this point it may be useful to
consider the following issue: HRM and, in particular, the enhanced strategic focus of
the concept in what is now called SHRM have had widespread coverage in both aca-
demic and practitioner publications but research collected in this field shows limited
evidence regarding the reality of this process in observable organisational practice.
One of the key purposes of this chapter is to consider strategic approaches to
managing the employment relationship both in theory and practice, and to present
evidence of strategic practices in relation to the management of the employee rela-
tions. This issue will be explored throughout this chapter but it is useful to briefly
consider it at this point. A central element of SHRM is the achievement of strategic
integration. Strategic integration relates to linking HR policy choices with different
types of business strategy. At the organisational level, one of the most effective ways
of integrating HR and corporate strategy is through the management of the employ-
ment relationship. At a basic level, three strategic options that are aimed at gaining
‘competitive advantage’ can be identified:
 quality enhancement;
 cost reduction.

Each of these strategies will have an impact on HR strategy, and each will require
the development and implementation of a series of HR policies and practices. The
effective implementation of these policies and practices will require a series of SHRM
behaviours. The choices available to the organisation will be dependent on a series of
internal and external factors. At the internal level, the current and potential future
employment relationship will have a major impact on how effectively the organisation
develops its SHRM behaviours. So, for example, it may be more difficult to move to a
more strategically focused approach in a unionised organisation as the union may
resist attempts by management to make dramatic changes to the terms and con-
ditions of workers.
Each of the basic strategic options has major SHRM implications, for example:
 A strategy that focuses on innovation will require multi-skilled employees, who are
regularly appraised; the focus of the appraisal is on the achievement of long-term
goals; pay rates tend to be low but employees may have the opportunity to individu-
alise pay and rewards and link pay to performance.
 A quality enhancement strategy will require fixed explicit job descriptions and high
levels of employee involvement and participation; pay is based on market evalua-
tions to ensure equality; there is a high emphasis on team working.
 Finally, a cost reduction strategy will result in minimal levels of training and development,
narrowly defined jobs and limited opportunities for career development; pay is based on
market evaluations with the employer seeking to pay below the market average.

The strategy chosen and the associated SHRM policies will have a major impact
on the employment relationship and will directly affect the psychological contract.
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426 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

The psychological contract will be discussed in depth in the final area covered in this
chapter, but it is useful at this point to offer a brief introductory definition. The psy-
chological contract has been defined by Rousseau (1994, cited by Hiltrop, 1995: 287)
as ‘the understanding people have regarding the commitments made between them-
selves and their organisations’. It is therefore concerned with each party’s perception
of what the other party to the employment relationship owes them over and above
that which may be specified in the contract of employment. As this contract is based
upon perceptions, it is clear that the ‘context’ of this contract is not written and often
not explicitly stated.
Having introduced the key themes to be addressed in this chapter it is now impor-
tant to define the employment relationship.

Strategic SHRM and Strategic

Employment Differing
context employee interventions
relationship perspectives
(rhetoric) relations (reality)

Definition Unitarism New realism and

The context Traditional

and nature of Pluralism Partnership

Individualised Psychological
SHRM contract

Employee Changes in
The black
voice and organisational
commitment practice

Figure 12.1 Mapping the employment relationship territory: a summary diagram of the chapter content

Defining the employment relationship

In Key Concepts 12.1, two terms that are central to developing an understanding of the
employment relationship are highlighted. These terms are industrial relations and
employee relations. Throughout this chapter, the term employment relationship is used.
This is deliberate and aimed at supporting the successful achievement of learning out-
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 427

comes. The term industrial relations is intrinsically linked to a collective orientation to

the employment relationship and increasingly the term employee relations appears to
focus on the individualised relationship that exists between employers and employees.
The use of the term employment relationship is used in this chapter to highlight the
fact that a variety of collective and individual approaches are in operation in organisa-
tions across the UK and in many other economies. Moreover, organisations may decide,
for a range of strategic and operational reasons, to implement individual and collective
approaches across different divisions, departments and employee categories, thus creat-
ing an employment relationship that differs across the organisation. Rose (2004)
highlights the fact that while employment relations is an academic subject area at under-
graduate and postgraduate levels, it is also concerned with practical issue and processes
that affect employers and employees, the government and other important institutions
such as the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and the Confederation of British Industry
(CBI). There is a clear research priority with regard to developing a greater understand-
ing of the employment relationship within the UK. The nature of the interaction
between employers and employees in the employment relationship deserves more atten-
tion than has traditionally been the case in the employee relations literature and
research. Particular attention should be paid to:
 the expectations of parties to the employment relationship;
 the behaviours of managers and their employees;
 the ways in which the employment relationship is brought to an end.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 12.1

Define the employment relationship and discuss the changes that have taken
place to the relationship in recent years.

Gospel and Palmer (1993: 3) define the employment relationship as ‘an economic,
social and political relationship which provides manual and mental labour in exchange
for rewards allocated by employers’. An important addition to this definition would be
the psychological element of the employment relationship. Gospel and Palmer go on to
note that there are certain characteristics of the employment relationship that mark it
out as different from, say, the relationship between the customer and the supplier. The
circumstances of the employment relationship may vary considerably. In the UK con-
text, the evaluation and analysis of these factors is a significant area for study and
discussion. These factors are presented in Key Concepts 12.2.
As Rose (2004) points out, ‘the rewards from employment can be economic, social,
and psychological, while the effort (the contribution the employee makes in his or her
job) can range from skilled to unskilled and can be tightly controlled or left free to ini-
tiative and individual creativity’. A variety of employment relationships may exist to suit
the needs of the employer and the employee; this has resulted in changes in the standard
contract of employment to include short-term employment, part-time contracts, use of
agency employees, subcontracting, casual labour and greater flexibility in terms of work-
ing hours, etc. Examples of the use of these methods can be found in the public and
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428 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Key Concepts 12.2

Factors influencing the employment relationship

Some of the variations are:

 the type of organisation in which the employment relationship is set;
 the wide range of purposes of the employment relationship and, consequently, the nature of the
tasks performed by employees in the employment relationship;
 the location in which the tasks are performed;
 the amount of hours devoted to the employment relationship and the length of the relationship;
 the rewards that flow from the employment relationship;
 the way in which the main terms and conditions of the employment relationship are determined;
 the degree to which employees and employers possess and deploy power in the employment
 the effect that the degree of success of the employment relationship has on the employing organi-
sation and the wider economy.

private sectors, manufacturing and services industries, international companies, SMEs

and within unionised and non-unionised operating environments. The setting of the
employment relationship is of particular importance, and the public and small business
sectors are of vital importance and represent a major priority for study. The stability of
the employment relationship in the rapidly growing service sector is also of interest as
the practices operating in this sector may be reflective of future trends in the field. As
graduates, many of you will actively seek employment within these sectors and the
strategic underpinning of the employment relationship in these sectors will increase in
importance beyond the area of academic study.
Having defined the employment relationship, it is important to now consider the
changes that are taking place in the employment relationship.

The changing context and nature of the employment

The traditional way of defining the employment relationship is through the contract of
employment. Commentators would argue that in the UK the contract of employment is
well defined and clearly established due to the rigorous fair employment legislation that
exists. Torrington et al. (2005: 450) argue that all jobs in the labour market have the
potential to become alienating. This alienation may manifest itself in a range of ways
and can result in the job holder being indifferent or hostile to both the job and manage-
ment, who are seen as being responsible for forcing the employee to do a job that they
do not like.
Lewis et al. (2003a: 4) highlight the fact that the employment relationship can vary
dramatically across organisations and this can be expressed in the range of jobs that
exist. The wider the range of jobs, job descriptions and roles that exist across the organi-
sation, the greater the differences in the employment relationship. Let us consider an
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 429

organisational context with which you are all familiar. Within a university, there is a vast
variety of jobs ranging from academics, functional administrative and managerial sup-
port for staff and students, technical staff in relation to information technology, learning
resources (library), security, catering and cleaning operators. The job areas listed above
are only indicative of the range of jobs and roles that exist within a university but the
fact that each category will perform different tasks, require different training and quali-
fications and that the job will be performed in different locations means that the
employment relationship varies enormously. The most visible element of difference can
be in how the main terms and conditions of employment are determined. Two major
variations can be identified. The first is an individualised approach focusing on direct
negotiation between the employer and the employee, which in theory should have a
strategic underpinning based on detailed negotiation between both parties. The practi-
cal reality of this individual approach is predominantly based on the employer laying
out the terms and conditions they are prepared to offer to the potential employee with
little or no opportunity offered to enter into any negotiations. The terms and conditions
offered will focus on elements, such as starting salary, holiday entitlement, pension and
sick pay entitlement, job description, performance and quality standards, etc. Although
the terms and conditions offered should reflect the individual qualifications, expertise
and knowledge of the employee, in many cases the organisations have standardised
terms and conditions across a particular job type or category.
The second variation is based on a more distant collective arrangement between
the employee’s representative in the form of a trade union or professional body and the
employer or the employer’s representatives who jointly determine the main terms
and conditions.
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the non-legal aspects of the
employment relationship. Lewis et al. (2003a: 12) believe this is particularly because the
very foundations of the relationship, in many cases built upon years of mutual under-
standing, have been threatened. This has given rise to the psychological contract that
exists between employer and employee, this concept will be considered in the final sec-
tion of this chapter. Having considered changes occurring around the employment
relationship, it is now useful to review and assess the differing perspectives on the
employment relationship.

Differing perspectives on the employment relationship

In previous sections of this chapter, time has been spent defining the employment rela-
tionship. As Lewis et al. (2003a: 16) suggest, it is implicit in this definition that a number
of different parties are involved in the operation of that relationship, employees,
employers, trade unions and state agencies being the principal parties discussed above.
Our understanding of the differing theoretical perspectives driving the employment
relationship has been conceptualised by Fox (1966); the three concepts are unitarism,
pluralism and Marxism. In the context of assessing a strategic approach to employee
relations it is essential to examine the first two of these theoretical perspectives. It is
important to note than the modern model of SHRM is largely based around the per-
spective of individualism and the traditional model personnel or industrial relations is
based around the collective perspective. (For an evaluation of the concept of Marxism
generally and individualism and collectivism specifically see Lewis et al. (2003a: 21–25).)
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430 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Fox (1966: 2) defined unitarism as a way of thinking about the organisation ‘as a team
unified by a common purpose’, that common purpose being the success of the organisa-
tion. Among the principal characteristics of unitarism are the following:
 The employees of an organisation are seen as a team, unified by a common purpose
with all employees pursuing the same goal.
 There is a single source of authority, that source being management.
 As all employees are pursuing the same goal, conflict is irrational, it must be the result
of poor communication or ‘troublemakers’ at work who do not share the common
 The presence of third parties in the employment relationship is intrusive: therefore
there is no place for trade unions (Lewis et al. (2003a).
Given this definition it is clear that unitarism is principally a management philosophy
with regard to employee relations. As will be seen shortly, unitarism is very closely linked
to the theory of SHRM that emerged in the USA in the early 1980s. It facilitates manage-
ment to present an approach to managing the employment relationship that is well
matched to their views and opinions. The outcome of this process in organisational
terms is the creation of what has come to be known as management prerogative – which
is described by Lewis et al. (2003a: 17) as the ability of management to make decisions
without hindrance from those who may disagree with those decisions. If this is the case,
the implementation of the unitary perspective can be considered as being consistent
with the view that ‘management knows best’. In this context Rose (2001) notes that the
unitarist ideology may be useful for projecting to the outside world that management’s
decisions are right and any challenge to them comes from those who are either mis-
guided or subversive.
A standard theme in many reviews of unitarism is that the concept bears little or no
resemblance to organisational reality. Fox (1966: 4) argued that unitarism ‘has long been
abandoned by social scientists as incongruent with reality and useless for the purpose of
analysis’. Lewis et al. (2003a: 17) argue that the view that unitarism is ‘useless for the
purpose of analysis’ is questionable. They believe that it is a way of thinking about the
employment relationship that has gained great currency in recent years, as it chimes
with one of the central tenets of the so-called human resource management movement.
Many of the well-established models of SHRM position the employment relationship
firmly in the unitarist domain. An example of this is Storey’s (1995) list of 25 dimen-
sions that differentiate human resource management from personnel management. In
this list, the nature of (employee) relations is ‘unitarist’. Storey’s checklist is presented in
Key Concepts 12.3.
An analysis of Key Concepts 12.3 reflects Fox’s (1966) definition of unitarism as a
way of thinking about the organisation ‘as a team unified by a common purpose’ in sev-
eral ways. A central theme running through many of the elements of SHRM is that of
organisational culture. Lewis et al. (2003a: 18) believe that the development of a culture
that is consistent with unitarist principles and in which the needs of individuals are of
secondary importance to those of the organisation, dominates the thinking.
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 431

Key Concepts 12.3

Storey’s 25 point checklist

Dimension Beliefs and assumptions SHRM/ER

Personnel and IR

1. Contract Careful delineation of written contract Psychological contract

2. Rules Importance of devising clear rules ‘Can do’ outlook:
3. Guide to management action Procedures/consistency control Business need/flexibility/
4. Behavioural referent Norms/customs and practice Values/mission
5. Managerial task Monitoring Nurturing
vis-à-vis labour
6. Nature of relations Pluralist Neo unitarist
7. Conflict (partnership) Institutionalised De-emphasised
8. Standardisation High (parity an issue) Low (parity not an issue)
Strategic aspects
9. Initiatives Piecemeal Strategic integration
10. Key relations Labour management Employer–employee
11. Corporate plan Marginal to HR strategy
12. Speed of decisions Slow Based on engagement
Line management
13. Management role Transactional Transformational leadership
14. Key managers Personnel/IR specialists Line managers
15. Prized management skills Negotiation Involvement and participation
Key levers
16. Attention on interventions Personnel procedures Cultural, structural and HR
17. Selection Separate, marginal task Integrated, key skill
18. Pay Job evaluation Performance-related pay
19. Conditions Separately negotiated Harmonisation
20. Labour management Collective Individualised
21. Relations with stewards Regularised, through negotiations None or partnership
Training and facilities
22. Communication Restricted flow/indirect Direct
23. Job design Division of labour Team working
24. Conflict handling Reach temporary truces Partnership
25. Training and development Controlled access to courses Learning companies

Source: adapted from Storey (1992).

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432 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Unitarism presented in the guise that SHRM may be attractive and of significant
value to some and it is unquestionable that it forms a core element in the majority of
academic analysis in recent years. In the concept of SHRM, it is currently the most influ-
ential theme of analysis in relation to employment relationships. Among the rhetoric
that has been developed in conjunction with the development of the SHRM models and
theories is the concept that ‘people are the organisation’s most important asset’. With so
much theoretical progression and sheer volume of analysis in this area, it would seem
natural to assume that dramatic changes would have taken place in observable organisa-
tion policy and practice. For evidence of these dramatic changes the obvious starting
point would be in the practices of UK companies, who would be actively developing and
implementing policies and practices with the necessary strategic underpinning to trans-
form employment relationships at a workplace level.
The key strategic tool that managers would utilise to achieve this transformation
would, of course, be HRM and the strategic practices associated with it. So the rhetoric,
in the form of key theories and models, tells us that the employment relationship will
have a much greater strategic underpinning based on the pursuit by managers of a wide-
ranging series of strategically underpinned HRM-based practices. So what is the reality?
Following a review of survey evidence collected in the 1990s, Guest (2001) highlights
very low adoption of high commitment human resource management work practice
based upon the principles identified in the right-hand column of Key Concepts 12.3.
This leads Guest (2001: 112) to conclude that ‘the popular cliché that ‘people are the
organisation’s most important asset’ is patently untrue based on the current employ-
ment relations practices and actions of UK managers. Lewis et al. (2003a) argue that
even if there had been wholesale adoption of the unitarist perspective by managers, it
raises the question of whether it is consistent with the new psychological contract. A
simple evaluation would suggest that the two ideas are contradictory. Unitarism stresses
the absorption of the individual into the organisation, with the loss of their own identity
and interests. The new psychological contract, on the other hand, suggests that the
employee is ‘on their own’ to a significantly greater extent, and must respond to their
own needs.
The psychological contract will be discussed in more detail in a subsequent section
but in the context of this section of the chapter the new psychological contract recog-
nises that there is a plurality of the different interests in the employment relationship
rather than a common purpose. This is a view that has traditionally dominated employ-
ment relations thinking and practice and which will be analysed in the next section.

An understanding of the central tenets of pluralism is vital to the understanding of
employee relations because many of the principal procedures, processes and practices
that exist to manage the employment relationship are based on the principles of plural-
ism. Fox (1966: 2) defined pluralism as the organisation being a ‘miniature’ democratic
state composed of sectional groups and divergent interests over which the government
tries to maintain some kind of dynamic equilibrium. Lewis et al. (2003a: 19) believe that
employing organisations are essentially a microcosm of society as a whole. They argue
that the sectoral groups with divergent interests that exist in the organisational context
are as easy to identify in this context as they are in society generally. Employers and
managers represent obvious, potentially different, groups. The differences may be
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 433

evident in how the two groups go about achieving certain common goals. In the plural-
ists’ ideology, the validity and legitimacy of these differing interests are recognised.
Managers are responsible for ensuring the overall effectiveness of the organisation and
the achievement of the organisation’s goals. Employees, on the other hand, are more
likely to be concerned with personal goals, in particular the wish to obtain better terms
and conditions of employment. Within each organisation there will be a diverse range of
sectional groups, at the employee level these will be determined by the nature of tasks
performed by each group of employees and the terms and conditions each enjoy.
To give examples of this in a manufacturing environment, one group of employees
will see their key tasks as being linked to performance in a production line environment,
another may interact with clerical and admin staff whose key roles and tasks are quite
different. A third group of employees in that organisation may be dealing directly with
the company’s customers or clients. At the management level, differences of interest will
exist depending on each manager’s function. The existence of the sectional groups with
divergent interests in the organisation signals the potential for conflict, as their interests
may clash over, say, the distribution of scarce resources. Each group makes a case for it to
have what it sees as its ‘fair’ share of those resources. These discussions are often seen as
healthy in an organisational context, and a small degree of internal conflict may well be
necessary to achieve improvements and progression. The key strategic issue for organi-
sations is to ensure that they have appropriate policies and procedures to ensure that
these conflicts do not grow and escalate and create negative organisational cultures.
Methods to ensure that these conflicts do not become unmanageable may be focused on
a process of involvement and participation, and giving employees or sectional employee
groupings a voice in the workplace strategic decision-making process. The concept of
involvement and participation will be discussed in a subsequent section of this chapter.
The effectiveness of conflict handling mechanisms used by organisations is very
much dependent on a key issue that Fox (1966) stressed: that the differences between the
parties are not as ‘fundamental or wide as to be unbridgeable’ (Salamon, 2000: 8). These
parties must have an interest in the survival of the organisation of which they are part.
In strategic terms, simple survival may be a minimum goal but progression and devel-
opment of the organisation should be in the interests of all parties involved. In periods
of major economic problems in the UK, including the late 1970s and early 1980s,
employees and, more frequently, the unions representing them were accused of being
determined to destroy both individual organisations and complete industries. The late
1970s and early 1980s in the UK can be viewed as an era of mass industrial conflict, with
a high number of strikes and widespread disputes in many industry sectors. In this con-
text, virtually every conflict-handling procedure imaginable would be ineffective.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 12.2

Fox (1966) clearly believed that the pluralistic perspective on employee relations
was the most valid and realistic way to manage the employment relationship.
Given the emergence of the HRM models of management in the 1980s do you
believe that unitarism ia a more appropriate way of managing the employment
relationship in the twenty-first century?
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434 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

The starting point of the employment relationship in modern organisations is largely

based on some overall shared view about the legitimacy of the organisation and its goals,
and this forms the basis for common ground. This common ground may be further
developed and made more sophisticated or strategic in organisations. The methods for
doing this will depend on the employment relationship that exists. Unionised businesses
may involve a partnership agreement between employers and a trade union, whereas in
non-unionised businesses this may be based upon the principles of employee voice and
involvement and participation. It may also be necessary to create a new psychological
contract to provide the mechanisms for achieving common ground.
Before discussing these organisational elements it is important to develop an under-
standing of the theoretical discussion on the links between SHRM and employee relations.

SHRM and employee relations

Many analysts, including Guest (1995), and Beaumont (1995), have commented that the
rising interest in SHRM throughout the 1980s coincided with a steady decline in the sig-
nificance of industrial relations as a central element of economic performance and policy.
It also coincided with a decline in the membership and influence of trade unions; during
the 1980s, trade union membership density declined from 53 per cent to 33 per cent of the
employed workforce. Industrial conflict displayed a similar decline, so that in the early
1990s strikes were at their lowest level for decades. As Guest (1995) suggests, it was tempt-
ing to seek an association between the apparent rise of SHRM and the decline of trade
unions and industrial relations. Certainly many of the early models of SHRM were drawn
mainly from successful American non-union firms. On closer examination, the changes
that have occurred in industrial relations in the UK would, in all likelihood, have occurred
with or without the emergence of SHRM, if perhaps at a more gradual pace. In the mid-
1990s, for many organisations industrial relations were no longer a contingent variable
helping to shape business policy and strategy in the way they might have done 10 or 15
years before. What emerges from the literature is that industrial relations (or employee
relations) are of greater importance in the UK than in many of the other developed
economies. A good example of this is the USA, where traditional industrial relations are
now seen as a peripheral issue for many companies. Guest (1995) places the key themes
that are discussed in the SHRM literature in regard to employee relations into three dis-
tinct categories. These categories are presented in Key Concepts 12.4.

Commitment, the theory of SHRM and employee relations

Guest (1995) describes the model of SHRM (particularly the Harvard model of Beer et
al. (1985) and his own model (Guest, 1987)) as placing organisational commitment at
SHRM’s core. This is the central feature that distinguishes SHRM from traditional per-
sonnel management/industrial relations approaches. If the four key policy goals of
SHRM, strategic integration, quality, flexibility and commitment are considered, then
the focus on quality and flexibility can pose difficulties for trade unions but commit-
ment to the organisation presents a direct challenge to trade unionism. Guest (1995)
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 435

Key Concepts 12.4

Key themes discussed in the SHRM literature

 The first is an examination of organisational commitment and dual commitment. Dual commitment
refers to the fact that employees can be committed to both their employer and a trade union. The
concepts of commitments and dual commitment can be used as a basis for considering the inter-
action between SHRM and trade unionism.
 The second examines the evidence on the choices being made by employers in the UK about the
type of SHRM and employee relations they wish to pursue.
 The third considers strategy, taken from the trade union perspective, and explores the possible
agendas available to trade unions in an environment where SHRM may be viewed as an opportu-
nity as much as a major challenge.

(Table 12.1) suggests that this provides the basis for the contrasting values and assump-
tions underpinning the normative views of SHRM and industrial relations which have
been presented by Walton (1985), Cradden (1992) and Storey (1992).
This dichotomy has been described as reflecting a soft view of SHRM (see Cradden,
1992; Guest, 1995), and is concerned with the full utilisation of human resources for the
benefit of the organisation. It can be argued that the implementation of SHRM creates a
shift away from industrial relations to employee relations. This is underpinned with the
belief that the best way to ensure full utilisation of human resources is to take care of
what Herzberg (1968) would term hygiene factors, such as job security and pay, through
generous and fair provision, and to tap motivation by providing autonomy and chal-
lenge. Guest (1995) is of the opinion that to fill out the SHRM model, the organisation
should invest in careful selection and extensive training to ensure the high quality of
human resources. In many respects this has been the traditional means of managing and
motivating managerial and professional staff. Guest believes that organisational com-
mitment is central for a number of reasons:

Table 12.1 Key dimensions of industrial relations and SHRM

Dimension Industrial relations SHRM

Psychological contract Compliance Commitment

Behaviour referent Norms, custom and practice Values/mission
Relations Low trust High trust
Pluralist Unitarist
Collective Individual
Organisation and design Formal roles Flexible roles
Hierarchy Flat structures
Division of labour Teamwork/autonomy
Managerial costs Self-control

Source: adapted from Guest (1995).

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436 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 The belief is that committed workers will be highly motivated and will go beyond
contract, delivering higher performance.
 Second, committed workers can be expected to exercise reasonable autonomy or self-
monitoring and self-control, removing the need for supervisory and inspection staff
and producing efficiency gains.
 Third, committed workers are more likely to stay with the organisation, thereby
ensuring a return on the investment in careful selection, training and development.
 Finally, but correctly considered of greatest importance to the discussion of SHRM
and employee relations, it is assumed that a worker who is committed to the organi-
sation is unlikely to become involved in any type of collective activity which might
reduce the quality and quantity of their contribution to the organisation.
Guest (1995) argues that placing organisational commitment at the core of the defi-
nition of SHRM acknowledges the deliberate attempt to win the hearts and minds of the
workforce. In defining organisational commitment, he cites Mowday et al. (1982) as
being the most relevant for any analysis involving HRM and industrial relations. They
define organisational commitment as consisting of three components: identification
with the goals and values of the organisation; a desire to belong to the organisation; and
a willingness to display effort on behalf of the organisation. As Gordon et al. (1980)
state, union commitment can be defined in precisely the same way. The key issue then
becomes the compatibility of the goals and values of the company and the union. If they
are compatible, then it is possible to display high commitment to both the union and
the company. One good example is that of the union Amicus (formerly AEEU & MSF),
which appears to have taken on board many SHRM ideas, with the honourable aim of
maintaining at least a single union presence within the workplace. This of course raises
questions about the role of the union and the nature of the values for which it stands.
Guest (1995) believes an alternative scenario must be considered, based on workers
being able to live with the inherent conflict and ambiguity of identification with two
potentially opposing sets of values. Research by Reichers (1985, 1986) has suggested that
workers can express loyalty and commitment to potentially conflicting targets such as a
workgroup, career and company. This leads to the idea of a dual commitment, to both
company and union, a subject often discussed in literature pertaining to HRM and
industrial relations. The choices available to employees in relation to commitment to
company and union are presented in a simple format in Figure 12.2.

Commitment to company (CC)

High (UC) 1 2 Low (CC)

Commitment to union (UC)
Low (UC) 3 4 High (CC)

Figure 12.2 Employee choices in relation to commitment

Source: adapted from Guest (1995).
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 437

Guest (1995) believes that a matrix of this type is a useful starting point for analysis
of commitment to company and union. It is important to bear in mind that it is an
oversimplified specification in two respects. The first is that there may be intermediate
levels of commitment to both company and union, reflecting, perhaps, a kind of con-
ditional approval of both. The second, building on the work of Reichers and others, is
that there are other potential foci of commitment. These include career, a profession and
the family. Commitment to any of these may also conflict with commitment to either
company and/or union.
Much of the research on this subject has been conducted in North America, where
trade unionism has been in decline for a considerably longer time than in the UK. This
might be expected to result in few, if any, employees feeling any commitment to a trade
union and, as such, evidence of dual commitment minimal. The study of dual commit-
ment in the work of Angle and Parry (1986) is probably the most important research
evidence available. They identify the industrial relations climate as the key mediating
variable. Where there was a cooperative and conflict-free climate, dual commitment was
feasible. However, where the climate was hostile, workers were forced to confront the
competing commitments to the company and union, and make a choice, or alternatively
display a commitment to neither. This implies that, when conflict occurs, even though
commitment to company and union may be caused by different factors, some choices
among these factors have to be made.
During the 1980s, management in many UK organisations launched initiatives to win
the hearts and minds of the workforce. Often, these fell under the broad umbrella of cul-
tural change programmes. Guest believes that the evidence of limited dual commitment
presents challenges for the unions. It would be unwise for unions to rely on one of the
traditional bases of the commitment to the union, namely a presumed belief in trade
unionism. The apparent failure of many companies to generate enthusiastic commit-
ment among their workforce suggests that opportunities for unions still exist. If
management is tempted to pursue a hard version of HRM, this might backfire, provid-
ing scope for unions to extend both membership and influence. Guest (1995) then
considers recent developments at the interface of SHRM and industrial relations as a
basis for understanding company policy and practice.

Developments in the employment relationship and SHRM:

some potential approaches explored
The key areas that are discussed in the literature relating to this topic are presented in
Key Concepts 12.5.
Guest (1995) identifies four possible approaches to managing the employment
relationship. These are decribed below.

1. The new realism – a high emphasis on SHRM and employee relations

This is the subject most frequently discussed in the literature, the changes in practice
that occurred in the 1980s resulting in what many have termed the new employee rela-
tions. The focus in this context was on developing and implementing SHRM in a
context where unions had a role to play in the workplace and as such a collective
approach is required. The approach mostly commonly adopted in this context is the
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438 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Key Concepts 12.5

Key discussion areas

1. Union recognition and de-recognition.

2. Developments in the new employee relations, such as single-table bargaining and no-strike deals.
3. The role of unions in any changes affecting industrial relations.
4. The importance of employee relations as an issue.
5. The outcomes of employee relations, including levels of conduct activity, any union mark-up and

establishment of a partnership agreement between the employer and the union. Where
the employment relationship is individualised and a trade union does not represent
employees, the link between SHRM and employee relations will be developed through
the psychological contract. Both these approaches will be discussed in a subsequent sec-
tion of this chapter.
As with many of the other areas of employee relations, the terminology is changing.
As already noted, industrial relations was traditionally the most significant area of
human resource activity. Kochan et al. (1986), in proclaiming the transformation of
American industrial relations, discuss a number of cases illustrative of the collaborative
joint endeavour to shape a new relationship between management and union. These
cases appear to fit well with the rhetoric of the Harvard approach to SHRM. Beer et al.
(1984) discuss the coincidence of stakeholder interests and the importance of partici-
pation, power equalisation, trust and commitment. Walton’s (1985) definition of
mutuality emphasises this point. He argues that the new HRM model is composed of
policies that promote mutuality: mutual goals; mutual influence; mutual respect;
mutual rewards; and mutual responsibility. The theory is that policies of mutuality will
elicit commitment, which in turn yields both better economic performance and greater
human development.
Although this was the pattern that was described as emerging in employment rela-
tionships in the USA, it is also the pattern that may be expected to emerge in those
organisations in the UK where attempts are being made by managers to pursue an
approach that integrates HRM and employee relations. One of the most notable exam-
ples of recent decades is that of Nissan (Wickens, 1987). But Wickens account has been
criticised by some commentators (Garrahan and Stewart, 1992) as being a story of
implementation of a hard version of HRM, in the sense that tight control and perform-
ance systems operate. Many of the examples of serious attempts at a joint approach – the
former MG Rover Corporation being a case in point – come from the car industry,
where the unions were very well entrenched but market forces demanded improvements
in productivity and quality. Guest (1995) proposes that these cases are similar to those
cited by Kochan et al. (1986). In most older organisations, managers start from a po-
sition where the unions are entrenched. In the case of new plants or greenfield sites the
choices are more open and these will be discussed in greater detail in a later section.
However, Guest gives the example of Toyota and Bosch, both of which recognise a single
union, and Honda who has decided to operate without any unions.
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 439

A phenomenon much associated with new plants, is the so-called beauty contest,
where unions compete for recognition rights. From the union side, this constitutes a
form of concession bargaining, based on who promises an agreement closest to the
management’s ideas.
Guest, following Storey (1995) in describing recent trends relating to HRM and
industrial relations, concludes that there is little evidence of any frontal attacks on
unions in the UK, but equally little attempt to involve the unions in the planning and
implementation of change. In most cases, where unions have been well established in
the past, the two systems – industrial relations and HRM – operate side by side but with
little tendency for management to give increased weight to systems of employee involve-
ment and, in particular, communication, which tends to bypass the union. Guest agrees
with Storey’s (1992) conclusion that the two systems can co-exist and remain relatively
compartmentalised. Guest (1995) gave four possible explanations for employee relations
remaining healthy in the context of SHRM, presented in Key Concepts 12.6.

Key Concepts 12.6

Employee relations in the era of SHRM

1. SHRM may be so ineffective that it is having a minimal impact on values and commitment; the hard
version of SHRM is being used, and this leaves a level of anxiety such that workers continue to sup-
port the traditional industrial relations system and the trade union as a safeguard and safety net.
2. Management, while supporting SHRM, recognise the value of retaining collective arrangements
because of their convenience, particularly in those establishments where large numbers are
3. It is possible that the system of mutuality is viable and a mutually beneficial collaboration between
management and unions can operate, resulting in the maintenance of both systems.
4. Employee relations systems may continue as a largely symbolic empty shell, insufficiently impor-
tant for management to confront and eliminate, but retaining the outward appearance of health to
the casual observer.

Management often set strategic agendas that are solely market-driven, while the
employment relationship is relatively low on the list of concerns. It may thus be mislead-
ing to suggest that the two systems co-exist. Direct management channels of
communication are receiving increased attention, while the union channels are in
decline. There are, moreover, very few documented cases of a robust trade unionism in
the context of enthusiastic SHRM policies. In the case of Rover, the unions were invited
to participate but declined the invitation. The partnership described at Ford focused less
on SHRM issues and more on the quality of working life. Guest (1995) describes the UK
Ford example as fitting well with the analysis of the American model of Kochan et al.
(1986), which included Ford in America as one of its cases. The underlying message,
which the analysis of new realism reveals, is that managements and unions have made
little attempt to forge new partnerships that give high priority to both SHRM and indus-
trial relations through a process of integration. In recent years managers have
implemented a significant number of the piecemeal SHRM initiatives, and in doing so
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440 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

ignored or bypassed the employee relations system. On the surface, it may appear that
SHRM and employee relations are given high priority. Often, in the case of both, this
will be an illusion, giving yet more credibility to the argument that much of the SHRM
literature bears little resemblance to what is happening in reality. An example of an
organisation that appears to place high emphasis on SHRM and employee relations is
presented in ‘In Practice’ 12.1.

In Practice 12.1

Managing employee relations at ITV

ITV, the UK’s major independent television company, bases its employee relations approach on
engaging with its employees. It does this by a combination of methods: collective bargaining, consul-
tation with elected employee representatives; and direct engagement with individuals. Engagement is
regarded as being critical to the success of the company, which is using engagement to integrate its
corporate and HR strategies. ITV uses a wide range of direct communication methods to engage with
individual employees, these methods include:
 individual development reviews;
 briefings meetings;
 individual relationships between employees and their line managers;
 employee opinion survey.
This individualised approach can be considered as being reflective of an SHRM approach. The
company also engages in collective consultations through elected representatives because, although
50 per cent of workers are covered by a collective bargaining arrangement, unions represent only
15 per cent of employees and the employer wants feedback from the whole workforce. ITV needs to
consult employees frequently because of the scale of change within the organisation.
ITV uses collective bargaining as a means of securing employee agreement on new working prac-
tices. It believes that the collective relationships deliver significant change management benefits for
the company and help to reassure employees that their interests are being respected. This can be
considered a collective approach, associated with a high emphasis on employee relations.
Source: adapted from CIPD (2005b).

The ITV example gives a good insight into an organisational example of new realism.
The company is using SHRM and employee relations to ensure that it engages with all
its employees. ITV does this through consultation with individual employees and
employee representatives and negotiation with the unions.

2. Traditional collectivism – priority to industrial relations without SHRM

Guest (1995) identifies the second main policy choice as being the retention of the tra-
ditional pluralist industrial relations arrangements within an essentially unchanged
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 441

industrial relations system. Guest cites the evidence of Workplace Employee Relations
Surveys (WERSs), which suggest that, in many places where trade unions are well estab-
lished, the employee relations system appears to operate much as before. (For a detailed
analysis of the WERSs see Millward et al. (2000).)
Management may continue to use the employee relations system, but afford it much
less priority. This would appear to support the theory that managements view the mar-
ginalisation of the unions as a better strategy than formally to de-recognise them and
risk provoking a confrontation; better to let them wither on the vine than receive a
reviving fertiliser. A more optimistic view can also be offered, which appears more
attuned to soft SHRM, in which the management decide that it is easier to continue to
operate with a union. This may be based on the fact that it provides a useful well-estab-
lished channel for communication and for the handling of grievance, discipline and
safety issues. The strongest evidence that this type of industrial relations-centred system
exists is mainly to be found in the public sector and in some industries which have been
recently removed from public ownership. For examples of this approach look at the
NHS trusts, all areas of the education sector and central government in the form of the
UK civil service. There are also examples that have traditionally placed a high emphasis
on collective industrial relations but are developing policies to move towards SHRM. An
example of this is presented in ‘In Practice’ 12.2.

In Practice 12.2

Employee relations at South West Trains

The company has a well-established collective bargaining agreement with four trade unions. The
unions involved are ASLEF, the RMT, TSSA and Amicus. The agreement gives the unions negotiating
rights on a range of issues, including pay and terms and conditions of employment. They are also
consulted on issues relating to performance and attendance, changes in working practices and
redundancy. So traditional collectivism is well established in South West Trains.
The company also realises that if it is to implement SHRM it needs to ensure that it involves and
engages all staff, not just its union members. South West Trains would prefer to adapt the current col-
lective bargaining machinery to allow non-union representatives to be informed and consulted
alongside a union representative. However, other options may be possible, including establishing
employee forums which would be open to all staff.
Although the company has very good relationships with all the unions, it has moved away from
relying solely on collective machinery. It uses a range of direct communication methods including
email and intranet, undertakes regular staff surveys and is beginning to individualise the employment
relationship by having face-to-face communication between line managers and employees.
While the unions are well established and professional the future employee relations strategy
appears to focus on a partnership approach. The company sees this partnership as being between
the employer and the individual employee and, as such, South West is a good example of a company
which focuses on traditional collectivism but is moving towards an individualised SHRM approach.
Source: adapted from CIPD (2005b).
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442 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

3. Individualised SHRM – high priority to SHRM with no employee relations

As detailed in a previous section, one of the key issues in considering the growth of
SHRM is whether companies are taking SHRM seriously. This involves looking at the
extent to which SHRM is being used in the organisational setting, and whether this
involves operating without unions and an employee relations system. Guest (1993) notes
that, in the UK, models of companies successfully practising SHRM are becoming some-
what dated. Analysis of new establishments in the WIRS (former name for the WERS,
see above) sample by Guest and Hoque (1998) indicates that it is predominantly the
North American-owned firms that appear to promote a high SHRM, non-union
approach. A good example of this is presented in ‘In Practice’ 12.3.

In Practice 12.3

Employee relations at Dell

Dell is a US company that has grown rapidly since is formation 20 years ago, and is now the world’s
number one PC manufacturer. Dell is a non-unionised company and focuses its SHRM activities on
an individualised and team-based partnership between employer, teams and the individual employee.
The focus is on the team and on individual contributions to the team. People/line mangers are
expected to interact with individuals, and their performance is closely monitored. Employee involve-
ment and participation is the driving factor in the employment relationship. Key elements include:
 setting of performance plans;
 giving feedback to improve performance;
 work in each team on individual performance plans;
 ensuring employees understand the business challenges and priorities facing the company;
 ensuring employees are stakeholders in the business;
 ensuring employee and management skills development keeps pace with business changes;
 creating fair and open work environments where employees feel they have a voice and are treated
Implementation of each of these elements identifies Dell as an organisation with a strong individu-
alised SHRM approach.
Source: adapted from CIPD (2005b) and The Irish Times (2006).

4. The black hole – no SHRM and no employee relations

What if the black hole scenario does occur? If SHRM loses its attractions as a policy pri-
ority, or at best becomes no more than a set of piecemeal techniques, and there is no
compelling reason to operate within a traditional industrial system, the alternative is to
emphasise neither. Guest (1995) offers pieces of evidence that suggest this option is
becoming more prevalent. The first is the well-documented decline in trade union
membership and trade union density. This decline is considered to be partly structural,
and reinforced by the growth of de-recognition and the changing pattern of union
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 443

recognition in new establishments. Unfortunately, if a union is not recognised, there is

little evidence that management replaces it with an HRM strategy to obtain full utilisation
of the workforce, by gaining its commitment to company goals and values. For examples
of companies in which a black hole may exist, it may be useful to focus on many small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are too small to attract trade unions to organise in
their workplace and where few or no strategic policies exist in relation to the management
of people. Companies operating in sectors where staff can be poorly paid, such as retailing,
hospitality and tourism, may also have this type of employment relationship.
In considering the four options presented, it becomes clear that the trend is away
from the traditional collectivism of a representative industrial relations system, but the
drift is towards the black hole of no industrial relations and no SHRM, rather than
towards individualised SHRM or the new realism.
The major shift in employee relations occurred in the 1980s during a period of signif-
icant economic uncertainty and recession. Unemployment figures rose above 3 million,
which provided a buyers’ market where employers could find workers willing to accept
management terms. Although many commentators have associated the emergence of
SHRM with the demise of industrial relations, the political and economic contexts
described previously have had a much more significant effect. In many organisational
settings, traditional industrial relations no longer exist, but they have not been replaced
by enlightened HRM: in other words the black hole effect described previously. This
must have detrimental effects on employees’ enthusiasm, as in this scenario more than
any other they will be viewed as a liability, albeit one that can have positive inputs, but
only when forced to do so. The acceptance and promotion of soft HRM may be the best
strategy for trade unions in attempting to ensure managements do not renege on ensur-
ing employees’ rights are maintained. Although unions may not play as significant a role
as they did in the 1960s and 1970s, they will still act as a safety valve in resisting manage-
ment’s adopting a hard approach to the management of human resources.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 12.3

Choose an organisation with which you are familiar and, using Guest’s evaluation
of the four possible approaches to the management of the employment relation-
ship, describe the current employment relationship.

Having considered SHRM and employee relations at a theoretical level it is now

important to consider the policies and mechanism that can be used in organisations to
create and implement strategic policies and practices at the organisational level. In the
following section the focus will be on two key strategic concepts and mechanisms for
achieving involvement and participation in employee relations, namely:
 the psychological contract including employee voice.
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444 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Involvement and participation: strategic concepts and practices

In this section a review the two key strategic concepts mentioned above will be pre-
sented. As has been the theme throughout this chapter, attempts will be made to
differentiate between the rhetoric presented in literature and research and the reality
that is observable in organisational practices.

The TUC (Trades Union Congress) argues it has that longstanding commitment to part-
nerships between unions and employers. Partnerships at work can deliver higher
productivity, improved performance and successful changes to workplace organisation.
Partnership enables unions to play an active role in shaping an organisation’s policy and
strategy, and increases union involvement in organisational change. The TUC Partnership
Institute, launched in January 2001, provides expertise, advice and support to unions and
employers on developing successful workplace partnerships. Most partnerships that exist
are at the workplace or organisational level and simply involve the employer and the trade
union forming an agreement that is based on the concepts of partnerships.

Defining labour–management partnerships

Recent developments in the field of employee relations have focused a great deal of
attention on the advent of partnership agreements between trade unions and employing
organisations. Opinions differ as to the cause of such agreements, some arguing that
they are born of the unions’ latest strategy for survival and need for relevance, while
others see them as a genuine social advance for working people and a vital contribution
to the competitiveness of business organisations. Also, at the macro-level, it is possible to
see partnership agreements as making a significant contribution to the economic per-
formance of a country or region, or to view them as an alternative to legislative reform
substituting voluntarism for statutory rights of consultation and company regulation.
At the enterprise level, a partnership agreement can be described as one in which
management and trade union(s) agree to work together for mutual gain, and to create a
climate of cooperative relations. They are characterised by management being expected
to enhance job security and/or employability in return for employees accepting flexible
work practices and increasing productivity. In some cases there has been a joint
union/management approach, involving the re-writing or extension of existing written
recognition and procedural agreements, and changing important aspects of collective
bargaining and/or terms and conditions of employment. These would usually include
the move to single-table bargaining and the introduction of single status for all employ-
ees, with harmonisation of rewards schemes, and equality policies. Frequently quoted
examples in the UK include Rover, Blue Circle, Hyder Services, and in the US Saturn and
NUMMI (see IDS (1998) and IRS (1998)).
At this point it is useful to briefly consider how one of these agreements developed.
The agreement at Blue Circle emerged from a shared commitment to business success.
The purpose of the agreement was to establish a framework within which constructive
employee relations could be maintained and developed. The agreement was designed to
support the business in its journey towards excellence.
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 445

There is no set pattern, and where such written agreements have emerged the impor-
tance of context is acknowledged, in that they are based specifically on a
problem-solving approach within a plant or organisation. Neither is there agreement
that trade union presence or recognition is necessary, and the Chartered Institute of Per-
sonnel & Development (CIPD) maintains that ‘partnership has more to do with an
approach to the relationship between employers and employees, individually and in
groups, than it has to do with trade unions as such’ (CIPD, 2006). The Institute of Direc-
tors (IOD) has taken a strongly unitarist stance towards partnerships, and the
Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has warned of a ‘possibly damaging build-up of
trade union influence, hidden behind the new buzzword partnership’ (CBI, 1999).
Nonetheless, the TUC view is that ‘partnerships between employers and trade unions
can make a real contribution to company success’ (Monks, 1998), and the Involvement
and Participation Association (IPA) has produced evidence from case studies and sur-
veys to show a direct link between partnership approaches and enhanced organisational
performance (IPA, 1996, 1998).
The ‘new realism’ identified by Guest (1995) as one of four possible policy options for
organisations on SHRM and employee relations matters, seeks to integrate them, with
high priority being given by organisations to both, and cites the examples of Rover and
Nissan in the UK (Guest, 1995). However, some scepticism also exists on the ideological
left about the reasons for labour–management partnerships, it being argued that they
have their origins in the extension of HRM practices, and are inherently unitarist. In this
respect, some would say that union weakness is the reason behind unions seeking part-
nership agreements – as, as it were, a self-preservation measure. Kelly draws attention to
this: ‘Since it is difficult, if not impossible to achieve a partnership with a party that
would prefer that you didn’t exist, the growth of employer hostility is a major objection’
(Kelly, 1996). He also refers to a significant number of writers in Europe and the USA
who ‘came to the conclusion that union survival and recovery turned on the willingness
of unions and their members to behave “moderately” and to offer concessions to the
employer as part of a new social partnership between labour and capital’. He goes on to
point out that ‘there is a striking parallel between the social partnership and human
resource management literatures, evident most clearly in the way that employers’ priori-
ties have come to dominate the intellectual agenda of researchers’ (Kelly, 1998).
Others have pointed to the two clear schools of thought that are emerging in academic
circles, with some addressing the dynamics of labour–management partnerships only,
and others taking a broad philosophical approach, examining employer, union and
worker motives or responses. The former position is adopted by Kochan et al., (1996), the
IPA (1998), Coupar and Stevens (1998), and by Kochan and Osterman, (1994). The latter
position is adopted by writers such as Kelly (1996, 1998), Nissen (1997) and Parker and
Slaughter (1997). This could be summarised as the ‘incorporatist’ approach, as in Allen
and Haynes (1999), and Cressey and MacInnes (1980); this relies on the old socialist con-
ventional wisdom that trade unions – and especially their paid officials or bureaucrats –
can easily sell out and become incorporated in management’s exploitative apparatus.
Before attempting to assess the extent to which these businesses are using a partner-
ship approach, let us consider some views and experiences from the USA. In addressing
the issue of labour–management partnerships and the implications for the UK and Ire-
land, McKersie (1996) has drawn attention to the possibility of transforming existing
workplaces into modern, high-performance systems – as against the trend in the USA
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446 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

towards closing plants with traditionally strong adversarial cultures, and starting afresh
with modern work practices and non-union labour on greenfield sites. He acknowledges
that businesses and trade unions in the UK may be better able to manage change, and
‘transform their industrial relationships for mutual gains’ (McKersie, 1996) in order to
be able to compete at a world-class level. Indeed, he is in no doubt that the UK experi-
ence of partnership will be different from that in the USA; Milsome (2001) has provided
a valuable summary of the US experience, including a detailed description of one of the
most celebrated successes of partnership: the General Motors (GM) Saturn Car project
in Tennessee. The joint involvement of the United Auto Workers and GM from the ini-
tial planning stage, to full facilitation of the new plant on a joint basis on a greenfield site
is in stark contrast to the evolutionary approach to partnership emerging in the UK.
At this point is useful to give an example of a partnership agreement. This example is
presented in ‘In Practice’ 12.4.

In Practice 12.4

Bausch and Lomb partnership strategies

Bausch and Lomb is an American multi-national company that develops and manufactures health-care
products for eyes. The company employs 12,000 people worldwide with annual revenues of $1.7 bil-
lion in sales. The company’s plant at Waterford in the Republic of Ireland employs 1,750 people and is
one of the few unionised plants in the company. The plant is the largest and most competitive manu-
facturing facility in the entire organisation. The plant operates a successful partnership forum that has
been in place since 1998. The aim of the forum is to facilitate a two-way flow of information, giving all
stakeholders an opportunity to shape the future of the company, for the common good. The forum is
made up of management, elected and nominated members from the unions, and clerical and technical
groups. They work on issues such as communications, pensions, training, finance and strategy.
The Waterford plant is clear about the practical benefits of the partnership and has improved com-
munication. According to Bausch and Lomb the overall benefits of partnership are:
1. All stakeholders know the needs of the business and where it is heading.
2. Improved performance through discussion and debate.
3. Builds trust between employees, managers and unions.
4. Allows everyone to contribute to a constructive atmosphere.
5. Disclosure and communication of information leads to a better understanding of why decisions
are made.
6. Widens the area of discussion and puts it on a strategic level and in a national and international
Source: adapted from The Irish Times (2006).

Key values for successful partnership

In a study of five cases of joint union–management cooperation in the USA in 1995,
Roscow and Casner-Lotto (1998) identified the elements included in Key Concepts 12.7
as key elements of successful union–management partnerships.
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Key Concepts 12.7

Key elements of a successful partnership

 Mutual trust and respect.

 A joint vision for the future and the means to achieve it.
 Continuous exchange of information.
 Recognition of job security and its link to productivity.
 Recognition of the central role of collective bargaining.
 Devolved decision-making.
Source: Roscow and Casner-Lotto (1998).

This work indicated that if all these matters were addressed successfully on a joint
basis by management and unions, then companies could expect productivity gains,
quality improvements, a better motivated and more flexible workforce, and a decline in
absenteeism and labour turnover rates. Unions and their members could expect to gain
improved job security, closer involvement in running the company and, ultimately, a
better rewards package. While to some this may seem to be a wish list, and almost
impossible to achieve all of the time, Roscow and Casner-Lotto (1998) believe that a
win–win situation could be achieved, and that their research evidence shows that com-
panies and unions really were managing to develop a successful partnership approach
around these values.
It is interesting to compare the key values for labour–management partnerships iden-
tified in the USA with the behavioural aspects identified by Coupar and Stevens (1998)
as distinguishing partnerships in the UK:
… a commitment to working together to make the business more successful, under-
standing the employee security conundrum and trying to do something about it,
building relationships at the workplace which maximise employee influence through
total communication and a robust and effective employee voice.

They also identified some common elements in partnership agreements as:

… a vision of the goal, a cultural change programme which began with managers, a
systematic revision of reward, status and conditions, the development of new busi-
ness-focused consultative arrangements from the workplace to the boardroom, a
carefully thought out and agreed policy to manage employment security, and a major
commitment to employee development and training.

Monks (1998) has also sought to identify the underlying values of a partnership
agreement in practice as: ‘employee security, employee voice, fair financial rewards, and
investment in training’.
In economies close to the UK, such as the Republic of Ireland, partnership agreements
are underpinned by and emphasise the notion of social partnership. This has resulted in
national agreements dating back to 1986; the most recent of these agreements have been
the Partnership 2000 agreement of 1996 and the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness
of 2000. The aims of these agreements are based around building competitiveness
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448 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

through improved employee involvement at enterprise level. The National Centre for
Partnership and a number of other support initiatives have been created to stimulate the
roles of all stakeholders at enterprise level.
In the UK, most employer organisations, professional management associations and
trade union interests have subscribed to the Department of Trade and Industry
(DTI)/Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) initiative entitled ‘Competi-
tiveness through Partnerships with People’ (DTI/DfEE, 1998). This was launched as part
of the programme for implementing the Employment Relations Act 1999. It is built
around the key values of:
 shared goals – understanding the business they are in;
 shared culture – agreed values binding them together;
 shared learning – continuously improving themselves;
 shared effort – one business driven by flexible teams;
 shared information – effective communication throughout the enterprise (DTI/DfEE,
Some modest financial incentives are provided by the DTI to assist implementation
and improvement programmes (see
Finally, there is wide agreement, first, that a direct trade-off exists between the
important issues of security of employment and flexible working and, second, that
all the employees in an enterprise are stakeholders, with a direct interest in enhancing
its competitiveness.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 12.4

Consider the arguments for and against the development and introduction of a
partnership agreement in an organisation.

Having assessed the partnership concept, the psychological contract will now be

The psychological contract

The psychological contract is a term first used by Argyris (1960). It refers to the expec-
tations of employer and employee that operate in addition to the formal contract of
employment. As highlighted earlier in this chapter, the psychological contract has been
defined by Rousseau (1994, cited by Hiltrop, 1995: 287) as ‘the understanding people
have regarding the commitments made between themselves and their organisations’. It
is therefore concerned with each party’s perception of what the other party to the
employment relationship owes them, over and above that which may be specified in
the contract of employment. As this contract is based upon perceptions, it is clear that
the ‘context’ of this contract is not written and often not explicitly stated. The aspect of
the psychological contract that has been a major focus of attention in recent years is
the traditional employee perception that the organisation promises a ‘job for life’ in
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 449

return for employee loyalty and commitment. Such reciprocal expectations charac-
terised (and to some extent still characterise) the employment relationship in many
areas of employment. Typical examples of this can be found in local government and
the civil service. Key Concepts 12.8 summarises the characteristics of the ‘old and
‘new’ psychological contracts.

Key Concepts 12.8

The ‘old’ and ‘new’ psychological contracts

Characteristic Old New

Focus of employment relationship Security and long-term career in Employability driven by changes
the company in this and future employment

Format Structured and predictable Flexible and unpredictable

Duration Permanent Variable

Underlying principle Influence by tradition Driven by market forces

Intended output Loyalty and commitment Value added

Employer’s key responsibility Fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay High pay for high job

Employee’s key responsibility Good performance in present job Making a difference to the

Employer’s key input Stable income and career Opportunities for self-

Employee’s key input Time and effort Knowledge and skills

Source: adapted from Hiltrop (1995: 290).

Much of the key research carried out on the psychological contract in the context
of the UK has been undertaken by the CIPD. The structure of this section has been
developed in the context of the key areas of discussion and analysis as presented by the
CIPD (2006).

What is the psychological contract?

As highlighted above, the term ‘psychological contract’ was first used in the early 1960s,
but became more popular following the economic downturn in the early 1990s. It has
been defined by Guest and Conway (2002) as ‘the perceptions of the two parties,
employee and employer, of what their mutual obligations are towards each other’. These
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450 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

obligations will often be informal and imprecise: they may be inferred from actions or
from what has happened in the past, as well as from statements made by the employer,
for example during the recruitment process or in performance appraisals. Some obliga-
tions may be seen as ‘promises’ and others as ‘expectations’. The important thing is that
they are believed by the employee to be part of the relationship with the employer.
The CIPD (2006) believes that the psychological contract can be distinguished from
the legal contract of employment. In many cases the latter will offer only a limited and
uncertain representation of the reality of the employment relationship. The employee
may have contributed little to its terms beyond accepting them. The nature and content
of the legal contract may only emerge clearly if and when it comes to be tested in an
employment tribunal.
The psychological contract, on the other hand, looks at the reality of the situation as
perceived by the parties, and may be more influential than the formal contract in affect-
ing how employees behave from day to day. It is the psychological contract that
effectively tells employees what they are required to do in order to meet their side of the
bargain, and what they can expect from their job. It may not – indeed in general it will
not – be strictly enforceable, although courts may be influenced by a view of the under-
lying relationship between employer and employee, for example in interpreting the
common law duty to show mutual trust and confidence.
A useful model of the psychological contract is offered by Guest (2002) (see Table
12.2). In outline, the CIPD (2006) believes that the model suggests that:
 the extent to which employers adopt people management practices will influence the
state of the psychological contract;
 the contract is based on employees’ sense of fairness and trust and their belief that the
employer is honouring the ‘deal’ between them;
 where the psychological contract is positive, increased employee commitment and
satisfaction will have a positive impact on business performance.

Table 12.2 A model of the psychological contract

Inputs Content Outputs

Employee characteristics Fairness Employee behaviour

Organisation characteristics Trust Performance

HR practices Delivery

Source: adapted from Guest and Conway (2002).

What happens if the contract is broken?

Research quoted by the CIPD (2006) shows that, where employees believe that manage-
ment have broken promises or failed to deliver on commitments, this has a negative effect
on job satisfaction, commitment to the company and on the psychological contract as a
whole. This is particularly the case where managers themselves are responsible for
breaches, e.g. where employees do not receive promised training, or performance reviews
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 451

are badly handled. Managers cannot always ensure that commitments are fulfilled – for
example where employment prospects deteriorate or organisations are affected by mergers
or restructuring – but they may still take some blame in the eyes of employees.
The CIPD (2006) believes managers need to remember:
 Employment relationships may deteriorate despite management’s best efforts: never-
theless, it is the managers’ job to take responsibility for maintaining them.
 Preventing breach in the first place is better than trying to repair the damage after-
 Where breach cannot be avoided it may be better to spend time negotiating or re-
negotiating the deal, rather than focusing on delivery.
In Key Concepts 12.9 the changes currently affecting the workplace are highlighted.

Key Concepts 12.9

Changes currently affecting the workplace

 The nature of jobs: more employees are on part-time and temporary contracts; more jobs are
being outsourced; tight job definitions are out, functional flexibility is in.
 Organisations have downsized and delayered: ‘leanness’ means doing more with less, so individ-
ual employees have to carry more weight.
 Markets, technology and products are constantly changing: customers are becoming ever more
demanding, quality and service standards are constantly going up.
 Technology and finance are less important as sources of competitive advantage: ‘human capital’ is
becoming more critical to business performance in the knowledge-based economy.
 Traditional organisational structures are becoming more fluid: teams are often the basic building
block; new methods of managing are required.
Source: CIPD (2006).

What has persuaded people to take the psychological contract seriously?

This is a central element of the CIPD’s (2006) discussion. It argues that the effect of
these changes is that employees are increasingly recognised as the key business drivers. It
believes that the ability of the business to add value rests on its front-line employees, or
‘human capital’. Organisations that wish to succeed have to get the most out of this
resource. In order to do this, employers have to know what employees expect from their
work. As such, the psychological contract offers a framework for monitoring employee
attitudes and priorities on those dimensions that can be shown to influence perform-
ance. The CIPD (2006) argues that in order to display commitment, employees have to
feel that they are being treated with fairness and respect. It goes on to claim that many
organisations have concluded they need to create a corporate personality, or identity,
that employees as well as customers will recognise and relate to. This leads organisations
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452 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

to identify a set of corporate values or to set down the organisation’s mission. The pur-
pose of creating an ‘employer brand’ (sometimes referred to as the employment
proposition) is to outline the positive benefits for employees of buying into the relation-
ship with that employer. In practice, the employer brand can be seen as an attempt by
the employer to define the psychological contract with employees so as to help in
recruiting and retaining talent.

How do SHRM practices impact on performance?

The CIPD (2006) believes that the model of the psychological contact suggests that, by
adopting ‘bundles’ of strategic HR practices, employers are likely to improve business
performance. Research into high-performance working by Purcell et al. (2003) under-
lines how this process can occur. Many employees have substantial discretion as to how
to do their jobs: it is more likely that they will use their discretion positively if they feel
that they are being fairly treated. Simply adopting positive HR polices is not enough:
policies need to be translated into practice if they are to influence employees’ behaviour.
The way in which they are implemented by line managers is critical to the way in which
employees respond.

The changing employment relationship: is there a new contract?

The traditional psychological contract is generally described as an offer of commitment
by the employee in return for the employer providing job security – or in some cases the
legendary ‘job for life’. The recession of the early 1990s and the continuing impact of
globalisation are alleged to have destroyed the basis of this traditional deal, since job
security is no longer on offer. The new deal is said to rest on an offer by the employer of
fair pay and treatment, plus opportunities for training and development. On this analy-
sis, the employer can no longer offer security and this has undermined the basis of
employee commitment.
When considering this issue, the CIPD (2006) asks if this is the case, and is there a
‘new contract’? Research suggests that in many ways the ‘old’ psychological contract is in
fact still alive. Employees still want security: interestingly, labour-market data suggest
that there has been little reduction in the length of time for which people stay in individ-
ual jobs. They are still prepared to offer loyalty, although they may feel less committed to
the organisation as a whole than to their workgroup. In general, they remain satisfied
with their job.
The kinds of commitments employers and employees might make to one another are
given in the Key Concepts 12.10.
The CIPD (2006) argues that any study of collective agreements in the last few years
would suggest that employers recognise employee concerns about security. Such agree-
ments often state that compulsory redundancy will be used only as a last resort.
However, employers know that they are unable to offer absolute security and employees
do not necessarily expect it. Younger people – the so-called ‘generation X’ – want excite-
ment, a sense of community and a life outside work. They are not interested, as some of
their fathers and mothers were, in a ‘job for life’, nor do they believe any organisation
can offer this to them. They expect to be treated as human beings.
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 453

Key Concepts 12.10

Commitments employers and employees make to each other

Employees promise to Employers promise to provide

Work hard Pay commensurate with performance

Uphold company reputation Opportunities for training and development

Maintain high levels of attendance and punctuality Opportunities for promotion

Show loyalty to the organisation Recognition for innovation or new idea

Work extra hours when required Feedback on performance

Develop new skills and update old ones Interesting tasks

Be flexible, for example by taking on a colleague’s work An attractive benefits package

Be courteous to clients and colleagues Respectful treatment

Be honest Reasonable job security

Come up with new ideas A pleasant and safe working environment

Source: adapted from CIPD (2006).

The state of the psychological contract

Press reports suggest that UK employees are dissatisfied, insecure and lacking in com-
mitment. Major national surveys, including those undertaken by the CIPD between
1996 and 2004, show that this picture is at best distorted. A simple overview of key
survey findings is presented in Key Concepts 12.11.

Key Concepts 12.11

Employment relationship: what the surveys say

 There are continuing concerns about long hours and work intensity.
 A majority of employees consistently report that they are satisfied with their jobs.
 Four out of five employees are not worried about losing their job, and most expect that if they did
lose their job they would be able to find another one at similar pay without having to move house.
 Levels of commitment have not shown any significant trend – whether up or down – in recent
 However, trust in the organisation has declined somewhat, in both private and public sectors.
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454 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

However, CIPD (2006) research findings suggest that managers can usefully focus on
other issues. In particular:
 Employability: although job security cannot be guaranteed, employers can recognise
employees’ need to build up a ‘portfolio’ of skills and competences that will make
them more marketable. Employees can be helped to develop occupational and
personal skills, become more proactive and take more responsibility for their
own careers.
 Careers: early comments on the likely impact of labour market change suggested that
employers were no longer able to provide ‘careers’ and that this was bound to sour the
employment relationship. Research suggests that, while organisations have been de-
layering and reducing the number of middle management posts, most employees
have in fact adjusted their career expectations downwards. Many will be satisfied if
they believe that their employer is handling issues about promotion fairly. They may
also benefit from the opportunity to negotiate alternative career options.
 Empowerment: despite some cynicism about employers’ willingness to delegate
responsibility, and employees’ enthusiasm for accepting it, high-performing organisa-
tions demand that employees make an important contribution to decisions that
would formerly have been seen as the sole prerogative of management. This is partly
an issue of the way in which jobs are designed and partly of helping managers adopt
new behaviours.
 Work–life balance: there is an important link between employees feeling that they
have a satisfactory balance between work and the rest of their life, and having a posi-
tive psychological contract. Employers need to think through how employees can be
helped to achieve such a balance.
Source: CIPD (2006).

How do managers get commitment from employees?

Commitment has been the focus in a previous section of this chapter. The CIPD (2006)
considers the strategic importance of achieving employee commitment as emerging
clearly from the research into the impact of people management on performance. Tradi-
tional management theory focuses on reward and particularly pay as a prime source of
motivation. However, Herzberg (1987) thought that employees were motivated to
higher levels of performance by less material incentives, such as interesting work and the
opportunity to develop their skills. Modern management thinking suggests that badly
designed pay systems can demotivate employees but that getting pay right is no guaran-
tee of commitment.

How important is employee voice?

As seen previously within the context of employee involvement and participation, the
concept of ‘employee voice or engagement’ is of vital importance. Boxall and Purcell
(2003: 162) believe that ‘employee voice is the term increasingly used to cover a wide
range and variety of processes and structures that enable, and in time empower, employ-
ees, directly and indirectly to contribute to decision-making in the firm, and
occasionally in the wider society’.
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 455

Research into employee ‘voice’ by Marchington et al. (2001) shows the importance of
communication and specifically of dialogue in which managers are prepared to listen to
employees’ opinions. Managers need to manage expectations, for example through sys-
tems of performance management which provide for regular employee appraisals. HR
practices also communicate important messages about what the organisation seeks to
offer its employers. However, employee commitment and ‘buy-in’ come primarily from
listening not from telling.
The CIPD (2006) claims that employers are experimenting with a range of attitudinal
and behavioural frameworks for securing employee inputs to management thinking as
part of the decision-making process. This can be using a range of methods including:
 Face-to-face, for example through ‘soap box’ sessions, which encourage employees to
speak their minds.
 Employee attitude surveys can also be an effective tool for exploring how employees
think and feel on a range of issues affecting the workplace. In times of rapid change,
managers and employees frequently hold contrasting opinions about what is going on.
 Two-way communication, both formal and informal, is essential as a form of reality
check and a basis for building mutual trust.

What does employee commitment mean in practice?

Line managers have high expectations of employees. Examples of these expectations are
presented in Key Concepts 12.12.

Key Concepts 12.12

Line managers expectations of employees

 Make every effort to attend work.

 Get to work on time.
 Concentrate on their work.
 Get as much done as possible while at work.
 Work to the best of their abilities.
 Be willing to take on tasks outside their job descriptions.
 Be flexible in the hours they work to suit the organisation.
 Be a good team player.
 Develop and improve existing skills.
Source: Marchington et al. (2001).
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456 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Strategic implications of the psychological contract

Basically, the psychological contract offers a metaphor, or representation, of what goes
on in the workplace that highlights important but often neglected features. It offers a
framework for addressing ‘soft’ issues about managing performance; it focuses on
people, rather than technology; and it draws attention to some important shifts in the
relationship between people and organisations.
Most organisations could benefit from thinking about the psychological contract.
The first priority is to build the people dimension into thinking about organisational
strategy. If people are bottom-line business drivers, their capabilities and needs should
be fully integrated into business process and planning. The purpose of business strategy
becomes how to get the best return from employees’ energies, knowledge and creativity.
Employees’ contribution can no longer be extracted by shame, guilt and fear: it has to
be offered. Issues about motivation and commitment are critical. Yet many of the levers
that managers have relied on to motivate employees are becoming increasingly unreliable.
The CIPD (2006) argues that the psychological contract may have implications for
SHRM in a number of areas, for example:
 Process fairness: people want to know that their interests will be taken into account
when important decisions are made; they would like to be treated with respect; they
are more likely to be satisfied with their job if they are consulted about change. Man-
agers cannot guarantee that employees will accept that outcomes on pay and
promotion are fair, but they can put in place procedures that will make acceptance of
the results more likely.
 Communications: although collective bargaining is still widely practised in the public
sector, in large areas of the private sector trade unions now have no visible presence.
It is no longer possible for managers in these areas to rely on ‘joint regulation’ in
order to communicate with employees or secure their cooperation. An effective two-
way dialogue between employer and employees is a necessary means of giving
expression to employee ‘voice’.
 Management style: in many organisations, managers can no longer control the busi-
ness ‘top-down’ – they have to adopt a more ‘bottom-up’ style. Crucial feedback
about business performance flows in from customers and suppliers, and front-line
employees will often be best able to interpret it. Managers have to draw on the strate-
gic knowledge in employees’ heads.
 Managing expectations: employers need to make clear to new recruits what they can
expect from the job. Managers may have a tendency to emphasise positive messages
and play down more negative ones. However, employees can usually distinguish rhet-
oric from reality and management failure to do so will undermine employees’ trust.
Managing expectations, particularly when bad news is anticipated, will increase the
chances of establishing a realistic psychological contract.
 Measuring employee attitudes: employers should monitor employee attitudes on a
regular basis as a means of identifying where action may be needed to improve per-
formance. Some employers use indicators of employee satisfaction with management
as part of the process for determining the pay of line managers. Other employers,
particularly in the service sector, recognise strong links between employee and cus-
tomer satisfaction. However, employers should only undertake surveys of employee
attitudes if they are ready to act on the results.
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 457

The psychological contract can help HR managers to make the business case for
incorporating effective people management policies and practices into the change man-
agement process at an early stage, and to successfully manage their implementation.
Research by CIPD (2006) shows that:
 A majority of workers in both public and private sectors report major organisational
changes taking place.
 Employees are not necessarily hostile to change but major changes – particularly
leading to redundancies – tend to cause negative attitudes.
 Most people say change in their organisation is badly managed.
 Employee trust in organisations has declined and this can make the process of man-
aging change more difficult.
Breach of the psychological contract can seriously damage the employment relation-
ship. It will not always be possible to avoid breach of the psychological contract but
employees are more likely to be forgiving where managers explain what has gone wrong
and how they intend to deal with it. The contract may need to be renegotiated.

Key lessons
Some of the key lessons that the CIPD (2006) believes emerge from research into the
psychological contract are presented in Key Concepts 12.13.

Key Concepts 12.13

Key lessons from research on the psychological contract

1. Avoid redundancies whenever possible; redundancies lower morale.

2. Re-state the organisation’s values; employees do not trust the organisation.
3. Train line managers in people management skills; employees are more likely to trust their line
4. Ensure managers commit to key messages; mixed messages will have a negative influence on
employee attitudes.
5. Inform and consult employees about proposed changes; they are more likely to see the outcome
as fair.
6. Take care to fulfil commitments you make to employees; managers say employees show more
commitment to their employer than vice versa.
7. Consider whether you need to renegotiate what employees are entitled to expect otherwise they
may feel let down when circumstances change.
8. Put more effort into managing change; employees believe change is badly managed.
9. Give employees more responsibility: autonomy increases satisfaction.
10. Use employee attitude surveys to get a clear idea of what is happening in the organisation;
employees often do not share senior managers’ views of reality.

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458 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

11. Do not use tight management and close supervision; this will reduce employee satisfaction.
12. Use recruitment and appraisal processes to clarify the ‘deal’; employee expectations are influ-
enced by a number of factors.
13. If you cannot keep a promise, explain why; failure is often punished by loss of trust.
14. Trust employees to do a good job; most are highly motivated to do so and will respond to the
trust you show in them.
15. Do not rely on performance management systems to motivate employees; you need to engage
hearts and minds.
16. Be aware of changing expectations; for example more employees now want to work for organisa-
tions that behave responsibly.
17. Ensure consistency of treatment; perceived unfairness undermines trust.
18. Hold team meetings and focus groups; two-way dialogue will help flag issues at an early stage.
19. Review procedures for handing workplace conflict; mediation may offer a better outcome for
both sides than an employment tribunal.
20. Encourage the growth of ‘relational’ contracts if you want employees to develop a long-term
emotional attachment to the organisation.
Source: CIPD (2006).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 12.5

To what extent is the ‘new’ psychological’ contract a myth dreamed up by HR

commentators to add a new dimension to discussions about SHRM?

The psychological contract does not supply a detailed model of employee relations
but it does offer important clues about how to maintain employee commitment. With
the decline in collective bargaining, attention is more clearly focused on relations
between the organisation and individual employees. The psychological contract re-
inforces the need for managers to become more effective at the communications
process. Consultation about anticipated changes will help in adjusting expectations and,
if necessary, renegotiating the deal.
Employees are becoming both more critical to business performance and more
demanding of the organisations for which they work. In a ‘winner takes all’ economy,
doing a good job is no longer enough: outstanding performance is essential to survival.
This level of performance cannot be achieved by downsizing or cost control: it will only
come from persuading employees to make a willing contribution.
The psychological contract provides a convincing rationale for ‘soft HRM’, or behav-
ing as a good employer. It offers a perspective based on insights from psychology and
organisational behaviour rather than economics. It emphasises that employment is a
relationship in which the mutual obligations of employer and employees may be impre-
cise but have to be respected. The price of failing to fulfil expectations may be serious
damage to the relationship and to the organisation.
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 459

In this chapter attempts have been made to consider both the theoretical rhetoric and
the organisational reality in relation to the management of the employment relation-
ship. At present there still appears to be a significant gap between the theories of SHRM
and employee relations, and the observable practices evident in most UK and Irish
workplaces. Students reading this book will hopefully become senior members of the
HR professions in the future and may well take up executive positions within organisa-
tions. The reality is that it is only senior executives in companies and HR professional
who can ensure that the employment relationship is managed in the most strategic
manner. This is of vital importance not only in the context of the current internal and
external operating environments that organisations are facing, but also with respect to
the future challenges they are likely to face.


 The management of the employment relationship is a central area of discussion,

research and organisational practice within the field of SHRM. Key concepts include
the shift from traditional industrial relations to employee relations. Key parties to
the employment relationship can be the grouped into bodies representing employers
and employees.
 Two key differing perspectives in relation to a strategic approach to the management
of the employment relationship – namely unitarism and pluralism – are identified
and discussed.
 Key theoretical contributions in relation to strategic HRM and employee relations
have been identified and grouped. Four possible organisational approaches to the
management of the employment relationship are presented. These four approaches
are: new realism, traditional collectivism, individualised SHRM and the black hole.
 Potential policies and practices in relation to managing employee relations in a strate-
gic manner are discussed. This discussion is presented under the central theme of
employee involvement and participation. Within this context, two key approaches are
discussed in depth, namely partnership and the psychological contract. The practical
realities of developing and managing partnership are discussed, as are the elements
involved in the development of the psychological contract at the workplace and
organisational level.

Follow-up study suggestions

 Use the internet to explore the employee relations’ practices of two different ‘case’
organisations and develop explanations that account for similarities and differences
between their practices.
 Use the internet to explore the employee relations’ practices of two different national
contexts and develop explanations that account for similarities and differences
between their national practices.
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460 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 Interview a friend or colleague who is a member of a trade union and ask him or
her why he or she joined the trade union and if that trade union plays a key role in
the development of a strategic approach to the management of the employment
 Using the section titled ‘Involvement and participation: strategic concepts and prac-
tices’, in this chapter as your starting point, consider the practical implications for
organisations generally and HR managers specifically of the emergence of concepts
such as partnership and the psychological contract.

Suggestions for research topics

 Evaluate the management of the employment relationship within an industry of your

choice. Consider how strategic or un-strategic the observable employment relation-
ships are.
 Evaluate the development and implementation of a partnership agreement. The spe-
cific focus of your analysis should be on the employer.
 Discuss and analyse the psychological contract within an organisation or group of
organisations. Specific attention in relation to discussion analysis should be paid to
the views and opinions of both employers and employees.

Case Study
Strategic approaches to the employment relationship social
partnership: the example of the Republic of Ireland

In other case studies presented in this book the stability for both employers and employees; can
focus of analysis has been at the organisational allow indigenous businesses, particularly SMEs, to
level and presented company-based cases. Man- grow; and helps to attract and retain foreign direct
aging the employment relationship in a strategic investment (FDI) to the economy. In economies
manner is important for both employers and such as the UK, where unions still have a key role to
employees, but can be a strategic issue that covers play in many companies across a wide range of
complete industries and sectors and, in exceptional sectors, the most realistic strategic approach to
cases, can have influence across complete national developing a stable and flexible employment rela-
economies or even huge market places such as the tionship may be through the partnership approach.
European Union. Creating stability in the employ- The case to be considered in this chapter focuses
ment relationship at a national level can be of on social partnership in the Republic of Ireland. The
significant strategic importance. The benefits of reasons for choosing this case should become
such stability can be felt by all citizens who partici- apparent after you have read it but there are a
pate in the labour market, greater levels of job number of key factors which should be considered:
security may result, realistic increases in salaries
and wages can be implemented on a regular basis,  There are many similarities between employee
improvements in the employment relationship will relations in the UK and Ireland, such as heavily
occur at the workplace, company, sector, industry unionised public sectors and traditional industry
and national levels. Such an approach can create: sectors.
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 461

 Modern private-sector industries and SMEs are The Result was a three-year tripartite agree-
largely non-unionised. ment grandly titled the Programme for National
 Similarities exist in the UK and Irish govern- Recovery (PNR).
ments’ approaches to employee relations. The PNR set sharp limits on pay, with only a 3 per
cent pa increase on the first £120 per week of earn-
 Both economies are locations for major indige- ings, and 2 per cent thereafter – with an underpinning
nous and foreign companies that face significant minimum of £4. The most significant features of PNR
competition from emerging economies in China were competitive commitments to the control of
and India, for example. public expenditure and a reduction in government
 Similar education levels, age and gender break- borrowing. However, PNR included other broadly
downs exist in most workplaces in both economies. expressed ‘classical’ commitments: to promote
 Dramatic shifts have occurred that result in increased employment through industrial develop-
employment moving from traditional industries ment; to improve social welfare provision; and to
to new high-technology industries and the serv- reduce direct taxation on lower paid workers covered
ice sector. by the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system.

From PNR to PESP

Context There was widespread recognition by employers
and unions that the PNR had had beneficial effects;
In the early 1980s the economy of the Republic of so it was followed by a similar agreement, the Pro-
Ireland was in crisis, the traditional industries were gramme for Economic and Social Progress (PESP),
in dramatic decline and unemployment was at covering the period up to 1993. This allowed much
record levels. In 1986 the National Economic and the same percentage salary and increases, but also
Social Council (NESC) (this Irish organisation is permitted an extra amount to be negotiated at
comparable with the UK’s Economic and Social enterprise or plant level. Although it seemed to be
Research Council) produced a comprehensive pre- working well, there were some serious economic
scription for economic recovery including most setbacks during the PESP period, including devalu-
significantly, in the view of the government, the ation of the IR£ that government had tried hard to
involvement of the unions. Implementation would, resist. As well as several pay-related crises, there
of course, only be possible with the agreement of were also major rows over income tax increases –
the tripartite social partners – government, unions and about cuts in social welfare benefits, which
and employers. But why develop a national partner- were argued by the unions to be in breach of the
ship agreement? PESP. Yet the programme still held together, and
For the unions there were several considerations: also weathered change of government – when FF
attempted to win a majority in a snap election in
1. First, under a tripartite national agreement the
1989, failed, and was obliged to make a coalition
weakest and lowest-paid members were pro-
pact with the new Progressive Democrat party.
tected by agreed minimum pay increases.
The Progressive Democrats, with only a very
2. Second, wage dispersion in the1980s widened small number of TDs (equivalent of UK’s MPs), had
the gap between top and bottom, and threatened a ‘new right’, neo-liberal economic agenda. Yet this
to undermine the solidarity of the TU movement. had no discernible effect on the government’s
3. Third, falling membership and increasing unem- approach to PESP.
ployment made leaders fear that what was
happening to unions in Thatcher’s Britain might From PESP to PCW
also occur in Ireland. In 1992 that government was succeeded by a more
left-leaning Fianna Fáil/Labour Coalition. Against
The employers were represented by the Irish
Business and Employers’ Confederation (IBEC) and the background of a recovering economy, a new
the government of the time was led by Fianna Fáil agreement was fairly inevitable. So PESP was suc-
(FF) a major Irish political party. The three parties ceeded by the Programme for Competitiveness and
came together and despite their differences came Work (PCW).
to an agreement, which was to create a major Its tight pay provisions followed much the same
strategic change in the direction of the employment pattern as in the two previous pacts, but more
relationship at the national level. attention was given to non-pay issues.
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462 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

As the title suggests, one of the main non-pay disadvantaged, those on low incomes, and those
issues addressed by the PCW was unemployment. living in the more deprived areas of the country. In
Another was employee involvement; for the Irish addition, P2000 required the review of a number of
Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) now wanted more economically important topics:
than the lip service paid in the PNR and PESP. Signif-
 modernising employee relations;
icantly, an ICTU internal report on new management
methods seemed to endorse ‘bottom-up’ employee  modernising the public service;
involvement with a ‘competitive edge’ component.  promoting enterprise – and it contained provision
What was wanted was for partnership at national for a review mechanism on competitiveness.
level to be complemented by partnership in the
enterprise, the plant and the office. But while there Where to after P2000?
were more words about participation in the PCW, There were a number of other things to cheer sup-
IBEC fought hard against anything too prescriptive. porters of social partnership. Although anecdotal
There was further disappointment for ICTU when evidence suggested wage drift beyond agreed
post-agreement discussions produced little more. norms, a survey of 1,000 pay settlements confirmed
PCW ended on a sour note, with public service that the level of adherence was ‘remarkably high’.
workers complaining loudly that they had done In addition, there were other achievements:
poorly in comparison with other groups.
 agreement in broad terms to a procedure for
P2000 – making partnership a priority union recognition;
The tone was set by the name – Partnership 2000  unemployment had dropped sharply;
(or P2000); it had a key part devoted to ‘developing  days lost due to disputes at all-time low;
partnership in the workplace’:
ICTU saw it ‘as a watershed in the evolution of  survey of IBEC members showed strong support
social partnership’ and believed ‘it would determine for the continuation of social partnership;
whether it develops or dies’. It was a last opportu-  opinion poll in late 1999: 78 per cent of the
nity ‘to widen and deepen the national partnership public thought social partnership was ‘very
process into a genuine partnership at the level of important’ or ‘quite important’ to economic
the workplace’. The extent of new workplace part- development and 80 per cent of employers
nership would be ‘the union benchmark when it believed that social partnership had been of vital
comes to assessing its success or failure’. importance to strategic developments in the way
In order to meet the benchmark, a National Centre that people were managed at national, organisa-
for Partnership was established to promote partner- tional and workplace levels;
ship in enterprises and workplaces. However, P2000  finally, spending in real terms on health, educa-
also included strong commitments to ‘promoting
tion and social welfare had increased by 117 per
enterprise’ and the setting up of a National Competi-
cent, 71 per cent and 45 per cent respectively
tiveness Council. Private-sector companies were
since 1987 (IRS, 1998: 9, 18, 24 and 42).
also encouraged to reward employees by means of
profit sharing.
With reguard to the equality, employment and Programme for Prosperity and Fairness
‘social inclusion’ aspects, it was argued that eco- In January 2000, union leaders accepted a new
nomic growth had accelerated in a period marked by agreement in the social partnership process. The
increasing income inequality, low pay and high levels new agreement was called the Programme for
of relative income poverty (Allen, 2000; Kirby, 2002). Prosperity and Fairness (PPF).
In other words, there were too many margin- Under final PPF terms, workers on basic national
alised people not enjoying any of the fruits of the minimum wage (NMW) were to receive pay
‘Celtic Tiger’. Adding a more traditional or ‘classi- increases worth 18.65 per cent over 33 months;
cal’ neo-corporatist dimension, then, P2000 laid workers on £200 would receive a 16.3 per cent pay
stronger emphasis on dealing with such issues. rise and other workers would receive a 15.75 per
New agreement contained government commit- cent pay rise.
ments to spend £25 million on a range of important The NMW started at IR£4.40 (€5.60) and rose to
social projects before 2000. Targeted specifically IR£4.70 (€5.80) in July 2001; it increased to IR£5
were the long-term unemployed, the educationally (€6.25) in October 2002.
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Chapter 12 Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality 463

There were several interesting ‘non-pay’ parts to be too much of a shock for the employee relations
the deal, including agreement to create new jobs for system. An associated worry was that many man-
1,500 primary school teachers. PPF also sought to agers and union officials were ill-equipped to deal
deepen the workplace partnership measures begun with face-to-face negotiating at firm and plant level.
under P2000. Third, and perhaps most telling, it was argued
At the time of writing this case the Irish govern- that retaining neo-corporatism was essential in the
ment, IBEC and ICTU are currently in negotiation face of an economic downturn. With so much US
on a new partnership deal. It is useful to consider investment, Ireland was especially vulnerable to
the arguments for and against a further partnership effects of the US recession of 2001 that was deep-
deal. ened by the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
To make economic matters worse, soon after the
Stick with partnership? No! 2002 General Election – which returned the Fianna
First, the unions had ‘pushed their luck’ too far. Fáil/PD coalition for a second term – suspicions
Moreover ICTU was no longer the authentic, major- about looming problems in public finances were
ity voice of Irish workers; it now represented proved justified, with expenditure running well
predominantly public-sector employees and it had beyond expectations but with tax receipts in seri-
failed to convince most investors – especially US ous decline. This was not the right moment, so it
high-tech companies – to recognise trade unions. was argued, to make any radical change of
Second, it was claimed that the strategic aims approach. Social partnership might be essential to
that prompted the birth of social partnership in the economic stability.
late 1980s had been almost fully realised. What was
needed now was a dose of free market, employee Sustaining Progress
relations – to sharpen up the act of the unions, In the event, the arguments for continuation of part-
management and employees. nership finally won the day but there were several
Third, the pay agreement at the core of the PPF
crisis points in the negotiations and it was only with
was becoming a fiction. Increases in the booming
the last-minute intervention of the Taoiseach (the
parts of the private sector appeared to be exceed-
Irish Prime Minister) that the most recent partner-
ing the PPF’s pay norms and pay militancy was
ship agreement, entitled Sustaining Progress (SP),
rising in the public sector. Could increases really be
was concluded in February 2003. Like its predeces-
held to 2–3 per cent in a highly successful economy
sors, the SP was intended to cover a three-year
with real labour shortages?
period, however a degree of uncertainty was evi-
Fourth, there was widespread ‘partnership
dent in the pay provisions from the start, which
fatigue’ arising from the 20+ working groups set up
covered only an ‘interim’ period of 18 months. In
under the PPF on work, housing, gainsharing, etc.
late 2002 there was a ‘benchmarking’ (income com-
This demanded return to the ‘leaner’ and less com-
plicated agreements of the late 1980s and 1990s. parison) process for public-sector employees. The
aim was to redress a relative falling behind in the
Stick with partnership? Yes! pay of the government’s own employees during the
For all the factors against partnership there remain course of the previous agreement. So SP dealt sep-
three main pressures for a continuation of social arately with public-sector pay, providing an
partnership. implementation schedule for benchmarking, then a
First, a simple argument was that the cumulative six-month pay pause. This was followed by a gen-
strategic benefits and improvements in the employ- eral increase of 7 per cent payable in three phases
ment relationship, that had occurred as a result of (3 per cent, 2 per cent and 2 per cent) ending in
social partnership, were so obvious that it would December 2004. For the private sector, SP provided
foolish to throw them all away. It would be even an earlier but similarly phased implementation of
more regrettable to abandon the uniquely Irish the same 7 per cent. And the national minimum
model for managing the employment relationship – wage was increased to €7 with effect from February
one that incorporated both classical and competi- 2004. But, despite a focus on possible effects of SP
tive neo-corporatism, and represented, as it were, on competitiveness, there remained a clear tradi-
neo-liberalism with a social conscience. tional commitment to social improvement –
Second, there was some apprehension that a including a strong re-commitment to the develop-
return to unfettered free collective bargaining would ment of workplace partnership.
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464 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Where to now? Conclusions

All the old arguments – and a few new ones – were Many analysts have concluded that the Irish social
rehearsed in the run-up to the current negotiations. partnership model has played a vital role in the dra-
The start was delayed by a dispute in December matic growth of the Irish economy in the last 20
2005 between a major employer, Irish Ferries, and years. This process of economic growth and devel-
the largest Irish trade union, SIPTU, which repre- opment has driven economic and political analysts
sented over 85 per cent of Irish Ferries’ 1,000+ to use the term the ‘Celtic Tiger’ economy. Two
employees. This dispute arose out of concern clear benefits of social partnership can clearly be
about a more general displacement of Irish workers linked to economic growth:
by foreign nationals who were being paid signifi- 1. low inflation – a key factor early on;
cantly less. 2. psychological effect – arguably the most impor-
At the time of writing it appears that employers tant in the long term, for both Republic of Ireland
hold the key to the successful creation of a new employers and potential foreign direct investors
agreement. Employers appear to have regarding who bring new employment with their investment.
the fact that IBEC will only commit if a new agree-
ment can restore the economy’s competitive edge It seems impossible, then, to conclude other than
by controlling salaries and wages costs by: that social partnership was a key, if not the key, to
recent economic strategic success of companies
 getting pay back into line with main trading part- who are based in the Republic of Ireland. But, as well
ners, e.g. UK, USA and EU; as those factors relating to employee relations and
 maintaining a flexible labour market; economic results, there is another wider lesson to be
learned from social partnership – because the Irish
 improving productivity. experience shows that collective partnership is a real
On employment standards employers say ‘no more and demonstrably effective strategic policy alterna-
labour market regulation’ – must maintain flexibility. tive to an individualised approach to the strategic
management of the employment relationship. That
Will there be new agreement? the collective social partnership-based employment
Eight out of 25 EU member states came to partner- relationship in Ireland and the free-market individu-
alised employment relationship of the USA were
ship pacts of a competitive kind in recent years
among the best performing economies 1990s and
(Belgium, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, The
early 2000s is adequate testimony to this.
Netherlands, Portugal and Spain) but of course the
new Irish pacts actually contained elements of both
old and new approaches to managing the employ- Case study questions
ment relationship:
 Classical – fairness and social justice. 1. Outline the main driving factors for the
development of social partnership in Ireland.
 Competitive (strategic) – recognition of the impor-
tance of success of the national economy. 2. Why do you think it was so important to have a
Competitiveness obviously became a stronger tripartite agreement between the national
government, employers and trade unions?
component with the passage of time, but issues
of justice and fairness have not been lost sight of. 3. Why do you think it has been possible to
develop and sustain social partnership in Ireland
The present Irish model of social partnership for such a long period?
thus represents what might be call a balanced ver- 4. Do you think it would be possible and/or
sion of strategic management of the employment beneficial for the UK to develop its own model of
relationship. social partnership?
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Diversity management: concern for

13 legislation or concern for strategy?*
With Savita Kumra

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 explain the differences between managing diversity and equal opportunities

approaches to diversity management and the debates relating to these
 explore the interdependence of managing diversity and equal opportunities
approaches in managing human resources strategically;
 evaluate the business case for diversity management;
 be able to integrate diversity management with other SHRM issues such as
organisational culture;
 assess the implementation issues for organisations adopting diversity
management as part of their strategy to manage human resources.

* This chapter was co-authored with Savita Kumra

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466 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

In today’s highly competitive labour market, the ability to attract and retain talented
people is now rated higher than market share in the top ten non-financial measures
investors use to analyse company performance (Ernst and Young, 2000). Traditional mar-
kets for attracting talented people, however, are changing and becoming increasingly
challenging for many organisations, owing to major shifts in the demographic composi-
tion of the workforce including age, gender and ethnicity. When Figure 13.1, is examined
it can be seen that, although the total population of the EU’s 15 member states (prior to
the 2004 accessions) is predicted to remain stable over the next 25 years at approxi-
mately 380 million people, its composition will alter markedly. In particular, the number of
people of traditional working age (16–59) will fall from 228 million in 2005 to 203 million
by 2030, while the number aged 60 or over will rise from 86 million to 123 million, an
increase of over 40 per cent (Eurostat, 2005a). As we read regularly in the newspapers,
this has major implications for pension provision, in particular the ability of organisations
and countries to fund them. However, these changes also have considerable strategic
implications for organisations seeking to plan their future human resource requirements.
The EU predicts that such demographic changes will have considerable impact upon
the composition of the Union’s labour force (Eurostat, 2005b). Although these states’
total labour force is predicted to rise slightly from 181 million in 2005 to 183 million by
2010, it will decline gradually to 170 million by 2030, the changes to full- and part-time
worker numbers differing. Over the 2005–2030 period, the number of full-time (32 or
more hours per week) workers in the labour force is predicted to decline by 8 per cent
and, while the number of long part-time workers (20 to 31 hours per week) is predicted
to remain reasonably constant, the number of short part-time (up to 19 hours per week)
will grow by 5 per cent. These variations are even more dramatic when specific age
groups are considered, in particular those aged 60 and over (Figure 13.2) where the
numbers in the labour force are predicted grow by over 65 per cent.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 13.1

Note down the changes in the EU’s population highlighted by Figures 13.1 and 13.2.

1. How are these predicted changes likely to impact upon the composition of the
labour force in relation to full- and part-time work, age and gender?
2. What implications do you consider these change are likely to have for SHRP
(strategic human resource planning)?
3. What other demographic changes do you predict based upon your own knowl-
edge of labour markets.

Many of the demographic changes you have probably highlighted in your answer
to Self-Check Question 13.1 are likely to have been raised by other writers. For exam-
ple, by 2006, the number of 16–24-year-olds in the UK labour market is likely to have
fallen by 1 million compared with 1987. By 2010, 80 per cent of the UK workforce
growth will be among women and only 20 per cent of the workforce will be white,
able-bodied, male and under 45 years of age (Pearn Kandola, 2000).
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Chapter 13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy? 467


Aged 60 plus


Population (millions) 250

200 Aged 25–59


Aged 16–24

Aged 0–15

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Figure 13.1 European Union* population, 2000–2030

Source: adapted from Eurostat (2005a), © 2005 European Communities, all rights reserved.
* All data relates to the 15 member states prior to the 2004 accession.

12 Female – short part-time

(1–19 hours/week)
Female – long part-time
(20–31 hours/week)
Labour force (millions)

Female – full time

8 (32+ hours/week)
Aged 60+

Male – short part-time

6 (1–19 hours/week)
Male – long part-time
4 (20–31 hours/week)
Male – full time
(32+ hours/week)

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Figure 13.2 European Union* workforce aged 60 and over, 2000–2030

Source: adapted from Eurostat (2005b), © 2005 European Communities, all rights reserved.
* All data relate to the 15 member states prior to the 2004 accession.
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468 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Given these changes, it is not surprising that issues associated with the composi-
tion of organisations’ workforces and their management have become a strategic
imperative for HR managers and, as a consequence, their management a necessity.
However, the way in which such issues associated with workforce diversity are tack-
led and the approach adopted is varied. Organisations have available to them a
number of ways in which both to conceptualise the issue of diversity management
and to operationalise their responses.
This chapter commences by considering the different ways in which diversity man-
agement has been conceptualised (Figure 13.3). Building upon this, equal opportunities
and managing diversity approaches to diversity management are compared and con-
trasted, and the debates relating to these approaches discussed. As part of this, the
question as to whether or not managing diversity represents a strategic shift from equal
opportunities is addressed. After evaluating the business case for adopting diversity
management, the issues for organisations wishing to implement a managing diversity
approach to managing their human resources are assessed. The chapter concludes with
a case study of a UK public-sector organisation, which explores the approaches used to
promote the advantages of valuing diversity to their employees.

Concept of Supportive
diversity Separate or Business culture and Evidence and
management interdependent case benefits implementation

Supportive Empirical
culture evidence

Equal Claimed Implementation

opportunities benefits advice


Figure 13.3 Mapping the diversity management territory: a summary diagram of the chapter content
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Chapter 13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy? 469

The concept of diversity management

As has already been seen in our earlier discussions of SHRM (Chapter 2) and of SHRP
(Chapter 7), a variety of definitions of the same concept are often put forward, the defi-
nition being dependent upon both organisational and individual interpretation.
Diversity management has also been defined in different ways which are open to a range
of interpretations. For some it is concerned with issues of managing differing national
cultures within a multi-national organisation (Hofstede, 2001) (Chapters 3 and 6); for
others it relates to further development and application of equal opportunities within
the workplace (Liff, 1999); while for yet others it refers to a particular approach through
which different parts of an organisation are integrated and/or the way in which people
are managed strategically (Cox, 1991, 1993).
Much of the literature regarding diversity management emanates from the experi-
ences of organisations in the USA, where the concept is particularly popular; a
reflection perhaps of the more diverse workforce composition (Cassell, 1996). For
example, a report by the US Department of Education (1999) described managing and
valuing diversity as key components of effective people management, arguing that the
focus on improving organisational performance and promoting practices that enhance
the productivity of all staff were imperative to future organisational success. In this
articulation of diversity management, dimensions of diversity included gender, race,
culture, age, family/carer status, religion and disability. The definition provided also
embraced a range of individual skills, such as educational qualifications, work experi-
ence and background, languages, as well as other relevant attributes and experiences
that differentiate individuals.
Within the UK and Europe, the concept of diversity management is a more recent phe-
nomenon, gaining prominence particularly since the mid-1990s. In the UK context, unlike
equal opportunities, the term has no legislative definition. Rather, the term diversity is
applied when describing a range of dimensions on which an organisation’s employees may
differ. These can include role, function and personality. In general, however, within the
SHRM literature, diversity management is conceptualised usually in terms of differences
that are particularly relevant to the issues of an individual employee’s identity, such as
gender, age, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation (Hicks-Clark and Iles, 2000). This
can be broadly categorised into two groups (Figure 13.4).
The first group, the equal opportunities approach, can be seen as contributing little
more than a reiteration of the traditional arena of equality of status, opportunities and


Equal opportunities approach Managing diversity approach

• values equality • values differences
• compliance based • enabling based
• avoiding unfair disadvantage • equal chance to contribute distinctively
• group or specific groups • individuals

Figure 13.4 Conceptualisations of diversity in the literature

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470 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

rights (Key Concepts 13.1) (for example, Cooper and White, 1995; Ellis and Sonnerfield,
1995; Copeland, 1988). Within this group, it is often argued that, although anti-discrim-
ination legislation (sex, race and disability) has played some part in focusing attention
on the practice of equal opportunities, these laws have had minimal impact despite, in
the case of sex and race, being on the statute books for three decades (Ross and
Schnieder, 1992). Thus, in this strand of the literature, diversity management is pre-
sented as providing the equal opportunities cause with some much needed
revitalisation, broadening and reinvigorating a compliance-based perspective. Few
would support the premise that this has met its stated objectives: to bring about equality
in employment for groups facing particular disadvantage, such as women, those from
ethnic minorities and people with disabilities (Johnson and Johnstone, 2000), differ-
ences in pay serving to emphasise this.

Key Concepts 13.1

Equality, discrimination and diversity

An examination of the definitions of these words in a dictionary highlights three distinct concepts:
Equality: being equal in status, rights and opportunities
Discrimination: unjust or prejudicial treatment of different groups of people
Diversity: being different or varied
The application of these concepts to SHRM has different foci, the first two emphasising similarity, and
the third differences.

By contrast, the literature in the second group, the managing diversity approach,
views diversity management as a paradigmatic shift from a conventional legislative focus
upon equal opportunities to an explicit strategy of valuing differences, such as gender,
age, social background, disability, personality, ethnicity and work style (Kandola and
Fullerton, 1994a).
Whereas equality can be equated with equal status, rights and opportunities, diver-
sity is equated with differences and variability among individuals and, to a lesser extent,
groups of employees (Key Concepts 13.1). Within this, it is argued that, if these differ-
ences are managed properly, they are an asset to work being done more efficiently and
effectively (Bartz et al., 1990) and organisational goals being met (Kandola and Fuller-
ton, 1994a). Consequently, a managing diversity approach focuses upon recognising
both visible and non-visible differences and building upon the advantages that they

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 13.2

What do you consider to be the strengths and limitations of the equal opportuni-
ties and the managing diversity approaches to diversity management?
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Chapter 13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy? 471

offer, rather than utilising legislation and targeted group initiatives to try to ensure that
differences do not result in unjust or prejudicial treatment (Kandola and Fullerton,
1994a, 1998).
Mavin and Girling (2000) believe that, at its most simple, managing diversity can be
viewed as a permissive concept, which is positive in emphasis and indicates a desire to
do things. In contrast, they argue that equal opportunities is more restrictive, emphasis-
ing the negative with a focus on not doing things. Consequently, managing diversity is
seen as an approach enabling all individuals to work in an environment that facilitates
their development, releases their potential and encourages them to do all they can to
support the organisation’s progress by virtue of their differences. An equal opportunities
approach is perceived as seeking to protect specific groups of employees in their work
environment, usually supported by legislation, and tries to ensure, through compliance,
that organisations do not behave in particular ways that are perceived as discriminatory
to these individuals. The first piece of UK legislation to contain a more positive focus
was the Race Relations (Amendment Act) 2000 (In Practice 13.1). This was introduced
as part of the response to the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry’s concern about institutional
racism. It requires public-sector employers, including government departments, local
authorities, the police, National Health Service, schools and the like to positively pro-
mote racial equality (Willey, 2003).

In Practice 13.1

The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry and institutional racism

Sir William MacPherson’s (1999) report on the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence concluded that the
UK’s Metropolitan Police Service’s investigation of the murder ‘was marred by a combination of pro-
fessional incompetence, institutional racism and a failure of leadership by senior officers’
(MacPherson, 1999: para. 46.1). Institutional racism was defined as ‘the collective failure of an organ-
isation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture or
ethnic origin’ (MacPherson, 1999: para. 6.34). This, it was argued in the report, could be seen through
the processes, attitudes and behaviours that amounted ‘to discrimination through unwitting preju-
dice, ignorance, thoughtlessness, and racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people’
(MacPherson, 1999: para. 46.13). The report concluded that every organisation should examine their
policies and the outcomes of these policies and practices to ensure that sections of communities
were not disadvantaged.

Barmes and Ashtiany (2003) argue that the differentiation between equal opportuni-
ties and managing diversity on the basis of their respective emphases offers only a partial
understanding of the nature of equality. In their view, equality entails more than the
negative requirement of avoiding unfair disadvantage based on membership of a disad-
vantaged group. Rather it has a positive element, according to which each person should
have an equal chance to make a distinctive contribution. Since individual circumstances
differ, and perceptions of different groups within both society and the workplace are not
the same, it follows that equality will sometimes require differential treatment among
those drawn from different parts of society to ensure that their chances are equal. This
argument is put succinctly by Fredman (2001), who observes that simply focusing on
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472 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

sameness of treatment does not require individuals to be treated well, they could all be
treated the same but this could be badly.
SHRM thinking about diversity has other notable features (Industrial Society, 2000;
Kandola and Fullerton, 1998). Within the managing diversity perspective, there is a
strong emphasis on the individual represented by the aim of diversity management pro-
grammes for each individual’s potential to be realised fully. This is particularly
significant because it means that diversity strategies can be presented as applying to and
including everyone. However, simply because individuals are the central focus, this does
not mean that consideration at the group level becomes irrelevant. For example, mem-
bership of a group, such as older people, younger people or parents returning to work
after a period of full-time care, needs to be taken into account when designing measures
to promote diversity because of the major consequences such identities have for individ-
uals’ life chances and experiences (In Practice 13.2). Barmes and Ashtiany (2003) also
emphasise that, although targeted measures to eliminate barriers faced by members of
particular groups can and are contemplated, there is clear and emphatic rejection of
benefits being awarded based solely on group membership (Thomas, 2002). In the UK
context, both the managing diversity and the equal opportunities perspectives support
positive action but reject completely positive discrimination (Key Concepts 13.2).

In Practice 13.2

Age discrimination in recruitment

In 2001 the CIPD undertook a study of age discrimination at work. In its survey one in eight respon-
dents said that they had been discouraged from applying for a job due to an age limit or age range
being specified in the advertisement or through the advertisement’s wording, in particular the use of
words such as ‘young’. In the same survey, 7 per cent of those aged 16–24 said that they had been
told they were ‘too young’ for the job, while a further 5 per cent suspected that this was the reason
even though they had not been told.

Key Concepts 13.2

Positive action and positive discrimination

Positive action and positive discrimination are concerned with the position of individual job applicants
or existing employees as well as wider patterns of discrimination within society.
Positive action refers to encouragement for under-represented groups to apply for vacancies and
promotion and to participate in development opportunities. Within the UK it is commended in statu-
tory codes of practice such as those published by the Equal Opportunities Commission.
Positive discrimination, sometimes known as reverse discrimination, refers to preferential treatment
for under-represented groups. This reflects the American practice of affirmative action justified by a
desire to eradicate historic patterns of disadvantage and to meet what are considered moral obliga-
tions and rights. It is unlawful in the UK.
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Chapter 13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy? 473

The equal opportunities approach

Within the UK, the means to achieve equal opportunities has traditionally been a leg-
islative compliance model. Various inequalities have been identified in the labour
market, and successive governments have introduced a range of specific anti-discrimi-
nation rights aimed at promoting equality of opportunity, while at the same time
assisting individuals in obtaining and retaining employment (Key Concepts 13.3). Exist-
ing legislation is being expanded considerably following the introduction of the EU’s
Equal Treatment Framework Directive 2000. This came into force in the UK in 2006 and
extends existing law beyond protection for those with disabilities, those from racial
minorities and women, to sexual orientation, religion or belief and age. The Directive
requires organisations to think beyond observable differences (and the effect these have
on the treatment of individuals within the organisation), to unobservable differences,
which may nevertheless adversely affect individuals in the employment relationship. For
example, under the new sexual orientation regulations, organisations that provide
health insurance and pension schemes to unmarried heterosexual couples, will need to
be sure that they provide the same benefits to same-sex couples (Hayfield, 2003).

Key Concepts 13.3

Summary of major UK discrimination legislation, 1975–2005

Sex Discrimination Act 1975  Promoted equal treatment of men and women in employment,
education and provision of goods and services
 Covered discrimination against women and men and on the
grounds of marital status at all stages of the employment
 Exempted small firms of five or fewer employees

Race Relations Act 1976  Made indirect and direct discrimination unlawful on the grounds of
colour, race, nationality, or ethnic or national origin in employment
(and other areas)
 Act did not apply to the police or public services

Sex Discrimination Act 1986  Removed exemption of small firms (five or fewer employees) given
in the 1975 Act
 Extended scope of 1975 Act to include retirement, dismissal,
promotion, demotion, transfer or training and amended Equal Pay
Act 1970 in the same way

Disability Discrimination  Provided protection from discrimination in employment for

Act 1995 disabled employees and job applicants to firms of 20 plus
 Exemption covering firms of fewer than 20 employees abolished
in 2004

Human Rights Act 1998  Incorporated all of the European Convention on Human Rights,
including Article 14 outlawing discrimination, into UK law
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474 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Sex Discrimination (Gender  Made direct and indirect discrimination on the grounds of gender
Reassignment) Regulations 1999 reassignment unlawful in employment and vocational training
 Does extend to pay discrimination matters

Race Relations (Amendment)  Made the promotion of equality of opportunity, elimination of

Act 2000 unlawful racial discrimination and the promotion of good race
relations a statutory duty for all public-sector organisations and

Sex Discrimination (Burden of  Introduced a new definition of indirect discrimination in the field of
Proof) Regulations 2001 employment and vocational training
 Definition of indirect discrimination was harmonised with
that for the treatment of sex and racial harassment in
October 2005.
Subsequently there is only a need to show that a practice by
an employer is inherently discriminatory and places women or men
at a disadvantage

Race Relations Act 1976  Implemented the provisions of the EU Race Directive into UK law,
(Amendment) Regulations 2003 covering discrimination on the grounds of ethnic, racial or national
 Excluded discrimination on the grounds of nationality and colour

Employment Equality (Religion  Implemented parts of the provisions of the EU Employment

or Belief) Regulations 2003 Directive (2000) into UK law, making direct and indirect
discrimination on the grounds of religion and belief unlawful in
employment and vocational training for the first time in Britain
 Legislation was already in existence in Northern Ireland

Employment Equality (Sexual  Implemented parts of the provisions of the EU Employment

Orientation) Regulations 2003 Directive (2000) into UK law, making direct and indirect
discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation towards
persons of the same sex, opposite sex or both sexes unlawful in
employment and vocational training
 Excluded discrimination in the provision of public services
 Excluded sexual practices and preferences (e.g. sado-masochism
and paedophilia)

Gender Recognition Act 2004  Allowed people who had taken decisive steps to live fully and
permanently in their acquired gender to apply to a Gender
Recognition Panel for legal recognition of that gender

Equality Act 2006  Outlaws mandatory retirement ages below the age of 65
 Bans unjustified discrimination (including by age) in recruitment,
promotion and vocational training
 Removes the upper age limit for unfair dismissal and redundancy
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Chapter 13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy? 475

The focus of equality legislation has been to remedy individual complaints rather than
actively requiring employer action to promote equality (with the exception of the Race
Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, discussed earlier). Within the UK context, there is a
rather piecemeal approach to the issue of discrimination, legal regulation targeting spe-
cific groups such as women, ethnic minorities and people with a disability, and being
used where a member or members of these groups feel unfairly treated in employment.
What is lacking in the UK legislative framework (and present in the USA and Canada) is
an overall right to fair and equal treatment for all individuals within employment. This is
despite the fact that the UK’s Human Rights Act 1998 incorporates all articles from the
European Convention on Equal Rights, including Article 14 outlawing discrimination.
The combined focus of the UK’s Sex Discrimination Acts of 1975 and 1986 and the
Race Relations Act 1976 is to prioritise equal treatment, and the key legislative force is
contained in the concepts of preventing both direct and indirect discrimination. The
main legal obligation for organisations contained within the notion of direct discrimi-
nation is to treat people in the same situation the same, regardless of their membership
of particular groups.
However, it is notable that no particular standard of conduct is imposed on organisa-
tions as the legislation only requires no differentiation to the detriment of a member of
a protected group, in other words those from ethnic minorities, the disabled or women.
Indirect discrimination is more complex as it recognises a need for differential treat-
ment, where acting neutrally would put a person at a disadvantage because of their age,
gender or race. As a consequence, treating people in the same situation in the same way
will not always be lawful. However, rather than reducing the centrality of the concept in
the traditional model of the equal treatment principle, the concept of indirect discrimi-
nation strengthens the principle because it tackles less obvious and unintentional
discriminatory treatment that might arise as part of employment (Willey, 2003).
There are an estimated 8.9 million disabled people in the UK who frequently face
discrimination and disadvantage in employment (Taylor, 2002) (In Practice 13.3). The
Disability Discrimination Act 1995 seeks to ensure that such disadvantage is min-
imised, and has significant legal and training implications for employers. A period of

In Practice 13.3

Disability and employment statistics

Statistics on disability are notoriously difficult to compare between countries and, in some instances,
to obtain. Different countries use different definitions of disability and have different degrees of politi-
cal will to publicise such information. In many countries disability information is only collected every
five or ten years as part of their national population census (International Labour Organisation (ILO),
2004). In addition, data sources often underestimate the number of people for whom a physical or
mental impairment creates a substantial disadvantage when in or seeking employment (CSR Europe,
2005). The ILO estimates that there are 39 million disabled people living in Europe and 610 million dis-
abled people worldwide. Within the UK, although nearly 20 per cent of the working age population
have a disability, only 13 per cent of the workforce is disabled. A recent UK survey revealed that
15 per cent of young disabled people said that they had been turned down for a paid job, and told it
was for a reason related to their disability or health problem (CSR Europe, 2005).
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476 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

consultation led to a draft revised statutory code of practice, requiring those who pro-
vide goods and services to the public to make their premises accessible to disabled
people. Section 3 of the Act, relating to goods, facilities, services and premises, has been
in force since October 2004. This requires that services are physically accessible to all
who wish to use them.
Employees are protected with reguard to age discrimination throughout the EU
through member states’ compliance with the EU’s Equal Treatment Directive (2000).
Within the UK, the Equality Act 2006 introduced age discrimination legislation from
October 2006. Although it has been argued that these regulations will not affect the age
at which people can claim their state pension, recent debate cast some doubt upon this.
In summary the regulations will, in relation to age discrimination:
 outlaw mandatory retirement ages below the age of 65, other than where they can be
objectively justified, while still allowing those under 65 to retire early if they wish;
 ban unjustified discrimination (including by age) in recruitment (In Practice 13.2),
promotion and vocational training;
 remove the upper age limit for unfair dismissal and redundancy rights;
 introduce a duty for employers to consider requests to continue working beyond
Within the UK, these Acts are currently enforced through the Commission for Racial
Equality, the Equal Opportunites Commission and the Disability Rights Commission.
These aim to eliminate unfair treatment in the workplace, review existing legislation and
lobby for change, and actively promote equality of opportunity in organisations. They
also produce and publish codes of practice, which provide practical assistance and best
practice benchmarks, and assist organisations to ensure they comply with their legisla-
tive obligations. However, the Equality Act 2006 has established the Commission for
Equality and Human Rights (CEHR) that will come into being in October 2007. The
CEHR will bring together this expertise to promote equality and tackle discrimination
in relation to gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age and human
rights. It is planned to also include race by April 2009 (Commission for Equality and
Human Rights, 2006).

In Practice 13.4

Linking racial targets to managers’ bonuses

The UK’s Environment Agency has an overall national target of recruiting 10 per cent of black and
ethnic minority employees. This target is amended for each of its regions to reflect more closely the
composition of the population it serves. In 2004 the Agency linked the bonuses it pays to its senior
managers to these targets, setting them alongside other key performance indicators (Griffiths, 2005).
At the same time the Environment Agency introduced a toolkit to help raise awareness of diversity
among recruiters and set up a national diversity, action group. Since this increased focus on diversity,
the percentage of applicants for advertised vacancies has more than doubled from 3 to 7 per cent. The
number of these applicants who have been offered jobs has also more than doubled (Griffiths, 2005).
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However, the effectiveness of almost 30 years of anti-discrimination legislation based

on legal compliance and consistency of treatment is a matter of some debate. Mackin-
non, writing in 1987, observed that the focus of anti-discrimination laws had put the
onus on individuals to seek redress through the courts if they feel they have suffered
detriment to their working life based on some aspect of discriminatory treatment, and
this observation still holds. The legislative requirement for a comparator to be referred
to in order that discriminatory treatment can be judged, can be argued to neither chal-
lenge the prevailing norms nor promote the requirement to actively seek equality. As
such, HR managers can be considered to have been placed in a reactive rather than
proactive mode (Chapter 2), responding at an operational or tactical level, strategy often
being little more than ensuring compliance with legislation. The result has been that
males have been accessed as the ‘norm’ for comparator purposes and, for those from
ethnic minorities, this has required individuals to subsume difference emanating from
their membership of particular ethnic groupings in order to at least ensure ‘equal’ treat-
ment (Parekh, 1998). As a consequence, it can be argued that the compliance-based
equal opportunities approach does little more than reinforce previous or current dis-
crimination as, in the attempt to promote sameness or similarity of treatment,
established norms are left largely unchallenged and HR strategies unaltered.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 13.3

Outline the strengths and limitations for diversity management of the equal
opportunities approach.

The managing diversity approach: a paradigm shift?

Within the literature, there appears to be general agreement that organisations have
become more interested in diversity management in response to the increased diversity
apparent in both:
 their client or customer markets;
 the labour pool of potential and current employees (Frame and O’Connor, 2002).
Wilson and Iles (1999) assert that equal opportunities legislation has not managed to
demonstrably produce race or gender employment opportunity, and they favour the
diversity management approach. They argue that the drivers for equal opportunities
have been external to organisations, compliance being driven by arguments of costs and
moral and legal arguments rather than a strategic human resource imperative. Within
this, differences among employees have been seen as problems. In contrast, managing
diversity has been driven internally by a clear strategic business case in which diversity
management is seen as an investment and differences regarded as an asset (In Practice
13.5). These views are summarised by the Industrial Society (2000: 3) which state in its
report Valuing Diversity: Managing Best Practice:
Where equality policies open doors, policies designed to value diversity offer a more
strategic way of moving the business forward, backed up by a strong business and
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478 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

ethical case. Valuing diversity goes further than equality. Equal opportunities policies
are legislation led, remedial and based on the assumption that minority groups will
assimilate into the dominant culture. By contrast, valuing diversity is visionary in
aiming to create a positive work environment in which everyone benefits and can
work to their full potential in pursuit of organisational goals, aims and objectives. This
may involve changes in core values, mindsets and behaviours – supported by poli-
cies and strategies.

In Practice 13.5

A business case for age diversity

The CIPD (2005) reports that the cost of age discrimination to the UK economy is between £19 billion
and £31 billion a year. It argues that, as life expectancy increases and the birth rate remains low, the
proportion of the population aged 65 and over will increase (see also Figures 13.1 and 13.2) and soci-
ety will increasingly depend upon the contribution these people can make. Based upon this, the CIPD
highlights the following points:
 the difference in absenteeism between age groups is slight;
 older employees stay in the same job longer than younger people;
 findings from studies show that workers, both young and old, are equally effective in their work;
 given the right training, older people are as capable at learning new skills as younger employees;
 age discrimination leads to employees underachieving, a reduction in self-confidence and motiva-
tion and lower self-esteem.

Building upon this discussion, the underlying philosophy would seem to support the
suggestion that managing diversity represents a shift in thinking about the cost of dis-
crimination and disadvantage within the labour force. The focus shifts from the
implications for individuals who are members of disadvantaged groups, to the cost to
the organisation of the failure to fully recognise and utilise the talents and skills of all
employees regardless of which segment of the labour force they are drawn from. The
managing diversity approach implies that an organisation can gain competitive advan-
tage and enhanced performance through a more strategic and inclusive deployment of
all its human resources. This is based on the assumption that an organisation will be
able to meet the needs of increasingly diverse customers, and tackle increasingly com-
plex business and management problems by consciously fostering and effectively
managing a diverse workforce (Cox, 1991; Stephenson and Lewis, 1996). Despite the
pluralist ideal of valuing differences, from a managerial perspective managing diversity
can therefore be seen as unitarist, promoting the importance of unifying people in
organisations to the common purpose of organisational success.
Unification has parallels with the increase in the power of HR managers associated
with the strategic aspects of HRM, the corresponding devolution of more operational
aspects to line managers and their teams, and the expectation that employees will
respond to diversity in their customers or clients, especially in the service sector (Agocs
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and Burr, 1996). At the same time, it should be noted that through devolvement of oper-
ational HR activities to line managers, the HR function is generally reduced in size and
thus the HR manager’s line management role is reduced. These and other differences
when compared with the equal opportunities approach are summarised in Table 13.1.

Table 13.1 Managing diversity and equal opportunities approaches to diversity management

Managing diversity Equal opportunities

Concentrates upon Maximising all employees’ potential Issues of discrimination

and overall contribution to the

Includes Diversity factors relating to Women, ethnic minorities and

differences among all people with disabilities and
employees other groups included in
equal opportunities legislation

Emphasises Positive perspective of Negative perspective of

employee differences disadvantage

Success is Organisational benefits such Compliance with legislation

measured by as cultural change and meeting
business objectives

Of concern to All employees, especially Personnel or HR department

managers within the organisation

Targets All employees Particular sub-groups for

positive action

Sources: Thomas (1990); Hall and Parker (1993); Mavin and Girling (1999); Maxwell et al. (2001).

Given our earlier discussion, it is therefore not surprising that, within the academic
literature, managing diversity is considered a more holistic, strategic and more sophisti-
cated organisational programme than equal opportunities or affirmative action (Cox,
1993). Such traditional concepts are viewed as being based on the recognition that
employment discrimination exists, and a belief that, as highlighted in Table 13.1, the
issue is best addressed by targeting groups with specific characteristics, which it is
believed have led to their disadvantage. Consequently, for many, the managing diversity
approach is seen as building upon the initiatives undertaken as part of equal opportuni-
ties (Gill, 1996).
In seeking to determine the organisational benefits to be gained from this interpreta-
tion of the managing diversity approach, Kandola and Fullerton (1994b) draw on
literature and research from McEnrue (1993) and Cox and Blake (1991). They assert
that this research provides proof of the benefits of diversity, in particular:
 the best candidates are employed;
 the organisational culture is one in which the potential of all employees is capable of
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480 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 flexible working arrangements are available;

 employees are valued, motivated and developed;
 employees are encouraged to actively progress in the organisation.
The benefits from an individual’s perspective suggested by Kandola and Fullerton
(1998) include:
 employees will freely give their best in such environments;
 employees are, by virtue of their diversity, automatically more in tune with the organ-
isation’s customer base;
 there is greater potential for innovation, creativity and problem solving;
 there is improved customer service of a higher quality.
The implied consequences of both the organisational and individual perspectives
are therefore:
 a better public image for the organisation;
 a satisfying work environment for employees;
 improved employee relations;
 increased job satisfaction and higher employee morale;
 increased productivity;
 improved competitive edge.
These are undoubtedly far-reaching claims for a managing diversity approach. They
emphasise individual and organisational benefits that most, if not all, HR strategies
would wish to deliver. However, it must be noted that there is limited empirical support
for their achievement either in the UK or in the USA. This issue will be explored in
greater depth in the following section. However, until such time as robust research-
based evidence is available, it is wise to treat such claims with caution.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 13.4

Outline the strengths and limitations for diversity management of the managing
diversity approach.

Managing diversity and equal opportunities: separate or

interdependent approaches?

So far in this chapter a clear distinction between managing diversity and equal opportu-
nities approaches to diversity management has been maintained. However, before
moving on to a discussion of the business case for diversity management, it is important
to offer a note of caution. From the preceding discussion it might appear that SHRM
needs to adopt either an equal opportunities or a managing diversity approach. In real-
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Chapter 13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy? 481

ity they are often considered as interdependent, diversity management seeking to value
individual differences, and equal opportunities seeking to ensure that specific groups
and sub-groups are not discriminated against. McDougall (1996) suggests that, what in
this chapter is termed managing diversity approach, should not be adopted instead of
equal opportunities as, to focus on this alone, may mean the equal opportunities agenda
is lost in the general search for valuing all aspects of difference. This is supported by
research undertaken in the USA at IBM (In Practice 13.6). In addition, research under-
taken with HR practitioners indicates that both approaches need to be considered
together if they are to realise their strategic potential as organisational development
tools and deliver an improvement in business results (Ford, 1996).

In Practice 13.6

Diversity management at IBM

Research undertaken by Child (1996) at IBM highlighted the interrelationships between three ‘pillars’
of diversity management:
 equal opportunities;
 affirmative action;
 work and personal life balance programmes.
Equal opportunities was found to enable employees to be employed and to work in a harassment-
free environment. Affirmative actions taken helped enable individuals to compete on a level playing
field without giving anyone an advantage but seeking to eliminate disadvantage. Work and personal
life balance programmes aimed to eliminate attitudinal, policy and practice barriers that impacted
upon employee productivity and prevented an individual’s ability to balance work and personal life.

Liff (1993) argues that conventional equal opportunities approaches are deeply
rooted in traditional approaches to personnel management, which have tended to see
the employees as a collective. Equal opportunities approaches are considered bureau-
cratic, relying on setting rules for managers to follow and subsequently monitoring their
compliance. To this extent, equal opportunities might be paralleled to personnel man-
agement, which is often viewed as largely legislatively driven, operating piecemeal
initiatives assimilated into an existing culture. These aim to eradicate barriers and, with
a focus on groups and numbers, normally remain the responsibility of the personnel
function. In contrast, the diversity management approach, like SHRM in general, is
driven by organisational needs, with a holistic strategy often requiring culture change
and nurturing in order to improve the workplace environment (Chapters 1 and 2).
Diversity therefore becomes a concern of the entire organisation. Liff (1993) further
argues that, as SHRM focuses on the role of the individual and the importance of
involvement and commitment, a diversity approach appears to fit more comfortably
with this style. Like personnel management and SHRM, equal opportunities and man-
aging diversity approaches can also be viewed as distinct concepts, yet remain
organisationally interdependent.
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482 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Building upon these, Liff (1999) argues in later work that it is important for SHRM to
offer both equal opportunities and managing diversity initiatives. Within this she sug-
gests that equal opportunities, which she terms ‘dissolving differences’ (1999: 68) is
probably a prerequisite for managing diversity, which she terms ‘valuing differences’
(1999: 68). The assertion is that diversity has become an increasingly important issue for
organisations to manage. The significance of diversity appears to be in its relation to
diverse markets and labour pools as opposed to the impact of legislation. This suggests
that organisations will become more effective if they adopt a pluralist approach, paying
attention to and utilising the different personal characteristics among their employees.
However, this appears perhaps inconsistent with the unitarist business case for diversity
management outlined earlier; unifying employees to the common purpose of organisa-
tional success. It is this business case for diversity management that is now considered.

The business case for diversity management

The business case supporting diversity management has been presented by numerous aca-
demics (for example, Liff, 1997, 1999; Foster and Newell, 2001; Schneider, 2001; Ward,
2001); and practitioners (for example, Johnson and Redmond, 2000; Bain, 2001; Elmes,
2001) as well as professional bodies such as the CIPD (2003). It is based on the argument
that organisations will only survive and succeed in the current highly competitive and
dynamic global environment if they respond positively to the increased heterogeneity of
their markets, customers and employees. In essence, diversity management provides a
competitive advantage, through differences being promoted as a positive source of innova-
tion and improved organisational practice by, for example, utilising multiple perspectives.
The business case therefore represents a strategic shift in focus to the management of dif-
ference which proposes that rather than engaging in equal opportunities activity to ensure
social justice, or viewing equal opportunities as correcting an imbalance, an injustice or a
mistake (Thomas, 1990), the activity is engaged in to gain business advantage. Robinson
and Dechant (1997) caution, however, that this business case remains to be measured and
documented (Frame and O’Connor, 2002).
From a managerialist perspective, diversity management means ensuring that every
member of the workforce has the opportunity to perform to his or her full potential
(Thomas, 1990). However, this definition lacks the consideration of the ways in which
diversity management will benefit the individual employee and contains implications of
organisational and managerial control. In contrast, Miller (1996) argues that the diver-
sity management approach simply restates the ‘neo-liberal’ perspective where the
maximisation of each individual’s potential is the central principle. Within this model,
diversity is to be used to add value to the organisation and a range of measures is
deployed essentially to refocus corporate culture (In Practice 13.7). Articulating a busi-
ness case for diversity therefore offers a way to operate equal opportunities as a strategic
issue, a core value linked to the achievement of organisational competitiveness (Dickens,
1994). Consequently, a way to place diversity management on an organisation’s strategic
agenda is to position it as providing tangible benefit, rather than simply being socially
and morally right.
Examination of the literature in relation to diversity management reveals that, over
the past three decades, the overriding reason for a shift in emphasis from the promotion
of equality of opportunity prevalent in the UK and other countries (such as the USA
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Chapter 13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy? 483

and Australia) has been business driven, and strategically and managerially focused. This
is highlighted by training and development literature that increasingly frames diversity
as a ‘productive strategy’ with ‘bottom-line value’ to create ‘dividends’, with the result
that ‘multiculturalism just makes good business sense’ (Kirby and Harter, 2003: 29).

In Practice 13.7

Diversity and dignity at Ford

Although the Ford Motor Company has a long history of promoting equal opportunities, this image
was tarnished in the 1990s by a number of incidents. In 1996 the Company was found to have super-
imposed white employees’ faces on four black employees in a photograph taken for an advertising
campaign, while in the late 1990s allegations of abuse and harassment resulted in the prospect of
formal investigation by the UK’s Commission for Racial Equality (Burke, 2004).
Ford undertook wide-ranging measures to ensure that there would be a change in the organisa-
tion’s culture. The negative events were used as a catalyst for positive change. A UK Diversity
Manager was appointed and the organisation developed and implemented a Dignity at Work policy.
Rather than focusing upon race or gender, this ensured that all employees are treated fairly and that
all have a stake in Ford’s reforms. A key feature in the success of this policy is getting universal buy-in
from the entire organisation, which includes employees in eight salaried functions and ten manufac-
turing plants across the UK (Burke, 2004).
The business benefits of the Dignity at Work policy are that, if Ford’s policies and practices and
employee profiles relate to its customers, it will be able to avoid negative publicity and sell more
motor vehicles (Burke, 2004).

In much of the diversity management literature, diversity is articulated as a resource

to be managed and used to improve organisational performance, and organisations are
encouraged to use their diversity to increase profits and achieve competitive advantage
(Thomas, 1996). Cox and Beale (1997: 35) acknowledge, ‘in most companies there is
little chance of getting a genuine commitment by senior management to change their
efforts concerning diversity unless they are convinced that investing in managing diver-
sity is potentially a significant contributor to organisational performance’. Without the
ability to frame diversity management in the language of improved business perform-
ance with measurable and tangible organisational outputs, senior management
commitment and buy-in are unlikely to be forthcoming. Some diversity consultants
even go so far as to recommend that previous rationales for affirmative action and valu-
ing differences should be rejected.
It is this attempt to align diversity management with the realisation of performance
and strategic outcomes that underpins the business case for diversity, and shifts the
agenda from one in which equality and diversity promotion were the morally and ethi-
cally right things to do, to an agenda which purports that diversity management is the
strategically sensible thing to do. Thus the focus shifts from equality being a cost to be
borne, to diversity being a resource to be managed.
Proponents of this view highlight that, due in some degree to the diversity climate
present within an organisation, the performance of organisations with diverse back-
grounds is likely to differ from that of organisations with more traditional backgrounds.
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484 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Gender has often been found to have a negative effect on career progression, with
women being less likely to be promoted than men (Kirchmeyer, 2002). Where women
and those from ethnic minorities perceive this occurring in their organisations, they are
likely to be less involved in their jobs (Grey and Healy, 2004).
Within the business case for diversity management, it is proposed that organisations
willing to invest by harnessing the talent and ability of all their employees and in creat-
ing an environment that is positive and supportive of them, will reap a number of key
organisational outcomes. These, in turn, will provide the organisation with competitive
advantage. The main organisational benefits claimed to emanate from the creation of a
positive and supportive environment for diversity management are summarised in Key
Concepts 13.4.

Key Concepts 13.4

Organisational benefits claimed for diversity management

 Retained/gained market share by increasing marketing capabilities.

 Enhanced employee recruitment.
 Improved customer satisfaction.
 Reduced costs associated with high employee turnover and absenteeism.
 Increased employee productivity.
 Improved employee morale and commitment.
 Increased employee creativity and innovation.
 Improved decision-making.
 Decreased harassing behaviour and reduced discrimination suits.

Sources: Fernandez (1991); Henderson (1994); Esty et al. (1995); Hirsch (1995); Golembiewski (1995);
Cox and Beale (1997); Graham (1997); Sonnenschein (1997); Cook Ross (2001);
J. Howard and Associates (2001); The Diversity Group (2001).

Thus, the business case for diversity appears to be based upon a perceived necessity
for organisations to move away from a piecemeal approach to equality and the manage-
ment of difference. Simply implementing an equal opportunities awareness training
programme without linking this with SHRM initiatives, such as cultural change (Chap-
ter 6), is unlikely to bring about the permanence of attitudinal and organisational
change. To gain the positive outcomes claimed, diversity management needs to address
the issue in a coordinated and strategically integrated manner. As with other cultural
changes and illustrated by the case at the end of this chapter, the benefits are likely to be
long term rather than immediate. Thus, what is actually being proposed by diversity
management is a cultural shift in the way organisations value employees’ talents, who-
ever they are, and a questioning of many of the taken-for-granted assumptions about
what talent is, how contributions are recognised and assessed, and how human resources
are managed strategically. This issue of implementation is discussed in ‘Evidence of the
strategical adoption of diversity management and implementation advice’ later in this
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Chapter 13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy? 485

chapter. However, before this we will consider the cultural context in which diversity
management may be realised and the claimed benefits.

The need for a supportive culture and claimed benefits

The benefits claimed for diversity management are likely to be realised within the con-
text of the re-alignment of an organisation’s culture to one where diversity is valued
(Doherty and Chelladurai, 1999). Although issues associated with organisational culture
and its re-alignment have already been discussed in some detail in Chapter 6, there are
some aspects that are worth reiterating. In particular it must be remembered that,
within organisations, people are often reluctant to instigate culture change as this may
lead to their own loss of power (Martin, 1992). However, if the culture is to be re-aligned
to one in which diversity is truly valued, then it is likely that it will be necessary to per-
suade those in power that this will impact positively upon the organisation’s
effectiveness (Wright et al., 1995; Robinson and Dechant, 1997).

Need for a supportive culture

For some, the change to valuing diversity is a moral obligation. This is based upon the
argument that those in positions of power should structure the work environment so that
all employees feel valued and are able to work with a sense of dignity (Cox, 1991; Morri-
son, 1992; DeSensi, 1995). These authors argue that organisations should adopt a culture
in which diversity is valued because it is, put simply, the right thing to do. Indeed, for some
of these authors the term ‘managing diversity’ is not one with which they feel comfortable.
This is because the term has connotations of ‘using’ employee differences to bring ad-
ditional organisational success (Prasad et al., 1997). They contrast this with the belief that,
through an understanding and appreciation of difference, both employees and their
organisation will benefit. In contrast to this is the view that, whatever the moral arguments
for developing a culture that values diversity, unless there is also a strong business case, it is
unlikely that those in power will give their support. This is summarised by Robinson and
Dechant (1997: 21) who argue ‘business initiatives that present more compelling factual
evidence of payback on investment win out over diversity initiatives’.
Given the earlier discussion it is not surprising that many authors have suggested that
diversity management must be championed by top management to ensure successful
implementation (Thomas 1991; Morrison, 1992; Dutton and Ashford, 1993; Golem-
biewski, 1995). Unfortunately, there are few empirical studies to support this. Rynes and
Rosen (1995) found in a survey of 785 HR professionals that, where top management
believed in the positive benefits of a diversity management approach, diversity manage-
ment training was far more likely to have occurred. This supports Doherty and
Chelladurai’s (1999) contention that cultural diversity will be more beneficial in a cul-
ture that values diversity and that such a culture is heavily influenced by persons in
positions of power. Consequently, although the evidence is limited, it appears likely that
senior management’s beliefs in the benefits of diversity will influence the extent to which
diversity management is adopted.
To promote a positive climate for diversity in an organisation, Cox (1993) and Kossek
and Zonia (1993) argue, then there must be an observable demographic mix of people
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486 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

at management and senior management level in the organisation. Indeed, Kossek and
Zonia (1993) consider demographic mix to be an important determinant of a culture
that values diversity, through the provision of role models to prospective recruits and
existing employees, perhaps suggesting implicitly a need for affirmative action. Cox
(1993) also asserts that, with the creation of a more supportive organisational environ-
ment, comes an increase in individual satisfaction and commitment. This can result in
positive organisational outcomes, such as reduced industrial conflict, positive work atti-
tude, increased cooperation and productivity gains (Harsis and Klenier, 1993).

Claimed benefits
In a UK study, Hicks-Clarke and Iles (2000), sought to assess whether the positive claims
made for a culture supportive of diversity were evident in organisations. Based on a
study of the retail and NHS sectors, they found a positive climate for diversity (indicated
by perceptions of policy support, evidence of organisational justice, support for diversity
and recognition of the need for diversity) was related strongly to the presence of positive
employee job and career attitudes. In particular, there was a strong relationship between
employees’ perception of organisational justice and their organisational commitment.
Positive perceptions of organisational justice were also predictive of increased job satis-
faction, career planning, career commitment, satisfaction with manager and career
satisfaction. Where employees felt that flexible working hours were available to them,
this correlated strongly with organisational commitment, job satisfaction, satisfaction
with manager, career satisfaction and career future satisfaction. Those in the study who
had seen a copy of the organisation’s equal opportunities policy were more likely to be
satisfied with their manager, and the provision of career breaks strongly predicted satis-
faction with future career opportunities. Finally, perceived organisational support for
diversity was found to be linked to satisfaction with manager and future career opportu-
nities. In Hicks-Clarke and Iles’ view, these results confirm the importance of both a
supportive climate for diversity in general and of specific associated policy dimensions
such as flexible working hours, presence and sight of an equal opportunities policy, and
career break policies in generating positive organisational and work-related attitudes
and perceptions.
Despite such claims, others (for example, Barmes and Ashtiany, 2003) have argued
the diversity agenda faces particular challenges if it is to be linked directly to a business
case. Their concern is that, if financial business benefits are the key motivation for
adopting the diversity perspective, then a diversity management strategy may be vulner-
able to short-term economic conditions. By focusing instead upon non-economic
justifications for the adoption of diversity management, continued investment in poorer
economic conditions would allow business benefits to emerge and so provide an addi-
tional justification for promoting diversity (Practice 13.8). In addition, and more
fundamentally, achieving the business advantage to be derived from diversity manage-
ment is dependent upon a high-trust work environment. In such a context, each
employee will have favourable expectations of the organisation’s and other employees’
motives and intentions, which will be manifest in their own resultant behaviours. The
corollary of this is that trust is unlikely to exist unless organisational members and
potential organisational members believe that commitment to their futures is genuine.
Where the justification for valuing each person’s distinctive contribution is based on
economic considerations alone, such as within a business case, it is likely to be harder to
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Chapter 13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy? 487

In Practice 13.8

Diversity management: a moral stance?

Over the past few years there has been increased awareness of the importance of a diverse work-
force. A growing number of organisations have made their employees increasingly aware of the need
and benefits of a more inclusive culture; employers have provided diversity workshops to advise
employees of the benefits of a diverse culture, and foster a culture in which diversity is valued.
Kraft Foods is a good example of diversity management practice; it is also an example of an
organisation that has embraced a diversity management approach because it is seen to be the ‘right’
thing to do, but, through its active approach has also reaped economic benefit through obtaining and
retaining suppliers of high standards and quality (Forbes, 2002).
Kraft Foods is cited by the Wall Street Journal as being one of the key pioneers in the USA of sup-
plier diversity. Kraft believes in doing business with suppliers and vendors who not only demonstrate
a commitment to diversity in their own operations, but also show commitment to high standards of
quality and ethical practice. Kraft actively manages its supplier diversity programme, which began in
1981 to ensure that goods and services are purchased from the widest possible pool of high-quality
suppliers regardless of national origin, race or gender. The Kraft supplier diversity task force, seeks to
encourage minority suppliers and provides assistance to such suppliers in understanding and taking
advantage of the organisation’s purchasing procedures. It has been argued that the high standards
set for suppliers translate into these companies becoming excellent and attracting further business
(Forbes, 2002).

believe that the focus on diversity management is genuine. Pursuing this argument to a
logical end, the much sought after, and highly desirable, benefits articulated by the busi-
ness case for diversity are therefore ultimately dependent upon an organisation focusing
on diversity management because it fits with the culture’s basic underlying assumptions
(values), and not only because it promises future economic advantage.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 13.5

To what extent is it appropriate to support a positive climate for diversity

management for purely business-focused reasons rather than as part of its
cultural values?

Based on this discussion, it is clear that diversity management is a strategic cultural

choice for organisations in their approach to the management of difference. The move
from piecemeal compliance-based initiatives to an integrated strategic programme is a
challenge to any organisation. For those organisations for whom diversity management
is part of their cultural values (Barmes and Ashtiany, 2003), implementation will be less
of a challenge. For such organisations, existing policies and processes are more likely to
consider automatically the diversity dimension and, given their overarching culture,
strategic integration and alignment are more likely (Chapter 6). Despite this, evidence
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488 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

suggests that few organisations operate in quite this way. For these organisations, diver-
sity management is seen as potentially providing business advantage requiring
management of human resources in its delivery. The final section of this chapter consid-
ers evidence regarding the strategic adoption of diversity management and the advice
available to organisations to manage diversity management programmes.

Evidence of the strategic adoption of diversity management and

implementation advice

Despite discussion regarding the strategic adoption of diversity management, there is rela-
tively little empirical evidence to support this process. Schneider (2001), for example, refers
broadly to changing the organisation’s culture thorough management development, change
management and specific diversity awareness-raising, skills-building workshops. However,
the tactics through which such major strategic re-alignments would be undertaken in prac-
tice, often require elaboration (Worman, 2001). This may be due to anticipated significant
resource implications (Foster and Newell, 2001). When development opportunities are
offered in company or by professional trainers, little evidence is present of a holistic, strate-
gically aligned, culture-changing approach, as outlined in Chapters 6 and 10. Often what can
be observed is an exclusive approach with an operational, or at best tactical, focus as
opposed to the much discussed inclusive approach and strategic focus.
The exclusive approach is typified by diversity programmes that focus on gender and
race-based scenarios, with trainees being invited to suggest appropriate actions as the
scenarios unfold. The focus is therefore a particular theme, thereby excluding other
aspects of diversity. Without careful management this may result in workshops being
run to the exclusion of those who are not members of the group in question. In such cir-
cumstances, diversity initiatives differ little in substance from the equal opportunities
approach outlined previously in this chapter.

Empirical evidence
Although rhetoric claims that there are differences between the managing diversity and
equal opportunities approaches, the extent to which organisations have actually
embraced these differences in their approach to managing diversity is less clear. Empiri-
cal evidence that assesses the extent to which the full diversity management agenda has
really been adopted by organisations is limited. Kandola and Fullerton (1998) surveyed
445 organisations from 30 different industry groups from a perspective of promoting
the adoption of managing diversity, and a belief that organisations should adopt this
approach. They concluded that a managing diversity perspective was not being fully
embraced. Rather, the majority of organisations were focusing only on those initiatives
traditionally categorised as equal opportunities, for example placing emphasis on fair
recruitment and selection processes. On the basis of this, Kandola and Fullerton (1998)
argue that many organisations are using the banner of managing diversity when, in real-
ity, they are undertaking equal opportunities initiatives.
Girling (1999) explored equal opportunities and managing diversity in 60 UK organ-
isations across both the private and public sectors. Her survey asked about their
organisations’ approaches to diversity management, encompassing the strategy/policy,
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Chapter 13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy? 489

characteristics, aims and what was happening in practice with respect to equal opportuni-
ties and managing diversity. Respondents were also asked if they were aware of the two
approaches and whether they appreciated the differences. She found that the majority of
respondents were aware of equal opportunities and managing diversity approaches and
some of the distinctions between them, this awareness coming from educational pro-
grammes. However, 25 per cent of the HR professionals were not sure if their organisation
had a strategy/policy on managing diversity, whilst 78 per cent of the general line man-
agers were also unaware of their organisations’ responses (if any) to this issue.
In another study, respondents were asked to identify what they perceived as the main
aims of equal opportunities and managing diversity (Mavin and Girling, 2000).
Although 90 per cent of respondents believed adherence to legislation was the main aim
of equal opportunities, there was still confusion between the terms. Eighty-one per cent
of respondents considered that the responsibility for equal opportunities should fall pre-
dominantly to the personnel or HR function. Even for the low number of organisations
following a managing diversity approach, it was interesting to note that diversity man-
agement was considered the primary responsibility of the personnel or HR function,
rather than of senior management. This study also considered the methods being used
by organisations to initially raise, and then progress, equal opportunities and managing
diversity issues. The most frequently cited methods were:
 organisations were monitoring for equal opportunities (88 per cent);
 using personnel/HRM department to promote the issue (85 per cent);
 applying fair selection training (83 per cent);
 employing positive recruitment advertising (82 per cent).
Additionally, respondents were asked about the policies their organisations followed.
These included:
 study leave provisions for those wishing to enhance their career through educational
qualifications (95 per cent);
 special leave arrangements to assist individuals with personal issues as they arose (91
per cent);
 training and development initiatives (90 per cent);
 placing emphasis on recruitment and selection (88 per cent);
 implementing harassment and bullying policies (73 per cent).
However, in relation to extending and integrating the policies in a diversity management
strategy, only 46 per cent had family friendly arrangements, while 5 per cent had
work/life balance programmes. These results are therefore similar to those of Kandola
and Fullerton (1998), where it was found that equal opportunities approaches were still
the main method of raising awareness in UK organisations.
Such empirical research findings indicate that, for many organisations, the rhetoric of
managing diversity remains as rhetoric rather than a distinct approach. This may be par-
tially explained by Thomas’s (1990) observation that it is impossible to manage diversity
unless you actually have it. However, examination of the case study at the end of this
chapter, shows that this need not be the case. For organisations where diversity among
employees is visible, the characteristics of diversity management noted by respondents
to the three research surveys described are based predominantly on established equal
opportunities approaches. Collet and Cook (2000) believe that there are several reasons
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490 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

why organisations decide against such proactive management of diversity, the most fre-
quent one being that the organisation believes it is already undertaking sufficient
investment in ensuring equality of opportunity. Despite this, for those organisations
considering implementation of a managing diversity approach within diversity manage-
ment, advice is available.

Implementation advice
Ross and Schneider (1992) provide advice that enables organisations to grasp the holis-
tic nature of implementing a diversity management approach. As part of this they stress
the importance of adopting a strategic perspective. This, they argue, differentiates a
diversity management approach to one that simply promotes equality of opportunity. In
their view, the diversity management approach is:
 internally driven and not externally imposed;
 focused on individuals rather than groups;
 focused on a total culture change, rather than just change at systems or process level;
 the responsibility of all organisational members and not just those in the HR or per-
sonnel function.
To successfully implement diversity management, Ross and Schneider (1992) advo-
cate six key stages (Figure 13.5). In the first of these, the current situation is assessed,
using secondary data such as equal opportunities monitoring statistics, policy docu-
ments as well as organisational surveys. Based upon this, the key diversity issues and
their likely causes are identified. The next stage uses the analysis to establish the aims of
the diversity management programme. As part of this it has been argued that, as with

1. Diagnose key issues

2. Establish aims of programme

and ensure top management

3. Raise awareness and ownership

throughout the organisation

4. Develop policy

5. Implement policy

6. Ensure momentum maintained

and outcomes delivered

Figure 13.5 Stages in the implementation of diversity management

Source: adapted from Ross and Schneider (1992).
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Chapter 13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy? 491

cultural realignment (Chapter 6), it is essential to ensure top management commitment

is gained. In addition, Ross and Schneider highlight the importance of emphasising a
business case for diversity management in which the key benefits the organisation could
expect to gain through the adoption of the approach are highlighted.
The third stage involves ensuring that ownership for the programme is spread
throughout the organisation, in other words a change of culture (Chapter 6). This stage
also requires that awareness is raised through a programme encouraging the questioning
of taken-for-granted attitudes and perceptions. As part of this it is important that aware-
ness is raised at all levels in the organisation, and that diversity management is owned
across the organisation (including by senior management) rather than just those in the
HR function. Once awareness has been raised, it is possible to begin policy development
(stage 4). It is important that this policy is developed through involvement and with an
organisational understanding of where key priorities and issues lie, rather than the
imposition from a central policy development unit.
The transition process, when the policy is implemented (Figure 13.5, stage 5), is likely
to be difficult and involve a number of stages in itself. Positive action programmes may
be instigated to provide specific development opportunities for key minority groups,
policy implementation programmes may be more widely rolled out to enable all those in
the organisation to appreciate the change in culture and the impact it will have on key
policy areas such as recruitment and selection, performance appraisal and human
resource development. Other programmes may also be required, such as further aware-
ness training or initiatives directed at understanding the approach and reaction of those
from differing cultures to the present and future organisational culture.
The final stage involves ensuring that the momentum is sustained, and that the pro-
gramme delivers its intended outcomes. This requires ‘champions’, drawn from either
the HR function or another part of the organisation. Their role is to ensure that the
diversity management programme delivers the organisational positives articulated in the
original business case. Involvement of key players, such as senior management and trade
unions, continues to be critical at this stage. In addition, it is important that progress
and success are communicated to all across the entire organisation. As with all culture
re-alignment programmes, it is important to commit to the programme for the long
term and to monitor, measure and ultimately communicate progress as the programme
continues (Chapter 6). Without such monitoring, evaluation and communication, the
aims of diversity management may be lost or overlooked in the highly dynamic reality
that is organisational life.


 Conceptualisations of diversity management within the literature can be broadly cat-

egorised into two groups:
 the equal opportunities approach, which has a legislative and compliance focus and

is concerned with equality of status, opportunities and rights. This, it can be argued,
is deeply rooted in traditional approaches to human resource management;
 the managing diversity approach, which focuses upon an explicit holistic strategy

of valuing differences, such as age, gender, social background, ethnicity and dis-
ability. This, it can be argued, is like SHRM, driven by organisational needs.
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492 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 The business case claimed for a managing diversity approach includes a better public
image for the organisation, a satisfying working environment for employees,
improved employee relations, increased job satisfaction and higher employee morale,
increased productivity and, for the organisation, improved competitive edge. It is
argued that organisations will only survive and prosper in an increasingly competi-
tive and dynamic global environment if they respond to the heterogeneity of their
markets. However, there is limited empirical evidence to support these claims in
either the UK or USA.
 Despite a lack of evidence, it seems probable that the benefits of diversity manage-
ment will only be realised within the context of the re-alignment of an organisation’s
culture to one where diversity is valued. For this to happen, it will be necessary to per-
suade those in power that this will impact positively on organisational effectiveness.
 Empirical evidence suggests that, for many organisations, diversity management
remains a theoretical concept rather than a strategic reality, combining equal oppor-
tunities and managing diversity approaches. The most frequent reason advanced for
this is that organisations believe they are already undertaking sufficient investment
through ensuring equality of opportunity. However, for organisations considering the
implementation of a managing diversity approach, advice is available.

Follow-up study suggestions

1. Choose an organisation with which you are familiar. If you are in full-time education,
you may wish to choose your university or college. Obtain copies of the organisation’s
diversity management and/or equal opportunities policies. Based upon this evidence
and what you have read, to what extent do you consider the organisation has adopted
a strategy of diversity management?
2. Re-examine Table 13.1. Update this table in the light of the most recent UK legislation.
3. Visit the European Union’s Eurostat statistical data web site (
comm/eurostat/newcronos/). Using the demographic data available for member states
choose two countries, one in western Europe and one country that joined the EU in
2004. To what extent do these data suggest different issues for diversity management
with regard to workforce composition in relation to age and gender?
4. How persuasive do you think the business case for diversity management is? What
information/evidence would you need to make the case more convincing?
5. To what extent do you think the recent emphasis on diversity management is entirely
positive? Outline the key benefits of this recent emphasis, but also consider some of
the less positive aspects of people working together that may be highlighted through
such widespread emphasis.

Suggestions for research topics

1. To what extent do managing diversity and equal opportunities approaches exist in

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Chapter 13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy? 493

2. To what extent is diversity management in XYZ aligned to the organisation’s culture?

3. To what extent does an organisation’s culture act as a barrier to diversity manage-
ment? A case study of company XYZ.
4. What are the implications of European Union legislation for diversity management in
company XYZ?
5. How does the impact of national legislation upon diversity management practices
differ between countries?

Case Study
Making diversity an issue in leafy Elgarshire


Worcestershire County Council is the local authority

responsible for providing education; social services
for children, older people and others in need; road
maintenance and building; and libraries and strate-
gic planning for the 542,000 people who live within
Worcestershire. Worcestershire County Council
employs approximately 17,500 people to provide
these services. Of these, approximately 15,000 are
based in schools and 2,500 in other establishments, The Malvern Hills, Worcestershire
the field (for example home care assistants), other © Mark Saunders 2006.
offices or the County Council’s headquarters on the
outskirts of Worcester. Other local government rural tranquillity, and the birthplace and home of the
services to the people of Worcestershire are pro- composer Edward Elgar. The county is home to
vided by the six district councils of Bromsgrove, over 21,000 companies, of which 85 per cent are
Malvern Hills, Redditch, Worcester, Wychavon and small businesses employing less that ten people.
Wyre Forest. These include housing; development Demographic data from the 2001 Census highlights
planning; leisure sports and museum services; and that, in terms of gender and age, Worcestershire is
refuse collection and street cleaning. very similar proportionally to the UK (Table 1). In
Worcestershire is a predominantly rural county contrast only 2.5 per cent of Worcestershire’s resi-
located south west of Birmingham within the UK’s dents are from an ethnic minority background
West Midlands region. The county’s city, Worcester, compared with 7.9 per cent for the UK. Within
has a population of 77,700; other large population Worcestershire this pattern differs markedly with
centres being Redditch, a former new town over 30 per cent of the population in some wards in
(77,400), Kidderminster (55,200) and Bromsgrove Redditch being from a Black or Black-British ethnic
(30,900) (Worcestershire County Council, 2004a). group and up to 10 per cent of the population in
However, the majority of the population live in small some wards in Redditch and Worcester being from
towns and villages and the county’s image is one of an Asian or Asian-British ethnic background.
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494 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Table 1 Comparative demographic data

Employees Worcestershire UK (2001 Census)

(2003) % (2001 Census) % %

Males 18.6 49.0 48
Females 81.4 51.0 51.3
0–15 – 19.5 20.2
16–64 99.9 64.1 63.8
65–74 0.1 8.6 8.4
75 and over – 7.8 7.6
Limiting long-term illness Comparable data 16.7 18.2
General health ‘not good’ not available 8.0 9.2
White 97.5 97.5 92.1
All minority ethnic population 2.5 2.5 7.9
Total (= 100%) 17,458 542,107 58,789,194

Sources: developed from National Statistics (2003); Worcestershire County Council (2004a, 2004b).

The need to make diversity an issue Relations (Amendment) Act 2000. Rather, it wanted
to be seen to be taking actions that actually made a
Simply considering the headline figures in Table 1, it difference to those living in the county and working
might be argued that, within Worcestershire, diversity for the County Council. COMB felt that an approach
is ‘not an issue’ and is ‘not something the County was needed that forced employees to recognise that
Council need to bother about’. Indeed this appears to diversity issues were important, needed to be
be the perception of many, the much used ‘leafy Elgar- addressed and, as part of this, challenged widely
shire’ description of Worcestershire, conjuring images held perceptions. Through such an approach it
of white rural prosperity associated with English shire aimed ‘to produce observable changes in the behav-
counties. However, as the earlier discussion highlights, iour and impacts upon underpinning beliefs and
this is not the only reality for people within the county. values’ within the County Council (Britton, 2002: 1).
For example, although the County Council’s employ-
ees reflect the composition of the county in terms of Worcestershire’s approach
ethnicity as a whole, for some parts of the county there The County Council’s approach was outlined in the
is a marked mismatch between ethnicity of employees internal document: Promoting Equality and Dignity
and that of residents in receipt of services. In addition, at Work (Britton, 2002). Although this focused upon
workforce monitoring has highlighted a lack of women development and training activities required in
in more senior positions within the organisation. response to Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000,
The County Council’s Chief Officers’ Management it also stressed that the County Council’s commit-
Board (COMB) was aware that the council was not ment to equality and dignity was much broader, the
serving some of the residents of Worcestershire as
underpinning principles of the proposed approach
well as it should. It also recognised that, in order to
consisting of four interrelated and overlapping
get the best from all employees, there was a need to
phases embracing all diversity issues:
recognise diversity. COMB was determined to
address these issues and raise the awareness of all  Phase 1 – capturing attention (awareness
staff to the diversity of needs of those living in campaign);
Worcestershire and of their employees. In particular it  Phase 2 – addressing the issues (training);
was keen to be seen as not just ‘ticking boxes’ to
meet legislative requirements, such as those set by
 Phase 3 – operational briefings for managers;
the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Race  Phase 4 – embedding the learning.
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Chapter 13 Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy? 495

The approach was led by the Director of Social Ser-

vices, Jenny Bashforth, who took personal charge
of the project and championed it actively.
Phase 1 was based on the belief that people learn
best when they are motivated and interested. Conse-
quently, all employees needed to know that the
County Council was treating diversity and equality as
special and important issues, and had been provided
with thought-provoking information prior to com-
mencing diversity awareness training (phase 2). This
initiative was called ‘Worcestershire. We all make it
unique’. An ongoing poster campaign (begun in 2002)
raised general awareness of the importance of diver-
sity making use of both Commission for Racial
Equality materials and Worcestershire specific materi-
als. The latter, designed to capture the imagination of
employees, used the headline ‘Racism. Let’s make it
an issue’. An associated colour poster (Figure 1) con-
sisted of 25 people’s handprints and involved both the
leader of the County Council and a wide range of
employees directly in its creation. More detailed infor-
mation to help provoke employee reaction was
provided through displays in offices and in the
employees’ newsletter Worcestershire Update. At
time of writing, this poster campaign is still continuing.
In the spring of 2002, ‘mystery customer’ surveys
were undertaken across all County Council services
to provide a clearer understanding of service users’
experiences and identify any barriers that prevent
their achieving equal access to good levels of serv-
ice. The findings from these were used to inform the Figure 1 ‘Racism. Let’s make it an issue’ poster
diversity awareness training which commenced in Source: © Worcestershire County Council 2002, reproduced with
June 2002. The objectives of this one-day training permission.
event are to ensure that participants:
 develop general awareness and understanding Since 2002, employee awareness of diversity as
of equal opportunities in general and race issues; an issue has been maintained using a series of colour
 define relevant issues and associated terms and posters continuing the theme ‘Worcestershire. We all
language; make it unique’. These posters have used a similar
design style to ‘Racism. Lets make it an issue’ (Figure
 review relevant legislation;
1) but have focused on other aspects of diversity,
 identify the main oppressed groups in society; such as people’s perceptions of disability. This poster
 distinguish between personal and institutional posed the question, ‘Is your inability to see my ability
discrimination and its impact on practice; your disability?’ alongside symbols representing 16
 develop a personal action plan to improve serv- ‘disabilities’, including being male and female, that an
ice delivery and promote good practice; individual might possess (Figure 2).
At the same time, the County Council has incorpo-
 establish their role in unit and directorate plans. rated diversity and equality issues into other training
As emphasised by these objectives, this training courses both directly and indirectly. For example,
has been designed to engage employees, challenge within recruitment and selection training the logic
them to think about their own personal stance and behind diversity-based legislation is explained explic-
perceptions in relation to ethnicity, as well as pro- itly. In addition, scenarios provided to participants to
viding factual background and clarifying the County prompt discussion on issues such as team building
Council’s position. Although the training is not com- use characters who reflect a diversity of employees.
pulsory, during the first year of operation over 2,000 This process they believe is helping to embed the
employees attended. necessary learning more widely (phase 4).
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496 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

issues associated with diversity. As part of this, the

County Council’s commitment to equality and dig-
nity was re-emphasised along with the crucial role
played by managers in promoting this.
Diversity appears to be becoming embedded
within the County Council through a range of activi-
ties and events. Awareness-raising activities, such
as those outlined above, are being continued as is
employee training. In addition, the County Council
has employed a Diversity Officer whose job is
entirely concerned with diversity issues. Although
the initiative is ongoing, the Development and Train-
ing Manager, Roger Britton, believes that the
approach used to raise employees’ awareness of
diversity issues is working. As evidence for this, he
highlights ongoing improvements to the ways in
which services are delivered. He also emphasises
how both race and disability have now become an
issue of legitimate discussion among employees,
being talked about widely.

Case study questions

1. Do you consider Worcestershire County Council

to be adopting a managing diversity or equal
Figure 2 ‘Is your inability…’ poster
opportunities approach to diversity
Source: © Worcestershire County Council 2004, reproduced with
management? Give reasons for your answer.
2. How has legislation impacted upon
Worcestershire County Council’s approach to
Initial operational briefings (phase 3) for man- diversity management?
agers were linked directly to the phase 2 training
3. Do you agree with Worcestershire County
activity. These briefings focus on their responsibili-
Council’s phased approach to diversity
ties under legislation and the framework of the
Equality Standard for Local Government (Employ- management; what do you see as the key
ers’ Organisation for Local Government, 2001) who strengths and limitations of this approach?
provide support and processes to carry forward 4. If you were Worcestershire County Council’s
actions relating to the mystery customer surveys Diversity Officer, what specifically would you see
and local audits. As with the diversity awareness as being the key focus of your role? What
training, the operational briefings concluded with information/evidence do you think you would
action planning for each manager’s area and were need to collect/disseminate to ensure the
linked to practical team objectives as well as leg- County Council makes progress towards its goal
islative targets. However, it was recognised in 2004 of better serving residents and of valuing
that the County Council’s senior managers (some diversity among its workforce to make a
200 people) needed to be re-energised and so a difference to people’s lives, and not just to
half-day conference was held. This has re-clarified comply with legislation.
the issues and challenges facing the County Coun-
cil and both raised these managers’ expectations
and provided a clear focus on action. Acknowledgement
Subsequently (in 2005) these senior managers
and those employees reporting directly to them The considerable assistance of Roger Britton, Devel-
(some 700 people) attended a one-day training opment and Training Manager (Human Resources),
course. This focused on exploring personal percep- Worcestershire County Council in the development of
tions as well as providing a factual background to this case is acknowledged gratefully.
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Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive

14 workforce reduction?

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

 explain the purpose of downsizing and analyse the problems associated

with its use;
 identify a range of organisational strategies to downsize and evaluate their
 discuss the significance of employee involvement and influence in relation
to the implementation of downsizing;
 describe the nature of survivors’ reactions to downsizing and the existence
of moderating variables affecting these, and evaluate their significance for
organisations using this type of change strategy;
 discuss the role of organisational theories and HR interventions to provide
strategies to manage the process of downsizing more effectively;
 explore the implications of outsourcing for SHRM;
 analyse the role downsizing plays in contributing to organisational HR
strategies and the interrelationships with other HR interventions such as
performance management, employee involvement and commitment, and
training and development.
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498 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Downsizing has become a major HR strategy used by organisations of all sizes. At a
superficial level, downsizing appears a reassuringly simple and inviting strategy to
consider. Reducing an organisation’s headcount is a more concrete idea than, say, re-
aligning an organisation’s culture (Chapter 6) and appears to offer cost savings
through fewer people being employed. However, although such a strategy may be
easier to comprehend at this superficial level, in reality the process of downsizing is
highly complex and can often generate a range of reactions that undermine the
strategic objectives for downsizing. In this chapter we explore such reactions and
their consequences for an organisation using this strategy (Figure 14.1). As a major
organisational HR strategy, downsizing is also capable of promoting and contributing
to other organisational strategies. Indeed, within this chapter it will be argued that the
successful use of downsizing requires the implementation of and integration with
other human resource strategies discussed in this book. Through doing this, possible
negative reactions to downsizing may be avoided or reduced and the greatest bene-
fits from its use gained. This chapter therefore focuses upon the human aspects of
downsizing in order to maximise the positive and minimise the negative outcomes of
using of this strategy.

EDownsi Strategic Implications

Downsizing Strategies Interventions
implications for

Workforce Implementation Equity

Definitions reduction methods theory

Purpose Organisation Organisational

and problems redesign justice

Job insecurity

Career and
psychological Stress

Figure 14.1 Mapping the downsizing territory: a summary diagram of the chapter content
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Chapter 14 Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction? 499


What is downsizing?
Downsizing is an organisational strategy to reduce the size of an organisation’s workforce.
However, it is frequently used as a synonym for redundancy. You have almost certainly come
across news reports where alternative terms such as rightsizing, restructuring and reorgani-
sation have been used in relation to downsizing. The literature about downsizing recognises
that it can use a range of methods. Consequently, downsizing can be seen as an HR strategy
that includes some of the interventions or approaches to reducing headcount that have tra-
ditionally been seen as alternatives to redundancy. These include the use of natural wastage,
early retirement, voluntary as opposed to compulsory redundancy, freezing recruitment,
redeployment and retraining, as well as forms of work sharing, such as reduced working
hours and job sharing. In recent years this appears to have been accompanied by changing
employment practices through increased use of fixed-term and temporary employees
(Guest, 2004) as organisations respond to sectoral shifts in the structure of employment and
a need to cut costs. Freeman and Cameron (1993) offer two further distinguishing features
of downsizing in relation to redundancy (or ‘layoffs’ as this is referred to in the North Amer-
ican literature). For them, downsizing is an organisational-level concept, whereas
redundancy is approached at the level of the individual. Building upon this discussion,
downsizing can be considered a strategic issue, whereas redundancy is one of a number of
possible operational means to achieving it. Finally, downsizing differs from redundancy in
the extent to which it is regulated. While redundancy is subject to tightly prescribed legisla-
tion associated with dismissal in many western countries; downsizing, because it may utilise
a range of methods other than dismissal, not surprisingly falls outside dismissal legislation.

The purpose of and problem with downsizing

Downsizing is often justified as a means of improving organisational competitiveness
(Kozlowski et al., 1993). The strategic reasons behind this are varied, however the most
common can be summarised under four headings (Labib and Appelbaum, 1994):
 the outcome of an acquisition or merger as duplicate and redundant functions are
 a ‘quick fix’ to put off closure or bankruptcy;
 preparation for privatisation of state-owned organisations that wish to achieve high
efficiencies prior to sale;
 the reduction of costs to maintain competitiveness in a global market.
These reasons obscure a more varied reality. For example, Worrell et al. (1991)
observed that following an initial rise, stock market prices reacted negatively to redun-
dancies. Similarly, Madison and Clancy (2000) found that while initial downsizing was
associated with improved performance, subsequent downsizing was associated with
poor performance. As can be seen from these, downsizing can be associated with either a
short-term goal to cut costs, or a more fundamental and longer-term strategy to realise
improvements related to greater effectiveness, efficiency, productivity and competitive-
ness. This distinction, and the fact that downsizing is frequently linked with both the
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500 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

former goal and the use of redundancy, leads to the fundamental problem associated
with its intended purpose. In practice, pursuing short-term cost cutting through redun-
dancy to reduce headcount is likely to lead to the loss of key skills and competences from
the workforce and to the creation of lowered morale and insecurity. This outcome may
adversely affect, rather than improve, aspects of the performance of an organisation.
Even the use of a carefully managed and longer-term attempt to restructure and trans-
form the organisation may still have adverse effects. Thus, downsizing is likely to be
associated with the creation of negative psychological and behavioural consequences for
survivors, no matter how well it is managed. The management of this HR strategy there-
fore needs to incorporate measures to alleviate the causes of such consequences as far as
is possible and reduce their effects.
Organisations as well as human resource management theorists often recognise the
importance of committed employees (Swailes, 2002). Alternatives to a strategy that encour-
ages employee commitment to the goals of an organisation may be to muddle along or
overtly increase the degree of managerial control over the workforce. However, the use of
either of these approaches is likely to only work effectively in the short term, where no
attempt is made to manage the issues that arise from downsizing. As can be seen in relation
to BT (In Practice 14.1), survivors’ commitment may also be affected. The need for organisa-
tional commitment and loyalty is likely to be more significant after downsizing, since those
who remain become more important to the functioning of the organisation. However, this is
likely to be threatened if the organisation does not foster continued commitment from those
remaining, or unless its employees maintain some sort of third-party relationship with its
customers, perhaps related to a sense of professional commitment.
Shaw and Barrett-Power (1997) recognise that the external measures typically used to
assess the effectiveness of downsizing from a corporate perspective are clearly inade-
quate as a means to understand and manage the impact of this process on stakeholders,
such as work groups and individual employees, who survive this event. Typically, corpo-
rate measures are related to profitability, productivity, investment returns, customer
satisfaction ratings and the like. While these may indicate indirectly that downsizing has
had a negative impact on those who survive as employees in the organisation, they can
only imply the presence of psychological and behavioural consequences for survivors.

In Practice 14.1

Reactions to voluntary redundancies at BT

Between 1991 and 1995 BT’s workforce fell from 215,000 to 137,000, a loss of 78,000 staff. During the
early part of this period, the success of voluntary redundancy schemes led to many more BT staff apply-
ing than the targeted numbers. However, despite these release schemes being based on the principle of
voluntary severance, a number of those who survived the event had negative reactions. The success of
attracting so many volunteers for the redundancy terms being offered led to a situation where some of
those retained felt ‘angry and hurt’ because they had not been allowed to leave (IRS, 1993: 14). This
undoubtedly had an impact on the remaining employees’ commitment to the company (Doherty et al.,
1996: 56), one employee stating, ‘What drove us on to complete the project, even with its impossible
targets, was our professionalism and our relationship with the customer to whom we were committed. It
had little to do with loyalty to the company.’ Subsequently, some of the survivors felt a sense of loss
about colleagues with whom they had worked closely. For some this led to a sense of guilt about the
fact they had kept their jobs while former colleagues had lost theirs (Thornhill et al., 2000).
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Chapter 14 Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction? 501

There is evidence of the existence of such consequences, and their adverse effect on
expected corporate outcomes from downsizing, from the findings of a number of USA-
based surveys. Mishra and Mishra (1994) cite Tomasko (1992) who found that just
one-quarter of downsized organisations had realised their objective of improved pro-
ductivity and higher returns on investment. Similarly, a survey by the Wyatt Company of
1,005 downsized organisations found that less than half were able to agree that they had
achieved a particular organisational objective related to a desire to reduce costs, improve
productivity, increase investment returns, or increase profits, etc. (e.g. Cameron, 1994a).
The continued commercial success of many organisations that have engaged in sig-
nificant downsizing programmes means that there is a need to interpret the results of
such surveys with a degree of caution. While a failure to achieve an objective following
downsizing may indicate negative psychological and behavioural reactions from sur-
vivors, we believe that such consequences may be present even where corporate results
do not point to this outcome. A range of contextual variables could affect, and disguise,
the impact of survivors’ negative reactions on the commercial performance of an organ-
isation. These include the nature of the technology being used; the skills of the
workforce; the nature of work processes; the need for innovative behaviour and level of
redundancy payments made. Even within the EU, the minimum pay differs significantly
between countries (In Practice 14.2) For this reason, the authors believe that the nega-
tive impact of survivors’ reactions may often be hidden from an organisation’s ‘balance
sheet’, at least in the short-term.

In Practice 14.2

Minimum redundancy payments in the EU

Minimum redundancy payments in some EU countries are almost six times higher in some European coun-
tries than others (Mercer Human Resource Consulting, 2003). The graph below compares the minimum
statutory paid notice period and number of weeks of severance pay for a typical non-manual employee
aged 40 who was made redundant after ten years’ service and with a salary of €30,000.

Minimum notice period
Weeks after ten yearsí service

50 Minimum severance pay































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502 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Thus, even where observable commercial costs are not considered, it may be the case
that a significant adverse impact has occurred. This may be related to the creation of
negative psychological consequences for survivors or to the altered profile of an organi-
sation’s workforce, which impairs its ability to demonstrate adaptability to altered
circumstances in the future.
To summarise the discussion so far, it has been suggested that the intended purpose
for organisations to downsize is to achieve an improvement in organisational perform-
ance. Despite this, the creation of psychological and behavioural reactions from those
who survive this process may lead to the impairment, rather than the improvement, of
the performance of the organisation. This suggests that downsizing needs to be exam-
ined as a ‘bottom-up’ process as well as a ‘top-down’ one. In other words, for the
strategic outcomes of downsizing to be realised it will be necessary for the organisation
to consider and manage the process from the perspective of affected individual employ-
ees and workgroups, and the stresses which this event creates. This type of approach has
led Shaw and Barrett-Power (1997: 109) to propose a definition that focuses on this per-
spective: ‘we define downsizing more broadly as a constellation of stressor events
centering around pressures toward workforce reductions which place demands upon the
organisation, work groups, and individual employees, and require a process of coping
and adaptation.’ The nature of these psychological and behavioural reactions is sum-
marised in Figure 14.2 and discussed more fully, along with their implications, in
‘Interventions to manage downsizing as a bottom-up process’, later in this chapter.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 14.1

Using Shaw and Barrett-Power’s (1997) definition of downsizing (outlined earlier),

which of the following events would you classify as downsizing methods: com-
pulsory redundancy, early retirement, induced redeployment, job share, natural
attrition, recruitment freeze, voluntary redundancy, involuntary redeployment?
Give reasons for your answer.

Emotions, psychological states and work attitudes

Anger Job insecurity Perceived fairness
Anxiety Job satisfaction Relief
Guilt Lower morale Remorse
Increased work stress Organisational commitment Uncertainty

Behavioural reactions
Intention to leave/turnover
Risk taking
Resistance to change
Work effort/performance

Figure 14.2 Survivor reactions to downsizing

Source: developed from Thornhill and Saunders (1998).
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Chapter 14 Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction? 503

The strategic implications of downsizing

Downsizing is a powerful means to generate organisational change. As a strategy that

adversely affects employees’ jobs, its incidence will be highly transparent and its impact
pervasive. Downsizing can also contribute to and impact upon other HR strategies. For
example, it may be used as a means to help to bring about a re-alignment of an organi-
sation’s culture (Chapter 6), or to introduce a system of performance management
(Chapter 9). Such HR strategies may be easier to apply when downsizing results in those
remaining, re-evaluating their relationship with the organisation and, in particular, the
way they perceive their psychological contract (Millward and Brewerton, 1999), dis-
cussed in Key Concepts 14.1. However, the use of downsizing may also impair an
attempt to introduce another type of change strategy, where it produces negative reac-
tions among those who survive. The process of downsizing also necessitates the
development or amendment of other HR strategies. For example, as events such as
restructuring, delayering, redundancy and redeployment occur, human resource devel-
opment needs are likely to become apparent (Chapter 10).

Key Concepts 14.1

The psychological contract

Millward and Brewerton (1999) emphasise that psychological contracts can be described in terms of
both the nature of the beliefs about the contract between employee and employer, and the process
through which these beliefs arise.
Within the literature, the nature of employees’ beliefs has been differentiated in terms of its trans-
actional or relational orientation. A psychological contract with a transactional orientation has been
argued to focus upon short-term, largely financial benefits to the employee (Rousseau, 1995). Per-
ceived terms of employment are predicted to be calculative and instrumental with limited reciprocity,
focusing upon beliefs about remuneration (Herriot and Pemberton, 1996). Within such contracts,
affected employees will concentrate on distributive outcomes, there being limited identification and
integration with the organisation (Millward and Brewerton, 1999). Thus, loyalty and commitment are
unlikely to be an integral part of the transactional psychological contract.
A psychological contract with a relational orientation is likely to have evolved over time as a part-
nership develops between employee and employer (Rousseau, 1995), implying mutuality and
reciprocity between them. Perceived terms of employment are therefore likely to be more than remu-
nerative, incorporating beliefs about support from the employer, such as training, and personal and
career development. Processes through which equity and fairness are affirmed are important in main-
taining a relational contract, with the nature of beliefs becoming more pronounced as they are
assessed over time (Herriot and Pemberton, 1996). Consequently, a relational psychological contract
has been characterised for the employee as trusting his or her employer, high affective commitment,
high integration and identification with the organisation, and long-term commitment (Rousseau,
1995). As argued earlier, organisational interventions such as downsizing may impact negatively upon
these relational aspects, leading to a more transactional orientation.
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504 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Downsizing can therefore be seen as both a strategic intervention in its own right and
a component of a wider business strategy. Implicit in this interpretation is the need for
the process of and outcomes from downsizing to be managed proactively, and to try and
ensure clear integration between different interventions. In practice, as we outline later,
this may not happen, and the opportunity to achieve the strategic objectives intended
from the use of downsizing is likely to be impaired. This will require reactive interven-
tions to attempt to obtain the type of outcome that was originally intended. The need
for a reactive intervention to overcome unintended and negative outcomes may also
result from the use of inappropriate or ineffective interventions when downsizing was
introduced. These types of events are illustrated in Figure 14.3.

e outcome
r o ac ion
P litat

Downsizing Reactive
strategy facilitation

ine La
ffe c
cti k of,
, fa or Unintended
tat outcome

Figure 14.3 Outcomes of downsizing

Source: developed from Thornhill et al. (2000).

Strategies for organisational downsizing

Cameron and colleagues (e.g. Cameron et al., 1991, 1993; Cameron, 1994b) have identi-
fied three organisational strategies to achieve downsizing (Figure 14.4). The first of these
is the workforce reduction strategy, which focuses simply on reducing an organisation’s
headcount. This usually has an emphasis on cutting costs and is also known as conver-
gent downsizing. The second is the organisation redesign strategy which, in addition to
reducing headcount, involves elements of delayering, eliminating areas of work and job
redesign, so that the amount of work is also reduced (In Practice 14.3). The third is the
systemic change strategy which, in addition to workforce reductions and structural
changes, is a longer-term approach. This is intended to promote a more fundamental
change that affects the culture of the organisation (Chapter 6), for example by promot-
ing employee involvement and adherence to a continuous improvement strategy. This
and the second strategy are also known as reorientation strategies. Downsizing may thus
be implemented solely through reducing an organisation’s headcount (the most popular
strategy) or in combination with one or more other strategies that seek to reduce the
amount of work undertaken and bring about structural and cultural change to the
organisation (In Practice 14.3).
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Chapter 14 Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction? 505

Workforce reduction
reducing headcount

Organisatonal redesign
delayering, eliminating areas of work,
job redesign, outsourcing

Systemic change
changing culture

Downsizing strategy

Arrow widths are proportional to relative frequency of different strategies.

Figure 14.4 Organisational strategies to achieve downsizing

Workforce reduction
Significantly, Cameron et al. (1993) found that the exclusive use of a workforce reduc-
tion strategy resulted in a reduction, rather than an improvement, in organisational
performance. In a confirmatory study, Mishra and Mishra (1994) found that organisa-
tional performance was adversely affected in relation to both cost and quality, where this
strategy was used exclusively. Such a strategy may lead to the loss of valued organisa-
tional competence, as discussed earlier, and negative consequences for those who
remain. Its benefits are seen to be short term, whereas the attendant costs remain into
the longer term as the organisation attempts to overcome the loss of required compe-
tence and negative survivor reactions.

Organisational redesign and systemic change

By comparison, the use of an organisation redesign and/or systemic change strategy has
been positively related to organisational performance in terms of both cost reduction
and quality improvement (Cameron et al., 1993; Mishra and Mishra, 1994) and to sur-
vivors of downsizing having a positive learning orientation (Farrell and Mavando,
2004). Moreover, organisations relying exclusively on the use of a workforce reduction
strategy have been found to be likely to repeat the use of this approach whenever cost
reduction was deemed necessary (Cameron, 1994b). Repeated use of a workforce reduc-
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506 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

In Practice 14.3

Downsizing HR at the BBC

BBC People, the HR department at the BBC, is planning to reduce its headcount from almost 1,000
to 450 posts in 2006 (Griffiths, 2005). Of these, 260 will be outsourced, 180 will be made redundant
and other jobs will be transferred to other BBC divisions. Like many HR functions, BBC People
already outsources services such as payroll and recruitment. The additional areas likely to be affected
by this new outsourcing include:
 assessment and development;
 contracting of casuals;
 HR advice and technical support;
 engineering training;
 occupational health;
 access services;
At the same time, HR support will increasingly be delivered using IT. Through the outsourcing, the
headcount of back-office functions is likely to be reduced by 47 per cent and associated costs by
25 per cent (Griffiths, 2005).

tion strategy has been shown to further damage employee morale as subsequent down-
sizing programmes are revealed, resulting in anorexic organisations (Kinnie et al., 1998).
The implications arising from an organisation’s use of a downsizing strategy are also
related to the extent to which the approach adopted is proactive or reactive (Kozlowski
et al., 1993) (see Figure 14.3). A proactive downsizing strategy is likely to be integrated
with the organisation’s business strategy, target organisational areas and competences
for downsizing selectively, and recognise the potential consequences from both organi-
sational and individual perspectives. The recognition of potential consequences is also
likely to lead to the development of interventions to alleviate or manage their incidence.
Proactivity, therefore, implies careful planning throughout the stages of downsizing.
In contrast, a reactive approach is unlikely to consider those aspects that a proactive
approach is designed to address. It is therefore more likely to be used where the aim of
downsizing is limited to reducing organisational costs, and lead to the creation of negative
consequences in relation to remaining employees. The North American literature suggests
that a reactive approach to downsizing may be more frequently used than a proactive one.
For example, the small amount of time available to the HR managers in the study under-
taken by McCune et al. (1988) meant that they had little opportunity to plan before
downsizing. Managers faced with such a situation are unlikely to have sufficient time, if
any, to plan and develop interventions to alleviate and manage the consequences of down-
sizing for those who survive. The HR implications are thus more likely to be negative and,
in the event, more difficult to manage, where an organisation pursues only a workforce
reduction strategy, especially where this is conducted on a reactive basis.
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Chapter 14 Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction? 507

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 14.2

Why might the requirement to adopt a proactive downsizing strategy in order to

minimise its negative consequences be difficult to achieve in practice?

Implications arising from downsizing

Implications of implementation methods

The earlier discussion highlighted the relationship between the strategy used to down-
size and the consequences resulting from this process. This has suggested that a strategy
that focuses only on workforce reductions, especially where this is reactive in nature, is
less likely to achieve the organisational objectives established for downsizing and more
likely to lead to unintended negative consequences related to survivors’ reactions. A sim-
ilar relationship also exists between the method or methods used to implement
downsizing (Figure 14.5) and the nature of the reactions that occur.
The nature of survivors’ reactions generated by use of a particular method is likely to
be linked to the degree of managerial control that this method allows over the imple-
mentation of downsizing (Greenhalgh et al., 1988). For example, a high level of
managerial control over the implementation of downsizing is likely to promote a lack of
perceived employee influence and greater feelings of job insecurity. The use of compul-
sory redundancy to achieve downsizing is therefore likely to lead to low employee
influence and high levels of job insecurity (In Practice 14.4). In such situations, manage-
ment exercises choice not only about method but also about selection of those to be
made redundant.

Level of managerial control

Low High

Job Early Induced Compulsory Recruitment

share retirement redeployment redundancy freeze
with outplacement

Natural Voluntary Involuntary without
attrition redundancy redeployment outplacement

High Low
Level of employee influence

Figure 14.5 Downsizing methods, managerial control and employee influence

Source: developed from Thornhill et al. (2000).
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508 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

The use of methods such as natural attrition or wastage or early retirement are likely
to reduce the level of perceived managerial control. This should reduce levels of job inse-
curity for those below the early retirement age as well as concerns about low employee
influence, since the use of such methods does not threaten these employees’ continuity
of employment. Greenhalgh et al. (1988) discuss five downsizing methods which they
place on a continuum that emphasises employees’ influence over their continuity of
employment at one end and managerial control at the other. The authors have added
job share, early retirement, voluntary redundancy and recruitment freeze to this contin-
uum (Figure 14.5).
However, even where an organisation encourages early retirements or uses a volun-
tary approach to redundancy, a high level of managerial control may be exercised (Wass,
1996). All types of redundancy arise as the result of a managerial decision. Voluntary
redundancy involves employees volunteering to be made redundant. This decision to
volunteer may be in response to either a general request by the organisation or in
response to specific targeting of individuals. Although voluntary redundancy involves a
decision by an employee to accept an offer of a redundancy payment, and is differenti-
ated from compulsory redundancy, which affects selected employees regardless of their
wishes, managerial control over inducements to accept voluntarily have been shown to
be highly persuasive (Wass, 1996). In most instances, those taking it feel that, although
their choice was constrained, it was a voluntary process, financial incentives helping to
make it an attractive proposition (Clarke, 2005). In addition, non-financial inducements
to volunteer are likely to have an impact. For example, increasing the target number of
staff to be made redundant may increase the pressure upon employees, reducing morale
and resulting in more volunteers (Lewis, 1993). Work intensification and other changes
may have a similar effect.
Perhaps the key point in this respect is the perception by employees of their level of
influence over the downsizing process. While strategic targeting of the redundancy
terms offered may allow organisations to exercise effective control over the implementa-

In Practice 14.4

Downsizing in Hong Kong’s internet Industry

Soon after its return to Chinese sovereignty as a Special Administrative Region in 1997, Hong Kong,
like neighbouring Asian economies, experienced an economic downturn. By 1999 a survey by the
Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management found that 40 per cent of firms were reporting
problems with surplus labour (Chu and Ip, 2002). In mid-1999, a sudden downturn in internet busi-
nesses prompted a series of layoffs in the workforce.
Downsizing in the internet businesses was more sudden than in other industries. Over two-thirds
of those organisations making employees redundant communicated their decisions to employees in
person, over half being dismissed immediately (Chu and Ip, 2002). According to Chu and Ip’s
research, employees’ viewed the process as unfair. There had been no prior consultation or commu-
nication to explain the reasons for downsizing. Assistance with job search was not provided for those
made redundant and, although some organisations used subcontracting to cover for lost employees,
little was done to help those who remained in employment. These survivors felt uneasy and perceived
little justice in the downsizing process or their own treatment.
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Chapter 14 Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction? 509

tion of downsizing, even where the process is ostensibly voluntary, employees may per-
ceive that they still exercise little choice in accepting redundancy. Alternatively, there
may be an exchange relationship whereby employees are willing to trade their influence
over the process for a sizeable compensatory payment. There may even be a sense that
employees have exercised some degree of collective control in influencing management
to offer relatively generous redundancy terms to avoid particular negative reactions.
However, where the method to implement downsizing is presented as voluntary but is
perceived not to be, the outcome is likely to be the creation of negative reactions. These
may be created among survivors as well as leavers, with consequences for the future
management of the organisation (Thornhill, et al., 1997b). In this situation any sense of
influence by employees would be perceived to be false, with the implication that sur-
vivors’ reactions may be negatively affected through this type of organisational
treatment. This may also mask underlying problems of morale and commitment
(Clarke, 2005) as dissatisfied employees opt for voluntary redundancy.

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 14.3

Which factors related to the methods used to implement downsizing might affect
managerial control and employee influence over the process?

Implications for those who survive the process

The process of downsizing, through the strategy adopted and the methods to implement
it, has been linked to the psychological and behavioural reactions of those who survive
this event remaining with the organisation. These may lead to the impairment of
intended organisational objectives not being, or only partially being, met either in the
short term or in the longer term. The need to approach downsizing as a ‘bottom-up’
process has been referred to in an earlier discussion. The implication is, that by doing
this, an organisation will be more likely to recognise threats to the achievement of its
objectives for downsizing, and therefore to understand how it might attempt to alleviate
these or manage their effects.
In this section the psychological and behavioural reactions to this HR strategy are
explored by adopting a ‘bottom-up’ approach to downsizing. The section commences by
looking more closely at the nature of survivors’ reactions to downsizing and the exis-
tence of moderating variables (Brockner, 1988), which affect the strength of survivors’
reactions. These variables also highlight the scope for managers to intervene to manage
this process. Subsequently, a range of organisational theories is used to suggest interven-
tions to manage downsizing as a ‘bottom-up’ process.

The nature of survivors’ reactions and the existence of moderating variables

Survivors’ reactions to downsizing are affected not only by the actions of an organisa-
tion but also by psychological and social differences between individuals and broader
environmental factors (Figure 14.6). Reactions to downsizing will vary between individ-
uals because of psychological differences related to self-esteem, prior organisational
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510 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Organisational Psychological Environmental

determinants determinants determinants

Survivors’ reactions to …
Time Time
… the organisation … individuals

negative positive unsympathetic sympathetic

strong weak strong strong weak strong

Figure 14.6 Principal determinants and categories of survivors’ reactions to the advent of
Source: developed from Thornhill et al. (2000).

commitment, tolerance of insecurity and individual coping strategies. For example,

Brockner et al. (1985) suggest that survivors’ with low self-esteem may actually improve
their work performance because they experience a high level of positive inequity (i.e.
guilt) about the way in which a downsizing is conducted. Brockner et al. (1992) found
that the survivors who are most likely to suffer from negative reactions are those who
were highly committed to the organisation before downsizing, where they perceive the
management of the process is unfair. Greenhalgh and Rosenblatt (1984) report that
individuals who have a significant aversion to perceived threats, such as job insecurity,
will experience strong reactions. Related to this last aspect, Armstrong-Stassen (1994)
found that survivors who felt more in control of their situation adopted coping strate-
gies that reflected this feeling. This suggests that those who do not feel this will be less
likely to cope effectively.
Environmental conditions may also impact upon survivors’ reactions (Brockner,
1988). Where their former colleagues are able to find comparable work in the labour
market, survivors’ reactions are likely to be less adverse. The occupational and geographi-
cal mobility of redundant employees and their economic need to work will also be likely
to affect the strength of survivors’ reactions (e.g. Greenhalgh and Rosenblatt, 1984).
These variables emphasise that survivors’ reactions will vary between individuals in
the same work setting. It also highlights that organisations need to be aware, in general
terms, of the nature of differences between individual employees and prevailing envi-
ronmental circumstances when they design interventions to alleviate negative survivor
reactions to downsizing. However, this should not be interpreted as suggesting that these
factors are outside of the influence of a downsizing organisation and therefore that any
intervention is not possible. Rather, it highlights a need to lay particular emphasis on
certain HR interventions, such as employee communication, and to provide an appro-
priate focus to other interventions, such as outplacement assistance for redundant staff,
so that any threats posed by insecurity or lack of coping are alleviated. These types of
intervention are discussed in the following section.
Individual differences and environmental factors are types of moderator variables.
Such variables affect the incidence and strength of survivors’ reactions to downsizing
(e.g. Greenhalgh and Rosenblatt, 1984; Brockner, 1988). They help to explain why the
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Chapter 14 Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction? 511

incidence and strength of psychological and behavioural reactions vary in relation to

different downsizing situations. The identification of moderator variables is therefore a
very important step towards any attempt to manage a downsizing programme proac-
tively and effectively. An understanding of possible moderator variables will permit
possible effects to be identified and the use of appropriate procedures to avoid, or at
least to seek to alleviate, the potentially negative consequences of downsizing.
Many moderator variables are related directly to events in an organisation. The nature
and strength of survivors’ reactions may thus be partly explained by prior work interde-
pendence with those who are to leave or who have been made redundant (Brockner
1988). The strength of sympathetic survivors’ responses is likely to be much greater where
survivors and leavers have previously worked closely together. More broadly, these reac-
tions may be partly explained by the existence or absence of shared attitudes, values and
experiences (Brockner and Greenberg, 1990). Where survivors and leavers closely identify
with one another there is likely to be a higher level of sympathetic survivor response.
Survivors’ beliefs that they may be made redundant themselves may be another
source of insecurity affecting the nature and level of their reactions. A further major
determinant of survivors’ reactions will be related to perceptions about the policies and
procedures used by an organisation to implement downsizing. Related to this imple-
mentation variable are issues about employee expectations and avoidability. In
particular, unexpected or avoidable redundancies may result in strong, sympathetic
reactions, such as anger towards an organisation (Brockner, 1988).
The discussion so far about the nature of survivors’ reactions and the existence of
moderating variables points to a highly complex scenario within an organisation imple-
menting a downsizing strategy. Moreover, these moderating variables will be likely to
have a cumulative and compounding effect (Brockner, 1988). Nevertheless, managerial
action focused at this level of downsizing should contribute towards the effective man-
agement of this type of HR strategy. Its intention would be to reduce the incidence or
alleviate the consequences of negative survivors’ reactions that can arise where downsiz-
ing is only conceived as a corporate-level (top-down) strategy. In this way, the strength
of negative reactions may be weakened, while any sense of legitimacy in the downsizing
process, combined with procedural fairness, may possibly lead to the creation of some
positive reactions. Research by Allen et al. (2001) highlights that such attitudes are likely
to alter over time. In particular, while survivors’ attitudes are likely to be less positive
immediately after a downsizing than prior to its occurrence, they can return to a more
favourable level over a period of months.
Brockner and Greenberg (1990) present two opposing categories of reactions which
survivors may exhibit, depending upon their perceptions of how leavers are selected and
subsequently treated during their period of notice. These categories are labelled as ‘sym-
pathetic’ and ‘unsympathetic’ and refer to survivors’ reactions towards those who leave
an organisation (Figure 14.6). In the context of downsizing, they suggest an unsympa-
thetic reaction may include the belief that redundancies were justified, particularly in
relation to those selected for redundancy, with survivors distancing themselves from the
leavers and working harder. On the other hand, sympathetic reactions by survivors may
include the belief that leavers have been unfairly selected and/or treated, resulting in
negative emotions, attitudes and behaviours towards an organisation. These categories
of survivors’ reactions emphasise the need for managerial interventions (Thornhill and
Saunders, 1998).
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512 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 14.4

How would you react to the redundancy of colleagues in the organisation for
which you work, or in an organisation for which you have worked? (Perhaps you
have actually experienced this event. If you have, how did you react and why?)

Interventions to manage downsizing as a bottom-up process

Research using a number of applicable theories, such as those related to equity, organisa-
tional justice, job insecurity, job redesign and organisational stress, suggests a number of
interventions for managers to consider. These would be designed to reduce the inci-
dence and strength of negative survivor reactions and encourage more positive reactions
to the downsizing organisation.

Equity theory, management decisions and work effort

Equity theory (Adams, 1965) has been used to evaluate the effects of employee percep-
tions about the fairness of management decisions related to the downsizing processes.
For example, survivors’ reactions are likely to be affected by their level of acceptance of:
 the need to downsize or make employees redundant;
 the lack of an alternative course of action;
 the level of prior notification provided by management;
 the selection criteria used and the decisions made by managers about who should be
made redundant; and
 the way in which the leavers are treated during their period of notice and offered sup-
port to find alternative employment (Brockner, 1988, 1992).
Perceptions of fairness or equity about management decisions and procedures related
to these aspects may help to reduce the incidence of negative reactions. On the other
hand, perceptions of unfairness may lead either to positive inequity, where particular sur-
vivors feel that those made redundant had a greater claim to be retained than they did; or
to negative inequity where, for example, survivors identified closely with those made
redundant. Positive inequity may lead to survivors experiencing guilt, with the result that
they work harder, whereas negative inequity may lead to affected survivors reducing their
level of organisational commitment and working less hard (e.g. Brockner, 1988).

Organisational justice theory: management decisions,

decision-making and managers’ skills
Recognition of the importance of perceived fairness has been developed through the use
of organisational justice theory (Brockner and Greenberg, 1990; Daly and Geyer, 1994),
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Chapter 14 Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction? 513

by categorising employees’ views and feelings about their and others’ treatment within
an organisation (Morrison and Robinson, 1997). Distributive justice is related to
employees’ perceptions regarding the fairness of the decisions that are made – the ‘out-
comes’ of the process. The elements of distributive justice promote an understanding of
why survivors may not perceive the outcomes of redundancy decisions to be fair. Organ-
isations are likely to make or promote redundancy selection decisions based on criteria
related to business needs, efficiency and performance. However, in many, if not most,
cases, such criteria will be unlikely to produce outcomes that match the economic need
to maintain employment of those threatened by redundancy (Brockner and Greenberg,
1990). Explaining why criteria were chosen may help to reduce the consequences of
redundancy decisions based on this mismatch between organisational and individual
objectives. In addition, employees may perceive that the business-related criteria used
for redundancy selection do not match their judgements about effective performance.
The use of such criteria will lead to an outcome that is perceived to be unfair. The possi-
bility of such an outcome has clear implications for the validity of selection criteria and
the need to shape perceptions about this. Another aspect of distributive justice may
relate to perceptions about whether downsizing and redundancy also affect manage-
ment, or whether managers are seen to avoid redundancies (Brockner, 1992).
Perceptions about the processes used to arrive at, and to implement, these decisions
form the basis of two further dimensions of justice that are sometimes treated as one in
the literature: procedural justice and interactional justice (Cropanzano and Greenberg,
1997). Procedural justice focuses on employee perceptions about the fairness of the
processes used to make decisions about downsizing and redundancies. This suggests that
not only should the outcomes of downsizing decision-making be seen to be fair but so
too should the procedures used to arrive at such decisions. Where negative reactions are
created by outcomes that are perceived as unfair, these may be moderated by the use of
procedures that are seen as fair (Brockner et al., 1990). Studies related to procedural jus-
tice have focused mainly on two factors that affect perceptions about procedural
fairness. These are ‘voice’, which is linked to employee involvement in the process (Chap-
ter 8), and ‘justification’, which relates to education through explanation (Daly and
Geyer, 1994). The promotion of involvement in this context may include the use of con-
sultation and communication about the process; the use of a voluntary, as opposed to a
compulsory, redundancy; affected employees being provided with options about rede-
ployment and relocation; the provision of outplacement facilities and; interventions
aimed at allowing survivors to adjust to downsizing-related changes. Guest and Peccei
(1992: 55) evaluated the effects of involvement initiatives used during the closure of a
British Aerospace site and found that ‘employee involvement can work as a strategy for
easing the process of plant closure’. However, they also found that certain groups were
less involved, with the implication that these employees may have had less favourable
perceptions about the fairness of the procedures used.
Involvement allows those affected to exercise some degree of influence in relation to
the process, as we discussed earlier. This has been linked to a number of attitudinal and
behavioural survivors’ reactions. Davy et al. (1991) found that employee influence over
the downsizing process positively affects perceptions about fairness and job satisfaction,
which in turn affect level of commitment to the organisation and intention to stay.
Organisations may therefore genuinely seek to engender employee involvement to pro-
mote perceptions that the process used is just (Davy et al., 1991). Justification may also
be promoted through an educative process to explain why downsizing is necessary. As
with employee influence in relation to the process, justification has been found to be
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514 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

related positively to procedural fairness and, in turn, to intention to stay (Daly and
Geyer, 1994). This may be explained through the finding that employees are more likely
to accept a decision, even an unfavourable one related to redundancy, when they receive
an adequate and genuine reason for it (Brockner et al., 1990).
Procedural justice has been distinguished from interactional justice that focuses on
employees’ perceptions about fairness of interpersonal treatment received during the
implementation of downsizing (Bies and Moag, 1986). However, there has been consider-
able debate concerning interactional justice. Initially, researchers (Bies and Moag, 1986;
Greenberg, 1993) suggested that it consisted of two distinct types of treatment: treatment
of people (interpersonal justice) and explanations provided to people (informational jus-
tice). Subsequently, it was argued that, as interactional justice produces the same type of
perceptual outcomes as procedural justice, it should be considered a facet of procedural
justice rather than as a separate dimension (Cropanzano and Greenberg, 1997). More
recently, research has suggested that procedural, informational and interpersonal justice
are three empirically distinct dimensions (Colquitt, 2001; Kernan and Hanges, 2002). Line
managers have a potentially significant influence over the way their subordinates react to
downsizing in terms of their treatment of those who leave and the survivors. Line man-
agers therefore need to be able to demonstrate a range of skills that might be broadly
described as change management skills. In addition, line managers need to be able to deal
with issues that are specific to a redundancy situation. These will include communicating
notification decisions and providing reasons for these (informational justice), as well as
the sensitivity with which they treat leavers during their notice period (informational jus-
tice). It is therefore suggested that line managers will require preparation and training to
be able to cope effectively and fairly (Thornhill et al., 1997a).

Self-Check and Reflect Questions 14.5

Outline how perceptions of distributive, procedural, informational and interper-

sonal treatment may impact positively on downsizing survivors’ reactions.

Job insecurity and the role of employee communication

The central role that effective communication may play in the management of downsiz-
ing and redundancy has already been highlighted through references to equity and
organisational justice theories. Job insecurity theory develops our understanding of the
role of communication in this context. Greenhalgh and Rosenblatt (1984) report that
employees receive information through three channels: official organisational ones;
organisational actions that provide them with clues, and informal channels such as
rumours. Two points follow from this:
 information from the organisation may not focus on the specific concerns of those
affected, whether they are leavers or stayers;
 in the absence of information, or appropriate information, employees will both infer
what is likely to happen from organisational and managerial actions, and rely upon
informal channels.
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Chapter 14 Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction? 515

Where formal communications do not focus on the specific concerns of those

affected, they will not alleviate their sense of powerlessness and perceived threat (Green-
halgh, 1983; Greenhalgh and Rosenblatt, 1984).
Earlier in this chapter it was highlighted that positive employee perceptions might
follow from the exercise of employee involvement or voice during downsizing. In rela-
tion to job insecurity, perceptions about personal control related to the downsizing
process may be positively affected through communicating how individuals will be
affected, in particular:
 Most employees will benefit from knowing that they will not be affected, at least
directly, such as when a downsizing strategy avoids the use of redundancy, at least in
its compulsory form. An organisation may also use a carefully defined and targeted
approach to reduce the pool of those potentially affected. Advance notification may
be provided to those divisions or departments where redundancies will occur, thereby
reducing insecurity about potential job losses for survivors, even though this intro-
duces earlier issues for the management of those who are to leave.
 Both leavers and survivors will benefit from information about how they will be
affected. Leavers will need information about how they will be treated during their
period of notice, what will be expected from them and what further redeployment or
outplacement support they may expect to receive. Survivors will need information
about how they will be affected by the changes that result from downsizing. The pro-
vision of such information will be important for survivors who will now be less
concerned about loss of their jobs, but may remain concerned about the removal of
those job attributes that they found attractive before change was implemented.

Job insecurity, career progression and the psychological

Job insecurity, in this broader sense, refers to uncertainty about attributes such as career
progression, contractual relationships, including the psychological contact (Key Con-
cepts 14.1), and status. Downsizing and delayering may impair opportunities for career
progression. Organisations will therefore need to consider the implications of this where
it is likely to lead to the creation of negative survivor reactions and resulting intentions
to leave. In attempting to avert this type of outcome, organisations will need to consider
the competences that they require, the design and implementation of career manage-
ment programmes to develop these and how they communicate these aspects to the
survivors (Ebadan and Winstanley, 1997). More broadly, this threat to career progres-
sion and prior expectations about security may represent a breach of the psychological
contract (Hendry and Jenkins, 1997: 39). This may signify a shift towards a ‘transac-
tional’ contract, characterised by strict instrumentality where employee inputs are
exchanged for financial reward, and there is a reduced willingness to participate in
organisational citizenship behaviours (Key Concepts 14.2). It is likely to occur at the
very time when the need for commitment to the organisation from survivors is at a
premium (e.g. Murphy et al., 2002). The implications of this may be particularly pro-
nounced for middle managers as is now considered.
Studies conducted in North America (Belasen et al., 1996) and the UK (Newell and
Dopson, 1996; Campbell-Jamison et al., 2001) found that work demands increase signif-
icantly for middle managers during and after downsizing. Such survivors have to work
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516 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

Key Concepts 14.2

Organisational citizenship behaviour

Organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is the readiness of an employee to contribute to the

organisation beyond that required by his or her contract. Such behaviour is not recognised formally
by organisations’ reward systems so, consequently, employees can decide whether or not to withhold
OCB. OCB is multi-dimensional and includes employees’ participation in activities that, while not for-
mally required, help the image of the organisation as well as behaviours directed at individuals such
as cooperative and constructive gestures (Coyle-Shapiro and Kessler, 2000; Murphy et al., 2002).

harder and longer, and engage in a broader range of roles, and cope not only with their
traditional management tasks but also with new aspects related to the implementation
of change. This led Belasen et al. (1996) to report that the managers in their study
needed to be ‘hyper-effective’ in order to cope. However, the sustainability of this
requirement, its impact on these managers’ psychological contracts, and their level of
organisational commitment were questioned. Both studies found these managers felt
they did not receive adequate information, leading to a sense of powerlessness, and that
their psychological contracts had been unilaterally altered by the nature of the changes
occurring within their organisations (Belasen et al., 1996; Newell and Dopson, 1996).
Newell and Dopson (1996) reported that the experiences of the managers in their study
had led several of these to re-appraise the nature of their commitment, shifting the focus
away from work irrespective of career progression.
All survivors may, of course, experience feelings of insecurity arising from uncer-
tainty and unilateral changes to their psychological contracts. Kozlowski et al. (1993)
used facets of job redesign, related to job enrichment or enlargement, to explore the
relationship between an organisational strategy used to downsize and structural deter-
minants of survivors’ reactions following downsizing. In the earlier discussion of Figure
14.4, three organisational strategies to downsize were outlined. The first of these simply
involved the use of a workforce reduction strategy, where the intention is to reduce
organisational headcount and costs, as highlighted by In Practice 14.4. However, the
amount of work that remains in the downsized organisation may not be reduced, at
least on a commensurate basis. This will lead to a situation of job enlargement for sur-
vivors, where feelings of role stress and dissatisfaction may result in an altered
commitment focus and intention to leave. This is likely to be associated with ineffective
leadership, unclear job responsibilities, poor communication and feedback, and poorly
defined performance standards, as well as role overload, following downsizing
(Tombaugh and White, 1990). The use of an organisation redesign strategy (Chapter 5),
in conjunction with a workforce reduction one, will instead be aimed at reducing the
quantity of work in the downsized organisation. Where effective, this may lead to job
enrichment enhancing personal control in relation to job roles (Kozlowski et al., 1993;
Cameron, 1994b).
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Chapter 14 Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction? 517

Recognising and managing stress through the

reactions of survivors
Research exploring the consequences of downsizing suggests that Lazarus and Folkman’s
(1984) theory of stress provides a useful framework to recognise and manage these
issues (e.g. Brockner and Wiesenfeld, 1993). Shaw and Barrett-Power’s (1997: 109) defi-
nition, cited earlier, emphasises that downsizing is a ‘constellation of stressor events ...
which ... require a process of coping and adaptation’. The changes that have been dis-
cussed in this chapter arising from downsizing have indicated a significant number of
potential sources of stress for survivors. Lazarus and Folkman’s (1984) theory centres on
two key concepts: stress appraisal and coping. Individuals will cognitively appraise
whether an event will lead to stress, how this may manifest itself and what they can do
about it. Coping with an event that causes significant levels of stress, such as downsizing,
may involve the use of one of two divergent strategies:
 problem-focused (or control oriented) coping;
 emotion-focused (or escape/avoidance) coping.
Strategies related to problem-focused coping involve an intention to confront the
problem and to seek to solve it through attempts to exercise influence and control
(Lazarus and Folkman, 1984; Latack, 1986). In contrast, emotion-focused coping
involves focusing on emotional consequences and perhaps seeking to avoid stressful sit-
uations (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984; Latack, 1986), indicating withdrawal from the
situation (Shaw and Barrett-Power, 1997).
There are therefore clear organisational and management implications from the
application of stress theory to the downsizing context. In relation to stress appraisal,
prior organisational treatment may be important to the way that individuals react to a
potentially threatening or stressful situation (Naumann et al., 1995; Kernan and Hanges,
2002). Consequently, individuals who are employed in organisations that have proven to
be supportive in the past, may appraise changes as less threatening and stressful. This
may be particularly significant for survivors of downsizing. Organisational support
throughout the downsizing is also likely to be important in relation to the type of
coping strategy that affected individuals adopt. The aim of such support would be the
encouragement of a problem-focused and control-oriented coping approach. Organisa-
tional support may be defined simply as the level of concern and care that an
organisation shows in relation to the effects of its, and perhaps others’, actions on its
employees (Naumann et al., 1995). The most important source of this type of support is
likely to be through employees’ interactions with their line managers. In Armstrong-
Stassen’s (1994) study, survivors who performed better and were more committed and
loyal to their organisation were those who also felt that they had highly supportive line
managers. Survivors who demonstrated the same attributes towards commitment, per-
formance and intention to stay were also found to be those who used control coping
strategies. It therefore seems possible that some form of link exists between organisa-
tional support and survivors’ coping strategies.
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518 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

 Downsizing is an organisational strategy to reduce the size of an organisation’s work-
force. Its use is likely to generate a range of reactions from those who remain in an
organisation, which may lead to adverse consequences.
 Three organisational strategies have been identified to achieve downsizing. These are:
the workforce reduction strategy; organisation redesign strategy; and the systemic
change strategy. An important distinction has also been drawn between the use of
proactive and reactive approaches to downsizing. The use of a reactive, workforce
reduction strategy has been found to impair, rather than improve, organisational per-
formance. Even where this approach is not used there may still be a negative effect
arising from the creation of negative survivors’ reactions and the loss of organisa-
tional competence.
 Where organisations use methods to implement downsizing that emphasise managerial
control at the expense of perceived influence by employees, this will generate further
negative survivors’ reactions leading to adverse consequences for the organisation.
 The incidence and strength of survivors’ reactions are affected by the existence of
moderating variables. These highlight the scope for downsizing organisations to
intervene to seek to minimise their incidence or manage their effects.
 A range of organisational theories, related to equity, organisational justice, job inse-
curity, job redesign and organisational stress, can be used to suggest appropriate
human resource interventions to manage the process of downsizing more effectively,
depending on the characteristics of the organisational context.

Follow-up study suggestions

1. Using the search facilities of an electronic version of a quality daily newspaper obtain
reports relating to recent downsizing at an organisation. Use these reports to discover
the reasons for the downsizing and how it was implemented. How do you think the
process might have been managed better?
2. Taking In Practice 14.2 as your starting point, explain the implications of variations
in statutory redundancy requirements between member states in the EU.
3. Visit the government statistics web site for a country of your choice (for example for the UK). Using that site’s search facilities, obtain
detailed data on redundancy rates. Find out what the overall trend in redundancy
rates has been over the past few years. Explore how this trend differs between males
and females and for different industry sectors.
4. Interview a friend or colleague whom you know has been made redundant from a
previous job. Ask them to describe how they feel they were treated during the process.
To what extent is organisational justice theory helpful in explaining their feelings?
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Chapter 14 Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction? 519

Suggestions for research topics

1. Evaluate the management of the downsizing process at organisation XYZ paying spe-
cial attention to the reactions of the survivors.
2. Evaluate the management of the downsizing process at organisation XYZ paying spe-
cial attention to those who were made redundant.
3. Design a downsizing strategy for a large organisation to minimise the negative reac-
tions from existing employees.
4. Explore the implications of variations in national legislation relating to redundancies
for multi-national organisations facing the need to downsize their operations.

Case Study
The demise of MG Rover cars?

Financial Times cutting 1: MG Rover staff The money is part of a £150m package pledged
benefit from speedy payout by the government to help the estimated 20,000
workers who have lost jobs at MG Rover and its
by Bob Sherwood suppliers.
Financial Times, 3 May 2005 The Transport and General Workers’ Union said:
‘It’s excellent that the government has moved very
About 4,000 MG Rover workers who lost their fast. But it’s awful that people with years of service
jobs after the carmaker went into administration have been left with the statutory minimum.’
have received redundancy payments averaging The union also called for a quick settlement for
£5,000 each. the workers who were not paid their statutory 90-
The £20m-plus payout, which will ultimately be day notice period because of the speed of the
paid by the taxpayer, was speeded up by officials, redundancies.
Patricia Hewitt announced while campaigning for Ms Hewitt said administrators had received a
the general election in the West Midlands yesterday. ‘large number’ of expressions of interest from com-
The trade and industry secretary said the total panies contemplating acquiring assets or divisions
payments to former Rover workers would be closer of Rover, but it was uncertain whether they would
to £50m than the £40m she had announced when save any jobs.
the company collapsed last month.
Former workers at the Longbridge plant in Birm-
ingham, where more than 5,000 jobs were lost, had Financial Times cutting 2: New employment
complained they would receive payments up to found by 1,250 ex-Rover workers
£3,300. But the trade and industry secretary said
the actual statutory redundancy payouts were by Jonathan Guthriein
larger. Speaking in the marginal constituency of Financial Times, 22 June 2005
Redditch, she said: ‘I am delighted that my officials
have put in a great deal of extra overtime and have About 1,250 out of more than 5,000 workers who
made these payments in two weeks compared with lost jobs when MG Rover collapsed in April have
the six weeks it can take to come through.’ found new employment. A government-appointed
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520 Part 2 Strategic Interventions

taskforce said it was evidence that ‘the West Mid- in re-employment in three weeks, when compensa-
lands is fighting back from the biggest company tion payments in lieu of notice ceased.
closure in years’. Many ex-MG Rover workers are learning
MG Rover, the last British-owned volume car- construction industry skills, of which there is a
maker, went into administration after Shanghai national shortage.
Automotive Industry Corporation pulled out of col- Carl Lanchester, 56, previously a paint sprayer,
laboration talks. Yesterday’s news on employment will begin a plastering course this month. Mr Lan-
suggests the blow to the local economy will be chester, who described Ms Hodge’s comments as
lighter than many predicted. This reflects a tight ‘insulting’, said he had felt ‘frustrated’ by delays to
labour market and diversification by suppliers after his retraining.
BMW sold Rover to local industrialists in 2000. Mike Beasley, a taskforce member and chairman
The MG Rover Taskforce, which updated the Prime of the West Midlands Learning and Skills Council,
Minister on its progress yesterday, said 2,200 MG agreed there had been a bottleneck in retraining,
Rover workers had signed up for training courses. adding: ‘You have to remember we are taking on
About 1,000 have already started retraining. A few over 3,000 new students, the equivalent of a whole
hundred MG Rover staff have been retained by the new college being set up.’
administrators to look after the Longbridge factory Workers are mostly resigned to earning less in
site, leaving about 1,000 other workers still looking for new jobs than they did at the Longbridge plant. Mr
jobs or pondering their futures. The administrators Lanchester, who received £21,000 a year, said: ‘I
have set today as the deadline for bidders to lodge will be lucky to get that anywhere else.’ Average
their offers for MG Rover businesses pay at MG Rover was about £22,000 with typical
Tony Blair praised the taskforce, whose efforts salaries for ex-workers beginning new careers esti-
could become a model for dealing with future mass mated at £18,000.
redundancies, alongside such examples as the regen-
eration of Corby after steelworks closures. The body’s
task has been made easier by generous funding. Financial Times cutting 3: Waiting game
The Labour government, which was seeking re- ended in tears as SAIC deal for Rover
election when MG Rover collapsed, has pledged failed to materialise
£175m and the EU has put up £40m. That totals
almost £36,000 per worker, though much of that by James Mackintosh
money has not yet been spent. Financial Times, 7 October 2005
JobCentre Plus, the government employment
and benefits agency, set up an office on the Long- When Tony Lomas, senior restructuring partner at
bridge site and distributed information packs to PwC, arrived at the gates of MG Rover’s Long-
redundant workers. A jobs fair was held on parkland bridge factory in Birmingham on a Saturday
beside the site and a register of manufacturing afternoon in April, he had already decided that a
vacancies was set up. Small suppliers are receiving rescue of the company was close to impossible.
grants to retain workers dependent on MG Rover Colleagues at the professional services firm had
contracts while they diversify. worked through the night, after being appointed as
Margaret Hodge, minister for work and pensions, administrators by the owners of the carmaker, to try to
was embroiled in a row last week when she linked revitalise a deal with China’s largest car manufacturer.
the MG Rover redundancies to vacancies at a local But Mr Lomas found attempts to contact execu-
Tesco store. Some reports interpreted this as a call tives at Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp had
for former MG Rover workers to apply for jobs as failed. He roped in colleagues from PwC’s Shanghai
shelf stackers. This hit a raw nerve with trade union- office, spoke to NM Rothschild, SAIC’s London-based
ists worried by the replacement of well-paid investment banking adviser, and consulted Rover
manufacturing work with poorly-paid services jobs. executives who had negotiated with the company.
However Nick Paul, chairman of the MG Rover Everything he discovered backed up the belief that
Taskforce, said many former MG Rover workers had a sale to SAIC – which had been under negotiation for
found new jobs in manufacturing and that there were a year – was ‘highly unlikely’ and even if possible
still 1,600 vacancies for skilled staff locally. Gerard could not be done quickly. He decided Rover could
Coyne, a member of the taskforce and regional sec- not risk its hoard of £17.2m cash and the workforce
retary of the T&G union, said there would be a ‘spike’ would have to be sacked on Monday. It was also
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Chapter 14 Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction? 521

unclear whether the money was pledged against than 700 bidders asked for information but by late
loans or free to spend. ‘We told both the union and the June only a handful had proved serious, including
DTI that. That was our view on the Saturday morning Nanjing Automobile. Nanjing, which is struggling in
and that was still our view on the Sunday.’ its home market of China, demonstrated it was seri-
People close to SAIC had made clear in private ous by sending a delegation, led by its
ahead of the collapse of Rover that a deal was no second-in-command, to examine Longbridge.
longer on the table. Indeed, bankers at Rothschild At this point, two late bidders emerged: SAIC,
had advised the Chinese company that if a deal which had wanted to buy only the Powertrain
was to be done, it was better to do it while Rover engine factory, realised that PwC preferred to sell
was still trading in order to avoid the brand Rover’s assets as a package; and a consortium led
damage. Anyone buying Rover would also have to by David James, who took over the troubled Millen-
contend with suppliers refusing to provide vital nium Dome in 2000, offered £40m for everything.
parts to the company until they were paid. Yet, late However, SAIC still did not believe Nanjing
on the Sunday, with SAIC still out of contact, the had the money and was finding it difficult to put in
Department of Trade and Industry decided to hand a serious bid. It finally lodged a bid just before a
over £6.5m to stave off redundancies for a week July 22 deadline but Mr Lomas said it was not as
while Chinese talks took place. This money, techni- high as Nanjing’s £53m offer and had conditions,
cally a loan, would only be repaid if the business unlike Nanjing.
was sold as a going concern. Today, Chinese engineers are dismantling pro-
Efforts to contact the Chinese company lasted duction lines to ship to Nanjing, where they plan to
four days before a letter arrived from Shanghai, build MG cars. But Mr Lomas says Nanjing appears
addressed to Patricia Hewitt, the then trade and to be negotiating with GB Sports Car Co to build
industry secretary, which made ‘crystal clear’ that cars in Britain.
no deal was possible. After that, job losses were
inevitable. Mr Lomas brought in experts from PwC’s
human resources consultancy, who had handled Case study questions
the 3,000 job losses imposed during the restructur-
ing of television rental company Boxclever. Before answering these questions read all three
‘When you are trying to do the “hard” commer- articles from the Financial Times.
cial things they made sure you deal with the human
1. Outline the organisational downsizing strategy
matters too,’ he said.
that was adopted by Rover.
As P45s landed on doormats, Mr Lomas heard
from valuers that, apart from a few pieces of spe- 2. Outline the range of support offered to
cialised equipment, most of Rover’s machinery redundant Rover workers.
could only be sold as scrap metal. The 14,000 new Why do you believe this support was offered?
and second-hand cars parked on disused airfields 3. Why did the UK government become involved in
around Britain and Europe were the company’s the downsizing at Rover?
most valuable assets. 4. What were the intended and unintended
This meant finding a buyer that wanted to build outcomes of the downsizing strategy adopted?
MGs or Rovers and so needed the equipment. More
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360-degree appraisal This type of appraisal is so called Bandwagon effect This is where companies rush to emulate
because it does not rely on assessment from the line manager competitors by investing abroad for fear of losing competitive
only but from a number of sources. These may include, in edge.
addition to the line manager, other managers such as those Base pay The basic, regular amount of wages or salary received
responsible for projects; peers; employees for whom the indi-
by an employee without additional sums such as bonuses.
vidual may be responsible; internal and external customers;
and self-assessment. Basic research Research undertaken purely to understand
Achievement versus ascription A cultural dimension used processes and their outcomes, predominantly in universities
by Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner that relates to re- as a result of an academic agenda, for which the key con-
lationships with people and, in particular, the way in which sumer is the academic community.
status is accorded. Basic underlying assumptions The deepest level of culture.
Acquisitions see mergers and acquisitions. These are the invisible ‘theories in use’ upon which more visi-
Action research Evaluation strategy concerned with the ble practices and artefacts of culture are built. They are so
management of a change and involving close collaboration taken for granted that there will be little variation in them
between practitioners and researchers. The results flowing within a culture or subculture.
from action research should also inform other contexts. Best practice HRM Similar to the concept of universal
Applied research Research of direct and immediate rele- models of SHRM, this suggests that there is ‘one best way’ of
vance to practitioners that addresses issues they see as achieving HR effectiveness.
important and is presented in ways they can understand and Best value An initiative in the UK public sector that requires
act upon. local authorities (and other best value authorities) to seek to
Appraisal-related pay A method of payment when an individ- achieve continuous improvement by having regard to the
ual employee receives increases in pay based wholly or partly on efficiency, effectiveness and economy of their service delivery.
the regular and systematic assessment of job performance. Big idea A key finding of one of the research projects on the
Artefact A manifestation of a culture that is relatively easy to extent to which HR impacts upon organisational perform-
discern but from which the true meaning is difficult to deci- ance showed the importance of a big idea (e.g. a dominant
pher because of its shallow or superficial nature. Material organisational imperative) that unified organisational
objects, physical arrangements, patterns of behaviour, stories thought and action.
and jokes are often described as artefacts. See also symbol.
Black box A term used in HR research to discover how the
Articulated knowledge The knowledge possessed by indi- processes of people management influence employee and
viduals that can be expressed verbally or in writing so that it
organisational performance.
can be passed on to others to assimilate.
Bottom-up Process typically initiated away from an organi-
Balanced scorecard This assumes that for an organisation to
sation’s headquarters, developed by employees and led by
be successful it must satisfy the demands of its key stakehold-
ers, investors, customers and employees. This suggests four general managers. Tends to be approached incrementally.
key perspectives on business performance: finance; cus- Broad-banding The compression of a hierarchy of pay
tomers; internal business processes; and learning and growth. grades or salary ranges into a small number of wide bands.
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Bundles (HR) Some of the studies treat HR practices as Compulsory redundancy The selection of employees to be
groups, or ‘bundles’, of activities, thus emphasising the made redundant regardless of their wishes.
importance of horizontal integration between practices. Confucian dynamism A cultural dimension used by Hof-
Capability Refers to an individual employee's ability to per- stede (and Bond) that relates to the long- or short-term
form the work expected of them to required standards. orientation of cultures.
Case study Evaluation strategy that involves the empirical Contingency approach This approach suggests that there is
investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon no universal best way to design an organisation, that the
within its real-life context, using multiple sources of evidence. design chosen is dependent on the current and future operat-
Closed question see question, closed ing environment of the organisation.
Collective agreement The outcome of the collective bargain- Contract of employment Formed when an offer of employ-
ing process; may be defined as an agreement between a trade ment is made and accepted. Traditionally, the terms and
conditions included in the contract of employment create the
union(s) and employer(s) that determines, among other
central elements of the employment relationship.
things, the terms and conditions of employment of the
employees and the employer who is party to the agreement. Convergence, cultural see cultural convergence.
Collective bargaining Voluntary, formalised procedure Core capabilities A set of organisation-specific capabilities
whereby employers and trade unions negotiate, for specific that can lead to sustainable competitive advantage. These
groups of employees, terms and conditions of employment, capabilities arise from the distinctiveness of internal
and the ways in which certain employment-related issues are to resources and include an organisation’s skill base, its
be regulated at national, organisational and workplace levels. processes and routines, and its assets and patents or intellec-
tual capital. Frequently referred to as core competences. See
Collectivism (1) Refers to employees giving up their indi- also core competence.
vidual interests in favour of the interests of the workgroup,
whether at workplace, company or national level. The Core competence A distinctive organisational capability
employer may have little choice in this as it may be part of an that, if effectively exploited, can lead to an organisation
arrangement where the employees’ interests are progressed achieving competitive advantage over its rivals if the com-
petence cannot be easily copied. See also core capabilities.
through a collective arrangement. (2) An approach to the
management of the employment relationship that assumes Core values see basic underlying assumptions.
that the employees’ interests are pursued through the Corporate culture This is the pattern of values, beliefs and
processes of collective representation to management, usu- expectations shared by organisation members. It represents
ally, but not exclusively, through trade unions the taken-for-granted and shared assumptions that people
Commitment Widely used in current SHRM literature to make about how work is done and evaluated, and how
describe the quality of being dedicated to the cause. Various employees relate to one another and to significant others,
methods are used to develop this quality among employees such as suppliers, customers and government agencies.
with the aim being a dedication to the cause of organisational Corporate strategy The overall aims and objectives of an
success. Some employees may be committed to a career or to organisation and how the organisation plans and utilises its
employment security that is associated with the success of the resources to achieve its strategy. See also strategic manage-
business, while other employees may be committed to their ment; strategic planning; strategy.
career, perhaps at the expense of the business. A final group Cross-sectional The study of a particular phenomenon (or
of employees may have no commitment at all. phenomena) at a particular time, i.e. a ‘snapshot’.
Competence-related pay A method of rewarding employees Cultural convergence The argument that, due to advances in
wholly or partly by reference to the level of competence they technology, the growing number of multi-national organisa-
demonstrate in carrying out their roles. tions and the like cultures will converge.
Competitive advantage (1) A perceived association with a Cultural divergence The argument that between-country
commodity or service of a tangible or intangible attribute of differences, such as language, religious beliefs, laws, political
condition of supply, which makes that product or service systems and education, mean that cultures will diverge.
more attractive to customers than the goods or services of a Cultural web The symbols, power structures, organisational
competitor. (2) The advantage enjoyed by an organisation structures, control systems, rituals and routines, and stories
over its competitors. This can arise accidentally as a result of that, along with their interrelationships define the core values
the particular circumstance of an organisation but is often and beliefs of an organisation’s culture.
deliberately sought and pursued through strategic manage- Culture ‘A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the
ment. It may result from the positioning of an organisation group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation
in its market place, e.g. niche marketing or competing on and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be
the basis of quality, or from the exploitation of distinctive considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members
internal resources, e.g. an organisation’s human capital. as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to
Competitive environment The immediate competitive con- those problems’ (Schein, 1997: 12). See also national culture;
text in which an organisation operates. organisational culture.
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524 Glossary

Differentiation perspective The perspective that different Employee behaviours This term refers to the repertoire of
groups within, for example, an organisation are likely to have attitudes and actions held and performed by employees in
different beliefs and behaviours regarding some aspects of the pursuit of their duties.
organisation, resulting in manifestations of the culture being Employee involvement A unitarist and business-centred
at times inconsistent. concept, fostered by employer and managerial interests,
Direct exporting This takes the form of a company produc- designed to generate employee commitment and contribu-
ing and selling goods to foreign customers. tion. Employee involvement encompasses a range of practices
Discrimination Differential treatment of people in the same that are focused directly on employees including forms of
situation due to their membership of different groups. communicative involvement, task-level involvement and
Distributive justice The perception of the fairness of a deci- financial involvement, and is affected by managerial actions
sion that has been made in terms of that decision’s outcomes. and styles of leadership.
Divergence, cultural see cultural divergence. Employee participation Power-centred concept, advanced
by trade unions and through legislation in some cases. The
Diversity being different or varied. This is normally concep- focus is to allow employees to have a mechanism for offering
tualised using dimensions that are particularly relevant to an their views about managerial proposals.
individual employee’s identity such as gender, age, ethnicity,
disability and sexual orientation. Employee relation/industrial relations These are not simply
different terms for the same activities; they denote a signifi-
Diversity, managing see managing diversity.
cant change of emphasis. Concern with industrial relations
Diversity management Ensuring every member of the developed when the emphasis was on collective relationships
workforce has the opportunity to perform to his or her full within industry, such as engineering, teaching, etc. Each busi-
potential. Diversity is therefore seen as a resource to be man- ness within that industry observed the terms and conditions
aged and used to improve organisational performance and agreed between employers’ representatives and unions, which
competitive advantage. bound each employer. Employee relations have little regard
Double-loop learning In contrast to single-loop learning, for industry criteria and focus on collective or individual
double-loop learning is the term used to explain the learning arrangements at the organisational, workplace or team/
process where the main focus is not on improving current departmental levels.
practice but on questioning the very basis of established prac- Employee share ownership schemes A type of share incen-
tice. So, for example, if an HRD intervention fails to result in tive scheme whereby a special trust is established to purchase
improved employee performance, rather than simply looking company shares.
to see how that training intervention might be made more
Employee voice A term used to denote a series of practices
effective, the relevance of HRD itself in that situation might
(e.g. suggestion schemes) designed to ensure that employees
be challenged. See also single-loop learning.
have an input into the running of their organisation.
Downsizing see organisational downsizing.
Employment relationship Economic, legal, social, psycholog-
Downstream Denotes a later stage. When applied to rational ical and political relationships in which employees devote their
strategic planning this would denote, say, that functional time and expertise to the interests of their employer in return
strategies developed to support corporate strategy would lie for a range of financial and non-financial rewards and benefits.
downstream from that corporate strategy. When applied to
SHRM it denotes, for example, that strategic recruitment and Empowerment The granting to all staff of an organisation of
selection lies downstream from the organisational compe- as much scope for decision-making as feasible within the
tences it is designed to secure. Developing line management framework for a strategy.
competence to manage their human resources would be a End-loaded investment model Where the majority of finan-
downstream activity necessitated by a prior decision to intro- cial investment in HR is directed at managing the
duce SHRM. performance of employees once recruited. This anticipates low
Emergent strategy A strategy that evolves over time and as levels of investment in the recruitment and selection process
such has not been carefully planned. Such strategies can with more significant expenditure being sanctioned to rectify
emerge from, for example, unexpected outcomes from the performance problems arising from unsatisfactory recruits.
pursuit of a deliberate strategy or from initiatives developed Equal opportunities An approach to diversity management
at a local level that grow to take a hold over the organisation that is compliance based, values equality, and focuses on
as a whole. avoiding unfair disadvantage to specific groups utilising legis-
Employability A perspective on the employment relation- lation and targeted group initiatives to try to ensure that
ship in which the onus is placed on the individual to ensure differences do not result in unjust or prejudicial treatment.
sufficient training and experience in order to remain attrac- Equality Being equal in status, rights and opportunities.
tive in the labour market. The employer may provide Avoiding unfair disadvantage based on membership of a dis-
development opportunities but it is up to the individual to advantaged group and ensuring that each person has an equal
take advantage of them. chance to make a distinctive contribution.
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Espoused value A value of a culture connected with moral Fitting the person to the job Where the attributes or skills
and ethical codes that determines what people think ought to necessary to effectively perform a job are identified first and
be done, rather than what they necessarily will do. then applicants and candidates are assessed against these
Ethnocentric orientation The main orientation of the MNC, attributes and selected where they fit this specification.
here, is to direct foreign operations from parent-country Fitting the person to the organisation Where the prime
HQ. Key jobs at both HQ and local operations are held by concern of recruitment and selection is to recruit employees
parent-country nationals. against a set of organisational competences and values
European Foundation for Quality Management model derived from the organisation’s strategic objectives. Here, fit
(EFQM) European Excellence model This model posits that with the organisation takes precedence over the person–job
business results are a function of leadership driving people fit where the fitting the job to the person approach is more
management, resources, and policy and strategy, which in turn likely to be adopted.
drive business processes. The outcome is people satisfaction, Foreign direct investment (FDI) This involves a company
customer satisfaction and, through these, business results. gaining a controlling interest in a foreign company, usually
Evaluation A process involving the systematic collection of data through acquiring 30 per cent or more of the foreign com-
that are subsequently analysed, the findings being presented in a pany’s equity.
meaningful and useful form and contributing to organisational
Formal (leader, organisation, system) A term used to desig-
decision-making and improvement. This is sometimes referred
to as planned evaluation or formal evaluation. nate a set of organisational relationships that are explicitly
established in policy and procedures (e.g. the formal organi-
Evaluation, formative Evaluation where the focus is sation). The term has been prefixed to many types of
on improving and fine tuning. For formative evaluations, organisational phenomena.
data collection is often part of regular ongoing monitoring
of performance. Formal evaluation see evaluation.
Evaluation, informal A process by which decisions are likely to Formative evaluation see evaluation, formative.
be based on ‘gut feeling’ or unmethodical processes rather than Fragmentation perspective Perspective that little consensus
the systematic collection, analysis and presentation of data. can be detected, regarding beliefs held and behaviours
Evaluation, summative Evaluation that occurs towards the expected across all members of, for example, an organisation.
later stages of a project, such as to assess impact, determine Franchising This is a type of licensing agreement whereby
the extent to which goals have been met, or establish whether the franchiser allows the franchisee to use the franchiser’s
to continue with an intervention. For summative evaluations, intellectual property to undertake a specific business activity.
data collection is unlikely to part of regular ongoing moni-
Front-loaded investment model Where a significant finan-
toring of performance.
cial investment in HR is made at the point of entry, i.e.
Evaluation of human resource development see human recruitment and selection, in order to avoid letting unsatis-
resource development (HRD) evaluation. factory recruits into the organisation. This anticipates that
Evaluation of recruitment and selection Where the return lower levels of investment in managing the poor performance
on investment in recruitment and selection processes and de- of unsatisfactory recruits will be necessary because of more
cisions is assessed to measure their effectiveness. Evaluation effective selection in the first place.
can take place at a number of levels, from assessing individual
Functional The terms used to describe those parts of an
components of the process, e.g. the cost-effectiveness of adver-
organisation that promote the attainment of goals. It comes
tising; the suitability of recruits; and the strategic contribution
of the process. from a mode of organisational analysis that seeks to explain
organisations by understanding the effects that parts of the
Expatriates These employees are not citizens of the coun- organisation have on one another and the mutual effect
tries in which they are working. between the organisation and its environment.
Experiment Evaluation strategy that involves the definition of
Gainsharing Reward schemes designed so that employees
a theoretical hypothesis; the selection of samples of individuals
share the financial results of improvements in productivity,
from known populations; the allocation of samples to different
cost saving or quality. The resultant payment is paid from
experimental conditions; the introduction of planned change
on one or more of the variables; and measurement on a small cost savings generated as a result of such improvements.
number of variables and control of other variables. Gap analysis In human resource planning terms, the differ-
External labour supply The external labour market available ence in quantitative and qualitative terms between an
to an organisation, comprising those available for work or organisation’s demand for labour and its internal supply of
those employed by other organisations. labour. See also human resource planning (HRP).
External strategic integration see vertical strategic integration. Geocentric orientation The major concern of the MNC,
here, is to employ the best people in key positions, irrespec-
Fitting the job to the person Where the focus of recruitment
tive of nationality.
and selection is on recruiting against sets of desired attributes
or skills and then constructing, or allocating, jobs around Global mind-set A state of mind achieved by managers who
those attributes or skills once recruited in order to maximise are able effectively to work across organisational, functional
their utilisation. and cross-cultural boundaries.
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526 Glossary

Hard human resource planning Where the human resource Human resource development (HRD) evaluation Where
planning emphasis is on treating employees as resources to be the return on investment in human resource development
exploited for the benefit of the organisation. There is a focus processes and decisions is assessed to measure its effective-
on the efficient, cost-effective, utilisation of employees ness. Evaluation can take place at a number of different levels
through the exercise of management control and prerogative from, for example, a satisfaction rating of different HRD
within a unitarist framework. interventions, changes in the performance of trainees result-
Hero A person associated with a well-known story about a ing from their HRD experiences to the strategic contribution
culture’s past whose actions are said to be a manifestation of of the HRD process.
that culture. Heroes are relatively easy to discern but the true Human resource development (HRD) function A dedicated
cultural meaning may be difficult to decipher because of the unit, or part of an HR department, staffed by HRD specialists
story’s shallow or superficial nature. whose role is to support the organisation and its managers in
High-commitment management practices Involves such the development of its employees.
SHRM techniques as employee communication, employee Human resource development (HRD) stakeholders Stake-
involvement and profit sharing, designed to generate high holders are all those people, groups and other organisations
employee performance and commitment to the job and the that have a vested interest in an organisation (i.e. those with a
stake in that organisation) and can exert influence in it or be
High-performance work systems Management practices affected by it. When applied to HRD it refers to those who
designed to provide employees with the skills, information, have a stake in the process and are affected by its outcomes.
incentives and responsibility to make their own decisions,
Human resource forecasting Process of calculating the
necessary for innovation, quality improvement and responses
to change. future demand for and supply of human resources in both
quantitative and qualitative terms. Demand forecasting
Horizontal integration A term that refers to integration involves translating corporate strategic objectives into the
between the various HR policies, procedures and practices human resource requirements needed to achieve that strategy
(sometimes called ‘internal’ integration). See also horizontal
using a variety of forecasting techniques. Supply forecasting
strategic integration.
involves calculating the internal supply of labour available to
Horizontal strategic integration Where the activities of an the organisation over the plan period, using such techniques
organisation are not only directed at helping to achieve corpo- as labour wastage analysis and demographic profiling, as well
rate strategy but where they interact with each other in a as the external labour supply available through the external
cohesive way. When applied to SHRM this refers to where the labour market.
HR function integrates with other business functions and
where the activities making up HR (such as HRP, R&S, per- Human resource (HR) philosophy A term based on the
formance management, HRD, reward management, employee well-known mission statement that portrays to stakeholders
relations, organisation structure, etc.) are developed as a something of the nature of the organisation.
coherent bundle so that they operate in a mutually reinforcing Human resource planning (HRP) As part of a staged
way to help deliver an organisation’s strategic intent. process it means the development, implementation and eval-
Host-country nationals (HCNs) These employees are citizens uation of a coherent bundle of HR strategies designed to
of the host country in which their employing organisation is reconcile any mismatch between the organisation’s projected
operating (e.g. a Chinese working at VW in China). demand for and supply of labour surfaced through gap
Human capital The accumulated knowledge, skills experi- analysis. More broadly, it can be interpreted as the process for
ence and competence residing within the workforce that securing the human capability to shape and achieve corpo-
represents an intangible asset that adds value to the organisa- rate strategic objectives.
tion. It can be argued that the overriding purpose of HRD is Human resource preservation Steps taken by an organisa-
to increase an organisation’s human capital. tion to retain the investment it has made in recruiting and
Human relations school This school of thought argues that developing its internal labour force. The emphasis is on
social relationships at work are an important determinant of reducing labour turnover and wastage and/or keeping it
employee productivity. within acceptable parameters.
Human resource (HR) activities All those individual activi- Human resource utilisation Steps taken by an organisation
ties that come under the HR banner and are performed by to reap the dividend from its investment in its labour force.
managers and/or specialist staff, such as culture management, From a hard human resource planning perspective this can
organisation restructuring, human resource planning, be interpreted as getting more from less from the efficient
recruitment and selection, performance appraisals, etc. utilisation of employees. A soft human resource planning
Human resource (HR) consultants Support line managers perspective moves the emphasis from making labour more
with advice on the HR aspects of their roles. productive to ‘winning hearts and minds’ so that employees
commit to the organisation and ‘go the extra mile’ willingly.
Human resource development (HRD) Those organisational
activities and interventions directly associated with develop- Incremental change Change that occurs gradually, dealing
ing its employees that, when employed generically, can be with one issue or part of the organisation at a time. Such change
seen to cover education, learning and training. involves distinct modifications rather than radical changes.
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Indirect discrimination Differential treatment of people in Integration perspective Perspective that all members of, for
the same situation, where acting neutrally would put a person example, an organisation share a common culture with con-
at a disadvantage due to their membership of a particular sensus regarding beliefs held and behaviours expected.
group or groups. Intellectual capital The utilisation of human capital by an
Indirect exporting This may be a domestic manufacturer organisation to generate tangible benefits that can help it to
importing goods from a foreign exporter, who then incorpo- obtain a business advantage and comprises such things as
rates these goods as components in the manufacture of a inventions, patents, market brands, reputation, problem solv-
product, which may in turn be exported. ing, and research and development capability.
Individualism An approach to the management of the Intellectual property rights These may include technical
employment relationship which assumes a one-to-one rela-
expertise, patents, commercial knowledge and, most impor-
tionship with that employee’s manager. It refers to the will of
tantly, brand names.
the individual to look after his or her own interests rather than
relying on another person or body to do this for him or her Inter-unit linkages This refers to the way in which the MNC
and the desire of the employer to deal with his or her employ- differentiates its operating units throughout the world and at
ees in the way he or she sees fit without outside interest. the same time integrates, controls and coordinates its activities.
Individualism versus communitarianism A cultural Interactional justice The perception of the fairness of a
dimension used by Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner that decision that has been made in terms of the treatment
relates to relationships with people and, in particular, empha- received during the implementation of that decision. Also
sises that societies can be individualistic or collectivist. considered a type of procedural justice. See also informa-
Individualism–collectivism A cultural dimension used by tional justice, interpersonal justice.
Hofstede that relates to the views societies have about pre- Internal labour supply That labour supply available to an
ferred ways of social organisation, as individual members or organisation from its existing workforce in both quantitative
collective groups. and qualitative terms.
Industrial relations see employee relations.
Internal strategic integration see horizontal strategic
Informal (leader, group, organisation, system) Term used integration.
to designate the set of organisational relationships that
International investment This applies to the transfer by
emerge over time from the day-to-day experiences that
people have with one another. Informal relationships are companies of resources in order that they may undertake
expressive of the needs that people actually feel in situations, business outside their country of origin.
in contrast to the needs leaders think they should feel. International trade This term refers to the export and
Informal evaluation see evaluation, informal. import of goods and services.
Information asymmetry This occurs when managers Internationalisation The increased interaction between
control all the information relevant to performance manage- national units, most often in international business transac-
ment. tions, taking the form of exports or foreign direct investment.
Informational justice The perception of the fairness of a Interpersonal justice The perception of the fairness of a
decision that has been made in terms of the information decision that has been made in terms of the interpersonal
received, in particular the explanations received during the treatment received during the implementation of the de-
implementation of the decision. Also considered a type of cision. Also considered a type of interactional justice.
interactional justice.
Interview Data collection technique in which an interviewer
Inner directed v. outer directed A cultural dimension used physically meets the respondent, asks him or her questions,
by Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner that relates to atti- and records the responses.
tudes to the environment.
Interview, semi-structured Wide-ranging category of inter-
Institutional integration Where the human resource function view in which the interviewer commences with a set of
is strategically integrated into the organisation and is more
interview themes but is prepared to vary the order in which
likely to occur where the head of function is a board-level
questions are asked and to ask new questions in the context
appointment. This ensures that a meaningful dialogue about
the relationship between people and strategy will take place. of the research situation.
Institutional racism ‘The collective failure of an organisa- Interview, structured Data collection technique in which an
tion to provide an appropriate and professional service to interviewer physically meets the respondent, reads them the
people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin’ same set of questions in a predetermined order, and records
(MacPherson, 1999: para. 6.34). his or her response to each.
Integration The state of collaboration that exists among Interview, unstructured Loosely structured and informally
departments that are required to achieve unity of effort by conducted interview that may commence with one or more
demands of the environment. The term is primarily used in themes to explore with participants but without a predeter-
relation to contingency approaches to organisational design. mined list of questions to work through.
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528 Glossary

Job analysis The formalised study of how a job is conducted Licensing This involves the licenser allowing the licensee to
in order to determine the way of most effectively combining use the licenser’s intellectual property rights in return for a fee.
the job operations with the human capacities of the job holder, Linear/sequential v. circular/synchronic A cultural dimen-
its operating environment and the use of tools and equipment sion used by Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner that relates
necessary to perform the job. From a job analysis it is possible to attitudes to time.
to construct a job description and person specification.
Long-term–short-term orientation dimension (national
Job description A formal document, normally drafted culture) A cultural orientation that relates to the attitude
following the job analysis, that summarises important that people have about long-term decisions, such as invest-
dimensions of a job including: its overall purpose; perform- ment in training and development. Some countries
ance objectives; key tasks; reporting relationships; traditionally have a focus on the future as opposed to those
responsibilities for staff; and financial or tangible resources. It countries that have a shorter-term view.
may also include reference to the main terms and conditions Longitudinal The study of a particular phenomenon (or
of employment. phenomena) over an extended period of time.
Job evaluation A systematic assessment of job content. It Managerialism A model of managing that assumes that
establishes the worth of a job in terms of salary or wage com- management will conceive and implement strategies without
pared to other jobs. considering the perspective of employees.
Job family This is a group of jobs that may be similar in pur- Managing diversity An approach to diversity management
pose and content although carried out at different levels in that focuses upon recognising both visible and non-visible
the organisation. differences between individuals and building upon the
Knowledge-based economy An economy where the utilisa- advantages they offer, rather than utilising legislation and tar-
tion of existing and new knowledge is the basis for economic geted group initiatives to try to ensure that differences do not
performance and success as opposed to adding value through result in unjust or prejudicial treatment.
the classic factors of: production capital; labour; and materi- Manpower planning The precursor to human resource
als. Such economies are characterised by a high proportion of planning that essentially reflected a ‘downstream’, tactical
knowledge workers. response to strategy and emphasised a ‘hard’, quantitative
Knowledge economy see knowledge-based economy. approach with a focus on forecasting and controlling labour
Knowledge management The development of human, intel- to ensure its efficient utilisation.
lectual and social capital as a route to securing sustainable Market rate The ‘standard’ rate paid by employing organisa-
competitive advantage based on knowledge utilisation, cre- tions for a given occupation against which organisations may
ation and transfer within an organisation. compare their pay rates.
Knowledge transfer The transfer of knowledge within an Masculinity–femininity A cultural dimension used by Hof-
organisation so that it becomes available for others to utilise. stede that relates to the importance societies put upon the
Through transfer, it prevents knowledge from being simply values assertiveness or caring for others.
locked up in employees’ heads and lost to the organisation if Matching models of SHRM closed There is a clear and
those employees should depart. Within HRD, knowledge mutually supportive relationship between organisational
transfer assumes great importance as it is the transfer and strategy and HR strategy and this relationship gives rise to
subsequent use of know-how that can be the key to successful the implementation of specific HR initiatives. That is to say
HRD interventions. the match between the organisational strategy and HR strat-
Knowledge workers Employees whose work requires the egy is closed and prescribed in the sense that a particular type
utilisation of their existing knowledge base, and the acquisi- of organisational strategy suggests the need for a specific HR
tion and utilisation of new knowledge in order to enhance strategy and set of practices.
organisational efficiency, effectiveness and innovation. Such Matching models of SHRM open An approach that assumes
workers would be expected to continuously learn from their the existence of a clear and mutually supportive relationship
experiences and to actively engage in knowledge transfer. between organisational strategy and HR strategy. However, it
Labour preservation see human resource preservation. differs from the closed approach in that the HR strategy in-
itiatives should not be prescribed, following from the
Labour utilisation see human resource utilisation. organisational strategy, but should be left open. The degree to
Layoff see redundancy. which the HR strategy is truly ‘strategic’ is a test of its appro-
Learning culture A culture residing within an organisation that priateness to the organisational strategy.
promotes and facilitates individual, workgroup and organisa- Matrix organisation An approach for integrating the activi-
tional learning and development. The creation of a learning ties of different specialists while maintaining specialised
environment can constitute a key organisational capability. organisational units.
Learning organisation An organisation that develops a Mergers and acquisitions Mergers involve the combination
capacity to learn more quickly than its rivals and that utilises of two or more organisational entities of roughly equal
that capacity to continually adapt itself to its business envi- standing into a new business entity, whereas acquisitions
ronment in order to secure sustainable competitive advantage. involve the takeover of one business entity by another.
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Multi-national company (MNC) This type of organisation Organisation redesign strategy A downsizing strategy that,
is characterised by the globalisation of its management sys- in addition to reducing headcount, involves elements of de-
tems, perspectives and approaches to strategic decisions. layering, eliminating areas of work and job redesign, so the
Multi-stakeholder (approach to recruitment and selection) amount of work is also reduced.
Stakeholders are all those people, groups and other organisa- Organisational capabilities see core capabilities and core
tions that have a vested interest in an organisation (i.e. those competence.
with a stake in that organisation) and can exert influence in it Organisational capability This focuses on the organisation’s
or be affected by it. When applied to recruitment and selec- internal processes, systems and management practices to
tion it refers to those who have a stake in the process and are
meet customer needs and directing the skills and efforts of
affected by its outcomes, for example internal and external
the employees to achieving the goals of the organisation.
customers, managers, peers (particularly fellow group mem-
bers), subordinates and HR professionals. Organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) The readiness
of an employee to contribute to the organisation beyond that
National culture The patterns of beliefs, values and learned
required by her or his contract.
ways of coping with experiences that have developed during
the course of a nation’s history, and which tend to be mani- Organisational culture ‘The patterns of beliefs, values and
fested in its material arrangements and in the behaviours of learned ways of coping with experiences that have developed
its members (after Brown, 1998). during the course of an organisation’s history, and which
Network organisation An organisational structure that tend to be manifested in its material arrangements and in the
involves managing an interrelated set of organisations, each behaviours of its members’ (Brown, 1998: 9).
specialising in a specific business function or task. The struc- Organisational design Involves bringing about a coherence or
ture extends beyond the boundaries of any single organisation fit among organisational choices about strategy, organising
and involves linking different organisations to facilitate inter- mode, and the mechanisms for integrating people into the
organisational exchange and task coordination. organisation. The greater the fit among these organisational
Neutral versus emotional A cultural dimension used by dimensions, the greater will be the organisational effectiveness.
Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner that relates to relation- Organisational downsizing An organisational strategy to
ships with people and, in particular, the extent to which it is reduce the size of an organisation's workforce that may use a
acceptable to express emotions publicly, such as within inter- range of methods including early retirements, natural
personal communications. wastage, and voluntary and compulsory redundancy to
New-style managerialism This is characterised by less con- achieve this outcome.
cern for the technical side of individuals’ jobs than by talking Organisational justice A set of related theories focusing on
to them about the help that is needed for them to do their perceptions about fairness in organisations that seeks to cate-
jobs. The new-style manager is supportive, a team leader, a gorise and explain the views and feelings of employees about
coach and facilitator. This is a style of management that is their own treatment and that of others within an organisa-
concerned with processes as well as outputs. tion. See also distributive justice; interactional justice;
Non-financial rewards This term includes such factors as procedural justice.
achievement, recognition, responsibility, influence and per- Organisational re-orientation strategy An alternative name
sonal growth. for organisation redesign strategies and systemic change
Observation The systematic observation, recording, descrip- strategies.
tion, analysis and interpretation of people’s behaviour.
Output goals Relates to the product of the employee’s
Observation, participant Observation in which the performance.
researcher attempts to participate fully in the lives and activi-
Parent-country nationals (PCNs) A term used to denote the
ties of the research subjects and thus becomes a member of
home country of an employee that is the same as the parent
the subjects’ group(s), organisation(s) or community.
company (e.g. a German working for VW in China).
Observation, structured Observation in which the researcher
observes and records the same predetermined set of activities Participant observation see observation, participant.
or actions and records them, usually on a schedule. Partnership An approach to trade union recognition and
One-way strategic integration (or linkage) Vertical (or involvement in an employing organisation, where there is
external) strategic integration where, ‘downstream’, functions joint commitment by management and unions to work for its
are shaped and managed to meet the strategic objectives successive development, implying a model of mutual gain for
passed down to them. Under this prescription the HR func- the employer, employees and union.
tion would be charged with helping to achieve the, ‘upstream’, Pay range Attached to each job grade, it specifies the mini-
corporate strategy. mum and maximum pay rates payable for any job in the grade
Open question see question, open. and the points between the minimum and maximum rates.
Organic organisation This type of organisation is relatively Performance appraisal A process where an individual's per-
flexible and relaxed. The organic style is most appropriate to formance and progress are assessed and performance
unstable environmental conditions in which novel problems feedback is given. Pay, promotions and training needs are
continually occur. often based on the information provided by the appraisal.
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530 Glossary

Performance culture Usually used to characterise an organi- Process consultation The process where the consultant
sational culture in which employees have to perform; have to assists the client to perceive, understand and act upon the
make a difference. process events that occur within his or her environment in
Performance feedback Information on the employee’s per- order to improve the situation as the client sees it.
formance usually given by the immediate manager. Process goals Relates to the way in which employees per-
Performance indicators Indicators of what may constitute form their duties.
effective performance, often expressed in numerical form. Profit-related bonus schemes Bonus schemes that reward
Performance management A strategic and integrated approach employees according to the level of profit generated by their
to delivering sustained success to organisations by improving employing organisation.
the performance of people who work in them and by develop- Psychological contract The expectations of employee and
ing the capabilities of teams and individual contributors. employer, which operate in addition to the formal contract of
Performance measurement The process of assessing per- employment. It therefore is concerned with each party’s percep-
formance against predetermined measures of performance. tions of what the other party to the employment relationship
Based on key success factors which may include measures of owes them. See also relational aspects; transactional aspects.
deviation from the ‘norm’, measures to track past achieve- Psychometric model of recruitment and selection This
ments and measures of output and input. model is based on the premise that it is possible to determine,
Person specification A formal document that specifies the per- through job analysis, the nature of jobs and the human quali-
sonal attributes and skills required by prospective employees in ties associated with their effective performance, and that
order to effectively perform jobs as detailed in a job description. these qualities can be measured in people so that their future
Pilot test Small-scale study to test a data collection technique job performance can be predicted.
to minimise the likelihood of respondents having problems Qualitative HR forecasting Forecasting the ‘soft’ human
in answering the questions and of data recording problems, resource requirements (demand), and their availability
as well as to allow some assessment of the questions’ validity (supply), necessitated by an organisation’s strategic objec-
and the reliability of the data that will be collected. tives. The emphasis is on the qualities required of an
Planned evaluation see evaluation. organisation’s human resources, such as competences or
skills, knowledge or intellectual capital, attitudes and values.
Pluralism A way of thinking about employee relations that
conceptualises the organisation as being a ‘miniature demo- Quantitative HR forecasting Forecasting the ‘hard’ human
cratic state composed of sectional groups with divergent resource requirements (demand), and their availability
interests over which government tries to maintain some kind (supply), necessitated by an organisation’s strategic objec-
of dynamic equilibrium’ (Fox, 1966). The most fundamental tives. The emphasis is on the numbers of employees required
of these sectional groups is managers and employees. Many and their distribution across grades and jobs.
of the traditional institutions, principles, procedures, Question, closed Question that provides a number of alterna-
processes and practices that exist to manage the employment tive answers from which the respondent is instructed to choose.
relationship are based on the principle of pluralism. Question, open Question allowing respondents to give
Polycentric orientation Here the MNC treats each separate answers in their own way.
foreign operation as a distinct national entity with some Questionnaire General term, including all data collection
decision-making autonomy. Foreign subsidiaries manage local techniques, in which each person is asked to respond to the
operations, albeit they are seldom promoted to parent- same set of questions in a predetermined order.
country HQ.
Rational economic person A term used to describe a person
Positive action Encouragement for under-represented who acts to obtain the highest possible well-being for him-
groups to apply for vacancies and promotions, and to partici- or herself.
pate in development opportunities.
Realistic job preview The steps taken by an organisation to
Positive discrimination Preferential treatment for under- present potential applicants and shortlisted candidates with
represented groups, also known as reverse discrimination. an honest and accurate portrayal of the job and its organisa-
Positive discrimination is unlawful in the UK. tional context so that they may make informed decisions
Power distance A cultural dimension used by Hofstede that throughout the recruitment and selection process. It is a
relates to the views societies have about the exercise of power ‘warts and all’ approach. The rationale for this approach is
in organisations. that both parties need to be satisfied with their decision for
Practices A collective noun for the visible artefacts of culture recruitment to be deemed effective.
symbols, heroes and rituals. Recruitment Those activities performed to create a pool of
Procedural justice Theory concerned with perceptions applicants for a job vacancy from which subsequent selection
about the fairness of the procedures and processes used to can take place. At a more general level, and confusingly, the
arrive at organisational decisions. See also distributive justice; term can be used to mean the whole of the recruitment and
interactional justice. selection process.
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Glossary 531

Redundancy This is defined in UK law as a dismissal due, Soft human resource planning (HRP) Where the HRP
wholly or mainly, to the complete closure of a business; the emphasis is on treating employees as resourceful humans and
closure of the employee’s workplace; or a diminishing need on developing employee capability to the mutual benefit of
for employees to do work of a particular kind in the business both employees and employers. There is a focus on integrat-
as a whole, or at the employee’s particular workplace. ing employee values, beliefs and behaviours with
Relational aspects Aspects of the psychological contract organisational goals through culture management within a
between an employee and an employer that focus upon mutual pluralistic framework.
trust and commitment. See also psychological contract. Sophisticated selection The use of selection methods with
Reliability The extent to which the method produces the demonstrable high reliability and predictive validity that may,
same result (e.g. measure of human attributes) irrespective of at times, need to be tailor-made to obtain such measurements
who is doing the measuring and when it is performed. For of particular attributes, for example honesty. As a conse-
example, high reliability in interviews would mean that a quence, they are relatively expensive and more likely to be
candidate would be assessed similarly irrespective of who used by organisations adopting a front-loaded investment
conducted the interview or when it was conducted. model for recruitment and selection.
Resource-based theory see resource-based view of the firm. Specific versus diffuse A cultural dimension used by
Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner that relates to relation-
Resource-based view of the firm View presented as an alter- ships with people and, in particular, the relative importance
native to the traditional view of strategy. Under the ascribed by different cultures to focusing on the specific, for
traditional view, strategy formulation is seen as a process of example analysing issues by reducing them to specific facts,
analysing the external environment of an organisation in tasks, numbers or bullet points.
order to devise a strategic direction that matches the oppor-
tunities that this offers. In contrast, the resource-based view Strategic business unit The units responsible for making
shifts this perspective so that strategy making focuses on the strategy in a particular product area.
internal capabilities of an organisation, including its people, Strategic human resource development (SHRD) Where the
so that these can be used as the basis of its strategic direction. thrust of an organisation’s HRD processes and interventions
Reverse discrimination see positive discrimination. are primarily directed at supporting the achievement of the
organisation’s strategic goals, as opposed to focusing on tacti-
Reward How people are rewarded in accordance with their cal responses to training needs identified at the level of
value to the organisation. It is concerned with both financial individual employees.
and non-financial rewards and embraces the philosophies,
strategies, policies, plans and processes used by organisations Strategic human resource management (SHRM) Combines
to develop and maintain reward systems. a stress on the integration of personnel policies both one
with another and with business planning more generally.
Ritual A visible practice that is said to be a manifestation of a
culture that is relatively easy to discern but from which the Strategic human resource planning In essence, this means
true meaning is difficult to decipher because of its shallow or the same as human resource planning but where the addition
superficial nature. of the word ‘strategic’ not only mirrors changes to HR termi-
nology more generally but is also used to differentiate the
Scientific approach Approach that involves the systematic process from short-term, tactical HRP approaches that are
observation of and experiment with phenomena. directed at resolving the human resource demands arising
Secondary data Data used for evaluation that were originally from operational concerns.
collected for some other purpose. Strategic integration The state where the varied activities of
Selection That part of the recruitment and selection process a business are aligned to serve the overall strategic direction
that assesses or measures the suitability of applicants for of the organisation, or the process of securing this alignment.
shortlisting or candidates for employment against the job Strategic international human resource management
description and person specification. There are many different (SIHRM) This relates to the HRM policies and practices that
selection methods that can be used to do this but arguably result from the strategic activities of MNCs and the impact
shortlisting from application forms and/or CVs, interviews that SIHRM has on the international concerns and goals of
and references are the most widely known and applied. those organisations.
Semi-structured interview see interview, semi-structured. Strategic management Processes adopted and decisions and
Single-loop learning The learning process where the main actions taken by an organisation that result in formulating,
focus is on improving current practice through operating a implementing and evaluating its chosen strategy.
continual cycle of detecting errors in current practice, identi- Strategic planning Process of determining organisational
fying potential areas for improvement and making strategy that involves making conscious choices between a
incremental enhancements to work operations. See also number of different alternatives. The orthodox view reasons
double-loop learning. that strategy is formulated at the top of the organisation
Social capital The processes that facilitate intra- and inter- through a deliberate, rational process. An alternative perspec-
group cooperation that help translate human capital into tive argues that strategy makers do not always act rationally,
intellectual capital, such as social networks and shared values, and that strategy may emerge over time so that it only becomes
norms and understandings. apparent through trying to make a pattern out of prior events.
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532 Glossary

Strategic recruitment and selection Whereas, under psycho- managers but is assumed by senior line management. The
metric traditions, recruitment and selection is primarily focus shifts from management–trade union relations to
directed at filling jobs with suitable employees, the strategic management–employee relations, from collectivism to indi-
variant primarily seeks to recruit employees to help achieve the vidualism. There is stress on commitment and the exercise of
organisation’s strategic goals. Such an approach places priority initiative, with managers now donning the role of ‘enabler’,
on the person–organisation fit rather than the person–job fit. ‘empowerer’ and ‘facilitator’.
Strategic reward management Contributes to the achieve- Third-country nationals (TCNs) These employees are not
ment of the organisation’s overall strategy through the citizens of the countries in which they are working and are
delivery of specific employee behaviours that are consistent not citizens of the country of the parent company (e.g. a
with the organisation’s overall strategy. UK employee working for a German organisation operating
Strategy A deliberate course of action taken by an organisa- in China).
tion in order to utilise its resources to meet its long-term Top down Typically initiated and led by senior management.
objectives developed to exploit opportunities presented by its Total reward This combines the traditional pay and benefits
external and internal environment. elements with the other factors that employees gain from
Strategy formulation see strategic planning. employment. These may be skills, experience, opportunity
Strategy making see strategic planning. and recognition. Total reward takes into account the less tan-
gible benefits of employment.
Stretch goals Clear and challenging goals that lead to higher
job performance. Trade union Collective organisation of employees, a trade
union’s central function is to protect the interests of its mem-
Structure The formal arrangement of the different parts of
bers and to participate in job regulation of relations between
an organisation and their interrelationships.
these employees and their employer.
Structured interview see interview, structured.
Training Planned actions (or interventions) designed to
Structured observation see observation, structured. increase employees’ job-related knowledge, skills and atti-
Summative evaluation see evaluation, summative. tudes in order to enhance their performance in that job.
Survey Evaluation strategy that involves the structured col- Training and development A term gradually being replaced
lection of data from a sizeable population. Although the term by human resource development that embraces not only job-
‘survey’ is often used to describe the collection of data using related training but also those actions that are oriented
questionnaires, it includes other techniques such as struc- towards the future and designed to help employees towards
tured observation and structured interviews. personal growth and the realisation of their potential.
Symbol A manifestation of a culture that is relatively easy to Transactional aspects Aspects of the psychological contract
discern but from which the true meaning is difficult to deci- between an employee and an employer that focus upon the
pher because of its shallow or superficial nature. Material mutual instrumentality of the work–effort reward bargain.
objects, physical layouts and events are often described as See also psychological contract; relational aspects.
symbols. See also artefact. Transformational change Change that is radical and overturns
Systematic approach to training A term used to represent, the status quo, often occurring throughout an organisation.
or model, a particular approach to HRD (or training) that Triple-loop learning A learning process where the main
reflects a continuous cycle of identifying HRD needs, plan- focus is on the processes of learning itself (i.e. learning to
ning and designing HRD interventions to address identified learn more effectively). Essentially it involves ‘reviewing and
needs, implementing these HRD interventions and evaluat- reflecting on previous learning experiences and using such
ing their outcomes. experiences as a basis for the formation of new learning activ-
Systemic change strategy A downsizing strategy that, in ities and insights’ (Walton, 1999: 389). See also double-loop
addition to reducing headcount and involving elements of learning; single-loop learning.
delayering, eliminating areas of work and job redesign, takes Two-way strategic integration (or linkage) Vertical (or
a long-term approach. external) strategic integration where ‘downstream’ functions are
Tacit knowledge That implicit (as opposed to explicit) not only shaped and managed to help achieve corporate strategy
knowledge, which it is difficult or impossible to put it into but may also operate to influence strategy formation itself. This
words because it comprises intuition, values, etc. that are creates a more synergistic perspective to strategy making.
highly personal and relate to particular contexts. Uncertainty avoidance A cultural dimension used by Hof-
Team-based pay Payments, or other forms of non-financial stede that relates to actions members of societies take in
reward, are made to team members on the basis of some pre- respect of ambiguous and uncertain situations.
determined criteria. Unitarism A view of the employment relationship which
Temporal focus Time span of an organisation’s focus and is assumes that the employees of the organisation are seen as a
frequently translated into three perspectives: short term; team, unified by a common purpose, with all employees pur-
medium term; and long term. The locus of responsibility for suing the same goal; there is a single source of authority, that
personnel management no longer resides with specialist source being management. Since all employees are pursuing
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Glossary 533

the same goal, conflict is irrational and it must be the result Validity When applied to recruitment and selection there are
of poor communication or ‘troublemakers’ at work who do many different types of validity but most commonly it refers to
not share the common purpose. The presence of third parties the extent to which a selection method produces an accurate
to the employment relationship is intrusive, therefore there is prediction of a candidate’s future job performance if recruited.
no place for trade unions. Values see basic underlying assumptions.
Universal models of strategic human resource management Variable pay That amount of the employee’s salary or wages
This suggests that there is ‘one best way’ of achieving that varies according to a variety of factors, such as perform-
HR effectiveness. ance bonuses.
Universalism versus particularism A cultural dimension Vertical integration A term that refers to the link between
used by Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner that relates to wider business strategy and HR strategy (sometimes called
relationships with people and, in particular, the rigidity in ‘external’ integration).
which contractual agreements and rules are important in
defining individuals’ conduct within the workplace, as well as Vertical strategic integration Where the different levels of an
in the relationships between organisations. organisation are strategically aligned in a one-way or two-way
relationship. Taking Purcell’s (1991) three orders (or levels) of
Unplanned evaluation see evaluation, informal.
strategy, comprising first-order corporate strategy; second-
Unstructured interview see interview, unstructured. order strategies relating to structures and organisational
Upstream Denoting an earlier stage. So, when applied to processes; and functional strategies, these would be developed
rational strategic planning, corporate strategy making lies in such a way that they integrated one with another.
upstream of functional strategy making. However, these ‘clas- Voice The opportunity for the subjects of organisational
sic’ relationships can be reversed. So if, for example, an design to participate in the process of arriving at, including
organisation’s core competence was based around the unique being able to influence, these decisions.
capabilities of its employees and it was that core competence
Voluntary redundancy The volunteering of employees to be
that was driving strategy formulation, then core competences
made redundant in response to either a general request or the
would lie upstream of corporate strategy making (or corpo-
rate strategy making would lie downstream from the specific targeting of individuals.
organisation’s core competence). Workforce reduction strategy A downsizing strategy that
Upward feedback A process in which performance feedback focuses simply on reducing an organisation’s headcount.
is provided to line managers in advance of their own devel- Work–life balance This is about people having a measure of
opment discussions and formal performance reviews. control over when, where and how they work. It is achieved
Usually, every member of the manager’s team has the oppor- when an individual's right to a full life inside and outside
tunity to give feedback to their manager. paid work is accepted and respected.
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360-degree appraisal, 331, 337–8 Bair, L.D., 52

Abbey National, 228 Baker, B., 284
Abernathy, W. et al (1981), 64, 66 balanced scorecard, 318, 323
Acas, 340 Bankers Trust, 274
acquisitions, international, 84 Barclays Bank, 298
action research, using to evaluate SHRM, 139–42 Barclays Edotech, 136
age discrimination Barnes, L., 471, 472
legislation, 476 Barney, J.B., 26, 28, 29, 34, 36
recruitment, 472 Barocci, T.A., 16, 52
age diversity, business case for, 478 Baron, A., 317, 327
Ainsworth, C., 269, 271 Barrett-Power, E., 500, 502
Albon, P., 386, 388–9 Barrington, H., 364
Allen, T.D. et al (2001), 511 Barsoux, J.-L., 104, 109–12, 112–13, 114, 203, 204, 206, 217, 33 base pay see pay, base
Amicus, 436 Bass, B.M., 303
Amoco, 274 Bate, P., 225, 230
Angle, H., 437 Baumard, P., 381
Argyris, C., 215, 335, 448 Bausch and Lomb, 446
Armstrong, M., 317, 327, 394, 395–6, 398, 399, 408, 412–13, BBC, 506
414, 417 Beale, R., 483
Armstrong-Stassen, M., 510 Beardwell, J., 252, 266
articulated knowledge, 381 Beaumont, P.B., 305, 434
Asch, D., 126 beauty contest, 439
Ashtiany, S., 471, 472 Beer, M.
Ashton, D., 383 et al (1984), 162, 438
Aston Studies, 164 et al (1990), 188–9, 227–9, 302–3
AstraZeneca, 338, 341 behavioural perspective, 15–17
autonomous work groups, 299 Belasen, A.T. et al, 516
autonomy, 173 Bennet, R., 86
Avon, 376 best practice see theoretical approaches to SHRM, universal
Axa, 301 models
best value initiative, 56, 330–1
B&Q, 41, 42, 298 Big Food Group, 409
Bach, S., 331 bin Idris, A.R., 250–1
BAE Systems, 105 Blake, S., 479
SHRM_Z03.QXD 14/2/07 16:01 Page 557

Index 557

blame culture, 129 unplanned and unpredictable, contribution of strategic

Bloomfield, R., 129 recruitment and selection, 302–3
Blue Circle, 444 Chase Manhattan Bank, 305
bonus schemes, profit-related, 408–9 cheese industry, 8
Boots, 42 Chelladurai, P., 485
bounded rationality, 10 Child, J., 8–10, 166, 167–9, 176, 178, 179, 184, 327, 481
Bowditch, J.L., 239 Chile, Pontifical Catholic University, 257, 294
Bowen, D.E. et al (1991), 299, 300, 305 China, 82, 83
Boxall, P., 31, 33, 58, 65, 265, 326, 454–5 communications, 327
Bratton, J., 254, 424 feedback on job performance, 114
Brewerton, P.M., 503 pay, 114
Brews, P.J., 265 performance management, 51
Briscoe, D., 100, 106, 107 Civil Service, organisational structure, 165, 175
British Airways, 264 Clancy, D.K., 499
British Petroleum (BP), 43, 274, 412 Clark, T., 127
broad banded reward structures, 414–16 Clarke, M., 360–3, 364–5
Brockner, J., 511 classical approach to strategy making and HRM, 15–17
et al (1985), 510 behavioural perspective, 15–17
Brown, A., 206 contingency theory, 16
Brown, D., 401–2 “four-task model”, 16–17
Brown, Gordon, 408 matching models, 16
BT, 500 classical approach to strategy and strategy making, 6–10
Buckingham Palace, 307 design school, 7
bundles of policies and practices, 68–9 evaluation, 10
Buono, A.F., 239 identification and choice of strategy, 8
Burger King, 298 planning school, 7
Burnes, B., 292 positioning school, 7
Business Boffins Ltd, 123 strategic choice in practice, 8–10
business strategy, compared with corporate strategy, 59–60 Clegg, S.R., 181
Co-operative Insurance, 247
Caine, D., 237, 239, 251, 256, 263 Cockerill, A., 295, 302
Calder, S., 264 collective bargaining, 423, 456
Cameron, K.S., 499, 504 collectivism, 429
et al (1993), 505 decline in, 65
Canon, 31 Collet, 489–90
capabilities Commission for Equality and Human Rights, 476
and competitive advantage, 26–30 commitment
management’s role in developing, 34–5 dual (to company and union), 436–7
career, 454 organisational, 436
plan, 341–2 union, 436
progression communication, 43, 65, 456
and downsizing, 515 importance of, SIHRM, 104–6
and gender, 483–4 and organisational culture, 424
through promotion, 163 style, and effective leadership, 424
Carnall, C., 124 Compaq, 224
Carrington, L., 287 competence-related pay, 416–17
Carter, P., 160–1 definition, 417
case studies, using to evaluate SHRM, 138 reasons for low adoption, 416–17
Casner-Lotto, J., 446–7 competitive advantage, 252–3, 304
cellular forms of organisation, 181, 191–2, 196 and core capabilities, 30–3
centralisation, 164 customer focus, 44
Chandler, A.D., 181 definition, 27
change, 23 generic strategies, 7
SHRM_Z03.QXD 14/2/07 16:01 Page 558

558 Index

competitive advantage (continued) differences, 20

cost leadership, 7 measurement, 108–9
focus, 8 summary of HR activities that impact upon the most, 115
product differentiation, 7 differences, effects on SIHRM practices, 112–15
HRD as source, 352, 353 pay, 114–15
and human resources, 36–7 performance management, 113–14
and knowledge, 378 selection, 112–13
and learning, 371 training, 113
and management quality, 385 differences, management of, 109–12
resource-based theory, 26–30 ignoring cultural differences, 110
stratic options to gain minimising cultural differences, 110
cost reduction, 425 utilising cultural differences, 110–12
innovation, 425 Hofstede’s dimensions, 208–11, 214
quality enhancement, 425 meaning of term, 107
sustained, 27–9 Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s dimensions, 211–14
attributes required, 28–9 see also culture; organisational culture
competitiveness, and culture, 203 customer focus, and competitive advantage, 44
complexity, 176, 177
Computer Sciences, 82 DaimlerChrysler AG, 198–201
configuration, 164 Dalton, M. et al (2002), 103
contingency theory, 16 Daniels, J. et al (2004), 84
contract of employment, 427 Davy, J.A. et al (1991), 513
compared with psychological contract, 450 de Menezes, L., 326
Conway, N., 449 Deal, T.E., 220
Cook, 489–90 decentralisation, 173, 194, 195–6
Coopers, C.L. et al (1994), 144 Dechant, K., 482, 485
Corby, S. et al (2005), 401 delayering, 172, 173, 299
core capabilities deliberate strategy, 10
alternative terms, 30, 31 Dell, 442
and competitive advantage, 30–3 demographic changes in EU 2000–2030, 466–8
definitions, 30 Department for Education and Employment, 379
development, 30–1, 36 Department for Trade and Industry, “Competitiveness
knowledge-based view, 31 through Partnerships with People, 448
core rigidities, 31 Deutsche Bank, 274
corporate strategy compared with business strategy, 59–60 Diaz, R.I., 294
cost leadership, 7 Dicom Group plc, 234–5
cost reduction, and competitive advantage, 425 differentiation, 168
cost-efficiency strategy, 18–19 Dionysos, The, 291
Coupar, W., 447 direct exporting, 84
Cowling, A., 282, 305 disability
Cox, T., 479, 483, 485, 486 discrimination, 475–6
Cully, M. et al (1999), 326, 336–7 employment statistics, 475
culture, 202–35 Disability Discrimination Act 1995, 475
change programmes, 437 discrimination
and competitiveness, 203 age, recruitment, 472
differences, performance management, 345 disability, 475–6
and interrelationship between meanings and behaviours, indirect, 475
204–5 legislation, UK, 473–7
meanings of, 204–6 summary 1975–2005, 473–4
values, and strategic choice, 9 positive, 472
see also culture, national; organisational culture Disney University, 110, 111
culture, national Disneyland, 216
attitudes towards time, 107 distributive justice, downsizing, 513
convergence – divergence debate, 206–8 diversity, 176
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Index 559

diversity management, 297–8, 302, 465–96 organisational redesign, 504, 505–6

business case for, 478, 482–5 systemic change, 504, 505–6
case study, 493–6 workforce reduction, 504, 505
claimed benefits, 486–8 proactive strategy, 506
concept of, 469–72 procedural justice, 513
empirical evidence of strategic adoption, 488–90 psychological and behavioural reactions, 500–2, 509, 511
equal opportunities approach, 469–70, 471, 473–7, 481 and psychological contract, 503
comparison with managing diversity approach, 479 purpose of and problem with, 499–502
implementation, 490–1 reactive approach, 506
independent approach, 481–2 reorientation strategies, 504
managing diversity approach, 470–1, 472, 477–80, 481 role of line managers, 514
benefits, 479–80 strategic implications, 503–4
comparison with equal opportunities approach, 479 Doyle, M. et al (2000), 123
need for demographic mix, 486 Drucker, P., 62
need for supportive culture, 485–8 du Gay, P., 44
organisational benefits claimed for, 484 Dundon, T. et al (1999), 50
USA, 469 Dupont, 217, 222
Dobson, P., 279, 302, 303 Dyson, 29, 82
Doherty, A., 485
Dopson, S., 516 Easterby-Smith, M., 127, 132, 133
double-loop learning, 373–4 economic risk, MNCs, 93
downsizing, 172, 173, 299, 497–521 Eden, C., 140
EFQM European Excellence Model, 139
bottom-up approach, 509
Eldridge, D., 250–1
bottom-up approach – interventions to manage, 512–17
Elf Aquitaine, 101
equity theory, management decisions and work effort,
employability, 454
employee relations and SHRM
job insecurity, career progression and psychological
theoretical discussions, 434–43
contract, 515–16
commitment, 434–7
job insecurity and role of employee communication,
developments, 437–43
individualised SHRM – high priority to SHRM with no
organisational justice theory: management decisions,
employee relations, 442
decision-making and managers’ skills, 512–14
new realism – high emphasis on SHRM and employee
stress management, 517
relations, 437–40
career progression, 515 no SHRM and no employee relations, 442–3
communication, 514–15 traditional collectivism – priority to industrial relations
compared with redundancy, 499 without SHRM, 440–1
definition, 499 employee relationships
distributive justice, 513 partnerships, 438, 444–8
effect on middle managers, 515–16 agreement – example, 446
employee influence, 507–9, 513–14 defining labour-management partnerships, 444–6
employees’ commitment, 500 financial incentives, 448
impact, 500–2 key elements for successful, 446–8
on stakeholders, 500–1 national agreements, 447
implications arising from, 507–12 psychological contract, 448–58
implementation methods, 507–9 compared with legal contract of employment, 450
level of employees’ influence, 507–9 definition, 448, 449
level of managerial control, 507–9 description, 449–50
for those who survive process, 509–11 model, 450
interactional justice, 514 summary of characteristics of old and new, 449
justification, 513–14 what happens when broken, 450–1
nature of survivors’ reactions and moderating variables, employee share ownership schemes, 409–11
509–11 rationales for introduction, 409
organisational commitment and loyalty, 500 savings-related share option schemes, 410–11
organisational strategies, 504–6 share incentive plans (SIPs), 410
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560 Index

employees integration of HR and corporate stategy, 425

as assets, xvi line managers expectations of employees, 455
attitude surveys, 455 overview of key survey findings, 453
attitudes, measuring, 456 perspectives on, 429–34
behaviour, 402 collectivism, 429
development and reward systems, 399, 400 individualism, 429
role of HR strategy, 399 marxism, 429
to support innovation strategy, 292–3 pluralism, 429, 432–4
types of, 54 unitarism, 429, 430–2
behaviour, required, and accompanying HR technique, 52–5 psychological contract
as business drivers, 451 commitments between employers and employees, 452–3
career progression through promotion, 163 key lessons from research, 457–8
commitment, 163 state of, 453–4
downsizing, 500 strategic implications, 456–7
mission statement, 322–3 shift from industrial relations, 423–4
theory of SHRM and employee relations, 434–7 use of term, 427
communications with see communication empowerment, 344, 454
compliance, and performance management, 344–5 enabling capabilities, 33
core, 163 English Welsh & Scottish Railway, 415–16
expectations of line managers, 455 Environment Agency, recruitment, 476
flexibility, 163 environmental concern, impact on motor vehicle
importance as key resource, 5 manufacturers, 9
influence in downsizing, 507–9, 513–14 environmental school, 10
involvement, 49, 396 Equality Act 2006, 476
and commitment, 23 ethnocentrism, and training, 113
evaluation of SHRM, 139–42 European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)
performance objectives setting, 338 Excellence Model, 318–19
involvement and participation (EI&P), 424, 433, 434, 454–5 European Union
implementation – use of partnership agreements with demographic changes 2000–2030, 466–8
trade unions, 424 Equal Treatment Framework Directive, 473
loyalty, 404 redundancy payments, 501
motivation, 58, 454 evaluation of SHRM, 117–56
and pay, 402–3 analysis of data, 145–6
and reward, 402–3 aspects that need to be evaluated, 130–1
perception of organisational justice, 486 benefits, 123–5
peripheral workers, 163 choice of evaluator, 145, 146
relations and SHRM see employee relations and SHRM difficulties associated with negative outcomes, 129–30
relative size of workforce in support roles, 165 difficulties of measurement, 128
representation, 50 feedback, 145, 146–7
skills, behaviours and attitudes, and performance formative, 135
management, 327–30, 333 involvement of employees, 139–42
as strategic resource, 44, 45 levels, 133–4
transfers/secondments of key people, 228 nature of, 121–3
understanding of pay issues, 402 primary data – gathering for analysis, 142–5
voice, 454–5, 456 interviews, 143
Employment Appeal Tribunal, 340–1 observation, 142–3
employment philosophy statements, 43–4 questionnaires, 144–5
employment proposition, 452 purpose, 132–3, 135
Employment Relations Act 1999, 448 reasons not to evaluate, 125–30
employment relationship, 422–64 difficulties, 126
changing context and nature of, 428–9 perceived lack of need, 126–9
defining, 426–9 redundancy programme, 135
definition, 423, 424 stakeholders, 133
factors influencing, 428 strategies, 135–42
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Index 561

action research, 139–42 gender, and career progression, 483–4

case studies, 138 General Motors, 446
existing (secondary) data, 138–9 Gesteland, R., 107
experiment, 138 Ghauri, P., 81, 83
questionnaires, 137 Gibb, S., 378–9
surveys, 137 Girling, G., 471, 489
summative, 135 Girling, J., 488–9
training courses, 135 global mindset, 104
undertaking, 131–4 Glover, L., 327
balanced scorecard approach, 132 goal-setting, 323–5, 338, 395
Evenden, R., 296 Gold, J., 254, 424
evolutionary perspectives on strategy, 10–11, 17–19 Gordon, M. et al (1980), 436
evaluation, 11 Gospel, H., 427
matching model, 17–18 government, organisational structure, 175
“excellence” literature, 171, 172–3 Grant, R.M., 26, 34
existing (secondary) data, using to evaluate SHRM, 138–9 Gratton, L., 23, 253, 269–70, 319
external environment, and interest in strategic reward Greenberg, J., 511
management, 400–2 Greenhalgh, L., 510, 514–15
external integration, 22 et al (1988), 508
Guest, D., 23, 41, 123, 162, 296, 310, 322, 432, 434–43, 445,
Farquhar, R.B., 258 449, 450, 513
feedback, 395 et al (200), 72, 74–5
Felstead, A., 383
financial economies approach, 18–19 Halcrow Group Limited, 98, 149–56
financial inducements offered to international businesses, 82–3 Hamblin, A.C., 134
First Direct, 411 Hamel, G., 30–1
first-order decisions, 162 Hampden-Turner, C., 211–14
Flannery, T. et al (1996), 417 Hand, D., 405
flexibility, 163, 173, 268–9 Handy, C.B., 203, 218–19, 223
flexible firm construct, 268 Hardy, C., 181
flexible forecasting, 267–8 Harris, H. et al (2003), 89
Flynn, R. et al (1990), 299 Harrison, A. et al (2000), 81, 84
focus, 8 Harrison, R., 218, 365–6, 370, 371
Folkman, S., 517 Hayers, P.K., 298
Fombrun, C.J. et al (1984), 16, 52, 53 Hendry, C., 42–3, 44, 45, 58, 62, 203, 226
Ford Motor Company, 275, 298, 439, 483 et al (1988), 304–5
forecasting see strategic human resource forecasting Hertzberg, F., 403, 435, 454
foreign direct investment, 84, 86 Hewitt, Patricia, 397–8
Forestry Commission, 397–8 Hewlett Packard, 224
formalisation, 164 Hicks-Clarke, D., 486
“four-task model of HRM”, 16–17 hierarchy of needs, 403
Fox, A., 429, 430, 432, 433 high performance strategy, 325–6
franchising, 86 high-involvement organisations, 299
Francis, A., 187 Hiltrop, J.M., 279, 335
Franco, M.L.A., 294 Hindle Power, 352, 353
Fredman, S., 471–2 history and origins of SHRM, 62–7
Freeman, S.J., 499 crisis of under-performance in American industry, 62–4
Friedman, A., 343, 344 decline in collectivism, 65
Fritz, R., 169 drive for quality, 66
Fullerton, J., 297, 479–80, 488, 489 rise of individualism, 64–5
rise of knowledge workers with differing work
gainsharing, 411, 412 expectations, 65–6
Gamble, J., 98 status of personnel specialists, 66–7
Garavan, T.N., 356–9, 360, 361, 375, 387 Hofstede, G., 108, 203, 207, 208–11, 214, 215
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562 Index

Holden, L., 364 devolvement to line managers, 262

Honda, 31 status and role, 262
Hong Kong, 508 human resource management
horizontal integration, 41 compared with personnel management, xv–xvi, 430, 431
Horwitz, F.M., 370 links to strategy and structure, 52, 53
hostility, 177 philosophy, 43–4
hotels, organisational structure, 176 human resource planning, 236–75
HR professionals benefits, 251–4
competences and SIRHM, 104–6 as bridging mechanism between organisational strategy
credibility, 266–7 and SHRM, 254–6
devolvement of work to line managers, 296 compared with manpower planning, 244
HRD see human resource development compared with strategic human resource forecasting, 242
HSBC, 18, 82, 205 conceptual limitations, 241–3
human capital, 451 as contributor to business performance, 252–3
and knowledge management, 380 definitions, 237, 239–40
management reporting, 126, 127 elements of, 243–4
human relations school, 344 facilitator of competitive advantage, 252–3
human resource development, 351 hard versus soft, 245–9
continuum of strategic maturity, 356, 360, 361 historical development, 244
definitions, 354 key features, 240
identification of HRD, 364 limitations associated with forecasting labour demand and
levels of strategic maturity in practice, 367 supply, 261–2
revised continuum of HRD strategic maturity, 367–8 as link between HR practice and organisational strategy, 286
as source of competitive advantage, 352, 353 mergers and acquisitions, case studies, 273–5
strategic see human resource development, strategic and multi-dimensional nature of strategic integration,
under-investment in UK, 383 256–9
use of term, 351 “Pandora’s box”, 259–63
view that investment in is waste, 351–2 problems associated with, 259–63
human resource development, strategic process, 249–51
case study, 391–2 processual approach, 250–1
characteristics, 356–9, 361 systems approach, 249–50
McCracken and Wallace’s development of Garavan’s role in mergers and acquisitions, 239, 251, 253
characteristics, 356–60, 361 routes towards effective practice, 266–70
characteristics, defining, 369–71 elevation of credibility of HR and its specialist
centrality of learning culture, 370 practitioners, 266–7
multi-stakeholder perspective, 370–1 flexible forecasting, 267–8
strategic integration, 369–70 HRP as continuous process, 269–70
definitions, 354 human resource flexibility, 268–9
and learning, 355, 359 scenario and contingency planning, 267–8
managers as stakeholders, 384–9 summary of key difficulties impeding practise, 266
stakeholder perspectives, 355 human resources, and competitive advantage, 36–7
strategic integration, 355 Human Rights Act 1998, 475
strategic maturity continuum, 356, 360, 361 Hunt, M.R., 265
and training Hunter, L.C., 305
as bi-polar construct, 360–3 Huselid, M., 69–70
cycle of activities, 363 Huxham, C., 140
identification of HRD, 364 hygiene factors, 435
revised continuum of HRD strategic maturity, 367–8 Hyman, J., 409
strategically oriented cycle, 364–7 Hyundai, 83
systematic approaches, 363–8
use of term, 351 IBM, 173–4, 208, 481
vertical relationship, 354 Iles, P., 22, 298, 477, 486
two-way integration, 355 import and export, 83–4
human resource function Improving Working Lives policy (NHS), 227
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Index 563

INA Bearing Company, 391–2 job family-based reward structures, 412–14

India, 82 job satisfaction, 452
labour laws, 93, 94 job security, 49, 452, 453
indirect discrimination, 475 Johnson, G., 4, 221–2, 223
indirect exporting, 84 just-in-time philosophy, 214
individualism, 429
rise of, 64–5 K-Mart, 112–13
industrial relations, 424 Kandola, B., 297, 479–80, 488, 489
decline in significance, 434–7 Kanji, G., 126–7
shift to employment relations, 423–4 Kaplan, R.S., 132, 318, 323
use of term, 423 Keep, E., 306
Industrial Society, Valuing Diversity: Managing Best Practice, Kelly, J., 445
477–8 Kennedy, A.A., 220
information asymmetry, 324 Kessels, J., 371
innovation, and competitive advantage, 425 Kirkpatrick, D.L., 124, 133–4
institutional integration, 22 Knight, K., 187
integration, 168 knowledge
intellectual capital, 370 articulated, 381
and knowledge management, 380 and competitive advantage, 378
inter-unit linkages, SIHRM, 98–100 concept of, 380–1
interactional justice, downsizing, 514 tacit, 381
internal conflict, 433 transfer, 365
internal operations, SIHRM, 101–2 knowledge management, 33, 365, 370, 377–84
internal policies/procedures, performance management facets of, 378–80
systems model, 333–5 development of learning culture as facilitator, 378–9
international business human capital, 380
defining, 81 information systems perspective, 378
principal activities, 83–6 intellectual capital, 380
foreign direct investment, 84–5 social capital, 380, 381
import and export, 83–4 strategic perspective, 379–80
licensing and franchises, 84, 86 horizontal integration with other HR dimensions, 384
reasons why companies wish to develop, 81–4 problematic nature, 381–4
access to international markets, 82 reward structures, 384
avoiding host country protectionism, 83 strategic credentials, 382
financial inducements, 82–3 knowledge workers
following competitors example, 83 recruitment and selection, 384
opportunities in developing markets, 82 work expectations, 65–6
to access production advantages offered by other knowledge-based economy, 376
countries, 82 added-value, 378
international investment, definition, 81 knowledge-based view, 33
international trade, definition, 81 Kochan, T., 16, 52
interviews, 289 et al (1986), 438, 439
semi-structured, 143 Konz, M.K., 289
unstructured, 143 Kossek, E., 485, 486
using to gather primary data for evaluation of SHRM, 143 Kozlowski, S.W. et al (1993), 516
intra-company communication, importance of, 92 Kraft Foods, 487
Ireland, Republic of, social partnership, 460–4 Kydd, C.T., 305, 307
Itami, H., 31
ITV, 440 labour demand and supply, limitations associated with
forecasting, 261–2
Jackson, N., 160–1 labour force, changes 2000–2030, 466–8
Jackson, S.E., 15–17, 52–5, 56, 57, 96, 255, 292, 304, 403 labour management partnerships, USA, 445–6
Japanese companies, trade unions, 110 Ladbroke Grove train crash, 129
job design, 396 Lashley, C., 285
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564 Index

Lawler, E., 398, 399, 405 Love, A., 124

Lawrence, P.R., 168 Lowe, K. et al (2002), 401
Lawrence, Stephen Inquiry, 471 loyalty, 452
Lazarus, R.S., 517 Lundy, O., 282, 305
leadership, transformational, 303 Luoma, M., 367–8
leadership, effective, communication style, 424
lean structures, 172–3 Mabey, C., 17, 22, 59–60
leanness, 194 et al (1998), 59–61, 62, 255, 370, 398
learning, 371–7 McCombs, T., 300
and competitive advantage, 371 McCracken, M., 356–60, 361, 370, 386
double-loop, 373–4 McCune, J.T. et al (1988), 506
improving current practice, 373–4 McDougall, M., 481
interaction with outcomes, 373–4 MacDuffie, J., 68–9
lifelong, 376 McEnrue, M., 479
questionning established practice, 373–4 McGrath, M.R., 219
and SHRD, 355, 359 McGraw Hill, 113
single-loop, 373–4 McGregor, D., 343
as strategic process, 365–6 McGuire, M., 321
triple-loop, 374 McKersie, R.B., 445–6
learning culture, 365, 384 Mackinnon, 477
development of as facilitator of knowledge management, MacNeil, C.M., 384
378–9 McSweeney, B., 210–11
learning organisation, 302, 355, 359, 370, 375–7 Madison, T.F., 499
characteristics, 372, 373 Malaysia, 82
compared with organisational learning, 372 management
learning school, 12 attitudes towards HRD, 388
Legge, K., 66, 205, 303, 310, 425 change agent role, 302–3
legislation control
discrimination (UK), 473–7 downsizing, 507–9
summary 1975–2005, 473–4 and performance management, 343–4
Lengnick-Hall, C.A. and Lengnick-Hall, M.L., 22 lack of perceived need to evaluate, 126–9
Leonard-Barton, D., 31–3, 34 middle, effect of downsizing, 515–16
Lever Fabergé, 323, 324, 341 objectives, imposition rather than negotiation, 324
Lewis, D., 223 prerogative, 430
Lewis, P., 405 quality, and competitive advantage, 385
et al (2002), 402 role in developing organisation’s capabilities, 34–5
et al (2003a), 424, 428–9, 430, 432 as SHRD stakeholders, 384–9
licensing, 85 style, 456
lifelong learning, 376 top, support for diversity management, 485
Liff, S., 247, 253–4, 262, 481–2 see also line management
line management managing diversity, 297–8, 302
attitudes and behaviours, 23 managing expectations, 456
competences, SIHRM, 103–4 manpower planning, 244
expectations of employees, 455 compared with human resource planning, 244
extent of control, 165 see also human resource planning
role in downsizing process, 514 Manzini, A.O., 268
and SHRD, 370 Marchington, M., 252, 253
local government, best value initiative, 56 et al (2001), 455
Locke, E. et al (1981), 323, 324 Marks and Spencer, 91
Lockyer, C., 305, 307 Marsden, D., 324
logical incrementalism, 13 Martin, J., 216–17
logistical issues, and strategic choice 9 marxism, 429
L’Oreal, 298 Maslow, A., 403
Lorsch, J.W., 168 matching models, 16
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Index 565

Mavin, S., 471, 489 top ten non-financial, 87

Mayo, G., 253 see also international business
Megginson, D., 378–9 Mumford, A., 376–7
mergers, international, 86 Murlis, H., 412–13, 414
mergers and acquisitions mutuality, 344, 438
human resource planning, case studies, 273–5
role of human resource planning, 239, 251, 253 national culture see culture, national
Meshoulam, I., 52 national institutional differences, 20
Metropolitan Police, 208 National Union of Teachers, 344
MG Rover, 438, 439, 445, 519–21 Nelson, L., 124
micro-planning, 266 network forms of organisation, 181, 189–91, 196
Microsoft, 12, 30, 324, 337, 338 dynamic or loosely coupled networks, 190
Miles, R.E., 181, 255, 292 human resource implications, 190–1
et al (1997), 181, 191 internal networks, 189
Miller, D., 482 vertical or stable networks, 189–90, 191
Millmore, M., 284, 288, 308–9 new realism, 437–40, 445
Mills, D.Q., 251, 260 Newell, H., 516
Millward, L.J., 503 Newell, S., 279
Milsome, S., 446 NHS
Mintzberg, H., 11, 13, 14, 19, 176, 182, 187–8 Improving Working Lives policy, 227
et al (1998), 6, 7, 10, 12, 13 organisational structure, 165
Mishra, A.K. and Mishra, K.E., 501, 505 Nissan, 83, 438
mission, 452 Nkomo, S.M., 253
mission statement, employee commitment, 322–3 Norlife, 413–14
Monks, J., 447 Norton, D.P., 132, 318, 323
Morgan, G., 343
motivation, 454 O2, 407
and pay, 402–3 objectives
and reward, 402–3 imposition rather than negotiation by managers, 324
motor industry, vertical networks, 189–90 SMART, 338–9
motor vehicle manufacturers, impact of environmental observation, using to gather primary data for evaluation of
concern, 9 SHRM, 142–3
Mowday, R. et al (1982), 436 Oppenheim, L., 305, 307
Mueller, F., 34, 36–7 Oracle, 130
Muhlemeyer, P., 360–3, 364–5 organisational capability, SIHRM, 102–3
multinational companies organisational commitment
case for and against, 87–8 definition, 436
economic risk, 93 and loyalty, downsizing, 500
importance of, 86–8 organisational culture
legal considerations, 94 and communication, 424
orientation of MNC to its international business, 95–6 design parameters for cultural change, 230–1
ethnocentric orientation, 95 frameworks for understanding, 215–17
geocentric orientation, 96, 97 Hofstede’s onion diagram, 215
polycentric orientation, 96 Martin, 216–17
political risk, 92 Schein’s levels of culture, 215–16
socio-cultural factors affecting SIHRM, 94 human resources strategies for managing, 223–32
strategic components influencing SIHRM, 89–97 bottom-up strategies for cultural alignment, 225,
experience in managing international operations, 96 227–30, 231
external factors, 91–4 frameworks for cultural alignment, 223–5
inter-unit linkages, 89–90 top-down strategies for cultural alignment, 225, 226–31
internal factors, 90–1, 94–7 meaning of, 205–6
MNC’s competitive strategy, 96 and performance management system, 333
orientation of MNC to its international business, 95–6 typologies and their implications for managing human
structure of international operations, 94–5 resources strategically, 218–22
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566 Index

organisational culture (continued) specialisation, 164

competing values, 219 standardisation, 164
Deal and Kennedy, 220 traditionalism, 164
external environment, 220 extent of line managment control, 165
Handy, 218–19, 223 factors constraining strategic choice, 166–7
Johnson and Scholes’ cultural web, 221–2, 223 hotels, 176
Quinn and McGrath, 219 impact of inconsistency between strategy and structure,
structural views, 218–19 169–70
see also culture; culture, national integration, 168
organisational justice, employees’ perception, 486 linkages to strategy and SHRM, 162–70, 194
organisational learning, compared with learning list of human resources implications, 195
organisation, 372 NHS, 165
organisational performance peripheral workers, 163
contribution of SHRM – studies examining, 67–77 police forces, 165
Guest et al (200), 72, 74–5 principal forms and effect on employees, 181–94, 195
Huselid, 69–70 cellular forms, 181, 191–2, 196
MacDuffie, 68–9 functional and divisionalised, 181–5
Patterson et al (1997), 70–2 matrix, 181, 185–8
Purcell et al (2003), 75–6 network, 181, 189–91, 196
Youndt et al (1996), 72, 73–4 dynamic or loosely coupled networks, 190
organisational performance, rewarding, 408–11 human resource implications, 190–1
employee share ownership schemes, 409–11 internal networks, 189
gainsharing, 411, 412 vertical or stable networks, 189–90, 191
profit-related bonus schemes, 408–9 project-based, 188–9
organisational strategy simple, 181
link to HR strategy, 52–3 virtual organisations, 192–3
Porter’s generic strategies, 54, 55 public sector, 175
required employee behaviours and accompanying HR relative size of workforce in support roles, 165
techniques, 52–5 requirements, 168–9
organisational structure, 159–201 role in achieving SHRM outcomes, 163–4
career progression through promotion, 163 and SHRM, summary of relationship, 194–6
central and local government, 175 structural deficiencies – organisational consequences, 167–8
Civil Service, 165, 175 summarising structural types, 193–4
core employees, 163 top-down control, 160
decision-making, extent of centralisation, 165 organisation’s mission, 452
defining, 160–1 organisation’s overall strategy, and performance management
designing, 171–80 system, 333
classical universal approach, 171–4 origins of SHRM see history and origins of SHRM
assesing, 172–4 outcomes of SHRM
consistency approach, 171, 178–80, 195 achieving – role of structure, 163–4
evaluation, 180 quality of goods or services, 163–4
contingency approach, 171, 174–8, 194 strategic integration, 163
environmental factors, 174, 176–7 key, 162–4
evaluation, 178
growth of organisation, 175–6 P & G, 111–12
differentiation, 168 Palmer, G., 427
dimensions, 164–6 Parker, B., 237, 239, 251, 256, 263
centralisation, 164 Parry, J., 437
Child, 166 partnership agreements with trade unions, 424, 434, 438, 444–8
configuration, 164 defining labour-management partnerships, 444–6
formalisation, 164 example, 446
measurement, 164–5 financial incentives, 448
primary, 164 key elements for successful, 446–8
Pugh, 164–5 national agreements, 447
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Index 567

Patrickson, M. et al (1995), 124 enhanced SBAs, 339

Patterson, M. et al (1997), 70–2 pay awards, 341
Patton, M.Q., 121, 122, 124, 133 performance improvement plan, 339–41
pay performance targets, 339
base, 403–4 internal policies/procedures, 333–5
moving to combination of base and variable pay, 404 organisation’s culture, 333
competence-related pay, 416–17 organisation’s overall strategy, 333
effects of national cultural differences, 112–15 performance management processes, 336–9
incentives, 401 360-degree appraisal, 337–8
and motivation, 402–3 performance feedback, 336–8
traditional structure, 411–12 performance measurement, 336
advantages and disadvantages, 413 setting fresh objectives, 338–9
see also performance related pay previously set objectives, 333
pay awards psychological contract, 335–6
and performance, 341 stakeholders, 332–3
see also performance-related pay summary, 332
Peccei, R., 513 performance measurement
Pedler, M. et al (1991), 376 balanced scorecard, 318, 323
Penrose, E.T., 11, 26 EFQM European Excellence Model, 318–19
performance, impact of SHRM practices, 452 and performance management, 318–21
performance appraisal, 395 comparison, 318
career/promotion plan, 341–2 public sector, 319–21
systems, 229 performance related pay, 226, 341, 404
performance culture, creation of, 342 rewarding individual performance, 405–7
performance management, 315–49 Acas guidelines for implementation, 406
360-degree appraisal, 331 definition, 405
advantages, 330 implementation problems, 405–6
and assumed employee compliance, 344–5 rewarding organisational performance, 49, 408–11
case study, 347–9 employee share ownership schemes, 409–11
China, 51 gainsharing, 411, 412
cultural differences, 113–14, 345 profit-related bonus schemes, 408–9
goal-setting theory, 323–5 rewarding team performance, 407–9
importance of, 330–1 reasons for slow take-up, 408
and interrelationships, 327 performance, unsatisfactory, 340–1
and management control, 343–4 Acas recommended procedure, 340
and performance measurement 318–21 Employment Appeal Tribunal, 340
comparison, 318 Perlmutter, H., 95, 110
and prescription, 345 person specification, 293
through horizontal integration, 325–30 personel management, compared with human resource
drive to build employee skills, behaviours and attitudes, management, 430, 431
327–30 Peters, T.J., 46, 171, 172, 203
high performance strategy, 325–6 Pettigrew, A., 42–3, 44, 45, 58, 62, 304, 307
reinforcement of organisation’s structure, 326–7 Pfeffer, J., 47–9
through vertical integration, 322–5 Pfizer, 91
reinforcing organisation’s mission, 322–3 Pheysey, D.C., 219
relating business objectives to those of individual, 323–5 Philippines, 82
and trade unions, 345 Philips, 31
use of term, 317–18 pluralism, 429, 432–4
performance management systems model, 332–42 definition, 432
employee skills, behaviours and attitudes, 333 Poland, 82
external and internal contexts, 333 police forces
HR outputs, 339–42 Metropolitan Police, 208
career/promotion plan, 341–2 organisational structure, 165
creation of performance culture, 342 political risk, MNCs, 92
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568 Index

population ecologists, 11 Raimond, P., 142

Porter, M.E., 7, 54, 55 recruitment and selection, 49
positive action, 472 age discrimination, 472
positive discrimination, 472 psychometric tradition, 280
Prahalad, C.K., 30–1 features, 280
Preskill, H., 122, 124, 128 team approach, 303
Pret a Manger, 27, 247, 248, 287 team-working ability, 299
procedural justice, downsizing, 513 traditional approach, 279–80, 285
process fairness, 456 recruitment and selection, strategic, 276–315
processual approach to strategy making, 11–14, 19 conceptual framework, 288
evaluation, 13 contribution to strategic decisions
Procter, S. et al, 405 first-order (downstream, vertical integration), 292–4
product differentiation, 7 second-order (downstream, vertical intergration) s, 295
protectionism, 83 third-order (downstream, vertical intergration), 295–6
Prusack, L., 379 contribution to strategy formulation (upstream, vertical
psychological contract, 335–6, 429, 432, 434, 438, 448–58 integration), 296–8
commitments between employers and employees, 452–3 contribution to unplanned and unpredictable change, 302–3
compared with legal contract of employment, 450 core dimensions, 289, 290
definition, 335, 426, 448, 449 definition, 282
description, 449–50 demands of time horizons and change, 300–1
and downsizing, 503, 515–16 employee role behaviours, 292–4
key lessons from research, 457–8 explanatory model, 283, 284
model, 450 extent of, 303–9
state of, 453–4 case study research, 304–5
strategic implications, 456–7 exaggeration of practise, 305–7
summary of characteristics of old and new, 449 summary of recent survey data, 308–9
what happens when broken, 450–1 facilitation of other HR initiatives (horizontal
why taken seriously, 451–2 integration), 298–300
psychological issues, and strategic choice, 9 factors accounting for mismatch between rhetoric and
psychometric tests, 289 reality, 309–11
public sector barriers of money and time, 310
best value initiative, 330–1 competence, 311
employees, skills, behaviours and attitudes and evaluation of strategic contribution, 310–11
performance management, 328–9 short-termism, 310
organisational structure, 175 strategic fit, 309–10
Pugh, D.S. et al (1968), 164–5 learning organisation, 302
Purcell, J., 21–2, 31, 33, 57, 58, 59, 65, 256, 265, 292, 326, 369, long-term perspective, 284, 286
454–5 managing diversity, 297–8, 302
et al (2003), 75–6, 322 multi-stakeholder approach, 287, 288
personnel specification, 289
quality, drive for, 66 primary features, 283–6, 288
quality enhancement, and competitive advantage, 425 rationale, 278–82
quality of goods or services, 163–4 secondary features, 284, 286–8, 288
questionnaires, to evaluate SHRM, 137, 144–5 and strategic fit, 282, 283
questions strategic integration, 283, 284–5, 286
closed, 144 traditional recruitment and selection as foundation, 288–92
open, 144 use of HRP as bridging mechanism between organisation
Quinn, J.B., 13, 19 strategies and recruitment and selection practice, 286
Quinn, R.E., 219 Redman, T., 15, 18, 337–8
Race Relations Act 1976, 475 compared with downsizing, 499
Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, 471 payments, European Union, 501
racism institutional, 471 programme, evaluation of success, 135
Radnor, Z., 321 references, 289
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Index 569

Reichers, A., 436 Schneider, R., 488, 490–1

et al (1997), 124 Schneider, S.C., 104, 109–12, 112–13, 114, 203, 204, 206, 217
Reid, M.A, 364 Scholarios, D., 305, 307
resource inimitability, reasons for, 29 Scholes, K., 4, 221–2, 223
resource-based theory, 6, 26–37 Schuler, R., 100, 106, 107
capabilities and competitive advantage, 26–30 Schuler, R.S., 15–17, 52–5, 56, 57, 96, 255, 292, 304, 403
core capabilities and competitive advantage, 30–3 et al (1993), 89, 89–97, 97, 101, 102
links to HRM, 34–7 et al (2001), 16–17
resources and competitive advantage, 26–30 Schuster, J., 411
resource-based view of firm, 102 scientific management, 47, 171, 343
resources Scottish Prison Service, 328–9, 341
categories, 26 secondments of key people, 228
and competitive advantage, 26–30 selection, effects of national cultural differences, 112–13
description, 26 selection of new employees see recruitment and selection
reward self-managed teams, 299
contingent upon group performance, 401 Semler, R., 395
definition, 394–5 Senior, B., 218
and motivation, 402–3 senior management, and SHRD, 370
moving from all base pay to combination of base and Sex Discrimination Acts 1975 & 1986, 475
variable pay, 404 share incentive plans (SIPs), 410
non-financial, 395–6 share ownership schemes, employee see employee share
total, 396–7 ownership schemes
use of term, 394 Shaw, J.B., 500, 502
see also strategic reward management Shell International, 379
reward structures, knowledge management, 384 Shenkar, O., 109
reward systems, 229 shortlisting, 289
broad banded reward structures, 414–16 SHRD see human resource development, strategic
and development of employee behaviour, 399, 400 SIBUC, 257, 294
importance of pay incentives, 401 Signet, 293
see also strategic reward management Simon, H.A., 10
Richardson, R., 324 single-loop learning, 373–4
Richer Sounds, 229 Sisson, K., 17, 40–1, 64, 65, 387
Ritzer, G., 110 Siu, N., 327
Robinson, G., 482, 485 Skapinker, M., 378
Robson, C., 138 Skinner, D., 128
Ronen, S., 109 et al (2004), 227
Roscow, J., 446–7 Slovakia, 83
Rose, E., 427, 430 SMART, 338–9
Rosen, B., 485 Smith, I., 394
Rosenblatt, Z., 510, 514–15 Snell, S., 58, 268–9
Ross, R., 490–1 Snow, C.C., 181, 255, 292
Rousseau, D., 335, 426, 448 social capital, and knowledge management, 380, 381
Royal Bank of Scotland, 85 Sony Corporation, 4
Russ-Eft, D., 122, 128 South West Trains, 441
Russia, performance management, 114 Southco Europe Ltd, 313–15
Rynes, S., 485 Sparrow, P.R., 279, 304, 307
et al (2004), 103, 104–6
Salama, A. et al (2003), 273–5 specialisation, 164
Salaman, G., 17, 44, 59–60, 126, 127 stability, 176, 177
Saunders, M.N.K. et al (2007), 136, 144 staff training, 49
savings-related share option schemes, 410–11 standardisation, 164
Schein, E.H., 141, 147, 205, 215–16, 342 Staniforth, D., 299
Schneider, B., 289 status of personnel specialists, 66–7
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570 Index

Steinberg, R., 92 internal operations, 101–2

Stevens, B., 447 creation of modus operandi whereby HR policies
Stewart, J., 379 modified to fit changing conditions, 101
Stiles, P. et al (1997), 335–6, 338 development of global HR policies adapted for local HR
Storey, J., 17, 45, 296, 304, 305, 306, 307, 387, 430, 439 practice, 101–2
strategic choice matching and adapting HR practices with competitive
constraints, 9 strategy and local cultural and legislative system, 101
definition, 8 line managment competences, 103–4
imperfect information, 9 MNC concerns and goals, 102
political considerations, 9 organisational capability, 102–3
strategic continuum, 13 socio-cultural factors affecting, 94
strategic fit, 69–70 strategic MNC components – influence of see
strategic human resource development see human resource multinational companies, strategic components
development, strategic strategic management, definition, 4
strategic human resource forecasting, 241 strategic management and its links to HRM, 15–25
compared with human resource planning, 242 classical approach, 15–17
strategic human resource management behavioural perspective, 15–17
definition, 4 contingency theory, 16
main principles, 40–5 “four-task model”, 16–17
main theoretical approaches see theoretical approaches to matching models, 16
SHRM evolutionary perspectives, 17–19
strategic human resource planning see human resource matching model, 17–18
planning processual approach, 19
strategic integration, 5, 163, 369–70, 425 systemic perspectives, 20
horizontal, 369 strategic reward management, 393–421
multi-dimensional nature, 283 broad banded reward structures, 414–16
nature of (strands), 20–5 case study, 419–21
external integration, 22 competence-related pay, 416–17
full integration, 20 description, 399
horizontal integration, 23 factors in external environment that have led to increased
institutional integration, 22 interest, 400–2
levels/orders, 21–2 job family-based reward structures, 412–14
one-way interpretation, 22 link with business strategy, 399, 402–3
partial integration, 20 link with organisational culture: paying for performance,
two-way interpretation, 22 403–4
and recruitment and selection, 283, 284–5, 286 link with organisational structures, 411–12
strategic change, 369 link with other HR strategies, 416
vertical, 369 rewarding individual performance, 405–7
strategic international human resource management Acas guidelines for implementation, 406
appointment HCN as HR manager, 101 definition, 405
competences of HR professionals, 104–6 implementation problems, 405–6
cultural perspective – national cultures, 106–15 rewarding organisational performance, 408–11
effects of differences on SIHRM practices, 112–15 employee share ownership schemes, 409–11
management of differences, 109–12 gainsharing, 411, 412
meaning of term, 107 profit-related bonus schemes, 408–9
measurement of differences, 108–9 rewarding team performance, 407–9
defining, 89 reasons for slow take-up, 408
importance of communication, 104–6 specification of competencies, 402
inter-unit linkages, 98–100 strategy
HR policies and practices that link units but allow local deliberate, 10
adaption, 99–100 first level, 162
mix of PCN, HCN and TCN employees in local realised, 10
operation, 98 second level, 162
using management development to ensure unrealised, 10
organisational coherence, 100 strategy choice theory, 8–10
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Index 571

strategy and strategy making, 5–15 problems with, 50–1

classical approach, 7–10 Walton’s, 47
design school, 7 Theory Y, 344
evaluation, 10 Thomas, R., 489
identification and choice of strategy, 8 Thompson, M., 408
planning school, 7 Tibbett and Britten Group, 419–21
positioning school, 7 time, attitudes towards, cultural differences, 107
strategic choice in practice, 8–10 Tomasko, R.M., 501
effects of social and cultural system, 14 top-down control, 160
evolutionary perspectives, 10–11 Toracco, R.J., 118
evaluation, 11 Torres, R., 124
logical incrementalism, 13 Torrington, D.
processual approach, 11–14 et al (2002), 66, 342
evaluation, 13 et al (2005), 428
schools of – list, 6 total quality management, 66
systemic perspectives, 14–15 total reward, 396–7
evaluation, 14–15 Towers Perrin study, 401–2, 416
stress Toyota, 83
downsizing, 517 trade unions, 50
emotion focused coping, 517 commitment, definition, 436
problem focused coping, 517 decline in membership, 65, 434
structural differences, performance management, 345 derecognition, 441
successful organisations, Pfeffer’s seven practices, 47–9 Japanese companies, 110
supplemental capabilities, 32 marginalisation, 441
surveys, using to evaluate SHRM, 137 partnership agreements, 424, 434, 438, 444–8
SWOT analysis, 7 defining labour-management partnerships, 444–6
systemic approach to strategy making, 14–15, 20 example, 446
evaluation, 14–11 financial incentives, 448
key elements for successful, 446–8
tacit knowledge, 381 national agreements, 447
Tansley, C., 249–50 and performance management, 345
Tayeb, M.H., 203, 207 recognition rights, beauty contest, 439
Taylor, F.W., 47, 343, 402 traditionalism, 164
teachers, capability procedure, 334–5 training
team performance, rewarding, 407–9 effects of national cultural differences, 113
reasons for slow take-up, 408 and ethnocentrism, 113
teamworking, 173, 299 and SHRD
employee characteristics as predictors of effective team as bi-polar construct, 360–3
performance, 299 cycle of activities, 363
Tesco, 56 systematic approaches, 363–8
TGI Fridays, 285 training courses, evaluation of success, 135
theoretical approaches to SHRM, 45–62 transfers of key people, 228
matching models (closed), 45, 52–9, 403 triggers for SHRM movement, crisis of under-performance
implementation, 58–9 in American industry, 62–4
managerialism, 57–8 triple-loop learning, 374
problems with, 56–9 Trompenaars, F., 108–9, 211–14
strategy ambiguity, 56–7 TUC Partnership Institute, 444
matching models (open), 45, 59–62, 403 Turner, P., 237, 241–3, 249, 266
Mabey et al (1998), 59–61 Twigg, G., 386, 388–9
universal models, 45, 46–52 Tyco, 347–9
absence of employee voice, 51 Tyson, S., 123, 129–30
context, 50–1
list composition, 50 UKAir, 342
Pfeffer’s seven practices, 47–9 Ulrich, D., 103, 245
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572 Index

umbrella strategy, 14 Whittington, R., 5–6, 11, 14, 15, 20

unitarism, 344, 429, 430–2 Wickens, P., 438
definition, 430 Wilkinson, A., 15, 18, 252, 253
principle characteristics, 430 Williams, A.P.O., 279, 302, 303
USA Williams, S.L., 249
crisis of under-performance in industry, 62–4 Wilson, E., 477
FDI outflow, 84, 86 Wood, S., 326
labour management partnerships, 445–6 Worcestershire County Council, 493–6
performance management, 114 work sampling exercises, 289
trade with China, 84 work-life balance, 397–8, 454
workplace, changes currently affecting, 451
vertical integration, 41 Workplace Employee Relations surveys, 50, 65, 336–7
Virgin USA, 94 Worrell, L. et al (1991), 499
virtual organisations, 192–3 Wright, M., 305
Volkswagen, 83 Wright, P.M. et al (1994), 34, 36, 58, 268–9
Volvo, 275 WTO, 83
Wyatt Company, 501
Wagner, R. et al (2000), 265
Wallace, M., 356–60, 361, 370, 386 Year 2000 compliance, 186
Walton, J., 370 Youndt, M. et al (1996), 72, 73–4
Walton, R., 47, 66, 344, 438
Waterman, R.H., 46, 171, 172, 203 Zeffane, R., 253
Waters, J., 13, 14 Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, 270, 271
Wernerfelt, B., 26, 29 Zingheim, P., 411
Whipp, R. et al (1989), 203, 232 Zonia, S., 485, 486
Whitbread plc, 130

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